#Anyways bbg's hot like always
xtokxyo · 5 months
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Genuine question.., what's the reason of the feather in Kaveh's hair?? Like for aesthetic purposes orr?? Like something else??
Like tickling
I'm confused..No but like if you think about it?? What if it's windy and the feather just blows away 😭
Does he just has a collection of feathers stashed away or smth?😰
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nyxi-pixie · 10 months
my fav thing is when bsd characters are described as hot from another character's pov bc its never normal. its always the most insane down bad shit ever.
like ango describing chuuya as unique and beautiful with a dominating presence in dead apple😭😭😭 calling his eyes 'piercing' like hes using wattpad as a dictionary. and then chuuya talking abt lippmann being like 'yeah hes so hot hes got everyone confused. u ever see that mfer crossdress and it is OVER. bro's got women AND men down horrendous'
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lil-binuu · 2 months
˖⁺‧₊Not your boyfriend
Your relationship with Elias
1090 words
if you look to your left, you can thank @claiestve for planting this wonderful idea in my thought grinder <3
if you look to your right, you can also thank @xzhdjsj because this is revenge. you wanted this bbg. enjoy ;)
warning: reader is a tad toxic
“I don’t even know why it matters to you. It’s not like you care.”
“What do you mean? Of course I care!” Elias exclaimed, hurrying behind you as you entered the apartment.
“He’s just a friend. I was just being nice. I don’t see why you have to get so possessive.” You argued back.
He really was just a friend. Sure, you got close to him quickly, but that was harmless. Elias knew you didn’t look at anyone else like that anyway.
“It doesn’t matter, most men don’t think like that. He’s not your friend- he’s waiting to make a move on you.”
“Why do you care? You’re not my boyfriend.”
Elias stopped. Eyebrows furrowed, lips parted, completely taken aback.
“You’re not my boyfriend.” You repeated.
You were sick of Elias avoiding commitment with you. He couldn’t tell you who you should and shouldn’t be close to when he wasn’t even stepping over that line with you in the first place.
“That doesn’t-”
“Whatever, Elias.”
“S-so I just mean nothing to you? Everything we’ve been through together, everything we’ve done, it just means nothing?”
“No that’s not- you’re not even listening!”
“Then talk to me!”
You two stood there, staring back at one another. Chests rising and falling quickly, faces tense.
This was a topic you had avoided. And honestly, you were trying to get close to another man on purpose. The purpose? So Elias would finally stop messing around with you. If getting him jealous meant he would want to be exclusive with you, then you were willing to make that happen.
You opened your mouth before closing it and sighing.
“What are we, Elias? We’re always going on dates, but you’re not my boyfriend, but you say you like me, but we’ve never even had a conversation about commitment. I feel like we’re just messing around and you’re not actually serious.”
His gaze softened.
“I am serious about you.” Elias stepped closer to you, eyes locking with yours.
“And I do like you. A lot.” His face was now only inches from yours.
“And I want to be committed to you.” He lifted a finger to hook under your chin, his lips ghosting yours.
“Then commit.” You whispered.
His lips came down onto yours. It was gentle, but you could feel the desire in that kiss. Slowly your lips became more tangled with his, causing a slow blush to rise to your cheeks. As if you already weren’t close enough, Elias pushed against your body, almost trying to get under your skin.
Elias drifted to your neck, leaving wet kisses that burned your skin under his hot breath.
Murmuring, “I’m sorry for not taking this step with you sooner,” while he decorated your body in purple spots.
You let a sigh leave your lips as Elias travelled further down to your collar bone, pulling down the top of your shirt to reveal more skin.
He hummed into your skin, not moving from where he was kissing your chest.
The guilt filled you. It was too much. You couldn’t let him continue without knowing the truth.
“Elias.” You said louder, getting his attention with the desperation in your voice.
He looked up at you.
“I was doing it on purpose.”
He stood up straight, confused.
“I was getting close to him on purpose. And you weren’t being possessive. I-” You trailed off, realising how shitting your actions were.
“I.. I just wanted your attention. I thought you would want to be in a relationship with me more if you saw me with somebody else.”
Elias was still. Silent.
After taking a breath, he opened his mouth.
“Why would you do that to me? I thought I was being controlling. Why didn’t you just talk to me? Why would you flirt with someone else.. Why..?”
His words died in his mouth.
You could see how hard it hit him. You were stupid to believe he was just messing around with you, it was obvious he cared. And you disregarded it. Why? Wasn’t it good enough for you?
The silence was difficult to break.
“..I guess I was scared that you didn’t want a relationship with me.. I’m sorry, I shouldn’t have done that.”
Elias nodded, but his expression had changed.
“Does that.. change your mind about me? Ugh I feel so guilty.” You threw your hands over your face.
He pulled your hands down from your face gently.
“I want you to be mine, not because I don’t want others to have you, but because I like you. And..” He sighed ”..I wanted us to take our time. B-but taking our time doesn’t mean I want you to get close to other men.”
Shit. What is wrong with you?
You couldn’t speak. Your throat was clogged with emotion.
“To tell you the truth,” Elias continued, “I was scared too. I was scared that I was falling too quickly for you, so I held my feelings back. Maybe I should’ve just been honest, but I didn’t want to pressure you.”
He took a breath, rubbing the nape of his neck.
“I’ve been cautious about getting involved with people since I got cheated on. I know it was ages ago, and she was shitty, but..”
Oh. You fucked up.
“..I don’t want to go through that again. I don’t want to let myself fall for someone who isn’t loyal. So when I began to catch feelings really quickly, I didn’t want to make the mistake of loving someone who would hurt me.”
You blinked through tears. “I’m so sorry.”
You bit the inside of your cheek. How could Elias even look at you the same, let alone want to be in a relationship with you.
“Do you think.. you could forgive me? It was really stupid of me, I’m so sorry.”
You reached out for his hand. He didn’t react.
“I didn’t mean to hurt you. I never wanted to hurt you. I promise.”
“Yeah, well seeing the person I love flirting with someone else hurts.”
There was nothing else you could say or do. You fucked up. This was your fault. You hurt him.
“I’m sorry. Are you okay?”
Elias had to bite back through emotion. Eyes stinging, threatening to spill tears.
“You did it on purpose.”
“I don’t know what I was thinking.”
“Me neither.”
You looked up at him, slightly confused.
Before you could say anything, he turned around towards the door.
“Where are you going?” You asked, concerned.
“Why do you care? I’m not your boyfriend.”
He turned and left.
y’all want a part 2? 💋
edit: i love y’all this is the most notes i’ve ever gotten 🥹 i js wanna give every single one of you a big smooch
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mitch-the-silly · 7 months
Hi hi hi hi hi big fan of your writing :3 do ya think you can do a vox x female reader when their out in public and some ones hits on reader??? *Disclaimer* I luv u (platonically)
Omg I love this idea and I love you too (platonically as well)!! Vox is my bbg and any idea to get me writing for him is literal heaven-
Anyway, he's a bit of a Yandere, I just know it!!! So here!
Vox x fem!reader
"Aggro of a Bleeding Heart"
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It was rare when you and Vox decided to roam Petagram City. The amount of low-class sinners that also roamed the place made it unsafe not just because of the extreme classicism the Vees believed in, but because crime was as high as you’d expect a city in Hell to be. Of course, today was an exception because you two were on your way to an exclusive club and you just refused to drive to a place so nearby.
So when you arrived at this club, he chose a table for the both of you and got up to greet some fellow overlords. You simply sat there, fancy purse in hand as you patiently waited for your Vox. You were always well-dressed and put together. It was one of the many benefits of being an Overlord’s girlfriend. A particular piece of your outfit that you always flaunted was a huge “V” shaped broach he’d given you. His hat logo atop of the letter. Some people commented on it seeming like him taking ownership of you (which might be true deep down within Vox’s heart) but truth be told, to you, it was a symbol of how close he was to your heart.
Now, needless to say, looking that pretty attracted men to you. All of which you rejected immediately. But rejection didn’t stop men at times. As was the case with the sinner who was flirting with you right now.
“Come on babe~ He probably doesn’t even pay attention to you~ And he definitely doesn’t please you.” The sinner smirked, pointing at your broach.
You made a face of slight disgust at him, “You don’t know anything about me, ok?” You huffed, undignified.
“Oh, I but I bet he doesn’t treat you right. Come on…~ Ditch that flat screen bastard. C’mon, you know you wanna…~” He insisted. You shook your head, suddenly noticing a figure behind him. Good, this would be over soon.
"I already told you, I'm not interested." You scoffed.
Behind him stood Vox, electricity cracking behind him and fangs out like a bloodthirsty animal. He was beyond protective of you and upon seeing another man speaking to you while you tried to move away from him, he knew he had to jump in.
