#And his hat is weirdly hard to draw???
bowbel · 5 months
Little smooch hug 🤗 Part 14
Lucidia (OC) scared them so bad that they shifted out of their demon form lol.
Luke is my little buddy, my son. Lucidia can’t help but dote on him. She’s got a little sister back in the human world, so the big sister instincts take control when she’s around him.
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P1 - P2 - P3 - P4 - P5 - P6 - P7 - P8 - P9 - P9A - P10 - P11 - P12 - P13 - P14
A little bonus under the cut
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I wanted all the boys to get a proper kiss from my girl. Luke gets a little goodnight kiss on the forehead because he was very brave today lol
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squircatlies · 5 months
Today is the day I unleash my Mr. Bonzo fanart upon this webbed site.
This post is relatively safe up until the cut.
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Is the *tips fedora* meme over a decade old? Yes. Do I care? No, absolutely not.
Now this is where I recommend "getting off" this post to anyone bothered by graphic depictions of body horror, blood, violence, or Mr. Bonzo (monster, not mascot like above).
I know the first image is silly, but I cannot stress enough how serious I am when I say:
Proceed at your own risk.
Now that you have chosen to continue, I have arranged the images in order of least to most vile and disturbing (though that might be slightly subjective on my part).
Remember that you can click off this post at any time.
Final warning: split tongue Bonzo.
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I tried channeling Julia Drawfee with the lineart a little bit. Didn't feel like shading that one, so it's a bit flat.
Where did I lose my colours? Plot twist: the first image in this post is actually the last I've made, so technically I gained the colours. I wanted it to have more of a cheery vibe, unlike the ones under the cut, which I wanted to be kinda dreary and I feel like adding too much colour can mess that up.
Alright, I'll address the tongue. Remember how his head splits in tmagp 12? Yeah, it's a nod to that and also I asked myself "how do I make his design worse than it already is?" and that's the only answer I could come up with. I debated adding stitches connesting the two halves of the tongue but couldn't figure out how, so you're welcome. It will be present in all the upcoming drawings as well.
The next one is bloody, but it's not that much worse than the previous one overall.
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I was playing with filters after I was done with this piece, because I felt like it lacked something, but didn't know what. Really liked this one, I think it's some sort of a gradient map. It pixelised the image and adjusted the colours a bit, it also really made the blood pop out, though it covered up some of the details.
Why did he lose his hat? It's stupid and hard to draw.
You may have noticed the artstyle change a little, the previous images having neat lineart and little to no shading. That's because I am using different tools, sketchy and soft brushes, that allow me to experiment with lighting and textures more (plus the aforementioned filter altering the image even further).
Alright, I feel like this last image deserves a separate warning. It references episode 12 (spoiler ahead), specifically the moment before the bartender loses a hand, though it's not entirely accurate. It's rendered in more detail than any of the previous images, so keep that in mind before scrolling down.
Basically it's pov: Bonzo licks your hand.
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I feel like I could've made his tongue bigger in this one, it seems kinda small compared to his mouth. I really like how the skin on his face ended up looking. It took a lot of work.
The spit makes it look weirdly sexual, doesn't it? Listen, that was not my intention, but I'm not erasing it. I set out to make the worst thing I could and, though not without cost, I have achieved it.
I tried splattering Bonzo in blood, but it wasn't really working for me and it covered up a lot of the detail I liked, so I just put it in the background.
The human hand is drawn from reference, which I found by googling "hand reaching out away from the viewer". And let me tell you: google is shit at looking for drawing references, but I figured it was just going to be a sketch to explore an idea, so I didn't bother trying to get a better one. And then I fixated on it for a couple hours, you know, like a normal person.
I literally (and I mean no exaggeration) dusted off my drawing tablet after a few months of no use to spend the entire weekend, after tmagp 12 came out, glued to the screen making those images, except for the b'onzo one, which I made this evening.
Just to clarify: I drew all of those by myself. No filthy AI image generation is allowed in this house. I am capable of committing far greater sins than an artificial intelligence ever will.
The only thing left here is to extend my sincere congratulations/condolences to whoever got this far. It's up to you to either think you're brave or realise that you're foolish for doing so, but be comforted by the fact that at least you didn't make this post, which I cannot say for myself.
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renardtrickster · 8 months
My last post going over my thoughts on Hazbin Hotel ended at episode 4. 8 episodes later, in honor of the season ending and also Symmetry, the rest.
It's a lot longer, so I'm ditching the bullet points and putting it under a readmore.
My largest and foremost gripe with the series as a whole (and this extends to Helluva Boss as well) is that the female cast feels weirdly underdeveloped. They're not poorly written per se, Charlie is likeable and well-realized even if she's been mostly static (vanilla protagonist?), and Vaggie did get some interesting folds when her being a former angel was revealed (I didn't know this was a fan theory btw), but Niffty's been mostly a joke, and all the same they're blown out of the water compared to the amount of screentime and focus devoted to guys like Angel Dust, Alastor, Vox, and even Husk perhaps. The good thing is that this is one of those issues where you don't have to "go back" and fix anything, you just have to give them more of a spotlight in future episodes. Which I hope they do.
I think even Christians would agree that Lucifer was always the most interesting character in the Bible, and I was excited for the show's take on him. There are shades of "Lucifer as an embodiment of freedom in contrast to God's order" which is a pretty standard read on his character, but the big thing they seemed to stress was his characteristics as a dreamer and an artist, which is pretty fresh. So introducing him stuck in a creative rut and essentially poo-pooing Charlie's dreams for the hotel is a good indicator that something's deeply wrong. It turns out that Hell is a pretty hopeless environment to be in, and his disinterest in the Hotel or helping Charlie make it succeed was because he's now riding the philosophy of "if you never chase your dreams you never get hurt when they fail", which is just depressing to hear. I have thoughts on the show's depiction and philosophy on Hell, but I'll group it with my thoughts on Heaven two paragraphs from now. Also his design fucks, I like the snake-apple-crown around his top hat, I didn't even notice his torso is meant to look like an apple core until someone else pointed it out, we stan a short king, etc. etc.
I found Heaven to be pretty interesting. I was expecting most of the angels to look more or less the same as each other, but the variety in display (some are furries, some are dudes, some are polygonal creatures) was more interesting, in addition to making me think "wow the fact that they draw from the same design pool in hell is interesting", to which my main man @arcane-nrok posited that it's because the people in Heaven and Hell are not fundamentally different from each other, where they end up depends solely on their environment and upbringing. Then Adam said nobody drinks because "there are no hard days in Heaven" and we both began pogging out of our minds.
The biggest bombshell when it comes to discussing Heaven or Hell is that despite our antagonists literally being the forces of Heaven, God has never been mentioned even once. Because of this, I have to disagree with the people claiming that Hazbin Hotel is some screed against Christianity (even though as an anti-theist, I wouldn't object if it were), and I definitely don't think it's a "fuck you mom" immature one either. It reads to me as more of a rebuttal and criticism of Christians and Christian morality than the actual religion itself. I mentioned the implications of class inequality before, that Adam more or less implies that if you have an easy life, you'll more easily find Heaven, and that if you have a harder life, you'll more easily find Hell. And while I know a lot of Christians were offended by the fact that the Angels don't seem to like the sinners and also don't seem to give much of a shit about the concept of redemption either, this reading makes sense if you imagine them not as Angels but as humans, interpreting doctrine in whatever way benefits them at the expense of others. Allegorically, Adam is the "christian who has never read the bible" who flaunts basically every rule but is de facto understood to be a "good christian" and so his behavior gets a pass as he and everyone else focuses on the shortcomings of everyone else, Lute is so ideologically locked into eating from her trash can that she's essentially been turned into a weapon focused on denouncing and punishing the unworthy, Sera is empathetic and aware of the internal incoherency and cruelties of the system he upholds but is locked into it to such an extent that she has to justify, compartmentalize, or ignore those glaring issues, and Emily is the same, except young enough that the indoctrination isn't as strong, and without the "tenure" such that she's most likely at risk to be excommunicated for her concerns. And on Hell, the great philosophical evil present over anything else is that while there may be some truly despicable people in there, the possibility of redemption must remain, to such an extent that it's positioned as an almost universal right and that the denial of it is an almost cosmic injustice (which in terms of theology and critical reading of the bible is almost as old as, the bible). Not only is the denial of redemption a tool used by the Angels to justify the existence of the system as it is (the argument of "they had their chance to get into heaven, it's too late now" is said by Adam at least twice and by at least five different sinners), but the sheer bleakness of it was enough to temporarily drain all the joy and hope from creation's first artist and dreamer. In short, the nightmare that Hazbin Hotel conjures isn't that God is cruel or unjust, but that he's been dethroned by his most fundamentalist followers.
Also Vaggie got kicked out of Heaven for refusing to kill a child, so I actually I take it back this show is extremely biblically accurate.
To suddenly jerk away from theology, philosophy, and societal critique and back to "here's my cartoon criticism", the pacing. I still maintain that if you blame anybody but the jokers who gave them eight episodes to work with, I'm going to fuck your wife, but I feel like it's been as much of a good thing as a bad thing??? The good news is that the plot is advancing constantly (as opposed to Helluva Boss which can feel dawdling and aimless), and the brisk pace means we don't have to "dwell" on things that make me groan when other shows dwell on them. Sir Pentious' introduction to the hotel, for example, could have devoted more time to the "Angel Dust feels that Pentious is a sussy amongus and also maybe a bit inadequate because the snake is an immediately better guest than him" element, or could have had Sir Pentious run away after getting caught, the attempt at redemption being a fib until he comes back a second time and stays for real. But they didn't in either case, and I feel like the episode was better for it (I was pleasantly shocked when he signed on for real). The bad news is, there's no room to breathe, meaning that everything necessarily must reach the high stakes being set by the rest of the plot, and we can't devote more time to the quieter, slower moments without making them take up the episode (as in episode 4, not that I thought that sequence was bad). Episode 7 is the embodiment of this dual nature, I think. Charlie felt hurt by Vaggie keeping secret the fact that she used to be an Exterminator, and while she felt hurt (as she should, her feelings are valid), she did ultimately resolve them after a frank talk and an exploration of what she's really feeling. Seeing that is refreshing after seeing Every Other Show turn this "plot" into a season-length dramafest, but Charlie essentially resolved this on her own with the help of Rosie, and by the time she meets up with Vaggie they've both essentially buried the hatchet without even the implication they talked to each other about it. "Deeds not words" was the big clincher for Charlie forgiving her, but I'm not alone in thinking this is some sort of mis-step, right? My hope with season 2, along with getting more episodes, please, is that they get more room to breath, but also don't "slog". A tough needle to thread, but a doable one I believe.
"Too much red." - Adam Firstman
Season 2 is a killer for a fair number of shows that end season 1 with a bang. They can enter "the sophomore slump" as they try to find their footing exploring new ground while also not fully divorcing themselves from the identity they built up in season 1. But I feel like they set up quite a number of threads to follow up on. The Angels have been defeated (RIP Adam, he sucked but he was fun to watch), Lute is still thirsty for revenge, and apparently they not only have Lilith, but they're going to deploy her soon. Pentious officially got into heaven, which will undoubtedly cause a shitstorm as redemption is proven officially possible, the Seraphim are the first to meet him, as well as "I wanna see how this goober acts in heaven". The hotel is rebuilt, and is now "on the map" seeing as how everyone knows Charlie stopped the extermination. Alastor has an ace up his sleeve with Charlie's deal, and his motives are still largely enigmatic. Vox and his cronies are emboldened and plan to make a push. There's at least three powderkegs present, with several irons in the fire nearby, which should be plenty of material to follow up with or deliver on.
My final hope is that, as I said in the last post, Hazbin Hotel feels like an improvement upon Helluva Boss's shortcomings. There's still shared issues, like the aforementioned Feminism Loss, but it knows and follows on its own premise (whereas the IMPs haven't been doing much assassinating), swears casually but only purposefully overuses it for obnoxious characters like Vox or Adam or when someone is emotionally compromised (meanwhile half of Blitzo's dialogue can bleed into a white noise of fuck words), keeps up the tension and advances the plot (as opposed to the aforementioned dawdling and aimlessness), etc. So in the same vein as my hopes that Season 2 of Hazbin Hotel follows up on its strong points while working on its weaker points, I hope Season 3 of Helluva Boss similarly learns and improves from its sister series.
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bloominshroom · 8 months
Weirdly enough, funny little pirates living in a modern world with occasional worries rather than deadly fears is what occupies my mind too often. They need a break from all that fighting, that stress, that trauma!! (long post)
(pre-timeskip ages)
part 1 - the high schoolers!
