#Brought to you by: my chem homework
theresamouseinmyhouse · 8 months
tim + brentwood characters as boys i was legitimately friends with in high school and think of every single day:
Buzz- Jake (fake names for all of my friends bc privacy reasons) who complained about hanging out with nerds, got into a fistfight with someone else on his football team bc they called us nerds, was thoroughly convinced he'd run laps faster if he was hopped up on pixie stix (i held his backback while he got sick in the bathroom👍👍), he tried to hit on my older sister and she laughed at him, he was so put out he contemplated becoming a monk for a week
Wes: Max, who i helped sneak an entire bottle of orange juice on to the bus to our choir competition, but was unaware he brought a full bottle of vodka as well, ended up crying on our choir teacher for the three hours after the comp and i bought him a box of donuts after school, he did not stop doing this and had severe beef with a kid he knew in 5th grade and hadnt seen since but also hadnt forgotten their name and last i knew, was still awaiting for a dreaded confrontation to eventually come
Kip: Eduardo, who we all thought was studying during lunch but was actually filling his notebook with weird facts he observed about us and also managed to chew several packs of gum at once throughout our math class before the teacher noticed him, didnt know the plot to the clockwork orange so i lied about it for 5 weeks before he read it and called me just to tell me "you lying frog" befire he hung up
Ali: Ángel, who lied several times on separate occasions to the campus security about where people smoked, forgot what chihuahuas were twice, and almost drowned when he was swimming except his older brother got him and he immediately called me while waiting for the ambulance to tell me he almost fucking died, randomly sang a song about crabs he made up throughout the day
Danny: Ben, helped me with my biology homework because i helped him with essays, once released a live rat into the computer classroom because he had beef with the teacher, once texted me at 11 p.m. because he was having a mental breakdown over his chem work before he realized he was actually looking at trig and i told him id shoot him with a tranq gun if he woke me up like this again, kept forgetting how to tie his shoes
Tim: Teddy, he catfished 6 men over the age of 30 by pretending to be a 13 yr old girl and lured them to the part of town where there is an absurd amount of wild dogs that evade animal control and are known to maul humans, i watched him lockpick the english teacher's door so he could take back an essay he wrote bc it was actually a slash fic he printed out and turned in by accident, we hung out at a dennys once and he accidentally put his hand in syrup, looked me dead in the eye and said "i did that bc im gay" and wore pastel pink for a month bc it pissed off the hall monitor, his dad, and also six teachers he didnt even have class with
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tranquilpetrichor · 9 months
the formula for late nights
cast: gunwook (zb1) x gn biochem major!reader
wc: 722
genre: college!au
warnings: food, mentions of yn drinking sometimes to deal with stress, descriptions of food, academic pressure
a/n: eris try to make a story where yn isn't slightly unhinged challenge failed. also the two could be interpreted as having a crush on one another. now that my finals are over, hopefully i can post more
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sitting on an armchair in your suite, you sigh with relief as you finish your chemistry homework. you place the little pencil back into the iPad and shut the case. the device goes back into your bag, where you hope you won't have to see it until tomorrow's class.
you're glad that you've finished your homework for the day because you're sure as hell that you cannot handle doing another problem (no more stoichiometry, please!).
your friend, park gunwook, steps into the common room of your suite and greets you. he's been over for a while, but he was busy helping someone else in the suite with math homework and hasn't bothered you since.
he'd wondered if anyone would even ask for his tutoring help, but you assured him that there would always be someone agonizing over math. hm, maybe you should try it one day (if only you had the time)..
he glances at your packed bag. "so, you're finally done suffering through chem?"
you groan, stretching your muscles. holy shit, you worked for about an hour without getting up?
"i guess. for now, at least."
he chuckles and walks over to your snack cabinets. "for now."
you're not even tall enough to reach some of the shelves on the upper cabinets without the usage of a step stool, yet he has the audacity to steal food from there sometimes.
seemingly changing his mind, he walks to the freezer instead, opening the door to peek inside. you don't bother to ask what he's looking for because you already know.
"i can say goodbye to my chocolate ice cream," you mutter.
he protests. "what? it's good. and it's not my fault we like the same flavor."
perks of having a friend with way too much of a similar taste in food, you suppose.
"i guess we could share? we do have a lot."
not even thirty seconds later, two small bowls, two spoons, and an ice cream scoop are out, the latter item present because you never want to try scooping out ice cream with a regular spoon again.
there also happens to be brownies in the fridge that another friend of yours named jiwoo brought over yesterday.
"take them," she had said, "i won't finish them all anyways."
of course you took them, because who are you to say no to offerings of food?
you find the container and give it to gunwook, who's sitting on the couch across from the tv. there's six brownies left, but you'll probably save some for later.
"oh, we forgot drinks." gunwook says. he stares at you as your lips curve into a knowing smile. "no, y/n, not the alcoholic kind. we are not asking our neighbors for soju today."
you pretend to be disappointed and laugh. "don't worry, you know i only allow myself to drink in the dorms during weekends. it's only thursday. and it's an every-other-week type of thing."
(is it from stress built up through the week? perhaps. did you choose the life of a biochem major willingly? yes, so maybe this is your fault.)
gunwook looks for some chocolate milk instead and rolls his eyes.
"not the best habit, but at least you're more responsible than some other people we know."
you shudder. having to be the parent of the group along with gunwook and help drunk friends home from frat parties is a terrible experience, but you digress. tonight is a time for staying in, occupying the couch, and sharing treats.
he calls out to you. "do you want to watch tv?"
without a second thought, you perk up and join him on the couch. he's already unfolded the blue blanket that sits there, and drapes it over both of you.
"what show?"
he's surfing through the various programs on his tv, and you seem to sink a little further into the couch.
"how about the last of us?"
you nod. "i haven't even started it yet."
(you're known in the friend group for saying "i'll watch [insert show]" and never doing it.)
he smiles and navigates over to hbo max on the screen with your remote. "i think a little brain break is well-deserved."
"couldn't agree more."
with that, you allow yourself and gunwook the luxury of another late night spent in good company with each other.
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etoileholland · 2 years
With love, from me to you
Synopsis: when the student government decides to sell Valentine’s Day balloons and cards, both you and Peter have a similar idea.
Warnings: none
Word count: 2k
a/n; happy Valentine’s Day! Here’s a quick thing I wrote last night at midnight (whoops) but I hope you enjoy!
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Valentine’s Day: a wonderful day for many, a dreaded day for some. It all depended on whether you had someone to spend the day with, to gift flowers and chocolates too, to write love letters to, and most importantly, to see who can outdo the other. For some, they were able to partake in the festivities, and for others, such as Peter Parker and his friends, they dreaded the holiday altogether.
“It’s honestly just a capitalist racket.” MJ remarked, taking a bite of her sandwich. It was lunchtime, and everyone congregated in the cafeteria. Even though Valentine’s Day wasn’t until the next week, people were already gearing up for the holiday. Roses and balloons with a card attached were available for purchase through student government, and the committee was pushing the event during lunchtime. The trio watched as the valedictorian hung up the poster advertising the event.
“Tell me about it.” Ned replied before stealing a fry off of Peter’s tray. He ignored Peter’s confused face and popped it into his mouth. “It’s a pointless holiday, really. People should be telling they love each other throughout the year, and not just on one day.” MJ shook her head in agreement.
“Exactly.” She answered, “it’s a dumb holiday.”
The trio nodded their heads as they continued eating and watching their classmates hand out flyers for the valentines balloons with cards attached, or “valentines grams” as they were called. The friend group all had the “sour grapes” mentality—they were bitter about the fact that no one gave them valentines.
“It would be nice to receive one, though.” Peter remarked, taking a fry off of Ned’s plate as revenge. “In all our years in high school, we’ve never received one.”
“We could always buy one for each other.” Ned spoke up, but the disapproving looks on MJ’s and Peter’s face shot that idea down quickly. “It was just a suggestion.”
As lunch continued, the three ate and spoke about various topics. At the next table over, you couldn’t help but overhear what the friend group conversed about. In a way, it was surprising to hear that they hadn’t received one. It seemed as though everyone had received at least one during their high school years—even you had received one.
Even if they didn’t think so, the trio were more popular than they realised. They had a solid group of friends, people knew them by name, they all had a lot of talent and were kind. So it was incredibly shocking that no one had gifted them one.
“Did you do last night’s homework?” Peter questioned you right as he sat down at the shared table in your chemistry class. “I only did half of it as I was babysitting my little cousin Morgan.” He laughed, setting down his backpack. “She wouldn’t let me do my work because it interrupted her tea party.” His face had a large smile on his face as he recounted his day yesterday. Seeing him happy brought a smile to your own face.
To be honest, when he told you about his days, it made it feel as though he was your friend. Although you secretly wished for more, you were happy with what you got.
“I also didn’t finish my homework, but only because I barely understood it.” You slowly pulled your half completed homework out of your chem folder.
“Oh.” He answered, “I’m sorry.”
You shook your head. “Don’t be sorry about it, it’s not your fault.”
It is my fault, because I’m too nervous to suggest having a study date, he thought to himself.
“Ha, right.” He awkwardly chucked.
Your chemistry teacher walked in from his office with a stack of flyers in his hand. “I was told by the student body to hand out these flyers for the valentine’s grams that are on sale starting today.” He began to walk around the classroom, handing out the flyers to the students. “They’ll be on sale until the 13th at the main office, so make sure you buy one soon.” When he got to your table, he placed a few down and continued walking.
Both you and Peter reached for the stack at the same time, your fingers brushing against his. Electricity coursed through your veins, and you could feel yourself become flustered. You looked up at Peter whose face was the same shade as the pink flyers. He brought one to his face in an attempt to cover his blush.
“So,” his voice came out higher than anticipated, “the valentines grams seem nice this year.”
“Yeah.” You breathed out, “it comes with a balloon and a handwritten card for $5.” What are you, a spokesperson for the grams? You thought to yourself.
“I see.” Peter replied, “it’s a good deal.”
“It is.”
“Alright class, turn to page…”
Your awkward conversation was cut short by the teacher who rambled on about skeleton structures, a subject that began to bore you to death. When you glanced up at Peter, you noticed that he was looking at you instead of the teacher.
“Sorry about that.” Peter whispered to you, his face turning pink again.
“Don’t worry.” You replied as you focused your attention on what your teacher was rambling on about.
After school that day, you ran into the main office where the grams were for sale. You hoped that you wouldn’t run into Peter, but when you serendipitously saw him walk into the auditorium, you sped walked to the office.
“I would like to purchase a valentine's gram please.” The secretary handed you a card to fill out, and you handed her the bill.
What should I say?
Maybe, “happy Valentine’s Day?” That’s a bit too average.
Or maybe “be my valentine.” You shook your head. That’s way too forward.
As you racked your brain for what to say, you failed to notice the secretary growing impatient. “Please write something honey. There are people behind you who’d also like to purchase one.”
“Sorry.” You uttered as you moved out of the way. The pressure made it harder to figure out something to say, so you sat down on a chair outside of the principal’s office.
After a few minutes, the perfect response came to you. You handed in the gram and left the office, now feeling excited for Valentine’s Day to come around.
“May, can I have $5?” Peter asked when he returned home later that day. He saw his aunt preparing dinner, knowing that she would be more willing to accept his offer while she was preoccupied.
“What for?” She questioned, turning off the stove. The pan almost bubbled over, but this was a normal occurrence when she cooked.
“Um, I owe the lunch lady that money.” Peter lied, hoping that May would believe him.
“Nice try, but I added money to your account today. You have a positive balance, so what’s it really for?” She placed the pan back on the stove. It was spaghetti night, so once she finished draining the pasta, she added in the marinara sauce.