“Í̷̬s̶̨͂ ̶̟͆ḧ̴̖e̸͆͜ ̷̯̊b̷̗̄o̶̡̐ẗ̴̮́ẖ̸͗ȩ̴͝r̶̢̃ǐ̵͍n̵̡͗g̶̗̈ ̸͍͠y̴͜͝ỏ̴͖ű̷̩,̸̞̒ ̶̦͋b̸̼̿ǎ̶̢ḅ̴͆y̷͖͝?̶̭̇ ” He asked, unable to keep his voice normal. The glitching being a sign of his agitation. He wanted to murder the man in front of him, strangle him with his bare hands, but he couldn’t. He would not dare cause that big of a scene.
“I already told him that I wasn't interested in him.” You sighed, simply annoyed by the stranger’s persistence.
That stranger turned quickly, and once he saw Vox behind him, attempted to scurry away from the situation. However, Vox swiftly appeared in front of him, grabbing the man by the collar.
“Y̵o̷u̴'̷r̶e̴ ̵p̷r̶e̶t̶t̸y̴ ̶f̶u̷c̶k̸i̶n̵g̵ ̶b̵o̷l̴d̸,̸ ̶a̸r̴e̴n̴'̶t̵ ̶y̷o̷u̸?̴ ̷T̴a̸l̴k̵i̶n̶g̵ ̸t̸o̵ ̸m̴y̵ ̴g̵i̸r̵l̴ ̷t̸h̵a̷t̶ ̶w̷a̴y̶.̷.̶.̸ ” Vox hissed, still crackling in pure rage. “I̶ ̷h̴e̸a̷r̴d̸ ̶a̷l̷l̵ ̴t̷h̴e̸ ̷s̵h̷i̸t̶ ̷y̴o̶u̸ ̷w̶e̴r̴e̴ ̴t̴e̵l̴l̴i̴n̶g̷ ̶h̷e̷r̸.̷ ̴Y̸o̵u̴ ̸t̶h̷i̴n̶k̵ ̸I̷ ̶c̵a̵n̸'̶t̴ ̶p̸l̶e̸a̸s̴e̶ ̷m̸y̸ ̸o̷w̴n̸ ̸w̶o̷m̴a̵n̷?̵ ” Vox added. His voice shaking as much as his hands. He looked like a rabid dog and it was… kind of hot to you.
“N-no, s-sir!” The man stuttered.
“It’s not what I heard you say, you u̸g̸l̸y̷ ̶f̵u̷c̷k̴i̵n̴g̵ ̷s̵l̷u̴g̴… I’ll give you two minutes to leave the vicinity before I b̴l̷o̸w̷ ̶y̵o̴u̶r̴ ̸f̸u̴c̶k̸i̶n̵g̶ ̴b̵r̶a̷i̴n̴s̸ ̴o̵u̸t̷ ̶w̵i̵t̵h̸ ̶a̷ ̸C̶r̶a̵m̵i̴n̶e̶.̴.̴.̸ ” He threatened. Oh, and he was very much capable of this. Shooting a sinner with an authentic Carmine weapon was something he’d proved he wasn’t above doing when it came to your safety or his jealousy, for that matter. And unlike regular gunshots, there was no coming back from a fatal shot from a Carmine weapon. If you were killed by it, you were fucked. Gone into oblivion.
“Y-yes sir!” The sinner stuttered. Vox let go of his collar and the puny man that had flirted with you a few minutes ago was now stumbling over himself trying to leave the club.
Vox shuddered, calming down and sitting next to you. He wrapped his arm around your shoulders and pulled you closer towards him. “Fuck… I hate the fucking scum we live amongst. I’m not leaving you alone on a night out ever again, I’m… sorry about that bastard.”
“It ok Voxxie, it was kinda hot… what you did, you know?” You chuckled slightly.
“Yeah? You like it when I get all jealous over you?” He smirked, letting out a breathy chuckle.
“Yeah, I like it when you get all glitchy and crackly. It’s kinda cute...” You giggled.
“I should do it more often, then~.” He chuckled, planting a peck on your lips.
You kissed his screen and chuckled, "You should, it suits you a lot~" You cooed, placing a hand on his chest.
Vox let out another chuckle, "Well, good to know. Now I know how to win you over when you're being a brat."
"Hush, you! We're in public!" You protested, embarrassed that he'd say that out loud, but finding it kind of funny.
"Who said I meant it that way. Get your mind out of the gutter, baby~" He teased, holding your waist.
"I fucking hate you." You joked.
"Oh, you love me~" He retorted with a cocky laugh.
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the-angeleno · 9 months
gekko x female reader where like basically finds her super attractive and is nervous to talk to her so reader starts to think he doesn’t like her since hes so social w the other agents I hope that kinda makes sense?? Also hes so bbg<33
FIRST IMPRESSIONS! gekko x f!reader ✴ fluff!! no warnings!
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[note!!] ↳ i apologize for taking so long with requests, i was just overwhelmed and flooded with so many and then uni got super chaotic but we made it! merry christmas / happy holidays!
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mateo’s introduction to the protocol went as smooth as being introduced to by reyna could go. he’s not sure exactly what she said to get him in, as it seemed to be pretty exclusive and he’s not entirely sure if he has the professionalism they were looking for. 
he doesn’t, but they don’t seem to mind. well, brimstone has complained here and there about how difficult the boy was to reach, he never answered his phone or replied to his texts but the motherfucker was always on tiktok whenever the protocol held meetings.
he got away with a lot by practically being reyna’s little brother, everyone was too scared to do anything to reprimand the boy. other than viper of course, nothing scared that woman it seemed.
being one of the younger agents, and the newest, left him anxious, but as time went on, he’s gotten his own seat at the table. he knew what the first day jitters felt like, how everything was intimidating, and he had already known reyna prior and she still kind of scares him so he can’t imagine how intimidating the woman would be to you. 
brim asked beforehand if anyone wanted to step up and show you the ropes, before gekko even had the chance to volunteer, almost every head in the room turned to him anyway.
“i’d be honored.” he bowed dramatically, turning to harbor, “i’ll make you proud coach!”
he didn’t. not because he was a bad coach necessarily, he just couldn’t get a proper sentence out without bumbling like a fool. 
the new agent was really pretty, and mateo’s had crushes before in the past but nothing like this, where the moment he looked at her he felt the carpet pull out from under him.
nobody else seemed affected by your beauty, even chamber seemed too occupied with his work to ogle at you. the knowing looks from jett and phoenix only made him more flustered as he knew his attraction to you was written all over his face.
neon and raze were stifling laughter, watching his sad attempt at demonstrating how to defuse a spike. 
“s-so yeah um .. after y’know c-clearing corners and stuff you uh… um usually brim will c-comm? yeah he’ll comm us  uh let us know the game plan.” he clears his throat, looking down at his hands and shaking his head in an attempt to clear out his thoughts. 
you watched him with such a kind expression on your face, it was almost a little infuriating how good you were at maintaining eye contact with him, mateo feels like he might die of heatstroke with how hot his face has become. 
you notice how nervous he is and hesitantly reach for him, placing your hand on his shoulder.
“hey i know we just met and all, but i promise i'm not gonna kill you…” an awkward laugh accompanied your words, and you couldn’t hide some of the hurt in your voice. why was he so terrified of you? “i’m not! scared of you or anything-“
“did i do something that made you uncomfortable?”
“no! nothing like that you’re just uh..” he looks around the room, relieved when he sees the others seemed to have moved on from watching his horrible teaching skills. 
he glances at his critters, dizzy curled up as always in slumber, wingman on the couch waving his arms excitedly in support of his train of thoughts.
he breathes deeply, before finally meeting eyes with you. 
“you’re just really pretty.” he says, without stuttering, or losing eye contact, and the intensity of it all leaves a red hot flush to climb up your neck and up to your cheeks.
“o-oh.” you stutter, mind going a mile a minute because what the fuck do you even say to that? you just met him, but you can’t deny how attractive he is too. you bite back a smile and look down in embarrassment.
“thank you… that’s sweet of you to say.” 
“yeah but i just made things weird.”
“no you didn’t, things don’t have to be weird if we don’t make it weird.” you reassure, nudging his shoulder.
“now you said something about brim giving comms, do we wait for an OK before defusing or should we defuse as soon as we reach the site?”
he was grateful for the change in topic, and with that finally off his chest he was able to finally get his wavering voice back under control.
“yeah so he’ll comm with the OK; if everything is clear and it’s safe to defuse then go for it and regroup before evacuating.”
your first mission goes surprisingly well, gekko at your side through the whole thing, watching your back with every corner you turned and alerting you of enemies you missed before taking care of them himself.
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he was the perfect partner anyone could ask for really, so when the other agents were hyping you up for your performance you couldn’t help but redirect the praise to mateo.
every mission went on like that, a success, the two of you made an incredible team. it wasn’t until six months later, on one of the biggest missions you’ve yet to go on, that you really showed the other agents in the protocol just how much you’ve grown.
