#Bones was cool here too ig
laney-rockin · 1 year
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proustianrevelry · 6 months
It is very funny to me when people draw 2 characters doing the "Utena pulls a sword out of Anthy's chest" pose like it's a badass romantic thing couples do when they love each other
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noowayybroo · 8 months
Give the dog a bone😏(Part 1) (SFW)
Characters: Dogman!Leon Kennedy, GN!Reader (Part 2 will be NSFW F! Reader)
hi ik we're all a bit horny and busy here! We on that grind (in more ways than one!) so I'm trying to keep the story short and sweet I LOVE YOU ALL
Warnings: FIRST PART IS SFW AND GN! READER AND IG SOME FLUFF OR A WEIRD STORY?? PART PART 2 WILL BE Smut and NSFW, Leon and reader are initially friends / colleagues. Set after RE4. Lazy writing because I'm too busy and hate writing no cap. dogman anatomy. Hunnigan exists but is irrelevant.
Irrelevant blabbering that you don't have to read: That title is NOT from The Squeeze's "Cool For Cats" Hi guys! Guess who's a university student now! And guess who's unbelievably even MORE busy than they were when they actually stopped writing fics. It's me! Thank you SO SO MUCH for the well wishes and kind words and general love and support I recieved, even when my blog was dead to the world. It means the world. This fic idea has been gnawing at my insides, as has the shame and guilt that has come with wanting to write it. Thanks for reading. Thanks for being here, you rock! you slap! I love you! And I'm still making stuff on Etsy if you're interested (shameful plug, sorry.)
It'd been entire weeks since Leon had embarked on his mission in Spain. Whilst this didn't sound like a lot, his trips usually took a few days, and were packed with back and forth correspondence (via Hunnigan, of course.) The last time you'd heard from possibly him was a few days ago, when late at night you'd received a message on your personal phone.
"Hey, It's me, I'm coming home." - Unknown Number - 22:34 pm.
Your heart sang. After apparent radio silence for days (unless they were keeping you in the dark) it had to be him. He had to be coming home. You were excited, glad and thrilled all at once. You hadn't lost your friend. Yet, at least.
Days passed. Worry seeped back in. It gnawed at the corner of your mind as you replied to the number for the fourth time, hoping SOMEONE would reply. You wanted to run the number by someone in your team, maybe they could find out where it was from, but then again, you wanted to respect Leon's privacy.
6 days had passed since that message. 6 whole days... Was it actually Leon who'd messaged you? On a particularly drizzly Wednesday afternoon, you sat at your desk fiddling in a vain attempt to rid yourself of your guilt and anxiety. Perhaps Leon needed your help. Maybe, you should stop being so selfish and show the higherups that message. Maybe it wasn't him... Maybe that message wasn't even for you. Maybe someone else needed someone else's help.
Frustrated, you sigh and throw your head back. The ceiling is plain, it's calm. A soft grey, just like the sky outside. And the mundane-ness of it all somehow distracts you. Leon's just a friend, nothing more. He sits next to you in your office, so what? It's not like you're going to get married. He goes on these missions all the time. He'll be fine.
You lower your gaze back to your desk. At least you would, if it weren't snagged by the sheepish figure standing in the doorway to your joint office. There he stood, Leon Kennedy, in the flesh. Bandaged heavily, but he stood there. He was dressed strangely. He wore a hoodie, choosing to keep the hood up, and baggy sweat-pants. His sleeves were far down, covering almost his entire arm, and his mouth was awkwardly screwed shut as if he were worried to open it.
His eyes dance around the room, shyly greeting the few people who'd stayed late to meet deadlines, which you just so happened to be one of (the worry had been killing your productivity.) Once they land on yours, he gives a soft smile and stumbles forward a little, letting go of the doorway which he clung to so tightly. He looked so... sick.
More than concerned, you stand to meet him, arms gently wrapping around him as he just about stops himself from falling into you by grabbing the desk. He's warm, so warm, shivering slightly, and he smells good, to your relief and surprise. You figure he must have returned from his mission a while ago. He had time to clean, apparently, but not to rest. Dark bags lined his bright eyes, cuts and bruises adorned his pale face.
You're in too much awe and shock to even feel the tears pricking your eyes, but you sigh into him in response, hugging him close, relieved. He returns the gesture, head falling into your shoulder as he lets out a deep sigh, far too content to take note of the many eyes on you now. You, however, are very aware, and promptly pull away, but not before registering the deep breath Leon takes in as his head rests by your neck.
Somewhat reddened, you offer him his chair, and he obediently sits with haste. His cool blue eyes never leave you as you sit before him, his throat bobbing in anticipation.
"I've missed you" he rasps, entirely undeterred by the few eyes that still linger, for some reason finding this interaction more thrilling than their stacks of paper. You certainly believe his words. Leon's eyes are wide, pupils blown as if he's trying to take in as much of you as possible. Perhaps he's just glad to be alive, you think. Whilst you're shy, you must admit that that hug was wonderful. And you'd maybe want it to last longer or go further if prying eyes weren't laser focused on you.
"I've missed you too" you breathe, still in disbelief. "when did you get back??" In response, Leon tells you (in quiet whisper) about his whereabouts. He doesn't go into much detail at all, but you learn that he's been to Spain, and actually got back from Spain 5 days ago. Since he got back, he was actually being held in a Government facility, where they ran tests on him and 'made sure it was safe for me to see you all.'
He swallows again.
Concern fills you: Why wouldn't it be safe? What happened to him out there that he doesn't want to tell you? Is he actually alright? And most importantly...
"Why are you dressed like that?" you giggle, trying to curve your overt frown. Your eyes drift over his toned form briefly as he sits before you, comfortably manspreading and leaning oh-so-slightly into your space. You weren't trying to check him out. He was your friend. However, despite the baggy clothing doing its best to deter your sights, you couldn't help but take in his plump thighs and toned arms. His large hands flex as he runs them through his fringe a few times, clearing it from his eyes. He lets out a deep exhale.
"It's... a long story." He huffs, seemingly not too eager to show and tell. You return his huff, slightly tempered this time, eyes drifting up to the hood he wore. He catches your gaze and narrows his eyes, a playful warning. Although you didn't dare go into detail, Leon could tell you'd worried about him and eagerly awaited his return. He knew he meant a lot to you, and you to him (though he wasn't sure if you were aware of that.) He knew you were worried about the tests, and he knew your sudden playful persona was in spite of every other emotion he'd guiltily put you through.
That being said, he wasn't able to match your mischievous guise as your hand slowly and gently raises up to touch his hood. A strong hand grabs your wrist, gentle yet firm. He doesn't hurt you at all, yet you find yourself unable to move. His expression grows serious.
"Y/N. The hood's gonna stay on, alright?" He asks softly, eyes easing a little as he takes in your startled expression. You falter, becoming a little upset. You just wanted to mess around. You couldn't do that either? He senses the change in mood. "I'm sorry, I'm sorry" he says quickly, shaking his head as he lets go of your arm "I know, I'm gonna have to take it off at some point. Look, there's something... Something's happening to me, alright??" He whispers softly into your ear "Can you get off work now?"
To your relief, you're not sure when, but everyone seems to have looked away by now. Shakily, you nod, and after packing up and signing out of your PC, you and Leon leave the building. It's a nice walk, despite the rain, fended off by an umbrella he'd borrowed from the station. Your talk is pleasant, beating around the topic of his strange dress until a strong arm reaches in front of you, gently pushing ajar the door to your local Coffee Place. It's a nice, simple Cafe that you and Leon frequented on your ways home, especially on drizzly days like this.
Shaking off his umbrella, Leon follows you inside to the booth you usually sit at together. Many hours were spent here chit-chatting, sometimes alone and sometimes with other co-workers and friends. You'd discuss playful topics, the workload, things about the boss you didn't want anyone to hear. It was also here that Leon would gossip to you and only you about his 'confidential' missions, purely because you'd earned that trust.
It was here that he was about to tell you his new secret.
You both enjoyed this place because it was often empty. It's not that the service was poor, quite the opposite. The empty, quiet air allowed orders to swiftly be taken and fulfilled. The servers were polite, and you always got to sit at your special booth. You hid away from the outside world together drinking anything from coffee to bubble tea, and trusting the staff to give you both that ...platonic space.
Once your drinks were ordered, you and Leon got to talking.
"Listen, Y/N, I can tell you now." His eyes are wide, genuine, dancing between your own and your hands, as if he'd like to take them in his own. However, he refrains. Whatever's on his mind, it must be special. Too special for your ears, then.
"Leon... It's alright, you don't have to, please-"
"No, I want to tell you, it's alright. Everyone's going to find out anyway" he's serious, his leg gently bouncing under the table in anticipation "You can tell people, they'll know, it's fine, I just don't want to scare you."
"Scare me??" You couldn't believe your ears. If this was something public, then surely it couldn't be so bad. Why was he scared to tell you... Unless... was it that thing Hunnigan let slip? The virus... thing? You lean in, whispering as quietly as you can, almost only mouthing it to him "Leon... that... parasite.... Did it get you?"
His face drops. His mouth hangs open and he stares in disbelief for a while. You were right. Your face falls too. Was he dying?
"Leon- Are you Okay, I-" You begin to stammer, beyond horrified. You desperately try to form the words. What do you ask him? What do you say?
Once he comes to, he quickly shakes his head, gently taking your hands in his now, firmly, comforting you. "Wait. Wait please listen, yes Y/N, yes it did get me. But I'm okay. I'm fine... It's gone."
What? It was gone?? Well now you're back at stage one.... What was the issue?
"I did get infected by the parasite, but there was a scientist there, and he saved me... But there were these, look, don't be scared please, they tested me, I'm not gonna hurt you..." he eyes you, and when you don't seem to show any protest, he continues under his breath, voice thick and shaky.
"There were these dogs... Infected dogs... and one of them bit me."
Leon leans back and releases your hands just as the waitress comes by to hand you both your order. She smiles and leaves, and hesitantly, Leon's hands find his way up to his hood. Removing it reveals two large, houndish ears that flip upwards as his hood relieves them. They twitch, angling themselves towards you. Furry, soft and golden, they're... adorable. They look so... real.
Once again, you're left speechless. What can you say? Leon's now... a werewolf? A dog??
You knew this change was brought on by some kind of parasite, a virus that controlled the body and mind. You knew it was able to give its victims an inhumane strength, and somewhat invincibility... You knew whatever did this to Leon made him dangerous.
And yet, like a fool, you trusted him, the victim.
That's all Leon was now, a host for this virus, probably, and for some reason, you took his human side not wanting to hurt you as justification for trusting his infected self completely.
Leon continued to explain some of his symptoms. He ranted and whimpered about how he's losing his mind, how he can smell, hear and taste so much better than ever. He described how you can't see it but how his tongue has even changed. How his ears are growing each day, how his teeth are getting sharper. He tells you about how he's growing a tail, how his nails grow faster...
But you? You're lost to the world in your own sense of deep thought. You trusted Leon, you'd already made peace with it completely. You weren't scared of him at all, although you were a little afraid THAT you weren't scared of him. You knew you certainly should have been. Now, all you were trying to figure out was what exactly was happening to Leon. Spacing out completely, his words simply merged with your own thoughts, and you began to wonder what other dog features he'd have. You wondered if he was more hairy, if he'd grow claws. You wondered if his personality had changed. You remembered the way he sniffed you when you met...
But to Leon you looked terrified, and it made him panic. Waving his hand in front of your face and taking both of your hands in one of his large ones when that didn't work. Leon has to further stand up and lean over you, face close to yours to get you to snap out of it and focus back onto him again. Seeing you smile back at him shyly, apologising for spacing out has him giving the most over-the-top, faint and relieved smile you've seen. He looks exhausted, as if that little lack of communication aged him a hundred years.
Once your mind is collected, you sigh, addressing him "Leon, I trust you, I believe you, I'm not scared. I'm just... curious, you know?" you chuckle awkwardly, hoping you hadn't offended him, but as you speak to him, he softens, melting at your comforting words. His ears begin to droop and a braindead smile begins to form at his lips as he eyes you dreamily, relieved.
"...Curious?" he whispers, and it doesn't go past you how he cocks his head to the side like a puppy hearing a new noise. His ears prick up a little, his mouth slightly ajar "What's up? What do you want to know?" he mutters eagerly. It's as if he'd never anticipated you being so calm about the situation, and now he was entirely unprepared.
"Well..." You laugh, "Do you feel any... different?" you muse, glancing from his face, entirely enthralled by you, up to his ears which twitch and flap every time your mouth opens.
"V-very..." he mumbles shyly, staring down at the table "L-like I said I can smell really well... and I'm always warm... My hearing is better... T-there's more but like... well... it's... it's personal." he chokes out.