“Is it for the valentine grams that are on sale?” She smirked, “I saw the flyer earlier today, and I happen to know that they’re also $5.”
Her response need no reply as Peter’s face turned bright red. “Is it for a girl?” May asked in an enthusiastic tone.
“Yes.” Peter choked out. “There’s someone in my chemistry class that I think is really pretty.”
“Well why didn’t you say so in the first place?” May asked before walking over to her purse. She rifled through her wallet and exclaimed “aha!” when she found a $5 bill. “Now,” she paused, walking over to her nephew, “write something thoughtful on it, yeah? Don’t just say happy Valentine’s Day—give it some thought.”
“I will.” Peter answered confidently, “I promise.”
Valentine’s Day came quickly, and the student government announced that they would be delivering the grams during 6th period, which was when you had chem with Peter.
You held your breath when you heard the announcement. Peter would receive the gram, and you would have to sit there watching awkwardly. The gram was addressed to him from you, so he would know you got it for him.
You couldn’t be more mortified.
Peter was feeling just as mortified when he heard the announcement. He too addressed it to you from him, so he would have to watch as you read the gram.
When sixth period rolled around, you slinked into class. Your heart rate was through the roof, and you knew this would be the most awkward experience in a long time. What if Peter is repulsed by your valentine? Would he cease to interact with you?
You watched as Peter was the last person to arrive to class before the bell rang. He slumped in his chair and turned away from you, his face beet red.
The teacher began his lecture, and neither one of you could look at each other. The tension was thick enough to cut through, but you tried your hardest to pay attention.
Halfway through class, a few students from the student body burst through the doors, balloons in hand.
“Sorry teach, but we have a special delivery for a select few.” A guy whom you think is named Harry began to search through the balloons that he and his classmate Emily had in their hands. After a minute, they pulled out two balloons with their cards attached on the balloon weights.
“We have two grams here, one of which will go to Peter Parker.” He scanned the room for Peter, and he held his hand up a bit. When Harry saw him, he rushed over to Peter as he placed the balloon in his hand. “And the other goes to…” He glanced down at the card. When he saw it was for you, he passed the balloon to you. “That’s everyone, thanks for allowing us to crash the party.” Harry awkwardly laughed, frowning as no one laughed with him. The two left as quickly as they initially entered.
“I wasn’t expecting a card.” Peter whispered to himself. The teacher continued with his lecture, but both you and Peter were preoccupied.
“Neither was I.” You remarked. The card was attached to the balloon, and with shaky hands, you read the card.
Will you be my valentine? ~Peter
Peter? Peter gave you a card?
Peter reached for his card, and gasped when he read it.
Happy Valentine’s Day Peter. Hope the day is as wonderful as you.
The message was addressed from you, to him. At first, he couldn’t believe you actually gifted him one, but he recognised your handwriting.
He was grinning like an idiot with a bright red face.
You looked over at a blushy Peter, and your heart melted. You would do anything to see him this happy.
When class ended, both you and Peter took your time putting away your school supplies. After a minute of silence, Peter spoke up.
“Thank you for the valentine gram. I loved it.”
“You’re welcome.” You answered, “I loved mine too.”
The two of you were smiling, and you wished you could stay in that moment forever. But when students came in and began to sit in their spots, you moved towards the door. Following you, Peter walked out of the classroom after you. When you stopped near the door, he stopped too.
“Oh, I would love to be your valentine.” You replied softly. Even though the hallway was bustling, he heard you perfectly.
“Yeah?” He asked with a shy smile.
“Well that’s good.” Peter reached up to rub the nape of his neck. “Are you busy tonight?”
When you shook your head no, Peter’s face lit up.
“Would you like to go to dinner tonight?” He asked in a hopeful voice.
You smiled back at him, “I would love to.”
He walked you to class, even holding your books on the way to your class. As you both walked through the hallway, you couldn’t have been more grateful for the student government and their valentine gram campaign.
a/n; a short one, but I hope you liked it! Requests are open and if you’d like to be added to my taglist, let me know!
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awful-amateur · 1 year
You guys get to read part one of my story.
TW - Panic attack, angst (I guess)
Part One:
Today had started out great.
Donnie and his brothers had gone topside, taking time to enjoy the sights of the city they had recently saved, all whilst grabbing their favorite pizza from Huenos. 
Soon after grabbing the round delicacy, the mutants met up with April, and Casey jr, who had recently moved into his own apartment, to enjoy the meal on top of an office skyscraper.
The bat wielding girl had convinced her parents that she had left for a sleepover at Sunita’s house, so she was free the whole night to spend time with her ‘brothers’. Normally, Donnie would be ecstatic about getting to help April with her chemistry homework, and geeking out with the girl on quantum physics. But at this point, he was just nervous that April would notice the change in Donnie’s behavior.
Ever since Donnie had allowed his body to merge with the Krang ship, he had felt strangely vulnerable to his surroundings, jumping at loud noises, and flinching when he touched something unnatural. Not to mention the lasting depressive effects left behind by Leo’s almost-sacrifice.
Speaking of the red slider, Leo had ran up next to Donnie, who was sitting at the opposite end of the roof as everybody else, his feet dangling limply off the side of the roof. He plopped himself down next to his brother despite Donnies sigh of annoyance, and said, “Whatcha up to, hermano?”
Donnie muttered something unintelligible, only speaking up when Leo nudged him. “I’m- Just thinking.” 
Leo chuckled. “Uh oh. Look out.” 
Donnie shoved him to the side, laughing softly as Leo screeched, and struggled to regain his balance. 
After sitting back down, Leo quietly whispered, “You sure you’re okay? April’s been going off about her chem homework, but you haven’t butted in and given her the right answers.”
Donnie stopped himself from scoffing at Leo’s attempt to comfort him. He tapped a random beat out on his knee as he replied with, “Yeah, I’m fine. Just… Tired.” 
Leo raised an eyebrow. “You sure? You look a little… Off.”
Donnie nodded vigorously. “Believe me, I’m fine. Let’s just… Head home soon.”
*Time skip brought to you by me*
Hours later, and everyone was back in the lair. Casey, who had decided to spend the night, was passed out on the couch, along with Raphael, who had a seemingly-comatose April cradled in his arms. At the foot of the couch lay Mikey’s shell, the orange-clad turtle comfortingly sleeping inside. Leo was in his  bedroom, so quiet that he was probably asleep, and who knew what Splinter was doing.
But Donnie was wide awake.
He was sitting at his work table, several pages of blueprints spread out beneath him. A pencil was tightly clasped in his  hand, and was scribbling X’s all over the blueprints. “Stupid, stupid, stupid-” Donnie muttered to himself, his hands trembling. Dark eye bags stood out on his face, practically displaying his loss of sleep.
It had been three days since he had gotten sleep.
Donnie growled to himself, before his shaking hands dropped the pencil, and he reached up to scratch at his arms. He slid out of the desk chair, and crawled over to his bed, even though he knew that attempting to sleep was futile.
He leaned back against the pillows, flinching as he felt the familiar feeling of Krang tendrils creeping onto his shell.
“No- Not this again-” he whispered, flinching as the feeling returned with more ferocity. He scratched his arms harder, whimpering as the sensation pursued, stronger each second.
Donnie found himself whispering to himself, tears pricking at his eyes. What was going on?? This had never happened before! 
Sure, he was used to the sensation. But why did he feel so scared?
Donnie curled up and began rocking back and forth, his breath hitching and coming in short gasps. His arms were beginning to bleed, his fingernails scratching hard enough to rip skin. 
He flinched as small droplets of blood hit the bedsheets. No no no- What was he doing? What was going on? Why was his head so dark and foggy? He was supposed to be catching up on sleep, or working. What was going on?!
Donatello choked down a sob as the panic attack tore through his body. The walls were closing in, he couldn't breathe, his arms hurt, WHAT WAS HAPPENING?!
Donnie barely heard it when the door to his room burst open. His eyes were blurred with tears and his ears were ringing, so he didn’t hear when whoever had busted in mumbled, “Oh god Donnie,”
Donnie jerked his head up from his fetal position, whimpering and flinching back as the figure moved closer.
Whoever it was whispered, “Hey, Dee, it’s okay. Just breathe. In and out.”
Oh god.
“N-nardo…?” Donnie whimpered, too panicked to worry about what Leo would say about the unnatural appearance of the usually thick-skinned turtle.
“Yeah, yeah, it’s me bro, don’t worry,” Leo said softly, sitting across from Donnie, and gently pulling his hands down onto the bed sheets. The blue-clad turtle clasped his twins hands and said, “Breathe. I know it’s hard, but you have to try.”
“C-can’t-” Donnie gasped, accepting the help from his twin with open arms.
Leo clasped his brother's hands tighter. “C’mon, breathe Dee.”
Donatello continued gasping, but after a few moments, soon began breathing more effectively. 
Leo counted the breaths on his fingers, smiling warmly when Donnie settled down, his breath calming.
“S-sorry you had to see that…” Donnie stuttered, flinching away when Leo moved forward.
The red-eared slider shook his head. “Hey, it’s okay. Happens to the best of us. Are you dizzy, or feeling like you need to hurl?”
Donatello shook his head. “No. ‘M fine…”
Leo gave his soft-shelled brother the side eye. “You said that earlier, then came home and had a panic attack while your family was asleep. Don-Tron, you're not fine.”
Donatello looked down at his dark bed sheets, mumbling, “Don’t call me that ‘Nardo. And as I informed you, I'm fine. Just a little… moment of panic. Nothing much. I’ll just get back to my work-”
The purple-clad turtle whipped his head around. “I’m fine! Just-Just go back to sleep. I’ll see you in the morning.”
“Donnie, I can help-”
“No! No you can’t. Nobody can. Just leave me alone Leon.
“But Don-”
“GO AWAY!” Donatello yelled. “I’ll see you in the morning. Goodnight.”
Leo closed his mouth, knowing that if he spoke again, Donatello’s frustration would only rise. So he got up, and left the bedroom, closing the door behind him as Donnie shakily sat down again at his worktable.
“Just breathe,” he whispered to himself.
“It won’t happen again.”
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madhatter107 · 20 days
*A mystery person walks in*
Mystery Person: "Hi, party people!"
Peter: "Charlie!"
Everyone looked up and saw a girl with bags standing at the door. Peter was quick to hug her abandoning the homework for his Chem class.
Mystery person, stumbled back from the impact of the hug: "Aye, Peter, I need my organs."
Peter, let's go: "Sorry..."
Mystery person: "Hey Aunt Nat, Uncle Rhodey, Uncle Banner." *She nodded*
Everyone turned to them
Nat: "Tony, what did you do?"
Tony, shrugged, sipping his coffee: "It was mostly her fault."
Mystery person: "I did nothing that wasn't deserved!"
Steve: "Tony, who is this?"
Tony: "Right, everyone, Charlie, our new lab assistant, Charlie, Everyone."
Charlie waved as she held her bags. Peter grabbed one of the bags.
Peter: "Uncle Stark, can I take her to her room?"
Tony: "Yeah, the one next to Nat"
As the two disappeared the rest of the team was inquiring on the mystery girl.
Sam: "So, are we not questioning this or...?"
Tony: "Questioning what?"
Steve: "The girl?"
Tony: "Charlie"
Thor: "Stark has a brought a mystery mortal into our living space!"
Clint, who was hanging from a ceiling vent: "Yeah, Tony, who is she?"
Nat: "Clint, it's Charlie.."
Clint nodded before disappearing in the vents. Steve looked at the vents confused, but Sam was more confused about the girl whilst Bucky was just...there.
Sam: "Who is she, Tony, a SHIELD agent?"
