#And yet somehow the criminals are a safer enemy.....
hajihiko · 2 years
In response to your art about Hajime and Makoto being friends, I imagine they talked with each other extensively when Makoto was reopening Hope's Peak, so he could be sure that it wouldn't be nearly as predatory as it was to people like Hajime.
Aw that's really nice I like that. Getting Hajime's perspective as an outsider but also extra knowledgeable about the darker sides of HPA
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I think Oswald just refuses to use guns in most cases.
First, all the knives. boy got an obsession. I'm not even gonna mention the killing galavan political enemies rampage with a surgery knife bc I already said that, idk when but I did
He uses shotguns specifically, more than once if he finds one
Which is kind of... very theatric? Like showing off with that whole thing almost the same height as him
Like realistically speaking you're this kind of gangster type beat criminal, your opponents tends to be bigger in like size to you and stuff and yet you're determined to bring around blades in any shape or form Instead of a fucking gun, when shooting people from a distance is way safer then just trying to slice their neck
Then again, the times he uses shotguns. I think maybe a few times wee see him with one,once or twice, when him and his group are preparing to do something,
I can remember with no checking the first time he tries to kill galavan I think he had a shotgun but I'm not sure, then in the season 4 finale, the time he killed that old couple- which, they were in his club.
Like okay your retrieved the shotgun from earlier but you don't have a fucking pokemon inventory system, it's impossible there was no other weapon choice and shotguns, from what I heard, just... Make a mess. They can be pretty destructive, but they're not a very "clean" method. And having to clean that type of thing since you did it in your club- that's a hassle. Why would you do that if not for pure fucking enjoyment or theatrical touch or a bit of both.
There are few times he uses a gun, one time I think he takes if from barb hands and kills a random guy, there's the time a gun is involved before Ed becomes an ice cube but that was more part of the situation and maybe he used one a few other times I don't recall rn
He just... Brings no other weapon. he literally brings nothing to a gun fight. Even if he perfectly knows there's gonna be one. He's like "my guys got guns" like it's not 100% sure they're gonna live and like, be able to protect you. Most fucking times they don't. Did he try to shoot fish in season one? I think he had a gun while following her but lost it? But I'm not even sure
Surely there's the space for at least a small one in all the pockets his intricate fancy dandy outfits got.
So I just think he refuses to use one for whatever fucking reason.
Like when he gets a literal fucking, guns and ammos factory he uses it to shot in the air and that's it. When he get the brace leg thingy he's like "put a knife in there" like okay I get it maybe in some circumstances somehow hiding a knife is better but
My point still stands. He actively refuses to use them if he can.
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jokerfan99 · 4 years
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My Top 10 Favorite Anime Villains (Updated) by DarkChild316
In a different time and a different world, I did a list of “My 10 Favorite Anime Villains”. I am older now, and hopefully much wiser and now thanks to the global pandemic and my new subscriptions to Hulu and Funimation I’ve had the opportunity to go back and revisit so many classic anime that I feel like I should re-do it. Plus I’ve gone back and looked at my previous list and shook my head thinking to myself: “My God man, what in the f**k were you thinking with some of these choices!” So, I’ve gone back and redone the list, now this list is strictly for the men only. If you want to see a list dedicated to my favorite female villains, check out my list of “My Top 10 Favorite Anime Villainesses.” But for this list, here is my updated list of My Top 10 Favorite Anime Villains:
#10. Shishiho Makoto (Rurouni Kenshin): Growing up as a kid, Ruroni Kenshin was one of the first anime I had ever watched, and this guy was someone who I hated with a passion. Looking back at it years later, I realize now what an amazing villain and foil to Kenshin that Makoto was. Unlike a lot of villains on this list, Makoto wasn’t just evil for the sake of being evil, Makoto’s evil came from the worst type of trauma: betrayal! In this case the betrayal came from Makoto’s own government, where Makoto survived not only multiple gunshots, but being doused in oil and burned alive, leaving him in complete and utter agony. What puts Shishio on my list is what he manages to do after surviving death. He compiles an army of the best fighters Japan has to offer and plots to overthrow the entire Meiji Government. While in complete agony. Who else can claim that? Did I also mention he’s topping the list of the best fighters in the show? His swordsmanship is second only to Kenshin himself as he proves in their absolutely epic fight.
#9. Hisoka Morrow (Hunter x Hunter): Hunter x Hunter is a show with several great villains that truly stand out, and while Meruem was memorable, pardon me for believing that Hisoka was the standout villain from that show. A devious killer and master Nen user, Hisoka is driven by little more than his desire to find and kill strong opponents. Be they young children or master criminals, he’ll pursue them to the ends of the Earth with a bloodlust on par with that of a wild predator. Likewise, he doesn’t care what happens to himself or others in this pursuit. Mass civilian casualties, the loss of his own villainous allies or even the loss of his own limbs barely phases him, so long as he gets to fight with someone that tests his limits. As a result, he more often than not embodies chaos incarnate, wreaking havoc in his pursuit of battle and leaving a mountain of corpses behind him. Needless to say, this puts him at odds with the series’ protagonists at regular intervals. Not only do Gon and his friends fit the bill for what he seeks, but they often take on enemies that prove to be exactly what Hisoka is looking for. And yet, this also serves to make him all the more interesting. Where other villains might strike out at the protagonists and heroes immediately, Hisoka schemes, allies himself with and double-crosses people regularly, always finding the best angle to work in order to reach his goals. He may not be a world-ending anime villain on the level of a Meruem with seismic ambitions, but he’s undeniably the most interesting and brilliant villain in Hunter x Hunter to see at work.
#8. Izaya Orihara (Durarara!!): If you think of a list of top anime villains and this guy isn’t one of the first people who comes to mind, please raise your hands so I can have a few words with you in private with no cameras or eyewitnesses. The crazy thing about Izaya is that he doesn’t even realize he’s evil, and that’s what makes him great. He loves humanity; from the depths of his bones he loves us all. This is why he makes it onto my list; he does progressively more cruel acts against humans, putting people in situations that generally lead to their deaths. He is also a master of parkour and highly skilled with a switchblade in his hand (as evident in the above picture), which he generally only uses in dire situations or fights against Shizuo. In short, I absoulutely love this guy. I thoroughly enjoyed the way he manages to manipulate an entire populous, and that’s why he’s more than earned a spot on my list.
#7. Dio Brando (Jojo’s Bizarre Adventure): You might have thought it was someone else, but it was me, Dio! All meme-worthy jokes aside, Dio Brando is unquestionably one of the most iconic anime villains of all time and, thanks to his series’ late-blooming popularity outside of Japan thanks largely to the 2012 anime adaptation, one that still feels modern in our minds. Dio is a tenacious bastard that takes advantage of the generosity of the Joestar family to further his own power, being intolerably dickish to Jonathan by constantly tearing him down, trying to make him look bad in front of his dad, spreading rumors to sully his reputation, and sabotaging his relationships. This escalates into killing his dog (his f***ikg dog of all things!), poisoning and later stabbing his adoptive father (I mean WTF!), and becoming a freakin vampire. Even after decapitation, Dio gets his revenge and sets in motion many of the events of the series, making a formal return in Stardust Crusaders as the main villain once again. With raw ambition taken to the extreme, iconic lines, poses, and outfits, incredible abilities from Aztec mask-induced vampirism and the time-stopping power of The World, Dio’s menacing presence towers over his series and over anime as a whole, which makes him MORE than deserving of a spot on my list.
#6. Light Yagami (Death Note): Yes, he’s a VILLAIN, get over yourselves Light Yagami fanboys! Anyway, there are a number of different adjectives and superlatives that could be used to described the lead character of Death Note: Diabolical, calculating, and determined to make the world in his own image all describe Light who was easily the most clever man in  Death Note, as evidenced by the layers upon layers that composed his elaborate plans.  Light started out as a good kid, doing well in school and heading to a bright career in police work like his father. But when he gets possession of the death note, he begins a remarkable descent into a disturbing mastermind who becomes judge, jury, and executioner for the entire world. But what truly makes Light's character stand out remains complicated throughout the story. His ultimate goal is to make the world a happier, safer place; a noble but perhaps misguided goal. His idealism and nobility still shine through when he doesn’t have the Death Note. When he temporarily relinquishes ownership of the death note to throw L off his trail, Light loses all memory of the death note and he reverts to his normal personality. His sense of morality returns and he shows more compassion for those around him. He even refuses to use Misa Amane to get information out of her when L asks him to. These qualities help to create a complex character who ends up being a detestable villain, yet you still kind of root for him to come out of this story as a winner. Light’s progression through the series is marked by his sheer brilliance. He's got a calculated and strategic mind that would make the great philosopher Machiavelli jealous, and the power of the death note adds a callousness that makes him free to use people in whatever way necessary to accomplish his goals. It’s highly entertaining to see his intricate plans play out. But Light’s messiah-like ego is just as big as his brain, and that arrogance ultimately leads to his tragic downfall.
#5. The Major (Hellsing): An evil Nazi Scientist, I know everyone is just rolling their eyes right now thinking I’m reaching for the low-hanging fruit for this one, but just hear me out here. While he may seem like an obvious pick for a list like this, The Major’s goals, however, are somehow far more unhinged than what may first appear. Despite being an impassioned orator and uncompromising strategist willing to sacrifice countless soldiers, the Major himself had no especial loyalty or passion for the cause of Millennium. His sole obsession is to plunge the world into an unending conflict to the point of endangering not only the lives of others but also his own. The Major’s leadership of Millennium, his decades espousing the genocidal ideology of fascists, and subsequent war against the Hellsing organization, the Vatican, and the entire world serve only as a pretext to satiate his insatiable bloodlust. The Major is one of anime’s most insidious villains, a charismatic, nihilistic sociopath driven purely by his sadomasochistic death wish.
#4. Shou Tucker (Fullmetal Alchemist): Now, you may be recalling that in my previous version of this list, I had Envy listed as my choice as my favorite villain from this show. Well after careful reconsideration, I’ve had to reevaluate my decision and give that spot to this creep, because while Envy’s actions were despicable to a point, they PALE in comparison to this guy! He only really appears in one episode if I remember correctly, yet in that one single episode, he made more of an impact then most villains make in a lifetime, which really says a lot about this guy’s character. What was it that made him so memorable you ask? Well, it could have something to do with the fact that this man transmutaed his own dog and daughter to create a talking chimera, which hadn’t been done before, and for what other reason…all in the name of recognition in the world of alchemy! That mere fact alone made this guy the most hated man in all of anime, the fact that he sacrificed his own family for the sake of fame, with absolutely no hint of remorse, made this guy the definition of an absolute living piece of shit and the only thing worse is how the episode ended, but I won’t spoil that one for you if you haven’t seen it.
#3. Gendo Ikari (Neon Genesis Evangelion) Up next is a man competing with the likes of Medusa Gorgon for the title of “Anime’s Worst Parent”, Gendo Ikari, please step up to the front of the congregation. Now Gendo is a man who’s list of atrocities throughout Evangelion is far too many to name, but I’m going to try my best to list them here: You have being actively complicit in the premature instigation of a biblical apocalypse, resulting in a near extinction-level event that caused the death of nearly two-thirds of the human population. Emotionally neglecting his own son Shinji estranging himself from him for over twelve years, only to offer him up as a sacrificial pawn in his bid to artificially bootstrap humanity’s ascent into evolutionary godhood so that he could be reunited with his dead wife. Cloning said wife’s DNA into a harem of emotionally dependent albino ingenues who share a dogged infatuation for their creator. And that’s not even mentioning the horrific emotional abuse and mental manipulation he inflicts on Dr. Ritsuko Akagi and her mother Naoko. All-in-all Gendo is proof positive that love not only has the capacity to overcome any obstacle, but sometimes it can truly make monsters out of us all.
#2. Griffith (Berserk): Griffith did nothing wrong; at least, not by his own drives and ambitions. A peasant who grew to become the leader of his own mercenary band, Griffith was a self-driven man who pursued his desires with unparalleled efficiency. No matter the situation or obstacle, he found a way to overcome them, whether that meant facing down an army of thousands or assassinating a country’s leaders. All the while, he amassed a legion of friends and followers who would follow him to hell and back, caring for him as much or more than he cared for them. As a result, they were dragged down with him when his ambitions saw him imprisoned, tortured and maimed. They cared little though, risking life and limb to save him and help him salvage a life with what he had left. That wasn’t enough for Griffith though. When given the option to become a demon and continue the pursuit of his dreams, he whole-heartedly accepted it; even though it came at the cost of sacrificing the lives of each and every one of his friends and allies. But that wasn’t the worst of it, to further spite the early desertion of Guts, Griffith proceeds to rape Casca, Guts’ love interest, in front of him as Guts is held down by demons. So yes, Griffith did nothing wrong by himself. By everyone else though, he did them the worst of injustices, and continues to do so with each breath he takes, all of which makes him a compelling and infuriating villain.
#1. Johan Liebert (Monster): I’ve covered a wide variety of monsters (pun fully intended) on this list, but THIS monster (again, pun FULLY intended) truly takes the cake when it comes to anime villains. A serial killer who would fit in well in any blockbuster film, Monster told the story of a man who had truly become monstrous; a charismatic, intelligent sociopath with no other goal than to kill everyone else in the world. Johan didn't just kill people, he made other people into monsters just like him. This skill of his corruption is first displayed in his youth, when he used stories to convince the other boys in his orphanage to kill all the staff, and each other. Johan is often compared to Light Yagami of Death Note, but the two couldn’t be any more different. Light's fatal (and genius) flaw is his own ego, which leads him to put his own life above all else, even his goal of changing the world. But Johan has never been afraid of death. Quite the opposite, he welcomes and embraces it, being more than willing to put his own life at risk, and one of his signature traits is how he challenges people to shoot him. Another of Jonah’s signature traits is his skills as a masterful manipulator. Where Light and other on this list had to resort to supernatural means to get what they wanted, Johan just used his own wits and knowledge of human nature. He's easily the most frightening villain on this list because he’s the truest to life villain on this list and he exposes the base human nature of his victims and of human society. Monster's remarkable story was almost entirely due to Johan alone, and it’s why he’s #1 on my list.
So that's my updated list, what did you guys think about it? Love it, hated it? Go on and tell me what you think and let me know who your favorite anime villains are. See you soon!!!
Deviantart: https://www.deviantart.com/darkchild316
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alterrune · 3 years
Solar System safer?
GEOGRAM expands territory across solar system!
GEOGRAM has now expanded their territory to multiple areas in the solar system. Military Bases has now been set up on nearly every planet in the solar system such as Venus, Mars, Jupiter, Eris Mercury, Europa, Neptune, Titan, Ceres, Saturn and The Moon. The was to help prevent any enemy organizations from attempting to seek safety in space. Special shields have also been created to help protect these bases as well as their fleet ships. These shields have been reported to be strong enough to endure even a supreme dominance laser, a weapon that was used widely use by the Toppat Clan. Weapons have also been vastly improved, being capable of piercing a 10 foot titanium wall, robotics have also been mass produced and widely improved to withstand powerful armaments and heavy ammunition. Advancements of GEOGRAM will continue to progress in the future.
