#seriously dude please take 5 minutes off
wonbin-truther · 11 days
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˚⊹ ᰔೀ dream boyfriend: incoming ˚⊹ ᰔೀ
╰┈➤ mixer pt 2
the mixer was practically full wall to wall with bodies. you had lost soobin within the first few minutes of arriving, although you assumed he was with the baseball team. your sorority sisters had left some time ago, telling you they were going to grab a drink and sit outside. you told them to give you a second to join them, wanting to first finish your bottle of water before you filled your body with liquor. you craned your neck on your tiptoes, trying to peer over the crowd that had inexplicably bunched up near the kitchen entrance.
"the alcohol cant be that good," you mumbled to yourself. stepping back down. you pushed a bit closer until two voices started to become recognizable.
"shut up asshole," the distinct shrill voice of your cousin rang through the air. you froze as another voice shot back at her, although it was somewhat quieter.
"can we please not do this here?" mark pleaded, glanced around at the crowd that had formed. somi scoffed, "so you think you can block me on everything and get away with it? over my dead body," somi scoffed.
"somi plea-" mark was cut off by a stinging pain across his face. the air seemed to still as the loud slap echoed through the party and settled in the whispers of the crowd. mark touched his reddening cheek, staring at the smaller girl in front of him with disbelief.
"i dont want to hear it. this is probably because of those dumbass friends of yours. god i told you to stay away from them. they would only fill your mind with lies and try to get you away from me."
you looked over and watched as jeno extended an arm out in front of haechan who was two seconds away from jumping in.
"anything to say?" somi crossed her arms in front of her body. marks head hung low and you felt a pang in your chest seeing him look so small. with one last disgusted look, somi turned on her heels and walked away.
you watched as his friends rushed to his side, questioning him about whatever just went down. you didnt know if you should walk over or mind your business. mark looked up, suddenly making eye contact with you. your feet started moving before you could even think.
"what’re you pouring," you asked the man standing in front of the counter. he held the labelless bottle of clear liquid in front of you.
"not too sure. wanna test it out?" he smiled. something about him gave you an icky feeling but you pushed it away, excusing it as just lingering feelings over mark and somi.
"sure just a little though," you watched as he grabbed a red cup, pouring the mystery liquid into it. "you're not gonna drink?" you stared at him.
he shook his head, "designated driver for tonight. im just serving the drinks." you hummed, downing the small amount in the red cup. he watched tentatively as you scrunched your face, "ugh definitely tequila."
"you came with anyone?" the guy asked. you didnt realize but he started to inch closer and closer to where you stood. "yea choi soobin. hes number 5 on the baseball team. im just trying to find my sorority sisters," you tapped your phone screen to see if you had any texts from any of the mentioned people.
"i dont see them around."
your fight or flight started to kick in as a hand found its way to your waist. you pushed the man away, "i have a boyfriend."
"i dont see him anywhere here either," the man only got closer to you, leaning closer and closer.
"dude seriously," you tried to back away but your balance felt shaky and your vision was starting to blur.
you shook your head, trying to gain ahold of your senses as the man laughed, taking your wrists into his with a hold youre sure would cause a bruise later.
"hey! what the fuck do you think you're doing with her?" was the last voice you heard before everything faded to black.
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synopsis! it wasnt your fault mark was the first profile to appear on your instagram! and it was most definitely not your fault when you told your annoying older cousins that mark lee, the captain of your unis soccer team, was your boyfriend and somehow got him invited to the next family reunion...
tags! (closed) @haedgaf @onlyhyunjin @mmjhh1998 @nctrawberries @multifandomania @hyuoonp @kittydollzz @bathilda @413ktz @alethea-moon @meowmarkie @urlocalbeaner5 @nanaxwi @lvrholic @sunghoonsgfreal @jakeshuneybby @nosungluv @evilsailorsenshi @calumsfringe @haesungie @tommina @vantxx95 @markeroolee @soobsung @tynlvr @morkiee @sehunniepot @starfilledgaze @pickmedolls @xcosmi @nneteyamss @slayhaechan @neozon3nha @nneteyamss @lionzyon @jakeslucifer @bbina @winwintea
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nathaslosthershit · 1 year
Baby Fever and Annoying Brothers||Quinn Hughes x Reader
Pairing: Quinn Hughes x Reader
Request: Could I get Quinn Hughes with baby fever and his brothers there to make fun of it?
Summary: Quinn gets baby fever real bad and his brothers bug him to propose
A/n: Listen I wasn’t a Quinn girly before but that has recently changed so thank you for these requests
Word Count: 700+
“Quinn, dude, come on let's go.” Luke complained. The brothers had been trying to start a basketball game for the past 45 minutes. Jack and Luke were ready, but Quinn kept pushing it off with a simple ‘5 more minutes then i'll be ready’.
What, you may ask, was keeping Quinn from playing a game with his family? The sight of his girlfriend interacting with the baby of a family friend of theirs. It was quite possibly the most addicting and adorable sight he has ever seen. 
He couldn’t take his eyes off of it, no matter how hard he tried. The whole scene was beautiful. Outside, on the lawn chairs in the backyard, laid his girlfriend of 4 years gently swaying a now sleeping infant in her arms as she quietly spoke to the baby’s mother as well as his own mom. 
“Quinn this is getting-” Jack was cut off when he saw it. His older brother sitting there, oblivious to the heart eyes he was making. It was hilarious to him. His big brother practically brought to his knees at the sight of his longtime girlfriend holding a baby. 
As he stood next to Luke, Quinn finally was pulled out of his trance. Embarrassed at his brother's gawking, he finally went to play basketball. 
But of course the two youngest Hughes couldn’t just not bring it up. It was their brotherly duty to chirp Quinn into his place.
“So when are you gonna actually purpose?” Jack asked. At this, Luke elbowed him in the side, hard. 
“Come on dude let him live” Luke reprimanded.
“Thank you, Luke.” Quinn responded.
“No but seriously, he is right. You spend almost an hour staring at your girlfriend for holding a fucking baby. I know you’ve got a bad case of baby fever after that. When are you gonna actually get started on that shit? Unless you don’t plan on going the whole marital route before kids. I don't’ really know how some people would thi-”
“Can you both please just shut the fuck up about it.”
“Come on, Quinn, we are just chirping you. Although we saw the way you were looking at her. You sure that hasn’t changed anything…” Jack teased. 
He was right of course. While he was staring, he was also envisioning a life with her. A life with his beautiful wife, in a beautiful home, with kids to fill it. Maybe they’d have one, or maybe a whole hockey team. Who’s to say? The last thing he wanted though, was to be discussing it with his brothers when they would just tease him.
“No, nothing has changed. Although things may happen sooner-” “What the fuck does that mean?” Luke asked.
“I just- I don’t need kids right this second.” Quinn stated.
“But I do have a ring. I’ve kept it in my hockey bag for the last few months. I just- I just don’t know when I’m gonna propose.”
“Quinn why the fuck didn’t you tell us?” Jack practically yelled.
“Does mom know? She will flip the fuck out if you got it and didn’t tell her?” Luke asked.
“Yes, she knows. She has been bugging me about it every single day. Trying to give me ideas and such but I just need to find the right time and place.”
“Isn’t now the right time and place though? You are with family, in a pretty fucking beautiful place. I mean what's stopping you from taking her on the boat tomorrow and doing it.” Jack joked. But he was right. You had once stated, while intoxicated, that you would have killed Quinn if he proposed in public, as if that was something he would ever do. The secluded boat would be the perfect place.
Quinn smiled to himself as he came to this revelation. He would propose, soon, and get started on the life he had envisioned. He didn’t answer either of them or tell them about his plans, but one look at his face and his brothers knew. They both shared a look as their absolutely smitten older brother went to grab the ball.
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killshotbabe · 2 years
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Title | Creepin’
Pairing | University student!Mark x reader ft. nct dream (minor appearances)
Warning (s) | minors dni! NSFW, Use of swear words, really mean!Mark, stalker and simp reader, solo masturbation, rough handling (to reader), degradation, name-calling, dirty talk, choking, fingering, cunnilingus, squirting, smut, unprotected sex (please wear protection!), creampie, public rough sex
Word count | 2.8 k ish…?
Song(s) | Toxic - RealestK, U&I - The NBHD
“Hey, time to go.”
The familiar voice of your friend stirred you out of your nonsensical dream, causing what seemed to be an audible gasp from her when you reached out so suddenly, all startled.
“It’s always this fucking bean bag, sorry.” You mumbled, letting her hand go. You carefully stood up to stretch, the mini blanket you brought landing on the carpet floor. “How long was I out?”
Your friend glanced on her wristwatch with a hum. It downed to you that it was indeed time to go when you saw her with her coat on, books on-hand. You retrieved your blanket off the floor and folded it carefully.
“Like two hours tops? Our bus comes in like fifteen.”
“Well, you can go. I’m gonna get my sis to pick me up later instead.” You say, wanting to stay at least another hour to make up for the supposedly “study” date but you were so exhausted and told your friend you’d take a twenty nap only to end up sleeping for two hours.
You didn’t tell her to wake you up after twenty though, and you didn’t set an alarm too thinking your body would do the favour for you but that was still a dumb decision especially when the small booth you rented with her had a really comfortable looking bean-bag where students rest or even go as far as sleep on.
Unfortunately, you’re always a victim (and so is everybody else).
“What! You’re ditching me agaaaain,” She grumbled, bottom lip jutting out trying to spite you but she knew you’d just chuckle at her cute efforts.
“You literally get off the bus after five stops and leave me dude. But seriously, go home your pup’s probably looking for you right now.”
“Right! Ok, fine text me when you’re safe and sound though ok? Don’t want to lose my “study” buddy who loves getting her beauty sleep.”
Your opened your mouth to try and come up with a smart insult but you sighed, a matching smile gracing the both of you.
“You had no right to say that! But hey, I’m often available for you so…”
“True! I’ll see you next time then and will text you if we end up renting a different booth.”
Your friend blew a flying kiss which you jokingly grimaced at and made sure to escort her out of the entrance, reminding her to text you when she’s home (and if she could send a pic of her new pup too through messages you’d truly appreciate that) before you made your way back to the booth.
The clock read 5:45 pm and the window was absent of any daylight, plunging the whole room in semi-darkness until you decided it would be best to turn the lamp on which had been plugged to the table for use.
You spend another thirty minutes typing up study material for the incoming finals season until you slowly packed your things, one hand trying to rub the threatening surge of sleep terrorizing your eyes.
You stretched your arms above your head before you slipped your coat on, humming to yourself as you informed your sister you’d be home a little later and to not lock the gates so it’d be easier for you to get in especially when it’s dark out now and there were way too many creeps lurking in the alleyways of your neighbourhood despite the cold mid-October weather.
You could get her to pick you up — the option was there but you like taking public transit even at this hour because you knew it’d still be somewhat full and if it wasn’t, you didn’t mind having time for yourself as you drown yourself in music from your headphones, gaze falling to the window next to you as you watched a whole strip of sidewalks and tall buildings with an occasional bridge on sight.
You saw your friend’s message and replied back to it too, grinning at the picture of her pup learning a new trick. You sent her a quick reply before heading downstairs to make your way to the second floor of the library. There were still a lot of people at this hour so you weren’t really worried about being alone at this time.
Sometimes, you do stay just before 10 am but that usually takes place when there’s a group research, or if you need to do more studying. Studying at home didn’t really work for you, especially when your desk is just right next to your cozy-looking bed so the university’s gigantic library was the best option.
You tuck your phone into your pocket as you rounded yourself into another wing, your brain automatically leading you to your destination; another row of open study booths near the science department.
With your headphones strapped on, you search for an empty table near the dim-lit hall, claiming the one facing one of the meeting rooms filled with students majoring in medicine. The room in front of you is usually booked by the same group of people, one of them being your long-time crush for two years now.
Mark Lee.
You grin to yourself when you propped your laptop open, noticing the familiar head full of dark hair above the transparent glass along with those signature doe eyes. You can’t see the rest of his face because of the frosted glass but you could tell what expression he had. He looked quite focus, typing something down so intensely. He would look at the speaker (that being Jaemin, which your friend knew since they did share a class once back when they were taking classes for faculty admissions) then nod to himself. He would raise his hand too for the sole purpose of sharing his opinions on whatever topic they’re discussing.
Sometimes, you find yourself wondering why you didn’t gun for nursing just like them but you weren’t good with blood and nursing didn’t interest you just like the rest of the medical-related jobs. It was on demand, yes, but you were perfectly fine with pursuing finance. It promised great money, though, it would have been nice if you were in the same field as your crush. At least then you’d have the same interest and that would count as some sort of a connection between you and him.
However, there’s a part of you not wanting to get it out there and to actually introduce yourself to Mark, try to see if he’d give you his number or go off the rails with your imaginations and delusions running wild in your head. You like to think you’re not that crazy, just a little weird for thinking about Mark that way when he could turn out to be the worst guy in the planet but so far, there was no indication of that or him having a girlfriend at all. If he had, you’d find out by now but even then, you think it won’t stop you from liking him for a reason you don’t really like to admit.
You liked to follow him around, peeking in small corners and sometimes attend some of his out-of-school activities with your friend or alone, and you were quite consistent, though you made sure you stood far away from him so you can watch him play and have fun without having him figure it all out and confront you as to why you’ve been steadily following him around for two years now.
You don’t even follow him on social media because his account is private but you do visit his profile sometimes, even going as far on keeping track of his friends with accounts set to public like Chenle, another promising nurse from their group. He would come through often with pictures that involve Mark and you would take screenshots here and there and save all of it in the hidden category in case your friend needed to use your phone.
Most of them knew about your crush on Mark but not to that extent.
One of them did go with you to attend two of his rugby matches but they thought it was just that and you weren’t going to go home to sift through any local newspapers online or stalk the rugby league he’s a part of.
You knew it was getting unhealthy, maybe it might scare anyone off if they did find out but you kept it a bay.
It was like your dirty little secret and crushing on him was just so fun, especially when he has zero idea about it all. You’ve never even made an eye-contact with him and you’re not really sure why that doesn’t upset you.
You just don’t want to be acknowledged, that’s all. It’s a bizarre thing to say but if Mark did find out and decided to do something about it, you think you’d probably want to run away and never be seen again so up until now, you did nothing to earn his attention nor tried anything to have him befriend you.
When you have decided it was time to go after what seemed like forever, you cast a final glance to where Mark and his friends were. They were still inside, no longer having a discussion but rather chatted about where they’re going tonight. It’s Friday after all and you know they always had plans every Friday. You made no effort to follow him when it came to that though… Not when you have no car and for some reason, you didn’t want to find out where he lived even when a friend told you they all lived in a suburban neighbourhood close by the university unlike you who resided on the north side opposite of theirs which required you to take two buses to get home.
It didn’t bother you though.
You’ve always wanted to attend this particular university even if you could have settled for the smaller one ten minutes from home, and if moving there for the sake of your safety (especially on nights like this) was on the table but that would mean you’d have to stop following Mark, you wouldn’t even opt for it. Not even in a heartbeat.
Mark, you find, is like some sort of a God you idolize. You think about him whenever you do anything, especially when you’re studying.
Seeing him be so diligent and fully committed in doing well in school inspired you to do same, if not better. So moving away from him would probably affect you drastically. You’ve had it in your head every passing time whenever you’re met with a possibility of getting physically assaulted or yanked off the streets in the dead of the night from university but whenever you make it back home safe and sound, it gives you some sort relief until it turned into an endless cycle.
And you weren’t going to give it all up.
He was your lucky charm through it all and you’d like to keep pushing until God knows when.
You’re not sure when either but you’re having fun and that’s all that matters, right?
“Yo, let’s go.”
Your gaze flew back to your keyboard, refusing to check whoever walked out of the room.
You waited until they all left, only checking back until you could only make out Mark’s black backpack as they headed downstairs. He wore all black today but kept his navy scrub pants on. You’ve seen him wear full on scrubs from time to time and he looked too great — his broad shoulders causing you to go all numb on the spot.
It was made for him and you couldn’t help but ogle whenever he put on fitted clothes. It gets even worse when you see him with his rugby uniform on, and although it’s a sin to admit what you do after every match you’d voluntarily attend just to see him play, you can’t help but release the ache you feel between your legs. Not only do you love his face but his lean, muscular body too especially his strong thighs.
There have been so many things where you dreamed of him having so close to you, even going as far as doing things to him you’ve never done to a boy before and it only spiralled to constant wet dreams that drove you nuts. It would piss you off quite often too because then you’d think about it whenever you space out in public which yanked you to a sudden jolt of embarrassment coursing through your bloodstream.
He was just so hot, and even if you felt guilty for having those type of sinful thoughts about someone who doesn’t even know you, you think it might be the “thrill” that drew your near the edge.
The thrill of him not knowing…
The thrill of him looking so busy and unbothered just a few feet from you when he gets you all worked up in your imaginations…
He doesn’t even know anything…
Anything at all…
You squeeze your thighs together, sighing under your breath as you waited inside the glass shelter, looking forward to go home and shower — specifically thinking of the new shower head you bought for yourself with different water pressure points, only using it for your pleasure with that one person wrecking havoc in your head like always.
It was fun. So much fun.
You find yourself being his shadow for the next month. It might have gotten worse, you think.
You’ve never touched him though.
By worse, it meant you followed him almost every day but made sure he didn’t actually notice. You were good with your methods especially now that you have car for a while since your mom will be out of town for two months if not more. She gave you the liberty of using it so you can get better at driving especially when it’s now the month of December and it started to snow heavily, making it difficult for you to take the bus home.
You hum, unbuckling your seatbelt as you parked right in front of moon drive in, a diner Mark and the boys frequented to. Sometimes there would be girls tagging along but none of them were with Mark. You did come close to hearing one of them flirt with him though but he’d only laugh it off and you can’t help but snicker to yourself as you listened to their conversations behind your seat.
This would be the fourth time you went. It was originally for the purpose of “following” Mark but you find yourself coming back for your usual — classic fries and a chicken burger paired with a strawberry milkshake.
You even brought one of your friends here last week but tonight you came alone craving a fast food fix. You didn’t even think of Mark at all but much to your surprise, he was actually there with Haechan and Renjun (more names to label very familiar faces) and they were laughing about something you can’t quite pinpoint.
It was around midnight now and you planned to just do a take-out and go straight home so you waited inside, acting oblivious about them being there.
It didn’t take quite long until your take-out bag was ready so you made a move, walking out of the diner and to your car. You think of how gorgeous Mark looked tonight even if it was just a quick glimpse you had greedily stolen before you drove off, a grin on your face.
What you didn’t know though, was when your back was completely turned to them when you were paying for your order, Mark spared you a glance, head tilted to the side.
And when you left, you completely missed the way he smirked at you on your way out.
“Ok, that’s enough studying for me I think my head is about to explode.”
You’re back in the library at the main campus now just a few weeks later. You actually studied without a break this time and took it like a champ even if the exhaustion from your head had mentally taken over, giving you a pounding head ache.
“Are you leaving now?”
You yawned, gesturing towards the clock behind your friend. “It’s almost sunset.”
“Yeah, and I gotta meal prep for next week.” She cleared her side rather quickly. Next thing you know, she was all packed up and ready to go. “Don’t stay in too late ok?”
“Maybe. You know I got a car now so I’d probably overstay.”
She raised a brow with a giggle. “Yeah, yeah you smartass. See you next week then?”
“Sure! Careful on your way out it’s snowing again!”
In a hushed silence, you inwardly groaned and began packing your things up as well to head down the second floor to see if Mark was there. You heard from a friend of a friend of a friend that he had the flu so he might not be there today but it didn’t hurt to check so that’s what you did.
Surprisingly though, a different group took over the room Mark and the boys rented so you made a detour, checking to see if any of them are using the gym tonight. You knew Mark, Jaemin and Jeno would frequent over there and honestly, you might have started having a little crush on Jeno too so you make your way down to the separate complex for that one purpose — if Mark wasn’t there, then Jeno would do, and maybe you can hit up the treadmill for a bit to cross the “stay active” off your to-do list for today.
You don’t even know how your attraction for Jeno started actually. Jeno was always there, all smiley and always bickered with Jaemin but ever since his jet-black hair started growing longer behind his nape, something shifted in his aura and you liked it. He’s just as conventionally attractive as Mark and he too, had a great body. You found out that one time when you saw him doing waterpolo with Jisung which made you go a little crazy.
You don’t know much about him though, so Mark was still your number one of course.
None of the boys were in the gym tonight but since you’ve always wanted to use the treadmill without the gym being too overly crowded, you decided to do just that. You spent forty minutes on it going between slow and vigorous before you called it quits and gunned for the shower to wash away the sweat on your skin.
No one was in the showers so you didn’t bother hiding your modesty, even going as far as being fully naked in the dim-lit hall as you darted in the last stall, music blasting off your phone you left on the bench just a foot away along with your belongings.