“that quick scope was insane even reyna was impressed!” phoenix says over the sound of his comrades whooping and cheering you on.
“who knew our new agent would be our new little prodigy?” jett cooed, pinching at your cheeks. you swat her hand away, laughing at her teasing.
“nah it was all gekko and really i wouldn’t have gotten off that shot without dizzy and the spike wouldn’t have been defused without wingman. i just have the best coach, right ‘teo?” you turn to look at him and he grins, throwing an arm over your shoulder and pulling you into a side hug.
“of course hermosa, with me showing you the ropes you’ll kick everyone’s ass, radiant or not.”
his little compliment left you flustered, quick to hide your face into his neck, before feeling the vibrations of his laughter rumbling against his chest. he tilts his head down to peek at you,
“why’re you hidin’ chica?” he smirks knowingly, you were always so easy to fluster, it was incredibly endearing.
he pouts his lips out in a kissy face, laughing when you groan and roll your eyes at him.
the other agents watch silently as the two of you, almost in your own world, tease and bicker with each other back and forth, mateo’s arms still wrapped around your waist.
“i dunno why i let you take all the glory for our missions, i’m gonna stop being humble-“
“you? humble? chalè chica have you met yourself?” his words are all bark no bite, if the grin on his face was any indication.
you stuck your tongue out at him, and he sticks his right back, blowing a raspberry in your face and laughing when you yell and swat at him for spitting on you.
jett and neon share a knowing look, they bet on how long it’d take for the two of you to get together, and neon couldn’t hide the smirk on her face.
“not too late to forfeit~”
“no way, they’ve been dancing around each other like this for months im telling you they’re both too dumb to do anything for at least another two months-“
“yea like how it took you and phoenix two years to finally confess to each other?” she teased before quickly ducking the fist jett sent her way.
“wish someone would look at me like that.” chamber mutters, glancing over at viper who whistles absently, busying herself with some papers on her desk that suddenly need to be reorganized.
“can you let me go now?” you whined at him, giving him your most promising pout, he tilted his head in faux consideration, before shrugging, 
“nah. don’t want to.” 
“so you’re just gonna hold me hostage here?”
“don’t act like you don’t love it.”
“i don’t, you spat on me.” 
“okay and you drooled on me on the way back to base-“
“shut up! you were the one who insisted i slept on your shoulder-“
“yeah because i didn’t wanna deal with you whining later about your neck hurting-“
“teo, let me go so i can punch you.”
“no can do, hermosa.”
“i’ll knee you in the balls.”
he pouts again, debating if he should free you from his embrace, before he gets the chance to, you lean forward on your tiptoes and plant an obnoxious smooch on his lips, prying yourself free from him when he loosens his grip in surprise.
“HA!” you laugh maniacally, running away from the boy who was already chasing you,
“oh so that’s how you’re gonna play huh?” he yells, ignoring brimstone who is shouting at the two of you to stop running around HQ.
“did you not just see what she did!” he whines like a child, glaring at neon and jett who are trying to stifle their laughter to no avail.
you run and hide behind raze and killjoy on the couch, catching your breath, you peek your head over and spot mateo,
“you’re harboring a criminal, release her.” he declares to the couple, and raze rises, holding her arms out in front of you, blocking you away from gekko.
“you gotta get through me first.” she stands firm, winking at killjoy who only rolls her eyes at the idiocy happening before her.
“can you guys take this fight back to the playground please?” she asks, turning over on the couch to look down at you. you hold your finger to your lips, a dramatic sh! the only response offered to her.
she tries to flick your forehead but you are quick to swat her hand away, earning a snort from the engineer before she turns to sit forward on the couch. 
“what are her crimes even?” killjoy asks and you feel your face burning before mateo even opens his mouth. 
“i was holding her hostage in a hug and she kissed me to escape-“ 
“oh god gross-“ raze’s arms falter.
“are you two fucking serious?” neon says in fake disgust.
“ew guys get a room-“ killjoy remarks with a loud groan.
“GROSS!” chamber shouts from across the room.
with you defenseless, mateo is quick to dive over the couch, grabbing you and throwing you over his shoulder in one fell swoop.
he ignores your shouts and demands to be put down as he carries you away to an empty meeting room, closing the door behind him with his foot before setting you down with a mischievous smirk on his face. 
“look at the scene you caused, mensa. now everyone knows about your dirty little tricks.” he had you pushed up against the door, his face incredibly close to yours, and you were suddenly grateful he had carried you off like that, away from the eyes of your comrades who probably have an idea of what’s going on back here anyways.
the close proximity leaves you flustered, but the competitive side of you can’t seem to back down to mateo.
“didn’t expect you to get so worked up over a little kiss, you got a crush on me or something?” you teased, sounding more confident than you actually felt.
he leans closer, lips nearly touching yours before gliding upwards and caressing the shell of your ear. 
“maybe i do, but the thing is cariño…” his lips trail down your cheek, stopping right over yours, “i think you like me too.” he breathes a laugh against you and it sets you aflame, your heart pounding incessantly in your chest. 
“should i kiss you this time and find out?” his lips are centimeters away from your own, his hands that are now cupping your jaw tilt your head upwards to brush against his lips, a gasp slipping past them to which he chuckles amusedly at. 
the anticipation of his touch practically eating you alive at this point, how desperate you are to feel his lips against yours again.. you swallow, biting back your pride before nodding, 
“please… ‘teo-“
his lips are against yours in an instant, eager and passionate, moving with a desperation you hadn’t anticipated. you reach up to pull him closer by the neck, kissing him back with just as much passion and fervor.
he bites down on your lip, smirking against you when you whine and open up for him, he’s quick to use the opportunity to slip his tongue in to taste you properly.
sweet like saccharine, he couldn’t get enough, the feeling of your tongues intertwined has him dizzy, his brain short-circuiting.
he can’t believe he’s finally kissing you, finally tasting the lips he’s been craving since the day he first laid eyes on them. 
you whine his name, muffled in between kisses as he sucks particularly hard on your tongue, leaving you breathless and desperate for air. 
prying the boy off of you, you finally manage to catch your breath, panting harshly against him as he smirks at you.
“yeah you definitely like me, ‘please teo!’ he mocks and you hide your face in his neck, groaning and punching him lightly on the chest.
“you’re such an ass mateo."
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[note!!] ↳ this might be ass, ngl i wrote it high on my phone at like 2am, i think the second half with all the other agents is kinda wild n messy but so is mateo so shhh. - feel free to send in more reqs!!
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miioouu · 8 months
Ghost with temperature play tho🥴💕(i think its temp play or kink but whateves its the same thing, i think??)
This request reminds me of the time when I used to write anime smut and I'm here for it!!! Also after some thorough research ;) I have concluded that yes, temp play and kink are the same. Anyway, hope you enjoy it, thank you for blessing us with your unholy thoughts bbg!
Tw: smut, temperature play, oral (fem receiving), orgasm denial, fem reader
The room was hot, sweat drops running down your spine and your chest heaving as you tried to catch your breath. Your body was blazing, scorching even…
The chuckle coming from between your thighs didn’t help the situation either. His warm eyes looking up at you through his long eyelashes. “What is it, love? Are you feeling hot?” He’s mocking you, for sure. And you wonder why he even bothers asking you this question, Simon would never let you talk back. In fact, he likes your silence, maybe that’s why he has his glove shoved deeply into your mouth, your drool coating it, dripping down your chin.
The room was hot, like a sauna, honestly what did you expect when your latest mission is right in the middle of the desert. Luckily though, your captain isn’t cruel enough to let you die from a heat stroke, the place he rented for you has perfect air conditioning. But your lieutenant on the other hand, he’s nasty and dirty. “Turn on the AC? We’re in the military sergeant, you should be able to handle heat” And that’s true, and you usually were perfectly fine sweating in the dry sandy air, but usually he wouldn’t have his tongue swiping at your slit, sliding between your folds to have a taste of your arousal. Usually, you wouldn’t have to hold your breath, be scared of letting out a sound, afraid that your comrades next door would hear. He took pity on you, the moments your eyes flutter, your fingers grasped his, gosh you’ve always been so beautiful to him, but something about seeing you almost slip out of conscience as you body sticks to the sheets with perspiration has really got him thinking of you as a the most beautiful angel that has ever graced the surface of the earth. “Ah, relax… I know a way to cool you down, love” He’d murmur against your soft thigh before straightening up. His hand quickly found the mini fridge, a smirk adorned his face when he saw the tray of ice cubes, that’ll definitely cool you down. He slipped one between his lips, letting it melt on the tip of his tongue slightly before going back to the place where he belonged; between your legs.