Oh, so it was like that, was it? Interesting... You could tell by his burning red cheeks and avoiding eyes that he wasn't too comfortable, and so, again, you decided to try and reassure him. You quite liked how easy it was to read Leon now. Taking his hands in your suddenly, you delighted in how his ears perked before drooping again as you gently massaged his hands with your thumbs. His eyes almost closed as he swooned before you, leaning back slightly as if about to collapse.
"It's alright, Leon, I trust you, and I believe you. I know you're in there" you giggle, taking a chance at reaching up and gently patting his head softly. To your surprise, Leon melts further before you, leaning forward into your touch as his eyes close and he props himself up with his forearms, still nestling his large hands in your left one subconsciously. He sighs deeply through his nose as he listens to your words "If anyone's got a problem with you at work, they can go through me, alright?"
Leon's eyes flutter open as you withdraw your hand. Smiling at you warmly, he seems thrilled to simply gaze at you. "Thank you, Y/N. It means a lot to me" he whispers, leaving you grateful that he didn't cockily challenge your ability to do as you'd promised. It seemed that whatever had overtaken him had simply decimated his ability to argue with or criticise you.
The rest of the night was spent with the two of you giggling together, discussing what you'd been doing in his absence. Leon told you about the president's daughter. He described the different creatures he fought and survived. He told you how much he'd missed your friendship and how gutted he had been to lose contact with Hunnigan. And he divulged to you how glad he was to be back with you all, his 'pack'.
Completing your walk home, which Leon insisted on accompanying you for (you imagined he was still fearing detachment), he ducked into your home to show you his tail. Awkwardly untucking it from his sweats - soft, fluffy and wagging with a mind of its own. You noted how it stayed firmly between his legs once he first revealed it, matching his flattened ears upon first showing you, but once your face lit up and you reached out to touch it, it began to wag uncontrollably. Like his ears, his tail was golden, sandy and beautiful.
Leon could tell you enjoyed what you could see, or at least that you weren't terrified, and that was enough for him.
Well, you never thought your colleague would magically become... a dog... However, you weren't necessarily against the change, you ponder as you shut the door after him after reminding him to use his umbrella to keep himself dry on the walk home. The question was, did you still crush on him, just as you'd done when he left for Spain?
Yes you did.
Over the next few weeks, you bonded more and more with Leon over his new predicament. You'd kept his trust. In fact, he began to confide more in you. He pursued you more often. He walked you home more and told you more about his new life.
...You were sometimes reminded that he could probably smell you, which was uncomfortable, but he was kind enough to stay silent on the matter, and that felt good.
Unexpected by Leon, dog-anatomy or not, he was still regarded as a hero in the office. People treated him well, aside from some comments by jealous newbies, who were often laughed out of the room by Leon's work-mates. Especially you. You were always there for him as he re-adjusted to office life, and as he learned about his new self. That deeper connection is probably what made him hesitate to leave you one evening outside your door.
You could tell what he was thinking.
You didn't want to say goodbye either.
And so, you invited him inside.
OK I HAVE TO APOLOGISE FOR THE BAD WRITING IT'S 3AM I CAN'T LIE MY BRAIN ISNT WORKING SORRY. Thanks for reading this, I'll try and write the smut as quickly as possible. Please bare with :sob: thanks for reading this ily
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strawberry-spectre · 17 days
okay i need to hear your FULL thoughts on the spelltine comic!!!!!!
ALRIGHT LETS GOOOOOO (ill be commenting on every page of the comic so its gonna be long)
P1. I absolutely LOVE Whisp here, she's so supportive and so fun and I love how they drew her platonically kissing Valentine when he fell (also the pose she makes is the same as the one Val makes in P6 lol). Idk if the ' after some of the words Valentine says is suppose to be showing his southern accent but I love it. I also love the reference to the Eternal Body Odor pit it's so silly :,) BUT NOTHING BEATS VALENTINE DEAD ON THE FLOOR LMAO- and our queen Drac here looks GOREGOUS and I love how they gave her the pink bat necklace Clawd got her in one of the earlier webisodes its soo cute!!
P2. One of my favourite things on this page is how Valentine went from 'WOULDYOULIKETOBEFRIENDS' to 'I mean-' like its so funny how hes tryna act cool even though Draculaura alr saw how nervous he was lmao, the sparkles and sigh puff thing rly made it so much better. My other favourite on this page is Valentine stressing over that interaction with wide eyes staring into nothing with his hands covering his mouth and stray hairs everywhere, its peak fr. I love how espressive Valentine is LIKE OADFVHNAEGIRJ3GVBAGEIRBVAEIUF
P3. SPELLDON DEBUT LETS GOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOO!!!! he genuinely looks so cool and cute at the same time I LOVE his purple undereye eyeshadow it looks like hes got some heavy eye bags lmao- the way Spelldons just calm and collected meanwhile Valentine is reacting to everything like its the biggest shock in his life ever is so funny and I absolutely love that dynamic. I also love how many necklaces Spelldons got on its so him. My favourite line from this page is 'it's gonna be dead in a few days, like my soul' like ok emo- ITS SO FUNNYDIJVBIEAVGAERU I LOVE HIM SM- I love complaining Valentine hes so silly :,) the way he exaggerates everything is so ugh <3333
P4. ngl when I read 'magician' I immediately thought of the ones in circuses with the pulling bunnies out of a top hat kind and I was so confused- and that look on Spelldons face?? bro knew that he's gonna get dragged into some craaaazy shenanigans. I love how Spelldon expresses his emotions through his eyes but Valentine expresses it through body language. Spelldon trying to talk Valentine out of the potion with him defending the idea is so cute like lover's quarrel before the lover's <33
P5. Bro Valentine talks so much his speech bubbles take up half the page lmao- butttttt I am slightly concerned about the bat wings in the back of the store... but thats nothing compared to the skulls and bones?? ig it makes sense since its MH but I'm still cry-laughing about it :,)) idk what the word is (sarcastic or sassy or smth) BUT SPELLDON'S REPLIES R MY FAVOURITE THINGS EVERRRR 'are you doubting my potion-crafting ability?' 'not in biteology' 'you're really good at that' LIKE UGHHHIFUVHBSIETRBI HES SO FIVBEIRUBNVARIE. Not them planning a date while shopping- also wtf is that Elissabat cutout?? what did they do to her :,0000 (the Murktail sign next to it is giving foreshadowing)
P6. AHHHHHH I LOVE THEM ICE SKATING SMMM AND AS ALWAYS SPELLDON IS ROCKING IT WHILE VALS JUST TRYING TO SURVIVE FJVAEIFVBIEUR HAHAHAHA but you know what's better??? VALENTINE FALLS AND THEY FALL TOGETHERRRRR AHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHH THEY MAKE ME SO SICK I LOVE THEM SM- FIVJBARI first time we see Spelldon lose his cool like damn- WITH THE FIREWORKS TOO AHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHH (Spelldon I see your hand hovering over Valentine, its okay ;))!!!!! I love the layout for this page and P7 sm its so fun to look at and theres so much colours!! and the implication that Val and Spell went 'borrowing' the guy's 'authentic himalayan ice malt' is so SCDFVGBNHJMK AND THAT LOOK THEY GAVE EACH OTHER ORIHVNSIERBNG
P7. NOT THEM FLIRTING AHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHH THEY MAKE ME WANNA KMS THEYRE SO SWEET- AND VALENTINES PULLING OUT THE FULL NAME- 'you take me to the nicest places, Spelldon Cauldronello' with that U-U face and that clasped hands okay I see you Val, I see you. Favourite thing from this page? def the expectation vs reality chibi, ITS SO CUTEEEEE SPELLDON WANTING TO PROTECT VALENTINE MAKES ME ASCEND TO HEAVEN AND VALENTINE WORRYING OVER SPELLDON IRL TAKES ME THERE- Spelldon confirming that Valentine's accent is bad is so real bro when I watched the movie for the first time I was like '...he's southern??' BUT, THAT LINE 'you don;t do it with me' IS SO SXCDVFGBNHJM like Mr Cauldronello are you jealous?? its okay you can tell me <33 Valentine thinking a fake southern accent made him cooler and added to his ~mystique~ is so SDCFVGB hes so silly :,)) (I thought they forgot to draw Valentine's irises in the scene after bc I didn't realise he was looking up lmao)
P8. Valentine trying to diverge the convosation is so real bro like dw Spelldon knows you don't actually want to make all your emotions go poof, BUT ITS STILL SUCH A CUTE SCENE LIKE HES FINALLY COME TO THE REALISATION THAT LOVE ISNT ALL THAT BAD- crying :,) and when he started to explain how he likes hanging out w Spelldon, how he's glad that what happened happened, and the 'maybe I don't want to give that up yet' UGHHHHHHH MY HEART LEGIT FLUTTERED DCFVGBHNJM AND IT WAS SUCH A HEARTFELT SCENE AND I SCREAMED SO LOUD INTERNALLY and then Spelldon drinks it lmao- like yes! have your future bf worry for a few seconds before going haha jk! love it Spelldon's so CDVFGBNH i love him sm :,))
P9. 'you really think I was going to let you excise your emotions like that?' SPELLDON I LOVE YOU- THATS SUCH A COOL LINE BRO IXJNIJFVNSIUFVBNJDFC and then he hits Val with the 'someone you cared about' line LIKE THEY MAKE ME FEEL SO SINGLE IM HURT- SPELLDON BASICALLY ADMITTED THAT HE CARES ABT VALENTINE AND YES IT WAS OBVIOUS BUT THERES JUST SOMETHING ABT SAYING IT THAT JUST HITS DIFFERENT YKNOW?? ugh I need Spelltine to be my new heart I dont want my human heart anymore :,0. AND THE WAY VALENTINE GRABBED SPELLDON'S SHIRT AHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHH the way they looked at each other and the confession of feelings and everything and OH MY GODS THE 'maybe we can make sure it's not working...?' GODS, GODS, GODS- WE?? THE SLIGHT HESITATION?? THE FACES ONLY 10 CM AWAY FROM EACH OTHER??? your honor, they kissed. FUCK- CAN YOU TELL THAT I LOVE THIS PAGE?? THEYRE SO SWEET- KMS-
P10. THE. HAND. GRAB. gosh I can't deal with them- VALENTINE TAKING SPELLDON'S HAND WITH BOTH HIS HANDS IM SICKKKKKKKKKKKKKKKKK THEYRE SO SWEET- AND SPELLDON STILL HAS THE ROSE FROM VALENTINESERXDTFCYGUH oh lords they're everything- AND SPELLDON LOOKS AT VALENTINE WITH SUCH SOFT EYES WHEN WILL I HAVE WHAT THEY HAVE?? 'hmm somethings different about you, kieran valentine', Draculaura, he's come to terms with his emotions, he's made peace with the past and present, hes got an amazing bf, hes finally got that happiness, yep, very different :,DDDD
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I love this so much it's the perfect ending, PERFECT. I literally can't even describe how much I love it with the 'and stop holding your hand?', the entire 'well i uh think it'll be cool if you met her- if you wanna thay is' text and EVERYTHING. EVERYTHING IS PERFECTION. ABSOLUTE P E R F E C T I O N. AND THE WAY VALENTINE LEANS AGAINST SPELLDON AHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHH WHO NEEDS THERAPY WHEN YOU'VE GOT THIS???? AND SPELLDON BLUSHING IS SO CUTEEEEEE THEYRE SO CUTEE gods I need help-
summary: they are so damn sweet, the comic layout is so good, the emotions was perfect, everything is perfect, I'm gonna die from happiness overload, I feel like a proud mother seeing them finally be together its WSERDTFGYUH if i die and im not holding this under my crossed arms then im not dying fr
thank u for the ask!!
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desideriumwriter · 4 months
Anyone But You | Chapter 6 | F.W. x Fem!Reader
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Chapter Summary - Sore and waking up in a familiar room, reader figures out what the aftermath of last night was for her.
Pairing - Fred Weasley x Fem!Gryffindor!Reader
Category - enemies to lovers + hurt/comfort
Content Warnings - cursing, mentions of bruises and injuries
Word Count - 1.8k
A/N: trying to get back into my groove, so this is just another filler chap ig, i don't like it but i hope you enjoy
Series Masterlist | F.W Masterlist | Previous | Next | Navi
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The strong light of the sun peeked through the window. Your eyes fluttered open, the last thing you remembered was passing out in Fred’s arms. There was a pounding in your head and your entire body was sore as you took in your surroundings. The worst amount of pain came from your right arm. Which was wrapped from your hand to your elbow in bandages.
You looked around the room you were in, it definitely wasn’t a hospital room.
It was familiar but it wasn’t yours.
It was the twins.
And the throw blanket with a large “F” stitched into it told you whose bed you were in.
What the fuck were you doing in Fred Weasleys bed?
