#Also super proud of India
ovrgrwn · 1 year
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i-yap · 16 days
Hi! You mentioned in a prev oneshot that you were Indian, as a fellow south asian it is so nice to have someone into the fandom as well !!! May I have a request if batboys with an south asian so who does Indian classical dance like bharatnatyam or odissi please?
Heyyy I have never professionally learned classical Indian dances but I love watching them so ill try my best. Im sorry if its offensive, Im doing fem reader cuz gn wasn't requested..hope that okay too
Batboys x Dancer!Y/N
Dick grayson
He loved the story the dances depicted. He learned all the meanings and history behind all the hand movements and music.
Dick had probably been to India for a mission so he does know a little about indian history but now he has a much stronger motivation to learn everything and anything about that culture .
Also we all know dick has a thing for strong powerful women. And Bharatnatyam or Odssi or any indian classical dance for that matter REQUIRES SO MUCH STRENGTH . The facial expressions, the precise movement and the beauty of it all..he is whipped.
'He also loves when you get in touch with your culture. Dick is like a culture connoisseur and having a beautiful south asian girlfriend who is proud and expressive of her heritage makes him so proud.
He for sure has videos on videos which he show or boast about to anyone- even at galas , his favorite thing to talk about you and he is just so proud.
Jason Todd
I dont think todd will take the time to look into the difference meanings or stories these dances depict.
I have mentioned how much he stares and now he has a new found excuse to stress. Its like those movie montages of the wife through the husbands eyes where there is like a light glow behind her and he is just laughing (and then she dies or something)- idk if you know what I'm talking about but that exact thing happens with him.
you are like his salvation , so beautiful, golden poised and graceful. Its like a beggar seeing a goddess , a murderer on the steps of church or a ray of sunshine in the cold cold dark city - it becomes his way to spirituality.
He doesn't talk that much about it. the whole experience feels too surreal for him and he loves to see that side of you. when your practicing and don't have the routine perfected, he loves seeing the side of you no one else would get to see.
Tim drake-
This boy probably went to the ballet as a kid and I mean western rich parents-gotham city- I don't think he knows anything about indian classical dance so when he sees it for the first time he is shocked
He Is so intrigued , It just makes you so much cooler. He will love dropping in the middle of his patrols to watch you train and bring you snacks
He also loves doing your makeup for you , and the whole outfit....it looks super complicated and he is good with assembling stuff so he'll be really into it.
He would tbh encourage you to use your skill to start and internet channel and use that to promote movements. Also if you are into the idea of teaching immigrant kids on how to dance, he'll help find the means because being connected to your roots are just so important.
Rather than boring ass ballet in galas , he will promote other styles of dance especially indian classical.
Will cheer like a madman after your performances , even if they are at rich gotham galas. "WOHOO THATS MY GIRL THATS REAL ART YOU SEE THAT YOU RICH PRICKS"
Yea just because you have this super serious super cool skill doesn't mean you both wont be sitting in a dinner eating greasy food in the whole costume+makeup after performances. Youre still teenage dirtbags after all
Damian wayne-
he will draw you . loves sitting and sketching you dance .
He too is really into strong women and appreciates the beauty and precise art of indian dance.
Itll remind him of his home, like up in the mountains. Maybe dance is taught as a way of developing balance and precision. So to him you look like a strong fighter.
It just brings nostalgia and you look so ethereal while you dance. I think out of all batboys he would be most appreciative of the art
these are comparatively shorter but i didnt have too many thoughts. hope its okay tho
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tmntstorycomp · 1 month
TMNT Story Comp Ultimate Midround Hightime Hell Tournament Round One
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Meet the competitors under the cut!
Hopelessly Surviving Leo from Hopelessly Surviving (belongs to @nights-flying-fox) "HS leo died and came back and I have no doubts that he has the guts to face a bear, he doesnt really have to worry about dying again and I think he would be angry enough to go through with a full fight with it! Hes died before and he was fine, why not fight a bear for the hell of it??"
--- Tigerclaw from Black and Brown Fur AU (belongs to @Ainaro0or) "He is trained for years to be the perfect bounty hunter. Has many experience with wild animals and also he is a tiger. He’s bound to fight a bear at some point bearhanded (heh). The fact that he is also has the honor of being Shredder’s adopted son proof that he is capable of do anything to make his father proud. And i mean, ANYTHING."
--- Vaasvi from But First They Must Catch You (belongs to @mudlarkspur) "Vaasvi is an oc version of Sunita's grand googly. (ey/em/eir) Former battle nexus fighter that participated in fighting British occupation in India before moving to the Hidden City 100+ years ago. Ey's an expert in both kalaripayattu and silambam martial art styles and is a slime yokai with resistance to a lot of damage types. Ey could take a bear in a fight."
--- Raph from Erica (belongs to @13runningsomething) "Given that Raph has Hanahaki from suppressing his anger around his family, I feel like he’d put all his repressed rage into this fight just to keep the flowers at. It might give him enough of an edge to win"
--- Kama Chameleon (belongs to @Oddpocalypse)
"Kama is a prodigy martial artist obsessed with proving she’s the Champion! When the Foot Clan unveils their Ultimate Ninja Showdown, she jumped at the chance to make it big! Unfortunately, the “cash prize” was getting mutated and indoctrinated into the Foot. Fortunately she did get kickass powers and super mutant strength! That’s a plus! I don’t know why she would be near a bear. But she would kick its ass for bragging rights alone. After all, bears can’t maul what they can’t see and aren’t immune to energy projectiles! Get it’s ass girl."
