#it did work on Pandora Hearts because it was the whole show
constanthinople · 1 year
Curious Cat is the worst name an equivalent of the Cheshire Cat has ever had oh my god.
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theyrealllesbians · 2 months
Regulus was manically pacing around his room, playing with the cord at the base of the phone.
"What do you mean there's another one?" He asked in an exasperated tone, rubbing the bridge of his nose to try and fight the annoyed headache he could feel brewing.
"Another wedding invitation has just come for you, from Emmaline Vance? Wait was she the one who was obsessed with Peter and would try to dance with him at every party for like a year?" Sirius said, getting progressively louder and more excited as he carried on.
"Yes." Regulus bit out. He really could not be bothered to go to another wedding. Why did everyone want to get married all of a sudden, it's only been a couple, wait no 7 years, since he left high school. God, how had it been 7 years already? "Surely I don't have to go. I can just RSVP back saying 'thanks, but no thanks' that'll work right?"
Regulus didn't even really understand why he was getting so many invitations. He'd had 5 wedding invites so far, 2 baby showers which he was not going to and 2 reunion dinners. Of course his own brother's wedding invitation was not included in this list of grievances. He's never dare complain about having to watch the happiest day of Sirius's life. Even just hearing him and Remus try and sort out the last few details made his heart warm in a way that he would never dare admit to.
"Come on, you have to!" Sirius exclaimed. "Everyone will want to see you. Besides all of us," 'us' being Sirius, Remus, James, Peter, Lily, Mary, Marlene and Dorcas, "are going and I refuse to spend another evening answering a million questions about you when you could just get over yourself and come!!!!"
Sirius was referring to the last high school reunion that happened 2 years ago that he had refused to go to. Apparently, Sirius spent the whole night getting asked about Regulus's whereabouts and what he was doing, if it was true that he had refused to work in the family business, whether he was gay and if so, was he single?
"Ugh," he groaned, "if I do go, and that's an if! I'll need a date. Where am I supposed to get a date on such short notice." Regulus's head was now beginning to ache as it had threatened to do so at the thought of having to sit through a wedding with someone he barely knew just to show that he wasn't alone and that he was doing well for himself.
"I don't know, do I? I mean you don't have to have a date." Sirius suggested, speaking through a mouth of some form of food.
"I do though don't I, otherwise I'll just get pitying looks the entire night. Or worse, people coming up to me trying to ask me out." He shivered at the thought.
Sirius choked a little, "That's a bit cocky don't you think?"
"No I don't think it is actually, not after I had Gideon touching my knee last month asking if I'd 'be interested in a night to remember', I cannot do that again. I just can't," he whined. He may as well have stomped his feet to go along with the toddler type tantrum he was getting close to. But Regulus did not care, he was being entirely serious when he said he could not do it again.
"Fine then, go with Barty?" Sirius suggested.
"Can't he's already going with Evan." Regulus responded, damning them both because it wouldn't be a half bad idea.
"Act as if you're in a throuple, you could pull it off." Sirius teased.
"Sirius" Regulus whined again, he needed real solutions.
"Doesn't really work now that everyone knows I'm gay." Regulus was getting tired now, why did he call his brother again? Oh right he didn't, Sirius called him because Regulus is currently on a work trip and Sirius is watering his plants and clearly snooping through his post.
"Well, I don't have any other ideas. This is why you need more friends." Sirius said matter of factly.
"To have as back up wedding guests?"
"Yes, that's what we do all the time. I don't actually think that anyone really knows who is with who. Oh, you could go with James. I don't think he was planning to go with anyone."
"Yeah, pass." He would not go with James Potter. Not for any particular reason, he just couldn't.
"Right well, I can't help you"
"Apparently so. I'm gonna go" Regulus just needed to lie down and think about what he was gonna do. He still had a month to figure it all out.
"Alright, see you soon, call me if you need anything else." Sirius said, trying to maintain his 'helpful' older brother personality that he had built.
"Yep will do, bye." Regulus hung up.
He really hated wedding season.
Just had this idea, it will be Jegulus. Kinda fake dating/ friends to lovers type deal. I'm actually pretty excited to start writing it and have quite a few ideas already.
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Fanfic rec: Bones B&B
Hi~! After so many years, I'm back with a new set of fanfic recommendations! This time it's for a different show, one near and dear to my heart, which is pretty much a give away from the title of this post. I've been a fan of Bones for more than a decade now, I've known the show way before I've known Sherlock. But it has only occurred to me this 2024 that Bones might actually have some fanfictions out there. Lo and behold, there are quite a number around, and the next thing I know, I've read enough for a post like this!
For now, I'm listing some of the fanfics that really spoke and hit my heart. Maybe in my next post I'll try to categorize them in some way.
As usual, all works are complete unless stated otherwise. Happy reading!
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Quicksand by MoreBonesPlz [Words: <46,783 | T: Suitable for teens] What if after the infamous B&B conversation in the truck during The Doctor in the Photo where Booth told Brennan she'd missed her chance, Brennan didn't acquiesce? What if once opened, she no longer found it possible to close the Pandora's box with respect to her feelings for Booth?
The Whole in the Sum of the Parts by fourth_rose [Words: 21,933 | Mature | Also available in Ao3] Children change things – sometimes for the better, sometimes for the worse, and sometimes from the very beginning. Season 1 AU.
The Passenger Seat by cortexx [Words: 3,345 | Teen And Up Audiences | Also available in FFN] Four times someone adjusted Brennan's seat in Booth's car over the years, and the one time she did it to Booth.
Servare Vitas by newscaper [Words: <101,948 | T: Suitable for teens] To Save Lives. A Bones Novel. Brennan helps Booth try to lay old ghosts to rest as he becomes a sniper for the FBI, a decision with life and death consequences that could change everything. 
The Science Teacher in the Public School by FictionWriter91 [Words: <47,114 | T: Suitable for teens] Story is AU with a mix of canon. What if Temperance and Russ were taken with their parents instead of being left behind? What if Brennan is now a well loved science teacher at a public school like her father used to be? Brennan loves her work and her students, especially Parker Booth, who is very talented and adores her. Things couldn't be better. Then she meets Parker's father.
Right from the Start by Christi Whitson [Words: <265,871 | M: Mature] Season 1 re-write, tweaking the details and one of the tertiary characters. Because I think that under the right set of circumstances, BB would have fallen for each other right from the start. Peter is a threat to Brennan, and Tessa doesn't exist. More drama than angst. 
An Aggregation of Maladjusted Companions by jazzyproz [Words: <251,013 | M: Mature] Suffering from a declining solve rate following their returns to DC, Booth and Brennan are forced to attend a team-building convention. Neither of them think they need the workshops or exercises, but it's apparent to everyone around them that if they don't do something, the whole team will soon be falling apart. Can they fix their broken partnership?
Stupid Alpha Male - Ardialene [Words: <9,292  | Suitable for more mature childen] No matter how many times Booth denies it, Brennan knows that her partner is a true alpha male. And she has evidence to prove it.
Let the Games Begin by TRUSSELL33 [Words: <159,075 | M: Mature] What would Booth do if Brennan suddenly came on to him? Written as a challenge on another site but am thinking of turning it into a short story. Let me know if anyone is interested.
Wise Mind by naelany [Words: 13,416 | Teen And Up Audiences | Ao3 Account Required] Temperance had made the - perfectly logical - decision to rebuff Booth’s advances not once, but twice. After all, she was a mundane and he was an online, high order Sentinel and would one day find his Guide. To her mind, there was no point in starting something with the man, no matter how attracted they were to each other, because in the end he would leave her.
Confessions from a Bottle by MoreBonesPlz [Words: <27,052 | T: Suitable for teens] Booth believes he is happy in his relationship with Hannah until an intoxicated Brennan reveals her true feelings for him and makes him question what happiness really means.
Problem Solving, the Booth and Brennan Way by Hannah Taylor1 [Words: <384,802 | T: Suitable for teens] Brennan has a problem she's not sharing.Booth wants to help fix things,as always,only to find the conversation skewing in a direction he'd never expected. Set several months post-The Boy With the Answer.
How My Heart Behaves by mia101 [Words: <57,376 | M: Mature] Brennan thinks she understands what sex is all about...until Booth gives her a glimpse that makes her think otherwise. But who's teaching whom? And what will they learn...?
The Heart Won't Lie by razztaztic [Words: 16,531 | T: Suitable for teens | Also Available in Ao3 | Ao3 Account Required] Alternate ending for 6x09 "The Doctor in the Photo." What if Booth hadn't been there to save Brennan and she was hit by the car?
The Heart of the Matter by fourth_rose [Words: 7,546 | Mature] "What do you mean, you know you can't have me? It's not like you've ever asked!"
The Intern by cortexx [Words: 1,766 | Teen And Up Audiences | Also available in FFN] Brennan is trying to choose a new intern, and is slowly weeding out the ones who are unacceptable candidates. A case of mistaken identity narrows down the competition when one candidate makes an inappropriate comment to Parker about Bones.
Maternal Instinct by tempecameron [Words: <20,878 | T: Suitable for teens] Dr. Temperance Brennan can handle remains that are thousands of years old, but can she keep up with one small child? BB fluff, Parker cuteness, relationship drama, weird author's notes.
Snowed In by Imagination-Parade [Words: <23,752 | T: Suitable for teens] Booth and Parker get snowed in at Brennan's apartment after Parker insists that they spend Christmas with her. Set after 3.09 "Santa in the Slush"
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Let me know what you think of this list. I'd love to have some feedback! I'll be back with a new list soon, hopefully!
Looking for other fanfic recommendations? I might have something you're interested in, or if you have requests feel free to ask!
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How do you feel about Marius/Bianca? I was somewhat perplexed by their dynamics in the last trilogy and the way Anne had Bianca quite literally begging for that dick yet he kept ghosting her because GOD FORBID a woman (or anyone, really) reminds him of a time when he was weak. He treated her like shit and then she left him and fell in love with someone else (RIP to that guy, we barely knew him) but then she showed up again and was still head over heels in love with him. Even Fareed was like “wtf is your problem bro she’s a ten”. But at the same time I guess that a big theme in the last trilogy was about going back to the person/people you’ve loved the most despite it all so it makes… sense? Him getting to keep his two wives at the end? Anyhow IA on Pandora daddy domming his ass 🥲
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god please I love Bianca so much too, she and Pandora can double-dom him any time.
I mean I think this is the same issue we run into over and over in VC where like it's FREE REAL ESTATE because Anne just like fuckin, forgot about her characters/didn't care/etc lol. Like I would kill to know what Bianca is up to, how her life has been, how she's doing!!!
And like I think I give a lot of credit to Akasha for breaking Marius's heart and destroying his confidence but Bianca did it first!!!!!!!! And I wonder if maybe that's a more appropriate source of the multi-century slump he's been in. Like he's in TERRIBLE shape in TVA and it's sorta like because he's wandering around without purpose without The Parents but like, there's plausible deniability that Pandora left on accident, whereas Bianca is his lover that like SPECIFICALLY broke up with him.