Tony: "No, she's my kid"
Most of the team was surprised at the information but Sam was the only one who inquired further.
Sam, nodding: "Rigggghhhttt, and she's been where?"
Tony: "Miami, with her mother, but for...reasons that will not be mentioned, she lives here now. No more question, I'm going to see my kid.
Everyone sat in confusion as Tony left. Leaving them wondering about the mischief that was bound to take place with two starks....
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ireceived-p8250000 · 3 months
July 7-13, 2013
Sunday, July 7
I woke up with a headache from the previous night. It's been a long time since I drank alcohol. Despite this, I went to work and received my salary of ₱3,990, bringing my total account balance to around 16k. I'm considering traveling with this amount.
Monday, July 8
Midterms began. We had a report on Personality and were assigned Conditioning topics related to Pavlov and Skinner. My groupmates were Justin, Samuel, and Sheryl, while Mansoor was grouped with someone else.
"Nag-Ampersand daw kayo ah," Mansoor opened.
"I already told you right," I replied.
He just nodded, looking curious.
"Not doing that again," I affirmed.
"Really?" he questioned.
I just nodded.
We joked around about the incident and continued with our classes. Chemistry in the afternoon brought tough experiments and calculations. Mansoor and I hung out at the mall after his class, where I indulged in buying Esquire magazine. He knows I love magazines. We wandered around, discussing various topics, and noticed that "Minions" was showing.
Tuesday, July 9
After classes, I took Ran to the cinema to watch the "Minions" movie. We had McDonald's Happy Meals and bought him some toys. I continued working on my report and perfected my slideshows, moving beyond the usual PowerPoint.
Wednesday, July 10
Focused on studying and heard rumors of student beef. Red is becoming closer to me. We had organizational meetings, and shirt sales were open, so orders were being placed.
Thursday, July 11
Watched a documentary for BioPsych in class. Jess asked if I wanted to meet up with Rona, but I had to decline. There was an event at the bookstore where Mansoor, Hollmae, and Jeremy came by. I teased Mansoor about looking like Jeremy, our Sergeant at Arms, which he didn't appreciate. Mansoor waited for me until closing.
Friday, July 12
Realized it was Hollmae's birthday but its too late to make rose origamis.
Cake. Cake. Cake. just 250 Bugayong said.
Spent the day in classes and discussed our presentation with Sam. We talked about music. Breathe is not good though lasing.
Saturday, July 13
Attended all classes and celebrated Hollmae's birthday by giving her some items I picked up from the shop. I've become nonchalant and feel I've adapted well.
Today's event at the shop was significant. A guy approached me, asking my name and age despite my nameplate being visible. He inquired about my relationship status and favorite books, making assumptions.
"May boyfriend ka na?" he asked.
"Wala," I replied.
"Oh, so it's safe," he said.
"Meaning?" I questioned.
"Pretty girl like you no boyfriend?" he probed.
"It's a choice and I have no interest," I replied firmly.
We kept talking as he encouraged me otherwise, but I shut down his attempts politely.
At home, I responded to Mansoor's texts and stayed up late focusing on my conditioning presentation, planning for Psych Soc events, and managing my homework for Pol Sci and Chem.
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neoncowgirlposts · 5 months
Alrighty guys I am SO sorry I’ve been MIA. School has been basically my entire life these past few weeks, but my last final is tomorrow so expect to see me more!! 😁
That being said, I also got promoted recently and take classes in the summer so who knows how busy I might be. 🤷‍♀️
Ok anyways, I have a story to tell you all about the guy in my chem lecture.
So I’ve sat next to him all semester and he is so handsome and nice, right? On Tuesday, we had planned to study together and so I got to the library earlier than him and when he showed up he had brought gummy worms for us to share.😭 Then we start filling out the study guide for the final and we were explaining stuff to each other that we didn’t get and just moved closer and closer until I was like right next to him. And when I didn’t get something I said “oh whatever I’ll just look at it at home.” And he pulled out his computer and was so insistent that we figure out how to solve it so he pulls up a YouTube video and starts reading an article to teach it to me. It was so sweet😭😭😭💖
Then, he tells me he has to leave. I’m say okay but I don’t get up I just keep studying so he doesn’t move. He pulls open his laptop again and starts doing his homework for the class and so I lean on his arm and we start clicking through it. And he gets a call in the middle of it so I keep going through his work and he’s nodding and smiling along and making eye contact with me while I do it.
We were there for four hours and then he walked me out and drove me to my car. 🥲 I’m literally in love with him but we don’t have class together anymore 💔
Idk am I reading too much into this? 😭
Anyways besties maybe I’ll start writing??!
0 notes
devil-of-books · 2 years
~modern au~ Jaskier, strumming his lute and singing to the tune of “Firework”: 🎵 Do you ever feel / like you’re really mad / Really fucking mad 🎵
Geralt, freezing: oh no
Lambert, laughing: Looks like you messed up, what’d you do? Geralt, sweating, as Jaskier makes Direct Eye ContactTM: oh no
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jokenotfunny · 2 years
𝖑𝖎𝖐𝖊 𝖆 𝖛𝖎𝖗𝖌𝖎𝖓
stranger things x jennifer’s body!au
eddie munson x reader, cirice (oc x reader)
future warnings: cursing, sexual references, mentiom of a possible mommy kink 🫤, drugging, alcohol, blood and gore , murder (like in this chapter 😭), graphic depictions of murder, unnerving reader - future , manipulation , complete change in behavior for reader, nancy from the craft except here her name is cirice, reader wears glasses for the time being, the girls from the craft, let me know if i forgot any!
word count: 5.1k
chapter 2, chapter 3
hawkins high school | november 18, 1985 | 12:07 p.m.
the loud chatter of the cafeteria fills your ears before you even walk in. as you and robin were chatting about god knows what, dustin spotted the two of you and waved.
you two waved back, before turning to each other and finishing your conversation with each other, getting ready to go to your respective tables. “alright rob, you’ll be in chem today, right?”
“yeah, thanks for letting me borrow your homework again, i’ll slip it into your bag when we get there.” she said, walking towards her table.
as you turned to do the same however, where you could previously see the hellfire table, you were now met with the sight of nancy’s wide eyes right in front of you as if she had just spawned there.
“oh! hey nancy. you scared me. again.” you slightly jumped back, mumbling that last part.
“hey! sorry, i know we talked about that, but i just wanted to ask you something real quick!” she smiled warmly, which meant she wanted you to do something
it’s not that nancy was ever anything but kind to you any other time, in fact you two were pretty good friends considering what you’d been through together the past few years. it’s just that whenever she was too nice, as if you were an aquaintance that she didn’t know too well, it usually meant that she wanted you to do something for her.
“if this is about newspaper club, i already told fred that i’m not covering the beekeeping club again after last month’s disaster-“ you started to ramble.
her eyebrows furrowed confusedly at the mention of bees. “no, no. you’re still on for taking pictures of the football team this month,- which, thank you for that by the way- it’s just that i actually had something else for you this week.” she said excitedly.
“oh. what is it?” you asked suspiciously
“there’s this up and coming band coming to hawkins this weekend? called the uh- “hex girls”- do you know them?- and they’re going to be at the hideout on friday, and i was wondering if you could go over and get some pictures of them performing ? maybe a short interview about them coming to hawkins?” she asked clasping her hands together.
“yeah i know of them, their music’s pretty good but,nance, i’m not even in the journalism club.” you raised your eyebrows.
you really weren’t though. you were in the photography club, and had been since freshman year. you and jonathan had been the club’s best photographers but once he left it was mostly you. occasionally someone from the club would be sent on little side tasks with a member of the journalism club to go take pictures while they conducted interviews. so the clubs were basically joint.
“and why would i have to do the interview? someone from journalism can’t come with me?” you asked confusedly. still trying to hide your shock at one of your favorite bands being in hawkins.
“i mean you’re pretty much an honorary member.” she tried, as you deadpanned at her. “okay, fine. everyone’s really busy with their articles and interviews for all the winter sports teams and the clubs, and nobody has time to really go check it out. and then i remembered, ‘hey, my dear and greatest friend, y/n, is a great photographer and she’s great with people and-‘“
“okay, i’ll go if you stop sucking up.” you cut her off. “what do i ask them though?” you asked, adjusting your glasses.
“great! you’re the best. just ask them what brought them to a town like hawkins, how’s it feel to be on the road to stardom, things like that okay.” she said, thanking you once again, and heading back to the club room.
“alrighty then! great chat nance.” you muttered to yourself, finally walking to the hellfire club table.
“hey guys.” you said, greeting them, as you took your seat next to gareth.
as they all greeted you, mike spoke up.
“what did nancy want?”
“oh, she just told me that i’m covering the interview and pictures for this band coming to hawkins this week. which by the way eddie, you’re coming with me.” you explained, before emphasizing eddie’s name, getting his attention from where he was throwing food back and forth with jeff.
“huh? what did i do?” he said, glaring at jeff as a pretzel smacked him in the face.
“you’re coming with me to the hex girls gig on friday!” you beamed.
“says who??” he raised his eyebrows.
“me. because i’m not going alone, you’re my best friend, and did i mention i’m not going alone?” you kept the wide smile on your face.
“try asking robin or steve?” dustin inquired.
“nah they have to work that night. and their music freaks her out. steve too, so-“ the conversation then divided between eddie, jeff, and gareth, talking about some comic that had just come out, and you , dustin , lucas , and mike talking about the multitude of things that freak robin out.
hawkins high school | friday november 22, 1985 | 2:05 p.m.
you placed the last of your books into your locker, grabbed eddie’s jacket, getting ready to go, before slamming it, and meeting his eyes as he previously stood behind the door.
“so, are you sure you’re excited for tonight?” you asked him, handing it to him, (because he doesn’t like going all the way to his own locker, so he leaves some of his stuff in yours.) as you two began walking to the doors and out towards the parking lot. because, you were able to get him to say yes, it took a lot of convincing, but in the end you usually got what you wanted from him, and vice versa.
“i guess, what’s the name again?”
“the hex girls”
“wait a second- isn’t that the group where you were practically creaming over the lead singer?” he asked smugly.
“yes! cirice is so hot it isn’t even funny.” you asked holding you print folders to your chest, gushing about her.
eddie had remembered you practically screaming in the sam goody at starcourt over the summer, when you saw their newest vinyl “the craft” sitting pretty on one of the shelves. the album was pretty good from what he remembered of it, so he wasn’t dreading going.
“well make sure you wear something cute, maybe she’ll even take you in as her own personal groupie.” he joked, nudging your shoulder. eddie was unsurprisingly, super supportive about your bisexuality, (which would be pretty hypocritical of him anyways, given the amount of men he’s made out with at the hideout) his first question being ‘would you fuck a girl version of me though? her name’d be edwina!’
“geez, i don’t know eddie, what if she doesn’t even speak to me! i mean i’m already nervous enough. what if they don’t let me take pictures? what if they turn me away? nancy’ll be pissed, and i promise you eddie, i’ve seen some scary shit but an angry nancy wheeler is not something i want to deal with!” you rambled as you both neared your car that was parked right next to his van, taking his words seriously.
“woah, okay. chill out y/n/n. i was just kidding, they won’t turn you away, they’ll let you do that interview, and then you and cirice will have an amazing night of passionate love-making after the show and everyone will live happily ever after!” he joked, eyes sparkling mischievously, as he pushed your glasses up your nose.
you deadpanned at him as you turned to put your things into your car as he continued talking.
“i mean, come on! what rockstar wouldn’t want to bang you? i certainly did, and i think it’s safe for me to say that it was the best sex i’d ever had!” he exclaimed obnoxiously, biting his lip, leaning on your car.
