#Anti-Hero Queen Bee AU
the-orange-tabby-cat · 5 months
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The Renegade
joel miller x fem!reader
Summary of the fic: This is why I’m writing to you, Tess. Do you see how much trouble am I? How unstable and not anywhere good for him? I can’t fall in love with him and he can’t get closer, I’m a weak bitch: I’m gonna fall for him if you don’t help me. I walked too many meters of bad decisions before, I can’t cross another ocean. You are my only hope, The renegade - Your parents ask you to try seeing a therapist, Tess, and you agree under one condition: she can't let you fall in love with Joel Miller. A fic in the format of letters, from you to Tess. 🐾
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Warnings/tags: Explict +18, no outbreak AU, slow burn, fluff, smut, kinda loser reader? lol, implied age gap, coming of age, no use of y/n
Word count of the prologue + chapter 1: 6,4k
Tabby note: This will be a quick fic, I promise! I needed to take it off my head, it was clogging everything else at this point lol I really wanted an anti-hero protagonist instead of the usual good girls I write. She is messy and adorable at the same time, I'm really proud of how the story is taking shape! Hope you like it!
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Austin, July 2024
Dear Tess,
You said I could write you in any format as long I’m true to what I’m putting out. That’s some therapist bullshit, but since it’s you reading this mess, I will let it slide. I thought a lot about what to write down for you, not the usual overthinking, more of a “where do I begin?”. Remember, you were the one who told me to write this if I can’t say out loud what it is inside my head while we are in session. This shit is hard, okay?
Let me start by being the smartpants I used to be: the human brain processes a thought faster than one meter per second. If I put together all the meters my brain ran while getting bad ideas, I could now cross the Atlantic Ocean.
Do you remember when you were a kid and your parents told you to avoid certain people? That strange feeling you get when you see a trainwreck of a person, the one that didn’t exactly do something bad, they just are stuck somewhere out of this reality and you think to yourself “I would never get in that position”? 
I did get in that position. I’m stuck in that somewhere. For years now.
Wish I could tell you that something horrible happened to me when I was younger, that my mother crushed all my dreams and my dad left one day to buy a pack of cigarettes. What about a strict family or an over-the-top religious one where I’m one of ten kids? Not even close to the truth, I’m an only daughter.
Middle middle class: enough money to live more than comfortably, far from the luscious lifestyle of the riches. I grew up knowing money didn’t come from the trees, I touched some grass, okay? The only thing expected by my kinda-aristocrat parents was that I would achieve academic success prior to a life full of achievements.
Chess competitions, spelling bee trophies (if I make a mistake a few pages down, it’s been a while since it), debate club captain, swimming team… You name it and I did. At seventeen I was voted as “most likely to be successful” and second place for homecoming queen because slutty Katie gave the basketball team a sloppy blowjob after practice. I had a first kiss and gave one bad handjob under the bleachers by that age.
Then university came and nobody, no fucking body, got wowed when I got an Ivy League on my first try. My head was too shoved up my ass to notice life around me. I wasn’t a pretty girl anymore because girls in my class were prettier than me, wasn’t the smartest since I wasn’t a teacher’s pet by just existing. 
My classmates didn’t care for me because I had no clue about social etiquette: what alcohol is acceptable to bring to a frat party? How do you pick up guys and let them suck on your tongue? Do you stay inside your dorm room when your roommate is fucking or do you wait outside?
I could do it with being the awkward girl, but not with being less than perfect. By the second semester, I was crying every day in the shower and realized I had no friends, just people who had the same interests as me back home. I tried so hard to become the number one in my class that life became hell the second my teacher gave me a lower score on a significant test.
I left her class and instead of crying, calling my parents to vent, or any other shit, I walked by the first frat house I saw and decided to lose my v card there with any guy that looked remotely cute. 
Don’t get me wrong, I couldn’t be a slut if I hadn’t had a penis inside me yet, but I knew that something was boiling up for years. My hand sneaking under my panties after a tiring day, humping on my pillow whenever I got frustrated, even the shoulder massager I got for after swimming practice humming on my clit did it. All I needed was a chance to forget for a moment the hell that was my life.
And I did. A sand blond guy with a shark smile that would fuck anything that moved in his direction, clearly a rich bitch whose parents got his spot in the university. I walked in his direction and took my panties off, put them in his hand, and the next thing I saw he was deep inside of me while I hopped him vigorously.
I cummed so hard that I think saw Jesus, whatever he might be. Not that the guy made me cum, I had an itch for so long that any scratch would do it. Any. After coming down my high it was clear in my mind: I would do anything that I didn’t do before.
Drink until pass out, rob beer from the liquor store, fuck my roommate's hot dad, cheat on a test. Nothing was out of limits. Well, I still had to finish university and never use drugs because that was a hard no for me.
You see, Tess, I’m so good at keeping my promises to other people and ignoring my own needs that I did finish university. Graduated with an honor badge and everything, my parents' wet dream. Except they no longer knew me and had no clue that I spent four years whoring myself and doing everything to ignore who I used to be.
And this is why on my first day in a big company, a trainee job earned right after college, I vomited inside the bathroom stall during onboarding. A panic attack a week later when my leader delegated some tasks. You give me a few months and my mind went blank the second I started a presentation to the c level board. I ran so fast outside that I fell on the sidewalk, got up, called for a cab, and never came back.
It’s been years since it.
My parents came to you because they still have some hope. I don’t, I think they are being dumb. Yes, I have an Ivy League degree, a bunch of useless skills (except for Mandarin, I can read so fast the menu at a Chinese restaurant) but nothing to do with when I WON’T come back to who I used to be. Do you think I sound miserable now? I’m miserable but I’m free in my kitchenette downtown, with my band t-shirts and two jobs. Living the dream.
Of course I’m fucking lying to you. I hate my life because the bitch running it is so dumb (that’s me, by the way).
It used to be kinda cool. The day I ran from the office was the same day I went straight to the arcade and played Mortal Kombat II so much that I broke the machine’s record. I went there for a full week before the manager, an emo guy looking like a teenager, decided to hire me.
It wasn’t enough to pay for my fancy downtown apartment, the one that got furniture that didn’t come from IKEA, so I had to move to the shithole I’m now. A mini studio in a building so old that if the city trembles, I’m sure that I will be turning into dust.
Years in this life, day after day, and I wasn’t mad about it. I was free, after all. It took about two years for my parents to find out that I wasn’t the prodigious child anymore and they took better than I expected. My mom cried, cursed my name, and asked if someone hurt me but I didn’t have the heart to tell her that I was the one who caused it.
Anyway, you already know this stuff. They told you their side of the story when letting you know that I would be your new patient. What exactly have they told you? About how I never introduced them to a guy and my dad had a very straightforward conversation with me about why lesbians were cool and he would accept me if I was one? Maybe they told you about how I got so drunk one Christmas that end up peeing on the petunias in the neighbor’s yard and my mom thought it was a good idea to tell them I was heavily sedated from a fear of flying? Nobody said it was easy to be an only child.
What you don’t know is that I have a love life, you are welcome. For years I’ve been sleeping around with a married man. I know, I know, shocking! Scandalous! His name is Peter and he is dumb as a door. But the dick is good and he sometimes treats me like a real person. I met him at a bar, gave him a blowjob in the back alley (Katie would be proud) and we see each other every week since.
Remember when I said my family isn’t religious? Thank god because that’s not everything. I have a boyfriend, a real one. It was a scorching day, the AC wasn’t working and I had to put the neckline out a bit before becoming a puddle. That’s when I see him, playing with his friends, having fun, being so fucking broad and handsome… I had to taste it.
Flirted a bit and boom, got him at the back door pumping deep inside of me while I was sitting on a desk. He was amazing, he was making me gooey to the point of screaming in pleasure. Too good to be true, when he was about to come I saw the little golden cross pending from his neck.
The next day he came back, told me how sorry he was, and asked me for an opportunity to show me how good he could be. I thought he wanted a second round, but nope, he wanted me to meet Jesus. I’m a people pleaser, Tess. It has been four months since I’m Mormon Isaac’s girlfriend. Every Sunday I attend the sermon, his family knows me and I haven’t slept with him since that first day. It marks also the four months I’m trying to break up with him.
You must think that I ain’t a good person and you are right, I’m not. Not the worst, but for sure not a fucking saint. I don’t come back in my decisions, anyone else with less brain would, but not me. I’m too stubborn to deal with the hell I made of my own life. Or used to, because now I’m head over heels for this guy, Tess.
Joel Miller. The stupid hunk who is older, wiser, and hot. Who I can’t stop thinking about since we met. Damn his pretty brown eyes and how they look into my soul. I’m a mess and I need some help dealing with it before he gets into my trap and I destroy him.
This is why I’m writing to you, Tess. Do you see how much trouble am I? How unstable and not anywhere good for him? I can’t fall in love with him and he can’t get closer, I’m a weak bitch: I’m gonna fall for him if you don’t help me. I walked too many meters of bad decisions before, I can’t cross another ocean.
You are my only hope,
The renegade
P.S. I won’t pay you shit, hope my parents paid you enough for this.
