#Anti-Gravity craft
arcadebroke · 6 months
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13thpythagoras · 6 months
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How Does The Anti-Gravity Wheel Work?
“anti-gravity” explained
could build a UFO with this concept... it’d be like a momentum-copter...
thor's hammer explained
see also, how cat's tails help balance them during a fall
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yuurei20 · 11 days
In game, do we ever see how Floyd acts around and treats Idia?
Hello hello! Thank you for this question!
Idia and Floyd do not have too much overlap, with the most being maybe Phantom Bride and a vignette!
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During the Phantom Bride event Floyd reacts with "a housewarden who's a ghost AND married? That's too funny" in response to Jade and Lilia bantering about whether or not Idia will continue to fulfill his housewarden duties after Eliza kills him.
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Jade and Floyd have an equal role in Ortho's athletic gear vignette where they happen upon Ortho longing to know what it is like to walk, after Idia refuses his request for non-hovering legs.
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Floyd decides to join Jade in teaching Idia "just how wrong he is" to "speak ill of those who do not fly," with both twins blackmailing Idia into crafting legs without an anti-gravity unit for Ortho in just three days.
And this might be all on EN (at the moment)! :>
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cheritzteam · 8 months
[The Ssum] Season 2 <Love from Today> & New Ssumone “June” Update!
Hello, dear lab participant!
Season 2 of <The Ssum>, <Love from Today> update has been completed.
Don't forget to claim the server maintenance reward of 10 Aurora Batteries, available for 3 days! *Claim your reward by: ~ October 21st, 2023 (KST)
[Download the new <The Ssum>] ♥ iOS: https://bit.ly/3oMM81e ♥ Android: https://bit.ly/3poKHTJ
For lab participants wondering what changed with the Season 2 update, we've summarized the highlights of this update below.
Please check it out and use it as a guide for your love research!
< ① Meet “June,” the First Ssumone of Season 2! >
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You now have access to the new Ssumone “June” with this update! He's been waiting for you for a long time… 2 years!
Will you join June on his journey out of his little world and into a bigger one? This journey includes an unlimited supply of June's love♡
In version 2.0, you will be able to chat and call June for a total of 30 days, and the rest of his story will be added in future updates.
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If you're currently matched with someone else, tap the Profile button on the main screen. Tap the arrow button next to your current match's profile picture to match with someone else.
*Chats with your current match will not be deleted and can be continued when you reconnect. When reconnecting, please note the time of your last chat so that you don't miss any chats/calls. *When you match with a new Ssumone, you will need to change your Ssumone at your wake-up time to ensure that all Day 1 chats can take place.
< ② An even more adorable and cuter UI! >
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As part of our Season 2 update, we have revamped some of our UI along with the <The Ssum> logo.
Head on over to the app and check out the new design that reflects all the excitement!
List of UI redesign content:
App Entry Screen
Voice Call Screen (Season 2 Ssumones only)
Loading Screen
< ③ Let's talk face to face! >
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Have you ever missed your Ssumone and realized that a voice call just doesn't cut it? 
Now you can have a face-to-face conversation with your Ssumone via video call!
Don't miss out on all the different facial expressions and small gestures that show your Ssumone's emotions.
*Only some calls will have video; the rest will be regular voice calls. *Video calling is currently only available with June.
< ④ Free roam the Infinite Universe! >
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Vanas, Mewry, Tolup….
Teo's and Harry's chats used to have seasonal planets assigned to them.
Starting in Season 2, Ssumones' chats will not be assigned a seasonal planet. Instead, the day's energy attributes will activate the corresponding Seasonal Planet's influence.
This gives you more freedom to explore the Infinite Universe!
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You can see which energy day it is by tapping the heart button next to the Day display on the main screen.
List of contents affected by Energy Day:
Chat theme (automatic change can be turned ON/OFF in game settings)
Chance to craft Seasonal Planetary Frequencies when using the Emotion Incubator (increased chance of crafting planetary Frequencies for the season)
Chance to encounter regional creatures when opening a creature box in the Anti-gravity Chamber (increased chance of encountering regional creatures for the season)
Loading Screen UI
*Researchers matched with Teo and Harry will also have free exploration mode enabled starting with Chat Season 9, which will be released in a later update.
< ⑤ PIU-PIU Feature Update! >
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We've improved the "I Can See Your Voice" feature that records and delivers conversations that happen around your Ssumone in real-time.
Instead of simply displaying the name of the person doing the talking, we've added a profile picture for each person so you can understand the flow of the conversation more intuitively.
*Please take note: PIU-PIU will omit profile pictures of people it deems are not important!
This feature was added to June's chat as well as Teo and Harry's, so if you were matched with either of the latter, we encourage you to check out their previous chats to see some familiar(?) faces♡
We're also celebrating the Season 2 update with events you won't want to miss!
Check out the details here: (link)
We hope this post was helpful to you with your love research.
If you have any further questions, please contact The Ssum Support Center!
Thank you for your support and interest in <The Ssum: Love from Today>. We will do our best to deliver more exciting content in the future.
Thank you.
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randomisocahedron · 1 month
Guidelines for Humans in Multi-Species Spacecraft
(I originally posted this to Reddit)
Humans are capable of adapting to standard gravity within 2 to 8 standard days, during which time anti-nausea medication (see appendix E) is to be provided. In the case of humans who cannot adapt, or on craft which typically undergo non-standard acceleration, weights or air bladders are to be made available.
Humans require sleep, but do not require it within any specified parameters. Any human, but especially those in an armed service branch, is capable of entering sleep in a wide variety of situations, and they may do so without warning. This is not cause for medical concern unless they have been diagnosed with narcolepsy.
