#But I think it’s a side effect of the allergy medication lol
shima-draws · 2 years
Oooghhgjgh I can’t settle down please send some asks perhaps? 🙏
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sickficideas · 11 months
i love overdose of meds how do you think theyll just doze off in the middle of the day
ramble incoming oh my gosh so a few weeks ago i took allergy medicine before work that wasn't non-drowsy and i thought i was dying because i didnt realize it wasnt non-drowsy lol, i could totally see dazai doing this on accident(or on purpose lol) and just completely dozing off and making kunikida worry a ton because he doesn't know why dazai is so out of it💔 i also don't think dazai has any concept on how to correctly take medication because mori was always giving him weird concoctions so initially he was borderline overdosing on medicine if he had a cold or was in pain or anything, and of course always ended up at work feeling terrible from the side effects. he had to tell everyone no seriously i wasnt trying to kill myself that time !!! so yosano keeps his medicine locked up and she's the only one who's allowed to give him anything :')
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subtextread · 1 year
talked to my brother about possibly having adhd and now his algorithm is also full of adhd stuff. i think he might also have it. we get it from our mama who is very textbook lol, but ultra high functioning.
he was very worried i was considering pharmaceutical intervention. antidepressants have not gone well for me in the past, but i am so desperate for some exec functioning that i was down to try medication. my therapist said there are different types of therapies now. the thing is my brother has a rare, genetic heart problem and while i am gene negative for it, i have been told to keep an eye on it just annually. my dad (who is not my brother’s father) also had heart stuff so we are sensitive to cardiovascular things. every adhd medication has cardiac side effects. for my brother - usage is wholly impossible, he can’t even have regular over the counter medicines for the cold and allergies if they have cardiac side effects. for me it’s probably a little bit of a grey area. i’ll have to draft up talking points for my psych… my brother (and i) are also just a little worried about cognitive effects. while i would love to function better, i do like my personality as is.
i came to see my mom and told her a bit about it and asked her for herbal stuff and she connected me with my also neurodivergent uncle who is also like a remedy enthusiast and that was fine but tiring. i went to take a nap and i heard her on the phone with him being like “look she came to us, her family, because she trusts us and believes in us and that we can help her, so take this seriously” and that made me :( go aw. mama.
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domesticateddog · 2 years
Have you tried hormonal BC or have a reason you can't do it? No judgement, ik a lot of people Hate it for many reasons (and you don't need to justify yourself to a random anon), but if you don't specifically have an allergy/intolerance you might find that it works well. Within my social circle, I'd say it's about 1/3rd who got crappy side effects that were worse in their opinion than their period (but not dangerous, just mood/libido changes), and 2/3rds who found it significantly alleviated problems (physical and mental). There are a ton of low-dose options with only one hormone, too, if it's more of a "I don't want to take a crapload of random hormones or significantly modify my cycle". I've generally heard the shot and implant are both very hit or miss compared to other methods and have a much higher chance of weight gain.
If you're surgery-willing, once you're on Medicaid you can find a gyno who will tie your tubes. Any ACA plan legally has to cover one of each method of BC (pills/IUD/etc), which includes sterilization. The hardest part is proving that you're serious about sterilization, but r/childfree has a list of doctors and advice in the sidebar (idk what the state of the rest of the sub is lol). You probably have a strong argument between being over 21, previous methods not working, etc. but it's very doctor-dependent.
That said, best of luck. Pregnancy is terrifying and they do not make it easy to prevent, either... I hate the state of healthcare in the US :/
thank you so so so much for this! i just do not want any of the side effects of another medication, i see how it affects my mom and my sister and im SUPER sensitive to side effects and weight gain, loss of libido and mood swings are my ABSOLUTE WORST FEARS. plus i cannot take it at the same time everyday i am so bad at that there’s just no way. and i’ve heard too many bad things about the shot and arm implant to go ahead and do that. it’s so frustrating, all bc my body is shaped weird!! the copper IUD is like my holy grail and my body is just an asshole about it. more than likely im just going to try it again if this fails (more than likely) but this time under ultrasound.
i don’t think i’ll ever want kids but idk if i’d go that far and have my tubes tied, i’ve briefly talked to my sister about being a surrogate for them in the past so i always have that in the back of my head. it’s just that i cannot have a child of my own now at all but who knows 10 years from now if i’ll have a good stable life ya know? so the fact that the copper IUD is so easy to remove and insert was perfect. id rather my boyfriend just get a vasectomy lol
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nathank77 · 17 days
6:50 a.m
I took my half mg of xanax and 25mg of Hydroxyzine a hour ago I'm going to play solitaire and try to sleep soon.
So I did the UFO ending and I did the Silent Hill 2 Maria Sub Scenario cause I never game anymore.. the hallucination is on my last nerve... which is why I don't game anymore but at least I played over 6 hours today to make up for prob a week of not touching a game system.
Tomorrow I'll have another red bull day and play some Silent Hill game with my HDCP bypasser. I figured out the trick. I got to pull the power from hdmi splitter not the bypasser right as it connects. It takes a few tries but I can replicate it in a minute or 2 maximum. So this could feasibly work long term. I tested it many times today.
Tomorrow besides for gaming, I got to shower, clean my ac filter, and re mouse repellant my room and drawers. It's been working. Now that my freon poisoning fear is gone I'm worried I'll have a freon leak in my car and I'll get poisoned lol I guess I'll worry about that Tuesday when I go to to Firestone for my oil change... if it blow hot air or clicks are things I got to look for... I can't open the window in my car bc the motor is broken I got to pull up the windows with my hands. I can only crack it a little..
My Ray-Bans have been comfortable, my eyes haven't been straining so maybe they work better than the Arons or maybe it's that I've been looking at the guide reading on my phone as I gamed. So I didn't have prolonged staring at my tv. I mean I did but there was a lot of looking back and forth also between my computer as well.
Although they started squeezing the back of my head behind my ears after about 10 hours of wear but that's normal for them... the arons are more comfortable but I got to give these Ray-Bans a chance when I watch TV all day with no switching to heavy phone and computer time. My eyes could be straining cause of dry eyes from looking at my tv all day. Idk.
My mouth is little dry I don't like it but I mean I sleep with my mouth open most nights and it could be allergies or not drinking enough water or a medication side effect. I drink at least 1 bottle a day but I should prob do better than that. It's not a chronic problem so I wont freak out about it atm. It could also be psychosis or my tooth paste i assume. I'm thinking water. And sleeping with my mouth open more than anything. It's not that dry but psychosis always focuses on my gums and teeth bc I freak out about it bc I can't slow down on smoking.. and tactiles are a real thing for me.
I feel like a ghost. I'm upset she won't talk to me. I'm starting to think maybe just maybe she is waiting for me to find someone else. Or maybe she thinks I'm crazy... I mean I'm not going to find anyone anytime soon. And I mean if it's the crazy thing that's a crap shot cause I'm not getting better despite trying...
I'm still worried about the Kristen Report wondering if they are going to take my case waiting for the status report. So yeah.
I decided to respond to the big girl. I'll waste our time... I'll see her body reveal and then slowly filter her out. I mean I got to tell her I don't like glasses cause I mean if she happens to be one of those girls who thinks she's fat cause of society the glasses still are a deal breaker for me. Not to mention I don't like her face at all but whatever. I got to take what I can get.
Elise is in love with her husband. I'm alone af. And I got to take what I can get at this point.
So yea. By the time she shows up if she ever does I mean cool you've waited so long at this point I mean I don't hate you but I don't like you that much despite my feelings. It's a weird in between feeling. I'm in love with you but you treat me like I'm a ghost. Like I'm dead to you. I deserve better. A better friend and most certainly a better potential lover. If there are signals to be read it's fucking confusing.
1) you're sad and you love him and you can't talk to me bc of my feelings 🤷‍♂️🤷‍♂️🤷‍♂️🤷‍♂️🤷‍♂️
2) you love me and you want me to be well aware of the fact that your husband exists and you're dealing with it...
3) You think I'm crazy and you're protecting yourself 🤷‍♂️🤷‍♂️🤷‍♂️
Watch me bleed. Do nothing. Show your true colors. Your only excuse is you're in love with me and you're going to divorce him. Otherwise you're a shitty person. Cause I could put my feelings aside. And you could be a friend.
Maybe shape shift by silverstein does fit. Maybe it's not lost positives by silverstein.
Id be happy to be your friend but if you're waiting for me to find someone. It's going to be YEARS. YEARS AND YEARS AND YEARS. I got too many flaws. The cat allergy alone will make sure I'm single for at least 2 years.
And if you think I'm crazy you're the worst thing that ever happened to me cause listen to wake up by silverstein. "I went to hell and the devil never looked my way" I have psychosis.. I'm not crazy and my intentions with you are 10000% Pure and good hearted regardless of the capacity. But yea I think about you 24/7 and I feel invisible to you.
Idk if youd even go to my funeral when I give up fighting psychosis bc of a "conflict of interest" or if youd even visit my grave at this point. It's happening regardless of you. But you got to know you're fucking confusing. And you make me feel like shit. Like i never mattered and at this point im trying to accept that I read you wrong. That the eye contact was something you do with everyone and anyone.
Cause if it isn't love, it's Nathan's crazy or it's Nathan needs to find a girl and idc if it takes him YEARS. Even though he is suffering and he has no one and is planning his suicide. Regardless of if I show up but maybe if someone showed up for me and showed me kindness and a healthy relationship it could help a little. I wouldn't kill myself over you or anyone at that rate.... I'm killing myself bc auditory hallucinations are LIFE RUINING.
But I mean maybe it's that I'm a client to you. I doubt it but I mean at this point I can't keep making excuses for you.
I remember your eyes but time and silence say a lot.
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moondonky · 1 year
It's crazy how drugged everyone is, headaches or depression, allergies or vaccinations, Adderalls and insulins, weak immune systems and dysfunctions, caffeine or sugars, steroids and antibiotics, opoids and narcotics, all the things put into systems are endless, yet nothing fixes anything, yet it all just makes people weaker and dependent, in the long run it just creates side effects.. tempory just a moment of relief,, sum u can't stop even if cured..
If u visited in the past and u came again in the future u would see people are very different, u would see a travesty, u would wonder why anyone would do such things,, it would be beyond belief, society is one thing everything built and made would be extraordinary.. but the people themselves would make u wonder what is happening...
Effin millenial why not, I'm more healthy than one would think, and I smoke and I've drank, I've smoked alot of things,, but I don't take medications, I avoid anything injected, I eat how I eat, I don't notice my headaches and tummy grumblings, I ignore my pains, blessed in many ways I've never needed those things, but I also think they never needed it either,, and when u think about it people do alot of drugs and don't even realize it, snake oils and potions.. as the devil would say,, pick your poisen lol
Truth would tell you capitalism fucked almost everyone up
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foulserpent · 3 years
Are you neurodivergent? My sleep pattern is exactly how you describe yours without your meds and boy do I sympathize.
i mean yea autistic/adhd/psychosis. but irt this its specifically sleep onset insomnia. like on bad nights ill end up lying awake for like 4 hours its awful. whereas medicated i fall asleep probably in like a half hour or even less
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sickficsforthesoul · 3 years
Do you have allergy hcs for the setters? Or shiratorizawa because I love them lol.
Hmmm... We'll go with Shiratorizawa because I don't have much content for them yet, sooo...
Ushijima: Not much in terms of pollen allergies (or else all that field work would kill him, lol), but he is somewhat allergic to pets. He still interacts with animals, but he'll take some Benadryl or something similar if his symptoms get too bad. This rarely ever happens, though, so only the other third years know about Ushiwaka's allergies.
Tendou: No pollen or pet allergies, but he's got some food problems. He's allergic to gluten and also has trouble with some dairy products. This is part of why he doesn't eat much, but his appetite is just small in general too. Gluten gives Tendou horrible stomach symptoms, but since he lives in Japan, he's lucky to have lots of gluten-free options because of rice's popularity in dishes.
Semi: Horrible, horrible pollen allergies. He gets super congested, and his ears and sinuses always feel full when the pollen count is bad. He gets lots of ear and sinus infections because of this. He also gets very sneezy and coughs a lot because of how congested he is. Semi carries lots of allergy medicine in his bag, ranging from moderate to strong. He takes moderate allergy medicine daily, but he keeps the strong medicine as a back up if his allergies get too bad. He also takes strong meds in the morning occasionally if he knows the pollen will be bad a head of time. He's had to sit out a few practices the past few years because of his allergies, and he hates it every time it happens. He always gets really embarrassed, but his team is never mad (except Washijou because he can be a bit of a jerk sometimes). They just want Semi to feel better.
