Monk: May I get you anything to drink, Barbarian? Barbarian: The tears of our enemies wrenched from their bodies as their bones are crushed. Monk: We have jasmine tea. Barbarian: Oh, jasmine. Yes please.
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shopitodocolombia · 4 months
Afeitadora Patillera Nariz 3 En
Tu Aliado Perfecto Multifuncional para Estilo y Precisión
Para el mundo de la belleza masculina, la clave para un estilo impecable radica en la versatilidad de las herramientas de cuidado personal. La Afeitadora Patillera Nariz 3 en 1 se posiciona como un elemento indispensable para hombres que valoran la practicidad y la eficiencia en su rutina de cuidado. Con cuchillas intercambiables y múltiples funciones, esta máquina de afeitar promete simplificar tu vida diaria.
Contiene Cuchillas Intercambiables para Todas tus Necesidades
Esta Maquina Patillera Nariz 3 en 1 es mucho más que una simple herramienta de afeitar. Sus cuchillas intercambiables te ofrecen la flexibilidad de realizar cortes precisos en barba, cabello y nariz.
¿Te estas preguntas cómo lograr el estilo perfecto? Esta afeitadora te brinda la respuesta
Podrás Lograr Cortes de Cabello Personalizados
Funciona Con cuatro tamaños de guías diferentes, esta máquina se convierte en tu estilista personal. Olvídate de las complicaciones en la peluquería y descubre la libertad de experimentar con distintas longitudes de cabello. Logra cortes modernos y atractivos desde la comodidad de tu casa.
Tendrás Precisión en el Cuidado de Nariz y Orejas
Si vemos Uno de los aspectos más destacados de esta afeitadora es su capacidad para abordar los vellos no deseados en la nariz y las orejas. El diseño ingenioso del cabezal permite cortar en cualquier dirección, garantizando una experiencia rápida y segura. Dile adiós a las molestias y aléjate de las pinzas super incómodas.
Conocela en nuestra tienda en linea shopitodocolombia.com
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sanguinosa-blog · 9 months
Trotsky y el trotskismo
El trotskismo se convierte, como decimos, en un apéndice de organizaciones burguesas con lo que pierde su independencia de clase y sus posiciones internacionalistas que de modo confuso habían marcado la reacción de clase frente a la contrarrevolución estalinista. Posiciones burguesas que comparten todos los grupos trotskistas con su democratismo, su tacticismo, sus maniobras organizativas… Mantener posiciones revolucionarias hoy en día pasan por la ruptura explícita con el trotskismo (incluso en sus experiencias más críticas como las de International Socialism de Tony Cliff que han ido girando hacia posiciones cada vez más de derechas dentro del campo trotskysta con su supeditación a los movimientos antiglobalización, a los movimientos nacionalistas e islamistas y al izquierdismo político o los grupos “humanistas” vinculados a Dunaievskaia pero que cayeron en el oportunismo a las luchas de liberación nacional).
El ejemplo del trotskismo nos enseña lo importante que es sacar lecciones comunistas de la contrarrevolución. No es suficiente declararnos de palabra en contra del socialismo en un solo país y por la revolución mundial. En el tacticismo, anida siempre el oportunismo que acabará por devorar el programa revolucionario. La subalternidad a las corrientes oficiales y contrarrevolucionarias del movimiento obrero, en nombre de la lógica del mal menor, supone la pérdida de la independencia de clase y del internacionalismo proletario.
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cimmerian-war-shrine · 6 months
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skeletonfumes · 1 year
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Korgoth of Barbia (2006)
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tribus-semitae · 25 days
✏️ 3 for Vanny, 1 for Anna uvu
Part 1~
Fen: I literally cannot believe I let you talk me into this. Vanya: I literally said “I have an idea,” and you just went along with it without question.
Part 2~
Vanya: What did you order this morning? Fen: What do you mean? Vanya: I heard you answer the door, and I sensed food.
