#Benedict x Norton
newfoundstateof · 3 months
but she fell in love with an english man | b.b. x reader
summary: Academy friends drag Benedict to a tavern to watch Irish fiddle player!reader perform. He buys her a drink. But who can play a fiddle and drink a pint at the same time?
word count: 1.2k
warnings: suggestive but none
a/n: definitely not inspired by those tiktoks of dirty talk bar maids at ren faires, who said that???
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“They are spectacular,” Rupert Norton declared with an arm slung over Benedict’s shoulder.
The rest of the Royal Academy students hummed in agreement. Already drunk from the party they left minutes ago, a small group of them stumbled down the cobbled streets of Soho. Earlier that night, news broke that a band that visited a few weeks before Benedict enrolled at the Academy had returned to much anticipation. In an instant, pipes were dropped, coats were gathered, and boots were marching to The Intrepid Fox tavern.
“They’re from Ireland,” someone said.
“I’ve never danced so much in my life,” another added.
“And the fiddle player is quite easy on the eyes,” Rupert slurred into Benedict’s ear. “Try and buy her a drink if you can. That usually gets her attention.”
Benedict laughed. “I’m just here to enjoy the music. As should all of you scoundrels.”
Once inside the tavern, a few of the men beelined to the bar to order whiskey shots for the fiddle player despite the empty stage in the corner. Benedict simply took a seat at the bar, observing the growing crowd. The band’s reputation must have preceded them, as he was soon shoulder to shoulder with the eager fans. But for the next twenty minutes, only chatter filled the room.
“They always like to keep you waiting,” Rupert grumbled into his ale. “But it’s worth it, I promise.”
“I don’t mind,” Benedict smiled. “It’s good people watch-”
The room erupted into cheering, and he turned toward the stage. Sure enough, two men climbed the small wooden platform. One carried a fiddle, the other a flute. The room roared even louder when you emerged with your fiddle, waving a good-natured hand to the audience. Your smile was wide and disarming. Your gaze was equally piercing. Looking at the gleam in your eyes, Benedict knew just how aware you were of your control over the room. Soon the clapping died down, and every soul waited with bated breath to what you would say.
A scrawny kitchen hand hurried up to you and set a tray of shots down on a small barrel.
“Wow,” you breathed. “All this for little old me?”
Benedict found himself chuckling with everyone. As you threw a shot back, his stomach dropped. You were certainly not like the young ladies of the ton. 
“This crowd is mighty impressive, isn’t it, boys?” you asked your bandmates as you all started tuning your instruments. “We appreciate you for coming out. If you don’t know us already, the lad on the flute is Johnny. My fellow friend on the fiddle is Patrick. And I’m Y/N. I have a favor to ask of you all… From now until the last of you sorry lot leave this building, I hereby decree this an Irish pub! That means we will be clapping along to the songs, singing if you know the words, and if you are so inclined, I would love to see some dancing tonight.”
Someone in the audience whistled, evoking more cheers.
“Let’s get started, shall we?” you grinned.
The trio launched into Seven Drunken Nights, a popular jig even Benedict knew. Though his classmates were rowdily singing along, he could only stare at you. Johnny and Patrick generally kept to their places on stage, but you swayed across, drawing your bow theatrically compared to Patrick’s controlled movements. He was the main vocalist, but during the wife’s lines in the song, you sang with the crowd. 
“Ah, you’re drunk, you’re drunk, you silly ol’ fool. Still, you cannot see, that’s a lovely tin whistle that me mother sent to me!”
Benedict couldn’t decide if you were a better fiddle player or singer, you were impeccable at both. But without a doubt, you were the best at simply putting on a show. You encouraged people to dance along as you skipped across the stage. Benedict could only imagine how taxing it was for you. Dancing, singing, and playing an instrument all while not breaking a sweat. He eyed the tray of shots, turned to the nearest bartender, and ordered something more refreshing for you.
As you strung out the last note of Seven Drunken Nights, the same kitchen hand ran the mug of beer up to your tray. You sighed to yourself.
“Which one of you did this?” you cried out, lifting the mug high.
Heads spun every which way. Benedict froze. Was liquor the only appropriate drink to tip a musician? He wasn’t sure, he’d never been to something like this. Awkwardly, he coughed and raised his hand.
Your eyes found him in the sea of faces, and you smirked. “Don’t be shy, come here!”
 Rupert clapped Benedict on the back. “Don’t screw this up, Bridgerton. She might go home with you tonight.”
Though he had been with many women and dangerously close with a few men, you still intimidated him somehow. Nothing intimate had been on his mind before Rupert’s comment, but now his heart skipped a few beats at just the thought of it. Benedict snaked through the crowd, trying to read the expression on your face. But all you looked was smug, and he wouldn’t be surprised if you poured the ale on his head. 
“Finally,” you breathed as he stood before you. “One of you buys a lady a real drink!”
He exhaled in relief.
“I’m afraid I’m quite thirsty though,” you pout, getting down on one knee. The stage was barely a foot off the ground, putting your face directly in front of Benedict’s wide shoulders. “And we need to get on with the next song, but I don’t have enough hands. Would you help me, good sir?”
Without waiting for his response, you shoved the drink in his hands and looked up to the ceiling. Before Benedict could blink, you were poising your instrument and drawing out a note with your bandmates following suit.
“We’re lucky I don’t sing in this one,” you smile, giving him a pointed look. “Get on with it, now. I’m parched.”
Never one to argue with a lady, Benedict slowly tilted the rim of the glass to your lips and poured the liquid steadily down your throat. You looked up through your lashes at him, daring him to look away. But he didn’t. Only when some of the ale dripped down your chin and onto your bodice did his gaze break yours.
“Should I stop?” he asked.
You shook your head, “No,” as much as you could with your lips around the glass.
As you neared the last dregs, your head tilted back more and more to get it all. The eroticism of it all was not lost on Benedict, especially as you swallowed the last gulp and moaned audibly. The growing friction in the front of his pants was no help. But once the glass was finished, you rose to your feet and sent him off with a wink. As you spun to the other side of the stage, the hem of your skirt brushed his groin and he mindlessly reached for the fabric. But you were gone. In a trance, Benedict walked backward to his friends at the bar, adjusting himself. 
“Has she done that before,” he coughed.
“I’ve never seen that before,” Rupert crowed. “And I’ve seen them perform at least five times since I started at the Academy.”
“You’ve got to talk to her after, Bridgerton,” someone urged.
“Can I come along?” a voice teased.
“You’re the luckiest bastard on earth right now,” another sighed.
Across the room, you caught him starring and blew him a quick kiss.
“Yes,” he murmured. “Luckiest bastard on earth.”
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dino-fart · 2 years
The Forbidden Island
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Pairing: Stephen Strange x Female Reader, Namor x Female Reader
Genre: Action, Adventure, Romance, Fantasy/Modern Fusion
Summary: You and your friend, Ritchie, are scavengers. You live in a seaside city with a stronghold on the shores called Serenia. Miles from the port is a forbidden island that many have warned against going there. But when a job from a collector pays well, you and Ritchie find yourselves on the island. Seems like you’ll be getting more than you came when you discover a red cloak...
Summary + Cast | Chapter 1
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Original Characters:
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You (gif represents facial expression):
You are a scavenger and work with Ritchie. You have a keen eye for details and known to find rare artifacts. You enjoy the shores of Serenia but the city depresses you. You long to leave the city and hope one day you can. You had heard stories about Stephen and wondered what happened to him. As for Mordo, his presence is unnerving. 
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Jacob Anderson as Ritchie:
Your best friend and fellow scavenger. He is your biggest support and has been with you from the start. You two hang out outside of the jobs you pick up. He is known to be daring and fun loving. Ritchie doesn’t know much about Stephen but knows to stay clear of Mordo.
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Natasha Lyonne as Lydia:
One of your closest friends and fellow scavengers. Her expertise is disguises and information. When Dimitri got arrested, she disguised herself as a guard just to make fun of him. She picks up jobs here and there. She has never gone to the Forbidden Island but knows it’s bad news. Lydia had only heard rumors about Stephen but doesn’t believe them.
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Edward Norton as Dimitri:
A con man and prisoner in Serenia City. He was arrested by Mordo for stealing his ancient sword and for trespassing on the Forbidden Island. He worked with Lydia before he was arrested. Lydia despises him and mocks him every chance she can for making such a stupid mistake. He is the only onw known to venture far into the island. Dimitri had only encountered Stephen through passing.
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Christian Bale as Lord Cassian:
Lord of Serenia City. He is a kind and stern leader. He listens the advice of Mordo but often dismisses it as he feels it’s too harsh. His people love him but his close confidants feel he is too soft. Cassian was one of the last to see Sorcerer Supreme Stephen Strange. Since Stephen’s disappearance he took note of the Forbidden Island and warned his people not to go there.
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Familiar Characters:
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Benedict Cumberbatch as Stephen Strange: 
Once Sorcerer Supreme now disappeared from the face of the Earth. Stephen was once called upon to help with the supernatural. He was known as a peace keeper and many build memorials to honor him. When he disappeared the world was shocked. His last known location was Serenia City.
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Tenoch Huerta Mejia as Namor/K'uk'ulkan:
King of Talokan and known to his people as K'uk'ulkan. He keeps a careful watch of any new inhabitants near the ocean. He had a few interactions with Lord Cassian at Serenia and deemed him not to be a threat however, he is suspicious of Mordo as magic is not something he favors. He is aware of the Forbidden Island and warns hi people not to go there.
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Benedict Wong as Wong:
Long time friend of Stephen and assisted him on many missions. After Stephen’s disappearance he stayed in Kamar Tajj and took on the mantle of Sorcerer Supreme. He fought, defeated, and banished Karl Mordo from Kamar Tajj. He mourned the loss of his friend and holds back his anger for him. He has suspicion that Mordo is responsible for Stephen’s disappearance. 
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Chiwetel Ejiofor as Karl Mordo/Chancellor Mordo:
Enemy of Stephen Strange and now chancellor for Lord Cassian at Serenia. His magic has now been limited, forcing him to stay in the town while he plots his revenge. He keeps an eye on the Forbidden Island and anyone who dares to go there. He arrests anyone that goes to the island.
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Tagging: @deepbatched, @vikingqueen28, @leonkennedyslefthand, @stewardofningishzida, @icytrickster17, @onlinecemetery, @marki-moo0, @absolute-not-original, @creamecafe, @scrubb, @nightingal3-tales, @alliethedaydreamer, @strangesthirdeye, @alexa-33, @zombiedixon89, @sunnsettee, @deliciousfestsalad, @kiaradaniell, @freyafriggafrey, @criticalroleobssedperson, @avengersfan25, @lunamoonbby, @androgynouspersonapricotfan, @foxcantswim, @namorkawaiiwife, @starkiller-queen, @kyuupidwrites, @luciamajer, @renatas10, @ayamenimthiriel, @gaiagurl05, @dipsylou, @pinkthick, @hansai, @andywinter16, @iambored24601, @3-cheese-tortellini, @cumbrbatchbenedict, @ironstrange1991​​, @aribas-stuff, @rianumochi, @vibaracal​
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ginevrastilinski-ocs · 4 months
Plot bunny: Bridgerton, love interest: Benedict?
