#And blame herself for the rest of her life until Danny explains
quatribobo · 2 years
LOVE the Drabble you posted for the Hanahaki prompt. When I noticed there wasn’t a named ‘unrequited love’, my mind immediately went: PLOT TWIST. Danny’s love for his town is slowly killing him in more ways than one.
In reference to this post from @stealingyourbones
Thank you, I'm glad you liked it! See, I left that part blank purposefully so that people could bring in their own interpretations. DP x DC? Parental love? Sam/Tucker polyam with Sam and Tuck only having eyes for each other? You bring it!
But Nonnie, that never even crossed my mind and I LOVE it. It's an honour to meet such a fellow angst enthusiast!
You can do so incredibly much with this, so *cracks knuckles* let's get into this.
Okay first of all, I'm going to presume Danny knows that this is the love he's feeling. He's having trouble opening up to Jazz, because however protective he is of Amity, that's about how protective she is of him.
She, however, will not accept his silence on the subject. Her baby brother is dying, she's damn well going to find out if she can help, even if that means she's going to have to be the best wingman in history to get this done.
Danny doesn't want to tell her because he knows she'll be crushed once she finds out. How is he supposed to tell her if he knows she'll want to help him, but go mad when she realises she can't?
Still, she persists. On and on she goes. He tries to convince her: hey, this just happens sometimes. People get cancer too sometimes, can't he just enjoy the time he's got left?
Jazz argues that even people with cancer deserve a fighting chance. They don't usually give up beforehand, before even trying. Not without a proper reason, at least.
That's when it dawns on her: there's something he's not telling her, other than the identity of his love. There's something bigger going on. Her prodding becomes more and more targeted, until she manages to force just enough out of him that it suddenly clicks.
Just as Danny predicted, she's crushed when she finds out, because even she knows that making the town love him back is somthing that won't happen. She's seen enough over the past few years to know this.
What Danny hadn't predicted though, was that she was not going to accept this as a dead end, not at all.
Back to plan A, she said. Removing the plant from his lungs.
Despite Danny's protests, she goes into the Ghost Zone - alone, as Danny is far too ill at this point - and goes to see some people.
First up is Frostbite. She asks him if there is any way to teach her what to do and have him guide her through the operation, maybe via an earpeace and a camera? Unfortunately, the aswer is no. The procedure is just too complicated and precise, and there was no way he'd let her perform the operation with absolutely no chance of success. She'd fail, and only blame herself for that for the rest of her life. Despite her avid arguing, he refuses. Only when he explains to her how the procedure goes, does she get his point. There's just nothing she can do in this operation.
So, she tries a different approach.
In the real world, medics can use robotics to perform surgeries from a distance. Is that an option?
The way Frostbite's face lights up, is answer enough.
And so, the second ghost she goes to see, this time with Frostbite in tow, is Skulker.
At first when he hears what's going on, he couldn't care less. It's only when Jazz mentions how such a valuable pelt would completely go to waste, that he agrees to help. It's a good thing he did, since both Jazz and Frostbite were just about ready to tear him a new one.
So they start talking about what's possible and what isn't, and for the first time, Jazz actually starts to feel a glimmer of hope.
However, when Skulker starts to ask about the specifics of the situation, that hope melts like snow in the sun.
He asks why they'd go with the risky procedure, instead of trying to wingman their way out of this. When Jazz explains what's going on, both ghosts freeze.
Jazz doesn't want to ask why.
She does anyway, and the answer wrecks her.
Amity isn't just what Danny loves, they explain, it's his obsession. If they'd successfully remove the disease, his love for Amity would disappear alongside it. In other words: they'd be removing his obsession, the one thing that's keeping Danny together and forming his core. And if they'd harm his core, he'd fade within seconds.
So, Frostbite summarises, even if the operation was a succes, they'd kill Danny with their own hads.
And how was Jazz supposed to continue with this?
How was she supposed to go home, knowing that Danny's obsession was allowing the disease in him to survive?
How could she face Danny, knowing that the one thing killing him was his core itself?
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saffronwritings · 3 years
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Songbird A Self-Indulgent Self-Insert Trickster Fanfiction
Part Eleven: Hurricane Word Count: 5.9k  Content Warning: violence, frank being an asshole, uhhhh slight nsfw?, suggestive content A/N: Please please be nice, this was my first time ever writing any kind of nsfw stuff and I feel so inadequate  and awkward so I'm sorry if it comes off that way 🥺👉👈
Yun-Jin let out a dramatic sigh when she was approached by the ever eccentric Ghostface. He had been leaning against the generator she had wandered off too. Danny had observed the previous music manager a few times prior. She was stand-offish and didn’t care to help her other teammates out. He could see why Ji-Woon and her worked well together in the music industry. Well, until Ji-Woon dived off the deep end and started to mass murder people for his music.
“Are you just going to stand there or can I work on the generator so I can get out of here?” She scoffed, placing her hands on her hips. Danny liked his girls spicy and full of attitude. There was no doubt about that. The smirk he had on under his mask was prevalent. While he enjoyed the quips and easy comebacks Saffron made, it was the bratty energy he liked the most. “Depends.” He answered, not budging from his spot.
“On what, exactly?” She asked, and he wasn’t sure if she was feigning annoyance or if she truly was annoyed with him. “I have a favor to ask of you.” He jested, beckoning her to move closer. A scowl rested on her face, making her features seem meaner than needing to be. He knew that deep under the façade she put on, there was a girl who just wanted to have a normal life. A life she could never have again here in the Fog. 
“I can hear you just fine from here. I’m not stupid. I heard what you did to Saffron and I’m not getting any closer unless the circumstances prove otherwise.” She bit at Ghostface, only making him more excited to be in her presence. He couldn’t blame her for being so reserved and cautious. He was beginning to suspect that following the Entity’s orders and hurting you tremendously a few weeks back was stabbing him in the back, no pun intended. 
“The Entity has put a few of us in some not so favorable positions. I was ordered to mori Saffron, Ji-Woon was taken over by the Entity herself to hurt her. Not that you probably care. However, I hate seeing Tricksty all mopey and sad. I can’t personally fix it because let’s be honest she won’t listen to me for a while. However, hearing from you on the other hand. That might prove to be worth a try.” Danny explained.
Yun-Jin sat there with a stilled face and didn’t move an inch. However, her mind was running a mile a minute. She had already intended to smack some sense into her previous talent for hurting you. To be fair, she didn’t favor you all that much to begin with. She may not have enjoyed the fact that you were pursuing Ji-Woon, but that didn’t mean she was going to intervene on what made you happy.
“What am I supposed to do?” Yun-Jin asked, shifting her weight to her other leg and crossing her arms instead. “I’m glad you asked,” Ghostface announced, pushing himself away from the generator. “Put in a good word to her, if you give me a few more minutes of your time I will explain everything.” He pleaded, not only because he did feel bad for breaking your trust, but because he was afraid Michael was going to beat him senseless if he didn’t. Ghostface didn’t fear much, but he was terrified of the giant hulking mass that was Michael Myers.
“Fine, but make it quick. You have until the rest of the generators are done.” She agreed, but was not happy about it. So Ghostface explained in vast detail the situation at hand. The Entity allowed relationships to happen, even if it wasn’t happy about them at first. So like everything else, the two were put into a trial to see if they could see past the Killer’s true instincts. 
Of course, being in the favor of the Entity, the killer got an advantage over the survivor. Calling upon one of the other killers to hurt them so they could hurt them more in their upcoming match. The killer would have no recollection of the incident even happening until weeks later. However, by then the damage was already done and if the survivor was hurt emotionally enough, the relationship wouldn’t last.
“You seem to know a little too much about this.” Yun-Jin commented with a sneer. “What can I say, I’m her absolute favorite.” He mused and she could almost see the man wink at her behind his mask. This made her shrink away in disgust and scrunch her face at the man. He continued to give the details to her until the sound of the exit gates were powered up. She cut him short by raising her hand at him.
“I’ll pass the message along to her, but that doesn’t mean she’s going to forgive him. It’s all on her whether she wants to rekindle things.” Yun-Jin explained to the killer. “Excellent.” Ghostface said before stalking off, letting her make her way to the exit gate unharmed. 
. . .
Yun-Jin wasn’t sure why she was nervous to approach you. Currently you and Steve were arguing about whether or not jello was a solid or a liquid. It was a very heated argument from the sound of it. Quentin was dozing off to the side somehow in the mix of the two of you arguing. “I’m telling you, it's solid. If it wasn’t solid you wouldn’t be able to put things on it after you put it in the fridge!” Steve said in a very stern voice. “And I’m telling you it's neither a solid nor a liquid. It has a different form so you cannot classify it as either if the state of the matter changes.” You argued back - obviously just as stubborn about your side of the argument.
Quentin was the first one to acknowledge Yun-Jin when he stirred back awake after almost completely dozing off. “Hey.” He nodded awkwardly towards Yun-Jin and she waved back silently. This did, however, catch the attention of the two friends bickering at each other. “Do they do this often?” she asked Quentin who had been stifling a yawn. “Unfortunately.” He said in between yawns. 
She rolled her eyes before directing her attention to you and asked if she could sit down next to you. You of course let her because you didn’t want any bad blood between the two of you. “Look, there’s obviously something on your mind. But please, let me be the first to say sorry for ever doubting you and for being so stubborn in regards to Ji-Woon. I was careless-” You had started to say before she slapped your cheek.
It wasn’t hard enough to leave any kind of marks but enough to sting and to stop what you were saying. Both Quentin and Steve were stunned quiet from her actions. Obviously the three of you were not expecting her to be aggressive in any sort of way. You lifted one of your hands to the cheek she slapped and looked at her in stunned silence.
“I don’t want your apologies. You decided what you wanted to do and that was on you. That was for scaring the ever living daylights out of everyone in the campfire.” She sternly said, jabbing her finger at your chest. You were absolutely baffled by this action and weren’t sure what to say.
She then went on to explain everything Ghostface had told her. You stayed silent as she explained, nodding your head at certain things she said. Things were finally starting to make sense. Obviously you were still furious at Danny for going and stabbing you in the back, quite literally. However, under the circumstances she was glad he took the initiative to do it before the Entity did something far worse.
It would also explain why the white’s of Ji-Woon’s eyes were black with gold veins running through them when he hooked you the last time you saw him. It was the Entity taking over and making him play by its rules. Hope blossomed into your chest that your Ji-Woon was back to normal. “What you do from here on out is up to you.” Yun-Jin said before pushing herself back to her feet.
“Yun-Jin, wait!” You called after her, making her stop in her tracks and turn around to look at you. You ran up and enveloped her in a hug taking her off guard. “You didn’t have to pass the message along. Thank you.” You whispered, squeezing her tight. She hugged you back for a fraction of a second before pulling away and rushing back to the other survivors.
You had been in a bunch of trials by now and things had felt like they had gone back to normal. The only thing was that you had not been placed in a match with Ji-Woon at all since the incident. It might have been the Entity’s way of keeping the two of you separated. You also didn’t want to risk traveling all the way to his realm either, considering you were still terrified to go out into the Fog alone. 
Plus you doubted that Steve or Leon would be okay with you seeking him out. You had told Leon what Yun-Jin had told you, but he was still on edge about you going into the Fog by yourself. Honestly, you couldn’t blame him for being so cautious - he was a cop after all. It was also nice to know that your friends cared about you in this way.
Regaining your consciousness you had recognized the building you were in as the Midwich Elementary School based from Silent Hill. This was the home of Pyramid Head and a shiver ran down your spine at the thought of running into him on his own turf. You slowly made your way out of the bathroom and into one of the destroyed classrooms to work on a gen. Before you could get anywhere with working on it, the terror radius immediately started to go off, alerting you to the killer.
Trying to put some distance between you and the killer, you managed to sneak off from it. However, it was like they knew your movements and headed directly towards you. It was, of course, Frank. You let out an annoyed groan. Of all the Legion members, it just had to be Frank. “What’s up, douchebag.” You greeted him, running in the opposite direction he was running. He didn’t bother to acknowledge you with a response. 
He was hot on your trail, slicing at the air that you barely dodged. He managed to finally land a hit on you, piercing your skin with his rusted and dirtied blade. You let out a groan of pain before continuing on running from him. After a few minutes of looping around the building you were able to lose him. You managed to patch yourself back up with the med kit you brought into the trial.
Not even moments after getting him off your trail, you heard David’s voice let out a pained grunt. He was already on another survivor. Quickly getting into action you had jumped onto a nearby generator. A few minutes had gone by and you assumed that David had gotten away - you were proven wrong just a second later as you heard David’s scream rip from his throat as he was thrown on the hook.
It seemed like Frank was in a particularly bad mood this time around. As of recent trials, he had been letting you off easy. Today seemed like a different case. Maybe he was tired of being nice to you and was back to his regular antics. You couldn’t really fault him for going back to his original ways. Frank was a Killer through and through. While you finished working on one of the generators you heard the sound of David getting sacrificed.
Had no one really gone to save him? The next thing you know is you heard Jake go down in the room right next to you. Your heartbeat picked up as you sped through getting the generator done. Not only did yours pop, but so did another one on the second level of the building. Whoever else was with you besides Jake was working hard on gens as well.
When the terror radius had gone away, you rushed to go unhook him. “Do you want me to heal you now or later?” You asked, walking away at a faced pace. “Later, we need to put some distance from where I was hooked.” He managed through low grunts of pain. Jake had an amazing pain tolerance and it was rare to hear him let out grunts.
The next thing you knew you heard a female’s voice let out a screech of pain - meaning Frank was looking to get this trial over and done with as fast as possible. He was not joking around this time around. You hopped onto another gen before hearing your terror radius pick up. Both you and Jake bolted for the door and were met face to face with the masked killer. He swiped at the two of you. You had managed to dodge it - Jake on the other hand had not. 
He went down with a loud thud and proceeded to smash his head into the ground. You managed to put some distance between yourself and Frank, hopeful that you could hop onto another gen and complete it. Another one had popped and you almost felt relief filling your veins. You were happy that whoever was working behind the scenes was getting shit done. Two more generators and then you were home free.
Unfortunately, Jake had died on the hook and was sacrificed to the Entity. A curse left your lips as you tried connecting wires together to start up the generator. A few grueling minutes passed before you finally got the generator up and running. You were about to celebrate until you heard the shriek above you. Jane.
It was weird what the Fog had done to your brain. You were able to differentiate everyone’s screams, groans, grunts, and yells. Even with those you weren’t the closest too, being in multiple trials had you being able to tell the difference between the various survivors. Before you weren’t even able to tell the difference between your mother and sister when you were on the phone with them. 
It’s crazy that it was terror and pure fear that probably made you memorize the other survivors' voices. As soon as Jane was strung up on a hook she let out a yell that was guttural and full of absolute pain. How you all didn’t become numb to the pain from getting hooked was beyond your comprehension. You snuck up the stairs and looked down the hallway where she was strung up. 
“You know, you really suck at sneaking around.” Frank commented from behind you. A scream left your lips as you hadn’t even heard him sneak up on you. His terror radius was gone and you were shook to your core. You went to run but he grabbed your wrist and stabbed his knife into your arm. A loud grunt of pain left your lips as panic swelled in your stomach.
“If I let Jane die on the hook, will you let me go?” You bartered with him, seeing if maybe you could convince him to let you leave the match. He stopped for a second, thinking about your offer before Jane had died on the hook. Hope blossomed in your chest for a slight moment before he dug his knife out of your arm and plunged it into your shoulder. You tried to run away from him but it was no use. He downed you seconds later with another swipe of his knife.
Cursing under your breath and trying to get back to your feet the sound of Jane being sacrificed to the Entity as well bounced off the walls. It was no use, you were beaten too badly to get up on your own. Frank hoisted you up onto his shoulder and started walking in the opposite direction in which you had snuck your way around. You knew struggling against him was useless, he had an iron grip that few got out of. 
Descending the flight of stairs, it was like he had a specific place he wanted to hook you. Suddenly, you looked up momentarily when you heard the ominous sounds that indicated that the hatch was nearby. Holy shit, was he actually going to give you the hatch? In all your matches with Frank, he never wanted to give anyone the hatch.
“Oh thank goodness.” You whispered out entirely too soon. He cautiously walked around it and to your dismay before you could ask any questions he threw you onto the hook. He turned around and kicked the hatch closed. Betrayal was hot in your eyes as you glared knives into his mask. “You little shit!” You screamed before the Entity plunged its claws into your body, sending you back to the campfire. 
Rage surged through your body as you came back to your senses. “That fucking jerk!” You yelled angrily, catching the attention of Dwight who flinched away from your screams. You looked around quickly, hoping to find Leon so he could take you over to Ormond. However, the only people who were left by the campfire were Dwight, Felix, Zarina, and Claudette. Everyone else was probably inside a trial. 
You knew if Leon came back from his trial to hear that you left the safety of the campfire by yourself he would get very upset. It didn’t stop you from sprinting away and into the dense forest surrounding it. In no time flat you had made your way to the snow fallen area and made a bee-line to the lodge. Without giving them any warning and parading into the building you stalked up to Frank angrily.
“You are such a fucking asshole you know that?” You jabbed at him both with your words and your finger into his chest. “Here I thought you were going to give me the hatch and you walk around it like a tottering weather-bitten foot-licker! You hooked me and let me die!” You continued to chew him out. If his mask wasn’t on you would have been able to see the shit eating grin he had on his face. You had known the Legion long enough though, that you infact did know he had that shit eating grin on his stupid looking scarred up face of his.
“GOD, I have absolutely no fucking clue what Julie sees in such a scumbag like you!” You snarled and finally backed away from him. “Nice to see you too, sweetheart.” He laughed out, obviously happy with himself for what he did in your previous trial together. A frustrated yell ripped from your throat as you stalked away from him. “Did she call you a tottering weather-bitten foot-licker? Because that is by far my favorite insult I’ve ever heard.” Joey piped in from the bar.
You shot a glare over at him and for once he wasn’t wearing his mask. He was preparing a drink and was smiling at the two of you. “Shut it you uncooked sausage-link.” You yelled, which only made him laugh harder. “You owe me a pack of cigarettes, Joey. I told you I could piss her off enough to get her here.” Frank laughed while joining his friend at the bar. He had  thrown his mask up so you could see his shit eating grin yourself.
Before you could further press him with what he was talking about, you felt a pair of arms wrap themselves around your waist. Immediately you tensed up at the sensation, knowing exactly whose arms were wrapped so tightly against you. “Let’s give them some privacy.” Joey said, handing Frank a drink and walking to the door that led to the outside. Frank chuckled and followed his friend out, shutting the door behind him.
“Ji-Woon…” You whispered with your body still tense. His musky cologne flooded your nostrils that you could recognize anywhere. He didn’t say anything as he buried his head into your shoulder. It felt like he was encasing your body with his. He didn’t want to let go in fear of you running away from him again. He didn’t know he was capable of knowing what a broken-heart felt like.
In his previous life, he was the one breaking hearts and hurting others. He was so sure of himself, so narcissistic that he would never be on the receiving end of that pain. Yet, here you were in all your glory. The one who hurt his heart the most by looking so afraid of him the last time the two of you had seen each other at the snowy lodge. Breaking his heart in two by running away from him when he was in danger hand in hand with another survivor. The fear and uncertainty that lingered in your expression haunted his thoughts.
Every trial he was in since then, he hadn’t been doing his best. He missed most of his throws with his knives because he was so in his head about the entire situation. The Entity had used him, harbored his body so that it could instill fear into the one he cared about the most. Hearing his name leave your lips in such an uncertain way made his heart shoot with pain.
He feared you would want nothing to do with him ever again, so he wanted to relish in this final touch with you. He would respect your wishes of not wanting to see him so intimately. In case this was the last time he would see you outside of the Entity’s trials, he wanted to be selfish and indulge in you a final time. He wanted to inhale your body’s natural scent and drown in your skin. 
He felt your body was tense by his presence alone, and wanted nothing more than to put you at ease. Ji-Woon couldn’t blame you for acting so cautious around him. He still didn’t know exactly what he had said to you during the trial but he couldn’t imagine it was anything good. 
“My angel. Understand that I know you have every right to be upset with me. I can’t begin to imagine how hurt and betrayed you felt when I attacked you in the last trial we were in together. If you don’t want to see me again after this, trust me, I understand. Just know I am very sorry you had to go through that because the Entity wanted to put our interest in each other on trial. If I had ever known that I would have done everything in my power to have kept you safe. Even if it meant never getting to hold you or kiss you, I would have kept you at arm’s length to keep you safe.” He whispered into your neck. 
He was shocked when you suddenly turned around in his arms and hugged his torso tightly. Sobs racked your body as you felt his embrace. You also feared you would never get to see him again, especially in a safe manner like this. The Entity was cruel and you knew that from the moment you appeared in this hellscape. Things were never going to go in your favor. You feared what happened with Ghostface and the Trickster would happen time and time again for the sake of the Entity’s pleasure.
However, when you spoke to Jake outside of a trial much to his dismay, he was able to lessen your fears. Michael was a special case in regards to losing his sense of self to his instincts to kill and sometimes attacked Jake without rhyme or reason. He put those fears aside and still chose to love the killer regardless. You had even spoken to Yui who was quietly seeing the Spirit. This was a secret that Jake had shared with you, only with her permission.
She told you the same thing, except that since the Entity took over the Spirit and attacked her in a trial, they never experienced something like that again. If the temperament of the killer was genuine enough to see past the blood-lust and the urge to kill, they wouldn’t be targeted by the Entity again. This had made you put your fears aside and made you want to rekindle what you had with Ji-Woon.
He stroked a hand through your hair to ease your sobs, feeling his chest well up in guilt. He removed his arms from around your waist and cupped your face in his hands. Carefully making you look up at him, he looked in your eyes with such fondness and sincerity. “I don’t want to ever see the look of fear in your eyes when you look at me ever again.” Ji-Woon whispered, stroking his thumb over your cheek to wipe away the fallen tears. 
You nodded your head in acknowledgement, feeling your heart swell immeasurably with overwhelming emotions. “That’s my girl.” He whispered before pulling you into a kiss. Your lips melted into his like they were meant to be there all along. This hell that you endured time and time again, would be all worth it if you had Ji-Woon by your side. His tongue pushed its way into your mouth, caressing yours while also exploring the depths of your mouth.
A small moan escaped your lips as you moved to tangle your hand into his hair. Heat flooded your body as the kiss did nothing but deepen. Before you knew it, you were pulling away gasping for air. This didn’t stop him from diving back into your lips. He was addicted to them, intoxicated by the way it made him feel. “I could kiss you forever, and it still wouldn’t be enough.” He muttered against your lips. 
You were sure that your body was flushed from head to toe, and you were absolutely sure that he was going to tease you for it, but for now you wanted to indulge in his affections. Suddenly his feet were moving, dragging both of you backwards. You weren’t sure where he was taking you but you didn’t want to break the affectionate kiss the two of you were sharing so you followed without a second thought. This didn’t stop you from whining when he momentarily parted from the kiss to sit himself in one of armchairs around the fireplace.
Without hesitation, he pulled you onto his lap - having your legs straddling on either side of his legs. You had placed your hands on his chest to balance yourself. Your blush deepened at the action, your heart pounding through your chest. “Look at my angel, all hot and bothered.” He cooed and without warning started to attack your neck with harsh sucking and biting. You were sure there were going to be new bruises that would make you flush in embarrassment when Leon asked about you getting hurt again. “Ah~ Ji-Woon.” You let out a breathy whine making him smile against your neck. 
“Fucking hell, angel. You keep that up, you're going to make me go absolutely feral.” He whispers against your skin. Goosebumps spread across your skin and you felt your body respond in vast ways. A mewl left your lips as his hands began to roam your body and he moved up to capture your earlobe with his teeth. His hands kneading your flesh both softly and harshly. Tugging you closer to him when he felt like you weren’t close enough. Your breathing was now labored and you feel yourself losing control of your thoughts as they were clouded with lust. 
You were about to moan out his name again, but he bit down on your lobe making you let out a squeal of surprise. “If you moan my name again, I cannot promise I will be able to control myself, doll.” He warned you with a dangerously low and gruff voice. You nodded your head in understanding. A muffled whine strained in your throat as his hands still roamed your body, only grazing over your sensitive areas for moments at a time. These tiny movements drove you insane.
