#Adoption Detective
Are Adoptees More Telepathic?
“Nothing stresses an infant more than maternal separation. Perhaps, when two souls are intertwined, the mother’s loss activates intuitive alarms in the child’s brain that increase the tactile senses, heighten the senses of optics and smell, and trigger a telepathic homing beacon in the infant’s brain as primal acts of self-preservation.” Judith Land “Telepathy is a feeling, perception, passion,…
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cobaltfluff · 3 months
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competitive aquarium date
bonus: the night before
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potato-lord-but-not · 24 hours
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HOLY GHOSTS DOODLES YEEAGAGHSHSH at first these weren’t supposed to be related but they are definitely related so. apply whatever context you feel like.
also bonus comic strip form like. 2 months ago. that I forgot about. anyway
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feeshu09 · 3 months
While bebi yqy is all sad, somewhere out there...
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nelkcats · 1 year
False Identity
Danny knew that if he wanted to escape Amity and all the chaos that was his life he needed to get a fake identity, move and go as far away as possible. He could probably ask Tucker or Technus, but he felt it was something he had to do on his own.
He made arrangements, destroyed the portal, said goodbye and ended up moving to Gotham. However his hacking job wasn't so good and he was discovered in an instant by the bats.
They decided to investigate him instead of confronting him directly, following Jim's advice that not everyone was running because of something malicious, Danny didn't do anything out of the ordinary.
He seemed to be adjusting to Gotham which was weird on it's own but the strangest thing he did was get a job in Penguin's Iceberg Lounge but that was more because of his job search than anything else.
His past records also showed nothing more than a child with poor grades and troubling injuries, probably caused by neglectful parents.
Damian began to fear the worst and hid the adoption papers.
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zoeves · 1 year
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the origin of haibara’s wardrobe
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fure-dcmk · 1 year
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osaka police department's golden boy
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the-nerdiest-insanity · 4 months
So, I have too many Dead Boy Detectives ideas and not enough time and motivation to write them. These ones are up for grabs, but I'll let you know if I ever do revisit any of these
Edwin and Crystal have to pose as a couple for a case, and neither is happy about it
There's some case involving an elite restaurant or some place where only couples can get in. Crystal pulls strings to get them in, but Charles and Niko are off investigating something else. Edwin was held back to search their books for anything. That leaves only Edwin and Crystal forced to act as a couple to get in
5 times the boy’s “old married couple” tendencies came out, and 1 time one of the boys noticed it
Could be little things like "that's Edwin's spot," or "Charles always puts his backpack there" to bigger things like being undercover on a case and accidentally winning a best couple competition
Crystal (and Niko) learning from Charles that the Cat King and Monty were just the latest in a line of broken hearts that Edwin has left. Edwin has been completely oblivious to all of them
Just love the idea of oblivious heartbreakers and Edwin definitely never notices anyone's affections unless it's very clearly spelled out for him
Desire wants to know why their sister is so fascinated with Edwin, so they catch him while he’s in Hell. Getting a confession where Desire is taunting Edwin til he spills everything… Only for Charles to be standing there, coming to rescue his best friend. Desire’s work is done, and they leave, and the boys must deal with the aftermath
Thinking like House of Hades style where Desire is more heard, but not seen as Edwin talks about Crystal and how much he is frustrated by her because he envies her. Highly recommend looking up the House of Hades Cupid Scene to get the vibe I'm talking about.
One thinks they’ve been dating for years vs we’ve never been romantically involved no matter how badly I’d love it trope with Charles and Edwin. Charles is convinced they’ve been dating for like a decade or two while Edwin is completely oblivious and badly pining. Charles “We’ve been dating for 20 years, but Edwin doesn’t like labels or touch, so he’s my best mate, and I keep my distance” Rowland vs. Edwin “I’d walk back into Hell to taste your lips and hear you call me love” Payne
Another trope I just adore that I think would be interesting with the boys. Especially since Charles just thinks it's because of how Edwin was raised or that he's just like that, and not realising the disconnect. Then, Edwin thinking the exact same about Charles. The best miscommunication version
One of the demons Edwin gets transferred to is Crowley (a token of appreciation the higher-ups say). So, Edwin gets dragged along with Crowley to stop the apocalypse (Charles would fit in there too, idk how)
Just want more Good Omens crossovers. Edwin would love to finally use his detective skills to help Crowley and Aziraphale and also finally get some fresh air. Crowley is done with Hell, but has too much of a heart to just send Edwin off to someone else who'll hurt him. Plus, Aziraphale gets attached, so what can he do
Edit: forgot to add this one originally and it's a crime
Crystal, Niko, and Charles get out that Edwin likes a boy and all come to the wrong conclusions about who
Edwin gets over his crisis faster and the others feel comfortable enough to tease him about being open about his first crush. He gives them very little information, but they all think of someone else. Charles thinks it's the Cat King, Niko thinks it's Monty, and Crystal thinks it's Charles. Chaos ensues as they all try to figure out what's true.
