#And protective
demon-neverland · 1 year
Now that I know King’s dad specifically showed Luz the Titan glyphs because they knew that she was kind, I just keep thinking back to when she found the first one. And she found it when she was protecting King from Eda’s uncontrolled owl beast form. KING’S DAD GAVE HER THE FIRST GLYPH TO PROTECT THEIR SON!
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sparklingjay · 4 months
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Did anyone notice how Shadow is holding Sonic with both hands here? That's so soft
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twinsunstars · 22 days
crosshair when he returns to the batch: alright which one of you taught her how to gamble???
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shelyue99 · 5 months
One of the things about Winnix makes me feral is how real Dick viewed Irene, Nix’s second wife. Dick mentioned that Irene is “anything but beautiful”but she was a good listener and seemed to be able to make Nix happy, which is “honesty and sincere love for him.” Like Dick could so clearly see Nix need honesty and sincere love and totally deserved those and Dick wanted Nix to be happy and loved. Or in other words, Dick knows exactly how to love Nix.
On a side note, Dick and Nix went to England on a 14-day furlough which originally supposed to be only 7 days. Dick mentioned they managed through “a creative collaboration” but never explained how, so did they trick Sink or what??
Also Dick said Kathy was only after Nix’s money like Dick is so protective and extra when comes to Nix.
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haveihitanerve · 7 months
so this is my attempt at this fic idea i saw in a post a long while back about Bruce not giving up when his kids are threatened, even though hes injured to the breaking point and the kids are just forced to watch, forced to see his dedication to him, forced to sit and do nothing. yeah. this is my attempt-
Bruce Wayne was on his way to work when it happened. It was not planned. These things never were. The sudden injection to his side had him wheeling and socking the man in the face. That was all he managed before the drugs took him. 
Bruce awoke to the taste of mud in his mouth. He breathed slowly, keeping his eyes closed as he tried to take in his surroundings slowly, without the threat of someone knowing he was awake. That attack had been planned. His arms were wrapped in rope and tied up behind his head. Bruce breathed deeply, hoping that whoever was watching him, if they were watching at all, he was just bruce wayne at this moment anyway, would think he was just shifting in his sleep. The smell was distinctly Gotham. Still in Gotham. And outside. No building, no matter how good of a ventilation system could keep the smell of gotham out, but they tried. But this smelled like pure, unfiltered Gotham. He was kneeling on floor that was unfamiliar to him, but felt distinctly like dirt. For sure outside then. Wait. Not unfamiliar. Bruce knew this ground. He knew this forest. There was only one in Gotham, and he knew it better than he knew the Batcave, having spent a considerable time of his time in his youth in these very woods. He also recognized the divot that was to the left of his right knee. He had a secure bunker nearby. Determining that he had enough information for at least a base plan, bruce allowed his eyes to flutter open. Unsurprisingly, the idiots hadn't thought to blindfold him. Even though he was a rich, arrogant, play boy prick, at least to the public, they had to know that every Gothamite knew at least basic self defense. And that kidnaps were not rare. Even if he wasn't Batman he would have taken the ‘Course for Well Off Victims’ as the press called it, the ‘training for the rich fucks who will probably get kidnapped more times than they’ll get drunk’ as his kids called it. Bruces lips twitched. 
A face appeared in front of his. “Ah. So the legendary Bruce Wayne has decided to awaken from his slumber at long last.” Bruce frowned. The face peering at him was fairly basic. Simple brown hair, black eyes. Horrible hygiene. Clear by his breath and stench. Bruce wrinkled his nose. But, bruce noted with no small amount of satisfaction, there was a clear bruise forming around one eye, clearly and poorly covered with makeup that did not match the mans skin tone. But he had more important matters to worry about. “What do you want?” Bruce spat, trying his hardest to look like the disheveled mess that a rich play boy would look like if kidnapped. The man leaned back, smugness written on every inch of his body. “What do i want?’ he twittered. “What do i want?” he repeated, twirling. “Ha!” he got very close to bruce. Bruce managed not to gag only with all the strength of a man trained by assassins in the himalayas. “What i want Brucie wayne.” the man twittered sweetly into his ear. “Is to break you.” He stepped back, a smug and self satisfied look on his face. Bruce held back the urge to roll his eyes. Very few things would manage to break him, and he doubted whatever this twat had brewed up would work even mildly. “You see, i am a great scientist.” Bruce really fought to bite down his groan. The man ignored him, pacing like he was giving an oral report in front of a huge audience instead of to Bruce Wayne, a man he had kidnapped and tied up in the forest. “And i have concocted a little something in my labs. A few little somethings actually.” he smirked. “Just in case. But i doubt you'll survive past the first one.” He laughed lightly. “Never the less,” he cocked his head. “Perhaps i misspoke actually,” he mused. “I do not simply wish to break you. I wish to hurt you. To make you scream. And then finally kill you. But not before you beg for mercy.” Bruce didn't hold back the eye roll this time. He also didn't bother asking what hed done to offend this man, because clearly he was always offending people and this one in excess seemed eager to tell him what hed done wrong. So bruce stayed quiet. The man blinked, coming to a stop. “Not gonna say anything?” he asked. “No ask for bail? Begging to be let go? Offering me all your money? Nothing?” he seemed a little put out. “Whats your name?” Bruce asked instead. It was getting a little annoying referring to him as just ‘the man’ The man(urgh) blinked in surprise, but, even more surprisingly, answered. ‘He must really be confident in his ability to kill me’ bruce thought. A tendril of unease, small, but there, curled around him. “My name is Stefan Cornilious Bathromleow Marcrowitch the Fifth.” he said proudly, puffing out his chest. Bruce pulled a face. “Corn it is.” he muttered. Corns face snapped in anger. “No!” he snarled. “My name is-!” 