You let the warm water cascade down your body, eyes closing at the calming sensation it brought as it washed the sweat and stress away into the drain under your foot. You stayed in until the clear mist from the hot water climbed into the atmosphere, wrapping around you like a cloud of comfort. You then hummed, soaping up the curves of your body as you feel yourself get lost in your thoughts, suddenly thinking of Mark when you snaked your hand to cup your sex, already slick with pure arousal.
You practically shook, feeling how too sensitive you’ve gotten when you continued your erotic ministrations before you slipped in a finger in, a sweet moan spilling out of your throat. You fingered yourself whilst standing, free hand cupping and pinching your hard nipples as you let your fingers do you wonders, ultimately sending you over the edge when you thought of Mark’s skilled tongue playing with your clit before he fucked you with just that, eating you out like a starved man you imagined him to be when eating pussy.
You held yourself, growing weaker against the tiled walls as you slowly regained full consciousness after going through such euphoric state, smiling to yourself. You eventually darted back out, wet hair in a bun and took the elevator because you didn’t have the strength to take the stairs especially after doing all of that.
It was then you realized, as you headed to the front door, that you’re quite stranded in the building for now. The snowstorm had gotten worse. You couldn’t even see anything through the glass walls.
“You waiting for the bus?” The security on site asked. “Doesn’t look that good out there.”
“No, I drove here but… yeah, looks like I gotta wait it out.” You nod your head in agreement, a little pissed off at the sudden turn of events.
You knew the weather was unpredictable lately but you thought it wouldn’t get this bad until tonight.
“Check again in an hour maybe? If not, the library is open 24/7 so… you know how it goes over here.”
You didn’t look forward to that all but if staying here overnight was better, you had no choice. You didn’t want to risk anything, not when you’re still a novice driver. You’d be playing with death if you still chose to suck it up and try to drive in this type of weather.
“Yeah, thanks. Have a good eve sir!”
“You too, young lady.”
You texted your sister about the current weather and how you’d probably get home later or might sleep here overnight if the snowstorm doesn’t lay off with a pursed lip then took another detour, going back upstairs to the lounge area and see if there’s a spot you could rest at for the time-being. You find one overlooking the parking lot where your car is but made sure you’re tucked away from the students preparing for their finals so you can snooze in peace which you succumbed to right away, missing the fact that Mark had gone his way back up, slightly frustrated at the bad weather.
When he saw your sleeping figure hiding in a dark corner though, he could only raise a brow.
Your wristwatch read 10:45 pm by the time you woke up, panic in your eyes when you realized you’ve overslept. The floor you’re currently on had gone too quiet, so quiet you thought you were the only one left if it’s not for a small number of students typing away furiously, one of them sipping on a coffee cup.
The weather had been better so you take that sign to leave, yawning your way to the elevator. You were still quite sleepy and so out of it you haven’t even even realized you were not alone in the elevator as it brought you to the basement when you were meant to press ground floor.
It didn’t even hit you until you simply walked out, met with a plethora of cars only to stop on your tracks, seeing as this was not the ground floor.
You were about to turn around and head back to the elevator when a strong arm yanked you to a dark corner, making you gasp.
“How was it?”
Your eyes rounded in shock as you registered the very familiar face just inches away from yours. You have been caged between his arms, your back to what looked like the sleek, black car he drove to the campus. You weren’t sure if you were still dreaming because if you were, you didn’t want it to end.
You swallowed a lump in your throat, quite dazed seeing him up close. He’s way too gorgeous, doe-eyes pinning you down. The smell of his clean cologne making you sigh in frenzy, but he didn’t look too happy.
He chuckled darkly, his grip around your wrists tightening like he meant to hurt you.
“I don’t even fucking know you.” He growled, deadly poison coating his words. “You’ve been following me around, haven’t you? How was it? You had fun?”
“N-no.” You lied, your eyes practically quivering in excitement. Was this real life? “I wasn’t following you.”
“I’m not dumb.” He squinted in annoyance, scrutinizing the way you reacted to his confrontation. “What the hell do you want? I even saw you at the diner. It’s not funny anymore.”
You wanted to laugh, but you liked the way his torso brushed against yours. You couldn’t help but to felt something aching in between your thighs again. He came off mean, which is something you didn’t really imagine, but you loved it so much. It drove you to something more sinister so you pressed on, pretending you’re so damn clueless about what he’s trying to get out from you.
Like you were so innocent… So unaware of it all.
“Don’t know what you’re talking about.”
“You’re saying that when you know my name.” He clenched his jaw, losing a bit of his patience due to your playful nature which he didn’t really expect. “Admit it already. You’re caught.”
You could only grin, blinking slowly at him as you watched his chest rise and fall against yours. You could feel your nipples starting to be harden the more he got closer. Oh, how you wished for days like this to come true… You wanted for it be a literal dream but this was so, so much better.
“What if you’re wrong? I could report you.” You joked, watching him attentively. He smelled so damn good you were having a hard time trying to resist him so badly.
“Nothing to report when I have receipts. You think you’re slick?”
Your smile widened. Receipts? So turns out, he was creeping on you too it seems and you don’t know how to feel that, about all of this when you’ve fought so hard to keep your secrets under the wraps, forever tucked away from anyone to see or find out.
But Mark wasn’t oblivious. He knew there was something off when you would show up to his games even if it rained. He asked his team mates if anyone of them knew you but no one did, and for a couple of days he thought it was because you liked watching Rugby until he caught you taking a picture of him walking out of the diner. It all came together when he would notice you occupying the lone table facing the room him and his friends would be at quite often so he took it upon himself to puzzle everything together and made the connection.
There was no last straw, however.
At first, it was quite charming. It was a normal thing for him even in high school with so many girls chasing after him but he started seeing you everywhere he went and that made him a little insane which then lead to a strong desire to confront you, preferably alone without the usual friend you’d come with for study sessions, and much to his dismay, tonight was the good time.
He thought about approaching you about it in nicer way, but the “nice” demeanour had dissipated and he thinks it’s because you’ve started to look at Jeno too.
Was it jealousy?
He didn’t even like you like that. You were an actual stranger to him, so why is he suddenly so worked up about you possibly being into Jeno, too?
“Oh, you keep ‘em?” You tried to wiggle away from his vice grip but he just made it worse, further catering to your suffering. “Hey, you’re gonna leave a bruise on me…”
“Don’t care.” He placed your arms over your head now, your sweet vanilla scent catapulting him away from the scandalous thoughts of him making you suffer as you whined for him to let go but he refused. “Don’t change the subject and answer my damn question. Why are you doing this?”
“I just… like you.” You admitted truthfully, the funny feeling in your stomach making you sigh, eyes searching something in his but all you saw was pure anger mixed with something you hoped might be true. “I didn’t touch you or show up in front of your house so I don’t get why you’re so angry, Markie…”
The pet name.
He thinks his friends wouldn’t let that slip but he knows where you got it from. It wasn’t a play or a coincidence. He knew what you were doing but he couldn’t stop that pet name from rolling out of your tongue. It did nothing but have his blood rush straight to his dick.
“Don’t call me that.” He huffed, too aware of the way your hard nipples pressed against his. “You don’t know who you’re trying to provoke.”
“What do you mean?” You wondered, almost moaning at the hard ridge of his cock pressing on your clothed cunt. You couldn’t believe it. He was so hard. Did he love that pet name so much? “You’re so hard… Are you still angry?”
“Stop!” He suddenly yelled, backing off you when you attempted to grind on him.
You let your hands fall loose to your side, watching his pretty features crumble but his eyes were still burning a hole through your head and you think that if you don’t move now, he might just take you and show you what hell feels like.
“If that’s what you want…”
You diverted your gaze down to his pants, mouth watering at how hard he’s gotten. He looked big and it made the ache between your legs more mind-numbing, your growing wet cunt pulsing around nothing. You gradually advanced to him, testing the waters before pinning him to the wall, the difference between your heights so drastic it almost came off funny but he let you run your hand down from his chest, to his abs then finally, to his hard-on painfully standing upright in his pants.
You’ve never even attempted this to anyone before but suddenly, you had the full reigns of what he started and you weren’t going to let him win.
Or so… you think.
“Stop it…” He exhaled heavily, almost begging as he clamped his eyes close when you bit his ear, licking the shell before you placed an open-mouthed kiss to his jaw, your surging arousal practically bubbling up you think your underwear wouldn’t be able to hold it up if you kept up with this. “I don’t even know you.”
“But you’re reacting quite the opposite.” You stopped to look at him in the eye, yours and his equally blown with nothing but lust. “You like being watched, Markie?”
He didn’t respond as his hands formed into fists. You were just about to kiss him on the neck again when he grabbed you by yours, quickly flipping your positions.
You whimpered in pain when your back collided against the brick wall, about to cuss him out for handling you like that when he crashed his lips into yours. He went in too hard until your bottom lip started to bleed after he bit into your soft flesh, his palm flexed around your little throat, choking you but not enough to render you unconscious.
There was a muffled “mhmff” from you as you pounded your fists against his chest, unable to breathe from how rough he was kissing you like he was about to eat you and swallow you up with no mercy. You were about to bite him back when he lets you go, trapping you against the wall, the sweet taste of his minty mouth mixed with your blood causing you to lick your lip, tasting iron, ignoring the fact that it stung all because of him.
If anything, it didn’t anger you at all but aroused you even more. You liked the fact that he was like this to you.
“I didn’t want to do anything with you.” He declared with a glare, but his next move proved otherwise. “But I’m not letting you touch me like you own me.”
“Don’t you think it’s a bit too late now?”
You didn’t miss the way he came closer and the way he darted his mean gaze from yours and to your bleeding lips. You didn’t even bother wiping it off as you remained still, too entertained with the fact that he just kissed you. Hard.
“Did I give you the green light? No.” He whispered, sounding so cynical. “But I could touch you. You’ve violated me enough so I think it would be fair for me to do this, no?”
You were about to speak when he shut you up with his callused hand tight on your mouth, his free hand snaking down your hip to cup your pussy through your jeans. Your held your breath, knees about to buckle from the way he rubbed you in circles. You were so taken back, the violent rush of pressure sending you over the moon.
“You’re so desperate and insane. You kinda make me go a little crazy, but you don’t deserve to touch me.”
He bit through his words with so much hate as you grew weaker against him, unable to contain the shrill excitement and carnal desire hitting you like a truck. If he kept this up, you would probably cum in your jeans so you started to whine, grinding on his palm and begging for him to do something about it.
“Mark… Please…”
You let out a shaky gasp when he did allow you to speak, his head disappearing into the crook of your neck to kiss you there, way too turned on with the noises you were making and how you’ve gotten so fucking wet he can practically feel it through your jeans. He can’t help but bite your shoulder as he slipped his long, slender fingers inside your jeans groaning at how fucking soaked you were for him, it was almost embarrassing for you but you didn’t care. You wanted him to see how much you desired him.
You attempt to touch him but he quickly swats you away, telling you to keep your hands to yourself.
“I could fuck you with my fingers right now bet it’d just slip right in, huh? You’re fucking wet. Aren’t you ashamed?”
“N-no!” Your head fell back as your knees wobbled. You place your hand on his wrist as he played with your arousal, smearing it all over your clit and pussy lips. “God,”
“Hands off or I won’t fuck you.”
Was all he chided before you let go, keeping your hands flat to the wall as he slipped a finger inside your throbbing hole causing you tear up when he began pumping inside you in a exhilarating speed you thought you were going to pass out from too much pleasure it brought you. It got so bad that you had to cover your mouth, stopping yourself from screaming as the loud squelching of your wetness could be heard between the both of you.
“So fucking tight,” Mark scoffed coldly, liking the way you were taking him in, like your pussy was made for him and his fingers only. He couldn’t help but wonder if you can even take his cock too but he wasn’t going to let you have it easily.
“Faster… p-please!” You closed your eyes, tears falling nonstop you were so sure he’d be able to bring you to the edge with just his fingers. “I’m close, fuck…I’m-m.”
“I know you are, you dirty whore.” He pinned you deeper to the wall, slightly losing it when he felt your walls squeeze him, sucking his fingers further into your warm cunt. “Bet you thought about this in your sleep, right? Is this better? Now that I’m fucking you like this?”
“Yes!” You fisted on his shirt, mouth gaping open as he drove you closer into another orgasm, more powerful than all of the times you touched yourself combined and he hasn’t even fucked you with his cock just yet. “God! Mark, fuck!”
“Dirty fucking mouth you got,” He hissed, pumping his fingers faster and harder, repeatedly hitting your g-spot. “Keep it open if you’re such a good girl.”
Your mouth had gone slack as he coaxed your orgasm closer, your eyes shut tightly as your back arched for him, but just before he could let you cum, he yanked his fingers out of you making you swear out loud in frustration only to have him shove his fingers into your mouth, forcing you to taste yourself.
He loved how flushed you look and he thinks you’re prettier this way — all fucked out from just his fingers.
“You like how you taste?” He snarled, watching you lick the arousal off his middle finger whilst you whimpered at the sudden loss of contact even if you were so damn pissed for being edged like that. “Good, take it all in, yeah?”
“You’re an asshole.” You pulled his fingers out of your mouth with a loud pop followed by a scowl. “I was so close—”
The side of your face suddenly met the wall, Mark having to push you and have both of your arms on the curve of your back. You bite your lip upon realizing what he’s about to do next.
“I’m not that generous.” He placed his knee between your thighs, spreading them wider for him after he pulled your jeans down to your ankles along with your underwear. “Shut the fuck up and behave.”
You feel him move as you braced yourself, your pussy aching for his hard cock to be in you when you see him kneel on one knee behind you. You were about to say something when his tongue delved into your pussy, flicking it up and down to your folds, his hands grabbing a handful of your ass, groping you from behind.
“Fuck-fuck! S-so good, so good-d Mark…”
You babbled, right fist thumping to the wall with your left fully unzipping your coat so you could slither your free hand inside your shirt to cup one of your breasts as he slipped his tongue inside your wet hole, quickly bringing you back to the peak of your orgasm. You felt him lap your wetness in your pussy lips like how you’d imagined him to do, one of your hands going down south to play with your now swollen clit, ultimately sending you to you to the edge.
You hear Mark swear behind you as he stood back up, slapping your ass when your legs shook uncontrollably. You took a sharp breath before squirting right on the cement and on his shoes, your hand still putting pressure on your clit, rubbing it in fast circles, spurts of clear liquid draining out of you too violently.
You thought you actually blacked out, only gaining full consciousness after you had squirted in front of him, the sound of him unbuckling his belt faint to your ears. It didn’t register that he was actually going to give it to you until he shoved his cock inside your soiled pussy in one go, the sudden stretch burning you. You nearly screamed and toppled over only to have him shut you up as he began pounding into you relentlessly, cursing at how good you took him so well.
“Fuck, I wasn’t gonna give it to you but you squirted you cockslut! so, so desperate for me huh? Is that it?”
His breathing shallowed as he tried not to cum inside you right there and then. You were so damn wet and too tight around him it felt amazing, way too amazing he thought he was going to lose it for a minute there but he fought to control himself, wanting to fuck you dumb and watch you cry as you struggle with his size.
“M-Mark!” You moaned loudly in defeat as you tried to open wider for him, his big cock rendering you numb and helpless like how he wanted it. “Wait, shit! God… oh my god…”
You pressed your hand on top of his which was now loose on your mouth until you urged him to slide his index finger inside the wet cavern of your sweet mouth, sucking on it to suppress your cries, tears dripping down your cheeks and on the floor along with the pool of your arousal from squirting minutes ago.
You whimpered pitifully, too overwhelmed with the brutal burn of his cock inside you as he fucked you faster and harder than before until your slick wetness coated his entire cock, the sound of skin slapping echoing off the walls. It wasn’t so long until the both of you finally reached your climax— with you coming hard first and out of nowhere which led him to spill his cum inside you after telling him you were clean and on pill which made it so, so much better.
You remained still, catching your breath as he collapsed on your back, his nose nuzzling your nape. The whole aftermath felt almost romantic, you thought.
“You keep my cum inside you like a good girl so you can keep a memory of me when you get home, yeah?”
He whispered in your ear with a certain bite, tone so wicked it brought shivers down your spine, and when it was time to face him after shamefully tugging your underwear back up, careful not to spill any of his cum out of you, you weren’t sure what to do so you wait until he fixed himself up before saying something.
You tried to smile, but you were still so high from having sex with him in the basement parking lot you couldn’t help but to chuckle, not believing that this, in fact, actually happened.
“Don’t think we’re friends or anything.” He said, not looking at you as he smoothed his shirt down from you fisting on it earlier. “Don’t even know you like that.”
For some reason, you had already accepted it and seen it like that but still, you knew he had truthfully enjoyed this too. You can tell from how he’s looking at you right now or so you hoped.
“But can I… still like you?” There was a crack in your voice. Your round eyes practically begging him to change his mind about you.
“Sure, just stop liking Jeno.”
You stared at him in confusion, unable to discern how he came up with such accusation but it tickled your fancy. It actually made you tilt your head to down, tongue poking the side of your mouth, clearly amused upon realizing what he meant by that.
Guess you were so bad at hiding your tracks…
“Jeno?” You teased. “Your friend?”
“Stop liking him and I might just give it to you again. That’s it.”
“Oh, Markie,” You drawled seductively, the pink hue of your fair cheeks from post-sex rendering Mark sort off in trance-like state. You’re a pretty face for sure and he can’t deny that after all. “You only want me to be for you? As your play toy? How did you know?”
You attempt to touch his face only for him to grab your wrist with a vicious sneer.
“Don’t think you’re the only one watching.”
A sardonic grin graced his beautiful face, distracting you for a moment before he pulled you closer to him as if it was such a natural thing to do, his lips already brushing lightly to the shell of your ear to whisper what seemed to be a dire warning — like a harsh brewing storm about to wash you away and drown you into an endless abyss you can no longer escape out of.
“I’ve been watching you too.” Your mouth parted upon his confession as he nipped on your ear, his arms wrapping around your waist, fully claiming you. “…And I might be worse.”
A. N | Mark is currently bias wrecking me so hard right now I’m literally fighting for my life so I just had to let my frustrations out by writing this in one sitting. :)
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potchi-fics · 11 months
8 ball
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⋆。゚☁︎。⋆。 ゚☾ ゚。⋆
Bada and Y/n, for some reason, hate each others guts-- the two try and beat one another whenever they're in the same room. but what happens when the tension transforms into... something else? NOTE: there may be suggestive themes, or even full on nsfw🔞🔞.. i just wanted to give you all a heads up
Y/n, one of the it girls on the campus. she has everything: money, money, good looks.. everything. one thing about her is she's not the innocent girl you think she looks. oh, no, she's a woman who will do anything to get her way, no matter what.
Bada, like Y/n, one of the it girls. she, too, has everything Y/n has. but she's a player-- she doesn't, or rather, won't care about your feelings. she oozes fuck girl energy.
and they both hate loathe each other.
⋆ ˚。⋆୨♡୧⋆ ˚。⋆
Y/n and her friends are playing billiards, talking to one another happily, discussing about their stressing college life when Noze changes the topic to Y/n.
"so Y/n," dragging out the first word, "any updates on your love life?"
"please," Aiki snorts, "Y/n? love life? don't even bother-- ah shit!" by the looks of it, the cue ball fell in the corner pocket.
Y/n rolls her eyes playfully, "you're talking as if i'm not here, eh? and besides, i just haven't found my match." she pouts.
"oh, trust me," Monika quips remarks, "you have. by the way, you suck at this, Aiki."
the three only shared knowing looks while Y/n looks at them in confusion. she was about to ask what she meant when they hear a set of people take their place beside them.
Y/n face distorts into annoyance, only crossing her legs and staring at the other table.
"miss me?"
She scoffs, "as if."
Bada confidently strolls to her, ignoring the group. "oh c'mon, i know you do."
"talking nonsense, baby," the petname only making Bada smirk, "you're self-projecting onto me.. you're being so obvious, Bada." Y/n's honey like voice tease her.
their moment gets ruined as they hear Chocol's voice from the other table. Bada winks at Y/n, and she gave her a flying kiss as a reply. Y/n looks back at her friends and they all stare with their eye brows raised.
"nothing.." Monika answered.
Y/n grumbles. "what is it? tell me? and why does Bada have to choose a table beside us? there's like, plenty other tables."
Aiki and Noze shakes their head at her, "stop grumbling, you look like a baby. let's play!"
minutes pass by and her were all enjoying their stay; making jabs at each other whenever a shot doesn't work out. what Y/n doesn't notice is Bada throwing looks at her every 5 minutes.
"dude, stop staring at her." Haechi pokes fun at her, "we know you're in love and all, but seriously, play."
"i'm not in love with her," Bada denies. "stop saying that."
her friends only hums, resulting another comment from her.
"i'm being for real right now," Bada throws up a middle finger, "it's just so fun annoying her."
