#Also also Paint 3D hates me
iamapoopmuffin · 1 year
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Rook please stop shooting people please
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ghstmsk · 8 months
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Circus I did to give paint 3D another try. Wasn't sure which effects I liked more between these two so heres both.
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wreckham · 1 year
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paint3d = cool program
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lonely--seeker · 6 months
My mom bought the ugliest ass little freak of a 3D printed alien, just because. It's supposed to be like, one of those phone holder thingies.
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gutsfics · 3 months
tbh i think that the "is ai generated content art" argument is roughly the same as "is Duchamp's Fountain art". i think that the argument of if its art is what makes it art, because it is invoking some kind of feeling. starting a conversation. if that makes sense?
that being said, absolutely there is a time and a place for it (ie not replacing the work of paid artists). and it should only be trained on artsts who have consented to it.
i dont want to read fiction made by ai bc if you didn't take the time to write something, why should i take the time to read it? and for non fiction, it'll be riddled with incorrect facts because an algorithm "decided" that this word is the most likely to go next in the sentence based on what it's database says, even if its factually incorrect.
one of my favorite pieces of art is an ai image that was sent to a company that makes paint-by-numbers, and then filled out by a person. the artist, tumblr user rigatonidanza, asks "is this art? at what point does it become art? can it never be art because its ai, or because its paint by numbers? is it art because it elicits a response from the viewer?"
the point of art is to make you think, and to make you feel. does it stop being art if its not made by human hands, the way algorithmically generated images are? is it not art if its something mass produced, made for intentions other than what the artist uses it for, like Fountain? even if looking at it makes you feel something? anything? even if that "something" is a negative emotion?
all that said. if you use generative algorithms as an excuse to not pay real artists, you are a human tar pit. may you always immedeatly stub your toe after it stops hurting from the last time you stubbed it.
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heavywizardsguy · 1 year
tryin so desperately to model a low poly vtuber as a holiday gift for my gf and lord almighty is it clear i have 0 experience with modeling
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cxtastroph · 2 years
peachy :)
peach model ive been working on, i modeled and textured the head and body from scratch but the dress is from a peach model i downloaded from here, which was ripped from Super Mario 3D Land. the dress textures actually held up pretty nicely after the modifications i made so i just incorporated them into the shader.
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petite-madame · 5 months
just so you know, it’s very obvious to actual artists that you’re posting AI and then lying that you’ve done it all by hand. kind of embarrassing, and more than a little fucked up.
Hi anon
This kind of nonsense usually ends up in the trash with a laugh but as it's my first "your art is AI", let's go! (It was just a matter of time, as practically all my artist friends got this kind of messages at this point)
it’s very obvious to actual artists...
Actual artists ? You mean, like me, a professional illustrator in her 40s, who has started drawing at the age of 8 and who has been drawing with a consistant art style for the past 15 years (with some improvements, thank god 🤓) ? People like you have accused me of tracing using tracing paper when I was a kid, tracing in Photoshop 15 years ago when I started to post on the internet and now my art is "AI". I should be used to it by now: when I posted this one 14 YEARS AGO, people told me it was traced and that "I wasn't a real artist, actual artists could tell"
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I've consistently posted step by step, WIPs, vids, reels, gifs, shown the number of layers I use by art (sometimes more than 100) but apparently, it's never enough. And my art is AI generated ? Which one ?
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So much for the Loki one, I apologize for the 0,3%…
Which is also funny is that fans of Supernatural, Good Omens, Sherlock, etc…have been able to say exactly which reference pictures I used for each drawing, not only for faces but sometimes also for the pose and the clothing (because yes, omg, I use reference pictures, the horror 😲)
However if you want to talk about my technique, and I've never hidden it, I sometimes use photos or 3D models for backgrounds because I hate drawing backgrounds. For instance the background of the Superwholock one is composed of a couple of stock pictures (a pub).
Same for a "Sherlock Harry Potter AU" I'll post in a month or so: some parts oh Hogwarts are screenshots from the movie because I didn't feel like drawing a room full of students.
Also, is there sometimes mistakes in my art that don't make sense ? Yes, nothing new, I make mistakes, I've been doing it for years and I still do it, particularly when it comes to anatomy. I want to pull my hair out when I notice them weeks (sometimes months) later but here we are.