Benedict is my man and I'm ready to kill for him and he deserves everything and I love him (and also, Bi Benedict Truther here so let's give him a boyfriend lol)
Florian Elwood!
Rich Spoiled Baby ngl
Probably second or third child tbd
(aka he does what he wants lmao)
Astrology, astonomy, mechanics and general science baby (him and King George would get along lmao)
Him and Benedict are basically Inventor x Artist and honestly I live for this
He lives only on vibes rn but I love him so much already
FC: James Norton
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Heart Eyes
Characters: Rob x Stephen, Billy, Mike
Length: 1,544 words
Summary:  Billy and Mike finally convince Rob to ask Stephen out. Rob has always been nervous about making things weird  for the band, but he uses his time in the U.K. between the convention and his Monday night gig to try it out.
Warnings: Tooth rotting fluff! Some mild swearing possibly.
Squared Filled: Ice Cream Date
A/N:This little guy is my first adventure into a new pairing for me. It was inspired by and dedicated to my fellow Louden Swain trash ladies, and they know who they are. Jump into the trash can with me y’all! This is also being used for @spnfluffbingo! I hope you enjoy this one as much as I enjoyed writing it. This is not beta’d. All mistakes are my own. If anyone is interesting in being a beta for my stories please let me know!
Fluff Bingo Master List
Master List
*I don’t know who this photo belongs to. It was sent to me as Beneton inspiration. If it is yours and you want the credit for it let me know.
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“Rob, he likes you, trust us. Have you not looked at pictures the fans post? He gives you heart eyes all the time.” Billy took a sip of his beer as he moved around the green room to sit next to his friend.
“I don’t know guys, it’s just... I don’t want to make it weird for us as friends or the band. I’m already an awkward guy I don’t want to make anything else weirder than it already is,” Rob sighed.
“Buddy, you won’t, we promise.” Mike patted Rob’s shoulder giving him a big smile. “Go talk to him. The worst thing that can happen is he can say no.”
“No the worst thing that could happen is he says no, gets offended, hates me forever and quits the band.”
“Dude,” Billy set down his beer and stood walking towards Rob, “that’s not going to happen. Trust us. We know what we are talking about. If anyone was going to know it would be Mike and I. Now go talk to him.” Billy pulled Rob out of his chair and pushed him towards the door.
“We aren’t letting you back in this room until you have talked to him.” Billy pulled a chair up to the door and sat down so the door wouldn’t open wide enough for someone to get through.
“You guys suck,” Rob huffed as he made his way towards the stage where Stephen was fixing a drum head. Taking a deep breath he stepped up onto the stage and walked towards  the drumset. “Hey Steve, how’s it going?”
Stephen looked up from the drum in his lap. Hey Rob, I’m almost done here. What’s up with you?”
“The guys were being dumb, so I thought I would come give you some company.”
“That’s nothing new,” Stephen chuckled.
“True. So….ummmm...yYou are going to London after we are done here right? When do you fly out?”
“Yeah, I am. I’m planning to go to your gig with the guys, then I fly out Tuesday afternoon.”
“Cool, cool. So ummmm….”
“What’s up Robbie?” Stephen cocked his head and stared questioningly at the man in front of him.
“Umm...well...I was wondering if maybe you wanted to hang out before the gig. There is this really cool ice cream place a fan told me about in Northern London, and I wanted to go check it out. Would you like to go with me?”
“Yea that sounds cool. Is anyone else coming?”
“Oh ummm no, I haven’t asked anyone else, I thought it could be just the two of us. Is that okay?”
Stephen smiled at the obviously nervous man in front of him. “Yeah, that’s fine Rob. It will be fun.” Rob had a huge grin on his face, “There, I am done with this, shall we head back to the green room?” Stephen set the drum back on its stand and moved around towards Rob throwing his arm around his shoulders.
“Yeah, sure,” Rob grinned.
Monday Morning
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At Udderlicious Ice Cream Parlor
“Hey there you are Rob! I was beginning to think that you were setting me up here.” Stephen pushed away from the wall he was leaning against.
“Oh no, I would never do that to you. We had some issues with sound check back at Borderline. Did you not get my text?” Rob pulled out his phone and looked at it for a moment, “oh it didn’t send. Crap, I’m so sorry!”
“Hey, no it’s okay Rob I swear.” Stephen moved closer to Rob putting his hands on his shoulders. He bent down to look Rob straight in the eye, “I was just giving you a hard time.”
“I know. I’m sorry. I’m just awkward,” Rob shrugged.
“Let’s go inside. There are so many choices at this place.” Rob smiled at Stephen in agreement.
The guys both chose their ice cream and made their way out to the patio to enjoy the sunshine. “This is nice Rob. Thank you for inviting me, I enjoy spending time with you.”
“Yea, I like you too,” Rob said before taking a bite of his ice cream. “Wait, I mean, I like spending time with you too.”
Stephen chuckled, “Rob, it’s okay. I like you too, but I wasn’t sure if you liked me in the same way. The guys said you did, but I didn’t believe them until you joined me on stage Saturday when I was fixing that drum.”
“Wait really? Have they been trying to get you to ask me out?”
“Nah, they said you wouldn’t believe me if I asked. Billy said it had to come from you and I agreed.”
“Damn it, why is Billy always right?” Rob made sure to put some emphasis on always before chuckling.
“He is good at reading people, that’s all,” Stephen shrugged.
“Well, I’m udderly into you.” Rob chuckled.
“Did you just make a pun involving the ice cream parlor,” Stephen’s eyes sparkled.
Rob blushed crimson red, “yea, I did. I guess Rich has rubbed off on me more than I care to admit.”
“That’s what makes you unique through Robbie. Trust me, it was cute. You’re cute.”
Rob looked up from his ice cream, “did you just say I was cute?”
“Yes, yes I did. Is that okay,” Stephen questioned.
Rob shrugged his shoulders and smiled before taking the last bite of his ice cream.
“I suppose we should get you back Borderline huh?” Stephen rose from his seat and smiled down at Rob who shook his head yes. They walked to the road to wave down a cab.
Rob slid into the cab and Stephen followed, after a moment Rob looked down between the two men and Stephen grabbed his hand. Rob’s gaze followed up Stephen’s arm to his face to see his date smiling back at him.
“Thanks for coming out with me.”
“Thank you for finally asking me. I wasn’t sure how much longer it was going to take for the guys to convince you to ask me out. I was getting a little antsy with the waiting.”
“Wait, seriously? How long have you been waiting on me to ask?”
“Rob, I’ve liked you for years. Some of the fans have started writing fanfiction about us. They say I give you heart eyes often, and honestly, after looking at some of this pictures they have posted I would have to agree.”
Rob looked down trying to hide his blush, “really?”
“Yes. I have saved a bunch of them on my phone. Here take a look,” Stephen pulled out his phone as Rob slid closer. He handed Rob his phone before sliding an arm around the man’s shoulder.
Rob scrolled through hundreds of photos that were saved as an album on Stephen’s phone. “Wow, you really weren’t joking! All of these are adorable Steve. How have I not noticed this before? Why was I so scared to ask you out on a date?”
“You tell me Robbie.” Rob looked up from the phone smiling before leaning his head on the other man’s shoulder going back to looking at the pictures. “How about we keep going out on dates so you can get over being so nervous about asking me?”
“I would like that.”
“Good. Oh look, we’re here. Let’s get you ready for this gig.”
Backstage After the Show
“Rob you were great!” Stephen pulled Rob into a hug before pulling him into a kiss. Rob tensed up for a moment before he melted into the man in his arms.
A cough caused the couple to stop. Stephen sighed as he rested his forehead against Rob’s with a smile.
“So I guess your date went well, huh guys,” Billy teased.
“Oh ummm….you could say that yes,” Rob stammered.
“Well there will be more of them, so I would say most certainly,” Stephen exclaimed.
“Well it’s about time you two,” Mike countered.
“Thanks for pushing him guys, I agree, it’s about time.” Stephen smiled at their friends.
“I am so dense. Why did it take me so long to see that you liked me as much as I liked you,” Rob enquired.
“Yeah, well you know there are going to be a lot more heart eye photos after tonight to add to Stephen’s collection. Shoot I can send you some right now,” Billy winked at the two men in front of him. Billy hit Mike on his shoulder, “let’s go get another drink up front, give these two another moment alone.”
“Hey,” Stephen brushed his hand across Rob’s cheek,”I’m not going anywhere. Let’s go see your adoring fans and then we can head back to the hotel, deal?”
Rob’s smile grew across his face. He grabbed Stephen’s hand and lead him out the door, “deal!”
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Saturday Night Special (Jensen Ackles x Reader)
Summary: Tonight would be your first time singing on stage. And if it were not enough, you wanted to dedicate your song to a special someone. Expressing your feelings was not one of your strengths but putting them into a song? That worked quite well.
Words: 2,339
Warnings: best friend!Rob, fluff, just a cute story with a lot of fluff, so much fluff, language, in this story you wrote “Song On Fire”, (Y/L/N) = your last name
Song used: “Song On Fire” by Nickelback
If you like my work & wanna support me: a coffee would be highly appreciated ❤
Another Convention weekend. Another Saturday. Which meant that the concert would be tonight. And you had asked the Swain boys if they could squeeze you into their set list. Wanting it to be a surprise, you begged them to keep quiet for now. Practicing was done in a room separate from where the others were.
“You wrote that?” Rob asked after you handed each of them a page with the notes & lyrics.
“Yeah?” suddenly, you were unsure. “Is it bad?” now growing concerned that maybe whatever you wrote was absolute crap.
“No, oh my God, not at all. This is perfect.” he was still eyeing the words closely. “We got this, right guys?” turning around to shoot a look at the rest of the band, you saw all of them nodding. Releasing a breath you did not know you were holding, you took a seat next to them & started explaining what you had in mind for your performance.
“So, I thought that you could maybe do some backing vocals, Robbie? I think I’d be less nervous if you did.”
“Of course, no problem.” immediately being on board, the two of you arranged who would sing what. Billy, Mike & Stephen were already onto practicing the notes & from what you had heard so far, it sounded great.
“I hope I won’t mess up.” chuckling quietly, you prayed that tonight would turn out to be fine. Suddenly, Rob’s eyes shot up to yours, shock written all over his features. “What?” you asked him when he did nothing but stare at you.
“This is about Jensen, isn’t it?” he hit the nail right on the head with his assumption. Rob had been one of your closest friends & it was hard to keep something from him. A while ago, he picked up on the fact that you liked Jensen. A lot. Of course he teased the living shit out of you, but he always made sure that he was serious about one thing. That you should tell him how you felt. Every time, you had reasoned that he could never like you back. Besides, you were horrible when it came to talking about your feelings. Obviously, Rob was aware of that. But the lyrics in front of him were proof enough.
“It doesn’t matter.” looking back down to your lap to focus your gaze on something else than Rob’s face.
“Yeah, it does.” he started. “’Cause he’ll realize it’s about him.” stating casually.
“And why is that?” furrowing your eyebrows & snapping your head back up again. The man in front of you simply rolled his eyes at your question.