— headcanons under cut off
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– once challenged himself to eat everything at an "all you can eat" (he took the name too seriously)
– when going on walks to school with ussop and/or chopper, they always drop by a nearby convenience store or vending machine
– terrible at using technology and often falling for scammers and phishing.
– spends so much money on food he probably has to ask ussop for some (if nothing works, he steals ussop's lunch)
– continually wears shanks' straw hat in class to the point of being sent to the principals office.
– has made like 10 teachers quit their jobs because of how hard it is to teach him. garp is the only one who can help luffy learn his timetables (and miraculously, he's getting there!)
– probably wants to become a pyrotechnic and anything similar just to legally wield dangerous objects
– ace, sabo, and luffy's special place when they were kids was an empty alleyway where they could draw/spraypaint stupid stuff on concrete walls and play parkour.
– he's pretty popular in school (especially with the upper grades), many like him because he tends to stand up for what is right, especially against bullies that people turn a blind eye to.
– fails every class except for design, art, drama, and woodwork. has high hopes for becoming an actual professional actor, a sculptor, or a mechanic.
– ussop is the one to drag luffy out of fights against bullies and is absolutely horrified in doing so.
– very shy when meeting new classmates and tends to lie about his classroom experiences for publicity (makes the new kids afraid or weirded out by him)
– whenever luffy gets introuble, ussop does too. yet ussop saves their asses by telling lies and excuses. (he's incredible at negotiations)
– not as popular as luffy and is seen as his underling. whenever a senior approaches luffy, he gets made fun of/is overlooked, but luffy is not afraid to call out their wrongdoings.
– popular with the arts teachers. he's that kid whose forced to showcase their artwork at every school event. (and luffy is there to brag and cheer him on)
– exceeds in med school and often competes with kaya for the best marks.
– loves animals and is not afraid to give stray cats food. if an animal is in dire condition, he will do everything to save them
– he's so short, people think he's still in elementary.
– inspired by luffy, he keeps his hat in class. yet the top hat is so big the person sitting behind him probably beats him up after school.
– extremely gullible, especially when watching ussop during a play. he believes ussop is really the characters and asks where they went backstage.
– teacher's pet. they love him because he's that innocent kid who tries his best in every class even when he fails.
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madtomedgar · 2 years
Hi! I read your defense of CQL!Jin guangyao vs novel!jgy (it makes a lot of sense! Thanks for sharing!! ^^), and I'd like your opinion on jgy's relationship with xue yang, (friend he regrets getting rid of? useful pawn until he outlived his usefulness?) and particularly in relation to it being Nie Mingjue's reason to antagonize him so much.
I think you can make a good argument for either one tbh. The villainous friends extra doesn't exist in cql, and most of their interactions are fairly... Task based? Xue Yang calls Jin Guangyao has friend and tbh it's kind of funny to me if Xue Yang is sincerely making them friendship bracelets out of viscera and Jin Guangyao is like "I don't know him."
However I do think there's lots of room for doing fun things with like. Jin Guangyao recognizing the way Xue Yang is both reviled and necessary to gentry projects, and having a lot of both same hat (sympathetic) and same hat (loathing) feelings about it. I don't think either one feels any loyalty to the other and I think it's telling that Jin Guangyao gets rid of Xue Yang the first chance he gets. However the idea that with all that they are weirdly fond of each other is very appealing. You either have to adopt an "oh, you" attitude to your direct-report who thinks cutting out tongues is a fun and quirky hobby, or you go nuts.
I do NOT buy Wei Wuxian's spitballing that maybe they were working together for Evil Reasons when Jin Guangyao was a Nie deputy. Wen Chao said release Xue Yang or everyone dies, and Nie Mingjue was not looking like he was going to win that fight. Meng Yao, imo, decided to take one for the team by letting Xue Yang go to save everyone else. The captain got in his way and gave him an excuse to do what he'd been wanting to for ages.
So yeah i don't have one answer to this because I don't think there's one definitive read on what we have. I just kind of go with what works best for a given fic/scenario based on what I want to explore.
With regards to Nie Mingjue, I think because they draw this line between him, Jin Guangyao, and Xue Yang where Xue Yang is a big part of their initial fallout, I think it does interesting thing to how Nie Mingjue sees Jin Guangyao as consistently Betraying Him and doing Secret Nefarious Thing with Xue Yang., and plays into why Nie Mingjue is so focused on the two of them that he forgets Jin Guangshan exists. Probably on Jin Guangyao's end, Xue Yang feels like a bad penny he can't get rid of, a millstone put on this earth specifically to hang around Jin Guangyao's neck. It turns the whole thing with Nie Mingjue into a relitigation of their initial fallout from which they can never move on, rather than a new but related fight about who Jin Guangyao reports to.
I think also like... Jin Guangyao goes to great lengths to not be seen as some low class hooligan who disgusts people, and yet he keeps getting sat next to, lumped in with, and compared to Xue Yang by people whose opinions and respect matter to him. Hard to imagine he doesn't resent him a little.
Idk if any of this makes sense
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shina-moon-art · 2 years
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So tumblr ate your ask bestie but I have it so I get an email when ppl send asks or questions
(Gotta remember what all i wrote because tumblr decided it was gonna trash all of it)
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Kinda using these pictures as reference bec I know next to nothing about this anime
I like the way he’s drawn in the last pic, I think it’s from the manga idk tho. He’s a vampire? I think? This anime has vampires right? Tbh if it’s not something the story is upfront with about his character then the all red + red eyes is a bit on the nose.
I saw clips of the anime like 5+ years ago so I don’t remember much. I thought he was taller??? Maybe he is and that’s just the way they drew the refs idk. Speaking of the refs they made his arms weirdly long, usually your fingertips reach about mid thigh while his are like by his knees. Idk if it’s intentional but it helps make his design look more unsettling/not quite human
I’m sorry but his jacket is boring I think the only interesting part is that it’s flared and completely red also maybe the things at his shoulders but yeah. (The fanart does some interesting stuff with the shape of his jacket but otherwise yeah it’s pretty boring in terms of a design standpoint)
The HAT though, I’ve got a love hate relationship with hats because oftentimes I cannot draw them for the life of me but I love it in this design, the shadow it casts over his face also adds to the unsettling feeling of his character ESPECIALLY when you’ve got the glasses since the way they’re drawn seemingly never has hard shadows over them.
All in all I think he’s probably at best a morally grey character and at worst the outright villain of the series but idk. His design works for that purpose and from the way he smiles I’d say his personality is probably pretty unsettling as well so if this is what the author set out to do with his design I’d say it was done well. Manga shots look awesome and so does the anime ones, idk what they were doing with the refs but it’s whatever, I like it
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forgot to do the monthly summary thing three months in a row lol
Summary of October:
Downloaded Leechblock. It helped somewhat. Managed to get all of my non-sketch fills done (14) for Huxloween even while dealing with bad life stuff. Posted bust-up FE fanart semi-regularly on my other Twitter account (~2-4 hours of work). Trying to get commissions on dA and Reddit (no bites yet).
Plan from August :/ :
All monthly/weekly goals for the year ✗
Proko: ribcage ✗
Review all Proko notes ✗
DAB Lesson 7 ✗
Ky/lux reunion piece (mechanical studies) ✓
one vehicle from life a week (20min) ✗
November plan:
All monthly/weekly goals for the year
Proko: ribcage
Review all Proko notes
DAB Lesson 7
One FE fanart every 4 days
Draw N7 Day piece before N7 Day
notes and improvements from finished stuff (Oct):
make notes on figure proportions relating to head ✗ but have been looking it up, USE AT LEAST ONE PHOTO REFERENCE PER PIECE ✗, do some studies (at least one session) on head/neck connection and tilt ✗ I forgot this was a thing but have been tryng to pay attention to it with figure drawing
apples - background details too clean/without width and thickness (like decals), proportions and position in space kinda screwy, background figures distractingly bad
eldritch hux: cigarette got flattened out, hat doesn't fit properly on his head, highlights on belt buckle VERY bad, fucked up face, I do like the composition though
haunted locations: composition got kinda sidelined when I was trying to fit everything I'd drawn in, speeder looks kinda wonky because the perspective was very difficult, inconsistent use of spot blacks, do like the colours though
bonfire: hands unreferenced and thus screwed up, fucked up faces (nose tip always looks wrong), clothing thickness/folds abysmal
demons: values too indistinct (needs more contrast), hux's arm looks too short, really bad hands, bits got cut off and I didn't resize the canvas, shading looks awful, scroll is flat even though I tried to make it not so
manuela: face w/ open mouth looks kinda unfocussed, otherwise pretty ok
valter: armour lost its form, otherwise pretty ok for what it is
vampires: very messy & confusing colours, anatomy fucked up (ribcage is flat and too long), bad hands that don't look like they're interacting with the chair properly, props for trying this much detail in perspective though
ghosts: luke doesn't look like he's standing on the floor (looks rotated upwards a little), room feels bare and undetailed, could have used more embellishment on the items, nice composition with leading lines and contrast though
curse: hands look awful because I don't know how to render shiny materials, shading on face kinda weirdly simplified, shading on body and clothing folds makes no sense, lost dynamism of sketch due to having to apply correct anatomy
scrying: extremely messy lineart, values somewhat unclear, bad use of linework to express texture (like in the gas tank), sense of scale a bit smaller than I intended (should have made bg people smaller), I do like the concept and details though
knoll and lyon: proportions ABSOLUTELY FUCKED (lyon's legs are like twice the length they should be), very stiff poses, vacant expressions, too many gaps in lineart (rebelle's fault though), clothing folds all completely wrong, colour too messy
orochimaru: vacant expression, scales on snake look awful and flatten it out, weird pose, you can see where I gave up on drawing the flowers, face is flat, nose tip doesn't extend enough
ritual: kylo's back looks like it's bulging, overall very messy, foreground vine merges with hux in the midground, statue hands suck, figures too simplified compared to background, overall scene easy to understand though
trick/treat: faces look gormless, kylo's chest has no depth to it, hands look squishy, kylo's pose hard to read, the knife is hard to place in space (looks like it's occupying the same space as hux's arm), nice details and lineart though
ACTIONABLES: try to find photo reference for expressions, do Proko ribcage lesson, draw and detail with linework everyday objects
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bmpmp3 · 3 years
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IT IS OKAY to DRAW a side character from a 2012 fashion store simulator and a fan character hugging
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happy (belated) autism acceptance day aesop 💕 i hope you had a great day and know you’re wonderful just the way you are! (same to the author if it applies!!!)
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I hope you had a great day too.
#aesop carl#identity v#identity v embalmer#identity v the embalmer#identity v ask blog#im posting this first cos autism acceptance day was. some time ago#i have like 20 drafts n i dont post chronologically so every day i just go Which post should i release from my drafts#so if u sent in an ask n u havent seen it replied. chances are its sitting in my drafts right now HAHAHAHAHA#as many drafts as i have. i will not break my one post a day per blog posting. cos when burnout hits it hits hard#buffer posts are life saving. especially since the sem is almost over so theres no guarantee that ill be drawing every day#although i have deadlines coming up so i drew a bunch to procrastinate. anyway#what was i going to say. right#mun isnt autistic. i think. mun probably has undiagnosed adhd. i think.#its a big i think. cos u know. undiagnosed. although it would explain so much#ive kinda been going under the assumption that yes my brain works weirdly so ive been trying to learn different ways to get around stuff#i do have this small fear that i havent been. portraying aesop as autistic correctly. cos right now im kinda just#hinging off the fact that adhd n autism are sister disorders so like. same hat#with some other things i know about autism#i dont want to portray him without it cos its who he is. its a crime to try to erase that from his character#n i do not want to woobify him cos of this either. i hate that actually#so uh i hope ive been portraying him alright so far in this aspect#me? still insecure about my portrayal after a year and some months of running this blog? maybe#but thank u so much for this ask anyway this was really sweet
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layingwithlay · 2 years
Batfam and their pfp on their Twitter accounts:
Bruce: Bruce’s pfp is one of him when he was in his early twenties at a gala, he’s had the same one for years. Refusing to change it. Tho his background of his account (whatever you call it) is an updated photo of his family and kids every year.
Alfred: Alfred’s pfp is just a cup of tea that’s it. His background is a photo of all his grandkids together.
Dick: Dick’s pfp is simply always a photo of himself he changes when he finds a better one. His background is a photo of Dami and him at an arcade.
Jason: Jason’s pfp is Damian weirdly, It’s a photo of Damian looking disgusted at something but it’s hard to take seriously with his huge hat (that was most likely Ducks) and sunglasses. His background is just a photo of a cool motorcycle. Thats all.
Tim: Tim’s pfp is just himself looking tired while drinking coffee that a paparazzi took one time. His background is just a photo of him and Kon at a pride festival.
