#Azreal’s Regret
darkartfinds · 11 months
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Azreal’s Regret by Byondhelp Photography
Model: Kali Angela
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lxkeee · 4 months
I absolutely love your writing!! And don't get me wrong, I love Lucifer, but they way you write Azreal and the Eveningstar family lives in my head 24/7. The AU where reader ends up with Azrael is my absolute fav to come back to, along with the main series it stemmed from. I'd love to see more content of him in general. I've been driving myself crazy imaging a part 2 to the AU with Lucifer wanting to reconnect with reader and having this family unit with them, only to realize that he lost them completely when he fell and that they've moved one and found happiness without him. Very hurt/no comfort for Luci while reader finally experiences a returned unconditional love with Azrael.
Pairing: Azrael Eveningstar x Seraphim Angel! Reader
Genre: angst
Warnings: hurt and no comfort for our short king
Notes: an alternate universe where [y/n]'s family is complete, Xavier doesn't have any daddy issues nor has any hatred for Charlie as he doesn't give any crap about her and Lucifer (well, he did at some point but forgave them), where it was simply the wrong person and wrong time. Where it was Azrael who is endgame. This isn't canon to the fanfic storyline, simply an au.
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They finally have done it. Hazbin Hotel is finally booming in business, many sinners are finally checking in and giving redemption a try.
Though, Lucifer cannot help but be nervous. Heaven or specifically, the Seven Virtues requested a meeting with him and his daughter and along with Vaggie, they wanted to talk about the hotel and also about his punishment.
Why wouldn't he be nervous? The last time he was in a meeting with them, they absolutely crushed his hopes and dreams and to add to the fact that his first wife, now ex-wife is part of the organization.
Lucifer doesn't know how to handle it, he's afraid of how he'll act once he sees her and the fact that Charlie told him about his son that he left her with. Absolute guilt.
He misses her, he misses [y/n] so much and he regrets how he treated her. He neglected her, abandoned her and their son. Even after all these years, his heart still longed for her.
“Dad? You okay?” Charlie asked worriedly, holding her bag. Currently, they are waiting for the portal to heaven to open for their meeting tomorrow. She noticed that her dad seems to be in deep thought, she knows what's plaguing his mind—meeting his ex-wife again and seeing his son for the first time. She too is nervous about what will happen when that moment comes.
“The portal seems to be taking a long time to open.” Angel Dust snickered and Vaggie elbowed him on the side, somehow both Alastor, Niffty, and Angel Dust wanted to join them. Leaving the hotel underneath [f/n]'s care, another overlord who joined the hotel.
“You're really complaining when you're not even invited,” Vaggie muttered before turning to look at Alastor, “I am even surprised that even you also decided to join us, how come?” Vaggie deadpans at Alastor and the taller demon just laugh, radio static filling the air, “Myyy~! I am merely curious what the heavenly realms looked like. Nothing more~” He grins, quite mischievously. Vaggie narrowed her eyes at the radio demon.
Lucifer sighs and shakes his head and gives Charlie a small reassuring smile, “I'll be fine, I'm just a little... Nervous.” he admits softly and Charlie nodded in understanding, placing a hand over her father's shoulder. She understands him, she too is nervous in seeing her half brother. Last time she saw him, he was giving her judgmental looks.
“I'm sure we'll be fine... Maybe this will be your chance to reconnect with them?” Charlie suggested, hopeful that somehow the two families can find a neutral area to get along with each other. After all, she always wanted an older sibling or siblings in general. She hopes that she and Xavier can get along.
Lucifer smiled, he too is hoping that this meeting will be fruitful and won't go so horribly.
A golden portal opened in front of them and they looked at each other, nodding as they finally took a step inside.
Heaven, is very bright compared to hell. Too much white, gold, and blues.
The crew looked at Lucifer, urging him to take the lead as he did come from here. Lucifer sighs, despite the nervousness, he decides to approach the pearly white gates of heaven. Standing in front of the counter of Saint Peter. The others are following him.
“Welcome to heaven, can I get your names please?” Saint Peter asked, opening his book. Lucifer sighs, twiddling his thumbs nervously.
“Lucifer... Morningstar...” Lucifer says, almost a whisper. Cringing slightly as he watched the Saint slam his book close, “Oh... Fuck!” Saint Peter exclaimed with a nervous chuckle.
“Um... I wasn't aware that you will be visiting today...” the Saint said with an awkward chuckle, Angel Dust just smirked while Alastor just grins, clearly interested in what heaven has to offer.
Charlie stood nervously beside Lucifer, unsure what to do next.
“Saint Peter, please grant them access. They are here for an important meeting.” a young masculine voice says, surprising the hell citizens. Turning to look at the gate and their eyes widened to see an almost exact replica of Lucifer—except for the eyes and height.
Lucifer's eyes widened and Charlie can be seen to become more nervous as the young man approached their group.
Saint Peter eyes widened, not expecting to see the young general today. “R-right. Please, come in.. heaven officially welcomes you.” Saint Peter says, opening the gates wider for the group.
Lucifer couldn't think, his ears ringing as he looked at the newcomer. Lucifer examined the angel's appearance—an almost exact replica of him and of course, he knows those eyes very well. The same [e/c] eyes his ex-wife has. The angel wearing a white military-ish uniform with gold shoulder pads, elbow length black leather gloves and knee high leather black heeled boots.