You groaned when you tried to sit up, pain and soreness shot through your entire body immediately, causing you to drop back down onto the bed. You laid there, weakly holding your torso in pain.
However, Freds bed was surprisingly comfortable, despite the amount of soreness you felt. The mattress sunk underneath you, the multiple pillows sat cool under your head nicely, and the blankets were soft. You hate to admit it, but it was cozy.
You had to get out of it eventually, and you couldn’t be seen here, in his bed.
You threw the sheets and blankets off your body, revealing your legs, scattered in small and large bruises, a few tiny scrapes and scratches made their cameos as well. You grimaced at the sight of it. It only gave you reminders of what happened last night, where you were last night. Bleeding and stuck in the dirt.
You really couldn't remember much, memories of last night turned foggy.
You pushed yourself up using your good arm, still wincing and whimpering at the small stings of pain. Your backpack sat on the floor, leaning against a wooden leg of Freds bed frame.
After successfully moving your feet to the floor, you shuffled them across the old wood, practically limping as you made it to the bathroom, not bothering to close the door as you looked in the mirror at your injuries from last night.
You looked ghastly.
There was gauze wrapped around your head, a very prominent bruise around your left eye, shades of purple painting your under eye. There was still some dried blood stuck in your hair, some stains of it on the side of your face.
You turned in the mirror, lifting up your shirt slightly to find one large bruise painting the left side of your ribcage.
You felt ghastly.
You tried to wiggle your fingers and roll around your hand with the bandages wrapped around it. It only ended up in you wincing at the feeling of a million little stabs going through your wrists.
“It’s broken.” A voice muttered from the side of you. You looked to the direction it came from, and there you saw Fred standing awkwardly, hands in the pockets of his jeans.
“Your hand. Arm. It’s broken.” He repeated, wincing at his own words.
“Really? How do you know?” You shot at him, slight sarcasm in your voice.
“Well, other than the fact of how you can’t move it without making a painful noise. I was there while my mum tried to fix you up.”
“Oh.” You said softly, focusing your attention back to your broken bone, trying to ignore that he stayed with you even after he got you back here.
“She couldn’t do much to it so she only used ferula on you. She was able to repair your bag too, there were a few small rips.”
You only nodded your head, hoping he would get the hint to leave so you could. You didn’t want him to see you limp back to the bedroom, you didn’t want him to see you in any form of vulnerability. Though with what happened the previous night, he somewhat already has.
“This might be bad timing but…” Fred held up something, you could see him in the corner of your eye, whatever he was holding was dangling and twinkling.
“I reckon you said you had gotten rid of this?” His mouth curled into a sinister smile, you recognized it was that dumb necklace.
“Where’d you get that?” You limped over to him quickly. Getting a better look at the gem, you realized your body wasn’t the only thing of yours that was damaged in the events of last night. The moonstone was cracked.
“It was dangling out of your bag.” He shrugged. You attempted to snatch the jewelry out of his hand, he was quick and darted his hand back. “I just want to know why you brought it along?”
“I didn’t.” You lied. “It was probably just sitting in the bottom of my bag.” Another lie.
“Really? ‘Cause it was right on the top of all your things.” He tilted his head at you.
“Could you just give it back?” You tried to grab it again, you nearly lost your balance doing so, you held onto the doorway for support.
“Tell me why you brought it first.” He chuckled, finding your weak attempts to take it from him amusing.
“Give it back-” You made the mistake of letting go of the doorway completely when you tried to reach out for it again, you lost all balance and your body started heading for the floor.
You were stopped by a large arm wrapping around your waist, causing an extreme amount of pain due to the pressure against your bruised body, but preventing you from getting any more from the wooden floor. You cried out in pain as his arm hooked around you, bringing your back to his chest.
“Shit! Sorry! Did I hurt you? Are you alright?” Fred's voice was full of panic and his eyes widened in fear, worrying that he made your condition worse. Even though the pressure hurt on your body, it was kind of nice. The proximity was kind of nice, you felt almost safe for a second.
Then you had to remind yourself, this was Fred Weasley.
“I’m fine.” You grunted out, turning to face him. His arms still lingered on you, holding the sides of your shoulder. “Can you let go of me?” Fred ripped his hands away from you, muttering another apology.
You stumbled slightly and held onto the railing next to you for stability once you were free from his grasp.
“Here. I’ll let you have it back.” He held the necklace out in front of you. You hesitantly grabbed it from him, waiting for him to dart his hand away again, he didn’t.
The necklace sat tangled in the palm of your hand. You sighed and rubbed your thumb over the splits in the moonstone.
“Maybe my mum might be able to fix it. I can see if she will. She probably can if you want!” He babbled.
“No, no. It’s fine.” You were obviously upset, now Fred felt guilty.
There was a moment of silence, Fred looking at you, you looking at the damaged gem.
“My dad said he’d call your parents once you wake up, so I guess I’ll tell him.” He exited himself from the conversation, moving backwards towards the stairs.
“Yeah.” You nodded, letting him go. He turned and began to walk down.
“Hey.” You stopped him, he turned and looked at you, his brows raised in concern.
“Just because you got me out of there doesn’t mean we’re friends now..or that I don’t hate you anymore.”
“Noted.” Fred gave a tight lipped smile before making his way down the staircase.
You went home within the next hour. Your parents didn’t trust getting you home by apparating because of your condition. So Mr.Weasley let them use their car.
Your parents took you to a muggle hospital for some reason, to get a “proper cast” on.
They never really did trust mending spells for broken bones, especially after what happened to Harry Potter in his second year. No one really knew if Brackium Emendo was an actual spell anyways.
Whatever. The next day you were already getting an abundance of cards.
From Cedric, apologizing that he couldn’t help you and was carried away by the crowd. From Mr. and Mrs.Weasley. Even Ron, Harry, and Hermione sent one, but they were just simple “Get Well Soon!” cards from the store.
The only letter that stuck out to you was from the twins. Hidden inside another small gift box.
You unraveled the ribbon that held the box together, popping off the lid, a small folded piece of paper sat on top.
Bruise cream. Homemade by yours truly! It’ll get rid of those nasty marks! Not completely, but it’ll fade them!
Love, Gred & Forge.
P.S. It won’t turn you into a canary (hopefully).
You let out a breathy laugh at the message. Under the wrapping was a white tube, a piece of painters tape over it and bold letters written with a black marker saying: BRUISE CREAM
Another small piece of paper with instructions came along with it.
You inspected the tube, still not trusting it. They wouldn’t prank you while you were injured like this, right?
The only bad thing could happen is that it doesn’t work and messes your skin up.
You took the risk and squeezed a small amount out, you chose a smaller and less prominent bruise to rub the cream onto.
You did as the instructions said and waited about two minutes before wiping it off, as the instructions stated. And it worked. The bruise was completely gone, no evidence of it ever being there.
The cream worked on your bigger and dark bruises, it didn’t get rid of them entirely, but it made them faint and less noticeable.
The only problem was it didn’t get rid of the soreness from where the bruises were, and it sure as hell couldn’t fix broken bones.
You wished it would, you didn’t know how you would be able to use your quill with a giant cast covering most of your hand.
You’ll figure something out. All you have figured out is that you’ll have this damn thing on for the next six weeks. Great.
You thought about writing a letter back to the twins, thanking them. But you couldn’t write and you hated them, what they did was nice, but you still hated them.
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In the living room, the Daily Prophet sat on the small coffee table in front of the couch.
It was already reporting about the attack at the Quidditch World Cup. The Dark Mark in the sky. The muggle family you saw being tortured. Even some about how Harry was left behind and saw it too.
A heavy sigh of exhaustion left your body, you absolutely knew it would be all you'd hear when you went back to school.
And you were not ready for it.
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tell me what you thought! :) or ask tba to the taglist!
TAGLIST: @sublimepenguinpeach-blog @five-seconds-flat @nal-leo-17 @rhunew @albertdabuttler @weak-aesthetic @whotfskai @m00nymarauder @miaandthediamonds @hpstuff244444 @tarzanathetumblingwarrior @isabellavolere
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dizzyjelly · 1 year
Beautiful Girl
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Read part 2 here!
Word Count: 2.3k
Summary: you have to go to lunch with your terrible father and Abby comes to the rescue, bringing you back to her house afterwards where you guys kiss.
Cw: homophobia, bad relationship with father, daddy issues ig
You set your phone down, bringing a hand to rub down your face frustratingly as you'd just gotten off of a twenty minute call with your father. A man you weren't very fond of, he'd never been the best. When you were younger, he was always making you cry, and that hadn't changed even though you'd gotten older. Mostly, it just bothered you how He could talk to you the way he did, say the things he said.
You stood to make your way to your kitchen, already dreading lunch with your father later. It wouldn't be the worst, but it'd be the worst. Every time you had to sit down with him, the conversation always went south. It was anything but nice.
Then your phone buzzed, and you let out a guttural annoyed groan as you threw your head back in annoyance. What did he want now? But, much to your surprise, you'd actually gotten a text from someone else. Somebody whose name on your phone put a smile on your face. Abby, your best friend.
'Wanna go thrifting? There's this super cool spot that just opened downtown:))'
As desperately as you'd wanted to say yes, you already had plans, unfortunately. It took nearly every bone in your body to not fake sick and cancel with your dad. But you were better than that.
'Sorry I can't today :/ going to lunch with my dad.'
You responded.
'Oh, you alright?'
Abby would answer, knowing all too well about how terrible your father was.
'I'll be fine. Very unexcited but I'll get through yk'
You'd say, telling nothing but the truth.
'Ok, well just call me if u need anything'
She answered, you let out a light chuckle fondly. It was nice to know there was someone that would always be there for you. Abby never failed to remind you of that.
Eventually it was time for you to head out, which you did reluctantly. You'd worn this dress you bought the other day, and it had already become your favorite item in your wardrobe. You turned up the radio as loud as it could go on your way there, trying your best not to list every worst case scenario in your mind.
Once you arrived, you sat in your car for a good minute or two. Then you'd gotten out, entering the local diner to find your father already waiting for you. He smiled at you before it quickly turned to an uncomfortable grimace as he eyed you up and down. You bit back a scoff and just smiled back.
"Hi, Dad!" You did your best to feign excitement as you went to give him a hug.
"Hey darling, you look... fun." He chuckled awkwardly.
"Thanks I guess." Your voice was plain and unamused.
"No sorry I just- new dress?" He asked.
"Yeah! I got it the other day actually, you like it?" You asked with a smile, excited that he'd noticed.
"Mm, sure." Jesus he was a terrible liar.
"Come on dad, if you've got something to say just say it." You snapped slightly.
"I mean- it's a bit skimpy, no? Listen I just think if you dressed more modestly you'd do a lot better." He brought his hands up defensively as he spoke.
You let out a shock gasp, your brows furrowing. You really shouldn't have pushed. Because now you just felt insulted, and uncomfortable in your own skin. A waitress came and told you to sit anywhere you'd like, you followed your dad as he chose a booth.
Then, the kind lady came back with two menus and glasses of ice water and a smile. You took the menu and the water, gulping down a few sips as the lunch was already going terribly. Your eyes skimmed the menu, deciding on a basic and safe chicken fingers with fries. (Picky eaters rise 👊)
Your dad would order something complex, that you weren't even slightly interested in. He'd ask why you always ordered just chicken and fries, claiming it was boring. You'd respond with the fact that it's something you know you like.
You tried your hardest to avoid talking about yourself while you waited for your food, encouraging him to ramble on about his work and other projects he had in the works. Your efforts failed, because of course he'd find a way to direct things back to you.
"You know, Y/n, there's this guy I work with. He's very nice, fairly good looking. I think you two would get along well." He smiled smugly.
Now you let your eyes roll, a small groan coming from you.
"Dad, how many times do I have to tell you I'm not into guys?" You reminded him, and immediately he shifted in his seat with discomfort.
You'd come out as a teenager, your mother had been confused but was supporting nonetheless. Your father on the other hand, he was beyond angry. It wasn't the first time he'd tried to set you up with a guy, a trend that'd been going on since the day you told them you were gay. He insisted you had no idea what you were talking about.
"Look, I know you think you like girls but- honey I just think you're not like that. I-I know it in my heart." He brought his hand to his chest dramatically.
You let out a small huff through your nose.
"Ok well I know that I in fact do like girls. I don't really care whatever your heart is telling you, because mine only fancies women." You sighed once you finished your small rant.
"Are you kidding me right now?" He spoke aggressively.
He opened his mouth to say more, but was interrupted as your waitress came by with your food. You thanked her and your father just nodded, paying no attention to the plate in front of him as he turned his focus back to you. You swallowed nervously.
"Listen to me girl, I am tired of being embarrassed to tell people about my daughter. My gay daughter. Honestly, it's disappointing. Why can't you just suck it up and be normal? Is it really that hard? For your old man, please." He spoke sweetly towards the end, but the words before shot through your heart like a sharp dagger.
