#Black Widow Arc
while i will always love and appreciate the bisexual dean winchester agenda, i truly believe that if he was raised differently—or maybe if he grew up today instead—that boy would have been gay. like his love for women in a romantic/sexual context was always such a caricature and was continuously used as a symbol of masculinity that played against the roles assigned to him by his father growing up for the sake of suppressing any queerness he might exhibit. now whether that suppression was purposely written into his character or was a reaction to the character they had created, i’m not sure, but it’s there regardless.
i don’t mean to dismiss the love he felt for cassie or lisa, but particularly with lisa, i’m not sure he was ever in love with her, despite the fact that he did care for both her and ben. i get so frustrated watching the end of s5 because him going to her house and his perfect “apple pie life” being with her in suburbia genuinely came out of nowhere and i’ve never understood a) why it had to happen, and b) why it had to be lisa. but thinking about it in this sense, she was the closest thing he had in his life to everything he was raised to believe he should want by one john winchester, who lost his perfect wife, perfect family, perfect apple pie life and sent all of them down this path in the first place. so of course to dean, his happy ending would be with someone like lisa. but that’s the important part. someone like lisa, not lisa herself. he may have had love for her and he may have been able to picture a life with her, but it wasn’t necessarily because she was everything he wanted; she was a symbol of the things that tore his family apart and so to be with her felt like he was finally able to put some of it back together. and that makes me so sad for him because all of that is a result of the sense of responsibility ingrained in him growing up by john, not something he wanted for himself.
but back to his general attitude towards women, there was an excellent post that said he only acts like the typical womanizer he has a reputation for being around women deemed “stereotypical” by the misogynistic perspective. otherwise, he tends to take on a fairly brotherly role; he doesn’t tend to pursue any women he can “take seriously,” and is more intimidated or impressed by them than anything else. with the exception of cassie (which was pre-series and we never got full context for in the first place), he only ever pursued women with whom he would have a definitive ending—by that i mean women who he knows he’ll never see again or who would have a clearly defined role during the time they’re together that wouldn’t threaten the status quo. and yes these could also be the traits of a commitment-phobe or someone chronically on the move, but for one, sam doesn’t tend to do the same thing (see ruby, amelia, and eileen), and for two, given the things i mentioned already, it makes me consider it more of a result of him not actually being interested in women romantically.
his reaction to women when not purposely used as the butt of a joke or to perpetuate the “womanizer dean winchester” agenda is often so innately fraternal, caring in a way that doesn’t have any expectations behind it. and when there is a romantic context, so much of the relationship can be attributed to the way john raised him and the beliefs he has as a direct result; it’s never simply been built on the foundation of love.
every time he is dismissed as this macho het guy, it also dismisses so much of what makes him a wonderful character, and yes a lot of that is his queerness. so in a world where he didn’t grow up with roles and responsibilities that shaped him into someone he knew his dad hated and forced him to create this character for himself in order to survive? i think he would have been gay and he would have been okay with that.
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craziechwiv · 3 months
A Bug, breed, Bug world
This dumb as fuck Idea was brought to you by a conversation in @lwde-encrusted-sideblog comments on this post.
The others that gave me this idea was @tearval & @number1prime ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ Jaune is walking with Ruby along the sidewalk, with them in a conversation until Jaune ducks into a nearby bookstore, pulling Ruby in with him as he his face is white as a ghost and starts to sweat.
Ruby: Uhh, what's wrong?
Jaune: I see two of my exes!
Ruby: Wait, wait, wait. You dated before?!
Jaune: Y-Yes? How is that surprising?
Ruby: You're you.
Jaune: Fair enough.
Jaune peers out the doorway with Ruby sticking her head out as well, there they see The Mantis Faunus Emerald with Black Widow Salem, going shopping and not noticing the duo at all. Jaune is silently screaming while Ruby looks at them intensely.
Ruby: Out of all the people...
Jaune: Ruby please...
Ruby: No, out of all the FAUNUS TYPES!
Jaune: Don't go any further, I know I fucked up.
Ruby: You picked the two that are famous for the wrong reasons in a relationship?!
Jaune: THAT'S....FAIR! But please, if they both find me here Im so-
Before Jaune could finish his sentence, he feels a hand grip his shoulder tightly from behind him.
Black widow!Salem: Oh, lookie what we have here~. It's been a while Jaune.
Jaune: H-Hello Salem...