“He heard you the first time Corny. But what the man says goes.” Called a familiar voice and bruce almost went limp in relief, smiling as his second eldests voice filled the clearing. “Trust me, we’ve all tried arguing it.” His oldest agreed. Bruce rolled his eyes. “Shut up dickface, im talking!” jason snarled, appearing from behind two trees. He waved at Corn, holding a loaded shotgun. “Mind holding still? It'll make this much quicker.” Corn glared at him. “Red Hood.” he sniffed. “I didn't think you cared for hero work.” “oh, i don't.” Jason assured him. “But my siblings, and pain in ass father, are of a different mind.” He shrugged. “Im trying to be more, family oriented.” Bruce sent him a look. He shrugged again. “What?” “its true.” Three figures hopped from the trees and Corn winced back in surprise as Nightwing, Red Robin and Spoiler stood. “Hey Brucie.” Steph greeted cheerfully. “Nice to see you again.” “fifth kidnapping this week aint it?” Tim asked conversationally. Bruce rolled his eyes. “Not my fault.” he grumbled. “Yeah give the man break. Hes got a hard job.” Another voice chimed and Batgirl appeared. Bruce sent her a glare. “I do actually.” he sniffed. He heard a snicker but couldn't identify if it was all his children laughing or just one. The last two appeared in the form of Orphan and Robin. Corn was looking between all of them, confusion evident on his face. Then he shrugged. “Oh well. Might as well kill off all the vigilantes too. It'll make escaping killing Bruce Wayne much easier.” and with that he pulled a switch out of his pocket and flicked it. They waited. “Just- wait.” Corn said, raising a hand. “It'll take just a sec-” He smiled as a roar echoed from not too far a distance. “Ah there it is. Ta-ta!” he said, grinning, then exploded. They stared in surprise at the space he had just moments before vacated. “I think hes-” “not dead.” Barbara confirmed. “Hes got a low level of magic. It probably teleported him somewhere.” Dick shrugged. “We’ll find him later. He gave us a full name.” Barbara nodded. “Yep. Already found him.” Tim laughed. “Dope.” “um, guys. The roaring is getting louder.” Steph informed them. “No prob.” Jason said, cocking his shotgun. “No!” Damian protested. “Hes right, sounds like an animal.” Cass signed. Jason sighed, but lowered the gun. Bruces ear twitched. He knew that sound. “Everyone get into the bunker.” he ordered, leg moving. He hit the rock two feet away, rolling it on its side. “Tim, code. now.” Tim frowned, but knelt down and activated the code. The bunker opened in between two trees, lifting out of the earth. “What? B whats going on?” Dick asked concerned. “Get in the bunker.” he ordered instead. “I know that creature. Corn said he changed it. Is a scientist. That creature-” he cut off, shuddering. “Its horrible as is. No conscience. No brain. Only wants to kill. It doesn't need food, water. Nothing. It was bred to kill. And hunt. Get. In. The. Bunker.” he growled. Dick had gotten pale. He ushered damian and tim towards the opening in the ground. “Hold on pops!” jason held up a hand. “What about you?” “im coming.” Bruce growled. The roaring was getting closer. “You in first. Now.” Jason frowned, but he obediently stepped down into the bunker, helping cass and barbara down after him. Dick, damian, and and tim were already inside. Steph paused. “Wait. You're tied up.” She moved back towards him to free him just as the creature came barreling into the clearing. 
