#Anxiety Calming Gemstone
A Guide to Selenite Cleansing Crystal and Ethically Sourced Crystal Set
The world of healing crystals jewelry is a fascinating realm of energy and spirituality. Each crystal offers unique magic, from the purifying Selenite to the heart-opening Rose Quartz and the calming influence of anxiety-calming gemstones. Metalicious.com is dedicated to providing ethically sourced and powerful healing crystals to enhance your well-being.
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Random romance headcanons for the Lin Kuei Brothers
what do they search on a partner, how are dates with them, that sort of stuff
I tried to make this headcanons as accurate to what i think these characters would do canonlly
(I accidentally posted my draft but now i finished it, still learning how to write and use tumblr)
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Kuai Liang/Scorpion
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>Kuai Liang is an honourable grandmaster, he puts humbleness and passion over other traits. he is looking for someone with honour, kind and selfless, with the will to complete their goals, without sacrificing anyone in the process
>he prefers a peaceful person, one that he can spend quiet and tranquil nights with, he is a quiet person himself, he loves soft and peaceful chats, your voice calms him down and talking to you is the perfect way for him to distress
>he doesn't mind if you are in the Shirai Ryu or not, but he will consider you as a valuable ally to his clan, a loyal and truthful counselor, but it will sweep him off his feet if you decide to help him and the Shirai Ryu with their goals
>dates with him are difficult to have, he is the grandmaster of the Shirai Ryu, he often goes on missions or stays up late doing tasks or errands for the clan, training his initiates and ninjas too, Kuai Liang has little time for himself, but when he does he spends it with you, most likely in bed talking and staying up late playing with your hair, he loves late night talks with you, it soothing and comforting for him
>as for gifts, he will gift you meaningful things, he can gift you flowers or beautiful jewelry with gemstones and every single one has their own meaning, if he misses you he will send you forget-me-nots which means that he doesn't want you to forget about him or if he comes back to you after a long mission he will bring lilies of the valley with him, because it means the return of his happiness. he uses his gifts to communicate his feelings
>Kuai Liang is not really a jealous man, he acknowledges his negative feelings and doesn't let them get in his head, he is not one to do any sudden act or dramatic scene out of jealousy, he will talk to you about his feelings, try and make you understand why he feels the way he does, i picture him as the most emotionally mature out of his brothers
>he doesn't like PDA, he is a grandmaster and tries to maintain a honourable and diplomatic image, not that his love for you is not honourable its just he doesn't want others to see him being vulnerable to you, his vulnerability is a side of him that only his loved ones know of, specially you, and he likes to keep it that way, he secretly loves the fact that only you can tear down all his walls and see him when he is most vulnerable
>he makes it up to you when you finally get time alone, he will hold you tight and whispers sweet words in you ears, he will kiss your jawline and temple between his words, and so sweetly too, he will reassure any doubt you have, comfort your feelings, ease down your anxiety, to wash down any negative feeling you feel, he doesn't mind being the one to hold you or comfort you, he feels happy to be the one to spoil you
>a relationship with Kuai Liang its something that keeps you yearning for him, to have more time with him, he is so close and yet out of reach because of his duties as a grandmaster, but he does his best to return home safe to you,
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>Bi-Han is a disciplined, cold and ambitious person, he doesn't mind making sacrifices to accomplish his goals. he wants a person that is decisive and disciplined like him by his side
>he wants a partner that is decisive, confident and determinated. a person that is fully capable of giving orders, he wants a partner that will join and lead the Lin Kuei alongside him, like his father and mother did. to him having a partner means working in a team to accomplish both your goals
>he wants you to join the Lin Kuei, he thinks if you are going to dedicate and expend the rest of your life with him you'll need to become a member of the Lin Kuei, it means that you are dedicated and loyal to him, alongside his goals and aspirations, he sees it as a sign of not only respect but devotion and love aswell
>if dates with Kuai Liang are rare, is even worse with Bi-Han, he is as busy as Kuai Liang if not more, he is busy even late at night, he comes to bed in midnight, if you fall asleep before his arrival, he will prepare himself for bed and cuddle with you, even if he won't admit it he loves having you close, its his way of apologizing for having little time for you. if you stay awake to wait for him it would make his cold heart flutter but he will scold you, saying that your need for proper rest comes before him, and you shouldn't sacrifice it for him
>Bi-Han is not much of giving you gifts out of emotions, but out of necessity and need, he will keep an eye on you, do you need hygiene products? Health care products? Skin care products? He has you covered, he will sent his men to bring you everything you need, or what you say you need, he demonstrates his love by taking care of your necessities
>Bi-Han is not a jealous man either but he is protective, overprotective even, if Sektor or any other Lin Kuei tries to convince you to participate in the Cyber Lin Kuei project Bi-Han will tell cut them off immediately, and coldly scold them, he doesn't want you to be involved in overly dangerous Lin Kuei business. you will rule by his side, aid him, share victories and glory with him, but he will never let you make the same sacrifices he or other Lin Kuei members do, you are too important to him to let you
>no PDA, like never, he hates being vulnerable in general terms but more so in public, he wants to keep a cold and intimidating exterior, he is the grandmaster of the Lin Kuei, and he wants others to respect him, being it out of fear or admiration, he doesn't want others to see that you are his soft spot either, he fears people may use you against him
>even when you are alone, it is difficult for Bi-Han to let down his walls and fall apart in your arms, sience he was little he thought feelings like vulnerability made him weak, so he pushed these feelings aside, he thought it was the best for him, but thankfully he is slowly healing from that, you are making him heal, teaching him to be vulnerable to you, because you will never take advantage of him in this state
>being in a relationship with Bi-Han is rather hard, like with Kuai Liang being grandmaster has its duties, and they are heavy, plus his trauma doesn't help eiter, but if you manage to see pass and help him heal, step by step he will finally let you see that he is actually very devoted to you, he will do anything for you, he will kill for you if you needed, he would bring the world on their knees for you if you asked him to, he doesn't mind sacrificing anything or anyone to make you happy, because you make his cold heart beat with passion again
Tomas Vrbada/Smoke
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>Tomas is one of the most kindest soul out of the mortal kombat characters, he emerged of his tragedies as a genuine and caring person. he is looking for someone as kind as him, he doesn't like petty, rude or troublesome people
>he is attracted to kindness, compassion, humbleness and anything between those lines, he doesn't mind if you are loud or quiet, shy or confident, introverted or extrovert, as long as your actions are good and honourable ones and you treat people right
>don't ever expect expensive gifts or dates from him, he is a humble person, he belives love relies on thought itself, he can bring you a couple of flowers he picked off the ground because they reminded him of you or just write you a letter of how he feels about you, even if his gifts are small he gives them to you with all his heart
>like his brothers, he doesn't have that much time with all the tasks he has because of the Shirai Ryu, training his initiates or going on missions, but he always tries to make time for you, and when he does he prefers dates at home or places where there is little to no people, he also prefers when you two make the food together, so cooking with you or going to picnics with you are his favourite type of dates, he also loves stargazing with you
>Tomas is not a jealous person most of the time, he often tries to ignore the feeling, but if it affects him too much he would get self-conscious and insecure, probably trying to avoid you while he cleans his thoughts, he thinks his jealousy is immature of his part, you need to reassure him and validate his feelings because no one ever really did that for him
>he is not big on PDA, does more than his brothers thought, he can hold your hand, hug you or compliment you in public, but nothing pass that. he doesn't like when people see you two being so vulnerable and loving, the love you two feel are just for you both, no one else. he also doesn't like the idea of other gossiping about your demonstrations of affection, he thinks it will give you trouble and he doesn't want to be a burden to you at all
>when you are alone he would show you how much he loves you, satisfy your needs, spoil you, and will do what he can to accomplish every desire you have, but with one condition, you must do the same for him. he is not the type to be happy with only giving or only receiving, you both should give and receive love equally, so spoil him with love too, he can get quite needy and eager for you love, he loves when you spoil eachother rotten
>a relationship with Tomas is a slow burn type of love, not rushed, he wants to experience your relationship at your own pace, step by step, he will kiss you for the first time or sleep with you for the first time when he feels that you are both ready to take that step on your relationship, even if he is ready and eager to try new things with you, he won't tell until he feels you are ready too, he will always wait for you it doesn't matter how much time, he will wait an eternity for you, if it meant he finally gets to be yours
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veroniquesboutique · 3 months
Decorated - Nanami Kento x Reader
Nanami’s favorite store at the mall is Zales. He goes what seems like an exorbitant amount, and you humor him by giving him all of your mall-based errands because you hate how many people are always there. It’s an easy trade; he does your shopping so you don’t have to, and he gets to look at all the pretty, shiny things he can decorate you in.
Almost every time you send him to the mall, he comes back with something new.
His favorite is necklaces; he loves the way the soft gems lay against your décolletage, and how you can match your collection to your outfits or to your eyes. You mix and match them together like a gemstone bouquet just to always top it off with the soft K initial necklace he got you when you first started dating, and he always ends up staring at your neckline all evening. You blush and tell him it looks like he’s staring at your tits, but he just shrugs it off, unable to ignore the way the shiny accoutrement glitter in the sunlight or the moonlight or the candlelight.
Of course, he couldn’t leave you with just that, so he started adding earrings to the mix, matching them to the overwhelming number of necklaces he’d given you. Some of the earrings are small studs that you wear every day, switching them out to change up the look. Nanami preferred the dangling ones you wore when you’d go out with him, though; he loved the way they elongated your neck and brought his eyes to your soft hairline and the gentle curvature of your shoulder. Sometimes, when you’d laugh at a joke or smile unabashedly at him, your teeth and your earrings would glint the same way, and his heart would stop a little at the beautiful display.
You have a soft tennis bracelet that matches the band on his watch, and it’s delicately engraved with your dating anniversary. He gifted it to you on a random Wednesday after you had sent him for a gift for your boss’s retirement, and it left you breathless and teary-eyed in the kitchen where he so casually placed it for you. A few weeks later, he showed up with a matching anklet. He loves the way it so delicately drapes against the skin there, catching on the bone, as your foot haphazardly hangs on his shoulder when you’re intimate. Every time he presses deep into you, it makes a soft jingling noise right by his ear that shocks his spine, and it sounds like a reminder again and again that you are his. Only his.
It was random when the routine changed. There didn’t seem to be a rhyme or reason for it. You sent him to the mall for a present for your mother, and when he came back, he handed you the bag with her gift, exactly what you asked of him. You sat at the counter, your hand outstretched and waiting for the jewelry he always always brings home.
But he just brushed past you, pulling his tie off as he walked into your shared bedroom and confirming the time of the dinner reservations he made that evening. You furrowed your brow, confused and admittedly a little hurt, but you knew making a big deal out of it would make it seem like you expected these gifts now. It wouldn’t seem very appreciative of just how much he has already spent to decorate you. It would come off very superficial and very bitchy you tell yourself, so you shake it off and call back to him that you’ll be ready for dinner within the hour.
To be honest, Nanami could have handled it better, calming the anxiety you felt at his behavior change, if he wasn’t wildly panicking himself. Of course, he had still picked you up a small, shiny gift during his short mall trip, one that had been in the planning stages for a very long time, and it was sitting, unassuming, in his pocket at that exact moment, but he was trying to keep it a secret. Unfortunately for him, he was sure that you had seen the outline of the ring box in his pocket, he was sure you were suspicious about the romantic dinner he had planned, and he was sure that he had ruined the surprise proposal he was preparing for later that night.
Any worry that you had caught onto his plan disappeared, though, when he saw the shocked shimmer in your eye as he knelt in front of you. It was immediately replaced with joy as you nodded, cutting him off with your adamant yes, yes, yes, and throwing yourself into his arms.
He was the one to remember to actually put the ring on your finger, adding it to the ever-growing collection of shiny gifts he was happy to keep giving you for the rest of your lives.
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rosescarlette · 4 months
-! I'll be there to comfort you. !-
Where the reader has anxiety and is overthinking while zhongli reassures them.
- Fluff.
Overthinking is absolutely the worst. You were in your bedroom.. sad and just.. anxiety gets worse by passing second.. you just wanted to have a nice day until.. you randomly started overthinking. It's the absolute worst.
When eventually start sobbing quietly in your room.. Zhongli suddenly came into the room. He wanted to ask you something.. but he stopped mid-way after seeing your teary face hidden in your knees.
"Dear where's the- .. Oh.."
He immediately came and sat beside you. He was worried and his heart was aching when he saw you crying. He then slowly wrapped you in his arms. Of course with your consent. He'd first put out his arms like a kid trying to hug his mom, then slowly hug you. If you refuse then he would completely respect it.
"What's the matter, my precious gemstone?.."
When it gets worse. He'd hug you tightly. (NOT TIGHTLY ENOUGH TO BREAK YOUR BONES!!!!) Then he starts petting you back. He would let you cry. He knows crying makes it a bit easier for people. And then he'd slowly ask you if something's bothering you ONLY after you calm down.
"So what has made your day blue? My love.. Mind sharing it with me if you want?.."
"Eh-..? Nothing.."
He frowns.
"If it was nothing you wouldn't break down like this.. Now. Tell me what's bothering you. We are going to settle this down now. Or later.. if you don't want to talk."
"Alright.. Zhongli do you think I am trash?.. like.. am not useful at all?.."
"What made you think that? You aren't useless.. you are absolutely precious to me. I cannot afford to lose you at any cost."
"You mean that?.." sniff
"Ofcourse. I mean every single bit of it."
"But I am not pretty nor smart.. or-"
"You are absolutely stunning to me. And if you aren't smart according to yourself.. then how about I take care of you like a vase where I will take care of it and never let it be broken down."
There will be no buts. I am yours and you are mine. There's no in between. And no I won't ever use you. No I won't ever leave you. I won't ever break your trust. I won't ever let you slip out of my grasp."
"Very well. I shall repeat again. There will be no buts. I am yours and you are mine. There's no in between. And no I won't ever use you. No I won't ever leave you. I won't ever break your trust. I won't ever let you slip out of my grasp."
