#Billy Bennett imagine
ewanmitchellcrumbs · 10 months
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Body Electric
Pairing: Tom Bennett (World on Fire) x f!reader x Billy Taylor (The Halcyon) Warnings: Angst, mentions of PTSD and familial death, (consensual) infidelity, voyeurism, smut. Word count: ~3.9k
Summary: Tom's been sullen since returning from the Navy, and when his sister, Lois, moves from Longsight to London it heralds the end of the honeymoon period of his and his wife's marriage. Deciding a trip to the capital is just what they need to reignite the flame, Tom's wife gets much more than she bargains for when they check into The Halcyon, and she flirts with the handsome young bell boy to make her husband jealous.
Author's note: For @adragonprinceswhore and @mefools. This is not a crack fic. I have warped canon (I mean, I had to get these two to exist in the same AU anyway), so Billy didn't die when he was drafted, and has gone back to his old job at The Halcyon. No tag list. Please follow @fics-by-ewanmitchellcrumbs and turn on post notifications. Community labels are for cops.
Dappled sunlight plays upon Tom’s sharp features, the occasional shadow of a tree or building passing across his face as the train speeds through the British countryside. He’d look beautiful, bathed in golden hues, were it not for the pensive expression he wears, and the faintest of dark circles that linger beneath his eyes.
She can’t remember the last time he looked genuinely happy - perhaps it was their wedding day?
Her and Tom had met in secondary school, and she’d thought he was an idiot to begin with; handsome, but always mucking around in lessons, never able to take anything seriously. It wasn’t until they’d both left that they’d become an item. She’d go to the weekly dances at the Pavillion, and every week he would ask her out. The first three times she had said no, not wanting to get mixed up with a known troublemaker. On the fourth occasion she’d relented, simply in the hopes that if she said yes he’d leave her alone. But she’d found she enjoyed his company, he made her laugh effortlessly, and when his blue eyes gazed into hers it made her feel like the only girl in the world that mattered. When he had kissed her it had stolen all the air from her lungs, and from that point on she was smitten with Tom Bennett.
The night before he shipped out for the first time, she had thought he meant to slam the bed’s headboard through the brickwork of the wall with the force with which he took her. However, she had smiled to herself when she’d felt the pleasant ache between her thighs the next day.
“Something to remember me by,” he’d told her with a wink and that trademark smirk of his.
Something to remember indeed.
She’d barely recognised him when he’d returned. He was thin, tired, didn’t laugh as freely, and learning that his father had passed when the Bennett family home was shelled had darkened his mood further. He hadn’t stayed long, enough to argue with his sister, Lois, and enough to find his way between her thighs once more and make her swear to him that she’d marry him when he came back.
Of course she had said yes, there was no one in the world she could imagine wanting to marry more than Tom. But with how things are between them these days she is left wondering if he’d married her because he loved her, or because she was the one thing left in Longsight that he could anchor himself to.
They’d married quickly when Tom was discharged for the final time, the war at its end. It had been an intimate affair, and despite the toll his service to his country had taken on him, Tom still gazed into her eyes on their wedding night and made her feel like the only girl in the world that mattered.
But then Lois had announced she was taking Vera and moving to London - her and Connie had found a place they could share. A fresh start. She had hinted at wanting to move away from Longsight before, and Tom had dismissed it, insisting that the family must stay together. 
He was furious when she’d chosen to go anyway, refusing to be part of the send off party for her at the train station.
“This is where mum and dad are buried, how can she do this?!” He’d raged.
“They’re just headstones, Tommy,” she had tried to reassure him, “memories go everywhere with you.”
“You wouldn’t fucking understand,” he’d seethed back at her, “you’ve still got both your parents, what have I got?!”
“You’ve got me, you’ll always have me,” she’d said quietly.
He’d fallen silent at that, bowing his head and averting his gaze. It made her chest ache to see him that way.
It’s been close to a month since they were last intimate, and she has done her best to be patient and understanding. His time in the Navy has put him through a horrendous ordeal, coupled with losing Douglas, and his sister moving away, so she doesn’t pressure him.
However, she misses her husband. She feels that he is abandoning her each time he retreats into himself, going somewhere she can’t follow. Like two ships in the night, they pass each other by, laying in the same bed physically but emotionally never further apart.
When a letter arrives from Lois, letting them know she’s settled and would love for them to visit, she jumps at the opportunity. She has some money put aside from her job at the factory, and her and Tom never got to have a honeymoon, this would be the perfect way for them to rekindle the romance in their marriage.
She is shocked, yet thrilled, when Tom actually agrees to it, and the pair of them arrange a week’s worth of leave from their respective jobs, arranging to stay in a hotel rather than impose themselves upon Lois’ hospitality. There’d be plenty for them to do while they’re there, and she can’t wait to see the sights of Piccadilly Circus and Carnaby Street, she’s never been to London before.
Tom has stared silently out of the window the entire train ride from Manchester, though she knows better than to believe he’s taking in the scenery. It’s merely so he doesn’t have to make conversation. She can live with that, she is certain that once they’ve had their romantic week away that he’ll be much more talkative on the journey back.
Everything will be fine once we’re checked into The Halcyon.
It is early evening by the time they arrive, and Euston station is a crowded rush of people when they step onto the platform. She is fearful of it for a moment, never having seen so many people all in one place at once, until Tom takes her by the hand, guiding her through the crowds towards the taxi rank. Her heart soars at the gesture, a hopeful smile tugging at her lips over his protectiveness. Perhaps he is not lost to her after all.
She stares in wide eyed wonder out of the window of the black cab as it drives through the streets of London. It is similar to Manchester in its greyness and vastness, they both have all the trappings of big city living, however, the heart of London beats to an entirely different rhythm than that of Manchester’s. The capital seems harsher, more relentless than the northern locale that she calls home. She wonders if perhaps this is the right place to try to rekindle the spark in hers and Tom’s marriage after all.
That is until they step into the foyer of The Halcyon. Her heels click against the black and white tiles of the foyer, her mouth agape as she takes in the opulence of the huge pillars, the palm trees that flank either side of the entrance, and the yellow and orange hues of the stained glass panel in the ceiling. How could they not reignite their passion when they were going to live like royalty for a week?
“Billy!” The dark haired woman manning reception calls around the corner, once they’ve checked in. “Come and help Mr and Mrs. Bennett with their bags.”
A tall, lean young man, who can’t be any older than twenty, rounds the corner. He’s handsome, with bright blue eyes, and mousy hair that’s slicked back beneath the cap of his black and grey bellboy uniform.
He gives her a tight lipped smile, the tips of his ears turning pink as he looks at her and she can’t help the way she preens at his flustered state.
Still got it.
“Second floor, Billy,” the receptionist tells him as he leans down to grab their suitcases, “room twenty six.”
Billy nods. “Right this way, please, Mr and Mrs. Bennett,” he says, directing them towards the lifts.
She can feel the bellboy’s gaze upon her in the tight confines of the elevator and smiles to herself. At least someone was appreciative of her.
He takes his leave, bidding them both a good evening once their luggage is deposited outside of their room door, and her and Tom are left alone once more.
Tom whistles low as they enter, flicking on the lights, and she feels pride swell in her chest that he’s impressed by the lavish surroundings. A shiver of excitement runs through her as her eyes move over the crisp white pillows and crimson duvet that adorn the bed, thinking that this might be where they’ll finally make love for the first time in a month.
It’s a beautiful room; lace curtains hang in the windows, ornate floral wallpaper decorates the walls, there’s a writing desk by the window, and a yellow velvet armchair is placed off to one side by the bed.
Turning back towards Tom, she steps towards him, sliding her hands up his chest, over his jacket. She smiles demurely up at him, her voice a soft purr. “So, Mr. Bennett, what shall we do now?”
“It’s been a long journey, love,” he tells her, taking one of her hands and brushing his lips against her knuckles. “Let’s just get some rest, yeah?”
“Oh…okay,” she nods, stepping back and looking away. She feels like she might cry, as disappointment weighs heavily upon her chest. This is not how she imagined their first night here would go at all.
As she lays in the darkness, listening to the strange sounds of the city, motor cars and loud voices, all seeping in through the closed window, she can’t seem to fall asleep. She turns her face towards Tom, who lays facing away from her, wondering if he’s awake too.
“Tommy?” She whispers.
“Yeah?” He whispers back.
She pauses a moment, and when she speaks again she’s unable to disguise the tremble of emotion in her voice. “Do…do you still love me?”
He rolls to face her then, and the devastation of what she’s implying is evident in the arch of his eyebrows and parting of his lips, illuminated by the light of the streetlamp that pours in through the lace curtains. She feels a lump in her throat, regretting having asked.
“Course I do,” he says earnestly, tugging her towards him, and she buries her face in his chest. He presses his lips to the crown of her head, rubbing her back. “I’m sorry,” he murmurs, “I’ve been letting you down.”
They stay like that for the rest of the night.
The next morning they sit in the hotel’s dining room for breakfast. Tom idly smokes a cigarette, a full English in front of him, while she butters her toast.
“Gonna go and see Lois today,” he tells her, taking a swig from his tea cup.
“I thought we’d arranged to visit her on Sunday?” She asks, frowning in confusion as she sets her knife down on her plate.
“We are,” Tom says, blowing smoke out through his nostrils - a gesture she has long since learned is a sign of irritation on his part. “But I’m gonna go see her today - alone.”
You’re going to start an argument, and then come back in a bad mood.
