#Bottom surgery educational blog
answersfromzestual · 2 months
Please Reblog this Post Trans Community and Allies.
I am Zestual (some know me as Shadow), and I run a blog for female to male transition and have for almost four years now.
A little about me I am a retired social worker and addictions counsellor. I have completed all surgeries (last one was just over a decade ago). I've had chest surgery, I've had phalloplasy. I actually enjoy sleuthing the internet for proper information to inform the community that phalloplasty is not bad, and not nearly as risky as many say. As long as you take care of yourself pre and post op you will have a phallis that you've dreamed of.
This includes hormone treatments, top surgeries, metoidioplasty, phalloplasty, and much much more.
If you are looking for a resource that only uses reputable sources and is a source of unbiased information on transition.
Here is the blog directory:
Feel free to ask question, send in concerns or questions. I welcome all blog related questions, comments, and concerns.
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cree-future-rabbi · 5 months
To find the entire blog and up-to-date posts follow: https://www.tumblr.com/answersfromtheshadows
This is just the new main account I transferred answersfromtheshadows to so I could have it be its own entity.
This blog will not be updated often / at all in the future. For further information, please follow :
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enddaysengine · 4 months
Alberta's Transphobic Government
I try really really hard to keep this blog about RPGs and writing. I really do. But when someone comes for my students, fists gets thrown.
We've seen the rise of transphobic legislation in various US states, as well as in Saskatchwan and New Brunswick. Now Alberta has joined the party. Despite the premier pointing out that there are trans youth in her extended family (I don't know how close the relation is, but somewhere in her close family) and swearing to not marginalize trans youth in the last election.
And ohhhh boy oh boy, my home province is once again aiming to hit the bottom of the barrel
Here's the tl;dr (quoted from the article):
Top and bottom surgeries will be banned for minors aged 17 and under. Doctors say bottom surgeries aren't performed on youth and top surgeries are rare.
Puberty blockers and hormone therapies for gender affirmation will not be permitted for children aged 15 and under.
Youths aged 16 and 17 will be permitted to start hormone therapies for gender affirmation "as long as they are deemed mature enough" and have parental, physician and psychologist approval.
Parental notification and consent will be required for a school to alter the name or pronouns of any child under age 15. Students who are 16 or 17 won't need permission but schools will need to let their parents know first.
Parents will have to "opt-in" their children every time a teacher plans to teach about gender identity, sexual orientation or sexuality. Alberta law currently requires parental notification and gives them the option to opt students out.
All third-party teaching materials on gender identity, sexual orientation or sexuality will need to be approved in advance by the education ministry.
Transgender women will be banned from competing in women's sports leagues. Smith said the government will work with leagues to set up coed or gender-neutral divisions for sports.
This goes well beyond what SK and NB have passed. It violates the Canadian Charter of Rights and Freedoms, but Smith doesn't care and will likely use the Notwithstanding Clause to bypass it. Parents, medical professionals, and educators have all reacted with justified outrage. It is clear to those of us who care about youth that these policies will kill.
There is flattly no way in hell I will be deadnaming my students. For a government that says they want to remove red tape and bureaucracy, making parents opt-in to every single lesson involving anything other than heteronormativity sure seems like trying to use red tap to make teaching anything other than their ideology impossible.
What can you do to help?
If you are in Alberta, raise holy hell. Call your MLA, show up at the protests, add your voice to the chorus screaming that we don't want this.
If you are in Canada, there are also demonstrations in support of trans youth going on across the country. Let your MP know as well.
If you aren't from Canada, solidarity and visibility help! We've all seen how this shit has gone down in Florida and elsewhere. We need to stand together to stop this tide.
If you have business ties to Alberta and are able to divist them, please let the Alberta government know you are planning to do so if these proposals become law
Donate to 2SLGBTQ+ organizations in Alberta.
This is not the content I want to go viral from me... but if I have to choose one, make it this one. Please help us proect our kids.
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queer-advice-hotline · 5 months
Hello Queer-Advice-Hotline,
Thanks for all that you do! Just found this blog and it’s been really educating and helping.
I have a question. I’m nearly 34. Last year I started on a journey of getting to know myself and what I liked, as I spent a lot of my adult life dealing with trauma and resulting codependency issues. I was very femme, the last thing I thought I’d be questioning when I started this was my gender.
I always wondered to wear male clothing and decided one day to explore that urge. (The men’s aisle at old navy is a gateway drug.) I started using they/them and a different name. (The name was to cut ties to my trauma as well as express my gender.) I kept wearing more and more men’s clothing, and that’s all I wear at work and my home. It feels right to me. I am out as non-binary with people, but friends in my life have no clue I dress like a man, sometimes use the “he” pronoun and bind.
I now use he/they. I don’t define myself as a trans man though. I thought for a little while I might be, but have no interest in hormones or surgery. I bind my chest mostly in private and love how it looks and feels, but I think I’d feel more dysphoric without my top half then with them. I like my top half and it’d feel weird to be without it. I also love my bottom half and wouldn’t want to get rid of that either. I look at myself in the mirror sometimes and think “fuck I love my body”. About the only thing I’m super dysphoric about is my voice. I wish it were much lower.