The ice cube, now a little smaller, falls from his mouth, placing it right above your bundle of nerves. The contrast between your hot body and the glacial crystal has you arching your back and a whimper of his name choked itself out from between your lips. This reaction earned you a chuckle from the man above you, his eyes shining in mischief, trying but failing to feign innocence as he kisses your inner thighs, slowly, coldly, making his way to your drenching core. Tongue still frozen, he swiped it between your folds, tasting you had him humming out loud. “You always taste so good, love.” His compliment is mumbled against your skin as he’s still sloppily making out with your heat. He sucks on your clit, the tip of his tongue draws languid circles, making sure to always add a little more pressure to that place that would usually have you hiccuping for air. His lashes flutter shut, enjoying your arousal a little too much, his nails dig in the soft flesh of your thighs. Enjoying you a little too much, his hips grind against the mattress below him. Enjoying the way you tremble and shake beneath him, not even his glove can restrain your whines for more, he can almost hear your voice in his head “More sir! Please, please, I need more, more than just your tongue” The memory has him moaning, the vibration of it making your toes curl.Oh you were so close, and he knew it.
The ice cube now long melted, the cold water running down your thighs, spilling on the sheets and whenever your skin ever so grazes the drops, it sends electricity through your body. “Still hot, hmm?” Simon teases, his voice laced with a hint of arrogance as he sees the desperation in your teary eyes. He pulls away for a minute, finding the tray again, and it isn't Ghost if he gives you warnings, right? Where's the fun in that? With that he dumps the rest of the ice cubes onto your stomach, relishing in the way you quiver and squirm, a proud smile drawn on his face.
Quickly, his hands still cold, he grabs your hips and pulls you closer to him, he hovers above you, face mere inches away from yours “What? Are you feeling cold now, sergeant? Don't worry, I've also got a way to deal with this too…”
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izel-reblogs · 5 days
noooo I can’t be on anon oh well anyways I came over here to scream at you
I FUCCCKKKIKNHHDSHSBNSMZKZKZKZK LOVE HOW YOU DRAW PEOPLE I WILL LITERALLY COMBUST !!!!!! ITS SO SIMPLE YET DISTINCT AND IT FEELS REAL AND I WANT TO DRAW MEN AS HOT AS YOU IDK HOW YOU DO IT THEYRE ALL MAGNIFICENT AND I WANT TO CHEW ON THEM !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! THEYRE GONNA GET M E THROUGH THE SCHOOL YEAR COLLEGE IS STRESSFUL BUT NOT WHEN YOU HAVE LEE DRAWING BEAUTIFUL MEN YOU CAN STARE AT !!!!!! always and forever obsessed with your Oscar he’s so handsome and stunning and beautiful and he wouldn’t do it but I’d ask him to crush me anyway he’s soooo bbg I should ask my gf if she’s okay with me having a second wife because I will wed that man. OKAY MOVING ON absolutely invest in some alcohol markers even if you have to plead and beg oh they’re so worth it maybe even wait a bit and ask for a giant pack of em for like Christmas or ur birthday or something because those go a long way hot dammnnnn also ur so right about our John’s being twinsies bc I must admit I had struggled to draw him how I was picturing him until I perused your art of him and then it all clicked and I was like yeah that’s him Lee’s human John is the canon human John to me what can I say uh sorry anyway I should leave I have gay men I should be drawing ughjdhshsj just know I will explode into a thousand little pieces whenever you post that blindfaith art I actually don’t think I’ll survive tell my wife I love her and that I leave my tumblr account, my cult members, and my podcast men art to her
(camera pans away from you, turning to me, lying on the floor completely dead clutching my phone to my chest)
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catch1ngmoths · 7 months
Alex w s/o has stretch marks and they’re insecure of it? </3 I have them NSJSJANISJS my mom would point them out at me you don’t have to do it pookie bear ‼️‼️ don’t forgor to drink water and don’t starve yourself or stress yourself!! MWAH LIVE YOU POOKIE BEAR ‼️‼️💋
˚₊‧⁺⋆♱ Tiger stripes ˚₊‧⁺⋆♱
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Summary: you have have stretch marks and are quite insecure about them; on the contrary, it's one of Alex's favorite physical features about you!
Note: MY BAE! MY BAE! MY BAE!! @billkaulitzsrealgf always makes me giggle and kick my feet fr, I LOVE YOUU🙏 I also have stretch marks on my inner thighs, AND my mom also points them out so I UNDERSTANDDD!! anyways, enjoy :3
⋆。‧₊°♱༺𓆩❦︎𓆪༻♱༉‧₊˚. ⋆。‧₊°♱༺𓆩❦︎𓆪༻♱༉‧₊˚. ⋆。‧₊°
The first time he noticed them, he stared for a good while. Enough for you to notice. You started to get nervous, thinking he was staring at them in disgust.
When he noticed how uncomfortable and anxious you looked, he immediately felt bad. he looked up at you and smiled softly, “your stretch marks are beautiful cariño.” Alex says softly
You don’t believe him, thinking he’s just saying that because he caught onto your insecurity. “You don’t have to lie Lex, I know they’re not the most flattering..” you say with a nervous smile
He looks exasperated as you say this, looking at you with his mouth slightly parted. “No no! I actually really love them! They’re hot” he says with a playful and dramatic wink.
You laugh and hit his shoulder, making him laugh more. Ever since that day, he always lays where your stretch marks are. If they’re on your thighs, he lays on your thighs. If they’re on your stomach, he lays on your stomach and exc.
When you’re feeling extra insecure, he’ll trace them with his fingers, even littering little kisses on them. When y’all are getting intimate, he’ll kiss them while kissing down your body RAGHHH (⊙_⊙)
He loves tracing them with his fingers while yall are cuddling and shit, like just running his fingers down them in awe. HE LOVES THE WAY THEY FEEL!!
He just loves you so much, he really doesn’t give a fuck how you look or what features you have. He just loves you and thinks anything you hate about yourself or are insecure of makes you even more unique.
If anyone points them out, in a negative way he won’t hesitate to make them shut the hell up. People can insult him all they want but the moment someone insults YOU?? His beloved? Nah he’s pissed
He’d embarrass the FUCK outta the person that insulted you. And the thing is, he wouldn’t even feel bad! He wouldn’t insult the others persons appearance or anything because he doesn’t believe in that kinda stuff but he’d make them wish they just shut their lips
He’d say something like, “are you actually okay? Like genuinely. What makes you think you were cool for pointing that out like it’s a discusting thing? Funny how nobody’s laughing” he’d say, straight faced. THE OTHER PERSONS COOKED
If multiple people online tweet something like that out he’d probably address it on stream, saying something like:
“I wanna just say something before we start stream. People have been commenting on my s/o’s physical appearance and that’s something I’m not gonna tolerate. They’re such an amazing and supportive person. I’m not and will never be okay with that and I wanna make myself really clear when I say that.”
He’d genuinely do anything for you, not really caring what other people think or say because at the end of the day he loves you and that’s all that matters in his eyes!! Bbg loves you SO MUCH!
⋆。‧₊°♱༺𓆩❦︎𓆪༻♱༉‧₊˚. ⋆。‧₊°♱༺𓆩❦︎𓆪༻♱༉‧₊˚. ⋆。‧₊°
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louisisalarrie · 2 months
can u explain what happened with tamara bell and louis during glastonbury 2015?
well, there’s probably far better posts about this, but I’ll give it a quick go. welcome to the show, baby cakes
tamara is proven to be a good friend of Harry’s. photo below of them YEAAAARSSSS ago
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and this is a photo of her, lux, and lou Teasdale, also mates
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so the thing is, is that, from these photos… you could go “oh harry set louis up with a hot pal hes known for years” and like… that’s exactly what the media ran with. They constantly linked harry and Tamara as friends, (funny how he fucks everything that moves but not her, right?) and harry being the matchmaker of her and louis. Anyway, she’s been around for a while, and she’s cool and hot and brunette… wait… why is it important that she’s brunette? why did it have to happen in June 2015?
Oh! That’s right! Because bbg rumours started to get even worse. There was already SO much seeding and shit in the media about louis and B, and what kind of relationship they had. It’s like that time the “mystery blonde” article started circulating, and louis went clubbing and got into a van full of brunettes so none of them could be mistaken for B, lol. She probably should’ve realised and dyed her hair (which she eventually did LOL). But I digress
The whole bbg thing was supposed to look a lot more… wholesome, than what louis made it. I believe it was meant to be more of a “Louis’ found the love of his life and they’re expecting yay!” Kind of thing because he was always pinned as the long term relationship guy, aka, the exact opposite of Harry styles™️. However, idk how tf they were gonna push that bc his breakup with E was announced officially on March 23rd, and B only really came into the picture between May 5th and 15th. So…….. Less than two months with B, if there was no crossover (which they wouldn’t want anyway) and it was immediately straight after E, they still wanted to push the wholesome baby settle down mature dad version of louis. And you know what he did? He said fuck you Uncle Simon.