“you’re exaggerating, eddie. and it was the only sex you’d ever had. still is, weirdo!” you exclaimed, voice muffled as you dug around in your car, organizing your things.
“oh, come on! there was no exaggeration in the way i was like-“ he stopped, before looking around, deciding to put on a show.
“oh, fuck y/n! r-right there baby! yes! oh my gosh i’m gonna cum! fuck-yeah, like that! harder! more momm-” he was fake grinding and moaning onto the driver’s side of his van, making it shake exaggeratedly, before he burst into hysterics, when he heard the loud thump of your head, slamming into the roof of your car, before you came out with a stunned look on your face, quickly trying to shush him.
“eddie, what the hell! shut up, do you want someone to hear your ass!” you exclaimed, throwing a hand over his mouth.
“and you did not call me mommy!” you laughed, rolled your eyes.
“i almost did! and, details! whatever! you take your cute ass home and find something to wear, while i go home and continue working on next week’s campaign until it’s time for me to come get you.” he exclaimed, yelping as you slapped his ass, as he got into his van.
“yeah, whatever! see you later ed.” you called back, before he drove off.
hawkins, indiana | eddie’s van -> the hideout | 8:50 p.m.
eddie had picked you up about 15 minutes ago, you both now on your way to the hideout. eddie thought it’d be a good idea to “pregame” and listen to some music on the way there, to calm your nerves, but you were to indulged in going over the questions you would ask.
“so what brings you to a town like hawkins? how does it feel to be- no! ugh that sounds so stupid.” you muttered to yourself.
“alright we’ll be there in like 30 seconds, so can you stop worrying? you’re stressing me out and i don’t even plan on talking to them.” he chuckled. “hey, why don’t you tell me their names again, huh?”
“okay so there’s cirice, the lead singer. alice is the drummer, cora’s the lead guitarist, and scarlett is their pianist.” you explained listing them off.
“see how that worked? we’re here and you aren’t panicking anymore! now come on ms. reporter in training! it’s time to go meet the love of your life.” he joked, as you both got out of the van and towards the entrance.
once inside it was more packed in there than you two had ever seen it. it shocked you both honestly.
“i’ve never seen it so packed in here!” you exclaimed to him over the loud chatter
“i guess your girls are pretty popular! even in a hick town like hawkins!” he replied as you two passed the bar to find a table close enough to the stage.
you two were so immersed in conversation, that you didn’t even notice the three girls eyeing you as you passed.
“what about her?” alice asked.
“who? the one with the glasses? she’s cute.” scarlett cooed.
“scarlett it doesn’t matter if she’s fuckin’ cute it matters if she’s a- well you know.” cirice hissed at her.
“geez sorry! and she’s with that dude with the hair, anyways.”
“so. they’re probably dating.” she said as they all looked back at the two of you.
you and eddie had finally found an empty booth, and sat across from each other. eddie was just minding his business, looking around until he heard you gasp loudly, and started kicking him under the table.
“wha- ow! what is it?!”
“i just made direct, eye contact with cirice!” you gasped, staring at him with wide eyes.
“really, where is she?”
“by the bar- but don’t make it obvious!” you hissed, looking at him.
“yeah, yeah. blue eyes, black hair right?” he asked remembering that poster from your room, when you nodded
he nonchalantly started to scan the area, until his eyes found a pair of blue ones coming right towards the pair of you.
“umm she’s actually-“
a new voice made you both freeze. “hi, i hope you don’t mind, but i noticed that camera around your neck! my name is cirice, are you here for the local newspaper?
shock. that’s what you felt right now. as well as eddie. you were brought out of it however by eddie now kicking you in the shin, looking at you pointedly.
“m-my name’s y/n! wait that’s not what you asked me was it..- i mean i’m not for the hawkins post, just my little highschool newspaper, and i was wondering if i could get some pictures of you guys performing? and to maybe get a small interview from you guys?” you rambled shooting out of the booth, to stand in front of cirice.
eddie watched in amusement, eyes bouncing back and forth between the two of you as you conversed. he finally tuned back in however when you froze when she took your hands in hers and started talking again.
“well we’re about to start now, but i’ll come talk to you after about that interview ‘kay? and you can take as many pictures as you want, sweetheart.” she said winking, squeezing your hands before walking towards the stage.
“oh my gosh, someone call an ambulance she’s going into cardiac arrest!” eddie joked standing in her place, as he waved his hands past your frozen face.
“she held my hands, she called me sweetheart! eddie what does that mean, tell me?!” grabbing his arm and shaking him back and forth frantically.
“i don’t- i don’t know y/n! jesus, what are ya’ shaking me around for?!” he said annoyed, pushing you off.
as the show started and went on, you were like sonic, going to different parts of the bar, getting individual shots of each of them doing their thing, group shots, and the crowds reaction. at some points going back to where eddie was sat, trying to get him to sing along to the songs, before getting back to work.
towards the end of their last song you snapped a few more pictures before going to sit back down next to eddie in the booth.
“you’re the worst, you know that?” he mumbled as you took his drink and downed half of it.
“hey, running around like that isn’t easy! i’ve gotta get the good angles, you know.” sighing as you slumped against him.
“whatever, that cora girl’s guitar is cool as fuck!” he exclaimed pointing at the lead guitarist playing the last few chords to end the song.
you two continued talking as people started to clear out of the building for the night, while some others sat around trying to get one last drink from the bar, you and eddie now sitting at it as well.
“your girl is making her way back to us..” he sing-songed trying not to make it obvious.
“do i look okay?”
“you look the exact same way that you did, the first time she came around.” he chuckled, taking a long sip of his drink.
“have i ever told you that you’re no help?” you said blankly, pulling out your compact mirror.
“only about 9 or 10 times a week. sometimes a day if i’m lucky.” he said fixing your glasses which he always did, usually following behind it with a - ‘why are your glasses alway crooked, girl?’ or ‘are your glasses ever straight?’
“5 o’clock” he whispered to you, making you both turn around to greet her again. but with slight surprise on your faces when you saw the other three members of the hex girls standing there as well.
“hi! again! did you change your mind? about the interview i mean. because it’s really okay if you did, i wouldn’t want to waste your guys’ time.” you started to get into a ramble, making eddie sigh and put his hands in his face at your over-thinking.
“n-no, i actually do want to do it still! it’s just that i wanted to ask you something first?” she stammered out quickly making the girls behind her snicker to themselves at her.
however a pointed glare at them made them and eddie all turn to each other with wide eyes and start a conversation, giving you two privacy.
“well i was actually telling them about the interview, and they all agreed. but we’re having a cute little after party and wanted to invite you! so i was actually wondering if it’d be okay if we did it there?“ she rambled on, which threw you for a loop honestly. she seemed so confident earlier when you had spoke.
“y-yeah! that’d be great! eddie and i have never been to an after-party before! it sounds like a lot of fun!” you exclaimed, looking over to eddie who was talking animatedly with cora, maybe about her guitar, you figured.
in your few seconds of looking away from her though, you completely missed the way her smile dropped, and the almost.. angry? look on her face.
“e-eddie? he can’t come!” she snapped suddenly! making your head quickly snap back over to her, at her sudden change in tone. however her facial expression didn’t match what she’d said at all.
“i’m sorry?” you said confusedly, wondering if you had imagined it.
“oh i mean, it’s just that our after parties are usually just a girls only type of thing… if you know what i mean.” she said slowly.
“oh!” oh. there’s no way she meant what you’d thought she meant, right? no. right?
“why? is he your boyfriend or something?” cirice asked blankly, looking over at him briefly.
“oh no, no. eddie’s my bestfriend! i had to practically beg him to come tonight, actually!” you chuckled, making her smile again.
“so you’ll come?” she said sweetly.
“let me just go talk to him real quick? i just want to make sure he’s alright with it.” you said starting to back towards him.
“of course, we’ll be in the parking lot.” she said with a warm smile, though it seemed a little strained.
as you neared eddie and cora, who seemed to have long finished their conversation, and were just standing around at this point, eddie’s eyes lit up at the sight of you before saying something to her and she walked away.
“hey, cirice just-“
“invited you to a super exclusive, girls only after-party right? yeah i know.” he smirked.
“are you sure? i can ask again if you can come.” in all honesty you had felt a little nervous to be around them alone, and another feeling lingered but you couldn’t pinpoint what it was.
“y/n/n, y/n/n..” he tsked in disappointment. “this is a once in a lifetime opportunity.” he started, throwing his arm around you, guiding you to the parking lot.
“you’re like, practically in love with this girl, and you may never forgive yourself if you don’t go. so here’s what we do.” he brought you towards his van, shrugging off his leather jacket and throwing it to you.
“now give me yours.” he demanded, leaning against it.
“why..?” you asked, shrugging your own jacket off nonetheless, and handing it to him.
“so then you’ll feel like i’m there with you, i guess! make you less nervous or something.” he looked at you before sighing.
“great! now!” he exclaimed dramatically, clearing his throat before leaning in close and saying- “ask me the question!”
“…how do i look?” you mumbled, staring at him with your eyebrows raised.
“absolutely amazing. as always.” he said seriously, with his hands on your shoulders. “anybody would be lucky to get any type of chance with you.”
“aw, you’re being such a sap, eddie!” you joked. “but thank you.”
“yeah, yeah. whatever! now get out of here, cirice looks like she’s about 10 seconds away from stabbing me in the heart with one of those dagger earrings.” he shuddered, turning you around and pushing you towards the girls.
“have fun! just call me when you’re ready to go home, alright?” he yelled from his van, beeping twice before peeling out of the parking lot.
he watched from his side-view mirror as your body got smaller, you still waving at him, the further the distance put between you two, a weird feeling in his stomach, but quickly brushing it off as he turned his music up, and started obnoxiously singing along to the metallica song playing.
hawkins, indiana | the hex girl’s van | 10:38 p.m.
you sat in the back of the van with cora and scarlett conversing with them as alice drove to wherever the after party was, with cirice in the passenger seat barking directions at her.
“you guys are really into the whole occult thing huh?” you chuckled, picking up a book with the word “witches” written in bold letters and red font with a just as red hexagram underneath it on the cover.
“mhm, i guess you can say that.” cora agreed, making scarlett laugh in agreement.
“so…” scarlett started, her and cora trying to throw popcorn into each other’s mouths, and finally succeeding before alice made a sharp turn, causing cora to cough hysterically.
“you and that guy. he your boyfriend?” she asked with a chuckle, as you roughly clapped cora on the back, trying to help her.
“oh, eddie! nope! he’s my best friend!” you beamed, patting cora’s back softly now as she thanked you meekly before harshly kicking the back of alice’s seat.
“must you drive like a psycho?! i could’a died just now!”
“well, tell cirice to quit yellin’ at me! she’s putting a lot of pressure on me right now, okay! it’s dark-“
as the two of them continued to yell back and forth, with cirice now yelling over the both of them to shut up, but to no avail.
scarlett recorded them with the video camera you’d brought along, as you both laughed at their antics. she suddenly turned it onto you, getting real close to your face before mimicking a nescaster voice saying-
“now. the question of the night is…..ahem, drumroll please if you will?” she stopped midway to ask you. you quietly ‘ohing’ before patting your hands on your thighs rhythmically, as she got back to it.
“ah, yes! as i was saying, the question of the night is….“ she started back in the newscaster voice before, asking in her normal voice, “are you a virgin?”
you laughed loudly expecting that to have been a joke, before realizing, that you were the only one laughing, in fact, you were the only one making any type of noise, because once you stopped, you could practically hear a pin drop in the small van. the only sounds being the sounds of their instrument cases moving back and forth with every slight bump. it felt as though they had all been waiting for an answer.