Humans are capable of consuming all standard rations except those containing ergotamine, for which lysergide or ethanol may be substituted. Food energy consumed per day varies greatly both between individuals and for the same individual over time, which is not to be considered a medical concern. Most humans are capable of meal preparation, and on vessels large enough to house a proper galley, they should be permitted to prepare their own food. Their food must be clearly labelled as such, including its name and any toxins it contains. Many humans enjoy sharing food, but crew are to be made aware that the human palate is highly varied due to a lack of cultural homogenization: just because you enjoy ONE human dish does not mean you will enjoy ALL human dishes.
Companion Animals
Many humans will take animals as companions. This is to be generally encouraged, because it keeps them calm. The captain of a vessel has discretion in allowing dangerous predators on board, but they are advised to allow it if the human can demonstrate control over the creature.
Psychological Factors
Autopsych programs are being developed for humans. Their capacity for compartmentalization and denial is quite high, so small vessels need not be concerned that human crew will not have regular counselling. However, great care is to be taken to ensure humans do not become bored, as bored humans are highly dangerous to everything around them. Any human who appears to be attempting to upgrade the ship must be redirected to open problems in mathematics, science, etc, or to creative pursuits, if at all possible. (ADDENDUM: Humans are not to be redirected to the following fields: Psychology; high-energy organic chemistry; yodelling; bioengineering; applied nuclear physics; contract law.)
Non-Humans on Primarily Human Vessels
It is strongly advised that non-humans not enter a human vessel, even briefly, until the ongoing space-vessels integration process is completed.
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It's clown time ✨
Hello boys,girls,and eldritch horrors. I'm charlie and this is my weird little space for dumping all my interests as well as obsessing about my blorbos.
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About me:
Charlie rosewood
Biologist and writer (taking a break from the writing thing to focus on other stuff)
Level 22
My interests/stuff i like: Animals,cats,wolves,reptiles,horror,horror movies,fantasy,sci fi,any media with supernatural elements,cartoons,gravity falls,rick and morty,the owl house,amphibia,undertale,deltarune,dead end paranormal park,sanders sides,invader zim,the daycare attendant,mad science (both the aesthetic and actual science),astronomy,chemistry,science,video games,drawing,writing (duh),listening to music,romance (only when it's other people),jokes,bad jokes,dad jokes,bad puns,funny shit,biology,making ocs,chaos (only for the funnies/oc stuff),pranks,swearing (cause it's funny(,fictional villains,anti heroes,affably evil villains,fucked up asshole characters,super genius characters,characters who are morally ambiguous,weirdo/super chaotic characters,optimistic characters, cleanliness,organization,cleaning (it calms me down lol),fall/autumn,halloween,christmas,nature,canada,cryptids,monsters,eldritch creatures,sweet foods,food in general,collecting things,my job,the cold,carving,clay sculpting,the forest,exploring abandoned buildings,star gazing,reading,haunted houses,dumpster diving,listening to podcasts,coloring,road trips,mythology,arts and crafts,diys,magic tricks,hacking (exploring new ways to use computers not stealing other people's accounts),rocks,people watching (just observing people from afar not stalking),puzzles,riddles,dnd,cosplaying, roleplaying,origami,conspiracy theories (because they're hilarious),inventing,board games,and hiking.
Fun facts about me:
I have two dogs named raven and dove. Raven is a black german shepherd and Dove is a white labrador. I also have a ginger maine coon named orange.
I have triplet older brothers.
My favorite kinds of music are anything that has chaotic/random vibes and also electronic as well as video game hype music.
I have had a lot of near death experiences that i somehow survived because of some sort of miracle.
My IQ is 180+ and i used to be a child prodigy,being able to solve the hardest math equations at age seven. Not to brag but I'm kind of a genius. I have also competed in thousands of chess tournaments.
My mbti is INFJ,my zodiac sign is scorpio,and my hogwarts house is slytherclaw (slytherin ravenclaw which is a hybrid house).
My birthday is october 1st
I have had many injuries throughout my life. Such as; getting a crack on my skull,having my leg torn open because of one particularly high jump,breaking my hand,having my cheek burnt off,scraping my arm so bad that it drew blood,getting bit by a random dog,getting stabbed in back (literally),and much more. Which is why i have a pretty high pain tolerance.
I'm a 10 year rollerblading champion.
My grandma might be a goddess. Like she's super cool and can do some complicated gymnastics tricks at age 70. She has also befriended all the animals in our area. She also knows things that no man (er woman) should know. She can also count to one million.
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atonalginger · 5 months
Reclaiming Home
The next installment in the Twin Starfarers series, Reclaiming Home, is now live on ao3 and you can find it by clicking
It starts with a spicy bang, Doc and Sam finally able to do the do after getting blocked in the last fic. There is a summary in the end notes if smut isn't your thing and not to worry, they'll get back into shenanigans soon.
Because of the opening chapter and some of the events to come this fic is rating Explicit for Sexual Content and Violence.(later)
a preview:
They were in orbit around Andraste III, the scanners set to run all sorts of scans. Scans that Sam didn’t understand the point of considering how often Jamie and her old friend had surveyed the planet before. But she said it was a part of the process and they’d orbit the planet for several UT hours while her program ran and then they could pick a landing spot to get started. 
He still couldn’t believe this was happening. The leisure survey trip, Jamie joining Constellation, Jamie being in the Plaza that day at all, it was all buzzing by so fast he made his head spin. He reclined in the pilot seat, the planet in front of him, the vibrant blue waters, colorful landmasses, and white puffy clouds creating a gorgeous view. From further back in the ship he thought he heard a song that felt like a long lost friend.
I think I found a way for you and I to finally fly free
When we get there, we’re going to fly so far away
Making sure to laugh while we experience anti-gravity
Sam hadn’t listened to that song since after she left the city. It wasn’t a super popular old earth track, none of the music he and she shared were, it was part of why they’d pick them. 
