#ARGHHH thinking back on all these years
noxtivagus · 2 years
so much
#🌙.rambles#I WNA SAY AND DO#ARGHHH thinking back on all these years#whether it be a thank you or a sorry. or a reassurance that i still care#i have the urge to just tell my family n friends nice stuff like that randomly#but anxiety . n then i end up forgetting n i just hope that maybe you can read my mind in some way#n sometimes it's so hard to find the words to write n say. to use my hands or my voice#but our eyes can also speak#sigh i honestly get confused n lost so often. lost in my head. full of reality n fiction#often i write and dream of stories#n get afraid of how it reflects on my reality.#but typically idm sharing it bcs if there's anyone out there that analyzes others the same way i do#that wld be fun. n interesting#i am. a dreamer. a writer. a lover of life#weak to nostalgia; a slave to sentiment#i lose myself sm in the stories in my head that i'm not sure if it distorts my reality in any way#i'm so used to fiction that i doubt some beauty in reality. not the beauty in itself but it's /real/ presence. is it true? or is it fake#n the way thoughts progresses n the way i write don't help at all bcs i seriously just get more confused .#remembering. but how do we trust when there is inevitable fallacy in our memories?#n so. reading. looking at pictures. listening. gives a sense of comfort#but the way our perceptions n emotions change in time and reflect in the present is. unpredictable#n so i'm stuck somewhere between and beyond the past present n future. questioning. lost#n then there's stress/anxietg bcs as much as i'd love to indulge myself and just think and feel#i have stuff to do. n that pressure constantly lingers at the back of my head. how do i allow myself to rest?#n then i go back n think of all the thing's i've said/thought/felt. everything that exists n doesn't (yet. or never)#to write or read. to work or rest. to dream or sleep. what the fuck#n there again's the pressure to accept it all. recognize and acknowledge. be better. do better#i am such a fool. i know exactly what my mind n heart tells me#i want to cry. or scream. or disappear. or hide. or. i don't know!?!#so. overwhelming. what do i think or feel or focus n do first?
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astrxealis · 2 years
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dotster001 · 2 months
i was gonna make this a comment but smthn told me this was gonna be long.
who knows if his ex wife was murdered or not, oh well! 🤭 best not to dwell on it because it makes the twins sad :(
see? (🧍🏻🧍🏻)
but here me out (this is me going coco bananas. full on psycho mode) maybe the first time he saw you was at a RANDOM party that a friend of yours hosted.
blah blah mutual friend of a friend and that long friend family tree stuff
but maybe you slithered away to the dog, or were tasked with helping a baby (more like someone threw the baby at you in order to dance)
or you’re with the other room for the children that the party provides (this is like a really rich friend. like mega mansion. crazy rich asians kinda thing)
but ugh he’s there with his dreadful beautiful wife and his wonderful children. and his wife is already leaving to grab a drink and he thinks their children shouldn’t get a glimpse at whatever tom-foolery parties like these will lead to.
so in they go! (maybe this was years ago when they’re toddlers)
but then he sees you swarmed with babies. the nanny took a break and left you in charge and you’re fighting back babies with one of those roll-pop lawn mowers-
jade is utterly beside himself with laughter, amusement, and everything of the sorts and creates flirty small talk. and oh?? what's this? his wonderful bundles of joy seem to have found a liking to you? how precious (they’re clawing and climbing you like a jungle gym) jade takes a note of that!
they don't even like their mother that much , simply tolerating her. but jade can tell that his kids got good taste!
he lowkey interviews reader (without them know oops!!) and while yes, their beauty was what drove his interest, second being their personality (you have to be attracted to someone to give them a chance!)
and the twins were the cherry on top!
and conveniently you say where you work (rookie mistake) while he tells you he’s a humble business man… don’t ask what for tho cause that’s a super family secret 🤭
but he's planning and scheming and charming his way into your life and he’s in it for the long run because eels are patient. it just sucks that jade is even more patient, like a saint if you would
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^^accurate depiction of saint jade
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^^and this is jade when he gets questioned for his wife’s uh oh 🤷🏻🤷🏻
maybe she drank too much at a party and fell over the side.
maybe there was a targeted hit meant for jade but they got the wrong one.
maybe a classic batman scenario but jade survived and is throughly traumatized (same with his kids, i mean look at them!!🧍🏻🧍🏻 they’re so torn up that it just breaks his heart😿)
but he’s making chance encounters rather… commonly. (he had reader stalked for a good few years as he was planning everything. just to make sure he likes them& they keep it interesting.)
just... some thoughts about dilf jade leech and his hell spawns hehe (when the trio visited your work they managed to leave your section alone... so it looks like you were in the eye of the hurricane)
im gonna read your other stuff about dilf jade now because AHHHH
Angry at my boss, so I decided to see if there was anything in my inbox to cheer me up. Woo hoo!
In reference to this
Cw: light Yan!, implied stalking, Jade's a freak but if you don't already know that then you aren't paying attention
I can only imagine that, after the party, since you interacted with so many kids and parents that night, they all kind of blurred together. And it's not until, after he visits your place of work, and you chat over text for a while, and you have a real date, then invites you back home for an after date drink, do you start to remember. And that's only because the twins are scamps and stayed up past their bedtimes, and they are staring at you with eyes you remember.
Obviously, you are gonna chalk it up to a coincidence. "Oh my god! You know so-and-so, right? I think I met you at a party a few years ago!" He laughs, and plays along, oh my god,.yeah what a really good coincidence.
Meanwhile, the twins share a look, because Dad has talked about you every day since Mom died, so they know he's lying. Hell, when you aren't here, they already call you mama/papa. But, they are their father's kids, so they are never going to say anything.
One date turns to two turns to three, turns to a year of dating. It's time to meet the family. You know Jade has a twin, but they've taken different paths in life.
So when Dilf Floyd Trudges up the driveway with his six adopted kids, four of whom are sprinting around the house and lawn and destroying Jade's home, two of whom are under Floyd's arms like suitcases, you're in for a culture shock.
When you first meet him, he seems incredibly grumpy. He's got salt and pepper stubble, the baggiest outfit, though you get the feeling it's designer, no matter how slouchy it is, his hair is slicked back, making the grey streaks look neat against his otherwise messy look.
He tosses the kids and yells at them to go play with their cousins, then he rudely shoves past you. Jade stops him with a hand on his shoulder that appears gentle, but if you had felt the full force of it, you'd have landed on your ass. He hissed at Floyd, through a smile, to greet his new fiance. There's a tense moment where they stare at each other, then Floyd storms over to you, and presses a ticklish kiss to your cheek, before muttering, "Welcome to the family," then storming to his room and locking himself in for the night.
The next day it's like he's a different person. He makes breakfast for you and excitedly asks you about yourself, wanting to know everything about his future sibling. Eventually he pours you a glass of what you know is Jade's most expensive wine, which he has been saving for a special occasion, and you finally get the courage to ask about the night before, and he laughs and says he was tired from the trip. Wrangling six kids on an airplane is exhausting, you know?
You decide to ask him about little Jade, and Floyd's stories of childhood charm you so much that you don't notice Jade's brooding presence.
Not that Floyd minds. Yeah, he got off to a rough start with you, but he gets why Jade likes you. And Jade only has two parentless kids, he has six. So his kids need you more than Jade's do, right?
Will the dad's eventually drag the kids into this fight? Absolutely. Those kids have Mafia parents, they have plenty of acting training. They will be pulling those heartstrings of yours 😊
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cheriladycl01 · 6 months
So teach me - Sergio Perez x Trainee F1 Rookie! Reader
Plot: Sergio wants to take a year or two out leaving an open seat in Red Bull and who better for Christian Horner to get besides Red Bull is the Red Bull Trainee who was there reserve driver last year and has been training for this moment.
Credit to dancingmushu for the GIF
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"Sergio, are you serious?" Christian asks his second Red Bull member, Sergio had just come to him telling him he wouldn’t be renewing his contract with Red Bull and that he felt 2025 was a good time to take some earned leave from the sport. and not fully retire he had requested to be a mentor for the youth Red Bull drivers. Before he took time with his family, he knew he'd come back in a year or two, but as of now his family were where he needed to be at.
“Yes, I’m being serious. I want to spend more time with my family” he admits. It was getting draining, the travelling back and forth and not seeing his wife and children for weekends on end.
“Okay, but I’m putting you with the hardest piece of work you’ll ever meet in Motorsports, she’s driven to succeed and is a phenomenal driver but she has … well let’s just say she isn’t the easiest person to get along with and she’s put us all through hell. So if you are serious about this, that's who you have to mentor. She's quite frankly the only person I trust to take your place" Christian said, already thinking about how the hell they are going to announce the new line up for 2025.
It was lucky really, Audi were coming onto the scope in 2026, and there was talk that they were keen on giving you a seat since you were doing so well. So maybe this was actually a good thing, as it scared Christian more thinking of you in an Audi than Sergio out of a Red Bull.
"She's in the back, you can go meet her" he advises pointing a pen towards the garage where they stored different components and the spare wheels.
He walked through looking for someone that would potentially be this absolute piece of work that Christian had made you out to be. You from the way described were clearly on the younger agenda of the grid and he knew communicating with you may be hard because of that but what he didn't expect was a complete and utter lunatic.
He took one look at you and assumed you were basically feral, you had your helmet on, stereo in hand walking towards the garage where his and Max's cars were banging your head to the loud and aggressive music.
"Oh lord" Sergio breathes out looking at you, already knowing this would be a long 3 months of him training you.
"Y/N please turn that down! We're trying to work" one of the engineers working on the car complains as he puts the power drill down on the edge, not wanting to mess anything up.
"Arghhh fine Marcino, but you know you love my music" you grinned taking your helmet off. Your curly hair came falling out around it, in messy knots.
"Y/N?" Sergio calls out and looks over to you, he steps forward into the garage and smiles at you extending a hand. You shake it, clearly you had some kind of manners and decorum, he couldn't help but think.
"What's up old man?" you stifle a laugh trying to look as serious as possible.
"Old man? I'm only 34!" he exclaims looking at his hands to see if he could in fact pass himself off as an old man.
"Well, old to me" you smirk, picking up the bottle of squash you'd left on the workbench earlier, taking a quick swig from it.
"So, long story short. This old man is going on leave for a year or two and retire..." he starts trying to explain his situation to you.
"Oh so you are old old" you laugh giving him a pointed look.
"No- look let me finish, I'm retiring my car for a few seasons and for whatever reason Christian Horner wants you to take my seat, but before you do that I'm going to be training you" he offers and you place a hand on your hip, almost daring him to continue.
"And why may i ask do i need you to train me for this?" you asks, obviously you knew he was good at his job. It was Sergio Perez stood in front of you but that didn't mean your demeanor was up to slip and slide and make you look like an incompetent nobody.
"Come on, surly even you know that. I'm the only Red Bull in the last few years that has been able to keep up with Verstappen, you wanna give into the pressure like Gasly and Albon or do you want me to show you how to drive on par with the current world champion" he asks crossing his arms like a strict parent.
"God jheez alright. What do you want? You want me doing pressup's or neck training. Or time testing. Or you wanting me to show you how i can drive?" you ask looking at him.