Part 3
Fen: I have a problem. Vanya: Kill it. Fen: Can you chill for like, two seconds?
Aaaand Part 4
Anna: Hey, can I get a sip of that water? Fen: It’s not water. Anna: Vodka! I like your sty- Fen: It’s vinegar. Anna: …What? Fen: It's vinegar, PUSSY.
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adultswimooc · 1 year
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thedethklokmuse · 8 months
I couldn’t help but think that metalocalypse copied korgoth of barbaria and adult swim didn’t green light it since it was too similar to metalocalypse.
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tweek1sg4y · 6 months
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i drew barbarian tweek :D whos next?
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jimforce · 2 years
Throwback Video
Since I’m starting my movies or shows Genndy Tartakovsky almost made short series this week (it’s a 2 parter) I wanted to throwback to when I reviewed the show I think most people wished happened and is part of one of those videos Korgoth. Dam I wish that show happened
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cenaindie · 1 month
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Cassim & Barbária – Cassim & Barbária II https://cenaindie.com/album/cassim-barbaria-cassim-barbaria-ii/
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domwitch · 2 months
I don't know how accurate this is, it could be revisionist history to try and erase the impact of rape... or it could just be a facet of traditional gender roles and the fact that a lot of marriages were utilitarian back in the day (for the sake of having children to strengthen a tribe or provide help on a farm).
But what I've read from more than one source is that women in cultures like that would willingly accept when their husbands were killed in battle and replaced by a victor - it meant that their old partner was weak enough to be defeated, and now the head of household and father of their children would be a better warrior than whoever came before. With a framework like that, it isn't so much rape as it is an upheaval of the family unit, with the understanding that units and community interactions worked differently back then, depending on the specific area and technology level.
Ramble aside, I would love to be an innocent man who gets abducted by a powerful barbarianess and taken in as both a trophy of war and a new househusband. Thanks for adding this fantasy to my mind.
Eh, I'm not looking to justify my rape fantasies. I do find cnc scenes to be a turn on, but they have to be far removed from our reality for me to get into it. Like my post about being a werewolf taking a shepard or a warlord taking a priest. Honestly any violent sex fantasy I have is just that, a fantasy. I appreciate the ramble but I don't think there's a point in trying to absolve myself of my perceived sins.
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dailyanarchistposts · 16 days
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The fundamental contradiction of the current proletarian revolt
The revolt is breaking out all over the world, but all over the world the revolution is missing. Why? What follows is a tentative but forceful response.
The current-day reason is that this society of classes is coming out of a historical counterrevolutionary period (since approximately the 1980’s) and entering a historical period of ascension and intensification of the worldwide proletarian struggle against worldwide Capital-State (2008–2013 and 2019–202?). Which, at the same time, recently is starting to alter the correlation of forces and the conditions for a possible revolutionary situation, in view of the fact that the proletarian revolt has caused the bourgeoisie and their governments to tremble, but it still hasn’t defeated them nor sent them to the dustbin of history. As the comrades of Grupo Barbaria say, this is a “hinge period” which must be seen not as a photograph but as a film that contains flows (revolts), and ebbs (returns to normalcy), new flows and a open finale. A historical period which transits between the counterrevolution and a possible revolutionary situation at a global level; for which, nevertheless, there is still a long way to go.
The structural reason, or the one in the backdrop, is that the proletariat is still not a revolutionary class, despite the fact that today the capitalist crisis is more widespread and serious than ever before, and that the current global wave of revolts of the exploited and oppressed is a embryo and a milestone heading forward towards the global revolt, or at least its necessity and possibility. With a greater or lesser grade of organizational autonomy and of street violence, the proletarian class today is fighting against the capitalist order almost everywhere, but this is not sufficient: in the end, the proletariat is revolutionary or it is nothing, and it’s only revolutionary when it struggles, not for “a life that is just and dignified” as the working class, but to cease to be it. Yes, the proletariat is only revolutionary when it struggles to cease being the proletariat, that is, when it fights for its self-abolition. Of this there are certain symptoms and elements in some current struggles (e.g. struggles not for more work and more State but for another life, although they appear to be “suicidal” struggles) but still there’s a long way to go, because in their majority the proletarians continue to reproduce themselves as the class of labor and, therefore, as the class of Capital, and they continue to negotiate with the State about their demands in that reproduction. At the moment, then, the working class flows and ebbs between being an exploited class and being a revolutionary class. This is the fundamental contradiction, still unresolved, of the proletarian revolt today and, therefore, the principal reason for which it doesn’t transform into social revolution.