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easybrainrot34 · 10 days
✈️ Colin Bridgerton Headcanons ✈️
This was requested by this lovely anon!! This is my first request so thank you for writing in! It would’ve come out sooner, but i currently have a mean tooth infection, nevertheless, the show must go on! Heads up, third one is a hint of spice. Hope u enjoy☺️
Characters mentioned : Gregory, Anthony, Benedict, Daphne, Edmund, Violet, Penelope, Debling, and Eloise
🎻= regency era
🧳= modern au
🧳🎻= either
Ps my request r open :)
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🧳🎻 I think he has a very realistic view on his brothers. I think he use to blindly look up to them just bc they were his older brothers, but as time has passed he definitely sees and recognizes that they both have some decent flaws. However, he really wants Gregory to look up to him the most. I don’t think he would ever admit it to anyone, but i feel like he could think a little higher of himself (not in a bad way at all) therefor he thinks he’s led the best example for how a man should be to Gregory.
🧳🎻 He gives off shy kid vibes. Like between the ages of 4-10 he was pretty shy only having like two friends. I feel like Ben specifically found this a little concerning bc he didn’t want him to have issues in school and life in general, so together they worked really hard on getting him to not only have more confidence in himself but actually practiced having convos. I also feel like once he got to the “interested in dating people” age Daphne and Ben tried their best to tech him to talk aka flirt with people.
🧳 (Lil spicy) Had a hoe phase in college. People are always shocked about how high his body count is (20+) but he was never a douche bag to anyone he’s hooked up with. I feel like when Anthony and Benedict found out on one of the weekly boys nights they have, Ben was proud and Anthony was a little shook. Anthony made him swear up and down he always wore a condom and then congratulated him lol.
🧳 Staying on the college root, he definitely gives off world history major vibes. He def was a foreign exchange student in high school (secondary school for the brit’s out there lol) and studied a couple semesters abroad in college. Specifically went to France in high school, then America, Italy, Spain, and India in college. He also makes it a point to travel every summer. I feel like he would definitely end up as a teacher of some sort tho. Like he’s definitely the cool history teacher everyone loves. Also hes definitely that teacher that gets side tracked easily if u ask him about his time abroad.
🧳 Definitely has more girl friends than guy friends, but not super imbalanced. He just gives was invited to the girls night out vibes. (I have a headcanon that i already wrote that i would definitely add Colin too). He definitely has his Boyz™️ that he hangs with all the time, but he knows they can be a little much, so i feel like when he wants to be social but have a relaxed time he hangs with the girlies. Idk colin just gives friends with everyone vibes.
🧳 I think Colin has diagnosed anxiety, and once he learned that he became more educated and aware of mental health. I feel like he started getting panic attacks shortly after Edmund died (he was 12 yrs old if i did my math right lol) but didn’t want anyone to worry about him so he just kinda dealt with it and kinda got to a point where he thought it was normal. It came up randomly in a convo with Daphne, Ben, and Violet that he gets them but at this point he didn’t get what the big deal was. I feel like these 3 took it seriously and once he got diagnosed he put work into researching how to understand mental health issues more.
🧳🎻 He LOVES to plan dates. His go to is always dinner at a nice restaurant then a show of some kind. Play, musical, movie out, doesn’t really matter to him. He enjoys a night in, sure, but what he really loves is showing you off. He’s proud to have you as his (not in a possessive creepy way, in a sweet way) and wants to show you off.
🧳 Colin is a little bit of a jealous type. We see it in the show when Pen is being courted by Debling. However, i feel like when he’s in a relationship, he completely trust his partner. If he sees someone flirting with you he will let them flirt but he will definitely swoop in with a little hey babe and a forehead kiss lol. If someone try’s to flirt with him tho, he will just start gushing about his amazing partner. I’m talking putting out the Lock Screen and going “ya look how cute WE are”. Once y’all are married tho he NEVER takes off the wedding ring.
🧳 I feel like he has a decent following on Insta and TikTok 😂😂😂. Not like influencer numbers but like 6k on instagram and 9k on TikTok. He definitely post all his travel stuff on Insta and does like little OOTDs on TikTok. Colin gives very much “gives a fuck about how he looks” vibes so i feel like he knows the fashion trends on TikTok. His “aesthetic” is like hipster mixed with old money (bc he is in fact, old money lol). Also yes, he recognizes he gets thirst comments and will play into just a little, but once hes taken he would comment “ my partner thinks so too :)”
🧳 Colin has secret tattoos. Like his friends know but he didn’t tell his family for a minute bc he knows it would become a thing lol. They r all small and in places he can cover up (shoulder, thigh, and one on his wrist he covers up with his watch) but one day he got a little careless at the beach and let them show. I feel like Violet had a “what did u do to your beautiful body??!!” mom moment, Anthony was pissed bc he didn’t tell him, Ben laughed his ass off, and Eloise congratulated him on doing something “actually risky” for once. I feel like after the initial shock everyone really likes them and he goes out and gets more in public places.
! Bonus One !
