#Born in Gaza
filmauteur · 8 months
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Born in Gaza (2014) Dir. Hernán Zin
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beardeddetectivepaper · 4 months
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paradisovacui · 8 months
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Stories from the children of Gaza from Born in Gaza (2014)
The Spanish documentary was filmed during the 2014 siege of Gaza that resulted in 507 Palestinians killed and thousands injured. It follows the lives of real-life Gazan children living through the atrocity. These children and young adults have experienced so much loss and trauma it’s difficult for me to understand how they live on, how they have even the slightest bit of hope. They are trapped in a constantly bombed prison with barely any money or resources, living with severe trauma of surviving strikes and seeing their families and friends ripped apart by the Israeli attacks. They can’t even leave.
While watching, I thought it would really drive the point home to compare the lives of Gazan children to their Israeli counterparts. They can go to school with relatively no fear, they can travel anywhere within Israel, they are protected by the billions of dollars of funding to their government and unbelievably powerful military. If things get too scary, they can pack up and leave. The people reposting ‘pray for Israel’ infographics and chanting ‘free Israel from Hamas’ slogans, they really have no clue how much worse Palestinians have it.
Give Palestinians their land back. All the 150,000 Palestinians that were expelled in the Nakba must have the right to return to their homelands. The Israeli international settlers who literally steal Palestinian houses should be the ones expelled. I hope we can liberate Palestine.
Free Palestine 🇵🇸
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halinski · 8 months
Coming from my palestinian friend in Jerusalem, if you want to know more about the war in Gaza, especially the war in 2014, please watch Born in Gaza on Netflix
If you don't know where to start, educate yourself, read about the hundred years war, learn about the Nakba and what hamas actually stands for, listen to the palestinian voices pleading to be heard
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Currently I'm watching born in Gaza. It's a documentary about life in Gaza for 10 children and shows the damage the israeli military has done on their lives and some of the restrictions from the occupation/seige. Not just wounds from grapeshots and friends lost (dead), but also jobs lost (bombed) and lack of access to water.
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bloghrexach · 2 months
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🧐 … I just finished watching a Netflix documentary called ‘Born in Gaza’!
Oh the irony …
What’s happening today in Gaza is nothing new!! — What Israel and the IDF have been doing now, they’ve done plenty times before!! — only difference now is the intensity and the ferocity of Israel’s determination to erase the Palestinian people!!
“In July 2014, images of an air strike on a Gaza beach which killed four soccer-playing youngsters went global, prompting Spanish director Hernan Zin to fly in and shoot a documentary about the plight of Palestine’s children.
The result is ‘Born in Gaza’, an inevitably powerful and depressing record of man’s inhumanity to its own offspring whose primary virtue is in retelling a story which constantly needs to be retold.” … 🧐
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boxjellyfish87 · 8 months
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heritageposts · 7 months
By Ilan Pappe, published 5th of November 2023.
On October 24, a statement by United Nations Secretary-General Antonio Guterres caused a sharp reaction by Israel. While addressing the UN Security Council, the UN chief said that while he condemned in the strongest terms the massacre committed by Hamas on October 7, he wished to remind the world that it did not take place in a vacuum. He explained that one cannot dissociate 56 years of occupation from our engagement with the tragedy that unfolded on that day. The Israeli government was quick to condemn the statement. Israeli officials demanded Guterres’s resignation, claiming that he supported Hamas and justified the massacre it carried out. The Israeli media also jumped on the bandwagon, asserting among other things that the UN chief “has demonstrated a stunning degree of moral bankruptcy”. This reaction suggests that a new type of allegation of anti-Semitism may now be on the table. Until October 7, Israel had pushed for the definition of anti-Semitism to be expanded to include criticism of the Israeli state and questioning the moral basis of Zionism. Now, contextualising and historicising what is going on could also trigger an accusation of anti-Semitism.
. . . article continues on Al Jazeera
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reuna · 6 months
I was watching the snow outside and thinking of Palestine
If you lived here you'd see the pretty blues of snow and wintry skies The trees frosted and bare asleep, waiting for the new morning of a sun-dappled spring. If I were there my children wouldn't play in snow but in ashes, if they'd be playing at all Thousands in need of parental care Of loved ones destroyed The feeling of not being enough Amplified thousandfold. My home is shrouded in peace and quiet In gratitude I hold my children close, in desperate love. In a country advertising with Santa Claus The happiest place in the world Funding the genocide of families like ours. If you were here They'd probably be still alive. My children gone because of bombs or lack of insuline, And a world watching in silence as humanity is discarded as economically unviable.
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wearenotjustnumbers2 · 7 months
Every time I see a Palestinian child killed, torn up to limbs, his inside organs exploding out of his tiny body. Or a child alive but injured, shivering and terrified. I remember the words of the Israeli knesset member: "The Children of gaza have brought this upon themselves." And I feel sick. How can you see these babies and not flinch, but instead ask about their race and ethnicity to determine whether they deserve this or not? I truly cannot comprehend this.
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Bethlehem Pastor Rev. Munther Isaac:
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yonemurishiroku · 5 months
In celebration of Nico di Angelo’s birthday and in the mourning of the 100th day of the genocide, please, for the sake of everything good left in this world, boycott McDonalds.
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chaiaurchaandni · 3 months
israeli terrorists gang-r//ped a child for 3 days in 1949
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from ‘state of terror’ by thomas saurez
notice the recent isr//eli obsession with imagined stories of brutal violent 'pelvis-breaking' - sexual violence enacted by Palest/n/an men onto isr//eli women - projection, at its finest. every zion/st accusation is a confession.
similar to how isr//elis faked stories of 'babies baked in ovens' by Palest/n/ans, when, IN FACT, it was isr//elis who threw Palest/n/an babies into burning ovens during the Nakba of 1948.
REMEMBER: the events described in the picture happened in 1949, meaning it is very likely that these isr//eli r//pists are alive and well today, living safely in stolen Palest/n/an homes, encouraging more isr//elis to go to G//za and massacre and r//pe Palest/n/ans. on Oct 7th, many claimed that the murder of these r//pists is 'terrorism' - i disagree. to me, at least, it is justice. this justice must be served to all isr//eli r//pists and murderers. anyone who holds the isr//eli citizenship is either directly involved or indirectly complicit in this violence.
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greencarnation · 7 months
Gaza is only 25 miles long. Apply that to your local geography for scale and then realize that 2× the Hiroshima bomb has been dropped on it in only 3 weeks
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stardust-falling · 8 months
How on earth do people actually still believe that the USA are the "good guys"
or have ever been the "good guys"
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zoramones · 6 months
i would wish everyone a merry christmas today, but i can’t. not when yesterday on christmas eve, the IOF slaughtered over 70 people at a palestinian refugee camp with one airstrike. i can’t wish everyone a merry christmas when today on the birth of the son, christ’s birthplace of bethlehem was raided; with people being bombed and arrested. i cannot wish everyone a merry christmas when countless christian palestinians and palestinians of other faiths are being systematically murdered by an apartheid state who knows that people won’t care because they are too distracted by this holiday that has been hijacked by capitalistic greed.
I will not be wishing everyone a merry christmas and i will not forget about palestine this holiday.
info originally found on @/vecnas ‘s message board on wattpad
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