#Alice in wonderland is too chaotic and you have to depend SO much of the audience to know the story for it to work on a tv season
constanthinople · 1 year
Curious Cat is the worst name an equivalent of the Cheshire Cat has ever had oh my god.
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Ikemen vampire is my favorite ikemen game so far, which other ikemen games should I check out and that is still playable?
Hello anon! Thank you for the question!
You could pretty much get the idea of what the rest of the ikeseries games are about just by their looks alone... the ones playable in english right now are Ikemen Sengoku, Ikemen Prince, and Ikemen Revolution which won't get any new content but is technically still playable. Same with Midnight Cinderella which is an old title and discontinued since 2021, but I'm assuming you're asking about the former two as regularly updated titles.
Now, it depends what you loved most in ikemen vampire to determine which of the two you should check out. I think all ikeseries games are really alike as they take a certain setting and time period and revolve around forbidden love, the mcs are quite alike (not only because they share a similar fate, but personality-wise too) the love interests share characteristics across the series as you can play spot the eyepatch guy, the glasses guy, the doctor, the playboy, etc etc.
let's put the rest under the cut...
If you liked the dark and the angsty part of ikevamp, you'll love that about ikepri, as you receive ten times more of it. Every route will take you on a rollercoaster of emotions, as the suitors here have their pasts entangled around one another, with a few deep dark personal secrets there and there. Even the seemingly laidback ones would make you bawl your eyes out crying when you discover more about them.
If you liked the chaotic energy of ikevamp, you'll see a lot of that in ikesen, and more. Now, not that ikepri doesn't have its chaotic moments, plenty of them actually (most of those princes are quite the eccentrics), it's just the serious part of it that tips the scales towards the more mature side. In ikesen you'll be encountering a lot of iconic lines delivered by MC, as she brings a lot of her 21st century humor into her new life, confusing the heck out of the warlords sometimes. It's something I found lacking in ikevamp, actually! It's hilarious and will make you recover faster from the angst which is also plentiful in ikesen.
If you like historical stuff, you'll appreciate ikesen for that. Just like ikevamp, in ikesen everyone has an irl counterpart, and the mc finds herself sent back into a certain time period. A lot of that same getting used to her new life, looking for a way back home, trying not to fall inlove or won't ever return, making friends with a person who similarly found themselves there but before her.
If you want something different as for the setting, you will enjoy ikepri's worldbuilding. The story is taking place in a fictional country that is loosely based on France, in a period that is...medieval for the most part. The neighboring countries are involved too, with some of the suitors being from them. I won't spoil you about the identity of the mc but she is different for not going through all of that time and space stuff. It brings a nice change among the other titles and it has much to explore about it.
What else... ikepri's atmosphere is more elegant and refined while ikesen's is rather warm and homely. The princes are not having the best relationships among each other whereas the warlords might be at each other's throats but are also more likely to get into shenanigans together. Both games deal with themes of war. Ikesen's interface might not be to your liking as the game is quite old, whereas ikepri only came out about three years ago and has a lot of new stuff like bond level with the characters.
In case you decide to give Ikerev a try, the premise is: inspired from alice in wonderland; mc finds herself not back in time but in a whole another world altogether instead, there is a war going on that she will play a key part of, there is magic, she can go back to her world in about a month, tries not to fall inlove, does, remains there... the two rival sides of the conflict are armies led by a king each, one army is chill and like a family, the other is founded on authority... real fun and while the angst will make you cry, you will be smiling twice as much. The entangled fates of the characters here are a lot of what i love ikerev for, you'll hardly find a character that doesn't share something big with others from the cast, another thing that i missed in ikevamp.
As someone whose first ikeseries game was ikevamp, after it I enjoyed ikerev the most. In fact, i've played more ikerev routes than of any other game, and i think it's the closest to ikevamp. Ahhh this became a very long post! My advice is, just see the prologue of the games in youtube (if they're available and you don't wanna go through the bother of downloading them just for that) and see what's to your liking. You're welcomed here to talk about your impressions afterwards if you want to! :) I'm putting this on the games' tags in case someone else finds this helpful!
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cerenemuxse · 1 year
Edward being excited, fucking screaming and crying over his baby twin sisters <3 (1900, colorized, SD)
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Oh, and Coppernob is there, I guess.
CW: a bunch of unorganized thoughts /srs so if things don't make sense, my apologies. This is a running theme in my blog, haha-
I had names for his sisters but I'm currently going through and renaming them because of a couple names 🙃
ANYWAYS, I am mentally ill for this. Despite all the bullshit he went through (because of his own actions), there are at least a few sweet moments. Those moments being meeting his little sisters. It's tradition to introduce the newest members of a class to the oldest of said group.
But when these two came into his life, things got better for him. However, those twins turned out to be chaotic shits but he still loves them nonetheless. Their names are Hansel and Gretel. While I'm not sure when the actual FR 124 and 125 were built, I'm assuming not the same month. The definition of being twins is dependent on who you ask. For example, Hansel and Gretel were built the same year, 1900, but not the same month. Since they were the two additions around the same time, they considered themselves twins. They're fraternal twins, btw. Don't look identical but they're twins.
FR 22 looks nearly identical to Edward. The similarity is so strong that they used to get mistaken for one another. The differences between them is that FR 22 has a flatter nose, one eye wrinkle, one eyelash, and smaller eyebrows. Other than that, they share the same features.
Each of the Larger Seagulls had one or multiple nicknames. Edward had multiple. The very first nickname he got was "Bunny." This was a reference to the bunny that Alice follows in "Alice's Adventures in Wonderland," which is where Edward's given name came from, AND because Edward has the tendency to twitch his nose like a rabbit. <3 The second nickname he garnered was "Seagull" because the idiot loves seafood, ESPECIALLY shrimp. However, this nickname was MOSTLY used by his sisters, who used it very lovingly thank you very much. They all love and support each other, even when disagreements happen.
FR 37 was going to be named Dorothy, but here's the problem. "The Wonderful Wizard of Oz" wasn't written until 1900. FR 37 was built in 1896, 4 years prior to the publication of the book. She's the reason why I'm going through and renaming some of them. Hansel and Gretel kept their names. The original names for the rest were Aurora (FR 22), Drizella (FR 34), Anastasia (FR 35), and Cinderella (FR 36). Part of the reason why I'm going through and renaming them is to add some Scottish fairytales, too.
Also, if Edward had stayed on the FR and "TGR but There's a Roleswap" never happened, he would've seen all but one of his little sisters be withdrawn and scrapped. FR 21 was the second to last of the Larger Seagulls to be withdrawn and (possibly) scrapped, leaving FR 37 as the last remaining member for an entire year before facing a similar fate. The first to be withdrawn would've been Hansel, FR 124, the second youngest. That had to fucking hurt when he found out that the twins' lives were cut short, both having a short service lifetime.
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pet-pet-peet · 3 years
Your alice in wonderland teapot mouse with lilia and leona headcanons were so cutee! I was wondering if i could request the same concept with rook, trey, jamil, cater and the tweels (or one of the tweels, ur choice 😉)
Omg I’m so happy you liked that one, I honestly thought no one would XD
Tw: mentions of fear/panic
Pairing(s): Rook, Trey, Jamil, Cater, Jade, Floyd x gn reader that's like the Alice in Wonderland teapot mouse (gentle, typically sleepy, but easily frightened) (separate)
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Okay so picture this; sleepy eyed reader-san being cuddled by a lovey dovey Rook. That’s the only image I have right now and I’m living for it
He can tell your needs easily, as an observant bean, so he makes sure to help you with them as much as he can
You pretty much just rely on him when you want to sleep, since you’re sure you won’t be bothered
He loves how soft and sweet you are, too~
Loves it when you help him apply his eyeliner, you’re always so gentle and patient with it
Vil ships majorly, have fun with that
If you get scared, he’s always able to calm you down, it’s like he’s got this spell of ~caaallmmm~
Lowkey was also panicking, though. Internally crying about how distraught you were
Compliments everyday, always
You’re so easy to fluster and he likes pretending that he’s not flirting while he definitely is, just so you can turn that cute flushed color
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He likes your reactions to his baking-
You have a very subdued, but obviously enthusiastic expression when he presents you with a treat he’s made
He tried to let you help him, but with you getting sleepy a lot..it always ended in some form of mess
That or you would accidentally add an ingredient the recipe didn’t call for..then he’d have to hold you and tell you it was okay
Usually too busy to rest with you, but allows you to sleep in his room when you’re visiting so you’re comfortable
When he gets free time (read: when Riddle takes control of everything because he can’t help himself), he loves to lay outside with you and watch the clouds
He usually has a relatively hard time trying to figure out how to comfort you, but he does his best!