Reon: He's got minor pollen allergies. They aren't normally a problem, but they kick his ass a little in autumn. He's still not sure exactly what it is, but some autumn plant really triggers his allergies like nothing else in the fall. He normally doesn't take allergy medication, but he has to take it in autumn if he wants to be functional at all.
Jin: Minor pet allergies. His family has a cat, so he takes some medicine every morning to keep his airways clear.
Hayato: Pretty severe spring allergies. He has to take lots of medicine to stay functional, so he's a little loopy for a while. Without his medicine, he's a sneezy, congested mess, so he always has emergency meds in his bag. Semi also carries some because of his allergies, so if worst comes to worst, Hayato can get some meds from Semi. Semi will share with him, but then Hayato will get lectured once he's taken them, so Hayato considers this a last resort.
Taichi: Dust and pollen problems. He gets watery eyes and sneezing, but it's not too awful, all things considered. He rarely takes medicine because he just doesn't care enough to bother. Taichi doesn't think his symptoms are all that bad, and he's more willing to deal with them than allergy medication side effects.
Shirabu: Pollen and pet dander make him cough. It's normally not so bad, but if he gets caught in a pollen or dust cloud, he'll cough for at least ten minutes just trying to clear his lungs. His main symptom is coughing, but his eyes can get watery too, and if the pollen count is extremely high, he might end up sneezing too. Takes low level allergy meds, but Semi will give him stronger stuff if he needs it. Shirabu is always grateful for this, but he'd rather die than tell Semi that.
Goshiki: Bad pet allergies, like throat swells (but never closes) bad. Goshiki often ignores his allergy because he loves animals, but he always pays for it later. Semi and Tendou keep a close eye on him around animals, and they both always have Benadryl if Goshiki has a bad reaction. Goshiki also carries Benadryl, but he's too forgetful to take it reliably, which is why Tendou and Semi have some too.
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babyurthendofjune · 4 years
gotta get better
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This concept has been in my head for a while now and it took me like a month to write and edit and just get it all out! I had surgery two years ago today and it was one of the most emotional, stressful experiences of my life simply bc I’m just a big baby lol. This is just something to celebrate that day and the fact that I’m still so happy it’s all over! Fluffy af as usual cause that’s all I know how to write. :)
Thankful to @bfharry​ and @bopbopstyles​ for not only inspiring me with their amazing writing but pushing me towards finishing this and reaching (even going over) my personal 5k goal! I appreciate you both so much!!
I recently saw a post about tagging triggers properly so I’m gonna do it that way but if I do it wrong or it doesn’t work PLEASE let me know and I will fix it immediately (just want to be sure all my bases are covered)
// needles tw, pills tw (prescription), anxiety tw // (if I missed anything I should’ve tagged please please let me know!!) and I’m sure there are some medical inaccuracies bc that whole day is kind of a blur for me haha 
as always likes/rbs/comments are welcome but absolutely not necessary :) 
final word count: 7.1k
"Y'nervous, angel?"
"Bout to chew your finger off. I know there can't be much of a nail left."
Your hand drops back to your lap. You hadn't even realized you were doing it. A bad habit of the nervous child you thought you'd long forgotten. He offers his left hand and you accept it, thumb swiping over the cross painted across his skin. He knows it's one of your favorites and you're thankful for the comfort. You don't know how many times he'd teased you about how you would eventually rub it off one day and he'd have to get it redone.
"S'a routine surgery, I bet they do them all day. You're gonna be fine."
You'd been over all this a thousand times before. Harry had to ban you from looking up the procedure online at one point. You became obsessive with worry. What if you're still awake when they cut into you and you can't talk? What if you feel everything and can't tell anyone? What if you don't wake up? He had shot down every one of your horrifying theories.
"How much longer before they take me back?"
"Nurse said it would be about 10 minutes when we checked in. Shouldn't be too much longer. Want me to check the board again?"
Checking in had only consisted of a nurse taking your name and giving you your bracelet for the day with an ID number. The number would help Harry stay updated on where you were throughout the whole process. The "board" was simply a tv mounted to the wall that frequently cycled through each patient's last name and ID number.
"No, no," You cling to his sleeve like a desperate child, "Don't leave again. She said they wouldn't update anything until I went back anyway."
Harry had left you only briefly when you first arrived. Hands in his pockets, wandering around like a lost child around the big, open expanse of the waiting room. He stayed where you could see him and the whole time you had anxiously chewed your bottom lip until he returned. You hated it, but you knew he was just as nervous as you. So you let him have that moment. To check his surroundings and release some of the nerves so he could come back to you, calm and cool as always.
When the nurse does call your name, you almost jump out of your skin. You freeze, unable to move. Harry stands and flashes the nurse a quick smile before turning back to you and offering his hand.
You shake your head, "I can't do this, H. I feel like I'm gonna throw up if I move."
"You're not, promise. Remember those breathing exercises we practiced? Do those. C'mon..deep breath in. Pause. Slowly let it out. Do it while we walk."
Slow deep breath in. Pause. Slowly let it out.
You remember how silly you felt the first time you did it. How it made you giggle at first. This is never going to work. But eventually it did. Anytime you got upset or started to overthink about this day, Harry made you stop whatever you were doing and sit down. Breathe.
It was a little difficult to do while walking. Your body wanted to pause your steps when your breath paused, but Harry tugged you along, you almost hiding behind him until you made it through a set of heavy wooden doors to a small space with a hospital bed and a curtain drawn in front of it.
The IV had had been your biggest dread, the fear overriding any logic that it was something you needed, instead of something the nurses decided to do simply to torture you.
Your face twists into a wince of pain when the needle goes into your vein, Harry standing over you, his face a mirror of your own as you squeeze his hand. When the nurse pulls away with a triumphant "all done!" you flash a look of surprise between your arm and Harry.
"Not that bad, eh? Think ya overreacted a bit about how bad that was gonna be?" He raises his eyebrows, waiting for you to shoot him a nasty look for teasing you.
"Maybe a little." You pinch your index finger and thumb together, indicating a minimal amount.
"Tiny bit more, babe," Another nurse appears from around the curtain and he laughs before speaking to her, "it's all she's worried about all morning."
"Honestly that's everyone's least favorite part. The rest of the day should be aces if you can handle that!"
Harry settles himself into a chair while the nurse goes through a myriad of questions. Any other surgeries? Allergies to medications you know of? Do you smoke? Drink?
Harry snorts when you say no to drinking, but quickly clasps his hand over his mouth when the nurse's head snaps to look between you and him.
"The occasional drink is fine, no worries. Nothing this morning though, right?"
"No, ma'am."
Your eyes meet his, a mischievous grin still plastered across his face. He mumbles a quick "sorry" while you try to pull your concentration back towards the nurse and the remainder of her questions.
"Alright, time for the good stuff," she passes you a small clear cup with two white pills, "First one is just something to keep you calm and relaxed, second one is to prevent any pain after the procedure. They'll give you something to make you sleepy when you get to the OR, but this might make you a bit loopy for now."
"This should be fun." Harry claps his hand in front of him, rubbing them together quickly. He leans forward in his chair, as if ready for a show.
"Yeah? Is she a happy drunk?"
Harry had only ever experienced you high on any sort of prescription medication once, almost a year ago when you went on a girl's trip with your best friend and twisted your ankle in an attempt to make it back to her car after dinner out one night. You calling him from an unknown ER in the middle of the night had terrified him enough to start packing a bag to fly to you before your best friend could grab your phone and assure him you were fine and she would put you on a plane home to him in two days as planned. He had teased you endlessly when he picked you up from the airport and for the next few days afterwards as you limped around on a bruised, ACE bandage wrapped foot.
But after too many wine drunk nights to count, he had enough stories to humiliate you with and the thought of any one of them being told now had you sinking further into the hospital bed.
"You could say that. Last time she.." His voice trails off at the sight of your eyes, wide as saucers, begging him to stop.
The nurse grins, her face kind and sympathetic to your silent cry for help.
"We're a little behind schedule this morning so it may be about 20 minutes before they come transport you, okay?" You nod, the effects of the sedative already working its way through your system, "Keep an eye on her? Make sure she behaves?"
"Yeah, I got her. We'll be fine, thank you so much." He's closer now, standing next to you again, a hand sliding up your arm to settle on your shoulder. You manage a thumbs up and a sleepy "thank you" as an affirmation that you appreciate all she's done for you.
"You're more than welcome. You'll have a different set of nurses in recovery but if you need anything until they come get you, just let me know, alright?"
"We will, thanks." His thumb ghosts across the front of your collarbone, the lightest of touches to soothe you, his eyes still focused on the nurse.
"Good luck! You're gonna do just fine, I promise."
The second she's around the curtain, Harry nudges you lightly, "Scoot."
"Huh? What do you mean..Harry, there's not enough room for you in this bed." Your head feels too light to deal with his nonsense now.
"Yeah there is if you scoot. C'mon. Hurry before we get caught. M’supposed to be keeping an eye on you, remember? Gotta make sure you don't fall outta the bed."
He's already wedged himself next to you, trying to make his tall frame fit into the limited space.
You move over as much as you can, the rail of the bed poking into your hip.
He tucks one arm behind your head, the other one thrown behind his own as a cushion.
"You feel more relaxed now, lovie?"
You scrunch down in the bed, just enough that you can tuck your head under his other arm, "A little. I don't feel sleepy enough though," Your eyes dart up, seeking the comfort of his face, "I'm scared, H."
"I know you are, baby," the hand behind your head shifts to cup around your arm, pulling you closer, "Just pretend you're home with me and we're taking a nice little nap together, yeah?"
"But you won't be there with me, not really."
"I'll be there when you wake up though. First thing you'll see when you open your eyes, promise." He runs a finger along the curve of your nose, "Close your eyes. Try to sleep, hmm?"
You shake your head, turning towards him to hide your face in his side, inhaling his scent.
"Want me to turn the light off? Would that help?"
"No," You toss the arm that isn't trapped between you two over him, holding tightly to his shirt, "Stay."
"Alright, then. We'll just wait," He tilts his head to rest closer to yours, "Have you thought about what you want to eat after?"
"Not really. M'too nervous to think about food."
"We'll think of something good. Whatever you want."
"You're gonna get us in trouble, better scoot back to your corner like a good boy." Your words come out unintentionally slurred and you weakly push yourself up and away from him as he slides off. He doesn't sit though, just stands near you, an anxious look flashing across his features.
"Hey, c'mere. Gonna be fine, routine surgery, remember?" You stretch your arms out to him, a plea to be near his warmth again.
He sits on the edge of the bed, facing you. You tug lightly at the sleeve of his cardigan, a feeble attempt to pull him closer. He indulges you, his brow still creased with distress.
"Know ya gonna be fine, just hate you have to go through it at all. Wish I could take it from you without all this." He gestures to the IV he knows you despise so much.  
"You have helped take it from me. All the sleepless nights you spent up with me, holding my hair back when I got sick. All the days after when I was too drained to get out of bed. You were there for as much of it as you could be. And you pushed me to go see the surgeon in the first place. You've helped me more than you give yourself credit for."
His fingers intertwine in yours, the pad of his thumb soothing over the front of your hand.
"Make sure you keep my phone with you, my mom will probably call you every 30 minutes for updates." A yawn stretches across your face, "She has your number too, bullied me into giving it to her last week when I called to tell her about the surgery."
He nods, patting his pocket to make sure both phones are still nestled there together.
Another yawn threatens to escape and you muffle it this time, more content to fight sleep to stare at Harry; his hair a perfect mess of curls under the harsh brightness of the hospital lighting. His face is more relaxed now, his eyes still focused on your fingers tangled together. He catches you, your eyes glazed over, too heavy and threatening to close.
"Darling, please close your eyes. I can see how tired you are," His fingertips sweep delicately over your nose again, as if he was lulling a baby to sleep, "You don't have to stay awake for me."
"Closing my eyes for just a second, alright? Not because you told me to though. I want to. Wake me up in 2 hours, don't wanna sleep too long."
Your eyes are already drifting closed, the last thing you hear is a chuckle; effortless, light as air, "I will, promise."
Soft kisses pressed across your face, "Sweet dreams, love."
His voice is the first you hear as you wake up in the dimly lit recovery room. Well, really it was more like a big cubicle, another space with a curtain drawn in front of it. Even with the floaty, dreamy feeling flowing through your system, you can still detect the worry in his voice.
"Harry?" It takes your mind a minute to catch up and process where you are and what had happened.
Oh yeah. Surgery day. No more annoying gallbladder. No more sleepless nights. Freedom to eat what you want and not be haunted by nausea and sickness from what you ate.
"How are you feeling? Any pain?" Suddenly a nurse in bright blue scrubs is there, way too animated and loud at the moment, "Pain scale 1-10?"