Charlie gave his hand a gentle squeeze in assurance, he squeezed it back, grateful for her support.
Alastor grins, not expecting a twist in the scenario.
The young man turned to look at them with a gentle smile, “Greetings, I am Xavier. I am tasked with showing you guys where you will stay for tonight.” Xavier says.
Xavier looked at his obvious half family from hell, before, he had anger for them but because of his mother's influence, he was able to manage his anger on them. But it doesn't mean he'll accept Lucifer and Charlotte his family, he already has his own family in heaven. He doesn't need them.
“Please follow me and keep up.” Xavier says, almost emotionless. It's a habit of his, it might come off as rude or cold to people he just met but he doesn't care. His mother is the angel of kindness, he needs to inherit her kindness instead of his father's pride.
The hell citizens just looked at him with slight nervousness—aside from the smiling one—before eventually following him.
Lucifer just stared at the back of Xavier's head, the golden halo shining brightly against his light blonde hair. He wanted to speak to him but words wouldn't come out of his mouth. He just follows in silence, his demon kind just looking at him in worry—except Alastor, who just gave him a teasing grin.
They followed him, it took a while but they finally arrived at their destination. A large white mansion with black and gold accents, surrounded by fluffy white clouds and trees. Sunflower and tulip fields decorating the front garden. [Y/n]'s favorite flowers.
“This is where you'll be staying so please, come inside.” Xavier says, the gates to the large mansion opening for them.
They admired the scenery, it is completely different from hell. Clean and tidy. Almost blinding to the eye.
They finally arrived inside the large mansion, completely in awe with its exterior and interior designs.
“Don't worry about the palace being too crowded, it's just me and my family living here.” Xavier explained, ushering them to follow him. Walking towards the supposed living room, they weren't able to see the large family portrait on the wall as it was mounted on a wall that they couldn't see.
“I am surprised we're staying somewhere luxurious this time unlike last time. How come?” Charlie asked and Xavier gave her a raised eyebrow before sighing.
“The guest rooms are currently full while waiting for new buildings to be created for the new souls. The seven thought it would be a good idea if one of them houses you guys.” Xavier shrugs before continuing to tour them around. Angel whistling in admiration.
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“And this will be your room.” Xavier says as he showed Lucifer his room. The others are already settled in.
“Thank you.” Lucifer says, almost a whisper as he went inside the large luxurious room. Xavier nodded as he stood at the doorway.
“It's nothing, I'll get going now and if you need me, I'll be in the living room.” Xavier says before turning around to leave.
Lucifer doesn't know what he was thinking, he just acted out on impulse. Xavier stopped, turning around to look at him with a raised eyebrow.
“What is it?” Xavier asked, looking down on him. Mom, why is he so small? He thought.
Lucifer gulped, clearly nervous, “Are you... My...?” he couldn't get all the words out as his ears were ringing.
“Son?” Xavier completed, crossing his arms to look at his blood father, “Yes.” he says flatly and Lucifer's breath hitched.
Xavier sighs, already done with this, “Look, I am going to be straight with you dear father of mine.” Xavier says flatly, Lucifer looking at the taller boy in front of him.
“Just because you're my blood father doesn't mean I want you back in my life, whatever you're trying to do. I don't welcome it. I couldn't care less about you or my half sister. Do you understand? So, stop. Don't give me and my family a hard time. You've done enough damage already.” Xavier says coldly, catching Lucifer off guard. The fallen angel's heart shattered at the boy's harshness.
“Excuse me, I still have work to do.” Xavier says as he quickly walked away. Lucifer nodded, almost robotic. He went inside the guestroom and cried.
Lucifer doesn't blame Xavier for acting that way. After all, he's a horrible husband and father to [y/n] and Xavier.
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Dinner was oddly awkward, a tension between the three blood relatives. Xavier didn't join them, opting to only have a drink instead.
“Aren't you going to eat?” Charlie asked hesitantly as she sat beside her dad, Xavier didn't bother looking up from his golden holographic screen that came from his wrist watch, his other hand typing into the hair and into the hologram.
“I'll eat later.” Xavier answers nonchalantly, they can clearly see him texting his mom.
M: Don't be too harsh on them sunshine.
X: I'm trying.
D: Well you better try harder, kiddo.
X: 🙄
X: What time will you come home?
D: Late as usual.
M: Indeed, there are still many things to finish but your father and I will make it quick to join you for dinner.
X: Alright, stay safe.
D: Love you, kiddo. Goodluck lol.
M: We will, sunshine. Love you<3
X: love you guys too.
Xavier was grinning slightly as he texted some people, Lucifer assumed it was [y/n] and somebody else he doesn't know of.
Lucifer avoided Xavier after that, clearly heartbroken. Lucifer assumes the D and M profiles meant Mom and Dad and Lucifer assumed that [y/n] remarried and he can clearly see how happy Xavier is talking to them.
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To shorten this all up, the meeting went smoothly. The Seven Virtues promised to fund the hotel and also asked for Lucifer's forgiveness for how harsh they treated him. Heaven took back his punishment and he can freely visit heaven anytime. Lucifer was able to find out that Azrael married [y/n] and she's happily married to the man. Though, she doesn't hate him and forgave him but she did make it clear that she doesn't want him back to her life and so did Xavier and Lucifer respected their wishes.
