#Aye aye Captain Kai
em1e · 1 year
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ᶻz feat. draken + mikey + ran !!
tokyo revengers && haircare
☓ they let u touch their hair !! ran's is a lil suggestive :3
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ᶻz・ken ryuguji ‘draken’
⠀ ⬤ and helping upkeep his dark dye job.
“your roots are coming in.” you hum out with a tap to his forehead. 
draken swats your hand away with a grimace, standing from his kneeling position in front of the bike he was fixing while wiping his hands on the rag he keeps in his belt loop, “yeah? ‘ve been meaning to get some dye.” 
you smile, “can i do it?” 
“you gotta dying degree?, his eyes narrow to slits, quick to ask. 
“cosmetology degree,” you correct, unwavering, “and how hard can it be? you seem to do just fine.” 
“i’ve been doing it for a couple years.” he rolls his eyes, “and it’s so dark, i dunno how good of a job you’ll do.” 
“tomato, tomato.” you wave off, “what brand do you get? i’ll stop by the store and grab a box before you’re home.”  
he doesn’t have it in him to argue - not when you’re giving him such a big grin and those puppy-dog eyes - he can’t say no. 
“revlon,” he relents, “but if you mess up you’re never doin’ it again.” 
“aye aye captain.” you giggle, standing on your toes to press a quick kiss to his lips before you’re practically skipping out of the garage.
when he comes back to your shared home, you’re sitting in the living room, a towel in the middle of the floor with one of the dining room chairs set in the center of it. he raises an eyebrow at it, and you hold up the box with a smile. 
draken changes from his work clothes while you mix the bowl of dye. he ends up sitting in the chair while you drape an old hand towel around his neck and press a kiss to his nose when you’re satisfied with the placement. 
“try not to get it in my scalp, yeah?” he grimaces at how dark the color is, suddenly very aware of each stroke you put onto his head despite you being mindful of each part you section off before moving to the next. it takes you maybe thirty minutes before you’re satisfied, making sure to use what dye remains to blend it in with the rest of his hair. you give another kiss to his forehead when you’re finished, and grimace when your nose presses into the still very wet dye. 
draken wipes away the little dot smeared on the tip of your nose with the corner of the hand towel, smiling at how you perk up at such a little interaction. 
“‘kay, it has to stay on for 25 minutes and then you can rinse it out.” 
“i know,” he laughs, “i do this like once a month.” 
you pinch his shoulder with a huff, “i was just reminding you.” 
draken stays in the chair as the 25 minutes pass, worried about dripping dye on your brand new carpet, and lets you help him wash it out when the time comes, leaning over the edge of the bathtub while you run water and shampoo and conditioner over his hair. 
you towel it try while he sits on the toilet, pressing a kiss to his forehead when you’re finished and smiling at how well of a job you’ve done. 
“none on your scalp.” you hum out, stepping back when he stands to look at himself in the mirror. you adore him like this, hair down and falling over his shoulders. he runs a hand through the still slightly damp hair, examining with the critique of a college professor.
then he gives you a toothy grin, brushing some fallen pieces out of his face, “you did good. might have to make this a habit.” 
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ᶻz・manjiro sano ‘mikey’ 
⠀ ⬤ and letting you put his hair into different styles.
mikey was practically purring while you ran your fingers through his messy blond hair. 
the sensation of your fingertips against his scalp was magical, leaving him to bonelessly slumping against you while you part and section as you please, and despite you tapping his shoulder multiple times and mumble something about him needing to stay sitting up straight so you can properly fix his hair, he always ends up in the same position. 
it makes your job twenty times harder, tying up his pretty locks at an awkward angle and having to redo it multiple times when it’s uneven, and part of you suspects maybe he’s doing it on purpose - the need to have your fingers in his hair ever present with the sighs that fall from his lips. 
still, you do as well as you can, and press a soft kiss to the top of his head when you’re finished. 
he doesn’t have to look in the mirror to know you’ve done a good job. his body goes even limper to lean his full weight against you, sighing softly as you wrap your arms around his waist and hook your head over his shoulder. 
“how’s it look?” he asks more out of courtesy, since you did just spend the last twenty minutes doing whatever it is you’ve decided to do to his head. 
“cute.” you answer with a smile, “wanna see?” 
he hums, eyes closing when the warmth that radiates from you seeps into his back. he really doesn’t want to move.
and it’s as if you can see into the future - having already brought over a small hand mirror for him to look into when you grabbed the various hair ties and clips that are currently in his hair. you offer it to him gently, and he takes it with one eye open, head tilting as he takes in his new style. 
it is cute, he can admit. small colorful butterfly clips sat mixed into the usual half-up hairdo he normally wears. 
“you did good.” he turns his head slightly to give you a small peck on the cheek, smiling when he sees the blush that flares from the spot as if he’s burned you. 
“thanks.” your voice is quiet, but giddy. happy he’s happy. 
he sets the mirror face down onto his stomach, closing his eyes and letting himself relax in your embrace. some stray clips poke into the back of his head, but he can’t really find it in himself to care when the air around you brings such peace. 
he thinks he could stay like this forever, laying with whatever silly decorations in his hair if it means you’ll stay there, too. 
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ᶻz・ran haitani
⠀ ⬤ and braiding his stupidly dyed hair.
“you are so annoying,” you groan out, undoing the entirety of the braid you’ve just done when ran turns his head to face you with a grin. 
“what?” he asks innocently, as if he hasn’t been the reason you’ve spent thirty minutes on his hair and still haven’t gotten a single braid finished. 
you replace the hair tie on your wrist, twisting him to face forward by his cheeks to restart, “we were supposed to leave twenty minutes ago. rindou is gonna kill me if we’re late to this stupid dinner.” 
his grin falters at the mention of his brother’s name, turning to face you fully despite your protests, “who cares ‘bout him. you ‘nd i can have plenty of fun without goin’ to that dinner with him.”
the look you set him with would send any normal person running, but ran haitani has seen it all. death doesn’t scare him as much as it probably should, and neither does the way your eyes are scanning over his face. 
“it’s his birthday.” you settle for instead, forcing him to turn back around so you can start over with a frustrated sigh. 
“he ‘nd i already celebrated.” he says dismissively, turning back around despite you clicking your tongue and dropping your hands into your lap with another sigh. 
your aggravation is palpable, clear with the crease in your brows, “ran, i’m serious. i still need to get dressed and the reservation is five minutes from now and the place is almost fifteen if we speed-” 
he shuts you up with a kiss, pulling you towards him with a desperation that has your eyes fluttering closed and returning it as if it’s something as natural as breathing. your hands come up to tangle in his hair, fingertips meeting the hair tie still separating the half of it from the rest, and you pull. far harder than necessary, and it has him pulling away from you with a groan. 
it’s enough to tug the hair tie out completely, and you’re satisfied with the way his mixed colors fall over his shoulders and frame his face. 
the grin he gives you is sharp, all teeth and teasing, and your eyebrows raise with a pointed finger, “no ran. you are going to this dinner with your hair down and i am going to get dressed.” you slide out from behind him as quickly as your body will allow, already in the process of stripping off your shirt to put on the clothes you’ve set out previously. 
“c’mon babe, we’re already gonna be late.” his arms wrap around your bare torso, teeth pressing into your shoulder from how hard he’s grinning, “what’s a few extra minutes? s’not like he’ll be alone, izana ‘nd the others’ll be there to keep him company.” 
“ran.” your voice is warning, but you’re letting him pull you towards the bed and your resolve falters with each second he’s holding you. you are already late anyways. what’s twenty more minutes?
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tytarax · 7 months
I see you open Requests. So i shall ask.
No romance. But comedy. How will Alastor act when he meets gn reader who is pirate ex-overlord. Im talking pirate slang and everything. They are the captain of their ship. Having a funny crew and everything.
Thanks for this request, I really enjoyed writing it!
Also gave me a reason for reading the book my brother gifted me last year, "A General History of the Pyrates" (Recommended btw)
I wrote a "short" one-shot with some hcs at the end.
I hope you enjoy it as much as I did!
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Context: You are an ex-overlord, the pirate demon to be exact. You tend to sail through hell with your trusty crew on their ship, Sapphire, a ghost ship like the Flying Dutchman. When you were an overlord that was your way of announcing yourself, ready to conquer a new territory of the pentagram. Now, you only cause panic, and all the demons flee before your presence, even though you no longer cause wars or collect more souls.
-Some years before the Hazbin Hotel opened-
The salty breeze whistled through the ethereal sails of the Sapphire, the flying ghost ship that sailed the skies with an otherworldly grace. Its crew, a spirited bunch of specters and souls, worked together under the command of their captain, a lively and charismatic demon named Captain _____, with a sense of camaraderie and mischief that echoed through the ages.
As night fell, the crew gathered on the deck, surrounded by the glow of ghostly lanterns. They raised their spectral tankards in a toast to their latest adventure, the echoes of laughter mingling with the creaking of the ship.
"Arr, me hearties!" The captain exclaimed, their voice carrying over the sound of the wind. "Another successful raid, thanks to this fine crew o' mine!"
The crew cheered, their voices filled with the thrill of the chase and the promise of plunder. They gathered around a makeshift table, laden with ghostly grog and ethereal food, and began to swap tales of past escapades.
"Do ye remember the time we outsmarted ol' Davy Jones himself?" one crewmate exclaimed, raising a tankard.
"Aye, that we did!" another replied, clapping the speaker on the back. "And what about the time we stole the moon's reflection from the sea?"
The crew erupted into laughter, the memories of their adventures bonding them together like family. They drank and sang, the joy of the moment banishing the shadows of their past lives.
Captain _____ joined in the revelry, their laughter ringing out like a bell. They regaled their crew with stories of their own, of battles won and treasures found, each tale more fantastical than the last.
As the night wore on, the crew's voices grew hoarse from laughter and song. They staggered to their hammocks, spirits high and hearts full, grateful for another day of freedom on the high skies.
Suddenly, a mysterious figure appeared on the deck of the Sapphire—Alastor, the infamous Radio Demon. Despite the supernatural nature of the ship and its crew, Alastor seemed right at home, his charismatic presence filling the air with a crackling energy.
The captain greeted him with a knowing smile. "Well, well, well, look who's decided to join us on our little jaunt through the skies. What brings ye to our humble haunt, Alastor?"
Alastor chuckled, his radio-like voice blending with the wind. "I couldn't resist the allure of the legendary Sapphire and its crew of spectral scallywags, along with their powerful overlord captain. I must say, you're quite the spectacle. I was just passing by, dear."
“Oh, 'kay then, make yerself comfortable.”
The crew, intrigued by their guest, gathered around as Alastor regaled them with tales of his exploits from the land of the living and the dead. They shared ghostly grog and spectral snacks, swapping stories long into the night.
As the moon rose high in the sky, casting an eerie glow over the clouds, Alastor bid the crew farewell, disappearing into the night with a promise to return. The crew watched him go, their ghostly forms shimmering in the moonlight, filled with a newfound appreciation for the enigmatic Radio Demon.
And so, the Sapphire continued its journey through the skies.
Years had passed since the Sapphire last touched down on solid ground, but the flying ghost ship remained as majestic and mysterious as ever. _____ guided their crew through the skies, seeking adventure wherever the wind carried them.
One day, the Sapphire descended upon the grounds of the infamous Hazbin Hotel, its ghostly form shimmering in the light of the setting sun. The crew, eager for a change of scenery, followed their captain as they disembarked, their laughter and banter filling the air.
As they entered the hotel, the crew's antics drew curious glances from the residents.
“Oh, hello there! You must be the pirate demon! I’m Charlie-”
“Oh, yer Charlie Morningstar, aren’t ya? Nice to meet you, lady.” _____ said. Right before, an angelic spear was pointing to their head. While all the crew prepared their weapons, _____ stopped them.
“What do you want?” Said the young girl who was holding the spear.
“Don’t worry yerself, lily-livered landlubber! We’re just passing through, seeking for a place to rest for a while” _____ said as the crew laughed at the nickname. One of the crew guys, Mackra, yelled from his spot “That’s right, we're not going to fight ye, woman!”
“How can we trust you?” She answered back. “Hahaha, dead men tell no tales, lady! I’m not longa an overlord!”
Alastor watched from the shadows, initially taken aback when encountering _____, the pirate ex-overlord along with their spirited crew. He approached _____, a sly grin on his face, but maintained his aloof and mysterious demeanor.
"Ah, the captain of the Sapphire graces us with their presence," Alastor said, his voice carrying a hint of amusement. "What brings you to the Hazbin Hotel, I wonder? Seeking redemption, or just passing through?"
______ smiled, shaking their head. "No redemption for me, I'm afraid. Just a brief respite from the skies. Besides, I hear your hotel is quite the... lively place."
Alastor chuckled, nodding in agreement. "Indeed, it is. Well, enjoy your stay, dear. And should you ever tire of the skies, you're always welcome here."
As _____ settled into the Hazbin Hotel alongside their crew, they couldn't help but feel grateful for the adventures of their past and the enduring camaraderie of their spectral companions. And though the skies still called to them, for now, they were content to rest and revel in the company of their new comrades.
Some hcs:
Alastor may make a few sly comments or observations in his characteristic style, but he doesn't fully engage with pirate slang. “Avast ye!”, “Landlubber”, “Hornswaggle”, that sorta thing.
Despite being an ex-overlord, you have a rather peculiar and humorous crew. Alastor greatly enjoys the chaotic and extravagant interactions of the crew. He may offer a few dry remarks or sarcastic quips about the crew's behavior.