"I don't have any pain. Zero." You're aware of how high you sound and a giggle escapes through the haze. That earns you a smile from Harry, one that lights up his whole face and makes his dimples shine through.
"Awesome! Well then as soon as you're good and awake we're gonna get this IV out and go over some paperwork for both of you to sign. I want you to drink something for me too, so what would you like?"
You request a ginger ale and as soon as the nurse leaves to retrieve it for you, Harry scoots the chair he's sitting in as close to the bed as possible.
"How long was I out?"
"Couple of hours," He absentmindedly fixes your hair, looping various curls back around to their respective places, "Took a little longer than expected, you had a small infection so they had to make sure it hadn't spread."
"How much longer?"
"Long enough you had us all slightly worried." His hand trails down your cheek to cup your chin gently, urging you to look at him, "You sure you're not in pain? Now's not the time to do that stubbornly brave thing you do where you pretend nothing's wrong."
"I feel fine, really. Just a little tired, ready to go home."
He studies your face, trying to find any trace of dishonesty. When he's satisfied you're being truthful, he stands and extracts your phone from his pocket.
"Already talked to ya mum, but your co-workers were all texting you, asking how you were. Figured you'd want to handle that yourself, didn't know how much detail you would want to give them."
"Did you give my mother all the details? Infection and everything?"
"Um, no. I knew better than to do that. Promised her you would call when I got you settled at home."
"You promised or she demanded?"
"Okay..she politely asked that you call her when we get home."
"That sounds more like her." You roll your eyes, pushing yourself so you're sitting more upright in the bed.
"She just worries about you." He adjusts the pillow behind you, fluffing and tucking it where you direct it, against your lower back.
"I know. I'll FaceTime her when we get home to prove I'm alive."
"It's been a while since we've seen them, maybe we should plan a visit?" He plops himself back in the chair, leaning back as far as he can go; hands behind his head, eyes closed. You'd both gotten very little sleep the night before, you were too anxious and he was too gracious to let you suffer alone.
"Oh please, I'm lucky I even got time off to do this. My boss would never allow another break so soon."
"Maybe for the holidays?"
"Maybe..but only if you can go with me, you know they love you more than me by now anyway."
"They do not," He peeks one eye open at you, "They love us both equally."
You shoot a quick text to your co-workers, using the group chat between the few of you to make it easier.
I'm out! Feeling okay for now but that might change later lol
The nurse is back, apologizing for taking so long, "We've been so behind all day, it's crazy busy. I had to wait for your doctor to sign off on your release." She hands you a can of ginger ale, white bendy straw already poised and ready for you.
"Just need you to sign here," She holds a clipboard and a pen out to you and you balance the can dangerously in one hand while you scribble something that resembles your signature. Close enough. She gestures for you to pass the clipboard to Harry, "His signature goes under yours, just says he's responsible for you for the next few hours until everything wears off."
"This means I'm the boss, right?" He leans over to grab the board, a wink thrown in your direction. He's enjoying himself way too much at the thought of being in control of you for the next few hours. Smug son of a bitch.
She takes the clipboard back and pulls off a yellow sheet of paper, "This is just your copy of what you signed, and also has post op instructions for your bandages. Your prescription's been sent to the pharmacy, and there's a brief summary of pain management information on the bottom there just in case you need it."
"Thank you." You transfer it right to Harry's waiting hand, knowing he'll be the one surveying every word, making sure you follow everything to the letter.
"I know you mentioned earlier having a little bit of a drive home, so probably once you get her some food and pick up her prescriptions, it'll be time for another round of meds. Okay?" She turns to you again, "I know it sounds silly, but one of the most important things after this particular surgery is lots of walking. Otherwise you'll be miserable. Rest for a while when you get home, then get up every 10 minutes or so until bedtime. Don't let her skip that part, alright? Very important."
"I heard you weren't a big fan of this thing," She nods towards the IV in your right forearm, "So this'll probably be the best part of this whole process for you. We'll get this out and then you can get changed and we'll get someone to wheel you down and out of here, alright? Don't look and you won't even know when it's gone."
"Hey, think about what you want to eat, huh? Your first freedom meal. Yay!" He slips his hand into your left, raising your connected hands victoriously. You didn't think it was possible for you to love him anymore until this moment. The way he could so easily erase your fear was one of his many gifts you adored him for, "What are we having, babe?"
You don't even hesitate before answering, "Pizza, from Milano's. It's my favorite, other than that one place in Italy you took me to. Please? Oh and one of their salads, with the little bread knots on the side!"
He glances at the nurse, awaiting a reprimand for your meal choice.
"As your nurse, I feel I should remind you that while you can have anything you feel like eating, we usually recommend something small and light at first. Broth or soup with some toast, maybe. The salad may be fine, but the pizza might be a little heavy. Taking it slow would be best. But everyone is different."
"So..just cheese then? Maybe some mushrooms?"
You let your head fall back against the pillow, a foggy haze settling over you, "Plain cheese, no mushrooms."
"Alright, sounds good. Why don't I go call it in and pull the car around? Meet you out front?" He leans closer, a quick peck to your cheek before pulling his hand loose from yours and turning to leave.
"Hey, wait," You attempt to tug at his wrist, but fail, your brain still set to slow-motion. He takes pity on you and returns to your side, "Let's eat there. It's in the mall so we can window shop after we eat."
"You sure? You still seem a bit tipsy, honey."
You don't feel tipsy. Just tired, and hungry. Very hungry. As if on cue, your stomach makes a remarkably loud noise; an objection at not being fed for the past 12 hours.
"Alright, alright, calm down. " You let out an embarrassed groan when you realize he's talking to your stomach, "We'll eat there."
He kisses you again, closer to your mouth, "Missed."
"I did, huh?" He chuckles, close enough to your face now your noses are almost touching, "Let's try again."
This time his lips meet yours and you know he missed on purpose the first time by how amused he looks when he pulls away.
"One more for luck?" You can't resist letting the back of your hand wander over his face, before resting the palm of your hand against his cheek.
"I think I can handle that," He smiles before landing another quick peck to your lips, "Be good for the nurse while I'm gone. I'll have the getaway car ready in 10, yeah?"
You're certain Harry would have fed you if you would have let him, right here in the mall food court in front of everyone. But you refuse, insisting even, on carrying your own tray to the table. He chuckles when you pull your phone out of your sweater pocket to take a picture of your food, quickly uploading it to Facebook.
He watches you closely as you take the first bite, even pulling his own phone out to sneak a photo of you when you temporarily close your eyes to appreciate the indulgence of being able to eat one of your favorite foods again; free from that anxious feeling of whether or not it would settle right with your body later. You open your eyes the very moment after he captured the image.
"You just looked so happy! I couldn't help it. You know I'll never post it anyway. Snagged a few of you earlier in your little blue cap they made you wear too." He flips back through to show you. You try to snatch the phone away, but he's too quick to pull his hand back and stash his phone in his pocket.
"After you fell asleep, right before they came to take you back."
He takes a bite from his own generous slice of pizza in front of him before gesturing to your tray, "How is it?"
"Amazing. Even better than before, if possible."
His smile is bright, loving the satisfaction of seeing you actually enjoy food again.
Your plan to walk around the mall was cut short, you could barely make it through one store without yawning. You cling to Harry most of the way back to the car, his arm securely wrapped around you to keep you steady.
You doze off on the drive home, and when your eyes flutter open you find him opening the passenger door, offering a hand to help lift you out of the car and up the stairs into the house. Your foot stumbles on the first step, failing to make contact and you almost fall back.
"Easy," He giggles, an arm thrown behind your back to catch you before encouraging softly, "Try again."
When he's confident you're stable enough on your feet, he lets go to unlock the door.
You're greeted by a bouquet of flowers, a colorful arrangement of roses and lilies from Harry's band mates. You immediately recognize Sarah's handwriting on the card and make a mental note to shoot everyone a thank you text later. You don't know if it's the medication still in your system, the exhaustion of the day, or the overwhelming amount of love that makes you teary eyed.
Harry stands behind you as you admire the flowers and the card, arms curving around to hug you, careful of the large bandage on your upper abdomen and the two smaller steri-strips on your right side.
"How did they know pink roses were my favorite?"
"They love you, peach." He rests his chin on your shoulder, "Besides, you've only mentioned growing up with a pink rose bush in your Nanna's garden about a hundred times."
"I always loved it. Still do."
Your mind travels back to your earliest memories spent there; summers when you practically lived at the small house on the hill. Helping pick tomatoes and peppers from the garden, too warm afternoons spent with a book in your lap under the shade of a peach tree, your grandfather's corny jokes and loving smile. Your Nanna's too generous portions of food contributing to the few extra curves you still carried with you to this day.
You don't even notice the tears at first. They slip down your cheeks and land on his arm. Once you realize, you try to quickly wipe them away, but Harry sees.
"Hey..c'mon, I think your high's wearing off a bit, bub. Pajamas, meds, nap. Sound good?" He turns you to face him, using the sleeve of his shirt to brush away any tears that still linger at the corner of your eyes.
"What time is it?"
"Almost 3..why?"
"No nap. I'll never sleep tonight, and you know how grumpy I get when my sleep schedule is thrown off." Even with your declaration of not wanting a nap, you can't help but rub your eyes, a weak attempt to keep yourself awake. Any resolve Harry had to try to convince you to nap melts away. A smirk on his face, he knows you'll eventually crash later, most likely on his chest or in his arms. He's content to let you be stubborn for now.
"Okay, then. New plan. Pajamas, meds, movie. Better?"
"Better. You get everything ready and pick the movie while I change?"
"You don't wanna pick the movie?"
You wave him off, already shuffling towards the bedroom, "You're the boss today, remember?"
You take your time gathering what you need to get cozy for the rest of the day, selecting an oversized, well-worn tie dye t-shirt and leggings from your dresser. You even take a moment to dip into Harry's extensive sweatshirt collection, grabbing your favorite one. It's amazingly soft and still smells of him, a faint scent of his cologne and well..just Harry. You couldn't imagine anything more comforting.
In your pursuit to feel more lucid, you venture into the bathroom, taking a moment to wash your face. The cool water instantly refreshes you and pushes you closer to feeling like yourself again. Wanting your hair out of your face, you pluck a scrunchy from your shared collection of hair accessories. You quickly recognize that your arms still have that too heavy feeling of unconsciousness and after a few attempts to gather your curls into some sort of up-do, you give up and loop the accessory around your wrist to try again later.
Harry senses your frustration when you find him in the kitchen, two small green pill bottles sitting on the counter in front of him. He's already filled your favorite cup with ice water, and you gratefully take it and drink from it.
"What's wrong?" His brow creases with concern and you feel guilty for making him worry over something so silly.
"Nothing..just wanted my hair up out of my face but my arms wouldn't cooperate." You try to laugh it off to put him more at ease, "It's not a big deal."
You know it's only the weariness of the day still making you feel so emotional, clear-headed you would not be upset over something so small.
"Here. Let me try." He slides the scrunchy from your wrist and pulls you closer to him, moving behind you to gently work long fingers through your hair, gathering it all in a loose ponytail on top of your head before securing it around a few times with the scrunchy.
You let your shoulders drop with a deep sigh when he's done, it was such a simple thing, but it made you feel so much lighter. He spins you around to face him, a charming gleam of pride at his handiwork adorning his face, "Too tight?"
"No. Much better. Thank you, Harry. You take such good care of me always, but today..I don't know what I would've done without you. I made such a big fuss and probably made you miserable with all of my worrying." You're suddenly very aware that you are rambling, but when you catch a glimpse of his face, his smile is wide. So bright that the skin around his eyes is crinkling.
He leans towards you, lips stopping whatever words may have come next, arms wrapping around you to pull you closer in a soft, warm embrace. When he pulls away, his eyes bore right into yours, and your heart swells with more love than you could ever imagine having for one person. But he wasn't just any person. He was your person, your whole word staring back at you.
"I'm SO proud of you. You've been so strong today, always knew you had that strength in you, but seeing you take that leap of faith..doing something you knew you should despite your fear, that's all you, love. I can't take any credit for that. You've made me anything but miserable, trust me."
His face is still close enough to yours that you nudge forward, pressing your forehead to his, a silent appreciation of his affection.
"Any pain yet?" He pulls back, a thumb across your cheek, eyes still locked on yours.
"My head kind of hurts? And I still just feel kind of..drunk."
"You have always been a bit of a lightweight, babe. And a thief too, I see. S'that my sweatshirt?"
"Have not!" You swat playfully at his arm, "Maybe. Is that my hair clip in your hair?"
"Possibly." His eyes dart up to the swoop of curls on top of his head, a black plastic clip twisting it back and away from his face.
"Guess we're even then."
"S'pose we are." He tries to keep his eyes narrowed in a mock attempt of annoyance, but it quickly fades into laughter.