"You heard me well this time. I will always love you."
He then just nuzzled in your neck. While you were sniffling and then you suddenly asked him a question again.
"What if I grow old.. I will have wrinkles.. grey hair.. and-"
"I will still love you."
"I will continue to love you until it's the end of me. Until everything has reached and until time has stopped.. I will continue to love you so."
You were still in awe. That's when he gently patted your head and kissed your forehead.
"Alright now. It's dinner time. You can choose whether we eat out tonight or stay in."
"Can we go outside please..?"
He took you out and you had a lovely time with him. He treated you to the finest dishes, they were delicious and when it came to the bill..
"Zhongli have you brought money?"
"Hm? Ah let me check.."
"You forgot didn't you?.."
"Erm.. uh.. It's a shame I did indeed forget it.."
"So.. how are we going to pay?.. I thought you brought your wallet.. you said last time you'd pay.."
"Erm.. yes. I'll have it sorted out one way or another."
After you both finished eating, he took you to a mountain top and showed you the amazing view of liyue harbour.
"It's lovely here! Brr.. it's a bit chilly-"
That's when you felt sudden warmth out of nowhere. Zhongli had kept his coat on you so that you would be warm.
"Wouldn't it be very cold for you?.. It's quite chilly here."
He chuckled heartily.
"Ah there's no need for me. I am quite alright without it. I want to make sure you are alright."
That's when a shooting star passed by. You quickly saw it and immediately tugged onto him.
"Zhongli! Quick! Wish! But don't tell it to me!"
"Ah alright."
After he had wished. He immediately held you closer and you both stayed for a while. And then later went back home.
What he wished for is peace with you, he would always be near you. No matter how many life times it would be. And so did you wish the same.
-> !!BONUS!! <-
"Hm I wonder how much the bill has been this time."
"The bill would be 25,000."
"Alright fine. I'll pay it."
"Ah thank you. Be sure to come again."
"At this rate my wallet would be empty.. by Mr zhongli's spending rate.."
He whispered to herself, while walking away.
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Fucked my way up to the top
A follow up to Clumsy Office Intern
Boss!Sukuna x ClumsyIntern!Reader
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WARNING: THIS IS A HEAVILY DUBCON FIC. BUT THAT IS ALL IT IS FICTION. I do not endorse such behaviors. If this is happening to you God forbid, it's not sexy or cool it's abuse seek help. Reader is very much hierarchically lower than Sukuna who is her boss. And he takes advantage of this. He is not a good man. Sukuna is also older than reader by a bit. Reader does not say yes. Read at your own discretion.
This has been betad now. We die of cholera like normal people in the Victorian era or poverty or whatever. Many thanks to my beta reader @ominous-meme for all her help.
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Ryomen Sukuna, forty-five, manager at the company, a well-known dictator among the employees – even ones not on his team – had his eye on you. The stupid blubbering intern who kept messing up and kept getting saved by her co-workers. Why, though? Why were these men and women so devoted to you? It was simple. You had enraptured them like a demon of lust straight from the second circle of hell. 
He watched you now, eyes trailing up your smooth thighs to the pronounced curve of your ass;  to your thick tummy; to your soft breasts just barely peeking out from the pale blue shirt you wore with its first two buttons undone. Around your neck, you wore a thin silver chain with a small gemstone that glinted in the light catching his eye. A gift from an employee – Gojo-kun. “For doing so well in your first month here, Intern-chan!” he had announced to the cubicle. Sukuna had rolled his eyes then, and he did so again now. It was clear that the blue topaz was a stupid way of him trying to claim you as his own. Geto and Ieiri liked bringing you little treats too – snacks from the vending machine, an “extra” coffee “accidentally” made. And Nanami… Sukuna scoffed to himself. The biggest simp. Always softly smiling at you, making sure you’re going for your lunch break, waiting with you till you finish up work. Effectively making sure that all the time you spent in the office, you interacted with Sukuna minimally. 
It was infuriating. So now that he had gotten hold of a chance, there was no way in hell he wouldn’t let it go. Here you were, all alone in the office, working late on a project that he had strategically told you about only this morning, knowing that Nanami Kento’s watchful eye was on a work trip out of the office for the day... 
He approached your little desk  (littered with small notes of encouragement from your co-workers and your cute stationery) and scoffed at your hunched back seeing the Cinnamoroll and Kuromi pen and pencil alongside the Hello Kitty eraser. Hearing him, you turned around in your chair slowly, wary of what he might ask. “Sukuna-kachou, I’m working on the ta–” 
“That’s not what I’m here for.” He cut you off brusquely. You waited for him to speak, anxiety slowly growing in your chest. If only Geto-senpai or Nanami-senpai were here, you thought. They might have acted as a buffer or if only just to calm you a little. “We should have a chat. Wrap up and come to my office please.” 
This was it then, you mused. At least you weren’t going to be fired in an office full of people. It would just be you and him; everyone else having left for the weekend, probably enjoying themselves in clubs and bars; drinking and doing karaoke.
 Saving the file you were working on, you packed up your things and headed to Sukuna Ryomen’s room. It was a nice spacious office, with a large desk and even a sofa set around a coffee table. Being on the thirteenth floor meant the large windows displayed the sprawling city in front of you, the lights scattered all around with none of the usual bustling city sounds. 
Sukuna sat at his desk leaning back in his chair, his thick arms crossed behind his head, pushing up his hair. He indicated with a nod of his head for you to sit in the chair opposite; you did so, carefully trying to glean what it was going to be. A reprimand? A firing? Were you going to have to look for something new now? Your mind was running a hundred miles an hour thinking up all the possible scenarios you might have to face. 
Your boss’ voice cut through your thoughts, “How long have you been working at this company now?” 
“Sir? O-one month and a few days, sir.” You squeaked out a response. 
“Hmmm…This is your first time working in such a big place isn’t it?” 
You nodded, “It’s my first time working, sir.”
Sukuna felt his cock twitch. The softness in your voice, the innocence. He couldn’t wait to absolutely ruin you. He wanted to mould your cunt in the shape of his cock. 
There was a lull in conversation. As clumsy as you were, you didn't want to lose this job. 
You were about to tell him that you’d work harder when he suddenly spoke up. “You’ve improved a lot since you first came here, you know. But you still have a long way to go.” He paused as if he was thinking, then said, “I want you to do something for me.”  
You nodded your head vigorously, thinking you'd do anything to save your position here;  such a prestigious company with a good name and so much potential for growth. 
“You see, I need to know that you’re dedicated to your work here.” You were so dedicated; you could show him! “I need to know you’re dedicated to me.” You would do anything to prove it! “I want you to get on your knees and suck my cock” 
You spluttered, unable to form the words needed for an adequate response.  “You want to keep this job don’t you?” he asked smoothly.  Your head slowly nodded in response while your brain frantically tried to process the situation you were in. “Then get on your knees and show me just how dedicated you are, slut!” 
Sukuna barked out the last word, startling you into getting out of your chair and going around his desk. You barely understood what you were doing, only that he had angled his chair as you walked around to him, to allow you the space to kneel before his crotch...and then you were dropping to your knees. 
“Good girl.” 
You watched as your trembling hands unzipped the black slacks, pushing the band of his boxers down. These small hands pulled out his cock from inside, the pink of your nail enamel reflecting your face – wan and blank with eyes wide, lips slightly parted. It was this that made you pause. 
Sensing your hesitation Sukuna caressed your cheek – an uncharacteristically gentle touch that made you drop your guard – which was all the opportunity he needed to shove his cock into your mouth. The slight graze of your unsuspecting teeth made Sukuna hiss. 
“Oi, watch yourself brat. Come on. I thought you wanted me to know how dedicated you are.”
You couldn’t help but open your mouth wider, pink glossy lips stretched around his thickness. Sukuna had thick veins running down the sides of his cock that you could feel against your tongue as you licked down. 
A groan made you look up at the man through your lashes. You looked so young and soft. Sukuna felt himself twitch in your mouth. “Suck, brat. What are you looking at me for?” You dipped your head low, taking in as much of him as you could and felt him grab your ponytail. 
If he wasn’t before, Sukuna was now completely under your spell. Your warm mouth wasn’t just sucking his cock, your hands weren’t simply wrapped around his thickness. You were milking him, for all he was worth, his lust, overpowering. For a moment he had to wonder if you were really human. That you weren’t in reality a succubus sent by Satan. 
He used his grip on your hair to shove your head down along his cock. You couldn’t help but gag. “Ganbare ganbare…” The soft words of praise that fell from Sukuna’s lips came with a hidden warning that you couldn't help but heed. Do this well, Intern, your job is on the line. 
You laid your tongue flat out and forced yourself to suck, pulling yourself off his cock with a pop! Then a kiss on his purplish head. You started licking up and down his length the way you’d seen so many times in porn. All those unrealistic situations had now come alive; here you were kneeling in between your boss’s legs and sucking his cock, taking him deep into your mouth while you played with his balls. The dark hair at the base of his dick tickled your nose and you resisted the urge to scratch it. Sukuna let you go at your pace for a while, let his cock explore the confines of your mouth as he watched your small head bob up and down in his lap. 
But he was never known for his patience, so without warning, you found yourself deepthroating him as he thrust up into you. Head held down by both hands, Sukuna shoved his length down your throat, over and over with little regard for your whimpers. Tears streamed down your eyes while he abused your poor mouth. Your nails dug into his thighs but he barely noticed, lost in the bliss of how you felt. 
“Come on, little girl. Take it! Take my fucking cock!” 
Your jaw was starting to hurt now from the stretch. You found yourself thinking of your kind co-workers. What would they think if they saw you in this deplorable state? You never wanted to find out. 
A jerk—-and Sukuna was cumming in your mouth.  Bitter and acrid on your tongue, you almost spat it out, but Sukuna pushed himself deeper and growled, “Fucking swallow, brat! I don’t want to see a single drop wasted.”You forced yourself to swallow. The disgusting taste clung to your tongue, making you gag. Sukuna pulled you off his cock, to your feet, and onto his lap. One hand explored your body, while the other stroked your hair. “You did a good job, little intern. Perhaps we can see about getting you a more permanent position in the company now.”
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The intern position isn’t good enough for you anymore. Sukuna thought to himself. Maybe you’d be better off as my personal assistant…
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drachonia · 11 days
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𝐥 𝐚 𝐯 𝐞 𝐧 𝐝 𝐞 𝐫 ' 𝐬 𝐛 𝐥 𝐮 𝐞 .
Alfons Slyvatica Family Fluff
𝐧𝐨𝐭𝐞𝐬: i kinda felt like going back to my roots and writing some family fluff while i wait for october and try not to pass out from uni stress, lmao. simple stuff, just wanted to write for some characters i've grown fond of. a lil tough to write because of how complex alfons' emotions are about life stuff.
𝐜𝐨𝐧𝐭𝐞𝐧𝐭 𝐰𝐚𝐫𝐧𝐢𝐧𝐠: not really anything warning worthy aside from just...family fluff. a little mention of his more bleak inner thoughts near the end (ends postiive), but that's about it.
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Soft and tender notes reached Alfons’ ears as he entered the parlor of his home in the late hours of the morning. His wife’s long brunette hair trailed over the arm of the rocking chair as she cradled a dark-haired child in her lap, gently brushing back the straight but fluffy hair from his little forehead.
“Let the birds sing, dilly, dilly And the lambs play We shall be safe, dilly, dilly Out of harm's way.”
Her gemstone eyes flickered up to meet his from across the room, her calm stare turning to a beaming smile as she saw her husband linger in the doorway.
“Look who’s home.”
A tiny head of dark hair whipped up in excitement, the boy turning and scrambling down from his mother’s lap and bouncing toward Alfons with a bright and mischievous grin, much like his own.
“Alec, careful!” His mother called gently after him as tiny feet padded across the hard wood floors quickly.
“Papa’s home! Papa’s home!” The boy leapt into his father’s arms, giggling happily. Long arms caught the child as his aforementioned father lifted him effortlessly in his arms, “How is my little duckling?” He chuckled, feeling the tiny little arms squeeze ‘round his collar and chubby cheeks nuzzle the breast of his coat, eyes closing happily, “Mum read me a few stories that uncle Liam sent! And uncle Elbie came by with Erik to say hello! Ooh and after that we baked a pie together, Mum made our favorite flavor filling, too—” The boy brightened as he recounted the events of the day, his father’s soft as he sat down on the sofa with his son on his lap.
Smoke colored eyes drifted briefly during the story to his son’s mother, taking in the smile as she stared at their child lovingly. He recounted the many times she’d expressed how she wanted their child to look like him, and glancing back down at Alec, she practically got her wish. Narrow but pretty dark eyes, soft black hair just short of ink in color. The more he looked at his son, the more he contemplated his own negative thoughts. If someone had asked him several years ago whether he’d make a good father, he would have laughed in their face. Nowadays, however, Alfons was almost terrified at how much his own family had changed his outlook on life. That solemn reminder of being forgotten lurked in the back of his mind, always. But…this peace he was rewarded with at his home he’d made…it was something that kept him going. He would make every effort each mission to execute each plan to perfection, not a resource nor a second could be wasted, for he had a family to return to.
“—Oh! And I start school tomorrow, remember, papa?” Excited smoke colored eyes stared wide up at him, expectant for a reaction. He felt his muscles relax finally, reaching up to rub Alec’s fluffy little head, thumb rubbing his chubby cheek, “Yes, little one, I remember, growing so fast, aren’t you?” He lifted him into a hug, squeezing him to his chest and kissing the top of his head, chin resting there as he smiled at his wife, a fragile, but contented smile. All of this felt surreal, like he could let out too heavy a sigh and it would all blow away like smoke. But with each day he lived it, he learnt he was far more content to let things develop as they were.