Anyway, people like you who throw "it's AI" accusations all over the Internet better think twice because the result is this.
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Don't get me wrong, I get the AI paranoia but instead of sending messages to artists like this one, ask kindly about their process, their technique, etc…and also, have a look at their archive, it could help.
I'm leaving you now, I have AI art to generate (= spending 10 hours per drawing using reference pictures, finding inspiration from classical painting, using about 100 layers and stressing about the art not being good enough).
Have a great weekend!
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mpekamitzii · 18 days
YOU want to learn blender??? but hate searching for tutorials??this one's for you
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Links under the cut!
I tried to find the shortest and at the same time most informational videos (because i had no patience and i wanted to learn fast lol)
you can download blender for free here
-Basic interface/modelling (low poly human character) i learned A LOT from this. i will highly suggest this tutorial too, albeit a bit lengthy but it's unedited and easy to keep up with. mentions a lot of stuff the first tutorial didnt cover
-low poly sword (this guy has loop tools enabled, it's good to get it from the start for shoulders, legs etc)
-common problem with the E function (so frustrating if youre not aware of it!!)
-uv unwrapping explained , unwrap everything in blender
-uv unwrapping 1 , uv unwrapping 2 (it's essentially the same video, but yeah. you can never have enough uv unwrapping tutorials. love how compact his videos are)
-you might need this to unwrap the neck of your model, and this for more tips, even more uv unwrap tips
-texture painting in 7 minutes
-quick rigging , symmetrize armature (tldr adding .L or _L at your bone name is very important!also be careful of the x and y axis)
-weight paint 1 , weight paint 2 (red is the part you want the bone to affect)
Obviously this is not an exhaustive list, those are videos that helped me specifically. doing your own research is equally as important, 3d modelling takes a lot of trial and error (and sanity points) and it can be especially frustrating at the beginning stage when you have no idea how everything works and the shortcuts seem like an alien language but it's so satisfying in the end trust me.
you get to make your blorbo. in 3d. how cool is that
if you do make sth based on these tutorials, please tag me !! i want to see it !! :]
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malacandrax · 2 months
Hi I just wanted to say I love your art sm and you actually helped me get back into drawing a ton, for a while I had this weird idea in my brain that I HAD to draw semi realism/realism otherwise every man I drew would be horribly twinkified and I'd never be able to draw the characters I liked, but I just drew my first ever man I'm happy with in a style that isn't semi realism and a lot of it was inspired by the way you don't always close your lines w lineart and don't use a ton of pen pressure sensitivity and your art comes out incredible. Those were things I always did but would try to stop doing because people told me they were stuff you "weren't supposed to do" and it just ended with me being frustrated whenever I drew and hating my art. But seeing you do it and make absolutely gorgeous stuff really gave me that confidence to just say fuck it and do it anyways and I'm starting to actually get in the flow of drawing again, so thank you :)
This is so so cool! I struggled for About Ten Years with not being able to line in a way I liked, and I’m so glad that my way of doing it is inspirational to someone else! I hope you figure it out faster than I did haha.
Style wise, it kinda just happens, I don’t think many people fit super neatly into boxes anyway, so don’t stress over it, I definitely don’t know what my style is defined as haha! I thought it was semi realism til I googled it HAHA. I copied artists like makani and coey, reapersun and loish when I was a teenager and it definitely swayed my style!
Also I relate extremely to not really vibing with how other artists do lines. For me personally I THINK its because I think in shapes and not lines, and I started out painting and working in tone. Like real life doesn’t have lines, and when you paint it’s generally just varying between soft and hard edges, using the colour and tone to do the lifting for you. It’s way harder to figure out where to put a line, or what things need a line and what doesn't, if you’re not used to thinking that way.
I definitely ink more like I paint, kind of thinking about planes and shadow or overlap more than the outline? Like I draw the top curve of the cheek, then the jowl, then the chin, it kind of feels like cutting a 3D shape out in the space…? But I think that’s why mine are often choppy haha. In traditional art I always preferred a square brush, which carries over to my preference for minimal width variation on tablet.
