#Anyway I’m super normal about this movie and I’m so happy to be a part of a group that is also super normal about it 😊💖
sketchncanto · 2 years
🌟 Encanto Friendship Page!🌟
Ahhhhh congrats @acewithapaintbrush on reaching your milestone!! And thank you for coming up with this super cute idea!! I’ve loved looking through everyone’s pages so far!
If you wanna make one, here’s the original post with all of the templates! ✨ Here’s mine! Thank you for the tag @mmollymercury! 💕
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OKAY so I would tag people BUT I feel like basically everyone that I would tag has been tagged already so— anyone who sees this, do itttttt! It was funnn ✨
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munson-blurbs · 2 years
Thankful (Dad!Eddie x Mom!Reader)
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You and Eddie celebrate Melody’s first Thanksgiving with the Hawkins crew.
Warnings: none
WC: 1.7k
Part I | Part 2 | Part 3 | Part 4
Taglist: @dylanmunson @tayhar811 @princess-eddie​ @briasnow-blog @eddielives1986 @lost-in-contingency @eddiesprincess86​
“Are you ready?” You hear Eddie whisper through the bedroom door; the man was never good at keeping his voice low. “C’mon, let’s go surprise Mommy!”
The record store is closed on holidays, which means Eddie’s home, which also means that you can sleep in. Motherhood is more exhausting than you had anticipated. It’s one thing to pull an all-nighter once in awhile to finish some work or have a movie marathon; it’s another to wake up every two hours to feed, change, or rock a screaming baby.
Your husband has been nothing short of an angel: balancing work, a newborn baby, and a wife who feels like she’s falling apart physically and emotionally. You take care of Melody while he’s at the store, but he’s holding her as soon as he gets home so you can take time to rest. 
You open one eye as the door opens and slip on your glasses. Eddie’s still in his pajamas, but he’s got Melody in an outfit you haven’t seen before.
“Hi, my loves,” you greet them sleepily. “Happy Thanksgiving.”
“Happy Thanksgiving, Mama Munson,” Eddie replies, carefully shuffling towards you. “Mel wants to show you something.”
“I hope it’s not another diaper explosion,” you give a small laugh, sitting up to get a better look at your little family.
“Nope. Had one of those already this morning, but Super Dad took care of it,” he grins proudly. “This is much better.”
He hands you your little baby, her dark blond curls tickling your chin as you pull her close for cuddles. She’s wearing an orange onesie with a cartoon turkey on it, and the text below it reads “My First Thanksgiving.”
“This is the most precious thing I’ve ever seen!” you exclaim as she takes your finger in her tiny fist. “Eds, where did you get this?”
“What are you talking about? You gave birth to her!” he teases, kissing your forehead.
“You know what I mean!”
“Ohhh, her Thanksgiving outfit,” Eddie says, making you smile even wider. “One of my regulars gave it to me last week. Been hiding so we could surprise you.”
“I swear, every time I think this kid couldn’t get any cuter,” you kiss her little fingernails, and she looks up at you with her wide eyes. “Right? Every time Mommy thinks you couldn’t be a more adorable little baby, you prove her wrong!”
Eddie’s heart leaps watching you be a mom. The last few weeks have been hard on you, but he’s so impressed with how naturally you fell into motherhood. On more than one occasion you’ve questioned whether or not you can do this, but he reassures you that the feeling is normal, especially when sleep deprived. And while you’ve had no shortage of visitors, you haven’t really left the house.
Today, however, the three of you are going to the Hopper-Byers house to celebrate with everyone—and you mean everyone: Jim Hopper, Joyce, Will, Jonathan, and Eleven will obviously be there, as well as Steve, Nancy, Andy, Robin, Mike, Dustin, Lucas, and Max. A full house.
Eddie crouches down so he’s eye-level with his daughter. “What’s that, Melly Bean?” he asks, cocking his head towards her. “You want Mommy to come out to the living room so we can watch the parade together?”
You roll your eyes and laugh. “Only for my little turkey,” you place her back in his waiting arms so you can stretch. “And because I have to get up anyway and make a casserole to bring to Joyce’s.”
“I thought Joyce said not to bring anything?” He furrows his brows.
“Well, I’m not going over empty-handed,” you reply. “Besides, it’ll feel good to cook something again.” Your friends and neighbors had brought food to you after Melody was born, and you’d been subsisting on that and take-out since you got home from the hospital.
Eddie nods. “Okay. Just take it easy.” You give him a warm smile, appreciating his concern without being overbearing. God, you love him.
You wrap the hot casserole dish in tinfoil just as Santa Claus makes his way down 34th Street, signaling the end of the parade.
“Look, Melly!” Eddie coos, though she’s sound asleep against his chest. “That’s Santa! He’s gonna come to our house next month and bring you so many gifts.” He looks over at you sheepishly. “Speaking of which, I should probably pick up some extra shifts.”
You feign ignorance for your own amusement. “Whatever for? I thought Santa was bringing everything for her.”
“You’re so lucky I’m holding her, or I’d throw a pillow at your head.” Instead, he opts to stick out his tongue, making you giggle.
“C’mon, let’s bundle her up and…Eddie!” you cry out when you see that he’s still in his pajamas, with his hair mussed and his face unshaven. “How are you not ready yet?”
“I think a better question is, how are you ready?” he gawps.
“I showered and got dressed while the casserole was in the oven,” you explain. “Just need to throw on some makeup, cover up these bags under my eyes, and I’m good to go.”
“Fuckin’ Wonder Woman, I’m tellin’ you, babe. That’s what you are,” he muses, standing slowly and putting Melody in her bassinet next to the couch. He walks back to the kitchen and presses a sloppy kiss to your temple. “I love you so much.”
“I love you too, stinky man,” you wrinkle your nose dramatically as you pretend to lean in for a kiss but lick his lips instead. He retaliates quickly, pulling you close to him and licking your ear.
“You’re gross,” you mumble as his jaw drops.
“Me? You started this!” he retorts.
“I have no idea what you’re talking about, babe. Now go get ready.”
You pull up to the house half an hour later than you’d hoped, but considering you had a four-week-old baby, you were impressed that you weren’t tardier. Eddie throws the car in park and shuts off the engine, and immediately you hear a voice call, “They’re here!”, followed by a parade of people vying to be the first to hold Melody.
“Whoa! Hey, guys!” Eddie calls as he steps out and opens the rear door to get the baby. “Just give us a sec to get settled in and then you can fight to the death for her.”
You sling the diaper bag over your shoulder as Eddie unhooks the car seat. Melody stirs slightly and lets out a cry.
“Sorry,” you mutter as you make a beeline for the front door, “she might be hungry.”
Joyce pushes through the crowd to get to you. “Breathe. It’s okay. Babies cry,” she rubs your back gently. “You’ll feed her, and she’ll be good as new.”
You take a deep breath, in through the nose and out through the mouth, and nod. “Thank you.”
There’s a soft tap on your shoulder as you walk in the house. “Uh, Y/N?” Mike Wheeler says. “I can give her a bottle, i-if you want. I used to help my mom when Holly was a baby.”
You’re reluctant to accept help, for the sake of your own pride, but you relinquish some control and smile. “That would be amazing, Mike.” The boy visibly relaxes as you bring him over to the kitchen so you can prepare the bottle.
Eddie places Melody in Mike’s arms, and she takes the bottle immediately. “She’s so cute,” Mike remarks, making silly faces at her while she drinks.
“Once that bottle is done, give her to me,” Dustin demands, and Max scoffs at him.
“You already got to meet her when she was born!” she argues, pushing him out of the way.
“Not my fault I’m a better friend than any of you are!”
“Hey, who says I’m giving her up?” Mike calls back from the sofa.
“Sheep!” Eddie’s voice stops their bickering immediately. “Here’s the deal: Wheeler’s gonna finish feeding her, then we’ll go in alphabetical order by people who haven’t met her yet,” he emphasizes, earning a glare from Dustin. “That means Eleven, then Jonathan, Lucas, Max, Robin, and Will.”
