#And was able to switch my settings but not the rest of my phone for some reason
arolesbianism · 9 months
Y'know I was thinking abt how I like to bully alone dupes in oni when they enter the socializing state alone but then I realized... When they're socializing they go to the printing pod. They're talking with their deadbeat mom that's so cute 🥺
#rat rambles#ok ok calling her a deadbeat mom may be a bit harsh but its not completely untrue imo dhdkhd#anyways I didnt make a lot of progress today in my main oni playthrough but I finally got a couple that Ive been kinda avoiding getting#aka ari and joshua because I like to hate on them for no reason#I also got a nails today so yippee#Im almost good to go with jorge I just need to wait out the timer basically#I've actually already gotten some decent food production going so I might try to commit to this colony instead of dipping like I planned#I will be sending quinn back home tho they deserve to see their friends again#in the meantime I got party phones set up in the newer two colonies so everyone can call eachother now :]#Im still not exactly sure how Im going to fit like 20 more dupes but Ill figure smth out#I should be able to fit like 5 or so dupes in the newest colony and if I play my cards right I could shove the rest into the other new one#but for that Id need to seriously upscale my oxygen production there and while I do have infinite water I do not have infinite space#but I do wanna get to my goal as fast as possible since I do not wanna think abt what would happen if I ran out of certain materials#specifically in the second newest colony were their main food source is waterweed#I should be able to manage for a while and worse comes to worse I can cheat but Id rather not have to#I could theoretically switch to mealwood if that happens but again Id rather not have to#oh also some real poggers news I found a single bristle blossom plant on the newest colony#I still need to go dig it out but that means that Ill be able to start progress on getting a more reliable food source since grup fruit#will only last so long without me taming a sulfur guyser and well Im a wuss who doesnt want my lil guys to die#oni posting
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kesujo · 2 months
Unabashed Seduction
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Tags: mommykink (...the rest of the tags are relatively vanilla, I think)
Warning: 17k words
The night was not turning out how I expected it to go.
I was dressed to kill, freshly washed, put on enough cologne to be noticeable but not too much as to be overbearing, spent probably close to half an hour styling my hair, even properly shaved my pubic hair and sprayed some ball toner for good measure too. I even scouted the bar before coming here; some friends had recommended this place as a great new spot to pick up chicks, but there hasn’t been one I’ve talked to that hasn’t been too wasted to feel good about taking back to my place.
“Sorry babe, I’d love to stay and chat some more but I gotta wake up early tomorrow.”
“Aaw, why?”
The girl I was currently talking to was hot, for sure, but I could pretty much smell the alcohol from her breath. “You make sure you get home safely, alrighty, princess?”
“Why don’t you take me home then?”
Her voice was filled with seductive intent, but I was long past the point of interest. “Sorry, sweetie. How about an Uber instead?”
“I’ll make it worth your while,” she continued with her low, sultry tone, but when I didn’t budge, she switched to a whinier tone, “Come on, I’m dying to get fucked.”
I could feel her tits pressing up against my arm, but tempting as they were, there was no way she had the capacity to consent in her current state. “Give me a sec, ok?”
It took a few more minutes to send her on her way back home, leaving me back inside the bar, eyeing the rest of the crowd. There was no shortage of girls, but none of them caught my eye.
Tonight’s not my night, I guess.
Deciding that I better head home before some other drunk-out-of-her-mind chick decides she wants to go home with me and isn’t as good about giving up as the previous one, I downed the rest of my drink. Before I set out to leave, another last-minute scan of the crowd stopped me dead in my tracks when my eyes landed on her.
At first, all my eyes told me about her was that she was a fine piece of ass; the way that spaghetti-strap white dress hugged and accentuated her curves was sublime, the fabric stretching perfectly over her tight, plump ass sitting prettily atop the bar stool that somehow didn’t even seem to crease under her weight. But when she turned to the side to talk to the person next to her, the more than ample amount of cleavage spilling out of the top told me she had curves upstairs too; sure, she wasn’t as big I usually liked them, but the confidence with which she bared them more than made up for that. The side profile or her face told me that it wasn’t just her body that was fire: her lips were full and red, her eyebrows well-manicured and clean, her skin a perfect milky white with thighs that looked as soft as marshmallows, everything even down to her plunging neckline was perfection.
But where have I seen her before?
Before I could fully find the answer to that question, she turned back around, facing away from me to talk to someone on her other side.
Was she famous? She definitely had the looks for it. Or maybe she just had one of those faces that everyone seemed to recognize.
Stumped, I ended up pulling out my phone to take a picture of her to save the query for later. There was no way I would be able to come up with an answer given how buzzed I was at the moment. In that moment, while I was steadying my phone on her, something that I probably shouldn’t have caught on camera happened.
While her left hand was covering the top of her drink, her fingers were slim enough to give way to tiny cracks that allowed for something to be slipped between. She might’ve been secure in thinking that they were small enough to adequately protect her drink, but evidently was mistaken: while she was turned away talking to the gal to her right, the bartender took a quick look around, pulled something out from his pocket, and slipped a small, white tablet into her drink.
What the fuck?!
The tablet dissolved in an instant, the fizzles from the tablet vanishing just as quickly as it was plopped into her beverage.
Seeing that sobered me up pretty quickly. Fortunately, I had the wherewithal to switch to video when I noticed the bartender taking one too many glances at her drink, and recorded the entire ordeal.
Was I seeing things correctly? Were they trying to use a date rape drug on her?
Watching the video over again, now that I was considerably less drunk, the identity of the woman came to me.
Oh shit, that’s Tiffany Young, isn’t it? That K-Pop girl who came to America to release a few English songs or something. They’re trying to pull this shit on a celebrity?
The more I replayed the few-seconds clip, the more certain I became. The amount of secrecy that the bartender employed, how abnormally quick his actions were for an innocent person, even the way the guy on Tiffany’s left seemed to share a knowing glance at the bartender before slipping in the mini-tablet.
However, when I looked up from my phone, to my horror, Tiffany had already placed the glass to her lips and downed the rest of the glass.
Laughter and cheers erupted from the group after she did so, Tiffany smiling along with them.
Maybe I saw seeing things incorrectly. Maybe I was just being paranoid.
The quick glance and smirk the bartender and the guy shared was all it took for me to stand up.
Now that I thought about it, all the guys who recommended me this place weren’t really ones to go to clubs much themselves. I had decided to overlook the rumors of this place’s reputation, of drunk girls often getting taken advantage of, in favor of listening to the recommendations of my friends, but having witnessed it with my own eyes, I now had no doubt those rumors were true. Which meant, if even the bartender was in on it, then calling for security was a gamble that I couldn’t afford to risk.
“Excuse me.”
I could barely hear myself over the overbearing music, and given how far I was from them, it was no wonder none of them reacted to me. From her actions to the way she was slightly slurring her words, I could tell she was already pretty drunk.
If she’s that drunk, then it probably won’t take long for those drugs to kick in.
My walk turned into a brisk pace, pushing and maneuvering through the crowd as I watched another shot disappearing down her gullet.
“Excuse me!”
This time, both my distance and volume were enough to get the attention of all four parties.
The guy sitting next to Tiffany was the one who responded first. “What’s up, dude?”
“What’s up is that you’re trying to fucking slip date rape drugs into this woman’s drinks, bitch.”
He stood up and, in an instant, was right in front of me, bumping his puffed-out chest against mine. Although he stood an inch or two above me, I stood my ground, unphased. “What did you say to me?”
“Exthuse me, wha…?”
“You heard me. Are you really so pathetic that you need to rely on drugs to get laid?”
He raised his arm with a balled fist, but I kept my eyes on him, unflinching. “You just jealous I get to talk to the hottest chick in the club? You trying to play white knight in a pathetic attempt to get into her pants?
“Ex—Excuse me!” The two of us stopped, our attention turning towards the slightly red-faced celebrity. “What did you thay--say? A … date wape—… dddate ww—rrrappe ddrrug?”
I nodded. “I have—”
“Come on Tiffany, are you really going to believe this desperate loser over me?”
“—as I was saying, I have video—”
“You’ve been talking to me all night—” Her eyes flickered back and forth between me and him, and I could tell that he was making good ground in convincing her otherwise. I needed to do something before I let these guys get away with it. “—and you’re suddenly going to trust this random guy who shows up? You’ve been fine so far, haven’t you?”
“Well … yeah, I hhavenn’t—” I shoved the screen with the playing video in front of her without another word. “—what’re—…” she quieted down as her eyes focused on the smartphone in my hands.
Very quickly, I could start to see the panic in the guy’s eyes. “What are you doing, showing her—” the guy swiped at my phone, causing it to fly out of my hands and over the bar counter.
“You saw enough though, right?”
The look she gave the guy was all the answer I need.
“What did—” from how much less she was slurring her words, I became hopeful it was a sign of sobering up after reaching the important part of the video, “—are you in on this with the bb—bartender?”
“What? The bar—no! What are you talking about?”
I couldn’t help but laugh at his stammering. “If you weren’t, then you wouldn’t have smacked my phone out of my hand, wouldn’t you?”
“That’s a load of bullshit, I just knocked the phone out of your hand because—” a pause, a nervous twitch of his eyes and a quick sideways glance at the bartender, who I could tell was very deliberately staying away from this side of the bar considering how closely he was hovering around it not minutes before, before continuing, “—for all I know, you could’ve been showing her some doctored video, or some inappropriate stuff.”
“Right, and you expect Tiffany to believe that?”
The two of us turned to her, who at this point was trying to get the attention of the bartender. “Exthuse--Excuse me, bartender!” Her sharp, loud voice cut through the blaring music like a hot knife through butter, but even then, he barely moved. “Excuse me!” The volume of her voice rose, but still the bartender didn’t budge. She leaned over, the woman on her right having evidently slipped away without my noticing. “Excuse me!”
This time, Tiffany’s voice drew even the attention of the other patrons of the club, who started to glance over. Probably realizing he couldn’t play dumb anymore, he walked over. “Yes, how may I help you, miss?”
“There thoud—” she furrowed her brows, slowing down her speaking rate while enunciating her words more carefully, “—shoould be a phhonne oon the grround sommewhherre near yyou, can you ppick it up?”
“A phone?” He angled his head down and did a quick sweep of the enclosed bartending area, just as quickly looking back up with a shrug. “I don’t see a phone.”
“There must be—” her eyes narrowed, and in the corner of my eye, I could see her pressing her legs together, as if tensing, “—there must be, I saw it get knocked over. Can you look again?” He did the sweep with his eyes again, probably about 0.1 seconds slower this time, but Tiffany didn’t let it slide. “No,” she said, the clear frustration on her face worsening the slurring of her speech, “I mean down look—I mean, get down and look.”
“I’m sorry—was it your phone?”
Tiffany shook her head. I quickly glanced at the other guy, whose face was growing redder by the second. I grinned; checkmate, you fucking rapist.
“No, it was this—” again, a slight stutter in her words, and another quick glance at her allowed me to notice the slightly quicker rate at which her chest was heaving, and the fact that it was heaving in the first place, “—this gentleman’s.”
“In that case, no can do.”
“I noticed the commotion he was causing earlier, and while it’s not my place to take sides in bar-side squabbles—” yeah right, you were the one who slipped in the drug “—what I can do is think to myself, out loud, that him losing his phone is probably not the worst thing that can happen to a man like him.”
“Are you saying you—are you saying that because you were drink—” Tiffany furrowed her brows in annoyance, her speech speeding up in clear parallel with her frustration but simultaneously causing her to trip over her words more, “—you were the one who slipped that white—white thing into my drink?”
Hearing that sentence, as broken as it was, was probably one of the most satisfying things I’ve ever heard in my entire life. And that was coming from someone who has heard compliments from a porn actress that he fucks better than some of her coworkers.
“…Excuse me, what?”
“I saw the video,” she replied, still treading carefully over her words but still speaking with all the authority of a celebrity, “You slipped something between my fingers, into my drink, while I was looking away. I didn’t get to see the entire video because the phone was knocked onto the ground somewhere near you.” At this point, I could tell even the bartender was starting to have nervous sweats.
“I mean, if you let her watch the whole video, maybe she can have some good context as to what kind of a thing you slipped into her drink, right?”
“I’m—no, I’m sorry miss, it must’ve been a mistake. We’re a professional and well-known establishment—”
“Yeah, you’re certainly well-known alright,” I cut him off, poorly holding off a laugh, “well known for taking advantage of drunk women.”
“Bro, stop daydreaming. This is reality, you have to accept the fact that not every fucking woman in the world wants to sleep with you.”
“This white knight bullshit you’re doing is ridiculous, come on Tiffany, let’s—”
The man’s attempt to reach out to grab her wrist failed, Tiffany taking a hasty step back to dodge him, nearly stumbling into a backwards fall. Before I could reach out to catch her, her arm had shot out to the now unoccupied barstool behind her, setting herself back upright.
“No. I’m—” she quickly changed her standing stance, pushing her legs together again; this time, I couldn’t help but notice her face a little redder than before, but even more noticeable were the beads of sweat starting to form on her forehead. Was that the drug starting to kick in? “—I’m—I can’t—” she took another hasty step back, stumbling again. This time, I was ready, my hand shooting out to grab her arm before she could fall onto the ground.
“Let’s get you out of here, first, Tiffany. I’ll call an Uber for you.”
“What do you think—”
“I have that video saved on my cloud. Do anything, follow us, and I’ll send that video straight to the police. Got it?”
The threat caused the pair to freeze in their tracks.
“Tiffany, can you walk?”
She nodded, but a few steps told the completely opposite story. Fortunately, I was prepared to catch her. “Sorry…”
“Not a problem. Let’s go.” I threw her arm around my waist and secured hers with my own arm, pushing through the crowd towards the exit.
We barely made it a few steps before Tiffany pulled at my shirt. “Wait—…”
This time, when I looked at her, I could tell her condition had worsened even more; she was panting pretty heavily now, her forehead almost glistening with sweat, her face beet-red and her legs pressed firmly together. So that’s why it was so hard to walk; why was she so adamant about doing that? Was the drug creating some type of pain there?
“What’s wrong? Do I need to call 911?”
She shook her head. “Let’s sit down for a second.”
I acquiesced against my better judgement, finding a vacated table as far away from the crowd as I could find. As soon as we reached it, Tiffany all but collapsed onto the leather-padded booth seats, pulling me into the seat right next to her. “How are you feeling? Do I need to call anyone?”
“With what phone?”
Shit, that’s right. My phone.
“Eh, it’s not the first time I’ve lost my phone. I can just get another one.”
For some reason, that seemed to pique her interest. “What? ‘First time’?”
I thought back to that incident, where I found out the morning after one of the wilder nights of sex I’ve ever had that she was crazier out of bed than in it. “Never mind that, what’s wrong?”
She turned towards me, a look that was all-too-familiar look on her face. “Me.” She uncrossed her legs, probably the first time she willingly parted her legs ever since the drugs seemed to kick in, slinging an arm across my torso while her leg did the same across my lap. In barely a second, the dark-haired woman was straddling my lap, her arms looped around my neck, and an intense gaze bearing down on me. “There’s something wrong with me.”
My attempts at trying to establish eye contact with her failed, her eyes instead electing to stare directly at my lips. I could slowly feel her pressing herself more firmly against my slowly-growing erection. “I feel like … I need you. Now.”
Oh, fuck.
That desperate lust in her eyes, the way she was starting to grind against my hardening member, the fullness of her lips and the redness of her face and the neckline of her spaghetti-strap top slowly being pushed down and revealing more of her cleavage, it was all getting too overwhelming.
She’s drunk. I need to stop this.
“Just a little bit.”
I took a deep breath, reigning in my raging hormones, everything in my body that was yelling at me to go! “No.”
Calm down.
“You’re drunk—”
“Just a little bit, I promise.”
I was so distracted by trying to gather the strength to push the out-of-control celebrity off my lap that I was almost too late in catching her trying to undo the fly in my pants.
The burgeoning relief in her face was instantly replaced with a frustration as my hands wrapped firmly around hers, bringing them back to her sides. God, I feel like I could accidentally snap these wrists at any moment. “I need you so bad, please…” she whined, grinding harder against my crotch after another failed attempt at advancing her hand towards it. It might’ve just been my imagination, but I could’ve sworn I could feel her arousal leaking out of her and onto my pants in liquid form. “…it hurts so much…”
Jesus, what the fuck kind of drug did they feed her that got her like this?
“Tiffany, you need to go back to your house—”
“No!” Her legs wrapped more tightly around my waist as I tried to slide her off me, simultaneously pressing those bountiful tits against my chest and planting her face against my collarbone. “I don’t—I can’t, not without—”
I took in another deep breath. Control yourself, Damian. Not only is this woman drunk, but she’s influenced by an evidently pretty strong aphrodisiac. She is doubly in no state to properly consent.
“Let’s find you some sleeping pills, then—”
She shook her head against my neck. “No no no, I don’t need more drugs, I need—I need your cock.”
I could just about feel the skin on my palm breaking with how tightly I was clenching my free hand. “Listen, Tiffany, as much as I would love to, you—”
“Then fuck me.”
“Listen to me.” The words unintentionally came out as a growl, and when I realized that, my face morphed into one of horrified realization. “Sorry, I—” And, just as quickly, my face morphed into that of confusion. Why did she look even more turned on?
“Yeah, punish me daddy, I’ve been—”
“No, stop.” I mustered every last ounce of strength I had to capture both of her arms, settling them at her sides. “Tiffany, I don’t mean to be rude, but please don’t interrupt me.” I didn’t know if my frustration was leaking through or if she was going through with the roleplay she manufactured out of nowhere, but frankly, I didn’t care: I was just thankful she had finally decided to settle down. “You’re drunk. You were fed some drug that’s making you like this. That is two reasons you can’t consent when normally one would suffice. Do you understand?” She didn’t respond, unperturbed, as if the words went in one ear and out the other. I did tell her not to interrupt, but that didn’t mean she couldn’t even shake or nod her head. “Listen, you need to go home and get some sleep. Before something happens to you that can’t be undone.” Again, she didn’t respond, maintaining strong eye contact with a smile on her face. “Do you understand?” No response. Was she really intending to maliciously comply with my request for her to not interrupt me? “Answer me.”
“Hm? What?”
I sighed. The words really went in one ear and out the other, huh? Maybe I shouldn’t expect too much out of someone as obscenely drunk as her. “I said—”
“You talk too much.”
“Don’t inter—”
This time, it wasn’t Tiffany’s words that interrupted me, but her actions: namely, when she leaned forward and, with an amount of accuracy unbefitting a drunk person, promptly silenced me with her lips.
I couldn’t help but enjoy the soft, velvety texture of her plump lips for a second, which were every bit as amazing to kiss as they looked, before pulling away.
She manually silenced me again, with such accuracy I was beginning to wonder if she was actually drunk or not. But all I needed to do to answer that question was to taste the alcohol on her lips.
It took a second longer to shake her off again, but she was persistent. “Wait—”
With my hands busy holding her wrists in place, I could do nothing but try to dodge her assault. But, when I realized this scene, of a woman seemingly attempting to sexually assault a man, would only draw more attention, I stopped resisting as much. Tiffany, taking full advantage of the fact, leaned further into the kiss, wasting no time in involving her tongue.
And fuck me if it wasn’t the hottest make out session I’ve ever had, with probably the hottest chick I’ve ever kissed, but the ever-present aftertaste of alcohol ruined any attempt of mine at trying to get into the mood.
When my grip of her wrists vanished, her arms instantly came up, looping around my neck to pull me deeper into the kiss. But despite all the strength she was finally allowed to use, she was still no match for me. “Tiffany, bed.”
Those words were the only ones I could get out before I lost control of her again, but thankfully, she seemed to hear them over the blaring music of the club. “Oh, you’re finally ready?”
I smirked, which apparently was all the answer Tiffany need to climb off me.
And to think I almost retired early to avoid the clingy girls who couldn’t say no, only to end up with one anyway.
“There’s a hotel just down the block.”
Thankfully, this time, Tiffany didn’t protest, obediently following a few steps behind me as we exited the club and into the brisk early-autumn night. Obedient as she was, I could still tell how horny she was by how tightly she clung onto and how she had returned to the strange tight-legged walk, an action that I finally understood the meaning of: she was trying to contain her wetness, something that I confirmed had leaked onto my pants. Thankfully, they were dark enough so as to not be noticeable.
Although the walk was brief, I was thankful we weren’t stopped or even around many other people; the only delay was at the hotel counter, where I briefly considered what type of room I should get before quickly deciding to get the most expensive suite of the hotel. This was Tiffany Young after all, and with what almost happened to her, she probably needed it.
“Thank you for your patronage!”
The lady behind the counter bowed politely, but I could feel her gaze lingering on me as I dragged Tiffany onto the elevator, keycard in hand. I couldn’t blame her; with how heavy Tiffany’s panting has gotten, with how flushed her face had become, with how much she was pressing herself against me, it probably looked like I was the one who fed her that date-rape, aphrodisiac, whatever-it-was drug to her. At least Tiffany noticed too and was thankfully sound-minded enough to quell those suspicions, but even so, I could tell she figured something was off.
The doors to the elevator barely closed before Tiffany was all over me again, lips going straight to my nape while her arms and legs attempted to snake around my body.
“Damn it—” No, I’m pretending like I’m continuing this in the room “—at least wait until we get into the room.”
“Someone might see.”
Tiffany paused for a second, shooting me a dangerously seductive smile. “Let them watch.”
Oh, fuck. I stopped to take a deep breath, again trying to reign in my raging hormones, stifling the image of Tiffany riding my cock in this elevator while the door opened to reveal a horrified yet turned on audience. This woman is drunk and affected by that bartender’s drugs. I can’t—
Out of the corner of my eyes, a glimpse of her cleavage caught my attention. Before I knew it, my eyes had fallen onto them, completely captivated.
It was only when the elevator dinged that I snapped out of it.
I can’t let myself lose control. Fuck, why is she doing this to me? Why do I feel like I can’t control myself when I’m around her?
“Tiff—” I had to almost lift Tiffany up and carry her out of the elevator with how little regard she gave to the fact that we had stopped ascending, “—Tiffany, we’re here.”
Getting to the suite and unlocking it with the keycard was already a decently hard task when a woman was wrapped around me, but even harder when that woman was Tiffany. Every time she pressed her tits against my arm, every time she planted another kiss on my jaw, every time her hands slid across my abs, I wanted to stop what I was doing, pin her against the door I was struggling with, rip that pretty little dress off her lecherous body and ravish her right then and there—but that wasn’t what I was here for.
As soon as the door closed behind me, I squatted down and picked Tiffany up in one fluid motion, a squeal erupting from the surprised celebrity. “Ooh, what’re you gonna do to me?”
“Wouldn’t you like to know.”
Thankfully, the walk to the bed was short, so Tiffany didn’t have much more time to respond before I dumped her onto the soft mattress. The light of the half-moon streamed through the huge glass pane in the bedroom, illuminating Tiffany’s figure strewn haphazardly across the white blankets of the bed. In contrast to the beautiful sight was her beet-red face, the sizable mounds on her chest heaving hard enough to be noticeable, her hands already having disappeared under the bottom half of her dress that was barely clinging onto her well-shaped curves. It took me what felt like a full minute to bring my suddenly spiking hormones down to a controllable level.