She sighs, folding her hands in her lap. “And what am I supposed to do?”
Tom shrugs. “Go to Carnaby Street, or whatever it was you were saying you wanted to do while we’re here.”
“Tommy, we’re supposed to do those things together, and I don’t wanna walk around London on my own!”
He nods, stubbing his cigarette out on the yolk of his fried egg, causing her to wrinkle her nose in disgust. He had barely touched his food, he never does anymore.
“Alright, look, I’m only gonna be gone a couple of hours, then we can do whatever you want. Why don’t you order some drinks for when I get back, and we can start our holiday properly?”
“You promise?” She asks with a small smile.
“Cross my heart,” he says, taking a final swig of his tea. He stands from the table and presses a kiss to her temple.
“And promise you won’t be horrible to Lois?”
“I’m not promising anything for that mardy cow,” he says, giving her a wink, before walking off.
She leans back in her chair, crossing her arms.
Fuck’s sake, Tommy.
She goes back up to the room once she’s finished her breakfast, and takes a long, hot soak in the bath. Almost two hours have passed by the time she has her make-up finished and her hair curled. Dressed in lingerie and a satin robe, she is still deciding on an outfit when she realises Tom will be back soon and she hasn’t ordered their drinks.
Calling down to the hotel’s switchboard from the phone on the desk, she asks for a glass of white wine and a whisky to be sent up to the room. Ordinarily, Tom is a lager drinker, but she decides he deserves a treat as they’re on holiday.
Ten minutes later, there’s a knock at the door and the bellboy from yesterday stands on the other side, holding a tray with the drinks they’d ordered.
She smiles warmly, watching him blush as he bows his head and enters the room, setting the tray down on a nearby table.
“Thank you…Billy, wasn’t it?” She asks, cocking her head.
He presses his lips together in a tight smile, glancing at her before looking shyly away again. It’s clear her state of undress is having an effect on him. “Yes, Mrs. Bennett,” he says, clearing his throat and straightening, clasping his hands behind his back. “Will that be all?”
Excitement flutters in her lower belly. It’s been a long time since a man has reacted to her so bashfully, and she’s enjoying it. She isn’t ready to let Billy slip away just yet.
“No need to be so formal, sweetheart,” she coos, “you can call me by my first name.”
He shuffles from foot to foot, huffing a nervous laugh. “Sorry, Mrs…sorry…”
“How old are you, Billy?” She asks, stepping towards him.
“I’m twenty-one.”
Seven years my junior. Not as bad as I’d thought.
“Did you serve, Billy?”
“Yes,” he says with a proud smile. “I manned the anti aircraft guns at the barracks for three years.”
The sound of a key in the lock draws both their attention towards the door, as Tom walks through it. Just as she’d anticipated, his expression is sour. He’s argued with Lois. 
“I’ll leave you both to it,” Billy says, with a polite nod of his head.
She knows how this will play out. Billy will leave, and Tom will allow his bad mood to ruin their day, either by refusing to leave their hotel room, or simply sulking his way around London when they’re supposed to be having a good time. Opting to use the current situation to her advantage, she decides to be tactical, and give her husband a reminder of what he’s missing out on. If he sees another man flirting with his wife, perhaps it will snap him out of this.
“No need to be in such a hurry, Billy, we were just getting to know each other. Or do you have somewhere you need to be?”
Billy eyes Tom carefully as he walks past the both of them, taking the whisky from the tray on the desk and sipping from it.
“Well, my shift finishes in ten minutes,” he says distractedly, “so I s’pose I could–”
“Perfect,” she cuts him off, taking his arm and guiding him to sit next to her on the edge of the bed.
Tom remains silent, taking a seat in the armchair and placing his glass on the table next to it. His jaw is set, gaze dark. He only ever looks like this when he’s sparring for a fight, but if this is what it takes, then so be it.
“Do you have a sweetheart, Billy?” She asks softly, fingernails grazing his thigh, causing him to flush bright red.
“Er…well…” he removes his cap, keeping his gaze fixed on it as he turns it round in his hands. “There was a maid that worked here…Kate, her name was. I fancied her…really fancied her, but she moved back to Ireland to be with her family when the worst of the bombing hit.”
“Oh, you poor love,” she soothes, giving his hand a squeeze. “I expect a handsome lad like you has girls queuing up.”
The click of Tom’s lighter pulls their focus back to him, and he exhales a plume of smoke, staring intently at them both. “Do you fancy my wife?” He asks Billy, with a steely gaze.
Billy swallows thickly, eyes widening in panic as he opens and closes his mouth.
“It’s okay, Billy,” she says gently, “you don’t need to be shy.”
“Well…I hope you don’t mind me saying, Mrs…sorry…but I think you’re beautiful.”
This time it’s her turn to feel embarrassed, and she averts her gaze as she feels her skin grow warm.
“Yeah, she is beautiful isn’t she? Would you like to kiss her?” Tom asks, lifting his glass and taking a deep drink from it, his eyes never leaving Billy.
Her head snaps up, looking at her husband with wide eyed shock.
Why is he asking that?!
“Tommy…” she says hesitantly, an edge of warning in her tone.
“It’s fine, love,” he takes another drag of his cigarette, settling further into the armchair, observing the both of them. “Go on, kiss her.”
Returning her attention to Billy, he’s shuffled closer, looking at her questioningly.
“Is…is this okay?” He whispers, leaning in.
She nods, closing the gap and her lips meet his. He is hesitant at first. His kisses are not as forceful as Tom’s, his lips are softer. As she reaches up to cup his cheek, he seems to grow more confident, applying more pressure, a quiet hum of approval rumbling in his throat. It makes her core throb to be desired like this.
When they finally part for air, she is breathless and flustered. She looks straight to Tom. He sits, watching them casually, fingers wrapped around his glass in one hand, propped on the arm of the chair, his cigarette burning low between his forefingers in the other.
“Do you wanna touch her?” He asks Billy, a low, darkened edge to his voice.
“Yeah…yeah, I do,” Billy answers, sounding more poised than he had just moments before.
“Go on then,” Tom instructs, “brush your thumb over her nipple, she likes that.”
She gasps softly as Billy leans in again, capturing her lips with his own once more. A quiet moan escapes her as she feels his hand tentatively slip into the opening of her robe, his thumb swiping gently over the lace of her brassiere.
He is not as self assured as Tom, Billy’s touch is featherlight by comparison, but it’s been so long since someone has paid this kind of attention to her that she responds to it just the same. She arches against Billy, her tongue slipping into his mouth as she hears his cap drop to the carpet with a soft thud.
“You can fuck her, if you want to,” Tom rasps, and she glances over at him, as Billy’s desperate kisses move down her neck. His blue eyes are still dark, she’s no longer able to tell if it’s from anger or arousal, the two states look much the same when he wears them.
There’s a part of her mind that’s screaming at her that this is wrong, that they should stop. However, if this is what it takes to get Tom to notice her again, then she’ll do it, and selfishly she’s enjoying how it feels.
Billy pushes her back, and she goes willingly. “Are you sure this is okay?” He whispers, his voice betraying his nerves.
She nods, untying and opening her robe, to reveal the lacy lingerie set she wears beneath.
Billy draws in a sharp inhale, before hurriedly unfastening his belt and unzipping his trousers with shaky hands.
He freezes, looking at Tom. “I…I don’t have a sheath.”
“Don’t need one,” Tom replies nonchalantly, crushing his cigarette butt out in the ashtray. “Best not keep her waiting.”
She pulls the gusset of her knickers to one side as Billy hovers over her. She can feel she’s soaked already. Billy is not quite as girthy as Tom, but still an impressive size that causes her breath to catch in her throat as he starts to press inside.
Tom chuckles quietly from where he sits. “She’s tight, isn’t she? Tightest little pussy I’ve ever had. Go careful.”
His words cause her to ache with want, and she moans wantonly as Billy bottoms out with a grunt. He’s gentle, much more so than Tom would be, slowly withdrawing before pushing back in, a dusting of pink prominent across his cheekbones.
“You won’t break her,” Tom tells him, “can just imagine how wet and warm she feels. Fuck her harder, and wrap one of her legs around you. She goes mad for that.”
She cries out, white hot sparks of pleasure swirling in her gut as Billy does as he’s told, the shallow pants of his breath puffing hotly against the side of her face.
Turning her head, she looks at her husband and he smirks, eyes raking over the scene before him as Billy continues to rut into her.
“T–Tommy…” she moans.
With each push of Billy’s hips into hers, she can feel her climax building, she’s right on the precipice, but it seems Billy is too. He tenses, a groan escaping him.
“Don’t you dare come inside her,” snaps Tom.
As if on cue, Billy pulls out, making her whine at the loss, coating her thighs in his hot spend as his jaw slackens and his brow furrows.
Before she’s had a chance to recover, Tom is rising from his seat towards the bed. “You can go now,” he tells Billy.
Still struggling to catch his breath, Billy nods, clambering off of her and fastening his trousers and belt back up. He stoops to pick up his cap, before hurrying towards the door, followed by Tom.
She lays there, dumbfounded and breathless, through glassy eyes she watches Tom hand Billy a bank note. “You’ll not tell anyone about this, d’you understand?”
“Y–yes, sir.”
She hears the door click closed, and Tom walks back over to the bed. His pupils are blown wide with lust and it sends a shiver through her.
“Enjoy yourself, love?” He asks, grabbing her thighs and tugging her towards the edge of the mattress, making her squeal.