Finally returning back to hell, Lucifer was extremely heartbroken. He lost before he even got to start. But part of him is glad that [y/n] found a better man than him, someone who treats her better than him.
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End notes: I got a little lazy at the end lmao.
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karmenclaw21 · 3 months
Reflecting - Azreal's POV
Sweat drenched my bed sheets as I tossed and turned, disturbing images flashing in and out of my mind like lighting striking down on the earth during a storm, sleep was simply out of the question at this point. I opened my eyes to stare at the clock that was on my nightstand for such occasions.
3:16 AM.
I let out a soft huff as I tossed my bed covers off me and sat upright, Malicite stirring slightly on the other side of the large bed.
that's right, this wasn't the forbidden forest, this was my bar, where my guests come to have a good time, where my staff lives safely, this is where my apartment is, where my husband, Malicite, the light of my life stirred in his sleep slightly as I turned to watch him for a second.
Home, I was home.
I could still faintly hear the music of my bar, Jazz, I think it is anyway, the girls probably turning it on to get ready for closing. Even on the third floor, the music could be heard, though it was to be expected, of course, can't have a party club be all silent.
I slowly turned around and gently scooted myself to the edge of our bed, my twin tails resting limply at my sides as I placed my bare feet into the pair of slippers I always kept at the side of my bed, for nights like this. These were my favorite ones, they were a nice baby blue, very, very fluffy, it was like putting your feet into a small cloud, or that's what I like to think anyways.
I slowly got to my feet and walked to the other side of the bed and stared at the love of my life, lightly snoring, his four hands clinging to the top of the covers, I laid down my sanity for this man, and not a day goes by where I regretted it, not when I get to spend my afterlife with him and the people I love.
I gently moved some of his hair from his face before gently kissing him on the forehead, perfect, you couldn't get closer to perfection. I slowly stood back up straight before going over to the back of our door and grabbing a long flow morning coat, its fluffy wristband and hood at the back were a welcome addition to my naked body.
I gently opened the door, praying to the god of luck that it doesn't squeak, I held my breath as I opened the door, thankfully it didn't as I slid out of the room and made my way to the one place I could be at peace.
The night sky was somehow more beautiful than the night before. I leaned on the railing that separated me from the 6 story drop down onto the streets below. I gently tapped the cigarette on the railing, my eyes watched the ashes gently fall into the abyss of the night. I opened my mouth slowly, the smoke bursting from between the gap in my mouth, it floating off into the night air 20 years,
20 years where my life held no value to anyone, not even myself, where I got my hands dirty for what I thought was a reward at the end, where I was nothing, felt nothing, other than rage of course- but that's par of the course for a Ssertnuh of course.
20 years I served under the so-called god of the heavens, the self-proclaimed bringer of justice, Justice. my. ass. I placed the smoke to my pale lips and inhaled slightly before tapping the cigarette once more on the railing, not bothering to watch the ashes fall this time
As I looked up at the half moon in the sky, I couldn't help but laugh softly to myself, as I laughed it seemed the grey smoke coming out of my mouth laughed too, sometimes, in a deep dream, I forget this is all here, that I am in the forbidden forest once again, running away from the god of the Upperworld, Maria, that sick, sick bastard of a god, in my dreams, I'm always caught and dragged back, forever to be her toy, her small plaything she could break over, and over, and over again for the rest of time.
I shook my head, no, this wasn't the timeline I was her toy thing, this was the one where I freed myself from her torment.
I looked down onto the streets of Lycan, so peaceful, besides the odd drunk of Couse, but when the streets are dead, it is nice, for once, I get to take in the beauty of a city without thinking of my next victim, instead, thinking about the nearby bakery that served the nicest fairy cakes, or the nearby tailors, who can make any old rags into the newest fashions.
I tossed the smoke off the edge and watched as it clattered to the ground below, the only indication it still existed was the small embers flying off as it fell.
I place my hand, which was resting on the railing to my mouth,
I'm thriving.
I made it out
I survived.
and there's no goddamn way Maria will ever fuck with me again. never will I live in fear, for I am my own judge, defense, prosecutor, and executor, for now, I am the one who decided my own faith. A single tear escaped from my eye as I reminded myself, for the millionth time this year-
I'm free.
As on cue, the roof door slowly opened. I quickly turned, wiping away the tear that was falling down my cheek. That beautiful face popped out, his 3 visible eyes staring at me, his gaze full of worry, I couldn't help but smile at him as he fully came out onto the roof, the only thing sheltering his bottom half was a towel he tied around his waist, fine nots might I add.
''you ok there Az..?'' he asked as he made his way over to me, I closed in the distance quickly, just wanting to be close to the elven man I married all those years ago. he slowly grabbed both my hands with his top set of hands and intertwined his fingers into mine, seems we can't get enough of each other tonight
I smiled softly as I stared into his eyes ''I'm fine Mal,  just needed some fresh air- why did you get up..?'' I gripped his hand tightly 
''I saw you walk out of the room so I decided to follow.''
''sorry love, I didn't mean to wake you up..'' a pang of guilt washed over me
''no, you're fine Az, I woke up on my own-''  he said, his top eye looking away slightly, I couldn't help but chuckle, he's such a bad liar. ''now come on back to bed my love we both got a busy day awaiting us'' he said, raising his left hand to touch my cheek, his thumb brushing it gently 
''alright you big goober, lets get back to bed-'' I said, a grin forming on my face as in one swift motion I linked my hand around his main right hand, his smaller bottom right hand resting softly on my back now '' maybe you can kiss me to sleep..?'' I raised my eyebrow slightly
''is that a request or an order..?'' he said, a devious grin forming on his face. gods, I don't think I could love a person more.