Tears welled in your eyes and you felt extremely hurt. Your chest felt heavy and there was a deep pit growing in your stomach. Your mouth fell open in shock, and you stood as you grabbed your bag furiously and stormed out of the diner.
It took you way longer than it should've to fish your phone from your purse, tears now streaming down your face relentlessly. Your breathing was shaky and erratic as the sound of your phone ringing filled your ear, you waited for Abby to pick up. She answered after about three rings.
"Hey, what's up?" She answered gleefully, but immediately began to worry as she heard how you were barely breathing on the other end of the line.
"Hey, hey what's going on? Talk to me." She spoke fast now, something she always did when she was worries.
"Ugh, it's my s-stupid fucking d-dad." You managed to choke out, harsh sobs interrupting your words, "can you c-come get me pl-please? I'm too w-worked up to drive right now." You hiccuped.
"Of course, can you please just breathe for me? You sound like you're gonna hyperventilate." She let out a light chuckle, trying to lighten the mood with a joke.
After a few failed attempts, you finally got your breathing regulated enough that you could form a sentence. You let out a long sigh of relief, sniffling as you put your phone on speaker to share your location with Abby. She was just getting into her car.
You sat on the phone in silence for a while, the light hum of her radio being the only sound. That and your small breath along with your sniffles. You brought your hand to wipe your tears, which were still pouring out as you couldn't get your fathers words out of your head.
They just played on repeat, disappointment, just be normal, embarrassed. It just hurt, you knew he wasn't fond of your sexuality but that was harsh. He'd never gotten that mean, but now that he had you had no interest in ever going to lunch with him ever again. Or any other meal for that matter. You'd be happy if you never even spoke to him again.
Abby arrived after a short ten minutes, rushing up to where you stood outside the diner. She pulled you into a hug, one of her hands rubbed up and down your back soothingly. The other one went to the back of your head to massage your hair. You melted in her embrace, your tears wetting her shoulder.
"It's ok. I've got you." She whispered, her tone soft.
"Abby," you let out a small whimper, "h-he was just so m-mean." You sniffled, burying your face into the crook of her neck as you searched for comfort from her.
"I know, I know. Don't even worry about that right now." She reassured you, tears forming in her own eyes at how upset he'd made you.
As if things couldn't get any worse, he happened to stumble upon the two of you. And of course he'd jump to conclusions, immediately starting to yell at you.
"Oh, and whose this? Your girlfriend, hm? I mean seriously, you're just gonna flaunt it in public like this?!" He held his hands on his hips.
"Oh my God, Dad, no! Just stop it, I don't care what you think!" You shouted back now, fed up, "just leave me alone, I-I hate you!" And that was the last thing you said before running to Abbys car and getting into the passenger seat.
She stopped him from following you, saying it'd be best if he just left it alone. She told him you'd come around in a day or two, but knew it wasn't really true. Then she made her way to the car, driving off in silence as she worried about you.
Your head turned away from her, and you chewed at your thumbnail as you stared out the window. The tears had stopped but you felt just as hurt, and you weren't entirely sure when you could get those stupid words out of your head. Soon, hopefully. Abby had taken you to her house, since it was closer.
She'd gotten out of the car with a defeated sigh, making her way to open your door for you. You'd muttered a small thank you then followed her inside, taking a seat beside her on the couch. You didn't really think before snuggling into her side, the main reason being that you needed comfort right now.
She was more than happy to give it you, wrapping her arm around your shoulders as her other hand came to hold one of yours. You sniffled slightly, feeling tears well in your eyes once again.
"Do you wanna talk about it?" She asked in a whisper, the feeling of your tears wetting her shirt making her feel nothing but sympathy.
"Not really. He's just such a piece of shit." You cleared your throat.
"Yeah, I know baby I know." She caressed your arm lovingly.
"You know what he said? He told me I was a disappointment" your sobs became more erratic as you repeated his words from earlier, "asked why I couldn't just suck it up and be normal." It honestly physically pained you to say it.
"Fuck," She groaned, "Well he's insane. Y/n you're perfect, there is nothing wrong with you, ok?" She took her hand from yours and brought it to your chin, forcing you to look up at her.
"Ok." You responded with a small nod, although you didn't really believe what she said was true.
It was impossible to keep your eyes locked with her own, instead they focused on her soft chapped lips. They looked unbelievably kissable, but you figured she was straight. You'd only ever know of her relationship with Owen, and she probably didn't even like girls.
Maybe you were dreaming, but you could've sworn she was doing the same. Looking at your lips while licking her own. The words 'she's straight.' playing on repeat in your head. However, they stopped as she leaned forward and brought her lips to your own.
It was better than anything you ever could've imagine. The way she sucked lightly at your bottom lip, keeping a tight grip on your chin. You sighed dreamily into the kiss, bringing your hands to her hair. After a moment you tugged lightly and she let out a breathy moan against your lips. This gave you perfect access to slip your tongue into her mouth.
She tasted fucking amazing. It was only a few minutes until you were full on straddling her, her hands on your hips as he tongue swirled around your own in a way that made you see stars.
Once you'd finally pulled away, you sat in her lap, the two of you catching your breath as your hands rested comfortably at the back of her neck. She smiled up at you, rubbing at your hips.
"You have no idea how long I've wanted to do that." She spoke breathlessly.
"Really?" You chuckled, "You know I always thought you were straight." You joked.
"Please, with a beautiful girl like you walking around how could I not be into women?" She joked back.
You let out a flustered laugh, your cheeks turning red at the compliment. After a second or so, you let yourself lay on her chest, resting your head on it and smiling as she rubbed your back soothingly.
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Pact Marks<3
summery: where the demon brothers pact marks are n how they would kiss it/why they would kiss it ig?? idk how to explain this help. i did this based off of their animals btw also i kept it simple
genre: fluff
tw: not proof read, i wrote this within a hour and right before bed + i posted it a day after so SORRY FOR THE LATE UPDATE!! i would write indivual fanfics for this but i'm literally so sleepy rn
i didn't expect so many people wanting this?? also english isnt my first language, please be nice!! on some, i used their animals as ref cause i couldnt genuiely think of anything
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Extra info - the pact mark swould be faint to the naked eye but to the owner of the pact marks, oh boy.. They see it clearer than day.
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Lucifer - As the eldest and the avatar of delight, I feel like his pact mark would sit on the very top, the highest mark on your frame. Maybe a touch pattern of a peacock's feather on your forehead or a diamond shape much like his nested on your forehead. He would leave quick but warm kiss on it before you go to school or while your sleeping. Lucifer loves kissing you here because demons are tall, way taller than an average human. He doesn't have to bend over a lot and can just kiss you quickly and lovingly.
Mammon - For Mammon, there are multiple viable locations. The again of your hand or on your spine. The back of your hand would be a raven feather, it's darkish. But, on sunny days, it'd shine like gold. On your backbone, it would withal be a raven feather however the little strands of the feather are composed of sharp claws in case you appearance proximately. Mammon would kiss the back of your hand and hold it regularly as it just offers him a warm feeling while he's contacting his pact mark. He would kiss your spine to make you flustered, as an instance when you're showering together or your changing. The cool contact of his lips sends shivers down your spine.
Leviathan - His would be on your neck, a serpent. Like a choker but within the shape of a snake. It wraps around your neck consummately, the head nesting at the middle of your neck and the tail either exactly ceasing at its mouth or the top overlapping the tail. Leviathan adores it when you let him burrow his head in your neck and pepper short kisses as you spoon him.
Satan - Satans pact mark is 100% on your coller bones. You can not convince me in any other case. if you asked him, "whats your favored a part of me?" He'd say coller bones. His pact mark is long and simple nearly like whilst your looking at someone read a book and you see squiggly traces on that book. however, his pact mark has some vines coming out then and there. each hazard he gets, he's going to kiss your collarbones. He loves your coller bones for no apparent reason. (He's just weird like that btw)
Asmodeus - Either a womb tattoo or a tramp stamp. He would path kisses from the womb to your lips or kiss your the tramp stamp similar to Mammon, to tease you. Asmodeus will put his hand ontop of his percent mark to experience the warm temperature of it. With the mark to your womb, he'd lay his head there as you read a book or play some games on your DDD.
Beelzebub - I feel like it'd be near your lips or at the tip of your tongue. Additionally maybe to your arm. A tree connecting a number of your tastebuds with the branches to spreading out to either side, it is now not tiny however not honestly massive either. it's at the tip of your tongue, he loves kissing you and sucking your tongue. On your arm it's a tree too but larger than the one on your tongue and it has a little fly next to it.
Belphegor - i'm sorry but i have no idea about him LMAO i think his would be on your cheek or your chest. Where he can lazily kiss in his sleep or before his sleep.
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dafry-shenanigans · 1 year
Aight... Hear me out...
The ultimate shonen trinity-
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OR what i like to call the FullHero100 group- (believe me this was the best i could come up with lol, cause everything else felt too... Tacky or unremarkable (or taken-), so if u got an idea on what to call this trio do tell)
At first i was just thinking how these 3 were animated by bones and how cool all their animations is- But quickly that derailed in me getting deranged and obsessing over how the 3 would interact
Thus here's a list of scenarios and stuff i wrote on my little note for FullHero100- (or short gang haha-)
Ed and deku: smart and fighter duo (Aka the strategist and first ones to jump into battle)
Deku and mob: sunshine duo (but also massive power loaders)
Mob and ed: Supportive brother duo (aka would do anything for their bros and really cares about them)
How (i think) they would act in fight;
Mob: the tank/defense (I mean mob could easily fight but you know how he is)
Izuku: glass cannon (unless he can control his powers, then ig he's just a cannon)
Ed: the distraction but also the main fighter (because we all know how extra he can be)
How did a problem started?
Mob: *get dragged into/caught by trouble*
Midoriya: *runs into trouble*
Edward: *IS TROUBLE*
~on the other side~
Reigen and mustang: uses the mc for their own benefit but also tries to help them-
Mustang and aizawa: acts like they don't care (actually cares a lot)
Aizawa and reigen: protect the kids/don't let them fight alone club
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rui-drawsbox · 1 year
Hello again, it’s me: the menace of your inbox 😎✨🤠✨🐊✨
for curtesies sake I’ll add a read more after I write one sentence of explanation.
I’m too busy to write a fic rn but the brain worms are so intense for Magical Girl Arashi that I will instead write an outline.
I’ll probably try to write em in an episodic fashion cuz like, magical girl anime :D:D✨✨✨
Cool so episode one should serve about three functions.
show how arashi gets her powers
establish the setting and foreshadow future characters
Get the view acquainted with the tone
so here’s how I’d go about it 🥰
Scene one:
Arashi should be in class
its a normal day
a new kid joins the class, it’s Mika
she notes that there’s something odd about him but like, in a comedic way that the audience won’t initially pick up on
he shouldn’t notice her at this point, she’s still a normal girl (still a queen, slay Fr I love her)
However he doesn’t make any friends for most of class and his introduction sounded like a robotic script, also he’s sitting alone, poor murderous baby 😭
anyways she, being the queen that she is, decides to talk to him after class and she gets a whole conversation with him
He doesn’t show it very well but he is happy to have a friend and offers her a bear charm instead of actually confirming that they’re friends (he’s real standoffish at this point so think how he acted to Anzu at first in the first game but like, a bit more tame) (cuz he ain’t allowed to really have friends, he’s just supposed to keep up appearances while Shu finds what he’s after)
School goes on, Arashi has lunch with Ritsu and Leo, we get a passing convo about them going to karaoke later, Leo laments that Izumi won’t go with them and the other two just kind of give him a sad look ig. Cuz he hasn’t gone with them in a really long time cuz he’s “busy” and “not interested in childish things right now” “too much work with ballet” (he’s lying💀✨. We’ll get to that later, I am having numerous thoughts)
School goes on once again and the day ends. Arashi walks home with her friends and they all go their separate ways.
while she is walking alone she hears this awful screeching sound, like a cat that’s super upset. So she, as any good cat mom would, follows it.
she finds a little kitty that’s being chased by these creepy looking Victorian dolls. They have golden strings attached to their feet that seem to trail on the ground as they walk. She doesn’t take much note of them tho. She’s too busy grabbing that cat and getting the hell out of there.
so she takes the cat back to her house and checks the poor baby for injuries. Thankfully the kitty is fine. However, things get a bit funky. (Magic cat.)
The cat puts a paw on her chest (like between her collar bones) and a little jewel mark appears there. Arashi is obviously very confused and concerned but the cat just purrs and meows at her.
She starts questioning the cat but like, ma’am despite the magic, that cat don’t talk. That cat meows, screams, and imitates barking noises to scare other cats. Fucking creature tbh. I love this cat.
also arashi is in her room on her bed btw, and there should be big windows by her bed, also she is on the ground floor. This is important.
so after a few minutes of questioning and getting meows for yes and shaken heads for no, the cat starts yowling and screaming and growling. So arashi is obviously very concerned.