“Are you angry with me?” She asks quietly, feeling shame bloom heavily within her chest.
“No,” he says distractedly, attention focused on her core. His thumb swipes through the stickiness that’s been left on her thigh, spreading it slowly over her skin. “No, I’m not angry.”
“You’ve been so absent lately,” she says sadly, propping herself up on her elbows. “Just wanted your attention.”
He straightens, nodding in understanding. “Yeah, I get it. I’ve been neglecting you, and that’s my fault. But don’t worry, I won’t anymore. Now–”
She clenches around nothing as his hands move to his belt, and she hears the metallic clink of it opening. “Now you have my full attention, and I’m gonna make sure you get all of it.”
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What Lurks In The Dark
Pairing: Marcus Lopez Arguello x fem!reader
Word count: 3.7k
Warning: Mild cursing, Mild Graphic description of violence
Summary: Paranoia had always been a common occurrence in her life so when the feeling of being watching started to rise in the back of her mind she couldn't tell if it was just a conjured-up feeling or reality. After a heavy night of avoiding anyone and everyone at all costs, a deal is sent her way that she would be a fool to pass up on or maybe a bigger fool for agreeing to it.
(Y/N): Your name
(H/C): Hair colour
(E/C): Eye colour
(F/C): Favourite colour
*Gif does not belong to me
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Worn out Converses smacked against the concrete sidewalk as (Y/N) walked through the streets with purpose. Her hands were tucked into the pockets of her oversized hoodie, the back of the (F/C) piece of fabric falling past his skirt and rubbing against the back of her stocking-clad thighs. Her (H/C) was pulled back and out of her face, a few wisps of hair falling out of the tie that kept the rest of her hair back and invading her vision.
(Y/N) tried not to stay in one place for too long, not when she had a doped-up dad with buddies all over the city. It was still beyond herself why she hadn't decided to flee the city yet. Perhaps the only reason she chose to stay was to keep an eye on her mother, but even then there wasn't much the woman was doing that gave (Y/N) a proper reason to stay behind.
She had only ever run into a few people that seem to recognise her. Normally, they would try and ask her if her dad had anything good going around or if she was carrying any on her. There was only one occasion where one of her dad's mates had tried to get physical with her, claiming she had to be brought back to where she belonged. It didn't take much to get the man off of her, mainly because he was drunk and clutching onto a half-empty beer bottle for dear life.
Tonight felt just like any night to begin with as she walked through the streets of San Francisco. She kept her head down and her hood up as she tried not to draw any more attention to herself than a teenage girl walking through the dark streets of San Francisco could get.
It was only when she saw the same boy with a bright green mohawk skate past her for the fourth time that she began to raise her guard. (Y/N) was willing to shake it off at first, but after seeing him a few too many times for comfort she began to realise she was being circled by the boy.
(Y/N)’s pace picked up only slightly along with her heartbeat. Her original plan was to try and lose him in some back alley that ran behind some of the apartment blocks and led back to one of the main roads. But upon further evaluation, it probably wasn’t the best idea to be followed into a back alley, even if she was being followed by a rather flimsy-looking boy that seemed to be around her age.
She had two other options that could work out in her favour, of course, with the possibility that her plans could backfire in her face. Her first option was to wait the boy out and lead him out to the main roads where she could hopefully lose him or he would be detoured because of the uprise in people. The second idea that had come to her mind was to try and meet the boy head-to-head and throw him off his course where she could try and get away from him in his moments of instability.
Both ideas could work out in her favour but just as easily give the green-haired boy the upper hand. In the case where she tried to lose him, he could get to her before she made it to a more crowded area and with the second choice he could overpower her, his looks may be deceiving to something stronger. Neither necessarily worked out in her favour but at least with the first option if she needed to she could make a run for it or later dissolve into the fight she was hoping it didn’t have to come down to.
In her head, the decision had already been made before she could properly think and weigh out her choices.
Turning left, (Y/N) felt the flesh of another hand latching onto her upper arm. Whipping her head around with a few strands of hair flying in the wind, (Y/N)’s eyes landed on the same boy that had been circling her as the night progressed. A choked yelp escaped from behind (Y/N)‘a lips at the sight of the boy, instantly trying to pull her arm away from him once it registered that the limb hanging onto her belonged to him.
“Woah,” The boy quickly called out, a laugh on the tip of his tongue as he planted a foot and held onto (Y/N) a tad bit tighter. Raising his chin a little, the green-haired boy said, “I’m just here for a fun time. You have nothing to worry about.”
“You creep,” (Y/N) quickly exclaimed, her lip curling in disgust. The boy's eyes seemed to widen at (Y/N)‘a words, like what he had said had finally registered in his head for the first time. Trying to keep a steady voice, she said, “Get off of me.”
“No can do, Runaway Legacy,” The boy’s overjoyed voice rang out, a matching unwavering grin plastered on his face. “Need to get you back to King's Dominion so I pass the assignment. I can’t let Lex get a good grade for this assignment this time around or he’ll have two to hold over my head.”
“One, I'm not going anywhere with you and your greasy mohawk,” (Y/N) started, getting cut off by the boy as he made his dissatisfaction known.
“It’s not greasy.”
(Y/N) gave the boy a deadpan at his words, watching as he raised his free hand in surrender and gave her room to speak once more. “Two, I don’t care about Lex or this assignment you claim that I supposedly am. If you want to kill someone, pick a different target. And three, the hill is a 'Runaway Legacy?'"
“I’m not going to kill you,” The boy exclaimed with a mortified gasp. “The whole point of this is to bring you back alive. Master Lin wouldn't have a use for you if we brought you back dead.”
“That’s not helping your case,” (Y/N) said, giving the boy a moment to answer before she kicked the skateboard out from under his foot, sending him skidding back in his moment in surprise. In his fall the boy had let go of her, so with a few steps forward, (Y/N) took control of the skateboard that the boy had just lost.
“Oh, come on!” She heard him call out from behind her as she began to pick up speed. As the boy stumbled to his feet, preparing to run after her he yelled, “Not cool man. Not cool.”
"Looks like your gonna have to go back to Master Lin empty-handed and fail your assignment," (Y/N) shrugged as she looked back at the boy only to find him a few paces from where he had originally fallen, not putting in too much effort to go after her. "I guess Lex is gonna be the one to bring home the gold."
"You would have much rather gone back with me, I promise," He called after her in a sing-song tone making chills shoot down (Y/N)'s spine. "If I don't get you, Lex or someone else will."
Shooting her head back around, (Y/N) focussed on getting away from the creepy boy and out of the part of San Francisco where she currently found herself in. But no matter where she went the feeling of someone watching her stuck with her throughout the night, making her never stay still for too long on the stolen skateboard she had obtained.
In the end, she didn't end up getting too far before another mysterious figure was making their way towards her.
"Oi, you've been assigned," A boy with cornrow braids said as he stepped towards (Y/N). He wore a dark athlete's hoodie with a toothpick between his teeth as his eyes scanned over her, landing on the skateboard beneath her feet where his lips twisted upwards. "Master Lin don't do well tardiness so we gotta move."
"I'm not going anywhere with you," (Y/N) uttered quickly, turning around the boy as she leaned heavily on one side of the skateboard. "As I said to your green-haired freak of a friend, this is an assignment you're gonna have to fail."
A loud scoff rang out from the taller boy. "Don't let any of the Rats hear you speaking about one of their own like that. They're known to not be as friendly as I am."
"I'll keep that in mind," (Y/N) said dryly, her (E/C) eyes half-hooded as she circled the boy. "Note to self, if you ever see someone looming in the dark, ask them if they are a Rat are not. It will certainly work out well in your favour."
A bemused chuckle left the boy's mouth as his shoulders bunched up and his head lowered. He reached up to pluck the toothpick from his mouth and flick it somewhere behind himself. "You're going to have to drop the attitude. That's the sort of thing that gets you killed in King's Dominion."
"Well, as I said to your Rat friend," (Y/N) began, not bothering to look over her should as she escaped from the boy as she already knew he would be lent against the wall behind him, "Master Lin's gonna have to learn that he ain't gonna get everything he wants."
"I would congratulate you for your bravery if what just left your mouth wasn't complete stupidity," The boy called out, not bothered by the ignorance he got in return. "Good luck escaping this one kid. No one gets away from Master Lin."
(Y/N) tried not to pay any mind to what the boy had said, attempting to let the words go through one ear and out the other. But the warnings she got from both strangers were daunting. Once was a coincidence but twice was an omen. And it didn’t take long until that omen was put into play.
Coming to a quick stop, the skateboard whipped out from under her feet as something knocked (Y/N) off her feet after rounding a corner. As she came crashing down a tall boy with blonde hair made his presence known. He spoke with a thick accent as he said, “We were told you were a Legacy, but I don’t see anything but a Rat.”
“Are you sure we’ve got the right girl?” Another voice spoke up with a just as thick accent. Coming to stand next to the taller dude was a girl with curly blonde puffed-up hair. She wore a cheerleader outfit with two dark-shaded pom-poms resting on her hips. “I’m not one to say Master Lin is wrong but this can’t be the girl everyone’s throwing a hissyfit over.”
“Would hate to agree with the emo cheerleader,” (Y/N) started as she stood from the ground, eyes landing on where the skateboard had fallen before looking up at the two blondes in front of her again. The girl had a glare on her face as she watched (Y/N), the title not sitting well with her. “But I think you and your other friends running around have to reevaluate who your stalking and threatening to kidnap.”
