#And I admit that I used to have a silly crush before I figured out her age
maybankswhore · 1 year
summary: even though jj refuses to admit his feelings for you— he doesn’t want anyone else to have you.
warnings: cursing
prompt: “why are you mad?” “i’m not mad , i just think you can choose better people to kiss.”
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The dynamic between you and JJ was undoubtedly strange. You’d two hold hands , hug for longer than ‘friendly’ hugs usually went for , have sleepovers where you’d cuddle and kiss his cheek. It was like a relationship without the title and without the kissing and sappy lover girl esqe commitment.
But it started to get hurtful. To be the girl that was always there , the only girl that was ever there , and still be seen as nothing more than just a friend. God , how you absolutely hated using the word ‘friend.’
There was hookup after hookup , one after the other. JJ would tell you all about them , seeing nothing wrong in confiding his deepest thoughts with his ‘best friend.’ It was harmless in his mind. If you were too hook up with anyone , he’d want to hear about it. I mean— it’s not like there were guys lining up for you at the door. You were stagnant and clearly into JJ so most guys didn’t bother trying. So while JJ figured he’d be okay with hearing about it— it turned out to make him feel the complete opposite.
All four Pogue’s were sitting around the fire in John B’s backyard as you sat there bashfully , remembering your work shift earlier that morning.
It had started like any other day— the same old faces that come for the same old cup of coffee. Some were a bit less frequent and the tips were all in the same. Business wasn’t necessarily ‘booming’ but it was a moderately profitable day. Today had seemed like any other day— until it wasn’t.
A boy who was not much older than you were had walked in and you swore your heart stopped. There wasn’t many people you looked twice at , beings that you suffered with the cruelty of unrequited love. But this one had made you look twice. His hair was shaggy brown , stopping right above his eyebrows. His green eyes seemed kind , the minute he had mumbled ‘hello’ to you.
You were surprised he asked for your number. The banter between the two of you , and how charming he was seemed to brighten your morning just a bit— and since JJ hadn’t seemed to be confessing his undying love for you any time soon , it seemed to be the right time to try and put yourself out there.
“No way you actually gave some random guy your number.” JJ scoffed from the side of you. He wasn’t sure why hearing you talk about another guy that way made him feel so. . . mad. Sure he cared about you , but never really paid attention to what kind of care it was. He always chalked it up to knowing you his whole life , declaring you his bestfriend for life. But watching the way your eyes danced amongst the flame with a certain girlish glow , his heart beat faster than he had ever felt before.
You rolled your eyes. “Okay and? It’s not like you don’t give out your number at every boneyard party.” You defended yourself.
“She’s right.” Pope pointed at her.
“Yeah I think it’s sweet.” Kiara gushed , hyping it up more than it really was. She knew JJ had a crush on you— anyone with two eyes could see that. He was just too stupid to bother realizing it. “It’ll be like those movies where the girl falls for the guy from the coffee shop.” She placed a hand on her heart dramatically. “That’s like , super romantic.”
“I know!” You sighed dreamily. You had always been such a romantic. Reading , writing , watching it. Those silly little cliche book plots coming to life.
JJ rolled his eyes. “It’s not that romantic.”
“Why’re you being such a hater right now?” You asked JJ , crossing your arms over your chest annoyed. “You should be happy for me! Stuff like this never happens to me.”
JJ began to think back over the years before realizing that you were right. You were always with him or the other Pogue’s and when there were parties , he’d find some girl to mess around with somewhere before finding you so you two could go home together like you always had. He hadn’t remembered the last time you even talked about liking someone. His chest began to ache at that— feeling bad. Of course he wanted romantic stuff to happen for you so why did he feel so defensive about it? Sighing , he shook his head of the confusing feelings. “You’re right , I’m sorry. What was his name?”
He swallowed down whatever he thought he was feeling , doing what he did best ; ignoring the problem until it eventually went away. Because he couldn’t think of you like that. . . The two of you were just friends. You always had been— right?
John B and Pope shared a knowing look. You smiled obliviously and continued.
“Nate?” John B asked with his face turning red.
“As in Nate Montero?” Pope pressed further.
JJ shifted in his seat uncomfortably , looking at you. “As in the guy who cut my hair in Kindergarten?!”
You covered your mouth as you gasped , remembering how much JJ had cried because some kid on the playground cut a chunk of his hair off. The name did seem familiar to you at the time but you hadn’t even remembered then. JJ’s face was scrunched up with disgust while the Pogue’s doubled over into laughter. How ironic.
“It was a long time ago!” You groaned.
“I don’t give a shit! That little bastard cut my hair. The hair I had been growing for years.” He threw his hands up in the air. “You can’t go out with him.” JJ said immediately with his nose turned in the air.
“Oh yes I can.”
JJ raised his eyebrows at you , taken aback by the seriousness in your voice. Something bubbled inside of him— something he couldn’t quite figure out. Whatever it was , though , he didn’t like it. “That’s like a betrayal!” He said after a few seconds.
“John B literally dates Sarah Cameron!” You pointed out , giving him a soft smile of apology when he shot you a look. “Sorry but it’s true.”
“She isn’t wrong.” Kiara chirped up.
“You’re literally friends now!” Scoffed John B.
“Yeah— now.” You pointed out. “But at first there was hella beef that was deeper than getting your hair snipped in Kindergarten.”
John B groaned. “Can we not bring me up into this? This is between you and JJ.”
“There’s nothing between me and JJ—” you ignored the way your stomach began to hurt at that. The words only fueling your desire to see the guy , Noah , from the coffee shop again. “I’m seeing him.”
“Y/N this conversation isn’t over!” JJ called after you once you picked up your beer can and started walking towards the house. You didn’t bother looking back , throwing him the middle finger as you disappeared behind the doors.
JJ’s eyes turned to slits and looked at the Pogue’s with an annoyed expression. “Can you believe her?”
“Believe what? That she finally finds a guy attractive other than you?” Kiara folded her arms across her chest. “If you aren’t going to be with her then let someone else who wants to be and be happy for her.”
JJ furrowed his eyebrows at Kiara. He glanced at Pope and John B before looking back at her. “Y/N/N does not find me attractive.” He waved her off.
“Oh please.” Pope muttered under his breath.
“I say we just let this play out.” John B stretched out with a yawn.
“This could end badly—” Pope pointed out.
“Or JJ will finally get his head out of his ass.” Kiara snorted.
JJ stood up in front the Pogue’s with an uneasy look. “I don’t know what you’re all talking about but the only way this ends badly is if Y/N decides to go ahead with that guy. He’s bad news.” He huffed , running back into the Chateau.
“He’s so jealous.” John B smirked while shaking his head.
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It had been very tense between the two of you. You were so mad at him for thinking he had any right to tell you who you could or couldn’t date— especially after years of pining after him , and watching him go through girl after girl without so much as glancing your way. You weren’t going to keep hoping for someone to look at you anymore.
Nate had texted you to meet up and you did. It was a nice date , nothing too fancy or mind blowing. Just a simple date. One that ended in a small goodbye kiss on John B’s front porch— the place you normally stayed on on the weekends when your parents were out and about , barely thinking twice about you.
You were glimmering when you walked back in. You figured the Pogue’s would be in the backyard like they always were , so you breezed past the living room and into the kitchen for a glass of water. Your thoughts were everywhere because you did like Nate , and the kiss left you breathless— but it wasn’t like what you thought it would be. Though , none of the past kisses ever were. There was always something missing , making you rethink them.
“Oh so the traitor is back.” JJ strolled into the kitchen without looking at you , his tone hard.
This had been the first time in the past two days he bothered talking to you. You figured he was just pissy you decided to go out with Nate after all , despite the silly Kindergarten incident.
“Why are you mad?” You put down your water bottle and stepped in front of him so he couldn’t look away from you.
“I’m not mad. I just think you could choose better people to kiss.” JJ said. His fingers dancing towards the side of her face.
You felt your breath catch in your throat. Pulling your face away from his hand , you sighed. “If this is about what happened in fricking Kindergarten—”
JJ grabbed your face in his hands , your cheeks hollowing out between your teeth as he did so. You looked at him through fluttering eyelashes , your cheeks burning up. “This isn’t about what happened.” He murmured to you.
This whole conversation had him thinking. That feeling he was feeling— it wouldn’t go away. He had tossed and turned all night that night because his stomach was so sick thinking about you with someone else. He didn’t know why it never occurred to him that you’d eventually find someone else. He didn’t know why he wasted away all this time being with girls who didn’t mean anything. JJ wanted to kiss you. And to hold you like more than a friend. He didn’t want you with Nate— or with anyone. And he felt so bad about never realizing it , and always pushing away those feelings you’d make him feel because he was scared to lose you.
But he couldn’t lose you to someone else.
“I don’t want you to kiss Nate. . .” JJ breathed , inching closer to your face. Your eyes were wide with shock as you watched him , your heart beating crazily in your chest. He still held your face in her hands , watching your reaction to his words. He only hoped that you’d want to kiss him back.
“JJ—” you mumbled. “What’re you—”
“I want to kiss you.” JJ told you , swiping his thumb on your bottom lip. “Only if you’ll kiss me.”
Your heart began to race as you studied JJ’s face. The crush that you had buried inside of you for years was bursting in your chest , making friends with the butterflies in your stomach. Your mouth went dry as you looked at him. JJ left go of the hold he had on you to simply cup your cheek.
“JJ don’t be mean.” You whispered. “If you’re doing this just because I went out with Nate—”
“This isn’t because of Nate.” JJ cut you off. “Not completely , anyway. It was at the beginning but I couldn’t stop thinking about you. His hands on you.” His left hand slithered down to your waist , snaking around it. “Your lips on his.” His other hand pulled at your bottom lip again. “I got jealous.”
You stared at stunned. “Jealous?”
“I think I like you , Y/N.” JJ sighed to himself , looking at you sweetly. “And I think I’ve always known but I just ignored thinking it would go away.”
You swallowed thickly looking up at him. “Did it?”
“No.” He shook his head. “It didn’t.”
“Then. . .” you took a deep breath and stood taller , clearing your throat to sound more confident. “Then I think I want you to kiss me.”
With wild eyes , JJ was treading a line he wasn’t sure it was safe to cross. But the way his heart burned inside of his chest , his ears ringing and pulse getting faster— it would be worth whatever outcome if it meant he got to feel what it was like to kiss you. JJ got closer to you , so close that you felt his breath fan your face. “Do you think or do you know?”
Quietly you weighed your options in your head. There were so many things going through your mind , telling you a million different things. But the way you felt was telling you to kiss him. Finally. After all this time— you wanted to make him wait it out like you had for so long. But you couldn’t control yourself. “I know.” You took the initiative to connect your lips to his , tired of this waiting game. It was either now or never.
He kissed you back immediately. His hands finding home around your waist. His knees felt weak and your heart felt mushy. As your head tilted to the side , a sense of relief fell over you. This was it. This was why no other kiss had ever compared or felt like it mattered. Because it was JJ , it was always JJ.
He was your missing piece to it all.
JJ was the first to pull away , breathless. He felt crazed as he looked at you with eyes wild. Nothing had ever felt like this with him— no other girl could ever compare to you.
“Like I said. . . this ended badly!” Pope bursted out , practically falling out into the kitchen. Kiara and John B rolled their eyes at him.