“I’ve told you a million times that he likes you, too.” before you had time to disagree with him, he kept going. “And Jensen knows about you liking him.”
“Wait. How?” eyes growing wide at Rob’s statement, you believed that someone had spilled the beans to him. Not a lot of people knew about your crush. And if Rob told Jensen, he would not be alive much longer to experience tonight’s concert.
“You’re not really being subtle about it, you know?”
“Am I really that obvious?” sighing loudly, you put your face in your hands. Great, you had been embarrassing yourself for the longest time & nobody had mentioned it to you.
“Only if you pay close attention. Which Jensen does.” Rob’s eyes showed sincerity. Maybe he was right. And if he was not then Jensen would not understand the song. Win-win situation, right?
~at the concert~
The last notes of the song were played & you knew that it was your turn to hop on stage in a second. Nobody of the cast had a clue about you singing tonight. Now, being backstage, your nervousness was awful. Your hands were trembling & you were scared that you would forget the words. What if you embarrassed yourself in front of such a huge audience? Yes, Louden Swain was there to back you up but still. You were the one who had to deliver perfectly.
“Thanks guys. Actually, we have a little surprise tonight. Well, it’s not so little. You guys know that a lot of the cast joins us on stage every now & then. For this concert, we’ll have a debut. Someone who has never sung in front of people before. But we know that you love her a lot. (Y/N) (Y/L/N) everyone!” Rob yelled into the microphone & when he finished, the crowd broke out into cheers. The applause was insane. Nobody knew that you were that much into music.
Taking a deep breath, you started taking the steps to the stage. The curtain opened enough for you to walk through & immediately, you were blinded by the bright lights that illuminated the stage. Yet, your smile was wide. Risking a look to the side, you saw the rest of the cast with shocked faces, all watching you. Jensen was in front & for a second, your eyes locked. In this moment, the cheering of the crowd died down & you remembered who you were doing this for. Him. His smile was enough for you. Billy nudged you slightly & handed you a guitar. Thanking him quietly, you walked over to the microphone Rob had already prepared for you. His nod calmed you down. He knew you would be just fine.
“Um, hi guys. This is weird.” chuckling, the audience soon followed. “Like, I know I’m confident when it comes to panels & all…but standing here, knowing that I’m about to sing. Well, let’s just say I’m a little nervous.” your voice was shaking a little & your fans knew that it was not normal for you. Usually, you were the one to crack a joke, to throw in a sarcastic comment. Right now, though, you were stiff. “Anyway, enough of that crap.” laughing shortly. “Y’all wanna listen to some music, right?” the audience agreed loudly, whistles & cheers could be heard all across the room. “You haven’t heard this song yet. It’s an original, I wrote it not too long ago & I hope you’ll like it. This is called “Song On Fire”.” waiting for Stephen’s sign, you started off the song together. Playing the guitar quietly. And while you shakingly made your way through the first few words, you gathered yourself enough to sing the rest perfectly.
The first words that come out
And I can see this song will be about you
I can’t believe that I can breathe without you
But all I need to do is carry on
The next line I write down
And there’s a tear that falls between the pages
I know that pain’s supposed to heal in stages
But it depends which one I’m standing on
 I write lines down, then rip them up
Describing love can’t be this tough
 I could set this song on fire, send it up in smoke
I could throw it in the river and watch it sink in slowly
Tie the pages to a plane and send it to the moon
Play it for the world, but it won’t mean much
Unless I sing this song to you
 When you sang these words, you made sure to look in Jensen’s direction & again, your eyes locked. This time for a lot longer. It was as if you two were the only ones in this room. Just you & him. Pouring your heart & soul into this one song. Hoping he would realize what you really felt for him.
 I’m dying to show you
This could end happily ever after
There doesn’t ever have to be disaster
And all you have to do is sing along
 I write lines down, then rip them up
Impossible describing love
 I could set this song on fire, send it up in smoke
I could throw it in the river and watch it sink in slowly
Tie the pages to a plane and send it to the moon
Play it for the world, but it won’t mean much
Unless I sing this song to you
 Rob’s & your voice blended together seamlessly & the band managed to make this song sound like it had been one of theirs. Like you had played it together a million times before.
 I could set this song on fire
Sing this song to you
I could set this song on fire
 Light this old guitar on fire, I’d still hear the notes
Drown the melody in water, I’d still hear its ghost
Sing it with somebody else, but we’d be out of tune
Play it for the world, but it won’t mean much
 I could set this song on fire, send it up in smoke
I could throw it in the river and watch it sink in slowly
Tie the pages to a plane and send it to the moon
Play it for the world, but it won’t mean much
Unless I sing this song to you
 I could set this song on fire
Unless I sing this song to you
I could set this, I could set this
I want to sing this song to you
I could set this song on fire
Sing this song to you
I could set this, I could set this
 The last part, Rob let you sing alone & as you belted out the last words, your eyes closed briefly. Only after hearing the cheers & the clapping did you open them again. Immediately, Rob went over & took you in for a quick hug. Whispering in your ear how proud he was of your performance. That you nailed it.
“Wow, guys. Thank you.” you were overwhelmed by the response of the fans. But your adrenaline washed away when you noticed Jensen no longer watching you from the side of the stage. Still, you had a smile on your face. There was no way you could let the people see that something was wrong.
“That was (Y/N) (Y/L/N) with “Song On Fire”. Let her hear you guys!” Rob urged the audience on & again, the room erupted into loud cheers. Waving before leaving the stage, your smile fell the moment the curtain closed behind you.
“(Y/N)?” there was not even time for you to drown in self pity when a voice yelled for you. Turning around, you were shocked to see Jensen jogging up to you. His hands went to cup your cheeks. Pulling your face closer to his, your eyes closed as his lips pressed softly onto yours. Was this really happening right now? Melting into his touch, you could feel yourself getting lost in the moment. Fireworks were going off inside of you. No matter how many times you had imagined this exact moment, nothing could compare to what you were feeling right this instance. When the two of you needed to pull away for air, you found yourself staring straight into his beautiful eyes.
“God, I hope this song was about me or I just embarrassed myself.” he whispered, afraid that someone else might listen in on your conversation even though you were completely alone backstage. A sheepish smile spread across your face & you interrupted his rambling by kissing him again. If you had known that a song was all it took for the two of you to take that next step then you would have performed on stage way sooner. His hands were at your waist, yours around his neck. Standing close to each other, scared, that you might lose each other. Which would never happen. Not that you finally found to each other.
“I’m sorry.” you started apologizing to which Jensen only furrowed his eyebrows.
“What for?” he had no clue why you felt like you had to say sorry.
“I’m really not good at this entire feelings stuff.” giggling at how stupid you sounded, your eyes shot to the floor.
“I don’t know, that was pretty damn romantic.” he joked & made you laugh with his words. True. Dedicating a song to someone was probably one of the most romantic things one could do.
“Jensen?” your forehead pressed against his chest. Arms tightening around you, he enjoyed having you this close to him. Rob had told him that you liked him & after paying more attention to it, he could see it, too. Yet, he was too much of a coward to do anything about it. Because he got incredibly shy whenever you were around. You could feel him humming so you continued. “I’m actually planning on recording the song. In the studio & all. Jason offered to help me.”
“That’s gre-“ you did not even let him finish because you had another idea in your head.
“And I wanted to ask you to be a part of it.” pulling away slightly to catch his reaction, you were surprised to find a shocked face. “Of course only if you want to. I get it if you don-“
“I’d love to.” his look changed into pure adoration for you. You swore that this man took your breath away by simply looking at you. All of a sudden, Jensen started laughing.
“This is gonna be such a cliché story to tell at upcoming Conventions.” he was right. Honestly, it would make a good plot for a movie. Shaking your head at him, you hugged him tighter again. No way in hell would you ever let him go. It took you a lot of courage to take that step & you were more than happy that your plan was successful. You were glad that Louden Swain supported your idea. You thanked Rob for being a great best friend. Finally, Jensen & you had each other. And as much as you loved the idea of it, you were sure that the fans would freak out even more. They had been shipping you for ages. After all, you guys had a connection nobody else shared but everybody else noticed. You guys were bound to end up together from the very beginning.
Published (05/06/2021) by Cathy
✨MY Ko-fi PAGE✨
Tags: @peachescream06 (thanks for your support <3)
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imperialpirates · 4 years
Johnny Depp, our baby, being so pure and wholesome. I know we are already showering him with love and metaphorical hugs so let's keep on doing it!
Sorry to disappoint and not be posting an imagine or one shot tonight, I hadn't had time during the week to write something and don't want to rush it as I want to put out good content every time.
To end with a funny video, I thought this was rather nice and adorable.....
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x-heesy · 4 years
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Benedict Cumberbatch and EdwardNorton
by Ben Hassett
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Credits above
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benedictshurley · 5 years
Positive : Part 12
Wow it’s been a hot minute. I think the writer’s block is finally gone but don’t quote me on it! It’s shorter but I think you’ll enjoy it all the same! Enjoy! P.S don’t hate me for the ending thank you!
Summary: It’s Minncon and everybody is still abuzz about the album party
Pairing: Rob Benedict x Reader  
Word Count: 1,940
Warnings: angst, fighting, matt benedict is a sweetheart, privacy invasion, ultimatums, stephen’s no longer a teddy bear
Disclaimer: this is pure FICTION. I mean no harm or hurt to the Benedict family, or others involved. Marnie is Rob’s fictional wife from Kings of Con. I originally used Mollie (his real wife) but ultimately decided to change it as it made me uncomfortable writing about her and his kids.
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If you knew this is where you’d be after finding out you were pregnant, you would’ve hidden in a cave until you gave birth. Fans sending hate after hate. For breaking up Rob’s marriage, for lying, people thinking you cheated on Stephen. The album party video went viral throughout the fandom. Yet here you were, at the convention in Minneapolis, ready to be bombarded with rude questions. Even though for the first time in your convention life, you decided to field your questions, making sure they were appropriate and semi-respectful, but you knew deep down there’d be a few who slipped through the cracks.
Ever since that night, you haven’t seen or talked to Rob. You only texted him back once. To tell him you didn’t love him back. Which deep down, you knew was the biggest lie you’ve ever told. You did love him, but you didn’t want to break Stephen’s heart. Yet, any feelings for Stephen were beginning to diminish. Ever since he found out about Rob being the father, he’s been controlling, if Rob even looked at you wrong this weekend, you were sure he would beat him up on the spot. Plus, knowing that Rob had feelings for you too, made being with someone else extremely difficult.
Entering the hotel, you checked in and got in the elevator. So far, so good, all you needed to do was make it to your room and- you rammed face first into someone’s chest.
“Oh god i’m so sorry, I was lost in my own thoughts and-” Once you looked up at who it was, your mouth went dry. “Rob.”
“Y/N” He breathed out, almost relieved to see you. “We really need to talk. About everything.”
You wanted to, god did you want to, but your brain was giving you flashing red signs. “Rob I don’t-”
You were cut off by Stephen exiting the other elevator. Right, you had texted him that you were here. Wrapping his arm around your torso, Stephen presses a kiss to your temple. “Hey babe. Missed you.”