He still sleeps with his childhood stuffed animal lmfao like it’s a cute little elephant his mom and dad got him. He has had to do many repairs on it over the years lol
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The Hindi songs guy again (salaamat recommendation, if "Hindi songs guy" is too vague)! Firstly, thanks for telling the name of the song, I listened to it and *sighs* it was them!
Secondly, i didn't know you were from India too! Got to know some days ago from your posts, and then just read your post when you were drunk and telling about India. And I fully agree, it was accurate (and as a North Indian, I'm sorry for the racism🙊). And I'm also sorry about the transphobia and every other awfulness you might've experienced. I love youuuu (sorry if this is too weird🙆🏻‍♂️). Also, the career prospects thing was 100% true: I was 'supposed' to become a doctor, but I had taken science just coz i liked it, and then there was a three years long tragic battle against doctor as a career, and then finally after a failed suicide attempt, I was able to choose English Literature, and things are only now (5 years after the fact) looking better....sooooo I guess your fears about college are totally valid but it will be better, you'll meet great people and learn so much beautiful stuff and create sooo many brilliant thingss! Again, I love youuu (and again, sorry if all of it is too much info, too weird, I'm just...weirdly emotional, idk why)
Thirdly, I really like your name! Asmi is a beautifullll nameee!
Fourthly, sorryy for the long and weird ask, just... I'm glad to know someone else from India here, who's also a Good Omens fan and evidently a lovely person. Sooo lots of long tight hugss!
Lastly, sorry for all the sorrys, and you can totally ignore this if it's uncomfortable or anything (if you couldn't tell by the sorrys, I'm super self-conscious, so thanks for the anonymous option)
Love and hugss, and best of luck for college, for your art, and life in general!❤️
Hey anon maggot! I'm so happy you listened to the song and loved it.
And thank you so much for sharing this with me. It's awful that you had to go through all of that, and I'm so proud of you for surviving. I spent three years preparing for medicine too (11th and 12th year, which caused me to fall sick and miss the NEET test, so I took a gap year etc) and I really did want it. Well, I thought I did. It was more that I didn't think I had any other choice.
TW: explicit mentions of transphobia and disregard and discrimination on the basis of mental health below. Skip the below paragraph if you need to.
I'm glad you're doing better. Yeah, I am not looking forward to college. I know there will be fun parts and all. But I had a go at college for three months back in August, and despite it being very liberal and open and stuff in theory, I had to drop out because the entire student body was isolating me because of my mental health and things my ex-roommate had said about me, and a lot of transphobia from the admin too. When I went to the dean and told her I felt unsafe and the environment was horrible, she told me to stop being so self-absorbed (and then denied she said that the next day to my parents). Luckily after the whole medical ordeal my parents had learned to listen to me and they helped me leave.
I will try again. It's just that it's... disheartening. That was design school, too, just like my next college will be. And I really did try my best. It's weird thinking about all that stuff because Tumblr and you maggots have kind of, well, healed it in a way, and given me such a safe space here that it feels unbelievable that the real world could be so, so fucking shite. Apologies for the vent here, but I do want to be honest, and I want everyone who's faced the same thing to know that they're not alone. Because I know so many people, too many, who've been there.
Thank god for Good Omens and you all. For the ridiculous amount of support and love and joy I've got here. It's easier to forget about all of it for a while when I focus on Crowley's pouts and Aziraphale smiling and making you all laugh.
And hey, you have nothing to feel sorry for. I'm so grateful to you for taking the time to write this. I love you too, anon maggot, so very much. Take all the tight hugs right back. I'm so proud of you for fighting for the future you wanted and deserved. I know it's not easy, both to fight with your internalised doubt and the others.
I'm so proud.
Good luck.
All the love, Asmi
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zoyalannister · 5 months
agree also gideon in the end is protrayed just surprised thomas likes alastair and doesn't hate him, i expected him accepting thomas but being wary of alastair as he was one of the people who spread the rumours of him cheating on sophie, but maybe he doesn't care
also in the end grace is pictured close to anna and ari, and then thomas and alastair are also pictured as close to them, is weird since during the series they barely talk
also the grave scene where they bury things, anna does not bury anything, because she says she likes all her choices, wouldn't grief made her blame herself for kit and made her want to bury something?
the point of leaving gabrily alone to grief does not make sense when gideon and sophie are surrounded by people and are also supposedly grieving, is said sona becomes friends with them as well as flora, so is one more thing that does not make sense in the book
there are other inconsistencies like every adult showing when the battle was finished and ari running to flora and anna staying behind, and then scenes later is mentioned gabriel was there, why did she not go to ther father? or had any reaction? maybe cassandra slipped the name later on as she was mentioning many adults but did not care much of it
the india travel is repeated many times and makes me think she will write a small piece of that, probably centered on ari and making he rhave the angst plot as she is meeting her bio family, i doubt she would center on anna's grief as canonically she stated many times during the epilogue she had not been as happy since she was a child. weird considering anna had accepting and good parents and is never mentioned she grew up sad or anything like that.
Gideon canonically doesn’t care about his family and this is another proof, any normal person wouldn’t be super happy immediately that their son is dating the guy who spread rumors about them cheating on their wife. But hey, Gideon is super loved by the fandom because he generated one half of the most popular ship, so why using logic?
To be honest I like the idea of Grace being close to Anna and Ari, probably they bonded over the fact that they’re the only characters grieving Kit for more than 15 minutes, but I find the idea of Thomastair and AriAnna being friends hilarious. It feels like the book is trying to tell you that gay people are automatically friends, it's not like they have a personality besides their sexual orientation, right?
