#All I Want For Hanukkah-Christmas Series
astolat · 9 months
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The Pack Survives (4193 words) by astolat Chapters: 1/23 Fandom: Game of Thrones (TV) Rating: Explicit Warnings: Creator Chose Not To Use Archive Warnings, Graphic Depictions Of Violence Additional Tags: Tags Coming When Complete Series: Part 20 of Game of Thrones works Summary:
There is a land of the living and a land of the dead and the bridge is love, the only survival. —Thornton Wilder
This mad story (which is complete at 173k words long) has taken me a year to wrangle to the end. As I got close, I was going to advent calendar it, and then it was going to be for Hanukkah, but I was still fighting my way out of it with much help from @cesperanza and lim, and now it's DONE and I'm too impatient to wait for the 12 days of Christmas so it's going to be *waves hands vaguely* the solstice to the new year!
As I've done before, I'm posting untagged and will add tags when the whole monster is up. Speculation and conversation welcome in comments!
I'll update here a few times along the way, but I confess that I do not have the spoons to update tumblr 23 times, so if you want notifications as each of the chapters go up, please subscribe on AO3!
Happy holidays and I hope this is a season of light for you all! <3
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multifandom-miriam · 15 days
Okay, but we all do agree that Stan and Ford send letters with the address where they're going to spend the Christmas to Dipper and Mabel so they can send them gifts and vise versa. Right?
I think that Mabel would send them sweaters that she made. Stan uses them when it's really cold (he pretends that he doesn't like them) and Ford it's always using them (after all, he also loves sweaters). Mabel always makes turtle neck sweaters for Ford because he showed her his tatto once (and she plans to do the same tatto because she loves it) and said that he wanted to hide it.
Dipper would send Ford a copy of a book that he read about paranormal stuff or some accessory of some movie/series/game that they both like and he would give Stan a key chain related to money or cassinos or a pair of pants.
Stan would steal a wallet from someone in the street and send the money he finds there (or in his brother's bedroom) to the twins or he would ask Ford to buy something for them for him. Or he even would walk into a shop and buy the first thing that he sees with glitter or animals and the first thing that screams "NERD" (or that puts Ford's eyes glowing).
Ford sends Dipper books that he liked to read when he was his age and he gives Mabel romance books that have colorful covers or something related to Ducktective.
Is this headcannon or cannon?
EDIT: I didn't know that the Pines are Jewish. So, instead of Christmas, they would buy this gifts for Hanukkah. They buy 8 gifts for eachother (out of the things I said) and they open them during the 8 days of Hanukkah :D
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blakelysco-pilot · 5 months
This Is Always
From the Love Letter Series
Robert “Rosie” Rosenthal x Josephine Harris (OFC)
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The holidays are usually a time to be spent together, cold noses warmed by the fire, and joyful cheers as the New Year approaches. This year, Rosie is struggling with being away from Jo, and acknowledging the future that he dreams of sharing with her. A heart to heart with Crosby helps put things into perspective for both of them.
Read Part 3 Here Follow along with the Love Letters Playlist
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January 1944
My Dearest Jo,
Happy New Year, honey pie! It’s just after midnight here, and though I wanted to be the first person to wish you a Happy New Year, I know that by the time you get this, it will be after the fact. I guess by writing this now, while it’s still ‘43 back home, I’m letting myself be greedy in being the first to send you those wishes. I hope you’re doing something fun tonight, and getting all dolled up to paint the town red. Your last letter came just after Christmas, but I would be remiss if I didn’t tell you just how happy it made me to hear that you were still doing all of your usual Christmas favorites, even if I’m not home to carry all your shopping bags back to Brooklyn after a full day in the city. Believe me, I even miss doing that, no matter how heavy some of them are. 
I got Ma’s last letter just a few days before yours arrived, and she mentioned that you went by the house to celebrate Hanukkah with her and Jeanie. I know that made her really happy, and I can’t thank you enough for keeping an extra eye on both of them for me while I’m stuck over here. My sister would argue that she doesn’t need anyone keeping an eye on her, but I’m sure she appreciates your company, and will rub it in my face after the fact that she got to spend so much time with you. That’s what little sisters do, isn’t it? 
We had a small thing in the Officers Club for the holidays; nothing too fancy, but there was music, and some good liquor that someone managed to scrounge up for the occasion. The Red Cross Clubmobile girls pulled some resources and, even with rationing, managed to bake a few cookies for us. They were good, but they couldn't hold a candle to yours. 
I have never wanted one of your Christmas cookies more than after reading your letter, and to know that Jean Crosby took over as the official taste tester this year; oh it broke my heart darling. But, I’m glad to know that you two girls are keeping each other company, and I know that Croz is happy knowing that she’s not alone. I do hope you two aren’t causing too much trouble while we’re away. Knowing you the way that I do, I know that’s a bit of a pipe dream, but one of the reasons I adore you the way that I do. 
At the risk of sounding melancholy, I’ve spent most of today wishing I could take you dancing; spin you around until we’re both dizzy, until finally we can ring in the new year with champagne. Crowded on the dance floor at Minton’s, wrapped up in each other. Maybe it’s bold of me to ask, or maybe it’s the whiskey, but would you have allowed me a midnight kiss, Jo? I can’t picture kissing anyone else as the clock strikes twelve, nor do I want to, on this holiday or any other day. I hope that by next year, we'll be able to spend the evening together, and not have to send holiday wishes in letters that take too long to get there. 
I dream of you every night, sweetheart, and every night these sweet dreams end with a kiss before I’m pulled back to reality. I’ve been dreaming of the future, and if the real thing is anything like my dreams, I can’t wait for those days to begin. I wonder,do you dream of those days too? Of building a home together, a life that’s just ours. Living in the city, maybe somewhere near Harry and Jean. We could go to the pictures on Friday nights, and sleep in on Saturday’s, warm under the blankets until we peel ourselves from the sheets only because we need to make coffee. I’d spin you around the kitchen while we made breakfast, a record on the Victrola, the two of us tangled together while the eggs burned. The more I think about it, the more it all sounds like a dream come true. 
Maybe it is the whiskey talking, but it’s getting late here. Or early depending on how you look at it, and even though we aren’t flying tomorrow, I’m sure the rest of the fellas will be returning from the Officers Club soon enough. I’ll be dreaming of you tonight, sweetheart, and counting the days until we’re together again. 
Sending you millions of hugs and kisses, and all of my love. 
Yours for always
Rosie took a deep breath, and without giving himself a chance to second guess anything in his letter, folded it up and slid it inside the envelope. He’d address it in the morning and drop it off at APO so that it went out with the next mail call; tonight it would remain on the nightstand next to his bed, with Jo’s photo. He was still in his uniform, not having bothered changing after he returned to the Officer’s hut, and was about to take advantage of the empty shower stall, when the door swung open and Harry walked in.
“Thought I’d find you in here.” Harry spoke, hand coming up to loosen his tie. 
“Yea, I uh, wanted to get a letter out to Jo,” Rosie signed, dragging his hand down his face. ‘Or at the very least, written.”
“It’s rough around the holidays isn’t it.” It wasn’t a question. Harry knew as well as he did, and he knew his friend was giving him an opening to get his feelings off his chest. 
“Probably the most difficult part of all this. We’ve spent every Christmas and Hanukkah together since we met.”
“She celebrates Hanukkah with you and your mom?”
“Jo is the best gift giver in our family, according to my sister.” Rosie grinned. 
“Sounds like your sister will be the disappointed one if you don’t put a ring on Jo’s finger when we get home.” Harry chuckled, dropping down onto his own bed, across from Rosie’s.
“She’d have to fight my Ma for the top spot, if I don’t marry Jo.” 
The two shared a quiet moment  as their thoughts drifted to a place far from England. Far from flak and casualties and torn fuselages. No thoughts of missing friends, mission counts or that damned red light never blinking off. 
Rosie knew that Harry understood better than anyone; how it felt to be so devoted to someone, and yet, he felt compelled to ask the one question that, if he had to wager, everyone asks at some point. 
“How’d you know Jean was the one?” He asked after a moment, gaze turned upward to meet that of his friend. 
“She wanted nothing to do with me when we met,” Harry balked so loudly that it seemed to echo off the walls of the Nissen Hut. “But I knew. I didn’t want to spend another day without her.”
“Just like that, huh?”
“Oh yeah, you just know,” Harry nodded. “When did you know Jo was the one? And don’t tell me you didn’t…”
“Let’s just say I should have opened my mouth a long time ago.”
“Well, better late than never.”
“What if I was too late, Croz?”
Harry stood from his bed, moving around the front to lean himself against the footboard. With a determined gaze, he made sure he had Rosie’s full attention before saying what was on his mind. 
“You can’t think like that. You need to believe you’re going home to her, that you two will have a life after all this.”
“God, I hope so.”
“I don’t know Jo as well as you do,” He started. “I only know what Jean tells me in her letters, but it sounds to me like she’s really something. And I’m not just saying that because she went out of her way to befriend my wife.”
“I told her I want a life with her, a future, our own place, Saturday mornings in bed, lazy days…”
“You want the dream.” Harry nodded in understanding. 
“Told her maybe we’d move to the city, leave Brooklyn, get a place near you and Jean.”
“Sounds like we’ll be in trouble if that happens, Jo and Jean a stone's throw away from each other?”
“I think the two of us are going to have our hands full when we get home, Croz.”
“I bet they’re saying the same thing about us,” Harry laughed. “And I wouldn’t blame Jean. I’ve been a real handful as of late.”
“Oh yea, you’re causing lots of trouble all the way over here.” Rosie chuckled, propping his legs up on the bed, feet hanging off the edge so as to not dirty the sheets. He didn’t miss the slight look of distress that flashed across his friend's face. 
He regarded him carefully; he looked like he had something on the tip of his tongue. His face looked worried, like he had something weighing him down exponentially, and Rosie would allow his friend the moment if he needed it. After all, it was the holiday’s and they were the best source of camaraderie that they had; friends should be there for each other. No one understood that better than he did. 
“No, I’ve been a handful…” Harry finally continued. 
“Remember after Munster? When Harding sent me to Oxford?”
“They double you up when you’re at those conferences, and my roommate, she-”
“Ah jeez, Croz…”
Harry sighed, dropping his head, too ashamed to look his friend in the eye. The moment had turned in the blink of an eye, and he wasn’t sure how to handle it, or get his friend through it. But he’d be damned if he didn’t try. 
“I don’t know how to tell Jean.”
“Is this why you kept disappearing up to London? To see her?”
“How do I tell my wife that I slept with another woman?”
“You just do, Croz.”
“That’s the worst possible thing to write in a letter. ‘Honey, I miss you terribly, by the way…’”
“Alright, I see your point. But you need to tell her.”
“This fucking war,” Harry sighed. “I swear, it peels the humanity right from your bones.”
“Then you fight it.”
“More than we already have? More than what we’ve given and lost?”
Rosie knew he was referring to Bubbles, and for a moment he let his mind wander to Nash, and that first mission to Bremen. It would be easy to fold; to pack it up and let the fight take from you more and more. But he would be damned if he’d let it take more from him, and if he had to fight a little extra to make sure it didn’t take any more from his friend, he’d do that too. 
“You’re not fighting it alone, Croz.”
“Feels like it most of the time.”
“And you’re fighting for something back home, even if you feel like you don’t deserve it at the moment.”
“I don't deserve her.” 
“Yea, you do. And you’ll tell her everything, whether you write it, or tell her when we get home. And Jo and I will be there for you both.”
Harry looked like he was about to respond when the door to the Officers Hut swung open. He turned, half expecting a replacement officer, but was surprised to see Blakely and Douglass, the former with a cigarette tucked behind his ear, and Douglass swinging a bottle of something in his left hand. 
“Nightcap, fellas?” Douglass lifted the bottle, and Rosie could just make out the label. Vat 69. 
“Where the hell did you get that, Dougie?” Harry’s eyes went wide at the familiar label from back home. A very expensive label. 
“Been saving it, so come on, let’s have a drink.”
“No, seriously, who’d you steal that from?” Rosie asked, watching as Blakely gathered four of the glasses the boys kept on their side tables for brushing their teeth. 
“I won it in a bet, if you must know.” Douglass grinned, pulling the wax seal from the neck of the bottle before pulling the cork out.
“The details are not of importance,” Blakely chimed in, swatting Rosie’s legs off the bed to take up the space next to him. “What is important is that we’re here, and alive, so stop asking questions and have a drink would ya?”
Douglass poured for the four of them, dropping himself down on the bed next to Rosie’s, while waiting for Harry to join them. 
“Any day now, Croz…” he groaned, glass between two fingers as he held it out for the navigator. “It’ll be ‘45 by the time you move.”
“Dougie… fuck off.” Harry stood with a laugh, brushing off his slacks before snatching the glass and taking the seat next to him. “And anyway, we’d all better be home by ‘45.”
“I’ll drink to that.” Blakely nodded, holding his glass up to cheers his friends, the only ones left that weren’t replacement crews, or trapped somewhere in the Stalag. 
The foursome sat silently as they sipped their prize whiskey, thoughts turned presumably to home and memories of Christmas and New Years’ spent with people they loved and missed. 
“Alright, what would you be doing if you were home right now?” Ev broke the silence, leaning his elbows on his knees, gaze landing on Harry. 
“His wife, dumbass.” Douglass chuckled. 
“Woah hey, none of that.” Rosie looked between the two, the rules immediately being put into place without having to say them. 
They didn’t talk like that, but he assumed it had been a bit too much whiskey already for Douglass, and with there no mission on the horizon for tomorrow, their guards were all down a bit. 
“Right, right, sorry Croz,” Douglass held his hands up in apology. “For real, what would you and Jean be doing if you were home?”
“We’d go out for dinner, but I think we’d probably be home for the bells,” he closed his eyes wistfully, and Rosie knew his friend was simply hoping that he’d be able to do that next year. “Dance in the living room, and yea, off to bed.”
Blakely nodded, reaching across to drop his hand to Crosby’s knee in a gesture of good faith, that he felt for him in a way, and was hoping he’d get that moment sooner rather than later. 
“What about you?” Ev turned to his right, finding Rosie sitting quietly. 