Chocol mumbles out, "yeah, that's how my grandpa and grandma met."
"oh, fuck off, Chocs." Bada groans while Haechi laughs her ass off.
a moment later and a woman walks in the place, she marches to where Bada's table is.
"oh! Redlic?" Chocs seem surprised.
Redlic clings to Bada, not even batting an eye to Chocol-- making Haechi and Chocol roll their eyes secretly.
"i missed you, baby." Redlic states, hugging Bada tighter.
Bada separates herself from her, "stop calling me that. you know i hate being called those."
"but if it's Y/n, you don't complain.."
"real, real."
hushed whispers from Bada's friends made her roll her eyes.
going back to Y/n and she is fuming. she hates that that woman keeps clinging to Bada. her stare was so intense that it looks like she's burning holes at the back of their head.
"relax, no one's gonna take your baby away from you," Aiki prods, "why so angry?"
she only roll her eyes and clicks her tongue, trying to focus her attention on the pool. "i'm not."
"enemies to lovers, 'm betting twenty-five dollars on that." Aiki added.
you did try to play, but you see that woman clinging to Bada in the corner of your eye, distracting you.
Noze stares at you in amusement, "how come you're still great at this even though you're distracted?"
"'cus sixty-five percent of her life revolves around this place," Monika remarks.
"then money, grades, coffee, and lastly.." Noze side eyes the other table, "Bada."
hitting the cue ball rather harshly, "you guys are crazy." she rubs the chalk cube against the tip of her cue, "my life does not revolve around her."
"it kinda does."
she only rolled her eyes for the millionth time today. before being able to strike the eight ball, Chocol comes over.
"hey, y/n," she raises her eyebrows at Chocol, "you wanna play against Redlic? the woman beside Bada. there's a bet going on right now, and you know.."
guess now you know her name.
"absolutely," Aiki answered for her.
Chocol nods her head and goes back.
Y/n hits Aiki's shoulder, "you didn't even give me time to think?"
"c'mon, don't you wanna beat Redlic?" her friend whines, "also, i wanna join the bet, so let's go."
Aiki drags them all to where a crowd is forming. she clicks her tongue once more, seeing how Redlic arm's wrapped around Bada's.
"you're the one playing against me?" Redlic cockily questioned.
Y/n simply nods, "yep."
"prepare to lose."
all Y/n could think was, is that all she can do?
Y/n shrugs, "we're wastin' everybody's time here, considering i'm only practicing."
Aiki shouts, "that's my chicken."
"that's right, i raised you like that!" Monika throws out.
and she sees Noze laughing and filming the whole thing. she also sees Redlic's face morph into irritation.
"you go first, i insist." Y/n comments, staring at Bada deviously at the end of her sentence.
Redlic is doing surprisingly well, knocking every ball she hits down the pockets. not forgetting to take shots at Y/n who only smiled and whistled. but on her third to the last ball, she missed.
"aww," she coos, her eyes drifting to Bada as she fixes the table. "that sucks."
Y/n winks at Bada, getting a smirk in response.
now, it was her time to show off. with every hit, every ball-- she mesmerised everybody watching, even Bada. with every ball that she puts in, fuels Bada.
down with the last ball-- the eight ball. she positions herself and fortunately, it was in directly in front of Bada. she bends over, not even caring that other people were seeing them. all she cares, right now, is to make Bada lose herself.
Bada's teeth sinks into her lower lip, her eyes roaming Y/n's body. she was so busy gawking at her that she doesn't hear the crowd exclaiming as Y/n won. hell, she doesn't even notice Redlic storming out of the place.
the crowd disperse but Y/n turns around to face her. she sees Y/n sit on the pool table, beckoning her over.
"enjoyed my show?" she let Bada go between her legs.
Bada puts her hands on the girl's hips, putting her face dangerously close to Y/n. "mhm.."
the air around them suddenly becomes thick, tension building up rapidly. Y/n's fingers massages Bada's nape and her thumb swiping Bada's lower lip.
her eyes lowers down to Y/n lips, "i loved it." she whispers.
"i can tell, baby."
slowly, Y/n pulls Bada towards her, and Bada lets her. just when their lips are about to touch, Y/n pulls back. Bada tries to chase her lips but she stops her.
"not yet," she murmured.
Bada breathed, "baby, why?"
"'cus i want to torture you." she kisses Bada's neck before pushing her away gently and walking to where her friends are.
Bada stares at you stunned as you saunter back to where your friends are because that's the first time that has happened to her.
"better luck next time, boss." Chocol pats her back.
Haechi snickers, "looks like you're the one who's gonna do the chasing."
deep down, she's more than okay with that.
OPS OPSS🤚 no nsfw yet hehe hope you all enjoy
・┆✦ʚ♡ɞ✦ ┆・
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vincentscrumpet · 1 year
High with my lover
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Reader X Conrad Fisher
mostly fluff (Spicy fluff but still fluff) may or may not write a smutty part two
Reader and Conrad wake and bake.
It was a cool summer morning in cousins, you had been up all night tossing and turning thinking about Conrad.
So before sunrise you hurried down to the beach in your Pajamas and a jacket you found hanging up by the door.
As you near the end of the path, you notice a familiar tawny head of hair.
"Conrad what are you doing up so early?" You say with fake shock in. your tone.
He gives you a sassy look before responding
"I couldn't sleep"
you two really were like two peas in a pod.
"What's on your mind?" you ask softly
"its not important," he replies quickly.
You decide to leave it as there was a sense of seriousness in his tone, that softly told you to drop it.
You plop down next to him and silently sit in each others presence for a few minutes, before Conrad pulls out a joint and starts trying to light it.
"Dude it is 5:45 in the morning are you serious?"
"What its summer, It's not like I have anything better to do anyway." He defends himself
"Fair enough" you say and pull out a blunt of your own.
"What the fuck, since when did you start smoking y/n???"
"Pretty recently, it has the same effects as my anxiety meds without the horrible side effects." you shrug
He just stares at you for a minute as you light up and take a hit.
"Our moms are going to fucking murder me if we get caught." Conrad grumbles.
You just shrug once again and offer him a hit, he just chuckles and takes a long drag.
You can't help but stare as he exhales, there's something so sexy yet so wrong about watching your childhood best friend smoke.
"What, are you going to take a picture or something?" Conrad jokes
"Oh fuck off." you laugh and take the joint back.
Suddenly you get a brilliant idea. May it be the haze starting to wash over your mind? Maybe but brilliant none the less.
"Do you want to try something?" you ask
"Depends on what you have in mind..." He trails off
"Do you trust me?"
He just nods in response, his red eyes wide with anticipation.
You take a long drag from the blunt and Then kiss him while blowing the smoke into his mouth.
Conrad groans in appreciation and kisses you back, before exhaling through his nose.
"That was so fucking hot,"
He takes the blunt from between your fingers and does the same to you. He inhales the smoke and then grabs the back of your head and kisses you roughly while exhaling the smoke into your mouth as you had done to him seconds prior.
As you exhale the smoke he pulls you onto his lap.
"You know I think that was one of the best ideas you've ever had" he says in a raspy voice
You wrap your arms around his shoulders and rest your head in the crook of his neck to hide your blushing face.
"Don't get all shy now you started it Y/n." Conrad teases while pulling you back to look at you.
Your cheeks had gone vermillion at that point. You glance up into Conrads eyes and kiss him once more, this time he takes control and crawls over you, carefully laying your head down in the sand.
He gasps when you start to kiss his neck, and abruptly pulls back.
"Are you sure you're okay with this we don't have to do anything" Conrad states with a worried look in his eye.
" Believe me I want to, are you okay though?" You ask
He pulls back and sits next to you, "Okay promise not to laugh at me" He pleads
"Why would I laugh at you Conrad?" you say in a serious tone,
"Okay, this is sort of cheesy but I've wanted to do this for a really long time and well as hot as that was I want us both to be totally sober for this. I want to remember every single second of this"
you were too stunned to speak. Literally.
"Please say something you're freaking me out." Conrad says and pulls you closer.
"I feel the same way.. I love you Conrad.'
the two of you sit in comfortable silence and watch the sun rise the rest of the way before going back up to the house...
the end.. maybe. Let me know if you want a part two.
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1moreoffkeyanthem · 3 months
Alright my dudes, it’s time for another episode of Bedtime Stories With PCE,
•Comeback Of The Year•
For those unfamiliar, the Bedtime Stories series has been continuations of fics I published on ao3, within the OrangeJuiceVerse, that I don’t feel necessary have a place within the official lineup. This one is a little different.
This story isn’t a continuation or something that happened when we were in another character’s perspective; rather it’s a what we didn’t see. Chronologically, this takes place after the main 5’s first year of college, during the time Cartman’s leaving Colorado and Kenjorine and Style are moving into their campus apartments, set between Extremely Stupid And Incredibly Avoidable and It’s Not The Frat Flu. (As usual you don’t need to be familiar with those or the OJV in general to read this lmao)
ALSO!!! This idea is inspired by a suggestion from my dearest sickfic queen Ana @alwaysinstyle and I’ll explain under the cut before we get into the story!
(Tw for Kyle’s eating disorder thoughts, mention of behavior and mentality surrounding)
So I’ve talked before about OrangeJuiceVerse Kyle being a recovered anorexic, and said I probably wouldn’t write something with him actively struggling with his ed, BUT, my fine friends, last week in the R.A.N.T. Park chat the girlies and I were discussing my impending move and the factors surrounding it (including your local Whumpshot Wizard trying to kick her own relapse’s ass before my husband and I move rip lol), and Ana slid into my messages like “I have an idea that could work for OJV Kyle” and I RAN WITH IT!!!
Thus, this was born. A tale of everyone’s favorite ginger coming face to face with an eating disorder relapse in the middle of moving apartments in the summer heat. There is a fair amount of angst, but a lot of wholesome moments too, a lot of hope and healthy communication in typical PastorCraigEnjoyer fashion! And plenty of Stan being the sweetest boy on planet Earth lmfao I’m obsessed with OJV Stan it’s fine
If y’all read this, PLEASE let me know what you thought, and I hope it pleases and sparkles!!!
Without further ado, here y’all go:
Mid July was excruciating, to put it mildly, even in Colorado. Kyle couldn’t imagine how rough summers must be for someone in, like, Texas or something.
Maybe the weather would be tolerable if he was lying in the shade somewhere with an ice cold drink in his hand, listening to Stan play the guitar, maybe watching lazy clouds float through the endless blue. That idyllic mental picture was a lot more pleasant than his current reality.
“Ay! Get your lazy ass over here and help Kinny with this chair!”
The weird little house they’d spent the last year living in no longer suited the group’s needs, with Cartman declaring his gap year done and announcing that the online matchmaking and wedding planning service he’d been building up had taken off, that he’d be moving to Nevada. It was a fitting career for him, Kyle thought, but even if he and a certain abrasive fuckwad butted heads from time to time, that big of a change to the group dynamic made him anxious. They’d collectively decided to disband the SP Survivors Safehouse, all knowing that it wouldn’t be the same from here on out, but none of them giving voice to that.
It wasn’t that he was completely sad about leaving that place behind; it was kind of a shitbox, and these campus apartments were nice and well maintained. He and Stan would only be a few doors down from Kenny and Marj, and the units were decently spacious for what the rent was. Just… the adjustment of it all. The change in routine and life in general. That’s what had him stressed.
With a groan, Kyle pushed himself off the wall where he’d been taking a breather. “Yeah, yeah, I’m coming.”
Out of the minute shade the shadow of the building had cast, his vision went spotty with the shift in temperature. Seriously, it was too goddamn hot for this shit.
Kenny unclipped the ratchet strap holding his favorite recliner (a well loved sidewalk find) to the bed of the truck, turning to look at him with a quizzical expression.
“You good, firefox?”
“I’ll be better when we’re done getting everything inside,” Kyle complained, and immediately regretted his tone. All of them were out in the sun, not just him. “It’s just hot,” he amended.
Hopping out of Resurrection, Kenny gestured for him to climb into the bed. “I hear that, brother. Even Fatboy’s helpin’ speed shit up.”
From the staircase, arms laden with boxes, Cartman called down a “I heard that, broke ass bitch!”
“I’m commending your work ethic!” Kenny argued back, wide grin on his face. He braced himself to catch one side of the chair. “Gonna miss that fucker.”
Kyle shook his head and slowly walked the furniture to the edge of the tailgate. “He’ll be blowing up our phones with stupid shit even more than he already does.” Though, it’d take more getting used to than he wanted to think about. He didn’t have the energy to stress over it more than he already had been. He sighed. “We’ll get used to it. Ready?”
“When you are.”
“Yep, careful, Ken.”
“When am I ever not careful?” The blond replied with a smirk.
“I’m not answering that.”
Kenny chuckled, enviously buoyant and upbeat in a way Kyle couldn’t seem to match. The guy had always been a little more go with the flow, cryptic and weird sometimes, yeah, but overall good for a smile when you needed one, and Kyle very much did right now. He’d been driving everyone up the wall the past few weeks with his neuroticism; maybe he should take a page out of Kenny’s book.
“Alright, dude,” he said, “it’s coming down.”
Step one and done, chair on the grass, Kyle hopped out of the bed to begin the arduous task of helping his friend haul the damn thing up the stairs. Not particularly heavy, but awkward, and Kyle wasn’t feeling very strong today. Past month or so, come to think of it.
He knew why, of course, and it was his own damn fault.
Stress had always effected his appetite, and with everything going on, he’d fallen into some… old habits. And the worst part was, he was good at hiding it, even from his boyfriend. For nearly five years, Stan had been diligent (on his ass) about his eating habits, his health in general. Stan didn’t find Cartman’s ed jokes funny even when Kyle himself did. None of it was funny now.
He didn’t realize what was happening until he was already in it, an involuntary deficit awakening long dormant thoughts and behaviors, secrecy and avoidance. The lying came naturally, and that made him feel worse.
But it wasn’t a problem, Kyle told himself. He’d get back on track and no one would have to know, once they got this new chapter of their lives up and running. Just a momentary slip up, nothing to start an upset over. He was fine.
To prove it, Kyle let Kenny lead in front, taking most of the weight as they climbed the stairs. His friend whistled something he couldn’t quite place while he walked backwards, like he didn’t have a care in the world. A sickening trickle of sweat ran down Kyle’s back, an annoying ringing in his ears.
His arms were shaking when they at long last made it to the open door of number 207, and he spared a glance across the hall and down a ways to unit 210, his new home with Stan, who was currently inside with Marj getting the couch set up.
“Kyle? Hey, man, you hear me?”
Snapping back to attention, Kyle pulled his focus back to Kenny. “Sorry, what’d you say?”
Kenny raised his eyebrows and started backing up into the apartment again. “Dude, I was saying we could put the chair in the corner for now. You alright?”
“Like I said, just the heat,” Kyle assured him. Though now that he was inside, out of the open concrete hallway with its hot wind, he was suddenly freezing. Freezing, but still dripping sweat from what felt like every pore. Maybe coffee wasn’t enough to get him through the morning after all, but he hadn’t been able to stomach the thought of anything else.
Cartman rounded the corner, wiping his hands on his jeans and scowling on his way to the front door to grab some more stuff from the truck.
“This is why I told you guys to hire movers like I did,” he started condescendingly. “By the time I get to my sweet new house tomorrow, all I’ll have to bring in is my backpack.”
“And yet you’re still helping us out of the goodness of your big fat heart,” Kenny pointed out. “You do love us.”
“Nah, fuck you guys.” Cartman flipped them a middle finger on his way out.
Kenny laughed as he set his side of the chair down, Kyle following suit on that, but not the laughter.
His head felt like it was being squeezed on all sides, blood fervently racing through his veins, clouds at the edges of his sight. He hadn’t even straightened yet, but the room was spinning. Kyle slowly pulled himself up, undeniable dread flooding his gut when the vertigo worsened.
“I’m-“ he started thickly, swallowing hard with a throat that felt like a stale desert. His own voice sounded like he was hearing it underwater. “Ken, I don’t feel so good-“
Kenny’s eyes went wide. “Holy shit, you look like a ghost! Okay, get down, get down, you’re good, dude, sit down…”
Even with Kenny’s secure grip on his arms, Kyle felt his legs turn to jelly right as his vision turned white.
He couldn’t decipher what his friend was saying, only that his tone was calm, reassuring and steady. How was Kenny so calm? Kyle was abruptly made aware of his own panicked breathing, eyes burning with tears while they struggled to focus again. He was on the floor, and didn’t remember getting there. Why was it so cold?
“-re you are.” Kenny’s voice still sounded distant, but a little clearer now. “Just keep your eyes open, dude, we know how to handle this, you’re fine.” The blond turned his head to the open door. “STAN!”
Kyle felt wrong. He hadn’t gotten snappy and irritable like he usually did when his blood sugar dropped, so even if he was low (definitely on the table here), it wasn’t just that. There was something else up too, and he was scared, and embarrassed, and whyisitsohardtohearanything-
“Ky?! Shit, baby, I’m here, I’ve got you.”
He could blearily make out the shape of his boyfriend kneeling beside him, feel the hand that burned like fire on his cheek. “Can you hear me, dude?”
“‘S hard to,” he managed.
“That’s okay, we’ll fix it, I’m here,” Stan repeated, and looked up at Kenny. “What happened? Did he fall? Pass out or just get really close?”
Kyle was vaguely aware of his tears being wiped away by someone who smelled like green apples. Oh, fuck, he was probably scaring Marj. He had to calm down; panicking never helped in a situation like this.
Kenny stood up, beelining to turn the ceiling fan on. “Said he wasn’t feelin’ good, and then he went all white, and then his eyes rolled back so I got ‘im on the floor. A low, right?”
His hands were tingling. Stan was shaking his head.
“He doesn’t freak out like this over it normally, you know that. Kyle, dude, what else is going on? You get too hot?”
Marjorine sounded worried. “Oh, geez, should we call 911? I’ve heard heat exhaustion can be real bad.”
Kyle’s heart felt like it was working overtime to get blood to his brain, stomach twisting with nausea and mouth drier than the wrinkled up orange peel he’d found in one of Stan’s drawers when they were packing.
“Hypotension,” he whispered. “Gotta… legs above my head. Drink something.”
Stan nodded, already sliding a box under his sneakers. “Ken, there’s Gatorade in my bag at our place. Can you grab the full sugar one?”
“On it, bossman.”
Marj softly ran her fingers through his hair, rubbing his temples in an almost motherly gesture. “You just lie still and catch your breath,” she advised. “You’re probably just dehydrated with how hot it is and all. You’ll be feelin’ better in no time.”
Oh, no doubt, but if only it was just that. “I’m sorry,” he muttered.
“Dude.” Stan took his hand and kissed the back of it. “Shit happens, okay? You’re just gonna need to take it easy for the rest of the day, right?”
“Right.” Kyle sighed, uneasy and hating how much his body was still shaking, but at least his senses were starting to come back after a few minutes horizontal. “‘M just not built for summer.”
His partner snorted. “I know, baby. I’ve heard you complain about how sunburned you get every summer for our whole lives. Full on lobster the second the sun comes out. I don’t think I’ve seen you faint from low blood pressure, though, not since-“ Stan’s face fell at the realization. “…oh, Ky, no…”
The mix of shock and concern and guilt and sympathy and fear on Stan’s handsome face felt like a punch in the gut. Kyle couldn’t meet his eyes. “It’s not what you-“
“You were up before me,” Stan cut in. “Did you eat breakfast?”
His head hurt. “I told you I did.”
“And you were lying,” Stan inferred, his voice cracking.
His sweet, sensitive Stan. The regret of hiding his recent bullshit from the man who worried so much about him threatened to, ironically, eat Kyle alive.
Before he could think of something to say to save face, Kenny returned from his side quest, Cartman close behind and carrying a box labeled ‘Another Man’s Treasure’, also known as Kenny’s assortment of random junk to hypothetically be used in a project at some point.
Their no-longer-resident asshole set the box down on the kitchen counter. “You just had to have a dramatic little moment today, didn’t you, Jew?”
“Cartman,” Stan warned, ripping the the nutrition information off of the Gatorade bottle Kenny passed him with far more force than necessary, “I’m telling you right now to lay the fuck off him.”
Naturally, Cartman didn’t lay off. “Hell no! Using his sneaky little ways to get out of physical labor? I must say, Bone Broth, I’m impressed.”
Kyle managed something resembling a weak laugh at that; “Bone Broth” was a new one, so stupid it was almost funny. That is, until the other three shouted “JAR!”.
How were they going to keep up Fuckwad Jar records if the five of them no longer lived together? What even was the point of it anyway? It was too much, all too much. Too much change, too much going on, he felt like microwaved garbage and Stan still had an unreadable look in his eyes. Maybe that was just still Kyle’s brain catching up to full consciousness, though. He could always read Stan, eventually.