If you’re scared, he tries to pull you into an area you can relax in and hold you until you let go
Might get kinda awkward if the hug is really long, but he always waits for you to be ready to let go first
Unlike Rook, he genuinely doesn’t mean to fluster you..but he doesn’t complain when he does-
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You’re a breath of fresh air for him
While everyone else is chaotic and energetic around him, he can be with you and know his mind can be at ease
He also doesn’t get much free time, since he has to take care of Kalim, but anytime he does he’s with you
Likes to cook for you, or invite you over for dinner
When you taste test his cooking for him, he jokes that you’re his new poison tester
Laughed when you spit out his food- (he’s so mean T^T) but reassures you it was a joke and asks your input
When you’re sleepy he likes being with you because he thinks you look cute when you sleep
Not bad at comforting you, he’s more upset that you’re upset
He likes to stick to physical comfort instead of words, but once you start feeling better he’ll tease you and make jokes to make you laugh
Depending on his mood, he can be ruthless with teasing-
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Oh my- good luck
He’s a flirt, you’re never gonna stop blushing while you’re awake
He likes taking cute pictures, whether just of you or of both of you, so he can post them on Magicam
Sometimes you get a double whammy; he makes you blush just so he can get an adorable picture
He likes when you help him paint the roses
(Mostly because he likes to “accidentally” get paint on your nose)
You’re the first one he comes to with his family issues
Hates when you’re upset, but always manages to say the right thing to comfort you or make you feel better
Loves to hold you a lot when you sleep or you’re tired, whether you’re sitting with him or he’s laying next to him
You’re the only one who can subdue him when he gets a bit out of hand-
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He’s very understanding of you and your emotions
He lets you sleep in his club room with him after school, since you two are the only members
He likes when you visit the lounge, especially since it can get a bit tiring and rowdy, you reinvigorate him
Head pats head pats head pats, all of them
Very gentle with you because he’s concerned he might hurt you
Shows you secret areas he found while collecting plants, you typically end up relaxing in one of them for a day
Shares his hopes with you, which mostly have to do with Azul and Floyd
If you get upset, he knows different anxiety exercises to help you calm down
Takes notes on which ones are more effective, ignore the ones that aren’t
He seems like he would tease you a lot, but he’s actually more sweet with you than teasing (You bring out his soft side)
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He’s more smart than people think, he notices your emotional sides very quickly
He has his own emotional fluctuations, so he gets you very well and his actions reflect that
Likes to play with you, but if you’re too sleepy he’ll probably exert his energy on Riddle until he calms down
He’s the only one among this list that doesn’t like to be close to you when you nap, but he likes to be close by your napping place of choice
He may get bored easily, but he’s not going to leave you completely defenseless either
Doesn’t like seeing you upset, usually asks who or what caused it first
If he has to butt some heads, then he’ll quickly do that before squeezing you (lovingly) so you can calm down
If that doesn’t work as planned, he’ll probably ask Jade about some ways he can help you
He may have a lot of mood swings, but he’s there for you whenever he needs to be
Teases the frick out of you, it’s never ending so have fun
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thelittlestcheshire · 4 years
Is that HAILEY CHESHIRE “CHES” ELSWOOD? Wow, they do look a lot like KATHERINE MCNAMARA. I hear SHE is an EIGHTEEN year old FRESHMEN who is studying ENGLISH at Luxor University. Word is they are an ARISTOCRAT student. You should watch out because they can be IMPULSIVE and STUBBORN, but on the bright side they can also be ENERGETIC and LOYAL. Ultimately, you’ll get to see it all for yourself.
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the basics //
Full Name: Hailey Cheshire “Ches” Elswood
Preferred Name: Ches Elswood
Age: 18
Birthday: July 19th
Zodiac: Cancer
Gender & Pronouns: Woman (She/Hers)
Sexuality: Bisexual
Occupation: Youtuber (two channels, a theme park history channel that uploads once a month (documentary style) and a DIY channel she shares with a friend she posts on the 2nd and 4th Mondays of each month)
Relationship Status: In a Relationship with Elliot Mills
Place of Birth: Paris, France
Hometown: Manhattan, New York, New York
Country of Citizenship: United States and France [dual citizenship]
Languages Spoken: French (first), English, Latin, Portuguese, and she’s learning Norwegian (she doesn’t think it’s enough to count yet) and she just started Russian
deeper dive //
Hobbies and Talents:
 ♡ Piano
 ♡ Archery
 ♡ Acting
 ♡ Singing (Voice Claim: Katherine McNamara (updated - spring 2021))
 ♡ Reading
 ♡ Forgeries
 ♡ Lockpicking
 ♡ DIYS (especially involving resin)
 ♡ Writing (not creatively though, essays, Defunctworld scripts)
 ♡ Video Creation
♡ Color: Pink (the watermelon paint color)
♡ Food: Cheap Chinese Food
♡ Animal: Tigers
♡ Drink: Cherry Cola
♡ Flower: Lilies
♡ Book: Alice’s Adventures in Wonderland
♡ Holiday: Halloween (costumes) or Christmas (gift giving)
♡ Movie: The Shining
♡ Scent: Vanilla Bean
♡ Place: Her family's flat in Paris
♡ Quote:
“and though she be but little, she is fierce” - William Shakespeare
Bêtes Noires:
♡ Color: Dijon
♡ Food: Sushi (a lot of it has to do with that tuna allergy though)
♡ Animal: Domestic Cats, she can tolerate them but they’re one of the few animals she wouldn’t seek out.
♡ Drink: Coffee (it’s a key reason why she drinks it when she’s panicking, because who has time to panic when you’re too busy being offended by what you’re drinking? Not Ches.)
♡ Flower: Roses (she loathes them, dislike is an understatement)
♡ Book: The Hunchback of Notre Dame - Victor Hugo
♡ Holiday: Her birthday
♡ Movie: The Notebook
♡ Scent: Roses
♡ Place: Touristy Locations, she hates being around tourists ok
health //  
           ♡ Borderline Personality Disorder
           ♡ PTSD
Allergies: Severe Allergy to the Perciformes family of fish (tuna, mackrel, perch , and bass). Shellfish and salmoniformes (Salmon and Trout) are fine, but she won’t try any other kinds of fish just in case.
Sleeping Habits: Ches doesn’t sleep well at all, she has nightmares more often than not, and it’s rare for her to get more than a couple of hours of sleep.
Exercise Habits: While she occasionally skips leg day, Ches exercises daily because she needs to be in good shape for archery. Usually, she goes for boxing (with a dummy, not other people) but she likes hiking a lot as well.
Addictions: Alcohol, although Ches is currently in recovery
Drug Use: Occasional weed (edibles), but for the most part she avoids drugs
Alcohol Use: Ches used to drink multiple times of day daily, but now she doesn’t drink at all because she’s in recovery (attending NA and therapy) and has quit.
personality //  
Enneagram: 7w8 (The Enthusiast with The Challenger wing)
Alignment: Chaotic Neutral, occasionally bordering on Chaotic Good
Hogwarts House: Ravenclaw
Percy Jackson Parent: Aphrodite
Pokémon Type: Ghost
Pokémon Subtype: Electric
Winx: Light
appearance //
Height:  5′3 ½” (not at fc height)
Tattoos: One, Two, Three
Scars: None
Piercings: None
Hair:  Red (naturally). Ches dyes her hair from time to time so she has a current hair color thing in her sidebar (you may have to scroll).
Eyes: Green
♡ link to ches’s closet
♡ link to ches’s shoes
life at luxor //  
♡ English
Clubs and Activities:
♡ Archery Club
♡ Theater (Actress)
♡ Concert Band (Piano)
♡ National Honor Society
fun facts //  
♡ Ches is a former Carnifex student who came over to Luxor during the merge. You can see everything that she’s been up to during her time in the rp on her timeline page.
♡ Ches has a twin brother named Jonah who isn’t at Luxor.
♡ The Elswoods are rich. Top 25 Forbes list, 50+ Billion Networth levels of rich. In turn Ches really doesn’t think that much about money, and how much it actually means to other people.
♡ Valedictorian of Luxor Academy’s 2020 Class, she turned down Columbia’s English program to attend Luxor University.