You decide against FaceTiming your family, hoping that hearing your voice will be enough. It seems to satisfy them at least for the rest of the day. You assure them that Harry is taking very good care of you and that everything went as smooth as could be expected.
He raises one eyebrow at you as you hang up, "As smooth as expected, huh? You aren't going to tell them the truth?"
"What's to tell? I had an infection and now it's gone. I'm fine, there's no sense in worrying them. We can give them the full story later."
He shrugs, fingers working to open one of the green pill bottles before passing one of the white pills to you, "For your headache, lovie. There's something here for nausea too if you need it. M'worried the pizza might've been too much. Maybe you should take one of these..just in case?"
"Harry, I promise I will tell you if I feel anything other than fine." Your hand runs from his shoulder down his bicep, squeezing gently, "Besides, I cannot take a whole one of those. If you think I'm a lightweight now..I'll sleep for the whole week if I take that."
He slips the bottle in his pocket, pulling you in to press a kiss to the top of your head, "We'll keep it close just in case, okay?"
"Sounds good," Your hand trails back up to his neck to work fingers through his hair, "Hey, thought we were watching a movie? What'd you pick?"
"Thought we could decide together. C'mon, let's get you comfy in bed."
"Ever the gentleman, always trying to get me in your bed."
"Hey! I am a perfect gentleman, thank you very much," He chuckles, a hand coming to rest on the small of your back, "Just thought you'd be more comfortable, you can prop up and stretch your feet out."
You let him tug you along for the second time today, thankful it's the luxury of your shared bed you get to settle into this time. He tucks you in softly, propping pillows behind your back and head.
"Comfy? Need anything else?"
"No, just need you to quit babying me so much and relax with me for a bit."
"Since when am I not allowed to baby you?"
You roll your eyes, "Never said you weren't allowed. Just want you to stop worrying so much, that's all."
"Good. Cause y'are my baby," No matter how many times you'd heard him say it before, it never failed to make you blush, "Do anything for you, y'know that, right?"
"I know," You look down at your hands, trying to slow your racing heart, "You never let me forget."
"Hey," He pokes your cheek, pulling your gaze back up to him, "I love you."
"I love you more, H."
He kisses your forehead, "Impossible. I love you most."
The reference to one of your favorite movies has you smiling at him, that dreamy feeling falling over you again, "Can we watch Tangled?"
"Sure, princess."
He sinks next to you, head propped up on your shoulder, navigating easily through Disney+ to find your requested movie.
Your eyes drift closed right about the time the lanterns are being released in the sky, a moment that normally leaves your face wet with tears, the soft vibrations of Harry humming along the perfect lullaby to push you further into your dream.
He wakes you later in the evening.
"Dinner's on the table if you want to join me."
"Time's it?" Your voice is still heavy with sleep.
"7. You were sleeping so deeply I didn't want to wake you, thought your body could use the extra sleep today."
"Yeah. It was nice, thank you." You stretch your arms forward, reaching for his hands to help pull you up.
"How do you feel?"
"A little sore. More sober, for sure."
Dinner is simple; a bowl of plain broth, salad, and toast. Exactly what the nurse suggested earlier. There's even a warm mug of tea waiting for you.
"With honey for my honey," He's so proud of his cheesy expression of love you cannot help but smile.
You look at him curiously when he sits next to you, the same boring meal set out for himself.
"Harry..you can eat what you want, babe. Seriously you've done enough today, more than enough to be supportive. It wouldn't hurt my feelings if you made yourself something different."
"Nah. S'fine. We're in this together, yeah?"
You raise your eyebrows at him playfully, "Did you have an organ snatched from your body today?"
"No, I didn't." He laughs, "I just meant food wise, love. It's vegetable broth, by the way, hope that's alright."
"It's perfect."
You nudge him lightly, an elbow to his side, shifting closer to ask for a kiss. He meets you the rest of the way, lips planted firmly on yours. When you don't pull away, he quickly adds another.
After dinner is done and you have another round of meds, the two of you end up in an awkward ball of cuddles on the couch. Harry flips through the channels on the tv before finding a show you both agree on.
But you're too restless, unable to find a position comfortable enough for you. You shift a few times, finally giving up and letting out a frustrated groan before tossing the blanket off the both of you and springing up and off the couch.
Harry doesn't panic, just grabs your hand before you can get too far away or lose your balance, keeping his voice low when he asks, "What's wrong?"
"Nothing hurts. I just can't get comfortable, and I don't feel right."
"What doesn't feel right, angel? Explain."
"I don't feel like myself. I don't know how to explain it. Just feel off."
He sees you're on the verge of tears and ascends from his spot on the couch, arms quickly enveloping you before placing a finger under your chin to pull your face up to look at him.
"It's probably gonna take a day or so to adjust, baby. Yes it was a minor surgery but it was a major change to your body." He's bending now to look right into your eyes, searching them,  "How can we fix it tonight, hmm? What do you need?"
Tears are free flowing, falling on the front of your t-shirt and down to the floor.
"Take your time. Breathe." A large hand smoothing warm circles firmly across your back; a balm for your restless spirit.
You pause, deep breath in before slowly letting it out, "I think I just need to move around for a bit."
"Let's go for a walk, eh? A quick one and then back to bed. Your mind needs more rest. How's that sound?" He taps your forehead softly.
"Okay, yeah." You nod your head, an approval of his plan.
"Don't worry about it, okay? Everything's gonna be fine. You're gonna be fine."
You nod again, scared your voice will break if you try to speak. He knew that those words held a lot of weight for you, he'd repeated them often throughout this whole process and to hear them now was a reminder of how safe you were. That with him, you would always be safe and loved.
Being dark outside meant you gracelessly padding through the house, up and down the hallway a few times and back to the living room. Harry stays close, encouraging you along with little claps and kisses to motivate you. When your stomach starts to feel uneasy, he urges you once again to take something for nausea. You agree to take a half a pill, knowing it'll help you sleep.
Despite the nap you had earlier and only being awake for a couple of hours, it doesn't take much convincing for you to settle back into bed.
He's already reclined next to you, book in hand, the soft light from the lamp illuminating one side of his face. You're smushed against him, drifting between that sweet space of almost asleep and wanting to stay awake to enjoy any spare moment you get with him. His hand working through your hair helps push you towards the former of the two.
"I'm sorry to be such a burden today," Your words are slurring together but you continue on, just needing to get your thoughts out before he can stop you, "I don't deserve you and I shouldn't have overreacted so much about something so simple."
"Hey, none of that now," He lays the book on the nightstand, careful to save his place for later before pulling you closer to him, "You were not, nor have you ever been a burden to me. Just because you needed a little extra help today does not mean you aren't deserving of me or my love. You will never have to earn that. It's yours, always has been, will be as long as you decide to keep me around."
"Thank you. For all of it. I'll always want you."
"Always? Y'might change your mind someday, angel."
"I won't. Promise."
"Yeah? Me either."
A kiss laid delicately to the top of your head has your eyes dangerously close to falling shut again before another thought navigates its way through your mind and out of your mouth before you can stop it.
"H..what am I gonna do with a full week off from work?"
"Let me take care of you?"
And that's exactly what he does.
Mornings spent sleeping in, late breakfasts made together and afternoon walks. Evenings consisting of the two of you preparing dinner together or ordering takeout from some of the forbidden places you couldn't eat from before. Mugs of herbal tea before early bedtimes, you sweetly falling asleep to the sound of his voice reading to you most nights.
But his favorite part was that the scent of lavender was no longer cursed for you. Some nights before your surgery, when you simply could not fall asleep the pain was so unbearable, you would fill the tub with hot water and lavender scented bubbles to try to calm yourself enough to be able to drift off afterwards. It never worked, the heat always doing more harm than good. Harry would always be waiting for you, open arms and a soft towel to wrap you in.
So the smell became one you hated, memories of sleepless nights and nausea. But now you were free to use it again for what you always loved it for before it was cursed. In your body wash, lotion, even your laundry detergent; spreading the scent all over your shared space in as many ways as you could.
He even mentions it one night after dinner, when the two of you are pressed impossibly close together on the couch. His nose buried into your neck, inhaling deeply, pulling away to announce, "You smell like you again, love. Missed it so much." He burrows back in, placing kisses from your neck to your shoulder, ignoring your giggles and protests of how much it tickles.
A week later, the alarm wakes you sooner than you've become accustomed to, reminding you of your return to work. Harry's arm thrown over your waist pulls you closer as you try to leave the bed, a sleepy "Don't go." mumbled in your ear.
You do your best to peel yourself away from him, admitting silently to yourself how much harder it is for you to leave the warmth of your bed as it is for him to let you go.
2 years later, you have a scar you swear didn't heal right, and a man who loves you even more because of it.
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sinkix · 4 years
《What your fav Haikyuu!! Character says about you│Nekoma Edition》
Yo-hoo! Here’s another part to this potential(?) series! I hope you enjoy the possible call-outs in some of these lmao. Writers block been kicking my ass recently but I had a lot of fun writing these. Enjoy <3
You can find the Karasuno ver. here 
��✧✧✧✧ ✧✧✧✧✧ ✧✧✧✧✧ ✧✧✧✧✧
Have a hand fetish and will not say no to choking.
Daddy kink™
Will not accept anything below 6 inches.
More of a dog person but would love to own a black cat.
You drool over tattoos.
Your grades are mostly B’s but you know in your heart you deserve that A, and tbh you probably do. Chase ur goals bby.
Halloween is likely your favourite holiday.
You have to resist not to carve a dick into the pumpkin EvEry GodDAmN YeAr.
You either study for 6 hours consecutively or cannot study at all and you get very frustrated at this.
Have the potential to be a good leader and command the room but probably don’t put it to use as much as you should.
Your playlist parkours from sad 3am crying into your pillow songs to aggressive punk music you could rob a store to.
You like bad boys who hang around bars and look like they would put out a cigarette on your forearm and call you a slut. Just stating facts sweaty xoxo.
Either dress very feminine and girly with a ‘smol girl uwu’ aesthetic or a hardass punk who would kick your ass for a can of beer no in between and tbh both are equally hot.
You’re a big softie at heart either way and just want to be held and told everything will be okay.
Ur a hoe for when people stroke your hair or caress your chin it’s your ultimate weakness.
Watched Rick & Morty.
Sleeves rolled up veiny forearms and donning a silver watch are your muse and something you fantasise about frequently.
Most of your memes are shitty top text bottom texts that are somehow funny and I don’t understand why lmao.
You call someone ‘bro’ even if it’s someone you’re immensely attracted to.
Did someone say ties? No it’s just ur dirty ass thoughts thinking about that hot business dudes attire from across the street and how you wish they were tied around ur wrists.
Probably had a crush on Jeff the Killer as a tween and are relentlessly haunted by your old Wattpad library. 
Tbh any dark-haired dude with bedhead that screams rugged and probably not good for you is something that draws you like a moth to a flame.
You often question why every person you’ve fallen for has been a Scorpio and curse that tendency of yours.
Dw man they’re hot so I feel u.
Went through a ‘I’m not like other __’ phase and it’s something that you think about a lot and wish you didn’t.
Watched dan & phil as a kid.
Any mention of Pokemon has you turning into a rabid beast you get way too excited.
It’s cute though dw bby.
Pretty antisocial but interesting to talk to.
Your family often question how you’re able to sleep in till 3pm and judge you heavily for it.
Nocturnal night owl gang rise up.
Frequently have bags under your eyes but somehow manage to pull it off.
Listen to ASMR on the down-low and will never admit it to a single soul.
Frequently go on BL binges and have many related book marks.
You pray that someone will never find your laptop bc holy fuck the amount of smut on that.
You wear scarves & beanies even when it isn’t that cold outside.
100% went through a scene hair phase/attempted to.
You dye your hair a lot or REALLY want to.
You have a voice kink low-key so anyone with a pleasant/soothing sounding voice just gets u goin’.
Cats are your favourite animal and you either do or want to own several.
Would name them after video game/anime characters u fuckin nerd lol.
Speaking of cats ,you fantasise heavily about cat-boys and have a folder dedicated to them.
Oversized hoodies are your vibe and always ball the sleeve hems in your fist as a comfort mechanism.
Shopping centres are your worst nightmare and trigger your claustrophobia or social anxiety and honestly I feel that spiritually.
Have a cute sticky note collection.
You like a lot of music consisting of guitar and slow/soothing beats.
You also fw EDM/ techno on occasions.
Honestly wouldn’t wanna anger you since you have a seething temper when pushed far enough.
It’s the kinda temper that’s eerily quiet but no less terrifying, like the other person can tell you are graphically plotting their demise.
You love sleeping to the sound of rainfall and often play those nature ambience videos while you sleep.