“So not fair,” Dustin mutters, but doesn’t put up more of a fight.
“Also, there’s a rule,” you add teasingly. “If she poops while you’re holding her, you have to change her diaper.” Surprisingly, no one seems fazed.
For the first time in nearly a month, you’re able to have adult conversations and eat a meal without having to tend to Melody. It feels strange, like a piece of you is missing, but you learn to enjoy the moments of freedom.
It’s Hopper’s turn to hold her, and he’s standing next to Eddie, who’s eating a slice of pie. You overhear a part of their conversation:
“Having a daughter is the best feeling, isn’t it?” Hopper asks him, waving a finger at Melody. She’s so good, you think with a smile.
Eddie nods vigorously. “I can’t believe that I get to be her dad. I feel like I don’t deserve it,” he admits.
Hopper glances over at Eleven before replying. “I know the feeling,” he agrees, “but trust me when I say that if anyone deserves this, it’s you.” You blink back tears, half because you don’t want to be crying at Thanksgiving, and half because you don’t want to get caught eavesdropping.
Joyce uses her hip to gently bump yours. “Look at our guys,” she says. “Almost hate to steal her away from them. Almost.” She marches over and motions for her husband to hand her the baby, heart melting the instant she holds her.
Eddie makes his way over to you, placing his empty plate on a nearby table. He brings his arm around your waist, and you rest your head on his chest.
“You good, baby?” he murmurs into your hair.
“Mhm,” you say. “I’m just really happy.”
He squeezes you even closer and brings his gaze back to his daughter, cooing in Joyce’s arms. “We made the cutest kid ever, didn’t we?”
“Oh, absolutely,” you agree. “Makes every other baby look bad.” You look up at him and he bends down slightly to kiss you.
Instead, you lick from his lower lip to the tip of his nose.
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haerinari · 7 months
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PAIRING: professor!yeonjun x student!fem!reader.
GENRE: smut, school au, kissing, unprotected sex, little age gap.
A/N: guys i’m really sorry for not posting yesterday. i was EXTREMELY exhausted and i didn’t get the chance to finish this fic of kinktober 2023, but don’t worry because i will keep updating. anyways, enjoy 💙
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the first day of seventh grade you remember all the girls talking about the professor of the anatomy class. “he is so hot!”, “oh my god, if he is my professor i will study”, “i like anatomy class since today”. and when you got the chance to meet him, you knew why all the girls were falling for him.
his name was Choi Yeonjun, he was a very, very young man, tall, brown eyes, beautiful pink lips and a very charming smile. the days that you had anatomy class, were the best. paying attention to what he was saying, no, paying attention to him. paying attention to the was his hands move while explaining, paying attention to his full lips, and sometimes looking in parts you shouldn’t, but it was impossible to ignore them. now you were on the last year of high school, and luckily Mr. Choi was still your anatomy professor.
“Today Mr. Choi was looking hotter that today” your friend Chaeyoung said. “I know I can fuck him before graduating”
“God Chae” you said laughing. “What are you saying”
“Really! If i don’t fuck him it would be a waste, besides, he is hotter that any boy in our grade” she replied.
“You have a point in that tho” you said.
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Today was wednesday and it was the first anatomy class of the week, you went to class with Chae and both of you sat in the back of the class.
“Good Morning class, today i’m gonna be handing you back your exams” Mr. Choi said.
“I hope i got a good grade” you whispered to your friend. “I study really, really hard for this exams”
“I bet that you had the best grade y/n, you always have good grades” chae answered.
“Okay so, Son Chaeyoung” he said. “Hwang y/n”
both of you went for your examen, not wanting to see your grades until you went back to your desks.
“okay, at the count of tree” you said.
“1…” she started.
“3!” you both said.
you opened you exam, excepting everything except this. you jaw dropped, you looked at Chaeyoung and you saw a smile on her face.
“I GOT A 98!” she gasped, standing from her desk and jumping in excitement. “What about you?”
“55…” you said in a low voice.
“What?!” she exclaimed. “No, that’s totally impossible y/n. maybe he changed our exams, that 55 must be mine”
“No, chae. i really got a 55”
how was that even possible? you were good in anatomy, you never had bad grades. what happened now?
“Miss Hwang, i want to talk you later” Mr. Choi said.
“Okay” you answered to him.
the class continued normally, but this time you didn’t really pay that much attention. honestly, that grade had taken all your happiness away. what did you did wrong? you studied for weeks to approve this exam.
at the end of the of the class everyone packed their things and started leaving, you said goodbye to Chae and stayed on your sit waiting for your professor to talk.
“Mr. Choi, if you’re keeping me here because of my exam, i swear to god i don’t know what happen” you tried to explain.
“Don’t worry about the grade y/n, you will pass anatomy anyways. And please, call me Yeonjun” he said.
“Okay uhhm Mr. Ch— I mean, Yeonjun, i study really hard for this exam. what did i did wrong?”
“Oh, you did nothing wrong y/n” he said stepping behind you. “I just knew that if i wrote a bad grade on your exam you would stay”
“Does that mean i have a good grade?” you asked.
“Do you want to have a good grade?”
“Of course i want” you answered.
you wanted to have a good grade, but having this time alone with your professor wasn’t actually very bad. was this going to end like those porn movies you watched? the ones that ended with the hot profesor fucking his inocente students.
i mean, it wasn’t a bad idea. Yeonjun was hot, like, super hot. but he was your professor. if this was going to end like you were imagining, things will have to spice up.
“So why are you keeping me here, profesor Yeonjun?” you said turning your head to look at him. looking up with doe eyes watching him looking directly to you.
“You know why i’m keeping you here pretty” he said tilting you head with his finger on your chin.
you were going to be fuck by your profesor, but you didn’t want to make it that easy.
“of course, to talked about my grade” you replied innocently. “tell me Mr. Choi, what do i have to do to have a better grade?”
“go sit on my desk” he said.
you got up from your desk and went to his, sitting on the border with your legs lightly open. yeonjun came just after you, standing between your legs with his face very close you yours.
“i like when you play that innocent game” he said with a small smile.
his face got even more closer to yours, putting your lips together forming a kiss. his lips felt so soft against yours, one of his hands on the back on your neck and the other one on your thigh. His hand began to run along the edge of your skirt, slowly lifting it trying to get deeper. His fingers reached your panties, lightly touching the wet spot that was forming on your cunt. he moved you panties away, his middle finger touching all your slit. you could fell that he was smiling between the kiss, you must be very wet.
yeonjun started rubbing circles in you clit, his lips moved from your lips to your neck, sucking it and probably leaving dark spots in it. one of his fingers slipped on your hole while the other one was still rubbing you clit.
“fuck” you said.
“you wanted to have a good grade, didn’t you? take it like the good girl you are.” he said on your ear.
he inserted another finger, fucking you faster this time. you head started to fell dizzy, he was so good with his fingers. you had imagine this scene thousands on time, you favorite hot professor fucking your rough on his desk, but you didn’t know it was actually going to happen.
your stomach felt like it was doing back flips, you wanted to last longer but with his fingers doing magic on you pussy it was almost impossible.
“i’m gonna cum” you moaned.
“no you’re not, i don’t want you to cum like this?” he answered.
yeonjun quickly took his fingers out of you, leaving you a sensation of emptiness on your pussy. a part of you felt mad, but the other one knew that something better was coming.
“bend over the desk” he said with a serious voice. “i’m gonna fuck you properly.”
you did exactly what he did. the right side of your face hitting the cold desk, your skirt lift up, exposing you ass and cunt for the view of your professor.
you heard him unbuttoning his pants, he stroke his dick a few times near your ass and then inserted his cock inside you. his dick fill you up so well, his tip hitting your sweet spot with every thrust. you were a moaning mess, and hearing how yeonjun groaned every time you clench around him made your pussy wetter.