There’s a thump on her window, the cat gets even louder.
she looks out and sees a… doll? Maybe a mannequin? It certainly looks large enough to be a mannequin. Huh, it has more of those gold strings. It’s beating on her window. Huh, wait, why is the window sliding open, FUCK!
Arashi grabs the cat and bolts while this mannequin chases her through the house. She does the smart thing and tries to call the police, there’s no response cuz the lines been cut and the service on her cell phone is out.
She tries to leave the house but each exit is being stalked by a different mannequin. So she runs to the bathroom to lock the door and hide.
(She tried to snap a photo of one of the mannequins btw, just in case she needed proof but when she looks at it later the photo will be obscured and unrecognizable so sucks to suck lmao 💀)
The cat gestures to the gem mark on her chest and tries to communicate with her to touch the mark. She does as the cat communicates and then she transforms. She gazes into the vast universe (the background from your art of her in her super magical girl form) and she sees a sword, a really pretty, majestic sword. She grasps the handle and her transformation starts.
anyways she doesn’t kickass yet, I’m sorry girlboss enjoyers, she ain’t a fighter yet, but she’s real strong and has the urge to kill to defend this kitty. So she wins, but just barely.
She also manages to avoid destroying her house in the process. So good for her. If the house was beaten up when her parents got home they would’ve had a fit.
Anyways the episode ends with her relooking all the doors and windows to her house and wondering what she got herself into with this cat. But the cat is cute so she doesn’t care. Also yes it is her cat from enstars. I love her cat so much.
That’s what I have for a possible episode one for this. I’ve got more ideas but I don’t have time rn. I’ll be back. My Izumi ideas are going crazy rn tbh. I’m gonna have a lot of fun implementing him lmao.
Also hi Rui, I hope you’re having a good day/night :D:D✨✨
my dude is your brain powered by the fukin sun or you are just a genius
anyways i can't possibly add anything to your outline. It's perfect. It was so good that even made me want to animate it and i went to search tutorials to the page i was going to use for my studies this year, and found out it was a scam HAHA
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Local high school girl adopts transferred silly man
also what do you think about Arashi, Leo and Ritsu (and sometimes Izumi?) doing dance covers every now and then, i think it would be a good excuse for when she has to outrun the dolls(?)
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fuck the twelve principles of animation, all my homies don't know what they're doing
ngl it would be a pretty horrific scenario to be in, lucky she😊!
also have you considered Arashi not knowing how the fuck a sword is used outside movies (and bc those dolls certanly look hard to break lol) and in the dispair uses it like a mf hammer? especially bc it's a real technique and it looks funny
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anyways, stars from stock wallpaper, my beloveds
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dont tell i dont know how to draw weapons i already know jsfhdkas
And Arashi just 'brushing' all that happend bc the cat is cute is the most magical-shoujo-protagonist thing that she could do lol
anyways im actually more motivated to animate than ever! my friend you just did the perfect first chapter for a series like that ajfads
good night my fellow AU enjoyer! Rui out! *explodes*
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devvinn1ie · 1 month
Avgust lore drop + some Avgust art
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First half! The Kao Revstar piece really like rewired my art cuz now I just draw like this now. That's it. Avgust's piece is the second attempt at this style; it's basically what I did with Kao but with Avgust instead. It eats tho. I don't tend to draw my genshin ocs outside of drip marketing posts, so it's cool to have like an example of what they'd look like in my usual style.
Anyways lore time! Avgust's lore is kinda of crazy, probably the second/third most lore-filled genshin oc. For the most part, a lot of my ocs just kinda vibe, but Avgust, Yohei, and Felix have crazy lore
so you guys know the movie Misery? Avgust's backstory is basically the plot
Here are some points from the genshin oc Google doc I made on his backstory since 1.) I cant write for shit and 2.) The bullet points themselves don't seem to make sense but ill try my best
anyways ye:
Avgust was born as a normal child to a very normal family! He lived with his mother and father
Family drama! His father was initially supposed to marry his aunt but ended up with his mother instead. Enraged by this, his aunt kinda just plans to kill them all and actually does carry this plan out (kinda like the "if I can't have him, then no one can" mindset yk)
so now, Mom and Dad are dead. Avgust is about to be killed off too. But then he isn't since he "resembles his dad"
From there, he is "taken to live with his aunt", but more like she just throws him in the basement and hides him from the rest of the world (so ig kidnapped).
His family's murder case yk revealed to the public, with the whole family being presumed dead. The dead bodies of his parents were found, but Avgust's never was (but was still presumed dead).
So Avgust is like 7 years old when this whole debacle is happening. And since he's a kid, he kinda has no idea what's actually going on . He's being told that his parents are going on vacation for a while, so they left Avgust to stay with his aunt until they come back. Initially, he believes all of this and assumes his parents are gonna come back soon, but years go by and he eventually catches on.
Growing up, Avgust was incredibly sheltered. He was never allowed to go outside, with basic necessities handed to him. To prevent him from venturing beyond the house, his legs were essentially fucked up to the point where they were permanently weakened. If Avgust were to misbehave, he would be "punished" (beaten, broken bones, etc etc)
As mentioned before, he eventually catches on to what actually going on. He learns that his parents are dead and have been dead for years. He tries to escape multiple times but is never really successful
The one successful escape (age 14): One day he finally snaps and tries to escape, but gets into a fight with her (like "physically beating the shit outta each other" kinda fight). this fight is kinda crazy. AVGUST GETS HIS LEFT EYE GOUGED OUT and also other major injuries. Mid-fight, a cryo vision appears, Aunt thinks its for her but it doesn't work. Avgust takes vision, and uses it to finally kill her (impales her with ice)
Using whatever strength he has left, he drags himself out of the house and tries to look for help. But then he just passes out in the snow.
A lady finds him and brings him to the closest orphanage
He stays at orphanage for a year (15) before deciding to leave (“aight bye guys”)
Avgust is so silly guys (he is severely traumatized)
anyways bye guys
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void-spells · 4 months
Survivor! Finale!!!
Still grieving Cere...but I found her lightsaber! Finally I can return to my favorite lightsaber layout with Tapal’s and Cere's emitters!
Okay time to go kick Bode's ass.
Ah, sneaky infiltration time!! I'm sure no one noticed the big non-Empire ship just parked out here.
MAN it sucks that it didn't let me change Cal's hair up when he had the ISB uniform on. This is NOT a military-appropriate haircut!!
Weird place for an apartment at the end of a wide hallway?
Oh....a baby....hello!!!
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Love Cal. Fully called this man a monster to his face in front of his daughter. He would give loud annoying gifts to kids who's parents annoy him.
Also??? Bode???? Why are you suddenly so stupid????? It's a whole PLANET dude! With like one and a half ways to get to it! And you want to JUST have you and Kata there??? How safe is Kata gonna be if you get hurt and there's no one else on the ENTIRE PLANET?????
Fine! Run bitch!
Wait huh.
Embrace Cal’s WHAT??????
That was uhhhhh. I'm just gonna try and avoid that as much as possible.
SHIT I accidentally went Dark Mode
Love Cal and Merrin talking it out to the sound of crunching bones
This is fine! It's all good!
Hop back to Koboh and it's FINE
Huh. This is an elevator. Okay then.
Zee....still annoyed by her.
...and then I put Cal in a green outfit, stopped playing for the night, and didn't touch the game for several weeks
Realized the green outfit was NOT as cute as I thought it was. This red lighting in the menu is fucking with me
To Tanalorr!!!
Sidenote: Love when BD goes backpack mode with the bomber jacket bc the metal on the back looks like lil handles for his tiny feet
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"GREEZY DOES IT BABY" I want that on a mug
Oh man Tanalorr is pretty....the water is reminding me a bit too much of the Pool Rooms tho
This game can't condition me to destroy every plant that sparkled and then do this.
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Like why would they do that. Do you know how many times I shmacked a plant for nothing
Oh this fight is. Woof.
Ohhhhhhkay turns out if we don't get Nasty then Cal just has his skull bashed in to death. Got it. Embrace the Nastiness or die
Got myself a Drink after attempt number 3. Surely alcohol will help me play video game good.
Attempt 4.
Nine attempts later and Bode really just made Cal kill him in front of his kid like that. Fully attempted to strangle two people to death in front of his very young child, was given ANOTHER OPPORTUNITY TO SURRENDER, then proceeded to not do that. I'm sure Kata is feeling so safe as a result of your decisions, Bode. Rip you and your bara tiddies tho ig.
The entire scene of Cal standing at Cere's funeral pyre...non-stop tears. What the fuck man.
And now I'm sure they definitely won't make Cal "23-years-old,-should-be-at-the-club" Kestis raise a kid. Because that would be dumb. Right? Right? Not gonna make the kid who is still very seriously struggling with his own trauma suddenly be responsible for another kid, right?
So super cool how Greez gets another kid and Kata is like Cal's non-force-sensitive baby sister, right? Greez is gonna teach Kata how to cook, she's gonna be great at it. One big happy family.
Welp, guess I'm gonna run around some more! I'm gonna take SO many nice screencaps! And probably replay jfo. And cry.
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dr11ft · 6 months
Some weeks ago I was biting my lips so much that it started bleeding and there was a little wound for some days. It made me thinking. Which one of your characters has ticks (thats how I should call it?), like stuff they do when they are stressed.
Thinking about it like this, sounds like just plus work, but I can imagine that in stressful days someone has something like this (like ocassionally pulling out a strand of hair or just scratching their skins). Talking about this now sounds kinda bad, but its just an idea. I just wanna hear your thoughts about it.
Sorry if this topic made you uncomfortable. Take care!
Don't worry I'm actually really happy to answer this 😅 I love talking about my characters. I am gonna put a readmore so the post isn't too long though.
Okay I'm just gonna do the main characters I usually post abt on here, hope that's cool
Scythe - Messes with the switches on his phone (ig it's a phone they have communicator things bc cyberpunk) when it's in his pocket, flicks his lighter on/off sometimes, especially when it's almost dead, rolls his tongue over the outside of his fangs/teeth (? I'm not sure how to specifically describe it) Bites his lips but less chewing on them and more dragging his fangs over his bottom lip.
Rael - Plays with his tongue piercing a lot, specifically rolling it against the back of his teeth, chews only one side of his lip because he got a piercing on the other side hoping to stop doing it completely and it failed 💀, cracks his bones a lot (not like breaking them just popping the joints in his fingers and wrists). He also bounces his leg a lot.
Iris - She's always tucking her hair behind her ear and it always falls back over her face lol, this is maybe a little gross but she plays with her cybernetic eye, like she'll move it around with her finger and then let it magnetically shift back into place in the socket. She flips pens around if she's writing something and can't focus. Crosses and uncrosses her arms a lot.
Kaspar - Chronic gum chewer, if he didn't wear a gas mask a lot of the time he'd be blowing bubbles with bubblegum. He rubs his thumb and 3rd finger against eachother a lot, and also anxiety shreds things. Like if he's nervous and holding a piece of paper it'll be gone in 5 minutes. He tends to crack his neck to the side a lot. And playing with his hoodie strings that's a big one.
Hope this helped?? These things are really fun for me to write so feel free to ask more!
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khaire-traveler · 1 year
Returning the favor- I’d like to know how you see the gods, too :3 Same guidelines or whatever ig lmao
Hey, Noah, thanks for the ask! @opatofazquack asked the same question, so I'm tagging them here.
I'll also answer will all...however many of my gods. This will include gods I don't actively worship if I have visualized them (23 in total). I'll just name them in a list and add a cut, for those who'd like to read. Warning: I may get poetic about it. 😂
Disclaimer: How I visualize the gods does not and should not invalidate how others visualize them. I'm just sharing my personal experiences, and if someone happens to have a different experience, that is more than ok. ☺️🧡
Greek Gods
Selene - Like the moon, her appearance varies quite a bit for me. Even now, I can't quite get a clear image of her. The only consistent thing I can pin down for her is an aura of bright, white light that surrounds her.
Helios - I see him as a black man with shoulder-length hair done back in dreads. His eyes are a deep brown but get light as honey towards the pupil. He has super cute freckles, too, and his face is kind and strong. His features are a bit sharper, and his nose is more of a hooked nose. He is VERY tall and toned - more of a slim muscular build. He usually has no shirt but has an ancient-looking cloth around his waist that goes down to his mid-thigh like a skirt, kind of. He does have a necklace, but doesn't wear much jewelry. He does have A LOT of cool ass tattoos, though! The shapes of the tats are hard to describe, but I believe one of them - on his shoulder or hand, can't remember which - is in the shape of a sun.
