#Amazon Vine
hjellacott · 4 months
I'm an Amazon Vine reviewer. A company offered me 20 USD for giving them 5 stars, so I gave them a negative review. Sorry, not for sale.
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Amazon Vine reviewers should unionize.
We are being thrown housewares for our work. We are not getting milk frothers for free. We are creators writing content. Writing advertisements for Amazon itself.
Our critical reviews are used to lie about Amazons integrity. Our positive reviews get shit sold. Even our semi critical reviews being sales because they create stars and give a new product traction.
And we have to really create those reviews on our own because we sell half our shit on the Facebook Black Marketplace and write reviews that are based on what we see in the pictures.
Amazon knows we sell them. They have some nefarious reason making us pay taxes on our "free" stuff that they probably making us pay taxes on it so they can write it off as a fucking business expense.
As if the money mattered to Bezos. A few hundred bucks in taxes on our little home business means so much to us. Far more than to Bezos or the IRS. And the IRS could fucking leave us alone if Bezos would just start paying his fucking taxes on his infinite wealth. What is he going to lose when he has a trillion Freedom Tokens? But he makes us pay exorbitant taxes on trinkets we deliver all over town like drug dealers just to get some fucking pocket money.
Fuck that noise. Our ad content brings in billions for Amazon.
Mostly because they help these predatory sellers foist the same 3 shitty makes in 40 alphabet soup companies using the exact same fucking photos colluding the shit out of America. They know we're faking it, you know we're faking it. Even half the customers suspect we're faking it. But enough believe it. And these fuckers get a few dozen reviews under the newest branding of the same fucking shit from China Bezos floods is with.
You know Amazon taxes them all for using it's site and I'm sure they have some policy that makes more money somehow by charging new companies higher taxes or some shit. And the Chinese just calculate that as a minor cost of business expense.
They are raping the shit out of us for dollars and giving us our own recycled plastic shit in return.
It's hilarious. I applaud it. Well played Xi. I bow to you sir.
Now here's two middle fingers and a spit in you eye for the Weigers.
I wish.
This little scenario would doubtlessly cost me my life. I'm sure Mr Xi would make my death s priority of the Chinese Intelligence Agencies.
And I'm sure all our Bluetooth shit is infected with Chinese viruses to spy and affect our computers. I'm a dead man. All my shit is networked and GPS.
And I'm also sure the manufacturers are slapping in their own malware with the spyware contract software on everything to make extra money on our processing per and data. And a whole fucking lot of profiteering by draining all our processing for supercomputer networks dedicated to fucking crypto Global Warming accelerator bullshit for more stupid Freedom Bucks to live in Capitalism. But the Jerry rigged network of devices and computers is kinda a genius way of making at least this particular super computers doing crypto is not making CC2 directly. I mean they are still profiting from it... But anyway if someone needed a supercomputer for something more noble like scientific research...
If original, this is a Nobel kind of idea and I want a cut. A volunteer network of people putting more reputable malware on their computers. People can volunteer their processing power for science. It would never run while you were active, but when you laptop or phone goes to sleep it uses your computers processing power and spare ram to support say Stanford research. It would fire up research. It would be a cool thing to do this for your alma mater and your favorite basketball team.
Back to business. Unionizing and getting paid.
Our creative reviews get people to buy this shit. We deserve a cut
We write the reviews that get the people to buy your shit. And make you a fuckton more of these fucking US Dollars chaining us to Capitalism. We can't even live without money like a peasant. We need Freedom Bucks. And you don't. And we believe that however much that money is worth to Bezos, we deserve our wages. We deserve a cut in this dirty work.
You sell shit. We all know this. You could demand some level of quality on Amazon like the old stores. They had several standard brands. But only the brands they trusted the quality of or if the people demanded Jordans or whatever Capitalist shit we liked at the time.
We help you shovel this nameless shit at people for gross amounts of profit. Give me my pay.
I create the ads that people read. And here's the crazy thing. They find out our assessments were all over as individuals, but they're still relatively trustworthy as a whole group.
Figuring out how shitty or not this shitty product is going to work is a fucking skill. We are pretty fucking good at it.
On the rare occasion that we do we get something that is truly good, we make sure the reader knows it because we want people to get good shit.
And really, we're pretty likely to just say 5 stars and make shit up out of our butt in the review because hey, it probably works as well as one can expect for 50 bucks.