I like the way I see physically look now with just the outside appearance alteration: the masc clothing, short hair, etc. I do often have anxiety about being out to people about my gender. I’m out to my friends as non-binary, but most of they think I’m still femme. At work I dress masc, at home alone, and at one comic store I go to. Most others don’t know. I’m slowly being more open about who I am (and feel great joy in that) but am not fully out. I know that this is because I have a lot of internalized transphobia because of my evangelical upbringing and I’m working through it. I fear rejection. I fear judgement. I worry my change in my identity is because of my trauma, or some head injuries I had in recent years. I don’t feel secure in my place at the queer table. How do you work through those fears? I identify currently as genderqueer trans-masc. I am not sure if I’m allowed to use the terms “transmasc” or the pronoun he”. But I have no interest in HRT or surgery. I worry I’m misappropriating an identity. Is is ok to define myself as genderqueer transmasc and not want to physically transition? Am I trans enough, I suppose is ultimately the question.
Thank you for the help. I’m a really shy person, don’t know anyone in the queer community, and wasn’t sure who to ask.
Surgery, hormones, and any other sort of physical transition are not required to be trans. You can absolutely define yourself as trans masc, genderqueer, or even as a trans man if you wanted to. It’s not misusing the label at all.
You would be trans enough even if you wore dresses, had long hair, and used she/her pronouns. You are trans enough as you are, always.
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thatdebaterguy · 4 months
My Masterpost
(tldr at bottom)
So this is a majority political blog open to all takes on all global issues. You can make asks about anything and as long as it isn't absurd I will give my take on the issue. There's no one I'll refuse to debate with, and I don't just be stubborn and refuse to acknowledge if you make a good point
I say majority political blog cause I may splice in a few other things like hobbies which are music, history, photography, etc but it's unlikely to be frequent
Now as for my own takes, I'll give a few examples. I'm pro israel, not pro genocide and not anti palestine, there is a difference, make an ask for clarity or explanations. I'm not pro biden but wouldn't say pro trump either, Vivek was my favourite US candidate. I'm against abortion in the later parts of the pregnancy, but my general feeling is just do safe sex, and remember no child is unwanted. I'm all for gay marriage and generally believe what you do in the privacy of your own home is your business not mine or the states. However, while I'm not transphobic or against people being trans, my general belief is it isn't to be encouraged as I believe people would be far happier without being trans or having gender dysphoria than going through with things such as transitional surgery which can lead you to a life of physical pain and agony, so it's more so me thinking it's what's best for them, although it's your life and I can't dictate what you'd rather do, I just think people would be happier and healthier.
With all that said, I won't block anyone for having the opposite opinions of me or for disliking what I say or for insulting me, and I encourage you to voice your oppositions so you can either educate me in my misunderstandings or I can hopefully shed some light on lesser known facts. At the end of the day, I treat people like people, without the impact of race or gender, and my opinions of people largely come from my respect for them. If you push your agenda too hard, spread mistruths or spread unnecessary hate, I lose respect for you, and I don't like you, but anything you do to me personally will be very unlikely to make me dislike you.
TLDR; debate me on my opinions, or agree, any respectful discussion is open to me.
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New(ish) mod post
Autumn says:
Hey folks! My name is Autumn and the oldest connoisseurs of the blog might recognize me. I first was added onto the mod team back around 2014. I was active probably around early 2015 before I burnt out and quit tumblr. I thought I might dip my toes back in the water with tumblr and this blog! I hope to be a resource for yall. There were two other Autumn mods, I am not them :P
The last time I posted I was in high school. I am now 23 and a 2nd year PhD student (18th grade!) studying Chemistry. I graduated from university with a degree in Chemistry and a degree in Gender, Women's and Sexuality Studies. I am a jewish white nonbinary transsexual from the US who uses they/them pronouns. I'd say that I'm fairly active in leftist organizing with a focus on trans activism, outreach and union organizing for my local graduate student union. I've been out for almost 9 years and on estrogen for 8 years. I underwent bottom surgery last year and am 15 months post-op. Other interests I currently have: disability justice, chemical education research, still taking COVID seriously, baking, world of warcraft (classic), osrs, fun hats, wearing the most unsightly outfits, drinking water, baseball and probably some other things.
I haven't been on tumblr for about 7 years so I'm still learning the UI and how to use the website, I deeply apologize for the boomer energy I might emit.
Thank you for reading and I hope to be able to build community with yall.