So, to entirely get rid of ANY speculation he was with B romantically/engaged which was the narrative, he walked around with brunettes to really push home the point there was nothing there with B, even if bbg went through. So, he threw himself under the tour bus. He essentially said “hey this’ll make me look like more of a prick but also stops me from being around that woman even if the kid thing happens, and therefore it distances me from it and I won’t be in a long term thing again”… more or less. This is why we also got a short Danielle fling in December of that year, just to push home the point that he wasn’t with B or any kind of “mystery blonde” that they could mistake her for. Which is, for lack of a better term, HILARIOUS
And also this was hugely important because for a very long time, we didn’t actually know what B looked like. She changed every time we saw a pic of her from the media. So it was really confusing which blonde they were talking about, so he made it clear to make a point of being with brunettes only. And Tamara, well, she’s just a cool fucking human. Old friend of Harry’s, chill, a model with a small following, just overall a kind of cool person. So he chose to walk with her and lazily hold her hand to cut any ties with B that the media continued to create. So, he’s known her for ages, and so has harry, and it was nothing, but it made a huge crack in the bbg narrative.
Anyway, yeah, it’s very unserious. All of it. The timelines of bbg in general and all of the stunts/rumours it truly was ridiculous. But somehow he managed to never end up “dating” that woman and Tamara is a big part of that, because also, he chose to fuck them over with that move. It’s truly iconic sassy Louis behaviour.
I probably missed some stuff here but thanks for chatting!
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b100dykisses · 1 year
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Hes so bbg
Anyways here’s the warning heheh
Smut no plot
Daddy kink
Hella cursing
Uh yeah I think that’s it
You catch your boyfriend on a break at work and decided to give him a little stress relief
Tyler groaned as you pinned him against the wall, and he kissed you back with equal fervor. His hands roamed over your body, pulling you closer to him as he deepened the kiss. He was lost in the moment, completely consumed by the passion that was building between the two of you. You were happy you were able to catch him on one of his breaks you hadn’t done this since he first started working here. You lightly moan into the kiss and work your lips down to his jaw. Tyler tilted his head back, giving you better access to his jaw. He moaned softly as you worked your lips down to his jaw, and he ran his hands over your body, pulling you even closer to him. "God, you feel so good," he said before pulling you back in for more kisses. "I want you so badly." He said desperately. You plant kisses down his neck sucking leaving hickeys you wanted everyone who he belongs to. Tyler let out a low groan as you planted kisses down his neck and sucked on his skin, leaving marks behind. His hands moved down to your hips, gripping them tightly as he pressed himself closer to you. You could feel his bulge pressing against you he was so easy to get worked up. "Fuck, you're so hot," he whispered in your ear. "I need you." He said again hoping you’d fuck him already he hated how you always strung things out.
You took your hand and palmed it over his clothed cock earning soft whimpers from him. Tyler let out a deep groan His hands moved to your waist, pulling you closer to him as he pressed himself against you harder trying to create some kind of friction "Fuck, you're making me so hard," he whispered in your ear. "I need to have you right now baby please I don’t have much time left until I have to go back to work". You quickly pulled down your skirt with your panties leaving only your top on. You told Tyler to get on his knees and he did as he was told. You got onto your knees with him Tyler's eyes widened in anticipation as you got on your knees with him and undid his belt. He watched you with a hungry expression, his breathing quickening as he waited for you to take him in your mouth.
"God, you're so sexy," he murmured, his hands moving to your hair. "I can't wait to feel your lips around me”. You Lick circles around his tip wanting to tease him more and it was working he let out soft breathy moans begging for you to take him fully Into your mouth. You wrap your hand around his cock and suck on the tip. Tyler let out a deep groan as you wrapped your hand around his cock and sucked on the tip. His hips bucked forward involuntarily, and he gripped your hair tightly as he felt the pleasure building inside him. "Oh, god," he moaned "Don't stop, beautiful”. You moved your hand to let him thrust Into your mouth knowing that you couldn’t hold this out for to long or you’d send him back to work still hard as a rock. Tyler's eyes rolled back in his head as you moved your hand and let him thrust into your mouth. He groaned loudly, his hips moving in time with your mouth as he fucked your face. His hands gripped your hair tightly as he felt himself getting closer and closer to his release. "Fuck, I'm gonna cum" he warned, his voice low and husky. Thankfully Tyler never lasted long when you gave him head. You look up at him like you were begging him to cum into your mouth I hollow your cheeks and start sucking harder that was what sent Tyler over the edge seeing your pretty eyes looking up at his. He could feel himself getting closer and closer to the edge, and he knew that he was about to come undone. He thrusted into your mouth one final time, his hips bucking forward as he let out a deep groan. He came into your mouth, and he moaned softly as he felt the pleasure wash over him. "Fuck, that was amazing," he said, his voice low and husky as he looked down at you with a satisfied expression. "You're incredible” the poor boy thought that it was over. You pull him into a kiss letting him taste himself. You pull back and speak up “we’re not done yet love” you say the lust in your eyes still shining. Tyler breath hitches hearing that he moved his legs to let you straddle him he already knew what you wanted. You straddle his lap and lift your hips to line his cock up to your already soaking cunt. Tyler groaned softly as He wrapped his arms around your waist, pulling you closer to him as he kissed you deeply. "God, you're so sexy," he murmured against your lips. "I can't wait to feel you around me”. Tyler was big bigger than most of the guys you were with and you could never get use to his size. You slowly move your hips down trying to adjust to his size it wasn’t painful but it was a lot. Tyler moaned softly as he felt you slowly lower yourself onto him, your heat enveloping him. He wrapped his arms around your waist, holding you close to him as you adjusted to his size. "You feel so good," he murmured, his lips trailing down your neck. "I love the way you feel around me” as soon as he said that you wanted to ride him hard but you knew you had to start off slow. “fuck your so big” you say whimpering against his neck. Tyler groaned as he felt you whimper against his neck, and he held you tightly to him "I know, beautiful," he whispered in your ear. "But you can take me. Just go slow, and we'll take it one step at a time." He peppered kisses on your neck, trying to ease your discomfort and make you feel comfortable. You slowly lift your hips and lowered it trying to get use to his size you moaned softly feeling his soft lips against your neck. Tyler moaned softly as you slowly lifted your hips and lowered them onto him, trying to get used to his size. He held you close to him, kissing your neck and whispering words of encouragement. "You're doing great, beautiful," he murmured. "Just go at your own pace. We have all the time in the world." He continued to kiss your neck, his hands moving up and down your back in soothing circles. You knew that he didn’t have all the time in the world but he sure as hell would come back into work late if that meant making you feel good this man borderline worshiped you and your pleasure. You moan against his shoulder getting use to his size as your pace starts to pick up. Tyler groaned
softly as your pace started to pick up, and he held you tightly to him. He could feel your walls clenching around him, and he knew that you were starting to enjoy yourself. "That's it, beautiful," he whispered in your ear. "Let yourself go. Feel everything." He brought his hand down hard on your ass, the sound echoing in the room. "You Like that, gorgeous?" he asked, his voice low and husky. "You like it when I spank you?". His voice against your ear could make you orgasm immediately he always knew what to say it was hard to not scream out his name when he knew how to fuck you just right. You moaned and begged for him to not stop. Praises fell from your mouth telling him how good he felt. Tyler grinned, his hand coming down on your ass again, harder this time. He could feel himself getting more aroused with each spank, and he knew that you were enjoying it just as much as he was. "You're so incredible, beautiful," he whispered in your ear. "I love the way you respond to me”. You begged again begging him to fuck you harder. Tyler could feel the fire building inside him as you begged him to go harder. He gripped your hips tightly, his thrusts becoming harder and faster as he gave in to his desire. His hand came down on your ass again and again, the sound of skin on skin filling the air. "You like it when I go harder, baby?" he grunted, his voice thick with desire. "You like it rough?”. “Fuck yes daddy” you say you Face gets even redder after saying that from embarrassment “fuck fuck fuck” you thought to yourself. Tyler groaned as you called him daddy, and he could feel himself getting even more aroused. He gripped your hips tightly, his thrusts becoming harder and faster as he gave in to his desire. "That's it, baby," he grunted. "Call me daddy. Let me show you what a real man can do." He continued to thrust into you, each thrust harder and more intense than the last. “Oh fuck fuck” you say your voice almost whiny from how good he felt his words made he get close and closer to your orgasm you knew he knew from how he was thrusting into you. Tyler grinned as he felt you getting closer and closer to your orgasm. He continued to thrust into you, his hand coming down on your ass again and again. "Cum for me, beautiful," he grunted. "Let me feel you cum around my cock" “fuck be a good girl and cum” he said he breath becoming unsteady . You pulled him in for a kiss as you hit your orgasm hard your legs tremble against the sides of his as you continue to ride him though your orgasm. Tyler could feel your walls clenching around him as you came, and he groaned into your mouth as he felt himself reaching his own orgasm He continued to thrust into you, riding out his own orgasm as he kissed you deeply. "You feel so good," he murmured against your lips. "I could stay like this forever." He gave you a quick kiss. He looked down at the time and noticed he was 10 minutes late “shit”
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He’s so pookie
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tamaruaart · 3 months
Keep in mind this isn't me hating on Kirke, I love that fucked up goddess she's such a fun character. But goddamn I hate her fans.