Alastor respects your leadership abilities but doesn't attempt to mimic them. Instead, he observes how you handle your crew and situations, perhaps offering subtle advice or commentary when asked.
You have sometimes invited Alastor to take rides on your ship, which he gladly accepts.
The adventures you and Alastor embark on are more subdued and focused, with Alastor using his skills and knowledge to help navigate challenges more seriously, albeit with a hint of dark humor.
While Alastor maintains a mere professional relationship with the reader, he may develop a begrudging respect for your abilities since he has more respect for the overlords or ex-overlords older than him and occasionally shows a more lighthearted side.
Overall, Alastor retains his mysterious and enigmatic nature while still allowing for moments of humor and camaraderie with you.
Hazbin Hotel Masterlist
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loving-azerath · 11 months
No one asked for this. HOWEVER As a person with ADHD who gets the zoomies when I am overly tired. Here is the list of headcanons of how I think our COD men that I can't get enough of would react to you having the Zoomies :)
(This is inspired by something I did with a Konig bot....so uhhh....leave me alone about it?? KAY THANKS LETS GOOOOOO
Captain John PleaseCureMyDaddyIssues Price
The man adores you. He would laugh at your antics, and beam at you as you laughed at things that aren't funny but for some reason are really getting you fucking cackling tonight. He would find words that worsen your laughing fits and would say them right when you calmed down just so that you will laugh again and grab onto him in your fit. He would ADORE that you are so fucking cute when you get like this. John would also record them sometimes, if you were being real rowdy so he had blackmail and so that he could watch them when he's deployed just to beam at the phone because he misses your zoomies. You were in bed beside him one night, giggling because of something he had said. The giggle never stopped giving him the tell tale sign that you were about to get the zoomies.
"Uh oh Love, should I take cover?" He would ask and you would laugh and shake your head.
"No, it's fine. I'm fine. I am just tired." You would say and then start laughing again which would make him grin.
"Doesn't sound like you are fine. Sounds like I am about to get hit with a pillow and called curses that would make my men blush" He would poke and you would drop your jaw in false offense grabbing your pillow and slamming it on him.
"You fucking twat waffle what the fuck" You would say which he would chuckle at. If you tried to playfight this man...he would restrain you very playfully and yes you two would fuck. #AfterZoomiesPeePawDick
Johnny Soap Dial Mactavish
This man would get the zoomies with you! You think that he isn't laughing at the same shit? He would be wheezing he is laughing so hard. Some nights you two would be on one for so long that by the time you both actually stopped passing around the laughing fit it was near three AM and you had to work the next day. Worth it though because you LOVED those moments with him. Some jokes would make him laugh even the next day though when he would tell them to his friends at work they would NOT find what you two found so fucking funny it kept you up. That amusing. Sometimes when it was only you though, to start, he would make jokes aimed to drive you further into madness.
"Ay, bonnie baby I got a joke for ya" He would say which you ALWAYS fell for because you loved his fucking jokes.
"Tell me"
"Why was the Strawberry crying?" He would ask, and you would try to hold in laughter that was already bubbling in your throat and trying to escape.
"Why?" You asked, squeaky because you were trying SO FUCKING HARD NOT TO LAUGH.
"Because it was in a jam" He would say, which would have you rolling. Like full on clutching your stomach and every fucking time you would get air you would just repeat the last word. And laugh again. "Ghost loved that one too"
Simon PleasefuckmeGhost Riley
The man LIVED FOR THIS SHIT. When I tell you that he would watch you with so much love and fucking admiration. He would find this adorable 10/10. Like I picture him not showing it on his face much because I reckon he is a bit controlled with his facial expressions. But he would for sure just watch as you zoomed around him. He would also take videos and watch them on deployment because the thought of never seeing those zoomies again made him a tad sad. So he would do it when he missed you. Though you liked to playfight with this man and he would playfight back. He would throw you around and then eventually you would just fuck. He would pin you and you would tease him and he would rail you into next week where you would do the same thing again. <3 One night where you had a long day dealing with customers. You were tired but the zoomies called and you always answered with an enthusiastic cackle. Twas time to annoy your husband.
"Don't start with me" He would say, the look on your face clued him in. The stance. The energy. The small giggle. "No....don't fucking start with me"
"I don't know what you are referring to. I don't start anything. I am an angel" You would say and he would scoff
"Angel of fucking Chaos maybe." He would say "No...DON'T YOU FUC- I will throw you on your ass- LOVE, THINK ABOUT THIS"
It was too late. You were already throwing a mean false jab to his (untraumatized) ribcage. Which he would counter by grabbing you and throwing you onto the bed. Grabbing the pillow you would slap it across his body but he always grabbed it from you. Tossing it to the side. Until you were out of pillows. Only then would you unleash...the jump attack. Which he always caught as well. Slamming you right back into the bed.
"Thought I said not to start with me" He would say and you would giggle
"I'll fuck you up you Spooky bitch" You would quip which would make him laugh but he would also take it as it was. A fucking threat. And how did he handle threats from you?
He would fuck you. That's how. He would fuck you...you silly bitch.
Kyle Gaz littleBritishShit Garrick
He's a switch. I don't mean in the sexual way though probably there too. The man gives I would be on my knees in the shower eating you out vibes. However, in this case sometimes he would join in on your zoomies and other times he would watch. If he was joining in, you both would be slamming each other with pillows. You would try to pull the blanket over his head and he would body slam you into the bed. Sometimes if you were tickling him (Gaz is ticklish idc) he would accidentally throw you off the bed. One time you did hurt yourself and you both still laugh about it. On times that you are not joined he would make fun of you. He would make jokes and wait until you were almost asleep to make you laugh and each time you would break and you would slap his shoulder and his arm and he would pretend that it hurt.
"OW! You fuckin heathen" He would say which would make you snort
"HEATHEN? Who uses HEATHEN ANYMORE?! Are you from the 1800's?" You would ask and he would roll his eyes
"Piss off mate! You're being a gremlin and you know it! You just punched my shoulder!" He would retort.
"Have you tried not being a little bitch about it?" You would ask and he would chuckle
"Have you tried pissin off?"
"Yeah I piss off my boyfriend all the time" You shrug and then punch him again. Which turn into you on top of him. Pretending to punch while he pretends to block and plead under you making you laugh. Can you guess where this heads? Yeah bitch you get fucked.
Keegan P(ussy destroyer 2000) Russ
He would for sure watchyou for a while with a cocked head and an arched brow. He would laugh with you and would for sure record that shit and send it to you the next day. Only to be like like. "You're a fucking weirdo and I love that shit". I also think that he would without a fucking doubt call them crackhead hours. I don't know why that feels right. But I feel it would go like this. You would start your zoomies right, which would bring fear into this mans heart but amusement into his eyes and blood to his dick.
"Oh no" He would say
"Crackhead hours are upon us" He would deapan which would make you flip him off.
"Fuck you, I am not a crackhead" You would argue. "I don't do crack"
"Doll you are acting like a crackhead." He would state. Which would offend you. Which would start a playfight. He would also probably I feel get annoyed if you tried to fight him. He would for sure pin you in like two seconds because he wants you to stop trying to egg him on. He wouldn't want you to actually get a hit in because he was too confident to even defend himself against your weak ass punches. SO he would most def just pin you and then with consent of course fuck your brains out. :) Keegan gives GREAT crackhead hours dick.
König CouldShoveMeInTheDryerOnHighestSetting.
LISTEN! He loves the Zoomies and he finds them adorable. He is obsessed with you when you have the Zoomies. He likes how easy it is to make you laugh so hard you are crying. He likes how your face turns red from laughing so hard. He does playfight back but rarely and if he does he barely puts effort in because he DOES NOT WANT TO HURT YOU. He would most likely also record as well. He doesn't just watch them on deployment though he would watch them ANYTIME he missed you. Even if he was at work for a single hour he would pull out his phone to see the latest zoomies. Which his reaction to for the first time was hilarious. He was chuckling at your antics.
"what has gotten into you mein liebling?" he would ask with another chuckle
"Gimme your hand" You would order and he would carefully give you his hand which you would bite. Not hard at all, just enough to fix your affection aggression that was riling up your zoomies.
"Why did you bite me?" He asks amused that there was no pain but equally confused. "Did I as least taste good Schatz?"
"I needed a nom"
"A nom?"
"Shit sorry, I'm hyper" You would say "Wanna know what I call these moments?" You would ask, literally so amused with yourself you could hardly keep it contained.
"What is it Mein Engel, what do you call it?" he asks turning to you completely. Your energy having completely gotten his attention you were already giggling. Barely keeping the laugh behind your lips.
"Zoomies" You say cackling and falling into him with amusement which would have him cradling you in your laughing fit.
"Oh mein Engel. You are too precious" He would say. I need this man to fuck me so hard I see beyond this fucking galaxy.
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a-dauntless-daffodil · 7 months
pulling out of the angst listening to "A Pirate Today" for the chaggie spear kid and tripping directly into them and vaggie being pirate nerds together while disney princess charlie SUFFERS
Billy: “Mom? How come mom has a super cool epic eyepatch, and no one else at the hotel does?”
Charlie: “Be-caaauuse she’s… missing an eye?”
Billy: “Oh! Why’s it missing?”
Charlie: “Uh.”
Billy: “Did someone TAKE it?”
Charlie: “Well-”
Billy: “Are we gonna get it back for her?”
Charlie: “That's a nice thought but I don’t think-”
Billy: “Was it glass, like a marble? Or was it REAL? Did it bleed?? Did someone cut it out of her head with a knife after she refused their dastardly orders and paid the price in her own flesh!? Is that how she met YOU and lost her heart as well!???”
Charlie: “…..”
Charlie: “You’ve been reading Vaggie’s pirate books again, haven’t you.”
Billy: “She says I’m too young to read ‘em.”
Charlie: “Uh-huh. Which one are you on?”
Billy: “The Curse of the Skeleton Crew and the Bedding of Bonnie Bodyripper’s Beautiful Bounty Huntress.”
Charlie: “And the WHAT OF THE WHAT NOW???”
Billy: “There’s a lot of boring parts I skip past… but the fights are AMAZING!”
Charlie: “…I.. think we should get you some of your own pirate books. CHILD APPROPRIATE pirate books.”
Billy: “’kay. But what about mom’s eye. Can we really not get it back for her?”
Charlie: “You’re really hung up on the eye thing tonight huh.”
Billy: “She bumped into a table again.”
Charlie: “Aww, kiddo- she’s done that so many times, she’ll be okay!”
Billy: “… I was the one who’d moved it. And didn’t put it back.”
Charlie: “That’s okay too. Everyone makes mistakes-”
Billy: “It was a pirate ship and she was picking up the old bottles uncle Husky let me use for secret messages, after aunty Angel Dust almost slipped on one in his heels. Mom dropped some when the table bumped her.”
Charlie: “Well sounds like someone forgot to sing their ‘clean up, clean up’ sea shanty song~” (grins)
Billy: (doesn't grin back)
Charlie: (droops) “Did you help her spiff up the ship?”
Billy: “I was TRYING to! I just wanted to hand her a bottle, only I was on the wrong side and she reached out too far and touched my hand and-”
Billy: “…”
Charlie: “…the flinching again?”
Billy: “The bottle broke when she dopped it, that time.”
Charlie: “It’s okay.” (hugs them) “You know it’s not about you, right?”
Billy: “Someone hurt her didn’t they.”
Charlie: “Mm." (hugs tighter) "Vaggie’s had a pretty, adventurous life, even before I met her and we started the whole hotel thing.”
Billy: “Did the person who hurt her look like me?”
Charlie: “Oh baby that’s not why-”
Billy: “So they did.”
Charlie: “NO. Not at all. They don’t have your big smile or silly laugh like you do.” (hugs them closer) “There’s no one anywhere who’s like you, and Vaggie doesn’t want you to be anyone else ever.”
Billy: "Were they a bad person?"
Charlie: "I don't do the whole bad-person good-person. They were. Not nice."
Billy: "Like a pirate?"
Charlie: "I think calling them that'd be an insult. To the pirates."
Billy: “….was mom a pirate with them?”
Charlie: “She… she’s more of a pirate now, kinda. One of the good ones.”
Billy: “Saying fuck it to dumb rules and laying it all on the line for her new captain and crew?”
Charlie: (wincing) “I need another talk with your ‘uncle Husky’. Also, Vaggie doesn’t have a captain.”
Billy: “But if the hotel’s her ship, and you founded it, then-”
Charlie: “-then we’re co-captains!”
Billy: “Mom. That’s not how ships work.”
Charlie: “It is on THIS one.”
Billy: “Her being your first mate makes more sense though!”
Charlie: “Noooope! Our ship, our rules. AND our rules still include bedtime!” (scoops them up)
Billy:  (grumbling) “There’s gonna be mutiny over this someday…”
Vaggie: (slipping out of the shadows) “Aye, but not until you’re old enough to yell about it not being a phase, apparently. Ye scallywag.”
Charlie: “I STILL can’t believe dad told you about that.”   
Billy: “Mom! I-” (shyly) “…sorry about the ship. And the, glass and the stuff.”
Vaggie: “More of a shipwreck, yeah? Don't worry.” (smiles) (holds up note) “The broken bottle had a message in it.”
Billy: “Oh that’s-!”
Vaggie: “It’s got SEKRET written on it, in something that’s probably not blood-”
Billy: “Aunt Niffty helped with that.”
Vaggie: “…written in something that’s probably just rat blood...”
Charlie: (groans) “Great. More ‘child appropriate environment’ talks.”
Billy: “Heheh.”
Vaggie: “Anyway, here.” (hands over note) “Pirates respect each other’s secrets.”