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Austin, July 2024
Dear Tess,
Yes, I'm doing well, thank you for your concern, guess the rambling in my last letter got you worried about me. It’s a skill, I’m very good at making people worry. I'm marvelous, splendid, and well, fucked. By our last session, you asked me more details of how I ended up meeting Joel and I said to you “a lady never tells” and you didn't laugh, tough crowd. Let me paint you a picture then.
There are many regulars at the arcade. The asians dudes that go there after Kumon (been there, done that, I feel so sorry for them), the lone wolves of 40+ that still want to feel young since they can't get any pussy and, my favorites, the after-school reruns.
These little fuckers go there every week to burn some steam from their sugary-inflicted bodies, stay until 4 pm and go straight to their houses, to their mom and dad. I'm not bitter, I just hate teenagers.
I'm aware that it sounds like I'm on the wrong career path since they keep my economy going, but fuck it, teenagers give me the creeps. Except for the queers, they are quite nice. I have a baby lesbian (it’s pretty obvious) that I call 3 pm because she comes by this time twice a week, Ellie.
She is probably fifteen or so and everything I wasn't at her age. Firecracker, bossy with a dirty mouth – did I ever tell you that the first time I said “fuck” in front of my parents was after my meltdown? You can guess it. One of the only teenagers I got close to if I'm honest. She came by one afternoon, saw Mortal Kombat II, and hasn't left since.
“Who's The Renegade?” She asked me one time, checking out the scoreboard with disgust. Remember I beat the machine record? She was right after me.
“No clue, try harder.” I teased her thinking she wouldn't care and move on with her life, like people do.
But not Ellie, she tried really hard to break the fucking record. Week after week, I watched her trying her best from my glass display while wearing the ugly bowling striped shirt that is my uniform.
I saw him way before he saw me. Doing my regular afternoon routine, cleaning the games with some rubbing alcohol to avoid the sticky hands infecting everywhere, minding my business under the neon light. All good, until I saw broad shoulders (I have a type, okay? Sue me) playing the fucking Mortal Kombat II with Ellie by his side.
Broad, so fucking broad. Dark curls with some gray here and there adorning his ears. I must have made some noise because for a second he looked back and that nose? Yeah, that was the end of me.
“You were close, old man,” Ellie teased as the fight on screen got to an end. He glared at her before looking at his score. “Nah, you're full of shit. Not even close to me or The Renegade.”
“Yeah, if I was spending that much time here I would be second place too,” he groaned before gaining full height. That voice gave me chills as I pretended I haven't heard shit, trying to not sneak a look and failing every time.
And that was it, Tess. Not exactly your meet cute, sorry. He came back maybe three or four times, always polite, nothing else. I thought it would be a silent crush, a small one until I got bored. I’m constantly bored.
My second job is a little less orthodox, if you can call my first one that. A girl has to do what she has to to get that bag. On Christmas, I’m the Santa helper with a mini skirt and sweet smiles (you can imagine how many times I picked up desperate dads like that), by Easter, I’m your lucky bunny hopping around in white hot pants, when Thanksgiving is around the corner I’m the sluttiest turkey you ever saw. 
The mall manager pays me double because I let him once see my boobs and the poor guy is so lonely that he is more than sure that we will sleep together at some point.
“A vest with “can I help you?” tagline? Where is the skanky clothes?” I asked him one Saturday morning, thinking he made a mistake giving me the day costume.
“We’re getting more boomers and older visitors, we need someone to stay in a good floor spot and answer their questions,” he told me in a boring tone, the sadness in his eyes always a classic.
“Okay, if they ask me questions, what do I do? I don’t know shit about this mall except that you can buy powder by the public telephones and shouldn’t use the ladies bathroom on the second floor, that’s where Nora from Chipotle goes and that woman’s ass is rancid.” He furrowed his brows and dragged his hand on his face, taking his time to process what I had just said.
“Just be nice and bring them to someone who will be helpful, maybe a security guard, I don’t know. And don’t use cocaine while on the job, I can’t deal with another junkie here,” he said reinforcing the vest on my hands and urging me to get out of the room.
Now would be a good time to remind you that I don’t use drugs, never did. I might be many things in this life, but not a stoner. Not because I’m prudish or think drugs are bad for you, even if they are. I’m way too afraid about getting hooked once I realize that the play-pretend reality that they induce in your brain is better than this one. I’m self-destructive, but not stupid.
So there I was, in my lime neon vest, above a small platform with a big dark blue “information” written. Thinking about anything you can imagine, my shift lasts six hours and I can’t sit down, just a fifteen-minute bathroom break. One of my worst nightmares is to be alone with the dumb bitch inside my head, that’s why I hate silence.
When was the last time you went to a mall? They used to be a big deal in my younger days, but now they are dead. It’s so fucking slow, just little packs of people here and there. Not even music playing to alleviate the tension between me and my stupid brain.
“Miss?” A small voice called, I looked to the sides and saw nobody,  so they insisted. “Miss?”
I looked down on the platform and to my surprise, a toddler with big brown eyes and curly hair was calling me. Hesitating for a second, I climbed down my platform and crouched to get my eyes the same height as his, I read once that kids get more comfortable like that.
“Hm, yeah?” I asked unsure of how one talks with kids, shouldn’t he be there with an adult?
“I can’t find my uncle,” the poor kid was on the verge of tears, making me panic.
“Okay, let’s find him,” I said with very little confidence, unsure how to approach it.
Before I could think about what I would do, his hand found a place in mine, holding me like an anchor. I decided to go to the nearest security guard and hope for the best, one thing was to be a failure by myself and another was to fail a little kid.
We walked for about five minutes, the fucking mall had a small amount of guards. No fucking clue why nobody comes down there. The kid got a little tired of walking and held up his little arms, asking to be picked up.
I accepted it, letting him rest his head on my shoulder. Thinking about it now, as I write this to you, I can’t remember the last time somebody hugged me. We might need to talk about it in session.
“You tell me if you see him, okay? What does your uncle look like?” I asked still walking down the corridor, searching for the damn guard.
“Big, fluffy hair,” I laughed at how wholeheartedly the kid tried to answer it.
“Blue eyes? Dark hair?” He shook his head for the first one but nodded at the second.
Changing corridor, I saw from afar a big guy and a smaller figure talking with a guard and figured out it was the kid’s uncle. The man seemed agitated, speaking with his hands in the air. As I pressed my steps, the figures got more familiar. Made a signal for the kid, showing them when we were close enough and his face lightened up.
“Uncle Joel!” He shouted happily, as I put him down so he could run to the tall man.
That’s how I found out his name. Simple, discrete, direct. Jo-el. Suits him.
He immediately hugged the boy, kissing the top of his head. Ellie was at the side getting color back on her face, unshed tears in her eyes when she noticed me.
“I know you,” she started and I panicked a little. I don’t know why, I wasn’t doing anything weird, but something about breaking their bubble made me uncomfortable.
Joel looked up from his nephew’s face and furrowed his brows, not in a “who the fuck are you?” kinda way, more of a “wait, I do know you too”.
“Hm, yeah, I work at the arcade down the block,” I said in a monotone, looking into Ellie’s eyes, ignoring Joel’s.
“Are you safe? All good?” Joel asked in a soft tone, much softer than I imagined a man like him could do, to the kid.
“Yes,” the toddler replied searching for my hand again. My eyes got to the size of the moon, unaware of how to react.
“Thank you for helping him, we were about to lose our heads searching for him everywhere.” Joel gave me puppy eyes in his dearest manners and every inch of my body heated as he got up, gaining his tall size. 
A grown, big man being soft on the edges? The hottest thing I’ve seen and I fucked once Mormon Isaac.
I was ready to get back to my platform when Ellie shared stares with Joel, a language I hadn’t properly been introduced to in my formal education, but I think I can decipher:
Ellie looking straight, then bringing her eyebrows up - say something, Joel
Joel furrowing his heavy eyebrows and pouting a little, before looking towards the exit - no, let’s go home
Ellie rolling eyes and siding it in my direction real quick - she is right here, do something
Joel setting his jaw and looking directly at Ellie - I said no, let’s go home
Ellie narrowing her eyes and then nodding to the toddler - how did we got him back?
Joel glancing at his nephew, Ellie, and me before pouting a little bigger - okay, fine, you’re so annoying
Mind you I’m not a linguist in any way, I might have translated something wrong since I’m not fluent and the whole scene lasted no more than two seconds. I was highly confused when he put his hand on the toddler’s shoulder (mind you, who was still holding my hand) and cleared his throat.
“Are you hungry? It would be a pleasure having you with us,” he proposed in his most southern polite voice. I laughed a little, stupid bitch.
“That’s not… Necessary. Really. It’s okay!” I replied quickly, awkwardly trying to walk back. The kid’s hand grip got stronger.
“C’mon, stay. It’s the minimum I can do,” Joel insisted with another puppy eye.
“I used to g-get lost too, in the mall, you know? It’s okay! It’s just a full circle moment, but thank you!” I lied.
I was a prodigious child, way too smart for my age, and for sure not roaming around in a suburban mall. My parents weren’t strict, but they had a very clear vision of what was cool and what was trashy. Read in my room, go to museums and cinema exhibitions of foreign movies that I was able to watch without the subtitles? Hot and cool. Go to the mall, watch blockbuster movies, and eat a burger at the food court? Suburban and trashy. I got lost once at a library, though.
