Winter's King 18
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No tag lists. Do not send asks or DMs about updates. Review my pinned post for guidelines, masterlist, etc.
Warnings: this fic will include dark content such as noncon/dubcon, cheating, violence, and possible untagged elements. My warnings are not exhaustive, enter at your own risk.
This is a dark!fic and explicit. 18+ only. Your media consumption is your own responsibility. Warnings have been given. DO NOT PROCEED if these matters upset you.
Summary: You are a maid to the Duke of Debray, a lord of the Summer Kingdom. That is, until the king of Winter appears with his particular air of coldness. (Medieval AU)
Characters: Geralt of Rivia
Note: It's Friday.
As per usual, I humbly request your thoughts! Reblogs are always appreciated and welcomed, not only do I see them easier but it lets other people see my work. I will do my best to answer all I can. I’m trying to get better at keeping up so thanks everyone for staying with me.
Your feedback will help in this and future works (and WiPs, I haven’t forgotten those!) Please do not just put ‘more’. I will block you.
I love you all immensely. Take care. 💖
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Another day brings you just short of the mountain peak. The pace of the train is ragged as they come to a halt and murmurs crawl up and down the lines. You slump against the frigid wind, nestling your chin into the fur of your cloak as you keep your eyes on Daisy’s neck. You yawn as Bryce reaches over to fix the reins as they almost slip from your grasp. 
“You well, mouse?” He growls. 
You nod. You haven’t spoken much in the last days, not since your first night on the mountain pass. You haven’t known what to say. You know he must have seen the king and yourself, how close you were, and you feel his judgment. You just don’t know how to say it isn’t your want. It would be improper to blame the king. 
“We’re almost there. Castle’s just ahead.” He looks up at the dark shapes soaring through the skies. He pointed out the vultures a while back, inferring there must be carrion near to bring them out. “You’ll have a warm place to lay your head.” 
You hum and offer nothing else. As you think of staying still, your stomach storms as violently as the skies. At least when you have a destination, when you are moving, you can make yourself elusive. Once you’re still, you don’t quite know what you’ll do. 
“Daisy will be relieved to rest, the old beast,” he chuckles, “she’s had quite the campaign.” 
You pet the horse’s mane, your hands mittened in strips of wool the grey soldier wrapped around them. 
“I know what the matter is but if you’re not gonna say it, I won’t neither,” he grumbles. 
You dip your head, hiding under the hood. You come to a halt behind the rest of the party as it stalls completely. You lean and peer over the edge of the horse. 
“Aye, you just wait,” he swings off his horse and lands easily on his feet. The snow dusts up around his tall boots. He comes to help you off the horse, your legs as snugly bound in wool. “We’ll find ya some proper clothes for the road at the castle. You’ll need all your toes.” 
You sigh and cross your arms. You look ahead then behind you. You cough and turn to touch Daisy’s soft neck. 
“I didn’t...” you begin. “I wouldn’t betray the queen. Or the king.” 
He huffs and moves closer, blocking the wind as Daisy nuzzles his shoulder, “I know ya wouldn’t, mouse. Is that why yer so meek? You think I judge you?” 
“What happened--” you voice piques and you nearly choke on it, “sir,” you throw your hands up, “I swear, I didn’t ask for it. The king...” 
“Kings do as they will. It is in their nature, it is their right,” he shrugs, “I am not a naive lad no more. You mightn’t have noticed how my beard matches the sheen of my sword, but I’ve seen many things. The old king... he had a few loves. None of them his wife.” 
“Love? Sir. It was a mistake, surely.” 
He is quiet as he shifts his soles. He turns one way then the other, “do you really believe that?” 
Your heart swells so big your ribs hurt. You cross your arms, hooking your hands over your shoulders. You chew your lip and look up at the tall grey man. 
“I don’t know what to believe. I thought I came to serve the queen. I thought... I don’t know, sir. I don’t. I wouldn’t ever hurt anyone. I wouldn’t want to.” 
“I know it,” he affirms, “you are the gentlest soul I’ve met. Well, since my own wife. Certainly, the king is taken with a summer soul like yours. How could he not be?” 
“Taken?” You utter in horror. “I am a maid. That’s all I am. It’s all I ever needed to be.” You sniffle and bring your hands to the edges of your hood, pushing it back to see him clearer, “sir, it keeps me safe.” 
“It did. It kept you safe when it could but that shield has broken.” 
“And what about you?” You murmur. 
He averts his gaze guiltily, “what the king does behind his own walls, I cannot stop. That night, he was unsafe. He threw caution away. For your sake, I deterred him. Reminded him of his duty.” He shakes his head and frowns at his boots, “you came to serve the king, you said, and that is what he intends.” 
You whimper. How can it be? He is wed. He has beautiful wife. And a throne. And an heir on the way. You’re just the maid. Just a maid. Not... that. 
“So, you would let him?” You challenge, a surge welling up your throat, a heat unlike anything you’ve felt before. 
“I serve the king too,” he mutters. “Though I do care for you, little mouse, how could I not? But I was commanded to see to you. To keep you unbothered. Unsullied.” 
Your legs wobble beneath you and you nearly fold over. You can’t stop the rush of emotion that overcomes you, the fire that burns in your veins and makes your vision bleary. You throw out your arms and shove Bryce. Once, twice, three times. He doesn’t budge, taking each in turn. 
“How dare you, sir! How dare you!” You hit his chest with your fists and collapse into him. “I never wanted it. I don’t. I don’t. I don’t.” 
“I know, sweet mouse, I know,” he curls an arm around you and sways, petting your hood, “you’ve every right to despise me. I will take whatever you have for me.” 
You heave and tamp down a throttling sob, “why, sir, why?” 
“It is... my duty.” 
You hear the strain in his voice, you feel the tremor that rolls through him, and how he clings tightly as if he fears you’ll push him away. You can’t. Even if he's hurt you, he is all you have. 
“I won’t beg forgiveness, I don’t deserve that,” he whispers, “but I’ll always be here for you, mouse, so long as you need.” 
You stay again him, silent and weak. You’re angry. You’ve never felt this sort of way. You’ve never felt as if you could tear your flesh from the bone just to let the tension out. You hate it. You’ve never hated anything but that feeling, you loathe it. It hurts worse than anything you’ve ever known. 
“I’m so sorry, mouse,” he continues to rock you, “so very sorry...” 
You cannot blame your daze for nearly missing the castle right before you. The dark exterior blends into the rock face, set into the side of the mountain so that an untrained eye might not pick it out. The part splits into several streams, those for the stables, some soldiers to keep watch over the pass, and many more waiting to enter the great castle of Vulture’s Peak. 
As if to proclaim their name right, at least a dozen of the long-necked scavengers perch upon the towers. Bryce keeps you close as you keep astride. You peer toward the front of the crowd. The king’s white hair defines him among the bodies. He speaks with several black-garbed soldiers as Jazlene is helped down from the cart. Neither husband or wife acknowledge each other. 
You sit back and hang your head. Bryce breathes in through his nose and clucks, “right. Let’s get you to the queen.” 
You glance over, numb from more than the cold. He dismounts and brings you down to ground level. He fixes your cloak as it opens and lets in the stirring bluster. He finds a post to tie the horses to before he herds you towards the castle. 
You approach with your head down. The queen stands with a hand on her lower back though her bodice remains snug and flat to her unchanged stomach. The fur cloak drapes from her shoulders majestically as she stands with her head high. You stare at the hem of her skirt and await your orders. 
“Let us see to our host,” the king declares as he offers his arm to his queen, a stiff and despondent gesture.  
You keep your eyes down. You would rather wait without. You sense him pausing, looking around, and he turns to face the facade. He huffs. “Right, Sir Bryce, until I give the signal, you will keep all without.” 
“Your highness,” Bryce agrees and moves closer to you. 
King Geralt stalks through the snow with his wife in tow. Her words drift back behind her, “... so bleak. Is this how they receive a king and queen?” 
The king grunts but gives no answer as he pulls her onward, climbing the steps one by one as she slows him with her odd lean back. You turn to Bryce and tuck your chin down. Neither of you have said much since the pass. 
You wait, blowing into your hands and mulling back and forth. A restlessness stirs through the bodies around you, an uncertainty as you await the king’s confirmation. The lull carries on until the sun shifts into a new phase, or rather, the sky changes hue. 
The doors of the castle creak open and a slender woman descends the stairs. Her skin is smooth like polished brass and a similar hue, her hair is a shade of straw and her eyes are an eerie shade of jade. She wears a plain cloak on her shoulders and a square cap on the crown of her head. 
“Lord Vesemir welcomes the king’s company,” she speaks boldly above the din of curious murmurs. “Please come.” 
She beckons with her gloved hand and turns back to the castle. She walks forward without waiting. Bryce tuts, “typical.” He spins and waves, “you heard her, let’s go. Servants to the east, soldiers find your stations, lords and ladies, the west wing.” 
He spins and grabs your arm, ushering you ahead of the scrambling masses. You let him lead you on, though you might have preferred to stay in the gales.  
Inside, the walls are lit with mounted lanterns. The flames glow along the spacious hall and corridors haze amber to each side of you. Bryce keeps you close as he steps out of the way of the flood of bodies. He stops several other soldiers to direct them on how to accommodate the party. 
“Right,” he peers up the central staircase, with posts like spears, and he points you up it. 
“You know this place?” You keep your voice low as you come to the top. 
“Aye, been here now and again,” he says. “Vesemir isn’t the most hospitable. Not beyond a few, but the king does hold a special bond with the old bear.” 
“Oh,” you peer around at the plain tapestries, no patterns, just cut fabric to warm the walls. There is a single marked banner with symbols you do not recognise. 
“Do not fear. He is harmless. He puts on a mean snarl but he isn’t so mean as he pretends,” Bryce explains. 
You nod and skid to a halt in fright. A large bear stands by the wall, arms raised in attack, it’s great teeth bear in a growl. You squeak and knock into the soldier beside you. It’s white fur reminds you of the king’s tresses. 
“Oh, mouse, it’s long dead,” he pats your shoulder and laughs, “Vesemir claims to have killed the beast with his own hands. He doesn’t mention that no sound or wise man would be so far north as to meet a white bear such as this.” 
You gulp and gape at the large beast. 
“Stuffed. It’s hide preserved,” he points as he gets closer to it, unafraid, “when I first came, I had my sword drawn at the sight. It’s a cruel trick by the castle lord.” 
He touches the bear’s large claw and gestures you forward. You move forward and he takes your hand, putting it to the beast’s large paw. You feel the dried pads and shudder. He lets you go but you do not rescind your reach. You feel the fur of the creature, softer than you imagined. 
“Suppose we should get you where you need to be,” he exhales, taking out his sweet leaves to put some in his mouth. 
You pull back and face him. You wait for his guidance and he presses on. He pauses to ask a servant where the queen’s chamber lays. With his answer, you continue on. 
The two guards stand outside the doors. You recognise the one that is often there, with the coppery hair and sparse beards. The other is not familiar to you, though you’ve seen many faces on the road. Bryce nods to them and they let you through. 
“Don’t trouble her maid, she is in sensitive condition,” the orange-haired guard warns. 
“Eh,” Bryce growls, “mind yer business, she’ll mind hers.” 
“Don’t get your hackles up, old man,” the guard scoffs and you stop to look back. 
“In,” Bryce demands and points you through the door. 
You enter and the door closes out the voices, muffled by the barrier as their argument continues. The confrontation is most unexpected. You don’t recall either of the queen’s men ever speaking to you before. Most times, they barely took notice. You’re only happy Bryce was there to bark back at him. 
The queen is at the foot of her bed. She looks unhappy. You glance around the chamber, for a moment expecting the king to be lurking there with her. She is alone, holding her stomach as she breathes slowly. 
“Would you stop staring like a dolt and fetch a pail?” She garbles behind her hand. 
You grab the clean chamber pot from the corner and bring it to her. She seizes it and spits into it, though she hardly spits up more than saliva. She grumbles and shoves it back at you. 
“This place smells like cinder and dust,” she complains as you return the pot to its place. “And the snow is repugnant. To think, I am to be queen of ice. How dull. We should make our thrones in the summer lands.” 
Her gripes ease you. Those are expected, almost a comfort. 
“Hardly matters where I go, does it? The king never comes anyhow,” she whines and lays back across the mattress, “I carry his child and he doesn’t seem to care. Do you know what he said when I told him?” 
You don’t reply. She doesn’t want to hear more than her own voice. 
“He says, ‘see your duty done before you boast,’” she kicks her legs as they hang over the edge, “see it done? I have his seed in me and he is still distant. Will he see his child in my arms then command me see it to adulthood before my duty’s rewarded?” 
You stare at the wall. Her account of the king’s neglect sickens you, so much that you could spit up in the same pot as her. Is it you? Are you the reason he does not tend to her? Perhaps you do deserve her wrath more than you know. You wish in that moment that she would let it out upon you. You have earned any lashing she may give you. 
Though you may not have chosen your path, not as maid, not as traveler, not as the king’s desire, it does not matter. You will pay for the whims of your masters. As Merinda predicted, though not as she might have dreamt it, they have drawn you into great danger. 
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three-croissants · 4 months
Hello everyone,
Every time I text with Mohammed @mohammedayesh something like this happens. This occurred yesterday - bombs were falling near the place he and is family are currently taking shelter. He told me to share this video and these images with you all on his behalf, because his internet is very weak. It is a beyond terrifying experience for him, the way it has been for the past 8 months.
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The night before that, the apartment next to them was bombed. People were martyred. He said they were very lucky to have survived.
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The point is, it is beyond dangerous for them at the moment. He and his family are trying their best to find a better place to take shelter as the occupation forces relentlessly invade and bomb Gaza. I beg you to please help them by donating if you can. They are barely escaping death at all times. The least we could do is help him reach his goal so he can evacuate the moment the Rafah crossing opens again. Thank you to everyone who has supported him so far.
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cod-fishing · 10 months
Thinking about Price being possessive over his boys. Not romantically or sexually (he likes to tell himself), but any time Soap starts chatting about some bear he met in a bar during leave, or Gaz mentions a girl who gave him her number, he can feel himself bristle. He tries to bury it, but it only gets worse after Las Almas, their bonds forged in far too much blood, and he struggles to bite down discouragement for any connection outside their little family.
When soap and ghost finally get together, he can’t figure out which of them he wants to throttle, but the sensation is intense nonetheless. Enough that he can’t stop himself from ordering them to his office and dressing them down so meticulously his old drill Sargent would be proud. They both look defiant. At perfect attention, military perfect in their stance, but fire in both of their eyes. It’s only when Soap, jaw clenched, demands if Price is going to transfer them that the Captain falters.
He sits heavy into his chair, and orders his boys at ease.
“I could never let go of either of you,” he finds himself gritting out through cigar smoke and choking emotions, far too unfiltered, “I just don’t want you boys to get hurt.”
He sees them soften, understanding. Not expecting a real answer, Price asks them their intentions with one another. He doesn’t want either of them to hurt the other, and while he knows they both have hearts of gold, they’ve got a lot of thorns as well. But they talk, and Soap is his usual genuine self and Ghost- Simon, really - is more honest and open than Price has seen him be ever, so…
He says okay. But keep me updated, he says. The good and the bad. They nod, and he assumes he’ll have to pry information out of them, and they move on.
Miraculously, they do keep him updated. Soap comes knocking one day, and Price asks about those reports he sent him off with and Soap says, aye, captain, got those for you, but ah…can I tell you something sweet Ghost did for me today? He’s bursting with joy when Price looks at him properly, and how can he say no to that?
Ghost, too, comes in one day, and asks to speak with the captain. Need some advice, sir. Johnny wants to take me home to his family for the holidays and I’m feeling real conflicted, he says. And they talk it out, fingers playing with the rims of their whiskey glasses. Price gets this feeling in his chest, likes he wants to reach out and trace his fingers somewhere else, but he ignores it.
It keeps happening that way, Price getting deeper and deeper in their relationship. He knows everything about the two together - almost everything. Ghost is on a solo mission one day and soap is moping, and so price pulls him into his office with the intention of getting him plastered and making him go to bed.
Instead, Johnny gets talkative. He should have known.
“God, Price, you wouldn’t believe the things he can do with his mouth. His fingers, too, lord knows where he learned it, but it’s like he took a fucking class on making me cum just from the teasing alone.”
“You’ve heard his voice captain, I mean no wonder I was creaming my pants to be with him so bad, and boy was I right. Downright evil how good it sounds during and early morning shag.”
And, even worse than all that, somehow…
“Well you know me, I like to be the best. So I told him we should start training my throat, so I can actually take his monster cock, the bastard. Did pass out the first time but we’ve been taking it slowly but surely ever since.”
And Price just…he should shut him up, but instead, he just takes it. Just lets the lad ramble about his love, like some lass back at home pinning for her deployed soldier. He hates it, he hates it, he tells himself. But he takes it for Johnny, and for Simon, and for the trust they have put in him.