Billy: (gingerly taking it without touching her) “No they don’t? None of the ones in your books do.”
Vaggie: “My books- sweetie, which my books?”
Charlie: “Bonnie Bodyripper.”
Billy: “Curse of the Skeleton Crew!!!”
Vaggie: “Oh thank ff…eather dusters…. Not one of the wild ones then.”
Charlie: “THAT’S not a wild one!?”
Vaggie: (shrug) (at kid) “Did Bonnie Bodyripper read the bounty huntresses letter when she found it lying on the cabin floor while looking for her clothes?”
Billy: “No…”
Billy: “She’d’ve seen the betrayal coming sooner and could’ve stopped it, if she had.”
Vaggie: “But she wanted to trust the huntress. You read the ending?”
Billy: “It’s the best part! The huntress swings in and saves her! They kill SO MANY guards together and blow up a SHIP and and and-”
Vaggie: “Yeah okay right, uhhhhh- the actual ending. On the last page.”
Billy: “Bonnie says she fell in love with a huntress who could hurt her and she was okay with that.”
Charlie: “Ehhh.”
Billy: “It’s like with the sea, mom. There were parts of the huntress maybe Bonnie’d never find out about, and she was okay with that too! Because the parts she did know were something the huntress had shared with her.”
Charlie: “Aww, that’s…”
Billy: “And then they wrestle.”
Charlie: “…still not something you should be reading yet, yep.”
Billy: “What’s boring wrestling have to do with anything?”
Vaggie: “Forget the wrestling. Point is, people hurt each other sometimes, sweetie." (tickles them with a wing) "What matters it what they do after.”
Billy: “Heh!" (wiggles) (grins) "Did the person who took your eye say sorry afterwards?”
Vaggie: “….”
Vaggie: “No.”
Billy: “Okay.” (thinks for a moment) “So I’m not like them.”
Charlie: “MUCH cuter.”
Vaggie: “You… are stalling, you sea rat.”
Billy: “No ‘m not!”
Vaggie: “Bellow decks and into bed with you.”
Billy: “Where’d you get the eyepatch??”
Charlie: “That’s a story for tomorrow, kiddo! Bedtime is crucial to a child’s development!”  
Billy: “I’m enveloped I’m enveloped! Pleeease just five more minutes-!”
Vaggie: “Nuh-uh, you heard your mom. Captain’s orders.”
Charlie: “Don’t you start.”
Vaggie: “Babe, it really doesn’t make sense for there to be two captains at one time.”
Billy: “HA!”
Charlie: “What does it even matter anyway? We’re running a hotel, not an actual ship-”
Vaggie: “And I’m the hotel manager, which makes me your first mate.”
Billy: “See mom? TOLD you!”
Charlie: “But you’d look good in that fancy captain’s outfit!”
Billy: “Oh so that’s why you stare at mom’s book covers before confiscating them..”
Vaggie: “Charlie, it’s not about who looks good in it- It’s about division of duties onboard and proper crew management-”
Billy: “Tell her!”  
Charlie: “This is a hotel!”
Vaggie: “Guest management. Whatever.”
Charlie: “You just like that I’D be the one in the long coat and ruffles!”
Vaggie: “It’s a perk. But that’s not the point.”
Charlie: “This whole thing doesn’t have any point to it and if I’m captain then I can just promote you to captain too so HA!”
Vaggie: “Pirate captains are elected, babe.”
Billy: “They’re elected, mom.”
Vaggie: “It’s a popular vote thing.”
Billy: “I think maybe YOU need to read the books too, instead of just going gooey eyed over the covers.”
Charlie: “I’m starting to think no one in this family should be reading them…”
Vaggie: “Fine. Let’s vote on it.”
Charlie: “Oh come on!”
Billy: “All in favor of being historically accurate hotel pirates say aye!”
Vaggie: “Aye.”
Billy: “Aye!”
Charlie: “ARGH!”
Billy: “Out voted~”
Vaggie: (pats charlie’s shoulder) “Good job getting into the spirit of things though.”
Billy: “Pirates didn’t really go ‘Arrg’ did they?”
Charlie: “Well THIS one sure does.” (leads the way to bedtime) “What’s the point of being captain anyway if you don’t win any arguments?”
Vaggie: “We’ll let you win the next one. Pirate’s oath.”
Charlie: (sighing) “Argh…”
Billy: “You mean. We’ll let her win the next, the-” (giggles) “-the next ARGHument, right?”
Vaggie: (groans)
Charlie: “…okay.” (cracks smile) “THAT'S worth being a pirate for.”
135 notes · View notes
Leftenmost Window bits that drive me to insanity
Sam went into the story and thought "You know what? Female character time"
AJ using myself twice in the same sentence bugs me for some reason help
"But my Egburt isn't a killer" and AJ immediately says a hypothetical that completely ignores what Sam said
"Would you rather be a gardener who has to go to war or a warrior who has to learn how to plant a garden?" SIR WHY ARE YOU ASKING YOUR DAUGHTER THAT? SHE AIN'T GOING TO WAR, SIR, DON'T WORRY
"I think the second one's probably safer 😃👍" YEAH, PROBABLY
"Are you saying that my Egburt is the gardener who's gone to war?" "No, no--" If I had a nickel for every time AJ completely ignores what Sam said just to say a sentence that makes no fucking sense, I'd have 2 nickels. Honestly, it's odd how I only remember it happening twice
"Don't be too hard on father! He gets his words mixed up" Luke came in to save AJ but then screwed him over again on accident with "after that injury in the Boer War in South Africa"
"He promised me he would" MA'AM? MA'AM. THAT'S A BIT SUSPICIOUS, MADAM
"There's only one trench you should be in" Sam. Please. No premarital sex. Wait until you two are married/wait until Egburt comes back alive
Sam mentioning his mother and then her just appearing "Aah! Oh the migraines!"
"Thewomeninourfamilyhavealwayshadagift.." "O..kay?" SAM IS SO CONFUSED BY THIS SHE PROBABLY THINK HER MOTHER'S INSANE (SHE KIND OF IS THOUGH???)
"What are you knitting over there?" "Scarf :)" "For you, Captain Egburt" SAM LEGIT JUST MADE LUKE EGBURT. HE WAS NOT EGBURT. HE WAS NOT SUPPOSED TO BE EGBURT
Odd how Egburt didn't get shot when he stood up but Tom's character did. Same for AJ's character
"How old are you?" HE'S YOUNG. THAT'S ALL YOU NEED TO KNOW 👍
Tom just going "😃!" when he and Sam said Egburt at the same time (Tom has the best expressions I swear) and then immEDIATELY TRYING AGAIN TO SEE IF THEY SAY IT IN SYNC
"Lie down in the--" "NO, GET BACK" but aren't you two ALREADY in the astral plane? Is there an astral astral plane??
"The women in my family have the power to project their consciousnesses across space and time.. Well just space, I've not checked out time" Nah, sis, don't worry, your great great grandson has 👍
"I said I'll come back don't worry and then I kissed her on her forehead" LUKE WAS GOING FOR THE DIVORCE PLOT
"You're a gardener, not a warrior, a gardener!" Ah yes, referencing your father's nonsensical metaphor. At least she understood that part
Hans and Heimlich are such a duo I love them so much. "No no, I don't want to speak to you >:(" Why does it seem like there's more to this than just Hans not letting him drive. Why is there some romantic tension here and the other Hans is just the third wheel
"Just double-checking for the scene.." Hans and Hans' reactions are understandable. What scene are you talking about, Heimlich?
Tom's German soldier not knowing his team. Sir, you have trained with them. What do you mean you don't know that one of them listens to American music?
why did you call your father darling after he called you darling?
"I have a closer relationship with father, he tells me more!" You mean your MOTHER? SHE'S the one who has the powers because the WOMEN of the family have the psychic powers.
Luke did a complete U-turn from the divorce plot. AJ then took the wheel and turned the car back to the divorce plot. Thank God we have Tom to save the plot from being darker than it already is
"And now I return it to my mind because it's- it's good" MADAM? MADAM THAT'S A BIT 𝓯𝓻𝓮𝓪𝓴𝔂, MADAM
TL;DR: Sally is the only Xavier to have a first name mentioned in the play & Mrs. Xavier is a 𝓯𝓻𝓮𝓪𝓴
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violettduchess · 5 months
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A/N: It's been a long haul but it's finally done! Thank you to @lorei-writes for all the encouragement and advice and for helping me take a step into an area of fanfic I never really considered exploring before!
OC Captain Leyla Quinn x Silvio Ricci
Their first meeting
WC: 4k
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The sight of sunlight glistening off the waters of the bay never fails to bring Leyla a sense of calm. The brightness dancing along the wavering surface feels like it echoes through her bones, steadying and strengthening her, as real and solid as the wooden dock beneath her boots or the hand that suddenly clamps down on her shoulder.
What the….
With a sharp intake of air, she turns to find Kai, her trusted Quartermaster, has joined her on the pier. The sunlight winks off his bald head and the gold hoop in his ear. Leyla isn’t a short woman but next to Kai, anyone would feel small. He reminds her of the giant Oak trees found in the forests of his native Obsidian: tall, broad, imposing. He gestures with one muscular arm and the orange kraken tattooed from wrist to elbow undulates with the movement.
“Shipwright says repairs will be done by tomorrow.”
Siren’s Call, her ship, took some minor damage before reaching the Tourmaline port thanks to a particularly nasty storm that harrowed them on the last day of their journey. She knew the damage was minimal but keeping the ship in tip-top shape was one of Leyla’s biggest concerns. She had seen firsthand what could happen when a captain became lackadaisical with the care of their ship and when she had become Siren’s Call’s owner, she vowed to never be so complacent.
She shifts her sky-blue gaze over to where the ship is docked. Several figures can be seen scurrying around the deck. She recognizes several members of her crew and grins slowly when she notices Amani, her boatswain, is among them. 
“Amani's got a handle on things, I’m sure.” Fiery Amani from the mystical land of Tanzanite with her explosion of lilac curls and stormy gray eyes sometimes scares Leyla with how well she knows Siren’s Call, almost as if she and the ship share a mind and a soul. She wouldn’t let them get away with so much as an off-center nail.
Kai’s laughter greets her ears like a roll of jolly thunder. “She’s probably the reason they’re almost done, the little terror.”
“Captain Quinn!”
Leyla and Kai both turn at the same time to see a grizzled man with a thick white beard and skin like aged leather approaching, his arms held out wide in jubilant greeting.
“Rumford, you old pirate!” Leyla’s voice is warm with affection as she claps the old man on the back heartily. Kai’s large hand grips his arm in greeting, his smile also welcoming.
The older man’s green eyes twinkle like sea glass as he nods towards the docks. “Ship’s lookin’ good, Captain. I heard ‘bout your troubles with the storm but it seems Lady Luck still favors ya.”
Leyla throws the dark waves of her hair over her shoulder as she glances at her ship and then back to Rumford who is now leaning against one of the nearby wooden pillars.
“Ah, but that's less to do with luck and more to do with the skill of my crew.” Her voice swells with pride. Her crew is her family and it's obvious to anyone who speaks to her how fiercely she treasures them.
Rumford scratches at the edges of his worn blue bandana, shrugging one bony shoulder. “Fair enough, lass, fair enough. Lord knows ya got one of the best…” He pauses, eyes bright as he remembers something and he motions for her and Kai to come closer. “I do have a bit of interestin’ news for ya both.”
Kai can never resist gossip and immediately moves a step closer. Leyla, a bit more skeptical, crosses her arms slowly and grins. 
“Go on then, old timer.”
Rumford clears his throat. “The storm wasn’t the only thing makin’ waves around here." He lowers his voice conspiratorially. "The Red Queen herself was around these parts not several days ago.”
Leyla’s dark brows rise. “You don’t say.”
He nods sagely. “Aye. Ya see, a slave ship carryin’ cargo from the Peridot Islands was sunk not that far from here. One lone crew member survived and he was scared shitless. Claimed the ship moved silent as a ghost and the attack was so brutal it was over in a matter of seconds. All the captives disappeared. No other crew members survived.” Rumford’s voice is a loud, stage whisper. “Folks say that ship and her Captain are cursed but I say, they’re doin’ the angels work, takin’ out scum like that.” He punctuates his words by spitting on the dock. 
He rambles on for a few more minutes before excusing himself with a hiccup and a wave. Leyla watches him amble back towards the ramshackle wooden buildings that make up the portside town.
“I told you one had gotten away.” Her voice is low as she watches Rumford’s frame grow smaller with distance.
Kai crosses his burly arms. “It was dark. He wouldn’t have seen much. Besides.” He turns, mouth tilting in a grin. “That’s what we wear the fancy red scarves for.”
She snorts, biting back a laugh. Kai hated the red silk scarves they all wore on the bottom halves of their faces when they were on The Crimson Scorn. He knew they had to protect their identities. Some of the ships they had taken down belonged to powerful people, black market merchants or corrupt government officials who would love to find the Red Queen and her crew and send them to a watery grave.
“We should be hearing from Morganite in a few days then.” The small country of Morganite was where they had sent those they freed. A contact was waiting for them there and would help relocate all those who had originally been heading for the torment of slavery. 
Kai nods. “I’ll let you know the minute I do.” A seagull cuts a dark figure across the clear sky, its loud call directing their attention towards a ship in the distance, heading towards the port. Even from far away, every part of it screams wealth, from its many billowing white sails to the rich color of its wood.
Leyla squints and then shakes her head. Her disdain for the fancy ship radiates off her like heat waves and Kai laughs, patting his captain on the shoulder.
“C’mon. There’s a pint in The Loaded Cannon with your name on it.”