"We ain't going to have to kidnap you if you follow along willingly," The girl spoke up, popping a hip to the side as she stared expectedly at (Y/N).
"You see, as much as I would love to make this easy for you both," (Y/N) started to circle the two of them, stopping once she was at their sides and they had turned to face her. Trying to keep the attention on her face, she slowly stretched a foot out until it bumped into the skateboard lightly. Lifting her foot up until it rested on top of the board, she slowly pulled it back towards her. "I was taught not to go with people I don't know. You know, stranger danger."
The girl scoffed while the guy's face seemed to lift slightly. "There is no need to worry about strangers. I assure you, if you are the Legacy Master Lin claims for you to be, I am positive we will be far more than strangers."
"Ew, gross," (Y/N) shook her head, face twisting into disgust as she backed away from him with a few stumbled steps. "As enlightening as this whole interaction has been, I'd much rather decline and be on with my day."
"That's not going to happen, sweetie," The girl said stepping forward. With her steps, her hands moved from her hips, her pom-poms growing two large blades out of each one. (Y/N)'s eyes quickly flickered down to the spikes, taking a gulp as they seemed to glint in the streetlights. "We're allowed to take you back using whatever means necessary, and if that means by force… then so be it."
(Y/N) didn't need to wait another second to figure out what that means. Turning and launching herself onto the skateboard and onto the pathway. Thinking back to her earlier plans, (Y/N) starts to migrate her way back to the more crowded places of San Francisco. Maybe then she would finally be able to escape the several advances of strange teenagers and Master Lin, whomever that may be.
The pair of blondes must have been prepared for (Y/N) to make a run for it since they weren't too far behind her. The skateboard didn't act as much help and she probably would have been better off legging it herself but there was no time to jump off and hope for the best.
At the first sight of a large crowd of people, (Y/N) could feel some relief starting to creep up inside of her. That hope quickly diminished as something sharp pierced through her shoulder. She didn't scream but a deep disgruntled sound tore through her throat as she fell from the skateboard, crashing into a few pedestrians that gave her disgusted looks as they went barreling down with her.
Climbing to her knees, (Y/N) pushed herself up quickly. She crawled forward a step before she was tripping over her feet to stand once again. People parted the way for her as a hand craned back to wrap around one of the blades that had lodged in close to one of her shoulder bones. A steadying breath was taken as she began to inch the blade from her flesh. She kept walking as she tried to pull it out, stuttering in her steps every once in a while as she fought down a wince and had to pause in her movements. When a coalesced hand gripped hers, she turned around quickly, ready to see one of the attendants she had already run into that night. "I wouldn't do that if I were you."
"What?" (Y/N) questioned as she focused on the boy that had come up behind her. He had dark curly hair that was cut into a short mullet. He wore a black long-sleeved shirt and some jeans, something plain to blend in. In one of his hands was the skateboard (Y/N) had discarded earlier.
"Pulling the weapon that punctured you from the wound," He said as he carefully tore (Y/N)'s hand away from the blade stuck in her shoulder. "It's like basic knowledge at this point."
"I think I was more concerned about getting away from the two lunatics that were chasing after me." (Y/N) watched with narrowed eyes as she pulled her hand away from the boy. "And why do you sound so calm? Anyone else would be a bit more worried about the massive chunk of steel sticking out of my back…"
"Well…" The boy said, bringing a hand up to scratch at the back of his neck.
"You're one of them, aren't you?" The words came out like venom, already backing away from the boy as her hand shot back up to clutch at her shoulder while her head tipped back so she could stare up at the sky. "Why won't you and the rest of your Rat and Legacy friends leave me alone?"
"If it makes you feel any better, you were able to avoid Saya and Maria last night. They didn't come back to King's Dominion until lunch today because they didn't want to be failed," The boy offered the information to (Y/N), trying to smile in some form of reassurance. All the boy got in return was the annoyed stare of (Y/N) as she began to turn away from him. With hurried steps to keep up with (Y/N), the boy said, "Of course that wouldn't make you feel better. Look, I know I'm probably one of the last people you want to trust, but if you let me take you back to King's Dominion-"
"Absolutely not," (Y/N) exclaimed, effectively cutting the boy off. She shook her head as she waved a hand at the boy, trying to shrug him off. "I've been running away from people trying to drag me to that place. Why would I willingly go with you of all people?"
"Because we have healers," The boy said exasperated. One of his hands jotted forward to reach out for (Y/N) but stopped at the large flinch on her part when he got too close. "I'm not saying you have to stay, hell you could be out of there as soon as the medics are done with you. But you'll have a better chance of coming with me than you will be trying to get help at a hospital.
When (Y/N) couldn't think of anything to say, the boy took it as his signal to keep on speaking.
"I was just like you once, okay? Scared and living on the street, on the run from cops and anyone who got too close. King's Dominion is far from a home or somewhere safe, but if you're willing, you can find yourself fitting in with the right group of people and making something for yourself there," It wasn't the lecture (Y/N) wanted to hear but it seemed to knock some sense into (Y/N)'s head. “Yeah, most of the people there are scum-sucking ducks, and the teachers couldn’t care less if you got poisoned or shot at, but at least you’ll have a future there. And hey, maybe in a month or two you’ll get to be the one chasing kids down the street trying to recruit them into this secret society where they could go and work for NASA even.”
“What does NASA have to do with any of this?” (Y/N) questioned with furrowed brows, allowing the boy to get a little closer to her and place a steadying hand on her back near the puncture wound.
“More than you think,” He laughed. (Y/N) turned to him, trying to arch one of her brows to show her confusion, only getting a shake of the boy's head as if signalling it was for another time. "I'm Marcus."
"(Y/N)," She says, allowing Marcus to push her forward and lead her King's Dominion, keeping an eye out for any of the strange faces she had run into previously that night. "You know your little rant wasn't very effective if you were hoping to get me to stay at King's Dominion."
"Yeah, the more I spoke the more I began to realise that." No one seemed to care much for the blade sticking out of (Y/N)'s back, passing by as if there wasn't a thing wrong with the image. (Y/N) couldn't decide if that was a good thing or if it was alarming how much people were willing to ignore what was right in front of them. "But I was inspirational, wasn't I?"
"Oh, very," (Y/N) concluded, a scruff of a smile appearing on her face. "Had the troops rallying. Could barely contain my excitement to get to this place where I'll have scum-sucking kids drooling over me and knobs of a teacher cursing me to do homework that will hopefully get us all killed"
"Don't be surprised if that's their objective," He warned before abruptly turning into a food store where a few people were already waiting. As (Y/N) followed after him, a question on the tip of her tongue as she stepped into the store which quickly dissolved as she saw some familiar faces.
"Hey Marcus, you got my skateboard back," The green-haired boy from earlier yelled happily as he jumped off one of the tables he had comfortably taken a seat on. Bounding over he extracted the board from Marcus before looking over at (Y/N). "I thought Marcus may have been able to woo you over here. I get it, I'm not your type. At least Lex wasn't able to get to you and bloody you up too badly."
"I wouldn't say that," Came the voice (Y/N) grew to find annoying. The same bush of blonde hair came wandering over, plucking the blade from (Y/N)'s shoulder, earning a gargled-out wince from the (H/C) haired girl as a hand shot up to apply pressure to the now exposed wound. Thick welts of blood began to smear across her fingers as she was guided through the store. "I think I did a pretty dandy job of giving her her first King's Dominion scar."
A scorn flashed across (Y/N)'s face as Marcus kept her moving, pushing her away from the blonde girl. It was then that her attention was caught by a boy with poorly bleached hair that he had been able to spike up. "Looks like you were able to strike out before me Marcus, good work there chap."
An uncertain familiarity took over (Y/N) at the sight of the boy. She found herself going out on a limb and asking, "Are you the famous Lex that greasy over there was going on about all night?"
"Someone been talking about me?" Lex asked with a bemused grin, eyes skittering around the room.
At the same time as Lex spoke, the green-haired boy yelled out, "My hair is not greasy!"
"Oh, I'm gonna like this one," Lex announced before he started to walk to the backdoor of the small building. "Now, you've been keeping Master Lin waitin' a long time. You ready to meet the man and be turned into a killer?"
Despite herself, (Y/N) found herself looking back at Marcus. She was either seeking out his reassurance or guidance, something she wasn't sure why she was doing. His shoulders quickly raised in an act of surrender. He spoke lowly, almost a whisper like it was a secret between them, "Don't look at me."
Turning back around to face Lex, she found him leaning against a door with a sign on it that read staff only. The boy with green hair was standing next to him while the other three he had seen earlier were standing slightly out of the way, waiting for her answer.
"Lead the way," She settled on saying.
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idontca3e · 2 years
Meeting you for the first time
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The moment he saw you his long time crush on Petra was gone.
If you're a rat:
It was your first day and it wasn't going well. People were giving you looks and you didn't fit in anywhere. You wanted to make some friends, since you're kinda friendly person despite your great fighting skills, but you were too scared to approach anyone. Didn't help the fact that you didn't have intimidating looks.
That changed when you met Billly. He was the first who offered you a warm smile and the only one who came up to you.
If you're a legacy:
Definitely admires you from afar while others rats tease him bout it.