And when he fists his cock in his quarters later that night, aching from being hard for so long, he can’t help but picture all those filthy things Soap told him.
Maybe, all this time, he was just jealous.
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hwaslayer · 5 months
love you in slow motion (psh) | two.
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♡ spotify playlist | series masterlist ♡
—summary: seonghwa will go through hell and back for you, as long as he can continue to see that smile on your face. because to him, that smile feels like a rainbow after the rain, the warmth of the sun on a winter day. because to him, you’re more than just his bestfriend—you’re love. even though everyone seems to see that except you.
—pairing: park seonghwa x f!reader
—genre: (18+ - minors dni) bestfriends to lovers | fluff, angst, eventual smut
—word count: 7.3k
—chapter warning: cussing/mature language, alcohol consumption and intoxication, some drunk crying lol, yacking, lil inkling of jealousy, overthinking and burying feelings, more seonghwa x oc dynamic
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—a/n: hi hi! hope you guys enjoy this update! the next two updates will be quite lengthy lol stay tuned! if you need a lil something fun, i posted after hours last weekend!
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"You know, Y/N. One day, you should sit down and eat with me. I'll pay for everything. It'll be a nice little date." The old man who is a regular at the restaurant smiles up at you while you switch his empty cup with a newly refilled cup of beer. 
"Sure, but you know, my boss is also my cousin. I could always ask her for free food if I wanted it. Wouldn't a date be nicer somewhere else?" You laugh and nod, giving him a wink before walking off. "Mr. Ong asked me out on another date."
"Ou, to our restaurant? How sweet of him. Maybe one day you should actually sit down and eat with him."
"I'm not looking for a sugar daddy, Soyeon."
"He probably just needs company, you weirdo." She laughs. "Aye, might be nice, though. You never know until you try." You roll your eyes. "Unless.."
"Unless, what?"
"Someone else has your heart." Soyeon nudges you behind the counter as you two work on packing some to-go orders.
"Who is someone else?" 
"You know, only your bestfriend of 16 years who does everything and anything for you." Soyeon giggles. But, before she can even indulge in her own little fantasy she's trying to project on you, Seonghwa walks through the front door— black, wavy hair messily framing his head. "Speak of the devil." You glare at her and roll her eyes while she continues to giggle loudly next to you.
"I can't fucking believe you."
"What?!" You look up at Seonghwa and give him a nod. "Hwa! Our favorite person ever."
"Hey." He smiles at Soyeon, giving Junseo a wave as he helps Yoongi in the kitchen.
"What're you doing here?"
"Thought I'd pick you up for Sannie's thing." He looks at you.
"Aw, Hwa. I told you I was okay taking bus."
"I was already in the area." He sits at the bar, watching as you continue to pack the remaining orders. 
"Want anything?" Soyeon asks, making Hwa shake his head in response.
"I'm good, thanks."
"You should get going so you can meet up with everyone on time." Soyeon nudges you.
"Let me give Mr. Ong his check and direct him your way before I go." You grab a new batch of dried squid with the check, pacing over to Mr. Ong with a huge smile on your face. "My dear, I have some bad news. I'm off for the night. Here's a refill of your dried squid and the check. Just pay with Soyeon at the front, okay?" He frowns and playfully protests.
"You can't go that early! What am I supposed to do when my favorite is gone?!" 
"Oh, I know. It's a tragedy. I'm so sorry, Mr. Ong. I'll see you next time!" You give him a sweet smile before walking to the back and hanging up your apron. "Soyeon will take great care of you!"
"I sure will, Mr. Ong. What else do you need?" He continues to playfully protest and partake in cute banter with Soyeon, even as you grab your things and walk out the door with Seonghwa.
"Really got the hots for you. Gonna let him take you out on a date?" Seonghwa adds as he leads the way to his parked car up the street.
"Well, just so you know, he actually did ask me on a date today. For the umpteenth time. He offered to pay for my dinner at the restaurant." You giggle as you step into the passenger's seat of Hwa's car. You always commend Hwa for being so clean and tidy, his car always in pristine condition like a new car would be. You especially love the air freshener that sits on his rear view mirror, Seonghwa always making sure to hang a new one to keep the fragrance alive.
"How sweet of him." He chuckles. "How was work otherwise?"
"Good. Busy." You let out a breath.
"Not too tired to go?"
"Never! I need to see Sannie, are you kidding?"
"I'm just giving you some options." He says, pulling away from the curb to begin the trek over to the bar.
"Thanks, Hwa. I'm perfectly fine and excited." You clap your hands in excitement.
"I think they're all already there."
"They're just waiting for us?"
"Can't wait. I can't believe he went MIA when he was in Barcelona."
"I mean, we heard from him every now and then, but yeah." Seonghwa licks his lips, eyes focused on the road in front of him. "Guess he really wanted to focus on his program. Plus, I'm sure he was just basking in the new environment. Being in a new country and taking it all in."
"Good for him. I strive to be that way."
"Long way to go." You playfully smack him on the arm, making him give off a small yelp.
"I'm glad he did that, though. You don't normally find yourself in a situation like that all the time." Seonghwa nods.
"Yeah. I agree." You rest your head back against the headrest, giving yourself a moment to rest before the chaos begins. Before you could even get a few seconds of peace, Seonghwa is turning at a corner, instantly pulling into a free spot on the street.
"Mind if we walk a bit? I don't think we'll find anything closer to the bar."
"Sure. If I get wasted, it's on you to carry me." You unbuckle your seatbelt and hop out of the car while Seonghwa follows suit.
"Hell no."
"So what, are you just gonna leave me?"
"Yeah." He says nonchalantly, walking ahead of you.
"You're so mean to me." You pout, making Seonghwa look down at you once you finally catch up to his side.
"Am I? Even though I lose sleep to save you from your shitty ex-boyfriend?"
"Hey, I was just kidding." He laughs. "It's not funny. Are you sick of me?"
"Y/N, please."
"Seonghwa, are you sick of me? Cause if you are, then I am too!" You tug on his arm and he shakes his head. 
"We wouldn't be in each other's lives for this long if I was." He scoffs. "Besides, what the hell have I done to make you sick of me?"
"I thought so. Don't get me started." You playfully attempt to smack him on the arm. At this point, the two of you have finally reached the entrance to the bar, Wooyoung being the first to spot you walking over.
"Baby girl and her grumpy bodyguard are here!" He yells, waving you two over. You call out Wooyoung and Hongjoong's name while waving happily, but the individual next to them causes you to pause and almost short-circuit.
Because what do you mean that's Choi San?
You gasp when you finally process that it's San standing next to Wooyoung, his cheeks a rose-tinted color as he fiddles with his hands. He's nervous seeing you for the first time in years, hoping you'd still be the same around him like before.
"Sannie!" You scream, running into San's arms and allowing him to swing you around. When he puts you down, he gets a good look at your face and smiles, sending those butterflies loose in your stomach.
He definitely changed over the years.
It's been about three years since you all graduated, and since you last saw San. Once graduation was over, he felt the need to travel and explore, eventually stumbling into an Art and Architecture program in Barcelona. That's where he spent a majority of his years abroad before coming back home.
To you, your friends, his family.
The familiar.
But the last time you saw San, he was a super sweet, awkward guy who experimented with hair colors and lacked consistency with the gym [even though he said he wanted to be better about a million times]. In reality though, he didn't think too much about his physical appearance and wasn't big on dressing up, was glued to his games and his shiba pillow pet named Shiber— even after graduation.
Now, he stands in front of you— a nice fitting black tee tucked into some dress pants and boots, brow slits, black hair slicked back with strands falling to his face, buff as shit in all the right places. You still smell his cologne lingering on you, on your hair, even as your eyes continue to glaze over his body.
"Wow, you look.. different." You accidentally let out while letting your eyes linger. He chuckles, showing off his deep dimples.
"What is that supposed to mean? I haven't seen you in about three years and that's the first thing you say?" He teases, pulling you into another tight hug, your cheek pressed against his chest while Seonghwa furrows his brows. Because what the fuck is he watching right now? It's so easy to tell when you're feeling some type of way, even if you won't admit it.
"Sorry, I meant that in a good way." You look up at him and playfully tap his chest. "I'm happy you're back home. It's been too long."
"I am, too." Seonghwa clears his throat, breaking the weird, flirty silence between the two of you.
"Can we go inside?" Seonghwa chimes in, looking at anyone for some sort of agreement.
"Okaaaaay!" Wooyoung says, clapping his hands awkwardly. "You didn't have to make it so fucking weird, Mr. Grumpygills." He and Hongjoong snort while they begin to walk into the bar, Hwa's hand coming up to smack Wooyoung on the back of his neck. "Ouch, what the fuck! Joongie laughed too." He whines.
"Shut up."
"I can't wait to hear your stories about Barcelona!" You link your arm with San's as you two trail behind and begin to talk about how he's been lately. Wooyoung, Hongjoong and Seonghwa slide in first before you and San follow suit into the booth.
"Somebody order before he loses his shit watching this." Hongjoong mumbles, eyeing the happy hour menu.
"Tequila? Soju?" Wooyoung yells, already calling the server over. "Both? Fuck it. Seonghwa looks like he needs it anyway."
"I will personally toss your ass out of this bar myself." Seonghwa says under his breath, glaring at Wooyoung before returning his attention to the menu. After a few moments of peace and silence, Hongjoong takes initiative to order for the booth— making sure to include everyone's wants and wishes before thanking the server with a smile and a curt nod.
The soju bottles come out first, and you immediately crack them open to get the party started. You line up all of the shot glasses and start pouring [heavily], passing it onto the boys for them to join you.
"Goodness." Hongjoong says, carefully lifting his shot glass filled to the brim. "Y/N, I love you, but we have all night, you know?"
"Exactly, Joongie! More time to get in more shots!"
"Yeah, that's the spirit babygirl! Don't worry about the grandpas!" Wooyoung yells along, tapping his glass against yours. "Sannie's back!" San shyly laughs, saying a few words along the lines of 'thank you' and 'i missed you guys a lot.' Everyone taps their glasses once more before downing their shots, with you wasting no time to pour the next round.
But the next round becomes the third, the fifth, maybe seventh, tenth? You aren't really sure when it's mainly you, San and Wooyoung taking the shots and requesting bottle after bottle. At some point, the empty bottles are gathered in the middle of the table and Seonghwa is having to play tetris to make the food fit.
"I need to pee. I'll be back."
"Are you good to go by yourself?" Wooyoung questions. "I can stand outside in the hallway until you're done."
"I'm good, I promise!" You slip out of the booth once San has slipped out of the way at the end, taking a moment to get your balance together since the world seems to be spinning a lot more than usual right now.
"Wow, I think I'm drunk." Wooyoung laughs as he plops back down onto the seat.
"Saaaame." San burps a bit before picking at the calamari sitting in front of him. "Y/N's fun. I forgot how fun she is."
"She is." Wooyoung smiles. "That's babygirl."
"Babygirl? Is this a new nickname we're calling her?"
"It's a nickname I'm calling her and Hwa hates it." Wooyoung giggles when he eyes Seonghwa next to him.
"It's just weird."
"Not! You're just mad you can't come up with a cuter nickname for your bestfriend."
"I don't need to." Seonghwa continues to eat, brushing off Wooyoung's drunk teasing.
"Did you guys come from work today?" Hongjoong shifts the topic as he munches on some of the food, hearing the slight annoyance in Seonghwa's tone.
"Yeah. Picked up Y/N on the way over."
"When are Soyeon and Junseo leaving for Japan?"
"In a few days." Wooyoung gasps.
"Does that mean we'll get to see Chacha?!"
"That's right, I never met Charli." San says, cheeks flushed completely to red now that he's 100% drunk.
"She's cute." Seonghwa smiles a bit. "But yeah, Soyeon asked Y/N to take charge in watching Chacha since Yaya's knees have been bothering her." Hongjoong nods.
"She's really cute, dude. She turned three not too long ago." Wooyoung shows San a picture. 
"She's so cute." San laughs at the pictures of Charli.
"I'm back!" You announce, the boys at the end slipping out of the booth to let you get back inside. "What're you guys looking at?"
"Chacha." You smile.
"Aw yeah, Charli! You haven't met her. She'd love you." You look at San.
"Can't wait. She's super cute."
"She's stuck to this one the most, though." You point at Seonghwa. "All she does is cry for Hwa." You pour yourself another shot.
"He's no fun, though." Wooyoung pokes fun and pouts at Seonghwa.
"It's cause mentally, you're the same age as Charli. Of course you relate the most."
"Aye." Wooyoung flips him off while laughing. "Fuck you."
"Am I wrong?" Seonghwa smirks.
"Is she just gonna stay with Yaya when she doesn't have preschool? She only goes three days, right?" Hongjoong asks.
"Yeah, but I'm not sure." You reach across to grab some food, getting in Seonghwa's way. "I know Yaya won't mind, but I might just bring her along to the restaurant. She can color or something. Our regulars don't mind keeping her company, too."
"But, she'll be sleeping with me and everything." You say with a slightly full mouth. You feel Seonghwa accidentally nudge you while grabbing a chicken wing, making your drunk ass glare back at him just as you roughly nudge him. He mumbles a quick 'stop' as he nudges you again, making you respond with an even more aggressive nudge that has him moving in his seat. The childish back and forth has Hongjoong confused, eyes peering over the edge of his phone while he watches the interaction mid-text. "You stop." You groan.
"Seriously?" Hongjoong asks, sometimes unsure how you two have dealt with each other for this long.
"He elbowed me first." You drunkly respond, that last shot of soju finally settling in.
"It was an accident. I was trying to grab food." Seonghwa gives you a look. It's gonna be a long night. "Eat more. Drunk ass." Seonghwa drops a wing onto your plate before continuing to pick at his food.
"No." You pout and he furrows his brows.
"Fine, suit yourself. You're gonna be mad you didn't." He watches as you reach over to grab the soju bottle and pour Wooyoung and San another shot.
"Don't be a killjoy, Hwa. Sannie is back, doesn't that mean anything to you?" You whine, your doe-eyes peering up at him as he eats. He doesn't respond, nor does he keep eye contact with you for long because he can't stand it when you look at him like that. 
"I'm driving, remember?" He raises a brow. 
"Right." You giggle. "I'll take another on your behalf then." You shrug and take one last shot of soju right after San and Wooyoung take their shots.
"She's gonna yack tonight." Hongjoong says while puckering his lips, keeping his eyes glued to his phone.
"Yeah, probably." Seonghwa nonchalantly munches on a mozzarella stick.
"Am! Not!" You direct your response to Hongjoong, but before you can go on and defend yourself even more, a loud scream erupts when the DJ starts to play one of your favorite songs.
"Who wants to dance?!" Wooyoung yells loudly as he stands at the booth, San already ready to make his way to the dance floor. "Babygirl sure does!" San grabs your hand and leads the way, with Wooyoung pushing Hongjoong out of the booth to follow along. "You two coming?" He asks just as Hongjoong and Seonghwa shake their head, leaving him to nod and find you and San on the floor.
"Looks like those two are gonna get extra close again now that he's back for good." Hongjoong takes a turn teasing Seonghwa, knowing the flirty interaction from earlier in the night is still irking the living daylight out of him.
"Mm, maybe." Seonghwa continues to chomp on his food while avoiding eye contact.
"Wow, they're dancing awfully close like that together." Hongjoong lies, watching as Seonghwa's eyes suddenly dart to the dance floor ahead. He tries not to make it obvious but my god, is he hoping that you and San aren't dancing up on each other and are leaving room for the Holy Spirit instead. "See, you're full of shit."
"Dude, fuck off. Why is everyone on my ass about this today?"
"Maybe cause you should do something about it."
"If she wants to date San, then she should go for it. Can't tell her who she can or can't date."
"You're right, by all means. But I'm telling you to be fucking real with yourself." Seonghwa rolls his eyes and shakes his head before looking back out to the dance floor. He's a little irritated that he's had to hear this not once, but twice in one day— though, he knows his boys are only looking out for him and telling him the truth. For some reason, he just can't think about it right now. He refuses to, mainly out of fear. He doesn't want this to consume him, to change things without him even realizing.
He wants you, but he'll have you the way the universe will allow him to have you.
After you, Wooyoung and San are done dancing [a very long hour or so afterwards], the group decides to call it a night shortly after. You're still drunk as hell, and Seonghwa doesn't even know how he's gonna get you home without creating chaos at this time of night. He just hopes he can at least get you to bed in one piece.
At least you're not running off to Mingi.
"I had so much fun!" You giggle. "Choi San." You tap his chest before hugging him. "I'm so glad you're back."
"I am, too."
"We have to hang out more now that you're back. T-to make up for lost—" You hiccup. "—time."
"That sounds good with me." You smile at him before hugging Wooyoung and Hongjoong.
"I mean it!"
"I know, I do too!" He laughs.