She watches the gaudy merchant ship for another moment, something uneasy fluttering in the pit of her stomach. A feeling that she can’t quite pinpoint. Like that ship is a harbinger of some kind. But of what....she doesn't know.
“Captain?” Kai is looking down at her with concern in his hazel eyes.
Leyla clears her throat, turning on the heel of her black boot.
“Let’s go. We got some celebrating to do.”
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The Loaded Cannon isn’t much, but it has warm food, strong ale and good service which is more than one can say for many seaside taverns. As the sun sinks, painting the sky in dramatic pink and orange, Captain Leyla Quinn is squinting, one blue eye focused with blazing intensity on the crude chalk outline of a person against the far wall of the tavern. Those who are seated nearby or leaning against tables watch, slanted forward in anticipation but not daring to make a sound.
The small dagger leaves her hand, flying with a precision that belies the amount of drink she has consumed already. It strikes the wall right where the painted man’s heart would be with a loud thunk. The grizzled seafarers cheer, sloshing their ale as they raise their mugs in a toast. Leyla whoops with joy, throwing her arm up in celebration before reaching for her own tankard and taking a long, deep pull.
“And that’s how you do it, folks!” Her eyes shine as she sets down her mug, wiping her mouth with the back of her hand and laughing at a joke one of the craggy patrons makes about never messing with Captain Quinn.
“You’re good."
A voice cuts through the crowd and she turns, her radiant exuberance slowly shifting from smile to frown as a stranger approaches. In the hush that falls over the tavern, she can hear the sound of his ornate clothing jangling before he even steps into the hazy orange light of the overhead lantern.
Even in the dim room his blue eyes gleam like molten sapphire.
“But I’m better.”
Heat swarms inside her veins, an immediate buzzing that has her straightening her shoulders, lifting her chin as he comes fully into view. He is staggeringly handsome with pale hair the color of moonlight and a face made to be sculpted in marble. His body is long and lean, lines that beg the eye to follow them. His lips are quirked in a smile painted in equal shades arrogance and confidence. A smile that has her suck in a breath and there it sticks, right in her chest, as she finds herself locked into that brilliant gaze.
She could drown in all that blue, sink into it like a wrecked ship into the hungry ocean, all without putting up a fight.
Attraction has unexpectedly roared like a beast unearthed, sinking its claws into her heart and stomach, driving heat across her skin.
But she is also very aware of her surroundings, of the many gazes jumping with bright interest between her and this tall stranger with golden jewelry that drinks in the ochre light.
Fighting the shocking tidal wave of sudden desire he has unleashed, she slips into a pose of casual interest, her head tilted as she regards him, hoping in the back of her mind that she has managed to look mildly intrigued.
“Aren’t we sure of ourselves,” she says loudly, lifting her mug of ale and taking a sip, grateful for the cool rush of liquid. Her eyes never leave the stranger and he seems amused, head cocked to one side, waiting to see what she’ll do.
She sets down her tankard, turning to face him fully. “You have a very loud bark, sea dog. And it’s my experience that dogs that yap the loudest are the least dangerous.”
A collective chuckle rolls through the patrons as they continue watching the exchange. It gives Leyla a boost of confidence as she winks at the sailor seated just to her right, a gesture of comradery and conspiracy. 
The stranger grins slowly, placing a hand on his hip.
“Brave enough to make a bet of it, lady?”
Leyla scoffs. “I don’t make bets with strangers.”
He takes a step closer, looking at her as if she is the only person in the whole tavern.
“We ain't strangers. We’ve been talkin’ for at least a minute.”
“You can take him!”, one of the men calls from the back and the patrons all nod, yelling their support, some banging their mugs on the scarred wooden tables.
Leyla glances around, bolstered by the sight of so many supportive grins, then turns back to the pale-haired man. Alright then. This may be a way to temper some of the heat tornadoing through her. Focus that energy on competition.
“What’s your bet?”
He reaches up, rubbing his chin as if in thought. She can’t help but notice his hands. What a paradox they seem to be. He has the calloused palms of a sailor but with long, elegant fingers bedecked in a variety of expensive rings.
“One throw. Whoever gets closest to the center of the heart, wins. When I win….” There’s a pause as he allows himself the liberty of drinking in the sight of her, from her knee-high black boots to the ends of her wavy ebon hair. “.....you kiss me.”
The patrons in the tavern roar, some with protective annoyance, others with astounded delight. There are an equal number of “Now wait a minutes” mixed in with “He’s got guts, I tell ya.”
That tornado she was hoping to temper rips through her at the thought.
Goddamn it.
Leyla holds up her hand to quiet the room, ignoring the wild hammering of her heart and keeping her breathing as even as possible. However confident this man is, she knows her own skill with a dagger.
“And when I win….” She pauses, imitating the way he looked at her a moment before, then smiles slowly. “I get that fancy sword of yours.”
His hand automatically comes up the sword at his hip, to touch the beautiful gold hilt inlaid with elegant azure gemstones. She’s struck a nerve, picking something that obviously holds value to him. Their gazes meet and lock, like the antlers of stags locked in combat.
“It’s a bet.” His voice is light, easygoing but she notices the way his hand is still possessively wrapped around the hilt of his sword. “Ladies first.”
She reaches down, slipping her fingers into the inside of her boot and removes the dagger she has carried with her ever since her first journey across the sea. She has wielded it a thousand times, knows its heft, its dynamics, its length. She could throw it with her eyes bound and it would hit its mark.
The patrons hold their breath. Never has she experienced the tavern as quiet as it is now. She turns, facing the chalky outline of the man on the wooden wall.
The only sign of nervousness is the slight press of her lips, the thin line they form as she breathes in deeply.
And then she throws. The dagger sails from her hand as sure and steady an arrow from Diana’s bow where it lands with a satisfying thunk right where the man’s heart would be. The tavern erupts into cheers and she feels a wave of pure relief wash over her as she steps aside, unable to keep from grinning. 
There’s no way–
He moves with the litheness of a predator, elegance and unbelievable speed blending together in the extension of his arm as his jeweled dagger flies towards the outline. There is another thunk, followed by the hollow thud of Leyla’s dagger as it is dislodged from the wall and falls in a dramatic swoon to the dusty floorboards. In its place, the silver and sapphire dagger gleams victorious.
The tavern erupts again, this time louder than before. It sounds like one loud roar as patrons jump up, some cheering, some in shock, some even clapping this stranger in his elegant clothing on the shoulder.
Well, fuck. 
He passes her, going to retrieve the daggers and she’s hit with the smell of sea salt and something else, something tangy and expensive. Her heart thunders in her chest as the crowd around her calls out teasing words and praise for them both.
The stranger flashes her a smile, all white teeth and triumph, as he holds out her dagger to her, hilt first.
“Told ya,” he says in a low, infuriatingly attractive whisper.
She takes the dagger from him with a loud exhale. She can’t help but notice the eager look on many of the patron’s faces. After all, she did agree to kiss him if she lost….
“Not here,” she snaps, turning on her boot heel and marching straight out of the tavern and into the cool night air. Losing has temporarily doused some of the heat his presence had ignited in her.
Maybe he won’t follow her. 
He follows her.
And she has to admit to herself….she’s not sorry.
When she reaches her destination, he barks out a laugh. She’s literally marched across the street, stopping on the wooden portico of the boarding house directly across from the tavern. The raucous sounds of the patrons within The Loaded Cannon are still audible as they float along on the cool sea breeze.
“Too good for a room in the tavern?” 
Now they are ostensibly alone, standing in the dim light of the single lantern hanging next to the wooden sign of the boarding house. She thought he was handsome before but now, up close and away from other people, his presence swallows everything else around her, as strong as the unyielding pull of the bright moon on the tide. Has she ever, ever been so immediately drawn to a person like this? 
“I like my privacy.” The word hangs in the air between them, sparkling like a gemstone, smooth as silk. 
He takes a step towards her and for the first time, she can see the effect she is having on him. His eyes are dark as the sea at midnight, his body radiating an electric tension as he draws closer to her.
So it's not just her. He feels it too.
“Ya lost, sea witch. Time to pay up.”
Something inside Leyla bursts. 
Like a sea anemone opening its explosively bright body to the current. 
Like cannon fire. 
Like lust.
She reaches out, grabbing him by the wrist, feeling the softness of his white silk tunic under her palm and pulls him to her, stretching up to press her mouth to his.
He tastes sweet as rose liquor and twice as potent. She wraps her arms around him, immediately wanting to get closer, drinking him in like he might disappear at any second as something ferocious is let loose. Something wild that winds itself around them. Something blistering. Something that feels like vague danger and crystal-clear want. Those long fingers are curling themselves into her black hair, wearing it like his golden rings. He pulls slightly to shift her head, giving him a better position to plunder the heat of her mouth, to swallow every gasp she makes. And when she groans, he yanks her even closer, like he can’t take it, and she swears she can feel his heart banging like drumfire in his chest.
A loud whistling breaks through the feverish haze and she sees several sailors grinning as they exit the tavern, having spotted them wrapped in each other’s arms.
“Fuck,” she murmurs as the rowdy, ale-drunk group continues with playful catcalls and whistles. Drawing a deep breath, she tilts her head to meet his gaze straight on. “Let’s go to my room.” She starts to reach for his hand but then stops. “I mean….if you want to.” Maybe he doesn’t want to go any further. She shouldn’t assume–
He grins and the sight of it has her heart resume beating at breakneck speed.
“If ya think my answer is gonna be anything except ‘yes, immediately’--” He’s cut off by her yanking him through the doors of the boarding house, hand now held confidently and very firmly in hers.
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She kisses not with lips and tongue, but with fire. 
Silvio didn’t see her when he walked into The Loaded Cannon. He heard her. A laugh that broke through the smoky din like a burst of sunlight through faded gray clouds. It immediately turned his head, diverting him from his mission to see what he could find out about the captain he would be meeting with tomorrow concerning his trip to Pyrite.
That laughter wound its way through the air, danced over the rumble of low voices, the drunken cheers, the mumbles until he found its source. She was standing, shoulders back, stance wide, wavy hair the color of a moonless midnight sky falling in waves past her shoulders, and a grin so cocky he felt his own lips curving upwards in response. She was jerking her thumb towards the wall where a dagger was embedded within the outline of a person, defying anyone to deny what skill a throw like that would take.
She wasn’t the most beautiful woman he had ever seen. There wasn’t any physical feature that stood out as extraordinary. And yet here he was, unable to tear his gaze away from her. He watched as she lifted her tankard, turning in a way that he got a good look at the pale blue of her eyes, the cloudless sky at midday, and he noticed the small black beauty mark at the corner of her left eye. His fingers curled with the sudden, inexplicable urge to touch it.
“And that’s how you do it, folks!” Her voice surprised him. Deeper than he expected, huskier than he would have imagined. He wanted to hear more.
And then he was on his feet, walking towards her.
“You’re good……but I’m better.”
And those five words lead him to this moment, right now. To this woman who has invaded every one of his senses with lightning speed, her fingers brazenly roaming through his hair as she leaves a trail of kisses across his bare shoulder like droplets of lava. A tornado of hunger tears its way through his body, tangling his veins and burning up any thoughts other than how much he wants her, this blue-eyed siren who smells like orange blossoms and feels like heaven under his palms.
Her name…..it doesn’t matter. Who needs something so unimportant? His mouth has other things to do. Like an unspoken agreement, neither one of them has said a word since stumbling into her room. The seconds are for tasting as much of the other as they can, as quickly as they can. They fall in tandem onto the bed, never letting go. Two people drowning and grasping each other as they sink down into the storm of need. 
Has he ever been so lost, so completely immersed in another person like this? Has he ever felt so frantic from just a touch, a sigh?
And then she wraps her arms around his shoulders, her legs around his waist and there is room for nothing else in his mind. Just her. And he plans to enjoy every second he has, swimming in this tempestuous sea of lust and longing, until the dawn kisses the night and the sky turns pale with morning’s glow.
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Leyla’s eyes open just as the last blush of peach is fading from the clouds and the sun continues its climb through the morning sky. Her body feels languid with the memory of the night, heavy with satisfaction. She stretches with a slow yawn, running a hand over the side of her neck and down the tender slope to her shoulder, an expanse of skin peppered with the rosy echoes of a stranger's passionate kisses. Her hips are marked by the strong grip of his nimble fingers. Ah, but it can't be just her. Oh, no. His body must carry the same evidence of their night together. She remembers well the feel of his muscular back under her fingernails, the softness of his earlobe between her teeth.
A shiver runs through her at the thought. One of the most memorable nights of her life and she doesn’t even know his name.
She turns towards the nightstand with the intention of checking the time on her pocket watch and freezes.
There, leaning against the wooden night table, is his sword. A parting gift. A thank you.
Her grin rivals the brightening sky.
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“Had a good night, did you?” Kai glances at his captain as they head down the street towards the Merchant’s Guild, one of the better constructed and larger buildings in the entire town.
Leyla adjusts her fitted long coat. It is a deep royal blue and decorated with gold filigree, the one she always wears when she needs to make a strong impression. Her blouse is white and crisp and a black leather sword baldric is strapped across her body. And hanging at her side is the sword, its golden handle and sapphire stones winking cheerily in the sunlight.
“That is for me to know. And you to never ask about again.” But she knows he can read her like a seafarer can the stars. He notices the extra bounce in her step, the white silk scarf tied strategically around her neck, the small, secretive smile that hasn’t left her lips since he picked her up.
He laughs as they approach the building, the sound buoyant and warm.
“Alright, alright. Let’s focus on the task at hand then. Remind me who exactly set up this meeting?”