♡ She doesn’t use her first name, ever. She doesn’t like it, and there’s a fairly high chance of her just not acknowledging you if you call her Hailey.
♡ She’s a bit of a closet nerd - if you look under her bed she has a chest of comic books, although she has NO idea how they got there if you ask her.  Do not question the R2-D2 shaped thing covered by a tarp in her closet. She also doesn’t know where that came from.
♡ Extremely restless, if you want her to sit still during a movie you better give her something to do simultaneously.
♡ Her purse is kinda like Mary Poppins bag, odds are she has what you’re looking for in it. She almost always has her multi-tool on her. She also tends to carry around a single shot nerf gun, don’t ask.
♡ She got her first tattoo while she was away from school, using a forged note of parental consent in New Jersey. (The not fragile one, the arrow was added later).
♡ She has way too many siblings, you can learn about them on her family page. (She has one more not listed, a still born half brother named Julien she learned about via her mother’s diaries. The rest of the children (excluding Emmett) are unaware.)
♡ Loves animals, a lot, sometimes to a reckless extent. She would try to feed piranhas, she does try to climb into enclosures with venomous snakes. She would steal a dog (as would her twin brother, so apparently they have more in common than they realize).
♡ If Ches makes a threat, take it with a grain of salt. Yes, she owns a blowtorch, no she won’t set you on fire even if she lights it in your direction. Your muse might not always know that - depending on how much time they’ve spent with her, but ooc just remember her bark is way worse than her bite.
♡ Ches has a Porsche that she got from her father for graduating at the top of her class. Although it’s currently not travelling with her because the cost of shipping a car is insane. Anytime she’s in Lake George though, this is her baby. (She also owns a Mercedes, which was her first car).
♡ I’m always willing to discuss my muses, so feel free to hit me up if you have any questions at any point.
a tl;dr history  //  
♡ Ches’s mother was murdered on her 8th birthday in front of her
♡ She was raised by her oldest brother, Logan, and is NOT close to her father really. She also helped raise her younger sisters and is very protective of them.
♡ The Elswood she is closest to is Emmett. He’s a big part of why she’s even here, as she’d followed him to Carnifex.
♡ Her first real love was James (an npc). They dated Freshman-Sophomore years. It wasn’t a healthy relationship, and it started Ches’s messy af relationship and fwbs pattern as she didn’t want to go through that again.
♡ Ches left Luxor in October of 2019 because her oldest brother (Logan), overdosed. He’s alive and doing well now, but she stayed in NYC until March 2020 in order to take care of things here.
♡ I strongly recommend skimming Ches’s timeline page before interacting with her. These are just the bare minimum basics, and there’s more things your muse may know on there.
wanted connections //  
♡ Exes (when Ches dates it’s not for long, but she’s definitely the type to be like “I’ll go out with you” if asked and then... dump you if she thinks she’s getting too attached. So her exes are either on good terms, neutral terms, or they probably dislike her a lot)
♡  Former friends with benefits (while Ches is no longer taking on new ones because of Elliot, I’m always willing to headcanon past things!)
♡  Friends (I am weak af for a good friendship plot, never be afraid to be like “hey can our muses be friends” the answer is legit always yes)
♡ Enemies (Ches can... be a lot so it’s not unlikely she’s pissed people off ok)
♡ NA Sponsor (I think it'd be beneficial for Ches to have a sponsor, someone she respects and trusts but not someone with a close emotional attachment. I'd prefer if the muse has been sober for two+ years, but we can probably find a middle ground.)
♡ Ex Friends (People used to be friends with but no longer is on good terms with, either as an aftermath of her addiction, the aftermath of her recovery when that starts, them just growing apart, etc etc)
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randomikemendegen · 5 years
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"Tea time is all the time⭐️! Mhm, maybe I'll take 14 sugar cubes this time 'round~."
Seisear Marchare
2nd Year
Rabbits(more like Hares) & Cats
Tea (time) & sweets
New discoveries n stuff
Insects (especially bees)
Twisted from:
The March Hare from Alice in Wonderland
Short Description:
A second year student in Heartslabyu, and Quintin's older cousin. Quite unpredictable, no one truly knows what's going on in that head of his and has more often than not caused headaches, leading to him being labeled as [The Jester]. Due to his personality, he has many affiliations and branches out to almost everyone in the entire school and may or may not have "other" connections.
An energetic and lively young man, but perhaps a bit too rambunctious, he's a person who lives in the moment and always has such odd and weird hobbies that he switches almost every other day (eg. one time it was doing tape art, the next it was people-watching without doing a single thing at all, the next it was collecting rocks and he ended up making genuine rock figurines and statues, etc.). Seisear is someone who doesn't like feeling listless and is almost always up to something, most of the time it's something really crazy; such as (secretly) painting many of the roses in the dorm white, sending nonsensical “request letters” to Azul, Jade and Floyd (it went on for almost a month, with the brunette changing his penmanship very often), sneaking into the Ignihyde dormitory to scare the living daylights out of Idia during the ungodly hours of night/morning, knowingly badmouthing Vil and/or Malleus right in front of Rook and/or Sebek just for the laughs, and so much more.
Seisear is also someone who has a lot of “masks”. Meaning that depending on the person in front of him then he can act whichever way he deems necessary or appropriate, but his most common and usual “mask” is “chaotic dumbass”. His actual personality is actually pretty dark; he’s quite cold and uncaring to anyone that isn’t someone he’s close to, and seems pretty apathetic to whatever may happen to them. Funnily enough, he does care and is just a bit of a tsundere in that he can’t honestly admit his true feelings right in front of someone. Also despite his seemingly idiotic demeanour, he’s actually pretty smart and able to understand and read people quite easily, though he doesn’t do anything about it until it’s necessary in a more convenient time/situation for him.
But despite his chaotic and random attitude, he can also become quite mature and downright philosophical at times-- though it often gets subtly slipped into his unpredictable words. Seisear is also surprisingly a good listener and genuinely understanding, it’s just that he’s also a tiny bit of a coward like his younger cousin so he prefers to pretend he can’t hear or comprehend what others are saying. It’s also mainly the reason why he sends tea party invites to Malleus since Seisear can understand that feeling of being left out for reasons that others push onto you for being what they perceive you to be.
(Will be edited in the future)
His name, Seisear, is Irish for "six". Seisear's last name is, much like Quintin's, a combination of two words; [March] and [hare].
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char-writes · 6 years
11/11/11 Tag Game
rules: answer 11 questions, ask 11 questions, tag 11 people!
I was tagged by @writeouswriter and I thank you very much for that!
I’ll tag the last eleven writing blogs who followed me/showed up in my activity (at least, I think they’re all writing blogs! I may make mistakes, haha). I apologize if you’ve already been tagged or don’t want to do this. Feel free to ignore! Tagging: @skullszeyes @jonahwrites @writeistoescape @sheabutterskyes @ourrosecoloredlenses @mouwwie @pilipalea @studyscienceandwrite @metaphors-and-melodrama @anzwrites @snowdropwrites
Questions for you: 
1. Who was your first favorite character?
2. What’s your dream vacation?
3. What is your favorite genre to read and why?
4. Which of your OCs would you most want to hang out with?
5. How long does it typically take you to plan a WIP?
6. When did you first start working on your current/last WIP?
7. Where do you get your inspiration from?
8. Do you prefer movies or tv series?
9. What line are you most proud of writing this month? (or this year!)
10. What would be your catchphrase, if you had one?
11. How would you describe your writing style? 
Questions I’m answering:
1. Do you have a favourite title of any of your WIPs or stories? 
All of my WIPs have one word titles until I’m far enough in to feel comfortable changing it. One of my more (in my opinion) memorable titles, though, was for a fanfic a few years ago-- Until We Die or Forever Ends (Whichever One Comes First). It’s perfectly pretentious and worked well with the plot. Another one I really like is a short story title for class called Candy Bars and Cigarettes. I’m actually thinking of sharing that one here in a bit!
2. Do you prefer low/urban fantasy or high fantasy? (Or both or neither or just what’s your favourite genre in general?)
It depends on the plot for me. I think both work really well with different characters and my preference for it can change depending on the day! More often than not, though, I think I like high fantasy. Highest probability for escapism, right there!
3. Which OC would you never trust to watch a child?
Trixa, no. Like, mid-arc Trixa Lure. She’s lovely as a person but she’s far too chaotic at that point. Same with Elizabeth from Traitor. She’s calmer but I don’t trust her not to put a kid in a dangerous situation.
