#But a guy can only juggle so much before he starts dropping all the balls
tswwwit · 5 months
When bill sees thru an eye does he switch from one to another like channels or can he see thru all of them at once and pick on which one he wants to focus on?
He can see through multiple eyes at once, though probably not ALL of his eyes at once. There's simply too many around to spread himself that thin! And of the ones he's currently using, he'll only pick a few to really focus on.
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thisapplepielife · 9 months
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Written for the @steddieholidaydrabbles December challenge.
Crumb Together
Prompt Day 27: Coffee Shop AU | Word Count: 1000 | Rating: T | CW: Language | Tags: Modern AU, Meet-Cute, Platonic Stobin, Coffee Shop/Bakery AU, Fluff, Steve POV
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Steve is carefully filling the bakery case. He's been here since three a.m., and it's still a half-hour until opening, but at least he's on time and not behind schedule for once. 
"Hey dingus, do we need more muffins?" Robin hollers, banging through the double-doors from the back to the front. 
"No, I have enough, thanks so much," he snaps. He's snippy this morning, pretty mad she ever talked him into this whole coffee shop scheme. Sure, they're retail pros, but small business owners? He should have said no fucking way. But she was excited, and he wanted her to be happy. That’s always his downfall.
He's definitely re-thinking that now that they’ve completely lost their social lives by keeping these insane working and sleeping schedules. They only see each other, which isn't the worst thing in the world, other than the fact that he doesn't know the last time he's touched boobies. Or dick. He's not picky. 
He needs to get laid, and he can’t do that stuck inside this coffee shop slash bakery hell with his best friend.
He's about to turn and sass her, when someone taps on the front door and he jumps, throwing a chocolate muffin up into the air, fumbling it around, before finally regaining control. 
He didn't drop it, but it looks a little worse for wear. He can't sell it like this. 
Well, fuck.
If he was a hired hand, he'd ignore the annoying tapper until the official opening time. Which is twenty-nine minutes from now. But as the owner, he puts down his tray and walks towards the door. They could use the paying customer, even if they’ve shown up way too early, like a rude asshole.
He looks, but he can't see anyone out there in the dark. Maybe he should ignore it.
He doesn't, instead he unlocks the door, and there's a guy standing there. 
"Hey, nice catch," the guy says, smiling. 
Steve forces a smile in return, "How can I help you?" 
"I know you're not open yet, but I saw you in there juggling the muffins, and I'm on my way out of town and really need a cup of coffee. My coffee maker decided this was the morning to croak," he says, slashing his whole hand across his neck, making a throat-slitting motion. 
He's rambling, like Robin.
Steve finds it a little cuter on him, than he does when Robin does it at this ungodly hour. 
Steve sighs, and opens the door wider to let him inside, "You just want black coffee?" 
"Please," the guy says. 
"I'll have to brew it. It'll just take a minute." 
"Thank you, you're a lifesaver," he says, and Steve can see that he's looking at Steve's chest, looking for a name tag. But Steve's not wearing one. Because as the owner, he finally doesn't have to. 
Robin is booting up the point-of-sale system, "Black coffee?" she repeats. 
The guy nods. 
"Eddie," the guy answers. 
"Good thing you asked him, I'd never know who to hand it to," Steve snarks at Robin, starting the coffee machine.
Eddie laughs.
Robin doesn't.
When it's done, Steve places the cup on the counter, and Robin immediately picks it up and writes Eddie's name on it. 
Which, that's stupid. They all know it's Eddie's coffee. Then, Robin sacks up the slightly banged up muffin and hands it to Eddie.
"You scared him and caused him to squish it. So, it's yours. On the house!" she says, far too chipper for this time of morning. 
"Thanks, I'll try to drop by and scare him more often," Eddie says, reading his name on his cup, grinning. Then Eddie slides a ten dollar bill across the counter, waving off his change. 
As soon as the bell on the door jangles, signaling Eddie's departure, Robin turns and slaps Steve on the arm. 
"What the hell? That cute boy wanted to flirt, and you totally dropped the ball, dingus!" 
Steve scrunches up his forehead, "Huh?"
Robin just shakes her head, annoyed, and heads back towards the kitchen.
Is Steve so rusty that he missed flirting? Goddamnit. 
Steve has just turned the front door lock, and flipped the sign to closed, when he hears his cell phone ringing somewhere in the distance. He follows the sound, and when he picks it up, it's a number he doesn't recognize. Great. More telemarketer bullshit. 
He goes to swipe the decline button, when Robin shouts, "You better get that!"
He looks back at his phone and cautiously accepts the call, not knowing what the hell she's done now.
"Is this Steve? From the coffee shop?"
"Yeah, this is Steve," Steve says, suspicious. He has no idea who he's talking to.
"Good, good. This is Eddie. From this morning. The coffee jerk that made you open early."
"Oh, uh, okay. Um…"
"How did I get this number?" Eddie asks, laughing.
"Yeah, that was what I was thinking," Steve admits.
"Well, somehow it ended up written on my coffee cup this morning, with your name and a time to call."
Steve shakes his head, Robin is such an asshole, but Steve smiles.
"Well, I'm not sure how that happened," Steve says, teasing back. Flirting. 
"Big mystery," Eddie teases, "but since I've got you on the phone, would you like to grab dinner or drinks. Coffee?"
"No coffee," Steve laughs, "but yes. To the other two, for sure. But be forewarned, I eat really early. Like an old person. Early bird specials are my jam. And I go to bed by nine. Eight-thirty if I can get away with it. I gotta be here by three to get ready to open this place."
He's learned to get that info out of the way, early. 
"Well, that sounds perfect. I get up at four to get to my jobsite. I'm in construction," Eddie says.
Steve smiles, it's been a while since anyone has understood his schedule.
"So, dinner? Four-thirty or five?" Eddie asks, and Steve laughs.
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If you want to write your own, or see more entries for this challenge, pop on over to @steddieholidaydrabbles and follow along with the fun! ☕
If you want to see more of my entries into this month-long challenge, you can check them out in my Steddie Holiday Drabbles tag, right here!
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anoant-haikyuu-dump · 2 months
Assorted Nekoma Headcanons that I've collected throughout the week
Tora and Tanaka have the most competitive games of iMessage 8-ball, they play before practice and it gets so heated that people in their respective locker rooms start crowding around to watch (more for their reactions than the actual game). Eventually the first years start placing bets, Teshiro typically wins while Lev always loses.
Kenma and Fukunaga are roomates in college and Kenma always returns from class to something baffling going on. Fukunaga's cooking full-course meals on his bed with nothing but a rice cooker, he's teaching himself to juggle, one day Kenma comes back and their room has been turned into a giant ball pit. Fukunaga never acknowleges any of it and Kenma gets used to it by their second semester— he can't even complain cause he stays up till 5am every night on his PC.
This is also around the time Kenma starts streaming. Fukunaga appears in the bg sometimes as Kodzuken's mysterious roommate who brings him food, they love him cause its the only thing keeping Kenma from a diet of instant ramen and hot pockets (how is this guy making restaurant-level flank steak in a dorm?? Is that a whole lobster what the fuck?). Both of them end up dropping out, Kenma because his streaming career started to take off and Fukunaga to pursue comedy
Kuroo loves team bonding exercises and is always planning weekend trips or activities to do before practice. One day he makes them do trust falls and Yaku gets paired with Lev, who doesn't announce when he's gonna fall and crushes the poor dude. Cue the arguing.
Sometimes they do board game night at Kuroo's house. Kenma almost always wins (sometimes Teshiro or Kai sneak one in) and Tora usually ends up flipping the board.
Tora sees Lev doing push ups with Yaku on his back and insists that he can do that too. He gets Fukunaga to help but fails to realize that Fukunaga is significantly bigger than Yaku. He pulls it off but is winded during warm-ups and Kuroo tells him off.
Since Kai becomes an arbourist I think he'd help out with the school garden. He brings bouquets on people's birthdays and other special occasions, and he takes care of a mini bonsai tree in the club room that they've dubbed an honorary teammate
Tora is super reckless with bets, Shibayama and Inuoka have learned to take advantage of this. They've won a lot of food.
Fukunaga is captain in their 3rd year for a similar reason to Yamaguchi— he's the only one of the three who can manage the other two. If Tora or Kenma was captain the other wouldn't listen, plus Kenma wouldn't take up a roll with so much responsibillity and Tora would get into fights with the refs. Tora is vice captain and does most of the yelling. When Fukunaga needs to get someone's attention/shut them up he just spikes balls at them with his perfect aim (or pulls out the ole water bucket).
Teshiro's the captain for the first years with Inuoka as vice and Lev as the ace
Shibayama is sorta nosy and goes to Kai for his gossip cause Kai sees all.
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hotwings0203 · 3 years
Bro could you IMAGINE FightClub!Bakugo?
Tw:noncon, language, harassment
Okay okay get this: you’re down in the basement listening to the usual men holler and punch each other around while you do your job as their cute little “accountant”. While many of them have good jobs and a real life, the actual members don’t have time or the intellect to juggle the numbers and money around as fast as you can. You’ve been coming here for a while now, and you’re used to the jeers and wolf-whistles coming your way since you’re basically one of the few or only women who dare to come down here.
But there’s one fighter who just can’t seem to take no for an answer.
Bakugo fucking Katsuki.
The man is ruthless, he’s relentless, he’s a force to be reckoned with on the battlefield. You swear he’s had to have taken a shitload of steroids in his youth, otherwise how else could he have built up that much muscle? There’s no way an average gym-goer has that kinda build.
He’s always the first and the last one out in the rink, swaying back and forth with his fists up, a twisted grin on his face that was so reminiscent of a wolf before it lunges for its prey.
It usually took more than two men to pull him off the unconscious bodies that he had just beaten to a pulp, effectively breaking one of Fight Clubs Rules: get up when someone is down.
But he’s too good to let go, no one has the balls to tell him to take his money somewhere else since they’re all scared shitless of him.
Which leads him to believing that he’s practically a god down here, that he can conquer anything: including you.
No one really calls it harassment because no one really cares. What’s so wrong in a guy having a little crush? What, you came down here seeing all this testosterone but you can’t deal with it yourself? Don’t be a prudish bitch.
“Bakugo, I’m at work right now, I don’t want to.”
“C’mon toots, this ain’t even real work, you’re just fumblin’ my hard earned cash.” He grins slyly and crosses his bulging muscular arms, leaning against the doorway of the little office you’re given to work your magic.
You turn in your rickety seat and glare at him, ignoring the way he licks his lips and lets his eyes roam all over your body. “If I’m so shit at my work then go somewhere else and stop bothering me.”
He chuckles in his baritone voice and shakes his head at you. “Naw, can’t do that sweets. If I did then I’d never be able to see your pretty face again now, could I?” Bakugo leers at you and you turn your face in disgust.
“I don’t wanna go out for lunch, or ever with you. Now get out before I have to call someone in here.”
“Oh, is that so?” He uncrosses his arms and steps through the threshold, his body growing larger and more menacing as he slowly draws closer to you. Luckily a fight had broken out near the office months ago so there was no more door from the aftereffects, but that didn’t mean you felt safe even with open space.
“G-get out. I’m serious, Bakugo-“
“-Call me Katsuki, angel. And you don’t really mean that, do you? Look at you, you can barely look me in the eye when you say such mean things.” His voice drops an octave as he comes to stand in front of your seated form, towering above your wide eyes, clenched fists and trembling figure.
He leans down and you flinch and gasp as his breath ghosts over your face. He places both arms on either side of your chair so you have nowhere to look but him.
“You’re such a nice breath of fresh hair down here, through all the blood and violence. You’re like a flower...” he tucks a stray hair behind your ear and breaths out a laugh when you turn your head and squeeze your eyes shut.
“A flower, so fragile...a flower that smells so fucking good...” you feel like you can’t properly breathe as he leans in next to your ear and inhales deeply.
“A flower waiting to be deflowered herself.”
“What’s going on here?” A lanky body in the doorway appears.
Bakugo pulls back and turns his head ever so slightly towards the dude, growling under his breath at the interruption.
“We’re in the middle of something here, so you can just get the fuck ou-“
“-Well, it doesn’t really look like she’s into whatever you’re doing,” the man scoffs and takes in your pale face and shaking hands.
Bakugo stands to his fullest height, almost neck and neck with the man at the door.
“Yeah? I didn’t hear a complaint from her.” He cocks his head and stretches, allowing his muscles to ripple with each movement, something that didn’t go unseen by your much skinnier savior.
But he doesn’t back down. He only swallows and rubs the back of his neck.
“Well, we’re all being called out to put our bets in for the next match anyways, so you better come out before we get our asses kicked.”
The blond grumbles about weak men and no balls, then casts a dark look at your frozen figure before shouldering past the man at the door, almost knocking him down.
As soon as he’s out of your line of vision, you exhale and relax into your seat.
“You okay?” The fallen soldier scrambles back up and cautiously approaches you, looking over your body in a way that didn’t remind you of Bakugo undressing you with his eyes...rather, it was a protective, and worried once-over.
“Yeah, he’s just...a lot to handle sometimes. Doesn’t know when to quit.” You laugh shakily and run a hand through your hair.
“No wonder the dude’s a menace. He’s used to getting what he wants, I guess.” The man acknowledges this grimly, and for the first time you’re relieved that finally someone hasn’t turned a blind eye to your harassment.
“Are they really calling us down for bets?”
“No, I just said that to get him off your ass. Didn’t seem like you liked whatever he was doing.”
You give him a wobbly smile and he returns it.
“Sooo we should probably run before he comes back up here, right?”
“Oh most definitely,” you actually giggle before leaping out of your seat and joining the man to bound up the steps two at a time to freedom.
You both end up bonding pretty well over the weeks, even going out for coffee and lunch dates here and there. You’ve come to really like him, his shyer demeanor more than a majority of the ragtag men down in the basements, his chivalry refreshing to you amongst the blood and foul language thrown around the ring.
You feel like a woman with him, not some piece of ass like you were used to.
Bakugo noticed all this, of course. You started avidly avoiding him, ducking your head down and hiding behind your new ally before he could open his coarse mouth and stalk towards you. He couldn’t find you in your dingy office anymore either, because your savior was up in a cafe doing the calculations with you, laughing away about the latest matches.
That has to change. Effective immediately.
“Yo, newbie. How you been? Haven’t seen you fightin’ here for a while,” Bakugo claps his meaty hand on the scrawny guy’s back, nearing sending him toppling over.
“Yeah, y’know, just haven’t been feeling it lately.” He rubs the stinging feeling away from his sore shoulders and side eyes the blond suspiciously. He had seen firsthand just how bad-news of a guy he was, and he didn’t wanna get caught up in all that.
But Katsuki wasn’t just all brawn. He had some brains, too.
“Look, I know I prolly gave off a weird first impression with Y/N back then. But it’s all in good health, ‘was just messin’ around like I always do.”
“Yeah, sure...”
“How ‘bout we get some coffee or somethin’? You seem like a solid dude, plus we got shit in common to talk about.”
Like fucking around with my bitch.
“Uh, you sure? I kinda’ wanted to see the last fight,” he trails off unsuredly, scratching his jaw as Katsuki steers him away from the growing crowd.
“There’ll always be fights, man. I wanna show you that I’m a nice guy.”
Bakugo Katsuki was not a nice guy.
And everyone knew that too, which is why when some shifted to give the duo a curious glance he met them with a death glare. Any gazes locked on Katsuki’s hand wrapped around the lanky guy’s shoulders were immediately casted down.
You didn’t see your savior for a while.
It had been two weeks since he mysteriously disappeared from his usual place in the outskirts of the crowd, because unbeknownst to you, a certain fighter was keeping him away from you and convincing him to have a friendly brawl over lunch.
You only found out about it on a Friday night, when a crowd much bigger than before was gathered in the dim basement, voices hushed and whispering.
“What’s going on? Why’s everyone so quiet?” You whisper to one of the usuals.
“‘Heard Bakugo’s fighting some dude that was handpicked by himself. He somehow managed to convince the poor bastard to have some kinda’ match with him.”
You felt your heart sinking.
“Who did he pick?”
“‘Dunno, some skinny guy, a newbie I think. Hasn’t been around for too long so I guess he doesn’t know how big of a monster he’s gonna be beaten by.” The groupie shrugged, and you felt the blood drain from your face.
Without saying another word, you spun around and started running around all over the place looking for either of the two.
You end up stumbling into the men’s bathroom, desperate beyond salvation to stop this bloodbath.
He’s there, he’s at the urinal and he yelps when he hears you barge in. You avert your eyes and let his adjust himself as he sputters indignantly.
“Y/N? What’re you doing in here? This is a men’s-“
“Don’t fight him.”
“Don’t fight Bakugo, please, he’s gonna kill you, I know he is-“
“-Calm down, what’re you so worked up about? C’mon, I would’ve thought you’d had a little bit more faith in me to be able to stand my ground.” He teases you but you don’t find it funny, on the contrary you’re terrified out of your mind for his life.
“Did he put you up to this? How could you fight him, you’ve seen what he does to the other guys in the ring!”
“Well yeah, but he knows not to go that hard on me. Actually, he’s not that bad of a guy, we’ve gotten some drinks for the past two weeks and I was wrong about him.”
You gape at him. “Wrong? You saw how he cornered me that one day!”
He shrugs, not put off by the distant memory. “The guy just came back from a fight, he still had testosterone going through him. You can’t blame him for wanting to let a bit of it out, right? You should really give him a chance y’know, he talks about you all the t-“
But you can’t hear anymore, this is madness, there’s barely 10 minutes left until they’re going to call the two down for their death match. You need to find the source of this problem firsthand.
And somehow, a little voice inside your head tells you exactly where you know he is.
You round the corner to your office and there he is in all his glory, seated like a king on your chair, leaned back with his knees spread, carelessly looking through your bank statements and bet papers.
He barely looks at you as he says, “Oh there you are, I was starting to think you’d miss the show.”
You sink to your knees.
He looks up at that.
With a tight chest and burning eyes, your dry throat barely permits you to choke out, “Bak-Katsuki, please, please don’t do this. Please don’t fight him.”
He cracks his neck and leans forward, regarding you with dark vermilion eyes. He looks your position over appreciatively before speaking.
“Why not? He’s so good and great isn’t he? I’m just trying to show you how right you were, after all. I’m sure he’s got a fair chance of beating me.”
You shake your head vigorously, knowing what he’s playing at.
“No, no, you’re better, please. I was wrong about him, I shouldn’t have been friends with him, please don’t fight him Katsuki I’ll do anything-“
“-Oh you’ll do anything I say regardless of if I beat him to a bloody pulp or not. You wanna know why?”
You can barely contain a whimper as he stands and walks over right in front of you, his bulging crotch mere inches away from your face.
He suddenly grabs your hair and you cry out before he yanks your head up to meet his cold eyes.
“Because no one in here is gonna say shit to me. I run things here, toots. And if you want your little boy toy to live through today, you’re gonna watch every blow I give to him, and you’re gonna kiss the fucking knuckles I beat his face with. Got that?”
You sob as he grinds his clothed erection against your tear-streaked face, sniffling when he moans loudly and bucks into your open mouth.
A loud knock on the bare hinges stops Bakugo from pulling the front of his shorts down.
You both turn your heads and see a red-faced side-liner looking down and mumbling something about the match starting.
“‘Be there in a minute. Tell the guys to give my girl here a special front-row seat to this match, she’s gonna wanna see her man win, after all.”
The runner scampers off, leaving you both alone.
He bares his teeth down at you and you cower under his painful hold, the roots of your hair ripping from their strands.
He eventually tosses your head to the side after a few seconds of staring you down, and the second he does you clutch your sore cranium.
“I better see you down there in a minute sweet thing. You gotta get used to it anyways, since you’re gonna be getting accustomed to my rituals before and after matches.”
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The Art of Not Falling in Love- Roope Hintz
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AN: This is a piece that is very self indulgent BUT it has a plot despite being like 80% smut. I am thinking of making more parts if people like this 
Word count: 5k 
TW: like its smut.. so like what do you expect. (Wrap it before you tap it) spanking light dom!Roope female reader 
You could never quite understand how you got into this situation. You’d sworn to never fall in love ever. The pain of watching the gruesome divorce of your parents, the way your friends seemed to find “the one” left and right, only to be heartbroken, was simply too much. So you decided to simply don’t fall in love ever. 
And you’d kept that promise to yourself, ever since 15. Sure a few crushes came up now and then, but you never acted on them, and you made sure no one knew about the feeling. The only person in your life that knew about this promise to yourself was your best friend Jamie.
The first person you’d met in Dallas when you’d first moved there. You had been a freshman in college and he had been, ironically so, the first person to hit on you in Dallas, and you hadn’t even officially gotten there yet.  It happened on the plane ride. He was seated beside you and you couldn’t for the life of you remember the pick up line he used. You just know it was bad, cause you remember laughing at it and the way he tried to manage his long limbs into the airplane seat. It had gone uphill from there on, and you were glad he didn’t get offended by you laughing at him. 
Now, however, you were sitting in the stands of the American Airlines Center, watching him and his team scramble across the ice in a turnover, passing the puck up the ice. Roope Hintz picks it up and flicks it into the goal, just over the left shoulder of the Blackhawks goalie, making the Stars take the lead with three minutes left in the third period. The stands erupt in wild cheers and the team celebrates on ice. You jump with the rest of the crowd, and clap enthusiastically. Knowing that it’s gonna be an insufferable team to meet afterwards. After all, athletes tend to be after winning a game like this. 
The buzzer goes off and the Dallas Stars have officially ended their losing streak. The crowd is going wild, jumping up and down, making the stands shake just a little. Thats when you decide to sneak out of the stands and find your way to the outside of the locker room, where Jamie had promised he would meet you. 
You have been around a few times, and sure enough you find your way. Jamie had made sure to let the security staff know that you would be around after the game. There is a soccer ball laying around so you pick it up and start bouncing it on your jeans clad thigh, then dropping it down onto your foot and up again, alway in control. You lose yourself to the ball, concentrating on keeping it in the air, so much so that you don’t notice the door slamming open until the boom of it makes you drop the ball. 
“Jesus fuck.” 
You whisper as you look up to find the source of the noise. What you find shouldn’t surprise you, but seeing a shirtless Roope Hintz standing there with a frown on his face, makes heat rush up your neck regardless. 
“Who are you?” 
He looks suspiciously at you, taking in the skinny jeans and the absence of a jersey. As well as the forgotten soccer ball. 
“Sorry, just here for Oleksiak.” 
You try to shrug it off, looking for the ball again. His eyes squint suspiciously at you, but his head tilts backwards as he calls for Jamie. He comes bounding out of the locker room, shirtless, but fresh out of the shower. He’s in the middle of zipping up his game day slacks, and the smile already on his lips gets wider.  
“You could have waited with the others you know?” 
Jamie says cheekily to you. The heat to your face returns, but not in full force. You look at his tall stature and the smaller man beside him. And for some reason, the blonde star of the night is the one to make you look away. You shoot daggers at Jamie instead. 
“You know, you could have told me where they were, so I didn’t have to stand here like some other crazed fan.” 
Roope slowly turns around and walks away, closing the door with one last curious look directed at you. 
“Oh come on, we all know you’re crazy for me.” 
Finally you can feel yourself relax a little, with a sigh you take a step closer to him. 
“Yeah, crazy for you to leave me alone.” 
He wraps you up in his arms and lifts you up in the air, laughing as you gasp at the surprise of being lifted up. 
“Congrats by the way, you played well today.” 
You say to him, as he lets you back down on the ground again.  
“Thank you Sparks.” 
“Now go get dressed completely, I suppose you want to celebrate tonight?” 
His signature, tooth lacking smile is on full display as he slings an arm around your shoulders. Jamie looks at you with a mischievous look. 
“We really want to celebrate this, and besides, we really need to get you laid.” 
You wrench your way out of his grip and scowl at him, pushing him in the direction of the door to the locker room. 
“Get dressed you idiot.” 
You say with a flat voice, trying to remain serious, and failing when you see Jamie wink at you last minute. You immediately go back to juggling the soccer ball, as the door slams shut. 
A couple of girls are walking towards you, and you suspect they’re here looking for their boyfriends or husbands. That’s until you see the flustered cheeks and whispers of “I can’t believe we made it all the way here.” and the agreements that follow. 
Their eyes land on you and your soccer ball, and their expressions instantly sour. You try to shrug it off, but when the whispering starts again, you look up from the ball. You start getting suspicious when one of the three girls flicks her long, perfectly curled, brunette hair over her shoulder and opens her immaculately painted lips to say something. 
“You shouldn’t be here you know.” 
The confidence in her voice almost has you fooled for someone who belongs there. Almost. You’ve never seen her close to any of them ever, even if you had managed to stay out of the public eye yourself. Something about this trio didn’t feel right. You stop juggling the ball and drop it to your foot, catching it without bounce and then placing your foot on top of it.  
“Why not?” 
You ask out of curiosity of what the answer would be.
“Well, it’s reserved for the wags, you know, so you don’t belong here.” 
You tilt your head and raise a brow, questioningly. 
“Isn’t that what the owner's box is for? you know with reserved seats, food and really comfortable sitting options?” 
A blush seems to rise through her make- up and you restrain yourself a little, you really don’t want to make her an enemy. Just in case. 
“Yeah.. I just need to see my man before we head home.”
She stutters out, looking at her two friends who nod encouragingly at her. 
“Okay, just remind me who it is again?” 
You play dumb, knowing that the media is about to get out of the room in a minute. 
“Jamie ofcourse.” 
And her voice is so confident as she says it, you let a smile show before chuckling. They really thought they could fool anyone with that. Just in that moment, the door opens and cameras and notepads or tape recorders start filing out of the door. 
You walk over to the door, holding it open for the stream of reporters and crew. Then you duck a head in and yell for Jamie. 
“Oleksiak, your girlfriend is here…” 
It isn’t intentional all the way, but it comes out in a sing- song voice.  
The entirety of the team turns to face you. Briefly you meet the eyes of Roope, who’s still shirtless. Just as Jamie passes you by with a confused look, you tap his now clothed arm to make him bend down just a little.
“Ehh, so someone somehow got past security, apparently you’re her boyfriend.” 
You say to him, loud enough for the closest teammates to hear. 
“Jesus Christ, not again.” 
Jamie mutters. Stephen Johns is closest and has his phone in seconds calling someone. You let a glance out the door and see the girls huddled together, suddenly looking unsure. Jamie takes a look over your shoulder and sighs. 