"Hwa get home safely, please." Joong says before grabbing at Wooyoung's shirt just as he's about to run to the water fountain nearby. "No, you're not going to the fountain."
"I just wanna make a wish and toss a coin in there! I'm not gonna dive in!" Wooyoung whines while San laughs loudly. "Why are you being like that!" He continues on.
"You too!" Seonghwa calls out, picking up his pace when he realizes you've already started walking off. "Shit." He mumbles to himself.
"Wooooooo!" You skip happily as you and Seonghwa walk down the street to his car. You stumble on your feet a bit that he has to grab your wrist and pull you back towards him before you end up on the busy street where cars are constantly driving up and down.
"Y/N, be careful." He says, almost whining that you can't just stay still next to him.
"Hwa, I'm fine."
"Are you?"
"Y-yes!" You giggle and pose as if he's taking a picture, only to lose your balance and stumble on your feet again. You laugh though, and it makes Seonghwa chuckle a bit when he grabs your arm and holds you close.
"Okay, yeah. You're right! Perfectly fine." He lies just so you're satisfied.
"Aw, see. I told you so." You scrunch your nose at him and continue to let him guide you to the car. "Hwa." You tug on his arm.
"Sannie is so cute." You pout. "He is so, so cute. I m-mean." You hiccup. "He's always been cute but he's so attractive now. Like prince charming." You say ever so smitten, and it makes Seonghwa wanna silently scream and punch the air right now. "Isn't he?!"
"Do you think he'd like me? We're just friends and he probably just—" You hiccup again. "Just sees me as a friend."
"I think he would."
"You're not just saying that because you're my bestfriend, right? You can tell me the truth. You hate Mingi and you tell me all the time."
"I always tell you the truth." He chuckles. "And I do hate Mingi. That has never changed. He's an asshole and doesn't treat you right."
"Would San treat me right? Would you like him? We've all been friends so you know him." Seonghwa sighs.
"He would. He's a really good guy."
"I knooooow." You pout. "But he wouldn't like me."
"He would."
"Would he actually?"
"Why not? You're beautiful inside and out, smart, funny. Fun to be around. You're a headache at times, but everything about you is worth it." He almost mumbles the last part hoping you wouldn't catch it. You do, but it doesn't bother Seonghwa as much knowing you won't remember shit tomorrow.
"Aw, pichu." You stop and look at him while he unlocks his car and swings the passenger door open for you. "You really mean that?" Your bottom lip looks like it's trembling and Seonghwa can't help but furrow his brows in confusion at you.
"Are you gonna cry?"
"Yeah." Your bottom lip pokes out even more and you actually do start crying. 
"That wasn't meant to make you cry, Y/N. I'm just answering your question." He laughs as he wipes your tears, but you continue to cry, even as you drunkly plop onto the passenger's seat.
"It was so sweet, you're always so good to me. Sometimes." You sniff. "Well all the time. I feel like I don't deserve you."
"Don't say that."
"It's true."
"It's not, or else I wouldn't be here, right?" He looks at you just as he finishes buckling your seatbelt.
"Did you know?" You giggle with glazed, hooded eyes. "I wanted to marry you at some point. I couldn't see anyone else in my life the same way that I saw you and thought I'd end up marrying you." You snort and laugh loudly. "Kinda crazy isn't it? We would never date though so how could that even happen?" Seonghwa can't help but continue to look at you, even though at this point you've shut your eyes and started to lean back against the seat.
"Hm." Seonghwa hums. "I wouldn't say never."
"You're my bestfriend. We can't break up, remember? Ever. If we date, then ultimately we could get tired of each other and break up. A-and hate each other. It'll kill me." You mumble. "Even though I love you, I really, really love you, we promised not to break up or go there."
"Yeah." Seonghwa's heart shatters, the pieces falling to the pits of his stomach.
"Listen, even though I have this crush on Sannie, or I think I do, I don't know—" You giggle again as you tap his arm. "I want you to know that I'll always love you more than anyone or anything. Okay? You're always first!" Your eyes pop open to look at him. "My heart belongs to you and only you, Park Seonghwa!" You laugh and point at him cutely, shutting your eyes again to finally try and sleep this off. 
"I love you, too." Seonghwa mutters as he drives off, but you're already sound asleep in the seat— head leaning near the window. He's not sure what to feel right now, and he'll probably never bring this up for your sake. He'll never bring it up though the thought will consume him.
But, did you really mean it? All of it?
He's hoping yes, but what is that gonna do for him? You're drunk. You won't remember this. He won't bring it up. Does this mean it's actually time for him to be honest before it's too late? Before San can sweep you off your feet for good and Seonghwa never gets the chance to tell you how much he truly loves you and adores you?
Before he just has to sit back and bury his feelings for good? All because he decided he couldn't tell you?
He'd hate to say you were the one that got away, especially when a whole new door just opened in front of his eyes. It's just a matter of him taking those steps.
Why do things have to be so complicated?
When he gets to your house, Yaya is sound asleep and all the lights are off. Seonghwa makes sure to open the side door and the door to your suite before coming back to his car to quietly unbuckle your seatbelt and carry you to your bed. You whimper and make a small noise when he lifts you, and he gently shushes you back to sleep— reassuring you that he was putting you to bed and that he'd be around if you needed him.
He lays you down, taking off your shoes and setting them aside before grabbing some clean clothes for you to change into later. He knows you'll probably get up in the middle of the night, especially with how drunk you were. He sets a glass of water near your bed side and places the trash can next to you just in case, before shutting all the curtains and changing into comfier clothes himself [the perks of you wearing his clothes home]. He lays down on your couch and throws the extra blanket over his body, taking a moment to scroll through his phone and text the boys before attempting to get some sleep.
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You do end up yacking that night, and it's not as slick as you had liked.
You abruptly woke up, suddenly feeling warm and like you needed some sort of release, feet quickly padding to the bathroom that you didn't notice Seonghwa asleep on your couch. You shut the door to the bathroom and instantly vomit into the bowl— all the alcohol and things you've eaten coming right back up. Seonghwa is already awake, though. He heard you shuffling over to the bathroom and knows exactly what's happening behind the door. He lets out a breath while walking to the bathroom, finding you head first into the toilet. He gently gathers your hair and pulls it back, rubbing your back as you let out another round into the bowl before flushing it away.
"Fuck." You say. "Really do regret not eating more." You spit into the bowl before flushing it once more and stand to wash up.
"Figured." Seonghwa smirks with a little chuckle. "You alright?" You nod as you begin to brush your teeth and get loads of mouthwash ready.
"I think I'll be okay now. I feel a bit better even though I'm kinda dizzy still." You look at him through your bathroom mirror. "Were you here the entire time?" Seonghwa yawns and nods as he leans against the door frame.
"Took your little drunk ass home and stayed here just in case."
"How many hours ago did we get home?"
"Probably like 2 or 3."
"How drunk was I?"
"Drunk enough."
"I didn't say stupid shit, did I?" You spit out the mouth wash and start to make your way outside to change into comfier clothes, still feeling disoriented.
"No, but you did manage to be all up on San." You gasp and cover your mouth, Seonghwa laughing as he plops back down onto your couch.
"The fuck, Seonghwa! Don't lie!" You smack him on the shoulder.
"I'm kidding. Kinda. You were dancing with him and Wooyoung, and you wouldn't stop talking about how cute he was." You start changing in the bathroom with the door open, listening to him go on about that.
"Did he hear?"
"No, you were still being a flirt though."
"Fucking christ." You mumble, hand to your forehead at the dull headache now present post-yack session. "No, I'm not thinking about this now." You lay back down and toss the sheets over your body. "Are you sure you're okay to sleep there?"
"Mhm. Not like I haven't before."
"We've also shared a bed without issues." Seonghwa pauses, swallowing the lump in his throat. Can he really share a bed with you the same way he used to? Especially after you just blurted out that your heart belonged to him? Whether it was the truth, or for shits and giggles— he can't just share a bed with you and keep his distance.
You fucking blurted out the L word.
You said you loved him; really, really loved him.
"It's okay. You should rest comfortably. You need it more than I do." You hum as you sink into your sheets and let the warmth envelope you. Seonghwa lets out a quiet sigh before returning his attention to his phone, waiting for the drowsiness to hit him again. His groupchat with the boys still seems to be active, so he scrolls through to catch up on the texts:
[hongjoong]: just got home after dropping these punks off
[hongjoong]: can't believe woo and san convinced me to go to another bar
[hongjoong]: hwa did you and y/n make it home okay?
[wooyoung]: did y/n yack her brains out? cause babygirl was drunk drunk
[san]: you guys, speaking of her
[san]: y/n is so fucking cute, i missed her a lot
[san]: she's really not seeing anyone right? because she's so pretty
[san]: maybe she'll finally give me a chance lol
[hongjoong]: you're drunk. sleep it off? lol
[san]: no i really mean it ☹️ she rarely paid attention to me before..
[hongjoong]: what are you talking about, she was always with us lol you guys always hung out??
[hongjoong]: please go to sleep
[wooyoung]: u better ask bodyguard seonghwa first, he might drop kick that ass
[san]: shit hwa i'm sorry, am i overstepping here??
Seonghwa is annoyed and he's irritated, but he won't say it. And he won't take it out on San because it's not his fault. It's not anyone's fault but Seonghwa's own. He chooses to keep this to himself and not do anything about it, so can he really mope around and sulk? You weren't his to claim. It was free game, and if it's gonna be anyone, he would want it to be San. Seonghwa would ultimately support you and San if it ever went down that route. That way, you wouldn't keep hurting yourself over Song Mingi, too.
Despite adoring you and loving you to bits, all he wants is for you to be genuinely happy. That's the most important thing here.
[seonghwa]: don't listen to wooyoung's dumbass, you don't needa tell me or ask me anything. y/n is her own person
[seonghwa]: and yeah joong we're fine
[seonghwa]: she did throw up but shes asleep now
[seonghwa]: i'm gonna take my exit, tired as hell
He sets his phone aside, turning inwards on the couch to try and catch some shut-eye. Though, he feels like at this point, he's probably not gonna have the best rest. He manages to fall asleep for the next couple of hours, tossing and turning every now and then until he finally decides to just call it quits and start his day. He washes up and tries to make himself look a little more presentable after the long night of tossing and turning. He folds the blankets and sets them aside, happy to see that you're still sound asleep deep under your covers. He grabs his keys and phone, deciding to make a run for some pho to bring back and share with you.
"Seonghwa." Yaya says as she waters her flowers in the garden. "You're here." She smiles.
"Mhm." He gestures towards your suite. "Brought her home after we all went out last night for San."
"Oh, that handsome boy. I'm so happy to hear he's back home." She stands and places her hand on her hip. "Was she okay?"
"Yeah, just drank quite a bit. She's okay though. Promise." Seonghwa smiles sweetly. "I'm gonna grab us some food before she wakes up."
"You're the sweetest boy I know." She cups his cheek.
"Do you need anything while I'm out, Yaya?" He asks as he's about to head out of the backyard's side door.
"No, Soyeon, Junseo and Charli are coming over soon. You're gonna be here, right? Charli would be so sad if she missed you."
"Yeah, I'll be here." He chuckles. "Be back." 
With that, Seonghwa heads off to the small Vietnamese restaurant that you, your family and his family have come to love. It's a bit of a drive from your place, but he doesn't mind. The restaurant is owned by a lovely middle-aged couple who has seen you and Seonghwa grow since your high school years. When Seonghwa calls, they know his voice— immediately starting on his order before he could say anything and asking for him to swing by as soon as possible so they can see him.
So, that's what he does.
He sees them as soon as possible, walking into the store with a huge smile on his face while Mr. and Mrs. Dao happily wave him over with a huge bag of food nearby on the counter. He stands near the counter to engage in small talk for a bit, giving them cash with extra tip for all the good food they've packed for him [and you].
"Where is our girl?" Mrs. Dao asks, tying the knot securely on the bag.
"Asleep and hungover." She laughs, handing the bag over. "Gotta make sure she gets some food in her system."
"That's sweet of you." She smiles at him. 
"How's your family? How's Y/N and hers?" Mr. Dao asks him, wiping his hand on his apron.
"They're all good. I'll tell them you guys said hello." They nod.
"I packed some spring rolls and extra peanut sauce in there. I know those are her favorite." Mrs. Dao whispers.
"Thank you." Seonghwa winks before waving one last time and walking out of the door. 
As promised, when he arrives, Soyeon, Junseo and Charli are over. Seonghwa steps out of his car with the bag of food, a screaming Charli running towards him from down the hallway. She barrels through her own mom and dad to get to him quickly, with Seonghwa having to set the bag on the island counter down to appropriately welcome her into his arms and swing her around.
"Uncle Hwa! Uncle Hwa!" She screams repeatedly.
"Charli, please. You don't have to scream." Soyeon chuckles a bit.
"Chacha." Seonghwa taps the tip of her nose before she giggles and snuggles her head into the crook of his neck. "I missed you. Where have you been?" He asks teasingly.
"Preschool! With friends!"
"Aw, you've been making friends? That's good." 
"Hwa, don't let that child lie to you." Soyeon adds. "She's so mean and sassy. There was this kid who wanted to sit next to her and she kicked her foot out so he wouldn't." Junseo laughs.
"Wonder who she gets that attitude from?" Junseo chimes in.
"Can't forget that one time we took her to the park and another kid wanted to play with her, but Chacha held up a stick so they wouldn't get close to her." Seonghwa laughs at Junseo's story before he rubs at Charli's back.
"Aw pea, you can't do that."
"I don't!"
"Mhm. Now she wants to act all sweet and innocent cause you're here." Soyeon crosses her arm and nods at the bag. "Long night for Y/N, I'm assuming."
"You could say that." He continues to hold Charli against his hip while grabbing at the bag. "Hey, let's go wake up Auntie Y/N?" She happily nods as Seonghwa walks off to the suite. As expected, you're still deep under your covers, messy hair the only thing peeking out from under. "Go wake her up, Chacha." He says lowly, putting her down so that she can run to the bed and wake you [rather aggressively].
"Titi Y/N! Titi Y/N! Wakey wakey!" Seonghwa chuckles to himself as he sets the food out on your coffee table, grabbing two bowls for you both. 
"Oh my god, Chacha. Please." You groggily say as she bounces on your bed. "How are you even in here right now?"
"Uncle Hwa! He has food so you need to eat now." You would've thought she was grown with that attitude, you think. You chuckle as you rub at your eyes and sit up, giving your niece a proper bear hug and cuddle.
"Thank you, pea." You give her a kiss on the side of the head before you get up to wash up and get yourself ready for the day. Once you've freshen up, you do feel a bit better, though your tummy still feels unsettled so Seonghwa's timing is perfect.
Like always.
You plop next to him on the floor, while Chacha welcomes herself on his criss-crossed lap. He pushes the container of spring rolls and the huge bowl of pho towards you since he's already had his first helping, eyes glued on your TV even though it's just the Secret Life of Pets [probably by Chacha's choosing].
"Thank you, Hwa." His big eyes dart to you before he gives you a small smile and slurps his noodles.
"Course." He feeds some to Chacha when she politely asks for a bite. "You feeling okay?"
"Yeah, a bit. This will help majorly." You slurp the soup.
"Chacha! Let's go! I told you we were only stopping by for a bit!" Soyeon calls from outside.
"No, mama! I wanna stay with Auntie Y/N and Uncle Hwa." She whines loudly, on the verge of an actual breakdown as she stands in between you two.
"Hey Chacha, remember? We're gonna spend some time together soon while mama and papa are away." You pull her close to you and brush the hair out of her face. "Just me and you. Uncle Hwa too." She nods, a tear falling from her eye as she pouts. Seonghwa has to look away because he's finding that the more he's fixated on this scene, the more he imagines a future like this with you. 
And he can't do that to himself.
"Okay." She mumbles with the pout still on her face. You continue to brush her hair back and wipe the straggling tears before standing. 
"Say bye to Uncle Hwa." You dust down your clothes as Charli throws her hands around his neck for a tight hug.
"Bye cutiepie." She giggles before taking your hand and meeting her mom and dad outside in the backyard.
"Swear, she's so stuck on Seonghwa." You laugh and hug Junseo.
"Can't blame her." 
"Well, good to know you're alive. And not at Mingi's." You roll your eyes.
"Always ruining the moment. Leave." Soyeon sticks her tongue out and waves.
"I'll call you later to talk more about the trip. Gotta prepare!" She says in an excited tone, one where you can't help but laugh a bit and shake your head.
"Yeah, whatever. I'm charging you double this time." You call out before giving one last wave and heading back into your suite. Seonghwa is still seated on the ground, but he's drinking water and has his bowl pushed aside. "You're not gonna eat more?"
"No, go for it. It's mainly yours. Mrs. Dao gave you spring rolls and extra peanut sauce on the house."
"Aw, I love her. She's so sweet." You take a bite into one. "What're you gonna do today?" He shrugs.