You didn’t even realize you were grinding your heat against his, regardless of the clothes separating the two of you. A deep guttural groan left his lips at the sudden pressure of you pressing against him. It was the most beautiful sound you had ever heard him make. You fluttered your eyes open to see his golden eyes staring at you darkly with lust. He put one of his hands on the back of your neck and smashed your lips together. You let out a yelp of surprise before reciprocating the kiss, continuing to grind your hips against his.
His other hand came and slipped under the fabric of your shirt. The sudden contact sent shock waves through your body. A mewl left your lips as he once again moved his lips to start sucking on your neck. Your mind was hazy at all of this contact, making your head spin in ways you forgot existed. Ji-Woon also couldn’t think straight with the lewd noises he was eliciting from you.
He dragged his hand up to one of your clothed breasts and softly groped it - eliciting another lewd noise from your mouth. The vibrations of your moans bounced against his lips and made him smile even more. “My, my. My pretty girl is so sensitive.” He mused, dragging his tongue in a single line up to your ear. He then blew on the area causing your body to shutter. “Ji-Woon..” You whined at the contact. 
“Yes, princess?” He asked, smiling at you knowing what he was doing to you. You weren’t sure how to respond to his question, only to let out another moan when he bit down on your earlobe. He then lifted your shirt just enough to expose your clothed breasts. He pulled down the material enough to expose your hardened nipples. 
Before you could say anything he had dove his head down to capture one of them into his mouth. With the sudden contact, you let out a loud moan of pleasure. He sucked vigorously while moving his other hand to grab onto your other breast - making you squirm and grind your hips down into his. Ji-Woon let out another deep moan from you grinding down onto him - the vibrations on your sensitive nipple making you wriggle in pleasure. 
“Well, shit. Looks like the two of you have made up.” Julie laughed from the entrance of the lodge. Ji-Woon slowly unlatched his mouth from your breast, a string of saliva connecting from his lips to your now sensitive bud. Your eyes had widened and you had gasped in surprise and quickly attempted to jump from his lap. However, he just pulled you into his chest so you could hear his rapid heart beat. You honestly forgot you were in the Ormond Resort and that this was indeed the home to the Legion. 
Your face was flushed vibrantly red and you felt your heartbeat hammer in your chest heavily. “Ah, pardon us Julie. We got a bit carried away.” Ji-Woon spoke smoothly as if he wasn’t caught doing inappropriate things to your body. “I’m glad to see the two of you have made up. Maybe you’ll stop moping around our realm.” Julie said, making the idol star pause for a moment. 
You looked up to see it was now his turn to share an embarrassed look, as if she revealed an embarrassing secret. In their exchange you had fixed your clothing back to normal and removed yourself from Ji-Woon’s lap. “Shouldn’t you be getting back to the campfire? I’m sure your friends will be worried about your sudden disappearance.” Frank said from the other side of the door he went out earlier.
Your face once again burned in embarrassment. “Were you listening that entire time, you perv?!” You shrilled. Frank opened the door and he and Joey came back into the building. “This is my realm and my base after all.” He retorted with a smirk that made you want to smash his head into the nearest wall. “Ji-Woon, your bat please.” You asked in a tone he’s never heard before. He looked over and he saw the rage flaring in your eyes. A blush formed on his face and he felt himself grow more attracted to you in that moment. 
“I didn’t bring it with me this time, doll.” He answered, rubbing the back of his neck. “Then a knife.” You demanded, eyes still trained angrily on the leader of the Legion. “As if you could catch me, brat.” Frank spat only making you more angry. “Don’t think I’ve forgiven you for your asshole behavior earlier! I’m still VERY pissed at you!” You spat back at him, with just as much anger. You attempted to start walking over to him but Ji-Woon caught your wrist and pulled you back over to him. 
“Ladies, ladies. You’re both pretty. Calm down.” Joey insisted, eliciting a glare from his friend. This made your anger falter and you almost stifled a laugh. Ji-Woon stood up from the armchair and put his hand on the small of your back. “Let me walk you back to the campfire.” He said, directing you away from Frank. 
“Yes, let’s get away from this miserable asshole.” You sneered, directing your words toward Frank. He gave you a sly wave which only made you angrier. “Bye Joey, see you later Jules! Give Susie a hug for me when she gets back from her trial. Hope you trip and land on your own knife Frank.” You stated, raising your middle finger to Frank before walking off with Ji-Woon by your side. His hand easily slipped into your other hand as you both made your way back to the survivor campfire. 
“I’ve truly missed you, angel.” Ji-Woon spoke up halfway through the walk, bringing your knuckles to his lips. “I’ve missed you too, Ji-Woon.” You smiled at him, squeezing his hand in yours. Before you made it back to the campfire fully, he pushed you against a tree carefully. He had his finger under your chin, making you look at him directly in his beautiful golden orbs. 
“I plan on finishing what I started, obviously not now but another time. If that’s okay with you.” He spoke low but caused you to blush with the nature of his words. You nodded shyly, looking away from his eyes that made you incredibly nervous. “Look at me, angel.” He spoke in a whisper, making you look back up at him. 
He captured your lips in his, this time not as fervent in need. He pulled away entirely too soon as he pressed his forehead to yours. “I will be back to collect you after I’m done with a few of my trials. This time, I mean it. I will be back for you.” Ji-Woon whispered closely to your lips, ghosting over them.
“I look forward to it.” You smiled, rubbing your nose against his affectionately. “I’ll see you then, my starlight.” He said, pressing a tender kiss to your cheek. “Until then, my moon.”
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sinhal · 3 years
What if Dick Grayson Died?
“Some people don’t want to be saved. Because saving means changing. And changing is always harder than staying the same”
In a world that at first seems so similar to the one we know, Dick Grayson dies that night. Space was long and hard, but they arrived home a week earlier, a week where Jason Todd was visiting Danny Chase in Titans Tower (“Unknown? I don’t get it. I spoke to the Toddster last week? What could have –”). Dick is surprised, happy when he sees Jason, and it pushes Jason to call the phone number he was given when he learns about the fact that his birth mother might be alive. Jason regrets this phone call for the rest of his days (what would you do if you were the reason for your sibling’s death? If you were the reason that they were there that night, the night everything went wrong?). That night goes along much like it does in the world we know — the betrayal, the explosion, the smoke — but Dick would protect those he loves to the very last breath, and he hunkers over his little brother, protecting him from the smoke until Batman (Bruce) was able to get there, and he manages to save Jason but not Dick. That is when the world becomes unrecognizable.
Bruce Wayne did not punch Jason in the face. Bruce Wayne did not blame Jason. What Bruce did — despite being in grief, despite his horrible, horrible track record with dealing with grief — was take Robin away from Jason, forever, but he also explained. Bruce never was going to be responsible for another kid dying, never again. Jason was scared, terrorized, hurt after that night. He says, “okay,” and when school comes back around, he goes to school, graduates eventually, goes to college. He never takes up a suit and name again, the pain from his injuries ensures that. He is happy (he mourns the brother that he only got to know for a few years, mourns the brother he believes he killed, mourns the life that he thinks  they could have had if he had just been better). 
Bruce Wayne wants to collapse in his grief and anger. He wants to hurt the people that took his son in all but name away from him (they had been fighting for years at this point. He never got to say he was sorry, that he loved him, that he thought of him as a son). He couldn’t collapse, he had a son at home, and thus, Tim Drake never showed up on his doorstep, talking about how “Batman needs Robin” (Tim Drake believed in and truly loved Dick Grayson without ever meeting him. He mourned the man he never even met, and one night sneaked to the graveyard where he was buried, a night that changed his life). Stephanie Brown, however, didn’t become a vigilante because of anyone else. She was Spoiler because she was going to stop her father and anyone else who got in her way. Bruce couldn’t let another kid fight on the streets, not alone, so he gives her suit and the trust she was never given in the world we know (“Is this another test? I’m getting sick of this. When am I going to be qualified? When will the games end?”), and the world shifts just a bit more. Eventually Bruce, hesitantly yet surely, offers Steph Robin. She takes it. Robin and Batman —the dynamic duo, the caped crusaders — fly again. All is well in Gotham, at least for now. 
Not all is well in Gotham, beyond the glistening towers and shiny manors. In the shadows, Cassandra Cain hides, waits, discovers. Gotham, she decides, is her way to redeem herself for the night when she was eight. She may never become one of Oracle’s agents. There is no No Man’s Land to spark her change, but she is inspired by the blonde who calls herself Robin, and makes a plan. Her plan — her plan centered around helping people the best she can with the perfection her father made her into  — is destroyed when a man comes into her brain and alters it to make it into something he could understand. She doesn’t think she could forgive him, not for taking away the one thing she had. Running into Lady Shiva was an accident on her part, but when she offers to change her back to what she was before in exchange for a no bars bared death match in a year, Cass has to take the offer. She is no use to anyone when she is not perfect (”I can be mediocre. for a lifetime. or perfect. for a year”). She deserves to die for what she did. She’ll never take a life (not again).
Timothy Drake just saw someone rise from the dead. The ground around Dick Grayson’s grave was torn up, broken by the person who was trapped inside it. The person who should be inside the grave was laying halfway out of it, looking half dead (he should be completely) before his head shot up, eyes — a glowing, bright blue — tracking him even in the darkness of the new moon night. Tim offered out his hand, and out of options, out of ideas, brought home his hero, a mistake proving disastrous for the both of them. 
The way that Tim Drake and Dick Grayson came to be with the League of Assassins —one threatened, the other memoryless, both brainwashed—is long and complicated. All that matters is that four years after he died, Dick Grayson and Tim Drake come back to Gotham, and they try to burn it to pieces.
It takes courage to face yourself in the mirror and look beyond the reflection to find the you you should have been
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anna-justice · 4 years
Lost or Found - 24
Summary: As Jay, Hailey, Kim, Adam and Kevin start their junior year in the wake of a tragic summer, the past year of their lives comes back to haunt them. If you enjoyed Pretty Little Liars, this is for you! *UPSTEAD/BURZEK High School AU
24 - Evermore  ...
“Your dad should have killed you when he had the chance…”
Hailey whimpered, her eyes clenched shut and beads of sweat appearing on her forehead.
“So you want to play hero one more time?” 
She flinched in her sleep, her heart beating out of her chest, so fast that she thought it was going to explode. 
“That works for me.” 
Hailey shot up, screaming. The last thing she saw was the barrel of a gun. She clawed at her chest, trying to get a good breath. “Hailey?” Someone yelled, and then right after, her Aunt appeared in front of her. “Hailey, it’s okay.” Trudy reached out to grab her hand, but Hailey pulled it back, looking at her with scared eyes. 
It had been a month since she had heard those words muttered aloud, but they plagued her dreams frequently. 
The two weeks following that day, all five of them took turns rotating through the police station. Everyday there were new questions, more people to explain things to, more statements to clarify, it was never ending. Then, it just stopped. There was nothing else they could do, they had to wait for trial. And in the meantime, Erin was placed in a psychiatric hold facility, and her lawyers were defending her actions as a symptom as psychosis.
It bothered them all, that technically she was free, all because they could blame her attempted murder on a psychotic break. Especially when Kelly Severide was looking at time. A few days after, two detectives showed up at Hailey’s house, wanting a full recount of the last five months, and that included the night that she was attacked. When Severide was questioned, he had no alibi and he confessed to strangling Hailey. His excuse was that he was threatened the same way that the rest of them were, only in person. He claimed that he knew Erin was alive the whole time, but she threatened to kill his mom and sister if he didn’t cooperate. 
Unfortunately, the only way to corroborate the story for a jury is to prove Erin mentally competent, meaning she was capable of carrying out her threats. To all involved, even Kelly, it was clear that she knew what she was doing, she was a mastermind, but to everyone on the outside, they were just a bunch of teenagers wrapped up in a murder. 
The girl that everyone thought was Erin still hadn’t been identified, they had to dig up the casket for the second time. The only way they were able to ID it the first time was by the previous fracture and bracelet, but there are a lot of people in the Chicago area that have broken their left wrist. 
So, with no new information and the date for the trial to begin still months away, they all lived life normally. Well, as normal as it could be after everything they went through. And normal for Hailey meant waking up every night screaming. 
Trudy looked at her husband, who was standing in the doorway. They shared a look, a very familiar one. They repeated the same steps every night, like some cruel rehearsed dance. Trudy waited patiently for Hailey to calm down, just seated on the floor next to her. “Hailey, sweetie, you’re safe.” She repeated. 
Every night it was the same, Hailey would snap out of whatever daze she was in and apologize profusely. “I’m sorry, I got scared…” She started.
“Shhh,” Trudy said, placing a hand on her leg, “It’s okay.” 
Hailey nodded, swallowing hard. “I’m good, you all can go back to sleep.” She said, glancing at her uncle. 
Trudy just nodded, she learned many nights ago not to fight her on it, “Alright. Goodnight Hailey, we love you.” She said, squeezing her shoulder. 
“Love you too.” Hailey said, watching them retreat back to their room. They left the door open like they always did, Hailey sighed rolling over and grabbing her phone. She sent a quick text to her boyfriend. 
Hailey:      :(
It was a system that they started a few weeks ago. The first few nights Jay would stay up with her on the phone, or she would call him after Trudy and Randy finally left, but the lack of sleep began to play a part in their relationship. So, they decided that every time Hailey had a nightmare (or Jay, he wasn’t clean of them) they would text the other a frowny face, so that in the morning they would know what the other had gone through the night before without having to talk about it. It has proved to be useful.
Hailey laid down again, willing herself to close her eyes, but she couldn’t. Sleep was too vulnerable, so she laid there awake, just waiting for the sun to rise on (hopefully) a better day. 
“What do you mean you haven’t picked out a costume?” Kim asked, as Jay slammed his door shut. Like every morning, they were all crowded around his truck, waiting until the last minute to head to class. The gossip still hadn’t died down, they were still the topic of every conversation, so they avoided it as much as they could. 
Hailey shrugged. “I thought we weren’t dressing up.” She said, looking up at her boyfriend, who nodded in agreement. Halloween was tomorrow, and of course Kim had plans for all of them.
“No, I said we weren’t dressing up as the characters from scooby doo…” Kim said, giving Adam a pointed look. 
Adam held up his hands in surrender, “Like I said, I’m sorry, it’s too soon.” He said, stifling a laugh. 
Kevin rolled his eyes, “Yeah, you all know I’d have to be scooby. And I’m not dressing up like a dog.” He snapped. 
“But Kev,” Adam said, faking a frown. “I thought you were my dawg.” Kevin glared at him, faking a punch as Adam jumped back. 
“Anyway,” Kim started, looking back at Hailey and Jay, and ignoring the antics behind her. “I promised Stella we would all be at her party tomorrow night, you guys will be the only people without a costume.” 
Hailey sighed, “Kim, we will get costumes, I promise.” Kim opened her mouth, but the warning bell cut her off. Hailey smiled, grabbing Jay’s hand. “We’ll see you guys later.” She said, before pulling him away. 
“Please tell me you have costume ideas,” Jay said quietly. 
“Nope.” They rounded the corner, Jay leaning down and stealing a kiss before they entered their classroom. Criminal justice was a little harder to sit through than it was before, but somehow Jay had managed to get his grade up. 
They took their normal seats in the back of the class, waiting for the teacher to begin. “I have an idea,” Jay said, leaning on his hand. 
“Okay?” Hailey said cautiously. 
“I’ll be a firefighter, and you be a Dalmatian.” He said, wiggling his eyebrows. 
Hailey scoffed, “No.” 
“Okay. You be the firefighter and I’ll be the Dalmatian.” He said, smirking.
Hailey shook her head, “Try again.” Jay fake pouted, retreating back to his half of the shared desk. 
Finally, their teacher decided to start class, cutting their conversation off for the time being. After about 30 minutes of notes, he passed out an assignment, leaving them to work on their own. Jay turned to face her, smiling. “I’ve got another idea.” He said, Hailey gave him a pointed look. “Squints and the lifeguard from the sandlot.” 
“Why? So every time someone asks us who we are you get to lay on the ground and make me kiss you?” She questioned. 
“Exactly.” He deadpanned. 
“Okay, okay.” He said, laughing. He loved it when she got all riled up. “Peter Pan and Tinkerbell, cause you’re so short-”
“Jay!” She said, smacking his bicep. 
He laughed harder, “Okay, in all seriousness...we can be Jack and Rose from the titanic…” He watched Hailey’s face slowly morph into slight agreeance, “And Kev could be the iceberg.” 
“I’m done with you.” Hailey said shortly, stifling her own laugh. 
Jay laughed at his own joke, watching his girlfriend pretend to be aggravated with him. “You love me, you know it.” 
“Unfortunately…” Hailey said under her breath. She took a deep breath, “What about Danny and Sandy from Grease?” 
Jay smirked, “You in leather pants? Perfect.” 
“You’re hopeless.” 
The next day, Hailey sat in Kim’s bedroom getting ready. They had about an hour before the boys were supposed to come pick them up. Kim and Adam were going as Romeo and Juliet, while Hailey and Jay had finally settled on Rapunzel and Flynn Rider. Kevin had grouped up with some of the boys from his team, they were going as zombie football players, very original…
“Kim, you’re going to have to do this.” Hailey said, laughing in defeat. 
Kim smiled, taking over for her. She was waiting for her to ask for help, she’d been struggling to french braid her hair for almost twenty minutes. “I got it.” They sat there for a while in silence, Kim carefully laying pieces of blonde hair over the others, she glanced at Hailey in the mirror, noticing the blank look on her face. “How are you doing?”
Hailey’s head snapped up to meet her eyes, she caught her off guard. “Uh,” She shrugged, “I’m okay, I guess…” 
Kim scoffed, shaking her head. “I’ve said that word so many times recently that I’m not even sure it’s a word anymore.” 
“Yeah…” Hailey said, letting her thoughts wander. “I get that.” And she did, it was like she used the word as a shield. It was her response to everything, and she wasn’t okay, not that it was really a secret. None of them were okay, but saying it made it feel like they were. And deception was something worth clinging onto. 
“You know, we never talked about-” 
“We don’t need to.” Hailey said, cutting her off. 
Kim eyed her cautiously, “Okay.” She wanted to talk, but she didn’t feel like she had any right to push Hailey to. Not after what happened. “Done.” She said, a few minutes later, taking a step back to admire her work.
“Thanks,” Hailey said with a genuine smile, picking up the jar of flower clips they had bought that morning. “You think I should just put these everywhere?” 
Kim nodded, “Yeah, I think so.” She reached down, clicking shuffle on a playlist, a random Taylor Swift song playing. They were both done talking. 
An hour later, the two of them were sitting in Kim’s kitchen talking to her mom when Jay and Adam arrived. Adam just let himself in the front door, Jay choked on a laugh as he waltzed in like he owned the place. 
The boys appeared in the kitchen, “Honey, I’m home.” He said, passing Kim and hugging her mom. Kim rolled her eyes as they all laughed, Jay’s hand finding Hailey’s back like it always did. He was so happy, even though life was still crazy, he was ridiculously happy. Watching Hailey smile and Adam joke around like he used to (before they used it as a distraction) was so nice, and familiar and just so damn good. 
Hailey peered up at him, grinning as he pecked her lips. “Alright, let’s get a picture so you all can get out of here.” Claire said, ushering them together. Jay stood next to Adam, both of them holding their girlfriends securely against their waists. They all smiled brightly, relaxing after the click. 
They quickly bid their goodbyes, making their way out to Jay’s truck. Hailey slid easily into the passenger seat, despite her nude heels (that she was already regretting), while Adam and Kim got in the back. They pulled out of the driveway, and somehow Adam ended up with aux cord. Somewhere in between an old Maroon 5 song and the Weekend, Jay’s hand found hers on the center console. 
Hailey looked down at it and smiled. It was a simple thing that they did every single time they rode together, but it really symbolized how much things had changed. Hailey thought back to the day that he kept his eyes trained on the road, back when she cut him off when he tried to apologize. It was only two months ago, but they were different, everything was different, everything was better. 
 Jay followed her gaze to their conjoined hands, mimicking her smile. She didn’t have to say anything, he knew exactly what she was thinking. Part of him wishes he could go back and stay with her then, he felt like they had wasted so much time, but the other part of him knew that they were better for it. Neither of them were ready for what they have now, then. And what they have was worth the wait. 
Finally they reached their destination, Jay having the park pretty far away due to how many people were already there. They got out, Jay rounding the truck to help Hailey down, even though she hadn’t needed it in a long time. The four of them headed towards the decent sized house, they could hear the music thumping from outside. Hailey slipped her hand in Jay’s, gripping his forearm. 
Jay noticed the look of discomfort on her face, leaning down. “Hey, you okay?” He asked, eying her. 
Hailey nodded, holding on a little tighter. “Yeah, just don’t want to get lost in the crowd.” Jay nodded, believing her lie. She couldn’t really explain it, but she had a terrible feeling in her stomach and the thought of being lost in a sea of people made her want to throw up. Even though it was over, Hailey still found herself looking over her shoulder and watching out for her. And even though all of that meant she was nowhere near being in a party mood, she wasn’t going to bring everyone else down, they all needed a fun night. 
They made their way through the crowded makeshift dance floor, and found Kevin in a living area near the back of the house where he was sitting with Stella, Conner, Matt and Sylvie. “Hey guys,” He called, jumping up and clapping Adam’s back. 
Stella stood, hugging Kim tightly, “I’m glad you guys could make it.” 
Kim squeezed her, “Me too.”
Stella backed away, touching Hailey’s arm affectionately and giving her a kind smile that she returned. “I know it’s kind of crazy,” Stella laughed, “If you need something or just a break, the keys to the upstairs doors are hidden right under the doors, just inside the rooms.” She glanced at the obvious couples, winking. “I trust you guys.” 
They all nodded, Kim blushing, a chorus of “great” and “thanks” sounding. The group dispersed, the five of them huddling up. “Obviously Hailey and I are gonna stick together, if we get lost, meet back here at midnight and we’ll head out?” Jay suggested.
“Sounds good,” Kev said, nodding.
Adam agreed too. “That works for me.” 
That works for me…
Hailey flinched at those words, instinctively squeezing her eyes shut. Her breath caught in her throat. The image of a pulled gun flashing through her brain. She grimaced, trying to push the thoughts away. “Hailes…” She took another deep breath, doing everything in her power to keep her fear at bay. “Hailes.” Someone said, harsher, snapping her out of her daze. 
“Yeah?” She asked quickly. 
Kim eyed her cautiously, “I asked if you wanted a water…”
“Oh,” Hailey shook her head, “No, I’m good, thanks though.” She watched as Kim and Adam slowly disappeared into the crowd, her eyebrowed cinched together. 
Jay stepped in front of her, blocking her view of the rest of the room, “Are you sure you’re okay?” He asked, concern clear in his bright green eyes. 
Hailey nodded vigorously, “I’m good, I promise.” She said, his face didn’t change. He didn’t believe her. Hailey reached up, pulling him to her level and attaching their lips. She wrapped her arms around his neck as she deepened it, pulling him even closer. Jay did his best not to get lost in the kiss, but with her it was so hard. She pulled away slowly, peering up at him. “Jay, I’m okay.” Kim was right, it didn’t sound like a word anymore. 
Jay sighed, admitting defeat. “Okay.” He laced their hands together, leaning down and kissing her slowly before guiding her to the dance floor. They stood near the edge, Jay’s hand sitting on her hips as they swayed in sync to the fast music. They danced for a while before some of Jay’s teammates interrupted them. 
Hailey stood securely at his side as they spoke, absently listening to the trashy rap music that was playing loudly throughout the room. “Fuck, shit, bitch…” The sound of a gun being cocked rang through the speakers and Hailey screamed. Suddenly the eyes of everyone around her staring at her. She was frozen in place, forcing the terrible memories away, but she couldn’t. 
“Hailey.” Jay said, but her feet had a mind of their own and she was running towards the staircase, her lungs burning, she couldn’t get in a good breath. “Hailey!” Jay called after her, not even bothering to say goodbye to his team before taking off. 
Hailey booked it up the stairs, dropping to the ground in front of the first door she saw, grasping aimlessly for the key. She slumped against the door, tears streaming down her face as she fought to breathe. Jay booked it towards her, crouching down and finding the key easily. He unlocked the door, then swept his hysterical girlfriend off the floor, carrying her into the room and setting her on the bed. She was still heaving in front of him, and Jay placed two hands on either side of her face. “Hailey, Hailey look at me.” He said, but her eyes stayed trained on his chest. “Baby, you’re safe, look at me, please.” She clenched her eyes shut, more tears falling down her face. When she opened them again, they met his and she launched herself into his arms. 