She pauses at the foot of the stairs that lead up to the wide, ornately carved double doors. 
“An emissary from Benitoite has been sniffing around different port towns. Some prince is looking for a crew who knows these waters. Apparently he’s been searching for a captain willing to take him through Blackwater Strait. He’s got cargo that needs to be delivered to Pyrite.”
Kai nods in recollection, now remembering the first time she told him this story. “I only know one captain who is crazy enough to do that.” 
They share a grin and Leyla adjusts the blue velvet tricorn hat on her head, fingers brushing against the elegant white feather it boasts. “Should be easy money.”
They walk in step with each other through the heavy double doors and are immediately met by a slender man with dark curls and glasses. He's dressed in the elegant clothing of a royal adjutant.
“Ahh Captain Quinn, right this way.” He glances at her and then up up up at Kai nervously before leading them down the hallway and through another set of doors that open into a large, airy meeting room.
Kai steps in confidently but for the second time that morning, Leyla freezes.
The man waiting by the window, the one dressed in ornate finery, absurdly trimmed with white and black fur. The one whose golden jewelry jangles as he turns to face them. The one with pale hair the color of moonlight and a face made to be sculpted in marble.
“Prince Silvio of Benitoite,” the aide says formally.
It can’t be……
He’s the prince?
“Captain Leyla Quinn, of the Siren’s Call.”
Silvio’s shocked expression is a mirror of her own.
She’s the captain?
The same word leaves both their lips, at the same time.
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Taglist: @alexxavicry @queengiuliettafirstlady @bellerose-arcana @thewitchofbooks @aria-chikage
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Note: If you do not want to be tagged in OC fics, please DM me and let me know!
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elderwisp · 7 months
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◁ || ▷ now playing
Atlas: So I was thinking, since I hung out with you tonight, would you like to go to a concert this Saturday with me?
Taryn: Hmm…
Atlas: It won’t be like a typical get-together but we can maybe broaden each other’s horizons.
Taryn: I… [ her voice trails off ]
Atlas: Aye captain.
Taryn: [ laughs ] Okay, fuck it?
Atlas: Hell yeah.
Kai: [ the screen door rattles ]
Taryn: Oh, hey!
Kai: Atlas?
Atlas: Sup. Soo… How was it?
Kai: Fine- Sorry, I was not expecting to see you here. Dan mentioned something came up.
Atlas: Taryn invited me over for champurrado.
Kai: Right… But you keep bailing.
Atlas: I wanted to try something different, ya know?
Kai: You don’t think you could have at least committed to our plans?
Atlas: You know me, always going wherever the wind takes me. Besides, it’s not like this was something serious.
Kai: And champurrado is?
Taryn: [ nervously ] Uhh… Kai, Atlas and I are going to a concert this weekend, you should come with us!
Atlas: Hold up-
Taryn: [ interjects ] It shouldn’t be an issue, besides, it’ll solve the whole ordeal from tonight!
Kai: I dunno.
Taryn: It’ll be fine! Come!
Atlas: On that note… It’s getting late.
Taryn: I’ll walk you out.
Kai: [ a deep sigh leaves his lips ] oh my god.
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mysteryshoptls · 1 year
SSR Leona Kingscholar - Bloom Birthday Vignette
"Happy Birthday"
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[Savanaclaw Dorm – Birthday Party Venue]
Leona: Sigh, these interviews are a pain… Crazy how they can keep doing this year after year without gettin' bored of it.
Leona: So then, I wonder who's my presenter this year…
???: Ay, I made it. Excuse me!
Cater: Heya, Leona-kun. Happy Birthday!
Leona: Tch, and in walks in one of the loud ones.
Cater: EH, DID YOU JUST CLICK YOUR TONGUE!? C'mon, it's your birthday, you gotta try to have a bit of fun ♪
Cater: Today, I'm planning on asking you every little thing to learn everything about you, Leona-kun, so be prepared~
Leona: Well, aren't you real chipper. Alright, I'm fully expecting you to make this the best birthday ever, then.
Cater: U-Uh, you might be putting a little too much pressure on me there? But okay, let me just restart, and… Let's dive into the first question!
Cater: “If you could use flight magic to go anywhere, where would you like to go?”
Cater: And, it doesn't look like you have to worry about the amount of magic you'd have to use.
Leona: So, anywhere I want, huh… Then, I want to go to a full-service hotel and spend my time lounging about.
Cater: Ooh, so you want to just enjoy a resort to the max. That sounds great, and I bet you'd be able to take a ton of awesome pics ♪
Leona: Yeah, I'm not planning on going to any of the noisy places you're probably thinking of.
Leona: Since I'm going to be using flight magic to get there anyway, I'd rather find a remote place that normal people wouldn't really be able to get to.
Cater: But if it's a remote location… Then You can't really enjoy any sightseeing or recreational activities.
Leona: I told you, I wanted to just lounge about. If I were to run around like that, it completely defeats the purpose.
Cater: So, basically…. You're wanting to "do nothing," right?
Leona: Yeah, that's the best way to live in luxury, don't you think?
Leona: Food is prepared when I'm hungry, and the bath is ready for whenever I feel like taking one.
Leona: And there, in that quiet and comfortable environment, I can sleep peacefully without being bothered by anyone else
Cater: Not being bothered and in a quiet place, huh. Yeah, I guess that's not a bad way to go about it.
Leona: Right? As Dorm Leader and as Captain of the Magift team, there's a ton of things I have to constantly worry about, you know.
Leona: Basically, that just means that I also need some time off to rest my mind and body once in a while.
Cater: Ahaha. I bet I know a few people who'd be cross hearing you say that… But hey, I guess I get how you feel, Leona-kun.
Cater: Alllright, now that I got to hear a lot about that, I'll move on to the next question ♪
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[Savanaclaw Dorm – Birthday Party Venue]
Cater: 'Kay, second question!
Cater: "What is your best class?"
Cater: Now here's a super interesting question!
Leona: Huh? How.
Cater: Yeah, because you're real smart. So I def wanna know what class you like best~
Leona: So, you think I'm smart, huh. I guess I'll go ahead and take that as a compliment.
Cater: Well, obviously it's a compliment! I have a hard time getting most of my classes, so I'm a bit jelly. Is there some trick to it?
Leona: I've had private tutors ever since I was a child. Obviously, the curriculum also contained classes that wouldn't be found in this school, too.
Cater: Uh… which means?
Leona: All the stuff that they teach here at this school, I learned way before enrolling.
Leona: Basically, everything I know isn't from just sitting behind a desk and studying like crazy, like your little Dorm Leader.
Cater: I see~ So you're saying that the stuff we learn in class are basically second nature to you, huh.
Cater: Okay, then, let me change the wording up a little bit… What's your favorite class?
Leona: My favorite class, hm… If I had to choose one, that'd be Ancient Incantations. That one is at least not as boring as the other classes.
Cater: Woah, Ancient Incantations, huh~ That's the one where you try to decipher old languages that aren't even used anymore, right?
Cater: And there's still a ton of languages that haven't been deciphered yet, either, right?
Leona: Yeah. And many of those languages were made to conceal magic spells in the first place. So they were already created to be complex.
Leona: That's why even subject matter experts also have a hard time combing through them.
Leona: Even just trying to read the individual letters is a chore. And even if you can figure those out, there's no point unless you can actually understand the words and sentences.
Leona: It has to be carefully analyzed by comparing the new content to old words that have already been translated, or rules that have already been pre-established.
Cater: I already have trouble with just what's in our textbooks, so I can't even imagine trying to figure out even more difficult things like those languages…
Cater: What can someone do to get better at ancient incantations?
Leona: It's just that I already was interested in that type of thing. I guess the thing that dragged me into it was this inscription I found in the Sunset Savanna.
Leona: There was this very long engraving in some old language…
Leona: The first time I looked at it, I had no idea what it was supposed to say, but then I started to translate it in my spare time, and…
Leona: It was just the country's history. On top of that, basically it was stuff already in the textbooks.
Cater: Ehhh, you got my hopes up, and that was it? That was kinda anticlimactic.
Leona: Yeah, it's basically a boring story once you get into it… But it wasn't too terrible learning how to decipher it.
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[Savanaclaw Dorm – Birthday Party Venue]
Cater: Last question! Here we go.
Cater: “What would you like to do in the coming year?”
Leona: Not to repeat a year, that's all.
Cater: Wh…! EH, THAT'S IT!?
Leona: Isn't that important enough?
Cater: I mean, yeah, but~! You gotta have something else you wanna do too.
Cater: Like, surpassing 1,000 followers on Magicam, or winning a Magift tournament…
Leona: Okay, then that.
Cater: Eh, what do you mean by "that"?
Leona: The whole, "winning a Magift tournament" thing.
Leona: I want to draw out the magical shift team's full potential and win at the national championships― That's closer to the answer you were looking for, right?
Cater: Now you're making me feel like I forced you to say that~ …Well, I guess that's better than not getting an answer.
Cater: Okay, then, I got a question for you, since you're captain of the team! Do you ever coach the younger students?
Leona: Yeah, of course. For example…
Leona: There's some guys who'll slack off during games because they don't have enough stamina and they want to conserve energy.
Leona: It'll be detrimental to have people not give their all during important games. So, to help build stamina, during passing practice…
Leona: I would send the disc flying long so they'd have to run from one end of the pitch to the other.
Cater: Woah, that's so tough! If you're that hard on them, won't you have students drop out…?
Leona: That's also part of it.
Cater: Eh, what do you mean?
Leona: We don't need anyone who takes off and runs like a coward just because their pride and confidence is torn down.
Leona: They should get angry when defeated and vow to do anything to get revenge―
Leona: The Magift club doesn't need anyone who lacks that kind of determination.
Leona: Only the guys who are fully prepared to overcome anything can get a starting spot on the team.
Cater: W-Wow… You're really sounding like a team captain, Leona-kun!
Cater: But I guess it's a little surprising to hear that you take care of your teammates like that. Maybe you're actually a softie inside?
Leona: Hah? No way.
Leona: I'm just doing the bare minimum as the leader of the pack.
Leona: I'd rather be spared being held back by someone who's just completely useless.
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Cater: Interview completed~! Next is… Ta-da! Here we are, take this broom and go fly on the Birthday Road.
Leona: Sheesh, that's a fancy lookin' broom.
Cater: Yeah, it's pretty showy, but it's also pretty dignified, so I think it's perfect for you, Leona-kun ♪
Cater: Okay so, go and show them all how it's done. I'll make sure to take pictures of you flying out there!
Leona: I'm only saying this one, but don't do anything I haven't asked you to… I got no intention of being on display for you.
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Leona: Aah, finally, it's quiet. I guess I'll go out and enjoy a leisurely stroll in the sky all by myself, then.
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Requested by @dorito9708.
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namesforwriters · 1 year
Music Inspired Names (fem)
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Aida ~ Arabic, Italian, meaning "reward," "happy."
Aida is the name of a famous, tragic opera composed by Giuseppe Verdi. Set in Ancient Egypt, Aida is an Ethiopian princess who is captured and enslaved by the Egyptians. She and Radamès, an Egyptian military captain, fall in love. pronunciation: ay-ee-da, aid-ah
Allegra ~ Italian, meaning "cheerful," "lively," "playful."
Derived from the musical term "allegro" indicating the tempo, or speed, at which a piece should be played. Allegro usually indicates a lively and fast tempo. pronunciation: ah-leg-grah
Aria ~ Italian, meaning "air."
An aria is a piece of music written for a single voice or singer. Arias are most commonly associated with opera productions and refer to both male and female solos. Arias are usually part of a larger work and can be accompanied by instruments or sung without. pronunciation: ah-ree-ah
Bell ~ Old English, meaning "to roar," "to make loud noise."
Most know this word as the name of an instrument. A bell is used in both music and in other parts of life. Bells are commonly used in Christian churches to signal the beginning of service, and bells are also known to come in many shapes, sizes, and tones. pronunciation: bell
Cadence ~ Latin, meaning "a falling."
The term "cadence" is used, in Western music theory, to describe the end of a musical phrase in which a melody or harmony comes to a resolution. It always feels like closure, like a conclusion. pronunciation: kay-dence
Calliope ~ Greek, meaning "beautiful-voiced."
Calliope, in Greek mythology, is one of the nine Muses; goddesses of the arts and music. Calliope was the leader of the Muses and ruled over epic poetry. pronunciation: cah-lie-ah-pee
Carmen ~ Spanish, Latin, meaning "garden," "song."
Carmen is a French opera composed by Georges Bizet. Set in Spain, the story tells of a soldier, Don José, who abandons his post and sweetheart for the fearless, free-spirited, fiery, Romani girl Carmen. pronunciation: car-men
Carol ~ French, English, meaning "circle dance," "joyful song."
A carol is a type of song that is usually festive and sometimes religious in nature. Originally, many carols were upbeat and easy to dance to. pronunciation: care-ol
Cecilia ~ Latin, meaning "blind," also spelled as "Caecilia."
Cecilia is the Catholic patron saint of music. It is supposed that Cecilia was a Roman noble lady who was forced to marry despite her vow of virginity. At the wedding, Cecilia sang to God in her heart, and later, her husband Valerian promised to respect Cecilia's vow. Both she and her husband experienced Catholic martyrdom. pronunciation: seh-see-lee-ah, kae-kil-ee-ah
Celeste ~ French, meaning "heavenly."
Sometimes called a "celesta," a celeste is a musical instrument similar to a glockenspiel and resembling an upright piano. More tinkling, soft, and bell-like in sound and tone than a piano, the most famous music piece using a celeste is Tchaikovsky's "Dance of the Sugar Plum Fairy." pronunciation: seh-lest
Chantelle ~ French, meaning "singer."