CEO of GEOGRAM Aaron Schaffer says
“We shall continue to expand our influence across the solar system, our world must remain protected from The Trinity of Fate, we must not fall, we must become United, and fight back against the warlords who threatens our safety and very existence! We will never kneel and bow down to some criminals who feel as though they are free to do whatever they want.”
Planets officially colonized?
The United Nations Space Alliance founded!
GEOGRAM has officially founded The United Nations Space Alliance (UNSA), which is an international political organization that handles matters related to trade, travel, land claims and all efforts relating to human space colonization. They recently finished colonizing europa, mars, and titan, civilization has now been built on those planets.The UNSA has recently opened up the new Space Airport on the moon, allowing for civilian space travel to the newly colonized planets. Some Civilians have now moved to the newly colonized planets for a new life! Updates on the UNSA will continue to be posted in the future.
Alright, that's---
---just given me a great idea!
Did you just "ding"?
Yes, but that's not important right now. Remember that propaganda they kept "playing in our heads"? Well, two can play at that game. I'll give them a taste of their own medicine.
Begin playback.
"You know, it's funny."
"Criminals like us do what we do and we get marked as 'the bad guys'."
"And yet, when the GOVERNMENT does the exact same thing, they call it 'in the name of the law' and that somehow makes them 'the good guys'."
"Think about it. The government taxes you all for everything and then they use that money to do the same things we do, sometimes even worse, yet they are still thought of as 'heroes'."
"They make it so you have to PAY for healthcare, PAY for food and water, PAY for basic human rights, for god's sake! And yet, somehow, they are 'heroes'?!"
"And the government is filled to the brim with even more crap like that. But you still pay them to do it. You still pay them for 'upholding the law', when in reality they're causing more crimes than actual criminals are."
"We may not be the greatest of people. But compared to the government, we, the Toppat Clan, and the rest of the Trinity Of Fate are LEAGUES better than they are."
"Stop and think about that the next time you pay your taxes..."
End playback.
Damn. That was some pretty heavy stuff, Alter. Nice job.
Yeah, it was. Good thing we got one of those machines from those cultist imposters and reverse-engineered it so we could use it, or we wouldn't have been able to broadcast it.
By the way, the spaceship's hull is made of a similar material to what the little black boxes in aircraft are made of, not titanium. And they are a whopping 30 feet thick.
Yeah, they're virtually indestructible. We spared no expenses making the station.
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longitudinalwaveme · 4 years
Longitudinalwaveme Reviews Old Comics, Part 7
Today, I will be reviewing Flash #307.
The Flash #307 (1982): “Prey for the Piper”, was written by Carey Bates, drawn by the legendary Carmine Infantino, and inked by Bob Smith. 
The story stars the Barry Allen Flash as the protagonist and, as the title suggests, the Pied Piper as the main antagonist. This story is also historically important for the Piper-it’s the first issue to give him an origin story. That’s right. Despite having debuted in Flash #106 in 1959, the Piper wasn’t given a backstory (or a real name!) for 22 years! 
The story opens with two guys in a helicopter flying a giant gong across the city. Evidently, it’s going to be a new display at the Centrex Museum and...why in the world did they decide to transport the thing by helicopter? Couldn’t they have used a truck? That seems safer. 
Regardless, the Pied Piper, who is in a nearby skyscraper, uses his pipe to hypnotize the pilots and get them to fly the gong into a building that’s under construction. Barry Allen, who is nearby buying what I believe is a newspaper but could also be a magazine or, knowing Barry, a comic book, notices the collision that’s about to happen and springs into action as the Flash. 
The pilots release the giant gong and it cashes into the building, making a horrible noise but surprisingly not causing any structural damage. Barry stops the gong’s descent and goes to ask the helicopter pilots what’s happening. We then cut to Piper (who, as usual for this time period, looks like a demented elf), who notes that he only needs one more really loud sound to put “Operation Sound-Off” (I’m sure that sounded awesome in his head) into action and defeat the Flash. 
Meanwhile, Barry is puzzling over why the helicopter pilots suddenly dropped the gong into the building, as when questioned about what happened, they had no idea. He knows that someone must have hypnotized them, but isn’t sure who or why. Meanwhile, in the police department’s record room, a young officer named Morty, who has been giving a reporter information about some as yet unrevealed story, walks the reporter (who works for Picture News just like Iris did) to her car...only for him to be whacked over the head and her to be kidnapped! We also see that the files she was interested in involve the Pied Piper, who is operating under the alleged name of Henry Darrow.
Barry comes outside just as Morty comes to, and the younger man tells him about what happened. Barry thinks that someone kidnapped her because of the story she was working on, and, because it was about the Pied Piper, Barry assumes that it was the Piper who had her kidnapped. In speaking of the demented elf, he’s in a state park fifty miles outside Central City, known as Summit Canyon, creating an avalanche in order to gather the final decibels needed to enact his evil plan. He notes that, once it’s complete, he’ll “finally be able to rid myself of the two curses which have plagued my life with the most pain and misery: my arch-enemy the Flash-and my despicable family!” 
Meanwhile, in his apartment, Barry is trying to work out the details of the kidnapping (which he still thinks the Piper is responsible for), noting that the man’s past has always been a mystery. We then cut to “the posh Ridgeway Hills community easy of the city”, where one of the kidnappers wonder why someone so rich hired them. The other one basically tells him “who cares, we’re getting paid a ton of money and now we can go to Vegas!” 
Inside a mansion, the people who paid the kidnappers note that the reporter is waking up, addressing each other as “Osgood” (snicker) and “Rachel”. The reporter tells them that they won’t get away with this, to which they basically respond that they totally will, because they’ve got tons of money to bribe her with. We then see that she’s tied up at one end of a ridiculously long table. The reporter, whose name is Marcy Dunphy, exclaims that she’s seen the people who had her kidnapped in the society pages. The man then introduces himself and his wife as “Hazel and Osgood Rathaway”, which, as this is only two panels after the use of the “Rachel” name, may hold the record for the least amount of time passing before Cary Bates forgot a character’s name. The reporter identifies them as the heads of the Rathaway Publishing Empire and is completely bewildered as to why such wealthy people would have her kidnapped. Their response? She’s uncovered a very embarrassing family secret, and they want it to stay hidden. Which does raise the question of why they decided to have her kidnap before trying to bribe her. Wouldn’t she be more amenable to the idea if you hadn’t had her kidnapped? 
While the Flash races to stop the Pied Piper from robbing a museum, the Rathaways for some reason decide to tell Macy the whole story. Their son, Hartley Rathaway, was born deaf, so they spent a ton of money to ‘cure’ his deafness, and because this is comic books, they actually found a doctor who could do it. Hartley subsequently became obsessed with music. Mr. and Mrs. Rathaway had big plans for their son, but, as time went by, it became clear that Hartley wasn’t interested in excelling in anything or in “upholding the prestige of the Rathaway name”. Instead of addressing the problem (or, alternatively, not attempting to force their son to become famous), Osgood decided to start bribing the heck out of people. He bought Hartley’s way into the best colleges and then bribed them into giving him good grades he hadn’t earned. After Hartley graduated, Osgood paid his way into an executive position at a major firm and...seriously, just how rich are these people? 
Meanwhile, the Flash manages to get through the sonic barrier that the Piper set up around the museum, only to be attacked by the Piper and his “Sonic  Boomatron” which is in the shape of bagpipes because of reasons. The stupidly-named device hits Flash with the equivalent of 50,000 decibels, before we cut back to the Rathaways’ explanation of how awesome bribery is. They apparently gave Hartley a silver-plated flute for his sixteenth birthday (in case it wasn’t clear that they’re made of money yet, I guess), and they tell Macy that their son had always liked tinkering with musical instruments. Somehow, they completely missed that their son was a super genius who created hypnotic and weaponized music until he actually put on the costume and became the Pied Piper. HOW DID THEY NOT NOTICE THAT? It clearly started when he was still a teenager, as he used it to hypnotize his tutor into getting out of a test. 
Now with the power to hypnotize people, his life was even easier than it had been before, and Hartley was bored out of his mind. So bored, apparently, that he decided that white-collar crime was overrated and decided to go into the “robbing banks in costume” type of crime. I also find it amusing at how shocked the Rathaways were that Hartley became a criminal. What, do nonstop bribery and literal kidnapping not count? Because they were bribing people left, right, and center LONG before he became the Piper. 
Meanwhile, Piper’s weapon somehow turns the Flash into sound, because this is comics and comics don’t have to make sense. He proceeds to walk off with his loot, surrounded by a sonic barrier that protects him from police gunfire. 
So yes, the Pied Piper is Hartley Rathaway, his family is rich, and he became the Piper because, at least according to his parents, he was an “emotionally disturbed” child who got bored. Apparently the elder Rathaways have kept the secret through EVEN MORE BRIBERY, giving money to everyone from the local police chief to the FBI to keep things quiet. The FBI were the ones who created the identity of Henry Darrow. By the way, Mrs. Rathaway is back to being Rachel again. Rachel reiterates the fact that kidnapping and then bribing the reporter to also keep things quiet was the only logical solution to the problem...at which point the Piper himself shows up! 
Meanwhile, Barry uses his mental control over all his molecules to reassemble himself while the Piper tells his parents that he’s paid his debt to them. Apparently, he turns over most of his loot to his parents in order to pay “back every Rathaway dollar my parents spent on trying to mold me into something I could never be.” The elder Rathaways had to keep all of it because doing anything else would reveal the secret. Osgood tells his son that he and his wife only wanted what was best for Hartley, to which Hartley replies “Not quite, Pop. You wanted what was best for the Rathaway name! What I wanted never really matter much to either one of you.” According to Hartley, then, it seems that he became the Piper not so much because he was bored...but rather because he feels that his parents were more concerned with their reputations than with loving him. 
Then the Flash pops up, punches him out, and rescues Macy, who says that they should give the Rathaways a few minutes alone with their son. I guess that we can assume that the Rathaways never got arrested because they’re made of money. Or something. (Could that be why we also rarely saw the Piper in prison during the Silver and Bronze Age?) 
Well, it may have taken Piper 22 years to get an origin (and a name), but in this case, I think it was worth it. With the possible exception of the Golden Glider, the Pied Piper has what is by far the most interesting Silver/Bronze Age origin of any of the Rogues, and I’m glad it’s stuck around. Props to Carey Bates for giving the Piper an incredibly memorable origin story. 
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mocacheezy · 4 years
(forgot to actualy post this when I first wrote it, anyways, rechecked the info with the help of wiki, so have my thoughts on TFA Megatron (S1))
So I finished the first season of Transformers Animated, and let me just… Let me just EXPRESS my feelings for TFA S1 Megatron and the shit that happens to him:
So Megatron has the Allspark in his sight after so many many years of searching. It’s on a tiny Autobot repair ship, shouldn’t be a problem to get it right? Except while fighting the Autobots a bomb planted on him (by Starscream, he should see this coming) detonates. He survives that with damage to his right arm, gets inside the ship and is facing off against 5 autobots (clearly repair crew, and not in sync) in no gravity. One of them manages to cut his arm off, he is down by an arm, big deal, ‘tis but a scratch, he’s fine.
… No like seriously, this doesn’t stop him. He ALMOST GETS THE ALLSPARK!
Except that the leader of this troublesome repair crew kicks him off ship, causing him to crash on Earth. The only thing intact is his head (that Sumdac finds). Is he dead? Is he in a coma? Whatever it is, Sumdac tinkers with what he found.
50 years later, Megatron wakes up, can’t move, can’t do anything really because he is literaly a HEAD (ᵃˡˢᵒ ʷʰⁱˡᵉ ⁿᵒᵗ ʳᵉˡᵃᵗᵉᵈ ᵗᵒ ᵗʰᵉ ʳᵃⁿᵗ ᶠᵘˡˡʸ,ⁱ ˡᵒᵛᵉᵈ ᵗʰᵉ ᵉᵖⁱˢᵒᵈᵉ ʷⁱᵗʰ ᵇᵘˡᵏʰᵉᵃᵈ “ˡᵒˢⁱⁿᵍ” ʰⁱˢ ᵇᵒᵈʸ…ᵖᵘᵗˢ ᵗʰⁱⁿᵍˢ ⁱⁿᵗᵒ ᵖᵉʳˢᵖᵉᶜᵗⁱᵛᵉ), sees that Starscream was the one who tried to kill him and almost suceeded (or did he suceed? Again, not 100% clear on the function of that Key… It heals, it upgrades, it gives life and sentience… Did it REVIVE Megatron or did it just wake him up?)
And what does he do?
Tumblr media
He eventualy risks what little… Advantage? Is being locked away in the dark an advantage? When there’s autobots around being hailed as heroes, yea I think it might be though Megatron wouldn’t admit it… I think? Not outloud that’s for sure
Anyways, he risks it with exposing himself to Sumdac.
And then proceeds to deceive Sumdac! Like, Sumdac is smart. I actualy did need to take a step back and go “damn this poor man really is way over his head”, because on the first glance it seems really dumb to fall for a lie like that.
(I actualy would love to talk about the Professor in the future, especialy by just looking at him as a character on his own… BUT THIS IS MEGS SPOTLIGHT SO *yeets away for another time*)
AND MEGATRON IS NOT 100% GOOD AT THIS “I am an Autobot” THING. He lashes out! He is impatient, he is angry to the point of wrecking the lab with the energy surges and there are moments when Sumdac doubts that he himself can fix this mess he made, especialy with how angry this “Autobot” is.
But SOMEHOW, this glorious FUCK manages to turn most of the damage those outbursts cause into very convincing explanations for his reactions, WHILE also pretending to be useful and “helping”.  
He can see almost everything from where he is, once he masters the connections with the cameras and etc. in the tower and things across the city. He deflects or “explains” why his plans included flamethrowers for amusement bots, and, let me say this again! 
He is pretty limited with what he can do HIMSELF! Sumdac is not an ally, he is more of an enemy that isn’t aware of the power he holds over Megatron.
And he is doing everything FAR too slow.
That everything being mainly, getting Megs a body.
There are so many robots around, all of them reverse enginered from Megatron himself, and none of them are of use to him. And when he DOES manage to get them to listen, something always interferes (Dinobots were a semi sucess, Soundwave rebelled, but did end up wearing a con badge (and boy was it eerie to hear Soundwave say ‘machines supperior to humans’ and how they will be all destroyed… Great episode that one) ). 
So the robots of this planet are useless to him. He has to try and find a way to manipulate human criminals to do his bidding, getting him the materials Sumdac apparently can’t get without raising suspicion. Not that it’s hard, but they are useless as well, especialy with the Autobots meddling, so that also fails. 