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larnax · 1 year
real meaningful problems to postop transmascs/transmascs seeking bottom surgery
bottom surgery too much money call that shit expensive
lack of education about bottom surgery to people who don't actively look for it so allies and enemies alike dont know shit about bottom surgery and people who would benefit from it dont even know what their options are
medical gatekeeping forcing people to jump through absurd hoops only to have coverage denied for anesthesia
good fucking luck finding a urologist who has any experience with post-op patients, idiot
difficult to find clinics outside of the USA and Thailand bc while they do exist most resources assume you either live in the US or have the resources to travel to Thailand
postop/seeking op people having the topic treated like its a very serious tragic discussion so we're not included in any conversations unless people are sharing articles about gender clinics being bombed or reminding trans people that bottom surgery sucks
postop people being seen as incapable of sex or having lost their transgender sex appeal so people feel pressured not to get bottom surgery lest they lose their boypussy which theyre acutely aware is seen by many people as the only reason you would fuck a transmasc person
again bottom surgery being seen as this worldending tragedy only the most selfhating transgendereds resort to is like The biggest problem for postop people and contributes to the isolation/alienation a lot of postop people feel. making jokes about bottom surgery and bringing it up in casual conversation is Good Actually and i wish more nonop people did it so i didnt feel like i only exist when its time for people to talk about how glad they are that they arent like me
transmisogyny in the transmasc community leading people to lash out at transfems for having "too much visibility" which prevents us from working together to strike back against the real enemy, healthcare providers forcing me to get updated mental health letters to prove im sound of mind for seeking phallo stage 2 as if im going to regret Just the tip
not real meaningful problems
random trans women making posts on their personal blogs about being trans women including posts about vaginoplasty
people making jokes about bottom surgery
postop people identifying with a variety of labels or having their identity change throughout the course of getting bottom surgery, yeah even people who end up not iding as trans anymore. not my business and not yours either
non-transmasc people seeking phallo/metoidio. aside from the extremely legitimate reasons intersex people who had surgeries performed on them without their consent/ppl with natal penises who have been in a Penis Accident would get it, or nonbinary people seeking it for the same reasons i am, who am i to judge if a cis woman wants to piss standing up. again why would i waste any energy on this when insurance companies exist
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the-creeps-blog · 2 years
[Social Media Headcanons]
Our next handful of headcanon posts are prompts found from the blog @nothingbutprompts​ , just wanted to give credit for the ideas :)) Sorry but you might get a little tag spam from us ;D
DISCLAIMER: Nsfw mentions, so 18+ only please! ageless or minor accounts dni CW: mentions of transphobia/homophobia/misogyny as well. Characters with this content will be flagged with 🤍
Headcanons under the cut - 
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Slender - 
Slender has an account on every social media platform the pastas have JUST to monitor and shi, he doesn't post anything anywhere
Let’s be real, slender wouldn’t even know how to use them
he's one of those people that thinks a comment is a dm so he's commented on a pasta's public post somewhere once scolding them and he didn't know everyone could see it
thats it, still doesn't post or anything LMAO
He’d post on someone’s post like “please delete this photo, I am in the bottom corner and I do not like how I look it in. Thank you -slender man”
He always signs off with “-Slender Man” eventually it shortens to “-S.M.”
As if all of them don’t know that’s his account
He also gets salty if they don’t follow them back
he'd confront them in the mansion like "BEN, pardon my intrusion of your.. videos..game.. but I must ask why you are not on my friends list on this Tik.. tiktok? tiktok place. Are you not part of my family? Do you not wish to be associated with me?”
Laughing Jack - 
LJ doesn’t have anything against the gamepastas or anything, but electronic entertainment just isn’t his thing unless it’s like a live show of a circus on TV or something similar like a movie.
He prefers physical or real life activities like board games, sports, stuff like that so he wouldn’t even have a phone or get on any computers
he would have a tiktok account that BEN made for him but he NEVER uses it cos he, again, doesn’t even have a phone or anything
He DOES like tiktoks tho, the funny fever dream type shit someone will occasionally show him but he couldn’t be bothered to check tiktok himself
Eyeless Jack -
Uses YouTube, Tumblr, Reddit, TikTok, and Twitter
Eyeless Jack posts stuff about surgery, what he does to do it, and has occasionally posted a video of him actually operating on someone
Though it gets taken down on tiktok 24/7 lol he gets mad pressed about it. He hates TikTok for it
He went on a really long 10 minute rant about how Tiktok is dumb for taking it down cuz it’s educational ON tiktok
YouTube and Reddit is where most of his surgery vids go to now, he uses TikTok to talk about surgeries and medical procedures since he can’t show them.
He actually uses clothing and editing to hide every inch of skin and non-human characteristic because he wants to share his surgical and medical knowledge without being called a monster all the time and people ignoring his knowledge
Because of this he actually gets a simp following because “ooh mysterious faceless man with handsome voice” loll
he has an alt account on Reddit under an entirely different alias as his main accounts so they can’t be linked together as the same person. On this alt account he’s entirely open about being a cannibal and how humans organs taste and such.
on a more wholesome note, he likes the sense of humanity his fan base on social media gives him when they talk to him or comment on his posts as if he’s just a normal being. Afterall, he used to be one although he doesn’t remember his human at all except for a small few details. He doesn’t crave to go back to that life, but it’s nice for him to know what it was somewhat like. It gives him a feeling like he knows himself a little better now.
Homicidal Liu - 
Liu would have Reddit, YouTube, Tiktok, Twitter
Liu doesn't have any specific kind of post, he just occasionally posts about whatever mostly just comments and views other people's stuff
Hoodie / Brian - 
Hoodie would have Tiktok, Twitter, Tumblr, and OnlyFans (lmao)
This man, Hoodie would make thirst traps and doesn't even hide the fact that he's Hoodie of course he hides his true identity though, he's gotta have a normal human identity to go get groceries and shi for the pastas
Has Jane cover his tats with makeup so he isn’t recognized in public by his tats
His posts on OnlyFans are literally the same as his tiktoks, they’re not even NSFW, that’s the joke and that’s what’s funny bout it
He has a  hybristophiliac following on TikTok since his fan base clearly knows he is very much the real Hoodie.