Jay held her to him, rocking them gently as she cried into his neck. “I-I thought-” She stuttered, sobs wracking her body. 
“I know, I know.” He said, trying to calm her. 
“I thought it was over…” She said, and Jay felt his heart clench in his chest. 
He ran his hand through her braided hair, no doubt destroying it. “It is, it’s all over, you’re safe. We’re safe.” For some reason that made her cry harder, maybe because she hadn’t for the past month, she had been bottling up her feelings to protect herself and everyone else. Because even though she was, she hadn’t felt safe in a long time. 
Hailey pulled away after a long time, utterly exhausted. Jay couldn’t take the look of defeat on her safe, she looked so tired, so broken, that it scared him. How could he not have known how much pain she was in? 
She couldn’t bear to look at him, so she kept her gaze fixed on her lap. He placed his hand on her thigh, and Hailey laid one on top of it. She sniffled, using her free hand to wipe the never ending tears from her eyes. “I’m okay.”
The following Monday, Hailey sat in the passenger seat of Jay’s truck. After the events of Saturday night, Jay had no choice but to loop in Trudy and Randall, he had to after he had failed to do so before. They spent the rest of the weekend convincing Hailey to see someone, to talk about everything they had been through. 
It was probably the trauma left over from her parents, but the stigma that therapy made you weak was ingrained in Hailey’s mind, and convincing her to make an appointment was no easy task. 
That’s how they ended up sitting in the parking lot of a private practice right after school, Hailey’s leg bouncing nervously up and down. Jay lifted their intertwined hands off the center console, kissing the back of hers. “I’m going to be here waiting, all I ask is that you go in there and try.” He said, rubbing his thumb over the back of her hand. 
Hailey smiled softly, nodding. She leaned across the console and kissed him slowly, hoping that she was able to portray just how much love she had for him and trust she had in him through it. Jay pulled away, taking her in. “I love you, Hailey Upton.” 
“I love you, Jay Halstead.” She said. 
“Now, go kick some ass.” He said and she laughed, opening the truck door. She shut it, giving him one last look before walking inside the doors. 
She sat down in one of the waiting room chairs after signing in, a few minutes later an older man with big glasses popped his head out of the back. “Hailey?” 
She stood, “Yes sir.”
The man smiled, “Come with me.” He led her back to an office, gesturing for her to sit on the couch while he sat in the chair across from her. “I’m Dr. Charles, but you can call me Daniel or Dan, or really whatever makes you comfortable.” He explained. 
Hailey nodded, shifting nervously. “So, how does this work?” She asked.
“However you want it to, we can talk or not talk about anything you want.” He said, leaning back in his chair. 
“Okay,” Hailey glanced at the ground, “The-There’s a lot…” 
“That’s okay.” 
Hailey grimaced, finally looking at him. “Where do I start?” She asked.
Dr. Charles smiled. “How about the beginning?”
Hailey sighed, taking a few deep breaths, ready to start confronting all the demons that she had been fighting for so long. 
“Tell me everything.”
A/N: This is long but please, please, please read it!!
First, this is the end of this story, but it is not THE end! There will be a sequel and if you want to see a sneak peak, you can find it HERE. I am so so excited to continue exploring this version of these characters, and don’t worry, the next installment will be just as exciting as this one! 
Second, thank you so so so so much to everyone who has shown love to and supported this story. It really means the world to me, you have no idea. This has been such an amazing experience and I have learned so much from writing this, so thank you so much for reading. You guys are truly incredible, and writing has helped me through a tough time in my life. I’m going to say thank you a million time, but thank you, thank you, thank you <3
This story evolved so much lol: in the beginning I had no plan, and then it changed like five times, and we ended up here, so here’s a few things that didn’t make it in.
Nadia was supposed to die in chapter 19, but I decided against it…
I debated Kevin and Stella getting together, don’t hate me for this ahaha
I almost made Kim lose her hearing, but I wasn’t sure I could do the storyline justice with everything else going on
I debated killing Adam (I’M SORRY, i’m sorry…)
And finally (cause you don’t need to know all of my secrets) I ALMOST broke up Upstead at the end
Anyway, there’s some behind the scenes action if you’re interested. 
Back to the point: THANK YOU SO MUCH FOR SUPPORTING ME AND THIS STORY, I LOVE EVERY SINGLE ONE OF YOU FROM THE BOTTOM OF MY HEART, and i cannot wait to embark on this next journey together!!
So much love,
@lissethsrojas @puckluck28 @fuckyeahkillianemma @chilly7188 @thebigapocalypsewolf @karihighman @ruzek-halstead @anotheronechicagobog @snowwhite013 @tracysupton @angelsjedi @carissalizz​
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Mess Is Mine
Pairing: Bryce x MC
Summary: Casey finds comfort in Bryce when memories of the attack at the hospital come back to haunt her.
Author’s Note: It’s been a while since I posted a Bryce fic, but here we are. This one was a bit of catharsis and I needed to write some angst, pronto. Not sure when I’ll be posting any writing next since school is trying to bury me alive, but thank you to anyone who takes the time to read, I hope you enjoy it!
Warning(s): Angst, that’s pretty much it
Tag(s): @anotherbeingsworld
Word Count: 1,702
Casey tensed at the sound of a knock on her bedroom door, turning onto her side so that her back was facing it. She stared at the wall and tried to focus on her breathing.
“Casey? Are you okay?” Sienna’s voice sounded so small, so far away. “Everyone’s worried about you.”
She chewed on her bottom lip, clenching her jaw when she remembered the panic in Danny’s voice before he’d been taken out of the room. The tears threatened to spill, but she cleared her throat before speaking.
“Fine. Everything’s great.”
Silence. She held her breath and waited for an answer, but it felt like an eternity before she heard a heavy sigh. The way Sienna’s voice sounded made the lump in her throat feel even heavier than before. “We’re here for you. You don’t have to deal with this alone.”
Tears blurred her vision as Casey turned to look up at the ceiling, thinking about everything that had happened in such a short amount of time. Once, she had been confident, so sure of herself and where she stood as a doctor. Now…now she wasn’t so sure.
After a few minutes passed without an answer, Sienna seemed to give up, the sound of her footsteps on the floor creaking ever so quietly in the quiet of the apartment. Casey waited until she was sure no one was around before she sat up and threw on a coat, taking one quick glance at herself in the mirror before she stepped out of her bedroom.
It had to be almost midnight at this point. A few city lights flashed outside before her, and Casey paused to listen for the sounds of her friends. Everyone seemed to be in their rooms now.
Taking a deep breath, Casey walked towards the front door, biting her bottom lip as she slowly opened it and slipped outside without a word. She wrapped her arms around herself as she walked along the quiet streets, trying to think of a way to deal with the grief that weighed down on her.
She had no idea where she was going, but somehow, she found herself walking in the direction of Bryce’s apartment. The building loomed in front of her and her steps faltered. Casey shook in the chilly spring air, searching the windows for any signs of life. Everyone looked like they were asleep.
This was a terrible idea. She never should have come here.
As she turned to leave, a small vibration from her coat pocket stirred her from her daze, and she pulled her phone out to see a text message from Jackie.
Where did you go? We heard you leave a while ago.
Tears blurred her eyes when she thought about having to explain herself to her roommates. No one understood how it felt to live with this guilt weighing down on her.
The truth was, Casey had no idea how to survive surviving.
Sniffling, she told Jackie she was at Bryce’s before she shoved her phone back in her pocket and turned back around, marching to the apartment building. Bryce’s voice filled the quiet night after a few buzzes to his apartment.
“Mm?” His voice had a richness to it that came from waking up from a deep sleep. “Who is it? It’s—” There was silence for a second. “—It’s almost one in the morning.”
“Bryce?” Casey’s voice trembled, the fear she’d been engulfed in for the past several months finally rising to the surface. “Can—can I come in?” If she spoke one more word, she would collapse on the steps.
When there was no answer, she sunk to the ground, leaning against the brick wall as she tried to catch her breath. The world felt like it was closing in as Casey closed her eyes.
Everything had been fine earlier in the week. She couldn’t even remember the last time she’d really, truly cried. The time for thinking about the attack should have come to an end.
But if there was one thing that Casey had learned, it was that grief had a funny way of appearing at the worst of times.
“Casey?” The sound of Bryce’s voice startled her, and her eyes flew open, glancing up at him. “What’s wrong?”
No words came. Instead, she opened her mouth, and a hideous cry tumbled out. She hated it when people saw her like this, but she didn’t know who else to turn to. Bryce had always been the one who knew how to make her feel better.
Without a word, Bryce took a seat beside her, wrapping an arm around her shoulders and pulling her closer. Casey sniffled, resting her head on his chest so he couldn’t see her face. It was not a pretty sight.
“Thinking about the attack on the senator again?” Bryce’s voice still had a bit of hoarseness to it, but it was starting to sound normal again. “What are you doing out here? It’s really late.”
“I didn’t know where else to go,” Casey said, bunching the front of his shirt in her fist.
Trying to explain her feelings was impossible. She didn’t know why she felt the way she did, and nothing seemed to fill the void she’d felt inside since that day in the hospital. Remembering the fear she’d felt for Rafael made it worse. If he hadn’t survived—
Bryce hugged her against him, the faint scent of his cologne clinging to his skin.
Neither of them spoke for a while, sitting in silence while the distant sound of electricity hummed in the distance. For a moment, Casey could almost forget about everything. Here, in Bryce’s arms, things felt right. She felt like she could do anything when he was by her side.
“I’m sorry for showing up unannounced in the middle of the night,” Casey whispered, laying her hand on his chest.
He ran his fingers through her hair, stopping when he reached a small knot and instead tucking the strand behind her ear. “You don’t have to apologize. Honestly, I—” Bryce cleared his throat, his body tensing underneath her. “I still think about that day too. I felt so helpless when I heard what happened. Everyone was panicking, and I couldn’t go to you right away. Maybe if I—”
“Nothing you could have done would have changed it.”
No one liked to admit it, but they’d all changed after that day. Ethan rarely left her alone now, and she could see the worry set on other doctors’ faces when someone walked into the hospital who looked even somewhat disheveled.
Casey couldn’t be inside a hospital room without having a sure way to escape at any moment’s notice. She missed the way things used to be, back when she could live her life without experiencing constant fear.
“I don’t know what to do,” she whispered, resting her head on Bryce’s shoulder. “I’m scared.”
More tears threatened to spill over as she pressed herself closer to him, afraid what would happen if she let him see the weakness. It amazed her that Bryce hadn’t run far away yet. She wouldn’t blame him if he decided that he never wanted to see her again.
“C’mon.” Bryce slowly got to his feet, pulling Casey up with him. He helped her into the building, pulling her to his side when she shivered at the chill lingering in the air. “You can stay with me as long as you need to, okay?”
The apartment was quiet when they entered, feeling empty without Keiki’s presence. Casey missed the teenager a lot more than she cared to admit. Spending so much time with Bryce and seeing the way her interacted with his sister had introduced her to a whole other side of him. A side that made her fall even deeper in love with the man.
“I don’t know how you haven’t given up on me yet.” The words slipped past her lips before she took a moment to think them through.
Bryce locked his apartment door, standing with his back to her for several seconds after she spoke. His shoulders fell, and he turned to her with a heavy sigh. “I’d never give up on you, Case. I—”
Her heart started to pound in her chest, the heaviness that had weighed down on her for so long lifting for a brief moment.
The tenderness in his eyes made her want to cry, but for an entirely different reason. For months, she’d wanted to say the three words. But she wasn’t sure if he felt the same way.
Finally, Bryce exhaled, giving her a glimpse of that beautiful smile before he grew serious again. “I love you.”
“I love you too.” Casey didn’t hesitate to say it back, so overcome with emotion she broke down once again in the middle of the living room.
Bryce rushed to her side, holding her in his arms as the two of them stood in the same spot for a long time. By the time she calmed down enough to properly breathe, it was a struggle to keep her eyes open.
“Is it okay if I sleep here? Just for tonight?” Casey hated to impose, but she no longer felt brave enough to walk the streets in the middle of the night.
Bryce nodded, taking her hand to guide her to his room. “Of course.”
They lay in silence for a long time, listening to the sounds of the other breathing. Casey could feel the steady beat of Bryce’s heart beneath her as she cuddled into his chest, using his presence as a reminder that she was real.
She was here. She was still breathing. She was alive, even if it didn’t seem like it at times.
“I’m here.” Bryce’s voice echoed in the silence.
Casey closed her eyes and nodded, sighing when he laced his fingers through hers.
The two of them stayed awake until the sun came up, wrapped in each other’s arms until morning. As sunlight streamed through the blinds, illuminating the bedroom, Casey finally managed to close her eyes, telling herself that, somehow, she would get through this.
And Bryce would be by her side the entire time.
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blackevermore · 3 years
x Secrets of The Lake: The Company of Misery and Pain
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{ Chapter 10 }
Summary: Vladimir Masters’ family tree has always been tainted by secrets swept under the rug. From generation to generation there have been countless reasons the Masters’ family had seemed to keep private from the public. Even to this day, Vladimir was no exception. But what was one to do when a restless spirit from the settlement years finally breaks free from restraints and demands you answer for your ancestor’s crimes? Vladimir doesn’t know. However, Clockworks does.
Notes: We just having fun, rewriting some of the canon, new adventure new characters. I will apologize now for any grammar, spelling, weird sentence structuring in advance. My brain writes faster than my fingers and even when I go back through to reread it I still miss things. Sorry about that!
Word Count: 5086
P.s: I feel like this chapter is shit :/ but we honestly have to keep going!!
Danny could feel it, Sam could feel it because Danny could feel it, and Tucker could only feel it because Sam told him via passing a note. Something was wrong or something was going to be wrong. Danny had kept it to himself all morning up until lunch. The annoying feeling like he should probably skip class and fly around to make sure everything was okay itched away at the back of his head.
“Okay so lemme get this straight, Vlad is currently keeping a ghost at his house that Clockwork told him was coming to haunt him from the past. He has to deal with it or something bad will happen in the future?” Sam recapped and Danny only nodded as he bit into his sandwich.
“Not gonna lie Vlad did give off that energy his family owned slaves,” Tucker muttered and Sam kicked him under the table. “What?! Come on I mean....come on.”
“I said the same thing Tuck,” Danny chuckled and rested his face in his palm. “But he insisted they didn’t and this ghost was purely a paid-ish servant. But whatever, she’s here and lemme tell ya she’s got this crazy power that changes your emotions. Yesterday after finally getting her down I almost punched Vlad for breathing.”
“You should have done it anyway and played it off.” Sam smirked and poked at her salad. “I still don’t like the guy.” She sighed and pushed her food away, not really feeling hungry.
“I don’t blame you, but I assure you he’s not the same person anymore. Same antics but now in an Addams family uncle way. Plus Dani and him playhouse and I think that actually made him become better. We haven’t fought in almost two years so I say that adds up to something.” Danny smiled and Sam only nodded along and shrugged. Danny knew it would take Sam a few more years to wrap her head around Vlad actually laying off and doing something else with his life. Hell, it took Danny by surprise when everything suddenly took a turn and both of them were outed out as halfas. 
Danny actually felt like he had a friend to help take the blow with when it came to explaining to his parents about everything. Vlad had stood as his rock and that was enough for Danny to consider Vlad really was changing. Guess he finally grew up. Danny chuckled at his own joke then turned to Tucker. Tucker was a lot more laid back about the whole thing, of course, he was also ready to throw down if Vlad tried his shit, but if Danny felt safe, so did he. But it’s always been like that and that's why they got in trouble the most and Sam was the brains of the group.
“I just have a bad feeling.” Danny turned away from his friends and looked around them. Danny tried to single out if the feeling was coming from any of his peers. High school was filled to the brim with overly emotional teenage hormones that rubbed off on each other. Maybe Danny picked up some cheerleaders' manic panic feelings when he walked past them this morning. Or maybe it was the game club’s mourning from their loss last week, Danny understood that especially when he and his friends lost their games. “But it's not a ‘Vlad’s planning something dangerous’ bad, just an ‘oh no’ bad.” Danny sighed and ruffled his own hair to distract himself. He was tired and stressed out about school and life in general, he didn’t need anything else, mudding up the last of his managing teenage mind. Sam was quick to change the topic to something more fun and Tucker quickly took the chance to show off a new feature he tweaked on his phone. 
Danny only half listened as he continued to watch people and drown out from the rest of the world. That was quickly cut short when a fire truck raced quickly past the school and busted left down an avenue and headed off into the distance.
“Who sets stuff on fire at 11:30 in the morning?” Sam snickered.
“It’s almost 12, they waited long enough,” Tucker added which made the girl laugh and Danny nodded with a smile. Danny was about to make the following joke but his phone dinged with a message. He pulled it out and his face nearly turned white as he saw it was Dani.
Phantom 2: Fire Truck just shot past me and their heading towards dad’s
Phantom 1: Shouldn’t you be in class...
Phantom 2: Wrong response…...FIRETRUCK HEADING TO MASTERS HOUSE!
Danny slammed his phone down and grabbed the sides of his head. His friend's small conversation was brought to a halt and they looked at him. Danny groaned and stood up and one command so did Sam and Tucker to do what they did best and cover Danny so he could transform and take off. They were seniors and yet the ol’ ‘cover me guys’ was still strong in their blood. 
“Be back before last period or Lancer will be on your ass.” Tucker winked and Danny rolled his eyes before turning invisible and taking off. His friends couldn’t see him but they could take a guess which way he was going. Tucker turned to Sam and hummed before putting his hands on his hips.
“Should we follow him?” The geek asked the goth.
“You just don’t wanna present in Econ next period.” Sam rolled her eyes and sat back down at the table, now feeling the urge to finish her salad.
“You do most of the talking anyway, I’m just there to flip the slides.” Tucker shot Sam finger guns and the girl only smirked and shook her head.
 It took Danny no time to make it to Vlad’s home and see two windows had been blown out on the top floor and pink and purple smoke mixed together piling high into the air. Neighbours on either side of Vlad were out of their house and watching in worry. Danny could hear the firetruck getting close. Danny began to cough as the smoke got into his lung, he lowered himself and quickly shot inside the house to see what was going on. When he landed in the bedroom hallway and quickly started to check the rooms. When he got to the end of the hallway he saw the anti ghost bars were turned off and Tayonna was gone. There was a fire in her room and busted windows.
“Oh shit,” Danny whispered then felt the floor rumble from below. He sank through the floor and was almost hit with a pink blast. Danny barely missed it as it flew past his head and quickly dove down to the floor. He turned visible and made cover as another blast flew over his head. Danny looked up from the floor and saw Plasmius dodging another attack and Tayonna still in her human form standing firm on the ground. Tayonna held purple flames in the palm of her hands and a giant ring of flames surrounding her.
“Tayonna stand down!” Plasmius yelled and fired a fireball towards Tayonna who reflected it with one of her own.
“You no longer tell me what to do Vladan!” Tayonna rose her hands towards the air and conquered three ectoblast that was set ablaze
“For the last time, my name isn’t Vladan!” Plasmius yelled and blasted one of the fireballs Tayonna held steady. Danny could tell Vlad was slowly reaching his limit of tolerance. It was likely Tayonna tried her mind junk on the man and it backfired terribly. Tayonna threw down her hands to send off the last two she had. Plamsius shot down the second one then took hold of the last one and threw it back. Tayonna wasn’t prepared for the returning attack and it hit her in the chest, sending her falling to the floor. The girl groaned and tried to push herself to the side to get back up but Plasmius shot at her again. 
Tayonna must have sensed it and threw her arm back to create a line of fire around her to stop the blow. She slowly stood up and stepped back before doing a digging motion that created lines of electricity to shoot across the floor and upward to where Plasmius stood. Being as fast as the older ghost was, he simply teleported away before any of the bolts could hit him. He teleported right in front of the girl ready to shoot her back but Tayonna was faster and like a glitch she was inches away from him, placing both of her hands on his chest and with full strength shot him back with purple static. 
The cry of plain Plasmius let out told Danny that the attack was more than he was ready for. Plasmius was slammed against the door and Dany was happy he didn’t go through it. Tayonna began to float into the air doing the blurry ghostly movements Danny saw at the pond. Danny thought quickly and reached for the thermos, he was so happy he always kept that bad boy strapped, and unclasped it and sucked Tayonna in. The girl turned at the feeling of being pulled and let out a horrendous scream as she was dragged into the dark void. Within seconds she was sucked in and Danny was making sure the lid was on as tight as it could go. Danny quickly hurried over to Plasmius as the older halfa pulled himself from the door and rolled to his knees. The same creepy red mist fell out of Vlad’s mouth and the man let out an ugly fit of coughs.
“What the hell happened?!” Danny didn’t mean to raise his voice but in a fit of panic it did and Plasmius only groaned and pushed himself up by a knee. Once standing Plasmius turned back into Vlad and the older man couldn’t help but clench his chest. “How did she get out? Who let her out? Vlad, you didn’t let her out, did you? Why would you-”
“Shut up!” Vlad yelled and pushed the boy away in annoyance. “Get out of here before they break down my door and see you.” Vlad turned away from Danny and tried to look less in pain than he already was. Danny frowned and grumbled about Vlad being a dick and shoved the thermos towards Vlad. At first, the man was confused but took it anyway before turning another cold shoulder to Danny.
“You have to answer me later!” Danny yelled before shooting through the roof and up into the sky. The firefighters had just broken down the door and neighbours were gasping as they saw Vlad being pulled out of the house. Danny stayed a while to make sure nothing else crazy happened before he heard the sound of his phone ding. It was Sam telling him to hurry up, last period was in 20 minutes. Danny shoved his phone in his pocket and rocketed back towards his school. He knew he would have to come up with some other ghost fighting excuse for why he missed two periods when he got home. Danny told himself he needed a break. He needed a break so he could make it to graduation and to sweet sweet summer break. 
 Danny was already checking his phone for a news update for the incident at Vlad’s house. But there was nothing. Surely the people of Amity would know if their former mayor’s house went up in flames. It surely knew when Vlad’s ass was all over the news. Danny told Sam and Tucker he wouldn’t be walking home with them but to make sure Dani got home safe. When he got out of school he still had to serve a hour long detention from Lancer for something he already forgot about. Danny made his way through the air to Vlad’s to check up and see what happened after he left.
Danny stood right outside the house invisible, everything was quiet, the smoke from the upstairs windows was gone. When Danny made it up to the front door he noticed it was no longer busted off the lock. It was fixed as if the events of today didn’t even happen. Danny ghosted inside and gasped, the whole foyer was cleaned and just as fancy as it was when Vlad first moved to town. Danny could see his reflection in the marble floor which he couldn’t the day before. Danny flew upstairs and even the stairs had been clean.
“Vlad?” Danny called out hoping that maybe the older halfa would be lurking around. Danny poked his head through a few doors and saw no sign that Vlad could even be home. He got to the bedrooms and checked those and still no Vlad to be found. Danny did notice however the guest room Tayonna was in was cleaned and the windows were brand new. Danny poked his head into the room but didn’t sense anything, not even Tayonna’s ungodly emotional pulls. 
Danny looked around once more just to double check himself but no one seemed to be home. He was about to give up and fly home until he heard the sound of stuff slamming coming from below. Danny moved with caution as he went to Vlad's basement. Down below Vlad sat at a worn down chair tapping away at a computer with the thermos next to him. Ghost scattered around the place rebuilding screens and some of the portal that was broken by Tayonna. Danny landed on his feet and quickly ducked as a ghost flew over him with a monitor in hand.
“Good to see you back, little badger,” Vlad called over his shoulder as he continued to type away. 
“How did you-”
“Simple,” Vlad spun around and leaned back in his chair. Danny’s face turned to confusion before he narrowed his eyes and shook his head. As long as it wasn’t actually hurting anyone Danny could turn a blind eye to it. “After I got everyone to leave and nearly all the news anchors to pretend they never had a story. I had to get the place fixed up and I really didn’t feel like calling anyone. Besides, we have wonderful handymen in the Ghost Zone.” Vlad didn’t seem to be in the ugly mood he was in earlier, Danny could see in his eyes there were still traces of annoyance and maybe the typical Vladness, but not anger. It almost seemed like Vlad was in a better mood and Danny wasn’t sure if that was a good thing or if he could quickly punch the man to double check.