4. Are you doing Camp Nanowrimo this April?
I don’t believe I’ll have the time but I will be cheering on everyone who will be doing it!
5. If you could have any superpower, what would it be?
My go-to answer used to be shapeshifting but now I’m working on a story with a technopath and I might have to switch my go-to answer to that...
6. Favourite cryptid or conspiracy theory?
I’m boring because I don’t typically look too much into either of those. I either scare easily or I can’t buy into it. Sorry.
7. Weirdest thing you ever named a character?
Don’t judge me for this because it was high school but I had a character named Celestial. And her nicknames included Celeste, Charelle, and (I apologize in advance) Lolita. In my defense, she was a super villain and I was ignorant.
8. What’s your favourite animated movie?
I’m too indecisive to answer this! And, of course, all possible answers have left my head. Usually anything from older Disney. I love nostalgia.
9. What are the vibes or aesthetics of some of your WIPs? (They don’t have to make sense, ie: vintage neon daydream, retro diners, bars with too much cigarette smoke, golden ichor and whiskey, empty fields and something just beyond the trees… I don’t know)
Traitor: ballgowns and golden ballrooms, red wine on tiled floors, ornate designs, empty castles, smudged lipstick, ghostly figures and pale hair, red eyes and too tight hugs, running down the palace halls when no one else can see, wide eyes and names caught in the back of throats, a group of friends that all look the same and a mirror with someone else’s face
Allure: Pulling over with a group of friends to stare up at the stars, the crowd pushed against the stage, sequined jackets, road trips and gas station snacks, overcrowded dressing rooms, costumes on every hanger, bright makeup and brighter smiles, broken glass and an empty award show stage
10. A song(s) you associate with any of your WIPs?
Let it burn by Red has always been Traitor’s song. 
For Allure, I don’t have a specific song but Icon For Hire is the main artist I listen to for this wip, if only because that’s how I imagine Trixa’s band sounding.
11. Do you have a favourite fairytale or nursery rhyme?
I had to pick a fairy tale for something a bit ago and it left me questioning what counts as a fairy tale. Apparently, there’s an argument that Alice in Wonderland can count so we’ll go with that!
Thanks for the tag!
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flower crown: when did you last sing to yourself?
Whenever I clean at work I always hum to myself so I guess a few days ago
fairy lights: if a crystal ball could tell you the truth about anything, what would you want to know?
if what I did with my life would ultimately change anything, like if it would touch people’s lives and make even the tiniest difference
daisies: what is the greatest accomplishment of your life?
I’m not really sure, I’ve done a whole lot but It’s hard to pick something like that
1975: what is the first happy memory that comes to mind, recent or otherwise?
Spending this Christmas break having bonfires ans singing old country songs
matte: if you knew that in one year you would die suddenly, would you change anything about the way you are now living?
Yeah, I would work like wayyyy more to save up for my brothers
black nail polish: do you have a bucket list? if so, what are the top three things?
Go to Greece, Get a New Year’s kiss, and Get my own place
pantone: describe a person close to your life in detail.
The chillest person ever, super down to earth and pretty much down for anything, honest but not in a brutal way just in a simple truths kind of way, smart but in ways the world doesn’t like to realize, has it all figured out but doesn’t even realize it themselves
moodboard: do you feel you had a happy childhood?
At some points, it was a mixture like most people’s childhoods
stars: when did you last cry in front of another person?
I mean I cried cutting onions not too long ago
plants: pick a person to stargaze with you and explain why you picked them.
My friend/neighbor ; cause we always stargaze together
converse: would you ever have a deep conversation with a stranger and open up to them?
Yeah, I feel like that’s easier than opening up to someone who you know
lace: when was your last 3am conversation with someone, and who were they to you?
I think we just talked about mcdonalds lmaooo ; my friend
handwriting: if you were about to die, and you could only say one more sentence to one person, what would you say and to whom?
I’d tell my brother how much i love him and how proud i am of who i know he’ll become
cactus: what is your opinion on brown eyes?
sunrise: pick a quote and describe what it means to you personally.
“There is nothing to writing, you just sit down at a typewriter, and bleed” boii this is what i base my life off of not just my writings 
oil paints: what would you title the autobiography of your life so far?
My friends always joke that it’d be “I’m fucked, but like not that fucked”
overalls: what would you do with one billion dollars?
keep most of it for my brothers and emergencies, buy a house, put a ton in the bank and then donate the fuck out of that
combat boots: are you a very forgiving person? do you like being this way?
nope ; i think that if you push me that far its fair of me so yeah i guess
winged eyeliner: write a hundred word letter to your twelve year old self.
oh my gosh it would literally just be: stttooopp what are you doing?!?! go to bed. make some friends. live your life you stupid kid!
pastel: would you describe yourself as more punk or pastel?
pastel lol I’ve been told I “have the style of a disney princess”
tattoos: how do you feel about tattoos and piercings? explain.
i want more soooooo bad ; fucking cool 
piercings: do you wear a lot of makeup? why/why not?
Depends on what you think is alot ; I use it as a routine type of thing when i have a busy/chaotic day to calm anxiety and stuff
bands: talk about a song/band/lyric that has affected your life in some way.
Literally Dodie helped me with my sexuality so much with her song “She” 
messy bun: the world is listening. pick one sentence you would tell them.
“everybody shut the fuck up and just help someone.”
cry baby: list the concerts you have been to and talk about how they make you feel.
For king and country: lit as fuck
Toby mac: more hip hoppy but a bop
grunge: who in the world would you most like to receive a letter from and what would you want it to say?
I’d like to get back in touch with my pen pal tbh, and I’d like to just hear how she’s been
space: do you have a desk/workspace and how is it organised/not organised?
I have a desk yeah and everything is sorted from big to small folder wise and everything else is color coded
white bed sheets: what is your night time routine?
take off my makeup, take a shower, change into pjs and pass out
old books: what’s one thing you don’t want your parents to know?
God there is SO MUCH I don’t want my parents to know 
beaches: if you had to dye your hair how would you dye/style it and why?
magenta ; I’ve been wanting to try it out
eyes: pick five people to go on an excursion with you. who would you pick and where would you go/what would you do?
@darhwolf , @dog-dyke , @s1n-am0n , @novodust , @itsaprescriptionsandwich
and Traveling Europe or Canada would be amazing
11:11: name three wishes and why you wish for them.
For the health and safety of my family, to be able to find long lasting love, and to be able to experience the world and all it has to offer ; i feel like none of those really need explaining
painting: what is the best halloween costume you have ever put together? if none, make one up.
I went as alice in wonderland this year and I thought it was pretty cute
lightning: what’s the worst thing you’ve ever done while drunk or high?
cried over grass having feelings 
thunder: what’s one thing you would never do for one million dollars?
There isn’t much I WOULDN’T do for that much
storms: you can only listen to one song for the rest of your life, or only see one person for the rest of your life. which and why?
the song ; i socialize way too much
love: have you ever fallen in love? describe what it feels like to realise you’re in love.
Yeah ; It’s kind of terrifying but exciting at the same time, and if you’re oblivious like me you won’t even realize it until someone mentions just how in love you look and then you’re like oHHHHSHIIIITTTTT
clouds: if you’re a boy, would you ever rock black nail polish? if you’re a girl, would you ever rock really really short hair?
I don’t know if I could pull it off tbh
coffee: what’s your starbucks order, and who would you trust to order for you, if anyone?
I really try anything but I mostly just get black coffee ; that’s way too confusing of a menu to trust any of my friends with
marble: what is the most important thing to you in your life right now?
Getting prepared for the future
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The 100 Greatest American Music Venues | Consequence of Sound
Feature artwork by Cap Blackard
Where did you attend your first concert? Mine was at the Wiltern Theatre in Los Angeles. It was Counting Crows touring their second album, and for every detail that can be recalled of the actual performance is a bit of memory on how the space felt. The Wiltern was seated back then, and from the ornate chandelier to the first glimpse at a merch stand, the lasting impression was of how big everything felt, how a venue was a place you could get lost in, where the rules of reality didn’t necessarily apply.
Of course, part of that feeling is just youth, but the great venues do have a transportive quality. Details of the box office or the bathrooms or the bar all hold their own weight, building significance both in spite of and because of the experiences held in the rooms. And some of these rooms are better than others. Sure, the most unexceptional concert venues might be near and dear to our hearts because of the shows we saw there or the people we met, but the really great venues go beyond that. There is history between their walls, features that are unlike any other concert space, and state-of-the-art lighting and sound that allow for artists to realize their vision of live presentation.