Tails Doll - 
TD uses Twitter and TikTok
TD, like Liu, just occasionally posts but his posts are cryptic and meant to be creepy or uncanny, but his accounts' main purposes are to comment and view other people's content
Jane the Killer - 
Jane would probably have like every social media you can think of, at least the main ones
aesthetic monochrome type posts, but retweets/reposts gossip
posts her own pics from neck down in monochrome filter
follows Brian and makes fun of his thirst traps, also makes fun of his following for liking a literal murderer
🤍Masky / Tim - 
Masky/Tim has 4chan and reddit for sure, as well as Twitter of course
bullies tf out of anyone he can on his main acc, bih doesn't even have an alt
misogynistic, homophobic, and transphobic posts 
it's a wonder he hasn't gotten his account deleted yet, but he's definitely been cancelled
Glitchy Red - 
Glitchy has twitch, tiktok, instagram, and twitter
streams pokemon nuzlockes, except he occasionally cheats on them
if anyone points out how he could potentially be cheating, his smartass would find a way to dispute it since he’s so tech savvy
he posts clips of his twitch streams on insta, twitter, and tiktok, they’re pretty much just plug platforms for him
but he has an alt pokemon fan acc on insta
Strangled Red - 
Steven also uses twitch, tiktok, and twitter
He streams pokemon nuzlockes as well, except he couldn’t be bothered to put in any effort of cheating so he actually got really popular for his absolute meltdowns over losing or things not going his way
I’m talking screaming so loud into the mic it pops and gets grainy, throwing chairs, the good stuff
He already had a small following because of BEN, he’s definitely the one screaming at BEN for putting his cat on the mic iykyk
plays Osu! and gets a fanbase simping for his hands and he thinks that shit's weird af but funny as hell
a simp made a Master Hand and Crazy Hand joke as reference to smash bros ultimate and he calls the fan base crazy hands because of it
Jeff the Killer - 
Jeff the Killer uses twitter, 4chan, reddit, tiktok, tumblr
likes ranting, and posting opinions and shi on twitter, 4chan, and reddit but also real weird shit on twitter like just what he's done in the day uses tiktok and tumblr not to post, but just to go through JTK simp content to fuel his ego and pride
Bloody Painter - 
Bloody Painter uses insta, twitter, tiktok, deviantart, tumblr, and amino
just art everywhere, the occasional opinion on current topics on twitter, on tiktok he posts timelapse paintings and art challenges
Lost Silver - 
LS also has accounts everywhere for the tea and shi yk yk
Lost Silver has Reddit and 4chan but not under his name
has a single post on insta of an image of his cyndaquil or celebi that's very blurry and a caption of a smiley face :))
Ticci Toby - 
Ticci Toby uses twitter, tiktok, tumblr, instagram
posts funny fever dream like videos on tiktok
Judge Angels - 
Judge Angels uses tumblr, twitter, instagram, tiktok
posts angel and pastel gore aesthetic stuff
doesn't post on tiktok, just watches other people's content
Follows Helen on everything and likes every post
Sonic.exe - 
Sonic.EXE uses reddit, 4chan, twitch, twitter, tiktok
tiktok posts are funny skits occasional cryptic video reddit and 4chan is like sonic fan shit or snuff videos of his victims 
twitch streams sonic games and the EXE mods, definitely boasts about having numerous mods dedicated to himself
BEN DROWNED uses twitter, tiktok, twitch, reddit, 4chan
he's literally the kid who put his cat on the mic LMAO that's the video that got him popular on twitch he's streams LoZ, pretty much any shooter game 
BEN absolutely despises Fortnite because of the fortnite kid jokes and everybody accused him of being one
almost got cancelled for saying tranny but he IS trans
Sally Williams - 
Sally isn't allowed to have social media but she uses tiktok anyways and JUST tiktok
she would accidentally expose herself to the rest of the pastas by quoting a meme off of tiktok
Valerie (OC) - 
Val would 100% be an influencer
Val uses insta primarily, she runs an onlyfans, she also uses twitch, and TT but she rarely posts on it
Iris Meadows (OC) - 
Iris uses tumblr, pinterest, and instagram for aesthetic posts, she uses tiktok just to comment on friends' posts and shi she doesn't post anything on tt herself
Iris 100% is a garden / plant and cottagecore aesthetic blog
Post written by Admin Dina
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Everything written down is agreed by the both of us though, it is our headcanons. <3
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Squicks List
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These are my squicks; please keep in mind of these before sending something in the Question Box, as well as the notes and quick answers I have at the bottom.
Pregnancy / Incest / Age differences. (Emotional angst is fine, but anything physical may not be written or interacted with; Anything involving minors will be warned explicitly)
Religious connotations (Non-human whumpees/whumpers are fine, but tying it all back to religion isn’t for me.)
Extreme slavery-related whump.
Domestic abuse.
Beastiality / Omega-verse
RPF / Reader-Insert.
Size whump.
