#Brody 'V' Stark
teamhawkeye · 1 year
what are brody AND hudson’s endings!!
Brody: The Sun/New Dawn Fades. Brody already feels guilt for the immense stress and pain she's caused her brother, Hudson, along with Atlas, Misty, Vik, Judy, Kerry, Panam, etc. with the whole situation involving the chip and her deteriorating health and mind. When it comes time to handle the situation with the Relic and Arasaka, she and Johnny choose to handle it alone and head for Arasaka Tower without telling anyone else their plan.
After fighting through the waves of Arasaka troops and Adam Smasher and inserting Alt into the mainframe, when it becomes apparent that she won't live longer than 6 months or so in her body, it becomes obvious what she wants to do. It also helps that she and Johnny have bonded immensely in their time sharing a body and she's already acknowledged having fallen in love with him. So, in spite of his pleas otherwise, she decides to give up her body and enter cyberspace so that he can live.
And Johnny may or may not have her engram saved in the hopes that she can be restored, because fuck her being so noble and sacrificing herself for someone like him
Hudson: The Star/All Along the Watchtower. In spite of Night City being his goal, becoming a street legend being his dream, and having lived there for over half his life now, having connected with the Aldecaldos recently made Hudson realize that he misses his Nomad upbringing and the Badlands. Having so many people to count on and turn to, escaping the burning lights of the city and going back to sitting under the quiet of the stars at night...he comes to understand that what he thought he'd wanted all this time was just him chasing smoke and that he's finally found something real and tangible that he wants to experience.
Hudson calls up Panam to help take on Arasaka, and he, Brody, Atlas, and the Aldecaldos breach Arasaka Tower to reach Mikoshi and load Alt into the mainframe. In spite of the grim news that he may have no longer than 6 months to live, he decides to make the most of his time and keeps his body, biding farewell to Johnny and deciding it's time to put Night City behind him.
Atlas chooses to come with him, insisting they'll find someone out there who can help him with his predicament; the two marry only a few weeks later. Brody comes along as well, departing Night City with Judy at her side, the pair happy to . Hudson and Brody's mother, Cassandra, had already left the Bakkers for the Aldecaldos once she heard about her childrens' situation and also rides out with them.
And where once Hudson could never imagine leaving Night City for anywhere else, once they slip past Arasaka's security and escape into the Badlands, he begins to realize he can't imagine spending the rest of his life there when he finally feels like he's at the top of the world.
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Sky Full of Stars - An Adrien Brody/Jade Burton (OC) Story.
Lord help me, besties. We're starting this, and we're starting it now because I cannot wait to reveal it to you! I did say I wouldn't write RPF again as it feels too personal a line to cross, so please bear in mind that while I have tried to remain true to who Adrien appears to be, he is a little fictionalised, too. The same goes for his family and friends as well. I have created them as OC's because it feels much too intrusive to his life to write them otherwise.
Well, the first chapter is mammoth, so please do make sure you're sitting comfortably with a drink and some snacky snacks before you embark. I cannot wait to hear your thoughts!
A huge thank you again to my beautiful @jemmalynette for the lovely photo manip she created for me, and to Angelina Jolie for serving as Jade's face claim! If you want to know Jade's voice claim a little better, here. This is the scream she hit Adrien with upon first meeting him! - https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=a98LI-arNS4
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Tag list - In the comments
Words - 5,614
Warnings - 18+ content throughout. Minors DNI!
“Tell us something about your wife that people would find surprising.” 
He mulls it over for a few seconds, looking to his side at her, laughing as he takes in her raised eyebrows. “She’s actually quite introverted, unless she knows the people she’s with well. Then her volume and mischief amp up considerably,” he begins, which I must say is perhaps the last thing I expected him to reply with. “No, no. It’s completely true, she is. She’s often quiet, an extreme juxtapose for how she appears up on stage with a microphone in her hand, but yeah. The Jade you see performing live is a completely different entity to the woman she is away from it, and I found that out pretty quickly after we first met.”  
It is a stark contrast to the public persona of Jade Burton-Brody, a woman known for rarely shying away from being outspoken and controversial, whether it be her fiercely penned lyrics, or her opinions on the subject matters she holds dear. She was, after all, the woman who advised legions of young female rock fans to, and I quote, “Burn the patriarchy to the goddamned ground.” 
Before me today, though, I do see a much softer side to the screaming hurricane of a woman I familiarised myself with through the scouring of YouTube videos, a woman more than happy to let her husband lead in the questions, always looking to him to reply first. She has spoken in the past of him being her unequivocal strength and support, and I take her back to that, the moment she first met the man she would marry just six months after their first meeting. 
“Jade, you’ve spoken about your first meeting a couple of times in the past, but for the record, would you care to share it again?”  
She laughs loudly at my question, leaning into her husband a little, combing her fingers through her hair as she remembers fifteen years into the past. “I screamed in his face, he liked it, and the rest is history.” 
Indeed, such a meeting did seal itself into history, the moment the iconic pair met captured by a photographer pointing his camera in the right direction at exactly the right time, immortalising the moment where the formidable first lady of metal took to the barriers at the Rock and Iron festival, grabbed the hand of the Hollywood heavyweight, and proceeded to scream like a harpy about an inch from his face. “She blew my eardrums out,” Adrien speaks of the moment, “I had never heard anything that loud in the whole of my life!” 
Indeed, like it he did, the first stages of their fledgling relationship captured on film while a documentary team were following her and the band, shooting the footage for the 2010 documentary, “The Devil you Don’t Know.” As the footage shows, the actor found himself with a rare two week break between projects, one of those weeks spent living on a tour bus with the band, unwilling to be parted from the woman he’d struck up such an immediate connection with. 
“I called my manager and told her to shift all my interviews to telephone, rearranged everything for the following week before I flew out to Hawaii to begin shooting Predators, and yeah, lived on a bus with five insane, but adorable women for seven days.” He smiles a little shyly, his eyes warm as he views her. “Didn’t want to let her go.”  
When asked if it was love at first sight, he elaborates a little further. “I’ve never believed in that. Too many components have to fall into place for love to bloom, so I don’t think it can be so spontaneous as to simply view somebody and feel such a powerful emotion right off the bat. After that week I spent with her, though. Yeah. I departed from the tour knowing I’d left behind the girl I was going to marry someday.” 
And for Jade? “I knew. He was my person. Still is fifteen years on, too.”  
Just viewing the natural ease the couple have around one another cements that, after battling with so much over their years together. They both freely admit they rarely saw one another for the first two years of their marriage, their relationship plagued by media scrutiny, storms of paparazzi, accusations of their romance serving purely as a manufactured PR pairing for publicity, others stating that it was to give Jade greater leverage as she further embarked upon her acting career away from the world of music. One only has to watch the woman on screen to see that she carries enough weight from her own talents to not need the bolstering of her husband’s surname to snare her hard-earned successes.  
Indeed, the pair have weathered many storms and come through them stronger, standing as one of Hollywood’s most illimitable power couples, yet the term is somewhat lost on them both. “We’re complete dorks,” Jade laughs, “we really are. We set one another off all the time being absolutely ridiculous.” 
“It’s true,” her husband confirms, beginning to chuckle right on cue. “Nobody makes me laugh like her. It’s so corny, but truly, she’s my best friend. Deciding to get on that bus fifteen years ago was one of the greatest decisions I ever made.”  
It can be witnessed quite easily, too. It takes only a few glimpses into their respective social media accounts to see the humorous ease they tease one another with, but always with incredible affection. ‘Baby love! <3 Love you too, Morticia!’ Adrien commented on a heartfelt post his wife recently shared to Instagram, a throwback picture of the pair kissing at the 2016 Oscar’s ceremony, where his beloved won best supporting actress for her role across from Robert De Niro in the 2016 blockbuster, Five Marked Men. 
“It took him about a month to get over me with black hair instead of blonde, so I was Morticia for four straight weeks instead of Jade!” she laughs, obviously taking his teasing with good humour.  
“I was so damned proud of her, even though I couldn’t get used to the black hair,” he laughs taking her hand in his. “Always have been. She’s incredible.” 
And truly? Adrien wasn’t wrong in what he stated about boarding that tour bus in the interview for a very well-known media outlet, who had come to their home for a rare glimpse into their private life together. Yet for Jade, it began much earlier than that, at a time when perhaps she was least willing to hear what her future had in store for her. 
San Luis Obispo, CA, 2007. 
“Come on, Skippy. No dragging those feet.” 
Jade did nothing to conceal the force of her huff, pulling back from the beachfront steps of the home she was being dragged to by the enthusiastic, blonde whirlwind that was her closest friend and drummer in their band. Jen had always put a lot of faith in psychics, Jade not so much at all, living in a world of regret at agreeing from sheer relentless nagging only to go and have her tealeaves read.  
“You have to stop calling me Skippy. One day, this day, actually. Enough!”  
Jen grinned, a flash of bright white teeth widening her mouth. “Maybe when you don’t make clicking noises like the little kangaroo in your sleep, I might.” Skippy or Skip, it had been her much-begrudged nickname since they’d struck up a friendship as teenagers upon Jade’s arrival from the UK to America. 
Entering the home, they were greeted warmly by Cerise, the lady of the tealeaves, tarot cards and all things mystic, Jade politely giving her a little hug before they seated themselves at the large, round table. All around, large canvasses ode to the divine and spiritual covered the walls, candles flickering, incense burning, casting strong plumes of eastern fragrance into the air.  
“Her first!” Jen spoke enthusiastically as the tea was poured, drumming her hands rapidly off the table.  
Cerise jerked her head to the left, viewing Jade with a warm smile. “She’s always tapping, this one, isn’t she?” 
“Typical drummer,” she confirmed, winking at her as Cerise went about her tea preparation, the women making pleasant chit chat as the brew was drank. 
“Now, you don’t have to tell me anything, darling. I’m not one of those charlatans who cold reads situations to feed it back to you. What I see, I see it without being told anything from the person I’m reading from.” She truly doubted the validity of that, but nodded politely, passing her cup into Cerise’s outstretched hand. “I sometimes get extra information from my spirits as well, so if they have anything, they’ll pipe up. They usually do.” Staring into the cup, she began studying the pattern of the grainy tea, humming to herself. “The man you’re with right now? He isn’t the one. It’ll be the one after him.” 
Immediately, Jade found herself feeling prickled on the inside, mildly incensed that anyone would say that the man she’d spent three years with happily would not end up as the one she would stay so blissfully in love with. How dare she even suggest!  
She wouldn’t unleash that indignance, though. “How can you tell?”  
“Trust me, darling. I can tell. Oh, my spirits are in good voice, hold on.” Closing her eyes, she appeared as if she was listening, shaking her head and waving her hands. “One at a time, for the love of...” Jade’s face of utter disbelief earned her a soft foot to the shin beneath the table, Jen tightening her lips and widening her eyes. Cerise nodded, humming in confirmation before casting her eyes back to the cup. “Okay, I have more information. The man you’ll end up with, well you’ll know for sure when you meet him, sweetheart. You’ll scream at him. He also has the same name as your dog.”  
“I beg your pardon?” Jade coughed, her beloved Great Dane appearing in her mind’s eye. “I’m meeting someone called Brodie, who I’ll scream at? Right. Okay.”  
“He’ll spell it differently, darling. Oh, and his eyes. You’ll love his eyes, because you will never have seen green like them before. Yes, most certainly, he is the man who will come into your life and never leave it.”  
She had to bite her cheek to prevent herself from laughing. “Alright. Thank you.”  
While a much more willing Jen had her tealeaves read, Jade went outside for a cigarette, calling her boyfriend to relay the ridiculous message she’d just been given. 
“Um, she said what?” Ivan snorted, his laugh booming down the phone. “Uh-uh, no fucking way. Like I’d ever let you go.”  
The Russian born, but American raised Ivan Kuznetsov had been her absolute everything since meeting him three years previously, watching him win his bout at a UFC fight in Las Vegas. Because of their schedules, Jade and her seemingly endless long hauls of touring, also parlaying her talents into the acting world, and Ivan locked in rigorous training, they didn’t see as much of one another as they’d have liked, but they made it work.  
Until they didn’t. Until it broke, or rather, until he and his famously ferocious temper broke it completely, almost twelve months on from the tealeaves message she’d received, and quickly forgotten all about. She’d have been lying if she’d claimed she hadn’t seen the red flags, Ivan’s steroid use growing completely out of control, cheating urine tests in order to keep juicing, growing ever bigger through the use of the banned substance. It wasn’t just his muscles and performance that had dramatically grown. So had his temper.  
Roid rage, they called it. It was never something she thought she would bear witness to, until she found herself on his kitchen floor, being throttled and punched, her only saviour her dog, the Great Dane bitch jumping on his back and sinking her teeth into the meat of his trapezius at seeing her human being so viciously beaten.  
The combined effort of a valiant rescue dog and a woman determined not to die at her fiancé's hands got him off of her, Jade grabbing Brodie’s collar and her bag as she ran from the house, dived into her car and drove away as quickly as she could.  
She never returned.  
Ivan was arrested and subsequently charged for the sickening assault that disgraced his name in the sporting world, discharged from the UFC and sent away to serve a five-year prison sentence. It was a pitiful excuse for justice, especially when he’d probably be freed after three if he behaved himself. Jade knew the outcome likely wouldn’t see him put away for any longer, as she’d been advised by her legal team prior to giving evidence at the trial. Domestic violence victims rarely did receive the adequate recompense where the punishment of their abuser was concerned.  
A victim. It was a role she’d sworn never to play, speaking on the event many months afterwards. “I am not his victim. I’m the one who had the sense to get away as soon as he raised a hand to me. There’s nothing that correlates to victimhood there.”  
Some doubted her stance, thinking her to be in denial over it, claiming she needed to seek therapy to get herself through her ordeal. In Jade’s mind, her therapy was her music, one of the tracks from her band’s seventh album, entitled Nomad, serving as cathartic release over the attack. It also got her through the passing of her beloved Brodie, the dog dying at the grand old age of eleven six months after she’d parted ways with Ivan. It was almost unheard of for the breed to reach such an age, and if Jade was thankful for anything, it was having an extra three unexpected years with her faithful old girl. 
She felt lonely if she let herself sit still for long enough, so kept busy through the machine that was her life, driving her from movie set to stage to recording studio, long hours and hard work elevating her status in both worlds, her band, Seventh Gate releasing Nomad to a huge success and taking to the road in early two thousand and nine, complete with a stint moving from one summer festival to the next.  
One such date upon that stint was the Rock and Iron show, something all the girls in the band had been looking forward to playing. It had been a longstanding one-day festival held in California for the past eleven years, the band playing it a couple of times before on the smaller stage.  
This time, though, playing the prime afternoon spot of 3pm-4pm, they walked out on the main stage at the open-air show to eighty thousand screaming rock fans, Jade feeling sick with nerves, as usual. It didn’t matter an ounce that the rock press hailed her as the first lady of metal, who praised her huge vocal range and coined her as one of the first to combine both powerful, clean vocals and blistering, guttural roars. She still felt like her legs were about to give way every time she climbed the steps and walked across the stage, ready to view her kingdom.  