“What about me?” Rosie brought the glass to his lips, taking a small sip and letting the taste linger on his tongue a moment. 
“Would you and Josephine be out on the town?” Douglass asked, gesturing to the photo on Rosie’s side table. 
“Oh yea, we’d be at Minton’s, dancing until they kicked us out I’m sure.” Rosie laughed. 
“Together at the club then?”
“Every year we go dancing on New Years,” Rosie started. “Christmas and Hanukkah are for family, New Years is for friends.”
“She’s more than a friend.” Harry looked at him pointedly. 
“She is, and a fella can dream that she’ll say yes when I get home.”
Blakely, who had been pulling the cigarette from behind his ear to light it, fumbled, dropping it to the ground at Rosie’s confession. 
“You got a ring?!”
“No, but, that’s my second order of business once I’m back stateside.”
“And the first?”
“To kiss the hell out of her.” Rosie confessed. 
“Good man.” Blakely slapped him on the shoulder, a smile on his face. 
It was absolutely the whiskey talking this time, but he was among friends. The trust was insurmountable. Between the confessions that had taken place before Ev and Dougie had joined them, and the warmth flowing through his veins, Rosie lifted the glass to his lips to drain it, before standing from his place on the bed. Swiping the envelope from earlier, and a clean sheet of paper from the table, he glanced at his friends with a grin, and offered a two fingered salute. 
“Gentlemen, I’ll be back.”
“Where are you going! We still have more whiskey!” Douglass hollered after him. 
“Save it for another occasion!” Rosie called back as he pushed through the doors and out into the chilly January air. 
He walked until he found a spot under one of the lamp posts, the bench undoubtedly cold as he sat down, but he wouldn’t be out here for long. Just enough time, and privacy, to get the thoughts swarming around in his head out on the page before he lost his nerve. 
Pulling his pen from his breast pocket, he carefully let the paper rest on his thigh before he began scrawling his extra note. 
Hi Sweetheart, 
I know this is coming with no context but, I want you to know how much I adore you. I know I’ve said it in different ways, and a few times by now, but, I mean it. Truly, you’re the best thing that’s ever happened to me, and I’m sorry it took me so long to say it. And to say it from thousands of miles away, with a war on no less. I wouldn’t blame you if you wanted to hit me once I’m back home. 
Just know that I’ll always, always, carry your heart with the most careful of hands. I’ll keep you safe, and treasure every moment we have together. Anything you want, it’s yours, Jo. A quiet life together, or a herd of children that jump on the bed on Sunday mornings. I’ll make sure you have it honey. 
Just know, I’m yours for however long you’ll have me, Josephine. I’m hoping for forever, but that’s a question for another day. 
I love you,
Read part 5 Here
A/N: Thanks for reading! This series will continue for Rosie & Jo, so if you enjoyed this, please like, comment, reblog- whichever is your poison. Feedback is always welcome & my ask box is always open. If you want to be added to my tag list, or removed, let me know!
Tag List: @rowdy-redhead @winniemaywebber @sagesolsticewrites @rosiesriveter @bobparkhurst @victoryrollsandredlips @bcolfanfic @major-mads @footprintsinthesxnd @basilone @roosevelt-stalin-cocacola @justheretoreadthxxs @claireelizabeth85 @hephaestn @ktredshoes @barrykeoghussy @peachessndreamss @hellfirequinnie
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princesssarisa · 5 months
Reading advice for writers on how and how not to write Jewish characters, and looking back on my '90s childhood, I think there were at least two shows that had pretty good representation.
First of all, Rugrats.
Yes, Tommy Pickles' family is interfaith, and they celebrate Christmas and Easter. But it never comes across as just an excuse to make Tommy "goyische in all but name." His Jewish grandparents are prominent, funny, likable supporting characters. The original show had a Passover special and a Hanukkah special, and more recently, the CGI reboot had a Purim special. Nor, if I remember correctly, does the family practice any Christianity apart from the holidays. Instead of being Christians with just a few token Jewish trappings, this interfaith family is basically Jewish except that they celebrate Christmas and Easter in secular ways. And apparently (though I've only read about it), the sequel series All Grown Up has the 11-year-old Tommy explicitly identify as Jewish, not half-Jewish... as he should, since his mother is the Jewish parent.
Also, coming from an interfaith family myself, I loved the fact that Tommy was "like me." And I love the mere fact that, even within an interfaith context, the show has the protagonist himself be Jewish rather than a supporting character. Especially because the supporting cast includes Chuckie Finster, a red-haired, glasses-wearing, nebbishy, neurotic boy – yet he's not Jewish, while protagonist Tommy, who has none of those traits, is.
Then there was The Puzzle Place, a PBS puppet show that revolved around six friends of different ethnicities, which included a Jewish girl, Jody. I think it did pretty well where she was concerned.
The show's holiday special pointedly averted the "Jewish character celebrates Christmas with their friends because it's fun" trope. Besides teaching her friends about Hanukkah, Jody also made it clear that she didn't celebrate Christmas and didn't want to, and she resisted her Norwegian-American friend Ben's attempts to "help her" join in the Christmas festivities. Another episode, revolving around different kinds of bread in different cultures, took place at Passover and had Jody unable to eat the fry bread that Apache boy Skye brought for everyone to try. A lesser show might have had her break down and have some in the end, but she didn't, she just agreed to try some the next time he brought it. She also explained Passover to the other kids, gave them all matzo to taste, and even sang the hamotzi before they ate it. In another episode, where the theme was "growing up," she told her friends about b'nai mitzvah, and in another, which was about dealing with death, her dad talked about sitting shiva. Yet her Jewishness didn't define her either; other episodes where she was the protagonist dealt with universal issues, like facing a bully or coming to terms with her parents' divorce.
These are things you don't see in every kids' show.
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xoxobuckybarnes · 9 months
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December 2023 Stucky Fics
Treading Water (Rated: M, Words: 274K) by sparkagrace / @sparkagrace
Summary: Olympic swimmer Bucky Barnes always believed that when the time came to retire, he would walk away with his medals and world records firmly in the history books and never look back. He never thought the water would leave him first. ***Part of the series Lane Lines: Lane Lines (Rated: M, Words: 132K), Lumière (Rated: M, Words: 5K), & New Traditions (Rated: M, Words: 6K)***
Without You Here, We Are A Worse Version of Who We've Been (Rated: T, Words: 10K) by endlesstwanted / @endlesstwanted & art by Estelior / @estelior
Summary: Bucky has to plan how to do his physical therapy when, by chance, he finds therapist and gym owner Steve’s videos on YouTube. Located two blocks away and encouraged by his roommate, Bucky goes and meets Steve, gets the help he didn’t know he needed, and a couple of things more in the way.
you can't touch this (Rated: E, Words: 7K) by Kalee60 / @kalee60
Summary: Bucky had always been tactile, always shown his affection through touch and a closeness that generally drove Steve crazy. And it would have been totally fine - if Steve wasn’t head over heels in love with him. But he was - and Steve wasn’t sure what to do about it. Or the five times over the years Bucky touched Steve's ass and the one time Steve touched Bucky's.
For Steve (Rated: E, Words: 6K) by stuckytoyoulikeglue (malfoys_minx)
Summary: When Steve is awoken in the early hours of Christmas morning by his drunk roommate trying to literally climb into his stocking, he doesn't know what to think. After all, just because Bucky happens to be the only thing he's ever really wanted for Christmas, doesn't mean that this year his wish is finally going to come true, no matter what his friend's intoxicated ramblings might suggest...
Bucky Barnes and the Christmas Spirit (Rated: T, Words: 3K) by this_wayward_life
Summary: Bucky's never celebrated Christmas. Steve sets out to change that.
'tis the damn season by (Rated: M, Words: 10K) by captainswit
Summary: Steve Rogers is a hotshot, big-deal Hollywood actor. He’s had four indie movies released in the past couple of years, has won awards (even if they have all been People’s Choice awards, the Oscars is next!), and has a blockbuster action movie coming to theaters in a few weeks. He's home for the holidays and he's missed his hometown of Lehigh, and one inhabitant of Lehigh in particular, his former best friend and old flame, Bucky Barnes. 'Tis the season for baked goods, holiday parties, and awkward encounters.
Home is the Human Heart (Rated: T, Words: 3K) by aimmyarrowshigh
Summary: The number of people who will be crowded into the Common Room makes Bucky’s skin feel too tight. “I don’t think I want to go.” “Well, that’s okay, Buck.” Steve’s eyebrows draw in the middle like it’s not actually. “I don’t want you to feel unsafe.” He pauses. “Do you mind if I still go?” “Why would you go?” Bucky does mind, a little. He likes being alone with Steve better than being alone without him. “You aren’t Jewish.” -- Or, Bucky and Steve and two Hanukkahs: one in 1930 and one in 2015.
All I Want For Christmas Has Been You for More Than Seventy Years (Rated: E, Words: 9K) by Kellyscams / @thebestpersonherelovesbucky
Summary: It's Bucky's first Christmas back with Steve in 70 years, just a year since he's come to live with him and the Avengers. Steve's taking him away from the city for the occasion. Bucky assumes it's for his own safety; just in case the hustle and bustle of the New York Christmas Season triggers some of the Winter Soldier tendencies he's been fighting and learning to overcome. Bucky doesn't mean to take this impromptu trip personally. Doesn't want to be upset. But he's recently recalled and redeveloped his feelings for Steve. Feelings he never shared with him. Feelings he has no idea if Steve shares, so being alone with his super soldier buddy might not be something he's ready for. Only Steve's reasons for taking Bucky away might not be so black and white--or red and green as it may be. Christmas songs, snowball fights, ugly Christmas sweaters, confessions, and Bucky wrapped up in Christmas lights.
The Last Boyfriend (series) by Brenda / @brendaonao3
All Mixed Up (Rated: G, Words: 3K) Summary: Oh God, she was probably someone's wife or mother or something and he'd just made things ten times more awkward and – "Oh, I didn't mean – I mean, I didn't mean it like that, I just thought –" Then a large, masculine, warm hand slid into his, and a low, very male voice said: "Nat, you love new friends, don't be rude." "James, really?" "Yes, really." The hand in Steve's gently tugged. "C'mon, I'll buy you a coffee; you can be friends with me instead." Holiday Themed Meet Cute, based on this Tumblr prompt The Last Boyfriend (Rated: T, Words: 6K) Summary: "Oh wow, you, um..." Steve's eyes, so large and beautiful and the same dark-blue of the twilight sky, widened behind the black frames of his glasses as he stopped in front of their small group. "You're here." Bucky nodded in lieu of speaking. He didn't think he could make a sound if his life depended on it. And if he could, he was sure it would be some babbling combination of God you're gorgeous and I want to kiss you until your glasses fog up. Which probably wouldn't help his cause of trying to behave like an actual human being and not a total disaster. Or: Bucky and Steve have the fluffiest and most adorkable first date ever. Forever's A Good Place to Start (Rated: T, Words: 2K) Summary: Exactly one year after Bucky and Steve's first meeting at Gregory's Coffee, Bucky keeps his promise. AKA, the fluffy proposal fic that everyone voted for on Tumblr. :D
i've got a lot to pine about (Rated: M, Words: 6K) by cable-knit-sweater (cable_knit_sweater) / @cable-knit-sweater
Summary: Bucky loves Christmas, always has. Steve, however, his friend and fellow medical resident, struggles a little more during the holidays, especially now he doesn't have any family left. Bucky does his best to try to cheer him up a little and make sure that Steve will feel some of the holiday cheer. Thing is though, they're not just friends or colleagues. They've been hooking up for months, almost a year, and Bucky isn't sure how he's going to keep his feelings to himself for much longer. Because to him, this thing they have stopped being something casual a long time ago.
Found My Place in Time (Rated: E, Words: 12K) by humapuma / @humapuma & art by Cap_D
Summary: “Buck,” he heard Steve say, “wake up. We’re here.” Bucky opened his eyes and rolled his shoulders, trying to ease some of the tension out of his back. When Steve’s words sunk in, though, he turned and leaned forward, staring past Steve’s chest to look out the window. Beyond the wing of the plane, he found a beautiful coastline with white sand, blue waters, and palm trees, as well as rows of bungalows on the water. “Wow,” he murmured. “We’re staying in one of those, right?” - In which Steve invites Bucky on a trip to Fiji and they discover something a lot more than beautiful vistas and friendly locals.
it's been a long, long time (Rated: NR) by semperfiona_podfic (semperfiona)
Summary: The Asset returns to the man's apartment three days after pulling him from the river.
A Place Called Home (Rated: T) by roseszain
Summary: New Years Eve. Suits. Party at Stark's place. Honesty happens.
Lost Vocabularies that Might Express (The Memory of These Broken Impressions) (Rated: E, Current Words: 82K) by dorian_burberrycanary / @burberrycanary
Summary: The worst of times, like the best, are always passing away. How’s that for some consolation on the road? A post-The Falcon and The Winter Soldier Stucky fix-it as part of the all-American road trip, detours included. ***Part of the series A Man Takes His Sadness Down to the River (The Consolation of Philosophy): The Same River, Twice (The Man Is Still Left with His Hands) (Rated: G, words: 4K), Still Left with the River (The Paradox of Motion) (Rated: G, Words: 14K), &  Not Language by a Map (The Grammar of Sensation) (Rated: E, Words: 20K)***
a league of our own(Rated: E, Current Words: 36K) by burning_brighter / @burning-brighter
Summary: Steve’s sixteen-year-old son’s one and only dream is to play in the Major League. He thinks he has a shot when the team get a new coach, retired MLB legend and Steve’s high school crush, Bucky Barnes. Steve hasn’t thought of the man in many years, but seeing him brings back many memories that push Steve to reach out to an old friend and maybe make new ones on the way. What happens when Steve gets to know Bucky properly? What happens when they open up about their darkest secrets and deepest fears? There’s really only one thing that can happen.