“Finally!” Kiara groaned. “I was so sick of the sappy back and forth shit.”
“I for one , agree.”
You hid your face in your hands embarrassed while JJ smirked triumphantly. “I have a full head of hair and I got the girl.”
“I hate you.”
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rhenuvee · 2 years
Table for Two [Alhaitham x reader]
Summary: Alhaitham receives a love letter from you, and after reading your words he tries to find you, except you seem a little shy to come face to face with him...
Warnings, A/N: reader is gn and portrayed as shy/anxious, this was written on a whim because I literally had a dream about this... ANYWAY-
"Hi, um- excuse me... Alhaitham?"
You have just entered the cafe where he would be relaxing while drinking his coffee. Alhaitham feels a light tap on his shoulder, and he looks up from his book. He sees you; a familiar Akademiya student by your attire, and nervous from the way you're avoiding eye contact (but still trying to maintain it) and the slight quiver of your lips.
Oh how you wish you could just disintegrate right here and now. You've been harboring a bit of a crush on the Scribe, or Acting Grand Sage now. It's a bit silly when you think of it, though... because you most definitely are catching feelings over miniscule things that Alhaitham probably doesn't bat an eye to.
The word "crush - romantically " doesn't exactly exist in an Akademiya student's vocabulary. If anything, that word would be used to describe what they wish a giant boulder would do to them before an exam.
You were working with other Ksharewar students on a project, when the renowned architect Kaveh came by to give suggestions. A while later, Alhaitham came by and it didn't take long for them to start bickering. Nonetheless, you and the other students continued to work on your parts. It wasn't until a shadow was looming over you, and by the shape of the cape you started sweating, already knowing who it was.
"Did you make this?" Alhaitham says while crouching down to your level to meet your gaze. Your eyes widened, being so close to the Scribe (who not to mention, is quite good looking as well).
"Yes... right now we're testing different methods of insulation since the location in Sumeru is closer to Fontaine, so the air is more moist..." You try to give a confident answer, while Alhaitham has a thinking face.
"Hmm, I'll admit this is impressive." The Scribe says quietly. Your heart fluttered at the compliment, even if it was directed to the whole group, but it made you glad that Alhaitham is not as stoic as he is said to be. It wasn't long until a voice interrupted your thoughts.
"What was that Alhaitham? Speak up I couldn't hear you." Kaveh says with his arms crossed. It seems he secretly heard the comment Alhaitham said and wanted him to admit this project he was leading was good. Alhaitham stands up and leaves to bicker with Kaveh some more.
"The only reason you can't hear me is because of all that hammering you do every night."
"Why- you!"
And a few days after that, you leave the Akademiya to go to the nearest river to dunk one of your industrial projects to cool it down. Suddenly you take notice of a figure sitting nearby, which turns out to be Alhaitham when you give him a second glance. To your surprise, he looks up from his book and gives you a small wave. The Scribe? Waving? At you? Clearly Teyvat is an upside-down world. You ended up awkardly waving back, then realizing how embarrassing it was wearing all your safety gear from before and being covered in dirt.
He looks at you and points at his forehead. Forehead? What? You look at him confusedly until he beckons you to come over and you do. He stands up, leaving his book opened on the ground. Then he reaches his hand towards your forehead and brushes some scraps that have been dusted onto your hair.
“You’ve got wood dust on your hair. You must have been working hard.” he says casually. You are taken aback again as he says something you never thought he would, and you manage to utter out an “I guess so” and “thank you” before he has a small conversation with you, then both of you going back to what you were doing.
Point is, there have been interactions with him like these in the past few weeks have been making you all lovey dovey. You’re hoping that Alhaitham will at least be willing to go somewhere with you even if he doesn’t return your feelings.
"Thank you, I'll... take a look at it." Alhaitham says with a slight suspicion in his voice. You nod and quickly run to exit the cafe. Oh god oh god oh god… you may just have to pay a visit to the statue of the seven to pray to Lesser Lord Kusanali to summon something to eat you alive. Oh but as if that would help you. Even in the afterlife it would come haunting. What were you thinking?
“Wait.” Alhaitham calls out and you stop in your tracks and look back. “You’re (y/n), right?” You nod slowly, then he nods signalling he’s got your confirmation and you scurry out the cafe and quickly to your next class.
To be honest, Alhaitham was confused when he saw you approach him and give him a letter, sealed and signed and everything… a bit fancy for an essay isn’t it? He finishes his coffee quickly, pays his bill and goes on a walk around Sumeru to read it.
Dear Alhaitham…? Soon enough, he realizes it’s not an essay you wanted him to review. He reads through your words and can sense how you were probably nervous to write your feelings out.
Suddenly he sees Kaveh approaching him who has an insult ready to hurl at him. After reading the letter, he makes a note to quickly find you to respond. But first, he had to get away from his roommate.
More than half the day has gone by and you’ve been on edge the whole time. You were shuffling so fast between classes, it probably looked idiotic from other people’s point of view.
“Hey are you okay?” Your friend whispers who is sitting beside you. You clear your throat before answering.
“Yeah… why?”
“You seem tense… but I think I know why.” Oh no, has your friend found out about your love letter to Alhaitham?! “It’s because the Scribe has been looking for you.” What?
“The- looking for me?” You say in shock.
“Yeah, I’ve seen him going around and asking students if they’ve seen you.” This sends you into a panic as it gets you thinking about the possibilities. He is probably going to reject you right? And with his piercing glare and cold tone. The thought of this makes you zoom out of your last class once it was dismissed, knowing the Scribe was looking for you.
“(Y/n).” You stop like a deer in headlights, and see Alhaitham standing outside near the one of the Akademiya walls, with your letter opened in hand.
“Al-Alhaitham!” You blurted out.
“I read your letter.” He says flatly, and it sucks because you wish you could tell how he’s feeling by his tone. “And I'm flattered. I appreciate your courage for telling me this. If I’m being honest, I enjoy your company as well. You are one of the few people who is able to talk to me normally.”
What does this mean? Is he friend-zoning you? Did he not understand your message?
“If you’re free now, we can go to Puspa Cafe, my treat.” At first your mouth falls at an O-shape, shocked that he's inviting you for a meal. (You wrote the letter expecting good things, smart one!) His offer still makes you unsure whether he meant this as a platonic thing, but nonetheless you smile and nod your head eagerly. Your assignments and projects can wait.
“Hold on…” Alhaitham says before you both set off to eat together. He bends down to your height and his right hand brushes the side of your face- a familiar feeling like that one time. But it’s different this time, because he leans closer and gives you a soft kiss on the cheek. You blush and he pulls away a little, enough for him to get a full glimpse of your face and look in your eyes. You don't think friends do this.
“I understand I’m still a little intimidating to you, so that’ll have to do for now.” He says quietly. With the warmth, still in your skin, you nod shyly and Alhaitham gives what you think is the slightest smile, pats your cheek and pulls away completely. He offers his hand out, and you put your hand in his. Then he closes it, his large hand engulfing yours, and leads you to Puspa Cafe.
“Ah Acting Grand Sage, come for your usual coffee?” The manager of the cafe calls out to him as you both enter.
“Thank you, but not this time.” There’s a pause, in which he takes to look at you while he says this. “Table for two please.”
And oh, how that makes your heart flutter even if it was a small thing. You could only wonder what would happen after the “for now” Alhaitham said.
“Well how was it, did you give them that winning smile I told you to give?” Kaveh asks while lounging on one of the seats as his roommate comes through the door, letter still in hand.
“…you- do you even like this person?! This student has either got to be the most boring or the most charitable and tolerant to like you.” Kaveh is having a crisis over Alhaitham’s lack of romantic behaviour, especially now when it’s necessary.
When the architect ran into the Scribe earlier today, he got excited and thought he’d be nice and help him respond to this admirer. However to Alhaitham, Kaveh’s instructions probably sounded more like blabber, because he couldn’t bother to listen to him.
"Did you at least say something romantic? Oh- Archons, Alhaitham. You really know how to woo someone don't you?" Kaveh says sarcastically to express his disappointment. “Can you at least tell me their name? Or what they look like? Because I want to find them and tell them how stupid you looked pacing around the Akademiya today asking students if they’ve seen them.” Kaveh snickers to himself.
"Even if you did approach them, I doubt they'd respond to a weirdo like you. They're too smart for that."
"You're one to talk!"
However, Kaveh stops shooting the many quips he has prepared for Alhaitham being dense once he catches the slight pink dusting his roommate’s cheeks before entering his study. He'll most likely find out himself sooner or later.
Plus, he can’t deny he loves a good romance, even if one of the characters is his hopeless, stubborn, and aloof roommate.
Part 2??? Update: Part 2 here!!!
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just-jordie-things · 1 year
hello,,,, could you do 21 for gojo? 🤭
21: Kiss On A Dare ___
satoru should really learn to shut his stupid mouth. because as soon as he says it, he wishes he hadn't. he realizes his mistake instantly. his mistake being that his friends were relentlessly cruel assholes.
the four of you, satoru, suguru, shoko, and of course you, had thought it would be fun to have a little sleepover in shoko's room. complete with snacks, movies, and currently, truth or dare. a game you were all familiar with and loved to play during any free time you could find. mostly because you and shoko loved making satoru and suguru do wild and silly things to embarass them, and satoru and suguru loved making you and shoko admit your deepest darkest secrets to embarass you.
but it had always been in good fun! it was always just a way to pass time through laughter.
but no, they had to go and be assholes, satoru thinks bitterly now.
not you- never you, you were too much of a sweetheart to be as cruel as your counterparts. but then again, as you smiled at satoru with a genuine excitement for him to receive his dare from shoko, he actually relaxed a little.
and shoko's scheming, he can see it in her face, after he'd opened his stupid loud mouth, she's looking at him with torture brewing in her eyes, while she conjures up a plan to ruin him. he tries to look to suguru for help, but he's sporting a mad grin as his eyes widen with a similar look of mischief, before he's leaning over to whisper in shoko's ear.
"hey that's not fair!" satoru whines. "no scheming on dares!"
beside him, you nod along in agreement. how kind of you. so true to your agreement when the four of you had first started playing this game.
"we're not scheming!" suguru defends himself, hands in the air in mock surrender.
"yeah, and you're the one that said you weren't afraid of doing anything!" shoko reminds him of the words he so desperately wished he could take back.
because he already had an inkling of what they were going to make him do. and he had a feeling it had something to do with a little secret he'd indulged in them about just a few days ago.
he sneaks a glance over at you, curious to know if you looked as in on this plan as shoko and suguru seem to be. but your eyes are curious as they flicker between the two, just as intrigued by what they were whispering about behind their hands.
okay, at least they didn't go and spill the beans, satoru feels a glimpse of relief. it's short lived.
"i dare you to kiss the person you have a crush on, satoru~"
shoko sings his name with amusement and delight, a grin spreading across her face, one that suguru mirrors when satoru looks to him for some kind of help out of this.
before he can say anything, you're coming to his rescue.