Or queendom, as it was. Because to the thousands of people who cheered at the sight of her, she was their monarch. Some viewed her a little differently. 
“Oh man, there she is!” Lewis piped up, clapping his hands above his head. “There’s god!”  
Adrien turned to view him with mild incredulity, shaking his head. “Man, you’re something else with this fanboy thing you have going on.” Whatever he might have followed that with was obliterated by the noise that came from the speakers, the roar of guitars, drums like canons, and a scream that sounded like something he could only liken to a creature being spat up from hell for being too aggressive. “Damn. She’s got some pipes.”  
Lewis didn’t reply, too busy getting into the first song of their set, Adrien feeling himself furtherly crushed right up against the barrier. He was trying to have a good time, he truly was, but metal wasn’t really where it was at for him. A die-hard hip-hop connoisseur, being dragged to an open-air rock and metal festival hadn’t been his idea, but Lewis’s girlfriend had bailed on him, quite literally, ending their relationship just one month prior. Conveniently, he had a rare two weeks off work, so had allowed his friend to talk him into it.  
As his chest was shunted hard against the barrier for what felt like the four hundredth time that afternoon, he once again sorely regretted it. However, looking up at the stage, he couldn’t help but view the women performing upon it with genuine curiosity. They were perhaps the tightest in sound of anyone he’d seen that day, their energy enigmatic, especially the swagger exuded from their front woman.  
She was like a supernova personified, commanding a crowd of thousands, her presence much larger than the tall, yet slight frame it inhabited. Although the music wasn’t to his taste, he had to admit she impressed him, having the vocal range that allowed her to sing powerfully delivered harmonies one minute, and roars that sounded not of his earth the next. Her talent completely blew him away. 
Also, her adoration for her fans was clear, sending the security into a frenzy when she jumped down off the stage between songs, embracing a few people reaching for her on the front row as the next song began to filter through the wall of speakers. The crowd screamed along with the opening lyrics, Adrien watching as suddenly, the blonde whirlwind strode in his direction at speed, jumping onto the barrier, grabbing his hand, and bellowing out a scream a mere inch from his face. He laughed, Lewis nearly fainted, and Jade winked at him before she was gone again in a blink, returning to the stage.  
“Do you know how goddamned lucky you are? Dude!” Lewis yelled, mouth hanging open. “Dude! God just screamed right in your face!” 
Adrien continued to chuckle, looking up at the stage. “Yeah,” he spoke, his heart fluttering, “guess she did.” While her music mightn't have been to his taste, seeing her so close up, he had to admit the way she looked definitely was. God, she was sexy. Very, very sexy “I think she blew my fucking eardrums out!” 
Lewis was in fits at his assertion, clapping him on the back before continuing to enjoy the show. At the next break between songs, Jade found herself beckoned for by Katie, their lead guitarist, her eyes wide as she jumped up and down with her usual zany energy. “Bro! You just screamed in Adrien Brody’s face!” 
“Adrien fucking Brody! The actor!” 
Jade was still none the wiser. “The hot guy with the dark hair?” 
“What’s he been in?”  
Katie could have slapped her. “Um, only your mom’s favourite movie.” 
Finally, the penny dropped. “Oh shit, the guy from The Pianist?” 
“That’s him?” 
“Yes, you massively blind douche! God damnit, you never know who anybody is!” 
Her eyes almost came out on stalks for not actually recognising him. 
“Oh my god!” Having a very large crowd to entertain, she couldn’t say anything further on the subject, but she kept her eye on him for the rest of their set, calling over one of their roadies a couple of songs later as she ran to the side of the stage to grab her flask of herbal tea. “I take it you know who Adrien Brody is, right?” she asked, letting the herbal brew sink down her throat and coat it in an effort to not feel like she’d swallowed a chainsaw. 
Sunni smirked, stroking his beard. “Yeah, boss. The guy whose face you screamed in.” 
“Give him and whoever he’s with backstage passes. I wanna meet him.” She watched as Sunni scuttled off to go and locate a few of the prized lanyards that gave people access to the coveted backstage area, before launching into the next song. Out of the corner of her eye, she was able to see Adrien and the guy with the blonde hair he was with jump the barrier, being escorted stage right to watch the remainder of their set from the wings, along with the rest of the Seventh Gate road crew.  
While there, they were approached by a woman who introduced herself as Hazel Bernstein, the tour manager for the band, asking since they were currently being filmed for a documentary about Jade’s life and career if they minded being on camera. They confirmed that no, they didn’t mind at all, Hazel having them sign a couple of release forms before another member of the crew ushered them backstage.  
The area was made up of large tents dotted around for each band to reside in before and after their performances, the guys shown in and furnished with beers as they sat down on one of the couches provided.  
Adrien looked to his side, watching Lewis as his eyes darted around. “You look edgy, man.” 
“I’m about to meet one of my favourite bands, and I don’t even have a fucking clue what the hell to say to them!” he exclaimed, gulping back his beer. 
He couldn’t help himself. “Hello might be a good place to start.” 
“Noted, Captain Sarcastic.” Looking at him, he burst into a snorting fit of laughter, wishing he had a fraction of his very famous friend’s effortless cool. Alas, he did not. The first of the women through the tent made his mouth drop open, Katie going to the cooler and pulling herself out a bottle of bourbon, emptying an eye watering amount into an ice-filled red solo cup before she came right on over.  
“Hi guys! How you doing, you having a good time? Damn, it’s fucking hot, right?” She talked rapidly, like a machine gun going off, shaking their hands with the exact same enthusiasm she spoke with, Lewis looking like he was about to burst. 
“Katie Gilmore, just coming over, shaking my hand, asking how I am, like I’m fucking anyone at all,” he spoke in a daze of disbelief, Adrien shaking his head. 
“Ignore him, he’s a little... yeah.”  
She chuckled, lifting her cup to him. “And you’re one helluva actor, my guy. I could be obvious and praise you to hell for The Pianist, because damn, that movie was outstanding, but I fucking adored you in Summer of Sam! You make a cute punk, bro!” 
“Thank you,” he smiled graciously, “and in turn, you’re a hell of a guitarist. I don’t know much about rock or metal, but you make what I guess is real difficult look incredibly easy.”  
They were then joined by the force of nature that was Jen, the band’s drummer, the tall, rail thin blonde approaching, pointing at Adrien. “Can I sit on your lap and get a picture with you, dude?”  
He smiled, patting his black denim covered thighs. “Sure, hop on.”  
“Billy!” she roared, moving to throw herself down, “get over here and do the clicky, clicky!” A man holding a professional camera ambled over, Jen smiling as she wrapped her arms around him, and then promptly licked his cheek. “Man, you taste delicious!” she shouted, Adrien laughing, a little taken aback at her brash behaviour, but somehow quite charmed all the same. “What is that?” 
“Sweat and beer,” he confirmed, Jen throwing her head back and roaring before she got up.  
“My favourite things! See you guys later, I gotta go see some other people!” Sweat and beer, also cocaine, if her eyes were anything to go by. He knew high as hell when he saw it. 
“Hey, you boys like tequila? I got a load in the cooler, let’s get some shots in, huh?” Katie spoke, grabbing a hand a piece and hauling them up. There, they were introduced to rhythm guitarist Charlotte, who was much, much quieter than the other members of the band they’d met so far, very reserved and polite. Still, Lewis was firmly stuck in starstruck mode, trying hard to find some semblance of cool, but losing it completely. 
And then she walked on over. 
“Hi,” she chirped in a voice that sounded much too sweet ever be able to conjure the ferocious roars she was famous for, Lewis looking like he was about to pass out. Jade wasn’t looking at him for long, though. “How are you?” 
“A little deaf,” Adrien admitted. 
“Sorry about that,” she cringed, laughing softly. “One hearing test owed to Adrien Brody. Noted.” Oh, she was witty. He liked witty.  
“Yeah, that’s one hell of a set of lungs you have,” he complimented, Jade moving past where her girls stood, pulling herself a bottle of water from the cooler, sinking a shot Katie thrust in her direction. 
“Mm, yeah,” she hummed quietly, unscrewing the bottle cap, cocking her head as a confident smile shined through. “I like to think so.” God, the man had the most gorgeous green eyes she’d ever seen in her life, Jade feeling herself pulled in by them, trying not to feel awkward at the fact that she was standing there talking to a man whose fame eclipsed her own in shades. She could feel her internal monologue beginning to flounder at what to say to him next, relieved when Adrien pointed to her t shirt. 
“Rough Trade, that’s about my favourite record store in all of New York. Spent entirely too much time and money in there during my youth,” he noted, Jade gesturing to the couch. 
“It’s amazing, isn’t it?” she spoke as they sat down, sipping her water. “I used to work there on a weekend before the band blew up and took off.” 
“Yeah? What part of New York did you live in? I take it from the accent that you moved over, right?” Of course, she did. Duh. He could have kicked himself, but she didn’t react in any way other than to politely answer. 
“I did. I’m from Tottenham, London, but moved over with my parents when I was thirteen. I lived in Harlem. What about you? You sound New York born and bred, and apologies if you think I might be one of those people who knows everything about you already, but I really don’t!”  
He watched the embarrassment crease her face as she cringed, reaching to gently squeeze her wrist. “No, you’re fine! God, it’s refreshing, actually, to talk to somebody who doesn’t know anything about me already!” he began, very much enjoying that she truly was a little clueless over him. It made weeding out those with a genuine interest in who he was away from his famous persona much easier. “And yeah, Queens born and bred.” 
“Do you still live there?” 
“In New York, yeah, but further north. I’ve a house in Oswego County, right out in the middle of nowhere. It’s a mess still, long term restoration project, but I like it. I like not being bothered while I’m not working. I have a place here, too, but only a rental. How about you?” 
“Couple of places,” she began, noticing the documentary guys hovering, pointing at them discreetly. “Don’t mind, do you?”  
“I don’t. Your tour manager already came and asked us.” 
She nodded, continuing. “So yeah, I have a house out in California and an apartment in the West Village. I just bought a property over in England as well, gorgeous estate in Buckinghamshire that the Laurel Canyon house is shortly being rented out to afford.” 
Rock music was lucrative, it seemed, for her to own three homes. “That’s smart, renting. You’ll get more for it long term, too. Especially with the association of living in a rock star’s house.”  
“Certain would-be renters’ll probably think I have cocaine stashed all over or something,” she snorted, “which is hilarious as I don’t do hard drugs. Used to, but it messed with my ability to perform, so I knocked it on the head.” 
He loved how candid she was, not hiding anything for appearances sake. She was also entirely too beautiful for her own good, with the prettiest, bluest eyes he’d ever seen in his life, eyes he couldn’t look away from for a second. A parade of naked women could have walked into the tent right at that moment, and he wouldn’t even have turned his head.  
They continued their talk, seemingly oblivious to the merriment going on around them, finding out tentative bits of information about one another, their families, their interests and passions. They had one in particular that surprised the hell out of him. 
“Get the fuck out of here! You’re into hip-hop?” 
“No, you get the fuck out,” she teased, gently pinching his arm as she laughed. “Yeah, I am! I’m into so much music, but growing up in the areas that I did, it was such an ingrained staple. I was the only white girl amongst all my friends and just absorbed the hip-hop culture like a sponge. I got to listen to so much in the store too. It had its perks, working at Rough Trade.  
“I still nearly died on the spot when Method Man came strolling in one day. Wu Tang had released thirty-six chambers the year before, and I couldn’t stop playing it, so yeah, I was completely dumbstruck. He walks up to the counter and I’m just like, “no way, you’re Method Man,” to which he smiled, looked at my name tag and said, “no way, you’re Jade. Whassup, girl?" We became friends, he’s such a cool guy. Comes by my place whenever he can when we’re both back in New York. I cook him pasta and he plays me new stuff he’s been working on. I got a lot of time for Clifford, he’s real straight up.” 
“Yeah, I know him a little, too. I’m more friends with RZA, though. I got into making beats in my teens and he’s acted as a mentor to me. Cool guy,” he replied casually, Jade grasping his arms and giving them a little shake. 
“You make beats?” she cried, her eyes widening, “play me something! Do you have anything on your phone?”  
He shook his head. “Nope, it’s all at home on my laptop. But I will one day, though.” She made a sad face, Adrien pulling his arms from her soft grip, linking his fingers through hers. Oh... too forward, he suddenly panicked. When her fingers squeezed his hands, he realised it wasn’t. Her lit-up face told him it wasn’t, too. God, it was like a thunderbolt had just cut through the tent and hit him square atop his head. “You’re too cute, you know that? I definitely will let you listen to some of it. I plan for us to meet up at the same time in the same place again, for sure.”  
“Not many people call me cute,” she admitted, stroking her thumbs in circles over his palms. “Lots of other things. Loud mouthed bitch, profane whore, evil cock tease, but rarely cute.” 
The way she looked at him, licking her lip, oh fuck. Yep. He sensed something quite predatory lurking beneath the surface of the quiet, charming woman he was enjoying the hell out of getting to know. What was more? He liked it. “I think the latter is probably fairly apt, isn’t it?”  
She leaned forward, her lips tickling the lobe of his ear. “Might show you one day.” His face must have said it all, betrayed the barrier he tried to rapidly build to conceal the fire she’d stoked, licking his insides in a blaze.  
Holding eye contact with her, he lifted his chin slightly, his smile growing. “Might let you.” They held each other’s gaze, almost defying the other to look away first, Jade playing with his hands, running her nails up and down his long fingers, licking her lips. Oh, she was so, so sexy. “Might just tease you back twice as bad.” 
He winked, and her stomach exploded with butterflies, dropping her gaze for a moment, her internal monologue stuck on excited screaming mode. “It’s so loud in here. Do you want to go someplace quieter?” 
“That’d be good. Is my boy gonna be alright, or are your girls gonna eat him alive?” he spoke, nodding over her shoulder, seeing Lewis looking very well settled, drinking and laughing with Katie and Charlotte. 
“Yeah, the lesbians will look after him well. They’re together, if you didn’t know. Most don’t unless you’re a fan of the band,” she spoke, Adrien only noticing it then, the understated way they had their pinky fingers linked together. Cute.   
“Ahh, he’ll know, then. Save himself the embarrassment of trying to give his usual awkward advances toward two girls who don’t bat for his team.” They got up, exiting the tent without being noticed, although Jade was called out to by a few peers and industry folks as they walked down towards where all the busses were parked a short way from the entrance to the backstage compound.  
As he walked, Adrien couldn’t remember the last time he’d felt so excited to spend time with someone who wasn’t a friend or family member, the people much missed as his hectic life whirled around him. He had no idea how much time he’d have with this utterly charming woman who turned to smile at him, but god, he hoped the minutes began to tick backwards with every step he took. 
