jatcv · 27 days
Ladies and gentlemen,
Today is Agnor’s 5th birthday
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(Please leave him birthday gifts and wishes, by reblogging or commenting, it’ll be much appreciated)
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finmoryo · 1 month
Fuck I've been pronouncing Aegnor wrong this whole time
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Honestly Celeborn getting ganked is so in-character. Typical Teleporno behavior.
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fadiafamily11 · 1 month
Baby Mesk asked u to help her & her family to servive & protect from deases & insectes , there is no water no food no midicine no Cleaning materials .
My donation line has been stuck for awhile and I am upset .
I hope u understand me and didn’t agnore me. 💔💔
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pakhnokh · 1 year
Sometimes, when I read MDZS, I want to throw the "Garden Of Lost Will" at the sects. It's a mirror artifact, where you can not lie to yourself. Every hypocrisy you advert your eyes from, every lie you told yourself, every detail you try to agnore, every information you agnore out of convenient. They will show itself in your mind and you can't deny it. Will face with the absolute truth of how terrible you are and you can't deny it. You literally cannot deny it. Because that's YOU in that mirror.
Also it slowly whittle down your Will to live until your soul snap and crack. Unless you get through to the end but that's one hell of a mess up mind. Will be immune to future similar mind magic though.
That's very interesting! I believe the human mind is far more complex than that however. Especially for people who are political leaders. The ability to reach certain perspectives or the decision to act or not to act is something they trained themselves or were trained by the circumstances of their lives gradually for a long period of time. Even if someone, or something, like an artifact, would show them the "bad things" they did or the "good things" they didn't do, question is - would they agree with that observation? Good and bad is in the eye of the beholder, and what I love about MDZS is that even the antagonists have a good explanation for what they do or did. I mean, I can totally see it happening to people, who never wanted their life to turn a certain way, but a chain of events and decisions made them be who they are and do what they do and have their own moral explanation to that. It's very interesting :) Thank you for sharing!
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entamewitchlulu · 1 year
Sorry if I'm being agnorant it insensitive, but how does the AI even work on writing? I know how and how bad the AI feeding on art is happening. But how do the AI even write? I mean, writing have to include all the scenes, characters and emotion.
It's definitely not insensitive to ask! Honestly, it's something that I don't think a lot of people get completely (and I won't pretend that I'm an expert). But in answer to your question, how does the AI know how to write and include all the scenes, characters, and emotions?
Short answer: It doesn't.
Longer answer: AI is a Pattern Recognizer. What that means is that if you put enough Things into it, the coding it's made up of will sort and categorize all the Patterns it can identify, and then when given parameters, it will spit something out that matches those parameters based on the patterns it has stored.
As an example: let's say I fed the AI with a bunch of photos of flowers and all of Van Gogh's paintings. The AI's code sifts through the data, organizes it all based on tags, data, etc, and stores it. Then I tell it "hey, give me a painting of a tulip in the style of Van Gogh." The code searches the database for tags that match the prompt: so it searches its database of flowers for one tagged "tulip", then it searches all of its tagged images of Van Gogh's work and finds patterns in those images, like swirly lines, bright colors, etc, and it combines those things and spits out an image that looks like a tulip that might have been painted by Van Gogh.
The same concept works for writing. If I poured all of JRR Tolkien's writing into an AI, the code goes through and stores, tags, and organizes all that data. Then if I tell it: write a sequel to The Lord of the Rings about Frodo in the Undying Lands. The code pulls Patterns out of the database, like "if someone says this, Frodo usually says this in response." And through that, it manages to cobble something out that maybe sounds like how JRR Tolkien might have written Frodo.
The thing is, it doesn't actually Know what it has. Code can't Know things. So it doesn't Know or Understand who Frodo is. To the AI, "Frodo" is a pattern of words in sequence. So it can find those Patterns and recognize "these sequences are most likely to occur when referring to the parameter of Frodo," and cobble something together, something that might even sound pretty good. But it can't Think. It can't extrapolate or make decisions. It can't consider the internal depth of who Frodo is or represents. It can just repeat and rearrange patterns.