Our reviews are ads they get customers. First to check out shit with reviews to see how shitty it is and whether or not to take a chance. They look at reviews first to see what other people thought after they bought it. They see Vines. They might ignore them it they might use them as an advisor and take a chance anyway on a good bet according to johhnyfiveisalive7. And it turns outjohhnyfiveisalive7 is pretty reliable in their little analysis and obvious personal experiences. And who doesn't like a story and silly pics. So they trust johhnyfiveisalive7's suggestions and buy more of the shit you shoveled at them to try. You get a community of respected experts. People buy the shit you let us keep for our work. Even if it is shitty, just because it got enough meh reviews they take a chance on it. (And get stuck with more cheap shit usually.)
Amazon doesn't sell inexpensive decent quantity shit. It sells cheap shitty shit that is occasionally not so expensive.
Anyways Bezos is making boku bank of our creative work and expert, respected analysis. We should unionize and demand our cut.
Bezos will threaten to cut your vine access. Oh noes.
Your house is already furnished with shitty Amazon shit. Selling this shit is a shit show for spending cash unless you get real dedicated. The new toys and gifts to give are nice. But really, what do you get for your creative work beyond telling a few jokes in public.
What will they do without decent writers all of a sudden?
We They might bring in scabs. But they won't be good at their job and since the products are always new they need a new source of trusted reviewers.
So they might try to phase out dissidents here and there or in waves at leadership remove them from the community and to prevent union action. Be strong. Union strong.
But anyway we should ask for wages in proportion to the money we are bringing in and to the work we are really doing. We should get hundreds of thousands. We have better odds asking for ad creation level wages.
Without us they couldn't push all this alphabet shit on Americans and bug all our shit for China and slow down all our shit for crypto.
They can't keep selling their shit because nobody trusts their shit because it's all the same shitty shit with me shitty names that don't make sense. They killed all the real brands. They just flooded the market with cheap shit that is all nameless and unknown. Who's going to buy the latest shitty model everybody copies of nobody will review it.
Who's going to take a chance on a weird new name with 0 reviews? You need traction. You need Vine now. There's no history on all these new models. We can't see last year's buyers or 5 years ago buyers. Usually we can't even see last month's reviews, they are so new.
Nobody is going to buy your flea market shit without us. Vine wants a cut.
By the by:
You know sneaker companies and Michael Jordan in particular need to face up to their destruction of Black neighborhoods with their shitty Capitalism shows. I say Jordon because he really launched the sneaker collector craze. With his flashy shoes and slick ads and likable personality plus court dominance.
Jordan really needsto face up and and pay up.
He has to face up to the fact he profited off some terrible shit as he sold his shitty shoes made by fucking prison slave labor. He fucked up Black community, destroyed lives and whole inner city neighborhoods. As people fight fight and died and desperately sold it bought it robbed it to wear or sell for it's inflated price based on our adoration and admiration of Jordan. People regularly resorted to prostitution and violence in order to have and/or steal. How many people died over a back alley hold up gone wrong. How many ended up in the Justice System, in hell.
Jordan needs to pay up. Reinvest in Black America. That could be his new thing while he still quietly profits off of shoe sales.
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meaninginmakeup · 1 year
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This product was gifted to me in exchange for an honest review. I was really impressed with how strong the magnet is on this palette! You can literally hold it upside down, and none of the pans (even the big ones) budged. They all stayed in place super well. And I love the fact that the lid doubles as a mirror, and that the top layer of the palette has a little place for you to place the mirror and use it while applying the makeup from the palette.
As an Amazon Associate I earn from qualifying purchases. You can find the product here:
Coosei 2 Layered Z Palette
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inthefallofasparrow · 6 months
SOME MORE NEWS | The Fragile Creator Economy
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goldkirk · 5 months
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homeb0ys · 8 months
The real reason why they didn’t save the plane. Homelander was too busy talking about his bbq tiddies.
based on this vine
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We don’t stop
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graysongraysoff · 2 years
december: upon us
christmas music: on
dickens village: out
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izukuwus · 2 years
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I love amazon vine.
[image description: A screenshot of an amazon listing, including a photo of a wheelchair-like metal object holding a d20 in its seat. The "wheelchair" has a large skull on it and steps leading up to the seat, which a bright green, plastic frog "monster" is climbing. In the background, a metal box and six dice are scattered.