Rob let out a heavy sigh. “Steve, Y/N and I need to talk. Considering a majority of it involves our child.” He made sure to enunciate the “our”, making it clear to Stephen that he wasn’t the father, and he never would be.
“Well, Y/N hasn’t expressed any interest in seeing you, and I don’t believe that changed. So we will be going to our room.” Stephen smirked triumphantly, grabbing your arm and pulling you towards your room.
Rob scoffed, but got in the elevator anyway, instead of going after you, like an idiot.
“Stephen, slow down!” You whispered, not to disturb the other hotel guests, as you always flew in late friday. “Stephen! You’re hurting my arm!” You shoved him off of you.
Stephen turned to look at you. “I’m sorry, I was just trying to get you out of there. I didn’t think you’d wanna talk to him.”
Opening your hotel room door, you groaned out in frustration. “Maybe if you let me get a word in, instead of making my decisions for me, you would know I could’ve handled it myself!”
Stephen stood speechless, you’d never yelled at him like that.
“I’ll be sleeping alone tonight. Goodnight Stephen.” You spat, slamming the door in his face, not waiting for a reply.
As expected, all anyone wanted to talk about with you was the party and the fact that you and Rob had sex. Instead of being offended during your ops and autos, you plastered on a smile and said with enthusiasm “That’s why you use protection every single time!”.
Each one of them left with a little bit of a scowl on their face, but that’s what they get for being assholes. You were nearly 23 weeks pregnant, and extremely hormonal. Don’t mess with the mama bear.
SNS came quicker than expected because before you knew it, you were backstage while the band performed on stage. There was awkward tension though, because Rob’s brother, Matt was sitting right next to you. You had no idea what even to say. “Hey sorry I ruined your brother’s marriage?” You didn’t have much time to think it over before he tapped your shoulder.
“Hey. I’m Matt, but i’m sure you knew that already.” He gave you a grin, eerily similar to his brothers.
“Y/N, but i’m sure you’ve heard all about me. Homewrecker.” You sarcastically threw up jazz hands. “Listen, I just want to apologize to you and your family for ruining rob’s marriage-”
“I’m going to stop you right there. You did us all a favor. Marnie was always sweet to Rob, but she never liked sharing his attention. Even when they had Tyler, it was all about her. We all knew it was going to crack, we just didn’t know when. I’m surprised it lasted as long as it did to be completely honest.”
You were shocked. So she was always a bitch, Rob just never saw it. “Well, then I guess you’re welcome? I’m glad I could be of assistance.”
Matt chuckled, and eyed your stomach. “You know he’s excited right? He can’t wait for her. He sends our whole family ultrasounds now that it's out in the open. Couldn’t be happier honestly. The smile that he gets while talking about your daughter is the biggest one I've seen. Almost as big as the one he gets while talking about you.”
That revelation made your face heat up. Rob talks about you, to his family? “H-he talks about me? A lot?”
Matt nodded, his eyes occasionally darting back to the screen to watch his brother perform. “All the time. Sometimes it’s hard for him to shut up. I haven’t seen that much love in his eyes in a long time. Shame you don’t feel the same way.” And with that, the band came off the stage for a moment before the encore, Matt leaving to talk with his brother for a minute.
“Yeah, except I do.” You muttered to no one in particular, your voice being drowned out by the crowd screaming for the band. Stephen came over for a quick good luck kiss, which you barely reciprocated, before he got in line to go back out. Locking eyes with Rob, you felt your heart begin to beat faster as his blue eyes seemed to stare into yours perfectly. Only when billy hit Rob on the back of the head, did the eye contact break.
Deciding you’d had enough today, you sneaked away and got in an uber early, heading back to the hotel. Once you got in your room, you quickly changed into pajamas and crawled into bed, ignoring the numerous texts you got 20 minutes later from Stephen on your whereabouts. And for the second night in a row, you went to bed alone.
Sunday went off without a hitch, but Matt’s words kept ringing in your mind. He wasn’t drunk when he texted you, and he meant it. But then there was Stephen. Your boyfriend.
Once Sunday had wrapped, Stephen had come to your room with some flowers, to apologize, which made you happy, but it was like getting flowers from your mom when you’re single on valentine’s day.
“I’m sorry I tugged on your arm too hard, and I’m sorry I didn’t let you handle yourself with Rob.” Stephen smiled sheepishly, waving the flowers around before putting them on the bed.
“That’s really sweet. Thank you.” You gave him a soft smile, but when he went in for the kiss, you turned so he got your cheek instead. He looked hurt. “Sorry. Haven’t brushed my teeth yet.” You made up that excuse, when in reality, you didn’t want to kiss him.
He took it though, shrugging his shoulders. “Rob wouldn’t shut up about you today. Kind of annoying.”
“Stephen i’m pregnant with his child, it’s gonna happen. I wish you two could go back to how things were. I don’t want to ruin a 20 year friendship.”
Stephen rolled his eyes. “I see the way he looks at you. And I saw the text.”
You felt anger begin to bubble up under your skin. “You went through my phone?! That’s private Stephen!”
“I’m your boyfriend. I think I’m allowed to look on your phone.”
“For google or something! Not going through my messages like a jerk!” You spat, crossing your arms.
“It’s not like you had anything to hide! He confessed his feelings and you turned him down! Simple!” Stephen yelled in return.
“That’s not the point! You invaded my privacy!”
“It’s starting to seem like you want to fight with me just to fight! What’s gotten into you?!” Stephen questioned, rage becoming apparent in his own features.
“You’re being a dick! You’ve changed since you found out that Rob’s the father. You’re controlling and borderline possessive!” You shouted back.
“I’m just trying to protect you and our relationship from him!”
“Because I see the way you look at him! It’s the same way I look at you! I saw the little eye contact last night and I know that’s why you ran away! I’m trying not to lose you and I feel like the only way that's going to happen is if he’s out of your life!” Stephen yelled, his voice cracking a little bit.
“What are you saying?” You asked, a bit worried about the answer.
Stephen sighed and looked you in the eye. “I want Rob out of your life. Cons, i’ll manage its your job, but personal life, he’s out.”
You almost laughed. “Stephen, that’s not going to happen. He’s the father of my child,  and i’m not keeping him away from her.”
Stephen’s nostrils flared. “It’s either him or me. You need to choose because i’m done being strung along in your little game. And I know that if he stays, you’ll never fully love me.”
Your mouth was agape. He expected you to choose between him and Rob. He was making you choose.
“Him or Me, Y/N” Stephen spoke again, his voice harsh.
Rob’s POV
Rob was laying in his bed, flicking through TV channels. This weekend hadn’t gone like he had hoped. He thought he’d be able to talk to you, try to make up for what Marnie did, but Stephen was everywhere. The second he’d try to talk to you, Stephen would be there, taking you away.
A knock on his door shook him from his thoughts. Who would be here this late?
Opening the door, Rob was shocked to come face to face with you. “Y/N. It’s late, what are you doing here?”
You pushed past him to enter the room and you turned to face him. “I lied.”
All color drained from Rob’s face. What did you lie about? Was Stephen actually the baby’s father? Had Marnie been right this whole time?
“A-about what?” Rob stuttered, shutting the hotel room door.
You took a deep breath and looked him in the eyes. “When you texted me that night, telling me you loved me and I told you I didn’t feel the same. I lied.”
Rob’s face had shock written all over it. “Does that mean-”
“Yes Rob. I am completely and utterly in love with you. I’ve been trying to hide it but I can’t anymore. And I just hope that deep down, you still love me too.” Your voice matched your face. Hopeful. “Please say you still love me and I’m not too late.”
Rob was still silent. It took him a moment before he opened his mouth. “I.”
Positive Taglist : @natasha-cole @itsfunnierin-enochian @kocswain @missihart23 @wontlookaway @shanghai88 @rblstrash @burningrupture @sherlockedtash88 @bloodstained-porcelain-doll @tas898 @lullabylike @lexiemiller97
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honeypiehotchner · 6 years
dancing on my own -- part eight
I am a LIAR but not totally. I’m procrastinating (ironically enough, the essay I should be writing at this moment is about procrastination). But I need some cuteness in my life right now. So I wrote this.
Words: 2,245
Summary: Rob is being a total cutie, but subtly. Some rambling from Sarah at the ladies panel. Then some green room cuteness.
Warnings: it’s so cute??? I blushed writing it
The masterlist is here, by the way.
Saturday is a big day for everyone. We’re packed with panels, photo ops, autographs, a contest here and there, and the concert at the very end. We’re insanely busy.
This is the excuse I give Briana when she catches on to Rob and I’s unnaturally bubbly and friendly behavior. Granted, it only took her half an hour after I got down to the green room to notice—
It’s not a big deal, really. Rob met me at the door with a coffee. And I mean, come on, not a big deal. He used to all the time, but then stopped when…all that mess happened. So it’s not a big deal that he started doing it again.
Or that there was a heart next to my name on the side of the cup.
Not a big deal. “You’re reading too far into it,” I tell Bri, shaking my head as I sip my coffee.
“I’m reading just enough into it!”
I give her a look. “He came to my room last night, we talked, and he went back to his room. End of story.”
She raises an eyebrow.
“If anything, we…cleared the waters.”
“Cleared the waters!”
“We talked about a lot of…unspoken stuff, you know. Like he apologized, and we talked a little about Lily and how therapy helped me a lot and just…stuff we had wanted to talk about but didn’t know how, I guess.” I pause, laughing at her facial expression. “It’s too early for me to deal with you.”
“That’s good!” She keeps her words calm, but I can tell she wants to squeal like a teenager. Thankfully she keeps it inside.
Kim and Ruth come down a little later, followed by Rachel who will be joining us for the panel later today. Bri, of course, has to tell the girls about how Rob and I “cleared the waters” last night. And they, of course, commence to teasing me about it, which I both expected and…wasn’t totally dreading.
I haven’t felt this giddy in a long time. Sue me.
Thankfully while all this is happening, Rob, Rich, and the rest of the band are out and about, wandering off somewhere. But they should be coming back soon. I think our panel starts in a while.
“What time are we on?” Rachel asks.
“I was just wondering that,” I chuckle. “Anyone?”
One of the handlers, Lindsey, hears us talking and answers for us. “In thirty minutes.” Then she pauses, glancing around. “Where is everyone?”
We all laugh, Kim replying with, “They ran away.”
No less than a second later, though, the band comes back in…minus Rob and Rich.
I hear Lindsey mutter, “Fucking hell,” under her breath, causing me to snicker. “Am I gonna have to call Hillary?” Hillary is their handler, who should be with them when they’re not in the green room, but they all tend to sneak away.
Billy laughs loudly before saying, “No, they’re coming.”
“Eventually,” I add, smirking.
They wander. It’s a running joke.
The joke doesn’t last too long this time, though, because Rob and Rich do come back to the green room a few moments later. Well, Hillary comes in first, followed a moment later by the boys. We applaud them loudly, breaking into laughter when Rob flips us off.
They walk over to the table where all of us girls are sitting—Well, Rob does…Rich follows with this mischievous grin on his face.
I give him a strange look before focusing back on Rob who had originally said hey to me and placed a hand on my arm. “Hey. Where were you guys?”