''mm...let's go with order.''
''yes ma'am.'' 
We both chuckled as they walked through the door, yes, 20 years was worth it all, all for us, all for him.
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muerder-snail · 1 year
So I might have made a mistake and made toad a pretty boy but that just seems to be how my art style is sooooooo… no regrets!!!
I resently was going through my past fixations and remembered this ship ,and now the hyperfix has returned! I honestly love them little bundles of chaos.
I like to think they dated in secret but the professor knew better mind reader but didn’t want to hurt Kurt seeing how happy he was with Todd so just let it happen.
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Also the little tadpole baby is there son azreal of course this is the evolution version of him there is a apocalypse version witch looks like this
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I’m the apocalypse time line he’s the tribreed son of angel, quicksilver and nightcrawler while in evolution he’s just the son of nightcrawler and toad. There might be more versions of him but I can assure you he’ll always be a the son of nightcrawler.
Also look out for a collage au coming soon
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jadelee06 · 2 years
patryarchy:the ultimate theocracy
You make blackout poetry from your lord’s tongue.
When the waters rise you won’t be saved but left to run.
Al-Hawwiyah is waiting for those who are on the Foodchain’s top.
For we know the sin of forcing others to be like you will not stop.
Iblis and Satan pulled puppet strings to cause faith to be a battle ground.
Revolution, community strikes, singing like in a chorus, devout.
Hijabs and long skirts: symbols show that girls are being controlled.
Cutting one’s hair on the other hand: a statement, bold.
Don’t believe the purity culture of which you are told.
For that will only end with regret for when you are old.
Assuming that hell’s agents of so-called morality,
Or a botched D.I.Y abortion doesn’t end you early.
But do not worry, for this strife, Azreal will cut their souls out with a knife.
And jerk it out with such ferocity, that evil will depart from its dignity.
Metaphorical gold, cuffs their wrists as they promote patriarchy,
And no matter how much you try, they will deny the key.
Evangelicals pretend to fall then cry out oppression.
I doubt that they will ever learn their lesson.
We didn’t ask for their crosses, their stars or crescents,
And yet there are those who are to choke on these regardless.
The religion itself is not to blame,
It doesn’t matter the one you are about to name.
For the issue is that these women weren’t given the right to choose.
And now they are corpses, beaten black and blue.
Separation between church and state is a lie,
Get away with anything in the states with Andrew.25
In Islam, to the same effect, the Quran will work just fine.
And they will not see that they have long crossed this line.
Both countries are theocracies, the very same
Except only one has the guts, the sheer audacity
to acknowledge this fact by name.
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phantom-tiger · 3 years
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A piece of me and @what-we-knew01‘s dnd twin characters when they were younger and before the Trauma ™
Sketch done by @what-we-knew01
First time using @tamberella‘s foliage brushes as well!
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A belated fanfic Fri, eh, Sunday...
The Fall
Is part of a series, but only 1 part was written. It can read as a stand alone
Rating: Teen and up
Warnings: none applied
Summary: Michael raised his blade, pressing it against the others chest. "For eons, I thought...I thought I was like the others. You lied to me," he almost whispered. God stood stiffly in front of him. "Do not do anything you will regret, Michael," he said with dark eyes. Eyes like Lucifer's, Azreal's. and Gabriel's. Michael shifted away before striking.
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lassieposting · 4 years
In the Domestic Ship meme, let’s say that these people/pairings are all cohabiting: Aziraphale/Crowley, Chloe/Lucifer, Charlotte/Dan, Eve/Maze, Amenadiel/Linda, Azreal/Ella, along with Charlie and Trixie
Chloe/Lucifer is here. Eve/Maze and Amenadiel/Linda are covered here. Charlotte/Dan is here. I’m gonna pass on Azrael/Ella though because we only met Azrael once and only found out who she was at the end of the episode, so I didn’t really get attached to her, so I don’t particularly ship it. Charlie and Trixie feature in their parents’ memes. 
For anyone who loves Aziraphale and Crowley, please please go read Angel Network by @spinner-dolphin. This is easily one of my favourite fanfics, in any of my fandoms, ever. Her writing is wonderful and I need you all to read it and scream with me. 
domestic ship meme!
send me a ship and i’ll tell you:
who reaches out to new neighbors
aziraphale. they’re both pretty friendly, but aziraphale was a Nosy Brit before Brits existed. he always wants to know what’s going on with the neighbours. crowley is less interested unless it’s that train wreck family across the road shouting in the middle of the street again. 
who remembers to buy healthy food
crowley. he likes to cook. 
who remembers to buy junk food
aziraphale. he likes all the sweet things humanity has come up with. 
who fixes the oven when it breaks
they’re both useless himbos so neither, one of them just miracles a new one. much faster and a lot more convenient. 
who waters the plants/feeds their pet(s)
crowley. aziraphale thinks he’s mean to the plants, and gives them praise on the sly. 
who wakes up earlier
neither of them is a morning person, but aziraphale usually gets up a bit before crowley to turn the heating on, so his poor snakey boyfriend doesn’t have to get up in the cold. crowley takes full advantage of this opportunity to sleep in.