100% wouldn't come up to you, in fear that you're as mean as your group/gang (what they called? I forgot)
That's why he's in shock, staring at you with wide eyes and open mouth, thinking your joking, when you come up to him and want to be friends
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Marcus was new to kd
If you're a rat:
He met you on the rooftop when Billly brought him there.
His first thought was that you are beautiful and he hoped that you could be friends
Well since you liked him tho, you decided to get to know him better, not caring what others would think
You liked to hangout with him. Both of you felt comfortable with each other
If you're a legacy:
He saw you in cafeteria, while Billy was explaining him about school
Billy noticed him staring at you and warned him to stay away from you since you were know as very cold and powerful. On top of that you were in a soto vatos group/gang?
Not gonna lie, Marcus was scared of you
So he was very surprised when you stood up for him when Chico was bullying him. Before he could thank you, you were already gone
You only stared talking in karate class, were you two were put together
After that you started to become friends, and he got to see your other side, turns out you're not as scary as people make you, you're a great person, and Marcus was the first person to discover it
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You're one of the deadliest student no matter If your a rat or legacie
If you're a rat:
I think that he usually doesn't even notice new people, but you catched his eyes when you got in fight on your first day
What surprised him was that, that being a rat you were brave enough to stand up for yourself, win a fight and put others in their place
Not to mention Lex definitely thought you are very hot
He wanted to introduce himself, but while he was thinking of a cool way to do it, you beat him to it, by coming straight up to him
That's when you two become friends. Your brutal but funny personality was something he liked very much about you
If you're a legacy:
No one dares to mess with you
You are a part of kuroki legacy and even better than Saya at fighting
Lex met you while you were setting up prank. Of course he knew who you are, but he never talked, let alone been alone in one room with you
He was amazed when he found out you one of the most powerful person In school were the one who set up all the pranks and never got caught (well till the moment Lex caught you)
From that day you became friends with Lex and others rats, not caring that your reputation might be ruined, since you could protect yourself perfectly fine, plus you got friends that actually care about you
Okay, so it's quite messy I'm not sure if I like it. Also my English is not very good, I noticed I use the same words a lot.
It my not be very accurate but that's what I imagine
Also can request something if you want to
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alicesivory · 2 months
If I make a mermaid fanfic with one of ewan’s characters, who would you guys want me to pair her with?🧜‍♀️
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deadly--class · 2 months
Doing X readers
Pls send requests :))
Fandoms I'll do: deadly class, harry potter and heart stopper.
Ask if you want me to do them! Might take me a while to finish them but they'll be done!
Not doing smut
I'll write most characters just not teachers/ professors or children
Will do marauders too
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n0vabug · 2 months
Hi, so tumblr won't work on my laptop for some reason right now :/
So if it takes me a while to get stories and stuff published, that's why. I promise I am working on it though!
Also I've been thinking about maybe adding some Billie Eilish stuff? Lmk what you think 🤷‍♀️
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writing-with-emy · 3 months
🪶🤍The Tortured Poets Department🤍🪶
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-🤍-🤍-🤍-🤍-🤍-🤍-🤍-🤍-🤍-🤍-🤍-🤍-🤍- Eras Festival Masterlist Requests: OPEN! Angst:❤️‍🩹 | Fluff:🌼 | Smut: -🤍-🤍-🤍-🤍-🤍-🤍-🤍-🤍-🤍-🤍-🤍-🤍-🤍- 1. Fortnight: - 2. The Tortured Poets Department: - 3. My Boy Only Breaks His Favorite Toys: - 4. Down Bad - 5. So Long, London: - 6. But Daddy I Love Him: - 7. Fresh Out The Slammer: - 8. Florida!!!: - 9. Guilty as Sin?: - 10. Who's Afraid Of Little Old Me?: - 11. I Can Fix Him (No Really I Can): - 12.loml: - 13. I Can Do It With A Broken Heart: - 14. The Smallest Man Who Ever Lived: - 15. The Alchemy: - 16. Clara Bow: - 17. The Black Dog: - 18. imgonnagetyouback: - 19. The Albatross: - 20. Chloe or Sam or Sophia or Marcus: - 21. How Did It End?: - 22. So High School: - 23. I Hate It Here: - 24. thanK you aIMee: - 25. I Look In People's Windows: - 26. The Prophecy: - 27. Cassandra: - 28. Peter: - 29. The Bolter: - 30. Robin: - 31. The Manuscript: -
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after-urh34rt · 12 days
just imagine putting hair clips in his hair. All you see is bunny, heart, and star hairclips. Since he loves you so much he would keep it in for the whole day, knowing that he's going to be judged about it but since you did it and you will be upset if he took them out he keeps it in his hair and ignores every mean comment about him. Unlike some people, there are others who are just confused, or concerned. All of the gossip and comment about it. It would probably make people less scared or think less of him than they already do and more concerned for his well being and wonder if he's lost a bet or something. But no, he just wants you to be happy, proud of what you did, and honored that he's even walking around like this, let alone put those clips in his hair. Once asked about it he would brush it off, ignore the question, come up with an excuse, or just flat out say it depending on his mood and his character. Closest friends making fun of how easy it is for you to have full on control over him, teasing him because its so easy for you to do things he would've never thought he would let anybody do. Then again, it is you so there's no saying no.
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VENTI || DILUC || KAEYA || ALBEDO || AETHER || BENNETT || BAIZHU || CHONGYUN || XIAO (with enough convincing) || TARTAGLIA || XINGQIU || ZHONGLI || AYATO || GOURU || ITTO || KAZUHA || HEIZOU || THOMA || ALHAITHAM (on a good day ) || CYNO ( maybe not) || KAVEH || TIGHNARI || WANDERER (do not expect him to do this, 0.1% chance he will) || FREMINET || LYNEY ( he would recommend it to you) || NEUVILLETTE || WRIOTHESLEY || KINICH (..like Xiao, with enough convincing) || OURON ( MAYBE WITH ENOUGH CONVINCING??) || OTHER FATUI MEN (..dont expect it but its a once in a 5 year thing)
ARGENTI || ARLAN || AVENTURINE || BLADE (he needs to trust and love you sm for this to happen) || BOOTHILL || DAN HENG *both forms* ( needs to get used to you first) || GALLAGHER || GEPARD || JIAOQIU || JING YUAN || LUKA || LOUCHA || MISHA || MOZE (50/50) || SAMPO (he would recommend it to you) || CAELUS || YANQING
WISE (hesitant at first) || LYCAON ( once every 10 years) || BILLY KID (HE WOULD RECOMMEND IT!!)
AALTO || CALCHARO (on a good day & a 50/50 depending on his mood) || JIYAN ( 50/50, depends on his mood) || LINGYANG || MALE ROVER (he doesnt have a cannon name from what i could find) || XIANGLI YAO (he would recommend, in a polite way) || YUANUWU (convincing is the answer!) || GESHULIN (...0.00001% chance)
-> if i didn't as your fav characters out of these Gacha games, its because I don't think they would do it, I did all characters from each game btw.) <-
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anjelicawrites · 9 months
We’ve got now in the throuples:
• Aemond Targaryen, Osferth and reader
• Michael Gavey, Billy Washington and reader
May we please have Billy Taylor, Tom Bennett and reader???
First thing first: go read @valeskafics fic linked in the ask, if you haven't already, you'll thank me later!
Embracing my crossover polyships era, NSFW and 18+ under the cut!
Warnings: finering, p in v sex, overstimulation, kissing.
You wake up surrounded by warmth. Billy is still hugging your front, his face against your sternum, breathing your calming smell deeply, Tom is behind you, his long arm on your body, hand on Billy's side.
It's rare that the three of you manage to sleep, and wake up, together, your schedules are chaotic enough that, usually, one of you is coming back from work, or already getting dressed, while the other two are still asleep. For this reason you luxuriate in the warmth of your two lovers, of their smells mixing with yours as the sun filters through the curtains. You wish you three had the chance to bask like this every morning, not every once in while.
Slowly, careful not to wake them up, you put your hand on Tom's wrist and move your legs to entwine them better with your lovers' and lay where you are, listening to their breathings and the sounds of London waking up outside.
You've almost fallen asleep again, when Tom's lips kiss your nape, as light as a feather that you think you've imagined them, if not for his hips gently rubbing against your arse.
"Mmmh, good morning." You whisper, your ass following his movements teasingly. "Yes. Good morning to me, indeed." He drawls, his hand landing on your hip to control your movements. "Be good, Mr. Bennett." "But you like when I'm not behaving, doll."
You can feel his cock growing against your naked arse, fluids already leaking as he rubs himself against your skin.
"You'll wake Billy up. Let him sleep." You whisper, poor Billy was so tired yesterday that he needs all the sleep he can get! "Maybe, just maybe, he wants to be up for this."
His hand slowly travels to your cunt, his fingers finding your pearl, and Billy's soft cock nestled between your lips: it's not Tom's fault that, by teasing your clit, he does the same to Billy's cock head, right?
"Tom, Tom!" You whimper as the pleasure spreads through your body with every slow motion of Tom's fingers.
You're following Tom's movements, your hips moving slowly as Billy's cock swells between your lips, his eyelids slowly opening, soft sounds of pleasure escaping his lips, his body following yours even in his half asleep state, until he wakes up, babbling, hand grabbing your hip on instinct.
Billy stares at you as if you're a gift from God, as if seeing your naked skin is a miracle; he can't help it, ever since the first time you welcomed him in your bed, he stares at your body as if he can't believe you're his, that he can touch and kiss and make love to you until his body gives up. He doesn't realize his hips are moving, until pleasure explodes in his brain and he moans, eyes screwed shut, hand curling tighter on your hip.