Every Me and Every You (Rated: M, Current Words: 5K) by deadto27 / @deadto27
Summary: Bucky Barnes is doing his best. He's getting by after the blip, after Sam became Captain America, after Steve...well, it's best he doesn't think about that. The point is, his life is different now, and he's trying his best. He just wishes the hollow feeling in his chest would go away. ----- Bucky gets blinded by a bright light as the tear seems to implode in on itself and there’s an odd little jolt as the pulling stops, and then Bucky’s blinking, trying to get his vision right again as he loosens his grip on America. “You okay?” he checks, still squinting. He’s probably not blind, he thinks. It just feels like it right now. “I’m okay,” America tells him and he sees her nod shakily as his vision starts to clear, and he carefully lets go of her, seeing that she can support herself, hands pressing onto the floor next to her. “Uh…I don’t think I am,” says another voice, and Bucky turns his head so fast he might give himself whiplash. Because he knows that voice. He knows that voice better than any other voice on the planet and he’s missed that voice, so, so much.
hey now, you’re an all star (get your game on, go play) (Rated: E, Current Words: 75K) by buckyismybicycle / @buckyismybicycle
Summary: Boston Bruins trade notorious party animal/human disaster Bucky Barnes to the Dallas Stars, and captain Steve Rogers is not impressed when Fury puts him on babysitting duties. But, as he gets to know Bucky - really gets to know Bucky - he wonders if maybe the media has got it all wrong - very, very wrong. PS - you do not need to know hockey for this, I promise.
it always leads to you in my hometown (Rated: E, Words: 37K) by pineappleyogurt (musicforlife101)
Summary: Bucky doesn't want to talk about life in LA. Or the icy numbness in his chest. Or how shattered he is without Steve. Or how he doesn't know who he is anymore. Or the supposed choices he has to come home. But when Steve calls him babe out of habit, he decides to let him. At least for the weekend. It's a lesson in choices and consequences and finally figuring out what's important. -- You can't unmake a choice. Decisions in life aren't like making a bed or choosing a path. You made it, it's done. You don't unmake it or remake it like a do over. You just make a different choice and live with those consequences. Each day is a choice. And the consequences, good or bad, of staying here aren't the same as the consequences of coming back. Just like the consequences of leaving aren't the same as the consequences of staying gone.
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cyclopsandphoenix · 11 months
RULES: answer all questions, add one question of your own, and tag as many people as there are questions
thank you @good-enemy for the tag <3
coke or pepsi: coke
disney or dreamworks: sorry but i prefer disney i could name maybe like two dreamworks movies off the top of my head
coffee or tea: tea because coffee tastes burnt
books or movies: books
windows or mac: windows
dc or marvel: unfortunately i am a marvel fan
x-box or playstation: i havent used either of these in years
dragon age or mass effect: what
night owl or early riser: night owl
cards or chess: cards
chocolate or vanilla: depends on the food but usually vanilla
vans or converse: docs
lavellan, trevelyan, cadash, or adaar: ⁉️
fluff or angst: angst. hurt that blorbo you know you want to
beach or forest: beach
dogs or cats: dogs by default because im allergic to cats
clear skies or rain: clear skies but like the kind of clear skies when its sunny with no clouds in the sky but its chilly out
cooking or eating out: depends on the food
spicy food or mild food: mild food bc im a picky eater and also white
halloween/samhain or solstice/yule/christmas: hanukkah
would you rather forever be a little too cold or a little too hot: a little too cold
if you could have a superpower what would it be: telekinesis but that might just be because im a jean grey girlie
animation or live action: live action
paragon or renegade: ⁉️
baths or showers: baths but unfortunately showers are more convenient
team cap or team iron man: i hate both of them
fantasy or sci-fi: anyone who knows me knows i am the biggest fantasy lover out there
do you have three or four favorite quotes, if so what are they: idk i have a lot but i couldnt name them off the top of my head
youtube or netflix: youtube
harry potter or percy jackson: percy jackson obviously. he'd also kick harry potter's ass but thats a whole other conversation
when do you feel accomplished: when i succeed
star wars or star trek: ive seen bits of star wars so that one
paperback books or hardcover books: hardcover books because they have built in bookmarks and also theyre pretty
live in a world without literature or music: nice try but no
who was the last person to make you laugh: i dont know probably my dad
city or countryside: city i love the city i am a big city person (i dont live in a big city)
favorite chips: baked lays
pants or dresses: pants
libraries or museums: museums we have no good libraries here
character driven stories or plot driven stories: oh thats hard. probably plot but i do love a good character driven story
bookmarks or folding pages: bookmarks
dream job: music therapist
what gives you comfort: my dog. also music
what are you currently having brain rot levels of interest over: the once upon a broken heart series by stephanie garber and also maisie peters's music
what is your current favorite song: coming of age by maisie peters
(added question) how many books have you read this year?
tagging @henwilsons @napollya @thegoosewitch and whoever else is interested
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oddball-n-the-dolls · 6 months
A while ago I saw an Instagram post from a person who said they always put their GOTY dolls in the Truly Me holiday outfits from the GOTY’s year, and I love that idea so much! Some holiday outfits seem to be specially made for their GOTYs.
I want to draw all the GOTYs in their respective holiday outfits when we get to the holiday season later this year!
But I have a dilemma: What should Lindsey be wearing?
As we know, Lindsey is Jewish, so I cannot draw her in an outfit that is intended for Christmas.
This rules out the 2001 Holiday Outfit, the Garnet Holiday Outfit, because it is red and thus associated with Christmas:
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Now you’re probably thinking, why don’t I just draw her in the 1996 Hanukkah Outfit?:
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Well, you see, this outfit was retired in 1999, two years before Lindsey debuted. My requirements for this art series is that the doll must be wearing an outfit that was being sold at the same time they were being sold. And that is why Lindsey can’t wear this outfit.
However, I found another option; the Ice Blue Outfit!:
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This outfit was released in 2001, the same year as Lindsey! I only know about this dress from the AG wiki, so I have no idea how this outfit was marketed, but based on its name, it was a winter themed outfit. And its colors are blue and white/silver, colors associated with Hanukkah, making it a perfect fit for Lindsey!
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stereopticons · 10 months
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I don’t know about you all, but I’m struggling to get in the holiday spirit this year. It’s been a rough year for a lot of people, I think. So I thought, why not share some winter/holiday fics and encourage people to do the same? So the rules are simple. Post any (or all) of your fics in any fandom that are set in and around the (northern hemisphere) winter holidays! Or southern hemisphere! I don’t care, just share some nice fics. Then tag some people to keep it going. Hopefully we can all read some new things and enjoy some old faves.
you light me up like starlight [david/patrick, M, 5.8k] - Patrick and his band go home to Schitt’s Creek to play in the annual Christmas concert and David goes with him, but he’s not out to his parents yet. Will be the sequel to indie band Patrick when I finish it lol.
if the fates allow [david/patrick, M, 4k] - the follow up to @blueink3’s beautiful exes stuck in a cabin at Christmas duo that follows the year after their reconciliation. For extra sads, listen to the podfic of the first fic in the series by the incomparable @celeritas2997
wrap me up like your favorite sweater [david/patrick, T, 5k] - Patrick has an accident while putting up some Christmas decorations, so an anxious (and slightly guilty) David rushes him to the hospital.
The Great Schitt's Creek Holiday Bake-Off [david/patrick, T, 16k] - David agrees to participate in the Schitt’s Creek Holiday Bake Off to promote the store. He gets paired with a snippy guy from a local bakery. Contains entirely too much baking related innuendo. Also me of the first SC fics I ever wrote.
a new tradition [david/patrick, T, 2.2k] - David and Patrick make latkes together during their first Hanukkah as husbands
a marshmallow world [david/patrick, T, 5.8k] - David and Patrick and the hot chocolate advent calendar (and it’s accompanying spreadsheet). This probably goes under Christmas because it’s advent but I do what I want.
the world would make sense again (if i held your hand) [twylexis, T, 2.7k] - Twyla gets over her fear of flying to go visit Alexis in New York for the new year.
Please share your holiday fics @jettestar @alienajackson @rosedavid @indestructibleheart @kiwiana-writes @mostlyinthemorning @rmd-writes @blackandwhiteandrose @hippolotamus @lizzie-bennetdarcy @apothecarose @chelle-68 @beaiola @nontoxic-writes @welcometololaland @vanillahigh00 and anyone else who wants to share!
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ilyasorokinn · 2 years
(day twelve) lit up like a kid on christmas , quinn hughes
note, this fic is part of my christmas series called taylor's very merry christmas series. check out this masterlist for the rest of the series. another note, this fic is part of "the hughes gang" series. check out this masterlist for more. another another note, i know the hughes' are jewish and therefore celebrate hanukkah, so i included a little something, but i am not jewish so if anything is wrong (and i know it probably will be) please correct this! pair, quinn hughes x reader summary, all the hughes come home for christmas, and christmas with the hughes family is always a blast. warnings, kids/children word count, 894 words
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(gif not mine)
"Do you think Santa got my letter?" Max asked tiredly as he watched you and Quinn collect all your bags by the front door.
"I think so, bud." You smiled, smoothing out his hair.
Right after the game, you rushed home and gathered all your bags. You were set to take a red-eye back home to visit Quinn's family in Michigan where Luke and Jack were going to be too.
By the time you boarded the plane, both kids were asleep and they slept through both flights. By the time you landed, both you and Quinn were ready to pass out.
Luckily grandma and grandpa were there at the airport, bright and early at 7 o'clock, to pick you up, so they were driver and entertainer while you and Quinn took a nap from the airport to their house.
When you got to their house, you and Quinn both crashed. You both fell asleep, which gave Grandpa Jim, Grandma Ellen, and Uncle Luke time to play with the littlest Hughes.
When you and Quinn came down for lunch after having slept the whole day, you were excited to see lunch and Jack sitting at the table, entertaining Charlotte.
After dinner, the menorah was lit. Max and Charlott were confused so whatever questions they had, you answered the best you could.
Christmas Eve was spent watching Christmas movies and eating more Christmas-themed snacks than one should have, especially hockey players.
The next morning, you and Quinn were both awoken by Max jumping onto your bed, Charlotte trying her best to follow her brother. She waddled her way in and tried to jump onto the bed but was ultimately too short.
"Mommy, daddy! It's Christmas!" He jumped up and down, his foot landing in some uncomfortable positions a few times before Quinn wrapped him in a hug and pulled him down to lay in between you both.
You picked Charlotte up and set her in your lap, "Did you sleep well, Lottie?" She nodded.
"Can we open presents?" She asked.
"Is everyone else awake?"
"Uncle Jacky is still asleep," Max answered.
"Do you want to go wake him up?" Max nodded his head, then jumped off your bed and ran down the hall to Jack's bedroom.
You hugged Lottie, slowly waking up, "Do you want to go downstairs?" She nodded, "Where's your lion? Where's Maurice?" Where the lion got the name Maurice was still a mystery to you and Quinn.
"I don't know." She shrugged.
"Let's go look for Maury." You set her on the ground and swung your feet off the bed and held her hand as you went on an adventure to find her lion.
You eventually all made it down to the kitchen and started eating breakfast, "Jack, stop eating Max's waffle. If you want more, go get more." You looked across the table to see Jack stealing a tiny cut-up waffle bite off your toddler's plate.
"What the heck, dude? Stealing from a kid?" You joked.
"It was here and I don't want to make my own." He defended.
"Get your own, Uncle Jacky." Max told off his uncle.
"Yeah, you get him, Maxy." Luke laughed.
After eating breakfast, Max and Charlotte ran into the living room, trying to find the gifts with their names on them, "Hey, hold it." You called out, and they both froze, hands hovering over the paper, "Wait for everyone to sit down and get their gifts."
They pouted but sat and waited for all the presents to be handed out, "All right, you can open them now." Charlotte and Max wasted no time in ripping the paper off their gifts.
You and Quinn both shared as you took in the pile of presents surrounding both children, "Mom, dad, you didn't have to get them all of this." Quinn looked over at his parents.
"It's what we're supposed to do, right? Spoil our grandbabies." Ellen shrugged, smiling brightly when Charlotte showed her the new toy she had gotten.
"What do you guys say?"
"Thank you." Both Charlotte and Max said at the same time.
"You are so welcome." Ellen and Jim both smiled.
After presents were opened, Max and Charlotte ran off to play with their uncles and all their new toys. You and Quinn sat together on the couch, just taking everything in slowly.
Everything in the past couple of days was moving much too fast, so it was nice to finally stop and take a breather, "Do you think Benny's having fun?"
You were sad when you realized that the airline didn't allow dogs on the airplane, so Benny was forced to stay in Vancouver with his Uncle Bo, Auntie Holly, and his favorite little friends (other than Max and Charlotte) Gunner, and Tulsa.
"I'm sure he is." Quinn nodded.
"I got him presents." You told him.
"Of course you did." Quinn laughed.
"They're under the tree next to all the gifts were got for Lottie and Max."
"They got a lot of presents this year." He sighed.
"I know." You nodded, "Just means we're gonna have to clean out some other toys."
"Daddy!" Both kids screamed at the same time.
You and Quinn shared a look, "Wouldn't be a Hughes Christmas without a little chaos." You sighed. Quinn got up then turned to you and grabbed your hands, pulling you off the couch.
when you're reading this, it will be christmas, so merry christmas to everyone who celebrates, and happy holidays to everyone else! i hope this year was filled with lots of love and so many fun memories. i love you all so much, and you all mean so much to me. so from all of us here at ilyasorokinn hq (literally just taylor) happy holidays! *muah*
my taglist: @mitch-slap @kolsmikaelson @ashleymarine @typical-simplelove @kidlnthedark @bowen-power @nhlrbs @lam-ila @jostystyles @puckinrightschicagoo @stars-canucks @iwantahockeyhimbo @2manytabsopen @marcoskasper @calermakar08 @hamilton160 @Pierrelucduboiis @thescooby-gang @huggybearmylove43 @sammysworldddd @corneliaskates @mista-svech @paintlavillered @samanthasgone @hockeyboysarehot @maximoff-xmen @nicoleloveshockey @thedukes-56-5 @nickblankenburgg @andynhl617727 @talksoprettyjjx @hockeyunits @sidcrosbyspuck @tdd2323 @dumbxblond3 @consflame @kaydenissleepy @Yagetintoit @seventieswhore @MichelleKirby30 @jamieeboulos @Coffeeandteaandflowers @bibella8swan @cuttergauth @boqvistsbabe @sophia-bordeleau @plds2000 @luca-fantilli @madison-nhl @jayda12 @prisa24 @beccaiscold
add yourself to my taglist!
