#ANTI Islam AND Hamas
cardigansbell · 11 months
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secular-jew · 4 months
Question: Why do Palestinians give birth to so many boys and girls?
Answer by show-host Afaf Abdel Mohsen: "We give birth to so many children to that we can push them to death, to martyrdom"
We know they think this way, but it's unusual to hear a Muslim mother praise and encourage Palestinian women to breed children so they can kill themselves in the pursuit of mass murder.
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hayatheauthor · 4 months
The way Zionists have brainwashed the average Jew into thinking Zionism = Judaism is insane. They've radicalised an entire religious group by making them think "look the Muslims want to target Zionists which means they're targeting the Jews!!" meanwhile we have stated multiple times over and over again that ZIONISM AND JUDAISM ARE NOT THE SAME THING. We have an issue with Zionists, not Jews, your government, not its people.
This is exactly what America did under the Bush administration. "All Muslims are terrorists, Taliban = Afghani!!" They make you think an entire populus should be held accountable for XYZ atrocity, and use that to justify genocide and ethnic cleansing.
The Israeli government really works overtime trying to convince their civilians and int Jews that Muslims regard Jews as our enemy. It's honestly sad how easily they are brainwashed. But at the same time, I see Israeli protestors demanding early elections and the resignation of Netanyahu, and I hope one day their entire population can understand everything their government got away with by making them look the wrong way.
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cavalierzee · 5 months
Don't Grow Up To Be Zionists
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Mamas, don’t let your babies grow up to be Zionists.
By Josh Mayfield,
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ultraericthered · 11 months
What I say:
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What I mean:
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youliveveryday · 1 year
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By: Olivia Reingold
Published: Apr 15, 2024
CHICAGO — About 300 anti-war activists crowded into the basement of the Teamsters Union’s headquarters on Saturday to hear organizers from all over the country describe their plans to disrupt the Democratic National Convention this August. Joe Biden’s backing of Israel since Hamas’s October 7 attack has turned these left-wing radicals against their own party.
“It’s really inspiring to see that people are just as enthusiastic, and maybe even more enthusiastic, to march on the DNC as they are to march on the RNC,” says Omar Florez, a Milwaukee-based activist. “We can thank Genocide Joe and our movement for that.”  
But then a man stumbles to the podium, wiping sweat from his forehead. He grabs the microphone to announce that the Islamic regime of Iran has launched missiles and drones heading straight toward Israel.
“They believe that they will be in Palestinian—I don’t call it Israeli—airspace between two and four a.m., which means about two to four hours from now,” he says. “In addition, there are reports of drones having been fired on Israel from Yemen and Iraq.”
The crowd, all wearing black N95s, erupts into applause. Someone in the back lowers their mask to send a celebratory whistle soaring throughout the room.  
The man at the podium, Hatem Abudayyeh, heads the U.S. Palestinian Community Network, “a purported community group which, on information and belief, is an affiliate of the Popular Front for the Liberation of Palestine, a designated terror organization based in Gaza,” according to a lawsuit over the alleged relations between U.S. advocacy groups and Hamas. 
“This is when this country and the world needs us because the United States is going to, quote unquote, defend the criminal Israeli state,” says Abudayyeh, whose home was raided by the FBI in 2010 as part of an investigation “concerning the material support of terrorism.” 
“We have to assume that the United States is going to try to retaliate against Iran.”
After the boos and calls of “shame” subside, Abudayyeh says it is “incumbent” upon Americans to “stop the United States from expanding this war and hitting Iran.”
“We’ve got to be the strong, powerful anti-war movement that we are,” he says, placing the microphone down and exiting the stage. 
The crowd immediately began chanting, “Hands off Iran.”
A woman in a hot pink gas mask, wielding a matching neon cane and dressed in a “Protect Trans Kids” t-shirt, throws her fist in the air. Nearby, a service poodle is taking a nap under the chair of his owner, who is wearing a leather harness over his t-shirt. Then the group that has joined here from cities across America—Seattle, Washington, D.C., Los Angeles—cheers and claps in celebration. 