"You think Christian flew you out to Abu Dhabi as a special guest? No your our test drive for tonight in free practice and you'll be driving my car with Verstappen"
"Oh its on" you say. The engineers step back observing the car.
"Go get into the suit Christian left for you, it'll be your first Red Bull racing suit" he says patting your back making you shrug off.
"Don't touch me bro" you say giving him the side eye before going and changing into your fireproofs and your suit. Navy blue looked good on you, you left with the Red Bull cap covering the face and walking back out to where Sergio had left you.
"You want some help getting in or?" Sergio asks awkwardly, looking at you as you walked round the car, a finger swiping around the halo as you got closer.
"Woah, I can drive the car I just cant get in it alone... that's really interesting how have i survived this long in motorsports its insane" you admit, looking over the car. One of the engineers hands you over your own helmet that someone had made look a little bit more like that off a Red Bull Driver.
"Alright enough with that sarcasm okay?" he frowns, he hands you the steering wheel and you place it in the car, you feel about getting familiar with it.
"Are you ready?" he asks slapping the visor down.
"Yeah" you smile, nodding at him.
You pull out onto the track, Verstappen pulled out after you which felt odd having a World Champion behind you on the track.
"Right, first lap do as normal get a lay for the track and what the car feels like. Then we can do a flying lap" the engineer advises.
You do as he says, testing the track. Your tires were good and the car felt powerful. You come around and some of the others pit, meaning its time for your flying lap.
"Push the car to the max without fucking it for Sergio okay?" the engineer offers, you chuckle a little into the radio finding it funny.
"Why put me in the damn car if you think im going to wreck it, no trust in me whatsoever" you frown, shaking you head a little before putting your foot down.
You were an amazing driver, however it seemed to most that you were fearless and a rather aggressive driver. Suitable to be able to match Max's driving style, however as a rookie you still had your mistakes and over or under judgements that in races would cost you places and potentially put you at risk.
You managed to complete two flying laps by the timer had run out for FP1.
"What are the positions?" you ask.
"Oscar in first, your in second and George in third" making you gasp in shock, you knew you'd drive quick but you didn't think it was top 3.
"Where did you learn to drive like that" Sergio asks you as you hopped out the car. You pull your helmet off and then your balaclava your hair falling around your face in a mess of tangled curls.
"Practice, by watching races? Why?" you say not really sure what else to say. You'd never had like a specific mentor, it was just the radio engineer and the team you were with giving you pointers in the debriefs on how to improve.
"You take angles that you shouldn't far to tight, making your tire management awful. Your aggressive and nearly took out Lando today, because he was slower on the straight. You have lots to learn" he admits crossing your arms. You got to argue back, having disagreed with the prior statements but you knew that would get you nowhere.
"So teach me..." you say leaning against his car.
@littlesatanicassholebitch @hockey-racing-fubol @laura-naruto-fan1998 @22yuki @simxican @sinofwriting @lewisroscoelove @cmleitora @stupidandunnecessary @clayra-g @daemyratwst @honey-belden @moonypixel @lauralarsen @vader-is-hot @ironcowboycopnickel @itsjustkhaos @the-untamed-soul @beebo86 @happylittlereader @ziejustme @lou-larcher5 @thewulf @purplephantomwolf @chasing-liberosis @chillyleclerc @chanthereader @annoyingmoonballoon @summissss @evieepepi08 @havaneseoger08 @celesteblack08 @gulphulp @fandom1ruined2me @celebstories @starfusionsworld @jspitwall @sierruhhhh @georgeparisole @dakotatankbig @youcannotcancelquidditch @zzonsbeek @tallbrownhairsarcastic @mellowarcadefun @ourteenagetragedy @otako5811 @countingstacksandpanicattacks @peachiicherries @formulas-bitch @cherry-piee @peachiicherries
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lokisprettygirl · 7 months
Close Ties (Daemon Targaryen x Female Reader) (Modern AU) (Non canon) (18+)
Read Chapter 9 // Series Masterlist
Chapter 10
Summary : After your confrontation with Cassandra, Daemon comforts you in the best possible way.
Warning: 18+, dad's best friend trope, canon (we don't know her..don't like don't read), feeling of hopelessness, uncle Daemon kink (you don't have to squint), familial uncle niece sort of relationship but he's not really her uncle, there will be more smut later, significant age gap but reader is in her mid twenties, mention of infidelity, divorce, smoking and alcohol drinking, physical violence implied
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You were taken aback when Cassandra revealed that she had slept with Dylan without warning because a small part of you had hoped that this was all a misunderstanding.
“What?” You asked her, voice riddled with a tinge of surprise, she crossed her arms in response.
“Is that why you have been acting weird lately because you think I slept with Dylan?” she asked you, making you scoff at the statement.
“Did you?”
"Of course not, I just said it to see if you'd admit why you've been acting strange lately. I know that your Uncle Daemon has been in your ear, trying to turn you against me,"
“For fucks sake” Daemon mumbled under his mouth as his jaw clenched in anger,
“We should go discuss this in my room” You said as you walked past her, all of you went went upstairs as you didn't want to make a scene in the lobby itself, you opened the door to your room and she entered first, you were about to go in as well but Daemon grabbed your arm to pull you outside before he closed the door so she she won't be able to eavesdrop.
“Don't back away in front of her alright?” You nodded as he said that “I'm here whenever you need me” he kissed your forehead and walked backwards while he kept his eyes on you. He didn't want to act if he had to babysit you, you were twenty five and you were surely capable of standing up for yourself.
As you stepped inside the room she was on her phone and as you slammed the door shut loudly she finally looked up and rolled her eyes.
“Y/n I can't believe you have been doubting me over that old man's word” she said with a frown on her face but also seemed disinterested at the same time.
“Look Cassandra, that man is my… he's my family okay? You are not going to insult him anymore in front of me” you crossed your arms in a defensive stance, he was off limits to her or anyone else from now on.
“Family? Didn't he leave when he got married or should I say found his actual family and then came back as soon as his wife had dumped his sorry ass” she chuckled and somehow that spiked the frustration you felt towards her.
“Just shut the fuck up …we are not here to talk about Daemon “
“It's weird how you keep addressing him by his name these days”
“Why were you in Italy with Dylan?” she was trying to divert the situation but you weren't going to back away, you wanted Daemon to see that you weren't just a weak willed woman that would allow someone like Cassandra to walk all over yourself.
You didn't tell her that you just had an inkling about her rendezvous but asked her the question as a matter of fact to see how she'd react, she looked down for a moment and then looked up again, her eyes were teary now as if she wasn't refuting your claims just now. Why weren't you able to see through her all these years?
“Nothing is going on between me and Dylan, honestly you really think I'd do that to you?” Her voice became softer so you sighed, you could tell she was lying to you “Besides he was never really my type, I only date men that are to my level alright girl?”
He most definitely was her type you thought.
“Are you just going to keep lying to me?” You said to her and she groaned in response.
“Arghhh fine I slept with him in Italy..happy?” Your eyes welled up as she said that.
“Is this all just a big joke to you?” you chuckled in disbelief, the situation kept getting worse.
“Why does it matter now? He cheated on you, remember? I swear I only seduced him so I could teach him a lesson…you're my best friend..do you really think I'd hurt you like that?”
“Yess I do think you'd hurt me like that, because you have done it before..Seth, Roy ..you slept with those guys even though I liked them” she chuckled as you said that.
“What? I didn't even know you liked them”
“Really? You didn't know..you couldn't tell that i did? Aren't you my best friend?”
“Wow you're really blaming me for stealing guys when the truth is they wanted me and not you?”
“Yeah Dylan wanted you too?”
“Yeah he did, he always did but I never did anything until you two were done with” the nerve she had was only infuriating you more and more.
“That guy didn't just cheat on me..he hit me”
“And I was furious, wasn't i? I went to his place to give him a piece of my mind and we were arguing and there was this tension between us–”
Your eyes widened even more as she said that,
“You have been fucking him since then huh? You came back to me that day and pretended to hate him while you had just fucked him”
“That's ..not what I meant..” she stuttered and you were just done with her, you didn't want an explanation, you had reached the point where you just didn't care anymore about salvaging this friendship or whatever was left of it.
“SHUT THE FUCK UP CASSANDRA WALLIS “ you raised your voice so she stood up and looked at you shocked. Where did you get such courage from she wondered.
“Nice really nice…you made a new friend so now you're discarding me so efficiently”
“If I wanted to discard you I'd have done so before..you don't respect me at all, you have no fucking boundaries, you slept with my uncle even though you knew i didn't want things to get weird..but that wasn't enough, you had to act like a fucking psychopath with him when he dumped your whorish ass for good. All you care about is yourself and perhaps you know that being a whore n what not you'd never actually find a decent guy so you try to sabotage my happiness at every chance you get..now get the fuck out of my room”
As you were done speaking your chest was heaving with an insurmountable amount of rage you felt towards her. She swiftly walked past you, tears were streaming down her face which most probably were being shed to make you feel guilty.
As she stepped out Daemon was standing right outside, he had a smirk on his face as he looked at her,
“You did this didn't you..you can't stand me..you ruined your friendship and now you have ruined mine” she screamed at him so he placed his fingers in his ears and gestured for her to leave but she just stood there and stared at him with a manic look on her face.
“Go on..you'd have to book a flight back to London now that your trust fund is parting ways with you”
She stomped on her feet but instead of going to her room she leaped into him instead and tried to kiss him, that's when he grabbed her arms and pushed her against the wall in order to control her,
“Kiss me dae please i love you ..i have been falling for you and it hurts that you won't just pay me attention” she was crying profusely so he rolled his eyes in frustration. In that moment she was the spitting image of Stella to him.
“Go home Cassandra..find someone else because I'd never allow you to hurt her again” he stepped away from her so she huffed again to go to her room that was right next to yours and then slammed the door shut.
As he entered your room he found you on the bed sobbing hysterically with your face buried in the pillow, you stood up for yourself and he was very proud of you but he knew it must have been overwhelming. Losing a friend always brings hurt even if it's a necessary evil. There are fond memories attached to that person that continues to prickle and hurt for a long long time, he knew all about that better than anyone.
He didn't have emotional support when he lost your father so he was going to make sure you'd have one in him.
He took off his tie and threw it somewhere in the corner of the room, then he removed the blazer as well as his shoes before he climbed into your bed, he grabbed his blazer and placed it on your legs because the formal skirt you had on was bunched up to your thighs.
You had your body turned to the other side as you were sobbing heavily so he propped himself on his elbows and turned you to him, as soon as you turned around you clutched onto him tightly.
For a while he stayed silent, he didn't say a word but only caressed your back and head with the flat of his palm gently, once in a while his finger traced circular patterns on your upper back and his lips traced on your cheeks as he wiped your tears in between, the physical comfort was all you needed in that moment .
Once your sobs diminished you looked up at him and he looked back at you with a small soft smile on his face.