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Saying that, I *do* sometimes work more with width, though it's still messy and choppy haha. my trick with those is that I always choose a brush that has a fairly consistent minimum width, I can draw with a fairly fixed line, but also press down a little to get the variation when I want it. (As opposed to brushes that kind of go really thin and really thick with little effort, like a brush pen, I just don't have the control...) Below are my main blobby inkers, I can pretty comfortably draw a fixed width face, but I can make it wider if I want.
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Anyway I went off on a tangent, I hope you can make art in ways that feel natural to you! And I hope making art brings you joy!
Some artists I love the lines of are linnea sterte, steven sugar, momopachi, jadenvargen, artharakka, beidak-art, pien-art, wombrion! 
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toughtinkcosplay · 11 months
let's make fearne horns!
a step-by-step tutorial for making foam horns for cosplay
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this was originally posted to twitter last year, but since twitter’s decided to ram itself through a brick wall repeatedly for some reason, i’m reposting here.
wire (the hardware store kind, not the flimsy jewelry kind. you want it bendable but sturdy enough to hold whatever size horns you’re making.)
craft foam/eva foam (thickness depends on project needs)
triangular foam dowel
tape or paper for patterning
barge cement (or other brand contact cement)
foam clay
plastidip spray
acrylic paints
gloss spray
heat gun
paint brushes
something to wrap horns around depending on curl needs
headband or something else to attach the horns to for wearing
the process:
1️⃣ pattern horn curl using tape or paper. mine is going to be a long triangle shape along it’s top face.
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2️⃣ cut out of craft foam & trim/taper triangular foam dowel to match. cut wire to match this length plus a couple extra inches for attaching to a headband later on.
3️⃣ carve valley into dowel & glue wire into it using barge cement. tape is helpful for holding the wire down while it dries. be sure to follow glue instructions for use which usually requires good airflow/ventilation in the space! for me, that means opening the window, turning on a fan, and wearing a mask to avoid fumes.
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4️⃣ glue foam dowels to craft foam.
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5️⃣ spiral horns carefully around a cylinder, heat forming tips where wire can’t reach. the hardest part here is to get both sides even. (i think i used a wooden dowel or a curtain rod for my spirals??)
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6️⃣ fill gaps between dowel & craft foam with foam clay, using finger + water to smooth it out. if you want to add any ridges or scars to your horns, do it once this part is dry and before the next step—but i wanted mine to be smooooth.
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7️⃣ once dry (give it a couple days just in case), heat seal with a heat gun & spray with plastidip. do multiple coats to get all the angles because spirals are WEIRD!
8️⃣ paint with acrylics.
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9️⃣ gloss spray!
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🔟 using the bit of wires sticking out, attach to a headband or wig to wear! mine actually poke through my wig and attach to a headband that sits inside the wig which fearne’s ears also attach to.
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i hemmed and hawed over how to approach these originally because i know most folks would either 3d print them or do a proper full craft-foam pattern, but i’m crap at cutting craft foam and i hate sculpting digitally and ALSO don’t have a 3d printer. so i did it my way! and it was fun!! plus, the final horns are super lightweight which makes them great for wearing all day! the flexibility of the wire also allows them to have some pose-ability which can be nice for photos to make sure they’re visible.
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feyspeaker · 3 months
Hi! I made an account just so I could follow your work. Your art is brilliant and honestly and inspiration to where I want to be. I’m an older artist who has all the anxiety when it comes to improving my process. I’m trying to get into digital portraits and I have so many ideas in my head, but it’s frustrating because I’m not where I want to be to make this happen. What are some tricks that help you/software do you use? Of course, you don’t have to share anything that makes you uncomfortable. I currently have procreate and an iPad, but I feel a little lost. Wondering if I need a different writing tablet and photoshop. Not sure. I just eventually want to find that 3D, but also artistic look you are able to achieve.
hey there! thank you so much!!
ultimately, I will sound like a broken record but I always recommend you sign up for local figure drawing or painting classes. have people pose for you at home and sketch with charcoal and paper. go to the zoo and sit down in front on an exhibit for an hour and try to draw the animals in front of you as fast as you can and fill a couple of pages, move on to a new exhibit and do it again!
nothing is more powerful of a tool to learn than whatever writing utensil you have in your purse and the back of a napkin when you see something you'd like to capture. I've spent quite frankly my entire rememberable life doing this. I used to spend every single day in middle school/high school/my brief failed stint in community college with a pack of cheap sharpies and a beat up binder full of old worksheets and homework to draw on the backs of.
drawing/painting from life will teach you better than anything.