“Guess I should distract them until security gets here, just stay here.”
You roll your eyes, but stay put. Then suddenly you realise where you are, feeling like an intruder. 
“Sorry guys, didn’t mean to intrude, just thought you should know about the girls outside.” 
You say, trying to not look too closely at anyone. You can feel the heat rising up your neck. 
“‘S alright, not everyday we get to know a girl from Jamie's side.”
Tyler Seguin says from his seat by his gear. 
“Oh I know, he has a hard time finding decent ones.” 
You say it absentmindedly, but the entire team seems to crack up at that. You feel a little bad, but you also know it as true and it's already said, so you can’t take it back. 
“Seems like he did alright with you.” 
Roope says as he pulls his button up over his arms and starts pushing the buttons through the holes.
“Ahh, a common mistake. Not a girlfriend and not sleeping with him either.” 
His brows raise and a cheeky smile forms on his face. But he doesn’t say anything else. You feel off, of sorts. He doesn’t irk you like the girls did. And it was kind of scaring you. It’s the feeling you get when you start being intrigued, and you don ‘t need that now.
You’re sitting at the bar, alone, not that you mind it, because the girl who finally got Jamie had been ogling him all night and talking too loud, and it was a relief when you saw them walk out the door. He had asked multiple times if it was okay for him to leave, so much so that you almost drove the uber back to her place yourself. 
Staring down at the drink in your hand, you realised you were too sober and too far behind on studying (not really) to be sitting here, in a place you didn’t want to be. So you got up, turned around and immediately crashed into a hard chest. Looking up, you find a wild head of blonde curls and a heavenly cologne. Roope Hintz.
“Can I help you you mr. Star?” 
You said ask as he leans closer, if that was even possible, without touching you. He at least has the decency to chuckle and look a little bashful as you address him that way. 
“You sure you’re not even a little infatuated with Oleksiak?” 
Rolling your eyes, you lean back onto the bar and cross your ankles. 
“Why? Are you jealous?” 
You give him a flirty smile, just for the hell of it. Roope steps forward so his feet are planted on either side of yours, not touching this time either, and leans an arm beside you, making him come impossibly close to you. 
“What if I am?” 
He asks, and his eyes are roaming all over your face, ignited with a desire you haven’t seen in far too long. It makes a heat pool in your stomach, and a little in your cheeks. Just purely out of the close proximity. 
“Then you’re gonna be sorely disappointed.” 
You try to sound casual, but Roope leans a little closer.
“And why is that?” 
You can tell he is curious, and your judgement is compromised from the closeness of him. Maybe one night wouldn’t hurt, right?
“I’m a one time offer, an-” 
Roope doesn’t even let you finish your sentence, before he has your hand in his. Just as you touch it feels like a wave of something indescribable washes over you. You’d never felt anything like it. 
“I can do that. Come along now, we haven’t got all night.” 
Roope drags you away from the bar and you scramble to keep up the first few steps. When you catch up, he laces his fingers through yours, and heads out the door. It’s cold out, and since you haven’t really been outside today, all you have is the sweater you came to the rink in. You hadn’t been dressed for a club at all, but he didn’t seem to mind. You wrap your arms around yourself, to try to preserve some of the heat from the inside. Roope has a keen eye and steps behind you, wrapping his arms around your waist. 
“One time offer, remember?” 
“Oh yeah, that doesn’t mean I can’t be nice, or no?” 
And as he pulls you closer to him, you can feel in your bones (and your lower back) that he isn’t nearly as nice as he’s pretending to be. And you catch yourself thinking that you can’t wait to see what this turns into. 
“Just, doubting what you define as nice, that’s all.” 
At that Roope, let out a little chuckle, before leaning down a little and placing small kisses on your exposed neck. He works his way up to your ear. 
“I can be very nice, it all depends on you though.” 
With a final kiss to your cheek, he steps away from your heated face, and looks at the uber that’s now in front of you, double checking that it’s the right one. How in the hell had you missed the car pulling up to the curb? Roope opened the door to the back seat and let you enter first. Then he entered shortly after you, told the lady driving the car his address and turned to face you. 
“Didn’t think you were that shy, sweetheat.” 
He gestured to the entire middle seat between the two of you. You just shake your head, with a coy smile on your lips. 
“Just been a while.” 
You say quietly, not wanting the driver to hear. Regardless, she looks at you, very discreetly, through the rearview mirror. You give her a reassuring smile trying to convey that you feel safe and that you’re okay. She gives you a wink in return. 
“I’ll make it worth your time.” 
Roope leads you into an elevator and punches one of the higher numbers, all the while his eyes are roaming you, mentally undressing you. Most definitely wondering what he would find underneath the sweater and jeans. You are absolutely feeling a little shy with the way he looks at you. However, at the same time you’re looking at him, wondering what he is going to do, if he will be soft or hard in demeanor, if he’s gonna be rough or boring, but somehow something in his eyes tells you, it’s gonna be anything but boring. 
The elevator stops, and he steps closer, taking your hand in his, entwining your fingers and leading the way out of the elevator. Just two doors down he pulls some keys out of his back pocket and steadily unlocks the door, no fumbling. You take it as a good sign even if you already knew that he wasn’t even close to being drunk. The lock clicks in place and the door slides open, revealing a dark hallway. Roope steps in first and flicks on the light. It’s neat, considering what you had been expecting. The door shuts behind you, and you hear the lock clicking. 
Toeing off your shoes you turn and find Roope already staring at you. His eyes are considerably darker. He drops the jacket he had been wearing to the floor and beckons you with a finger to follow him, all silent and a little domineering, half a smile on his lips. You see the light flicker on in the hallway as you follow him down to the left and then the first door on the right hand side it’s the only open door, but it’s not fully lit inside. Carefully you step inside, when nothing happens, you take one more step in and the room is suddenly full of tension. 
The light here is turned on low, and Roope is standing in front of you taking slow steps towards you. Determined to stand your ground you remain unmoving, but your eyes roam him, and he seems to notice. With a smirk he takes a hand behind his neck and promptly yanks the shirt off of his upper body. You feel your jaw dropping just a little as you scan him over. 
“Look at me in the eyes babe.” 
Heat rises to your cheeks, but you remain in your spot steadily holding his gaze. He takes a step closer, and then another, until he’s standing mere inches from you. A devious smile is playing on his lips, when one of his hands lands on your waist. His thumb rubs circles on your hip, just underneath the emerald sweater of yours. 
“Are you sure about this?” 
He asks, taking his other hand up and caressing your cheek. You nod your head yes. 
“I’m gonna need you to use your words for me.” 
The hand that’s on your cheek is suddenly forcing your face upwards to meet his eyes. 
“I’m sure about this.” 
You whisper, again meeting his eyes. Just as the sentence leaves your mouth, he immediately goes to kiss you, but you pull back just slightly, just to tease, and maybe test him a little. He sees the mischievous glint in your eyes, and his smile widens.
“Oh you wanna play like that, huh?” 
Roope’s hands slip from your body, before meeting again behind your thighs, lifting you up into his arms. You stare down into his darkened eyes, and lean into him. He lets you kiss him for a couple of seconds, before he deepens it. You let him, not really feeling like fighting him. His lips move from yours and down your neck, as he walks towards the bed, you can feel him leaving a few hickies before dropping you onto the bed. 
“Off with the sweater, kaunis.” 
You look up at him, while crossing your arms and gripping the bottom of the sweater, letting him take in all of you as the green top comes off. Underneath is a simple black bra and you can see his pupils dilate at the sight of you. 
“That one I’m gonna take off myself.” 
He leans over you, until you’ve laid down flat on the bed. He’s hovering over you, resting on his forearms, yet his hips have already settled between your legs. You can feel him there hard and heavy. His breath playing across your collarbones, makes you feel the anticipation building in your entire body. 
He presses a quick kiss to your lips before he starts leaving open mouth kisses down the valley of your breasts, he shifts his weight so he is leaning more on one arm and slides the other underneath your back, and makes quick work of unfastening your bra. The tension leaves the straps and you let them fall off. Then with his teeth he bites the middle of the bra, lifting it off your body and chucking it away with his free hand. 
You don’t question his words, honestly feeling a little more turned on as he speaks to you in a language you don’t understand. With a wink he kisses each of your tits a few times, before moving further down. 
“Still good?” 
He asks, and you feel your heart ache a little at it, and immediately shove the feeling aside.
“Yes, so good.”
You say, all out of breath as his fingers pop open the button, and slowly pull down the zipper of your jeans. In a swift motion he has his fingers in what you assume is the belt loops and has pulled down your jeans along with the black underwear you had been wearing. Instinctively you try to close your legs, but two calloused hands on either of your knees stops that motion. 
“I’ve got you.” 
Roope says as he leans into your right thigh and starts leaving kisses again. Closer and closer to your core, and when he finally is there, he switches to the other tigh, repeating the process. Your hands, which have been clenching the sheets, finally go to his long hair, tugging a little. Roope lets out a little groan and you swear you can feel it in your entire body.
“Aww, look how wet you are, all for me?” 
He asks in a husky voice. 
“All for you, all for you.” 
Roope seems to revel in the admittance rolling off your tongue, before he lets himself have a taste. At least that’s what you think is happening. You feel his hot breath fan over your core, and he is painfully close, you lift your hips just slightly to meet his mouth, just as he pulls away. 
“My bed, my rules. Now, you’re gonna have to ask really nicely to cum, before I let you. Got it?” 
You’re so lost in desperation for his mouth that you can only nod. You both hear and feel the sigh escaping him, before he lands a little smack on the inside of your thigh. It causes you to let out a strangled moan and clench around nothing. 
“Didn’t I tell you? Words.” 
“I’m sorry, I’ll ask to cum.” 
And then he’s all over you. The pent up feeling you have in your body only seems to grow as he spends his time licking and lapping at your folds. With his arms around your thighs and eyes firmly set on yours, your body's working overtime trying to feel everything. You feel your grip on his hair tighten as his mouth finds you clit and a finger easily slides inside you. 
“Fuuuck, feels so good.” 
You draw out the vocals as he hums against you. Your breathing went uneven a long time ago, but now you’re struggling to control anything that comes out of your mouth. Especially as the second finger enters you and he makes a “come here” motion with his fingers, finally finding that one particular spot. It nearly sends you over the edge.
“Ah ah, ask first.” 
Your brain feels like mush as he continues his assault on your pussy. 
“Please may I cum?” 
Roope hums against you, before leaning away a little. 
“No, I want you to beg.” 
He goes back in, feeling the way your body is wound so tightly you don’t know where to turn, not being able to think clearly. 
“Please, I’ll be so good, just please please let me cum.” 
Again Roope hums. 
“Okay, only if you’re a good girl though.” 
He says looking up at you, with that smirk of his, before he dives back in.  You can feel the tension in your body tightening, and when his tongue does a particularly intense stroke over your clit you can’t hold it anymore. Your legs clamp around his head and you let out a drawn out moan of pleasure as he lets you ride out the high on his face. 
When you can’t take it anymore, you gently guide his face away from your core. Roope has this cocky grin on his face and you can’t help but like it being directed at you. You pull him up towards you and kiss him deeply, not really caring if you can taste yourself on his lips. Finally he lets your hands wander over the planes of his upper body, feeling the muscles tense and flex as your fingers trace every ridge of his body. He seems to really like kissing you, but he does notice that your hands go lower and lift his hips up a little to make room so you can pop the button of his jeans. As soon as the zipper is down, your hand traces the waistband of his boxers. 
“You gonna play with me like this all night, rakas?” 
He asks with a playful tone of voice. 
You tease, pulling on the waistband of the boxers, before releasing it, making it snap against his skin. He leans away from you completely, getting up so he’s on his knees, but otherwise full height. Your legs are caught between his, so you can only sit up as far. Not that you mind though, with the way he towers over you, giving you perfect access to the bulge that’s now in your direct line of vision. Without really meaning to your jaw goes slack. His pointer finger is under your chin, making you look up at him.  
“Eyes up here, yeah?” 
You nod innocently at him, making him groan at the sight of you. 
“Good girl. Now let’s see if we can put that mouth of yours to good use.” 
You blush at his words and the smirk on his lips. Regardless, you start peeling the boxers and jeans down his legs. Slowly. Since this is going to be a one time thing, you think, you’re gonna savour this moment. His skin is hot beneath your fingers, but not as hot as your cheeks the moment his cock springs free of it’s confinement. You’re definitely not complaining about any aspect of it. 
Without a second thought you put your lips around the angry red tip, letting your tongue explore every inch of his dick. Roope seems to like what you’re doing, judging by the groaning and panting above you. One of his hands is in your hair, doing a makeshift ponytail as you continue to suck him off. Suddenly, he all but pulls you off his cock, which now seems even more red than it was before. With strings of saliva hanging from your mouth, connected to his dick. Roope lets out a groan that makes your inside tingle before he slides back off the bed.
“I’m going to ruin you so good, rakas.” 
He kicks off his jeans and boxers before he is over you again. You look him in the eyes nodding, before spreading your legs, letting him settle between them. He cages you in with his arms, and for some reason, even with his dark gaze upon you, you feel safe. And when he grabs your arms, pinning them beside your head you let out a content sigh. Not only because you’re completely letting go, but because you can feel his cock brushing against your stomach. The anticipation is almost killing you. 
Roope, kisses up and down your neck, whispering dirty somethings in your ear, because they aren’t nothing. They are all his fantasies, of what he has come up with that he wants to do with you. As well as to you. Most of all though, you think he just enjoys watching you squirm in need of him. When he lets go of your right hand, it traces your throat.
“Now, put my cock inside yourself.” 
It’s a demand, and you follow through, out of desperation to feel him inside. You wrap your hand around his dick, carefully tugging at him, running your thumb over the tip, teasing. With a little smile on your lips. Roope is quick to kiss it away, delving into you, with a passion you’ve never felt before. “Inside, now. Or this teasing of yours is gonna have some serious consequences.” 
He mumbles against your lips, so you do as told, guiding him to your entrance. You both let out content sighs as he finally sinks into you. He is going slow at first. Letting you adjust to having him inside you. 
“Look so good for me like this.” 
You can only nod as he starts moving his hips in slow, deep thrusts. He finds a pace and as soon as you start clenching around him, when he hits that part of you. His pace picks up. The hand that’s still holding onto yours, they are now intertwined in each other. His other hand is caressing your hip. You’re pretty much just a blubbering mess of his name and curses as he hits all the right parts. 
With a final kiss to your lips, he leans up a bit, so his thighs are resting on his calves creating a steep angle, so you almost slip off him. Almost. He pulls you closer by the hips, making you yelp out, before your legs are planted on either side of him, giving yourself a little more leverage as he hits deep inside of you. The moan that escapes you is genuine, and you squeeze your eyes shut in pleasure. At that you feel a sharp sting on your thigh again. 
“Eyes on me.” 
In the fog of pleasure all you manage to get out is a weak. “Yes, sir.” 
Opening your eyes, you see Roope straining a little as well. His cheeks are tinted and his breathing is really uneven. But his eyes are blown with pleasure, and as you guide his hand to your lower stomach where you can vaguely feel him moving in and out of you. It looks like a new fire has been ignited inside him. 
His hand slips from yours as he lets it go to rub at your clit again. The pleasure almost becomes too much, and your eyes roll a little at the feeling. 
“May I please cum, sir?” 
You manage to moan out, barely remembering his demand from before. 
“Hold it for like three seconds, I’m gonna count you down.” 
So you look him in the eyes and let him blow out your back for a few more thrusts, and then he starts counting down. 
His rhythm changes as he slows down and goes harder, deeper. 
He moans as you clench around him. 
“1, cum for me.” 
And you do. It starts in your stomach, and like a warm tide it washes over your entire body. Roope fucks you through it, before he finally pulls out and with a loud groan he is jerking himself off, letting go in hot spurts all over your torso. He finishes and stares down at his personal masterpiece. With your rapidly raising stomach and chest covered in his cum, you can tell by the smirk on his lips. He’s satisfied.
“I’ll be right back.” 
Roope says with a wink, and you just nod. Because even though you just had the best sex to date, you were trying to gather your thoughts. On how to get home. You don’t see where he goes, but you hear water running from a sink. When he’s back from the bathroom, you assume, he has a wet  washcloth in hand and is wearing a fresh pair of boxers. Gently he wipes his cum from your chest and stomach, and a little in between your legs. 
And you’re almost completely ruined by how gentle he is. But you have a promise to keep, and you’re not planning on betraying yourself. He leaves again to toss the cloth into the hamper. When he comes back, you have gathered your underwear and bra, and are standing on the floor on slightly shaky legs. 
“You’re leaving?” 
And that was really the first sign. 
“Yeah, one time offer. Remember?” 
You answer, looking for your jeans. Roope sweeps them off of the floor and hands them to you. 
“Yeah, right.” 
You get dressed in silence, and when your last sock is on. You straighten up. 
“I’ll just find the way out myself.” 
It’s meant to be casual, but Roope immediately refuses. 
“No no, I’ll walk you out.” 
And he does, following close behind you. You’ve just gotten your shoes on, when your phone pings. It’s a notification from uber that your ride is here. You’ve put your hand on the door knob and opened the door, when Roope, who was leaning against the wall, pulls you back and kisses you deeply. 
“Next time you need an orgasm, give me a call.”
He says with a wink. 
In the car back to your apartment, you can feel it. You’re not gonna get rid of Roope after what just went down in his bedroom. The worst part of it is that you’re not sure you want it to be a one time thing. Fuck. 
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petertingle-yipyip · 3 years
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series tags: @calums-betch​​ // SM masterlist // another madripoor gif bc i loved those scenes
Pairing: Stark!Reader x Bucky Barnes (platonic/flirty)
Word Count: 9,209
Summary: Leaving John Walker in the dust, Y/N had to follow Barnes to a shifty contact. That leads them to Madripoor and an unexpected, and suspicious, ally. Juggling her grief, her control, her own doubts, the pressure of Walker on their tail, and a school girl crush, can she handle the fight?
The next day, the three of you found yourselves in Berlin. You weren’t surprised how easy it was to get through security. Flashing a smile and an ID with Stark on it opened pretty much any door. Surely it had nothing to do with Sam working with the Air Force again.
“Last time I was in Germany, we weren’t on the same side.” You commented nostalgically as you three followed the security guard. “How the tables have turned.”
“I’m gonna go in alone.” Barnes said as you all approached the last corridor.
“Not a chance.” You laughed as Sam said “Why?”
“You’re Avengers..” Barnes reasoned. “You know how he feels about that.”
“It’s not like you two were known for frolicking in the sun together.” Sam mocked.
“He was obsessed with HYDRA. We have a history. Trust me, I got it.” Barnes assured before turning to leave. When Sam didn’t stop him, you did.
Quickly you reached out and grabbed his wrist. You made no effort to pull him back and he didn’t exactly pull away from you. He looked back at you with a stern expression, that he wasn’t going to cave.
“You’re not going alone, Barnes.” You said seriously, tightening your grip on his wrist slightly.
“Y/N-“ He tried.
“No.” You cut in. “I don’t care. I can do this all day.” You offered with a slight smirk.
He chewed the inside of his cheek for a moment before caving. He nodded slightly, his expression betraying that he was slightly impressed. “Fine. Hurry up.” He said, nodding for you to follow.
“Yessir, Sergeant Barnes.” You chuckled as you followed behind Barnes. The comment earned you an eye roll and a scoff, but nothing was said.
“You sure you want to do this?” You checked as you two waited for security to let you in. “I can handle it on my own..”
“I can do it.” He nodded as you approached the cell.
“I’m sure you can.” You shrugged casually. “It was more about if you wanted to.”
You stayed a couple steps behind Barnes, using the shadows to stay mostly out of sight. You didn’t want to talk to Zemo, let alone be in the room. But part of you wanted to make sure that nothing happened. You didn’t know if you could stop Barnes if Zemo triggered the Winter Soldier, but you probably had the best shot.
You watched Barnes’ body language carefully. From your angle, you could see the look on his face. The tension of his shoulders. The hand you could see was in a tight fist. There was a certain fear in his eyes, in the way his jaw clenched. You could tell that a part of him, even if it was a small part, was scared that Zemo would send him back to the Winter Soldier.
Zemo tried the trigger words but earned no reaction from Barnes. You let out a breath of relief and saw Barnes’ shoulders relax as that tension left him. You didn’t doubt that Barnes had control, that his time in Wakanda was enough to rid his mind of HYDRA’s influence, but you also knew Zemo was crafty. You didn’t trust that he didn’t have a couple tricks up his sleeve. But then again… So did you.
“For what it’s worth, I’m sorry.” Zemo said, catching your attention. “It was never personal.”
“Seemed kinda personal.” You muttered to yourself. You were anxious, shifting your weight between your feet. You wondered what Sam was feeling back in the hallway but you couldn’t go back. The tension in your body was begging for a release, seemingly burning it’s way through your skin. There was a crackle of electricity between your fingers, a skill you hardly had a grip on. You only figured out how to use it in quick bursts or it would build itself up in moments of high tension.
“You brought a friend?” Zemo questioned, his eyes turning to you. You sunk deeper into the shadows.
“Someone recreated the super soldier serum.” Barnes said to redirect his attention. There was more control in his tone and it settled something anxious in the pit of your stomach. “I need to find out who.”
“You’re assuming HYDRA has something to do with this.” Zemo said simply, studying Barnes as he spoke. The expression Zemo held, the way he was looking at Barnes like an experiment, tempted you to reveal yourself. Something about it made your skin crawl, but you knew you had to refrain. You needed the info. “Which is why you came to me, which means you’re desperate…” A smug tone laced his voice and made you want to gag. “Lucky for you, and your friend in the shadows, I know where to begin.”
“And in exchange?” You finally spoke, stepping into the small sliver of light and taking your place beside Barnes. “What’s it going to take?”
His sly smile made you instantly regret the question.
Without explaining anything to Sam, you and Barnes led him to a series of tunnels underground. You opted to remain silent through the endeavor, knowing you wouldn’t be able to explain it right. While Sam pestered Barnes about the plan, you were busy finding the best route.
You kept one hand against the concrete wall, tapping your fingers to feel the vibrations. The tunnels were empty save for you three. They lead to a basement where you stopped for Barnes to walk Sam through a “hypothetical”.
“Please tell me this is an actual hypothetical.” Sam looked to you. In the meantime, you were toying with balls of air in your palm. You were balancing on them in a handstand.
“Yeah.” You lied. “It’s a hypothetical.”
Barnes continued to explain everything while you purposefully distracted yourself. You weren’t a huge fan of this plan, but Barnes had a point. Zemo offered a starting point. Walker had nothing. You guys had nothing. Though you’d never admit it, you needed Zemo.
“Speak of the devil.” You commented when you felt his footsteps approaching. You landed back on your feet as Zemo entered the room.
“You’re going back to prison.” Sam insisted.
“If I may-“ Zemo tried.
“No!” Sam and Barnes yelled simultaneously.
“Sorry.” You said with a shrug, bringing your forearms up and slamming them together. The movement called walls of earth to rise and trap Zemo in a thick rock casing. “It’s nothing personal.”
“When Steve refused to sign the Accords, you backed him.” Barnes countered.
“You broke the law and stuck your neck out for him.” You added.
“I distinctly remember you-“ Sam pointed to you. “-were on the other side.”
“My name’s not anywhere on that document.” You corrected. “I was a minor. Wouldn’t have been legally binding.”
“I’m asking you to do it again.” Barnes tried.
“I really think I’m invaluable-“ Zemo began again.
“Shut up!” You groaned, lifting the rock to meet his chin. “I will go all the way up.” You threatened before turning your attention back to the boys. “I’m with Barnes. I know it’s crazy but it’s the best shot we got. And we gotta move fast cause Walker is working on this too.”
“Okay.” Sam agreed finally. You dropped the rock prison and looked to the boys. “You don’t make a move without our permission.”
“Fair.” Zemo nodded.
“Otherwise, you deal with me.” You said simply. His eyebrows raised in interest, a slight challenge glinting in his eyes. You lifted your hand in front of your face, palm to the side. As you lowered your hand, you angled it so your fingertips pointed at Zemo. You saw his muscles tighten as he struggled but gave in to your control and went down to his knees.
“Dad once said the best weapon was the weapon you only had to fire once.” You said as if you were contemplating the words. “Let’s hope he was right.” You released Zemo before Sam spoke up.
“So where do we start?” He asked.
While Zemo was collecting his things from one of the cars, he explained where to start. He mentioned a woman named Selby as a starting point.
“This whole time you were rich?” Sam asked wildly as you approached a private jet.
“I’m a Baron, Sam.” Zemo answered in a matter of fact tone. “My family was royalty until you destroyed my country.”
“Eh.” You shrugged. “The Stark jet is nicer.”
You sat across from Barnes while Sam sat across from Zemo. You weren’t too interested in conversation. You didn’t know where you were going, nor did you really care. The sudden movement of Barnes made you snap to attention.
“If you touch that again, I’ll kill you.” Barnes threatened lowly with a hand at Zemo’s throat.
“At ease, soldier.” You reached over to tug on Barnes’ jacket. After a moment’s hesitation, he came and sat back down.
“I understand that list of names. People you’ve wronged as the Winter Soldier.” Zemo said with a solemn nod. He gestured between you and Barnes. “What I don’t understand is the relationship here. Are you two… involved?”
“Don’t push it.” Barnes muttered angrily as you simply rolled your eyes.
Sam talked about the book, that it used to be Steve’s. He bragged about how he suggested something for Steve to write in it. You remembered you had suggested some things for him to look into too, your favorite had been all the horror movies you got him to add.
Sam and Barnes then bickered about the Troubleman soundtrack, to which Zemo chimed in. You groaned slightly, throwing your head back and staring at the ceiling. The conversation quickly shifted to Steve and super soldiers, mildly peaking your interest.
“Cities fly. Innocent people die.” Zemo carried on.
“You forget who you’re talking to.” You laughed in disbelief.
“You’re talking about Sokovia… I was there. And my dad nearly died - yet again - trying to save the world… Trying to fix his mistake but no one cared about that part, right?.”
“Only nearly..” He agreed. “I think it’s fair to say the Avengers, none of you were really innocent.”
“And he actually did die to bring back half the universe so excuse me if I don’t share your bitterness.”
“It seems that you do, Y/N.” He analyzed, watching the response your eyes gave away.