But Marius is left in a weird place when canon ends; he's sort of a mess, trying to get his life together, trying to find purpose again, and I think there's an openness he shows. He seems willing to heal, willing to rethink the way he sees vampirism, willing to respect vampires as their own people & their own culture, so maybe he'll be okay! And I wonder if part of that is like, patching things up with his exes and being more present and honest with them when he's ready. He's always been a person that like relies on his own worldview so staunchly because it was his way of coping with immortality and I think when he had The Parents it really gave him the strength to believe in himself and he had something to fall back on, it was something he could believe in because he could see it with his own eyes. So like he can be difficult and stubborn and hard to live with but he had that PROOF that he was doing the right thing and like Akasha was the real wife the whole time that he stayed with, you know? BUT WITHOUT HER? NOW HE'S JUST A HEARTBROKEN AIMLESS MESS. I THINK IT WOULD BE GOOD FOR HIM TO WORK IT OUT WITH THESE LADIES. Marius is very much always like "I WANT YOU TO CHALLENGE ME" to his lovers but then gets upset when he's actually challenged lol. I wonder if maybe he's grown past that so we can actually get somewhere! I realize I ranted and screamed but to answer your question I am feral about Marius/Bianca!!!!!!!!!!!
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phxntomhives · 4 months
Pandora hearts thoughts
Spoiler for everything.
I finished the serie. A couple of hours ago. I am writing now because I had to mentally recover. Especially since I binge read from after chapter 70 in 2 days.
Did I understood everything? Absolutely not and I am still devastated. I still have several questions (that I am too dumb to understand on my own) but it was definitely intense.
I'll be honest, until chapter 60 more or less I was like: sure it's a nice story. It has its moment but it's nothing special.
Then the flashbacks happened. And everything just spiraled in darkness and plottwists and I was just. Speechless. I have been lied for all the time and it was so beautiful to see this being wonderfully executed. Everything became distorted, without being clear of what was actually true and what was false. And they just kept on coming and as soon as I was confident I understood how it worked it changed again, but it made sense. And that's what makes me amazed by this serie, it is not a bunch plottwist after the others just for shock factor. They make sense, they make you reflect on the self, on loyalty, on whether what you are seeing is the truth or not. And you sit at the edge of the chair hoping to understand even a little bit and find out if you were correct or not.
The 1st page of the chapters were honestly godsent because they helped still making you laugh and release some of the angst in which as a reader you are bathing in during the end.
All of the characters were beautiful but damn, my favourite are definitely Gil and Break. But they are all so complex that I will probably keep on changing them. Their despair, their love, their conflicts, their passions and obsessions are so well explained and represented that they felt my own. My heart ached for them, especially at the whole different reactions everyone had at each other's action. I loved how well everyone mixed together, how each character influenced the others becoming part of the others they met. How deep down all of them wanted to live and be forgiven for their sins but were never able to really say it out loud, but their action spoke for them and slowly the others understood and helped them. How they all loved each other, in different ways, but it's just a story full of love. Sometimes cute and adorable and other times obsessive and dark. But with so much love and desire to be understood and accepted that you can't help loving every second of this torture.
I bawled my eyes out at the final chapter because it was just too much. Every trope I love together and it just hurt so much but it is also the only possible ending for this tale.
Ah yes and all the tale discourse. They basically becoming aware that they are fictional character and just decide that even if they are just words on a page, they deserve to live. And take all they can get because that's what they want. To be themselves, with their good and bad sides and live their life as best as they can. "I don't want to deny the story in which you existed" was so painful and beautiful to read. Because yes I am crying and I am very sad about this story. And yet... I don't want to these feelings. If I were to go back to some weeks ago, I would still open that first chapter, even knowing it will cause pain. Because it's beautiful and even if it is over, it was everything I could have asked for and more. And I don't want to lose this. The pain, the tears would be gone but so would be so many nice moments. Alice biting everyone to show affection. Break teasing everyone. Elliot petting cats. Everyone meeting each other and be friends. I want it all, the good and the bad. And they wanted it all too.
I guess in the end, everyone is a self-sacrifing hero, in the story. Elliot would need to hate everyone smh, himself first.
I am feeling very empty now that I binged everything. Or maybe I am feeling so much that I don't know how to deal with it. I'll probably just bath myself in fanarts and fanfic to try to heal.
Honestly, the fact that all of them will technically be canon is somewhat comforting. Like, we witnessed ONE of the MANY tales out there. That still involves them. And it's canon there are endless endings. So everything can be canon, everytime someone is taking a brush, a pensil, a pen, or is writing something on paper, on the laptop everywhere. You are giving life to one of the many tales. And the characters are probably loving it too. Witnessing their fate in your hands. Mochizuki created something so big and it's outstanding. We are allowed the power of being canon, no one can come and say "no actually it's not like that". She gave us so much power, I love it. She entrusted us her characters. It's overwhelming.
Anyway, see you all under that tree in a fic or in an art. Idk how many people are active in the fandom but I can't wait to see everything you created and what you will create.
I don't know if this makes sense, I'm just having a chat with this post and writing stuff as they come to me. There are likely spelling mistakes, I am sorry, but I don't want to fix them, you take this as it is. Just my brain on free mode.
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miszswan · 2 years
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part 1
yall...i'm sorry about the length of this &lt;3
It had been fifteen months. Fifteen months since she’d last seen him. Fifteen months since she gave up. Fifteen months since she finally chose herself.
If you were to ask Amiria when the horrible painful part of their relationship started, she could definitely say a year and a half into it.
She started noticing the slight increase in jealousy and possessiveness when she started booking more roles and traveled more. From Vancouver to London, a whole year where she wasn’t in the same place for long periods of time. Meeting new people, becoming close with many too.
Jack must’ve snapped because next thing she knew… she’d see clips of him dancing with other women on Instagram. She’d always confront him but eventually the apologies and promises became meaningless.
From FaceTimes of I love yous’, laughs and tales to FaceTimes that ended in tears, heartbreak and manipulation.
Amiria used to think that one day things would get better but overtime that became harder to believe. Somehow she found herself booking last minute flights to see his shows, spend a night with him and she’d return to work feeling more emotionally drained than before, all because he put the idea into her head that it was her fault that they were constantly arguing. So she tried her best to make it up to him.
Meanwhile it was never her fault. It was always his.
Time after time she’d risk her job and career for a man that would never put any effort into coming to her, times where Neelam, Urban, Clay, Sunni hell even Druski would come visit her on set. To see her in her prime. Not even when they were in the same city, he’d never come.
If there was one thing that Amiria Campbell hated about herself would definitely be how much hope she always had, how kind and thoughtful she was. Those were things that prevented her from seeing that this relationship was a losing game.
When they first met it was amazing, picnic dates every week, movie nights every month, wonderful memories filling the years.
It was honestly embarrassing that she had any more hope when she woke up the morning after and went to set. Found herself throwing up during her lunch break. Thinking that Jack would finally change due to the idea of a baby in the near future.
But she was proven wrong again.
While it was a spontaneous decision she left and hasn’t looked back since.
Did it take a while to get over him?
Is she still hurting?
Also yes.
At times if she thinks about it too much she may find herself tearing up randomly but mostly the thing that triggered it the most would unfortunately but not surprisingly, her daughter.
Ani Maiah Margaret Campbell was absolutely perfect. She had the tint of Māori in her skin while bearing her fathers piercing blue eyes. With a mop of curls, courtesy of her father that were as brown as her mothers locks. The most perfect tiny hands and most adorable laugh.
She was the perfect creation of her and Jack. Whether she was planned or not. She was the Pandora’s box to all of her mothers good and bad memories of him.
But for the sake of her future and her daughters’ she had to erase the man from her heart and mind. Piece by piece. Bit by bit. She’d heal over time and rise like a phoenix from the ashes stronger than ever.
Every film and tv series she’d filmed over the past few years had been absolutely worth it.
So now a day had come. One of many. Amiria was honestly finding it very hard to sleep because of all the excitement for the premiere in a couple hours. While her mother and 6 month old daughter we’re having no trouble at all.
The three had flown to New York City a week prior for the premiere of Stranger Things Season 4.
Aroha Campbell had only heard her daughters rambles about being absolutely thrilled for everyone to see what they’d been working on for the past three years or her granddaughter trying to speak which often resulted in a bunch of random babbles and noises.
After spending a few weeks in Bunbury, Amiria returned to Atlanta accompanied by her mother who insisted on moving in with her for sometime. Aroha and Stephen knew thier would push everything… including her career aside to take care of her baby. They also knew how long and how hard she had to work to get to where she was and that if she took this long break it would be even harder to go further.
That’s how it’s been since April the previous year and Amiria couldn’t be more grateful for her parents. Ani was the most easy going baby and it was absolutely perfect, especially after everything Ami had gone through.
So now the three are in a hotel room in New York City. Her co stars in neighbouring rooms waiting for their stylists to arrive and prepare them for the red carpet.
Amiria slowly pulls her fingers out of her baby’s tiny hand and gets out of bed. After freshening up she quickly gives her daughter a bath and dresses her up.
Just as she gets a bottle of milk out of the mini fridge she hears a knock at the door.
“Morning Mrs Campbell.” Amiria hears the sound of her best friend greet her mother. “Good morning to the hottest most amazing single mom I know.” Camila adds on as she gets closer to the mother and daughter.
The moment Ani recognises the familiar face, her arms stretch up in efforts to reach her. “Good morning princess.” Camila coos as she tickles the babies stomach.
Ani let’s out a symphony of giggles that make the three women smile. Camila hands the ice coffee and chocolate croissant to her friend.
“You are a goddess.” Amiria praises her as she takes a sip of the cold drink.
“How did the princess sleep?”
“She was quiet.”
“As usual.” Camila mentions making Amiria snicker as she straps on her babies dipper.
“Thank you for going easy on your mother. She’s had a lot of sh-“ Amiria send her a look towards the end. “Stuff to deal with over the past year.”
“Nice save.” Amiria teases as she puts on the pink one piece onto Ani.
“But seriously I’m happy that she isn’t a lot to deal with. Not like he who shall not be named.” Camila rambles while Amiria makes funny faces to stop Ani from squirming.
After months of not seeing him. Hearing Camila ramble about her hatred for him was honestly one of the most entertaining things she had done. It honestly just made Amiria laugh.
“I haven’t seen or spoken to him in over a year so he really shouldn’t matter anymore”
“Except he does. He’s still Ani’s father and one day she will ask questions about him. I mean you still talk to his mom, dad, Clay. I’m just surprised you didn’t run into him at the met gala a few weeks ago.”
“I know but I’m just avoiding the inevitable.”
“Which is?” Camila says wanting to hear Amiria admit it.
“Someday I’ll have to see him again.” She responds as she gently brushes her daughters hair.
“Which might been sooner than you think.” The moment the words left her mouth Amira paused. “Me knowing you, you’re going to invite the Harlow’s and if they come he surely will.”
Amiria had taken a low of time planning everything to the point where she knew that he wouldn’t be in Atlanta during that time.
“He won’t be in Atlanta or anywhere close to my house in a week Cam.”
“How can you be so sure?”
“He’s never given a shit about my family’s traditions. His family always mattered more, no matter the occasion or the holiday.” Amira assures her best friend. “Besides he has a couple shows in New York and LA.”
“Wait doesn’t that mean he’s in the same city as us-“ Camila starts before the two hear the door close and Aroha Campbell stands in the door frame with the bottle of milk in her hands.