I use a very outdated version of Photoshop, and only got a "nice" tablet in the past 7 months.
Also, a huge tip to you and anyone else reading this: do NOT get too focused on a "style" that you want. Obsessing over that just ruined me for years and years. I wanted so, so, so badly to be the next Matsuri Hino when I was a kid. I copied her work religiously and it NEVER looked right. Frustrated me to no end. And you know why my stuff never looked like hers? Because I'm not her! You can't force your art to come out any way that isn't natural, and the sooner you can accept the art your hand wants to create, the happier you'll be and the easier art will get for you.
The past couple of years before I started diving into this more realism based work, I was just shoving myself through trying to make what art I envied of others. Very stylized/textured watercolor comic book style stuff. And I just was NOT getting any better at it. I have always been more inclined toward realism work, but I've hated it and yearned for stylized work. Yoshitaka Amano? God, I just drooled over that artstyle and beat myself up for never being able to capture it in studies or otherwise.
I finally essentially restructured my entire career around making the art that makes me happy instead of what I "wanted" it to look like. I was extremely depressed, my life was falling apart, and I still needed to make art to survive but I couldn't "art" if I was depressed and hated doing it, so I just had to step back and stop worrying so much about what I thought I wanted to make, and started making what felt most natural.
there's no easy way, and art can be a soul destroying path at times, truly. your software and hardware should come very last place compared to practicing from life (it doesn't matter if you want to paint cartoony stuff of realistic stuff, always start from life). naturally you will find what makes your heart sing the most.
I get a lot of messages from people telling me similar stuff "oh your art is EXACTLY what I want to do!" but I promise you that kind of thought process is chasing a dragon that is likely to harm or drag your creative process down. art style is such a deeply personal thing, so of COURSE it's important to find inspiration, but the second looking at someone else's artwork stops inspiring you and starts frustrating you, put it away.
There are some artists who I love, that I do not check up on often because their artwork ignites, like, serious bitter jealousy in me. It's the truth. I get so mad at myself for not being more like them, and it's such a poison. I think more artists should be transparent about this feeling because I KNOW the art community has a lot of jealousy and ugliness in it.
A fact of being an artist is that you will never be completely happy with a piece you make. You are always going to see the flaws, and that doesn't change whether you'd been drawing for 2 months or 20 years. Occasionally, you will get one piece that you are like "how did I make that???" and then get frustrated that you can't recreate it lol! It's a tough beast.
It's just really important to step back and work on yourself and where you are at, because at the end of the day, the way your soul wants to express artwork might be WILDLY different from what your brain wants, and it can be really detrimental to let those two go to war.
I hope this helps. I'm very passionate about this, and when I started out I ALWAYS ignored the artists who gave the same exact tips as above. I thought they were so annoying and unhelpful, but now I /get it/.
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qrzines · 16 days
QUEER RADIANCE: Queer Resilience & Resistance
2024 Pride Zine
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“gentle reminder 2 love thy neighbor even if yr neighbor hates yr guts. thats what queer resistance is 2 me”
By Sam Aguba (he/him)
Sam is an 18 yr old trans boy artist & aspiring nurse based in california. He draws for kicks and love. Find more from Sam on instagram
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“Atlas (he/him) Under Pressure”
By Quinnton Debolt (he/they)
This piece is representative of the scrutiny and pressure trans people are subjected to every day in order to justify their existence. To some, it can feel like the burden of the world is put on their shoulders.
Quinnton (@quinntoncreates) makes original art for queer people by trans people and finds that expressing himself through various media to be both an outlet of creativity and a way of reminding the world that they exist, an infinite act of defiance.
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By Jack Dane (he/they/she)
To me, resilience as a queer person is hugely driven by how we care for one another within our communities - and how we care for ourselves. My piece SELF LOVE is an exploration in self-care, in making peace with myself and with my body. It’s not always easy, but taking time to reflect on my needs and to tenderly care for this queer self that I inhabit is essential for weathering the trials and challenges that it brings.