The song was the start of a very specific playlist Sam and Jamie had crafted over the year and change they were together. For months they’d try adding and subtracting tracks, moving them around to find the perfect pace. All old earth rock and metal songs, with ‘Summer Romance’ being the oddball. The track had a funky bass line and more mellow overall feel while still keeping a driving tempo. It was Jamie’s choice, ‘a perfect warm-up song,’ she’d said all those years ago.
Did she keep that old slate? Sam wondered as he listened to the distant music. That playlist was 35 odd minutes of music they had listened to while spending ‘quality time’ in the old midtown apartment. For the off chance Fox could potentially come home while Sam had her face down in the pillows. He smiled at the thought, the memory of their flesh pounding together sending a river of blood to his loins. He shook his head, no, too risky, knock it off.
“There you are,” Jamie said, causing him to jump. He sat up in the seat and looked over his shoulder as Jamie leaned in, a playful smile greeting him, “I was looking for you.”
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s-milesart · 2 years
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Ad Astra | Per Aspera
through struggle, seek the stars.
after the dissolving of the Liverpool Coalition in 2209 due to... Unforeseen complications, the Anti-Gravity Racing league hit a massive downturn. Not due to money, or rights; but due to the fans. 
Sure, the vehicles are badass. Sure, the track locations are beautifully designed and masterfully crafted. But what about the pilots? The people behind the cockpit glass?
Personalities get people. Having someone to root for feels more intimate than rooting for a team.
In the newest season of the Zer0(G) League, the focus is on the people. The larger than life persons and personalities that’ll get people in seats and tuning in to datastreams across the globe. An open call to anyone willing to race for a podium finish.
AG-Sys’ answer?
One pilot. Only one.
Her lap times are incredible. She makes turns deemed “impossible” by some back-to-back and back again. 
Is she the bleeding edge of man, and machine? Is she the zenith of AG racing?
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aubadeatelier · 1 year
Garner/Caelum Masterpost
This is my silly little masterpost for my big demigod mess of a man for the @smallartistocbracket and the @original-character-championship!
Villain (or anti-hero) lovers- Monster enthusiasts-Do I have the blorbo for you!
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This is Garner! He's one of the main characters of my story Discordant Throne. He's a demigod with Space and Gravity powers with a foul reputation as a 'beast' who does not adhere to everyone else's ideas of order and conformity. But in reality, he is guardian of those without a place to go and a lover of culture and the arts.
Basic Info ✧ Name || Sondegarnr Alexandrite Darai (please just call him 'Garner') ✧ Age || Umm... 400+ years old. It's a long story. ✧ Gender || Male ✧ Sexuality || Bisexual ✧ Height || 6'2"
Reasons to vote for Garner
✧ He looks cool! He makes cool entrances! He has a half-beast form and a beast form! [Fun fact: He has a hoard of all the cool crafts and stuff he collected and purchased. He keeps it all near his sleeping area. He keeps it organized since he thinks crafts made by people's hands are extremely precious.]
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✧ He's literally reincarnated! Look at him! [Before he became a demigod, he was a scientifically-enhanced government operative named 'Caelum Stratford'. After getting caught in the apocalypse, he met Amanece Callapathiel and offered to escort her out of the city. What happened to them? Well... I guess that's why you should vote for him? Ey? (actually just ask me I'll spill the beans)]
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✧ He's a sweetheart. This man might look intimidating, but he's incredibly careful around people. He's the type to hold your hand and help you find your way through a crowd. He enjoys collecting handmade crafts, learning and experiencing people’s traditions, listening to stories, raising his strange found family of anime protag kids with his demigoddess wife (who has time powers) Amanece and getting kisses from her.
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I hope you all enjoyed learning about him! If you want to know more, please feel free to ask!
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howlingday · 1 year
Nora: Why are you reading a washing machine manual?
Ruby: This isn't a washing machine manual.
Nora: What? But it says, "Schnee General" on the cover!
Ruby: Mhm, Schnee General. The makers of the AG-12 heavy-duty machine gun on the Atlas Valkyrie bullhead.
Nora: First of all, that's not a Valkyrie. I'm a Valkyrie! And second, Atlas Militant makes the Atlas Valkyrie.
Ruby: Atlas Militant makes the Atlas Valkyrie. General Schnee makes the AG-12.
Nora: So you're telling me that the same people who make anti-gravity tech are the same guys who make this death machine?
Ruby: Mhm. One is used to lift things up, and the other is used to put Grimm down. It's not that complicated.
Nora: So you don't think it's weird that they're both made in the same factory?
Ruby: Well, it's not the SAME factory. There's probably one for crafting and one for testing, but yeah. Anti-gravity, conventional ovens, machine guns... It's all just engineering.
Nora: Economics is... so weird!
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arcadebroke · 6 months
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magician-kitty · 4 months
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The sign of the noodle shop lit up and inside, Pigsy rang the bell as he called out for MK "Order up! Come on, get the let out." MK appeared the moment the bell was rang. "On it!"
MK responded as she placed the bag of noodles in the cooler as she got her phone out to get towards the place of the person who ordered it. MK then puts on het headphones and drives around in the tuk-tuk. When she arrived, the person of the home opened the door as the brunette greeted them sweetly "Pigsy's Noodles!"
She then started delivering the noodles to all over the places who had ordered them "Pigsy's Noodles! Pigsy's Noodles! Pigsy's Noodles! Pigsy's Noodles!" She runs into Sandy at the harbor on her way back "MK! Did you arrive at the right time,” Sandy then shows a paint brush.
"Scoop up the brush! We're giving the old girl a fresh coat of paint!" MK smiled as she got out of the tuk-tuk with a paint brush and paint bucket in her hands and cheered. "Yeah! Painting boats is my middle name!" She and Sandy painted the boat, showing off the fresh blue coat as they fist bump in the end.