“Has she been in there the whole time?” Danny pointed over to his thermos and Vlad sighed and nodded.
“I wasn’t letting her out again.” The man grumbled and spun back around towards the computer.
“Again? So you did let her out.” Danny walked closer and picked up the thermos making sure Vlad hadn’t started poking at it. Vlad ran a hand over his hair and nodded looking almost ashamed he had to admit he caused the problem.
“I was curious of how far her mimicking powers could go and as soon as I asked-”
“Seems more like you to command than ask.” Danny corrected.
“As I asked her to do it again she refused, then the red mist showed up and jumped down my throat and before I knew it I was reaching out towards her and grabbed her arm. Then of course you showed up and saw where that led us.” Vlad rubbed his throat a bit then cleared it. A bit more of the mist flew from his mouth and Vlad waved it away angrily. “Blasted thing.”
“Is this mist also a ghost?” Danny tried to sense if the mist was around or not. It seemed like it was gone at the moment and Danny sighed. Danny knew whatever it was that now clung to Vlad like Tayonna had an important role in this mess as well.
“I don’t believe it’s a ghost. It’s more so like dead ghost memories that follow her. It could be what makes her restless and has manifested into a physical form.” Vlad rubbed his chin and held out his hand for the thermos. Danny was slow on handing it over but finally caved. Vlad was about to untwist the top but Danny quickly shot out his hands and stopped him.
“Whoa, what are you doing?! She almost set your place on fire and now you're gonna let her out, again?” Vlad quickly snatched the gadget away from the boy and pointed behind him. Danny turned his head and saw a ghost trap on the floor already set up and ready to go. Danny hadn’t realized that he almost stepped in it. Would have been great if Vlad had just said to move out the way or something.
“She’s not going to cause any more trouble once I get this on her.” Vlad reached over and pulled the drawer open and pulled out a collar.
“So you’re gonna do the collar thing again, that’s totally gonna get her on your side.” Danny crossed his arms and rolled his eyes. He couldn’t help the faint sting and itch around his neck as memories of being in the collar himself flashed through his head. Danny should have known Vlad would keep the damn thing even after Danny broke it.
“I defused the shocking system, all it will do is make her as powerless as possible. That means even her emotional mind games. She will be as human as she’s pretending to be.” Vlad handed Danny the collar to hold as he fiddled with the thermos to get it open. Danny eyed the thing and repeated Vlad’s words in his head. And with three easy seconds, he had a monkey brain moment and snapped the thing around his neck. Danny felt his powers get pulled back inside his body and his core shut down as he collapsed to the ground and turned human. Vlad snapped towards the boy and palmed his face in disbelief. Vlad quickly gave the command for the collar to release and Danny shot back up holding his breath. The teen tried to play it off like he wasn’t caught red handed playing around.
“I’m good...we gucci.” Danny shrugged and blushed from embarrassment. Vlad rolled his eyes and picked up the collar once more and handed it to Danny with a silent ‘stop playing’ and turned back to the anti ghost circle. Vlad popped off the lip and flipped the switch to release and pressed down on the button. A bright blue glow sprung to life from within the container and Tayonna was shot out to the ground. She was discombobulated as she held her head, slowly blinking and looking around. When she turned and saw Vlad and Danny she got to her feet and flicked her wrist to activate her powers. 
When she didn’t see the glow of purple she looked down at her hands and back up to Vlad with anger. Vlad tried not to meet her in the eyes but there was something alluring about them and he couldn’t pull away. He strongly regretted it when he saw how angry she was and how angry he became suddenly. His anger rose as he thought about the years he spent in the hospital alone. The anger he still held against Jack and the fact he himself didn’t have the honour of marrying Maddie. 
Vlad almost lost himself in the anger until he felt Danny nudge him. He snapped his neck towards Danny and the poor boy jumped back as Vlad’s eyes faded from blue to a red void and back again. Vlad blinked a few times then covered his face to get away from Tayonna’s sight. When he felt himself calm down with the help of counting down from ten he turned back towards the boy and pointed towards the collar. 
“Yeah well, how are we supposed to get it on?” Danny whispered and Vlad groaned as he hadn’t thought about that.
“Fudge muffins.” Vlad closed his eyes and sat back down in his chair. He knew he couldn’t simply ask her to wear it without having to wrestle her down to the floor. Which threatens the chance of them rolling out of the circle and her being able to use her ghost powers. Vlad didn’t have time for his lab to be ruined all over again as it was nearly finished. Vlad had to think of something that could possibly trick the ghost into wearing it. 
“Tayonna,” Vlad called out to her calmly and that seemed to confuse not only her but Danny. “Let’s make a deal.” Vlad didn’t wait for a yes or a no as he stood up and crossed his arms behind his back and walked to stand right in front of the girl. He left himself open as he locked eyes with her again. Either he would end up yanking the collar from Danny and getting it around her neck while dealing with false emotions. Or in the low chance he managed to get her to back off and be compliant he would simply snap the thing around her. It seemed that the former would be the winner until she started to breathe heavily, her brows turned upward in sadness and she finally backed away from him. She lowered her head and turned away. Vlad fought the smirk that laced itself across his lips and kept them pressed tight. 
“What do you want?” Tayonna asked, not above a broken whisper. Vlad held out his hand to Danny and the boy handed him the collar.
“You will wear this collar and we can actually speak like civilized people. Or you will stay down here in the basement in this small circle until you can be civilized.” Vlad held up the collar with an open hand and waited for the ghost to turn towards him. It wasn’t much of a deal and he knew it but whatever had to be done would be done. He could see the way her hand slowly inched up her dress and he tsked a few times. “If you try that again I will not hesitate to rip you apart molecule by molecule. I don’t take playing with my core lightly.” Vlad’s voice dropped to a growl and that worked to get the ghost to move her hand away from her chest. She turned towards him qualmy, eyeing the collar then up to his eyes, she scrunched her nose at the idea of having to wear it.
“You’ve never put me in a collar.” She said.
“And I wish I didn’t have to,” Vlad didn’t know why he said that nor where it came from. When he saw the way her face dropped again he felt it in his heart and it made him take a deep breath before letting it out. “If you wear it, it won't hurt you, I promise you this.” It will never hurt again. Vlad was sure these were just her false emotions projecting but deep down he could actually feel that he meant it. Somewhere inside him he truly didn’t want to collar her or hurt her, and that bothered him. Tayonna looked lost in thought as she looked between the two males in front of her. Danny looked confused by Vlad’s sudden calm demeanor and ready to stop the whole thing. The boy held his wrist and just stood there. Tayonna looked back towards Vlad and her eyes went wide. Vlad could see it in her eyes she looked at him as if he was someone she was looking for and it pained her. Then her brows fell in knots and she shook her head before walking closer to the edge of the circle.
“I promise,” Vlad whispered to her once more than brought the collar up to snap around her neck. Tayonna flinched a bit at how tight it was then brought her hands up to touch it. Vlad held out his hand and she hesitantly took it as he led her out of the circle. Vlad almost felt happy to have the girl calm and willing. He watched her face closely as she looked around her. She was beautiful. What? Vlad winced at the small voice in his head but continued to stare at her. She’s always been so beautiful. Vlad’s eyes went soft like the way they did when he looked at Maddie, but in his mind, there was no Maddie, just Tayonna. Tayonna quickly took her hand back and held onto herself when she noticed Vlad’s hard stare. She wavered on if this was a good idea or if she had just handed herself over to the wrong person. Vlad snapped out of whatever fix he was in and cleared his voice before turning towards a very baffled Danny.
Vlad held up a hand, he didn’t have the answers himself, “It seems we might be getting somewhere, Daniel.” Vlad walked past the boy and lifted up his jaw. Vlad walked towards his portal just as the last monitor was fixed in place. He forgot all about the work being done during that whole thing. Vlad thought it was best now that he got the girl out of the circle to put space between them. He didn’t need any more little voices in his ear telling him things he didn’t believe.
“All done, boss!” The ghost workers all called off and Vlad thanked them before turning on the portal to allow them to leave. Vlad sighed in pure happiness as the soft green glow of the Ghost Zone illuminated his face. It was comforting since Vlad spent a lot of time there when he wasn’t taking care of his companies. It felt like he needed to take a quick flight through the zone to refresh himself before stepping foot in his house ever again. But that will have to wait as Vlad now has to get Tayonna to talk. Vlad turned back to the others and the default smile he normally wore. Danny only gave him a slightly worried expression while Tayonna turned completely away from the portal.
“Well, Daniel I think it’s best if you made it home.” Vlad stepped to the side and held out a hand ushering Danny. The boy bit his lip and looked back towards Tayonna who hadn’t moved an inch since getting out of the circle.
“Is this a good idea?” Danny walked over and going ghost.
“I can assure you it will,” Vlad gave him his best smile and nodded.
“You’re not gonna do anything...dangerous to her are you?” Danny leaned in towards Vlad with narrowed eyes and a finger pointed towards his face. 
“Daniel, have I done anything to warrant your concern, as of recently?” Vlad’s smile dropped and he cocked a brow towards the teen. Seriously if Vlad wanted to cause trouble he honestly wouldn’t wait for the opportunity, he would go out and do it. Danny seemed to back down from that and rubbed his neck.
“No but old habits die hard. Keep me updated, fruitloop.” Danny shot through the portal and off into the Ghost Zone. Vlad sighed and rolled his eyes and closed the portal before turning on his heels and walking back towards Tayonna. When he got close she flinched away from him and shot him a glare. 
‘The constant mood swings are rather annoying’ Vlad thought but kept his face neutral. “Miss Tayonna, it would be better if we went upstairs. Unless you wish to stay down here.” Vlad held out his hand but she refused to take it, with a shrug he dropped it.
“I don’t.” She responded and Vlad nodded then started towards the basement stairs to head back towards the first floor. Tayonna silently followed behind him. 
 Vlad kept an eye on Tayonna as he ventured around his house. She continued to follow him without complaint. At first Vlad found it endearing, she seemed so lost and followed him everywhere, but when he forgot she was there from how quiet she was and tried to go to the bathroom he quickly had to set rules of sorts. 
“You don’t have to follow me, you could go sit somewhere until I come for you.” Vlad turned around and faced her and she seemed embarrassed for a moment. She turned her head from him and huffed.
“I have no idea where I am.” She mumbled.
“You’ve been in my house for almost a week and you don’t know your way around?” He tried to not sound condescending but it was a bit hard when the ghost that’s been haunting you acted like a puppy.
“I stayed by your side the whole time.” Tayonna looked back up to him and Vlad felt his heart skip a beat and his mouth run dry. He thought it was oddly flattering until he remembered she did it in ill will. Then there was something that caught his eye that really made him choke up. On the right side of her neck in the small dip before her shoulder were bite marks. That’s when he noticed the way she tended to only stand towards him on her left. Tayonna noticed his eyes staring towards her right and she turned away. Vlad didn’t have to say anything to confirm that that one particular dream she had actually infiltrated. ‘Dream manipulation, emotional manipulation, and mimicking...interesting’ Vlad blushed a bit and cleared his throat. Even with the stab in the back, he couldn’t help but still enjoy it for what it was. But he wouldn’t rub that in her face, yet.
Vlad turned away and motioned for her to follow him towards his downstairs office. He opened the door and allowed her to walk in first, he offered her a seat and Tayonna took it. Vlad walked over to his desk just as the phone began to ring. Ahh yes, what a wonderful time to receive a personal call. Vlad frowned and let out a heavy sigh before answering.
“Masters speaking.” Vlad gave his professional voice and the voice on the other side sighed and for once Vlad felt at ease by the rude welcoming.
“Hello Sir, you have got to be shitting me.”
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bamby0304 · 4 years
The Hart III: Secrets
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Chapter 18: Psycho Nell
Series Masterlist
Summary: Three months… Dean was gone for three months and now he’s back. He’s back and he truly has no idea how much things have changed. Life moved on while Dean was in Hell, and now things are complicated. With new faces and troubles right around the corner, will the trio find a way to come back together? Or has all hope been lost?
Warning: Angst. Violence. Death.
A/N: Just a heads up... for now I won’t be doing a tag list so if you want to know when I post stories follow @bambys-library​ :) thank you @crashdevlin​ for reading it over!! xx
Sam, Liz and I hurried down the porch stairs, seeing Brian hurry around the house and towards us.
"Hey. You okay?" he asked us.
Ignoring his question, I got to the more pressing issue. "Where is everybody?"
"All right, go get them. Go. Go get them," I told him. Once he was gone, I turned back to Liz and Sam. "So, it's not a ghost."
"So, it's just a girl?" Sam shrugged.
I shook my head. "It's not just a girl. It's psycho Nell. I'm telling you, man. Humans."
"Who cares what she is? I wanna know who she is and why she's here." Liz had a good point.
"I don't know." I shrugged. "Maybe it's the daughter, Rebecca. Maybe she didn't hang herself."
"Dude, no." Sam didn't look convinced. "She'd have to be like fifty years old by now."
"Well, I don't know," I sighed. It’s not like we had a lot to work on right now. "What'd you find in the attic?"
"Some old junk. I found Rebecca's diary. That's about it."
"I wish you'd found a howitzer." Anything to get rid of the psycho and keep us safe would be good. "Listen, we got to get this family safe. I mean, it's just a human, so they can make a run for it. We just got to hold her off."
Just then, Susan, Brian and Kate came around the corner. "We're okay," Susan assured us.
"Danny! Ted!" Brian called out. "We got to go!"
A moment later, Ted jogged around from the other side of the house. "I'm good!"
"Danny!" Susan yelled. "Come on!"
"Danny, buddy, we got to go!" Brian added.
Ted turned to me. "Told you it was some crazy bitch."
I fought the urge to roll my eyes. "Yes, you did."
Sam stepped up to Brian and Susan. "Head to town. We'll take it from here, okay?"
"Danny, come on, baby! We're leaving!" Susan was still calling out to her son.
"Danny, we got to go!"
But when neither Brian's or Susan's calls were answered, she turned to her husband with fear in her eyes. "Brian, where- where is he?"
When he figured Danny wasn't coming, Brian knew the rest of his family still had to be taken care of, so he grabbed his wife. "Suse, Suse, Suse.” He shook her until she looked at him. “We will find Danny, I promise you."
She shook her head, voice shaking. "No."
"No. Take Kate and go now. Now, while you still have a chance."
"Not without Danny."
"We will find him," he assured her.
Kate shook her head. "I am not going out there with mum alone."
She had a good point, the two of them alone might not last that long... "She's right. Until we find your son, the safest place for you right now is in the shed." I gestured to the small shed a few feet from the house.
Kate turned to me. "I am not going in there either."
"Yes, you are." I wasn't leaving it up for discussion. "It is the best defence. The windows are boarded up. It's got one door. It's our best shot right now. Trust me."
Agreeing with me, Brian nodded as he grabbed his wife's attention again. "Suse. Kate. Go." When they didn't move, he repeated himself, a little firmer. "Go."
Once both Susan and Kate were gone, the rest of us huddled up.
Sam gestured to Brian. "All right, you and me will take the outside." Then he nodded to Liz, Ted and I. "You three take the house. Let's go."
Back in the living room, both Dean and I moved to the door the girl had come out of while Ted grabbed a knife from one of the boxes in the dining room. Opening the door, I crouched down to feel the floor while Dean checked the walls.
"What are you doing?" Ted asked.
"She's human. She had to come from somewhere," Dean explained right before he found a loose board big enough for a person to fit through.
As we pulled the board away, we were hit with a rotting and stale stench. Dean and I didn't react, but Ted pulled away, making a noise of disgust.
"You smell that?"
"Every day," Dean mumbled. Turning to Ted, he gestured for the knife, which Ted gave him. Using his torch to light the way, he crawled into the space. "Come on." Putting both objects in one hand, he offered me the other to help me through.
I took his free hand while Ted held the board out of my way. Moving further into the space, Dean and I stood and shuffled down a little more so Ted could get in. It was a tight fit and dark, and in an instant, the hairs on the back of my neck stood up.
"You feel that?" I swear, it was like I could feel eyes on me, watching our every move.
Dean looked down at me. "What?"
Shaking my head, I dismissed the feeling as just being paranoid. "Never mind."
Once Ted was in, we started to move further down the space. It wasn't long before we came to a corner, and around that corner was a hole.
As Dean looked down the hole, thinking, Ted spoke up, "You're not going down there."
"Well, do you want to?"
Ted didn't say anything, but that told us everything. He wasn't going down, and I really wasn't surprised. Didn't blame him either. But as Dean started to crouch, I knew I couldn't leave him to go on his own.
"I'm going, too."
Dean looked up at me. I could see he was unsure of that idea. "Liz..."
"I'm not asking, Dean. I'm telling.
Sighing, knowing there was no point in arguing, Dean started to lower himself down into the hole. "Please nobody grab my leg. Please nobody grab my leg." The moment he was down he looked around for a moment before looking up at me. "Okay. Just… take it easy."
Nodding, I crouched down and eased my legs in, letting Dean grab my waist and help me down. The whole time, I knew I should be concentrating on the job and the danger, but I couldn't stop thinking about his hands on me. It was like my body was hyper-aware of everything around me. The eyes watching us before, now Dean touching me...
Once my feet were on solid ground, I dusted myself and gave him a small smile. "Thanks."
"No problem." He gave a short nod back and turned, only to jump when he nearly walked into a rat's corpse that hung mere inches from his face. "Son of a-" Turning away from the rat, he paused again, light shining on another corpse. "Dog. It's what's for dinner."
Buster the dog had been torn to shreds. Poor guy...
"Danny?" Dean called, trying to keep his voice low.
"Find anything?" Ted asked from above.
"Yeah, her kitchen," Dean mumbled. "Watch where you're going, okay? There's crap everywhere," he warned me as we started to move, having to stay hunched so as not to hit our heads.
As we looked around, I noticed some artwork drawn on the walls, in blood. It was a picture of two stick figures holding hands, a boy and a girl.
"She's just a kid." The words left my mouth before I realised I was even thinking them.
Dean turned to me. "Liz, she's-"
Before he could finish, he was cut off by the sound of a scream, and then a thump.
Hurrying back to the hole, we reached it two seconds before Ted fell forward, half of him hanging out of the hole, blood dripping from the fatal wound in his neck.
Dean grabbed me and pushed me back as he used his other hand to cover the torch's light. The two of us pressed into the wall as much as possible, trying to stay hidden. Trying not to make a noise or move a muscle.
Brian and I were in the shed with Susan and Kate, who were sitting in the corner, waiting. Brian was pacing. We'd been waiting for Dean, Ted and Lizzie to come back for some time now. They'd been gone a lot longer than Brian and I had been out looking for Danny.
"Look," Brian stepped up to me, "why are we just standing here? Let's go in. Let's check the house."
"We have to wait for them to get back, okay?"
There was a knock on the door then, followed by Dean's voice. "Sam, it's us."
Moving to the door, I gestured to the heavy desk we'd put in front of it. "Help me out."
Brian came over to help, pulling the desk out of the way so we could open the door. Once we did, Dean and Lizzie stepped in, alone...
Susan hurried over to them in an instant. "Did you get Danny?"
Dean shook his head, clearly feeling guilty. "No."
"No?" Looking around, Susan then noticed what I already had. "Well, where's Ted?"
"He's outside."
Frowning at Dean's response, Susan didn't stop with the questions. "Well, why doesn't he come inside?"
Dean and Lizzie shared pained looks as my brother answered, "Because I had to carry him out. I'm sorry."
"You're... what does that mean? What does that mean, you're sorry?"
Brian looked between Lizzie and Dean. "Are you saying that he's dead?"
Susan shook her head. "No. No, he's not saying that he's dead. You're not saying that, are you?"
All of a sudden, Lizzie turned and walked out.
Dean watched her go, no one stopping her as he explained what happened. "We were in the walls and she attacked." Susan's hand came up to cover her mouth as she moved to cry against Brian's shoulder as he wrapped an arm around her. "And I couldn't get to him in time."
"Uncle Ted is dead?"
Shaking his head, looking so guilty, Dean turned for the door. "I shouldn't have left him alone." Before he left, he turned back to Brian. "I'm very sorry."
Dean was standing a few feet away from where I sat outside the shed, watching the perimeter. Everyone else was inside. Sam was reading the diary he found while Brian tried to calm Susan who was in shock.
I looked up from where I sat on the grass outside the shed, seeing Kate coming out to stand next to me. "Hey..."
"Can I join you?" she asked, gesturing to the spot next to me.
I moved over a bit as an answer.
Once she sat down, the two of us were silent for a moment or two. Looking out at the house in front of us. Seeing it at night like this, and under these circumstances, it really made the place seem ten times worse than it was. Underneath all the bad, there was plenty of potential.
If it wasn't for the fact hunters don't really settle down, I would have probably found the house nice enough to live in. A bit big. But still nice.
"What's it like?" Kate asked suddenly. "What's your job like?"
"What? Hunting?" I shrugged. "Like any job, sometimes it's good, sometimes it's bad."
"So, what you do, it's called hunting?"
"Yeah. We hunt monsters and stuff. Save people."
"People like us?"
"Well, yeah... but normally the monsters aren't people," I noted.
I wasn't sure if Dean, Sam, or even Bobby realised this, but I had never killed a human being. Ever. I mean, I've killed witches, and people who turn into things, and people possessed by demons, but I hadn't killed someone that hadn't been touched by the supernatural.
"How did you become a... a hunter?"
"Dad was killed. Mum was killed. Sister was killed," I answered, a little more harshly than I wanted.
Kate rested her chin on her knees that were bent to her chest. "I lost my brother last year. My older brother, Andy." I could hear the sadness in her voice, the loss. "Does it get better?"
I turned to her then, and for the briefest moment, I saw my younger self in her. Hurting. Lost. Confused. Scared. The world was a bigger and lonelier place now. She'd never see things the way she had before. Everything had changed, and she didn't know what to do.
"It'll get better. But it'll never be the same."
I walked up to Brian as he stood in front of the house. "Andy your son?" I asked, having overheard Liz and Kate talking about the family’s loss.
He turned to me briefly before looking at the house again. "Oldest. He got himself killed in a car accident last year."
"I'm sorry."
"It nearly tore Suse and me apart. Still could, I imagine. That's why we moved here. Fresh air, fresh start. Not even my line. Marriage counsellor. 'Course, she might be right. After all, what could possibly go wrong in the country?" He shook his head.
"I'm getting your son back," I assured him. "If it's the last godforsaken thing I do."
"Why do you care so much?"
"Dean." We looked over to see Sam and Liz headed towards us, my brother holding up the book. "We gotta talk."
Back in the dining room, I looked around to make sure we were alone before turning to Sam and Liz. "What is that?" I gestured to the book.
"Rebecca's diary," Sam explained. "I just finished reading it."
"And?" I pressed, wanting him to get to the point.
"That girl back there? Pretty sure she was Rebecca's daughter."
I frowned. That didn't make any sense... "Rebecca had a kid?"
Sam nodded. "It's all she talks about. Being pregnant, being ashamed of being pregnant."
"Jeez, rent Juno and get over it," I mumbled. "Wait, why kill herself after the baby?"
"Maybe because her dad called her a dirty little whore and said he was gonna lock the baby up," Sam noted.
"Why would he say that?" When Sam said nothing but just gave me a pointed look, the answer came to me. "Oh, gross."
"Yeah." Sam nodded.
"So, the daddy was the baby-daddy too?"
Liz's face turned up in disgust. "How could someone do that to their own child?"
Sam shook his head, just as grossed out. "Dude was a monster."
"Wow, a story ripped from an Austrian headline," I sighed. "Humans, man." Sometimes they could be worse than the monsters we hunted. "So, she's been locked up her whole life?"
"You saw her eyes. Has she ever seen light? She's barely human," Sam noted.
"Okay, so, what, then, she's been caged up like an animal and she busts out and ganks dear old Dad? Slash Granddad?" I asked, trying to figure out the story so we could figure out what to do next.
"I guess." Sam shrugged.
That made things a little clearer. After a life like that, no wonder she killed her father. "Well, can't say I blame her."
"I'm sure her life was hell, Dean. It doesn't mean she gets a free pass for murder."