Never tidy your sheets and it’s just a big scrunched up heap of fabric in the centre of your mattress most of the time.
Make your fucking bed.
Your ships are chaotic and shamelessly controversial.
Would do something just for the sake of creating mayhem lmao.
You were the fucker who stuck their chewing gum under the desk, I see you.
Your brain never stops whirring it’s a constant hurricane of crackhead energy and you have no idea how to turn it off. 
Would eat a stick of pencil lead for $2
You don’t help your situation with the amount of coffee/energy drinks you consume.
The class clown who cries themselves to sleep.
Such a wholesome dumbass but somehow kinda intimidating??? 
Even if you’re not confident you can do something you’ll try anyway and honestly I respect that about you.
You !! use!!! a lot??!! of!! random punctuation!!! so you always??!?!? seem!!111!! excited!!!!!11!?
Every time you’ve ever tried to make a sandcastle it has failed.
You tried to eat the sand once but we don’t talk bout that.
You would  also pick up slugs and snails and chase your friends around with them.
Can never tell whether people are laughing with you or at you and while you don’t let it show it high-key bothers you when you’re laying alone in your room at night.
Not one to hold grudges, you carry a ‘shit happens’ mentality which is v good but it sometimes leads to people taking advantage of it or walking all over you.
Your meme collection is both questionable and horrifying.
Like how many cursed images and heavily distorted pictures does one person need.
Never organise the files on your PC/laptop so it looks like a complete dumpster fire.
The one at sleepovers who persistently woke everyone else up with their snickering and refusal to sleep till dawn.
For the love of Asahi charge your damn phone.
I see that red bar and ‘12%’
Charge it now.
Bought a plant one time, gave it a name and talked to it frequently.
It died not long after bc u forgot to fucking water it.
No one better ever make you responsible for a pet.
Type of person that when someone asks you to tag along on an endeavour no matter how stupid it is you will agree.
2am skydiving in france? hell yeah.
Midnight shopping spree and spending over half your pay check? count you in.
Exploring an abandoned hospital and performing an Ouija board to summon the demons of hell? you’re damn right you’ll be there.
I hope you have a mum friend by your side bc if not how are you still alive.
You sometimes put the milk in before the cereal and it’s something I’ll never forgive you for.
Very responsible and usually make the right decisions.
You do have moments where you act like a complete dumbass though.
Like u go from 50 year old to 5 year old in the blink of an eye.
A hopeless romantic but it’s a side you don’t often reveal.
Prefer strawberry milk over any other flavour.
You’re the type of person to shower twice a day w/o fail.
Where that stank smell coming from? Not you clearly bc your skin is basically 90% The Body Shop’s rose scented soap at this point.
You get stomach aches a lot and you can’t figure out why.
Probably an allergy to everyone’s bs.
Really good at dirty talk even though you don’t seem the type so people are always taken aback.
You have to be really in the mood though otherwise it falls flatter than Oikawa’s ass, use your skill wisely.
You often call people clowns when you know you’re secretly the biggest one going.
Honk honk, hoe.
You send messages in one paragraph rather than multiple texts unless you are REALLY excited.
People underestimate you at times then are shocked when they realise you are capable of being a fire-breathing dragon from the flaming pits of hell.
You like spicy chicken wings.
Such a petty little shit at times lmao.
Enjoy the view from the top of mountains so you either hike a lot or really want to.
Way more of a cat person since it’s just much more convenient for you.
Usually pretty cheerful or calm and people are drawn to your stable/friendly aura.
Went through a phase of drinking mountain dew and your body still feels the awful effects
Fav element is probably air.
You’re 5′6″ or shorter.
Box dyed your hair brunette several times and can never get the pigment out to this day.
Whenever you smell something weird in the room you always internally freak out and think it’s you.
Head-butting walls is your hobby.
You fell off your bike as a kid and still have the scar on your knee.
Probably have tons of ear piercings.
Would tame a pigeon and call it Larry.
You get frequent nosebleeds and can never tell if it’s a medical issue or your extreme simping for fictional men/women.
Hopefully the latter.
You constantly chew your pen/pencil in class so you never lend them to anyone out of embarrassment.
I really hope no one ever lends you stationery bc 30 minutes later it’ll look like it was mauled by a rabid rottweiler.
You really want to own a dog and would call it something intimidating like Banshee or Diablo.
You bleached your hair that one time and it almost fell out so now you’re forced to stay at least 10 metres away from all at-home hair dye products.
You tried your best though bby so A for effort, even if it did look like dehydrated ramen afterwards.
Your grades are mostly C’s and you’re barely passing bc you just don’t care about your classes lol.
Still though you’re actually pretty smart so put it to good use you lazy oaf, channel that crackhead energy into something good.
Your phone screen has several cracks in it from when you dropped it on the bathroom floor while shitting and you’ll always be angry at yourself for that.
You have some really weird quirks but you make it work.
Actually a v chill person but you just kinda attract chaos/trouble wherever you go.
Carry a lighter with you even when you don’t need one.
Shy texter but once people see you irl you are the complete opposite, you just dk how to text without coming across as awkward.
One of those people that’s unintentionally funny and always get confused when you make someone laugh but it makes you feel good regardless.
Have a cool necklace collection and own at least one dog-tag/army style pendant.
Should really consider buying a rabbit you would look so cute w/ one.
You have really nice legs and people should compliment them more.
Either severely dehydrated or overly hydrated to the point you are peeing pure tap water so for the love of god please learn moderation, your kidneys and bladder will thank you for it.
Your favourite character would be Hinata but you like people taller than you so your love for Inuoka spawned.
You really enjoy using the double spiderman meme.
Cannot correctly verbalise your feelings without creating a minimum of 10 misunderstandings but once people are used to it it’s kinda endearing.
You usually wake up in a good mood and people can never fathom how or why.
You either stay up till 5am or you wake up at that time no in between.
A morning person bc you love the sunrise.
Change your lock-screen very regularly bc you get bored.
Your humour consists solely of poop jokes.
When you don’t understand a joke you laugh anyway and hope they don’t ask you if you actually get it.
Happened once and you’re still traumatised from the cricket silence that fell upon the room.
Really like the taste of lemonade and drink it more often than you should.
Often think about what you would look like with a shaved head.
More of an extrovert but def have occasional introvert tendencies where you wanna be left tf alone.
Never allowed to pick up anything in stores bc the last time you did you sniffed a scented candle and it shattered to the floor.
Constantly have spontaneous ideas of what to change about your appearance.
You use a lot of hand gestures like thumbs up and peace signs.
‘Dude’ and ‘lmao’ is 90% of your vernacular.
Your nails are a disaster, some are down to the nub while others are pretty grown out bc you only bite a select few please sort it out.
Look really good in red.
Your laptop has way too many tabs open from random google searches of words you didn’t know the meaning to.
You read a lot of books but for like 10 minutes at a time bc you have the attention span of a walnut.
You are the type of person to nuke your AO3 tags with things that aren’t even relevant purely bc you found them funny.
Your Tumblr drafts are a nightmare, you have like 100+ in the works yet keep starting new projects why do you do this.
Happy sunshine but you have a LOT of mood swings like that shit comes out of nowhere.
Cry pretty often but no one ever sees and it’s usually because of said mood swings.
You always smile and pick yourself up again though which I commend you for.
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unsettledink · 3 years
Instead of thirty asks:
So @the-faultofdaedalus had a bunch of posts about ABO and genetics and how things might be able to function and ending up with some really interesting stuff about types beyond alpha/beta/omega (which I will totally end up playing with in a fic at some point because COOL).
And that sparked off a bunch of ABO related thoughts in my head. A... bunch. So I'm putting them all in one hopefully easy to ignore post if you are not into ABO at all. It's probably a little disjointed – none of this is stuff I've thought at length about, just sort of gone BUT WHAT IF??? I tend to veer more into the societal stuff because I know nothing about genetics and if I spend too long thinking about world details I never get anything written, BUT I STILL THINK THEM.
Interestingly enough I used to not be into it much? And I think I'm still not into the older classic stuff – I will literally run from anything that had mpreg in it 99% of the time. I also get really annoyed at the tendency to always make characters of certain builds/ages/attitudes one type.
But I really, really like ABO because of all the opportunities. So many! It's one of those things where you can go as much or as little into the worldbuilding as you want, in pretty much any direction. I think that's just so cool. Pretty much every single one of my ABO's has been a different 'type' of ABO (oh shit how many are there anyway? 10?? Well fuck.).
A lot of this may make even less sense if you haven't read their posts because it's in re: to things they bring up. Also how much do I miss LJ and threaded comments right now? An obscene amount.
Thoughts more along the 'shit genetics can do' side and as you go down they slide more into the cultural/social/mind fuckery stuff:
(Also I know very very little about anything re: genetics.)
what if there's some sort of pattern/color type thing, like color morphs in reptiles, or heat sensitive color points like in cats and such?
uhhh I don't remember if it's like, lizards or fish or something, but the ones that change sex if there isn't enough of the type needed? What if that's a thing certain subtypes could do? Would it be controllable to any degree, or makes things wild in terms of types associating with each other? On the horror end, what if it's something that can be forced?
Hair? Facial hair things?? Body hair things??? Pattern baldness and the like????
ok yes so classic ABO = canine traits. And I've totally seen some different takes but I always want more. What about feline based? Or reptile? Or bird?? Some kind of insect hive/colony type thing????
WHAT IF SOME TYPES FLOURESCE?? and only certain other types can see it and I just find the idea of distinct type markers that only a percentage of the population can see really fascinating. Underground clubs with lights so everyone can see, testing people by shining a light on them, people faking it...
P H O T O S Y N T H E S I Z I N G??? Look I don't know there wasn't much thought associated with that. But like, we already have huge problems when we don't get enough sun, what if it was something even more dramatic and literal? Anyone seen Farscape?
Re: terrible cooks – what if some subtypes straight up can't taste a whole 'taste'? Like – don't have sweet receptors and have all kinds of issues with 'normal' food and wf is up with the other subtypes and their love of desserts??
they also touched on it briefly but seriously, all the even crazier food intolerances and allergies and things that would just be utterly toxic to one group?
re: two nips=1 bb, what if there are large litters but there's something more like an insect hive structure? Or 'pack' communal type thing, a good family has an omega + alpha + other, omega has the litter and the non alpha is able to nurse as well??
POUCHES. Marsupial style or seahorse. Just. Pouches.
multiple sperm donors in one litter and the possibility of not even knowing it, some sort of shenanigans with what types can get who pregnant and carryover from who they had sex with before the person pregnant and people doing this intentionally as a sort of surrogacy thing even?
Literal eggs?? EGGS?? soft shell eggs???
why are omegas so frequently the tiiiiiny ones? (I mean I know why and I don't like it.) But aren't most young bearing larger than males? If omega is for babies, then shouldn't they be built for it? And how might that affect subtypes?
advantages/disadvantages physically due to genetics and 'hidden' beta typing in regard to sports or fine motor skills or art (seeing/hearing more/less than other types?)
maybe the 'alpha voice' stuff could be attributed to some types able to hear different frequencies or tones/sub harmonics or/and alphas/maybe a type betas being able to produce different sounds and why? Vocal cord stuff????
seeing further into either end of the spectrum for certain types? Something creepy advantage heat and fertility/pregnancy related, being able to look and *know* and how that's changed in more modern times – could it be a career? Considered super rude? Hipaa violation?
re: leftover traits – things like third eyelids or shiny at night eye thing for certain types and various cosmetic alterations as those things go in and out of vogue
re: medical variation like blood typing – organs not being compatible or even in different places due to wtf omegas have going on in there
re: dogs are horror to wolves – what if even the nulls are NOT HUMAN. There actually are just like true standard humans and like, aside from genetically there's next to no difference between them and nulls though it's more visible differences with standard vs a/o? Something about the purpose behind omegas because they are the only link that can properly/safely interbreed and/or produce non sterile offspring? Or maybe standard and a/b can mate but they only produce nulls or standards or sterile like mules??
what if a/o ISN'T rare? If that's the norm and betas are the rare ones and sort of seen as residual hanger ons since they don't have whatever advantages omegas/alphas have? After all, what advantage does a beta have over an omega? The societal aspect of risk if all can interbreed and like, does an a risk mating with a b and risk having a null? Or knowing they can only have a b?