(this taglist is my regular taglist, my non-special occasion masterlist. if you want to be tagged in all my writing, feel free to add yourself!)
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izzyizumi · 9 months
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Digimon Adventure 02 ~ {United States of America Chosen} ~ {Personal} Favorite Supporting Character{s} Steve & Frigimon {+Bonus New York Chosen Children Group} + Daisuke Motomiya + Mimi Tachikawa (+Satoe & Keisuke Tachikawa) & Michael (also technically a U.S. Chosen) "We couldn't have done it without you {Daisuke}." - Steve
Image usage rules + original commentary under the ‘read more’! {Along with another, not Steve specific, but maybe significant "Kizuna spoiler"}
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"...That was on December 25th at 3 A.M., local time." (Narrator)
Notes: In the books released post-series production and 02's conclusion, Steve was revealed to be the very first confirmed Jewish American Chosen Child, a significant step forward for the Digimon franchise, as it acknowledged the Jewish community living in real-world America.
Because Steve is Jewish, Steve would have been personally celebrating Hanukkah that year, not Christmas (hence I left out the last subtitle referencing Christmas to prevent confusion).
Chanukah in 2002, when 02 officially takes place, however, was November 29th ~ December 7th, and these scenes took place closer to Dec. 25th (early 3 A.M.). But that doesn't mean Steve, as a Jewish American, wouldn’t have noted Hanukkah (or Chanukah) at all earlier that year, and it’s good to note that when we're discussing potentials of 02′s “real-world based” “timeline”!
(Basically, what Steve is doing here is joining in on, via being invited by being a Chosen Child who is able and willing to help, an Interfaith gathering of individuals that was originally meant to simply send corrupted by virus Digimon back into the Digital World, and was not actually a "holiday" focused gathering initially!) :) {If Steve joins them after the fact is unknown, but either way, Steve would have to be invited and it would have to be acknowledged that Steve as an individual does not celebrate Christmas religiously.}
In the scenes above, Steve is one of only two U.S. Chosen that are also given spoken lines to personally thank and acknowledge Daisuke Motomiya's help (along with the rest, but also specifying Daisuke). {Michael aside, as even Michael doesn't get to comment verbally.}
Gifs by @izzyizumi, {Do Not Repost or Reproduce without my Permission} {Do Not Remove Caption} (Please Ask to Use)
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^ Though Steve can't be seen clearly in the shot, in the 'gathering' of Chosen Children including many International ones, a Frigimon can very clearly be seen on left. As other Chosen from the World Tour are included here, it is almost defintely Steve's Frigimon, and either Steve is somewhere in the background but off-screen, or Steve and Frigimon were somehow separated...
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yes-i-am-happyaspie · 10 months
❄May Your Days Be Merry and Bright Series🎄
by happyaspie
All of my G rated winter and holiday themed fics in one place!
Peter Parker's December Shenanigans  [1999]
A collection of related short stories that center around Winter/Christmas. Everything from Advent to New Year's Eve. [This fic is a continuation of Peter Parker's October but could also be read alone.]
The Definition of Anything  [2020]
The heater in Peter's apartment goes out on the coldest day of the year and the landlord seemed to be overrun with maintenance requests. Calling Tony to help him out seemed like the next logical solution. After all, he had told him many, many times that he should call him if he ever needed anything.  The man had never really specified what 'anything' meant but he figured that by definition, 'I'm cold and you know how to fix things.', fell into that category. Right?
Secret Sugarplum Spiderling [2020]
Peter has been taking ballet for nearly as long as he can remember and all of his hard work has finally paid off. He's been cast as the Cavelier to the Sugarplum Fairy in his Performing Arts School's production of The Nutcracker. It's a big deal and it's going to take up a good bit of time but... he's just not sure he's ready for his mentor to know about that particular hobby just yet. He's sure it'll be fine ... All he has to do is show up at the studio on time, keep his grades up, make sure to see Tony on a regular enough basis that he doesn't worry and try to squeeze in some patrolling in between. It's that simple. Right?
Holiday Traditions [2021]
When a brief misunderstanding leaves Morgan thinking that Peter doesn’t like Christmas, Peter decides that it would be fun to teach her more about Hanukkah. In order to do so, he and May invite the Starks' to share in some of their holiday traditions.[This story is part of a post-Endgame AU. However, it can easily be read on it's own!]
Well, Merry Sickmas, I Guess [2021]
Peter is sick, Christmas is right around the corner and May had no idea how to help him. Naturally they end up in Tony’s medbay. It doesn’t take long for Peter to be diagnosed with nothing more than some mild dehydration and a nasty stomach bug. However, knowing she can’t take Peter to just any hospital should things go downhill, leaves May feeling a little nervous. …And that’s how Peter and May end up spending the holiday with Tony Stark in his Penthouse apartment. [12/14] Now featuring a short and completely unplanned Bruce Banner centric chapter 2!
Merry Stitchamas  [2022]
All Peter wanted to was to cook May a really nice dinner for when she got home from her Christmas Eve shift. He'd thought it out and was excited to put it all together-- until the knife slipped and he accidentally cut his thumb. The good news is, he knows exactly who to call.
“Hey, Mr. Stark!” Peter greeted with as much enthusiasm as he could pull together given the circumstances. “I, uh, I know it’s Christmas Eve and all, but can I ask you a really quick question?”
Calm Still Night  [2022]
Just a quick fic about Tony enjoying the Penthouse's warm Christmasy atmosphere with Peter by his side.
Seeing is Believing  [2022]
Young Peter Parker, who has started doubting the existence of Christmas Magic, is given the opportunity to board a train heading for the North Pole. The entire night is one big adventure as he meets new friends, makes some spontaneous decisions, and has the best, most magical time of his life. [This fic is based on the film version of The Polar Express. However, you don't have to have seen the movie to enjoy the story!]
Snow-cation [2023]
After Tony's elaborate family winter getaway plans are grounded due to the early arrival of some snow, Peter does his best to make sure everyone still has a good time. Especially Tony, who seems more than a little put out by the disruption.
Toasty Warm  [2023]
Peter comes to the tower after a night of patrolling in the cold- with a broken heater. Tony helps him warm up, with hot cocoa and warm blankets, and a hoodie straight from the dryer.
🆕 Best Night Ever  [2023]
Peter’s been promised a night of ice skating. At first, things didn't go quite as he planned. But in a joyful turn of events, he ends up having a night filled with unexpected surprises, a walk in the snow, the promised ice skating adventure and several heartwarming moments. It all wraps up with a few holiday treats and a lot of family bonding.
✨Coming Soon! ✨
Santa Impersonator Happy [Dec. 14th 2023]
Happy walks into the F.E.A.S.T. building prepared to drop off a check and leave. Then Peter uses his big brown eyes to convince him to stay and help out. He just wished he'd asked a few more questions before agreeing.
"Santa. You want me to dress up as- Santa?
How Spidey Saved Christmas [Dedc. 20th 2023]
After rescuing a few stolen shopping bags, Spider-Man stumbles upon Santa Claus and his damaged sleigh in Central Park. With Tony's help, Peter is able to get Santa back in the air, thus saving Christmas. As an added bonus, he’s able to get Tony back the nice list as well. Santa thanks Peter by inviting him to assist in delivering some gifts Including the ones he’d saved! Together, they fly through the night, spreading holiday cheer. "Merry Christmas to all, and to all a good night!"
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morningstargirl666 · 9 months
It's here. The new improved chapters 1-3 have posted. Read The Big Bad Wolf's prequel from the beginning here. Chapters 4 & 5 should be posted a week from now, either on Christmas Eve or Christmas Day, depending on when I finish it.
Think of it as my little gift to you all - I hope you all have a Merry Christmas (or a Happy Hanukkah!). And for those who don't celebrate either, then Happy New Year!
If you want more details on all the changes I made to The Little Wolf, read below. It's not too spoil-ery but it's not exactly spoiler-free either, so by all means come back later to see if you found all the changes I made! Extra kudos to those who notices them all.
Over 20k+ of brand new content. This includes two new chapters (chapter 2 & 4 respectively) and around 20 or more new scenes to devour across the entirety of the fic.
Original scenes have been tweaked and expanded upon, with longer conversations or scenes between characters.
All punctuation, grammar and spelling has been proof read repeatedly. I won't say it's all perfect, because I've probably still missed bits, but its in a much better state than it was before. Dialogue grammar in particular has had a complete overhaul, which should make everything much easier to read.
Each chapter has song lyrics at the beginning, fitting the vibes or themes of the chapter. This is a part of a playlist that I will share in Running With Wolves after completing the editing to The Big Bad Wolf (which has it's own share of songs, compiled with a mix of the music I listen to while writing and music I feel embodies each chapter).
In a similar thread, new timestamps have been added whenever there is a time or location jump. Again, this is a change that will be happening to The Big Bad Wolf as well to make flashbacks clearer. Upon completion of TBBW's edit, a timeline will be added to Running With Wolves so you can see all of the events that take place in the series in chronological order.
Historical accuracy has been given a bigger focus. Obviously, there's still a need for suspension of disbelief (vikings never travelled that far south in America, horses weren't introduced to America until the 1500s etc) as I'm no history buff and I personally believe you can allow a little leeway for sake of creative freedom. However, that said, I've tried to right the most egregious wrongs by Julie Plec: the white washing of the native Americans, the almost European-Christian culture of the Mikaelsons' village (views on bastards, women like Rebekah not carrying arms and being all innocently feminine even though they were warrriors too in viking culture, lack of historical accuracy in settings/costumes/props etc) and of course, the complete lack of explanation behind how the vikings arrived in Southern America. Hopefully it should feel more alive, and I'll probably add even more in the final FINAL edit that will happen once I've finished TBBW.
The Little Wolf's main focus is Klaus' characterisation arc. However, in this rewrite, all the Mikaelson siblings get more screen time and you get their characterisation arcs in the background, as a treat.
Henrik is much more fleshed out as a character. He's mischievous and playful, a lot like Kol, with other attributes from the other siblings thrown in. He's also got more Youngest Sibling energy, just as the other siblings have Middle Child/Eldest Child energy, because in a fic about family, really that's the most important detail of them all.
I've delved deeper into Mikael and Esther's treatment of Klaus and how it wasn't much different to how they treated the other siblings after all. Don't get me wrong - in my mind Klaus was dealt the worst of Mikael's physical fury, but I don't believe 'he was singled out' is as black and white as the show would lead you to believe. That's not how abusive households work.
Talking about Klaus' characterisation, think of this fic as the death of Niklaus Mikaelson, leading to the birth of Klaus, The Original Hybrid. The Little Wolf leading the way for The Big, Bad Wolf. You'll get innocent baby boi Niklaus of course, but that same innocent kid has a feral side. When you become a vampire, it heightens who you already are and Klaus - he had that fury and violence in him all along, and it wasn't just because of the wolf.
In a lot of human-era Originals fics and the actual shows, when they're turned into vampires its all very planned out. Idk, like Esther and Mikael are evil villains twirling their moustaches? Turning their children into vampires, its all very pre-meditated, oh the horror and everything. And although there is elements of that in this rewrite (they ARE shitty, evil parents after all) I tried to do something a little original myself. In this fic, more focus is given to the family's grief and how Henrik's death becomes the shatterpoint for EVERYTHING. His death causes every bad decision made by the family from that moment on. It's less of "I planned to make my children the most powerful beings to ever walk this earth" and more of "I tried to save my children and didn't expect ANY of this so wtf do I do now, another bad decision? Yeah let's do that". You feel me? Hopefully that comes across anyways.
Okay what haven't I mentioned yet... WEREWOLF LORE. Yeah that's been expanded on and fleshed out some more. You get a glimpse into my take on how the werewolf gene is triggered, along with a coming of age ritual, general culture, outsider prejudice against werewolves etc...Klaus' views on them is much more explored, especially in relation to his heritage. Kinda playing with the idea that him being a bastard was never the problem to Mikael or Klaus - it was him being a werewolf.
Since I started re-writing this I watched way too many of Mike Flanagan's series'. So I kinda went all 'Midnight Mass' on the Mikaelson's village. Oopsies.
In a similar thread, the raven from the Fall of The House of Usher left a bigger impact on me than I like to admit. That's something so sexy about an omen of death okay leave me alone I NEED THE FORESHADOWING
There's probably more, I'm disclaiming that now, but I've forgotten. Go forth and devour my lovelies ✨
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80pairsofcrocs · 2 years
baby scarab || HOLIDAY SPECIAL
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masterlist - marvel masterlist - series masterlist
A/N : enjoy my late christmas/hanukkah special :))
please enjoy, and don't be shy if you want to be in the taglist, just ask <3, sorry for the long wait
pairings : steven grant x (platonic)reader, marc spector x (platonic) reader, khonshu x (platonic)reader, jake lockley x (platonic)reader
TW : medicine (pills), spidey stuff, mentions of violence, language, lil angst, v*nom, very rushed and hard to read, short but i worked hard on it :). let me know if i missed anything.
the eight days of hanukkah, and the one day of christmas.
your fathers had casually told you in conversation about their jewish heritage, but you didn't know much about it up until now.
so you asked them, 'what exactly is hanukkah?' because you didn't know the specifics.
right after you asked you though you did so rudely but they assured you that you were fine and began to explain.
so basically, there are eight days in hanukkah.
this year it started from december 18, to december 26.
on the first night, two of the candles on the menorah are lit, the reason being for the second to be a sort of 'helper' candle.
then every day after that, it's just a single candle. every night after the sun sets for about thirty minutes.
marc told you that he used to give and receive gifts such as jewelry and fried foods, which is where he got his necklace as a kid.
you liked his necklace. the simple chain he never took off did show that even before you both visited his dad, that he still cared enough to wear it.
because on the plane ride back from chicago, he briefly explained that he had gotten the chain when he was very young as a hanukkah gift from his father.
so now, that takes you to now, digging through a couple boxes you still hadn't unpacked from you moving in.
the christmas decorations.
you had only two boxes, a bit big and overflowing. you didn't have much but your love for decorating for the holidays is the reason you have any at all.
you had a tiny christmas tree you sat on your window ledge in your living room, so that you could stick gifts the couple people you knew gave you early there so that you could open them christmas morning.
the first person to ever give you a christmas gift was natalie.
you presumably ex boss.
she got you your own mug out of the cafes gift shop. in your favorite color too.
you nearly cried opening it since you'd never gotten one before.
back on topic, after your dads had explained hanukkah to you, and casually told you they didn't exactly celebrate it anymore, you were on a mission.
to the store. by yourself. it was going against marc's rules, since he didn't want you going out when it's so busy.
you know, because early christmas shoppers.
but that's not what you were looking for, you were looking for hanukkah decor.
you got white and blue christmas lights to hang off the wall in the living room, for aesthetic purposes.
and you got blue and white tinsel to put on the tree.
so now you were strolling down the aisles with your basket full of the two items, when you saw what you needed next.
and thank god it was only 15 dollars for a menorah and 5 extra for the nine candles.
plus you had to get special lighting sticks or whatever.
you grab the gold metal menorah, deciding it would suit your dads better than the silver one, and lay it carefully in the basket.
but right as you were about to walk off, you turned your head to see an unfamiliar face.
and he seemed to see you too.
he had short brown hair, and a very short beard. he also was wearing a grey hoodie and looked to be in a panic.
he was staring right at you, and seemed to be getting closer.
you internally panicked and froze.