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south-of-heaven · 2 months
Requests are closed
AJ Styles
Alexa Bliss
A to Z - Aleister & Zelina
Becky Lynch
Bianca Belair
Brandi Rhodes
Brody - Brandi & Cody
Baylor - Bayley & Finn
Browsey - Ronda & Travis
Brie Bella
Beth Phoenix
Brody King
Cody Rhodes
Charlotte Flair
Cheddie - Chyna & Eddie
Candice LerRae
Claudio Castagnoli/Cesaro
Damian Priest
Damage CTRL
Dakota Kai
Drew McIntyre
Dominik Mysterio
Dexter Lumis
Eddie Guerrero
Four Horsewomen - WWE Four Horsewomen - UFC
Finn Balor
Glowish - Naomi & Jimmy
House of Black
Iyo Sky
Indi Hartwell
InDex - Indi & Dexter
Judgement Day
Jessamyn Duke
Jon Moxley
Jey Uso
Jimmy Uso
Jade Cargill
Julia Hart
Jeff Hardy
Karl Anderson
Kairi Sane
Karrion Kross
Lyra Valkyria
Liv Morgan (No longer writing for)
Liv 4 Brutality
Mia Yim
Marina Shafir
Moriguez - Liv & Raquel
Malakai/Aleister Black
Moxuette - Jon & Renee
Natalya Neidhart
Nikki Bella
Phoenix-Edge - Beth & Edge
Queen of Harts - Shayna & Nattie
Rhea Ripley
Rhuddy - Rhea & Buddy
Ronda Rousey
Renee Paquette
Ruby Riott/Soho
Roman Reigns
Ronattie - Ronda & Nattie
RnR - Rhea & Raquel
Raquel Rodriguez
Shayna Baszler
Starkszler - Shayna & Zoey
Stephanie McMahon
Sonya Deville
Scarlett Bordeaux
Scarrion - Scarlett & Karrion
Saraya Knight
Sasha Banks
Triple H
The Big Three - Jade, Bianca, & Naomi
Trish Stratus
Team Bestie - Lita & Trish
The Rated R Couple - Lita & Edge
Troey - Trish & Zoey
Toni Storm
Zelina Vega
Zekota - Zelina & Dakota
Zoey Stark
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audrey-emeralds · 2 years
☾︎*·˚character list˚·*☽︎
tv shows
13 reasons why - clay jensen, hannah baker, justin foley, scott reed, jeff atkins, zach dempsey
american horror story - tate langdon, violet harmon, kit walker
criminal minds - spencer reid, aaron hutcher, jennifer jareu , penelope garcia, derek morgan
euphoria - rue bennett, jules vaughn, maddy perez, lexi howard, cassie howard, fezco, kat hernandez, nate jacobs
game of thrones - robb stark, jaime lannister, cersei lannister, sansa stark, theon greyjoy, arthur dayne, daenerys targaryen, oberyn martell
peaky blinders - thomas shelby, arthur shelby, john shelby, michael grey, finn shelby
the tudors - henry viii, charles brandon, anne boleyn
the vampire diaries - kai parker, klaus mikaelson, katherine pierce, stefan salvatore, damon salvatore
outer banks - jj maybank, rafe cameron, sarah cameron
you - joe goldberg
blood of zeus - heron, apollo, ares, hermes, hera, seraphim
10 things i hate about you - patrick verova
american psycho - patrick bateman
fantastic beast series - newt scamander, theseus scamander
harry potter films - harry potter, ron weasley, hermione granger, charlie weasley, oliver wood, draco malfoy, theodore nott, fred weasley, george weasley, tom riddle, remus lupin, bill weasley, dean thomas, ginny weasley, luna lovegood, neville longbutton, narcissa malfoy, blaise zabini, sirius black, james potter, peter pettigrew, regulus black, lily evans, pansy parkinson, seamus finnegan, percy weasley, cormic mclaggen, adrian pucey, cedric diggory
jennifer's body - jennifer check
king arthur: legend of the sword - king arthur
scream - bill loomis, sidney prescott
terror train - doc manley
the conjuring: the devil made me do it - arne johnson
the fault in our stars - hazel lancaster and augustus waters
the king - henry v, the dauphin
the maze runner - thomas, newt, gally
diary of a wiphy kid - rodrick heffley
jeepers creepers - darry jenner
actors/actresses - andrew garfield, chris evans, tom hardy, tom hiddleston, tom holland, timothee chalamet, robert pattinson, ben barnes, christian bale, henry cavill, sebastian stan, heath ledger, dylan o'brien, charlie hunnam, barry keoghan, scarlett johansson, zendaya, cillian murphy, louis partridge, christian coulson, thomas doherty, austin butler, brad pitt, matt dillon, adrien brody, angelina jolie, megan fox
singers - harry styles, alex turner, zayn malik, ariana grande, lana del rey, taylor swift, the weekend
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danwhobrowses · 4 years
AEW Full Gear 2020: Review
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Didn’t watch it live but I still have the time to review the next day, after the problems All Out faced Full Gear was definitely something fans were hoping won’t repeat the same mistakes, so it’s time to see if it delivered Spoilers for Full Gear of course
The Buy-In Most of the Buy-In was just the video packages save for a MJF and Kingston Family promo (though props to Alex for interviewing the Lucha Bros in Spanish, that was a nice touch), which I feel was a bad move. The promos were of course fantastic but my qualm was the video packages: the packages are on the countdown show anyway, there could’ve been 2 matches at least and a few segments that could’ve set up the TV feuds considering that it was over an hour. NWA Women’s Championship: Serena Deeb (c) def Allysin Kay (Submission via Serenity Lock) A solid pre-show match, Deeb and Kay are crisp given their veteran history. Kay worked on her height and strength while Deeb worked on her yoga-based flexibility. There was a lot of good chain wrestling as you’d expect from the NWA alums, a shift to an Octopus Stretch, Deeb working the Leg with a Dragon Screw and Kay still managing to muscle out of Deeb’s offence. After a Kay salvaged herself from what looked a bit like an elevated Styles Clash with a leg on the rope, Deeb forced her to tap with a Serenity Lock on the worked leg. While the match was fine the intrigue came after when Thunder Rosa wearing all the tassels she could to make Shawn Michaels blush came to the ring to challenge Deeb for a rematch. With Rosa gesturing the AEW ring it is clear that the AEW/NWA partnership and Thunder Rosa’s time with the Elite is far from over.
Main Card Of course with JR coming to commentary the main card is scheduled to begin. Unfortunately, I had been spoiled some results in advance (no thanks to Youtube or the 2 hour PC update that allowed the youtubers to reveal this while I was waiting to update) but a handful were in line to how I predicted them, so it didn’t fully harm the outcome. Don Callis though came out as well, they’ve hinted at it with Kenny but to actually see Don on commentary was definitely a surprise. AEW World Title Contendership Tournament Final Kenny Omega def. ‘Hangman’ Adam Page (Pinfall via One Winged Angel) Omega came out first the same way he’s done all the tournament, the cleaner dancers and the very long-winded braggadocios introduction. Pyro but no cosplay, Omega oozed confidence as proven by his plate as the leader in most victories in AEW. Page however paced towards the ring with nervous energy with the hilarious plate of ‘Focused Yeehaw Man’, less show but still drive, which really perfectly divulges the styles of both men as wrestlers. A snubbed handshake by Page did lead to back and forth, chops and counters as both men anticipated the stylist moves of the other. Hangman took over the early offence with strong moves, big boots, fallaway slams and a superplex did hint at some potential for the Hangman to gain the advantage. But then Omega with a moonsault from a railing put Kenny in control, Kotaro Crusher at 2 and a belated You Can’t Escape (he slipped after the first part but landed the sault after a pause) for 2 as well, then into the usual repertoire, the tope con hilo, the Back Head Missile Dropkick. Both men almost set up a One Winged Angel but then a V Trigger shut down a Buckshot but got bombed on the ramp after a series of counters, another pop-up bomb at 2 for Hangman.  Trading blows, a Rolling Elbow was broken even by a V Trigger and then a Tiger Driver at 2 for Kenny. Back and forth as both escaped Suplexes, both hit Rolling Elbows but Hangman then got the clothesline, he lands the deadeye...but does not get the 3. Buckshot reversed to a crucifix but Hangman sits the pin for another 2, Dragon Screw and V-Trigger on the ropes for Kenny gives him the energy to roar back, ducks the vicious swing of the Buckshot and hits 2 V-Triggers, Hangman tries to fight out of the One Winged Angel but the move hits and that’s 3.
Destiny comes true for Omega, he had to fight for it though. Definitely a physical match, the emotional layer didn’t all reflect on the match but Hangman definitely reels in disappointment afterwards, more isolated, more alone, and set to descend to new lows as Omega returns to the main event picture.
Orange Cassidy def. John ‘4′ Silver (Pinfall via Beach Break) Two cult heroes for AEW, Silver on BTE and Cassidy on Dynamite, fighting as a side story to the TNT title picture, JR gets props for calling Silver a “Human Bowling Ball” as both men enter with their respective faction members. Silver continues to play to OC’s jokes as he protests OC’s pockets, before being annoyed by OC’s counter wrestling - especially screaming ‘It doesn’t hurt!’ to OC’s monstrous kicks. Silver literally depockets OC for monster heat - no seriously he rips the pockets out of OC’s jeans! A lot of bravado follows from Silver’s power moves, throws and kicks to keep the heat going. Silver’s power also impressively suplexes out of OC’s swinging DDT attempt but the crowd chants definitely get to Silver as OC counters Silver’s irish whips with some turnbuckle shots, a crossbody and the swinging DDT, Silver though powers back, a one-handed Gorilla press into the ropes, a back head boot as he sets up the Spin Doctor, but then OC gets the headscissors, Michinoku Driver for 2 as the wrestlers at ringside argue the count of 2 or 3 (Heels and Faces kept either side). Silver rolls up OC trying the Orange Punch, counters again but gets hit with the stunner, counters again and lands the Spin Doctor but it’s another 2! Silver motions to homage Mr. Brodie Lee with a discus but it’s dodged into an Orange Punch and Beach Break for 3. Best Friends come to the ring to give the people what they want, the hug with the rainmaker zoom. A nice fun match, it really gave Silver some props to hang with OC as both characters shone through. I was surprised that Dark Order didn’t try to get involved and no post-match stuff.  TNT Championship: Darby Allin def Cody Rhodes (c) (via Pinfall) TITLE CHANGE! Allin rode in with a painted car and a half-painted driver before smashing his skateboard (with ‘The New Face of TNT’ emblazoned on it) into the windscreen. Sporting a veiny style of paint, no words are written on him like previous title matches, it’s all business. Cody (using his surname now) rolls in with his grandiose gates and pyro with Brandi beside him before being flanked by all the remaining members of the Nightmare Family - including Gunn Club and Lee Johnson. He’s also promoting a new shirt. Mike Chioda is announced as the Ref for this, giving a bigger fight feel to this title match.
Cody flaunts his strength advantage early on, knowing full well that Darby has never beaten him, but Darby is defiant to his insulting ‘politeness’ and cockiness - slapping Cody in the back of the head to wake the champion up. Encouraged to ‘muscle around’ Darby by Arn, he almost gets baited into a pin, he leaves the ring but gets suicide dived from his back (after a Ricochet-esque moonsault feint), in retaliation Cody just dumps Darby on back first on the ramp, harming Allin’s left elbow. Cody hones in on that injury with wrist locks and stomps, Darby also selling by being unable to use both his hands to pull the heavier opponent with an irish whip and being unable to lock the arm for a backslide - the latter getting him into another submission. Taunting the injury by exclaiming ‘that arm is trash’, Cody doubles down the arm, using it to ground any of Darby’s counter efforts. But every time Darby refuses, Cody grows more frustrated, an avalanche shoulderbreaker and a cross armbreaker attempt selling that Cody is using things outside of his usual moveset, but the missed moonsault gifts Allin a respite. Yoshi Tonic is Darby’s first signs of a rally but he’s shut down by a superkick, Darby pulls off the middle turnbuckle pad resisting Cody’s Cross Rhodes attempt and Cody is dazed by running into it but a rollup is at 2. Assured that he’s in control by Arn, Cody lands an Avalanche Cross Rhodes but Darby’s arm is under the rope, he counters a backpack sleeper by dropping from the turnbuckle which rolls Darby out the ring - Arn demands Darby stay down but he breaks the count. ‘Stay Down’ barks from Arn and Cody from continual powerslams but Darby refuses, even inviting Cody to continue. Frustrated, Cody brings that small white belt to the ring but is told by Chioda to not use it, dropping it behind him, Darby uses it to sweep Cody into a jacknife pin for 2, counters Disaster Kick with a Last Supper for 2, Flip Stunner and Coffin Drop follow, but also 2! Cody tries a Cross Rhodes but Darby counters with a Sunset Pin, Cody sits on him, 2, Darby rolls him, 2, Cody pulls back, 2, Darby rolls again, 3! Post-match, Cody hands Darby the title on one knee as Allin finally claims his first win over Cody and his main prize. Tazz however walks up to promo against the emotional moment as Cage and Starks blindside both men. However, dissension appear when both Starks and Cage both tussle for holding the TNT title, Tazz grabs it and gestures to Darby, with Cage carrying Darby outside of the ringside, Cody tries to fight back but fails, Darby thrown through a set piece and laid on the car he came in, they attempt to slam the door with Darby’s arm in between but Will Hobbs with a chair chases them down. It was a good title match, good narrative throughout. I think the finish could’ve been a bit more spectacular, Cody does seem to exude a Hogan-esque philosophy to losing at times, this one did feel like he wanted the loss to feel like a fluke. Darby’s win is deserved but the FTW shenanigans did dampen it, I expected Tazz and his crew to show during the match but in post-match it just kinda killed some of the wind in Darby’s sails. Interview Segment The Natural Nightmares - instead of backing up Cody - promo against Butcher, Blade and Bunny, specifically Allie for her using of QT to set up their Dynamite match, Dustin reveals that it’s gonna be a ‘Bunkhouse Match’. Dustin is a great promo but I have no idea what a Bunkhouse Match is, plus this is the segment you would see on the Pre Show. The Dynamite card is also revealed with Penta vs Fénix 2 as previously revealed and new match Conti vs Red Velvet. AEW Women’s Championship: Hikaru Shida (c) def. Nyla Rose w/ Vickie Guerrero (Pinfall via Knee Strike x4) Nyla rolls up with Vickie Bluetista style with a blue and cyan gear which really didn’t suit, Nyla’s gear has always been a mixed Bag The longest running Women’s Champion adds more colour to her Tifa Lockhart gear, her name plate finally on the belt (as detailed on her youtube channel, the name plate is more difficult to put on given its curved shape). Shida and Nyla are ready to go even before the bell as they trade blows, the Champion putting pressure on Rose with knee strikes and dropkicks but noticeably fails on the lift. Shida keeps her advantage of cutting Nyla down and landing the apron knee while Vickie screeches. The chair launch is cut off by a clothesline from Nyla but her attempts to pull a table is refused, giving Shida the chance to land the chair launch and sending her through the rail. Vickie though blindsides Shida’s knee with a kendo stick, giving the Native Beast the advantage she needs. Nyla uses the underneath frame of the ring to wrench Shida’s knee, then the ring post and a chop block to limit Shida’s use of the Tamashii (formerly called the Tamashii no 3 Count). Nyla continues to hone in on the leg, splashes and single leg crabs, even biting the knee to maintain her advantage. Shida rolls out of the senton and muscles a suplex for 2. The Tamashii is blocked by hitting the injured knee but Shida crossbodies, the knee continues to be the focus as Nyla keeps grasping and dropping Shida on it. My favourite Nyla Move, the Beast Knee is smashed into the injured knee for 2 as Nyla uses her weight against Shida’s injury. The champion pump kicks Nyla to the ramp after some turnbuckle shots for a corner dropkick, then a second in the ring at 2. The leg gives out on the Tamashii again so Nyla can powerbomb but foolishly pulls Shida out of the count, adding insult she lands the Tamashii, but only gets 1! A Back body press gives Shida the energy she needs, an Avalanche Falcon Arrow follows but Shida then breaks the pin, she tries the Tamashii but Vickie psyches her out (it was a botch but not a bad one), Vickie tries to kendo Shida while she’s hoisted and Shida just throws Nyla into Vickie. A half-hearted Falcon Arrow hits 2, Tamashii lands but another 2, second Tamashii and 4 Knee Strikes end the match. Being carried out of the ring by Aubrey, Vickie and Nyla are left in the ring as Guerrero screeches venom at Nyla, slapping the former Women’s Champion as she leaves.