"well that's boring, it's just us here," you say.
sweet, kind, naive you. satoru thinks he's going to spontaneously combust. shoko and suguru think they've finally found this god-like idiot's weakness. and how entertaining to find out it's you.
sweet, kind, naive you, with your adorable smile and bright eyes. you were so soft on all of them, it was amusing for it to turn out this way, for you to be the one to bring the over-zealous gojo satoru to his knees.
no one responds to your statement, which has you furrowing your brows as you tilt your head at the snickering pair across from you, before you're turning to satoru, tilting your head.
and then all too slowly, your eyes were widening and your lips were falling into a small 'o' shape. he thnks you've figured him out right away, and he feels his face begin to burn.
but then you're looking to suguru and shoko, your lips curling into a grin of excitement.
"no way," you say, a fit of giggles taking over as you glancing between the two, and then looking at satoru- who's face is now positively pink with embarrassment. "no way!" you repeat.
"yes way!" shoko declares with her own cackling.
satoru thinks her laughter sounds evil compared to the sweet sounds of your bubbly giggling. but he might be a little more biased than usual right now.
"yeah yeah, quiet your laughing" the white haired sorcerer waves a dismissive hand, before leaning forward over his legs, turning your direction.
you meet his gaze with nothing short of bright curiosity- and for a second when you lean towards him, he thinks you're going to beat him to the dare.
the next words that come out of your mouth silence the room, stunning everyone equally.
"who is it?"
you're whispering, as if his secret hadn't just been forced into his hands by the assholes sitting across from you. his jaw slacks, his eyes widen a bit as they stare at you, wondering if you were messing with him just like the other two, or if you were really this oblivious.
when you raise an impatient brow at him and shake your head a little, satoru realizes it's the latter. you really have no clue.
shoko barks out a laugh after a beat passes, but before she can blurt out the first comment that comes to mind suguru is grabbing her by the elbow and hauling her to her feet.
"come on zombie girl, let's go for a smoke" his offer is more of a command as he's dragging her along with him out the door. they dont fail to send satoru obnoxious winks and outward sticking thumbs before they're out of the room.
you watch as they leave you and satoru, before turning back to him, silently intrigued while you waited for him to break the silence.
satoru lets out a huff. his fingers are tugging at a loose thread in the rug underneath him. if he tore it up and ruined the seam, shoko was bound to be upset, but neither one of you paid it any mind now.
"can you, uh," he starts but hesitates, unsure of what to say now that it's all so obvious and out in the open. "can you close your eyes?"
you blink at him, once, twice, and then you give him a small nod before your lashes flutter shut against your cheeks. even without your gaze piercing through him so hard he felt it in his soul, he can't help the nerves eating away at his insides.
he leans closer to you, with every intention of kissing you quickly, just a simple peck, so fast maybe you could forget about it and never speak about this again. but as he enters your personal space he can smell your shampoo, and see the corner of your lips is tugged into the smallest of smiles.
"satoru," you whisper when you sense that he's leaned in closer. despite your eyes being closed, he finds himself staring at them, giving you his full attention. "do you have a crush on me?"
you can't help the way your smile stretches a little more, heart eager at the mere idea of him having feelings for you.
satoru watches as a blush spreads over your cheeks, as well.
"well i'm not kissing suguru am i?" he retorts, his instincts telling him to joke, to play it off, hoping that will ease the tension. but his voice is quiet and low, and it's missing that teasing lilt. you give him a small chuckle anyways. "smells like cigarettes all the time now anyways, since he started smokin' with shoko"
blindly, you press forward, placing your palm on the floor in front of you to help steady you. you can't quite tell how close he is so you hope you don't go crashing into him as you lean in. to your luck, you don't. but you're close enough that your nose ghosts over his. he doesn't retract from the feeling.
he wants to say something, he feels like he owes you an explanation, a proper confession, but with the way your breath fans over his lips in soft, minty puffs, satoru finds that he just can't stall any longer.
so he leans forward, maybe a little too fast as his lips crash into yours at first, kissing you excitedly. but just as quickly as the kiss was initiated, his mouth softens as he parts his lips over yours. his movements are gentle as he explores what kissing you is really like.
it's warm, it's sweet chapstick, it's gentle. it's your timid lips touching his carefully as you navigate him in the same way. you share a few more sweet pecks, just because you're not quite down with your exploration.
when you part, you're all heavy eyes, rosy cheeks, and lazy smiles.
now you both know you should say something, because that was certainly more than a truth or dare kiss called for. but your friends would be back from their smoke in a few minutes, and satoru must've also thought that time was of the essence, because he's taking your face in his hands and leaning in and kissing you again. ___
a/n: this is ooc but ONLY bcuz gojo would kiss suguru any day of the week NO questions NO hesitation and ALL tongue. but you've got him whipped and nervous and i wanted to keep it that way :) xoxo ~ jordie
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countdykulaa · 3 months
﹟ ⠀ ⠀ 𝟎𝟎𝟏 ⠀ . ⠀ ⠀ I LOVE YOU (ITS RUINING MY LIFE)⠀ ⠀ ﹕ ⠀ ⠀ ❪ ⠀ lonely! reader x straight! abby pt1. ⠀ ❫
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‟ i could kiss a girl but i could never date one”
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You're new to the campus , just transferred from your small town where nobody cared to know you. You tell yourself that this year will be different , any lonliness felt will become a rarity and not a fundamental part of your life . You stay true to your promise and managed to make a few friends in your class, smile and wave at them , staying quiet while offering anything in your possession so they know you're not too much of a burden. Days spent alone are slowly spent with the mundane routine of assignments, lectures and unsteady friendships and you tell yourself that that is enough. your self hatred is slowly covered through dry humour as you let your walls down.
One day your friend turns to you , ever the social butterfly she is and asks you if you'd consider joining debate. you didn't even know the campus offered that club , she explains how its all about who you know. you, filled with albeit too much knowledge on all things political agree. your first day is unlike anything you've ever experienced. you arrive an hour late, installing your faux locs had taken too long and by the time you'd arrived they were already in a heated debate on the death penalty. you rush out your apologies, hurrying to find a seat when you see her . It's only later when she hurriedly gives you her contact details that you figure out her name. Abby Anderson. Her dirty brown hair is down , slightly falling over her face as she passionately argues her point. If you didn't consider her lack of respect for human rights and blatant disregard on what allowing the government to dictate who lives and dies obscene you might've almost found her passion endearing.
You jump right in . Despite your usual, cowering demeanor you challenge her head-on, dismantling each point until all other voices fade away besides the two of you. You discover that while you spend each second stuttering and self-doubting , she's a natural. The session ends before a winner can be announced and the hostility that filled your body fades away . She asks you if you've eaten , you emphasize how hungry you are and she suggests getting some fries. You spend the whole time laughing and talking, funny stories and antidotes passed between the two of you like you've known each other for years. It's in this chat that you let your sexuality slip , never quite used to finally admitting out loud nor the shame that weighs down your body. She responds by sharing her own experiences with women , ending with the proclamation that she'd never deal with women ever again. Too much heartbreak with little reward. Men are what she wants and all she'll ever have. All you seem to hear is that she once fell for a woman.
The next few times you're with her is with your mutual debate friends , always a man, always someone who looks at her with eyes that you sometimes fantasize about getting from her. You shake these thoughts away , telling yourself that its nothing besides a silly crush. Besides, you'd never be able to give her anything besides the thing you despise the most … yourself.
You slowly start to get closer, days spent with her slowly start to replace the loneliness that plagues your spirit. You decidely ignore any statements on how some lesbians "secretly want to be men" , too ashamed by your own lesbianism to critique how someone interprets anyone elses. An obsessive urge to always be near her, serve her, please her starts to fester in your soul. You spend your days wondering how else you can prove your worth to her, what other mountains you can climb, hights you can reach to make her see your use. Soon enough all things that don't revolve around her or your steady grades are done away with. Any aspects of yourself that don't live to serve her are harshly ripped from yourself. Any friends steadily gained from anything besides debate are forgotten about , all promises to practice self-care deemed illogical in your head. What if Abby needed you ? It's not like you needed to spend time with anyone else anyway. Abby's friendship would make up for where you lacked . You never seem to be alone with her though , either with your friend owen or one of her other friends. you tell yourself that you don't care , any time spent with her is a blessing you never seem to deserve.
One day, as you're fooling around legs swaying aimlessly as you sit on a table in a random lecture hall, eyes glued on the woman before you as she finishes her work, she confides in you. Whispers all about her past discretions, long lost loves she tends to think about when getting to know Owen , the growing feelings she has for him and the guilt that haunts her frame with every second spent. You don't know whether it's the secrets shared between you two and the vulnerability of it all but sometimes you swear she looks at you with eyes that make you think she could love you too.
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PLUTO SPEAKS: okay this was my first ever fic! feeling so vulnerable rn. probably gonna make it a three part series.
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eldritch-nightmare · 6 months
Liu and sully dating headcanond please 🥺👉👈
thank u anon i'm giving u a lil fist bump for sending this in <3 it might b a little short. just a tad. i hope u enjoy it nonetheless. <33 i was going to make a separate poly section but like. then i didn't. anyways i wrote this in one sitting. uhhh requests are opened also btw if anyone wants to send smth in <3
warnings: me being silly and deranged over liu and sully, mentions of guns, mentions of fire, mentions of religion, blasphemy???, blood, mentions of cannibalism, mentions of murder, i swear it's not dark sully is just. sully.
dating?????? he knows nothing about it. no experience at all. a few crushes here and there when he was younger but... his priorities have been more-so dedicated to trying to kill his brother than being the next bachelor.
he probably doesn't even realize when he's developed feelings for someone, if we're being honest. there are only like... three sure-fire ways for him to realize he's got feelings for someone.
option a) sully. this is the most likely way, because sully is a solid(ly aggressive) wingman and would get fuckin annoyed seeing liu oblivious to his own feelings and would probably leave a note for liu to find that says something along the lines of 'ask them out before i do it for you'. that's certainly one way to make the man confront his feelings.
option b) you approach him first. be honest with your feelings, he's a really good listener. tell him how you want to go out on a date with him, or that you want him to be your boyfriend, whatever, it'll hit him in the face.
option c) patience. he'll figure it out one day on his own, just... it'll take time. and a lot of it.
anyways, using one of these three options laid out for you, you're sure to score a boyfriend! i hope you're not scared of fire. or guns. or... religion. those three things are pretty much a big part of him as a person, so.
but no yeah he's head over heels in love with you btw. the man would gift you the heavens itself if he could, but all he can give you are cute little trinkets that remind him of you.
he's so fucking romantic and he doesn't even try like. trust me. trust me on this guys please please you gotta believe me when i say this dude okay just like. trust me please.
he looks at you like you hung the stars in the sky. he'd probably be admiring you, resting his head on your lap while you play with his hair, your attention so focused on the show or movie playing. it's such a simple moment, but it's the one that makes him realize that he's in deep. like... wow. he's so in love with you.
he's a little hesitant to admit it, but you've become home. not because he hates it or anything like that, god, not at all. he's just... the last home he had was mercilessly ripped away from him. so pardon him for being a little scared. but you make him feel safe, and that's not something he's been able to feel in a long, long time.
liu doesn't murder without a reason. he actively avoids murdering people if he can. but he'd kill for you. whether or not that's something he's ready or willing to admit yet is up for debate but he would murder someone for you without any ounce of hesitation.
he's so willing to go out on dates w you btw. if you want to take a walk in the park, go see a movie, or whatever people do on dates then go ahead. he's legally dead in the eyes of the law. got a grave and everything, so he's not worried about being seen in public.