“He won’t stop giving you the puppy eye until you accept, c’mon,” Ellie replied gaining a double glare from me and Joel, who – in all truth – was still giving me puppy eyes.
“Some pizza wouldn’t hurt,” I said with an awkward lopsided smile. 
The duo stared at each other again, now that I had more familiarity with the language I think I can get better translations:
Ellie shotting up her eyebrows and inclining her head towards the front of her body - told ya, old man
Joel sighing before eyeing the food court direction - lead the way, brat
“Let’s go, Luke,” Ellie grabbed the kid’s hand from mine and started to walk.
“One sec,” I said before taking off my vest and placing it in the security guard’s hand, who looked at me puzzled. I would find a way out of trouble with the manager later on. “Okay, all good!”
“So… The arcade and the mall, you must be good with teenagers,” Joel started nodding in Ellie’s direction. He said in such a genuine matter that it took me back, not a single harsh reply in my brain.
“Not really, it’s more of a coincidence. I try to avoid them a little, though. They could shatter me with one comment.” I laughed a little, trying to break the awkwardness between us. He smirked a bit.
“I get it, Ellie likes to remind me that I’m no longer hip. Do people still use this word?” He asked chewing his cheek and I chuckled.
“I’m not sure. Maybe no? We are very much 20th-century material,” he smiled. 
Do I like to think it was because I hinted that I was old enough to drink, so old enough to fuck him? Yes. But I regretted it the moment that thought appeared in my head.
Don’t get me wrong Tess, even if I’m a slut I wasn’t trying to fuck Joel Miller when we got alone. It’s more of an old habit, a second skin. When I got the conclusion men were little needy bitches, I got laid often.
You pretend to be stupid and praise them on their big brain. Maybe they prefer it when you are a hopeless girl who needs a strong man to solve something that your small body can’t. Or, the classic, they just want a shy girl who has no idea of how pretty she is and is more than grateful that he is there to show her.
Men are simple creatures. The more you make yourself smaller and dumber, the more they want you. Nobody wants an opinionated woman who knows her worth, that isn’t sexy. It’s a sin being a woman who is not sexy all the time.
Something inside of me knew Joel wasn’t trying to pick me up. He was just an older guy with a life set and a family of his own, he wanted to be nice to the girl who helped his nephew.
“Your nephew is a sweet kid, very affectionate,” I said in a genuine tone, trying to clear a bit of my head.
“A good kid too, smart for his age. He will be three in a couple of days,” Joel's face lightened up talking about the toddler. I wondered if someone’s face ever got so bright thinking of me.
“Growing up fast?” I asked trying to keep up, I don’t much about raising kids except that parents feel like everything is way too fast.
“Yes, but there is a long way until he becomes a petulant teenager like Ellie,” he joked with tenderness.
“She is cool, just the right amount of sassy in her bones. Her friends too, they are well-behaved down the arcade,” I said thinking about the times I saw her with other weird teenagers there.
“Really? Good to know her friends treat her well, she needs that,” he replied quickly. I lost him for a second and couldn’t keep my mouth shut.
“Why?” Could I sugarcoat my curiosity a bit? Of course, but my initial awkwardness was opening space for a comfortable conversation and I’m bad at calculating risk.
“We just moved, right before the school year. I’m from Austin, but Ellie no, she is from Boston. We lived there for a few years before moving back. Is tough to be the new kid, you know.”
The soft around the edges came back. I started to wonder how I never noticed Ellie’s accent, but it made sense.
“And why did you come back? Work?” I asked, again, without thinking further. Joel scratched his scruff while pondering how much detail he would give me.
“Boston got too heavy. Bad memories, you know? She needed a fresh start and I was missing the Texas sun.” My eyes searched for a ring on his hand for the first time, but there was nothing to see. Maybe a bad divorce? A widow?
“In that case, welcome home, cowboy,” I said mimicking holding a tip of a cowboy hat to him, who smiled a bit.
When we arrived at the food court, we went straight to the only pizza option available, the fucking Pizza Hut. The mall is shitty, if you haven’t noticed it yet Tess.
Ellie ordered everyone’s pizza as if she were introducing us to a new, exotic cuisine. Joel got amused, looking at her adoringly while petting his nephew's curls. I allowed myself to imagine what if my weekends were filled with this domestic view, if I would be happy to live such a mundane life and got surprised when the response was positive.
“Will you finally tell me who The Renegade is?” Ellie joked with a hint of truth. Joel rolled his eyes in good fun.
“A lady never tells,” I winked at her and Joel grinned with a little laugh. You see Tess, when you make a joke this is how people react, not scribbling something down their therapist's notepad. Rude as fuck.
The pizza could be better, but the company was more than good. I found myself laughing at Ellie’s puns, making comments about the arcade regulars. Joel tried to make me laugh a few times too, like an old friend. I felt good, felt normal instead of the constant weight on my shoulders.
At some point during our little chit-chat, I furrowed my eyebrows.
“How did Luke get lost? You haven’t told me that.” I questioned both of them, Ellie’s cheeks got pink. Joel made a motion for her to speak.
“Joel went inside a store and asked me to wait a little with Luke, to keep an eye on him for a second while he got something. I know,” she looked into his eyes with a guilty stare, “that I must hold Luke’s hand whenever we’re in a public place. I didn’t, started to look into a window shop thinking he was by my side.”
“It’s okay, you were holding tight to his hand on our way here,” Joel assured her.
If that man couldn’t get any hotter, he didn’t hold the weight of her mistakes against her. I swear that I don’t have daddy issues, I might have a Peter Pan syndrome or shit like that, but my dad was quite nice for a stuck-up guy. I’m not comparing dads, I’m comparing how to deal with delicate hearts: in that couple of hours I got to know a little more of them, I saw how Joel didn’t hold Ellie back, tried to shape her into something he wanted. Even inside of my own body I can’t do that with myself, be this level of kind.
I think Joel got me when it crossed my mind that I could fuck up and, maybe, he would still like me. I wouldn’t be a bitch, a bad girl to him. I would be just a person who made a mistake and he would still be there. What if my main kink is to be loved?
He paid for the meal, of course, a southern gentleman. I said goodbye, hinting I would be there when Ellie decided to show up at the arcade and she replied with a “hell yeah”. They left and I sighed, so light as if I had a spa day, but nope, just a good time with nice people. I might be lonely.
In a snap of fingers, I met the mall manager who questioned me why I wasn’t at the platform. The weight of the world came back on my shoulders, I reasoned that I was tired and wanted to go home as fast as possible.
“A kid got lost and I went to help him find his family. I think the slutty outfit might be a better idea next time, this shit is too complex,” I said shrugging before flashing him again with my boobs for a few seconds.
What? I had a nice meal with a good family, but I’m still not a saint.
Anyway, life followed its course. Saw Ellie sometimes at the arcade, Joel would greet me by name whenever he was there to pick her up, all good and normal. I told you, this is not your meet-cute story.
If you are wondering, yes, I saw Mormon Isaac the next day after the missing kid incident. Holy Sunday, couldn’t skip.
I don’t have exactly a wardrobe that screams “SLUT!”, but the vibe isn’t exactly good southern mormon girl. Jesus just wasn’t my thing growing up. My parents were a little paranoid about the christians, we avoided them at all cost. I had to thrift some stuff to attend Sunday preaching with Mormon Isaac.
It was so boring, every single Sunday. Thank God the pastor would scream from time to time on his speech, the only thing waking me up. Mormon Isaac, strangely as it seems, wouldn’t try to grab me a little here and there while we were inside the church.
“Are you okay?” I asked him once when he audibly swallowed when I touched the inside of his thigh when the pastor was speaking, or whatever.
“Yes. Please, not here, sweetheart,” he urged me and I rolled my eyes.
Every. Fucking. Sunday. For. Four. Months. He would only give me a peck after church, always in front of his family, if his parents weren’t making lunch he would drive me home and that’s it.
Sometimes we would do other stuff too. He would take me to the cinema to see a movie, always under PG-13 though. I would try to jack him off and he wouldn’t allow me, I once tried to give him a blowjob and he said he was waiting for the right time. We fucked rough in the staff room and now I was a pervert, make it make some sense.
You can imagine my surprise when, in the middle of an afternoon, Mormon Isaac appeared from nowhere at the arcade.
“Guess whose four-month anniversary is today?” He asked me while holding a box. I have no idea how to pray, but I know that I prayed for every single entity in the sky for a surprise break up as a git.
“Wow, lucky me,” I said with a fake smile. If my job was boring that afternoon, it was about to become worse.
From the corner, I saw Ellie picking up her backpack from the floor as I opened the box. A deep voice greeted my name and I got cold.
Mormon Isaac was looking at me like he was the best boyfriend in the whole world. Joel appeared to be curious, getting close to the glass display I call my office.
“I didn’t know you were religious,” he said looking at the bible in my hands. A fucking bible. Damn you, Mormon Isaac.