"Like you know what Hell's like."
"I didn't..."
No, he didn't know what Hell was like. But I did. I knew the torture and pain of it all. I knew the agony and misery it pulls out of you. The never-ending nightmare you can't wake up from. I'd felt all of it, and I'd inflicted some of the pain too. I knew what it was like, he didn't, so to assume...
"Forget it." Shaking my head, I turned away.
Looking from Sam and me, Liz sighed. "So where is this girl and how do we find her? She's gotta have Danny somewhere."
A thought occurred to me then. "Kid's gotta eat, right?"
"What?" both Sam and Liz asked, confused.
"He kept her hidden, locked up, but he had to feed her, didn't he?"
Sam shrugged. "I guess."
"I think I know where."
In the kitchen, Dean, Liz, Brian and I stood around the dumbwaiter. Dean used a fireplace poker to break the drywall to make a hole that would lead down under the house. His theory was that the girl lived under the kitchen, and would be keeping Danny down there too. With no other real options, we were working with his hunch.
"Could've kept her hidden here for years," I noted. "Kept her fed, nobody would ever know."
Once Dean broke through the drywall, Brian flinched back from the rotting stench coming from the hole in the wall.
I moved to lean in, shining the light into the shaft. "Danny! Danny!"
"Watch out, I'm going down," Dean told me. It wasn't a question, and there was no way to stop him.
"No," Brian argued. "That's my son."
But like I said, there was no way to stop Dean. "I know it is, but I said that I would get him. I will. Let me."
After a moment, Brian gave him a short nod of approval. Turning to the shaft, Dean pulled himself in and got himself into a position where he could use the sides to climb down.
Before he did, Lizzie stepped up to him. "Don't do anything stupid. You need help, you yell. Okay?"
"Okay," he assured her.
Once he started climbing down, I leaned into the gap to check on him. The moment his feet touched the ground, I pulled out to look at Brian. "Hey, you got curtains? We need rope."
Without a word, he turned to get what we needed.
Lizzie stepped up to join me then, the two of us squeezing together to look down the shaft to see Dean disappearing, out of sight.
As I moved around, I found some of my weapons lying on the ground, scattered all over the place. Picking a gun up, I checked it. "Bitch is a klepto." Moving further in, I picked up another gun and checked it too. "Come on." They were both good. Now armed, I felt a little safer to call out. "Danny. Danny."
The sound of Danny trying to yell or scream caught my attention.
"Danny?" Following the noise, I ended up finding a small gap in a wall.
Shining my light through, I saw Danny bound and gagged, sitting in the dirt. Using my knife, I reached through to cut the ropes around his feet and wrists, setting him free so he could crawl through the hole to me.
"Your dad's upstairs," I told him as we started for the shaft again. "Come on. Watch your head, watch your head."
"Hurry, he's coming back."
I paused. "He?"
"Her brother."
Suddenly a yell came out of nowhere before I was tackled to the floor.
Looking into the shaft, I saw Danny come into view. Turning, without a word, I grabbed the makeshift rope Brian and Sam had made out of curtains, and dropped it down the hole. "Danny! Grab on!"
He did as I said, tying the rope around him and gripping onto it tightly. "Okay!"
Once he was ready, I yelled to the others. "Pull!"
Working together, Sam, Brian and I pulled Danny up carefully. I was closest to the gap, grabbing him the moment I could as I helped him out and onto his feet.
Now safe, he ran to his dad, who held him protectively. "Come on. You okay? It's okay."
"Get him out of here," Sam told them. "You gotta go."
I didn't watch to see what they were doing, the moment Danny was out I'd already started to climb into the hole and down the shaft, heading for the basement.
"Lizzie? What are you doing?" Sam moved to try and stop me.
"Dean needs help," was all I said before I moved away from his grasp and started down the shaft.
As I landed on the ground, I listened to the sound of a fight and struggles. Following the noises, I found Dean under a guy who looked just as bad as the girl. It didn't take a genius to figure out he must be her brother.
But I didn't care who he was. He was on top of Dean, attacking him. Dean was in danger. He couldn't see, and I wasn't sure if he even had a weapon to protect himself with. Then to top it off, the boy pulled out a knife, lifting it above his head to bring it down on Dean.
Lifting my hand, I threw the boy up and away from Dean, not really thinking about what I was doing. At the same time, Dean sat up and aimed the gun he had, pointing it towards the boy before shooting him in the chest three times.
As the body slumped to the ground, blood oozing from the wounds, I hurried over to Dean, falling to my knees beside him. I checked him over worriedly, making sure he was okay, that he wasn’t hurt. My wide eyes took every inch of him, panicked and concerned.
“Liz.” He rested his hand on mine, stopping me. “I’m okay.”
Slowly, I looked up, meeting his gaze. Then I was throwing my arms around him in a tight and desperately relieved hug.
It took a moment, but after a pause I felt him relax as his own arms wrapped around me, returning the hug.
Turns out, while the brother had been attacking me, the girl had gone after Susan and Kate. But Brian had dealt with her... and by dealt with, I mean he'd killed her.
It was morning now, and time to get out of there. I was just finishing fixing Baby while Sam and Liz put all the guns and our supplies back in the trunk. As soon as I finished they came over to stand with me, the three of us turning to see Susan and Brian headed our way.
I gave them a nod. "Thanks for the head start."
Brian looked to each of us. "Why doesn't it surprise me you three don't like the police?"
Sam chuckled lightly. "It's sort of a mutual-appreciation thing, really."
Reaching forward, Brian offered me his hand, which I took. "Well, thank you."
Susan nodded. "Thank you."
"You okay?" I asked her.
She looked to her husband before shaking her head. "No, we're the opposite of okay, but we're together," she answered honestly as she slipped her hand into Brian's. "Thanks."
Parked under an overpass, Sam, Liz and I got out of Baby and moved to the hood as Sam passed around some burgers. Leaning against Baby, I unwrapped my food and gave it a smell before wrapping it back up and setting it down next to me.
"You okay?" Sam asked me as Liz paused, halfway through a bite.
"You know, I felt for those sons of bitches back there. Lifelong torture turns you into something like that."
"You were in Hell, Dean," Sam started. "Look, maybe you did what you did there, but you're not them. They were barely human."
I nodded. "Yeah, you're right. I wasn't like them. I was worse. They were animals, Sam, defending territory. Me? I did it for the sheer pleasure."
Liz swallowed her food, her eyes wide. "Dean..."
"I enjoyed it. They took me off the rack, and I tortured souls, and I liked it." I looked away from them as I went on. "All those years, all that pain. Finally getting to deal some out yourself. I didn't care who they put in front of me. Because that pain I felt, it just slipped away. No matter how many people I save, I can't change that. I can't fill this hole. Not ever."
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inacrowdofchoices · 4 years
breathe in, breathe out (Open Heart)
characters: casey day (open heart), ethan ramsey, rory and alexis day (mother of the year)
word count: 1874
tw:  mention of canon character death
also on: https://archiveofourown.org/works/26564800
author’s note: When I saw Mother of The Year MC had the same face as Open Heart MC, I immediately imagined both of them to be twin sisters, Casey and Rory Day. This takes place during chapter 11 of Open Heart Second Year and is about Casey telling her sister what happened to her.
other works in the series: if this is the end
“Could you … Could you call my sister?” 
Ethan looked taken aback by her request; the window standing between them and the tears forming in her eyes didn’t stop Casey from being able to read him as easily as she did ever since she met him.
“Are you sure you want me to be the one to let her know?” 
“Yes.” She nodded. “I considered asking Sienna but it … it would be too emotional for her. You’ll be able to explain the facts to her more calmly.”
“I wouldn’t be so sure about that.” His laugh, a humourless sound, broke her heart a little further. 
“I know I’m asking …” A strong cough interrupted her, and the tears she had managed to keep at bay fell freely down her cheeks. 
“It’s okay Casey, just take it one breath at a time …” His voice was calmer than he probably felt, but it helped her. When the cough finally let up, she got her sobs under control, and started again.
“I know I’m asking a lot. I'm really sorry, I just can’t imagine not telling her.”
“You’re not asking a lot Casey. Of course you want her to know, I’ll do it.”
“Thank you. I think I left my phone on your desk in the hurry to get here. It’s unlocked.”
“Alright, I’ll call her right now. Get some rest, I’ll be back soon.”
“In case I … You know. Please tell her I love her? So much.” 
“You’ll tell her yourself.” 
His voice sounded so certain, so steady but Casey did not feel this confidence within herself. Her chances of ever getting out of this room, to be able to hug the people she loved, were low. After Danny and Bobby, after Rafael’s condition worsened, she could not imagine a scenario that featured a happy ending. And regardless of what happened to her, there would be no happy ending after this. It would be more pain. 
“But if I …”
“No. I’m not accepting anything else. So you hang in there, do you hear me?” 
“Okay.” She nodded. “Okay.” 
And with that, he left her field of vision and she sat on her bed. The only way she could imagine what her sister would feel was to picture Rory in her place; and it was one of the worst feelings she had ever experienced in her nearly three decades of life. Her thoughts were reeling; she wished she could see Rory one last time, hug her niece and tell her how proud of her she was… She would miss so much. 
The thought alone was overwhelming. She laid down, head on the pillow and she tried to calm down. Hyperventilating would not help her condition. 
Less than ten minutes later, she heard Ethan getting back. She looked out the window: he had her phone and started to put on the hazmat suit without saying a word. 
“Ethan, what on Earth are you doing?”
“Your sister wants to talk to you. So I’m bringing your phone in.” 
Casey was left speechless. It was a small thing that, in her particular predicament, felt huge. Before, it had felt like there just wasn’t enough time; but now he was taking the time to do this for her. When he finally made it inside the room, he extended his hand holding the phone.. 
“Is she on right now?” Casey took the phone, but she was scared. How did one even have that kind of conversation with their sibling? 
“No, I told her you would call her back as soon as I could get your phone to you.” 
“Thank you.” She held his hand through the plastic for a moment, squeezing it lightly. “It means a lot that you would take the time to … to do this for me.”
He squeezed her hand back.
“Always, Casey.” 
There was a lot left unsaid in that statement, but they both knew. It would have to be enough for now, because she had a very difficult phone call to make. 
“I’ll be back to check on you soon, okay?”
She nodded. 
She stared at her phone for five minutes before gathering up the courage to press the call button  next to her sister’s name. Her hand was shaking and she couldn’t tell if it was the illness or the stress. Rory picked up on the first ring. 
“I’m here.” 
“I’m packing a bag for Alexis and I and we’ll be on our way soon. Don’t you dare …”
“Rory, slow down.” Casey interrupted her. “Please?” 
The noise in the background faded slowly, and another coughing fit shook her. Shorter than the one earlier, thankfully. 
“You’re really not okay, are you? That doctor of yours wasn’t lying.”
“He wasn’t, no. I’m so sorry …” Her voice was weaker than she was hoping. The brave face she tried to put forward had crumbled the moment her sister had answered the phone. 
“Hey now, you have nothing to apologize for. You did nothing wrong. The only person responsible is the one who did this to you and your friends.  You do not blame yourself, do you hear me?”
“I hear you…” 
In the silence that followed, Casey heard small sobs coming from the other end of the line. 
“Rory, it’s okay…”
“Excuse me, but this is the exact opposite of okay. I may not understand the medical vocabulary, but I understood the_ ‘no antidote available at this time’ _perfectly well. You’ll … You’ll be gone if they don’t manage to fix this in the next 24 hours.” Rory’s voice was shaking with worry. 
“That’s … Yes. I want to reassure you, but I also don’t want to … to lie to you. I just hate worrying you.”
“What did we use to say when we were younger, and one of us would hurt herself, or go through a rough time?” Rory asked her. 
_“You’re my sister, it’s my job to worry about you.” _The memory got a chuckle out of Casey. “But I never imagined it would come to this.” 
“Neither did I. And I’m terrified.”
“I’m scared too.”
“Which is why we’re coming. One, I want to see you, and two, my daughter would hate me for the rest of my days if I didn’t take her to you. So you better hang in there until they figure out a solution.” 
In that moment, Casey’s heart was a mix of love, desperation and hope. Daring to hope was dangerous, but she couldn’t help feeling the love coming from her sister. They had always been there for each other, throughout their lives; they had been each other’s constant. The possibility of seeing Rory and her niece casted a small shadow on the part of herself that had already given up. Still, it was not enough.
“But Rory, just in case, I want to …” She started.
“You can’t think like that.” 
“But I have to, because I can’t afford not to right now. Maybe it’ll all be for nothing in the end, but just in case. Please.” 
“I … Okay.” 
“I love you so much, and I never want you to forget that. You’re the best sister I could have asked for, and I’ll always love you.”
“I love you too, of course I love you. That’ll never change.” Rory was crying and Casey wished she could simply be there and hug her.
“And I’ll make a message for Alexis, you can give it to her if anything happens. I don’t want her to forget how much I love her, and how proud I am of her.” Her words were interrupted by sobs from both of them.
“She won’t, I promise. I’ll always remind her.” 
“Thank you.”
They stayed like this for a few minutes, crying until Casey heard Rory close a bag. Their call was about to end, and Casey was not ready. She didn’t think she would ever be; but she also knew she had to let go.
“I have to pick up Alexis from school, I called them ahead. I just need you to promise me you’ll try your best to wait for us, okay?”
“I will, I promise.” 
“I’ll hold you to that. Now rest and if you can, keep me updated. See you soon.” 
Casey held those last three words close to her heart. Not goodbye. Not maybe. 
“See you soon.” 
After making sure the antidote had worked as they’d hoped, they moved Casey to her own room. She had barely settled into bed when Ethan came in.
“Are you up for a couple of visitors?” He asked.
“I think so yes.” 
She had a small idea of who it might be. She had only had one small moment to see Rory before they had rushed in her room with the antidote and since then, it had only been doctors surrounding her. She was thankful; they were her closest friends, her found family at the hospital. Still, it was missing two very important people.
“Good, because I think your sister is ready to scream at me if I don’t let her in in the next five minutes.” 
“That sounds like Rory alright.” Casey laughed. 
 “I’ll go get them. But remember, you need rest.”
“I know. You can stop worrying about me Ethan, I’ll be okay.” 
“Not worrying about you hasn’t been an option for me for a very long time.” He said with a small smile before he left to get her sister and niece. 
They were there in less than three minutes. The door opened and all she heard was “Auntie Casey!” before her niece threw herself on her bed, hugging her waist. She hugged her right back, and kissed the top of her head. 
“Hi there, kiddo.” 
“Alexis, be careful!” Rory came in right behind her. 
Alexis met Casey’s eyes. “Oh no, did I hurt you? I’m so sorry, I’m just so happy you’re okay, I was really scared and …”
“It’s okay sweetie, you didn’t hurt me at all. I’m happy you’re here, and I’m really sorry I scared you.” Casey answered. And if she was in a little bit of pain? Well that didn’t matter. 
“It’s alright, it’s not your fault you were sick.” Alexis gave her the brightest smile.
“For the record, I’m also really happy you’re okay.” Rory said, before hugging her sister. Then she whispered, “You scared the living shit out of me.” 
“I know. But I’m okay now, I promise.” Casey whispered back. 
“Good. I love you.” 
“I love you too.” 
“Can we stay with you for a while?” Alexis asked.
“Of course. Visitation hours are almost over, but I’m sure they’ll make an exception.”
Rory got the chair from the corner of the room and sat right next to the bed. Alexis made herself more comfortable lying down next to Casey on the bed. Rory was holding her hand and Casey kept her arm around her niece’s shoulder. 
From then on, things were not going to be easy. She would have to fully recover, both physically and mentally. But right now, she was with two of the most important people in her life, and she felt safe. And at that moment, it was all that mattered.
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jamiedc-they-them · 5 years
All for you (Platonic)
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To Daenerys Targaryen, you were the last pure thing on earth that hadn’t been taken from her yet. Her younger (brother/sister). You were one of the things that kept her going throughout her struggles. You were the motivation behind every move she made.
It was all for you. To make a better world for you.
She pretty much raised you. Her older brother was cruel to the two of you. She did what she could to shelter you from harm. And, when she failed, she’d comfort you as best she could.
It was all for you. To make you feel more content. To help you get through the bleakest of days.
You both had a rage within you. A burning fire that could burn down the whole world. Your trauma from your brother only brought you closer. Only allowed her maternal instincts around you grow.
When she tipped the pot full of boiling gold on your older brother. Hearing his screams pierce the air. Before a CLANG! When he fell to the ground, finally gone from your lives forever. It felt good. It felt right.
It was for you. To tell you that you were ok now. That he’d never hurt you again. You were safe now.
Whenever she was targeted, so were you. She lived in fear for herself, of course. But you were her main concern. She couldn’t let anything happen to you. So, when she woke up one time to you screaming in horror and what sounded like pain. She entered the room and found you fighting off an assassin.
He endured a long and painful death. Her soldiers beating him and slicing him. You were allowed to add to the pain as well. While she didn’t notice it. Jorah had. Something awoke in you that day. Something broke within you. A dam, that had been holding back all of your pain. The many walls you had built to shelter yourself from your trauma. He saw the look in your eyes. The regular Targaryen fire was there. But there was something else.
Something darker.
Your older sister only watched you with a passive look. No one spoke, there was no sounds from anyone. The only sounds were of the sands blowing around you, and your breathing.
You plunged the knife into your would be killer. Right where he had aimed for you. Right in the chest. Some blood was coughed from his mouth. It stained your clothes. Daenerys frowned at it. But you didn’t seem to mind.
You stabbed him again, and again. Your rage finally hitting its boiling point. One, two, three. A pattern of stabs. Daenerys still kept her gaze passive. Jorah’s turned concerned.
Daenerys had later explained to the man as to why she hadn’t stopped you. Her explanation was simple. It as your moment to enact some kind of justice in a life that had been filled with nothing by injustice.
It was all for you. To make you feel in control.
As your time passed. Your clothes would become stained with blood more regularly. As much as she hated it, you could fight well. As much as she wanted to preserve your innocence, she knew some things had to be sacrificed for this. So, begrudgingly, she allowed you to fight. But you were watched closely by Jorah and the other fighters under her command.
Jorah didn’t need a command to look out for your wellbeing. He had come to care for you both in different ways. But, still, he cared, You’d found a friend in him.
Now you found someone to train you and help you fight better. To not be that weak little boy that hid behind his sister.
Your sister was proud, in a way. Proud that you were finding your own calling. It was like a mother watching their child grow up and finally be ready to leave them.
After all, the meetings she’d allowed you to always seemed to drain the life out of you. Of course, she didn’t want that.
After all, this was all for you. If fighting was your calling, who was she to stop you from following it?
You were nimble with the blade. Your size helping you fight. Giving you an advantage with the taller enemies. When you had both met Tyrion Lannister, you were both cautious of him. You ultimately let Danny decide his fate. But he still gave you a look. One you couldn’t decipher.
It wasn’t one she liked.
“Is there something wrong about my (brother/sister) being here?” The imp cleared his throat, a small bit embarrassed at being caught and called out on the action.
“No, your grace. It’s just that (he/she) hasn’t said a word since I’ve arrived is all.” She turned to you, her look softening a little as she met your eyes. Tyrion noticed it but chose not to comment on it.
She gave you a silent nod. Permission to speak your mind.
“I just follow her. If she grants you stay, then you would’ve found an ally in both of us.” She smiled a little at your words. Tyrion scrunched his face together in confusion. You were loyal to your sister. That much was known. Just as how, at the end of day, Jaime was to him.
But, one question laid in his head, “Where you loyal to her as a sister, or as a queen?”
Seeing you fight, it seemed he had his answer. You fought without question. There were moments where he’d give up hope on ever seeing a shred of your innocence. Only to be there to witness rare moments where you both seemed to reclaim it. Be it with a glass of wine or just a laugh in conversation.
He couldn’t help but envy you two a little. You were close, that much was obvious. You both seemed to be able to communicate without need of vocalising it. She’d protected you. She still did in subtle ways. When you both looked over Mareen. She’d place a hand on your shoulder. Sometimes, if he happened to be walking by when you were in your room. She’d lean her head on your shoulder.
He never had that type of closeness with his siblings. All of them (bar Jaime) hated him with everything they had. But it brought some light to the world that you two were as close as you were.
You’d both crossed the ocean. Both set your feet back on your home ground. Daenerys turned to you after she stood up. Offering you hand, “Come along, little one. We have work to do.”
That included meeting Jon Snow. Bastard son of the north. Daenerys actually looked to you on this one. Everyone on her side knew that no matter what they said, if you disagreed, she’d go with your judgement.
She trusted you the most. And vice-versa.
So, when she’d left her throne room at the sound of laughter. Or a short burst of it, it warmed her a little to see you both getting along at least somewhat. You both seemed to be emotionally stunted at times. You were never one for long conversations. Although, Tyrion had managed to get a few out of you about some philosophical things. Managed to drag something of a personality out of you.
It seemed that you fancied yourself a bit of existentialist. Deep down, he noticed, you wanted to be free. He saw that all your actions were to achieve just that. A sense of freedom and justice.
Jon (for as much as everyone had told him otherwise) had smarts to him. He noticed you want for it as well. But saw that you covered it up with the lie that supporting your sisters claim would be the way to fix that issue inside of you.
If it were the other way round, he could understand it. Family meant everything to him. Just as much as it did to you. That as what you two bonded over. It was nice to find a new friend. One who had the same values as you.
Daenerys had sat by your bed whilst you healed from your time beyond the wall. Finding you unconscious as Jon carried you and helped you onto your exit ride via dragon pained her. Shook her deeply. The next moment, another one of her dragons had fallen.
She’d nearly lost two of the things she held dearly that day.
After all, if you died. If you had left, her. Then this would’ve been for nothing. It would’ve been a hollow victory.
It was all for you.
Winterfell was a nice change of pace. Even if you weren’t welcome entirely there. You were both judged. You didn’t blame them. But you still felt out of place.
Jon introduced you to his siblings. While, with your sister there was a tense moment. With you, it seemed to be more relaxed. The way Sansa’s smile was genuine. Arya had managed more than a sly one as well. Jon looked between both parties. An actual smile on his face, too.
Arya and you had started a friendship. Both bonding over being similar ages and going through your fair share of issues to get to where you were now. It helped her recover a small amount of the child that still lived inside her. Deep, deep down. Locked away. It allowed itself a moment to come back.
You told her about the east, she told you about the west. Both trading stories about your travels. Sansa, Jon, and Danny all saw you looking happy for once. And found themselves a moment to feel it as well.
Your stomach hit you with anxiety. With fear of the unknown. You felt a presence next to you. Looking, you saw that it was Arya. She was stood next to you, looking out at the dark, the void that held the army of the dead. The restless souls that were coming for yours.
“Do you ever think about it? What happens after death?” Her voice was calm. It helped you for a moment. Distracted you as you turned to her with your answer, “Never really thought about it. Always told myself that those I killed went to a place worse than this. But, never really thought about me.”
She nodded at your admission, “Well, if there’s one thing I know. It’s that there’s one thing we say to the god of death,” She waited until you turned to her again. A sly smile upon her face, “Not today.”
It nearly did, several times in that night. The long night.
The time that light really did collide with dark. Living with dead.
You were pinned down, trying to do what you could. Stabbing the walkers that you could. But you knew that this was most likely it. This was how your story was to end. To see if there was anything beyond.
Arya’s words rang true when she was by your side, killing the walkers that held you and helping you up. The two of you back to back. Fighting like a duo who had been their whole lives.
And, depending on how the rest of the night would go. it could very well of been your life’s end fighting by her side.
Daenerys had pulled you into a hug as soon as she saw you. Holding you tightly. Before having to tell you that you’d lost Jorah. She’d tried to comfort you. Only for you to move away and go off on your own.
She’d called after you, trying to reach you once again. Jon had pulled her back, “Just give (him/her) some time. (He’s/She’s) been through a lot.” She didn’t look happy by it but nodded.
Arya, however, had clocked your look. The way your look went from sad to cold as soon as you had turned away. She’d been used to that look. To lock it all away. To force it down. To, in a way, switch yourself off to world. To be dead to it.
She didn’t want that for you. Not when you’d just fought so hard to live.
She hadn’t managed to say goodbye to you, unfortunately. She was off to Kings Landing to get the final person on their list. That being  Queen Cersei herself.