“Sorry, I need to use the bathroom first. I’ll be right back.”
I was going to regret this. Or maybe I wasn’t.
This once-in-a-lifetime opportunity to fuck such an irresistibly sexy and unforgivingly erotic woman, a globally-known singer, known by many, loved by many, and lusted over by many … when was it ever going to present itself to me?
No. I have to be content, knowing that, at least, I didn’t let Tiffany do anything she might regret.
… But fuck, if only she wasn’t drunk, if only she gave me any reason to believe she could consent, then—
“Wait! –you’re lying!”
—then I would— “What?”
“You didn’t even look like you were in a rush.” Her words were spoken slowly, still somewhat slurred, but I could still very clearly distinguish every syllable that was coming out of her mouth. “Are you trying to ditch me?”
Being able to figure that out means that she’s at least sober enough to use her brain enough to properly consent, right?
It didn’t take a second for me to be disgusted with myself for thinking that. With how obviously drunk she was a second ago, there was no way she was sober enough to properly consent—that aside, listening to her speak was already evidence enough for her lingering drunkenness. “No, I’m not ditching you. I’ll be right there, ok, Tiffany?”
“Don’t lie to me!”
It was so hard to continue resisting the urge to give in. It felt like everything was working against me: how horny Tiffany had made me, the feeling of regret for walking away from such a golden opportunity, picturing what Tiffany looked like naked and imagining what it would be like to fuck her, that escalating voice trying to convince me that it was ok, even Tiffany herself was trying to stop me.
Just keep walking, Damian.
“Don’t look down on me just because I’m a little drunk! Is that what you’re worried about?”
I scoffed, turning around. “Please, I fuck drunk girls all the time.”
Apparently, doing that was the wrong move. “See, you’re lying! It’s so obvious!”
Fuck, why did I have to be such a bad liar?
But the fact that she could tell that I was lying was yet another indication that she’s sober enough to consent, isn’t it?
“No, I—” I let out a frustrated sigh. “—I’m sorry Tiffany, have a good night—”
Before I could sprint off, her brows furrowed and she keeled over in pain.
I barely had time to consider if it was an act before I was already at her side, hand gently patting her back. “What’s wrong?”
“It hurts…”
“What? What does?” At least it doesn’t seem like she was acting, with how she hasn’t attacked me yet. “Do you need me to get you some medicine?”
She shook her head. “No.”
“Then what…?”
“It hurts,” she repeated, and when my eyes followed where her arms were leading to, the realization hit the moment she said the clarifying words, “My pussy. It hurts so bad.”
Was that an actual thing? Did there exist such a drug that made a woman so horny, her pussy would start hurting?
“What are you—” I couldn’t even bring myself to accuse her of lying though. With how much she was sweating and how badly she was groaning—either she was one hell of an actress, or the drugs were really hurting her that badly.
See? Not only is she probably mentally sound enough to consent, but she actually needs you. It would be a disservice, both to myself and to her, to just walk away.
For the first time in my life, I conceded to my lust.
“I’ll help you.”
She turned her head towards me, looking at me weakly. “R-Really?”
I reached down and flung the shirt off my body. I could feel Tiffany’s gaze lasering in on my well-defined abs as I climbed onto the bed, one hand landing on her arm while the other on her stomach. “You better not regret asking for this.”
My hands went between her legs, but before they even reached their destination, I could feel the heat emanating from her privates. Holy shit, that drug is really something else…
“No—ah, fuck…” her protest was cut short when my hand found its target, the tips of my fingers instantly getting soaked upon pressing against her burning sex.
“Look at this, you’re so wet.”
“Damian—ah, ah, fuck!”
Her hands fell to her sides, her legs spreading further apart, her dress hitching up to her hips, bucking desperately into my fingers as they played with her soaking wet folds. Her eyes fluttered shut, her back arching slightly off the soft mattress, lips parted and head thrown back.
“It must’ve been hard, hiding all of this—” I withdrew my hand, showing Tiffany, whose eyes opened back up as soon as my hands left her, her slick clinging onto my digits, “—huh?”
“Please, Damian. It hurts…”
“It hurts?”
She nodded, her next sentence cut short with another shrill moan as I pushed three digits deep into her sex.
“Fuck, oh my—oh, oh, fuck—”
Her eyes slammed shut again as I pumped the three fingers inside her, curling them against her fleshy, sticky walls. “Does it still hurt?”
The only response Tiffany could give was the string of moans tumbling out of her mouth, squirming and legs tensing at the feeling of my fingers rubbing the fleshy interior of her vagina. The thumb, having nothing else to do, brushed over her labia, activating more of the nerves on the sensitive part of her nethers.
Tiffany communicated her pleasure well, but I could tell she wanted more. Her sighs and moans seemed to be coming out of her mouth in place of words she wanted to say, her hands were lightly placed at her stomach as if unsure if she should pull me further in or push me out, her eyes looked on at me with lust but also with the same desperation that initially drew me in.
“Dam—Damian, I can’t, I need—” she threw her head back again, letting out something between a squeal and a moan as my fingers curled inside her love canal.
Ah, so that’s her G-spot, huh?
“Oh fuck, right there—” she let loose another loud moan as I again curled my fingers into that spot inside her. That one action caused the idol to completely forget about the request she was about to make, her legs subconsciously spreading further as I continued to rub the sensitive spot inside her.
“What did you need?”
“More—fuck Damian, right there, yes!”
“You like that? When I put pressure right there?”
Tiffany’s only response was to scream out in pure ecstasy. I couldn’t help but grin at that, drinking in the delectable sight of Tiffany squirming on the bed, dress hanging onto her body for dear life, long eyelashes shut, full, red lips parted, every bit of her curvaceous body twisting and turning at my every move. Maybe this night wasn’t going as badly as I initially thought it was.
“Yes! More, please, more!”
To add onto the beautiful sight before me was the equally beautiful sound of her begging, her persistent moans, joined only by the occasional squeaking and shaking of the bed. I wondered if we were disturbing any of our neighbors who almost definitely were already asleep, but quickly realized I didn’t care in the slightest.
“I wonder how many times I must’ve saved the world in my previous life to get the chance to do this to such a beauty like you.”
It felt like barely any time had passed, but I could already feel the pussy of the Korean-American celebrity start tightening around my fingers, hear the increasingly erratic panting and moaning from her lips, the wild ferocity with which her legs thrashed and her toes curled: all the telltale signs of an impending orgasm. And while I would’ve loved to claim it was my immaculate skills with my fingers, nothing else but the interference of the drug could reasonably explain her state of near-climax so soon after I started.
“Oh fuck, I didn’t know fingers could feel so good inside me…”
Her voice was breathless, her forehead glistening with sweat, but this time, instead of a visage of pained frustration that she wore while in the club, her face was now etched with that of pure ecstasy.
“I’m close, a little more, please…”
The words came out almost as a breathless whisper, a final plead for release, the strain in her voice, and the lust pouring out from every square inch of Tiffany’s delectable body; seeing a woman squirm and twist as she succumbed to her orgasm was one of the reasons I became so practiced at using my fingers, but with Tiffany, that feeling turned up to eleven. I didn’t want to just see her cum, I wanted to see her completely lose herself. I wanted to see her become a mess, I wanted her to forget her own name as she squirted all over me, the bed, everything.
That was exactly why, in the final moments before her climax, I shoved my face between her legs, exposing her clit with my thumb, surrounded the sensitive nub with my lips, and gave it a firm suck.
The suite erupted with Tiffany’s ecstatic screams, a translucent jet of her ejaculate hitting me square in the jaw. I recovered quickly, lifting my head out from between her legs while letting her ride my fingers as the singer unleashed a beautiful melody of ecstasy and pleasure. I sat there and watched the beautifully erotic sight before me, of her voluptuous body violently shaking and her head pushed as far back into the pillow as it could go and her legs tensing and vibrating as jet after jet of her cum sprayed past my fingers and onto my arms and stomach.
After she pushed past that peak, her screams and moans turned into sighs and whimpers, the last bits of her cum dribbling out of her womanhood like a leaky faucet.
“Look at you, the famous Tiffany Young, well-renowned global superstar, reduced to a sexy mess. What millions of people wouldn’t give to see you squirting so hard, I wonder.” Her eyes landed on the shirt I was wearing, now shining from being drenched with her fluids. “Looks like you owe me two now: one, for that orgasm, and two, for this shirt.”
It took Tiffany a few seconds to recover, a slight shudder running up her body as I extracted my fingers from her soaking wet heat, but when she did, her demeanor changed on a dime. “I’m so sorry,” she answered with a noticeable pout on her lips, shifting into a sitting position and then into a crawl, facing me. “Let me pay you back for that, baby.”
What is going on?
Very clearly, Tiffany’s desperation vanished—or at least, simmered down—but her confident, very intentionally seductive gaze, her low crawl that gave me an eyeful of her ample cleavage and hints at her light-brown areola, her every movement and action oozed of a sex appeal that my erection roared back to life in response to.
“Poor baby, working so hard for mommy’s sake.” Ok, that was something I was … surprisingly fine with?
Fuck, why does this woman fuck with my head so much?
“Does my baby want a reward?”
“I’m—” it had to be my unfamiliarity with this territory, or maybe a better word was discomfort, that gave me a moment of hesitation. “—um, yes, please.”
“Yes please, what?”
I knew where this was going, but resisting seemed meaningless. Rather, resisting it seemed more painful than trying to change her mind. “Yes please, mommy.”
The word felt incredibly foreign on my tongue and was probably noticeable by how awkwardly it tumbled out of my mouth. Thankfully, it didn’t seem to faze Tiffany; whether it was she didn’t mind or because of how clearly lustful she still was, I wasn’t sure of.
“Good boy.”
I watched her from my seated position, legs splayed out towards her while leaning back on my arms that were planted on the slightly tussled blanket of the suite’s bed, as she prowled towards me like a hungry cheetah stalking its prey. Usually, I liked to be the cheetah, but with Tiffany, everything felt different. It just felt so natural to play the prey. Hell, I wanted her to hunt me down.
I caught myself with that thought.
What the fuck? Why did I just think that?
It felt so incomprehensible to me, the supernatural phenomenon that was Tiffany’s sex appeal. The lustful gaze in her eyes, the seductive way she carried her sinfully sultry figure, the confidence in her husky voice, the sheer desire and aphrodisia in her every movement, her full, red lips, her large and striking eyes, her ample bust peeking through the ruffled top of her dress, the soft curves of her hips and the wider curve of her romp—was it one of these things, or a combination of all of them? Submitting went against everything I thought I knew about myself, but perhaps the more frightening thing was that I welcomed it.
She stopped while hovering a few inches above me, her eyes directed straight down at my crotch. So, it felt pretty fair to stare slightly down and forward, right into the more-than-eyeful of tits that her tousled top bared to me. I could very easily tell that she was probably a B-cup, but they were somehow infinitely more enchanting than the C-cups and D-cups I was used to.
Maybe I was wrong. Maybe B-cups were great too. Or, maybe it was just Tiffany—maybe it was simply the fact that they were hers that drew my eyes towards them.
“Damian, baby, help me with this?”
I snapped out of the trance I was in, my eyes falling further down and falling on Tiffany, struggling with my belt.
“Sure thing.”
Her brows furrowed, her lips pulling into a pointed frown. “You mean, ‘yes, mommy’.”
“Um—” The reminder of my unfamiliarity with this type of roleplay hit me again, but the thought that this would only be a concern for tonight put my mind a little bit more at ease. “—yes, mommy.”
Shortly after my belt flew off, so too did my pants and boxers, leaving my hardened cock pointed straight at the ceiling of the luxurious hotel room. “Aww, poor baby, were you holding this in the entire time?”
I couldn’t get over the motherly sympathetic tone she was employing nor the slight pout on her lips, nor the strangest thing: how much it turned me on.
What the fuck? Am I secretly a sub?
“Um—” I stuttered, my mind slowly trying to piece together the ‘appropriate’ things to say in our current roleplay, “—y-yes, it hurts so much mommy.” Just saying those words, completely undirected, was so cringe-inducing that I nearly physically reacted to them, but seeing the reward in Tiffany’s face lighting up in reaction to them blew that embarrassment away.
“Does my baby want mommy to give the booboo a kiss?”
I nodded. “Please, mommy, it hurts so much.”
The words weren’t entirely false either; my penis was already pretty stiff from seeing Tiffany cum like that, but experiencing the reality-defying whirlwind of Tiffany’s lustful demeanor stiffened my dick even more, to the point of pain.
“Of course, sweetie.” She hardly waited for my nod in response before lowering her head to my crotch, holding her hair with her left hand while the other rested on my thigh to stabilize herself. My breath hitched as she stopped centimeters from my erect cock, the hot air puffing out from her lips hitting my hardened shaft. “Oh my, my baby has grown really big, hasn’t he?”
I grimaced, my legs tensing as her velvety lips brushed the sensitive tip of my dick. Instantly, a sliver of precum trickled out in response; and, just as quickly, Tiffany’s lips parted, her tongue darting out to collect the fluid. “We can’t be wasting any of that, can we?”
The smile she shot at me following, her lips pulled into an upward curve and her eyes disappearing into crescent moons curved the opposite direction, made me completely forget who I was or what I was doing for a second.
“You have such a beautiful smile.”
It took a few seconds to realize the words had come out of my mouth, but when I did, the realization came too late.
Shit, I forgot again.
I opened my mouth to correct myself, but Tiffany beat me to it. “You’re such a sweetie, Damian. Let mommy give you a reward.” Her left hand left the back of her head, her silky jet-black hair subsequently tumbling down the sides of her head, the fingers of her right hand gingerly wrapping themselves around the circumference of my cock. I let out a hiss as her slim digits enclosed it in a tight embrace, her soft palms caressing its length. And while the feeling of her fingers tightening around my dick was pleasurable in and of itself, the visual made it all the sexier: her strikingly flawless face centimeters away from the object of her adoration, her piercing eyes magnetized to it, her beautiful fingers pressed firmly against the now fully erect penis, her lips slowly parting and the gorgeous sheen of hair framing her face as she began to pump it.
“Fu—” This time, I was able to catch myself before I let loose the swear that was building up inside my throat. “—mommy, that feels so good.”
“I’m glad. Do you mind helping me hold my hair, baby?” I happily obliged, reaching around her to collect the amazingly soft curtain of black surrounding her face and pulling it into a ponytail behind her. “Thank you, baby.”
“You’re welcome, mommy.”
I barely noticed how fluidly the words came out of my mouth until after Tiffany resumed her handjob. But I didn’t have anything to worry about, it was just Tiffany that was making me like this. The pleasure and satisfaction I felt being the more dominant and controlling one with all the other women I’ve fucked was very real. I wasn’t a closet-sub, it was just Tiffany that was fucking with my head.
“My baby boy really has grown so big, mommy is very proud of you~”
“Thank you, mommy.”
My fists were clenched and my voice came out strained. The handjob she was giving me, in combination with the lascivious visual of her beautiful face placed so close to my dick and the amount of her tits that became visible from the low-cut of her dress hanging down from her position hovering over me, caused something that should’ve been just foreplay to bring me closer to the edge than I would’ve ever expected a simple handjob to be capable of.
“Did you enjoy mommy’s milk from before?”
“Milk?” My eyes again landed on her tits, her already-erect nipples all but visible with the angle she was at. “Oh!” She meant her cum, not from her boobs. It was a shame, too, because almost since I first laid my eyes on her and that more-than-ample cleavage, I was wondering what those puppies would feel like in my hands. And my mouth. “Yes, I did, mommy.”
The knowing grin Tiffany shot in return told me that she was privy to how much I was lusting after her milk jugs, replying, “Do you want more of mommy’s milkies?”
I nodded fervently. “Yes, please.” My haste stemming from impatience resulted in my blowing over my established role, something that didn’t by well with Tiffany. Her eyes furrowing was the catalyst for remembering, leading me to add, “—mommy.”
Her lips curled back up into a content smile. “Then, you’ll have to pay mommy back by giving her your milk too, ok?”
I nodded with equal fervor. “I’ll try my best, mommy.”
She shot me another heart-stopping eye smile. “Good boy.” Her hands left his penis and down to the hem of her dress, tugging at the spaghetti-strap top to no avail. Her smile turned into a frown, becoming more pronounced with each unsuccessful tug of her dress.
Damn it, she’s too drunk after all?
The sobering thought faded to the background when Tiffany decided to change tactics, her hands traveling up her body, her fingers looping around the top of her dress and pulling it down. Her boobs popped out, the bounce from the release of tension after being freed. I felt my eyes glazing over, gaze stopping at the plump, marshmallow-y mounds of flesh sitting on her chest, adorned with light-chocolate colored areola and darker, swollen nipples sitting atop the peaks.
Actually, you know what, B-cups are just as amazing as C-cups or D-cups. I’ve definitely been too picky in the past.
“Damian, help?”
There was something about the cute sight of her pouty visage contrasting with the erotic sight of her bare breasts sitting a few inches below those pouting lips that stirred something within me. The usage of cuteness in bed was something that always turned me off—women who employed it on me in the past have led me to stop everything on more than one occasion—but with Tiffany, it only turned me on more. At this point, I had grown tired of asking myself why this was happening. It was much easier to just accept it and let myself feel my arousal deepen one level still.
What I was shocked by was how long it had taken me to realize Tiffany needed help with her dress, and how I hadn’t offered to help already. “How rude of me—” Shit, that’s not how I’m supposed to be speaking. “—I mean, of course, mommy.”
I had been so distracted by her tits that I had completely disregarded her struggling, disregarded basic bedside manners, in favor of staring at her boobs. But honestly, I felt like I couldn’t even be blamed; even if they were on the smaller side, they were somehow just as sexy, if not more so. The fullness of its shape, the tautness of the skin, the plush appearance of its texture, the purity of its snowy-white color, the contrasting almond-colored areola and the even more contrastingly darker-brown teats standing up and away proudly from her body, how squeezable and bitable the enlarged buttons looked—remembering the roleplay Tiffany had casted us in was the only thing preventing me from jumping on her and ravishing them.
When the dress came off her body, I couldn’t help but find myself enamored with her legs next; they were on the slim side but had clear hints of muscles in her upper thighs, sloping upwards gracefully for what seemed like miles before curving out at her hips. The skin was just as unblemished, taut, and a perfect shade of pearly-white as the rest of her body, with slight hints of bruising on her knees that made my imagination go wild as their origins. Her legs were just as pleasant to touch as they were to look at; as my hands ran over her shins, up to her knees, and up to her thighs, I relished in the addictingly soft texture of her skin. “Your—mommy’s legs are so pretty.”
“Thank you, baby, but if you want mommy’s help, then you’ll have to be patient for a little bit longer.” I nodded, pushing myself back into a sitting position on the bed as Tiffany shifted into a kneeling position, tucking her legs under her thighs. “Come here,” she said, gently patting her lap. I obeyed immediately, turning around and resting my head on her soft thighs, face-up, with the rest of my body splayed out away from her, my legs dangling off the edge of the bed.
Part of me still felt weird obeying the commands of this mysteriously powerful woman, like some kind of needy puppy, but the bigger part of me didn’t care about dignity, shame, what I thought I knew of my own identity, any of it. Was it truly some kind of magnetic power she had, that drew in an dominated the will of any man she wanted, or was I just too lost in my own lust? Or, was there even a difference?
My obedience was rewarded when Tiffany, after seeing that I was sufficiently settled in her lap, leaned down and over me, presenting the object of my desire just moments ago inches away from my face. I craned my head up but was stopped by the woman whose lap my head was laying upon. “Before milkies, promise mommy that Damian will say when his milk is about to come out. Ok?”
“Yes, mommy,” I replied, nodding eagerly to her proposition.
“Good boy. Here you—ah!” Something between a moan and a squeal interrupted her as I took the erect nub into my mouth and rolled my tongue over it. My hands came around, all but sinking into the plush texture of her tits.
Fuck, they’re so soft…
I became so preoccupied with her boobs that I barely noticed Tiffany’s hands snaking down my torso, only aware of the fact when it stopped at the stubbles of my freshly shaven privates. Without warning, the dainty digits of her hand wrapped around my dick, the resulting surge of pleasure causing me to accidentally squeeze her boobs with an unintended amount of extra force.
“Do you like mommy’s boobs?”
I nodded, each pump of her hand sending a surge of pleasure throughout my body, my toes curling in response and my brain slowly but surely filtering out everything else but the feeling of her tits on my lips and hands and the feeling of her hand on my cock. It didn’t take long for her to pick up where she left off with, inching ever closer to the edge of the peak of the climax her hands were pushing me towards. Where her boobs lacked in surface area, she made up for in the quality of the skin and the softness of the mounds of fat. They gave way so easily to my hands and to my lips, but to also hear the slight moans and sighs that would escape from Tiffany’s lips as my tongue drew circles around her areola and rolled across her nipples and my teeth nibbled at the sensitive skin and the swollen teat.
The main source of my impending orgasm, as delectable her tits were, was her hand; they were tireless, barely stopping to rest, her hand pumping the shaft about twice the width of her hand while the other gently patted my head, as if comforting a nursing baby. Occasionally, she would stop to rest by readjusting her grip at the base and cupping my balls before resuming.
“These feel so heavy. Did you save it all up just for mommy?” I nodded again, hoping she didn’t need audial confirmation. Thankfully, she didn’t, resuming shortly after with a, “That makes mommy really happy. Don’t worry, baby, mommy will make sure to take in all of Damian’s hard work and patience.”
It wasn’t much longer after that when I notified Tiffany of my impending orgasm. To my dismay, Tiffany lifted her upper torso up, scooting to edge of the bed that my legs were dangling off of.
“Make sure to give it all to mommy, ok?” I nodded, fighting back the urge to push her head that was already closing in on my dick the rest of the way. “We don’t want to waste any of it, do we?”
“No, mommy.”
“Good boy.”
The moment my cock pierced her lips and sunk into her hot, tight mouth, I just about lost it right then and there. “Agh—” an incoherent mumble-moan escaped my lips, my fingers and toes curling even more than they were already. Inch by inch, the soft membrane of her lips advanced downwards along my shaft. Inch by inch, more of my penis entered the moist cavern of her mouth, and inch by inch, her tongue lined the surface area of my dick with her saliva. “Fuck—” Shit, forgot, no swearing— “—mommy, it feels so good…”
She tiled her head up, eyes shooting a quick smile at me. She barely got halfway down before she came back up for air, her right hand taking over in slathering the rest of the length with her saliva. “Naughty boy, no swearing. I’m afraid mommy will have to punish you later.”
“I’m sorry, mommy…”
In my peripheral vision, I could see her left hand reaching downwards, buried under her legs. However, visual confirmation wasn’t even necessary to know she was fingering herself; the wet sounds of her fingers pressing and pushing against her sex were evidence enough. And while I liked to think that it was the prospect of giving my dick a blowjob that brought her to such a state, the more realistic explanation was that the drug was still affecting her; after all, her face had taken upon a red hue again. However, the difference was that this time, she didn’t have a desperation on her face; this time, it was a deepened state of arousal.