You feel the pleasure pulsate in your cunt, its tendrils spreading through your nerves, your hand reaching backwards to grab Tom's short hair as wetness coats his fingers, your legs trying uselessly to close around his hand and Billy's fully hard cock, the dual feeling of your clit and lips being teased propelling you towards orgasm.
"Tom!" it's an high pitched whine. "Tom, I'm going, I'm going!" "I know doll." He growls in your ear, his own pleasure cresting. "Give it to me, you know you need to".
For a second you lose control of your body, the orgasm exploding inside of you like a white supernova that erases everything, your breath coming out in short puffs, your hole clenching around nothing, hungry for your lovers' cocks.
You don't truly realize what Tom is doing, until he maneuvers your leg over his, opening you up to his erection, and Billy's adoring gaze.
"Give us a hand here, will you?"
Tom's needy words break the spell Billy was under, his hand pushing the bed sheet out of the way, until your trembling body, and Tom's, are fully uncovered. Billy moans when he sees Tom's cock enter your cunt with a swift push, you're so wet and loose already, Billy can hear the squelch of your wetness. His fingers find your pearl, his forehead against yours as you pant and whine, your cunt still reeling from the previous orgasm, now is fucked open for your lovers to use, your muscles trying to curl around Tom's thick cock, only to be forced to accept his invasion.
Your hips move erratically, your brain torn between following the pleasure Tom and Billy are bestowing you and running away from them, body trapped, mewls of overstimulation escaping your lips, before your lovers invade your slack mouth, trapping you in their embrace.
Your nerves are singing, your whole body trembling violently, your cunt a fist around Tom's cock as he pushes violently against your spot, Billy's fingers slippery on your engorged clit, until you come, a scream of pleasure barely trapped by their lips on yours. Tom follows you, three vigorous thrusts and he spills with a grunt.
They hold you tight, you're trembling and crying, your screaming nerves winning over your sense of self.
It's Billy's gentle fingers drying your tears and Tom's lips on your nape, that help you come back to yourself, brain still muddled with pleasure, but not enough not to feel Billy's cock hard against your tummy.
"Will you have me?" He gently asks, like every time you're two making love, even though he knows he can have you whenever he wants, that you belong to him. "Yes, Billy." You moan your response.
You don't have to tell him to be gentle, that you're still coming down, he breaches you slowly, following your body and its signals, until you're flush against him, your legs around his slim hips, hands going to his hair.
His thrusts are slow and short, aiming at opening you up to his invasion, his lips are kissing your face as your body accepts him, his cock delicious against your tired walls as Tom's rough fingers play with your nipples, each pinch traveling to your clit, sparks of pleasure ignited by his actions and the grinding of Billy's pubic bone against your bundle of nerves.
Your eyes cross when Billy sheaths himself in fully, a long moan escapes his lips at the way your walls are hugging his hard cock, his head against the rough patch inside of you that makes you whine and beg, your muscles an impossible hold around his manhood, your cunt feeling every inch of his cock.
"Come with me, please?" He manages to beg and you're not sure you can manage another orgasm. "Be good." Tom's fingers find your clit, the callous skin dragging deliciously. "One last time, doll, you can do it."
You whine and beg in their hold, your nerves screaming with pleasure and overstimulation, your cunt clenching desperately around Billy's cock, until the angle is perfect and you come, taking your lover with you.
All you can feel his your lovers' skin on yours and the smell of sex in the bedroom. Billy's face finds refuge again against your chest, your smell the only thing that keeps the nightmares at bay. Behind you, the rustling of the bed sheets as Tom covers you three again, long arm aiming to hug the two of you.
"Go back to sleep." He murmurs against your ear. "It's awfully early to have breakfast."
Outside, London is already awake, in your small bedroom, you three fall back asleep, tired and happy.
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therecordchanger62279 · 3 months
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     Because I have zero innate musical ability, the idea that someone can sit down with a musical instrument, and create an original song out of thin air is magic to me. Songwriting is a craft, but it’s inspiration that makes a good song into a great one. There are songwriters who seem able to turn out high quality songs in perpetuity. There are others who write maybe one or two great songs, and are never heard from again. So, I made a list of what I think are the 50 best written songs I’ve ever heard. These are in no particular order. I’ve listed the title followed by the songwriter or songwriters, and in parentheses is the performer I most enjoy hearing do the song – although most of these songs have been recorded countless times by a variety of artists. You can probably find all of these on YouTube or any of the streaming services. Most have lyrics, but some do not. But, it’s hard for me to imagine any of these songs being recorded by anyone with talent, and not retaining the brilliance with which the song was written.
Claire de Lune by Claude Debussy (Eugene Ormandy & The Philadelphia Orchestra)
Rhapsody in Blue by George Gershwin (Zubin Mehta & The New York Philharmonic, Gary Graffman, piano)
A Change Is Gonna Come by Sam Cooke (Sam Cooke)
Coal Miner’s Daughter by Loretta Lynn (Loretta Lynn)
Hello Walls by Willie Nelson (Faron Young)
I Left My Heart In San Francisco by George Cory and Douglass Cross (Tony Bennett)
God Bless The Child by Arthur Herzog, Jr. and Billie Holiday (Billie Holiday)
Eleanor Rigby by Paul McCartney and John Lennon (The Beatles)
Blind Willie McTell by Bob Dylan (Bob Dylan)
A Remark You Made by Wayne Shorter (Weather Report)
She’s Always a Woman by Billy Joel (Billy Joel)
Roll Me Away by Bob Seger (Bob Seger)
Margie’s At the Lincoln Park Inn by Tom T. Hall (Bobby Bare)
Angel From Montgomery by John Prine (Bonnie Raitt and John Prine)
Rainy Night in Georgia by Tony Joe White (Brook Benton)
You Never Can Tell by Chuck Berry (Chuck Berry)
Where or When by Richard Rodgers and Lorenz Hart (Dion and The Belmonts)
American Pie by Don McLean (Don McLean)
It Was a Very Good Year by Ervin Drake (Frank Sinatra)
Gentle On My Mind by John Hartford (Glen Campbell)
Early Morning Rain by Gordon Lightfoot (Gordon Lightfoot)
Book of Rules by Harry Johnson and Barry Llewellyn (The Heptones)
Highwayman by Jimmy Webb (The Highwaymen)
American Music by Ian Hunter (Ian Hunter & Mick Ronson)
That’s Entertainment by Paul Weller (The Jam)
Song of Bernadette by Leonard Cohen (Jennifer Warnes)
Jazzman by Carole King and David Palmer (Carole King)
Talking Back to The Night by Steve Winwood and Will Jennings (Steve Winwood)
My Favorite Things by Richard Rodgers and Oscar Hammerstein II (John Coltrane)
Don’t It Make You Want to Go Home by Joe South (Joe South)
Sunday Mornin’ Comin’ Down by Kris Kristofferson (Kris Kristofferson)
Heart Like a Wheel by Anna McGarrigle (Linda Ronstadt)
I Am a Town by Mary-Chapin Carpenter (Mary-Chapin Carpenter)
Footprints by Wayne Shorter (Miles Davis Quintet)
Pleasant Valley Sunday by Gerry Goffin and Carole King (The Monkees)
This Old Town by Jon Vezner and Janis Ian (Nanci Griffith)
Brooklyn Roads by Neil Diamond (Neil Diamond)
Thrasher by Neil Young (Neil Young & Crazy Horse)
Box of Rain by Robert Hunter and Phil Lesh (Grateful Dead)
Is That All There Is? By Jerry Leiber and Mike Stoller (Peggy Lee)
Louisiana 1927 by Randy Newman (Randy Newman)
King of the Road by Roger Miller (Roger Miller)
America by Paul Simon (Simon & Garfunkel)
The Sound of Silence by Paul Simon (Simon & Garfunkel)
Children’s Crusade by Sting (Sting)
My Girl by Smokey Robinson and Ronald White (The Temptations)
Green, Green Grass of Home by Claude “Curly” Putnam, Jr. (Tom Jones)
Downtown Train by Tom Waits (Tom Waits)
The Whole of The Moon by Mike Scott (The Waterboys)
My Heroes Have Always Been Cowboys by Sharon Vaughn (Willie Nelson)
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Absolutely no-one asked for this, but me and @ewanmitchellcrumbs​ have very strong feelings on what different EM characters would have as their fish and chips orders. 
pov: me writing this fr
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this is a full stupid ass shit post, it’s not serious guys, and unless I post something about it it won’t leave my brain
So without further ado, EM FISH AND CHIPS
First in the ring, the man who STARTED IT ALL, THIS LITTLE SHIT
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Salad Days - Will What’s-His-Face
It’s canon that Will gets chips and a fanta, that’s it. 0 nutritional value. Also 10/10 on choice of chippy, it’s actually a really good chippy
pov: aemond avoiding the grease
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Aemond is not particular to a chippy dinner, insisting he doesn’t want anything bc it’s ‘too greasy’ (pussy). Aegon absolutely tears him apart for it. Just buys a San Pellegrino cos he thinks it’s fancy - absolutely fuming  cos Aegon shakes it up on the way home and it fizzes everywhere when he opens it
If Aegon hasn’t been drinking, bog standard boring ass fish and chips with half of a bottle of ketchup slathered over his chips so nobody else nicks them. Won’t go near mushy peas, thinks they’re gross af. If he’s drunk, a doner kebab, but the local chippy doesn’t sell them so he gets Alicent to drive 15mins up the road to the one that does. A diva through and through.