We took all of this into account when selecting the best 100 venues in the US. Both major and smaller markets are represented, while the sizes range from arenas to bars. There are venues whose history extends back 100 years, and there are others built in this century. But they all hold a certain common ground. A big one is the booking, with most still lining their schedule with the best talent. A few that don’t make their money on national touring acts are known for booking top-tier local acts. All of these venues, though, are known for quality shows regardless of who is actually up on stage.
We’ve already asked our readers to weigh in on their favorite American concert venues. And a number of artists have made their own selection. Now, it’s our turn.
–Philip Cosores Deputy Editor
Established: 2003 What You’ll See: Ian MacKaye, My Brightest Diamond, Cloud Nothings
Despite being sandwiched between two major cities, Connecticut is pretty barren when it comes to culture. Drive out to what feels like the middle of nowhere in Hamden, though, and you’ll find one of the state’s hidden gems: The Space. The all-ages venue sits in a huge, desolate parking lot, but once you step inside, it comes to life. Lights string the ceiling like silly string, a snack bar sits at the side with baked goods, and a flooded thrift store and arcade room hide upstairs.
It’s all types of cool without trying to win cool points, allowing The Space to boast the feel of a DIY Brooklyn space without all the pretension. Thanks to its tiny 150-person capacity and Connecticut’s limited venue options, concertgoers get an intimate show from bands that play far larger venues elsewhere on their tour. Then you step back outside and remember you’re in the middle of nowhere — which, ultimately, makes the venue feel all the more like an Alice in Wonderland trip.
–Nina Corcoran
Tulsa, Oklahoma
Established: 1930 What You’ll See: Animal Collective, Leon Bridges, Tyler, the Creator
Added to the National Register of Historic Places in September 2003, Cain’s Ballroom has a long history of serving various purposes, not hitting its stride as a contemporary music venue until relatively recently. It was initially constructed in 1924 as a garage for Tulsa co-founder W. Tate Brady’s vehicles. Six years later (or five years after Brady’s suicide by gunshot), Madison W. “Daddy” Cain converted the place into a dance establishment, giving it the name Cain’s Dance Academy.
From then on, it’s grown more and more synonymous with musical happenings in Tulsa, playing host to the Texas Playboys’ radio broadcast on KVVO and, after being sold to Larry Schaeffer in the 1970s, even the Sex Pistols in 1978. These days, a wide array of artists swing through for shows at 423 N. Main St. in Tulsa, including a considerable variety of hip-hop acts — A$AP Ferg, Tory Lanez, and Bones Thugs-n-Harmony are all scheduled for upcoming shows.
–Michael Madden
98. The Colosseum at Caesar’s Palace
Las Vegas, Nevada
Established: 2003 What You’ll See: Celine Dion, Rod Stewart, Reba McEntire, Elton John
Yes, the Colosseum at Caesar’s Palace looks like pure Vegas kitsch, a concert venue built to resemble the Colosseum of Rome. And yes, the residency program (inaugurated by Celine Dion) sometimes feels like an elephant graveyard for past-their-prime musical acts. But dig deeper, and this venue inspired by an ancient wonder soon reveals itself to be a modern marvel. The stage includes 10 motorized lifts as well as North America’s largest LED screen, which stands 40 feet tall and projects elaborate, seemingly three-dimensional backgrounds.
Despite a capacity of 4,100, no seat is more than 120 feet from the proscenium. That intimacy, combined with astounding acoustics and a stage spanning 22,400 square feet, means that everyone has a front-row seat for the always dazzling spectacles. All of these perks, combined with an extended stay in an exciting city, make these residencies very attractive to aging performers. If Rod Stewart or Reba McEntire aren’t your speed, that’s fine, but you’ll be glad it exists in 2031 when Jay Z starts his residency.
–Wren Graves
Established: 2012 What You’ll See: Burgerama, Beach Goth, Morrissey, Fetty Wap, Jenny Lewis
Using the shell of the Galaxy Concert Theatre, which hosted B-level gets like Sugar Ray and Medeski Martin and Wood for its run from 1994-2008, The Observatory emerged from a massive restoration that turned a 550-cap concert theatre into a two-room concert juggernaut. The main stage hosts acts ranging from hip-hop elite to Orange County legends in a 1,000-person space, while its smaller 350-cap Constellation Room is the only place in the OC to catch an act like Mitski or Into It. Over It.
One of the best aspects of the venue is how well it’s booked, landing better rap acts than any venue in neighboring Los Angeles, while often featuring bands offering warm-up shows before their much bigger LA or festival stops. It’s even become the sight of an occasional festival, with Burgerama and Beach Goth both utilizing the dual indoor stages and the outside parking lot.
–Philip Cosores
Established: 2002 What You’ll See: Synths, sun tans, and a sanctuary from mouse ears
Orlando’s countless amusement parks, performance spaces, hotels, and mini-golf courses make the sprawling central Florida city into an east coast Las Vegas, albeit one that was hit especially hard by the mid-2000’s subprime mortgage crisis. But a few Downtown O-town local hot spots weathered this economic hurricane and thank goodness for that.
The Social is still standing! And shaking, and grooving, as it continues an energetic tradition as the city’s best place to catch rock, electronic, and weekly acid jazz sets. The midsize venue is mostly built around concerts, but has sustained itself over time by becoming an incredible dance space that keeps the club kids, the rockers, and the Salsa fanatics equally entertained.
–Dan Pfleegor
95. JJ’s Bohemia
Chattanooga, Tennessee
Established: 2007 What You’ll See: That 1 Guy, Thelma and the Sleaze, Future Islands
JJ’s Bohemia is many things, but none of them are chic. A tiny space with a big patio attached (or a big patio with a tiny space, depending on your view), it feels as if every inch of the joint is covered with a sticker, a knick-knack, a string of holiday lights, or the front of a VW van. The vibe is undeniably chaotic, which meshes perfectly with the experience of gathering there for a show — when the stage is inches from your nose and no more than a few feet above you, it’s hard to not feel like a part of rock and roll in the making. Add in the free weekly comedy open mic, bartenders with devoted followers, and a handy disc-golf basket, and you’ve got plenty of reasons to roam off the beaten path.
–Allison Shoemaker
94. Count Basie Theatre
Red Bank, New Jersey
Established: 1926 What You’ll See: Brian Wilson, Randy Newman, Kevin Smith
The ‘burbs need concert venues, too, and the Count Basie Theatre caters to the bridge-and-tunnel crowd without making them drive across a bridge or through a tunnel. To that end, there’s something special about seeing legendary, decidedly mature musicians like Brian Wilson and Boz Scaggs right in your Garden State neighborhood, especially when they’re flanked by the Basie’s gorgeously detailed proscenium and celestial blue dome. But such classiness doesn’t drive away the occasional rowdy act: Bruce Springsteen has made several surprise appearances, and fellow Jersey hero Kevin Smith — whose comics shop, Jay & Silent Bob’s Secret Stash, is a mere half-mile away — has filmed a handful of his specials there.
–Dan Caffrey
Established: 1989 What You’ll See: Palm trees and great rock and roll
Like so many promoters-turned-club owners, Tim Mays was simply looking for a place to host shows when he opened The Casbah with Bob Bennett and Peter English in 1989. Eventually the venue became a haven for rock and roll of all shapes and sizes, from local heroes (Rocket from the Crypt, Three Mile Pilot) to alternative rock megastars (Nirvana! Smashing Pumpkins! Blink 182!). Now 26 years later, San Diego’s understated rock and roll mecca continues to be everything a small club should be.
With its 200-person capacity, there’s an intimacy to the current room (Mays moved the club up the street in 1994) even when your back’s against the bar. Posters adorning the wall pay homage to the city’s proud underground rock heritage, while the fake palm trees and year-round holiday lights give it the charm of a punk rock bungalow. There’s also music six nights a week, so yeah, it’s more or less a live music maven’s dream come true.
–Ryan Bray
Established: 2007 What You’ll See: Aesop Rock, Todd Barry, Eagulls, Mutual Benefit
The Crofoot is one of downtown Pontiac’s oldest structures. Nowadays, it’s a two-story building that contains three venues: the Crofoot Ballroom, the Pike Room, and the Vernors Room. It’s gone through numerous periods of turbulence in the past two centuries, facing the prospect of demolition as recently as 2005. It was at that time that the McGowan family of local preservationists sought to restore The Crofoot, ultimately leading to its reopening as a concert venue in September 2007.