This means, often, if you're reading something written by an AI, eventually you're going to come across something that feels OOC, or loses its internal coherency, or loses details and plot threads, because the AI isn't Thinking. It's not coming up with outlines and keeping track of details, it's just reconfiguring its already loaded database.
Of course, the more patterns it has, the more it can approximate something that sounds like a person wrote it, and that's why a lot of artists and writers are so against it: their work is getting loaded into the AI so that it has a bajillion patterns, including their own styles and concepts! Which it can then use to push more and more of us out of what we love to do as people who are more concerned with Profit decide it's easier to fix some plot holes and wonky writing than to have something with heart, soul, and the actual Decisions of a Person behind it.
So yeah. The TL;DR is, an AI can't write. It can just rearrange patterns fed into it into something that is approximately like what someone might have written. But there's no choices, thought, or consideration behind any of it. It's just a hollow shell of a concept wrapped up in the trappings of someone else's words.
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shadowviper-92 · 5 months
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(Takes place sometime before Moxxie’s departure)
Typhoon never thought it would ever happen, freeing himself from the burdens of the mafia life only to be brought back into it years later… and under one called Crimson Knowlastname, of all people.
The only bright side of this? Being a mere mobster instead of a puppet of an heir, thus giving the shark some relief. Along with that came the mob’s unawareness of the true downfall of the Agnor family, that being the newbie himself. How long that will last, though, remains unclear…
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I’ve finally done it! After all these years I can finally use it! I am now FORKLIFT CERTIFIED! I can finally used the machine I built so long ago. The forklift I forged in the molten pits of Agnor, imbued with the lifting strength of a Storm Giant, and granted the speed of a Red Dragon! No longer will I be too short to lift heavy things high into the air. With the power of this Arcane Forklift, I have removed my greatest weakness as a gnome, boxes on high shelves.
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sarcastily · 1 year
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made some ocs based on insects
from left to right: Raziel (cecropia moth), Adwin (picasso bug), Agnor (european bumblebee), Kei (monarch butterfly), Binod (weaver ant), and Tien (golden giant asian mantis)
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lh-88 · 2 years
Single but I agnore everyone like I’m taken
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jatcv · 11 months
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\ (thought bubble)
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I don’t know what to say
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jatcvqna930 · 1 year
Does your ocs (any ocs) have some favorite animals (mythical animals count too) if so, what is it?
To organize, each person identifies their animal species or favorite power of being an animal, for example, it’s my favorite animal is a hedgehog, then I’m a hedgehog species!
For Stella, she’s part cat but fairy and angel! But she’s mostly a cat species, so for my old oc needs to treat Stella with care not like an animal but as a person with a special bond and affection ability!
Agnor is a difficult one! He’s no animal species that can be identified, but his most favorite mythical creatures would be the hybrid lion eagle. Before that, when he was 3, his favorite was dragons!
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Cj would just be a bunny due to a recessive gene he’s born with but it’s actually his animal species power 😳
Beatrice at a young can be very difficult to discover her animal species ability but to surprise, Beatrice is part wolf because of Dave wolf from the clovers and part cat; very rarely she hisses at the person to stay back or growls when you make her mad, which is also the reason she drowns in disorder!
Caleb is found as cat species already but he is feisty and aggressive as a hug beast due to his birth relocation…
And finally Jackhira. To explain her origin of her power and sister connection between in a short way, she lacked vision and power before she even turned 13. When she went through her first menstrual cycle, crystal became a part of her and Jackhira a part of her sister, explaining her reasoning having also a mix of mouse species to turn small and fox species to protect both their friends and family. ❤️
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pyromaniacldrt · 2 months
"Long ago, far before this place became what it is, there were this two men, far before you were born: A righteous hero, whose light illuminated the city full of darkness, and a mischievous villain, whose evil and darkness threatened the light of the city. They hated eachother and would have epic battles that would shake the skies, and in the wrecked world of heroes and villains, where right and wrong fought to prevail, their main focuses were to destroy eachother. That was what the whole point of their motives, and they both believed that they could not live in a world in which the other existed. I of they had to, they'd fight for all eternity."