Steph: Steph’s pfp is simply a cute drawing of her that Damian most likely did. Her background is an old photo or her, Tim and Cass together.
Cass: Cass’ pfp is a photo of her on a roof top edge practicing her twirls. The background she has is a photo of her family too, with everyone doing their own thing some how making the photo come together perfectly.
Damian: Damian’s pfp is a photo of his pets together. His background is a photo of Jon, Colin and him taking a mirror pic. All of them struggling to pose. Especially Jon who was taking the photo.
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new-vegas-reacts · 3 years
How would the companions react to a courier who has trouble hearing/is deaf
Hi anon! This was a fun request! Thank you :) I wasn't sure whether you wanted hard of hearing or deaf so I tried to balance the two. I also wrote this assuming the courier would prefer either speaking, sign, or a mixture of both. If you have any problems with any of this please message me and I can try again 💙
P.S: you can't convince me that sign just... doesn't exist anymore. It is probably just very rare and hard to learn with most of the books being burned in nuclear fire and all...
Arcade: Despite being eloquent in speaking, he has the tendency to mumble or look away when talking to someone. In the beginning, you may only catch half of what he says. "Oh, I apologize I didn't realize." Arcade will say if you tell him or gesture to your ears. Arcade will say nothing more, except perhaps asking if there's anything specific he needs to do to communicate. He is not one to dwell on things and he figures drawing attention to it would make it uncomfortable for everyone. If you prefer sign he'll try to learn it as well. It can't be harder than latin... right? If you want, he will act as interpreter anytime you need. Otherwise he knows that you've made it this far alone.
Boone: Thought you were just ignoring him half the time. Whatever, he didn't want to speak to you anyway. If you choose not to speak, he won't be overly upset. People in the Wasteland have different 'quirks'. The truth comes out when you shoot a gun right near your ear without protection. "What the Hell are you doing? You wanna go deaf?" He didn't see the irony of his statement at first. You explain that you could hear a good amount of what he said/could read his lips and get context clues. You get by, and Boone understands that. He was going to keep a sharp ear out for danger anyway. Says the signs he learns are "for combat only". Sure Boone...
Cass: The first time you meet her is in a loud bar... so not the best place for a first meeting if one is hard of hearing. Reading her lips can be hard under her hat, so you may have to specify that you can't understand what she's saying in this environment. "Oh yeah? Well did you want something?" She seems a bit surprised at first, but a stranger is a stranger and you still need to work for her trust. She doesn't treat you any different, but if there's ever a time you need clarification she'll provide. Once she grows closer to you, and can understand you as a person more, she will interpret if you want to use sign (she's a very quick study). She will be... brusk however. Especially if someone makes a big deal out of it. "Hey dickhead! They said..." Overall, not happy if someone makes a huge deal of something that's really not a big deal in the first place.
Lily: With how loud and expressive Lily is, it might be less hard to understand her over the other companions, specifically when you get used to her actions. She, however, might have a hard time understanding you. If you choose not to speak, Lily might be able to learn some signs with you. She has a hard time copying you, but she wants to know what you say to her despite her difficulty. "I'm very sorry dearie! Grandma is trying her best..." No matter what, there will be some bumps in the road, but if both of you are willing to try you'll figure it out.
Raul: Another bilingual boi. If you like sign he'll try and learn at least a little. In return, he'll try to teach you some Spanish (whether it's speaking or just writing). He doesn't mind honestly. Better than wondering alone or being imprisoned. If you prefer not to talk, he's content with quiet nights by the campfire. He used to point out constellations for his siblings, and he likes tracing different shapes, the both of you tryingto guess what the other is tracing.
Veronica: Is weirdly... very excited? Kind of treats you like a specimen at first much to your amusement/annoyance. She apologizes later, she just gets fascinated by new and unique people. Wants to know everything. Not just about your hearing but about you as a person and where you came from, how you adapted in the Wasteland-... When she settles down (and realizes you might not have heard/understood even half of what she said), she'll eagerly try to learn all about how to communicate with you. If you rely on lipreading, she really tries to make a consious effort to slow down and speak 'normally'.
ED-E: Doesn't matter to Ed-E, he's on the lookout no matter what. He has no lips to read and no hands to communicate but he communicates with beeps anyway. It's an odd comfort to have ED-E around, robots won't judge.
Rex: Just like Ed-E, dogs don't judge. He has great hearing and will learn to nudge you if something is happening and you don't notice. He would do this anyway, so he just stays more alert to protect you.
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trelaundry · 3 years
arthur morgan crush headcanons!
How he realises he’s fallen for you:
-he’ll just start randomly drawing you in his journal. like you won’t even be there and he’ll just mindlessly doodle you. -it’s only when someone points out how long he’s just been sat in camp scribbling away that he’ll look down and oh my god what has he done -an entire two pages dedicated to you. your eyes, your hair, your smile, even you just walking around doing chores or talking to someone. he realises he’s been looking at you for the last few days and has just committed the sight of you to memory without even realising he was doing it. -that evening you come back to camp after a long day, and the first thing you wanna do is eat your dinner with arthur like you always do, only today he’s been weirdly silent, his hat covering half his face to hide his blush from being so close to you and his eyes as they observe your every motion. -he just cant believe that after all this time not feeling this way, and after all the time he’s spent lamenting over mary and how he will never love anyone the same way, you just materialise in front of him. the person he will spend the rest of his life loving has been under his nose this entire time. -you’ll put your hand on his shoulder to snap him out of his thoughts and he’ll try to stifle a gasp by clearing his throat. “‘m sorry, what were you saying?” he’ll mumble sheepishly, even loving the way you roll your eyes at him and repeat what you had said. How he acts around his crush:
-you swear you’ve never seen a man look so flustered when you look him in the eyes while you’re talking to him. -he’ll try his hardest to hold your gaze but he can barely get a word out, instead resorting to nods and hums to respond for him -he will follow you around like a needy puppy. any heavy lifting or chores around camp? nope he’ll handle it for you. oh, you’re going out on a job? well, you need some protection, it ain’t safe out there nowadays. you heading clothes shopping in town? he’ll escort you there and pay for your drinks at the saloon as well as a room at the hotel. oh, there’s only one bed? aw shucks. guess we’ll have to share it. it’s cold outside, so i think for your safety you should lie closer to me so i can keep you warm. what do you mean it’s mid july???????? i don’t want you getting sick, alright?! -he actually shows you his drawings of you now. if you drew him it would make him blush outside and do a little happy dance internally. he would keep the drawing with him wherever he went no matter its quality. -he doesn’t have a way with words, so his love language is definitely physical touch. whenever he talks to you he’s holding your arm or your hand or has his hand on your shoulder. any excuse to give you a hug is immediately given, and he’ll even kiss the top of your head before immediately denying it and/or pretending to be called to the other side of camp to avoid having to justify himself -he’ll leave you pressed flowers underneath your bedroll: its turned into a habit whenever he sees a pretty flower on his travels he binds it in his journal and hides it in your belongings for you to find -whenever you get in an argument with someone, whether its miss grimshaw berating you over your attitude or sean getting just a little too handsy with you he will immediately rush to your aid. he’ll resolve the situation one way or another, whether that’s justifying your hotheadedness with your hard work outside of camp or breaking sean’s nose. he’ll ask you afterwards if you’re okay and whether you want him to tell dutch or keep it between you and them. he’ll constantly throw dirty looks at whoever’s wronged you until you tell him to drop it. -he takes you on jobs all the time, but he tells you that he’ll do the shooting since he doesn’t want you to get roughed up. you fight anyway, which only makes him admire you more. he loves the sight of you holding a gun more than he wishes to admit
How he confesses: -now arthur is a patient man, but after a few weeks of this infatuation he’ll lose his composure entirely and just kiss you -it doesn’t matter where you guys are. in camp, on a job, after a gunfight, in the middle of a conversation. he’s not that into pda but this is one of the occasions where all rules are out of the window. he just has to feel you. -it’ll only be a short chaste kiss in case you don’t reciprocate but if you do.... oh boy. -he lets you set the pace and the depth, whether that means wrapping your legs around his waist and taking you back to his tent or keeping you in his embrace for hours. he doesn’t mind at all, heaven is heaven. he immediately gets a huge confidence boost which is why he doesn’t feel self conscious about where this happens -it’ll only be when you break away that he’ll actually tell you how he feels. bashful as all hell, but he’ll hold your gaze as he confesses. he has to be holding some part of you as he speaks, whether his hands are on your waist or cupping your face. he has to have the confirmation all of this is real and he isn’t dreaming. -that’s pretty much the rule going forward: one hand on you at all times ;)
right, that’s set this blog up for a good start! requests are open for pretty much every character from rdr2 so if you’re randomly stumbling upon this feel free to give me some work to do lmao i’m just so in love with this game
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anxiousgaypanicking · 3 years
Logan but getting pumped full of everyone's eggs
DRLAMP (Janus x Remus x Logan x Virgil x Patton x Roman) Warnings: oviposition, overstimulation, inflation, aphrodisiac, tentacles, monster fucking, double penetration, marking, biting, plugs, restraints, sex, crying, bleeding, breeding,  degradation, venom, hair-pulling, finger sucking, cock and ball torture, choking Word Count: 9600
A heavy weight plopping itself onto Logan's midsection is what wakes him up. He's confused at first, before the blurry sight of someone atop him comes into view, illuminated only by the small amount of light leaking into his room from the hallway.
Logan groans as he reaches over to the nightstand and grabs his glasses, sliding them onto his face. He also sneaks a glance at the clock while he's looking that way, and sees that it's two in the morning.
He looks back to the figure on top of him, who's now rolling their hips against Logan, and sees that it's none other than Remus.
Specifically, a naked Remus, who's tentacles are out and writhing, and Logan can see that they're even leaking, drops of whatever substance that is getting over Logan's shirt and his sheets.
"What do you want, Remus?" Logan asks, voice groggy. At the sound of his voice, Remus's crimson eyes snap open, and his tentacles all seem to freeze mid-air. He lets out a mix between a laugh and a pant after a moment though.
"My- my tentacles," he stammers out, still grinding against Remus's body. The tentacles sprouting from Remus's back, and the one between his legs, go back to squirming. Although now they move towards Logan, feeling over his calves and lower thighs, while Remus's tentacle cock uncoordinatedly rubs at Logan's boxers.
"Your tentacles?" Logan inquires, needing more than just that as an answer.
"They need to breed," Remus explains, in between short breaths. "I need to breed. I need to pump my eggs into you, my nerdy fucktoy. Fill you up and breed you so good. My tentacles are all practically bursting with eggs and I need to empty them inside of your tight hole."
Logan's face was pink, but he just sighs as he asks "at two-am? You couldn't wait?"
Remus rapidly shakes his head, before he leans down so that he and Logan's lips were almost touching. "Please? Pretty please, Logan? Let me fuck and breed you, baby, come on!"
"Hush, Remus," comes another voice from the doorway, and Remus snaps his head towards the voice, slightly unhappy someone was disturbing his precious time with Logan.
The silhouette of the figure steps into the room, and as he moves closer, it's revealed that it's Janus (sans hat and cape).
He strolls up next to Logan, and clicks on the lamp on his nightstand. Janus barely glances towards Remus, before looking back at Logan. As Logan stares back, and scans over his body, he can tell that Janus is very hard in his pajama pants.
"Not you too," Logan says, receiving a soft laugh in return.
"I'm afraid I don't have much of a choice in the matter," Janus states, eyes shining with amusement. "I need to empty my eggs and, well, you're the only one around who doesn't experience this."
"Piss off, J-anus," Remus growls. "I got here first!" Remus pulls Logan up by his shoulders, his arms and tentacles wrapping around him and holding him against Remus's chest. The substance they're covered in is seeping through the material of his shirt, and the skin on his back gets weirdly hot and sensitive.
The tentacle between Remus's legs is doing the same thing to his crotch. It's been rubbing at his boxers, and now the liquid is seeping through, making Logan's cock uncomfortably hard and leaking.
Janus tuts, as he crawls on the bed and moves behind Logan, wrapping his arms around Logan's midsection, and burying his face in Logan's neck. His teeth are trailing over the skin there, but he's staring at Remus.
"He belongs to all of us," Janus reminds him, with a hum. "You have to learn to share."
Remus narrows his eyes, only for Janus to nibble on Logan's earlobe, whispering "can I bite you, darling? Inject you with venom? You know it'll feel so good."
Logan's breath hitches at the mere thought, and he's quick to nod and blurt out "yes, please."