It was Kings Landing where Daenerys saw how much your journey had damaged you. How much it had taken from you. Despite her best efforts, she’d let you kill. Let you lose yourself to it. She’d lied to herself about it. Telling herself that you were fine. That it was just a thing of the moment. And, the way you acted after the fights helped instil that lie. Helped her believe it.
She believed it, right up until you both sat on the walls, the bells ringing. For her, it was a moment of peace. A sense of victory. It was until she looked at you.
You, her little (brother/sister). You, who this had all been for. You, who had done nothing but keep your feelings at bay when it came to lose. You, who had locked away (his/her) darkness from others.
You, who had, unfortunately, lost that battle.
“(y/n)” Her voice was fearful. You hadn’t heard it. Your dragon kicked off the wall, diving towards the city. She hoped, prayed even. That you weren’t going to do what she thought you were going to.
“NO!” She screamed as you started burning the city to the ground. People be damned.
Queen Daenerys Targaryen. The mother of dragons. Breaker of chains. The same woman who was now forced to walk through the city that you had burned down. To fully see the destruction that you had reigned on the city to get what you thought was right.
You’d gotten your freedom. But only by surrendering to the dark. By crossing the line, she never wanted to cross.
She’d stopped when she saw a burned body of a child. One not much older than you were when you started this journey. The child’s mother trying to protect it, only to fail.
Just as she had. By doing all this for you, she had destroyed you. She had failed you.
She stood with Jon, both of them sharing a look as they proceeded up the stairs as you started your speech. She saw and heard you. She knew you were gone. Your innocence was gone. The sibling she protected and raised. The one she cared for deeply was gone. This was just a hollow shell of (him/her).
You ended your speech, breath turning shaky for a second as you met your sister’s eyes. Her’s held fear. Yours held resolution and completion them. She couldn’t help but also see the lust for more be mixed in there too.
“No --”
“Danny I --”
“I said, no!” Her voice cracked, but her fierce protection and denial of their want remained. Her lip trembled at their suggestion. She looked to Arya. And, despite her best efforts, her eyes held some sadness and hurt within them. Jon’s held far more. He always wore his emotions on his sleeve.
“....Please don’t do this.” She tried one last time. One last time to save you. One last time to protect you. One last time to be the sister figure who loved and cared for you that she had tried to be. Someone who tried to give you the whole world. A world that you seemed intent on just burning down with no issue.
She saw the error in her ways. The day she let you stop being her (brother/sister) and instead just another member of her army. One she trusted deeply, sure. But, one of her army none the less.
She’d gambled with your life so many times. Now, it was time for it to go the way she’d always feared it would.
A tear ran down her face as she knew her begging was in vain. In truth, she knew it needed to be done. She just hated herself more for having to admit it.
She nearly broke down again as she watched you staring at the throne in awe. The thing that all this pain had been building up to. The object of her desire had now became yours. Becoming a soldier had ruined you. She saw that now; her goal had corrupted you.
Power had corrupted you.
She managed to grow a smile. An unstable and shaky one. But, a smile still.
“Little one.” You turned at her voice. Her emotions calming for a moment as you beamed at her with pride. You weren’t mad. No, that was your father. You were just a child who lost himself to the dark as there seemed to be no light left. A light that slowly dimmed as you killed and did whatever you needed for your sister.
It was all for her.
“Danny, look! We made it. We made it. It’s so much different than how it was described to us!” Her smile wobbled at your words. How you had seemed to revert to the innocent version of yourself in this moment.
It almost made her want to back out of the current plan. She was too far in at this point. You were too far gone.
“Come here.” She said gently, holding out her arms. You were quick to run to them. She closed her eyes as she held you close and tight. Planting a long kiss onto your head. She made sure it passed on the truth. That she loved you dearly. You were her (brother/sister) but one that had stopped being that years ago at this point. It was a kiss of grief. One she gave to Jorah.
Now it was your turn.
You gasped, breath trembling. Your eyes wide as you pulled apart from your sister. She still held onto your arms, tears now freely flowing from her face.
“I’m sorry.” She managed to get out before she fully break down. Your legs buckled. She kept her grasp on you. Lowering you gently onto the ground as you slowly shut down. Slowly died. Slowly left her.
Your breathing was wheezing at this point. You met her eyes as your vision blurred. She kept muttering apologies as your vision darkened.
As you let the dark take you fully.
As your sister slayed the monster that had taken you from her. One that she had allowed to take you in her quest.
It was all for you. Now, it was all for nothing.
It wasn’t even a hollow win. It was just hollow.
She let herself let out a cry that echoed throughout the city.
It was hollow. As was your body.
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oldsilverblood5 · 4 years
Part 2 to Isolation
Paulina mumbled angrily to herself as she walked down the hall. Finally, she could go to lunch. She couldn’t believe she had to waste half of her lunch period on some stupid computer error. At least the assignment was in now and she wouldn’t have to worry about it again.
As she walked through the halls, the unmistakeable sounds of hitching breath and crying teen reached her ears. Though Paulina wouldn’t have minded some gossip, she really just wanted to go to lunch and not deal with some crying loser. But she grimaced as she realised the sounds were coming from the hall she needed to walk through to get to the cafeteria.
Hoping that she could just pass by without being noticed, Paulina slowly turned the corner, but froze once she realised who it was.
It was the Fenton boy. The one with the crazy parents that ran around in garish jumpsuits claiming to be hunting ghosts. She didn’t know his first name, only knowing ‘Fenton’ from the family and the obscene nicknames Dash always came up with.
Paulina didn’t know him personally, nor did she know him well, but she did know that he had two friends. There was the tech nerd who was always naming his tech, she knew even less about him than she did Fenton, but she knew the other one well.
Sam Manson, the goth freak that was always making out like she was better than Paulina. Unfortunately, their parents were friends, and that meant the two were forced to spend time together whenever their parents met up. They generally maintained their distance at school though, and no one knew they knew each other outside of school. She was pretty sure even her friends didn’t know. Which was fine by Paulina, and she had no intentions of changing that.
But she did know how close the three were, and it confused her that they weren’t here to comfort their distressed friend. Maybe they got into a fight? But with her impression of their friendship, she didn’t think it would be so bad to get to this point. Honestly, he was crying like the world was ending or something.
Her curiosity got the best of her, and after looking around to make sure there was no one here to see her talking to this loser, she called out to him.
Her voice surprised him apparently, because his head shot up and he immediately locked eyes with her. Whatever expression she expected him to have on his face, it was not the mixture of shock and hope she found.
“P-Paulina?” Okay, this is creepy. She’d had people look at her with reverence before, but Fenton looked like he was afraid she’d disappear.
“Yeah?” Seriously, the almost crazed look was freaking her out. “What the hell’s up with you? Why are you acting so weird?”
That seemed to make him realise what he was doing as he winced and drew back into himself, though his eyes kept flicking back to her. “Sorry… You… You know who I am?” He sounded pathetically hopeful, and she focused on that rather than the desperation that came off him.
“Don’t act like it makes you special or anything.” She said, rolling her eyes, “People only know you ‘cause you’re a Fenton. You’re still a loser.”
For some reason, that made him chuckle. It sounded off, but it was still there. “I’ll take it.” He whispered.
Paulina frowned at him. There was something strange going on. “Where are your friends.”
He curled in on himself and looked like he was about to cry again. She was just starting to think it was a fight when he spoke again, “They don’t know who I am.”
“What?” She asked, disbelieving. She must have misheard because that didn’t make any sense.
“They can’t remember me. I thought they were just mad ‘cause of what I said yesterday, but they really don’t. They don’t know who I am.”
Paulina stared at the boy as he started crying again. This didn’t make any sense. How could close friends just forget each other? Things didn’t work that way.
“That makes no sense at all, Fenton. People don’t just forget somebody. It’s probably just some dumb misunderstanding.” Though even as she said it, there was some part of her that couldn’t believe it. How could you misunderstand somebody that badly? And the way he reacted when she said his name still put her on edge. It’s like he was glad anyone knew who he was.
“Believe me, if that were the case I wouldn’t complain. I’ve never wanted to be an idiot more in my life.” He chuckled wetly. “But they were serious.”
Paulina growled in frustration as she dug through her bag. She wanted to get away from this enigma, but she also wanted to make sense of it all. She threw him a small packet of tissues she kept as an emergency. “There. Your face is a mess.”
He looked between them and her like he couldn’t believe she would do such a thing. “Thank you.” He said quietly as he opened it.
“I’m going to lunch now.” Paulina ignored the brief look of panic on his face before he reigned it in. She could tell he didn’t want to be alone, but she couldn’t stand to be here any longer. “I’m talking to your friends later to get to the bottom of this.” She said before she could stop herself. Sure, she wanted answers, but that didn’t mean letting Fenton know about it.
“You-you are!?” He gave her a look of pure shock.
Paulina crossed her arms with a huff. “I don’t like it when I don’t know things. And I don’t understand this at all.”
“…Thank you.” Paulina blinked, surprised at the words. Fenton was giving her a small grateful smile.
“I’m not doing it for you.” She narrowed her eyes.
His smile dimmed a little. He looked so fragile and it was starting to annoy her. “I know. But, thank you.”
She didn’t know how to react to that, so instead she asked him a question. “What’s your name?”
Fenton blinked at her, confused. “What?”
Paulina rolled her eyes, “Your name, loser. I only know your last one.”
“Oh, uh…” He looked surprised, and she supposed she didn’t blame him. It’s not like she’d asked before. “It’s Danny.”
With that, she nodded and walked away. He didn’t call out to her and she didn’t look back. She went straight to the cafeteria to enjoy what was left of her lunch period.
As she walked over to her table, Paulina’s eyes scanned the room, easily finding the two she was looking for. They were sitting in a back corner, alone, and didn’t seem concerned at all by their missing friend. She wanted to ask her friends if she’d missed anything between the trio but didn’t want to seem interested if there was nothing to say. There was no reason to worry though, as Star quickly brought it up anyway.
“Did anyone else notice what happened with Fenton earlier?”
Dash rolled his eyes and looked like he was going to say something along the lines of, ‘who cares’, but Paulina stepped in before he could.
“No. What was it?” She maintained an air of bored curiosity, not letting anyone know she was actually interested. She didn’t want anyone to know about her conversation with Fenton until she got the rest of the story.
“I only caught the last bit of it, but his friends looked like they were about to attack him. Then he got this real sad look on his face and just stared at them for a while. He ran off not long after that.”
Paulina shrugged, “Probably got into an argument or something. Did you hear what they were talking about?”
Star waved a dismissive hand in her direction, “Nah, I wasn’t close enough.”
Paulina hummed, and moved the conversation onto something else before they could get suspicious. It didn’t really do much to answer her suspicions, which meant she still had to talk to the two losers.
Her chance didn’t come until the change over to the second period after lunch. She cornered them at Sam’s locker and since she had to change her books, they had little choice but to listen to her.
“So, I hear you two developed sudden amnesia.” Sam’s annoyance and the nerd’s wariness turned to confusion at the one statement. “What? Did you forget who I am too?” She asked condescendingly.
And the annoyance was back. “What are you talking about?”
“I’m talking about the rumour that you two are such lousy friends you’d pretend your own friend doesn’t even exist.” There was no such rumour, but she hoped getting a rise out of Sam would get her the truth and she didn’t want anyone to know she’d talked to Fenton. He’d probably tell them anyway, once this whole thing blows over, but she wasn’t going to be the one to admit it.
“Again, what are you talking about? That’s sounds like something you’d do, not us.”
“Oh, so whole thing with Danny was a misunderstanding?” She asked sardonically, not even hiding her glee at the word choice. She was going to hold this over the goth for a very long time.
The question shocked Paulina, though she tried not to let it show. Even though Fenton had seemed certain he’d been forgotten, Paulina hadn’t fully believed it.
“Wait. Is this about that guy who came up to us before?” Paulina could say what she wanted to about nerds, at least they were smart.
“Black hair, blue eyes, hideous red and white T-Shirt?” Paulina asked nonchalantly, even as a strange fear began to rise in her chest.
The glare Sam gave her for the barb was nowhere near as venomous as it should be for insulting her friend. “Yeah, that’s him. What do you know him or something?”
She stared. It was all she could do. ‘They really did forget him.’ Paulina couldn’t believe this. Everything Fenton said was true. His friends had completely forgotten who he was.
Sam must have had enough of the silence because she scoffed. “We don’t have time for this. Come on, Tuck.”
“Danny Fenton.” Paulina said before they could get away. They paused and looked at her with confusion. “Your best friend. The three of you have been inseparable for years.” She reminded, hoping to jog their memories. This was really starting to freak her out and she had to wonder if she’d stepped into an alternate universe or something because none of this made any sense.
“He’s a Fenton?” Sam asked, but beyond her confusion she gave no indication that the other statements meant anything to her.
“That would actually explain it.” The tech geek said thoughtfully, he frowned as she and Sam looked at him for clarification. “If he’s anything like his parents, the crazy is probably genetic or something. It would explain why he thought we were friends, and the little freak out he had.”
Sam nodded thoughtfully, easily agreeing to the statement to Paulina’s disbelief. If there were any doubt in her mind about this whole thing, any thought that maybe these losers were just trying to mess with her, it went out the window at the geek’s statement. Whenever someone bullied Fenton for his parents, these two stood by and defended him. Because of their friendship, they knew all the Fentons, and would not tolerate anything negative said about them. Sometimes, they were even more defensive of them than their own son was.
Her thoughts were put to a halt when Sam gave her a condescending look of pity. “And let me guess, you believed whatever sob story he spun you.” She scoffed, but Paulina gave no reaction, “You need to stop believing everything you hear Paulina.”
And she walked away, dragging the tech geek with her. Paulina still hadn’t moved, too much in shock to. If anyone noticed her standing frozen by the lockers and not going anywhere, they didn’t say anything to snap her out of it or warn her she’d be late to class. She was left to sort through all the confusing information she’d gathered as the halls emptied until there was no one but her.
Her and Danny that is.
The sniffling brought her out of it, making her look up and catch his eye. His presence, and the fact that he was, once again, crying were all she needed to know that he had been listening in. Having his friends forget he existed must have been painful enough for him, but hearing them say he and his family were crazy would just hurt even more.
Paulina made no move to comfort him. They weren’t close and she was still confused as to how this could happen in the first place. She had no idea what to do. She didn’t know if she even should do something. It wasn’t her responsibility, she only wanted to get to the bottom of whatever was going on. She now knew that they’d truly forgotten him. That was the truth and she got it. Did she really want to go further? Did she want to find out the why and the how? Was this really something she wanted to get into?
She didn’t have to. They weren’t her friends. Danny wasn’t her friend.  She could walk away now and forget this ever happened.
But could she?
What if this wasn’t a one-time thing? What if other people started forgetting things? And would her curiosity really let this lie?
She looked at Danny, teary eyed and giving her a look of cautious hope.
Could she really let him go through this on his own?
Paulina sighed. She didn’t want to help a loser with anything, but this was serious, not only for him but for everyone. They needed to figure this out. Whatever strange and unexplainable thing happened to his friends could happen again, and right now they were the only ones that knew about it.
She didn’t like it, but she couldn’t do nothing.
Paulina pulled out a pen from her bag and ripped out a piece of paper, writing her address on it. “Here.” She thrust it towards Fenton who jumped and took it cautiously. “Come to my place after school so we can try to figure this whole mess out. And don’t tell anyone I’m doing this, got it?”
Danny’s mouth hung open as he stared at the paper, not quite believing it was real. He looked at her, with eyes so full of hope she squirmed. “You-you’re going to h-help me?”
“You’re still a loser, don’t forget that.” She snapped, “But if something is making people forget things, we need to know about it.”
She didn’t look at him, and he didn’t say anything for a few long moments. Eventually, he shifted to put the paper in his pocket.
“Thank you, Paulina. I’ll see you after school.”
She nodded, “We should get to class now.” She avoided his grateful smile as they climbed to the next floor together.
Paulina hoped she’d made the right decision.
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deathduty · 4 years
There Is A Gift Here Somewhere || Solo
7: Deirdre finds a dog.
9: Deirdre takes her first life.
12: Deirdre argues with Maeve.
13: Deirdre cries.
15: Deirdre attends a funeral for a boy she killed.
18: Deirdre argues with Maeve.
31: Deirdre cries.
32: Deirdre speaks to a man she is to kill.
32: Deirdre finds a dog.
“Why are you crying? Why are you cry—” 
Danny cried with his head raised to the sky, wailing like a siren. Despite Deirdre’s questioning, he continued his theatrics. She watched his eyes pour tears out like a tap, broken accusations bubbling out of his mouth between sobs and howls. “Y-you killed Toto!”
Toto, Danny’s uncreatively named orange Pomeranian, laid broken and decaying in Deirdre’s arms. She thought it stupid to mention his ribs were cracked in, and his head was tethered to the rest of his body with the frailest string of muscles. Obviously, he must have been hit by a car. But she found his body in the forest, not by the road. Which was funny, but not enough to make someone cry. 
“Why are you crying? I’m helping you. Why are you---”
The lost dog posters fluttered in Danny’s arms. She wanted so desperately to be liked, to help and be appreciated for it. They were looking for Toto. She found Toto. She couldn’t understand why he was crying. 
The adults of the town descended upon the two of them, heralded by Danny’s cries. They surrounded the wailing child, pushing Deirdre out until she tumbled to the ground. It was went Toto’s mangled body hit the ground that any of them bothered to look at her at all--faces pulled together with disgust. 
“Go home,” they said. She couldn’t tell which one.
“Please,” she croaked, crawling on her hands. “I just want to understand. I just--I was helping. And I don’t understand, and I just want to--”
“Go home.” 
Ella was a good cow. Every morning, without fail, she greeted Deirdre warmly--or as warm as a cow could. With the startling new sensations of being a banshee against her growing child’s mind, it was nice to have a companion. She spoke to Ella as a friend, belabouring her day’s problems. 
Strangely then, it was apt that Ella be strapped down and Deirdre situated above her with a knife. 
“I can’t help you, my dear,” her mother hovered beside her, “you’ll have to learn how to do things on your own and I can’t be the one to lead your hand. You take life on your own, that is your responsibility. This is your gift.”
Yet at 9, the concept was too heavy, too foreign. All she knew then was how she burned to please her mother, how much she wished to be praised again. Her hands shook and her legs at given up on trying to keep her steady. She collapsed by Ella’s neck, her tiny hands around the handle of a knife too large for her. 
“Do it.” Her mother urged, under the shadows of their old barn, she looked like a ghost wearing her mother’s angles, wielding her commanding voice. “Do it!” She screeched again.
Deirdre plunged the knife into Ella’s neck. 
She found, with great horror, that the cow whined in pain, thrashing against the ropes. She waited, expected Ella to stop and die. Instead she cried and fought against binding. 
“Do it again!”
Deirdre pulled the knife back clumsily, nearly toppling herself backwards with the force. She plunged the knife in again and again until Ella’s crying stopped and she turned still. 
Her hands and knees burned from the blood. Her mother applauded her.
There was no one to greet her the next morning. She took to keeping her problems to herself.
The house was in disarray. Old decorations had toppled over and furniture was turned out of place. Deirdre stood in the center, head down. Her mother, at the threshold of the room, head raised. 
“What happened?”
“Maeve stole my fish skeleton.” She mumbled, lost in the sight of the rug and the shards of glass stuck between weaving fabric. Maeve, her mischievous cousin, was no where to be found.
“How did the mirror break?”
“I got angry.”
Silence filled the room. In a moment, her mother asked, “and what do we say about emotion?”
“Not to have them?”
“Not to have them. And?”
“To know better.”
“Why don’t you know better then?”
At the back of her throat stood an argument: Maeve started it, why does Maeve get to be angry then, why do I have to know better all the time? Bouncing around in her head, she knew the answer. 
Deirdre’s hand snap up to her throat, massaging it roughly. Tears hung around the corners of her eyes. Her great-great-grandmother, Clíodhna, frowned.
“You shouldn’t scream that much.” Her voice was soft, her eyes softer. She had a quality none of the Dolan’s seemed to possess: understanding. Deirdre didn’t care much for the way her kind eyes bore into her bruises and scars, or the way she commented on her mother’s teaching methods. 
“I have to,” Deirdre rasped in response, “I have to be perfect. I have to be the best.” As future matriarch, this was expected. But more so, as the youngest banshee in the family, there was a certain pressure upon her. Most banshees achieved mastery somewhere around their hundredth year, assuming they’d be activated much later in life. This was normal. Deirdre did not want that. She wanted better now, to be good now, to be perfect in the moment.
“No, you don’t,” Clíodhna reached her hand out, pressing it to Deirdre’s tear-stained cheek. “You’re crying.”
In a small voice, she whimpers, jumbled together “no, I’m not” and “don’t tell mother”. 
In a smaller voice, as if confessing revelation, her great-great-grandmother spoke again, “Let me help you, you’re just a child.”
And with strength she could not summon before, Deirdre tore herself away. “I am not a child. I don’t need help,” she asserted and again and again until her voice gave. 
Perhaps the hardest thing Deirdre had ever done was pretending to be sullen at Danny’s funeral. Her family had celebrated it just a month ago, hoisting Deirdre up and passing her bloodied knife around. She served fate, she helped him pass with peace, pretending she was sad about either of those things was unspeakably difficult. 
She watched Danny’s mother’s face screwed up in anguish as she sobbed open-mouthed and loudly--Deirdre thought she sounded like a dying cow. How humiliating it must be to look like that and yet she didn’t seem the least bit concerned about all the half-glances she received. 
“Is that what humans look like when they cry?” She asked her mother after, walking back to their car. She dodged people sharing their condolences with her, telling her how hard it must have been to lose a friend (she wished she could tell them how funny that idea was, that he could spend his childhood hating her but the second she grew into a body his tone changed). Humans were just like that, she knew. 
“People,” her mother corrected, opening the door for her prodigy of a daughter. “People look like that when they cry. Why do you think I hate it?” She closed the door after squeezing into the seat beside her.
“That ugly?” Deirdre considered it, gazing at the back of her grandmother’s head in the driver’s seat. “I hope I never end up like her. Could you imagine crying like that?”
Her family mumbled in agreeance. Her mother smiled. “I am so fortunate to have a daughter like you,” she said later. 
“Deirdre! Let me out!”
“You’re the one that fell for the old ‘there’s a dead rat in the closet’ trick.” Deirdre snickered, checking again that the lock was secure against Maeve’s tireless pounding. “Really, all’s fair in death and scavenger hunts.”
“Brat!” Her cousin bellowed, knocking against the doors again. Every year since Deirdre’s activation, Maeve had won their annual scavenger hunt. Two years ago, she stole Deirdre’s immaculate elk skeleton. This year, she would have her revenge. And best of all, with Maeve out of the way, she was sure to win. “Let me out!” She screamed, the window split but the closet doors, chained closed, did not budge. 
“You shouldn’t get so angry Maeve, it’s unbecoming,” Deirdre sing-songed, skipping out of the bedroom. 
When she won, she presented her bones with pride as Maeve fumed at her side. Her family laughed and applauded, to Maeve’s plight, they explained the danger of emotion. She paid for the window she broke. 
Following her great-great-grandmother’s funeral, Deirdre secluded to Clíodhna’s room. There, alone finally, she sobbed among her things. She thought of night without her hugs or gentle words, she thought of days without her even temper. 
She knew better than to cry, but the emotion could not be stopped. Her mother found her moments later, silently chastising the display. She looked at her daughter with disgust, though Deirdre never lifted her gaze far enough off the ground to notice.
“You should move,” she said, “you’ll help more elsewhere.”
Deirdre moved to White Crest in the winter. 
“Can you please stop crying?”
Despite Deidre’s request, Harold continued to sob. Piss stained the sides of his trashing legs, darkening the light fabric of his pants and filling the air with an acrid scent. “P-p-p-please don’t do this!” He sobbed, trying to pull against the fabric of his shirt that bound his hands together and feet together. Deirdre meant to kill him sooner, but she’d forgotten all her knives at home (a strange lack of foresight on her part, she never traveled without at least one; she blamed the lack of sleep).
“We’ve been over this Harold,” she sighed, admiring the branch she sharpened into a rough point with Harold’s keys. “You were going to die anyway, slowly and painfully in a car accident in front of your youngest son, I might add, so I’m doing you a favor here.” She held the stick up, not sharp enough. She groaned and fished around Harold’s belongings for something else (there were several ways to kill a man, could she be blamed for favoring the less messy alternatives?). 