Regular attendees are pleased to report their happiness about the above-average quality of sound and the politeness of the staff. While it may not draw household-name performers like some venues in Detroit and other areas of Michigan, the modern-day Crofoot’s combination of charm, intimacy, and historical value makes it an often underrated institution.
–Michael Madden
91. Rams Head Live!
Baltimore, Maryland
Established: 2004 What You’ll See: Queens of the Stone Age, Purity Ring, Metric, The New Pornographers
A lot of the best music venues in the US are anchored by their history, but there’s something to be said about what a modern room can be. A great example of this is Rams Head Live!, a concert hall that gets an exclamation mark in its name and doesn’t waste it. What might be most interesting about the space is that it doesn’t have to work with antiquated design.
Two levels of balcony zigzag the crevices of the space, allowing for viewing not just from the front of the stage, but from the side as well. When full, this can boost the energy to feel like the stage is surrounded by fans. History can be earned in time, but for now, Rams Head Live! provides a worthy alternative than traveling to DC for a mid-level band’s club show.
–Philip Cosores
This content was originally published here.
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fyrapartnersearch · 8 years
Reaching for the Stars
Introduction & About Me
Hello! My name's Rain, and I'm a 20-year-old who has been roleplaying for approximately 6 years (but only in the most recent 4 or 5 have I really been "serious"). After a rather undesirable, chaotic hiatus, I've managed to claw my way back up from the depths of hell to return to roleplaying once more. It's certainly nice to be back in the swing of things, and I've been having a terrible itch to write again that I'm hoping to be able to satiate! Sorry if this post looks rather ugly, I'm not the best with bbcode and such.
I can write replies ranging anywhere from 500-1200 words average - I know that's a rather big window to call my "average", but I don't want to make it sound like that's my strict length. This equates to around 3-8 paragraphs, but that obviously will vary depending on the size of the paragraph. I can certainly go upwards from 1200 and have gone on to posts with 2000+, however that's usually too much for most people. Essentially, I'll write the same amount you write so that it's not over- or underwhelming. Let me know your range and I'll adapt! Although, if you would be willing to write 1500+/2000+ words a post, then I would be very very interested!
In terms of writing style, I write third person, past tense.
I'm also putting this up front - my schedule's a bit wonky. There will be some days where we can go back and forth multiple times with multiple posts each and there will be some days where I can't reply at all. I'll try my best to let you know in advance if there will be a period of 2+ days where I can't reply, but things happen. My activity rate is partially dependent on interest level as well - if I'm really into and excited about our roleplay, I'll be able to reply more often!
On a similar note, I'm on the east coast (EST) if that's an important factor for you.
I'm open to playing multiple characters if that suits your fancy, or, if you'd rather just play one each, that's fine by me as well.
For relationship pairings, I do all different kinds: romantic/sexual, platonic, familial, and antagonistic. I think it's fine to mix and match all these different kids because they can make for some interesting character interaction! As for the gender pairings of the characters, I'm mostly looking for m/f.
Regarding the above, I very much prefer the female role in m/f pairings. I'm also into writing against more dominant male characters for heterosexual pairings, but that's certainly not required. In the end, it’s your character, so it’s up to you! I don't usually double in terms of each partner playing one male and one female, either - I know that is a deal-breaker for many, so I apologize for that. I will write multiple female characters, though.
I'm smut friendly as well and like to include it in my roleplays, but it's really dependent on the content of the story itself. I don't necessarily want a story that is focused solely on smut, but I would definitely be interested in having it play a part (whether it’s small or large, that’s for you to decide). Going along with the NSFW theme, I'm all for and interested in most kinks - you name it, and more likely than not I'll be willing to write it, but I would still rather you check with me first. The only ones that I won't do and can't be convinced to do are pedophilia, necrophilia, bestiality, anything with body fluids, feet, pregnancy/lactation, vore, and gore. Everything else is fair game. Note that of those, gore and only gore is fine when not employed sexually (i.e. if the characters are fighting or in battle or are doing something violent of the sort, then it is totally fine).
I use face-claims for all of my characters and only use realistic images.
I'm only interested in roleplaying over email at the moment. My email is [email protected].
What I'm Looking for in a Partner
Now that we've got those basics out of the way, there are certain things that I would like out of a partner that hopefully someone can provide!
Be 18+, please. I know I'm technically on the younger end of the adult spectrum but I still feel uncomfortable roleplaying with minors (especially because most of my plots will contain smut).
I would prefer if you were female, just because I am more comfortable roleplaying and writing with someone who is the same gender as I am, but that isn’t a requirement.
I'm looking for someone who can at least mirror or match my minimum post length, so no fewer than 3-4 paragraphs or 500 or so words. Again, if you want to write longer replies that span the 1500+ word range, than that would be even better!
I would like if you wrote in the third person. Tense doesn't matter - write present or past, that's up to you. But I won't roleplay with anyone who writes in the first or second person, as it is a little weird to me.
If you can get me at least one post every other day, I'd be happy! If you can get me more than that, even better! Also, let me know if you're not going to be able to reply for a prolonged period of time so that I'm not sitting on my hands wondering where you went.
Likewise, if you want to drop the roleplay for any reason, just let me know! I won't be mad if it's not working out, I just don't want to be ghosted by someone who doesn't want to continue and instead never replies again. Don't be that person.
If you can play multiple characters, that would be wonderful, but again, it's certainly not a requirement.
Use realistic face claims for characters, please! No anime, cartoons, or drawings.
When you email me, let me know which things listed below interest you/you would want to include! Tell me a little about yourself and the way you write as well (including whether or not you would like to include smut in the roleplay as well as your limits if it's the latter).
Also, if you have an idea/kink that I haven't listed, ask me! I'm very open to suggestions!
Roleplay Information
On to the part that you've actually wanted to see! I have a variety of things that I would like to include in a roleplay. To set it up, asterisks (*) indicate interest, meaning the more asterisks, the higher the craving! My preferred role in a pairing will be italicized; if neither are italicized, then I will write either. I'll also note what type of relationship I would be interested in writing for a particular pairing/plot (romantic/sexual, platonic, familial, or antagonistic); we can also combine some of the four (like a romantic/sexual and antagonistic would be fun). Additionally, we can combine pairings if you’d like by writing more than one character each.
If you are interested in one that isn't listed, ask! Also, if you would like to include smut, let me know your kinks or anything you would like to include when you email me. Let me know your limits as well!
Bondage **
Dominance/submission ***
Spanking **
Choking (mild) *
Dub-con/non-con **
Public sex ***
Threesomes/Multiple people involved ***
Forced dressing/forced to wear certain clothing ****
Overprotectiveness/possessiveness (not sure if this counts as a kink, but I thought I would put it here anyway) ****
Harry Potter
Hermione Granger x Draco Malfoy (romantic/sexual and/or antagonistic) **
Ginny Weasley x Draco Malfoy (romantic/sexual and/or antagonistic) **
Fairy Tales
Note: if any animal-esque character is involved in the following pairings, any romantic/sexual interactions will occur when that character is in human form, and/or the character will be replaced with a similar human mythical creature (ex: werewolf).
Little Red Riding Hood **
Beauty and the Beast *
Alice in Wonderland *
Aladdin *
Pairings/Plot Points
Royalty x Royalty (romantic/sexual, platonic, and/or antagonistic) **
Royalty x Peasant (romantic/sexual, platonic, and/or antagonistic) **
Royalty x Knight (romantic/sexual or platonic) *
Kidnapping/abduction **
Vampire x Human (romantic/sexual, platonic, and/or antagonistic) * (note: have done a lot of these, so the idea will have to be unique and/or very good for me to be interested!)
Demon x Human (romantic/sexual and/or antagonistic) *
Demon x Demon Hunter (romantic/sexual and/or antagonistic) *
Artist/Photographer x Model/Dancer (romantic/sexual, platonic, or familial) *
Superhero x Superhero (romantic/sexual, platonic, antagonistic, and/or familial) *
Superhero x Supervillain (romantic/sexual, platonic, antagonistic, and/or familial) **
Biker/Biker Gang x Civilian (romantic/sexual, platonic, and/or antagonistic) **
Rich x Rich (romantic/sexual and/or antagonistic) *
Rich x Poor (romantic/sexual, platonic, and/or antagonistic) *
Rich x Servant/Maid (romantic/sexual) ***
Genie x Human (romantic/sexual, platonic, and/or antagonistic) **
Fae/Fairy/Pixie x Human (romantic/sexual, platonic, and/or antagonistic) *
I only have one pre-thought here, but I’m really open to your suggestions! If you’ve been dying to write a plot but haven’t found someone to write it with yet, please tell me! I’d be happy to satiate your craving.