With a grin, Janus doesn't hesitate to bite down, Logan gasping as his skin is broken by Janus's fangs, only to feel Janus's venom being injected into his body. He can hardly get out Janus's name before he begins feeling it's affects; his body grows increasingly hot, and his face flushes. His cock strains in his boxers, and as Janus's hands start to roam over Logan's body (or, more specifically, the places that weren't covered by the tentacles), Logan found himself arching into the overwhelming touch.
Each gentle stroke or light scratch drew rather pathetic whines from him, and when he opened his eyes - which he doesn't remember closing - Remus is staring at him like Logan's his helpless prey.
Janus is whispering in his ear. Thing's along the line of "we're gonna fill you so full of our eggs" and "you'd like being fucked and bred, wouldn't you? Our good little slut," are slipping out of Janus's mouth, and Logan is whimpering and agreeing with each one.
Before they can do anything, though, there's a knock at Logan's open door, and when the three of them look over there, there's Patton. He has green splotches over his face and arms, and just like the other two, he's visibly hard through his comfy pants.
"I hope I'm not interrupting anything," Patton says, with a flush to his cheeks. "But it appears that I'm in the same predicament as the both of you."
"How fortunate," Janus mutters, bitterly, and Logan would snicker if the thought of Patton on him too didn't make him let out a needy moan. Patton seems to process this, and smiles as he moves closer, wiggling between Remus and Logan, much to Remus's dismay. He plops himself in Logan's lap, and Logan eagerly leans up to kiss him, his head growing more hazy and horny by the second, thanks to Janus's venom and the chemical from Remus's tentacles seeping into his skin.
Janus hisses and Remus growls at the fact Patton got first kiss, and so the moment they pull away Janus grips Logan's hair and roughly tugs his hair back, and pulls him into a kiss of his own.
They're all fighting amongst each other for Logan's body and attention, and another knock on the door irritates them all.
"Uh... I can see that this is a bad time," someone, who they then see is Virgil, says. His nails are noticeably sharper, even from this far away, as are his teeth - his canines long enough to protrude his lips. Beneath his bangs are his normal eyes, and below those are a couple smaller eyes, all blinking in tandem with Virgil.
He's staring at Logan, hard as well, but despite the desperation clear in his voice, he seems willing to leave the other three with their boyfriend and find a way to take care of himself alone, up until Logan moans out "Virgil!"
Virgil's head snaps towards Logan, momentarily caught off guard by how pathetic Logan sounded. He stalks closer, and he and Janus hiss at each other as he wiggles next to him, grabbing Logan and holding him protectively. Logan immediately leans back into Virgil's arms, his head laying back on Virgil's shoulder and exposing his pretty, pale neck, bare aside from two puncture marks where Virgil can obviously tell Janus pumped him full of venom.
"The others all want the same thing I do, huh," he says, quietly, nibbling lightly on Logan's earlobe and causing him to draw in a sharp breath. "To pump you full of my eggs and breed you properly."
Logan moans at his words, attempting to roll his hips up against anything, desperate for friction.
"Why did no one tell me we were all meeting up with Logan?!" a dramatic voice shouts from the door, and no one needs to look to tell that it's Roman. Both because only he is that loud and dramatic, and because he's the only one not yet in the room.
Logan does look though, and if he was in the right mind, he'd be more intrigued by the fact Roman has his tentacles out. In a contrast to Remus's bright green, uncontrollable tentacles, Romans were red and were more steady with their movements, although they still seemed to drift towards Logan.
Like the others, he's visibly horny, and probably in need of getting his eggs out if he's so willing to show his extra, writhing limbs.
Roman has openly expressed his dislike for them, especially because it's another thing he has in common with Remus, but at the moment Logan stared at them in open arousal, desperately wanting them inside of him. Actually, he wanted anything inside of him. He'd take what he could get.
"Ugh, they always leave me out of the loop, mi amor," Roman coos, as he moves closer, and he and Remus growl at each other as he forces himself to sit next to his brother.
Remus's tentacles, having been able to sense Logan's desperation, had already started to slip under the logical side's clothes best he could. Patton in his lap prevented them from getting beneath the boxers, so with a glance between each other, Roman scooped Patton up and gently tossed him to the side, giving them free access to do what they wanted with Logan.
Now it'd just be a fight over who gets him first.
"Logan- Lo, baby," Remus grunts, hardly resisting the impulse to slam Logan down where he was and fuck him senseless. "Let me... let us," he growls that bit out bitterly, clearly unhappy that everyone wanted to use Logan when he got here first, but he supposed there was no getting rid of them now, "use you," he finishes. "Please? We need you so bad."
Murmurs of agreement came from all around him, and whether it be due to the venom in him, or his desire to be bred, Logan nods and blabbers "use me, please! I need it; I need all of you. Want all your eggs inside of me, please!"
Patton coos at his desperation, and Virgil and Janus don't hesitate to move out of the way just enough so that Logan can be pinned to his back against the mattress.
Shooting a knowing look towards Remus, Virgil pushes up the sleeve of his pajama shirt just enough to expose his wrist. He bends his arm so that it's positioned towards the headboard, and Janus speaks for him.
"Logan, dear, if we do absolutely anything that makes you uncomfortable, or if you want to just stop, what do you say?"
"Yellow," Logan grits out, flushed as Remus's tentacles writhe over his body, easily pulling his shirt up and over his head. The article of clothing is discarded in moments. "Or red, in the sit... situ... event I want to stop," he finishes, managing a small smile amongst the arousal, so that Janus and Virgil could be eased knowing that, for now at least, he was comfortable.
Remus pins Logan's hands above his head, before he shifts them slightly so that they're up against the headboard, and Virgil takes that as his cue to shoot a string of webbing from a tiny hole on his wrist and basically tie Logan's hands to the headboard. The webs were strong, strong enough that Logan wiggling his arms didn't budge them at all. Someone would have to cut through them in order to free him, but for now that was just about the last thought on anyone's mind.
Remus quickly works Logan's boxers off with his hands, before his wrist is suddenly grabbed by Janus.
"Wait," the deceitful side begins. "Who gets him first."
"I want him first!" comes Roman's dramatic whine, only for Virgil to growl at him.
"Back off, Princey," he snarls, with a glare. "Last to show up doesn't get the first taste."
"Oh! Can I get him first? Pretty please?" Patton begs, scooting closer to Logan and receiving growls from the four others in response.
"First come first serve," Remus spits, as his sharp nails dig into Logan's hips. "I was here first. I get to breed him first."
"That's hardly fair!"
"Piss off Roman. Or I'll knock you out and you can skip getting to empty your eggs in him at all." As he speaks, Remus's and tentacles have been slithering over Logan's body, and the tip of one teases his lips. Logan obediently opens his mouth for it, and it slips in, more of the  sweet substance it's coated in dripping down his throat and making his body increasingly hotter.
Remus moans as Logan starts sucking on the tip. Despite the fact he's had Remus's tentacles in him before, he was still always caught off guard by how they felt - the suckers occasionally getting stuck to his tongue, and the easy way that the appendage slipped down his throat. He didn't gag - they'd done this enough that he was pretty confident in his deep throating abilities - but it still felt weird. Weird and good.
And it made Remus tighten his hold on him. "Fuck... what a good boy. You know just what to do with your mouth, huh? Slutty bitch."
"So, are we going on the order of arrival, then?" Janus asks, with a hum, as he works to pull the rest of his clothes off of his body. The others follow his lead as their clothes are quickly tossed off the bed and towards the floor. Any embarrassment towards them being naked is discarded and instead replaced with utter lust and the urge to breed.
Although annoyed he doesn't get to go first, Janus is content with getting Logan second. He was patient enough to wait a bit, although he was sure the others couldn't say the same.
Roman stomps his foot at the mere notion. "No! That's not what we're doing. I demand we come up with a different order."
Remus ignores him, and Janus merely rolls his eyes. Virgil was near last too, but he bit his tongue, and smacks Roman upside the head instead. "Patience, Princey," he hisses, clearly annoyed with Roman's usual flamboyant nature. His impatience was going to get him beat
Patton just grumbles out an unhappy but accepting agreement, and Remus is pleased that they've worked all that shit out, allowing him to finally direct a tentacle towards Logan's hole.
The chemical substance that has been making Logan's body hot serves as a lubricant too, so it easily slips into his hole, drawing a moan from Logan. If any of the others weren't so  worried about depositing their eggs into him, they'd probably take up fucking his mouth.
But, since it was unoccupied, a thinner tentacle, presumably one with out eggs, slides towards Logan's mouth, and Logan opens right up to accept it.
His tongue works over the suckers, and Remus moans at the feeling. "Fuck, Logan, your tight hole and hot mouth feel so good around my tentacles. Slutty bitch, you'd suck eagerly on whatever slips past your lips, wouldn't you?" he grits out, as he guides another tentacle to Logan's hole, and then shoves that one in too, Logan jolting at the feeling.
He mumbles something muffled around the tentacle, and they're assured that it's not something bad due to the fact he remembers the safe motion, even when his mind his hazy with horniness.
The word "red," three taps, or three snaps, and he'd be unrestrained and they'd all baby over him despite their intense urge to breed, but they cared about him.
Chances are it was some sort of beg, and as much as they'd love to hear those, Logan seemed insistent on sucking the chemical off of the tentacle, and reacting positively as it made his body hotter and hotter, and clouded his mind with more and more pleasure.
The tentacles writhing in his ass buried themselves deeper, seemingly focused on feeling his insides, before one of them brushes up against his prostate, earning an eager moan, Logan's thighs spreading further apart.
"Oh... Logan," Remus coos, as the others watch him with a mixture of interest and desire. A glance at his cock would show it's already leaking, and out of courtesy, Patton reaches over to grab and slowly stroke it. Logan bucks his hips best he can into the touch, and Remus shoots a glare at the moral trait, but he doesn't tell him off. Logan might as well be touched, especially because he's willing to let them use him like a good boy, although it might not be good to stimulate him that much so soon.
A whine comes from Logan as one of the tentacles slithers out partially, but he cries out around the limb in his mouth as it roughly thrusts back into him, hitting his prostate and sending pleasure throughout his body. He clenches instinctively around the tentacles, and they both wiggle in presumable delight.
Wanting his hands on Logan as well, Janus tugs Remus's tentacle out of Logan's mouth, stroking over it with his own hand in order to coat it in the chemical, before he traces his thumb over Logan's bottom lip.
Logan eagerly licks where Janus's thumb swiped, before opening his mouth obediently, his tongue hanging out of his mouth in hopes he'd taste more of that addictingly sweet substance.
Janus coos at him, before he shoves his pointer and middle finger into Logan's mouth. Logan immediately closes his mouth around them, licking and sucking eagerly over Janus's sweet tasting fingers, and whining as Janus massages his tongue.
"So eager," Janus purrs, and Remus grunts from behind him, as his two tentacles speed up their thrusts into Logan's ass.
"So whorish," Remus corrects him. "He's a fucking slut, Janus. Willing to let us use and breed him like he's just a dumb fucking incubator."
"A hot fucking incubator," Roman murmurs, affectionately, as he carefully slides Logan's glasses off his face. He sets them back on his nightstand, and takes to brushing Logan's hair out of his face. Virgil takes to feeling him up, his claws dragging over Logan's chest, until they dip down and run over his balls. Virgil squeezes his sack and Logan jolts in pain, crying out around Janus's fingers.
It makes the three dark sides grin, while Roman and Patton watch Logan with pursed lips. They know he likes pain, but they still want to make sure he's okay.
"Pain-slut," Virgil grits out, as he quite roughly hits Patton's hand away from Logan's cock in order to smack it around himself.
Logan's mouth curls around Janus's fingers, his teeth firmly keeping them inside as he sucks desperately around them, and cries out pathetic moans and whines whenever Virgil's hands smack around his cock or squeezes his balls.
Roman and Patton sit off to the side, watching with great interest, but pouting over the other three getting to touch and play with their beloved toy.
Waiting their turns would be rough.
Especially because they could see the base of six more of Remus's tentacles swelling with what they presumed to be eggs. Roman would no doubt have the same ordeal, which is why Virgil, Janus, and Patton all internally sighed in relief that he'd have to go last.
Although, they're somewhat thankful when Remus suddenly groans, his cock coming over Logan's thighs. Small bulges of presumable eggs slide their way through Remus's two tentacles that have stilled in Logan's ass, and Logan cries out pathetically around Janus's fingers as he feels the eggs start to deposit themselves into his ass, as well as more of the chemical being emptied into him too.
Virgil quits slapping at his cock in order to firmly grasp it, and then he starts stroking rapidly, causing Logan's hips to buck as he moans, and then suddenly comes over Virgil's hand and his chest.
Virgil merely tuts, before wiping Logan's come against his own face, which makes him whine but otherwise just stare at Virgil with hazy, half-lidded eyes.