Medical whump (Specifically those that include surgeries.)
This list will be updated when I understand more about my personal whump references. I can still read them, but they may not give me whumperflies. And if it’s in my Question Box, I’ll probably answer with something short. If it’s a post, I may or may not reblog it as well. Though I will make it clear that I don’t write my squicks.
And just to add, these aren’t all a hard No. Others are more of a “maybe, if they are done well”, so do expect this list to be changed and updated as time goes on.
Quick Answers to some Questions:
Will you please tag __?
I would say yes, but to be honest, I won’t be able to do it for everything. I’ll do my best for common squicks and triggers and have specific CWs at the top of every post, but if it is specific, you may have to try a different method, or avoid my blog. (And I am absolutely open to police education in case I screw up on something.)
What about your AO3 fics?
I am better at extensively and accurately tagging on there, than Tumblr. Mostly because of the tagging system. But I will try my best to keep them both consistent there, and here because I do post both at the same time.
How about your Masterlists?
I will make it clear that any Masterlist I do may or may not have CWs, depending on the type and coverage. For writing masterlists, they will all go directly to the AO3 fic or original Tumblr post. While other kinds will be decided on, depending on my mood and schedule.  
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Aura cosmetic surgery klinick is the Best Cosmetic Skin clinic in Patna
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Is Cosmetic Surgery Safe? [Pros and Cons]
Have you seen people reacting in a myriad of ways when the convo is all about cosmetic surgery? Well, they are bound to react in that way because of the myths attached to it.
We through this blog are here to debunk all the myths and provide you all the legit info about cosmetic surgery.
Cosmetic surgery is one such procedure that allows people to come out as their true selves. Before passing a judgment, you need to give it thought that every individual has a right to alter what they already have. However, at the same time, you need not uphold unrealistic expectations from the procedure.
Note- If you are putting up in Patna and looking for the Best Cosmetic Skin clinic in Patna, you must visit Aura Skin Klinik.
Before actually putting cosmetic surgery on a safety parameter, let’s have a look at what actually it is.
What is Cosmetic Surgery?
Cosmetic surgery is one such procedure that allows people to make subtle changes in their body that eventually enhances their appearance.
It includes a plethora of choices such as Liposuction, breast augmentation, nose lift, cheek lift and the list goes on. One of the primary reasons to go for It is to change the way a person thinks about themselves and experience a sense of well-being with higher self-esteem.
In order to get successful in it, you need to show transparency with your surgeon and communicate with them before actually going for it.
You might get amazed to know that the procedure of cosmetic surgery is as dynamic as your choices. In the next section, we will look at some myths and realities about cosmetic surgery.
Note- Aura Skin Care Klinik is one of the best cosmetic surgery clinic in Patna that you must take a visit.
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Myths and Reality About Cosmetic Surgery
Well, there are a lot of myths that need to be busted. Mentioned below are some of those.
#1. Cosmetic Surgery is only for Wealthy People
For your info, it’s so not true that only rich people can afford these surgeries. While the truth is that it is always accessible for average people since the cost comes in quite an affordable range.
#2. Cosmetic Surgery is way too Dangerous and Risky
Well, cosmetic surgery is much safer than what you have been told. It all depends on the surgeon and the advancements of the tools used in the whole procedure. Your surgeon should educate you on all the related aspects of the procedure you are opting for.
#3. Facial Surgery leaves you Expressionless
A lot of people drop the idea of facial surgery just by thinking that their face will somehow appears expressionless. However, this is just a misconception and a well-qualified surgeon will never let you go through that phase.
Well, if you are someone looking for the Best skin Care Clinic In Patna, you should end your search at Aura Skin Care Klinik. 
The Bottom Line
If you are someone holding back your idea of opting cosmetic surgeries just because of misconceptions, now is the time you go on.
In this blog, we let you know about cosmetic surgery in brief along with debunking the myths attached to it.
Hope you found this blog informative and worth reading.
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answersfromzestual · 1 year
***Educational Purposes Only***
Normal questions for phallo (my personal experience, and facts)
"Do you feel anything?" - yes, I feel everything from touch, stroking, temperature, pain, pressure, pleasure, gusts of cold air. They do disconnect and reconnect nerves, so it does take time (years) depending on how you heal to have complete sensation. But you always have sensation there even beforr you are fully healed. I found the Urethral Lengthening Procedure and the Implants (erectile device and prothetic testicle). It took probably 3 years after all of the procedures for me to have what is called "complete tactile function".
"How do you get erect?" - it's a pump, after they create the scrotum (they use the labia for this), you get your pump installed into your main hand side (ex. My pump is on the right testie), and the other testie is just an implant. I squeeze my pump (or my partner), and then saline water is pumped from the testicle into two tubes (one on each side on my penis). Creating a natural looking erection besides having to pump. It only takes about six pumps for me. Doesn't take much effort. I have a three part inflatable device.
"How do you "deflate"/ go down after an erection" -on the testie that is the pump, there is a small button above it, it is actually kind of a small box with a button on it. I hold the button for about 15 seconds and just let my erection naturally go down.