He’d have to explain himself later, because his boyfriend had shifted into full caretaking mode.
“Ignore him, dude,” Stan said, taking Marjorine’s spot at his head. “I’m gonna sit you up, really slow, okay?”
Kyle nodded, blinking away the dark spots in his eyes at the movement and letting Stan hold him against his chest, one arm around him for stability, the other guiding him to drink. The cloying taste of lemon lime flooded his tongue, but the thickness in the back of his throat from unshed tears lingered.
Kenny squatted down beside them, extending a fist. “Aight, grandma, dap me up. C’mon, I’m checkin’ your motor functions and shit.”
He obliged, slowly completing the handshake with an eyeroll. Leave it to Kenny McCormick.
Unfortunately, ignoring Cartman was easier said than done, especially when he let out an exaggerated groan.
“I’m so seriously, you guys. I could already be relaxing by the pool at my hotel instead of watching the rest of you coddle the damsel in distress, but nooooo, we have to pause the whole move just because one bird boned bitch can’t pull his weight.”
Kyle was willing to let that one slide; it was true, wasn’t it? Even if Cartman could have phrased it a little less cruelly. Marj stood up on his behalf.
“Eric!” All four boys stilled at her rarely used stern voice. “You know darn well you’re only actin’ out because you don’t do well with change either, mister! Now, apologize right now!”
“Damn, Buttercup,” Kenny whistled, audibly impressed. “Called Fatboy out.”
Cartman grumbled, rolling his eyes, but sighed with genuine defeat. “I’m sorry for being an asshole, now will you guys hop off my dick?”
“None of us want to be on your dick, fatass,” Kyle pointed out.
“Keep it that way, you anemic twink.”
“Okay, I’ve had enough of this,” Stan groaned. “Ky, the bed in our place isn’t made, but it’s put together. Let’s get you somewhere quiet to lie down, okay?”
That sounded nice, but Kyle really wasn’t looking forward to the third degree he was about to get. He didn’t want to get defensive like he knew he would, didn’t want to act like a dick. Still, he resigned himself to be swept up into a safety that didn’t feel deserved.
“Sorry I freaked you guys out,” he muttered, arms draped around Stan’s neck, Gatorade bottle dangling loosely from one hand. “I’ll help finish up in a little bit, promise.”
“No the fuck you won’t.” Stan tightened his grip, pulling Kyle closer to his chest.
As his boyfriend carried him to their apartment, he could hear Cartman taking over command of getting the rest of Kenny and Marj’s stuff in. Dread pooled in his empty stomach, dread that he wanted out. Kyle felt exposed. He’d been seen right through, and scrutinized, all over again.
The summer before and into his ninth grade year had been one of the lowest points of Kyle’s life.
He couldn’t pinpoint exactly when it had all started, but by the time he started to notice the changes to his body, to his pattern of thinking especially, he was spiraling down a dangerous path.
There was comfort in controlling what he could in the here and now, Kyle had realized, especially with the future seeming so uncertain. He wasn’t fucking stupid; he had known right off the bat that obsessively counting, competing with himself to see how little he could get away with eating, even shoving his fingers down his throat on a few occasions just to prove to himself that he had control, all of that was dangerous and would only make him feel worse in the long run. And yet, he’d spent months getting extremely efficient at running on nothing but his own stubbornness.
Kyle hadn’t been the one in control, though, not after a certain point. No, his eating disorder had controlled him.
His mother had seen it, because of course she had. But Sheila Broflovski, loving and caring as she was, hadn’t a clue as to how to approach the matter. One of her “solutions” had been to organize a dinner party with all his friends and their parents, a subtle way, he’d find out years later, to try and get her eldest son to associate food with celebration and love again; good things, not something to be avoided. But the well meaning idea had only sent Kyle into an anxious frenzy.
“Ma, you have got to be fucking joking! You didn’t think, oh, I don’t know, maybe you should ASK ME?”
“Now listen here, young man-“
Oh shit. Kyle knew that tone, and had dreaded hearing it his entire life. Worried and angry at the same time was easily the most frightening version of Sheila Broflovski. He’d seen a good amount of that side of her around that time, come to think of it.
And Kyle could out-argue anyone; he could diffuse high tempers or match them, whatever the situation called for. At fourteen, he counted that as the best tool in his arsenal.
But he had been tired, for months. So fucking tired.
Plus, the only people he’d never won a screaming match against were God and his mother. His voice had, for once, faltered.
He would find a way to make a damn dinner party work.
“S-sorry, ma,” he’d managed. “That sounds like a good idea. Just, uh, just remember that Stan doesn’t eat meat, when you’re cooking. Like, leave the bacon out of the green beans.”
She had looked like there was something on the tip of her tongue that she wanted to ask. Kyle felt the weight of her stare settle on his shoulders like the shirt that had been hanging off of them; incidentally what had caught the attention of the captain of overbearing mothers in the first place.
But she’d softened, apparently having agreed to his unspoken truce and switching tactics. “Alright, sweetie. Now, you’re doing homework in your room again, I’m assuming? Oy, you’ve just been working so hard since high school started! I’m so proud! I’ll bring you some snacks later so you can keep that focus up, bubbeh.”
Kyle had fought to keep his face even. He couldn’t tell her. Not even Stan knew he couldn’t focus if he ate, which was why he… kind of hadn’t been. But he’d nodded and said,
“Okay. Thanks, Ma.”
He hated to think back to that party. The whole night had been spent dodging pointed looks, staying talking as if on autopilot to act okay, to distract the people he loved. To hide. It was his problem, not theirs.
But everything that passed his lips that day did so twice.
Now here he was, and it was a problem again.
Kyle’s anxiety only spiked entering the apartment that was, in theory, his home for the next few years. It didn’t feel like home yet, just an impersonal cookie cutter one bedroom, its beige walls and vertical blinds taunting him. New chapter, they seemed to say. New chapter, but there’s a misprint; we’ve read these words before.
Stan softly kissed his forehead and set him down on the bare mattress. “You’ve got some color back,” he noted. “How do you feel?”
Looking anywhere that wasn’t into worried blue eyes, Kyle shrugged. “Okay, I guess. Hands are cold.”
“Baby, look at me.” Stan took his hands in his own warm ones and drew a deep breath. “Dude, are you relapsing?”
“That’s not-“ Kyle forced himself to pause and take the hostility from his voice. He needed to communicate clearly and honestly; immediately acting like he was being attacked would help no one here, and Stan only got overreactive when he had cause to freak out.
“I’m not sure,” he admitted quietly. “It just kind of… happened, I guess. I didn’t realize, dude, I swear. Not really.”
“…okay.” Stan was chewing his bottom lip, and Kyle’s heart lurched, feeling his boyfriend’s fingers twitching but not letting go of his hands even though he obviously wanted to chew at his own like when he got nervous. “How long?”
“Past month or so?” Kyle guessed. “Seriously, I was gonna go back to normal after we got settled in; it wasn’t on purpose-“
“That’s not you talking,” Stan interrupted. “Honey, you know that’s not you. That’s the anorexia. Trying to justify it.”
Stan was never this blunt. He hated using that word, always had. He said it felt too big, too scary. Kyle didn’t want him to be scared.
“Dude, it’s under control,” he insisted. I just needed one less thing to think about for a little bit.”
“Do you even hear what you’re saying?!?” Stan asked incredulously. “Ky, you know better! You know that’s not how this works!”
“Don’t fucking yell at me!” Kyle sobbed out, overwhelmed and hating that he was crying again. He was the least prone to tears of the group; another thing that was apparently crumbling.
Stan slowly sat down on the edge of the bed, hands up in surrender and eyes like saucers.
“Baby, baby, shh, I’m not yelling, okay? I’m not mad at you. I’d never be, no matter what.”
“I… I know,” Kyle whispered. He didn’t protest Stan’s hand moving up to cup his cheek tenderly.
“Kyle, you remember what you told me your therapist said when we were in high school? That it’s a slippery slope, dude. You give it an inch, it takes a mile, right?”
She had used a metaphor that stuck with him. say you’re climbing a mountain, sticking to the path that you know you’re supposed to be on. A few feet to the side, there’s what looks like a shortcut, something easier than the path. But what you don’t see until it’s too late, and you’ve already strayed, is that the shortcut gives way to slippery gravel, and eventually you slide back down to where you started.
“Fuck, dude,” Kyle groaned. “Can we just pretend this never happened? It’s out in the fucking open now, not like you’re gonna let me get away with more bullshit.”
Stan shook his head. “I’m not gonna let it keep trying to get you, dude. It made you sick.” He looked down, shoulders sagging. “I’m sorry I didn’t know. I knew you were stressed, I just-“
“Sweetheart, c’mon.” Kyle wasn’t about to let Stan blame himself for missing the signs. “Don’t do that. I’m just really good at hiding it.”
“Making your ancestors proud with your deceptive ways,” Cartman quipped from the doorway. He turned his attention to Stan. “Hey, Big ‘n Tall. Marj needs help with a bookshelf.”
Stan rolled his eyes. “So why aren’t you helping her? I’m busy.”
“Because.” Cartman crossed his beefy arms over his chest. “I need to have a little talk with Kahl.”
Clearly suspicious, Stan stood up and squared to their friend. Kyle knew the two of them didn’t usually have real beef, but Stan was obviously on edge and feeling overprotective.
“He’s not feeling well, assclown. I don’t want you to work him up.”
Cartman raised one eyebrow, unfazed by Stan’s intimidation tactics. All five of them knew that while he could certainly look scary, he wouldn’t hurt a fly unless completely unavoidable.
“Relax, Lancelot, I can babysit your languishing fleshlight without starting a fight.”
Annoyed, Kyle raised his hand. “You two realize I can hear you.”
Stan glanced back and forth between them for a pregnant moment, then sighed. He knew Kyle could handle himself, especially when it came to Cartman being an asshole, which was much appreciated. Finally, he sighed, relenting.
“Alright. Ky, just take it easy, okay? I’ll be right back. Cartman-“
“-Don’t piss off the Jew, got it.”
Stan bent down to kiss Kyle gently while Cartman pretended to gag. “We’ll beat it together, baby.”
“Together,” Kyle agreed, feeling like there was a fist clenching his heart when his partner left the room. Cartman sat on the edge of the bed and glared at him.
“You’re a fucking dumbass.”
Classy. “Thank you, Cartman, is that all?”
“No, that’s not all, bitch. Listen up.”
And Kyle was, picking up on the seriousness in his friend’s voice. He sipped at his Gatorade and gestured for him to go on.
“I need you to be okay, you idiot.”
That made Kyle pause. Cartman anxiously ran his hands through his messy brown hair.
“Look, dickhole, it’s no secret that your body hates you. Sucks to suck, and all that. But you’re stupid for thinking you can outsmart it. That shit-“ he gestured vaguely in the direction of Kenny and Marj’s place. “-That shit can’t happen. You can’t get sick like when we were in high school.”
Kyle opened his mouth to insist that he was never planning on letting it get that far, but Cartman held up a hand.
“We all know you love to talk, but let me finish.” He shot Kyle a look that meant business until he was sure he wasn’t going to be interrupted. “Good. Okay. Fuck, this is hard to say, alright. Okay. You can’t get sick,” he repeated. “It would fucking break Stan. The stupid hippie would cease to exist if anything happened to you, and you know I’m not fucking around. He needs you. We… all need your annoying ass.”
Against his will, Kyle started to smile. “Is this you admitting you’re gonna miss me, Eric? Kenny was right, you do love us.”
“Fuck off, I hate you guys,” Cartman muttered. “And Christ, just call me “fatass”, it’s gross when you use my name. Save the faggotry for that misguided simp of yours.”
Kyle laughed. His face was tingling, but he really was feeling a little more human. “Just trying to annoy you, fatass.”
“Good. Keep doing that. Don’t make it weird. Listen…”
Cartman took a deep breath, like he was about to dive into the unexplored. Well, he kind of was, starting his career away from the safety net of the rest of them, Kyle supposed.
“This doesn’t leave this room, am I clear, Starving In Suburbia?”
“You know, it concerns me every time you reference one of those movies.”
“Damnit, Jew, am I clear?”
“Jesus, yes. What?”
“If you, uh, if you want, I can ask my therapist for some recommendations. You know, colleagues of his that do remote sessions and specialize in your bullshit.”
Kyle knew Cartman hated talking about therapy, about his fucked up brain and cocktail of medications, so the fact that he was offering was wild. Probably not necessary, but wild.
“Dude,” Kyle started, “I appreciate that, seriously. But I don’t think it’s at that point, you know?”
“I have a call with him day after tomorrow, I’ll at least get some names.” The way he said it made it clear that he needed to feel like he was helping. Not for Kyle’s sake, but for his own peace of mind.
Kyle sighed. “Thank you. Seriously, that’s really nice of you, dude.”
Cartman scoffed. “Please. I just need you to have your shit together so I can torture you without, like, karmic consequences.”
Typical. “Karmic consequences, huh?”
“Uh, duh, dumbass. You can’t rip on an anorexic if they’re actively in it. Everyone knows that.” He rolled his eyes. “For real, though. Get your shit together. I’m not having this conversation again.”
Movement caught Kyle’s eye in the doorway. Stan, leaning against the doorframe with his arms crossed, but his face was relaxed, like he’d heard that last part.
Cartman turned. “Oh good, the guard dog’s back.” He sprang up like he hadn’t just hit Kyle with the tough love he didn’t know he needed. “Later, cocksuckers.”
“Thanks again, fatass,” Kyle repeated.
“Thank me by not being a delicate little bitch next time.”
Stan took his spot on the mattress, eyebrow raised. “Dare I ask?”
Kyle sat up against the headboard, curling his arms around his legs and resting his chin on his knees. “Just wanted to tell me to get it together. Apparently kicking me when I’m down would cause cosmic chaos.”
“Can’t have that,” Stan chuckled. “But really, dude. What do we need to do here? I’m not letting this thing fuck with you anymore than it already has.”
Thinking back to the first time around, Kyle remembered how strict his rules had been in early recovery. Meal plan, online school, limited physical activity, outpatient therapy multiple times a week. Granted, he’d been pretty fucked physically and mentally back then. This hardly even compared, in his eyes.
“I… think I just need accountability,” he said carefully. “For a little while, it’s not like…” Kyle sighed again. “Believe me when I say it’s not like it was the first time, Stan. It’s just… call it a sophomore slump, I guess.”
Stan cracked a half smile, still visibly worried, but like he trusted him. “Little slip up? You’re feeling like you can get yourself healthy pretty quickly?”
Kyle reached a hand out to take Stan’s. “Promise. The mentality behind it isn’t the same, you know? The body dysmorphia and the compulsions aren’t there, I just fell into some of the habits. Call me on it if you see it, okay?”
“I will, dude,” Stan swore. “I’ve always got your back.
Stan used their intertwined hands to pull Kyle into his lap, softly rubbing his back. “I need something from you too though.”
“I need you to tell me when you need support, baby. With words. I don’t want to miss the signs again, dude.”
Kyle looked up into his impossibly soft gaze, both vulnerable and open. “Oh, sweetheart, hey. That’s not on you, at all.”
“It is, though.” Stan cupped around the back of Kyle’s neck, bringing his head back into his chest protectively. “We’re a team, Ky. How many times have you told me that? Whatever the game is, we’re on the same side.”
“Dude, don’t quote me at me,” Kyle laughed. It had the intended effect, though, for sure. “But I hear you.”
“Yep, and we’ll be all good in no time,” Stan promised. “We’ll get used to this new place, start our second year of school, all that shit. It always works out, right?”
“We figure it out,” Kyle confirmed.
Stan’s grin was audible, brilliant and soul stirring, even if Kyle couldn’t see it. “Turn that sophomore slump into the comeback of the year.”
Then Kyle did pull away enough to see his face, trying to feign annoyance on his part. “How’d I know you were gonna quote Fall Out Boy at me?”
“Hey, you started it, I just finished it.”
“Proud of yourself, Stanathan?”
“Very much so.” Stan lightly ran his thumb over Kyle’s bottom lip before kissing him softly.
And Kyle believed him when he said, “but more proud of you.”
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yayeetsonny · 7 months
Let you down (USWNT x Young!Reader)
This one was inspired by a song by a rap artist by the name of NF. Obviously I don’t own any part of the song in anyway shape or form.
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This one deals with Anxiety and Sadness and just overall not great emotions but it does have a happy ending. Also has squint and you’ll miss it Mal x reader. Mal is also younger to help fit the plot. Hope you enjoy. All mistakes are mine, Not edited.
“Feels like we're on the edge right now
I wish that I could say I'm proud
I'm sorry that I let you down
I let you down….”
“Please don't come after me
I just wanna be alone right now, I don't really wanna think at all
Go ahead, just drink it off
Both know you're gonna call tomorrow like nothing's wrong
Ain't that what you always do?
I feel like every time I talk to you
You're in an awful mood
What else can I offer you?
There's nothing left right now, I gave it all to you…”
Suddenly my earbud was ripped out of my ear cutting off the song i was listening to. “Hey! What the hell Mallory? I was listening to that!” I said angrily as I grabbed my earbud back from her and turned to walk away.
“Okay, woah, chill out dude I was just gonna ask you if you wanted to join the girls and I for lunch after practice…” She said pointing at the girl’s behind her who were watching us curiously. I sighed quietly, pinching the bridge of my nose in frustration, mostly at myself realizing I overreacted.
“No thank you. I’m sorry I snapped at you. Shouldn’t have.” I said softly before shoving my earbud back in my ear, walking away to the other side of the field, picking up a ball on the way and absentmindedly juggling it.
“What’s her deal?” Rose asked, face scrunched in confusion.
“No idea, all i did was take the earbud out of her ear to ask if she wanted to go to lunch with us and she snapped at me. She said no, which is fine but somethings wrong, I can tell.” Mal said
“that’s not like her at all, should I try and talk to her?” Christen asked popping up out of nowhere.
“You might be the right person to do that, not totally certain she seems pretty upset about something.” Mal said shrugging slightly
“I’ll give it my best shot.”
For the second time in 5 minutes my earbud was taken out of my ear cutting off the depressing music blasting out of it.
“Okay seriously, Mal if you don’t get away from me in the next 10 seconds I swear…” I trailed off as I turned to face who I thought was Mal but turned out to be Christen. “Oh s-sorry Chris I thought you were Mal. What’s up?”
“That’s okay, although your reaction when you thought I was her is a little concerning… Everything okay? Did she do something to upset you?”
“No, no, i’m sorry. She didn’t do anything, not really anyways, I’m just irritable right now.”
“What’s going on?”
“I’m just really lost in my head I guess.” I shrugged absentmindedly as I sat on the bench and changed into my slides.
“Lost in your head about what, love?” Chris asked as she moved to sit next to me, resting her hand on my knee.
“It’s nothing, it’s stupid Pressy don’t worry about it.” I said, shooting up and jogging away.
“Something is definitely up with that kid. Time to gather the vets and do some gentle prodding.”
I quietly made my way onto the bus and went all the way to that back, curling up into a seat turning to face the window so my teammates knew to leave me alone. My phone dinged and I already knew I wasn’t going to like what I read.
“You think you’re some big shot now that you made it to the national team? You know it’ll only be a matter of time before you crash and burn. Come home before you embarrass me on national television.”
It was a text from my father. He’d never been the most supportive of my dreams and my current career. These last few days however he’s been more… aggressive with his words. I don’t know why or what I did but he’s been telling me I’ll only be an embarrassment to him and my step mother. That he doesn’t need his friends asking questions when I inevitably fail. His words not mine. I haven’t told the girls anything about what he’s saying because i don’t want them to do something rash, like get on a plane and fly over and beat his ass which is something they’re not above doing. I let out a quiet sigh shoving my phone in my bag before closing my eyes and attempting to sleep.
Team Veteran’s POVs//
“Okay what’s with the kid?” Alex asked staring at our youngest teammate in concern
“She’s 18, you know?” Mal said cutting into our conversation. Megan shot her a sharp look and she went back to watching ATLA (pls tell me y'all know what that acronym stands for…) eating her mandatory after practice goldfish and drinking a juice box Tobin gave her.
“Doesn’t matter she’s still the youngest on this team so by default she’s still a kid to us.”
“That’s lame.”
“First of all, you just turned 19 like 2 seconds ago so you’re also still a kid and secondly don’t eavesdrop on other people’s conversations, it’s rude.”
“I wasn’t eavesdropping, you guys are all sitting together in front of me, it’s kind of hard not to hear what you’re saying.”
“Just put your earbuds in and pay attention to your show please.”
“Chris come on, she’s my best friend I- ”
“Mallory Diane do as I say please.”
“Okay jeeze, no need to use my government name.” She said rolling her eyes at me. I pinched the bridge of my nose and breathed in deeply to stop myself from correcting her.
“As you were saying?”
“Well she’s just acting odd, when was the last time she was like this?”
“I can’t even remember it’s been a long time.”