He remembered being hesitant when he learned he and his lover had managed to conceive. Remembered the anxiety of what could become of them both should anything happen to him. But perhaps the thing he remembered most of it all was when he got to sit by her side, watching her cradle that little bundle with a patch of dark hair. That moment he reached out, only for a tiny fist to wrap around his gloved index finger. That moment rendered him wide-eyed in wonder, speechless and curious to how someone could capture his attention even easier than his partner. Of course, given the fact a child was practically a manifestation of them both, he supposed it wasn’t entirely impossible to have that unconditional love.
Brought back to reality by a faint tug on his coat by his eight year-old, he smiled softly, eyes crinkled in joy as he kissed his son’s head tenderly. Every bit of love he would pour into this family of his, until all of them were filled with too many memories to possibly forget. That would be the thing that he would leave behind, no matter what twisted card fate may try to pull.
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lace headers by saradika.
25 notes · View notes
I Want My MTV 🎤 | Jake Seresin Imagine
Takes place after the events of TGM
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TGM Masterlist
Characters & Pairings: Jake Seresin x popstar!reader (romantic), dagger squad x reader (platonic)
Content Warnings: fluff, profanity, implied suggestive content if you squint | female!reader (she/her) | wc: 8.6k
Premise: glitter and writing love songs are her favorite things in the world…..and also music that gets people dancing and wishing they were a fictional character in a fan edit. When she meets Lt. Jake Seresin, he becomes not only the light of her life but also the source of her inspiration because every love song has to have a muse. And for international popstar Y/n L/n, the man they call Hangman is the muse that keeps her going.
Requested 📨 yes/no (by the lovely @avaleineandafryingpan w/ some suggestions from @gizmodear on this post)
Note: I’m so sorry this took a bit (forgive me, school has been crazy) but I really really enjoyed writing this and i hope its everything you imagined @avaleineandafryingpan 🥹♥️ I made sure to add all the little hc’s you sent in & added some things of my own I thought would be great so I hope you don’t mind! Please let me know what you think!
Songs headcanoned by popstar!reader: ‘34+35’, ‘Love Me Harder,’ ‘Break Free,’ & ‘Imagine,’ by Ariana Grande + ‘Rain On Me’ w/ Lady Gaga. ‘Summertime Sadness,’ ‘ Young & Beautiful,’ ‘Norman Fucking Rockwell,’ ‘Video Games,’ & ‘Love Song,’ by Lana Del Rey. ‘Last Friday Night,’ ‘Teenage Dream,’ & ‘Firework,’ by Katy Perry. ‘Power,’ ‘Secret Love Song,’ ‘ Between Us,’ & ‘Salute’ by Little Mix
August 2026
“Deep breathes, darlin’,” his hands were smooth against her shoulders, instantly calming her nerves. Y/n took a deep inhale, nodding as she slowly let the air leave her lips. Jake beamed at her, “This ain’t the first time you’ve been on stage. You got this.”
“I know, but performing on live television for millions of people is different than a few thousand in a venue,” she reminded him, feeling the anxiety return causing her to close her eyes. “It’s been six years since my last VMA performance, Jake. Also,” she nervously laughs, “This is the Vanguard award they’re giving me—I’m, quite literally, shitting my pants. I want this to be amazing.” To be fair the reason for her not being invited back to the VMAs was a mini break from music she went on after they got married in 2021. The birth of their children was another factor so it wasn’t until late 2025 that Y/n had released the music she’d been working on.
The break was much needed, but she was missing the stage, the touring, the fans. It was what kept her going and made her career worth it. Music was her life, but so was her family which is why she took so long to release an album. Now here she was years later about to step foot on the VMA stage for the first time in six years. Another thing that made it worthwhile was she was being honored with the MTV Video Vanguard Award. Leading up news outlets were covering her return and on the red carpet reporters were eager to know what Y/n was cooking up.
“And it will be,” he told her, cupping her face in his hands, careful not to mess up the gemstones and glitter around her eyes. She could feel the cool metal of his wedding band against her skin. “You are one of the best vocalists of our generation—the High Note Princess. One of the best stage performers of all time—it’s gonna be an amazing show. You’ve been working so hard for months,” he gives a comforting squeeze to her shoulders. “So just breathe with me and then you’ll go out there and sing your pretty little heart out. And it’s gonna be the best performance of the night.”
As she mentally prepared while waiting for the stage manager, Y/n leaned more into Jake’s arms and let her mind wander. Memories started to appear, reeling back to when her career kicked off all the way to when she met her husband and finally to the present day.
February 2008
Like any aspiring star, Y/n L/n made the rash decision to quit college and move to Los Angeles in hopes of achieving her goal of becoming a singer. Hollywood was calling her name, so she spent months applying to jobs in the area before finding a small studio apartment and packed up her little Honda and set sail for the city where dreams are made. Time would be the make or break factor if she stayed or retreated back home with her tail between her legs.
One year.
That was her deadline. One year to get a job at a label, get discovered, or possibly find something worth renewing her lease. Working as a singer at a jazz bar could possibly have one of the options come true. Again, it would take time before something happened.
Y/n wasn’t the only singer at the club. Another girl was on stage Monday’s, Wednesday’s, and Saturday’s whereas Y/n was booked Tuesday’s, Thursday’s, and Friday’s. The club was closed Sunday’s and the nights Y/n didn’t sing she was a server or bartender. The pay was good for the most part with her tips racking in more income than the biweekly check for singing and serving. Sometimes she’d get compliments from patrons, especially the older crowd saying, “You have such a unique voice—the way you have control and range makes me think you should be on the radio and not some little jazz club like this. Your talent shouldn’t be wasted, dear.”
The words and support always boosted Y/n’s confidence. Truly did it make her feel she could make it big. Actually break through into the industry. But that takes time and sometimes the opportunity arises when one least expects it.
Maybe she could audition for American Idol. Maybe she could upload videos on that new website YouTube. Maybe she could be bold and send some demos to labels, praying it would land on someone’s desk.
Or, someone important from said label would wander into the club.
That idea seemed like a far stretch. But just three months shy of Y/n’s deadlines she was approached by a gentleman after she finished her number one Friday night. A business card in his hand, he said, “Give me a call Monday morning, I’d like to set up a meeting to talk with you about your potential. Bring some demos if you have any.”
A notebook of songs in her hand and a CD of demos she spent the whole weekend working on, Y/n left Capitol Records that morning with a copy of her contract in hand and the promise of bringing forth the best music of her life. There were tears shed as she relayed the exciting news to her family back home. Her coworkers whom she adored threw her a party at the club in celebration that night. She wouldn’t leave the club just yet. Just because she had signed didn’t mean she would make it big in the long run. No, she decided to stay at the club until she at least was at the level where she could financially afford to.
The first time Y/n heard herself on the radio she broke into tears. It happened unexpectedly too. After packing up her car with two weeks worth of groceries that cost her entire paycheck Y/n switched the the radio to the pop station and was singing along to the tunes when she heard the beginning chords to her song, ‘Teenage Dream.’ Cars honked around after she slammed the brakes and abruptly pulled to the side of the road, eyes wide with her hands covering her mouth.
“You think I’m pretty without any makeup on. You think I’m funny when I tell the punchline wrong. I know you get me, so I let my walls come down, down.”
Y/n literally changed the channel just to change it back to make sure she wasn’t dreaming. That it was actually her song playing.
“Before you met, I was alright, but things were kinda heavy. You brought me to life, now every February, you’ll be Valentine. Valentine.”
“Let’s go all the way tonight. No regrets, just love. We can dance, until we die. You and I, will be young forever.”
“Oh my God!!!” She got out of her car just to scream while jumping up & down. People on the sidewalk were looking at her crazy but she didn’t care. Not when her own song was blasting from her car on the radio.
“You make me, feel like I’m living a Teenage Dream. The way you turn me on, I can’t sleep. Let's run away and don’t ever look back. Don’t ever look back.”
Y/n’s entire life took a 180 after that very day. Her talent agent and manager from Capital Records were calling her saying she was on the Billboard Hot 100. They were planning on releasing her second single earlier than planned in order to push up the release of her album. Every radio station was playing ‘Teenage Dream,’. There were days Y/n would be in a store and would hear in playing, causing her to break out in a grin.
Before long Y/n was getting calls left in right with her manager and publicist securing television appearances and interviews. Her second single ‘Firework’ was an instant hit, becoming a gold certified record in just a few weeks. People auditioning for X-Factor and American Idol were covering it. Videos being posted to YouTube. Then Y/n released ‘Last Friday Night,’, becoming a popular song for teenagers and young adults. The full album shot her off into stardom.
“SNL?” She dropped her muffin, staring wide eyed at her manager. “SNL wants me to perform?”
“I got Lorne Micheals on the phone—I literally have him on hold—and he’s awaiting your answer.”
“Tell him my answer is ‘fuck yeah!’”
“I’ll tell him…you said yes.”
The appearance on SNL only increased Y/n’s popularity. Following it was invitations to the Kids & Teen Choice Awards, the Billboard Music Awards and the MTV VMAS, in which she won Best New Artist at all shows and Song of The Summer at the TCA’s. The first time she won she was a stuttering mess, thanking the fans and people who voted for her and her family, managers, execs at Capitol Records all while trying not to cry on live television.
Then the 2009 Grammys happened. And she won Best Pop Album and Record of The Year for ‘Last Friday Night’. Her hands shook as she accepted the award from none other than Usher, trying not to fangirl as she approached the microphone. She was never gonna get used to meeting the people she admired.
“O-oh wow,” she stuttered over the screams, feeling the cool surface of the award in her hand. A Grammy. She was a Grammy Award winning recording artist. “This is the greatest honor I’ve ever received—bigger than when I graduated with high school honors,” she laughed nervously, causing people in the crowd to smile at her. “Huge thank you to the Recording Academy for this award. It’s an honor to be part of a group with so many artists I admire—some of whom I’ve listened to for years a-and I can’t believe I have the privilege of being in your presence. I-I wanna take a moment to thank everyone at Capitol Records, my managers Raven and Paul. To everyone who helped me on this album who put their heart and soul into it—this award is not just mine it’s yours. To my family watching at home, I know you’re all losing your minds in front of the tv,” she grinned at the laughs around her, “I love you all so so much and thank you for your support—helping me get to where I am. I’m sorry if I forgot anyone else—t-there telling me to wrap up—b-but thank you—thank you so much for this, I’m so blessed and honored—I can’t even put it into words. Thank you!”
All of 2009-2010 was dedicated to her second album. Y/n was in the studio, writing songs on napkins when she was out with friends, mentally hearing the tunes in her head. She presented and performed at award shows and she went on tour. The goal was to have the songs ready and written by the time the tour ended. Luckily she achieved that goal with at least twenty potential for an album. Anytime Y/n found inspiration she made sure to write it down as quickly as possible.
Now with two Grammys under her name, one of which was for her debut album, the pressure was on.
“This is totally different from what you’ve been doing,” her producer said to her after reading the songs.
“I know, that’s the whole point,” she gave a pointed look, “I don’t want everything to be or sound the same. This is gonna have a different sound than what we did last year. Trust me it’s gonna be big.”
Might as well call her psychic cause that’s exactly what she was.
“It’s been a great week for popstar Y/n L/n, her recent single ‘Summertime Sadness,’ has shot to the top spot of this week’s Billboard Hot 100. A new sound that’s more mellow than her previous work, it’s been well received by fans and critics. L/n is finishing up the American leg of her world tour and is set to release her second studio album in the fall. Just two years ago L/n became an international star after winning two Grammys for her debut album and appearing on television such as Saturday Night Live, Ellen Degeneres, and The Tonight Show with Jay Leno. With her unique voice and style she’s been viewed as the next pop diva, joining that of Madonna, Britney Spears, and Lady Gaga.”
‘Video Games’ was released when the tour concluded and it became her best single to date. The music video was played on MTV early in the mornings and predicted to be nominated for every award one could think of. It was that single combined with the critical acclaim from her album in 2011 that had Baz Luhrmann calling Y/n to write a song for his upcoming 2013 movie ‘The Great Gatsby.’
“And the Oscar goes to….” Y/n’s hand clutched her manager’s, keeping a calm face since the camera was panned on her and the other nominees. In Halle Berry’s hand was the envelope with the winner of the 2014 Oscar for ‘Best Original Song.’ Heart pumping out of her chest, she barely registered her song and name leaving the actress's lips. “Young & Beautiful,’ by Y/n L/n.”
Baz jumped from his seat, as did her manager and producer, the latter of whom she was sharing the Oscar with. A hand flew to her mouth, feeling her arm tugged as they lifted her from her seat while the theater erupted in applause. It felt like she was floating when she approached the stairs, taking the arm of her producer when he offered her help.
“Congratulations,” Halle said, opening her arms for a congratulatory hug before handing the gold statue to the singer. Y/n let out a mix of a sob and laugh as she replied, “T-thank you.”
Another statue was presented to her producer, Y/n waiting for the applause to end until giving her speech.
“O-oh my God, I just met Halle Berry,” there were some chuckles, the singer pausing to hold a hand to her thumping heart while the other clutched the Oscar. “I-I don’t know how to start. First, thank you to the Academy foremost—it’s an honor to be receiving this recognition. Shout out to the other nominees and their incredible work—you all are amazing and we’re so lucky to be almost you all. We all have one major thing in common, and that’s music. Music and movies bring people together—it’s a universal language that we get to be a part of and I am so grateful everyday for being a part of it. Thank you to Baz for allowing us this opportunity—it was so fun working on this song for you and your spectacular film. This Oscar is for you, Baz,” she saw the director blow a kiss from his seat. “Thank you to my producer, Tim—who’s standing right next to me. The magic behind Young & Beautiful, Tim you are a genius and I love you so much. Lastly, to my family back home—ah!” She waved the trophy like a little kid, “Look! I love you all so so much—thank you and I can’t wait to celebrate with you when I come home. Thank you everyone!”