Tiffany dribbled some more saliva onto my cock, proceeding to rub the slightly viscous fluid along the shaft while her red, succulent lips planted kisses along my length. After a while, satisfied with the amount of lubricant on my dick, her right hand reaching down to cup my balls while her tongue pressed against the long-side of my cock, starting from the base and sliding upwards and ending with a smooch at the tip. There was something immensely arousing about seeing her beautiful face in such close proximity to my dick that seemed to almost make her already small face even smaller and seeing the shimmering length of my cock occasionally accidentally tapping her slim jawline that created an impatience inside me. But it was her next words that transformed that impatience to something else. “It feels so big in my mouth, I wonder how I’ll fit this in my pussy…”
The words seemed to be her inner thoughts accidentally spoken out loud, or maybe a mumble that was spoken a notch too loud. Still, no matter how many times I had been told something similar, no matter how many other women had complimented my dick, hearing the words from Tiffany’s lips felt different. I could feel my chest swelling with pride and my lips stretching out into a satisfied smile—sure, it wasn’t the biggest one out there, but in that moment, it certainly felt that way.
Tiffany repeated the action a few more times before transitioning the smooch at the tip to deepthroating.
“Agh—” I stopped myself before I let out another swear, the suddenness of the action nearly causing me to peak right then and there. In one fell swoop, nearly three-quarters of my dick disappeared into her mouth, leaving me desperately clutching onto the thread that kept me from my orgasm. “Mommy—” words became difficult to form, my mind quickly being filled with nothing but the pleasure from the tight ring of her throat pressing against the circumference of my dick in coordination with the masterful work of her tongue dancing around it.
I wanted to revel in the sensation more. I wanted to continue feeling the immeasurably intense pleasure from feeling her lips now tightly pressed against the base of my shaft, from the tightness of her throat, from the wetness and warmth of her masterful tongue, but every passing second unraveled that thread line by line. When she started moving, her head bobbing up and down and her tongue gliding along the length of my shaft, gagging sounds filling the suite and tears cascading down her tightly closed eyes joined only by the increasingly louder moist sounds of her fingers against her slick, the thread I was so desperately clutching suddenly caught fire.
“—mommy—” The words were stuck in my throat, my mind too preoccupied with the Herculean task of holding back my orgasm to be able to form words properly. “—coming!”
The release of the buildup of tension inside my nethers, the release of the burden on my mind in trying to hold back—while both were cathartic, nothing felt better than the explosive release deep in her mouth, the powerful jet of my seed hitting the back of her throat like a water hose. Her cheeks bulged even more, a sound between a gag and a cough erupting from her throat, rapidly blinking away the tears in her eyes as stream after stream poured into her mouth, but not once did she let up. Her lips remained tightly sealed around my cock, her throat flexing impressively as it took on the assault.
When it ended, Tiffany pulled away, her left hand emerged from down south so that the backs of both hands could be used to wipe away the tears that had been collecting in her eyes. “I-I’m sorry, mommy…”
Her eyes blinked open. “What’s wrong?”
“I made mommy cry…”
I had to admit, Tiffany’s acting ability was top-notch. I was pretty good at acting myself, but the motherly concern that overtook her face in the face of my downtrodden, sorrowful expression made me almost believe it was sincere. “No! Aw baby,” she cooed, joining me on the bed and directing my head onto her bosom, “Those weren’t sad tears, those were happy tears! You really are spoiling your mommy so much, giving mommy so much of your tasty milk.”
She met my gaze with a happy nod. “Yes! But are you sure you gave mommy everything?”
I nodded. “I really tried my best, mommy.”
She separated herself from me, getting back on her knees at the edge of the bed. “Let’s see if Damian is telling the truth or not~” She slotted herself between my legs once again, and, with one boob in each hand, settled them on either side of my cock.
Even though I could feel the post-orgasm fatigue start to hit, seeing her surround my dick with her ample bust gave me a bit of concern. They weren’t large enough to smother the entirety of my size, but that didn’t stop the last two strands of cum to spill out onto her tits after squeezing them firmly against my cock with her hands, starting at the base and working her way out in a milking fashion.
“Oh, would you look at that.”
“I-I’m sorry, mommy!” The panic in my own voice caught me by surprise. Why was I so immersed in the roleplay? “I-I didn’t mean to! I’ll do better next time!”
Instead of reprimanding me, Tiffany looked up at me with a soft smile, scooping up the viscous bodily fluid and directing it into her mouth. Her luscious, red lips closed around her slim digits, disappearing into that dark cavern only to slide straight back out with a nearly audible pop! “It’s ok baby, as long as you keep your promise next time,” she said, her fingers running over the top of her bust again, making sure to direct every last droplet of my seed into her mouth.
I nodded eagerly. “I will!”
Tiffany smiled, licking her lips with an equal amount of eagerness and content. “Even though it wasn’t everything, it was a lot: feeling Damian’s thick, creamy load filling up my mouth and going down my throat was very nice. Thank you for the treat, baby.”
“It was only because mommy’s soft, pretty lips felt really good.”
“Oh, really?” I nodded. “Do you really like mommy’s soft, pretty lips?” I nodded again, letting her direct me back onto the bed, shifting so that I was properly aligned with it, my head all but sinking into the pillow of the luxurious suite. “Do you want more of mommy’s soft, pretty lips?”
“Can I?”
A giggle escaped from Tiffany, probably from the eagerness in my voice and the starstruck attitude I injected into it. Although, while I could definitively say I was acting, it was also true that my real feelings weren’t far from the character I was portraying. “Of course,” she replied, swinging her legs to the other side of my waist so that they were straddling it, hovering a few inches above me with hands flanking both sides of my head on the pillow. “Come here, baby.”
I didn’t know how it was possible, but her lips felt even better than how they looked or imagined. Impossibly soft, just the right amount of sweet, warm, slightly moist—even other things, like the heat from her face, the creamy texture of her palms caressing the sides of my head, her eyelashes brushing against my closed eyelids, the subtle curves of her voluptuous body pressing against mine, my mind had only the capacity to think and process Tiffany. The stillness of the room only interrupted by the sounds of our lips sensually pressing against and massaging each other, the subtle perfume she was wearing that had mixed slightly with a lingering scent of alcohol, the softness of not only her lips but her entire body firmly wrapped up and tangled in mine, the deep pants for air when she briefly disconnected our lips and the hot puffs of breath that tickled my face, the somehow simultaneously sweet yet seductive smile she shot at me before reconnecting our lips … if someone had asked me my own name in that moment, I probably wouldn’t have been able to answer.
It was after Tiffany’s second breath for air that she prodded my lips with her tongue, a request I readily complied with. While the kiss had already been getting hot and heavy, the action caused an instantaneous spike in its heatedness.
The beautiful noise emanating from Tiffany’s throat echoed in the hotel suite, tilting her head and leaning in, her velvety lips massaging mine, her tongue running against mine and brushing against my lips. We kissed—or rather, attempted to devour the other’s lips—with a wild abandon and desperate passion that might make one think our lives depended on it. In that moment, however, that was all that mattered: her curvaceous body shifting and squirming against mine, her lips pressing and moving in concert with mine, her tongue dancing expertly in perfect synchronization with mine. Everything else in the world fell away, even the bed beneath us.
When Tiffany next came up for breath, I could also see the wildness apparent in her actions in her eyes as well. However, it quickly was replaced with a laughter. “Oops, I accidentally gave you some of my lipstick.”
“I don’t mind.”
In the moment, I had become so preoccupied with Tiffany’s lips that I wasn’t aware how hard I had become until Tiffany herself pointed it out. “You’re hard again.”
“So I am.”
“Does baby want another kiss down there?”
She was the one who was asking, but I could tell she was all but ready to do the deed. After all, she had already shifted herself such that my dick was pointed straight at the entrance of her burning core. And, while normally, I might’ve teased the woman who was sharing the bed with me and made her beg, this was Tiffany. Even if the make-out session seemed to also make her forget about the roleplay we were doing for a few seconds, obeying her every command could only be described as second nature. I wanted—I needed—to appease her, to please her, even at the cost of my dignity and pride. “Can mommy do that?”
“Of course!”
“Even though mommy’s lips are up here?”
Tiffany smiled in response. The following question was one that I have been waiting for ever since I decided to play along; but, as eager as I was, I could tell Tiffany was doubly eager for it. “Do you want mommy to show you?”
No matter how obvious it was that Tiffany was holding herself back, as I could surmise from the loud gasp that escaped her lips when, while her hand directed my penis to her slit, its head poked at it briefly and threatened to enter, she stayed true to her promise and removed it just as quickly. Biting back the grimace and the swear that threatened to fly out of my mouth quickly became the name of the game as her flopping wet vaginal lips pressed against my stiff cock, effectively ‘kissing’ it.
“Hm? What’s wrong, honey?”
“Mommy…” Edging was a tactic I was very familiar with as I often employed it with the women I fucked, and the results were often amazing. Of course, when I was doing the teasing, I felt the impatience too, but the effort of holding myself back felt worth it in the end. After all, I wasn’t only after the great sex that followed: watching the woman squirm and beg beneath me was just as much of a desired result as the sex itself.
I wondered if these were the thoughts that were going through Tiffany’s head as she continued kissing my dick with her lips down south. “Does it feel good, sweetie?”
I nodded. “Mo-mommy’s lips feel really good…”
I always figured that the person on the receiving side of the edging had it worse, but I didn’t realize the impatience was this much worse. It felt like it was taking every ounce of strength and willpower to not grab her pillowy ass and shove all six-and-a-half inches inside her all at once. However, I could see the impatience on Tiffany’s face too: the same deep shade of red from back when she was trying to force herself onto me in the club overtook her face, her gasps and sighs gradually growing in volume as more and more of my cock became covered with her bodily fluids.
“Oh sweetheart, you feel so big and thick…”
The softness of her thighs that trapped my member, the rolling of her hips that caused her folds, sticky with her own precum, to slide along the length of my shaft, it was all doing wonders for the pleasure and lust that was quickly building with every passing moment. Even the hot puffs of air hitting my face and the pillowy sensation of her boobs pressed against my chest was aiding the process of deepening my arousal; but however much it made me want to slam her against the bed and fuck her into next Tuesday, I resisted. I could see her getting affected too, and it wasn’t before long when her patience, built up from when she first straddled my lap at the bar, finally broke.
“Fuck, mommy needs you so bad Damian…”
“What’s wrong, mommy?”
“Does my Damian want a baby brother or sister?”
Just the implication of the words made my dick twitch. Another rush of anticipation washed over my body, screaming at my muscles to move on the impulse.
Is she implying what I think she’s implying?
“Really?” I could only hope that the spike in my lust and impatience wasn’t present in my voice. “Yeah!”
“Then make sure to cum lots and lots inside mommy, ok?”
She barely gave me any time to respond before grabbing my cock and directing it straight into her pussy.
If it wasn’t abundantly clear how riled up Tiffany was before, the evidence was now screaming in my face—quite literally, in the form of Tiffany’s loud reaction to succumbing to an orgasm from the simple act of inserting barely half of my length inside her.
“Damian’s cock is stretching mommy’s tiny little pussy out so much! Ah, it feels so good, it feels so good!”
The orgasm seemed to only become more intense as it dragged on, the clenching of her vaginal walls against my shaft making it harder to advance. It seemed to suffice for her intents and purposes, riding out her climax with the upper four inches of my cock buried firmly inside her heat, letting loose a string of mewls and loud moans as she did so.
And, watching the spectacle, I couldn’t help but be entirely enraptured. Out of all the women I’ve seen ride out their orgasms on my cock, Tiffany had to be the most arousing, most beautiful woman of them all: even as she screamed, her lips appeared just as full and luscious; even as her face gave in to her lust, it still maintained its mystical beauty; even as her tits jiggled slight in response to her manic bouncing, they looked no less voluminous and perky; even as her legs tensed, the slight muscle definition to her thighs added to their appeal; even as her juices were splattering out of her pussy, the visual of her flopping folds deepened my arousal even more.
“Mom-mommy? Are you ok?” I wasn’t sure how I managed to stay in my ‘role’. Or, maybe, I did know but didn’t want to admit it.
“Sorry, honey,” she replied, her answer coming out as a gasp, her orgasm having finally subsided, “Mommy is fine. What do you think about mommy’s pussy?”
“It—It feels really good, mommy!”
She simply smiled in response, taking a deep breath before pushing the rest of my length inside her. Another slew of moans and sighs exploded from her lips, shuddering in tandem with me as my cock fully hilted her. When she was finally able to calm herself down, she opened her eyes, leaning forward and planting her hands on my chest. “Now’s time for that punishment.”
“Be a good boy and accept their punishment, ok? Mommy will give you a reward after.”
“Oh … ok, mommy,” I replied with a reluctantly obedient voice, a pouty voice I probably hadn’t used since I was twelve.
With that, Tiffany shifted her position such that her clit brushed against my groin. The contact alone caused her to gasp, which quickly turned into a moan as she pressed her sensitive nub onto the stubbles of my recently-shaven pubic hair.
“What a good boy, keeping yourself so clean…”
As if the suffocating tightness of her pussy wasn’t enough, as if its blistering heat and the wetness from having been brought to orgasm twice already wasn’t enough, as if the grinding motion she began doing wasn’t enough, the visual of her stimulating her clit by rubbing it against my crotch more than made up for the lack of any stimulation on me. The slight jiggling of her tits as she rocked back and forth, the way her Cupid’s bow lips parted as gasps and moans slipped out of her mouth, the swaying of her silky, jet-black hair in tandem with her movement, the pure and utter ecstasy that deepened with every passing moment etched onto her face … it was all too mesmerizing to notice the passage of time until her hands brushed up against mine, which were lazily laying on her legs.
“Do you mind helping mommy a little?”
The question snapped me back to reality. “Um, of—of course, mommy!”
She slowed down slightly, directing my hands to her bosom. “Damian said he really likes mommy’s boobs, right?” I nodded. “Then, here you go,” she said, placing each hand on one of her boobs, “you can play with them however you want.”
The urge to do so was an urge I was holding back the entire time, having only gotten worse after seeing them swaying so much mere inches from my face, but finally being granted permission to do so unlocked a fervor Tiffany was definitely not expecting.
“Thank you, mommy!”
I pressed my index finger and thumb into her areola, the rest of my fingers resting on the pillowy surface of her tits while they rubbed gentle circles around the sensitive skin. The squirming and moaning from Tiffany increased drastically, shifting one hand to the center of my chest while the other dove down south into the tight connection of her labia against the perimeter of my cock. It was the wet sounds of flesh rubbing against flesh that let me know that she was rubbing the widely spread-open pussy lips that were engulfing the base of my cock, something that turned me on even further.
Somehow having withstood the temptation of pinching those delectable nipples that sat at the peak of her tits, the tauntingly squeezable nubs swaying to and fro inches from my face, instead electing to build up the suspense by continuing to rub and massage the sensitive skin around it.
“Oh, sweetie, your fingers feel so good…”
“Am I doing well?”
She nodded fervently. “Yes, you’re making mommy very happy, but…”
Tiffany interrupted herself with another moan, a sound that had been gradually turning more and more impatient. “Hm?” I replied innocently, as if I didn’t know the exact cause of her suffering.
“…but you’re also being a very naughty boy right now.”
I completely stopped. “What? What am I doing wrong, mommy?”
Tiffany opened her eyes, managing to shoot me a gentle smile. “Do you see mommy’s big, swollen nipples?”
I redirected my eyes to them, nodding. “Is—Is mommy going to punish me again for being naughty?”
“No, but only if you starting paying more attention to those too.”
“Oh. Ok!” Shortly following those words, both sets of index fingers and thumbs surrounded the engorged, light-brown buttons and squeezed them.
“Oh!” The electrified moan that jetted out her lips mirrored the shock that surged through her system in response, her arms and legs suddenly tensing and her eyes fluttering shut. “More!”
Just watching her succumb to pleasure was reward enough, but the feeling of the velvety, swollen nipple giving way to my fingers and just how enjoyable it was to squeeze them added onto that pleasure tenfold. That seemed the catalyst for everything intensifying: the vigor with which she grinded her clit against the stubbles of pubic hair on my groin, the volume and frequency of her moans, even the wet sounds of her fingers playing with her labia and rubbing the base of my cock that her labia was encircled around. Although the lack of stimulation for me might’ve ordinarily softened my penis, the sheer spectacle of the lascivious lady relishing in the ecstasy that was so clearly written on her face and in her body that I found myself getting more aroused with each passing moment.
Making sure to switch between kneading motions, rolling the erect nub in my fingers, and pinching them, it didn’t feel much longer until Tiffany finally announced her climax. “Oh, oh god, sweetheart, mommy’s cumming!”
This time, her orgasm came out in more gradual waves, like a boiling kettle with water leaking out the top. Tiffany’s mouth didn’t stop the entire time, letting out a noise between a moan, a scream, and a pant, riding out her climax vigorously, her entire body shaking as more and more of her sticky fluids washed over my cock, bits and slivers leaking out after coming down from that peak.
“Oh … oh fuck…”
The minute or so I spent watching her reveling in lust and ecstasy only made me harder, but was thankfully experienced enough to not let it control me, letting her take a few breathers with her head hanging over my chest and her hands planted on my abdomen.
In the minute or so it took for the Korean-American celebrity to recover, I simply watched her regain her bearings, shuddering every so often as a bit more of her juices trickled out of our hot connection. From watching her cum for the second time that night, I was certainly rearing to go again, and it definitely didn’t help that the fleshy, tight walls of Tiffany’s vagina was still squeezing my cock like it was trying to milk it. However much I managed to keep my lust in check, I could feel it slipping by the second.
“Wow … you have a really nice body…”
It was an out-of-character statement, or so the tone of her voice suggested, but I wasn’t about to let it slip away without my reward first. “Mommy, was I a good boy?”
Tiffany seamlessly slipped back into the role, smiling and nodding. “Yes, you were. Mommy promised you a reward if you were a good boy, didn’t she?” I nodded, eyes shining with anticipation. “Do you like mommy’s pussy?”
I nodded again. “It’s so tight, but it feels good.”
Tiffany giggled at that. “Anyone would feel this tight with how big my baby boy is.”
“Would Damian like to feel better?” I let the excitement I bleed onto my lips. “Would Damian like to cum inside mommy’s pussy?”
This time, my excitement translated into a twitch of my dick. Oh fuck. Was she really letting me do that?
After what has basically amounted to soaking inside Tiffany for the better part of five, maybe ten, minutes, I was raring to have a go at fucking this pussy that has been strangling my cock this entire time. But the prospect of being able to cum inside? That was beyond any fantasy I usually allowed myself to have about my prospective woman for the night. “Yes!”
Tiffany smiled again. “Damian has been such a good boy, I think he deserves his reward.” She wasted no time in pleasantries, lifting her ass off my groin. A sharp breath blew past my teeth, the feeling of her moist vaginal walls gliding along my shaft sending a rolling wave of pleasure throughout my body. And, as quickly as she lifted herself off my dick, she slammed back down, the crisp sound of her plump ass slapping against my damp groin blending in with the groans and moans from both Tiffany and me.
“Ah—” she repeated the action, leaning forward a little more to give herself a better angle to ride me, “—you feel so big inside mommy, honey…”
It didn’t take me long to find her rhythm and match her riding motion with upward thrusts; my hands found themselves planted at her hips, my eyes wandering from watching the wanton expression on her face to watching the slight jiggle of her beautiful tits to watching the up-and-down motion of her labia along my dick, unsure which sight was a more sexually appealing spectacle.
“Shit … you feel so good…”
“Damian, language…” Tiffany’s weak protest fell on deaf ears, all our efforts now focused on the other’s reproductive organ.
Having become lost in my pleasure and watching Tiffany revel in hers, or maybe it was Tiffany fucking with my mind, I hadn’t even realized we had passed the limit of Tiffany’s physical capabilities until I began to notice the increased depth and frequency of her chest’s heaving.
But I wasn’t ready to slow down. Not by a long shot. Not when things were finally starting to heat up.
“Jellybean, I—what are you doing?” Tiffany’s arms buckled as my hands, now placed on her shoulders, pulled her body towards me. “Damian, you’re—” I didn’t listen, Tiffany cutting herself off with a squeal as I flipped our positions on the bed in an instant. From the sparkle in her eye, I could tell the display of physical dominance turned her on. “Damian, you’re being very naughty—”
Even her protest was weak, which only turned weaker as I began pounding her into the bed.
“But isn’t this easier, mommy?”
“Damian, listen to mommy…” the last vestiges of her attempt to maintain her role as the dominant rapidly dwindled to nothing, her own voice even betraying her as a slew of moans erupted from her throat. “Oh, oh god…” Seeing Tiffany start breaking down, especially with how staunchly her stance was in preserving the roleplay, caused a swell of pride and power to balloon inside my chest. The strict ‘mother’, now reduced to a moaning, mewling mess, at the whims of my cock violating every inch of her wanton pussy … in my many years of living and countless women I’ve bedded, few, if any, sights compared in sexiness and how great it felt to know that I was the cause of it.
“See? Isn’t this better?”
Tiffany shook her head slightly, her legs wrapping around my waist. “B-But I was supposed to b-be rewarding you.”
“You are.”
The suffocating tightness was only counteracted by the sheer wetness of her pussy, well-lubricated from her previous three orgasms. Added to that was an overwhelming heat that only added to the heat of our synchronized motion created a symphony of moans, damp skin slapping against each other, the squeaking of the luxurious hotel suite’s bed, and the panting that came between the moans.
“Damian, oh—oh, fuck!”
Tiffany’s moan turned into a high-pitched squeal as my fingers pushed aside her folds to lightly pinch the hardened nub north of our connection.
“You like that?”
“Yes, I—fuck!”
I pinched it again, with a bit more pressure, causing Tiffany’s back to arch well off the bed.
“Hmm, you’re so sexy, Tiff.”
I leaned forward, leaving my fingers at her clit while my lips found hers. While our previous kisses could be described as messy, it didn’t hold a candle to this kiss; it was as wild and sloppy as it was wet and loud, the constant smacking of our lips quickly joining the cacophony of sounds that were echoing throughout the suite.
A deep, guttural moan reverberated out from Tiffany’s throat, her lips unrelenting in their counter-assault on mine. The wet, velvety texture of her lips glided against mine, made more difficult by how the force of my thrusts were causing her body to shake, but they never separated for more than a second.
“So desperate…”
I could feel one hand tightly gripping the back of my head and the other, my neck, the tensing of her legs and the continual strings of muffled moans vibrating from her throat reaffirming the two words I managed to gasp out. However, as accusatory as the words were, the same could be said about me: but with how sweet her lips were, and how soft they felt against mine, and how expertly they caressed and rubbed against and massaged my lips, how could I not become so desperate? I was already kissing her, but I still needed more.