And there is always that Key. That he can’t just ask for, but can’t get no matter how he tries. And by god, does he try.
His only real, longe term-ish line of self defense at the moment is Sumdac and his guilt over using a friend of the Heroic Autobots…
And he isn’t even sure if he can trust them, given that his Second In Command blew him to pieces. So he has to gamble and hope for the best with Lugnut.
Which is clearly tiring because, as much of devout follower as Lugnut is (the fanfics are all spot on, writers of TFA Fandom amazing job portraying this mass of devotion), it gets annoying real fast when you are trying to get things done and really need to get a body asap, and the only one you can count on is determined to sing praises to you everytime you give an order.
Not even THAT seems to bring him any closer to his goal. And then Sumdac finds what remained of his body.
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Pretty good for 50 years of weather exposure, eh?
BUT it seems he will have to keep waiting, because the blizzard that is raging outside causes a blackout, so the Tower is using the backup generator, so Sumdac declairs a delay in repairs.
Megatron alternates between bluster and sweet-talk to try to get his way, but it’s no use. Megatron attempts to call Lugnut again for assistance.
(Source: tfwiki)
From the looks of it, he came back online at the begining/end of fall, so he’s been,
pretending to be an Autobot (one who is a friend of bots he knows very little about, the ones who caused him to become like this in the first place)
 pretending to be useful and helpful to Sumdac in exchange for attempted repairs (all of which have failed)
keeping his temper in check (good thing he can save the slip ups with quick thinking…)  
for about… 3 or 4 months?
And no way to leave the lab?
With Sumdac as his only company?
Probably also in discomfort given THAT HE IS HOOKED UP LIKE THAT?!
With his ghoulish hand in sight that was/is CLEARLY being used as a chair for an organic?
… Yea. Imagine doing all that, being this close to finaly making progress, and instead being told “Weather bad, no can’t do, wait a while longer”.
So if Sumdac fears enough for the safety of his planet, he’ll surely work faster right? That seems to work somewhat…
Then comes Starscream.
The absolutely last Decepticon Megatron needs right now. So Megatron has to pretend he doesn’t know Starscream tried to kill him. With Starscream CLEARLY planning to kill him for good this time.
He is a head, what can he do?
We can soon see Megatron can take great joy in punishing that fragger, with limited resources he has, while Sumdac finaly works on his body.
The only fun perk of being a “friend of the Autobots” so far.
And then Blitzwing and Lugnut arrive. I swear, I was sure with all the talk Lugnut was doing, there was no way Megatron will actualy get that body.
Good thing they got the Key and that Sumdac didn’t think/wasn’t able to put in any override codes or sound the alarms.
What followed was a gorgeous villain reanimation/reconstruction scene and I loved every second of it. I mean, just look at this. 
So, Megatron finaly has a fresh new body.
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(gorgeous fucker)
He fights the Autobots, (if I start talking about the details, this post will never end), defeats them and does a magnificent job of offlining his SIC.
(Like, I love TFA Starscream. I really do. This purple bastard is a joy to watch, but given what he did, seeing him get offlined in such a dramatic, yet quick and efficient way(and knowing he comes back anyway)… Let’s just say, I was very pleased.)
The “Fuck you Starscream, Die 1.0” however, lets the Autobots escape and the chase begins.
Here I would like to thank the animators for giving both Bots and Cons gorgeous Magical girl-esque transformation scenes, because they are all beautiful BUT MEGATRON, HOLY HELL, I AM LOVING THAT HELICOPTER!
And they are back on the Ark, fighting in much the same way they were the first time, 
But Megatron has no apparent weaknesses, except perhaps being cluttered with little shards of Optimus Prime after he finishes beating on the Autobot. Their one-sided fight carries them into the hold of the ship, where Megatron succeeds in acquiring the AllSpark… 
Megatron manages to GET THE ALLSPARK! 
And he puts it in his spark chamber. Or in front of it.
Megatron. You just put an anchient artifact in your chest.
I… Listen, this is a step above Megan and his SpaceCocaineStraightToSpark Nonesense, BUT ALRIGHT!
Before he can celebrate, he is temporarily downed by Isaac, who knows enough about Megatron’s circuitry to disable his equilibrium sensors—
(”well fuck you too Sumdac”, I mutter to myself) 
but although he drops the AllSpark Key in his stumble, the tyrant isn’t down for long. Megatron is about to finish Prime, when Sari hurls Prime the Key…
the kid Megatron could easily crush when she was standing infront of the Allspark (BUT HE DIDN’T!) throws the key to Optimus.
Who proceeds to jam it into the Allspark.
In your chest Megatron.
Where your own spark is, Megatron.
For the Lord of Decepticons and quite an old fellow, who I’ve just sung praise to, that was so dumb…
A destabilized Megatron flees the ship before the AllSpark explodes inside his chest, dispersing its energy throughout the atmosphere.
This time his body is mostly in one piece, and he has Sumdac as a hostage but…
This Megatron does not have luck on his side.
He really does not.
The only reason he is still functioning is, that he is too stubborn to give up and die. 
The whole “TooStubbornToDie” does seem to be a Megatron trademark, and makes me love his character even more.
TFA Megs. S1 and I already love him so much. 
To finish up this rant of mine…
Someone get him a damn blanket and force him TO TAKE A DAMN BREAK! REST YOU STUBBORN FOOL! 
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azoraahai · 3 years
Please tell me everything about your grishaverse ocs!!!! ❤️
of course bb!!! there are plenty of ocs, including ones i havent introduced yet, but im just gonna talk about the two i just posted today :) !! ( also may contain spoilers )
rita vasiliev: first we have my criminal icon, rita vasiliev! her backstory is being tossed around with different ideas ( mainly bc i have so many options and i wanna find something that sticks ), but the main point is that she is kaz’s equal in many ways. she is cunning, conniving, and extremely deadly to anyone who dares to cross her. but since she is a woman and very gorgeous, many underestimate her and she uses her beauty and gender to her advantage to get what she wants like information, money, and so on. she never lets anything get too far because she will literally smash a man’s skull open if he tries anything more than she’s willing. she may look like nothing, but she’ll instantly make you regret thinking that about her. an absolute badass legend, we love her. she is incredibly intelligent, but nowhere near as a genius mastermind as kaz. she is also bisexual and we love that for her!
heidi danek: and now we have my baby girl, heidi danek! she’s half fjerdan, half zemeni, but born and raised in fjerda! she lived in a small village near the border to ravka. when she was around thirteen years old, her village was massacred by the first army and she was saved by the drüskelle, and that is when she meets matthias! she and other surviving villagers travel with the drüskelle for a safer place for them to live. along that journey, heidi leans on matthias for company since they were close in age and they become friends! they kept in contact until she believes him to be dead on the shipwreck a few years later. somehow she finds herself in ketterdam ( by somehow, i still need to figure that out ), and their paths collide once again. also fun fact about heidi, she’s very anti-gun and uses her bow and arrow as well as an axe to kill her enemies which is v powerful of her like i love her sm. 
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m2mtl · 5 years
(ENG Translation) Fake Cinderella - Chapter 9
Chapter 9 raw (click for the link)
t/n: Heya. Here’s my second release, I’ll try to translate as much as I can while I’m still not that busy. Again, if you find any inaccurate translations (since I usually just make sense of the literal translation by google or systran then rephrase it in a better way), typos or other errors, kindly do point it out. Thanks~ 
Also, another chapter of the manga was recently released, and I was just wondering if you wanted to retain my translation of the names or the manga’s since it differs slightly (i.e., Alterie = Arthirea, Nadir = Nigel). And that’s it, enjoy~ 
(7/28/19) t/n: Rephrased some things to make it clearer.
Previous chapter -  TOC
9. The Duke of Elsevert
"Her Royal Highness,"  
Upon the call, my mind returns to reality.  
In front of me was Count Stasen. This elder knight, who was a strong-bodied warrior, was a man of a few words.  
Still, there is a feeling of security that is somewhat strange but reliable. It's really puzzling that this person was also a scholar with the title "Vera."
Thin golden hair, which is believed to be of those from the north... Many people in the north have silver or light gold hair. The color of their eyes are mostly light blue - the count's is also light blue.  
(The stranger thing [t/n: pun not intended] is that such a person is the leader of my knight escorts)
"Your Royal Highness, it is the schedule for your return to the royal capital."
On his knees, he handed it over with both hands.  
I received it.
"Thank you. I will be in your care."
His eyes widened and he looked somewhat surprised; he stared but immediately went out. Because it was sudden, everyone is busy preparing for our return.
After waking up, I usually only interacted with the maids, but after the incident I began to look closely at the knight escorts. It seems a person has been on the escort mission so as not to be very noticeable until now, but after the "falling incident" and the "attempted poisoning," it seems he can no longer stay that way.  
(Don't run away)
That person did not run back to the Imperial Palace, which seems to be safer than here.
The killing intent directed at me... I was clearly aware of it.
So far, I have not completely acknowledged the murderous intent. Although I was told that I was being targeted, it didn't feel real.
However, now it's different.  
(My enemy)
An enemy who is aiming for my life.
The fact that you are aiming for my life, it may not yet be known for sure.  
But now, I am clearly aware that I am in danger everyday.
I used to go to work, then from work to my home; sometimes I went to hang out or rant to my friends. It was a routine far away from worrying about dangers to my life.  
I am not a saint.
I’m not a cutesy character that starts to cry when I get tired.  
When you hit my right cheek, I would hit back. I know it's unwise, but I'm the type to fight back.  
Being alive, that will be my best revenge.  
But that alone is not enough.
Because, Ellelucia is no longer here.  
(It does not matter if this is misplaced anger. It's fine even if it's an outburst of anger.)  
I will do it if I can do it.  
I remembered the terrorist attack that happened in the United States. The Great Powers fell into the mud. A vicious cycle in which retaliation calls for revenge... a toxic cycle.
But I can't keep doing nothing anymore.
(But I am still weak ... and these hands are still too small...)
That's why, I cannot pass down judgement with my own hands. To do the same things they do... I cannot kill people with these hands.  
I think it is impossible for anyone who has lived in the ordinary 21st Century Japan to carry it out, no matter how much you hate that person, no matter how much you want to kill.
What I can do... that is...
(To find the real mastermind)
He isn't the soup cook who was regarded as the perpetrator.
There was another criminal who did it... it wasn't that cook.  
The ones who carried out the orders, of course, would also be guilty.
But, the person who ordered to kill me.
That person is the real culprit.
(Put the mastermind in court)
That was what I thought of as revenge.
I can only do my best indirectly.  
That's how I'll move to my goal.
(For now, I'll just gather information)
I can't collect information directly by myself, and it's a shame I have no memory of the falling incident.  
Alterie may have seen the culprit.
If I had remembered, I might have solved the problem at once along with this case.
I wish I could go around hearing from all kinds of people like in detective stories, but if I do so, I'll stand out and I can't let the information spread to outsiders.
In fact, I suspected at first that the falling incident might have been Alterie's suicide.
It's because she felt somewhat empty deep inside her heart, which is probably why she was called Puppet Princess.
Even if you didn't exactly jump off yourself, you might have been aware that it was a dangerous place but still went anyway... and then perhaps you may have tried to do it.  
The balcony above the lake is windy. It's even more so at night. Alterie is so light that easy to lose balance there... a not-so unintentional accident.  
(But now I can say that was not the case)
As "Alterie" gradually comes back to me, it seemed to me that wasn't what happened.  
Still, it doesn't mean I understand everything that is in Alterie's heart. I only have this vague feeling.
But if I give it some thought, I can understand even if it's just a bit.  
The knowledge I have received from Alterie is what she studied and learned diligently.
(For what purpose...?)
I think it is a proof of her efforts to be worthy of being the crown princess.
If so, such a child would probably not go to a dangerous place by herself.
Because she was well aware of how important her position is to the kingdom.  
Now it's clear that the fall was not an accident.  
(That's why... I won't run away)
I won't run away and hide somewhere safe.
(It's just that, because this place is not my territory, I'm going back home)
Even though the enemy knows me, I do not know neither the shadow nor shape of the enemy.
So at least, I want a home advantage.
Even so, it's an overwhelming disadvantage.
(But I decided not to run away)
It's alright. I'm not going to jump into danger.
I will not waste the efforts of Alterie up until now.
I am the crown princess.
(I will just pay them back what I owe)
Self defense is essential.
Even if the defense is a little excessive, it will be within acceptable limits. Probably.  
The next day, after finishing all the arrangements, I received that the usual morning greetings from the duke.
At the side, maids aside from Lilia were busy carrying the luggage to the carriage. All the knight escorts were also ready, except for the two at the back.  
"There was a danger of poisoning. Normal escorts are not enough. We are returning on such a short notice... contact the Imperial Palace and receive instructions from the Crown Prince."
Duke Elsevert fiercely objected when I told him that I was going back to the palace.
I still have a lot to explain as to why I’m returning to the palace.  
Well, I understand how he feels. If I return as is without explaining, it would create a big fuss.  
"I'm going home."
Still, I clearly told him once more.
The duke was shocked as he stared at me.  
It's probably because it's the first time Alterie expressed her intentions like this.  
Perhaps, he hasn't heard her speak up before.  
"I am going back to the Palace."
I repeated while looking straight into the duke's blue eyes.  
His eyes looked blue even with the light.
The color of my eyes, I knew I inherited it from this person.
"... Do you doubt Elsevert?"
The duke asked, as if squeezing out his voice.  
His eyes were turned away... For the first time, I thought that I was truly facing him.
I felt the weight with which he said those words.
He seemed exhausted.  
I believe he was a person who is very concerned about appearances.
His short beard is well kept and his platinum blond hair is shiny. There are no wrinkles in his thin and fashionable long coat.
Although he seemed younger than his age of forty-four, his eyes looked empty. He's like an old man in despair and resignation.
I answered, hoping that my words will reach him.
It was not clear if it was the duke, the ladies-in-waiting or the knight escort who inhaled sharply. Or maybe it was all of them.
But either way, I saw that they properly understood my answer.  
I dare not say why.
I do not want to do or say anything unnecessary while I still do not know where the true criminal's eyes are hidden.
So far, my only advantage while I am far away from home is while Alterie is a 12-year-old girl, she has the experiences from my 33 years of living.
At best, you're likely to think that I am still a twelve-year-old naive princess.
"Understood... at the very least, may you permit my son to escort you?"
The duke did not refer to anyone in particular. It's just that he said it in a beseeching tone.  
I tilt my head. The duke's son will be an escort?
"The sons of the duke, Lord Dior and Lord Rael, are both part of the Eastern Division."
Lilia explained.
The national army of Dardinia is roughly divided into six divisions. There's the central division and the divisions in the east, west, north and south; then there's the Imperial Guards. (t/n: Just guessed this since it literally translated to "Konoe Division") On the other hand, each aristocrat had a private army. It was not strange that Duke's sons were working in the Eastern Division, as Elsevert was chief for the east.