“oh.. you’re serious! uhhh. well…yeah, i am, actually.”
now you weren’t one of those girls, who lied about losing your virginity to impress people or anything, or in this case, lie about having not lost it yet. but hear me out! even some of your closest friends still thought you were a virgin! save for robin (and of course eddie), and even still robin didn’t even know who you’d lost it too! besides it wasn’t anyones business anyways, so you telling that tiny little fib was harmless. right?
“ha! i fucking knew it scar! you better pay up!” alice squealed from the drivers seat.
“really? huh, i guess i’ll take that one!” scarlett laughed, ignoring alice.
“you guys are bitches you know that?” cora groaned, shaking her head, while you looked on in confusion.
“oh no, no no! we aren’t making fun of you or anything y/n! i swear! it’s just that, scarlett here swore up and down that you were one of those undercover freaks or something, that’s done every sexual thing under the sun.” alice rolled her eyes.
“yeah! i was just like you once, so i just kinda figured is all.” scarlett said bashfully.
“and like i said earlier, ‘just because you’re a “shy slut”, doesn’t mean every other shy person is!” she teased her.
as the two start insulting each other back and forth, you giggled, before noticing cirice, who was oddly quiet during that conversation, sharply whisper something to cora making her jerk back, before cowering and sitting next to you.
“sorry about them. they’re weirdos.” she meekly said, before offering you a can of beer, that you accepted.
“oh you’re good! i figured it was just girl talk, you know? i mean i am kinda curious about that slut story, but! i mind my business!” you both laughed, her watching you closely as you took a long chug from the can, a slightly pitying expression on her face.
“gosh, it feels like we’ve been driving forever! are we almost there yet?” you asked, feeling antsy from having been sat down in the vehicle for so long.
“yeah, we’re almost there. if alice could follow instructions, we could’ve probably been there!” cirice spoke up after god knows how long.
after a few about 30 seconds, you leaned your head against the side of the van, groaning.
“you alright, back there?“ alice asked.
“y-yeah… actually no, could you pull over for a sec, i think i’m about to hurl..” you groaned holding your head in your hands.
“don’t worry we’re almost there.” cora guided your head to her lap gently.
“yeah, just close your eyes….it’ll all be okay soon sweetheart.” you thought you’d imagined scarlett saying that last part, being with how far away she sounded, but before you could ask her to repeat herself, everything went black.
finally blinking your eyes open, it was still dark, so you figured it was night time. you could tell eddie’s jacket wasn’t on you anymore, being that the once chilly november air was freezing now. you tried to sit up so you could look around, but not only were your eyes still completely blurred, but you couldn’t sit up at all either. you hesrd voices around you talking however, so you at least knew you weren’t alone.
“hello? what’s going on? where the hell am i?”
“oh! you’re awake, thank goodness!” scarlett exclaimed, bounding over to you, and standing over you to rxamine your face.
“sc-scarlett what’s going on, why can’t i move?” you said becoming more coherent, jerking around, once you realized that you were, restrained to what felt like a smooth rock.
“well, we’re about to-“ she was cut off by cirice’s sharp yell.
“shut up, scarlett! jesus! quit talking to the damn sacrifice and come help alice with this shit!” she demanded
“you’re no fun, ‘rice! duty calls y/n, see ya!”
“wait! sacrifice?! this is a joke right? right?! what the hell is this?! let me go! 
“shhh, shhh it’s okay honey, seriously. you have no clue how grateful for you we are, for volunteering to do this for us. it might actually work this time, so just don’t think about it too much, ‘kay?” she said calmly, all while standing behind you, trying to calm you down.
“i didn’t volunteer for shit, i need you to let me go, cirice please!” you tried to say calmly until you saw the sharp butterfly knife shining in the moonlight in her hands.
“noo, no, no, no. you want. me to let you go! and even then that’s not really what you want, or else you wouldn’t be here… right?” she said, leaning down closer over your face, her inverted cross necklace dangling over your forehead. looking at you upside down, as she gently glided the knife over your cheek.
you started to sob, realizing that she wasn’t really listening to you. “don’t do this! please! i won’t say anything if you let me go! i mean who would even believe me if i d-did! i’m just a girl, from some small town anyw-ways, please!”
cirice just patted your face and walked away to get her book, reading over it to make sure she memorized the spell to the t.
“alright! come on ladies let’s start this, already!” alice said walking over, putting the hood of the long black cloaks they were wearing on her head.
“yeah, i really feel like it might work this time.” scarlett, beamed standing over you as well. “cora, cheer up a little would you?”
“i just don’t understand why we have to do this! it hasn’t worked any of the other times, and we’ve been killing virgins for no reason for months now!” she said, over your loud sobs and pleads.
“are you trying to say that the practice is fake?” cirice snapped at her.
“no! but maybe we’re doing it wrong! i just feel-
“i’m not a virgin! wait! please! i-i-i-i’m not! i swear!” you attenpted to yell out, choking on your sobs.
thankfully they all heard you though. you didn’t get the reaction you were expecting though, which was for all of them to start laughing (except for cora) as if you’d told a funny joke.
“come onn. you expect us to believe that? you just said in the van that you were.” alice laughed.
“i was lying! please! i won’t tell a soul about this! just-“
“someone cover her mouth at least?” cora said, relenting, putting on her hood as well. knowing that they definitely weren’t going to back out now.
“no! no stop-“ your pleas were cut off by some cloth being stuffed into your mouth, muffling your screams.
“alright what’s the chant for this one again?” alice asked.
“you seriously forgot?!” scarlett rolled her eyes.
“it’s been months! was i supposed to remember?” she argued back.
“shut up! here it is. and pay attention because it’s not like our other ones.”
“we come here tonight, to sacrifice the body of y/n from hawkins, indiana.”
your muffled screams and writhing were drowned out by the sounds of the other three’s chanting about some shit you couldn’t be bothered to worry about once you saw cirice’s knife filled hands raised over your chest.
“with the deepest malice, we deliver this virgin unto thee!” she exclaimed, thrusting the knife down into your heart, before yanking it out and back in repeatedly over other parts of your body, as the girls did the same. your agonizing screams through the cloth in your mouth drowned out into the night sky, along with the girls’ screeching laughter at your agony.
“hey, don’t feel too bad, cora!” scarlett tried to sooth the sobbing girl in the back of the van.
her attempt at calm words were nothing but white noise to the girl however, as she sat next to your covered body, trying to keep it from moving too much as the van went over branches, leaves, and logs as alice tried to drive it out of the forest.
“shut up! shut up, scarlett! she didn’t deserve that, none of them did!” cora cried, even harder than before.
“it didn’t even work! we’re just murderers.” she cried, hugging your limp body to hers.
“hey! what did i tell you about that word!” cirice snapped at her. “we. aren’t. murderers! okay? this is for a good cause, and you know it! and would you quit hugging that damn thing, it’s not gonna hug back!” she screamed.
“she! and her name was y/n! and now she’s dead for no reason!” cora continued to cry.
“cirice is right it was for a good cause. and i mean, hey, we’ll even let you give her a nice little funeral this time, with the grave and everything we won’t even rush you either! in fact, alice pull over!” scarlett said enthusiastically.
“pull over where? we’re in the middle of nowhere.” she mumbled, still disappointed that the sacrifice didn’t work.
“just stop here! anything to quit cora’s whining.” cirice mumbled
the van halted, still smack dab in the middle of the woods, as scarlett and cora climbed out, each holding and end of your dead-weighted, body.
“we’ll be right back! alice, grab the shovels will ya?” scarlett said from a distance. alice got out and pulled the shovels from underneath her seat.
“we’ll try not to take long.” alice grimaced, practically feeling the irritation coming off of their leader in waves.
“whatever. just speed it up will you!” she mumbled, closing her eyes, before the driver’s side door closed.
it had been a good while since the girls had left to go bury you. however, cirice didn’t know that being that she’d fallen asleep 5 minutes after they’d left. so imagine her surprise when she opened her eyes and realized that she was still alone in the van.
“are they serious? i swear i’m gonna kill ‘em.” she practically growled to herself as she yanked the door open and started towards the direction she’d seen them walking in.
“how long does it take to bury a fucking body!? huh?!” she yelled out once she saw the lights from their flashlights in the distance.
“hello?! can we get a move on, please?!” i don’t wanna be in this damn town anymore!” she said once she finally got to them.
now joining the sounds of the november winds blowing the leaves of hawkins’ tall trees, critters, and animals that night was the screams of bloody murder coming from cirice’s mouth as she couldn’t do anything else but that and stare at the mutilated bodies and remains of what she called her dearest friends.
hawkins, indiana | the munson trailer | 3:32 a.m.
eddie had long since called your mother, to let her know of the change in plans that had occured, of how after the performance, instead of doing the interview you had told her about, at the hideout, and then staying over at eddie’s, you’d been invited to a small little after party to do it instead. she didn’t mind, being that he told her you’d call him to pick you up afterwards.
that had been right after eddie had gotten home at about 11. he’d long since worked on his next campaign, played his guitar, and even watched reruns of jem and the holograms! (not that he’d ever admit that he watched it outside of the times you forced him to.)
so imagine eddie’s surprise when he woke up and realized that you’d never called him to come get you. he looked over at the time, and groaned, realizing that you’d never called him.
“what the hell..” he mumbled, still staring over at the time.
‘maybe she got laid and just stayed the night with them.’ he thought to himself, trying to think of all the reasons.
he turned over, realizing that he couldn’t even call you because he didn’t know where the party was!
“oh my- shit!” he jumped up, being startled by your silhouette standing in front of his closet.
“y/n?? how did you get here? was the party close? why didn’t you call i could’ve picked you up anyways..” he sleepily stammered out all of his questions.
you didn’t answer him though, you only stood there, quietly.
it was dark, and he couldn’t see your face at all, but you’d slept over enough times to realize that it was you.
“okay… so.. how was it? the party.”
“…fine.” you said blankly.
“well then, you must’ve had a fun night.” he said, attempting to rub the sleep out of his eyes, being that he still couldn’t see you.
“it was…eventful.” you murmered in the same tone, before you started giggling hysterically, as if you’d been holding it in, and just couldn’t anymore. he’d never heard you laugh like that before.
“well.. we can talk about it tomorrow i’m sure you’re tired, c’mere.” he awkwardly patted the side of his bed that you usually slept on.
“i brought your jacket back.” you said, again in a blank monotonous tone. “i’m actually gonna head home.”
“i’m gonna…head home though? my mom dropped me off actually.” you’d said, walking towards his door.
“wait what? are you okay? did something happen tonight?”
“don’t worry about it, i’ll see you tomorrow, eddie.”
“okay, hold on, you’re acting weird.” he’d said, turning on his bedside lamp so he could finally see you better, but when he looked back to where you’d been standing, there was no trace of you.
a/n: the way this took me 16 days to write is insane 😭
i hate it here 🫤
tag list: @harrys-tittie @snoopysavv @munsonlvrr @sarcasmismyonlydefense24 @monztrous @spiderxmonkey @baconlillies @spicynoddels @tsumamibaddie @miiikkeey @nopetoohighforthat
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bonbonthedragon · 4 years
Would you mind writing an hc with Bakugo and his s.o that likes to just spend time with him (watching him tinker with his suit, just sitting with him to do homework and he's doing his own thing; stuff like that) plz?🙏🏼
Ahhh so my bored ass in class couldn’t help but write some senarios about this....so I hope you enjoy :)
ok ok ok
I’m just saying is Bakugou has an s/o that is able to just chill with him
I feel like he needs a calm and go with the flow s/o
Plus he likes the company
His favorite thing is when he finishes a stressful assignment he brought back to work on and be able to just know your there to hug or talk too to ease his mind a bit
Now when he’s doing anything he always expects you to be there
One time you weren’t with him while he was training and he turned as he finished and was about to smile in your direction but then he was smiling at denki, his lips immediately falling and scowling
He’ll start asking you to come with him or if your going to join him
He loves free time, you just come over and sit next to him, and your content, and so is he
Fucking hell. Looking up at the ceiling he groaned in frustration, this math problem was going to be the death of him. He only needed this one then chem, then he’d be done for the weekend, so why the hell was it so difficult? Normally he was good in math, guess fucking not because he was having problems with algebra. Algebra! He continued to stare at the paper, almost letting himself zone out until he hears his door unlock, head snapping to it.