“So good…”
My tongue brushed against the entrance to her lips and instantly, was allowed access. Tilting my head for a better angle, I deepened the kiss, feeling the powerful pink muscle in her mouth coming out to meet my own. My nose was nearly poking her cheek, the hot puffs of air on mine telling me hers was in a similar position, the subtle aroma of her subtle perfume wafting into my nose.
Fuck, I’m going to go crazy.
I was thankful I was experienced enough to let my body go on auto-pilot, because I was beginning to feel dizzy with the overload of stimulation from all sources: from her silky legs wrapped around my wait, from her ample boobs pressed against my chest, from her scent being injected through my nostrils, from her vaginal walls gliding along my cock, from her luscious lips pressed firmly against mine, from her tongue dancing expertly around my tongue, from the squirming of her body as my finger continued to tease her clitoris—
I need a short break.
I pulled away, my hips slowing down considerably as I did so. “Sorry Tiff, I need—”
All my concerns for taking a break instantly vanished upon looking at her face: eyelids half-lidded, tongue now lolling out of her parted lips, chest heaving, the lower half of her body spasming at the orgasm that was currently wracking her body.
“I’m—fuck, I can’t—”
Damn, I knew I was good, but I’m not that good. That drug really is something else, huh?
It wasn’t intentional, but taking advantage of Tiffany in the state she was in felt wrong. Maybe Tiffany herself didn’t feel that way—maybe she was in as much ecstasy as she looked to be in—but having brought her to such a state not by my own efforts, but with the help of a drug, made it not as satisfying. I doubted she would’ve have gotten like this if she was with the man who fed her the drug, but knowing it wasn’t all me made me wonder how much of it was me.
“Ah, ah, fuck…”
The Korean-American celebrity gasped, her words breathy and her half-conscious state only marginally improving.
“Are you ok?”
Even after waiting a minute for her to calm down was evidently insufficient, as she continued to shake, albeit less violently. “Sorry, fuck…”
“Language, mommy.”
Tiffany grinned, the continual orgasms that had wracked her body and brought her to the half-conscious state she was in coming to a halt. “Sorry, baby.”
“Looks like you need a break too, with how many times you just came in a row.”
Tiffany’s eyes narrowed, biting the corner of her lower lip in reaction to the flash of lust that passed my eyes. “Not like you minded, you just continued fucking me like I was your personal fleshlight.”
“You’re saying that like you weren’t moaning up a storm, begging for more.”
“Oh, I never said I didn’t mind.”
Those words, the seductive voice she spoke with, and the sexy smirk that followed, nearly blew away all of the restraint I was employing.
Fuck, she’s dangerous.
“What made you stop?”
“Other than seeing your barely-conscious state?”
“Don’t kid yourself, I know it wasn’t me that caused you to stop. Otherwise, you would’ve stopped a long time ago.”
I almost laughed at that. “You almost sound proud of cumming so much.”
Tiffany shrugged. “Nothing to be ashamed of.”
“I was getting overwhelmed.”
Caught off guard, Tiffany’s eyebrows furrowed together. “Hm?”
“The answer to your question,” I responded, “I stopped because I was getting a little overwhelmed. Although it looked like you were a little more overwhelmed than me. Why didn’t you stop me?”
“No reason to. It felt amazing.” I found myself grinning and opened my mouth to reply, but was cut short by Tiffany, “But I couldn’t help but notice: you didn’t cum yet, did you?”
“Did you really want me to fill up your sore, tiny little pussy badly?”
“Don’t you?” I felt my dick twitch in response to that again. Fuck, why is so so— “I already told you, didn’t I? Cum lots and lots inside mommy~” Tiffany’s response, the cuter, higher-pitched tone she used while doing the roleplay, and the suggestive smirk on her face, acted as the final straw that broke my restraint.
My hands went under her thighs and lifted her legs up, a surprised squeal coming out of Tiffany’s lips as I pushed them upwards into a ‘V’ shape. “You asked for this, so don’t blame me for not stopping until I empty my load inside you, mommy.”
“Yeah, fuck!”
The words came out half as a moan and half as a scream, her back arching as I drilled into her from a downward angle. My knees planted firmly into the mattress and my hands tightly gripping her legs as her body shook with the force of my thrusts, I watched as her face quickly gave way to lust. It didn’t take long for her hands to creep onto her chest to start massaging her own breasts, rubbing and kneading the supple skin like playdoh; her lips her parted, eyes closed, head thrown back, every part of her being proudly displaying the ecstasy she was feeling from the strong, rapid thrusts of my cock in and out of her womanhood.
“How badly do you want this?”
“So badly, mommy needs it, mommy needs your cum—ah!” the last bit of her sentence was cut short by a louder moan when the force of my thrusts caused my groin to press up against her clit. I took advantage of the contact, a grin appearing on my face from the mewling mess Tiffany became upon rubbing the sensitive nub.
The telltale signs of her pussy tightening around my cock and the increasing frequency of her moans told me all I needed to know about her next impending orgasm. “You gonna cum again?”
“Yes, fuck, I’m sorry, I can’t help it, my clit, you’re rubbing it so much, and your cock, oh god—oh, god!”
The sexy sight before me only made me want to work harder, of her body violently conceding to the nth orgasm of the night.
“What a naughty mommy, cumming so many times when she was supposed to be giving a reward to her baby boy.”
“I’m sorry, I’m sorry,” she panted, barely able to formulate complete sentences from the heavy panting that was disabling her articulatory functions.
I didn’t give her any time to recover from her orgasm, continuing at the same speed and ferocity as before. The squeaking of the poor bed returned, the suite soon filled yet again with the combined sounds of our moans, my balls slapping her wet labia, and that noise, amplified more this time by the additional strength the position allowed me to use.
“God, fuck, it’s too much—!”
It wasn’t so much of me letting her ride out her orgasm as much as it was me chasing after my own. The buildup after all this time, the anticipation from the first time I laid my eyes on her and reigniting when she came onto me strongly in the club, was all coming to a head in every thrust that smashed the tip of my cock against her cervix.
I had a pretty good imagination, but actually fucking her was a million times better than any fantasy I had. Her perfect, beautiful visage ruined by the tongue nearly lolling out of her mouth, her stunning eyes rolled to the back of her head, her flawless, pale skin dotted with beads of sweat, her silky, jet-black hair strewn all over the blanket, all in a lecherous display before me. That wasn’t even to mention her beautiful voice screaming out in ecstasy, her soaking wet yet simultaneously suffocatingly tight pussy massaging the length of my cock as it glided along its walls, every thrust causing a spurt of her juices to land on my growingly damp groin, even the silky-smooth feeling of her tensing thighs in my left hand that defeated the vision I had looking at her.
“You love my cock so much, don’t you?”
With how much of my penis I was withdrawing from her entrance, it was only a matter of time before it slipped out; when it did, I held her thighs with my elbow while directing the drenched rod back inside her, another moan erupting from Tiffany’s lips.
“Yes~” the force used to fully sheath myself back inside her caused the fat on her ass to reverberate, her body jerking upwards in reaction to my vigor, “I love it so much, fuck!”
I took advantage of my hand’s position to reach between her folds and pinched her clit, causing another string of high-pitched moans to echo throughout the bedroom. “Does mommy really want another baby?”
She nodded frantically, yet another impending orgasm causing her to twist and squirm around. “Yes! Please!”
I desperately held my climax back, wanting to indulge in this moment for as long as I could withstand it, but everything was working against me: the sight of Tiffany reveling in her pleasure, the feeling of her body intertwined within mine, the beautiful melodies of moans and screams that continually flew out her lips, even the smell of sex that was gradually taking over my nostrils. “You’re a really slutty mommy, wanting to feel her baby’s cum fill up every crevice of her naughty little pussy, aren’t you?”
“Ye—Yes—Yes!” Tiffany, barely able to formulate words at this point, could only scream out the one word in agreement, the climax that took over her body shortly after turning her into a moaning, screaming mess.
I barely had time to let out a warning yell before my own climax took over, giving her clit one last firm pinch before feeling the tension inside my nethers untangle all at once.
“Fuck, it’s so hot!”
“Here’s your baby you wanted to much, mommy.” My right hand quickly went back to her thighs, holding onto them with both hands for leverage, using her orgasming pussy to ride out my own orgasm, each thrust pushing in the torrent of the sticky substance deep inside the singer’s womb.
“More, please, more!”
The combined climaxes and the resulting creampie brewing inside her evidently extended her stay at her peak, her ability to stay still rendered completely inert by her pleasure sending tidal wave after tidal wave of ecstasy throughout her entire body.
“Ugh, shit,” I grunted, feeling the last few strands of my seed being milked out by the convulsing, fleshy walls of her baby canal.
The following minute was filled with nothing but the sounds of our deep pants, me taking a minute to rest before letting her legs fall back onto the bed.
I looked up to see Tiffany beckoning for me. I obediently leaned forward, letting her hands wrap around my head and pull me down into another kiss. A pleased moan vibrated inside my throat, the feeling of her lips rubbing and massaging mine and her ample bosom smooshed against my chest barely able to fight against the refractory period softening my penis still inside her. She let me go after a few seconds, a lazy smirk on her lips. “Thanks, that was amazing. But, you’re still hard?”
I definitely had the stamina to go another round or two, but just a glance at the drooping eyes of Tiffany told me all I needed about what kind of a person she was: in her heart of hearts, a people pleaser.
I shook my head, only to be met with an indignant, “Yes you are, I can still feel how hard you are inside me.”
“Tiff, I think it’s best that we stop.”
For all the ways the existence of Tiffany fucked with my mind, I was glad this part of me remained unchanged. “Look, you’re struggling to stay awake.”
“No, I—”
“It’s ok, we can continue next morning if you’re up for it.”
She adamantly shook her head, her lips forming into a pout. “I’m fine, you can keep fucking me if I fall asleep.”
Being too exhausted to resist, I had little issue removing her legs that had wrapped around my waist and pulled out of her. A shudder ran up her spine that escaped out her mouth as I did so, a stream of fluids leaking out of her red and battered hole. “Let’s clean you up first, don’t want any UTIs or anything.”
Tiffany continued to pout but obliged, letting me carry her to the bathroom to wash her privates. “Do you have any Plan B pills with you?”
She nodded. “In my purse.”
After feeding the pills to her, I finished drying her up before plopping her back in bed, under the covers. However, before I could leave, I was stopped by her hand, shooting out from under the blanket and grabbing my wrist.
“Don’t go.”
I turned back around in shock, as it seemed like Tiffany’s eyes had already closed when I pulled the blanket over her.
“I’m only going to the bathroom.”
Ordinarily, I would’ve had no problem staying the night with her, but not when it came to celebrities. In those cases, I usually opted to slip out the same night, not wanting to cause a scene or any problematic news articles. Doing so has only backfired once, and even then, the model came to understand my intentions after explaining them to her.
“You already tried that on me, remember?”
Damn it. Why didn’t I turn around when I said that?
“It’s better if I leave now, isn’t it?”
She frowned pointedly at that. “Why?”
My brows furrowed, pursing my lips in confusion. “Well, because you’re a celebrity, and you don’t want to be caught leaving a hotel with a man?”
“We can just leave at different times.” There was no denying that, but still, I didn’t want to take any risks when I didn’t have to. “Plus, you promised me, didn’t you?”
“That we’d continue tomorrow morning.”
I sighed, the twitching of my mostly-flaccid cock catching the attention of Tiffany, who giggled at the sight. “Are you going to insist that I stay?”
She nodded. “Please?”
As much of an admitted playboy I was, the pleading eyes of a beautiful woman was something I had little resistance to; and when that beautiful woman was Tiffany, the queen of being able to bend me to her will, that resistance all but crumbled.
“I really can’t win against you, can I?”
The smile on my face transferred to Tiffany, who opened the blanket covers, scooting over and patting the space she made for me. “Come to mommy~”
I obliged, slipping under the covers with her and letting her wrap her arms around mine, pulling them against her naked breasts, and resting her head against my bare shoulder. While I had no problems with her snuggling up to me like that, I couldn’t help but become a little concerned. “Is that comfortable?”
With her eyes still closed, she replied, “If I don’t do this, you’ll run away after I fall asleep, won’t you?”
I found myself smiling. It was an option I was holding onto in the back of my mind, but Tiffany seemed to be too thorough to let me do that. “Busted.”
She smiled back. “Good night.”
“Good night.”
By the time I repeated the words to her, she had already fallen asleep, and not too long after, so did I.
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closerstars · 3 months
small favors
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mingyu x oc reader
fluff, friends to lovers
note: this is purely self-indulgent because i have a big fat ass crush on mingyu. havent got the time to proofread and fancify everything but pls enjoy!!!
"This is my third glass already. If that girl in the red dress doesn't stick around, I'm tapping out," you sigh, your face resting on your hand while the other holds onto your margarita. Mingyu had come up with the plan for you both to team up and help Wonwoo find a date at Seungcheol’s sister’s wedding party, and you had readily agreed.
You've known Wonwoo since childhood, introduced by his mom at the playground, and you've been the best of friends since then. Mingyu joined your circle in high school, and the three of you have been inseparable ever since.
"Hang in there. I think the girl in red might be the one. They’ve been chatting for a good ten minutes now," Mingyu remarks, checking his watch.
"Yeah? Let's see," you reply skeptically.
"Such a pessimist. Remember, she's your candidate," Mingyu teases.
"I don't know, I just don't see Wonwoo fully engaged in the conversation. She had that charm when I talked to her," you admit, though it's hard to tell from three tables away whether Wonwoo's truly interested or just politely listening.
As you both observe, Soonyoung joins in with his drink. "What are you both up to now?" he asks, following your gaze to Wonwoo and the girl in the red dress, looking at you and Mingyu with a confused expression.
Turning to Soonyoung, you ask, "Soonyoung, what do you think? Will the girl in the red dress be able to break through Wonwoo's defenses?"
He takes a sip and frowns at the aftertaste. "How come you never set me up? We're friends too, you know, both of you."
"Just answer the question," you roll your eyes.
Soonyoung takes another look at Wonwoo and the girl in the red dress. "I think she might," he finally answers, earning a nod of agreement from you.
"Hey, look! They're laughing!" Mingyu giggles at the sight of Wonwoo saying something that earns a laugh from the girl.
"Oh my god," you gush with Mingyu. "She just handed him her phone."
You playfully slap Mingyu’s arm. "Dude, they're exchanging numbers!"
Both matchmakers celebrate with high fives until the girl in the red dress exits their view and waves goodbye to Wonwoo.
"Wait, where's she going? Is she heading home already?" you wonder aloud, checking the time on your phone. When you look back up, the girl in the red dress passes by your table and greets you with a nod, saying, "Nice to meet you again, Y/N. Gotta go."
Wonwoo follows after her, approaching your table. As he sets his drink down, you immediately ask, “So?”
Wonwoo takes a sip of his drink. “She was alright,” he says nonchalantly, earning a disappointed expression from you, which he finds amusing.
"What do you mean she was alright?" Mingyu prompts.
"Well…" Wonwoo tilts his head, trying to recall the details. "She’s a photographer. So that’s a good start."
Impatient with his lack of detail, you sigh. Typical Wonwoo, a man of few words. "Okay. And?"
Wonwoo takes another sip. “She suggested I visit her photo exhibit sometime. So she gave me her Instagram page and I gave her mine too.”
Realizing your mission was a success, you grasp Mingyu's shoulder. Mingyu raises his glass, proposing a toast among the four of you.
"I'm so happy right now, I need another glass," you giggle, taking a sip of your margarita.
“Okay. Wonwoo’s got a date. How about me?” Soonyoung pouts, making you laugh. You then ask Mingyu to switch seats so you can play matchmaker with Soonyoung this time.
As you're in the middle of interviewing Soonyoung and scanning the crowd with him to find someone he’d want to talk to, Dami, Seungcheol’s sister in lawapproaches and grabs your arm, pulling you to her.
“Y/N! I have someone you should meet!”
With wide eyes, you look at your tablemates and mouth "Help," but they only laugh at you.
“Bye!” Wonwoo teases, waving to you.
Meanwhile, the three guys left at the table continue drinking and talking over the jazz music playing in the background. Mingyu notices you at a table with Seungcheol as Dami walks through the crowd with her arm looped around some guy in a tux.
He figures maybe this is the guy Dami wanted to introduce you to. Guess they aren’t the only ones playing matchmaker that night.
Wonwoo notices his best friend looking intently from afar. He turns his head back to see you shaking hands with a handsome stranger. Mingyu’s eyes start to wander, trying to distract himself from the hint of jealousy he was feeling
“When is the DJ set going to start? I am so bored,” Soonyoung pouts as he scrolls through his phone, then gets nudged by Wonwoo, directing his attention to you observing something from a distance.
Soonyoung couldn’t help but tease. “Oh wow, Dami’s got good taste. I’d like to see how Y/N would play the game tonight.”
“What?” Mingyu snaps out of it and pretends not to hear.
“Good luck stealing her back, man. Just letting you know I’m always Team Mingyu.” Soonyoung pats Mingyu's back, gripping his drink and takes off.
Wonwoo then slides closer to Mingyu. “You know you’ve always had the advantage, right?”
Mingyu looks at him, confused. “Advantage? What are you talking about?” Mingyu knows what his best friend was talking about. Wonwoo is direct, but this conversation feels different. They've never discussed about him and Y/N before.
“Oh, come on, Mingyu. I've noticed the way you look at her lately. If you like her, just tell her and let it happen the way its fated to happen,” Wonwoo says, taking a sip of his drink, as though confessing to Y/N were as simple as ordering another round.
If telling Y/N what he felt was that easy for him and her, he could’ve done it sooner. But no. He wanted to be sure. He wanted to be sure that this wasn’t just some sort of crush.
“Okay, let's calm down,” he chuckles nervously. “I’m just taking my time, hyung. And I also want to give her all the time and space she needs if…” he pauses. “… if she ever feels the same way.” He adds hastily, gulping down the rest of his drink. “This stuff is good. I need more.”
Conveniently, Seungcheol appears out of nowhere with two glasses in hand, setting them down their table. “I thought you might need another round,” he says, chuckling softly.
Mingyu thanks him, but before he can even grab his drink, you swoop in and snatch it from his hand, leaving the three of them surprised.
“Thanks,” you say, taking a sip and letting out a relieved sigh. You hadn't expected to meet one of your biggest radio DJ crushes, Joshua, at a wedding party. As the brief conversation with him ends, you hurriedly excuse yourself from Seungmi, feeling your face grow warmer by the second.
As you return to your table, Cheol gives Mingyu a teasing glance while sipping on his drink. “Y/N's pretty cute when she's flustered.”
“Oh shut up.” You playfully roll your eyes and then offered to get Mingyu a new glass which you did.
As you stepped away, Wonwoo chuckles at Cheol’s comment, earning an eye roll from Mingyu. “This is so annoying.”
“Why are you annoyed? Oh, I see. You know I heard that Joshua invited her to visit him at the radio booth sometime.” Cheol prods.
“She'll probably be too busy to go,” Mingyu counters.
“How would you know? Are you her manager?”
“What if I am?” Mingyu retorts, trying to play it cool.
They stop abruptly when you came back with a new drink in hand and gave it to Mingyu. “Gentlemen. I am back. Here’s your drink, sir.”
“So how’d it go meeting one of your celebrity crushes?” Wonwoo asks. He wanted to see how his bestfriend will react.
“Oh. Pfft. Yeah I think I played it real cool. Did I?” You turn to Seungcheol for affirmation but he laughs at you instead.
“You were good. Charming at least.” He winks at you and you mouthed a ‘thank you’ You then proceeded to rambling about Joshua’s radio show Sunday Mornings aired every Sunday morning.
“So annoying.” Mingyu mutters as he side eyes Seungcheol.
Wonwoo tries to hold in a laugh, covering his mouth with his drink. Mingyu takes another big sip from his drink thinking this was going to be a long night for him.
The tension Mingyu was feeling inside eases off as the night progressed. He has the alcohol to thank for that as well as when the dj finally starts his set for the after-after party.
You, however, was on a high and was extra loud for the night. Never in your life would you think you’d have the energy to goof around and match Soonyoung’s on the dancefloor considering that you weren’t that good of a dancer.
With your confidence at its peak you even pulled the bride to dance with you twirled her over to her now husband. The warmth and joy you felt was incomparable as you watched the newly weds dance and then seal everything with a kiss as the song ended.
Another song plays as you wanted to rest because your feet was starting to hurt already so you head to the bar for another drink as if you weren’t tipsy enough. You scan the room for somewhere to sit on but all you found was the flight of stairs from where the bride and groom had their grand entrance earlier that night.
Wonwoo was sitting down a step checking his phone. He then notices you approaching. He scoots a little and sweeps the space beside him with his hand for you to sit on.
“Tired?” He says with a welcoming smile.
“Yeah. A little.” You sigh as you carefully take a seat.
“Did you at least have fun tonight?” He asks like a dad asking his daughter if she had fun.
“Yes, dad. There were lots of boys hitting on me though.” You joke and scrunch your nose waiting for his reaction.
Wonwoo chuckles and plays along. “Ah my pretty daughter. The boys must’ve had a hard time getting your attention.”
“They’re just boys. I’m here for the party.”
“Really? No one caught your eye?” He points to the small crowd of people enjoying the music, dancing, having drinks.
You casually pretend to scan the crowd until you notice Mingyu was fast approaching still looking to be at full energy.
“I dunno. This guy seems pretty decent.” You shrugged. “Pretty. Decent. Kind.” You said that in a very smug way but heaven knows you meant it.
You’ve developed a skill of being friends with Kim Mingyu. And that was suppressing even the slightest infatuation that eventually grew over the years. Who wouldn’t have a crush on Kim Mingyu anyway?
You’ve had plenty of experience with girls befriending you just to get close to him, some would bribe you with coffee to have you give them his number. You get the coffee, ask Mingyu for permission if he’s comfortable with his number being given and then hand him the coffee you got for free.
With your sibling-like dynamic, he was so comfortable with sharing even his dating life sometimes it wasn’t as fun anymore because you realize how good of a person he was it’s almost unreal that some girls think of him as too naive when he’s really just that kind of person who always believes there is something good in everything.
You were glad to be his friend. You continue to learn a lot from him. There’s an internal struggle however, when that dreaded question “what if you wanted something more than being friends” comes to mind. It scares you. Scared that he might get to close to see through the cracks.
“What are you two doing?! Sitting down?! Really?!” Mingyu reaches for your hand while his other hand reaches for Wonwoo’s and then pulls the both of you up like his ragdolls.
This was always the dynamic between you three. Mingyu being the energetic golden retriever, Wonwoo being the calm black cat, you being the confused chihuahua to balance them out.
Later that night, you find yourself assisting a drunk Kwon Soonyoung to his hotel room.
As you search your purse for Soon’s key card he has entrusted you earlier that night, Wonwoo was trying to restrain Soon who was trying to kiss him while he laughs and giggles. Same with Mingyu. But he just talks to Soon in his state.
The door beeped and clicked open so you successfully assisted Soonyoung to his room. You help remove his blazer and then finally made him lay in bed.