Jaune then feels another hand on his shoulder, sighing in defeat as he already knows who it belongs to
Mantis!Emerald: What? You're not happy to see the girl that almost rocked your world~?
Jaune: H-Hello to you too Emerald...
Ruby just looked on in shock as the two bug ladies had their hands on Jaune, both with sly smiles and their extra arms or legs wrapping around him.
Ruby: Uhh, do I need to be here for this or...?
Jaune: Ruby, It's already too late for me.
Black widow!Salem: Oh, don't be like that. We only wanna have a little fun with OUR favorite knight, that's all~.
Mantis!Emerald: And, we might have alil snack after words~
Salem began to lick her lips as he looked at Jaune with hungry eyes
Black widow!Salem: Yes, a nice big snack indeed~
The Mantis then hauls Jaune over her shoulder and carries him, as she follows Salem back to who knows where.
Jaune: Ruby, Ruby! Tell my story! TELL MY STOooRy!!!!!
Ruby just sheds a tear and salutes her best friend, going out in the manliest way possible.
Ruby: Of course... sniff Of course I will...
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inkblot-inc · 6 months
Cruisin' For A Bruisin'
Summary: The crew is on a much needed (and definitely deserved) vacation from hero-ing about. It's important to remember that you can plan out a trip, but you can't anticipate everything that happens on said trip.
Pairing: Natasha Romanoff x Mutant!TigerShark!Reader
[AU Masterlist] Arc 2: This is Part 1
Warning(s): This one's pretty wholesome for the most part, but I will say there are some descriptions of violence. Also strong language, but if you've been here long enough you know that-
Note(s): WELCOME TO ARC 2 BAYBEE! Jaws is back and I could not be any more excited to get back into this shit! As far as I can tell arc 2 is definitely gonna be longer than arc 1, but I hope y'all enjoy :3
Word Count: Skidding pass 2.9k
*squints* I give NO ONE permission to repost or translate my work. Make your own shit!
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It'd been a little over a year since you'd joined the Avengers. There were certainly a few incidents here and there, the biggest being the dismantling of the Red Room which, incidentally, led to Natasha reuniting with her folks.
It was certainly one way to meet your girlfriend's family, that's for sure...
Things seemed to finally take time to settle, at least for a little while.
It was newly June and you along with Natasha, Wanda, and Vision were set to go on the cruise trip you'd booked around Christmas time last year.
"How were you able to swing two months off mission calls, babe?" You looked up from packing your suitcase at Natasha's voice, a small smirk growing on your face.
You made your way over to Natasha before wrapping your arms around her waist. "Well, I'm still not greenlit to go out in the field for a slew of reasons, Wanda's only put on for specific assignments, Vision's her plus one, and you have, what? Three years' worth of PTO? We're in the clear, Natty. The team will be fine for a month or two."
Natasha let out a hum of agreement before she brought you closer for a kiss. "That- and you harassed Tony to figure it out."
You raised a brow in mock confusion, "I thought that part was obvious." Your mouth pulled into a genuine gleaming smile as you got a laugh out of Natasha as she wrapped her own arms around your neck. "You're a menace."
"Is that meant to be a bad thing?" Your lips met in another kiss.
"Never a bad thing."
As the two of you finished packing, you met up with Wanda in the Common Room of the compound, where she was talking with Vision. The atmosphere was sullen with only one set of bags on the couch.
"What's goin' on? Did they not have SPF50 at the Walgreens?" You set yours and Natasha's bags down before going to get the keys to the Quinjet. "I'm sure we could find robo-sunscreen on the way, man."
Vision looked at the back of his hand for a good second. "I don't think I would need protection from the sun, seeing as my skin is-"
You came and wrapped your arm around the synthezoid's neck, jangling the jet keys by his ear. "Joking! Again. If anything, we'll just cook eggs on you when you overheat like a copper pan. We aren't gonna be on an air-conditioned boat the whole time you know." And just like that, the light atmosphere you'd created sunk back down as Wanda and Vision looked at each other. You looked between the two in clear confusion, "Alright, what's the deal?"
Vision eyed Wanda for a bit longer before turning to look at you and Natasha, who just came into the room. "I'm afraid I won't be able to accompany the three of you on this vacation. I will be remaining on call."
You tossed the Quinjet keys to Natasha as she came further into the room. "That's ridiculous, we all sent in time off notices weeks before now. How'd this even come about?"