“I have a family!” He shouted, as though this would make him appear sympathetic, as though Deirdre didn’t already know. “Do you want money? I’ll give you money!” He alternated between wailing and bargaining, too panicked to think to wriggle out of his bonds. 
“I’m helping you!” She snarled back, stabbing her stick into the ground. “I’m doing you favor! I’m trying to make this nice for you! Do you want ruptured lungs then? I can make your last memory the feeling of you body exploding from the inside.”
Harold grunted, trying to squirm further away. “You’re not helping me! You call this helping! Let me go!” 
“How many times do we have to go over this?” To his hysterics, she greeted him with calmness. “I am helping. I help. That’s what I do. Now if you’d please stop wiggling around and let me stab you I can go home to my very sad girlfriend and attempt to help her instead of--”
Deirdre sighed, “yes, Harold. That’s what I’m doing. I’m helping.”
“Not you!” He screamed again, “help! Help!”
“Harold--” She lunged forward, pushing him flat against the ground. “No one can hear you. Will you spare my sanity at least? As I was saying, my girlfriend is very sad so if we could please hurry this up and---”
“Maybe she’s sad because she’s dating a deranged killer. You ever think about that, huh!?” 
Deirdre leaned back, considering this. “Maybe,” she said after a moment. “That would explain a lot. That I’m the problem here. I’m no good at helping her either and clearly you---”
“--don’t seem to get the point.” Tired finally, she ended his screaming with one of her own, listening to blood garble through his voice and his body rise and fall one last time. Blood bubbled out of his mouth, a sound weirdly far worse than the screaming. “I do help,” she said, “I know you don’t get it and--no one does. No one understands. But I help. That’s what I---” 
Beside her, her phone burst into life. Her mother’s name graced the bright screen. “I help,” she sobbed, rolling off Harold’s body and shutting her phone off. “I try to. I really try. You were going to die anyway and I---I have to--” She closed her eyes, pulling her knees to her chest. “I lie to my mother. I couldn’t tell her that---she thinks I help. That I’m helping---there’s the banshee. And she thinks I---” Deirdre sobbed again, softer. Remembering the casual admittance of explaining how well scream-training was going with Regan, how often the two of them spoke and how much she was helping--she could feel bile rise with just the memory. She couldn’t stomach another call, having to mute the sound of her retching. “I’m not bad, am I?”
The dead body did not answer. 
She laid down beside Harold, watching him. “I just want to help.” She closed her eyes again and imagined his ghost rising up, patting his incorporeal body. In death, he saw what would have happened--the terrible crash and the life scarred in watching it. He thanked Deirdre with his ethereal voice. When Deirdre asked if she helped, he said yes. He said he understood now, all that she did. All that she would do.
“Did I help?” She croaked. 
The dead body did not answer.
In the underbrush, just beside an oak tree, there was a dead dog laying like a shadow. Deirdre recognized the face from the ‘Lost Dog’ posters that graced this end of White Crest--the creature was an unmistakable white Pomeranian. The body wore its pink collar with pride. 
She took it to the address listed. She left it on the porch. That way, she imagined, they will know to stop their hoping. It was a favor, she imagined. She was helping. 
The news came the following day of a dog killer. 
(She wonders then exactly to whom this is help for. To whom is death a gift?)
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melyaliz · 4 years
Fandom: Harry Potter 
Summary: Heads or Tails, which would you chose
Pairing: Fred Weasley x OC 
Notes: Chose your Ending! This is one of two possibilities 
Other ending: Coming soon 
Read the rest of the story:  Master List 
All Masterlists @melyalizarchive​
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The electricity jolted through his body and Fred gasped for air like a fish. His eyes wide as he coughing up blood.
“What…. what…”
“There is no way in hell you are dying before me” Rose hissed putting a hand over his face. He took it eyes wide panting still trying to take in what was going on around him. Gently, with the help of Percy she helped Fred up escaping down to the infirmary.  
Helen met them at the door helping Fred onto a chair as Rose explained what happened.
“It worked…” the older girl said more to herself than her cousin.
“What do you mean it worked!” Rose shot, the thought of it not working made her heart freeze over. The possibility. “You said it would!”
“I said it might…” Helen said checking the boy's eyes and pulse, “we’re going to have to check him for brain damage and…”
An unearthly scream cut her off. Everyone turned to see Liam bursting into the room, a bloody Clara in his arms. Behind them, Alfie let out a few more curses at someone who was obviously following them.
“Help her!” Liam yelled, “It was a werewolf.”
Both Helen and Pomfrey rushed to his side helping set the screaming sobbing girl onto a table. Her blonde hair was matted with blood and her hands were gripping Liem so tightly she was going to leave a bruise.
“My legs, I can’t feel my legs!” Clara screamed as Helen pulling her bag with her muttering something to Pomfrey was nodding.
Rose watched as if the world around her was spinning, turning to Alfie, as if in a daze. What was happening? Where was she? When was she going to wake up from this nightmare?
“What… happened?” she choked out, her brother turned to her. His eyes wide and hollow.
“She…” it was all he could get out before he bent over and threw up all over Rose’s feet. Rose knelt down rubbing her brother’s back as he tried to right himself. His body rocking with sick and sobs.
“There… It got a Ravenclaw, Clara was trying to help him get out…” Alfie mumbled, “There was so much blood.”
“Liam,” Helen said, voice was sharp as her brother turned storming toward the door, wand in hand.
“Liam wait!” Rose echoing Helens as she tried to help her brother who was gagging on the floor. Hand reached out as if she could grab the other boy and pull him back to safety.
Her cousin paused for a moment turning to look at her. His look was so fierce it frightened Rose. For the first time in her life Rose felt scared of him and remembered how powerful he had become, “They can’t get away with this” He hissed venom in his voice that made her blood run cold, “I’m going to kill them all.”
From behind her, Rose could hear Clara’s sobs as Helen quickly tried to stop the bleeding on her legs.
That first year after the Death of Voldemort was one of the worst years in Rose’s life. So many deaths lay in their wake. It was as if every day there was another Oh you remember that one boy? That one mother? That teacher? It was the same conversation over and over with a different name.
Rose tried to block it out, the pain and guilt was something she just couldn’t handle. She knew she was selfish as she focused on helping Fred recop. Coming early every day to the Weasley home leaving late at night. Some days just getting him up to eat and talk was a pure victory while other days just being able to hold his hand and know he was right there was all she needed.
Survivors guilt, that’s what Helen had called it. But Rose would just brush her off as she kept busy after all it wasn’t just Fred that needed help rehabilitating. Clara had lost her legs and some days Abigail's memories were so bad she couldn't even remember her own name.  
And there were others, scars that weren’t as visible. Alfie was never the same after that day. His happy songs turned to tragic ones. Using his music was a way to express himself. He became a famous singer and turned the world. He was never able to look at Clara the same way again. Blaming himself for what happened.
Liam became a Marksman like their Uncle Nolan. He married Carrie a few months after the war. It was a small wedding and an even smaller honeymoon.  Carrie never complained about his long absences, instead keeping herself busy starting her fashion line for witches and wizards.
And a year after Fred kept to his promise and married Rose.
With George as the best man and Clara was Rose’s Maid of Honor sitting in her new wheelchair. Norie caught the bouquet. Rose got cake all over Fred’s face before he shoved her almost head first into his piece.
Almost two years later they had a girl who Fred insisted on calling Georgina.
The day she was born Fred stood there holding his little girl. His eyes so wide and calm. Calmer than Rose had ever seen him before. Turning he looked over at this beautiful wife “I want more” he whispered, “I want a house filled with laughter like yours. I want there to be so many children we can’t move.”
“Wait a few weeks before telling me that,” Rose mumbled, “I just got that one out.”
Like he promised Rose ended up having seven children. Each with large smiles and a great sense of humor. There was never a dull day in the Primmington/Weasley house. Somedays Rose felt like their laughter shook the very rafters.
There was Georgina, the eldest who sometimes seemed to take that responsibility a little too seriously. She would stand up for anyone who was weaker than herself and if anyone even looked sideways at her siblings they would end up with a nasty hex that would take weeks to remove. She was almost always in and out of trouble because of her protective nature, however, her punishment at home was never much more than a wink from her father and fake apologies to the teachers from her mother.
Josh was the second and unlike his namesake took on more of his mother’s temperament. With Fred’s flaming red hair and Mother’s bright green eyes, he looked like trouble a mile away. But with one soft smile, he could disarm anyone. He had a knack for talking his more mischievous siblings out of trouble with some large vocabulary and calm demeanor.
Amelia -called Amy by all her friends and a few enemies-  was Fred’s daughter. A born troublemaker, when she gave her mother that little glint in her brown eyes Rose could only see Fred plotting some crazy scheme. She was the one who caused her parents the most grief yet the most laughs. While she was 2 years younger than Freddie and James the three of them would get into more trouble that would rival her father and his brother in their days.
Jack just wanted to be able to do things. He was always in the middle of the action ready and willing to do anything. Never the one hanging the bucket over the door but the one hoisting his sister up. He worshiped Amy and she was his inspiration for anything he did. He had Rose’s observations people and Fred’s creativity to get in and out of a situation. In many ways, he was a born leader and a born follower. Like Fred, he was stubborn when he didn’t want to do something and did very poorly at school because of it. While it was hard to annoy Jack once you did that was the end. You were dead to him.
Danny was very active like Jack but channeled it in a very different way; Sports, if there was anything that described Danny it was sports. Games, competition. Rose wasn’t quite sure where he got it from but never questioned it. While he was always for a good prank with his siblings but his true love was on the field playing Quidditch. He even ended up playing professional Quidditch soon after he left Hogwarts and his family never missed a game.
Fred wanted twins. He never said it out loud but he did. But Rose knew so when he finally got them Rose declared she was done.
Martha and Mickey. They were inseparable since birth. Or they were until Mickey got his Hogwarts letter and Martha didn’t. It was Mickey who had cried that night stating that he wouldn’t go. He would stay with his sister. Wizarding school be damned, Martha was the most magical person he knew. In the end, his sister coaxed him into going letting him know she was excited about her muggle school and that they would write each other letters each day comparing the school experience. Yes, that little 10 year old used experience in her vocabulary.
So while her siblings were all off learning potions and spells Martha spent her days at the local school and nights with her father who would get her options on any new trick he was working on. While he would never admit it, Martha held a soft place in his heart. Maybe it was because she never left him or maybe it was because she reminded him the most of Rose.
Which is why he went to live with her after Rose’s death.  
A promised Rose died first, Fred wasn’t really the same after her death saying it just wasn’t as fun without her laughter. He moved in with Martha and her young husband and kids. Four months later he died in his sleep. No fuss no bang, just fell asleep and never woke up to the sound of the most beautiful sound in the world.
Rose’s laugh.
That beautiful, deep down in her soul laugh.
Story Master List
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queenkeeleyhawes · 4 years
REPOST: queenkeeleyhawes’s official ranking of keeley’s male character counterparts
**reposting because i added theo (i forgot him the first time), added martin (mutual friends) because i recently watched it. removed david from top tier after i revisited some things. moved sven to top tier because it’s what he deserves. and moved gene hunt lower because let’s be honest, he’s the worst.**
this list includes: husbands, boyfriends, bosses, and other male coworkers. there is some of her work that i left off because her part was too small. i started this list originally at 5 am a couple of weeks ago. these are my personal opinions. please don’t come for me. most are pretty self-explanatory too but i did list reasons anyway. if you happen to disagree with me, that’s fine, but i’m pretty set in my ways so even if we have a nice conversation, you’re unlikely to change my mind. ** SEMI(?) SPOILERS AHEAD**
Top Tier 
Spiros - hello he literally did everything for her and her family. took such good care of them from day one. literally found them a house when they got on the island. and furniture. and a maid. he got her ring back when she sold it to bribe those thugs in series 1. attempted to tutor gerry when she couldn’t find anyone else. held her when she needed a good cry after hugh nearly died and after florence could have died delivering her baby. watched her children while she went back home briefly. built gerry his zoo. the list goes on and on.
Caspar -  saw her for who she was. was impressed by her mind. “you’re beautiful as well as good. one of those things i can't change. the other i never will.” that is all. 
Fabian - *crying emojis* he literally cared so much for her. always wanted to be with her. literally put her aunt into a home and paid for it when it was not cheap. pretty much disowned his eldest daughter for her. after everything still adored her.
Samuel P. - hoo boy it’s a lot. clearly they made a connection. but he respected her and her marriage to not pursue it further when she put an end to it. was so happy for her when she found her son.
Jarvis - he just loved her so much. the lil hotel kissing scene. the way they looked at each other. ugh. we’re not even going to talk about them singing together in rehearsal. i don’t have it in me.
Dick Dewey - i mean hello. good on the eyes. sweetheart. loved her so much. the hand washing scene. the lake scene. saved her father from the bear trap and let some other dude take the credit.  made all the boys apologize to her via song after they humiliated her in church. 
Danny - let her move in with him when he saw how terrible her living arrangements were. so much more. i really wanted them to end up together.
Theo  - obviously, he belongs in Top Tier because he was always just absolutely wonderful to louisa and to gerry (duh) and he always gave her the best advice. like I truly believe they were best friends and though he didn’t include himself, he was definitely part of the “men she loved the most on the island.” also he’s an “honorary woman.” the end.
Sven - literally saved her son from dying. brought her nets for her olives. let gerry borrow a goat. eventually i liked them together and i think they could have worked...but...you know.
Good Tier
Harry - cool dad. loved their relationship. he took care of her.
Tom - they were very good friends and he treated her so well. he genuinely cared for her as an employee. obviously the real chemistry was there but i'm honestly glad they didn’t go in that direction.
Ray - listen i know he’s an ass but he’s the ass that you actually love. and she changed him for the better. i loved the dynamic between him and alex and as they grew as friends. plus dean and keeley just played off each other so nicely.
Daniel - she just wanted him to call about that damn flat but he finally had his little break through by the end so he can stay and obviously matthew and keeley working together is *heart eyes.*
Richard Shaw - he had his issues but he really did love kathleen and even though he was basically in denial about their son and did some things she didn’t like...he was a good man who took care of her.
David - i mean it was literally his job to save her and he did try (we’re not gonna talk about the end of episode 3). i believe he really put her at ease and was making her change her opinions and views on so many things. but there were issues...we can’t deny that.
Mr Morley - we didn’t see them interact much...but he’s fine.
Chris - he’s fine as co-workers go. i think he definitely respected alex eventually but he wasn’t my favorite.
Will (MI-5) - he was fine. a little boring but fine and he literally was not even cute. really zoe??? he did love her. and she did end up having a good life with him.
Bad Tier
Martin Grantham - almost cheated on his wife for revenge. told her potential boss she had mental health problems just to keep her from getting the job. believed a rumor that she had hired a solicitor so he hired one out of spite. umm the bar scene with their son. everything he did with peter. enough said.
Rob Graham - he almost cheated on his wife. he was in slight denial about their son. didn’t want to get a dog. loved her and he clearly fought to stay with her. a few points for that.
Joe M*cb*th - was just kinda there? not horrible but not great.
Steve A - do i really even need to explain? he’s just so infuriating. you’re probably wondering why he’s not lower on this list...but...well just wait until you see the rest.
Mr Royal - he just generally sucks and also he ruined her dessert in that one lil scene and was just horrible. and he fucking slapped her, knocking her to the ground???? no sir.
Peter - the jealousy i mean come on and he terrorized her. nearly killed her best friend. not to mention i’m about 99.8% sure he stole her cat.
Hugh - ugh he was with her to make vasillia jealous. i don’t care what he tried to say. and i hate that he called her angel when that’s what her husband called her. also i think she just liked the idea of them and then realized how quickly it wasn’t going to work out, especially when he wanted her to go back to england when they hadn’t even been there that long and clearly corfu made her happy?!?!? purposefully hurt spiros.
Miles Mollison - it literally took him hearing his mother calling his wife a failure for him to grow a spine?!?!? and dude your wife looked like that *long sigh*
Trash Tier 
Billy - how many times did she have to ask him about getting a job. the jealousy. he didn’t do anything???? he took care of jake so he gets points for that. but he made her feel like crap for it so….bye. and he told tina even though angela didn’t want to tell anyone.
Michael - literally tried to murder her.
Othello - actually murdered her.
Dennis Hamilton  - crazy, jealous. possessive. made her get an abortion. spent all of her money. just gross.
Alec Wilson - hello he literally had another wife and two other children that she knew of. and he only gave her 5 measly fucking pounds….rude. 
Terry Leather - had an affair with another woman. kinda redeemed himself in the end but not really. 
Hallam - literally had an affair with her sister. forced her to take in lotte when she was terrified she’d lose their baby. was trash to his little sister after making a big deal about getting her out of the asylum. was horrible to blanche. was fine (?) with the staff but not really?? 
Sam Webster - had an affair. got another woman pregnant when that’s something his wife wanted again. literally never believed her about anything. blamed her for alice’s death and then later tried to tell her not to blame herself when she was depressed. horrible to their son. just an all around shitty person.
Roger - jealous of j’s power. racist remark about david. tells her something she specifically said she doesn’t care to hear. and let’s be honest he was probably bopping some blonde 20 year old.
Dryden - wouldn’t leave his wife. forced her to get an abortion. literally picked up a 15 year old at some gathering for a bj. gross gross gross.
Gene - grade A asshole. i literally do not understand why people love them together??? he was the one who saved her as a child??? but then almost hooked up with her in the afterlife??? creepy. no matter how many times i re-watch, i cannot find any redeeming qualities in him or any reason why they should be together. also he was a sexist, homophobic, RACIST pig. i don't care it was the 80s...gross. this one you definitely will not be able to fight me on.
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thoughtlesstales · 6 years
Finally He Comes Home, Chapter Five
Title: Finally he comes home, Chapter Five Word Count: 1035 Rating: Mature Relationship: Steve McGarrett x Kono Kalakaua Characters: Steve McGarrett, Kono Kalakaua, Chin Ho Kelly, Danny Williams Triggers: Pregnancy, missing presumed dead 
“You really gotta go home man.” Steve looked up to sleepy voice of one Daniel Williams and winced when he saw the look on his face. “It’s five am, you’ve woken the wife and do you realize the world of pain I’m in because you’ve woken her?” Danny hissed dropping himself into the seat beside Steve.
“No, I wouldn’t know would I?” Steve countered setting his peeled but uneaten pear on the table, leaning back in his seat as he watched Eve in the kitchen moving around. He felt guilty for waking her, he knew she was having trouble sleeping as it was.
“Okay, wrong choice of words, but my statement is still reality babe. You need to go home, you need to sort things out with Kono and you need to go back to your damned house and raise your son with her, because I know you still love her and she’s never stopped loving you okay? Go. Home.” Danny’s last words were punctuated around the sips of coffee he drank, before he finished draining the mug.
“I know alright.” Steve sighed scrubbing at his face with his calloused palms. “I know I love her and she loves me and we have a son that I want to raise with her, but I -”
“But you what?” Danny interrupted narrowing his gaze to Steve. “You can’t look past the fact she never told you she was pregnant?” Danny finished eyeing his partner. “You’re pissed I get it, I would be too if Eve never told me she was carrying our child, headed back to Jersey and raised them for four years before I turn up to win her heart back -”
“Better take you less than four years babe or we have problems.” Eve’s voice called through from the kitchen, putting a smile on both Steve and Danny’s face as she came in with the pot of coffee, refilling Danny’s mug and then Steve’s before taking her own seat at the table. “Big problems.”
“Obviously it wouldn’t take me four years.” Danny breathed soothing his wife with a grin. “But I get it Steve, I can’t imagine the pain it’s caused you coming home to find out everything, but it’s been no walk in the park for Kono or any of us either. We thought you were dead babe? Kono was the last of us that was holding onto the fact you might just be missing and not dead. We grieved, but we moved on with our lives as well. Kono couldn’t and she nearly killed herself with the guilt she had for not telling you.” Danny explained softly, Steve watched his hand absently linked with Eve’s when rested her hand upon his. “Ask Chin, she was prepared to tell you when she called, she had the sonogram picture in hand and everything, christ I was there when she scared the life outta me fainting at the hospital, prime place mind you, but still heart stopping watching her hit the deck.” Steve’s lips curled with a small smile as he watched his partner shudder at the apparent memory.
“What Danny is trying to say.” Eve pushed in, rolling her eyes at her husband’s lack of storytelling skills. “Kono’s paid the price over and over for not telling you, for months she believed karma or whatever had issued justice by taking you away for her not telling you, for months she was blaming herself for you going missing, when we say she’s driven herself into the ground and barely got back up, it’s no joke or expression of speech.” The words Eve spoke hit Steve hard, he hadn’t thought about that, honestly he hadn’t thought much past finding out he had a son. “We can’t force you to go home, and you’ll always have a place here Steve, but it’s not where you belong.”
She was right, what was it with the women and Chin in their lives always being right. “You’ve done well there Danno.” Steve grinned, playing off the seriousness of the conversation, even though it was in the forefront of his find he needed some time alone to think about what he was going to do. Steve watched Danny agree under the watchful and amused gaze of Eve and he couldn’t have been happier to see Danny so happy. He seemed truly in love with the woman and Danny certainly needed that happiness.
Kono had folded herself behind her desk, scribbling furiously across pieces of paper she would file for her case reports. Danny had the finesse of writing their reports, Kono, much to his disappointment had taken on Steve’s tact for writing them and as a result all her reports had to be checked by either him or Chin for things like; “Bad guy went bang.” She looked up when her door swung open expecting to see the blonde bugging her for the report that was already late, instead it was her husband and that surprised her. “Hey.” The greeting was quiet as she looked up at him from where she sat.
“Hey.” Steve stood in front of her, hands in his pockets as he rocked back and forth on his heels. “Did you want to get dinner - or something?” He asked finally settling and looking back at her, his piercing blue gaze catching hers. Her breath hitched and the widest smile split across her features.
“I’d like that.” Kono nodded setting her pen down and folding her hands together. “I could cook?” She offered. Being at home would be better, they could really talk and it gave them the privacy they wouldn’t get in a restaurant.
“I’ll cook, I remember your cooking.” Steve grinned, a real smile from ear to ear. Kono went to protest, she wasn’t that bad anymore, however her cooking didn’t match her better halfs. She conceded and nodded in agreement, her amused frown creasing her brow. “Think Danny and Eve will have John?” He asked looking back just as Danny started a rant in the bullpen, Chin throwing his hands up in the air.
“Yeah, he’ll take John, Eve has him tomorrow anyway.” Kono explained softly with a nod. She would stuff Danny in the boot of his car until he agreed to take John for the night, Eve wouldn’t be a problem.
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tanyaodebra · 5 years
You 2.4: “The Good, the Bad, & the Hendy” – A Finished Basement
Before I begin this episode’s recap, I want to give a hat tip to my friend Trina who explained that love and forty are the lowest and highest scores in tennis, respectively. I will never know a sports reference and I’m kind of offended they would sneak one into my program. You was originally slated to be on Lifetime, so our touchstones should be solely comprised of femme shit for an audience of gaydies! But to my original point, Love and Forty’s parents must really be assholes, because naming your kids after tennis is an outrage. They might as well have named them Standard and Poor. Also, whenever anyone is like, “aw, it’s so sweet that your name is Love, your parents must be hippies,” she has to be like, “actually, it means zero in tennis, because my parents are rude yuppies.” Eventually we’ll meet these parents, probably in some sort of vile display of their blood money.
Let’s crack this shit open, starting with the fellatio interruptus. Love is about to pour herself a cup of Joe when Forty calls. Instead of simply chatting real quick then getting back to the best part of waking up, Love decides to multitask. NEVER WOULD I EVER perform a sexual act of any kind while talking on the phone to my brother. Gross. And due to the magic of twindom, Forty clearly knows she’s hooking up with Joe in that very moment even though she’s been keeping their relationship secret. Double your pleasure, double your gross. Post coitus, Love discovers Joe’s telescope, pointing out that her apartment can be seen from it. The big bad wolf simply states the truth; all the better to spy on her with. Seems like she should have pushed the issue, but maybe she’s into being surveilled. Later on, Love delivers her own no-no, albeit not nearly as frightening as Peeping Joe’s – she springs a surprise meal with her friends on him. Forty initiates a brunchus interruptus and flips his shit about Love’s secret boyfriend. Joe decides the only way to keep Love happy is to keep Forty happy, so he pretends to go whole hog on the ménage à twin. Luckily Forty is a simple soul, so he easily accepts Joe’s writing, brunch and beach offerings.