With all of the aphrodisiac coursing through his veins, thanks to Janus's venom and Remus's tentacles, Logan's body is still hot and he's still horny, and Patton takes over very slowly stroking his cock in order to work him quickly back up to full hardness.
After Remus's two tentacles are done emptying themselves into Logan, they pull away, but they're not done with him. One of them curls around the base of his cock, sliding past Patton's hand in order to lube his cock up with aphrodisiac, before it pulls away. Patton hums as his hand tingles, sliding his hand at a slightly quicker pace over Logan's now leaking cock.
The tentacle then slides down to Logan's ankle, with the other going to the other ankle, and they pull Logan's legs further apart.
With his legs spread further, two more tentacles slide towards his hole, and almost immediately push in afterwards, squelching around the eggs and come. They don't need to fuck him like the other tentacles did, now that they made sure most of the eggs were pushed deep into Logan, so they just bury themselves inside him and empty their contents as Remus rapidly strokes his own cock.
"That's right, baby," Remus grits, as he brings himself to another orgasm, spilling over his own tentacles and Logan's thighs again. "Taking in all my eggs and come. Gonna breed you so good. Look at your stomach? You're already so full. Can't wait to see how full you're going to look after we've all fucked our babies into you."
Logan moans as Janus shoves his fingers deeper into Logan's mouth, and would be begging to be bred if it weren't for Janus finger fucking his mouth. He does want to be bred; he wants them all to fill him up with eggs, which is why he jolts and moans when Remus's last two tentacles push into him too.
They only slide a little of the way in before the tips open up and the tentacles come into him again, more small eggs sliding into his small body, and Logan comes again, thanks to Remus's slow stroking and sliding the pad of his thumb over his slit, dirtying Patton's hand and adding to the pool of come already on his chest.
As his two tentacles pull out, Remus's fingers slide in, keeping his come and eggs packed up inside, his horny mind believing that Logan needs to keep it all packed inside to make sure they're effectively fertilized.
"Janus, get over here," Remus nearly grows. "Fuck him real good, Jan. Make sure not to let any of my eggs or come spill out, okay? And breed him like the slut he is." Although he didn't like the idea of other people breeding Logan, he might as well encourage them. Logan looked so pretty with his stomach swelling slightly with just his eggs; he could only imagine how thoroughly fucked out and full Logan would look after all of this, and boy was he getting hard again at that mental picture.
Janus grins, and scoots over towards Remus, one of Remus's tentacles quickly wrapping and pumping Janus's cocks. The chemical sliding over them works to lube them up, but it also sends pleasurable heat through his cocks. Janus slides closer now that his cocks are lubed up, and as Remus's fingers slide out, Janus pushes one of his cocks in.
He's thrilled feeling Remus's come and eggs already packed inside of him, and Logan moans out "Janus!" when he feels Janus's second cock rub against his own.
With Janus no longer gagging his mouth, Logan was whining and babbling out incoherent pleas spurred on by the aphrodisiac circulating his mind. All he thought about was being fucked and filled, just like they promised he would be.
Patton grabs both Janus and Logan's cocks and rubs them together, before Janus takes hold of his second cock and eases it into Logan's hole, making him jolt at the stretch. "Janus- Janus!" Logan whines, drool dripping from the corner of his chin. "So big! Feel so full; want to be full of your eggs Janus!"
"Don't worry, darling," Janus purrs, just barely thrusting into Logan, hardly enough to provide Logan with pleasurable friction, but Janus himself can't help groaning at the way Logan clenches down on his cock, as if trying to milk the eggs and come from his cock. "You'll get them soon enough."
He pulls out about halfway, before slowly pushing back in, earning a breathy gasp from Logan, who's immediately trying to roll his hips down on Janus's cocks. He wants more; he desperately craves more, and yet Janus was going slow with him. The glint in his eye showed that he was doing it solely to be a tease.
He leans over Logan as he pulls out a bit again, slowly pushing in again just like last time, feeling Remus's eggs move around his cocks. He presses his lips to Logan's, forked tongue sliding easily into Logan's mouth and tasting around the area. Logan leans up into the kiss, mouth open eagerly as his tongue presses curiously against Janus's. They'd kissed multiple times, but even while mindlessly horny thanks to aphrodisiac, Logan still slid his tongue between the fork in Janus's, and Janus couldn't help but think it was rather cute.
The others watched with mildly annoyed expressions, although some of them tried to place their interest above it. Of course Janus would go achingly slow; he liked to be a tease, and issue things out when they're most unexpected, and hearing Logan beg for him is no doubt getting him off.
When Janus finally pulls away, Logan chases after his lips desperately, and whines when Janus merely coos at him instead. He resorts to trailing kisses down Logan's jaw instead, kissing over the bite mark he already made, before sucking a dark, purple mark into Logan's skin. The sight makes the others hiss in disapproval, but causes Logan to tilt his head to the side.
He's too horny to care about his pride, as he instead begs "Janus, please, mark me up more! Need them, need you, please!" He sounds utterly pathetic, but it causes Janus to lick his lips, and grin.
"Don't worry, kitten," Janus purrs, as he trails his kisses down to Logan's shoulders. "I'll make sure to mark you up good. Show everyone that sees you that you belong to me," he promises, before he sucks another mark into Logan's skin.
"Belongs to us," Virgil corrects him, trailing a sharp nail over Logan's jaw. Logan looks up at him with cloudy eyes, and as Virgil's finger traces over his lips, Logan's mouth opens and his tongue lolls out, as if inviting Virgil to do what he pleased with it. Virgil grins, and the urge to thrust his cock inside Logan's waiting mouth was immeasurable, but he wanted to empty his eggs in a place his horny mind believed they could be fertilized, even if they logically couldn't.
So, Virgil does what Janus did and shoves his fingers inside Logan's mouth, albeit rougher, and Logan gets right to sucking and tonguing over them. Roman, feeling a little left out, scoots to the other side of the bed near Remus, and when Janus's kisses and hickeys start start trailing lower, Roman greedily takes up licking and sucking over Logan's neck. Remus, with his unlimited stamina, is touching his own cock, but he's filled with the urge to come over Logan's body. He wants to mess him up and ruin him, more than he's already ruined.
His hair is disheveled and matter to his head in sweat, with his own come quickly drying over his stomach. Janus licks some of it up while simultaneously trailing his fangs over his body and causing Logan to whine around Virgil's fingers at the thought of being bitten and pumped full of Janus's venom again.
He'd be high off the aphrodisiac for a while, but if they saw it wearing off in the midst of their breeding session, Janus would just bite him or one of the twins will feed him chemicals again to make sure he can continue coming throughout their playtime.
Janus leaves a few hickeys down Logan's chest, before he finally pulls out nearly all the way and thrusts all the way back in, roughly jolting Logan's body and earning a loud moan from him. He lets out a muffled cry of Janus's name around Virgil's fingers, before his teeth lightly close around the digits. He doesn't want Virgil's fingers to pull away like Janus's had, as his tongue eagerly slides over the fingers and coats them with his saliva.
Logan's legs close on instinct when Janus thrusts against his prostate, so two more arms emerge from Janus's sides and take hold of Logan's thighs, spreading his legs further apart and keeping them there. He's met with little resistance, and just to feel Logan up a bit, he squeezes and gropes Logan's chubby thighs.
His manicured nails dig into the muscle as his thrusts get harder, mercilessly abusing Logan's prostate and causing Logan to let out frequent moans and cries of pleasure, mixed with the occasional gag as Virgil shoves his fingers deeper into Logan's mouth. His nails briefly scratch against his throat, but the discomfort of such is quickly forgotten due to the constant pleasure he's receiving.
With Patton's hand still softly working his cock, he comes again, eyes rolling back into his head as he gags around Virgil's fingers, a choked moan barely audible. His hole clenches around Janus's cock, earning a groan from the deceitful side.
"Logan," Janus moans out, his nails digging hard into Logan's thighs, puncturing the skin and drawing blood that drips across Logan's thighs. The blood catches Virgil's attention, and he licks his lips as the red droplets spill down the muscle only to stain Logan's bedsheets and completely go to waste.
One of his eyes twitch, before he slips his fingers out of Logan's mouth, allowing the moans he's letting out to be louder, before one of Virgil's hands grab Logan's throat, squeezing tight. His nails lightly scratch over the skin, and Logan gasps as his hands tug on the strong webs around his wrists.
Janus's thrusts get more sporadic, still fucking into Logan's prostate and working him back up to full hardness yet again. Patton's hand has moved down to lightly fondle and squeeze Logan's balls, as Roman had moved his mouth to Logan's cock.
He was sucking over the tip, and occasionally dragging his teeth over Logan's shaft whenever his head bobs down, which earns strangled moans and whines from Logan. Logan would buck up into his mouth if Janus's hands didn't keep his bottom half planted.
"Going to fill you up, darling," Janus gasps out, as he feels a pit of warmth pool in his stomach. "Can't wait to see your stomach bulge once you're full of my eggs. All of our eggs." His words are breathy, before he suddenly thrusts deep into Logan's ass and comes, both of his cocks pumping out eggs and come that fill Logan further, and Logan's back arches as he moans, relishing in the feeling of being filled even more.
Janus has significantly less eggs than Remus, which is to be expected considering Remus had multiple tentacles that needed to dispense eggs, but his eggs are a bit bigger, which makes Logan's legs shake as he comes again. He's driven to climax by that feeling mixed with Roman's tongue stimulating his slit. He's getting oversensitive, which amuses them greatly.
It'd be joyous to see how thoroughly wrecked he'd be by the end of this.
"Patton," Janus calls, his cocks still buried inside Logan. Patton looks away from Logan's throat, where Virgil's hand had eased up and had instead turned to dragging his nails over Logan's chest, occasionally scratching hard enough to draw blood that Virgil then eagerly licks up, looking utterly euphoric just from tasting Logan's blood.
Patton scoots over so that he's between Logan's legs, gently rubbing over the scratches Janus had caused. This time, one of Roman's tentacles slide over Patton's cock in order to lube it up, and Patton shyly moans at the feeling.
Then, as Janus slowly pulls out, Patton slowly pushes in, in hopes nothing spills out of Logan's ass. Luckily, by the time Janus is pulled out fully, nothing seems to have spilled out, and Patton moans as he feels the other two's come already packed tightly inside of Logan.
"Oh... oh gosh..." Patton gasps, eyes fluttering shut at the feeling of Logan around him. He was excited to finally get his turn with Logan, and that shows through in the way he bites his lip and rather firmly squeezes at Logan's thick thighs.
Remus meanwhile motions Janus over, both of them currently satisfied with emptying their eggs into their cute little incubator, so they can cuddle. They both sit nearby, and with the pleased expressions Logan's making, they both knew they'd undoubtedly end up hard again, but all of them knew how pretty Logan looks when he's utterly drenched in their come.
Patton's significantly softer than all of them, so he takes his time to allow Logan a peaceful respite, although Roman continues to mouth and lightly bite at Logan's cock and the skin surrounding it, and Virgil had taken to marking up Logan's neck.
The anxious side's fangs pierce his skin with every new bite, and Virgil greedily sucks over every new bite in order to ingest Logan's delicious blood.
"Patton," Logan whines, now that his mouth is unoccupied, and Patton's lets out a moan at just the sound of Logan saying his name. Tears are brimming in his eyes as Roman deepthroats his cock, purposely going quite slow, but still teasingly working his tongue over Logan's slit and practically tempting him to come again.
He's oversensitive, the chemical being fully digested and absorbed into his skin by now, which left the aftereffects of oversensitivity and heat, and he was easily being driven closer to climax by just a few bobs of Roman's head, and Patton's cock resting motionlessly inside of him.
Janus nudges Remus as he notices, and Remus scoots closer. "Open wide, Logie," he purrs, and Logan obediently does what he's told, whining as one of Remus's tentacles slip into his mouth.
Already, more aphrodisiac is being graciously sucked down by Logan, the suckers on the tentacle briefly attaching themselves to Logan's tongue as he laps at it like he needs it, and with each greedy swallow of the chemical, Logan grows more and more mindless, and his stamina is briefly boosted.
His body is still sensitive, and tears drip down his face as the tentacle squirms further down Logan's throat, causing him to choke around it, but he doesn't stop eagerly sucking what Remus has so graciously given him.
Instead, he sucks and sucks until Remus pulls it out of his mouth, and even so he tries to follow after it with his mouth, whining when some drips onto his face and rolls down his cheek, eventually landing on the bedsheets and going to waste.
By now, Roman's head has come to a stop at the head of his cock, focused and intentionally stimulating his slit in hopes of making him writhe, and is utterly successful.