“Shut it.” You rolled your eyes.
Conversation quickly shifted to Madripoor. Zemo and Barnes explained what it’s like, what it was. It sounded like a place out of a book, but given that your career was fighting A.I. powered robots and a giant genocidal purple lunatic, nothing was surprising anymore.
“James, you will have to become someone you claim is gone.” Zemo told Barnes.
A solemn expression came over Barnes. You couldn’t tell if it was regret, remorse, or something else. You leaned forward, resting elbows on your knees. You nodded to motion Barnes to come closer. He leaned forward in the same way.
“You sure you’re okay with this?” You asked quietly. “We can find another way, or we can do this witho-“
“I’m not sitting out.” He cut in. “I’ll be fine. Why do you keep trying to sideline me?”
“You won’t be alone.” You offered genuinely. “Sam and I got your back.”
Later that night, you walked the bridge that led to Madripoor. 
“So who am I supposed to be, exactly?” You asked after Zemo had explained Sam’s character for the night.
“Rosalinda Calvillo Del Santos.” He said, showing you a picture of the girl. “Heiress to a huge cartel ring out of Mexico City.”
“Woah, she’s hot.” You nodded, slightly impressed. “And this dress… Seems like it perfectly matches her style.”
You motioned to the dress you wore. It was a tight, short black silk dress with a 4 inch slit up the right side that showed off your body beautifully. The chest of the dress hung perfectly to keep you covered but still catch attention. The straps were silver jewels in a halter style while additional pieces of thin black silk stretched across your back in a criss cross pattern. 
“She's also a bit sadistic.” Zemo added nonchalantly. “But I’m sure you’ll play that just fine.”
“Fun.” You nodded.
“She kinda does look like you.” Sam commented as he leaned over to see the picture while he adjusted the cuffs of his jacket.
“She can’t be that hot then.” Bucky said sarcastically.
“Oh shut up.” You laughed as you pushed Barnes slightly. “You’re just used to girls in the 40’s and the whole modest look, huh?”
“Yeah yeah.” He rolled his eyes. “You ever gonna retire the old man jokes?”
“Maybe, but you have to admit how good I look.” You countered.
“Not a chance, little lady.” He smiled and shot a wink your way as he opened the car door for you.
“Well, Sergeant Barnes, what a gentleman.” You said sarcastically, holding a hand to your chest. “I’m so flattered.” You patted his chest as you sat down, scooting to sit in the middle.
The car ride was quick, although the motorcycles that surrounded your vehicle put you on edge a bit. The cold feeling of Barnes’ vibranium arm pressing against your own arm was the only thing that managed to keep you from burning through the car.
“The bracelet needs to come off.” Zemo pointed out on your walk to the bar.
“Excuse me?” You answered quickly, your opposite hand moving quickly to defend the metal cuff.
“Rosalinda only wears gold. She’s never been seen with anything else.”
“But this bracelet is-“
“Hideous” Zemo cut in.
“No! It’s from my dad, jackass!” You argued and stopped your steps.
“Here, let me have it.” Barnes held his hand out, to which you simply took a step away from him. “Y/N, come on.”
“No, I- I can’t take it off.”
Barnes sighed slightly before sliding two fingers under the collar of his shirt to pull a small chain out. He reached behind his neck to unclasp it before offering it to you. “Put your bracelet on here. Nothing’s going to happen to it.” Barnes explained.
“What are…” You asked softly as you reached for the chain. Your fingers grazed the small metal shapes dangling at the end, turning them so you could read the inscriptions. “James Buchanan Barnes..” You read silently. “These are your tags.. Barnes, I can’t ask you to-“
“You’re not asking. I’m offering.”
“Y/N..” Sam tried gently. “It won’t be that long, I promise.”
“Okay, fine.” You agreed reluctantly. You handed Barnes back his chain before reaching for your cuff. You put two fingers together above the metal cuff, focusing on separating it enough to slide your wrist out. Your eyes lingered on the band of lighter skin that was hidden by the cuff, proving to everyone around you that you never took it off. Once you freed your wrist, the cuff circled the fingers you used to open it. You glided it to hook over Barnes’ chain, connecting your fingers again to reconnect the metal. “Please don’t lose it.. It means everything to me.”
“Trust me.” He nodded as he reclasped his chain around his neck. He tucked the tags and your bracelet under his shirt and patted it lightly. You smiled gently in thanks before turning back to the door.
“Good. Now, escort her in.” Zemo instructed Bucky. Barnes held out an arm for you to take so you looped yours through his, making Zemo click his tongue at you. “Other side.”
“What difference does it make?” You asked in annoyance.
“The Del Santos family -especially Rosalinda- loves to show power.” He explained. “Having the Winter Soldier makes you powerful, but being on that side-“ He pointed to Barnes’ metal arm. “-shows it off… They also know how to barter for that power, if you know what I mean.” He gave you a pointed look and nodded towards Barnes, assuming you would understand what he meant. You hoped it wouldn’t come to that, but you understood.
“So treat him like a trophy?” You replied with a raised brow as you stepped around to switch sides. “Easy enough.”
“Oh god.” Barnes mumbled under his breath. “Don’t abuse this.”
“I think you’ll like being shown off a little.” You smirked slightly, keeping your head high as you followed Barnes’ lead into the building. “I’ll try not to go too far.”
Like flipping a switch, you fell into character once you stepped into the crowd and instantly made a statement.
“Listo para cumplir, Soldado de Invierno?” You said simply, keeping your head high and shoulders back as you followed Barnes through the crowd.
You heard the whispers, asking if that was really the Winter Soldier. You had to admit, it gave you a feeling of pride in your chest to see everyone look at you in awe. The respect in their eyes when they met yours was interesting. It was different from the respect you got as Y/N Stark. There was an underlying tone of fear in the looks as well.
Your small group stayed at the bar, Barnes kept his head on a swivel while you leaned your elbows on the bar top behind you. You lazily turned your head to check on Sam but saw the bartender slicing open a snake.
“Al menos no tengo que hacer nada que… asqueroso.” You said to Barnes before chuckling. He made a small sound of agreement, the tiniest hint of a smile toying with his features. “Vamos. Diviértete, soldado.”
“Mi misión es protegerte.” He replied in a flat, monotonous voice.
“Ay, díos.” You groaned, turning to face the bartender. “Señor? Bourbon, neat. Please.”
“Since when do you drink, Santos?” He nodded in amusement as he poured your drink.
“Well, it’s been a rough week.” You sighed, lifting the glass in thanks. “Put it on my friend’s tab.” You winked at Zemo before turning back to look at the busy crowd.
“You lot aren’t welcome here.” A bald man came up to Zemo.
“We have no business with the Power Broker.” Zemo started. “But if he insists…”
“He can come and talk to me.” You cut in, resting a hand on Barnes’ shoulder and sipping your drink. “Or bring Selby for a chat.” You shrugged.
“What do you know about the Power Broker?” Sam asked when the man was out of earshot.
“Here he is judge, jury, and executioner.” Zemo said quickly.
“We’ve got company.” You said into your drink. You set the cup down and cleared your throat. “Soldado de Invierno, hora de ir a trabajar.”
The man reached a hand for your shoulder but was instantly snatched by Barnes. You had to give it to him. He was a very convincing actor. It seemed easy for him to slip back into that person, to become the Winter Soldier. You knew it wasn’t really him, but the violent scene in front of you was hard to deny.
Sam saw it too. He looked to you in concern, hearing the same click of the guns that you did. You easily took the few steps to stand between him and Zemo.
“Don’t worry.” You said simply, maintaining the cocky smirk you wore as Barnes did his work. “He’s got this.. But that’s not what that look is about, is it?” You glanced at Sam and saw the expression on his face. It held concern for Barnes but also the flash of a memory when the Winter Soldier attacked you all after the UN bombing.
“You break character and this whole bar is against us.” You used your glass to cover your lips while you spoke. “I don't like this either but-
Before you finished your sentence, Barnes slammed a man on the bar top by his throat. You instantly slipped back into character to respond.
“Buen trabajo, querido soldado.” You giggled with a pat on his chest. He let the man go as the bartender told you Selby was ready. You swallowed the rest of your drink before putting the cup back on the bar.
“Vamos.” You nodded. Barnes held an arm out for you to take, which you quickly did. 
“You okay?” Sam asked Barnes quietly as you followed Zemo to Selby. A sharp nod was the only response Sam got.
You let Zemo talk to Selby since you had no idea who the woman was. You stayed towards the back of the room with Sam and Barnes, your arms still linked. The cold metal against your arm was the only thing that kept you from bursting into flames.
It was easy enough to be Rosalinda. Confident, powerful, demanding respect, beautiful and a little flirty. It mildly shocked you that you could play into her sadism. You didn’t know where you pulled that from. Maybe Nat taught you better than you thought. Outside of that, Rosalinda was close enough to a Stark that you didn’t feel like you were pretending too much. And lucky for you, you learned Spanish as a child. It was the people that knew her that worried you. One wrong mannerism, one wrong saying, and the whole thing was blown.
“What’s the offer?” Selby asked after an attempted flirt with Sam. You caught Zemo’s signal, a silent attempt to tell you it was your turn. 
“I suppose it’s more my offer.” You spoke up.
“I didn’t know Calvillos travelled this far.” Selby smiled mischievously. 
“Well I heard you like to play hard ball.” You said with a sly smile. “Del Santos can play too. My offer is him. The Winter Soldier, el soldado de invierno.” You offered confidently, walking a small circle around Barnes. “And the words to control him, of course.”
You traced your fingers along his shoulders, across his back and down his metal arm. You felt him tense under your touch, but his demeanor never faltered. “He will do anything you want.” You added, facing Barnes and gently running your hands down his arms. “I’m sorry.” You whispered honestly. Your expression reset to a playful pride as you spun to take your original place beside Barnes and watched for Selby’s reaction.
“This is a fun surprise. I’m glad I didn’t kill you all immediately.” She said happily.
“You have information I want.” You stepped in front of Barnes, blocking him from her line of sight. “You give me everything I need and I give you him.”
She bit her lower lip as she smiled. Her eyes looked Barnes up and down, and it made you want to gag.
“Hello? Are we going to do business or are you going to ogle him all night?” You asked in annoyance as you crossed your arms.
“A bit testy tonight.” She said with an entertained smirk and your pulse jumped. “You were right to come to me.” She said with a nod. “The serum is here, in Madripoor. You’re gonna want to talk to Dr. Wilfred Nagel. Power Broker had him work on it but it didn’t go as planned.”
“Is Nagel still here?”
“Crumbs for free but the bakery will cost you.” She wagged a finger at you. “And before you get cute, you can’t find Nagel with me.”
Before either you or Zemo could offer a rebuttal, Sam’s phone went off. You felt in your bones that it wasn’t going to work out well if he answered that call.
As Sam was on the phone, which Selby made him answer on speaker, she circled you and Barnes. You nodded towards Sam, allowing Barnes to take a few steps away from you.
Before you knew it, your cover was blown and the shot rang out. Selby was dead and the boys easily took down the other two guys in the room.
“This is going to come back to us.” You said as you stood on the other side of the room, as far from her body as you could be.
“Just drop the weapons and follow my lead.” Zemo said, trying to gain control of the situation.
Without other options, you all followed Zemo out and through the streets of Madripoor. Every turn you took, you felt more and more eyes upon you. Phones buzzed every second and you could only assume it was word spreading of Selby’s death.
“I don’t like this.” You muttered.
As soon as the words left your mouth, gun shots sounded. Barnes grabbed your hand and began running with you following close behind. You ducked the shots and grabbed Barnes’ hand a little tighter. You turned to see Sam struggling to keep up.
“I can’t run in these heels!” Sam yelled.
“Try running in stilettos and a mini skirt.” You replied in annoyance.
“You want to stop them?” Barnes tried.
“I can’t really focus right now.” You answered with an eye roll. You were going to stop and try lifting a rock wall behind you or creating a gust to push them back or even try to summon a quick lightning burst.
Shots came from a high window and took out the two men behind you before you tried to fight back. Zemo came out from behind a dumpster and made a stupid comment about a guardian angel.
“What a coward.” You sneered, Barnes holding you back when you made a move to slap the Baron.
“This is too perfect.” A familiar voice came from the shadows. You pulled away from Barnes and called a small flame to your palm. “Drop it, Zemo.”
“Sharon?” Barnes asked. 
“You cost me everything.” She ignored you guys. You didn’t let the fire go out. 
“Wait, Sharon.” Sam tried. “Someone recreated the super soldier serum. Zemo had a lead.”
“That explains why you guys are here and why Selby’s dead.”
“Why are you here?” You asked carefully.
“I stole Steve’s shield, remember?” She scoffed. “And I took the wings for your ass-“ She pointed her gun at Sam. “-so you could save his ass-“ Her gun pointed to Barnes. “-from his ass.” Her gun landed on Zemo. “I didn’t have the Avengers to back me up so I’m in Madripoor.”
Sam tried reasoning with Sharon but got nowhere.
“We need your help.” You tried and let the flame in your palm die out. “Please. We- We didn’t have any other options…”
With a heavy sigh, Sharon told you all to follow her. You were the first to follow her footsteps. After a second, the other three came behind you. You were questioning the timing of Sharon’s reveal, but overall you were grateful she showed up. Things weren’t looking great up until then.
“Seems like being on the run treated you better than it treated Sam.” You commented as you looked around at Sharon’s place. 
“If I was going to be a hustler, I was gonna live like one.” She said, a hint of pride in her tone.
The three boys then talked about the art, and whether it was real or fake. Sam didn’t believe them until a quick google search told him the truth. Sharon made you all change your clothes, pulling out a whole rack of clothes for the boys to look through and letting you sift through her closet.
You decided on a fitted maroon wrap-style dress. It was a soft material, fitting the curves of your body perfectly. The spaghetti straps criss-crossed behind your neck. You kept your same black heels and made your way back to the group and took a seat with Barnes on the couch.
Sam and Sharon talked a bit, ridiculing the idea of heroes. She called it hypocrisy, claiming that’s why Sam gave up the shield.
“Wow.” You teased as you sat. “You clean up nice, Barnes.”
He smiled slightly at you. “Hey, I didn’t know you spoke Spanish.” He said simply.
“Huh?” His statement took you by surprise. It wasn’t the response you expected. “Right. Yeah, I learned it when I was a kid. Dad tried to teach me French but Spanish was more natural cause my mom's side of the family.”
“You look good too, by the way.” He added and gave you a slight nudge. “Cause I know that’s what you wanted to hear.”
“What makes you say that?”
“Your face.” He said simply. “You give away a lot of emotions in your face.”
“I do not!” You insisted quietly with a chuckle, smacking his arm.
“Yes, you do.” He laughed with a nod.
“Wait a second…” You paused, crossing your legs and leaning towards him. “Were you just nice to me?” You teased with a wide smile.
“Don’t push it.” He chuckled.
“Hey... I’m sorry about using you as bait with Selby. I figured that’s what Zemo was hinting at… It didn’t seem like there was any room for me to say no.” You said honesty. The look in his eyes when you dangled him in front of Selby, you could tell it brought back so much of his trauma. That inability to say ‘no’. You truly had felt wrong for doing it. “I shouldn’t have-“
“Y/N.” Barnes said and put a hand on your leg. Your words were cut off instantly. “It’s alright.. It was for the mission.”
“That doesn’t make it right.” You said softly. “You’re not just an asset or a trophy. You’re my friend.”
“How is the new Cap, by the way?” Sharon asked, drawing your attention.
“Don’t even get me started.” Barnes shook his head.
You dropped your head back to look at her over the back of the couch. “He thought he could bail me out of jail and we’d be best friends.”
“He really thought you needed bail money? ” She laughed as she came around to sit with you two. “And you. You were Mr. America before you were his pet psychopath.” She told Barnes. “Cap’s best friend.”
“She’s kind of awful now.” Barnes said to you.
“She was always kinda awful.” You mumbled while Sam refocused everyone.
“You guys shouldn’t be involved in this.” She said, as if she was warning you. “For your own safety.”
“We got a name.” You added, not leaving any room for discussion. Something about the way Sharon talked to you led you to hold suspicions. “Wilfred Nagel.”
“Nagel works for the Power Broker.” She explained.
“I can get your name cleared, Sharon. But we need your help.” Sam tried.
“I don’t buy that.”
“They cleared the bionic staring machine and he killed almost everyone he met.”
“I heard that.” Barnes said, which drew a small laugh from you.
“I don’t trust charity.” Sharon countered.
“Let’s call it a deal then.” Sam offered.
“Fine.” She shook Sam’s hand. “Lay low. Enjoy the party. And stay out of trouble.”
“I do like a good party.” You smiled as you stood. You held a hand out to Barnes, who groaned before pushing himself up.
He held an arm out to you but before you took it, you turned to face him straight on. You casually adjusted his suit jacket before your hands moved across his chest. Your hands went to his neck while he watched your hands carefully. You slid both pointer fingers under the collar of his shirt and he tensed slightly. You pulled his chain out and held it with one hand and used the other to release your bracelet. You fit the metal cuff back to its rightful place on your wrist with a proud smile. 
“Didn’t give anything away that time, did I, James?” You said quietly, shooting him a quick wink.
“Shall we?” You asked happily, turning to face Zemo and Sam.
Even though you had a point in being in Madripoor and it definitely wasn’t a party, you were excited for the party. It would be nice to relax, not feel any guilt over your father. Any grief over Nat. Any anger at John Walker. And stress about being an Avenger. You could just be a twenty one year old kid and have fun for the first time in what felt like ever.
You lost the boys in the crowd rather quickly. But it wasn’t a heavy thought in your mind to stay with them. What seemed to bounce around in your brain were your interactions with Barnes through the day. You couldn’t quite figure out if you were flirting with him intentionally or just habitually.
You brushed it off temporarily as your personality. You were a Stark after all. And Starks tend to flirt with anyone… Right?
Regardless, you weaved through the crowd and let yourself enjoy the party for a moment. You enjoyed the music, letting your body sway and spin with the vibrations. It was hard for you to tell where anyone was through the vibrations of the floor with the vibrations from the speakers, but you told yourself that wasn’t your problem. Barnes and Sam would be fine for a little while. You weren’t sure how long you had been dancing when you heard the boy beside you.
“I don’t think I’ve seen you around before.” A boy said from your side.
Turning, you were met by a very beautiful boy. He was a bit taller than you, dark brown curly hair that fell messily across his forehead. You couldn’t tell the color of his eyes, only that they were looking at you with admiration. You couldn’t help but smile at him.
“I’m just passing through.” You answered vaguely. Given your previous escapades through Madripoor, you wanted to be as discreet as you could until you were able to leave.
“You come with anyone?”
“Just a few friends..”
“No boyfriend?”
“A boyfriend?” You repeated with a laugh. “I wouldn’t say that.”
“Girlfriend?” He tried.
“No.” You laughed slightly. “I’ve been out of the dating game for a few years, actually.” You snapped your fingers to show what you meant.
“You’re too pretty to be at a party alone.” He shamelessly flirted.
“Well I’m not alone.” You corrected. “This is actually a friend’s party.”
“Your friends with the Power Broker?”
Before you could voice a response, a hand found your arm. You quickly looked over and saw Barnes at your side, only his eyes weren’t on you. They were on the new guy.
“I thought you didn’t have a boyfriend?” The boy said nervously.
“Come on, Sarge.” You chuckled, noticing the staring and tense shoulders resembled jealousy. But for Barnes, distrust and suspicion was a more likely reaction. “It was nice to meet you.” You told the kid before pushing Barnes to move.
You couldn’t help but wonder… If the party was the Power Broker’s, but Sharon was hosting like it was her party.. Could Sharon be the Power Broker? Or closer involved than she led you to believe at least?
The next morning, you were all walking through an old shipping yard. Sharon was smart enough to grab you a more practical outfit, a skinny fit pair of black pants and a fitted light blue long sleeve and better shoes. You followed Sharon’s lead to crate. While she stayed for lookout, your group of four went in.
You knocked with one hand and felt the vibrations change at the end. You nodded towards the back of the container so Zemo went to take a look and exposed a secret door.
Sam and Barnes went in first, you behind them, and Zemo behind you. The guys tried to get you to take a gun but you adamantly refused, telling them you were a terrible shot and you had weapons of your own. Sam tried talking to Nagel, but he tried to run instead. Instantly, Nagel froze when he saw Barnes.
“You know who he is, right?” You chuckled, something intimidating dancing in your words. It was something you normally didn’t hear in your voice. You usually weren’t the intimidating type but things were different…You were different. “There’s Baron Zemo and me… Well, you’ll see.”
“How about a counter proposal?” Nagel tried. You ignored Sharon’s warnings in your ear. “Make me a better offer and I’ll talk.”
“Your life isn’t enough?” Your brows raised as you challenged him. You nodded slightly before raising your hand. Your fingers lazily pointed straight up as you grabbed hold of Nagel’s blood. “You don’t know what I’m capable of, do you?”
“Maybe she’s the intimidating one.” Zemo said, an odd respect in his voice.
You forced Nagel to his knees while Sam kept his gun pointed at him. “I can manipulate air too… I wonder if I could pull it from your lungs since you refuse to talk.”
“Okay, okay!” Nagel broke and told you the whole story after you released him. You were getting good at your new blood trick, and that mildly worried you but you had to push it to the back of your mind. Parts of his story included Siberia, an American who you could only assume was Isaiah Bradley, the Snap, and the Power Broker.
You caught the name Donya Madani, committing it to memory. If she was someone Karli wanted to help, she was someone that could lead you to her.
“Is there any serum in this lab?” Barnes asked. When Nagel didn’t answer, he pressed the gun to the man’s temple.
“No!” He said quickly. “But would she-“ He gestured to you. “-be incredible with it.”
“Thanks, but that’s a question I don’t need answered.” You crossed your arms and leaned against the wall behind you.
“The pure power you hold..” He continued and let out a devious chuckle. “You’re not at all curious?”
“I’m not the kind of person who deserves it.. Trust me. There’s probably as much blood on my hands as his.” You nodded to Barnes. “Just different motives.”
“Aren’t you tired of depending on them to help you? To save you?”
“I know my value. Anyone else’s opinion doesn’t really matter.”
The rest happened too fast to process in that moment. Sharon burst in. Zemo shot Nagel and that drew an interesting reaction from Sharon. And an explosion went off. Barnes had pulled you out of the way before you could get caught up in the blast. 
Your head spun mildly from the quick movement and your ears rang violently. You tried to shake it off but that seemed to only make it worse. You felt a warm stream down the side of your head and realized a loose piece of shrapnel had sliced your forehead.
“You alright?” Barnes asked, helping you to your feet. “Y/N? Are you alright?”
“Yeah.. Yeah, I’m fine.” You nodded, mildly disoriented. Looking around, you saw the smoke gathering in the room. You put a hand above your head, using it to keep the smoke at the top of the room.
“Ah shit.” He muttered, pushing the loose hair out of your face. “You’re bleeding.”
“I’m fine.” You pushed his hand away. “We gotta go. These chemicals are going to go off any second and I doubt I can save us from that.”
You got Sharon to her feet while Barnes got Sam. Sam asked about Zemo, but that was the least of your concerns. You four had to get out of there before you were trapped.
You tried using your powers to move the shipping containers or pull a piece of the wall apart but it was too heavy to do in such a hectic environment. There was too much going on for you to really focus. Once you were out, the boys started arguing about whose fault it was. 
“Not the time!” You shouted at them, your back against one of the fallen containers. “We’re blocked in and you three are out of bullets. So either I can try to handle this or we stay here and get caught. Either way, you need to zip it so one of us can come up with something.”
“Just use your pow-“ Barnes tried.
“I can’t do anything when you’re this loud!” You snapped. “Besides, the containers are too heavy. I’m not strong enough.”
You thought out loud to yourself. “I could try a concrete wall but I don’t know how long I can hold it if I’m worried about getting shot.” You chewed your lower lip in contemplation. “I’m too far to try the blood thing… They’re firing too many bullets for me to redirect back… What if I…”
It was so much easier when you had your dad to talk things out with. When you had someone smarter than you and could see a different angle, who could run the numbers and tell you your best chance, everything was so much easier.
“How are you going to handle it then?” Sharon challenged with an eye roll.
“You really don’t know a thing about me, do you?” You laughed in disbelief.
Before she could offer a rebuttal, there was another explosion. A smirk found its way to your face as you got an idea. You quickly hopped the barricade your group was stuck behind, despite the protests from Barnes and Sam. You slid under a hanging metal beam and popped up by the explosion. You shaped the flames away from you four and pushed it towards the people shooting at you. You used what was left as a wall to give you cover for you to get away.
“That’s how I’m going to handle it.” You said with your trademark Stark pride as you met back up with the group.
“You could've got yourself killed.” Sam reprimanded as you four had to duck into a separate container after a gunshot nicked your shoulder. Barnes launched a metal pole through one of the shooters’ shoulders like a javelin before shutting the door behind him.
“Okay.” You groaned, lighting a flame on two fingers. “That could've got me killed.” You ran the flame gingerly along the graze in an attempt to cauterize the wound and stop the bleeding.
“You’re an idiot.” Barnes grumbled.
“Who just saved your ass, huh?” You challenged as he opened the door when the shooting stopped.
“When are you gonna realize you’re not indestructible?”
“When are you gonna realize who you’re talking to?”
The heavy roar of an engine drew your attention and interrupted the sudden tension. The tension and attitude dissipated as soon as it came but you could tell it wasn’t going to be the last time that grievance was brought up.
“Supercharged.” Zemo said proudly as he pulled up in a sleek black car.
You let out a low whistle and nodded in approval. “She is a beaut.” You commented with an amused laugh. “Would it be wrong if I kept her after this?”
“You’re going back to jail.” Sam told him. “And you-“ He told you. “-aren’t keeping the car.”
“You’re no fun... Shut up and get in then.” You rolled your eyes. As Barnes climbed into the front seat, you went to the driver’s side - as if proving a point that you didn’t want to sit behind Barnes - and hopped over and into the backseat. “We still need him.”
Sam got in on the other side and after a quick conversation with Sharon, you were ready to go.
“You’re not gonna move your seat up, are you?” Sam asked.
“No.” Barnes said simply. You rolled your eyes at his childish antics. You leaned forward and tugged his sleeve to get his attention.
“Move your seat up.” You insisted.
“I’m not gonna move my seat.”
“Why not?”