Thankfully, your rooms were on the same floor so you all went your separate ways for the night.
Once you settled in and changed to a shirt and sweatpants. You were in the midst of removing stubborn makeup when you decided to open a bottle of beer to cap off the night
As you were quietly browsing photos you took in your hotel room you notices Mingyu’s coat that you lazily hung to a chair.
You text him.
“You still awake??? forgot to give your coat back sorry”
“i’ll go get it in a minute” he replied
You continue browsing the photos you took for tonight and you stop at photos Soonyoung took of Mingyu and you making funny faces. Your lips curl to a smile as you remember this was taken after you sent Wonwoo off with a girl to talk too.
You heard knocking so you toss your phone to your bed and set the beer bottle down. You get Mingyu’s coat and open the door.
“Hey.” You were greeted with Mingyu hair still a bit wet from the shower, obvious from the droplets of his hoodie.
“I was going to give it later in the morning but you were eager to get it.” You hand him your coat.
“You can just tell me you’re gonna hug it to your sleep if you want to you know.” He reaches for it and your hands slightly brush together.
Your face contorts. “Ew. Why the hell would I do that? Creepy.”
“So you can dream of me. Duh.” He is still at it.
“I’ll pass. Good night, Gyu.” You were not having enough of it you rolled your eyes and was about to close the door but his hand stops it.
There was silence between you two for a few seconds. He then takes a step closer, height towering over you. At this moment you felt as if you were put under his spell. Unable to move, you focus on his forehead since your legs might just give up if you look straight into his eyes.
His eyes traveling from your eyes nose and lips.
He softly touches your fingers, moving up your arms barely touching it with his fingertips then tracing your jaw.
You feel your breath slowing down. Your eyes trying to read his. Was this really happening? Should you let it happen?
“Can I kiss you?” He says quietly.
You nod slightly, closed your eyes then it happens. You felt the warmth spread to your face.
Mingyu smiles as he pulled away. Both your eyes meeting each other. You sigh a little. Your foreheads against each other.
“You taste like beer.” He giggles softly and you let out a shy laugh.
You weren’t sure what got to you as you reached for his neck to kiss him again.
After you break it off there was a pause and then you both go back to laughing faces against each other. You have no idea if it was just the high of finally doing what both your hearts wanted to do for a long while. And finally meeting halfway with what the score is between the two of you.
You were both interrupted with the sound of the door being opened. You both straighten up as if nothing happened.
“I-uh…” Mingyu clears his throat. “Goodnight, Y/N.
You touch your nape and avoided eye contact. “Yeah uh. Good night, Gyu.”
It was another long day for you and Mingyu at work. While you were busy writing and revising scripts and trying to help your editor with the video editing, Mingyu was busy shooting new content for the project you were working together for. He was the director this time and you were one of the writers.
No one has said a word ever since that kiss. You were at your best at pretending that it did not bother you at all and kept busy at work.
He asked you to eat lunch with him at your favorite sandwich place.
The whole time you sat there were complaining about how you were frustrated at one of your scripts keep getting scrapped by one of the hosts you were shooting.
“Can I talk to you about something” He asked softly.
You peel off the wrapper of your subway BLT “Yeah go on.“ And then you took a big bite.
“About that kiss.” His eyes not leaving yours. Observing how you’d react.
You somehow mastered controling your reactions being with Mingyu for years.
“What about it?” You said nonchalantly. “I was pretty drunk that night.” No you weren’t. You were having a beer and completely aware.
“You…were?” He tilts his head like a confused puppy. “Okay. But I remember you kissing me back.” He was taken aback by your reply. You were clearly not as kissing anyone she sees drunk level as Soonyoung.
“Yeah, cause I was drunk. We do and say stupid things when we’re drunk. I’m sorry if it made you uncomfortable.” You meet his eyes this time to make your lie more convincing to him but moreso yourself.
Mingyu was left confused. You were not drunk that night.
He raised an eyebrow because you were obviously lying. You were more stern, retained more eye contact when you lie. It’s the same strategy you do when you’re pushed to do revisions to scripts that you did not want to do because it’ll only change the story.
“Look I just want to you to know that I don’t regret doing that.”
“Mmhmm.” You were busy chewing your sandwich and back to avoiding eye contact.
“And that I have liked you long enough for me to have the courage to do that.”
He can see your eyes widen and proactively try to avoid his. Your gut goes crazy until your eyes meet his. You stay there and your gut eases.
You were about to say something but couldn’t find the words so you just closed your mouth and looked into his eyes now and sighed.
“But please don’t say anything. You don’t have to answer.”
“And just tell me if you’re not comfortable with this. I mean we do work together almost all the time.” He then takes a big bite of the sandwich he barely touched after all that.
“It’s fine. I mean… It was a drunken mistake on me. I just-” You sighed again and wanted to say something but your emotions were all over the place. “Thank you. For telling me this.”
“Are we cool?”
You smiled. “Course we are.”
“So… Wonwoo told me something earlier before he left.” You peeked through your laptop and glanced at Mingyu who was cooking.
“What’d he say?”
“Nothing. He just told me that he… saw us kiss that night at the wedding.” You shrug trying to keep your tone as casual as you can.
“Okay. And?”
“He said that whatever that was, it’s safe with him. It’s none of his business.” You stood up from your seat and walked to their fridge.
“I just told him that it was nothing. I was drunk.” You said as you searched for a can of soda and then reached for it.
Mingyu’s eyebrows were raised at the sound of you saying you were drunk excuse again. He turns to face you with arms crossed across his chest. “It was nothing huh? And you were drunk.”
“Yeah. I was. Haven’t we talked about this?” You opened the soda but almost fizzed out but you drink it up with your mouth before it spills.
Mingyu scoffs. “You can’t keep convincing yourself that you were too drunk to kiss me back that night,” Mingyu finally snaps, his frustration boiling over. He’s tired of you dismissing your kiss as a drunken mistake. It wasn’t just about the kiss he was frustrated about.
You were a mess. You were going on this push and pull game of yours. You would be sweet one day and then the next one push him away. It wasn’t as if Mingyu didn’t see this coming knowing you.
Your eyes widen in disbelief. “What did you just say?”
“You were sober,” Mingyu states firmly, taking a step closer to her. “You kissed me back.” He removes his apron this time and carefully sets it aside.
Your arms cross defensively. “And what if I did?”
“Just admit it,” Mingyu insists, his voice tinged with exasperation. “I kissed you because I like you, you kissed me back, and now you keep saying you were drunk and it was nothing?”
“Stop saying the word ‘kiss’!” You retort, your irritation becoming more obvious.
“Stop acting like a child!” Mingyu shoots back, his frustration building up.
“I was just experimenting, okay? Can we drop it now?” Your tone softens slightly as you resigns herself to the conversation.
“Experimenting? For what? You’re unbelievable! Are we guinea pigs now to experiment your feelings on?” Mingyu’s disbelief is palpable.
“I was trying to see if it was real,” you admit reluctantly, her voice barely above a whisper.
“What is?” Mingyu’s gaze softens as he meets her eyes.
“You and I,” you replie quietly, your defenses crumbling. “Whatever this is.”
There’s a moment of silence as they both process your confession.
Finally, you sigh, tone resigned. “I was just checking. Making sure what I felt was real. So I can confront it and have the guts to tell you.”
“But you kissed me, so I kissed you back, and then I went crazy, so I wanted to think about it for days, hence me trying to convince myself and you all that I was drunk!”
Mingyu’s eyes soften, a hint of understanding dawning in them as they trail from her eyes to her lips. “Well, do you want to check again?” he asks softly.
You chuckle, a smile tugging at the corners of her lips. “You’re so stupid,” you murmur. “I’m not kissing you again.”
“You want to,” Mingyu insists, leaning in closer.
You place your palm on his chest, stopping him from closing the gap. “Yeah, I kinda do,” you admit, before leaning in for a short kiss.
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redzie02 · 3 months
Imagining Wooyoung as a girl dad
quick imagine ...ur honor i love him and im here to push the girl dad! wooyoung agenda masterlist
wooyoung loves kids, even more so when they're his kids
your daughter had just been born a few months ago and he'd had a hard time leaving her side
when she would cry in the middle of the night, he'd jump out of bed before you could even process what was going on. you'd sleepily walk into the nursery to find him rocking her back and forth in his arms, mumbling whatever was on his mind in the softest voice. all with a smile on his face. the love he wore in his eyes was one so special that not even the greatest artists would be able to capture it
he'd always tell you how amazingly you were doing, ridding any doubts and insecurities you had about becoming a new parent
but oh was Wooyoung greedy with your daughter-so clingy he was with her
kisses. so many little kisses. forehead kisses, kisses over her eyes, nose, her tiny knuckles.
as soon as you were done feeding her, he'd whisk her away from your arms and pat her back until she burped, cradling her afterwards.
he'd snatch her from you so often that it started to frustrate you
you whined, "wooyoung! she's not gonna remember who I am if you keep taking her away like that."
"ah, sorry. i just can't stop thinking about having to go back to work in a couple weeks. I don't want to miss anything."
"i know, but just- remember she's not just your baby, okay?"
introducing your daughter to rest of ateez had certainly been fun. so many ranges of emotions- a few crying at the sight of the tiny scrunched face, some scared to hold her, some a little too excited to toss the fragile baby in the air
you and Woo walked into the room with your daughter in her carrier, confused when you took in their appearances- absolutely dressed to the nines. "Oh- are you guys performing after this?"
San spoke with his cat like grin. "Nope, Wooyoung told us to dress up for this."
You raised an eyebrow at your husband, not knowing a thing about whatever was going on.
Woo shrugged. "What? First impressions are important."
They'd all watch in awe at the little being yawning then falling asleep immediately after in Seonghwa's arms, her tiny hand loosening its grip on his index finger
"Wow, she's so cute...thank god she looks nothing like Wooyoung," Mingi joked, earning a slap on the shoulder.
"Shut up, she's my twin." And he would proudly prove so, pulling out his phone to find his own baby pictures.
Whenever it was possible, he'd have the three of you wearing matching outfits he custom made himself, down to the tiniest details- the jewelry, the shoes, socks and hair ties.
Cuteness aggression would overtake his senses when you would walk into the living room, daughter in arm, twirling to show off the outfits he put together. He'd clap and beg for another twirl, pulling out his camera and snapping pictures of the two he loved most. He'd go through the photos with tears in his eyes, zooming in and showing you his favorite ones.
He loved to go on dates to flaunt the outfits, driving you to the park and picking the perfect spot; under a tree with branches that drooped, providing the perfect amount of protection from the sun (and he made sure little baby had her sunscreen on). He'd smooth your favorite picnic blanket on the grass and set up the food- he had packed the baby's food and necessities before anything else. He'd take out his camera, adjust the settings, then snap more photos, excited to edit and print them out later. He always kept a photo of you three in his wallet, switching it out for a new one every week.
With every year that went by, you noticed her personality only grew to be more like Wooyoung's. Between the constant babbling and the energetic outbursts, there was never a quiet day at home. Her and Wooyoung could ramble about nothing for hours, not taking a breath once.
She'd even adopted the habit of sloppily kissing your cheek whenever you were near.
Before Wooyoung, you weren't a fan of so much physical touch, but now you can't go a single hour without expecting a kiss on the cheek or forehead from either of your true loves.
a/n: im so sleepy and this is all i could think about. i have so many drafts but my writing is subpar so i leave u with an imagine. might do these more often
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spnrs · 4 months
come to me
you and spencer have plans on going out to dinner but when you insist on coming to him first while he's wrapping up at work things don't go as planned
smut tffff warnings/tags: spencer reid x fem!reader, fluff, fingering, munch!spencer, softdom!spencer, semi public sex, praise, a bit of overstimulation, this is my first fic dont make fun of me.. dk how to end fics
spencer is still in the bullpen, carefully gathering the last of his things while everyone else is slowly filing out of the room. derek is the last to leave, hanging around spencers desk frowning down at his phone after everyone else is gone.
he finally looks up at him. "coffee?" spencer turns to face him, drawing his lips into a line and looking up like he's thinking extra hard. "rain check?" derek raises a knowing eyebrow at his grin, smiling back and wiggling his fingers goodbye. "have fun pretty boy."
it doesn't take him long to finish cleaning his desk, and when he's done he gets out of his chair to stand and lean on the table instead, waiting for you. spencer wanted to be the one to pick you up and take you to the restaurant you had picked out beforehand, but you insisted on coming to him.
he doesn't have to wait long though. a minute or two later, your face appears through the glass doors and you hurry inside, for a second, you just watch each other from across the room. spencers eyes light up immediately upon seeing you. it was the way your doll like lashes accentuated your eyes with the peachy pink blush softly blended up your cheekbone, or maybe it was the color on your lips and the way it made them look edible, whichever it was it set something off in spencers brain like a light switch. then you smile, your cheeks starting to flush a little more pink, and spencer moves. it only takes a couple of steps for spencer to be in front of you, but he takes them slowly.
he lets his eyes wonder down, you play with the pendant on your necklace and spencer raises his eyebrows faintly as if the innocent gesture is something intriguing. your chest is slightly angled towards him making how tight the top of your dress is impossible to ignore, he can't help but picture the way you'd look arching your back into him as he teases you from beneath him. barely being able to take in the sight of you, his shirt starts to feel a little tighter and the temperature seems to have risen. when spencer gets to you he stops just shy of contact, and you straighten up a little, drop the necklace and move your hands to his shoulders.
at the same time, spencer looks at you and reaches out with one hand, trailing down your back and stopping right at the indent of your waist. the touch is so light you can barely feel it, but you shiver anyway. spencer smiles his tiny smile, a wry twist of lips that would be easy to miss if you weren't watching for it. spencer lifts his eyes from where they're stuck on your lips and this time smiles at you, wide and soft. "hi angel" he gushes, and before you can respond he steps closer, close enough now that you would topple over without his hands on your waist to keep you stable. spencer tilts his head to press a soft kiss to the corner of your mouth before kissing you full on the lips. it's gentle, almost chaste.
you take a miniature step back to giggle but spencer only brings you closer, peppering your face with kisses. "hi baby" he keeps his arms around you, his grip pulling you in for a hug now. it had only been three days since you'd seen him last but it could've been three hours and spencer would always greet you the same. your arms wrap around his neck to deepen the hug, "did you miss me?" a rhetorical question. he doesn't say anything but hum and push his head into the crook of your neck. causing you to lift your shoulder up and twist your head into his like a reflex, the neck being your soft spot, spencer leaves a kiss before lifting his head back up. now it's his turn to take a step back and move his hands to rest on your hips, "is that even a question?" he carefully spins the both of you around.
"well did you? i need to be sure, cause i know i missed you." he stops there, "of course i did, my answer will never change." his hands squeezing lightly where they sat on your hips, and he smiles again, a little wider this time. you grab the end of his tie, and slowly, inch by inch, you begin to walk backwards reeling him in until the two of you reach his desk with barely room for air between your lips. you stop pulling, loosening your grip on the tie without letting it go, and wait for spencer to close the distance. he just studies your face, focusing on falling in love with your features for the fifteen-hundredth time. he tries to open his mouth to speak but it only takes a second. spencer, too slow to react, let's you take the initiative. you replace the words about to leave his mouth with a kiss. you lift yourself up onto his desk and spencer steps closer, close enough now that you have to spread your legs so he can fit between them. he stops there, his now hands resting lightly where they're cupped around your legs just above your knees, "you're so pretty" he kisses you again, "you look beautiful" another kiss, "i missed you so much" and he looks down. your dress pooled at the top of your thighs, purple panties just barely showing, legs spread open for him on his desk, and his eyes widen. it's like the sound of him clearing his own throat brings him back to reality. he looks up at your face, back down to your thighs and your face again. you make an attempt to kiss him, "not here" he manages to say before looking down at your thighs once more, and he pulls the dress down to cover you up decently enough before beginning to back up.
the absence of his body heat between your legs makes you frown. looking down and shifting on the desk to fix your posture and dress, you look up at spencer and his tight slacks accompanied by a growing buldge gains your attention. you reach out to touch him and he catches your hand, "not here" he repeats. "spencer" you whine, "do you see where we are" he says at a whisper leaning into your ear. when he takes a look at the pout forming on your face he realizes he won't be able to turn you down. "come here" he helps you off the desk and takes your hand, leading you out of the bullpen.
"where are we going?" you yelp as he walks at a pace too fast for you to keep up with. almost stumbling on your heels, trying to pay attention to where he's leading you, you suddenly stop and look up confused. spencer looks around before slowly opening a door to a dark office. "here's okay, is here okay?" the rapidity of the situation making you laugh, "it's a bit dark" you can barely make out the features of spencers face. "is this okay?" he has no trouble finding your hips once more, "yes, come here" before you know it you're picking up where you left off as if there was a pause and play button. he lifts you onto the desk and fits himself between your legs like a puzzle, more eager this time. his large hands grip at your thighs and messily push your dress up.
you wrap your arms around his neck and bring him in for a kiss, he deepens the kiss. you roll his lip between your teeth until spencer hitches your legs tighter around his waist, pressing the two of you together. your whole body feels flushed when spencer finally pulls away, laying his hand against your sternum to stop you from leaning in for another kiss. you whimper a little as the gentle stroke of spencers thumb raises goosebumps across your skin. slowly, spencer drops to his knees. he leans in so he can press a kiss to the inside of your knee, you clutch the hem of your dress in your hands, bunching it up so the skirt doesn't cover spencers face. you want to watch the flush spread across his face as he slowly kisses his way up from your knee, soft whispers of contact trailing up your thigh.
spencer stops at the crease of your thigh, pressing tiny kisses to the hot skin there. you whine a little, trying to tilt your hips to get his mouth where you want it, "spencer" but you can't get him to move. you let go of your dress and slip one hand between your legs. you can feel spencers breath on your fingers when he breaks away from your thighs to press a kiss against your knuckles. you press the tips of your fingers against spencers lips for a second before hooking two of them into the side of your underwear and pulling it aside, laying yourself bare. spencer tilts his head back for a second to look at you, slowly dragging his teeth over his lower lip. you should probably feel a little embarrassed, sitting there in his workplace with your cunt out, but instead you feel almost feverish with anticipation.
spencer drops his gaze and presses forward, shouldering your thighs further apart, just wide enough for you to feel the stretch. he's not coy this time, barely skimming your thighs before pressing the flat of his tongue directly against your clit, you moan softly at the contact. spencer barely wastes any time exploring. it seems like after only a few short, hard licks he knows as much as he needs to. his shoulders wiggle just a little when he moves them under your legs, wrapping his hands back around to dig his fingers into your thighs. you wonder if you'll have bruises there tomorrow.
you let go of the rest of your dress, letting it pool around your waist, and slip your hand under your knee, pulling your leg up and open further. the stretch in your thighs is almost too much now, but your entire body feels like a guitar string, taut and pluckable. between your legs, spencer wraps his lips around your clit, long firm sucks paired with gentler strokes of his tongue, until you're panting. suddenly, nothing. spencer pulls away and looks up at you, a little smile on his lips despite the bright red flush across his cheeks. his mouth is a little swollen and slick, "i love you" you want to pull him to his feet so you can taste yourself on his lips, but you don't think you can move your arms and don't want spencers mouth to get too far away from your cunt. "i love y-"
spencer tilts his head to press a kiss high on the inside of your thigh, all you can do is moan in response, following it with a short, sharp, bite. that one will definitely bruise. you gasp a little, your eyes fluttering closed, and trying to shift your hips enough to get spencers mouth back on you, but you can't. spencer holds you tightly and looks up at you, dragging his tongue across his lower lip and stretching his thumb out to rub circles around your clit. you whimper, arching your back into the sensation just like spencer pictured. you can feel a puff of warm air against your thigh when spencer laughs, before he finally leans back in and runs the tip of his tongue around your entrance, pressing just barely inside.
you gasp, barely managing not to kick spencer in the back. you think you can feel yourself getting wetter, trying to clench down hard around spencers tongue. there's a brief moment of disconnect as spencers shoulders shift under your legs and then he's back, two fingers pressing hard against your clit before slipping inside you and twisting. you wail, dropping your hold on your leg to clutch at the edge of the table. spencer only pauses to grin again, before diving back in with his tongue. this time, he's relentless. the fast, solid pressure of his tongue and the slow flex of his fingers have you gasping and begging so desperately your words start to run together. the soft whine of you saying "spencer", the only thing he can make out in your incoherent pleas, was music to his ears. he twists his fingers, rubbing slow circles in just the right spot inside you, and you come hard, pressing your face into your own shoulder to muffle the sound.
spencer keeps his mouth on you as you shake through it, clenching around his fingers and shivering as spencer coaxes even more aftershocks out of you. when it finally becomes too much you whimper, trying to twist your hips away and spencer pulls back, fingers and tongue gone in an instant. you feel empty, and have to resist the urge to press your thighs together.
you stare at each other for a moment with only the the faint lights from outside shining inside, breath slowing down in sync. you finally let go of your underwear, flexing your fingers to get the feeling back in them. "it's nerves getting squished," spencer begins, "which confuses the message to the brain. that's why we get the pins and needles; that’s your brain being confused and sending the wrong signals to your nerves." you stare at him. "shut up" you grab spencers tie and pull him up for another kiss, "once the pressure on the nerve is released it goes back to normal. if you think about it, it’s pretty clever. if we had no way of knowing when we’re doing damage to our nerves and no motivation to rectify the issue, we’d be pretty screwed." he smiles stupidly and you pull him back in, hungrier this time. spencer kisses back just as hard, his clean hand wound into your hair. after a minute or two, the kiss slows down, softening until it ends and spencer leans his head back a little to look at you. you can't help but laugh at the way spencer is carefully keeping his right hand away from you. you look around then reach behind yourself for a tissue and take spencers hand in yours, "here" carefully cleaning off his wet fingers. spencer smiles at you.
"thank you" you blush but dont look away, the tips of your fingers still linked with his. "oh my god!" you exclaim, smile dropping. spencer dramatically mimics your facial expression oblivious as to what's going on. "our date!"
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adviceformefromme · 4 months
Personal health hacks that have completely changed my life in the last 9 months.
Absolute number one is removing carbs from my diet. I had THE WORST crashes and lethargy every single day after my morning oat meal, after my carb heavy lunch, and carb heavy dinner. Despite being vegan my body lacked nutrients and calories from under-eating being plant-based and carb-overloading. 
Introducing grass-fed meat and high quality eggs into my diet. Red meat gets such bad press in the media, but personally it has given me energy, strength and I feel much better eating this in moderation. 
Little exercise each day. Not killing myself with a hardcore workout and then not being able to move for rest of the week (which I was doing previously). I now do a little each day. 1.5 - 2mile run most days, and daily stretches and weights at home. Nothing crazy, but a little goes a long way and I find it much easier to be consistent doing smaller bouts on my own schedule daily. 