Trickier and could come off really poorly, but how might being trans function with so many types and the additional divide of sex/gender/secondary sex? What the hell might hormone therapy or surgery or transition in a scent based society be like??
and intersex? Like especially if you've got limited grasp on genetics and then you have these typed betas who aren't recognized that way, what about the people who don't fit even on that spectrum?
and sexual identities! The possibility of like, some groups being much more likely to lean in one direction or another and some of it due to not understood sub beta types and that complexity. Just the complexity of interest at all with a whole third factor added in!
horror aspect if m/f can be determined before birth but not a/b/o status, if there are actual environmental factors like TSD that could change that and people trying to ensure they have x type? All omegas are allergic to peppermint so if you eat peppermint your whole pregnancy you won't have an omega or some shit. Does an of it work or is it all old wives tales? D: D: D: D: (as much as I really prefer to write ABO's where things are more equal because of it, I read a lot more of the uglier verses where everything is worse)
Bonding???? how could it be an actual physical genetic thing and the differences across types and who can bond with who and why and are only certain types able to initiate/accept it and the whole fascinating culture stuff from THAT
and then the bonds that are of the mental type, either some sort of emotion/pain/thought sensing that's limited or full on sharing, how each type could differ and maybe only certain types could be broken or certain types are able to have them with multiple people/types??
formation of bonds and what environmental factors exist and what genetic and things like forcibly separating before x amount of time is tantamount to torture or ruining a bond that can't be fully stable/broken and fixed?
the scent stuff – beyond the whole 'smell like strawberries/whatever' the stuff about smelling emotional states and types that are able to smell that or not, hormonal based scent changes are super common but also one of the slightly more plausible things? Are certain types with sensitivities to different types of smells prone to go into certain fields because of it?
More scent stuff – things about your scents that are influenced by origin/area growing up in. that you can acquire a 'type' or base of scent that is hard to get rid of or change for a lot of people and is often obvious but indistinct. Like accents? And then the people who are REALLY GOOD at changing it.
i fucking love the typed jewelry trope (lol hit me up for a whole other post JUST about that) and even more when it's not just 'pretty showing off socially' but actually has some sort of biological effect but then why? Weird metal imbalance lol? Typed betas more vulnerable to that as well as full types and cultural stuff about that?
wtf family groups I mean. Possibilities of more than two genetic donors and paternity and custody and filling out demographic info on forms ahahahaha oh god
the whole more sensitive to smells – the hilarity of like, sending strongly scented flowers to an omega as an insult. To one type, that floral delivery is romantic, to another it's a giant 'fuck you' from an ex.
Yes I might have a problem ok.
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can you do a mina x fem reader about the reader having a crush on mina but mina doesn’t know that the reader has a crush on her. also can you add the bakusquad just like a lot lol.
Gals Being Pals [Mina Ashido x Fem!Reader]
A/N: Here you go anon! I had a lot of fun writing this. Hope you enjoy!
Word Count: 2,532
Request: Yes
Warnings: Swearing
“Hi, Mina-chan! I bought this charm for you. I saw it yesterday and it reminded me of you.”
“God, that’s just pitiful,” Bakugou muttered, watching the interaction between the two girls from his seat.
“I get what you mean, she’s too obvious.” Kirishima chimed in.
“It’s a shame Mina-chan is so oblivious,” Sero said.
Just then, Kaminari walked up to them.”What’re you guys talking about?”
“Just (L/N)-chan’s poor attempt at flirting,” Sero replied.
“(L/N)-chan? With who?” 
“Are you that fucking dense? With Pinky over there, duh.” Bakugou said.
There was a moment where Kaminari looked blankly at them, as he processed the information.
“Wait, what?!” He exclaimed, drawing the looks of his classmates. Sheepishly, he closed his mouth and leaned in closer to talk more quietly. “(L/N)-chan likes Mina-chan? No wonder she blew me off.”
“That’s every girl, Kaminari-kun.” Sero snickered as Kaminari glared at him.
“Hey, I’ve got an idea!” Kirishima suddenly said, “We should help (L/N)-chan confess to Mina.”
Bakugou groaned, “No fucking thanks. I’ll pass.”
“C’mon, we can’t call ourselves men if we don’t help out a friend.” He insisted.
“Eh, I’m in.” Sero shrugged.
“Me too. After all, I’m a hit with the girls.” Kaminari said smugly with a smirk.
Kirishima grinned, “Great! So that’s all of us!”
“Oi, when did I agree-” Bakugou was cut off by Kirishima.
“We should talk to her after class.”
“Hey! When the hell-” Bakugou was cut off, again, as the bell rang, signalling that their break was over. The rest of the boys went back to their seats, ready to help (Y/N).
As (Y/N) was walking down the hallway to the dorms, she felt a hand grab her by the arm and pull her aside. She turned and saw Kirishima, Kaminari, and Sero there.
“Uhh, hi?” She said, not knowing why they needed her.
Kirishima spoke first, “(L/N)-chan, we decided to help you with your problem.”
“My problem?” She furrowed her eyebrows.
“You know, your Mina-chan problem.” Sero elaborated.
(Y/N)’s eyes widened as she understood what they meant. A blush spread across her face. She groaned, “Is it that obvious?’
The boys made sounds of confirmation.
“Luckily for you, with our help, you’ll have Mina-chan’s heart in no time,” Kaminari said.
She raised an eyebrow, “No offence, but I think that’d slim down my chances with her.”
“Aw come on, don’t say that! I’ve known Mina for a long time, we can definitely help! At least try our way, you’ve already tried yours.” Kirishima insisted.
(Y/N) thought about it for a moment. He did have a point. She’s been trying to drop hints to Mina for a while, but they didn’t seem to be working. She would have confessed if Mina had at least given her some sign that she liked her back as more than a friend.
She sighed, “Well, what the hell? Let’s do it.” 
The boys grinned amongst themselves.
“So what’s the plan?” (Y/N) asked.
“And you’re sure Mina-chan will like this?” (Y/N) asked for the tenth time that day. Today, Kaminari had given her two tickets for a movie that came out. His plan was for (Y/N) to take Mina to see the newest romance movie.
“Positive! No girl can resist a good romance. And it’ll be great for setting the mood between the two of you.” He wiggled his eyebrows at her.
“...Alright.” She said, skeptically. “I’ll go ask her.”
“Good luck!” He called after her.
(Y/N) knocked on Mina’s dorm room. After a moment, Mina opened her door.
“Oh, hey (Y/N)-chan! Did you need something?”  
“Hi Mina-chan, I just wanted to ask if you wanted to go to the movies with me.”
Mina’s eyes sparkled, “Oh my gosh, yes! What should we see? As long as it’s not romance.” She made a disgusted face. “Blegh! I’ve actually wanted to see that new alien horror movie.”
(Y/N) started sweating, “O-oh well you’re in luck! I got tickets for that one!” She lied.
“Really?! When? Oh, I can’t wait!”
“Me neither.” (Y/N) laughed nervously.
“Well?” Kaminari asked as she came in. Sero and Kirishima looked at her expectantly. 
“She hates romance movies! I panicked and told her I’ve got tickets for that alien horror movie.” She groaned.
“That’s still good, though! You’re going to the movies with her.” Sero said.
“Yeah! That’s even better. She’ll get so scared she’ll come to you for comfort.” Kaminari grinned.
“And don’t worry about the tickets, we’ll cover them for you!” Kirishima said.
The night of the movie had arrived. (Y/N) and Mina had left together. The entire way there, Mina wouldn’t stop talking about how excited she was for this movie. It made (Y/N) smile, as she watched Mina go on and on about it. A soft blush on her face.
Once they were inside, Mina turned to her.
“(Y/N)-chan, do you want to get seats while I get snacks?” Mina asked.
“Sure!” As (Y/N) made her way to the theatre room, she heard her name being called.
“Pssst, (L/N)-chan. Over here!” 
Looking around, she saw someone waving at her. Rather, three someones. The boys were there, dressed in the worst disguises she’d ever seen. All three of them were wearing trenchcoats and hats. They could not have looked more out of place.
“What the hell are you guys doing here? And why are you all dressed like that?” She asked.
“We just wanted to see how things would go,” Kirishima said.
“Don’t worry (L/N)-chan, we’ll be seated way behind you,” Sero added.
“That actually makes me worry even more,” She glanced at where Mina was. Seeing her already ordering snacks, she turned to the guys. “I have to get going. Please don’t be any more obvious than you already are.”
She went inside the theatre.
“We should follow in after Mina-chan joins (L/N)-chan, then we-” Kirishima was interrupted by a familiar voice.
“What the fuck?” They turned around to see Bakugou there, staring at them in confusion.
“Oh! Bakugou-kun! Are you here to spy on Mina-chan and (L/N)-chan too?” Kaminari asked.
Bakugou gave them a look, “Like hell I am, I’m just here to see a movie.”
“That’s perfect, we can all go in!” Kirishima said
“Fuck no, I’m not gonna-”
“Come on, the movie will start soon!” Kirishima dragged Bakugou, who was protesting, and the rest into the theatre.
The boys sat a few seats behind (Y/N) and Mina, and quieted down as the movie began.
(Y/N)’s heart was pounding in her ears. Her legs felt weak. The movie had ended, and it was the most terrifying, disturbing, gruesome movie she had ever seen in her life. She was petrified of going to sleep tonight, knowing she’d have nightmares.
“Wow! Wasn’t that movie great, (Y/N)-chan?” 
All (Y/N) could do was nod as she couldn’t bring herself to speak. Mina got up while talking about the movie, and (Y/N) shakily followed.
She didn’t even acknowledge the boys as she passed them.
Kirishima, Kaminari, and Sero all sat stunned. The color drained completely from their faces. 
“What a boring movie.” Bakugou said.
The three of them looked at him incredulously.
“Maybe we should try something simpler. Why don’t you try these?” Sero said the next day. In his hand, he had a beautiful bouquet of flowers. All of them were pink. An intricate bow that Sero had made held them together.
“Ohh, good idea, Sero-kun!” Kaminari said, “Simple, but effective. Once you hand them to her, it’ll be a good time to confess.”
(Y/N) took the bouquet from Sero and smiled, “That’s actually a pretty good idea! These flowers are beautiful, I’m sure she’ll love them. I’ll go find her.”
(Y/N) found Mina in the living room watching TV. Thankfully, she was alone as it was the weekend and everyone wanted to go out and do their own things. It was the perfect opportunity for (Y/N). She took a deep breath and made her way towards Mina.
“Hey, Mina-chan!” She greeted her with a smile.
Mina looked back at her and returned the smile, “Hey (Y/N)-chan! What’s up?”
(Y/N) held out the bouquet for Mina, “I actually brought these for you.”
Mina blinked in surprise before a smile spread on her face, “Wow, these are so pretty! Thank you!” She brought the bouquet to her face and took a big sniff out of it.
(Y/N) smiled. Things were going smoothly.
“Mina-chan, there’s something I want to tell y-”
“(Y/N)-chan, sorry to interrupt but-” Mina sneezed, “Do you know if there are chrysanthemums in this?” 
(Y/N) frowned in concern, “I’m not sure, why?”
Mina sneezed again, and (Y/N) saw that her skin had red blotches and that her eyes started swelling.
“I’m just really, really allergic to chrysanthemums.”
“What?!” In a frenzy, (Y/N) took the bouquet from Mina, opened the door that led to the outside and threw it as far away as she could. 
She ran back to Mina’s side and gasped. “Oh no! Mina-chan!”
Mina’s eyes were completely swollen shut and watery. Her nose was runny and she kept sneezing uncontrollably. 
“Come on, I’ll take you to the nurse’s!” (Y/N) said and took Mina’s hand, leading the way.
(Y/N) sat in her room. The boys were there, too. Mina had been given allergy medication which had made her sleepy, she was currently resting in her room.
“Well, that was a major disaster,” She sighed.
“Yeah, sorry about that, (Y/N)-chan. I had no idea.” Sero apologized.
“It’s fine, it wasn’t your fault.”
“So, what should we do now,” Kaminari asked.
Everyone stayed quiet. Nothing seemed to come to them. (Y/N) was about to tell them that maybe they should call it quits when Kirishima suddenly clapped his hands.
“That’s it!” He said.
They all looked at him in confusion.
“What’s it?” (Y/N) asked.
“Natto! Mina-chan’s favorite food!” He grinned. “We can make some for her! She mentioned she hasn’t had homemade natto in a while. It’s perfect!”
(Y/N) frowned. “Are you sure about that?”
Kirishima nodded, “I’m sure! Nothing can go wrong with this one.”
“Kirishima-kun is right. That’ll show that you care and have been paying attention to her.” Kaminari said.
(Y/N) thought for a moment, “Well… I suppose we can try it. But if that doesn’t work, then we stop.”
“No problem!” Kirishima told her.
“So… who knows how to make natto,” Sero asked.
This question brought on another wave of silence.
“Wait, I think I know who does.” Kirishima grinned.
“How many times do I have to tell you?! Fuck no!” Bakugou said as he stared at the three guys in front of his bedroom door.
“Aww c’mon Bakugou-kun,” Kirishima begged. They had been at this for a while now.