You opened the door and took out the spare key, going to close it and give your boyfriend a sweet smile. You had snacks in your hand and two drinks, going to set them down and come up behind him to kiss his cheek. He grumbled.
You pulled back “what’s wrong?” He only grumbled again in response, so you leaned over and looked at the problem “ooohhhh number 8 Aizawa told us it was written wrong, change the 7.5 to a 3” you tapped the desk “what’s wrong Kat? Normally your the one who always pays attention in class, were you too busy starring at me?”
A blush tinted his cheeks, shooting you a look and erasing his paper, crossing out the number and changing it. Maybe he was. Was there something wrong with admiring his s/o?
You giggled and began to rub his shoulders “I’m just messing with you.” With that you pulled back his covers, climbing in and laying down, going on your phone.
He turned to you, then to the paper and sighed, going to run the exhaustion out of his eyes. The blond pushed the paper aside, climbing into the bed next to you and making you scoot over. You hummed, wrapping your arms around him and pulling him in. As much as you would think he’d hate being little spoon or cradled, he loved it when you held him. So he too wrapped his arms around you, head resting on your chest and closing his eyes as one of your hands rode up his shirt and rubbed his back, the other grabbing the remote and turning on a show.
Bakugou leaned back, kirishimas fist just brushing past his face as he retracted. The blond shot up, kicking into the air and effectively taking down the red, hugging and spiting the blood in his mouth in the dirt. Letting kiri take a breath, he heard the gym doors open, you in sweats and a one of his shirts walking in. You gave him a small wave and smile, taking your seat on the ground and leaning against the wall. Before he could react kirishima was already back up and throwing his second punch, to which he dodged and grabbed his friends wrist, going around him and using his quirk.
Him and Kirishima finished, both boys catching their breath as they stepped off the platform. They went their separate ways, Bakugou going toward you, where you were sitting by his things. He gave a grunt hello, lighting tapping your foot with his as he pulled o it his water.
You said hi back, lifting your phone to point your camera at him and take a obvious photo, the light flashing. He rose a brow at you, you smirking down at the photo “your pretty”
He couldn’t help the light blush that’s rose to his cheeks, looking away and scoffing, taking a swig of his water bottle. Katsuki grabbed his shirt and and put in on in one swift motion, taking his duffle bag and throwing it over his shoulder. You got up and shoved your phone in your pocket, his hands going to interlock with yours as you made your way out of the gym.
“I though we could cook something and chill in the commons?” You asked
He nodded “I have to shower first”
“I’ll join you” you joked,but wouldn’t have been the first time.
He stiffened and looked down at you, who was smiling. He began to uncharacteristically stutter “y-you c-can’t just say s-stuff out in public, dumbass”
You snorted, squeezing his hand “yeah but the reactions are adorable. I have this new shampoo you can try”
“Alright, that is enough of that, it’s free time.” Aizawa yawned, going to his yellow sleeping bag and zipping it up. The students all groaned in happiness, getting up and going around to talk and chat with the each other, catch up on work or even nap like the teacher.
As for you, you got up and grabbed your book, going over to a familiar ash blonds desk and sitting on the ground, leaning against his legs. This wasn’t new, and he finished up a assignment before closing it and going to mindlessly mess with your hair. Soon the squad joined, chatting with each other and denki sitting next to you, trying to do anything and everything to distract you from your book.
“Poke” he booped your cheek “poookkeeeee” he sunk his finger into your cheek, your eyes flickering to his. He snorted, but never retreated his hand until a even more annoyed blond slapped his hand away and grabbed you. You squealed and got up as bakugou pulled up his seat, getting out of it and sitting you down instead, going to take your spot at the floor. He grumbled and leaned against you, glaring at kamanari as his friend laughed harder.
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avenging-fandoms · 4 years
gosh i wanna kiss peter and hold hands with him and go on cute dates and be so in love that it's sickening to everyone
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peter swings into your window, making you shriek and cover your mouth. “peter! you can’t scare me like that!” you huff and he chuckles, taking off his mask. you sigh in content, still not believing your boyfriend was a super hero. 
“i told you i was coming over. just.. had a little set back” he smiled and you grabbed his hand, pulling him towards you and holding his face. “i missed you”
“mm, i missed you more petey” you bite your lip softly and smile, peter kissing your nose. he goes to walk away but you pull him onto the bed, smiling and tracing your finger along the design of his suit. 
“come on babe, i gotta change before someone sees me, and it looks like you need to finish your chemistry” he got off the bed and you pout, watching him open his drawer of clothes in your dresser. 
“why do my chemistry homework, when i can work on ours?” you wink and he bows his head, laughing. “just kidding, but i really need your help, pete. i don’t know what to do”
you put your chin in your hand, placing your elbow on your crossed leg. peter changed into jeans and a sweater, falling next to you and placing his chin on your shoulder, looking over your homework and explaining it to you. “okay, i think i got it, hold on let me try it by myself!” you smile and peter laughed, going on his phone and calling happy, who didn’t answer. “okay, done”
he checked it over and looked at you, smiling. “that was right, i’m proud of you baby” he smiled, leaning forward and kissing you softly. 
“okay, i’m done with my homework, let’s go get some dinner. some.. chinese?” you smile, grabbing your sneakers and sliding them on. you go to grab your jacket but peter grabs your waist, pulling you into him. his cold nose pressed against your neck, peter swaying slowly. “no chinese?”
“i haven’t seen you in nearly 2 days, just want to hold you for a bit” he sighs, kissing your shoulder and you smile. after a couple of minutes he lets go, giving you a kiss and helping you put on your jacket. he puts on his own, grabbing your hand and holding you close to him as you two walked down the street. 
peter holds the door open for you and you thank him, waving to the lady who always waited you and peter. she already knew your orders, putting it in as you and peter sat down. you thank her as she brought over your edamame, pouring you water and giving you a smile before leaving the table. 
“so did you actually finish all of your homework?” peter rose his eyebrows and looked at you, you smirking and eating the piece of edamame.
“if i say no, are we going back to my place?” peter looked at you and you giggle, shrugging. “i wanted to spend time with you and not worry about my homework. i care about you more than chemistry. i promise i’ll do it when we get home. just.. be here with me” you reach over and hold his hand, peter smiling and kissing the back of your hand. your food is soon set in front of you two, you very excited to eat. 
“did you study for trig? it’s kind of tricky. i can help you after you finish chem” you nod, eating your noodles. you and peter talk for a bit about senior year and your trip, when the news anchor on the tv behind you spoke about a robbery. you drop your fork in your empty plate, peter sighing. “no, it’s fine. the..the police will get there” peter pokes at the emptiness on his plate and you kick his backpack towards him. peter looked up at you but you didn’t look, peter kissing your head and paying for dinner, racing out the door. you sigh and without a word, she brings over a bowl of ice cream for you. 
“oh i didn’t-”
“it’s on the house” she winks and you smile, thanking her and eating your ice cream. you pull out your phone and text peter. 
pete: stay safe, i’m gonna spend some time in the park before going home. i love you. 
you lock your phone and wave goodbye with a smile, the bell dinging above your head as you leave. you put your headphones in and start to walk to the park, stuffing your hands into your pocket as the fall new york weather nipped at your nose. you went to step into the poorly lit park, but you were literally swept off your feet. 
you ripped out your headphones and peeked your eyes open, gripping tightly as you saw it was peter. “you scared me!” you yell and you heard him laugh, his grip tightening on you as he swung building to building, the both of you landing on top of your apartment building. you shove your headphones in your pocket, smiling as you push peter’s mask up over his nose. “everything go alright?”
“i left them in a web cocoon. the police got there, and i came to get you” he said and you smile, holding his face and kissing him softly. “but after eating that really yummy food and fighting, i’m really tired”
“me too. chemistry can wait until sunday” peter nods and pulls his mask down, you giving him a kiss over his mask before holding onto him as he crawled down the side of the building. he climbed into your window and set you down softly, ned sitting on the edge of your bed. 
“ned! what are you doing in my girlfriend’s room?” peter asked and ripped off his mask, changing into his sweatpants and loose t-shirt. 
“we all made a plan to study, remember?” you and peter make the same face and ned laughs. “it’s okay, i saw the news. good job, pete” ned stands and does his handshake with peter, giving you a fist bump. 
“yn said sunday. tomorrow we just want a normal saturday” ned smiles, understanding and happy he can sleep in. he leaves and peter sighs, flopping on your bed. you laugh and change into your pajamas, sitting down next to him and scratching up and down his back. 
“i forgot my- ew. you guys are so in love” ned rolls his eyes and you both laugh. he actually leaves this time and you lock the door, shutting off the lights and closing your bedroom door. you shut your window half-way and climb into your bed with peter, who slid of his shirt and snuggled into a pillow. 
“are you replacing me with a pillow?” you pout and he pulls you into him, pecking your lips a couple times before wrapping his arms tightly around you. you smile, kissing his chest and rubbing his back. “i love you, peter. i’m really glad you’re safe”
“i love you too, babe. i’m glad i’m safe too” he kissed you once more before you both fell asleep to the moon in the room and the faint sound of honks of cars in sleepless new york. 
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princeneito · 4 years
With No Affections-- Tetsuro. K
Genre: fluff
WC: 1.2k+
Tags: fluff, one-shot
Warnings: use of the word “fuck”
Characters: Kuroo Tetsuro, You.
It was 3:36 am exactly when you addressed the letter. The whole thing had been written in a flurry of feelings and messy penmanship. Your black ballpoint gliding across the expensive stationary paper your mother had been sure you wouldn’t use. She’d been wrong, funnily enough. Even as you signed it with an annoyed flourish, your mind flickered back to catlike eyes sitting next you in chem lab.
You read it over a final time, wondering for the hundredth time if you were even going to send it. The answer was pretty obvious already.
Dear  To Kuroo Tetsuro,
I hate you.
Okay, so the opener was a little strong. You just hoped he’d read past the rest, and not just throw the whole thing away.
I hate the way you smile and the stupid butterflies you give me. I hate your stupid, sheepish laugh like I’ve caught you off-guard and you’re just pure joy. I hate your easy way of talking. I hate how naturally your charm comes to you, and how little you have to do to get my heart racing.
I hate your stupid face, and how much I want to kiss it. I hate your cool, almost casual niceness, and how annoying yet utterly endearing it is to me. I hate how quickly and easily you return compliments without it sounding fake.
I hate your kindness, hate how you can get away with being the perfect image of a gentleman but not seem stupid or tryhard. Hate how real you are. Hate the way that I get tongue-tied around you. I hate that you can make me flustered, and how I can never think straight around you.
Urgh. Yeah, if the point wasn’t clear by now, he’d have to be denser than a brick.
I hate the way you can so easily lead an entire volleyball team of teenage boys like it’s second nature. I hate how you make it seem fun. I hate how I’ve only started going to the games since we got paired up in science class, and that it no longer makes me tired thinking about attending. I hate how I actually want to cheer you on, or bring you water and snacks.