Hormone health, ensuring I am keeping my hormones balanced. I make watermelon juice daily with 1.5 heaped tablespoons of flaxseed. Alongside that. I take omega 3, DIM, Selenium, Iodine, Vitamin D +K2, Evening primrose oil for womens health. I eat foods that support healthy hormones, broccoli, carrots, sunflower seeds and removed the foods that cause imbalances (carbs, sugars).
Removing all stress from my life. Including moving overseas, deleting social media and keeping my circle small but wholesome. 
Quit drinking alcohol. Initially I thought I would have the occasional drink but I truly have no desire anymore. My life is significantly better for not drinking. My body never responded well to booze. 
Sleeping properly for 7-9 hrs per night. Meditating for 1 hour before bed usually puts me in a completely zen mode for relaxation. That means my phone is switched off, I use a lavender pillow spray and light candles to set the mood for a goodnight sleep. 
Zeolite detox for heavy metals (currently in the process). I have Zeolith Med powder each day with water to flush out any toxins. 
Learning about gut microbiome, and probiotics..in the process of obtaining kefir grains to make my own batch. Making sauerkraut on weekends and introducing a wider variety of foods into my diet. 
These are completely personal and I can honestly say I feel better than ever. I wish I had done the above years ago, especially the carbs! I got a continuous glucose monitor of Amazon to see how my body was responding to carbs before I completely cut them off and I recommend doing this if you want to know more about how your body is reacting to glucose. 
*this all took time and effort, but once I removed the distractions, the meaningless socialising, the boozing, the scrolling I’ve had time to invest in myself + my health
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envy-of-the-apple · 5 months
the jjk naga au is getting to me……..i fear im terminally ill with thoughts about it (seriously, top of the food chain is such a yummy series (?) and im soso obsessed with how you've written gojo’s and geto’s characters, i reread your works everyday, i just can't get enough! ^^)
and i hope you don't mind if i share a Thought i've had :3 (i was going for an mc who used to draw/sketch/make art just for this specific scenario)
Imagine that your time on the island's barely dragging on. There's only so many berries to pick and so many times you can braid Suguru’s hair into elaborate styles. You're bored, stranded on an island with these two naga captors and their (adorable) hatchlings.
Well, there's always playing with the hatchlings, or tussling with Satoru (he calls it playtime but you're far from amused when you get a faceful of sand when he tugs your legs out from under you) but you miss your alone time. That little bubble of yours. Ah, privacy. 
Like that'd happen, but you can dream.
It's a stroke of chance when Nobara comes to you with her new haul of human paraphernalia, all too excitedly. A leather satchel. Some printed photos of nameless faces with scenic backgrounds. A waterlogged cell phone, practically unsalvageable. A journal with pages so thoroughly soaked, it falls apart in wet clumps.
“What are these?” You can hear her rummage through the bag, her nose wrinkling slightly. “Smells weird.” And so you look over to see her glaring down at a (relatively new) set of oil paints, sealed away in the bag. It's likely that she picked up on the scent of the strange chemicals.
Your eyes are bright with hope as you gently pull it out of her hold. Ready to answer her million and one questions.
After all this time that you've thought of what you'd wished to be able to do, you're at a loss. You've got a wall to the cave to yourself, a set of oil paints and a makeshift brush from the wood of this one particular tree off the side of the island. The only thing you're missing right now is inspiration.
A muse.
Satoru and Suguru are snoozing. Peaceful and laid in each other's arms. you can appreciate the quiet to yourself.
You hear familiar shrieks and playful yells of the hatchlings' name. 
The slight bit of quiet, then.
Nobara and Yuji are wrestling in the water, arguing over something in a mix of clicks and curse words. The sight is an endearing one, but moving too quick.
So you do some searching inward.
And you paint what comes to mind. What you've felt this whole time.
“What's that?” Ever the curious one, Nobara rests her head on your shoulder to peer over at your artwork in progress. She doesn't understand any of it—and she wouldn't. Your human upbringing is leagues different from hers.
“... Home.” You murmur, and Nobara’s glancing up at you in wonder because of the way your eyes glisten, the way your hand lingers over to paint in a fine detail.
“Well, it was my home.” You smile back at her, and she's at ease. You're not sad—no, she'd make it everybody's problem if you were—and then she makes sure to know everything about the scene you've drawn.
“What's that?” She gestures. Careful not to smudge the paint off, index outstretched to a figure she doesn't recognise.
“That's a lamp. When it gets dark, we switch it on so there's light. Like the torches in the cave, you see?”
“Torch? Hmm… and that?”
It seems that talking about your old home brings a warmth to your voice. Nobara beams up at you all giddy as you explain, eager to learn more. Eventually Yuji slinks over to listen as well, more so to the sound of your voice than what you're saying.
You sound happy, the pair can tell. Like when you taste a berry sweeter than the others, or when you tell them stories of your own to lull them to sleep. They like the chime of joy in your voice, and neither stops you from rambling about your once-home. 
It's a moment of peace. and warmth.
Yet it shatters for you when you feel a strong muscled tail coil around your waist, that familiar sense of having your space invaded taking over. A very intrigued Satoru looms over you, eyes glinting as he takes in the sight. You know that something's off—he seems more punishing with how tight he holds you.
“Home, huh?” Satoru repeats, and even the hatchlings can tell that's their cue to leave. Nobara offers you a lingering glance, almost pouty before she slithers away, following after her brother.
The next early morning, you find your home gone. 
In a sense, it's a bitter joke to be played on you. Not only were you never going to be back at your own place, even the expression of the idea was taken away from you. Just like your freedom was. your choice. The wall of the cave was bare, not a hint of the paint or the sentiment lingering behind. As if someone hit a total reset. Paints nowhere to be found, your canvas scrubbed clean.
Suguru stretches out from behind you, one of the first few to wake up, wrapping you in a lazy hug, before he follows your gaze. You'd call the soft laugh that rumbles in his chest cruel. Mocking your homesickness in that loving way only he could manage.
“Must've rained last night.” He comments at the absence of your artwork, and you wish you could pinpoint at least an inch or sarcasm in his words. You nod quietly, and he draws you in closer.
Cold lips brush against your temple. 
“The only home you need is with us.”
The sand under your feet is drier than your throat.
(oh my god im sorry if i rambled too much, i hope its not annoying ^^;;)
jaw dropping. amazing. wHAT????
I love how anon made Nobara's characterization so much sweeter and innocent. Though it's probably cuz she's younger in this fic...considering she can still stay on land. And satosugu not even wanting you to THINK of your old home is so accurate. I feel the more they learn your language, the more eager they'll be to display ownership.
Anyway thx anon for making the fourth part! from now on if anyone wants an addition to the naga series turn to the anons not me.
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costinblazetwice · 10 months
Video Calls and Jihyo
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Male Reader X Jihyo
Genre: Smut
Words: 3.6K
A/N: A pretty tough scenario to write in total. Really had to spend some time going back and forth with this one. Some areas may seem quickly written but that’s what experience is for. Hope you enjoy 😊
You sit at your desk with your laptop in front of you, heart racing as you wait for the call to connect. As you play around with the settings suddenly on your screen pops up the face of a girl making a bizarre face as though she’s some sort of a comedian or in a circus show act. She has her face scrunched up, eyebrows turned upward comically as though in massive confusion and eyes severely squinting.
Ah, this was your girlfriend of course, Park Jihyo.
“Babe, is that beautiful face of yours really the first thing you wanted to show me in a while?” You say sarcastically, watching her break out into a huge laugh, fancying herself a comedian.
Your girlfriend was out of country as is common in her profession. Because of this for the past several weeks the two of you have been resorting to video calls to be able to see each other.
The last week has been especially busy, making this the first time you guys were able to make time for each other in almost a week.
“How are you love?” She coos, laying on top of the bed with her head resting on the bed frame.
The two of you engage in some small talk, taking the rare moment of alone time to catch up on things. Once about 20 minutes passed you finally asked the question that was on your mind.
“So… you’re alone, right? No one’s gonna interrupt?”
“All alone. Got a room in this hotel just for you,” she smirks in response, a low growl coming off in your headphones as you know she’s just as excited as you are.
You and Jihyo have sex, a lot. Whenever you two are together it’s something that just happens, whether you’re the one doing the initiating or she is.
With you two being in different countries this posed a problem. The solution was to have some time to yourselves when you video called, not making up for the actual act of course but something to still somewhat satisfy the two of you.
“Wait, let me get on the floor. Don’t want to drench the bed,” she says with a smile but you can feel the sexual tension building as she uttered that phrase. Jihyo takes her phone in hand and you watch as she put her back against the wall and squats down, propping her phone up using an item as she sits in front of the camera.
“Are you ready babe?” She asks eagerly as you nod in return, swiftly pulling your pants and boxers off revealing your growing erection, causing Jihyo to smirk at your sudden action.
“Look at you, so excited. So excited to see mommy…”
There it is. Jihyo has this dominating side to her in bed. Does it always appear? No. Sometimes she relishes in the feeling of being ravaged by you.
But there’s also this side of her that dominates, that wants to watch you beg, that tells you what to do and how you better behave. And it looks like that switch is turned on tonight.
You watch with a tight grip on your now fully erected cock as Jihyo begins to remove her shorts, revealing her panties underneath.
You two were moving quick, wanting nothing more than to be able to cum in each others presence now that you were together.
She sits in front of the camera with her knees to her chest, her black cotton panties covering her nether areas and her black hoodie covering what was likely her matching bra. “Tell mommy what you want to see,” she purrs, her hands trailing down to her ass cheeks, giving them a firm grope as you watch with your breath hitched, heat rising to your face as it takes your entire will power to not start jerking your cock.
“I want to see your pretty pink hole. Please…” you achingly beg, pre cum covering the tip of your lengths head.
“Hmm that’s my baby,” Jihyo coos with a smirk on her face, raising an eyebrow as she suddenly turns her body to the camera, ass in focus as you watch her hands pull back and slowly tug at her panties, pulling them down just slightly and stopping at her rear revealing her puckered asshole.
“Oh, fuck..” you let out a raspy groan, your erection pumped with blood as the precum increases in quantity, finding the thought of wiping it on her ass before sticking it into her tightest hole to be arousing.
Your girlfriend looks back to the camera with a knowing grin, knowing what her actions are doing to you.
“Is this the hole you wanted to see?” You hear Jihyo’s voice, looking back at you as her hands continue to stretch her asscheeks, her asshole clenching every time she stretches it.
Suddenly a finger lingers near her hole before lightly dabbing into her ass, just the tip as she wouldn’t be able to get much farther without lube. She lets out a soft sigh as she wiggles the tip of her finger at the entrance of her ass, clenching down hard on her digit.
“Aw baby, my ass feels so good. If only I had some lube,” she groans, removing her finger as her asshole continues to contract from the burning sensation.
Your breathing was hard and heart beating fast at the sight, but even as you watch her ass continuously clench tightly in need of a greater sensation, her pretty cunt is what you truly want to see.
“You’re cunt… I want to see your wet cunt,” you slowly groan, eyes locked on her cotton panty fabric that is just barely covering her slit.
“Hmm, mommy will give you what you want. You’ve been such a good boy after all,” she trailed off as her hands grab her panties once more and languidly begin to pull them down. Your breath hitches as you feel your cum might launch all over the screen of your laptop from the excitement.
Her panties slide down and you watch as the sticky wetness from her cunt clings on to the fabric, the length of her sticky arousal getting thinner and longer the more she pulls it down until it breaks, a giant damp spot at the center of her panties and her pussy glistening under the light of the room from her juices.
She tosses her panties to the side, her ass shaking in front of the camera as she spreads apart her lips letting you get the full view of her cunt lubricated with her arousal, clenching her asshole as well with her heart throbbing knowing how your gaze goes from one hole to the next, resting either way on her most private areas.
The view from her arched back on all fours reveals slender, light brown-hued lips delicately embracing the entrance of her pussy, framed by the surrounding skin. Their light brown coloring offers a subtle, natural contrast against the rest of her skin tone, outlining the delicate curves with a gentle, understated grace.
Seeing her wet lips staring at your direction and the visual of her round and plump ass brings heat to your face as your cock pulses in your hand, precum oozing from the slit at the top as you watch Jihyo rub her finger along her cunt before raising it to her mouth, licking it clean as she looks back into the camera.
Her eyes are dark and full of lust, and you can hear the slight panting coming through your headphones. Her voice is low and husky as she continues to talk.
“You like that baby?" She asks while still on all fours while looking back at you, knowing the answer but asking anyways, enjoying watching you squirm.
“You’re so fucking hot,” you groan, cock twitching as you prevent yourself from cumming with every ounce of your being, the visual of her toned arms keeping her upright, her hair covering most of the side of her face but her plump lips still visible, and her well defined back with her stout ass becoming overwhelming.
"How do you think I taste?"
"Delicious," you answer, without any hesitation. This causes Jihyo to smirk as she turns around so she now sits with her front directly visible to you, allowing you to see her cunt dripping wet, the brown folds of her lips oozing with her cum.
She begins to licks her fingers clean, the sticky substance of her arousal sticking to her tongue with each lick she takes of her digits.
You can’t take it anymore. You violently grab your cock, jerking yourself so that just in seconds your length is twitching, begging for release.
The sudden yell stops you just seconds before you ejaculated, your heartbeat beginning to calm down as you were successfully able to edge yourself.
“Are you really going to cum before I even get started?” She asks with dark eyes and lips pressed into a thin, taut line, one eyebrow raised looking at you appraisingly.
“Sorry, love. You’re just so hot,” you barely breathe out, a slight sting in your cock as your shaft is slippery with precum. “I’m barely holding on,” you whisper in a moan, knowing that if you were to roughly stroke your cock this instant that you would cum, the only thing stopping you being the dominance of Jihyo looking at you through her screen.
“Aww, you want to cum so badly for me,” she coos, bringing her hand up to her mouth, sticking her tongue out and lathering her fingers with her saliva before bringing it down to her cunt, gently rubbing in circular motions.
“I wish I could be there right now, and fuck you like the the hot mess of a fuck-toy you are,” she roughly growls, eyes darkened as her gaze stays glued to yours for every word, wanting you to watch her touch herself, see how much of a dirty whore she is just for you.
She inserts a digit into her hole and begins roughly fingering herself, back against the wall with her stuffed cunt on full display. Her eyes closed and brows furrowed, mouth agape as she throws her head back absorbed in the pleasure that her fingers are bringing her. You see her wetness slowly begin to drip, touching her ass cheeks before falling to the floor beneath her.
She sighs, her breath hitching as she adds a bit of pressure, her legs shaking ever so slightly.
She looks at you, her face contorting as her pleasure grows.
You notice her fingers are now glistening with her juices, her fingers moving at a steady pace.
You lick your lips, a small whine escaping you, not able to help yourself from looking down at her fingers, her fingers that were coated in her pussy juices. Your cock twitches in response.
Her moans get louder, the sight of her face in ecstasy with her hips rocking with her hands bringing you closer to the edge. Jihyo removes her fingers from her cunt and begins tapping her index and thumb together as you see her sticky arousal stuck, lengthening each time she pulls apart and disappearing when she smacks the two together.
Her eyes flutter closed, her fingers bringing her essence up to her mouth, her tongue running over her fingers, sucking them clean.
“Oh fuck baby, I wish you could taste me, finger me so good,” she sighs.
Jihyo gets a glimpse of your cock and how it’s been standing upright for so long now. She may be dominating but she’s a kind girlfriend who doesn’t want to see you in anguish like this for too long, even if she finds the sight of your hard cock begging for release and your tense jaw with your furrowed brows to be absolutely erotic.
“Touch yourself… but you can’t cum. Just edge…” she breathes out, fingers still probing her insides.
That was all you needed to hear. Your hand harshly grabs your cock and it only takes a few jerks before you feel yourself about to cum once more as the butterflies in your stomach begin to fly freely, forcing you to immediately slow down as you remember the words of your girlfriend.
“Baby, tell me what’d you do if you were here,” she whispers, fingers out of her pussy and now softly rubbing her clit.
“I’d spit on your cunt, mixing my spit with your juices,” you groan as you watch Jihyo immediately bend her head down and harshly spit on her cunt, using her hand to mix her saliva and juices.
“I’d play with your perky tits and pinch your pretty pink nipples,” you continue, lightly stroking your cock in the process.
As you say that Jihyo leans forward and lifts her hoodie off revealing her black bra holding her tits in place, hands going behind her back as she removes the clasp on her bra revealing her volumptious breasts and hardened nipples.
Jihyo immediately pinches her nipples as her legs are spread, giving you a full view of her dampened cunt, the fleshy outer lips of her pussy covered with arousal and her swollen clit both wet and shimmering under the light of her room.
She begins fervently massaging her tits releasing open mouthed moans as you stroke your cock ever so slowly, afraid if you go too fast you may end this all by cumming. She now guides one hand of hers down to her heat, inserting a finger aggressively in her hole while the other massages her breast.
“Now honey, tell mommy what you want to see,” she softly whimpers, her stomach shivering and back arching as her eyes roll back, the carpet beneath her cunt drenched with her wetness.
You take in a deep breath, swallowing hard as there’s now just one thing you want to see, and just one thing you want to do.
“I want to see you cum.”
As soon as you say that the pace at which she’s fingering herself and massaging her tits slows down, her eyes fluttering as she brightly smiles, both curves of her lips turned upwards as she licks the wetness off her fingers, bringing both hands up to push the hair on her shoulders back.
“You’re such a good fuck-toy. Mommy would like nothing more than to cum with you,” she hushes in a raspy voice, moving her phone back as her pussy comes closer to the screen, Jihyo now laying down on the ground with her upper back lifted upwards so she can still see you, small folds building on her fit abdomen with her legs in the air. You have the complete view of her pussy, completely bare and nude, knowing how she enjoys the cool sensation of the air on her cunt when there’s no hair to block it.
“Pump yourself, cum for me,” Jihyo snarls as her hand creeps down to her cunt, roughly fingering her hole. You follow suit, grabbing your cock and harshly jerking it knowing that you don’t have much time before you cum.
Loud groans on your side of the end while heavy gasps come from her, the headphones on your ears making the sounds that much more clear and lucid. Despite the passionate scene taking place you find yourself wishing she was here in person, that you weren’t having to see this through a screen and hearing it through your headphones.
Your eyes stay on the screen in front of you as your heart thumps loudly, Jihyo’s gasps getting louder to the point where she’s loudly moaning causing a buzz in your headphones from the loud friction.
“Oh fuck, it’s coming!” She screams as you suddenly see some water-like liquid pour out of her cunt in a quick and small spurt, your eyes fixed on her leaking pussy as you take a quick gulp knowing what she was doing. She was squirting.
You remember she had done it just once before, late night when she had drunken too much liquid and you were pounding into her, stretching her tight cunt until she started rapidly gasping “babe, something’s happening.” You thought it was just her cumming so you kept going but suddenly you felt warm liquid hit your cock, causing you to pull out and have her squirt hit you directly on the chest.
But that was a while ago and it hadn’t happened since, both of you relating it to just too much to drink. So the two of you were surprised when this suddenly happened.
“Oh Y/N, fuck it’s coming again,” she screams in a high-pitched moan, the liquid squirting out once more but this time in a much larger quantity, spraying up swiftly and splashing all over her phone, the video of her becoming difficult to see due to all the liquid on her screen.
You were so captivated by the sight of your girlfriend squirting that you hadn’t even recognized that there was a massive tingling sensation growing in your body as you stroked your cock, seconds later your cum releases and shoots straight onto your laptop, covering your device in your semen as the thick scent of your cum fills the room.
You let out large breaths as you hear your girlfriend doing the same from your headphones, her video still difficult to see due to her squirt juice covering the camera.
“I wish you were here right now,” she whines, the liquid drying up slightly as you see her legs which rest on the floor slightly twitch, stomach rapidly breathing in and out as she begins to sit up. Her eyes go straight to the camera as she just realizes that her squirt had drenched it, causing her to whelp as she grabbed her hoodie thrown to the side and covered her face with it, embarrassed by the act.
You chuckle at her reaction as you see her slowly peeking from under her hoodie, a bit of her hair poking out as she whimpers, gauging your reaction.
She takes a deep breath as her hoodie slowly falls down, revealing her slightly reddened face. Her hair is a bit wet from sweat and her lips are slightly swollen from all the biting down.
“Don’t laugh,” she yells with a pout as you continue to chuckle at her reaction.
“You’re just so adorable. It’s been so long since you last squirted and you’re being too cute about it.”
While Jihyo was quite dominating in the bedroom, in the calm moments like these it was easy for you to tease her, knowing she loved it by the way a smile would creep on her face and her eyes would squint, like they are now.
“I just drank too much…” she responds sheepishly, ignoring her bra as she tosses her hoodie back on. She then grabs her panties and sees the damp wetness in the middle causing her to contemplate whether she should put them on now.
“What’s up?”
“I need to take a shower anyway. I guess I can keep them off,” your girlfriend responds, tossing her dampened panties to the side. Being nude, even regularly in front of you was no big deal to her anyway, and with her screen being through a phone all she had to do was to hold it up in her hand so only her upper body was visible.
“Good idea. Your panties are already so wet and you’re also wet down there from all that squirting that you might catch a cold if you put them on,” you say with a satisfied smile, stroking your chin as if you’ve made some great observation.
“Man you’re such a tease! You better watch it mister,” she wails, pointing to the camera with her finger as she squints her eyes trying to look intimidating but comes off as adorable instead.
“Yes mommy,” You laugh in reaction with Jihyo following suit. It’s these moments that you two cherish, the back and forth banter and laughter that can instantly cheer up the two of you. This is followed by several seconds of quietness, Jihyo ending it with a soft whisper.
“I miss you.”
You feel a sudden lump in your throat, heart sinking at the hushed voice you just barely head through your headphones.
“Soon, honey. Not much longer and we’ll be together again,” you reassure her with a bright smile. You had to stay positive for her, knowing how tough it could get for your girlfriend when she’s away from you with so many demands on her.
“I’m here for you. Always. Any time there’s something you want to talk about you could ring my number. Doesn’t matter how trivial,” you say calmly, making sure she heard every bit of what you said and understood the sincerity behind your words.
She smiles brightly in response, her signature smile with her beautiful white teeth displayed, as she puckers her lips to give you a kiss through the screen.
“You’re the best. I love you babe. It’s getting late and I have to take a shower so I should get going now.”
“Of course. Can’t wait to do this again,” you say with a smirk and she playfully winks in response.
You two say your goodbyes with her sending a flying kiss to end the call, and just like that through the laptop screen in front of you, you can see your reflection. Butt naked with precum drizzling on your thigh. Also there’s still cum all over your laptop.
Here comes your least favorite part of your nude FaceTime with Jihyo. Having to get up from your seat, grab some napkins and wipe your laptop clean and then having to spray it with a fragrance so your laptop isn’t smelling like a cum rag.
But for your beautiful, dominating, sexy, sweet girlfriend, even this is something you can endure. Although it’s still a bit messy.
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thatstonedwriter · 11 months
Cuddling with...