“He didn’t move his seat for me so I’m not-“
“Solo tienes que mover el maldito asiento, Barnes.”
“No me voy a mover“
“Venga, muévete.”
“Por qué debería?“
“Cállate y mueve el maldito asiento. Hmm?” You patted his chest before leaning back. Barnes scoffed, but slid forward slightly.
“Okay…” Sam started, leaning closer to you to speak quietly. “What the hell was that?”
“I’m fluent in Spanish.” You shrugged as you leaned to the middle and spoke in the same hushed tone. “Dad taught me when I was eight-ish. I use it for fun or when I’m trying to prove a point, hence the conversation you just saw. Why?”
“Not that… That.” He gestured to you with one hand and to Barnes with the other. “You guys have been flirting since-“
“Nope.” You shook your head and sat back again. “I’m not talking about that.”
“But you were! Why else would he listen to you?”
“What are you guys talking about back there?” Barnes tried.
“It’s above your pay grade, Barnes.” You answered without thought. “Anyways, Sam.” You turned back to Sam. “I’m a Stark. If there was any flirting, it’s harmless. Starks flirt with everyone.” You shrugged innocently.
“Mhmm.” Sam said unconvinced. “If you guys end up together and-“
“If we end up together I’ll be just as shocked as you.” You laughed. “But it’s not gonna happen. I’m pretty sure he hates me, deep down. You saw how he snapped at me a few minutes ago.”
“So just right now and the other day before Walker showed up, right? That’s what you’re basing this on?” Sam asked, gesturing a small circle in reference to the current scenario. You pressed your lips together in a line while you nodded. “But didn’t he make sure you didn’t make it worse after you got arrested?”
“Sure but-“
“Before we ran into Sharon, he reached for you, right?”
“Okay but wait-“
“And he pulled you out of the way of that blast?”
“I see what you’re saying but-“
“And he only seems to get mad at you when you get yourself hurt!”
“It’s coincidental!” You reasoned quickly with your hands up in surrender. “If he’s gonna like anyone, I highly doubt it’s gonna be me. Wanna know why?”
“Enlighten me.” Sam laughed.
“Cause I push every button I can with him.” You explained. “I annoy him and I talk shit to him and I don’t listen to him. I purposefully see what I can get away with. I’m his annoying roommate/best friend.”
“Right… Because that gimmick never leads to anything…” He rolled his eyes in amusement. “Whatever you say, Mini Stark.” He chuckled.
On the flight back, Sam and Barnes sat opposite each other while they talked. You opted to lay on the ground between them after healing your shoulder and other small scrapes, wanting something flat to let your back relax. As soon as you laid down, you felt your spine pop and practically reposition itself.
Your mind wandered back to the same thoughts it kept coming back to, with the newest additions to your messy brain. Your dad, and if you were doing right by him. Steve, and if you lived up to his expectations. Nat, and how she’d be proud to see you utilizing the skills she taught you. The boy at the party, his unintentional implications of Sharon and the Power Broker. And Barnes… Sam’s suggestion that you were purposefully flirting with Barnes had made you rethink your last interactions with him.
There were comments slipped in here or there, sure. You had played a bit when you took your bracelet back, sure. But were you flirting? Did you.. Did you have a crush on Barnes? No, no it was all in good fun. You didn’t really know him. Why would you flirt with someone you didn’t know? Right?
“Maybe I should’ve destroyed it.” Sam said, which instantly caught your attention.
“That shield represents a lot of things to a lot of people, including me.” Barnes said quickly.
“Yeah, me too.” You agreed from the floor. “My grandfather made that shield… It holds a special place in my heart, kinda the only physical thing from Howard...”
“The world is upside down and needs a new Cap.” Barnes started.
“And it’s not gonna be Walker.” You added.
“Before you destroy it, I’m going to take it from him myself.” He finished.
“Count me in, Barnes.” You said, sitting up when Zemo came down the aisle. You moved to sit by the side of Barnes’ chair and looked up at him. “In it together?” You asked, holding up a fist.
“Together.” He smiled slightly as he gave you the fist bump you waited for.
“Thanks, by the way.” You added softly as Zemo muttered something. “For keeping this safe-“ You shook your wrist. “-and for getting me out the way of that blast. I could’ve died but you didn’t let me.”
“I told you I wouldn’t let you die, Y/N.” He nodded. “You trust me yet?”
“Hmm, getting there.” You pondered playfully. “You’re making good progress, but it depends on if you’re still mad at me.”
“Why would I be mad at you?” His eyebrows furrowed in confusion.
“You yelled at me..” You realized how silly it was once you said it.
“You could've gotten hurt or even killed and I- I can’t have your blood on my hands too..”
“I know I’m not invincible…” You admitted heavily as you looked between Sam and Barnes. You knew Sam worried about you too, but he and Barnes had different ways of showing it. “I know I’m not Iron Man, but… But that’s the way I’ve always fought. It’s how I learned to fight. One time Steve told us ‘If you get hurt, hurt them back. And if you die, walk it off’.”
“Of course he did.” Barnes chuckled as Sam smiled fondly. 
“It’s what I've always followed. So yeah, I’m a little reckless but I can heal myself so I never worried… But I guess I can try to be more strategic if it would make you guys feel better.” You offered with a small smile.
It was nice to know you had people watching your back, two people by your side that would seemingly burn down the world if it took you. You felt safer than you had with anyone since your dad.
“Why do you call him Barnes?” Zemo asked suddenly. “I thought you were all friends.”
“Wait. Does it bother you?” You wondered honestly, looking to Barnes.
“No, just a little different.” He answered with a small shrug.
“Dad always called him Barnes. Not James, or even Bucky. Guess I picked it up from him. I never really thought about it, in all honesty.” You shrugged. 
“Yes, but that’s very business.” Zemo continued. “It’s so impersonal. If you two have a good relationship like you claim, or the type of relationship you two display… Shouldn’t you call him something more intimate?”
Using your powers, you plucked one of the ice cubes out of Zemo’s drink and flicked it towards his forehead. It smacked the center and left a wet square on his skin before plopping back in the cup. You smiled in amusement and looked to Barnes, who also enjoyed your little trick.
“Mind your business.” You chuckled, leaning your back against Barnes’ seat. You tilted your head back against the seat too, closing your eyes and letting out a sigh.
“Hey.” Barnes tapped a finger against your forehead. “Don’t sleep on the floor.”
“Stark?” Sam laughed from the other side of the aisle. “Get up, kid. There’s an open seat right here.”
“With the amount of times I’ve fallen asleep on the floor of my dad’s lab or in a desk chair leaning on a lab table or even on the lab table.” You laughed while you stayed in your spot. “This doesn’t bother me.”
“Get your ass up.” Barnes tried again.
“Too late!” You announced, dropping to the ground. “Good night.”
You woke up when you all landed. Even though you had napped on the floor, you didn’t wake feeling stiff or uncomfortable. You followed the boys out of the jet and through the Latvian streets.
It was a beautiful country, as many European countries were. Cobblestone streets that carried vibrations perfectly. Intricate stone buildings that were tall but not towering. Simple painted doors to break monotony.
“I don’t suppose any of you bothered visiting the memorial?” Zemo asked, referencing the memorial for Sokovia.
“I did..” You said softly, almost too quiet for anyone to hear.
“Did you?” Zemo was honestly surprised.
“After my dad’s funeral, when I moved out… There was a gap between leaving and moving in with Barnes. I didn’t know where else to go or who I was without Tony Stark. So I went to the memorial… It didn’t make anything clearer but it reminded me of a lot.”
“I’m sorry about your father.” Zemo said. You swore you heard sympathy playing in his voice. “He had his flaws but he was a good man.”
“Yeah, thanks, you and the rest of the world are sorry.” You said, somewhat bitterly. “He was the only permanent family I had. No one cared about me like he did.” You felt Sam and Barnes shoot you a look of confusion but you didn’t acknowledge it.
“What about the Avengers?”
“Yeah, they were great.” You shrugged slightly. “It just wasn’t quite the same. I was the most important thing to him, you know? Whenever I was feeling off, he was always there with something fun to distract me. Granted, that something fun was usually a new piece of tech he wanted to test, but it always worked to cheer me up. The world misses and mourns Iron Man, the CEO of Stark Industries and Earth’s best defender. No one other than me mourns my dad.” You explained as you noticed a change in Barnes’ demeanor.
“I’m gonna go for a walk.” He announced.
“You good?” Sam tried.
“Yeah. See you in a bit.” He nodded before taking off.
You lingered outside while Zemo went in. Sam turned in the doorway when he realized you hadn’t moved.
“Little Stark?” Sam asked. “You coming?”
“That was weird, wasn’t it?” You commented, pointing in the direction Barnes went. 
“Yeah but he’s weird.” Sam chuckled. “You know that…. Oh! I see what this is.”
“It’s not that.” You shook your head with an annoyed sigh.
“That’s exactly what it is.”
“Seriously? He’s our friend.”
“You don’t see me chasing after him.” Sam shrugged. “He’s a grown man, Y/N. If he wants to brood and take a walk, let him.”
“You didn’t see it.. Something caught his attention and made him leave.”
“Well I don’t just stare at him so no, I didn’t see anything.”
“Nat taught me to constantly watch my surroundings. To keep my head on a swivel… He saw something I didn’t, but I saw him see it. I just don’t know what exactly he saw.”
“Just come inside.” He sighed. “You can interrogate him when he comes back.”
“ Or I just go check on him… Cause I’m grown too and don’t have to listen to you.” You said carefully, hurrying after Barnes. You heard protests from Sam but none made you turn.
You made it to the alley where Barnes turned. You knelt at the corner, feeling the ground and knocking your knuckles against the stone. You closed your eyes to focus, picturing Barnes and an incoming familiar figure. With an amused smile, you turned the corner.
“Ayo.” You said happily. “I didn’t think I’d see you here.”
“You followed me.” Barnes said, moderately annoyed.
“You made it easy enough.” You muttered before turning to the Dora.
“What brings you to Latvia?” You asked, already knowing the answer.
“Y/N.” She greeted respectfully. “I’m here for Zemo.” 
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Puppy Love - Emily Sonnett x Reader
During their off season training, Emily meets a stranger and her dog. 
Note, I’m not wild about the ending, so I may repost with a different ending
“Just smile and wave Sonny,” Kelley nudged the younger defender next to her.
Kelley and Emily saw the same woman with her dog on the far end of the field they practiced on in the off season every morning. The woman was usually throwing a worn looking ball for the large German shepherd who would quickly chase it and return it before eagerly sitting and waiting for it to be thrown again. She would always glance up when the pair of defenders would enter through the opposite side of the field, quickly leashing her dog before beginning to take the dog for a run.
Other than the brief glances, they never interacted. The dog owner seemingly knowing the pair were there for a focused workout and was considerate enough to give them the space.
Even with the minimal interaction, Sonnett somehow found herself looking forward to seeing the stranger and her dog each morning. They were always there mid-morning, when people should be at work, and she never seemed rushed, and never interfered with their workout. The woman undoubtably gorgeous, athletic looking physique, long blonde hair always pulled into a high bun. The dog was large, midnight black, and incredibly well trained; always following the first command and never straying when others entered the field.
Kelley had noticed Sonnett following the woman’s actions while she leashed her dog and prepared to leave the field one morning, “just wave at her! We see her every morning, its going to be weird the longer you don’t.”
“You wave at her if you think it’s important!”
“Ok,” the brunette shrugged, enthusiastically waving at the dog owner when she had glanced their way, giving her a large grin too.
The woman in return cocked her head to the side, not expecting the attention, but waved and smiled in return. She glanced down and said something to the dog at her feet. Both defenders broke out in large grins when they watched the seated dog lift one paw and swat it through the air a few times before returning it to the ground, giving his own slight wave. She glanced down to her dog, obviously praising him, when he stood, and his tail wagged eagerly. The pair began to jog out of the park.
“There, now you just need to wave on your own,” Kelley teased while they continued to get their boots on.
“I’ll wave tomorrow,” Sonnett mumbled, blushing slightly. She had never spoken to this woman or seen other than from the other side of the field, but felt oddly better when she saw her every morning.
“It’s a wave Sonny, it’s us being social, it’s us appreciating she lets us have the field, it’s us appreciating she is considerate enough to keep her dog on a leash when we get here. Do I need to continue?” Kelley nudged the blushing defender again, “so stop thinking so much and just fucking wave kid.”
The next morning, the field was empty when the pair arrived, a first in over a month.
“See Kel! It wasn’t just a wave, we scared her off!” Sonnett challenged.
“Really Sonnett?” Kelley started, already exasperated with this conversation, “It was a wave!” she made a point of enunciating each word.
Suddenly their quiet bickering was broken up by the thudding of paws across the grass. Both soccer players looked up to the see the large shepherd running after his ball, skidding to a stop to pick it up before and speeding back to his owner. Kelley nudged Sonnett, giving her a look to prove her point, pointing to the dog.
They watched as the ball was thrown a few times, the dog and owner slowly working across the large field, making their way closer to the pair on the bleachers. Both were impressed as they watched the ease and distance in which the woman could throw the ball.
The woman finally glanced in their direction after another throw, she visibly cringed when she saw the soccer players waiting on the bench.
“Shit, I’m sorry guys, I didn’t see you over here,” she began to immediately apologize, turning back to intercept her dog.
“Nah, don’t worry about it, we just got here,” Kelley stood and walked over, gently tapping a ball at her feet as she went.
“Let me grab Orion and we’ll be out of your way,” she turned, called the dog back over. The dog quickly trotted back, dropping his ball, waiting to be leashed again.  
“Why don’t you guys stay? You obviously just got her, we can practice over there,” Kelley motioned to the goal closer to the bleachers, “you good with that Son?” the blonde timidly smiled and nodded along.
“You sure?” the dog owner double checked.
“Of course! You always leave when we get here, more than enough room for all of us,” Kelley waved her off, “I’m Kelley by the way, and this is Emily,” she motioned between themselves.
“Y/N,” she offered in return, “this is Orion,” Y/N motioned to the dog sitting patiently sitting next to her.
“He’s gorgeous, can I pet him?” Kelley took half a step forward, reaching a palm out to allow the dog to sniff her.
“For sure, go ahead O,” Y/N tapped the dogs head, Orion raised a paw to be shaken as Kelley approached.
“Aww Em, he shakes!” Kelley cooed while she knelt down, shaking the paw gently before slowly reaching up to pet his head. When the dog didn’t seem worried about the attention, the defender brought up both hands, beginning to scratch his ears with one hand while the other slid along his back.
Y/N smiled as she watched the smile on both the new friends faces, it dropped slightly at how hesitant the other soccer player seemed, assuming it was because of the dog she tapped his butt to get his attention. When the dog turned, she showed him the ball before throwing it as far as she could in the opposite direction, Orion quickly running after it.
She looked back to the pair, making eye contact with Sonnett to apologize “I’m sorry, he’s big and a little intimidating, I’ll keep him over here. Nice meeting you guys!” she tossed over her shoulder before jogging away, calling Orion to direct him away from the soccer players.
“The fuck Son, you love dogs. I didn’t think you were scared of big dogs,” Kelley touched Emily’s elbow, concern lacing her tone while she watched the younger woman. Seeing the bashful blush on her face, Kelley began to smirk. “Or are you scared of hot blondes with big dogs?”
“Shut up,” Sonnett mumbled before jogging away, stealing the ball at the other defender feet.
“Oh it is the second thing!” Kelley jogged after her, “she seems super nice! Talk to her, play with the dog, play with her,” she waggled her eye brows suggestively at the end.
Sonnett just blushed deeper, biting her lip, she glanced to where Y/N was throwing the ball again. It was a warm fall day, leaving her in fitted joggers and a t-shirt. The t-shirt was tight around Y/N’s bicep, stretched across the width of muscular looking shoulders. The woman was clearly athletic and strong. Sonnett watched as her arm and back flexed while she threw the ball again. How she easily caught the large dog in her arms after tapping her chest for a trick.
“Ow, the fuck Kel?” Sonnett whipped around after the ball gently hit the side of her head. Glaring at the other defender who just laughed, Kelley came forward and collected the ball at her feet, before taking a few steps back.
“You should probably go get this,” was all Kelley said before kicking the ball toward the dog and owner.
“What the fuck Kelley?” Sonnett continued to glare, “this isn’t us staying out of each other’s way!”
“No, but it’s me getting you to talk to the pretty blonde,” Kelley called over her shoulder as she walked towards their bench.
Sonnett sighed before jogging over to retrieve the ball, they clearly weren’t practicing at all today.
“O no! That’s not yours,” Y/N called as the dog latched his teeth into the ball.
“I am so sorry, Kelley apparently forgot we were playing on the other side after only five minutes,” Emily began to apologize as she got closer, watching as the dog sunk his teeth further into the ball.
“Fuck,” Y/N mumbled as she watched the ball deflate slightly in Orions mouth, “uhh don’t worry about it. But I think I owe you a new ball,” she motioned to the dog happily nosing the deflating ball on the ground.
“Nope, Kelley definitely owes me a new ball,” Emily smiled at the defeated look on the other blondes face.
“I’m really sorry, he has a soccer ball at home we play with,” Y/N continued to try and apologize.
“Oh no, we are fully blaming O’hara over there,” Sonnett pointed to the brunette defender on the other side of the field who was pretending to not watch the interaction. “Orion can have that one, we have plenty more where that came from.”
The pair watched while Orion bit harshly into the ball again, more air squealing out of it.
Sonnett smiled at the dog who was enjoying his new toy.
“Are you sure?” Y/N confirmed again, Sonnett gave her another reassuring smile and a nod.
“Absolutely! He is better with it than that one is any way,” she nodded her head to the defender now juggling a second ball.  
“Well thank you Emily, tomorrow I’ll make sure his teeth stay out of any of your balls,” Y/N gave a reassuring smile. Sonnettt smiled in return, the pair just staring at each other before the dog nosed the deflated ball to the defender.
This time Sonnett did lean down to pet the dog, who happily accepted the pets and scratches to his ears before trotting off and waiting for Y/N to throw his ball again.
“It was nice meeting you Y/N,” the blonde said sincerely before jogging back over to the ither side of the field.
The next morning, Y/N and Orion were already in their normal spot playing fetch when the defender arrived at the other side of the field. While they got ready, they both missed the dog and owner approach them.
As they both stood up, the pair, Y/N with a new soccer ball sitting under her arm. Both defenders smiled and watched while Y/N dropped the ball and kicked it forward slightly, Orion trotting after it. The soccer players expected the dog to sink his teeth into it like he had the day before, but both giggled when the heard the command from Y/N.
“Nose only, O,” the dog obediently listened, pushing the ball forward a few more feet closer to the soccer player, “figured you guys would need a new ball since your other one had been stolen.” The blonde smiled at both of them.
“You didn’t need to do that!” Sonnett began, only to stop as the ball was pushed in her feet, Orion sitting proudly behind it, tongue hanging lazily out the side of his. “Good boy,” both defenders knelt down and began petting the dog.
Y/N waved them off, called Orion back over, “it definitely needed to be replaced,” she winked and jogged away before they could say anything else.
Sonnett pulled the ball onto her toe and tapped it up into her hands, eyebrows creasing when she saw something written on the ball.
Was written in bold sharpie, signed with Y/N’s name and her number.
“You are texting her as soon as we finish training!” Kelley stole the ball, inspecting the writing. Sonnett blushed and watched the blonde and her jog out the far end of the park.
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straynstay · 4 years
Changbin - Hybrid AU! (part II)
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part I
here you are again buying a ticket for the circus
you barely slept after last night, the thrills of being a volunteer to a fire act still keeping the adrenaline running through your body
and, of course, him 
Spear B
you were excited to see what kind of fiery tricks he would pull off tonight since he promised you something special
as soon as you entered the tent, you sat on the second row in front of the stage
this time you wouldn’t hide yourself
kids and parents filled the place once more and you felt nervous
nervous to see his reaction once he spots you in the crowd
and nervous to see him again
you can’t deny that he bursted your heart’s doors and took a place in it in less than 24h
he was really impressive and mysterious, someone you’d like to know better
hopefully tonight you’ll be able to talk more
the lights suddenly went out and that same circus song began playing
funny how yesterday you were terrified of it, but now it made you excited because you know he is coming
the attractions were the same as the day before, nothing much changed except for the audience’s reactions
the kids were more hyped than yesterday, and you can’t deny you’re too
especially when the ringmaster appeared to announce the special act of the night
you can feel your own heartbeats resonating in your chest and your hands starting to get clammy
“ladies and gentlemen, boys and girls, children of all ages! You’ve laughed with our clowns, you’ve been thrilled by our acrobats, you were amazed by our jugglers…” the ringmaster spoke
“but now it’s time!” drum rolls filled the arena, just like it did yesterday
“it’s time to be mesmerized by our main attraction of the night!” the spotlight moved around the arena
oh lord… it’s now… he’s coming...
“brace yourselves because it's gonna get hot in here! Make some noise for Spear B!” the kids screamed their lungs out and you held your breath once he got on stage
he was so different, holy shit!
he had an undercut and his hair was styled to show his forehead
his right eyebrow had an X on it, which was quite charming, and he was wearing a tight red shirt
goddamn, you weren’t ready for this!
Spear B bowed to the crowd and as soon as he lift his head, the entire stage caught on fire
you were taken aback by the sudden heat, and the flames were so tall that you couldn’t even see him anymore
a hype song began playing and you saw some balls on fire moving in circular motion above all the flames
Spear B walked to the front of the stage, and you saw that he was juggling the balls amid the fire
the kids screamed, but you couldn’t do anything except to be mesmerized again by him
Spear B threw one ball at a time so high it almost reached the peak of the tent
when they all started to descend, he somehow created with his own mouth a thin stream of fire aimed directly at them and blew them up one by one like tiny fireworks
you smiled seeing his amazing pyrotechnic performance
you still had no idea how he did it, but it was absolutely extraordinary to witness it
he snapped his fingers and immediately the sleeves of his red shirt caught on fire
the flames quickly reached his shoulders, but with a strong clap of his hands he put out all the flames, including the ones that were still burning on the stage
the trick not only made his sleeves burn completely, but it also revealed the huge muscular arms you had no idea he had
geez… you’re twice as hot now
the lights suddenly went out and the song stopped
you held your breath once again, not knowing what to expect next
after about twenty seconds, a sudden brightness illuminated the arena, making your eyes shut involuntary
once you opened them again, you saw the same wooden target from yesterday, the same one that you were bound to while he threw spears on fire at you
but this time the edges of the target were lit up in flames
“and for Spear B’s last act, he had chosen a brave soul to come up on stage and be his victim” the ringmaster’s voice echoed through the arena
you smiled in the middle of all that hot craziness once his eyes found yours for the first time that night
he only motioned his head towards the stage and you already knew what to do
so you followed the staff and got up on stage once again with him
“ready?” he smiled and you felt your legs shaking seeing him so confident and so good looking and so, so close to you
you swear you felt heat radiating from his body
“yes” you answered trying to remain cool 
“yesterday you promised an unforgettable performance, so I’m counting on it” you provoked him
“don’t worry, Spear B never disappoints” he winked and you wish you could just grab him right here and now
but the staff came in and placed you safely on the wooden apparatus in the same Vitruvian Man position with your arms and legs wide open
you could feel the heat from the flames surrounding the target tingling your skin, and it made your heart beat faster
this was already different from the day before
you saw him picking up four spears and putting one on his right hand while the others he kept on his left hand
he turned his back to you and a staff came behind him while the crowd cheered loudly
you couldn’t quite see what they were doing, but as soon as he turned around again you regretted coming tonight
he was blindfolded
“are you kidding me?” you asked almost screaming
“this isn’t even my final form” he mocked smiling, and it hurt to see that his smile was even more prettier with his eyes covered
the spear on his right hand caught on fire out of nowhere and you felt your stomach trying to get out of your body through your throat
but to make it even worse, you felt yourself moving
the staff was spinning the wooden circle with you attached on it
you could only scream, even though you weren’t spinning too fast
the fact that you’re stuck with a blindfolded guy aiming a flaming spear in your direction made your life flash before your eyes
you led a beautiful, yet monotone life so far, but with no regrets
except for tonight
you shouldn’t have come back here
you’re so dead
you closed your eyes when the crowd began cheering
a loud thud was heard and your heart felt like it dropped to your belly
one down, three to go
Lord have mercy!
you pleaded silently, praying to the universe to allow this to finish soon
another thud and loud screams, but you were sure no one was screaming louder than you right now
you felt your consciousness slowly slipping away, this was taking too long for your liking
two more loud thud and the wooden target finally halted its movement
but you didn’t have enough courage to open your eyes
“give it up for Spear B!” the ringmaster shouted while the staff untied you from that wheel of hell
your legs were wobbling, but you were able to keep yourself straight with the help of the spears stuck on the target
when you slowly opened your eyes, you saw Spear B with his arms open in front of the crowd receiving his well deserved applauses
he took a few steps back, and out of the blue huge flames engulfed the stage again, just like he did in the beginning of his act
you shut your eyes quickly, afraid of the sudden fire so close to you
you also felt remarkably hot with drops of sweat running down your spine
“scared?” Spear B’s voice was soft near your ears
you opened your eyes and almost lost control of yourself
he was right in your face, protecting you with his body while the flames were still burning hot behind him and the circus song played loudly
it was overwhelming standing so close to him, especially with his huge arms next to your head and his taunting lips within your reach
“was this unforgettable enough for you or should I try again tomorrow?” Spear B gave you a smirk and you didn’t even know how to react, you felt like putty right now
“I’m sweating” was all you could say, and it made him laugh wholeheartedly
the flames on the stage disappeared once he snapped his fingers and could breath a little better now
“you still haven’t answered me” Spear B raised an eyebrow
“are you out of your mind?” you asked feeling all the rush of adrenaline hitting you at once
you took a couple of deep breaths, using your back of your hand to wipe the sweat from your face
“so… I guess this is a yes?” you gave him an angry look, but his expression caught you off guard
he looked a little nervous, and even though you wanted to kick him for doing this without any heads up, you couldn’t actually blame him
you’re the one who accepted going on stage, and you’re the one that was expecting a mind-blowing performance from him
he delivered it, you can’t deny it, so you really didn’t have to be so mean to him
“I was just trying to impress you, I’m sorry” he apologized with his head down and your heart shattered like it was made of glass
“don’t apologize, you were great” you smiled a bit seeing his lifting his head to look at you
“you think so? I scared you” he placed his hands behind his back, and although his arms flexed lusciously, the fear in his gaze was all you could focus on
he asked you if you were scared, but now you know he’s the scared one
“you didn’t scare me, you just took me by surprise, that’s all” you gave him a comforting smile and he nodded, seeming to regain his confidence back
“may I know your name or should I just call you Spear B?”