Virgil's hickeys move down to his shoulders and collarbone, and that's when Patton decides to finally start his thrusts. They're slow, and careful, and strangely caring. Sex with Patton always feels overly intimate, even in the kinkiest of times, but right now, the way he bit his lip and gripped a bit tighter at Logan's thighs every time he thrusted into him was a sight that made Logan moan, even in his hazy state.
Morality doing something that was perceived to be the farthest from innocence, and doing so with a red face and a quiet but confident nature had him moaning, and his legs wrap around Patton's waist as if encouraging to thrust deeper, harder, and to completely ruin and fill him.
"More, fill me, please," he whines out, rolling his hips in an attempt to fuck himself back on Patton's cock, desperate to be filled with his eggs.
"Baby, baby, shhh," Patton shushes him, leaning down to press an all-too-soft kiss against Logan's lips in order to keep him quiet. His pleading was cute, but if he kept begging then Patton might just have to give in.
But, Logan's lips part obediently for Patton, allowing Patton's tongue to slip into his mouth. Their lips move fluidly against each others, despite the fact Logan was insatiably horny.
And, despite Logan's pleas between kisses and touches, Patton continues a slow and steady pace with him.
Such a pace makes Virgil hiss where he sits, and he quite forcibly pulls Roman's head away from Logan's cock in favor of going back to ruthlessly stroking him. He knows it probably won't do much to convince Patton to go faster and get his turn over with, but he might as well please Logan while they wait, and his nails dragging over Logan's shaft while his free hand squeezes at his balls makes Logan cry out in pain, as tears fall down his cheeks.
However, he looks near euphoric when Patton moves his lips away from Logan's, and the more Virgil slaps around his cock and balls, the more Logan writhes and cries, with a few pathetic moans still slipping out of his mouth.
A part of Patton wants to encourage Virgil to be nicer, but as Roman starts nipping and sucking over Logan's skin, only adding to the pleasure the logical side is feeling, Patton finds he's too invested in Logan's pretty noises and expressions to care much about how they hurt him. As long as Logan liked it, he liked it.
Janus and Remus are both unsurprisingly getting off on the sounds Logan's making too. Remus likes seeing him in pain, and likes making fun of him for enjoying it so much, which he doesn't hesitate to do. Janus, on the other hand, is praising and teasing Logan for the way his body jerks and shakes with Patton's hard thrusts, and yet the way Logan moans for him to go faster because Patton treats him too sweetly.
Mixes of "painslut, I bet you enjoy Virgil clawing at your stupid little cock. I bet you wish he'd cut it off. It's not like you need it anyway; you'll never get the chance to fuck any of us. Stupid bottom," and "what a good boy, taking what he's given. You should be more grateful to Patton though; he may no be going fast but with the way your legs are shaking, I'd say he's making you feel real good, isn't he, kitten?"
And Logan's responses are just as mixed, with eager cries of "yes, I'm a painslut! Don't need my cock- just need my hole to be filled!" followed by whines of "thank you, Patton. Feels so- so good! So close; love your cock, Patton! I want your eggs, please!"
He didn't sound like his normal, proper self, but that was too be expected when someone was pumped full of a literal horny chemical.
"You'll get them soon enough, baby," Patton assures Logan, followed by a soft shushing noise. He loved how noisy Logan was, but his voice was starting to sound strained from all the moaning he'd done already.
He still had two more loads to take, not counting the load Patton was about to give him.
Logan suddenly jolts as Patton thrusts hard into his prostate, legs trembling due to how much pressure he'd already sustained tonight. He had unlimited stamina, thanks to being a figment of Thomas's imagination, and could come as many times as they wanted him to, but it took a toll on his body thanks to the fact he was created to be human-esque.
Which means the others get to watch adoringly as Logan's body shook with sensitivity, and the way his hips bucked when Virgil suddenly squeezes tight around the base of his cock, before rapidly stroking it, causing Logan's back to arch as he cries out Virgil's name, before suddenly coming over his messy chest and Virgil's hand, but Virgil keeps going.
"Better hurry up and make Patton come," Virgil says, sounding confident and rather harsh. All the dark sides were rather mean during sex; they liked to be in control, and they especially liked torturing Logan with that control.
Logan's hands tug pathetically at the webbing around his wrists, tears falling down his face as he chokes on his own drool. "Patton!" he cries, hole clenching tight around Patton's cock. "Come in me, please! Need you, need you so bad..." he starts to sound like he's sobbing near the end, and with a slightly more worried look, Virgil's free hand grabs Logan's chin.
"Tell us your colour," Virgil orders, although his voice comes out comparably soft, and Patton's thrusts get softer as he awaits Logan's answer.
Through a hiccup, Logan says "green... 'm just so sensitive," and it was about what they were expecting. Roman scoots closer to Logan's head, and kisses at the tears falling down Logan's face, before Patton's thrusts pick back up. Roman, admittedly, was excited at the prospect of Logan being near incoherent when it was finally time for him to use him.
Dumb and horny; the perfect little incubator.
Remus and Janus's hands speed up on their own cocks, determined to come around the same time as Patton, and both Roman and Virgil's cocks throb at the broken moans Logan was letting out. They both needed him, and they needed him soon.
Though, as Patton's breath gets more audible, moaning and groaning more often, the two left are assured that he's close. To further confirm their suspicions, Patton ends up gasping out "Logan- Logan I'm close."
Logan moans at Patton's words, legs shaking as Patton gropes the fat muscle and keeps his legs spread. Logan was pushing against him, unintentionally, of course, as he instinctually wanted to close his legs and pull Patton closer.
Virgil's hand, which hadn't stopped its assault on Logan's cock, squeezes harder as his free hand moves to Logan's balls instead, going back to scratching, slapping, and squeezing in order to make Logan cry more. The pain causes Logan to clench around Patton's cock again, and Patton moans as he thrusts into the tight heat.
With a few more thrusts, Patton comes with a moan into Logan, a large amount of tiny eggs and come spilling into his body. Patton grinds against Logan's hips as he rides out his orgasm, before looking at Virgil as he pants. Virgil immediately moves his hands away from Logan's genitalia, and scoots to where Patton was, leaving Logan whining and bucking his hips, desperate for more friction to bring him to yet another orgasm, despite the fact he felt like he might pass out if he came again. Still, he doesn't safeword; he knows he can take the rest of their eggs. He wants to.
Remus and Janus also end up coming again, come shooting over Logan's chest, and some of Janus's come even managing to get over his face. Logan hardly seems fazed, though, and just whines at his own desperate urge to come.
Just like last time, one of Roman's tentacles slide over Virgil cock, lubing it up, so that when Patton pulls out, Virgil can quickly, and rather roughly, thrust his cock into Logan's hole.
Patton moves to cuddle against Janus's side, one of Janus's arms sprouting from his side so that he can pull Patton close to him. One round was all it took to tire Patton out, so Janus rubbed his side as the moral side watched Logan with half-lidded eyes. Although he was ready to lay down and cuddle, he knew Virgil and Roman needed to breed Logan too, and he wouldn't miss seeing Logan shake and moan for the world.
Hands tightly gripping Logan's legs, Virgil sets a fast pace with his thighs. He's not normally so impatient, but his cock has been achingly hard nearly this entire time, and he needs to empty his eggs into their cute little logical side soon, or he might just burst.
Roman's whining and pouting all the same, although he's tried to occupy himself with licking and sucking Logan's nipples. His body has been pretty thoroughly covered in hickeys, both from the side's mouths and from the twin's tentacles, whose suckers were constantly latching on and sucking against Logan's skin.
As Virgil fucks into Logan, one of Roman's tentacles slide back up to his mouth. It doesn't go inside, despite Logan opening his mouth for it and trying to lean his head up in hopes of at least suckling on the tip, but the tentacle just moves further out of his reach.
If Roman was aware of it, he would have generously given Logan the tentacle to suck on, but he was mindlessly occupying himself with sucking around Logan's nipples to give him even more stimulation.
The tentacle dripped the horny chemical over Logan's face, only getting into his mouth if Logan held it open, and often times still missing, which prompted Logan to stick his tongue out. It was leaking an incredulous amount, drips pouring one after the other, and dripping down his chin and fortunately down his throat, and serving to give him a bit more energy, and a lot more stamina.
Virgil's hunched over Logan's quaking body, lips reattaching themselves to Logan's collarbone. His sharp teeth are digging into Logan's skin as his thrusts grow needy. He's so pent up, just from watching the others have their way with him.
Logan can't really do much else but arch his back when Virgil's cock rams against his prostate, and cry out something near incoherent due to his mouth hanging open in an attempt to gather more oh the aphrodisiac.
It sounds vaguely like Virgil's name, but none of them can be sure at this point. Drool is running down Logan's chin as his body jolts with each thrust into his severely overstimulated body. His mind was basically empty except for sex, and both Virgil and Roman's hands were running over his stomach, which was noticeably larger due to the eggs and come packed inside of him.
There was so much, and Virgil's cock driving into him just served to jostle the eggs around. He'd be more scared about them breaking if he wasn't being so mind numbingly pleasured.
"There's just me and Roman left, L," Virgil assures him, pulling away from Logan's now bleeding collarbone with the red liquid present on his lips. "Think you can hold all of our eggs? You're going to look so full by the time we're done with you. Our good boy; our good little incubator."
Logan's nodding before Virgil's even done talking, although his tongue stays out of his mouth. Roman pulls away from kissing and nipping at Logan's chest and finally notices that the logical side is trying to get more aphrodisiac from the tentacle. Not wanting to risk wasting eggs by coming down Logan's throat (and potentially choking him in the process), Roman slides his hand over his tentacle, coating his hand in the aphrodisiac, before moving his fingers to Logan's mouth.
Logan eagerly sucks them in, before his tongue is working over Roman's fingers, and as Roman adds more into his mouth, Logan obediently sucks more aphrodisiac off, making his body hotter and giving him a bit more energy to push onwards with.
The tentacles then continue to mindlessly rub over his body, even curling around one of Virgil's wrists at some point, and drag more of the chemical over Logan's already sensitive body. One of them even ends up sliding itself around Logan's cock, sliding up and down it, while occasionally squeezing, serving to give Logan a mock handjob.
Virgil's cock finds his prostate moments later, and Logan near comes just from the pleasure he gets from it. He sucks harder on Roman's fingers as he cries out around them, and when Roman finally pulls them out, Logan's babbling for Virgil to keep hitting that spot and making him feel good, and going on and on about how he's so close, which earns insulting words from Remus and degrading muttering from Virgil, who's leaned in close to Logan's ear.
"Our good little slut; going to come again?" Virgil purrs, before nipping at Logan's earlobe and drawing a pathetic whine from him.
"Yes, yes," Logan gasps out, voice shaking as Virgil repeatedly thrusts into his prostate, his nails dragging over Logan's body before tightly holding his hips, leaving behind bright red marks that pop against Logan's pale skin.
Virgil himself was close; hot and horny just from watching the others have their way with him, and also due to a desperate need to pump his eggs into Logan. If Roman wasn't waiting to go after him, Virgil probably would have thought about going for a second round.
Oh well; there's always tomorrow.
His teeth are nipping and biting over any skin that hasn't already been marked up, as his thrusts grow more sporadic. It was probably pathetic how close Virgil was already, but as Logan comes again with a cry of his name, Virgil decides he doesn't really care. All he wants is to fill Logan up and breed his boyfriend.
His nails dig deeper into Logan's hips, holding hard enough to potentially bruise him, as Virgil's thrusts get harder. Logan's eyes are squeezed shut, with tears flowing constantly, and Virgil's getting off on it. He cares about Logan, of course, they all do, but watching him cry because he was so wracked with pain and pleasure was admittedly a guilty pleasure of theirs.
"Virgil!" Logan cries, voice strained. "Come in me, please! I want your eggs; I want them so bad!" He sounds like he's pleading, although it was clear Virgil planned to come inside of Logan anyway. It's what he's been craving doing all night.
And, well, Virgil can hardly resist giving his baby what he wants. With a few more hard thrusts, Virgil's emptying his eggs into Logan's ass, Roman pulling back slightly to watch with half-lidded eyes as Logan's stomach expands even more, filling up as Virgil's come and eggs are deposited into his ass. Virgil rides out his orgasm, thrusting hard throughout it, and stimulating Logan all the while, while Logan cries and shakes as Virgil comes.
Roman's eager to get his own turn, and Virgil ends up guiding the tentacle around Logan's cock to Logan's ass, and it wiggles in alongside Virgil's cock before Virgil slowly pulls out. He and Roman switch positions, before Remus ends up roughly grabbing Virgil's midsection and pulling him close, and in for cuddles.
Virgil hisses at him, but let's Remus hold him tightly regardless, Janus also reaching over to soothingly rub Virgil's thigh.