It was even more gruesome than the one bruce had fought. As big as a black bear, the width of a small tank, it towered over them, its long, sharp, yellow teeth dripping with saliva. Its eyes, a horrible, angry, red, zeroed in on Bruce. Steph was frozen, the other kids watching in horror. The creature let out an earsplitting roar and charged. Bruce pulled his arms in front of him, shredding the rope with pure brute strength, and dove into steph, just as the creature barreled into the tree where bruce had been held seconds before. “DAD!!!” Dicks shrill cry just strengthened bruces resolve and he jumped up, slinging steph over one shoulder and dove for the bunker, throwing her inside. Jason let out a yell as her full weight, combined with the force bruce had thrown her, slammed into him, but he stayed on his feet. Bruce turned with his momentum and slammed his foot onto the keypad for the bunker. It slammed shut. “DAD!!!” Dick roared. “NO!!!!” Jason bellowed. Tim slammed his fists against the door, but it was strong and thick and wouldn't budge. The only thing bruce regretted was that the door was clear. So they could still see him. And he could still see them. “Tim! Get us out of here.” Jason roared, helping a disoriented steph to sit down. Tim searched wildly, but there was no pad in sight. Bruce had designed it like that with purpose. Only he could close and open the bunker. And only he knew where to find the keypad to open or close it. The creature roared, already ready to attack him again, slamming into the tree full force only having mildly disoriented him slightly. Now he turned, ready for blood.
The Batkids could do nothing but watch in horror, and slight awe, as their father battled this monster from hell, not giving up for a second. Bruce still jumped around with surprising speed and agility, despite being coated red in his own blood from wounds that would have crippled even Superman. He had pulled moves they had never seen, never even heard of, performed somehow perfectly, even with only one working leg and a broken nose. But he still stood, still fought, at all times remaining between the creature and his children. Always. Even when the monster batted him into a tree with his paw, he always sprang up faster than should be humanly possible, and danced again, always between the monster and his kids. The bears massive paws swiped for him again, and they watched in horror as it shredded the flesh of Bruces upper arm. Bruce roared in pain, but still spun, sending his foot flying for the monster, sending it flying back, ramming through three trees before it slammed to a stop, laying still for a second as it recovered. Bruce stayed standing, legs shaking. His left leg was practically useless, his calf having been shredded an hour into the fight, but he stayed balanced, waiting for the next attack. Slowly, barely, the creature got to its feet and ambled over, sluggish. Dragging its feet. It had only a few wounds, some long gashes down its side from a knife Bruce had managed to hold onto for all of ten minutes before the bear had fucking swallowed it, and there was a flesh wound in its arm where Bruce had fucking bitten it, but was otherwise unharmed. But still, it stopped, just outside of the clearing, and its red eyes still shone as it met the eyes of their Father. Bruce was bleeding from everywhere, his right arm hung uselessly at his side and he leaned further onto his right leg than his left, but he still stood tall. “They. are. Mine.” he growled. “And i will die before you touch a single fucking hair on them.” He snarled. The kids held their breath, They could've imagined it. Maybe it was the fact that they had been watching their Father fight a monster from the deepest pits of hell for over three hours and he still hadn't fallen. Maybe it was because the oxygen in the bunker wasn't the greatest. Whatever the reason, Bruces ears tilted back, almost pinned against his head the way a dog would if threatened. His teeth seemed to sharpen into canines. And his eyes flashed dark black, like a bats. “Mine.” he growled. The creature turned, slowly, and walked away. Tim reached out a shaking hand, poking Jason's side. “What?” Jason asked, still watching his father in awe. “Still think you can beat him?” Tim whispered hoarsely. Gotham had gifted them all. In its own special, horrible way. Dick could run faster, Steph could jump higher, Jason had fangs, Tim didn't need sleep, Damian's eyes glowed like a wolfs, Cass didn't die, Barbara had never shown any signs of age. And Bruce. Bruce. The one who tied them all here. Their tether. The nest. The reason they all stayed, whether they consciously or unconsciously acknowledged it. Bruce was gifted Fatherhood. The right to claim every single one of his children. Mine. The word echoed in every step the children took, it reverberated in every word they said, it bounced around in the back of their minds always. Mine. They were his and he was theirs and there had been no gift bestowed apon anyone greater than that. Mine.
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animangalover-writes · 5 months
I need more skip x norman content asap and I'm not talented enough to make my own. Somebody please heed my call.