Our teen queen reigns supreme, having discovered the spyware on her phone. But Ellie missteps, though she doesn’t realize it; she blames Delilah instead of Creepy Joe. No problem – Joe keep tabs on Ellie via Henderson’s jacktop instead. With a little help from Will, Joe busts into Hendy’s apartment and locates his trophies, a cigar box filled with Polaroids hidden under a loose tile in the sex dungeon. Then he pulls a classic dude move, which is to believe he knows more about a woman’s profession than she does. He plants Hendy’s photos at Delilah’s doorstep, assuming it’s all she needs to expose Henderson’s pedophilia. Wrong. According to her fuck-buddy cop (Danny Vasquez), the photos have no context, especially since Delilah doesn’t want to out herself as one of Hendy’s survivors. In white-knighting a capable woman, he’s royally fucked up the whole operation. Joe’s sexism led him here. Had he trusted Delilah to do her job herself, perhaps Henderson would have faced the consequences his actions deserved. Instead Hendy got some bullshit vigilante punishment, which is a deeply unsatisfying ending for his victims.
I’m not ashamed to admit when I am wrong, and I was definitely wrong about Henderson’s fate. Creepy Joe does not have the self-awareness to understand how similar he is to Hendy – how he, too, stalks, grooms, drugs, abducts, and takes trophies. Joe believes that because he doesn’t rape, he is somehow better than Henderson. They are both total fucking scum, but one rapes and the other murders. One of these things is way worse than the other, and if you believe rape is worse, you might be a sexist monster. Henderson uses his celebrity to lure Ellie, the teen Joe is stalking, to his rape pad. Joe has already broken into Hendy’s house when Ellie arrives, so he’s able to witness Henderson’s slick technique to manipulate Ellie into practically forcing her way into his place whilst all but guaranteeing she’ll never tell anyone she was ever there. It’s painful to watch Ellie; I never listened to the older women in my life when I was her age even though they were right and I was wrong. She makes every classic mistake: hanging out alone, staying late, and accepting a beverage. She thinks they’re friends. She has never come into contact with such a good liar before. She hasn’t yet learned that no amount of cool, smarts, humor, or good taste will stop a predator. She doesn’t know how charming predators can be. Just like Joe, Hendy is a wolf in sheep’s clothing. A scotch for himself and a juice for the young lady makes Henderson seem like the perfect gentleman – until the GHB comes out. Joe creates a distraction so he can drug Hendy’s scotch, too. Once Ellie and Hendy are out for the count, Joe sets up shop in the sex basement. When Hendy comes to, he’s been blindfolded and tied to a chair. Wearing a Hendy mask, Joe attempts to force a confession from Henderson, but Henderson isn’t a dummy. He tells Joe about having been molested as a kid, and says he can tell Joe went through something similar. He tries again and again to draw parallels between the two of them, but Joe won’t have it. Henderson manages to knock over the chair and escape, but only briefly. As Henderson runs up the stairs, Joe grabs him and flings him back down the stairs, accidentally smashing his head against the cement wall. Hendy is dead.
The clean-up for this little mishap is very messy. A little blood drips out of Joe’s nose, but before he can clean it up, the robotic vacuum is taking a crack at the puddle under Hendy’s head, which mixes their blood together. Joe does his best to mitigate the mixing by mopping the edges to make a smaller blood-pool, and he dashes off with the plasma-soaked robo-vac as well as Hendy’s headphones. Is jay-walking a big deal in LA? As a New Yorker, I definitely wouldn’t have known this and neither did Joe, because he gets nabbed on the way to the dumpster with a trash bag full of evidence. Oh-oh. The cop is Delilah’s fuck-buddy. Joe gets a little reprieve when the cop looks no further than the top of the bag where Hendy’s limited-edition headphones rest. Joe, claiming everything was going to Goodwill anyway, offers them up to the officer, who accepts and cuts Joe loose. Hopefully those headphones will come in handy later.
Back in the secret room of Joe’s own earlier in the episode, Will negotiates his severance package. Will promises to flee to the Philippines, never to speak of any of this again. But how can Joe possibly believe him? Once again, Will attempts to prove his loyalty by assisting Joe – this time by disabling Hendy’s security system. He tries to get Joe to see that killing Henderson is an act of a deeply disturbed person, telling Joe that he’s confident he won’t kill Hendy, because he’s not a bad guy. He’s definitely smarter than I originally gave him credit for, because he plays on Joe’s need to be perceived as being and doing good. And after Joe kills Hendy, he’s pretty desperate to prove to himself and to Will that being a killer does not preclude him from being a good guy. Joe takes Will’s advice and does the one thing that will prove that he’s good – he releases Will. Is Will really going to be so content with freedom that he doesn’t turn Joe in? Sounds like Will has some pretty shady shit in his past, so it’s possible he doesn’t want this kind of heat. Maybe he’ll just slink out of the country in order to avoid the spotlight of a high-profile court case. But what name will he use now? How will he deal with the consequences of identity theft? Maybe Will won’t go gently into that good night after all. We’ll just have to wait and see.
This episode also has a series of dreams and flashbacks about Joe’s childhood. Looks like dad’s a beater and mom’s a cheater. After mom takes a four-hour “date” when she’s supposed to be grocery shopping, Joe winds up on the receiving end of dad’s ire. Mom rewards Joe for keeping her secret, and she promises Joe that one day she’ll kill his father. I’m relieved the audience won’t be able to simply heap all the blame on the mother, and I’m curious to see where this is going.
When I saw Ambyr Childers’ name in the top-of-show credits I knew we were in for a fun time, and luckily I had forgotten all about it by the end. Joe sends Forty to SXSW Pitch in order to extricate him from Love’s time and immediate vicinity. This move backfires when Love hops a plane in order to be Forty’s sober companion. While in Austin, Forty makes a romantic connection and insists that he and Love need to get a third plane ticket to bring this woman back to LA. Is this a ghost I see before me? No. It’s Candace. Or, rather, Amy. So, it looks like Candace is indeed alive and well and not just a figment of Joe’s imagination. I am not totally ruling out a collaboration between Love and Candace, but it’s looking more unlikely now that Forty’s in the crosshairs. I cannot wait to see what this bitch is up to. See You next time!
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artificialqueens · 7 years
Never Too Old Chapter 1 (Biadore) - China
AN: I tried to submit this the first time but I totally forgot to put the tags. So I hope I’m doing this right. This fanfic is gonna be using their real names. I hope you guys like it.
November 29, 2016, 7:00 AM
For most of Bianca’s life she was used to being alone. She was even told that she was getting older and that it might be the time to find a partner and settle down. But she’s is too busy to be in a relationship, because she’s used to working almost every hour of every day. She did had Jason Daniels for years but that fell out harder than she thought, never saw him after the break up. She doesn’t blame him for walking away a few months ago, she never mentioned to anyone about their relationship and after being crowned America’s Next Drag Superstar, she’s been on the road and doing her shows almost every day, barely having time for Jason. After the failed relationship, she tried to power through everything and realized she doesn’t need to depend on anyone, she knows she works hard for herself and she usually does it alone. She occasionally has dates with herself from time to time and she enjoys that. Sometimes she doesn’t have to worry about much because she does have her dogs and Bianca admits she can die alone just as long as they’re with her. But thinking about Jason Daniels was too heavy for her and she may have been over with him fast but hearing or thinking about him still hurts.
When she decided to join RuPaul’s Drag Race, it was something she wasn’t so confident about first. She still stands by what she said during the reunion, she thought it wasn’t for seasoned queens like her. Since everyone is young and talented, she was thinking to herself “Why would I bother?” Then again, the money did motivate her to do it. But her life turned completely different after that. She wasn’t alone anymore, it was unwanted sometimes but it feels nice to have people visit her in her apartment or go around the world and do her known stand-up comedy shows. Even after the break-up with Jason and trying to be more independent, there will always be someone who would want her company or be Bianca’s company. She does get tired from it, but she knows she has to suck it up because she can’t help but admit that she enjoys the company of the new friends she made throughout the years.  Adore and Courtney are her frequent visitors. She’s surprised they still wanted to hang out with her after Drag Race. Because since they’re young and they go to parties a lot and that’s not usually in Bianca’s world. But they have been like her best friends ever since they were Top 3.
Her life before was just Roy by day and Bianca by night. But now it’s like she’s Bianca every time. She loves it, but she definitely loves going home to be Roy again. Even if it’s just with her dogs only, she enjoys it. The life of Roy Haylock and Bianca del Rio are very different, Roy did quit his job as a costume designer but he still makes costumes for fun. He also chose to stay in New York instead of moving back to New Orleans. He does visit every once and a while to see his mother. But there was something about New York that made him want to stay there and see where his life was going to bring him to. Despite of being a 41 year old man, still doing drag, it didn’t stop him. He still had the energy to work on booking his shows in the morning and perform at night until the sun was rising for the next day. It seemed like a routine for him and it seems that his life is defined by this and it’s already taking a toll on him; he needs to take a break.
Today, he wants to wake up as Roy. He decided to ask a month off from everything so he can relax for a change. Roy Haylock was a different person from Bianca, the quick and snarky comments were still there but he knows that it’s different when he’s being Bianca del Rio.
His one month break starts today until the first week of January of 2017. Roy rubbed the sleep from his eyes and gave a small stretch. He woke up to the usual buzzing sounds of New York, but he didn’t mind, he was used to it. He looks at his alarm clock, 7:00 am.
"God damn, when can I ever sleep in?“ He mumbles to himself. He placed his feet on the ground and shook off the rest of the sleep from his body. He walked to his kitchen and picked up his favorite mug from his cup board and decided to make himself one cup. His dogs, Sam and Dede were running around next to him energetically, waiting to be fed. Roy smiled down on the both of them, he placed his coffee mug down and went to feed the two pups. He went back to his kitchen after making sure the two dogs have food and water, he started placing water and coffee in his coffee maker and turned it on. He remembered to check on his phone because maybe someone that isn’t from work might text him, but he wasn’t really expecting much since everyone knew he was taking a break. He sees around 14 missed calls from Shane and Danny, he squints and tells himself he doesn’t want to know what’s up but then again, with his caring instincts he got worried something bad happened. He checked his call logs and he got more calls from Shane but he got more texts from Danny. The times they contacted him were just last night, Roy remembered he passed out at 9pm so it explains why he hasn’t picked up. He decided to read Danny’s messages first.
Danny: [9:38 PM] hey?? Where are you? We’re like in NYC right now
Danny: [11:04 PM] ROOOOOYYYY
Danny: [2:39 AM] I can’t believe you fell asleep by 9pm, you’re such a grandpa!
Danny: [6:28 AM] if you’re not gonna reply I’m gonna barge in your apartment
Roy chuckled to himself when he was reading Danny’s message, he always found Danny adorable and still childish, but he didn’t mind.
To Roy, Danny was something special, different in a good way if he wants to call it. Danny was not part of his world but he can’t explain how much he feels for the younger man. At first Roy would just try to think it’s like motherly love or like they’re sisters, and Roy never thought of Danny in a romantic sense and he knew Danny didn’t see him that way as well.  Quite frankly, Danny was reckless and very disorganized and those are the two things Roy has a hard time tolerating with. But when it’s Danny, he just can’t seem to get angry at him for it. The best he can do is reprimand the younger man and he would just get over it. Roy knew that there might be something more from Danny than family love. It was on Danny’s birthday that him and Jason broke up; asking Roy to choose to stay with him or go to Danny’s party and Roy chose Danny in a heartbeat.
Roy remembers the way Jason looked at him when Roy made his choice and him walking away for good. It was obvious he didn’t blame Danny for it, Roy knows it was his choice. Willam and D.J. were really good friends of Roy and they knew about the break up. D.J. was just asking Roy if he was okay and if he needed anything but Willam on the other hand, asked him if there was something more about the break up because he just had to be in a situation where he was stuck between choosing his boyfriend over Danny. Willam is known to be very informal and reckless but what people don’t know is that he is smart and a very keen observer. Roy and all their friends know you can’t hide anything from Willam because he can read you without even saying a word to him. He remembered the words from Willam that got him thinking for a while, “Maybe what you feel for Danny is much more than what you think. Who knows maybe you really do have feelings for him and you’re just not recognizing it.”
He checked the time of the last message Danny sent and his eyes when wide when it was sent at 6:28 am. That was almost thirty minutes ago. Roy decided to reply but he heard a buzz on his door.
"Oh fuck me.” He dropped his phone on the counter and headed to the door. He peeped in and saw Danny’s face smiling like he knew Roy was looking. Roy gave a face and unlocked his door. "What the hell are you doing here, bitch?“ He said slightly annoyed while opening the door for Danny.
"Well you weren’t replying to my texts and I really missed you!” Danny said in his usual tone and skipped inside to hug Roy. Danny was wearing his usual thick rimmed glasses and baggy jeans but he smelled of cigarettes and alcohol. Roy pushed him back immediately. But when he took a good look at Danny, he noticed he’s wearing the Bianca del Rio tank top he gave to Danny a year ago. Roy felt his lips curve into a small smile and felt a faint warm feeling on his cheeks. He looked back up to Danny, but his smile faded when he smelled Danny again.
"Where the hell have you been? You reek.“ He said closing the door behind them, He took Danny’s jacket and hung it behind his door. “And I can’t believe you still have that shirt. You wore it like all the time. Even during All Stars 2.”
Danny paused a bit and smiled to himself. Hearing the words All Stars 2 was a very painful thing to remember, he shrugged off the memory and glanced up at Roy again and gave him a weak smile. “I don’t think I can get by everyday if I don’t have this shirt with me.” He smiled at Roy. He saw Roy’s face warm up to a smile and it made Danny even happier. He was already forgetting about All Stars 2. "And if you’re wondering why I smell, it’s because me and Shane decided to check out of the clubs and bars around New York City, since you’re such a grandpa and slept early.” He chuckled. Danny glanced at his phone and scrolled through his inbox.
“Okay you guys we’re out, but where’s Shane right now? He’s not with you.” Roy replied going back to the coffee waiting for him on his kitchen counter.
“Honestly I’m not sure if Shane is in our hotel room or at some random guy’s house ‘cause I’m pretty sure he scored last night.” Danny laughed, he gave a good look at Roy and smiled at him. “You look really good, Roy. Like I can totally sense the sexy sugar daddy vibes from you."
Roy turned his back on Danny and gave him a dead stare. He shook his head and gave a lazy chuckle. "There ain’t no way I’m a sugar daddy, Danny. I’m too poor for that.”
"Too poor? Bitch you won $100,000 dollars years ago and been touring around the world and you think you’re too poor? Hell I would have asked you to be my sugar daddy if I wanted to.“ Danny said and he was chuckling in between.
"You’re crazy.” Roy said while smiling. He gestured to his living room and went to open the blinds. “Well, make yourself at home. I’m making coffee, you want a cup as well?” Danny fell on his kitchen counter and gave a lazy nod.
"Yes please. I’ve been dying for coffee since I left home.“ Danny said, his face flat on the cold surface. Roy smiled at him again and went to get a mug for Danny. Danny watched Roy in his natural habitat. Yes, he’s been at Roy’s apartment for a while but every time it amuses Danny. He loves the way Roy walks, the way his dimples show every time he moves his mouth. Then he starts to think about his lips, they aren’t the usual sexy lips every drag queen has but to Danny, Roy’s was different. It looked soft and the way it forms a smile made Danny a bit giddy. His mind drifted off to Roy’s lips and started wondering what it felt like to kiss him. Danny has always wanted to kiss Roy, he has kissed Shane and Jay but it was Roy’s that he was more interested in.
There was something about Roy that Danny could always notice, but it was something he couldn’t put into words. Danny is not a person of words, he was more on emotions and actions and that’s his best way of expressing himself. Danny wasn’t sure about how he felt for Roy, but there are a lot of things that Roy does that just seems so out of this world for Danny. As Bianca del Rio, she was scary with her words and everyone from the season were usually scared with what she has to say about anyone. As Adore, she didn’t want to work with Bianca at first because she thought they couldn’t be in the same level. But once Bianca turns back into Roy, everything changes and that took Danny by surprise. Roy was sweet, helpful and without the heavy makeup, he was a very handsome fellow. Danny thinks its Roy’s deep dimples that gives it away, his teeth radiate a smile that makes everyone just stare at him.
Roy started waving his hand in front of Danny.  "Danny? Hellooo?"
Danny sprung back to reality and giggled at himself. "Oh my god I’m sorry. I’m so drained right now.” He lied. He was too busy thinking of Roy, the truth made him smile at himself. Roy gave a smirk and handed Danny his coffee; Danny gently grabbed the mug from Roy and took a small sip. “You know, you make good dresses and all but damn, you make good coffee.” he exhaled.
Roy chuckled and sat down in front of Danny. "Well thank my cousin, he usually sends me his packs of grounded coffee from New Orleans."  He stirred his coffee and took a sip. He looked at Danny, who was enjoying the coffee. Roy usually catches Danny smiling to himself and that always makes Roy happy. He knows that Adore is a happy person and that she’s out going and alive. But when Danny is Danny, he has a small shell that he cramps himself in and stays there. He’s usually not happy with himself or he always feels like he isn’t enough. These are the sides of Danny that he’s told Roy and Shane about. So seeing him smile as Danny, makes Roy very relieved.
Their morning chat went on for hours and eventually they both agreed to go on with their own thing while waiting for Shane to show up. It was already 1:00 pm and Shane still hasn’t contacted them. They were sitting by the couch, Danny was on his laptop and Roy decided to water his plants. Roy looked over at Danny who was fiddling with his laptop and it made Roy smile. Danny hasn’t been in the best condition for the past few months because of what happened during All Stars Season 2. Danny was really devastated and he locked himself up after that. It was a vivid memory for Roy, because Danny ran to him when he got out of the show. It was almost Danny’s birthday too and Roy tried his best to be there for him. It was something he couldn’t take lightly because he knows how much Danny wanted to compete in All Stars and in the end he decided to just leave and Roy knew there was a deeper reason to that. Roy did help him out before he left to compete, he chose a dress for Danny to wear and bombarded him with warnings and advices. Roy was slightly disappointed that Michelle Visage didn’t like the dress he chose for Adore to use, but being mature, he didn’t say a word. When Danny was crying about it to Roy, Roy just smiled at Danny and just told him that things happen for a reason and that you can’t always have it easy in life.
When Roy started spraying water over his plants by the window of his living room, he stared out to the window and contemplated. His life wasn’t like this before, no Danny, no Shane, just himself. He was so used to being independent and that was the basis of this big wall he’s built around himself. After Drag Race, Danny and Shane just demolished that wall and intruded Roy’s life. As much as Roy hate to admit but he didn’t mind the broken down wall these two young people have done. It was very uninviting but he had no complaints. Shane was usually the one asking Roy to go out to clubs and do something adventurous, something that Roy hasn’t done in a while. They have toured to different countries and across America and Shane usually is inviting Roy and Danny to do something crazy with him. Danny on the other hand, he was the youngest among the three, so he would usually just ask them to go out at one in the morning to drink or buy pizza. Danny is usually the one drinking from them so he would always end up at Roy’s apartment passed out on his couch or on Roy’s bed.
But clearly out of the three, it was Danny and Roy that had the most tension. The two had a connection and that they deny that it’s there. Shane can see it, and he knows that Danny has a crush on Roy but he has no idea what Roy thinks about it. Shane is very optimistic and he knows that he can get something out of Roy. Despite of just getting out of the relationship with Jason, Roy has been sensing this lingering feeling towards Danny. He knows he never declared anything with him, or did he tell anyone. Roy was basically at a blank with what he feels towards Danny, all that he knows is he loves Danny’s company. He loved talking to him, sharing weird and exciting moments and eating pizza together. He wanted Danny to be there even if he still wasn’t used to it. At this point, all that Roy wants is that Danny is okay, despite of anything, Danny should be okay or Roy won’t be.
Roy glanced over the younger man, still on his laptop and playing with his dark brown hair. Roy smiled to himself and sprayed the last plant in the room.
"You think Shane is dead?” Roy said heading to the kitchen sink to spill the water from the watering can.
"I highly doubt it.“ Danny replied, his eyes still fixated on his laptop. He glanced at Roy who was at the kitchen and bit his lower lip. He immediately returned to his laptop when he saw Roy turnaround.
"Maybe he got too drunk and flew back to Australia.” Roy cackled after making a fake Australian accent. Danny laughed hard and almost dropped his laptop.
"You bitch!“ They were both laughing and it kind of hit Danny. "Okay maybe I should call him. It’s been hours already.” He murmured to himself. Roy walked over to Danny and sat next to him.
Danny dialed Shane’s number, the phone was ringing but Shane wasn’t picking up. Danny got impatient and put down the phone. He glanced over at Roy who was already staring at him. He locked his sight with the deep chocolate eyes of Roy’s, his mouth went dry and his breathing felt short. Roy had beautiful eyes and Danny always gets lost when he looks straight at them like it had a spell. A part of him was already thinking that he’s been staring at Roy for a while now, but Roy hasn’t said anything yet. Danny panicked a little and it didn’t help because he didn’t know what to do or say, he just kept looking at Roy.
Seconds after the door buzzed, Roy had to stop the staring contest and got up from the couch to open the door. Danny plopped his back to the couch and released a sigh of relief.
“What was that all about?” Danny thought to himself. He started fiddling with his finger nails remembering the way Roy was looking at him. He glanced over at Roy trying to unlock his front door.
"Well look who decided to rise from the dead.“ He said while opening the door to Shane. Shane smelled really nice, like he was in the spa. He gave Roy a big hug and welcomed himself in.
"Well I know both of you are wondering where I was the whole morning.” The Aussie said to his friends while sitting down next to Danny.
"You took a bath in a random guy’s bathroom?“ Danny guessed.
"No.” Shane replied.
"You found yourself in Gia’s closet. Cause most of her clothes smell like you right now.“ Roy sarcastically replied. Danny gave a loud laugh and Shane just smiled and brushed it off.
"No, Roy.” He sat up straight and looked at the both of them. “I was at Dan’s house."
"My house?” Danny said looking confused.
Shane laughed and shook his head. “No, silly. Dan Donigan."
The two friends looked at each other in confusion. "Who?” They both said.
Shane threw his head back on the couch and groaned. “You really don’t know his name? I was with Milk this morning."
Roy and Danny gave the face and looked back at Shane. "Why were you with Milk?” Danny asked putting his laptop down.
"Well, I did sleep with a guy last night. But there was no sex involved, surprisingly. He actually passed out when we got to his apartment so I decided to just sleep there since I had no idea where I was. Then I left the apartment at 7:00 AM because I know Danny was heading to Roy’s at that time. Then at the sidewalks by Madison Square, I bumped into Dan and he invited me for breakfast.“
"Why would a guy bring you to his apartment and pass out?” Roy answered. He wasn’t so interested in Milk but he did find him a nice person. Just not good enough to be an exciting topic.
"Well I was pretty happy I did go there because I had a great time with Dan.“ Shane said. He gave Danny a look and Danny kind of got a hint.
"Oh my god, you slept with Milk this morning.” Danny said out loud. Roy paused for a moment and looked at Shane.
"Are you serious? You didn’t get laid last night so you lashed out on Milk?“
"I never lashed out. He was actually very charming. And I’ve always found him attractive since we first met.” Shane said feeling giddy about it. Danny smiled and gently pushed Shane.
"Wow, Bitch. You did get some. And not just with anyone but with Milk.“
"Yeah, I heard a lot of people wanted to tap his ass.” Roy said sitting down on the couch next to Danny.
Shane went to his phone and started smiling again. “Well there will be a second date actually."
Roy gave another unamused face and Danny was just the usual supportive friend. The three started to chat until they decided to head out for a late afternoon snack. Roy told his friends about his one month break and it made them very excited because they’ve been wanting to do something for a while already. Danny had an idea on what to do for the whole month, but he decided to tell them his plan when they go out later. So Roy is going to be seeing a lot of them for the next days. Knowing Danny, he was more than happy to spend time with Roy.
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