A florist and tattoo shop are located across the street from each other, and the tattoo artist comes in every day to buy flowers/look at flowers to practice drawing, but both he and the florist are attracted to each other. ***
That's all I can think of at the moment! Again, if there's anything else not listed that you've been dying to try out, let me know! More likely than not, I'll say yes and jump right on board. Shoot me an email at [email protected] with your interests and a little information about yourself (ex: average post length, activity, kinks, etc.). If you shoot me a message just saying a pairing you were interested in without telling me about yourself, then I won't be as inclined to reply since I don't know if our styles would match up! So please, tell me about yourself - I promise I won't bite!
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fyrapartnersearch · 8 years
Introduction & About Me
Hello! My name's Rain, and I'm a 20-year-old who has been roleplaying for approximately 6 years (but only in the most recent 4 or 5 have I really been "serious"). After a rather undesirable, chaotic hiatus, I've managed to claw my way back up from the depths of hell to return to roleplaying once more. It's certainly nice to be back in the swing of things, and I've been having a terrible itch to write again that I'm hoping to be able to satiate! 
I can write replies ranging anywhere from 500-1200 words average - I know that's a rather big window to call my "average", but I don't want to make it sound like that's my strict length. This equates to around 3-8 paragraphs, but that obviously will vary depending on the size of the paragraph. I can certainly go upwards from 1200 and have gone on to posts with 2000+, however that's usually too much for most people. Essentially, I'll write the same amount you write so that it's not over- or underwhelming. Let me know your range and I'll adapt! Although, if you would be willing to write 1500+/2000+ words a post, then I would be very very interested!
In terms of writing style, I write third person, past tense.
I'm also putting this up front - my schedule's a bit wonky. There will be some days where we can go back and forth multiple times with multiple posts each and there will be some days where I can't reply at all. I'll try my best to let you know in advance if there will be a period of 2+ days where I can't reply, but things happen. My activity rate is partially dependent on interest level as well - if I'm really into and excited about our roleplay, I'll be able to reply more often!
On a similar note, I'm on the east coast (EST) if that's an important factor for you.
I'm open to playing multiple characters if that suits your fancy, or, if you'd rather just play one each, that's fine by me as well.
For relationship pairings, I do all different kinds: romantic/sexual, platonic, familial, and antagonistic. I think it's fine to mix and match all these different kids because they can make for some interesting character interaction! As for the gender pairings of the characters, I'm mostly looking for m/f.
Regarding the above, I very much prefer the female role in m/f pairings. I'm also into writing against more dominant male characters for heterosexual pairings, but that's certainly not required. In the end, it’s your character, so it’s up to you! I don't usually double in terms of each partner playing one male and one female, either - I know that is a deal-breaker for many, so I apologize for that. I will write multiple female characters, though.
I'm smut friendly as well and like to include it in my roleplays, but it's really dependent on the content of the story itself. I don't necessarily want a story that is focused solely on smut, but I would definitely be interested in having it play a part (whether it’s small or large, that’s for you to decide). Going along with the NSFW theme, I'm all for and interested in most kinks - you name it, and more likely than not I'll be willing to write it, but I would still rather you check with me first. The only ones that I won't do and can't be convinced to do are pedophilia, necrophilia, bestiality, anything with body fluids, feet, pregnancy/lactation, vore, and gore. Everything else is fair game. Note that of those, gore and only gore is fine when not employed sexually (i.e. if the characters are fighting or in battle or are doing something violent of the sort, then it is totally fine).
I use face-claims for all of my characters and only use realistic images.
I'm only interested in roleplaying over email at the moment. My email is [email protected].
What I'm Looking for in a Partner
Now that we've got those basics out of the way, there are certain things that I would like out of a partner that hopefully someone can provide!
Be 18+, please. I know I'm technically on the younger end of the adult spectrum but I still feel uncomfortable roleplaying with minors (especially because most of my plots will contain smut).
I would prefer if you were female, just because I am more comfortable roleplaying and writing with someone who is the same gender as I am, but that isn’t a requirement.
I'm looking for someone who can at least mirror or match my minimum post length, so no fewer than 3-4 paragraphs or 500 or so words. Again, if you want to write longer replies that span the 1500+ word range, than that would be even better!
I would like if you wrote in the third person. Tense doesn't matter - write present or past, that's up to you. But I won't roleplay with anyone who writes in the first or second person, as it is a little weird to me.
If you can get me at least one post every other day, I'd be happy! If you can get me more than that, even better! Also, let me know if you're not going to be able to reply for a prolonged period of time so that I'm not sitting on my hands wondering where you went.
Likewise, if you want to drop the roleplay for any reason, just let me know! I won't be mad if it's not working out, I just don't want to be ghosted by someone who doesn't want to continue and instead never replies again. Don't be that person.
If you can play multiple characters, that would be wonderful, but again, it's certainly not a requirement.
Use realistic face claims for characters, please! No anime, cartoons, or drawings.
When you email me, let me know which things listed below interest you/you would want to include! Tell me a little about yourself and the way you write as well (including whether or not you would like to include smut in the roleplay as well as your limits if it's the latter).
Also, if you have an idea/kink that I haven't listed, ask me! I'm very open to suggestions!
Roleplay Information
On to the part that you've actually wanted to see! I have a variety of things that I would like to include in a roleplay. To set it up, asterisks (*) indicate interest, meaning the more asterisks, the higher the craving! My preferred role in a pairing will be italicized; if neither are italicized, then I will write either. I'll also note what type of relationship I would be interested in writing for a particular pairing/plot (romantic/sexual, platonic, familial, or antagonistic); we can also combine some of the four (like a romantic/sexual and antagonistic would be fun). Additionally, we can combine pairings if you’d like by writing more than one character each.
If you are interested in one that isn't listed, ask! Also, if you would like to include smut, let me know your kinks or anything you would like to include when you email me. Let me know your limits as well!
Bondage **
Dominance/submission ***
Spanking **
Choking (mild) **
Dub-con/non-con **
Public sex ***
Threesomes/Multiple people involved ***
Forced dressing/forced to wear certain clothing ****
Overprotectiveness/possessiveness (not sure if this counts as a kink, but I thought I would put it here anyway) ****
Harry Potter
Hermione Granger x Draco Malfoy (romantic/sexual and/or antagonistic) **
Ginny Weasley x Draco Malfoy (romantic/sexual and/or antagonistic) **
Fairy Tales
Note: if any animal-esque character is involved in the following pairings, any romantic/sexual interactions will occur when that character is in human form, and/or the character will be replaced with a similar human mythical creature (ex: werewolf).
Little Red Riding Hood **
Beauty and the Beast *
Alice in Wonderland *
Aladdin *
Pairings/Plot Points
Royalty x Royalty (romantic/sexual, platonic, and/or antagonistic) **
Royalty x Peasant (romantic/sexual, platonic, and/or antagonistic) **
Royalty x Knight (romantic/sexual or platonic) *
Kidnapping/abduction **
Vampire x Human (romantic/sexual, platonic, and/or antagonistic) ***
Demon x Human (romantic/sexual and/or antagonistic) **
Demon x Demon Hunter (romantic/sexual and/or antagonistic) *
Artist/Photographer x Model/Dancer (romantic/sexual, platonic, or familial) *
Superhero x Superhero (romantic/sexual, platonic, antagonistic, and/or familial) *
Superhero x Supervillain (romantic/sexual, platonic, antagonistic, and/or familial) **
Biker/Biker Gang x Civilian (romantic/sexual, platonic, and/or antagonistic) **
Rich x Rich (romantic/sexual and/or antagonistic) ***
Rich x Poor (romantic/sexual, platonic, and/or antagonistic) *
Genie x Human (romantic/sexual, platonic, and/or antagonistic) **
Fae/Fairy/Pixie x Human (romantic/sexual, platonic, and/or antagonistic)
I only have one pre-thought here, but I’m really open to your suggestions! If you’ve been dying to write a plot but haven’t found someone to write it with yet, please tell me! I’d be happy to satiate your craving]
A florist and tattoo shop are located across the street from each other, and the tattoo artist comes in every day to buy flowers/look at flowers to practice drawing, but both he and the florist are attracted to each other.