As Campbell women spend a few minutes talking while Camilla plays with her Goddaughter, Amiria returns with the bottle. She takes her baby into her arms and the child begins to suck on the bottle.
“If I run into him, I’ll deal with it.” The words that come out of Amiria’s mouth catch Camila off guard.
Mainly because she’d gotten used to her best friend avoiding him at all possible moments. She was even shocked that she didn’t run into him at the Met Gala considering it wasn’t hard not to. Knowing Ami she probably ducked and dived, took the iconic mirror selfie and left with her head held high.
“I can take care of him if you need me to. I just need to yell at him in Portuguese and he will run away.” Camila offers as Ani continues to gently drink her milk. The baby’s eyes are closed and her mother watches her daughter with a look on none other than complete adoration.
“I can’t hide from him forever so I might as well acknowledge the fact that I will see him again one day. I’m still friends with Neelam and Urban, Druski and the rest of PG. So when I do I’ll deal with it then and make sure he stays the away from me and my family.”
As Amiria finishes her sentence, her daughter finishes the bottle. “We don’t need him, we’ll be okay taku iti. I’ll always protect you”
After many hours of getting ready ( outfit without the necklace and earrings) and putting Ani to sleep so she wouldn’t cry when she realized it was only her grandmother and her in the hotel room for the next several hours, Amiria finally hit the red carpet.
With her signature blinding smile she poses for every photographer in her presence. Then she does a few interviews and after a few minutes of autographs, meeting fans and hugging her co-stars she reaches her last interview.
“Amiria Campbell looking stunning as ever.” The interviewer greets the actress with a smile who does a little twirl. “Really sets the tone for this season? You've got to describe it for us.”
“All I can say is questions will be answered but more questions will be created too.”
“Does this apply to Manny too?”
Amiria purses her lips as she tries to think of an answer that doesn’t include spoilers. “In a way it does but you’ll just have to wait to find out.”
“Can’t wait but this is a big year for you. You’re set to star along side Tom Cruise and Miles Teller in Top Gun: Maverick which is a sequel to its iconic predecessor from the 80s, Yellowjackets was renewed for season 2, you wrote and are staring in a show for the MCU and you had a daughter only a couple months ago. You are doing it all.” The interviewer rambles making Amiria let out a laugh.
“It was a lot I’m not going to lie but I’ve had my family by my side through it all.”
“Will we ever find out who the clearly wonderful father of you beautiful daughter is?” For a split second the smile on her face faltered while a clear sudden look of despair fills her eyes but she quickly brightens them both up and continues.
“Give it like a decade so I can really surprise everyone. That’s the goal.” She ends off her little tease with a nod that she hopes is convincing.
She couldn’t let people ever find out. Not only did she feel embarrassed but she wanted to keep Jack Harlow and her family name away for as long as she possibly could.
“He must be very proud of you. He must be cheering you on from home” Her smile falters again but she picks it up again.
“He is.”
No he isn’t and he never would.
“Have a good night Amiria. We’re rooting for a happy Manaia Thompson this season.” The interviewer says as Amiria walks away.
Hours later, the episode had ended and the cast and crew were at the after party. Amiria had just come back from making a tiktok with Noah, Caleb and their sisters when she decided to go outside for a breather.
The night had been magical to say the least but Millie, Joseph along with the rest of her cast mates had noticed something was off.
Camila and Joseph were looking for her when the former found her in the parking lot sitting on the bench.
She slowly approaches her best friend, Camila frowns when she hears the familiar sniffs as she gets closer.
The moment Camila sat down beside her Amiria quickly wiped away the tears.
“Oh honey.” The Brazilian says as she pulls her into a side hug.
“I hate that I have to tell Ani one day that her father didn’t give a shit about her.” That sentence alone makes Camila tense up. “The whole world thinks we’re happy living this suburban parent lifestyle with a white picket fence and all that corny stuff.”
“I know you want that corny stuff honey.”
“I really wanted that. I don’t know what hurts more the fact that I let Jack break my heart so many times or the fact that one day, when my daughter is old enough, her father will break her heart. I don’t want her to end up like me.” Amiria continues to sob making Camila place a gentle kiss on top of her head.
“What’s that supposed to mean?”
“Going from the pride and joy of your whole neighbourhood to not even seeing it for 2 years because you kept going back to the same person who I let walk over me over and over, being treated like crap over and over. Cutting off your closest friends and family because you thought you knew the real him.” Amiria rambles as the many memories flood her brain. Who knew that a single question would cause everything to crumble? “I don’t want Ani to end up like me or Jack. My mom, dad or grandparents are much better candidates in my family tree.”
Camila was shocked to say the least. She takes Amirias face in her hands and wipes the streaks of mascara away with her thumbs. “First of all. Never say that bullshit again. You Amiria Imogen Maiah Campbell are the strongest person I’ve ever known. Ani would be lucky hell she’d be blessed to end up like you. You know why?” Amiria shakes her head as she sniffs gently.
“You fought for love my dear. Not just love but the future you wanted. You’ve grown so much. I remember you rambling to me after we went to that one film festival about how Oncology didn’t feel like your calling anymore how you would like to do something else with your life. I also remember how scared you were to tell your parents the truth but they were proud of you regardless. They still are or else they wouldn’t be flying half way across the world to be with you in a few days. You’re a single mother, you’re booked and busy, a show you wrote, starred and directed is coming out in a few months. The list goes on but babe! Come on, you’ve accomplished so much more than some of our fellow actors have in their 10 years in the industry. I can practically smell your Oscar!”
Amiria laughs as her best friends words materialise into the more brighter memories of the part few years. The ones without Jack. The ones where she would bring her film camera to work and take pictures with her cast mates. The ones where she’d put on her headphones and spend hours on her laptop writing the script she’d only dreamt about as a kid. The ones where she’d be with Urban, Druski or Neelam and she’d just found out she got nominated for her first Emmy and many other awards. The special moment where she first held her daughter despite the traumatic hours before.
All those good memories meant something.
“You are a badass Ames, never forget that. It’s not and it never will be your fault that you lost your fight for love. Jack never has and never will deserve you. He’ll never deserve that large ass heart of yours. If, no when Ani turns out like you, the world will become a thousand times better. I promise you.” Camila adds on making her lips upturn into a sweet smile. “One day you will find that person who will make you feel a hundred times better than that asshole. You’ll have the wedding of your dreams, the honeymoon of your dreams and you two will raise another badass and maybe have a few more. Whatever you chose to do, your future is bright babe. Got it?”
“Got it. Thanks Cam.”
“Always. I love you girl. I’ll always have your back.”
“Love you too.”
“Let’s get you freshened up because I think Noah wants to make more TikTok’s.” The two women stand up, link arms and walk back inside.
Just as they reach the bathroom, Amiria realises she left her phone on the bench and Camila offers to go get it.
She never expects to see him there.
There he stands, holding his exes phone in his hand, staring at the lock screen which is of Amiria and Ani. The mother holds the baby in her arms and the baby girl reaches for the stars with a gumless smile while Amiria shines her signature Peary grin. If Camila wasn’t radiating rage that was hotter than the fiery gates of hell she would've asked herself if she just saw Jackman tear up slightly.
He backs away slowly when he notices she’s there.
“This is a private event Jackman. What the fuck are you doing here.”
“I just want to talk to her.” He pleads.
“Absolutely not. If you know what’s good for you, you’ll stay away.”
“Camila please. I just want to fix things, that’s all I want.”
“You think I give a damn about what you want. It’s always been about you. It’s been over a year and you’re still the same narcissistic asshole.” She pinches the bridge of her nose. “Can’t you for one second stop and maybe consider the fact that maybe she isn’t ready to see you or doesn’t even want to.”
“I have to make things right. I want to be there for her and A-“
“You of all people don’t get to say her name besides why did it take fifteen months for you to come to your senses? Is it because you don’t want the world to one day find out that you’re a fucking dead beat?”
“No, I’ve been trying to reach out for months but she’s blocked me on everything and I don’t blame her.”
“You really have some nerve.” Camila scoffs. “Give me the phone and if you ever truly cared about her, you’ll stay away.” She says as she snatches the red covered phone out of his hands and makes her way back to the door.
“I love her! And I’ll never forgive myself for everything that I did to her while we were together. I just need her to even look at me or say something. I wanna hold or just see my daughter not just a picture of her. We haven’t been apart for this long and it’s driving me insane Camila.”
“You had two out of the three years you two were together to fix yourself. At least now you know how she felt.”
“Camila please, I know she’s having her family tradition thing next week.”
“You never gave a damn about her family’s traditions.”
“I know my parents and Clay are going.”
“But you somehow didn’t make the invite list.” She mentions with sarcasm laced in her voice. “It’s a really important day for her and Ani.”
Vivid memories of Amiria rambling about her favorite traditions come to his mind but they’re all a blur because he never paid any attention.
He knew that if he wanted to get on Amiria’s good side again he’d have to play his cards right.
And her best friend wanting to murder him right now was definitely not the way to do it.
“Just tell her I’m sorry.”
“You can say it to her yourself when she actually wants to see you, until then. Stay away.”
With those last words Camila Mendes marches back through the door. As she gets closer to the main hall where everything was happening she can’t help but let her mind wonder.
She knew that one day Amiria would have to let Jack back into her life. She just hoped that no one would pressure her into it.
Once she’s back in the room where everyone is conversing in meaningless banter she spots Amiria, Gaten, Maya, Noah, Caleb and their sisters filming another Tiktok.
She chuckles as she makes her way to the group of seven.
Amiria notices her best friends pressence behind her and quickly walks towards her.
“What took you so long? You missed our song.”
Camila knew lying to Amiria now would get her no where. “I’ll tell you later.”
“Are you okay?” Amiria asks noticing the change in her friends mood since she saw her ten minutes ago.
“I’m fine Ames, let’s go ask the DJ to play our song again.” With that the two women link arms and walk towards him.
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Sooo that was part two
Damn it, that was a lot😭😭
I’ll try make the next part shorter unless y’all don’t mind the long chapters?
Please let me know 🫶🏾
Anywhoo hope you enjoyed
*let me know if you want to be added*
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milktearosethorn · 18 days
"The nighttime air of Kinoko Kingdom curls with a muggy fog. The light of the iron lanterns hardly shines through the thick haze, showing as faint blots of amber in the inky black. Perhaps it's the residual necrosis from the dozens of withers that had been summoned on the prison grounds, or maybe the server itself is dreading what was unleashed from Pandora's Vault.
Regardless, the mist embraces Sapnap while he trudges home on sore feet in a new set of armor that feels delightful to the flesh. The cold netherite gives a strangely warm embrace; it soothes the numb pain in his muscle.
It's his one victory. He failed the hunt, but he wears his prize. Nightmare. A masterwork of netherite that most blacksmiths weep to dream of. He feels powerful in it; he can stand straight despite failing to stop the summoning of the withers and letting his old flame slip from the edge of his blade.
He should've been able to catch Dream. The months of imprisonment had chiseled the prisoner's body to the wick. That strength, the presence, whittled away to an ember. All Dream had left to himself was a deep-seeded hunger to survive, and he danced circles around Sapnap with that raw determination.