“She attends the Sunday preach every week,” Mormon Isaac promptly corrected with his most polite smile. I wanted to die.
“Thank you very much, I will cherish it.” I smiled back, looking into Joel’s eyes with a silent rescue request when Mormon Isaac glanced at his phone.
“See you tomorrow-,” he started and I cut it before he could finish that thought.
“For the bible study, yes. It will be a pleasure,” I said faking another smile, Joel looked so confused and amused by the whole situation. Mormon Isaac grinned so hard that I thought he was about to cum in his pants.
“That’s fantastic! I will let my mom know!” He said before grabbing his phone and walking out, leaving me and Joel behind.
I sighed and dropped my head into my arms, right at the bible. Joel's laugh, I sound I grew to adore, echoed and I glanced up from my arms.
“What the hell was that?” He asked in good fun, looking at how distressed I was.
“You do me a favor: never, I said never, open the door for a Jeovah’s witness. I accepted one preach from this mormon customer and now he plays rehab with me,” I said avoiding the fact that the said mormon was my boyfriend on the following day we would meet for a date.
“I will. Do you need an excuse for bible study?” He asked looking somewhere behind me like he was forming a plan inside his head, both hands on my glass display while Ellie waited.
“Does it involve religion or any kind of cult?” I half-joked. Half because if hot Joel said he wanted me to go to any kind of religious ceremony I would have another panic attack and leave.
Joel looked to Ellie, who looked back at him and both nodded. This time I can’t translate, sorry, I’m still in the process of getting the language's grammatical structure.
“Tomorrow is Luke’s birthday. Surprise party. You don’t want to break the poor’s kid heart, c’mon,” Ellie said faking seriousness. Joel nodded back.
“There will be food?” Ellie confirmed. “Booze?”
“Do you like beer?” Joel asked, also in fake seriousness. Except that his death stare made me fucking wet.
“Pass me your phone so I can give you my number, text me the address,” I turned my palm up to grab the said phone, he smirked and Ellie laughed.
And this, Tess, is how I met Joel, got my little heart full of him just to let him slip into my life. What can I say? I never wanted to save a horse more than the moment he lassoed me.
I think you have more than enough material for our next session already. I will give you that yes, I speak more about what is inside my head like this. I think it might be because it feels strangely similar to submitting a paper, you know how much I love being the teacher’s pet.
Don’t forget: I can’t fall in love with this guy,
The Renegade
P.S. In case it isn’t obvious, I don’t have daddy issues. I DON’T. I know what it looks like, but I don’t have it. Don’t even try.
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barris-events · 1 year
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Under the cut you will find a list of prompts to inspire your works for this fest. You're free to use whatever you want, to combine two or more of them, whatever you like. When you post your work, just let us know which one(s) inspired you in your notes and don't forget to tag us. If you need a reminder on the guidelines, you can find them here. Otherwise, happy writing/drawing/giffing 🌙💙🌕
Quotes, Poetry & Lyrics
🔵 The moon understands what it means to be human. Uncertain. Alone. Cratered by imperfections. - Tahereh Mafi, Shatter Me 
🟦 Moonlight drowns out all but the brightest stars. - J.R.R. Tolkien, The Lord of the Rings
📘 Place, park, scene, dark / Silvery moon is shining through the trees / Cast, two, me, you / Summer kisses floating on the breeze - By the Light of the Silvery Moon 
🦋 It's me, hi, I'm the problem, it's me / At tea time, everybody agrees / I'll stare directly at the sun but never in the mirror / It must be exhausting always rooting for the anti-hero -Taylor Swift, Anti-hero 
💙 Your hands, like no-one else's / the ring around the blue of your eyes / lift all the sighs out of me / like the memory of something beautiful: / the moon, how close you are, how far. - Blue Moon, Linda France 
🔷 I heard somebody whisper "Please adore me" / And when I looked, the moon had turned to gold - Blue Moon, Hart & Rogers 
🔵 The month of August had turned into a griddle where the days just lay there and sizzled. - Sue Monk Kidd, The Secret Life of Bees
🟦 So much for summer love and saying "us" / 'Cause you weren't mine to lose - Taylor Swift, August 
🦋 I really wanna stop, but I just got the taste for it / I feel like I could fly with the boy on the moon / So honey, hold my hand, you like making me wait for it / I feel like I could die walking up to the room - Carly Rae Jepson, I Really Like You
🔵 Scenario: summer thunder storm traps them inside. they play board games to pass the time.
📘 Scenario, choose your own adventure: a trip to the beach goes awry. Do they a) discover a body, b) encounter someone from Thomas's past, or c) get caught up in a smuggling adventure.
🔷 Scenario: AU in which Thomas is an exasperated teacher at a private school and Richard is PA to one of the school wealthiest benefactors. Richard has been charged with dealing with the appalling behaviour of the benefactor's trouble-making child.
💙 Scenario: future fic. Richard and Thomas move into a cottage on the estate. It’s perfect, except for being haunted by Carson.
🟦 Scenario: there's an interlinking door between Thomas's room and the one where Richard stays at Downton Abbey.
🌀Scenario: Richard time travels to the past and encounters a younger Thomas. Whether he’s there to fix something or some other reason is up to you.
🔷 Scenario: AU based on the Queen Charlotte: A Bridgerton Story subplot with the King's valet and the Queen's footman (spoilers for plot). Thomas is newly assigned to Queen Charlotte as her personal footman. He lives for knowing what's going on in society and reporting useful gossip to her. Richard is King George's valet and the only person who knows about his mental health situation and what's really going on with him and keeps it secret from all the other staff and Charlotte, using various machinations and making excuses for why the King is doing certain erratic things. When they start hooking up, Thomas quickly sees through Richard's web of lies. Richard has a choice about whether to trust the footman (known gossip and schemer) with the King's secret and bring him into his schemes or part ways with him to protect the king.
💙 Scenario: AU where Thomas owns a plant shop and Richard is a frequent customer.
📘 Scenario: Thomas is surprised/confused when Richard shows concern for his well-being, he's used to it only happening when his partner wants sex/intimacy.
🔵 Moon tarot meaning: Hidden enemies, danger, calumny, darkness, terror, deception, occult forces, error. Reversed: Instability, inconstancy, silence, lesser degrees of deception and error.
🔷 Blue colour meaning: Blue is the colour of trust and loyalty. It has a calming and soothing effect and you can always count on its support.
If you'd rather some visual inspiration, take a look at these picture prompts. You can use all the images from any set, mix and match, or just pick a single image to use.
🟦 Image set 1
🦋 Image set 2
🔵 Image set 3
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Hi! Your anti Penelope fanfic was amazing! I loved it so much! It was so satisfying to read because she annoyed me from the first season onwards, I thought Lady Wistledown would be a kind anti hero or something but when it was revealed its Penelope I started disliking her. She purposefully wrote bad things about people including her Best Friend's family and her own and then she went on and ruin Marina's life who saw Penelope as a sister. I wish there were more anti Pen fanfics out there. What do you think would have happened if the ton founded out before the Bridgertons. Have a lovely day!
Hello anon! Thank you for liking the story. I sympathise with your frustrations with Penelope. Our goal was to have Pen realising the consequences of her actions when writing this fic, but still keep the door open for a redemption if possible. We're leaving it up to be Pen's choice, hence the two endings.
If the ton was to find out before the Bridgertons did, realistically, I would imagine Penelope getting served at least one defamation lawsuit, because Pen has written a lot of nasty things about people, and some of them would not be as kind as the Bridgertons in our fic (even if some readers of ours don't believe so). In the context of the show however, I expect "everyone applauses" at the Whistledown reveal like how the book goes, as cringe as it sounds. Queen Charlotte might say something affirming about LW to Pen to make her look better. Because it seems to be the tendency of the bee show, as well as some fans, for their white women production faves, that they are unimpreachable girlbosses who can do no wrong, and should not be judged even when they do horrible things. See also Daphne and her s*xual assault on her husband (which I have also written a fic about, albeit a modern!AU). Meanwhile their WoC characters get sidelined (at times in their own season ie. Kate and Mary), and get condemned for comparatively way less damaging transgressions.
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dreamwreaver · 1 year
The saddest part about forcing zoe into the role of Chloe's replacement is that you can actually insert her into the story without changing a single thing about her canon character and have her be compelling. And that's by making her Felix's sister instead of chloe's.
Let's be real, Felix's... I'm loathe to call it a redemption arc but for lack of a better term, was rushed and he's turned less into a hero and more into a magneto. Someone who only cares about their own kind but won't hesitate to hurt them to achieve his own goals. But add in Zoe as a sibling and he becomes a lot more interesting.
We know Emilie and Amelie's families believed that they needed boys, which is why adrien and felix were created as sentimonsters. But after felix, Amelie gets pregnant with a rainbow baby, zoe. And colt -despite still being an abusive pos- dotes on his daughter. The in-laws got the son, but felix isn't human. He's an object to be controlled. But zoe is his, wholly and completely. While Felix is the target of colt's rage and resentment as his illness slowly takes hold and drains him, Zoe is his little princess -from all we know of Amelie she's still pretty nice so Zoe's nice if boring personality can stay in tact.