“Why the hell should I?” He said, “I never agreed to this.”
“Because you care about your friends and want to see them happy together?” Kaminari suggested, hopefully.
“Hah! I couldn’t care less about that,” Bakugou slammed his bedroom door in their faces.
“Ugh, now what?” Kaminari asked.
“Hang on, I have an idea.” Sero suddenly said. Then, in a loud voice, he said, “Oh well! Let’s go, guys. I knew Bakugou-kun couldn’t handle the task.”
Kirishima and Kaminari quickly caught on.
“Yeah, should’ve known Bakugou-kun would be too scared to cook,” Kaminari smirked.
“I bet he doesn’t even know how to make natto,” Kirishima joined in.
Right on cue, Bakugou’s door slammed open.
“What the hell did you just say?!” He seethed, “I can make the best goddamn natto you’d ever have!”
“Prove it, then,” Sero said.
“I fucking will!” He pushed his way past them, heading towards the kitchen.
“Here are all the ingredients, Bakugou-kun,” (Y/N) said as she laid down the bag of groceries. She’d been surprised when the guys had told her that Bakugou agreed to help. They’d told her that they’d watch out for Mina while the two of them were in the kitchen. Bakugou had asked (demanded) her to get some ingredients they’d need for the recipe. They were ready to start now.
“Good. Now pay close attention, cause I’m not repeating myself,” He said.
(Y/N) nodded.
For the most part, all they did was wait while the beans boiled for hours. Once they were done boiling, however, was when things got more complicated. (Y/N) had no idea how specific you had to be when making natto. They set the natto in the oven. All they had to do was wait now.
(Y/N) made her way to Mina’s room. The natto had come out perfectly (at least, that’s what Bakugou said) and the boys had made sure that Mina was in her room before giving (Y/N) the ‘ok’. 
She took a deep breath and knocked on Mina’s door. She prayed that there wouldn’t be another mishap. 
Mina opened the door.
“Mina-chan, hey. I have something for you. It’s more or less an apology for the flowers.” She said sheepishly and held out the container, “It’s natto. Um, you do like it, right?”
Mina smiled widely, “(Y/N)-chan, I LOVE natto! It must’ve taken you forever to make it, you really didn’t have to go through all that. But thank you, you’re a really good friend!”
(Y/N)’s smile dropped. Seriously? Friend? Was that all Mina would ever think of her? (Y/N) was waiting for a sign that Mina liked her, at least somewhat. But it seems like Mina was really dense.
“Actually, Mina-chan, there’s something I want to tell you,” Mina looked at her, waiting for her to continue. 
“I really like you, as more than a friend.” She finally, finally got it out. Her heart was pounding as she waited for Mina’s reaction.
“Oh, I knew that,” Mina said nonchalantly
(Y/N) blinked.
“What?!” She exclaimed.
“WHAT?!” They turned to see the boys in Kirishima’s room across the hall. They seemed to have been spying on them.
Mina laughed, “Yeah, I knew the whole time. I mean, it was pretty obvious.”
(Y/N) stuttered, “But-but, then why?!”
“Hmm, it’s gonna sound a little mean, but I just really wanted to hear you confess.” She grinned. “Plus it was pretty funny seeing the guys trying to help you.”
(Y/N) was stunned as she processed all of this. 
She groaned, “Mina-chaaaan!”
“Sorry, sorry! I know it was a bit mean! But I like you, too. And thanks again for the natto.”
Mina laughed at (Y/N)’s pouting face.
“Come on, don’t be like that! How about this?” She leaned in and gave (Y/N) a quick peck on the lips. 
(Y/N) blushed, a smile forming on her face. “Fine, I forgive you.” (Y/N) turned to the guys again, “Hey, thanks for helping me out guys!”
All they could manage to do was stare before they all smiled at the two girls.
Could’ve been worse, they thought.
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runfast-runfar · 5 years
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Saturday things ✨
✨ hey guys, long time no update! Things have been a bit hectic and overwhelming but ultimately I’ve been alright!
✨ some catch up for those who care (lol), I’ve had a slew of health things come up this summer, and they haven’t really stopped quite yet. I was getting TONS of bug bites for like all of June and July and it’s eased up now, but that caused a number of side effects. And then this month I developed a rash on my neck and it spreads to my chest and no one really could give me answers. First it was a heat rash (made sense because of the heat wave!), then it was eczema, then it was rosacea.. like nothing definitive which honestly gives me anxiety not knowing what it is exactly. I ended up going to this holistic sort of voodoo doctor last week (it was interesting but also really did have a big affect on my anxiety being lessened) and I spoke to him about these little red freckles I’ve been getting which appeared shortly after the rash. He thinks it’s a lack of chlorophyll foods in my diet which can cause your liver to have to overwork/heat up which then in turn can cause tiny little capillaries and vessels to break (these red pen mark freckles). He also mentioned thinking I have an allergy to something after seeing the rash and hearing the symptoms. So my mom and I went grocery shopping yesterday and picked up some new stuff to change up my diet a bit. I’m switching over to gluten free breads for now as the doctor said to try and limit wheat and dairy (no problem there lol). And then eat chlorophyll and vitamin C rich foods and in 4-5 days see how that helps.
✨ so last night I had steamed teriyaki tofu with sautéed kale, mushrooms and onions, and a side of steamed broccoli for dinner.
✨ and then we moved on to today lol!
✨ woke up at 8! Which is nice seeing as I was asleep in bed by 10! Made coffee and then breakfast! Gf cinnamon raisin bread (which is not bad at all!) with earth balance, and then an orange 🍊
✨ now I’m sitting in bed doing the homework I’ve put off all week 🤦🏻‍♀️ for most of today! I’m going to go on a run later but apart from that no plans!
✨ my brother bought me overalls from his work and I’ve been living in them lol!
✨ apart from the health stuff and really bad anxiety, life’s been okay! My anxiety has gotten really difficult to manage, and it’s manifested in this fear of something being medically wrong (maybe it started bc of all the bug bites I initially got!) and it’s just hard to manage. But I’m trying my best.
One of the doctors did say rosacea flares up during times of stress, or anxiety and so she thinks my anxiety, bc it’s been so heightened and bad, could be the cause for a lot of these skin symptoms. But there’s so many different things being thrown around it’s hard to know what to think which then ironically makes my anxiety worse. Ugh.
✨ anyways, gotta do this homework, talk to you guys later!
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purplesurveys · 5 years
A health survey. Must be fun.
What health problems do you have right now? Well my back is a bitch 24/7; my joints hurt when it gets cold; I have scoliosis; and mentally speaking I’m not very stable either. I sound 60. Are you in chronic pain? Never been diagnosed with such, no. What do you take medications for? I don’t. I probably need to, but the state of mental health care in the Philippines is just so inaccessible: it’s expensive, available services are few and far between, and anyone younger than 21 needs to get written consent from their parents, which can be difficult if someone’s parents don’t actually believe in mental health issues. There is a lot of work to be done. What are some health issues you have had in the past? My lactose intolerance was a problem when I was an infant. My family didn’t know I had it, so they kept panicking when I would just poop out all the milk they fed me all day and when my stomach would end up storing nothing. It got critical and I had to be sent to the hospital, but it turned out well after. Do you have allergies? Nope. Free to eat and be in contact with anything.
If so, what are you allergic to? Have you ever been to an allergist? No, never had to. Have you ever been to the ER? Mmm nope, never been in an emergency situation. Have you ever been treated poorly in the ER? Have you ever been told your symptoms were anxiety, when they weren't? I haven’t been tested for that. When I was doing my health exam for university though, they did review my mental health and suspected me of having depression, but they didn’t declare symptoms or formally diagnose me or anything. What is the most physically painful thing you've ever experienced? Probably scraping and kicking my feet against coral reefs when I went snorkeling back in ‘09. I had no flippers and I was panicking (I wasn’t used to using the snorkeling mask to breathe) so I was thrashing my legs around in the water. I knew I was hitting the coral reefs and they were fucking sharp, but I was panicking so I powered through even though it meant I had to hit them every time I kicked. It was painful while I was swimming and even more painful in the weeks that followed. It was the worst infected wound I’ve ever had. Just imagine kicking a razor-sharp boulder with your bare feet. How many surgeries have you had? Zero. I hope I never need any, the thought of surgery terrifies me. What types of surgery have you had? Have you always recovered well from surgery? Have you ever been treated poorly by a doctor? YES!!! The ones in my university’s health service are horrible. Case in point, my health exam for admission to UP: I know it’s part of a doctor’s job, but the doctor assigned to me back then touched my breasts very hastily to check for suspicious bumps. It would have helped tons if 1) she gave me a heads-up beforehand and 2) asked permission, but this lady just told me to lie down and went ahead to stick her hand under my shirt. As someone who had only been fresh out of Catholic school at that point, it was the perfect opportunity to panic. Same doctor was the one who suspected I was depressed after reviewing my mental health form, but instead of being helpful she DEMANDED reasons why I felt that way. I was already uncomfortable with the boob incident by then and was too stunned to speak, so I just kept saying I was fine and that I was mentally stable. In reality I just wanted to get out from that nasty old bitch. Have you ever had a doctor tried to kill you? Oh well that’s just taking it a million times further. No. Is your primary care doctor a man or a woman? I don’t have one. Have you had the same primary care doctor your whole life? We don’t have a family doctor. Are you happy with your current doctor? Have you ever seen a specialist for anything? X-ray technicians. I had trips to see them the most when we found out I had scoliosis.   What is the most itchiest thing you have ever experienced? I had weird rashes on my legs one time in high school, and since I was stubborn I kept scratching them until they turned into nasty black and blue wounds/bruises and cuts. I still have no idea where they came from. Have you ever had a severe itch, that you'd rate a 10? ^ That. On a scale of 1-10, what's the worst physical pain you've ever been in? The coral reef incident is an easy 20. Have you ever passed out from pain? Noooooo. Passing out from pain is one of my greatest fears. I avoid encountering anything painful as much as I can just because I’m scared of the thought of passing out because of pain. Have you ever thrown up from pain? Nope. Just from drinking and expired barbecue lmfao. Do you have any food intolerances? If so, to what? It’s not official, but I hate fruits. Like, I can immediately tell if something has fruit in it and I will spit it out accordingly. That and raisins. Do you have any food sensitivities? If so, to what? Nope. What medications are you allergic to? Do you have acne? A small pimple shows up every now and then (mostly when I’m stressed or if my face gets oily) but it’s never been a full-on breakout. I’ve been lucky when it comes to acne. Do you take birth control pills? I don’t. I want to take them just because I heard it makes your breasts get bigger hahahahahaha but Gab is adamant about not letting me take them. Are your hormones screwed up? Mm no, they’re not that bad. Obviously they act up when I’m nearing or on my period e.g. cravings, crying all the time, being sensitive about everything, but not to the point that my period is irregular or gives me severe dysmenorrhea. Do you have bad withdrawals from medications? I don’t take meds to begin with. What are some withdrawal symptoms you've had? What are some bad side effects of medications that you've had? Have you ever gained weight from a medication? If so, how much? Have you ever had to take Prednisone? Never even heard of it. If so, did it make you gain weight and make your face puff up? Looks like I’m skipping lots of questions. How many hours a sleep do you need? Don’t adults need 8 hours, in general? How many hours a sleep do you get? I try to make it to 8, but I’ve been really busy for this semester that it ends up being 5-7 hours instead. Do you exercise enough? I don’t at all, haaaaaaaaaaah. Do you eat healthy? I do like vegetables and will happily eat salads and sandwiches with veggies packed in them, but I tend to balance it out with grossly unhealthy food anyway, so you decide if this still counts as healthy. Are you on a special diet for your health? No, I don’t think I need to be. Are you trying to lose weight or gain weight? Gain, which I’m on the way to doing. I’m a little chubbier now compared to high school. Are you a healthy weight? I’m 90 lbs. the last time I checked. Relative to my height, that’s underweight. Are you happy with your weight? Sure, but gaining a few pounds wouldn’t hurt either. How often do you wash your hair? Everyday if I’m in school; every other day if I’m on summer break. Do you take showers or baths? Showers. How often do you shower or bathe? ^ Same thing. Do you take vitamins? If so, which ones? I used to take two vitamin syrups everyday when I was younger: one for vitamin C and the other to help me grow taller. When I got a little older my mom changed our usual syrups to these cute vitamin C gummy bears, then after a while I just stopped taking. What bones have you broken? Haven’t broken any, fortunately.  