“fucking slut, clench around me like that against and i’m gonna cum” he said.
his big hand reached you hair, pulling your head up until your back was press against his chest. all that could be heard on the classroom were your moans and the sound of skin hitting against each other. yeonjun’s right hand traveled down your stomach, finally getting to your clit while he was fucking you harder. his left hand was around your neck, making pressure around it and making it hard to breath. the over stimulation was causing tears around your eyes, you hard gasps and moans telling you that you were about to cum.
“pleas let me cum this time” you barely told him, the pressure on your neck wasn’t letting you talk properly.
“cum around my dick, cum like the good intelligent student that i have” he encouraged.
with a few more thrusts to came hard on yeonjun’s cock, seconds after his cum filled you up making a mess between your things. you legs were like jelly, you couldn’t even stand properly. your professor was giving small kisses on you jaw and neck, his strong arms holding you so you don’t fall.
you started to finally catch your breath, your heart beating from crazy to normally again. you couldn’t believe you just do that.
“if this is going to happen every time i have bad grades, i will mess it up on purpose next time” you said.
“be a bad student and you won’t be able to walk in weeks” he replied.
“is that supposed to be bad?” you smiled.
“you tell me” yeonjun said.
all the things you would have to explain to chaeyoung…
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outivv · 1 year
Do you mind if I request the same prompt with Cater, Epel, Kalim and Sebek please? 🥺 🙏
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Synopsis: what makes them flustered pt 4!!
Warnings: minor swearing, and mentions of broken glass in kalim’s part :’), not proofread
Characters: cater, epel, kalim, and Sebek!!
Pronouns for reader: gender neutral/ not mentioned
A/n: hello hello!! I’m so glad you like my writing that makes me super super happy :]. I wanna apologize for not getting to your request sooner, I was planning on answering a while ago but of course I got sick right when I wanted to actually write your ask :’). Anyways!! Sorry about the super super long wait, hope you enjoy!! Have a great rest of your day, make sure to take care of yourself!! <3
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— Cater —
Taking pictures with him
Normally people aren’t fond of taking pictures with him, cause they all think it’s “for his image” who h is understandable, he’s not gonna force people to take pictures with him. That’s rude. But when you ASK to take pictures with him, even at the most random of times to “save the memory” it makes him a little red. Cause it’s not to post on social media, it’s to have memories with him because you care about him!! He just thinks it’s super cute :’)
When you brush some of his hair behind his ear
LORD. If this doesn’t get his heart pumping I don’t know what does. Imagine, waking up in the morning, cater slowly waking up next to you, and you say a soft and sweet good morning, while brushing some hair behind his ear to see his face better. PERFECTION. It makes him feel all safe, and content, and loved and it’s just mwah. Best thing to wake up to, or to have happen while you’re studying, or just watching a movie JUST BEST THING. PERIOD.
— Epel —
Calling him handsome
Epel doesn’t hate getting compliments, but he wants people to be more creative than calling him pretty all the time. So when you look at him and tell him how undoubtedly handsome he is, HOLY SHIT HIS KNEES GIVE OUT AND HE IS ON GHE FLOOR SOBBING IN LESS THAN TWO SECONDS. He just really likes being called your awesome, handsome boyfriend it makes his heart swell with pride
When you won’t shut up about him
When you or your friends say that you’ve been talking about him OHHHHH BOY. He absolutely just collapses, because it feeds his ego, like he was a starving man being fed like a king. In short he loves it. Better yet if he finds you… in the act of talking about him. Because he absolutely just stands there and listens you sing his praises, until you notice him, standing there. Literally like 🧍red as a tomato, and then you yourself get embarrassed while your friends laugh at your sudden change of attitude.
— Kalim —
Wanting to learn more about him and his culture
Kalim is very culture oriented, he loves where he comes from, and loves sharing the vast knowledge he has with other people. So this is mostly something that happens in the early stages of your relationship, possibly even friendship and when he has a crush on you, but whenever you actively wanna learn more about him, and even his culture, he is OVER THE MOON. Like man literally just “jamil they wanna know about me as a person.” “Yeah that’s kinda like… the point of wanting to talk to someone” “BUT ITS SO CUTE” HAVOHSIHE he just is really appreciative.
When you gift him something
Anytime you gift him ANYTHING he suddenly goes from a big ball of sunshine who’s practically bouncing off the walls to, a blushy mess of a ball of sunshine. It’s really quite cute to see, how he gets all flustered when you have him a cake you made. The cake could even be burnt and he’ll still devour it in a heartbeat. Same with any item you give him, it could be some broken glass you strung together to make a sorta wind chime and he’ll be like “this is my prized possession. I adore this, I adore you, I now must pay you back for this glorious gift” like my guy it’s some glass Floyd gave you and you just repurposed it so it wasn’t actual trash :’)
— Sebek —
Anything… domestic?
Anything that resembles a very domestic life will get Sebek stammering and blushing EASY. You just doing your laundry and Sebek is hanging around ramshackle dorm with you? Oh good lord, he’s blushing all day for no reason. You’re both cooking something in the school kitchen cause you snuck in (actually you forced him to and he’s there against his will. He totally didn’t go along easily with your plan.) he’s blushing while cutting vegetables. For no reason. Please oh please make fun of him, it’s actually kinda funny hehe. But either way just the incredibly simple things will get Sebek flustered.
When you take the lead
Sebek isn’t by any means codependent, he’s very capable on his own. But he just finds people who are very independent, headstrong, and who can easily stand up for themselves to be so… attractive. When it comes to a relationship Sebek is very inexperienced, and very nervous, so when you take the lead? That’s hot. That makes him meltttttt oh my god makes him melt so hard.
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e-vay · 11 months
Hey, such a big fan of your work, and I'm glad to see you back here! I wanted to ask about what you thought about the Sonic movies? Would you do any fanart of it?
Thank you so much!
Honestly I was pleasantly surprised by the first one and I loved the second one.
I was really expecting to hate it because I DESPISE movie adaptations where they just throw a known cartoon character (normally CGI’d heavily to look “realistic” but instead they just look horrifying) into a world full of live action humans that are bumbling idiots (movies like Woody Woodpecker (2017), Garfield (2004), The Smurfs (2011)). They actually make me gag; They’re so unpleasant to look at and also screw seeing them in the human world lol! I don’t care about that! I’m already interested in your character, I don’t need you to draw me in by having some dopey humans in there.
And even though the STH movies do that, I feel like they got away from that in the second one and focused more on Sonic and friends which I loved. And me dogging on having humans in these movies is no slight against Jim Carrey’s Eggman. I loved him to death.
I was happy with the final designs the characters ended up having and I loved the voice actors! AND KNUCKLES’ SCRUNKLY SNOOT! That was my favorite part of the whole movie was seeing him crinkle his snout oh my gosh what an angy cutie.
All that being said, I still would have loved if they hadn’t made it live action at all. My favorite adaptations are where they keep it in its own world and replicate the original style or at least enhance it in a way that pays homage to what we know (The Super Mario Bros. Movie (2023), Captain Underpants (2017), etc). That’s what is most fun about cartoons, it can look however you want and doesn’t have to be hyper realistic!
Anyway, I am looking forward to Sonic 3! I don’t think I’ll be doing fan art of the movies but hey maybe I’ll be so hyped after seeing the third then I will.
Please have Amy. Please have Amy. Please have Amy. Please have Amy. Please have Amy.
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bellewintersroe · 1 year
James ‘Moe’ Alley x nurse Jenny OC- Headcannons - Part 1.
You guys this boy is SO criminally underrated, I love him so I’m gonna dedicate a bunch of these headcannons / scenarios for him. If anybody has any requests for Alley then let me know!
just doing a spin off from the Easy boys x nurse headcannons, I feel like I need to delve further into underrated characters! And the OC being a nurse feels a lot more realistic for me to write about! I can explore more things than I could with a civilian OC.