under the assumption that you know nothing about who he is, or his past, he's never going to tell you. all you'll ever know is that his parents were brutally murdered, he has a little brother that you... you think his brother is dead?? he talks about him as though he's dead. he almost died the same night his parents died, and his house burnt to the ground after. he's... really vague when he talks about his past. you'll never know the full extent, not unless the truth is forced upon you.
god i have so much more i want to add but i dont want this to get too long okay just. he's so in love with you. you've brought light back into his life, and he'll do everything in his power to keep you safe. he cannot lose you. yes we will ignore the thoughts i have of how he'd react if you did die lol. for now.
anyways he's the perfect boyfriend honestly <3
also has no dating experience but he's not oblivious to his own feelings. the moment he decides that he cares about you a little more than he typically cares for another person, he's telling you.
he's so casual about it too, like. sir. how can you say 'yeah i think i could fall in love with you' with such a straight face?? you ask him that and he just shrugs.
i really hope you're comfortable with the sight of blood because trust the moment the two of you become an official couple, he's showing up at your place with injuries. nothing too bad, he'd hate to scare you like that, but just little things. like a gash of a knife on the palm of his hand. he has a really high pain tolerance but he'll act like the pain is utterly unbearable if it means having you help him treat it and kiss it better.
it's not like he actually needs you to take care of him. but he likes watching you. he likes watching the way you focus, carefully tending to his wounds, scared that you'll hurt him more if you're not careful. he likes watching the way his blood smears on your skin (totally by accident and not at all on purpose).
definitely the type to bite your lip just a little too hard when kissing you just so he can taste your blood. he thinks it's romantic idk the guy is kind of a freak (affectionately)
he'd probably eat you if he could but then he'd miss you too much so :( no cannibalism. but he thinks cannibalism is romantic guys. feel like i need to state that. he says 'i would eat you' but in a loving, romantic, affectionate way.
he never really understood religion, nor did he care much for it. he understood that it was a big part of liu's life, and therefore something he encounters often, but it wasn't until he started dating you that he understood. there must be some god or deity out there because heaven is wherever you're at.
you must be an angel, because how else could you love someone like him? he'd never pray to god, but god, he could pray to you all day.
and fuck, he thinks about corrupting you, dragging an angel like you down to his hell.
he can picture it now, tears streaming down your face, shaking in fear as you kill someone for the first time. their blood staining your hands and clothes as you drop the knife, horrified by what you've done while sully pulls you into a hug and tells you that you did such a good job.
i've already said this but sully likes watching you. you could be doing nothing at all, or someone could be talking to him. doesn't matter. the moment you're in the same room as him, he's staring at you.
you don't know why he does it, and he never gives you an answer when you ask. he just smiles.
you'd never think this, but sully is scared of you dying. people are so fragile, it doesn't take much to kill them. he's... he's never been scared before, and it... excites him. of course you're the one to make him feel this way. it could never be anyone else. anyways don't die. he'll be sad if you do.
was actually shocked when it clicked that he loved you. like... yeah, he said he could fall in love with you but. fucking wow it actually happened. holy shit.
anyways he tells you like .5 seconds after. he adapts to his emotions very quickly. the guy just casually says, 'hey, i'm in love with you.' and just stares until you respond with 'i'm in love with you too' and then he just has this small smile on his face for like... the rest of the day.
would also murder for you btw. no hesitation, no questions asked. if you want someone dead, he's killing them for you. clearly, they deserve to be dead if you hated them enough to wish for it.
solid boyfriend material but only if you're okay with. him. as a person.
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samsvenni · 1 year
𝐦𝐜 𝐡𝐚𝐬 𝐠𝐨𝐝𝐥𝐲 𝐫𝐢𝐳𝐳
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nightbringer!lucifer x gn!mc
prompt: mc is way too smooth with their words
wc: 0.9k || tags: a tad angsty || rated g || not proofread
✏️- idk if this will be a series, but this is a silly lighthearted prompt abt mc being too smooth for their own good :))
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There had to be something wrong with you. Were his passive totally not aggressive comments not enough? No matter what came out of his mouth, you remained as you were: unbothered and still.
He didn’t like it at all.
He didn’t like that because of your excessively collected attitude, it made that he was behaving like an immature child in this situation. He called you to his room to discuss an important matter. It could’ve been anything really.
His brothers, Solomon, or issues that he found problems in; specifically your role as their attendant. The velvet cushioned chair felt extremely homey and this room had fond memories. You surveyed the room, noticing that some things were missing from the present.
The Eldest sat in his room and watched as your eyes didn’t loom over… anything?
How bizarre.
“So… What did you call me here for?” You kept your eyes on him steady and the smile on your face was comfy as ever.
He sighed and took out a golden paper out of a folder. You recognized the fancy sigil immediately. It belonged to the Royal Family, meaning whatever was inside was probably a royal request from Diavolo. “I’m sure you’ve figured it out by now, but there’s a wish that Diavolo wants both of us to fulfill.”
“Yes, ‘oh’ indeed.” Lucifer was a lot more ‘playful’ today. That word had a lot of synonyms when it came to the Eldest such as being petty, the heaps of dry humor, and anything that could’ve passed over your head if you hadn’t known him before. But, thankfully, you did. “Diavolo wants us to ‘get along better’. Such a vague request, don’t you think?”
The Eldest waited for any signs of distress and dissatisfaction on your face from the smallest crinkle on your forehead or even the faintest jaw clench. Yet all he found was a big ole’ smile and a wholehearted chuckle that could put the Sun to shame.
“…What’s funny?” Lucifer resisted the urge to scratch his head. His gloved hands wouldn’t do him justice.
“I just can’t believe I now have an official excuse to hang out with you.” Secretly, you wiped a cold, invisible sweat off your forehead. Why? Because you thought that Diavolo found out about the time travel thingy.
You breathed easy, knowing that you and Solomon could live peacefully for another day though it wouldn’t last with the shannegians the brothers came up with.
The only one not breathing easy was Lucifer. You seriously wanted an excuse to spend more time with him? An unfamiliar pounding sensation swirled in his rib cage like a fish racing in a pond.
“…Hmph. I’m surprised. Why not Mammon and the others? They all would appreciate your company more.” He folded his arms in an attempt to mentally bury the peculiar feeling that hadn’t died down.
“Well, Diavolo did say to get along with you, not them. I wanna spend time with all of you equally,” But you have already. Or rather, you did in the present. “-but if I wanna be truthful, I wanna spend the time with you the most. I know you’re busy, which is why I value our time together more, no matter how limited it is.”
Holy lord, that sounded super cheesy.
Lucifer watched you wordlessly, hiding a smirk from forming on his face. The Avatar of Pride was having too much fun with whatever this was. He didn’t want to give you the satisfaction of seeing him smile, but hearing you admit that you found his company more valuable than his own brothers? The Eldest bit his inner cheek to compose himself. If Solomon were here, you could practically hear him whispering to you that Lucifer was no better than a teen gushing over their crush.
The mental image was adorabl- Oh my god, now you need to compose yourself or else you’d be the one manifesting Solomon’s delusions.
Lucifer eyed you strangely before crossing his arms over his pounding chest, “You’re getting quite bold, Attendant. Is this something new you’re trying out?”
“Is it really bold to say that I value you, Lucifer?”
“Sweet words, Attendant, sweet words. Flattery will get you nowhere, especially with me.” There was so much bite in his words. You were so used to how soft he could be, that you forgot that Lucifer’s words could be grating. It was pointless to dwell on it. Right now, you’re not in the present, you’re in the past. You weren’t Lucifer’s past, nor is he your present. Such a thought would only consume you whole.
This time, you weren’t alone. Instead of journeying the present alone, you had Solomon with you. A funny feeling in your heart rippled and bounced around in your chest - The feeling of hope and gratitude was enough to keep you going. “Alright, if you have nothing more to ask, I’m gonna head out now.”
You stood up and opened the door. Before leaving completely, through the small crack, you flashed a smile and waved goodbye to the eldest. “Take a breather from the paperwork once in a while.” Just like that, you were off to take another heavenly nap back in your dorm.
“…Take care of yourself too.” His words never reached through the dark wooden doors. Despite that, it was a step forward to the feelings that found home and rooted themselves in his heart.
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noproofread · 6 months
"Can we create something beautiful and destroy it?"
inspired by this pierce the veil song of the same name
mentions of drinking, drunk Zoro is pensive, drunk confessions, fluff if you squint.
word count: 1,147
masterlist here
tag list: @vangowithit @fanaticsnail @dakingsu-blog
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The night was lively, filled with singing, dancing, chatting, drinking. Luffy loved throwing parties. Every straw hat loved something about the parties. Sanji enjoyed cooking, Luffy was focused on inhaling all of Sanji’s food and being his general silly goofy self. Nami looked for drunks to gamble against, Usopp thrived in telling his dramatic stories. And Zoro was always tucked away in a corner with empty glasses of liquor. He kept to himself mostly, only interacting with whoever was closest to the alcohol and occasionally checking in with Luffy who had to make sure everyone was having a good time.
You watched Zoro from afar. Observing as he chugged a glass full of clear liquor as if it was water. You could tell he was way past tipsy. He looked around but his eyes never seemed to focus on anything. He was slumped in his seat, almost sliding off of it. You picked up the small shot glass in front of you and quickly downed its contents, flinching slightly as the bitter liquid slid down your throat. Placing the shot glass down, you walked over to Zoro. “I think it’s time you get cut off, Roronoa.” He looked at you annoyed. “It’s a party, let me have fun.” He laughed. His words were slurred and his eyes kept darting around, occasionally meeting yours.
“I think you’ve had enough fun. You can't even look at me for longer than 3 seconds. Come on, let's get you to your room so you can peacefully pass out.” You chuckled, grabbing a hold of his hand to help him up. He hesitated before pulling himself up from his seat, wobbling a little as he got on his feet. You laughed at his lack of balance which made him shoot you a threatening glare. You draped his arm around your shoulder and began guiding him to his room.
It was a short walk and you figured the open air would help Zoro sober up at least a little bit. You looked over at him, he seemed sad almost. He was always serious looking, almost like he was disinterested in life. But he looked pensive, as if he was filled with sentimental thoughts. “You okay?” You broke the silence. Zoro’s eyes were half closed as he looked at you, stopping for a moment. “You ever think about how we all end up dying alone?” He spoke softly, his words still slurred. You knew he was gone. Drunken words are sober thoughts. “Can’t say that I ever have.” You replied, motioning him to keep walking. You were a couple of feet away from the door to his room when he spoke again. “You know, you show up in my dreams a lot. It's weird. Not bad just… Unusual.” You stopped in front of his door, looking at him once again. “Maybe you have a crush on me.” You teased as you opened his door and flicked on the lights. “Maybe.”
Your eyes widened. There's no way he’s serious. Right? You thought to yourself as you maneuvered your way into his room, a drunk Zoro using you as support as he wobbled along next to you. “What if you stay the night?” He whispered. You turned around, looking at him. He was looking back at you, serious as always. He meant it. Suddenly you doubted the reliability of “drunken words are sober thoughts”. Surely he didn't know what he was saying. Surely he hadn't actually thought of this before, of you. You were friendly at best, crewmates really. You could admit he was attractive but you would never sacrifice the dynamic of the crew to pursue anything with him.