Each year came with more success. The rest of 2014 going all the way to 2016 was nonstop energy. She was working day and night, touring, performing on talk shows, collaborating with other artists—like Taylor Swift, Nicki Minaj, The Weekend, & Justin Bieber—and dabbling in acting jobs. Y/n secured roles in films like The Greatest Showman, The Maze Runner: The Scorch Trials & Death Cure, & The Shape of Water. Some television roles included MTV’s Teen Wolf, American Horror Story and guest appearances on Criminal Minds, Greys Anatomy, and Doctor Who. Her role on AHS garnered her an Emmy for Best Supporting Actress in a Drama Series. After the award show her manager told her with a wink, “All you need is a Tony and you’re part of the EGOT club.”
EGOT. The ‘grand slam’ in show business. Where only more than a dozen people have achieved the status in which they have won an Emmy, Grammy, Oscar and Tony. The biggest awards in television, music, film, and theater.
After she heard that….well you could say Y/n was on a mission.
She continued to release music while pursuing acting. She leased her third and fourth studio albums in the span of eight months—a rare sighting for an artist. Both broke records in their own right. ‘Break Free,’ was playing in every club and ‘Imagine’ was used in Riverdale. She won the Grammy for best Pop album once again and performed ‘Imagine’ at the show. The second it was revealed she got the role of Christine in Broadway’s Phantom of the Opera, the buzz was already on if she would achieve EGOT status if she was nominated for the Tony.
The show opened in early 2017, selling out at a rapid rate with people coming from all over the country solely to watch Y/n perform. She already showed the world she was a brilliant singer and actress, now it was time to combine the two.
Never did she think she’d meet the love of her life at a show.
Jake Seresin wasn’t much of a musical man, but his sister and nieces were so he sucked it up and attended with them. Now Jake wasn’t living under a rock, he damn well knew who Y/n L/n was and frankly the man was a fan. A lot of his exes were fans of the popstar so he was quite familiar with her music and even enjoyed her acting. So of course he was more keen to the idea of going to a Broadway show if it meant he got to see her perform live.
What he didn’t expect was to—literally—run into her on his way back to the hotel. After telling his sister he’d pick food up since her daughters were too tired to go to a restaurant, Jake took a shortcut which happened to be the alley between the show venue. The bag in his hand dropped, the pilot falling to his ass when the door suddenly opened and hit smack in the face.
“Oh my God, I’m so sorry!” A voice shouted followed by a gasp. “Are you okay, sir? ‘Please don’t have blood-please don’t have blood.’
“I’m fine,” he moaned, shaking his head a bit and feeling for any sign of a wound. Thankfully he found none. “It’s alright, ma’am.”
“Here let me,” she helped him up, Jake stumbling a bit and apologizing when he bumped into her. “Are you sure you’re okay? Do you need me to call an ambulance in case you have a concussion?”
“No, no,” he insisted, finally looking up which only resulted in him freezing. The woman he watched on stage not even an hour ago was standing in front of him. “Oh wow.”
Y/n was frozen too, for he was the most attractive man she’d ever laid eyes on. The glow from the street light shined down on him, illuminating his green eyes and blonde hair. His bone structure was what most Hollywood heartthrobs would die for. Come to think of it he could literally pass as a young James Dean.
“H-hi,” she smiled, feeling a bit flustered all of a sudden. It didn’t help that he was still holding onto her shoulders, and she was clutching his forearms.
“Hi.” Gosh even his voice was attractive. A southern accent could be made out with the simple word.
“I’m so sorry for not looking before pushing the door out like that. I—,” Y/n cut herself off when she spotted the discarded bag of what appeared to be food. Some of it spilled out causing guilt to fill her, “Oh gosh, I’m so sorry about your food.” Stepping away she reached into her bag to pull out her wallet. “How much was—.”
“Don’t worry about it,” Jake says, but the singer shakes her head.
“No I insist,” she takes out a random amount of bills which was likely triple what he had actually paid but she didn’t care. She extended her hand out with the cash, “I rammed a door into you and made you drop your food. Please let me make it up—otherwise I’m gonna have to drag you to the place you got it from and replace it myself.”
Jake couldn’t help but smile, taking the cash and examining it before only keeping the amount he had originally paid. “No need to give me more than what it was worth. Here,” he hands back the extra, making her frown but she takes it regardless. Her eyebrows then raise when he goes, “But you could make it up to me in another way?”
Tilting her head, she can’t help but say, “How so?”
“By having a drink with me. If you’re available.”
So that’s how Y/n L/n met her soulmate. By hitting him face first with a door. He literally fell for her if one thought about it—pun intended.
What made it even better was Broadway not only gifted her future husband, but her status as an EGOT winner.
“Last night was a record breaking night for popstar Y/n L/n. The 30-year-old singer and actress has become one of just over a dozen to join the prestigious EGOT Club after winning the Tony for her Leading Actress in a Musical for her role of Christine in Broadway’s Phantom Of The Opera. L/n won the Grammy for Best Pop Album and Record of The Year in 2009 followed by the Oscar for Best Original Song in 2014 for The Great Gatsby. She then went on to appear in several television series including the popular horror series American Horror Story in which she won the Emmy for Best Supporting Actress in a Drama Series. It was rumored L/n would venture into Broadway to possibly add a Tony to her collection of numerous awards, confirming this in mid-2016 when the cast for the 2017 run of Andrew Webber’s Phantom Of The Opera was released. Classically trained as a child, the popstar showed she can belt a lyric and hold a tune. It was a spectacular night for Y/n L/n, receiving a standing ovation when her name was called for the award and dedicating the Tony to her family, friends, cast members, and managers who’ve been with her since her debut in the music industry almost a decade ago. She is one of the youngest stars to ever achieve EGOT status and the fastest ever in a career.”
Many many songs were inspired by her relationship with Jake. Her entire album released a year after they got together was basically a love letter to him. ‘Love Song’ was regarded as her most beautiful record to date, a source for many fan-made videos for their favorite fictional characters and features in movie soundtracks. ‘Love Me Harder,’ & ‘34+35’ had fans go crazy with how frisky they were. Though their relationship was a secret it was obvious the popstar was in love. It only made fans want to know who was the special man to take her heart.
Jake learned pretty early on the price that came with dating a critically acclaimed songwriter: that if messed up there would be a song about it.
Immediately speculations arose that Y/n and her secret partner were broken up with the release of songs like ‘Woman Like Me,’ & ‘Power.’ She had to get on instagram one day to settle the rumors with a picture of their interlaced hands saying, “You drive me wild sometimes, but my love for you overpowers all.”
Their relationship was eventually exposed when Jake appeared in her music video for ‘Secret Love Song,’ released just shortly before he was set to return to Top Gun. People could easily tell the chemistry between Y/n and her ‘love interest’.
Maybe a little too much chemistry.
Dedicated fans were able to find out who Jake was in less than a week. Matching up his social media post locations and dates with hers, they didn’t even need them to confirm their suspicion to know they were together.
“I guess the cat’s out of the bag,” Jake chuckled, showing Y/n his phone screen with a picture that was just sent to TMZ of the two in San Francisco.
Y/n simply shrugged, “I’m fine with it if you are. I’m happy we got to keep it to ourselves for this long. And considering people are now asking about this—,” she held up her left hand, flashing the diamond engagement ring Jake spent his entire year’s paychecks on. “It was bound to happen sooner or later.”
Was Jake still the arrogant, egotistical pilot amongst his peers? Yes. But was he the type to boast about how he was engaged to one of the best musical artists of the century? Surprisingly no.
He actually enjoyed keeping that little detail a secret. To Jake his personal life was for him and him only. And he didn’t want people going around saying he was a gold-digger or wanting to be that guy who got to say he hooked up with a celebrity. Nah, he was in love with Y/n with his entire being. She was the gravity that kept him down to Earth. Sure they bickered like any couple but never once did either of them cross a line.
The only time they ever had a big argument was when he did get jealous over one of her former co-stars trying to have a shot at her. Y/n tried brushing it off saying it was nothing, but Jake could tell the signs and it upset him Y/n was not taking him seriously. “I just don’t see why you’re being so childish about a dinner party that’s gonna have multiple people.”
“Have you even asked who else is coming? Or wondered why he’s started texting you more when you guys finished filming ages ago? I’m not trying to be insecure or jealous, Y/n, but I know when a guy is trying to flirt. He didn’t even acknowledge me as your date when we were at the premier party. In fact I don’t think he said hello to me when he approached. All his eyes were was on you—which I don’t blame because you’re the most beautiful woman on the planet—but trust me, I know that look because I have it every second I’m with you.”
Needless to say you didn’t go to that dinner party and instead were doing what ‘Love Song’ was about the entire weekend.
When Jake goes to Top Gun for the special detachment, he’s still the arrogant asshole the others thought him to be. But if they were being honest they could see a difference in him. Maybe it was because he wasn’t flirting with anything with legs. Maybe it was the fact he rejected the drink from a pretty blonde. Maybe it was because they caught him smiling at his phone whenever he got a text. Whatever it was, they wanted to find out.
The only person in the detachment who knew of Y/n was Javy considering he was Jake’s best friend. She met him roughly eight months after she and Jake got together after much discussion. Their relationship was still a secret by then so they were hesitant to let anyone besides her team know, but Javy was an important person to Jake. He wanted his best friend to know the woman he loved.
Natasha being the amateur sleuth she was pretty much discovered Jake’s secret in a few days, “No fucking way.”
The evidence was presented to Jake during their lunch break the day after she found out, Nat holding the phone up for him to see. She literally watched the gears turn in his head, a sly smirk forming on his lips. “What about that, Trace?” The question caught the attention of their colleagues, who were trying not to show they were eavesdropping.
“Is that not you?” Nat looked at the screen to make sure it was on the zoomed in image of him and Y/n L/n. The entire music video Jake’s face was pretty much hidden from view, but briefly his face could be made out at certain angles.
“It is,” he shrugged, going back to his sandwich. A cluttered sound indicated Nat had dropped the phone on the table, scrambling to pick it up.
“So you just casually ended up in Y/n L/n’s music video for her iconic song?” By now heads turned, expressions of absolute shock. Well all except Coyote. He just raised his brows at Jake while holding back a laugh, wanting to see what he would say.
“No, I ended up in my fiancé’s music video for her iconic song.”
“You’re what?!”
“Babe, I got a favor to ask you,” Jake’s voice was tainted with exhaustion when he FaceTimed Y/n that night. She was at their Fresno home since he was stationed at NAS Lemoore and was planning to meet him in San Diego that weekend. Raising a brow at him through the screen she could tell he looked apologetic.
“What is it?”
“You think you could come down earlier than planned?” At her reaction he explained, “My detachment found out about us and well……they’re accusing me of photoshopping the photos of you and I—even though they literally saw us make out in your music video. And I want to prove to them I’m telling the truth.”
A moment passed and then Y/n burst into laughter to the point of tears. What got her was the photoshopping accusation.
“Stop laughing,” he pouted, “I’m fighting for me life out here—I could use some backup.”
“My goodness, Jake Seresin,” she calmed down, shaking her head at his butt hurt expression. “You’re something else you know?”
“So does that mean you’re coming?”
“I’ll book my flight for the morning as soon as we get off.”
One could envision the confusion on the pilots/WSOs when Jake prevented them from leaving the airstrip at the end of the work day. It was pushing five in the afternoon, they were tired and hungry, and honestly could care less about what Jake had to show them.
That was until the black SUV with tinted windows pulled up to the parking lot where they were standing. When the door opened jaws dropped to the floor with eyes bulging out at the person emerging from the vehicle. Who happened to jump into Jake’s awaiting arms. Fanboy had to rub his eyes to make sure he was seeing clearly. That it was Y/n L/n sharing a kiss with the resident asshole.
“Oh my God he wasn’t kidding,” Rooster said with a mix of awe and disbelief. Javy patted him on the chest, moving first to greet the popstar who shocked the pilots again with her warm welcome to them. None knew how to react when the couple approached hand in hand.
It’s not everyday someone meets a fucking EGOT winner.
“Hello,” Y/n smiled a dazzling grin, drifting her eyes over each of them and committing their callsign to memory. She could tell what they were likely thinking, ‘How the hell did Hangman manage to pull a fucking popstar?’ And ‘He must be brainwashing her, blink twice if you need help,’ kind of stuff.
Introductions were in store as well as explanations for how the couple came to be. In all the years they knew the pilot, none could’ve predicted that kind of secret. They quickly learned Y/n was not the typical celebrity—some of them were even ashamed to think she’d be stuck up, arrogant, snobbish. They were almost convinced the personality she had in interviews and fan interactions were fake, but Y/n was a truly genuine person. Not only did she come from humble beginnings, but she was a hard, driven worker who truly earned everything she’s gained.
And she was perfect for Jake. They were like two peas in a pod, with Y/n being the only one who could bring him back down to earth. Truly was an amazing thing to witness and the daggers were having trouble comprehending it at times. Hearing the story of how the two met brought tears to Rooster and Fanboy’s eyes by how funny it was, while Phoenix was covering her mouth to hide her smirk at how embarrassed her colleague was.
“In my defense,” he puts his hands on his chest when Bob asks why he thought to pass the side door, “I didn’t expect anyone to still be inside and potentially use that door.”
“He just hates when I tease him about how he literally fell for me,” Y/n winks, making them all smirk.
Later on in the night after going to the Hard Deck for drinks and pool, Rooster says, “You know I feel I won’t be able to use my karaoke song if we ever go cause I’ll be too flustered to sing a song in front of the person it’s written by.” Y/n couldn’t help but blush, giggling lightly.
“What is it?”
“Last Friday Night. Such a banger—really gets the crows going.”
Even after the Uranium mission happened, the daggers continued to remain in contact. Many were offered jobs of instructors but the real surprise came a couple months later from the Pentagon asking if they could remain a permanent team. Selling their San Francisco home, Jake and Y/n moved to San Diego, which was better since it was closer to L.A. The team hung out often with Friday nights reserved for the Hard Deck.
Y/n even found musical inspiration with them.