This is going to be divided into parts just so it’s not insanely long- and I can write about specific events without having to skip past anything.
Also Jenny/ Jen is my go to OC name atm, that and Missy or Maggie- don’t ask me why, they’re just easier to remember 😭😭
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I can see Moe being on the shyer / sensitive side. I’ll get more into the sensitive thing further on, but rn let’s talk about him pre war.
I think he’s kinda experienced with girls? Maybe had one or two relationships, but I think his body count is probably around 3/4? Nothing too wild, most of them have been when he’s drunk because I feel like he was maybe a little insecure as a teenager?
by the age of 22 he’s filled out, tall, muscular, super duper handsome, but I feel like he’d still be a little awkward? Especially around girls, around the guys he’s a lot more chill and he’s one of the more popular guys in Easy.
so when a bunch of nurses, attached to Easy company are introduced to the men, 99.9% of them are swarming around them, super happy to have such lovely ladies working alongside of them. But there’s this one particular blonde haired, blue eyed girl which Moe watched from afar. She’s petite, shorter than the rest, with lots and lots of hair and the most perfect face Moe had ever seen.
Moe thinks she looks stunning in her uniform, Angel like, so he can’t even imagine how drop dead gorgeous she is in her normal clothes.
Jenny is similar to Moe, slightly more on the sensitive side, and a little shy. She, however, once she gets to know people warms up super quick and has the most bubbliest personality. She’s chatty and has a laugh that’s contagious, there’s a light spread of freckles lingering across her cheeks and nose which only comes out in the summer, and despite army regulations, she loves wearing makeup and painting her nails.
anyway, back too it, Alley is pretty good friends with Liebgott and Christenson already, and they scored the best seats in the house with this Angel in particular sat right between them.
Moe finds an opportunity that’s not too demanding, nor would it be awkward with his buddies and makes a B line for the table. In the process, Jenny would glance up and see the most gorgeous man walking her way.
He’s tall dark and handsome, she has to take a double take at the baby face to make sure he’s actually walking over to her and not somebody else.
this is cute short when Skinny Sisk plants his ass firmly on the chair, stealing both Jenny’s attention and Alley’s plan. Alley mentally curses, borderline shooting daggers into Skinny’s head before playing it off as going to get another drink.
Every now and then the two of them would glance over in each others directions, curious to know more about each other.
unfortunately neither of them catch each others eyes at the same time and Alley would be under the impression that Jenny’s into Joe Liebgott, seeing as they’re chatting so much.
Anyway, a little time jump, training in Toccoa is fun and all- well, it’s really not. The only fun parts are the occasional weekend pass in which Jenny usually goes home to visit family and friends.
however there’s one particular weekend when she stays on sight, it’s a Sunday evening and shes walking to where there’s a cinema set up inside the hall. Some old movie is playing that’s played 10x over but she doesn’t care.
anyway, she walks in and despite it meant to be quiet in there, people are all like ‘Aw hey, Jenny!’ Glad to see her, and Moe, sat next to Liebgott finally learns her name.
‘Jenny’ Moe mutters out loud, smiling to himself like a dork, swivelled in his seat to face her like many of the other men and women are.
‘Yeah?’ Oh Shit- she heard and Moe’s breathless, and she’s breathless, waiting to find out why this random guy just said her name. Only when Jenny’s eyes narrowed did she recognise it to be the same handsome stranger from the pub that first time.
Moe is PANICKING, Liebgott is smirking, one of Jenny’s friend hooked under his arm as they watch him FREAK.
‘Oh- I just didn’t- know your name. That’s all, I’m Moe by the way.’ He’s springing up out of his seat, standing almost a foot taller than Jenny. She’s borderline blown away by his height, but his nervous rambling makes her feel somewhat at ease.
‘Hi, Moe, it’s nice to meet you.’ Then they shake hands? Kinda awkward, ik. But her voice is so sweet and has the slightest rasp, Moe truly believes she’s an Angel.
‘Well, it’s actually James but… nobody calls me that, anyway d’ya wanna sit here?’ Before he can think he’s offering his chair up and she giggles making him turn a vibrant red. It’s lucky it’s dark in there.
‘No, but, I’ll sit next to you.’ She’s shrugging casually, taking a seat right besides him. They slightly knock shoulders and she’s smiling to himself whilst he’s a sweating mess.
‘What an introduction Moe. Or is it James?’ Liebgott immediately starts teasing, embarrassing his friend further.
Jenny stands up for Moe, thinking his introduction was cute, when she leans over him he gets even more fidgety. ‘Shut your fly trap Joe… Is it Moe or is it James thought?’
conversation kinda flows from there between the four of them sat together, but the movie starting cuts any chance Moe thinks he has to redeem himself, short.
he’d be tense the whole time, and Jenny would be fidgety as hell. He’s stiffened, trying not to do the same, but there’s some kinda happiness inside of him that even if she’s moving around in her chair every 30 seconds, she still chose to sit next to him.
that evening he’d be BEGGING Joe to get you guys all out together, on some kinda four way date as he’s too nervous to approach Jenny alone. Jenny on the other hand drops all the hints possible that she’s into Moe, but she’s too flustered and he’s too flustered to notice.
‘I dunno man, I’m not really into the chick I was with earlier-“ ‘Liebgott, you’ve gotta do me just this one favour, man’.
the next thing Liebgott knows he’s acting very reluctantly as Cupid / matchmaker. But hey, if it makes his buddy happy, and Jenny is a total doll, so he wants to do it for his buddy.
Jenny would be sighing to her best friend Alice, saying how this guys a total dreamboat, all whilst Alice is complaining about how annoying the skinny dude was who she was on a date with. (Liebgott).
anyway I think their initial attraction would be super cute and innocent, but obviously things don’t always run smoothly so stay tuned for part two 😏
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literallydying00 · 1 year
Ghost headcannons
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Parring: Simon ‘ghost’ Riley x gn!reader
Warnings: basically just mentions of nightmares and if I missed any please tell me!
No Y/n used || no pronouns used
a/n: Hey, so I just posting this till I can get the other stuff posted and i’m posting this first because I kinda feel bad for taking so long but whatever. Anyways hope you enjoy :))
Simon normally didn’t fall asleep until late or sometimes, he didn’t at all. Then you came around. When you got together he started sleeping more and felt comfortable enough to at least try and sleep. Some nights he just sits with his arms wrapped around you and lets his mind run.
Some nights Simon still has bad nightmares about his family and work. You will normally find him in the bathroom because he isn’t ready to show such a vulnerable side of him. When he hears your voice after a nightmare, telling him that it is going to be alright and that you are with him, he almost always finds comfort in your voice. He feels bad for waking you when he comes out so he makes tea for the both of you (even though you are normally passed out when he comes back).
He loves tea. Don’t tell anyone but he enjoys more floral/herbal teas but he will always fold for green tea. Tea is like his addiction I swear, he drinks it everyday. He finds drinking herbal teas embarrassing because of his reputation so if anyone (especially on his team) finds out, he would simply parish.
he loves musicals and again don’t tell anyone. going along with this, a personal pet peeve of his is when he is trying to watch the musical and someone else is singing to the song. I don’t know why it just irks him. His favourite musical is probably phantom of the opera.
To everyone else around him he is considered cold,harsh and sometimes emotionless, around other people he is Ghost. When he is around you however, he is Simon. You have him domesticated, he will cook for you if you ask, give you a massage if your mussels are sore, watch your favourite movies/read your favourite books so you can talk to him about them and he will understand, will run a bath for you if he thinks you need one, and will buy almost anything you ask.
Simon has super horrible ears because of his job. Even with the headphones, the sound of explosions,gunshots, and other extremely loud stuff is bound to damage his ears. I think he has tinnitus (ringing in ears caused normally by hearing loss) and wears hearing aids most of the time to stop the ringing.