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a-spacecadet · 1 year
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A pair of young detectives-to-be investigate this strange buzzing sound that mysteriously keeps following them…unaware that a little bee is trying to play hide and seek with them…
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Seductions of the Past
“So, why not dare to dream, take a chance, and challenge fate? Perhaps someone estranged long ago will persevere in the coming year by fulfilling his or her dream of eventually catching a glimpse of you.” Judith Land “It seems inevitable that the life’s adventures of adoptees who have lost all contact with family for a considerable period who are eventually reunited with them will one day be…
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bakathief · 6 months
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I first was just listening to the scene so when Conan suddenly swore loudly at Agasa right in front of Ran I almost tripped.
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obsessiveagony2point0 · 5 months
The Past
Charles reminds Hob of someone from a long time ago.
Hob isn’t used to being asked about his past, with Dream being the only exception.
But now, with Edwin and Charles in his life, he was often asked on a daily basis.
Edwin was far more interested in comparing Hob’s experiences to what was written down. It was easier for him to answer those questions since it felt like teaching his History classes. The difference here being these boys knew he was almost 700 years old and his students did not.
A lot of the time, Edwin asked questions about the 1900s, around the time he had died. He’d missed out on not only growing up, but he’d been locked away in hell for nearly 100 years. He was curious, and Hob granted him that curiosity.
It was Charles who asked the harder questions.
A lot of the time, those questions had to do with experiences he should have died from but couldn’t. It was…a bit difficult bringing those memories up, but when Hob spoke about the 1600s where he was homeless and was freezing to what should have been death, he saw Charles’ expression change.
He’d given the boy a hug that day.
He’d asked if Hob had ever been in relationships with mortal people, which led Hob on a very strange and embarrassing yet sad path of all his past relationships. Which meant he spoke about his Eleanor and his once small family.
Then, one day, Charles asked about him.
They were in the kitchen; Hob cooking, Charles flipping through a comic, when suddenly Charles asked, “What was your son like?”
The room went deadly silent.
Hob stared at the eggs, not realizing they were burning until the smell hit him and he immediately moved the pan from the burner and turned it off.
“I-I’m sorry, we don’t have to talk about it.”
“No, no. It’s alright.” He turned to Charles, who looked like a beaten puppy. “I told you both you could ask anything you wanted and I meant it.”
Charles looked hesitant. “Yea…but…”
“It’s fine, Charles.” Hob gave a small, sad, yet reassuring smile before he leaned back against the counter, staring at the ceiling. “What was Robyn like…”
He looked back at Charles, who stared at him with big brown eyes, his face concerned and worried. Memories of Robyn flashed in his head, the face of a young boy who just wanted to make everyone happy and safe.
Hob reached a hand out, placing it on Charles’ head. “Actually…he was a lot like you.”
Charles opened his mouth to speak, but was interrupted by Edwin appearing through the wall. “Charles, we have a case. You can read your cartoon drawings later.”
“They’re comics, Ed. Comics.”
Edwin rolled his eyes and disappeared back into the wall.
Charles moved to follow, but stopped and turned to Hob. “See ya later, Hob.”
“Hopefully not in another week again.”
Charles chuckled. “Hopefully not, but you know Edwin.”
“I know.” Hob smiled. “Just…be safe. As best you both can.”
The ghost boy smiled back. “We will.” And with that, he vanished.
Hob stood there a moment longer, still smiling.
Yes…he was so very much like Robyn…
Just really had to get this out of my system. I like the idea of Charles and Edwin of doing things that remind Dream and Hob of Robyn and Orpheus.
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imma-dragon53 · 8 months
My favorite piece of Fanon ever is baby stalker Tim Drake. Like we looked at the lil boy genius who broke into the batcave and collectively thought “you know what would be funny?”
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thatartiststudios · 18 days
In other news
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Charles is my boy and no one is allowed to touch him
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originalartblog · 2 years
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Detective Murase survives and lives through the events of Storm Bringer. He learns (most of) the truth about his brother, N, and Chuuya, and doubles down on bringing Chuuya to a world of light, feeling somewhat guilty and responsible. Chuuya finally goes along with it.
Chuuya, out of the PM but without a group to latch onto, shadows Murase during his work, and quickly faces the limitations of the system supposed to bring justice. He starts doing "vigilante" work, helping Murase "conveniently" find evidence, and acting indifferent when culprits that had to be released "mysteriously" go missing.
Murase is not stupid, but there's no stopping this overpowered teenager who's angry at the world. He needs an output, a purpose, and, well, there's this detective agency employing ability users they've been working with...
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scrimblyscrorblo · 23 days
Had an idea for a Poe drawing, since he’s canonically a military grade sniper I wondered when he would’ve entered the military.
Its implied his Guild arc is mostly spent writing his book, and his early twenties were spent with detective work as seen in the flashback to the detective competition.
Thus, he was in the army presumably in his teen years, 15 and up.
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And ofc my doodle of it as a little Polaroid with a Kate Bush reference. He couldn’t have his eyes covered and therefore had shorter bangs
Also, bsd takes place 2013 esk and Poe is 28, he would’ve been 15 in the year 2000 and born 1985.
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