“my name’s Changbin, but you can call me cutie if you want to”
“Changbin is fine” you laughed
“Then I’ll call you cutie” he winked, making you blush a little
“this is my first time visiting your city, can you show me around?” Changbin asked
“is this your smooth way to ask me on a date?” you teased
“it was just my way of asking you out, I know it wasn’t smooth at all” he placed his right hand behind his neck and let out an awkward laugh
“it wasn’t, but I liked it” you replied “this is a small town, but I can show you some fun places”
“I’ll get changed real quick and be back, you can wait me outside” Changbin said cheerfully and ran backstage
you laughed at the situation and got off the stage
you didn’t even noticed everyone was gone because Changbin fogged your mind with his presence
you went outside and sighed in relief after breathing the fresh night breeze
there were still some children with their parents taking pictures and chatting with the hybrid performers, and you thought of Changbin
he was able to play with fire so easily, but was he also a hybrid?
there were no records of hybrids that can control fire, so what was he?
“psst” you turned your head to see Changbin’s head peeking from a small spot near the tent and you smiled walking towards him
“shall we?” Changbin put on a black cap matching the rest of his black outfit
he was just in regular loose clothes, but he looked so good it was unfair
the two of you began walking away from the tent, bodies so close that your hands were slightly rubbing together
after a small silence, you decided to speak
“I’m sorry if this sounds rude, but I need to ask… what are you?”
“I’m a hybrid” Changbin told you
“yeah, I figured that out” you replied “but I still don’t know what kind of hybrid you are”
“can’t you tell?” he opened his arms so you could take a better look at him
damn, he was fine
“no, I mean.. you look like a normal human being”
“no, I look like a hot human being” yeah, you couldn’t deny it
“and how are hot human beings created?” you asked raising your eyebrow
“crossbreeding with fire-breathing dragons, cutie” he winked
“what?!” you laughed aloud in the middle of the street, he was totally messing with you
“c’mon, please, I need to know, I’m dying of curiosity”
“I’m serious” he said laughing as well
“ah, stop it” you lightly pushed him to the side and continued walking
“why do you think I can control fire?”
“dragons are mythical creatures, they don’t exist” you stated
“tell science that”
“then how? how are you possible?” you pointed at him
“my grandpa was an experiment, his lab was trying to create legendary hybrids for selected people to own”
“the scientists somehow managed to encode a fire ability into a lizard-like gene and ta-da! my grandpa was created”
to say you were in shock was an understatement, but he continued explaining anyways
“my grandpa was the only one who survived, his brothers and sisters all had weird mutations and faced horrible deaths”
“but he didn’t show any signs of being a hybrid, he wasn’t immune to fire, he couldn’t control it, he didn’t have scales, he just looked like a normal boy”
“and that’s why the scientists tried to kill him, cause he was flawed and reminded them of their failure, but luckily he managed to escape and found refuge in the circus”
“he was just a regular juggler until puberty came, then black scales grew on his torso, arms, and neck, fire could not harm him and he could not only control fire but produce it as well”
“then my grandpa knew the lab had succeeded creating a dragon hybrid, but they never knew”
“he became the main attraction of the circus and everyone everywhere came to see him. Some people even tried to buy him, but the circus is a huge family and we don’t sell our own”
“he made a lot of money and the circus was thriving, those were happy days as they tell me”
“my grandpa met my grandma, they had my mom, but she didn’t had the dragon gene”
“my grandpa was disappointed that he couldn't pass on his abilities, until baby Changbin was born” you laughed of the way he said this
“I mean, I didn’t come out of my mom’s womb spitting fire, but I was never burnt, so my grandpa thought that I must be special like him, and he was right, but we only found it when I hit puberty as well”
“yeah, I’m a man now, you can tell that, right?” he wiggled his eyebrows making you laugh again
“my grandpa taught me all the tricks he knew and here I am, trying my best to build my legacy as a legendary hybrid too”
wow… you’d never guess this is his family’s story
“is your grandpa alive?” you asked
“yeah, and he’s still performing” he smiled proudly “he’s with the main circus in another town, this circus is actually a side one, he says I need to practice in front of people and there’s no better way to practice if not in front of someone special”
“you didn’t practice in front of me, you practiced with me” you laughed
“but I did alright, didn’t I?”
“yeah, you did” you gave him a fond smile
“here we are” you smiled seeing the bright neon plaque of the only ice cream parlour in your town
you both got inside, and since the owner knew you too well, he promptly began preparing your order
“this is really small, but I swear they have amazing flavors” you said “but if you want to stick to the traditional ones, they have it too”
“here you go” the owner handed you the single scoop of chocolate ice cream with melted chocolate on top and your mouth watered
“thank you, can you put it in the tab, please?”
“I can pay” Changbin reached for his back pocket, but you stopped him
“it’s okay, I have an open tab here, I’m a regular” you explained
“you won’t have anything?” you asked already tasting your ice cream
“no, I’m cool” Changbin quickly replied “can we…?” he pointed outside and you nodded, even though you thought his behavior was a bit odd
you both resumed walking and you began sharing with him some funny stories about the ice cream place 
“I’ve never had ice cream” Changbin confessed unexpectedly and you stopped on your tracks
“why not?!” you were confused
“it’s too cold, I can’t eat it”
“yeah, it hurts if I drink, eat or stand too close to something extremely cold” Changbin sounded a bit disappointed
now it made sense why he was so eager to leave the ice cream parlour, he wasn’t feeling well
“so you have no idea what is like to have ice cream? seriously?” he nodded
you had to show him somehow what ice cream tastes like, so you got closer to him, holding his neck tightly and pressing your cold lips on his
Changbin let out a bit of smoke through his nostrils, making you laugh and breaking the sweet kiss
“I was just regulating my body temperature” his cheeks were reddened
“I’ll take that as a compliment” you smiled
he licked his lips and smiled too
“chocolate ice cream is really good, by the way” Changbin said “but now I wonder what strawberry ice cream tastes like”
“why don’t we find out?” you smiled even more, intertwining your fingers with Changbin’s, pulling him back to the ice cream shop
thankfully, there were many flavors for you to show him tonight
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wonder-kid-pugh · 4 years
All the right moves - (Rose Lavelle x reader)
"Hey guys! So today is obviously a very special day. It's been something I've been looking forward to for ages now and honestly I feel so privileged  to be doing this" I smile into my camera. "So today I'm going to be meeting the women of the US National Team. So we're obviously going to play around with a ball maybe hang out a bit and yeah. It's going to be awesome!"
I point the camera at my gear bag, "I got my boots, I got my ball and I got my gear. So we're good to go!" I grab my bag and left to go meet them at the stadium. They sent a car to come pick me up so as we drove I got some footage to do a time lapse for the video. As I was walking through the tunnel to meet the team on the field I start talking to the camera again, "Guys I'm about to meet them. I'm freaking out. Like I'm about to meet world champions! The best team in the world! So let's see how it goes".
I start walking towards the benches where they're all gathered and as I come closer Vlatko was the first to notice me, "Ah there you are!" I smile and wave, "Hello!" He just gives me a smile, "Thank you for coming". But I just shake my head, "Honestly it was no trouble. Thank you for inviting me!" He chuckles as he turns to the team, "I want us to try and be more creative on the ball. I want us to try stuff that no other team has even thought of so I invited Ms L/n here to train with us". "Not that some of you need any help with that" I add looking at Tobin Heath having to stop myself from fangirling.
Vlatko smiles at me, "Well I'll let you take it from here then". I shift nervously on my feet as the whole team looks at me before I start, "Well uh for those of you who don't know me I'm Y/n L/n and I'm a soccer freestyler. I have a YouTube channel called For Kicks where I post vlogs and soccer challenges and other stuff and yeah". "They're really good" Christen Press smiles. My eyes widen, "You've watched them?" She nods and nudges Tobin beside her, "It's hard not to when this one keeps sending them to me". I close my eyes and press my fingers to my temples. "Uh are you okay?" Someone asks. "Yeah yeah I'm fine. Just trying to process that Tobin Heath actually watches my videos". Everyone laughs as I open my eyes again.
"But anyways I thought that we could start by messing around and just getting a feel for the ball. Then we go into a big game of Panna. Maybe some 2v2's and 1v1's afterwards. Then if some of ye are up for it I have some challenges to film as well" I smile counting them out on my fingers. "What's Panna?" Mal asks. But Tobin and I just grin at each other, "Well usually it's mostly a 2v2 or 1v1 game where you try and roll the ball through the other teams legs to win. But I was thinking more of a big game with last player standing?"
"Hold up just a minute" Sonnet speaks up. She points at me, "You" points to the rest of the team, "want us to try and win a nutmeg game" she points at Tobin, "against the designated Queen of Nutmegs?" I shrug with a smile, "Yup!" She shrugs, "Okay then".
We all laugh while I start rolling my ball under my foot, "Well get a ball and start messing around". Everyone gets a ball and starts playing around with it while I started setting up my gear. As I'm messing around with the settings I hear someone comes up behind me, "So this is what you do?" I see all the younger players as watching me. I shrug, "Yeah pretty much". I smile as I stop playing with the camera and focus on them, "It started off with just trick shot videos and then it just grew from there".
I start juggling the ball doing some around the world's and other tricks, "It went from trick shot videos to skill tutorials. By that time I started going to tournaments and filming them and I guess people liked it". I chuckle a bit as I balance the ball on my foot, "I guess people liked my awkward and weird personality as I started posting stuff on Instagram and other platforms. So I started doing more and adding vlogs along with challenges with other soccer influencers and players". I flicked the ball up and balanced it on my back in between my shoulder blades as I hold out my hand to shake their hand, "Which has lead me here to meeting you guys".
They chuckle as Rose shakes my hand and I wink at the midfielder who blushes. "Well let's get started" I laugh and walk away. I can't help but smirk as I hear them tease the midfielder. "Okay so it's last player standing. If you get nutmegged you go sit in shame off to the side" I joke as everyone laughs. "Everyone ready?" I ask as I focus my camera on them. "No!" Everyone shouts back except for Tobin who is smiling like a kid on Christmas mornings. I chuckle but shrug as I blow the whistle starting the game.
Tobin wastes no time in going from player to player and nutmegging them. I can't help but laugh as everyone lets out small moans and whines as Tobin megs them. But what catches my eye is the fact while people are so focused on avoiding Tobin, they don't notice Rose who's knocking just as many people out of the game. I'm so focused on Rose that I barely notice someone coming. But without even thinking based on pure instinct before the ball can meg me I drag it back with my foot and flick it through the person's legs. But just as I do it everyone freezes and stares at me shocked. I look at them confused before I realised who I'm just after megging.
Tobin Heath
She looks just as shocked at me as I look between her and the ball, "Oh my god. Did I?" But as I look at the ball then stare at the camera in my hands and the cameras set up on the side. "Oh my god! I just megged Tobin Heath and I got it all on camera!" Everyone forgets the game as the youngin's swarm around me and start cheering as if I'm after scoring the winning goal in a World cup final. I start running around celebrating not knowing quite what to do. I only stop when in my excitement I trip over my own feet causing everyone to laugh at me. "Hey Rose your not the only clumsy one now!" Emily teases causing her to glare at the blonde defender.
But I instead ignore the slight dig and pop back up on my feet looking at Tobin who couldn't help but smile at me, "Omg I can't believe I just did that!" I bounce on my feet as I clutch the camera to my chest, "This is so getting posted!" Now this causes Tobin's eyes to widen. We both stare at each other before I take off running with her following closely behind me. I run around trying to shake her off but she follows dangerously close behind. That is until I ran behind Christen and Rose. Tobin stops as I hide behind the two players. I give an innocent smile while the older midfielder glares at me. I peer over Christen's shoulder and with one hand I squish the forward's cheeks together, "How can you be mad looking at this face? Are you really going to try get past her?" Christen smiles making Tobin's glare drop and is replaced with a smile.
While I creek away from the two I somehow tripped over again. I let out a small yelp and tense as I think I'm about to hit the ground. But instead I feel arms wrap around me. I blush as I look up at these brilliant blue eyes sparkling down at me. "Hi" I squeak out already feeling the heat pouring off my cheeks over the fact that I tripped over air in front of a World Champion. She giggles, "Usually it's me that's tripping all over the place". Not knowing what came over me I just shrug nonchalantly, "I guess I'm just falling for you".
This made the midfielder blush now as well as it's now my turn to giggle at how red she goes. I don't know how long we stay there before a cough interrupts us making us turn to see the rest of the team watching us. We both blush even harder as we straighten up and put some distance between the two of us.
But me being the awkward person I am and not liking the attention I was getting decide to redirect.
"I'm still posting this later"
So after doing 1v1 against most of the team (my favourite being when I did a no look nutmeg on Sonnett) we decide to take a break as I sit on the bench sipping some water. What I didn't expect was for a certain midfielder to sit down beside me, "Hey". I smile albeit a bit shocked, "H-hey". She chuckles a bit before looking at my camera, "What are you doing?" I shrug, "Messing around. Just checking some footage". She smiles, "Can I see?" I lick my lips but shrug as I tilt the camera towards her. What I didn't expect was her to scoot closer to me so much so that our shoulders are brushing.
I was too busy watching her that I barely realised she was talking to me, "Sorry what?" She grin as once again a pink tint comes to my face, "This is really good". I bite my lip and just shrug, "It's easy when you guys make it look good". She starts watching a clip I filmed a short while ago of me messing around with the ball, "Your so good". I roll my eyes at her, "Not as good as you Ms World Champ".
I couldn't help it. Flirting with the Cincinatti native just came so easy. It was like the words were just rolling my tongue before I could even stop myself. "Are you always this flirty?" Rose laughs trying to calm down her flaming cheeks. I shrug, "Not really. But I mean can you blame me?" She tilts her head at me looking at me quizcally while I just stare back at her, "I mean look at yourself. Your beautiful and funny. Not to mention an amazing soccer player and a rising star in the soccer world. Your more amazing than you think Rose".
She bites her lip trying to stave off a smile with another blush coming to her face. I grin as I look at her, "How about this?" I start. She raises an eyebrow at me as I stand up, "I still have a challenge video to record. If I beat you I get to take you out on a date". She lips her lips quickly before quirking an eyebrow at me, "And what do I get if I win?" I smirk with a small wink, "I'll buy you dinner".
She shakes her head with a laugh as I hold out a hand to her which she happily takes. I can't help but smile as her hand fits perfectly with mine. And smirk as I hear Sonnett behind us.
"Girl's got moves and I'm not talking about soccer"
"So seeing as we are tied, we are going into a tie breaker" I smile at the camera as I play with the ball in my hands. Rose stands beside me with a small smile. The rest of the team were behind the camera but joined in on the challenges when needed. And there was definitely some sabotage going on.
I'd say it was safe to say they knew about the bet. Which became abundantly clear when Lindsey tripped Rose which helped me win one of the challenges.
I clap my hands, "So for the tie breaker we're going to have a juggling competition with a slight twist". Rose sighs when she sees the rest of the teams faces, "Oh no". I laugh as I hold up the ball to the camera, "So Rose and I are going to start juggling and the person to last the longest wins. But to make the challenge slightly harder" I look at Kelley who tosses me something to hold up to the camera, "the rest of the girls are going to be throwing water balloons at us trying to out us off".
"Why?" Rose whines as the rest of the team laughs. But before I could do anything the front of my jersey is soaked. Everyone laughs while my mouth drops as I see the nutmeg queen grin at me.
"That's for posting the video"
I peel my shirt off me but shrug, "It was worth it". I look over to see Rose giggling at me so I smirk at I launch the balloon at her and she squeals while she also holds her wet jersey out from her, "Y/n!" I laugh but quickly stop as she chases me. She tries to grab me but I catch her hands and pull her into me hugging her against my chest as she squirms and wiggles in my arms. But it all stopped when I hid my face in the crook of her neck and she shivered. I couldn't help but smirk which she probably feels as she slaps my arm, "Shut up". I don't say anything and instead lift her back to in front of the camera where everyone was smirking at us.
"Well without a further ado give us a countdown ladies!" I smile as the team starts grabbing water balloons. "3...2...1...Go!" The team shout as Rose and I begin juggling. It was clear from the start that the majority of the team were gunning for Rose but to not make it too obvious they still threw some at me. I squeal when a balloon bursts against my cheek as the water explodes in my face causing me to squint out of one eye but I thankfully catch the ball before the ball hits the ground. Rose however wasn't as fortune because as great as she is, she wasn't able to recover quick enough from a forceful balloon to the stomach. As she lunges for the ball she wasn't able to regain control of it and kicks the ball away with no chance of catching it before it hit the ground.
Once I'm sure she's lost the ball I boot the ball up into the air as I throw my hands up I'm celebration. Some of the youngsters and some of the other team jump on top of me cheering while I can see Rose roll her eyes but with a hint of a smile on her face. Once everyone calmed down I go back to the camera with Rose and everyone laughs at the two of us. I was completely soaked but I was no where near as bad as Rose who was soaked to the bone. I pull my jersey off over my head and use it as a towel for my face and wipe the water from my eyes, "Well there you have it. By the slimiest of margins I won". I throw an arm around Rose's shoulders, "But it was really fun playing against Rose today and she didn't make it easy for me".
"I want to thank the amazing ladies of the national team for helping me today and I hope to do some more video with them in the future. It's been a pleasure working with you all but before we go we have one last thing to do". Everyone looks at me curiously as I hand Rose a water balloon with a wicked grin, "Time for some Payback".
Everyone scatters as Rose and I chase after them. I end up launching the balloon and it finding its target at Mal's back while Rose nails Sonnett in the back of the head. I see Vlatko and his support staff drop bags of water balloons and a water fight breaks out in a free for all. It was really fun.
Even if I had no dry clothes to change into afterwards.
"Why don't you play with a team?" Rose asks as we walk aimlessly around, "I mean your clearly good enough". I shrug as I take a swig of my milkshake, "I played club when I was younger but quit after a while". She scrunches her face, "Why?" I bite the corner of my lip, "You could say I always had an talent for dribbling and ball control and I enjoyed challenging players head on trying to get around them". I play with the straw of my drink, "I guess my teammates didn't like that and thought I was a ball hog and it didn't help that I was a bit awkward and weird and was only really loud out on the pitch. After that is when the bullying started  and I dreaded going to practice so I eventually just quit".
I couldn't help but smile though, "I think it all changed when my dad bought me my first camera. I started recording myself doing skills and tricks and posting them. I think I really started coming out of my shell as I started doing more video and when I decided to start doing different videos and actually talking about soccer and other stuff and for some reason people liked my weird awkward self and it just went from there".
She frowns at me, "That's awful I'm sorry". I shrug, "Eh it's fine. I mean it sucked but I think I always enjoyed the more creative side of soccer. I always loved to think of new things to do with the ball". "Besides" I start with a small grin as I nudge her shoulder, "it can't be that bad. It lead me to meeting you didn't it?"
She laughs but couldn't stop the bright blush rising to her cheeks, "Smooth". I jokingly run my hand through my hair and wiggle my eyebrows at her, "Hey my skills don't just retain to the soccer field". She laughs and bites the corner of her lip.
"I'll have to see about that"
I know this is bad but I thought I would post it......Hope you enjoyed it!!!
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sweettomyhoney · 4 years
Soccer Team -Andre Burakovsky
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Request: No.
Authors note: Another old writing 🙂
Warning: None
Ps: Request are open
Since Hockey season was over for Andre this meant soccer season started for you. You were the coach for the boys’ pre teen soccer league that was part of the local high school. You played soccer from a young age but it was nothing too serious, just something you did for fun.
“ Hey Andre, I was going to head to the field early,” you said walking into yours and Andres shared bedroom.
“Oh Babe, I wanted to talk to you about that” Andre said darting in from the bathroom
“I was wondering if I could come with you today and maybe help you out” Andre continued
“I’m completely fine with you coming, but sorry to break this to you but you suck at soccer, ” you said laughing.
“I do not suck at soccer, I think I’m pretty good a juggling” he protested
“Yes you are good at juggling, but the last time we went to visit your family you got crossed up, and almost broke your ankle when you played with the neighborhood kids ” you responded.
“Hey, I have to admit that kid was pretty good,” he said wrapping his arms around your waist.
“Andre, the kid was your 6-year-old next door neighbor that started playing a week before we visited.” You said to bringing him in for a kiss.
“He was a natural,” Andre said walking over to the bed to put his shoes on.
“Anyway, I think the boys would enjoy having you around. We better get going or we are going to be late” you said looking at the clock on the wall.
It took about 15 minutes to get to the high school’s soccer field. Andre got the bags out of the car and helped you set up the cones for the first drill.
A few minutes later the boys started to show up.
“ Guys, what I want you to do is to gear up and then pop a squat on the 50-yard, line, I have a surprise for you guys.” You said to them
“ Coach y/l/n what’s the surprise,” one of your kids asked you.
“ Well, it would not be a surprise if I told you Jake know would it ?” You responded with a smile.
Andre was getting the final things out of the car when you finally got all of your players in a circle.
“ Boys settle down, I have something important to say,” you said over their talking
“ Today we have someone that will be joining us who is very important to you and to me, but first I have a question. how many of yall play hockey or watch hockey?” You asked.
Over half of the team raised their hands. You were about to continue speaking when you saw your team’s eyes get very wide and their mouths drop open. At this point, you knew that they were looking at Andre.
“ Coach y/l/n, I got the ball bag out of the car, can we start practicing now,” Andre said handing you the bag.
“Boys I would like you to meet Andre Burakovsky, he will be joining practice with you guys today, so start warming up,” you said containing your laughter.
“Bro your like so cool, I can’t believe this is happening” you hear Liam and Jake say while running with Andre.
“Burakovsky pick up the pace,” you said jokingly causing the rest of the boys to laugh.
Throughout practice, Andre did a pretty good job keeping up being that he was a pro athlete and all. The practice was almost over, so now it was time for the real challenge.
“Boys bring it in,” you said calling your team over.
“ We have 20 minutes left of practice so I was thinking we should play Power and Finesse.” You continued causing the kids to cheer with excitement.
“ What is power and Finesse?” Andre asked confused.
“ Power and Finesse is a shooting game. There is 2 goalies and 2 Captains. The captain will divide the team up by numbers then stand by the goal. They will roll you two balls, the first one you have to hit with power and the second one you have to finesse the goalie. Power and Finesse.” Luke explained.
“ Also, if you miss both of your attempts you are out and have to stand behind the goal. If you catch a ball that went over the net you can go back in.” You continued.
“ Don’t forget about the challenges, if you hit both of the balls into the net you get to challenge a player on the other team,” Tyler added.
You and one of the team captains Tyler divide up the players. Andre was, of course, on Tyler’s team and you were the captain of the opposite team. One by one you and Tyler’s teams flipped flopped turns going. When it was finally Andres turn to go. By surprise, Andre hit both balls into the net resulting in a challenge.
“ Captain Y/N, I challenge you” Andre screamed while pointing at you.
You only hit one ball into the goal causing your team to lose, by this time practice was over and the boys had taken their cool down lap.
“ Coach, how do you know Andre btw?” Tyler asked you
“ Well, me and coach y/l/n have been dating for about a year now,” Andre said kissing the top of your head.
“ Do you love each other? Are you guys going to get married?” Luke said wiggling his eyebrows
“ yes I love him very much ……..and maybe” you replied.
“ Well, I guess there goes my sister’s chances with you,” Jake said causing the whole team to laugh.
Soon the boys were gone and it was just you and Andre.
“ Did you mean it when you said you would marry me?” Andre asks while putting his head on your shoulder.
“ Yes the way you acted with them was amazing and made me realize even more how lucky I am to have you,” you said cuddling Andre in closer.
“ I love you vacker,” Andre said kissing you again.
“ Love you too goofball” you responded.
vacker- Beautiful
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gamergirl929 · 4 years
A Life Lost (Christen Press x Reader)
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Anonymous Request:  one where reader is a surgeon and has had a kid patient for a couple years but they died on readers table and cp comforts the reader because reader feels guilty?
This one gets pretty angsty, I hope you guys enjoy itttttt!
Mentions of death
The constant beep of the machine made your heart ache, your hands moving rapidly as you try to save her, but the machine’s continue beeping loudly.  
You're eventually pulled back when your colleagues bring in a crash cart, the rest a blur as you hear a sudden jolt, this happens another few times the countdown ended with the jolt, but after a few minutes the entire room stills.  
“Time of death 4:32 PM.”
With that you drop to your knees, a lump forming in your throat.  
She was gone and it was your fault.  
A hand on your back is what makes the tears gathered in your eyes start to fall, you turn staring up into the blue orbs of your colleague.  
“We have to inform the family.”  
You nod, wiping your cheeks with your sleeve before moving to your feet, shedding your blood covered scrubs and gloves.  
The second you step out into the hallway, the second your eyes lock with her parent’s tears again begin slipping down your cheeks.  
Everything is a blur after her mother lets out a scream.
“PRESS!!” Vlatko waves the women over, who stares at him in confusion.  
“Is something wrong?” Christen asks the second she reaches him.
He frowns.  
“First I need you to know that your girlfriend is okay...” He starts and Christen’s green orbs widen as she covers her mouth, her heart stilling in her chest.  
“She needs you right now Christen...” He places a hand on her shoulder and she nods.  
“Tobin brought me today.” She motions over her should and he nods.  
“Take her with you, I know she’s good friends with Y/N, and it sounds like she’s going to need all the support she can get right now.”  
Christen jogs across field to Tobin who looks at her with a furrowed brow.  
“What happened?” She asks and Christen shakes her head.  
“Y/N, she needs me.”  
Tobin nods, dropping the ball she was juggling in favor of following Christen.  
“Do you know what happened?” Christen asks Vlatko as she and Tobin gather their things.  
“Apparently she lost someone on the table today... She isn’t taking it well.”  
Christen’s eyes widen, she’d remembered what you’d told her that morning before you left, that a long-time patient of yours was coming in for surgery, a little girl that you’d been treating since you’d first become a doctor.  
A patient you’d grown to love over the years.  
A little girl with an incurable heart disease who had less than a 50% chance to live.  