“I did it but it hurts” you sniffled so he leaned down and kissed your forehead,
“I know..i know it does”
“I feel guilty as if I'm at fault here even though I'm not”
“You're not.. and I'll tell you that for as long as you'd need to hear it from me. Listen to me Pixie pie" your smile widened for a moment at the pet name
"I know it feels like the end of the world right now, but I promise that it will get better. Years later, when you look back, you won't feel so awful about getting rid of someone who you knew wasn't good for you." He said gently. "Leaving her bad personality aside, she went behind your back and broke the trust you had in her that she never should have broken. It wasn't done just once or in the heat of the moment. She did it time and again, so you know now that she never was your well-wisher yes?"
He mumbled softly as he caressed your cheekbone with his thumb so you nodded. You understood now that Cassandra probably never was as good of a friend to you as you had thought her to be.
“Good girl, you have me i promise and you have Rhaenyra now. I'm not asking you to replace Cassandra with her in your heart so quickly but you have a friend in her, a genuine one, and you can trust her until she shows you otherwise. Don't let this experience make you cold or ungiving my sweetheart, none of this was your fault”
He whispered softly before he kissed your cheek again. His voice was soothing and melted like music in your ears, he was trying to lift your spirits and give you hope for the future, reminding you that you had people who cared about you and supported you.
He was so close to you and for a moment his calming intoxicating scent made you want to forget everything but him.
“Thank you..i couldn't have done it without you, i wouldn't have confronted her like this if it wasn't for you” your fingers played with the unbuttoned collar of his shirt as you spoke, the action warmed his heart, the intense need he felt to protect you was indescribable.
“Mmmm you never have to thank me..unless I want you to of course” you giggled as he said that, cupping his cheeks you pulled him closer to kiss his forehead, he somehow looked even better up close. You stared at his lips and as your finger caressed his lower lip his breath hitched in his chest, as you looked up at him again he could tell you were waiting for him to make a move because you always wanted to be his good girl and not push him to do anything he didn't want to do.
So that's what he did, he leaned down and pecked on your lips ever so fleetingly, your fingers curled around his neck as the sudden touch of his lips left you feeling transcended. The only way you could have described that feeling was if you were to compare it with a mild feeling of electrocution but in a good way, that's how intense the little kiss felt.
You leaped up at him to kiss him again so he pulled away slightly, your eyes were closed and you just seemed ethereal to him, your beauty radiated from deep within. You didn't look like Stella, not at all and you had such a caring soul and maybe that's what he liked about you, when he was with you he didn't miss anyone because you didn't remind him of anyone else. You were so completely you and he just wanted to be with you.
He cupped your cheeks and leaned down again to put his lips on yours, this time it wasn't fleeting, it was a kiss you had desired since he had returned or maybe long before that. A moment you never in your wildest dreams thought would become your reality. It just seemed impossible, you felt the years of longing wash over you, even with his lips on yours the moment felt surreal as if you were in a just a vivid dream.
His lips captured your lower lip and he clasped it between his teeth for the fraction of a second before he kissed you properly. Then you pulled him even closer to you if it was possible so now he was practically on top of you, his body felt heavy and all you wanted was for him to suffocate you and make you breathless, you never wanted this moment to end.
He pulled away a little and looked at you, you still had your eyes closed but there was a faint smile on your face. His tongue invaded your mouth with the push of his thumb on your chin, you could feel yourself dripping already and the realisation made you felt pathetic. You felt thankful that he had kissed you for the very first time in this position because you would have surely fallen due to how weak you felt in the knees at the moment..
As much as he didn't want to he finally pulled away as you gasped in his mouth and his lips immediately trailed down from your chin to your jawline line and then he briefly traced the collar bone, his fingers urged to open the buttons of the expensive business shirt you had on but he controlled himself, he wanted to treat you better than this.
He laid down next to you and you finally opened your eyes, you had to squeeze your thighs together to release some of that tension. Your mind was filled with filthy images of him fucking you right onto this bed, you had the image of his half naked body from the Bali trip when you had caught him just in his towel and you needed that body on top of yours, rubbing against every inch of you with his mouth mumbling filthy words in your ears.
“Did you kiss me because you wanted to or because you felt bad that I was crying?” he chuckled as you said that,
“I'd have kissed you the first night we reunited if that was the reason”
“Mmm you felt bad for me?”
“You just seemed so sad”
“Mmmm..did you like the kiss?”
“I loved it, been years since I have felt this way about ..life in general” he propped on his elbow and pecked your lips softly, his words made you smile.
“Can I ask you something?” you mumbled so he caressed your scalp with his fingers and nodded “Are we in a relationship?”
“Mhhhm ..did you think otherwise?”
“No, I just wanted to confirm..it's a monogamous relationship right?”
“There's no other way around it sweetheart, this is not a fling. I want you to know that as long as you're mine, I'm wholly yours" your arms circled around his neck so he rubbed his nose against yours.
Daemon understood you on a deeper level, you both had been cheated on in the past and you both knew the pain that came with it. Neither one of you wanted to put the other through that same hurt again, it definitely wasn't something that you wanted, you had every intention of worshipping this man day in and out and show him how he deserved to be treated.
“I just thought you wouldn't be ready for a relationship so soon..that's why I had to know”
“Mmhm it's been a year since the divorce, even before that we were separated. That fling with Cassandra made me realize that I didn't want fun. I needed something substantial. I am a grown man in my forties..I need someone I can cherish and take care of” and love he thought “Gave it a shot with Madison but my heart was already full at the time”
You nodded as he said that, his words made you feel giddy, you really wanted him to cherish you, not just in a familial way but like a lover..
“Do you ever feel guilty about Cassandra, she kind of liked you” he shook his head as you asked him.
“Noo.. she liked the way i fucked her" your face flushed at the straightforwardness "And my thoughts were quite confused by you.. whenever i looked at you my heart raced at the sight of you, and then on the trip when we got to talking it just got worse” as he finished speaking you smiled. You couldn't believe he had those feelings about you, you didn't really think of yourself as someone a man like him would dream of being with.
There was a fear in the back of your mind that made you believe that he only desired you because of the forbidden aspect of your relationship and he'd quickly get bored of you once he sleeps with you, you feared that he'd find you boring or there would be no chemistry but his words always made you feel desirable in every way.
“Mmm i have a confession too”
“I never liked Stella, even when she was your girlfriend and you weren't married to her, i just never liked her”
“What made you feel that way sweet girl?” he asked you softly,
“Well of course I was jealous that she had your attention all the time but she was also kind of mean when it was just us alone”
“Why didn't you tell me?”
“Because I don't do that, I don't like saying bad things about people to their own people” you mumbled
“Good girl you are” he kissed your cheek as he spoke.
“Ummm i have more questions" you asked him so he chuckled again, your curiosity was intriguing to him.
"You don't need my permission to ask me a question"
"Mmmm how many times did she cheat on you..if that's not too personal of a question..you can completely ignore if it feels uncomfortable"
He averted his gaze as you questioned him but then he leaned into you to kiss your forehead.
“More times than i could count on my fingers now, she would meet someone new in the club or parties, and forget all about me..then she'd come home to me crying and begging for me to forgive her and I did, i always did”
You couldn't imagine how awful that must have felt to have the person you loved hurt you in such a way time and again.
“Were there good times in your marriage?”
“Plenty of them..that's why it was harder to leave”
“Mmm.. I'm sorry, you didn't deserve to be treated that way, she didn't even value what she had in you, you're a gem of a man..some of us really do pray to find a man like you ” he let out a small laugh as you said that.
“You think so highly of me Pixie love”
“As I should”
You turned on your side and hugged him like a koala, an hour later he took you to get dinner and you did bump into Cassandra there. Her hotel reservation was paid for, food included, was she planning to stay? You couldn't tell.
“Why won't she leave?” You asked Daemon so he looked up from his phone. If Cassandra wasn't on this trip with you two then he might have been more open with you in public but he couldn't take a risk with her being around so he was acting very disinterested. He turned his head to look at Cassandra, she was with a guy, he seemed local, he couldn't help but smirk and she just glared at him in response.
He was just happier than usual that she was out of your life, hopefully for good.
“She's a leech love, I am surprised you weren't able to read her better before” he said to you, making you roll your eyes in response.
Once you were done eating you got up and walked up to her, Daemon turned in his chair to see what you were going to do.
“What the fuck are you doing Cassandra? You should think about how you're going to pay for the flight back home” you crossed your arms so she smiled.
“Awn don't worry I called Uncle ..your dad ..told him how my budget is so tight lately and he told me to not worry about it” she smirked and all you wanted to do was slap her. She was showing you her true colors, it was as if she didn't even care anymore that you both used to be such good friends. You walked out of the hotel restaurant so Daemon got up and followed you.
“She's staying..can you believe that?” You told him as you both stepped inside the elevator so he grabbed your arm and turned you towards him, his eyes stared deeply in yours,
“And what are you gonna do about it hmm?”
“What should I do?” You gulped as you asked him meekly, as your floor arrived he dragged you to your room and as you both stepped inside he pressed you against the door, his gaze never averted from you but you had to look down because you weren't able to take the heat in them. You just wanted to kiss him all the time.
“Think about it and tell me what you should be doing in this situation when you can see that your boundaries are not being respected and you have a potentially hostile individual around you who may or or may not intend to harm you further”
He asked you as he grabbed your chin and made you look him in the eye since you were avoiding eye contact.
“Ummm i should call my dad and tell him everything about what went down and hopefully he'll understand?”
“Good girl..you know what to do..you're a big girl.. and you don't ever have to second guess yourself. Show her that you're not weak or someone she can continue to manipulate” he told you firmly.
“Mmm yess uncle”
His breath hitched as you said that. What kind of sick pervert would enjoy something like that he thought because he definitely got hard every time you accidentally called him Uncle while he was so close to you.
You let out an inaudible swear as the name slipped your mouth, you were still not used to addressing him as Daemon especially since you had spent the last four months constantly calling him uncle. His hands trailed down and you gasped as he pulled you closer to him and leaned down his toweresque body to kiss you, your arms flung around his neck as you returned the kiss with equal passion, perhaps you didn't need to worry about having no chemistry in bed because there was clearly an abundance of it.
As you moaned against him Daemon had to bring forth all the self control he had in him, sure it would have been easier to just pick you up and fuck you right now, perhaps right against the door, he also knew you won't resist him either and would gladly allow him to do whatever he wanted to do with you, you'd perhaps encourage it too.
He pulled you away from him but you leaned into him to kiss him again so he pressed you against the door again and this time he used a bit of strength to keep you at bay.
“That shouldn't turn me on darling” he let out a groan, there was a familiar scowl on his face.
“The uncle thing?” You bit on your lips as you said that and he stepped away from you.
“You don't do it on purpose do you? It's perverted”
“I don't do it on purpose but i see that umm it turns you on”
“It does..im not proud of it”
“There's nothing wrong with it”
“There's absolutely every fucking thing wrong with it”
“it's just a kink” he looked at you as you said that. You stepped towards him and held onto his hand, he tried to pull away at first but he melted in your embrace as you hugged him, he was so soft but so big, he was a man's man, his hugs always reminded you of being wrapped up in a warm blanket.
“I should not be indulging in those kinks”
He mumbled, his voice sounded tired, it had been a long day full of workload and your personal drama.