The Dardinian nobility are just ordinary people except for the legitimate heirs. The second son and so on only have the opportunity of becoming either a priest or a military man.
"I'll allow it."
I nodded and stood up.
The duke bowed with a somewhat relieved expression.
To be honest, no matter how many times we meet, I never recognize him to be my father. Still, I somehow felt that I was connected to this person.
"Thank you for helping me."
"It's no problem. I wish you good health as you go on your way, Your Royal Highness."
The duke says, and as he stands before me, he prays for my safety during the travel.
I nodded in response to that.  
It wasn't as if everything was resolved in that instance.  
I can never forget how my heart aches when I think of my mother.  
However, I felt like I was getting there.  
And perhaps, the duke as well.  
When it was time to leave, the duke came to send us off.  
The duke's figure remained on the drawbridge of the castle until my carriage was out of sight.  
Previous Chapter -  TOC
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dreamttempest · 5 years
Break Reason: Prologue
What's past is prologue. -- William Shakespeare
Life taught me countless lessons. It shaped who I was, who I am, and who I will be. I can name most of my lessons off the top of my head; however, one stands out above all the others.
All men are created evil.
When I was four years old, I learned that everyone alive is inherently selfish and evil, myself included. I guess that's why I didn't fight back that hard. Why bother? They're evil. I'm evil. I was just getting what I deserved. I killed my father after all, and what could atone for that? In the mind of a child, I saw myself guilty of an ultimate evil, so I simply looked forward to the day I die... The day I won't hurt anyone ever again.
However, that all changed when I met him, my hero and redeemer. They all think he saved me from torture, captivity, and revolting evil. They couldn't be more wrong. Shota Aizawa saved me from myself. He was the first of many.
Shota Aizawa didn't believe in fate, and he would say the same if asked. Fate exists as something inherently illogical. To assume that things are meant to happen in a certain way seemed too easy. Admitting that fate exists meant he'd resign himself to the world's inclinations, and Aizawa had no intention of doing that. If he saw someone in trouble, he'd help instead of resigning it to fate. It's why he became a hero in the first place. Despite his melancholy exterior, the young man ranked helping others as his second favorite thing in life. His cats remained firmly entrenched in first place.
Aizawa pinched the bridge of his nose. If he believed in fate, maybe he'd just go along with Midnight's forced job proposal. Instead of fighting criminals himself, he could train the next group of heroes at Japan's top hero academy. Of course, the help wouldn't be as direct and meant he'd be paid less, but selfishness was also illogical.
For some unexplainable reason, Midnight revealed to him that the high school U.A., hired her. While he has no idea why that principal decided to put the 18+ Only Hero: Midnight in a classroom full of impressionable youth, he even has less of a clue why she thought he'd make a good teacher. Why she recommended him anyway confounded the man.
Shota Aizawa was a few things. First, he fought for justice as Eraser Head, an underground hero. While most craved the spotlight, he preferred to work in the shadows. A less well-known face made life easier and more effective. While U.A. has a reputation for keeping the students and faculty's privacy, he still would be forced into the spotlight. Plus, none of the students will recognize him, unlike the other famous heroes employed there, meaning they may not like him. While Aizawa doesn't care about likability, he knows teachers need stable relationships with their students to be efficient.
Second, Aizawa had the personality of a soggy sponge. He didn't smile. He spoke in a constant deadpan. He guided his life using logic instead of other, unreliable methods. He also placed high expectation on other heroes, but he found that logical. He placed the highest expectations on himself, pushing his body hard enough that he slept at any opportunity. Criminals committed the most and worst crimes at night, and most heroes operated by day. With light came higher visibility, so people saw their exploits which generated more money, popularity, and other frivolous things.
The man nodded at himself, deciding he shouldn't be a teacher for U.A., at least not yet. Even though his almost perfect record as a hero would make him a prime candidate, other men and women could fulfill that role more effectively. Eraser Head operates best as an underground hero, one who mostly ambushes villains.
In fact, he now waited in an alley for that very reason. A certain drug named Trigger killed of dozens over the past month. It boosted a Quirk's power significantly for a few minutes, making a villain a supervillain during that time. Three heroes had died fighting boosted villains, and the drug proved to be addictive. He concluded that this specific alley was used for dealings. Like a disease, Aizawa wanted to attack the cause rather than the symptoms; therefore, he will apprehend the dealer.
He sat perched on a building's flat roof, occasionally checking for activity. Jumping down won't be a problem, and attacking from above was his favored option. Maybe he will wait for a few more minutes, maybe a few more days. It won't matter if the results make the world safer. Another dealer will replace the captured one, but the drug won't be available in this region for at least a week. All he must do is wait for two people to arrive and make the deal.
He heard two pairs of footsteps, but he detected something off. While one sounded normal, if a little rushed, the other sounded too light. The irregular running pattern of the latter suggested this person approached total exhaustion. In addition, the hour just passed three in the morning. The hero concluded that he most likely heard a child running away from something, probably the other set of footsteps. He knew the probability of a pursuit crossing paths with him had little chance, yet the situation happened. Logic dictates that even the near impossible can be possible if given enough time.
No, this had nothing to do with fate at all.
From the left side of the alley, a figure dashed from the shadows. While the details were obscured by the night, he noticed the individual was a child's height and her frantic running suggested she was pursued. He assumed the child was female due to her longer hair.
A few seconds later, a man emerged from the shadows wearing a mask akin to a bird's beak. Aizawa recognized it as a Yakuza gang symbol, an illogical marker. While the gang had been in decline for decades, that mask meant this person had membership in a criminal organization. In other words, he could punch first and ask questions later.
"Stop running." The young man's voice came out more as a growl, but the Yakuza member spoke loudly enough for Aizawa to hear.
The girl tripped and fell onto the dirty ground. Her dress seemed old and tattered. Perhaps she was a runaway? The bandages covering her arms and legs indicated past abuse. She curled into a ball and cried, her sobbing reaching Aizawa. The stoic man had witnessed innumerable horrors during his lifetime, so it took a great deal to make his blood boil.
His blood boiled.
It was a logical reaction for humans to protect the young.
He leapt from the roof towards the Yakuza member. The man slowed down his pace, so judging his trajectory was easy. Eraser Head swooped through the air without a sound, his black and grey clothing camouflaging him in the darkness.
The villain noticed him anyway. The enemy raised his hand to touch the plummeting hero. Not knowing the man's quirk, he assumed it had something to do with physical contact, so Aizawa did the most logical thing possible. He stared at the man and did nothing to stop that hand.
The enemy's hand touched his leg.
The girl gasped as Eraser Head's heel drove itself into the man's left shoulder. The risk of kicking his head in hopes for a knockout remained too high, but crippling an arm held high chances. The villain's eyes opened wide, not in pain but surprise. The hero's assumption about the hand were proven correct.
Shota operated underground since his Quirk worked with the element of surprise. By looking at anyone, he erased their quirk, the only caveat being they regain their power every time he blinks. That was also why he wore goggles. Dry eye proved to be a problem.
By using the villain's shoulder to take the brunt of the impact, Eraser Head landed on the ground without injury. On one side of him, he faced the Yakuza member; on the other side, the girl cried. This position provided the highest chance of protecting the civilian from further harm.
"Damn you!" In total ignorance of his pain, his dislocated shoulder and a broken collar bone, the man used his left hand to slap the ground. Since Aizawa had yet to blink and the man hadn't realized his Quirk still couldn't function, the hand slap did nothing. The villain thus vulgarly cursed with enough volume for the girl to hear.
The villain screamed in agony when Eraser Head stomped on his hand and shattered bone. Before he could wrap the villain with his capturing weapon, the hero heard the girl running away again. He didn't blame her. The body contains the fight or flight mindset, and a child's best hope resided in flight. Nevertheless, this posed a new dilemma. The girl could hypothetically slip away. Considering the bandages, she could need immediate medical attention. On the other hand, the villain would escape if he chased after the girl. After working as a hero long enough, Aizawa found that villains always escaped if left alone. Knocked out, dismembered, or handcuffed. It didn't matter. Somehow, they escaped.
Considering he incapacitated this villain almost effortlessly and the girl could be in life-threatening danger, Eraser Head made the choice without a second thought.
"I'm Overhaul! You'll regre-" Before the villain could monologue about getting revenge, he delivered a kick to the head, and the villain's unconscious body crumpled to the ground. It also let Aizawa blink. He turned around and ran down the alley, searching for the girl.
He heard a shriek quickly followed by the words "murder" and "villain". Eraser Head sprinted, something he almost never had to do. His mind concluded that the villain named Overhaul wasn't the only Yakuza in the area, and the other member found that girl in public. All heroes failed, including Eraser Head. He failed to save forty-two people during his career, and he memorized all their names. Because of his shortcomings, the youngest civilian died only four days after his fifteenth birthday. This girl wasn't older than eight.
Aizawa rushed out of the ally and saw a sobbing old man clutching a purse. Another onlooker stood frozen in terror. A woman leaned out her apartment window and continued to yell about a villain and murder. She pointed at a park, a common spot for delinquents and the reason drug dealings happened in an ally close by. A final pedestrian leaned out another window with a phone pressed to his ear, most likely calling the police. An anti-Quirk strike force should arrive within twenty minutes. A few police officers will be on the scene in minutes at most.
The hero has no time for waiting. He chased after the killer. While the old man seemed distraught, Eraser Head couldn't comfort. He fought.
The girl was still nowhere to be found.
The park was the size of a block, an idea by some well-intentioned designer. Why not give children a place to play? Unfortunately, they put the park in the slums, and the countless bushes attracted the attention of the wrong crowd. It also had a few large trees, one of which vanished instantaneously. The hero hypothesized the old man clutched the purse of his deceased wife, who disappeared in the same way as the tree.
Aizawa rushed forward. This villain had an abnormally lethal Quirk, one which apparently disintegrated objects. Those were the type of Quirks which led to mass killings and the deaths of heroes. Eraser Head and his Erasing Quirk were probably one of the few counters to this villain's Quirk.
Again, fate had nothing to do with this, just coincidence.
When he heard a child scream, he recognized the voice. It sounded like the little girl from before, but there was one difference. This time, the screaming had no semblance of sanity. It sounded as if her body sucked in all possible air before pushing it out with the sole purpose of making a bloodcurdling wail.
He followed the sound of that voice to save her from the villain, but he stopped in his tracks. Taking deep breaths, he stood in front of the girl, and they were alone. There was no other villain.
In the pale moonlight, her hair seemed like a mixture between blue and white. Her eyes were a piercing crimson. Her arms and legs not wrapped in bandages carried scars, mostly from needles. On the right side of her forehead, a horn protruded from her flesh. Her white dress had strains from filth and blood. She clutched her legs in the fetal position and screamed after every breath. By chance, her hand grazed against the bush, and it vanished in the same moment.
Eraser Head reclassified the situation. Only one villain, Overhaul, chased after the girl. She was the one who killed, most likely an old lady. Old ladies take pity on small children, and this child seems to destroy with a touch.
This little girl has an uncontrollable Quirk. Since unauthorized public use of Quirks remained illegal, the anti-Quirk task forces arrested countless children every year. While authorities wanted to rehabilitate those users and give them control over their powers, this girl killed someone. She will be incarcerated. Death sentences normally were not given to minors.
She noticed Aizawa standing over her. She looked terrified at the sight. While his stern demeanor scared children, this girl seemed for terrified for him rather than of him.
"S-Stay away!" she pleaded. "I'll kill you too!"
He decided to classify the girl as a victim rather than a villain. The zero-tolerance policy of the government was illogical. The child held no intent to harm others; therefore, he activated his Quirk. The girl gasped, and her horn shrunk to the size of a stub.
He knelt in front of her. "Until I blink, you have no Quirk."
She shook her head. "You'll die! I didn't wanna make the lady disappear, and she was so nice! I..." She squeezed her legs and whispered, "Why can't I make myself disappear? I've tried so many times but can't."
He held her small, cold hands in his, and she quivered in fear. "I don't fear you." He said those words without passion or embellishment. It was akin to mentioning the weather or accounting how many bills he must pay this week, since he viewed it that way. For the moment, she could not harm him, so he would not fear her. He held the hands of a little girl, and little girls did not scare the man.
"W-Who are you?" Her eyes lit up, like dumping gasoline on a smoldering fire. Somehow, he awoke something in the girl that she hadn't experienced in years. Hope. "I... I'm Eri."
The telltale ring of sirens approached from the north and the east. They came to arrest an uncontrollable Quirk user and a murderer. The law doesn't care if the death resulted from an accident.
Aizawa blinked to test a theory. Since he finished blinking instead of disappearing, he proved himself correct. The girl's powers became more powerful, more uncontrollable, or both due to heightened negative emotions. In other words, she held a defense mechanism. Fight or flight, one that all humans held.
To answer her question, he took off his goggles. "I'm Eraser Head."
She titled her head to the right. "Is that a real name?"
How isolated did the Yakuza keep this girl? "That's my hero name." One of the police cars stopped. He had little time left to save this victim. "I'll protect you. Hold on." He scooped her up in his arms. She felt too light for someone her size, but he ensured he didn't grab any of her bandages.
She wrapped her arms around his neck and sobbed silently. Her tears soaked his scarf, but worrying about something like that seemed illogical. He dashed out of the park and into the shadows, detected by no one. While even the police knew little about him, his reputation for slinking away spread to most cities. The police will assume he captured the criminal, and the officers will go about their merry lives.
This girl needed medical attention, but he also wanted this girl... Eri... to be hidden from the public eye. He had a nagging feeling her parents were either dead or didn't care. It just happened that this city had a hero who ranked among the best healers in the world. That healer also happened to work at a school which trained students to use their Quirks safely. After all, U.A. wouldn't exist if its heroes couldn't control themselves. Lastly, it was just a coincidence that Midnight recently recommended him to the principal.
Fate had nothing to do with this.
"Where are we going?" Her voice came out as a whisper. Her arms squeezed tighter around his neck; however, her Quirk had yet to do anything. She felt no danger, thus she held no danger
"Somewhere safe." He carried her all the way to U.A. Even then, she refused to let go of the hero, the only person in her short life that ever showed her kindness. Not once did he consider the irony of the situation.
Shota Aizawa didn't believe in fate, but fate believed in Shota Aizawa.
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locke-writes · 6 years
The World Goes By
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Author: locke-writes
Title: The World Goes By
Synopsis: For @lt-sammi-matthews Twist on the Myth challenge. The myth was Robin Hood and the character was Frank Castle
Rating: T
Word Count: 2,539
You lay there for a moment staring at the ceiling, Frank asleep beside you. It was moments like this that made you regret everything you had ever done. With Frank as The Punisher you didn't have a chance at a normal life anyway but your own associations made each day difficult. At any minute you could be caught. Frank knew this and you knew this but nonetheless you took the risks when available. Like tonight.