The Amazon posting is titled, "Chair of Shame and Nightmare - DND Dice Jail - 7 Dice Included - Punish Your Bad Rolling Dice - Works for All D&D Dice D20, D10, D8, D6, D4. Great Dungeons and Dragons Gift!" Below that, there are three bullet points describing the item. The first reads, "Perfect choice. Are your dice rolling too many ones or just rolling low numbers and causing you undue frustration? Then this Chair of Shame Dice Jail is the perfect answer for you." The second bullet point reads, "More effective. Many of the dice jails either imprison your dice or do harm to them to get them to cooperate. But this jail uses shame and humiliation to get your dice to do what you want, and some would say it works even better than threats of violence or incarceration." The third and final bullet point reads, "Package Includes: 1 Chair of Shame and Nightmare with one DnD monster (better intimidate the dice), 1 Standard-sized D&D dice set (7 dice included". End image description.]
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dudeguypants · 3 months
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hjellacott · 7 months
Was invited into Amazon Vine without even knowing its existence and... Robin Hood was born. Merry Christmas to everyone that's going to be creeped out by receiving constant presents from a stranger for no reason lol.
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amazonsconti · 7 months
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💰 17,95€
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meaninginmakeup · 1 year
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I really love the shape of these. If you have a hard time gripping brushes, I highly suggest these. You can use them with liquid or powder products. Slip the little grey strip over your fingers, dip the tip into the powder or dab the liquid makeup, and apply! They're super soft as well which I love. As an Amazon Associate I earn from qualifying purchases. If you feel so inclined you can find these makeup puffs here for only $6:
Makeup Applicator Triangles
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kimboobaggins · 1 year
got anything dope recently? like some clothes or a merch thing I mean lol
I joined the Amazon Vine program (get free items in exchange for a review) back in October and I've gotten some pretty cool things off of there! Nothing merch related, just normal everyday things for my house lol although they did offer that Nick Minaj American Flag so I'm really excited for that to come in LOL. I also got a record player and while I haven't gotten any weeb related vinyls, I definitely plan on getting some!!
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deannaistyping · 1 year
Listen to Follow me on socials please by Deanna Troy on #SoundCloud
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tokotestet · 2 years
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#werbung Atarni Wintermütze Schal Touchscreen Handschuhe Set Schön weich und angenehm Eigentlich ein schönes Set bestehend aus Mütze, Schal und Handschuhen. Die Mütze, hier komme ich nur auf eine Breite von 21 cm. Der Kopfumfang ist etwas kleiner als angegeben, ca. 45 cm sind es. Das Material ist ziemlich dehnbar so das sie auch bei wesendlich größeren Umfängen passt. Das Material ist angenehm weich. Innen ist sie mit schwarzem Fleece ausgekleidet. Die Verarbeitung gefällt mir auch wenn mir die Mütze nach ein paar Malen Dehnen schon ausgeleiert scheint. Die Handschuhe, haben ein gut dehnbares Bündchen und sind insgesamt auch dehnbar. Die Breite der Handfläche beträgt ca. 8,5 cm das Bündchen ist gut 8 cm breit. Auf der Handinnenfläche und zwei Fingern sind Gummierungen angebracht um Dinge besser greifen und halten zu können. Sie sind an Daumen, Zeigefinger und Mittelfinger touch-fähig. Das funktioniert auch einwandfrei. Für kleine Frauenhände sind sie leider zu groß. Die Gesamtlänge beträgt ca. 22 cm. Das Material ist hier ebenso gut verarbeitet wie bei der Mütze, trägt sich weich und angenehm. Der Schal, bzw. dessen Material ist auch sehr dehnbar. Auch hier fühlt sich das Material weich und angenehm an. Leider wirkt er irgendwie ausgeleihert auch wenn er das nicht ist. Er ist ca. 25,5 cm breit und ca. 176 cm lang. Das Blau ist leider nicht so leuchtend wie auf den Produktbildern, es ist wesendlich dunkler und das finde ich schade denn genau das gefiel mir so gut. Da hätte ich auch gleich schwarz nehmen können. Wenn man mal alles waschen will sollte dies per Handwäsche erfolgen. Im Angebotstitel wird Kaschmir erwähnt, gefertigt ist aber alles aus Acrylstrick. Für 21,59€, Stand 30.10.2022, ein günstiges Set. Die Farbe ist zwar nicht wie erwartet aber das Material ist schön. #amazon #vine #amazon_vine #schal #handschuhe #tokotestet #produkttest #produkttester #produkttests #kaufempfehlung #empfehlung #produktprobe #produkttester #produkttesterin #instatest #instatester #instatesterin #test #testen #tester #testpaket #blog #blogger #markenprodukt #produkt #testenmitherz #test #testenundbewerten #gratistesten #neueprodukte #neueproduktetesten (hier: Lichterfelde, Berlin, Germany) https://www.instagram.com/p/Ck3Pj1ENItG/?igshid=NGJjMDIxMWI=
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