Joe Iosbaker, an organizer with the Freedom Road Socialist Organization, which called October 7 a “good turn of events” in its press release about the terrorist attacks, tells me he supports Iran. His organization has since released a statement backing Iran, where citizens gathered to shout “Death to America” during their nation’s strike against Israel Saturday night.
“We demand hands off Iran,” the statement says. “The people have power, and we will exercise it in the streets.” 
Earlier that day, before news of the attack broke, at a “breakout session” on “the anti-war movement,” Shabbir Rizvi, an organizer with Anti-War Committee Chicago, taught participants how to chant “death to Israel” and “death to America” in Farsi. 
“Marg bar Israel,” he chanted, leading a group of about 80 attendees along with him. A man draped in a Soviet flag bearing a gold hammer and sickle clapped his hands. 
A man in a full black denim outfit shouted out behind his N95—“Can we get a ‘marg bar America’?”
“We can get a ‘marg bar America,’ ” Rizvi replied. 
Then Rizvi raised his hand in the air, leading the crowd like a conductor.
“Marg bar America,” they cheered. 
On my way out of the event, I ask a woman smoking a cigarette to fill me in on the latest news regarding Iran’s lobbing of missiles and drones, which were later intercepted with help from forces from France, the U.S., and the UK. Iran said its strike was retaliation for Israel’s hit on the Iranian embassy in Syria earlier this month, which destroyed the consulate building next to the embassy and killed two of Tehran’s top commanders, and that the matter is “concluded”—unless Israel hits back.
“Iran is part of the resistance,” said the woman, who flew in that morning from New Orleans, where she’s been part of an effort to disrupt Israel-bound shipments in her hometown. “Yemen and Iran and Hezbollah, who are also a militant group in Lebanon, and the Syrian government are all parts of the arc of resistance.” 
A smile creeps across her face as she tells me: “They’re part of the arc of resistance because the enemies are Israel and the USA.” 
Remember Mahsa Amini? These insane fuckers don't. They've sided with the brutal Islamic Republic of Iran.
They hate our liberal, secular countries and they want to destroy them. They keep telling us who they are. Do you believe them yet?
Revoke citizenship and deport. I wasn't kidding before and I'm still not kidding now.
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chillinaris · 2 months
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"BEREMPATI terhadap Gaza tidak (otomatis) menjadikan saya anti-semit, atau pro-Hamas maupun anti-Israel, tetapi menjadikan saya manusia (seutuhnya)."
Adalah kutipan dari aktor dan aktivis Mark Ruffalo sembilan tahun lalu...
Yup, di atas adalah kutipan kata-kata oleh MARK RUFFALO - bukan kata-kata saya.
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lilithism1848 · 2 months
I think genocide is hell, I don't really see that we're on the brink of hell or about to open the gates of hell or whatever other analogy people are using. We're already in hell. The way I see it if any group of people is living in hell, we're all in hell already.
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radmalenia · 1 month
Most retarded zionist shit I've seen. Cringe settler moment
Ah...wow. This response will be a little lengthy. There is a shit ton to unpack in these two braindead sentences and I won't even get to it all here.
So first off, you used an ableist slur. Great start /s.
Second, you must have seen a post on my blog earlier with a message that boiled down to - "Hamas have done Very Bad Things, and intend to do more if they can (specifically to Jewish Israelis;) and so they must be seen for what they are and stopped" - Because that's all I can remember reposting in the last few weeks concerning this conflict. So apparently you decided that wanting them stopped is "Zionist"?? Not only that but some of the most dumb "Zionist" shit you've seen?
...I'm not buying that. It feels like you're just saying bullshit to be inflammatory.
And it seems you wouldn't know genuine Zionism if it smacked you in the face. Because you just think "Zionism" is anything that says something else beyond a simple "free palestine". Right?
It's telling how people like you never want anyone to discuss anything else - you want the discussion to simply be "Palestine good, Israel bad, no other players involved and no further nuance". You never want people to freely discuss Hamas... even as Hamas harms Palestinians all the time. If people try to you call it "zionism"; trying to shut it down on the spot.
- Would you even believe it if you were shown proof of Hamas stealing trucks full of food and aid meant for palestinians? Of them shooting any palestinians who tried to get to the trucks first?