If you had your wish everything would be different. You wouldn't be slowly stepping out of his apartment before sunrise and taking a cab back to your own. You wouldn't be checking your phone for calls, texts, or emails. Instead you'd be right back in bed beside him, asleep with the window open and the cold night air coming through. But you weren't there. You were home, or as close to home as one can possibly be when they've never really had a home before.
But that's what you get when you lead a life of crime.
That's what you get when your uncle is Wilson Fisk.
Growing up he had always been your mysterious uncle who only appeared every so often at family gatherings. As you grew up you began to understand that there was more to your uncle than anyone knew. He was good at keeping secrets, unfortunately you were good at discovering them. He had asked you to be quiet throughout high school and you had obeyed. He had paid your way through college as well, in an effort to keep you quiet.
Although he was family that didn't stop you from debating turning him in to the police every time you got word of a crime that traced back to him. Having been taught the difference between right and wrong you were aware that everything he was doing and had been doing was illegal. The lack of financial stability that might come from him being in jail worried you. The entire lack of financial stability was what drew you into becoming a business partner.
But the guilt is what drew you to Frank Castle.
Wilson Fisk was the name and the face behind an entire criminal organization. For the most part you had been the brains with the advice of James Wesley. It was odd the lack of any emotion you held when Wesley was killed and Fisk arrested. Or rather dealt with by the Man in Black. Daredevil as he had come to be called. 
Wilson Fisk had been taken down but the organization behind it all was still standing. Not that anyone would ever know. 
When Frank Castle made his entrance into Hells Kitchen it was everywhere. Granted it was hard to ignore the stories of entire gangs slaughtered by one man. You weren't worried for yourself at all, you were flying under the radar building the criminal empire back up. You weren't worried about anything to do with the so called Punisher. 
Frank Castle had known who you were as soon as he realized that he was being followed. Just as you were monitoring him, he was monitoring you. It seemed only logical to keep an eye on you along with every other mob boss and dirty cop in the city. Especially when following you could lead to Fisk himself and possibly the exact person who killed his family.
Watching and waiting took more time than you would have liked. But that was in part due to the trial. While you wouldn't have necessarily called it the trial of the century it was something that everyone in Hell's Kitchen was paying attention too. You were paying attention to it for multiple reasons. Your curiosity regarding Frank Castle or The Punisher, and the fact that his lawyer was Matthew Murdock, the man who the world knew as Daredevil even if the two people were supposedly two separate beings. 
Frank being sent to prison was not a surprise at all. Neither were his actions among the time that he was behind bars. You knew that your uncle had plans for him, you two still talked in letters that had been sent and the occasional visits. The guards that monitored these visits and checked the letters had all been bought ahead of time. You knew it would be easier dealing with business if you knew those who were watching over him. Fisk was pleased with himself, as he always was when he thought that things were going his way.
All in all you blamed your curiosity for the ever-changing nature of your relationship with Frank Castle.
He was an enigma in a way. He shared traits with Daredevil but was entirely different in his approach. Revenge. It hadn't needed to be stated for you to know that that's what he was after. Karma. That's what he was giving everyone he went after.
The first time you ever spoke to him face-to-face was on the roof of one of the many apartment buildings in Hell's Kitchen. Although this building was where you chose to live. No money from any jobs you pulled went towards penthouse apartments or anything of the like. You chose to live in a small two bedroom. It shocked some people that you were some criminal mastermind living in an apartment that looked just like any other. It looked below your means, but you chose it for that factor, that and because you enjoyed it. It was cozy and it was home. 
Frank Castle wouldn't see the inside of your apartment for six months, he'd only see the roof.
That first meeting he let you know that he'd been aware of you the entire time he'd been acting as the Punisher. Which of course you figured he was aware. You wanted him to be. You wanted him to be as curious about you as you were of him. The conversation was brief, a mere introduction of two opposing forces. 
It wasn't going to be the first meeting nor would it be the last. But at that meeting Frank let you know that he wasn't going after you. He didn't let you know that he could tell you wanted an out, he just let you know that he didn't see you as a threat. You were in the middle of a rebuild and not nearly ready to come back to the criminal underbelly of the world. Once you were that extreme menacing force you had been. Then he would come for you.
The second time you met Frank Castle it was at a diner. You were both there for lunch and it was someone's idea to sit together. Looking back you couldn't remember who had asked and who had agreed, only that it had happened. It was odd getting to know Frank Castle not as the man who could kill you at any second and turn you into the police if he wanted, but just as a man having lunch in a diner. A man who was trying to piece himself back together after an unspeakable tragedy.
Your meetings became more frequent. It was engrained in your mind that these meetings were bad ideas. That at any moment Frank could use all that he had learned against you. Somehow this didn't matter. You kept showing up. 
The both of you had come to see the other as a friend. And both of you knew that the other was the only friend who knew your secret.
Friendship with the man who was your enemy. 
Friendship with the man who was to become far more.
The first time that Frank Castle saw the inside of your apartment was when he came stumbling to your front door bleeding. He grinned when you called him an idiot before passing out in your doorway. Not wanting to explain to any of the doctors who knew to pick up when you called you patched him up yourself. Painkillers and water were set up on the side table next to him for when he awoke. The next morning he was gone, a small thank you note sitting next to the empty glass.
You knew that everything had changed in that instant. You knew that you were going to have to acknowledge the feelings that you had started to grow for the man. You could have let him die on that couch and no one would be the wiser but rather than leave him to bleed you saved his life. 
In turn Frank Castle would save your own.
The first time that you saw the inside of Frank Castle's apartment you didn't know why you were knocking on his front door. Something inside you needed to be near him, needed to be with him as though he was the only one who could understand the conflict within you. He didn't talk moving to let you in. Food was ordered and the two of you sat next to one another watching some movie that was on tv, occasionally petting his dog laying at your feet. 
Frank didn't need to have what you were feeling explained to him. It was like an energy radiating off of you. A melancholy sadness.
He held you for awhile, squeezing you gently. Then he brought you to bed holding you tightly while you buried your head in his chest. You knew he deserved to know about part of the conflict inside of you. 
"I think I'm in love with you Frank Castle" you whispered.
In response he kissed the top of your head.
That was the first time you slipped out of his home in the middle of the night. 
After that moment you were split into three pieces. The first part of you was the head of a criminal organization, the second part of you was the person who everyone else saw and thought was normal. The third part was the person that Frank Castle saw. That third person was all of you, no secrets, no masks. You trusted Frank and he trusted you.
It was never enough though. You didn't want to be three people. You wanted to be one.
You wanted always to be the person that Frank Castle saw. You were sick of hiding. But hiding was safe.
No one knew what was going on between you and Frank. The meetings were always secret. They happened in many places and on occasion weren't meetings but dates, yet still they remained secret. It was safer that way. For the both of you.
Although you knew that it wasn't always going to be safe.
So once again you slipped out of Frank's bed in the middle of the night and went home. This was never discussed but you knew that Frank understood. You'd stay the night if you could but there was no telling who could appear at any time at your apartment. There was always a chance of some surprise meeting, someone coming to check up on you. Not to mention the fact that even if no one was aware of your relationship with Frank Castle someone could find out. 
Should someone find out there'd be only one person they'd tell. One person you would never want to face. Wilson Fisk. 
There were times you wondered if it was at all worth it. Seeing Frank Castle.
Was it worth it to risk all that you had ever known. All that you had built. Was being with him, being in love with him worth it?
The answer each time was yes.
Frank didn't need to be told that this time was different. He knew it by the change in how you had been acting but he knew never to ask about business. He didn't want to know as the man who loved you, he would find out anyway. He'd become aware about it as your enemy. As the Punisher. 
That was the thing. He was in love with you and yet he despised everything you had built up, everything you had done in Hell's Kitchen. There were only a handful of truly helpful investments you had ever made, the rest were to further the crime in the city. Not that it really needed any help. But Frank knew there were two sides to every coin and in this case one side was absolutely better than the other. He just wished that for once both sides weren't doing any illegal activity.
Although he knew that being a vigilante was also technically an illegal activity.
Although he also knew that you were unaware of his plan. Of his leaving Hell's Kitchen. 
He loved you far to much to ask you to uproot your life and come with him. Especially when he had no plan or idea. He was just leaving, getting out of town before he was caught and arrested again. Frank had no real reason to stay anyway, no family to keep him there. All he had was you and while he knew that you had never wanted the life for yourself that you had in the moment, he also knew how difficult it was going to be for you to give it up.
He worried that he wasn't going to be enough.
Yet he refused to lie to you.
Waiting until it got dark he slipped away to your home. He was leaving tonight with or without you, bags packed and ready to go.
You listened intently as he explained that he was leaving, that he wanted you to come with him. You argued and debated. It was difficult to imagine a scenario where you'd be safe after leaving this life behind. But it was also difficult to imagine a scenario where you'd be without Frank Castle by your side. 
"We're already criminals in the eyes of the world. We'd just be criminals together and in some other place. We'd be criminals with a home of our own someplace far off' he stated.
"And when they come for us?" You questioned.
"Then we fight them"
In the end after much discussion you agreed. He was offering you an out, one that you had been after for years. One that you had thought impossible to find. But there it was. Frank gave it to you and you snatched it up with some hesitation but ultimately you knew that this was it. He was right, you were both criminals according to the law but what did it matter. Frank was a criminal for doing good and you were a criminal because of family influence. You'd just throw that influence aside to make your own decisions for once, not decisions that would better the lives of the despicable while ruining the lives of the innocent.
You wrote a letter to your uncle that night. You suspected that somewhere at one point he knew what had been going on but a letter would confirm it. You confessed that you were leaving everything behind for the man who destroyed it all, let him guess who that would be. You didn't care anymore.
Frank Castle was an outlaw. 
He was now your outlaw and you were his.
Together the world had no idea what was coming.
The Punisher and the one who loved him.
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howtohero · 6 years
#122 Being Framed
Crimes happen all the time (good job). Probably there are eight or nine happening right now (so reading this is just an excellent use of your time). Many of these crimes go unsolved (probably because our worlds’ greatest crime fighters are reading internet funny blogs). Some of them do get solved though (no thanks to you). But even the ones that are solved or the ones that are stopped sometimes aren’t stopped or solved in exactly the best way possible (that’s on you too). Sometimes in fact the wrong person is arrested and imprisoned and publicly condemned as a super criminal (making a mockery of the justice system). And sometimes, that wrongly imprisoned, or falsely accused person, is you (personally, I think you did it). 
The first thing you need to when you’ve been framed for a crime is find out that you’ve been framed. Until you know that, you can’t do anything. So you need to stay abreast of all the superhero news in the world. If you’re being accused of a crime that’s where that information is going to pop up. In fact you should focus more heavily on those sites or news programs that have more anti-superhero leanings.
“Anti-superhero learnings?” you ask, the donut you were eating falls out of your mouth which is now agape in horror. For you are horrified by the very notion. “How could such a thing be?” you stammer as your monocle pops out of your eye. You’ve never been more shocked and confused and afraid in your life. Well put that donut back in your mouth slovenly citizen, it’s true. Some people do not like superheroes. Maybe their jealous of their fabulous bodies, cool cars or walrus sidekicks. Maybe they don’t think punching ever single individual drug dealer in the groin is the best possible way to make the streets safer. Maybe a loved one was tragically killed in the fallout of an epic superhero battle. Regardless these people do not like superheroes and so they’ll be the first ones to report that you or some other superhero has been implicated in a crime or is the subject of a manhunt. While this is one of the quickest ways to find out if you’re about to be indicted, be warned, these programs are a bit hard to sit through. They generally feature two four well-dressed people smiling about others misfortunes and laughing at bad jokes! Can you imagine? These people have their own television program and they have the audacity to just sit around and make bad jokes. Unacceptable. I can excuse the anti-superhero rantings and ravings (our favorite anti-superhero rant’n’rave comes courtesy of talk show host Greg Greginski and features the line “these spandex sissies and their frikkin’ underwear on the goddam wrong side of the pants and their stupid astro… astro-motorhomes and their fancy pants cape-wearing horses! I can’t stand them! I wish they’d all be eaten… eaten by progress… the progress of society!” like that was crazy what was he even talking about why was he so mad about the horse? What a champ.) but the bad jokes are where I draw the line. These are the same people that start every St. Patrick’s Day show by saying “top o the mornin’ to ye” in a terrible accent. Just so we’re all on the sampe page.
In fact, interestingly enough, angry/jealous/insecure, morning show hosts are responsible for 62% of superhero framings. They do it to stoke those anti-superhero flames. That’s a true statistic. They commit more superhero framings than actual supervillains (supervillains tend to be very enthusiastic about taking credit for the crimes they commit. Heck, most of them broadcast their crimes on every screen in the world while they’re committing the crime). Supervillains don’t even make up the other 38%! There’s also dirty cops and non-dirty cops just being bad at their jobs. So disgruntled morning-show hosts take the lion’s share of that blame. 
Once you are alerted to the fact that you are wanted for a crime you need to immediately get out of your costume, and then not get back into it until this whole thing goes over. The manhunt can’t succeed if the man they are hunting never shows up anywhere ever again. (Or womanhunt, women can be framed for crimes too). If you want, you can even just leave it at that. Destroy your costumes, design a new one, repaint your car to match your new color scheme and you’re good to go. Even if whoever is framing you keeps framing you for crimes it doesn’t even matter. You set that identity on fire, it’s theirs if they want it so bad. The costume was never even that comfortable. You designed it early on in your career. You were younger back then, caring more about coolness than comfort. You don’t like to admit it but you were thinner back then too. The costume was much too tight, you’re glad for the opportunity to make a new one, a better one, a costume with a future. Being framed was the best thing that ever happened to you! Thank you Greg Greginski, you’ve changed one more life for the better.
If you do want to keep your identity though you’re going to need to do some damage control. Check up on all your spare costumes, make sure every one of them is accounted for. If you find that one of them is missing, then you have a potential crime scene that you can work. Scour the site of your missing costume for any clues or forensic evidence that might lead you to discovering who could’ve stolen it, and who is now probably wearing it while commiting crimes and vlogging about it. Think about who could’ve had access to this secret costume hiding spot. Which of your allies knew where it was and which of your enemies might have the powers or skillsets to break in and steal it. A missing costume is a great place to start your investigation.
Sometimes however though you’ll find that none of your costumes are missing at all. This isn’t all that unusual or even surprising. A skilled seamstress could replicate your costume just by looking at it. Heck, even a garbage seamstress could replicate your costume approximately enough to fool the shoddy security cameras at the convenience store you supposedly robbed. If you find that all your costumes are exactly where you left them you should immediately become suspicious of all seamstresses, no matter their skill level. 