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It's all just people trying to push feminism where it wasn't 🙃 Yes, it's true ancient Greece was kinda shitty towards women. But goddamn that was 3000 years ago. We can enjoy these stories but it's important to not push modern perspectives and view points on these stories while also not condoning these actions. Not to mention we may very well experience this kind of thing with future generations that will come after us so it's important to simply stay humble. Civilizations and humans are constantly evolving and viewpoints are constantly changing so it's not exactly fair to history nor ourselves to take these ancient ideologies to heart. Grow up.
Anyways Circe/Kirke is not your hot little witch cutie 🥰 She's a goddess and the daughter of the Sun Titan. She's done terrible things and that's what makes her iconic. Istg if she wasn't so infamous no one would even know about her. She's morally gray and that's what makes her so neat >:D Now, is it unforgivable to paint jer in a good light? No, but I think if you remove ALL of her questionable morality she losses her charms. She isn't the same Kirke anymore. (Looking at you MM, your writing is good but holy shit.)
It's not unforgivable, but it's simply incorrect. If anyone wants to learn more about Kirke's original/actual character, I don't really recommend most modern interpretations- (MM's novel, Hades 2, DC, Odyssey Movies, my bbg Epic the Musical etc...) I'd say just read the Odyssey, reasurch some older mythos and read the Argonautica.
Can you still like these interpretations of Kirke? Yes. Of course. I love Epic's Kirke even though she is pretty inaccurate. You just have to acknowledge they aren't the real thing! :D That happeneds with most characters ngl, no adaptation nor interpretation is going to be 100% accurate to the original, but with Kirke it's always so... Apparent? So visible. They never make her at LEAST 50% accurate. Which 🤬
She was not a victim, she wasn't incredibly horny, she wasn't a girlboss, she wasn't love sick for Odysseus (it's hinted she only found him to be an 'interesting mortal' of sorts) she wasn't 100% cartoon villain of the week either. She's MORALLY GRAY 🗣️🗣️🗣️🗣️
She holds Odysseus' men hostage, she turns Scylla into a monster out of jealousy, she turns a man into a woodpecker because he didn't want to sleep with her. But she ALSO helps out Medea and Jason (even though it's because Medea was her neice but STILL) and she gives Odysseus instructions on how to head home.
She does BAD things that shouldn't be forgiven and aren't at all justified, but she also does GOOD things that should be acknowledged. She's a goddess. She's a character. She's morally gray. WHAT THE FUCK IS NOT CLICKING???? 😀
I just don't like modern interpretations of Kirke and I'm a meanie so I made this ¯⁠\⁠_⁠(⁠ツ⁠)⁠_⁠/⁠¯
That's why I stick to my 3000 year old books instead of these puny ones that were written in my century 💪💪💪
Do not apply feministic messages or themes on Kirke. Nor any Greek mythology figure for that matter. This was 3000 years ago 😀 if you want to focus on feminism FOCUS ON WOMEN WHO ACTUALLY HAD TO STRUGGLE ABOUT THESE THINGS AND THAT EXISTED IN THE 19-21 CENTURY 😀😀😀😀 WHEN PEOPLE KNEW OR WELL WERE SUPPOSED TO KNOW FUCKING BETTER. OR JUST FOCUS ON MODERN FEMALE STRUGGLES THAT ARE RELATABLE??
Also, if I haven't already made it clear. LIKING A CHARACTER ≠ CONDONING THEIR ACTIONS. I'm just talking about all the people who either call her a girlboss, hate on other figures for being morally questionable but turn a blind eye when it comes to Kirke, and people who make fun of Odysseus and call him a man whore for sleeping with Circe and Calypso. (Despite the fact he's a literal victim)
And for the last time:
Also I made a typo in the meme. God damn it dyslexia. (It's should be 'transforming' not 'transformed')
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youremyheaven · 3 months
U GUYYYSSS storytime:
So I got talking to a guy a little while ago and we vibed realllyyy well. He's lowkey the textbook definition of everything I'm looking for in a guy. He's 6'2, well to do (not rich but does veryyyy well for himself), BULKY BROAD SHOULDERED, Venusian etc
The synastry of our charts is insane 🥵 He had Mercury atmakaraka (remember my Mercury DK?? 😌)
He has a Venus Moon and stellium and he's the most Venusian guy I've ever met,,, he LOVES beauty, art, the female form etc and appreciates it. The way he spoke about it was so hot to me ngl,,, mf was so poetic,, he really knew how to speak sensually without ever being creepy or vulgar
His Mercury AK was in Purvabhadrapada and he had a puppy like softie Jupiter guy personality. I loved the fact that he looked like a WWE boxer (bulky af 🥵) but had the personality of a golden retriever. LITERALLY ALL MY DREAMS seemed to be coming true.
I knew his birthday but not his rising sign. Yk what they say about "if something's too good to be true, then it is" ??? yeah, i just couldn't brush off the feeling that something wasn't right. But I couldn't straightaway ask for his birth time, esp since he's Hindu and will know what's up 🤭😂 ANYWAAAYYYS we're talking and everything and this man is love bombing me HARD and I know it because:
a) I'm a retired love bomber myself
b) This is not my first rodeo
and anyways this 🧔🏻 is talking marriage and babies, he's calling me wifey 😭 (kinda cringe bc he's known me for dayyys but good lord handsome men can get away with anything 😤) and he refers to himself as "husband" 😭😭😭 like "husband's proud of you" and "your husband doesn't want you to apologise" 😭 (ew but he's hot 👉🏻👈🏻) and I let myself have my delulu moment and try to give him the benefit of the doubt bc literally he checks every box 🥹and he's soooo completely fond of me. We used to run in the same circles like 10yrs ago, even though I had no idea who he was and never interacted with him then, he told me that he remembered me from back then and thought I was cute 🥺 and later I took a looooong break from social media and he told me he'd wondered where I was all those years 🥹🥹and then I apparently showed up in his "suggested for you" on IG a few months ago and he instantly recognised me and followed me etc 🥺🥹 he's been tryna hmu for monthsssss now but I was with my ex 🤡and then I was recovering from my ex 🤧 so I didn't pay much attention to it. When he told me all this, it kinda made me melt 🫠 how he kept trying to talk to me even though I repeatedly ignored him etc
And he did everything right. I could text him rn and he'd reply in 5 seconds. He always asked me how I was, remembered things, always sent me like 20 different messages until I replied, showered me in compliments (Venusian men love to pour you with their attention, it can even be annoying lmfao) etc like there was nothing in his behaviour, his tone or his words that was giving me 🚩 he genuinely seemed sweet, caring etc and he loved babies 😩 and sent me videos with his nieces and nephews (man's was manipulator pro max) but YK ME 🤪 when I have a gut feeling ☝🏻 I can't ignore it 🤓 so I was very much waiting for the ball to drop and watch him fuck up somehow 💀 initially I felt sooo overwhelmed by all his love (bombing) that I felt like the bad guy for not reciprocating it or feeling that kind of "love at first sight" thing 🤡 BUT
one day he said "I can't believe I found you after 10 years, that means no matter where you are after another 10 yrs, I'll find you then as well" and I was like 🤨 I thought you wanted to marry me and make me your trophy wife 🧐 huh 👀 and he was all 😂😍haha yes ofc I'm just joking bbg 😍😂 but I knew there was more to it
Finally I got his birth time AND GUESS WHAT???