Anna burying nothing is embarrassing, just CC wanting to show her as the edonistic character, but it looks like it comes from an old draft where Kit didn’t die since it doesn’t make any sense. It doesn’t make any sense also that she was unhappy after childhood, are you fucking kidding me? Her family was well off, she had friends and a supportive family, everyone accepted she was lesbian and proud, she had a lot of sex, why was she unhappy?? It’s never mentioned, but I guess that in CC's vision having a relationship automatically multiplies your happiness.
Don't get me starte about the stupidest and cringiest """"battle""""" ever, Gabriel is probably mentioned just because CC realized at the last second that she needed someone from the TID gang and probably Gabriel was the random picked name. It doesn’t make any sense that Anna doesn’t run to him since it's the first time she sees him since Kit’s death, but this scene would make sense of Kit wasn’t supposed to die.
(Yes, I'll never believe that Kit’s death was planned since it's treated like shit and has no consequence, and obviously Matt and Sona were set up for dying).
As for the TID gang leaving Gabrily alone, I will be more explicit even if I will attract haters: it makes sense to me that they support each other and not Gabrily because they are shit people. They were shits as teenagers, they are shit as adults and the epilogue confirms so.
Anna and Ari will have their novella so CC can cross out the "WW couple" on the checklist for her short stories collection, and as you said it will probably be either about Ari or AriAnna being tourists and nothing of the grief will be mentioned.
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the-red-planet-mars · 1 month
Answer these 10 things then send them in 10 of your followers/ mutuals askboxes anonymously
1. What is your favourite food?
2.What is something you are proud of yourself for?
3. What is something you love about your irl best friend?
4. What is something you love about your online best friend?
5. What is something you love about your culture/s?
6. What is something you love about yourself?
7. Describe a silly activity you do with your friends (online or irl or both)
8. Attempt to poetically describe a feeling you often can't describe
9. List 3 things in the room you are currently in
10. Share a quote that has stuck with you (of anything- inspirtational, sad, silly etc...)
Bonus: Guess who sent this
Chicken Biryani >:D
I'm proud of myself for being here, for getting back my old vocabulary that had made me unique, for writing, for not giving up.
I love her silliness, her innocence, her goodness, her kind character. I love how she hasn't given up on me. I love how she pays attention to me and makes me feel included. I love how she acknowledges the good things about me, and let's me know I'm appreciated. I love that she listens. I love her.
I love her brain, not in some weird way lol, I just love the way she thinks- the admirable way she is able to convey her thoughts. I love her silliness and chaotic behaviour. I love her ideas, her theories, her writing. God, their poetry is just as amazing as them. I love her. @the-lovely-planet-earth this refers to you <3
CHICKEN BIRYANI! Also the clothes and other Pakistani dishes. I especially love the chaos of the weddings we Paki folk host lmfao. I just love the overall aesthetic of my culture too. Did I mention the clothes? Yeah I did- I love the clothes and the jewellery. Also I was born in Australia, and live in the upside-down land, so lemme acknowledge that. I love the slang, it's hilarious. With the Indigenous culture, I love dot painting, it looks super cool and the meaning behind some of the art I've seen just makes it genuinely awesome.
Honestly, you know how I said before that I got back my old vocabulary? Yeah that- I love that about myself. I love it because it makes me unique. I love how I speak old english unironically sometimes. I love how I use older slang. I love how I just speak and write, how I pen my thoughts down, how I think. I love myself and I genuinely mean it now. There are so many things about me to love. I'm grateful to have realised that.
With irl friends, we are all very confused people. We do this thing where we mis-hear or misinterpret something another person says and then it becomes this whole ting of chaotic confusion and it's hilarious. My online friends and I- well @the-lovely-planet-earth and I traumatise entertain ya'll with our roleplays. We create angst and spill it onto the tumble crumble site for you all to see. We create characters inspired by a show we bond over, and add our own touch to them then BOOM- epic roleplay on ya'll's dash >:D
I'll get back to this- reblog to remind me.
Box, bed, desk
"Allah does not burden a soul beyond more than it can bear..." (Quran 2:286)
Bonus: @india-official I saw this only on your blog at the time I saw this was sent so...