But then Felix finds out the truth about his existence. And where his ire at Zoe was jealousy over receiving their father's love at first now she's a representation of everything that humanity is capable of but unable to do. There is little difference between him and Zoe, and yet she was the sole recipient of any love their father had to give because she was human and he isn't. He's always been quiet and reserved but he draws away from her the more he learns and clings to other sentimonsters believing that they are their only true family and only once they attain their freedom from humanity's hold can they truly begin to live.
Felix starts believing that despite everything to the contrary, zoe is NOT his sister. She's a human, and therefore the enemy. No matter how much love she may have showed him, the only human worthy of affection and survival is his mother. He convinces Amelie that zoe shouldn't be taken away from her studies (colt gave her everything, including a world class education at the best school in London) for a simple visit to France for the rings, so she never appears in his titular episode. But as felix and Amelie start spending more time in Paris, Zoe begins to miss the only family she has left, so she follows them.
And from that point on the season can progress as normal. Except that Zoe's presence doesn't automatically mean Chloe salt. Hell, in this au zoe might be the only other person chloe truly gets along with and tries in her own Chloe way to help. But see how much more narrative weight zoe being Felix's sister brings to the narrative while Zoe herself does not change? And felix gains a better arc because instead of just becoming an anti hero who fights for sentimonster kind he has to grapple with the abuse colt dealt to him and learn that zoe being spared for reasons she cannot control not making her less of his family than any of the sentis.
Also side note in this scenario she wouldn't be he replacement for the bee holder because queen bee supremacy forever. But she'd get the miraculous of the firefly, which would allow her to shine light on the truth in a target's heart. Haven't come up with a hero name, but if anyone likes this idea feel free to help me spitball
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arlakos · 5 years
Anti-Hero Queen Bee: Journey to the Lady Scarlet AU - Part 1
I’ve been talking with my friend @twin-books about this AU, and when I was talking about it, the topic at one point turned to the Lady Scarlet AU made by @zoe-oneesama. Naturally, as you would expect (due to our difference in AUs) I have an immense ‘irritation’ for the AU and what it represents. However, the idea of a crossover with the AU brought up by my friend made me inspired to make this post, so i thought I’d share my story with you all.
During a fight with a teleporting akuma, the akuma accidentally gets shocked by an electric power line, causing a discharge which hits Queen Bee.
When Queen Bee comes to, she finds herself in an alleyway. When she comes out though, people run from her, thinking she is an akuma.
Queen Bee checks a newspaper, where she finds herself wearing the Ladybug Miraculous. She realizes that she is in another dimension. 
She leaps onto the roof, deciding she should find someone with the Miracle Box (based off what she saw in the events of Miracle Queen) and see if they can help her.
Unfortunately, as she is leaping into another roof, she collides with another girl in yellow, also wearing a bee Miraculous.
As they both recover, the girl (the superhero Marigold) ready herself against Queen Bee.
Queen Bee tries to defuse the situation, saying she is not an enemy, but from a parallel earth, but Marigold is having none of it.
Marigold: Nice try akuma! But i wont be fooled!
Queen Bee: Grrr! For gods sake stop! I dont want to fight you!
There is a slight melee brawl, and Chloe reveals that she knows Pollen.
Surprisingly, this shocks Marigold out of fighting. Queen Bee suggests they move to the alley below.
Queen Bee detransforms, but hides behind cover but has her Kwami talk for her, who is also quick to defend her and reveal that Chloe is a good guy, earning Marinette’s trust as she proves she is not an akuma. Chloe herself reveals that she knows who Marinette is, based on a method of elimination and similarity to Ladybug, much to Marigold’s shock. Transforming back, Queen Bee tells her how she got here.
A second after, the two bees hear about an akuma attack. Queen Bee enlarges her spinner and rides on top of it. Marigold is shocked at how she can do that. Smiling, Queen Bee offers to teacher a couple of tricks...
At the akuma fight, Chat Noir is alone with no one to help him. The akuma, a no name big guy, raises his fist to strike cat noir...
But a sounds distracts both Cat Noir and the akuma. Confused, Cat Noir turns around...
And see’s two yellow girls in spandex ridding on top of giant spinners at high speeds.
Marigold: (smiling) I didn’t know we could do that!
Queen Bee: If you think that is surprising, then check this out!
Queen Bee leaps into the air. Retracting her spinner, she spins it rapidly, building energy in the spinner, before launching it at the akuma. The spinner collides with the akuma, electrifying it and causing it to be knocked backwards. The akuma is knocked out.
Marigold looks on in awe, but Chat Noir is confused as to why there is two.
Marigold introduces Queen Bee to Chat Noir, and tells Chat that Queen Bee is from an alternate reality and that she can be trusted.
However, Chat Noir looks at Queen Bee in horror and disgust, and asks her if ‘you’re the scarlet lady of your world?’
Queen Bee is confused and bewildered, and angry at Chat Noir until a nasally voice covers thier ears.
‘Finally you do your job you mangy cat! I’ve been waiting for you for so long that my hair is messed up again! Whatever, just give me the object so i can save the city again!’
The three all turn to see Lady scarlet. Lady Scarlet, in turn, looks at Queen Bee and asks if she’s another wannabe hero, claiming her hairstyle is ‘so last year’.
Sighing, Chat gives her the Akuma, and Lady Scarlet purifies it. Marigold looks on at Lady scarlet and Queen Bee and notice they both look similar.
Chat: Great, now there’s two of them. How annoying can this day possibly get?
Marigold: Huh?! No way! There’s no way she could possibly be like-
A sound distracts both heroes, and they turn to find that Queen Bee has pulled Lady Scarlet towards her and is going ham on her, leaving Lady Scarlet bruised.
Lady Scarlet: HOW DARE YOU- gets immediately cut off by a punch to the jaw.
Meanwhile Chat and Marigold just watch, both with shock and awe, with Chat having a small smile on his face.
Leaning towards Marigold, Chat grins.
Chat: I like her! Not as much as you though...
Marigold giggles and goes up to Queen Bee, saying they should get off the streets before someone see’s them and mistakes her for an akuma.
Queen Bee obliges and leaps up to a nearby roof top. Lady Scarlet recovers, but before she can voice her anger, Queen bee’s spinner wraps around her leg and pulls her like a fish onto the roof, where the sounds of violence resume.
Marigold: Should we stop them? It sounds like Queen Bee is angry.
Chat:...Eh. Give them a minute or two. Wait - is Queen Bee her actual name?
Marigold: Her former hero name. She’s working on a new one, but she hasn’t found it yet. Finds the old one too tacky.
Chat: Well, whatever her name is, she seems like a blast. 
Chat and Marigold tend to the former akumatised person, then leap to the rooftop.
(End Part 1)
(Also just a tibit at the end, but because of the differences in the flow of time between universes, all the heroes are still in their first year as heroes, at the age of 13, while Queen Bee is 15)
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pro-bee-sisters · 2 years
Just a headsup:
When I do my version of "Gabriel Agreste," for my AUs, Lila is going to be the antagonist because:
1. She was pointless throughout all of S4
2. She's the irredeemable one, not Chloé
3. She will be exposed as a liar
That is all~
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By popular demand i give AntiHero AU Rena Rouge, Carapace and Queen Bee!
They were definitely fun to imagine and now i want more ‘^’
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List of Miraculous AUs I’ve Thought of Over Time 2
Lady Luck (Ladybug! Sabrina) AU
This AU says it all. In this AU, Sabrina becomes Ladybug by accident. A coming of age story where Sabrina gains confidence, finds out who her true friends are while making new ones.
Custom! Queen Bee AU
AU where Chloe decides to take matters into her own hands. She becomes the anti hero, Queen Bee in order to save Paris herself. So she goes to the gym, gets self defense training, gets top notch Queen Bee suit and legit gear. She becomes an anti hero.
Another Marinette Harem AU
Basically just a joke/funny AU, where everyone in class has a crush on Marinette, so they go to great lengths to impress her.
Reverse Chloe! Lila AU
An AU that’s based on the fan theories before season 3. Marinette befriends Lila as an effort of showing her the right path. This one might play into the Scarabella & Onyx Kitty AU.
Tables Turned AU
Most likely takes place after Truth and Lies. AU where things take a different route when Kagami starts to gain feelings for Marinette and Luka starts to fall for Adrien.
BEE Miraculous! AU
AU where Zoe Lee meets Queen Bee from another dimension, in which this queen bee is a redeemed Chloe Bourgeois. Along the way, she also meets other bee superheroes from other universes, like Golden Bee (Marinette), King Bee (Adrien), Yellow Jacket (Alix) etc.
Our “Hate and Love” story AU
A Chloenette AU where Chloe starts to lose everything. As time goes on, the only person that she really has left to go to is Marinette. This AU is based off the “enemies, to hesitant friends, to friends, and to lovers” trope.
Enough! AU
AU where Chloe goes too far in hurting Marinette. Everyone, even Adrien and Sabrina turns on her, refusing to acknowledge her or put up with her. This could play into the Our “Hate and Love” story AU.
Next Generation AU
Just basically a AU where the kids of our heroes become the new heroes of Paris.