He's Hasta Rising 💀💀💀💀
Idk if you know already but I don't like Lunar men 🤡 and the minute I found out, I was SCREAMING bc 😭 why would God play me like that???? Put the most perfect guy, astrologically and otherwise, in front of me, I literally have him wrapped around my pinky and HE'S A LUNAR??? why God why 😭
But him & I had come too far for me to dump his ass for no reason 😬 (can't tell him it's bc the sus vibes I got from him was further bolstered by him being Lunar 🤭) so I was praying to God to give me an opportunity where he fucks up so that I can walk away 🚶🏻‍♀️from this situation before things get out of hand
I was texting him the other day and he spoke about how he wants to spend as much time with me as he can before we go out to chase our dreams (move away from this city basically) and I was like 🤨so you're looking for a short term relationship?? And he was like 🥺 no never and I was like why tf would you say you want to marry me and have babies (1 boy and twin daughters 😭🤡💀) if you already know you cannot commit???? And he was like "because we could meet again in a few years and it would be nice to have this plan ready" 💀💀💀💀 HE ACTUALLY SAID THAT AKSKKSJSJDIID brother thinks my IQ is in the negatives bc WTF sort of explanation is that 😭 and i told him "this manipulation might work elsewhere but not on me, good luck tho, bye, I'm done here 💅🏻" and he went 180 and said "I'm so sorry, I was just trying to be funny, please give me another chance, all I meant is that we never know how things go so we can try to work things out but there's no guarantee, please I'm so sorry" 😂😂 and he called me like 3 times and finally said "Can we atleast still be friends? i can't lose you like this" AJSJJSJSJ THE AUDACITY 🤡💀🤡💀
but I just want to say thank you God for showing me his true colours and for giving me the opportunity to exit with grace and dignity and making him feel like a fool 😌✨
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thethreeeyed-raven · 1 year
Oh Em Gee, your request are open 🫣😵‍💫🥵😫 You already know who I'm here who 🐦‍⬛👁👁👁
(Also if you have a taglist add me bbg)
Bran x Reader please!! Preferably fem reader but GN is fine! (I felt so embarrassed writing this req idek)
Anywho, maybe Bran had just married reader (right after returning to winterfell) . She had been with him and Meera on their journey to and from beyond the walls. So they've pretty much grown up with eachother.
Feel free to change whatever you want, but what if readers had a really bad day and all she wanted to do was hold Bran. So they're in bed and she's just holding him to her chest 😫. Cause he knows she needs the comfort more than her 🫣.
And she's worried for the future, so Bran is just telling her some moments that they will experience. Like together they visit a warmer kingdom for political reasons, but that they are both happy and safe.
IM SO SORRY IF THIS WAS WEIRD JUST IGNORE IF YOU DONT WANNA WRITE IT! Just do whatever you want to it, I'm good with anything fluff, smut, angst you name it. I just want a happy ending 🫣❤️❤️😘😘 TYSM
we shall have to wait and see
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navigation | warnings : fem!reader, slightly suggestive, talks of children, pet names, reader might seem a bit childish ngl, reader is wearing a dress, a little dig at brans nose but i promise i fucking love his nose it’s so hot, um anyways- | a/n : if this ain’t what you wanted, i apologise BUT BRAN FLUFF IS LIFE | bran stark playlist | tags : @lost-in-fiction-like-ur-mom @knight-of-flowerss
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Sometimes you hated being the Queen, but you loved Bran, and Bran was the King, so you did your duty as his queen.
It got lonely in the castle sometimes, so you liked to walk through the rebuilt gardens.
Of course, you attended meetings of the utmost importance, but sometimes you just didn't feel like it.
Since the war with the white walkers, you had constantly been paranoid of the future. Always worrying about every little thing.
As you entered your chambers, you took some of the uncomfortable jewelry you were wearing off, slipped off your shoes, and clambered into the silk sheets on your bed.
Podrick entered the room with Bran, wheeling him towards the bed then bowing his head in your direction.
"Your grace."
Once the door was shut, Bran lifted himself onto the bed, then positioned himself so he was laying down.
You swung your leg over him, positioning yourself on top.
"Eager are we?" Bran smirked as he placed his hands on your hips.
Your hand was cupping his cheek as you gently stroked it with your thumb, instantly he knew something was wrong.
"What's the matter sweetheart?" He grabbed your other hand, the one on his cheek still stroking the soft flesh.
"Do I worry too much?" Your glossy eyes travelled to his.
Bran wasn't going to deny it, you did worry too much, but you had a right to.
"Maybe a little too much, but so what?" His hand travelled under the skirt of your dress and he softly caressed the flesh of your thigh.
"I think the council finds it annoying." You paused for a moment, Bran tilted his head. "Can you tell me about our future?"
Bran already knew the majority of your future together, he may or may not have had a little peak.
"Well," He brought your head down to his chest, gently kneading your hair. "Together we shall visit Dorne, for political reasons of course, but we will meet lots of nice people, and they will welcome us warmly." Bran felt you smile against him, making him smile too.
"I've always wanted to go to Dorne." You gently whispered, toying with one of the sleeves of his shirt.
"Maybe we shall have children, I'm not sure of that one yet..."
"Children? Would they have your hair?" You peered up at him delightfully.
"Maybe." He whispered wistfully.
"And your eyes? Maybe they should have my nose though."
"Maybe my dear, we shall have to wait and see."
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moonyssmommyy · 1 year
My Marauders Headcanons Pt. 2 ~ Sirius Orion Black
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Loves sour candy
Isn't really sure if he's a pure blood supremacist or not
He'd like to say he is as it distances himself from his family but he's truly not sure
If you're close to him it doesn't matter if you're a muggle born, a half blood, or a pure blood but if you're not then he can say some pretty nasty things be it as a joke or not
Smooth mf talker
Oh my good
He has a very charming, very nice laugh
His voice is smooth but also has this slightly raspy roughness which paired with his accent is extremely hot
Would've been a momma's boy if he could've
Punk Sirius black
Can actually cook really well
Cherry flavored things are his bbg
Biased towards Slytherin's bc not only are they going to be at least somewhat like his family Slytherin house also houses Snape
His alcohol of choice is tequila
Sleeps naked
Will throw a fucking bitch fit if he gets too hot
He has back dimples
And regular dimples
He has really flawless pale skin aside from his face where he has a few moles and ofc his tattoos
He's very toned and lean
His first tattoo was a sun in between his shoulder blades he didn't know why but when he got home, home where it was always cold and the people there were too he knew. He'd gotten for James, James who was always warm, James who's eyes and smile always shone so brightly, James who was the center of Sirius world, James who was the sun.
He was kicked out after he came home from getting the tattoo; drunk, and high off his mind, and worst of all ignoring his mother. To say Walburga had disapproved of his body modification was the understatement of the millennium. Sirius didn't even care so Walburga decided to make him care
Contrary to popular belief this was the first time things had ever gotten physical, Walburga had decided to give him a body modification he'd disapprove of
She grabbed the knife off the kitchen table and made her way over to Sirius who was basically delirious with laughter before realizing something foul was bound to take place. He began running up the stairs but that didn't stop his mother before he could get too far Walburga had grabbed hold of his collar and began cutting. Sirius thrashed and cried and begged for her not to cut his hair but she did anyway, she didn't even care for the cuts she left on him as he tried to get her to stop
When she was done she simply told him he wasn't her son anymore
She wanted nothing to do with him
And Sirius begged for something he didn't even know what for
He doesn't like shaving but he prefers to be free of hair
He's French, Russian, English, and Romanian
He likes to paint his nails black
Sirius LOVES shiny things
Like they make him so happy and giddy
Sirius also LOVES his motorbike
His favorite article of clothing is his leather jacket which is somehow still in pristine condition despite the fact Sirius basically wears it in the shower he has it on so much
Loves jewelry
Winter is his fav season
His love language is actually quality time closely followed by physical touch
He's very affectionate after he loves and trusts you completely
Despite all the abuse he suffered with his family Sirius actually really misses his mom bc she wasn't all bad
Walburga suffered the same abuse as a child and after Sirius found that out it made things even harder for him because she knew
She knew what it felt like to have this happen and she still chose to do this to him
Sirius was actually her favorite son and one of the ways she would punish him was giving all her attention to Regulus whilst giving him the cold shoulder
That always broke Sirius and he'd beg for his mother's forgiveness and attention
Sometimes if Walburga was feeling nice and his father wasn't home which was rarely ever but it did happen occasionally Walburga would allow Sirius to crawl in bed with her and lie his head on her chest while she combed her fingers through his hair
Despite the affection this still hurt Sirius because she'd never look at him, and she wouldn't even acknowledge when he spoke to her. Never returning his declaration of love so he learned to accept her seldom affection in silence
Walburga was somehow even harsher after these times as she learned to view love and affection as a weakness
Chronic ice eater
Loves music
Extremely talented singer
His mother forced him to learn piano and he hates that he likes it
Taught himself to play the guitar
He has a little book where he writes out songs, he's embarrassed of them and the only person who even knows about it is James
Suffers from Borderline Personality Disorder and James has been his FP for fucking ever
He also suffered from Survivor's guilt thinking about what happened to Regulus after he left
His relationship with James is way passed platonic but it's also not romantic either
He has very thin patience and gets frustrated quickly
Speaks French, Latin, and Russian fluently
Sirius hates labels
If you're his, your his
If he likes you, he likes you
That's just Sirius
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l3viat8an · 11 months
The amount of Racism is spreading so damn severely and my fingers hurt. I cant keep typing, I am trying to spread awareness with my voice, but girlie. I already used my voice to scream to a bunch of songs and shii. Cant handle it bbg😭. I wish i can pay for everyone's therapy to all the cringe but i can't even buy that controversial ass Unbrush.
Anyway, i was imagining MC who talks ALOT. They say, "Oh my God" or "The devil is a lie" maybe even "I will fight until Jesus touches earth again".