When the both of you are cuddling in bed he will wrap his whole body around you like a weighted blanket. He does because he says if something ever happened you would be safe. He also refused to let you sleep closest to the door because again its to keep you safer.
When he is driving he always has his hand on some part of your body, most of the time its your thigh.
He loves to lay his head in your lap because it helps him relax. When lays his head in your lap please play with his hair, it literally brings him so much comfort and he will fully fall asleep after a while.
For date night, you both probably just cook dinner together and have a nice dinner date while you talk about anything and everything. The night normally ends with you two watching a movie while you’re cuddled into his side and him carrying you to bed.
His music taste is either metal or classical music and there is no in between. He loves Everlong by Foo Fighters so much though that you think he never stops playing it (I mean me too). He will listen to your favourite songs as well just to make you happy when you hear them as you are listening to his playlist.
He is surprisingly good a poetry and still writes poems sometimes. When he is away if you ask him to send you new poems, he will write a bunch of poems about you and send them back home for you to read. You have kept every single one of them and he gets happy when he remembers you have them all and genuinely love them.
He barely ever wears his mask around you anymore because he knows you will never judge him and you love him. He struggled to show you his face for the first time because he was SO scared of commitment and he knew once he took off the mask, there was no going back.
He has a motorcycle and regularly takes you for late night drives in empty streets where he knows the two of you can just live in the moment together.
Simon is not a fan of pda but every time you go out he holds your hand to keep you close to him. When he holds your hand he ALWAYS does the thumb thing because it helps ground him and so he knows you’re still there with him.
Speaking of public, you have mayor scary dog privilege. Tell me if you saw a big, scary, menacing looking figure with a skull mask just looming beside someone you wouldn’t immediately back off that person💀
Anyways hope you enjoyed reading and i’m surely going to post more hcs of this beautiful man when I have the time <33
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whynotzoidbergdotorg · 3 months
Hi, I was just wondering what are the other reasons you dislike Ali Nahdee. I personally thought she had good point in native rep but she sometimes gets into anti stuff. She acts like seeing abuse relationships on tv will cause people to get into them. I personally didn’t like her but I still thought she had something to say.
she was personally racist to me.
back when all of the marketing around the princesses being in wreck it ralph 2, she had gone to the disney store to “critique” the pocahontas merchandise (totally normal behavior for someone who’s not even powhatan….) and had made a comment that a pocahontas doll was “paler than she was” (and provided an image in poor lighting—I would grab the tweet in question but not only did she block me, but she also nuked the whole thread after blocking me)
now, I didn’t follow her, and I actually had found the tweet in question in early 2019 when I was searching for reference images of disney’s pocahontas (as I had been commissioned to draw all of the disney princesses for someone) and her tweet came up in the results, because i specifically had been looking for the version from that movie (commissioner wanted me to draw those versions of the princesses in specific)
anyways I pointed out that not only was pocahontas not actually that dark skinned in the movie (providing a direct screenshot from the film as proof), but that historically she wouldn’t have been that dark skinned either (because get this, I’m actually part powhatan—and while I am admittedly white passing due to being mixed race, my maternal grandfather, who is native american, isn’t that dark either. he does have copper colored skin, and does tan rather than burn, but he isn’t like. super dark like ali was complaining pocahontas wasn’t on that specific toy.) anywho i prefaced my tweet with my heritage (I’m actually related to the real pocahontas’s family, funfact. not a direct descendant, more like…a distant cousin??? though in the past I have remarked on how in the portraits of her that exist, I look fairly similar in certain facial features, mainly my nose, eyes, hairline, and overall head shape)
anyways, after i pointed this out, and made it clear I didn’t think she was saying this maliciously, I just think she might have had a warped view of how pocahontas is meant to look…she blocked me, and then started subtweeting me…
first, she accused me of using a “poorly photoshopped image” of pocahontas to prove my point (I didn’t, I screenshotted directly from the movie off a cartoon website, so likely the source was a DVD since there was no logo in the corner, and from what I could tell the colors of other characters and scenes looked correct)
THEN she accused me of lying about my heritage—and mind you this was AFTER she blocked me so I couldn’t reply to defend myself or further expand on my native heritage—which anyone who has EVER talked to me for an extended period of time knows I am HAPPY to infodump about. Because both I and my mother have done tons of research about our family tree—and that part of our family in particular (since its one of the few parts of my mothers family thats well documented and in a language we both natively know.) I mean I even know the specific name of a shawnee chief I am directly descended from! (Cornstalk—funfact, the mothman mythos is closely tied with Cornstalk’s curse, which is an alternate belief about the strange events associated with mothman sightings)
Now, again, anyone who knows me knows there are THREE things that really really tick me off in regards to my native heritage—and that is 1) calling me, or any other woman of native descent “pocahontas” (because first of all, her name was actually Matoaka, AND she’s not event the only significant native american woman in history), 2) being asked if I am related to Pocahontas/Matoaka (I actually punched a kid over this once when i was little. ironically I then later found out I actually am distantly related to her. what a small world!), and 3) being accused of lying about my heritage for “oppression points”. (well, there’s more than three, but that would just be getting into a whole other tangent, and I’ve already gone on like, four tangents in this post alone)
This last one makes me absolutely furious because I’ve had people (all white) say I can’t be native because “don’t look native” to them. when like. that’s not even fucking true??? other native american people (specifically other cherokee people—which is one of the tribes I am descended from) have recognized me as looking native american, and like other members of their tribe. I literally have the facial features, I just happen to have fair skin, and lighter hair. I mean hell, if you looked at my baby pictures (which I don’t have any on my device right this moment unfortunately) I did not look like a “white baby”. I didn’t start “looking white” (as in my hair lightening) until I was older. I’ve had white people try to gatekeep and erase my heritage from me because of their own perceptions of my appearance (based solely on my skin-tone).
So yeah, the bitch accused me of lying about a significant part of my heritage, a part that’s very VERY important to me, a part that I refuse to let others erase (especially since I’m SURE the colonists who murdered Cornstalk and his son—both my ancestors—would love to erase that misdeed and bury it).
I mean, imagine claiming to be all about the rights of indigenous women, and then smearing and making sweeping accusations about another queer, indigenous woman! Could never be me.
But I guess I could never understand the brainrot of someone who spends all day complaining about fictional representations made by white people, instead of raising up indigenous creators who worked hard to create their own, better representation instead.
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mikerickson · 10 months
Mid-Year Book Freak Out 2023
Best book you've read so far: Annihilation - Jeff Vandermeer I’d seen the movie back when it came out in 2018 and expected more or less the same story beats, but the book really did it’s own thing. Extremely atmospheric, lonely, and strange in a way I’d never read before, but it absolutely worked for me.
Best sequel of 2023 so far: Authority - Jeff Vandermeer I told myself I’d read at least one trilogy this year (I typically stay away from series), and I went with the Southern Reach Trilogy. This book was such a narrative whiplash from Annihilation that at parts it didn’t even feel like it was the same author.
New release you haven't read yet, but want to: Vampires of El Norte - Isabel Cañas I really enjoyed her first novel, The Hacienda, and this one seems vaguely similar, which is exactly what I’d be looking for anyway.
Most anticipated release of the second half of 2023: I’m not super in-tune with book releases, and I still have a massive backlog to work through anyway.
Biggest disappointment of 2023: The Croning - Laird Barron I really enjoyed a short story collection by this same author and a lot of other reviewers I typically trust recommended this one, but this one-off novel was so bad that I was actually confused as to what I missed after finishing it.
Biggest surprise: The Holdout - Graham Moore A courtroom thriller is pretty far from my normal fare, and I don’t remember why I originally bought this book, but it had some good twists and turns that had me saying, “holy shit” out loud.
Favorite new author (debut or new to you): Christopher Bollen Pretty much every paragraph of A Beautiful Crime was edited and stylized in a way that felt like it was tailored to me specifically. There’s nothing about neither the prose nor the dialogue I would change.