Leto - I can't get the clearest picture of Leto, but usually she has wavy medium brown hair, light tan skin, and beautiful white/silver eyes. She's usually a little chubby and gives off strong mom vibes. She has crows feet and smile lines, and it's clear she has lived a good life. Her smile is very sweet. Her features are more rounded, but her nose is more hooked. She typically wears a long white chiton dress with a purple patterned shawl draped over her shoulders. Can't see her shoes under her dress.
Hestia - She's definitely very tall for me lol. She has a plumper frame with rosy cheeks and a calm smile always on her face. Her skin is a deep olive color. She has a sharper face, though the rest of her features are rounded. Her eyes are a bright, glowing orange, like the flames of a fire, and they become more yellow as the color gets closer to the pupil. Her hair is long and wavy - a crisp dark brown - and she usually wears a long, off-white chiton dress of sorts with a bright orange shawl that has gold accents. She always has on pretty earrings and usually wears at least one gold bracelet. You can see the tips of her sandals poke out from underneath her dress, and they're usually gold colored.
Hera - For me, Hera is a tall, slender woman with a very regal air to her. She is usually paler than the other gods with wavy, dark brown hair and a hooked nose. Her features are sharp and angular. High cheek bones. She's usually standing in a very elegant position, although she does this comfortably, not out of formality. She wears a white chiton that has a top half that's been dyed purple. She has a gold shawl around her - looks to be fleece? Her dress is long and flows out behind her; you can barely see her feet underneath. She usually wears a lot of gold and crystal jewelry. The most common crystal I think I know the name of is an amethyst-like one - something that is a very vibrant purple. It matches her top! She also has her hair always done in an up-do of some kind and is wearing a very dainty, beautiful crown on her head.
Demeter - Honestly, Demeter changes a lot for me, but she usually has hair the color of golden wheat. Her features are a mix of sharp and round, and she has a kind face but definitely the energy of someone who knows her worth and power. She is a bit shorter and usually wears a light yellow and green chiton of sorts with either sandals or no shoes. She's got sun-kissed skin and light-colored eyes, though what that color is is up for debate lol.
Zeus - A very large man with the most epic beard you've ever seen in your life. All of his hair is white with a streak of grey the runs from his long, curly hair into his long, curly beard. He is very broad-shouldered and a bit heavier set but still very muscular. Kind of reminds me of a teddy bear, if that helps. He has smile lines and more of a rounded face with wrinkles placed here and there. His hands are very big, which I just think is cool lol. He's also very tall but shorter than a couple of the gods (to me, he's shorter than Hades). He has a big nose that's a little more hooked and piercing blue eyes that sometimes appear to have clouds of grey passing through them, as if the sky is contained in his eyes. He wears a purple and white chiton that has accents of gold as well as a pair of golden sandals woven with braids.
Poseidon - A taller slim man with a muscular build. He's shorter than Hades but taller than Zeus by, like, an inch lol. Dark olive skin with some wrinkles on his face. He always has a confident smile on his face. I swear his hair is always wet. It's long, jet black, and ends up looking straight, but idk if it's actually straight since it's often soaking wet. He wears this badass blue and silver armor with fish scales embedded into it; it's extremely difficult to describe. Sometimes he has a blue or gold cape. He also sometimes wears a silver crown with a few jewels on it. He usually has his trident with him, and my god is it cool. Idk, Poseidon definitely goes out of his way to look like a badass, and it works splendidly for him. Also, he sometimes has a beard and sometimes doesn't.
Hades - VERY tall (he may be the tallest), slender, and a bit lanky. His skin is almost grey in complexion and his hair is long, straight, and black. He has long and slender features with a hooked nose. His eyes have dark circles around them and are a very kind dark brown color, almost appearing black. His outfits change too often for me to mention any specific one, but he wears a mix of both modern and ancient clothing, which he's the only one of my deities who does that, besides Aphrodite. Sometimes he wears a dark suits, sometimes he's chilling in a bath robe, other times he's in a grey chiton - it varies greatly on his mood. No beard.
Persephone - Her appearance changes, but the one I am most familiar with is a medium height woman with wavy dark brown hair and a fair complexion. She has rounded features and a kind face with beautiful dark brown eyes. She usually has her hair done in some pretty way and typically has little flowers placed throughout her hair. It adds a lot of pretty color! Her outfits change a lot, too, but I typically see her in a shorter pale yellow chiton with flowers sewn into the rims. It's almost like a cute sun-dress type of thing. She is almost always barefoot in the outfit. She does also have a flower crown and sometimes a flower necklace, but other than that, she doesn't usually wear a lot of jewelry for me.
Apollon - Interestingly, he changes, but the changes are usually very small and difficult to describes - changes that you'd only notice if you were looking at him very closely, so I won't mention them. Mostly, he is an olive-skinned man with a fairly built body - muscular but not overly so. He has chiseled features, sharp and pointed, with a straight nose. He has this beautiful, shiny, long blond hair (golden as the rays of the sun) that's usually pretty wavy. And his eyes, damn... They're baby blue - blue as the sky - with speckles of gold sprinkled throughout them. There is a rim of gold around his pupil, too; it looks super cool. Clothing-wise, he usually wears what looks to be fashioned around the ancient Greeks...it's a cloth around his waist that's usually either blue or purple and is kept up using a golden pin. There are pretty beads and golden chains that accompany this cloth, also around his waste. He also wears a lot of golden jewelry (anklets, bracelets, piercings, etc.), and his hair is almost always in some sort of style, be it a hair bow, a braid, or even a man bun. He doesn't usually wear shoes.
Artemis - She's a little shorter than Apollo but just as cool lol. She has curly dark brown hair which she usually keeps in a bun, most likely for convenience. She has a pair of antlers attached to a fitness band sort of thing. She's got a rather toned, muscular build and is still pretty slim. Usually, she has this mud-colored paint on her face, specifically in a block around her eyes and stripes down her cheeks and arms. She also has a dark green paint that accents the mud-colored one, using it with stripes down her cheeks and arms. Her eyes are a very dark brown with specks of vibrant green in them, and her darker tanned skin matches them very beautifully. She's always wearing a short sleeve of some kind and wears what I'd call a short chiton, but I think it's a different type of clothing entirely; I just don't know the name for it. Something ancient. Whatever it is, it's usually colored green and brown, like the forest I assume she hunts in. She doesn't usually wear shoes, but when she does, they're very dark brown sandals. No jewelry for her. She also always carries her bow and arrow with her.
Aphrodite - I literally cannot pin down one specific appearance for her, but the best I can do is chubby woman with pale skin and rosy cheeks and very curly, strawberry blonde hair. Very pink lips. She usually shows up naked for me, but sometimes she was a light pink chiton with gold accents on it. She always wears pretty jewelry, usually pearl earrings with a pretty pearl necklace and anklet. No shoes. She does look super majestic to me, though, like seeing a unicorn in an enchanted forest.
Ares - Ares is very hard to describe. He is usually very tall and very muscular. A large man who still gives off heavy dad vibes. He has dark olive skin with curly black hair, though the color sometimes changes. His hair goes to his shoulders. He has blocky features with a chiseled jawline and a prominent hooked nose. His eyes are a vibrant red mixed with a cool crimson - difficult to describe. He usually has some stubble on his face, though no beard. He has a very stoic expression mostly, but it's not intentionally intimidating. Very thick eyebrows, btw. He usually wears gold or bronze colored ancient armor with his helmet resting atop his head. He used to not wear the helmet, but after certain events occurred...he started to. His armor is dyed the same red as his eyes on his chest plate, as well as other places that I can't remember right now. Sometimes he has a spear with him, sometimes he doesn't. Sometimes he has a shield with him, sometimes he doesn't. It really depends. Overall, though, that's how he looks.
Eros - Honestly, his image is pretty blurry to me, and I haven't had enough interactions to give a concrete appearance for him. From what I've seen, he has very curly, shaggy, strawberry blond hair and tends to be on the paler side. His face is more rounded and child-like, although he isn't a child. His eyes are a brilliant blue with pink accents and long eyelashes. He wears golden sandals that go up to his knees and that's about all I've got on him. I can't make out his other clothes, though he always has his bow and arrow with him.
Dionysus - His appearance changes but only his body type. Sometimes he's kind of scrawny, and others he's overweight - it typically shifts between these two. Otherwise, though, he stays the same. His eyes are his most striking feature, being wild and green like a jungle vine. Very vibrant green, too - unnatural by human standards. His hair is black, very curly, and long, typically going past his shoulders. His skin is a darker tan, and he always has cool ear piercings. It somewhat varies in terms of what he wears, but he ALWAYS has a leopard pelt sash across his chest. Usually, he wears more ancient-looking clothing, but it's hard to tell what he specifically wears underneath the pelt. Shoes are non-existent, most of the time, but when he wears them, they're ancient sandals. Also, he's big on gold jewelry - lots of bangle bracelets, amongst other things.
Athena - Athena has looked the same pretty much since the first time I "saw" her. She has long, dark brown hair that's straight and has a half-ponytail in the back. She has dark olive skin and kind grey eyes with specks of violin-brown in them. Her features are more rounded, but her eyes are very sharp and attentive. She always has a helmet resting atop her head and is wearing some sort of epic ancient Greek armor. It's usually either gold or bronze armor, but there are always bit of colorful fabric placed here and there. She sometimes carries a spear with her, but usually, she's without it.
Hermes - Ah, yes, the man of the hour lol. Hermes has an appearance that feels like it changes often, but in reality, he always looks the same for me. It's a weird feeling; idk how to describe it. Anyway, he has short, ultra curly hair. The color always changes but is usually either dirty blond or medium brown. His eyes are fucking cool, being blue and green mixed together. Very difficult to describe; they're almost multi-colored. He has freckles and is almost always smirking. His build is thin, toned, and shorter than all of the gods, but definitely still taller than me lol. He wears ancient clothing - helmet (more of a big, floppy, winged hat), sandals, even carries his caduceus with him or in a brown satchel he carries on his hip. He's usually wearing a hip-length, off-white chlamys with a gold and black rim on it. I can't usually make out details of his clothes under the chlamys. He ALWAYS has these golden wrist braces on, too, and sometimes wears golden earrings!
Thanatos - Like Selene, I don't get much when it comes to looks for Thanatos. He expressed himself much more through presence. Unfortunately, I have nothing to really say about his appearance. 😕
Hypnos - Very little has been given to me about Hypnos as well, but he does consistently have short, very curly hair and a big, sleepy smile. That's about all I've got for now.
Norse Gods
Sigyn - Golden blonde hair with a very fair complexion and rounded features. Gives off protective mom vibes. Typically, she's in an old dress - viking era - that has light pink fabric with white and gold accents. Sometimes she wears a dress that's darker in color, but I don't know what color it is exactly. It's hard to describe. Her eyes are light, but I can never pin any one color to them. She has a soft smile and very pretty figure. Very short, especially in comparison to Loki, who is a literal giant lol. I haven't seen her wear jewelry, but it's been a while since I've envisioned her, so idk.
Loki - BIG, POOFY, WILD red hair! Like Ida from The Owl House. Cool single braid with some beads tying it off. Very angular and sharp features with a long nose and point ears. Vibrant green eyes that sometimes have cat slits in them. He usually wears an old-timey dark green shirt with an old-timey leather braided vest over it. There are tufts of fur on the shoulders of the vests. He wears old-timey brown pants and these really weird but cool looking boots that I don't know how to describe lol. He has earrings on usually but otherwise isn't big on jewelry. Oh, also, he's probably the tallest god I worship; he is very tall! And lanky, too.
Odin - I've only ever really seen his face. Older man with a cool black eye path over one eye and thin, long white hair. Long but thin white beard. His features are more rounded, and he tends to have a lot of wrinkles. His eye is a dark blue color, reminding me of the deepest depths of the ocean - as limitless as the depths of his knowledge, I'd imagine. I also remember him being muscular and wearing armor, but that's about all I can recall.
Hope you liked this answer! Enjoy! Sorry in advance for typos lol.