Vision let out a sigh, "Captain Rogers came to me with concerns of being understaffed during the next few months with the search for HYDRA operatives still ongoing; With Dr. Banner still off-world, Mr. Barton indisposed with his with his family, and Mr. Stark only expected half of the time, it is rather easy for me to see Captain Rogers' point. Out of the four of us approved for time off, it was determined that I would be the one to stay behind in case of emergency."
You'd spent the cruise enjoying each stop between Hawaii and French Polynesia, and it's been anything but a normal experience with you around as the agent of chaos.
Wanda made sure to get plenty of pictures to cement the new memories. There's photos of you "hugging" a manta ray, Wanda and Natasha relaxing on the beach in Bora Bora, several pictures at dinner, and even one of all three of you having an absolute ball watching one of the night shows in Samoa.
Your most recent picture was a group one after you laid on a blowhole in Savai'i. You almost gave the nearby family of five a heart attack, but it was still fun to do.
The last two weeks have been a welcome break for the three of you. Despite some of your more "peculiar" ways of having fun, this has been a freeing and relaxing time. No missions, no threats; a true vacation.
Wanda was currently in her cabin across the hall from yours and Natasha's on her nightly call with Vision. Next time he had to come, Steve be damned. Wanda was a good sport about it when Vision was called in at the last minute, but you all wished he was here as well.
Natasha had taken to video calling with Yelena as well, though they weren't as frequent with her being on her own mission.
You had your own time to talk with Yelena that mainly consisted of her cosigning whatever fuckery you were up to on your vacation.
Part of it might be just to get a reaction out of Natasha.....Which she always did-
It was wonderful to see Natasha just unwound and be less serious, Yelena is one of those people that just pulls it out of her.
Their Relationship had noticeably improved since they were brought back together last year, after learning more about each other that they hadn't had the privilege to learn before, having been separated for their most formative years.
You and Natasha sat on the secluded deck connected to your cabin. The open air was refreshing as you let Natasha lean back into your arms, watching the sunset on the water.
"I'll be honest and say that I can't choose between Tahiti or Savai'i,"
You placed your head on top of Natasha's. "It's always going to be Enoka for me. It was so long ago, but can remember the views on the island as clear as day." Your words were less clear, almost like you were talking through your teeth. "The white sand beaches occupied by damn near everyone in the mornings, green peaks covered in flowers, the quiet that surrounded the deep waters at night... Seeing the sun make everything above me glimmer while it was up high in the sky. Those small "nothing" memories are one of the few things I haven't lost to time... I just wish I had pictures to show it to you."
Natasha slowly rubbed your forearm that was across her stomach as she encouraged your rare moment of open vulnerability. "Well that's why we're doing this. Making new memories closer to home..."
You focused on the soothing gesture as you thought of those same flickering pictures taken through a toddling interpretation.
In the morning you, Natasha, and Wanda were going to part from the cruise ship and make your way to where Enoka would be via a smaller, personal yacht (paid for by you, modified by Tony, who was convinced to do so by Pepper).
There's nothing that could ruin this moment for you. With two of your favorite people by your side, you were going to visit what's no more than a watery lump of land that once was your home and put it to rest for good.
After leaving the cruise ship, Wanda focused on directing the three of you through the smaller crowds of people walking in the opposite direction away from the docks. "What's this boat called again? Delilah?"
Natasha unfolded the small piece of paper in her hand to reread the messy script, "The Blue Delilah. It should be near the end of the pier."
You grasped one of their wrists in each hand, "It's just up ahead!" Both Wanda and Natasha cringed slightly as you just barely missed bulldozing a group of people on your way to the boat that turned out to be a custom Sunseeker 76 yacht.
before the three of you boarded the yacht, a brown-haired man wearing thin rectangular glasses came up to the three of you with a gleam in his eyes. Your eyes narrowed at the camera in his hand before he even started speaking. "I'm really sorry to bother the three of you, but you're Avengers, right?"
You just blankly stared at the man while Natasha, while also on guard, she was more cordial when she addressed the man. "We're not exactly on duty right now, but did you want something?"
Wanda noticed that there was a dark haired woman not too far behind him simply staring at the yacht before looking toward the three of you. The bespectacled man, who began perspiring the longer you stared him down, jumped to answer. "I just wanted to get a picture with you guys, my wife and I are really grateful that you all are around to protect us."