"Probably hang out at Joong's or San's." He looks at you. "Why?"
"Can I come?"
"Why not?" You whine playfully, knowing you don't actually wanna join their weird little boy party.
"Because all you're gonna do is flirt with San and we have important business to take care of." You snort and laugh loudly.
"No I'm not! And important business? Like fucking yelling at each other during a game of FIFA?"
"Right." You roll your eyes. "I'm kidding, I don't wanna join in your sad little no girls allowed party."
"Girls are allowed." He smirks. "Just not you."
"You really are such a dick to me sometimes." He laughs, blocking the pillow from hitting his face.
"What, and you aren't a brat to me?"
"I beg to differ."
"If only you knew." He snorts, pinching your cheek. "I'm just joking, you know I am. You're always welcome to come."
"No, I really don't wanna go. Was just teasing." You finish up your food.
"What're you gonna do then?"
"Work at the restaurant and serve some middle-aged men their beer and food while they ogle at me." You joke and he winces.
"Mmkay well, have fun with that." Seonghwa stands and cleans up his trash before wiping your table down thoroughly. "Make sure to invite me to the wedding or else I'll be pissed."
"You're full of shit, Hwa." He groans when he sees a drop of peanut sauce land onto the surface that he's just cleaned. "Oops."
"I swear to God." He sighs, cleaning it again before shaking his head.
"You love me."
"I beg to differ." He mocks you just as he washes his hands and stretches. "Alright, well I'm out. Get some more rest before you head to the restaurant, you look kinda torn up." He ruffles your hair, causing you to smack his hand away and flip him off.
"Fuck you, get out." He chuckles as he heads out the door and leaves you to your peace.
When Seonghwa gets to his place, he manages to tidy up a bit, shower and throw on some fresh clothes before calling Hongjoong to see what the consensus was for the meeting place. Hongjoong ends up telling him that they're all on their way to San's, giving Seonghwa the green light to head over as well. 
On his way over, he tries to push his thoughts to the back of his mind. He tries his hardest not to overthink, not to focus too much on all the stuff that's happened.
The stuff you said.
He knows it's probably just you being drunk and babbling all this mess, especially now that you're finding interest in San. But as with everyone says, the drunk mind speaks sober thoughts. 
Was there some kind of truth to it?
Did you really see him that way at some point?
Is there a part of you that still feels that way?
"What's wrong with you?" Seonghwa looks at Wooyoung in slight disgust as he steps aside and lets him in. 
"Nothing. Just didn't wanna see you first."
"You're an asshole." Wooyoung laughs. "How does Y/N deal with you? She's so sweet and fun, everything you're not—" Hwa smacks him upside the head. "Ow, see!" Wooyoung continues to complain.
"Speaking of her, how's Y/N?" San eagerly asks as he sits next to Hongjoong on the couch, continuing his journey on Final Fantasy 7 Rebirth.
"All of a sudden." Hongjoong snorts.
"She's good. Recovering from her night, I guess. She's going to work soon."
"Mm. Glad she survived."
"What have you guys been up to?" Seonghwa plops onto the beanbag and scrolls through his phone, finally letting out a breath of relief after his night. At least he could relax and chill out here.
"Just hanging out. Trying to figure out what to eat." Hongjoong looks at him. "You eat already?"
"Yeah, I went to grab some pho for Y/N."
"Okay, thanks for the invite."
"You can take care of yourself." Seonghwa snaps back at Wooyoung, making him mock Hwa in return.
"Aye, are you guys down to head to the mall in a bit? We can just grab food there." San asks, eyes still focused on the TV.
"Why do you need to go to the mall?"
"I just wanna buy some new clothes."
"For what?" Hongjoong chuckles. 
"Listen, I haven't been around for awhile, okay? I started cleaning out a few things from my closet for donations. Plus, I haven't treated myself in a long time cause I've been so focused on the program and what not."
"Mm okay, so what's the real reason?" Wooyoung asks, chomping onto a banana. Seonghwa glances at San from his seat, taking note of how his cheeks and ears turn red and how he's suddenly getting shy. Nervous, even.
And he's not sure how to feel. He has a feeling he might know exactly where this is going, and he's hoping he's wrong. Maybe overthinking. Jumping to conclusions.
"I definitely wanna take Y/N to dinner and catch up with her. See where this goes.." San trails off, causing Seonghwa to pause mid-text— trying his very hardest not to make it too entirely obvious that his heart has dropped from the statement, equally sad and annoyed by the entire situation [for his own selfish reasons].
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♡ taglist: @hwasbabygirl @fairyofhueningkai @chngbnwf @tinyteezer @everyonewooeverywhere @pearbunny @mxnsxngie @starhwahwa @woosmaid @yeosangsbbg @jycas @asjkdk @bintificreads @interweab @svintsandghosts @cheolliehugs
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bobafetts-princess · 4 months
Surprise: The Sequel
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Pairings: Ghost x Fem!Reader
Word Count: 2800
Warnings: PiV, we wrap shit up in this one, a little butt stuff, spit kink, biting, cursing, choking. Reader is a little subby here. This is a fic centered on the reader ovulating and being really horny. Heed warnings accordingly.
Author notes: Yes, this was written when I personally was ovulating and I needed an outlet. Please enjoy 😊
Companion piece to Surprise
“My back fucking hurts,” you grumble to yourself, not really meaning for anyone to hear. But Soap, with his fucking bat ears, does.
“Wan’ me to massage it for yah?” He drawls in his thick Scottish accent. He’s been eying you all day and you can’t figure out why. You’re not dressed any different, you didn’t do your hair any different. You didn’t flirt with him, at least anymore than normal. Soap is the type of guy you can flirt with without realizing it. He’s soft and easy-going with a big personality and the ability to make anyone feel special.
“Mind your business, Soap,” snaps Simon-Ghost-Lieutenant (you’re not really sure what to call him anymore) as he comes in the door. You’re sitting at a desk, writing reports on your latest mission and Soap is at his desk on the left of yours, writing his own.
“Aye L.T. But I do feel like her business is my business,” he chuckles and Ghost flicks him a look as he gets up.
“Why’s your back hurt, Blue?” Ghost asks, hand gripping the back of your chair.
“Not sure, L.T.,” you say but then a cramp hits your lower belly. It’s not your period, definitely not your period, that was two weeks ago. So this means- “Damnit,” you curse under your breath.
“What’s wrong?” Both men ask at the same time, Soap moving to stand by Ghost. Another cramp hits your stomach and you have to stifle a groan.
“Nothing important,” you tell them both but they don’t believe you. But Price walks in, looking for an update on the reports and the subject is dropped. He’s standing over your shoulder and you don’t miss the way he keeps looking down at you, the easy way he smiles at you.
“Looking good today, Blue. Did you do something different with your hair?” Price mentions and you know he doesn’t mean it to be creepy. He’s genuinely trying to be nice and give you a compliment, you don’t get many when your literal job is to commit crimes for the sake of queen and country. But you know the real reason he’s looking at you different.
Your ovulation cycle hits harder than your menstruation cycle, the older you get. Your cramps are worse and men tend to notice you more. They flirt with you easier, they check you out with more purpose. Your skin clears and has this tone to that makes you look perpetually flustered. It’s all very flattering but also, quite annoying. Biology is doing its work, but you don’t want it to. The thing that drives you most insane is that you preen under the attention. You like being noticed when you’re ovulating. You like the way Ghosts eyes are dragging across your hips. You like the easy smile Johnny gives you when he’s flirting. You like the way Price’s eyes struggle to stay in their rightful place.
“Nah, just brushed it this morning, that’s all Captain,” there’s a flash of something in his eyes when you call him by his rank but you can’t unpack it right now. You stand, surprising Price and mumble “I’ll be back,” before you bolt.
Ghost waits an appropriate amount of time before he follows, shoving back his chair with some lame excuse so he can follow you.
He finds you in seconds, heading down the hallway in the general direction of his quarters. As a lieutenant, he gets his own space and as he watches your hips sway he’s thankful for it.
“Blue,” he calls out and you still.
“Not now, Ghost,” you say but you don’t move. His long strides catch up to you in no time and his hand presses into your back.
“What’s the matter?” He asks, and you sigh.
“I’m ovulating,” you tell him, pressing into his hand and relishing the feel of his warmth.
“What’s that mean?” He knows that’s your fertile period and you can get pregnant but he’s not sure on the specifics.
“I’m so horny,” you whine, twisting your neck to look up at him and he wants to dip down and run his nose alone the soft skin there. It takes your words a second to click but when they do, he’s shoving you down the hallway and into his room, locking the door behind him.
Ghost has you on your knees and you’re taking him. Your pussy is slick with your orgasms and your back is slick with sweat. You’re dropped down to your chest on the bed, fingers gripping the sheets as you cry out. It’s not helping though, because every one of Simon’s powerful thrusts pushes you up the bed.
“This fuckin’ pussy,” he snarls from under his mask. Since that day in the shower you’ve had this tryst going on regularly and it’s been satisfying for the both of you. “Fuck, you take me so well,” he grunts as his hand presses into your shoulders to hold you down. “Love when you submit to me,” he says but you think you can take it a step further. You move your hands from the sheets to behind your back, gripping your forearms as your face presses into the bed. Simon groans deeply as he slides his hand down your back to press down on your forearms. “Look so pretty takin’ my cock like this, Blue,” he snarls and you know he’s getting close. You’ve already cum several times, so you’re not concerned about finishing when he does, but Simon is. His hips ratchet up a notch and you hear the distinctive sound of something in Simon’s mouth. You’re about to peek over your shoulder to see what he’s doing when his thick thumb presses up against your asshole. You gasp and still underneath him as he presses circles into the tight ring.
“I’d love to watch you take me here,” he grunts before he pushes his thumb in. Your whole body tenses but you’re pinned. His hands are still pressing your own into your lower back and his finger in your ass is up to the first knuckle. You’re going to lose your mind, you can’t even scream because your face is pressed into the mattress. He continues pressing until he’s got his whole thumb in your ass and you’re gone. You’re so full, so thoroughly worked over that you when Ghost-Simon-whatever you’re calling each other these days, picks up his thrusts you’re blind with pleasure.
He’s putting you through the mattress, his hulking body pressing yours down. You break first, your body clamping down as you cum. He’s so heavy, so thick, and you’re so overwhelmed but Ghost isn’t done yet. He’s growling deep in his throat, snarling something about what a good little slut you are for him and you know he’s right at the edge of breaking. You feel something sharp against your shoulder and it takes you a few seconds to realize he sank his teeth into the soft flesh. He’d apparently never pulled his mask down after he’d wet his thumb and you feel his tongue soothe the sharp sting his bite left. You lay like that for a second, Ghost’s body laying across yours as you both pant with the exertion. Simon’s tongue licks a hot trail across your shoulder and up your neck, stopping at your ear.
“You’re a good fuck, Blue. Y’know that?” You laugh aloud because any kind of compliment coming from Simon Riley is noteworthy.
“Thanks, you’re not so bad yourself,” you flash a grin at him as he peels off of you, moving to dispose the condom. He comes back and his mask is still pushed up to his nose and his grin would’ve knocked you over if you weren’t already laying down.
“Not so bad, eh? Do I need to split you apart on my cock again so you know how good I can be?” He chuckles, dark and dangerous as he crawls on the bed and stares down at you. His huge hand finds your throat, squeezing and reminding you just how dangerous he can be. But the only thing you feel right now is another how streak of lust through your nerve endings. Your nipples are tight and when he flicks them, a sharp gasp escapes your mouth. Ghost takes the opportunity at hand and pulls you up to him by the throat, shoving his tongue in your mouth. It’s not the first time you’ve kissed but it’s one of the only. You can feel him hardening against your thigh and you can feel how slick you are. His fingers squeeze as he trails his lips down your neck, over where his thumb is digging into the soft flesh.
You’re aching, ready to be filled again, when Ghost speaks in your ear.
“I want to taste you, Blue,” he grunts but you shake your head as best you can with his hand wrapped around your throat.
“Later. Want your cock,” you tell him and he nods, releasing you to get another condom. You desperately want to tell him not to use one, but you are smack in the middle of ovulating and the risk of pregnancy is much higher than if you weren’t. You’re not in a place where you can have a baby and you don’t think Simon is ready to be a father, he may not ever be. But god, the idea of dripping with his cum all day? It’s got you clenching between your legs.
Simon has the condom on, cock swinging between his thick thighs. He’d only managed to get his pants down to his knees the first time and the second time won’t be any different. He’s got a long sleeve shirt on bearing the British Army flag on it and even without all his tac gear he’s huge. Tall and bulky, with a menacing edge to him, you can see why people are terrified. But right now, all you are is horny. He slides between your thighs, lifting your hips and placing a pillow underneath them.
“Gonna take me?” He asks, circling a finger over your clit. You nod but he’s not content with that. “I asked you if you were going to take me, I expect an answer,” he growls from under his mask, pulled back down now.
“Yes, Lieutenant,” you breathe as he presses the head of his cock into you.
“Yes, Lieutenant, what?” He snaps, one hand on your tit, the other on the base of his cock.
“Yes, Lieutenant,-“ you gasp as he pushes into you.
“Go on,” he prompts, almost all the way in now. “Or I won’t fuck you. You can lay here and be my pretty little cock sleeve,” you clench around him, wishing he’d wrap one of those big hands around your throat again.
“Yes, Lieutenant, I’m gonna take all of your cock. Please, I want to take all of your cock.”
“Good girl,” he growls, low in your ear as his hand wraps back around your throat. His thrusts start slow but it doesn’t take long before he’s hitching one thigh up his back, the other pressing you down and pushing you to your limits. He’s more vocal this time, grunts and growls as he sits back on his heels to give himself more leverage. He’s got to be sensitive, it’s the second time in less than 30 minutes, and it shows. His fingers tighten every couple thrusts until you nearly can’t breathe but you know he wouldn’t hurt you. The other hand finds your tits, groping them and pulling at your nipples. He presses the thumb of the hand around your neck into your jaw until your mouth pops open. He pulls the mask above his mouth, leaning down, his eyes wide with question and you nod at him, sticking your tongue out in invitation. He gathers in his mouth before he leans down, spitting directly into your mouth before he closes your jaw and speaks.
“Swallow it.” You do as he asks, opening your mouth again and sticking out your tongue to show him. He groans deeply, gathering his spit again and spitting on your tongue. This time though, he keeps his thumb pressed into the hinge of your jaw so you don’t close it. “That’s my fuckin’ girl,” he snarls, his accent thicker as he pounds into you, “take everythin’ I fuckin’ give ya, don’t ya?” You nod desperately at him, mouth still open, tongue still covered in his spit. “Fuck yeah, ya do. I’m goin’ to cum, I know you’re close.” You nod at him again, pussy tightening as he spits into your mouth again, closing your jaw and telling you to swallow.
“Next time you’re gonna swallow my cum jus’ like that,” he tells you before he leans back, pressing a thumb against your clit. It only takes one, two, three swipes of his thumb before you’re over the edge, crying out his name and clinging to the hand still wrapped around your throat. He follows right along with you, slumping his heavy body against yours. “This will never get old,” he says as he rolls to the side slightly, still laying on you but not quite with his full weight.
“Yeah,” you agree, out of breath and worn down. Finally sated.
“Is it always like this when you ovulate?” He asks, picking himself up and disposing of the condom, for the second time. You nod as he comes back and picks up your underwear off the floor.
“It gets worse as I get older, like evolution is telling me to get a move on.” You stand as Simon holds your hand and helps you into your panties. “My cramps get worse and I get almost unbearably horny,” you tell him as he hunts down your tac pants and helps you into those too. He chuckles as he finds your sports bra, slipping it over your head.
“Maybe you should pop out a kid or two,” and your jaw drops.
“Yeah, sure! I’ll drop my whole life and have babies! Ruin my career, my tits, everything I’ve worked for just to give evolution the middle finger!” You exclaim, annoyed he’d even suggest it. But he’s fully laughing, searching for your shirt under the bed.
“I’s a joke, love. You don’t take those as well as you take my cock,” he husks, finding the army green tank and slipping it over your head. “Besides, it would be a shame to ruin these perfect tits,” he tells you, standing behind you and cupping said perfect tits. Fuck, you didn’t think you could go again but the way his thumbs are brushing over your nipples right now is making you question that. “Well, we better get back to writin’ our reports. Price’ll wonder why we’ve been gone so long,” he says, slapping you on the ass and striding out the door. You’re left panting and annoyed, but you follow after a reasonable amount of time and when you make it back to your desk, Soap is standing next to it looking like the cat that ate the canary.
“Aye, lass. Y’look good today. Exceptional even,” he drawls, and if you weren’t rolling your eyes you’d have noticed his own flick over to Ghost to gauge his reaction.
“Get off my desk, Johnny.”
“Will do, but would ya like t’have a drink with me tonight?” He’s leaned down, in your space, his bright eyes full of mischief.