Now is around the time where you should start seriously making sure that you’re actually being framed. Sure, there’s definitely someone out there assuming your identity to steal apples in order to create a worldwide apple shortage and then become rich off of their stolen artificially-rare apples, but are you entirely sure that it’s not you? Perhaps you were mind controlled, or maybe you’re a sleeper agent. Maybe you did it consciously, while in control of your body and mind and everything (I’m sure you had a good reason) and then somehow forgot about it (or were forced to forget about it). For all we know you could actually be framing yourself! To make sure that you haven’t been secretly committing crimes in your sleep or something (sleep-stealing is a real thing that effects dozens of people across the galaxy) I recommend attaching a video camera to yourself. This way if another crime is committed all you have to do is check the tapes! Brilliant! If the tapes show that you were off doing your own thing at the time of the crime then you’re golden (well, relatively, there’s still somebody defacing all the statues in the park while wearing your costume). And I know what you’re thinking, but no, you can’t use those same tapes to exonerate you in a court of law. For one thing, unless you’re wearing your costume 24/7 you’re going to give away your secret identity and we’re not quite at that point yet. Even if you were wearing your costume the entire time you had the camera on you a shrewd lawyer could just make the point that anybody could’ve wearing your costume. To which you’ll say “Yeah that’s exactly the point I’m trying to make here!” and then flip over a table and then you will be held in contempt of court.
When the public perceives you to be a criminal you’re usually on your own. The rest of the superhero community will probably turn your back on you and to be honest that might be, at least partially, our fault. So sorry about that. You see, we once said that “The average superhero is exactly one (1) traumatic event away from turning into an evil pilferer.” And all your superhero friends are definitely aware of that. They all read this blog. So that means you have to launch this entire investigation on your own (here this might be helpful).
You should try to acquire any videos or photographs or witness statements that pertain to your alleged crime. If you’re going to go after the person masquerading as you, you’re going to want to know everything that you possibly can about them. You might even get lucky and see them pulling off one of your known enemies’ signature moves! Regardless though you want to get as much information on them as you possibly can. You’ll probably need to break into your local police precinct’s evidence locker but honestly, at this point, who even cares, we have you do shady stuff like that all the time. It’s all in good fun. It’s all in the name of Justice.
Once you’ve learned everything you can about the person who’s framing you for these unspeakable crimes, you can begin checking out your suspects. The person you’re looking for will have a similar build as you and possibly a similar skill or powerset. Lots of superheroes have enemies like that, it’s like people with similar builds and powers are drawn to each other through some metaphysical drama-creating force or something. You might also actually be looking for an evil clone. Man, that would be such a hassle. Remember how annoying those things could be? Or gosh maybe it’s a shapeshifter? Those guys are such tools. It’s not cool to turn into other people! Being someone else isn’t even that hard! The true challenge, and I firmly believe this to be true, is being yourself.
Once you do track down the bad guy whose impersonating you though, you need to put on your costume again. This way (as we’ve mentioned before) the public can see that there’s both a good guy and a bad guy who have the same costume and your name will automatically be cleared. Even from bad things that you actually did! Every negative thing that’s been done in your costume, no matter who did it, will just be laid at the feet of the evil guy wearing the costume! This is a great chance to get rid of all that embarrassing stuff too. Like the time you were caught on camera in costume yelling at a pigeon who had stolen your last french-fry. Or the time you were refused service at a drive-through because technically you flew-through and there’s apparently a rule against that in the drive-through code of conduct. 
Once the bad guy is defeated and captured and their costume is taken away to either be aggressively burned or aggressively laundered, you’ll be starting with pretty much a clean slate. Once again the public will adore you and see you as the hero you are and you can go back to spending your days fighting sassy swashbuckler or attending superhero drum circles which are posilutely a real thing. Don’t expect any apologies from the pundits who disparaged you on national television or the legions of police officers who agreed to unpaid overtime just to hunt you down (or me). They’re still waiting for you to turn evil for real. Frikkin Greg.
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warandpunishment-a · 7 years
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F.rank C.astle and kids
F.rank, although a brutal killer, cares genuinely for kids. He murders criminals for his own satisfaction, not to make the world a better place or protect the victims. But when a kid is involved on the mission, his objective changes to ‘protect the kid at all costs’. It’s not about his own desire for killing anymore.
His over protection towards kids is related to the death of his own children in Central Park, in special his daughter. Lisa was born in late 1967, when F.rank was only 17, and he hadn’t tasted the thrill of war yet. Of all C.astle’s family members, Lisa was the one F.rank was closer to. His first kid, his little daughter, he still spent few weeks taking care of her before going to Vietnam. And he was somehow a different person back then. Lisa had a special attention before F.rank became a real monster (he was inclined to be one since Lauren’s suicide in 1960). So yes, F.rank cared a lot for his little girl, and he felt her death harder than both Maria and F.rank Jr. F.rank Jr was born during F.rank’s last tour in Vietnam, and he didn’t have any contact with him until he returned to US, completely mentally damaged. Still, he was his kid, and he cared more about him than Maria. Not that he didn’t love Maria, but Lisa and F.rank Jr. were his children.
Lisa’s and F.rank Jr’s deaths were a shock to F.rank. His caring towards kids increased a lot since their murder. So when a mission involves a kid, he focuses on the kid. N.ick F.ury knew that, and that was the reason why he chose F.rank to go to Russia to rescue a little girl named Galina.
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Frank’s expression is soft in this panel. He feels for Galina, and he genuinely cares for her. He doesn’t show this kind of concern towards other victims, only kids.
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This panel is interesting. F.rank thinks of his daughter while talking to Galina. He associates her figure to Lisa’s. F.rank Jr. died immediately with a bullet hitting his head through his mouth, but Lisa? Lisa called for her father, yelled for help. Her death had more impact in F.rank than Maria’s and F.rank Jr’s. He says she was the last kid he had spoken to, so he’s scared of not being soft enough while talking to Galina. He tells Galina his own way of ‘being soft’ which is ‘be meaner to anyone who tries to be mean to her’. This shows how much he cares for her.
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Later in the story, F.rank is defeated by an enemy who’s trying to get Galina. Again, he associates her to his own daughter.
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It’s not that Galina is a girl that F.rank thinks of Lisa. It’s because Lisa’s death was a huge trauma to him. Lisa was the one who asked for her father to help her while her guts were spilling out of her stomach. She was conscious, and she suffered a lot before dying. Her death was a failure to F.rank, because he couldn’t do a thing but tell her she would be okay. A lie. That flashback gave F.rank strength enough to get up and defeat the enemy, only because he didn’t want to fail to a kid again. He had promised Galina he would be meaner to anyone who tried to hurt her, so he kept his word.
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His own ally now is trying to kill Galina to get the virus out of her bloodstream. F.rank gets hostile, asking him what he’s doing, and his reaction isn’t the ideal, giving F.rank the impression he’s indeed trying to hurt the kid.
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And, when you try to hurt a kid in front of F.rank, he goes berserk.
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In the end of the arc, F.rank manages to get the kid to safety, but he wouldn’t let anyone touch her. He is very protective of the girl, pissing off some corrupt Generals. To F.rank, he will only rest when he sees the kid in safety for real, unlike most of the victims he has encountered.
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F.rank’s farewell to Galina was a sad scene. She had grown closer to him, and to say goodbye to her was really hard to F.rank. His excuse to send her away is the death of his own daughter. ‘I can’t look after anyone’ is a reflection of the past, which he blames himself for not saving Lisa and their family.
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During another arc, a woman asks F.rank for help. As most of the victims he saves, F.rank isn’t interested in her. He suggests her to go to the cops instead of getting responsible for her. He doesn’t care for her at all. He came to that alley not to save her from some guys, but to kill these guys. He was a predator who hunted other predators, he didn’t want to make the world a safer place.
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However, when the woman mentions the death of her baby, F.rank immediately gets his attention to her. Involve kids on a mission, and F.rank will be there for them, alive or dead.
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When the woman tells F.rank about the death of her baby, F.rank’s reaction is shocking. He doesn’t get shocked at the death of other victims, but when it’s related to kids, he feels it. He gets involved on that mission because of the murder of a baby, because he hates the enemies who have done that to that poor creature. And, their deaths are really brutal, three of the most violent ones in P.unisher M.AX.
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To conclude this headcanon, we have a panel of F.rank and his daughter, Sarah. During this arc, Sarah is kidnapped by Barracuda, one of F.rank’s enemies. The whole story shows how far F.rank can get so he can keep his daughter safe. He didn’t know about her existence until Barracuda contacts him, and tells him he has his daughter. F.rank, thinking of Lisa, does whatever he can to protect Sarah, trying not to fail her as he did to Lisa. He’s very protective of her, even scared that he could have damaged her somehow. He stops being the P.unisher to be a father, a human being again. However F.rank knows he can’t take care of her, for two reasons: one, he’s still a monster. He still wants to kill his preys. Two, even if he wants to raise her, his enemies will hunt him, and use her as a way to get him. So he asks her aunt to take care of her instead, and he makes her promise she won’t tell Sarah about her father ever. That’s F.rank’s way of protecting her from himself.
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goodcyndaquill · 7 years
Laughter Soulmate AU
Everyone was taught to pay close attention to laughter, as that was the only way to locate your soulmate. The magic varied person to person, with some people only seeing one color per soulmate they found and others getting smacked with every color at once. It was a joyous moment if it was easy to pick out who had laughed at the exact instance that color bloomed across vision, but others suffered the heartache of being at a comedy show when their rainbow appeared.
Yevelda was not raised in an environment of much laughter, so she treasured it when she could. Her father had become more of a shell with each passing day in isolation, and his smiles for Yevelda were forced. She knew that he was trying, and she understood what it was like to not be wanted around. So, she forced smile back and they suffered together in relative silence. Once she joined the gang there was not even her father’s presence to bring her some ounce of happiness. There was only vicious jeering around her, and she thanked the gods every day that she never saw a speck of color. Despite the hardships she faced, Yevelda escaped. She sent her father to the North to evade the gang’s clutches, and she traveled West to keep him safe. Her journey was long, lonely, and filled with brutality. She worked as a mercenary for a while, occasionally got hired as a bodyguard, but mostly remained a pickpocket to survive. It was her thievery that had landed her in the Bellhollow jailhouse. She had been caught carrying off a chunk of gold from the town’s bell. She had fallen on truly desperate times, as she had spent most of what she had taken in the previous town on booze and board. She was startled to find herself given the opportunity of redemption and pay. Having to work with the group of other criminals put Yevelda on edge, but the little halfling bard was seemingly familiar. It had been nearly a decade since Yevelda had last seen them, but she could remember seeking them out in the Crafter’s district to donate some of her earnings. The halfling was a talented musician if Yevelda recalled correctly. With a slight huff of breath, Yevelda realized that the world was smaller than she thought.
Maeve was shocked to see the half-orc that had given to their family so generously. They had known that the money was stolen, but it was still appreciated. The half-orc had changed a lot since they had last met. She seemed to be more menacing and less scared. Maeve had recognized the facade the half-orc put in place all those years ago because they wore the same one on occasion. But time had changed her, made her appear more comfortable in her body. She was intimidating and she knew it. Maeve could respect that about the half-orc. They were entirely sick of lies, facades, and people unwilling to get their own hands dirty.
Bellhollow proved to be one of the worst towns Maeve had ever had the displeasure of visiting. After running from authorities after escaping incarceration, they had remained on the move. The smaller cities tended to be safer, but there was always an exception for every rule. When everyone escaped from the black smoke, house fires, and general disarray, Maeve was finally able to relax a fraction. The crew was going to another port town, bigger than Bellhollow but smaller than Vlessa. Just thinking of their home brought the sting of tears to their eyes, and Maeve soon discovered some other members of the party drinking. Might as well join in and bond with the rest of them, considering it seemed they would all be together for some time.
“Pass me one?” Maeve asked Emery, the half-elf.
The bottle was tossed gently, and Maeve savored the slight burn down their throat as they took their first swig. Sometimes alcohol was the only thing that could dull the constant pain in Maeve’s chest.
“So, who are you all anyways?” Yevelda grunted at the group, as she too drank straight from a bottle.
Introductions began and as the alcohol kept pouring, more details of everyone’s life came flooding out.
“Soulmates are a curse and a blessing.” Emery attempted to stand to grab another bottle from the supply box, but stumbled back down onto the boat’s deck, “I found mine years ago. And where is he now? Dead. Buried in the ground because he tried to keep me from being killed. What kind of bullshit is that. Now I am suffering the pain of losing the other half of me.”
Maeve groaned, “Soulmates are the absolute worst thing that magic has ever done for anyone. Just because someone makes you see color does not constitute love. It’s all rubbish. People should not be controlled by magic in any way, and that includes by having to be with their soulmate.”
Yevelda practically winced when she heard Maeve complain about soulmate magic. Despite being unsure about how she would react to her soulmate, Yevelda knew that she wanted to meet them. If there was someone out there that could handle the emotional baggage she carried, then it was worth finding them. But the fire in Maeve’s eyes spoke of irrefutability, and Yevelda had no right to argue against their opinions. So, she kept her mouth shut and vowed that she wouldn’t bring up the matter again.
As the group grew closer together, Yevelda found herself drawn to Maeve. They were so charismatic and sociable, yet still so broken. She saw a lot of past pain in Maeve’s eyes, and Yevelda could relate. So, she took to protecting the bard, and making sure that Maeve had everything they needed. Maeve felt a close bond with the fighter as well, but they still remained as emotionally removed as they could. The last time Meave had put their feelings on the line, their soulmate forced them to kill a family and left them to the wolves. So, they befriended the giant woman but never allowed themselves to feel anything more. Feelings would flutter in the pit of their stomachs, but neither saw color.
Everything changed for Yevelda in the depths beneath the museum in Vlessa. Upon entering the first room, she was engaged in battle with a sorcerer. Despite throwing all of her strength behind blows, the man remained standing. He landed a lucky hit with a dagger beneath Yevelda’s armor. The pain seemed minimal in comparison to her anger. She could hear the rest of the party fighting behind her, but she had to ignore them to keep from exposing her friends to another enemy. After a few more swings with her warhammer, the sorcerer was prone on the ground. His demonic form mangled and broken, yet he still attempted to grab at her ankles. Yevelda raised the hammer above her right shoulder, prepared to make the killing blow when color bloomed across her vision. The torches were rich warm colors, the walls were a more defined black than they were before, and she could see that the creature she fought wore the shredded remains of a purple sash. The surprise of it all knocked her on her ass, putting her within distance of the creature. The thing managed to grab into the wound in Yevelda’s side, causing her to cry out in pain. She rolled into the creature’s hold and pinned it beneath her. She pummeled it with fists until its blood ran black on the floor. The adrenaline still corsed through her and she screamed in victory as the sorcerer ceased to move. However it was short lived as she looked behind her to see Maeve finish off an enemy using vicious mockery. They had laughed. That laugh managed to not only kill their target, but Yevelda. Maeve was her soulmate, and she knew that Maeve would never want her.