Newest fictional crush: The burly oil rig worker in Jeff Vandermeer’s Acceptance that was secretly banging the town’s lighthouse keeper.
Newest favorite character: Listen, I know it’s coming up a lot on this list, but The Biologist from Annihilation was a fascinating protagonist to follow because she was simply too autistic to notice how terrifying her surroundings were.
Book that made you cry: Lone Stars - Justin Deabler A multi-generational drama that missed the mark for me personally, but the way society/the other characters treated the central matriarch made me really feel for her.
Book that made you happy: The Mysterious Affair at Styles - Agatha Christie I picked this up immediately after watching Glass Onion, and it was exactly what I was looking for.
Favorite book to movie adaptation of 2023 you've seen: N/A
Favorite post/review you've written this year: I went in on Peter Straub’s Ghost Story
Most beautiful book you bought or received this year: Like aesthetically? I really liked the cover of Even Though I Knew the End by C. L. Polk
Books you need to read by the end of this year: I told myself I’d finally get around to reading The Terror by Dan Simmons, but I haven’t bought a copy yet.
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thecryofthegulls · 2 years
I’ve been stuck in OFMD brainrot since March, but beyond causally telling people they should watch it (on Crave in Canada), I haven’t really brought it up in conversation, or discussed the million meta ideas I have bouncing around.
what I have done is inflicted NZ pop content on unsuspecting people around me. As I am already spiralling, it seemed like a way to indulge without anyone suspecting a thing.
today I was chatting with a colleague at our remote field research station about Flight of the Conchords and I go ”I love kiwi humour, there really should be more of it”
he goes I agree, I have an old theatre friend in Toronto whose finally making his first feature film and the main actor was supposed to be the guy who played mclovin. turns out he was a massive dick on set and they had to find a replacement really quick for the lead. the guy who played the manager on FotC took the part and came highly recommended. what’s his name, Rhys Davis?
“… Rhys Darby”
Yeah that’s it! he did such a great job I’ve seen production clips he’s wicked funny. the movie is about someone time traveling to the past and getting stuck, but instead of trying to solve his predicament just shrugs and tries to live normally in the past. the movie asks ”what if the heroic time traveller was lazy and also kinda of an idiot?” Luke is so happy after working in the industry for years as a writer and editor to be finalizing production right now.
I’m a little stunned and trying to keep my cool. ”so how was he on set? less of a dick then the mclovin’ guy?”
super nice I heard! really fun shoot.
Anyway the movie is called Relax, I’m from the Future and I’m losing my mind trying to ask casual questions about an actor whose instagram stories I’ve watched
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walkingcorpse03 · 1 year
hi!! I loved your anime recommendations, especially the ones about romance, I watched them all and I agree with you on them! so I wanted to ask you if you have more recs on the same genre :) or just ones that you really like please! thank you in advance!
Hello !!!! thank you so much for the ask !! I’m happy you liked the recs :)  I’d like to know more about your thoughts on them if you're comfortable because they are some of my favorites,, 
anyways, I’ve taken a break from anime for a while, but I do have a few more recs for you if you haven’t already seen them:  (this is a very weird mix of anime btw, the themes can jump from complete fluffy goodness to emotional damage so sorry in advance for the very mixed bag I have constructed for you)
1. Sasaki to Miyano
I love this anime so much, it’s so wholesome and it’s always refreshing to me to see lgbtq+ pairings that aren’t absolutely toxic. It follows a boy named Miyano and he slowly starts gaining feelings for Sasaki and coming to terms with his sexuality. All of the characters are super lovable too which is always a plus. Its short, light on angst, and a super cute watch! (Genre: Slice of Life, Romance / 13 Episodes) 
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2. Orange
Orange put me through some things I’m not gonna lie. It was a very emotional watch for me and that’s why it’s so high up on the list. it’s a bit of a slower anime and it has a lot of layers, but I really enjoyed it personally. It kind of had similar vibes to My Little Monster, but it does have a darker plot. It also has a cool time travel/sci-fi twist without making it to technical (just how I like it). You can really feel for a lot of the characters and I think it makes for a very captivating story. I would recommend it to anyone. (Genre: Drama, Slice of Life, Romance / 13 Episodes)
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3. Umibe no Etranger/The Stranger by the Shore
This is a movie, but it’s absolutely stunning. The art and animation is so cool and as an artist I really found myself appreciating the amount of detail. Every scene is gorgeous. It takes place on an island where two people re-connect and fall in love. There’s angst, happiness, and a really pretty vibe to the whole thing. It’s not my favorite, but I do think it’s worth a watch. (Genre: Drama, Romance) 
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4. Beastars
okay hear me out-- This anime is a little out there, but genuinely really good. The characters being animals threw me off, but the story and the world is insanely well planned and thought out and I was hooked from episode one. It’s definitely not your typical romance, in fact it’s barely a romance, but its definitely present and a part of the the main storyline. It has dark themes and the storytelling is really good. I give this anime an 11/10 and I say that with my full chest. It's just really different from other shows and my pattern-scouting brain can normally guess the plot of an anime by episode three, but not this one, I genuinely had no idea where it was going.  (Genre: Drama, " Coming-of-age Drama Fantasy” / 2 Seasons)
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5. Horimiya
Just a silly little anime that I did really like. Sometimes I like taking a break from stories that really drag me into the plot and the emotion and just watch lighthearted things that can take my mind off stress for a little bit, and this anime falls into that category. The characters are very modern and the story was actually really refreshing so if you're looking for something like that then this is definitely an anime you should consider watching,, the art style is also gorgeous.  (Genre: Romance, Shojo / 13 Episodes)
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6. Romantic Killer
A funny/lighthearted anime to mix in with the group incase you would rather save yourself from any angst. It was corny and fun to watch and the art style is really bright and pretty. I also really liked the character designs. I really had to give the anime a good fighting chance, but I did like it after a few episodes. It follows a girl who finds herself stuck in all sorts of stereotypical/trope type romantic scenarios with multiple love interests and she’s just like “this is a no from me” the entire time and it made for a fun watch. It helped take my mind off the day to day, and it’s nice when a show can do that. (Genre: Romantic comedy, Comedy drama / 12 Episodes)
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That’s all the romance/romance-ish recs I have at the moment, sorry it took me second to respond I wanted to sit down and answer it correctly when I had the time to do it,, but like I said, send me your full thoughts about them if you're comfortable I’d love to hear and I hope you like some of these ones as well!! 
- Have a nice day !!
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ne0neclipse · 6 months
Hello, this is kind of a weird thing to ask but for Christmas i want to make my bestie one of those silly shirts but jrwi, but unfortunately i don’t know enough to make a good joke so i was wondering if i could ask some input
two of his favourite characters are William wisp and kian stone
my idea was a picture of William wisp that just said “mangled” (cause his favourite fnaf character is mangle, and well know,rip) but i’m not sure if that’s good.