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vacantgodling · 1 year
I've been keeping up with your stuff but I gotta know... how many stories do you have planned out? Your creativity is astonishing & I'm curious what all irons you have in the fire rn
aww well, firstly thank you for keeping up with them bc i know it’s a lot and it probably seems like i’m just pulling ideas out of a hat at this point 😭 however i will offer you some insight to my madness:
tl;dr i’m an idea hoarder
planned however isn’t like always the case with all my stories. i generally separate my ideas into 3 camps:
stories where i have the characters + plot thought out or planned out (most developed and ones i usually write for and ramble about)
stories where i have a half baked idea—so it’s usually either a bare bones plot, bare bones characters, or a little bit of both
stories that are mostly vibes. even if i have certain aspects thought out there’s like entirely too many holes to make anything coherent & i need to think on them more lol.
so with that in mind here’s the (technical) list of all my ideas, ig with a lil summary for the ones i haven’t really mentioned before, as a treat! my goal is to make proper wip intro posts for all of this shit at some point LOL but it’ll take a bit 😅
PARAMOUR (including requiem for the monochrome, prim and provocative, and empire)
VAMPIRES DON’T TAKE ROAD TRIPS / vdtrt (including laurent and the one human he fell in love with)
THE LIMINAL SPACE SERIES (including donut wip, noi alone, jenna the reaper pts 1&2, jenna the witch king, and mason at the airport)
THE CHRONICLES OF LATHSBURY / tcol (including historical shit, the evondra conflict & the labyrinth collapse)
NAD (one day this will get a good title) — what do a forcibly turned psychic nurse (nyseah), a college student who works as a secretary of a large conglomerate (alona), and a jaded detective investigating the murder of a up and coming pop singer have in common (donte)? more than you’d think lmao. these three intersecting storylines take center stage in the corrupt city of new mananza, leading to the exposure of a horrific plot that’s been in motion for near as long as the city’s been around.
CELESTIAL WEDDINGS — dagmar of dattenmaow from a young age is one of the eight hopefuls chosen to have a shot at becoming the next celestial ruler, as the previous one, rava, died extremely prematurely. in order to have a chance, he and the other hopefuls must travel to each of the eight spheres (or lands) to woo a member of the royal family for their hand in marriage, discovering what lead to rava’s death along the way. this is a poly story so dag ends up with 8 partners & everyone is nb with rotating pronouns so it’s fun :)
PURPLE HAZE (including the sequel blue jeans) — calvin and jake have been best friends since they were 5, next door neighbors always attached at the hip. at the end of their hs years everything that they had going for them suddenly comes crashing down, between jake’s suicide attempt and calvin’s long time gf hailey breaking up with him suddenly and without warning. 2 years later the two of them are on complete opposite sides of the world trying to pick up the pieces and get out of these dark spots. purple haze is a super personal story to me cuz it does take some direct inspo from my life and i’ve had cal & jake as ocs since i was 8 lmaooo. the sequel blue jeans follows their younger sisters; the twins penny and jenny (cal’s sisters) and katia (jake’s sister) and how they slowly enter adulthood. there’s a bit more emphasis on penny and katia bc the two of them have some romance to sort out, meanwhile jenny is the most well adjusted of all of them 💀
AZAB AND THE HERO’S SHADE — this is a story en progress but tldr i have a self insert oc for legend of zelda (and a side blog for it here: @breath-of-reincarnation ) however i thought it’d be cool to make an original story with some of the concepts. i haven’t gotten too far into worldbuilding but the chosen one character is azab, his love interest/the stand in for my oc is jas & zelda is princess narindi
SHROUDED IN DARKNESS— alessandra of the kingdom of darkness has always felt as though she’s been denied her people’s birthright; the ritual blinding of oneself under the light of the moon (their goddess), this is bc of a vision her mother saw when she had her. alessi doesn’t understand why she must stay sighted until she is proposed to by their sworn enemies the empire of light to end their endless war through political marriage. it seems unfair all things considered, as the empire of light has been carrying on a genocidal crusade against the kingdom of darkness for as long as anyone can remember. but it is with this proposal that alessandra realizes her purpose: she must keep her sight until she brings the empire of light to its knees by killing the entire royal family. this is very much a vengeance story and touches on a lot of dark themes and it’s pretty gory but i’m excited to write it one day
NOBLE — a heavy scifi story this is. noh bell wakes up adrift in space, with no knowledge of himself (apart from his name) and where he is. he’s found and taken in where his name suddenly flashes across a news reel as being a wanted fugitive but he can’t remember why. so he has to figure out why he’s wanted, who he is, and how to stay alive. while i don’t know everything 100% i do know that noh was a former member of the space governments police special ops super soldier program thing called the JACK&JILL project, where basically super soldiers are taken as babies, enhanced, and then assigned in groups of two to deal with shit. jacks are the brains of the operation and jills are the brawn. noh is also mute (from these experiments) & he uses sign language :)
GOD EATER — this story is mostly vibes but from what i’m understanding basically the life force of the cyber world that exists has been stolen and heaven has to descend into the underbelly to catch the culprit who stole it. in their descent, they become nevaeh and among the many cast of divine concepts and characters they meet, they find an ally in thei, the god eater, the last in a race of terrifying beings who can literally snuff out the light of gods (by eating them LMAO). this confirms the suspicion that a god is responsible for the theft of “the sun” (which is what ig we’re calling it) and so nevaeh, their guardian little bear, thei, and thei’s keeper taj along with others possibly set off to do the thing. cuz basically if the sun isn’t returned the whole world will collapse into a singularity or black hole LMAOOOO
TRAIN MASTER CHIDORI — vibes for my boy chidori!! still trying to work out the actual plot and happenings but it’s cyberpunk and fun pfff
THE VIRGIN OF MOUNT HEREDOSA — nyoka has been a ward of “the temple” (can u tell i’m great with names 🙄 this will get a better name eventually) since they were young, with the express purpose of one day fulfilling their duty of becoming a sacrifice to the gods. but nyoka REALLY does not want any part of that shit. after trying to sneak out for the millionth time, nyoka is pulled before the council of elders and is told they are next in line to be sacrificed. the only way nyoka can void this situation is if they lose their virginity basically lmao. so they start on a quest to do that & end up meeting an outcasted god who offers some “help” ahem. this story is gonna be pretty explicit and monster fucking is gonna happen tm.
THE WHITE SHIRTS — a couple of decades removed from ww3, twins prosper and jane live out their day to day lives in a small town. their life is disrupted when out of the blue men in convertibles wearing white button up shirts and black shades show up and start slaughtering people—but prop and jane are able to escape. being hunted by the white shirts (since that’s what they start calling them) leads the two of them to meeting a slightly older teen, marin, who has had a run in with these white shirts before and is making his way to the east coast. there are rumors that there’s a boat there that can take you away from the ruins of america and obvs away from the white shirts. while jane is more trusting, prop is wary of this stranger suddenly helping them but he has no choice. so the three of them start heading east and yknow. fight to survive all that.
BOYS UNDER FLOWERS — this is based off of the k drama boys over flowers bc i HATE IT. i don’t have ocs yet but basically instead of the actual storyline when that rich guy starts being shitty towards the mc, they’re just gonna plot to kill him lmaoooo
MARVIN & LINDA (or the spy story) — marvin and linda (code names obvs) are two secret agents who have just completed a job together and are waiting for extraction. they however get blindsided by a notice from marvin’s company that they won’t be extracted for two months and now they’re suddenly stuck in this hotel room together until then. it’s less about them being spies and more about two private people opening up to each other A LOT due to the close proximity with a bittersweet ending lol.
SACRIFICE — mostly just vibes. i know edgar and naja are step siblings and i think they’re on the run from a cult???? but what else is going on i have no clue lmaooo
and this doesn’t include all the ocs that i have kind of… lounging about with no real purpose yet, or any of the stories i have with my partner either lol
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phantom can you pls tell me about dissection. its not a thing here, and part of me is relieved but another part of me really wishes i could see some guts. pls tell how its like pls pls pls
Well, I don’t know how big of a thing it is here since I’ve only participated in two dissections in school lol. A lot of other people got to do like pig hearts or other organs like that but I don’t know what schools they went to or what science track they took bc admittedly I had biology during distance learning and took chem last year. I just happened to take anatomy this year bc I did NOT want to take physics but I really like this class.
I’ve never talked about the dissection we just did in detail bc it feels idk weird to talk about on tumblr bc of what we dissected it grosses a lot of people out so uh idk
Tw for animal death and talking about like dead stuff ig
We dissected cats which was super shocking to everyone tbh but I was super excited bc I like dissecting things. Dude I get so cocky about loving gore and stuff and being okay with dead stuff or whatever.
The first day of dissection my teacher was trying to demonstrate something and needed a volunteer and because I’m cocky n everything I volunteered and she had me hold the (wrapped in a plastic bag) cat, and these cats are skinned already to save us some time bc otherwise we would’ve had to skin them. So they didn’t have skin. I’ve never seen dead animals like this. Especially not a dead cat. She had me hold it. Lua I almost passed out I had to lean against the counter (I didn’t pay attention to what she was saying). It’s a little funny but ooohhhh that was a feeling.
Since it’s for like anatomy class we obviously had to do like anatomy stuff n like these cats were skinned which is. Very weird. And also preserved so like smells like chemicals. One dude in my group literally did not touch the cat once while I was the one consistently manhandling it LOL I would pick it up and move it around when putting it away n stuff. It was kinda heavy too. Like that was a workout.
The reason we did cats was bc the muscles r most similar to human muscles and my high school anatomy teacher unfortunately cannot get human cadavers lol.
It was really fun tho I really really enjoyed it except for being tested on it, that kinda sucked. It was also not necessarily a competition but me n the other girl in my group were both so into it so it was a constant back and forth of taking turns cutting stuff that we had to cut. Cutting off the fascia from the muscles was genuinely kinda fun except when we don’t know what to cut </3
But opening it up was genuinely the most fun part bc mmmmmmmmmmm organs. It was so. Full. And the abdominal cavity just opened right up and I was so surprised that nothing was really like attached to the wall or anything, I expected it to be similar to the fascia on the muscles but it just opened it up and oh, organs. It was super cool. The small intestines felt so mmmmmmm.
They felt good to run your fingers through and they fell together against each other easily where they were supposed to be. Everything fit together. We also had to break the ribs open to get the thoracic cavity open (mmmmmmm bones) but we just cut through the sternum which was a jarring feeling bc that doesn’t seem like you should be able to cut it open like that!!! But ooouuughhhh yea it changed me.
I have pictures but I’m not gonna post them for obvious reasons </3
It was such an interesting experience I loved it so much getting to see inside. Our superior vena cava got blown out when they were preserving the cat so we didn’t have that in ours LOL. They injected dye into the veins and arteries so we could tell the difference. There’s something so… visceral about scraping at the internal dorsal wall of a cat, the intestines pushed out the way and your gloves covered in loose tissue and digging for the veins/arteries to separate them. I wonder if I have a pic of the veins bc I got them SO clean and well defined it. Ough. Thinking of the veins.
I’ve only other dissected a worm so I’ve not done it often but the cat dissection we did was so much fun. I cut open the trachea at the end and that was. An experience. I have a very distinct imagined feeling of what it would feel like to sink your teeth into a trachea just from that experience. Sawing it open sounded similar to running your nail down the teeth of a comb. It was weird. And just a hollow tube.
:) it was fun :) I wish I could do it again
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7ban-sama · 1 year
Could you rank the covers please?
haiiiiiiii, wakaru 👏 ikimashou
let's start with least favorites and work our way up, how 'bout.
starting with... this.
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i could not care less-!!! it's kinda funny. nothing about the pose or colors or anything makes me feel much. i think mitsuba's school mystery outfit is busted lol, he feels like he has a bunch of stuff glued onto him. a bit too busy and silly for me to take seriously. his bones... his, eyeballs and little mirrors. feathers kinda like, bits n pieces stuck in his hair. i know you didn't choose to look like this mitsuba but it doesn't change the fact that i'm not into it... sorry.
it probably doesn't help that every time i'm reading PP i'm like god. get these clowns out of here-!! they're interrupting the DRAMA... feel like i'm asleep for their parts of this arc. so for them to get a cover is like sigh, whatever. it ruins the flow of all the amane focused ones lol... i wish i lived in the world where every PP volume had amane and nene on it. [thinks...] i would even sooner let shijima-san take one cover tho, if it had to be interrupted. just not this. -_-
next up...
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i don't like kou. kinda repulsed by his pelvis zone here. big ugly guy huge forearms. i think i look cool in this image and the bg being black / there being a lot of gold present makes it more visually appealing than the previous cover. but only by so much.
i think it's kinda funny i have fangies and crazy swirly eyes. does it have to do with what vol 4 is... about? [pause...] hm... whose to say lol. it's funny, regardless.
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this is.... neutral territory. i don't feel much about it. i'd say toilet trio illusts in general are very, snzz, i sleep. they can only be so interesting... it's sorta like seeing 'stock art' of a series, the things that go on t-shirts and cut-outs. Here are the characters. yep... nothing wrong with that, but nothing to be felt, past a point. esp when everyone is just big smiles or something, facing the audience. this doesn't really convey who they are as individuals, or their dynamic, even.
a part of me almost wishes someday there wouldn't be a need for depictions like this. i'd prefer seeing these 3 in a more grounded scene, if anything. [shitty amane voice] anyways.
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now here's a few that are like. nothing felt. but i don't hate them. but it's like Lol.... there's genuinely nothing to be said. hearts nene is the cutest one here? let's go with that.