Sapnap grits his teeth. You're lying to yourself, and you know it. It was an easy picking.
Past the threshold, now tracking mud into his home, Sapnap pauses before his hands move to doff the armor. Normally, he shucks the whole set of plate as quick as his fingers can undo the straps, ready to trade it for comfort. But now... His fingers linger over the plate edges, etched by hand with rune work that facilitates the magic of the enchantments like a circuit.
It's buzzing power. The energy quickens the beat of his heart, like the armor is screaming at him to not let this piece of business go unsettled. It tugs at the piece of Sapnap that needs to run Dream through with his blade. He has to commit the deed. It would be just as much a failure if anyone else on the server were to cut Dream down.
And yet, if no one else but him could do it, then why did Sapnap let Dream evade him? In the old days, the good days, more often than not it was Dream who could best Sapnap in a sparring match. Sapnap knew his strength just as he knew his weakness, and Dream's stay in the prison gave him new tells. He favored his right leg too much, he winced when he twisted his shoulder the wrong way, and he switched to wielding with his non-dominant hand because the fingers on his other were too crooked.
What had happened when Sapnap's back was turned?
Sapnap should've won and run him through. But he didn't, because something buried within him wouldn't let him. A tether of fondness. And, even more worrisome, concern.
He doesn't just fear Dream; he fears for Dream. And that fear is cut with a persistent longing for what they once were to each other.
How did it come to this? He can't even go to George for advice— their third piece is too checked out from the rest of the world. It's in these moments that Sapnap wishes that Dream was still with them. Dream would have a plan; Dream always used to have a plan. And Sapnap followed, finding comfort where Dream took on the mental burden for them both, focusing instead on honing himself into a perfect weapon to use. Then to Dream, Sapnap may as well have been rusted iron, with how swiftly he was dropped when their passions no longer aligned.
He remains standing still, poised like a statue with his hands refusing to unbuckle the Nightmare armor. They're trembling now, from what he doesn't know.
And then, there's an urgent knock at the door. A series of three loud thumps, from the pounding of a fist"
-> As a whole I liked the description, how it was perfectly detailled in the present then slowly adding context with bribes of the past, but still well in the present since we have Sapnap's feelings tying into it. The atmosphere is really nice. I like how the last sentence cut through the feeling of the night and tranquility, as well as sapnap's conflicted thoughts. In that too it was great to read because you can feel Sapnap is boiling inside and that the exterior is in total opposite.
I think your descriptions are really good
I owe you my life thank you so much <33
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pandorafallz · 11 months
Grace Augustine was many things. She had built her life on Pandora, as a scientist but also as a teacher and a voice for the sky people to the Omatikaya clan. It all falls down when the rain comes down as metal shards through her school walls. She was not supposed to be one of the casualties that day. Still, just because she died, it doesn't mean she can't be useful. Can't be...remade, right? - Rewritten of Light of a Wandering Soul.
Chapter 4 snippet
She brought both her hands up, her eyes widening in alarm for another whole reason. She had four fingers. Not the five she had expected. She distantly heard a monitor pick up in sound, resonating with the thumping of her heart.
“Grace… You’re okay. Please listen—”
“Which….asshole stole my pinkies?!” She swallowed thickly, pushing herself to sit up though a glimpse at her feet showed the same thing; a missing toe next to the big one. But...something was off, her…body felt off.  She looked down though she could see she was…smaller. Flatter. Why was her avatar so small?
“Grace,” the female technician's hand grasped her forearm, pulling her attention away before she could spiral. “A lot of things have happened and I know you’re confused but you’re okay and we will explain. I don’t know how much you recall but your old avatar died. This avatar body is your new body, so we need to make sure it’s functional.”
“What?!” She echoed. Her old avatar dead? “New avatar? When did I unlink? Why don’t I remember linking with this one?”
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soldierofashedevil · 2 months
It's the first word that shows itself on my phone screen in bold lettering. I slowly looked up.. The city skyline looms in the far distance; and it proves to be harrowing. It's the weight of existence, and the burden of choices: of who to be, or what side to choose. From what I can recall, emergency services existed, but they all fell short by comparison to Batman. Concepts such as justice and evil reign supreme; and a democracy of people with powers and choices can co-exist. What did I wish to be in my other world? I watch cars go by me in blurs. The smell of gasoline, the asphalt beneath my shoes: they keep me moving. Repetition turning into a motion of necessity, no matter the blistering that may have occurred from how much I'd done it. I didn't have time to nurse wounds. Everything up until now felt like a blur, like some dream I can't remember. I hold out my thumb, as if it were something I'd done a thousand times before.
It wasn't. It was risky, and it was stupid. My heart pounded so loud in my ears, my consciousness was competing for its attention. I had to stay focused, I had to keep moving…but to where? Bruce Wayne? I nearly stopped my stride at the thought of it. Part of me wanted to argue that it was a bad idea, but maybe it's the only idea. How can you start a life when you don't exist? It's never stopped me from trying. But, the rules have changed: A world where villains and heroes exist, and death isn't inevitable.
There's no choice, The relentless voice in my ear persisted, You have to see Bruce Wayne. He's the only one that can help you. But how on Earth are you going to get him to believe you?
I felt tears pricking at my eyes, how dare they vy for my attention? Time is moving to a crawl, and the longer that I’m out here, the more my nerves start becoming a struggle to maintain. What if a car didn’t come? What then? Or what if- My thoughts slow when I hear the old rumblings of an engine approaching me at an agonizing creek. My whole body tensed, but as the vehicle creaked closer, I saw an old and battered car with no roof, a driver who was an aged farmer, a man that works in the sun day in and day out. Often, farmers valued tradition and familial values, I only hoped that this would turn in my favor.
"Where you headed, miss?”
“Gotham..sir.” I'm sure he was evaluating me, studying if he should let a stranger into his car.
But, I watched his gaze shift into a semblance of concern when he spoke again, "Gotham..eh? Can I ask why?"
“Because…I have a very special problem that only Batman can solve.” I spoke it with confidence I didn't have, but I was desperate to keep up the facade. Every second felt like an emergency, Gotham City was Pandora's Box.. and I was desperate for certainty.
The farmer’s eyes went from a concerned look to a quizzical expression. He seemed to wonder how serious I was. He let out a laugh as if it were the funniest thing in the world. He looked at me, a slow smile stretching across his aged face, and the amount of disbelief that crossed him made my heart pound. “You’re serious?” he chuckled. “You really think Batman would listen to you? No offense miss, but are you insane?”
I felt my stomach drop with dread. Not only did I realize that I really was in Gotham, but this stranger was a potential danger I didn't realize until too late.
I did everything I could to stay calm, but I felt my fear rising, goosebumps littering down my arms.. just saying Batman’s name might have put me in a danger I couldn't get out of. But, if I broke down from the pressure, he'd be asking me more questions that I wouldn't have answers for. I slowly forced a smile, fighting past my primal urge for panic. “Ha. Ha.” I said, forcing myself to gently place a hand on his arm. “I just ..had to test your buttons.”
The farmer chuckled and gave me a warm smile. “Eh kid, ya sure fooled me there.” He glanced at me, his eyes taking in my appearance, “I like ya. You got courage, eh…what’s yer name?”
“Malum.” I say softly, with just the right touch of a polite smile. “Call me Mal.”
I moved to sit in the passenger seat, with my heart racing. I watched him shift the vehicle into the third gear, and then to fifth.. When I look up at his rearview mirror, I see a photo dangling from it, him, surrounded by family with a proud grin. “You’re a family man.” I say fondly.
I heard a hearty rumbling of laughter.. I watched his gaze briefly look towards the photo that he hung up, with a smile spreading across his face. "That I am," he confirmed. “Got three kids and six grandkids. They keep me young, even when my bones feel like they're tellin’ a different story." He expertly maneuvered the vehicle, merging onto the main road that led into Gotham. "Gotham's a tough place for a young lady like you."
“I like to think I have a tough way of thinking.” I say, adjusting the fabric of my blouse. If I was in Gotham City, then, that also meant that some of my phone calls won’t go through. Hell, my phone number probably didn't work.
The old farmer chuckled once more, casting another glance in my direction. "Ah, confidence is a fine thing.” he replied, his accent thicker than ever. “But there's tough, and then there's Gotham tough.” He focused back on the road before continuing. "This city ain't like other places. It's got a unique rhythm, a dark pulse. You best be careful who you trust around here."
I opened my mouth to speak, casting him a nervous glance. “What do they call you?”
"Name’s Forest Graham, but most folks ‘round here call me ‘Old Man Graham.'" His eyes flicked between me and the road, a hint of pride in his voice. "Been growing crops out here in the countryside for nearly thirty years now. Longer than my kids have been alive."
"Thirty years, huh..." I echoed thoughtfully, my gaze drifting over the landscape. As the wind brushed through my waves of pink blonde, I realized that the stakes of Gotham City were real, but along with fear came an itch for my ambition. There was so much I could reach for, and the possibilities that stretched on excited me in the very same essence that they terrified me.
"Look, it might not be my place to say, but... Gotham City ain't a place for a young lady to be wandering about alone. You got somewhere safe to stay?"
“Haven’t thought that far ahead yet.” I said, my gaze never tearing away from my destination. I was too busy strategizing, and his concern, although appreciated: had interrupted my process. I cast a quick glance to him, before returning my gaze to the city. I had until nightfall, and if I could make do with the daylight that I have now, It'd be somewhat safer to traverse by foot. I already assumed that I had no money, no wallet. Trusting another stranger, other than Graham, came with its own set of risks that I didn't want to gamble.
Old Man Graham nodded, the vehicle rumbling beneath us. His calloused hands gripped the steering wheel tighter, the wrinkles around his eyes deepening with concern."That ain't good," he said bluntly, his voice holding a soft yet firm edge. "You're a stranger here, in a city that ain't too keen on strangers, especially young ladies walking alone. It's the kinda place that...well, it has its own set of challenges." He shot me a sidelong glance. "You got someone you know in Gotham? Someone who can look out for you?"
I looked at him, judging by his questions, and his concern, I shook my head. “No. My plan was to make it, see if someone can point me in the right direction..Some place like WayneTech.”
Old Man Graham raised a brow, his gaze flicking from the road back to me. He looked skeptical. "WayneTech, huh?" he repeated slowly. "That’s a big, corporate entity. You reckon you’ll just be able to waltz in and ask for directions?" His weathered face hardened, his eyes reflecting the wisdom of years spent under the sun. "And what happens when night falls, and the streets ain’t safe for a young lady alone?"
“What else is there *to* do?” I asked rhetorically. “Survive until daylight..then try again.” I said, unable to hide the conviction in my tone. I was afraid, but I refused to be paralyzed by it.
"There's a whole lot of dangerous folks in Gotham, kiddo. It ain’t gonna be that simple. You got a plan? Or are you just counting on plain ol’ luck to get you through this alive?”
“You’ve not met me before, but this *IS* me we’re talking about here. I always have a plan,and if I don’t,I promise I'll make one.”
His stern look softened considerably, his expression becoming almost fatherly. He took his eyes off the road for just a moment."You sure do have conviction, I’ll give you that," he said with an amused grunt. His rough, calloused fingers tapped a steady rhythm against the wheel. "Still, even the best plans can go sideways in Gotham.”