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bigdaddyelvislover · 8 months
Big Daddy Elvis's hands
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euyrdice · 2 months
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oh shin :-(
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clay-core · 2 years
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a very pesky bird and his strong superhero
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bafflement · 1 year
Deaged Oz AU - Making New Friends [And Maybe a Few Enemies]
For @maskyartist since you wanted to see just what happens when Tip gets angry. :P
"HEY, FREAK!" An angry yell echoes off the narrow walls of the alley. Lily just ran faster, hoping that she'd be able to outrun her bullies for once. It had happened before, even though it hadn't lasted long in the end. As a Faunus in Mantle, though, she was used to this sort of treatment.
She tripped, stumbling and catching herself on the wall which was all her pursuers needed to catch up with her. Bracing herself for the blows she was surprised to hear another yell from the other end of the alley.
Glancing up, she spied a small, silver haired human boy who looked absolutely furious. A blink and he'd vanished, though. Maybe he was with the others? She hadn't seen him before but there were always more where they came from.
Her main tormentor bought a fist back for the first punch, but even as he lashed out, a figure blocked her sight. It was the boy, but why would he get between her and the bully?
Tip let the older boy hit him, glancing in concern down at the small Faunus girl they had been chasing. He knew how bad things were in Mantle of course, but knowing wasn't the same as seeing. The tiny girl looked half starved, yet these idiots were planning to beat her? No. Not on his watch.
"What exactly do you think you're doing to ny friend?" He spat, feeling a cold anger rising in his gut and not even bothering trying to suppress it. The little girl looked shocked, but he tried to shoot her a reassuring smile in between glaring at the bully. One hand strayed down to the hilt of Old Regrets, and he pulled about an inch of the rapier out of the sheath, knuckles a tight white with fury.
The bully, seeing that, stepped back a pace.
"Who the hell are you and what is she to you? You're not her friend, she doesn't have friends! She's just a filthy Faunus, she doesn't deserve them!"
Tip stomped one small foot, feeling himself start to shake again, though this time it was definitely anger fuelling it.
"She has me. I'm Winter Schnee, by the way." He said it flatly, hoping the split second decision wasn't going to come back to bite him.
"Why would a Schnee care about something like her?"
"I do. Now go away or I'll show you just how well i can use this." He shifted his stance, standing protectively over Liy and drew the blade fully, his eyes afire.
The bullies looked at each other, looked at the small boy wielding what was obviously a Huntsman's weapon, then thought better of the situation, backing away before taking off running.
There was silence for a few seconds, then Tip moved nearer the little girl, who backed up as far as she could, staring up at him with wide, scared eyes.
"Please don't hurt me?"
"I would never do that." Tip's voice was shaking, too, now. He hadn't really been expecting that, and looking back... had he almost thrown a tantrum? He blushed slightly, embarrassed, but just held out a hand to the girl, waiting.
After a minute or so, she took it, bracing herself for another blow. Tip just helped her to her feet, smiling gently.
"I'm Tip. Tip Pine, and you are?"
"But... you said you were a Schnee..."
"Ah, yes. Well, I thought it might make them think twice and it does appear to have worked, so... ready to get out of the alley?"
"You talk kinda funny."
"I'm not from Mantle, therefore my accent is slightly different. Have you learned about kingdoms yet?"
He smiled as this seemed to unleash a torrent of questions from the small girl and he led her out of the alley, grinning up at the others who didn't look massively impressed.
"Pocketsized... you can't just run off like that, what if you'd been hurt?" Jaune sounded worried but also more than slightly resigned at this point. After all, it wasn't the first time Tip had gone off somewhere.
"I wasn't. And I was just in time to stop someone else being hurt so I would count that as a victory, personally. Guys, this is... I'm sorry, i don't think I ever got your name?"
"Lily." She muttered, shyly, staring around at all the armed teenagers in front of her. Blake had elected not to come on this particular excursion and Weiss tended to avoid Mantle, but the others all just smiled at her in welcome.
"Hi, Lily!" Oscar greeted, bouncing slightly. "I'm Oscar, Tip's my brother. It's okay, you're safe now, nobody's going to hurt you while we're around!
"Aww, Pocketsized, are you making new friends without us, now?" Nora cooed, winking at a still visibly embarrassed Tip.
"Maybe? She needed help, Nora, I couldn't just leave her there, they were about to hit her!" Tip's voice rose in pitch slightly as he spoke, though from the way his eyes widened, it had been unintentional.
"Regular knight in shining armor, huh, kid..." was Yang's contribution, though she looked amused.