“No.” You tell him, you’re not really annoyed with him but you are frustrated because Ghost left you horny and every bit as distracted as you were before he fucked you stupid. Your hand flashes out and connects with the inside of Soaps elbow, knocking him off his balance. Ghost chuckles from behind you at his own desk.
“Might wanna leave the girl alone, Johnny. I think she could kick your ass,”
“Ooh I might like that,” Johnny says, not fazed at all that you hit him. Ghost has to suppress a groan at the idea of watching you and Johnny wrestling for dominance. He’s pretty sure you would win and the idea of you fucking Johnny stupid the way he fucks you stupid has him hardening in his pants.
“Johnny,” you start, your voice all sugar sweet and sticky. “Can you do something for me?” Your tone is full of promise and Johnny’s eyes droop as he mutters a gentle ‘of course, lass’
“Go get me some Tylenol and coffee, Johnny,” you say, smacking him upside the head. Simon barks a laugh from behind you, and Johnny looks graciously indignant.
“Aye, lass. Whatever you want,” he’s no actually offended, but he played the part well. Off he slinks, to retrieve the items you’ve asked for and Ghost feels a rush of relief that he’s not the only person in this compound that cares for you.
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logansargeantsbabymom · 3 months
Too Good To Say Goodbye pt8
Logan Sargeant x Fem!Reader, Lando Norris x Fem!Reader
A/N: First I wanted to say thank you to everyone for all the kind messages I've been receiving, I keep rereading them and tearing up. It lets me know that there are genuine people in the world and that I can take a few days or a week to finish a request. Sorry this part took a bit longer due to the short break I took, I'll try my best to get the request I have out in a timely manner!
warnings: cursing
part 1 I part 2 I part 3 I part 4 I part 5 I part 6 I part 7 I part 8 I part 9 I part 10
Follow my instagram account (THATS STRICTLY FOR THIS BLOG) for updates on when i post and fun stuff like that!
F1 Masterlist
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A drive to Lily's that normally would've taken 25 minutes depending on traffic only took Lando 10 and I think the way he is flooring it right now has been the fastest he's ever driven in his life. I mean anyone could've easily mistaken him for Max Verstappen in this moment and rightfully so, my bastard of an ex-boyfriend and baby dad is an absolute dick for what he just did.
I get being upset that I'm pregnant and that my boyfriend right now is treating me 10x better than you ever will but actually spoiling the gender for us AND spoiling the fact that I'm carrying twins is on another level of insanity.
When we dropped Yelena off, Lily had told us she wasn't going to be expecting a baby pick up anytime soon. Which by the way, God bless Lily for just being able to drop whatever she had planned for today to be able to watch my kid while Lando and I dealt with baby daddy drama.
The blaring sound of a ringtone is what yanked me from deep in my thoughts. I picked up the phone to look at the caller ID before answering and placing it on speaker "Carlos, now is really not a good time". I said while running a hand over my face to try and ease some tension building up.
"Logan's at my place." Lando's knuckled gripped the steering wheel tighter at the mention of his name.
"Why is he there and why does he need to have a conversation with you present?" I questioned
"He told me to tell you and Lando to meet him here to talk to you but wants me present and he thinks Lando is going to kill him." Carlos started, doubt coating his voice as he talked.
"I FUCKING AM" Lando screamed as he pressed down on the gas pedal harder.
I’ve seen Lando upset and even angry before but what I was seeing from him right now wasn’t either of those, this was pure hatred. Lando was seeing pure red in his vision as he was driving, almost hit a pedestrian (who shouldn’t have crossed but people don’t pay attention to signs).
Now that Lando knows he has to book it to Carlos’ place instead of Logan’s he makes a sharp turn, which could’ve easily flipped the car if you weren’t as much of a skilled driver as Lando is.
"BABE! I KNOW YOU'RE MAD AND ALL BUT DON'T CRASH THIS CAR AND KILL ALL 4 OF US!" I screamed as I grabbed ahold of the center console
Something about the fear in my voice as I screamed at Lando seemed to get through this barrier of red he had coating him and he seemed to ease up on the steering wheel and drove a bit more safer.
Arriving at Carlos house, we were greeted with Carlos standing out front. Lando and I got out of the car and started making our way to the front door of Carlos' luxurious house while Carlos started walking towards us, meeting us halfway.
"Ay, I talk to Logan. He meant no harm pero I think he did. He is in the living room." Carlos said as he patted Lando's tense shoulder before turning his attention to me. "I'm so sorry Logan did what he did. I feel so bad but just know that I'm here for you with whatever you need." Carlos added while he pulled me into a hug.
I've always loved Carlos' hugs because of the level of comfort they always brought was just unmatched. If you're sad, have a Carlos hug, if you're happy, have a Carlos hug, if you don't want a hug, have a Carlos hug. Moral of the story: a Carlos hug can fix everything. Well, almost everything.
"Thank you Carlos, I really needed that hug. I just-" The sound of glass breaking is what caused me to stop mid-sentence and I turned to look over at my boyfriend, only to find him no where in sight.
My heart dropped to my feet when I was met with no sign of my boyfriend and all I could hear from a distance was arguing. Carlos wasted no time in spinning on his heels and running into his house and into the living room where all the arguing was taking place.
"I DID IT BECAUSE YOU TOOK EVERYTHING FROM ME! YOU TOOK MY BABY, MY LIFE, MY GIRL, YOU TOOK IT ALL! I HAVE NOTHING TO LIVE FOR!" Logan shouted in rebuttal, his face contorted in a way I've never seen before and his skin as red as a tomato.
When our eyes locked, I could see Logan's eyes soften but when he opened his mouth to say something, Lando cut him off.
Before they could make any type of contact, Carlos was in the middle trying to set some type of boundaries between them.
"YOU GUYS ARE NOT FIGHTING IN MY HOUSE! LOGAN, OUT NOW! BEFORE I CALL THE COPS!" That seemed to be enough for Logan to walk away but not before stopping in front of me, his face so close to mine I could feel his breath against my skin.
"I hope I never see you again until your fucking funeral, slut." Logan walked away brushing his shoulder past mine as he did.
I knew Logan felt some type of way towards me since I left him while I was pregnant and refused to give in to all his promises of being a better man for me but hearing those words coming out of his mouth hurt. I always hoped we would be able to work it out for the sake of Yelena but after what he said, I don't know if we can, even if I wanted to.
Everything after what Logan said was blur, I don't remember him leaving, I don't remember Lando running after him and Carlos after Lando, but more importantly, I don't remember my legs giving out under my weight and me collapsing to the ground.
All at once everything started to hit me like a semi-truck. The pain in my knees after the fall, the ache in my heart but also the excruciating pain in my abdomen.
The whole car ride to the hospital had to be the worst 15 minutes of my life. Every bump or sudden brake of the car increased the pain in my abdomen by 10. At one point it literally felt like there was an elephant sitting on me, restricting my oxygen intake.
When we finally arrived, Carlos quickly parked in front of the ER doors before rushing inside. Less than 30 seconds after running into the hospital, a group of doctors and nurses came running outside with a gurney.
Seeing them, Lando swung the car door open and quickly got out, allowing them better access to get to me.
Getting transferred from the back seat of the car to the gurney hurt just as suspected but they quickly rushed me in so they could evaluate my symptoms to tell me what's wrong.
No matter how much pain medication they gave me, the pain was still too much to bear.
"Do you want us to give you something to sedate you?" The student doctor said. She sounded genuinely hurt at hearing how much pain I was in.
"YES! PLEASE, I CAN'T DO THIS ANYMORE!" I screamed and I watched as she grabbed the vile of liquid.
Just as the student doctor was done giving me the sedative, I heard the doctor come in.
"So, unfortunately I've got some ba-AH NO! WHAT DID YOU GIVE HER?"
"I- Uh, Gave her a sedative?"
After I fell unconscious and was of no use, my doctor made his way to the waiting room to have a talk with Lando in order to figure out the steps going forward.
Once Lando locked eyes with the doctor, he shot up from his seat "Doc, how is she??" Lando asked as he searched the doctors face for answers.
"Unfortunately your girlfriend has a rare condition that affects the babies called Monochorionic Twins, which is where the babies share the same placenta and amniotic sac which can cause tangling of umbilical cords, imbalance of nutrients, blood and problems to other vital organs. Your girlfriend also has a history of major bleeding, vomiting and dehydration during pregnancy which also puts her at risk. We have to operate to save them, the babies have a 25% chance of survival and would have to be in the NICU for many months whereas your girlfriend has a 75% of surviving with minimal damage to any part of her reproductive system. " the doctor started, he tried to look and sound as sympathetic as possible.
"What are you saying Doc?" Lando asked, his breath and hands shaky and his knees trembled beneath him.
"You have to choose who we save, your babies or your girlfriend."
Again, thank you guys so much for the overwhelming amount of support I've received in the past few days. I appreciate and love each and every single one of you guys and I hope you enjoy this part.
Unfortunately this series is coming to an end soon but I really don't want to say goodbye to it yet.
@luckyladycreator2 @itsmiamalfoy @jeffs77 @ilivbullyingjeongin @forevercaffeinated-lee @daemyratwst @gulphulp @callsignwidow @f1wintermoon13 @teenwolf01 @victoriassecret101 @hiireadstuff @formulaal @eddieharrington @kazza72584 @zabwlky1999 @dark-night-sky-99 @rougekiki @xoscar03 @jess-wither @bountychanti @dhanihamidi @Ggasly.p @tellybearryyyy @a-panseuxalmess @love-simon @tallrock35 @iiaik0ii @Milkyymelanine @ilovsyou3000morgan @styl1shl1v
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lowkeychenle · 6 months
masterlist + all about me (and nct dream)
hi everyone! name change/rebrand alert ;)
prev @/lowkeyjaemle, now @/lowkeychenle :D
i'm juls (as some of you already know) and my ult group is NCT Dream! i'm chenle biased (this will never change lol) and the majority of my blog is also chenle biased lol.
i do not have a bias wrecker. chenle is safe (although jisung is my #2, which just makes sense bc chenji is a package deal okay).
i'm 23 years old, and my pronouns are she/her. now that all this intro/boring stuff is out of the way, please keep reading for my updated masterlist ;)
p.s. if u are also a chenle stan, there are so many chenle fics here just for u
text!au masterlist | smau masterlist
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labyrinth (M) fic teaser
Chenle was more complex than you originally gave him credit for, and unfortunately for you, that would be your downfall. Lost in the labyrinth, you’ll always struggle to find your way out when the rose-colored glasses don’t let the light shine through.
the hardest part (M)
You, Chenle, and Jay have been best friends since before you could even remember. After moving away to pursue your dreams, you don't talk to them as often as you should. One day, you get a call notifying you of Jay's passing. When you go back to your hometown, you find everything is different except for one person--Chenle.
Some Things Can't Be Taught (M)
In which you are failing college physics, and your childhood best friend offers up one of his friends as your tutor—except, there’s a little something he wants to learn from you in exchange.
Guilty As Sin? (M)
Chenle is everything you want--everything you need. Somehow, the thought of him manages to pull you back in even after you were free. Messy kisses, late night trysts, and him tracing the word 'mine' on your thigh--barely anything, so how could you possibly be guilty as sin? (based on Guilty As Sin? by Taylor Swift)
And Then It Was (M)
After your marriage with Chenle was arranged by your parents for a company merger, things with him aren't quite like you expect. In your life full of obligations, he's determined to finally give you the ability to make your own choices. (smut/fluff/angst) *WC>10k
Cruel Summer (M)
He wants you. Everything to do with you--your heart, your body, all while keeping your friendship. What's a man to do during a 30-day hook up to get you to stay? (smut/fluff/angst) *WC>10k
See My Sea (M)
You never expected your lab partner to be the captain of the basketball team...or a decent human being, but you get proved wrong twice. Despite a rocky past of your own, you find yourself falling for him faster than you thought. Maybe, with his help, you can finally find your way home and see your sea. (smut/fluff/angst) *WC>10k
Like We Just Met (M)
Everything else about the day is completely normal when Chenle realizes he wants to marry you. It hits him like a tidal wave, and he's itching to tell you just how much he wants to love you forever. (smut/fluff) *WC>10k
Road trips with Chenle are your favorite thing. Late at night, the two of you stop at a hotel, but it's not everything it seems to be. You barely have time to settle before you get a call to evacuate immediately. Beneath red neon flashing lights, you and Chenle have to try and escape the group of people hunting you down. (suspense/thriller/smut)
this is me trying (M)
Meeting Chenle was a fluke--a good one, at that, but you never expected things to escalate the way they did. But despite the whirlwind romance, you'd go back to December if you had the chance... (smut/fluff/angst) *WC>10k
Is It Over Now? (M) (Feat. Jisung)
Your relationship with Chenle is nothing but fight after fight. Amidst the toxicity, infidelity comes into play--except you're determined to one up him...but is it ever truly over? (angst/smut) *WC>10k
Within the Piano Keys (M)
For as long as you could remember, Chenle has been your neighbor and childhood best friend. That is, until one day he disappears without a word…or so you thought, since your mother hid all the letters he sent you. (smut/fluff/angst) *WC>10k
Paris (M)
Pure smut on a hotel room balcony in Paris! Woo. (smut)
Sunshine (M)
You're not usually able to wake up with Chenle due to his schedules, but on the days that you can, it's certainly worth it. (smut/fluff)
Quiet Down (M)
You and Chenle visit your parents, but he just can't help himself... (smut)
You're Not Sorry
You and Chenle broke up two weeks ago. The first time he calls you at 3am, you ignore it. Then he calls again. You answer, and you go to him knowing there's nothing he could do to fix what he's broken. (angst)
The Last Straw (M)
Chenle has been your best friend for as long as you can remember. Being in love with him isn't easy, until you find out he reciprocates those feelings (thanks to Cockblocker!Jaemin). (smut/fluff/angst)
Chilled Nights, Fogged Windows (M)
After being gone for weeks, the first thing Chenle wants to do is get ice cream with you. One thing leads to another, and suddenly, you're in the backseat (oooops). (smut)
In Your Dreams (M)
What started as innocent phone sex hotline stuff (if that can ever really be innocent?), you get an offer you just can't refuse...you just have to be a little sleep deprived ;) (Chenle as Freddy Kruger Halloween thing lol)
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Irrevocably (M) Series Masterlist
You were friends with benefits with Chenle until he got a girlfriend...fast forward months later, and now they've broken up--leaving Chenle to come back to you, very much in need of a distraction. (angst/smut/fluff)
Opposites Attract [Poly!Jaemle AU] Series Masterlist
Your relationship with Jaemin started out simple--friends with benefits with zero complications...until there was one. That complication's name is Zhong Chenle, and after Jaemin agrees to expand your exclusivity deal to involve him, there's only one logical thing left to do... (smut)
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모래성 (ONE) (TWO) (THREE)
You and Mark have had a friends with benefits relationship for almost a year now. He's in love with you, addicted to you, but you don't feel the same. You're his poison. (smut/angst)
Late Nights (M)
Mark's busy schedule only gives him time to come over late at night, but it's safe to say neither of you are complaining by the time you fall asleep. (fluff/smut)
Empire State of Mind (M) (Feat. Jisung)
Life with Jisung is almost perfect. He loves you, and you love him. But when you run into your ex, Mark Lee, you realize the one thing you've been missing all along is him. (smut/angst)
Lost & Wayward Mini-Masterlist
After the worst couple weeks of your life, you finally break down in the middle of an alleyway. Jaemin hears you and comes to comfort you, and little do you know, he's about to change your life--in more ways than one. (fluff/smut/angst)
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hyperactively-me · 9 months
king!ghost x reader -- separation
warnings: none
The weeks pass in a haze of routine and loneliness. You receive reports from the front lines, each piece of information a bitter reminder of the man you love risking his life for your kingdom. The nights are the hardest, the empty space beside you a constant ache. In the mornings, you always find yourself pawing at his side of the bed as if hoping to find some trace of his warmth, only to be met with a cold mattress and unused pillow.  
Soap proves true to his word. He’s been nothing short of a good friend, providing you with moral support and protection. He assists you in managing the affairs of the kingdom, ensuring that the transition in Simon’s absence is as smooth as possible. 
Every few days, a messenger arrives with news from the front lines. From these small updates, you’ve learned that the Southern Kingdom is, indeed, on the rampage for taking over Kastron’s military for political power and the natural silver mines spread across the land. You’ve also heard some updates from Simon himself, his letters stirring up a mix of emotions. They carry fragments of his true self, his voice reaching out to you across the distance of war. In his words, you find solace and a connection that momentarily alleviates the ache of his absence.
Every day proves to challenge you more than you ever thought you would be in Kastron. You’re tasked with taking the ultimate responsibility of caring for the kingdom from home base, constantly running around attending to various matters of importance. From making sure the royal court was content, to overseeing the distribution of resources to the villages affected by the war, you find yourself taking on tasks you never thought you would. The people of Kastron look to you for guidance, and you strive to embody the strength and resilience they need.