Roman eagerly situates himself between Logan's legs, cooing softly as he pushes a second tentacle into Logan's ass. Logan's hole spreads easily around his tentacles, and the tentacles were slick enough they went in without trouble.
Roman groans at the tightness, and Logan whines at the prospect of being stuffed full of Roman's eggs, and finally being bred by all of his boyfriends.
"Finally," Logan hears Roman mutter, as his tentacles set to a fast pace of wiggling and thrusting. They worm their way around the eggs all stuffed inside of Logan, mixing the other's come around and causing Logan's stomach to shift and move as the eggs are hit with thrusts.
The rest of Roman's tentacles are restless, sliding over Logan's legs and leaving more sucker marks over his ankles and calves, attempting to occupy themselves as they're forced to wait in order to empty the eggs that's been stuffed inside of them for the past night.
The two inside of Logan are constantly rubbing against each other and seem to shiver in pleasure whenever Logan clenches around them; very clearly responding positively to Logan's pleasure.
Similarly to Virgil, Roman's extremely close already. His tentacles have been swelling with eggs, and his tentacles have been rubbing over Logan since he's been in the logical side's room, so they were eager to come inside of Logan and breed him fully.
"You look so beautiful," Roman gasps out, as his tentacles are stimulated while they thrust into Logan's ass. One of his hands works his own cock, while the other squeezes and gropes at Logan's thighs, as everyone else had this evening.
They all like his thighs; groping them and squeezing the fat makes them all happy, and Logan likes the attention, regardless of what form it comes in.
With no warning, the two tentacles inside of Logan suddenly come, as does Roman, as he moans out Logan's name as his come splatters over one of his tentacles and one of Logan's thighs. His eggs slowly push through his tentacles and into Logan, come spilling out with it, and as those slip out, two more efficiently slip in. They're fucking into him just like the previous to, and Roman bends down to kiss Logan sweetly, and whisper sweet words in Spanish when they part.
Normally, Logan would respond with something also in Spanish, as he'd taken up learning it for Roman's sake, or he'd respond with a simple thank you at the compliments Roman often tossed his way, but right now he was too dumb due to the overwhelming pleasure he was feeling to respond in any way other than a moan.
The only thing Logan knew was that Roman soothingly speaking another language to him made him happy, and the tentacles inside of him, which had found his prostate and have been continuing to thrust and rub against it, made him overwhelmingly horny.
He moans relentlessly against Roman's lips, the spit and drool coating them smearing over Roman's chin as they messily make-out. Deciding to give Logan even more attention, when Roman's tentacles come again, and in turn when he comes again, Roman uses his come as lube to stroke Logan's cock. His pace is steady and rather sweet, while his last two tentacles slide themselves into Logan.
They don't thrust, more so just writhing, as Roman sucks on Logan's bottom lip and then kisses down his chin. They're both moaning and panting; Logan's babbling out incoherent pleas, as he tugs pathetically at the webbing keeping him stuck to the headboard, while Roman's mumbling praises between his own sounds of pleasure.
Roman's always been known to be vocal, and his noises of pleasure ultimately spur Logan on, as he begs with broken words for Roman to fill him up with the rest of his eggs.
"I need them, please!" Logan begs, as tears continuously pour down his face. He hiccups in between talking, and his legs shake as he attempts to spread them further apart, as if further enticing Roman to come in him. "Please, please, please, Roman, I want your eggs so bad!"
He sounds utterly pathetic, and the four sitting to the side all feel their breaths get caught in their throats.
Logan was rather hot when he was mindlessly horny and without a filter; they liked hearing him pathetically beg and cry for their eggs and come. If any of them could, they'd be hard again, but instead they just watched with extreme interest as Roman grits his teeth, the tentacles wiggling inside of Logan suddenly beginning to thrust, harshly slamming against his prostate, before Logan suddenly cries out Roman's name, body trembling as he comes for the final time, Roman's hand stilling almost immediately in hopes not to overstimulate him further.
His eggs slide through his tentacles, and after the last of the eggs and come are pumped into Logan's ass, Roman looks over at Remus and Janus, knowing they'd understand.
Janus is the one who ultimately ends up moving, much to Remus's dismay, and after sorting through Logan's nightstand, Janus shows off a silver buttplug. He hands it over to Roman, who lubes it up with a tentacle, before sliding it into Logan as the tentacles pull out.
Janus then summons something to cut through Virgil's webbing, thus releasing Logan's wrists from the tight hold they were in.
The deceitful side kisses over the laceration marks, before he glances at the others, unsure of where to proceed from here.
Patton scoots closer, brushing some of the hair from Logan's eyes, and Logan's breathing heavily as he leans into the hand Patton eventually rests against his cheek. "How are you feeling, Logan?" Patton questions, voice soft.
"Tired... good..." Logan responds, eyes closed. His voice is quiet and raspy, but he's clearly happy.
"Do you want to shower?"
Logan's quiet for a few moments, before he shakes his head slightly. "No. I don't think I can stand. Wipe me down, please?" He'll shower tomorrow, with the help of his boyfriends, but for now he'll lay happily, and contently rub his full stomach. The idea of having to empty himself sometime soon is saddening, but hey.
There's always next time.
i... kind of went overboard. sorry this took so long, but i hope it was worth it!
also, reminder, if you check my blog, i have a post involving a kinky things bingo, which is a bunch of kinky prompts. im taking recommendations for ships to do with certain prompts, so if youd like to see me write a specific ship with any of those prompts, then lmk ;))
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re: your last ask about the time travel shenanigans—holy fuck yes please more of this. like, not only is it funny as hell, which i appreciate, but it's also a. more c!thomas and b. points to just how interestingly both the plot and characters of this series have grown over the years and i am ALL for it
"Janus!" is the first thing Thomas exclaims when he sees the Side Formerly Known Exclusively As Deceit rise up where Logan would usually stand. Which just might be a mistake, if Janus’s expression is anything to go by.
Okay, in Thomas's defence -
This is a really, really weird day, even by his standards. Because, like, Logan's currently standing in front of the stairs, and that's not where Logan's supposed to be, and his shirt and tie are all wrong. And had had been grinning. Openly. He had been openly grinning when Thomas had first woken up and looked in his wardrobe and realized that his favorite t-shirt apparently doesn't exist anymore and all his clothes are a half-size smaller than he's used to but also they still fit and - okay, no, back to Logan. He'd gone downstairs and tripped over a chair that wasn't supposed to be there and called out Logic. And he'd been about to ask him what's going on and why everything feels so off and also why Logan's standing in Virgil's usual spot instead of over to the right of the stairs. But then he'd noticed all the aforementioned Very Weird Clothing Things. And he'd stopped and said, "Uh, Logan?" and Logan's grin had dropped and he'd stared at Thomas for a full ten seconds then whispered, "what the fuck," with great emotion.
And then Patton had shown up with a ridiculous amount of pun-riddled cheerfulness that Thomas had been able to clock as sixty-percent fake within about half a second. And his clothes had been all wrong, too, and after a lot of confused, borderline-incomprehensible yelling at each other, Roman had showed up and added to the chaos.
"I am scared and confused and on the verge of completely losing it!" Thomas had declared at some point, which had been the cue for an ominous music sting somewhere to Thomas's right that made everybody jolt in terrified unison.
"Did somebody say scared and confused and on the verge of completely losing it?"
"Virgil, thank god!" Thomas had practically yelled, and just about thrown himself across the room to get to him - before pausing midway and allowing his brain to process... wrong hoodie. Wrong amount of eyeshadow. "Wait. No, hang on, is this - "
"FUCKING WHO," Virgil shrieked, leaping backwards half a flight of stairs, which had led to another round of confused yelling, with Thomas trying to assure them all that he's fine he hasn't had some sort of strange head injury or whatever, he's just really happy to see Virgil and no of course that's not weird, what do you mean who's Virgil, that's Virgil right over there, Roman please put down that sword things are already out of hand -
And at some point Thomas had got it into his head that the most reasonable course of events was to summon the one person who always seems to know everything that everybody else doesn't, which brings everything up to speed, more or less. Roman had gone, "Thomas, what are you doing," and Thomas, feeling slightly manic at this point, had said, "I'm trying to summon a demon, obviously," because the best way to get hold of a certain someone probably is blatant lying, and boom, instant Janus.
"Jeee-sus Christ on a cookie-shaped canoe, what is he doing here?!"
So, Janus pops up, he looks literally the same as he always has (except maybe with shorter hair? Wait, they all have shorter hair, including Thomas, wait a second -) with his half-snake-face and his hat and gloves that cosy-looking capelet of his. And although his expression reflects faint bewilderment and that very particular 'wait, what' emotion that results in being pulled abruptly away from something you were busy with, he looks so normal that Thomas thinks for a moment he might be the only sane person left.
But then Janus makes a series of start-and-stop noises of incomprehension, and gestures wildly towards Virgil, who's crouched midway up on the stairs behind Logan, looking like a cornered wild animal, and snaps, "Why for the love of everything that's holy would you tell him my name?"
"You think this is me?" Virgil retorts, hands going up to grab desperately at the bars lining the side of the staircase. "I don't understand anything that's going on! He somehow knows my name! He's - he's being nice to me!"
It suddenly occurs to Thomas that this might just possibly be a time travel sort of thing. It would explain the clothes shift. And the altered layout of his house. And the fact that when he'd checked his phone this morning it had told him it was 2016, and also it hadn't been his phone, it had been the one he'd broken a few years ago in a tragic piano-moving-related accident.
...Okay, yeah, this is absolutely a time travel thing.
"Is somebody going to explain why Thomas ruined all of our heartfelt name reveal moments in one fell swoop?" Roman demands. "I thought we agreed we were going to do them gradually and draw them out as long as possible for dramatic effect!"
"I agreed to none of that," Virgil snaps from his position halfway up the stairs.
"Yes," says Logan, "yes, I think we all would like to know what's going on. Thomas? What's going on?"
"Uh - " Thomas, who has just come to a rather startling realization about time travel and also about how shitty his Sides' taste in costumes were pre-wardrobe change, doesn't really have a prepared answer for this. "I have... I am - I just - "
Thomas struggles for words. Really struggles. And everyone's just standing there, watching him with expressions that range from terror to confusion to suspicion, and they all look so weirdly young in a way that's hard to pin down. It's the clothes. It's probably the clothes, or maybe it's the way they hold themselves. Roman, carelessly confident, without a doubt in the world. Patton, still wearing a fixed dad-grin, politely baffled and looking back and forth. Logan, who hasn't been systematically beaten down and pushed back over the course of many, many years. Virgil, who's basically just a ball of grey-and-black anger and acerbic anger at this point. Janus, who's... Janus. Who's looking at him in a way that Janus has never looked at him before.
And Remus is probably lurking somewhere in the back of his mind, too, doing whatever Remus does, and - would Remus be any different now, four years prior? Thomas hadn't had any significant problems with intrusive thoughts, not back then... or, well, back now. Maybe he's calmer, maybe Thomas could actually talk with him. Try to work something out, try to understand.
But wait, he's still got to give the Sides right here and right now an answer.
...Thomas has been through a lot in the past four years. Not, like, fantasy protagonist a lot, but more like a extended psychological journey of self-discovery and mental health crises. Now, he wouldn't trade any of this for the world, because he's learned a hell of a lot about himself in the process - but also? The Sides have put him through a lot of horrifying realization-type things.
Which is why he absolutely one hundred percent deserves to do what he's about to do next.
"I," says Thomas, with an extraordinary amount of confidence and self-assuredness, "am psychic."
And the dead silence holds. Now even Patton is staring at him in disbelief. Janus has graduated into outright horror, his face twisted up into a oh god no I am somehow responsible for letting him delude himself this far expression.
"Thomas!" Roman gasps, almost instantly lighting up with genuine enthusiasm. "Oh, Thomas, I'm so proud, we've been working on this for years. Tell me, does this extend to telekinesis, or just somehow knowing all our names and nothing else?"
"What?" Janus says. "What - no. No, you can't seriously be going along with this - what? That... what? That doesn't even make any sense?" He turns wildly from left to right, and - okay, it's very enjoyable to see him out of his depth, to be perfectly honest. Thomas likes Janus a lot, knows he has his best interests at heart, but the whole courtroom thing had been a major dick move. This is satisfying. "Are any of you getting this? Does anyone here understand what's going on?"
"I'm psychic," Thomas repeats doggedly. "I acquired magical psychic powers and now I know all of your names and tragic backstories. Surprise! I unlocked my full potential and the ninety-percent of my brain power that I wasn't using."
"That's - that's a widely-perpetuated and wildly incorrect myth," Logan says weakly.