Marinette x Adrien - Emma - Ladybug Miraculous
Lila - Xavier - Cat Miraculous
Alya x Nino - Janine - Fox Miraculous
Chloe x Alix - Phoebe - Bee Miraculous
Wayhem x His boyfriend- Doug - Turtle Miraculous
Ivan x Mylene - male child
Luka x Sabrina - female child
Marc x Nathaniel - no children
Kagami x ??? (idk yet)
Juleka x Rose x Prince Ali (maybe)
Kim x Ordine x Max (maybe)
Just some ideas in progress for now.
After the previous show’s end, Lila was registered into a psychiatric ward and was released in her 20’s. From that time and the new show’s present day, she’s married, rich and has a son named Xavier, who is ironically the new Cat Noir.
There’s a new Hawkmoth the the future. They are female.
Marinette has succeeded in her dreams to become a fashion designer. Adrien has a new career: a playwright.
Chloe is redeemed and a good family friend to the Agrestes.
Marinette/Adrien, Ayla/Nino, Luka/Sabrina and Chloe/Alix’s kids are very good friends.
You Matter To Me AU
A Sabrinette AU that takes place during Evillustrator. Basically just a “what if” situation if Sabrina gave Marinette a chance to make up with her.
Money Can’t Buy Love AU
Another Chloe redemption AU where Andre is arrested and taken out of office. Bustier takes her in after the incident.
The Snake & The Dog AU
A Lukabrina AU. Luka and Sabrina accidentally meet at the hotel one day and unintentionally spark up a conversation. Luka invites Sabrina to his and Juleka’s birthday party, without knowing that she’s friends with Chloe. Though leaving everyone puzzled, Luka continues to talk and interact with Sabrina when he finds out from them, leaving Sabrina to make up ways to see him, giving her more confidence in the long run and finally gaining more respect for herself.
Let me know if you guys want to know more about these AUs. Ask about any one you like!
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sabrina-central · 3 years
What kind of miraculouses do you think works well with Sabrina besides the dog and bee?
Buckle Up, Buttercup. You know not what hell you hath unleashed.
I can make a case for almost any miraculous.
For example:
I already have an entire post about her with the fox, it should still be one of the leading posts on this blog I think, but that's an easy one!
I'm also quite partial to any villain/Vigilante/Anti Hero Sabrina, so having her as a butterfly that's a lot less stationary or a peacock that's a lot more show offish is another favorite of mine.
I particularly like the idea that she'd be using the butterfly to help people take power back from those who would order them around and treat them unfairly, and rather than abusing Nooroo to do this which would be rather hypocritical, they'd be constantly arguing back and forth about the morality of it all. (Read: an excuse for me to write down the philosophical bullshit debates I have with myself at 3am).
As for the Peacock, she's very emotional and her color scheme already fits, but also the ability to create a creature that has no choice but to obey the orders of whoever is holding it's amok would seriously cause her to question how that's any different from her friendship with Chloe.
The mouse would also make for a great Villain/Anti Hero Sabrina who's mischievous but calculated, although I'm sure @lizard-queen-izzy would be happy to tell you more about that idea. (;
Of course I could go into heavy detail about Black Cat Sabrina, but I already have which is how @fanartfunart 's wonderful depiction of Feline Sombre came to be (please read Fly Away it's so good Sabrina is truly the only thing there I can take even just a little credit for firefly is so fucking talented).
Shameless Plugs aside, since I mentioned the Black Cat I'd be remiss not to point out that as the one who has to come up with and execute all the plans that get Chloe what she wants, Sabrina is quite clever, creative and strategic minded, making her a great candidate for the ladybug miraculous.
And who could forget the ever favourite object of my heart that is Feralbrina?! Featuring Roaar and the tiger miraculous (and this aesthetic also combines two fave headcanons of mine for best girl; she's secretly into some spooky scary stuff but she doesn't go full goth because she doesn't think it'd suit her, and she's not so secretly a hardcore chat stan.
Alternatively, Sabrina extending her willingness to help and her preparation to have just the right thing to get that job done to the rest of her classmates, not just Chloe, as we've been shown she already has a natural inclination to do in startrain, and her overwhelming positivity earns her the pig miraculous.
Admittedly, I don't have as much for Horse and Monkey Sabrina because I don't find it as interesting, but that hasn't stopped me from making AU's where she has those miraculouses and I do think they can fit.
Dragon Sabrina is an au I desprately want to write at some point, where Sabrina takes up fencing, turns out to be amazing at it, catches the attention of D'argencourt, and he decides to personally assure her success, while she decides she liked the look in her opponent's eyes when they know they've lost before they even begun, that she likes winning, her teacher sees a lot of himself and his family legacy in her and soon this all drives a wedge between her and Chloe, but for all the wrong reasons... And then the Dragon Miraculous is stolen.
Snake Sabrina is potentially interesting because you could take it in a lot of directions, but that's also a rather essy one imo.
Rabbit Sabrina would have gotten the miraculous from Alix during timetagger, knowing that between Max cheering on Kim and Marinette being distracted by everything else, Sabrina is currently the only one in control of the braincell, so when Sabrina accidentally fiddles with it and out pops a floating rabbit thing, she obviously freaks out and accidentally drops it, causing the events of the episode to take place, only because Fluff was released he is able to sense everything wrong with the timeline and act as his own rogue agent to fix this, so he approaches the cause of this fractured timeline and explains briefly to her how the miraculous works. She's able to go into the alternate timeline where adult Alix has the miraculous, give the one that was given to younger Alix back to her, and by doing so she should cease to exist, her own timeline corrected - but she doesn't, and so they all realize they're both corrects timelines, and they are now operating on a multiple timelines system, which means shit just got a whole lot more interesting and a hell of a lot more complicated.
Turtle Sabrina is usually also a guardian in my AU's, because Sabrina deserves all the friends and she's very defensive protective over the people she cares for.
I would do the others but we don't know what their powers are yet. (unless I missed or forgot any we've already seen)
Anyway, hope you weren't bored to death by this!
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I feel like they should've made Queen Bee an anti hero in miracle queen like have her still try to be a good person but no longer listen to Ladybug after how she treated her she only gives half of the kwamis back to Ladybug but keeps the rest to create her own super team that is surprisingly successful at times which has Paris split on whether or not Ladybug is that great of a hero she claims to be (like have Ladybug lose for once and have consequences)
So kind of like with the Mighty Mutanimals from the Nickelodeon Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles.
I actually remember reading this AU where Chloe became a vigilante in New York after the events of "Miracle Queen". Granted, the New York Special ruined the idea of that AU, but it's still an interesting idea to think about.
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natedogx15 · 2 years
Miraculous Ladybug Discussions Master List
A New Look At Adrien In Desperada
A New Look At The Fallen Hero Trope And Adrien
Adrien After Hawkmoth’s Defeat
Adrien and Excelling, A Missed Opportunity
Adrien: Be Myself
Adrien’s Behavior If There Were More Heroes At The Start
Adrien Cataclysming A Person
Adrien Character, A Dynamic or Static Character
Adrien’s Feather Allergy
Adrien Genderswap AU
Adrien Giving Up The Black Cat
Adrien In Season Five
Adrien’s Problems Being Said But Not Changed
Adrien Sharing Traits with Lila and Chloe
Artificial Miraculous: Peacock Version + ‘Kwami’
Artificial Miraculous: Technology Version
Cataclysming An Akumatized Person
Character’s Ages
Chloe Possibly As The New Hawkmoth
Emilie’s Secret Mastermind
Ephemeral, The Black Cat Needed Not Chat Noir
How I Feel About Adrien Salt Takes
How Miraculous Ladybug Could Have Introduced A Second Miracle Box
I Do Not Know How To Feel Right Now
I Honestly Feel Bad For Adrien Now
Kuro Neko, Adrien Has The Potential But Doesn’t Use It
Lukanette, Felinette, Adrigami Thoughts
Marinette Mistaking Adrien’s Identity vs Adrien Mistaking Ladybug’s Identity
Mind Control In Miraculous Ladybug
Miraculous Ladybug’s Build Up Problem
My Thoughts On Penalteam
My Thoughts On The Season Four Finale
Nathalie And Marinette Comparison
Okay, Cat Blanc Just Got So Much Worst For Me
Queen Bee Wont Return But What About Queen Wasp?
Question About The Umbrella Scene Salt
So What Was The Point Of The Anti-Akuma Charms
Syren vs Cat Blanc, Marinette Keeping Secrets vs Adrien Keeping Secrets
The Rooster and Goat Miraculous Powers
The Miraculous Team’s Wins
What The Heck Was With Qilin
Where Were The Mummies Gonna Come From?
Why Adrien Has Been Moved From Partner To Temporary Hero/Sidekick Status
Why Does Hawkmoth Never Go For The Lucky Charm
Why Is There Tom and Sabine Salt
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a-chlolix-blog · 3 years
So... I saw that you're asking for Anti Hero!Chloe Ideas... This is one of my most ridiculous ideas so...
In Miracle Queen, where when Chloe got the Bee Miraculous and hit Hawkmoth with Venom and manages to get steal his miraculous revealing his identity to her and when Mayura moved to intercept her instead of fighting managed to snag the Miraculous Box and falls off the building, survives cause magic suits and all.