“Very funny.” You said, rolling your eyes. You walked to the side of his bed and practically pushed him onto it. He laid on his back, facing you. It was so quiet in the room you could swear Zoro could hear your quickening heart. “Stay.” He whispered. You felt yourself blush. He smiled, no doubt at your red face. “You want to stay so why don't you?” You took a deep breath. “Zoro, you're drunk. You don't know what you're saying.” You said firmly as you threw a blanket over him. He reached out to grab your wrist, pulling you to him. “I may be drunk but I know what I’m saying.” If it wasn’t for his breath reeking of alcohol and his words melting into each other you would have been putty in his hands. Instead you sighed. “I’ll stay but only to make sure you don't throw up on yourself.” You kissed his forehead lightly. You pulled your hand away and sat on the foot of the bed.
“Whatever you say.” He mumbled as he rolled to his side and closed his eyes to sleep. You were amazed at how quickly he fell asleep. Whenever you're drunk you can’t sleep because of the anxiety of throwing up and the feeling of the room spinning around you. But Zoro was a different breed. He could sleep through a natural disaster. You watched him for a bit. His gold earrings dangling towards the back of his neck, his messy green hair falling onto his face, his peaceful and relaxed face as he fell deeper into sleep. You got up and went closer to him. He was so beautiful. You kissed his cheek gently and turned to leave his room. You barely took a step when you heard him murmur something in his sleep that resembled your name. You looked back at him, he was sound asleep. He smiled as he muttered your name once again. He was dreaming of you.
You smiled to yourself, placing a hand on your chest and feeling your heart pounding with excitement and nervousness. You turned back to leave his room, stopping briefly to leave a glass of water on his bedside table just in case he needed it. You glanced at him once more before exiting his room, smiling at the thought of him actually dreaming of you. You closed the door behind you. You could hear the music from the party still blaring in the distance and you laughed. You decided to just go to your room, you wouldn't be able to think of anything besides Zoro anyway so you would be distracted at the party. Walking to your room, you replayed the entire situation with him. Maybe pursuing him wouldn't mess with the dynamic of the crew. Maybe you should just go for it. As you entered your room you kept going over maybes and hypotheticals in your mind. You laid down in your bed, thinking about what it would be like to have Zoro asleep next to you. You shook the thought away and tried to get some sleep. Maybe you should just go for it was the last thought in your brain before sleep took you.
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masterjedilenawrites · 10 months
Okay, hear me out....grumpy reader/Fives for the sunshine/grumpy prompt list. My favorite is "don't make this weird...but I saw this in the store and got it for you. Figured you'd like it."
Fives x grumpy!reader | 1k words
Content: a light and fluffy piece, a little bit of yearning, a nice hug, reader is on the grumpier side (and also a chef, random idea that popped in my head)
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What were you doing?
You'd asked yourself that a dozen times now as you made your way back to the ship, almost stopping each time to throw the gift bag into the bushes. You weren't a person who bought gifts. That was lame. You didn't even get gifts on most holidays, let alone on a random day in the middle of the year for no reason other than you saw something and it reminded you of someone else and the thought of his face lighting up when you gave it to him compelled you to go ahead and buy it.
Yeah, lame.
You stifled a groan at the thought of how badly you'd be teased for this. Of course Fives would love the gift, and he'd show it off to everyone, and then they'd make fun of you, probably say you'd have a crush or something stupid. You paused in the road again and just stared at the bag, considering every life choice you'd made up that had brought you to this point.
"What's cookin, good lookin?"
Five's familiar voice rang out from down the road as he caught sight of you standing there. He used that ridiculous line to greet you every time, making you regret ever becoming a cook for the GAR in the first place.
"Hi Fives." You were quick to hide the little gift bag behind your back, but not quick enough for the ARC trooper. He was practically bounding down to the road toward you. No amount of subtle maneuvering would've escaped his notice.
"What's that?" he pulled up a few feet in front of you, smirking as he eyed you.
"What's what?" you tried playing it off.
"That bag in your hands."
Your resting face held a frown, which only deepened as you were caught red handed. There was no backtracking anymore, no ditching the gift and pretending it'd never happened. You'd have to give it to him and face the consequences now.
"Oh, yeah, this." You reluctantly brought the bag around in front of you, looked down at it for a moment, and then relented with a sigh. "Okay, don't make this weird... but I saw this in the store and got it for you. Figured you'd like it."
You practically pushed the bag right into him, eager to just get rid of it.
As predicted, Fives was already getting worked up in delight. "Wait, what? You got me a gift?"
He reached in and grabbed the wad of tissue paper and tossed it aside, and then he brought out the little trinket that lay within.
"No way, a river whale?!"
It was a little ceramic figurine of the planet's rare river whale, an animal Fives had been desperate to try and find during their short mission here, but with no luck. You'd only gone into town to return the grill you'd borrowed from a local cook before the ship took off. It had seemed like fate to find a last minute replacement for Fives' dream. The figurine was hand-painted and had cute little beads set in for eyes. It even had a ribbon loop fastened on the top, to be hung like an ornament.
Fives was teetering between beaming with joy and what you feared were actual tears. He was like a kid who'd gotten exactly what he wanted for Christmas.
"Kriff, cookie, you're the best!" he exclaimed with a wobbly voice. You had to ignore that heinous nickname just like you did the other silly little sayings he had with you.
"I said don't make this weird," you grumbled just as he rushed up to hug you. You squirmed at first in his tight embrace, but after a few moments, relaxed a bit and brought an awkward hand up to pat his arm. You would never admit how often you wished the man would hug you like this... among other things.
He let go of you far too soon and brought the gift back up to admire it. It hung from the ribbon off his finger and spun prettily in the sunlight.
"I shall name you... whale-y," he said to it.
You rolled your eyes. "Seriously?"
"Too on the nose?" Fives scrunched up his face in a show of serious consideration. "Hm, what about, bead-y? 'Cause of his eyes."
You just shook your head at him.
"What? Names are hard." He dangled the figurine in front of you. "You name it, then."
"Come on, he needs a name! Look at him!" He jiggled the ribbon a little so the whale shook in front of you. "Please name me, cookie," he said in a mocked voice of the thing.
You sighed. "I don't know... Willy."
Fives grinned. "Willy it is!"
He continued to laugh as you continued to glare. You would never understand this man and all his silliness and good humoredness. But boy did you like him anyway.
Fives tucked the little figure into one of his belt pockets. "I won't tell anyone, you know."
"I know you don't like it when you're at the center of attention," he shrugged. He still seemed happy, but some of his energy had settled down into something much softer. "And I know you don't like getting compliments, but uh... this was really nice of you."
You stood there awkwardly. He was right, you didn't like compliments; you had no idea what to do with them.
"We can keep this moment between us," he offered with a small smile.
You nodded shyly back, still not sure what to say. Your heart seemed to be doubling in size, pushing against your chest in a painful but pleasant way.
"Um, I mean..." you tried saying something, finding the words as you went along. "You don't have to hide it or anything. You could hang it in your bunk if you want. Or somewhere else. Anywhere you want, really. It's your gift. So... you know...."
Fives started laughing again, a lower chuckle that showed he was amused but wouldn't make fun of you for it. He saddled up next to you, slung an arm across your shoulders, and started leading you back to the ship.
"Alright, I think I will hang it in my bunk, then. And I'll think of you whenever I see it."
You were grateful he couldn't see the blush that started lining your cheeks. Maybe getting him a gift wasn't such a lame thing after all.
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Every Character Tag: @dangerousstrawberrypie, @justanothersadperson93, @arctrooper69, @sleepycreativewriter, @techie-bear, @theroguesully
Clone Bois Tag: @kaijusplotch, @rebel-finn, @lucyysthings, @marvel-starwars-nerd, @nekotaetae, @severalseashellsbytheseashore, @lackofhonor, @flowered-bicycles, @foodmoneyandcats
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hello-galad · 1 month
For your favourite FFVII character
1. Canon you outright reject
2. A canon or headcanon hill you will die on
50. A memory they’ve blocked out
HIIII! Thank you so much for the ask!
Ohi have so many favorites but my obvious top 1 is Vincent Valentine so here we go:
Canon you outright reject.
I have picked Dirge of Cerberus apart so many times because there's so many things I disagree with, specifically I think Vincent's crush on Lucretia derived from a promise he made to his dad about protecting her before Grimoire died. Lucretia never reciprocated but had a certain obsession with Vincent because he reminded him so much of Grimoire and in her head, she was responsible for Grimoire's death.
On that note, let Lucretia be unhinged. I refuse to accept she was this submissive, shy woman. She was one of the lead scientists of the Genova project! Let her be brilliant and have a fucked up sense of morality! Let her revive Vincent out of guilt but also because she wanted to see if the research Grimoire and her spend so much time on worked, and it did! Let her experiment on Vincent for the sake of science and her need to prove Grimoire's death was not in vain. Let Vincent's fucked up mind create a strange and not quite right version of her in his head that he faces and has to admit was wrong when he decides to let go. Let Lucretia be a human with objectives and goals that made her do things by herself beyond what the men in her life told her to! AHHHHHH!
Also I hc Vincent never slept with Lucretia, but there's a chance Sephiroth, Weiss and even Nero are his biological kids because Hojo (non-consensually) took his genetic material and threw it around like confetti because Vincent was the first experiment to be successful in 1) processing Jenova cells correctly and 2) Not dying. Although he could never figure out exactly what Lucretia did to achieve that (*cough* Chaos and company *cough*).
2. A canon or headcanon hill you will die on.
Chaos doesn't return to the planet after the events of DoC, but this time they have a better relationship with their host. Same goes with the others. Maybe Vincent is immortal and stays 27 forever and maybe he can or not decide when to die...
50. A memory they’ve blocked out
I think there's a lot of fucked up shit Hojo did to Vincent that his brain blocked out to preserve his psyche. I think Hojo treated him as an object, a test subject, that was his property before he was Shinra's, specially after Lucretia's "death".
For a while he blocked a lot of the things that Lucretia did to him as a test subject, too.
Do I think he remembers those things at some point with AVALANCHE? Yes, and its terrible for him so he sorts of puts it in the "not opening this now or ever" box in the back of his brain for a while but he eventually has to face it when recovering.
I think Cid helps him a lot with that. Sometimes Vincent can't even say out loud what happened to him in that basement but Cid makes sure to reassure him nothing Hojo did to him will make Cid leave or categorize Vincent as less than a human being deserving of happiness and respect.
I think that while Vincent has an almost Eidetic memory, there's a lot of things from his past when he was just Grimoire's son and then when he was Vincent of the Turks that he forgot about because of what he went through. But then one day AVALANCHE finds an antiques shop and Vincent sees a console phonograph and he remembers his mother (I hc she was a geologist) playing her favorite song and picking Vincent up to dance around the living room.
One day Cid gifts Vincent a polaroid camera and Vincent remembers when he would use Shinra equipment to take silly pictures of the other Turks instead of using them for surveillance.
Another day, when visiting the 7th Heaven for a reunion party, he walks to the old piano no-one knows how to play but Tifa used to dream about learning to play and just...starts playing. He plays the equivalent of Beethoven's Moonlight sonata's 3rd movement out of nowhere, claw and all, because he had forgotten besides learning how to shoot, his father was adamant Vincent had to learn to play an instrument perfectly to help his memory and coordination.