who makes the bed
crowley. his apartment has the whole modern minimalist vibe and it doesn’t look quite right with an unmade bed. he spends most of his time at aziraphale’s place, which is chaotic and way more cluttered than he’d like and certainly wouldn’t look any worse if he didn’t bother, but he still makes aziraphale’s bed out of habit. 
who makes the coffee
first thing in the morning, it’s aziraphale. other than that, it’s usually crowley. he’ll just miracle that shit up. 
who burns breakfast
aziraphale. not because he’s a bad cook, he’s just easily distracted. 
how do they let each other know they’re leaving the house
crowley will pop his head around the door to whatever room aziraphale is in to let him know he’s going out, which is Necessary because aziraphale will inevitably have forgotten any plans crowley’s told him about. aziraphale likes to kiss the top of crowley’s head (crowley has to crouch for him to be able to do this, but he’s a little snake in his heart, so he doesn’t really mind). 
how do they greet each other when one of them gets home
crowley pops up unexpectedly by aziraphale’s shoulder with a “hi, angel” that makes aziraphale jump out of his damn skin every single time. crowley will protest that he called out at the door. it doesn’t matter. aziraphale never hears him come home. 
aziraphale is usually humming absent-mindedly when he’s not talking, so a lot of the time crowley hears him as he’s coming through the door. but he still likes when aziraphale comes up behind him and rests his forehead between crowley’s shoulderblades and just breathes out, a contented little huff at being back together again. humans are wonderful, but humans are baffling, and he’ll never understand them like he understands his demon. 
who brings home little gifts like flowers/chocolates more often
aziraphale. crowley’s a doer rather than a gift-giver. aziraphale is always bringing home little things he thinks crowley will like. 
who picks the movie for movie night
crowley, because aziraphale doesn’t really “get” movies. or anything made past the 18th century, really. it’s endearing and terrible and crowley will tease him about it Always.
their favourite kind of movie to watch
aziraphale likes silent comedies from the 20s. crowley likes sci-fi; he likes to point at planets and galaxies and shit and joke, “I made that one.”
who first suggests a pillow fort
aziraphale, lover of all things cuddly. he then regrets it forever because it’s impossible to get crowley out of the pillow fort
who builds the pillow fort
crowley, or aziraphale fusses over it too much. everything has to be perfect. crowley would argue that it’s who’s inside the fort with you that’s most important, but he’ll never say that out loud. 
who tries to distract the other during the movie
they’re both really bad for this tbh? they get drunk, they start bickering, and before they know it they’re balls deep in rehashing a philosophical argument they had four hundred years ago and the credits are rolling. 
who falls asleep first
aziraphale, at the drop of a hat. five minutes into anything on TV and he’s dozing off. 
who is big spoon/little spoon
it depends, but aziraphale tends to be the big spoon because he’s warm and cuddly and comfortable to lay on. crowley is usually either nestled under his wing or snake-ing about around his neck. 
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ohmygillygoshoppler · 6 years
Everything with a 3 in it :>
dear god, man...
3) Do you regret anything?
more than anyone else needs to know.
13) Do you hate anyone at the moment?
23) Do you have any piercings? if so where?
I have gages, earrings, and I’m thinking of getting my belly button pierced
30) What’s irritating you right now?
31) Does somebody love you?
I would hope so!!
32) What is your favorite color?
I like them all! Especialy bright, pretty colors!
33)Do you have trust issues?
34) Who/What was your last dream about?
Angels screaming in their classrooms while I scaled the ARgent Spire looking for Azreal because the assholes out front wouldn’t let me in...
35) Was the last person you cried in front of?
The entire movie theater when I went to go see Coco. I was not alone, mind you.
36)Do you give out second chances too easily?
I believe in second chances, but I seldom give them.
37) Is it easier to forgive or forget?
Neither. I hold roiling grudges. One of my character flaws.
38)Is this the best year of your life?
Well, I’m here, aren’t I? I suppose that’s reason enough to be happy!
39) How old were you when you had your first kiss?
eleven. Also the age I had my first girlfriend! :)
53) What’s the lest thing you did before going to bed last night?
Pray to the universe that me and my loved ones have a good nights rest and a good day after.
63) Would  you change your name?
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imagine-darksiders · 7 years
Could we get a kissing scene with Strife and Fury like you did with Azreal, War, and Death? You did so well with them, I love your writing.
“To HELL with em!” 
You jump violently at the sound of someone shouting loudly outside your kitchen door, dropping the glass you were holding. It shatters against the hard surface of the counter and you shriek when a stray shard lodges itself in the back of your hand. At the exact same time, the door flies open and bounces off the wall with a bang, making you jump yet again. 
In storms Strife, the sharp-shooting, wise-cracking, angst-ridden horseman. He looks livid, reaching up to tug his helm from his face and throwing it harshly against the wall before yanking a chair out from under the table and all but falling into it. 
You stand there in shock, the pain in your hand giving way to the incredulity you felt at having Strife barge into your home unannounced and unnecessarily brusquely. Frowning slightly, you know from experience that Strife’s temper could rival his younger brother’s at times, and perhaps confronting him in this state isn’t the best idea. 