At the same time this happens because, in this era of real and total subsumption (integration and subordination) of work and life into Capital, Capital and the proletariat reciprocally imply each other — as the comrades of Endnotes say, — they mutually reproduce “24/7,” sometimes they identify with each other and other times they are in direct confrontation. A class relation in which, of course, the proletarian social pole is that which suffers all this human alienation as an exploited and oppressed class, and therefore once and awhile it rebels against such a condition. To which the Capital-State responds with repression and, above all, with co-opting and recuperation of the proletarian struggles into its logics, mechanisms, institutions, ideologies and discourses. Because if it doesn’t do so, it would seriously compromise its own existence. Like so then, from the point of view of the revolutionary and dialectical materialist, in the current historical cycle of class struggle the abolition of Capital necessarily implies the abolition of the proletariat and vice-versa.
Indeed, because in the end it’s not a matter of taking pride in being a proletarian and fighting for a “proletarian society,” and even less for a “proletarian State.” Alienation can’t be destroyed through alienated means, that’s to say with the arms of the system itself (as it is believed by the partisans of the “transition period,” meaning the so-called “socialism” of State capitalism, whatever the “path” may be), since that is “giving more power to Power.” On the contrary, it’s a matter of assuming the fact of being a proletarian as a condition that is socially and historically imposed, as the modern slavery from which one must liberate themself collectively and radically. It’s a matter of ceasing to be an exploited and oppressed class once and for all, eliminating the conditions that make the existence of social classes possible. Given that the proletariat condenses all forms of exploitation and oppression within itself, at the same time as all forms of resistance and of radical alternative, Capital, the State and all forms of exploitation and oppression would be abolished (sex/gender, “race,” nationality, etc.) This is the social revolution. And without a doubt this will not be a magical occurrence that happens over night in a pure and perfect manner, but a historical and contradictory process which nevertheless will have this consistent foundation or will not be.
Yet at the moment that is not what’s happening because, in spite of being in revolt in many countries, the proletariat in their majority continue to struggle to reproduce their “life” as the working class and not to put an end to their slavery, waged and citizenized. (I say in their majority, because there also exist proletarian minorities that agitate against work, the class society and the State, but that unfortunately don’t have a greater social impact.)
And they don’t do it just because of ideological alienation or “lack of class consciousness,” but because of the material necessity of survival: selling their labor force in the current precarious conditions and at whatever price in order to be able to cover their basic needs, trying to valorize their commodity-labor power in the work market as much formal as informal (or in the market of goods and services, in the case of self-management and barter), to struggle to subsume their life even more to Capital, reproduce and bear its social relations and its forms of living. The capitalist class relationship is in crisis, but it remains standing. The working class today is more precarious and miserable than ever before, but it continues to be a working class.
If indeed Capital can no longer maintain so much surplus or excess population which its own historical development has produced all over the world, but rather it gets rid of them by means of wars, pandemics, famines, etc., just as it also tends to generate new class conflicts, principally on part of the workers against the increase in exploitation and the pauperization or the so-called “austerity measures” taken as much by the left and the right; at the same time, the capitalist counterrevolution has still not been defeated by the proletariat on the socioeconomic and everyday terrain, and therefore, not on the political and organizational terrain, despite the ideological illusions that the different leftists create in this respect.