"I think it's cute." Ruby said, grinning over at Tip who would rather like the floor to swallow him now, please.
"You can stay with us for awhile, if you like? It might mean the bullies stay further away for a little bit, why were they following you, anyway?"
"They don't like that I'm not human... it's Mantle, though, mummy said I needed to get used to it."
Tip's eyes went strangely hard at that. "Thinking about it, there's someone I know you should probably meet. The problem is, he's in Atlas and your family would be worried if we just took you! Would you be able to show us where you live? If nothing else, we should check that it's a safe place to be."
Jaune sighed a bit at that, but they all followed a nervous looking Lily as she led them to her home. it wasn't too bad to look at, really. Unlike the dwellings on either side, it appeared well maintained and hopefully that meant that the walls were solid against the sheer cold that Mantle tended to exude.
An older woman in a tattered apron opened the door, then screamed in real terror as she stared at the humans on the other side. Lily rushed to her, clinging to the apron.
"It's okay, mummy! They're my friends, they rescued me from the bad boys!"
"... oh?" The mother sounded suspicious, scanning over the group of young hunters, gaze briefly lingering on tip, who shifted slightly.
"Thank you for rescuing my daughter." She said, eventually, though she still looked suspicious.
"We're hunters, ma'am, it's what we do. I was wondering, however, whether it may be advisable to gain a meeting with Marrow? I'm certain he would want to help as much as he could."
The woman blinked. "You can just casually contact an Ace Operative, can you?"
"Yes, ma'am, I can. I'm Wintertip Pine, by the way." Tip held out a hand, but she didn't take it, scanning his face again. Her eyes widened and her tail twitched in sudden realisation.
"... Winter?" She sounded strangely choked even as Tip's own eyes widened too. Had he known her, somehow?
"Yes, ma'am?" he asked, his voice as level as he could make it.
"Thank you. Just... thank you. Do you have contact information, at all? My husband will want to thank you himself."
"Of course." Tip murmured, rattling off his contact number.
"You can really get us in contact with Specialist Amin?"
"I can indeed, ma'am."
"Foxglove, not ma'am, young one. I have questions, but not today, I suspect? I'll be in contact." She smiled and shut the door, behind it they could already hear Lily start her rapid fire questioning again.
"You do realise that that's gonna spread, right? You just... I really hope you know what you're doing."
"Yes, well. So do I."
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ROUND ONE: Strawberry Shortcake's dolls with scented hair vs. Silica gel packet
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Strawberry Shortcake's dolls with scented hair:
I had Angel Cake. I know what I'm talking about
Silica gel packet:
They're in packets, shaped like little clear balls of sugar and I WANT THEM
YOU PUT "DO NOT EAT" ON A PACKET AND EXPECT ME TO NOT WANT TO PUT IT IN MY MOUTH!?!?!!? In fact, it makes me want to eat it MORE!! I'm putting these tiny little spheres into my mouth and chewing them like my life depended on it or so help me!!! Also they look like clear Nerds candies
Please please please put a disclaimer not to eat these ik it's obvious but it's Tumblr please and thank you ❤️
They say not to eat it meaning its super edible
maybe i need the moisture removed from inside have you ever thought about that
the warning is for wusses
i once put one in my mouth. it was a bad idea. i will do it again.
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naoyas90dayfiance · 2 years
Naoya’s crush is in the other school at the exchange event so he secretly protects her during the entire time.
Oww. I love this idea so much. I think he would try to spend most of the time around you/with you. He's going to be soooooooooooo clingy.
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for the ask game!!
💞 @ your favorite blog.
I love so many blogs, @industrations reggie of the day (and all their fan art tbh) makes me feel like this:
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very excite. much happy.
🌙 How long have you been on tumblr?
I first had tumblr back in 2014, then I disappeared for a bit and returned in 2022 I think?
🌸 Best compliment you ever received?
you’re still you, but it feels like you’re more… you.
(in reference to being trans and yeah, went through a lot of self discovery through that process. externally I changed a lot, but internally I am very much the same - just happier and more comfortable. so yeah, this made me feel very validated and safe)
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heterochromatica · 1 year
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How about we don't randomly touch people without asking them first? This is not just rude it's uncomfortable and lowkey disgusting too.
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mischieviem · 2 months
You guys realize this means we ALL have to vote now. No "don't wanna vote biden" excuses now- if we don't vote our rights are going to be taken away.
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fipindustries · 3 months
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i almost never do vent art, much less post it but man, i have been feeling bummed out recently
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