The day is over as the sign of the noodle shop went off while MK was done showering as she left the bathroom while wearing her nightgown and wiping her hair off as she was getting ready to sleep. "Now for eight to twelve hours of uninterrupted-Ah! Mei!" The brunette yelped as Mei was pulling clothes out of her drawer as one of her shirts landed on her face. "Get up, get up, get up! We are going out!"
Mei cheered as she took selfies of themselves "Woohoo! Anti-Gravity Arcade, yo!" As MK cheered as well "Yeah, yeah, yeah!"
The next day, the sign of the noodle shop lit up as Pigsy rang the bell again as he called out "Order up!" MK then appread to get the bag as she spoke. "Okay, Pigsy!" The girl yawned as she started making her way towards the place "Pigsy's Noodles. Pigsy's Noodles."
"How about a nice sunset orange?" Sandy suggested as the brunette helped Sandy paint. That following night, MK was briefly seen at the arcade snoring, while Mei cheers on. The cycle continues as MK attends 24/7 to whatever tasks her friends need help with.
"Order up! Order up! Order up!" Pigsy called out as he rang the bell "What if we try blue again?" Sandy asked as MK had an agitated look on her face "Pigsy's Noodles. Pigsy's Noodles." She greeted them tiredly as she delivered the messy blue bag of noodles as she had a very tired look on het face along with the bags under her eyes.
After her deliveries were done, MK flops over the counter in exhaustion, Tang looked concerned at the brunette as he spoke "Goodness, MK. You look like hot garbage, Tired?"
"What me no I'm fine," She says as she picks up her head and pulls forward, "I just need to close my eyes for a couple of seconds-" then starts mumbling before falling into the noodle bowl. Tang lifts her head up so she wouldn't drown, grabs a napkin to wipe her face.
"You're pushing yourself too hard, MK. Working all day, partying all night, painting boats? It's not good for a growing girl." Tang said with concern in his voice. "You need to have time to relax." He finished her face, returning back to his noodles.
MK sat up, looking down at her own bowl. "I know, it's just... I don't wanna let my friends down, you know? It's like, I wanna help in the store, do arts and crafts with Sandy and party with Mei-Mei! But it's all too hard! I'm just one gal!" She sighed.
"Hm, To bad you can't duplicate yourself like Monkey King." This caused the teen to look at him.
Tang grabbed MK's autobiography of Monkey King, flipping the pages. "You know, it's one of Monkey King's 72 Transformations. Pluck out some hair" He plucked a strand of her hair, MK yelped. "Blow on it" MK seemed unconvinced, but did it anyway. "Um, okay.." She blew on the lock of her hair and it lands on the floor behind them. "And Presto! Some monkey's pop out" Tang finished, seeing that nothing happened.
"Bummer.." MK said, disappointed.
Suddenly the lock of hair began glowing, morphing into another MK. "Yep, a perfect clone of you pops out. Exactly what I said would happen." Tang laughs nervously, he nervously went back to eating his noodles as MK stares marvelously at the clone.
"Woah! Holy moly! I looks/look just like me/her!"
"This solves everything! I can be in all the places at all the times." MK pushes her clone out the shop, before turning to Tang.
"Thanks, Tangy! Couldn't have done it without ya!" They said in unison before leaving out the door.
Tang stared at the two with wide eyes as they walked off. "Hm. If I wasn't so relaxed and cool, I'd probably be really worried about the consequences of this." He took another sip of his noodles.
The next day, Pigsy rings the bell, holding up an order. "Order up!" He blinks as the order was snatched out of his hand. "I'm on it, boss!" The clone yelled as she ran out the door.
at the docks, Another clone was with Sandy, painting his boat. Sandy stares in awe at the newly painted boat. Everyone noticed that MK had been very energetic as of late, as if she weren't exhausted or anything.
“I don’t know what’s gotten into ya kid, but I like the hustle!”
The next day, Pigsy, who finished an order. "Order up!" His phone suddenly buzzed as he answered it. "Hello, thanks for calling Pigsy's! home of the world's longest- It didn't arrive?" He had a customer on the line, and they sounded angry.
"Hold on, I've got another call." Again, there was another angry customer. "She didn't deliver it? What do you mean she didn't deliver it?!"
Tang shifted in his seat, messing with his glasses. "Oh boy, something bad has definitely happened." He muttered
"Any more orders?" MK asked.
Pigsy, still looking at his phone, turned around, "MK, do you mind explaining-Ahh!," Pigsy screamed, dropping the bowl of noodles and backing into the corner as he was faced with a very fat MK.
"Uh, everything ok boss?" MK's Delivery Clone asked a very scared, and confused Pigsy before letting out a burp.
Meanwhile with Sandy, The painter clone was getting out of control, constantly repainting the boat. "It needs to be better, It needs to be better." The she-clone muttered.
Sandy stares at the doors of the cargo box, frowning. "Uh, I think it's pretty good, MK."
"Pretty good. Pretty good?! Are you crazy!? That's not good enough! You asked me to help paint your boat and that's what I'm going to do. I won't stop until it's perfect!" She said, startling Sandy and Mo.
"Um..." Sandy looks at Mo, who meows. He must have said a wrong answer or something.
Meanwhile at the Anti-Gravity arcade, everyone inside was exhausted, including Mei as the music played. "Yeah! Everybody move yo feet!" Party clone shouted.
Mei could feel her legs getting weak, floating towards the DJ. "Hey, um...I'm getting pretty sleepy, wanna hit it?" Mei yawned.
"Psh! Girl, what are you talking about? Ain't no one leaving this porty!" She cranks up the music more, Mei winced, quickly covering her ears, she floats back down.
"Uh, yeah, but this "porty" has been going on for 15 hours." Mei groaned, rubbing her droopy eyes.