- Wow! They sound so cool!- A tiny voice interrupted as it sat up in his bed instead of falling asleep. A little ginger boy named Kevin.
-They are!- The storyteller responded, a jovile man named Agnor- But that´s not where the story is heading.
-Huh? What do you mean?- He said confused.
-Listen: "Then one day, they were cursed, and became inmortal. "
-What!? How!? - The kid exclaimed.
-I dunno. Magic I guess. - The man knew, he definetely did; yet, that was a story for another time.
-That´s dumb, magic doesn't´t exist.- The seven year old grumbled.
-Well, maybe it doesn´t, but since there´s no other explination, let me keep telling.- The man said, always a trickster.
-Ok daddy! - The kid replied as he abruptly accomodated himself in the warm bed.
"At first, none of them knew, and it was nice, because the fights would last longer and they wouldn´t need to worry about fatal injuries. They were praised and respected even more, and certainly didn´t seem a secon older, unlike their friends that had grown gray hair, Hehe!"
-That seems fun!- The little kid said.
-It was, indeed... - The man smiled, yet there was something wrong.
-You look sad... Is there a but? There´s always a but.- The child pouted, before the father gave up and sighed.
"But... The years passed. Soon enough, the henchmen and assistants got older and retired, and their so called allies started to suspect. The Villain was betrayed in the search of this inmortality by his aquintances, and the ones that stood by his side, the ones that showed him that there was still good in the world he had wanted to destroy, died from either the battles or eldery."
-No!- The kid gasped.
-Yes! "Yet, he remained the same. He could have just let them try to steal his inmortality, and avoid the chaos. Yet, he couldn´t let them hurt him. He´d never let them rip him apart, just as the others had done so many years ago. He was convinced it must have been The Hero´s fault, a sick form of revenge to get to him. "
-Poor Villain... I hope he´s okay...- the little ginger pouted.
-He´s okay now, don´t worry.- Agnor reasured.
-Yay!- he cheered- What happened to the hero?
The man tensed, yet, he did not hesitate to tell the story of the other protagonist. -"The Hero, on the other side, became a weapon for "the greater good"; a tool of the goverment to get rid of their loose ends. He saw the worst side of the coin, and his hands were soaked on the blood of the innocent. The light, rightfullness, and everything that made him the hope of humanity soon dissapeared, and nothing but hatred and pain habitated his heart. He could have said no, he could have broke free. Still, his mind would never be free of what he´d done, of what he was. He had been broken to a whole new extent, and the goverment knew that well."
-Why would they do that!? He was good, they didn´t have to hurt him!- He complained, his thought on the world almost bringing to tears the adult.
-Bad people always hurt others, no matter how good one is.- He limited himself to say.
-That´s not fair.
-I never said it was.
"But, as it was said, he grew with hatred in his heart, and instead of directing it to the real culprit, he blamed someone else: This must have been The Villain´s fault, a sick form of revenge to get to him, was what he thought.
-Just like the mister Villain!
- Well, all geniuses think the same way.
-That´s not true!- The kid pointed out.
-Shush, my child, and let me finish.- He interrupted him, feeling the heavy argument that was bound to come if he let Kevin have a word.
"One day, they met again: The Villain was single-carrying a revolution against the goverment and hero agencies, and The Hero had been sent to kill him. The moment they locked eyes in the other, it became clear tat something terrible had been unleashed, like a ticking bomb that was about to explode."
I don´t think I like this story. - The child mumbled though the sheets.
Neither me.- He whispered.
"Their battle wrecked the skies, and the city faced the wrath of the eternal beings, who fought viciously until there was nothing left. Nothing left to love; nothing left to hate, nor fear. Nothing left to fight for. They no longer had a purpose, nor strings to be attached to. They could have charged once again and finish everything; Yet, they just stood there, and sat together as the sun rised. Both the stubborn Hero and the headstrong Villain were too tired to keep fighting, and no longer cared about who´s fault it was. "
"They had decided, for once in their lives, to give up, and accept their differences. Maybe a world in which the other exised wasn´t that bad after all, specially if they´re the only person that you can share your time with."