“What should we do?” Kelley asked reaching over into Mal’s bag of goldfish, taking a healthy handful, much to her dismay.
“Hey!” Mal slapped her hand hard enough for it to echo throughout the bus, causing everyone to look over at us in surprise, Kelley jerked her hand away, holding it like she’d been shot.
“Mallory Pugh! We do not hit people. Say you’re sorry right now.”
“Sorry Kel. I should’ve just used my words. Please don’t take my goldfish.” She said quietly.
“Thanks squirt, I accept your apology. I’m sorry too, I should’ve asked first.”
“lt’s okay, I accept your apology.”
“Good job using your words babe.” I said ruffling her hair slightly.
Once we were sure Mal was settled again we went back to our previous discussion.
“I say we just let her come to us when she’s ready, you know how she is when people push too hard.”
“I agree.”
“Usually I would agree but they way she snapped at Mal earlier tells me she’s about half a step away from either actually hitting someone or putting a hole in the wall.”
“That’s a little dramatic don’t you think?”
“When has she ever snapped at Mal, Ali?”
“Good point.”
“We still haven’t answered the question of what we’re going to do though.”
“I say we just be straight forward and honest, let her know we’re worried and that we’d like to talk to her and see if she’ll open up and tell us what’s going on.”
“Won’t that send her running for the hills?”
“Not if we don’t give her the opportunity to run.” Alex said getting a mischievous look in her eye.
“Oh no, I know that look, what do you have up your sleeve Al?”
“You’ll see” She said leaning over and whispering whatever it was she was thinking to Becky, who hummed in agreement.
After another hour we finally made it back to the hotel, got roommate assignments and got settled for the night. All the veterans on the team hung back after everyone else had left to go to bed, leaving just Alex, Tobin, Christen, Ali, Julie, Becky, Crystal, Kelley, And Alyssa in the Lobby.
“Okay Cap what’s the plan?” Tobin asked.
“The plan is we’re all going to Alex and Kelley’s room, to wait for the kid. We gave Mal a note to leave on her bed and told her to go hang out in someone else’s room so when she’s not there, she’ll have to go looking for her, and when she passes by the room we’ll grab her and lock her in with us until we get some answers about what’s going on.” Becky said, as we all huddled together and talked in hushed tones.
“So we’re kidnapping her?”
“Not kidnapping… more like, trapping out of love and concern.”
“Right… it still sounds a lot like kidnapping to me.”
“Just follow our lead.”
“Whatever you say, cap.”
We all went up to the room and waited anxiously to see if our plan would work. It only took about 10 minutes to receive our answer. A quiet knock on the door startled almost everyone in the room.
“I got it” Alex said getting up and padding over to the door.
“Hey little Lamb what’s up?” We heard her say.
“Uh… have you seen Mal anywhere?”
“No, I haven’t why?”
“It’s just we’re rooming together and she always waits for me to come up before she goes anywhere.”
“Hmm, I don’t know kid, sorry.”
“Oh okay, that’s okay, i’ll get out of your hair sorry to bother you.”
“You didn’t bother me it’s no problem.”
“Goodni-” She began to say but it was cut off when Alex quite literally grabbed her and yanked her inside, the force of which sent her stumbling forward into the room falling slightly. Alex quickly closed the door and locked it while she wasn’t looking.
“Alex, what the hell is wrong with you?”
“Hey, language.”
It was then that the young striker turned to look at who said that and saw all of us sitting on the beds.
“What the…? What is this?”
“An intervention… of sorts.” Julie said quietly.
“Intervention? For what?” She said her eyes going as wide as saucers
“For why you’re acting so weird lately.” Tobin said standing up, and crossing her arms, trying to intimidate our young teammate just slightly.
“I am not acting weird.” She said defensively.
“Yes you are.”
“No I’m not!”
“Really? Then why did you snap at Mal and technically christen today?”
“I was just irritated.”
“I don’t know, why do you guys care so much?”
“Because we’re supposed to look after you.” Christen said, raising an eyebrow when all she got in return was an eye roll. After a beat of silence she sighed loudly and sat down on the floor, hanging her head in defeat.
“Are you…okay?” Kelley asked as we all looked around at each other, unsure of what to say or do.
“I don’t know.” She said lifting up her head and rubbing her face tiredly. She took her phone out of her pocket, and after a moment threw it on the bed, and said “Read it”
We each took turns quietly reading the text conversation between her and her father, and after each person read it there was a noticeable shift in the room. Everyone was angry for her.
“Who talks to a child like that? Much less their own child?” Megan said beginning to pace around the room, angrily.
“I’ll kill him.”
“I’ll break his kneecaps.”
“You don’t need his approval you know that, right?”
“I just feel like I’ve let him down.” She said quietly, looking anywhere but at us.
“That’s not true. I won’t lie and say that he’s going to change his mind one day and say that what you’re doing is good enough for him but you don’t need validation from him, or anyone for that matter. All that matters is how you feel about yourself and the things that you do.” Ali said sitting down next to her and wrapping her arm around her, letting her lay her head on her shoulder.
“I’m not sure what I’m supposed to do now. I mean I know that what he said wasn’t cool, but i do still rely on him for stuff and at the end of the day I still have to go home at the end of camp.” she sighed.
“What could you possibly rely on him for?” Kelley scoffed
“Oh I don’t know, maybe, food, a roof over my head, things like that.” She said sarcastically.
“You don’t need him for that, you have us.”
“Oh right, like one of you is gonna want ME as a roommate.”
We all looked around at each other and a few of us shrugged.
“Why not? If you want, you can be me and kelley’s roomie.” Alex said smiling softly at the young striker who looked back at her with lots of skepticism.
“Or you could ask Mal if she’s looking to room with anyone.” Tobin said wiggling her eyebrows.
“You guys would really do that for me?” She asked, voice breaking just slightly.
“Of course we would kid.”
“Because that’s what family does.” Christen said, walking over to our youngest teammate and giving her a hand up.
“Group hug!” Tobin said as we all smushed together. The hug was brief however as we were interrupted by rapid knocking on the door.
“Okay, okay hold your horse’s I’m coming” Crystal said quickly yanking the door open, startling whoever was on the other side.
“Is Y/N here?” We heard Mal ask.
“Yeah, she is, you wanna come in?” Crystal stepped to the side to let the youngins into the room, mainly Mal, Rose, Sonnett, Trinity, Tierna, Sophia, Ashley Sanchez and Sam Mewis.
“We were wondering if-”
“Wait what’s wrong?” Sam asked, taking in Y/N’s tired and still slightly sad expression.
“Nothing Sammy, they just finished cheering me up actually.”
“Cheering you up about what? Are you okay?” Mal asked, stepping forward and wrapping her in a tight hug.
“Yeah I’m okay. My dad’s just being a little tough on me right now, that’s all.”
Ali scoffed, “I think he’s being a little more than tough on you, love. He’s being a jackass, and you don’t deserve it.”
“Wait, what did we miss? Come on, we never get to know what’s going on!” Trinity whined.
Y/N decided to show the new comers to the room, what they had missed and much like before everyone was visibly and vocally angry on behalf of our teammate all beginning to talk over one another, only stopping when Y/N loudly called out to them.
“Guys, guys, it’s okay. I don’t need you all conspiring to commit murder on my behalf, okay? It’s not necessary. I’ve already decided to take Alex and Kelley up on their offer to be their roommate.”
“Really? That’s great! We’ll get all the details sorted out before the end of camp.” Alex said wrapping her arms around her in a bear hug.
“Fine, is there anything else we can do for you then? Anything.” Mal asked.
“Movie night?”
“Anything for you.”
After everyone was changed and comfortable, everyone piled on and around the 2 beds in the room, Alex caught on to the fact that Mal and Y/N were laying together, with Y/N in between Mal’s legs, laying on her chest. She quietly nudged Julie who was the closest to them and she quickly took out her phone and snapped a picture, discreetly sending it to everyone but the 2 lovebirds.
“Awww! That’s so CUTE!” Rose said loudly, Sam quick to cover her mouth and shush her, Mal and Y/N looking at her in confusion.
“What’s so cute Rose?” Mal asked.
“Uh- nothing, nothing just a picture of Sam’s dog she just showed me.” She said nervously. Sam elbowed Rose in the ribs as she smiled sweetly at them.
“Oh yeah, just uh, it’s just a picture of Fin from the first bath he took.” She said nervously.
“Oh let me see!” Y/N said enthusiastically.
Sam quickly pulled up a picture to show her and mal and they both gushed over it quietly.
After a lot of debate and only a little bit of yelling, it was decided we would watch Monster’s inc. A Pixar classic.
While we weren’t sure how well the next few weeks would go for our youngest teammate, we all vowed to do whatever it took to show her that we would always be there for her, and that we would be the family that she had always been looking for.
This ending was awkward, and i overall don’t really like how this turned out. But hopefully it was decent.
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theshimadaslovers · 11 months
Summary: Party + you = drunk asf, but you boyfriend is there to take care of you :D Enjoy this random context!
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Cass- Hanzo! *in the background* Hanzoooo!
Hanzo- ?? *Looking around holding drink* Is that Cassidy?
Cass- Dude! *running to him and laughing* Yo! Y/n is so fuckin' drunk! She enter the pool!
Hanzo- She did what?!
Cass- She jumped in the pool! With clothes and everything!
Hanzo- She can't swim while drunk! *give his drink to someone random and ran* Where's the pool?!
*Get to the pool and saw you trying to swin to the edge while laughing ou loud*
Hanzo- Y/N! *Take off his jacket and shirt jumping in the pool* GET OUT OF THE POOL!!
You- I'm drowning! *laughing and he hold your waist pulling to him* Oooh...Romantic~
Hanzo- Why did you do that?!
You- Is hooot~
Hanzo- Not the pool! Just NOT the pool!
You- You want me to do what? Take off my clothes? I can do that...*starting to pull your shirt and he just hold your wrist* What?
Hanzo- Get. Out. Of. That. Pool... *he looked at your seriously*
*Later, you both were inside the house sitting in a table, you were wrapped in towel, still wet*
You- Hey! I want more whiskey... *raising the cup*
Hanzo- *take the cup out of your hand* Enough!
You- Whyy??~~
Hanzo- You're drunk already! Enough of drinks tonight!
You- You're not my dad!
Hanzo- I'm glad that I'm not! *sighs and you just lie on the table* Are you sleeping now?
You- I'm angry with you! You don't let me have fun!
Hanzo- *deep breath* I need to watch over you! I'm the one taking you home! You almost drowned and I looked away only for 4 minutes to talk with Genji! *no answers* Ok! Let's play something, shall we?
You- *look at him* A game?~ *smiles* The dart! *you stand up almost with no balance grabbing the darts on the wall and running back all happy* Hihihi! If I win! I get another drink!
Hanzo- *laughs and stands up* If I win... *serious* we go home.
You- Fine! I can do that!
Hanzo- I doubt that, you're drunk *smirk* You can barely see the center!
You- Haha! In your dreams! *hiccup*
Hanzo- Ok, I'll show how right I am! *go in front of the target putting his hand in the center* See?
You- *laughs* You're going to hurt yourself, idiot...
Hanzo- Go ahead, I'm confident enough to know that yo- *felt something hit the palm of his hand* .... you're joking, right?
You- *surprised* I... I wasn't aiming at your hand...oh God! Is bleeding!
Hanzo- *look at the dart on his hand* Right... it hurts.
You- I'm so sorry! *run to him and grab his hand* I'll take it off!
Hanzo- Wait wait wai-!! *take it off* Ouch...!
You- There we go! *smile worried* Can you move your hand?
Hanzo- Yeah... let's go home.
You- Waaait... I won.
Hanzo- Baby, no! No more drinks.
You- That was the rule!
Hanzo- You're going to vomit and you're going to cry because you hate vomiting! Let's go...? *sees you going get another drink* Wha-?! Y/n! *you open a bottle of vodka* Don't! Don't you drink from the bottle...!
You- After that, we go home~
*cut to a scene of him holding your hair while vomiting outside of the party, he only sighed*
Hanzo- You're done?
You-...*stands up starting to cry* I hate thaaaat!
Hanzo- Yep, you do...*fixing your hair* Let's go ho- *you bent over vomiting again and he holds your hair* Come on, baby...! Argh!
*cut scene at you sleeping in the back sit of the car while he drives*
Hanzo- *look at you from the mirror* You bad girl...*sighs and smirk* You're lucky to have me around.
*arriving at the apartment, he picked you up like a bride locking the car, go to the elevator calling and he waits taking a deep breath. The elevator door opens and two old ladies was standing there judging the situation right away*
Hanzo- *surprised and entering the elevator* Ah... could you press the floor 5, please, ma'am?
Ma'am- *look at him up and down then to you* You're taking a young girl to your apartment...
Hanzo- She's my drunk girlfriend, ma'am...*sighs* Please, she needs to rest.
Ma'am- How can I trust you?
Hanzo- Oh my God, ma'am, I live here have at least 5 years!
Ma'am- Mm...Oooh! *surprised* I remember you! You're my daughter's crush!
Hanzo- ...Right.
Ma'am- You're really handsome! Sad that you have a drunk girlfriend, that's very problematic.
Hanzo- *struggling to press the bottom* Is not...! *press it and sighs in relief*
Ma'am- You should meet my daughter, she would be a great wife! *happy* She's your neighbor, she dosen't drink or smoke, is a perfect lady! She would love to hang out with you someday, she never dated before.
Hanzo- Yeah, I see the reason why... *get to the floor and the door opens* Nice to meet you, ma'am *walks out*
*He gets in the house putting you to bed, he takes a long shower and the moment he steps out the bathroom wearing only his soft pants, he heard the doorbell*
Hanzo- Come on...! *throw the towel in the couch answering the door, it was...his neighbor* ...Can I help you?
Emily- Hi, I'm Emily! I came to apologize for my mother today.
Hanzo- Oh yeah, sure, is ok *sighs*
Emily- Do you have a minute to talk? *she looked at him a little too flirty*
Hanzo- Actually I'm really tired right now...maybe another time, good night *try to close the door, but she holds*
Emily- Wait! I really want to apologize!
Hanzo- ... *processing* What? I'm ok with this, really!
Emily- Is your girlfriend still there?
Hanzo- Yes! She practically lives with me! *impatient*
Emily- I mean...she still drunk?
Hanzo- I don't know and I don't care what do you want, but, good night! *she hold the door again* What?!
Emily- Hanzo Shimada! I need you! *she fell in his chest whining* Please! I need a man like you!
Hanzo- Is not me! Get out! *trying to push her* BAAABY!
*In a second...you were standing behind Hanzo watching Emily grabbing him, she noticed stepping away from Hanzo*
Emily- Oh...! You were awake! *laughs nervously* Hi!
You- *look at her up and down* ... Get. The. Fuck. Out.
Emily- I was...! Only...I mean! I! *nervous and you start to push her out of the apartment* Wait! I can explain! *she turns around trying to speak but you immediately shut the door*
You- *look at Hanzo*...
Hanzo- She came here because of her mother! *scared*
You- I need... medicine.
Hanzo- Headache?
You- Yeah and come lay down with me... *going back to the room*
Hanzo- ...*smirk* Are you regret it?
You- I don't wanna talk about it!
Hanzo- *laughs* I'll get the pills.
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He's just adorable :)
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k7l4d4 · 5 months
K Reviews and Rants: Miraculous Ladybug Season 5! Episode 1
Hello all! It's been awhile since I've posted. This post is the result of a favor I did for a friend, where we both wanted to tear Season 5 of Miraculous Ladybug a new one. Normally, I try to avoid that mentality, due to finding it unhealthy... but I've been needing an outlet for some of my anger issues, and took the chance to vent!
I'll be posting one episode a day until I reach the Finale, not counting "Action." Warnings for Profanity, I got REALLY upset while doing the reviews in several places!
Episode 1: Evolution 
Okay, finally started episode 1 of Season 5 and... I already hate this shit. Seriously, leaving the stilted feeling of the dialog, several parts of this set up kinda lowkey piss me off. First off, Hawkmoth just decided to "redo" his whole "obey me, fear me, or else" moment from Origins, and it's... lame. It's not impressive at all. Maybe it's because of something with the writing, I dunno, but the dude is trying way too hard, and I just don't get where the huge crowd came from. Oh, and WHY THE HELL IS THE EPISODE CUTTING BACK AND FORTH BETWEEN GABRIEL AND THE HEROES SO MUCH!? It's honestly really distracting from what's going on. Like, perspective cuts to show contrasting views can be interesting... but when you do it FIVE TIMES IN A ROW it just looks stupid as hell. 
Oh, and for some reason the writers seem to be wanting to cram as much dialog as possible into a 2 minute time frame, and it makes them sound like they are speed-reading a script. Where's the passion, the emotion!? I didn't come into this expecting to like this, but this is honestly pathetic. Oh, and FYI Tommy-boy, why the fuck would we want to sympathize with a man who explicitly calls the Kwami "not his prisoners, but his slaves"? News flash, people who unironically address other sapient beings as slaves ARE MEANT TO BE BAD GUYS!!! Blegh... I know I'm benefiting from having knowledge of what comes next, but even discounting how the Kwami come off as wet paper in terms of personality in the scene, expecting us to later sympathize with a guy who is treating them like slaves is all kinds of stupid. Oh, and him establishing that he can order the Kwami around despite having gotten their Miraculouses illegitimately shoots Miracle Queen's depiction of Chloe trying to super-charge herself in the foot. 
Okay... why the fuck is Nathalie saying "maybe there's another way" when he brings up the Rabbit Miraculous? Bitch, this is FAR from the first time he has used time travel to get what he wants and while one of those times it wasn't technically "him" who did it, he still was willing to take advantage of it. Like, why in the world are the writers including this?? Why are they trying to imply NOW, of all times, that Nathalie has a conscience. It's kinda fucking hard to do when she's been portrayed as a cold and uncaring secretary first, and a love-sick accomplice to a LITERAL TERRORIST second. Now she cares? NOW!? Fuck off with that nonsense, we don't need it here. 
Okay, seeing Ladybug and Chat trying to brainstorm how Hawkmoth could've gotten the Miraculouses only for the whole time-travel loop nonsense later to show up behind them... I just... why? Seriously, WHY!? Thomas, please explain, because I don't see the point to this. 
Okay, next up, we get the daily reminder that time travel fucking sucks in the form of Bunnyx bursting onto the scene. Also, the constant "stating the obvious" thing going on is just... how stupid do the writers think the viewers ARE!?? Also, if the episode is implying this is all a big time loop... then how come "Monarch" was able to show up in a prior episode without it immediately changing the timeline and causing Marinette to REMEMBER seeing him while being restrained by Lady Wifi!? Oh yeah, because the writers have no fucking clue how to make the nonsensical inclusion of Time Travel CONSISTENT in this stupid show!! 
Seriously, even if you take into account Bunnyx being more experienced at using the Rabbit Miraculous' powers compared to Hawky-boy, it's STILL AN ALTERATION that Marinette would've seen a portal appear behind Lady Wifi and Hawkmoth start to step out of it. 
Okay, now we get a completely needless exposition dump via Bunnyx regarding how the Rabbit Miraculous and the Burrow work... and I'm already tuning it out because this entire fiasco ignores how Bunnyx was getting ERASED by the Chat Blanc timeline, so this was all kind of a stupid diversion. 
Ugh... "it's you and me, remember" and I'm gagging. On the one hand, good on Ladybug for surrendering a bit of control in this situation... On the other hand, this scene overall just feels needless. And once more we get vaguely defined explanations on time powers. 
Okay, it's blatantly obvious that the writers are just artificially extending the drama here. There is no logical reason why in the world they shouldn't be rushing to grab as many of the Miraculouses as they can off of him, because HE IS NEARLY UNABLE TO MOVE AND CANNOT STOP THEM IF THEY RUSH. Like, they KNOW that he's only weakened so much because he's using too many Miraculouses at once, so why are they giving him the chance to correct that!? Seriously, Tommy, you do not keep drama and tension by doing crap like this. 
And Gabe demonstrates why he's a brain trust by basically stating that he is fully aware of what's currently wrong with him but thinking that shouting "I AM YOUR MASTER!!" will magically produce a different result... if this were meant to be funny, you could probably make it work, but the fact that this is meant to be a serious scene just... no. All the no. This is pathetic. It's EMBARRASSING. Do the writers seriously not get how stupid they are making him look and sound!? 
Again, why the fuck am I supposed to sympathize with a guy who is basically wasting time to throw a tantrum at his slaves/minions when he's been TOLD what's wrong and knows one of the reasons why, all in what boils down to the most selfishly stupid plot in the world? Why? What is it about this pathetic jackass that the writers find sympathetic!? 