The car rolled into Gotham City, and I could scarcely believe the giant structures surrounding me. The city was alive, and bustling, and the longer I spent in Graham’s car, the more I started to realize the actual danger of it. For a moment, I was frozen from the realization,my hand lingering by the door frame.
“I won’t stop you from tryin,” Old Man Graham spoke softly, and I held my breath as he reached for an old receipt in the compartment, and picked up a pencil. I watched him carefully write down a series of numbers, and then his name. “You find a phone, and you call this number.” He said, before handing it to me. “You tell me where you are, and I’ll come get you.”
This stranger..would do something like that for me? He seemed genuine, someone who cared; but, I was still in disbelief nonetheless. “You’d…you’d do that for me?”
Old Man Graham chuckled, his wrinkled face shifting into a small, amused smile. "It ain’t much, just some old geezer who grew too fond of a lost girl," he joked softly. His eyes met mine, the concern there evident. "This city isn’t kind to strangers. And you’re a pretty young lady, ain’t you? You might be a tough one, but sometimes being smart about things is better." He took one last look at me, his gaze lingering for a moment before he continued. "Promise me you’ll be smart."
“I’ll be smart.”
I took one last look at him, before I stepped out of the vehicle and shut the door.
((End of Chapter One
P.S- decided to make a fanfic out of Batfleck, using Batman vs Superman.))
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forasgaard · 2 years
Series Masterlist
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Part 4
I was a little scared of this first night on Pandora. It was was the first time I've been in the jungle in the middle of the night. Luckily, I wasn't completely alone, Neteyam was with me. But still, I felt a little uneasy when we walked through the bushes. I thought of all those animals that were out there. I've heard that even some of them could easily kill a Na'vi.
We made our way through the woods and I noticed that it wasn't as quiet as I thought. Especially my steps were loud because of my boots. Branches broke under my feet and i kicked stones. Neteyam turned around, an amused smile on his face. "You make noise like a mob of Angtsik.", he chuckled. Hammerheads . "Ha ha", I made. Nice that he compared me with rhinoceros-like animals. I suppressed a laugh. But he was right, I was too loud out here. But not my steps were loud, I heard chattering, screeching and chirping. The forest was truly alive but I couldn't see one single animal.
"Wait, stop!", Neteyam grabbed my wrist. Hy heart started rushing. What was happening? "What? Animals!?" Predators? But Neteyam shook his head. He sreched out his arm. "No, look!" And then I saw them:
"Pa'li", Neteyam whispered. A herd direhorses. Six-legged horse creatures. I sighed with relief. Those animals were herbivores, friendly beings. We watched them for a while. They drank nectar with their tongues or just rested under the trees. It was truly pieceful.
At a small glade, Neteyam stopped. He showed me a plant that grew directly unter one of the massive trees. It looked pretty plain, not that spectacular. It was as tall as my waist and had clycinal petals. Neteyam touched them softly and magenta color spread across the flower. I gasped in awe. Sure, I had seen bioluminescent plants before, but never in the middle of the night in the middle of Pandoras forests. It was breathtaking.
The magenta color spreaded over to other plants and within seconds, the whole glade shone in rainbow colors. Pandora was such a wonderful place!
A sweet small was in the air and I took a deep breath of the clear night. Up in the sky sparkled the stars and the gasplanet threw a color explosion onto the horizon. It was so bright that you didn't need any lights or torches. Even in the forest there was enough light, and my Na'vi eyes adjusted to the night lights.
I looked at Neteyam. The white dots on his face, which every Na'vi had, shimmered in the dark. Norm and his science friends called them freckles. Every Na'vi had a different pattern and formed a picture like a fingerprint. Like identification markings. I didn't realise that I stared enchantedly at Neteyams face until he started grinning. I had to laugh. "Sorry, it's just so..." I made an undefined gesture to the forest.
"Magnificent?", he finished my sentence.
"Yeah" I laughed.
We began our work with photographing the plant from every angle. Then I took a sample of the nectar, put it in a test tube and labelled it correctly.
While I cut the flower and some leafs off, Neteyam murmured some words in Na'vi, which I didn't understand.
Suddenly I felt like a polluter, a destroyer of nature. I had no right to cut off plants, I thought. But Norm and his science friends did this all the time...
The shimmering of the flower faded when I cut it and put it in a plastic bag. Neteyam didn't say a word about my work and I was slightly afraid that he was mad at me for cutting down the plant. He just guided me to the next plant a few minutes of foot walk away. I could take three more samples this night.
The sun shone though the leafs and I blinked confused. I sat up an groaned. I back ached like hell. I put one hand at that sport and shook my head. Sleeping on the bare floor wasn't a good idea. Of course I did not sleep in the hammocks in hundred feet height. I wasn't suicidal. And I had no clue how to get up there. I had slept at the foot of the tree between the thick roots. Horrible idea.
A young Omatikaya couple went by and chuckled when they saw me. I suppressed a curse. Walking hurted like hell but the movement was good. I eased my back.
I had no clue what time it was but the sun wasn't that high yes, so somewhat before noon.
My stomach rumbled. What was I supposed to eat here? I knew that the Na'vi ate the same things we humans, they were omnivorous. But where should I get that food? On my way to Mo'ats hut, I saw some fruits in a bush and I picked it. I knew these were eatable.
Mo'at was awake. She greeted me nicely and seemed very clear in her head. But her condition didn't change, she still had fever and coughed. I gave her some water from a bowl next to her bedding. We talked a bit but it was obvious that speaking was exhausting for her, and so I said goodbye and left her hut.
I checked out some other patients, which Norm and I had taken care of the other days. None of them felt any better and the hope to heal them sank.
I sighed and left that part of the forest. What now? I looked around. Mo'at was too exhausted and the plant samples I could only take at night. What should I do now?
I continued way way through the forest when suddenly someone grabbed my tail. A loud howling rang in my ears and I flinched around. Something small pulled at me and I recognised Spider. My heartbeat calmed down.
"Spider!", I cried out. The human boy just laughed. He ware his breathing mask and jumped around like an ape. He only reached up to my shoulders.
"Good morning, how was your first night in the forest?"
I rolled my eyes. "My back hurts. I slept on the floor."
Spider's eyes widened and he started laughing. "Why? Didn't they gave you a hammock?"
"Yeah, but that thing is dangerous! I don't wanna fall out!"
Spider couldn't get over it and he held his stomach while laughing. "You cannot fall out! They are constructed for that, I sleep there all the time!"
His wild energy was contagious and I grinned. "What are you up to? Where are you going?", I asked curiously.
"To the Sully's. Wanna come?"
I thought of Neteyam. Was he angry at me for cutting down that plant? "I don't know." Was I even allowed to visit them? I mean, I looked like them but inside, I was still human. And Jake was the clan leader. So his family was something like royal. But Spider visited them all the time.
"Okay, I'll come with you", I grinned and we started running.
The Sully home was located on a glade, in the middle of the village. And it was not really a hut, more like a weaved tent made out of different kinds of fabrics, leather and bamboo pillars. I could already hear the laughs from far away. And I smiled when I heard Tuk screaming something.
Spider just went inside, without hesitation as if he was part of the family. I stood outsode for a second but then I followed him.
After my eyes got used to the dimlight, I recognised them: Tuk and Kiri lay on the floor and rolled around with a laugh. They got up as they saw us and Kiri brushed off the dust from her knees. "Spider! Eva!" Sie smiled.
Tik hugged my waist with such frevor that I almost fell down. I laughed surprised and hugged her back.
"How are you? Have you slept well?", Kiri asked. Before I could answer, Spider did: "She's got a backache because slept on the floor!"
They laughed and after a small pout I joined them.
Now I saw the interior: The Sully's slept in hammocks (of course) and blankets lay on the floor to make it more comfortable. Boxes and woven baskets stood in the corners and on one box lay a bow and arrows.
"Where are the others?" I asked. Kiri shrugged. "Hunting, patrolling. The typical stuff."
"They fly on their ikrans!", said Tuk with excitement. "I can't wait to get my own ikran!"
Kiri smirked. "That's gonna take a while, ngatsyìp (little one).
I wanted to say something when the curtain at the entrance opened. Jake came in, followed by Neytiri and the boys. Toruk Makto frowned when he saw me and I was afraid he could become angry at me for coming into his home. But Jake just hut one hand on my shoulder. A gun was in his other hand. "I've been looking for you!", he said and his voice sounded worried.
"Norm's got sick."
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shadowsong26x · 2 years
So, I have seen variations on this take several times over the past few days:
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Image description: a tumblr post from a user whose handle has been obscured with a red block. the post says: “anne rice has been in the ground for nine whole months and they’ve already got louis and lestat rawdogging on tv did they greenlight that the second her heart stopped or what”
There is nothing particularly Special about this post, it just happens to be the most recent one I’ve seen. And they all sort of have the same theme: “The TV show is Super Gay, Anne Rice must be rolling in her grave.”
And I’m like.
“How to tell me you’ve never read the books without telling me you’ve never read the books.”
Look, Anne Rice had an extremely contentious relationship with fandom for a lot of reasons. I’m not in any way denying that, although I’m not going to get into all of that here because it’s off-topic. The point is, queerness was not really one of those issues.
Admittedly, I haven’t actually seen the show yet--I don’t have AMC+ and I need to catch up on Andor first anyway--but I have read the books an embarrassing number of times; I’ve seen both movies ((for the purposes of this post I am going to acknowledge the existence of QotD)); I have bootlegs of both the San Francisco and New York versions of the stage musical.
So you can believe me when I tell you that the books have always been super queer.
And, honestly, some of Anne Rice’s other work has been, too--Cry to Heaven, which came out in 1982, between when Interview with the Vampire and The Vampire Lestat, heavily features an MLM relationship ((there are some. Very Necessary trigger warnings for Cry to Heaven, which I am happy to share if you’re interested; I actually think it’s one of her better works)).
Also, the musical I mentioned above came out in 2005/2006, which was while Anne Rice had decided to stop writing about monsters and erotica and monster erotica and write about Jesus instead (I read the first Jesus book. It was...I have very little memory of it other than a general impression that her writing style for a 10-year-old POV character was. A Choice). Anyway, the stage version pretty explicitly frames Louis and Lestat’s relationship as a marriage; Lestat’s relationship with Nicki is just as clear and present; the Foe Yay with Armand is arguably ramped up compared to the books. How much involvement she had with that show is a little unclear, but she never attempted to disavow it or anything; there are interviews with her from the Broadway opening night, etc.
The only place where the queerness of this series is really downplayed are the two film adaptations. The IwtV film, while otherwise excellent, definitely has that problem, but Tom Cruise was involved in some of that decision-making. The QotD film straight-up cuts Nicki and Louis (among other Problems), and I have no idea of the behind-the-scenes factors there.
There’s also the fact that one of the things AR was doing with the IwtV novel was processing the death of one of her children; Louis and Lestat are essentially stand-ins for her and her husband (I forget which is which).
Not to mention everything with Armand and Daniel. And Armand and Louis going off together for like thirty years at the end of IwtV. (Also Armand and Marius, but that is. Uh. Problematic; most of the relationships Armand has in his memoir/titular book are but the details about his relationship with Marius are. Something Else.)