In spite of it’s short build it was a good match, the final section was a little sloppy on the vicious vixens’ part but Shida sold her knee wonderfully. Expected Vickie to have more involvement and the post-match seemed to back out on Nyla turning on Vickie but maybe there’s more tale to tell. As a personal preference I hate when wrestlers willingly break their own pin, especially in a title match, it’s just a daft strategy but it was good to see that Shida’s stock has elevated to the point where she didn’t need the DQ stip to win like she did when she won the title, her early dominance would give her extra confidence and extra heat for who I think will be her usurper, Dr. Britt Baker DMD. Next time though, give Shida and her opponent Dynamite feud building. AEW World Tag Team Championship: The Young Bucks def FTR (c) (Pinfall via Superkick, Matt to Cash) TITLE CHANGE! With Matt previously cleared to compete, the Bucks strolled up in Black, Yellow and Purple to their usual money rain, but the pomp and confidence is limited, Matt noticeably slower up the ropes as he nurses his ankle. The champions roll up in White jumpsuits with Tully - who the Bucks protest on since he’s banned from ringside due to his prior attacks, he does leave on his own accord. A nice touch from FTR are the star colours; red, blue, yellow and gold, aka tag champs in Raw, Smackdown, NXT and AEW. Mind games of ‘Greatest Tag Team of All Time’ as well also there to get into the Bucks’ heads. Matt was confident to show that his ankle was fine by going first, Cash going for the injury but being out-wrestled to his frustration. FTR’s quick tag action is halted by the Bucks rushing them to a stalemate in 2s. Nick and Dax trade some chain wrestling with again the Bucks frustrating them, the Bucks almost seem to be playing FTR at their own game plan, until Nick is punched in the face. Both teams take to the ring leading to the Bucks doing a Rana into a ground pound on the champs before sending them out of the ring with their patented tandem offence. Dax busts open his hand hitting the ring post after Matt dodged, reeling from the ankle attack, the Bucks relish the opening to equialize on Dax’s hand for catharsis. A bit of a miscommunicated spot followed where Matt’s moonsault was ‘dodged’ by Dax not paying attention, and his throwing Matt into the ropes looked ugly as fuck as Matt nurses his ankle and Dax tags out for Doc Sampson to dress his hand. When he returns he quickly goes for vengeance on the ankle in mostly a same manner as Nyla did to Shida prior. Cash jumps for Nick to pull him away from the Hot Tag which grants Dax the opening for a Superplex but Cash gets knees from the follow-up splash. The hot tag again thwarted after Cash hit the railing but Dax throws him in ring to tag in, the two men stand between the brothers as Cash flies over the ring post to the floor and Dax is baited into the DDT, Nick storms into the hot tag, wriggling out of FTR’s grapples with kicks and the dual clothesline/bulldog but is eventually caught by FTR who land the Hart Attack. Nick regains advantage with a Cheeky Nandos Kick when FTR were setting up the Powerplex, blind tags Matt who spears the baited Cash and gets a knee in the face, but it’s only 2. Matt’s involvement leads to the knee giving out on a lift, leading to an Electric Chair bulldog combo from FTR, they go for Goodnight Express but Matt superkicks Cash, then Dax, Cash rolls out of ring leaving Dax alone to the Bucks, 3-D! Twist of Fate! Swanton! 2! Lovely homage to the tag team greats. Superkick Party is called, but Cash sweeps Matt’s ankle and Nick gets a rebound powerbomb, but Matt is legal and get 2 on a sneaky pin. Dax gets overzealous with the Dusty Punches and uses his injured hand, but Matt also gets overzealous and uses his bad ankle, both men use their injured limbs for a punch/superkick trade-off, but Dax beheads Matt with a lariat. Homaging DIY they meet in the middle but only get 2, they try the Spike Piledriver but Nick throws Cash off, a tandem move and a swanton onto the ramp leaves Matt room to use a Sharpshooter on Dax, Dax gets to the rope but Nick superkicks the injured hand before Sharpshooter on Cash, FTR clutch each other’s hands but get pulled away but Matt’s ankle gives out to continue the hold. Matt pulls a finger break on Dax’s injured hand (an awkward spot given the scrutiny Marty Scurll is under right now with the SpeakingOut movement) leading to the BTE Trigger, but Cash cannons himself to break the pin. Matt brings out the chair but it’s not legal, Dax goads Matt to hit him but Nick tells him not to, Matt relents and sets up the Meltzer Driver but Cash grabs Nick for a Powerbomb through a ringside table, a very well done twist by Dax leads to the Spike Piledriver but the leg Cash hooks drops onto the rope. Furious, Cash takes Matt’s shoe off, leglock and stomp leads to an inverted Figure Four and ankle lock, but Nick is rising and Cash sees it! He tries the suicide dive but Nick ducks it, breaks the submission with a 450 but Matt only gets 2. Cash superkicks Nick out of the ring, gesturing Two Sweets to Matt before another superkick, but Cash keeps looking at the top rope, he misses the 450 and Matt hits the unbooted Superkick for 3. Kenny came to congratulate the Bucks afterwards as Hangman hovered by the tunnel - wanting to congratulate his friends but still feeling isolated. This is one where I would’ve benefitted not being spoiled, but thumbnails are a bitch. With the narrative that Bucks needed to win to keep on competing and were already at a disadvantage definitely sold the stage to be for Matt to shine. Personally I thought time would run out and there would be some semantic fenagling but it was clean as a whistle. A great match as well, definitely delivered on its build, FTR definitely lacked the presence of Tully to keep their heads in the game in a narrative sense, it’s a shame their tag reign was short but the story has always led to this moment, there was no way Cody AND the Bucks would not be able to challenge for their main titles. I would have one criticism though, the early stages of the match did feel like it was just 1v1s, the tag match needed more tag team offence. Elite Deletion: Matt Hardy def Sammy Guevara (DELETION via Pinfall) The cameras shift to North Carolina where Sammy rides ominously on a golf cart to the Hardy Compound, but Matt also seems to be sorting out business on the phone saying that Sammy’s on his way - fearing that he may need backup if the numbers go against him. Neo 1 confronts Sammy, providing a hologram of Matt welcoming him to the compound and disabling the golf cart. Having crushed a toy monster truck on the way in, Sammy’s face drops at the revving of a full sized monster truck next to him helmed by BROKEN Matt, who flattens the cart before exclaiming that the act was ‘orgasmic’ and ‘now that was a squash job’. Setting the zany tone, Sammy goes all around the truck and hits Matt with a trash can to begin the match. Moonsault off the Truck’s tire as he hammers Matt across the woods. Commentary kinda took you out of it as they tried to fill the silence with their ‘state the obvious’ as the fight sprawled to the front lawn. Sammy doing some great taunts such as saying ‘it’s my house now, daddy’s home!’ and trying to drown Matt in the fountain but Matt grabs the ‘Scepter of Mephistopheles’ to hit Sammy with, missing only the headshot as they go to a backyard ring. As Matt reminds Sammy that he asked for this, Sammy takes advantage with the ring work until a Side Effect is hit and a powerbomb through the table. The pin however is broken by Santana and Ortiz, who double on Matt. Through a walkie talkie though Private Party are called for support to negate the former LAX - though Matt gets hit by a Street Sweeper and a Twist of Fate in the meantime. ‘Roman Candles’ are next on Matt’s mind as he and Sammy both grab a few to fire at each other while PP and Santana & Ortiz tussle in the ring, PP using some of the patented offence of  the Hardy Boyz. The latest ‘Sammy Run Away’ meme appears as Sammy is chased by fireworks before slipping in some mud, flattened by a Twist of Fate. As Matt prepares to throw Sammy into the Lake of Reincarnation, a Gangrel (yes, Gangrel! From the Brood) threatens The Hurricane (yes, Shane Helms, the Hurricane) as a hostage, claiming that Matt never gave him any loyalty while in the Brood, PP arrive to help free the superhero, who asked why it took 2 years - leading to Hardy to funnily quip ‘I’m sorry, long-term storytelling, I had to go to AEW just to finish this’ leading to Hurricane’s famous catchphrase. Hurricane almost gets Sammy with a chokeslam but he throws him in the lake, saying ‘What’s a Hero to a God? A Spanish God’ before trying to throw Matt in. Shane Helms the reporter then comes in, asking if the feud is cursed, but he gets thrown in too (this one seen as he flails around the shallows). Hurricane reemerges to help PP fight Santana, Ortiz and Gangrel but Santana saves Sammy by hitting Hardy with a pipe as the two wander into the darkness of the woods, the heel allies in control as they follow.  Sammy stalks Hardy with a hammer with his friends also in view, but Hardy calls for Skarsgard, Sammy quickly rolling out of the way from the dilapidated boat’s all-or-nothing dive, Neo 1 is also in sight though, and Hardy commands him to lock Hardy and Sammy inside the ‘dome of deletion’, locking Sammy’s allies out. A ring, tables, ladders, chairs, mowers of lawns, wheels of chairs, a pram, a casket, the dome has it all, but Sammy instead unhooks the ropes to hit Hardy with the Turnbuckle bars, choking him with the middle rope. Sammy lays Matt on a Table near a ladder as high as the roof, landing the swanton but only gets 2. Hardy gets a Twist of Fate which seems to hurt his neck, Hardy then spears him into tables outside the ring, where we see Sammy with a small blood pool behind his head (a worked one, the camera angle on the dive ensured you didn’t see the concrete so it was definitely safe) Sammy struggles to stand as Hardy sets up a chair, hitting him on the head with the edge like his legit injury, telling Sammy ‘You made me what I am’ he cracks Sammy with a Con-Chair-To for the pin. After the match, Matt calls Private Party in to ‘take out the trash’, putting Sammy in a wheelie bin, a cut to the outside allows Sammy to be swapped out for kayfabe, as the bin’s loaded into the back of Senor Benjamin’s truck (Benjamin getting a huge pop) as Reby ends the match playing the piano to some highlights.Matt, PP, Skarsgard, Reby and Hurricane then celebrate to fireworks. As cinematic matches go it was good for ending the feud and continuing the Hardy Compound narrative, commentary did sometimes take you out of it and there were less supernatural stuff going on in this one, it was more found footage than the usual cinematic Deletion matches, but lots of quips, lots of fourth wall winks and both men did really well, can’t complain. Intermission Promo After the deletion match, commentary is told about Lance Archer being on a rampage backstage, which leads to a promo by Jake and Lance as he is wasting some jobber against the wall. Jake notes how they are tired of training and that they’re demanding that someone stand up to Archer, Archer waxes lyrical about his intent to break everyone in AEW because Everybody Dies. Archer’s promo game continues to be on the up, which will make you wonder about how long can the Snake coil around him? Right to Join Inner Circle: MJF def. Chris Jericho (Pinfall via Roll-Up) MJF claimed that he would do ANYTHING to beat Jericho, he began with the mind games by doing the Y2J pose in a fairy light robe, getting the fake pop from the fans who were expecting the Demo God. Jericho does get the pop by cutting MJF’s music short in a skull-themed spiked jacket as Diamante wins the ‘Incoherent Judasing’ moment of the night using Ivelisse’s hand as a mic. The chorus of Judas echoing as the limited crowd echo the arena to Jericho’s subdued delight. Sparing a thought for Aubrey though, who has to call this match despite both of them hating her XD MJF tries to start by feeding from the crowd, but the crowd only boo him and cheer Jericho, he gestures to a handshake amidst ‘You Suck’ chants but Jericho slaps him instead. Jericho held an early advantage but MJF got some advantage with a few clotheslines, but his adversity to the crowd once again gives away the advantage. Jericho pulls his camera middle finger spot after powerslamming him on the outside (shout out to KiLynn King as well for all her crowd enthusiasm). Dodging a Judas Effect leads to an injured arm to Jericho after his elbow hit the very busy today ring post, which he focuses on since it’s key for his Salt of the Earth, biting (which has also had a busy night) also ensues between both men but MJF capitalises on his counters and submissions. The heel nature comes out in Jericho with an eye poke, shoulder barges and a lionsault fire up the crowd and a Frankensteiner turning back the clock. MJF though returns to the arm with that double stomp while Jericho’s holding the rope, shoving the veteran as he spouts insults at him, a back and forth leads to MJF locking in the Salt of the Earth on the injured arm but Jericho shifts him into the Walls of Jericho as MJF chews the crawl to the rope. Aubrey’s enmity of both men comes into play when MJF uses her to shield him from Jericho’s kicks, a failed Heatseeker leads to a mid-rope Codebreaker instead from MJF, followed by a successful Heatseeker for 2. He tries the Lionsault but lands on his feet, and instead gets hit with Jericho’s Codebreaker for 2 as well. An Inside Cradle for 2 leads to Jericho trying the Judas Effect, but MJF catches it and cinches in the Salt of the Earth, but Jericho makes it to the ropes. Wardlow was noticeable absent from ringside at the start, having left after MJF’s entrance, but he was called to the ring by MJF to give him the Diamond Ring, his presence distracting Aubrey, MJF misses though and Jake Hager (who was also noticeably absent from the Elite Deletion) reveals himself on the other side throwing the Painmaker Bat to Jericho, Jericho winds up but MJF gives him the finger and drops Eddie Guerrero style. Aubrey turns to see the supposed outcome leading to Jericho turning his back, roll-up by MJF with a handful of tights gives him the win and membership.
Post-Match, Jericho cuts the music as MJF offers a handshake again, Jericho though this time takes it, hugs him and welcomes him and Wardlow to the Inner Circle. Wardlow holds the ropes for MJF, MJF holds the ropes for Jericho but nobody holds the ropes for Hager - who continues to stare off with Hager.
As a wrestling match it was good, for the situation I felt it was a little underwhelming. MJF said he’d do anything but we didn’t see anything outside of his usual tricks. Narratively it works to see MJF and Jericho stick together and we can only wait and see what stories will come out of it. AEW Revolution promo & Best Friends Interview The first PPV of next year is hyped for a February 27th showing. Dasha interviews Orange Cassidy asking his thoughts on his win, OC replies that he ‘has no thoughts’. Miro, Kip and Penelope however roll up as Kip demands an apology from OC for almost putting Penelope in harm’s way during a prior Dynamite. OC does apologise but Kip slaps him, saying that it wasn’t good enough, OC stops the Best Friends about to jump Miro and Kip and says ‘cool’ before walking away.