Rich just about chokes from trying to hold back some kind of retort. Rob glares at him before answering me. “Just walking around.”
I raise an eyebrow at the both of them. “Okay…”
“We need to go start talking,” Rich announces, clapping Rob on the shoulder before turning away toward the band.
“I guess that’s my cue,” Rob laughs, those eyes of his sparkling. “See you in a few minutes.”
“See you,” I smile. And much to my surprise with how neurotic he is, he leans down and presses a kiss to the top of my head before walking away.
 By the time I turn back to the girls, I am a blushing mess. And they are all trying to look completely unfazed, even though I can tell every single one of them wants to point it out and say something.
But they don’t. I only get four extremely knowing smiles before Rachel asks who all is singing at the concert, and our conversation moves to that before we have to go onstage.
Thirty minutes later, we are being ushered onstage. We all choose to walk around the curtains to the ramp so we can walk up with Rachel. The screams are deafening, as they typically are, but it never fails to make us grin.
And I absolutely can’t help myself from smiling so wide when I see Rob standing there, singing his heart out. He glances at me through the corner of his eye, a grin breaking out over his face when he sees me.
We’re acting like we literally didn’t just see each other a few minutes ago.
I catch a glimpse of Rich, who is smiling and shaking his head at us as the song finishes, the crowd applauding the band and screaming some more.
“Atlanta, Georgia,” Rich begins, but then stops himself, looking to me. “Sarah? Any words?”
I gladly take over. “Hi Atlanta!” More screaming. “Are any of you from this area? Or around here?” More screaming. “Good! Okay, that makes me so happy. I’m from here, twenty minutes south, so this is my home. I’m also currently working here, so I’m in the city a lot for filming at the moment. It’s good to be in my hometown for one of these things.” I pause. “How many of you traveled in for this?” More screaming. “That’s a lot, okay,” I pause to laugh when everyone else onstage with me raises their hands. “I know you guys did. Anyway. Thank you for coming to visit! I hope you give yourselves some time to explore before you go back home. And thank you for showing interest here! Creation saw that and heard you guys, so keep spreading it so we can keep bringing these guys back.” Another round of screaming.
“Would you like my job?” Rich teases, causing me to laugh. Rob laughs too, hanging onto the mic as he studies my face. I could feel him looking at me the whole time I spoke, and I tried not to focus on it, but I did a little. “I couldn’t have said it better myself. We’re gonna get off here and let you hang out with them. Have fun, ladies!”
We all tell them goodbye, waving as they exit. I wave toward Rob, earning a wink and wave in return.
Butterflies. That’s weird.
Okay, panel time. Focus.
I do focus, actually, and manage to make it through the panel remaining focused. This panel has always been a sort of wisdom/motherly panel, meaning most questions are asking for some advice or indirectly asking about something the person needs to hear. Which Kim, our ever-present wisdom provider, absolutely loves.
And eventually, as I knew it would, there is a question about how I am doing.
“I’m doing really good,” I smile. “I talked about it yesterday, but I’ll briefly talk again just for those who are wondering and weren’t here. Um, I’m a lot better. I got the help I needed and actually listened and worked on myself this time, so when I say I’m doing good, I mean it this time.” I look around me at the ladies sitting next to me. “I thankfully had an amazing support system, not just from these ladies, but from my family – who is actually here today. My parents and little sister are out there somewhere,” I chuckle. “But I am in a lot better shape than I was when I left. I just also wanted to thank all of you guys,” I gesture to the crowd, “for being so unbelievably supportive and kind about the whole situation. Really, thank you.” I quit talking and start applauding, the crowd and the girls joining in with me.
I feel Bri’s hand on my arm as the clapping is beginning to die down, and I look over, seeing her mic at her lips. “I just want to say – and her family can probably attest for this – I have known you for, how long now? Five, six years?”
I nod. “I think.”
“And in those six years, you, right now, are probably at your happiest and brightest that I have ever seen you. And I am just so damn proud of you for getting the help you needed and helping yourself get better.”
Rachel, on my left, leans over into a hug. Briana joins, Kim and Ruth following a second later as the crowd cheers. But we’re all trying not to cry from the looks of it.
 “I love you guys,” I laugh, wiping under my eyes.
After the panel, we’re back to hanging out in the green room while Misha does his panel. I have some photos and autographs today, but that’s not until after lunch.
Rob made the mistake of leaving his guitar unattended by the table, so naturally, that’s the first thing I pick up. All of the other girls are gone, surprisingly, so I’m alone for the moment. I thought about finding Anna in the crowd and hanging out with her during Misha’s panel, but I think I need some quiet time to myself for a minute.
I lean back against the wall, sitting on the floor, as I mess with his guitar. I haven’t played in literal years. I can’t remember the last time I held one of these things. Piano is different; I’ve played piano nearly every day since I’ve had access to one after rehab and all. But I don’t have a guitar, and…I used to play Rob’s anyway.
 Anna must have me in a Taylor Swift mood because the first song I can think to play (and remember) is ‘Begin Again’.
I start humming, only singing really in half-voice because I’m just messing around. “Took a deep breath in the mirror/He didn’t like it when I wore high heels, but I do/Turn the lock and put my headphones on/He always said he didn’t get this song, but I do…” I smile softly, thinking about that boyfriend I had – Andrew. He really hated it when I wore my heels. He wasn’t much taller than me to begin with, so I think the heels made him furious. I hate that I stopped wearing them whenever I went out with him. “Walked in expecting you’d be late, but you got here early, and you stand and wave/I walk to you/You pull my chair out and help me in, and you don’t know how nice that is/but I do.” I breathe. “And you’d throw your head back laughing like a little kid/I think it’s strange that you think I’m funny ‘cause he never did,” I smile, already hearing Rob’s laugh echo in my mind. “I’ve been spending the last eight months/thinking all love ever does is break and burn and end.”
My phone buzzes under my leg, prompting me to stop playing.
My cheeks are red before I can even think.
>Rob: I don’t want to interrupt…but you sound really pretty
I roll my eyes, yelling out, “Just come in already.”
The backstage door swings open, Rob walking in…without Rich or the band, surprisingly.
I furrow my eyebrows. “Where’d they go?”
“Lunch,” he replies. “I’m supposed to be meeting them…but I remembered I left something.”
I raise an eyebrow.
“Okay, I didn’t leave anything,” he laughs, his eyes sparkling again. “And they’re bringing lunch back.”
“You’re a terrible liar.”
“Yeah, yeah,” he groans, sitting down on the floor next to me. “We need to rehearse for tonight.”
“Oh, right,” I chuckle, sliding his guitar off my lap. “When are we gonna have time?”
He sighs, widening his eyes. “After the contests and stuff.” He pauses, looking over at me. “You’ve got this.”
I laugh. “Oh, I know I do.”
He gives me a wide-eyed look, which only furthers my laughter until we’re both laughing, leaning into each other and holding onto one another until we can calm down.
“It’ll be okay,” I finally say in all seriousness. I nudge his arm, smiling. “I’ll have you up there with me.”
He looks surprised. “Having me up there helps?”
I nod. “I think we’re both so neurotic we balance each other out.”
He hums then, trying not to smile. “That makes sense.” He reaches over me – literally over my body, and I have to restrain myself from saying anything, but I think the blush that crosses my cheeks says it all – to grab his guitar, the body knocking into our knees as he props it up on his lap. “What were you singing earlier?”
“Oh,” I laugh. “It was a Taylor Swift song. But it’s your turn, you pick.”
And so, he starts playing ‘Help You,’ another one of my favorites from them.
I’m not ashamed to say that by the end of it, my head is on his shoulder as we harmonize randomly, softly.
And I’m even less ashamed to say I fall asleep.
Tags: @itsfunnierin-enochian @sirraxa @sherlockedtash88 @shanghai88 @natasha-cole
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sherlockspeare · 3 years
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Benedict Cumberbatch Didn't Clean Himself For Several Months | The Graham Norton Show(X)
There are people who really want to know what Benedict smells like... yeah sorry Benedict but
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elennemigo · 3 years
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Benedict Cumberbatch | London, February 24th
"The Power of the Dog" Special Screening (with Anthony Horowitz) Soho Hotel. x
"The Graham Norton Show" recording. x
"The Power of the Dog" special screening & Q&A (with Kodi Smit-McPhee & Ari Wegner.) The Ham Yard Hotel. x
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writersblog20 · 3 years
I can't help being scared!
Sebastian Stan x reader
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Guest appearance: marvel cast
Warnings: some curse words. Little bit of angst if you squint but barely noticeable.
Summary: The reader is on the Graham Norton Show with Sebastian, Tom Hiddleston, Chris Evans, RDJ, Anthony Mackie and Benedict Cumberbatch. Graham shows a clip of the reader with her classmates for a project at a haunted house. That gives the rest of the cast a brilliant idea! But unfortunately their great plan didn’t turn out great for you… or did it?
Words: 3169
I can’t help being scared!
You were backstage with Sebastian, Tom, Chris, RDJ, Anthony and Benedict. You were quit nervous to say the least. This was your first time on a talk show host. But you weren’t nervous for the actual show but because Graham always knew how to find embarrassing videos and/or pictures. And there were enough of them! Sebastian stood next to you. His arm around you. “you’re great, they’re gonna love you” he told you. You just smiled. “Sebastian is right darling, no need to worry! We’re here with you.” Tom said sweetly. You blushed a little. “thank you guys” you told them.
Since you were the newbie you thought they would give you a little bit of a hard time but that was everything but the truth! They took you in as a part of the family. The fans already loved you! And you really grew closer to Sebastian. This was your first big role and you loved Marvel way before you got the part. And you also had a huge crush on Sebastian before that. You might have hoped that he was a jackass so it would be easier to be around him than crush on him hard. But also that was everything but the truth. He was so nice. Nicer than you thought he was, which is very hard to achieve, but yet there he was. He might’ve been the nicest person you’ve ever encountered. But the whole cast was extremely nice and kind! It just didn’t help with your crush on Sebastian to say the least….. you were full head over heels for the blue eyed man.
Graham called you one by one on the stage, leaving you and Sebastian alone for a second. “Really sweetheart, they’re gonna love you!” he told you “Thank you Seba” you told him with a slight blush. “also you look incredible!” he told you while scanning you which made you blush even harder. Graham called Sebastian to the stage and he gave you a quick kiss on the side of your head and squeezed your hand before going up.
You paced a little around when your name came up. “and a huge applause for Y/N Y/L/N!” the crowd grew wild. You walked up and waved to the people and gave Graham a hug while the whole cast smiled at you. You plopped down the couch next to Sebastian and Chris. You took a sip of your alcoholic drank.
The show was going great until the last moment. “So Y/N, do you get scared easily?” he looked at him in confusion. “ehm I don’t really know actually although the question scares me” you told him laughing not knowing what he was going with this. The crowd was laughing with you. “I’m asking because we have found a video of you, and I believe are some classmates? At a haunted house for a project…. “ he said waiting for the ball to drop in your head. “oh god” you said immediately feeling embarrassment filing up your body.