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“Put Me Back Together” 2024 acrylic paint and embroidery thread on canvas
By Aaron Hutts (he/him) of Aaron Taylor Art
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“I Loved Therefore I Was”
By Alexa Scotto (they/them)
I am a multi-disciplinary artist who works both traditionally and digitally, focusing on portraiture and symbolic illustrations. I love to explore the emotional complexities of the human experience, through the lens of others and myself. I also love to depict queer relationships and love as an extension of exploring my own experiences! I am driven by the need to experimental visually or seeking to “answer” questions of mine which cannot be solved through words alone.
Using an old blurred vintage photo, I have painted a queer couple from an unknown time ago. By painting them and bringing as much clarity to their photo as possible, I am bringing their love and experience back to the forefront. This painting serves not only as a representation of their relationship and lives together, but also towards their resilience- to be queer in a difficult past, and now the difficult present.
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“Pretender's Practice in Tantalean Punishment” 18in x 24in Acrylic on canvas
By Juniper (they/he) of Juniperteeth
Juniper is a transmasculine mixed-media artist based in the Midwest. His work focuses on human identity and relationships through a surrealist point of view. The piece chosen to represent queer resilience/resistance depicts two recurring figures from their works: Dysphoria and Pretender. Pretender, representing a midpoint of transition, wrestles with Dysphoria to obtain the fruit.
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journalsouppe · 2 months
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APOLLO JUSTICE!!!!! AHHHHHH!!!! What i would literally give to have a true AA4 sequel. I wholeheartedly believe if Yamazaki's team could ignore aa4 canon to make 5 & 6 then Shu Takumi should absolutely be allowed to ignore any 5&6 canon to make an aa4 sequel. I'm dying out here pleaseeeeee
The Phoenix sticker is from Peachcott. The Klavier sticker is from Ayabit from the Turnabout Cinema zine. The Apollo and Trucy stickers are from astarsor.
Writing typed below!
rating: 9.8 played: Fa 2023 port: 3DS favorite? Y replayable: Y recommend? Y series: Ace Attorney
apollo's such a dork <3
ooo i like the perceive function
i love the music
there's so much going on in this investigation
wow i love how uneasy i feel even after the trial ended
i dont think y'all want your panties back...
klav's a bill and ted fan i see lol
LOVE mr eldoon's design 10/10
klapollo meet cute moment LMAO
oops ^^; i accidentally wrote a 600 word essay about the first case
i like how apollo cried over trucy
i like klavier's hands a normal amount
alita must have some dirty fucking feet
the animations are so smooth
apollo being jealous of klavier at the concert and thinking he's cool LMAO
apollo is WHIPPED
trucy is KILLING it in court, she really is nick's daughter
klavier's shoe print *skull emoji*
out of pocket shiny forehead comment LMAO
lamiroir has similar vocal tones as malon!
the smile and hair twirl klavier LMAO
why am i doing this music recording thing T^T
i dont like looking at daryan T_T
letouse kazuma moment lmao
capcom loves the face down death with writing on the ground huh LMAO
wtf is the judge talking about
i love all these scientific tests with ema! :)
i love the snackoos SFX
klav does not miss an opportunity to take a short at apollo's big forehead LMAO
faking blindness is crazy
klav's office is so much more normal than edgeworth's
i love apollo and lamiroir goofing on klav
similar tech opening to brc
oh he's insufferable
"rip off" phoenix is so real for that
are they injecting magnifi with piss??
im curious why kristoph would do this to phoenix
he just left his daughter???