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nugulover69 · 10 months
Go-onger vs gekiranger movie livewatch notes (spoilers for all of gekiranger btw)
-Gou lost Bae in India and he does not care nor does anyone else care. that fly cured you of your werewolf disease you ungrateful bitch
-Hant hit on Miki when she would visit the curry shop he worked at. milf liker Hant
-The Engines and Jan talk in the same cutesy baby language incroyable
-Jan is immediately willing to trade Long's Ball Prison in exchange for the baddies not zapping Speedor. Sosuke has done worse things to Speedor but Jan's dainty kitty heart doesn't need to know that
-Jan scaling a building like spoider man
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-Retsu and Gou playing the piano with their toes. big win for the Fukami liking feet freaks
-The baddies being able to hammer Long's Ball Prison into an Engine Soul shape is so concerning. why is it so malleable. i know its for the funny but still
-Ken's horndog behavior for girl yellows is mostly Not Funny Didn't Laugh but him giving Saki a ginkgo leaf with a smile drawn on it was cute
-Ran poking Gunpei's cheek also very cute. i too wish i could do that
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-Jan being the reasonable one opposite Sosuke is so WeirdChamp. feral turned domesticated cat vs unneutered batshit orange tomcat
-Go on Wings already know beast fist because of course they do
-There are also plentiful Renn and Hant feet shots. toku foot perverts rejoice
-POV you are just a little upside down hater
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-Actually I think teaching beast fist to the go ongers is a dangerous idea. they should NOT have this power they WILL do stupid shenanigans with them
-Sosuke getting his geki powers not though training but by being really passionate about saving Speedor. they would be so yaoi if Speedor wasn't a sentient toy car
-Incredible Blueisms on display here
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-Go on Wings trained under Gorie Yen specifically what is this lore
-Bruh it was literally that easy to revive Leo and Mele lmao that doesn't cheapen their deaths at all
-Oh but they're going to perma super hell after this aight sure
-2 minute roll call babeyyyyyy
-Long's bipedal hydra form is so silly looking. tho i guess anything would be a downgrade compared to a horse hydra
-Bae is back from India (in a turban) no thanks to WORST FRIEND EVER GOU
-God the go on mechs are so ugly
-"Engine beast grand prix" sounds like a wild mario kart track
-Jan's hair is very long and pwetty
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-Unhand him you purple furry
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-Just as well Natsume's favorite food is egg tarts bc it seems Renn canonically cannot cook anything that isn't egg based. also Gunpei being so proud of buying the eggs ough kawaii doggy
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-Jan doing Bomper's "bom bom!" ahhhhhhhh kitty
-Genki reds genki redding
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-Oh neat they included some bonus live event footage. G3 princess rap and engine formation rap goated
-LMAO THERE'S A PREVIEW FOR KR DECADE HERE? also shinkenger. wow 09 sure was a while ago huh. don't like the passage of time much
Closing thots: cute lil movie! nothing particularly amazing or funny but the contrast between "competent and sensible people" gekis and "heads full of sawdust" go ongers was amusing enough. i would say that bringing Leo and Mele back from the dead AND releasing Long from his Ball Prison kinda cheapened the ending to geki but man. its sentai it ain't that serious lol
6/10 not enough genki red shenanigans for my liking. maybe Jan and Sosuke should have kissed a lil idk
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queerxqueen · 5 months
for the ask game: 🥺⛔🤩🤲📚
🥺 Is there a certain type of moment or common interaction between your characters that never fails to put you in your feels?
I looooove writing characters who are pathetically down bad, or characters who are idiots and oblivious until they have a classic "Oh. Oh." moment where they realize very suddenly and dramatically and recontextualize all of their feelings in an instant and UGH. I think that's why I love Byler so much, because we have horrendously down bad Will and Mike who belatedly realizes how horrendously down bad he is in turn. This also ties into Cattonquick with Oliver being down bad and Felix needing to be prompted into realizing/admitting it... So that dynamic is fire to me, always.
⛔ Do you have a fic you started, but scrapped?
DO I EVER?? I have loads, LOL. Here are just a few recent ones that will likely never see the light of day:
Insomniac-verse Parksborn fake-dating AU where Norman thinks Harry and Peter are dating and it's the first time Norman's ever been proud of Harry so he just goes with it.
A Byler alternate season 4 time-loop fic where Will & El come to Hawkins instead of Mike coming to Lenora, Will gets Vecna'd, and Mike has to watch Will die over and over again as the days repeat and they figure out how to stop Vecna and save Will :)))))))
A Cattonquick fic from the perspective of Annabel realizing how weird Felix & Oliver's relationship is (where naturally Annabel and India realize Felix is a jerk and end up together). Still might write this but for now it's not priority.
🤩 Who is your favorite character to write?
UGH THIS IS TOUGH I have so many blorbos and I love writing each of them for different reasons. Writing Feral!Unhinged!Felix for the Moth and the Flame was super fun. But I do think Will is probably my most favorite character to write just because I love and understand him so deeply that it feels really easy and delightful to let him come to life on the page.
🤲 Would you please share a snippet of a wip?
No snippet, but for those wondering what I'm working on in terms of Cattonquick, it's an Oxford-days oneshot inspired by this tweet:
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📚 Would you ever want to turn writing into a career?
Funnily enough, writing is literally currently my career. I write Young Adult novels and am traditionally publishing. My first original work is a gay vampire romcom coming in early 2025, for fans of Casey McQuiston/Rainbow Rowell/FT Lukens/Aiden Thomas vibes. But I have 3 books contracted to write and publish over the next 3 years. I haven't talked much about my original writing on here, but I would love to, and definitely will do so more as things happen and get closer to release with my debut!!! Happy to talk more about the publishing process and my OG wips if anyone is interested, just shoot me an ask <3
[Fanfic Writer Ask Game >>> My Askbox]
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penny-hartzs · 6 months
I am not the same anon but the way Rachel talks about her boyfriend is so cute and you can tell she loves him very much. She refers to him often as the love of her life in her Instagram posts. And seems super proud of him. He also speaks so highly of her and seems so in love. It’s so sad that so many people want to create something controversial about their relationship just to excuse their shipping with her white co-star, who also has a girlfriend.
As you said, Halle’s boyfriend makes it very easier for shippers to claim she deserves better and be against them but they’re also forgetting Jonah has his own girlfriend as well. The way people were on India and Corey, and how his girlfriend was treated, it was absolutely strange.