I hate how you have the entire ASAP Science discography memorize and how it makes me think of you. I hate how good you look in science goggles, when everyone else looks stupid. I hate how you can make me laugh at dumb science jokes, how chemisty is suddenly something I look forward too with you.
You’d been paired with him at the start of the semester, and while originally not even wanting to cooperate at all, he made a good lab partner. You didn’t want to admit it, but it almost seemed like a friendship, sometimes. Or more, but you couldn’t tell.
I hate the way you sweep your hair back and how amazingly good it looks on you. I hate your eyes, and their twinkle and shine and joy. I hate your hands, and how much I want to hold them. I hate your lips, for saying all the right things and smiling at all the right times and for looking so soft and perfect. I hate your stupid, perfect height, and your stupid, perfect build.
You’re far too good for me, you’re far too perfect, and by god do I hate it.
I hate you, but that isn’t the problem.
It’s that really, I don’t hate you at all.
With No Affections, {l/n} {y/n}
It was 3:34 pm and a bit when you slipped a crisply sealed envelope into his locker. He’d be in the gym now, running drills or whatever it was Nekoma Volleyball Team did in practice. It wouldn’t be over until you were long gone on the way home. You sighed, staring at the place you’d slotted the letter in through. Fuck, was this going to be a mistake.
You hoped he’d asked you out. You hoped he never spoke to you again. You hoped this was all a fever dream, and you’d wake up never having fallen in love with Kuroo Fucking Tetsuro of all people.
The trek home felt longer than usual, cheesy love song blaring embarrassingly loud in your ears as your mind wandered back to the hazel eyes and lazy grin of the Volleyball Captain. The recollections pushed back further, recalling his laughter in the science room, the genuine smile on his face as you two talked cellulites and DNA in the library. He’d helped you calculate light years and significant figures over video call past eleven for homework. You’d brought a water bottle to his game once, then left in on a bench with his name scrawled on a sticky note because you didn’t want to make a show of caring for him. The two of you had studied together for hours on end before a biology test.
And yet, you never interacted past science and watching his games. You knew little about his life, he knew less about yours. For however many optics questions you tackled together, you had a million more about him. His favourite colour, or how he liked his coffee. Did he have siblings at home? What music did he listen to?
The bus doors opening cut off your thoughts as you disembarked, mind still full of dark hair and shining eyes.
It is 4:05 pm, and the envelope that falls out of your locker is highly unexpected. It’s very clearly supposed to be for you, your name penned on the front in a handwriting all to familiar to you.
It seems he decided to write back.
Dear {l/n} {y/n}
I, for one, like you very much.
That came as a surprise. You were sure he just saw you as his lab partner. Or maybe a semi-close friend.
While my list is a lot shorter than yours, and I don’t have six paragraphs and a bit detailing all of my affection for you, I can sum it up pretty well.
I’ve liked you since we started the solubility assignment four months ago. See, you had this really concentrated expression on your face, with your eyebrows all scrunched together and your tongue sticking out of your mouth. And while–
You blinked. How the hell did he find that cute?! You hadn’t even realized that was what you looked like when you were thinking. Why had no one told you before? Unfair.
And while that shouldn’t be cute in any regard, I thought it was. I got your water bottle, by the way. Yaku thought you were my girlfriend. Crazy, right?
Although, if you wanted to be my girlfriend, I wouldn’t say no. I mean, I figured you might like me. I didn’t want to jump the gun, though. Imagine if I was wrong.
It was a great thing he was right. Then again, with people and science, he usually was.
Be the electron to my proton? I swear that opposites attract.
With all my Affection, Kuroo Tetsuro.
“Was the electron joke a bit too much?”
You looked up from the page to find none other than Kuroo himself leaning against the locker wall, grinning at you.
“I was going to wait for you to write back, but I figured I’d just come by and get the answer myself.” he continued.
Cute. He looked expectant, as if he’d already gauged you were going to say yes. Even if he had, there was a flicker of hesitation in his eyes. Doubt, you realized. Doubt that he’d read you quite right.
“Fine. But you better be taking me somewhere nice, okay? Idiot.”
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catxsnow · 4 years
Summary: Tim’s knowledge always came in handy when you were studying.
Warning: all the fluff, swearing - by this point you should just expect that I can’t write without a swear or two
A/N: little fluff I whipped up. I’m a grown ass university student and I’m still traumatized by high school chem don’t @ me 
GIF not mine
Word Count: 1.1k
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After dating Tim for a year, you were used to him doing work over listening to you. It was something that he never meant to do, but the moment he was focused on anything, everything else because just background noise for him. He did this with homework, work as Red Robin, even when he was reading.
When he was like this, it never surprised you to need to call his name out two or even three times before he heard you. It was an improvement, going from only yelling at him twice rather than at least five times. He listened to you the most over his family too - they were well aware of that fun fact and teased him about it.
Dick liked to make fun of him that you had him totally whipped, which was mostly true. You never asked much of Tim, but whenever you requested something from him, he was always ready to comply. That was how you ended up with half of his clothes in your room because you would always like when they smelled like him.
Damian would tease Tim when you asked him some trivial, mundane task. Something as simple as wanting a glass of water and before you could even move, Tim was up on his way to grab it for you. He was too kind for you, or he was just completely, utterly, in love with you.
"Timmy," you called to him one final time.
The two of you were in his room, studying for your test at school the next day. It was chemistry, a class that you had extremely mixed feelings about. On one hand, you loved the labs, on the other, having to memorize how a pH can be converged to OH? Well, that part you hated.
While you were sprawled across his bed, reading over the textbook and your own notes from class, his nose was in his laptop looking up everything that he had missed in class the fast few days - batbusiness reasons, at least that's what you liked to call it.
Tim finally whipped his head over to you. One of the amazing things about dating him - or even just being friends with him - Tim was always able to help with school work. He was the smartest kid in your grade which came in handy quite often for you. You tried not to take advantage of that big beautiful brain of his, but sometimes you were truly stumped on how to solve problems.
This was one of those times. While you couldn't figure out how to decipher between oxidized and reduced ions, Tim would easily be able to explain it to you for how many times you needed to understand it. You patted the empty spot on the bed next to you as a way to tell him you needed his help.
“Have I told you how good you look in my clothes?” Tim pondered. You wore one of his hoodies and changed out of your jeans and into his sweatpants. In all reality, you looked ridiculous in the oversized clothes, but he found you stunning. 
“Hmm, a few times,” you tapped your finger against you chin and pretended to think. “Well, you can see me out of them if you help me learn this.”
Tim went over the content with you until you were able to understand it on your own. To be honest, you really weren't sure what you would do without him. Not to mention that every time you would get a question right he would encourage you with a kiss. There was no better motivation.
"Thanks, lovey," you kissed him once more. Before he could get back to his own work, you wrapped your arms around him so he couldn't leave. Tim could easily get out of your hold if he so chose to, but he never tried. Instead, he melted into your hold, grabbing you so he could pull you closer. "That's funny you think that you can just go back to your work."
You left soft kisses against his bare skin. Tim sighed with content at your actions. He wished that he could stay like this forever. In your arms, with you safe from the danger of his nightly activities. He would do anything to protect you from harm. 
"That's funny you think that I was studying," Tim countered, tipping your chin up so he could kiss your lips. Of course he wasn't, it's like he never needed to study. You couldn't understand how he was able to be a hero by night and a genius by day. He embraced your attempt to cuddle into his chest and pulled you closer to him. "Are you going to call it a night?"
"Hmm, did you have something in mind?" You pondered the idea of quitting your study session. It was already getting pretty late and even though you told your parents you were staying there that night, you still wanted to go to bed fairly early. You were just glad that Tim took the night off of patrol to spend it with you.
"There's a few things I have in mind," Tim brought you into another kiss. This time he kept you for longer, never wanting to part with you. Your hands glided up the back of his neck and into his hair - if this was what he had in mind you surely were going to quit. Tim flipped the two of you over and this time pinning your hands above your head with only one of his.
Just as you realized what he was about to do, you couldn't get out of his hold. Tim tickled your sides. Your legs were pinned down by his thighs and there was no way that you could get out of his grasp. He knew you hated when he did this to you - especially when he left you defenseless, too.
"Tim!" you screeched. You trashed around in hold but no matter how you moved you couldn't avoid his attacking hand. "Tim stop! Tim!" You were laughing so hard that tears were nearly streaming down your face. "Timothy Drake!"
Full name. He knew that was your limit. Tim finally let go of you and was laughing at your struggle to catch your breath. He rolled off of you and laid beside you. One of his arms was tucked under his head - showing off his muscles in his t-shirt. He looked so casually for nearly causing you to have an asthma attack with all that laughing.
You smacked his chest and let out a huff of air as you finally caught your breath. "That was mean you know I hate it when you do that. Fuck you."
"My pleasure."
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marcholasmoth · 3 years
OSRR: 2693
just learned today that i do not, in fact, have to write my lab reports all by myself! i only have to do one by myself; the others i can do with my group.
this morning, i worked with a student who was hours away from giving birth. i helped her with some chem homework, and she happily went on her way.
another one of my students brought me a gift today. chandler brought me a big bag of peanut m&ms and a visa gift card for $50. i have been so spoiled lately, and i could not be more grateful.
i also realized today that i don't have to spend the gift cards and money i'm given on bills - i can get things i want to! which is so wild!!
i also talked to christine this morning. i told her of my successes and the gifts from my students and all sorts of stuff and we got onto the topic of my religious upbringing. i told her all sorts of stuff, background information and things that were taught to me as a child and a young adult, and how i've spent my whole goddamn life under someone's thumb, under their microscope, under the scrutiny of the nosiest people who will never deserve my time.
and then christine told me she was proud of me for being able to get out of that control. and i was validated. and it feels really nice to have a doctor who is not my close friend tell me that i've done a lot of hard work and that my freedom is well-earned.
during our discussion, i also thought of a meme to make and send to andrew:
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so i made that and sent it to him. he laughed.
i spent the morning doing nothing else besides running my phone's battery down to 16%, and around 2:30 i ended up on zoom with adri and micaley to work on lab stuff. which ended up with me having a stunning moment of mental clarity: when asked to explain why an equation was equal to something else, i explained it in proper terms without stuttering or thinking too hard. it just. came out. and it reminds me, sometimes, that i'm pretty damn smart. i just need things to help sometimes.
i also fixed the numbers and the equations and stuff and i'm pretty proud of myself for that work today.
and this evening?
we saw spiderman.
the only thing i'm going to say about it on this blog, for at least a month, is that it's wicked good. plus i don't think i've ever seen a marvel movie on opening day, so being in a theater with other marvel enthusiasts made the experience so wonderful. the energy in the room was electric. the whole thing was spectacular, but the atmosphere is what really made the whole evening so incredible.
so if you can, or if you're comfortable to do so, please go see it if you're able. it's so good.
and i also ended up scheduling my booster shot for tomorrow, so i'm at joel's this evening so i can go get my shot early and head home before the snow really hits. and o hope i don't feel like shit tomorrow.
anyway, i'm exhausted and my eyes hurt, so i'm gonna put down my phone and snuggle with joel. goodnight 💜☺️
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dual1pa · 3 years
the fair
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Eddie x fem!reader (has nothing to do with the plot of Buffy)
Warnings: fluff, heavy make outs, characters are both 18+
A/N: I don't think I've seen imagines about Eddie but this could easily lead to a part 2. thanks for reading :)
She always had a crush on him. Ever since he sat next to her in Chemistry class. It’s like her teacher, Mr. Miller, knew she was in love with him because he made them lab partners. Ever since then, they would eat lunch together, he would meet her at her locker every day to walk her to her bus. He always had his hands tucked into his pockets and looked down at his feet.