“You shouldn't be but you want to and you should do whatever you want” you looked up as you placed your head up from between the crook of his neck, a soft kiss on the chin then led to another heated kiss but he controlled his desires again.
He'd not fuck you so soon, he'd not make you feel used or hurt in anyways, none of you were actually thinking about the consequences but the fear remained in his consciousness. What would he tell your parents? How could he ever make them believe that he was not in this just for fun? No matter what approach he would take at the end he'd always be your dad's best friend who knew you and was around you when you were twelve and from their point of view he'd always come across as nothing but a predator.
The trip to Japan was actually cut short because the deal was finalized the next day, thanks but also no thanks to Daemon.
The flight back home was much warmer and pleasant then your arrival because she wasn't there, you got to sleep with your head on his shoulder, you didn't really know how Cassandra was going to fly back home because you had called your dad and told him everything after your talk with Daemon. Your parents had plenty of questions but they always put you above anyone else so your father immediately obliged to your requests.
A part of you still felt guilty but you shoved those thoughts aside. She didn't deserve your pity.
When you finally reached London a day later there was an unpleasant surprise waiting for you at home. Your actual uncle, the biological one, was there with his wife and two kids, both of his daughters were younger than you by a year and two.
As you saw him you gave him a courteous smile and he approached you to hug you even though you didn't really care about him, he never really was a good brother to your father and you didn't really like him.
Your uncle Daemon definitely took all your love for himself, even as a child you preferred Daemon over your actual uncle because he truly was more of a brother to your father than his own brother.
“How are you uncle, it's been a while, years in fact” you asked him and he just smiled in response then his eyes drifted towards Daemon.
“Oh you're back i see”
Well this wasn't going to be fun you thought, Daemon didn't like him and the feeling was mutual but they both spent their time pretending to be nice to each other for your dad's sake. You remembered how happy your Uncle seemed when he was told that Daemon was gone for good.
“Good to see you mate” Daemon said to him as he gave him a small but most definitely an artificial smile.
Your cousins came forward to greet you and you immediately noticed them eyeing Daemon, especially the older daughter.
There was an awkward air of tension in the living room that you could have cut with a butter knife and it was about to get worse as you'd figure out why your dad's brother had returned into your lives all of a sudden.
@serving-targaryen-realness @annoyingsweetsstranger @anukulee @mcufan72 @insertsomethingsillyhereple-blog @silentf @ajthefujoshi @stupidthoughtsinwriting @ammo23 @shuichiakainx @daddylokisqueen @ipostwhtifeel @anehkael @madlyinlovewmattmurd0ck @dixie-elocin
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kokomyass · 6 months
Nanami Kento ☆ You missed
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Nanami x Fem!Gojo!Reader
Genre: ☁️
Word Count: 1987
Trigger warnings⚠️: none, other than swearing
synopsis: in which you have a crush on nanami and gojo is always on your back about it....
a/n: hey loves, in this fanfic you are Gojo's sister and 2 years younger. You don't have six eyes or limitless though. xx
Second person POV
"Ha! +4, take those 4 fucking cards bitch."
You and Gojo had finished a mission and were busy playing uno in the staff room over who could have the last strawberry mochi in the fridge because of course as the Gojo siblings you couldn't do anything maturely.
"Aww Y/N that's a shame because...your gonna have to take 8 cards!" Gojo slammed down another +4, leaving you dumbfounded.
Just as you were about to attack Gojo the door unlocked to the finest man alive: Nanami.
You had had a crush on Nanami for ages and it was pretty obvious because your brother noticed the day you met him. You were a year younger than Nanami so funnily enough you happened to be around him a lot. After you finished school you joined him at his job and you became closer since then also doing a handful of missions together.
"Nanami!! Fancy seeing you hear" You exclaimed jumping up pretending you weren't about to beat your brother up.
"Y/N...Satoru..." Nanami nodded as a greeting whilst saying your name.
He loosened his tie and run his hand through his hair as he let out a deep and long sigh before sitting on the chair from exhaustion.
You were entranced at the sight in front of you that you didn't notice Gojo shoving you into the seat next to him...too close for comfort.
"Hey...you okay?" your heart fluttered as Nanami showed you concern despite you being a grade 1 curse user, so a slight push is nothing.
"I'm alright, Nanami it's just someone I'm unfortunately related to is being annoying as usual."
You shot Gojo a death glare. All he did was give you a grin saying 'You gotta start making moves, dummy' so you shot him a look saying 'Not like this you asshole'
Whilst you were stunned and trying to communicate with Gojo with your eyes you didn't notice the little to no gap between you and Nanami and the deafening silence in the air.
Once you realised you shot up, "Uhhh I forgot that I am meant to be having a girls night with uhh Maki and Nobara and Utahime and maybe Mei Mei? Oh and Ieiri of course..." you kept on spouting nonsense before sprinting out bumping into Principal Yaga on the way.
"Umm Satoru...Is your sister alright?" Nanami was genuinely concerned as what just went down was extremely confusing.
"Yeahhh she's just flustered by your hotness!" Gojo jumped up and down making sure to try his best to impersonate your energy.
"Satoru is it possible for you to not be an idiot for one day...?" Nanami rolled his eyes despite feeling some warmth in his heart.
Time Skip
It was the next day and you rolled out of bed feeling sluggish and most definitely NOT wanting to go to work.
You turned on your phone to see you were 30 minutes past you usual getting up time.
Along with that you saw 10 missed calls from Nanami forgetting that he usually picks you up.
"SHIT...GOJO YOU ASSHOLE DID YOU NOT BOTHER TO WAKE ME UP" you screamed at Gojo who was downstairs getting ready for work too but the sorcerer kind.
"Y/N I tried to wake you up, Nanami waited 10 minutes for you...I told him that you would take a while so he might as well go..."
You were agitated and rushed. You snatched the box of food on the counter without asking who's it was and rushed out the house.
You ended up taking a bus and whilst on the bus you saw the box was noted to you from Nanami and it had your favourite baked goods and you blushed and smiled to youself thinking of how thoughtful Nanami was.
You also saw a new movie out in cinemas and thought it was your perfect opportunity to ask Nanami to go out with you.
Once you arrived at work, you made it your mission to go to Nanami. You tried walking as fast as you could in your stilettos without tripping embarrassingly.
"Nanamiiii!!!" you shouted as you made you way over to his desk.
He looked up smiling slightly at the sight of you walking over looking ever so jovial and cutesy.
"Y/N, did you enjoy the breakfast I made for you?" he asked diverting all his attention to you.
"Ohhhh it was AMAZING, thank you so much!! You know me too well Kento Nanami~" you chuckled as you sat on his desk and crossed you leg over another looking hella sexy in your business attire.
"Sooo Nanami....there's this movie that's come out and I would really love if you could watch it with me tomorrow..." you asked Nanami making sure to bat your eyes.
"Of course Y/N, that would be lovely." Nanami smiled sweetly at you as it felt like you were in your own world forgetting all the other working citizens.
"REALLY!! THIS IS AMAZING I CAN'T WAIT!!" you got a bit overcome with excitement and gave Nanami a tight hug that he returned after a moment of shock.
"Hey lovebirds! I don't care whatever mood yer in, but I can't have ya frolicking around during working hours, please take this to yer home, yer distracting my workers." Your boss suddenly came from nowhere as you released Nanami.
"Uhhh s-sorry sir but we aren't-" you started feeling the need to explain the misconception
"Sorry sir, it won't happen again." Nanami quickly butt in not denying a word the boss said.
Your face turned bright red as you got up from Nanami's desk, patting his head before waving a sweet goodbye.
Time Skip
It's the morning of your date with Nanami, and you're feeling exhilarated.
You wore your favourite outfit and did your makeup and hair(if you have some).
"Satoru, do I look good?" you asked, twirling around.
"Looking good, sis! You sure are my sister. You're looking even better than me!" you laughed at your brothers comment
Just as you were about to reply, the doorbell rang.
You hurriedly asked Gojo to open the door as you went to get your shits and Nanami's present.
Nanami POV
I rang the doorbell expecting to be met with the beautiful Y/N Gojo. However, to my dismay, I was met with a different Gojo....
"Heyyy Nanami! You're taking my sister out for a date, huh?" Gojo said as he leaned against the door with his arms crossed.
"Yes, I am. Where is she?" I tried to glance to see where she was, but there was no sign of her.
"Ah she's getting her stuff together....before she comes down...on a serious note Nanami, I know your responsible and not the type to hurt others but I'm still gonna say...hurt her in anyway and you are dead."
This was one of the very few times I saw Gojo serious, and to be honest, it was quite heartwarming how he cared for his sister.
"Nanami!! Sorry to keep you waiting! Let's go."
Second person POV
You hurriedly gave Gojo a hug goodbye. "Bye, Satoru!" And of course, he whispered in your ear. "Have fun, sis, use protection ;)" You whacked his arm as you went outside with Nanami, shutting the door behind you.
"You look beautiful, Y/N." Nanami looked at you up and down, admiring your beauty.
"You look ever so handsome, Nanami," you said, blushing and looking down.
"OH, I forgot!!" You gave Nanami a tight hug, struggling to fully wrap your arms around him because of how much bigger and taller he was than you.
He chuckled and wrapped his arms around you tightly and you stayed there for a while before walking hand in hand to the cinema.
You got to the cinema amd sat down in your seats with popcorn and drinks.
As the movie started you really wanted to make a move but alas something within you was too scared to make a move but as if Nanami read your mind he moved your head so it laid on his shoulder and he rested his head on top of yours. He intertwined your fingers as you blushed and smiled.
Once the movie was finished, yet again hand in hand, you both walked out.
"THAT MOVIE WAS AWESOME!! I LOVED IT!" you laughed feeling so happy and contented. Not only was it a good film you watched it with the love of your life.
"Yes it was very interesting, I must say. I'm very glad I watched it with you," Nanami looked at you deeply in the eyes and you looked back at him lovingly before you remembered his present.
"Oh! Nanami! I forgot, I got you a small present it isn't much but I hope you like it..." you gave Nanami the box with his present inside and when he opened it, it revealed a vintage but fancy watch that you knew he wanted for a while.
"Y/N...this is amazing, thank you so much your so kind." he pulled you into a hug rubbing your back with care and love before he pulled away.
"I have something for you too. I really hope you like it, although it isn't much."
You opened the present to see a charm bracelet of your favourite sweets and felt your heartbeat quicken.
"NANAMI THIS IS SO CUTE I LOVE YOU SO MUCH!!" you didn't even realise what you had said leaving Nanami dumbfounded as you pecked his cheek whilst blushing heavily and looking down from embarrassment.
"You missed." Nanami muttered.
"Huh?" before you could say anything Nanami kissed your lips tenderly savouring the sweet taste of your lips as you returned the kiss deepening it.
"I love you too Y/N" he hugged you once more before you made your way back home he dropped you off at your house
"Y/N this was an amazing date and I know it may be early but would you be my girlfriend, I promise I will-"
Before he could finish, you shut him up with a kiss to his lips to answer his question.
"Yes I would love to." you smiled at each other before pecking each other one last time before you entered a house; now a taken woman.
You walked in seeing Gojo on the couch and he stood up awaiting you feedback.