How about that time Vincent suddenly remembers his family was kinda nobility and super loaded and he's like "uh I think we used to have a mansion in Junon maybe we can find weapons and amunition in there?". And that is how Vincent finds Cerberus.
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I just read Mammon's The Guardian Demon devilgram. Adorable! Mammon is top tier dad. My mc will fight those witch and raise that girl in Devildom with her father as God (or whatever obey me verison of God is) intended! I need dad Mammon in my life right now. Does the game mention his daughter more in other stuff?
Also Imma punch Solomon in the face. Sometimes this game makes it really hard to like Solomon. Why is he written to go out of his way to put down Mammon!? Yes, all of his brothers do it, but at least they know him and care about him when they're not being shitheads to each other. Why does Solomon have so much beef with Mammon? I'm not saying he can't, because everyone does. But idk it feels more aggressive when it comes from Solomon. Maybe it's because I haven't seen much of his character aside from the devilgrams and pop quizzes.
Yes!! Definitely one of my favourite devilgrams! Outside of the Devilgram they mention her in S1 and in S3, I believe, Mammon mentions the three witches and going up to the human world frequently to meet them
Okay so about Solomon,
-> He thinks in a very practical way rather than an emotional way and, though his constant smile and upbeat attitude may not show it, he's rather cynical (the complete opposite of Mammon). We see this a lot in Nightbringer, where he's constantly preparing for a fight between the human world and other two realms and is heavily skeptical when MC talks about making the other two realms see humans as equals without it leading to a fight.
-> He talks about how demons (and angels) look down on humans and about wanting to make them see humans as equals but he himself seems to see demons as lesser than humans. He somewhat admits this in s3? s4? where he says he only started seeing demons as friends recently. But even this doesn't stop him from collecting them and trying to use them as weapons against their own people if he needs to
-> Solomon has lived a long time and it's made him very stuck in his belief that demons (and angels) see humans as lesser beings and nothing, other than proving it wrong through force, will change that. Even though we do see the attitudes of demons changing slowly throughout s1-4 with Diavolo's pilot exchange program
-> Solomon doesn't really have any family members or even close friends when he's first introduced in S1. The closest people to him are Asmo, Barbatos and Thirteen and we already know that he didn't see the demons he had pacts with as friends until recently. So that just leaves Thirteen, with whom he has a very atypical friendship. They care about each other but they wouldn't put each other before anything else. He doesn't seem to have the best understanding on what typical (specially familial) relationships are like. This is why Solomon initially believes that MC, being human, would be like him and pick the safety of humanity over their loved ones. When almost any average human would tell you that they'd pick their loved ones over countless faceless strangers - something even Nightbringer knew
So Mammon's whole deal with the witches for the sake of some human child probably made him very skeptical. And so he tries to break it down to something that's more understandable to him, something that fits within his belief system
Eg: "Oh she's not excited to see Mammon because she sees him like a family member she just has a silly little kiddie crush on him"
^ Which is an insane thing for him to say, specially when both Mammon and MC (two of the most emotionally intelligent characters in om!) instantly pick out the fact that the girl sees Mammon as a father figure
But Solomon interprets it like a crush because crushes make sense. You can have a crush on a demon, specially if they helped you out. Hell, there are demons specifically there for you to have crushes on like Asmo and the succubi and incubi. But for a demon and a human to see each other as family? That's strange
Anyway Solomon is such a complex and interesting character, there's just so much you can unpack there, but I tried to keep this short as possible
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noraiir-arts · 1 year
Does anyone else have very complicated ways of shipping?? like when i say "i ship them" i don't mean "oh they love each other so much they kiss each other and will be together forever" i ship characters but in a way that's unique to only them and/or only in certain scenarios
Like, for example Zelink- I think pre-calam zelink was one sided, i dislike post-calam zelink, but i sort of like totk zelink (yes i know they are the same two people) but only certain dynamics??? but i also think that its the type of love that goes unsaid, they just look out for and support each other, maybe its not entirely romantic but they are closer than friends. It's the type of closeness you can only get by knowing that no matter what lifetime you are in the other will always be there. I don't think its necessarily the type where they hide behind pillars to make out, or try to stay in a committed relationship, but more of a tired love, one that has been renewed throughout hundreds of lives, each time being something different.
But take skyward sword, i believe that it's easier to see romantic zelink here
or Miphlink - I don't really ship this, but it's a tragic one-sided love story that Mipha knew was doomed from the beginning. The other woman. Was never given enough time to tell Link how she felt, yet even if she had time he might not have returned her feelings. Now he barely remembers her. Maybe 100 years later she's a little embarrassed of herself, of what she wrote in her diary. Maybe it was a simple crush, mistaken for undying love and has dwindled over the past century. But now it's a sad love, the type where she grieves for what used to be, and what never will. But after being saved from Ruta she switches her sights towards the domain. She can see how much her brother has grown and is so proud of him. She knows Link will never remember her fully, but maybe it's for the best. No matter what, she will always be there to heal his wounds.
Tbh i was dragged into Revalink kicking and screaming, but now it's one of my favorites. - Their dynamics work so well, but oh no it's so sad. Started from a one-sided "rivalry" to some sort of friendship. Link never hated Revali, he didn't even dislike him. And Revali just wanted Link to be impressed, to understand why he was chosen for his role as pilot, and he wanted Link to prove himself to Revali (honestly i can go on a on about why revali was harsh to link in botw if anyone wants me to) But over time they both start to realize that they are more similar to each other than any of the other champions. They weren't born into noble families or blessed with magic. Revali learns about the vigorous training Link underwent after pulling the sword, and Link learns that Revali isn't the son of the elder or was an important figure in his village before becoming a champion, but a simple warrior just like Link. Their friendship grows and they become a great team, surprising mostly everyone. Maybe it grows into something more. Maybe neither of them know it. Maybe they just never admit it. Revali knows Link doesn't remember him. He doesn't want him to. He tells Link not to go asking about him to the princess. It's for the best, he will still be there to help Link after all. Maybe it's cruel to keep him from knowing. Well, Revali will be gone soon anyway. Maybe he hopes that Link will at least remember good things about him.
Honestly I love revalink aus, they are my fav!!
I think of Zelimpa (aoc) like a mix of how i described miphlink and revalink but im too tired to explain it rnnnnn
oh also urbosa/zelda's mom but i think that goes unsaid
but anyway these are just a few. Most of the time i can't use words to exactly explain something pictured in my head, (synesthesia is so silly) but i tried my best
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cookiebelle · 1 year
Can I have a Damian Priest x Fem reader where they get handcuffed together by Finn, Dom, and Rhea and end up confessing their feelings for each other while handcuffed?
This is so cute I had to do it first.
Damian Priest x Reader (no use of y/n)
Warnings: alcohol use, tooth rotting fluff
Word count: Not sure. I stupidly wrote this on tumblr and not on my notes app so I can’t copypaste it 😅 maybe like 1.5k?
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“Priest, it’s your turn.”
He drew a card, sighing at the prompt and rubbing his eyes with exasperation. It was another ridiculous dare.
“Finish your drink… or get handcuffed to a person of the group’s choosing for three hours…” he scanned the laughing faces of his friends, glaring and shaking his head.
“Guess you’re drinking,” you giggled, looking into his cup to find it nearly full. That was gonna be rough, and you patted his shoulder in sympathy.
Dom, Rhea, and Finn all shared a look, then looked to Damian with knowing smirks. He stalled, trying to decide what to do. The rest of this drink would surely end his night right there, absolutely nothing good could come of it except guaranteed blackout, but three hours of being handcuffed to any of you was far from ideal. However…
“I’ll be right back…” he sighed as he stood, headed for his bedroom. He had plenty of fun things in there, but his steel handcuffs seemed to be buried at the bottom of a drawer. When he re-emerged, he handed the cuffs to Finn, dramatically holding his wrist out to be locked.
“So do you need to figure out who you’re doing or…”
The three looked to you in unison, Rhea reaching out and snatching your wrist before you had the chance to react.
“What? Wait. No way. Why is it automatically me?” You tried pulling your wrist away, a completely futile effort in Rhea’s iron grip. You attempted to bargain, but it was no use. Your wrist was locked to his within a few seconds and you were trapped. Great.
Three hours isn’t that long, right?
You and Damian looked at each other simultaneously, him mouthing a regretful “sorry”. You just sighed and shook your head, shrugging. You didn’t blame him. You blamed the three snickering assholes across the table.
The game continued for a while, the two of you well lit and laughing at every ridiculous thing the cards dared you all to do. You two sat nearly pressed against one another, sharing drunken giggles at every dropped card and awkward pull in the other’s direction when you moved. It wasn’t your fault they locked both of your dominant hands together, leaving you barely able to function without knocking into one another. In fact, that was probably their plan in the first place.
Rhea and Dom knew about your silly little crush on Priest before you had the balls to even admit it. It was stupid. Puppy love. You just… couldn’t help but get all dumb and smiley around him. That’s all. You definitely did not have feelings. Definitely not.
Naturally, Finn was brought into the “loop” when he caught the two of them whispering, while you and Damian flirted talked. Thus began the onslaught of torture from all of them which you had no choice but to endure lest they decide to take matters into their own hands. You wouldn’t be surprised if they rigged the game so he’d get that card, just to do this to you… You’d have to kill them later.
Eventually, the game ended, the group slowly transitioning from the table to the big sectional couch and putting on some trash comedy you had no interest in. Now came the hard part. Sitting at the table was easy, you each could rest your connected arms on it comfortably, with no awkwardness. Now, you each struggled to get comfortable, both laughing as you tugged each other’s arms back and forth. You let out a shriek of a laugh when he pulled your arm so hard, you nearly landed fully in his lap, instead only your legs draping across his. Weirdly enough, it was comfortable. Finally.
If sober you could see yourself right now, she would be beyond mortified. But sober you was hours away, and drunk you couldn’t help but feel breathless at the way he rested his hand on your thigh so your arm would be more comfortable. It also didn’t help that his thumb kept rubbing circles into it. The inebriated part of your brain took control once again, scooting a bit closer to him and resting your head on his shoulder. Rhea shot you a look, wiggling her eyebrows, which you responded to with a glare.
The next thing you remembered was waking up hours later, still attached to Damian. The screensaver on the tv gave the only light in the room, but it was bright enough to see everyone else was asleep. Well, everyone but Damian, he was still sitting there, rubbing circles into your thigh. You groaned, stretching a little.
“I’m sorry… guess I was tired…” you mumbled, looking around for who might have the key. You settled on Rhea, whispering as to not wake up the others. Before you could get her, Damian hushed you.
“I really don’t mind it,” he shrugged, seeming rather sincere.
“I mean, neither do I. If I had to be handcuffed to anyone, it would be you.”
Awkward silence. Perfect. You started to play with his giant hand, tracing the lines of his palm. You still felt drunk, the beginnings of a headache rattling in your brain.
“… Can I tell you something?” You felt a burst of bravery, however fleeting, immediately regretting saying anything at all.
“… Only if I can tell you something.”
“Okay… you first,” you smirked.
“No. You asked first.”
Okay, fine. Now or never.
“… I can’t,” you whined a little, your heart in your stomach.
“Just say it,” he soothed, his hand stroking your leg now.
Okay. Here goes nothing.
“… I like you. Like. I’m really into you and I get it if you’re not into me but I just needed to get this off my chest before they do it for me,” You rambled, pointing at the sleeping three.