“yeah I remember….” You said chuckling. The whole cast looked at you in confusion. “well we don’t know!” RDJ said. “well luckily we have the footage” Graham said. You groaned putting your hands in your face. “maybe you can gives a little background story on this” Graham asked chuckling while holding his cards in front of his mouth. You chuckled a little as well “okay so ehm… we had a project to make a video and we were left doing what we wanted but it had some criteria we had to get of course. But ehm the group decided to go to a haunted house and well I didn’t really like it” you said “lets watch the footage” Graham said and the crew scooted over to get a good look at the monitor it was playing the video on.
“so here we are! At a haunted house for a challenge!” one of your classmates Joey said. You were in a group of 5 people. They all stood next to each other. Tyron didn’t like it as well. All the others were excited except the two of you. You on the other hand wasn’t in the shot. They all introduced themselves “and Y/N is over there!” they panned the camera to you, who was standing against the wall. You gave them a small wave. They started laughing. “what are you doing over there?” they asked you teasingly. “yeah I don’t trust anyone behind me right now. and now I can see them coming” you said.
After 1 minute of introduction a scare actor came up to you on roller skates and knee pads. He took a good run up you and went on his knees rolling further towards you. You noticed him and immediately jumped over the guy running towards the group who were now laughing their asses off. “yeah very funny can we just get this over with?” you asked the group annoyed.
“sure but now first the challenge! You guys don’t know what it is right?” you all nodded. Right so we’re going to be bound to one another. So we have a rope and we tie it up around one ankle so you’re bound to the other person. “excuse me know???” you asked unamused. They laughed. “Y/N you’re with Tyron.” They made the pairs and you tied each other up.
You went in the haunted house and already got scared. You and Tylor wanted to run but you both went the other way which made you fall down. The rest of the group laughed again. “Fuck dude!” you yelled but more at the actor and yourself. This went down for another good 4 minutes which got harder with the second since the actors had their eyes on you and Tylor because you were so scared. They figured “Let’s make it worse!”. At the last minute in the haunted house you and Tylor untied yourself and fleet the scene with a lot of actors behind your asses. You run like you never had before.
~end footage~
The cast was laughing a lot and you giggled a little while holding your face in embarrassment. “So I figured you didn’t really liked it?” Graham asked you. You laughed “no not really”. You all talked about it for a little more until the show ended.
You were standing in the dressing room changing in sweatpants. the cast couldn’t stop talking about it. “You have to give me that footage!” Chris said laughing. You rolled your eyes. You knew you were going to be the center of Chris’s scare pranks. Everyone was changed in comfortable clothes and Sebastian in black sweatpants as well.
You all got out of the building thinking of what to do next since everyone was so hyped. “I have a great idea!” Anthony said and whispered something to Chris who was now laughing his ass off. You frowned and looked at Sebastian who looked at you in confusion as well. “okay I know a great place!” Anthony said which made Chris laugh more “yeah I don’t think I trust you right now” you told Anthony. “Oh come on you’ll love it! Just follow me” he said making his way. Everyone looked at each other considering it. Eventually following the two boys.
You walked in a funfair. You frowned and wondered what the two boys were up to. You stopped in front of a haunted house. “absolutely fucking not” you told them shaking your head. “oh come on Y/N. It’s not like it is a haunted house where you went. I mean we’re at a funfair. It’s not going to be that scary!” you rolled your eyes.
Sebastian placed his hand softly on your arm. “I’m here with you. I’m not going to let you alone or fuck with you.” He told you and got a little closer “you can hold my hand if that helps.” He said and you were waiting for him to crack up laughing but he didn’t he looked sincere. “and of course if you really don’t want to we don’t have to! I mean there are a lot of great games that we can play” he told you excited which made you laugh a little. “alright I’ll come with you” you said to Anthony and Chris.
“we’ll go too!” Benedict said motioning to him and Tom. “Great! So everyone is going!” RDJ said. They bought tickets and you were in line. It was a busy night. You stood next to Sebastian “like I said I’m not going anywhere!” he told you with a soft genuine smile. You took his hand softly in yours which made him smile. “I’m not going to let you go now” he said with a grin and you chuckled. “Hey love birds! It’s our turn now!” Anthony said.
You rolled your eyes. fine now or never you said to yourself. Sebastian squeezed in your hand. What all of you didn’t know was that this was the scariest haunted house in the world. It toured all over the world and looked like a crappy haunted house but at the back it was huge! But you all didn’t know that.
You walked in and you immediately had weird vibes. Tom and Ben noticed as well and looked at you a little worried but getting scared themselves as well. You started to hold Sebastian’s arm with your free hand. He looked at you. “Are you okay?” he asked “I don’t know it feels…..” right before you could finish your sentence scare actors came from everywhere and there were flashing lights and loud sounds like they were throwing stuff.
“oh fuck….” You heard Anthony say. Sebastian threw a arm around you and still held your hand protectively. “I’m not letting go. I’m right here sweetheart.” He said while getting a little frightened himself. Tom stood on the other side of your protectively as well. Sebastian threw a mad glance at Anthony and Chris.
You were a couple of rooms further but that meant it only got scarier. A scare actor came behind you and you jumped to the front where there was another scare actor waiting for you. He came into your personal space and into your face which made you more mad and angry then scared actually. “The hell!” you said angry. Sebastian and Benedict pulled you back and took you further. “what an asshole!” you said and huffed.
You let go of Sebastian’s hand more pissed then scared and walked towards the front. You pushed Anthony and Chris out of the way which scared them to death and walked up front. “oh she’s really pissed now” said Benedict. “yup” said Sebastian with a proud grin on his face. You ignored all the scare actors and didn’t get out of the way. One actor was trying to scare you and you just stood there, pissed of with a face of steel. He also tried to get into your face. “I really wouldn’t do that buddy. I’m not playing anymore.” You told him calmly. He went out of your way and all the boys looked surprised but also mesmerized. Anthony and Chris looked at each other in guilt and stress. You were really intimidating now and they knew you were mad at them. The started to get more scared of you then the actual haunted house itself.
You got out first and waited for Anthony and Chris while you stood there with your hands on your hips. They got out and immediately started to apologize. You looked unamused with them but your face softened a little at them. “I know you didn’t know but don’t you dare to do shit like this again” you said stern “Yes ma’am” Anthony said without thinking which made everyone giggle a little.
“So ehm well, that was eventful but I’m going back to the hotel now” Tom said. Benedict nodded. “yeah we’ll go as well. And again we’re really sorry Y/N” Chris said really feeling bad. You gave them a hug. “It’s okay now just don’t do something like this again” they nodded and left. “Well have fun lovebirds! Just not too much fun” RDJ said with a wink.
When everyone left you looked at Sebastian. “Thank you for keeping your promise Seba” you told him softly. “of course! Can’t let my favorite girl suffer!” you started to blush not really knowing what to say. He smiled at you. “What about those games huh?” Sebastian said with a grin. “sounds good to me” you told him with a smile.
After a few games you started to get chills. “Are you cold sweetheart?” Sebastian asked you. A little bit yeah. Sebastian took his coat off and after that his sweater. He pulled his coat on again and helped you out of yours. He pulled the sweater over your head. It was so warm and soft and it smelled like Sebastian. “Better?” He asked you with a soft smile but yet so bright. “Much” you told him giving him a kiss on his cheek which made him blush.
The whole evening you played games. Sebastian won a lot of plushy toys for you. You both walked back to the hotel. You with a big ass plushy toy in your arms and Sebastian with four others and some food. You laughed your whole way back remembering the eventful night. “No, no, no, Y/N I’m telling you! You were such a badass. I mean even Anthony said Ma’am to you” Sebastian laughed and you fell against him from laughing so hard.
“hey I got a idea” you told him with a big evil grin on your face. He started to giggle “oh no, what have you got in mind?” You took his hand and walked towards the elevator and stepped in. “what room are they staying in again?” you asked Sebastian and he had to remain himself from laughing too hard. “ehm I believe 212” he told you. You got out of the elevator going to your own room to place the stuff down before going back again”You turned to Sebastian who looked at you curiously while you stood at their door. “payback time” you told Sebastian and you bonked at their door. You took Sebastian’s hand while running away.
You were both a giggling mess. “Hello?” we heard Anthony say. Sebastian got closer and you stood with your back against the wall. You placed your hand on his mouth to silence the giggles. “Hello???” You heard Anthony say again. Sebastian stopped giggling as well as you did. You started to look at each other. Getting lost in his bright blue eyes. and he in yours. You felt your heartbeat pick up. You realized that his body was plastered on yours at the moment and his face just inches away from yours. You slowly lowered your hand from his mouth. He got closer to you. That was when you heard footsteps. Sebastian took your hand this time and run with you. You ran across Chris’s room and you bonked on that one as well before running further.
You kind of went in circles. You saw the back of Anthony and Chris. They were talking to each other. This time you dragged Sebastian behind you. You slowly made your way towards their back. When you were finally there you started to yell. But not hard enough to wake up other guest but enough to scare them. Chris fell on the ground and Anthony held onto his chest. “Payback bitch!” you said laughing along with Sebastian. They looked at you petrified “goodnight” you said with an evil smile like a hint for them to know that there would be more (there wasn’t but you let them think that there was).
You went back to your hotel room with Sebastian. You were still holding hands. “Do you want to watch a movie maybe?” you asked Sebastian not wanting to be alone. He grinned “I would love that”. You felt butterflies in your stomach again.
You got in your hotel room and Sebastian placed the big plushy bear on your bed which made you giggle. You started to take his sweater of before he stopped you. “keep it on, looks better on you anyway” he told you with a soft smile which made you blush once again.
You got beverages out of the fridge and some crisps and you plopped on the bed. Sebastian wanted to take the chair which made you frown but yet made your heart melt at the gentleman that he is. “Seba?” He looked at you and you padded next to you on the bed. He smiled and said next to you. You both choose a comedy movie and you made yourself comfortable.
You laid on Sebastian’s chest with your arm on his stomach. He held you close to him. “Seb? Can you please stay with me tonight? You asked him sleepy. “I will. I’m not going to let you go sweetheart.” He said with hearts in his eyes when he looked at you. He crawled closer under the covers with you which made you lay almost on top of him. He started to laugh “Sweetheart, I would love to stay with you but you have got to let me breath” he said laughing. You groaned and laid next to him.
He turned so you were face to face. He studied your features with love in his eyes. “you’re staring Seb” you said chuckling and opening your eyes. he blushed a little. “I’m sorry. You’re just…. You’re just really beautiful and…. And I really like you Y/N”
Your eyes got big at his confession. You loved him you just didn’t think he would feel the same. “I really like you too Seb” You told him. He got closer again and placed his plump lips on yours. He cupped your cheek with his hand and you deepened the kiss. After a while he pulled back. “Would you like to go on a date with me?” I would love to Seb. Only if you make it just as adventurous as this one” you told him with a smile. He had the biggest grin on his face. “promise except for the haunted house” he told you. You smiled. “I had you with me so it wasn’t so bad” you told him with a grin. He kissed you again. You both couldn’t wait for the future and adventurous dates you would have. Everything would be okay because you had Seb and Sebastian had you.