“So I have a proposal,” she hums to Nat and Callie one day while the guys are playing football on the beach. “Not a marriage one Jake claimed that one already,” she pauses when they all laugh at the joke, “but a ‘if you want to be a part of it I would love it if you did but I understand if you can't be’ kind of one.”
Nat tilts her head curiously, Callie mirroring her, “What is it?”
“I wrote a song….that you two helped inspire,” Y/n smiles at their expressions, “and I’d love for you both to be in the music video after I release it.”
Nat loses it, “OH MY GOD YOU WHAT?!!”
“Can we hear it!?” Callie blushes, “I’m so honored—oh my God I literally don’t know how to react to that.”
“Girl you cannot just drop that on us,” Nat playfully points with narrowed eyes, “If you weren’t Jake’s soon to be wife I would marry you right now.” Y/n just laughs, rummaging through her bag to find her notebook to show them the song.
“If he messes up you’ll be the first to know and we can head to the courthouse.”
“Don’t play with me now, Y/n,” Nat shakes her head. “No man has ever done something like that. Write a song inspired by me?” She gives a dramatic sigh. “Feels like I’m living in a romance novel.”
Both read the song, both fell in love with it and pretty much cried. It was empowering, motivational, a love letter to women, everything they wished they heard growing up in a field where men dominated and looked down upon them. Y/n made sure to keep them updated when she was in the studio, allowing them to hear it first before it was released.
2020 was a year no one could’ve expected.
It started off great with the singer releasing ‘Salute,’ shortly after the New Year and filing the music video in February. The song was well received from fans and critics, with people already calling it the ‘anthem of the year.’ Jake loved it and would send clips of him in the car to Y/n belting the lyrics. The guys all loved it too and loved that their colleagues were the source of inspiration.
Halo and Phoenix were part of the MV as well as women who in real life were doctors, nurses, lawyers, teachers, athletes, students, astronauts, & scientists from all ages, races/ethnicities, genders, etc. Not all of them were in the armed forces, but a couple were along with Nat and Callie. Special permission from the Navy & Top Gun was needed to put cameras in the F-18’s on the exterior and interior to capture footage of the two flying. Halo was Nat’s backseater for that day and the guys came out just to watch and support.
Released just before March, the music video hit 100 million views in less than 12 hours. It only grew from there with people praising Y/n and the women included in the project. There was talk of ‘Salute’ being nominated for the upcoming awards, Team USA asked permission to use the song for promotion for their women athletes for the upcoming Games. Y/n was over the moon, really looking forward for what the year held. Especially with her wedding around the corner.
Then the world shut down. Literally.
A global pandemic altered everything and everyone. Anything that required a group of people ranging from small to stadium level was banned. States were on curfew and not letting people cross borders, international traveling was restricted. Lockdown was mandated for pretty much everywhere to the point Jake was working from home for a couple months.
In that time Y/n threw herself into writing songs to release her next album. Her reason: she was in need of a break. Not a ‘I’m retiring from music,’ but a ‘I’m drained and in dire need of taking time for myself and start the family I’ve always wanted.’ It was always her plan for after she and Jake got married, just to have a few years for themselves and see where life takes them.
Thankfully when the pandemic hit Y/n was already done with her collaboration with Lady Gaga. The fellow popstar had been her friend since she joined the industry and it was a long time coming for the two to work together. Not to mention they were on American Horror Story together. The Mother Monster approached the High Note Princess in late 2019, both sharing ideas and writing the song together before recording to release in 2020. Filming the music video, they combed both of their aesthetics and styles to create a pop masterpiece.
Fans went crazy. They loved the return to classic pop when both singers had gone off to pursue acting careers and change their sound a bit. Many felt deprived of being able to dance to ‘Rain On Me’ in a club since going out was restricted. And you can best believe the Daggers felt the same—especially Rooster who loved to dance his ass off, “I would be tearing it up right now if Rona wasn’t such a bitch.”
Surprisingly the 2020 VMAs still happened. It was roughly six months after the outbreak and very strict regulations were in place for the show to go on. With ‘Rain On Me,’ being so popular and popstars releasing albums, Y/n and Lady Gaga were invited to perform. After prepping for weeks and self-quarantining, the daggers all gathered around at the couple’s home to watch the live show. Lady Gaga was the first to perform solely when it was their turn, then Y/n joined causing the select few in the crowd to cheer—with her friends and loved ones going crazy in their living room. All were in awe when she hit a high note, killing it with the choreography and honestly being the best performers of the night. Finally Lady Gaga left the stage with her dancers allowing Y/n’s to appear in time for the popstar to sing ‘Salute.’ At the house, Halo and Nat were dancing along and belting the lyrics with the guys while recording the performance on their phones.
“Sisters, we are everywhere! Warriors, your country needs you! If you’re ready, ladies, better keep steady, ready, aim, shoot! Don’t need ammunition, on a mission—now we hit you with the truth! Divas, queen, we don’t need no man, SALUTE!!”
2021 came with hope and breaths of fresh air. A vaccination was developed, restrictions were lifted in most locations meaning Y/n and Jake could finally plan for their wedding. It took a few months to plan, desiring an intimate private wedding at their home with their close friends and family. The daggers were all there, including Maverick, Cyclone, Warlock, and Hondo. Their families were all there as well as Y/n’s managers & agents, some cast members from the shows/films she grew close to, as well as artists like Taylor Swift, Lady Gaga, Alicia Keys, David Guetta, and The Black Eyed Peas, the Jonas Brothers, & Miley Cyrus.
A sweet ceremony, Y/n squealed when Jake tipped her back to the cheers of their loved ones as he kissed her passionately. “I love you so much, Y/n. Or should I say, Mrs. Seresin.”
“I love you too, Mr. Seresin,” she kissed him again, “Now let’s show them we’re the life of the party.”
Rings on their fingers, grins plastered their faces when they ran through the Arch of Swords the guys of the Dagger Squad set up on the aisle. Then came time for the reception. Jake presented Y/n with a sword, per military tradition, to cut the cake and Y/n poured the champagne over the tower of glasses. They had their first dance, which Javy made sure to do his best man duties and record everything.
Which came in handy when it was time for Y/n’s surprise for Jake.
Seating him in a chair at the front of the dance floor, Y/n smirked at his confused expression as she took the mic from the DJ, calling everyone's attention. “All of you know I’m one for surprises. And tonight is no exception,” biting her lip she signaled for her maid of honor, who started rounding up the bridesmaids. “I thought it would be great to give Jake a little treat tonight—do not take that the wrong way, I can already see your minds going somewhere,” she pointed at the daggers who were hollering, giggling as she continued, “Stop it. Anyways, we’ve been cooking up this little number for the past month and now it’s time to let it shine. Baby, this is for you.”
Jake slapped a hand to his mouth containing his expression of glee when the opening chords to Y/n’s ‘Power’ echoed through the speakers. Her bridesmaids got into place, the singer discarding her veil and moving to the center. Everyone was on their feet hooting and hollering, capturing the performance on their phones for memory. Javy even put the phone right up in Jake’s face, Payback slapping the pilot on the back as the others whistled and danced. Just the expression of his mother and family sent Jake into tears of laughter.
She was flabbergasted. Unlike his sister and brother who were having the time of their lives witnessing the masterpiece that was Y/n practically seducing her husband live and singer her own song.
“I don’t think she’s heard this song until now!” He shouted over the music to the phone, blushing when Y/n winked at him. To be fair, the bridge of ‘Power’ was a little on the frisky side and Y/n was edging closer to Jake until she was basically in his lap.
“Don’t be fooled, I got you wrapped up. In the arms of an animal—get you thinking that I’m all innocent. But wait ‘til I get you home. If you don’t, baby, you should know. I’m the one who’s in control.”
Hell yeah she was in control when she got home that night….well at least for a few rounds she was.
Sadness came with the announcement of her break from music. The hot topic for media outlets, Y/n had released a statement on Twitter and Instagram confirming the suspicions many had after her wedding. Fans were understandably upset that their favorite artist wouldn’t be releasing new material until further notice, but they’d rather have Y/n at her best and not give half ass energy in her work. She was burnt out. It was time for a break after 13 years with six albums, each with their own tour. Don’t get her wrong, the popstar loved to be on the road, but after a while she was ready to just stay home for some time without planning for what was next.
In the meantime she sold songs for other people, collaborated on writing with artists, and acted when filming was either in L.A or San Diego. She and Jake were happily married, little to no financial stress or personal issues, and were ready to expand their family. By mid 2025 they had/adopted two kids, two dogs, and a cat. They were a full house with no dull days whatsoever.
“Are you going to get back in the studio like you mentioned the other week?” Jake asked at dinner, helping cut his son's food into smaller pieces.
Y/n nibbled on her floor while also assisting their daughter, “Yeah I think this weekend I’m gonna call Jack up and see what his schedule is like. I got some lyrics I’d like him to read.” Sipping on her drink briefly she then asks, “How long do you think this next mission is going to be?”
“Probably a week or two. Mav is working out the details and hopes to tell us Monday. I just pray I’ll make it in time for your birthday.”
Y/n feels her heart skip, giving a soft smile, “You know I understand if you can’t, honey. If the Pentagon is tasking you then you know it’s important. We’ll celebrate either before or after you get back,” she assured, reaching over to hold his hand when he frowned.
“I just hate the idea of missing it, you know? It’s your birthday and I missed our anniversary last year,” he pauses to sigh, “I just hate leaving you guys for so long. And I never wanna make you feel like you’re always alone.”
“I knew what I was getting into when we fell in love. Don’t feel like you’re missing out or I’m going to suddenly start giving ultimatums because you know I’m not that person. If it was our anniversary or another memorable date I would still feel the same. You have a job, Jake, you’re the best there is to do it. There will be plenty more birthdays for us to be together for.”
Being back in the studio felt like a whole new world. It had been nearly five years since her last single was in late 2020. When Jake was working the kids would come with her and be the stars of the crew, playing in the mini play area they had set up while Y/n was recording. Besides the people she worked with, only Jake knew she was releasing new music. Quite literally Y/n did not announce anything until the night before with a single Tweet and Instagram post with the art cover and the caption, “Tomorrow at midnight, Between Us.”
She broke the internet to put it lightly.
@ livinginharryshouse: y’all the High Note Princess is back I’m gonna lose it.
@ a_teenage_dream: 2025 ending on a great note 🥹 five years and the wait is over!!!!
@ dylanobrien ✔️: crying, shitting, throwing up. Thank you @ Y/n
August 2026
18 years in the music industry and the rush before a live performance had Y/n pacing backstage during the commercial break of the VMAs. Their children were being occupied by her manager while Jake helped her mentally prepare. He was going to be the one to present her the award at the end of her set, so they were just waiting for the green light from the stage manager. The performance was going to be nearly ten minutes, the longest she’s ever done live on an award show since it was going to be a medley of some of her classic hits while also including ‘Between Us’. Lady Gaga, Y/n’s close friend and who collaborated with her again on her most recent album, was going to introduce her.
“Deep breaths with me, baby,” Jake held her in his arms, kissing her forehead. “I can feel you shaking. But once you get on stage it’s gonna be like you never left.” Taking a strong inhale, Y/n let it out slowly before repeating.
“I know it probably won’t happen,” she starts to laugh, “but I can’t help but dread the idea of me falling on my ass or forgetting my lyrics.” Jake laughs with her, shaking his head while pulling away to look at her.
“Knowing you, you’d fall gracefully and make it look like it was intentional. Also you mumble those lyrics in your sleep…you won’t forget them.”
She leans more into him just as the stage manager yells, “You’re on in five, Y/n!” The commercial break must have ended. Lady Gaga was already being pulled on stage after wishing the popstar good luck with a hug and friendly kiss to the cheek. “We need you over here please.”
“That’s your cue,” Jake grins, cupping his wife’s face before bringing her in for a passionate kiss. Y/n smiles into it, nuzzling their noses together causing him to chuckle. When they pull away he says, “Go out there and have fun. Bottom line, baby, have fun out there and sing your heart out. I’m so lucky and honored to be your husband and share this life with you. Don’t start crying,” he playfully scolds when her eyes tear up, “you’ll ruin your nice makeup your team worked so hard on.” That makes her laugh. Jake kisses her again, “I love you, baby. I’ll see you at the end.”
“I love you, Jake,” she hugs him tightly, feeling comfort in the smell of his cologne. “Thank you for being by my side everyday. You’re the light of my life—,” she nods to the stage manager who was waving frantically. “Fuck okay, I wanted to be more romantic but I got to go before they drag me.”
“Go, go,” he kisses her cheek, Y/n moving quickly to kiss her children and hug her managers before waving goodbye. “We love you!!”
Running to the nearly annoyed stage manager, she throws off her robe to reveal her stage outfit and takes the microphone. Heart pounding, she adjusts her earpiece as they escort her to the spot she was needed just as Lady Gaga finished her introduction speech, “Los Angeles and to everyone watching at home, it is my honor to present to you your recipient of this year’s MTV Video Vanguard Award. Get on your feet and make some noise for the one and only, Y/n L/n!!”
It was still dark on stage where Y/n was hidden from the audience as all attention went to the giant screens all around showing the pre-recorded video montage with her face in black and white and eyes closed. The crowd was already going crazy as the camera zoomed in toward Y/n’s face while audio played of her talking about her love for music and the thrill of performing. The camera continued to pan in, the popstar on stage thinking about everything that had led her to that moment. From starting out her days singing in a jazz club, to becoming one of only 19 EGOT winners, and now the recipient of the Video Vanguard award.
The microphone went to her mouth, Y/n putting on the show of the year when the video ended with her eyes opening and voice echoing the music channel’s iconic phrase in the stadium, “I want my MTV!!”