AEW World Championship ‘I Quit’ Match: Jon Moxley (c) def. Eddie Kingston (Kingston quits via Barbed Wire Bulldog Choke) Kingston rolled up in a shirt saying something that cameras failed to highlight despite his gesturing, (commentary later reveal that it was in homage to the late Tracey Smothers who recently passed away) his eyes like vengeance. Moxley struts in a Goldberg-esque entrance without the security, once again coming from the side of the stadium - this time no dumbass fan trying to charge him. Kingston stares daggers and shouts bloody murder at him during his entrance as Mox tries to get in his groove. Bryce Remsburg is also reffing this match, adding the personal level since Eddie revealed after his last Moxley match that the three go back.
Moxley got the first part of the venom, hammering punches until Kingston got to his knees, chops were traded as Moxley tried a takedown, only to get his ear bitten (biting man...) by Kingston. Slap trades follow as Kingston works on throws and cutting Moxley at the legs, Moxley hitting a tope when Kingston went to get a chair. Moxley then twists Kingston’s fingers key to his finisher, a suplex on concrete leads to the first ask but Kingston refuses, a Crossface/Bulldog Choke is countered by Kingston biting the arm. Throwing 2 chairs into the ring, a busted Moxley retaliates with the Barbed Wire Bat before kicking down the chair setup. Eddie also is busted in the mouth, then the forehead when the bat is pressed against his head - Moxley claiming that he ‘don’t wanna do this’. Kingston disarms Moxley with some Backdrops and throws a chair at Moxley, Moxley then gouges both eyes of Kingston but the Mad King throttles him. A small botch at Kingston was meant to drop Mox on the bat was rectified with more chair shots, Kingston hurts himself by wrapping barbed wire over his hand to pound into Moxley as he laughs maniacally, Uranken and a Kimura follows so Moxley has to break the hold the best way to hurt someone at Full Gear - Bite Him! Kingston restores the chair layout he had before, setting up for a suplex, Mox swaps though and lands Kingston on the flat of one chair. Kingston clotheslines Moxley to get time to get a black bag, which JR quips ‘well, it’s not a bag of chocolate’ - I mean you don’t know that JR! But alas, it wasn’t, it was your traditional thumbtacks, those silver hershey’s kisses (so hey it is a bag of chocolate), after trading suplexes Moxley snaps a vicious clothesline all away from the tacks, Moxley tries a Paradigm Shift on the tacks but Kingston does a twisting Urinage, planting him back first into the tacks - half on the elbow, half on the back. Kingston returns to the Rubbing Alcohol from Doc Sampson’s desk after learning that Moxley didn’t quit, low blows hurt Moxley but the champion only gives him the finger, Eddie then uses the alcohol on the punctured back (which I said at the same time as commentary). Kingston again hurts himself punching Mox with a handful of tacks, he goes for the barbed wire a second time but again changes his mind, going for the Bulldog Choke, Mox refuses still, with thumbtacks still in his head as Kingston lays in on the head shots, he dodges a knee and hooks in the Rear Naked Choke, turns him into the Suzuki Piledriver and then the Bulldog Choke, knowing that Kingston needs to be conscious Moxley changes to a Paridigm Shift, locating the Barbed Wire as he tells Kingston there’s ‘No Other Way Out’, asking him not to make him do this as he wraps his hand around the wire, Kingston only gives him the finger. Moxley considers turning away, but then launches into the barbed-wire enforced Bulldog Choke, Remsburg pleading with Eddie to quit as a vacant expression covers Moxley’s face, telling Kingston that ‘it’s done’, Eddie finally quits and Mox immediately lets go, a somber look on his face as his friend lays fallen.
Post-Match, Moxley tells the camera that ‘that’s what makes a champion: heart, blood and soul - Blood and Guts!’, whether that alludes to the special we were meant to have pre-COVID is yet to be seen. He then pulls Kingston up but Kingston sways away, leaving the ring on his own. Omega then comes out to the ramp to remind Moxley of his presence and their championship match in the due future.
A hard-hitting match, you knew that Kingston and Moxley would deliver on the hardcore level and a little on the emotive level. Sadly this match did suffer from WWE giving fans an inch-perfect I Quit Match in Hell in a Cell, so the bar was very high and it unfortunately could not reach that level. Again I’m surprised that factions didn’t get involved, Kingston’s family didn’t even go with Eddie to the ring, a surprise PAC appearance was hoped but we can’t be too torn up about that. Overall it was still a good title match, albeit an inevitable outcome given that Moxley and Omega have more history.
Conclusion Though there were a few small mistakes, there was not a weak spot in this PPV. On the other hand there wasn’t a match that blew me away, it was overall a well-done PPV: worth the money but there could’ve been more. There was meant to be a tease of a debut as well but I guess that was just rumor rather than an actual promise by the company. I will critique the Team Tazz stuff again because it really puts down Darby’s championship win, some matches could’ve ended more emphatically and the Buy-In needed more matches. Also just a personal thing but they overdid the biting spots, spots like those have a 2 match threshold at best on a card. But narratively we got a lot going on, a lot of consequences for the matches on the card including the Buy In and the Bucks did make good on their FTR promise by being Match of the Night. Elite Deletion and Silver/OC was a bit of light fun, the Women’s Match was strong, the opener hard hitting and we begin our build to Revolution.
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beingallelitemedia · 4 years
AEWrestling- #AEWDynamite is LIVE this Wed - 8/7c on TNT AEW Champ Jon Moxley/Will Hobbs/Darby Allin v Archer/Cage/Starks TNT Champion Brodie Lee v @OrangeCassidy AEW Women’s Champ @shidahikaru & NWA Women’s Champ @thunderrosa22 v Ivelisse & Diamanté #DemoGod Chris Jericho appears!
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gammacousin · 4 years
Writing inspirations for “Wicked”
Trope I thought up and shouldn’t do but would be hilarious...HQ is under attack and Antonia Stark is running through the halls with Brody Mikhailov
Brody: “My jet was that way!”
Antonia *rounding the corner* : “I need a suit.”
Brody: “What about that one?!”
Antonia: “That suit’s garbage...” *her suit blows up* “The garbage will do!”
*Reveal her dad’s suit; Mark V*
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pietrotheavenger · 5 years
learn to love
chapter 1 - the deal
summary: steve and y/n don’t get along. now, they have no choice.
pairings: au!steve rogers x fem!reader
warnings: swearing, mentions of alcohol (briefly), hangovers, mentions of sex (briefly), mentions of prostitution (briefly)
a/n: i keep accidentally deleting my authors note and i’m getting irritated. prepare yourself for lots of slowburn
series masterlist
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“natasha alianovna romanoff, i will not let you bail on me!”
“too late!” the redhead called over her shoulder. she turned into the kitchen, reaching into a cupboard for a mug. “i’m sorry, steve. i couldn’t get off work. there’s nothing i can do,” she shrugged with a shoulder as she began fixing up coffee for herself.
“you can break your arm and call in sick! that way you can come with me and still get paid!” he waved his hands around, frantically.
she giggled softly to herself, flipping her hair away from her face and replying, “but i’ll have a broken arm and i’ll be using up my sick days.”
“shit, you’re right,” he grumbled, collapsing into the couch.
“you could always just admit to everyone back home that your love life is hopeless,” she offered, holding the mug up to her lips.
“i can’t, i’ll look like boo boo the fool,” he groaned. he leaned his head against the back of the couch and screwed his eye shut. “should i just hire an escort?” he wondered aloud just as one of the bedroom doors slammed open.
“i’m never drinking again,” natasha’s disgruntled roommate, y/n, looked like death as she dragged herself into the kitchen and plucked natasha’s coffee right out of her hands.
“is your hangover that bad?” she laughed, earning a glare.
“stop being so loud.” y/n pressed her hand against her forehead. she could feel every cell in her brain.
“go back to your cave, we’re having a conversation,” steve chided from his spot.
“why is captain asshole here first thing in the morning?” she turned her head to her roommate too fast, causing the pounding in her head to increase tenfold.
“captain asshole is having a crisis,” natasha answered. “also, it’s 2 pm.”
“time is a social construct. captain asshole is a crisis himself,” y/n hopped up onto the counter.
“i’m literally sitting right here,” steve exasperatedly sighed.
“hey, i just had a crazy idea! why can’t y/n go with you?” natasha quirked a perfectly manicured eyebrow.
“nat, sweetie, i don’t want to age prematurely,” the girl in question slowly shook her head.
“you’re not gonna find anyone else on such short notice. it can’t be that bad,” natasha turned to him.
“but, it can be that bad,” he insisted.
“oh, c’mon. maybe it’ll be a life changing trip and you both will stop hating each other!”
y/n and steve both looked straight at each other and then burst into laughter. they clutched at their stomachs, gasping for air and wiping tears from their eyes. “you’ve been hanging out with sam too much!” steve managed to choke out.
“you’re projecting your hopes and dreams onto us!”
“you guys are idiots. my best friends are idiots,” natasha mumbled to herself. “okay, but seriously! y/n can go. she has exchange time that’s going to expire in a month and stark industries doesn’t hate their employees unlike laufeyson and co.! they’ll approve her request! stevie, be logical. if you want to continue the lie of having the best girlfriend ever, here’s an opportunity.”
“i’m the big loser here. sal vulcano is shaking,” y/n interrupted before natasha could continue.
“steve can pay you?” natasha offered.
“i am not a prostitute!”
“it’s only considered prostitution if you have sex with him!”
“how about this,” steve began, standing up. “i’ll set you up with a date with thor, and i’ll give you fifty dollars per day.”
y/n’s jaw dropped. “first of all, i can’t believe you’re considering this. it’s just tortue for the both of us. second, thor odinson?!”
“i’m very desperate, doll. and yes, thor odinson. the man, the myth, the legend.”
“god, i don’t know. i really don’t want to do this. but, thor odinson…” she trailed off, chewing her lip.
“please, y/n. if i don’t show up with a girlfriend, my family is gonna think that life in new york is bad for me and they’re gonna make me come home.”
“what does having a significant other have to do with your quality of life?” she puzzled.
“trust me, sweetheart, when you meet them, you’ll figure it out,” he chuckled.
she broke eye contact with them and weighed it over in her head. she’d have some cash coming in, and a shot at thor odinson, quite literally the sexiest man ever. and, natasha was right. she had exchange time left over that would just expire. she would just have to not vomit at the sight of steve for a few days. how hard could that be? she looked back to the blond man, who was currently flashing her puppy dog eyes.
“oh, give it a rest, rogers. up it to $100 a day and you have yourself a deal,” she put her hand out.
“yes!” he exclaimed. he grabbed her hand and pulled her straight off of the counter, into his arms. she squealed in shock as he spun her around the kitchen.
when he set her back down onto her feet, she patted his bicep and said, “we’re setting some rules. number one, never do that again.”
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teamhawkeye · 2 years
How about Anna - Sloth; Sandy - Greed; Brody - Wrath? :)
Anna/SLOTH are here! Sandy/GREED:
1.Has your oc ever lived above their means?
+ Undoubtedly. She's from a mafia family whose money fluctuates from time to time - and she has very little money of her own, it's mostly her brother's, technically, so she's truly living above her means during the chunk of her adulthood where she's 2. Do they have a prized possession? What is it?
+ Tommy gave her a necklace when they started dating that she's held onto for the 15 years he's in prison. It's about the only thing she feels all that connected to and wants to hold onto. 3. Do they have or want a lot of money? Why?
+ Her family has a lot of money, but she personally does not have too much. She's accustomed to living a lavish lifestyle, however, and longs for the cash to afford her such comforts in the future. 4. Do they put a lot of value in brands?
+ Probably. She's very fashion forward and puts a lot of stock in her appearance and clothing and most likely has much of it tailor fitted to her figure. 5. What do they expect from the services they receive?
+ Nothing but the best, but she's also not as big a hard ass as her brother, Sonny, and is more accommodating to less than satisfactory results given extenuating circumstances. 6. Is your oc the type to frustrate others because they want too much, or do they tend to give too much?
+ Sandy probably does frustrate some people, because she's lived the high life for a good majority of her teenage and adult years and comes to expect all the rewards that come from a rich family. However, she's also someone who mediates a lot of her family's problems, both from outside enemies and inner turmoil, and has to be ready to engage in trade-offs and compromises, so she's not wholly unreasonable. She also is ready to give up everything to be with Tommy again, so she's never asking too much from him.
1.Does your character anger easily? Why or why not?
+ She tries her best to keep a level head - "seeing red, lose your head" and all that - but she can anger quickly and easily given the right push. Brody can't stand people being taken advantage of, or innocent/vulnerable people being injured or killed, and is liable to respond recklessly to any of that, but she does her best and tries to take a few moments to think before acting..."tries", being the key word there. 2.Describe a point where your oc was the maddest they’ve ever been.
+ All i can think of is in the side-gig with the BDs involving children...and how she decimates both the father and son duo selling them. She’s so sickened and angered, she can’t stop shaking long after vacating the scene and even Johnny has a hard time talking her down from it. 3.Is your oc easy to disappoint? How so?
+ Kind of, yeah. She’s very idealistic, both in the Badlands and when she arrives in Night City, and continually hopes for better things. She’s quick to learn that both the desert and the city is full of assholes and false promises and broken dreams, though, she has to temper her expectations to a degree. Still, she does get upset when people show their worst sides when she does her best to try and put her best foot forward whenever possible. 4.Is your oc physically strong?
+ She's a scrapper, but she's not unstoppable or unbreakable. She uses her speed and wits to win more fights than brawn, but she still has a mean right hook that can lay most men out. 5.How does your oc act toward anger from others?
+ If it's warranted, she can stand and take it and try and shrug it off or apologize. She's feisty, though, and is not going to take any shit that she hasn't earned, so if the anger is unwarranted, she's liable to lash back just as quickly. 6.Does your oc see intimidation as a good tactic to gain respect?
+ Not from people she wants to be friendly with or do business with in the future. She has no qualms using it against bullies and thugs, but she'd rather not resort to threats when it's someone she likes.
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ao3feed-lokiangst · 4 years
In the world of fandoms
read it on the AO3 at https://ift.tt/3eqjbxM
by Tryingmikeywinters
Munro Jade Evans wakes up in a different body every day. Cliche storyline right? The one thing that sets this story aside from any other story where someone wakes up in a different body everyday, is the fact that Munro wakes up in the body of an original character, in a different fandom she is in everyday.