The three of you looked at each other. While all of you weren't keen on taking pictures, the couple seemed harmless enough, Wanda read as much from both of their thoughts. The man, Graydon, was both nervous and excited; worried that he'd come off as a creep that was bothering them. His wife, Tara, had a similar train of thought in not wanting to bother the three public. Tara's mind was notably much quieter than her husband's; presumably the result of a calming tactic.
Wanda mentally relayed this to both you and Natasha before the three of you finished wordlessly discussing the matter. With Natasha nodding, Wanda spoke to the couple. "One picture wouldn't hurt."
Graydon's face lit up as he gestured for his wife to come closer, essentially saying they were in the clear. Tara came to stand on the other side of Wanda while Graydon went to find a passerby to take the picture on his camera. After he showed a willing older man how to snap the photo, he stood on the right of Natasha with a rather dorky thumbs up.
You left your mask on, put you arms over Natasha's and Wanda's shoulders and squinted your eyes a bit to give the illusion of a more positive emotion on your face as the brief flash irritated your eyes.
After the picture was taken, Graydon rushed over to the volunteer cameraman to see how it came out. Tara turned to Wanda with a small smile as she exited her personal space after a small shaking of hands. " Thank you for indulging us, and it really is a pleasure to meet you, Misty Red."
Wanda watched the dark-haired woman walk away in confusion. "Misty Red? Who's that?" Natasha raised a single brow while all you did was laugh at Wanda's expense.
Natasha's confusion didn't last long with her own deduction skills. "Apparently that's what the people are calling you," a slow smirk made it's way to Natasha's lips as you were still laughing, "I mean, it does makes sense." The redhead was the first to turn and make her way toward the ramp of the yacht.
"I can't decide if they made you sound like a wrestler or a porn star! I just-" You broke another bout of laughter.
Wanda's eyes narrowed at your juvenile line of thought as she crossed her arms. "It isn't even that funny, Jaws. You're just milking it at this point,"
You took a second to recover from your laughter, "It's funny to me. You don't gotta get it cuz I think it's funny. There's no shame in what you do, Wandy."
Natasha rose her shoulders as she continued to make her way onto the boat. "That's just what happens when you let the public name you."
Wanda almost felt the need to defend her lack of an alias, "I didn't think it had to be very high on my list of priorities!"
You lightly pushed the brunette forward and up the ramp to The Blue Delilah. "Uh huh, get on the boat, Misty Red."
When You, Natasha, and Wanda all made it onto The Blue Delilah, a smaller inconspicuous boat pulled off behind it at the same time, noticing that the yacht had a discreet Stark Industries logo. Their plan isn't clear at the moment, but it is clear that they're tailing The Blue Delilah. They follow a long way behind, but have their own tracker placed on the ship so they don't lose the yacht.
The three of you were on the private yacht for about four days so far travelling to Enoka.
Note: All citizens of Enoka have the location of Enoka ingrained in their brains, so Jaws always knows where it is. This is a similar practice for the inhabitants of a certain other living island...
As you got closer to the island, it was clear that it's not completely submerged, but it definitely looks different to how you remember.
The goal now was to see if there were any inhabitants on the island that were still alive and who survived the flood over a decade ago.
You didn't voice it, but there was a new sense of anxiousness and hope that started brewing in you at the prospect of going home.
Maybe there actually was a "home" there left...
About a day out from the Island, the engine to The Blue Delilah seemed to stutter, so you went to check it out and before you reach the engine room on the back pad, you noticed large ripples from something that dove back into the water.
Soon after you heard sounds of a struggle on the yacht and booked it back to where Wanda and Natasha were.
There were two attackers engaged in fighting with the two women, four were on the floor unconscious already. It's rather bold for a group of six, well seven.
Jaws grabbed the arm of the seventh attacker that tried to sneak up on them and threw them over their shoulder.
The attacker you were dealing with was a woman and she had armor that stood out a bit more than the others; she had less of it, toned brown skin shown through the large gaps between the armor pieces, and the shoulders were a bit more prickly and menacing in comparison.
'Definitely their leader.'
You raised an eyebrow at the sort of reptilian bone mask obscuring most of the woman's face. "What, were you too good for Bleach?"
You can see the woman visibly squint behind her mask before she grabs two daggers from their place on her hips, "I know fuckin' Kisame isn't talkin' about me, "
Your own eyes narrowed at her retort. 'Well fuck you, too.'
With both of you having been insulted by the other, the two of you rushed each other. The two of you were essentially going blow for blow for a while before you knocked the bone mask off of your attacker's face.