TGM Tag List: @avaleineandafryingpan, @caitsymichelle13, @poppyalice2001, @cutelittlepotatofry, @luckyladycreator2, @americaarse, @elenavampire21, @back-tooo-black
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captain039 · 3 months
The lord and lady (Cooper Howard)
Cooper Howard x reader
Bridgerton and Cooper Howard is a muussstt
Warnings: Olden times, swearing, age gap, tension, slow burn, plus size reader, fat shaming, parental abuse, sexual things, eventual smut, angst, AOB (suppressed by vault tec)
I’m also gonna focus more on the AOB side, make it more AOB than I have been xD
I’m trying to use less Y/n but also failing lol
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The ride to the centre of the ton is short, the overseer is placed right in the middle of this town in her lush castle and sick husband, and her rumoured out of wedlock fling Mr Maclean. Though their family is of high status the rumours surrounding that poor family could in fact fill this whole town if written. You see the Macleans ahead of you, their Daughter Lucy Maclean stepping out in a fresh new dress and headwear just like the rest of the 20 lady’s being presented today. Every year it is 20 lady’s that are to be presented to society, they are sure the numbers stay intact no matter the costs. If you haven’t secured a marriage by the end of the season or year, well nobody truely knows what happens to those poor souls. The men of course are left alone however you and your fellow women in arms are left wondering who will be next?
As you stand outside the Overseers presenting room you still find yourself nervous no matter how many times your teacher forced you to rehearse this till you were satisfactory. You smile to Lucy when she turns to face you her big eyes full of excitement and anxiety. You fear yours don’t show the same, you are tired, a sleepless night and now this. She gives you a small nod before her name is called.
One by one the ladies are presented, when it is your turn you fear you may throw up, but the glare your father gives forces your bile down in fear. You avoid eye contact and bow when you’re at the right length away from the Overseer her dress a bright blue adorned in yellow gems, an odd combination in your opinion but it has been the Overseers colours for century’s. The Overseer nods her head and you make your way to wear the already seen lady’s stand and hold your mother’s hand tightly.
In the way back you’re bombarded with horrid words and spat accusations at how horrid you were at the presentation. You force yourself not to cry as you look out the window while your mother tries to calm your father down. You hear the coach men shout and then there’s a rush past your window making you frown and look. There’s a man galloping down the Main Street on a brown horse. Your father yells swears at him before the coach moves again. The man whoever he was must’ve been in a great haste, perhaps his wife was having her child or he lost a bet at the local club and he was running away. You only wonder briefly before you go to feeling jealousy that he can ride away on a horse because he is a man and nobody would question it.
Your first ball is torture before it even happens. Despite this being what you were brought up to do your father constantly reminds you of what a failure and frantic, absurd mind you have for your painting and drawing, your love of books and being locked away in your room despite him being the one who had locked you in there in the first place. Even now he questions whether you are ‘pure’ like you could’ve actually escaped such a man to promenade where you pleased.
You’re dressed in a silvery cream coloured dress with clear gemstones, you wear a simple gem necklace and studs, your hair is done up and pinned with pretty gem flower piece to match the whole outfit. Small silver heels on your feet and dashes of makeup. If you are not to secure a match tonight or at least a suitor or caller you fear what your father may do.
The first ball is at the Macleans house, grand and overdone if you say as you enter the large estate. Guests huddle and chatter, tables are filled with flowers, treats and sweetened water. Despite the cold night it’s stuffy in the large estate. Your father is off quickly to drink with the other lords while your mother probably searches for your future husband. You hide by the drink stand getting some fresh lemonade before you’re approached. You’re thankful it isn’t a man and Lucy as she beams at you, big eyed and beautiful.
“Evening” she says grinning as she takes a drink and stands by you.
“Evening” you reply looking over the crowd.
“Are we scoping the options?” She leans in to whisper and you almost choke on your drink, you cover it with a laugh.
“I guess” you shrug and her face falters.
“I think my Mama may be doing it already” you say nodding in her direction. She’s talking to three young gentlemen whose back are turned to you.
“You could always marry my brother” she suggests and hesitate on your drink. Her brother is kind, a little odd and quiet but kind.
“Your brother is kind yes” you say and she elbows you gently.
“I won’t be offended if you say no, you know, he is rather quiet for a gentlemen” she chuckles softly and you just nod. The doors open once more, someone late to the party. This member makes your neck hair stand on end though as he enters in a ravishing blue suit with yellow bow tie. You frown a little at the Overseer colours, perhaps he is a member of the Overseers management. He approaches some lords and greets them with big smiles as they pretty much yell their celebration that he has arrived.
“Who is that?” You ask unsure if you’ve seen him or not.
“Lord Howard? You know him” Lucy says and it clicks.
“Oh of course! I didn’t recognise him from here” you huff softly. You gulp a little sipping your drink quicker. Lord Howard is the one man in the ton who truely interested you, his love for his horses, his adventures he goes on. Most of the young lady’s go to him for riding lessons however yours were cut short the moment your horse bucked you off and you embarrassed your teacher and father in front of the other parents and young ladies. It had been mortifying, you swore you broke something but all you got was thrown into your room and yelled at, your Mama managed to save you from a further beating seeing as you had just flown off a horse. You loved horses, you were fascinated by them, beautiful beasts able to carry a man at high speeds.
“Greeting young Ladies how are we?” Your mamas voice brings you from your thoughts and you smile at her.
“And he’s coming over” Lucy’s words make you snap your head though as the Lord approaches. Your whole body is on edge and everything around you seems to dull out except him.
You unaware he’s talking to you till you feel Lucy’s elbow in your side and snap back to reality.
“I’m so sorry Lord Howard” you say rushed almost fumbling over your words as you lay your glass down with shaky hands.
“It’s quite alright Lady Y/n, I was asking how you are both going?” He chuckles softly and your stomach does flips.
“I’m alright thank you, and yourself?” You ask wanting to hold your mother’s hand.
“Well thank you, my mare just gave birth to her first foal” he says with a proud smile that makes your heart thump.
“Oh how wonderful! Are they both doing well?” Your Mama asks.
“Yes quite, little colts got a fiery spirit for sure” he answers. You’re not focused, too focused on his neck for some strange reason. You find the place suddenly oh so inviting with the need to press your nose into his skin and breathe him in.
“Oh my dear daughter does love horses though she hasn’t had much experience with them” your mama gushes and his eyes find yours. He falters a moment sucking in a small breath, nose flaring.
“You should come by and see, never too old to learn how to ride, plus horses are better than people” he smiles and whispers the last part and your mind goes haywire. The thoughts of being on the ranch with him again, smooth kind words teaching you how to ride, praising you. You’d almost beg for his praise.
You excuse yourself suddenly and rush outside into the cold air where you’re able to breathe properly. Heavens what ever was that? Your heart is pounding, you feel yourself sweating.
“What the hell do you think you’re doing?” You hear your father growl like some wild beast and you flinch when his hand grabs your arm roughly in a bruising grip.
“Running off when a lord was talking to you?! Are you stupid!” He snaps his face mere inches from yours.
“I’m sorry father, I wasn’t feeling well I didn’t wish to make a scene of sickness” you explain your head bowed and eyes on the ground.
“Stupid girl! You’ve already made a damned scene!” His other hand grips your chin roughly and you whimper at the contact.
“Get the carriage!” He snaps at the footman and he hurries off.
“Get in the carriage, you’ve ruined this night and any chance of a proposal!” He growls and you’re forced into the carriage. You see your father hurrying your mama but you also see him Lord Howard frowning at your parents then looking to you in confusion and concern.
Next part ->
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kalevalakryze · 1 year
A quiet night under the stars on Lothal, Shin's laying in the grass next to Sabine, "What does it feel like?" They ask, risking a glance over to the other woman in the silver light of the moons.
"what does what feel like?" Sabine hums, fingers twiddling where they're clasped over her stomach.
"To be you?" There's something vulnerable there, something that tells Sabine not to look at them, so she focuses her golden eyes into the reflection of the light that reminds her of Shin so much.
"Everything sings," Her hand raises, open towards the night sky, a gentle breeze skirting past open fingers as her other hand drops from her stomach and to the grass, caking mud under her nails when she sinks the tips of her fingers into the dirt, to the still rain-damp layers below the surface.
"Sings? They question, and Sabine can hear them rustling in the grass, rolling onto their side so they can look across the foot of empty space separating them.
"Music is in everything, y'know?" The Artist shrugged, letting her risen hand finally drop back to the ground to twist grass up between her fingers.
"The wind in the grass, the ships coming out and going in, the life in the cities, the life we can't even see, all of it; and thats just who I am."
"I am the wind echoing across stone and I'm the sun melting away shadows, and sometimes I'm the color and the world is just waiting on me to paint it; I spent too long living in monochrome prisons to be anything but this.. this life,"
"Maybe that's sappy," Sabine huffed out with a tired smile, moving her dirt streaked hands back over her stomach, clasping them together once more, as if physically holding herself in and against the earth beneath them.
"To a Mandalorian, everything is handled in song- The Manda is everything we are; past, present, and future. It's this collective of all of our brothers and sisters, the songs of the lives they've lived. I can't be me without mentioning them, and the songs they wove into this life-"
Offering a sheepish smile, Sabine dares a look back at Shin. Their gaze is cast towards the moons in thought, their gloveless fingers twirling the padawan braid in a self stimulating movement, the ball of their gemstone sliding between the lightsaber calloused pads of her fingertips.
They seemed to be deep in thought, so Sabine let her words fade into the calming silence. From the tower, she could faintly hear Ezra, fumbling as he tried to navigate their home in its new state, with the most naggy occupant in the form of a territorial Loth-cat.
When peace and good company had finally begun to lull Sabine into a near sleep-like tranquility, accent thick in thoughtful words. "The force is like that too," They were contemplative, head held up in one hand, while the other traced a line of smell pebbles hidden in the grass.
"Ah... Perhaps," Shin's nose crinkled. "I do not hear the music you are referring to, but-" The wolf sat up, legs crossing beneath them and hands dropping to the dirt caught in her greaves. "I can hear the stories." When Sabine's gaze flickered back to them, she found the pebbles, suspended in the air above their palms.
"Not the echoes in the force, more..." A slow exhale, the furrowing of their brows, and a tingle of anxiety as it melted into the cosmos around them. "Your music, your manda; that is the force, for me... My Master taught that everything was the will of The Force, like the Jedi; that we are conduits of the force and executors of its will... and the force has to have wants based on experience, right?"
A smile flickered on Sabine's lips as she watched the pebbles raise higher, the stars reflecting in their eyes as they followed the bottommost stone. Even after everything, Shin never did get talking much; Sabine learned long ago to take every moment their passion and drive for understanding was allowed to surface.
"The Force is written by the lives of all, these stones were once boulders, and in the Force, their pieces can be found; they never stop Being. They will always have a story, even when we cannot see them anymore."
"Funny, Jedi and Mandalorians have a long history of fighting over things like this, when they're so similar," Sabine shook her head as she finally sat up, brushing grass out of her hair.
The pitter-patter of soft paws in the grass tickled her ears, though before Sabine's head could turn, Nix was already making his way to clamber into Shin's open lap. "Little beast," They greeted with a sigh, allowing their pebbles to drop into their hands, setting them down back into the dirt where they had been found.
"I always had a hard time understanding the 'Force is life' thing; But I get it, I think;"
"There is no true way to get it. However you interpret it, so long as you are acknowledging the life it has and the impact you have on it all, that's what it is." Silence fell over the two women again, Sabine allowed her body to lean, shoulder drifting until she was pressing against the smooth leather of the jacket she would never hope to get back. "Thanks for that; I think sometimes, I need the reminder of how big it all is, and how we're all significant despite the size of it."
"Well, you cannot punch it, paint it, or blow it up, so I doubt you would have understood it alone, Mandalorian,"
"Why you little-!" Sabine shoved into Shin, sending Nix hissing and darting off into the tall grass as the wolf and the moon rolled in the grass.
"Hey guys! The Noti are hungry and I think I set your kitchen on fire!" Ezra called, squinting at the plume of smoke from the upstairs door wafting into the night sky.
"Little brothers," Sabine shook her head as she came to a stop, pinned into the dirt with a near smiling wolf.
"Jedi," Shin agreed, rolling their weight off and offering a hand up to the purple haired woman; Force, Manda, whatever it was, both would be rich with the songs and the stories of Ezra Bridger, the Jedi who ignited a bowl of ice-cream.
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I’m here again bc I’m down bad for these men (and 2 exceptional ladies): What would they get us as a wedding gift, and how they react to us coming up the aisle 🥹💖💖💖
God I am down astronomical for them so I get that lol, I’ve included links to what wedding rings I think they would give you 😌 I just did the bachelors in this one but if you want the bachelorettes lemme know!
What the bachelors give you for your wedding and how they react to you walking down the aisle
First off, he’s sweating
This is a lot of attention and he’s not use to it
He got you something meaningful as a gift, something to symbolize what you mean to him
It’s a beautiful hand made photo album with all the pictures you’ve ever taken together in it, and a few he’s taken when you weren’t paying attention
Under each picture is a brief description and the reasons he loves the photos and you
Very worries you’ll think it’s cheesy or dumb but you love it and him
The moment he sees you walking up the aisle towards him?
He’s trying not to sob, he thinks you look absolutely ethereal
Could hardly stop complimenting you enough for mayor Lewis to get the ceremony started
This is the wedding ring:
He’s so excited, he’s been pacing all day
His mom and his friends could barely keep him calm lol
He got you one of those eternal roses that are in like the jars of liquid to preserve them
It’s not much but you love it none the less, it’s a super sweet gift
When you start walking down the aisle?