Yevelda never told anyone that she could now see color. She continued to act as if nothing had changed, because her friends found out then she would have to lie. They would want to know who triggered the reaction, but she couldn’t put that burden on Maeve. Yevelda vowed to never laugh in front of them. She wasn’t quick to humor usually, but now she had even more of a reason to keep the grimace on her face. Maeve had noticed the subtle shift in Yevelda. She no longer looked happy, as if there was pain in her eyes. They didn’t know what had caused their friend to be so upset, but she wouldn’t talk to Maeve. Yevelda shut them out each time they inquired about her mood. Then Maeve learned about Dani, and they had to deal with their own pain. Yevelda tried to talk to them about it, but they weren’t ready to face the reality of it. If Maeve talked about it, then Dani would really be gone. So, they drank instead. The alcohol kept them numb, and Yevelda didn’t need to police herself because nothing was funny. Yevelda was on high alert around Maeve, making sure they didn’t drink themselves into an early grave. She had heard that losing a soulmate was one of the most painful experiences a person could endure, and she was selfish enough to use that knowledge to rationalize her hovering. She could see Maeve becoming annoyed, but she couldn’t stop. Despite trying to avoid it Yevelda had fallen in love with the halfling. Time began to heal the gushing wounds found within Maeve, placing patches on the void their family left. It wasn’t perfect, but Maeve had found a new kind of family. Emry, Torrin, Safaris, and Milos offered them so much support and kindness. They were some of the best friends that Maeve had ever had. And then there was Yevelda. The hulking tank that was still somehow the most compassionate nurturer made Maeve feel alive. She inspired Maeve to keep going forward, even in their darkest moments. She filled the empty spaces that being apart from their family left, and managed to soothe the scarred wounds their soulmate left years ago. Sometimes, when Maeve couldn’t sleep, they would find themselves wishing it could have been Yevelda that saw color when they laughed.
Time elapsed and the group grew closer together. Battles were fought and won, Torrin and Arjan officially started dating, and emotional scars were healing. Yevelda had truly come to love and trust her companions, and she was able to treat Maeve no differently than the others. She would always gravitate towards Maeve, but that wasn’t unusual for the duo. One night at a tavern, the party was relaxing and having a fun time. No one was plastered. There was just that fun buzz that came from a few good drinks, fun company, and telling funny stories. Torrin and Arjan had disappeared a few minutes ago to get some sleep. The couple acted as if they were 60 year olds with their sleep schedules, but Yevelda figured it was so they could capture a few moments alone. Emry was hitting on the bartender, as was his usual schtick. However, he was laying it on especially thick tonight. Yevelda couldn’t help but watch him flounder.
“Are you a mage? Because when I look at you everyone disappears,” Emry winked.
“No, I am just a bartender,” The human replied.
“Well then, do you have a name or can I just call you mine?”
“It is Henry, and unless you are ordering I suggest you go sit with your friends.”
“Ok, but you see the thing is that my buddies bet me I couldn’t start a conversation with the most attractive man in the bar. Wanna buy drinks with their money?” Emry hoisted himself up onto one of the stools and leaned over the bar to lean closer.
The bartender chuckled a bit at that line, “You know what, I am going to get you some water to sober you up. I think you’ve had a little too much, buddy.”
“I’m not drunk, I’m just intoxicated by YOU,” Emry ran his finger down the bartender’s chest in a seductive manner.
Yevelda couldn’t help herself. She chortled softly, and got up to grab Emry away from the clearly distressed bartender. However, before she could move she heard glass shattering behind her. Whipping around to face the potential threat, Yevelda saw that Maeve had dropped their glass.
“Maeve, what’s wrong? Are you ok?”
“I can see it. I can see color,” they gasped as their eyes hungrily took in the environment. Yevelda realized her mistake. She had let her guard drop and now she had revealed her biggest secret.
“I’m so sorry,” Yevelda squeaked before she bolted up the stairs that led to the inn. She needed to get away from Maeve before she was rejected. She couldn’t handle the pain she was about to feel, not after growing so attached. Her lumbering steps echoed in the hallway as she opened the door to her room and bolted it shut behind her. She sunk to the floor as tears started to fall. She hadn’t cried in a long time, but finding and losing your soulmate probably warranted a good sob.
Meanwhile, Maeve stood in a state of shock, still looking at the space that Yevelda had just occupied. Maeve had been talking to Milos when they both stopped to watch Emry fail at flirting with the bartender. Maeve, however, grew bored and was watching the smile grow on Yevelda’s face instead. She seemed to find his antics amusing, and the smile that lit her face was a welcome change. Maeve knew she could be a kind soul, but her rough exterior always threw people off. So, any chance that Maeve could see the softer side of Yevelda was truly a treat. As Maeve went to finish off their glass of mead, Yevelda let out a soft chuckle and went to go save the barkeep form Emry’s clutches. Suddenly, the world was full of color and it was such a shock that Maeve let the glass slip from their fingers. They had always thought they were color blind, and that they had already discovered their soulmate years ago. Seeing color changed everything. Maeve looked at Yevelda in shock because she was the cause. She had laughed and now Maeve could see the subtle hues of her skin, the flecks of mud clinging to her armor, and the swirling blue of her eyes. Before Maeve could tell Yevelda the news that she was their soulmate, she had cut and run.
“What’s wrong? What happened?” Milos cut through the silence.
“I can see color. Yevelda laughed, and I can see color.”
“That is wonderful! I had always had my suspicions about you and her, but looks like they are founded. Why did she take off then?”
“I don’t know. I have to go talk to her,” Maeve carefully stepped over the broken glass and made their way upstairs.
They walked deftly down the hallway, stopping when they reached Yevelda’s door. They were about to knock when they heard the faint sound of crying. Putting their ear against the wood it was obvious that Yevelda was sobbing against the door. Maeve could even feel the slight vibration of the door as her body shook. The sound broke Maeve’s heart.
“Yevelda, will you let me in? We need to talk,” Maeve whispered in a soothing tone.
“I get it, ok. You don’t need to tell me officially. I’ll leave and you won’t have to worry about it, just give me tonight.”
“What are you talking about? I don’t want you to leave. We just need to talk about what happened downstairs. Please just let me in,” Maeve tried to push the door open, but it didn’t budge.
“I can’t handle it. I know I should be able to, but I’m not made of stone. I can’t be around you after this. I think it’s cruel of you to expect me to stick around knowing that we will never feel the same way about each other.”
Maeve inhaled sharply at Yevelda’s comments. She was blaming Maeve for wanting to have a conversation with their soulmate, all because she refused to even talk about the possibility of being together. They knew that this was all very sudden, but the soul bond did occur in a lot of strong friendships. Most of the time the friends were ecstatic to find out, but Yevelda seemed downright disgusted.
“What the hell? You’re going to accuse me of being cruel just for wanting to talk about this! You are one of my greatest friends, but you are showing some truly nasty colors.”
“Maeve, I’m sorry, I really am. I know that you might want to talk about your feelings on the matter, but I just can’t stomach it. I think you should understand that. I just want to be left alone so that I can pack and leave in the morning.”
“You’re just going to pick up and run! You’re acting like a coward!” Maeve banged their fists against the door, “If I knew you were going to treat me this way, I would have never wished that you would be the one to make me see color.”
Maeve slid to the floor and buried their head in their lap. Yevelda was silent on the other side of the door. A minute passed before Maeve huffed, and got up. They were not going to wait around and have their emotions played with. If Yevelda didn’t want her, then she was going to go back to the bar and try to forget this night ever happened. The sound of the lock disengaging stopped Maeve in their tracks.
“You wanted it to be me?” Yevelda asked in a small voice.
“Yeah, I guess I did. I didn’t realize it was actually a possibility though. I thought I had found my soulmate a long time ago,” Maeve watched the floor as she kicked a pebble down the hall.
“How did that happen if you just saw color?”
Maeve looked up and down the hall, there wasn’t anyone around but it still made them nervous, “Can we take this inside the room? I don’t want to talk about it here.”
Yevelda stepped aside to allow Maeve to enter the room. They gravitated towards the trunk at the foot of the bed to sit on. Yevelda stood awkwardly by the door after closing and locking it. She rocked back and forth, almost as if she was thinking about moving, but not able to spur herself into motion.
“So, uh, how?” She said softly.
“Well I was with a person about three years back that said she could see colors when I laughed. I figured that I was just actually colorblind. I mean I heard it happens, you have a soulmate but still can’t see. I took her at her word. I guess I shouldn’t have, considering.”
Yevelda crossed the room and sat on the edge of the bed by Maeve, “I’m so sorry that happened. No one should be treated like that.”
“Yeah. And the cherry on the pie is that she controlled me. She used dominate person on me and forced me to do some horrendous things,” Yevelda could hear the formation of tears in Maeve’s voice.
“That’s why you said you hated soulmate magic,” Yevelda placed a gentle hand on their shoulder, “You deserve better than that. No one as wonderful as you should have ever been treated like a plaything.”
“You don’t have to growl on my behalf. It was a long time ago, and I have been dealing with it as best I can. It’s over and done with,” Maeve shrugged the hand from her shoulder, “Anyways, I’m sorry that you didn’t want this bond. If you want to leave, you can, but just know that I’m not going to push this. You’re really one of my best friends, and I don’t want to lose you because of some stupid magic.”
“I thought you didn’t want me.”
Maeve’s head snapped up to look at Yevelda, “What?”
“I’ve been trying to hide the fact that I knew for weeks. When I first saw the color, I was so excited, but then I remembered everything you said about hating the magic. I didn’t want you to feel obligated, or start to hate me. So I vowed I wouldn’t laugh around you, but I let my guard slip tonight. That’s why I panicked and ran. I didn’t want to face your rejection.”
Maeve watched as Yevelda slowly curled in on herself. They had never seen the strong and confident half-orc look so despondent. There was a lot of feelings hanging heavily in the air, and Maeve knew that it was time to lay all of their cards on the table.
“Okay, for clarity’s sake I am just going to tell you everything I can. So, I was bitter about soulmate magic because of my ex who I thought was my soulmate. Once we started to become good friends I began to wish that it had been you the magic had bound me to. When you laughed downstairs, I was not only blown away by the colors but how wonderful that sound was. However, I got mad at you because I thought you were rejecting me and trying to leave. Now we are here, and I want to, possibly, if you want to, start something.”
Yevelda watched the confidence build in Maeve until they hit the final sentence. They were just as scared of rejection as Yevelda was. With a deep breath, she turned toward the halfling a smiled.
“We were fighting in that creepy dungeon under Vlessa when I first heard you laugh. You had killed one of the sorcerer’s by casting vicious mockery and laughing. It was honestly one of the most amazing things I had ever seen. I was so distracted that I got one of the infected was able to catch me off guard, but it didn’t matter because I was so happy to have found you. After defeating it, I remembered that you hated soulmates, and kept my mouth shut. I have only ever wanted to be your friend-”
“Okay, yeah, that’s fine,” Maeve interrupted with a pained smile, “Why don’t we go downstairs and have a drink. We can try to forget this whole ordeal.”
“Let me finish my sentence, you dolt. I wanted to be your friend if I could have nothing else because you are so important to me,” Yevelda held out her hand palm up, “If you want to try something, I want to. Honestly, I’ve wanted to since I knew.”
Maeve slid from the trunk and took a tentative step towards Yevelda. They gingerly placed their palm into Yevelda’s and smiled. With a whoop, Yevelda sprang from the bed and picked Maeve up in one fell swoop. The sound of laughter rang off the walls, the same laughter that brought them together. And it could only be silenced by the more distracting sensation of a first kiss
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asks for 08/28/18
anonymous asked:
How's your guys' day been so far? -MWT
Tord: not bad.
Tom: meh.
Matt: hi mayhem!
spooncryptid asked:
Tord: hello cryptid.
Tom: hey cat freak.
Matt: *making childish grabbing motions towards cryptid*
anonymous asked:
You okay Tom? -MWT
Tom: just bored, almost finished my project, i just have to wait of the final piece. i’m thinking of starting another. what do you think of a personal energy shield? or is that too syfy?
spooncryptid asked:
//happily trots over to Matt// what have you guys been up to today?
Tord: just the usual. paperwork, training, etc.
Tom: mostly thinking.
Matt: the espionage unit did drills today where they all had to lie to me. *pets*
spooncryptid asked:
Isn’t lying bad??
Tord: to us yes, but to the enemy when they are in the field it could be necessary so we need to know they can lie to anyone. even if that person has extra sensory abilities like matt does.
Tom: they’re spies, they have to lie.
Matt: one soldier in particular is both amazing at it and terrible at the same time.
spooncryptid asked:
Mm? How can they be amazing AND terrible??
Matt: they can lie to just about any one, except when it’s someone they know personally… not even i could tell they were lying but the minute they started talking to their friend i could hear the lie clear as day!
spooncryptid asked:
Hmm, how are you gonna try’n fix that??
Tord: well in this case we don’t really have to yet. they haven’t been out in the field yet and are pretty isolated to only a small friend group, which matt has apparently entered somehow, so it can wait a bit.
spooncryptid asked:
Ooh! You made a friend??
Matt: yup! they are very nice.
Tom: matt has made friends with most of the army…
Matt: lots of friends!
spooncryptid asked:
Aa, you’ll have to teach me how to make friends sometime, I’m very bad at it
Tom: maybe you’d be better at it if you didn’t pick at the scars the first time you meet someone.
Tord: or offer strangers candy from a trash can.
Matt: or lie about doing something wrong and just took responsibility instead…
spooncryptid asked:
Mm.. yea.... verrry bad.....
they are unimpressed with your response…
anonymous asked:
That energy shield sounds awesome. Probably would be a fun project to try making with a combination of magic and technology. Maybe I should talk to the Matt here into helping me make something like that. -WMT
Tom: so i guess that’s next on the list.
Matt: can i have one?!
Tom: yes, you and tord can have some.
spooncryptid asked:
Mmmh, I’ll just.. not be here.... //shuffles away//
they can tell you’re uncomfortable and let you go.
anonymous asked:
Well let me know how yours works, if I make any progress with the one here I'll let you know and give you the details. Be more interesting than reviewing this one case I was on recently. - MWT
Tom: i thought you loved investigating that shit? why do you sound so out of it?
anonymous asked:
It involved something similar to a mafia made up of beings that hated humans. Pretty sure they attempted to drown me at one point, but I woke up floating in a pool somewhere else completely. These guys also were reported to 3301 and his group as being wiped out by either an Eldritch or a Leviathan. Either way, they must have done something stupid. Well, with the horrid things they did to humans and those that liked humans, they probably deserved that fate. - MWT
Tom: uh…
Tord: …
Matt: *rapid shocked blinking*
anonymous asked:
It's just confusing for the most part. A lot of the beings want to know what those guys did to make something that mad at them, but I just can't figure it out. A new project would be a lot less confusing than this. - MWT
Tom: …
Tord: …
Matt: …
Tom: *in a squeaky nervous voice* maybe they were trying to hurt it’s friends?
anonymous asked:
That's actually a good theory. I'll relay to the others for sure. I know that would me rampage if I was whatever those guys made mad. - MWT
Tord: *he wants to say something sooooo bad!*
Tom: … right…
Matt: … so how is your tom doing?
anonymous asked:
He's doing good, recently got a really well-paying gig for a fancy hotel's band in the next town over every Friday and Saturday. He won't stop talking about it and we're all getting a bit tired of hearing about, but hey, at least it's something he's excited about. - MWT
Tord: good for him.
anonymous asked:
How're things with ruling Poland going by the way? Citizens not causing any problems? - MWT
Tord: most of them don’t even know anything has changed. we like to make out transitions of power subtle.
anonymous asked:
That's way one to do it. Slow changes that make things better for the country would make people want to keep you in power because everything's getting better because of you being in control. - MWT
Tom: most of them don’t know they were even taken yet. hopefully by the time they realize well have made the country more stable and safer.
anonymous asked:
As long as the people realize you're making things better for them and actually care, they might be happy with you in charge. Just don't let the power go to your head and do something crazy. - MWT
Tord: you think i’m gonna be in charge? HA! no i’m going to be laying down the ground work for the government yes but i am no politician. the system i’m making has no need for politicians anyway.