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alleiradayne · 5 years
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Unconventional A J2 x Reader RPF Series
After a rousing evening of Friday Night Karaoke at the Supernatural convention, you’re tired and about to go to bed. But then a distinctly familiar laugh echoes through the hallway outside your hotel room door, and sleep is the last thing on your mind.
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Part IV - Traditional
Summary: Saturday Night Special and afterparty Warnings/Tags: Floofs Characters/Pairings: Jared Padalecki, Jensen Ackles, Female Reader, Briana Buckmaster, Kim Rhods, Rob Benedict, Mike Borja, Steve Norton, Rich Speight, Jr., Ruthie Connell, and Matt Cohen  Word Count: 1,567 A/N: For the love of everything good in this world, assume everyone involved is single or polyamorous. No. Wife. Hate. Allowed. This series as a whole will fulfill my Polyamory square for @spnkinkbingo but not until closer to the end. Beta’d by @atc74 because she’s awesome and managed to read this hella long buncha nonsense.
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Hope. An eager sort of anxious anticipation shuddered in your fingers as you gripped the barricade railing. The hall buzzed with an energy so palpable, the fine hair on the backs of your arms stood on end. Fellow fans pressed in all around, their own little space of floor carved out for their spot amidst the tiny sea of bodies. As the house lights dimmed, the stage lights illuminated in their vast array of colors and shapes, and a crescendo of hundreds of voices filled the hall. Louden Swain took the stage as they always did and kicked off their set with Present Time.
They played favorite tunes and lesser known tracks, as well as their covers with other actors. Briana belted out a tune that showcased her vocals with her classic aplomb. Kim rocked the house, as usual. Matt, of course, couldn’t stand in a single spot his entire song. Ruthie in all her five-foot-three glory, danced as beautifully as she sang. And then there was Richard. Oh, Richard. With his big acoustic guitar and that gorgeous Tennessee twang, he could melt a heart with just one note.
You did your best to live in the moment, but with each song, that fervent expectation of what came next crawled up your spine and settled at the base of your neck. Part of it, you thought, had to do with your proximity to the stage—within arms’ reach of Rob and the rest. But the other part, the larger part, kept you on your toes the entire evening.
“We have a very special guest singing a couple songs with us tonight,” Rob started.
Your hope, it seemed, was about to pay off.
Rich leaned into his microphone and spoke. “Oh, we’re gonna let him out of his cage?”
“Something like that,” Rob replied. “Please welcome to the stage, the one, the only, Jensen Ackles.”
Louden Swain always earned a tidal wave of applause when they performed. But the roar, the deafening wall of sound that exploded from behind you put that to shame. Jensen crept out from behind a curtain on the stage, with his leather jacket and wide-brimmed hat, his perfectly tight jeans and shit-kickin’ boots.
“Thanks,” he mumbled into the mic. “Ready?”
Another burst of sound from the crowd blocked out the first set of elevens of Whipping Post. But when the cheers faded, that unique rhythm caught your hips in its steady rock beat, swayed from side to side. And Jensen’s baritone drowned out any other sound you might have heard, for his voice was the stuff of gods. He thumbed a boot in time with that smooth set of elevens—bless Gregg Allman for gracing the rock world with the 11/4 time signature—and damn it all to hell if you didn’t ogle Jensen’s bow legs.
S.O.B. followed, hot on the heels of Whipping Post. Those words in Jensen’s growl left you wanting more, bolstering your hope again for more of it later that evening. Amidst that hope, the whirlwind of music passed in such a rapid blur that Rob had cued the closer before you noticed. But with a quick sweep of the crowd, Jensen found you front and center, and as discreetly as possible, pointed stage right and mouthed, “Go, now.”
Through the throng you shouldered past your fellow fans, your space filled as soon as you vacated. To your left you pushed, side-steps bearing you slowly to the far end of the platform until you broke free of the mass of crowded bodies. There a Creation staff member stood and as you approached, smiled and asked for you name. When you gave it, she asked for an ID, and, after you flipped open your wallet, ushered you around the corner to the hallway behind the riser.
“I’m Sara,” she started as she held out her hand. When you took it, she said, “How long have you known Jensen?” she asked over her shoulder.
A quick lie took shape and you shrugged as you said, “Several years, now. Damn near a decade, actually.”
Face unreadable, Sara simply smiled as she led you around a corner. “Here we are,” she started as she unlocked a door and pushed it aside. “Welcome to the green room.”
She held the door aside as you stepped over the threshold. Though empty, the signs of life lay scattered about the room. Bottles of water at various levels of consumption littered every surface, as well as plastic cups, some empty, some containing hints of liquor. On the far wall, a table stood laden with beverages, liquor, beer, soda, and water, and a melting bucket of ice perspired on the end beside the cups.
“Folks will be back in a bit. Get comfy, help yourself to a drink.” She pointed at the table on the far side of the room laden with options. “Have fun!” she added with a bright smile as she slipped back through the door, a soft click following her.
What then? A drink? Maybe one or two would calm the creeping sensation beneath your skin. You headed for the table and snatched a cup from the stack, dropped in a single ice cube, and poured over it a generous amount of whiskey. The first sip warmed your tongue, slid down your throat, and settled in your belly as the door to the room burst open. You turned to find Rob leading his bandmates into the room, followed by the cast that had sang that night. Briana and Kim chatted excitedly while Matt and Ruthie continued singing the closer. Rich brought up the rear, face buried in his phone until Rob spoke.
“Hey,” he started as he crossed the room. “You’re Y/N?” he asked.
“I am,” you replied as you held out your hand, “I guess Jensen warned you?”
A bewildered shake of his head preceded Rob’s curious smile as he looked over his shoulder. Briana held back a laugh when Kim raised a brow at her. When Rob checked in with the others, they all shrugged. He turned back to you and said, “No, Sara only mentioned a gal with a backstage pass, although I didn’t know we did that here. So, you know Jensen?”
Your casual lie faltered, far too thin to work on Jensen’s actual friends. “Not… really.”
“Jared, then?” he continued as he reached for a bottle of water.
You struggled to find a response to that after memories of the previous night flooded your mind. “Yeah, we’re sort of acquaintances,” you said with a shrug.
“Oh, cool, for how long?” Rob continued.
“About…” you paused as you checked your phone, “36 hours.”
He laughed through his water, nearly spitting it out. “Are you—”
The door opened once more, and Jensen stepped through with Jared in tow. “Oh, awesome, they’re already picking on her,” he said over his shoulder. “Give it a rest, Rob.”
“What?!” Rob shrieked, “I wasn’t doing anything!”
“Uh huh, sure,” Jensen retorted as he neared you and wrapped an arm around your shoulder. “Alright, only time we’re gonna do this. This is Y/N, she’s a friend of ours. Cool?”
The others shrugged their agreement, and without another word, the afterparty started.
Long conversations led to stories about longer friendships, and as the minutes ticked by, the group eased in around you. They each took their time to talk with you, learning a little bit about you and eager to regale you with their favorite moments as a part of the family. Most common of all, though, was that each one of them shared a memory of Jared and Jensen being their incredibly kind and giving selves. And it was during those stories that you realized how damn lucky you were.
An hour had slipped by as you finished your drink, and Jensen took a queue from Jared. He stood from his chair and headed for the table, grabbing three bottles of water, and returned to the group as he spoke. “We’re off.”
“Boooo.” Rob’s hands cupped around his mouth and amplified his voice. Jared, much to your delight, flipped his middle finger at him for a laugh.
When you stood and followed Jensen to the door, Jared fell in behind you. The conversation picked back up and you thought yourself clear of any further teasing as you stepped over the threshold. That was until a catcall of a whistle pierced the din of the room. Jared did his best to push you onward, but as you turned over your shoulder, you caught a glimpse of Briana winking and Kim’s two thumbs up.
The door closed with a click and Jensen pressed into at your side. “I'm beat. What about you?”
“Exhausted,” you said. “Probably gonna pass out when I get back to my room.”
Jared's giggle from behind you drew your attention over your shoulder. His wicked grin and wandering eyes betrayed his indifferent shrug. His hands grasped your shoulders as he leaned into your ear and whispered, “I think Jen has other plans for the two of you.”
As you rounded the corner, Jensen slipped his arm around your waist and pulled you closer. You wanted to say something, anything, but dumbfounded excitement seized your tongue as you approached Clif at the end of the hallway.
Jensen nodded as he looked to you with a wicked grin. “Yeah. We're exhausted. Right, Y/N?”
“Yeah… exhausted.”
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Reblogs and feedback are awesome. If you want in on the tags, send me an ask or a DM!
The Whole Thang:
@atc74  @hannahindie @bevans87  @meganwinchester1999  @plaided-ani-on-hiatus  @oneshoeshort @jonogueira @andkatiethings @elfinmox@wonderfulworldofwinchester @princessofthefandomrealm  @just-another-busyfangirl @jmekitchens @81mysteriouslyme @dolphincliffs  @seenashwrite  @canadianspnhunter  @meowmeow-motherfucker @depressed-moose-78 @staycejo1 @hobby27  @pretty-fortune @mypopculturediva @fanfictionjunkie1112 @sandlee44 @4llmywr1tings @claitynroberts @maddiepants @scarletluvscas @donnaintx @blackeyedangel9805 @rainflowermoon @winchesterprincessbride  @lazinessisalliknow  @the-is13 @waywardafgrandma @keymology
Dean’s Dames (Jensen):
@supernatural-jackles @jerkbitchidjitassbutt
@wayward-and-worn @evansrogerskitten @squirrelnotsam @jerkbitchidjitassbutt @pink1031  @kutie-stans @aomi-nabi @wilde-abandon @samwichesterssexyface @heavensheadbitch @amandamdiehl @thatonecurlygirl
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Basement Of No Hope (Rob Benedict x Reader)
Summary: Louden Swain had a few upcoming gigs & you decided to rent a house in the area. Jason & you tagged along, being the opening act for each show. The house was big, six bedrooms, enough for everyone. When you could not agree on who would occupy which room, you let a good old game of rock paper scissors decide for you. Today was your lucky day, apparently.
Words: 2,430
Warnings: language, mentions of nightmare (I had to bring some angst in there, okay?), Rob being dramatic af (other people write songs about heartbreak, dude, but it’s alright), strong dislike of basements (from personal experience lmao), soooo much fluff it’s kinda disgusting
Inspired by: “Basement Of No Hope” by Louden Swain (aka Robbie & his dramatic ass writing a song because he lost a game of rock paper scissors – no, really…if you haven’t watched the video, pls do, it’s hilarious)
If you like my work & wanna support me: a coffee would be highly appreciated ❤
You were at the airport in Nashville, currently waiting on your luggage. The flight had been rather relaxing, you even managed to get an hour or two of sleep in. Rob’s shoulder was used as a pillow but he did not seem to mind. Here you were, with the Swain boys & Jason. The following nights, Louden Swain had multiple gigs lined up, all in the area. They had asked Jason & you to join, to be their opening act. Having a few songs on your own & being more than comfortable to perform next to Jason, you agreed. Of course you did. Rob & you were…something, after all. Neither of you knew what you were but you were something. Best friends, but you were best friends with all of the boys. The only difference was that you did not want to kiss them when you looked them in the eyes. Rob was the exception. Everyone was aware of your crush on him. Everyone but him, it seemed.