The kid didn´t interrupt this time, too focused in the words of his father.
"The years passed, and the two man dissapeared. The devastated city was built again, corrupted goverments and hero agencies came to life again, aswell as new heroes and vilains."
"Still, the leyend of the raging villain and the Hero turned evil that almost destroyed everything *COUGH* courtsy of the goverment *COUGH* was still heard in the halls of the museums, in the rumours of bandits and in the beds of children that were told such stories."
-Where did they go?- The little kid say quietly, just in case they were heard.
-Nobody knows. Some say they hid beneath the earth, where the scavengers are looking for them, to steal their enormous power. Others say they sealed in a boat towards the sea, to never be seen again. But I personally belive that they never truly left: That they found a nice house, not too far away from their hometown, where they decided to have a farm, with horses and chickens, maybe a cow or two-
-Like Betsy and Bianca!
-Just like them! And, in this new home, away from their troubled lives, they became friends. With the pass of the years, that fondness for the other grew, and maybe, just maybe, they actually fell in love.
-Puaj! - The child exclaimed.- That sounds like you and Dad! Gross.
-Oh, just you wait, you little twerp!- Agnor joked. - But, as I was saying, they fell in love-Quit that face!- and got married, after hundreds of years of hatred and wrath towards the other. - He looked at the little kid with tenderness. - And, when they thought everything was perfect, they met the most beautiful miracle to ever exist in their lives: A little kid, with a heart of gold, and the worst troublemaker in the entire countryside. They welcomed him in their little world, and without a doubt, he became all the source of happiness in the eternals´ world. My little Kevin.
He hugged Kevin tightly, with all the love a parent can give to their little sun, that had warmed up the coldness in their heart, even when he didn't deserve it. He didn´t mean to let the tears fall, but how could one blame him?
-Why are you crying daddy?- he asked when the man couldn´t held the snifs.
-Because I have to let you go.
And as the illusion faded, he let go of Kevin, only to be faced with the cold stone in which was carved the date of his son´s death. Another poor soul that had been murdered because of him. Another victim to the walking curse his immortality had provoked, one that no matter where they´d go, it would chase them to the end of the world. His husband was right beside him, long ago he had fallen asleep mouring for his little moon, the one thing that had finally brought him peace. The Hero, Agnor, carefully caressed Phirro - the villain-´s dark hair, before waking him up.
They didn´t say anything. They didnt´have to; They had spent so much time being together that they could almost read eachother´s thoughts. And as they stood in front of the ashes of what had once been their home, only a single one crossed their mind:
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lucki-plucki · 6 months
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she agnoring me
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nedsecondline · 6 months
Agnorant* – Kaushal Kishore
  In shadows dark, where arrogance thrives, Ignorance blooms, where wisdom dives… Persons blind to truth, yet proud in stance, Their presence felt, like a fateful dance… * Amidst us all, they wander, unseen, Unaware of knowledge, lost in routine… Avoidance sought, yet futile in stride, For they linger close, no place to hide… * But hark! A remedy, subtle and wise, To overlook, where their ego…