◉ A/n- I'm stoned and in my feelings so you what that means. A New headcanon set ofc. Anyways, enjoy some mushy bullshit. Haven't proofread this, hopefully it's okay
◉ Content; romantic relationships, fluff, suggestive themes, gender neutral reader
── ˙•˚∘✮🌙ᯓ🪐˙•˚∘ ──
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Intimacy and vulnerability aren't really Blitzø's strong suits, but being with you breaks down his walls. Once he's comfortable with you, he's super clingy and wants to be in contact with you as much as possible.
Blitzø switches between being big or little spoon. While he doesn't usually care either way, there are some times he'll have a preference. If Blitzø is feeling vulnerable or scared, he'll want to be held. For example, after the events in the Truth Seekers episode, I think Blitzø would probably need someone to keep him grounded.
There are other times though, when Blitzø needs to know he can protect you. Too often, the people he loves are put in danger, and if you happen to work with I.M.P, you're put in dangerous situations damn near every day. On the days where you're all rattled from close calls and serious injuries, Blitzø holds you for hours. He'll have his arms around your waist, tail wrapped around one of your legs and his head rested against your back or on your shoulder (depending on how you're positioned).
Be warned, once Blitzø is comfortable, he's impossible to move. So go to the bathroom, have your water and snacks nearby, keep your phone in arm's reach, because you're not gonna be moving for a while. If you do try to get up or free yourself from his grasp, Blitzø will just hold on tighter and yell at you. He's not above biting you either. He'll put up a fight, but will let you go.. Eventually.
Blitzø makes sure cuddle sessions last as long as possible. His favorite thing to do while laying with you is watching shitty movies and making out. More often than not, Blitzø will end up starting tickle fights and playful teasing matches which may also result in making out.
Blitzø never thought he'd be able to enjoy this kind of intimacy, and despite his flippant attitude, he's terrified of losing you. He knows he doesn't always tell you how much you mean to him, so Blitzø makes it up by showering you with physical affection. For now, he hopes it can be enough.
── ˙•˚∘✮ 🔭๋࣭ᯓ🌙˙•˚∘ ──
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seancekitsch · 4 months
Vox from Hazbin Hotel x siren! reader?? PLEASEE i love this concept sm-
i think i accidentally created myself an oc, also, if you spot the showgirls reference ill give you a cookie, this is inspired by the general flavor of moulin rouge and showgirls
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“What the FUCK?!” you all but screech, throwing your blush frustratedly at your vanity. The small compact hits the cool marble, and immediately the product with the pan shatters, ruined. It was expensive. Fuck. 
“I- I don’t know what happened…” Jinni, a succubus, your assistant and opening act, stutters from the door. Scared. 
You deflate, rolling your eyes as you calm yourself and stop scaring the girl. You have to remember to stop raging near her. She’s young, too young. 
Overlords in the club mean a good tip, mean security, mean you and girls like Jinni make rent safely and have some fun money to toss around as well. You practically fall into your chair, yank a fake eyelash off as you sigh, ready to put on the next pair for your closing number. 
“There’s gotta be some reason the voice didn’t work on him,” you say, “I’m gonna find out why.”
“Are you sure thats a good idea?” Jinni asks, her tail curling around one of her legs. You have a soft spot for the girl, you really do. A place like this is gonna tear her apart; or at least, it would if you didn’t immediately take her under your wing. You pat the little chair beside you, and wrap your arms around the girl as soon as she takes the spot. 
You both stare at each other’s eyes through the mirror, sweat and make up blurred against your complexions, a reassuring smile spreads across your face. 
“I’ll check and see if he has the VIP package, and pull out the damsel in distress act,” you tell the little succubus, now cheek to cheek with her.  She smiles at you through the mirror, knowing full well you’re ready to ham it up.
“Thats your best one,” she says, and comes closer to pick up a body glitter for you. Jinni leans on the chair behind you, resting her forearms on your shoulders. You gaze at her while your hand moves with the brush across your face, at this point muscle memory kicks in, flawless. She’s why you still play nice, you think. 
“Gonna make sure you don’t have to go back to doggy chow for dinner,” you chide as you finish up your new look, a bit more dewy and innocent looking, as you shake her off and grab a lace robe to walk backstage in. Jinni laughs, and then takes your seat to take off her own make up. 
You’ve done this walk thousands of times, the long dimly lit hallway, all of the girls rooms hidden behind flimsy curtains and makeshift doors, signed by girls current and long since past. Your feet feel light below you, though nerves course through your veins. The patrons cheering is almost quieted here, all the quiet white noise that sets you ablaze in excitement and anticipation for another performance. 
But before the end of the hall can be reached, a meaty hand comes out to stop you, wrapping around your bicep. 
“Outta my way, Flicker, I gotta tell the sound guy to switch my track,” You turn your head away from the stage manager, not willing to take a face full of his calamari breath.  
“You ain’t goin’ out there again tonight,” he explains, “Got a private booking with a big spender.”
You sigh, right, just what you needed right now. You wish you could shoot a quick text to Jinni but… your phone is back in your dressing room with her. She’ll have to fair without you until this is over. 
“Right now?” you meet his eyes, and you can tell he wanted you in there five minutes ago. Shit. Well, here goes the girls' good tips for the night, you sigh, and turn towards the stairwell that leads you up to the private boxes. 
These rooms are gross; there’s no way to sugar coat it. You hate private bookings, much preferring to dance on the floor with any high spending patrons, giving them the girlfriend experience while you have the added safety of being able to slip away. These private rooms don't even have walls, more like private theater boxes so the managers can make sure you're keeping the clients happy. Up here, your talents are much more obvious, much harder to avoid blame.
You wonder what this guy will want. A champagne pour? A strip tease? Or worst of all, a dry hump or an over the pants job? You’d hate for this asshole to fuck up your costume or make up. That shits not cheap down here, and you only hope that after this private booking the overlord in the back of the hall might have loosened up and opened his wallets to one of the other girls or the house. 
But it still digs at you, like an old wound you cannot help but pick at… that your voice didn’t work on—
Its him. You can see through the sheer curtain the overlord in a suit. An old fashioned in his hand as he leans against the railing, the finale of the show tonight kicking into full gear below, all of the patrons like dogs on leashes waiting to be released to dance and party with the girls until dawn once the stage is clear. 
“Oh, Sir!” you call to him as you pull back the curtain, your flimsy robe fluttering behind you, “What is a man of your caliber doing in a place like this?”
Maybe you’re laying it on a little thick with the sultry little voice and the innocent act, but that’s what the men pay you for. He turns quickly, as if he didn’t expect you here so soon, but his smile quickly grows, teeth glowing against the low lighting of the private box. 
“What do you mean?” HIs voice is smooth as butter, “Is a man of MY caliber not supposed to admire beautiful things? Consider me a patron of the arts.”
You lounge yourself on one of the couches, effortlessly parting the bottom of your robe, kicking your legs up, really giving him a show. The boning of your costume digs into your ribs, but you don’t move. You always win over the higher spenders by laying out the feast for them. 
“Is that so?” you ask, a fake demure giggle leaving your lips, “Well then consider me confused, because you didn’t look so happy during my number earlier.”
The glow of his eyes distracted you, both out on stage earlier and now. His gaze intense, his posture rigid. 
“Maybe,” he trails off, crossing the little box until he’s in reach. One of his large hands wraps around your ankle, and then carelessly yanks your ankle off the couch to force you sitting upright. Okay, you’re only a little offended. Moreso intrigued by his seemingly complete lack of attraction to you. You drop your robe from one shoulder, baring more skin to entice him. Men are men, after all. He moves to sit at the other end of the couch. Maybe not all is lost, you think, as you pour a glass of champagne from the side table. The girl they threw on stage instead of you is killing this performance from what you can tell, and you know she’ll finish strong by the aerial rig set up and ready to go for her. You sip your glass as he sips his, and lean in closer to him, hoping that a little more proximity to him will help you figure out his deal. 
“But maybe I’m more wondering what the fuck someone like you is doing here,” he sneers as he stands, leaving you falling sideways into the space he vacated, nearly spilling your glass. 
“I- I beg your pardon?” you splutter, the sultry voice gone for a moment as you check to make sure you didn’t waste a drop of champagne on your robe.
“And stop with the agreeable little whore act, you can talk to me,” he winks at you as he says it,  red glowing eye rimmed with teal. You sigh as you brush yourself off from both he physical and metaphorical stumble. Okay, what does he know?
“Someone like me?” you ask, your real voice now dripping through. 
“Someone with power, darling,” The overlord says as if it’s obvious, “Someone with a talent like mine.”
He finishes his drink, and tosses the glass over the railing into the patrons gallery below.
“I could use someone with talents like yours,” he says, and your blood runs cold. You know what overlords mean when they say that. Your eyes dart to the curtain, to the hallway. If you shouted, would Flicker hear you? Wait- What are you thinking? He doesn’t give a rats ass about his girls’ safety. 
You do the only thing you can, you open your mouth to sing.
“Ah ah ah, nope,” he holds up a finger to silence you before you can begin, “That won’t work.”
You close your mouth, open it, close it again. 
“How did you know?”
If he knows, he can tell. If he tells, you lose money. Girls back on the street, you without a plan here.
His scowl turns to a smile, his eyes glowing brighter, circular rimming pulsating within his sclera. A funny tickle passes over you, as if he was blowing on you, gentle and odd. You furrow your brow, and then your jaw drops. You get it now. 
“Oh, Sir!” you play it up, ‘agreeable little whore’ voice as he called it back in full force, “I didn’t realize we were so evenly matched!” 
“I’m glad the smartest girl in this joint is also the prettiest,” he flirts, walking back over to the couch until he’s leaning on the arm of it. 
“How were you thinking of spending the evening mister…?” You stick to script if you trail off, not wanting to ask him outright what he wanted, now that you know what you’re dealing with.
He crackles, static, his glow dimming momentarily.
“Vox, darling. Where are my manners?” he finally introduces himself as he reaches over you for the bottle of champagne in the ice bucket and the other glass. He knows this game too, you realize, as his cologne wafts over you; something rich and woodsy. Attractive and expensive. 
“I’d like to offer my patronage, to your little,” he gestures around with the empty flute before pouring it, “artistic endeavors personally.”
That would be nice. A steady patron would mean steady money, steady numbers and acts, a bigger costume budget. His lap doesn't seem like a bad one to be perched on.
“Thats very generous, Mister Vox,” you say, holding out your glass for him to top it off, “But I can’t help but wonder what you want in return?”
His smile changes, less sharp, more real as he moves the neck of the bottle to your glass. He looks you up and down, scrutinizing every detail. 
“Your voice,” he goes on to explain, “For some important events, some advertising. I can make you a star, darling.”
It dawns on you that he hasn’t even asked your name, but then again you also weren’t going to give a client your real name. The entire idea is attractive, desirable. The patronage of a handsome powerful man, a legitimate name for yourself in the entertainment industry, security.
You reach upward clink your glass against his, urging him to clink yours back.
“You’ll have to win me over with a dance,” you tease him, your lips curling into a downright vicious smile. 
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copperbadge · 5 months
Lately, it's felt like every time I've started to work on writing, I'll just be getting into the rhythm of it when I get interrupted, either by work or the cats or because the time I'd booked in the library study room is up (you can only do two hours at a time, and only four hours a week total). It was getting to the point where I kept re-reading the same chapter or so of previous work but never managing to add to it.
So I tried an experiment this past weekend -- I found a really cheap rate on a local hotel room, and on Friday I took an overnight bag and a very old laptop with limited processing power and checked into a room about a mile from home for a quasi "staycation". I unpacked and had a quiet night on Friday, as prelude to working Saturday-Sunday. The idea was to write uninterrupted by other people, pets, the presence of all my Stuff around me at home, et cetera.
I had snacks but I also bought meals out, which was nice; I don't often order in or buy out when I'm at home. The way I set up was that I would do fifty minutes of writing with do-not-disturb engaged on my phone and then ten minutes of checking email, texts, etc. since often what pulls me out of writing is a text or an email that needs answering, or the anxiety that I'm missing one that would. If I set it so that every hour I check, well, nobody's going to die if something doesn't get answered in an hour, so the anxiety isn't there, and neither is the distraction. (I found a nice app for this, review later depending on how functional it continues to be for me, but it's a like $4 app called Forest.)
It worked pretty well -- writing for an uninterrupted hour, as long as I know what I'm working on, is very functional for me. I average about two thousand words, that way, though there is a limit to the number of hours I can put in. I ended up doing two hours in the morning and one hour in the afternoon, then switched from fiction writing to clearing out my tumblr drafts and some correspondence for the fourth hour. So it went something like
Go out and get breakfast, bring back and eat in room
Change into lounging clothes and do two one-hour sessions
Go out and get lunch, eat lunch out
Bit of a rest break back in the room
Two one-hour sessions, one of writing; when tired, switch to something that requires less creativity
Go out and get dinner, bring back and eat in room
And then in the evening the plan was to watch movies or catch up on reading, but I ended up being mentally weary, so instead I did some simple tarot reading. It was less divination or even meditation than just messing around, keeping the creativity stimulated; I did a couple of Creative Writing spreads, some very brief divination spreads (I nicked a nice three-card spread here that I mentally call He To Hecuba, and just used it in general rather than for a specific question) and then invented a spread when I was starting to get irritated that the same like, five cards kept coming up, more on this in its own post.
Sunday I did one more writing session but it was less successful, I think partly because what I was writing required a lot of research and partly because the previous day I'd dumped eight thousand words into the file. (Research took longer because I brought the most garbage laptop known to man, and the browsers crash if you try to open Google Maps, but in other ways it was ideal since there wasn't much I could do on it other than write.) But I had a good breakfast, got some rest, packed up easily enough, and headed home just ahead of the rain storm.
I don't think it's something I'll be able to do in that format especially often, since the deal I got on the hotel was an anomaly and Chicago lodging, even just AirBNB stuff, is stupid expensive. But in addition to helping get some work done it was a nice break, so I'm going to look into ways I could swing it on a perhaps monthly basis, or some other way to cheaply spend an entire day alone with decent access to a bathroom/snacks and a way to come and go easily. I've looked into coworking spaces before but they tend to be prohibitively expensive and don't really have the setup I'd prefer; there's a hostel on the north side with private rooms that I might try out but it doesn't seem significantly cheaper than a hotel. I might just have to pick one weekend a month and watch last-minute hotel price cuts where they simply want to fill a room for a day or two.
Anyway, functionally I wrote almost a fifth of a novel this weekend, and one that I wasn't feeling super on fire about; I'm feeling much better about it now that I've got some established plot going and I feel like I "know" the newer characters a bit better. (Also I'm enjoying writing Simon as someone who is absolutely entranced by his love interest and clueless that what he's feeling isn't mild antipathy because they met while fighting over ricotta.) So it was a big help, although if I were to put a budget line item in the Extribulum Press ledger for "writing staycation" it would wipe out my royalties surplus very quickly.
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soo0hee · 9 days
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Pairing — Xu Minghao x Reader
Summary — An outing with your coworkers quickly left you spiraling and all you want is to be home...
Genre — fluff, established relationship, idol!au
Warnings — anxiety, sensory overload, alcohol mentioned
Word Count — 1.3k
Rating — pg-13
A/n — The setting is quite literally what i went through yesterday so this is me just working through my weekend... pls bare with me :((
Disclaimer: this fic is written and copyrighted by ©soo0hee on tumblr. do not rewrite or repost on any other plattforms without my permission.
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Going out with your coworkers was something you regularly did. You were a good team, not everyone had the fortune of being able to say that.
You also liked going out with them, however often times, you found yourself overwhelmed by everything around you. It was when suddenly your social switch flipped and everything became to much for you.
The music was suddenly to loud, the crowd of strangers kept getting bigger and the pushing was constantly making you lose your balance. At one point your knees even buckled and you had to hold onto your drunk coworker who kept yelling a jumbled mess of the lyrics to a song you could recognize over her shrill voice that made your ears ring.
You winced involuntarily as another stranger pressed you against the bar as he tried to make his way through the crowd. Flinching slightly you tried to keep the tears threatening to spill over at bay, not wanting to cry in the middle of a bar or in front of your coworkers.
Swallowing harshly, you blindly reached for the stool where you knew your jacket would be and quickly tried passing one of your coworkers who looked as you with a questioning head tilt.
“I’ll be out for a minute!” you yelled over the loud music only to receive a nod in return.
Rushing out and running into more people then you would have liked in the process, until you reached the door.
Cold air engulfed you, chills running down your spine and a few deep breaths later you could feel your racing heart already calming down a bit. The alcohol running through your blood made your mind a bit fuzzy and your skin that was until a few seconds ago tingling uncomfortably now sporting goosebumps because of the cold.
You felt already way calmer then just before, sitting down on a bench just a few meters away to collect yourself.
You didn’t want to go back inside, even if you had fun earlier that night but now, you just wanted to go home.
You wanted to get rid of the make un your face, the glitter in your hair and the sweat clinging to your hairline only to fall into the arms of your boyfriend and not move a muscle for the rest of the night.
It was barely even 10:30 pm but your team had been parting since shortly after 7 pm and you were tired! You huffed quietly, not knowing if you wanted to hear the complaints of your coworkers about leaving already when 2 of them suddenly sat down beside you.
“Are you okay?” Carrie asked, slightly slurring out the words while Yurin giggled and clung to her shoulder.
Giving her a short nod and a, in your opinion, forced smile that you hoped she believed in her drunk state. Seeing her like that you suddenly felt significantly more sober then before.
“Yes, I just needed a minute. You two can go back in I’ll be fine here.” You nodded, hoping that you didn’t need to explain to them what was going through your head. That might be a dick move but what could you say, explaining what you felt was exactly your forte.
“You sure? We can stay with you for a while until you want to come back inside…”
You shook your head, telling them that it was okay and that you would text in the group chat if something were the matter.
They were unsure if they should follow your request, it was night after all but then they went back when they were convinced that you were fine out here alone.
Relieved to be alone again you checked your phone.
10:42 pm
You could just leave and text the chat that you were going home, but then you would probably have to answer a few questions on Monday.
I might be coming home soon – send 10:43 pm
Typing bubble appeared and vanished again.
Something wrong Băo Bèi? – received 10:43 pm
Want me to pick you up? – received 10:44 pm
No no, it’s fine you should be resting! I just- don’t know – send 10:46 pm
I’ll wait for you – received 10:47 pm
It was simple, but butterflies still erupted in your stomach.
Yes, you wanted to go home. Now!
A text to the group chat and you were on the way.
Thankfully the bus station wasn’t far and so you sat in the bus towards Minghaos apartment barely 10 minutes later and 15 more and you punched in the code to open the door.
The Tv was running quietly in the bedroom and the soft glow of Haos bed side lamp through the gap was a sure sign that he was already in bed.
On soft soles you went directly into the bathroom where your pyjama was still hanging over the side of the tub from this morning.
You took a fast shower, tub now sparkly and you clean you finished of your skin routine before getting dressed. The clothes you were wearing before, carelessly thrown to the floor, waiting to be thrown into the laundry the next day.
“Hey…” was what you were softly greeted with by your boyfriend who had his glasses perched on his nose and a book in his hands. He looked unbelievably soft swallowed by the fluffy comforter in pillow and quickly you crawled in on the other side.
He put the book aside and took his glasses of so he could comfortably wrap his arms around your tired form.
“hi.” You murmured back, face hidden in his chest.
You felt his hand running down your spine soothingly, causing you to melt against him.
“Tired?” he hummed.
You nodded.
“Did something happen Băo Bèi?”
You looked up, eyes meeting his loving ones and you enjoyed the press of his plump lips against your forehead.
“Nothing bad, at some point I just felt like I needed to get out of there. It just-“
“Got to much?”
“Mhmm, there were so many people who kept pushing to get past us, the music wasn’t my taste after a while and if I ever have to hear my coworker sing again I will throw something! Seriously, my ears are still ringing!”
Minghao snorted at the last part.
He knew how you sometimes couldn’t handle your emotions well, always there by yours side when you had a hard time understanding them so this wasn’t the first time this happened. For you, in those moments, you felt like you had to escape the situation, your skin crawling as touch got to much, the noises surrounding you getting to much and every social interaction became a burden suddenly.
He was actually quite proud that in those moments you like to search for an escape in his arms.
To know that you considered him the place for your ship to seek safety from the storm in, that filled him with immense pride. You could have gone to your own place after all.
“Aigoo my Băo Bèi, sounds like you had an overload… how are you feeling now?”
“Better now that I’m here.” You smiled as you blinked at him sleepily.
Hao’s ears turned red and you giggled at the sight.
“You’re still blushing at this? After all this time?” You teased with a kiss to his now healed collarbone before nuzzling back into it. He shivered at the touch.
“You little-“ his finger poked your side in good fun and you squealed in surprise.
Yes, this felt right again.
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ladykailitha · 17 days
The Caged Bird Still Sings Part 5
Hello, hello, hello! And we have completed the set this week! All for stories getting new and beautiful chapters. Though, with WIP Wednesdays spilling into Thursdays, I might change up my posting schedule a bit to accommodate the influx of asks.
But we'll see.
Here we see Steve dealing with a wild Karen or Linda as they were called in the 80s (at least out where I lived). Yep! We've always had a name for busybodies. It's just changed with the times.
Pt 1 Pt 2 Pt 3 Pt 4
Steve had to throw out the rest of his food, it having gone cold while he was on the phone with Dustin and his mom.
He sighed in annoyance, but it couldn’t be helped. He could hear his mother now, just screaming about all the wasted food and all the starving children in Africa who would have appreciated that meal he just wasted.
Thankfully she was in whatever fresh hell Dad had dragged her off to after he threw him out.
He decided the best thing to do after all that was to go to the gym and run on a treadmill for awhile and just turn off all those dark thoughts swirling in his brain. So he got dressed in cropped swim team t-shirt and a pair of old basketball shorts. He pulled out his favorite sneakers and grabbed his room key.
He got some string and tied it to his wrist so he wouldn’t lose it while he was exercising and not be able to get back into his room. He wasn’t even sure the hotel knew who it was that was actually staying in the room with everything under Eddie’s name.
He made his way to the gym, but as he went through the hotel he noticed people staring at him and not in the fun way.
The women would sneer and the men would look down their noses at him. He tugged on the crop top, a little insecure now. By the time he got the gym he as ready to turn tail and run back to his hotel room.
But he stopped at the glass door to their very state of the art gym. The people inside were all dressed similarly to what he was wearing. He looked back into the hallway and thought about all the other patrons that looked down at him.
Steve squared his shoulders. He was used to this kind of bullshit. He had got from his parents, their friends, and hell even his own friends over the years every time he tried coloring outside of the lines.
Well fuck them. He had every right to be here, same as them. He yanked open the door and got situated on the treadmill nearest to the door, set it to a low speed and began to walk.
Once he got into the rhythm he switched up to a slow jog, then a full on run. He slowed it back down and counted out his heart rate.
“I think you have the wrong time, honey,” this sickeningly sweet voice said from behind him. “The help are only allowed use of the facilities after the guests have gone to bed.”
Steve paused the treadmill and turned around to face her. She was blond woman covered head to toe in pink! Pink tracksuit, pink tennis shoes, pink headband, even pink sunglasses. Though why she needed those, he didn’t know. It wasn’t that bright in here.