Also, if you look at the last few books that she wrote--which she was working on while the TV show was in the early development stages--they are pretty overt. I’ve only read the first two, and it’s been a while since I have but two things I remember are:
I definitely recall a conversation with Louis and Lestat that is basically framed as marriage vows.
Gabrielle has a girlfriend (I want to say Pandora?) in Atlantis.
Also, as a note, Lestat is pretty explicitly a bi disaster/disaster bi in the books. Even leaving aside his relationship with Gabrielle (which was also cut from the QotD movie but for Much More Understandable Reasons); there’s references to him sleeping with women before being turned, and in Tale of the Body Thief he has a brief relationship with a human woman while he’s human. Louis’ sexuality is a little more ambiguous; apart from a retconned backstory giving him a dead wife, he only really has two prominent relationships with women. One of them is Claudia, and the other actively put a spell on him. Armand is a Mess for many reasons. Marius has relationships with both men and women as well.
((Tangential but somewhat relevant--there’s an intersex vampire in Blackwood Farm; she generally uses female pronouns IIRC and, like Marius, dates back to the Roman Empire.))
Quotes from some of the books are below the cut because they have always been queer and I am citing my goddamn sources. (I own all the core books, but I only grabbed the ones Lestat narrates because I was looking for a specific quote about his bisexuality and I’m too lazy to go back to the bookshelves and get the others; suffice to say there would be Many from The Vampire Armand; and quite a few from Interview, at the very least.
The Vampire Lestat [published 1985]
My beloved Louis [...] Of course I hated him for the lies he told about me. But the love was far greater than the hate. He had shared the dark and romantic years of the nineteenth century with me, he was my companion as no other immortal had ever been. And I ached to write my story for him. [pg. 16]
“Ah, you are a dreamer!” [Nicki] said, but he was delighted. He was beyond handsome when he smiled. [...] He reached out and put his arm around my neck and kissed me. We almost upset the table we were so blissfully drunk. “My lord, the wolfkiller,” he whispered. [pg. 48-49]
I was still sitting there, too unsure of myself to say anything, when Nicolas kissed me. “Let’s go to bed,” he said softly. [pg. 75]
Carefully I opened my eyes and looked at him again. All his natural gifts were there in a blaze of light: the delicate but strong limbs, large sober brown eyes, and his mouth that for all the irony and sarcasm that could come out of it was childlike and ready to be kissed. [pg. 128]
Heartbreakingly innocent [Armand] seemed in the midst of the crowd. Yet I saw crypts when I looked at him, and I heard the beat of the kettledrums. I saw torchlit fields where I had never been, heard vague incantations, felt the heat of raging fires on my face. And they didn’t come out of him, these visions. Rather I drew them on my own. Yet never had Nicolas, mortal or immortal, been so alluring. Never had Gabrielle held me so in thrall. Dear God, this is love. This is desire. And all my past amours have been but the shadow of this. And it seemed in a murmuring pulse of thought he gave me to know that I had been very foolish to think it would not be so. Who can love us, you and I, as we can love each other, he whispered and it seemed his lips actually moved. [pg. 275]
By the time I left Italy I was playing dangerous little games with mortals. I’d see a man, or a woman--a human being who looked perfect to me spiritually--and I would follow the human about. Maybe for a week I’d do this, then a month, sometimes even longer than that. I’d fall in love with the being. I’d imagine friendship, conversation, intimacy that we could never have. [pg. 337]
Shortly after reaching the colony, I fell fatally in love with Louis, a young dark-haired bourgeois planter, graceful of speech and fastidious of manner, who seemed in his cynicism and self-destructiveness the very twin of Nicolas. He had Nicki’s grim intensity, his rebelliousness, his tortured capacity to believe and not to believe, and finally to despair. Yet Louis gained a hold over me far more powerful than Nicolas ever had. Even in his cruelest moments, Louis touched the tenderness in me, seducing me with his staggering dependence, his infatuation with my every gesture and every spoken word. [...] But I loved him, plain and simple. And it was out of the desperation to keep him, to bind him closer to me at the most precarious of moments, that I committed the most selfish and impulsive act of my entire life among the living dead. [pgs. 497-498]
“Is this an offer, Louis? Have you come back to me, as lovers say?” His eyes darkened and he looked away from me. “I’m not mocking you, Louis,” I said. “You’ve come back to me, Lestat,” he said. [pg. 531]
Queen of the Damned [published 1988]
But to continue with the review--the concert was a success. I had my moment of triumph before fifteen thousand screaming mortal fans; and two of my greatest immortal loves were there with me--Gabrielle and Louis--my fledglings, my paramours, from whom I’d been separated for too many dark years. [pg. 5]
Honestly, the entirety of ‘The Story of Daniel, the Devil’s Minion’ [pgs. 73 - 118], but a specific notable quote:
[A]t other times, he burned for Armand as if for an elixir without which he could not go on. The dark energy that had fired him for four years was now missing. He dreamed Armand was near him; he awoke weeping stupidly. Then the morning would come and he would be sad but calm. Then Armand had returned. [...] He’d come silently out of the shadows into the moonlight, a young boy in dirty jeans and a worn denim jacket, and he had slipped his arm around Daniel and gently kissed Daniel’s face. [...] They had entered the dark, low-ceilinged rooms, the press of Armand’s arm against Daniel’s back oddly comforting. Ah, yes, this intimacy, because that’s what it is, isn’t it? You, my secret... Secret lover. Yes. [pgs. 91-92]
[to avoid getting sidetracked by the Issues with Armand and Marius’s relationship, I haven’t included a quote that revolves around them, but it’s on pgs. 273-275]
“No,” I said. I wished I could speak of it, all the things that were in the book. “You know, we were lovers, she and I, so surely as a mortal man and woman ever were. “Of course, I know,” [Louis] said. I smiled. I kissed him suddenly, thrilled in the warmth of him, the soft pliant feel of his near human skin. [...] There was so much I wanted to say to him, to ask him. Yet I couldn’t find the words really, or a way to begin. He had always had so many questions; and now he had his answers, more answers perhaps than he could ever have wanted; and what had this done to his soul? Stupidly I stared at him. How perfect he seemed to me as he stood there waiting with such kindness and such patience. And then, like a fool, I came out with it. “Do you love me now?” I asked. He smiled; oh, it was excruciating to see his face soften and brighten simultaneously when he smiled. “Yes,” he said.
I can keep looking, but it’s late and I’m sick of skimming; I might come back and update this post to add more later. For one thing, I remember a quote that I’d really wanted to cite--I couldn’t find it; I think it’s in Tale of the Body Thief--where Lestat says something along the lines of “I’ve fallen in love with men more often than women, because until recently, the women I met just weren’t very interesting.”
But the point of all this--the quotes, the rambling--is that, no, Anne Rice is not turning over in her grave over the queerness of the new TV series. The movies downplayed/cut the subtext, the first largely due to Tom Cruise, the second for reasons I can’t really fathom. The books have always been super queer. The stage musical acknowledged this and leaned into it. Other Anne Rice novels also prominently feature queer characters.
...and yeah, posts saying otherwise make me mad. There are plenty of reasons to take issue with Anne Rice, with her writing, with her relationship with fandom, and so on. But this isn’t one of them. And I can’t quite articulate why this bothers me, but...it does. A Lot. And so here we are, one very long post later, with all the proof I can muster in a couple hours on a Thursday night.
Because Lestat has been a bisexual disaster from the start. And claiming he isn’t is just. Vexing.
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amethystheart2421 · 1 year
Thanks for the tag @phantomgrimalkin <3
I just realized I did it wrong and I used your words instead of the words you gave me because I'm terrible at paying attention to details but this took a while so... *shrug* sharing anyway. Sorry about that!
Search these words in anything you've made and share: eyes, night, cried, pretty, kiss
Eyes - The Three Soulmates of Pandora Lovegood
Night - Engrams and Moonwalks
Pandora set down her fork, having finished her eggs, and dabbed at her lips with a napkin. “Well, I have been lucky enough to have three soulmates. And that’s only so far.”
Luna looked at the piece of a heart pancake still on her plate and gasped. “Am I one of them?” Pandora chuckled, grinning at her daughter. “Of course, you are, my dear sweet Luna!”
Luna’s cheeks went red and she laughed. Then her face pursed in thought and she asked, “So, if you had three soul mates and Daddy is one and I am one, then who is the third?”
“Ah. I thought you might ask me that.” Pandora’s grin vanished and there was sadness in her eyes as she said, “Let’s make some tea, and I will tell you all about it.”
Mary handed him a bottle of water and got to work on his face. “So, the old gang is going out to The Three Broomsticks tonight. Think you will be gracing us with your presence?” she asked. “The Broomsticks? Isn’t that place right by the university? It’ll be crawling with college students.” Sirius was terrible at coming up with excuses, but he really just wanted to go home and binge watch whatever crappy superhero show was currently trending on Netflix, avoiding humans altogether. Mary scoffed, “Exactly! Sirius, you need to get out and have some fun. How are you going to meet people moping around your mansion all the time? A fresh young college student could do you some good.” “Hey, I meet people around the mansion! The new night guard at Godric’s Hollow, Shacklebolt, he’s a great guy. We have fascinating talks. You know he trains wild animals as a hobby? The guy has a pet lynx!” Mary stared at him for a few beats before she busted up, laughing, “Sirius Black, you are coming out with us tonight. Go home and put on those tight black jeans that really show off that ass, and we’ll pick you up at nine.”
Cried - Wolfsbane of My Existence
Other memories from the evening flashed in his mind, Remus squeezing his hand to comfort him. Remus running his fingers through his hair and rubbing his back as he cried about his uncle. Remus’s chest rising and falling with his breath as he slept. The long curve of Remus’s neck. The way it felt to be held, and how he ached to feel it again. The longing rose in his chest and squeezed his heart.  Fuck. He turned on the tap and splashed water on his face. He was mortified. He was humiliated. He was… giddy. Regulus let out a whine of despair. Regulus was falling for Remus Lupin.
Pretty - Fragile Development
Evan’s brow furrows in thought, “Well, you know, maybe you should look on the bright side. The overtime pay has gotta be pretty good for a whole weekend!” Regulus lets out a long bitter laugh. “I don’t get overtime pay!” He’s still laughing. “I’m salary. I have to work as many hours as my employer tells me to, with no difference in my pay.” “Well, that can’t be right.” Evan eyes him skeptically. Regulus shrugs. “Damn, son. I thought those fancy engineering jobs would be all about paid time off and first-class travel. That there sounds like indentured servitude or some shit.” “That’s exactly what it is. Indentured servitude.” Regulus agrees.
Kiss - You and Me, Moony
So, when Regulus started nuzzling his neck, pressing small, sweet kisses to his skin and mumbling about how delicious he smelled, Remus didn’t push him away, he didn’t ask him to stop. And when Regulus’s hand was at his neck, fingers carding through his hair, massaging his scalp, he gave in completely. He turned into the embrace, finding Regulus’s lips with his own. He kissed him with a hunger he hadn’t even realized he felt, but now he was desperate for it.