 (Tags are to be added, please read the first chapter as it will have a better explication:)
Words: 346, Chapters: 1/1, Language: English
Fandoms: Primeval, Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles (TV 2012), Total Drama (Cartoon), How to Train Your Dragon (Movies), The 100 (TV), Teen Wolf (TV), Zoo - Fandom, Heartland (TV), 僕のヒーローアカデミア | Boku no Hero Academia | My Hero Academia, Descendants (Disney Movies), Marvel Cinematic Universe, Harry Potter - J. K. Rowling, Rise of the Guardians (2012), The Walking Dead (TV), Wolfblood (TV), Anne with an E (TV), Ouran High School Host Club - All Media Types, Miraculous Ladybug, Young Dracula (TV), Supernatural, Degrassi, Zootopia (2016), Lost Girl (TV), Merlin (TV), Dork Diaries Series - Rachel Renee Russell, Frozen (Disney Movies), Big Hero 6 (2014), Glee, Barbie - All Media Types, Sing (2016), Hannah Montana (TV), Dance Academy, Sonny with a Chance, Liv and Maddie, Bratz - All Media Types, Victorious (TV), Jurassic World Trilogy (Movies), Jessie (TV), Brave (2012)
Rating: Not Rated
Warnings: No Archive Warnings Apply
Categories: F/F, F/M, M/M, Multi
Characters: Mal (Disney), Carlos de Vil, Jay (Disney), Evie (Disney), Ben (Disney: Descendants), Harry Hook, Jane (Disney: Descendants), Uma (Disney), Midoriya Izuku, Bakugou Katsuki, Connor Temple, Abby Maitland, Nick Cutter, Stephen Hart, Danny Quinn, Hilary James Becker, Gwen (Total Drama), Duncan (Total Drama), Noah (Total Drama), Courtney (Total Drama), Trent (Total Drama), Heather (Total Drama), Cody Anderson, Leshawna (Total Drama), Bridgette (Total Drama), Geoff (Total Drama), Lindsay (Total Drama), Tyler (Total Drama), Sierra (Total Drama), Alejandro Burromuerto, Zoey (Total Drama), Mike (Total Drama), Dawn (Total Drama), Beth (Total Drama), Harold McGrady V, Katie (Total Drama), Sadie (Total Drama), Eva (Total Drama), Izzy (Total Drama), Owen (Total Drama), Justin (Total Drama), Ezekiel (Total Drama), Scott (Total Drama), Sammy "Samey" (Total Drama), Sam (Total Drama), Anne Maria (Total Drama), Jasmine (Total Drama), Shawn (Total Drama), Sky (Total Drama), Topher (Total Drama), Ella (Total Drama), Kitty (Total Drama), Brody (Total Drama), Hiro Hamada, Tadashi Hamada, E. Aster Bunnymund, Jack Frost (Guardians of Childhood), Ty Borden, Amy Fleming, Lou Fleming, Mallory Wells, Georgie Fleming-Morris, Maddy Smith (Wolfblood), Rhydian Morris, Rachel Berry, Sam Evans, Quinn Fabray, Santana Lopez, Noah Puckerman, Mike Chang, Kurt Hummel, Maya Matlin, Mia Jones, Eli Goldsworthy, Adam Torres, Vladimir Dracula (Young Dracula), Ingrid Dracula, Sam Winchester, Dean Winchester, Castiel (Supernatural), Charlie Bradbury, Tony Stark, Peter Parker, Steve Rogers, Clint Barton, Natasha Romanov (Marvel), Bruce Banner, Thor (Marvel), Loki (Marvel), James "Bucky" Barnes, Marinette Dupain-Cheng | Ladybug, Adrien Agreste | Chat Noir, Marc Anciel, Nathaniel Kurtzberg, Luka Couffaine, Hiccup Horrendous Haddock III, Astrid Hofferson, Jade (Bratz), Yasmin (Bratz), Cloe (Bratz), Sasha (Bratz), Tara Webster, Kat Karamakov, Christian Reed, Sonny Munroe, Elsa (Disney), Anna (Disney), Nick Wilde, Judy Hopps, Owen Grady, Suoh Tamaki, Fujioka Haruhi, Hitachiin Hikaru, Hitachiin Kaoru, Kirishima Eijirou, Shinsou Hitoshi, Amajiki Tamaki, Toogata Mirio, Harry Potter, Hermione Granger, Ron Weasley, Fred Weasley, George Weasley, Draco Malfoy, Stiles Stilinski, Scott McCall (Teen Wolf), Isaac Lahey, Danny Mahealani, Derek Hale, Clarke Griffin, Bellamy Blake, Octavia Blake, Monty Green, Merlin (Merlin), Arthur Pendragon (Merlin), Rick Grimes, Carl Grimes, Jesus (Walking Dead), Aaron (Walking Dead), Michonne (Walking Dead), Negan (Walking Dead), Maggie Greene, Beth Greene
read it on the AO3 at https://ift.tt/3eqjbxM
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jfastereft · 5 years
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"THE SALVATION SONG!"   a song and a poem! a.k.a.: "How To Make It All Right With Bubbles And Tiny Hops Now And Forever!"*  December 31, 2018 - January 1, 2019  to be sung to the tune of  - - -  **
 I'm saving all The Universe, I'm savin' it right NOW,
And-I am quite a GI-ANT! with my blue, bay-bay-by cow;
I'll save all of this Universe, by flying-towards-The-Sun,
And-I'll vanquish all the dragons (windmills) - you-know I'll never run!
I swing at THAT-OLD (baseball) PITCH, and-I'll "knock-it-out-the-Park;"
I'll blow up mean ol' JAWS, I will!  He'll be a gimpy shark!
I'm savin' all The Universe, and THANOS stands NO CHANCE,
'Cause, when he grabs The Gaunlet, (pause) I'll pull down on his pants!!
The War of Armageddon - will never happen - for,
I neutralized "their" weapons, and they don't have no more!!
I had-a-me a baby, with-THE-5th-ELEMENT,
And Leeloo thinks I'm "peachy," even-though I'm crude and bent!
Yeah!  Now you ask me questions, like "Where-do-we-go-from-here?"
But - I've no bloody answers, to questions laced with fear!
Just let your hair down, Honey - and smell The Yellow Rose;
I AM your LONE STAR, baby - I've-already-lost-my-clothes!
To-EXPOSE all those things hidden - It might be quite a shock!
When Donald Trump, he shivers - with a little, shriveled -
Upon THE DOOR ETERNAL! There are no limits here,
So, SPREAD YOUR WINGS and fly away - or grab yourself a beer!*
  fin  ?   <3
  * - "Sometimes, bubbles and hops turn out to be everyone's SALVATION!"  The Mystic Poet!           "Kanpei!"               "Salud!"                     "Cheers!"
 ** - LONESTAR!  A song AND a new Marvel Universe Superhero, who usually: (1) shows up with NO costume on, just - (Tony) stark naked!  (2) embodies the "aspects" of a host of LOSERS***, who have been TEMPORARILY "defeated," but are NOW - back in action! and (3) saves the day, overcoming "impossible odds" because he is just so - NAIVE!  (What a clown!)
 *** - which includes: (1) PAUL BUNYAN (and his blue ox "BABE!"); (2) Korben Dallas, the heroic mercenary who saves Leeloo, "The Fifth Element," in the film of the same name; (3) CASEY "at the bat," who "strikes out" each time we read that poem; (4) Icharus, the young, brash "flyer," who straps waxed feathers to himself, so he can fly up to The Sun; (5) Police Chief Martin Brody, who finally subdues THE BIG SHARK; and, of course, our favorite: (6) Don Quixote!  IF YOU FIND ANY OTHER LOSERS in this song, don't be surprised!
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fyrapartnersearch · 6 years
rEEE writers inbound
hey there! i’m rhys. i am 22, live in the ct, and love ooc chatter! my ooc is pretty lax, but i promise my writing is a helluva lot more formal. i write in third person, past/present tense, and paragraph form. im not a rapid-fire writer, and won’t be able to constantly get replies in every day (i can get responses in anywhere between every couple of days to a week or two). however, i will ALWAYS put tlc into all of my posts and characters! i write anywhere between 300-900 words. it’s definitely alright if you don’t feel up to that amount at any given point, but i do appreciate keeping it somewhere in this range. im very wordy, and can spew out a novel if im excited enough lmao
  my limits are pretty general; i will not do beastiality, pedophilia, vore, or scat. i can indulge in a variety of kinks, but if it’s a little much for any average person, i’m less likely to write it out (i.e extreme ddlg or adult babies, furries, extreme pet play, etc.) but i can be persuaded to lightly touch on certain kinks as long as they’re not 10000% filth lmao i cannot, and will not, do seme/uke or top/bottom dynamics. absolutely not. queer relationships shouldn’t be defined by whose taking the D. i dont want to interact with squeamish little femboys, or awful macho men with downright rapey tendencies. versatility is key, and power struggles are what i live for! i will, however, indulge in BDSM dynamics with certain plots— although, domination isn’t always about penetration, you know?
  give me characters with aspirations, hopes and dreams, and crushing past experiences that flesh them out into who they are. no one is perfect, and we all have things that rear their ugly heads in the dark. problematic characters, male or female or anything in between, are everything. i love lgbtq+ characters, as i am part of the community myself, and will almost always be more inclined in writing queer characters. not to say i won’t write for strictly straight pairings, m/f, but usually i am iffy when approached with it if i am just meeting you.
  i write for all genders, ethnicity, and orientations! you can find a few writings examples of mine here. i am pretty welcoming of most things. smut, of course. some kink a little out there that you want to suggest? let's do it, dude. i am super OOC friendly and i am pretty much a garbled mess when i get to know you!  i’m a social person— i feel like a burden if you’re not into chatting with me, so please, if you’re not looking to be both a writing partner as well as a friend, i might not be the gal for you. i am open to crooked relationships, ones that don't function right, dark/morally corrupt characters, unconditional love, etc. my interests fluctuate! i am down, 24/7, guys! i only roleplay over email, but will ooc chat over discord or hangouts! here's a list of fandoms and pairings below that i am looking to write for atm. i do have many more, but these are just the ones off the top of my head!
Handsome Jack/Rhys
Handsome Jack/Rhys/Nisha
  Life is Strange
Max Caulfield/Chloe Price
Max Caulfield/Kate Marsh/Victoria Chase
Nathan Prescott/Warren Graham
Rachel Amber/Chloe Price
Frank Bowers/Damon Merrick
Dick Grayson/Jason Todd
Dick Grayson/Slade Wilson
Dick Grayson/Wally West
Harley Quinn/Pamela Isley
  Batman: Telltale Series
Bruce Wayne/John Doe
Bruce Wayne/Selina Kyle
Bruce Wayne/Harvey Dent/Selina Kyle
Stephen Strange/Tony Stark
Bucky Barnes/Sam Wilson
Thor/Bruce Banner
Peter Parker/Harry Osborn
Peter Parker/Wade Wilson
Wade Wilson/Vanessa Carlysle
Gwen Stacy/Peter Parker/Harry Osborn
Peter Parker/Wade Wilson/Vanessa Carlysle
Nathan Drake/Samuel Drake
Nathan Drake/Harry Flynn
Chloe Frazer/Nadine Ross
Asher Forrester/Gwyn Whitehill
Rodrik Forrester/Arthur Glenmore
Mira Forrester/Margaery Tyrell
Gryff Whitehill/Elaena Glenmore
Gared Tuttle/Finn
Gared Tuttle/Josera Snow
  The Walking Dead
Rick Grimes/Negan
Javier Garcia/David Garcia
Clementine/Gabriel Garcia
Javier Garcia/Paul “Jesus” Rovia
  Far Cry (3-5)
Jason Brody/Vaas Montenegro
Jason Brody/Bambi “Buck” Hughes
Ajay Ghale/Pagan Min
Ajay Ghale/Sabal
Ajay Ghale/Sabal/Amita
Rook/Joseph Seed
Rook/John Seed
Rook/Faith Seed
Frank Castle/David Lieberman
Frank Castle/Billy Russo
  Mass Effect: Andromeda
Scott Ryder/Reyes Vidal
Scott Ryder/Gil Brodie
Scott Ryder/Peebee
Sara Ryder/Peebee
Sara Ryder/Vetra Nyx
  Kill Your Darlings
Lucien Carr/Allen Ginsberg
Onto original plots!
  Office romances/BDSM/Friends with benefits-turned-lovers
okay, so, i had this type of roleplay with someone a while back. maybe more than two or three years back that i fell out of contact with and i could never really get it out of my head because it was probably one of the best character-building stories i’ve ever taken part of. :’) i don’t remember their name, but i do hope they’ll contact me again if they ever see this. while some of this may seem specific, none of it is concrete and i promise i am very easy to get along with and very accomodating! the plot i remember had three different relationships— completely different people, with different lives and different worlds, with only one common thing between them being that they work in the same building. we can do all three, or we can do a few, or even  one! i dont mind.