And now we finally reach the point I fucking hate the most. See, back in the beginning, as weak as Fu's apparent reasoning on why he thought Marinette and Adrien would make for good heroes anyway was, it was still a reason... and now they are retconning it to be a "because destiny said so" moment. Fuck that. FUCK IT WITH A RUSTY SPOON!! Wasn't the entire fucking point of this whole fiasco being that the timeline gets fucked up when you interfere with events by using the Rabbit?? So why the fuck are they blabbing so much about the future? Okay, no, I get WHY, they need to be able to get to their future in the first place after all... but it's a pretty obvious double-standard in play when you show the heroes more or less ignoring the fact that they are messing with history, without knowing what the consequences will be, when that's the entire fucking reason they are trying to stop the villain in this instance. And I GET that it's a different situation, where they have no choice and are only doing it to stop Hawkmoth, who is doing all this for his own selfishness, BUT IT IS NOT EVEN ACKNOWLEDGED WHEN THEY APPROACH FU THAT THEY ARE INTERFERING WITH HISTORY. 
I just "love" how they bring up "not disturbing the river of time" without acknowledging that this entire SITUATION was one giant "disturbance in the river of time." Ughh... yeah, if I needed any convincing at all that Miraculous is shit at handling Time Travel plots, this would do it. 
This part with Alix is... kinda corny. Like, no issue with Alix wanting to study engineering, but her going "science rocks my boat" just... CRINGE. MUCH CRINGE. Like, I get the intent, but... forgive me if I'm wrong, but have we ever gotten any indicator that Alix and her dad are this close? Also, just... having Alix's dad be read in on this entire situation in general is just... why? On so many levels, WHY!? Knowing what's coming and what he does next just... 
UUUGGGHHHHHHHHHHHHHHH. This is painful. I am drained just trying to keep my eyes open through this self-congratulatory snore-fest, and it HURTS. And we've entered the end zone of this. Props that they at least ACKNOWLEDGED that Gabriel's tunnel-vision had blinded him to his alleged goal of reviving his wife/healing his wife... but again, WHY IS NATHALIE THE VOICE OF REASON!? Seriously, the lady. Is. A TERRORIST. Heck, this entire fiasco just illustrates how poorly they've thought this nonsense through, since he HAS MADE TIME TRAVELING VILLAINS BEFORE with Timebreaker, and a future Hawkmoth makes Timetagger, so them acting as if having the Rabbit is the be-all, end-all to achieving this goal is just... (Head meets wall) I can't. I'm gonna see it through to the end, but that's where my commentary on this nonsense ends. This is stupidity. 
Uurrgghh... okay, I will bring up one LAST point. Namely, this entire plot could've been avoided IF HE HAD JUST FUCKING SAID HE WAS TRYING TO HEAL HIS WIFE!! Seriously, he has established that time travel is already something he can fucking DO with the Butterfly via Akumas, and he now has the info to repair the Peacock and send it back in time via a USB port (ignoring how the fuck anyone in the past would even be able to use it, since technology CHANGES)... this entire clusterfuck is moronic, absolutely moronic. Gabe, you are a grade-A idiot and a petty piece of garbage. If your "love" meant ANYTHING to you, you wouldn't be getting tunnel vision over a teenager baiting you. Dumbass. 
Also... how the FUCK did Nathalie somehow know that Gabriel chose to engage Ladybug and Chat Noir rather than send the USB drive? Seriously, he didn't mention turning away and trying to attack them first, for all she knows, they attacked him BEFORE he could get the intel to his past self (seeing as they never once told the heroes of their goal, the heroes obviously would try and stop them on the assumption that it's something nefarious), so in this case... she's basically just guilt-tripping the idiot for failing and blaming him for not being unstoppable with a power he's had FOR LESS THAN A FUCKING DAY. If he weren't Gabriel, I would probably hate her for doing this... nah, I still hate her, since this just highlights how much of a self-righteous twit the writers turned her into in the name of making her "sympathetic." Blech.
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kayentokk · 1 year
MHA Boys X s/o with a fear of bugs
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Pairing; Kaminari Denki, Kirishima Eijiro, Bakugo Katsuki, Midoriya Izuku, Todoroki Shōto x GN! Reader. (Separate)
contains; fluff, bug killing
A/N; sorry! I haven’t posted in a while, Lowkey had writers block. I’m back though! :)
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❀Katsuki Bakugo ❀
Tbh dudes a grump lyt but a grump
Prolly so done with you
Like he just woke up can’t even process wtf is goin on
He’s got sleep itis bad
He has to be in bed by 9:30 and wake up at 5 to train
Sleep is super important 
And you tell him it’s a bug
Like you woke me up and ruined my sleep schedule for a bug
He thinks ur kidding 
So done with you ngl
Eventually kills it
Not happy
:/ 5.5/10
❀”….ski…Kats…..ki!” Bakugo rolled over and tried to get comfortable again, tuning out the noises. Then the groggy feeling of being shook out of his sleep, his oh so wonderful sleep, hit him. “Hm,” he grunts almost questioningly. 
He wasn’t fully awake yet, he could save his sleep. If only you would stop fucking shaking him! 
“What woman?!” He said shaking you off of him and hurrying his face into his pillow.
“‘Tsuki! There’s a bug! In the bathroom, and I really gotta go!”
He does a full 360. He sits up, drags his hands over his face, and just looks at you. He’s just staring, almost into space, the worlds blankest stare. It’s in between morning confusion, anger, oblivion, and more confusion.
“It’s urgent! How many times do I have to say it! There’s a bug in the bathroom, and I needa go!”
“…you woke me up….for a bug?”
“Yes! A really big bug!”
He’s fuming mad, he seriously can’t believe you right now. A bug? Really?! He can’t even be bothered by this right now, so he simply lays back down and pulls the covers over his head. 
You immediately pull the covers back and shake him awake once again, “wake up you big lump! It’s almost time for you to get up anyways!”
“I still have,” he tilts his head towards the digital clock on his nightstand, “7 minutes.”
“Come on! The bug is gonna get away by then, please?!”
He drawls out the worlds longest sigh, and tussles out of the bed with an attitude. He grumbles all the way to the bathroom, ‘can’t believe y’woke me up for some dumb bug, he grumbles while he kills the bug, ‘all y’hafta do is smash it’, and while he walks back getting into bed with 5 minutes to spare, ‘wasn’t that fuckin hard’ 
“Thanks Kats!” You say enthusiastically.
“Yeah yeah, just go pee now, don’t wake me up again either.” 
He was not happy when his alarm clock rang five minutes later, and his sleep schedule was now two minutes off. ❀
❀ Todoroki Shōto ❀
He’s super chill about it ngl
You’re just over his house hanging out
It’s getting near night time tho so you tell him you’re finna shower
He hears this high pitched scream
Immediately thinks smth is wrong
Rushes to the rescue
Gets to the bathroom and is utterly confused
Till you step out the way and he sees the bug
You don’t even have to say anything
He quickly grabs a paper towel and disposes of it
:) 9/10 -1pt for killing it ig(for the bug lovers out there sorry)
❀ “Shō, I’m gonna go shower real quick. Then we can maybe watch a movie after?”
“Yeah sure, I’ll start looking for one.” 
You smile softly and begin to walk up the stairs where a lovely hot shower awaits you. Well not so lovely because the moment you pulled back the curtain, you screamed in horror. 
It was like a dark purple worm looking thing, and it was in the tub. Not even a minute later Todoroki makes his way up the stairs and into the bathroom. He didn’t even ask what was wrong, he quickly grabbed a paper towel and disposed of the bug. 
“It’s raining and cold out, all the bugs are finding their way in,” he said nonchalantly.
Afterward, you were too paranoid to take your shower though, so you had him do a full inspection of the bathroom, and you made him sit in the bathroom with you until you were done in the shower. ❀
❀ Izuku Midoriya ❀
He’s such a softie :(
He just can’t bring himself to kill it
Even though you’re standing on the couch 
Hiding behind a pillow 
Screaming ‘kill it! Kill it Zu please!’
He just can’t
Gently traps the bug in a cup
And releases it outside far away.
❀ “AHHHH!” 
“What?! What’s wrong y/n?!” Izuku rushed out of his room into the living room in a panic.
You’re shaking and pointing to the wall opposite from you, the one with the TV amounted onto it with various pictures of you and Izuku. 
“It’s a spider! Kill it! It’s so big, Izu!”
You’re standing on the couch at this point grasping the cute brown throw pillow for dear life. For a moment, Izuku finds this situation a little funny and kinda adorable. 
“Ok ok, calm down I’ll get it.”
He went to the kitchen to grab a paper towel but then he thought about that poor spider, and its-his- poor life. He switched out the paper towel for a cup, and came back to living room. He trapped the spider and waited for it to climb into the cup, and then he ran outside far away from the house, and set it free. ❀
❀ Eijiro Kirishima ❀
Now listen
He’s a super manly man and all
He’d do anything for you beautycool
But when you screamed ‘Eiji it’s a bug help!’
He bout lost his shit
He said
Fuck a bug
Hell no
And he’s not doing it
This man-
Calls his best bakubro 
And asks him to come over
Just to kill a bug
You were so stuck on that the whole day
Even after Bakugo left right after killing the bug and almost killing Kirishima
That’s the day you learned that’s the only time he can’t help you
6/10 cuz at least the bug was gone
❀ “Eiji! Eiji help!”
He immediately rushes into the room, “what’s wrong?!” 
“There’s a bug! Eiji! Kill it!”
My boy does a full 180 and runs out the room.
“Eiji! What are you doing?!” You shouted from the bedroom.
“I’m gonna save you don’t worry!” He says as if you’ve been captured.
He quickly dials his best man, Bakubro, who picks up the phone irritated but gets concerned due to the urgency in Kirishimas voice. He tells Kirishima that he’ll be right over.
“Don’t worry pebble, reinforcements will be here soon!”
Just then harsh knocks were heard from the door, and you knew he had called Bakugo. 
He storms in asking Kirishima what’s wrong because he’s actually worried, and he’s confused as to why Kirishima looks so calm. 
“Listen Bakubro-“
“Don’t call me that! Just spit it out!”
“There’s a bug.”
“A bug-“
“Yes! But a really big one and it’s in the top corner of my bedroom, how will I be able to sleep at night if you don’t-“
“You sounded so distraught over the phone, for a bug,” uh-oh that’s his ‘you’ve gotta be fucking kidding me voice’ 
“Well I mean it’s not just a bug it’s-“
“Don’t finish that sentence, I’ve had enough of your stupidity for one day.”
He walks into the room, to see you just awkwardly standing on the bed the farthest away from the spider. 
“H-hey I just wanted to make sure it didn’t move…Eijiro was supposed to kill it-“
“Yeah, I know. Shitty hair does not do bugs. I come over here like twice a week for this exact reas-“
Before he could finish his sentence, Kirishima came into the room blazing. He had paper towels, Lysol spray, and for some reason a bowl on his head.
“Here! I grabbed all the stuff!”
“That’s too much shitty- never mind, hand me a paper towel.”
He quickly hands the paper towels over, bakugo goes to the corner, jumps up, and kills the bug.
“My hero!” Kirishima said jokingly.
“Yeah yeah, see ya shitty hair,” he said heading towards the door. ❀
❀ Denki Kaminari ❀
We’ve got another one folks
He’d do anything for you
But bugs-
9 times out of 10 you’re saving him
You know he doesn’t like bugs
So when he walked in the house while you were in the midst of looking for the bug you accidentally let in
That was not a good mix
Your little ‘Denki there’s a bug if you see it tell me so I can get it’
Had him panicking 
He stayed millimeters away from you
Aka he was all up in your bubble
Then all of a sudden 
This man
The one who’s training to become a hero
Hides behind you
Screaming about how he sees the bug
4/10 cuz you had to take care of the bug but he was cute tho
❀ It’s around here somewhere, you just know it. While bringing the groceries into the apartment, you accidentally let a moth in. You had looked around but figured it would come out sooner or later, and started preparing some ramen.
Minutes later, Kaminari walked in, and even though you knew he was gonna freak out you figured if you told him about it upfront he’d be okay. Boy, were you wrong.
“Why are you being so nonchalant about this?! A MOTH THATS PROLLY THE SIZE OF MY HAND IS FLYING AROUND!”
“Babe, calm down. Moths aren’t that big-“
“Just stay in the kitchen with me then, it’s fine.”
And of course as soon as you said that it came flying out from behind the couch cushion and into the kitchen. 
“Ahhhh! ITS RIGHT THERE!” He says cowering behind your leg. 
“Ok ok scaredy cat I’m gonna let it out.”
The moth was just flying around the light, so you went to the door opened it and turned off the light in hopes of the moth not swarming it anymore. Slowly, but surely it flew out of the door. 
You closed it shut going back into the kitchen to check on your fearless boyfriend. 
“It’s gone.”
“You lied to me! It was huge!”
“I think you’re exaggerating a little denks.”
“No you’re under exaggerating.”
You guys debated about the size of the moth throughout dinner, and he was paranoid the rest of the week. ❀
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@/firefly-graphics for the divider
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fluffypotatey · 2 months
leverage 2x03
Oooooh ok called “The Order 23 Job” 👀 so my guess is that it either has to do with hitmen or law related (OR MAYBE BOTH?????) 
Oh wait episode description say they take over a hospital floor????? What????? TO STAGE AN OUTBREAK?????? LEVERAGE??????
Y’all what am I about to get myself into holy fuck 
wait a minute…..is it just me or does this defendant guy look familiar…..either he is the same dude from the Miracle Job or he’s just a new dude
ugh gross 🤢 18 months????? fucking bs
Ok rip to me because I don’t remember the guy from the Miracle Job well but I think this guy is not him
Also, this Ronald man (paused it and the show his name on the cast list! thanks prime????) is either gonna kill the Eddie dude or be Leverage’s new client
He might assault him tho. That isn’t off the table. Assault and then he goes to jail LONGER than the white collar crime dude. Yes…..I can see that
AND HE STILL PUNCHED HIM!!!! I hope that felt good
Oh good just a warning
Guys am I getting a Hardinson episode??????
THEY ARE FUCKING FOCUSING ON HIM WHILE RONALD TALKS ABOUT HIS SISTER GUYS AM I WINNING?????? (I am so sorry Ronald your story is tragic and I am currently misty eyed BUT AM I WINNING YALL???)
Oooooooh did that cut close to you Nate???? An illness that could have been prevented and yet help was not afforded to you? 
How over his son’s death is Nate btw? Asking for a friend
Eliot and Hardinson shitting on rich people my beloved
Yes Nate :))))) he is a germaphobe :))) ABUSE IT
dam ok y’all just gonna talk about how you swindled some people in front of an officier (tho not like he can do much. you got your sentence and also government aid.) Jesus you must feel so invincible rn
I hate him. Eddie fucking sucks. 
“It’s about shifting fear” lmao i love irony 
Love you Bob
Man what did they drug him with?????
“Let’s go steal us a hospital” y’all i love this show
Awwwww Parker’s mini panic (same girlie. I would be asking the same questions in your situation)
Oooooooh they got ambience audio
y’all Eliot and Hardinson fighting over clothes help 💀
Lmao the way they are playing up his paranoia 
HARDINSON AND ELIOT POLICE DUO????? Let’s fucking gooooooooo
Awwwww little baby boy 🥺 why he sick 🥺 awwwww it’s ok baby
Eliot stop staring at him that’s creepy
oh ok understood
Eddie being all smarmy lmao you have no idea what you got into
I hate Eddie 
Awwwwww Nate giving Parker a 101 on how to manipulate people 🥺
That’s how zombie movies start
the plot thickens :)
Yes Eliot :3 play with their rational
“My wife just had a baby. 🥺” “His wife just had a baby 😔✊”
Hardinson repeating people’s words my beloved 
Sophie you play this so well 👏👏👏👏👏👏
Oh no Eddie 🫢 you are handcuffed 🫢
Hardinson be careful 
“Yippity skip!”
Eliot help the kid 🥺 
Nate do not rational that lmao
Sophie no 💀 what about your “boyfriend”
Eliot! You hide your ear piece! 
God I am stressed 😫 Eliot stop!!!! ELIOT
ok Eliot I was wrong. Kill that man
Awwww poor security man
“You have been exposed to an antigen that is repelled by water” STOP IT 😂😂😂😂 IM FUCKING WHEEEZING
Hardinson: doing his job
Eliot: not doing his job and instead put for blood
goddam why they always need to double check shit :( let the con men be free from double checking
Dammit Eliot, Hardinson is giving you some pretty good info AND YOU STASHED THAT EAR PIECE AWAY!!!! ELIOT PUT IT BACK ON
Of course it’s the fucking mob 🙄 should have known but seriously 18 months???? Why not 5 years :/
Oh of course, OF COURSE ELIOT GETS TO CHARLIE NOW!!!! Put that ear piece back or so help me!!!! SO HELP ME! SO HELP ME! SO HELP ME!
Is he gonna be chucked into a fucking morgue drawer 😔 Eliot run
thank you Hardinson!!!!!! 
Y’all those are special equipment!!!!! The hospital needs those!!!! 
Ok Eliot now put the ear piece back on
Lmao Nate 😂😂😂😂 THE FUCKING SOVIETS??????? LMAO
Sorry I shouldn’t be laughing but it’s so fucking funny
Yes Parker!!!!! You are playing your role so well 💖💖💖💖
Bob love you but please stop being good at your job
Awwww Eliot 🥺🥺🥺🥺🥺 
He said his real name 🤧🤧🤧
No I’m not crying leave me alone. I’m okAY
shut up
NO!!!! NOOOOOOOOO 🫠🫠🫠🫠 Randy baby boy 🤧
Alrighty. What now :/
It’s night?????? Already?????? When did that happen??????
Love you Parker
“Everyone of you is looking to 25 to life” oh baby, they have a way longer sentence if they ever get caught lmao
Eddie dude 😂 you are so bad at this
I love their gloating 🥰
“Kiss ass” 💀💀💀💀
Eliot stop giving Bob ideas
Eliot tell him about Randy 🥺
A-okay broskis 
I’m sooooo good 🥲
Good episode 🫠 tbh the epidemic plot was funnier than I thought it would be but like on the flip side it would be so scary to have that be played on you. Real pandemic is enough for me. Y’all don’t need to con me that shit
The fucking side plot with Eliot and the kid 🥺 y’all I’m am sobbing 😭 just how Eliot clocked that so fast and how he tried to hard to help and finally gets Randy away and safe for good (well, maybe not for good bc foster system but he shows that kid that help CAN come and he’s not alone and 🥲) 
Also, this was not a Hardinson episode *kicks dirt* BUT I LOVED ALL OF HIS MOMENTS!!! I love him so much and I want a focused episode on him so badly is that so wrong?
But man. Imma cool down and breathe then go to the next episode 
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staceymcgillicuddy · 1 year
For the meme: 42. The answer to everything.
Yay, thank you! This one inspired a 5+1 for me, I have no idea why, but here you go! So, like, five times that Eddie was amazed at Chrissy's privileged upbringing + one time she turned the tables.
“What’s that for?” Chrissy asks as they pull into a gas station and up to the air hose. 
“What’s what for?” Eddie asks as he cuts the engine and makes to hop out and fill his tires, which are pretty much dry rot and worn rubber at this point, but that doesn’t mean he can’t take care of them until they inevitably send him spiraling across the highway one day. 
“The vacuum.” 
“It’s not a vacuum. It’s for putting air in the tires.” 
“You have to put air in tires?” 
“Jesus, Cunningham. How have you survived this long by yourself? Yes, you have to put air in the tires.” 
Chrissy fixes him with a pout, but he doesn’t think she’s actually offended. “I don’t know! I don’t have a car!”
“Yeah, well. Pro-tip. Air in the tires when you do.” 
“Thanks, Eddie. You’re a pal.” 
“No, you have to, like… inhale twice,” Eddie says, holding the burning joint between his fingers as Chrissy makes a face. 
“But it tastes gross.” 
“Yeah, I know. That’s not the point.” 
Chrissy sighs. Leans in. Wraps that perfect pucker of hers around the end of the joint and inhales. 
Two minutes later, when she’s finally recovered from her coughing fit, Eddie’s just about stopped laughing. 
“You’re so mean to me,” she sighs. 
“Yeah, well, I still can’t figure out how you survived this long by yourself, dude.” 
“There’s something outside!” 
Chrissy’s whisper cuts through the darkness of Eddie’s bedroom like a needle, jabbing him directly in the brain and rousing him from an extremely pleasant dream that also involved Chrissy talking. Only, in his dream, it was less a panicked whisper and more a soothing reassurance that, yeah, his dick really was too big for her. 
“Huh?” He blinks just as something crashes outside the trailer. “Oh.” 
“Eddie! Someone’s breaking in!”
“Uh, no. That’s a raccoon.” 
“A raccoon?” She sits up like he told her aliens had landed on the lawn. “Outside?!”
“No, on the moon. Yes, it’s outside.” 
“Can it get in?” 
“… do you know how big raccoons are?” 
“You’re the one with the bathroom window that won’t close.” 