OKAY new words for you. If you want to. :) hand, smoke, forget, laughed, soft
@sniperjade @soupy-george @crying-lightningx @myheadsgonenumb
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cosmik-koto · 8 months
what are your favorite ships of your characters? :3
Ok ok ok- .w.
Novel spoilers inbound!
So a lot of the time I end up shipping what's canon or implied to be canon. The two most prominent examples are StrausxRed and AzuraxAmber.
Being able to show how Straus and Red's relationship has developed throughout the novel has been an absolute delight. I love their dynamic with my whole heart. Both are societal outcasts trying to find a place for themselves in the vast Multiverse. When Straus first saves Red and welcomes her in, she falls for him like- probably within a week or two of knowing him. It took Straus a bit to reciprocate the feelings but he got there. They are definitely among the most realistic relationships in these stories.
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I have to give credit where it's due though. Atem does the writing for both Straus and Red, so a lot of what makes their relationship special comes from him. It's how you get moments like these:
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asdaskaskfadkfhadfhadfhadlfdh their first kiss literally turns my heart to mush every time I think about it :"3
Now, Amber and Azura is the couple you think about when you want to *cry-*
Let's refer to that one time I entered Amber in an OC Tournament:
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Azura would literally commit war crimes if it meant Amber would be happy. This did cause a rift in their relationship at one point but they bounced back because tHEY ARE SOULMATES YOUR HONOR-
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They are *the* Sun and Moon couple and I will not shut up about it. They shine because of each other!
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I literally cannot wait for the day when I get to flesh out their story more through writing and animation beyond what I've already shown because I know it is going to RUIN ME in the best way.
(Side note, they may or may not get a moment in the novel soon...)
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Now, these are the "canon" ships, but if you want something a bit more avant-garde... a bit head-canony...
Zack isn't necessarily in love with Mara. It's one-sided on her end. Before they were the villains in their story, they were best friends. The menaces of their school district, yes, but they still had each other's backs.
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Mara, all hopped up on dark magic and the like, thought that Zack's dedication to her ideas of world domination was his way of reciprocating her feelings.
Which, y'know, was so incredibly not true.
You could imagine how upset she gets when Zack eventually had to abandon her to save himself....
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But yeah that's why sometimes when I write/draw Mara and Zack together I have her be flirtatious (and a bit clingy) with him. I wanted to play into it just a lil. 👉👈
...I might do it more now that I think of it-
Finally, while not necessarily a ship, Arin saw Amber as his love interest for a VERY long time.
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Like even after she and Azura get back together he still pines, even though he knows he'll never have her.
Soooo yeah- I think that about covers everything! Hope that answers your question! ^^
Oh and if you ship SaturnxJupiter I think ya lost the plot-
0 notes
the-rockstar-lestat · 2 years
Real talk, do you get jealous of all the other books that you didn't write talking about how pretty Louis is? How do you deal with it? Vampires seem kinda polyam. Are you?
That's a complicated question. Louis' beauty is undeniable, so I certainly understand why they go off on how gorgeous he is--theyd have to be blind not to. And until quite recently, Louis and I were not officially back together, so I do understand the urge to, how do you put it, shoot their shots.
(little do they know complimenting Louis' looks is the LAST way to his heart. Basically, I'm the only one allowed to call him Beautiful One or the like, as he knows I'm not trying to get anything from him.)
So it's not that I'm jealous , per se. Louis is beautiful, if anything it makes me proud to have what they want so badly! And I do enjoy dressing him up and showing him off sometimes--when he allows me to!
But some vampires--David comes to mind--could afford to stop sexualizing everything he does. David's book in particular has an objectifying gaze towards Louis that I don't like. Is the feeling jealousy? Maybe. Not quite. But there is a line between admiration and objectification that I think David occasionally falls on the wrong side of.
As for polyamory. I suppose that most of us are, to some extent, polyamorous, or, at the very least, non-exclusive. Polyamory is a new word to me, and all it's associated terms and subtypes, but looking around at those around me I certainly see that very few, if any of us, confine ourselves exclusively to one person at a time.
But it's complicated. Armand , Daniel, and Marius are all involved together --though God knows it took them long enough to figure out how to work that out, and Marius is also on and off again involved with Pandora and Bianca, who are occasionally involved with each other, though neither of them are involved with Daniel or Armand. (The whole bloodline de Romanus seems to be fucking some days.) Barbara is not currently involved with anyone, but she lived in a triad situation with her maker and a fellow fledgling for years. (In the Midwest. Through Victorian times. Women get away with so much)
However, there are those who I would consider more monogamous. Seth and Fareed seem to have no other lovers, nor did, when they were alive , Maharet and Khayman.
I suppose that when death cannot part you till death do us part means little. And when one isn't concerned with things like the paternity of children, or the splitting of property, why be so concerned with sexual exclusivity? Weather we choose to have one relationship or many, I don't believe any of us require exclusivity of our partners --though some seem to wind up there almost by accidnet. Also remember, while we can have intercourse like humans, our principal act of intimacy is sharing of blood, and while we consider that a great intimacy, it is not reserved for those who have romantic feelings for each other, but for anyone one loves and cares for.
It's all muddled.
As for me, I consider myself and Louis monogamous in that we have no other romantic relationships at the time, though neither Louis or I require sexual exculsivity of each other--which is good, because I can be a slut. Frankly, I'm not sure I could DEAL with two relationships --one is hard enough! And I imagine that Louis would feel the same, especially since his relationship is me, and haven't you heard, I'm a lot. But if someone showed up and it was something Louis wanted I would be all right with it--i suppose. In theory. I don't know, maybe I'd be jealous. Sometimes I do admit to some jealousy towards Armand, as he and Louis have a very deep relationship that Louis assures me is merely platonic and always has been. Armand smirks in a way that makes me not so sure...
So to answer a very complicated question very simply, yes, most vamps are a little what you humans consider poly, but there's a huge spectrum that we fall onto. And as for me, I fall in love a little bit with everyone I meet, but as I've never fallen in love with anyone as I did Louis, I am very content to be with him and only him, for as long as it makes us both happy. For ten thousand, hundred thousand, nights.
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kouyurii · 3 years
Hi Ann! Youre so nice and sweet. I love how you ramble in the tags about fics you love. Just a question, Do you have any favourite authors? I dont mean authors you live above everyone, but auhtors who you love virtually anything they write?
hello sweet anon im terribly sorry i did not mean to ramble but (⇀‸↼‶)
okay so number 1 on this list has to go to @amjustagirl my queen of imagery literally all her metaphors are SO well thought out im in awe everytime i read something of hers 🥺 if i had even a smidge of her talent i promise you i'd be looking for a career in creative writing by now
a very close number 2 would be my beloved @ufo-ikawa i havent read her recent fics but i can tell you now without hesitation that if you have the time & capacity to be flooded with emotions (unlike me </3) i would recommend them to you with my whole heart (for lovers who hesitate, commas of care, this summer i..., the world starts and ends with you!)
spot number 3 goes to the one and only @sakusins who had me reading fics for characters i didnt even know like no joke shes insane she singlehandedly got me to watch & read tr and she's the only person i'd ever read hanma & gyutaro from
number 4 is none other than @heich0e i got pulled in by her haikyuu fics but i learned she's also crazy good at writing aot and has an aot longfic in the works so i read the few snippets of it that she posts and suddenly im at s3 in just 5 days🧎🏻‍♀️
fifth is shared by @sourstars bc if nikki jie was brilliant at weaving imagery throughout her multichapter fics, pandora is incredible at jampacking her metaphors into shorter pieces without losing any of the emotional impact
and also @chimielie bc i love the way lia writes reader and how lovesick the boys always are and she has such a unique writing style that i do not have the vocabulary to describe but i would bet that if you let me read one of her fics without showing me her url i would probably be able to tell it's her
and because i am literally incapable of shutting up here are other writers whose masterlists i havent gotten the chance to go through but you can bet your life savings ill be spamming them with rbs if i survive the semester
@eightonenine's osamu and omi pieces have my heart in a vice grip but i also would read tsukki and hirugami just for her
@sunkeiji sayu has stopped writing but as long as she doesnt suddenly delete her writing blog impulsively i WILL go through the rest of her works bc theyre always so sweet :(
@shinunaki has me reading for characters ive never even simped for before (kagami, goshiki,, aran,,,,and i have a feeling shion soon teehee) and now im at least a litol bit in love with them after reading just one fic from him
@augustinewrites she writes such a wide variety of fics and every single one of them is so cute and unique and appeals to my tiny lil heart one day ill sit down and read her entire masterlist in one go dont even try me
@kentoangel roma's fics are always so full of love it is impossible to read her pieces and not be buzzing with serotonin in my veins by the end of it
@nakizumie cant wait to read her older works bc ive only read her newer ones and i just know all her stuff is gonna be so good i can feel it in my bones
@aominology has these really long bulleted fics and other long fics that ive been dying to read bc her drabbles are already have me clutching at my heart
@kairakeiji bc she is a master at switching povs so subtly and the boys are pining SO hard it makes me yearn but also reader loves them just as much which makes it so sweet :(
@duino is another underrated longfic writer she includes so many subtle details that all add up to just fill my whole being with happiness and love by the end of it
@luvbub you know how when reading hcs you might just skip to your faves and ignore those you dont simp for? yeah that's impossible when it's bub's hcs i literally cannot resist i end up reading every single character
@yurens bc she weaves words together so beautifully and her works are on the longer side too so i have to save them for when i can appreciate them properly (my beloved yurens if you dont want to be tagged pls let me know sobs)
@arhvste i think she went on a hiatus but then she came back and posted banger after banger like it was nothing she has the sweetest ways of showing love
@peachysamu i wanna read the stuff shes been posting on her new blog but also i am panic binge reading her whole masterlist on here in case she decides to delete this blog sobs
@ryesei bc everytime they repost an old work they're like 'oh this sucks' even though it does not, in fact, suck and i am eagerly awaiting the rest so i can finally (re)read them
and theres also @mysterystarz and @shoyotime bc ive read way too few of their works it is very upsetting that uni work dares keep me away from them >:(
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Dream SMP Recap (January 20/2021) - SEASON TWO FINALE
The Disc Saga has finally come to an end. With both L’manburg and the discs’ stories completed at last, it’s time for a new beginning and a new era, as Dream is locked away in Pandora’s Vault and the server looks forward to a more hopeful future.
Now that Dream is gone, though, there’s a power vacuum that needs to be filled...
And with Season Three on the horizon, a certain  empire has plans to do exactly that.
- Ponk makes graves for Tommy and Tubbo in the Graveyard.
- Tommy and Tubbo come online at last. They follow the compass down the Prime Path and start to reminisce about all the old times. Everyone is waiting for them on the Prime Path. They go through one by one and say a goodbye to each of them.
Tommy: “I’ll see you all when we get home.”
- They enter the wilderness and start talking strategy.
Tommy: “I need someone to get back and tell my story.”
Tommy tells Tubbo that while they have the tendency to look on the positive, they have to be honest with themselves. It’s going to be a good fight, but they’re on their last lives. Tonight’s the night they have to win.
- Tommy opens up a bit to Tubbo about the things that still bother him from the exile.
- They find a MASSIVE mountain and go onto land. They start climbing, watching one last sunrise on the cliffside.