That's all I can think of at the moment! Again, if there's anything else not listed that you've been dying to try out, let me know! More likely than not, I'll say yes and jump right on board. Shoot me an email at [email protected] with your interests and a little information about yourself!
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fyrapartnersearch · 8 years
Reaching for the Stars
Introduction & About Me
Hello! My name’s Rain, and I’m a 20-year-old who has been roleplaying for approximately 6 years (but only in the most recent 4 or 5 have I really been “serious”). After a rather undesirable, chaotic hiatus, I’ve managed to claw my way back up from the depths of hell to return to roleplaying once more. It’s certainly nice to be back in the swing of things, and I’ve been having a terrible itch to write again that I’m hoping to be able to satiate! 
I can write replies ranging anywhere from 500-1200 words average - I know that’s a rather big window to call my “average”, but I don’t want to make it sound like that’s my strict length. This equates to around 3-8 paragraphs, but that obviously will vary depending on the size of the paragraph. I can certainly go upwards from 1200 and have gone on to posts with 2000+, however that’s usually too much for most people. Essentially, I’ll write the same amount you write so that it’s not over- or underwhelming. Let me know your range and I’ll adapt! Although, if you would be willing to write 1500+/2000+ words a post, then I would be very very interested!
In terms of writing style, I write third person, past tense.
I’m also putting this up front - my schedule’s a bit wonky. There will be some days where we can go back and forth multiple times with multiple posts each and there will be some days where I can’t reply at all. I’ll try my best to let you know in advance if there will be a period of 2+ days where I can’t reply, but things happen. My activity rate is partially dependent on interest level as well - if I’m really into and excited about our roleplay, I’ll be able to reply more often!
On a similar note, I’m on the east coast (EST) if that’s an important factor for you.
I'm open to playing multiple characters if that suits your fancy, or, if you’d rather just play one each, that’s fine by me as well.
For relationship pairings, I do all different kinds: romantic/sexual, platonic, familial, and antagonistic. I think it’s fine to mix and match all these different kids because they can make for some interesting character interaction! As for the gender pairings of the characters, I’m mostly looking for m/f.
Regarding the above, I very much prefer the female role in m/f pairings. I’m also into writing against more dominant male characters for heterosexual pairings, but that’s certainly not required. In the end, it’s your character, so it’s up to you! I don’t usually double in terms of each partner playing one male and one female, either - I know that is a deal-breaker for many, so I apologize for that. I will write multiple female characters, though.
I’m smut friendly as well and like to include it in my roleplays, but it’s really dependent on the content of the story itself. I don’t necessarily want a story that is focused solely on smut, but I would definitely be interested in having it play a part (whether it’s small or large, that’s for you to decide). Going along with the NSFW theme, I’m all for and interested in most kinks - you name it, and more likely than not I’ll be willing to write it, but I would still rather you check with me first. The only ones that I won’t do and can’t be convinced to do are pedophilia, necrophilia, bestiality, anything with body fluids, feet, pregnancy/lactation, vore, and gore. Everything else is fair game. Note that of those, gore and only gore is fine when not employed sexually (i.e. if the characters are fighting or in battle or are doing something violent of the sort, then it is totally fine).
I use face-claims for all of my characters and only use realistic images.
I'm only interested in roleplaying over email at the moment. My email is [email protected].
What I’m Looking for in a Partner
Now that we’ve got those basics out of the way, there are certain things that I would like out of a partner that hopefully someone can provide!
Be 18+, please. I know I’m technically on the younger end of the adult spectrum but I still feel uncomfortable roleplaying with minors (especially because most of my plots will contain smut).
I would prefer if you were female, just because I am more comfortable roleplaying and writing with someone who is the same gender as I am, but that isn’t a requirement.
I’m looking for someone who can at least mirror or match my minimum post length, so no fewer than 3-4 paragraphs or 500 or so words. Again, if you want to write longer replies that span the 1500+ word range, than that would be even better!
I would like if you wrote in the third person. Tense doesn’t matter - write present or past, that’s up to you. But I won’t roleplay with anyone who writes in the first or second person, as it is a little weird to me.
If you can get me at least one post every other day, I’d be happy! If you can get me more than that, even better! Also, let me know if you’re not going to be able to reply for a prolonged period of time so that I’m not sitting on my hands wondering where you went.
Likewise, if you want to drop the roleplay for any reason, just let me know! I won’t be mad if it’s not working out, I just don’t want to be ghosted by someone who doesn’t want to continue and instead never replies again. Don’t be that person.
If you can play multiple characters, that would be wonderful, but again, it’s certainly not a requirement.
Use realistic face claims for characters, please! No anime, cartoons, or drawings.
When you email me, let me know which things listed below interest you/you would want to include! Tell me a little about yourself and the way you write as well (including whether or not you would like to include smut in the roleplay as well as your limits if it’s the latter).
Also, if you have an idea/kink that I haven’t listed, ask me! I’m very open to suggestions!
Roleplay Information
On to the part that you’ve actually wanted to see! I have a variety of things that I would like to include in a roleplay. To set it up, asterisks (*) indicate interest, meaning the more asterisks, the higher the craving! My preferred role in a pairing will be italicized; if neither are italicized, then I will write either. I’ll also note what type of relationship I would be interested in writing for a particular pairing/plot (romantic/sexual, platonic, familial, or antagonistic); we can also combine some of the four (like a romantic/sexual and antagonistic would be fun). Additionally, we can combine pairings if you’d like by writing more than one character each.
If you are interested in one that isn’t listed, ask! Also, if you would like to include smut, let me know your kinks or anything you would like to include when you email me. Let me know your limits as well!
Bondage **
Dominance/submission ***
Spanking **
Choking (mild) *
Dub-con/non-con **
Public sex ***
Threesomes/Multiple people involved ***
Forced dressing/forced to wear certain clothing ****
Overprotectiveness/possessiveness (not sure if this counts as a kink, but I thought I would put it here anyway) ****
Harry Potter
Hermione Granger x Draco Malfoy (romantic/sexual and/or antagonistic) **
Ginny Weasley x Draco Malfoy (romantic/sexual and/or antagonistic) **
Fairy Tales
Note: if any animal-esque character is involved in the following pairings, any romantic/sexual interactions will occur when that character is in human form, and/or the character will be replaced with a similar human mythical creature (ex: werewolf).
Little Red Riding Hood **
Beauty and the Beast *
Alice in Wonderland *
Aladdin *
Pairings/Plot Points
Royalty x Royalty (romantic/sexual, platonic, and/or antagonistic) **
Royalty x Peasant (romantic/sexual, platonic, and/or antagonistic) **
Royalty x Knight (romantic/sexual or platonic) *
Kidnapping/abduction **
Vampire x Human (romantic/sexual, platonic, and/or antagonistic) **
Demon x Human (romantic/sexual and/or antagonistic) *
Demon x Demon Hunter (romantic/sexual and/or antagonistic) *
Artist/Photographer x Model/Dancer (romantic/sexual, platonic, or familial) *
Superhero x Superhero (romantic/sexual, platonic, antagonistic, and/or familial) *
Superhero x Supervillain (romantic/sexual, platonic, antagonistic, and/or familial) **
Biker/Biker Gang x Civilian (romantic/sexual, platonic, and/or antagonistic) **
Rich x Rich (romantic/sexual and/or antagonistic) *
Rich x Poor (romantic/sexual, platonic, and/or antagonistic) *
Rich x Servant/Maid (romantic/sexual) ***
Genie x Human (romantic/sexual, platonic, and/or antagonistic) **
Fae/Fairy/Pixie x Human (romantic/sexual, platonic, and/or antagonistic) *
I only have one pre-thought here, but I’m really open to your suggestions! If you’ve been dying to write a plot but haven’t found someone to write it with yet, please tell me! I’d be happy to satiate your craving.
A florist and tattoo shop are located across the street from each other, and the tattoo artist comes in every day to buy flowers/look at flowers to practice drawing, but both he and the florist are attracted to each other. ***
That’s all I can think of at the moment! Again, if there’s anything else not listed that you’ve been dying to try out, let me know! More likely than not, I’ll say yes and jump right on board. Shoot me an email at [email protected] with your interests and a little information about yourself (ex: average post length, activity, kinks, etc.). If you shoot me a message just saying a pairing you were interested in without telling me about yourself, then I won’t be as inclined to reply since I don’t know if our styles would match up! So please, tell me about yourself - I promise I won’t bite!
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