"hey, hey, have you seen a uh.. i.. i lost something- someone and i was wondering if you've seen him" he asks quickly and you let out a breath.
okay, so he was just looking for someone, that's why he looked panicked.
you relaxed a bit. "what's he look like?" you ask, hoping to remember if you've seen whoever this guy is looking for.
"ummm- he's really big" he whispers and you make a face. "and he's loud- i'm sure if you'd seen him you'd know" he shakes his head and begins to walk backwards.
"i'm sorry, i don't think i've seen him, i hope you find him" you say while he looks around the rest of the store distractedly.
"yeah, yeah, thanks" he says before completely leaving.
you simply just keep shopping after that, hoping that strange man found whoever he was looking for.
you were on your way home now with everything you went for, and you were about to step into the elevator in your building when your senses started ringing in your head.
you turned around and saw nothing.
the elevator closed, and you looked down at your shoes to see this black.. blob?
you stepped away from it, hoping it was just like tar or something.
but then it started moving.
your breathing picked up and you backed away and up the wall so that your feet weren't touching the ground.
whatever the blob was seemed to not like that so it followed after you and up the wall as well, while you kicked at it.
"nO- get away!" you yell at it before it attaches itself to you leg and looks to almost deep into your clothes.
you feel a sort of stinging on your leg, and then nothing.
you drop your shopping bags and fall off the wall, rolling up your pant leg while ignoring the pain spiking in your lower back.
there was nothing on your leg, but in it- your whole body now it seems.
your veins were flooding with the black substance, until all of a sudden it stopped right as the elevator did.
it opened and an older lady looks down at you strangely.
"are you alright?" she asks, noticing you were on the floor in a state of panic.
you just nod, quickly getting up and getting out with your bags to get in your apartment.
and there was jake, waiting for you while writing something in a notebook at the kitchen counter.
"jake!" you exclaim, making him put the pen he was holding down to help you with the bags.
"jake- you- please believe me! there was this thing in the elevator and now it's like inside me or something-"
"woah, slow down, take a deep breath" he tells you, setting the bags down on the floor and holding your shoulders still.
"what happened?" steven asks once you calm down, jake still in control of the body.
"there was this.. black thing in the elevator" you start. "and it attached to me, and now it's in me?" you try to explain.
jake let's out a breath and let's go of your shoulders.
"okay.. one of you take over, i don't know what to do" he says and nothing happens.
"..guys?" he asks into the air, and you scoff.
"no, it's your turn to be the dad, so go comfort your daughter" steven scolds but marc speaks up.
"steven, this could be serious" he puts out his point of view.
"it is! it's probably an alien and  now i'm going to die!" you shout, so jake shushes you and pulls you into a quick hug.
"you're not going to die, we'll make sure of it" he starts. "besides, whatever it was, you're stronger than it"
"i wouldn't think so" a new voice says so you make a face at jake.
"did you hear that?" you begin. "that voice?"
jake shakes his head. "you okay?" he asks and you shake your head.
"it's talking to me" you whisper, as if whatever was inside you couldn't hear you.
jake just purses his lips and nods. "how about you go lie down? take a- take a nice nap"
"wha- you think it delusional?" you ask while he guides you to the couch by your shoulders.
"nonono- just.. tired. maybe your senses are acting up, who knows" he pushes you down onto the couch and all but throws the blanket hanging off of it at you.
"mi vida-"
"do you know something i don't?"
jake doesn't say anything but khonshu appears perched on the back of the couch.
"he does" the bird starts and you turn to glare at jake. "you know the incident? back in 2018?"
jake sighs and nods, which makes both marc and steven start talking at the same time.
"hey you said no more secrets" marc complains.
"i forgot" jake shrugs. "it was 4 years ago" he waves marc off and you sharpen your glare.
"if it's who we think it is, then we have to get it out of you" jake continues, turning to you who's wide eyed.
"who? it's a person?!" you panic, and jake sighs.
"calm down, he won't hurt you" he says and your eye twitches.
"who, jake?!"
"just go to sleep and i handle it, i can talk to him" he sighs and you stand from your spot.
"no, jake. if there's something in me then i want to at least know what- or who- or- i don't fucking know-" you cut yourself off with a groan.
jake sighs. "then we need to find someone first. the reason he's in you is because you were the nearest person he could live in until he found his.. owner.. person" he tries his best to explain based on what he knows.
you stay silent, deciding to sit back down and put your head in your hands.
"you okay?" jake asks, sitting back down next to you, putting a hand on your shoulder.
"yeah, just- i don't know, i can never get a damn break" you sigh.
"i know, we're sorry" he sighs, before noticing your medicine bottle on the counter.
"have you taken your medicine today yet, baby?" marc asks for him.
you also see that it's on the counter and point your wrist at it. "no, i got it"
"wait don't!-" jake tries to put your hand down, but you had already shot the web.
well, when i say web i mean black gooey webs.
your eyes widen as far as they can go. "hoLY SHIT!" you exclaim.
"WHYS IT BLACK?" steven yells, earning a look from you
"steven you can't just ask why somethings black-" marc scolds but you shush them.
"no shut up!" you take a breath. "why- why's it moving..?"
the black goo that was attached to the counter starts moving faster back towards you, making up a ball until you feel a pressure on your shoulder, then look to see an alien like face made up of the ball.
"will you stop with the yelling?" is the first thing it says, while you're frozen in shock, staring at its white eyes and it's two dozen pointy teeth.
"you're one to talk, parasite" jake sneers, pointing at it.
"don't call me a parasite!" it yells.
"hypocrite" jake mumbles, and you take a shaky breath in before looking away from the alien like creature.
"hey, kid, you okay? he won't hurt you-" marc gets rudely interrupted.
"yes i will! but not on purpose!" it shouts again, and jake sighs.
"well where's your owner?" he asks and the alien scoffs.
"eddie brock is not my owner! he is my.. friend"
"yeah? and who are you?" you shoot your head to him, snapping out of your trance.
"i am venom, and you are mine...... temporarily" he quiets down and you simply nod once before turning to jake.
"get it- him off" you correct yourself.
"no! i must find eddie!" the alien now known as venom argues.
jake just sighs and tilts his head a bit. "he's right, if we don't find brock he won't leave" he tells you and you scoff.
"that's not fair, now he's gonna ruin hanukkah for you guys" you say before gasping, covering your mouth and venoms eyes widen and he disappears back into your shoulder.
marc ends up fronting out of surprise, and he looks at you with semi widened eyes.
"oh shit- i'm so so sorry" you start. "i just thought i could get like a menorah for you guys and learn to make like latkes and brisket for you guys but now i offended you all-"
"hey slow down" marc moves to sit closer to you. "..did you mean it?" he asks and you nod.
"it's insensitive. i should've asked you first, now it feels like i'm forcing it. you don't have to" you say quickly, taking a short breath after.
marc sighs and takes your hand in his.
"would you like to show us what you got?"
six days had already passed.
that meant it was the seventh day of hanukkah, which meant today was christmas eve.
and you still haven't wrapped your gifts for your dads, your mom, or casper and his family. minus his shit dad.
you'd even gotten khonshu one and a little something for pedro and luna.
so you were locked in your room, trying to make as little noise as possible while trying to neatly wrap the gifts.
you got steven a new book he'd been wanting for a while now, about egyptian mythology of course.
you hoped it would let him learn more so that if he got that job in the museum he'd be prepared.
you made jake a hat. yes, you'd looked up how to make a newsboy hat one day in december and decided that would be his present.
and yes, you measured his head in his sleep. you just hope he was actually asleep though and not just faking.
and yes, there was an embroidered cat on it. just a little one.
and for marc, you called his dad.
this could either make him happy or make him hate you forever.
one night, you'd gotten a call from a random number, and you decided to answer it. it ended up being elias, and he wasn't doing too well so you talked him through some anxiety and invited him over for christmas and hanukkah.
elias was thrilled to have been invited over by his granddaughter, and took the offer immediately.
so now you had to finish wrapping the presents and you were good to go.
meanwhile, your fathers were having the same problem.
they had each gotten you something, but were unsure if you'd like it.
but they put their doubts aside and wrapped them up, leaving them under the tree as you were still in your room.
now, they just had to wait for layla to arrive.
now, in your room you finishes wrapping presents and you sat staring out the window, watching snow whip around in the harsh london winds.
"what are the pills for?" black goo forms onto your shoulder, revealing venom, who had been bothering you non stop ever since he attached to you.
you sigh, and turn to look at him. "for my schizophrenia. it's a- it's a mental illness" you answer and he just blinks his beady eyes at you.
"like what those weirdos have?"
"no" you scoff. "my dads aren't sick, and they aren't weirdos. they just.. it's just how they turned out to be and it's not a bad thing" you try to reason and the alien like forgive just tilts his head at you.
"eddie is a weirdo" venom begins. "all he's good for is feeding me" he says and you raise an eyebrow, not believing him a bit.
"okay" you answer skeptically. "now shoo, i have to put these under the tree" you say, gathering the wrapped gifts in your arms while venom disappears while grumbling about life being unfair.
you open the door with your free hand but shooting a web at the handle and yanking on it, possibly breaking it and make your way to the living room, where the tree sat decorated with blue and white lights.
instead of a star on the top, there was a sparkling crescent moon.
your dads menorah was sat on a window sill, five candles in it, the sixth being put on tonight.
"who's lighting it tonight?" you ask, setting the presents down under the tree.
"i believe it's marc's turn" steven answers, clicking at the keypad on his computer.
"what are you doing?"
"hm?" he hums, looking up at you through his glasses that rested on the tip of his nose.
"i asked what you were doing" you reply, going to sit next to him on the couch.
you peek over to see that he was online shopping, to which you clicked your tongue at.
"you know it's bad luck to shop for yourself right before christmas?" you ask and he gives you a look, closing the computer and setting it on the empty space to the other side of him.
"why's that?" he asks in return, furrowing his eyebrows.
"because then if someone already got it for you, you'd feel bad" you shrug, scooting closer to him to lay your head on his shoulder.
steven sighs and puts an arm around you, like a side hug.
"i guess that makes sense" he mumbles. "i've just never had someone get me a gift before" he confesses and you lift your head up, looking into his eyes with a frown.
"really?" you ask and he nods.
"that's bullshit" you scoff.
steven just chuckles. "it's nothing to get mad over, love" he starts. "it's never bothered me"
"are you sure?"
you just make a face and stand back up, heading to the kitchen.
"now what are you doing?" steven asks, and you promptly ignore him, setting his tea kettle on the stove and turning it on after putting water in it.
steven sighs, getting up to follow you into the kitchen.
"making tea" you mumble.
"what's wrong? was it something i said?" steven asks, standing next to you and putting a hand on your shoulder.
you sigh, looking away from the warming kettle and up to him. "no, i'm just thinking"
"that's dangerous, i can practically see your gears turning" he teases, and then starts in seriousness. "i know, being infected with an alien for the holidays isn't fun-"
"steven he's constantly watching, and talking to me" you interrupt.
steven sighs, turning you completely towards him by your shoulders.
"you'll get through it darling. i know it's hard, but i promise we'll find eddie brock and get rid of him-"
"get rid of?!" venom yells, making himself known on top of your shoulder, steven letting go to back up a step.
"i could kill this annoying mortal if i wanted to!" venom shouts, making you scoff.
"but you won't because we still need to find eddie, and jake is almost there" you tell him and he hums.
"well he better hurry up because your liver looks delicious right about now" threatens venom.
"hey! you are not going to eat my daughters liver!" marc fronts, yelling in venoms face.
venom just grunts and disappears back into your arm, making you sigh.
"i can't live like this anymore" you whine, and then jake seems to front, then smiles at you.
"mi vida, i think i know where he is"
jake had been driving with you in the passengers seat for almost an hour now.
he drank stevens tea that you made him out of a thermos, and every time he took a sip he made a face and complained that it wasn't coffee.
and now, you and jake were wandering in a park, trying not to slip on the icy sidewalks.
"are you sure he's here?" you ask, shivering and trying to hide your hands deeper in your pockets.
"he has to be, even venom could smell him, right?" jake asks in return, and venom comes out, nodding.
"yes! now find him faster, i need chocolate!" he yells in jakes face.
jake scoffs and stops, seeing a man sitting on a bench in the cold all by himself.
"EDDIE!" venom yells, and against your control, you end up almost sprinting over to the familiar man, almost tripping over your feet as venom leaves you body and attaches to the guy.
it was an extremely weird sensation. it was like the same feeling you get from throwing up but through your eyes and your brain.
yeah, 0/10. would not recommend.
jake rushed after you, holding you close to him, wary of the stranger.
"hey wait a minute, you're that kid from the store" the man starts. "i- my names eddie.." he trails off, looking to jake who now had a protective arm around your shoulder.