  **pairing A; M/F preferred (lol i know broke my own rule, but i adore femdoms! extra: please come with an open mind. this is not a 50 shades AU, and i do not want it to be.) this one is between a CEO and an intern in their senior year of college. The CEO is a femdom, and freshly out of divorce, takes a liking to the clumsy intern who’d spilled coffee on her more than once. The intern has never been in a relationship with an older woman, let alone one running a multi-million dollar company, but hey, isn’t that the dream for some broke twenty-something down on his luck? She introduces him to BDSM, and while he’s hesitant, the idea is as exciting as it is frightening. He accepts her offer— while it’s difficult at times, he begins to learn more about her. Her ex-spouse, her young child, and her unwillingness to develop a sincere relationship with him. She’s had subs before, and while she tells him he isn’t disposable, he begins to feel it was the truth. He grows to have feelings for her, and while she isn’t too keen on admitting it, the feeling is mutual. I’d love to explore their dynamic in and out of sex, and the conflict between the intern and her ex-spouse. I love age gaps, and think it would be awesome to see them develop over time to find common ground to establish a personal relationship and trying to even out their power imbalances. I don’t mind playing either the CEO or the intern, but I am leaning more towards the CEO. :V**
  **pairing B; M/M preferred (this one is waaay more gritty and more dub-con than anything so please beware!) this one is between two higher-ups who have been butting heads for years— and occasionally, sexual tension neither have acted on. A is a snarky, openly gay man, and probably what some would consider shallow and noncommittal. B is a brooding, closeted ‘by the book’ type well into his thirties, and refuses to engage in anything sexual with men despite his obvious attraction; B has younger siblings he takes care of as well as his mother, and being the oldest son and only provider, hasn’t done a thing for himself in twenty years. A lives completely alone, complete with a bachelor pad and, the influx of flings that went nowhere past sex, and has risen to the top with his own sheer will. they have conflicting motives, and while both of them have an intense hatred for each other, they’ve never engaged in physical altercations in fear of losing their jobs. one day, A jabs a little below the belt, and finally, B starts swinging. this fight turns into something way more heavy in the company parking lot. what happens between them in the long run is something desperate, needy, and longing for real affection. it began as a mindless need for sex, angry and mean and formal, with B being especially unwilling to ‘give up’ his masculinity and ever be on the receiving end in fear of losing the control he needs to keep this up. i’d love to see them begin to see each other in a different light, and changing each other for the better. i’d also love to see A showing B that sex doesn’t have to be meaningless, and that he doesn’t need to fear letting A be in control. And B showing A that commitment isn’t as terrifying as it may be, with them gradually going from rivals, to friends with benefits, and eventually lovers. i, again, don’t mind writing for either! **
  **pairing C; F/F preferred. (aaa this pairing is way more fluffy and sweet, with hurt/comfort as a stable of their dynamic.) this one is between two small-office employees in the company. A is fairly tame at work in order to support her sibling(s), of which she has adopted from her father’s custody years ago. she is fairly confident with her sexuality, and while not being the type to frequent clubs, is dragged along by a few friends and there, meets B. B is a young woman who just recently got out of a relationship with an abusive ex fiance— B has only ever been with that man, and was never confident in exploring her sexuality due to a religious upbringing and parents who were dead set on traditional values. she’s never strayed from her ex, and while he wasn’t faithful or remotely good to her in return, she was heartbroken with their split. months after, he returns to the city and B’s close friends decide to take her out on a girls’ night to make her feel better— B coincidently sees her ex, and feeling childish and unattractive, heads off to the bar to get a drink. she’s nowhere near a drinker, and just before she does drown her sorrows, is hit on by A. while initially shocked, B is flustered and finds herself immediately attracted to A. they have a one-night stand, and while B believes that A would just leave in the morning, A instead lays with her until she wakes up, and leaves her number. B is too anxious to text her. they bump into each other at the elevator that Monday. they agree to be just friends, until B knows what she wants. A is willing to wait. B might have a crush, and A is intent on building B up to love herself and her body. i would overall prefer to write for A, but if you’re dead set, no prob!**
  Serial killer/1960’s/Small town sheriff
no preferred pairing! would love, love, love to see something between a serial killer and a small town sheriff in the mid-to-late sixties. we could make up a new little town, or find one to our liking! A is the sheriff who had been born and raised in this town with a good home life, loving parents, and a steady moral compass, albeit trapped in a loveless marriage. they know everyone, and every nook and cranny of the place like the back of their hand. this is the type of place where people don’t have to lock their doors at night, or constantly watch their kids when they’re out in the yard playing. that is, until people start going missing and horrifyingly mutilated bodies began to pop up around town. B is a well-liked baker in town; known to be genuinely friendly and kind, B has a very corrupt past. both of their parents were heinously abusive, and as a child, B developed sociopathic tendencies. B was inherently spiteful of the town and the people in it, for leaving them to rot in hell for eighteen years, and for never reaching out. B formed a god complex, his intentions to ‘purify the corrupt’. they keep tabs on almost everyone in town, and the victims they do take are put in the soundproof basement of his home to be ‘baptized’; tortured, beaten, and mutilated beyond recognition. A and B are friendly with each other as A comes to the bakery every morning, with B’s motives completely unbeknownst. one night, A, frustrated and pissed from the dead ends of the case of the decade, decides to head to the bar and relax. B is the one face A didn’t mind seeing that night, and one thing lead to another, with A and B in a dark alley getting each other off— i definitely see this as B grooming A to be a complicit pet, and when A gets closer and closer to figuring out who the killer is, he forms a deep connection with B. B develops a possessiveness over A, along with that sense of ownership he’d established between them. B manipulates A, coerces him into a false sense of security, and eventually— A finds out, and while B initially thinks to kill A, A is corrupted by B and forms some kind of stockholm syndrome for B. it’s up to A on whether or not they turn B in, or cover the killer’s tracks. B, despite his very sick and repulsive nature, develops a true infatuation for A, as close to love as they were ever going to get, and A is desperate enough to please B that they’ll do anything to not disappoint them.
  Post apocalypse/decades later/immunity
no pairing preferred! the plot I had in mind is loosely based off of a video game called "The Last of Us", which i am sure most of you have a general knowledge of! (definitely check it out if you don’t :O it’s a great game!!) the prompt i was shooting for goes something like this; in a post-apocalyptic world where a pandemic has killed off most living species, character A is a lone wolf with little to do with other people that don't benefit him, except for a select few. A is especially rough around the edges, as he's lived through some sick shit and lived to tell the tale. A had once been part of a group dedicated to finding a cure, but things went south, and a lot of people died. A had a close bond with the leader of said group, and coincidentally they were the only survivors. their past together, having been deeply demented and twisted, caused them to fall out. said leader has rebuilt a new group in the ten years since the last time they'd seen A. character B is the only known immune person alive, and has dedicated their life to being a resource to finding a cure. A and his (current) contact/partner in crime have something taken from them, and are determined to get it back. they do some searching, and are confronted with this group-- they have what they need, but are only willing to give it to them for a favor in return. no one can outrun their past forever. so, this plot isn't concrete. things can be changed, we can do whatever we want, and i am happy to comply to any revisions or suggestions! i'd really enjoy taking on A, if that's alright!
treasure hunters!!!! yES!! think Uncharted or Tomb Raider. an architect/treasure hunter is being funded an expedition to find a lost treasure and they are forced to bring along a reporter in order to receive the funds. the reporter and architect certainly dont get along in the beginning— they bicker, and clash on most fronts. the expedition wasnt meant to be dangerous. what was initially thought to be a simple job turned into something treacherous; bandits, a team of hired hitmen and their leader looking to take the treasure for themselves, and some rather supernatural elements that they both couldnt quite put a finger on. the treasure hunter and the reporter have to work together to get out of this alive, and get to the artifact before someone else does. (the “treasure” is definitely up for debate!! we can chose a real life lost treasure, or just make one up!! it can be anywhere around the world, and everything is at our disposal).
character A has an awful time living in the city— alone, and without mom's guidance, completely lost. one day they receive a call about a deceased relative, one they'd never heard of, one that apparently left their estate and everything in it in their will to A. with nothing but the clothes on their back, A took a shot in the dark and drove out to this presumed "estate" come early summer, only to find that it's a mansion in a tiny little town with an eerie vibe and populated by the typical small town churchgoers and farm folk. living in this town was a hell of a challenge; everyone was nice, too nice, and people started to go missing. character B is an exceptionally charismatic, charming person and the only mechanic/handyman in town. A and B become friends, partially, when A needs to fix up the piping in their estate. A stumbles upon the attic one day, and for once, they start to get why this whole town reeked to the roots in weird shit-- their deceased relative was tracking something here in this town, having to do with all of the MIA townsfolk. DR has a board of possible suspects, and at the center? B. A shrugs it off as their relative having been paranoid, but the longer A stays in this town, the more apparent it becomes that DR wasnt crazy. B is, in fact, not the murderer, instead a supernatural being (open for debate! im on the fence with demons, vampires, etc.) on a mission to track down the monster, same as DR. i am so down for internal struggles, sweet gestures, and overall, two people just trying to make it work! i could also see A being hella paranoid that B is the monster, and maybe tries to throw cloves of garlic at them only to realize thats not exactly how this monster hunter business works lmao
  DEPRESSED WRITER/YOUNG MUSE/between 1920’s-1960’s/sex, drugs, & the american dream
m/m preferred! A is a severely depressed middle-aged man believing his life has been wasted. his wife left him with their child at her hip, his career was in a rut, and he had nothing left to live for. opting for suicide, he goes out one evening to purchase a bottle of gin to down with a handful of prescription sleeping pills when he returned to his apartment. instead of going directly home, he’s swept in by the music in an underground club for queers. there he meets B; all encompassing, angel faced, and the only person A didn’t know how to look away from. B is a former US Navy Seal, aspiring musician, and avid indulger of the human body— A stays a little too long, owlish and red, and after the show, B approaches him with a cattish smile. they spark a friendship, and A is thrown down the rabbit hole when B introduces him to his social circle, filled to the brim with drag queens, junkies, queers, and the overall unusual— he integrates into this community, his contemplation of suicide only a distant memory, and begins to find himself extremely attracted to B. he lights a fire in A, something dangerous and unquenchable, and A finds himself drawn in by the unpredictability. A embarks with B on a journey of self exploration, passion, and inevitable love in a world that scorned the oddities of human attraction and anyone who dared to be free.
  thanks for your time! if you've read through, please contact me at [email protected] on email or rhys#3615 on discord and mention kiwi somewhere in your initial message. n_n
  Rhys xoxo
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ao3feed-kurthummel · 4 years
In the world of fandoms
read it on the AO3 at https://ift.tt/3eqjbxM
by Tryingmikeywinters
Munro Jade Evans wakes up in a different body every day. Cliche storyline right? The one thing that sets this story aside from any other story where someone wakes up in a different body everyday, is the fact that Munro wakes up in the body of an original character, in a different fandom she is in everyday.
 (Tags are to be added, please read the first chapter as it will have a better explication:)
Words: 346, Chapters: 1/1, Language: English
Fandoms: Primeval, Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles (TV 2012), Total Drama (Cartoon), How to Train Your Dragon (Movies), The 100 (TV), Teen Wolf (TV), Zoo - Fandom, Heartland (TV), 僕のヒーローアカデミア | Boku no Hero Academia | My Hero Academia, Descendants (Disney Movies), Marvel Cinematic Universe, Harry Potter - J. K. Rowling, Rise of the Guardians (2012), The Walking Dead (TV), Wolfblood (TV), Anne with an E (TV), Ouran High School Host Club - All Media Types, Miraculous Ladybug, Young Dracula (TV), Supernatural, Degrassi, Zootopia (2016), Lost Girl (TV), Merlin (TV), Dork Diaries Series - Rachel Renee Russell, Frozen (Disney Movies), Big Hero 6 (2014), Glee, Barbie - All Media Types, Sing (2016), Hannah Montana (TV), Dance Academy, Sonny with a Chance, Liv and Maddie, Bratz - All Media Types, Victorious (TV), Jurassic World Trilogy (Movies), Jessie (TV), Brave (2012)
Rating: Not Rated
Warnings: No Archive Warnings Apply
Categories: F/F, F/M, M/M, Multi
Characters: Mal (Disney), Carlos de Vil, Jay (Disney), Evie (Disney), Ben (Disney: Descendants), Harry Hook, Jane (Disney: Descendants), Uma (Disney), Midoriya Izuku, Bakugou Katsuki, Connor Temple, Abby Maitland, Nick Cutter, Stephen Hart, Danny Quinn, Hilary James Becker, Gwen (Total Drama), Duncan (Total Drama), Noah (Total Drama), Courtney (Total Drama), Trent (Total Drama), Heather (Total Drama), Cody Anderson, Leshawna (Total Drama), Bridgette (Total Drama), Geoff (Total Drama), Lindsay (Total Drama), Tyler (Total Drama), Sierra (Total Drama), Alejandro Burromuerto, Zoey (Total Drama), Mike (Total Drama), Dawn (Total Drama), Beth (Total Drama), Harold McGrady V, Katie (Total Drama), Sadie (Total Drama), Eva (Total Drama), Izzy (Total Drama), Owen (Total Drama), Justin (Total Drama), Ezekiel (Total Drama), Scott (Total Drama), Sammy "Samey" (Total Drama), Sam (Total Drama), Anne Maria (Total Drama), Jasmine (Total Drama), Shawn (Total Drama), Sky (Total Drama), Topher (Total Drama), Ella (Total Drama), Kitty (Total Drama), Brody (Total Drama), Hiro Hamada, Tadashi Hamada, E. Aster Bunnymund, Jack Frost (Guardians of Childhood), Ty Borden, Amy Fleming, Lou Fleming, Mallory Wells, Georgie Fleming-Morris, Maddy Smith (Wolfblood), Rhydian Morris, Rachel Berry, Sam Evans, Quinn Fabray, Santana Lopez, Noah Puckerman, Mike Chang, Kurt Hummel, Maya Matlin, Mia Jones, Eli Goldsworthy, Adam Torres, Vladimir Dracula (Young Dracula), Ingrid Dracula, Sam Winchester, Dean Winchester, Castiel (Supernatural), Charlie Bradbury, Tony Stark, Peter Parker, Steve Rogers, Clint Barton, Natasha Romanov (Marvel), Bruce Banner, Thor (Marvel), Loki (Marvel), James "Bucky" Barnes, Marinette Dupain-Cheng | Ladybug, Adrien Agreste | Chat Noir, Marc Anciel, Nathaniel Kurtzberg, Luka Couffaine, Hiccup Horrendous Haddock III, Astrid Hofferson, Jade (Bratz), Yasmin (Bratz), Cloe (Bratz), Sasha (Bratz), Tara Webster, Kat Karamakov, Christian Reed, Sonny Munroe, Elsa (Disney), Anna (Disney), Nick Wilde, Judy Hopps, Owen Grady, Suoh Tamaki, Fujioka Haruhi, Hitachiin Hikaru, Hitachiin Kaoru, Kirishima Eijirou, Shinsou Hitoshi, Amajiki Tamaki, Toogata Mirio, Harry Potter, Hermione Granger, Ron Weasley, Fred Weasley, George Weasley, Draco Malfoy, Stiles Stilinski, Scott McCall (Teen Wolf), Isaac Lahey, Danny Mahealani, Derek Hale, Clarke Griffin, Bellamy Blake, Octavia Blake, Monty Green, Merlin (Merlin), Arthur Pendragon (Merlin), Rick Grimes, Carl Grimes, Jesus (Walking Dead), Aaron (Walking Dead), Michonne (Walking Dead), Negan (Walking Dead), Maggie Greene, Beth Greene
read it on the AO3 at https://ift.tt/3eqjbxM This is an automatic feed of all new stories posted to the Kurt Hummel tag on AO3. Because of that, it is not guaranteed that Kurt is the main character in the story. There is also no judgment made as to ships, length, or warnings. Please verify content upon clicking through to AO3.
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tavsiyebizdenn · 5 years
Peaky Blinders 5. sezon Hakkında Bilmeniz Gerekenler!
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https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=SRE5pZwNyrw Peaky Blinders, sezon 5 neredeyse geldi, bu yüzden kendinizi hazırlamak için, ilk bölümden yoğun bir şekilde süren kısa bir fragmanın yanı sıra, şu anda okuyabileceğiniz ilk bölüm hakkında bir spoiler incelemesi yaptık . Şov, 2017'de bugüne kadarki en güçlü pistlerden biriydi. Dördüncü seri, Shelby klanını mafya babası Luca Changretta'ya (Adrien Brody) karşı karşıya görüyor.İLGİLİ HİKAYEPeaky Blinders filmi: destansı 2. Dünya Savaşı finali Büyük bir kayıp olan Bar ( RIP John Shelby ), Tommy ve eşi büyük ölçüde çetesiz savaştan çıktı, bu BBC'nin aynı zamanda dördüncü ve beşinci serileri de devreye sokması nedeniyle şaşırtıcı değildi . Dahası, yaratıcı Steven Knight şimdi altıncı ve yedinci seriyi planlıyor, yedi seri dizinin sonunu işaretlemesi bekleniyor . “Benim tutkum, iki savaş arasında bir ailenin hikayesini yapmaktır, bu yüzden 1939’da Birmingham’daki ilk hava saldırısı sireniyle bitirmek istemiştim. ," açıkladı. Tabii ki, bu yıl her şey sona erebilirdi, ama şükürler olsun ki Knight gitmesine izin vermekte zorlandı. “Yapmayı seviyorum. Dünyayı seviyorum” dedi . “İlk başta bu seriyle bitirecektik, ama sadece şimdi girecek çok fazla insan olduğunu düşündüm. Durması çok utanç verici.” Knight ekledi : "Niyetim daima 'yi kullanmaktı, bu yüzden sonunda iyi şeyler yapan gerçekten iyi bir adam. “Ve bu yolculuğun nasıl gerçekleştiğini ve neden olduğunu ve Birinci Dünya Savaşı'nın tüm travma sonrası stresiyle başa çıkmayı ve bununla hiç bir zaman ilgilenmediğini bulma. şimdi unut gitsin. ' Bu boyunca onunla kalacak. " Ama şimdiye kadar beşinci sezon hakkında başka ne biliyoruz? Kendine bir viski dökün ve şimdiye kadar ortaya çıkan tüm kilit bilgileri okuyun.Peaky Blinders, En İyi Drama Serisi için BAFTA'yı kazandıDigital Spy GB tarafındanVideo oynatmak
Peaky Blinders, sezon 5 çıkış tarihi: Ne zaman bekleyebiliriz?