You sit with your back against a nearby wall, staring blindly forward, tears still sliding down your cheeks.  
You’d promised them you’d save her, it was a simple routine surgery, at least you thought it was until you got in and realized that the surgery was as far from routine as you could possibly get. 
There was nothing you could do; you were powerless to stop what was going to happen, no matter how hard you tried.  
You wrap your arms around your knees, pulling them against your chest as you hide your face in your knees, closing your eyes.  
Your body shakes as you’re wracked with sobs, your body shaking and shuddering.  
You clasp the top of your head with your hands, rocking slowly make and forth, wishing you could go back, wishing there was something you could do...  
You inhale sharply, letting out a gut-wrenching sob.
There was more you could’ve done; she was your dead and it was all your fault.
“Where is she?” Christen asks as she and Tobin rush into the hospital, your colleagues immediately turning her way.  
“Shit, there you are, she’s in her office... She won’t let us in... We lost her on the table today, there was nothing any of us could’ve done.” The woman shakes her head sadly and Christen nods.  
“Thanks for getting a hold of me.” Christen smiles, earning a small sad smile in return.  
“I think you’re the only one who can get through to her.”  
The two forwards nod before heading down the hallway in the direction of your office.  
“Who was she talking about?” Tobin asks, and Christen frowns, the two briskly walking side by side as they move towards your office.  
“A little girl Y/N’s been treating from the start of her career... She had a heart disease, irreparable, but she’d lived passed her expected death date and Y/N was hoping for a miracle...”  
Tobin frowns sadly, glancing down at her feet.  
“She has to be heartbroken.”  
Just as the words leave her mouth the pair hear a guttural sob, a sob that makes Christen’s heart break.  
“She is.”  
You throw your papers off the desk, searching wildly through your files.  
“There has to be something, something I missed, something I was wrong about...” You mumble under your breath, a sudden knock on the door making your head pound.  
“GO AWAY.” You yell, pounding your fists on the desk. “LET ME WORK.”  
“Y/N.” You pick your head up at the sound of your girlfriend’s voice.  
“Ch-Chris?” You call out, sighing when she replies.  
“It’s me, open the door, please?” She asks and you run to the door, tears streaming down your face as you jerk it open to reveal not only Christen, but Tobin as well.  
You throw your arms around Christen’s neck, the woman shushing you softly as she and Tobin guide you back into your office.  
You babble incoherently against her neck, Christen only able to catch a few words.  
“All my fault.”  
“She was just so young...”  
“I could’ve done something.”  
“I had to have made a mistake...”  
“She trusted me and I failed her...”
You continue to ramble until Christen sits down on the small couch in your office, pulling you into her lap as you blather on and on.
Tobin sits in the chair at your desk, watching with a frown as you cry into Christen’s chest.  
“They thanked me...” You sob shaking your head. “For trying to save her, for being with her for so long, but I killed her, it’s my fault.”  
Christen shakes her head, pulling back so she can cup your cheeks, her green orbs locking with your blood shot Y/E/C eyes.  
“You listen to me right now.” Christen sniffles staring into your tear-filled eyes, tears gathering in her own green orbs.  
“I love you Y/N, you did everything you could’ve.” She whispers and you shake your head, but Christen silences you with a fingertip, pressing it against your parted lips.  
“There was nothing you could’ve done.” She whispers, caressing your cheek.  
“You’re grieving...” She frowns. “It’s going to hurt, it’s going to cause you pain, but this was in no way your fault. She lived longer because of her doctor... Because of you... That’s why her parents thanked you... Because you did your best, hell more than your best.”  
Your bottom lip trembles, your blood shot watery eyes disappearing behind your eyelids.  
“It still wasn’t enough Chris.” You swallow hard, clenching your jaw to hold back tears, but it’s to no avail.  
Christen pulls you back against her chest, glancing at Tobin who has tears gathered in her own brown orbs.  
“It wasn’t enough.”  
Needless to say, the nights that follow are restless, complete and utter sadness hitting you at all hours of the day and night, but Christen is there through each and every moment. The woman wiping your tears away as she coos softly in your ear, telling you over and over again that you couldn’t do anything more than you had done already.  
It took some time for you to realize you’d done everything you could’ve, her heart condition was incurable, and it was with your treatment that she’d lived past her intended death date, but still you couldn’t save her in the end and that would haunt you always.  
“I can hear you thinking.” Christen whispers into the darkness and you frown.  
“So-Sorry Chris.” You mumble but the woman shakes her head, pulling you back against her chest.  
“Don’t be sorry... What’s on your mind?” She nuzzles into the spot behind your ear and you smile.  
“You’re right...” You whisper, swallowing hard.  
Christen hums.  
You turn around in her arms leaning in to press a tender, chaste kiss to her lips.  
“Thank you.” You whisper, the brunette’s brows furrowing in confusion.  
“For what?”  
“For being there for me when I needed you most.”  
Christen brushes her nose against yours.  
“I love you, of course I’d be here for you.” She presses another kiss to your lips. “You’re an amazing doctor Y/N, you’re the reason she lived as long as she did.”  
You swallow hard, nodding.  
“I know... And I love you, so, so much.”  
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theonlygamergost · 4 years
What happens in the toy aisle, stays in the toy aisle - Fd!au
This fanfiction is based on the Family Dynamic au made by @antarctic-bay if you would like to know more, go check them out!!!
Also please bear in mind that the things written in this might not be canon!
Tommy Techno and Will are pretty chaotic without supervision, so when they go pick up Phil from his workplace, they make a fatal mistake: they enter the toy aisle.
Phil sighed in relief after a rush of clients had gotten out of the store, the offices had just closed so it was pretty normal for a rush to be around this hour, yet this one ending only meant that in a half an hour, the students rush was going to begin.
This also meant that he had half an hour to refill the shelves, so many things to do, so little time.
“Evening everyone! Evening Phil!” The new employee’s shift started round about now, he greeted everyone and went in the back where he worked, Phil was able to reply with a wave and a smile. The new guy had it rough since he worked the night’s shift in the warehouse, but Phil sometimes brought him coffee or something to eat before leaving work: the guy was slightly older than Wilbur and Phil only felt empathy for the guy.
He stretched his very tired body and started to put the products on the shelves, sleeping three hours for two nights in a row wasn’t the best idea he ever had but convincing Techno to stop studying so late wasn’t an easy task, plus, insomnia is a bitch ¯\_(ツ)_/¯.
The store’s “peace” (for how peaceful a store can be that is) was abruptly interrupted by the shouting of “HEY BIG P!!!!” coming further down the aisle. Customers and employees alike stared in confusion at the young boy who had yelled and the other two teens with him.
Phil turned to see his brothers wave at him with a grin on their faces, “Boys? Wha- what are you doing here?” He asked in disbelief, what were they doing here?
“We came to see you Big P!” Tommy hugged his older brother out of nowhere, making them almost lose balance. The other two smiled as they watched the wholesome scene.
“Thank you for coming to see me boys but, the store is on the other side of the town from your school! There has to be another reason you came all the way here” Wilbur and Techno snickered, making Phil more suspicious
then he already was.
“Now I’m genuinely concerned, what are you little shit-heads up to?” Phil engaged his dad-mode, placing his hands on his hips and looking at the teens for explanations. Tommy and Techno smiled innocently while Wilbur answered.
“We came here to pick you up after your shift ends! There was no point in going back home and then coming here so…” He looked around while putting his arms behind his back, Tommy nodded aggressively like he always did when Wilbur talked for the three of them, “We came here directly from school in my car, It just didn’t feel right to make you come back home on the bus. You work for all of us so this is the least we can do”
Phil stared at them in silence, that was so thoughtful of them.
Phil moved around town with the old trusted scooter their father gifted him on his sixteenth birthday, but as time passed, it only became more old and less trusty, so it was no surprise when two mornings ago the scooter didn’t start, the noises it emitted were more than worrying so he brought it to the mechanical near their house. He could afford the repair costs but he completely forgot that he had to use the bus to get to work, so he woke up “at the same time as usual” the next day… he didn’t calculate that the scooter was way faster than the public transport though,  so he arrived twenty minutes late.
“That is very… kind of you guys, but my shift ends in an hour, what are you going to do until then?”
Techno shrugged, “Laugh at kids toys” saying it like it was the most normal and obvious thing in the world.
Phil couldn’t help himself from face-palming, smiling behind the hand that covered his face: he loved his brothers very much, but god why were they so chaotic?
“Fine then, go to the toy aisle, just… don’t get yelled at for making too much noise ok?” Their eyes started sparkling, they were waiting for this.
After thanking and saying goodbye to Phil, Wilbur and Tommy bolted out of view, Techno sighed and shook his head before walking with hands in his pockets after them.
Phil smiled and got back to work, moving the groceries from the cart to the shelves.
“So wait, you’re telling me that the teacher gave you a vote without checking your paper?” Wilbur was playing with his yo-yo while casually chatting with Techno, Tommy was bouncing a basketball around them.
“Yeah, I mean… it’s pretty normal, the teacher says that it’s always a “waste of time” to check my papers because she never finds any errors” The blonde boy was half-listening to his older brothers, they said they were going to the toy aisle to make fun of stuff, “Stil, the teacher shouldn’t do that! Correcting homework is part of her job!” Yet they were talking about boring stuff, who cares about school anyway?
“I am aware Wilbur, that’s why she doesn’t like me anymore, I said in front of the class that she gave me an A+ but I made two errors she didn’t correct, now both the class and the teacher think I’m an asshole” Techno sighed, he never really cared about what people thought of him, but it still kinda hurt.
Wilbur stopped playing with the yo-yo, looking at the ground while in thoughts.
“Have you reported this to the principal?” Techno shook his head.
As he was about to say something, a bunch of bouncy balls hit them.
“GWAHAHA! YOU JUST GOT PRRRRANKED BRO!” Tommy laughed hysterically at them, holding a small box full of them.
“You in this Techno?” Wilbur grabbed a couple of balls off the ground, “Count me in Will” Techno juggled a ball in his hand, ready for what was about to happen.
“Wait- guys- w-we can talk about this!” Tommy slowly started to back away from them, hoping for an agreement.
“One…” Tommy gulped, Techno adjusted his glasses.
“... Two… “ Tommy became a stuttering mess, Wilbur grinned as widely as he could.
“THREE!” They said in unison, bringing back their arm to launch the bouncy ball as hard as they could.
Proudly, Phil placed his hands on his hips as he admired the work he had just done: The whole aisle was know refilled and ordinated.
He chucked the empty carton boxes into the cart along with the cutter and pricer. Taking it in the warehouse where the new guy and another employee were drinking coffee, the night was long for them so this was the first of many.
As they noticed Phil walking in, they greeted him, “Yo Phil! Want some coffee?” The older Pandel brother shook his head and thanked them, “No thanks mate, I’m good” Taking one card box at the time, he cut them and folded them to throw them away while making small talk with the other two employees.
“Did you know that the manager got caught flirting with that young cashier the other day?” One of the workers said after taking a bite of their sandwich, “He’s an asshole who looks like a creep, I’m not surprised… “ The other one was playing crosswords, he replied as he scratched his head. “Vertical, four letters, a Japanese company who products televisions and owns a console? Dude, I don’t play those videogames how am I supposed to know?”
“Sony” Phil replied while dropping off the cutter, the guy who asked the question stared at the journal. “Um… Oh Yeah! It fits! Thanks Phil” He scuffed it off as he closed the storage door, heading off to change out of his uniform. He wondered what mess the three brothers could have done while out of his sight.
Before he changed and waved goodbye to his co-workers, Phil had sent a text to Wilbur, asking him to meet up outside the store, when he arrived there, they were already waiting.
“Alright!” He stretched his arms “I’m so done doing shit today, who wants to order pizza?” The brothers agreed and cheered as they got into Will’s car, of course he was driving, so Phil sat in front and the other two in the back.
“Thank you for picking me up today” He looked at Wilbur.
“No worries big P!” Tommy emerged from the back seat, a soft “It’s the least we could have done” came directly from behind him, he smiled.
“So what did you end up doing while waiting for me?” The car became as silent as rock, Will’s eyes widened.
From that day, the three brothers never entered Phil’s workplace again, also bouncy balls were now banned in the Pandel household.
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Riding On Ch 15: TFI Friday
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Summary: It’s Friday (thank f**k), and Frank’s taken the day off work so that he and Fliss can take an early dinner before meeting the Circle of Truth to celebrate Bonnie and Simon’s engagement…but Fliss is struggling with her emotions, especially when it comes to leaving Alex behind.
Warnings: Bad Language words. SMUT (NSFW, no under 18s…)
Pairing: Frank Adler x Fliss Gallagher
A/N:  A lot of fluff going down in this chapter…they deserve it! We also get to see Frank’s version of the events from Done With Nice Guys which was written by @smediumsmeatbae​. Please check it out, it’s adorable!!! 
Chapter Song: Laid by James (this happens to be another one of my favourites…give it a listen to!) 
Series Masterlist //  WIYPT Masterlist
This bed is on fire with passionate love. The neighbours complain about the noises above, but she only comes when she’s on top. My therapist said not to see you no more, he said you’re like a disease without any cure, he said I’m so obsessed that I’m becoming a bore, oh no…ah, you think you’re so pretty…
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Frank woke, reaching out blindly for his phone to silence the alarm. He swiped the button across and turned over, fully intending on giving Fliss a cuddle for another 5 minutes or so before he had to get up when realisation crashed over him and he gave a groan. He'd booked the fucking day off so he could take Fliss for a late afternoon-slash-early evening meal and had forgotten to turn off his bastard alarm.
And then it further dawned on him that it didn't actually matter because Mary still needed to get up and ready for school regardless of his day off or not.
But then…it was Friday. Her university day…which meant she wasn’t due in until 10…
With a grin his arm tightened over Fliss’ waist, hand splaying on her belly as he pulled her back into him, nuzzling his nose into her neck, feeling a stirring in his boxers where his cock was already semi-hard thanks to the life of its own it had in a morning. Part of him wanted to wake her for a bit of fun before the rest of the house rose, the other knew she was bound to be tired after Alex had been an absolute horror during the night, but in the end the decision was made for him as he felt her shift a little, before she stretched out her limbs, a soft sigh escaping from her mouth. "Morning Sailor..." Fliss yawned.
"Morning Cowgirl" He said, closing his eyes and snuggling closer into her. “I didn’t wake you did I?”
“The alarm did.” She shifted slightly before she propped herself up to check on Alex who was fast asleep "Yeah, now he sleeps" she grumbled.
Frank gave a chuckle and pressed another kiss to her neck "yeah he was really not playing ball last night was he?"
"3 times." She groaned "He's a bottomless pit Frank."
"I told you to stay on bed the 3rd time." Frank sighed.
"Once I'm awake I'm awake." She shrugged. "He cries and it’s like my boobs send an alarm to my brain.”
Frank chuckled "Well like your mom suggested, introducing the formula should help. He'll fill up from less and give you a break."
"You mean because I can't feed him what he needs myself." She let put a sigh and at that Frank took a deep breath and propped himself up on his elbow.
"Hey, look at me." He said sternly and she rolled onto her back, her brown eyes blinking up at him, auburn and blonde hair splayed across her pillow "you checked with the doctor, she said this perfectly normal..."
"Then why do I feel so shit." She asked, tears brimming her eyes "I can't even feed our baby properly.”
"Come ‘ere..." he said gently as she rolled onto her side facing him, his arms cradling her close as she pressed her face into his chest, sniffling "Lissy, you're a wonderful mom. Don't start beating yourself up about something that in the grand scheme of things really doesn't matter."
"It matters to me Frank..."
"Look, he won't give a shit whether what he's getting is from you or not. He just wants food." He said gently, his hand rubbing up and down her back, underneath the sleep cami she was wearing "if anything the fact you're doing this shows how much of a good mom you are. You spotted something that he needs and you're doing what you have to do to give it to him.” She stayed silent bar her little sniffles and he gently pressed a kiss to her head. "Don't think on it too much Fliss. I know it must feel shitty for you but he'll be fine. That I can promise you."
She took a deep breath and pulled back to look at him, and he gently brushed his lips against hers, the hand that was on her back stopping in the middle of the spine, holding her to him. She arched an eyebrow and gave a little smirk before he shrugged and kissed her lazily. She took the kiss eagerly, allowing him to slowly ease her over onto her back, caging her underneath his body as his mouth moved to her jawline then her neck. She gave a soft sigh, her hands sliding into his sleep-messed hair and he’d just moved his mouth downwards, softly nipping at her chest through her top when, with his ever perfect timing, Alex let out a little whine.
“For fucks sake…” Frank grumbled, his head falling to the valley of Fliss’ chest as she chuckled, swatting at his head. With a sigh he propped himself up and dropped a kiss to her lips. “I’ll get him sorted.” he said. “You take a while, lay in.”
Fliss looked down at her boobs and then shrugged “Well seeing as he fed 3 times over night they’re not that swollen so…” Frank gave a snort as she looked at him, arching her eyebrows “Hey, the struggle is real, ok?"
“I didn’t suggest otherwise.” He said, hopping out of bed, pulling on a pair of sweats, yanking at the crotch as they felt a little tight thanks to the fact he was still aroused, and a T-shirt as Fliss leaned over, gently rubbing Alex’s tummy. “Hey…” he said, picking his son up, gently placing a large hand on his back “If you’re swapping over to formula, does that mean Ben and Jerry are gonna go smaller?” he nodded at her chest “Because if so I may be forced to reconsider my stance on the situation.”
“If you didn’t have hold of our son I’d punch you.” Fliss glared and he gave a chuckle before he headed out of the room.
“Couldn’t you have slept for like 15 minutes longer this morning buddy?” he questioned gently as he entered the nursery, placing Alex down on the changing mat. “You totally cock blocked me. Which, for the record, is not cool.”
Alex looked at him, blinking slowly.
“Yeah, you might look like that.” Frank deadpanned, as Alex’s hands curled around his fingers. His little legs wiggled a little and Frank bent down with his mouth arranged in an open smile, causing Alex’s face to split into a little grin, his arms and legs waggling even faster. “Yeah, ok, I forgive you.” Frank chuckled before he changed him into a clean diaper and then padded downstairs to warm his bottle up, juggling his son easily in one arm as he did so.
By now Alex’s fairly decent mood had started to wane as he was hungry. The noises he made were getting louder and slightly more impatient, threatening to turn into an out and out cry.
“Yeah, yeah, it’s coming pal…” Frank said, dropping a gentle kiss to the downy hair on Alex’s head “I know, you’re hungry...despite the fact you had midnight, 1.30 am and 4am snack…”
He settled on the sofa, flicked on the TV for the morning news, positioned Alex and gave him his bottle, watching with a soft smile on his face as the baby’s cheeks worked hungrily taking the mix of breast and formula. They’d started this just a few days or so ago after Fliss had simply been unable to stop him crying from hunger Tuesday afternoon and called her mom in a flap. She’d suggested doing what Steve and Sian had had to do with the twins, seeing as both of those had been greedy little bastards too so after a call to the Paediatrician, Fliss had reluctantly agreed. He did sympathise with her, and he’d been waiting for the inevitable tears which had finally come that morning, but it would be much easier for her in the long run all things considered, especially if as the doctor had suggested she could move to formula fully bar a morning feed.
Supporting Alex in one arm, he absentmindedly watched the anchor and co-anchor on the breakfast show interviewing someone about a Thanksgiving tradition or something, he wasn’t really paying much attention if he was honest. It freaked him out how fast it was creeping up on them. Soon it would be fucking Christmas. Thankfully, Fliss seemed to be on top of it mostly. They were hosting a small Thanksgiving with his mother then heading over to Verity and Bill’s for the usual party, and for Christmas Steve, Sian and the boys were over so they were spending the day at Verity and Bill’s along with Roberta and his mother…which was always fun. It never ceased to amaze him how welcoming Fliss’ family had been to his own fucked up version of one.
Lost in his thoughts, he was jerked from them by a little popping noise and he looked down to see Alex had moved away from the bottle, and to his astonishment there was a small amount left.
“Finally full up buddy?” he asked, offering it him back but the baby turned his head away un interested “Guess so.” Frank said, placing the bottle on the coffee table and moving Alex so he was leaning against his chest, head on his shoulder as he burped him. It took a little while but eventually he obliged and Frank chuckled, turning his head to look at him, bright blue eyes staring around the room. He was developing so fast now, it was ridiculous.
“Shall we go wake your sister up?” he asked softly, “Yeah, ok…”
Thankfully, Mary was actually pretty co-operative most mornings, and today being one of her university split days she was in a good mood, rabbiting on to Frank about the assignment she had done. They ate breakfast before she headed off upstairs to get changed and once she was back, he told her to watch Alex for a second whilst he made his way into the bedroom with a plate of toast and a coffee for Fliss, knowing full well she wouldn’t be asleep. And sure enough, she lay on her back, watching the TV.  She beamed at him as she shuffled herself up, taking the mug off him as he placed the plate on the night stand and perched on the side of the bed.  
“Where’s Bean?” she asked.
“Mary’s watching him for a second so I could bring you that.”
“Thank you.” She smiled, taking a sip of her drink.
“I’ll take him with me when I drop Mary off. He likes the truck. I might pop into the shop for 20 minutes or so, the guys haven’t seen him in a while and I like showing him off.” Frank smiled a little bashfully and Fliss’ smile grew even larger. “Imma dress him in his Made In Boston T-shirt…”
Fliss chuckled “I still can’t believe Bonnie and Simon got him that.” “Oh, I can.” Frank nodded “In fact, that’s quite tame for what I expected from Si to be honest.” “Yeah, that’s true…” Fliss conceded “Oh, don’t forget, I’m teaching at 2 for an hour.” “I’ll be well back before then.” Frank snorted, “It’s not even 8 yet.” “I know I was just pointing out you can have some more male bonding time then too.” “Great, maybe I’ll introduce him to Debbie Does Dallas…” Frank teased and Fliss snorted
“Well, we know he likes boobs so…”
Frank gave a laugh before he leaned over and gave her another soft kiss. “I’ll get him dressed and then we’re heading out so I’ll see you in a little while. Love you.” “Love you too.” She smiled, as he bumped his nose against hers and left.
Once he’d dropped Mary off and walked her into her lecture hall where he handed her over to her tutor, he headed back out to the truck, clipping the car seat back in place. He dropped into work, where as predicted the guys on the team all came to say hi, commenting on how big he was compared to last time they’d seen him. He double checked a couple of the rotas for Monday before he headed home, getting back just after 11, by which point Alex was fast asleep. He entered the house, greeting Thor who came bounding down the stairs to check who’d dared to walk into his home.
“Just me buddy.” He said, patting the large dog’s head before he headed upstairs knowing full well that if Thor had been upstairs that meant Fliss was too. And sure enough, he opened the door to their bedroom and heard the shower in the en-suite going. Fred opened his eye and looked at Frank from where he had been lounging on their bed, his tail swishing slightly before he returned to his cat nap, not even bothering to move.
With a snort at the cat’s blatant lack of any fucks to give, Frank placed the car seat on the dresser, smoothing back Alex’s hair as he continued to sleep and then realised that this was a prime opportunity for finishing what he started this morning. With a dirty smirk to himself he opened the door to the bathroom. Fliss’ head was tipped back, face turned to the stream of water, suds cascading from her long hair down her body which instantly had him half hard in the constraints of his sweats.
Yup, Frank Adler was a big fan of getting dirty in the shower.
“Room for another?” he asked, cheekily, pulling off his T-shirt. Fliss jumped a little as she hadn’t heard him come in and then turned to look at him through the shower screen, most of her body obscured by the frosted glass pattern. She grinned and raised her hand, making a beckoning motion with her fingers. In a flash he shed the remainder of his clothing and stepped into the large cubicle with her, his hands reaching out for her hips, pulling her towards him, so her back was pressed to his chest.
“I believe we have unfinished business Miss Gallagher.” He said, feeling her slick skin pressing against his as he nipped at her neck.
“Really?” she pondered, “I don’t recall…”
“No?” he teased, his lips placing another kiss to her wet skin, “Maybe this will jog your memory…”
His hands slid up, tracing the curve of her waist before he gently cupped her breasts, calloused thumbs skating over the nipples. With a reaction that was automatic, she let out a soft sigh as he gently teased her, his palms and fingers working their magic, all the time taking care not to be too rough as he knew she was sensitive. But in the end it was Fliss demanding he go harder as she arched her back, pushing herself into his hands as she felt the aching brewing between her legs. She went to squeeze them closed, anything to help relieve the pressure that was building and she felt Frank’s lips smirk against her neck, one of his hands brushing down her body, slipping between her folds, right where she needed him most.
“Fuck…” she swore, as he gently played her, slow, teasing strokes and before long she was rocking against his hand, seeking friction as she was spiralling higher and higher, Frank’s rock hard dick pressing into the lower part of her back.
“Turn around…” Frank said into her ear and she did as she was told, greeting his lips in a filthy kiss as he pivoted her round so that her back was pressed to the wall of the shower cubicle. His mouth moved from hers to her jawline, the whiskers of his beard gently sliding over her skin as he dipped his head to kiss her collar bone before he rather gracefully dropped to his knees. He glanced up at her, deep brown met ocean blue, her eyes full with a heady combination of love, desire and lust and it drew a low growl from his throat as he reached down for her left ankle. With a steady hand Frank lifted it over his right shoulder and gently kissed and sucked his way up her leg, leaving a nip at the apex of her thigh. She moaned loudly, her head falling back against the tiles as he moved to where she wanted him the most, his tongue long and flat against her centre as he lapped at her entrance all the way up to her sensitive bud. Her body jolted as she let out a soft sigh of his name which was laced with satisfaction as he set his mouth to work.
As Frank devoured her with the enthusiasm of a man starved, Fliss curled her fingers into his damp hair, the movement a reflex as the other slapped flat against the grey slate tiles. The contrast of his short beard scratching at her sensitive skin to his soft tongue and mouth was sending her body into overdrive. He gently grazed her bud with his teeth which caused her hips to violently buck forward, her nails dug into his scalp and he gave a chuckle which vibrated against her clit causing her to groan loudly.
“Jesus Christ Frank…” she panted, looking down at him. He peeked up from between her legs, a cheeky glint in his eyes as he continued, his tongue flicking into her entrance, before he sucked on her bud and then she was gone. Her knees trembled as her hand pulled his hair, almost to the point it was painful as she gave a loud cry, her other hand reaching to his head as she used both to push him away from her sensitive sex as she clamped down around thin air. With a smug sense of satisfaction at having undone her to the extent he had, Frank rose to his feet, wiping his wet face with an equally wet forearm and he cupped her cheeks, kissing her again, his tongue tangling against hers.