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*amused huff* an image like this, i get the impression that i'm not the target demographic (genuine fujoshi...) so it's pretty logical it doesn't make me feel much. not the drawing's fault, really.
also, when akane is all bishie'd out in clock keeper mode, i can't feel anything about that. but he's not as ugly as kou to me. just wearing a funny outfit ig. meanwhile, hanako looks like a crazy whore. to a degree where it's funny? this is my mental image for what it's like when i suck off my brother. in this way, it has value.
the actual composition, colors used etc. is fine. neutral.
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i kinda have a funny relationship with vol 1's cover. in 2020, when the anime released, people were posting gifs etc. of the OP (you know what part of the OP.) the only other thing i saw from the series, aside from that gif, was vol 1's cover. organically, my response to seeing these things in concert, was: "uhh, no thanks lol…" dismissing the series as, perhaps, a bit too shota-yaoi-gnarsty for someone like me… i look at too much porn on pixiv also, so i'm sort of... literate. when it comes to... shotacons. and this is the sort of image pings... a certain flavor... makes me go... "hmm… no… i don't need toilet-fuck-prisoner-skank-ghost-shota, thank you..." (not a value judgment. i'm just more of an oneeshota guy. normal heterosexuality swag.)
anyways, it's purely incidental that this was all i had seen. along with tons of your run of the mill "tsukasa tormenting amane" fanarts... it gave me such a particular impression of the series.
that being said, i never found this cover bad looking or anything. in fact, the style was pretty appealing-? (the style doesn't have to be bad for you to go, that's not my genre of porno ww) now that i've actually read it and love the series, i can say that vol 1 almost has this classic stink to it. it's just so effective. it's not wrong to look at this and think: shotacon bait manga. it absolutely is, lol. & i suppose my first instincts still weren't wrong. again, i'm not the target demographic.
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now this is. a bit closer to being For Me. i am now within the target demographic. but it also kinda makes me angry 💔... like i'm being bullied, a bit. you know some images are a bit too gormlessly horny... like, even for me. oooh. nene-chan's being fed this cake. mmm, open up... frosting all over us.. her ankles bound, her pussy barely not visible. and this, mysterious inexplicable knife stabbing a mini heart. it's all like. [stoically] Ok...
you hand this to a 13 yo bird though, i think he'd be spellbound. ohhhhh. what is this...? so colorful... and if he opened the volume and saw that little alice in wonderland illust of nene between the twins + nene's teaparty outfit... he'd be like mrghhh.... *sucks up gravy*
same goes for vol 2's cover.
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you hand this to teen bird, it's pure catnip. though i prefer it to the last one, due to the more... noncon lean. and ofc, just being hananene...~
the way nene is posed, the rope, the frills of her uniform, her crying. hanako looking like some scary vampire captor, about to whisk her away. flanked by the knife and scissors... ohhh. what's going to happen to her...? ⬅ i'm already checking this out of the library before this thought can fully crystalize.
it's not quite as lush or impressive as some of aida-sensei's other illusts though. i think her earliest art is most charming in the manga panels themselves. illusts like this, the bodies feel a little too evened out, to me. not so strong colors. mind you, still nice looking. and again with nene's pussy so nearly visible. Well thanks.
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vol 3 is always like... *smiles weakly* mmmm. aida-sensei... i accept who you are. i do... i know you kinda can't help it, in some ways. but it's a shame this isn't more... IC... on tsuchigomori's end. i think this image skews a lot of the perception of tsuchigomori's rship with amane, which i dislike, because their rship in canon is... amusing. and tsuchigomori is a weak loser. but i understand what people typically want out of teacher/student. i leave the humble fujo be.
that aside, i'm a fan of everything else. dusky colors, moody expressions. tsukasa's hands reaching out and cupping amane's face. yes... lovely. it was a fun era, when alluding to tsukasa was best done through hands reaching out. something from the past, coming to haunt. i like amane's hat being off... the glass triangles used to show memories, the ropes, the tsubaki. we love imagery, guys.
these next few are like, "i love my wife" (ignores other person.)
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i like tsukasa here. a girlie that goes, nyarrrr! fun and minxy, ever the delight to see. all the pinks and reds, the rosy color of the 'seal' kanji... hi sweetie. *blows a kiss* good luck doing your job.
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i really like nene in this outfit. i suppose it finally makes you go "oh" about how she has pale hair and red eyes / and how this suits the typical miko white/reds. i'm actually glad we got to see it in a cover. she's all decked out... ornate... frills, draping fabric, big bow. flanked by flowrse and bells. fancy girlie.
i'm more aligned to shoujo manga and such, actually, so an image like kinda lights up the same part of my brain. a feeling like, "i know it well"... girls posed like dolls, together. classic.
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you know me, idgaf about kou. but this girl is distinctly gorgeous. i love greyyyy as a background, and how she's composed of pallid colors. her tights feel so stark black. and then the soft yellow and orange in the flowers... ooh. she's really incredible. if it was a nene-only cover, this would be probably one of my absolute favorites. for severance, too, the vibes are flawless. dreary, drained.. enervated feeling girl. she's delicate. love love love.
we're entering a notable jump in favoritism. ⬆ all these prior covers had things like, details i was indifferent towards, or entire characters i wished weren't there/found neutral. ⬇ these next ones are closer to, 'i wouldn't change this, i like who is here'
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auhhh... hakusumi... we're so lucky to have a cover dedicated to them. one of my favorite volumes, too, in terms of literal events. i like this pose and the contrast of their expressions... sumire's eyes always feel like they're purposefully kinda, intense and creepy. i think hakubo is appropriately passive... below... but pawing up at her. i really love sumire's hand splayed on his chest too~ kya. vivid purbles... touches of greem... quite nice.
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I like these all about the same amount. I look cool in them. Which is nice, because this arc is mostly about me.
i'm simple... i enjoy the duality of amane and hanako. i think PP does a good job at playing with this divide in living self / current ghost self, what it means to have been this. what is the authentic self? what does he really feel? it's even more convoluted when you have hanako functionally RP'ing as his past self.
i like how hanako has more of a severity to him, in these side-by-sides. amane is supposed to be the one who is just a normal boy, 'before tragedy', so he's all smiles. but isn't it funny, with how nene sees past amane as miserable and current hanako as cheery, smiley smiley...? he's a complicated guy, isn't he.
i'm a fan of the colors of vol 9. excitable telescope boy. then, the kinda, paint-splotch feeling details at the ends of his legs, fun allusion to the painting-in-progress world. for vol 11's original cover, i like the stark white bg for hanako. his expression... it's one of those expressions that makes me think aida-sensei is a wizard. how is she doing that...? he looks crazy... but it's so subtle. he also kinda feels like he's about to bite his lip? this + the fingers threaded over rope... a lot. his companion amane meanwhile just feels crazy in a different way, as a result.
handsome coolness abound. ty sensei.
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hehehe. 20 is just so ffffffffun! tsukasa giving major "the puppet master that cursed your dick" energy. dark eyes and lidded gaze... seeing the ropes threading around his fingertips is just so fun. they're often off-screen, or blooming from within characters, so i like to see them so decidedly coming from tsukasa. he's orchestrating so much, it's so appropriate, isn't it-!? we owe a lot to him.
i was looking forward to sakura finally getting a feature on a cover. her listless expression and limp body works well with this all. contrast with tsukasa seated somewhat to the side, flanking her. it's cute that these are the colors that mean "spring!" in japan. and aida-sensei has put out so many spring-themed illusts featuring pinks and greens this year. so festive.
it all comes to roost then, in this cover. touches of green in tsukasa's spooky corpse fingertips. the pink all around is giving Femininity, as much as it's giving... sickness... feverishness... i like how sakura's uniform and tsukasa's hakama are a similar shade. pleats and frills... yes yes. i suppose this cover is doing more for me, in the "two pretty girls posed together like dolls" department. it's more on the unhinged side. love love.
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these two... they make me stunned by aida-sensei's ability to make an image is simply so... beautiful? fills me with such yearning. i wish i could make something half this good, ahaha. i must drink in these images...
they showcase some softer feeling amanes. crazy boys in prev volumes are fun, but they're not really playing off of the right energy, to me. (not at their full potential yet...?) meanwhile, covers like these, i think the execution is perfect. here's the boy... your title boy. i'm forced to understand why my wife finds me to be handsome, ig.
the illust for the pilot release feels so sweet. like aidairo themselves are fond of their initial pitch still. to include aspects of his old design (like, no thick trim on the gakuran) within aida's more modern style is very cool. translucent... ghostie boy. you know him well. all the flowers frame him nicely.
for the far shore/severance situation, it's quite fascinating to see amane like this. amidst all the madness... i think it's a good follow up to the red house also. this... is the guy we're trying to get back to. the paper lantern he's holding is such a simple yet wonderful detail also. idk... he's really a japanese ghost. he really on "the other side"... in a procession, with the other spirits. and i love the abstract bits of buildings and vehicles floating about, representing the far shore. the sunset orange clouds and bright blue sky... sugoi.
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this one makes me feel so simple. sometimes, you just have wife emotions. (i have 4 yo tsu as my bg on tumblr & my pc...💞) i love you BAY-BEEE!!! you're so special to me!! kiss kiss kiss kiss kiss kiss kiss.
this to me is almost like, the blessed version of "this reeks of a shotacon" lolll... cuz now we're at an age range/size that i'm like YEAH!! OOUEHH!!! FUN!!!!!!! BOLD! INTERESTING!! SHOW ME MORE!? i love to see TOYS and DOLLIES, yeahhh! a toy piano!! a robot!! lil cars!! bouncy ball!!! rocky horse! YES!! IT'S ALL THE THINGS!!
center stage, we have tsukasa preciously holding his teddybear. the ripped seams and overflowing stuffing... his lil suspenders and shorts. the thick, vibrant red socks! weewoo. i would say it's a perfectly executed piece. straightforward. welcome to the toy room! it's bright and colorful and a little ominous... don't you want to know more about this lil guy-!? don't you just wanna scoop him into your arms. yes, of course you do!! come on in...
this is probably my absolute favorite volume also... it's so concentrated... i just love this arc sf much. 9.9 the volume sleeve illusts + contents page are perfect. this random illust of hanako that the volume opens up with is very sick & twisted, he scares me. but i also love it very much. and then the first pages are tsukasa asking to play. 10/10... love the whole package. this cover is like a ribbon on top of it all.
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[scuffs shoe... gets small.] [hides under my hat.]
... 💦 ... .. .. .... ..... 💦💦 ... ... ............... ..
girlfriend. emotions. (these are somehow different than wife emotions.) she's... resplendent... i don't deserve her... idk, it's hard. to talk about this one, gomen, if this comes out awkwardly.
but it's... just. really pretty. after the whole PP, hurts to look at. the biiiig moon in the sky. dreamy lil stars. the red of her eyes... and for nene to be threading both her hands over his, while red rope binds them together... wonderful. i like how the ropes perfectly kiss with 'red string of fate'... also this all gives me OT3 feels. (tsukasa often symbolized by the moon...) overall, does a great job at conveying the climax of this many-volume arc.
it's a lovely image. and the odd angle to amane's face is inspiring for me, also. i wanna be able to properly represent the huuuge eyes and lil muzzles that the characters in JSHK have. they feel like my little ponies... i must learn how to capture this...
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[getting even smaller. ragged.] [sighhhhing forlornly, leaning out a window.] it's my favorite cover. but also, it's my favorite inner sleeve illust... so i must include it. hopefully, you'll understand me, as you see them side-by-side.
the cover, though... it's got it all, i guess. intimacy. atmosphere. expressions are loaded. the hand to yashiro's face... her nape visible. the stars, the lights, the summer night vibe, due to tanabta. yashiro decorated in tsubaki, in her beautiful yukata. the big fanciful bow obi. the air feels thick, humid. gorgeous... wouldn't change a thing.
i love all that tanabta encapsulates. ooh. it's the peak of it all... we're star-crossed lovers, aren't we. reaching through streams of time to meet one another. the indulgence of the age gap... nene onee-san... choosing to meet her again, over dreaming of the future. that's how it always works, right...? love always supersedes any vague wishing of a, career, or w/e... flimsy, in comparison. [i use my severe tone and lots of eye contact to convey that this alludes to the choice to die with tsukasa vs grow up and be an astronaut.]
in the chapter itself, we see that hanako vaguely has some... feeling... memory... of nene's forehead kiss. and i think that's conveyed in the cover, too~ it feels like he can't resist a pull. memories... a long-existing crush, incubating...~ how long has this girl been haunting you...
woof, the romance that oozes from it all... it makes me feel so soooo simple. i like that aidairo can be so... earnest? about it all? we're tying key romantic events with our main couple, to THE romantic festival.. yayaya... yes.... thank you...
all this. all this! and knowing the yugi are running around, eating cotton candy, playing with sparklers, late into the night... we really can have it all, can't we?
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