"..thanks for bringing venom back, i hope he wasn't too much trouble-"
"he threatened to eat my daughters liver and her kidneys if she didn't make herself sick eating chocolate for the last couple days" jake says without taking a breath.
eddie chuckles uncomfortably. and readjusts his jacket.
"i'm sorry about that, he's not usually that-"
"don't worry about it, you're lucky she isn't dead or you'd be too" jake threatens and guides you away back towards the car.
"well- thank you!" eddie yells after you both, so you turn around and wave.
"do you have to be such a dick to him?" you ask and jake sighs.
you got back home after the sun set, which meant it was time for marc to light the sixth candle on the menorah.
you'd already been venom free for three hours so that was something, and even layla was home now.
you were stringing christmas lights all over khonshu when marc calls you over to the window sill, where the menorah sat.
you and layla were on one side, marc on the other, getting everything ready.
"thank you both for being here" marc says to you and layla, and you see her hand grab his, intertwining their fingers together.
you smiled at the sight as marc lit the candle, mumbling a few words to himself before letting out a slow breath and moving his free hand to where his necklace was lying under his shirt.
you could sense something, and before you know it there's a knock on the door, and your eyes widen.
"who could that be?" layla mumbles, and marc gets up, you following him to try and block the door.
"hey what are you-"
"what's going on?" layla asks, coming towards the both of you.
"y/n open the door" marc orders and you shake your head.
"please?" layla asks and you sigh, turning around towards the door, unlocking it and opening it.
"..dad?" marc breaths out.
elias stands awkwardly outside the apartment door, in shock to see marc not glaring at him.
"happy hanukkah, son"
and before anything else, marc moves past you to hug his father for the first time in what felt like forever.
"so that's why i'm here" elias finishes after explaining how and why he showed up at your apartment at night.
"thank you, kid" marc gives you a short kiss on the head from where he sat next to you on the couch.
"now it's getting late, so how about you-"
"nooooo but i'm not tired" you say and layla smiles, and gives you a sad look.
"i know little scarab, but tomorrow's christmas and we still have gifts to put out" layla says and you groan, getting up.
"i'll see you guys in the morning i guess- BUT WAIT-" you stop, gaining everyone's attention.
"where's elias gonna sleep?" you ask and marc shrugs.
"he can take my bed if he wants" he answers and layla nods.
"we have no problem taking the couch" layla adds on, but elias shakes his head.
"i'm alright with taking the couch, i'm only staying one night anyways" he replies and marc sighs in defeat, knowing he wouldn't win.
"..alright then, goodnight y/n" marc says, jake and steven saying the same but only you could hear.
"sweet dreams little scarab"
"'night kiddo" elias smiles to you, and you smile back before turning to go into your room.
you were so glad marc didn't freak when he saw his dad at the door.
now, you weren't expecting what you were going to see the next morning.
about a dozen wrapped presents sat under the tree, including the ones you made for your family.
you cried when you finished opening everything, as you felt you didn't deserve it.
it was the first christmas you had genuinely enjoyed because you were surrounded by family.
and because that family loves their gifts and made sure to give you the tightest hug imaginable.
you'd just have to give you gift to casper when you saw him next at school, and you were sure he'd at least like it if not love it.
but yes, you were finally surrounded by family for the holidays.
and you even celebrated hanukkah with your dads, who were grateful for you for bringing it up and going out of your way to make sure it was pleasurable for them.
because that's what family is for, and they are always home for the holidays.
it was crazy, yes, but it was with your family.
and it will be from here on out.
i have never actually celebrated hanukkah so i hope i got everything right and didnt offend anyone, i did this for fun and to also who the moon boys heritage
love you guys :))
taglist ---
@alexloveskili @ihatemyselfmorethanmydepression @thebiggestsimpshrimp @guyinachair27 @astrobuzzsstuff @mooonlight-and-stars @moonlighting87 @mateihavenoidea @inactive-things @alondrashultz @femalemarvelself @queenthorin1 @haileymorelikestupid @jvdethirlwall @justtiredandvibing @winterfrostsarmy @themapoftinyperfectthings @littlebird101 @atzlena @httpslinow @arrowurboat @m-brekker @lifeandbandmembers-blog @adamcarlsenslvr @violet-19999 @seninjakitey @bestgirlpip @panic-in-the-multiverse @in-between-the-cafes @branolagar @bl6o6dy @annoyingmarvelreader @bee-a-cool-kid @buzzitsbeee @wintergirlsoilder2 @crow-carcass @you-bloody-shank @distinguishedmakerpandapatrol @valiantphantomangel @50shadesofcrocs @rayrlupin @kingshitonly @brekkers-desigirl @hutaos-gh0st @kayane28 @nevaeh-jasso @lizlil @scarabgrant @luvxxee @certainchildmentality @yikesitskennawrites @alexisabirdie @zlatolait-writes @thursdaywritings @izzzzy-the-amazing @angrykitsune01
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l3m0ncyan · 2 years
New to Life | Holiday Special
Steven Grant/Marc Spector x Teen! reader
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Summary: After finding out that Hanukkah brings bad memories to Marc and Steven, Y/N decides to bring the holiday back to them; but this time give them a memory they wont forget.
Note: If I get anything wrong about jewish traditions, please let me know!
P.S this is gonna be based off my series, hence the name, but Ill add a kind of recap in case yall don't wanna read all 11 chapters lmao.
Y/N stood triumphantly on a chair, staring at her decorations, as she hung up the last of the colorful lights in her apartment. The door unexpectedly opened, catching her off guard and almost causing her to slip. The chair wobbled, and she attempted to grab the back of it, but was aided by a few hands.
“Woah! I got you!” Marc held her up before she could fall.
She slowly climbed from the chair, regaining her balance. Marc crossed his arms as she returned the chair to the dining table to inspect her work. Y/N stood to the side as if she were being scored by Gordon Ramsey.
“Wow, you really went all out” He breathed out.
Each wall in her apartment had a light hanging from it. Garland was also hung around the room, and there were a few Santa and deer statues on the tables. To top it all off, she had a fake Christmas tree in the corner with a few gifts she had purchased for herself.
"Yup, that's my mission during the holidays. Anyway, what brought you here?" She bundled the decorations' packaging and quickly moved it to the trash can.
Marc examines the details of a ceramic Santa but puts it back. "I was just wondering if you wanted some tea that Steven thought you'd like."
She shrugs and nods, “Sure, let me just get my jacket”
She grabbed her jacket from the couch and walked over to her door. She bowed and motioned for Marc to go first. He rolled his eyes but continued, followed by Y/N.
Being across-the-hall neighbors was convenient because she or he didn't have to take an elevator or walk more than three steps to each other's apartment. For context, Y/N moved in a few months ago.
She was only 18 years old when she moved from California to London to attend her dream college. On the first day, she met Steven, who helped her in unlocking her door, which was difficult to do. Working with him in the gift shop resulted in her being attacked by a jackal a week later, bringing her and Marc together.
The basic gist is that she later assisted Marc and Steven in stopping a man named Harrow from destroying the world. On the way, she ran into their ex-wife, Layla, who had to return to Egypt to continue her archeology business', with the help of a certain goddess.
Something that may have gone unnoticed was that Y/N also gained an unusual ability. It was discovered that she had a symbiotic relationship with a symbiote. They are now known as Mania.
Anyways back to the actual story.
Marc opened the door for Y/N and set his jacket on a nearby table. The apartment's bareness was the first thing Y/N noticed. It was completely dark, as it had always been, with no lights or signs of color.
She sat at the dining table after following Marc to the kitchen. Twirling her thumbs and looking around, she noticed Marc's body tensing up before returning to normal. He smiled warmly and walked over to the stove to get a kettle.
He returned to the table and poured Y/N's and his cup of tea. She smelled the mug and an aroma of vanilla and cranberry as he slid it over to her. She had never considered combining those two elements until now. It was a good mixture though.
"There you have it, let me know what you think. I believe it will put you in the holiday spirit," Steven said with a smile.
Taking a sip, her eyes widened a bit, and nodded in approval, “It’s sweet, you made it yourself?”
"I did buy a few herbs and combined them. There wasn't much work put in," he shrugged.
She nodded, “You still did a great job” she continued to sip tea.
Steven sat across from her, taking in the time they were spending together. With winter approaching, the heat from the mug guided them in restoring their fingertips' temperature.
She continued to look around the apartment, still wondering why it was so colorless. "Something on your mind?" Steven asked as he set his cup down.
"Isn't Hannukah in a couple of days?" she scratched her head.
Steven paused to think, "I believe it is, why?"
"It's because I've noticed you two haven't exactly decorated or even talked about it”
Steven paused and thought for a few seconds. He had a melancholy look when he did. It seemed like he was thinking about a thought or a memory. He cleared his throat and went back to being his almost happy self.
"I've always spent most seasons alone, so when Hanukkah would come around, I never bothered in celebrating it" he gave a side smile.
Y/N nodded, "What about this year? You're not alone this time; you have me and Marc"
"Yes that is true innit," He looked up, "But I don't want to change your winter traditions just for me. Plus Marc isn't quite fond of the holiday"
"Well..." he trails and turns to a nearby reflection.
“Just turn down the question, she doesn’t have to know”
Sighing, he shakes his head, "It is nothing to worry about. Anyways, how about we finish our tea and get some rest?”
Y/N smiles and nods, still she was left curious on why the two didnt celebrate. Yet, that was something for a later time.
After they finish their drinks, Steven took her cup and his to wash it. She offered to help but he said how it was just two dishes so it wasn’t a big deal. Once finished, Steven told Y/N to bundle herself for the night before she left since degrees would drop. She thanked him and then went off to her apartment.
Back at her apartment, she changed out of her casual clothes and sat on her bed, staring up at the ceiling. She imagined various reasons on why Marc and Steven didn't want to celebrate Hanukkah. She was probably being pushy just thinking about it, but she didn't like people missing out on holidays.
Yes, they’ve only known each other for a few months, but that creates a bond. Doesn’t it? Especially when you die with them and come back to life.
She felt like the polar opposite of a Grinch or a Scrooge. She wanted them to take part in a celebration for the winter season. She just wanted them to be happy. Especially after everything that went down the last few months, they needed a nice change of pace. She sighed and hugged a pillow close to her side. She hoped she'd fall asleep soon before her thoughts consumed her.
“Why are you making a big deal of this”
Again, she hoped.
"Because it's depressing to think of them dealing with all that shit from Cairo and still not being able to do anything for the one time of year when people are happy," she continued, her eyes closed, feeling the cold bite her fingers.
“Then ignore them. Take pride that you can and they can not”
"That's what an asshole does, and we hate those kinds of people remember?"
“Right, then in invite them”
“They dont celebrate Christmas, they’re Jewish”
“How is that a problem?”
"Because they celebrate Hanukkah, dude you were literally right there when we were talking about it!" she became irritated.
“...What is the difference?”
“Good night!”
The symbiote stopped talking after she covered her head with the covers. Fortunately, the rest of the night was peaceful, and Y/N was able to sleep.
She asked Marc if he wanted to go shopping with her the next day. She described her plans for shopping for herself and her family back home. He agreed and followed her because he had no other plans. When he went out, he never looked for places to spend money; he just wanted to take a break.
Aside from that, he wanted to make make sure Y/N did not get into too much trouble. One time they went out, they were caught up in a hostage situation at a discount store. Of course, Mania and Y/N were there to stop it, but Marc and Steven had no idea it was them; they just thought it was some monster wreaking havoc in the city.
They still don't know about Y/N's and Mania's symbiotic relationship.
Y/N dragged Marc over to Westfield, a popular shopping mall in London, after hearing about it. Her gaze scanned the structure from bottom to top as she stood in front of it. It was more extravagant than the ones she had in California. The entrance wall was made of blue-tinted glass. However, it was linked to another building with large white bricks and a glass-covered portion sticking out. The words 'Westfield' were written in red slanted letters on the building's side.
She adjusted her tote bag, hoping it was just for show and that the stores weren't too expensive. As they enter, they notice that the building is two stories tall, with escalators leading to the top. Thankfully, she recognized many stores from home, such as Forever 21 and Hot Topic.
"Where to first?" Marc asked with his hands in his pockets.
She gestured to and walked over to a store that sold items for her younger family members. They looked around for nice but cheap gifts for her family, which was hard since it's been a while since she has seen them. Marc did his best to help her by showing her a range of items, but the majority of them were expensive. After battling through the crowds, Y/N purchased a few items and moved on to the next store.
The entire shopping experience had both of them wanting to pick fights or quit and leave. Marc was taken aback by the number of people trying to buy gifts for their families at this time of year though. Mostly because his own family never made a big deal about giving or receiving gifts around this season. So seeing all this movement was a bit new.
Because it was new to him, he occasionally let Steven take over. Oh, and Steven was having a great time as well. He never understood the hype of shopping or seeing things for sale; not just because of his lack of celebration but because he thought it was bizarre many would shove each other to get one item that was only a dollar less than its original price.
But here he was pushing people, apologizing when he did, in order to take a look at many things. A few would be for Y/N's family and some would catch his eye. When he did, he would reach in and take it back to Y/N to see if it was suitable. He would then ask her if there was anything they liked or found interesting and he would go on a search for something like it.
At the end of their shopping trip, each of them had at least two bags full of random items. As they made their way back to the bus stop, Y/N felt bad about having Marc lug all those bags but fortunately, they were able to go on the bus and rest.
They were still a few blocks away from the apartment building after exiting the bus. The chilly air however made them rush, so they would be home soon. Well honestly it was Y/N rushing him, she was new to the cold weather. Marc wasn't so much since he grew up in Chicago where it was cold normally compared to California.
"I don't think I've seen so many adults fighting dude. You saw those guys fighting for a controller?" Y/N almost breathed out the memory.
Marc gave a small laugh, "Those idiots didn't even get it at the end, some kid did"
"For real, also sorry about making you carry all that" She looked over at the large bags from various stores.
He shrugged, "Its alright, its better than seeing you trying to carry them all"
"Are you saying that for kind reasons or to make fun of reasons?"
"Meanie, I bet Steven wouldn't laugh at my weakness. Right, Steven?" She waited for him to respond, but there was no response. She looked over at him, bewildered, but he wasn't there.