Two vans were waiting for you all. They were supposed to bring you to your accommodation for the next few days. Rob, Jason & you were occupying one car while Billy, Stephen & Mike seated themselves in the other. Most people were confused because you only ever hung out with men but you did have girlfriends, too. Well, they were Rob’s friends first but you guys hit it off immediately. Besides, it was great to hang out with people who shared your passion for music. Your music career was still in the starting blocks but you had released your debut EP not too long ago & luckily, a lot of Louden Swain’s fans loved your music as well.
It was late when you arrived at your destination. Lazily, everyone dragged their suitcases inside, putting them in the entrance area. The moment you wanted to grab your stuff, Rob beat you to it, sent you a wink & left you standing outside, dumbfounded. He could be such a dork. After shaking your head & chuckling quietly to yourself, you followed him inside. Looked like you were interrupting a heated discussion. Listening to it for a few moments, you could make out that apparently, they were arguing about who would get what room to sleep in. Rolling your eyes, you were annoyed by their childish behavior. It was moments like this where you asked yourself if they were grown ass men or defiant children. Today, it was the latter.
“Guys, guys, guys. Can y’all turn it down for a second?” your voice was loud but not loud enough for them to hear you. Crossing your arms over your chest, you tried again, this time literally yelling.
“GUYS! SHUT UP FOR FUCKS SAKE!” like a switch, the discussion died down & five pairs of eyes were looking at you.
“Thanks. Okay, let’s try this again, shall we? Billy, what’s the matter?” knowing Billy was usually the one to keep it cool in situations like these, you turned to him & waited for his answer.
“Really? You’re asking him?” Rob chimed in. Rolling your eyes once more, you focused on Billy, waiting for his explanation.
“So, there are six bedrooms for six people, right?” you nodded, signaling him that you understood & he continued. “Stephen checked all of them. They are okay. All except one. The one in the basement. It’s…creepy.” he finished. Letting out a quick laugh, you were not sure if he was kidding or not. But his look told you that he was being serious.
“You’ve got to be kidding me…” you mumbled under your breath.
“No, really, (Y/N). You gotta check it out. It’s bad.” Jason spoke up & motioned for you to follow him. Heading downstairs you were shocked to say the least. Okay, you had to admit, it was not luxurious whatsoever. The exact opposite. When you made your way back to the entrance area, the boys were waiting for you reaction.
“Okay, I get it. But guys, come on, it’s late…Can’t we just go to bed &, I don’t know, deal with this later?” an exhausted sigh escaped you.
“Sure, you can take the bedroom in the basement then.” Stephen suggested.
“Forget it. I won’t sleep down there. Dude, I’m scared of basements, you know that.” being annoyed at Stephen for even bringing this up. Good Lord, this was bound to be a long night.
“Let’s play rock paper scissors to decide.” Mike said after a few seconds of silence. Rob eyed him carefully, not really knowing if he was serious or not. But before you had enough time to tell them how stupid Mike’s idea was, the other four agreed with him.
You were standing in a circle, ready to beat the boys. As long as you did not have to sleep in the basement, you were good to go. Literally every other room would do. Stephen shortly explained the rules. Getting in position, you started with your first round. The first round ended quickly. Everyone won against Rob & when the realization set in, you all started laughing so hard that tears made their way down your cheeks almost instantly. Rob cursed & complained about how everyone had cheated which made this entire thing even funnier. He was pissed. Like, deeply pissed. And even though you felt a little amount of pity for him, the majority of you was just happy that you did not have to reside in that creepy ass bedroom downstairs. Rob grabbed his stuff & made his way downstairs, not longer caring about the rest of the game.
“Go fuck yourself.” was the last thing you heard from him. Again, you all ended up laughing like crazy. This was too good to be true.
Billy lost next, followed by Mike & Jason which left Stephen & you for the final battle. The first round went to Stephen. You won the second one. The last one would settle who would get to sleep in a nice king-size bed. The second place would get a great room, too, so whatever was about to happen…it would be a win-win situation. The others were circling you, cheering for the both of you. Stephen told you to close your eyes, he would do the same, so that the others knew the outcome before you. The damage was done, you went for scissors.
“Guess (Y/N) gets her well needed beauty sleep.” Billy joked & you opened your eyes. Stephen lost with paper. But before you performed a little winning dance, you made sure to playingly slap Billy for his awful joke.
“No need for beauty sleep, the princess is always looking flawless.” swaying your hips when you left for your earned room, carrying your suitcase with you. It was only then when you realized how heavy you had actually packed. In no way would you ask any of the guys to carry your luggage upstairs. Well, there was one person you would actually ask but this certain someone was residing in hell aka his incredible basement bedroom for the time being.
Wanting to experience the softness of the mattress as fast as possible, you quickly went to the bathroom to take a quick shower & to brush your teeth. You wrapped the towel around your body & walked back into your room to search for a suiting t-shirt to sleep in. In the end, you decided on one of Rob’s old shirts you stole from him a while ago. He was never wearing it anyway & it was freaking comfortable, so why not? Pushing it over your head, you did not bother with pants. The shirt was too big on you & you were in this room alone. A yawn escaped you & only a second later, the warmth of the bed was embracing you.
It did not take long before you shot up from your bed, breathing heavily. Shit, another nightmare. Usually, you could handle them just fine. Especially when you were with other people, they pretty much disappeared. You were confused why you had experienced one now. Unfortunately, or fortunately, you could not remember what it was about but since your heart was beating incredibly fast, you assumed it had been a bad one. There was no way you could be alone for the rest of the night. It was not something new to you to share a hotel room or a bed with one of the guys. Sometimes it was just easier, especially at Conventions, to share with another person in order to not take up too many rooms. Mostly, though, you did end up with Rob.
Looking to your door, you were contemplating going to him. But nope, that was not happening. He was sleeping in the basement & while basements themselves creeped you out, the thought of actually having to walk through the entire house by yourself scared you even more. Checking your phone for the time, you were shocked when it read 3:00 am. Shit, if you were not about to tell anyone about your nightmare you might as well not get any more sleep this night. The upcoming gig came into your mind & you knew you had to be well rested to perform perfectly.
It seemed like your hands were moving by themselves & all of a sudden you were calling Rob. Which was stupid, really. He would not hear his phone when he was asleep but you were desperate & still pretty shaken up from your previous nightmare.
“Yeah?” his sleepy voice interrupted your thoughts.
“Robbie?” your voice was small & you did not think it was possible, but your voice cracked by just saying his name. Damn nightmare.
“(Y/N)? You alright?” hearing bedsheets shuffling, you assumed Rob was sitting up. His voice was filled with concern. He knew you would not call for no reason, especially not in the middle of the night & definitely not when you were in the same house.
“Um…I-I had a nightmare & I just…I don’t even know why I’m calling you. I’m sor-“
“What room are you staying in?” right, he did not know because he was too pissed off to stay for the rest of that stupid game.
“The one with the king-size.” you mumbled, not really sure what he was getting at.
“Got it.” the call ended & you were left confused. Would he come to you?
The door squeaked open slightly after a soft knock. Your eyes had adjusted to the dark & you could see Rob’s silhouette in the doorway. He began walking over to you & took a seat on the bed. Immediately, you could feel his arms wrapping around your frame & pulling you close to his body. Being in his presence calmed you down in an instant & for a while, he just held you without saying anything.
“Looks like you won the game.” Rob’s whisper broke the silence in the room. You let out a chuckle & he did the same.
“Yeah, & you’re lucky enough I saved you from that hell hole. I’m sure that bed was uncomfortable as shit.” pulling away, you looked at his face. The darkness did not hide his features & you were happy that he was here with you right now.
“It was, which is why I haven’t slept yet.” he admitted with a laugh.
“You serious?”
“Yep. Doesn’t change the fact that I’m fucking tired…Do you wanna talk about it?” his eyes locked with yours & that was the point when you were sure that you were in love with him. The way he cared for you, genuinely cared, would forever be a mystery to you.
“I can’t remember what I saw but it was…bad.” sighing frustratedly. “I just knew I didn’t wanna be alone & I sure as hell didn’t wanna wander around the house all by myself. That’s why I called you.”
“Do you think you can go back to sleep?” because he would have stayed awake with you if that was what you needed.
“Yeah, now that you’re here…” if it were not for the dark room, Rob would have seen your blush. He simply nodded & pulled you down with him. His arm was draped over your waist & he hugged you close to his chest. A soft kiss was pressed onto your shoulder & this simple action sent goosebumps down your skin.
“Goodnight, (Y/N).” he mumbled into your neck.
“Night.” you whispered & soon enough, the both of you were fast asleep.
A loud voice woke you from your peaceful slumber. Whoever it was was about to get punched.
“Wakey, wakey, sleeping beauty. Billy is making breakf-…Robbie?” of course it was Jason. He knew you could not stay mad at him & this man had never learned how to knock.
“Do I even wanna know? Um, you know what? I don’t…Anyway, breakfast is about to be done. At least I don’t have to go to the basement to wake Rob now.” the last part sounded farther in the distance because Jason was already turning around & walking out of your room. You could feel a chuckle behind you & soon, you found yourself laughing with Rob.
“Good morning, slept well?” turning around in his arms, you stared into perfectly blue eyes. When he saw you, he could not help the smile that was forming on his face.
“How could I not when you were literally next to me?” you blushed at his words. He could be so cute sometimes, it really was disgusting.
Getting up from the bed after a few more minutes of just enjoying being in Rob’s arms, he let out a whistle.
“My shirt looks good on you.” you brushed off the warmth that was spreading on your cheeks with a shake of your head.
“I’d hurry up, Robbie. Billy’s pancakes are to die for. Your fault if you’re too late.” you winked at him & put on some sweatpants before leaving Rob alone in the room. The two of you had spent nights sharing a bed before but there was never cuddling involved. Usually, you would stay on your sides & that was about it. Tonight changed everything. He knew you could tell as well. And that change was for the better. It was bound to happen. Literally everyone but you knew it would happen sooner or later. And here you were, after so long of keeping your feelings pushed down, finally moving into the right direction. All of it happened because a damn game of rock paper scissors...
Published (04/01/2021) by Cathy
Tags: @chelseashurley, @traubellianfirebuilder (thanks for your support <3)
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A @BBCOne postou em seu FB um compilado dos melhores momentos do Benedict no programa The Graham Norton Show! Dica do sócia @rehmecaroline 😘 "Dear Benedict Cumberbatch, Many happy returns. For your birthday, we give you our Big Ben montage! Love, BBC One x" https://www.facebook.com/470911516262605/posts/2533851396635263/ . . . #BenedictCumberbatch #BenedictCumberbatchBrasil #Cumberday #CumberBirthday #HappyBirthdayBenedict . . . [TW] https://www.instagram.com/p/B0HqHvJF7SQ/?igshid=12e5bbp2qlp9b
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tree-leaves-blue · 6 years
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Benedict on The Graham Norton Show talking about the one time he didn’t keep a movie plot a secret and told Stephen Hawking about Star Trek [x]
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