There’s a conversation that needs to be had about social media shipping white men with their female co stars of color who are mostly in a long term relationship themselves. And it’s especially concerning when Rachel is in a relationship with a man of color, and a Latino man which probably is great for her to feel connected to that side of her culture.
Yes! I started following Rachel a few weeks before tbosas came out and i saw how many stories and posts she dedicated to Josh and all the lovely words she had to say about him and thought it was beautiful. It's sad that her own fans and stans seem to want her to break up with someone who in her own words is the most important person in her life. I know almost nothing else about their relationship but, as you said, I'm sure the shared culture is another reason they seem to love and respect each other so much.
Of course, both Jonah and Corey had also had girlfriends and I've seen some of the nasty things people have said about them. It was extra nasty in Corey's case I think, because the stans seemed to think his girlfriend "forced" him to keep distance from India as if real life is a CW show 🙄
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salmankhanholics · 9 months
★ Tiger 3: Salman Khan REACTS to worldwide appreciation for Tiger Ka Message; ‘Can’t wait to show you trailer now’!
September 29, 2023
Bollywood superstar Salman Khan is elated with the response that the first video asset - Tiger Ka Message - from Tiger 3 is getting from audiences worldwide!
Yash Raj Films released Tiger Ka Message on Wednesday, a video that is a precursor to the trailer of Salman Khan and Katrina Kaif starrer Tiger 3, and it was an instant blockbuster on the internet! YRF tries to push the envelope when it comes to marketing of its films and for Tiger Ka Message, the company allowed people to post the video on their Instagram pages for maximum reach of the asset - a move that has never happened in the industry that only measures YouTube views as a benchmark. By doing this, the potential reach of the Tiger 3 asset stands at 700 million which is why it broke the internet across several countries yesterday!
Salman Khan reacts to the worldwide appreciation for Tiger Ka Message
Salman says, “I’m really proud of the Tiger franchise. Tiger has got unanimous love and support from not only my fans but also from the audience across the world for over 10 years now! I’m really humbled that my character has resonated with so many people globally.” He adds, “When we started discussing the marketing plan for Tiger 3, we thought why don’t we do a hat-tip to the nostalgia that this franchise holds in the hearts of the people. Tiger Ka Message is just that. If you see the video, it is mixed with footage from the past two films Ek Tha Tiger and Tiger Zinda Hai. It talks about how Tiger has given his all for India and even risked his life and his family for his country.”
He further says, “This was deliberately done to tell people what Tiger, the character, and the franchise stands for. He is a selfless agent. I’m really happy that people have given us so much love at the start of our campaign and I can’t wait to show you the trailer now!”
Salman Khan is back to reprise his much-loved role as super agent Tiger aka Avinash Singh Rathore in Yash Raj Films’ Tiger 3. In Tiger Ka Message, it was revealed that Salman aka Tiger is in peril after being framed as Enemy Number 1 of India. This video sets up the plot of the film that will show how Tiger goes on a life-threatening mission to hunt down his enemies in this vengeful action entertainer. Tiger wants to clear his name for his country, for his family and he won’t stop at nothing!
About Tiger 3
Tiger 3 is the fifth film from the YRF Spy Universe, after Ek Tha Tiger, Tiger Zinda Hai, War, and Pathaan. Directed by Maneesh Sharma and produced by Aditya Chopra, Tiger 3 stars Salman Khan and Katrina Kaif. The film is set to release on the big Diwali holiday window this year!
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nerdarena2 · 9 months
Do You Still Miss Watching Dragon Ball Z?
Anime has played a crucial role in bridging cultural gaps and promoting cultural exchange. Through its unique storytelling and art style, anime has introduced audiences around the world to Japanese culture, traditions, and societal values. Overall, anime has had a profound influence on the audience by providing unique storytelling, diverse representation, emotional depth, visual innovation, and fostering passionate fandoms. It continues to captivate and inspire viewers around the world, shaping popular culture and leaving a lasting impact on the entertainment industry. That is the reason why one of the anime series Dragon Ball Z is considered to be one of the greatest anime for several reasons:
Impactful Storytelling: Dragon Ball Z features an epic and action-packed storyline that spans multiple sagas. It combines intense battles, personal growth, and themes of friendship, sacrifice, and overcoming challenges. The narrative keeps viewers engaged and invested in the characters' journeys.
Iconic Characters: The series boasts a diverse and memorable cast of characters, each with their unique personalities, backstories, and abilities. Characters like Goku, Vegeta, Gohan, and Frieza have become pop culture icons and have resonated with audiences worldwide.
Intense Battles and Power-Ups: Dragon Ball Z is known for its dynamic and exhilarating fight scenes. The battles are visually stunning, featuring high-speed combat, powerful energy blasts, and awe-inspiring transformations. The series introduced iconic power-ups like Super Saiyan, which became legendary moments in anime history.
Character Development: Dragon Ball Z explores the growth and development of its characters, particularly Goku and his son Gohan. Viewers witness their evolution as fighters, leaders, and as individuals with their own unique struggles and triumphs. This character-driven approach adds depth to the series.
Overall, Dragon Ball Z's combination of compelling storytelling, iconic characters, intense battles, and lasting cultural impact solidifies its status as one of the greatest anime series of all time.