Party clone mocks her. "Ah, for 15 hours. I'm so sleepy. That's what you sound like." with a snap of her fingers, bouncers appear behind her.
"I said, ain't no one leaving this porty." She stated, grins evilly.
Back at the noodle shop, MK's Delivery Clone was eating a bowl of noodles, while Tang held Pigsy back as he tried to fight MK for the noodles back, "MK stop eating! You're hemorrhaging money by the bowl."
Soon the real MK walked in and Tang was the first to notice her. He let go of Pigsy when he saw that she was half bald. The Pig Demon fell to the floor and noticed MK.
"MK?" Pigsy looked at the real MK and then at the clone. "Let me guess, this is some kind of Mystic Monkey Business?" Pigsy asked, angry.
Mk just laughs nervously, scratching the back of his neck. " Yeah, that pretty much about sums it up." Pigsy then jumps off the larger MK, looking furious.
"MK!" But before Pigsy could do anything, the clone leaned over and fell on top of him, as Pigsy screamed in fright. Tang sighed, rubbing his eyes. "So, you gonna clean this up?"
MK rubbed her chin, summoning her staff and poked the clone's side. "Ugh! That's never going to work!" She panics, flailing her arms. MK then turned to Tang, giving him the puppy dog eyes. "Mr. Tang, How did Monkey King get rid of his clones?"
Tang was silent, humming in thought as he adjusted his glasses. I... don't know."
MK groans before falling over, as her clone starts eating the staff. "Perhaps you should try some pressure points or some wavy kung fu, hm?" Tang suggested.
"Alright, one wavy kung fu coming up." MK then got into position, lifting her hands in the air and moved them around, summoning a symbol. She pushed her hands into the clone's side, but nothing happened.
"Yeah, I'm not su-" Suddenly the clone explodes, as wind gusts out the shop, blowing hair away. all that was left was pigsy, laid in the middle of the floor.
"Well, looks like everything is back to normal," Tang stated, helping his husband up. Pigsy groaned in pain and Mk panics, seeing her boss' state. "Pigsy, are you okay!?"
At that moment, Pigsy's phone went off. It was Sandy. ‘Oh no.’ MK thought when she suddenly remembered the clone she sent to Sandy's boat. "Uhh.. I gotta, see ya!" MK rushed out the door.
It didn't take long for her to get to Sandy's boat. It was quiet and eerie, there were many sloshes of paint all over the boat. Laughter echoes on the boat, as MK sneak onto the boat.
There was another MK, except this one was covered in paint and looked like a maniac, splattering her face with paint. "Yes, yes! the art is seeping into my pores, filling my very soul." There was a groan, Painter MK turn to see Sandy tied up, hung from his claw machine.
"It just needs.." the clone slowly approached Sandy, pointing her brush at him. "One. more. coat."
"Missed a spot!" Mk shouts to the clone.
The painter clone panics. "What? Where?!" She gasped, glowing bright gold before exploding. Sandy struggles to get out of his ropes, MK quickly rushing over, untying the blue man.
"Hey there MK," Sandy greeted, "Mystic Monkey Business?"
"Yeah.." MK trailed off.
"So uh, how many of those things did you make?" Sandy asked. "Uh, I think that's the last one," MK laughs nervously before gasping. "Oh, wait.."
MK makes it to the Anti-Gravity Arcade, slamming the doors open. "Alright, party clone, where is she?" She demanded.
The party clone played it of announcing MK's arrival. "Look! OG MK is in da house, yo!" She shouted.
MK angrily flailing her arms around in frustration. "Stop distracting me, Dammit! Where's Mei!" MK yelled. Party Girl chuckled, slowly turning into an evil laugh as the walls split open behind her. A large crane machine emerges with a tired Mei tied up inside.
"Hey, MK...! Mystic Monkey business? You're like, so bad at making clones, by the way." She said in a tired voice. MK frowns, spinning her staff. "Don't worry, I'll fix this! Hand her over you...Me. We?" MK shouted, getting confused mid-sentence.
Party Girl Clone cackled. "Slow yo roll, Mama You wanna get to me? You gotta go through the girls!" The party clone said, pressing a button. The gravity in the arcade suddenly turned off, causing MK to float up to where thousands of her clones were waiting.
"Why did hell did you make so many MK's, MK!?" Yelled Mei in disbelief.
"Whoops, my finger slipped~" Party girl MK feigned innocence as she pressed a button opening a hole filled with lava. Mei shrieks.
"Mei!" MK cried out, seeing her bestie in danger.
Party girl Clone laughs evilly/maliciously. "Go get 'em, girls!" She ordered. The clones leap forward, MK panicking as she extended the staff. She dodge multiple attacks from the clones, but more kept coming her way.
"MK, hurry!" Mei screamed in horror, The crane holding her began to move, lowering her towards the furnace as she began screaming.
"Hold on Mei, I'm coming!" MK shouts as she grasps the staff. MK spun the staff, throwing it into the glass of the claw machine, breaking it. MK kicks the staff. The glass shatters, Mei falling from the claw but is saved by the staff. she smiles, looking up at MK, who laughs nervously.
"Uh, MK?"
MK turns, gasping when she sees the army of MK clones. "Here comes monkie kid!" The clones yelled as they filled the hole. The machine is stuffed with clones, party MK laughing in triumph, but gasping with wide eyes.
There was a bright light and the army of clones were thrown back, as a large symbol appeared, reducing the army into piles of hair. Party girl MK gulps as MK and Mei jump down, safely on the ground.
"One to go." Mei said. They all turned to look at the Party Clone. "N-No Wait, Mei! How do you know I'm not the real MK? There's two of us at this porty," The party clone tried to say before realizing what she said, "Ah shit, I played myself."