Or literally just any type of funny religious sayings😭🤭
Hiii sugar!! Gods my fingers hurt from typing and I’m so damn tired of just life in general right now 😭 *sighhh* but we must keep going!!! Tho I’m not sure how much therapy would even help anymore hskshsj and the amount of videos I’ve seen of that unbrush lately is crazyyyy like I thought it was just a hair brush jsjsjjs
About the MC saying stuff like ‘Oh god.’ and other funny religious stuff!!- I always imagine the characters yelling at MC like “Language!” or “Mind your language.” cuz obviously in hell that would be goofy lolol
‘n!!! Now I’m gonna get some snacks, something hot to drink might get coffee not tea tho and absolutely watch demon slayer lolol (I get it jshsjs and I am a whole season behind 😔) oooor a really good and funny anime is ‘the vampire dies in no time’ legit my favorite anime to watch when I’m in a bad mood!! I’ve been just living, tbh not much to say honestly life’s a lil boring just going to work and classes day in and day out rn 🧍🏼‍♀️but how have you been???
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mcdonaldsnumberone · 1 year
NEW GAME ALERT 🫡 Assign a song to each of your tumblr friends?? 💪
IM SORRY FOR TAKING FOREVER W THIS AOUGHGHGHHGHGH im rlly bad at answering asks on time 🤡 anyways without further ado (buckle up for mostly kpop)
@pernonix: cliche but it has to be cast me a spell by mili! perno is like The mahoyaku mutual for me so it's only natural that i associate the mhyk theme song w them AHAHAHA if i had to give a non-mhyk song, it'd be in&out by red velvet!
@pocasu: AOUGHGHGH ion my beloved 🫶 suit dance by onlyoneof is the song i'd give them! it's got the suave elegant #swag that i associate with them <3 keep serving all that cunt bestie bae we love to see it
@ai-kan1: (grips ai) i give you boy by the boyz! it's super cheerful and fun, which is genuinely the vibe u give off hehe i also think the song is super ace-core which works perfectly well for one of our resident acekissers xoxo
@anzepanpan/@venushotline: i'm giving you new by yves (loona)! this is actually my favorite loona solo and i stand by it when i say yves only makes music for hot girls <3 it's classy, it's girly, it's got the pretty girl energy dia embodies perfectly!
@senqv: your song is sunny side up by red velvet! i kinda associate you with a sweet, lackadaisical energy, and i think this is the perfect kaiserkisser enemies to lovers thing (pov im delusional) im thinking of <3 we love to see it nyehe
@tartppola: im giving you by other ace anthem, which is we must love by onf! our taste is impeccable and our shady smut peddling dms are even more tasteful. keep kissing adeuce and letting me beat u up w love &lt;3 also liar liar by oh my girl is my deuce anthem so im tacking that onto u as well
@scornelious: hello tv :] my song for you is meddle about by chase atlantic! this is what u get for being my resident aikukisser. im sorry i have to. i didnt want to assign you a machine gun kelly song, so ur getting chase atlantic instead. love u to pieces muah hehe
@pearly-elain: elain my bbg (fuckboy lipbite /j) i'd be doing u dirty if i didnt give u a girlboss anthem! so im giving you snapping by chungha <3 please dont grill kaiser too hard i still need him sort of alive if i wanna continue by whiteboykissing
@sophiethewitch1: im assigning you villain by stella jang! it's so preppy and mature, and i think that suits you very well! i love seeing u in pitlock, and i think the nuanced nature of the song is very sophiecore in my opinion :]
@takumipineapplexd: taku babe u are love o'clock by wjsn! it's the perfect teenage-girl daydream heartthrob crush song, and it fits your vibe to a T! love seeing u being delulu and love smacking u into the ground with said delulu
@spadecentral: im giving you hula hoop by loona! it's such a cute, fast-paced bubblegum song, and that's generally the vibes i always get from you when we talk! thanks for always being supportive of my interests, and keep brightening my day lovely!!
@antiv3nom: POPPET <3 you are getting wow by loona! it's another banger song, very cute very fun very dancey! i wanted to give u smth more creative than slapping on some videogame-themed kpop song, so loona it is 🫡
@yaakultt: aough anyone who has been on my blog for like . longer than 3 seconds knows that i am Not the biggest fan of newjeans but i truly mean this when u give me immaculate hype boy by newjeans vibes! it's the girlypop, chillax big sis vibes yanno? only the cool girls get assigned newjeans songs by mac :]
@katasstrophy: ur song is so what by loona (can u tell im an orbit ADKGKJSD)! it's so loud and unapologetic and layered, it's the perfect bad bitch song for none other than the baddest of them all <3 thank u for feeding me so well w kaiser thoughts always hehe
@leiqi: ur getting superhuman by nct! idk why but i keep associating nct with u 💀 and this song for some reason but its ok!! its a super fun song that fits a super fun person, and i love how u always indulge in my delulu ass tbz x bllk thoughts HAHA
@kruinka: hello kaiserkisser :) you're getting picassO by onlyoneof! it's such a beautiful sensual artsy song, which is perfect for The kaiserartist of tumblr dot com! i love seeing ur art, and i cant wait till i get to commission u again!
@torufilms: im giving u the One and Only heart attack by chuu! it's cutesy and fun and so so so huggable, which sums up everything about you so well! even ur acc theme is adorable, so i think heart attack rlly is the cherry on top <3
@gloriium: your song is to heart by fromis9! it's a super heartfelt coming-of-age song and i cant help but think abt how well it'd fit ur yumeship w sebek :] it's so pure and catchy and innocent, and it's definitely a song i associate with you!
@earthtooz: my song for you is change up by seventeen! you're like a spark of joy to see, so naturally, my song for u is something that matches that high-tension energy! you never fail to make me crack up, so i adore having u around!
@aanobrain: every time i see u, all i can think abt is the tag u left abt me almost making u like kaiser, so i just Have to give u gaslighting by onlyoneof! the enemies to lovesr arc before becoming a fullfledged kaiserkisser is a rite of passage <3 u'll become like us soon enough
@hammannii: man there's like . a bajillion songs i cld give u, but i am assigning you with begin by jungkook! i think it's a good testimonial song to our . unconventional friendship, and i hope we continue indulging (read: bullying) each other!
@notaliarr: hello kaiserkisser :) your song is the stealer by the boyz! it's such a slutty yet like . oddly yearnful song? and if that doesnt sum up kaiser–and by association, you–then i dont know what does <3 i love seeing ur art, and i always gobble it up
@hyomaluvr: my song for u is rococo by iz*one! i remember u mentioning them being ur ults, and rococo is one of my favorite songs by the group :) have fun with ur dangans and ronpas or whatever, and ill be back to smack u over the head w kuroo at some point
@chaosinanutshell: your song is dkdk by fromis9! can u tell im a sucker for cutesy pop? it's so whimsical yet endearing, and that's the sorta vibe i get from you! i love seeing u pop into my inbox and im so so sorry for being so bad at answering ur asks, but ur effort doesnt go unnoticed here!!!
@itshis: i'm assigning you get it by pristin v! it's such a good song, and it's so pussyslay just like u <3 i look up to u a lot, so im always excited to see u on my dash and to see whatever it is ur up to! im cheering u on zari!!
@by-moonflower: i salute to the backbone of kaisernation 🫡 my pick is velvet by exid! it's such a chill, sensual grown-woman-ass song (im so sorry i wish i cld be more elegant) which is genuinely the kind of vibes i always get from u. like the red-wine-rich-aunt-poetry-night sort of aesthetic, yanno?
@aiixen: your art is sOOOO cute!! i love seeing ur oc smmmmm im giving u flash by rocket punch! ur art is always so smooth n yummy n i wanna shove it into my mouth like taffy (pov i have the impulse control of a toddler)
@echarie: your assigned song is orbit by jonghyun! your bllk takes are so big brained (like u deadass predicted lorenzo being a major character before any of us did, and im excited to see what role drago might play!), and i love hearing ur input!
@daiseukiis: my pick for you is eve, psyche, and bluebeard's wife by lesserafim! it's the "it girl" song, the boss bitch song, the hot girl summer song if u will :3c keep doing ur thing and slaying, cuz we love to see it!
@00fabulous/@doki-doki-imagines: your song is love on the floor by nct! our dms are . A HOT MESS so to say, and it's uncanny how well our thoughts match up HAHAHA it's real genius to genius (read: clown to clown) communication up in this bitch
last but not least @ayushipop: my sharty bae, my babagrill, my mark to my lee <3 your song is irreplaceable by nct! it'd be illegal of me to give u any other song after ive heard u going apeshit over teehee go drown oingo boingo in a vat of water for me <3 hope u get unbanned from twt soon and have a safe trip <3
if i missed anyone, pls dont take it personally! as u can tell, this was a longass list, so im bound to accidentally let a few people fall thru the cracks 🤡
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