Derived from the French verb "chanter," meaning "to sing," Chantelle is a wonderful name with a musical meaning. It can also be spelled as Chantel, and Chantal. pronunciation: shawn-tell
Clio ~ Greek, meaning "to recount," "to celebrate."
Clio, in Greek mythology, is one of the Nine muses; goddesses of the arts and music. Clio is mainly the muse of history, but is also occasionally considered the muse of lyre playing. pronunciation: clee-oh, cl-eye-oh
Demi ~ Italian, meaning "half."
In music, "demi" is rarely used on its own. In music theory, demi can sometimes be used to describe half of something. A demi-cadence (a half resolution), or a demisemiquaver note (half of a sixteenth note, so a thirty-second note). pronunciation: deh-mee
Giselle ~ French, meaning "pledge."
Giselle is the name of a popular ballet. It is considered a masterwork in classical ballet, and is not only one of the most-performed, but most challenging productions in the world of ballet. It tells the tragic, romantic story of young Giselle and a disguised noble, Albrecht. pronunciation: jih-zelle
Harmony ~ Greek, meaning "concord," "agreement," "joint."
Harmony is a huge concept and part of Western music, largely relating to the layering of complimentary notes and passages on top of a melody to create chords, textures, tonalities, and unique sounds in music. Harmonies can be both simple and complex. Sometimes the term "harmony" is used to refer to an ensemble line that is not the melody. pronunciation: har-mon-ee
Hilde ~ German, meaning "ready for battle," "battle woman."
Derived from Hildegard, Hildegard von Bingen was a composer, writer, philosopher, visionary, and medical writer from Germany in the Middle Ages. She is one of the best-known composers of sacred Christian music in the world and one of the best-recorded as well. pronunciation: hill-dah, hill-deh-gard
Kassia ~ Greek, Latin, meaning "hollow."
Sometimes seen as Cassia or Kassiani, Kassia was a Byzantine-Greek composer and poet who lived over 1,200 years ago. She is unique for being the sole female composer to exist in Byzantine liturgy with over 50 hymns and over 260 verses attributed to her. pronunciation: kah-see-ah
Lauda ~ Italian, meaning "praise."
A lauda was the singular most important form of sacred music in the late Medieval to Renaissance times in Italy. The lauda is largely considered the precurser to the modern Christmas carol. Laude are characterized by their simple melodies sung in the vernacular, which at the time, was Latin. pronunciation: lau-dah, lah-dah
Lyra ~ Greek, meaning "lyre."
Derived from "Lyre," Lyra is a feminine name related to the Ancient Greek stringed instrument. Lyres were usually played as accompaniment to epic poetry and story telling. The Ancient Greeks tended to strum the stings like a guitar, but other cultures plucked the strings like a harp. pronunciation: lie-ra
Madrigal ~ Latin, meaning "song for unaccompanied voices."
This term has a couple meanings when it comes to music. The earlier type of madrigal was a Medieval, Italian music form composed for two voices. Later, during the Renaissance and Baroque periods, madrigals were secular compositions written for two to eight voices with no instrumental accompaniment. pronunciation: mad-rih-gahl
Melody ~ Greek, meaning "singing," "chanting."
The term melody can describe the main tune of rhythms and pitches that make a song or piece. The foreground of a piece of music, the melody is arguably the most important element of composition. pronunciation: mel-oh-dee
Meret ~ Egyptian, meaning "she who is beloved."
In Ancient Egyptian mythology, Meret is the goddess of music, dancing, singing, and joy. She helps maintain cosmic order through music. She is usually seen with a blue lotus flower or papyrus reed. pronunciation: mehr-eht, mehr-iht
Musette ~ French, meaning "little bagpipe."
Derived from both "Muse," the name for the nine Ancient Greek goddess of music, literature, sciences, and the arts, as well as a type of French bagpipe, Musette is a great music-inspired name. pronunciation: moo-zette, myoo-zette
Octavia ~ Latin, meaning "eighth."
Octavia is a name taken from the Latin octave, meaning "eight." In music, an octave is a range of typically eight notes. The first and eighth note are always the same, with one higher than the other in pitch. pronunciation: oct-ehve
Scheherazade ~ Persian, meaning "exalted one," "noble lineage."
Known best as as the storyteller from the narrative A Thousand and One Nights, Scheherazade is also the name of an orchestral work composed by Nikolai Rimsky-Korsakov, which is acclaimed to have one of the most beautiful violin solos ever written. Scheherezade is not only a beautiful name, but also has nickname potential. pronunciation: sheh-hair-eh-zahd-eh, sheh-hair-eh-zahd-ee, sheh-hair-eh-zahd
Sirena ~ Greek, meaning "enchanter."
In Ancient Greek mythology, sirens were humanlike beings who often took on the appearances of beautiful women. They lived in the seas, singing in alluring voices, and luring men to their deaths. In modern tales, sirens and mermaids are sometimes described as the same creature. Sirena is derived from "siren." pronunciation: sir-een-ah
Symphonia ~ Greek, meaning "agreement."
"Symphonia" was sometimes used to describe various instruments, including bagpipes, drums, and a hurdy-gurdy. In more common knowledge, a "symphony" is an extended musical composition from Western classical music. Some of the most famous symphonies are Beethoven's Fifth, Mozart's 40th, and Dvořák's Ninth. pronunciation: sim-phone-ee-ah
Thalia ~ Greek, meaning "the joyous," "the flourishing."
Thalia, in Greek mythology, is one of the Nine muses; goddesses of the arts and music. Thalia is the muse of comedy, or, stories that have happy endings. She's sometimes portrayed with a horn or trumpet in hand. pronunciation: t-ah-lia, th-al-ia
Viola ~ Latin, Italian, meaning "violet," "of the arm."
The viola is a musical instrument slightly bigger than and lower in pitch than a violin. A traditional string quartet usually has two violins, a viola, and a cello. Overshadowed by the violin, violas are nevertheless beautiful instruments. pronunciation: vie-oh-la, vee-oh-la
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These name lists are intended to help writers and artists. There is no expectation of credit, and these lists aren't meant to be the end-all be-all lists of possible names. There are millions out there, and this is just for fun!
If you have a suggestion for a name list, or want to see something specific, feel free to submit a request!
And if you see something that is wrong (a pronunciation, a meaning, an origin), again, feel free to let me know!
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mamuzzy-creates-stuff · 7 months
Alright, giving you Ordomaze with 💙
Because I think having them tipsy would be funny? I can't imagine drunken Ordo lmao
Hey @hexerein, thank you so much for the request! ♡ ( ̄З ̄)
YES, drunk Ordo is really something challenging, but also I'm obsessed with the thought that Ordo is also a menace in his own way. I usually depict him as someone who never goes overboard with drinking since he likes to be in control, or doesn't drink at all when he doesn't want to - he is pretty much immune to social pressure coming from larger groups. Now I did a little exception for the sake of the scene, but I think competitive-drinking is something he won't say no to either way. Especially against an alpha or his own brothers.
As for the fic, I have to admit... I overdid a little. xD Wordcount-wise, I only wanted to do a little snippet and ended up having 1600 word long shenanigan with these dorks.
Are they drunk? Pretty much. Are they kissing? Oh yes. Funny? You decide :) I hope you like it!
Every mispelled word in the dialogues are deliberate. Outside of it, sorry for that.
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After so many hungover survived together, Ordo and Maze always reached to that conclusion that the real winners of the drinking contests are the bar owners themselves. But they would never learn. Ordo may appeared a sore loser tonight, but his premature retreat from the challenge’s end before both of them end up throwing up in one of the alleys of Coruscant was deliberate and very much calculated - on one hand, HE didn’t want to throw up in one of the alleys of Coruscant. Second, he didn’t want Maze throw up in one of the alleys of Coruscant either. Also, drinking eventually led to horniness which overrode every instinct of competitiveness in him and fucking Maze in the middle of the bar suddenly looked a tempting idea, but Ordo also remembered that indulging in a fantasy of fucking someone on the barcounter while everyone else’s watching might be a good way to show that the alpha’s ass belonged to him, but overall, it was not socially acceptable to do it in the CSF officer’s club. Neither was throwing up in one of the alleys of Coruscant.
The null and the alpha captain were a stumbling mess of a pair, clinging to each other’s necks, trying to navigate their way in the Arca-barracks. Their usual banter lead to the same disaster if less rage-filled carnage this time.
“M’room” grumbled Ordo.
“Mroom” meowed back Maze, because was sure that’s how you maintain a conversation in tooka, and was certain Ordo tried to imitate one.
“No, mine!”
“’kay” Maze flashed a broad smile as he leaned in to bore his head into Ordo’s, only he didn’t exactly assess well the intensity of his display of affection and bumped their skulls so hard, they both saw stars for a minute.
“Oww! The kriff??? Whazzatfor?” Ordo bent his elbow around Maze’s neck to get into a chokehold.
“I ssssaid ‘I love you’ in tooka!”
“Ah… okay. That’s fine” Ordo was pleased with the answer, so didn’t actually choke his boyfriend. He released him to cling onto his arm more instead. That limb belonged to the null now. “’Love you too.”
“You are so sweet right now, my love” cooed Maze back. “Sweet, sweet kitten.”
Ordo blushed as he felt a pleasant heat going into his cheeks. He pretty much wanted to be Maze’s kitten right now. The only and favorite. But also he was sure his words didn’t reach the drunk Alpha’s brain.
“But my room. My room. We go there. Take me tom’room.”
“Ayy-aye, whersyouroom again?”
“I don’t care, don’t - Just… just… take me there.”
“My room then.”
“Noooo!” whined Ordo in protesting and bumped into Maze, “your blanket smells like you fa-woaahhh!!!” he couldn’t elaborate on how exactly Maze’s blanket smelled like, because the alpha lost his balance and both started to lean in one direction like an over-packed sack of potatoes.
Maze had to grab the nearest fire extinguisher on the wall to keep themselves on foot - and he tore it down. They both look at it with child-like astonishment before started laugh uncontrollably but this time they had the wall to hold onto. Maze wanted to put it back to its place but his hands trembled from the tremors of shared laugh, it kept falling down, making loud clashing noises, probably waking up the whole barrack by now.
Several doors suddenly whooshed open, an adrenaline-heated sergeant dashed out, about to yell who’s causing this ruckus and tell them to keep it down, only to be stopped by the sight of Ordo hunching forward, shaking with inaudible laughter as Maze tried to give his sincere ‘appolojeews’ to the fire extinguisher, now war-weary and bent, lying on the floor.
The sergeant considered his options in this situation. If he wanted to make a smart comment about the very fact that Captain Ordo had been so wasted like it was obligatory, he quickly reminded himself that the null captain not just outranked him but was completely able to maim him to death with his bear hands even in this drunk state. Now while Captain Maze also outranked him, wouldn’t maim him to death with his bear hands (he could), but given that the alphas were all prideful and self-conscious bastards, Maze would find a way to make the sergeant’s rather short life miserable, worse than death, given they shared space under the same roof. The sergeant silently retreated back to his room without saying a word.
The pair eventually reached Maze’s room. One last opponent to be defeated: a door with access code needed to open. They stood before that door and Ordo took his time to enjoy this moment of peaceful silence. It was cozy, they were alone in the half-lit empty corridor of the alpha-wing, and it made Ordo snuggle closer to Maze. Their armors collided with small clank, but Maze’s skin peeping out of his blacks was to his liking and gently started nosing the carotid. He liked the feeling of the pumping blood pulsing through his lover’s vein. Almost could hear his heartbeat. He counted them for at least two minutes, when Ordo realized that Maze didn’t just not reciprocated the small gesture of affection to his dismay, but nothing was happened at all.
“What ar’you waitin’ for” He looked at Maze in confusion and nodded to terminal.
“Uhhh…” Maze scratched his head. “I forgot.”
“The code. Forgot my code.”
“Sevn-sevn-three-six-nain-sevn-five-eigth-ate…” mumbled Ordo as gently started to sucking on his skin, leaving a lovemark.
“Wha-wha-wai-wai-wai-wai-waitholdon, you’re notartikyulting! Not that - Ordo.”
“Honey-sweet” Ordo now whispered in his ears, teeth gently nibbling on it.
Maze shuddered, hearing the petname Ordo gave him long time ago. He was sure about he messed up the numbers along the way because the terminal blared “access denied” into his face.
“I have to consentrait, you know” his voice started to rasp and tried to tap the numbers again into the screen with much more urgency.
“Multitask then.”
Ordo reached his lover’s mouth, sucking on his lower-lip like his life depended on it. Maze huffed into the kiss with amusement. He messed up the numbers again. Access denied.
“What the…”
“Stupid alpha, you can’t even do this right…” Ordo growled, became irritated how his alpha boyfriend couldn’t even get into his room without his help. But that meant he could take the opportunity to shine. He turned Maze around and pushed him to the wall, pressing his lips to Maze’s, one hand keeping him in place, while he tapped the screen without even looking. He didn’t need to look, only needed to stare into those brown eyes, slowly filled with the lust for him.
“Howdoye- how do…” Maze tried to form his question which bugged his last remaining intelligent part of his brain, but Ordo sent that solitary braincell completely AWOL too.
“I would be an osik’la boyfriend if I didn’t know all your codes to reach you.”
“Fuckin' creep” Maze grinned into his lips. Ordo took the initiative to push his tongue inside Maze’s mouth, exchanging a wet, sloppy kiss, loud with Maze’s moans. The alpha embraced him with his arms, combing through his hair with his fingers.