Damian just stared at you for a moment before cracking a smile, which was possibly the most terrifying ten seconds of your life. He didn’t say anything, save for “come here”, as he leaned in and pressed a chaste kiss to your lips. You looked up into his eyes when he pulled away.
“… so what does.. that mean…”
“Means I’m.. into you too. Have been for a long time..”
Your sigh of relief emptied your lungs entirely, and he pulled you in for another kiss. This one felt more real, consuming, like he couldn’t live without your lips against his. And to be honest, the same applied to you.
As it turns out, you had woken Rhea with your whispering. She pretended to keep sleeping, eavesdropping on your conversation and witnessing your kiss. You saw the smile on her face as you broke away from Damian, shaking your head.
For now, you would ignore it. This moment was too sweet to waste.
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leighsartworks216 · 2 years
Biological Malfunctions
Data x AFAB!reader
I rewrote this and then did not proofread it so have fun!!
Warnings: THIS IS A PERIOD FIC. THERE IS TALK ABOUT MENSTRUATION. PLEASE DON'T READ IF THAT MAKES YOU UNCOMFORTABLE. Reader is described as having a uterus, but no other explicit descriptions of their gender is made. Can be read as platonic or romantic (like, the beginnings of a crush)
Word Count: 2003
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Data entered his room as he had over a thousand times before. He stepped in, making sure Spot was not by the door waiting to rush out and scamper down the hallways, and- He stopped in the middle of the room, hardly two steps in the door. Something was different. The lights were dimmed.
Data only changed the light setting in his room during Alpha shift, a ship-wide nighttime when he was usually put in charge of the Bridge, as he did not require sleep like the others. By doing so, he simulated a day/night cycle for his beloved feline friend. However, Alpha shift would not start until approximately 2 hours, 37 minutes, and 15 seconds. Also unusual, the lights were dimmed to 20%, a setting he himself never used.
Now the question was why?
Truth be told, he was momentarily titillated by this mystery. He considered, briefly, donning his Sherlock Holmes outfit to investigate. Alas, the mystery did not last long enough for a costume change.
“Data?” a voice called from the bed-area of his quarters. “Are you back?”
The android followed the voice, as did Spot, to a figure curled under his Starfleet regulation blankets. The fabric shifted, and a face peeked out from the edge, squinting up at him. He recognized the voice, but seeing the face it belonged to absolutely confirmed it.
“Lieutenant Y/N, I did not expect to find you in my quarters.”
“Sorry,” you yawned. The blankets were warm, and clean from lack of use. They drew you in deeper, coaxing you into curling further within the cascades of fabric, warm and safe. Spot climbed on top of you and began lovingly making biscuits into your side. Data was briefly fascinated by the strange exhibition of behavior. “I needed to see Spot,” you admitted. “I hope you don’t mind.”
“Not at all. Your presence was unexpected, but you are always welcome here.” He met your tired little smile with a sort of grin of his own. “May I ask why you needed to see Spot? Has she done something wrong?”
You chuckled airily at the question. “No, she’s a good kitty.”
Data nodded, agreeing without hesitation, as the cat in question snuggled into a ball atop you and began purring contently.
In a softer, less comfortable tone than before, you murmured, “I needed the comfort.”
“Mhm. I’m…” A deep-rooted tree of shame ached in your chest at the thought of confessing your problems. You couldn’t help it, really. All your life since middle school, the biological issues - whether physical, mental, or emotional - you faced were heavily enforced as your problems. Even further, the most enforced rule of all was to never disclose them to men.
You would think, in the 24th century, these silly little laws of society would die.
When you did not respond after a moment (approximately 37 seconds), he understood that you may not wish to tell him. A prolonged silence in humans often reflected a sense of unease or discomfort, especially relating to conversation topics they were uncomfortable with. Your voice stopped him before he could retreat back to his computer.
The branch squeezing around your heart, pumping guilt through every channel of your body, won out over all.
“I’m going through some, uh, biological malfunctions.”
Data’s eyebrows raised, surprised by this new information. He kneeled down, positioning himself in a better position to speak with you face-to-face. “If you are feeling unwell, I suggest going to sickbay for an examination. Doctor Crusher is well-suited to a wide variety of biological issues. If you would prefer, I could ask her to visit you here.”
You nearly startled at the suggestion, speaking in a rush. “No, no, no, no. Really, Data, I’m okay. I just have to wait it out. I’ll be fine by the time you go back on shift, and then I’ll be out of your hair, promise.”
Confusion replaced his surprise. You seemed to panic at the subject of Doctor Crusher, yet you have shown no previous signs of anxiety relating to anything medical. Not to mention your strange phrase. “Lieutenant, you are not in my hair.” You found yourself relaxing once again as he rambled on about the logistics of being in his hair, a small smile finding your face once more. “A single hair is roughly 80,000 to 100,000 nanometers wide, while the average adult male is approximately 2 billion nanometers tall. To fit in my hair, you would need to shrink down to 25 times the size you are now. Alternatively, you would need to increase the size of a hair by 25 times in order to fit inside it at the height you currently stand.”
His sweet naivety reminded you of how you so easily fell into a friendship with the android. You could discuss niche topics in varying detail for hours on end and never get tired. He helped you feel like you belonged when you were just an ensign, fresh from the Academy and unsure in every step. Even now, without even trying, he grounded you and gently pushed away all of your anxieties.
Only once he was finished did you speak. “It’s an expression, Data. It just means that I won’t be in your space, or causing you any problems.”
His head tilted, cataloging the new phrase within an ever-growing list of human figures of speech. “Ah, I see. You are not ‘in my hair’, Lieutenant. If you would like, you are welcome to stay once I leave for Alpha shift. I do not mind.”
“I appreciate it.” You breathed in deeply, closing your eyes to revel in the dim light, surrounded by your best friend and his cat. The quiet sound of machinery beeping and Spot purring made it feel like home. This was not your room. “But I really should get back.”
“Would you like me to escort you to your quarters?”
You hummed, considering. “Maybe.” Data’s bed was unused, soft, and clean. It was much nicer than yours, which had a pronounced divot in the mattress after sleeping in it so long. But, you reminded yourself, you had barged into his room and made yourself comfortable in his bed, without any form of permission to be had. You were trespassing, despite Data’s all-too-welcoming attitude. Still… He was giving you a chance to stay for a bit longer. “I don’t want to take advantage of your hospitality,” you opened your eyes to study his pale face, “but I don’t really want to leave right now.”
“No advantage taken. I even find your presence quite…” he paused to ensure he had the right word, “enjoyable.”
You smiled gratefully at the android. Now, more at ease than ever, your eyes slid shut and you welcomed the exhaustion that tickled the back of your mind. You pulled the blankets slightly to tuck them snugly under your chin, and even curled the blanket around your feet, effectively trapping in the warm air and sealing out the colder air beyond your cocoon.
Data watched your actions with interest. He wasn’t exactly privy to how humans slept, nor did he find the topic as fascinating as sneezing or hiccuping. The act of sleeping itself, that it. Dreams were another topic entirely. Now, though, as he watched you curl into a fetal ball, nuzzling your nose into his pillow, he wondered why he had not been interested before. For a brief moment, you curled in tighter, holding your breath. A grimace twisted your features. And then you breathed out slowly, uncurling a little.
“Lieutenant,” he pried, continuing even when you did not look at him, “your actions suggest you are in some form of discomfort. If you tell me what your symptoms are, I can look up methods to ease them.”
The branch of guilt and shame coiled like a snack around your heart once more. It was illogical to be ashamed, especially when you were talking to Data who would never be offended by anything as natural as bodily functions. The years and years of having your femininity shamed only brought you anxiety and a vague feeling of nausea. He wouldn’t care. He wouldn’t be disgusted.
“I’m menstruating.” For such a small admission, you wanted to crawl within yourself and die surrounded by your shame. You kept your eyes firmly shut, pressing your face into the pillow, in hopes that, perhaps, this was all just a dream. “I’m just having really bad cramps right now.”
His head tilted, though you refused to open your eyes and see it. “Am I correct in thinking that you are uncomfortable with this topic?”
You huffed a strained laugh. “Yeah, you’re right.”
“Menstruation is a natural occurrence among biologically female humans. I do not understand your discomfort.”
“It’s just… not really something humans are comfortable talking about, especially in mixed company.” Before he could ask your meaning, you added, “With males. Biological functions make people uncomfortable.”
His eyes lit up. “Fascinating.” He opened his mouth, ready to ask more questions about why, but stopped himself as you curled up tight once more. Right, he said he would help with your symptoms.
“There are a wide variety of methods said to reduce menstrual cramping. Methods include holding a heat compress to your lower abdomen, taking a hot bath, eating anti-inflammatory foods such as berries, tomatoes, pineapple, almonds, walnuts and salmon, or holistic treatments such as acupuncture or acupressure. Other methods such as exercise or abdominal massages are also said to relieve discomfort.”
You huffed out a frustrated breath, body curling in on itself as a second wave of pain ripped through your body. You curled in as tight as you possibly could, and yet the pain stayed. Your constant movement disturbed Spot, who finally had enough of laying on top of you, and jumped down. Data followed her movements as she found another, solitary, surface to sleep on.
As the wave ebbed away, it left behind aggravation and irritated tears that pricked at the corners of your eyes. You didn’t want food, you didn’t want to move, and you definitely didn’t want to get poked or prodded. You just wanted the pain to end. Spot had been acting as a sort of heated compress before, one that purred and had soft fur. Now, though, you had nothing to help.
“Are you doing anything important right now?”
Data was confused by the odd question. It was entirely subjective. “I am kneeling here, talking to you. Is that not important?”
You may have been touched by the simple sweetness of his words, in the naivety he carried to find something as simple as talking to you important in the over-simplified, highly-literal way he saw the world, if you weren’t busy scrubbing the wetness from your eyes and gathering every ounce of dignity you had left. “Will you cuddle with me?”
“Inquiry: ‘cuddle’?”
“Just… lay with me and hold me?”
Data, confused but willing, nodded. As he got up from the floor, you scooted to make more room for him on the bed, while at the same time opening up your cocoon for him. In smooth, albeit unsure, motions, he joined you in the bed. Laying on his back, you threw the covers over him and helped to guide him in a rough lesson to cuddling. With no resistance, you were able to pick up his arm and wrap it around you as you settled down into the nook it created. He watched as you pressed yourself against his side and rested your cheek on his chest. You were close enough to hear the soft whirring of his inner mechanisms.
“Is this cuddling?”
Your cheek shifted against his uniform as you nodded. You appeared more at ease now. He… enjoyed seeing you like this.
“Yes, Data, this is cuddling.” After a brief moment of hesitation, you found his hand resting loosely behind you and guided it to rest over your waist. And as everything stilled, you were finally at peace.
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nburkhardt · 2 years
A Valentine’s Day fic rambling anyone?
Eddie says “I love you” first on Valentine’s Day. He both loves and hates it because the holiday is dumb and pointless. Why keep all romantic stuff for this random day in February? But anyway, he said it and he doesn’t regret it at all.
The reason that finally broke the invisible barrier?
Steve tells him he’s breaking up with him and at first it crushes Eddie. Of all the days? The day that’s supposed to be about love and forever and all that bullshit? Then Steve rushes to grab his hands and pull him close to say it over but slowly.