"Left the house a sad single woman...now I have arrived taken!!" Gojo laughed loudly before running to you scoop you up in a hug weirdly he was as happy as you were
"I knew Nanami couldn't resist my little sisters adorable face." Gojo squidged you face as you squirmed and joked around for the rest of the night feeling happy and content that you finally got with the love of your life.
A lil extra cause why not!:
You and Nanami had come back from a mission hand in hand making your way to the staffroom. It was 1am in the morning and you weren't expecting anyone to be there. You opened the door to see Gojo telling everyone about your new relationship.
"And guess what guys? They kissed!! I saw it all!! I was honestly so happy for my little sis we all know how much she's been thirst-"
let's just say Gojo had to take a few days off for 'illness'....
a/n: second onshot...I know its pretty long but I really hope you enjoyed it and love you all!!! 💗💗🌸🌸
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lappel-du-vide83 · 3 months
Also getting back to the manhwas train I finally read debut or die which was?? Not at all like I was expecting?? But anyways, here are just my reactions (often kinda random) but I hope you read through and can figure out what's going on while finding it funny!
Also don't ask me which chapter it starts at because brother in arms I don't know either
[VTIC Cheongryeo sunbae-nim: Call me if you feel like dying ^^]
didn’t know where this dogsh*t idea came from. Does his pituitary produce saliva instead of hormones? It was fortunate that he was the type to be impressed by trivial interpersonal relationships.
- woah what went straight for the jugular
I never thought that the situation where I cried for the first time in nearly 7 years would be live in front of a camera with 13,000 people.
“You didn’t have a trashy attitude back then, Moondae. You just worked hard even though you were sick. Chungwoo hyung was worried too.”
- Oml
[We have to lose!]
- Bless cha Eugene's heart
Hey, that’s scary. I’m scared.’
- Behold the intelligence of mcs
The company’s internal network structure is derived from T1.’
- Have you considered a career in
- Forensic?
He also gave very American advice.
I cheered as I reviewed the ten-day seclusion plan.
- FR
- secluded for 10 days sounds like the DREAM
‘I am so f*cking uncomfortable with it, you bastard.’
- Leave the poor man alone 😭
-- Is this..?
Why don’t you try to commit suicide?”
-- He is now the kidnapper
--- Kidnappee turn kidnapper
Because I beat the sh*t out of him.”
- Amen
It’s okay. I won.”
The fact that I was injured enough to go to the hospital was funnier.
Arent you drinking too much
- ONG was not expecting this to actually be a problem
You look tired these days!”
-- Woah so his actual one is 8 dec??
-- That's awfully close
Self criticism should be done during spare time not when it's a nuisance
- I respect this man so much
like a brainless idiot
- - -
Woah wait so they're aiming for a Moondae is the the same person as bae sejin feel??
--- I am INVESTED in the mv lore
It doesn't matter if it was worse this time
- NO
--- NO
--- STOP
--- Daydream??
( how desparate he is)
- NO
- NO
rapid prayers in spanish
- the angst here is killing me
-- 18 DAY COMA
--- He's actually so sweet
"do you think I'm some kind of sociopath"
So the system is actively trying to help him??
--- Lights out :0
--- The secret door is so ominous
--- Horror arc
--- OMG MOONDAE GOING wtf do I do??
---- OMG
---- OMG
---- OMG
---- OMG
- No more abnormalities???
Ah the need to be in control of every situation
- So valid
anyways hope you had a laugh
And I really hope this fandom gets so much bigger than it is now :)
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wellthebardsdead · 6 days
Astarion: Lucy, you’re, a devil, correct?
Lucy: yep, still, coming to terms with that. What’s up?
Astarion: you offered to help me understand what’s on my back so- what do you want in return? Devils always want something in return.
Lucy: just you being my friend is enough.
Astarion: I?… that’s all?
Lucy: yep. Right then. So, your scars are one of 7, the others are on the backs of your ‘siblings’, the other spawn cazador sired. It’s part of an infernal contract between him and the arch devil Mephistopheles. 7 spawn, 7000 souls. One, ascended vampire. He sacrifices you and the 7000 victims you and your siblings lured back for him and in return he gains power. The power to enjoy everything life has to offer, including walking in the sun. But, Mephistopheles doesn’t just set about making deals with mortals willy nilly. 7000 souls is no mere trifle even to the lord of the 8th, but he’d always want more, and he can get more himself if he had a vessel to possess out of the hells.
Astarion: he intends to possess cazador or- whomever completes this ritual?
Lucy: exactly.
Astarion: I see- wait- 7000 souls? The ones we lured ba- no, no they’re already dead though?
Lucy: undead. And underground. Caged in a dungeon only accessible through a lift in his private study.
Astarion: an underground dungeon? Look- I- Ugh I know I was a prisoner there for 200 years but I was still allowed to roam about most of the palace. I think I’d of heard about a hidden lift and a secret dungeon.
Lucy: Sebastian.
Astarion: what?…
Lucy: he’d never been kissed. You taught him how to.
Astarion: h-he was… one of my firsts… how do you know-
Lucy: a hundred and seventy years he’s been down there. Feral, hungry and afraid… the Gur children you kidnapped are down there too… they’re all down there… and I hope when the time comes you’ll make the right choice Astarion… as for how I know-… I still don’t know how to explain it… goodnight Astarion.
Astarion: I, g-goodnight. Thank you, for this.
*a few days later*
Lucy: *back at camp after killing Yurgir, poking the fire as Raphael approaches her from behind* hello dear.
Raphael: Alright. Who do you have spying on me?! Who sent you and how?! Are all these cambions so subservient to you?! Subservient to a point where they willingly guided an entire caravan of refugees to last light inn just to be certain none of them would get killed?! Who are you?!
Lucy: I told you, my names Lucy, and it’s not my fault your moves are predicable. Your spy Korrilla is ridiculously bad at hiding too.
Raphael: how do you know her name?!
Lucy: *smiles enjoying seeing the vein in his forehead pulse* I told you. I know things~ and I know now, you, owe us a favour for getting rid of the orthon. Just, like, you, promised~
Raphael: *clenches his jaw* I- Arghh, fine. I despise verbal contracts. What do you want?
Lucy: nothing, yet. Goodnight. *smiles walking back to her tent leaving the devil looking like his heads about to explode*
Raphael: You- ARGHHH! *turns to leave*
Astarion: Wait, you owe us a favour and I’d like to cash in on it.
Raphael: oh? And what is it you want?
Astarion: when the time comes for me to face down Cazador… I want the means cure myself, and all the other spawn he sired of vampirism.
Raphael: *brain just stopping as he tries to think of how he’ll explain this away to his father without being skinned alive* Surely you’d like something else-
Astarion: we had an arrangement did we not? I want a cure.
Raphael: oh gods, fine. Fine… I’ll see what I can do.
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variousqueerthings · 2 months
Hiii! This question is kinda apropos of nothing but I’m curious: who is the person in your profile pic? Every time I scroll past it a little too fast I think it’s Alan Alda/Hawkeye haha
no worries (i think alan alda would be honoured, if i remember correctly, he mentioned meeting him once as a kid in his memoir). it's this fellow:
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his name was conrad veidt, a famous german actor of the weimar republic, later escaped to britain and then the us to get away from the nazis with his jewish wife, Ilona Prager. he also starred in two pro-jewish films shortly after the nazis came to power in 1933 (the wandering jew, and jew süss, but i confess i haven't watched these yet, so i cannot say how well they aged) -- generally did a few films that were about Social Issues that came down on the side of the oppressed, including the woman's crusade, and the merry-go-round, as well as... (see below)
famous for some very important movies: 1. played the lead in the first movie to openly portray gay men (anders als die andern), which was produced by magnus hirschfeld and the institute of sexology in a bid to get support for legalising homosexuality -- it's free on youtube! also 105 years old, can you believe... 2. played the somnambulist in the cabinet of dr caligari, and generally was every vamp-girls/boys dream back in the day, playing in a lot of the german expressionist films and proto-horror films, and generally not afraid to play offbeat, uncomfortable roles that weren't about being an attractive leading man (eerie tales, the hands of orlac, waxworks, the man who laughs) 3. after he moved to the us, he was very happy to portray nazis to give them realism, and he plays major heinrich strasser in casablanca in 1942 (his second-last film)
i believe he was in a total of 115 films, but quite a few of them between when he started in 1917 and 1930 are lost (der januskopf, i think of you often....murnau, bela lugosi, and conrad veidt, in an adaptation of jekyll and hyde??? arghhh)
other fun facts, did occasionally crossdress and in fact this may have contributed a little to his first divorce, as his wife found him and a bunch of his friends wearing dresses one night after she came back from work -- notably conrad was in her new dress. she told a friend that this was the breaking point, but it may have partially been a joke. they did divorce though
was also at one point called the prettiest girl in berlin in print, good for him
was probably bisexual, although having said that i've actually never read why people think this -- so for now, he was a mensch and a great ally to a lot of people, a little on the queerer side in all things
i do follow a fair few conrad veidt blogs on here, but i don't talk about him often, it's one of those "am a fan, but keeping it mostly to the chest" kind of things with him -- however, as you can tell, very happy to give the Info when asked!
that's the man, the girl, the pretty boy: mr conrad veidt!
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lostcauses-noregrets · 5 months
How old are the veterans? I read somewhere that Levi is in his late 30s in 857, but is this even confirmed? If there's only 3 or so years difference between him and Erwin, and people assume Erwin was in his late 30s when he died, then shouldn't Levi be over 40? If Mike is older than Erwin, shouldn't he be nearing 40 as well? How old is Hange, too? ARGHHH, IM SO CONFUSED LOL
Anonymous asked: Random ask here: how old is Erwin exactly? Aren't he and Levi around the same age? Like in their 30s? I've seen people act like he's in his 40s or something, and I'm confused.
You're not the only one who is confused Anon. I'm confused about why I keep getting asks like this! I've lost count of the number of times I've answered asks about the veterans ages.
I suspect part of the confusion might arise from the fact that Isayama made a mistake when asked during a live interview in 2016 how old Levi was. Because he was nervous, he said that Levi was in his late-thirties, when he meant to say early-thirties. However he clarified this mistake in the Answers Fanbook not long after, and reiterated that he “set Levi in his early 30s since the beginning”.
Depending on how you interpret "early thirties" Levi could be anywhere between 30-34ish in 850. If you peg him at the older end of "early thirties" he could well be in his forties by 857.
Isayama has never been explicit about Erwin's age either, all we know is that he is older than Levi, which people usually take to mean mid to late thirties. Again, depending on how you interpret this, that could mean that he was anywhere from 35-39 when he died.
As far as Mike goes, Isayama confirmed in 2013 that he is "slightly older" than Erwin but again, what that means is open to interpretation. Regarding Hanji, nothing has been confirmed. I always think of them being younger than Erwin but older than Levi, but I know other fans see them as being younger than Levi, so who knows.
The thing that still confuses me about all this though is why this question keeps coming up given that this is all very old information. Isayama has never been specific about any of the Veterans ages and I strongly suspect he never will be. I don't see how a couple of years here or there really matters though.