- Dream is on top of the mountain with an Enderchest there. Tommy and Tubbo confront him and start attacking before he has time to think. He starts building up a tower of obsidian and plays Mellohi to taunt them. 
A build battle breaks out, reminiscent of the original Disc War. The two manage to snatch the Mellohi disc.
- Dream laughs and says to stop. He hasn’t even begun to try. He almost kills Tubbo, bringing him down to only a few hearts, and gives Tommy an ultimatum: Tubbo or the discs. Dream gives Tommy a countdown from ten.
Tubbo: “Keep this disc. It’ll be worth it! Keep the disc, I’m fine! I’ve done enough in my life! It’s fine! Keep the disc!”
- Tommy gives Dream the disc. Dream laughs and reveals that the disc wasn’t even the real Mellohi, just a fake.
Dream: “I just want to show you how powerful I am, how powerless you are... I could’ve let you just walk away, but no, I’m toying with you. I’m playing with my food. That’s -- that’s the fun in it! That’s the fun in it.”
- He tells Tommy to drop the Axe of Peace for him. Then he tells the two to drop their stuff into a hole and explodes it all, then says he can take them to the real discs. 
- Dream leads them to a chamber with a platform in the middle. He activates it and a redstone elevator leads them down into a blackstone base that goes to bedrock.
Dream: “Listen, Tommy. Ever since you joined the server, you’ve been a headache, okay? You brought war, you brought terrorism, bad everything. But, but, the cause of all the war, of everything, was attachment, right? Your attachment to the discs, your attachment to Henry. To pets, to friends, to land, to countries, to items, right?”
“That’s the one good thing that you’ve done. The one good thing you’ve done is you’ve brought attachment to the server. So it took me a long time to realize how important attachment was, but when I did, you know, it made me stronger, and I realized, y’know, you’re important, right?”
- He shows them the discs. The real discs. 
Dream: “Ever since attachment was on the server...I cut my attachment. I -- I blew up my house, I lost my friends, I lost my items, lost my crossbow, my...y’know...everything that was important to me. My pets. I cut everything! Because I realized that’s what gave people power over each other. The reason you’re here is because I have these dumb little items.
I don’t wanna be controlled, so I cut...everything. I lost everything. But...I had to lose everything. I had to lose everything, to gain everything.
Listen, if I can control the things that people are attached to, then I can control the server again! Because this isn’t Tommy SMP or Tubbo SMP, it’s Dream SMP, right?! So I can control the server if I have everything that everybody cares about, that everybody’s ever cared about, I can control everything, right? I can turn the server back to what it used to be...right?
- Dream leads them into a hallway where there’s a spot for all the things that everyone on the server is attached to. Beckerson and Mars, Fran, Skeppy, Carl, Enderchest, the shulker box...everything.
There’s even a cow named Henry and a sheep named Friend. 
- Dream explains that he needs Tommy to remain because he’s the person who’s brought attachment to things. Tommy’s the key to unlock the full potential of the server and power over people. That’s why he can’t kill Tommy.
Instead, he tells them that he’s constructed a prison.
He says his plan is to lock Tommy up and kill Tubbo. If Tommy wants to be a hero...Every hero needs an origin story, and Tommy’s is Tubbo. Dream gives Tommy a chance to say one last goodbye before it’s Tubbo’s time to die.
Tommy is desperate to keep fighting and keep hope, to always look for another option. Tubbo, meanwhile, has accepted their defeat. He’s accepted his death. All good things must come to an end eventually.
Tommy: “What am I without you?”
Tubbo: “...Yourself.”
Tommy: “Tubbo...even though for this entire server, I’ve always regarded you as my sidekick...really, Tubbo...I was your sidekick. Please don’t go...please don’t go...”
- Just as Dream is about to kill Tubbo, though, Punz comes through the Nether portal at the back of the room.
Punz: “I’m sorry Dream...but you should’ve paid me more.”
Suddenly, everybody comes through the portal at once. Everyone that they had said goodbye too suddenly gathers around Dream in a crowd as Tommy and Tubbo snatch the discs and put them into their Ender Chests.
- Tommy goes up to Dream, knowing he’s too important to kill. Instead, he digs a hole into the floor and tells Dream to drop his items.
- Dream says that Tommy wouldn’t kill him. After all, they have so much fun, don’t they? Tommy tells him that he’s caused nothing but pain and kills him with the Axe of Peace, promising to kill him again and again until he’s dead for good.
- Dream tries to word his way out of it but Tommy kills him a second time with Nightmare.
- Tommy asks Dream for his last words. Dream tries to convince him that he doesn’t need to kill him, that they’re friends! He begs Tommy to stop. As one last move, he lets slip that he can bring people back to life.
That’s what Schlatt’s book was.
The secret to reviving the dead.
- Tommy boxes Dream in obsidian. They know they can’t just let Dream go, and now they can’t kill him either, but Sam suggests an alternative: 
They put Dream in Pandora’s Vault.
Tommy: “Tubbo? ...Let’s make Wilbur proud.
- Sam takes Dream away. Tommy says that he’ll be the first to visit him, that he’ll visit Dream tomorrow.
- Tommy tells Dream to confess to what he did. Dream tells everyone that he blew up the Community House, but goes silent after Tommy brings up the exile. Tommy gives a speech to the others. Now that Dream is gone, the server can finally be what it’s meant to be. 
- Dream is taken away, and Tommy and Tubbo say their goodbyes as they return home.
- They make it to Tommy’s house and sit on the bench, finally listening to the two music discs that started this whole thing off in peace.
- A familiar voice speaks.
“Tommy, I’m very impressed..”
“Hello...have you missed me?”
- It’s Wilbur -- the real Wilbur -- speaking with them from beyond the mortal plane. He tells them that he’s proud. He doesn’t want to come back to life. Tommy and Tubbo break the news about possible resurrection. Wilbur realizes that “he’s gonna bring Schlatt back as well.”
Wilbur’s voice fades away before long.
- Tubbo returns to Snowchester after Tommy leaves and realizes that they can declare their independence without Dream now that he’s gone. He wants to speak with Quackity as they talk about the future. 
- Jack is pleased with the outcome. Sure, he was against Tommy, but as a reminder! The Manifesto stated that his goal was to help Tommy and Tubbo get rid of Dream first. Tommy can be dealt with later. If he kills Tommy, not only will he get his revenge on Tommy himself, but it will also hurt Dream. 
Dream said he’d gotten rid of all the things on the server that mattered to him, but he was lying.
He hadn’t gotten rid of Tommy.
And Jack Manifold wants to be the one to do that.
- Jack plans to visit Dream in the prison to taunt him and tell him about how he’s going to kill Tommy and there’s nothing Dream can do to stop him.
- Ranboo is happy that he was right. It had to be everyone against Dream for them to win. But...he’s confused about why Dream said he’d blown up the Community House. Didn’t he do that?
He says he has to talk to Dream and get the true answers.
- Ranboo questions whether he’s a bad guy if he’s done the same things as Dream. Is he a bad person? Does he deserve to go to the prison to?
- He wants to work on his house, but Mellohi suddenly starts playing from somewhere. Frantically, Ranboo starts looking for the jukebox it’s playing from. It gets louder at certain spots...
- He runs back to the Panic Room and the music gets louder.
He clicks the jukebox in the room and Mellohi pops out, the music coming to a halt. Is he a bad person if he does bad things without meaning to? Or while under peer pressure?
He let bad things happen to all the people he wanted to help. He’s betrayed everyone he’s ever spoken to.
The only person who he hasn’t betrayed...is Dream.
He wonders if the Dream voice lied to him about the Community House? The voice has no true connection to Dream, but is it truth what it says? Could it have been wrong? 
Ranboo: “I think...I think he covered for me.”
“There are seventy different stories, but only one of them is right.”
He wonders if he can alter the page where it admits t hat he did those things, but he can’t bring himself to do it for some reason.
Even if the walls are down, they’re still up. Dream still has influence even when he’s locked up.
- He heads back to his house to start working on it and goes into his Comfort Room. It seems like everything’s okay until Mellohi starts playing again. It gets louder just outside his house.
- He starts running again, back through the Nether. Back to the Panic Room. He’s tired of this and wants to get rid of it.
Nothing comes out of the jukebox.
He breaks the jukebox and the song still plays.
He starts shouting at the voice. Why isn’t it appearing? 
- Ranboo wonders what he’s doing wrong, why the song is still playing. He starts denying that he did any of the things he thought he did. He just wants closure so that he doesn’t have to see Dream in prison.
He deletes one of the smiles and the music stops playing. He then deletes the rest of the page.
Ranboo says that he’s still going to visit Dream, but now he’s not looking for closure. Instead, he’s going to tell Dream everything that Dream did to end up in there.
- He opens the chest in the corner. Inside there are two pieces of TNT and...
A new book.
On the black screen, the crown flickers without the smile. The smile flashes for only a few seconds, which spells out in Morse code: IT ISN’T OVER.
- Later, Sam comes on. Now that he’s finished with the prison, he plans to protect it as though it were his child. But he needs a new project.
- So what he plans to do is create a bank and a system of currency for the server.
- Captain Puffy reflects on Dream now being locked up. She says she has plans for business in Snowchester later. 
- Ant’s eyes have turned purple. Bad comes online and Puffy shares her misgivings. Bad and Ant come up with the idea to establish a better headquarters, and want to build a base right above the Egg, but find out that Sam has already claimed the land for his bank.
- They start building the meeting room.
- Sam comes over and gets into an argument with Bad. He still thinks the Egg is bad juju. They show him the meeting room.
Bad: “Dream was just the uniting force where everybody was against him. Now that he’s locked up, things are just gonna get worse, alright? But the Egg can be a uniting force to bring everybody together! And that’s why we all came together and decided to unite our factions and form the Eggpire! The Egg Empire!”
Sam: “The wh-- don’t say that again. Whatever you just said, no...that’s a no from me.”
- Sam still thinks they should destroy it, and is angry that they didn’t tell him about this. Bad argues that they already tried containing it and it didn’t work. He also says the Egg has feelings.
- They take Sam down to the Egg Room with Punz. He’s horrified.
- Bad restates the purpose of the Eggpire, and explains that now that Dream is gone, there’s a power vacuum that needs to be filled. And if it’s not filled by the Badlands, then it’s going to be filled by someone else and that isn’t good for them.
- Sam escapes the Egg Room and the rest of the Badlands are left to discuss their future. Bad is hopeful that Sam will come around to them, and he has plans to speak with Eret as well.
Bad and Ant mention to Puffy that they have a “back up plan,” but won’t tell her what it is.
- Puffy also plans to start a therapy office on the SMP! 
She will be the third one to do so, but hopefully she’ll have more success than the others.
--- What happens now?
- Tales From the SMP Futuristic Episode (Saturday)
- Nuclear weapons test (January 26th)
- Tommy’s visit to Pandora’s Vault (Tomorrow)
- Ranboo’s visit to Pandora’s Vault
The Crimson’s Vines continue to spread across the server. 
Though the Syndicate has been recruiting new members in its fight for anarchy, the Eggpire’s influence grows ever stronger, and who knows where Snowchester will fall in the conflict when these new forces begin to clash?
Only time will tell.
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