"How many surgeries does it take?" - well, I guess four in total. You have your hysterectomy (which included for me a complete oophorectomy as well, recent advancements in this procedure have made it so an oophorectomy is now optional), then your phalloplasty the building and attaching of the phallis and vaginectomy only at this part. The next surgery was to connect my urethral, called urethra lengthening. The last surgery was to install the penile pump and testicular implant.
"What are the chances it will fall off?" - less than 1% in the hands of a skilled surgeon. (My surgeon told me this information as the source) - note post operative care is the most important part of healing properly.
"Where did they take the skin?" - they took the skin for my phallis from my forearm and used a thin layer of the skin on my upper thigh to cover the tissue left exposed on my arm.
"Do you have any issues today?" - No issues, I've been finished for quite a bit now. I enjoy sex, it feels good. It looks good. I've never been clocked even naked in a locker room. I do dribble sometimes if I hurry while urinating, and I have to use a special technique to ensure 100% emptiness, but I can pee just fine. I found the installation of the pump helps me urinate easier than without.
"Can you ejaculate?" - Yup! I can, at least. I also have pre-ejaculate. I ejaculate almost everytime I orgasm. (With this said, the ability to ejaculate, amount of, and frequency of are all variable factors that can depend on person to person)
"Is the orgasm different?" -yes! It feels better to me. It could be comfort, but ejaculating does feel good when you orgasm. Ejaculating can vary from person to person. This ejacuate is not like cis men's, it is a clear fluid from the Skenes Glands.
"Did you have any major issues?" - not really, I did have to see a wound clinic for my implant surgery. I had wounds that needed care. I got a bladder infection with the catheter during the healing stage of urethral lengthening and had it removed after just over two weeks (it was supposed to be in for six weeks), as a reference though one of my urine bags broke and I had a plastic baggie to try to repair it until I could get a replacement (i had to wait hours), I also have a compromised immune system. For my arm, I wore my compression sleeve 100% of the time, and my arm healed extremely well and flat. You just need to listen to the rules and be sure not to break them.
"Do you have to do anything (e.g weekly)?" - sorta, I have to make sure I pump fully once a week.
"Any issues urinating?" - nope, takes some getting used to, though (standing). I find that I dribble, but it's only when I'm rushing when I shake. I still sit most of the time, it's even very common in cis men as an FYI. (I asked a large group of cismen)
"Does it look real?" -Yes, my wife said she never would have known I was trans until I told her. All penises look different. Even getting an erection looks natural.
"Did you have any corrective surgeries?" -No, I got pretty great results the first time. I do plan on going to closer, regular plastic surgeon to put in a larger implant as my left testicle (non-pumping side).
Have any of your own questions? Send me an ask, I'll be happy to answer!
Stay Golden Everyone ✌️💙💜
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cree-future-rabbi · 5 months
I have completed the transfer to its own Blog
It is still, technically, a side blog, I haven't figured out if it is possible to transfer it and also make it a main blog without reposting the data post by post.
There is no reason to follow the other blog, this one will remain intact as it is.
The entire account is dedicated to this blog and only this blog. So I apologize for all those who followed the new blog.
This blog has the same URL, title, and content as before. Nothing has changed on your end.
Here is the link to the Blog Directory
Remember, if you need some advice and would feel comfortable sending me an e-mail, it is still [email protected] Feel free to write me and we can have more of a conversation about the questions you may have. Of course we also have the Ask Tab.
Thank you to all the loyal followers who have waited and waited for this to be its own entity.
Stay Golden 💙🩷
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harangwook · 3 months
Week 7 - Digital Citizenship and Health Education: Body Modification on Visual Social Media
The history of body modification
Body modification is a practice with a long history across many cultures as a means of self-expression and representation of one's identity (Lane 2020). However, in modern times, the conversation around altering one's appearance has significantly expanded through online platforms. Social media sites have become virtual galleries where individuals proudly display modifications like tattoos, piercings and cosmetic procedures while curating aesthetically pleasing self-presentations. This visibility labour sees users engaging in self-promotion to garner large followers and perceived online influence. Celebrities in particular have capitalized on their ability to set aesthetic templates for others to follow (Warhurst & Nickson 2020).
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Curating online personas
On sites like Instagram, popular "Instagramers" have crafted highly stylized feeds focusing on certain body parts or activities aligned with prevailing templates of masculinity and femininity. For women, this often emphasizes an enhanced hourglass figure with a tiny waist, prominent bust and bottom, and facial features through posed photographs. Specific poses emphasise the curvature of the hips and backside while slimming the midsection. Men likewise showcase chiselled, hairless physiques with well-defined six-pack abs, broad shoulders, and muscular arms and legs during athletic feats or casual modelling shots (Wohlrab et al. 2009; Ellis 2015).
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Establishing aesthetic norms
The proliferation of these templates, increasingly influenced by health, fitness and cosmetic surgery influencers, has contributed to a body image crisis for some impressionable users (Timko & Cooper 2022). Individuals experience feelings of inadequacy, low self-esteem and body dysmorphia when comparing their actual bodies to the seemingly flawless, surgically enhanced and heavily curated versions portrayed online (Dobson, Sarah & Robards 2018). This crisis is particularly concerning for teens and young adults who are still developing their self-identity. The templates promoted ignore the vast diversity of natural human forms and can promote unhealthy behaviours like risky procedures, steroid use or eating disorders just to achieve an unrealistic ideal.