Your mornings begin with a stack of reports, detailing the ongoing developments in the war and the status of the kingdom as a whole. Following that, you often find yourself in meetings with royal councils and the court, detailing your plans to maintain stability and ensure the kingdom's survival. Most advisors are content with the way you’re handling things, but some are more critical than others. The distribution of resources to villages becomes an important aspect of your daily routine. Working closely with a team of trusted advisers, you create strategies to prioritize the needs of villages. Food, medical supplies, and other essentials are dispatched efficiently. 
Every night you get ready for bed, your body aches with fatigue, and your mind races with everything you have to do the next day. 
As you prepare for another quiet dinner, Soap quietly enters the dining room with a loud knock. Surprised to see him standing outside with a tray of food, you let him in. 
“Keeping yer strength up, your majesty?” he asks with a kind smile, setting the tray down on the table.
You return the smile, appreciative of Soap’s thoughtful gesture. “Soap, you’re a lifesaver.”
He chuckles softly. “Well, it’s the least I could do for ya, you’re busy all hours of the day.”
You share a genuine yet wary laugh, the sound echoing in the quiet room. You motion for Soap to sit next to you, needing some company at the dinner table. The aroma of the food wafts through the air, and your stomach, which you realize is far emptier than you thought, grumbles in response.
As you begin to eat, Soap takes a seat across from you. There’s a comfortable silence between you two as you eat, savoring the moment. In the midst of your responsibilities, these quiet, relaxed moments become precious.  
After a few bites, you look up at Soap. “How are things at the front lines? Any new news?”
“Aye, the situation is tense. Our soldiers are holding their ground, but it’s been no easy feat."
Concern lines your forehead. “And Simon? Have you heard anything about him today?”
Soap sighs, shifting in his seat. “He’s holdin’ up, your majesty. His letters to me don’t reveal much, but you know Simon—he’s a fighter. We’ll see him back here sooner than you think.”
Fear and hope well up inside of you. “I just wish I could be there with him. This waiting is driving me crazy.”
Soap nods in understanding. “It’s tough, I know. But Kastron needs you here, guiding us through these… trying times. Simon wouldn’t want you risking yourself.”
You appreciate Soap’s reassurance, but the ache for Simon remains. The conversation shifts to lighter topics, distracting you momentarily from the war. Soap shares personal stories, trying to bring a smile to your face.
After the meal, Soap helps you clear the table. As you both stand in the dimly lit dining room, Soap glances at you. “If ye ever need someone to talk to, your majesty, I’m here. I might not be Ghost, but I’ll do my best.”
You place a hand on his shoulder, grateful for his unwavering support. “Thank you, Soap. I appreciate it more than you know.”
He gives you a sincere nod, a silent promise to continue being there for you. 
Now in your chambers, you settle onto your balcony, gazing out over the kingdom bathed in the soft hues of sunset. You lean against the railing, studying the expansive view below in quiet contemplation. Yes, sadness and yearning has been quite prominent the past few days, yet you’ve also managed to find pride in your work and how you’ve been handling difficult matters. Ultimately, you’re proud of the way you’ve been managing Kastron in Simon’s absence. Yes, the weight of responsibility still rests upon your shoulders, but a newfound strength emerges within you. The people of Kastron rely on your leadership, and you are determined to rise to the occasion.
As the night settles in, you lay in bed, Simon’s pillow cradled in your arms. It’s a poor substitute for the warmth you yearn for.
Your mind races with thoughts of Simon. How he’s doing, what he’s experiencing on the front lines, and whether he’s thinking of you as much as you are of him. 
What a stupid thought, you know he is. 
Sitting up, you light a candle and pull out your box full of Simon’s letters. You reach for one, tracing the pad of your finger over the inked lines of his familiar, scratchy handwriting. 
As you reread Simon’s words, you can’t help but start to get emotional. 
You know he’s more than capable. You know he’s trained for this, specialized in combat and survival. But the knowledge doesn’t erase the worry seeping into your heart, and you don’t think it ever really will. 
The candle’s flame dances in your room, casting shadows on the walls as you immerse yourself in Simon's words. As you reach the end of the letter, a particular passage catches your eye. Simon’s words strike a chord, speaking directly to the concerns swirling in your mind: 
“My beautiful girl, leading Kastron with a dedication that rivals even the greatest of leaders. I miss you, love, but knowing you're holding down the kingdom gives me strength. Kastron needs its queen, and I need to know you’re safe. We’ll get through this, and I’ll be back in your arms soon.”
A tear escapes your eye, landing on the parchment. A mix of emotions—love, worry, pride—stirs inside you. You fold the letter with care, tucking it back in the box with the others as if safeguarding the precious connection it represents. The candle flickers, and you blow it out, casting the room into darkness once again. In the quietude, you lay back, clutching Simon's pillow once more. Sleep eventually claims you, but dreams are elusive.
- - - - -
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nicoleheichou · 7 months
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synopsis: when your acting careers start to pick up you and your boyfriend zoro both decide that it's better to go your separate ways. you didn't want to, but you knew he was right. fast forward to a couple years later, when you're finally starting to heal, your friends score a deal to shoot a movie together with your ex and you're starting to think maybe you haven't really moved on.
¤ warnings: tiny anime spoilers, fluff, not too much angst, alcohol use, i'll add more if i need to.
¤ disclaimer: i don't own any of the op characters, the pictures i use are just for reference so you can see what I'm imagining, yn looks how you want her to look. i try my best to use the opla cast as face claims.
¤ taglist is open. i'm only going to have 50 slots. if you don't tell me your name is changed and i'm unable to tag you i will take your name off and open up the spot for someone else.
¤ starting: february 28, 2024
¤ updates: wednesdays ~ 6pm MST
¤ 🖊 = writing portion
yn's group | zoro's group
i needed a break
that's classified
don't know how to feel
she won't leave
fingers crossed 🤞
a win is a win
girl dinner
stick to acting
hate to admit it
game night
friends? 🖊
aye aye captain 🫡
too late for us
summer of 2020
welcome to the family
happy birthday
can't be weird
for a little bit 🖊
so whipped
a sad day
that's my girlfriend!
what about him?
no bullshit 🖊
so worth it
fear for @prettygirlyn
can't sleep? 🖊
only one who knows
spell it out for you
for the plot
don't lie to me
ha. ha. ha.
only one i want
bless you nami!!!
he did what?!?!?
passenger princess
starts with l and ends in uffy
can't trust anyone
here lies this conversation
moving too fast 🖊
currently having fomo
i hate you
different kind of special
officially off the market
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── ౨ৎ ‧˚ ft. valeria garza/fem!reader
You move to Las Almas, and Valeria makes a friend.
Alternative summary: Valeria watches her future wife move into the yellow house next door.
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series, wlw/glg, googled mexican spanish, filipino!reader, poc!reader, no use of y/n, 2nd pov, childhood friends, next-door neighbours, fluff, eventual angst, VERY SLOW UPDATES, happy ending
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You were sitting atop one of your parents' suitcases, watching them unload the trunk of the old taxi. The summer sun of 1992 beat down on the yellow house you and your family had just moved into in Las Almas. Everything felt unfamiliar, and you were both excited and anxious about what was to come from this.
As you looked around, a clacking sound caught your attention. You saw a small, colorful toy roll and bump against your suitcase. Curious, you lifted your leg to inspect it. It looked somewhat like a toy you had brought from home, though it was less vibrant than this one as yours was painted plain red.
Just then, a girl from the house next door appeared. She had dark hair tied back in a simple braid and a curious look on her face. She crouched down and picked up the toy, then looked at you with wide eyes.
She looks pretty.
“That's my toy!” You yelped, feeling your cheeks tingle at the sudden outburst.
The girl looked at you confused. She muttered something in Spanish that you didn’t quite understand and held the toy up, examining it closely. Noticing your puzzled expression, she said slowly, “Me llamo Valeria.”
You blinked. Realizing a few seconds later that she'd told you her name, you introduced yourself in return, giving her a friendly smile as you did.
Valeria’s face softened, and she looked around, clearly sensing that you were new in Las Almas and struggling with the language barrier—anotber sign that you weren't from anywhere around Mexico either. “¿Quieres jugar con esto?” she asked as she held up the toy.
You looked back at her, still unsure about what she was saying. “Sorry, I don’t understand,” you said, feeling a bit awkward.
Valeria’s expression softened, and she gave you a sympathetic smile. “Ay, disculpa, do you want to play with this?” she said, this time in english, holding the toy up again and offering it to you.
You pointed at your parents, who were still busy unloading their luggage, and looked back at Valeria. "I want to, but I need to help my parents," you reply dejectedly.
She glanced over to where you were pointing and nodded in understanding. Valeria gave you a smile, then ran back toward her house. You watched as she disappeared behind the door, her small figure fading into the distance.
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Later that afternoon, as you and your parents finished unpacking and started to settle into your new home, you noticed a group of strangers—Valeria's visiting relatives—talking to your parents. Valeria's grandmother, who had been living with her since her parents passed away, was offering help and support—assuring them she’d be happy to assist with anything they needed and warmly welcoming them to the neighborhood.
You spotted Valeria across the street, playing with the toy from earlier. Unable to resist, you called out to her. As she looked up and saw you, your grin widened at the sight of her beaming face.
“¡Hola!” Valeria called out with excitement. “Do you remember me?”
You giggled and nodded, feeling a bit more at ease. “Of course! I remember you.”
Just then, Valeria’s grandmother approached with a warm smile, your parents following closely behind her.
You cringe for letting the word slip so your mother intervenes, "it's just something we say back home. We put it at the end of some sentences or in the middle of them to show respect to people in authority."
“This is mi abuelita—my grandmother,” Valeria said proudly, introducing the older woman. "Hello po," you wave shyly as you greet her.
"Po? What's that?" Valeria asked, looking at you with a puzzled expression as she repeated the word.
A laugh echoed above you both, causing you to look up. "It's something we say back home to show respect," your mother explained. "We also do 'pagmamano,' or 'bless' in English, but it's not a common custom here."
Valeria looked at you, still puzzled. "Then where are you from?"
Her grandmother answered, "They come from the U.S., but the Philippines is their homeland."
"Well, you're here in Las Almas. Welcome!" Taking your hands in hers, Valeria placed the same colorful toy she'd been playing with into your palms and repeated the question from this morning, "do you want to play with this?"
You glanced at your parents, your eyes doing the talking for you. Valeria's grandmother and your parents, who wanted to continue chatting, encouraged you with a nod to join Valeria.
Looking back at the girl, you finally agreed. Valeria's face lit up with excitement, and the two of you spent the rest of the day playing together.
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You were adjusting. Again.
If you were older, you'd probably be more affected than you are now. The first time was when your father got a job that made him a permanent U.S. resident. Soon after, he wasted no time whisking you and your mother off on a plane to California. You were four then.
Adjusting to the new time zone, weather, people, and food took time. You expected foreign food to be as delicious as what you had back home. Not that it was bad! It's just... It wasn’t quite the same. You missed the taste of Jollibee chicken and having rice at every meal. The adobo your lola would make, or your lolo's specialty tinola—the smell, the cooking, everything.
But school? That was a bright spot. You had just started preschool a year before the big move, so you’d be attending another year of it in California. And honestly? You loved it! Kindergarten was a blast too. You actually liked going to school. Your mother thanks God for the lack of bullies and your added enthusiasm. It makes her worry less. You may be young, but you’re not so blind as to miss how she fussed over you every time you came back.
Winter, on the other hand… While seeing and feeling snow had been a dream come true ever since you discovered American Christmas movies and storybooks—everything you imagined—it also turned out not to be. As beautiful as winter was, it ultimately sucked for you. You’d get sick every year. How you’d pray for the season to pass quickly, just so you could get out of bed instead of feeling icky and ill. In short, you didn’t like winter as much as you thought you might.
The second time of adjustment would be now—your move to Las Almas. It’s somewhere in Mexico, you think. You aren’t entirely sure yet, but you think it is. Places still confuse you.
Which leads to now: your enrollment into first grade at a school just a short walk from your house. You’re sitting at a small desk while your mother was talking to someone at the front of the room when suddenly, the door swings open, and two familiar faces walk in.
"Valeria!" you shout, jumping up from your seat. You run over to her, your excitement bubbling over.
Valeria looks just as surprised but smiles as you grab her hands. “Are you coming to this school too?” you ask, barely able to stay still.
When she nods, you can’t help but squeal with joy. “Yay!” you say, hugging her tightly. Your first friend here would be attending the same school as you!
Which leads to now: your enrollment into first grade at a school just a short walk from your house. You’re sitting at a small desk while your mother talks to someone at the front of the room when suddenly, the door swings open, and two familiar faces walk in.
“Valeria!” you shout, jumping up from your seat. You run over to her, your excitement bubbling over.
Valeria looks just as surprised but smiles as you grab her hands. “Are you coming to this school too?” you ask, barely able to stay still.
When she nods, you can’t help but squeal with joy. “Yay!” you say, hugging her tightly. Your first friend here would be attending the same school as you!
Pulling away from the hug, you move to greet her grandmother. "Good afternoon po!"
Her grandmother smiles warmly and pats your head. "You and Valeria are going to have so much fun together, mija," she says, her voice gentle and affectionate.
"And that you take care of each other," your mother chimes in. "You'll be classmates since there's only one section per grade. I expect you to be on your best behavior," she chides jokingly.
Valeria’s grandmother chuckles at your mother’s comment and gives a nod of agreement.
“We’ll be good, promise!” Valeria says, looking at you with a grin. You both exchange excited glances, eager about starting at the same school.
The two older women exchange a few more words about school supplies and the upcoming first day as the enrollment process continues. Meanwhile, Valeria and you explore the classroom, checking out all the colorful decorations and new supplies.
You both excitedly point out the things you like and imagine the fun you’ll have as soon as the school year begins.
Afterward, with the enrollment over, you leave the school, walking home together with Valeria while the adults follow behind, chatting and watching as you do the same.
The unfamiliar streets become more familiar the longer you walk, and a comforting feeling blooms in your chest with Valeria by your side.
When you reach the front of your houses, you both pause and hug tightly. “See you soon!” you say, smiling.
“See you soon!” Valeria replies, returning your hug with a grin.
With a final wave, you both head inside, feeling a little more at ease knowing you’ll be starting the school year together. From then on, a new life starts, and it’s one you'll share together. For many years to come.
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A/N: I haven't written anything in so long and my English needs some improvement. Hope you guys liked it🧎‍♀️
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Winter's King 23
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No tag lists. Do not send asks or DMs about updates. Review my pinned post for guidelines, masterlist, etc.
Warnings: this fic will include dark content such as noncon/dubcon, cheating, violence, and possible untagged elements. My warnings are not exhaustive, enter at your own risk.
This is a dark!fic and explicit. 18+ only. Your media consumption is your own responsibility. Warnings have been given. DO NOT PROCEED if these matters upset you.
Summary: You are a maid to the Duke of Debray, a lord of the Summer Kingdom. That is, until the king of Winter appears with his particular air of coldness. (Medieval AU)
Characters: Geralt of Rivia
Note: I sprained my ankle.
As per usual, I humbly request your thoughts! Reblogs are always appreciated and welcomed, not only do I see them easier but it lets other people see my work. I will do my best to answer all I can. I’m trying to get better at keeping up so thanks everyone for staying with me.
Your feedback will help in this and future works (and WiPs, I haven’t forgotten those!) Please do not just put ‘more’. I will block you.
I love you all immensely. Take care. 💖
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The king shifts you off of him, lifting you with him as he stands. The tension is rigid in his grip. He steadies your bodies and helps you over the edge of the tub. Another pounding sounds at the door and his name arises again. 
King Geralt follows, splashing water on the floor in his expediency. He takes a bath sheet from the wardrobe and wraps it around you, not saying a word. Your heart races as you let him move you. You’re paralysed with the embarrassment of that moment. You’re about to be caught out in a perilous position. 
He urges you towards the bed and points you onto it. You hug the sheet around you and sit near the pillows. He pulls shut the canopy around you, blocking out the room behind the drapings. You sink down, horrified. He’s hiding you. As thankful as you are for his discretion it only reminds you of your own guilt. 
He coughs and his feet slap around. You hear another rustle of linen and your ears prick as he goes to the door. He inches it open with a creak, “Vesemir,” he greets flatly. 
“Ah, the king lives,” the gritty voice is more familiar without the barrier of the wood, “ah, and look at him, in his respite, enjoying the hot waters as his wife runs amok in my castle.” 
“Wife?” Geralt repeats grimly, “what is your meaning?” 
“Do you mean to keep my out in the corridors of my own home?” The man demands and slaps the door. “Boy--” 
“Eh,” the king grunts, “mind yourself.” 
“Don’t play proper with me,” the man scoffs and the door groans, letting him in. You can see shadows through the small slot between the curtains. You shy away, hoping whoever it is won’t look back. 