Fliss’ wrecked brain had barely registered his mouth was on hers when he pulled back slightly, his lips hovering over hers as the water cascaded down on them both. “Turn back around…”he whispered softly, and she did as she was told. Frank gently moved his hands to her hips, pulling her back, nudging her ankles with his feet to open her up a little more. With one palm on the base of her back he gently bent her forward ever so slightly, took his throbbing cock in his hand and lined himself up. With a gentle, slow movement he slipped inside, burying himself in her heat, the rumble from his throat slipping out of his mouth at the relief of finally being inside her. Once he was fully sheathed his hands moved, one to her stomach, holding her in place, the other up to her breasts as she arched her back, her head back against his shoulder as he drove in and out of her, slowly, deliberately. Her right hand moved back to grab at his thigh, her fingertips digging into the hard muscle as he thrust forward, the other hand flat reached back to tangle in his hair.
“God you feel so good baby…” he groaned, his mouth licking a stripe up the side of her neck as her head lolled to the right, tracing her wet skin up to her jaw line, “So fahkin’ good…”
The hand that had been on her belly moved to grasp her chin with his finger and thumb, tipping her face round to his so he could kiss her. It was all Fliss could do to kiss him back, allowing him to control the pace as she was completely gone, the sensations lancing through her body had left her totally pliant to his ministrations, and he fucking adored the fact she surrendered to him, that she felt safe enough to do so.
“Frankie…” she panted softly as he continued to push into her, driving deep, and she gave a squeak as he rotated his hips, his fingers letting go of her face to slide down her body, between her legs and she gave a long wail of delight as he fondled her bud, “Shit…I’m…”
“Go one, come for me baby…” he nipped at her ear “I got you, I promise…”
With a last, silent moan she came, hard, her knees almost buckling, but Frank held her to him as she blissed out completely, the entire world fading around her as she felt nothing but the familiar hot, warm pleasure as her abdomen contracted and relaxed as her walls spasmed around him over and over.
“Good girl…” he praised as he continued thrusting through, the heat in his own belly now beginning to spike even more, “Such a good girl for me…”
She preened at his praise, relaxing slightly into his hold as he kissed her neck once more, picking up the pace slightly. She reached back with one hand to cup his balls and with an almost violent buck forward he came, biting down gently on her shoulder, muffling the noises of satisfaction and pleasure that rolled from the back of his throat.
His hips stilled and neither of them moved, his hands gently flexing on her hips before he gave a soft chuckle of satisfaction and he pulled out of her, taking care to keep her as close to him as he could. Her head lolled back against his shoulder and she turned her head, greeting his lips in a soft, gentle kiss and he smiled as she pulled away, rubbing her nose against his.
“You should take the day off more often” she quipped and Frank could do nothing but laugh.
“I fahkin’ love you.” He chuckled and she grinned, giving a shrug.
“I’m a very lovable person.”
“That you are cowgirl.” He nodded, “That you are.”
“Felicity Rose Gallagher, if you ask me one more time if we are sure we’re going to be ok I’m gonna go mad.” Verity glared at Fliss who had just asked the question for the umpteenth time since her parents had turned up for babysitting duty.
Fliss gave a groan and held her hands up. “I’m sorry, I just…”
“You’ve left him with us before, this is no different.” Verity looked at her “No go, go on, scoot.”
Over Fliss’ shoulder, Frank shot Verity a wink as he dropped his hand to the curve of his girl’s lower back.
“Come on Lissy, we’ll be late otherwise.”
“Yeah, and I wanna get back to eat.” Bill said, twirling his car keys.
“Maybe I should drive?” Fliss looked at Frank who took a deep breath as Verity made an annoyed noise in her throat.
“If you want to drive, then that’s up to you.” Frank said simply as she bit her lip. “Be a shame though, I was gonna treat you to that champagne you demanded…maybe not quite a swimming pool full but…”
Fliss looked at him for a second before she shook her head “I’m sorry…”
“Stop apologising.” He chuckled softly “Baby what do you want to do?”
She glanced at Alex who was led in Verity’s arms, happily grinning up at his Nanna before she turned to Frank. “No, you’re right. We haven’t been out for months so…”she nodded. “Let’s go.” “Halle-fuckin-lujah.” Bill mumbled, earning himself a glare from Fliss. “V, I’ll grab us some take-out on the way back.”
“Bye baby…” Fliss crossed the room to drop a kiss on Alex’s head and then turned, taking Frank’s outstretched hand. “We won’t be too late…” she tossed over her shoulder at her mum. Verity shrugged.
“Doesn’t matter, we’re staying so be as late as you want.”
Fliss nodded and Frank squeezed his hand around hers as they left the room, not before he threw a smile at Verity who gave him a knowing one back. Fliss had been fine all week with the principle of going out…right up until she had gotten out of her second shower of the day that evening, when she’d suddenly had an attack of conscience about leaving him with her parents whilst she went out drinking. Frank was sharp enough to know full well this was linked to her current feelings of inadequacy, and he also knew that no matter what he said or did, there was nothing he could do to stop that bar be there for her and give her the reassurance that she needed.
That and simply love her, which was a given, because he did with every single breath he took.
“You look gorgeous.” He said to her gently as they walked to her dad’s car. She smiled and glanced down at the dark blue peplum top she was wearing, coupled with faded jeans and a white denim jacket. She’d been over the moon to find out she could fit back in those jeans so he wasn’t surprised she’d chosen them for the evening. On her feet she wore a simple pair of yellow heeled pumps, complete with matching bag. Her hair was down in loose waves, and her make-up was simple, a light dusting of rose gold powder on her lids.
“Thanks.” She said, before she eyed him up and down and he grinned as he knew full well what she was thinking, given that he was dressed in his yellow and black palm-tree Hawaiian print shirt.
“You said my shit shits were endearing.” He said and she gave a laugh, shrugging.
“You wouldn’t be Frank without them.” She smiled and he grinned.
Fliss declined the front seat when Frank offered it to her, instead climbing into the back behind her dad taking the time to check up on a few emails and the yard’s social media accounts. The three of them made easy chat on the way into St Pete’s and they thanked Bill for the lift as they both climbed out. Fliss instructed her dad to call them if there was any problems and he simply rolled his eyes and told her to “piss off and have a good time”.
They’d picked to go to Rios for dinner before they were heading down to Ferg’s to meet up with the others a little later on. It had become a little bit of a running joke between Bonnie and Fliss that, as much of a dive as Ferg’s was, frankly the two women preferred it to any of the bars they frequented. It was casual, fun, they knew a hell of a lot of people in there including most of the bar staff, and it held good memories. It suited both Frank and Simon down to the ground, both of them happy to tease their girls about having simple taste until Fliss normally quipped back along the lines of that being the reason she was marrying Frank in the first place. But when he pushed all jokes aside, he was glad she was so down to Earth. He had nothing against Greg or Jake’s wives but man, they were high maintenance.
But not his Lissy.
As it was still early and they wanted to chill out, they had opted to eat in the more casual outside lounge area which sported the roof bar and offered an all evening Tapas style menu, not the full a la carte main restaurant menu. As such they were led through to their table on the veranda. Neither of them had been into this part since the refurb, the last time Fliss came it hadn’t been finished but now, she felt a smile cross her face as she looked around. It was cosy and casual, right up her street. The tables were slightly lower than normal and appeared to all be different shapes and sizes, made out of driftwood and pallets. They were decked with large candles held in jars in the middle and surrounded by comfy chairs and bean bags all of which sported blankets given that the time of year meant sometimes in the evening it could be quite chilly at night. In the middle of the veranda was a large stone fire pit which was covered by an ornamental, wrought iron cage that spiralled to a point some 8 foot off the ground, and the bar stood to the rear right hand corner with a few people sat down enjoying a drink.
“Oh my God, I love it.” Fliss muttered to Frank and he looked down at her, nodding.
“This is pretty cool” he conceded.
“The tables and seats…it’s just how I pictured our wedding.” She said as they were led over to their spot at the rear, which was just by the glass barrier of the roof, over-looking the beach and the ocean.
“Yeah?” Frank asked, looking at her.
She nodded “Rustic, causal, bean bags, blankets…that type of thing…although it won’t be that cold then…”
“If you want blankets, baby, you can have blankets.” He chuckled kissing her forehead as they settled down onto the comfy plush seats which to Fliss’ delight were also bean bags just shaped differently. The teenage kid who had shown them to their table soon returned with the menus and informed them that as it was the first week they’d opened the terrace, with every bottle of wine purchased, there was complementary charcuterie tasting platter included. Fliss’ eyes lit up and Frank knew why, it was probably her favourite thing to eat in the world and he had to admit, she did a pretty wicked board herself when they were entertaining. With that in mind, he ordered them a bottle of Pinot Grigio and they sat back, Frank’s arm dropping over Fliss’ shoulders as she looked around.
“You know, if this is the type of thing you want, why not take a few photos and then we can start looking around.” Frank suggested and Fliss looked at him, smiling. “You can give Bobbi a call. I know you want to organise it yourself but she’ll probably have a list of suppliers, caterers, that sorta stuff for you to look at.” “I already know what I want for catering.” Fliss looked at him.
“You do?” Frank asked.
“Yup. I want food trucks. Mexican and Pizza.”
Frank cocked his head to one side, smiling as he looked at her “That’s actually a fucking brilliant idea.”
“No fancy sit down meal, if it stays for a couple of hours then people can grab what they want when they want.”
“Love it.” Frank grinned, looking up as their waiter appeared with their bottle of wine. He poured them both a glass and set the ice bucket in the middle of the table, before he disappeared again.  Frank picked his glass up and Fliss did the same, the pair of them gently clinking them together, smiling. “To our first date in…what? 4 months?” Frank teased and Fliss shrugged.
“I don’t know, I lost track of time…been kinda busy.” She teased as Frank chuckled, leaning down to give her a soft kiss.
Their charcuterie board arrived not long after and they then placed their order, opting for the Chef’s Selection, a number of small tapas dishes which as the name suggested, would be selected by the chef for them. Fliss had liked the idea of it all being rather mysterious and as the waiter had asked what kind of thing they liked they’d both listed a few things and he’d nodded, heading away with their order.
Frank reached over for the wine bottle to top Fliss’ glass up and she thanked him, taking another sip, before he saw her bite her lip and she reached into her purse.
“Congratulations.” He said dryly, teasing her a little as she turned to him. He nodded to the phone “You made it like 45 minutes since we walked out of the door without checking up on him.” “I wasn’t…” she began to protest and he gave her a look and she groaned, tossing her phone back in her purse “Ok, fine…maybe I was.” “Honey, he’ll be ok.” Frank said gently, his hand on her knee “You’re mom and dad did this all before remember?”
“I know, I know…” she said, before she reached over for an olive and popped it in her mouth.
Frank then diverted the subject, got her talking about her afternoon teaching and she animatedly filled him in on how nice it had been to get back to seeing some of her clients. The conversation was easy, fun, they laughed and giggled away and a little over half an hour later when their food arrived they’d worked though their first bottle of wine and Frank then ordered them a bottle of Veuve Clicquot Brut, just as he’d promised.
The food was amazing, Frank couldn’t fault a single thing about it, other than maybe it was a little too good as his jeans definitely felt a little tighter around the waist when they finished their meal because despite the fact he was full he just couldn’t stop eating. As the waiter came to clean the empty dishes away, Fliss then heard her phone going. Reaching into her purse she read the message and smiled before she turned the phone to Frank. It was a picture of Alex, fast asleep against Bill’s chest as he sat in their lounge.
“See.” Frank smile “He’s happy as a pig in shit.” “Frank!” Fliss scoffed, slapping his arm, “Don’t call our baby a pig.” “I was talking about your dad.”
“Oh…I’m so telling him you said that.” She said as they both laughed and she shook her head “You’re a bad man.”
“You love it honey.” He teased and she grinned.
“Yeah, yeah I do.” She leaned over, pressing her lips to his in a soft kiss. She glanced down at her phone and smiled again before she put it away “We did good though. We made a pretty cute baby.” “Good genes.” Frank boasted and Fliss laughed and he smiled at her, brushing her hair back behind her ear before he rest his arm along the back of the soft chair she was in. “Ever think you’ll fancy another?”
“Another baby?” Fliss asked and Frank nodded. “Fuck no.” she spluttered and Frank let out a loud laugh. “I mean I wouldn’t change any of this for the world but, well, he wasn’t exactly on my life plan…”
“Good, because I don’t want one either.” He said in between his chuckles as he reached for his champagne flute.
“Well, you know…” Fliss said, mimicking him and picking hers up “There is one way we could make sure it doesn’t happen again…” she moved the hand that wasn’t holding her drink and mimed a pair of scissors snipping the air. Frank choked on his drink, spluttering slightly as the bubbles threatened to fizz down his nose. Fliss roared with laughter as he wiped at his shirt and glared at her.
“Absolutely no way in hell.”
“Why not?” she shrugged.
“Because…well, just no!” he said, grimacing, “I couldn’t do that to Little Frank.” “Little Frank…jesus…I can’t…”  Fliss’ laughter grew even louder and the familiar snorting that happened when she was laughing beyond control started, which set Frank off again. She clamped her hand over her mouth, slapping his arm and looked away from him, trying to control herself. Eventually they managed to stop and Frank shook his head, composing himself before he asked for the check.
They hit a cab down to Ferg’s and Fliss squealed when she saw Bonnie, sweeping her up into a huge hug before examining her ring up close whilst Frank shook Simon’s hand, pulling him into a bro hug, slapping his back. They were joined shortly afterwards by the rest of the gang, and when Simon and Bonnie broke their news to everyone there were more loud cheers and a shout of “shots all round” from Jake. Frank kept a careful eye on Fliss, who was already flushed from what they’d drunk over dinner, especially seeing as she hadn’t had a proper drink in over a year now. She downed 2 tequilas and then shook her head when someone asked her if she wanted another, instead requesting a water.
The gang moved to their preferred spot over at one of the tables at the back, round the corner away from the bar area, and they had a good hour or so catch up before the boys wanted to shoot some pool. Together they made their way over to the games area, the girls settling at one of the tall tables by the side.
“So how is the little one?” Greg turned to Frank as Simon and Jake racked the pool balls up, and he beamed in response.
“Ah Greg, he’s fahkin’ awesome.” Frank gushed “I just…he’s great, really great. Other than being a little cock block that is.” Greg snorted “Yeah I hate to break it to you, but that only gets worse as they get older…especially when they learn how to climb out of their crib and come to your room.” “Imma get a lock on the door.” Frank stated simply and Greg laughed as they grabbed a cue each, chalking the end.
They shot one game and then Frank said it was his round, so he headed off to the bar. He nodded to Dave, asking for the same again plus another bottle of water for Fliss and as he headed off to get their drinks, the young woman on the seat next to Frank jumped down from the stool next to him. Frank fished in his pocket for his wallet, pausing as he heard a little yelp and he turned his head to the right to see the guy sat two stools down had his arm curled around the young woman’s upper arm. She tried to get free but the guy’s grip tightened and Frank felt a spike of anger in his chest. All he could see in his mind was Fliss and that bastard ex-husband of hers hurting her. And he knew then he couldn’t, and didn’t want to, let this go.
“We’re not done yet.” The guy said loudly, a sneer on his face as he looked at the girl. Frank quickly stepped up behind her, and he looked at the guy and shook his head.
“Yes, you are.” He said, drawing himself up to full height, shoulders tensing, his eyes not once leaving the douchebag in front of him as he kept his voice calm and level “Let the lady go, man.”
“Mind your business, dick head.”
“It became my business when the whole bar could hear your conversation.” Frank retorted, his tone still calm. “Let her go. Now.” 
After a second or so, albeit reluctantly, the asshole did loosen his grip so that the young girl could remove her arm from his hand meaning she could get out of the way. She headed down to the far end of the bar, Frank watching her for a second before he turned back to the man in front of him who was now wobbling to his feet, his fist clenching by his side.
Frank snorted to himself. Was this asshole really going to go there? Sure, the inebriated piece of shit was built, he probably had a good 20 pounds on him, but Frank himself was no push over. He was in decent shape, he knew that, and given his chances against someone who was struggling to stand up straight, well, he’d take them.
“What are you, some kinda knight in shining armor?” the guy snorted. “Fuck you, man!”
Before Frank had time for a rebuttal, asshole had made a run for him and Frank almost lazily sidestepped as the drunk swung a punch at him. Not being able to stop, Mr Drunk asshole pitched forward and smacked into a chair, catching his head on the adjacent table-top. He groaned out in pain as he held his head on the ground. 
“Jeff! What the hell is going on?”
Frank looked up to see a group of guys heading back in from the outside of the patio and for the first time he felt a little nervous. He looked around, and to his relief he saw Simon and Jake approaching.
“Get him outta here!” Dave said loudly “Your friend is drunk and startin’ fights in my bar. Get the fuck out before I call the cops.”
The guys were fast to act, quickly shuffling ‘Jeff’ out and cursing at him for ruining their night.
“Fucking prick…” Dave shook his head, before he looked at Frank. “Nice going man, this rounds on the house.” “Thanks Dave…” Frank smiled at him.
“Hey bud, you ok?” Simon clapped Frank on the shoulder as Jake eyed the guys leaving “What the fuck?” “Oh he was hassling some girl.” Frank said, shaking his head, “She was petrified.” “What a dick.” Jake mumbled, turning back to him. “She ok?” “Not sure…” Frank said, looking round the bar as Dave placed the tray of drinks down in front of him. He didn’t know whether she had stayed or scarpered but he soon spotted her. She was sat on a chair, her arms over her stomach at the opposite end of the bar. Frank felt a pang of sympathy for her, she was clearly here on her own for whatever reason. “Do me a favour and take the drinks back to the tables will you?” he said to Jake and Simon, before he strode over, stopping besides her.
“Hey, you okay?”  he asked her gently.
“Yeah, thanks to you. Thank you for helping me. You’re like my hero.”  she let out a nervous laugh as a pink blush settled on her cheeks.
“You’re welcome but I was just doing what any person would do.” Frank smiled, a little embarrassed at the compliment. “My name’s Frank, by the way. You want some water?”
She offered her name and nodded. Frank turned to Dave “Hey man, can she get a water”?
“Sure.” Dave nodded, reaching into the fridge for a bottle. He passed it over and she took it with a thanks, taking a slow sip before she set the bottle down and looked back at Frank.
“So, Frank. Is there any way I could thank you for your bravery? Maybe treat you to a coffee sometime?” at that she reached forward and put her hand on top of his forearm gently, looking at him expectantly.
Shit. Not another fucking Vegas.
As gently as he could he moved his arm away, coughing a little as he shook his head. “I… uh, thank you for the offer, but not sure my fiancée would appreciate that.”
“Oh, god. I’m sorry.” She blushed again and pulled her hand away.
He smiled kindly at her, but before he could assure her not to worry about it he heard Fliss shouting. “Frank!”
He turned to see her walking towards him, a worried expression on her face. “Are you okay?” “Yeah Lissy, I’m fine.” He wrapped an arm around her and pulled her close to him, kissing her temple lightly. 
“What happened?” she asked, searching his eyes “Jake and Simon mentioned there’d been a fight and…” “Just some drunken asshole harassing this lady.” He said, nodding to the woman. “I stepped in that’s all. He didn’t hit me, don’t worry.”
Fliss looked at him, then to the woman and back again as Frank introduced her. The young woman reached out and shook Fliss hand as Frank’s arm dropped to her back, gently brushing underneath her top.
"Well, I think I’ve had enough ‘fun’ for the night.” The girl laughed dryly. “I’m gonna head out. Thank you again, Frank. It was nice meeting you Fliss. You’ve got quite a guy." 
Fliss looked at Frank whose cheeks had flushed slightly and she nodded in agreement. “Yeah, I do. Take care.”
They stood watching her leave before Fliss turned to Frank, her hands sliding up his chest “Like a regular real life Captain America ain’t you? Standing up for the little guy.”
Frank rolled his eyes “Your Marvel obsession is ridiculous.”
She shrugged as he dropped a kiss to her lips before they headed back over to join their friends.
***** An hour or so later Fliss was ready to go home, her feet hurt, her boobs hurt and she was quite drunk. She leaned over to Frank who was sat next to her, her hand curling round his thigh and he turned to her.
“You ok sweetheart?”
“No, I mean yeah, I mean…” she sighed “I’m ready to go home, do you mind?” “Course not.” He smiled, giving a little chuckle “I’ll get us an Uber ok?”
He reached for his phone, ordered the car and to Fliss’ relief there was one literally round the corner. They stood up, bid their friends good night sharing a few hugs and the like before Frank looped an arm round Fliss’ shoulders, hers slinking around his waist as they walked slowly out of the bar. Frank could tell she was a little unsteady on her feet and he smiled to himself, pleased she’d let go enough to enjoy herself.
Carefully he made sure she got down the steps ok and they walked along the little path that led down to the front of the row of bars that Ferg’s was at the end of. As they emerged onto the road area, waiting for their cab Frank heard a shout.
He wheeled round and saw the asshole from the bar, Jeff, stumbling towards him as his friends hastily followed, shouting at him to leave it alone.
“Fuck…” Frank mumbled, “Fliss, move honey, quick…” She looked up at him, then to the guy approaching, and he felt her tense. He stepped forward, his arm stretched out to the side, ready to push her behind him but in a flash she ducked under it and before he could stop her she’d raised her fist and smashed it straight into the approaching guy’s face. Her punch connected with a satisfying crack and he dropped like a stone to the floor, clutching his nose which was billowing blood.
His friends appeared once more, apologising profoundly as they hoisted him to his feet, he was groaning and clutching at his face, as they led him away.
“Lissy…” Frank’s voice was a mixture of shock and awe as she turned to him, shaking out her fist.
“Sorry, oh my God that was so bad…” she mumbled, “Was that bad? Are you angry?”
“Angry?” he looked at her, shaking his head “No. Why would- what- where the fuck did you learn to punch like that?”
“Steve.” She shrugged “Haven’t done it in a while…”
Frank blinked as their Uber pulled up and she made her way towards it. He shook himself out of his shocked stance and strode forward, opening the car door for her. He stopped it halfway, causing her to look at him and he dropped his head, his lips brushing her ear. “Baby, I just want you to know that I’m all sorts of turned on right now…”
She looked up at him and her lips quirked up at the side into a cheeky grin. “Best hope this guy doesn’t take the long way home then…” Frank gave a little growl as she leaned up and pressed her lips to his. He opened the door fully, to allow her to climb into the back seat, before he hastily followed her in. As the driver set off, Frank leaned forward between the front seats, which wasn’t exactly easy given the bulge in the front of his jeans and he nodded to the driver.
“Extra 5 bucks in it for you pal, if you make it quick…”
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wiypt-writes · 4 years
Riding On
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Ch 15- TFI Friday
Summary: It’s Friday (thank f**k), and Frank’s taken the day off work so that he and Fliss can take an early dinner before meeting the Circle of Truth to celebrate Bonnie and Simon’s engagement…but Fliss is struggling with her emotions, especially when it comes to leaving Alex behind.
Warnings: Bad Language words. SMUT (NSFW, no under 18s…)
Pairing: Frank Adler x Fliss Gallagher
A/N:  A lot of fluff going down in this chapter…they deserve it! We also get to see Frank’s version of the events from Done With Nice Guys which was written by @smediumsmeatbae​. Please check it out, it’s adorable!!!  
Disclaimer: This is a pure work of fiction and classified as 18+. Please respect this and do not read if you are underage. I do not own any characters in this series bar Fliss Gallagher and the other OCs. By reading beyond this point you understand and accept the terms of this disclaimer.
Riding On Masterlist // Main Masterlist
Chapter 14
This bed is on fire with passionate love. The neighbours complain about the noises above, but she only comes when she’s on top. My therapist said not to see you no more, he said you’re like a disease without any cure, he said I’m so obsessed that I’m becoming a bore, oh no…ah, you think you’re so pretty…
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Frank woke, reaching out blindly for his phone to silence the alarm. He swiped the button across and turned over, fully intending on giving Fliss a cuddle for another 5 minutes or so before he had to get up when realisation crashed over him and he gave a groan. He'd booked the fucking day off so he could take Fliss for a late afternoon-slash-early evening meal and had forgotten to turn off his bastard alarm.
And then it further dawned on him that it didn't actually matter because Mary still needed to get up and ready for school regardless of his day off or not.
But then…it was Friday. Her university day…which meant she wasn’t due in until 10…
With a grin his arm tightened over Fliss’ waist, hand splaying on her belly as he pulled her back into him, nuzzling his nose into her neck, feeling a stirring in his boxers where his cock was already semi-hard thanks to the life of its own it had in a morning. Part of him wanted to wake her for a bit of fun before the rest of the house rose, the other knew she was bound to be tired after Alex had been an absolute horror during the night, but in the end the decision was made for him as he felt her shift a little, before she stretched out her limbs, a soft sigh escaping from her mouth. "Morning Sailor..." Fliss yawned.
"Morning Cowgirl" He said, closing his eyes and snuggling closer into her. “I didn’t wake you did I?”
“The alarm did.” She shifted slightly before she propped herself up to check on Alex who was fast asleep "Yeah, now he sleeps" she grumbled.
Frank gave a chuckle and pressed another kiss to her neck. “Yeah he was really not playing ball last night was he?"
"Three times." She groaned "He's a bottomless pit Frank."
"I told you to stay on bed for the third." Frank sighed.
"Once I'm awake I'm awake." She shrugged. "He cries and it’s like my boobs send an alarm to my brain.”
Frank chuckled "Well like your mom suggested, introducing the formula should help. He'll fill up from less and give you a break."
"You mean because I can't feed him what he needs myself." She let put a sigh and at that Frank took a deep breath and propped himself up on his elbow.
"Hey, look at me." He said sternly and she rolled onto her back, her brown eyes blinking up at him, auburn and blonde hair splayed across her pillow. "You checked with the doctor, she said this perfectly normal..."
"Then why do I feel so shit." She asked, tears brimming her eyes "I can't even feed our baby properly.”
"Oh, Lissy, come ‘ere..." He sighed gently as she rolled onto her side facing him, his arms cradling her close as she pressed her face into his chest, sniffling "Honey, you're a wonderful mom. Don't start beating yourself up about something that in the grand scheme of things really doesn't matter."