It revealed more dusky brown skin, a few scars on her face and a tattoo of some kind under her right eye. The woman turned to face you fully, wiping blood off the corner of her lip. "You might be one of the more skilled pirates I've come across. It's a shame I consider your life past tense already."
Suddenly, the woman then tackled you off the yacht, knocking your breathing apparatus off in the process, hoping to hold you down and drown you herself. Her daggers reaching to slice at your now exposed neck.
Putting her knife up to your neck, she then notices the gills on each side of it, which throws her off.
It's then, underwater, that she gets a good look at you before her eyes widen considerably, confusing you.
"Y/n, is that really you?"
There's that name, your name. Hardly anyone called you by your given name when you were little, and you hardly cared, but...
"Ys tath uyo, Y/n?"
Your own eyes widen at the familiar language coming from this woman's mouth. Only one person would really insist on using it back then...
And with that one word, the woman threw her daggers to the side leaving them to float in the water away from the two of you before tightly wrapping her arms around your neck. You hug her back just so.
After the two of you pulled away, she almost immediately slapped you with a new fire in her molten brown eyes.
"Agh shit! Did you grow talons?!" It wasn't hard enough to actually hurt, but you definitely felt the woman's nails drag across your face.
"Ehrwe ni eth FUCK veah uyo eneb?! Y thugoth uy' DDEA lla heste rayse!"
Sienna went to smack you again before you held both of her wrists in your hands to keep her at bay, your eyebrows furrowed. "Y itd'dn eyrall cieded ot velae, ni cesa uy' omowesh trogof!"
Sienna shook her head as she struggled to get free of your grip, her dark locs waving wildly in under the water. "Elt og of 'em! Y vat'ehn retnotfog shit!" Sienna then began to try and kick at you to let her go, so you brought her into another hug as she resisted.
Her attempts grew more and more feeble as the power behind her punches to your chest fizzled out. It was only then that you realized she was crying.
Sienna's voice was raw and heavy with emotion, "Ehrwe ddi uyo og?! Y odloke nad Y odloke nad Y odloke lla rove rof uyo..."
You let her sob into your chest as you held her, floating in the underwater quiet.
"Y'm ghrit ehre, sersit."
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** footnote: I wanted to use a completely different script for the Enokan language being spoken, but I couldn't find a way to import it so that it was shown, so instead I made a simple code using typoglycemia (aka just unscramble the letters of each word). To make it so that it didn't look as clunky, I sometimes replaced (i) with (y). Some words that end with vowels may have an apostrophe that takes the place of the vowel. Apostrophes can also be found at the beginning of words with vowels for fluidity's sake. I didn't think swears should be scrambled cuz that just *looks* off to me. The point of these changes is to have this resemble a spoken language more than it is a blatant tactic to confuse you.
Here's a word unscrambler in case you need it
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cowboylikeyouu · 12 days
i really really really want to write a sitcoms style avengers fanfic that’s basically just a himym season 9 AU, like it all takes place over the course of three days (with flashbacks) at steve and tony‘s wedding and it’s just 25 chapters of chaotic avengers family shenanigans with 10000000000 cameos of every marvel character ever
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askerewhon · 8 months
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darksaiyangoku · 1 year
Team JNPR's Marvel crushes
Jaune's crush:
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Nora's crush:
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Pyrrha's crush:
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Ren's crush:
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sarahowritesostucky · 4 months
Unpopular Opinion:
I didn't mind Natasha's arc in Endgame. I love her character and would've enjoyed seeing her in more movies for sure(!!), but I don't think her sacrifice in Endgame was a bad ending for her arc.
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chicago-geniza · 4 months
For the record I also have a list of Wiadomości contributors who are so insane they could only exist in the specific conditions that created them, and I appreciate them as Products of their Time. First example: Maria Jehanne Wielopolska
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themynock · 4 months
shoutout to tech and z's random mid battle kiss ??
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skullsnpineapples · 1 year
It will literally always irritate me how the scene with Clint and Natasha on Vorimir plays out. Because like, with Clint and Natasha fighting about who sacrifices themself there was a great chance to have Clint basically go “Nat you’ve wiped out the red in your ledger, give me the chance to wipe it out of mine” before asking her to tell his family he loves them.
And idk I’ve just always thought about what a great call back and parallel it could be to where they started and how they’ve somewhat reversed roles. Nat has redeemed herself from her past and become a better person and Clint let his anger and pain overtake him.