Before she got onto the bus, he stopped her, “Hey. There’s this fair tonight down at the firehouse, something about them collecting money for the year, would you, uh, wanna go with me?”
She smiles widely, “Eddie, I would love to. I love carnivals!”
Eddie’s face lit up, “Great. Should I pick you up at your house or do you wanna meet me there.”
“Eastend street. Third house on the left, it has purple shutters, can’t miss it.” she quickly kissed him on the cheek and ran onto the bus.”
He touched the place where she kissed and blushed, finding his car through the endless amount of cars of the senior class. He mentally beat himself up as to why he didn’t ask to just give her a ride home. He shook the negative thoughts out of his head and put the keys into the ignition of his car, figuring out what the hell he was going to wear.
When she found an empty seat, she internally screamed that he finally asked her out. She put in her headphones and turned on her favorite music, as well as responding to unread messages. As she stared out the window at the buildings and homes she passed by thousands of times on the way home from school. She thanked God it was the weekend and could finally take a break from the books to focus on what she was going to wear to impress the guy she really liked.
Once she found a cute dress and a pair of white sneakers, she paced back and forth in her living room, constantly looking out the window watching for Eddie’s car to pull up.
“I’m so glad you’re finally going out with that boy you’re always talking about.” her mother said, not taking her eyes off the book she was reading.
“You have no idea how happy I am. Also, could you guys like… not be awkward and weird and just stay here when the doorbell rings?” she scolded her mother and father until they gave her the answer she wanted, which was “fine, I won’t say a word.”
Just as their conversation was ending, they all heard the doorbell ring.
“Remember. Say nothing until you hear that door shut.”
“Just go have fun with him! But, curfew is midnight.” her father said.
“Alright, alright. See you guys later.” she ran to grab her small purse filled with her driver’s license, some extra cash, some lip gloss, and chapstick.
She double-checked her makeup and hair in the small mirror. She opened the door to see Eddie, wearing a blue jacket with a white shirt underneath and a pair of khakis. His hair was brushed to the side.
“Hi.” she smiled clutching onto her small bag that’s attached to her hip.
“Hey. These are for you.” he handed her a bouquet of flowers of her favorite colors.
She gasped, “These are beautiful.” She brought them up to her nose to smell the wonderful scent.
“I remember you told me these were your favorite flowers and I couldn’t show up empty handed.”
“It would have been fine if you did. All I need is you here, but thank you for the flowers.” she quickly put them on the table in the foyer and shut the door behind her, following Eddie to his car parked in the driveway. He opened the car door for her and waited patiently for her to put her seatbelt on before he carefully shut the door.
The way to the carnival was peacefully quiet. The air from outside coming in from his half opened window, his hair slightly blowing in the wind. She couldn’t help but smile at the scene she was witnessing. His one hand was on the wheel and the other was resting on his leg.
“Do you like to listen to music? I don’t have an AUX cord in my car anymore, it broke. However, I do have the radio. Any stations you listen to?”
“Any station that plays pop music.” you smile.
“No problem.” he flipped through the many stations until he found something that sounded similar to a pop song.
“Is this one okay?” he asked.
“It’s perfect,” you said.
As Eddie pulled into the grass area of the firehouse, it was already packed. Many families, people they recognized from school, and couples on dates. The field lit up with dozens of different colors and the environment was filled with laughs and screams. She considered herself a ride lover, she’ll go on any ride no matter how scary they look. She hoped he was the same.
“Man, it sure is packed and it’s not even 7 yet.” he looked at his watch after he parked the car.
“I know. But, it is a Friday night and the rides actually look good this year.”
“Yeah, last year they sucked, that’s why no one went.”
She laughed, “I think they got the message.”
The two of them walked close together as the craziness of the fair sucked them in. Eddie paid for 50 tickets, he thought that would get them on most of the rides.
“What do you wanna ride first?”
“Up to you.”
“How about that?” you point to a ride in the shape of a circle, watching as the people brave enough to ride go upside down, “Do you do rides like that? I don’t want you to do anything you don’t wanna do.”
“No, I love rides like that. I’ll go on anything here.”
“C’mon then!” she grabbed his hand and lead him to the line for the ride.
For the rest of the evening, they held hands as they walked to different attractions and waiting in lines. The only times their hands weren’t intertwined was to share a funnel cake. She had the time of her life with him and she prayed that he did too.
“What should be our last ride?” he asked her, squeezing her hand.
“I think it should be the Ferris wheel.”
“It’s like you read my mind.”
She started growing impatient because of how long the wait was but refused to show it on her face. All she wanted to do was lean up against Eddie’s chest and wrap her arms around his waist. She was thankful he didn’t pull away when she first grabbed his hand.
“Do you have anything planned for the weekend?” Eddie broke the silence between them.
She shook her head, “Nope, just homework probably. You?”
“Same here. If you wanted to, we could study for that chem test we have next week.”
“That sounds amazing actually because I have no idea what I’m doing.” she chuckled.
“I’ll be your knight in shining armor when it comes to chemistry.”
“I love that. My parents are actually leaving tomorrow to go into the city until Sunday night, just come right over.”
“Sounds like a plan.”
“How many?” the fair employee asked.
“Two.” Eddie said.
“Step right in. Enjoy your ride.”
“Thanks.” she smiled.
She sits down first, followed by Eddie. She watches as the employee goes to start up the ride, the employee presses a button and they keep climbing till they’re at the top.
“Wow, you can see the whole town from here. I think I can see my house from here.” she laughed.
Eddie gained the courage to put his arm around her. She leaned in to his touch and held his hand that was around her arm. She looked up at him, he was already looking down at her. Without thought, she leaned up to quickly kiss him. She pulls back, without saying a word, he goes back in for another kiss, this one more passionate. His lips were so soft she never wanted to come up for air. The hand that was on his lap was now holding her cheek.
“I’ve wanted to do that all night.”
“I’ve wanted to do that since Mr. Miller paired us up as chem partners.”
“Damnit. That means I could have asked you out earlier?”
She licked his bottom lip to bring him back in for a kiss.
Before they knew it, their ride was coming to an end.
“I wanna do more of this,” he said firmly.
“Me too,” she said.
On the ride home, they talked about their favorite rides and moments of the night. Both of them chose the Ferris wheel.
Eddie pulled up to her house and turned off the engine, “What time should I come over tomorrow?”
“How about 3? Then after we can watch a movie and just hang out?”
Eddie nodded in agreement, “I’m looking forward to seeing you again. I also really liked kissing you.”
That’s all it took for her to hike up her dress and maneuver herself over the console to straddle his hips. He quickly took off his seatbelt so she was more comfortable on top of him. She leaned down to kiss her crush. His hands gripped her waist. She moaned into his mouth, desperately wanting more of him. His mouth moved from her lips to her neck, sucking on the sweet spot, for sure leaving a mark. She glanced at her watch, noticing it was about to hit midnight. She definitely didn’t want her father coming out of the house and seeing what was happening.
She groaned, “I have to go. It’s almost past my curfew.”
“No.” he moaned in a protest.
“If I’m grounded that means my parents will cancel their trip to the city, and you and I both don’t want that, trust me.”
He lets her go as she gets out the passenger side.
“I’ll see you tomorrow, alright? 3pm sharp. I’ll be waiting.”
“Believe me, I’ll be here at 2:59.”
She blows him one last kiss before running up to the front door, unlocking it with her key. She locked the door behind her and watched Eddie pull out of the driveway and onward to his home. She couldn’t wait for tomorrow.
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darling-i-read-it · 4 years
Homework Halloween
Steve Harrington x reader
Word Count: 1k
Warnings: homework bleh 
Author’s Note: I hope you like this love! I’m so excited about Halloween this year I swear to goodness-
Requested: by anon, omg its HALLOWEEN TIME YAYAYYAYYY!!! ok so idk if youve alr done smthg like this but what ab like theres a halloween party and everyones going but steve ditches cuz reader isnt going cuz she has homework to do and instead he shows up at her house w a bunch of candy and waits for her to finish so they can watch a scary movie or smthg? hehee i love ur fics sm love ur legit the only thing keeping me sane😭❤️❤️❤️
Summary: the request 
Genre: fluff
I don’t own these characters. They belong to author/director 
(not my gif)
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Halloween may have been your favorite holiday but it was nothing compared to school and the amount of tests you needed to take in the following week. In fact you were pretty sure it was a record amount of tests. You were annoyed but you needed to finish it. You were responsible. You needed to finish it. You kept repeating that over and over to yourself as you sat on your bed, watching the kids go trick or treating outside your window. You let out a sigh. Even Steve was out there somewhere. At the party presumably, wearing a couples costume without the other half of the couple. Your Lydia costume mocked you as it laid down on your bed. You wondered what Steve’s Beetlejuice costume looked like. He’d probably show you later. 
You wondered how the Halloween party was going. Hopefully well.
You focused back on your notes and there was another doorbell ring. Your parents opened the door downstairs and you wished you were handing out candy to the kids. Your mind kept wandering. It was Halloween afterall. 
There was a knock on your bedroom door and you stood up, expecting your mom checking on you. You opened the door and was very pleased to see Steve on the other side, wearing his Beetlejuice suit.
“Man Lydia, where the heck is your costume?” he questioned.
“I told you Steve, I have homework to do,” you said solemnly.
“Nay,” he said draamtically, “I am here to help. I thought I heard my name said three times, was that you?” 
“Not that I checked,” you laughed. He shrugged.
“I brought candy just let me in,” he said and shoved past you. He sat down on your bed like he owned the place and to be honest he probably spent the same amount of time there that you did. You walked inside the room further and shut the door behind you.
“What are you doing here? Didn’t Tommy throw a party?” you questioned. He shrugged.
“I went for a bit but it was boring without you there. I figured I’d come over and we could watch some scary movies or something,” he said. “With candy.”
“I have to finish this,” you said, gesturing to the many stacks of papers on your bed. He looked around and shrugged.
“I’ll put on Friday the 13th and we can do them togehter. Come on, I am not about to let you get away with not having a Halloween just because you’re more responsible than I am,” he pouted. You sat on the bed back in the spot you had been and shrugged.
“Fine. Just this once. And dont’t try anything, just because Kevin Bacon can do it in the movie does not mean that you can,” you told him. He nodded happily and stood up, grabbing the Friday the 13th VHS from his bag. He popped it inside of the player in your room and took off his costume, swapping it for a more comfortable outfit. 
Eventually he was sitting back beside you, a smile on his face as he picked up one of the papers and the beginning of the movie started.
“Alright what are we doing?” he asked. You took one of the candies from his  large bowl of them and started to unwrap it.
“Chem. Did you steal these?” 
“No I did not, they’re from my house.” Your eyes went wide.
“Are these trick or treaters candy?” you asked, agahst. 
“No it’s leftovers my mom hides for after Halloween. I promise, you are not stealing any kids candy,” he said. You nodded and happily took a bite of the snickers. Steve looked at a few of the papers,probably realizing you were in an advanced class and he had barely passed bio.
“I’ll try my best here but-” he started but you cut him off.
“I can do it. It shouldn’t take me much longer than thirty minutes,” you promised. He nodded, happy to slide out of homework when he could barely do his own. You looked over at him, his floppy hair and all as he focused on the movie. He turned his head to you after a minute and gave you a charming smile.
“Thank you for coming Steve,” you muttered.
“Of course. I wasn’t about to leave you hanging,” he said happily. You nodded and ate another piece of candy.
“I’m gonna finish this so that we can watch the movie,” you said and now that you had an end goal you seemed to work much faster.
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