In this AU, Chloe knows Ladybug's identity cause she accidentally saw her de-transform but didn't tell her that she knows.
Chloe decides to switch Miraculouses (I''m leaning on the Tiger cause it's power is badass) cause her identity got compromised and all but still kept the Bee cause Pollen is her friend.
Chloe drops off the box (with the butterfly) to Marinette's room keeping two with her and left a letter stating that she found the box and the butterfly miraculous but didn't mention who she was and decided to write that Hawkmoth kidnapped her in an attempt for her to work for him but refused and got taken as a result.
(Note: Chloe took a picture of Gabriel de-transforming with Mayura in the corner for evidence.)
The reason is that Chloe's really, really, REALLY mad at Gabriel cause he mistreated his son, akumatizes people, and tried to manipulate her and decided that she will come after him HERSELF.
So she hides and with the fake kidnapped-letter that she left Ladybug no one will suspect her and instead thought that Gabriel kidnapped her.
(Note: Chloe posted the picture online so everybody knows Hawkmoth is Gabriel but not that Mayura is Nathalie.)
Since Gabriel's identity is now know to the public he hides away and takes the fixed peacock miraculous with him and somehow got a secret evil hide-out and proceeded to summon Sentimonsters to take the Ladybug and the Cat Miraculous and revenge to Chloe. (Who he doesn't know is the new Tiger holder cause he's stupid.)
Chloe now with a new identity fights Hawkmoth but doesn't cooperate with the other heroes cause while she doesn't hate Ladybug she doesn't like her either.
Cue the class panicking cause Chloe (at this point is now redeemed so everybody loves her) is now panicking and want to throw hand with Gabriel cause they think he kidnapped her.
Cue angst for the heroes especially for Ladybug cause she think it's her fault, Chat Noir cause Hawkmoth is his father and taken hostage of his sister, Bunnyx cause her friend who she is in-love with is kindapped.
(Note: Once Chloe calm down a bit she though back to all her action and regreted it but cause she's a prideful bitch decides since she's going on this path she might as well as finish it.)
This is brilliant!
The question is what would we call this AU?
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Red Beetle & Calico AU (I'm back!): One of the scariest and most difficult enemies RB and Cali will ever face isn't an Akuma from Morphia, but someone from the future that goes by the name Anubis.
Anubis was able to get a hold of some kind of Time Traveling Artifact that allowed her to jump to the story's present time. Time Order (Future Rabbit!Sabrina) follows Anubis into the past to stop her from altering the timeline and runs into the Heroes. Time Order tries to explain the situation to RB & Cali but it was obvious that she was still omitting some details about Anubis. RB and Cali decide that it would be good to call in the other heroes to help fight against this Anubis. Kurama (Fox!Kim), Ryoko, Viperion, Ninja Turtle (Turtle!Adrien), Queen Bee (no identity compromising for Chloe in this!), Dawn-Breaker (Rooster!Markov, who has the Tumb Ring on his antenna) and Wu-Kong (Monkey!Nino) are called in to help.
When they finally confront Anubis, things get a little weird...
Anubis seems oddly fixated on Red Beetle, not in an "I'm going to be the one to kill you" kind of way, the way that seems... Protective, kinda. She literally captures and kidnaps RB in the middle of the battle to "Bring him somewhere safe from That Monster". The other Heroes, even the Akuma-of-the-day and Morphia, are helluva confused by this. Anubis wasn't interested in either taking the Miraculous, defeating the Heroes, or even defeating the Akuma/Morphia... She was just interested in Red Beetle the person... Time for the Heroes to question Time Order about it!
The next thing RB is aware of, Anubis brought him to some kind of safehouse void of sunlight, but there's a nice lamp to keep the place brightened. He struggles and fights back, of course, but what Anubis did to take the Ladybug Miraculous was say, "Stop this nonsense and let me protect you, Max." "How?" was all the teen could get out as Tikki quivered beside him as Anubis put the Ladybug Miraculous in some kind of anti-magic puzzle box. "How I know doesn't matter," Anubis stated as she placed the puzzle box up on a shelf that was way out of Max's reach. She then said, "What matters is that you're safe from That Monster." She then starts to leave when she said, "I'll come back to let you out when That Monster is dead." Max quickly tries to tell Anubis that killing Morphia won't solve anything.
What sent a chill down both Max and Tikki's spine when Anubis said coldly, "Morphia has done some questionable things, but she never stoop low enough to murder anyone." Anubis then leaves, making sure to lock the door behind her.
"Tikki... I know I don't normally say this... But I got a really bad feeling about this," was all Max said to the Kwami.
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ghostinthebau · 5 years
Super Fanfic Rec List -- Iron Dad Edition (because I just wanna share the love)
I’ve had such a blast reading fanfic of the IronDad and SpiderSon variety over the last 6 months or so, and I thought I’d just make a rec list of some of my favorite stories.  Most of them are angsty, with whump and hurt/comfort because that’s what I live for.  
This is in no particular order or in any way complete because there’s just way too many amazing fics/authors in the Iron Dad fandom, but it will still be hella long, so....here goes! 
First off, @yellowdistress:
What We Are series - Bio-dad Tony series that goes all the way through Infinity War.  Endgame AU.
Someday I’ll Make it Out of Here series - Adoption AU!  It’s so good.
The Missing 92 Days - A take on HYDRA Peter that destroyed me emotionally.
Reviving Peter Parker - This about killed me.  Peter actually died during his fight with Toomes and SHIELD brings him back a la the TAHITI project like they did with Phil Coulson.  
A Sailor Went to Sea - Gut-wrenching Endgame fix it.  
Double, Double
Webcams and Webshooters series
I Never Lived ‘Til I Lived In Your Light series - !!! TISSUE WARNING !!! Peter dies, but there’s another one shot with a happier ending if you need it.
And You’ll Blow Us All Away - Adoption fic!  A lovely one at that.
5 Times Peter’s Mental Illness Made Him Stumble And The 1 Time He Refused To Falter - I really love a well-depicted take on mental illness, and losingmymindtonight delivered 100%.
If You Can’t Catch A Breath (You Can Take The Oxygen Straight Out Of My Own Chest)
Cyanide? In My Shawarma?
The Guardian - Adoption AU with a lovely Loki and Peter friendship!
Radioactive - Peter endures the after effects of the spider bite, and scares bio-dad Tony to death.  Lovely, lovely, lovely.
The Good Fight - Peter gets hurt at the airport in Germany instead of Rhodey.  
ever in your favor - Hunger Games AU and an epic work of art!  
Lazarus, come forth - The Endgame fix it before Endgame.  Peter will break your heart.
dear mr. fantasy
this isn’t a game - Highly underrated fic based off the PS4 Spider-Man game.  I’ve never even played the game, and I loved this story.
what if there is no tomorrow? - This story actually made me kinda like Justin Hammer, if you can believe it.  
hydra’s not a home series - HYDRA Peter, and also bio-dad Tony and bio-mom Pepper!
i’ll find you in the drift - Pacific Rim AU, and I have never seen PR, but I adored this so much.
it’s okay, we’re okay [whumpvember 2018] series
Lights To Guide You Home series - Another adoption AU.  They are my weakness, and this is one of the best out there.  
... and when you can’t crawl ...
Damaged At Best (Like You’ve Already Figured Out)
No Life But This
come morning light (you and I’ll be safe and sound)
Burying Grounds - Eeeek!  Tony has to choose between saving Peter or Pepper and it hurts.
hold on, hold on
Something the Soul Needs
turn back the clock (and I’ll try again in the morning)
when my body won’t hold me anymore (where will I go)
They have so many other lovely looking fics--including an adoption au series (which I, of course, love), but I just haven’t gotten around to reading them yet.  I’m pretty sure anything they write is golden.  :)
It’s Always the Little Things
I’m sure their other fic, The Third Option, is fantastic and I really, really wanna read it but I’m trying so hard to wait until it’s complete!  It’s really difficult to wait, though, tbh....I may give in soon.  
Twelve Days Of Peter Parker - So cute and fluffy, and then it kills you at the end.
5 Times Peter Made Tony Laugh Out Loud
5 Times Tony Didn’t Need To Worry About Peter
5 Times Peter Pretended To Be Tougher Than He Was
Between how it is and how it should be - This story made me love a Peter and Bucky friendship.
Identity Theft - This was one of the very first Iron Dad fics I read, and it was a doozy.  Full of whump, medical accuracy, and hurt/comfort!  The author is posting a sequel now, too: Identity Crisis.  :D
For Pete’s Sake!
Goner - A perfectly heartbreaking kidnapping fic, but heed the warnings!
Who Saves The Hero
Never Meet Your Heroes
i’m the satellite (and you’re the sky) - Tony is Peter’s bio-dad but Peter doesn’t know it.  I haven’t actually finished this yet, but it’s good.  So, so good.
built from scraps - YOU GUYS, this is one of the best fics I’ve read on AO3.  It’s a ‘Tony gets dusted instead of Peter’ AU, and it’s got such an amazing dynamic between Peter, Pepper, and Morgan.  It’ll also make you tear up a few times, at least.