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Impacts of social comparison
While influencers have brought greater awareness to fitness and wellness, their content faces little oversight. Greater responsibility is needed from platforms and influencers themselves to educate viewers and curb the promotion of often unattainable aesthetic goals. However, digital communities also hold the power to shape social norms. Users must cultivate their online spaces with positivity, acceptance of diversity and discouragement of harmful comparison behaviours. In this way, both platforms and participants can work to mitigate potential negative impacts.
Dobson, A, Carah, N & Robards, BJ 2018, Digital Intimate Publics and Social Media: Towards Theorising Public Lives on Private Platforms, research.monash.edu, Palgrave Macmillan, pp. 3–27, viewed 6 March 2024, https://research.monash.edu/en/publications/digital-intimate-publics-and-social-media-towards-theorising-publ.
Ellis, JB 2015, 'Platform principles: A community-centric approach to governing online social platforms', Social Media + Society, vol. 1, no. 2, 2056305115610862.
Lane, DC 2020, "Understand body modification: A process-based framework." International Journal of Social Research Methodology, vol. 23, no. 2, pp. 171-186.
Timko, A, Cooper, M 2022, 'Body Dissatisfaction, Body Image Disturbance, Body Dysmorphia: A Primer for Providers, Caregivers and Media', policylab.chop.edu, viewed 6 March 2024, https://policylab.chop.edu/blog/body-dissatisfaction-body-image-disturbance-body-dysmorphia-primer-providers-caregivers-and.
Wohlrab, S, et al. 2009, 'Mirror, mirror on the wall, who is the most tattooed of them all?', Personality and Individual Differences, vol. 46, no. 5-6, 627-631.
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woodlanddentist · 7 months
A confident, beautiful smile can do wonders for your self-esteem and overall well-being. If you’re considering cosmetic dentistry to enhance your smile, choosing the right cosmetic dentist is paramount. Puyallup boasts several cosmetic dentists, and selecting the one who best meets your needs requires careful consideration. In this blog, we will discuss the key factors to look for when choosing a cosmetic dentist in Puyallup.
Qualifications and Expertise
Proper Education and Certification
The foundation of any reputable cosmetic dentist’s career is their education and certification. When researching potential cosmetic dentists in Puyallup, look for the following qualifications:
Dental Degree: Verify that the dentist holds a Doctor of Dental Medicine (DMD) or Doctor of Dental Surgery (DDS) degree. These degrees signify that the dentist has completed the necessary educational requirements.
Cosmetic Dentistry Training: Beyond their basic dental degree, a cosmetic dentist should have received specialized training in cosmetic dentistry. Look for dentists who have completed programs or courses specifically focused on cosmetic procedures.
Certification: A board-certified cosmetic dentist has undergone additional evaluation to demonstrate their skills and expertise in cosmetic procedures. Check if the dentist has board certification from relevant organizations.
Experience and Portfolio
Experience matters in the field of cosmetic dentistry. To evaluate a potential dentist’s expertise, consider the following:
Years in Practice: A dentist with more years in practice often has a broader range of experience and a more extensive portfolio.
Before-and-After Photos: Request to see before-and-after photos of previous patients. This will give you a visual representation of the dentist’s work and what you can expect from their services.
Patient Reviews: Reading patient reviews and testimonials can provide valuable insights into the quality of care and results provided by the dentist.
Range of Cosmetic Services
Cosmetic dentistry encompasses a wide array of procedures, from teeth whitening to dental veneers and orthodontics. When choosing a cosmetic dentist in Puyallup, consider what specific services they offer:
Comprehensive Services: Look for a dentist who offers a range of cosmetic procedures. This ensures that you have access to various treatment options, allowing for a more personalized approach to enhancing your smile.
Cutting-Edge Technology: A modern cosmetic dentist should utilize advanced dental technology and techniques to achieve optimal results. Inquire about the equipment and technology they use.
Customized Treatment Plans: A reputable cosmetic dentist will develop a customized treatment plan tailored to your unique needs and desires. Make sure the dentist takes the time to discuss your goals and explain the recommended procedures.
The Bottom Line
Choosing a cosmetic dentist in Puyallup is a significant decision, as it directly impacts your smile and self-confidence. To ensure you select the right professional, prioritize qualifications and expertise. Look for a dentist with the appropriate educational background, training, and certification in cosmetic dentistry.
Additionally, experience and a robust portfolio are crucial. The ability to see actual results and hear from previous patients can instill confidence in your choice. Finally, consider the range of services offered, as well as the use of cutting-edge technology and a commitment to developing customized treatment plans.
By taking these factors into account, you can make an informed decision when choosing a cosmetic dentist in Puyallup. With the right dentist by your side, you can embark on your journey to a brighter, more beautiful smile with confidence.
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shubhealth23 · 8 months
Exploring the Safety of Kidney Stone Laser Treatment
Is someone you know suffering from a kidney stone problem? Share this blog to educate them about the safety of laser treatment and when it should be considered as a procedure for treatment.
Many people are scared of kidney laser treatment, which is why in this blog, we are here to explore whether it is safe or not.