Prime Characters Of Dragon Ball Z
 Below is one of the prime characters of the dragon ball z series till now :
He is a Saiyan warrior who is known for his incredible strength and fighting abilities. Goku starts off as a young boy with a monkey-like tail and possesses a kind-hearted and innocent nature. Throughout the series, Goku goes through various transformations and power-ups, becoming one of the most powerful characters in the Dragon Ball universe. He is often depicted as wearing his iconic orange gi (martial arts uniform) and is recognized for his signature move, the Kamehameha wave. Goku is a beloved character in anime and is widely considered an iconic figure in the world of manga and animation. If you are a true fan of the dragon ball z and you wish to purchase such action figurines online india then you can find these at anime figurines india.
He is a Saiyan prince and rival to Goku. Initially introduced as a villain seeking to obtain the Dragon Balls and gain immortality, Vegeta later goes through a redemption arc and becomes one of the main heroes in the series. Vegeta is known for his proud and arrogant personality, often driven by a desire to surpass Goku's power. He possesses exceptional combat skills and is a highly skilled fighter. Vegeta's character develops throughout the series as he forms a family, strives for personal growth, and protects the Earth alongside Goku and their allies. Like Goku, Vegeta is also known for his signature moves, such as the Galick Gun and Final Flash. He is a fan-favorite character, celebrated for his complex personality and his journey from antagonist to anti-hero. If you are a true fan of the dragon ball z and you wish to purchase such action figurines online india then you can find these at anime figurines india.
Frieza, often spelled as Freeza, is a major antagonist in the Dragon Ball series. He is a galactic tyrant and one of the most powerful beings in the universe. Frieza is a member of the alien race known as the Frieza Race, and he is known for his ruthless and sadistic nature. He has the ability to transform and increase his power level, making him a formidable opponent. Frieza is responsible for the destruction of several planets and is feared by many throughout the galaxy. He is known for his iconic appearance, with a purple and white body, a sleek design, and a long tail.
Apart from the above anime action figures, there are many other action figures. If you are looking out for such action figures then Nerd Arena is a one-stop solution for such kinds of action figures. 
To know more: https://nerdarena.in/collections/dragon-ball-z-action-figure
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mtvunplugged1996 · 1 year
2022 recap! (I made it through this year???) Thank you @ttoshaaa for tagging me!! <3
Top 3 films:
A Passage to India (1984) dir. David Lean — my favorite film. I even wrote an essay about it for my English class last year! It's such an amazing piece of art: the crisp editing, the symbolism, the way Lean managed to translate the book for the screen. 11/10
The Age of Innocence (1993) dir. Martin Scorsese — I've really turned into a bit of a pretentious film bro, haven't I? Oops. Anyway, The Age of Innocence, like Passage, is based on a classic 20th century novel. The sets and costumes are of course amazing but what really stuck with me was the directing (which makes sense; it's Marty, after all). 10/10
The Leopard (1963) dir. Luchino Visconti — another novel adaptation (I'm noticing a theme here...), this one based on a story about a family of fading aristocrats set during the Italian Risorgimento. I'd actually like to rewatch this one, because I think there are a lot of layers to it that weren't apparent to me the first time around (and also because Visconti allegedly made his films to be watched "two, three times"). 10/10
Honorable mention for David Lean's Lawrence of Arabia... but I don't think I have to describe that one; its reputation proceeds it :)
Top 3 books:
Not even sure I read three books this year.
Mistress Masham's Repose by T. H. White — this was a reread, but it proved just as delightful as the first time. It's a satire of Gulliver's Travels (and it's much better than the original...). 10/10
The Age of Innocence by Edith Wharton — I actually have a lot of issues with Wharton's writing, but compared to the other books I read this year, it's pretty solid. The movie is better, though. Sorry. 8/10
Anne of Green Gables by L. M. Montgomery — another reread. I had forgotten just how lovely this book is. Everyone should read this. 11/10
Honorable mention for Anna Karenina, which I've been reading since, um, 2020. I'm currently reading Maurice and making despicably slow progress, because I keep getting distracted by my research. Oops.
Top 3 biggest improvements:
I rewrote my novel. I don't talk about this a lot on here (or at least I try not to), but it's something I'm really proud of, and it took a ton of fortitude to learn to accept the criticisms I'd received. And now the second draft, even in its (very) unfinished state, is so much better than the first.
I got into college!!!! Somehow!!!
I made my first film! (And I also did a ton of video editing and just hit 1k on YouTube, which I know is relatively nothing, but it's super exciting to me nonetheless!)
Top 3 resolutions:
Finish my novel :')
Make another film
Take better care of my health
Favorite song:
Tchaikovsky's Symphony No. 6 in B Minor. Yes, really. Honorable mention for Rachmaninoff's Piano Concerto No. 2 in C Minor.
Favorite quote:
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From a poem by Frank Bidart. Honorable mention to this quote from A Room with a View by E. M. Forster that's been my bio on Discord for... gosh, over a year now:
It isn't possible to love and part. I know by experience that the poets are right: love is eternal.
This was so fun! It's hard to believe that I made it through this year (well, almost) in one piece.
Tagging @addamii @boudicca @loonful @currentlycryingaboutlancelot and @nizynskis <3
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tsuki-sennin · 11 months
For every hero there comes a time when their resolve meets the ultimate strain.
For Cure Sky, that's today.