Access denied.
Now Ordo furrowed his forehead in dissatisfaction, but also, unbelieving. Unless Maze changed the code, no way his memory failed him now. He broke the kiss to lick that sweet spot under Maze’s jaw with an ulterior motive to make the alpha a mewling, needy mess, but also to have half an eye on the screen. He tried to tap the numbers again.
He couldn’t finish. The door swooshed open, revealing a very annoyed alpha glaring at the smooching couple with such intensity, they started to believe the jaig eyes on his forehead only served the sole purpose to lend him another pair of eyes to judge them.
Ordo broke the kiss and sneered back malevolently while maintaining eye-contact with Fordo’s real eyes - in the wildlife another set of eyes were meant for the predators to distract and scaring off bigger adversaries than themselves and Ordo wasn’t stupid. Just drunk. And jealous. Why was Alpha-77 in his boyfriend’s room and why was another naked ass mooning him from Maze’s bed?!
Maze didn’t exactly connect the dots just yet but he already felt Ordo tensing up in his embrace. He instinctively held him tighter to comfort him, the null would usually rather die than suffer from shame. Now the thing is, Ordo rarely felt shame unless it got him into trouble and Maze knew that very well so there was a slight chance that his boyfriend plotted a homicide instead. Double, if he was fortunate enough. Unlike Ordo, he felt ashamed in front of his alpha brother right now.
Good thing, Fordo never wasted words to tell off his younger brothers. Just kept on glaring, with his hand signed to direction of room next to them.
Maze followed the gesture. “Oh” he said, staring into the air as light understanding suddenly shined through the haze of inebriation. “Right. Thanks” waved a little goodbye with a sheepish smile.
Fordo flipped him off and returned to his room, shutting them out, hopefully once and for all.
Ordo teared himself away from Maze to run at the next door, his boots screeched at the floor as he stopped and excitedly started to type the code into the door terminal. Maze could only blink and Ordo was already in his room.
Maze was about to drown in self-pity, left alone in the corridor, still leaning against the wall when Ordo sticked his head out, searching for him and yelled.
“ALPHA, I DESIRE AFFECTION!” And disappeared again.
Maze almost burst out in a loud laugh, Ordo’s unique approach of seduction caught him off guard and made the unfortunate encounter with one of his brothers a minor inconvenience. He followed after his lover, giggling under his nose, and closed the door behind them.
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Tags for those who asked: @ithillia, @insertmeaningfulusername
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seishirology · 2 years
wow my hands just keep coming back to write i’m pumping this shit out like crazy. anyways i present to you trying to get nagi to wash the dishes
no warnings <3
nagi hates using up any energy with a burning passion, but for you he would do anything. you know that he would. but what you also know is that there’s only one thing nagi wouldn’t do for you, and that thing is,
“I’m not washing the dishes!” he whines wrapping his arms around your waist and trying to bury his head into your stomach. “and you aren’t either, we can use the dishwasher or something.”
“nagi. the dishwasher is full of clean dishes.” you remind him, trying to pry his larger body off of yours. but to no avail as his lanky body came packed with muscles that you spent time admiring. “and one of us has to do the dishes. otherwise the apartment is gonna start smelling like shit.” he groans into your stomach.
“we’ll move apartments when it gets too stinky.” he tries to reason with you but his logic was something that only worked for video games. “don’t look at me like that.”
“you can’t even see my face.”
“yeah but you always make that face whenever you don’t agree with me.” he was right. right now your lips were curled into a frown and your eyes had gotten squinty. “see.” he said, lifting his head off your stomach to look at you through his snowy bangs.
“well whatever. now get off me before i make you do the dishes.” he quickly separated his body from yours the moment that sentence left your lips. “wow. really?” you raise an eyebrow in disbelief. “seishiro.”
“don’t be like that angel, i’ll follow you to the sink. i’ll help you dry the dishes.” you could hear it in his voice that he didn’t want to touch the dishes at all, but he was willing to try and compromise with you so you didn’t have to wash the dishes by yourself.
“fine. but you’d better do a good job. i’m not gonna let you off easy today.”
“aye aye captain,” he smiled while bringing up a hand to salute you.
“you’re so cringe seishiro.”
“you can go back to calling me nagi now.” he suggests while following you off the couch. he felt a little uneasy answering to his given name, you only ever used it in a serious context and that already had his mind doing laps.
“i’ll go back to calling you nagi when you start doing the dishes yourself.” you grumble, approaching the sink. you knew he wasn’t gonna start magically washing the dishes but what you did know was that later he would end up doing all the housework for you. “now come on, you’re gonna have some dishes to dry real soon.”
he hummed in response while once again wrapping his arms around your waist and resting his head on the crook of your neck.
“tell me when i gotta start drying the dishes. ‘ma take a little nap while waiting for ya angel.”
“i will.”
“and then after i’ll sweep the floor for you ‘kay?”
“make sure those dishes are clean.” he joked. you didn’t let that comment slide though, “ow! sorry sorry, i won’t say that again.” he apologized keeping one arm around you while the other tended to his side you had just jabbed.
“now go and sweep the floor before i do that again.”
“aye aye captain. whatever you say.”
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wrecking-sequels · 9 months
[Wreck-It Star]
"Nine feet tall, weighs 643 pounds, with freakishly huge hands and spiky hair, saved the whole arcade once.. That Ralph?" The president of Sugar Rush sat there, on one of the square trees, dangling her legs like the innocent angel she was supposed to be.
"Yes, that Ralph." Replied the blonde warrior as she rolled her eyes. "Nah, never heard of him." That definitely wasn't an innocent angel. Cammy just raised a brow, clearly not amused, and the candy girl apparently surrendered. "Uff.. Bigfoot's not here, I'm waiting for him myself. Say, whatcya need him for, anyway?" The muscular woman mimicked a few blows in the air, as if a player was controlling her. "I like to train after-hours and Ralph's a great sparring partner, no one can take a hit like he does!"
Vanellope couldn't deny it made sense. "Sooo basically you need a punching bag, I see. Listen, he's surely at Tapper's, I'd follow ya but they're baking pies." She pointed at the building behind them. "Bring him back in one piece, 'kay?" White gave a thumbs up, and in no time she was on the exit cart thanks to one of her epic jumps. It seemed she couldn't stand still for long. "Off to find my target! See you around."
About a minute since the train disappeared into the wire for Game Central Station, Ralph's head popped out the front door of Felix' apartment. "She gone?" Vanellope sneered and glicthed her way down to the grass, hands in her kangaroo pocket as usual. "Yeah yeah, coast is clear, Captain Scaredy Pants. But now you owe me one."
It wasn't until after taking a couple more looks towards the exit of the game, that Wreck-It came out of hiding and focused on his answer. "You wouldn't make fun of me if you had a round with her." True. "Really Ralph? A beast like you is scared of some Street Fighter chick?" Countered Von Schweetz, seriously amused by all this.
"Well DUH, you have no idea what her legs can do!" Man, just the memory had his neck hurt. "Your fault, you shouldn't have-" He didn't even let her finish. "Oh no! No no no! I agreed to block her moves ONCE, and she took the liberty to unleash combos on me ever since!" Poor guy. "Eh, maybe it's Cammy's way to say I like ya big boy." Winked the candy girl, only to see in response a gigantic hand waving dismissively.
"Almost forgot, on my way here I met the folks of Dance Dance Revolution kinda begging for us to join their saturday night party yet again." She then added with a lower enthusiasm. Her interest was lost weeks prior, upon beating all possible scores. "Oh and the hedgehog says he lost the ring you signed him, wants a new one.."
"It's hysterical, maybe I liked it better when everyone avoided me." Chuckled the goliath, even tho of course he didn't mean it, no one would miss days of loneliness and rejection. There, his tiny bff showed a genuine grin. "Quit whinin. You are on top of the world like a true hero, Ralphie. "
She wasn't wrong. A lot had changed for Ralph since that fateful day of near apocalypse, four years earlier. The guy was now quite a renowned personality. He could still remember the thrill down his spine when those same eyes that had passed over him for thirty decades finally gave him a curious glance. "Don't get me wrong, I like the attention, but there's this thing called 'me time', you know?" Celebrity life..
"Ay, enough chit-chat, my dear hobo. Let's go check out that new game they plugged in!" Van interrupted. "Sorry kid, I'm not moving." Oh he didn't just say such a thing in front of her. "What?? You wanna hide from blondie until the end of time?" His answer came quick. "I told you yesterday, some of the guys from bad-anon are coming over."
"Aww come on!! I wanna see what it's like!" Her best buddy simply shrugged before heading to the courtyard where he would set the table for the meeting. "Go for it." The little girl hesitated, but after a heavy snort, she followed good old Stinkbrain. "Is that Satan guy gonna come?" Of course that was her favorite of the bunch. "It's Satèn."
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kazumist · 1 year
mag dagdag nako sa filipino au hcs
si kaeya ung campus crush na may pagka babaero pero matino talaga sadjang tarantado nga
si cyno madalas inaunbutton ung polo niya kasi mainit tas ung sando sa loob sobrang basa sa pawis.... medjo nangangamoy siya😭 (pero sumisilip onti ung abs EME)
tas si tighnari ung tipong makikita mong nakatambay sa hallway o sa canteen na lagi may ginagawa kaya nagmumukang unapproachable
medj mahaba ung response ko ... slight .... kaya utc nlng soz medj messy din
pero true ka kay nari at kaeya !! malandi si kaeya slight pero green flag yan malakas lng masyado ung trippings (hes so me kasi malakas din trippings q) tas si nari ung tipong study first, wlang issue yan sa school as in wla ka tlgang maririnig na chismis kung may kalandian siya or what kasi ang automatic sagot dyan "ay study first siya, impossible yan" (ako tlga kalandian niya guys,, lowkey lng kami sorry at sa gantong paraan niyo pa nalaman)
si childe ung sikat na kuya kasi hes so approachable at matalino :') not to mention varsity pa ng volleyball like helloooo san ka pa dba HADHAHDADHHAHAHAH consistent honor student na vball captain and hes fun + easy to vibe with !! tarantado minsan pero he knows his limits putangina miss na kita baby ko di ko na kaya
i rlly need to update my childe smau 😓😓 ilang araw nako di nagsusulat para don gagi
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lunarifie · 2 years
Rewatching Ninjago
(With no context other than the episode)
Hands of Time episode 9-10
This is actually so traumatizing. Can you imagine being Kai and Nya. Wus life on the line as well as the entire world
Kai has such a strong sense of justice
omfg i cant imagine how pained Kai and Nyas parents must feel. Seeing their kids being forced to retrieve a time blade and their old dear friend Wu aging to death
And they cant do anything about it
Ray: We hid the timeblade in a place that fire and water coexist. The boiling sea.
Holy shit thats cool
Jay: Its just a strategic retreat!
Cole: ‘Strategic retreat’ is just a fancy way of saying giving up 🙄
HFNSJNFND i love Coles sass
Zane: Wait! I cant retreat, im getting a signal.
Jay: Oh yeah? Does it sound anything like this?! ‘MOVE YOUR ASS ZANE!!!!’
Awwww Zane wants to save Cyrus borg
No but fr theyre right, theres too many vermillion warriors for Zane to handle
id like to take this moment in time to remind everyone that when Zane tried to sacrifice himself, Jay tried to run in and stop him while everyone watched in horror. Now at this exact moment, Jay is the first to volunteer in joining Zane to saving Cyrus borg
Technoshipping has been looking especially likable lately 👀
Kai: Gotta give credit to whoever named it the ‘Boiling Sea’ for accuracy…
The time brothers can be so stupid sometimes
Can we talk about how Nya was the first ninja to make a fusion dragon TWICE
Shes the fucking best
Their fusion dragons so cool
Ray: Now listen, this is VERY important. The first obstacle—
Kai: THERES NO TIME! Wus wasting away!
just wait a goddamn second 😭
I love their sibling relationship sm
Kai, who almost fell in a crater: haha… who knew you could be so high up, under water…
Nya: 😐😑😐
Kai: uhhh any idea on how to get down there without breaking our necks.
Nya: well, we could ask our dad… Oh no wait! You were too impatient for that.
Their relationship is everything to me
Cyrus borg after attacking the ninja in vermillion suits: You came, to rescue me?
Jay: Yeah… a decision im coming to regret…
Love how Jay was a huge cyrus borg fanatic and now is just tired of the guy 💀
Cole: Duh, they kidnapped all the builders in ninjago. Pay attention Jay!
5 minutes later
Jay: Duh, its a temporal voyage, temporal meaning ‘time’. PAY ATTENTION COLE.
Love how at the beginning of this season Jay didn’t even know what Temporal meant.
I feel like thats happened before, with Jay not knowing the meaning of a word and then constantly using it when he does.
Kai: You know how moms can get, haha!
Nya: No… because, i never had one.”
Kai: ah.
Kai: Right.
Kai: Because ours got kidnapped when you were only 3.
Kai: Sorry.
what a blunt way to just drop that 😭
Awwww now hes trying to cheer her up 🥹
Hes such a good older brother
Cyrus borg is actually so smart implementing a self destruct code even when the time brothers were watching him like a hawk
(All the ninja secretly taking borg away in their disguises with their faces covered)
Jay: (Showing his whole face) Aye aye captain!
Vermillion general: DID YOU JUST TALK!?!?
Cole: seriously Jay??? We’re NINJA we’re supposed to be stealthy
SAMURAI X!!!!!!!1!1!1!1!
knowing Samurai X is Pixal makes this whole exchange between the two of them adorable
Pixals so badass
Ok but why would their parents create geometric monsters that water and fire cant defeat.