Turns out something caught his eye on a window display.
She walked back to him and noticed how his eyes were soft as he looked at the items. The only time he has looked at someone like that was when he talked to Layla. She followed his eyes and noticed a display with many Jewish decorations.
It had a blue cloth with gold lining on the table cover. A few dreidels and gold chocolate coins were strewn about. What drew their attention was the menorah that sat at the center of the table. It was made of gold and had nine candle holders. They contained candles with an ombre pattern of white to blue. Eight of them were identical, except for the one in the center, which had a Star of David on the stem. The main stem of the menorah that held the rest of the branches was inscribed with Jewish phrases. It was truly breathtaking.
"It's pretty..." she smiled.
Marc nodded, "...it is". His eyes were still glued on it, holding a sort of love for it.
"Whys is the center one different?" She looked over at him and he hesitated.
"It's a...shamash candle. It's to help light the other ones during Hanukkah" he pointed out.
She nodded, "You should buy it, Hannukah is close. Plus it'll add some color to your guys place"
Marc knew where this was going and he shook his head, beginning to walk away, "Next time"
Baffled, she looked at the menorah and back to Marc's walking figure, "Wait what?"
She ran up to him, gripping the bags to make sure they slip from her grasp, and looked for an answer in his eyes, "Why?"
"I don't have room or time for it, maybe next year" he continued looking straight ahead,
"You can make room, plus you don't even work for Khonshu anymore so you have enough time"
Marc ignored her and continued trying to make it home, giving many excuses like how he didn't have money but Y/N would then offer to buy it for him. It seemed like the conversation wasn't going anywhere so she walked in front of him and he skid to a stop.
"What is stopping you?" looking straight at his eyes and he seems annoyed.
"You can tell her, Marc. It'll be different this time"
"Why do you want me to?" his face wrinkled, trying to comprehend why this topic was still going.
"Because you're going to be all alone in your apartment and probably sad and lonely while everyone else is happy"
"Just tell her, Marc"
"I think I'll be fine," he moves around her to get through but she gets in front of him again.
"If it makes you feel better, I can celebrate with you! I can cook some stuff too and we can hang out at your place. Then you guys won't be alone-" Her smile turned as she was cut off.
"Why do you care so much?" He said rather harshly, "You're just a neighbor and a coworker for me and Steven"
Y/N inhaled deeply, feeling her body get a wave of a mental wound. It hurt, but it was true. She had no actual connection to the holiday or them, so why was she making such a big deal about it? It was his life, not hers, and he had the maturity to make that choice.
Marc's eyes widened when he saw her hurt expression. He didn't mean to say those words; it was a coping mechanism he used frequently. But now he was staring back at Y/N, who was looking at him with dejection in her eyes.
He immediately gave Steven control, forcing him to hide in the mind space. Steven looked down at her and smiled reassuringly, guiding her back on their way.
"He didn't mean it; as I said before, he is quite sensitive on the matter," he continued to hold the bags on the way back.
"...Am I being too pushy with you guys?" she looked down at her feet.
"No, it's rather very 'you' to be worried about small things like a holiday"
"It's not that small. Just tell me why?"  She almost begged Steven. "I've told him stuff about my life back at the Field of Reeds when I needed to, and he listened. The least I can do is listen to his too, he doesn't have to hold it all in"
Steven thinned his lips and looked at the passing mirrors on her side. Marc's reflection returned a guilty look to Y/N. He knew she wouldn't mind him talking about his childhood, but he didn't want to add that weight to her shoulders. He also didn't want her to change the way she acted around him.
“…that will have to be a different topic for a different day. How about instead we focus on how your family will react with these gifts” he gestured the bags to her, trying to get a smile out of her.
Seeing what he was doing, she obliged, “uh yeah”
“Atta girl, now I think that with just a few bows and whatnot, and you’ll have amazing looking presents” he continued babble about her family and decorations.
All Y/N could do was listen, she was still a bit sad that they both didn’t trust her in sharing their past. It made her wonder if she was trying to force this closeness too far.
Before Y/N could tell Steven good night, she made sure that Marc also heard it from her.
“Hey Marc, you might be angry with me or something but good night dude” she waved at Steven.
He smiled and gave a small nod before going into his apartment. Closing the door, Y/N looked at her apartment and at all the Christmas decorations. Currently, she was still sensitive to what Marc told her. She knew he didn't mean it but it still hurt.
She sat on her couch and looked up at the ceiling, recalling how the two looked as they brought up their Jewish holiday. It was the same way she looked whenever she remembered the day her grandfather died or when her mother yelled at her cruelly. It was like their perspective of Hanukkah was one similar. Where something horrible happened that day, that has been engraved in their minds.
She felt almost like a cartoon character as she felt the lightbulb in her head go off. If they hadn’t celebrated, that means the last image they have is of something terrible. So why not try to replace that image with one more positive?
She took out her phone and began researching the holiday and a few traditions. What the menorah symbolized. How to play dreidels. Ways to cook Jewish foods.   And the types of decorations that some families use. She looked up family vlogs of Jewish families to make Marc and Steven feel even more at ease.
Gathering all her information, she began planning the surprise for Steven and Marc.
The next day, Y/N spent it by buying ingredients and a few decorations that were in blue and white. Back at her apartment, she began practicing in cooking the meals and wouldn’t come out until she perfected them. At times Steven would call to check on her, seeing that she has been locked away in her flat. All she would say is that she was fine and that she was just getting a few things ready for the holidays.
However, the boys were concerned because she hadn't been seen all day. Marc, in particular, believed she was angry at them and refused to speak to them. Steven would reassure Marc that it wasn't the case, but Marc was already convinced.
"Mate, Y/N isn't mad at us. If she was, she would have cursed at us long before we ended the conversation," Steven joked, attempting to cheer Marc up.
"…Maybe," Marc would say before disappearing into his headspace, where he would continue to think of ways to apologize to her.
As the sun began to set, Y/N gave one last look before patting herself on the back. She had tried numerous times to improve the cooking and would continue to do so to see if they wouldn't kill Marc and Steven. She considered it a success because she was still breathing.
She was nervous about pulling this surprise because she didn't know how the boys would react. Will they be grateful? Or would they be furious with her?
They made it clear that they didn’t want to celebrate.
The only way to find out was to wait until tomorrow. The plan was to wait for them to leave their apartment, which they usually did in the evening to go for a walk. With them gone for at least an hour or two, she had enough time to set everything up.
“You sure it’s going to work? What if they decide to stay in?”
“Then… I’ll ask them to bring me some supplies or something, I don’t know” she shrugged and began to put the decoration away in a bag.
“This is gonna go to shit”
“Thanks for the optimism”she said sarcastically.
It was the next day, and Y/N had spent it preparing various Jewish foods. The whole apartment was filled with a mixed aroma of sweet and savory. She wrapped the trays in foil to keep them warm until the time came. She looked up decorating ideas and built inspiration as she waited for the time to come.
She waited for the man across the hall to open his door and leave, as he did every time. She peered through the peephole when she heard the door close and saw Marc walk towards the elevator. She waited a few moments to make sure he didn't return, which he didn't.
As he walked away, he appeared to be deep in thought; perhaps she had caused him to have flashbacks of those bad memories. Or, hopefully, he was thinking about enjoying the holiday and went to do some last-minute shopping. Not to worry, she had it covered.
"I think it's neither of those, especially the second one"
She began gathering the decorations and making her way to their apartment once she was certain. They got in by having Mania open the door from the inside by slipping under the space between the door and the floor. Y/N took in her surroundings and mentally mapped out everything.
“Okay, okay, this should be easy” she breathed out.
The sun had set after an hour, and Marc was on his way back to his apartment. Going out was routine, but he needed to this time. He wanted to get something Y/N as an apology. He didn’t know how, he couldn’t even apologize to Layla for what he did to her. Normally, giving flowers worked, but he knew Y/N wasn't into that sort of thing, and it would be strange to receive a bouquet from a man twice her age.
Instead, he got her a bag of things she liked as a peace offering with the help of Steven. It was filled with her favorite snacks and a few items from her favorite shows, such as a t-shirt and mug.
Marc walked to the elevator after opening the complex's entrance. As the elevator climbed the levels of the building, he breathed in and out to try to relax. He was nervous because he was afraid she would yell at him or refuse to open the door for him.
“Marc, she isn’t one to hold grudges, I think... I’m sure she is over it”
“You don’t know that. She hasn’t talked to us since we went to the mall. I shouldn’t have said that, maybe I should have told her or just taken the offer” Marc gripped the bag and stared at the floor.
He stepped out of the elevator and walked to Y/N’s door. He stood there for a second before knocking. Waiting for a sign, he knocked again but there was nothing. Swallowing heavily, he knew she was upset and didn't want to open the door. She was probably on her bed, her eyes puffy from crying herself to sleep, thinking about his comment.
He didn’t want to force her to open the door, so he turned to Steven and his place. As his hand moved to the doorknob, he heard shuffling inside and his senses went up. He remembers he locked the door, he could even ask Steven, he was there.
It went smoothly when he gave it a turn. He slowly opened the door, taken aback. He was tense and ready to fight anyone who charged at him, but no one did.
Instead, he noticed blue and white streamers dangling from the ceiling. He moved slowly through the apartment, ending up behind Gus' fish tank. He noticed Steven's desk, where he used to read, had been cleaned up, and there was a blue table cover. It had a white table runner with the Star of David symbol on both sides.
Paper dreidels hung from the ceiling, and white lights illuminated the area. There were a few dreidels and a lot of golden chocolate coins on the desk.
The menorah Marc saw in the window display, however, was in the center. The one with the nine candles and the engraving at the bottom.
The whole set was in front of the window that overlooked the street. Where pedestrians walked by and admired the display from afar.
He gazed in awe before turning around to face Y/N. She wore a navy blue long-sleeve turtleneck with black jeans. She was carrying what appeared to be latkes. She smiled nervously and gripped the tray, not wanting to drop them and create an embarrassing memory.
Marc just stood there, still staring at her which caused her to almost shrink. He was maybe getting ready to yell at her.
"Yeah, I didn't know how you would react and I knew if I told you, you might have gotten angry or something. But I didn't want to keep you from the holiday stuff, you know?" She waited for a reaction.
"If your angry with me, I get it, just say the word and I'll take everything down and we don't have to talk about this ever again," she gulped. "Even if you don't ever want to talk to me again, I'll understand. You don't have to explain. Just say the word, and I'll-"
“He’s not angry”
Y/N paused and heard the bag he was holding fall to the floor. Her eyes trailed from the floor to Marc's face. Her eyes widened at his expression.
He had tears streaming down his face.
Layla was the last person who actually cared about Marc. She always seemed to bring the sun to him before and after they married. She would do small acts of affection for him, such as buying him something that reminded her of him or holding his hand when he was anxious. When they were together, he felt so loved and important every day. Nonetheless, he pushed her away at the end.
He pushed her away, believing that his existence would bring her harm and chaos. He argued that it was for the best and it was all for her happiness. After disappearing, he thought that no one else would ever show him the same affection. He even accepted it and contemplated his future in loneliness. That is until Y/N appeared.
The young adult was struggling to make sense of her life in London, but she still made time for him and Steven. Even after they saved the world from Harrow, she stayed by their side.
During lunch breaks, she would bring out two Tupperware containers filled with food. When looked closer, it turned out that she would make what the two liked. Steven was, of course, vegan, and he loved tomatoes, so she would prepare a vegan dish for him. Marc was vague but liked savory things like mushrooms or buffalo sauce, so she would end up making something he liked.
He'd always tell her she didn't have to, that sharing with Steven was fine with him. With that statement, he expected her to simply nod and continue serving Steven his customized food, saving her energy. But, no offense to Steven, she would say it wasn't fair to have him eat something he didn't like. She'd then have him eat his food while she ate hers.
She probably didn't think much of her words, and she probably thought it was normal to say. Nonetheless, it made Marc feel important.
Now she had taken time away from her day to incorporate his holiday into his life, even after his comment from a couple of days ago.
She most likely did her research and double-checked everything. She included a variety of foods, including sufganiyot, which he could tell was made by hand. Even some of the decorations he saw were made by hand. Aside from that, he realized she is very attentive to his eyes. Y/N got him the menorah that she somehow knew he loved. The reason why he was memorized by the menorah is that it was the same one he used as a child when his younger brother would help him in lighting it.
His brother always gave him the type of sibling love that made Marc miss. Because of his brother's death, he assumed that he would never receive that same affection again.
But here he was, in front of someone who made him realize he was enough. That he didn't have to be perfect and that he was fine the way he was. Even with all his flaws and fears.
More tears continued to pour and he tightened his hands into fists., sniffles coming from him. This made Y/N panic, thinking that she might have set off some horrible memory for him.
She hurried to place the tray on the small table Steven had, quickly apologizing.
"Don't worry, I'll put everything back!" She looked around for a place to begin.
Marc smiled and shook his head, giving one last sniff before pulling her into a hug. She stood frozen, perplexed by what just happened. His hug was tight like he was pouring all his gratitude and love from the past months.
"Don't," He pulls away and looks her in the eyes "Kid, you're the best thing that has ever happened to me. I'm sorry for what I said earlier. You aren't just some neighbor or coworker, you're my best friend and I want you to know that"
This time Y/N was tearing up which was followed by a few tears falling, "Man, you really got me crying,". She wiped her tears and sniffled, "I'm glad we're officially best friends, dude"
Marc softly laughs, ruffling her hair. She lets it happen, and that's when her eyes fall to the bag that fell, "What's that?"
"Oh, uh, I thought you were angry with what I said the other day" He picks the bag up.
"So you were going to ask for forgiveness by bribing me with stuff?" she raised her eyebrow.
"No...sort of. I got you-" he was stopped by Y/N raising her hands up to stop him from talking.
"Don't tell me! You can use the wrapping paper I have over there" She indicates a roll of white and blue paper with dreidel designs. "That's all I have left from wrapping your guys' presents."
“Presents?” Y/N motions to the stack next to Steven's desk. Marc follows her finger and discovers roughly 16 presents wrapped in the same paper as before. He approaches them and notices a few with his and Steven's names on them.