MK then jumps into the air. "Here comes monkie kid!" She yelled as she taps her hand on the party clone, who glew gold, as a tear fell down his cheek before exploding. "Never forget...the music~"
"Nice work out there, baldy." Mei said to MK. "Ah what was I thinking?" MK cried scratching the ball part of her head.
"Don't worry. I gotcha, sweetie!" Mei places a clump on MK's leftover hair on her head. She blinks at her. "Is it noticeable?" She asked.
"Not at all, my child" Mei joked, stroking a beard she made with MK's hair. This MK to snort in laughter. "Ew! gross! Don't stroke it!”
MK sighed, plopping down into her bed, tired and spent.
"Got the night off, huh?" Mei asked. MK relaxes on her bed "Uh-huh. Pigsy cut me some slack. After I cleaned up all that hair, and paid him back for all the food." MK said, hugging her teddy on the bed.
"So...did you learn your lesson from all this?" she asked, flipping a page to a comic.
"Yep! You know it! Oooh! Monkey King marathon! turn it up!"
"Aw, Thanks!"
Mei looked confused, only to look up to find another MK clone sitting beside her on the bed. Mei was surrounded by a menacing green aura, glaring at the two, who turned their heads to her in confusion.
"What the?-" they both asked.
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riallasheng · 1 year
Hi!!! It's me again!!! XD
What is your opinion on "futuristic technology" in both old/classic and modern media? Do you prefer one over the other?
Hello again ^^
Well, sci-fi is my favorite genre, so futuristic tech is something I generally enjoy
That said, I like hard sci-fi, harder the better, I don't mind middling sci-fi, but I tend to dislike soft sci-fi and actively dislike it when it's so soft that it's just soft-lore magic with science-esque naming conventions.
As a general rule, old/classic media trends much more heavily towards hard scifi, where-as modern media trends much more heavily towards soft scifi, so as a result I tend to prefer old/classic media.
Taking Thunderbirds as the example... once you sort out modifications present for the limitations for puppetry, it's actually pretty hard sci fi. There's only two 'soft' sci-fi elements in Anderverse and that's artificial gravity / anti-grav and forcefields, and both are treated as 'hard sci-fi that we haven't unlocked in the modern world'. It's got set rules, limitations, and tends to be used sparingly. The only other errors tend to be 'at the time this was written this was thought to be the case, we didn't discover it was false until later'.
TaG is overall softer sci-fi, where there are some things that are harder sci-fi, but the general... tone? style? not sure of what word to use ^^;; ? is soft sci-fi.
(new Captain Scarlet was hard sci-fi, if anything harder sci-fi than the og to bring up that example
It takes me VERY little work to make the various craft and tech of the og series hard(er) sci-fi, sometimes it takes basically no effort. (with some exceptions like the crablogger, which granted canonically was using experimental anti-grav tech so even it isn't as bad as it could be)
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mionie · 1 year
(A/N: sorry that it took too long for me to update this series. School's been busy😭. Anyway, enjoy guys❤️)
"Hang in there, Commandant!" The medic said, holding the trembling hands of Julia on her lap. The spaceship they used just begun to enter the spacecraft.
Babylonia Spacecraft was MASSIVE. The in-game loading illustration looked the same as what she was witnessing, but she didn't expected this to be gigantic. If she were to put into comparison the Space station and their current vehicle, it's similar to comparing an ant to a vending machine.
Julia held back the bile rising at the back of her throat, watching their ship enter one of the more than 50 loading compartments.
She had been vomiting since she boarded the spaceship and out of the atmosphere, now, she had to adjust to the sudden change from anti-gravity to applied-gravity of the station. The ship released pressure and the construct pilot signaled them that was now okay to unboard the ship.
Her team members removed the harnesses attached to them while Julia just slipped herself out of the belts. As expected, her legs were wobbly and Liv supported her out of the cockpit.
Blinding light entered her sight as they walked down the ramp. A gasp left her chapped lips as she saw the size of the loading compartment. It was able to fit eight spaceships. Constructs and human personnel moved with precision as they handle crates of food, weapons, and many other things.
An officer greeted them, saluting to the elite squad of Babylonia. Lucia, at the front salute as well. Lee and Liv nodded at him.
"Welcome back, Gray Raven. President Hassen had requested your audience. I'll be escorting you there." They followed him towards a Humvee and they drove to the central receiving area. The Central Receiving Area was a large space with two-way, four lanes connecting to others compartments and sections of the craft. There was also a tall tower that serves as information and management centers that for supplies and people at the bottom. Inside the tower were elevators connecting the top and bottom floors.
The Humvee dropped them off to the foot of the tower and they rode the elevator toone of the top floors. Her eyes sparkled at the height of the elevator shaft until they reached the their destination.
The top floor was breathtaking. Liv had to nudge her gently to keep her moving. The Command Center overlooked the space. You can see the distant stars shining into the dark void, and spacecrafts hovering near Babylonia. They descended a flight of stairs and went to the small platform were a young woman with blonde hair tied into braids, and an old man with an eye patch was discussing things.
Lucia, Liv, and Lee saluted towards the man and Julia followed their gesture. The old man, Hassen, turned towards them and smiled.
Gosh, he's more handsome in personal. Aged like fine wine.
"Welcome back, Gray Ravens." The woman beside him, Celica, waved at them.
"President Hassen, Gray Raven, here as you requested." Lucia said, stepping forward.
He nodded, "I wanted to hear about your reports personally regarding your mission. As you all know, it's not that simple."
"Shall we head to the meeting room?" Celica smiled angelically, leading them towards an empty room with a long table and seats located at the center of the room. They sat down while Celica remained standing beside Hassen.
"How was the mission." Hassen started, getting himself comfortable at the head of the table.
"Corrupted were scattered within the perimeter of City-005. No signs of survivors, but we came across animals every 1 kilometer, mostly dogs and birds." Lucia said.