Tears, doesn’t even bother to hide it he just loves you so much, and to see you walking toward him ready to spend the rest of your life with him? He’s crying
Gives you a forehead kiss before mayor Lewis can start his speech
This is the ring he gets you:
He’s trying to remain calm on his wedding day, trying to look very nonchalant
But he’s readjusted his tie and shirt like 25 times in the last ten minutes
He’s frazzled but he won’t show it
He got you a silver heart shaped locket with a picture of you on one side and him on the other side
Your wearing it currently with your wedding outfit
When he sees you walking down the aisle any anxiety he had has gone out the window
He thinks your the most elegant person out there and he can’t believe he’s so lucky to have you
This is your wedding ring:
He’s so nervous and it shows, he’s sweating, he threw up this morning
His anxiety is off the charts
He got you a dainty bracelet with little emeralds embedded in it since you once told him those were your favorite gemstone
When he sees you walking up the aisle he’s so much calmer
It’s amazing how just the sight of you can help his nerves settle
Thinks you look absolutely amazing, he still can hardly believe that you want to marry him
This is the wedding ring:
He’s pretty calm day of, he is however enjoying watching his mom run all over the place fretting
Has to tell her to calm down a few times
He got you a dainty little necklace with a labradorite crystal on it in the shape of a star
When he sees you walking down the aisle towards him is when he starts sweating
He thinks your the most perfect person on the face of this earth and he isn’t sure how he managed to bag a baddie like you
Can’t stop smiling for the life of him
Just adores you, tears on his waterline but not falling cause that would ruin his eyeliner
Yes he wears eyeliner
This is the ring:
Oh god this man is so excited
He loves you with all his soul and he cannot wait to be married
He got you a very pretty pair of pearl earrings and a matching necklace to go with them
When he sees you walking down the aisle he has to physically stop himself from running down it to pick you up and kiss you
Thinks your absolute radiant, the most beautiful person he’s ever laid eyes on
Could recite a whole sonnet for you on how much you mean to him
He’s sobbing though so you’ll have to wait for that
This is the ring:
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A Guide to Selenite Cleansing Crystal and Ethically Sourced Crystal Set
Healing crystals have been revered for centuries for their mystical and spiritual properties. At Metalicious.com, we bring you an exquisite collection of ethically sourced healing stones. This post will explore the enchanting world of crystals, focusing on Selenite cleansing crystals, ethically sourced crystal sets, Rose Quartz heart stones, Anxiety calming gemstones, Rainbow Moonstone crystals, Ruby Crystal palm stone, and self-love gemstone kits. Discover the magic and healing powers these crystals can offer.
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The Purifying Light: Embracing the Selenite Essence
Selenite is a powerful crystal known for its cleansing and purifying properties. It is believed to dispel negative energy and promote clarity of mind. With its ethereal glow, Selenite Cleansing Crystal creates a serene ambiance, making it ideal for meditation and spiritual practices.
Harmony in a Collection: The Significance of Ethical Sourcing
Our ethically sourced crystal sets are carefully curated to ensure each crystal is sustainably and responsibly obtained. Embrace the harmonious energy of crystal combinations, carefully selected to enhance specific intentions.
l  The Stone of Love: Opening the Heart Chakra
Rose Quartz Heart Stone, the stone of unconditional love, is believed to open the heart chakra, fostering love, compassion, and self-acceptance. Its gentle pink hue exudes a calming and comforting aura.
 Finding Inner Peace: Crystals to Soothe Anxiety
Anxiety calming gemstones, such as Amethyst, Blue Lace Agate, and Lepidolite, are known for their calming and grounding properties. Embrace their soothing energy to find tranquility during stressful times.
Embrace the Divine Feminine: Tapping into Intuition
Rainbow Moonstone Crystal, with its iridescent glow, is associated with divine feminine energy and intuition. It is believed to enhance intuition and provide emotional balance.
The Stone of Passion: Igniting Passion and Vitality
Ruby, the stone of passion and vitality, is said to stimulate the heart chakra and ignite a sense of passion for life. Ruby Crystal Palm Stone Embraces its vibrant energy for enhanced motivation.
The world of healing crystals is a fascinating realm of energy and spirituality. Each crystal offers unique magic, from the purifying Selenite to the heart-opening Rose Quartz and the calming influence of anxiety-calming gemstones. Metalicious.com is dedicated to providing ethically sourced and powerful healing crystals to enhance your well-being.
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[Task I] Your Crystal Bracelet
Gael's bracelet is fitted with a blue labradorite gemstone, and it's placed in such a way that it seems as though the band was placed over it, rather than the gem being fitted onto the band, making it impossible to grip it. It's smoothed on top and always seems to catch the richness of the blue hue, but also never misses the veins of black that cut through.
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[Labradorite] has spiritual connections with intuition and is used for meditation. It's said to help calm an overactive mind and aids in reducing stress and anxiety, inviting inner peace and self-improvement. Whether it's psychosomatic or not, the black cracks and veins in the gemstone occasionally pulse as if reacting in tandem to his frenzied heartbeat when he's overthinking. [△ Triangles] are often associated with perfection, law, religion and when pointed upright, masculinity and stability. When inverted, it can mean instability or imbalance. Gael's shape is a triangle, but in lieu of rigid edges, it instead has slight curves, suggesting a more gentle and less aggressive figure. However, the curves accentuate the points of the triangle - the facets of Gael that can be sharp and biting, even if they aren't the focus of the shape. [Blue] is a color tied to the strengths and weaknesses of both water and air, indicating freedom, intuition, inspiration, detachment, wisdom, and sorrow. It can also mean depth, trust, loyalty and sensitivity. Blue accurately represents Gael, from the soaring highs of absent-mindedness and getting lost in his thoughts to the abyssal loyalties he holds for those close to him and his openness with emotions.
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rikas-things · 5 months
Diabolik Alcoholik Part 1
|||Hello! It is I, Rika. I've decided to post some of my fanfics here since the site I use is no longer "usable" until I find another place to put them. For now, please enjoy this silly little story I made long ago.
Table of contents for if you want more:
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"How could something like this happen?!"
A girl in pink yelled at the top of her lungs.
She was in the middle of nowhere, in the rain, with no umbrella- just a suitcase and the clothes on her back.
"I wake up and the next thing I know I'm outside! It's freezing and raining and I'm hungry!!"
She glared at the trees ahead of her as the mud-soaked into her brown fur boots.
"I don't even remember getting dressed! This sucks!"
She looked around, calming herself down by doing breathing exercises.
"Where am I anyway? There's no sign of a soul in sight."
She shivered and raised her brows with worry.
"I hope I don't get sick..."
She stopped her stroller temporarily to look down and felt at the cold metal of an ornate rosary around her neck, fiddling with its ruby-red gemstone.
"Come to think of it, where did this rosary come from? I don't remember Papa owning such a thing."
She shook her head.
"Curiouser and curiouser."
She resumed her trek, trying and failing to shake the mud off her boots in a vain attempt to make it easier to step in.
"In any case, I should look for-"
She stopped again, only this time keeping her eyes forward; just ahead was a lone mansion with trees and bushes planted all around it.
Despite the fog and ominous aura emanating from the ancient yet lovely building, she walked faster than before, happy she could find a place to rest while it rained.
She clasped her hands together as a smile grew on her delicate face, her big pink eyes widening with excitement.
"How lucky☆!"
This girl is Yui Komori. She doesn't know it yet, but she is about to enter a world of adventure.
An adventure that will eat away at her body and soul until it has swallowed her up completely.
But, again, she doesn't know it yet.
Not yet...
After Yui struggled to get her bag up the steps, she took a breather before going up to the large wooden door and knocking on it merrily.
"Hey, is anyone there?" She called out loud enough for someone to hear but not too loudly despite the pounding of the rain.
"I was wondering if I could use your phone. I promise I'll leave after I'm done! I won't bother you after that!"
There was a pause which caused her to raise a thin blonde brow for a moment until the large door slowly...
Creepily creaked itself open.
The shrill whine of its hinges made her shudder even after it stopped, the door pulled open just enough for her to slip through with her bag and all.
She nervously examined it, and physically pulled back from the noise.
She then shrugged.
"Well alright then."
She proceeded to enter.
The interior of the mansion was just as breathtaking as the outer; a grand candelabra hung on the ceiling, serving as the only lighting source of the room.
The hall that led up to the stairway was draped in a fancy red carpet that had ornate wooden handrails on either side of it.
A few walls were decorated with pictures of various people Yui didn't recognize in 16-century clothing as well as random scenery.
The thought put her in the mind of a gothic art gallery.
Or a haunted house.
She shook off her anxiety about the slightly dark feeling of the house and wondered if she was breaking a trespassing law for just walking into this mansion without being invited by someone first.
Then grinned slyly as an idea came to her mind.
"Wait! This is exactly what I wanted!"
She puffed up her chest like a superhero.
"If anybody sees me, I can just get them to call the police and then my dad'll come to get me, problem solved! Easy peasy!"
Deciding to put her plan into action, she wandered deeper into the mansion's living room before getting bombarded by a hologram text that flashed in front of her.
The text read like a poem:
The more I love you the more I would like to eat you.
And once I become one with that body, would this ache, this thirst, be healed?
There was more but she turned away from it before she could read anymore; it was enough to make her feel nauseous.
What the hell was that and why was it in the middle of the mansion?! She thought to herself, a hand on her temples.
Maybe~ it wasn't a good idea to step into this place after all?
Before she could solidify an answer she heard a soft groan to her left that was coming from the living room couch.
Slowly moving towards the sound, she saw it was a boy that looked slightly older than her, his fiery purple-red hair caressing the gentle frames of his beautiful sleeping face.
His school clothes were askew, though his pose was relaxed, with one arm behind his back and the other lazily hanging off the couch's seat, with one leg bent and the other following the rule of his arms.
He looked so peaceful.
Yui held a gasp as she quietly placed her hands over her mouth, analyzing how precious he looked in his slumber.
"I wonder if I could plan something with him?"
She says with a tempted look in her eyes, her cheeks flushing red.
She then tiptoes closer to him, ever so carefully trying not to wake him up.
Stealthily until she was standing directly over him.
Then she proceeded to yell at the top of her lungs, startling him to the point that he fell off the couch almost immediately, all while holding a grin.
Yui used to do this as a kid with her older brother whenever she wanted to talk to him or play with him but he was still asleep.
Despite doing that every time, he held his anger to see what she wanted.
But that was so long ago...
The boy got up and rubbed the bump on his head before he shot her a glare, his lime-green eyes burning with rage.
"What the fuck is your prob-"
Before he completely flipped out on her he cut himself off, his face changing from rage into surprise.
After that, he sniffed her like a bloodhound.
At first, Yui just put her hands behind her head and smiled.
"Hey, I'm Yui! I'd like to use your phone, or better still, you could call the police! I'm fine with either!"
He silently sniffed her, not saying anything.
She stood awkwardly, taken aback by his lack of response and realizing his strange behavior.
"...Huh?" was all she could nervously utter as he did so.
Once he stepped back, she regretted saying anything.
Or waking him up in the first place.
His dark grin was more than enough for her to want to leave.
He placed a hand on his chin, still holding that danger in his eyes and mouth as a fanged tooth peeked from it.
"Say, you mentioned a phone, eh?"
She immediately backtracked, frantically waving her hands as if to deny anything she said as she sweated bullets.
"N-no, no! That's alr-right! I'll go get my phone call somewhere else...!"
She tried to turn away to run but he grabbed her wrist and pulled her body under him.
He pinned her arms and legs with his own.
In normal circumstances, Yui would have found it hot, but in this case, she was utterly terrified, and his deranged toothy grin didn't help.
She flinched when he leaned close into her ear, his grip tightening.
"Don't worry," he rumbled, "Cause you won't be needin' it where you're going!"
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mama-vaggie · 6 months
Hello little ones. 💜
I'm sorry I've been so quiet. We took a big trip today. It was exhausting and didn't always work out how we planned, but I'm glad we're here.
We had a little time to stop by the Natural History Museum. I know a lot of our littles just LOVE dinosaurs and animals and rocks, so I'll add a few pics here for anyone interested.
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I really enjoyed it, even though it was hard keeping some of our little ones together.
Rhea did a really good job. She especially loved the geology exhibit, and loved all the blue rocks and gemstones. She walked around signing, "Blue?! Blue!!" for the rest of the afternoon. And despite how rough things got at times, she did FANTASTIC at calming herself down, being nice to herself and others, and most importantly, NOT BITING. I had to get her a little reward.
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I have been informed that Rhea named her Maya, and that Maya has an anxiety disorder.
Anyway, I'm still on the road so I'll still be quieter than usual. But if you'd like to, you're always free to send asks. I love hearing from you all, even when I'm slow to answer.
Be good everyone, I love you all, talk to you soon. 💜
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irisinthemoon · 2 years
Until I Found You, Pt. 4
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[Pt. 1], [Pt. 2], [Pt. 3], [Pt. 4], [Pt. 5], [Pt. 6]
Warning: F!Reader, Spoilers to the Masquerade events, a few curse words, fluff, reader having slight anxiety
Characters: Rollo, Eliott (oc), Jules (oc), Malleus (Mentioned), Grim (mentioned), Yuu (mentioned)
Summery: After your discussion with Rollo, you go back to your routine along with the task you offered to help in. As you finalize the last invitation, talk about the week long festival pops up, making you realize your feelings for a certain third year may be more than just simple friendship.
Info of some of the subjects talked about in this chapter: As I had mentioned in the first chapter, I will be adjusting the whole masquerade event so it first with the story line I am planning. For starters, the masquerade is an event held for an entire week which will end in a ball. This week long event is held around the time winter break ends, basically all six boys will have already went through their overblots, except Malleus.
“The letter was very well written, all I did was check for grammar and spelling. But other than that, you did well.”
You beamed at the praise Rollo gave you. It had been three days since you talked things through and settled in an understanding. The aftermath had been rather calm as the Headmage understood your request and began looking into families that may be able to take you in along with helping you form an identity. He even allowed you to continue your studies at NBC, much to your surprise and delight.
“That’s good! I had to re-write it multiple times. I even searched up how to speak to fae royalty as reference.” Jules chucked from the corner of your room. He was settled in your work table as he typed away in his computer, inputting the last bookings for the guest you finished yesterday. “Knowing you, you also probably searched for how they spoke to royalty.” Eliott laughs and you scoff, feeling a little embarrassed. 