tf is going on
why does klav have that egg from dragon tales
apollo understands me with mascots
this is so gay omfg
daryan not liking trucy means he goes even more into the shit book than before
apollo the journaling king
the x-ray function is a really fun addition
omg phoenix with out the ugly hd redraw
he said it!!! he said 'ace attorney' lmao
i love and hate that i have to present the journal page
why does the screen shake when mr misham speaks T_T
siblings omgggg
I love this game so much. I love it so much that I am heartbroken knowing that AA 5 & 6 butchers the story it setup and I'm considering not even playing them unless AA7 is announced. I love all the main characters so much, the whole story was so well built and I can def see the influence the story had on DGS. Apollo is such a good protagonist, he's relatable but also so unique. I love seeing his character progression in the game: a new attorney who is easily manipulated to a confident and determined attorney who trusts in his own judgement. I LOVED Klavier oh my god. I love how much he respects Apollo and although he doesn't hesitate to tease him, he doesn't bully or abuse Apollo in any way. They both have a mutual admiration and rivalry where they try to play as fairly as possible. Klav doesn't maliciously withhold or change evidence, but he does spend hours reviewing his arsenal and thinks of all the counter arguments the defense could bring up. I really like Apollo's ability, it continues the mystery and mysticism from the original trilogy but with new mechanics. I adore Trucy so much. She honestly might be my favorite AA character. She's determined, strong willed, and above all -- extremely silly. I couldn't of asked for a better character to be Phoenix's daughter. I also LOVE the sibling reveal at the end but gdi if only they actually figure it out T^T T^T. I think Apollo and Trucy's dynamic is probably my favorite Defense and assistant dynamic. This who game was so fun, I know 4-3 is not everyone's favorite and it is a little all over the place but I also enjoyed it and loved the premise. There's so much to say, I haven't even talked about Nick and Kris - what an incredible feud, what a genius development for Nick. I cannot recommend this game enough, I am so obsessed with it and cannot wait to make art <3 <3.
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no-face-no-shame · 17 days
Ok. I said I will write some of my thoughts on Disco Elysium a few days ago, and I'm finally in the mood to do so, so here we go.
First things first - it's one of the most unique, incredible games I've ever played. It just feels different from anything else that I know. The world, the characters. It feels real. The worldbuilding is spectacular. As someone from a post-Soviet country, the atmosphere of the whole game hits too close to home. Even stupid things like architecture - I've seen it all before. I've seen these buildings, those streets. DE is the kind of game that will make you laugh until the full meaning reaches you, and then there is no laughter left.
Staying on the topic - the art style and animation blew my mind. The portraits are beautiful, painted in a very characteristic way. The animation of the game itself perfectly translates the atmosphere of the drawings into 3D. Extremely detailed backgrounds and locations, just a beauty overall.
Great soundtrack. The boat song made me cry. Literally. It just paralysed me. The whole OST is spectacular, but there is something so etheric about this particular track and its placement in the game.
There are no fully good people there. And I love it. I love how complex everyone is. It's one of the aspects that make DE feel so real. Everyone has some shit going on, everyone has some stupid opinions, everyone has fucked something up. Just as in real life. It doesn't make the characters any less sympathetic or likable. Quite the opposite - it makes them feel human in a very touching way.
Harry is a fascinating protagonist. He has so much good in him, and so much evil. It depends on how you play him - from the same background you can obtain such different people. Just like in real life, it's up to you to interpret his past and make a future out of it. Will Harry become bitter and hateful towards everyone? Will he start hating women and pouring his frustrations out on minorities? Or will he see the hope in the future and not give up on himself, letting the world welcome him back? The only chance for him is in love. Yes, you can choose the path of a hateful bigot who scares everyone. But this is how you get the weakest version of Harry. He can't build himself up, create a new himself out of violence and hatred. It only ruins him.
The way DE deals with the topic of addiction is one of the best takes I've seen in any media. The drugs will give you bonuses on checks, so you want to do more of them. Everything seems easier. Before you know, you take something before every check. And we're back at the beginning. I did my playthrough without taking anything, and I'm thankful for that. I like how especially alcoholism isn't shown in a profound, elegant way it is often in media. It's ugly, it's embarrassing, it reeks, it makes you stupid. Nothing elegant about it. Quite the opposite. It's a humiliation. No romanticising.
DE also has one of the best takes on politics I've seen recently. This is a very political game, it's one of the most important mechanics. To cover this topic more fairly, a separate post would be needed, but it's really refreshing to see such a complex portrayal of such a complex topic after being regularly exposed to, well, social media takes on politics. DE seems to be mocking all political fractions equally, however the reality quickly shows that they aren't the same.