Anyway, hope that answers your question. Next person who asks is just going to get pointed right back to this answer!
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takami-takami · 8 months
i was finally able to catch up on everything and i HAVE to point out. HOW ARE YOU SO GOOD AT THIS?? HOLDING YOUR HANDS RN.
and the vash brainrot is finally getting to me too holy shit-
i WISH i was as good as you at writing but unfortunately all i can give you is a shitty (imo) kei headcanon. so idk if you've written about this but imagine he's just content, right? just happy for no reason. and then you just... hear ruffling and when you turn around, this idiot (affectionate) just has his lil wings pointing upward as he stretches his arms above his head, the biggest grin on his face.
chewing my fists at this 23 year old just being happy arghhh ALL I WANT IS FOR HIM TO BE HAPPY
once again, ilysm for what you do and i hope you're doing okay now. sending infinite amounts of love your way <3
- ☀️ anon
SUN ANON I'M HOLDING YOUR HANDS BACK omg the Vash brainrot is getting to you too? Pls send thoughts if you have them omg. I hope you're doing okay as well!!!
ARGHHHHH THE IMAGE YOU'RE PLANTING IN MY BRAIN. You're so right about his wings puffing upward when he's happy. Hold on I have proof to back your claims I'm in your corner:
Baby Kei is much more expressive with his wings, probably because he's, ya know. A baby and doesn't think too much about it. But look:
Baby Kei normally, feathers pointed downwards.
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Baby Kei when he's happy!!! All puffed out!!!
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So this headcanon is canon probably!!!
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rowanisawriter · 6 months
10 characters, 10 fandoms
thanks for the tag @greypetrel this is going to be SO HARD because i love so many characters so many special little guys…
tagging… @kleiner-ghost @samseabxrn @smoreofbabylon @chronurgy @fly-amanitaa and anyone else who would like to play!
hiding this under a read more because i feel like ranting about the Characters as usual.. also by doing this i’ve uncovered a theme and it’s law enforcement or law enforcement adjacent characters… this brings me great shame as a so called progressive so i’m just throwing out the suitcase instead of unpacking any of this
in no particular order…
1. kaidan —mass effect
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my love for kaidan specifically but mass effect in general broke me out of a 6 year writing break lol something about him!!!! since my first fic after the break, i’ve written over 100k words, THATS the power of love baby!! also he has the best eyebrows in fiction period
2. cullen —dragon age
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my most written character SO FAR, my wife, his awkwardness and clumsy flirting bewitched me body and soul… funny story i was on tumblr when this game originally came out like 10 years ago and i was seeing all the gifsets of cullen and loved him as a blorbo-in-law and then i finally played the game and remembered him so yall could call this a slow burn lmao (i need to be put down asap)
3. kotallo —horizon forbidden west
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he is also my wife, i love hero worship so as soon as he decided to GIVE HIS LIFE to follow aloy i was hooked, one of my favorite fics that i’ve written is a hero worship study of his relationship with aloy, the drama potential is so good here
4. charlie montague —deathloop
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literally the definition of pathetic wet cat man, gamer to boot, he is irresistable but i want him to be beaten savagely, i wrote a fic about him and had my fantasies of clowning on him realized through fia… again the POWER of fiction lol
5. harry dubois —disco elysium
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my brainrot for disco goes so hard, it’s the only video game tattoo i have out of many tattoos, of harry in the karaoke scene, which had SUCH an impact on me my god…. he’s the og wet cat pathetic loser and the love of my life..
6. johnny silverhand —cyberpunk 2077
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the hold he has on me, my first time through cyberpunk i didn’t romance anyone because i loved johnny too much, which is UNLIKE ME because i love romance in games…
7. zuko —avatar the last airbender
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babygirl… one of my first blorbos, i’ve never written him before but i did spend most of my formative years reading zuko fic
8. gale —bg3
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i liked gale until the moment he saw the crown and was overtaken by his dark ambition, that was when i LOVED HIM. he’s so insanely hot when he’s a little insane, also this angle of him is funny girl straighten your back!! tf!!
9. dick grayson—dc
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dick grayson is probably my first blorbo?? any form any title any show any movie i love him forever ♾️
10. thanatos—hades
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than my love my wife, his voice softening as he said “i’m here already” literally i do honestly think about it at least once a day arghhh ouuuugghhhhhh 😭
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niiine · 2 years
could you do a work for xiao (and possibly scara?) where reader "comes back" and loves him again? They're legit my fav characters and now I feel bad ladnexklanrflxmslc
(connected to your most recent work)
Consequences Pt. 2
Part 1
Look I'm not just good at writing comfort fics. I'm not good at reconciliation. I'm not good at getting back together to please bear with me. OOC characters. Easy to sway readers. Arghhh everything's on fireee. NOT PROOF READ.
Hurt and comfort
Ft. Xiao, Scara, Childe + Todoroki Shouto, Bakugo Katsuko
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Xiao (A love that is never gone)
- You were gone for so long that Xiao engraved it in his heart that you’re not coming back;
- But you did. And Archons, you look as beautiful as ever.
- Your meeting was unexpected— years that Xiao engraved in his heart that he will not see you again— but it was hoped for, just like what he feels every night that he longs to hear your voice calling his name.
- “I thought you’re not going to be here. I’m sorry” It’s the truth, mid-day are hours that the Yaksha was busy doing his duty, so it’s a surprise to see him at the inn.
- “(Y/N) …” He calls out, your name leaving his lips with the tone you’ll never be sure of— Sadness? Longing? Regret? You don’t care.
- Or so you want to believe ro. But no, you want to reach out to him, to ask him how he was these past few years. To run your gentle digits in his scarred being.
- How come, that after so, so long, you’re still not over this green haired adeptus that shown you no sign of recognition? Heart heavy with the thought, you opt to once again run, turning your back on your so-called love.
- And you expected so many things, for him to let you go, for him to nonchalantly leave, but not this.
- Xiao’s body moved on its own. He’s not thinking straight. He’s silent prayers for how many nights now thrown to his face— to see you again. Then what now? What should he do? He’s not ready. He will never be ready when it comes to you.
- Not to your warmth, not to your touches, not to your attention, to your care, to you love. But can he be selfish just this once? To hell with his karmic debt, he just wants to be with you, ready or not.
- He reached out to your figure, his arms caging your waist as his face buried in the crook of your neck.
- “You’re leaving again” It was soft, as if he’s pleading. As if he’s hurt.
- Stars started bursting and there’s warmth spreading throughout your body. “Don’t you want me to?” his hug on you tightens as he shakes his head.
- This was the most human Xiao has ever been. The most human emotion he’s ever felt. You made him feel all these things— greed, longing, hurt, love.
- “Voice it. I want to hear it, Xiao.” After running after him for a long time, sure you deserve it, right?
- “Don’t leave. Not again. I have enough of not seeing you waiting for me.” His words were muffled, his arms were shaking, he wants you back, and you want to be here again.
- “If you say so”
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Scaramouche (A Love that is favored by The Tsaritsa)
- Scara lose it after the first week of seeing you trembling at the sight of him. His heart, if he as any, aches at every corners you choose to turn into from your every encounter.
- He wishes for you to fear him thinking that you will break him if he lets you close, so why is that he’s shattered at the thought of your terrified figure?
- He wants you so, so bad. And as a harbinger, he will get what he wants, even if he’s not really planning to.
- He keeps messing up his job. It took longer for him to finish a task, something The Tsaritsa noticed. How come one of her beloved harbingers keeps making mistakes?
- Cue, you were called.
- The lovely, sweet, follower of the goddess of love.
- “Darling, I am sure you’re aware why you’re hear” the sweet voice of the Cryo Archon sends shiver down your body. She’s warm, and loving, and cold, and murderous all at once. “Can’t you just set aside the fear for the sake of love?”
- Set aside the fear for the sake of love. How funny, how selfish.
- “That, is if you’re really scared.” The goddess played with your hair as she circles you. “Fear is nothing compared to love. You’re hurt, aren’t you?” You shook your head. Scaramouche decided to traumatized you because he doesn’t want you, because you’re a burden, because he didn’t love you ba— oh…
- She’s right. The goddess looked at your eyes, looking every bit of lies you tell to yourself and to her. Cupping your face with her right hands, she whispered “What he did was horrific, but what you’ve gone through while you still claim to love our 6th harbinger? That’s more terrifying”
- You were about to speak when the door on the cold room opened, revealing the face of a worried Scara. the lad hurried towards where you and the Archon is, kneeling as he neared the vicinity.
- “It was my fault. She didn’t do anything. I will not mess up again”
- He was… scared? It’s all over him. He knew what his Archon could do, he knew how she can hurt— and he can’t have that. He can’t stand seeing how you avoids him, but can’t take it if the Tsaritsa would make you suffer because of his mistakes
- “What are you talking about, sweetheart?” The goddess voice was soft, lingering sweetness laced in her words. “I meant no harm, love never meant harm…” She playfully skipped away as she commanded, “Stand up, take her out of this room. “
- “Are you alright?” Scaramouche asked as the both of you exits the hall. He was met by you nods, lips shut tight as you don’t know what to tell him.
- Knowing that it will be the best he could get out of you, he turned his back, eyes sharp as ever, until he felt a tug o the hem of his clothes. Turning around, he found you stopping his tracks, head hung low.
- “her highness said that… you meant no harm” she said that you’re love.
- “Can you, see me that way as well?” that I meant no harm.
¬- The way his fingers laced wound yours answers your question.
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Childe (A love that was given another chance)
- The night that you turned your back on Childe was the night he realized how fucked up he would be.
- No you to return to, no you to hug, no you touch. No you.
- He kept coming home, if it can be considered as one. It’s your apartment after all, not his— he says so, but he’s paying all the bills and rent.
- A foolish hope sparks in his heart that one day, he’ll be back and find you at the kitchen, cooking dinner for the both of you, or tat the couch, folding laundry.
- A child in him achingly believes that one day, he’ll set foot in this place and there will be warmth again. Not a cold, freezing atmosphere that you left him to rot at.
- It was self-destructive, how he begs every archon, every being in the Celestia, for days and nights and then expect you to be at his doorstep the next day. His hopes, his pining— It’s all crushing him.
- So, he decided to stop, he wants to stop… But not until he sees you one last time. One time, and he’ll accept that it there will be no another chance.
- At least this time he will not mess things up.
- That’s why he decided to visit you at Mondstadt, your homeland— the place he lost you to.
- It was windy, but the land of freedom was calm. It is soothing the way the sun shines above. Yeah, you definitely came from this place, he remarks. How the clouds seem to dance, and the flowers sings, and the winds tousled his hair— It’s all heartbreakingly you.
- And there you are. In all your delicate glory, smile plastered on your lips as you talk wave with the people that greets you, a bag of groceries resting in your arms.
- Regret burns in his heart once again, how can he be so stupid to let this wonderful woman suffer? He knows that his only desire was to see you, you don’t have to look him, or to talk to him.
- But he’s selfish, he’s selfish in every single way, in every single thing he wants.
- His train of thoughts halted when your gaze landed at his crumbling figure. You met his eyes, a cup of deep ocean waters and then suddenly, you’re drowning again.