-Jetavana, huh? That's a monastery in Northern India where Buddha Gautama gave the majority of his lectures later in life. It's open to the public as a historical park, and it's also part of a traditional pilgrimage.
-"Sora? I brought you bread."
-Oh she gone
-Oh man, Mashiro definitely got thrown off with the wording there. I'd know, I was too.
-Hello, Sora's Hot Mom. ...did we keep you waiting for dinner too long?
-You are very blue.
-Hello, Sora's Hot Dad.
-Her courage, her dream, even her belief in her friends. Cure Sky vanished with all those things.
-"L + Ratio + You Fell Off!"
-"You can't brood on an empty stomach, Sora."
-Suppose Tsubasa would know a thing or two about a hard fall. Must have some very strong words for Sora.
-Ageha'd like some hospitality
-Ohhhhh she's so smol
-Skies completely full of stars are kinda foreign to me, since I live somewhere with a lot of light pollution. ...and air pollution too, Sky Land's definitely the Elysian fields in comparison.
-An entire meteor shower!
-I can't believe Sora-papa used PK Starstorm.
-Sora-mama's proud.
-Hello, Battamonda.
-"I suppose crushing her dreams just isn't enough... I'll have to really grind her neck into the dirt, make her friends cry too~!"
-Oh, he's gonna make the captain kill someone.
-I have to wonder if Captain Shalala has some kind of awareness about what Battamonda's making her do.
-Sparkle on, Cures. It's Wodin's Day.
-"I'm winning, it counts~!"
-If we're going by Battamonda's logic, then Butterfly just called him a bitch.
-Log splittin'
-Hello, Granny Goodness.
-Can't look Ozone Baby in the eye, huh lass?
-A letter for onee-chan.
-Now it's Mashiron's turn.
-"I overclocked her~!"
-This is her Spider-Man 2 moment.
-You left your girlfriend on read, Sora-chan. That's not especially heroic behavior.
-"My dear hero"...
-Pick it up, Hero Gal.
-Our dreams don't break.
-"Have you ever heard these words, villain!? Plus Ultra! Hirogaru Sky Punch!
-No commentary needed. This is the good shit right here.
-Captain Shalala has been exorcised.
-He has well and truly been defeated. Not even an acknowledgement of his so-called strength or his cunning: just being told that they're here to stop him.
-I think it's rather fitting that he was a grasshopper, considering Toei's other massively successful super hero franchise. N-no, the other one-
-Nozomi, hello~!
-...any news on that Otona Pretty Cure 23 thing? Y'know, no pressure, take your time!
-Very lovely ED, very catchy.
-Oh god, Elle-chan's undergoing metamorphosis.
-She's gonna get real tall real soon, I imagine.
-Okay then, I'm gonna go... do things. Exactly what is unclear to me at the moment, but-
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amittarora · 10 months
🇮🇳 " #INDIA is all #GOLD & will always be..." *Happiest #77th #INDIAN #IndependenceDay 🧡 💚 to 1 n all!
#HappyIndependenceDay !
And may #GOD Bless all our fellow Countrymen/Women forever as always,
bless all in INDIA n the entire #WORLD too, with only Happiness to Prevail thru our these very Celebration's too!
#ProudToBeAnINDIAN n also super #Proud to be from a #Defence background too, am I, #AA
*N spreading our very Brand of Haute #Luxury & High #Fashion @amittarora INDIA - #Worldwide, making it even more n more super Special!
Amitt ARORA® ~
#HauteCouture #PretAPorter #Luxe #Bespoke #TapisRouge & #AltaModa!
*And Yes, INDIA is all GOLD truly, with all it's truest #Diamonds in it undoubtedly!
Love n Respect, #AmittARORA
#Amitt ☆ #ARORA
"Happiest I N D E P E N D E N C E D A Y"
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snixx · 1 year
i might move to kolkata for college lmao heard u love the place pls tell us how to survive west bengal
ok 1) where did you her that o_O AND WHICH COLLEGE
2) kolkata is my dream place for college i am going to do anything to get in there so theres actually a good chance we may be together?? you still down for the roomies deal?
3) kolkata is so chill girlllllllll mean people don't exist there everyone's super super proud of their culture i swear i havent met anyone from any other part of india who considers it as big a part of their identity (bangali-ness). literally everyone's super into art and music ive gone to so many people's houses and the first thing they tell me to do is sing with them
4) THE DESSERTS. but that aside it is very very sparse on the food front if youre a vegetarian you will have to survive on aloo everywhere (occassionally paneer)
6) people are so so so friendly you become friends with people so fast. but also:') everyone pretty much only speaks in bangla by default which is something you need to get used to (but again theyre super accomodating so a lot of people will switch to english if you dont know)
7) literally the prettiest place there's so much greenery so many mynahs and sparrows oh and most importantly. no pollution
8) durga puja is literally the best experience of a lifetime it makes you fall in love with humanity and pandal hopping is the most fun thing ever
9) people smoke a lottt. and they spit on the roads a lot. you get used to it
10) EVERYTHING IS SO MUCH CHEAPER IT'S AWESOME. it's why im so iffy about buying ANYTHING i grew up in kol and im used to the prices there and everything here is so mad expensive man
11) PHUCHKA <3
but also i will defer to my homies @chilled-ice-cubes and @epanije for more help cuz i havent lived there in six years
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