“It’s temporary for just today, Sweets. We didn’t really have plans tonight because the holiday is dumb but! I just found out some asshole kid ruined little Holly’s valentines box at school and stole all of the cards she got,” he explains it and presses his lips to Eddie’s cheek before pulling away to smile, “So! I asked Mrs. Wheeler if I could treat her out for the day, because Mike’s too wrapped up in El and Nance has plans with Jonathan.”
And it just makes Eddie’s heart flip. It’s not even his own kid sister, it’s actually his ex-girlfriend’s little sister.
He feels a lot better after the explanation, he wraps his own arms around Steve and hides the blush that’s creeping up his face in his shoulder. His smile is hidden but it’s wide and if there could be there’s hearts in his eyes as he says, “I love you”
Steve freezes, it’s something they haven’t said out loud yet. Steve was afraid of the three words, he mentioned it once while they were high and Eddie understood, had told him that he wasn’t ready for them either. But they’re both romantic at heart and sometimes cheesy ones at that.
Eddie’s love language is words and the nicknames for Steve is very obvious and point blank; Sweetheart, Babylove, Beloved, and Tesoro (which came to be when Eddie found out Steve’s Italian roots). He sings all the love songs that usually makes him cringe, tells Steve the words without actually saying them.
Steve is mostly actions and some nicknames. He brings Eddie flowers all the time. Specific flowers at that, guy is a true romantic and looked up meanings. Daffodils, asters, red chrysanthemums, heliotropes, irises and yellow lilies are just a few. He cooks, bakes and buys random little things here and there for Eddie. (Steve goes between Sweets, Honey & Babe for Eddie)
It takes Steve a full five minutes to unfreeze, in that time Eddie has moved away to look at him and they’re both red in the face. Steve’s eyes are starting to water and Eddie was already there.
“You love me?”
Because of course Steve is still stuck on it, Eddie knew that going in. So, he nods and smiles wide going in for a kiss (more like the press of lips) before pulling and says it again, “yeah, I love you. So goddamn much, it’s kind of pathetic to admit it on today of all days and right after you tell me we’re breaking up”
It startles a laugh out of Steve, then they’re both giggling like mad and while Eddie’s catching his breath resting his head on Steve’s shoulder, Steve squeezes him close snd pressing a kiss to his temple before saying- “I love you too”
While staring at all the valentines decorations at my work, the idea of Eddie saying ‘I love you’ on Valentine’s Day was just something I needed. Obviously we had to figure out a silly way for it to happen too. Also I looked up meanings of flowers for this, I didn’t do much research but I’m hoping the site I used was correct with the meanings. Also had to throw in the hc of Steve being Italian. This got out of hand tbh 😅
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hootsimedes · 1 year
¡My Relationships Dinamics Between the Mercenaries!
¡Hello guys! (⁠◍⁠•⁠ᴗ⁠•⁠◍⁠)⁠❤ Today i'm coming to show you how I will use the relationships in my drawings and comics.
Little reminder that English is not my matern leguangue, probably I make a lot of mistakes in my writing. I'm sorry if that happen (⁠•⁠ ⁠▽⁠ ⁠•⁠;⁠)
Here we go:
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I know it's a fricking confused spaghetti but don't worry, there's two parts for separate.
First Part:
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And The Second Part:
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Well, this part is not much better than the two combined... (It's all Spy fault, nah i'm joking xD)
Well, let me explain some things:
First of all: Medic and Sniper have a crush for each other... ¡And Spy have a crush with Sniper! And Spy and Medic hate each other for reasons, of course, the most important one is Sniper's love xD I'm sorry but two sexy veterans fighting for a inexpert Aussie is just perfect and fun for me (⁠≧⁠▽⁠≦⁠) (even if Sniper send Spy very badly to the friendzone unintentionally ಥ⁠‿⁠ಥ)
The "like family" one means they see each other like a family member, for example, Sniper and Scout are like big and lil' brother; or Engie and Pyro like father and son. I love the idea of Sniper beign a good figure who Scout admires and respect (even if he doesn't want to admite it) And Pyro sees that parent figure in Engie, who cares a lot for he and of course the team! For me Engie is one of the most responsible merc and always tries to calm down the situation when things get bad... And he's friend with everyone in the team! Except Spy... But then we'll talk about Engie...
The trio of nightmares... Scout, Soldier and Pyro. This three bastards hang out to play tricks to the people. Sometimes, You can see them at 03:00 am trhowing eggs to the BLU Team's windows or letting free a group of mutant bread in the base... You never know what they'll do next... Also, Demo and Sniper are friends. They're more like, friends who met up for a few beers with Engie.
The difference between "Annoying, but still a friend" and "Annoying" is, as this one says, they think it's annoying sometimes, but they can handle that. For example, Medic, who sometimes can't stand Scout's attitude and vice versa, but inside they can't really be mad at each other (especially if he's your older brother's boyfriend(?) Same with Demo and again, Scout, but it's just for the Demo side, Scout considers him as a friend. With Sniper and Spy it's like, Sniper thinks Spy can be very rude, but deep down he knows that's the way Spy communicates. I don't know how to explain this lmao.
The Best Friends! Let's back with Engie! He's the Best Friend of Sniper and Medic, so, sometimes he help this two silly lovebirds to make a move! Like, giving some advices to Medic or telling Sniper about Medic's hints! Idk I like that they share the same best friend. Heavy is Medic's best friend of course, they like spend time talking and our Doctor looves to talk with Heavy about how he feels about Sniper, and the weapons guy just think it's adorable and want to help his pal! So, as Engie, he tried to give to Doctor some advices! Finally, but no less important, we have Soldier and Demoman! They are besties... And maybe, Soldier get little jealous with Demo 'cause he spends time with the enemy Soldier and he doesn't want to lost his bestie... But if he knew the reason for that...
Spy's relationships... Yeah, this will take a long time... Anyway, Spy doesn't have a good relation with his team... Except for Sniper, but that just happened after a discussion with Medic, before that they don't talk to each other and Spy has a very bad vision of the bushman. He respects Heavy and Engie, he believes these are the only two mercs who are still sane, but they aren't friends... Spy doesn't spend time with the team, he thinks all are annoying... And he hates Pyro for reasons I can't explain now (⁠◠⁠‿⁠◕⁠) and the team thinks Spy is annoying 'cause he's attitude towards them. The relation with Medic is bad for the differents opinions, ideas and estrategy they have... But of course de most important one is Sniper! After Spy found that thing that makes Sniper soo interesting to him, he want to stay with the bushman more time (inviting him to a smoke break, or helping him to cook and giving him some pointers on that!) And, well, Medic start to see these tiny things like "oh, no no, find another yourself, this is taken ರ⁠╭⁠╮⁠ರ" and then they start fighting and nobody, even Sniper, understands what's going on xD I'm not a fan of love triangles but Damm the amount of ideas I have with these trhee!! I can't, sorry (⁠ᗒ⁠ᗩ⁠ᗕ⁠)!!
Scout retains the love interest in Miss Pauling and Soldier (RED) is still in a relationship with Zhanna. This is not important, but I wanted to clarify...
And of course, as I mentioned with the case of Spy, most of the relations are not like this for now. I want to make comics or drawings exploring this dynamics (⁠ ⁠◜⁠‿⁠◝⁠ ⁠)⁠♡
The BLU Team has their own relations too! But I not gonna explore that for now... It's a surprise (⁠~⁠ ̄⁠³⁠ ̄⁠)⁠~
Oh, almost forgot to tell this won't afect the requests, at least the ppl who make them want it.
Finally, all relationships are just my vision for my comics and drawings and I don't consider any of these things "Canon" (at least the ones that are not confirmed).
Well that's all for now, wait for more things i'm going to share to you guys!
if you have questions or want to know something specific, you know where to go ;)
Thanks for your time and see you later! (⁠◍⁠•⁠ᴗ⁠•⁠◍⁠)⁠❤
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finniestoncrane · 2 years
How do you think the different Riddlers would react to being somehow kidnapped by an obsessive fan............. I'm not projecting I promise the boys just belong in the basement
Kidnapped Riddlers
Riddler Headcanons *cough cough* this isn't projecting on my part either...no one would kidnap anyone on this blog, not even silly little villains who might kind of deserve to be locked up for a little while NOT AT ALL 💚 request info • prompt list • send me a request • kofi minors DNI!! 🔞 cw for nsfw stuff: mostly fluff i think, but you know me
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this is absolutely not the way this was supposed to go
he's convinced you're working with the batman until you admit your crush
honestly, he's flattered that you watched all of his streams
and concerned that the conclusion you came to was "love"
but he'll take it, adoration from a fan is a sign that he's definitely on his way to making something of himself
but to be honest he's lost all motivation for eradicating corruption
he's quite happy to sit here blushing while you praise him
ooooh, this is kinda kinky, having him tied up like this
and the gag in his mouth? nice touch
but maybe you shouldn't have taken it out because now he won't shut up or stop complaining
like if you wanted him this bad you could have just asked
he would have come (heh) willingly
and if you're taking notes, next time he'd prefer that you were the one tied up
but hey he'll roll with the punches this time
you have exactly five minutes to explain, apologise, untie him, and scold yourself before he bonks you hard on the head with his-
ah...his cane is over there, out of reach
you're smarter than you look
which wouldn't be hard because the kind of person who would try to kidnap him is not a smart one
well, yes technically you did kidnap him
but it's only successful if he doesn't escape
and trust him, he will
you won't be hard to outsmart or outlast
young justice
bless his soul but his one defence mechanism is being so annoying that you immediately need to get rid of him
after maybe the 300th riddle it's likely you'll let him go
or smother him (with kisses???)
but he's so cute, you couldn't strangle a lil puppy like him
but you could duct tape his mouth shut, making sure not to damage his pretty sideburns
oh and now he's started humming an annoying tune
you should have known he wouldn't make it easy
you will rue the day you thought you could trap edward nigma
yes, someone like you couldn't keep a goldfish safe and secure let alone a genius like him
it's only a matter of time before he figures out the combination to these locks
and manages to get out of the copious restraints
and then figures out the password to the door
at least you've added some enrichment to his new habitat
but he won't be here long! you better enjoy him while you have him!
hope you soundproofed this room because he will keep complaining until he's free...
the ropes you've used to restrain him aren't as soft or sturdy as the kind he's used to but they'll do
interesting to note that you removed his shirt
see something you like?
oh he absolutely will try and flirt his way out of this
and there's a high chance he'll be successful
especially when he could provide so much more benefit to you with his hands free
just untie him a little bit and he can give you a taste
an infuriating subject for kidnapping
god only knows when or why he became so adept at lock picking
and where does he keep producing these pins from?
it's just lucky that he's a bit lanky and feels the need to stop for a dramatic goodbye every time he gets loose
which inevitably leads to him being captured again
you would think he would learn his lesson
but that's the definition of madness i suppose
understandable why you would want to kidnap him
but hopefully you knew what you were letting yourself in for
because he's not going to be easy to look after
he's used to being captive, and at least here he has a tv to watch
so he's not in any rush to return to arkham
but get ready to wait on him hand and foot
you were labouring under the misconception that this was a kidnapping when in fact
you seem to be catering for him as though it were a five star all-inclusive resort
and also you buttered his toast wrong again
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