Liv opened her screen and played it at the center of the table. It showed data and video clips attached on her report, "each corrupted we encountered were similar to frame and design from the typical corrupted we encountered before. However, according to what I gathered, there was a 1.892 percent change of their attacks and behavior but it was dealt with accordingly."
Lee added while he played one of the recorded video of their fight, "the slight shift of their behavior was only recorded near the edges of the city. No more similar change was detected as we got inside."
"I see." Hassen continued watching the video until it finished before turning to the ineardly confused commandant.
"Commandant [+1-!/],, what are your thoughts?" She jumped when she didn't hear her name. Her ears tickled from the computerized sound of her supposed-to-be name was uttered by her Commander.
What... was that? Am I okay?
Celica looked the shocked Commandant with worry. She could see eyebags hanging heavily under her eyes and interrupted him, "President Hassen, shall I get us some beverages?"
"Hm? That would be a great idea, Celica. Coffee for me plea--"
"Water? Okay, water for President Hassen. How about you, Gray Raven?" She ignored her superior's whine as she turned to the team.
"We don't require that, Celica, but thank you." Lucia nodded in gratitude, but Celica was having none of it. It seemed like she made up her mind as she chirped, "water as well? Alright, three more water added on the list! How about the Commandant?"
Me? "Ah... Water as well, please."
"Alright. I'll be back with water soon. Everyone, please use the time to relax first." She said as she left the room.
They were silent the whole time. The three constructs rigidly sat on their chairs, while Hassen just closed his eyes and leaned back on his seat peacefully. As for the alien in the room, Julia burried her face in her arms on top of the table, letting her eyes shut while they wait for their water.
She could understand their conversation but she had a hard time processing what they said. Then another problem arose, her name wasn't uttered freely, as if her name was being censored. She thought back to what happened to her profile back in the bathroom.
Moments later, Celica returned holding a tray of their own glasses of water and side snacks. The humans in the room munched on the snacks Celica provided while the constructs sipped their water. For the time they had their shirt break, Julia was glad Celica was the one doing most of the talking. President Hassen was occasionally the center of the topic with her openly expressed her bitterness regarding her work, her salary, how her direct boss was a workaholic, and many more complaints.
She knew what her predicament was, and she was aware that she was losing her mind. However, as much as she worried about her isekai'd situation, plus the sudden responsibility placed on her shoulder as a soldier and a commandant, she temporarily freed herself from those gnawing worries.
Julia took a last bite from the plain, but subtly sweet biscuit, "... President Hassen ought to be mindful of his health as much as he is to his employees," she joined in, earning a gasp from the old man. Celica nodded in irritation, "right? Is he even aware of how much it worries us? Maybe he thinks he's still as strong as he was in his prime."
"Ahem, Celica, I'm still here, you know?" He sighed. The poor man could not do anything but accept their words, as painful as they may.
"Right. Has everyone finished eating? Good, we will be resuming our discussion," Celica stood up and Hassen nodded, "Commandant, shall we hear about your input of this mission?"
Julia calmed herself, donning a confident persona. She should not fail this, her future lies at the outcome of her delivery. She practiced her lines and any possible questions given to her back in the Babylonia transport terminal.
"None, sir. The mission went alright."
"I read in Liv's health-check report that you were experiencing shock and temporary disorientation?"
"Yes. It almost cost us the success of the mission. This is due to my incompatibility and recklessness," she bowed her head towards her superior in apology.
Celica looked at her, "do you plan in having yourself check?"
"I'll have Liv do it, if it's okay with her?"
"Yes! Of course, it's okay, Commandant!" The soft construct smiled before tilting her head, "I will ensure that Commandant's back to her past self."
"Okay. We'll be counting on you, Liv," Hassen nodded to the girl. He then stood up, the others followed, "then this meeting's adjourned. Commandant [+1-!/], I will be expecting the documented report." Him and Celica left and the the team were left inside.
Julia released a sign, a hand on her chest. That was nerve-wracking. Even though they were nice, they still hold authority over her. She consoled her weak heart. Julia turned to her team, "shall we go? And uh, I might need support." I'm gonna use my excuse of dizziness so they will lead me to our room. Exploit of authority? Lol, maybe. She smiled at her thoughts.
Lucia supported Julia as she wobbled down the large and very, very, very, very long hallways of the Command center. Why couldn't they ride the Humvee once more? Or at least, should they build a transport belt for faster transportation.
She looked around their destination, they kept on walking from hallway to hallway, and not once did she saw the outside. Well, exploration comes later after she memorized the twists and turns they made earlier. She'll need to inquire Liv of a map later.
Soon, they arrived at a door with a sign saying "Gray Raven Dormitory" and entered. They entered they were greeted by their lobby. Julia's gray eyes widened. Their dormitory lobby looked the exact same thing as the default background of the in-game lobby.
"What is?"
"Nothing." Lee raised one of his eyebrow before going to, Julia assumed, his room. Liv proceeded to the kitchen, saying that she needed to prepare healthy food and medications for their Commandant. Lucia assisted her until they reached her room at the corner of the dormitory.
"I'll be going now, Commandant. If there's anything you need, please yell."
"Uh, yes. Thank you, Lucia."
Lucia nodded before entering the first room aligning Lee's. The room in the middle must be Liv's.
She entered her supposed room and noticed how simple and bland the room was, same to their room in the terminal. Although, the difference was the existing pictures placed on the wall. She took a closer look. They were picture of her team, some were they posed with the camera, others were taken by the Commandant without their knowing.
Her fingertips traced the edges of the photos until she reached the corner of the mosaic of pictures. She sat on the bed and kept her eyes on the pictures. There were only a handful of photos on the wall, but each of them told a story. Based on Lucia's frame earlier, Dawn, she could surmise that she was either in Chapters 3 to 6. Looking back at the photos, it showed that there was still tension and awkwardness with the group.
