#Bone Pain
frankiensteinsmonster · 9 months
We don't talk enough about how fluctuating needs don't only mean day-by-day. They can change pretty rapidly throughout the each day. Hour-by-hour, or even within minutes!
Anyways this lack of acknowledgement caused me to feel a little strange in the beginning because there was just no representation for my experience! Even though it should go without saying, the way a lot of people present having fluctuating needs is as if they know exactly what their limits for the day will be first thing in the morning when they wake up and that's just Not Me.
So, I'm here to let you know that you're valid for needing to make adjustments to your accommodations throughout your day, and it's okay that you can't predict the future daily. Just be prepared and make sure nobody gives you shit for it, not even yourself!!
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decora-kai · 3 months
Been a while since I've made an update on my diagnosis situation but I just had my last physio appointment today so I suppose now is as good a time as any!
I was meant to have this appointment like 2 months ago but I missed it due to pain but also the fact that my parents simply forgot 😭 instead of rebooking i was told to do MORE blood tests, Yippee! /s so I did around three more and finally was able to rebook my appointment and have been waiting for a while now. Until, of course, today.
I again wasn't feeling great, but I went to school in the morning and after break went for the appointment at the hospital. At first, my physio was just asking how I've been and talking about my blood test results (All fine, apart from slightly low vitamin D and Iron). She then said that if my blood was normal, it must either be that I'm weak and lazy (her actual fucking words), or that my diet is bad. Now yes, my diet is not the healthiest in the world but I try my best. Anyway, that pissed me tf off and I literally wanted to scream but luckily, she started to consider that maybe, maybe it was something else (OBVIOUSLY IT IS OMFG).
She did all the like pressure points, asking where it's painful and where it isn't and concluded that i seem to have quite a lot of bone pain rather than muscle pain which i actually didn't realise myself because i dont know the difference (not that I don't have muscle pain but the bone pain is more prevalent apparently) So now I'm finally being referred to an orthopaedist which should hopefully take 4-6 weeks + A chronic pain clinic!! I'm really hoping that I'll be able to get a diagnosis finally but also I'm trying to not get my hopes too high, just in case.
Something else that happened is a meeting with my school attendance lady 😭 but she was actually really nice luckily. Basically she was talking about how my attendance had slipped below 80% which is not good but also saying that they are going to talk to my doctors and see if I can get any accommodations! since I'm not diagnosed, it's quite hard to get accommodations within school but this would be like life changing, even though it would probably only change a few small things such as
Using a computer instead of writing (my hands get achy when writing some days)
Not having to do PE (physical activity worsens my symptoms)
being able to study in the library (do my classwork outside of class)
able to leave the classroom if/when I need a break
And possibly (I'm hoping for this but technically nothing was said)
Doing exams in a different room to most (I can get bad brain fog + overstimulation which causes more pain)
So, that's it for the update and I hope to bring more good news next time! >:3
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wormonastringtheory · 10 months
take my bones, from their home, in my bod, please oh g-d, west virginia, mountain mama, take my bones, from their home
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blitzosicedcoffee · 2 days
My bones have decided on this midnight to do the clickaty clack. sometimes I wonder if they're simply calling for their brethren:
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saturnisscreaming · 2 years
Do your joints hurt or are your bones hatching
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mindhunter24 · 3 months
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I was just hit with a memory from high school from when I asked if I could zoom into class on days that my chronic illness/pain was so bad that I couldn’t attend school, and they said no because it was only for people who had Covid :)
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mentally-manicc · 1 year
Question anyone know anything to do to cope with bone pain?
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narcvampp · 8 months
Me when I'm hunched over sitting/sitting in general for too long and now my FUCKING BONES IM GONNA KMS GEAAHHH😞😞
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techhubeu · 9 months
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Ostex Questo crema permette di scordarsi completamente di aver mai sofferto di dolori articolari o alla schiena in men che non si dica,  Order Now
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75screamingtoads · 2 years
Anyone else with bone/muscle issues ever lay down on their back and your back just decides to release the wrath of all the gods upon you?
Every time I lay down lol
It's fun.. it's ah.. very fun. Love it so much 🥲
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frankiensteinsmonster · 10 months
My fucking Bones Hurt today????? Like not my joints and my normal back pain that add up to skeleton pain but like. The Inside of My Bones???? Pressure and movement didn't make it better or worse it was just.. hurt. This is New and Sudden and Very Intense :'0 going to my Dr about it asap bc what the hell. Is this. A common fibromyalgia symptom?
I can still walk and shit for now bc it like I said, moving doesn't make it worse per se. But it hurts so fuckin much I don't necessarily Want to walk either because the pain is so intense and it's all I can think about when it happens. (⁠´⁠;⁠︵⁠;⁠`⁠) thankfully it's very come and go but like. What if I wake up and it's still happening?? You know? Why did my body pull the rug under me like this? I'm like. Fine with it Being Disabled, I just wish my symptoms took their time arriving instead of just hitting me so out of nowhere with no apparent cause.
And while all this is going on I need to prepare to defend myself against all these people who don't know what I'm going through assuming health and that with enough exercise or whatever I can totally be fixed. Whilst also being told I have an incurable musculoskeletal disorder?? Like. I need everybody to shut up, make up their minds, and listen to me. And not just???? Imagine shit?? Prepared to yell. I'm bringing in a loved one to my appointments from now on.
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So many emotions but the pain is making it unbearable to follow thought let alone write about it. My mind is a whizzing jumbled mess that I'll have to piece together later.. This is too much 😭😭😭✨
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wormonastringtheory · 10 months
I don't want bones post number 1000
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“Don’t allow someone else to minimise your journey… EVERY warrior is a warrior.”
Chronic pain problems •
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house-of-slayterr · 2 years
I’d be bloody great if my shin bones would stop trying to murder me right now!
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