Is kidney stone laser treatment safe?
Laser treatment has been the preferred method for kidney stone treatment for over two decades, becoming the gold standard in clinical practice. Advanced laser machines with the latest technology offer improved efficiency and safety during the procedure, reducing the risk of complications. The latest advancements in laser treatment have the potential to surpass other modes of kidney stone removal.
One of the key advantages of laser treatment is that it is a safe and non-invasive procedure. Unlike conventional surgeries, there are no incisions made on the body, minimising the risk of infections and complications. The procedure involves the use of short and intense laser beams to break down kidney stones into tiny fragments, which are then naturally expelled through urine or removed through a ureteroscope. The entire process is risk-free, taking only 10 minutes to an hour depending on the severity of the condition, and ensures a quick recovery compared to traditional surgeries.
Laser treatment is also a less complex solution compared to other techniques, offering a faster recovery with cost-effective options. It is an outpatient procedure, eliminating the need for overnight hospital stays. The risks and complications associated with laser treatment are minimal, with only rare instances of minor side effects such as nausea and temporary bleeding in the urine. Recovery is quick, and patients experience no outstanding side effects.
When should you consider kidney stone laser treatment?
Laser lithotripsy is also known as laser stone surgery or laser kidney stone treatment. It is a non-invasive procedure used to break up kidney stones, bladder stones, and other solid objects in the urinary tract.
Laser lithotripsy may be recommended in cases where kidney stones cause severe pain or blockages or are too large to pass naturally. Patients who are not suitable for other kidney stone treatments, such as shockwave lithotripsy, may also benefit from laser treatment. Additionally, laser lithotripsy is more effective in breaking up stones located at the bottom part of the kidney.
Most patients can resume work and normal activities within a few days, though recovery time may vary from person to person. Some patients may take over-the-counter painkillers to relieve mild discomfort. In cases where a ureteric stent is used, it may cause some irritation. Ureteric stents are sometimes necessary to protect the kidney and allow the drainage of debris from shattered stones.
Do you want to know about the cost of treating kidney stones? The cost depends on the city you choose to get the treatment done. We provide a pricing list on the Kidney stone laser treatment cost in Chennai, and other cities like Mumbai, Hyderabad, New Delhi, and so on.
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thetakeon · 9 months
Tech Breakthroughs: The Latest Technology News
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Technology is continuously growing in the modern world, and keeping up with the newest tech news is critical for both tech fans and professionals. In this blog, we'll look at some of the latest and most recent technological advances and news that have shaped our world. Here's a look at the best tech blogs related to the field, from modern gadgets to ground-breaking advances in artificial intelligence.
Rise of 5G
The deployment of 5G networks is yet another key milestone in the world of technology. This ultrafast, low-latency wireless technology has the potential to allow advances such as self-driving cars, surgery remotely, and augmented reality applications. As 5G networks spread over the world, we should expect an influx of emerging services and applications that take advantage of their capabilities.
Advancement of Artificial Intelligence
For years, artificial intelligence (AI) has served as the mainstay in technology headlines, and it shows no signs of abating. Recent achievements in artificial intelligence (AI) include advances in natural language processing and learning through reinforcement. AI is currently being used to automate operations, make predictions, and enhance decision-making across a variety of industries, ranging from healthcare and banking to entertainment and transportation.
Technology and sustainability:
Globally, sustainability is an increasing problem, and technology performs an important part in tackling environmental issues. Solar and wind power technologies are growing more effective and affordable, electric vehicles are becoming more popular, and innovative carbon-cutting solutions are emerging. To tackle climate change, the IT industry is increasingly focusing on environmentally friendly programs and sustainable practices.
What exactly are tech blogs?
A technology blog is a website or portion of a site that focuses on technological issues. These themes could include a wide range of subjects, such as the most recent news in the technology business. People that write tech blogs include tech journalists, industry professionals, and fans. They can be directed towards a wide spectrum of audiences, from novices to seasoned IT users.
Why Does Australia's Tech Blog Matter?
Due to its unique focus on the Australian digital sector, digital Blog Australia distinguishes out among the greatest tech blogs. The following is why it's an essential must-follow for Australian techies:
Local Importance:
Tech Blog Australia is aware of the requirements and desires of the Australian tech community. It covers Australian-related news, such as information on local startups, laws and regulations, and tech events.
Startup Highlight:
Australia has a vibrant startup environment, and Tech Blog Australia focuses on the newest inventions, successful startup stories, and the problems that Australian startups confront.
Product Reviews:
Hands-on reviews of tech goods available in Australia to assist you in making educated purchasing decisions.
Conferences and events:
Keep up to date with Australian technology events, conferences, and exhibitions. Whether it's a Sydney tech expo or a Melbourne blockchain conference, the latest technology news keep you up to date.
Bottom line
Finally, in our fast changing environment, staying up to date on the latest technological news is critical. Blog is a light of digital knowledge for folks in Australia, providing vital insights into the local tech sector and its global consequences.
The Take on Tech, is your go-to source for in-depth tech commentary and news. It is devoted to demystifying technology and assisting you in navigating the digital realm. Visit its  website right now to get the newest trends, intelligent analysis, and professional advice!
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