BBC sezon beş olacağını doğruladı bu yıl bizim ekranlar isabet üzerinde Pazar, 25 Ağustos at 9 için bölüm 1'in galası .
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Beşinci sezonun prömiyeri 'Kara Salı' başlıklı The Wall Street Crash haberiyle Shelby ailesini bir araya getirecek ve elbette aile işini ilerletmeyi etkileyecek. Ayrıca, Tommy'nin politik kariyeri, Commons Evi'ndeki ilham verici konuşması sayesinde güçlenerek güçlenecek - dolabındaki iskeletler yakında pozisyonunu riske sokabilse de. Bu arada, Tommy'nin politik kariyeri, Avam Kamarası'nda eğlenceli bir konuşma yaparken güçlenmeye devam ediyor. Ancak geçmişinin hayaletleri kısa süre sonra pozisyonunu baltalamakla tehdit ediyor. Neyse ki, istekli taraftarlar başka bir bölüm için uzun süre beklemek zorunda kalmayacak. Pazar günü 'Kara Salı' havalanmasından sonra, ikinci sezon beş bölüm yalnızca bir gün sonra saat 9.30 'da 26 Ağustos Pazartesi günü Banka Tatili'nde yayınlanacak . “Kara Kediler” Tommy için potansiyel olarak yıkıcı bilgi isteyen gizemli bir yeni müttefik sunacak. Rakip bir grup onun için de şiddet içeren bir soruna yol açacaktır. İLGİLİ HİKAYEPeaky Blinders 5 serisi iki gece lansmanını duyurdu Instagram'daki soru-cevaplar sırasında, Finn'i oynayan Harry Kirton, daha önce yılın sonlarına doğru geldiğine işaret etmişti: " Peaky muhtemelen bu yılın diğer ucunda çıkıyor. “Öyleyse, Eylül / Ekim zamanı. Çok heyecanlıyım ve siz de olmalısınız. Finn'in (yeni) mevsiminde büyümesi gerekiyor.” Fakat yine de biraz beklememize rağmen, en azından arkasındaki ekibin iş zor olduğunu biliyoruz, yönetmen Anthony Byrne ( In Darkness, Ripper Street ) Instagram'daki paylaşımları paylaşıyor: Bu yıl büyük bir değişiklik, beşinci seri geldiğinde BBC2 yerine BBC One'da yayınlanacak olmasıdır . " Peaky Blinders , oyununun zirvesinde birinci sınıf bir dramadır ve İngiltere'nin en büyük kanalına taşınması için zamanı geldi. Steven Knight'ın destansı hikaye anlatımı otantik ve tamamen çekicidir ve zevk almasını sağlamak istiyorum. BBC One'da daha geniş bir izleyici kitlesi, "dedi. "Dördüncü seriye ve genç izleyicilerle olan etkisine daha iyi bir cevap veremezdik. Bu hamle, BBC İki'ye yeni dramayı denemek için daha yaratıcı bir boşluk bırakacak." Ancak değişmeyen bir şey, şovun kusursuz tema şarkısı olan Nick Cave'nin 'Red Right Hand'idir. Geçenlerde Birmingham’daki bir soru-cevap bölümünde ( BirminghamLive aracılığıyla ) konuşan Cave, izleyiciye şu soruyu sordu: "Birkaç yıl önce, BBC’de yayınlanan yeni bir gösteri ve açılış sahnesinde kasvetli bir caddede yürüyen bir adam vardı. 1900'lerin başlarında Birmingham, 'Red Right Hand' adlı şarkınıza şarkı söyleyin. Bana, Peaky Blinders'ın bir sonucu olarak müziğinize ve kişiliğinize ilgi duyduğunuzu gördünüz mü? " "F ** kralı Birmingham," diye cevapladı Mağara. “Bu harika bir şov. Ama birçok insan bana gelip 'Ben büyük bir hayranıyım' diyerek müziğimi Peaky Blinders aracılığıyla keşfetti . Ama Birmingham gerçekten böyle miydi?” Adam bağırdı: "Hala öyle."
Peaky Blinders 5. sezon fragmanı: İzleyebilir miyim?
Peaky Blinders'in 5. sezonunun ilk fragmanı indi ve İngiltere'nin Faşistler Birliği'ne liderlik etmeye devam eden Tommy Shelby'in yeni sağ düşmanı Oswald Mosely'yi (Sam Claflin) takdim etti. Prömiyeri beklerken, prömiyer bölümünden zevk alacağınız bir sürü sulu klip , ayrıca daha sonra Split aktris Anya Taylor-Joy'un oynadığı Michael Gray'in (Finn Cole) yeni aşk ilgisine daha yakından bakın . BBC ayrıca , 1 Ocak'ta 2019 drama kayrak için bir fragman yayınladı ve gösteri makarasında birkaç hızlı Peaky peekiyle yayınlandı .
Peaky Blinders 5. sezon oyuncu: İçinde kim var?
Joe Cole neden Peaky Blinders'i terk ettiğini açıkladıDigital Spy GB tarafındanVideo oynatmak Cillian Murphy tarafından bir kez daha Tommy Shelby olarak önderlik ettiği, Joe Cole dışında bir önceki serinin tüm oyuncu kadrosunun geri döneceği doğrulandı . Buna Helen McCrory (Polly Teyze), Paul Anderson (Arthur Shelby), Sophie Rundle (Ada Shelby), Kate Phillips (Linda Shelby) ve Natasha O'Keeffe (Lizzie Stark) ve Aidan Gillen ve Jack Rowan (baba olarak) dahildir. ve oğlu ağır ağırlıkları Aberama ve Bonnie Gold). Gillen aslında yeni bir karakter gibi hissedebilir, Aberama için bir oyuncu sayesinde çok hoş geldiniz. “Üç yıl. Bence dört mevsim bitiminden sonra ayrılmamızdan üç yıl sonra. Doğru mu? Bu yüzden karakterlere saç kesimi yapmak, bıyık yetiştirmek ve yeni bir takım elbise almak için bir fırsat veriyor” dedi. Digital Spy anlattı .
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CARYN MANDABACH PRODÜKSİYON / KAPLAN BOYU PRODÜKSİYON / MATT SQUİRE BBC “Aslında ne hakkında ya da nerede olduğu ve kaza - mali kaza hakkında ne kadar söylendiğini bilmiyorum. Bir yük kaybettikleri göz önüne alındığında, Shelbys için bahis miktarını yükseltti, sanırım. Bunun üzerinden para. “Bu 1930'lar biliyor musun?” ekledi. “Yani biz 1930'lara giriyoruz, sanırım. Her yerde ilginç bir on yıl. Ve, biliyorsunuz, tutarlı var… daha önce giden her şeyle tutarlı olan şeyler var, ama belli ki yapamazsınız. aynı şey tekrar tekrar. " Kate Phillips ne özel bir röportajda onun karakteri için yanındaki alay Dijital Spy , ve kocası Arthur - - onun meydan olarak, Linda Shelby devam edeceğini ortaya "Tommy'nin tarafında bir diken" olmayı "otoriter aile üzerindeki etkisi ". Bununla birlikte, bu Linda'nın ailesini önemsemeyi bırakacağı anlamına gelmez: “Orada hala çok fazla sevgi var, hala paylaşıyorlar ve sanırım bunun tadını çıkarmaya çalışıyorlar. Sanırım onun içindeki Quaker. Onun için gerçekten şaşırtıcı bir çatışma yaratan şey bu; ondan çıkıyor. " Charlie Murphy (Jessie Eden), Kingsley Ben-Adir (Col Ben Genç), Harry Kirton (Finn Shelby), Packy Lee (Johnny Dogs), Ned Dennehy (Charlie Strong), Ian Peck (Kıvırcık) ve şair / müzisyen Benjamin Zephaniah ( Yeremya İsa) da hepsi dönüyor.
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BBC STÜDYOLARI / CARYN MANDABACH YAPIMLARI BBC Beşinci seri için bekleme devam ettikçe, ilk bakışta bazı oyuncu fotoğrafları da düştü.
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Açlık Oyunları 'Sam Claflin ayrıca, gerçek yaşam faşist lideri Oswald Mosley gibi gösteriyi katılacak yeni bir film setinde fotoğrafları ortaya çıkan aktör.
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Peaky Blinders Londra galasındaki karakterinden bahseden Sam Claflin, Digital Spy dahil olmak üzere basına şunları söyledi : "Oswald Mosley hala çok genç ve pek çok açıdan deneyimsiz. Ama aynı zamanda Tommy'den çok daha tecrübeli. “Bence ikisinin birbirini yenmeye çalışmak ve birbirlerini kullanmaktan zorlandığını düşünüyorum. Ama Tommy'nin bu seri için özellikle bence çok farklı ve çok farklı bir yaklaşım olduğunu düşünüyorum, Tommy'nin savaşması çok daha fazla. Tommy onun en büyük düşmanı. " Fakat ne yazık ki, Tom Hardy'nin sonunu Alfie Solomons olarak gördük, hasta gangster Tommy'nin dördüncü seriye ihanet edip suratına kurşun sıktı.
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Serinin dördüncü finalinde isim kontrolü yapıldıktan sonra, beşinci dizide Al Capone'u görme şansımız vardı, şimdi Peaky Blinders onunla iş yapıyor. "Bu harika olurdu," dedi Paul Anderson Digital Spy'a . “Şimdi serinin başladığı periyot, Chicago, New York’u yönetiyordu, o oydu ... ve Michael (Finn Cole) oradaydı, onunla arkadaş oluyordu, eğer öyleyse harika olurdu. mafya bu giriş. " Bazı taraftarlar , Boardwalk Empire'daki ünlü gangsterin inanılmaz resmini çektikten sonra Stephen Graham'ı rol almaya çağırmıştı . Ancak, Knight'a göre bu olmayacak . “Al Capone olmayacak. Gerçekten de yok” dedi ve ekliyor: “Beşinci seride çok fazla olacak (büyük konuk konuk yıldızları olacak).” Read the full article
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pietrotheavenger · 5 years
roommates (bucky barnes)
summary: the mundanity of being roommates with bucky.
pairings: au!bucky barnes x fem!reader
warnings: slight sexual content, swearing
a/n: oof i kind of didn’t post for like two months
series masterlist
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once every two weeks, y/n and bucky would strip their beds and go down the elevator to the laundry room. they would shove their sheets into one washer and their clothes into another. then, they would sit for two hours and wait.
she would usually bring a blanket with her, as the laundry room was insufferably cold. bucky would sit on top of an empty washing machine. sometimes he would sit on the floor, back against the washer. she would curl up into a ball in the old chair.
the two hours was a good time to catch up with each other, if they hadn’t had time to in the previous weeks. they were sitting in their spots, chatting about the stark industries christmas party when one of their neighbors came in with their own laundry.
that neighbor being steve.
y/n’s head had been hanging over the arm of the chair, as her eyes ran over the ceiling tiles. she had been ranting when he entered. “the new personal assistant brought her step kids to the party. i don’t know why ms. potts is so obsessed with hiring a new personal assistant every time i fucking breathe. she makes ME train them. what the hell did i get my masters for? to train a personal assistant?”
bucky cleared his throat, causing her to whip her head up. she caught sight of steve in the doorway. “oh my god!” she exclaimed. she attempted to sit up but managed to tangle herself in her blanket and fall onto the ground with a loud groan. bucky suppressed a laugh, deciding against embarrassing her further in front of their attractive neighbor. he made a move to help her, but was beat by steve.
“y/n, are you okay?” he questioned, helping her sit up. his eyebrows were knitted together with concern, one hand on her shoulder.
she blew a piece of hair out of her face. “just peachy,” she deadpanned. the hair fell back into her face. he brought his hand up and brushed it away.
“i’m sorry if i scared you,” he apologized, standing up.
“oh, that’s okay, steve,” she waved him off.
“i came down to do my laundry. i hope i’m not interrupting you,” he looked between bucky and y/n.
“it’s okay, man. we only have fifteen minutes left.” bucky crossed his arms over his chest, slightly flexing his muscles.
y/n noticed. she rolled her eyes.
steve noticed. he shifted his weight from foot to foot, uncomfortably.
“i’m just gonna toss this load into the washer and then check my mailbox,” steve stated after a moment of awkward silence.
bucky and y/n made faces at each other behind steve’s back as he measured out laundry detergent. when he left, with a quick wave and a small smile, she exhaled loudly.
“what?” bucky snapped.
“jealous much, buck?” she teased, raising an eyebrow.
“you’re the one who fell out of a chair, babe,” he bit back, a hint of mischief glittering in his eyes.
“touché,” she laughed.
“you know he’s just trying to get into your pants, right?”
“you are ridiculous, james buchanan barnes,” she rolled her eyes again. “he literally helped me up because i fell out of the chair.” she leaned forward, her elbows on her knees. he subconsciously mirrored her. her voice dropped an octave and turned into a whisper. “but if he did want to get into my pants, i would let him.”
he sat back suddenly, his face flushing red. she howled with laughter, throwing her head back and shoulders shaking. he pouted, crossing his arms over his chest again.
twenty minutes later, they were closing their apartment door behind them. “can we put my sheets on first?” bucky asked, dumping the laundry basket onto the couch.
y/n dropped her keys on the counter, picking up her lip balm. “why, so you can immediately fall asleep and conveniently not be able to help me with putting my sheets on?” she quirked an eyebrow, swiping her lips with the balm.
“oh, c’mon, babe. i was tired. i got home late the night before,” he said, exasperatedly, spreading this fingers out in front of him, palms up.
“sure, buck. of course,” she rolled her eyes. she began walking to his room and turned towards him when he didn’t follow. “let’s go, doofus. we have to make your bed.”
he smiled to himself before saying, “i’m right behind ya’, dollface.”
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@ssweet-empowerment ; @httpmcrvel ; @stardustandbucky ; @almighty-rogers ; @iamkingkillmonger ; @abuckyrogersworld ; @freightcarcap ; @mal-functioning-writer ; @c-a-v-a-l-r-y ; @coffeebooksandfandom ; @somethingmoreclever ; @2dreamcatcher8 ; @illegalportkey ; @uservalkyrie ; @fuckthatfeeling ; @xxashy999xx ; @buckybarneshairpullingkink ; @tuliptx ; @wwhitewwolff ; @kingdomcage ; @thisismysecrethappyplace ; @appreciating-chase-brody ; @renanyx ;
roommates tags:
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