#Ana coaches are gross
analanaisdying · 1 month
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I have zero fucking patience for these Ana doms god fucking damn it leave me alone uggo😭
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mollzzzkkx · 2 years
This acc is literally grosspo 😥
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youshouldntlookatthis · 2 months
unpopular opinion maybe but we’re all on ed tumblr because we’re sick/mentally ill and most of us are just seeking comfort bc ed’s are lonely af and it sucks to struggle alone. nobody asked you to post meanspo/bully the people in your community that are just seeking a sense of connection/comfort/safety. pretty sure we don’t need strangers to bully us about the mental illness that we struggle with. go be an ana coach or log off and make an edtwt account if you wanna be weird and toxic. i hope you feel as gross as you are.
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askinnyminime · 5 months
Beware of
daintyforsure111 (I've blocked them so I can't actually tag them sorry)
They are an Ana coach/dom
and they are gross and completely not the vibe we want in the community
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sk3l4t0n-w4n4-b3 · 4 months
|˄·͈༝·͈˄₎.。oO (hello! call me Mickey ♡)
about me:
- 18 yrs old
- She/her
- 5’2
-pro recovery
-open to muts that r 18 n above
sw: 160lbs
cw: 135lbs
gw1: 125lbs
gw2: 115lbs
gw3: 105lbs
ugw: 90lbs
- asking for nudes
- ana coaches
- minors
-body shaming others
my ana rules:
-always drink water
-no breakfast
-the calories in vitamin gummies do not count
-never eat above 200-300 cal or 70% full
-never eat more than half of the food u did not prep n make urself
-make tea or coffee first then eat something if u still feel hunger
-if u do overeat, jus burn the calories no need to binge or cry over it!!!!!!!!
-fast once a week
-workout at least once a day (ik it sux but lose skin sux even more)
-no eating after dinner or after 7pm
-walk at least 10-15k steps everyday
-question urself a lot before eating anything (ex. Is it worth the cals? will u feel good physically n emotionally after eating this? wat else hav u eaten today? r u willing to workout more later?)
-make sure to burn more than wat u hav eaten that day
-hold urself accountable when bingeing (doesn’t need to b meanspo bc tracking wat u ate is already painful enough ;-;)
-romanize wat ur doing (ex. instead of saying ed call it clean eating; compliment urself when restricting or working out like, “I’m doing so good for taking care of my body” etc; make a diary n make it pretty with positive phrases i like to use affirmations like such as “i hav a dainty body”, “my bones r so prominent n stick out”)
-keep meanspo light bc too much will hurt ur feelings n cause a binge (wat i like to use is crushes/celebrity crushed; ex. “wat would Alex turner think if he saw u eating that”, “would Alex turner think ur thighs touching is a cute thing or a gross thing” n ofc tracking wat u ate always works)
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4verag3f4tti3 · 6 months
i’m so fucking fat. i know ana coaches are gross but like. i would do anything to just have somebody who can make sure i don’t eat a single thing. i am fat and ugly.
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junos-ana-journey · 7 months
Starting Out
Been working to eat under 800cal. So far im succeeding.
Cant go outside the house which totally sucks but I can do exercise here.
Please be my ana coach if you can. Im 15 so yeah
I have that im a fatass, im gross and disgusting and I need someone to tell me that everday
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saintvampy · 10 months
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daily reminder to block weirdos like this and do not engage at all ^^ (if you dont know,, 'coaching' in his username refers to "ana coaching" which is gross in itself but also its a way for creeps to get you to send barely dressed/nude photos and groom emotionally vulnerable teenagers) im not even actively posting ab my ed anymore but im still getting targeted, so i wanted to make sure anybody adjacent to the ed sheeran side of tumblr who might not know about this is aware ♡
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soskinnyforlife · 1 year
✨English will follow✨
Je me présente: Alice, ancienne anorexique, maintenant hyperphagique 😭!! Donc en moins d’un an j’ai pris 35kg, je suis passé de sous-poids à surpoids 😔!!! C’est l’enfer! Avant, j’étais la pro de la restriction et de la perte de poids, c’était si facile! Mes os étaient voyant, j’étais si maigre, j’étais squelettique! Et, maintenant, je suis si grosse 😭! J’ai besoin de votre aide pour retrouver mon corps maigre d’avant! J’ai besoin de vos conseils, d’une coach Pro ana, etc… S’il-vous-plaît! Je suis prête à tout!!! Merci infiniment de votre aide!! 🤍 Vous êtes fortes, vous êtes capable xxx 🤍
S’il-vous-plaît, si vous n’aimez pas mon message, bloquez, ne reportez pas mon compte ❤️!