"Nope. Turns out it's true, and I was only using ten percent of it, and now that I've gone full big-brain, I know that Patton's repressing all his bad feelings because he doesn't want to bother anyone with them, Virgil acts all scary and menacing because he thinks it's the only way that I'll ever listen to him, and Janus is secretly a huge dork with a heart of gold - uh, yellow, I guess."
"How dare you," Janus breathes, looking horrified.
"Wha - " Patton suddenly looks very pale indeed.
"Also, Roman, you're my hero; Logan, please never stop smiling like that ever again, it's literally my favorite thing in the world and if you ever stop being enthusiastic about teaching me things I will cry - and Virgil, I love you."
Virgil lets out a choked little noise like he's just been punched directly in the stomach.
"I love all of you," Thomas adds, an afterthought. "I never say that enough. Janus, that goes for you as well. You're right, I need to take care of myself more."
"I'm - " Janus is still looking around at everyone in complete disbelief, but now his gaze fixes onto Thomas, his eyes wide. "I'm what?"
Thomas is now on a roll. An extremely cathartic sort of roll. "And Remus -"
Everybody immediately panics. Virgil and Logan's hands both immediately leap up to clasp over their mouths, which seems to be a reflexive reaction on Janus's behalf. Patton lets out a deranged-sounding high pitched giggle that edges into genuine hysteria.
"Brother? What brother? I don't know what a brother is!" Roman says loudly. "I've never had a brother in my life! Thomas, your glorious psychic powers are malfunctioning. Have you tried turning them off and turning them on again?"
" - I'm not going to lie and say I love him, but -" Thomas stops abruptly, and staggers  backwards to catch himself on the couch as a thought strikes him out of literally nowhere. "Son of a bitch -"
"Does being psychic make you swear a lot?" Patton asks weakly. "Because, uh. Not sure I like this side of you, kiddo - "
"Logan," says Thomas. "Logan, what's the date today? This is so, so important, what's the date."
"It's... October," Logan says, very slowly. "October twentieth. 2016?"
"Holy shit," Thomas whispers, and then says it louder, "holy shit. Okay, listen. I was going to sort out all of our collective psychological issues in one impressive emotional speedrun, but I've realized we have something much more important to do." He pauses, and takes in a very deep, shuddering breath. "Guys. We can save Vine. Excuse me. I've just realized I’ve got to make a lot of calls."
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demonslayedher · 3 years
Any Kny character you've grown to love/appreciate more??
Thanks for waiting, Anon, I have been trying to really, really hard to narrow this down, but the answer remains: the vast majority of the cast. The only character I loved right away was Tanjiro and that love kept me watching, as with almost every new character I was like, "ugh, I hate this guy. Here I was, having fun being emotionally invested in a high quality anime, and this might ruin it for me." But then the instant I see a different side of their character, I'm like, "...Oh." To go into some examples...
Zenitsu: I could not stand him right away, I hate womanizers, and his conniptions would go on so long that they held up the story. But Gotouge/Ufotable strung me along perfectly, the first glimpse of Thunder Breath made me immediately pay attention and think, "oh, that was cool. I want to see more of that." Seeing him protect the box pretty firmly put him in the "I need to protect this child" box in my heart. And then the spider demon happens, and I'm sending desperate reaction messages to a friend like "NOOOOOO!!!! BABBBBBBBBBYYYYYYYY!!!!" And then he annoyed me all over again at the start of Functional Recovery, ahaha. It's hard to remember how annoyed I was because I'm such a Zen Stan now, and he was a very firm favorite of mine by the time I finished binging the anime up to the last couple episodes, which I waited for as they came out. Inosuke: He was one of the reasons I was curious about the series, I saw some promotional art and was super curious about Nezuko's muzzle (I was one of the people who thought it was some ancient scroll or something, haha) and the kid with the boar mask. The art I saw showed his face, and I assumed he'd be some kid with a cracking voice performed by a female seiyuu. As much as I love Matsuoka's performance now, initially, since I knew what his face looked like, I found it grossly off-putting the moment I heard it. Then every chaotic thing Inosuke did dug a deeper hole; I very quickly decided I hated him, especially when he started beating up on the kid I was starting to like. As his chaos subsided he just became a character I tolerated, and then this happened:
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Images you can hear, am I right? This immediately flipped the "BABY" switch in my heart. It was also a lot of fun to understand the Inosuke memes I was seeing everywhere. So by the end of the anime, I loved, loved, loved, loved the Tanjiro/Zenitsu/Inosuke interactions and desperately wanted more (still didn't like how Zenitsu bothered Nezuko, though). I was so impatient for more, but the manga art looked disappointingly off-putting. I figured the anime was successful enough that there'd eventually be more of it, and I wanted to be patient, but then I poked around, read some spoilers, got back into Tumblr to look at fanart and memes, saw a spoiler image of Tanjiro affected by Muzan's poison and the binge-read began. (That's kind of a lie, but I'll get to that.) Let's back up a few episodes. There I was, having a great time, the guy who I forgot about from Episode 1 was back and haha, I guess everyone hates him, and the chick who I figured was going to be a medic who saves Zenitsu in the nick of time turned out to be savage, awesome. I was sending reactions to my friends who were ahead of me, and then we left off seeing the Pillars staring down Best Boy. And I...
Well. Uh. Here, I've dug up an old convo for you, my comments are in blue.
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Immediately followed by a passionate vocal rant, which I have transcribed here:
“I feel like what happened was that the mangaka was sitting around with his assistants and was like, ‘welp, gotta make this whole cast of characters, they gotta be so-o-o-o many more levels of extreme than all the other characters I’ve had so far, which isn’t hard, because all of the background characters are cannon fodder and I’ve just gotta leave them all with black hair and no personality traits. So! Gotta go to the opposite of the spectrum with the BIG! POWERFUL! People so no-o-o-body can be normal.’ And so he and his assistants sat down, and they all wrote down just random words or traits, and them put ‘em all in a hat. And then for each character, they pulled out a few of them and said, ‘OK. We’re gonna put these things together, now we have a character.’ And he was probably also like, ‘Iiiiiiiiiiiii’ll flesh them out later. For now, they just need t’… be there, and make an impact. How do we make an impact? By making sure it’s super, super clear what their character traits are. Here, we’ll have this guy repeat the word //HADE//…. ////HA DEEE//// over and over and over… to show that he’s a /showy/ person. Because he /cares/ about that. And he //should// care because that is his character and that’s why he’s powerful.’ OH MY GOSH, it’s so dumb.”
......orz I feel like Genya looking back at how he acted at the end of the Final Selection. I'm sorry, Gotouge, I had not even encountered your love for these characters yet in your little alligator form. Nor had I encountered the yet unseen-sides of these traumatized dragons and tigers. ...*coughs* Um. So. I was pretty harsh.
So this was my mindset, I went into the manga not caring about most of these characters and just wanting more Kamaboko squad interactions and wanting to hurry up and catch up to the battle with Muzan. And it's worth stating that I didn't mean to read it at first. I encountered a few spoilers, and just wanted to look for the context surrounding those parts, and then hunt for the (non-existent) build-up to those parts, and so... uh.........
I read a lot of the manga out of order, and yeah, that did affect how much I cared about what was going on. I didn't actually properly process a lot of it until later re-reads. But to try to state some things simply about each Pillar:
Giyuu: He was just 'ok' to me for a long time, I could see the appeal for why people I knew were fangirling over him but he didn't do it for me. His soft spot for Tanjiro was indeed endearing, though, and I firmly liked him by the time chapter 200 came out and I was properly heartbroken on his behalf.
Shinobu: She was intriguing, and then I liked her as soon as I saw her savage side, she was one of the characters I went hunting for spoilers for.
Rengoku: That stare really put me off at first, but I fell for him over the process of Tanjiro falling for him. When I first finished the train arc I sat back and said, "wow! That's going to make for a good movie!" and then in psyching myself out for the movie several months in advance, I fell hook, line, and sinker and was totally excited for him each time I saw the trailers. And then the movie was *stunning* and I love him even more. Uzui: He was the Pillar I hated most upon first meeting them. I blame the repeated use of his catchphrase. But then when he let his hair down to sell the kiddos the change in design helped warm me up more to him, like, "oh, there was a human in there." It took a long time for him to become more interesting to me, and an uncharacteristically subtle journey to becoming a character I liked. I am currently getting more and more psyched out for him and eager to see how much more I'm going to like him with the shiny Ufotable treatment. Mitsuri: At first I didn't remember her name, I had code-named her as "Boobs." But I kinda had a feeling she was going to grow on me quickly, and I was right, she's one of my easy favorites now. Muichiro: Who? Oh yeah, that kid who always kinda fell to the wayside in my attention. I'd see a lot of Muichiro-themed blogs and hear a lot of little girls looking at merch and showing a clear favoritism of him, and I'd like always react like Muichiro and just be like, "...", and then when I read his major battles I was more emotionally invested in things going on concurrently with other characters, and I was still like, "...", and then two days ago I revisited a Muichiro scene and was suddenly like, "......OH!!! MUICHIRO!!!!!" Himejima: I never really hated Himejima, even if I found his first impression kind of wimpy (haha... oh, I was so wrong). I had a pretty easy acceptance of him too, so I would generally count him among characters I like, but if you were to ask me why, I'd draw a blank. It's kind of a weirdly mature, subdued appreciation for him rather than passionate fangirling. But weirdly when I was daydreaming the other day I found myself thinking, "if I had to marry someone in the KnY cast, it would be Himejima." So like, not a fiery romance, but I see him as my dependable, sturdy rock to grow old with??? What is up with you, sub-conscious?? Iguro: My interest in him rises and falls. Being a Mitsuri fan helped warm me up to his character in the first place, which was the emotional tie I needed since his backstory didn't grip me much (I found it a frustrating distraction while I was desperately reading weekly updates). Reading more subtle details about his character in the fanbooks has brought me around and made me more curious about him, like I'd really like to be a fly on the wall for the conversation he had with Uzui one day about their pasts.
Sanemi: Hahaha, wow. He was so unlikable in the beginning, wasn't he? His character design (yeah, the eyes) was really off-putting too. But then I got to know him and there was no going back, I got totally played. He's a character I'm pretty fond of now and one of the characters I've enjoyed delving into most in fanfic. To keep this answer from getting too long, for the vaaaaaast majority of the cast, I was initially like, "meh" or "OK" or "ew" but now am like, "EEEEEEEEE, I LOVE THIS TOTALLY RANDOM UNIMPORTANT SIDE CHARACTERRRRRRR" so you know... times change. And the more time I spend obsessed with Kimetsu no Yaiba, the more I like them all, so even the characters I'm lukewarm on will probably have their eventual days when they take over my heart and smash it.
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veirsewrites · 3 years
can you give us some fluff facts about the ros??? im so excited to see more of them. also some hard facts (like age & height) if u can :)
Yes! See below for facts unrelated to their actual jobs/positions.
Jace, 30-32 yrs old, 6' 1":
Huge music person, listening and playing.
Loves to dance with his partner, will hum a tune if music isn't already playing.
Hums and sings quietly to himself if no one is present.
Easily amused, it's really easy to make him laugh.
Laurel, 28-30 yrs old, 5' 8":
Loves math and puzzle games.
Will double check everyone's finances.
Has every type of (knockoff) Rubik's cube.
No, Mickie, you cannot borrow one. Not after dropping her 7x7 and losing a bunch of pieces.
Secretly keeps track of everybody's favorite things. She goes out of her way to obtain said thing and secretly deliver to person. If found out and asked "how did you know?!" she will glare and ask "are you stupid?"
Mickie, 24-26 yrs old, Michelle- 5' 6", Michael/Mika- 5' 8":
Demands absolute silence when carrying containers of liquids. Will inevitably spill some anyways.
Always trying new recipes in the kitchen, but always insists that they don't need to follow the instructions.
Has a weirdly good sense of smell.
Very touchy, loves giving surprise high fives, hugs or kisses.
Lane, 26-28 yrs old, 5' 11" (6' 0" if you count his hair):
Very particular about his hair.
Has a large collection of hats that he never wears.
Loves painting and drawing. Absolutely will sketch the person he's interested in.
Contrary to his shy personality, he's secretly the best at roasting people.
Leo, (a year older than the MC) so somewhere between 24-30 yrs old, 6' 0":
Hates anything bitter or sour. Carries a secret pouch of sugar with him just in case. One could say he has a giant sweet tooth.
Can be very charming/persuasive when he wants, but thinks everyone around him is an actual idiot (except MC).
Very very tone deaf.
Has no shame. Can be very loud and embarrassing in public and not notice, much to the MC's chagrin. Although the tiny smirk left on his face after said embarrassment is very suspicious.
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