Sins of the Fathers - So, I’ve only read the first 5 chapters of this epic length (303k words@) adoption AU so far, but I’m LOVING it so I wanted to add it here.  They also have an even longer bio-dad Tony with added Stony bonus series, Pieces of Echoes, that they’re posting the 3rd installment to right now.  I’ll definitely be checking it out!
let’s kick it
like a bridge over troubled water
it’ll be over (and I’ll still be asking when)
where the memories reside
Quieting the Void series - Peter kinda has an eating disorder due to the spider bite, so take care if you read!
Poison Apple - Loved how medically accurate this was, and Ned’s reaction to Peter’s condition was heartbreaking.
It Hurts to Become
Someday We’ll Know - This is a Walk to Remember AU, so there’s MCD.  I’ve gotten about halfway through, but I can only read it when I’m in the right mindset.  But it’s lovely and so well done.  
This author has so many fics that I’m sure are amazing, and they’re on my ‘to read’ list when I’m in the mood for beautiful Spideychelle stories.
The Primary Reason Tony Stark Would Throw Down With an Anti-Vaxxer in the Street - Hella scary depiction of Peter with tetanus, and it’s SO GOOD.
it all comes back to this
skeletons series
to build a home series - I love recovery fics, and this was a beautiful story of Peter dealing with the aftermath of being snapped and coming back.
lay your weary head to rest
Exploding Head Syndrome - Everyone comes back when the snap is reversed, but Peter is sort of catatonic--stuck between the living world and the soul stone where he’s with Gamora.  It’s such a lovely fic.
It’s a Little Bit We Do
Danger Pizza
oh, darling - Peter’s kidnapped and Tony frantically searches for him--one of my favorite things.  Peter uses his smarts to help him get out of the situation, too, which is also one of my favorite things.
don’t think about tomorrow. 
Broken Thoughts (I Remember Everything)
Leave Me to Dream
A Nightmare to Remember
Accepting the Tides - Here I am with another adoption AU.  Can you see a pattern yet?  I love them, and this one has danger and whump and comfort as well.  
they are standing in the garden - This hurt.  Several times the author had me tearing up and there’s a few lines that will stay with me forever.  It was just immensely lovely to read.
At the Start of the Universe - This was so much better than I was expecting! Peter is an Angel, and he knows Tony from the very beginning of the universe. It’s different, but absolutely gorgeous.
somewhere outside my life - I don’t wanna say too much, but just read this.  It’ll break you and you’ll love it.
too bad (but it’s the life you lead)
The Fire’s Out (But Still It Burns)  
Like A Strike of Lightning - I kinda took this as a demonic possession a la Supernatural, but I don’t think it actually was.  Either way, it was fantastic.
five, tops
The World Stopped
Into His Fold series - Where Thanos brings Peter back from the ashes to make him into his new son (a la Nebula and Gamora).
Doom and Gloom - A ‘Peter doesn’t get dusted’ AU, filled with whump and Iron Dad and an awesome Carol Danvers.  Angst!!!
Dust and Blood - Peter is hurt much worse when Toomes drops the building on him.  More angst!!!!  This author does angst very well.
You don’t have to hold your head up high - Peter can’t thermoregulate!  I love that trope.
All the Things We’ve Lost (And All the Things We’ve Gained) - This one gutted me, and then made it better.  But there’s pain to be had before the comfort!
They just posted the first chapter of a new WIP that looks AMAZING, too: Can’t Part the Sea, Can’t Reach the Shore.
foolish, fragile spine - Peter’s severely injured in his fight with Adrian Toomes and Tony finds him.  
god did not craft us as altars, but as dying gods - Okay, guys.  This one is heavy.  It deals with Skip coming back into Peter’s life, and it’s not pretty but it’s handled superbly.  It’s a tough read, but one I definitely recommend if you can handle it.  Take care of yourselves first and foremost, though.  <3
~ ~ ~ I’m not sure if the following authors have a tumblr, so I just linked their AO3 pages ~ ~ ~
Only for a Little While - This is a Titanic AU, and it’s AMAZING.  There’s several scenes that just took my breath away and brought me to tears (not an easy feat). They’re also working on a WWI sequel!!!!
the one who made it out - Short, simple in a gorgeous way, and poignant.  
And finally, I thought I’d humbly add my own little contribution to the fandom.  So far, I’ve only written the one fic, but I hope to write more in the future!
For Want of a Dad (in need of a son) - There’s a bit of blood, and a very distraught Tony at one point, so warning for angst and injury!
Again, this list is probably severely lacking, and if someone has a rec that’s not on here please please please reblog this and let me know!  I’m always in the mood for more fics.  
And I hope anyone reading this finds something they enjoy!  
I’m sure you will.  
ilu 3,000
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arlakos · 5 years
Anti-Hero Queen Bee AU: Spiderman Fangirl
Headcanon that Queen Bee is a fan of the Spider-man: Into the Spiderverse movie. She loves the movie a lot due to her’s and Miles similar powers (Swinging, wall-crawling, shock attack). Nearly every time they fight an Akuma, Queen Bee always has the urge to use her Venom attack to re-make the ‘shoulder touch’ despite the fact that it causes the 5-minute timer. Ladybug admonishes the use of the power this way, Chat just loves it because he’s also a Spider-man fanboy, causing him and QB to go fan-crazy over it.
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pro-bee-sisters · 2 years
All my AUs
Link to mainpost
Hello to all my Bee Sisters, Muggle here with an update on each and every one of my AUs that I plan to have ASAP. 
Now I know you already know some such as The Queen Bee and the Vesperia or The Lost Miraculous, but I also plan to add a few more on the way that not just focus on Chloe and/or Zoe. 
For more AUs and Fanfics I plan to do, visit my main blog for more
Without further due, here are the list of all my AUs~!
The Queen Bee and the Vesperia:
Inspired by the Barbie adaptation, "The Princess and the Pauper," and the original Mark Twain story, Chloé and Zoé are two different, but similar looking girls and one day meet as they talk about their lives and how different they are. When Chloé, after being Queen Bee on a mission, is kidnapped and taken to Hawk Moth and Mayura, it’s now up to Zoé to use the bee miraculous and pretend to be Queen Bee until the real hero is found.  
The Undercover Tales of Rena Furtive and Invisible Hornet:  
AU, Post Miraculer. Ladybug tells Chloe that she cannot be Queen Bee anymore due to her identity being exposed, but instead of taking back the miraculous, she decides that it would be better if Chloe went undercover instead. Then, when Alya is exposed as Rena Rouge, it’s now up to the two vicious enemies to put their differences aside and work together undercover as Rena Furtive and Invisible Hornet.  
The Lost Miraculous:
Post Queen Banana/AU. Angry for being replaced, Chloé vows to never help Ladybug ever again and to destroy her once and for all. While on the run, the blonde stumbles upon a mysterious box with question marks all over it. Curiously, she takes it home and it’s revealed to be the Spider Miraculous! Bitter and vengeful at Ladybug and hating the new hero Vesperia, Chloé decides to use the miraculous for her advantage and decides to call herself a new hero. However, The Spider Kwami, Octod starts to see that maybe the young blonde girl is not evil or malicious, but someone who “is lost, just like him.”  
The Bee Sisters Duo!:
Chloe and Zoe are fraternal twin sisters in this AU. and they both called themselves “The Bee Sisters Duo.” Chloe, wielding the bee miraculous, is Queen Bee. Zoe, wielding a wasp miraculous, is Vesperia. When switched, Chloe is Lady Wasp and Zoe is Madame Bee.
A Fox and Her Cub:
Miracle Queen AU where Sabrina teams up with Lila and they join Hawk Moth. Sabrina becomes a villain after being tired of Chloe neglecting her because of her duties as Queen Bee. Zoe will get the dog miraculous and will be called Baroness Woof.
Bug and Wasp Game:
Kinda a dark and gritty AU; similar to Batman. Marinette is known as LadySteel (Based off of the steelblue ladybug) and Chloe is once again Queen Wasp. They’ll basically have a Batman and Catwoman dynamic.
The Anti Tales of Lady Dot and Ms. Kitty:
What happens if Chloe and Lila are the Ladybug and Cat wielders instead? Rather than be superheroes, they’re anti heroes known as Lady Dot (Chloe) and Ms. Kitty (Lila).
Queen Bee and Ladybug with Su-Han:
A bit inspired by Panty and Stocking with Garterbelt, so this one’s a little raunchy. Chloe and Marinette are still heroes, but this time, they’re angels sent from Heaven to fight off akumatized victims in order to earn their places up there again. They’ll still use their power sources and Su-Han will be their guardian to help assign their missions.
His (Un)Loyal Student:
AU where Gabriel/Hawk Moth adopts Chloe as his foster daughter after Andre and Audrey die at his hands. He then trains her to be his personal fighter to fight off against Ladybug and Chat Noir. However, as time goes by, Chloe begins to question Hawk Moth’s motives and wonders if he’s the actual villain instead.
And that is all for now. As I’d mentioned before on my main blog, I will be very busy for the most part, so it will take time for me to all of these. However, when I do get started on one or update one, I will let you all know ASAP.
Please have a fantastic day.
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