- You find it hard to breath, you can’t find the right words. Everything stops and you think your heart, too.
- What is he doing here?
- Your question was answered when he made his way towards you. You wanted to run, to scream at him that he can’t have you again, but you’re frozen.
- How pathetic it is that you are still in love with him. Despite the lies you told to him, and to yourself. Despite the forced sleeps on nights you can’t, despite the unquenching hatred and disappointment and pain. You still want to feel his fingers tangled on yours.
- “Let’s talk” his voice was rough and smooth, aching and swave, hurt and loving.
- “I told you, I don’t lo—” “You aren’t good at lying”
- And damn right you aren’t. but who cares, as much as you love this man, there’s already too much hurt. Already too much mistakes. “Please”
- “Listen, Childe. I am done being hurt by you”
- “But I won’t do it anymore. I just can’t give up on you, please, (Y/N). I don’t know why but I just can’t. You’re not someone I can replace” he paused, voice cracking a little. Eyes snapping at the edges of the corners where the two of you was. He can’t look at you, can’t stand to see your eyes that now looks at him so dull. “And I was scared of that fact, so I tried and tried and I end up losing you. But I promise… I promise”
- He ran his fingers on his hair, letting out all the emotions he bottled up as tears began falling.
- “One last chance, one more. I’ll be braver this time”
- “You have to win me over”
- The sun shines a little brighter, and Childe was on his way home again.
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Todoroki Shoto (A slow love, a learning one)
- It started after the provisional license exam. A simple “You’ll catch up soon” through a walk past Todoroki.
- You still can’t bear to talk to him. He blames you for a mistake you never done, it’s not easy. But you’re in love with him, you can’t just turn your back on your emotions, on what you feel.
- You still want the lad, you still want to be his girlfriend, but you decided to leave it to fate. You’re adjusting, little by little.
- And so was he. Todoroki realizes that what he feels is not something to be rushed. It’s not like his father’s. It not out of something he will use.
- He will start small conversations. He starts with apologizing, after a month of the accident between the two of you. And you wave it off, saying that it’s fine.
- It pains him still that you no longer show your love towards him, but he won’t force you to, he won’t ask for it.
- Days, weeks, months passed that Todoroki work his way up from having small conversations until you became his cornerstone, the person he can tell anything about, and vice versa.
- Everything between the two of you was calm, platonic relationship with a secret pining. With hopes and wishes.
- But none of the two of you wants to ruin the friendship you have, so no one speaks of it.
- Not until Todoroki finds you reading a letter, something that have hearts and cheesy words on it— he’s dense, but he knew what that letter is for.
- It threw his stomach into a roller coaster. His heart drops at the realization that you were bound to be someone else’s if he decides to stay still, to do nothing.
- He thought that it’s fine being your friend alone. That as long as he can talk and see you, he will be fine. That as long as you’re happy, that is enough for him.
- But the image of you in another’s arms, the idea of you laughing not for him. It crushed his heart more than the days you spent treating him like he never existed.
- Impulsively, his feet find its way towards your room.
- He was about to knock when you opened the door yourself. Surprised by his visit, you motion for him to go inside, setting aside what you were about to do.
- “Listen, (Y/N)..” He started, running his fingers in his two-toned hair. “I know you’ll hate me for this, but I- I just want to tell you that I love you.” Your eyes grew wide. Are you hearing things right?- “I don’t know what to do when you stopped talking to me, I thought you really would stop acknowledging me. So when we start talking again, when you start paying attention to me again, I just know that the only thing that I will not ruin is by not telling this” He sighs, nervousness sitting in his body.
- “And I will understand if you will hate me again” his tiny voice quivers. Shying away as he thinks that maybe it IS be better if he kept his mouth shut.
- but it’s not.
- You reach out for his arms and pulled him downward, catching him awkward. You placed a kiss on his cheeks as it turned bright red.
- “You are an idiot if you don’t think I feel the same”
- it really is not.
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Bakugo Katsuki (A soft love)
- Katsuki tried to shoulder the days that you’re not his. He tried to move past it, to accept the fact that you’re no longer together.
- He tried.
- He dreamt of you at night, he longs for you at day. It burns his tongue not to call your name, it numbs his hands not to reach out to yours. God, why are you doing this to him?
- His question was answered when he found you crying on the classroom. Left alone as all your other classmates gone back to the dorms.
- The blonde forgot one of his notebooks so he came back, only to find your devastated form.
- He rushed to your side. Checking if you’re hurt in any way, until you slapped back his touch.
- “What are you doing here?” you snapped, shocked that Bakugo, out of all people, saw you in this state.
- “I forgot something, came back to retrieve it and find something more interesting. Missed me much, doll?” He joked, hoping that you would nod, that you’ll brush it off and hug him and claim him back.
- But he didn’t expect that you would really agree.
- The hero class were really stressful these days, your family are as well, you can’t physically keep up and you even lose the one strong support you have. — Bakugo.
- You tell him every bit of your problem, every bit of your hurt and pain, and mistakes, and worries. Bakugo looks at you softly, if only he was a bit persistent at pursuing you again, he could have comforted you earlier.
- Seeing you like this breaks his heart.
- He patted your head. A sign that he’s listening, that he cares. Words are just not his thing.
- “Care to share all of these shit with me again?”
¬- You nodded, and all the weight in his shoulders lifted.
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jeanmoreaux · 7 months
Does it make sense that while I’m excited for the sunshine ☀️ court (LMAOOO I LOVE HOW CHEESE THIS IS I REALLY DO) —I don’t want to hear anything (READ anything) about our OG cast from the series? Does that make sense at all?? Like it’s perfect™️ the way Nora wrote everything and ended the story so it’s like I don’t want it touched or don’t feel it’s necessary to ‘check in’ other than maybe some other characters mentioning them at most AM I INSANE DOES ANYONE FEEL ME
Kinda like that random, but pleasant .03 seconds cameo in a beloved film in reference to something that says sO MUCH but there’s no need to explain ARGHHH SKSKSKSKKSKS the #brainrot is real
P.S. a part of me is totally feeling this out of the blue news was because y’all were manifesting it by just hyping up the love for TFC again and 🥰🥰🥰🥰🥰
no i think that makes a lot of sense. in my mind, aftg (and that story about neil and the foxes) is done. it doesn't need to be added to. BUT i think, as someone who has read the extra content, there is not really a fear that she will hit me with something in tsc that i don't already know? i mean i already know some details of what happens one year, three years, several years post aftg. and while i might not vibe with everything she revealed all these years back, i don't think nora can ruin aftg if she mentions some of that stuff. we don't know how faithful to her old statements she will be tho....maybe she'll turn them on their heads idk. i don't believe she will do that. but. we don’t know. so yeah i don't think you are insane!!! i honestly don't think tsc will have much about the foxes in it. maybe a game or something? cannot imagine she has the time for more than small cameos and references. maaaaybe there will be some more renee. depending on how nora will play this. but. we'll see. i, for one, am both very very excited and scared to find out jsdhsjhjs
also P.S. that's so sweet 🥰 i wish i manifested that and the special edition into being (tho i have been talking about special editions a lot in sep/oct lol). i am definitely not that powerful tho. maybe my instincts picked up on vibes nora was sending out into the world that activated my brainrot like i am a sleeper agent.
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thosewildcharms · 3 months
AMEN TO ALL YOUR RECAP FROM EPISODE 3. So so amazing. I cannot wait for the crying, yelling and makeup loving in episode 4. I just saw a theory that had me freaked out a little. Saying the phones don't add up and that Judith is more grown up in the sketches could mean he took helicopters and kept an eye on them over the years?? And that the reference to Carl was actually RJ and that is why he couldn't get it quite right? I doubt that though. He has no idea about RJ. Secrets coming out?? ARGHHH I need to know! What do you think? Also, do you think there will be another season? I need them :'(
thank you so much, I'm so glad you enjoyed it! I think we're all excited for episode lol this show has me wishing away my saturdays smh
well. personally I don't think you need to be freaked out by that theory because (respectfully) I don't think it makes any sense lol. I'm putting this under a read more because It's gonna get kinda long
I don't really see what doesn't add up about the sketches, honestly? because I think the simplest/most logical explanation is likely the accurate one. rick is (painfully) aware of how much time is passing, so every time he asked for a new sketch he'd say how old judith would be at that time and the artist would have adjusted her appearance accordingly. as for carl - I did see one person say they thought the "not getting it right" line implied that rick was starting to forget what carl looked like, because it's been a while now since he died. I think that's plausible, but personally I think part of it is that a parent who loses a child never really stops grieving, and no sketch can ever live up to the memory of that child no matter how objectively accurate it is. maybe it's a little of both? either way, I don't think it's supposed to be RJ.
I think we have to consider that while rick was never ever gonna stop trying to get home to see his family ("I'm getting home or I'm dying. That's it.") okafor played the ultimate and final trump card when he told rick his family would die if he ever escaped the CRM and went back home. as we saw in 1x01, that was it - the lights went out, and rick basically immediately became suicidal because he knew that he would never, ever put them at risk, so his only option was to die (again, "i'm getting home, or I'm dying") and short of actually killing himself he decided to metaphorically die instead.
all of this is to say that everything we've seen from rick on screen since the end of the first episode specifically shows us that he is resigned to never seeing his family again. for a brief moment when okafor died rick thought he maybe had a chance again, especially with michonne there, only for jadis to show up immediately to remind him that she has the SAME trump card as okafor only worse because she set it up so that if she dies his family will be killed anyway. and his only goal at this point is making sure michonne gets out. there's no indication that he has ever set eyes on any of them.
but even just logistically like. do we think the CRM is letting rick 'cut my own hand off trying to escape' grimes fly a helicopter unsupervised? do we think CRM security is so lax that he'd be able to steal one? if it was, wouldn't that be the first thing he did to try to escape, once he enlisted? ALSO the first thing rick did after he and michonne reunited was ask if judith was alive. why would he ask if he already knew? like, he's shown to be pretty decent at lying under pressure but why would he lie to michonne, at that moment? like, I'm sorry this just does not track as a theory to me lol
as for a season 2. well, season 1 is doing extremely well so far, so it wouldn't be a matter of the network not wanting more seasons. I do think an issue would be danai's availability because her schedule is insane. personally, I have my own feelings about whether or not I even want a season 2, but I guess we just have to see what happens!
I hope this answered your questions :)
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arlecchno · 2 years
mission accomplished
[ scaramouche x reader ]
two | mission start
prev masterlist next
you wouldn't have known you'd be back in uni for an undercover case and now that you step foot into campus, you really want to go back to your desk. scaramouche can't seem to move on from the past and an encounter with someone offers you an opportunity to lead up the case.
warnings : slight angst if you squint, swearing, vulnerable scara (briefly)
a/n: arghhh hello!!! i know i posted ep 1 a few days ago but i can't help but post ep 2 today T-T might be late on updates for awhile since i'm currently in the middle of midterms so please bear with me~ happy reading!
grammatical errors may occur so please let me know if i've made any mistakes!
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you find yourself in scaramouche’s car.