- Would you even condemn the horrific rapes and murders they committed against innocent festival goers back in October; or would you ignore it? Or dismiss the horrors they committed as lies or exaggeration? Despite all the nauseating, traumatizing video and photo evidence? Despite a photo of some of them with their boots on the corpse of a woman they gangraped and murdered, literally winning a fucking "photo of the year" award?? Or worse, would you maybe argue it's "justified" because they've "had their land stolen and been oppressed for decades" or some such bullshit?... Because I've read people say that more than once now.
And if so, you should go die; because that would make you a vile disgrace - seeing how plenty of people have been terribly oppressed and yet never turned to violently raping and torturing to "protest" it or to "defend themselves". Seeing how rape is never self defense. And how there is never any justification for rape. Period.
So! We can and should criticize Hamas. And that is not fucking "Zionism" - it's criticizing terrorists. Hamas also wishes to wipe out all Jews; if somehow they won this conflict they would carry out genocide in Israel against the seven million Jews there. Whatever you believe Israel is or is not doing; they do have to contend with this threat. Palestine needs to be freed from this mess, but its freedom cannot come at the cost of the psychopathic rapist monsters who believe they have a religious mandate to wipe out Jewish people (and ideally other non-believers too;) being allowed to enact their sick intentions.
Speaking about this is no indication of Zionism OR anti-Zionism, it is simply the truth. Regardless of whatever the current actions of the Israeli government are; the truth about Hamas remains the same - that they are an Islamic terrorist organization who has committed atrocities, abuses israelis and palestinians alike, and says how they intend death to all Jews. An organization who are run and funded by a group of multi-billionaires who live safely in Qatar and have worked with media and other sources around the world for years now to make it so that, once this happened; many people would fucking defend Hamas instead of condemn them for the monsters they are.
They've gotten people like you to talk like criticizing them is some fascist action. To throw around shameful nonsensical things like "criticizing Hamas...is a settler mindset" .
Your brain is more twisted around than a complicated knot. At best you are deeply cringe and embarrassing and are projecting that onto others. At worst you might defend horrific atrocities and do apologetics for violent rape; and therefore are someone who would be better off not wasting oxygen.
Hopefully it's just the former.
Either way, you've just made a complete fool of yourself here in my ask box.
I hope if you read this then at least it will untie the knots in your brain a little.
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gamer2002 · 4 months
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secular-jew · 18 days
It's a pity the antisemites don't rely on facts, as facts would obliterate their false narrative blood libels.
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radykalny-feminizm · 11 months
"The fact that muslim terrorist groups exist is not Islams' fault! There are peaceful muslim people you know!"
Would you also say that we can't blame Christianity for the forms of oppression such as:
Colonisation/Mission trips
Witch trials
Heresy trials
Because not all Christians participated in these and not all of them supported it?
Or do you only excuse religions that it's currently trendy to support?
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cavalierzee · 4 months
HAMAS Sniping vs Zionist Sniping
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ultraericthered · 11 months
Normally I prefer to keep current events, politics, foreign affairs, etc. at a minimum on this blog. But I feel I need to be truthful about where I stand and I don't care if any non-Muslims take offense....
*deep breath*
I stand in solidarity with all among the world's Muslims who are as decent, peaceful, friendly, faithful and good as any human being I could have the pleasure to know.
But absolutely FUCK the Middle Eastern world, the unreformed, primative, barabaric, radical "Jihad Islam" religion of uncivil unrest and extremism that comes from it, and the heartless, cowardly, inhumane terrorist scum who pratice it via deadly attacks of mass destruction and unspeakably horrific, repugnant crimes against humanity. Any person, regardless of background, ethnicity, gender, sexuality, political/ideological leaning and faith, who brings about such evil is themself evil.
All those to whom the first paragraph applies: please know that you are loved. You are valid. Your lives are worth so much and your human rights are to be respected.
ISIS, Al-Quaeda, Hamas, the Taliban, the Iranian Mullah Clergy, the Assad regime and the Salman regime: the Muslim world is to be a better one without you all in it. To Hell with every last one of you. Every. Last. One.
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