I think about this too much for a movie from 5 years ago that I didn’t even like that much.
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karmaspidr · 1 year
Steve: I want to adopt Jaune.
Tony: ...He's not an orphan.
Natasha: That can be changed.
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'Gideon's mom is carla mccorkle' was always a dumb theory because there's no way the gravity falls writers would put that much focus on a female character
#random thoughts#gravity falls#literally every narrative surrounding a female character revolved around romance except mabel who was based on hirsch's sister#and pacifica who was explicitly designed to be mabel's antithesis#and even then there's hints that pacifica and dipper will end up together#and mabel's primary characterization - literally the thing they introduce her with - is her boy crazy phase#'we tried to do a wendy episode but it never worked out' yeah it's because she's literally just cool that's her entire characterization#there is ONE explicitly female demon in bill's crew and she's pink and voluptuous when her inspo was bill's BLUE flames#giffany was programmed to pursue love at all costs and was murdered for it (only retconned in the books)#literally how many of the monsters of the week were female huh? HUH? FUCKING THREE#TWO OF WHICH WERE MOTIVATED BY ROMANCE#darlene is literally a black widow#literally the only reoccuring background character whose name we know and is a woman is lazy susan#candy and grenda were NERFED in the finale to make mabel's arc about abandonment make more sense#WE DON'T EVEN KNOW ABUELITA'S NAME BUT WE KNOW SOOS'S COUSIN'S NAME??? FUCKING REGGIE GETS A NAME BUT NOT ABUELITA#how does wendy feel about her mom? does she have any hobbies? what are her plans for after high school? does she HAVE any plans?#why does no one have any sisters besides dipper. i am including mermando in this. why does literally everyone have brothers and no sisters#fuck i forgot about the unicorn. that makes four i guess? and shandra jiminez
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craziechwiv · 3 months
Fly like a Hornet, sting like a Bullet
Continuation of this post, please check it out and give the people this post is based off a follow. Please and thank you <3.
Jaune had done it. He has done a bunch of stupid shit over his time at Beacon Academy but boy did this outdo it all....okay maybe not all of it but it was a runner up for first place. As he internally wrote his will and testament in his head whilst being carried by the two bug women, he then suddenly drops onto the ground.
Jaune: Ow, my head.
He hits his head hard, but thanks to his endurance training he recovers from it quickly. He was still however stuck on the ground, since Salem tied him up in webbing before they picked him up, as he surveys his surroundings he sees Emerald, the mantis faunus who was with Salem unconscious on the ground.
Meanwhile, Salem was busy trying to attack someone above her? I mean she was firing her poison at the air so, possibly? However, her poisonous shots just fell back down, nearly hitting her as she hissed in anger. From where he laid, Jaune saw a silhouette of someone hovering in the air. He couldn't get a good look at it, but he definitely sees their huge uhm...'assets'.
As Jaune was taking in the sight of the mysterious person shadow, he saw two things fire onto Salem, then something dropping and rolling over to him. A bullet casing? If he had to guess what it was, for a sniper rifle due to its thinner like top. He had to thank Ruby for giving him gun lessons once he gets out of this situation, he ever does that is.
While Jaune was still hopeless in the fact he might make it out of this predicament, he then sees Salem collapse near him, with a stinger nearly penetrating from in between her chesticles. As Jaune looked in shock at it, the shadow from before began to go lower itself to Jaune's horror. He closed his eyes and tried to play dead. On how he wished to be an opossum faunus right about now...
???: Uhm...h-hey. Jaune?
Jaune recognized that voice. It wasn't Ruby's but it was someone he knew. He opened up his eyes slowly, seeing the legs of said person who had taken down Emerald and Salem. He then looks higher, coming face to face with, the person's big breasts.
Jaune: You're prettier than I imagined...
???: W-WHA?! Eyes...up here...! Please...
Jaune then looked above the magnificent sight and saw the face of May Zedong, a sniper he fought against in the tournament and a hornet faunus. A Bullet hornet faunus.
Jaune: Uhm, how'd you know I was...?
Bullet Hornet!May: O-Oh! Ruby ran up to me when she saw me in the bookstore. I didn't know exactly what to do, but I did know I had to...rescue you. S-Sorry.
Jaune: Oh, well I appreciate you for helping me! I didn't know what they'd do to me.
Bullet Hornet!May: Oh, oh! You're welcome.