“remind me again why do we have to do this?” you asked. “i mean, we could just simply go to the university ourselves, ask a couple of questions, and possibly catch the perp, all in one day if we’re lucky enough. i don’t see why we have to go undercover and stuff” you said while going through the case file. you looked over to scaramouche, who was driving.
he was wearing his usual long-sleeved light purple shirt and formal pants, the sleeves rolled up, donning with a lose tie, since work ended a few minutes ago.
scaramouche glanced at you before speaking, “you tell me. that woman always pairs me up with you for some reason. i’m against this case as much as you are. but knowing that witch, we’re not going anywhere until we solve this case. anyway, where are we headed? said you needed some things but i didn’t recall what you specified” he glanced at you again through the rear view mirror.
you took a moment to think. “ah, i just need a couple of stuff from the department store, and maybe make a grocery run for the dorm” you said, while typing out the list on your phone.
it’s been a few days since the tsaritsa informed you about the case, and you only have a couple days left to get ready.
“thanks for giving me a ride by the way. i could’ve brought my own car if it didn’t break down in the middle of the road” you said, slightly groaning at how you’ll need to spend a couple more hundred to fix it. i’ll need to buy a new car, you thought.
the car you have now was passed down to you by your father, meaning that it’s decades old.
“no problem, i guess. though, you’ll need to pay me for these rides. can’t be going anywhere in this car without paying. this car costed me a fortune and i don’t want you lounging in this freely” he smirked while saying, taking a turn to a corner.
“archons, you’re really getting on my nerves right now, asshole. can’t believe i'm about to stay in a room with you” scaramouche stopped the car suddenly.
“why the hell did you stop? the department store is still a few minutes away” you frowned.
“if you’re not gonna pay up i’m leaving you here. good luck getting to the department store” he said, amused by your reaction that's turning into shock.
“jeez— fine! i’ll pay up! no need to get all feisty and leave me here dude. can’t even go a minute without you being a complete douche” you grumbled, clearly not amused with his friendly threats.
scaramouche chuckled, continuing driving like nothing happened. “anything to make you suffer"
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“do you think we look too old for uni?” you suddenly asked, pushing the shopping cart through the aisles. you’ve went to the department store to get your stuff a while ago, and now you’re in the grocery store with scaramouche, much to your distaste.
scaramouche raised a brow. “considering that you are about to turn 26, then yeah, you look too old to be in university” he said.
“dude, you’re like a year older than me, if anything the one that is going to look like a grandpa here is you” you retorted.
“nah, i have flawless skin. i look like i’m fresh out of highschool” he boasted, taking a cereal box from the aisle and putting it in the cart.
well, he wasn’t lying. everyone in the precint wished they had his porcelain skin, you included.
his face truly is one of his best features, you thought, staring at him a little bit too long. realising what you were currently doing, you quickly darted your eyes towards the cart.
ah, i shouldn’t be staring— especially at someone like him. you sighed, before speaking up.
“i think that’s all. we’ll do another grocery run tomorrow when we’ve arrived at the campus, just in case we forgot anything" you said, glancing at the cart.
"also, captain said it’d be nice to have a little tour around the university, just to look around and take notes on the environment. might be nice to get some fresh air, right?” you asked, turning to him.
“hmm, whatever. anything to make this go by quick” he mumbled, clearly disrupted with something else in mind.
you blinked, taking a few seconds to figure out what he was thinking about. immediately realising, you looked up at him.
“hm? what?”
you hesitated, thinking if it’s appropriate to ask him about it. “are… you really okay with this? i mean, after what happened last time… i didn’t think–“
“i’m fine” he interrupted you. you frowned.
“look, i just want to look out for you. it’s already been a year, scara. my leg is better than ever now, and the bullet wound on my shoulder is completely healed. i know you still blame yourself for it, but i’m really fine now" you paused.
"i still feel like you’re doubting this mission and feel like we should step down, but we’ll do okay. we’ve learned from our mistakes, we’ve matured, and we’re better now. no need to beat yourself up for something we both can’t control” you touched his arm, reassuring him.
he was silent for a couple of seconds. “yeah, um, sure. thanks, i guess” he muttered, scratching the back of his neck before pushing the cart away, heading to the cashier.
you sighed, i was the one who almost died, but you were the one who was hurt the most, you thought. leaving those thoughts behind, you caught up with him.
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for a university that has a serial killer on the loose, the campus sure is ginormous. i feel like i can get lost here a hundred times and still won’t know the way, you thought, already feeling dizzy at the thought of getting lost.
scaramouche chuckled beside you. “man, i’d sure love to see you getting lost. might be the highlight of this mission” he stifled, trying so hard to not laugh at the possible image of you being clueless while trying to find your destination.
you smacked his shoulder. “shut up, dude. i know im clumsy and all, but i’m not that stupid” you turned away from him, looking over childe’s shoulder instead to look at the campus map.
“i still don’t get why he’s here. that woman could’ve sent anyone but him” scaramouche said sharply, rubbing his shoulder.
for a clumsy woman, she sure is strong as hell, he thought.
“because i’m her favourite obviously. i mean, who could resist me?” childe said confidently.
“yeah, clearly not because she likes sending you away on useless errands just to get your insufferable ass out of the precint” you snickered, scaramouche slightly smirking at your words.
“whatever. i’m the one helping you two anyways” he pouted. “look, your dorm is over here” he pointed out in the map.
“here are the keys. make sure to update us on leads at the end of the day everyday. i’m sure you both will do great, you guys aren’t the best detectives in the department for nothing, amiright?”
“sure, whatever. you can go now, we can handle it from here” scaramouche said, taking the keys from childe before heading to the dorms.
“thanks again for the help, childe. i owe you one” you turned to him. “uh huh, and that is setting me up with someone from your circle!” childe grinned, placing his hands on his hips. you groaned.
“hell no. i already told you everyone from my circle are either in an established relationship or married. anything but setting you up, go on tinder or something dude” childe pouted, giving you the puppy eyes.
“please y/n! there must be someone, for archon’s sake, please! i’m begging you, i need someone. i swear this will be the only thing i'm asking from you! you owe me one, you said it yourself!” he begged.
“oh my— fine! i’ll try to find someone for you, but no promises that i’ll actually find someone” you huffed. childe screamed, almost girl-like, “ah! thank you so much y/n! you really are the best, i know i can always rely on you!" he hugged you tightly. “ugh, whatever. anything to get you off my back” you patted his shoulders.
“are you two finished? i do not have the time to witness this any longer” scaramouche shouted, a few feet away from you and childe.
“well, that’s my cue. i’ll see you in a couple of months, buddy. make sure to take note on everything that’s happening in the precint. it’d be a good laugh for me once i’m back” you said.
“oh yeah, take care of scara’s cat too. i feel like he’s already told you all about it though” you looked at scaramouche.
“sure did, even gave him miko’s eating schedule and all. also gave him a heads up if anything happens to her” said scaramouche.
“ah, about that… um yeah i’ll be sure to keep in mind” childe sweated. “see you soon y/n, stay safe and keep a low profile. oh! and also...” childe leaned over to your ear.
“check up on him once in a while, would you? ever since what happened last time, he’s always been reluctant to take up on long period undercover missions".
"he’s comfortable with you the most out of all of us, even if you guys are sworn enemies or whatever relationship you two currently got going on” he whispered.
“sure, i guess i’m kinda worried about him too. feels like i should be responsible for all of this” you whispered back.
“anyways! i should get going now, have fun without me and scara” you said, carrying your bags and catching up with scaramouche, who’s waiting with his arms crossed.
“i’ll definitely miss your daily arguments! the precint is gonna be real quiet without you two!” childe shouted. he huffed, looking at you two going off your ways. looks like i have a lot to do, he sighed.
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“well, that’s about all the stuff we brought” you said, wiping off the sweat on your forehead with your sleeve.
“archons, i forgot how tiring uni can be. feels like my bones are about to snap any second” scaramouche groaned, flopping onto the couch.
“when do we start? our classes, i mean” you asked, joining him on the couch.
“on tuesday, that’s in 3 days” he paused, leaning his head back while one of his arms rested on his forehead. “we still have more time to get ready and get to know the campus, meet a couple people, while also keeping an eye out on the perp. what’s the suspect’s name again?” he asked.
“um, name’s viktor, i think” you said, picking up the case file on the coffee table. sitting crossed-legged on the couch, you plopped the file on your lap.
“yup, viktor stepanov. takes psychology and mass communication here. archons, i can’t believe a grad student like him is out brutally killing people left and right” you muttered.
“well, there’s billions of people in teyvat, with different personalities and lives, this wouldn’t come off as shocking to me” scaramouche shrugged, leaning over towards you to look at the file.
“what class did you apply for?” you questioned, looking over at him, who’s a tad bit close to you. personal space much, you thought.
“psychology and criminology, you?” he asked, leaning back to the couch.
“mass communication and criminology, figured it wouldn’t raise much suspicions if i applied for a different class” you said. “same for you, right?”
“yeah” he replied.
it was quiet for a while. you sighed, slouching on the couch. not having crazy and childish banters with scaramouche once in a while sure is peaceful, you thought.
all of those positive thoughts soon vanished away when the short male suddenly speak up.
“dibs on getting in the bathroom first!” he stood up, quickly running off towards the only bathroom in the dorm. you jolted, looking at him from the couch.
“you little shit! i told you i was going in first when we were in the car!” you yelled.
“too bad, better luck next time loser!” he yelled back, before shutting the bathroom door.
you sighed, give me a break, for celestia's sake. you looked over at the clock on the wall. 3.17 pm, you read. i should go take a walk around the campus and get some fresh air, you thought.
who knows, i might make a couple of friends. you stood up, taking your keys, your phone, and some cash, just in case you needed drinks or snacks.
you knocked on the bathroom door.
“scara i’m gonna head out for a while and take a walk, need anything?” you asked. you heard the shower stop and scaramouche’s voice popped up.
“nope. get lost” you almost cursed him. calm down, y/n. “okay, whatever. i’ll be back in an hour or less, text me if you need anything” you said.
not even waiting for his reply, you walked over to the front door and left.
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the campus is awfully quiet for a saturday afternoon. leaves rustling, the fall breezes gently blowing, and a couple of students walking around, chatting away with their friends and partners. it sure has been a while since i last stepped foot in a campus, you thought, briefly reminiscing your uni days from a few years back.
leaning back on the bench, you sighed, taking in the scenic view in front of you. closing your eyes, you tried clearing your mind off.
“ah, hello?” a voice popped up. you opened your eyes, looking over towards the voice. he had dark brown hair, green eyes and wearing a simple t-shirt with sweatpants.
“uh, hi? do you need anything? you asked. he looks fairly familiar, but i can’t pinpoint it.
“oh, nothing! i just saw you alone here and thought i’d say hi” he replied. “are you new here? i don’t think i’ve ever seen you around campus” he continued.
you gave a slight smile. “yeah, just got here an hour ago. the campus is pretty big, isn’t it? looks like i’m gonna get lost for the first few weeks” you chuckled, sparking up the conversation.
“i’m luna” you said, remembering the fake name you made up with scaramouche last night. “what about you?”
“viktor. viktor stepanov. a pleasure to meet you”
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