Leftist Harry is the only one who has a chance to make some change - not only in his own life, but in the world around him as well. Yes, he's cheesy. Yes, he says stuff that sounds naive. But the thing is - he's right. The naive dreams about justice for the weak are right. It reminds me of that one quote, I can't recall the author, who says that children are naive in their belief that everything should be fair and that life should be good, and they are right in their belief. Things won't change immediately, especially not for Harry. But there is hope.
Centrist Harry never does anything and lets his life remain bad. Just as real life centrists, he sees harm, injustice and suffering, and is indifferent to them. But he's also indifferent to the good of the world. He's stuck in limbo which he will never leave.
Fascist Harry is a miserable rubbish that will probably die soon. He hates everything and everyone, and himself the most. There is no hope. The fascist route is the one where Harry gives up, collapses into the darkest chasms of his own mind. Everything is ugly, everything is violent, and the world will fall apart. Harry takes no pleasure in his views - they literally hurt him (by taking away his morality points), but he can't stop making himself and everyone around miserable.
Now, into the supernatural. I'd classify Disco Elysium as magical realism (one of my favourite literary genre.) Many times it reminded me of South American literature, with its smooth mixture of brutal reality and magic that's just right outside your grasp. There are so many moments in DE when you're wondering if something is actually happening, if this world is magical or not. And you never get the answer. Once again, spectacular worldbuilding and atmosphere.
The Pale is an intriguing, unique concept. A mixture of science and something supernatural. The End, Death, Freedom and Oppressor of the world. There are people who travel through it, yes, but they never come back the same. Some don't come back at all. The whole concept is linked to the side plot with the whole in the universe and the scientist woman. It was one of those parts of the game where I just sat in my chair and thought very deeply about not only the reality of DE, but also about ontology in the context of our world.
Dolores Dei and her becoming one with Dora in Harry's mind. What can I say. The dream was so eerie. I find it interesting that it happened towards the end of the game. "I will see you tomorrow, Harry." He’s not free from her. Will he ever be? The figurines won't win her back. Nothing will, because she's gone. The innocence and war criminal at the same time. The love of his life and his nemesis. With a crown on her forehead and an ugly suitcase in her hand.
I could talk about a million more things, but I think this post is already long enough. My final thought is - if you haven't played Disco Elysium, do it. It's one of those games you won't ever forget. I believe that there is a piece of it that detaches itself from the rest and buries somewhere deep within you, not allowing you to ever forget what you've seen.
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analog-mothman · 2 months
of all of the dumb ideas i've had, this is certainly certainly one of them...
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a (prototyped) AF ts2 bodyshape remapped to work with ts4 textures. featuring lilith's watermelon skins and a s3m skin i forgot which i'm sorry
anyway this started as wanting to figure out if it was possible to convert the ts4 hands to ts2 but have the mesh otherwise compatible... and it's probably possible but everything snowballed once I realized how bad the ts2 mapping is--
(why is there a UV seam through the nail of the thumb? why are the feet mapped like that? why are the arms split down the middle?)
--a-hem. anyway, and then i wanted to just see if it was possible to make a ts4 body compatible with ts2, but ts2 (i guess) predates some nifty advancements in rigging meshes and modern video game logic so the limbs just looked weird and bad and i eventually decided that i hated it.
i previously shared some some prototype testing from this stage
so the final step was just to redo the ts2 body mapping. obviously.
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lmao the hands and feet alone are 2/3 the current polycount
so i cut off the hands and feet, bumped the overall polycount, smoothed some stuff out, lowered the poloycount on magicbot's high detailed ts4 feet, edited the ts4 hands to have 3d nails and completely rebuilt the thighs and calves because i clearly hate myself.
the current product is somewhere between the base ts4's and io's bodyshapes and if i was a smart woman i would have used the tattooer to help figure out the remapping but i am not a smart woman so it looks weird with some painted on clothing textures
so yeah. idk what's going to come of this, but it's been my pet project for the past month so maybe i'll take what i've learned from here and make compatible meshes for other ages and the male frame... but also this might just stay a fun experiment because idk if anyone besides me is going to be interested because this obviously is not compatible with anything in the game already but this is what i do instead of making usable cc lmao
but honestly, i'm currently sleep deprived but i learned a lot more about blender and weight painting and retopology doing this so it's not been a total waste
also tumblr please don't nuke this or my blog i'm begging you
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