“Vesemir,” the king repeats, confirming the identity, “what is my wife about?” 
“Won’t you come see?” The man challenges, “her and her soldiers are raiding my cellar. I allowed one bottle and now I will be drunk dry. I serve the kingdom but I did not swear myself to spoiled summer welps.” 
“Mm,” the king growls as he moves beyond your sight, not that you can see very much through the narrow space. “I’ll tend to her--” 
“Certainly, you will or I will march her out with my ax.” 
“You needn’t go so far,” the king girds with a sigh as you hear the stiffness of leather. 
“When you marched south, I didn’t think it would soften you,” Vesemir rebukes, “you hide in a tower, soaking in steam.” 
“It has been a long road. We won’t be long here and I thought to wash,” King Geralt sneers defensively. “Even bears like you need a good scrubbing. You more than any, I think.” 
Silence. Tense and roiling. You crawl forward to get a better view of the room. You put your eye to the slat between the curtains and nearly squeak as the older man booms with laughter and claps the younger’s bare shoulder. 
“Aye, I probably do smell like the caves,” he rumbles. “And you always did smell like a horse, Geralt.” 
The king mutters again as he pulls a tunic over his head, the wet tails of his hair leaving speckles of water across the wool. You blink as the other man shifts and you see his profile clear. You know the man. It is the cook. Rather, not a cook at all but Vesemir, the lord of the castle. You're caught in surprise, staring through at him. 
As if drawn by your gaze, he glances over and you quickly retreat from the curtain, hoping you were not spotted. His tongue makes a noise against the roof of his mouth and he huffs. His sole scuffs as the king’s laces whip against his boots. 
“Geralt,” Vesemir intones with disappointment. 
Silence and another heavy breath. You don’t know from which man. The chair scrapes as the king stands. 
“It isn’t to mind,” King Geralt insists, “I will fetch my queen and put her back in her chamber.” 
Vesemir growls, “I do wonder why she might act so, with such a loving husband.” 
“Enough. It isn’t your concern.” 
“Not as yet, but the king’s business is everyone’s concern. Especially of those who marched on his behalf for a summer’s kingdom and a summer’s queen.” 
“You did not march,” the king rebuffs. 
“Eh, do not,” Vesemir warns, “I do not lecture, I warn you. You are a king now, mm, not a boy playing at tourney knight.” 
“I am aware,” King Geralt snips, “tell me what you are aware of, hiding away in your vultures’ pit. These winter lords wanted home to their families, so I made it so. I agreed to marry that... traitor’s daughter and what have I got for it but a headache? You need not make my skull pound any harder, Vesemir.” 
“Oh yes, your father was no fan of politics either. Nor did he play them well. Perhaps you might take another lesson after him,” Vesemir rebukes, “that turncloak’s daughter will not be any more amenable should she learn of her husband’s follies.” 
“She cannot see past her own nose,” Geralt straps his sword over his back. 
“You are hard to miss,” Vesemir insists. 
“Let us go to the cellar, I tire of your reproach.” 
“Ever obstinate, my liege,” the lords tuts and shakes his head, turning for the door. 
You angle to watch them go, the door shutting heavily in their stead. You let out a breath and hug your legs to your chest. You look up at the canopy and the looming bed frame. And so it begins, you sit, trapped by the king’s deceit. 
After some time, you dare to step beyond the canopy. You dress and sit at the table; the chamber growing still as the water cools and stagnates. The fire crackles to embers but you’re too fraught to think to feed it. You stare at the door. The longer you wait, the more your doubt threatens to consume you. 
There is no dial or no sunlight to gauge how long but it is longer than you anticipate. You grow restless and rise, pacing as you twist your palms against each other. Is it the queen the keeps the king? Or something more dire? 
When at last you hear movement on the stairs, you can’t help but hide against the wall. The footsteps hammer up and the door bursts open from the other side. At first, you fear the worst. Perhaps your mind has made it all a bit too extravagant but in a manner, you long for it to end, one way or the other. 
King Geralt storms in like a gust of wind and snow. The wood snaps against stone as he blusters across the floor and kicks a chair. It cracks against the table and the armrest splinters. You curl your fingers into your apron and sway.  
The king grabs the edge of the table and overturns it, sending the books and plates atop it to the floor. He circles like a rabid wolf, stomping and seething, growling as his anger simmers up his throat. He stops as if struck and goes to the bed, tearing back the canopy. His chest puffs as his brow furrows. 
“Treasure...” he breathes. 
You shudder, “your highness.” 
He turns and sees you, his shoulders easing. He closes his eyes and his jaw locks. He pushes his hands over his hair as he calms himself. He opens his eyes against and drops his arms. 
“Did I frighten you? I didn’t mean to,” he slowly comes closer, “you know I could never harm you.” 
“Yes, your highness, I only meant to be out of the way,” you utter. “Something is amiss?” 
“Mmm,” he hums through his nose, “that is a way to say it.” He takes your hands in his, his thumbs rubbing your knuckles, “my wife has not been a very gracious guest. Lord Vesemir’s hospitality quickly wanes. The storm won’t be much longer before we can depart...” he doesn’t look happy for the fact, “and we would be best to do so quickly.” 
“Is that not good? Aren’t you happy to go home?” You ask. 
His expression softens, “little maid, of course. I cannot wait to show you it all but... I hoped we might have some more time before that. The road is not easy.” He exhales and raises your hands, kissing each, “I must let you go for now. I have acted hastily and there are still matters to attend to. The war I started still roils in the air.” He shakes his head, “I have foes to harry as yet.” 
You blink, “what do you mean?” 
“Never you worry,” he lowers your hands, “I’ve only one mission for you, little maid.” 
“Yes, your highness.” 
“You will return to the queen’s service, yes? You will tend to her as you always have but you will watch and you will listen. Every lord, every lady, ever single vermin that keeps her company, I want to know of,” he sneers.  
“Your highness? Why--” 
“Do not ask why. I require it, that is all you need to know. For our safety, you must do this,” he clings to you, “treasure, I know you are a loyal creature, it is what first drew me to you, but that woman you serve wouldn’t know loyalty if it crept up her skirts.” He lets you go hesitantly, “she is still a traitor’s daughter.” 
Your lip trembles and you quickly still it. He is asking you to play spy. On Jazlene. On your queen. His very own wife. But why? She is foolish, she is a drunkard, but she is harmless. 
“You swore yourself to your duty, didn’t you?” He arches a brow. “The king comes above all. Regardless of house, of master, you serve me.” 
“I will serve as I swore,” you grit out, injured by his tone. 
That same day he was gentle and now he is steely and demanding. He toys with you. He only means to use you in whatever way the moment calls for. It is not grand revelation but no less painful. 
“Do not be sombre, treasure, in due time,” he rasps. He backs away and puts his back to you, “go, before I let my heart get the best of me. Should you stay longer, I might never let you leave.” 
“Your highness,” you bow and walk to the door. 
“The knight awaits you. He will take you to the queen.” 
“Thank you,” you stand in the doorway. 
“Wait,” he calls to you and follows after. You turn to find him with cloak in hand, “you will need this.” 
You look down at the cloak. You take it without protest. Even if it is tainted, he isn’t wrong. You will face the cold soon enough and you wouldn’t fare long in your wool and linen. You thank him and he sees you through the open door, closing it as you descend. 
As you come to the bottom, you find a shadow awaiting you. It isn’t Bryce. The figure is broader and his white hair shines in the torch light. You step off the bottom step and bend your neck. 
“My lord,” you greet the castle lord. 
“Maid,” he returns dully, “so it is the little dove that coos as the king.” 
You keep your head down, turning it away in shame as you purse your lips. It is your first lesson in judgment but not an easy one. 
“I didn’t expect you so much as you didn’t expect me. Sir Bryce has allowed me your time but he warned me he would be back,” he explains. “I only wanted the measure of the king’s fancy. I’ve known him a very long time so it is curious to me that he has put himself in such a... circumstance.” 
“My lord,” you whisper, throat crackling. 
“Hmmm,” he gives a thoughtful hum. You languish in his silence as he looms in the flicker of lanterns. He pushes away from the wall and steps closer. “You are not offended, but guilty. There is no presumption in you, dove. You do not take insult from what I say, you only take on the onus of the king’s desire.”  
He leans in and brings his hand under your chin, forcing your head up. He looks at you, examining you like some riddle. His wrinkles deepen as the shadows make caverns of his eye sockets. 
“I see it clear,” he remarks as he pulls his hand away. “I remember the dove who treated cook no lesser than lord,” he stands straight and crosses his arms, “I see no difference between her and you. Yes, I was not mistaken before, but I believe our king is. He does not know you though he believes he does.” 
“My lord, I serve the king.” 
“You serve your queen,” he counters, “you are of the summer, just like her. So how do you choose?” 
You stare at him and your eyes sting. Can you choose? 
“It doesn’t matter which one, either would clip your wings,” he lets out a gray breath. “Dove, I will keep your peace. I hold no malice for you, no, I pity you.” He puts his hand to his chest, “while you are under my roof, you will have whatever you need. I will have that soldier find you a proper chamber. For yourself, and should you want, you will have the pick of my pantry. What little delights you might have, I would enjoy them while you can.” 
“Thank you, my Lord, but that is very much for a maid.” 
He touches your cap, his fingers lingering on the linen, “summer dove... I told you these winds were too cold for you.” 
“I must go to the queen,” you plead. 
“Yes, go,” he backs away, “I will send your soldier to you.” His lips go crooked as his eyes narrow thoughtfully, “I’ve known Sir Bryce a very long time. That man alone is the best army you could have at your back.” 
“He is kind, sir,” you say. 
“Is he now?” Lord Vesemir scoffs, “well, maybe one day, I might remember him as such. Do not let me keep you from your duty.” 
He stays by the wall and you step around him. You don’t look back as you march forward, the cryptic conversation follows you through the corridors. There was something unsaid in his voice, as if he knew something you don’t. One might take it as him making a joke of you, but you don’t see that man laughing over such grave matters. 
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mothocean · 10 months
Fuck it. Steampunk era new albion tumblr
⚙️ mcallisterindustries Follow
Today is the 40th anniversary of the death of my beloved mother, Annabel Mcallister, whose passion for science has inspired me since i was a young boy. Without her, the memory of her death aching in my heart, driving me to pursue a way to bring back those lost to time, Mcallister Industries wouldn't be where it is today. To honor her memory, we are holding a 30% sale on all new doll models, and a 1+1 deal on reanimating newly dead loved ones! Call 1-DOLL-800 to find out more about upcoming sales and order your loved one's new doll body today!
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💀 voodoopunk-official Follow
We're meeting again at the crossroads tonight!! Bring your doll-ay doll-ay spirit!
- Mod B
#voodoopunk #vote voodoopunk we dance with you on your graves
704 notes
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💀 voodoopunk-official Follow 🔁 averagealbioncitizen Follow
🤵 averagealbioncitizen Follow
man can these dolls play literally anything else. i keep retuning my granny's radio but it always plays that elysian night song :(((
🔁 💀 voodoopunk-official Follow
You just don't get it like we do
- mod A
1 notes
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🟥 redhairedbisexual Follow 🔁 redhairedbisexual
🟥 redhairedbisexual Follow
my bro died so i have to take over the family business now :(( anyway hmu if you need anything special iykyk 😜🤙💯
🔁 🟥 redhairedbisexual Follow
update: who tf keeps stealing our stock im gonna fucking bootleg doll you
7 notes
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👑 aliceinfutureland Follow
made some progress today :) the angels will be proud
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🤖 doll34221543 Follow 🔁 doll356857543 Follow
🌠 newalbionmayor-official Follow
Elysium, the silent sighed lost lullaby...
56.7K notes
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💀 voodoopunk-official Follow 🔁 bi-bye-byron Follow
🕶 destroy-da-dollz-deactivated
🔁 🎩 bi-bye-byron Follow
🔁 👯‍♀️ dykes4dolls Follow
What a self own lmao
🔁 💞 dollay-darling Follow
op did u really think people were gonna vote against the doll? On the voodoopunk website?
🔁 🕶 destroy-da-dollz-deactivated
'voodoopunk website' up my ass y'all let the power get to your head. You fucking rusty ass stoner cultists ain't gonna last here
🔁 💀 voodoopunk-official Follow
- mod B
4,306 notes
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🕶 crossroads-acolyte-deactivated
My dad's been really terrible lately... at least i have the dolls to comfort me
🔁 🕶 crossroads-acolyte-deactivated
Their song is so beautiful... if only i could join them...
🔁 🕶 crossroads-acolyte-deactivated
Elysium, the silent sighed lost lullaby
Elysian night
Read more
2 notes
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🤵 averagealbioncitizen Follow 🔁 voodoopunk-official Follow
💀 voodoopunk-official Follow
With great agony, we announce the passing of one of our dear members. Mod A, also known as Acolyte Amelia, you will be missed.
- Mod B
🔁 🤵 averagealbioncitizen Follow
I KNEW THOSE DOLLS WERE PROBLEMATIC FROM THE START UGH... don't support the voodoopunks they're lying to you #killthedolls #antivoodoopunk
🔁 💀 voodoopunk-official Follow
Amelia didn't die because of the dolls dumbass you're just using her death as a means to further your stupid political agenda smh 🙄
- Mod B
🔁 🤵 averagealbioncitizen Follow
36.8K notes
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🚫 destroy-da-dollz-remade Follow
#anti voodoopunk #kill the dolls #i fucking said it from the start but y'all didn't LISTEN
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🤵‍♀️ kate-the-nyarrator
can anyone even hear me
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neteyamyawne · 9 months
🎀 — Cockwarming
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༄ Pairing : Miles Quaritch x Fem!Scientist!reader
༄ Summary : You have always the colonel's personal plaything, His little slut, and when he says has a phone call in the midst of fucking you into oblivion, he makes sure to have his cock nice and warm till the call ends.
༄ Warning : semi-public sex? Cockwarming, PinV, Daddy/babygirl dynamic, age gap, explicit.
༄ Word count : 1k proof read.
༄ Note : Y'all I'm so down bad for him, like omg! And I'm sorry so SUCH a late update, but life's been giving me like a ton of lemons and I don't have enough time to make lemonade but I'm trying, I'm getting into writing again (in between my exams, i know I'm crazy) all my pending fics will come!!
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It was usual wednesday afternoon, head bent down on your desk with a new plant specimen that Daniel, the department head, needed an detailed report on, which meant EVERY detail was meant to be written, rushing from one station to another as you collected information diligently as the afternoon slipped late and so did an arm around your waist, pulling you flush against him as you squealed in surprise but he was quick to place a hand on your mouth to stop it as he bent down and chuckled near your ear.
“Wacha doing, cupcake?” he grumbled against your neck, pressing a few kisses and a few nips to your cheek and ear, not giving you enough time to react as he threw you over his shoulder and carried you out of the laboratory like a potato sack while you angrily protested, hitting him with your fists “Put me down, you tall smurf, I have work!!”
He raised his eyebrow at your nickname and smacked your ass making you squeak in embarrassment “What did you call me, cupcake?” his tone was low enough to give you your needed warning about what was to come but you couldn't help but whine
“I’m working, sir, Daniel would kill me if i don’t complete it soon!” you were slightly exaggerating it but who cares when you were with the colonel himself? He just chuckled at your complaints and walked around the lab to get out without hitting anything “where’s this Daniel guy-” he didn’t have to wait as Daniel himself came grumbling to your desk as he held a file in his hand “Y/n, how many time have I to- told….”
He trailed off as he Quaritch with you on his shoulder, ass up “puny, do you mind if i borrow one of your scientist for a while” his voice dared Daniel to say no, but the nosy scientist knew better as he immediately nodded to the secOps colonel “Of course, of course! she’s… all yours” he said with clear disdain written on his face, of course he couldn’t have you under his thumb for a long while now.
Miles was more than happy as he carried you back to his quarters while your embarrassed face stayed hidden in his muscular back, other passerbyers were not surprised at the scene, being used to it by now, it was a weekly occurrence if not daily and he took nothing but pride in the fact that others were watching, he didn’t give a fuck.
»»————- 𑁍 ————-««
You knew what was coming and you fucking enjoyed the thorough drilling he gave you, his sweet cupcake who could do no wrong, his hand on your bare back, guiding your wet pussy on his cock like a wet glove, ass smacking into his skin with rhythmic slaps, your gasps muffled by his huge hand covering your saliva coated mouth.
"just like that cupcake... Such a sweet little whore for me, ay? Letting daddy fuck your brains out" He growls in your ear as he fists your hair, gripping it tightly to send that delirious shiver down your spine, your messed up moans were incoherent to understand as he picks you up and flips you over like a rag doll before pulling out, laying down on his back after he pulls you on top of him, making you sink down on him again without any mercy.