You can ignore if you want! but thanks in advance!
awwww wait this is such a cute idea, i don’t really know what particular kind of shirt youre talking about but i can give you some silly facts about the characters
// MAJOR jrwi bitb spoilers , jrwi Prime defenders spoilers
so for Kian, he’s a rockstar dumbass, think of like the dumb character in horror movies who continues to deny everything that’s happening. some notable stuff that happens is he literally explodes at the end of the series (he dies twice and get revived once). he makes out with his ex who pretty clearly is one of the monsters in disguise (causing him to get turned into one of the monsters himself). he becomes one of the fucked up bug creatures for a bit, attacking the other two pcs. uhhhh what else. he flirts with rands mom (and dad). im also thinking about this tweet where someone was like “who is this beautiful woman” when they saw a picture of the pcs and didn’t realize he was supposed to be a guy
now william wisp (so normal about this character). he’s super loser boy, basically his powers came from when he was walking in the woods, saw a wisp, accidentally fell off a cliff following it, and died. biggest reoccurring wiwi activity is accidentally dying. he punched a wall too hard and he died. he punched a villain too hard and he died. and then when he dies sometimes he’s like stuck in this incorporeal form where sometimes people can’t see him and he’s kinda just like a phasmaphobia ghost where you can pick up small objects or he’s visible but he can’t interact with anything. there’s like this whole moment where he’s stuck in the incorporeal form and he has to figure that out. also at the beginning of the series he would just like randomly go intangible and fall through the floor or get stuck under objects. he also canonically has a crush on vyncent (another pc). i love ghostknife. they almost kissed but then william chickened out and im still not over that. super loser boy pilled. emo loser boy. anyways he got really morally gray in the later parts of the series and turned into kind of an antihero (?) but like he’s not bad, i still love him for it. oh yeah then he dies again in the finale
this was such a ramble but hopefully it was moderately helpful LMAO. if you want any more info absolutely feel free to reach out im always happy to dump information. good luck with your project !!!!!
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writella · 8 months
I completely understand and yes, you did explain that right! lol. My past two weeks have been really great! My birthday is tomorrow and today was not the best. My mom yelled at me today and I got so angry, plus I have a feeling this year, my birthday isn't going to be the best like it is every year. I'm turning 19 and I don't know what to do. I might crash at my friend's place.
Anyway, enough about me, how have your few weeks been! Besides homework and all!
Love you!
Noo :( I won’t pressure you for details, but I’m so sorry. Yelling, or even the littlest arguments with parents can be so hard because they feel most personal. I hope whatever it was, you can let it roll off your back or you can talk about it later. Staying alone for a while and then trying to talk about it later usually helps me, but I know everyone is different.
And omg your birthday, how exciting ♡ I will definitely make sure to wish you a happy birthday tomorrow! Im not sure why you’re feeling the way you do this year, but for me I’ve always had an off feeling about my birthday since I was young. Turning a new age can be scary and I think Ive always had this tiny bit of ever present sadness or fear in me. There is a part of it that I don’t understand, but then there is another part of it where I think growing older just makes me think about the experiences I didn’t have like other kids have or the things I wished I had but I don’t while time just keeps slipping away. Dramatic I know, but I write this to say that I hope you don’t feel so alone in your worries and it’s okay and normal for more people than we think to feel a little off about their birthday but also!! When I turned 19, I remember feeling so afraid, like I was on the cusp of loosing something since it was the last age that was going to have that -teen at the end of it, but as time went on during that year, especially in the summer, I realized that the year that felt like the big ending of something truly ended up being the start of understanding at least a tiny little bit, who I wanted to be. I do not know anything at all and I’m still confused and struggling with a lot but when I was 19, I started going to more concerts and in the summer I met two of my online friends after years of talking to them. Still some of the best moments because talking and going out has never been something easy for me but I did it!!
Again, I’m sorry you’re having doubts, but also know that those unknown feelings you’re having about your 19 year, could also bring in some positive moments that you haven’t even thought of yet. 💗
I think I totally took your feelings out of proportion and maybe it’s not as stressful as I decided to assume, but just in case I hope you found some solace in this. :) Also sometimes just wearing something pretty, and watching a good movie or show and ordering some food you like (and cake!!!) is always a good plan to me. You’re the part that makes it special.
Oh… and about my week lol. There is this girl I made friends with in my previous semester and we caught up again last week and she invited me to eat pizza with some of her co-workers this past Tuesday! First time I’ve ever been invited to do something like that which was super cool. Busy with school ofc but watching twd and moments like that help. 😌
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graysongraysoff · 10 months
02 for cat plssss
hi this was so much fun to write oh my god thank you so much 💕💞💗💖💗💞💕
Dear Diary,
I didn’t even think it was possible to be this happy!!! It’s so weird how a totally normal day can turn into the best day ever when you’re not even expecting it. Okay, maybe I’m being a little dramatic. I don’t know, though — I seriously can’t stop smiling, and that’s never happened to me before!!!
Yesterday Isaac and I had the place to ourselves, so we did what we usually do: we smoked and played GoldenEye and watched movies in his room. (I know it’s been more than a year, but I still can’t really think of it as my room, even though I’m the one who sleeps there. I mean, basically all of the stuff in it is his, still. I just feel like I’m borrowing it. Or like staying over at a friend’s. Not bad — just not really mine, you know?)
Anyway, we stayed up super late. Even once we turned off the TV we just laid in his bed and talked until like 4 in the morning. At first just stupid stuff, but as it got later we talked about a lot of serious stuff, too. He talked about his dad and I talked about mine, how he wishes his was still alive and I wish mine was dead, how we wish we could just swap one for the other. We also talked about church and Joseph and Levi. I don’t think I really realized how much Isaac struggles with all of that. Like, he knows it’s good that Levi was chosen to be the sacrifice when the time comes for the summoning, and he is really proud of him, but at the same time he doesn’t want to lose his little brother. Apparently when he told Joseph that he basically said he was just being too self-centered, but I don’t know. I obviously believe in what Joseph is doing, but we can’t all be as perfect as him. I haven’t known Levi nearly as long as Isaac has, but I still get sad when I think about him being sacrificed. And if Isaac was the one who was chosen, I don’t think I’d be able to keep from selfishly wishing I didn’t have to lose him.
But anyway, that’s not even the important part — I mean, it’s important, but not why this is the best day ever.
The important part is, Isaac always usually goes back to him and Levi’s room once we’re done hanging out, right? He never, like, “spends the night,” if you can call it that since we live under the same roof. But he fucking fell asleep right next to me!! Like mid-sentence, too, it was so cute, I seriously died. So of course then I didn’t fall asleep for like another hour because I was freaking out. Like, I have seriously dreamed about this before!!!! But also I didn’t know if we were like breaking the rules by sharing a bed. Miss Leila doesn’t seem like the kind of person who would get mad about that kind of stuff, but I didn’t really know. So I was kind of freaking out about that, too. Eventually, though, I also fell asleep, and when I woke up, we were legit fucking cuddling. I’m telling you, it was like a goddamn fanfiction. I was all curled up against him with my forehead pressed to his collarbone and he had his arms wrapped around me, and our legs were all tangled up. It was literally perfect. I like instantly closed my eyes and tried to fall back asleep, but Isaac woke up before I could, and he of course starts apologizing and pulling away and everything and I was like “No, it’s okay, it was nice,” and he just says, like. The nicest thing anyone’s probably ever said to me, even Joseph.
He said, “I just don’t ever want to make you feel unsafe. You don’t deserve to feel that way ever again.”
So of course I started crying like the giant fucking baby I am. And I told him, “I always feel safe with you.” Because I do. And that made him blush, which was cute.
“Still,” he said. “I…” Then he kind of laughed. “Well, I really wanted to find a smoother way to do this, but I guess I’ll just tell you. And I don’t know, maybe you’ve already guessed it by now, but I… like you.” He blushed even more — fire hydrant red. Then he shook his head. “No, that’s kid stuff — I love you. I do. And it’s okay if you don’t feel the same way back, but I just. I don’t want to do anything unless I know it’s okay.”
As you can imagine, that only made me cry even more. I’m sure it was so fucking gross. But he pushed my hair out of my face and wiped my tears and everything (again, a fanfiction) and eventually I managed to blubber out an “I love you, too,” which made him give this huge sigh of relief, which made me laugh.
“Would it be okay if I kissed you?” he asked.
“I probably have morning breath,” I said, covering my mouth with my hands as I felt myself starting to blush, too. “And I’m crying.”
He laughed. “I probably do, too,” he said. “Would it help my case if I brushed my teeth first?”
“No, I don’t want you to leave.” I cuddled back up to his chest again and wrapped his arms back around me.
And then, eventually, once I wasn’t crying so much anymore, we kissed. And we kissed and we kissed and we kissed, and I wish I was still kissing him!!!!! But alas, even us homeschool weirdos have to get out of bed on weekdays eventually.
