#Bane of the demon
theonewiththecrown · 2 years
Like mother like daughter again
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I'm not tired of finding new parallels between Talia and Athanasia, really
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Screenshots are taken by me from DC comics. Please, if you use them, credit/reblog
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moonbiit-arts · 2 months
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'Bane of All Evil'
happy birthday Xiao ♡♡♡
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princechairmanmeow · 10 months
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they would bond over Queen and crepes you cannot change my mind
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lurafita · 5 months
I'm back on cracky demon!Magnus!!!
Let's say when first coming to earth, Magnus has a very literal understanding of the language. So when overhearing a conversation between two women about "catching a boyfriend", he makes an honest to god trap, involving a chocolate parfait and a net. Alec will never, ever, ever admit that his secret sweet tooth landed him with a demonic boyfriend.
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zahri-melitor · 7 months
Quantifying Lazarus Pits again:
Tower of Babel with Thomas and Martha: Orange/Red (JLA 44)
Joker & Ra’s (sane Joker): Orange (LOTDK 142-145)
Danny Temple and Edmund Dorrance with Kobra: Green (Robin 91)
Dinah dating Ra’s: Gold (BOP 34)
Bane with Kobra: Green (Gotham Knights 49)
Nyssa’s Pit for Nora Fries: Orange (Batgirl 69, 73)
Historical Pits, initial Ra’s resurrection attempt: Green (Batman Annual 26)
Resurrection of Ra’s Al Ghul: Green (Nightwing 139)
Clone Bruce, Batwoman: Orange/Red (Batman & Robin 8-9)
I think I can say ‘to resurrect someone who is dead the Pit should be orange’, but I’m poking at this set in fascination.
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pencilofawesomeness · 5 months
Thought of the day
Erza, Natsu, and Gray had not fucking clue what moisturizer was, and were crusty. Until they met Lucy.
Have a nice day.
You're very based for this anon. I think I can take it a step farther, hold on--
Natsu has perpetually dry skin, but not to the point of being crusty or ashy. It's just like leather, thick and resistant. To fire. To moisture. To anything. Lucy thought it was a terrible case of bad skin care but nothing she throws at him puts a dent in it. It's literally like trying to moisturize a lizard. It is Lucy's personal goal to find a combination of products to break through his hide; meanwhile Natsu has no idea why she is so hellbent on it but she's enthusiastic so he lets her do whatever.
Erza tried to have a routine. Keyword: tried. She over-moisturized and at all of the wrong times, and terribly inconsistently. She would grab products based solely on smell and picture and not pay any attention beyond that. It wasn't until Lucy came along that she learned how to use any of it, and when Lucy managed to find a scrub that softened Erza's callouses, she was like a child in a candy store at the possibility. Lucy is Erza's beauty-product senpai now and Lucy greatly enjoys it.
Gray, meanwhile, I think actually did know how to moisturize. He's from a cold region, and having ice magic only makes it worse. Ur might have made them run around in the snow shirtless as kids, but she was still a mom and she made sure both Gray and Lyon knew how to take care of themselves. He never did anything fancy with it though, but he and Lucy unexpectedly bond over it while the team was out on a job, so Lucy foists her favorites on him later and he takes to that instead.
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bobus · 9 months
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carelessflower · 10 months
magnus bane the first ever fallen victims of alec unacknowledge pretty privilege
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losingchipmunk · 6 months
Kny manga page edit for my swap au!
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Original page:
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In case you missed the full story of the story of Silas Pangborn and Eloisa Ravenscar, here it is: In the Bane Chronicles, Magnus briefly meets Silas and Eloisa. Magnus notes that Silas introduces Eloisa as his parabatai but it reminds him of someone introducing their wife. In The Infernal Devices, Gabriel and Gideon recount a story that their father told them. Silas Pangborn was their uncle on their mother’s side of the family. Silas and Granville Fairchild (Charlotte’s father) were close friends, however Grandville snitched to the Clave that Silas and Eloisa were in love. Because of the events that followed this, Silas killed himself. Benedict Lightwood, manipulated this story though to claim that his wife died of grief from losing her brother to divert from the fact that he killed her from infecting her with demon pox (🎶demon pox oh demon pox🎶). This story comes back in during The Dark Artifices when Silas and Eloisa are mentioned because of Emma and Julian’s situation. They’re basically referred to as a cautionary tale about the consequences of parabatai falling in love.
I definitely missed putting those pieces together on my first read. It wasn’t until my chronological reread that it all clicked. It’s not really anything that consequential to the plots, but it is interesting that this story comes up throughout the series.
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cowboymenace · 11 months
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Cosplayaz PT 2
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Magnus Bane is the actual goddamn mother fucking love of my life and no one can tell me any different end of fucking conversation
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marshmurmurs · 11 days
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ng+ au gone wrong murder fit!! haven't figured out what his equivalent of the black mask title would be
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lurafita · 1 month
Speed demon Alec Lightwood
Shadowhunters don’t really use cars in the show, but I still kinda want to believe that if he drove, Alec would be a speed demon. Including cursing out others on the street for doing it wrong. Magnus is either very indulgent and amused by this, or, if I go with him getting motion sickness from a previous headcanon, likes playfully blaming Alec’s driving for said motion sickness, even though he had it for centuries.
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dayque · 5 months
Kit, Jace, Magnus, Simon and FOR SURE Will Demon Pox Herondale are theatre kids
(Plus I'm sure they make their partners watch musicals with them and secretly they enjoy it)
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occultem · 8 months
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king paimon (by me)
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