"Yeah, I saw that some families are trying to make gifts a tradition, so I figured why not make this," she said, motioning to the decorations. "A new tradition, if that's okay with you."
Marc smiles and nods, “Yeah that sounds great, I’d like that”
They spent the rest of the night spinning dreidels. Of course, Marc had to teach Y/N how to play first, explaining what each symbol meant. If the dreidel landed on the nun, she would get no gelt or chocolate coins. She'd get all of the gelt if it landed on the gimel. Hay means she gets half, whereas shin means she only gets one gelt.
For some reason, once she got the hang of it, she was getting more gelt than Marc. Each time she landed on a good symbol, she would hold a grin on her face. He asked her if she was using gum or something to make the dreidel land on hay or gimel, but she denied it.
"Hahahah! We are winning!"
That's when Steven entered the picture, and they were now almost tied. Marc was just baffled at how they were good at a simple game, it made him question his luck.
"No! Don't let him win!"
Finally, they decided to call it even and split the candy equally.
"We should just quit because if we continue, I know imma get all the gelt. I don't want to hurt your manly ego," she said as she shrugged her shoulders.
"Of course, I would have won the pot and you would have knocked everything off the table," Steven said as he sat cross-legged on the floor.
Marc and Steven tried the dishes made by Y/N after they finished playing. Her leg shook with excitement as she waited for them both to try the latkes and sufganiyot. Steven loved it, saying how she nailed it at getting the flavor. Marc, on the other hand, would mess with her and pretend to vomit.
“You’re an ass, you know that?” She leaned back in her chair, her arms crossed.
"Sorry, sorry, it's good…for the most part," he said quietly, prompting Y/N to kick him on the shin.
With all that done, they both moved to the menorah, ready to light the first candle. Y/N let Marc take the wheel since he knew the prayers more. He still hesitated but when he glanced at Y/N, he knew everything was alright. He started it off and soon Y/N joined in too, surprisingly pronouncing the words correctly.
Once done, with the shamash candle lit, Marc lit the first candle to the right. Marc placed the shamash candle in the center after it was lit and continued to recite the hanerot halalu.
When they finished, the two stared at the menorah as the small fire melted the wax. After about 30 minutes, they turned off the candles. Y/N remembered the gifts by he table and quickly grabbed two of them to give to Marc.
He blinked and carefully took the gift-wrapped box, as if it was so fragile it would break if he breathed on it.
Y/N bounced her feet and waited for him to open his present. He took off the lid of the box and paused to look at the inside. What he pulled out was a brown jacket with metal buttons down the middle.
"I remembered how your favorite jacket back at Mogart's got ripped up and how you were so devastated," she teased, "So I saw it back at the mall and I thought you'd like it"
"What the hell..." he said as he started putting it on to see how well it fit, and it was just like his old one, "It's just like my old one, but better! Look! It's even got more pockets! Thank you, I love it" he said as he hugged Y/N.
Steven then switched in and he looked at her, “I might sound like a child, but me next” he clasped his hands together.
She smiled and handed him his, and he didn't wait long before he began ripping it open. He was right, he was acting like a kid. What he pulled out was a deep brown leather messenger bag.
“Again, your bag was kinda destroyed by that jackal back when and you needed a new one. Plus you make it work” she gestured to the present.
"I love it!" he said, extending the bag away from his face with an open grin. "Oh, this leather will definitely keep water at bay. Thank you very much, Y/N."
She smiled proudly as Steven also went in to give her a hug.
Marc and Steven then wrapped one of her gifts and presented it to her. She pulled out a t-shirt from her current favorite show. She squealed and put it on right away to see if it fit.
“This is fucking cool!” She stretched the hem out to see the front image clearly.
“I’m glad you did, I helped Marc look around at that Hot Topic, you should have seen him. He was confused out of his mind” Steven laughed and so did Y/N.
“No I wasn’t, everything was just dark and gloomy”
For the whole week, Y/N would come to their apartment when the sun began to set. They would go and play a few rounds with the dreidel, eat a few latkes, and maybe have a conversation about the upcoming year. They would then follow the same routine of praying and lighting the candles. After Y/N would ask about what songs Marc would play and they would listen to a few while singing.
Later into the night, they would open the next present of the day. A leather watch for Marc and a gold bracelet for Steven were among the gifts they received.
On the last day, just when Marc was going to light the candle, he paused to think. That's when he turned to Y/N and handed her the shamash candle.
“Wait, you want me to light the candle? You sure? What if I burn the place down?”
He shook his head, “I doubt it, I believe in you”
Those words gave Y/N motivation and a sense of gratification.
Y/N took a deep breath and began slowly lighting all of the candles on the menorah, placing the shamash back in its place. She took a step back and gazed at the dancing flames that illuminated the small area of the flat.
They sat down to eat at the dining table after saying their prayers. Y/N ate her latke while talking. The conversation was about how she was excited about the new schedule for her next quarter of college, saying how there would be classes she actually liked.
Marc remained silent and listened as she continued to speak. He hadn't shared a holiday moment with anyone in years, let alone celebrated it.
When he thought of Hanukkah, the first thing that came to mind wasn't his mother yelling at him. The sense of loss and regret.
This time, it would be where Y/N rambled about her interest as she ate Jewish foods on Steven's wooden dining table. Where the feeling of comfort and love came.
They were just two people, with different lives, different backgrounds, and in different places in time.
Yet here they were sitting at some old apartment sharing a memory.
Tbh, I had to make up some problem in order to lead to the lowkey angst at the middle. It probably doesn’t make sense, so I’m sorry.
Also let me know if I got anything wrong about Hanukkah. PLZZ
Anyways I hope yall are enjoying your winter break :)
Happy Holidays!!
PS: if you're coming from my series, the next chapter will be taking place after this holiday special. Meaning, see yall in January....? Idk, depends if I just want to write already.
Taglist: @itsjusspele @dustyinkpages @scoliobean @moonywritings
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jade-kyo · 1 month
RvB 20th rewatch: s13
And here we are… at the end… I delayed watching this like a whole day I swear I am going to die
The Tartarus crew with Felix is just a speed run of what he did to the fans
“Hey that’s intolerant” // “you’re intolerant!”
Rip Stassney 😔
13 really knocks it out of the park right from the beginning on every angle- comedy, drama, animation… they held nothing back
I want it noted that I think Tucker dancing and Sarge being his backup vocals is a VERY important animated goof. I love them.
God I love Carolina and Church
“It’s Christmas come early, unless you’re looking at it from the pirates point of view, in which case it’s the opposite” // “Hanukkah?”
God I love when Church gets to be dorky
Man they gave us og blue team silliness they fucking knew what they were doing
“Yeah that’s tough I’m crying on the inside” quoted line
Have we considered Grayboose-
“Don’t psychoanalyze me” heavily quoted line
Church not responding to Epsilon was always an interesting touch to me
Sometimes I remember how Church is a copy/memory of a copy of Carolinas father and then I see how he sometimes gets all protective over her and I lose my fucking mind
You know Counselor I’d also kill the Director if it meant not having brain worms for a 21 year old web series that ruined my life
Correct Caboose IS a true warrior
Game Grumps cameo
You know the bad thing about the whole Doc thing is that the first time I watched this I legitimately did forget about him being gone 😭
Wash was so real for his taunting Locus
Tucker really pushed to his wits end
“Gotta go faster” Carolina is sonic the hedgehog
Petty little sister time: my brothers fr missing out on the beauty of this season it’s so fucking good and I get to enjoy it alllllll to myself in this family :3
Speaking of petty sisters: Love Church just being like how do I not get killed by my sis when she wakes up
Take yourself… fuck yourself… with yourself
Carolina and Church have a moment and I need a lobotomy
“I can’t lose another family” somebody sedate me
“Complete and total faith in one another” SOMEBODY SEDATE ME
Doyle you will always be famous to me
Rip sharkface
God… Doyle’s sacrifice, Epsilon and Carolina, the music…. Fucking… G O D the power…
Also I cackle every time the army’s start firing their guns cause like WE JUST ESTABLISHED THEYRE LOW ON WEAPONRY AND AMMO AKSHKHSKDJJS
Counselor was so real for wanting to just nope out of there
“The moment Donald Doyle blew half your troops to hell” frothing at the mouth THAT LINE DELIVERY
Just kill me
It’s been a hot second since I’ve gotten to say this but Sarge being the one to understand that Wash is being genuine when he says he believes in them? SARGE HAS THE BEST CHARACTER DEVELOPMENT IN THE SERIES!!!!!!!
I love how Felix is fully animated while the reds and blues are mostly machinama in the final fight
“What is wrong with you people” they are a bunch of deranged little weirdo assholes and I love them dearly 😊
Insane that they had a great set up for future stories with Locus and then proceeded to do nothing with it
KAI!!!!!!! AND JUNIOR!!!!!!!!!
Ever think about how they won… like they did it… they defeated the bad guys and sent the message… the only reason things end the way they did is because Hargrove couldn’t lay down and accept defeat… they fucking won and it still wasn’t enough to save them…
they truly were doomed by the narrative
He’s so… BALD
“Not this time buddy” kindly requesting to be taken out back and shot
What the fuck do I even say? They made the perfect ending. They pulled out all the stops, the callbacks, the character development, trocadero went harder than they ever had before, they wrapped up all the remaining loose ends of project freelancer… it was thematic and beautiful, it fit the themes of the show, it was tragic, it ended the only way RvB can… with Church dying for good. There’s no version of this story where he lives…. Where they’re not doomed
And thus concludes my 20th rewatch of RvB 1-13… truly the show ever. of all time. It manages to be just as powerful now, 8 years and 20 rewatches later, as it was the very first time I watched it as a little 15 year old girl who decided to watch that silly halo show my brothers were always quoting because I was bored one day.
Anyway sure glad that’s where the show ended and it definitely didn’t get dragged on for way too long with mediocre seasons and an unsatisfactory ending or anything like that… wouldn’t that be crazy
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hanukkahbingo · 10 months
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!חג אורים שמח
It's the second night of Hanukkah and the second night of the Panfandom Hanukkah Bingo! We're seeing a dip in the number of submissions from last year, so I just wanted to remind everyone that these prompts can be used for fic, art, moodboards, graphics -- whatever you want to create! I know things are hard out there right now and the year has been dark, but all of your creations are lights in that darkness and it's lovely to see your interpretations of Jewish joy. Keep creating!
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A Deal with the Dead by abby-gaytes | AO3 | tumblr
One could say being kind to ghosts is a Jewish value. So, when a familiar face reappears to haunt a local bakery during Hanukkah, the Ghostbusters propose a compromise.
A Very Voyager Holiday by Divinemissem13/@divinemissem13 | AO3 | tumblr
After years of throwing Voyager's holiday parties, Neelix is surprised to learn that Federation winter holiday traditions include much more than just Christmas trees and Santa Claus.
A1. Applesauce - Kate Bishop by aimmyarrowshigh/@aimmyarrowshigh | AO3 | tumblr
Yelena loves to cook, which is great, because Kate loves to eat. But…
A2. Snow - Jane Foster by aimmyarrowshigh/@aimmyarrowshigh | AO3 | tumblr
Jane wasn't supposed to live to see another Hanukkah. But a great miracle happened, and she is here.
A3. Shalom - Kaydel Ko Connix by aimmyarrowshigh/@aimmyarrowshigh | AO3 | tumblr
Basic isn't Connix's first language.
A4. Smashing Fascists - Booker le Livre by aimmyarrowshigh/@aimmyarrowshigh | AO3 | tumblr
Booker is worried that the others will see what he did as treason. A betrayal of their cause. But they've all been alive long enough to know better.
A5. Eighth Night - Joyce Byers by aimmyarrowshigh/@aimmyarrowshigh | AO3 | tumblr
Hop stops by Melvald's one slushy December morning.
Alone in the Dark (Chapter 2) by josiebelladonna/@feverinfeveroutfic | AO3 | tumblr
He found himself trapped out in the wilderness during a power outage, and his meeting with that one strange girl proved to be a stroke of fate for him. A fic that asks “what if Alex and Christine had met in another period?”
Bring on the Light: Haunted Dreidel by melbelle310/@perfectpurls | AO3 | tumblr
On night two of my Channukah series, Ace and Nancy teach their friends to play dreidel!
Eight Nights (Chapter 2) by genuineformality/@genuineformality | AO3 | tumblr
On the first night of Chanukah, Viktor lights a chanukiah for the first time in a long time. On the subsequent nights, Viktor and Jayce explore a lot of complicated feelings.
The First First Night by awlenrose | AO3 | tumblr
Survival always comes at a cost.
holiday wishes by aelisheva | AO3 | tumblr
"Asha, why do you call your grandfather Saba?" Valentino asked this as they walked to the palace to help Queen Amaya prepare this week's winter solstice festival. During it, Asha would be officially announced as the next Princess Of Rosas. Which was quite the change, but at least some other things in her life wouldn't change.
Keep a candle burning (Chapter 2) by dharmashark | AO3 | tumblr
Bucky has been sitting cross legged on the floor with Steve Rogers for three hours. He feels giddy on two donuts too many, his ribs tight and hot from laughing. But mostly he feels smug as hell: he cannot wait to tell Clint how wrong he was when said this was a terrible idea. Well, what Clint had actually said was, “Are you out of your mind? Steve, as in Steve, is going to spend Hanukkah with you, in your studio apartment?” — In which Bucky can totally, definitely last eight nights without falling for his childhood best friend. Again.
Love and Light by Hollie47/@hollie47 | AO3 | tumblr
Wanda thinks about her family and how Darcy is now apart of it.
The Opportunistic Telekinetic by abby-gaytes | AO3 | tumblr
It’s all fun and games until Talia uses her newfound telekinesis to cheat at dreidel.
Princess Asha Holiday Moodboard by aelisheva | AO3 | tumblr
Asha is in the middle of lighting candles with her Mamà and Saba when she gets the queen's message in the mail.
Spidersona Doodles by scribbling-scientist/@enby-scientist | AO3 | tumblr
K1-2 presents, H1-1 dreidel, H2-4 ugly sweaters, K2-4 Bad puns, A2-5 Chinese food, U-2 sufganyot, A2-1 Oil (Bingo! +2)
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