For example currently in Chile, a country in which, on one hand, despite the community soup kitchens and other practices of solidarity between proletarians, the revolt doesn’t provide a livelihood, or not for a long awhile. The majority of the people have to work (formally and informally) in order to eat, pay the rent, education, health care, basic services, telephone and internet, etc.; that’s to say, they must reproduce the capitalist relationships of production, circulation and consumption.
And on the other hand, in spite of the existence of the autonomous territorial assemblies, their major demand is the “constituent assembly”; meaning that, instead of taking power over their own life in order to change it radically and in every aspect, the majority of our class would again delegate it to the bourgeois-democratic State. But above all, because in their majority the proletarians continue reproducing the capitalist relationships of alienation, oppression, exploitation, competition and atomization amongst themselves, including in the the assemblies, the barricades and the territorial recuperations. And although the revolt in Chile is the most advanced at an international level at the moment, it is not therefore “the revolution to commence” as the comrades of the blog “Vamos Hacia la Vida” say, but rather it is a revolt that is being defeated by its own limits and obstacles, regardless of the organizational autonomy and the street violence which still manifests in it. As the comrades of the Círculo de Comunistas Esotéricos say, “The revolution has been postponed, but the larval possibility of assuming it has been implanted. It’s necessary to continue nourishing its possibilities as one waters a plant, as one suckles an infant, as bonds of affection are built: constantly, daily. The battle in these moments has been lost, but only partially. There are inroads that are necessary to maintain. Just as there are setbacks that need to be evaluated” And as another comrade from there, of the blog “Antiforma” says, paraphrasing Vaneigem: “those that speak of revolution and class struggle without referring to the destruction of the social and biopsychic fabric that could sustain a decisive change, speak with a corpse in their mouth.” Nevertheless, whatever happens in the next months in this country (especially , after the plebiscite which was announced for April 2020 but temporarily suspended due to the coronavirus), it will be a milestone in the transition — or not — of a possibly revolutionary historical period on a global level, which without a doubt leaves revolutionaries everywhere with multiple and valuable lessons.
For such reasons the thing is that, in this era and all over the world, the proletariat oscillates between being a class which is exploited and oppressed by Capital-State and being a class that is revolutionary or self-abolishing. It fluctuates between the one and the other, with or without consciousness of what it is doing and what it can do. This is — and it’s worth reiterating — the fundamental ambiguity, paradox or contradiction of the current day proletarian revolt that is still unresolved , and therefore, the principal reason for which it doesn’t transform into a social revolution.
Indeed, the revolt is not a revolution. The intermittent re-emergence of the worldwide proletariat, and its autonomous and violent actions against the forces of repression (of which spectacle and illusion are also made, e.g. the romanticizing of “the front line”), are not a revolution. But “the socialist transition State” and “rank-and-file workers’ self management” aren’t revolution either (they never were). The key to the social revolution is the self-abolition of the proletariat, which goes hand-in-hand with the abolition of value, because these are the roots or the foundations of capitalism, understood as the social dictatorship of value valorizing itself at the cost of a proletarianized humanity and of nature.
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efangamez · 2 years
Cling to shadows and swipe coin from nobles in Cowl: A One Page Rogue-Only TTRPG, releasing March 10th, 2023!
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This game is part of the one-page class-only series of games I have made. Check out some others like...
- Coven (Warlock-Only)
- Wanderer (Ranger-Only)
- Salvation (Paladin/Cleric-Only)
- Barbaria (Barbarian-Only)
- By String and Song (Bard-Only)
Find ALL those games on my itch.io below!
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lesolitecose · 4 months
Stasera a caso ho ritrovato un video di E. e mi stava venendo la malsana idea di scrivergli per sapere solo come stesse (🤡), ma sarebbe una gran barbaria da parte mia visto che eravamo su due lunghezze d'onda differenti. Però mi manca, almeno lui mi faceva ridere (in senso buono).
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labgrownmeat · 6 months
My ★★★★ review of Barbarian on Letterboxd https://boxd.it/63QG99
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