Your whimpers were unheard of by him as Miles only gave you a few minutes before he was pistoning his hips back up into your dripping cunt, making your tits bounce almost pornographically, a string of slurs escaped your mouth as he coached your body to bounce on his cock "Fuck! Daddy... Thrust... S- shit"
He just smirked at your angelic voice, tired from the relentless rounds until a holographic square appeared on the bedside table, vibration loudly as bold letters showed who called "General Ardmore" bright on the screen
It was quiet for a minute as he stopped, placing you down, cock still snug in your warmth, both of you quiet for a while before he spoke "Keep your mouth shut for me okay? Don't want her to hear you, hmm?" He whispered before he sat up, an unwilling groan wisping through your lips until you shut up when met with his glare as he picked up the call and placed it on his ear.
General Ardmore spoke from the other side while he specifically shifted to torment your already overstimulated hole, nudging back and forth and watch as you bite your lip to keep yourself quiet, his other hand gently caressing your waist, sharp eyes following your shaking legs to the point of connection of your bodies.
He purposely placed the call on the speaker, making you listen to her points about the new mission but all you see and hear were his smirk and quiet chuckles as he kept you impaled on himself, the call was long and agonizing, having you as his Cockwarmer while chatting with her like he wasn't engaged in something much more serious
As he talked to her about the details when he moved up inside you and you squealed suddenly and he stopped, Ardmore stopped "Colonel, is someone there with you?" He scrutinized you heavily and you couldn't help but squirm under his gaze "No, General must be some wild animal outside" he covered up for you as he covered your mouth.
He spoke and nodded to the general's words, keeping your mouth shut and fucking you silently "understood, General, I'd work on it" he said gruffly before ending the call the threw the phone on the mattress before he saw your tear-stained face and rolled his eyes "you sneaky slut, can't keep your mouth shut can you? Then show daddy how loudly you can scream my name" he smiled maliciously before flipping you over with his hand snaking to your throat.
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Ho Ho Ho : @cryinginthemoonpool, @luvv4j4ybe11, @xylianasblog, @plooto, @itchaboi-itchyboy, @pandoraslxna, @taylormarieee, @thewiltedpeony, @neteyamswillow, @danniackerman, @hotdsworld, @zafrinaxyz, @xstarsdiary, @moondaisye, @puddle-nerd, @eywxveng, @minnory, @neteyamssyulang , @tavsianus, @ele-sme.
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©Neteyamyawne2023 | All Rights Reserved. Do not repost on other platforms, copy, steal, or translate any of my works!
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vnards · 5 months
Mafia!141 pt5
“Would any of you like to explain why a civilian has been brought back to our safehouse!?” Price was livid. His teeth kept grinding the end of the second cigar of the evening. The three men stood at attention like they did back at their time in the military.
There was silence.
Ghost had to admit, Price was handling this much better than he originally thought. Maybe his retired years are catching up to him. John began his pacing again, nearly wearing a hole in the carpet. “Who’s idea was it?”
All three men answer in unison, “It was mine, sir.” The trio looks unsure at the others admission, but know they stand on a united front when it comes to you.
A deep sigh comes from him for the nth time that night since Ghost called him. He rubs at his temples in frustration as he leans over his oak desk. His anger bubbles over as his fist strikes the wood. The former captain approach the three men, coming nearly nose to nose with each one, to let them see the fire behind his tone, “48 hours. You have 48 hours to send the civilian anywhere else but here, do you understand me?”
“Yes, sir.”
John Price glared at them individually once more before storming out of his office. Leaving the men to finally relax, surviving a lashing from the boss himself. Now they turn to each other, the irritation from the night wearing on them, but Boss gave them orders. “When I give you an order, Johnny, you do it.” He growled. He put you in danger.
“How was A supposed t’know we weren’t clear.”
“By doing a sweep like you learned in fucking basic.” Simon and Johnny step to each other, a charged energy slowly progressing.
Kyle jumps in, “She got hurt because of you.” He cast a grating look at Johnny.
“Bullsheit! ‘f it wasn’ my quick thinkin’ who know what woul’ve happened.” There is a suspicious silence around them. An elephant in the room no one is quite ready to address yet. “Ye’r not innocent either. Ye’ the one that scared ‘er.”
Ghost couldn’t push away the nagging feeling in his chest that bothered him. “I did what I had to do.”
“And so did aye!”
Soap and Ghost are nose to nose. They breathed in each other’s faces, teeth bared, fists clenched together.
But they never did mean it, all this yelling. They would cuss each other out and then fuck in the nearest bedroom. This time Gaz decided he was going to stay and watch, his own frustrations leading to hungrier urges.
A few doors down you rested after the doctor checked what he could at this time of night. The doc updated Price before he left. “She’s got a concussion from what I can tell, she’s gonna need a lot of rest. Otherwise, she’s recovered from her initial shock. She needs a lot of rest.”
Price promises his extra pay for the doc’s “emergency visit” and continues past him. The boss pushes out of the safehouse and into the woods around it. He’s going out for the night.  
price is pissed :)
<-previous part masterlist
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the-evil-lovable-simp · 11 months
Caine x Jessica Rabbit Reader
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The game was finally getting an update, you know for the adult audience, that will fly right over kids' heads. There was a whole new room and it was built just for you, (y/n) Rabbit.
"Everyone, I have brought you all here for the new update, and instead of an adventure, we will watch a show. Apparently, the star of the show is called (y/n) Rabbit!" Caine announced excitedly, this caught Jax's attention.
"Wait rabbit!?" Jax looked up.
"Oh god, we don't need another one!" Zooble scowled at Jax.
He scowled back at them about to make a snide comment about them until Caine started talking again.
"Ha! Yeah you might know her," Caine laughed as they all walked in. It looked pretty nice but it was kinda empty there were a few npcs scattered about. They all sat at three tables near each other, and the show started. The more the show went on with different people on stage the more it went on the more npcs pilled in, a lot of them were getting really excited, and some waiter npcs put drinks on the tables, they inspected it and it was alcohol, Caine sniffed it, this certainly wasn't family-friendly. Suddenly the lights dimmed and lots of people started clapping and ran to the bottom of the stage, the group looked around confused. Caine hollered waiter,
"What's up with everybody!?" he asked the wooden doll.
"(y/n) Rabbit is performing tonight," they answered and walked off.
"Everyone here's got a thing for rabbits then ay?" Caine said, the six turned to Jax, and he looked a bit uncomfortable. But then the music started and they all looked to the stage.
"You had plenty money, 1922~" a leg stuck out the curtain. You stepped out. Many of the npcs started whistling and cheering.
"You let other women, make a fool of you~" You sang as you turned in your sparkly dress.
Gangle was unphased with tears in their eyes, Zooble's eyelids lifted, Ragatha started blushing so did Jax, Pomni wasn't even paying attention, Kinger's pupils dilated, and Caines eyeballs bulged.
"Why don't you do right~" you walked over the wall.
You leaned against it and slid seductively down.
"Like some other men do~" you sang, Caine's jaw lowered. You walked over to an npc that was leaning towards your legs,
"Get out of here~" you kick them away.
This finally catching the attention of Pomni and she was shocked at what she saw.
"Get me some money too~" Caine's bottom jaw dropped on the table. You started to walk down the path of the stage.
"If you had prepared twenty years ago~" npcs gathering around your feet.
"You wouldn't be wanderin' now from door to door~"
One npc got close and you put your hand on his face and pushed him down,
"Why don't you do right~" You walked in the seven's direction.
"Like some other men do~" you sang as you stepped on the table with Kinger, gangle and Zooble. Caine reattached his jaw.
You put your hand out for Kinger to take, and he did, helped you down.
You went behind him, reached for his head, bent down and pinched his cheeks.
"Get out of here~" you got a handkerchief from nowhere and shined his head with it and dropped it, and he caught it.
"Get me some money too~" you then proceeded to walk up to Caine,
You were much bigger than he was and he was very small compared to you so it was a funny sight when you sat on his lap.
"Get out of here~"
Caine was suddenly very nervous and the six watched in amusement.
You put your hand under his jacket touching his shoulder, and grabbed his top hat. Leaned in like you were gonna kiss him and he leaned in too.
"Get me some money too~" you shoved his hat into his face/teeth. He scrambled to put his hat back on, and you got off him and went around behind him stroking his shoulder and getting on the table.
"Why don't ya do right~" you stretched your leg up posing, got up again, turning and leaning on the table towards Caine.
"Like some other men~..." You grabbed his bow tie and pulled him up off the chair. Your lips really close to his face. Caine started to sweat, you could hear npcs ohing in the background and then one going so far as groaning.
"Doooooooooooooo~" You let go of his bow tie, he forgot he wasn't floating and crashed back onto the chair. You walked back on stage and the curtains went back down covering you up. All the npcs stood up cheering, roaring, screaming, whistling. The seven sat there in silence, well, except Kinger, he was clapping with the npcs.
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Should I make a second part?
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gavisfanta · 3 months
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summary: you and fermin are going to a club with some friends, but you cant wait to have some private time...
a/n: okay i cant not update so have this, this was scheduled for October but i need to feed my children somehow.
warnings: smut, vaping
"Clubbing? Outside?" You ask as your jaw dropped. Fermin nodded his head. "At 5pm?" You asked again.
"Yes Hermosa, that's what I've just told you." He smiled at how shocked you were.
Besides from the fact that Fermin and Gavi had more vacation than the other Barça players because they were on international duties, they were pretty relaxed.
"How is that gonna work?" you ask again, still unable to believe what Fermin is yapping about.
"At first there is a concert, well not concert but someone is gonna sing, then theres music and we can enjoy ourselves. Gavi and Javi will also be there." Fermin tried to convince you.
He wanted you to come along because he hasn't done anything with you and Gavi together in a while.
For Fermin, being with his two favourite people on this whole earth was the thing that could make him the happiest.
So after a lot of convincing you agreed to go with Fermin.
Just 3 hours later you were standing there, in a black dress which showed some cleavage but not too much.
While you were admiring yourself in the mirror Fermin walked up to you from behind.
He wrapped his arms around your waist and then buried his head in the crook of your neck.
"You look beautiful." He whispered against your skin, you felt his hot breath on your neck and you couldn't help but smile.
"Thank you." He turned you around by your waist and then pulled you in for a deep kiss.
After just a few seconds you pulled away and then walked away. "Where are you going?" He asked, following behind you, he couldn't help but stare at your ass as you walked into the hallway.
You put on shoes and then turned wround to look at him, "Are we going or not?" You asked and he looked at his watch.
"Oh right." he said and also put on his shoes. Before you left the house Fermin walked over to the livingroom and quickly grabbed something.
Tou gave him a questioning look as he held up his vape. "Fuck I forgot that mine is empty." You mumbled and he shrugged his shoulders.
You looked around, Gavi said that he'd pick you two up with his car, but he's nowhere to be seen yet.
"You can use mine, it has enough liquid left." He said and brought it up to his lips. He inhaled the smoke and then blew it into the air.
"You're so hot when you vape." You noticed as you were staring at him with a huge smile.
Fermin turned his head to face you, a smirk making its way onto his face.
"Yeah?" He asked and you then saw Gavi's car pull up. You quickly nodded your head and made your way over to Gavi's car.
"Ayy, Ferminho y Y/n" Gavi smiled as you two sat into the backseat and buckled up.
"Gavito" You smiled and dabbed him up. He then turned to the steering wheel again.
"So you managed to convince her Hermano?" Gavi looked at Pedri in the review mirror. Fermin laughed for a second.
"Took a while but yeah"
"I couldn't manage to convince Maria." Javi added and you could see Gavi smile already.
"So just the usual?" Javi smaked Gavis arms as soon as he said that. "That's so not true you know. She just didn't want to come since we didn't know that Y/n will be coming or not." Javi turned around in his seat to face you. Your lips immediately curled up into a smile. Maria is Javis girlfriend and she's one of the sweetest girls you have ever met.
Her and Javis personalities matched perfectly since Javi was probably the most well behaved out of the whole friendgroup.
He didn't smoke, he didn't drink, the only thing on his mind were Maria, his friends and school.
Of course he stuck around when you guys went out partying, just to be there for Maria and you guys. He was usually the driver and the one who took care of the drunk one.
"Ay don't you dare smoke in my car!" Gavi yelled while he kept his gaze at Fermin through the review mirror. You looked at your boyfriend who lifted up his hands in defense.
"My vape is in my pocket, chill." Gavi looked at the road again and Javi laughed a little.
"You two mean pure trouble." Javi laughed and Gavi couldn't help but smile a bit at his comment.
After you have arrived, Gavi parked down the car and you received some special passes for VIP.
You then went to a bigger tent where all the food and drinks were sold and Fermin bought you a gin tonic.
"Thank you" You smiled as you pecked his lips after tasting the bitter alcohol run down your throat.
"No worries, just tell me whenever you need the vape." Fermin grabbed into his pocket and then brought the grape flavoured vape up to his mouth. Seconds later he inhaled the smoke and then let it out, a faintly visible strain of smoke left his mouth and you shook your head.
"Don't inhale too much, you know that'll ruin your lungs." You mumbled and he nodded his head while putting the vape against his mouth again.
"Ay you two lovebirds." Gavi and Javi waked back to you, each with a drink in their hand.
"How's it going?" Gavi asked and took a sip of his drink, you couldn't exactly make up what it was but you were leaning towards Coke.
"It's going good" Fermin smiled a little at Gavi and you grabbed his hand in which he held the vape. You grabbed it and then brought it up to your lips.
"You two are insane, why do you smoke that shit?" Gavi pointed at you, Fermin shrugged his shoulders and then turned to look at you.
"As long as we're not addicted." He mumbled and Gavi just raised his eyebrows while giving Fermin a side eye. you laughed a little bit just as you exhaled the smoke.
The next few hours went by and the vibe was even better. People were dancing along to the loud music blasting through the speakers.
Hkwever around 2 am everything started to calm down again and Fermin and you decided on going home.
You both were pretty sober already because you didn't drink too much.
"Gavi, we're going home" Fermin let the young Sevillano know and Gavi nodded his head while giving you two a thumbs up.
You quickly called a Taxi which arrived in about 5 minutes. Then after the two of you areived home, Fermin paid the driver and then you guys went inside his house.
"You wanna watch a movie?" Fermin asked you while you two went up the stairs. His hand was holding yours while you carried the vape in your other hand.
"Mhm," You mumbled as you put the plastic between your lips and pulled the smoke into your mouth.
After the both of you got changed and got into bed you had just made yourself comfortable. "Pass me the smoke." You mumbled, pointing at the bedside table where Fermins vape was.
So Fermin did, he passed you the vape and you pulled the smoke into your mouth a couole of times before you got an idea. Whike your boyfriend was still focusing on the movie your hands slowly made their ways to his lower abdomen. You then sst up next to him and kept eye contact while you pulled off his pants and boxershorts slowly.
He just watched you, his hands behind his back as you sat down on his knees.
"Just ask already if you can suck my dick." Fermin looked at you sitting on his knees with that small grin and the vape still in your hand.
"Can I suck your dick Fermin?" You asked and he groaned.
"Yeah, fuck you sound so hot." He swore under his breath and you looked at his still softish dick.
"Good." You leaned forward and took his tip into your mouth. You began sucking on it, licking around its base and putting in more into your mouth until his dick was standing up, covered in precum and your spit.
Then you took more into your mouth and started to move your hand up and down fkr the part that wouldn't fit into your mouth.
"Yeah, just like that." Fermin threw his head back and suddenly you pulled away. As your boyfriend looked down at you, he saw you exhaling the vape onto his dick before you took him into your mouth again.
"You're so good to me." He groaned as you started to swirl your tongue around his tip again and pumping his cock with your other free hand.
It only took a couple more minutes until you felt Fermins cock twitch inside your mouth and then his warm load shoot into the back of your throat.
He was out of breath and his shiny chest rising up and down while you stood up infront of the bed and pulled at the vape.
Fermin looked at you take off your clothes after you released the smoke into the air.
You could feel his erection against the back of your ass since you were sitting on his lower stomach.
You brought the vape up to your mouth again, you inhaled the smoke and then leaned down to Fermins mouth. He sucked the smoke inside his mouth and you began to slowly slide down on him. You clenched around him while moaning loudly, Fermin gripped your hisp tightly as he forced you to slide down faster.
"Fermin" You moaned as you began to slowly bounce up and down on him, he grabbed your tits as he rolled his hips into the direction of your hips against his.
As he started to notice that you didn't have any energy anymore and that you were too tired, he turned the two of you around so that you were now below him.
"I was waiting the whole time for this." He confessed while leaving sloppy kisses along your collar bone, his dick burried deep inside of you.
With a sudden movement, he began to thrust into you, he had a fast pace, hips slamming against yours forcefully while his balls kept hitting against your core.
It didn't take long for you to come, you clenched around him hard, loud moans and screams escaped your lips, Fermin placed his forehead on your chest while he pulled out of you and finished on your stomach. While looking up at you, he gave you a kiss on the lips and then fell into the bed next to you.
"This was amazing."
"It so was."
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