Tom: until we have more territory the old government stays.
anonymous asked:
That makes sense. Well as long as the people are safer and happier then they shouldn't care too much about what the 'government' is. A lot of us humans are kind of selfish that way. If it benefits them, then they don't care what it is. A few of the less selfish one might question it though so maybe having someone that's there to explain how things are now done once changes are made would be a good idea too. - MWT
Tord: we weren’t going to leave them in the dark.
Tom: that’s one of the reasons some of the red army is still in the country.
Matt: most of them are really nice and don’t mind when they have to explain stuff.
anonymous asked:
You've really got every detail planned out. Pretty good to get even what you'll do after taken over planned out. Never did that when I was a teen thinking world domination was a good idea. Did kind of fall out of that idea in favor of studying engineering and criminal justice. - MWT
Tord: …
Tom: probably for the best.
anonymous asked:
Yeah, probably was for the best. I actually think what I do now is more enjoyable. Plus I'm helping a lot of people out too. - MWT
Tom: *calm smile* good.
anonymous asked:
Anyway, what's the news with your army? Anything big happen since Poland? - MWT
Tord: not much, were mostly just planning our next attack. we decided to go with the whole Denmark suggestion.
Matt: we’re gonna try to be subtle with this one.
anonymous asked:
I wish you luck with Denmark. Hopefully, the subtle method works. - MWT
Tord: thank you.
spooncryptid asked:
Hai... I’m back
Tord: feeling better?
spooncryptid asked:
No but it’s fine
Tom: … You gonna be okay there?
spooncryptid asked:
Yea, why wouldn’t I be?
Tom: you seemed pretty upset when you left.
spooncryptid asked:
It’s Nothing i don’t deserve...
Tord: assholes deserve to be told their assholes… not to have it hung over their heads until the end of time…
Tom: you were an ass. not like we can judge.
Matt: *picks you up and pets you*
spooncryptid asked:
Im an ass and you guys are nice to me anyways, even if I try I can’t deserve it, I always mess things up still
Tom: when do people ever get what they deserve?
spooncryptid asked:
When they get punished for what they did wrong! It makes the world even and fair again, criminals get put in jail for breaking the law, animals get put down for biting and scratching the wrong people, I got declawed because I scratched things and people, that was what I deserved! That’s the way the world works everywhere else!
Tord: *hysterical laughter*
Tom: if you actually think that you’re a lot more naive then we thought.
spooncryptid asked:
...what dyou mean??
Tom: maybe that’s how it’s supposed to work yeah, but it almost never works like that in reality.
spooncryptid asked:
Well.. shouldn’t we still be trying to make it work?
Tord: to a degree, but we should also have a system where a person’s intent or lack of information should have an effect on the consequences of our action in a way we currently haven’t achieved.
spooncryptid asked:
Well I knew what I was doing, so I’m still guilty and I still don’t deserve this
Tom: did you really know what you were doing?
Tord: assholes like us are each other’s punishment.
Matt: we will constantly be here for you, no matter how much our mere presence torments you~~~
Tom: drama queen.
(you belong to them now, you are their friend and they are never letting you go -mod x)
spooncryptid asked:
.... //sniffles// I don’t understand...
Tord: … think about it this way, how you feel right now, that horrible undeserving misery, that is your punishment cause no matter what happened in the past, we like you now.
spooncryptid asked:
I.. I guess that makes sense?
Matt: good! now come here so i can pet you.
spooncryptid asked:
//jumps into Matt’s lap and flops down lazily//
Matt: good kitty. *pets*
spooncryptid asked:
//purrs and snuggles in//
Matt is content.
spooncryptid asked:
.. is there anything else you guys need to do today?
Tord: not today, no.
spooncryptid asked:
That’s good, we can just hang out and be comfy
Tom: that is a nice thought.
spooncryptid asked:
Why’s it a thought? Why can’t it be reality?
Tom: … It is reality… You’re making me paranoid, stop.
(Tom is just a massive pessimist, he feels like somethings gonna happen. That doesn’t mean somethings gonna happen. -mod x)
spooncryptid asked:
Oh, ok.. sorry
Tom: it’s fine.
(Don’t worry, you’re good now -mod x)
spooncryptid asked:
//rolls over and plays with one of Matt’s hoodie strings//
Just the mental image of that gave me a cavity… The boys melted at it. Why do you gotta be a cat?
-mod x
spooncryptid asked:
I mean I made it pretty dramatic when I said I wanted to be a cat
tord remembers pretty clearly.
spooncryptid asked:
And now I am a cat (or at least I look like one) why can’t I act like it?
because it’s too cute and gonna melt everyone’s brains!
spooncryptid asked:
That’s the plan >:3c
Tord: I don’t know if you want to love us or kill us… You really are a cat.
spooncryptid asked:
Ha h, did I say that out loud? I-I didn’t- uh, it was just a joke, I’m not actually planning anything,,,
Tom: if I didn’t know any better I’d say you were hiding something cat freak.
spooncryptid asked:
I-I’m not!- I wasn’t- it wasn’t- //trails off into nervous mumbling//
Tom: calm down. i know.
spooncryptid asked:
You.. know?
Tom: yes, i know.
spooncryptid asked:
Th-then why would you say thaat!?
Tom: because i’m just as much of an asshole as you are.
spooncryptid asked:
.. you...... //has an existential crisis//
Tom: oh stop you massive drama queen. just face the fact that you’re stuck with us.
spooncryptid asked:
Nothing makes sense anymore.. when I was a real cat I just lived, now I have to think about everything and it’s confusing and horrible! How do you live like this??
Tom: by sucking it up and carrying on.
spooncryptid asked:
But I don’t understand anything!! It’s all scary and Im too dumb to deal with any of it!
Tord: and you think we know what the fuck is going on? were winging it here.
Tom: the world never has and never will make sense.
Matt: … i just keep going.
spooncryptid asked:
But.. how? How do you do stuff when you don’t even know what you’re doing??
Tom: you just try. either you fail or you succeed, if you fail you try again.
spooncryptid asked:
... this is all confusing.....
Tom: yep.
spooncryptid asked:
I feel like what you’re trying to say is really simple but I’m still too dumb to understand it...
Matt: … nothing makes sense. nothing has ever made sense. nothing ever will make sense. you just have to keep going.
spooncryptid asked:
I get that, but.. why?
Matt: cause what else are you gonna do? you can’t exactly go back.
spooncryptid asked:
...I guess not.....
matt goes back to petting you.
spooncryptid asked:
Sometimes I wish I could....
even if you did you wouldn’t be able to change anything.
spooncryptid asked:
It’d be easier though
going through all the trouble to try and change history only to fail every time would be easier?
spooncryptid asked:
It’d be easier if I could go back, or if it had never happened
… you need to chill kitty cat…
spooncryptid asked:
(You adopted the drama queen, you gotta deal with its edgy teen phase)
they already dealt with edgy teen tom they can handle a cat.
spooncryptid asked:
(Yea but now they have to deal with it from a different perspective)
not tord and matt. the only thing that could throw them off would be the whole cat thing.
spooncryptid asked:
(Well at least Tom can get something new out of this uwu)
you think tom is gonna stick around for you to remind him of his shameful teen years? think again my friend, he’ll be outta there before you can say “susan.”
spooncryptid asked:
(Tommy pl ease, just give the cat a hug!)
tom is confused why you’re singling him out but he obliges anyway.
spooncryptid asked:
(Oh fuck, I exist)
why wouldn’t you?
spooncryptid asked:
(I dunno, thought it’d just be cryptid I guess, well! Nice to meet ya bois!)
they wave.
anonymous asked:
ah! hello! i didn’t mean to leave, i had to sleep ((T.T; ) so how was cake?!-ヾ(@^▽^@)ノ-shy anon
Matt: tom makes good cake!
Tom: *glare*
anonymous asked:
why are you glaring ヾ( •́д•̀ ;)-shy anon
you said you wouldn’t leave again… tom’s mad you broke your promise.
spooncryptid asked:
(OOH Tea spilled!! Tom and Tord both cook! What a happy little couple)
tord cooks, tom bakes, two different things.
endragoneel asked:
oh... i kinda dropped off the face of the earth last time too didn’t i... sorry about that y’all— so! what’s the plan for today?
nothing much again.
(i feel the need to point out the boy’s schedule. tord almost always finishes his work before the asks come, tom doesn’t have to work as late as he does, ever, matt just does whatever he feels like doing -mod x)
anonymous asked:
i need to sleep (oT-T)尸 but i will never permanently leave! i will always come back\\\\٩( 'ω' )و //// you can count on me!-shy anon
tom is swayed… slightly.
endragoneel asked:
aye that makes sense! i just never know what to ask-!
well if you ask what they’re doing and they say nothing you could always make suggestions.
endragoneel asked:
hm... how about- tom could you turn into a bat too? who’s faster flying? y’all could have a race! : D
Tom: while i could turn into a bat, i’ve never flown before. matt would be faster.
Matt: *happy bat noises*
anonymous asked:
i’m sorry... will you accept my apologies.·´¯`(>▂<)´¯`·.-shy anon
Tom: … fine.
endragoneel asked:
maybe matt could teach you?
Tom: probably but i have no real interest.
endragoneel asked:
why not? flying sounds awesome~
Tom: just not my thing.
endragoneel asked:
oh well- so what do you /like/ to do in your free time? ((hhh i’m bad at conversation sorry
Tom: music…
endragoneel asked:
oh? i play the piano!! y’all have a piano, right?
Tord: i think we have one in the cafeteria?
Matt: we do.
endragoneel asked:
alright~ lets go!
Tord: why not?
spooncryptid asked:
(Gee Thomas, with manners like that you’ll scare em off for good)
i have said this many times… trust issues.
anonymous asked:
i am very sorry! how do i repent of the sin (>人<;)-shy anon
you’re asking the son of a demon how to repent…
anonymous asked:
I.. ah! I mean how can i make it up to you, tom? (*´;꒳;`*)-shy anon
Tom: … you’re fine, let it go.
(he doesn’t hate you or anything, but he’ll remember. -mod x)
anonymous asked:
oh no... what if you did something nice today? like a surprise for another friend? pau and pat maybe (*^ω^*)-shy anon
Tom: … whatever…
endragoneel asked:
did they like my song? it doesn’t have a title yet...
tom cried, matt looked sick but said it was good, tord looked confused but pleased… overall i think they liked it… especially tom.
anonymous asked:
surprise them with something nice! matt and tord, will you join me?(*´▽`*)-shy anon
Tord: sure.
Matt: okay!
endragoneel asked:
what should i call it? ... matt are you alright?
Matt: … fine, i’ve never heard anything like that…
(matt is very emphatic when listening to music and anything that makes him feel too strongly makes him feel kinda sick -mod x)
anonymous asked:
what should we do? ( ´∀`)-shy anon
Tord: i don’t know…
Matt: we could make them something…
anonymous asked:
what do you suggest? (*´꒳`*)-shy anon
they have no clue, but are open to suggestions.
endragoneel asked:
maybe i should just stick to playing already written songs- that seemed to be too much of an ... experience? i cant describe. i’m flattered you like it though!
… the song seemed almost random and spontaneous, maybe if you tried doing something with repetition so the listener had more time to process one thing before moving on to the next…
endragoneel asked:
you’re right- i didn’t write anything down to revise
you don’t have to do it with that song, but maybe next time… i’m seriously still reeling from that…
anonymous asked:
maybe another treat! (^ν^)-shy anon
Tom: sure… if you’re making it this time.
anonymous asked:
i have cookies~ ( ´∀`)-shy anon
Tord: pau would love them… tom?
Tom: *sniff* not poisoned.
Matt: lets go give them cookies!
anon-hive-mind asked:
i would suggest surprise them, but then again being on an army based i don’t think they’d trust that-
if it was tord they’d laugh about it… after tom brought him back to life from the multiple gunshots to the chest…
anonymous asked:
nope! no poison! there is cinnamon though (*^▽^*)-shy anon
Tord: we have to test. come on i’ll lead the way.
anonymous asked:
test for poison?(・∀・)-shy anon
Tord: yes, we are the leaders of a rather large country at this point, people are going to want us dead.
anonymous asked:
didn’t tom say there was no poison? i promise aah! go test! (´ ▽`).。o♡-shy anon
Tord: … yes he did… that was the test…
anonymous asked:
i didn’t mean to freak out... i’m sorry i don’t like being accused becuase... never mind! let go surprise them~(*´ω`*)-shy anon
okay back up! i need backstory here! what is supposed to have happened?
-mod x
anonymous asked:
i don’t like talking about it... (;へ:)-shy anon
is this a thing that actually happened to you or part of a story you want to use? i only ask because is seems important. if you don’t want to tell me about it that’s fine i’m just a little confused…
-mod x
anonymous asked:
could be both, my insecurities fixed with a story (T▽T)-shy anon
… are you okay?
anonymous asked:
i am! it’s alright(´ ▽`).。o♡ i’ll be fine-shy anon
… i’ll have to trust you on that…
spooncryptid asked:
(Sorry for dropping out of existence for a bit, I never properly introduced myself, did I? You can call me Spoon, you’re probably well aware of Cryptid by now, I’d be pretty surprised if you weren’t all things considered.)
Tord: … wait… isn’t that *points at the cat* spoon?
anonymous asked:
i could make up a story for this based off of experiences if you would like (*´v`)-shy anon
you don’t have to sweetheart. it’s fine.
spooncryptid asked:
(Well at this point I call it Cryptid, I believe you call it Cryptid as well but I might’ve misheard, so I’ve decided to call myself Spoon, because in a way we’re both ‘spooncryptid’ if it’s too confusing for you I can give you something else to call me)
tord is very confused!!!
(you forget, they’ve addressed him as spoon a lot before now they associate the name with a strange cat creature then with what they have essentially adopted as a pet. continuity, it will be a thing here. -mod x)
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