Glancing down at your injured appendage, you grimace at the blood that oozes out of the open cut and drips onto the floor. With a deep breath, you toss the brooding horseman a wary glance before making your way to the sink. You wince as your hand is hit by the steady stream of cold water and the glass finally falls from it’s place in the flesh, clinking delicately into the bottom of the sink. You gasp when, all of a sudden, a cold, armour-clad hand grabs your wrist from behind and tugs it, albeit gently, up to the face of a suddenly morose-looking Strife. 
It’s a look that doesn’t suit him in the slightest.. .
“Ah, shit,” he mumbles, still perturbed by the sight of your blood, even after the umpteenth time he’s seen it, “The Hell happened to you?” 
You scowl, pulling your arm from his scrutinising gaze and tuck it delicately against your chest. 
“You mean what happened to you?” you counter, cocking a hip and gesturing vaguely to him and then to your kitchen door, the handle of which is embedded into the wall from the force with which it was swung open. 
Strife glares at your arm for a moment longer before he shrugs his enormous shoulders and suddenly avoids your stare. 
“….Council….” he growls, “apparently, they don’t think much of my…uh…”- The horseman scratches at the back of his neck awkwardly and sniffs -”’unsolicited attachment to a human’,” he concludes, his fingers waggling in the air as he states the quotation, no doubt something the Council had said…. 
You snort, “S’hardly unsolicited, Strife. I don’t mind you being attached.” 
He squints at you, a playful smirk shifting his grim features a little. “I know you don’t mind,” he gripes, “But those rock-heads sure as Hell do….” He goes unnaturally quiet for a time, now looking down at the hand you’re clutching. 
“That was me, wasn’t it?” he asks. Shaking your head, you decide to try and stop him from spiralling down into that dark pit of self-loathing he’s teetering towards. 
“It wasn’t you, Strife,” you smile reassuringly, “I just dropped a glass.” 
“Yeah, cos of me bargin’ like that,” he snarls, eyeing the blood still seeping out of the wound. You huff, attempting to steer the conversation away from your injury, even as you reach over to the side of your counter and tear a piece of kitchen roll off it’s stand and press it to the wound. 
“So, what exactly did the Council say to get you so riled up?” you ask curiously. 
The horseman hisses quietly, then sniffs dismissively. “Ah, just some crap about me getting ‘emotionally involved’,” he spits, “reckoned they were gonna persuade me to rethink my choice in friends. Screw em.” 
With a soft hum, you bite your lip. “Strife, if they’re giving you grief because of me-” 
“Don’t…” comes the low, threatening rumble in reply. Strife steps closer to you and holds your shoulders firmly with both hands. “Don’t you start sayin’ that crap, I don’t regret meeting you, Y/n,” he says, “despite what the Council might try to tell me.” The horseman moves a hand from your shoulder to gently wrap your injured one up in it. You briefly marvel at how tiny yours is compared to Strife’s. 
“I don’t regret you,” he murmurs, leaning down until his eyes are level with your own. Your breath catches in your throat at the proximity. It’s no secret that Strife is a huge flirt, and you’d be lying if you said you hadn’t indulged him a few of those times, returning his playful banter in full. It just came so easily with him, he made you feel so comfortable. So now, with his sudden closeness, closer than he’s ever been and with him gazing intensely but languidly into your wide, startled eyes, you can’t help but wonder if all those exchanges had actually meant something to the horseman. 
Had they meant anything to you? 
You suppose it didn’t really matter in the end, not when Strife suddenly pushes his head closer, forehead touching against yours and his lips bump into your mouth gently. The gasp this pulls from you allows him to slip his tongue gently past your teeth where it prods against your own, encouragingly. You’re almost too startled to move, or to speak, so Strife withdraws his tongue enough to whisper, “I don’t wanna scare you off, Bright Eyes…Just wanna know that I’m not crazy, that there is somethin’ here. The Council ain’t getting their hands on you,” he growls possessively, “I won’t let em.” 
He’s seeking your validation, you realise. This is the horseman with crazy abandonment issues, who had a tendency to get insanely attached to anything that gives him the time of day. The council threatened to separate you both, now here’s Strife wanting to cement some sort of relationship. Suffice it to say, you’d both considered each other to be best friends. Now?….
“You’re not crazy,” you finally reply, easing yourself back towards his mouth, “and I’m not scared.” 
Strife’s eyes flood with relief and with an eager grin, he nudges his lips back into yours, coaxing your hesitant mouth open with the tip of his tongue. It takes effort not to shy away, only out of bashfulness though. Your tiny crush on the large horseman is reciprocated and the influx of emotions makes you somewhat dizzy. With a mental shrug, you part your lips and make a small noise of surprise when that tongue pushes through them and once again finds yours. Strife works at your mouth energetically, but comfortingly. Somehow, your hands had found the top of his head and are tugging softly at the spiky wisps of dark hair that stick out haphazardly, ignoring the sting of the glass-cut.  Meanwhile, Strife’s hands have wondered around to the small of your back, pressing you deeper into him as he leads you blissfully through your first kiss. 
The need for air burns your lungs and you pull away from him, smiling when he frowns and chases your lips with an agitated whine. 
“Wasn’t finished,” he mumbles, rubbing the tip of his nose against the side of your head to make you laugh. 
“Well, sorry. But I need to breathe. And,” you grimace at your hand, “I really need to get this dressed….” Strife loses his dreamy expression in favour of adopting a guilty one. 