May's shyness was overcome from how happy she was by Jaune's compliment, but her shyness then came back as she covered her red face with her beanie.
Jaune: So. Could you like, help me out of these bindings?
Bullet Hornet!May: Oh! Right, sorry!
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inkblot-inc · 6 months
Surf and Turf
Summary: After getting both groups acquainted with each other, it's time to return to apparently not-so-missing isle...
Pairing: Natasha Romanoff x Mutant!TigerShark!Reader
[AU Masterlist] Arc 2: [Part 1] This is Part 2
Warning(s): Not much for this one, maybe keep you eyes peeled for strong language? It's a pretty tame chapter tbh
Note(s): We got another one for arc 2! There aren't as many interactions with our main three in this chapter, but that's cuz there's some other dialogue and exposition i wanted to get in there first. display some other relationships and whatnot. i hope you enjoy nonetheless :3
Word Count: a bit more than 1.4k
*squints* I give NO ONE permission to repost or translate my work. Make your own shit!
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Both you and Sienna made your way back up to the surface, climbing back onto The Blue Delilah.
While the two of you were underwater, Wanda and Natasha had incapacitated the last two “attackers” and managed to tie them up.
It really wasn’t a fair fight with Wanda there…
The squelch of your wet boots alerted both of them that you made it back onto the boat.
Noticing Sienna behind you, Wanda and Natasha were both ready to get back into it, but you stopped them before they could.
You hold your hands out in a placating manner, “Alright alright, hold on just a sec! everybody can chill the fuck out”
Natasha raises a brow before lowering the gun in her hand. “Hearing that from you? Forgive me for my surprise but,” her gaze goes from you to the rather unwelcoming woman next to you. “Negotiating has never really been your thing, Jaws.”
Wanda nods along, moving all the assailants’ weapons to the opposite end of the boat out of reach. “I have to agree.”
A small sigh pushed past your lips, “Fortunately, I didn’t have to negotiate much at all,” you rested a hand on Sienna’s shoulder. “Natasha, Wanda, I’d like for you to meet Sienna; she’s my older sister.”
Both Wanda and Natasha were struck silent by this new information. Cuz how to you really respond to that?
Sienna kept her arms crossed as she stepped forward, “We can talk more when we arrive on Enoka.”
Your eyes widened as you finally had time to connect the rest of the dots and understand the implications of Sienna even being alive. “You mean Enoka is?-”
A bit of a warmer expression started to break through Sienna’s features as she addressed you. “Not without change, but she is alive and well, yes.”
You’d went back to steering The Blue Delilah while Sienna untied the other “attackers” that Natasha and Wanda had put out of commission.
The three of you found out that they were members of Sienna’s guard that patrolled the waters surrounding Enoka with her.
The six guardsmen, three men and three women, had warily introduced themselves at Sienna's insistence.
They largely kept to themselves as they were a group of few words... at least around the strangers they were keeping the company of, of which no one could really blame them. They saw no issue in having Sienna speak for them.
Sienna had mentioned that there were pirates that got a little too close to Enoka's jurisdiction lately, and the locals were particularly antsy at the number of potential incidents in the past few months.
Sienna had to up the number of patrols they went out on during the day due to this.
While you, Natasha and Wanda had no real idea who these "pirates" could be, independent or affiliated, there were plenty of desperate people coming out of the woodwork for answers and solutions in a post-Ultron world.
While the three of you were getting the full explanation from Sienna and her guard, it was unfortunate that they’d essentially cut their patrol off early to bring you back to Enoka. If Sienna and her guardsmen had continued their patrol, they more than likely would have come across the smaller boat tailing The Blue Delilah from a good distance away…
The sun was starting to set when you saw the first bit of land; vibrant greens mixed with stone surfaces and accompanied by beaches surrounding the edges. It was like the familiarity of it was fitting together long lost pieces to the abandoned puzzle of memories you had.
“It’s just been here all this time and I didn’t even know…”
Sienna came to stand next to you, “But you did know, Y/n. Your connection to Enoka was never severed, that’s evident in you knowing exactly where she rests. You’d know if the island was truly gone. Eth lyon equsont' Y veah ys hyw ti okot uy' os goln ot ocem ckab su."
You rubbed the back of your neck, unsure how to give a full enough answer. “I was a bit preoccupied…to say the fuckin’ least anyways.”