Awwwww the little geometric screams
Kai after they try to use water and fire on the door: Working together, hehe 😎(Breaks his hands and feet fighting it)
Nya: Its the dragon blade! For ONCE take TWO seconds to think a problem through!
Shes not wrong💀
Kai: (picks up the time blade and everything starts crumbling)
Kai: We gotta bolt! Or do you wanna stay and think a problem through?
i love them sm
I keep forgetting they can do airjitzu
Cyrus borg: Uhhh i remember the destruction code was a 13 hundred sequence…
Yeah. I mean, it was pretty obvious the time brother werent gonna let Kai reverse Wu.
they lost :(
okay but why do Kai and Nya need the dragon sword to make a fusion dragon. Jay and Nya didnt need one in skybound???
Zane: 13 hundred? Thats the first line of code-
Pixal as Samurai X: -in Programming a nindroid!
From Jay being the person who uses his element the most, im assuming its the easiest to animate 😭
Zane (literally shaking from how fast he’s typing): JUST A COUPLE MORE HUNDRED DIGITS
Jay: This could not get any worse.
Cole: did you really just say that? You totally jinxed us!
Jay: pft- Thats not how real life work 🙄
Yeah but thats how cartoons work
(Giants flying shop descends)
Jay: Not saying another word.
Pls pls plsssss Nya and Kai come swoop in and save the day
Kai: the dragons not gonna make it in time, we dont have enough speed!
Their mother: good luck kids.
Nya: What are you doing?!?
Mom: Giving you the speed you need! (Fucking jumps off the dragon with her unconscious husband)
Oh ok she landed safely 💀
Kai: Our mom is totally awesome!
Hell yeah she is
Nya and Kais mom: Children…
Jay: Nya!
Cole: Kai!
Just wanted to point that out. Thats for the lavashippers out there
Jay calling out to Kai and Nya 🥹
Jay: Why did they risk their lives to go after Krux and Acronix 😢
Ray (their father): It was the only way to save Wu….
Jay: Oh, Okay. Im good with that!
Cole: We need to go after them! Cant you build another time machine Cyrus????
Cyrus: I cant :(
Jay: Ohhhhh I get it. ‘I cant’ is business speak means itll cost ya big. Okay business man, i hear you. Uhhhhhh I have a tenner?
Jay: Okaaaay, well samurai 2.0, since we’re waiting why dont you tell us whats really under that mask???
Samurai 2.0:
Samurai 2.0: No.
Jay: …
Jay: Would a tenner change your mind?…
i love Jay sm
Can Ray and Wu just NOT die from aging??? It isnt that hard. Just stop.
Love that Nya and Kai are just hiding right under the time brothers noses
See this is what I meant when i said time travel shit fucks me up.
If Krux and Acronix went back in time shouldnt Wu REMEMBER them coming back????
Jays bio mom: Am I dreaming or are those the guys we just fought?
Time brothers: You stopped us once today, but we now have a legion with us.
Jays bio mom: Awwwwww! And here I thought I was finally gonna go on my honeymoon! Really cute guy too, Cliff is an actor and when I look into his eyes-
i love her sm
Wish we learned more about her
“Change anything, change everything”
God this is giving me so much season 1 time traveling deja vu
Love how the ninja contradict Wus own wisdom with his other same wisdom hfjsbfjsjr
i laughed a little when Kai exaggeratingly deepened his voice terribly like his fathers and then Nya proceeded to give the best impression of her mother ive ever seen 😭
Cant believe the time brothers just killed their snake commanders
Hate that their time machine is called the ‘iron doom’
Jays bio mom: Ughhhh SERIOUSLY!?!? normal snake samurai are hard enough. How do we stop THAT?
Noooo time has been altered :(
wait, no technology?
NO ZANE?!?!?!?!?
I miss Garmadon….
Seeing him and Wu young and somewhat happy makes me wanna cry
Krux: You know what they say, fight fire with time!
Acronix: I hate when you make up sayings.
Wait what is Nya doing
Ik shes doing smth super smart but WHAT
Nya istg u better have a plan bc Krux and Acronix just traveled to the future and are probably gonna destroy the world so you better have SOMETHING
also your brothers absolutely dejected and feels like a failure so maybe talk with him
wait what are they doing with it
i cant do time travel shit i dont understand a thing
Ok ok, so they fixed everything.
That was anti-climatic.
Jay: Kai and Nya did it! (Hugs samurai x) wanna celebrate by telling me who you are?
Samurai 2.0: No.
Oh wait Rays dying.
Krux and Acronix: if we go far enough in time, there will be no one who knows us! Aaaand no Kai and Nya!!!
Kai: Wow! You just keep getting it wrong dont you?
Nya: That must be really, really frustrating.
I absolutely love them
Wu cares for Ray sm 🥺
Wu: (destroys the fucking time machine)
Kai: Why did you do that?????
Wu: Putting off until tomorrow what cannot be done today.
Damn. Twisting around his own analogies now.
They made Rays old death so much more violent and sad then Wus
Cole: Wait, wheres master Wu?????
Kai: Hes gone…
Cole: So, we dont have a master anymore..?
Jay: Yes we do, you Lloyd. It has to be you.
Im so glad im rewatching this show, I legitimately forgot all about this.
Lloyd: We will not rest, until we figure out. where is Wu.
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chaoticcosmos666 · 2 years
Skyrim headcannon pt.2- Antagonists
Aye we got the antagonists now!!! I have three rn. I say antagonist cus they're not villains per say? Idk. Redemption arc and shit except for one. So let's get into it huh?
Azrael- Harkon's Protégé
Not to be confused with Azireth, the dunmer... He is a Daywalker vampire lord (race is redguard) even more powerful than Harkon himself. He's 6ft exactly and he's muscular due to the vampiric ways. He charmed the ladies of Dibella in Markarth, and met his now wife, anwen there.
Azrael was different from birth... He had known something made him special. More powerful than many. He actively searched for power. Drawn to Skyrim, He kept under the radar but something still called to him. He wasn't like the Nords anyway. Walking the coast that lined the Sea Of Ghosts... He felt it draw closer and more powerful. Then spotted the castle on the horizon. Was this his next source of power? Taking the boat he made his way... There he was met by the gate keeper who asked his purpose. There he said he sought the power calling to him. He was directed to Harkon, where the gift was given to him. A vampire lord was born. He kept his head low.... He had already sensed jealousy in orthjolf and vingalmo. years went on... Civil war erupted and new whispers of vampire hunters came up. Azrael continued his work. One day someone had brought back Harkons daughter, serana... Unknown to him it was Tiberius. He watched from the balcony. Something was off... But he couldn't put his finger on it. He just continued to work towards what he was to do. Finding the blood chalice and ways to make it more powerful. However on one fateful day he came back to the slaughter of his people. Stunned, he looked for Harkon. Both orthjolf and vingalmo clung to life, begging for azreals help.. but no. Azreal stabbed vingalmo and crushed in orthjolfs head as punishment to them. After he found Harkon in the chapel... Dying. Azreal promised to carry on his legacy. And in his last breath, Harkon gave azreal his heart for the Blood challace to make it powerful and to drink. There he mixed it and drank from it... Becoming a more powerful vampire than what he was... A new vampiric threat... Making new breeds of vampires that Skyrim has never seen.
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Cadhlah- Vigilant gone Mad
Name is pronounced Kai-lah. Name derives from Ireland and means beautiful/graceful. She is a Breton. Height is 5'5, and is much shorter than the other entries.
Ah Skyrim... The place of the Daedra worshippers... Or of course that's what Cadhlah saw. A student at the winterhold college (during Savos Arens time) turned Vigilant of Stendarr... She spent years cultivating her craft and her strong held belief. What many do not know is her dark secret... The fact she was a necromancer previously, before turning to a vigilant. She kept it hidden... Until the post she knew was wiped by vampires. She hated them with a burning passion. She watched families be torn apart by them. She didn't stand back idlely. Before the raid though, she was appointed as an enforcer, armed heavily with Stendarrs might. After the attack tho, she had a short stint with the dawnguard... But she felt that they didn't do enough. Especially since they didn't have the source of where it was. She left, still searching. She saw herself as pure even with her necromantic ways. After the second wave of vampire breaks... She had it. Armed as the Paladin of light (or what she referred to herself as), she and her two enforcers traveled to cyrodiil and confronted Tiberius on his handling. Accusing him of letting it happen for too long and accusing him of outrageous things. She wouldn't have it... She went back and went on a rampage, killing those who she saw as "unholy". But that would be her eventual downfall....
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Eivor Wolftooth- the wolf of the storm
Yea this is literally a name homage to AC-Valhallas Eivor wolfkissed. She's 5'9 and is one of the only female captains in the stormcloak rebellion. She serves beside Ulfric. This one is a bit short so I apologize
The rebellion was her calling. She was one of the ones captured during the ambush that saw her in helgen. That day she thought she would have died, but by Talos hand, she lived to fight on. Before she joined, she was a companion and a part of the inner circle... A werewolf. She could smell blood and track things for miles. As the war went on, she became battle hardened and ruthless to the Imperial Bastards. Her unit was known as "the Wolf Unit". She had gained the favor of Ulfric like Fenrir did... But unlike him, she stayed by Ulfrics side after the war. After catching word of a "new rebellion" she was ready to wipe it out by any means necessary.
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Anyway that's that. Feel free to ask about any of them. I'll do my best to answer about them. Pretty much no limits to what u can ask 👀
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upismediacenter · 2 years
Mga Atleta ng UPIS, Nagbabalik Face-to-Face Training
Dalawang taon mula nang maapektuhan ng pandemiya ang kanilang nakagawiang training, unti-unti nang bumabalik sa face-to-face mode ang mga pagsasanay ng mga atleta ng University of the Philippines Integrated School (UPIS). Kaugnay nito, nagpaunlak ng panayam ang ilang miyembro ng UPIS Basketball Varsity Team (UPIS BBVT) at UPIS Varsity Swim Team (UPIS VST) upang ibahagi ang kanilang karanasan sa gradwal na pagbabalik na ito.
Ibinahagi ng UPIS BBVT Team Captain Jonas Napalang mula sa Grado 12 na nagsimula ang kanilang face-to-face training noon pang Pebrero at nagpapatuloy pa rin ito hanggang sa kasalukuyan. Ayon sa kanya, tuwing Lunes, Miyerkules, at Biyernes, mula 5:30 ng hapon hanggang 8:00 ng gabi kung sila ay mag-ensayo. Kinakailangan din nilang masagutan ang Health Declaration Form isang araw bago ang kanilang training upang manatili pa ring ligtas ang kanilang mga kalagayan.
Pagbabahagi naman ni UPIS VST Co-Captain Frances Halaboso na noong una ay twice a week lamang ang kanilang face-to-face training. Nang unti-unting nabawasan ang mga kaso ng COVID-19, naging Lunes hanggang Biyernes na ang kanilang face-to-face training na nagsisimula mula 3:20 ng hapon at nagtatapos sa ganap na 5:45 ng hapon. Patuloy pa rin ang pagsusuot ng UPIS VST ng facemask tuwing pupunta sa pool bilang pag-iingat. Inaalis lamang nila ito kapag oras nang sila'y lumangoy.
Adjustment sa bagong set-up–“Masaya na nagbalik na ulit ng f2f training ang mga varsity dahil mas nagkaroon na ulit ng interactions at bonding ang mga athletes.” Tugon ni Halaboso nang tanungin kung ano ang kanyang opinyon sa pagbabalik ng F2F training. Ibinahagi naman ni Napalang na “nakakamiss” dahil unti-unti na raw nababalik ang dati.
Nang tanungin naman kung ano ang kanilang mga naging adjustment sa pagbabagong ito, tugon ni Napalang na “Siguro wala namang pag-aadjust for me kasi [noong] pandemic, tuloy pa [rin] naman [ang] sariling workout or bball.”
Para naman kay Halaboso, ”Noong una ay hindi naging madali sapagkat nagkaroon ako ng conflict sa aking schedule. Dahil sa oras ng pagpunta [ko] sa f2f training galing [akong] online class sa bahay. Ganoon rin sa iba na medyo malayo ang tirahan [mula] sa pool. Ngunit nagawan naman ng paraan dahil na-adjust rin ang oras ng training namin. Mula 2:30, naging 3:30 [ng hapon]. Sa pakikipag-interact sa teammates, [noong] una ay nahihiya ako, ngunit dahil sa mga taong nakatulong sa akin makipag-interact, mas naging madali sa akin na makipag-usap sa iba.”
Ibinahagi rin ng mga atleta ang kanilang nararamdaman at saloobin, sampu ng kanilang mga kasama, para sa papalapit na mga laban sa UAAP Season 85.
"Ako nararamdaman ko is excited na may halong kaba kasi iba na ngayon. Last year na namin. Iba na [expectations] sa amin. Kailangan i-push [ang] sarili para maging handa," pagbabahagi ni Napalang.
Samantala, bagaman nakaramdam ng kaba noong una, unti-unting namutawi ang pananabik para sa mga miyembro ng UPIS VST. "Unti-unti [nang] naghahanda ang aming team [para] sa paparating na kompetisyon," pagtatapos ni Halabaso.
Nagsimula ang UAAP Season 85 noong Oktubre 1, subalit sa ngayon, wala pang iskedyul na inilabas ukol sa mga laban ng UPIS BBVT. Sa kabilang banda, nakatakda nang sumabak ang UPIS VST sa laban sa darating na Nobyembre 24 na gaganapin sa Rizal Memorial Sports Complex. //ni Dean Cabrera
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