“Sweetheart. The garbage monster can’t get you. Can we please go back to sleep?” 
“Can you go and check?” 
Eddie sighs. Rolls onto his side and buries his face in the pillow. “You check if you’re so concerned.” 
“Please, Eddie?” 
“Yeah, yeah,” he grumbles like he’s not already reaching for his boxers and boots. “Seriously, Cunningham. How have you survived this long?” 
“You’ve never had a Twinkie?” 
“Shit, Chrissy. How have you survived this long without eating a Twinkie?” 
“I don’t want to do it.” 
“Why not?” 
“Because I can’t see the bottom.” 
“There’s nothing on the bottom! It’s a lake.” 
“It looks dirty.” 
Eddie pinches the bridge of his nose. “Chrissy…” 
“What if there’s an alligator?” 
“We’re in Indiana.” 
“So, there aren’t alligators in Indiana.” 
“Are you sure?” 
“Yes, I’m sure.” 
“What about sharks?” 
“What… lake sharks?” 
Eddie almost believes her until he sees the corners of her mouth twitch, and she starts to giggle. 
“Fuck off, Cunningham,” he says, grabbing her around the waist and lifting her off Rick’s dock, fully intending to deposit her in the water. “How you survived this long thinking there are lake sharks…” 
“Eddie, don’t!”
Eddie does. 
Eddie blinks. “You what?” 
“I love you.”
“Are you sure?” 
“Am I sure? Yes, I’m sure!”
“Seriously, oh?” Chrissy feigns offense, pushing her sneaker-clad toes into his thigh and reaching for the joint he’s holding. “Thanks a lot.” 
“No, uh. I mean. Obviously, I love you, too. Just… I never said that to anyone before.” 
Chrissy smiles and takes a long drag, waving the smoke away before speaking. “I know. I’ve honestly been wondering how you survived this long by yourself.” 
Other prompts from this meme!
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winderlylandchime · 11 months
Hello! So to recap my day: took the dude to the doctor. He in all seriousness during HIS OWN IMPORTANT CHECK UP, asked the doctor about testicular cancer and what can happen to a person. The doctor obviously got a bit worried and started checking his test results thinking he missed something. My brother continued to ask questions about it, such as ‘how can chemo affect sex? Is chemo or radiation the same for testicular cancer as it is for other cancers?’ And so on. I am trying to intervene to stop this madness and my brother talks over me so it’s as if im not even in the room. And mid questioning, the doctor is going through the test results looking kinda more and more worried until you could actually see a lightbulb go off and he just stopped dead in his tracks and went ‘(his name), please for the love of god, tell me that this is NOT about that guy from the tv show and that you have a legitimate reason as to why you’re asking me this’ And this idiot goes ‘okay, sure…but i think we both know the truth.’ The doctor got a little angry at him and had to explain that his check up is real life and Brian’s cancer is fake and my brother actually fucking gasped! Hand on his fucking chest! And went ‘well its real to me, it literally just happened!….hey did i tell you, I got a cat named Brian?’ Then he started showing pictures of Brian the cat to the nurses and the doctor had to bribe him with a coffee (for the next check up) if he focused on and i quote ‘himself and not a version of brian human OR feline’ also keep in mind, he is wearing his Team Brian shirt while all this is happening.
ANYWAY, then we got to the vet. And for some reason i thought he got all his weird energy out of him. Wrong. We walked in and he was holding the fucking cat like a baby. Mind you he IS STILL WEARING THE FUCKING SHIRT. He explains he is there to get any type of papers he would need and shots and all that for his new cat. I’m thinking wow look at him actually acting like an adult. Just to set the scene: it’s a waiting room with a counter and there were 3 people behind it, two are standing behind the receptionist (one was the vet and the other vet tech). And theyre like helping her with the cats file she’s putting together. She asks for his info and is writing it down and then she goes ‘and the cat’s name?’ And he looks at them (while he is holding the cat like a baby) and goes ‘this sweet little baby here, is Brian’ and they all look down at the file and she goes ‘…Brian. Okay’ and then they all stop and just slowly look up and look at his shirt and he’s confused and looks down and goes ‘oh no, that’s a different Brian. *long pause* he’s also a sweet little baby…except when he’s a dick’ And I’m dying inside but i think we can all tell by now I’ve experienced worse with him. So the vet asks to go with him and we’re in his office and he casually points to the shirt while checking the cat and goes ‘so who’s that Brian?’ This man went ‘okay so. My Brian is named after my other Brian’ and the vet tech nicely goes (thinking she’s dealing with a normal person) ‘oh so is that your boyfriend?’ and he goes ‘ha, i wish. No, it’s a tv character..besides he’s already taken so not like id have a shot’ and the vet tech clearly still trying to make conversation asks him ‘what tv character is that?’ And then all hell broke loose. It was like a kid in a candy store that was on speed. In a span of 5-10 minutes, he managed to tell the entire plot of season 1-3. And then he finished it off with ‘now I’m on season 4. They just broke up…again. AND HE HAS CANCER! On his balls! That’s just cruel. And now he’s all sick and Justin is gone and I am so so so scared. Thank god, i have my other Brian’ and then the receptionist walks in with papers and no knowledge what all happened and goes ‘so Brian is now all yours to take home’ and the fucking vet goes ‘i bet you wish she was talking about the other one, huh?’ And then when we got home, he called our parents on zoom to introduce the cat and that’s also a whole other story.
Dear sweet anon! I had a few minutes between meetings today and read these messages and showed up to a meeting where I'm the boss completely laughing and with tears streaming down my face.
Your brother is doing research about testicular cancer with his actual doctor. I'm dying. This is some fanfic prep he's doing. (Also, can we discuss Brian's death wish for a cancer with a 99% survival rate? And he calls Justin dramatic!)
‘oh so is that your boyfriend?’ and he goes ‘ha, i wish. No, it’s a tv character..besides he’s already taken so not like id have a shot’
DEAD. He, too, has a crush on Gale. Lesbians and straight men, I guess!
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mocacheezy · 4 years
(forgot to actualy post this when I first wrote it, anyways, rechecked the info with the help of wiki, so have my thoughts on TFA Megatron (S1))
So I finished the first season of Transformers Animated, and let me just… Let me just EXPRESS my feelings for TFA S1 Megatron and the shit that happens to him:
So Megatron has the Allspark in his sight after so many many years of searching. It’s on a tiny Autobot repair ship, shouldn’t be a problem to get it right? Except while fighting the Autobots a bomb planted on him (by Starscream, he should see this coming) detonates. He survives that with damage to his right arm, gets inside the ship and is facing off against 5 autobots (clearly repair crew, and not in sync) in no gravity. One of them manages to cut his arm off, he is down by an arm, big deal, ‘tis but a scratch, he’s fine.
… No like seriously, this doesn’t stop him. He ALMOST GETS THE ALLSPARK!
Except that the leader of this troublesome repair crew kicks him off ship, causing him to crash on Earth. The only thing intact is his head (that Sumdac finds). Is he dead? Is he in a coma? Whatever it is, Sumdac tinkers with what he found.
50 years later, Megatron wakes up, can’t move, can’t do anything really because he is literaly a HEAD (ᵃˡˢᵒ ʷʰⁱˡᵉ ⁿᵒᵗ ʳᵉˡᵃᵗᵉᵈ ᵗᵒ ᵗʰᵉ ʳᵃⁿᵗ ᶠᵘˡˡʸ,ⁱ ˡᵒᵛᵉᵈ ᵗʰᵉ ᵉᵖⁱˢᵒᵈᵉ ʷⁱᵗʰ ᵇᵘˡᵏʰᵉᵃᵈ “ˡᵒˢⁱⁿᵍ” ʰⁱˢ ᵇᵒᵈʸ…ᵖᵘᵗˢ ᵗʰⁱⁿᵍˢ ⁱⁿᵗᵒ ᵖᵉʳˢᵖᵉᶜᵗⁱᵛᵉ), sees that Starscream was the one who tried to kill him and almost suceeded (or did he suceed? Again, not 100% clear on the function of that Key… It heals, it upgrades, it gives life and sentience… Did it REVIVE Megatron or did it just wake him up?)
And what does he do?
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He eventualy risks what little… Advantage? Is being locked away in the dark an advantage? When there’s autobots around being hailed as heroes, yea I think it might be though Megatron wouldn’t admit it… I think? Not outloud that’s for sure
Anyways, he risks it with exposing himself to Sumdac.
And then proceeds to deceive Sumdac! Like, Sumdac is smart. I actualy did need to take a step back and go “damn this poor man really is way over his head”, because on the first glance it seems really dumb to fall for a lie like that.
(I actualy would love to talk about the Professor in the future, especialy by just looking at him as a character on his own… BUT THIS IS MEGS SPOTLIGHT SO *yeets away for another time*)
AND MEGATRON IS NOT 100% GOOD AT THIS “I am an Autobot” THING. He lashes out! He is impatient, he is angry to the point of wrecking the lab with the energy surges and there are moments when Sumdac doubts that he himself can fix this mess he made, especialy with how angry this “Autobot” is.
But SOMEHOW, this glorious FUCK manages to turn most of the damage those outbursts cause into very convincing explanations for his reactions, WHILE also pretending to be useful and “helping”.  
He can see almost everything from where he is, once he masters the connections with the cameras and etc. in the tower and things across the city. He deflects or “explains” why his plans included flamethrowers for amusement bots, and, let me say this again! 
He is pretty limited with what he can do HIMSELF! Sumdac is not an ally, he is more of an enemy that isn’t aware of the power he holds over Megatron.
And he is doing everything FAR too slow.
That everything being mainly, getting Megs a body.
There are so many robots around, all of them reverse enginered from Megatron himself, and none of them are of use to him. And when he DOES manage to get them to listen, something always interferes (Dinobots were a semi sucess, Soundwave rebelled, but did end up wearing a con badge (and boy was it eerie to hear Soundwave say ‘machines supperior to humans’ and how they will be all destroyed… Great episode that one) ). 
So the robots of this planet are useless to him. He has to try and find a way to manipulate human criminals to do his bidding, getting him the materials Sumdac apparently can’t get without raising suspicion. Not that it’s hard, but they are useless as well, especialy with the Autobots meddling, so that also fails. 
And there is always that Key. That he can’t just ask for, but can’t get no matter how he tries. And by god, does he try.
His only real, longe term-ish line of self defense at the moment is Sumdac and his guilt over using a friend of the Heroic Autobots…
And he isn’t even sure if he can trust them, given that his Second In Command blew him to pieces. So he has to gamble and hope for the best with Lugnut.
Which is clearly tiring because, as much of devout follower as Lugnut is (the fanfics are all spot on, writers of TFA Fandom amazing job portraying this mass of devotion), it gets annoying real fast when you are trying to get things done and really need to get a body asap, and the only one you can count on is determined to sing praises to you everytime you give an order.
Not even THAT seems to bring him any closer to his goal. And then Sumdac finds what remained of his body.
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Pretty good for 50 years of weather exposure, eh?
BUT it seems he will have to keep waiting, because the blizzard that is raging outside causes a blackout, so the Tower is using the backup generator, so Sumdac declairs a delay in repairs.
Megatron alternates between bluster and sweet-talk to try to get his way, but it’s no use. Megatron attempts to call Lugnut again for assistance.
(Source: tfwiki)
From the looks of it, he came back online at the begining/end of fall, so he’s been,
pretending to be an Autobot (one who is a friend of bots he knows very little about, the ones who caused him to become like this in the first place)
 pretending to be useful and helpful to Sumdac in exchange for attempted repairs (all of which have failed)
keeping his temper in check (good thing he can save the slip ups with quick thinking…)  
for about… 3 or 4 months?
And no way to leave the lab?
With Sumdac as his only company?
Probably also in discomfort given THAT HE IS HOOKED UP LIKE THAT?!
With his ghoulish hand in sight that was/is CLEARLY being used as a chair for an organic?
… Yea. Imagine doing all that, being this close to finaly making progress, and instead being told “Weather bad, no can’t do, wait a while longer”.
So if Sumdac fears enough for the safety of his planet, he’ll surely work faster right? That seems to work somewhat…
Then comes Starscream.
The absolutely last Decepticon Megatron needs right now. So Megatron has to pretend he doesn’t know Starscream tried to kill him. With Starscream CLEARLY planning to kill him for good this time.
He is a head, what can he do?
We can soon see Megatron can take great joy in punishing that fragger, with limited resources he has, while Sumdac finaly works on his body.
The only fun perk of being a “friend of the Autobots” so far.
And then Blitzwing and Lugnut arrive. I swear, I was sure with all the talk Lugnut was doing, there was no way Megatron will actualy get that body.
Good thing they got the Key and that Sumdac didn’t think/wasn’t able to put in any override codes or sound the alarms.
What followed was a gorgeous villain reanimation/reconstruction scene and I loved every second of it. I mean, just look at this. 
So, Megatron finaly has a fresh new body.
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(gorgeous fucker)
He fights the Autobots, (if I start talking about the details, this post will never end), defeats them and does a magnificent job of offlining his SIC.
(Like, I love TFA Starscream. I really do. This purple bastard is a joy to watch, but given what he did, seeing him get offlined in such a dramatic, yet quick and efficient way(and knowing he comes back anyway)… Let’s just say, I was very pleased.)
The “Fuck you Starscream, Die 1.0” however, lets the Autobots escape and the chase begins.
Here I would like to thank the animators for giving both Bots and Cons gorgeous Magical girl-esque transformation scenes, because they are all beautiful BUT MEGATRON, HOLY HELL, I AM LOVING THAT HELICOPTER!
And they are back on the Ark, fighting in much the same way they were the first time, 
But Megatron has no apparent weaknesses, except perhaps being cluttered with little shards of Optimus Prime after he finishes beating on the Autobot. Their one-sided fight carries them into the hold of the ship, where Megatron succeeds in acquiring the AllSpark… 
Megatron manages to GET THE ALLSPARK! 
And he puts it in his spark chamber. Or in front of it.
Megatron. You just put an anchient artifact in your chest.
I… Listen, this is a step above Megan and his SpaceCocaineStraightToSpark Nonesense, BUT ALRIGHT!
Before he can celebrate, he is temporarily downed by Isaac, who knows enough about Megatron’s circuitry to disable his equilibrium sensors—
(”well fuck you too Sumdac”, I mutter to myself) 
but although he drops the AllSpark Key in his stumble, the tyrant isn’t down for long. Megatron is about to finish Prime, when Sari hurls Prime the Key…
the kid Megatron could easily crush when she was standing infront of the Allspark (BUT HE DIDN’T!) throws the key to Optimus.
Who proceeds to jam it into the Allspark.
In your chest Megatron.
Where your own spark is, Megatron.
For the Lord of Decepticons and quite an old fellow, who I’ve just sung praise to, that was so dumb…
A destabilized Megatron flees the ship before the AllSpark explodes inside his chest, dispersing its energy throughout the atmosphere.
This time his body is mostly in one piece, and he has Sumdac as a hostage but…
This Megatron does not have luck on his side.
He really does not.
The only reason he is still functioning is, that he is too stubborn to give up and die. 
The whole “TooStubbornToDie” does seem to be a Megatron trademark, and makes me love his character even more.
TFA Megs. S1 and I already love him so much. 
To finish up this rant of mine…
Someone get him a damn blanket and force him TO TAKE A DAMN BREAK! REST YOU STUBBORN FOOL! 
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beautifulblooms · 2 years
Fighting Together to the End - Eddie Munson x Male!Reader - Part 4
Male! Reader, he/him used, so fuck the canon, it broke my heart, MEGA FUCKING SPOILERS FOR PART TWO OF SEASON FOUR, anyways, fluff, angst, this is pretty much a rewrite of season 4 because I need to recover after the traumatizing events of part 2
Part 1, Part 2, Part 3, Part 5
CIS Women and Female Aligned people, please DNI, this story and all of my others are for non-binary, masculine aligned and male readers!
Upon reaching Lover’s Lake we found the boat Eddie and I used to escape the previous night and turned it around to face the lake rather than the shore. Nancy climbed in first followed by Robin then Eddie and me, Dustin tried to get in before Eddie yelled at him.
“Hey dude, this thing fits four max, you’re just gonna have to wait here. Gimme the compass so we know where to go.” Dustin looked seriously downturned at the realization.
“But it’s my theory!” He quietly yelled back.
“And we’re older, seniority rules kid. Compass. Now.” I tossed my hand in front of me to get the compass from him, bitterly he handed it over. Finally getting the boat pushed into the water, Steve hopped in at the last second giving an apologetic look and shrug to Dustin.
“Bedtimes at 9 kiddos! Miss you already!” Robin shouted to them the further we made it into the lake. Finally reaching the middle of the lake, the compass was going absolutely crazy and spinning like a top in every direction, we had to be above the gate. Steve began to take off his shirt getting ready to dive in.
“Why are you going down Harrington?” I asked very confused why he volunteered first.
“Because I used to be the best on the swim team, so I’m going down to check it out.” Obviously struck a nerve without trying to, that was a lot of unneeded sass from him. Eddie began rustling in his leather jacket for something only to pull out a plastic bag for Steve to wrap his flashlight in.
“Thanks, well, see you guys in a minute.” With those last words Steve dove off the side of the boat. The only thing we could do was sit there and wait for Steve to pop back up. After a minute and a half had passed Nancy started to worry.
“It’s been too long I should go down after him-“ Robin quickly cut her off.
“He’s fine, just trust him for a second.” Taking a breath Nancy decided to trust Steve that he wouldn’t drown himself. Moments later he resurfaced and began to tell us about what he saw.
“It’s definitely down there, the gate, can’t mistake it.” Taking breaths between words he leaned onto the boat. Suddenly Steve was dragged under the water, he bobbed back up for a second, then was dragged all the way back down to the bottom of the lake.
“Shit shit shit! What do we do?!” Eddie and I started to panic slightly, but Nancy knew exactly what to do.
“We go after him.” And she just fell off the boat backwards like she was scuba diving.
“IS SHE INSANE?!?!” I yelled out into the lake, no one was around for miles. It's not like it mattered.
“Maybe, but we can’t just let her go by herself to save Steve, c’mon!” Robin soon followed Nancy and just flipped backwards off the boat into the lake.
“Are they fucking serious?” I looked over at Eddie in shock, neither of us knew what to do.
“Eddie, I love you, we need to go with them, we have to save them after all they’ve done for us.” Letting go of the boat edge I stood up and dove off the side.
“Oh god damnit (y/n), why do we have to be brave ones today?” Realizing he had no other option he followed after everyone else down to the bottom of the lake and through the gate.
Popping up on the other side I was shocked to see a literal mirror image of Hawkins, just dark, red, and kinda gross. Eddie was right behind me through the gate, and gagged violently when he made it to a standing position. Glad to know I’m not the only one grossed out by upside down Hawkins.
“Ed’s, there they are! C’mon!” I soon began running towards where Nancy and Robin were, along with Steve laying on the ground. The closer I got the more I realized Steve wasn’t just laying on the ground, he was being choked and eaten by these bat creatures. I glanced around and noticed an oar sticking out of a boat, grabbing it I ran up to Steve and smashed one of the ones eating him into the ground.
“Find something there’s tons of boat scraps around here! We just need to help Steve.” I called out to the others who all found something rather quickly and helped get the rest of the bat things off Steve. Getting him up we all started running to the forest for cover away from the giant hoard of creatures that was beginning to form in the sky. The best part about this upside down was that everything from the right side up was down here too, which meant skull rock was near here and we could hide from these flying bastards for a while.
Once we made it to the rock we set Steve down and Nancy began to rip parts of her own shirt off to help cover his wounds.
“Well, what do we do now?”
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mitchywitchythings · 2 years
NASCARRacer! DriftDriver! DragRacer! Reader X Todoroki Shoto
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Summary: A great date night went south when a high speed villain chase occured, being the only person who knows how to drive, you drove your boyfriend to go and stop the villains. But little does your boyfriend know that you’re a NASCAR, drift, and drag racer, but also a broke ass college student. How will he react to that, once he finally finds out about your dirty little secret?
Warnings: Lots Of Aggressive Driving, Shoto Being A Complete Sugar Daddy, Violence, Reader’s A Badass, Implied Smut, Implied NSFW
Pairing: Todoroki Shoto X Fem! Reader
Word count: 5,049 words
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The reason you guys even met is because your best friend was running a support gear agency. The best one in all of Japan in fact!
Who knew that when she asked you for a favor to drop off a package at her agency, you’d run into the famous 3rd year student at U.A. High, Todoroki Shoto!
What started out as a small autograph, turned into a conversation, which led him to asking for your number!
Dude was incredibly nervous about asking for your number, Kaminari had given him a long ass orientation on how to ask for a cute girl’s number~
It was so adorable how he attempted to flirt with you, nervous stutters, red face, and all!
God! He was going to kill Kaminari after this!!