Helaena doesn’t eat fish, so opts for just chips and is the only patron who actually buys the picked onions. Has mushy peas and curry sauce and mixes it together with her chips, mostly does it to annoy Aegon tho.
Daeron is waiting at home, but everyone forgot to get him something so ends up with the crap, lukewarm chips left behind.
Alicent is a scampi girlie all the way, with a diet coke
Otto is put off by the food hygiene rating at the local chippy, so takes his own fish to get battered like a weirdo. Decimates his chips with a litre of vinegar.
Daemon never gets to eat a chippy dinner, so he gets a pie as a side dish, despite Rhaenyra claiming it’s not a side dish. But Daemon stands by that it most definitely is. It’s a gash steak and kidney pie and refuses to use any cutlery for any of it.
Rhaenyra is also a scampi girlie, but unlike Alicent, has G&T out of a can.
World on Fire - Tom Bennett
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Strong feelings but, Tom is a Northerner yeah. So he is a full gravy bitch. Loves that shit. Would bathe in it if he could. Has dry ass fish, unseasoned chips cos he’s boring af.
TLK - Osferth
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*sigh* Osferth. Angel. Baby boy.
Osferth orders a battered sausage, but gets given a battered Mars Bar by mistake. He doesn’t like confrontation so he pretends like that’s what he ordered anyway, but he’s secretly devastated and tries not to gag when he eats it.
Uhtred can have the kebab that gives him food poisoning, shitting for days, idec, if face annoys me
High Life - Ettore
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Ok this guy is weird. SO he’s gotta have a weird choice.
Ettore has the saveloy because he enjoys the innuendo. Stares at it on his plate for an uncomfortably long time, making sinister eye contract with everyone while he eats it.
Trigger Point - Billy Washington
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Ooft. THIS sad boy.
Billy gets a chicken and mushroom pie. Yes from a FISH AND CHIPS SHOP. But the Food Safety rating of his local is like a 3, so the pie has been sat under the heatlamps for HOURS, so it’s all grey, sad and soggy. But he eats it anyway.
To tie it off, I imagine Ewan Mitchell as 100% a battered sausage guy. He has gravy (cos midlands boi, we love). Won’t touch mushy peas with a barge pole and perhaps partial to a chip cob. Carbs on carbs, we stan.
Thanks for reading this absolute trash.
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ewanmitchellcrumbs · 8 months
Just finished with Grease only to find a Ewan crumb. Now I'm obsessed with the two.
Which Ewanverse characters do you think would make the best flings? Like from best to worse. I can't imagine sweet Billy Taylor being a slam-bam-thank you-ma'am-type at all. Tom looks like the definition of a good summer fling, though.
For a moment my finger hovered over the delete button, as I thought you were going to ask which Grease characters I think the Ewan characters would be 💀
Abraham - top tier fling material here. He’s always on the move, so any romantic tryst is only likely to last for as long as his community sticks around.
Aemond- absolutely not. He doesn’t do flings. Die in his arms.
Billy Taylor - no, true love or nothing.
Billy Washington - says he is, but is secretly gutted when it comes to an end. Proceed with caution. I’m no horse, but he’s not stable.
Ettore - his intentions aren’t good anyway, so kinda?
Genyen - a fling is all he’s after anyway. Will also massively shorten the relationship you have with your personal belongings.
Michael - one of those things that is supposed to start out as a fling, but someone accidentally catches feelings first, then the other person falls harder.
Osferth - yes. Always on the move with Uhtred, so can definitely do a fling. Will think about them often afterwards though.
Tom Bennett - absolutely. Genuinely prefers flings over relationships, as he’s a commitment phobe.
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hoosbandewan · 7 months
Your Abraham gif post made me think. If you had to give each Ewan role a part in mean girls, who would you cast them as?
(Aemond as Regina and Michael as the Kevin G kid)
Omg, this is incredible and I completely agree on your Aemond and Michael picks, lol!! Also, thank you to my dear @elizarbell for helping me with a few of these when I got stuck! <3
Here goes~
Aemond - Regina George (The queen bee, the "it" girl. Plus, his hair would definitely be insured for 10,000 gold dragons.)
Michael - Kevin Gnapoor (Cause the next time you see her she'd be like 'Ohhhhhh, Mikey G.!')
Billy Washington - Cady Heron (idk why but he has such big babygirl, ingenue energy, plus he would 100% let himself get corrupted by Regina and the desire to be popular.)
Tom Bennett - Janis Ian (Sassy but loyal friend that I can 100% see churning out Janis lines like "Your mom's chest hair!" and "You're a mean girl! You're a bitch!")
Will - Shane Oman (Guy a girl cheats on her boyfriend with? Check.)
Ettore - Coach Carr (They are both pr*dators. Enough said. But also imagine Ettore hosting the infamous sex ed class, omg.)
Osferth - Aaron Samuels (The love interest of multiple girls?? Sounds like that one scene from season 5 of TLK! Also, sweet person with a good heart, duh.)
Genyen - Amber D'Alessio (He gives off the energy of a guy who made out with a hot dog. It just makes sense.)
Abraham - Gretchen Wieners (That's why his hair is so big... it's full of secrets. Also definitely a popular pretty girl who would snap under too much pressure.)
Billy Taylor - Karen Smith (This isn't a 100% fit, but I mean, he's a little bit dimwitted. Plus, if you've seen the musical of Mean Girls, I'd kill or die to see Billy T.'s rendition of Sexy, haha!)
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razorblade180 · 10 months
Have you seen the new Hoyoverse game, Zenless Zone Zero? I have a feeling that you would like the character Billy Kid
I am a fan of Soukaku, Ellen, and Soldier 11; who I have to point out looks like she would be Bennett’s big sister. Rina also looked pretty cool.
I feel bad for everyone who likes Nekomata’s play-style because I imagine they’re going to have to defend themselves from the internet.
I will say though, Billy sounds like he has the best battle quotes. I need everyone else to just sound a little more into the fight.
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edith-moonshadow · 2 years
Incubus Billy
I watched a really bad horror film about a month ago where a girl conjured a succubus to deal with her cheating boyfriend and then the succubus didn’t want to leave and it made me think of this. So this is a little bit more like a concept than a story at the moment but it feels very spooky season (apologies for the cliff-hanger) 🎃🎃🎃
Bobby Drake thought he was hot shit. The kind of guy who could make any woman weak in the knees. He was a member of the football team which meant he was worshipped like a god at Hawkins high and he had always taken full advantage. He didn't hold any of the girls at Hawkins in high regard; they were merely little tokens for him to collect so he could impress his football buddies. 
Maggie Robinson wasn't the kind of girl who turned heads. She was president of the maths club, and in the band and she wore glasses that left deep indents on either side of her nose. She was smart and knew her worth but no one from the football team would ever be breaking down her door. At least until now.
Bobby was walking behind her calling her name with a pathetic whine in his voice and his eyes big and imploring. He would do anything to have a chance with her. She rolled her eyes and walked away. Bobby's football buddies called him but he was deaf to their pleading as he walked after her as though in a trance. 
Billy chuckled from his place beside Heather at her locker. She looked over at the scene unfolding.
"More of your handiwork?"
"He said the only thing women were good for was taking his dick and sandwich order."
"Sounds like Drake."
"He had too many admirers on the football team, they needed to see him in action."
"What about Maggie?"
"I think she'll eventually get a little revenge for some of the things he said about her in junior high then I'll make him fall for something he can't hurt, maybe a tree."
"A tree?"
Billy shrugged.
"Why not?"
Just then the most popular members of the basketball team walked down the hall. They were a tight-knit group all walking around their king like he needed to be protected from the unwashed masses. Steve Harrington looked completely at home surrounded by everyone else. 
He wore a soft pink polo shirt and light blue jeans that had no right to be that tight. His hair was big and floppy and Billy's fingers twitched with the need to slide into the roots and pull so he could lavish attention on that beautiful neck. He had dreamt of the moment he would get Steve alone. He'd be well-fed for a month.
Heather looked up as they passed and rolled her eyes. 
"Why does anyone even care about basketball?"
"Gotta love any sport that involves short shorts."
Heather slapped his arm.
"You would treat it like an all-you-can-eat buffet."
"Sometimes you want fast food."
"What about the track team? Or are you too lazy?"
Heather laughed and closed her locker. It was time for another boring history lesson. He didn't enjoy this part of being a human but at least Steve was in this class so he could watch him instead. He never would have imagined that answering a teenage girl's call would result in him still being here two months later but life could be funny like that. 
Heather had been having problems with her boyfriend, another asshole jock called Ryan Smith. He was tall with jet black hair and grey-blue eyes and the kind of smile that made girls swoon. 
Unfortunately for Heather, he was using those sweet charms on other girls convincing them that he and Heather were on a break at the time before telling them she wanted him back when things got too heated. Heather was well-liked at school and the others had felt guilty or easily moved on but not Betty Bennett. She was a fellow cheerleader and had known in her heart of hearts that Heather wasn't on a break but she'd always carried a small flame of desire for Ryan. She'd known it was wrong but what Heather didn't know couldn't hurt her. The same wasn't true for Betty.