“Ah, shit..Sorry about that…” 
You smile sadly up at him, shaking your head scoldingly whilst turning away to find a bandage. “Don’t be sorry!” you call back to Strife. Tilting your head over your shoulder slightly, you throw him a lazy wink and smile, “Don’t be sorry for anything.” 
Strife catches on and mentally congratulates himself for not completely putting you off with his bold move. He’d wanted so badly to keep you, the threat of the Council had rattled him and he’d felt an overwhelming protectiveness when they insinuated that you be ‘separated’ from him. He’d have protected you until his dying breath even if you hadn’t reciprocated his feelings. 
But now that you had….
Strife smirks triumphantly, following you into the next room and watching as you rifle through drawers in search of some kind of healing aid. 
Now that he knew you felt the same way he did, Strife felt connected to you more than ever before. Something in his chest squeezes painfully when he notes that he’d unwittingly handed the Council a tool to destroy him, should they see fit to. He loves you. 
Every hero has their weakness.. .… 
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promptistrashqueen · 7 years
Afternoon Gifts 4
Cute baby fluff <3 Yaay!
The first week is hard. It’s much harder than Prompto thought it would be, not that he expected anything to be easy, but still. Noctis sleeps like the dead and babies crying in the middle of the night don’t scratch the surface of his conscious.
They decided to keep the two little one’s near them, both because the nursery wasn’t really ready yet and because closeness seemed like the best idea. It was a new bond for all of them after all. Prompto doesn’t regret it, but he really wishes Noctis wasn’t a log.
Day five dawns far too early, again. He’s bouncing Azreal softly, the little boy snuggled into his shoulder and only just quieting down, his little chest still working hard after all the wailing he’d done. Still in her crib Illyria’s face works, nose wrinkling and Prompto’s cooing at her, reaching as much as he can with his free arm to touch her stomach so she doesn’t start crying as well.
His hair is a mess and there’s circles under his eyes, he’s pretty sure the shirt he’s wearing is on inside out and his pants are somewhere under the bed. It tends to happen when one gets up at three am.
Azreal shifts and squirms a little and Prompto groans when he smells the present waiting for him.
“C’mon bud, I just changed you!”
He draws his hand, reaching toward Illyria, back and is rewarded by her immediate squalling cry. He sighs, looking between the crying girl and Azreal, who’s already scrunching his face again, ready to join his sister.
“Alright. Daddy’s getting his butt up tonight.”
Prompto sets Azreal down carefully in the crib, ignoring the way he and Illyria and both crying now, and shakes his husband, pinching Noctis’ shoulder lightly as he stirs.
“Wha? Loud...Prom, turn it off.”
Prompto huffs, not angry, though he is very tired. Noctis needs his sleep, the magic in his blood drains so much from him if he doesn’t rest. Right now though, he’s willing to spread the exhaustion.
“I can’t turn off our kiddos. C’mon Noct, please, I’ve only got two hands.”
That gets bleary eyes open at least and Noctis frowns at him, ready to say something snarky and go back to bed, but his husband just looks so worn out.
He sighs, pats a stray tuft of Prompto’s hair down and sits up with a groan.
“Hand me whichever one isn’t stinking up the room.”
Prompto sighs in relief and picks up Illyria, tucking her into Noctis’ arms as the Prince wakes up more, rocking the little girl and making soft hushing sounds. Prompto smiles a little and scoops Azreal back up.
“Sorry bud, let’s get you cleaned up!”
“You two look like shit.”
Gladiolus’ never been one to sugarcoat, Prompto thinks to himself as he thoughtlessly stirs his oatmeal. It’s day nine and the nursery is finally finished, just awaiting his and Noct’s approval. He’s looking forward to having their bedroom back, but not too being away from the little one’s, even if it’s just across the hall.
“Yeah well, when you’re getting a third of the sleep you’re used to, you look like death too.”
Noctis’ temper is...interesting lately. He knows he’s being obnoxious about it, especially since it’s only been a couple of days for him (really less than half of what Prompto’s put up with) and Ignis assured them that once the babies were settled they would sleep more regularly. Still he smears extra jam into his food and gulps it down.
“I shudder to think how the two of you would run a kingdom on this kind of sleep.”
Ignis sounds especially sour, though it likely has to do with the spit-up he’s mopping off his shoulder and how pleased their son looks with himself. Prompto’s spoon pauses, raised in the air, as he realizes.
Their son. His little boy.
He looks at Illyria, pillowed against Gladio’s shoulder and fast asleep.
His daughter.
He drops his spoon and covers his mouth, blinking back tired tears as he’s overwhelmed a little again by the whole thing. Noctis stops eating and reaches for him, concern in his features.
Prompto shakes his head, offering a shaky smile, “Sorry! Sorry...just...look at them. They’re ours.”
Gladio snorts and shakes his head a little, even as Noctis slowly looks between him and Ignis.
“Yeah Prom, they are. They’re ours and they’re adorable.”
“The children are quite precious also.”
Ignis adds, making Noctis scowl and Prompto laughs, wiping away his tears.
“Sorry, I’m waaaay too tired. Let’s check out the nursery after this and then I’m taking a nap.”
Azreal gurgles happily into the silence that follows as the worn out Prince’s finish their breakfast and Gladio and Ignis smile at each other across the table.
Regis hasn’t yet met his adopted grandchildren and he’s a bit put out about that, so when
Clarus gives him the all clear for the day (and really he’s avoiding a lot of people but damnit, this is his family) he makes a beeline for the nursery.