She took out her notebook and started writing.
Number 2. Investigate and study.
- take note of the timeline in the game.
- make sure not to arouse suspicion from others, especially Gray Raven and the higher-ups
- memorize Babylonia layout
- familiarize the rules and regulations of the station, as well as the norms
- study battle strategies and tactics
- familiarize with the command and heirarchy of the system
She tapped the pen on her chin, thinking of other things to include on her to-do list.
- study and practice use of weapons
- familiarize with medicines especially the serum
- in every mission, a report should be made
Maybe these are all of them? She triple read the list she made before closing her notes and lying down on the bed. Weariness started to settle on her system before she jolted up again.
Right. Hassen said he would be waiting for the report...
She swallowed the knot in her throat and made her way to the table at the corner of the room. On the desk, there were papers were scattered with scribbles and formal writing, and two stacks of documents remained untouched on the floor beside the desk. With the amount of work to be done, she sank on the chair and cursed the original Gray Raven Commandant for their negligence. Well, she was not sure if the original Commandant was negligent and lazy, but she blamed them anyway.
She began segregating useful papers from trash-related ones before studying the pattern of delivery of the Commandant. It would take time, yes, but she need to send a report as soon as possible to earn her much needed rest.
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timeclonemike · 5 months
Character Classes
Hero. Always in the party. Can equip 75% of the equipment in the game. Generalist stats and skills except for Battle Cry, Rousing Speech, and Fuck That Guy In Particular, representing their leadership role and unifying presence on and off the battlefield.
Thief. Stats and skills emphasize speed, evasion, concealment, and deception. Cannot equip Heavy Armor or Weapons. Steal skill has a chance to take away enemy gear or supplies. Prestige Classes include Hacker, which disables enemy special abilities by hacking their gear, and Con Artist, which tricks and confuses enemies into attacking each other.
Soldier. Stats and skills emphasize damage output and damage tolerance. Can equip most body armor and firearms. Special skills include Covering Fire, which causes enemies to miss the next attack, Suppressing Fire, which stops one enemy from attacking entirely but only so long as the soldier suppresses them each turn, and Defilade, a multi-target attack that requires skipping at least one turn to set up. Prestige Classes are either Sniper (anti infantry) or Grenadier (anti armor) enemy bonuses.
War Wizard. Combat Focused Spellcaster. Stats and skills emphasize smarts and durability, but not brute strength. By default uses fire, ice, lightning, or poison. Increased combat power comes at the cost of not knowing non combat utility spells. Cannot wear heavy armor or use heavy weapons. Prestige class unlocks highest form of one elemental attack.
Occultist. Utility Spellcaster. Stats and skills emphasize intellect and wisdom but not strength or stamina. Uses Time, Gravity, and Mesmeric magic to alter battlefield conditions. Can also repair damaged gear by rewinding its timeline to before it was broken, with the Nostalgia spell. Cannot wear heavy armor or use heavy weapons. No prestige classes but can unlock Summon skill with the Phonebook Of The Gods.
Inventor. Utility Crafter. Stats and skills emphasize intellect and speed. Uses a variety of gadgets on the battlefield. Manages the crafting system. (Pilots the airship until the Hero completes the Tutorial Side Quest "Buffalo Wings" after landing at Isla Obscura.)
Survivalist. Multiclass Fighter and Wilderness Tracker. Stats and skills emphasize combat and stealth. Can equip any firearm but not heavy armor. Gets damage bonus against wild animals and undead. (Allows skipping 90% of the sidequest "Forest Dump" but this is not recommended as several unique pieces of gear are found in the forest map.) Prestige Class into Anarchist (bonus damage against enemy soldiers or police officers) or Camp Cook (unlocks crafting high tier healing items in the Mess Tent / Airship Galley.)
Chrononaut. DLC Exclusive Time Traveler. Reskinned survivalist with Time Magic themed Time Out ability that allows them to take two turns at once.
Medic. Combat Capable Healer. Provides emergency healing to other party members. Cannot equip any weapons other than knives or light pistols. Prestige Class into Surgeon (unlocks all Bladed Weapons and the Vivisect combat skill) or Paramedic (massive speed and strength boost and ability to use Jaws Of Life And Death weapon).
Dino Cavalry. Utahraptor Riding Light Dragoon. Stats comparable to Soldier class but cannot equip heavy armor. (Villain-exclusive class until Act 3.) Unofficial mascot of game and studio, appears on most promotional art.
Alchemist. Magical Healer and Utility Spellcaster. Crafts "Elixirs" at crafting stations that can then be used like spells. Primary source for magical healing. No Prestige Class but can be massively upgraded one stat at a time through the "Great Work" Side Quest.
Heavy Armor. Pilot / Driver / Gunner of Powered Armor / Macro Armor. Stats comparable to Soldier but cannot equip heavy weapons or armor; in return, are able to wear / ride advanced mechanical weapons platforms. (Can be unlocked as early as Act 2 depending on dialog choices.) Prestige Class specializes in Ground Armor or Sky Armor.
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darren-douglas · 1 year
Tumblr media
Anti-Gravity Racing Pre-Season Testing, Darren Douglas (WipEout, 2003)
The AGR Pre-Season Ship Shakedown takes place in a secret location of Nevada USA. This is where the competing teams meet for the first time following months of rigorous in-house testing, research and development.
Aside from the teams checking out the competition and compiling season prediction data; the weekend is a final opportunity for the upcoming season’s Pilots to test the newly developed crafts ahead of the upcoming season.
Finally, The Racing Authority complete a series of safety checks, inspecting all components and (if the craft adheres to the overall season rules and safety regulations) the RA will then greenlight both the team and it’s craft to compete in the upcoming season.
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