🤍 Hi! 🤍
Let me introduce myself: Alice, before: anorexic, now: hyperphagic 😭!! So in less than a year I gained 35kg, I went from underweight to overweight 😔!!! It's hell! I used to be the weight restriction and weight loss pro, it was so easy! My bones were showing, I was so skinny, I was skeletal! And, now, I'm so fat 😭! I need your help to get my skinny body back! I need your advice, a Pro ana coach, etc… Please! I am ready for anything!!! Thank you very much for your help!! You are strong, you are capable xxx
Please, if you don't like my post, block, don't report my account ❤️!
*Sorry if my english is really bad, i’m french 😅
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herewegoagain23 · 1 year
Looking for an Ana buddy or Ana coach
Female 19
CW : 99kgs I know gross
Height: 5’4
Age: 19
Back here and really need help staying on track I just need to do it this time
✌🏻I’m nice
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be careful guys!!
if you are looking for a pro-ana coach please please please be careful, there are so many gross people out there looking for n-des of under aged girls. this has been said a lot but i’m saying this as a reminder
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lavenge666 · 2 years
Hello , I need an ana coach asap . I need to lose 5kg in one month . I am looking for someone strict and exigeant.
Height : 1.74 cm
Cw: 64 kg
Gw(long term): 50 kg
Gw(this month): 59kg
Age : 19 year old
Alsooooo : no photos, the coach should preferably be a female also if ur a pervert and gross go look somewhere else I am pretty fucking smart dont play with me .
Peace ✌
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kingortheviceroy · 1 year
ana coaches are so funny to me, like thank for the compliment but if i “keep going” i will be put on an NG tube. i have a disorder not a diet
i work in nursing, one syncope episode and im getting tossed in a fucking ambulance
not mention i’d have to work out LESS to lose weight for real cause of my muscle definition and loose skin is super gross looking if you’re not even muscular
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dumbsena · 2 years
I need an ana coach uh idk gross stuff if ok I guess. Uhhh I’d perfer a coach with multiple years of experience and a coach who doesn’t disappear for days on end.
My socials:
Insta-kuv_yu (I rarely check insta though)
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w4nn4b3gr84t · 2 years
ana food diary
september 8, 2020
what i ate:
tazo green tea, 0 kcal
lemon ice cubes, 0 kcal
side salad, 80 kcal
608 :|
1/2 a serving of a crumbl cookie, 70 kcal
hawaiian roll, 90 kcal 
906 :(
i wil never be bulimic cause throwing up is gross.
my aunt and uncle literally ordered so much pizza and for what? making me wanna fast even more tomorrow. like i swear im not gonna eat for a few days cause eww im so gross, i guess its take one step at a time, but still i hate myself. can’t believed i caved. i fs need ana coach. so slid in if you’re willing to help me.
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lesserofme · 3 months
doing more snooping on a livejournal pro-a community and it’s FILLED with posts of “ana coaches” and these guys literally say straight out that it is sexually motivated and nude body checks will be required. some dude even said that he doesn’t accept girls with bmi over 26 and that he loves to get off of mentally sick an***xics and make them get sicker.
like wtf, i hope none of the girls actually respond.
and i hate to admit..but i felt a bit triggered about the “no bmi over 26” thing…because i am above that. it’s so sick how men sexualize literally anything and everything, i don’t hate them all but i have a strong distaste for men and i never want them to even look at me, much less me date them. it’s just so gross, always wanna stick that thing somewhere, makes me nauseous..
but that’s prob the trauma talkin
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