Eventually, her guilt ate her up and she told Heather everything and hell hath no fury like a teenage girl. Finding demonic spells in a small town is easier than you think. Demons love to walk amongst the living and they'll avail themselves to you to get what they want. The hedonistic pleasures of the human world are too tempting and humans are so easy to manipulate. 
A deep desire, some herbs, a little blood and the right words and you could have a demon to do your bidding. Most demons only wanted a little taste of the human world and that was payment enough. Others might demand more. All Billy wanted was more time and he didn't need to return. To stay in the human realm he just needed a little energy. 
High school was a hotbed of human emotions. Billy loved the extremes. Jealousy. Anger. Lust. They tingled on his tongue bursting with flavour. Other emotions could be nice but he rarely craved nice. He could get his fix over time by just being around others but nothing was like plugging directly into the source. He kept himself well-fed by licking the lust from someone's skin while he opened their minds to carnal pleasure. Demons had a certain effect on humans. They could inspire the emotions they wanted and Billy loved desire. Everyone he'd indulged in had been like a sweet treat but Billy was hungry for more.
When he'd first arrived at Hawkins high to deal with Ryan he had set eyes on Steve Harrington for the first time. Billy had almost believed he was one of his own hiding out in the school until he got closer. Steve's eyes were golden when the sun shone on them. Billy had been mesmerised for a moment but he knew that Steve wasn't a demon. 
Being fallen Angels their eyes held what humans would perceive as a strange glow. It made their eyes more attractive but if you looked closely you could see that it was a light from within that could never be extinguished. Steve's eyes reflected the sun. To Billy just as beautiful but not the same. 
It had been difficult to stay focused on the task at hand when he could see Steve every day. He was captain of the basketball team, rich, popular, beautiful and a complete asshole. He had a little group of attack dogs and their girlfriends who surrounded him like his own private court. He was revered by the other students due to his attributes and the fact that his family own most of Hawkins. Anyone who got in Steve's way had to deal with his crowd and they were top of the food chain. Well not anymore but they didn't know that yet. 
He had dealt with Ryan. He saw him as a task he needed to complete so that he could remain. When he'd arrived it had been the middle of fall. The cold damp air felt good on his skin. The smell of burning fires, apples and spices was in the air. He wanted to experience everything the human world had to offer. 
Heather had been very explicit in what she wanted. For Ryan's heart to be broken. She wanted it to splinter into so many pieces that his confidence would never recover as her own heart beat painfully in her chest. Bewitching him was easy and with Heather's knowledge of the school population, it was easy to pick someone for him to love. Someone who would never love him back. At least not in the way he wanted. Heather chose Brandon Davis, his best friend. 
Brandon was very supportive of Ryan's previous behaviour even though he had been with his girlfriend for three years. A lifetime in high school years. Billy made Ryan reinterpret every interaction they'd ever had. He'd dream about Brandon's smile. Think about holding his hand. His jealousy towards Brandon's girlfriend would grow like a stinging nettle around his heart. He lost interest in everything that wasn't Brandon. Would try to encourage him to ditch everyone else for him. He felt awkward in his skin around him. Needed to see him. Be near him. 
Finally, with enough alcohol in his system to numb his nerves, he placed his lips firmly on Brandon's. His heart had stopped as that relief of everything being in the open had coursed through him. His mind played through the future it could see between them. A thrill twisted in his stomach as he pulled back with a smile. The shock and horror on Brandon's face. That twist felt like barbed wire as coldness enveloped him. Brandon nervously wiped his mouth and walked away. Ryan felt a sharp unbearable pain in his chest. It never went away. It only grew stronger as Brandon became colder. As he put more and more distance between them. 
Billy's job was done but now it was his time to have fun. Heather had been confused at first when he didn't disappear but she accepted him easily into her life. Billy became her pen pal from California who had suddenly moved here for his final year. Being a demon had its advantages as it was easy to convince others. He was attractive and mysterious. He never went hungry. 
Yet the one thing he wanted remaining out of reach. It would have been too easy to infiltrate Steve's little court and bend him to his will. His mouth watered just thinking about how good he'd taste but that was the problem. Demons could overindulge and Steve was the kind of temptation that Billy would consume until there was nothing left. His scent as he walked by was enough to make his teeth ache. He would bite down to the bone if he got too close. Billy absorbed the little snippets of energy and let his imagination do the rest. 
History was his favourite subject not because he cared about human history. He knew everything he needed to know. It was for Steve who sat in front of him and either sat with his eyes glazed over or decided to be the class clown to the teacher's frustration. Billy enjoyed both flavours as they were subtly different. 
On the days when he was quiet, he tasted sweet, content like warm freshly baked bread. On his clowning days, there was a slightly bitter lemony desperation that made Billy's hunger almost unbearable. He wanted that desperation to be directed towards him. For Steve to look up at him with his big beautiful eyes and beg for all the attention he needed.
Today Steve was in a half-hearted clown mood. He seemed to need a little attention but not as much as usual. Billy watched him carefully letting his imagination run wild. His nose twitched like someone had showered him in white pepper when he looked over and saw Heather. 
Her eyes were narrowed at Steve. An angry flush on her face. Steve sat back with that smug happy smile on his face as their teacher rolled her eyes and carried on. Billy was confused. She had never displayed any anger towards him before. She seemed to think of him as an affable idiot.
After class, he asked her. The flush on her cheeks deepened but she leaned in close to whisper.
"It's not him. Not really. It's her."
Heather motioned across the hall where Robin Buckley was putting away her history books in her locker.
"The way she looks at him."
Heather watched Robin and he could see that soft look in her eyes before they hardened.
"Billy? You're my friend right?"
He nodded.
"Would you destroy Steve Harrington for me?"
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stenka-razin · 8 months
Grammy Live Performances Reviewed
Dua Lipa: it was fine, but I don't remember much of it. Didn't help that I don't think I know these songs at all.
Luke Combs & Tracy Chapman doing Fast Car: Dunno why this was second, eyes were pissing tears immediately. This is one of better ideas for a Grammy Performances. You have all these artists under one roof, make 'em work together! Anyway, it was good.
SZA: SZA was good and the choreography was solid. I don't know much SZA though, but it sounded nice enough.
Billie Eilish: (sharp inhale into the mic) why (sharp inhale into the mic) did (sharp inhale into the mic) billie (sharp inhale into the mic) eilish (sharp inhale into the mic) sing (sharp inhale into the mic) like (sharp inhale into the mic) this? Seriously sounded like she ran a 5k before singing. Also I didn't like the song.
Miley Cyrus: Miley did Flowers, a song I think is whatever, but her performance was fine enough. Except she kept making incredibly cringe adlibs. Like when she admonished the crowd "don't act like y'all don't know this song." That became a running gag for us. Not great but I laughed a lot.
Olivia Rodrigo: If you buy the Olivia Rodrigo/Taylor Swift feud rumors, you'd half to imagine that she was quietly seething all night. She performed Vampire, a song allegedly about Taylor Swift, right before Taylor won an award they were both nominated for and announced a new album. Olivia proceeded not to win anything. Anyhow, her performance was fine, but the song is not my thing. She didn't overunder sing it like Billie or do stupid crowd engagement like Miley at least.
U2: U2 did a new U2 song. I don't super care, but always good to see them still remaining defiantly in their own lane. But really this was less about the music and more a glorified ad for Las Vegas' Sphere. I think I would throw up if I saw a show in that thing. Maybe that's the point. Dead & Co have a residency in there and I'm wondering how that'll be. It seems like a venue built for artist with sick ass laser light shows. Not meandering psyched tinge bluegrass jams. I just don't get Vegas I guess. Last time I was there for a layover that took forever and some dude attempted to shoot his family in the parking lot of the airport. Bad vibes man. Oh I was talking about U2?
Stevie Wonder, Annie Lennox, Wendy & Lisa, Jon Batiste, Ann Nesby, Cory Henry, Jimmy Jam & Terry Lewis, and Fantasy: Woo! Yeah this was the immemorial segment, and really it was a series of consecutive performances. Notably, Stevie Wonder dueted with Tony Bennett's ghost. Annie Lennox did Nothing Compares 2 U and called for a ceasefire, and it climaxed in Fantasia's big Proud Mary romp. Also for some reason in the middle we got a 20 second clip of Jimmy Buffet. No other deceased performer got a standalone sound bite so it was weird. All in all it was pretty good, though ran sacharine as you can expect these in memorium segments to.
Joni Mitchell, Brandi Carlisle, others: Joni's still got it! She did Both Sides Now, backed by a band consisting of wiki tells me are accomplished musicians int heir own right.
Travis Scott & Playboi Carti: This SUCKED! First off, both these dudes music is entirely production driven. That's fine (I mean, more so for Scott since he actually does a lot of his own beats) but it absolutely does not translate to compelling live shows. Travis Scott is so fucking corny, he's out here in his fake muscles trying to hulk out, when he looks like a withered pillhead. Also I have no idea why you'd book a performer where every other line needs to be muted out of the livestream. Anyway, he can't rap for shit and this was god awful.
Burna Boy, 21 Savage, Brandy: This was great! I didn't know much Burna Boy but this was a fun performance and everyone was very good. Brandy is still great?
Billy Joel: It's no surprise Billy Joel can still perform. For all the to do about him not putting out new music for decades, it overlooks that he's still on the road constantly. But yeah, the new Billy Joel song sounds like an old Billy Joel song, so that's probably for the best. Then he did You Might Be Right, one of those consummately uncool songs that I enjoy anyway.
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