It’s painted in soft rose and gold tones, much gentler and warmer than most of the citadel’s decor. He relaxes a little just by being in the room. The two cribs are off to one side, two changing table nearby, two neat dressers, a small pile of soft toys and a basket of books, and a large plush rug fill the rest of the room.
The two rocking chairs near the large window looking out over the city are occupied and Regis pauses to take in the sight. Ignis had informed him they hadn’t been getting much sleep, as to be expected, but the boys looked like they were adjusting alright. Noctis was asleep, chin tucked into his chest and his daughter still cradled in his arms, her little hand waving out of the blanket idly.
Prompto’s head was tipped back, his mouth slightly open as he breathed slowly, his son asleep on his shoulder, fingers curled around the collar of his father’s shirt. Regis reached into the crystal’s space and pulled Prompto’s camera from it, taking several carefully photo’s of the little family and one silly selfie with each boy.
He sent the camera back and simply looked down at his grandchildren, while he had the quiet.
Illyria’s pale blue eyes are open and Regis smiles at her, lightly touching her closed fist and grinning when she grasps at his finger and gurgles. He let’s her have his hand and examines Azreal’s sleeping face.
Regis can’t help but chuckle quietly, they would manage to find children who looked so much like them. The freckles and dark hair, Illyria’s blue eyes, if he didn’t know better he’d swear they were Prompto and Noctis blood.
His laugh wakes Prompto, who blinks and shifts, making the babe on his chest pout and make soft noises, he immediately stands, nodding at Regis a little, and bouncing the baby before he can work up a true cry.
“Hey!” He whispers quickly. Regis just smiles in response and nods questioningly toward the child. Prompto bites his lip, looking at Azreal but he hands him over carefully just the same and Regis picks up the rock-and-step movement that’s half forgotten from when Noctis was small like this. Azreal squints up at him and he notes more blue eyes, darker than the other. The little boy isn’t sure at first but after a minute he decides Regis will do and falls back to sleep.
“They’re very sweet.”
“I know, I have no idea how we got so lucky.”
Prompto nudges Noctis awake carefully as he speaks and smiles at Regis, “Well, Noct might not agree, he’s developed the opinion that-”
“Babies are the most annoying alarm clocks ever.”
Noctis finishes the thought for him as he yawns, handing Illyria off to Prompto and standing to pop his back.
“Hey dad.”
“Hey yourself, also dad.”
Noctis freezes and his expression is just too much, Prompto laughs so hard he snorts and his husband reaches out and thunks him on the shoulder for it as Regis looks insanely proud of his shit joke.
The noise must startle Azreal because he starts makes his crying noises again but Regis shifts him and rubs his back and he settles.
“Very funny. Both of you suck.”
“C’mon Noct, dad jokes are supposed to be our thing now too!”
“I made Gladio promise to ol’ Yeller me if I started making them.”
Regis clicked his tongue, “I told Clarus the same sort of thing when you were born Noct. Do I look like he followed through?”
Noctis just sticks his tongue out a little and grumbles about “fetching their bottles” and leaves.
Prompto grins at Regis as Illyria squishes his cheek under her hand and really, the King isn’t sure his heart could be fuller.
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punishmentismyjob · 7 years
Meet the Muse Meme
NAME OF YOUR MUSE: Lucifer Morningstar; Samael the Lightbringer
TWO HEADCANONS YOU HAVE FOR YOUR MUSE YOU NEVER TOLD ANYONE: 1. Lucifer shut down his emotions to protect himself from all the pain. He cared too much before he fell. Lucifer couldn’t handle just following orders when so many things bothered him, telling him things weren’t right or just. 2. Lucifer’s fondness for humans stems from sheer curiosity. He sees them as experimental versions of himself. All the caring and hating, the free will, the passion... But they all end up so different depending on their choices. Mortality seems to be the factor he never took into account.
SEVEN PEOPLE THAT YOUR MUSE LOVES:  7 Seems a Lot for Lucifer and LOVE, in any form is hard for him to admit. I will use other verses and threads to fill this out too -- So it’s not all canon stuff, but divergent. - If I missed anyone it was unintentional. 1. Detective Chloe Decker @chloedeckerlapd​  @sysnix @chloejanedecker1 2. Jo Harvelle @joannahunts​ 3. Darcy Lewis @thelegendarydarcylewis 4. Trixie (though little Trixie he’s not willing to admit yet. Teen Trixie, certainly) @ballerinaninjachemist​ 5. Maze @thestoriesincoffeestainsx​ , @sysnix​ , @mxzie 6. Dr.Linda Martin @chloedeckerlapd 7. Azreal @stolemyblade-deactivated2017012 (He misses her)
TWO THINGS YOUR MUSE REGRETS: 1. Killing his brother Uriel, we’ve see in on the show, it’s one of his most regretful and guilt ridden actions.
2. A part of him regrets burning his wings. While he closed one door, there was comfort knowing that they were there if he wanted them.
TWO PHOBIAS/FEARS YOUR MUSE HAS: 1. That his Father might actually be right about everything and he deserved the punishment he’d been given by falling and being sent to Hell. 2.  That he won’t be able to save the ones he loves.
Tagged: @chloedeckerlapd​ Tagging: Consider yourself tagged, but tag me back because I want to read replies.
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