In the end, you still gave him your number, it made him super happy. Felt like he was going to burst!
You were just so pretty, cute, and God forbid he uses this phrase out loud, so fucking HOT!!!!🥵
Like legit, if he would say that phrase out loud you’d probably die or melt on the spot(Not cuz he accidentally activated his quirk from how flustered he was)
But because of how sexy he said that, like seriously it should be illegal, this mf could kill you with looks alone. Please forbid his sexy ass voice from ever speaking!!
Just kidding, in all seriousness he’d probably also die from the embarrassment from saying those. He gon dig up a large hole and hide in it forever- lmaooo
Poor baby boi~ He only wanted to have your affection (ᗒᗣᗕ)՞
Okay moving on from that, took him a solid 3 weeks of constant chatting and video chat with you, and running into you in a coffee shop while you were both running errands.
For him to ask you out on a date
He asked tips and advice from all of the girls in his class, and also some boys. Like Midoriya, Iida, Bakugo(Angry Boi threw some peppermint candy canes at him and yelled eat this and just show up), and Hell, even Kaminari.
He only asked Kaminari since he did managed to get your number with his orientation
Ok, so based on all of the research he did on the internet on how to plan a perfect date. (He was really trying his best since this was his first ever date!)
He should take you out to this fancy high end restaurant!
He used his dad’s connections to get him a last minute reservation since the place was already booked months before oof-
He bought you a dress with the help of his sister the night before the date, telling to wear it for your event
The moment you looked at the dress you knew it was expensive as FUCK!
Like shit! Bitch this was designer!! Something you couldn’t afford sadly QwQ
You practically begged him to take it back, he absolutely refused to though, saying that you’ll look beautiful in it
The price tag for the dress was alright, he just wished that it was a bit more expensive(The dress was seriously expensive enough as it was) because he was paying for it with his daddy’s black credit card!!!🤭
Okay, to the date. It went really well!!! Everything was absolutely perfect and the food was delicious since the restaurant had 5 Michelin Stars-
He even asked you to be his girlfriend to which of course you agreed to in less than a heartbeat, duh🙄
I mean how could you resist that handsome, cute, and sexy face of his-
The answer is no one can!!
Well the night was about to come to an end when he was going to hail a taxi to get you both home, which you refused. Saying you could drive the both of you home in your own car.
He already paid for the dress and meal it was the least you could do😭
He finally agreed after some time, asking about how you already had a car when you were still a broke ass student in the same year as him, lol he didn’t word it out like that but you get the picture
P.S. He doesn’t know how to drive, he always had a chauffeur do it for him, damn is he rich qwq, I wish all…
Before you had the chance to explain a lie about how it wasn’t actually your car but your brothers to hide the fact that you were a NASCAR driver, drift driver, and drag racer.
Suddenly a villain attack happened, a high speed car chase which only passed by the two of you before the heroes and police that chased after the villains, their cars suddenly swiveled and crashed:
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“Shit, look I’m really sorry. I need to go help out in the situation.” He let go of your hand and was about to dash off
“Wait! How are you going to catch up with a villain like that?! Come on, we can use my car, I’ll drive you!” He didn’t have time to complain before I grabbed his hand and pulled him.
Running over to the latest model of Toyota’s GR86, in your favorite color, Shoto notices. He was quite stunned, you mentioned the fact that you were having some trouble financially since you were still in college, but he didn’t expect you to have a sports car in your possession.
He wondered silently whether or not this was actually your car or a friend of yours. In his own opinion he was really trying to offend you or judge you, but how could he not at least wonder whether or not that car was actually yours.
As he recalls, you explicitly said you were broke and couldn’t afford to pay half for this dinner date at the super fancy restaurant or for the dress, he of course paid on both of your behalf, but still he was never intending for you to pay for anything.
As he believes it is only customary that he pays because he’s such a gentleman. Mama Rei and Fuyumi-chan taught him well. Going back, he was shocked as you quickly pulled out your keys and opened the car.
Taking the driver's seat, while he took the passenger. Shoto made a mental reminder to get himself a drivers license if he wants to be the kind of man you can rely on to drive you around once you get married. And yes, Shoto was already so sure of his future with you that he was dead set on marrying only you and no one else.
As he entered the car, he noticed how clean it was and how the nice smell of the new car was. The seatbelts were different as well, it wasn’t just your regular one. It was a 4 point seat belt safety harness in fact. It was also a 2 seater just so you know it’s really a sports car.
He wiggled a bit on the extremely comfortable leather seats, trying to get more comfortable. Strapping the seat belt on him also in the process. Staring at your car in shock still, he didn’t notice you put a helmet on top of head until it was already there.
“I forgot to bring my hero suit with me, I usually bring it.” He commented, adjusting the strap on the helmet
“Just kick some ass for me, will you? You don’t mind me driving a bit fast, we’ll catch up with those villains in no time. I promise.” You said sweetly, a helmet already present on your head, while your hands were on the steering wheel, “Oh, and Shoto, don’t take off your helmet or seatbelt, trust me on that.”
Before he could reply anything, you turned the key in the car, making the engine rev up to life. While it was music to your ears, it made Shoto’s a bit uncomfortable. He never did like loud things didn’t he, he was more of the quiet and peaceful guy.
“Hold onto something!” You yelled before stepping on the accelerator
You Immediately drove out from your parking space. You switched from 1st gear to 2nd, and began to overtake any cars that were in your way. Shoto began clutching onto the grab handles for dear life. He had definitely not expected that his little sweet girlfriend was able to drive this hardcore. Shifting from 3rd gear now to 4th gear, Shoto’s eyes closed in fear for a second.
“Shoto, turn on the radio in the back, so we know where they're headed!” He did just that with extreme difficulty since he refused to take off his seatbelt.
You both listened to the radio intently, “Watch out! You might hit someone!” He yelled, eyes immediately widened as people began running from the streets.
“Relax! I never mentioned this on our date, but I’m a racer! I do Nascar, drag, and drift racing! I’m practically a professional!” You countered, “I’m going to take a short cut, I know where they’re heading!”
You quickly pulled on the emergency break and did a donut drift, heading into a small alleyway, which would cut into an uncrowded street, although it was one way. Exiting the narrow alleyway, by this time you were already in 5th gear. Reaching already about 120 km/h, Shoto was now definitely a bit more terrified than usual with his high speed chases.
The drivers were going fast of course like how you were, but you were going faster, and driving you on a one way highway. And you were young as fuck, a year younger than Shoto in fact. He didn’t think you’d have this much experience, but based on the fact at how you easily dodged the other moving vehicles and all other obstacles.
He knew you were the real deal, “Why didn’t you mention that?! Seems important don’t you think?!” He had to yell over all of the noise the car was making.
“You don’t seem to like girls with loud personalities! Figured you like me better and stuff. Doesn’t seem like a turn on, don’t you think?! Besides, I was gonna tell you when I’d invite you to one of my races!” You yelled back
“Of course, I’d still like you! I love you for you! No matter what you do for a hobby!” You began beeping at the people in the way.
“I love you too! And it’s more of a side career, baby!” He blushed at the nickname.
It was like seeing a whole new side of you just popping up. He still recognized you, but there was this fire in your eyes that couldn’t be extinguished when you grabbed the steering wheel. Spinning it around to the left and right, it was like he was stuck in a hypnotic trance that was hard to get out of.
You looked absolutely stunning in the beautiful formal dress you were wearing, completely accentuating all of your pretty and thick curves. Despite the helmet covering your gorgeous hair, the contrast only made you look even hotter than before.
The make up you had on, did perfectly well to bring out your looks. Gosh did you look pretty, Shoto only realizing it now when you were being all badass and all. It turned him on a bit, to tell you the truth. He just couldn’t help it or more like help himself in drinking up your looks and body with his eyes. Oops-
Forget that, you read nothing! Moving on, you began stepping on the pedal to the metal. Driving up to speeds of 160 km/h, you switched to 6th gear again. Things were tethering on dangerous waters, but you couldn’t slow down now unless you were going to drift or find the villains in question.
By now, based on the radio, the villains had already shaken off all of the pro heroes and police off their tail. All except for you, Shoto, and the helicopter flying above the villain's car.
Finally, exciting the one way highway, you spotted the villain's car. They were staring at Shoto intently from the rearview mirror, not liking that. You began to speed up, quickly chasing them with them easily. Eventually, when you caught up with them, Shoto prepared to use his ice, in order to freeze their car.
But it seemed like an unwise decision considering how it could cost an accident with other cars. And how you could also crash into the ice or the back of the frozen car with the speed you guys were going at.
“Can you slow down, so I can freeze them?!” He bumped into the side of the car roughly as you suddenly had to swerve in order to dodge a large debri the villains threw at you with the use of their quirk.
“We slow down, we lose them! What do you want to do then?!“ Ready to follow any of his orders obediently.
“You said you were a drift racer right?!”
“Hell yeah, I am!”
“Then get in front of their car, I wanna be facing them!”
You pressed on the play button on the stereo in front of you, music began to play. It was Tokyo Drift, a perfect song for a high speed chase. You felt like you were in the movie Fast and Furious! Speeding up even more, you overtook the villain's car, still staying in your lane though.
Then pulling on the emergency break like before, you immediately turned the wheel quickly to the left. The spinning of the car followed, making Shoto real dizzy for a hot second. Smoke began coming out from the back of your car.
That was natural though, Shoto thought. Holding onto the handle of the car with 2 hands even tighter than before making his entire hands began to turn white. Without realizing it, he activated both of his quirks, accidentally melting and freezing the handle at the same time.
His heart was beating so fast that it was like in time with the rhythm of the song. That was an exaggeration of course, but still his heart felt like it would jump out from his rib cage at any moment now.
The screeching noises the car made, made Shoto cringe internally while the corner of your mouth piped up, clearly satisfied with it. Your car was now in front of the villain’s car, completely facing it. You pressed the red release button in your seatbelt.
“Keep your seatbelt on!” Shoto yelled as his eyes widened at your actions
You didn’t reply, instead ignoring it completely as you turned your body around to look from over your comfortable expensive looking ass leather seats. Driving without looking back at the front, making sure you wouldn’t hit anything from the back. You trusted and depended on the fact that Shoto would look after you from the front.
“Just stop the villain!”
“You're my first priority!” He retorted back
Grabbing you, pulling you back to your seat. He forced you to wear your seatbelt and keep driving without looking back.
“Sho-“ You screeched before being cut off by the villains who bumped into your car, “Baby! I need you to pull out my back view camera!”
He did just that, with great difficulty might I add. Because the villains in front of you were trying to hit you, with intentions of making you guys crash. But having been in this situation many times before. You wouldn’t say that you couldn’t handle it.
When he pulled it up, you began to concentrate on that only. Completely tuning out everything, leaving it to Shoto to stop the villains. Whilst you desperately try to dodge all moving cars that appeared, let’s just say that a lot of people were pissed at both you and the villains.
As Shoto was about to tell you to get out of the way so he could freeze the car entirely. The villains made a hard left turn, making him curse under his breath in frustration. You couldn’t help but pout at him, he looked so mad, sad, and frustrated. You definitely didn’t like that one bit.
So you pressed the medal to the metal again, and began to chase after the villain. Even the helicopter that was following you from before managed to lose sight of both you and the villain.
Forcing them to wander around aimlessly, before Shoto called up his dad’s agency to inform them about the situation and call in backup. Now there were more heroes and sidekicks in cars going after the villain. You asked Shoto if you guys could now go home since the situation was being handled.
He of course said no, saying the lines that just because the situation was being handled doesn’t mean they should still stop chasing after the villains and what if the villains escapes and such. He just wanted to be a hero and do his job right, you thought.
Your heart completely warmed up and melted at his passion for his soon to be career that was within his reach. Only a little more way to go before he becomes a fully fledged hero. You were so proud of him, admiring him greatly for his heroic heart and actions.
Maybe that’s why you fell so in love with him so quickly. Well whatever it was, you were just so glad to have met your favorite hero in training! All the cameras, interviews, and fight scenes didn’t do him any justice to show how kind and truly beautiful he was, inside and out.
“Shit!” He yelled, cursing as the villains suddenly came out from a narrow alleyway.
Nearly bumping into you guys, had you not dodged in time. Shoto cursed at himself silently again like he had been doing since this high speed chase had started. He didn’t think anything through, because he was so focused on the villains. He had let you get involved in his hero work.
He willingly let you put yourself in danger. God, what was he thinking to allow you, a civilian who holds deep meaning to him, be in danger?! He was beginning to drown in his horrible and disgusting thoughts.
Before he was snapped back to reality with a harsh bump to the side of his head from the hard right turn you took. Screaming curses at the back at your throat as the villains you had dodge countless times before, finally managed to pin you guys.
It was on your side that the car was pinned to the wall, Shoto was face to face with the villain in the passenger seat. You internally cringed at all the screeching noises that were coming out from the situation. Knowing fully well that your car wouldn’t come out unscathed and you’d have to pay another hefty amount for all the repairs it’ll need.
“Damn, I just had the paint job done and it was expensive!” You comically cried out tears to which made Shoto really fucking guilty.
Internally he also burned a mental reminder into his brain, remembering to pay for all of the damages that happened to your car. It wouldn’t be a big deal as you usually made it sound, like that one time he bought you a really expensive necklace.
Though you loved it, you had still asked him to take it back. His baby only deserves the world in his opinion, although he of course can’t get you the entire world. He could get you the things best next to it. Besides all expenses would be paid using Endeavors credit card so you shouldn’t worry about it.
But going back, besides feeling guilty, he was so feeling really pissed now at the villains, Shoto couldn’t help but indulge himself in freezing their entire car. Yeah it was a bit reckless because the sudden freezing ice that came into contact with the schalding hot engine could explode(Just run with it, I know that’s not how it goes :D)!
But he was so livid, no one treats his girlfriend and future wife like that! She was incredibly sad with the damages her car got, Hell he’ll get her a new car just to see how she smiles!
“Shoto!” Your eyes widened in fear as the villains were stuck in a block of ice, completely frozen over with terrified expressions.
“It’s fine, as long as we act fast they won’t die.” He grumbled underneath his breath.
Pulling out his phone from his pocket, he failed his dad’s number, telling him where exactly they were and that the villain was immobilized. Leaving out the part that he completely froze over, just telling them in a somewhat stiff and monotonous voice to hurry up and up them away.
Because he was taking you home, before all the media and paparazzi could reach the both of you. He really didn’t want you to get involved with the media, he knew that could damage your reputation immensely, despite having helped a lot tonight.
He can’t deny the fact that you had driven so recklessly, and so dangerously. He has his limits too, until how far he can protect you, he was human in that way. But also he didn’t want the media getting a hold of your relationship.
Even if he had told the media that you were a civilian he never met and had only asked for your car, they wouldn’t believe his bullshit. For one, it was quite obvious you had just come out from a date from the similar over the top outfits you guys were wearing.
But not only that, he knew how crazy his fangirls were. He was undeniably popular, and could kill girls with his smile alone as per Mt. Lady, who he knew his girlfriend wasn’t really fond of from all the attempted flirting she does with him.
Of course, he never indulged in her silly antics, nor did he find any interest in it. For one their age gap was huge even if Mt. Lady would never admit it, he knew that she was clearly really older than him despite still being known as a young pro hero.
Steering away from that topic, you guys were now driving home. Or more like you guys were driving back to your dorm, Shoto had never been there before. But he had already been to the college you were enrolled in.
After immense convincing on Shoto’s side, you both agreed that Shoto would stay with you tonight. To protect you, comfort you, etc. and stuff. Good thing you knew your roommate was out partying all night and would return tomorrow afternoon with a major hangover.
Before you guys went to your dorm though, you had to drop by U.A. so that Shoto could get some of his stuff. He called Midoriya and informed him about the situation, leaving out the parts of the night where you were the one driving for him with the high speed chase as he went inside . All that Midoriya knew was that you somehow managed to involve yourself in the situation.
Because of that he was going to spend the night over at your dorm, so he could take care of you and that, that was all there to it. Nothing more and nothing less. Definitely no baby making processes involved. He made sure he emphasized that as he heard Kaminari in the background cheering and rooting for him.
Yelling along the lines he was gonna pop his cherry. He also heard the yells of disapproval from Iida, saying that it wasn’t moral of him to stay at your dorm when you only started dating just tonight(He also let them in that he finally asked you to be his girlfriend and that you agreed quickly, they all cheered at him for that).
He had to ask for their help in sneaking in and out of the dorms undetected. Promising that he’ll explain everything to their homeroom teacher tomorrow when he knows you were safe, sound, and comfortable.
After a lot of convincing and slight begging the whole class agreed to help. Also it wasn’t like their homeroom teacher, Midnight even cared. Actually, they managed to let her in on the whole situation, making sure she wasn’t going to be angry.
Being angry or furious was far from the expression she was making. Instead she was incredibly supportive of the situation, agreeing to let him go protect you for tonight without any punishment whatsoever.
Which made Iida livid, he was actually tempted to go to principal Nezu himself to report Shoto. A fact that you almost cried at and forced Shoto to stay at his dorms instead. Had it not been for Bakugo being the ultimate savior of the day.
Reminding Iida of how it was Shoto who helped him out back in his first year with the hero killer, Stain. Yeah, being the smart ass he is, he managed to discover the secret that Deku and Shoto hid so well.
At least it worked out in the end though, they helped him sneak into the dorms and quickly pack his stuff. Before he left though Kaminari and the boys managed to sneak into Shoto’s pants back pocket a little gift before he left.
I’ll leave it to your imagination what it was, just that the boys were teasing him, saying things like wrap it before you tap it and how consent was always important. Shoto could only chuckle lightly at their comments.
He knew why they were acting that way, it wasn’t everyday that the Todoroki Shoto was staying at a girl’s dorm, not to mention the fact it was his girlfriend’s! You grimaced back at the memory as you drove to your dorm.
Once the car was parked, you groaned and comically cried out tears at what happened to the car. There was evidence all over it of what had happened that night. Shoto promised to you internally that when you woke up, your car would be as good as new, courtesy of Endeavor's black card, of course.
He also knew that endeavor also had a new American Express Platinum Card from all the times he had to go back and forth from Japan to America for all his missions. Shoto would have to try that one out, once he’ll bring you to the states for his planned date next week when both of you are free.
You said you were a racer, right? He knew for a fact that there were lots and lots of racing games there in America. He was hoping he could join you in them, though an extremely dangerous sport.
He saw tonight just how much you loved it, so he wasn’t going to do anything to take that away from you. Instead he’ll help provide the resources and opportunities you need to grow in that field. Need a crew team? He’ll get the best one money can buy.
Practically a sugar daddy to you, you refuse it? Well looks like his baby doesn’t understand him, he wants to do this for you! You don’t need to repay him anything else but with your heart, love, and affection.
You see money as something that can’t be easily thrown away, yet you see your heart as something that’s easily dispensable. How could you not, Shoto was easily one of the most sought out guys in Japan.
It couldn’t make you help but wonder if you and your driving skills were enough to be worthy to stand by his side, of course they were. They were more than enough in fact, Shoto would argue. He’d argue that those sets of skills aren’t easy to achieve.
Plus your beauty and brains that come with it is practically impossible to beat. She didn’t even think his classmate, Yaoyozorou, was even gorgeous compared to you. To him, you were the most prettiest and badass bitch there ever was to live.
And he proves that the moment you guys stepped into your dorms. Hands on each other’s body as what he had promised to himself wouldn’t happened that night, actually happened.
Maybe it was from all the pressure his classmates and friends were putting on him. But no, it wasn’t. He could tell himself it wasn’t. To him, this moment was perfect, nothing could beat the rain and wind that began to pour down and swiss heavily, the cold that came with it.
It made it even more perfect instead as he activated his quirk to make you warmer, bringing you onto the bed, making sure he locked the door behind him. I’m ordered not to be disturbed by anyone else.
In the morning the both of you would not come to regret anything else. Except for the fact you both forgot you had a roommate, the moment she entered the dorm she screamed at the fact that not only did you bring a boy to your guy's dorm.
But that boy was Todoroki Shoto, the high pitched scream she made resembled a squeal of excitement looking back at it now. All you knew that the both of you yelled at her to get out as you pulled on the covers higher to hide the both of your naked bodies.
Making her promise not to tell anyone about what she saw just now, or you’d tattletail her to her parents that she’s been clubbing and drinking for the past year, which she clearly wasn’t supposed and allowed to do.
She agreed of course at the mention of the threat, a large pour present on her face as she closed the door behind her, asking if you guys at least used protection. Making the both of you even more embarrassed and angrier than before which of course she laughed at as you threw a pillow at the door she just exited from.
You both groaned in embarrassment, red blushing cheeks clear as day. As you both grimaced at the situation, glad that at least it was finally over. Smiling to himself, Shoto would internally remember to thank the boys for the little gift they left in his back pocket. For the great night he had wouldn’t have been possible without it.
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