Rollo simply huffs in amusement as he hands you another piece of golden thread, to which you thank him. Placing the needle in-between your lips, you rolled your eyes at the antics of your friends. It was Friday and since most of the preparations were done for the Masquerade happening on Monday, Eliott and Jules decided to spend their free time in your dorm room. 
Rollo had come along to let you know that the invitation you wrote had been approved and that it would be sent tomorrow. “I gotta say though, you managed to finish the other two Masquerade costumes in two days yet you still are working on the one for Prince Malleus.” Added Eliott, who was sitting on your bed with his book open. You huff and gestured for Rollo to pass you one of the green gems in your work table next to Jules’s laptop. “The only reason I managed to finish the other two so soon was because they were easier to make and dressing them in over the top costumes wouldn’t fit their aesthetics.”
With full concentration, you began sowing the green gemstone right where the chest is located. “For Grim, I decided on a pair of boots, a hat, a cape, a traditional black mask, and last but not least a black belt. All of those may seem simple but they bring out his cuteness.” Doing a small knot, you cut off the golden thread with the scissors the white haired boy offered you.
“And for Yuu, I did a set of dark blue pants that fit around the Renaissance era back in my world along with a shirt to match and a cape that would match Grim’s cape. As for the boots and mask, they all bring out his charms. The hat is meant to add an air of mysteriousness to him much like how Grim’s own costume is meant to portray his cuteness.” 
Stepping back, you allowed yourself to get a full view of the costume. Majority of the outfit was done, the more complex designs were done in gold thread that you used the sewing machine Rollo brought for you so as to not struggle much. The boots accompanying the outfit were also done and ready to go. 
“Rollo, can you pass me the cape I have hanging in my closet please?” He hums, and goes to your closet. Tilting your head to the side, you busied yourself with fixing the clothes on the mannequin, straightening any wrinkles that may appear. “Here you go [name].” 
Giving him a smile and a small thanks, you gently took the coat off his hands and placed it over the mannequin’s shoulders. Clasping the golden chains onto the golden collar, you made sure none of it was tangled. Fixing the black feathers in the shoulders and spreading the cape flawlessly on the back, you did some last minute adjustments before allowing yourself to step back. 
“Would you look at that?” Jules let out a low whistle as his red eyes admired the almost finished Masquerade costume. “Wow girl, you managed to outdo yourself! I don’t think even the Fashion club would have been able to pull this off.” Eliott added as he examined every angle of the costume. You laughed, pride swelling in your chest. “I am lucky enough to have managed to do this much in only three days, well four if you count that one time I pulled an all nighter to finish the pants.”
Rollo stayed quiet, his eyes scanning the outfit with sharp interest. He circled the mannequin in the middle of your room, like an inspector checking for any flaws. You watched him carefully, eyes focused on his face in order to see if his poker expression changes. 
“Well done.” Then, stepping next to you, Rollo grabs your hand and inspects your bandaged fingers with a small grimace. You smile, even more happy with the result of your hard work. “Don’t worry about my fingers. I mostly used the sewing machine for the harder parts. The only time I used my fingers was when I needed to add last minute details.” Rollo gives you an unamused expression. 
But he didn’t let go of your hand, and instead, tangled your fingers together. Smiling, you squeeze his hand and turn to face your masterpiece. “All I need to do is finish the hat which will be the hardest part but I will be done with it before the day of the ball.”
“Then take a break, you spend most of your day shut in this room trying to finish.” Said Rollo, eyes eyeing you with fondness. “Rich coming from you, I can hardly pull you out of your dark cave to get more sun.” You said back, a small smirk on your face. Eliott snorts, flipping another page in his book. “True, but you'd be surprised how often he has been outside this past week. Even more than you do on a daily basis.”
Jules hums in agreement, the typing of his boardkeys echoing in your room. “Even taking up a hobby in gardening.” At this, you turn to face Rollo. “Is that true?” You asked. Rollo covers his face with his purple handkerchief, but you could see his ears turn pink. “I decided to take up a destresser as you call it, when I need to distract myself from my duties.” 
“Aww, how cute of you president!” And just like that, all hell broke loose. Eliott began teasing Rollo, his book long forgotten. Jules was trying to (and failing) to hold in his laughter. You joined in, poking Rollo’s chest as you giggled. In the safety of your room, the four of you could let loose. Rollo didn’t have to keep his image of a perfect student, Eliott would let his wild side out, Jules could laugh out loud without being scolded, and you could join in the fun.  
It hadn’t always been like this, and from what you knew, Rollo hadn’t even been close to Jules and Eliott until recently. Some of the students said it was because you put them together, others said it was because they finally had a reason to actually be around each other with no school work or duties behind them. Either way, you didn’t care. 
As long as you could see your friends happy and healthy, it was enough for you. 
Folding the paper gently and with great care, you then placed it in the envelope and handed it to Rollo so he could seal it with the school’s official seal. The fire from the fireplace illuminated the room, casting a warm glow into the table both of you were sitting at. After spending most of your afternoon in your room discussing plans for the Masquerade along with your friends offering some tips for the costume you were making, the four of you decided to go your own way and finish any remaining work you had.
Jules went to give the full report to the Headmage regarding the room bookings for the guest while Eliott made sure that the supplies ordered for every guest had arrived and placed where they were meant to be. You on the other hand decided to take a break from sowing and accompanied Rollo to the student council office to help him finish off any last paper work. 
“Can’t believe I managed to write a letter for royalty. Man, that would make an excellent addition to my resume.” You said with a small laugh. Rollo simply shakes his head in mock agitation, a little smile on his lips. Placing the now finished letter on the table to allow the wax to cool down, he turned to look at you.  
“Are you going to participate in the opening ceremony to welcome our guest?” He asks, green eyes on your figure. “Yes, since I am part of the Equestrian club, I will be doing a small show as the closing ceremony with a few of my clubmates.”
On top of helping Rollo with his duties, you had to also take care of yours regarding the Masquerade. Every student in NBC was required to participate one way or another in the festivities being held in the city. Whether it was welcoming guests, helping the traffic of people, selling food, or helping with the ball preparations, everyone had a part to play. 
The ones in charge of the entertainment were those of the fine arts clubs but once in a while a sports team will join in. It just so happened that this year was the Equestrian Club’s turn to participate in the entertainment. 
Lucky you, you managed to form a great bond with your horse, a beautiful black stallion by the name of Snowflake. “I remember when you first joined the club, you hardly knew how to mount a horse.” Rollo hums in amusement of the memory. You roll your eyes, expression soft. “Yeah, well all the other clubs didn’t appeal to me and while fashion is something I am interested in, it isn’t something I saw myself do for all three years here.”
Plus, the main reason you had wanted to join the club was because of Rollo. But you would never admit that, lord knows Eliott would never let you live it down. 
“And plus, I was interested in horse riding and the poster for the club clearly stated that they could teach me if I had zero experience.” Still, it was a little embarrassing being watched by Rollo as you tried to mount a horse only to fail miserably. Rollo chuckles, shaking his head. “You were lucky that Snowflake took a quick liking to you, only the Great seven would have known what would have happened to you if he decided to take you down.”
“In my defense, no one had warned me about Snowflake’s rather temperamental moods.”
“I gave you instructions to wait while I fetch the stable boy.”
The room became silent except for the crackling of the fire. 
“Ok, I might have not paid as much attention to your words as I needed to. But! There was no warning sign indicating that Snowflake was not ready to have a rider.”
“There was a clear warning sign on his stable door written in bold red letters.”
Once again, the room became quiet. 
With a huff you surrender. “Fine, I ignored all the warning signs! But who could blame me! I was amazed by Snowflake’s beauty!” It had been the first time you had seen a horse up close, especially one so beautiful. You wanted to see if it was easy riding one like in TV shows and movies. Clearly, it hadn’t as you couldn’t even mount him without falling. 
“And you made it look so easy to climb one.” You added a pointed look towards Rollo. “I had formed a bond with Snowball since my first year. And even if I don’t ride her as often, she still remains the same.” Snowball is the name of Rollo’s horse. A black, beautiful and elegant mare who also happened to be Snowflake's sister.  
“Yeah, yeah, brag all you want Mr. President.” Laughing, you stretched your limbs, a satisfying pop was heard after. “Man, all those preparations for the Masquerade are tiring. Especially the performance I have to do with Snowflake.”
Snowflake had been hard to tame for the most part, he was stubborn and seemed to have a personality of his own. It had been hard trying to get him to understand most of the tricks but you made it work after two months of working with him. Still, he was rather shy when it came to performing in front of people, which was why when it came to performances you would ride Snowball with Rollo’s permission.
But this time you decided not to, you wanted to give Snowflake a chance. Even if getting him used to performing for a crowd was hard, you managed to get him out of his stage fright little by little by having other students observe while you practiced. 
“How far along are you with the performance? I heard from the club president that you will be performing with a group first then by yourself.” Rollo said as he stood up from his chair and began preparing some tea on the small portable stove. You sigh and lean back into your chair. “It’s been nerve wracking if I’m being honest. I am used to having peoples’ eyes on me but doing something I enjoy while being watched is another thing.”
You could handle being judged on your so-called other talents, but this one was something you loved to do other than fashion. You wanted to show everyone in the city an amazing performance, one that will make your school proud to have you as a student. 
“You will do well, I have seen you do both of your performances and they are flawless. Much better than when you first started, that is for sure.” He said as he placed a steaming cup of tea in front of you. You said a small thanks and took a sip after blowing on it. Then paused and turned to look at him. “Were you there to watch me practice those few times?”
You didn’t recall if Rollo ever showed up to your practices since they always started around the time he needed to go to the student council after school meetings. Maybe he managed to get a peek on his way to the Bell Tower? 
“Eliott took several videos and sent them to me. I have to say [name], I never thought I would see someone fall and land on their legs like a scared cat after attempting the first part of the routine.”
You felt your face burning in embarrassment, “That was one time!” You placed the cup of tea down while trying to cover your face with your hands. “I didn’t think you would see that!”
“Well you can thank Eliott, he is the one who sends me the videos.”
“Of course it was Eliott,” Gritting your teeth, you grumble in misery. Can’t believe Eliott would betray your trust like that, especially when he knew about your crush on Rollo. At that, you paused your pity party, eyes widened in shock. 
“If it makes you feel better, he also sent me the ones where you perform excellently and without an issue.” His voice sounded like it was underwater. You still had your mind stuck on the fact that you just realized now that you had a crush on Rollo. Was that why Eliott always teased you about spending time alone with the third year? Or why he would make an effort to make sure Rollo and you ended up alone in the same room?
The blush on your face turned even hotter, you were sure your ears had turned a bright shade of red. There was no way you had feelings for Rollo other than friendship, right? But then, why did you get so flustered when he praised you? Eliott and Jules always do it and yet you never got like that with them. 
How about the times Rollo would accompany you early in the morning and late at night for a walk before going your own ways? You honestly thought that little flip your heart did was because you got to hang out with him as friends.
And those moments where he would teach you how to ride your horse, he pressed behind you as he taught you how to handle the reins. The way his chest was pressed on your back, his voice deep and low in your ear as he leaned his chin towards your shoulder. Or how his cool skin would touch your clammy one whenever you got nervous. 
“Are you alright [name]?” 
Looking at him, you gazed into his piercing green eyes and yep, you were definitely a goner. Because how could anyone not fall for those beautiful eyes of his? Gulping, you gave him a shaky smile, “Guess I will have to kick Eliott’s ass next time I see him.”
Raising a pale eyebrow, Rollo just shakes his head in exasperation. “Language, truly, what am I going to do with the both of you?” He asked, but there was not an ounce of annoyance in his tone or face. Simple joy that was barely visible in his face if you looked hard enough. Giggling, you nod, a tender smile on your lips as you gazed at the boy who had managed to capture your heart in such a short amount of time. 
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the-slumberparty · 2 years
Gemstone Asks:
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Alexandrite are known to change colour and believed to possess magic and bring balance . What part of the creative process do you feel brings balance to you? What is the most magical part of creating for you?
Amethyst is said to bring calmness. What do you finding the most calming atmosphere for creating?
Aquamarine is used as a defense against negative energy and known to bring courage. What are ways that you work through or avoid burn out as creator?
Citrine represents generosity. What is the best compliment or comment you’ve ever received on a piece you’ve created? 
Diamonds are the hardest and most resilient of the stones. What do you believe is your best work that still stands up today? What do you like most about this work?
It was believed that emerald could assist in seeing the future. What future pieces or ideas do you look forward to writing the most?
Garnet symbolises trust, lifelong friendship, loyalty, and passion. Who are some creators you admire? What do you admire most about them?
Lapis Lazuli is known to represent honesty, harmony, and self-awareness. What was your greatest learning opportunity as a creator?
Morganite is associated with innocence, joy, peace, and confidence. How would you compare yourself now with yourself when you began to create?
Opals are often described as otherworldly. What’s an unusual or new idea/concept/trope you would like to explore in your creative process?
Pearls can take any amount of time from six months to years to form. What does the typical creative process look like for you, from clam to shining pearl?
Peridots are associated with fire and sun. Write or create a piece that includes these elements.
Pink tourmaline is believed to reduce stress, anxiety, fear, and depression. What are ways you have overcome these emotions when facing obstacles in the creative process?
Rose quartz is said to be a healing stone. Talk about your favourite comfort fic/creation. Either that you’ve created or consumed.
Ruby’s are often compared to fire. What’s the fire that drives you to create?
Sapphires are known as an honest stone. What’s a moment of honesty that helped you in your creative process?
The Spinel is an optimistic stone. Do you have an ultimate goal for creating? What is it? If you could do anything, what would you do?
Tanzanite is believed to transfer negative energy to positive energy. Was there ever a time you were able to turn a negative experience or obstacle into a positive outcome in your creative process?
Topaz is said to bring confidence and good fortune. What is some advice you have for fellow creators?
Turqouise is seen as grounding those who wear it and bringing good results. What is the best advice you’ve gotten as a creator?
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