“You think I’m staff?” he asked incredulously. “What on earth gave you that idea?”
She looked up and down his body and sniffed in disdain. “The high school phys. ed attire for a start, darling. Then there’s the...” she waved at his body. His very tanned, muscular, lean body. “All of you.”
Steve put his hands on his hips and raised an annoyed eyebrow. “Look, honey,” his emphasis on the last word, throwing it back at her, “you’re probably not from here. But my parents are very rich and you are just some biddy who thinks bullying people is acceptable. Which it really isn’t, no matter what your tax bracket is.” He looked her up and down. “Which judging from the fact your track suit is from two seasons ago? Theirs is bigger than yours.”
The woman sputtered and fumed but Steve just hopped of the treadmill and got a water bottle from the courtesy fridge, downing quickly. He threw it in the trash and without a word or even so much as a backward glance, he strolled out of the gym with his head held high.
God, that felt good.
Of course the only reason he knew it was two years out of date was because his mom bought one then, wore it once, and then threw it in the back of her closet never to be seen again. Which, he thought with a huff, was probably what she wanted to do with him, if he was honest.
He got up to his hotel room and untied the key from his wrist to unlock his door. He stepped into the cool sanctuary of the black marble and brass fittings. It wasn’t a style he would pick out for himself, but there was something about the black and brass that reminded him of Eddie in a way. Dark and bright at the same time.
Steve spotted the package right off the bat this time. He walked over to the black gift bag and took over to the sofa. He opened it to find a box of chocolate raspberry truffles, a small jewelry box, and a nice black wallet.
He opened the chocolates first and took a bite. The tart of the raspberry hit his tongue first and then richness of dark chocolate. Fuck they were good. Steve forced himself to just eat the one. Otherwise the whole box would be gone in an instant.
He pulled out the wallet next. It had cash as well as shiny black credit card in his name. Well, he supposed since Eddie was loading cash on it, it was more like a debit card, but still it was black. Not even his parents had a black card. He could spend whatever he wanted and Eddie would pay for it.
Not that he would. God no. But Christ, he could, he absolutely could. He ran his fingers over the shiny surface in awe. Then he counted the money and he closed his eyes. There was about a thousand dollars in there. Five crisp one hundreds, ten crisp twenties, twenty tens, and twenty fives. The wallet could barely close it was so stuffed.
Steve could not spend the money and Eddie would never know. He could barely use the card, but Eddie would know that and be concerned why he wasn’t getting everything he needed and send more money. Plus, Steve had a pretty good idea what the smaller bills were for anyway. Tipping. The wait staff, housekeeping. Things that were polite to do when other people were doing everything for you.
It also meant that if he wanted to he could go out a buy booze if he ever just wanted a beer. Because it was within the bounds of Eddie’s rule. Don’t use the card to buy booze, no mention of his cash, so...
Steve set the wallet aside and made sure to remember to call down to the front desk for the combination to the room safe. He knew there was one. Especially in a place like this. He pulled out the little white jewelry box and opened it. Inside set in gold was a little bird pendant on a gold chain. Steve held it up to the light and marveled at it as it spun, glinting in the light.
He put the necklace on and continued to marvel at it on his neck. It was beautiful. He set the rest of it aside and bounced up. He flopped on the bed and picked up the phone, dialing Eddie’s number.
“Hello?” an unfamiliar voice answered.
“Oh!” Steve cried. He never expected someone else to answer the phone. “It’s Steve, I’m calling for Eddie.”
“Oh, shit!” the voice said. “I thought it was my phone that was ringing. Sorry, man. I’ll get him for you.”
A moment later Eddie was on the line. “Little Canary, if you only call me when I send you pretty gifts, I’m going to have to up my game and send them more often.”
“Oh!” Steve cried again. “Sorry about that. Everything has been happening all at once. I was going to call you when I got back from the gym, but I saw your gift first.”
“It’s alright, sweetheart,” Eddie soothed. “I was only mostly teasing.”
Steve laughed and shook his head. “But everything was amazing by the way. Those chocolates were to die for and I really loved the necklace.”
“No mention of the wallet I see,” Eddie said with a chuckle. “I can stop sending you money if it makes you uncomfortable.”
“Oh, no,” Steve said in a rush, “I am a little uncomfortable with it, but more because I don’t have a safe place to keep it right now then because you gave it to me. I appreciate the money to be able to start tipping the staff.”
“That’s a relief,” Eddie said. “I was worried I might be overstepping with the cash. I’m glad it all shook out okay. So tell me about the gym. You’ll never catch me in one and I’m curious.”
Steve told him all about the trip down and the bitch on top of how great the gym was.
“That bitch,” Eddie agreed when he was done. “She was jealous on how good you look, baby.”
“Of that I have no doubt,” Steve agreed. “The way she turned purple when I told her her outfit was out of fashion was just the icing on the cake.”
Eddie hummed and went on to talk about how the last two days were back to back concerts and how tired he was.
“You’re taking care of yourself, too?” Steve asked. “You want to take care of me, but who’s taking care of you?”
Eddie’s smile could be felt through the line when he said, “My band. There’s Gareth, who answered the phone. He’s our drummer, then there’s Jeff, he’s rhythm guitar and lead vocals–”
“What’s rhythm guitar?” Steve asked. “Is it a different instrument?”
“No,” Eddie explained, “but I can see why you might think that.” Then he went on to explain what it meant and why Eddie was lead guitar and backup vocals. “I can sing fine, but Jeff? He’s got a real talent for it. Gives us a unique edge. And then the last and certainly not the least is Brian who’s on bass.”
“First base?” Steve teased.
“What’s that, sweetheart?”
Steve snickered. “Who’s on first? That old timey comedy sketch about baseball?”
He could hear Eddie snap his fingers. “That’s right. Wrong kind of bass though. And it is a separate instrument, but not to be confused with a upright bass. Which are those weird, big violin looking thingies.” He went on to describe the differences between a bass and a guitar.
“Oh it’s like a violin and a viola,” Steve said, “they may look similar but they aren’t the same.”
Then it was Eddie’s turn to be confused, so Steve explained.
“See, little Canary,” Eddie said after he was done. “You’re plenty smart. And sadly I have to go. But I want you to call me more often, okay?”
“Aye, aye!” Steve said with a jaunty salute.
“You menace,” Eddie huffed fondly. “Bye, Stevie.”
“Bye, Eddie.”
After they hung up Steve picked up the pendant and looked at it again. A little canary. Well then.
He got up and decided that it was time for lunch and maybe pay his cousin a little visit. He needed news. News only Monty could provide.
Part 6 Part 7
Tag List: CLOSED
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5 strategies that have improved my executive functioning in 2023
1. Preparing tasks in advance
This tip has been one of the most useful things for me to be able to actually get the things I want to do done without getting stuck in the process. I am very prone to difficulties with task initiation and task switching. Basically I've found that if I check what activities are upcoming for that day in my calendar (but you can use any task that you want to do sometime that day) then I set the task up in advance it's a lot easier to actually do the task.
So if my goal is to stream after dinner then I turn my pc on and have my setup ready to go before dinner. If I want to do a Pilates workout I set up my mat an hour before I actually want to do the workout. If I want to go to the gym I get into gym clothes at the start of the day so I don't have to change later.
I basically eliminate all the difficult prep work and then I find doing the task so much easier when I get to it.
2. Task switching when stuck
A lot of neurodivergent people have issues with getting 'stuck' or 'frozen', myself included. Whether it's autistic inertia or decision paralysis or something else it's very common to find yourself unable to do anything at all. You'll know that even if you put your phone away or stop what you're doing you'll just continue to sit there doing nothing.
The solution to this for me has consistently been to switch goal. I want to get up and shower but can't? I'll find that I can pull my laptop out and get some work done instead (and then shower after lunch later in the day). I am stuck when I want to stream? I find I can do my skincare instead (and I ended up streaming the next day).
Yes this means you don't get your original goal done when you wanted but you get something done, and something is better than nothing.
3. Task chaining
I've found that task chaining is the easiest way for me to get multiple tasks done. It's basically building upon your success. Take the example from my task switching section where I couldn't get myself to start streaming so I decided to do my skincare instead. While doing skincare I remembered I wanted to ask my brother about a particular product. So suddenly I'm capable of going to ask him about it. I couldn't even get out of bed before but now I have the motivation to move (I keep my skincare next to my bed so I didn't have to get up prior to this). After talking to him I decide I can go downstairs and make tea (something I originally wanted to do before streaming but was too stuck to do). While downstairs my mother tells me that she has a pile of laundry for me. I decide to take it back upstairs and put it away immediately. While doing so I figure I may as well sort all the laundry that's piled up on my floor as well.
I've gone from not doing anything to completing 4 separate tasks. If I wanted to get up and put the clothes on my floor away originally I'd never have been able to do it. I built on my successfully completed tasks and chained them together. Of course you should still remember to rest after chaining a number of tasks together.
4. Prioritise harder tasks earlier
I get all my energy at the start of the day and feel quite tired by the end of the day. This is how most people feel due to how our circadian rhythms function. Because of this I have found it's a lot easier to get difficult tasks done in the morning.
So now instead of trying to clean my room or go to the gym at 5pm I'll do it at 9am. I'll save 5pm for my easy tasks, things like studying Korean, meditating, studying geography, and coding. Take some time to figure out which tasks you find easy and which you find hard. If you consistently find yourself unable to do a task that's a hint that it's difficult for you. Vice versa if you're consistently capable of a task it might be a sign it's an easier one for you.
5. Using an AI scheduler
I saved this one for last, not because it's ineffective, it's actually made a huge difference in my life. But it does cost money to take full advantage of this so I put it down the bottom. Still there's a lot to be said for using an AI scheduler. I hate choosing what to do and have always preferred to be told what tasks I should do each day. It also takes a huge amount of mental energy to decide what tasks I should do when each week and organise them in advance.
Enter Reclaim, the AI scheduler of my dreams (there are lots of other ones on the market too like Motion! Take a look around and see if you can find one you like but unfortunately they all seem paid). Reclaim does have a free version but for me their paid version is necessary to achieve my goals.
I set up all my tasks and habits in Reclaim, I can customise how often I want to do things, how long they should take, and what hours I have free. Then I just check my calendar each day and see what tasks I'm meant to do. If I end up taking more time than expected I just hit the 'reschedule' button on a task and it's automatically slotted in somewhere else that week. This has definitely made one of the biggest changes to my quality of life I could probably make a whole separate post about using Reclaim.
That's all the tips that have worked for me this year so far, maybe some of them might help you!
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You're Late - Max Verstappen
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<word count - 787>
The midnight moon was high in the sky as the rain gently pattered on the apartment windows in Monte Carlo, Monaco. This was the perfect setting for you. You were in bed, cosy and warm as you listened to the rain on the window as the moon peeked through the curtains. However, there was one thing missing.
Nearly a week ago, Max had left for a race, and you weren't able to join him. You never really cared for the nitty gritty details, you just cared that Max was safe and happy. Every day, you had talked on the phone at any given opportunity. 
You talked about anything and everything, from serious conversations to mumbling sweet nothings as you fell asleep was still on the phone. On nights such as these, you would normally be fast asleep in Max's arms, but he still wasn't there.
He was supposed to be home a few hours ago, but he wasn't. You had stayed up all night, waiting for him to come home, but you were always met with silence whenever you heard a car drive by the apartment complex.
He hadn't returned a single one of your calls or texts, and you were naturally worried. Max would always respond to you, no matter where he was or who he was with. You were priority number one, and he always had time for you.
You glued your eyes to the raindrops racing down the window panes, hoping it would take your mind off the worry for Max. They zigzagged down the glass, leaving beads of water behind them as they travelled. It was a peaceful sight to look upon, and it would normally serve as the relaxant you were looking for. 
But not tonight.
Every drop that fell was an extra moment of time that Max wasn't there, and an extra morsel of worry added to the pile. You checked your phone, but all you saw was your own face staring right back at you on the screen.
The photo was of you and Max, just as he had picked you up while you were holding one of his trophies. He had taken you by surprise, the look of complete shock on your face still making you fondly smile at the memory. 
After what had felt like a lifetime of thinking, and reminiscing, you heard your apartment door quietly click open, and Max's steps slowly approached your room. Max hadn't switched any lights on as he travelled through the apartment, so he couldn't see a thing.
You heard him wobbling around, guiding himself by holding onto the walls. Just before he made it to your bedroom, he knocked an ornament off of a table in the hall and froze for a second, hoping he hadn't woken you up. 
As soon as the ornament clattered down to the floor, you heard a whispered yet panicked, "Shit!". You giggled, trying not to let Max hear you. You listened as he fumbled around, trying to put the ornament back in place, but he gave up.
Max then crept through the room, and shuffled around as he quietly got changed. He crawled into bed and wrapped his arms around you. "You're late," you whispered as Max groaned in disappointment. 
"Did I wake you up?" he winced as you turned in his arms to face him. You were just glad to see his face, some of his features illuminated by the moonlight. "No, I've been waiting for you to get home. Why did it take you so long?" you asked, affectionately cupping his cheek with your hand. 
"My flight got cancelled because of the storm, and the rain meant no service, so I couldn't text you and tell you, sorry," he smiled, not wanting you to worry. He wanted your life to be as carefree and relaxed as he could make it.
"Don't worry about it, you're here now, and that's what matters to me," you told him, maneuvering closer to him. It was nice just to feel him there, to have him home. "I missed you," He said half-asleep, burying his head into your neck. 
"I missed you too, Maxie. Now I think it's time for you to get some rest, you're tired," you softly chuckled as his eyes fluttered open and closed. "I missed you too, and I completely agree, it had been a long day," he sighed, holding you as close as he could. 
"Goodnight, Max. I love you," you said, tangling your hands in his hair and gently massaged his scalp. "I love you too," he yawned, swiftly kissing you on the neck. He let his eyes close and fell into a peaceful slumber with you, listening to the sound of rain pouring over the city you called home, together. 
A/N - Just a short little something to hold you guys over until I get something longer finished! Keep the requests coming, I'm loving them! Enjoy your evening/day, love you loads 💖
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scribblesofagoonerr · 5 months
I just need you both right now...
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Here's the second part for you all, hope you all like it!
I was a bit stupid at the start of the week and injured my knee so I currently can't do much other than rest it right now, so I'm back to writing again!
Thank you to @alotofpockets for her help as always! So so grateful!
Pairings: lia wälti x teen reader, caitlin foord x teen reader, arsenal wfc x teen reader
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“Are you sure this is a good idea, Wally?” Leahs’ voice is anxious as she turns to the brunette Swiss woman, who has just finished parking her car outside of your mum’s new house.
“Probably not, but I want to know why on earth she thought it was appropriate to teach my daughter self-defence like that” Lia’s frustration seethes as she switches off the car’s ignition.
“Don’t be angry with Mum” You interject quickly, feeling the need to defend her. From your perspective, there wasn’t anything inherently wrong with her actions, “It’s not her fault!” you assert pointedly.
Lia clicks her tongue and shakes her head in disagreement, “She shouldn’t be teaching you this in the first place, Y/F/N!” she exclaims, undoing her seatbelt.
“I think it’s best if I stay in the car” Leah decides, opting out of another potential argument between the two exes, her being there wouldn’t do very much to help right now.
“Okay, Le” Lia’s expression softens as she looks at the blonde before turning to you, slouched in the backseat, “Come on Y/N/N” she gestures for you to follow her out of the car.
Furrowing your eyebrows, you unbuckle your seatbelt and step out of the car, following your mama’s lead as she strides towards the front door, her knuckles rapping impatiently.
“Alright, alright. Geez, I’m comin’ now. Just hold on!” A familiar voice grumbles from behind the closed door, which you immediately recognise as Ella, Katie’s younger sister who now lives with them.
“Hey, squirt. Shouldn’t you still be in school?” Ella asks, puzzled, as she greets you.
“Hi Ella!” You wave cheerfully, despite the circumstances of why you were here, “I was at school earlier, but then I got into trouble and well, now I’ve been suspended” You ramble your explanation, oblivious to the annoyed facial expression your mama currently has when you retell your account of events.
“Uh oh” Ella chuckles, amused by your latest antics.
You sometimes wished you could move in with your mum, although you miss the times’ that your mum and mama both lived together with you, things were so much easier then.
Cutting through the light banter, Lia gets straight to the point with the blonde girl, “Look, I’m not in the mood to mess around here, Ella. Where is Caitlin? I need to speak to her” she states.
“Uh, right, she’s inside the house. Hold on, I’ll shout for her now— Caitlin? Lia and the kids’ here!” Ella calls out, momentarily forgetting that she was currently live on TikTok, which was now buzzing with comments reacting to the conversation out of frame.
“Comin’ now!” Caitlin’s voice rings from inside the house.
Without much hesitation, you dart through the front door to greet Caitlin, “Mum!” You shout, practically leaping into her arms.
“Hey, kiddo” Caitlin is able to catch you mid-air, spinning you around in her arms, “So, what’s this that I heard you got into trouble at school, huh? That kid must’ve deserved it if they’re pickin’ on you!” she jests.
“I hit them good and proper, exactly like you taught me to do!” You proudly mimic the moves you’d used to defend yourself, “I remembered to hit her right where it hurts!” You add.
“Ah, that’s my girl!” Caitlin beams proudly, setting you back on the ground and ruffling your hair.
“Yeah, although mama’s not happy with you now though cos’ I just told her I did what you showed me” You innocently play the two women against each other.
“Oh boy” Caitln’s face clouds as she faces Lia’s disapproving gaze at the door, while Ella is still awkwardly holding her phone.
“You seriously taught Y/N self-defence?!” Lia’s anger simmers as she confronts her ex-girlfriend.
“Yeah, why shouldn’t I have?” Caitlin fires back defensively.
Lia scoffs and shakes her head, “Because, no thanks to you and that ‘help’ it’s now led her to be suspended for the rest of the week!” she retorts incredulously.
“Whoa, whoa!” Caitlin holds her hands in self-surrender, “How is this all of a sudden just my fault?” The Australian woman furrows her eyebrows in confusion.
“Well I’m certainly not the one that taught her to use her fists, Caitlin!” Lia protests, her frustration evident.
“Uh, I don’t know what’s goin’ on right now, but uh— Oh shit, the lives’ still on” Ella mutters in realisation when she glances down at her phone and hurries to end it.
“I taught her self-defence in case she ever needed to use it, like today, for example” Caitlin argues, shaking her head.
Lia scoffs and shakes her head in disagreement with her ex, “If you hadn’t taught her it then she wouldn’t be in trouble at school in the first place!” she states firmly.
“Can I stay over here tonight, mum?” You look up at Caitlin expectantly.
“Of course you can, kiddo” Caitlin responds.
“No” Lia interjects.
You’re caught off guard by the conflicting responses from both of them, though you know that you don’t truly deserve to stay the night, all you crave is to be with your mum and mama and at least this way, you have both of them together right now.
Sometimes acting out feelings like the only solution to get their attention.
“She can stay if she wants to” Caitlin insists, glaring at Lia.
“It’s not your day, Caitlin” Lia reminds her.
“So? What does that matter– Let her spend the night here just this once, Lia. She obviously needs it with everything going on!”  The Australian woman argues back.
“With everything going on? She got in trouble at school, Caitlin. This is serious– She doesn’t need to be rewarded for this behaviour!” Lia stands firm on her decision.
You shuffle your feet, a heavy weight settling in your chest as you listen to the heated exchange between your moms once again. The constant bickering, the never-ending tension– It’s like a suffocating cloud, leaving you feeling small and insignificant.
As Lia and Caitlin argue yet again, you can’t help but feel like your own problems are trivial in comparison. The bullying at school, the taunts, the physical attacks– They all seem so insignificant when your moms’ can’t even stop fighting long enough to notice.
You thought about telling them in the past, about opening up and seeking their support, but every time you muster the courage, their voices rise again, drowning out your own.
Sometimes it feels like your problems don’t matter, as if they’re too consumed by their own issues to care about yours, so it’s easiest to just suffer in silence, plastering on a smile to hide the pain, pretending like everything’s okay when it’s anything but.
You long for the days when your moms were a united front, when you felt safe and loved, and understood; Now, you just have to navigate between their two households where it feels like sometimes you’re walking on eggshells.
Sometimes you feel so lost, unsure what to do but somehow you decided down the road, it was just better to hide your feelings away from everyone who cared about you.
You made it so that neither of your mums’ realised what was going on and they just thought it was the typical misbehaviour from a teenager.
“How about you let me decide what I want to do instead of just assuming?” You speak up, tired of their endless bickering, “I’m almost 16 now, I can make my own decisions!”
You really didn’t mean to yell, but you’re fed up now. You need both of them to set aside their differences and support you.
Why was that so difficult?
“I just… I just need you both right now, I need you both together– And you can’t even stay within the same distance before you just end up yelling at one another!” You cry out, hoping they’ll understand your plea.
At least that seemed to have gotten both of their attention when they looked at you confused.
“What’re you talking about, kiddo?” Caitlin frowns, confused.
Lia turns to you bewildered, “What’s wrong, Y/N/N?” she asks, concern etched on her face.
You shuffle nervously on your feet as you try and muster up the courage to explain what has been going on.
When did things become so difficult to talk about?
“I’m being bullied…” Your voice trembles as you force the words out, a knot tightening in your throat, “It’s been going on for a while, I…. I just didn’t know how to tell you both because you’re so wrapped up in arguing with each other to care about me!” You confess, your fingers nervously picking at a loose thread on your school jumper.
Lia gasps in shock, her eyes widening in realisation, “What? That’s not true, Y/N/N” she disputes, her tone softening with concern.
Feeling a glimmer of hope at Lia’s response, you meet her gaze, your eyes pleading for understanding, “But it is true, mama” You insist, your voice shaky but determined, “Every time I’ve tried to talk to you about this, you’re either arguing or too busy with your own stuff to notice” You tell her.
Caitlin’s expression softens as she takes in your words, a pang of guilt flashing across her features, “I’m sorry kiddo” she murmurs, her voice laced with regret, “I didn’t realise… I’ve been so caught up in everything lately. I… We didn’t see how much you were hurting” she states in concern.
Tears prickle at the corner of your eyes as you nod, a wave of relief washing over you at their acknowledgement, “It’s okay” You whisper, feeling a weight lifting from your shoulders, “I just… I just need you to both be there for me, to listen and to understand me” you tell them honestly.
Lia reaches out, pulling you into a tight hug, her embrace offering comfort and reassurance, “We will be, sweetheart” she promises, her voice gentle as she glances at Caitlin who nods in agreement, “We’re here for you, no matter what” she adds.
Caitlin joins the embrace, wrapping her arms around both of you, her eyes reflecting a mix of regret and determination, “We’ll figure this out, together” she vows, her voice firm with resolve.
In that moment, surrounded by the warmth of their love and support, you feel a flicker of hope ignite within you. Despite the challenges ahead, you know that with your moms by your side, you can face anything.
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© scribblesofagoonerr
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