Sienna merely eyed you for a second, giving you another once over now that she was closer. "Esod sith veah githanny ot od whit eth wot ahnum mewno tath uyo bugorth whit uyo? Uyor necst 's citapullryra tenetccandor no eth hedraed."
You clear your throat suddenly at the abrupt mention of Wanda and Natasha. both of whom were more than alert while keeping an eye on your other "guests" by the back end of the boat. "Somewhat. I mean, it's more than a little complicated, but they've both helped me. A ton. And their Names are Natasha and Wanda...... Natasha 's eth ostyn hedraed tath alos spaneph ot eb 'm niirfrgeld, sersit."
You glanced toward the end of the main deck where you caught Natasha's eye. Once Natasha noticed your attention was on her, she turned her head to face you. She wasn't the closest one to you at the moment, so it wasn't out of place for her to keep an eye and ear out for you.
Natasha raised an inquiring brow at your continued staring before you sent her a sharp smirk with a wink. You kept your body half turned in her direction before focusing back on the conversation you were having with Sienna.
Sienna observed the small interaction silently before she looked away from you and out onto the water, taking a second to think before speaking up again. “Sey, lewl, Enoka 's chum mesrall athn uyo ghimt bremeerm foeber eth ofdol." She let out a sigh before she turned and put her hand on your shoulder to get your attention. “Let me steer this thing so I can take you to the entrance.”
“The entrance?”
“I told you Enoka was not was not without change after all these years.”
Once Sienna took the wheel, the yacht was guided halfway around the island where a larger summit was seen. Formed into the bottom of the smaller mountain was a cave covered by the growing foliage. The Blue Delilah was steered into it before the engine was shut off.
“Your boat managed to fit in here, but you all will need to walk the rest of the way to the entrance by foot.”
Natasha was still on the cautious side, seeing as only one of the strangers here seemed somewhat trustworthy. “How far is that exactly?”
Sienna spoke up at the front of the group, “Not egregiously so. Many choose to just swim back and forth, but seeing as the two of you are merely human, walking is about the only option for you. We should arrive within the hour.”
As all ten of you left The Blue Delilah, you all made your way through the cave as it became a progressively tighter space to walk through side by side.
You decided to get a few answers while on your way; multitasking and all that.
After a while of walking, you came to what looked to be a dead end.
Sienna, still in front of the group, waved her hand over the empty space, revealing ripple in the space that started to resemble a portal.
“This gate will lead into Enoka. You will have to enter one at a time since you’ll be unidentified in the passageway. It needs to analyze your signatures separately.”
You sent a reassuring look to Wanda while you squeezed Natasha’s hand. They were both still very cautious surrounding this entire situation. For you there was this inexplicable amount of trust you had. Whether it be from the nostalgia and anticipation of seeing your where you grew up or genuinely not sensing any danger, you couldn’t differentiate.
First went Sienna, then three of her guards, then you, Natasha, Wanda, and then the other three guards.
On the other side was beauty.
The landscape was, in fact, very different from how you loosely remembered it, but the view was one in a million all its own.
Half of the inhabited environs were above water; cabins, huts, and the like were strewn about and the summits surrounding them all had bridges connecting overhead.
The other half of the Island was also visible, but it was underwater.
Underwater, but not abandoned.
The were homes and buildings that were brand new shining from under the surface.
A good amount of them were made out of ruins that were apparently repurposed after the flood, but most of them were completely new and sleek.
In a way, it was like you'd never left...
Just like your connection with the hidden isle was never broken, so to was it's connection to you.
This was Enoka, your homeland.
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** footnote: I wanted to use a completely different script for the Enokan language being spoken, but I couldn’t find a way to import it so that it was shown, so instead I made a simple code using typoglycemia (aka just unscramble the letters of each word). To make it so that it didn’t look as clunky, I sometimes replaced (i) with (y). Some words that end with vowels may have an apostrophe that takes the place of the vowel. Apostrophes can also be found at the beginning of words with vowels for fluidity’s sake. I didn’t think swears should be scrambled cuz that just *looks* off to me. The point of these changes is to have this resemble a spoken language more than it is a blatant tactic to confuse you.
Here's a word unscrambler in case you need it
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giantkillerjack · 1 year
One thing you gotta know about me is that I will quietly unfollow the fuck out of anyone on tumblr who reblogs or posts anything even remotely positive about Tony Stark, like I will politely show myself out SO FUCKING HARD they won't even know what hit 'em. - probably because they are unlikely to notice it at all
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askerewhon · 8 months
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