What's the worst physical injury you've had? Aside from my icky foot infection, I had a bad fall in school a few months ago and my ankle got sprained pretty bad. I don’t think I gave it A+ treatment so it never really fully healed. I know this because the same foot still hurts whenever it’s in an odd position or when I shift too much of my weight on it. Do you have sensitive skin? Yes. It eventually gets itchy when my skin is out in the open. In high school, I often had a hard time walking from point A to B because my skin would always get irritated, but I couldn’t scratch it because I was wearing a skirt. What chemicals make you sick? Toxic ones, I would assume? Haha. What time of year do you usually get sick? I never get sick. What's the highest fever you've ever had? 40ºC. It was a dengue scare. Have you ever had the flu? Sure, a few times here and there. Have you ever had bronchitis? Nope. Have you ever had an ear infection? I don’t remember having one. Do you snore? Only when I’m so tired that I’m 130% passed out. What pain reliever do you use for cramps? My menstrual cramps never get that bad. If you're female, what symptoms do you get when on your period? My pelvis area and legs hurt; I cry over everything; I’m sensitive when people are angry; I will essentially take everything personally; my cravings either change every 5 minutes or I just want one food and I will murder to get such craving; I get very poopy; and sometimes I’ll get very drowsy. Do you have regular periods? Pretty much, yes. Sometimes they’ll be a few days early or late but very rarely does it go completely irregular. Are you afraid of shots? Deathly afraid. Like I would do everything to avoid having to take them.  Have you ever donated blood? No. Even if I wanted to, I’m not allowed to (underweight). Plus you have to be pricked for that, which is a Huge No-No for me. Do you do well with shots? If I absolutely have to have a shot, I can manage albeit with a lot of fidgeting. What I’m terrible with is IV. I had a huge meltdown the one and only time I needed to have a needle injected onto my wrist. I was a 12 year old grown ass person thrashing around in the hospital room lol. What x-rays have you had? Just my spine. Have you ever gotten a pill or a piece of food stuck in your throat? Pill-stuck-in-throat sensation happens sometimes, but it’s never been anything serious. What method of birth control do you use, if applicable? Do you take birth control to control hormones, or to prevent pregnancy? As mentioned, I don’t take it. How often does your hair need to be washed? I don’t know about need, but I wash it everyday or every other day so that it doesn’t get oily, which feels irritating. What do you keep on hand for emergencies? I don’t really keep stuff for emergency, just money hahaha. Have you ever had a severe allergic reaction? Nopes. If so, what were your symptoms? Have you ever used an epi pen? I have not. Have you ever been to the ER for a severe allergic reaction? Negative. What's the worst burn you've ever had? When I was 7, I wanted to do something daring so I touched a clothes iron that was plugged in and was in use (by my grandma, but she left to attend to something at the time). My index finger rightfully had a tiny blister for the next two weeks. My dumbass definitely deserved it. What's the worst allergic reaction you've ever had? No allergies. Have you had any health-related embarrassing moments? I don’t think anything bad enough has happened yet. If so, what happened? (if you want to share) Do you use tampons or pads? Pads. I’m scared of tampons. Do you sweat a lot? I don’t, actually. I drink a lot of water, but I guess I just don’t sweat much. Do you get nosebleeds? I’ve never experienced a nosebleed and am also too scared to get one. Do you get motion sickness? Pretty easily, especially if I’m riding an unfamiliar car. Do you have acne? I get a pimple every now and then but it’s not a big issue. Do you have scars? Sure. There’s one on my fourth right toe and the other one on my left eyebrow. What are some of your scars from? Toe scar is from when my toes got stuck in my bike’s blades (something like that, anyway); eyebrow scar is from a stupid cousin smashing a small glass bottle towards my face. Do you have a birthmark? If so, what color is it? I have a brown one behind my left shoulder. I also have one near my elbow; it used to be blue/green but now it’s a faint black-ish shade. What makes your eyes itch? Uh, dirt? I also know if I’ve been spending too much time in front of the computer when my eyes start feeling irritated. That’s usually my signal to go to bed or to have a break. Are you ticklish? Very. I can’t be tickled on any part of my body. Do you have a sweet tooth? I have my moods, but overly sweet food isn’t really a favorite of mine. Do you ever crave chocolate? Never, actually. I can crave sweet stuff like brownies and cookies, but never chocolate bars. Do you ever crave cheese? No. Lactose intolerance makes me wary of cheese so I never really ~crave it. What else, if anything, do you get cravings for? I usually crave for cuisines in general or specific restaurants.  Do you drink enough water? Yeah I’m pretty sure I do. Do you comfort eat when stressed? It varies. Sometimes I’ll rely on eating, but other times I’ll lose my appetite and wouldn’t want to be anywhere near food. How old were you when you started your period? I was 9 but was about to turn 10. How old were you when you started going through puberty? I am guessing the same age when I had my period, but everything sped up only when I was 10/11. What was the first sign of puberty for you? ...My period? Did your hair change when you went through puberty? Hair started to grow in places, but as for changes, not really. At what time of day do you normally feel your best? I don’t really keep track lol. Are you naturally optimistic or pessimistic? Um both, depending on my mood for the day. It never stays constant. Are you naturally energetic? I’m naturally un-energetic. Looking at extroverts exhausts me. Does your mind wander a lot? Only when I’m bored at something, like in a certain class. I can generally focus well. Do you know your blood type? I don’t actually hah. Have you ever been taken to the hospital against your will? Nope. Any final thoughts? Cool survey. It’s different.
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simplysnuggly · 2 years
I called my doctor to refill my prescription a week ago. Still haven't gotten it filled, so I have been weening myself of this medication. It's not a major one, just my stomach pill. Omeprazole. But it has huge side effects in the long run, so this is my way to get off of it. It's crazy how doctors will prescribe you something they say you "need" and then never fill it when you ask. Gotta love the common sense they lack. I can definitely tell some of my symptoms are coming back from not taking the medication, but I am going to heal my body from the inside out, or outside in. Whichever way it works. Slowly eliminating toxic chemicals from my life and household as well helps with that process. From shampoos, to cleaners, to perfumes. It's all toxic and man made and none of it is good. Anywho, I've been working this year in trying to be healthier, by eating and trying to exercise more and lose weight. I'm still struggling, but I think I'm starting to understand more in my diet and eventually will learn what I can and can't eat. No processed foods, sugars, fried foods, fatty foods etc. Basically all that crappy junk that none of us need. We just choose to eat and drink it. If I put my mind to it, I will eventually heal myself and won't need medications for GERD, or medications for pain. I stopped taking ibuprofen and will only take Tylenol or Aspirin as needed. However with my fatty liver I'm not even suppose to be taking Tylenol, so that's my next elimination. It will be difficult at first I'm sure because of headaches etc, but there are so many different alternatives to pain meds I can use when having a headache. And that's what I will work on. Fixing the inflammation in my body from all the crappy toxins! Also I need to figure out how to deal with seasonal allergies because this crap is horrendous. LOL anywho, I'm gonna jet, and hop off here and play some animal crossing and maybe grab a snack. A healthy one of course! Until next time.
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“Guess who’s Back, Back Again?”
Sorry, I haven’t posted in a while guys! These last few weeks have been nutty. We all had a cold, my mother in law passed away unexpectedly, and then we had my husband’s birthday, our first anniversary and my birthday coming up. Phew!
Anyways, I wanted to share something with you guys that has made my life so much easier. You see, in August, I always get some kind of nasty sinus cold that annoys me for a couple of weeks.
This is usually me when that happens
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Every. Time! I never connected it to fall allergies until last year when I didn’t have it! So what was my secret to getting rid of those pesky allergies? Well, I’ll get to that in a minute. But first, some information. When I was younger and not so natural, I took Benedryl.
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Yeah… obviously Benadryl caused a hinderance in my productive capabilities and honestly, never really worked for that long for anything other than knocking me out when I wanted to finish watching a show and would wake up an hour later to a new show *sigh*.
So non drowsy it is! Surely Loratadine must be better right? Well, not exactly.
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Because antihistamines can cross the blood-brain barrier, most can cause some cognitive impairment.
"It is well established that a person can experience quantifiable antihistamine-induced impairment of memory, attention, reaction time, decisiveness, and psychomotor coordination without feeling sleepy or drowsy, according to Dr. Hindmarch, a speaker for Sanofi-Aventis, the manufacturer of Allegra
Studies: https://www.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/pmc/articles/PMC1118461/?fbclid=IwAR30nzQ1BYzsFv1yxLSTKKBt1gwiDZBS3_89Mlyexwvoan-eFHs-ar3lBu0 https://www.mdedge.com/dermatology/article/10460/atopic-dermatitis/most-antihistamines-cause-some-cognitive-impairment?fbclid=IwAR1XMDUcCExtchjS3GI0cBGFwO08s8rMTyXGNjOdBvLITKP5dYFpk3CPojQ&sso=true
Oh top of that
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Loratadine is an antihistamine that is used to treat allergy symptoms.
It is in common OTCs such as:
-Children's Claritin
-Walmart's “Equate” brand
Although studies are limited on the effects Loratadine can have in pregnancy/breastfeeding, the medication can be excreted into breastmilk. Side effects of Loratadine include:
-Dry mouth
-Sore throat
-Mouth sores
-Swelling of the eyes, face, lips, tongue, throat, hands, arms, feet, ankles, or lower legs
-Difficulty falling asleep or staying asleep
-Stomach pain
-Difficulty breathing or swallowing
There are many natural, safer alternatives for allergy relief. A lot of allergy symptoms can be cleared up just by improving diet and gut health, but even some natural allergy medications could have the potential to dry up breastmilk. As a breastfeeding mom, this was not okay for me. So what to do?
Enter, Sinus Saver and Xlear Nasal Spray!
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These things have worked like magic for me to get rid of my sinus troubles. I normally hate saline sprays, but Xlear is different. For one, the applicator is different, for another, it doesn’t taste like sea water. It actually contains xylitol which is compound to help block viral and bacterial contaminants from staying in the sinuses. I will never go back to regular nasal sprays again!
You can find it below
The other item is Sinus Saver. It is hand made with Organic Nettle Leaf, Organic Elderberries, Organic Turmeric Root, Organic Black Pepper, Organic Dandelion Root in a base of Organic Cane Alcohol or (new!) Organic Palm Glycerin and Filtered Water. Each herb us selected for a specific purpose:
Nettle Leaf
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Nettle oh nettle. This is one powerful, nutrient packed herb let me tell ya. It has anti-inflammatory properties and is a rich antioxidant as well as a diuretic.
A perfect spring herb full of nutritious vitamins and minerals (including being rich in iron and one of the few plant sources of vitamin D and protein) to help replenish the body after a long winter. Wait... We live in modern times. We have access to food and supplements all year long.
Well anyways, besides being the perfect multivitamin, this herb is phenomenal for uterine health especially in pregnancy.
It also is a great herb for supporting our lymphatic system, including our liver, kidneys, and digestive tract. This is very beneficial for those dealing with allergies, as sometimes the liver becomes overburdened with histamines and allergy symptoms often get prolonged because of this.
Needless to say, nettle is a perfect addition to our Sinus Saver!
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Packed full of antioxidants, vitamin c, anthocyanins, and quercetin, this is something you want to have often for sure! Especially living in quite a toxic world.
Did you know it helps open the sinuses? Hmm I wonder if that's why they added this to Sinus Saver? 😉
Shown to decrease the severity and length of colds and flus. Did you know Sinus Saver is great to have on hand for colds and flus? It’s a great immune modulator, reduces inflammation, and also purifies the blood.
Turmeric Root
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This herb is highly renowned for its anti-inflammatory benefits. It's even been studied and shown to alleviate pain associated with arthritis. Talk about powerful!
Another great herb for Sinus Saver thanks to it's ability to support the liver (the organ that can process excess histamines) and it's anti-inflammatory benefits helping alleviate congestion from allergy responses.
Black Pepper
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We added black pepper in Sinus Saver to help our other ingredient, turmeric, work even better. Not to mention it has some awesome benefits itself!
It is a powerful antioxidant. This means that it helps rid the body of free radicals.
It has anti-inflammatory properties. I think we all know what that means lol
Protects the liver from damage! Wow!
Aids in digestion, bonus!
Some other things black pepper can do? It had has anti-cancer, anti convulsive and antibacterial properties, supports memory and may aid in reduction of depression!
Dandelion Root
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This "weed" that is actually extremely beneficial. Imagine that haha! Once you read some of the benefits of dandelion you'll never want to kill these plants again. Well... hopefully!
One major benefit dandelions carry is being a powerful liver cleanser. It is often used in liver related tinctures and teas!
It's rich in vitamin K, great for those who need some. But it's good to know just incase someone happens to be on medications (such as blood thinners) that require them to avoid vitamin K heavy foods. It’s also rich in fiber and had anti cancer properties.
It can even increase breastmilk production for some women!
If you want some more information for naturally combating seasonal allergies, check out this FREE seasonal allergy guide!
You can find Sinus Saver here:
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