I told him he doesn’t have to ask every time he wants to, like, hold my hand or something, and he agreed as long as I promised to tell him if I ever didn’t want him to do something. I don’t know, it’s kind of dorky, but also, like. No one has ever been so careful with me. Ugh, I’m going to start crying again, I need to wrap this up!!
All this is to say: Isaac is my boyfriend now. And that is why today is the best day ever.
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Can you do a Evan Peters x Tamil reader and do a Tamil wedding imagine ? PLEASE
Note: I have to apologize profusely for this being so short. I had no idea it was that short but I feel like it’s still very sweet. I know that you wanted a full Tamil wedding imagine but I’m not familiar with Tamil weddings and the research I tried to do just wasn’t giving me what I specifically needed, so I hope that it’s ok that I just took it from a first look stand point. Which again, I’m not sure if that’s a tradition in the Tamil culture but I used as a tradition from Evan’s non Tamil culture background, if that makes any sense.
Anyway, thank you so much for this request, I enjoyed writing it. It was fun. Also, thank you so much for your patience. 
Please let me know if you’d like another part to this and I will happily do that for you. Also, this unedited but please enjoy this little blurb.
P.S: Please ignore the giant J and H in the wedding invite on the mood board. I can’t change it at the moment.
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Moving out to L.A was a dream come true for y/n. For as long as she could remember, she had wanted to become a costume designer and while it made her happy, her family felt otherwise. They wanted the best for her of course but they wanted her to pursue a career in medicine and meet a handsome rich doctor. They were aware that their expectations sounded stereotypical and cliché but it’s how they were raised.
Y/n had been in L.A for two months when she got a job on a movie. She was beyond excited for this because it meant that her talents were finally being recognized.
While working on the movie, y/n met her now fiancée, Evan. Evan was the lead actor on this project and was super sweet, funny and always knew how to make y/n smile. The pair were perfectly matched in the eyes of their colleagues.
There was just one issue though, y/n’s parents.
Don’t get them wrong, they were happy that their daughter was happy and had found a man that treated her better than ever but knowing that Evan was not a part of their culture, it made it a little difficult, especially when it came to planning the wedding. Y/n’s parents had given their blessing to the couple but only if they agreed to having a Tamil wedding.
This leads u to now, the day of the wedding. Y/n stood in her suit looking at herself in the mirror. Her pink and gold Saree hugged her in all the right places and her hair hung in soft curls, angelically framing her face. She felt untouchable and strong. It made her smile brightly. Her time had finally come, and she knew that Evan was going to flip when he saw her.
One thing Evan and y/n wanted to keep for themselves was the first look. Normally it was something that y/n’s culture would be against, but y/n knew that she and Evan had to have something traditional for him to look forward to and if she was being honest, y/n was chomping at the bit to show Evan how she looked. He always had the best reactions when she’d get dressed up. Hell he even had a cute reaction when she wasn’t all dolled up. It was one of the many things she adored about her fiancée.
“You ready?” Y/n’s sister Jameela asked as she smiled at the bride.
“So ready.” Y/n replied, smoothing out her Saree one last time.
Jameela led her sister to the courtyard where Evan was waiting for her. When he was told he could turn around, his jaw dropped as his eyes scanned her body. She was even more breathtaking than ever.
Everything that he had been hoping for in a future wife was standing before him in a vision of red and gold. Her confidence shone through, even if she was a tad shy. Her hair hung in a way that made her appear angelic. Her whole being made him want to grab her hand and run off with her.
“Well, what do you think?” Y/n asked. She already knew the answer with how he was looking at her and by the unshed tears in his eyes.
“Can I kiss you?” He questioned in reply.
Y/n blushed and giggled slightly.
“Yes please.” She answered.
Evan smiled brightly at her and moved in to capture her lips in the most tender kiss they’d ever shared.
“I can’t wait to marry you.” Evan said after breaking the kiss.
Y/n nodded in agreement.
“I can’t wait to marry you either.” She replied.
“Let’s get going then or we will be late, and we can’t have that.” Jameela said as she popped the romantic bubble that seemed to be surrounding the couple.
“I’ll see you in a few minutes.” Evan said, smiling but sniffling at the same time. He was so in love with this woman and felt so blessed to have her in his life and he was so thankful that he had been accepted into her family. It meant the world to him that they trusted him with their beloved daughter.
His beautiful y/n.
Tag List: @elizami11s @geo-winchester
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neverwritewhatyouknow · 11 months
hello hello~ i saw your post about rw&b from another blog and decided to give your blog a look through. i just wanted to say really thank you for bringing these representation issues to the conversation, even if it's tiring and hard :')
i thought about it and i really could only name a few characters on tv that i've seen recently who were jewish (jake/gina from b99 and dr. taub from house md). as a jew, even nonreligious like many of us are, the culture is still such an important part of the community, and yet none of us really get to see this representation on screen - especially minorities within the jewish minority (i have a friend who's half chinese half jewish for ex).
i didn't grow up with religion (we only celebrated passover sometimes and we usually forgot to light the hanukkah candles after day 3), but we ate latkes and matzah and hamantashen and my mom and grandparents (also nonreligious jews) regularly used yiddish words like schlep and schmutz which I didn't know wasn't normal until i had college friends ask me what they meant.
anyway this ask doesn't really have a point but i'm really glad to see that this kind of issue is being talked about at some level, especially as you've seen, it keeps getting denied and pushed down (like saying having a jewish producer on a movie means we shouldn't have jewish actors??? wtf). even though i haven't experienced much discrimination myself (i don't have an easily identifiable/stereotypical jewish name or appearance) many many people have (for literally thousands of years) and there's so much antisemitism in our society. it's exhausting seeing it, hearing about it, reading it in books, etc. sorry for the very long message but sending much love and gratitude <3<3 you're amazing
Thank you so much for this!!!
I was just talking to someone else about Jake from Brooklyn 99, I’m gonna watch the show because everyone keeps telling me great things! And Taub… yikes… his character isn’t bad, but man do they really use his Jewishness as a punchline sometimes, granted House does it with everyone, but it feels more offensive with Taub. Dr Cuddy in House is Jewish too, played by Lisa Edelstein. But that was more of the case that she was Jewish and they let her character be too. But yeah, Jewish rep is such a small fraction of characters, and meaningful Jewish rep even more so.
There will be “Jewish” TV shows like The Goldbergs or Maisel, and people consider that rep… but 1. There are almost no Jewish actors in either of those shows, 2. Heavily stereotyped, 3. If the only time you can see more than one of two Jews on screen is in a show that is about Jews… It’s still othering Jews by literally putting them into a different show. I can easily name more than a dozen shows with no Jewish characters, which is just so terrible. Especially because there are so many different Jews in the world. Not every Jew is from New York and speaking Yiddish. There’s an entire other type of Judaism called Sephardic Judaism and there’s almost no rep there. Plus, there is barely any rep for Jews of color (especially played by Jews of color). I also have a friend who’s Jewish and Chinese, apparently that’s a super huge sector… yet, I can’t remember the last time I ever saw that represented by an actor who is. Sorry, little rant.
I love hearing about people’s Jewish upbringing, because there’s such a diverse range in the way people live their Jewish lives, and it doesn’t make any Jew more or less Jewish than another. I’m really glad you’ve never been discriminated against, like honest to god that makes me so happy. I’m the total opposite. Nearly been killed and attacked a handful of times, so any time another Jew tells me they’re able to live without worrying for their life, it makes me so happy and hopeful that maybe one day we all can. Probably a big hope lol, but maybe.
And yeah, Jewish representation is something that people don’t wanna hear about, because it would require people to understand more about Judaism and Jewishness, and due to history/society/culture, many think they already know everything and learning more would make them reevaluate things. And many don’t want to.
Thanks again for your message, Anon! Great to hear from you!!
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