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444names · 2 years
noldorin names BUT excluding "e"
Afarp Agals Aglin Agnor Agorch Aguath Aguithad Aithar Alamdim Alamin Alargol Alrûn Amdirim Amortin Amring Anannyn Anaurg Andor Andos Andoth Angir Angosîr Annar Annostarn Annuin Arand Arannyn Arast Argilk Argouthlui Arlan Arofin Arothimlot Arthfuidh Assorgor Athraug Baidhrad Baingun Balad Balamair Banfann Bannuruin Barth Barthas Basgos Bathdir Bladh Blarn Blind Bliondron Blurills Bouth Bramhon Braurthûth Brost Cailing Caiss Caithoar Caladh Calas Caldaihit Caldoolonn Calin Camronn Carad Caradh Caradwalad Caruin Carundon Caurch Cavarch Ciraglo Cirimdil Ciring Cithir Clark Clath Connyn Coron Corth Coushil Cragloth Cragol Criangth Cridh Crisfing Crosts Croth Cumloth Curth Cíluing Cílumait Cílumlod Dadran Daindon Daitin Daladogor Dalart Daldûn Dalind Dalithlo Dangif Dannyn Daugloun Diandol Diann Dildûn Diriath Dirlain Dirrodron Dolfas Dolfind Dorathir Dortin Doundor Drion Duard Duifty Duint Dundang Durang Durchath Dwath Dínithrin Dúring Dúwaks Dúwath Fachos Faihis Failit Faingunt Falammor Falamor Fanchaid Fandosan Fanglotol Farair Faran Farang Fastol Fauglondur Faugon Faund Firad Firin Fisswas Flanath Footh Forgoth Forladh Foros Founhison Fouros Galam Galfwin Galin Galth Gamundron Garagost Garandaul Gards Garfaind Garion Garisc Gilintow Gilion Giliouris Gilir Giondol Gladam Glaryd Glath Gligh Glion Glost Glothorn Gluin Glóran Gnost Goldin Golfalath Golfor Goling Golosair Goloth Gonds Gorannuin Gorooth Gothlon Gothon Gothormin Griath Grion Grions Grioundon Grunt Guaraw Guardaur Guindirin Gwaid Halastarn Halathvoin Hammailth Hammal Hanfand Harath Harthui Hilduthlos Hilithîr Hirond Hoing Holon Hondir Hoscal Houng Huing Huisfin Hâdhroth Húrian Iannos Idhard Idhûr Idogarath Idoligh Idorofalf Imbando Imloc Impty Inglithard Irimril Isounnorna Ithdalch Ivion Jourtind Jouru Koril Ladorot Ladroc Laguad Larath Laroth Lavarn Lhadh Lhamm Lhammor Lharn Lharnary Lhaur Lhist Lhoarth Lhofarast Lhofir Lhuin Lhuory Liand Liargoth Liathon Linglas Liount Lithroard Londron Lorillos Lorim Lostold Lómind Lóminu Lómun Lómund Lórinum Mablingth Mablos Magall Maglarsty Maglos Mailial Malath Manaur Mindia Minin Mistalanui Mithir Mithoss Mithror Mondoldil Moothon Morlivin Morlor Mounir Mourin Moutalat Mthobal Muthnord Muthor Narfming Nargol Narthith Nathas Nathil Natholatim Ndogalad Niannar Niant Nilbor Nilgrind Ninron Niound Nolion Noming Nonnum Norgolf Norimring Noros Nuinin Nínigh Nínuir Nírin Olith Onwarad Orfingic Orgonass Orgorn Orias Orliath Orodol Osadfanc Osadh Othous Othring Othrion Othîr Padwaing Pastbolan Plaguing Pringurn Radon Ragol Randualad Rastauddy Raund Rhainifth Rhambaland Rhang Rharchton Rhardail Rhaur Rhilf Rhirlas Rhirn Rhofai Rhorch Rhorthir Rhothon Right Rindil Risondimb Rohir Rosfars Roton Ruias Ruidh Rúnorg Saith Sarda Shandoll Shipbur Silic Silmanuick Sindir Sirin Slams Smion Sofai Songonnui Sontiling Sousky Sphalt Splas Spous Sthiliong Stlaks Storthast Sudûn Suffingond Sutar Swing Taithor Taran Taranuru Tarast Taros Taross Tarost Tarth Tathrion Taunt Tavos Thanig Thcaings Thlit Thofandorn Thorch Tichos Tindiannom Tingbolion Tingoros Tirad Tirion Tirst Tolithring Torlu Torthbur Tosdir Tramrodh Tumasts Turon Twast Twing Túrodh Uiath Uiauru Uingbordh Ulanc Ulmar Unírin Uragaros Uvarang Valad Valan Valightow Vanifth Vannor Vannorf Varod Vorda Vorow Vrodirinn Waras Wathimlan Whorlathim Wingodly Wolin Ínith Îdhras Ñgoth
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