"It matters to me Frank."
"You think he gives a shit whether what he's getting is from you or not? Does he fuck, he just wants food." Frank told her softly, his hand rubbing up and down her back, underneath the sleep cami she was wearing. "If anything the fact you're doing this shows how much of a good mom you are. You spotted something that he needs and you're doing what you have to do to give it to him.” She stayed silent bar her little sniffles and he gently pressed a kiss to her head. "Don't think on it too much Fliss. I know it must feel shitty for you but he'll be fine. That I can promise you."
She took a deep breath and pulled back to look at him, and he gently brushed his lips against hers, the hand that was on her back stopping in the middle of the spine, holding her to him, kissing her lazily. She took it eagerly, allowing him to slowly ease her over onto her back, caging her underneath his body as his mouth moved to her jawline then her neck. She gave a soft sigh, her hands sliding into his sleep-messed hair and he’d just moved his mouth downwards, softly nipping at her chest through her top when, with his ever perfect timing, Alex let out a little whine.
“For fucks sake…” Frank grumbled, his head falling to the valley of Fliss’ chest as she chuckled, swatting at his head. With a sigh he propped himself up and dropped a kiss to her lips. “I’ll get him sorted.” he said. “You take a while, lay in.”
Fliss looked down at her boobs and then shrugged “Well seeing as he fed three times over night they’re not that swollen so…” Frank gave a snort as she looked at him, arching her eyebrows “Hey, the struggle is real, ok?"
“I didn’t suggest otherwise.” He hopped out of bed, pulling on a pair of sweats, yanking at the crotch as they felt a little tight thanks to the fact he was half hard, and a T-shirt as Fliss leaned over, gently rubbing Alex’s tummy. “Hey.” Frank looked at her as he picked his son up, gently placing a large hand on his back “If you’re swapping over to formula, does that mean Ben and Jerry are gonna go smaller?” he nodded at her chest “Because if so I may be forced to reconsider my stance on the situation.”
“If you didn’t have hold of our son I’d punch you.” Fliss glared and he gave a chuckle before he headed out of the room.
“Couldn’t you have slept for like 15 minutes longer this morning buddy?” he questioned gently as he entered the nursery, placing Alex down on the changing mat. “You totally cock blocked me. Which, for the record, is not cool.”
Alex looked at him, blinking slowly.
“Yeah, you might look like that.” Frank deadpanned, as Alex’s hands curled around his fingers. His little legs wiggled a little and Frank bent down with his mouth arranged in an open smile, causing Alex’s face to split into a little grin, his arms and legs waggling even faster. “Yeah, ok, I forgive you.” Frank chuckled before he changed him into a clean diaper and then padded downstairs to warm his bottle up, juggling his son easily in one arm as he did so.
By now Alex’s fairly decent mood had started to wane as he was hungry. The noises he made were getting louder and slightly more impatient, threatening to turn into an out and out cry.
“Yeah, yeah, it’s coming pal…” Frank dropped a gentle kiss to the downy hair on Alex’s head “I know, you’re hungry...despite the fact you had midnight, 1.30 am and 4am snack…”
He settled on the sofa, flicked on the TV for the morning news, positioned Alex and gave him his bottle, watching with a soft smile on his face as the baby’s cheeks worked hungrily taking the mix of breast and formula in the bottle. They’d started this just a few days or so ago after Fliss had simply been unable to stop him crying from hunger Tuesday afternoon and called her mom in a flap. She’d suggested doing what Steve and Sian had had to do with the twins, seeing as both of those had been greedy little bastards too so after a call to the Paediatrician, Fliss had reluctantly agreed. Frank did sympathise with her, and he’d been waiting for the inevitable tears which had finally come that morning, but it would be much easier for her in the long run all things considered, especially if as the doctor had suggested she could move to formula fully bar a morning feed.
Supporting Alex in one arm, he absentmindedly watched the anchor and co-anchor on the CNN morning news where they were talking to someone about a Thanksgiving tradition or something, he wasn’t really paying much attention if he was honest. It freaked him out how fast it was creeping up on them. Soon it would be fucking Christmas. Thankfully, Fliss seemed to be on top of it mostly. They were hosting a small Thanksgiving with his mother then heading over to Verity and Bill’s for the usual party, and for Christmas Steve, Sian and the boys were over so they were spending the day at Verity and Bill’s along with Roberta and his mother…which was always fun. It never ceased to amaze him how welcoming Fliss’ family had been to his own fucked up version of one.
Lost in his thoughts, he was jerked from them by a little popping noise and he looked down to see Alex had moved away from the bottle, and to his astonishment there was a small amount left.
“Finally full up buddy?” Frank asked, offering Alex the bottle again but he turned his head away un interested. “Guess so.” Frank smiled, placing the bottle on the coffee table and moving Alex so he was leaning against his chest, head on his shoulder as he burped him. It took a little while but eventually he obliged and Frank chuckled, turning his head to look at him, bright blue eyes staring around the room. He was developing so fast now, it was ridiculous.
“Shall we go wake your sister up?” He asked softly, “Yeah, okay, come on.”
Thankfully, Mary was actually pretty co-operative most mornings, and today being one of her university split days she was in a good mood, rabbiting on to Frank about the assignment she had done. They ate breakfast before she headed off upstairs to get changed and once she was back, he told her to watch Alex for a second whilst he made his way into the bedroom with a plate of toast and a coffee for Fliss, knowing full well she wouldn’t be asleep. And sure enough, she lay on her back, watching the TV.  She beamed at him as she shuffled herself up, taking the mug off him as he placed the plate on the night stand and perched on the side of the bed.  
“Where’s Bean?” she asked.
“Mary’s watching him for a second so I could bring you that.”
“Thank you.” She smiled, taking a sip of her drink.
“I’ll take him with me when I drop Mary off. He likes the truck. I might pop into the shop for twenty minutes or so, the guys haven’t seen him in a while and I like showing him off.” Frank smiled a little bashfully and Fliss’ smile grew even larger. “Imma dress him in his Made In Boston T-shirt…”
Fliss chuckled “I still can’t believe Bonnie and Simon got him that.” “Oh, I can.” Frank nodded “In fact, that’s quite tame for what I expected from Si to be honest.” “Yeah, that’s true…” Fliss conceded “Oh, don’t forget, I’m teaching at two for an hour.” “I’ll be well back before then.” Frank snorted, “It’s not even eight yet.” “I know I was just pointing out you can have some more male bonding time then too.” “Great, maybe I’ll introduce him to Debbie Does Dallas…” Frank teased and Fliss snorted
“Well, we know he likes boobs so…”
Frank gave a laugh before he leaned over and gave her another soft kiss. “I’ll get him dressed and then we’re heading out so I’ll see you in a little while. Love you.” “Love you too.” She smiled, as he bumped his nose against hers and left.
Once he’d dropped Mary off and walked her into her lecture hall where he handed her over to her tutor, he headed back out to the truck, clipping the car seat back in place. He dropped into work, where as predicted the guys on the team all came to say hi, commenting on how big he was compared to last time they’d seen him. He double checked a couple of the rotas for Monday before he headed home, getting back just after 11, by which point Alex was fast asleep. He entered the house, greeting Thor who came bounding down the stairs to check who’d dared to walk into his home.
“Just me buddy.” He said, patting the large dog’s head before he headed upstairs knowing full well that if Thor had been upstairs that meant Fliss was too. And sure enough, he opened the door to their bedroom and heard the shower in the en-suite going. Fred opened his eye and looked at Frank from where he had been lounging on their bed, his tail swishing slightly before he returned to his cat nap, not even bothering to move.
With a snort at the cat’s blatant lack of any fucks to give, Frank placed the car seat on the dresser, smoothing back Alex’s hair as he continued to sleep and then realised that this was a prime opportunity for finishing what he started this morning. With a dirty smirk to himself he opened the door to the bathroom. Fliss’ head was tipped back, face turned to the stream of water, suds cascading from her long hair down her body which instantly had him half hard again in the constraints of his sweats.
Yup, Frank Adler was a big fan of getting dirty in the shower.
“Room for another?” he asked, cheekily, pulling off his T-shirt. Fliss jumped a little as she hadn’t heard him come in and then turned to look at him through the shower screen, most of her body obscured by the frosted glass pattern. She grinned and raised her hand, making a beckoning motion with her finger. In a flash he shed the remainder of his clothing and stepped into the large cubicle with her, his hands reaching out for her hips, pulling her towards him, so her back was pressed to his chest.
“I believe we have unfinished business Miss Gallagher.” He said, feeling her slick skin pressing against his as he nipped at her neck.
“Really?” she pondered, “I don’t recall…”
“No?” he teased, his lips placing another kiss to her wet skin, “Maybe this will jog your memory…”
His hands slid up, tracing the curve of her waist before he gently cupped her breasts, calloused thumbs skating over the nipples. With a reaction that was automatic, she let out a soft sigh as he gently teased her, his palms and fingers working their magic, all the time taking care not to be too rough as he knew she was sensitive. But in the end it was Fliss demanding he go harder as she arched her back, pushing herself into his hands as she felt the aching brewing between her legs. She went to squeeze them closed, anything to help relieve the pressure that was building and she felt Frank’s lips smirk against her neck, one of his hands brushing down her body, slipping between her folds, right where she needed him most.
“Fuck…” she swore, as he gently played her, slow, teasing strokes and before long she was rocking against his hand, seeking friction as she was spiralling higher and higher, Frank’s rock hard dick pressing into the lower part of her back.
“Turn around…” Frank whispered into her ear and she did as she was told, greeting his lips in a filthy kiss as he pivoted her round so that her back was pressed to the wall of the shower cubicle. His mouth moved from hers to her jawline, the whiskers of his beard gently sliding over her skin as he dipped his head to kiss her collar bone before he rather gracefully dropped to his knees. He glanced up at her, deep brown met ocean blue, her eyes full with a heady combination of love, desire and lust and it drew a low growl from his throat as he reached down for her left ankle. With a steady hand Frank lifted it over his right shoulder and gently kissed and sucked his way up her leg, leaving a nip at the apex of her thigh. She moaned loudly, her head falling back against the tiles as he moved to where she wanted him the most, his tongue long and flat against her centre as he lapped at her entrance all the way up to her sensitive bud. Her body jolted as she let out a soft sigh of his name which was laced with satisfaction as he set his mouth to work.
As Frank devoured her with the enthusiasm of a man starved, Fliss curled her fingers into his damp hair, the movement a reflex as the other slapped flat against the grey slate tiles. The contrast of his short beard scratching at her sensitive skin to his soft tongue and mouth was sending her body into overdrive. He gently grazed her bud with his teeth which caused her hips to violently buck forward, her nails dug into his scalp and he gave a chuckle which vibrated against her clit causing her to groan loudly.
“Jesus Christ Frank…” she panted, looking down at him. He peeked up from between her legs, a cheeky glint in his eyes as he continued, his tongue flicking into her entrance, before he sucked on her bud and then she was gone. Her knees trembled as her hand pulled his hair, almost to the point it was painful as she gave a loud cry, her other hand reaching to his head as she used both to push him away from her sensitive sex as she clamped down around thin air. With a smug sense of satisfaction at having undone her to the extent he had, Frank rose to his feet, wiping his wet face with an equally wet forearm and he cupped her cheeks, kissing her again, his tongue tangling against hers.
Fliss’ wrecked brain had barely registered his mouth was on hers when he pulled back slightly, his lips hovering over hers as the water cascaded down on them both. With his hands on her hips, he spun her round, pulling her back, nudging her ankles with his feet to open her up a little more. With one palm on the base of her back he gently bent her forward ever so slightly, took his throbbing cock in his hand and lined himself up. With a gentle, slow movement he slipped inside, burying himself in her heat, the rumble from his throat slipping out of his mouth at the relief of finally being inside her. Once he was fully sheathed his hands moved, one to her stomach, holding her in place, the other up to her breasts as she arched her back, her head back against his shoulder as he drove in and out of her, slowly, deliberately. Her right hand moved back to grab at his thigh, her fingertips digging into the hard muscle as he thrust forward, the other hand flat reached back to tangle in his hair.
“God you feel so good, baby.”  He groaned, his mouth licking a stripe up the side of her neck as her head lolled to the right, tracing her wet skin up to her jaw line, “So fahkin’ good…”
The hand that had been on her belly moved to grasp her chin with his finger and thumb, tipping her face round to his so he could kiss her. It was all Fliss could do to kiss him back, allowing him to control the pace as she was completely gone, the sensations lancing through her body had left her totally pliant to his ministrations, and he fucking adored the fact she surrendered to him, that she felt safe enough to do so.
“Frankie…” she panted softly as he continued to push into her, driving deep, and she gave a squeak as he rotated his hips, his fingers letting go of her face to slide down her body, between her legs and she gave a long wail of delight as he fondled her bud, “Shit…I’m…”
“Go one, come for me baby…” he nipped at her ear “I got you, I promise…”
With a last, silent moan she came, hard, her knees almost buckling, but Frank held her to him as she blissed out completely, the entire world fading around her as she felt nothing but the familiar hot, warm pleasure as her abdomen contracted and relaxed as her walls spasmed around him over and over.
“Good girl…” he praised as he continued thrusting through, the heat in his own belly now beginning to spike even more, “Such a good girl for me…”
She preened at his praise, relaxing slightly into his hold as he kissed her neck once more, picking up the pace slightly. She reached back with one hand to cup his balls and with an almost violent buck forward he came, biting down gently on her shoulder, muffling the noises of satisfaction and pleasure that rolled from the back of his throat.
His hips stilled and neither of them moved, his hands gently flexing on her hips before he gave a soft chuckle of satisfaction and he pulled out of her, taking care to keep her as close to him as he could. Her head lolled back against his shoulder and she turned her head, greeting his lips in a soft, gentle kiss and he smiled as she pulled away, rubbing her nose against his.
“You should take the day off more often” she quipped and Frank could do nothing but laugh.
“I fahkin’ love you.” He chuckled and she grinned, giving a shrug.
“I’m a very lovable person.”
“That you are cowgirl.” He nodded, “That you are.”
“Felicity Rose Gallagher, if you ask me one more time if we are sure we’re going to be ok I’m gonna go mad.” Verity glared at Fliss who had just asked the question for the umpteenth time since her parents had turned up for babysitting duty.
Fliss gave a groan and held her hands up. “I’m sorry, I just…”
“You’ve left him with us before, this is no different.” Verity looked at her “No go, go on, scoot.”
Over Fliss’ shoulder, Frank shot Verity a wink as he dropped his hand to the curve of his girl’s lower back. “Come on Lissy, we’ll be late otherwise.”
“Yeah, and I wanna get back to eat.” Bill said, twirling his car keys.
“Maybe I should drive?” Fliss looked at Frank who took a deep breath as Verity made an annoyed noise in her throat.
“If you want to drive, then that’s up to you.” Frank replied patiently as she bit her lip. “Be a shame though, I was gonna treat you to that champagne you demanded. Maybe not quite a swimming pool full but…”
Fliss looked at him for a second before she shook her head “I’m sorry…”
“Stop apologising.” He chuckled softly “Lissy, what do you want to do?”
She glanced at Alex who was led in Verity’s arms, happily grinning up at his Nanna before she turned to Frank. “No, you’re right. We haven’t been out for months so…”she nodded. “Let’s go.” “Halle-fuckin-lujah.” Bill mumbled, earning himself a glare from Fliss. “V, I’ll grab us some take-out on the way back.”
“Bye baby…” Fliss crossed the room to drop a kiss on Alex’s head and then turned, taking Frank’s outstretched hand. “We won’t be too late…” she tossed over her shoulder at her mum. Verity shrugged.
 “Doesn’t matter, we’re staying so be as late as you want.”
Fliss nodded and Frank squeezed his hand around hers as they left the room, not before he threw a smile at Verity who gave him a knowing one back. Fliss had been fine all week with the principle of going out…right up until she had gotten out of her second shower of the day that evening, when she’d suddenly had an attack of conscience about leaving him with her parents whilst she went out drinking. Frank was sharp enough to know full well this was linked to her current feelings of inadequacy, and he also knew that no matter what he said or did, there was nothing he could do to stop that bar be there for her and give her the reassurance that she needed.
That and simply love her, which was a given, because he did with every single breath he took.
“You look gorgeous.” He smiled at her as they walked to her dad’s car. She blushed a little and glanced down at the dark blue peplum top she was wearing, coupled with faded jeans and a white denim jacket. She’d been over the moon to find out she could fit back in those jeans so he wasn’t surprised she’d chosen them for the evening. On her feet she wore a simple pair of yellow heeled pumps, complete with matching bag. Her hair was down in loose waves, and her make-up was simple, a light dusting of rose gold powder on her lids.
“Thanks.” She smiled, before she eyed him up and down and he grinned as he knew full well what she was thinking, given that he was dressed in his yellow and black palm-tree Hawaiian print shirt.
“You said my shit shits were endearing.” He quipped and she gave a laugh, shrugging.
“You wouldn’t be Frank without them.”
Fliss declined the front seat when Frank offered it to her, instead climbing into the back behind her dad taking the time to check up on a few emails and the yard’s social media accounts. The three of them made easy chat on the way into St Pete’s and thanked Bill for the lift as they both climbed out. Fliss instructed her dad to call them if there was any problems and he simply rolled his eyes and told her to “piss off and have a good time”.
They’d picked to go to Rios for dinner before they were heading down to Ferg’s to meet up with the others a little later on. It had become a little bit of a running joke between Bonnie and Fliss that, as much of a dive as Ferg’s was, frankly the two women preferred it to any of the bars they frequented. It was casual, fun, they knew a hell of a lot of people in there including most of the bar staff, and it held good memories. It suited both Frank and Simon down to the ground, both of them happy to tease their girls about having simple taste until Fliss normally quipped back along the lines of that being the reason she was marrying Frank in the first place. But when he pushed all jokes aside, he was glad she was so down to Earth. He had nothing against Greg or Jake’s wives but man, they were high maintenance.
But not his Fliss.
As it was still early and they wanted to chill out, they had opted to eat in the more casual outside lounge area which sported the roof bar and offered an all evening Tapas style menu, not the full a la carte main restaurant menu. As such they were led through to their table on the veranda. Neither of them had been into this part since the refurb, the last time Fliss came it hadn’t been finished but now, she felt a smile cross her face as she looked around. It was cosy and casual, right up her street. The tables were slightly lower than normal and appeared to all be different shapes and sizes, made out of driftwood and pallets. They were decked with large candles held in jars in the middle and surrounded by comfy chairs and bean bags all of which sported blankets given that the time of year meant sometimes in the evening it could be quite chilly at night. In the middle of the veranda was a large stone fire pit which was covered by an ornamental, wrought iron cage that spiralled to a point some eight feet off the ground, and the bar stood to the rear right hand corner with a few people sat down enjoying a drink.
“Oh my God, I love it.” Fliss muttered to Frank and he looked down at her, nodding.
“This is pretty cool” he conceded.
“The tables and seats…it’s just how I pictured our wedding.” She said as they were led over to their spot at the rear, which was just by the glass barrier of the roof, over-looking the beach and the ocean.
“Yeah?” Frank asked, looking at her.
She nodded “Rustic, causal, bean bags, blankets…that type of thing…although it won’t be that cold then…”
“If you want blankets, baby, you can have blankets.” He chuckled kissing her forehead as they settled down onto the comfy plush seats which, to Fliss’ delight were also bean bags just shaped differently. The teenage kid who had shown them to their table soon returned with the menus and informed them that as it was the first week they’d opened the terrace, with every bottle of wine purchased, there was complementary charcuterie tasting platter included. Fliss’ eyes lit up and Frank knew why, it was probably her favourite thing to eat in the world and he had to admit, she did a pretty wicked board herself when they were entertaining. With that in mind, he ordered them a bottle of Pinot Grigio and they sat back, Frank’s arm dropping over Fliss’ shoulders as she looked around.
“You know, if this is the type of thing you want, why not take a few photos and then we can start looking around.” Frank suggested and Fliss looked at him, smiling. “You can give Bobbi a call. I know you want to organise it yourself but she’ll probably have a list of suppliers, caterers, that sorta stuff for you to look at.” “I already know what I want for catering.” Fliss looked at him.
“You do?” Frank asked.
“Yup. I want food trucks. Mexican and Pizza.”
Frank cocked his head to one side, smiling as he looked at her “That’s actually a fucking brilliant idea.”
“No fancy sit down meal, if it stays for a couple of hours then people can grab what they want when they want.”
“Love it.” Frank grinned, looking up as their waiter appeared with their bottle of wine. He poured them both a glass and set the ice bucket in the middle of the table, before he disappeared again.  Frank picked his glass up and Fliss did the same, the pair of them gently clinking them together, smiling. “To our first date in…what? Four months?” Frank teased and Fliss shrugged.
“I don’t know, I lost track of time…been kinda busy.” She teased as Frank chuckled, leaning down to give her a soft kiss.
Their charcuterie board arrived not long after and they then placed their order, opting for the Chef’s Selection, a number of small tapas dishes which as the name suggested, would be selected by the chef for them. Fliss had liked the idea of it all being rather mysterious and as the waiter had asked what kind of thing they liked they’d both listed a few things and he’d nodded, heading away with their order.
Frank reached over for the wine bottle to top Fliss’ glass up and she thanked him, taking another sip, before he saw her bite her lip and she reached into her purse.
“Congratulations.” He said dryly, teasing her a little as she turned to him. He nodded to the phone “You made it like forty five minutes since we walked out of the door without checking up on him.” “I wasn’t…” she began to protest and he gave her a look and she groaned, tossing her phone back in her purse “Ok, fine…maybe I was.” “Honey, he’ll be ok.” Frank said gently, his hand on her knee “Your mom and dad did this all before remember?”
 “I know, I know…” she said, before she reached over for an olive and popped it in her mouth.
Frank then diverted the subject, got her talking about her afternoon teaching and she animatedly filled him in on how nice it had been to get back to seeing some of her clients. The conversation was easy, fun, they laughed and giggled away and a little over half an hour later when their food arrived they’d worked though their first bottle of wine and Frank then ordered them a bottle of Veuve Clicquot Brut, just as he’d promised.
The food was amazing, Frank couldn’t fault a single thing about it, other than maybe it was a little too good as his jeans definitely felt a little tighter around the waist when they finished their meal because despite the fact he was full he just couldn’t stop eating. As the waiter came to clean the empty dishes away, Fliss then heard her phone going. Reaching into her purse she read the message and smiled before she turned the phone to Frank. It was a picture of Alex, fast asleep against Bill’s chest as he sat in their lounge.
“See.” Frank smile “He’s happy as a pig in shit.”
“Frank!” Fliss scoffed, slapping his arm, “Don’t call our baby a pig.”
“I was talking about your dad.”
“Oh…I’m so telling him you said that.” She said as they both laughed and she shook her head “You’re a bad man.”
“Yeah, but you love me.” He teased and she grinned.
“Yeah, yeah I do.” She leaned over, pressing her lips to his in a soft kiss. She glanced down at her phone and smiled again before she put it away “We did good though. We made a pretty cute baby.”
“Good genes.” Frank boasted and Fliss laughed and he smiled at her, brushing her hair back behind her ear before he rest his arm along the back of the soft chair she was in. “Ever think you’ll fancy another?”
“Another baby?” Fliss asked and Frank nodded. “Fuck no.” she spluttered and Frank let out a loud laugh. “I mean I wouldn’t change any of this for the world but, well, he wasn’t exactly in our plans…”
“Good, because I don’t want one either.” He said in between his chuckles as he reached for his champagne flute.
“Well, you know…” Fliss said, mimicking him and picking hers up “There is one way we could make sure it doesn’t happen again…” she moved the hand that wasn’t holding her drink and mimed a pair of scissors snipping the air. Frank choked on his drink, spluttering slightly as the bubbles threatened to fizz down his nose. Fliss roared with laughter as he wiped at his shirt and glared at her.
“Absolutely no way in hell.”
“Why not?” she shrugged.
“Because…well, just no!” he said, grimacing, “I couldn’t do that to Little Frank.” “Little Frank…jesus…I can’t…”  Fliss’ laughter grew even louder and the familiar snorting that happened when she was laughing beyond control started, which set Frank off again. She clamped her hand over her mouth, slapping his arm and looked away from him, trying to control herself. Eventually they managed to stop and Frank shook his head, composing himself before he asked for the check.
They hit a cab down to Fergs and Fliss squealed when she saw Bonnie, sweeping her up into a huge hug before examining her ring up close whilst Frank shook Simon’s hand, pulling him into a bro hug, slapping his back. They were joined shortly afterwards by the rest of the gang, and when Simon and Bonnie broke their news to everyone there were more loud cheers and a shout of “shots all round” from Jake. Frank kept a careful eye on Fliss, who was already flushed from what they’d drunk over dinner, especially seeing as she hadn’t had a proper drink in over a year now. She downed 2 tequilas and then shook her head when someone asked her if she wanted another, instead requesting a water.
The gang moved to their preferred spot over at one of the tables at the back, round the corner away from the bar area, and they had a good hour or so catch up before the boys wanted to shoot some pool. Together they made their way over to the games area, the girls settling at one of the tall tables by the side.
“So how is the little one?” Greg turned to Frank as Simon and Jake racked the pool balls up, and he beamed in response.
“Ah Greg, he’s fahkin’ awesome.” Frank gushed “I just…he’s great, really great. Other than being a little cock block that is.”
Greg snorted “Yeah I hate to break it to you, but that only gets worse as they get older…especially when they learn how to climb out of their crib and come to your room.”
“Imma get a lock on the door.” Frank stated simply and Greg laughed as they grabbed a cue each, chalking the end.
They shot one game and then Frank said it was his round, so he headed off to the bar. He nodded to Dave, asking for the same again plus another bottle of water for Fliss and as he headed off to get their drinks, the young woman on the seat next to Frank jumped down from the stool next to him. Frank fished in his pocket for his wallet, pausing as he heard a little yelp and he turned his head to the right to see the guy sat two stools down had his arm curled around the young woman’s upper arm. She tried to get free but the guy’s grip tightened and Frank felt a spike of anger in his chest. All he could see in his mind was Fliss and that bastard ex-husband of hers hurting her. And he knew then he couldn’t, and didn’t want to, let this go.
“We’re not done yet.” The guy said loudly, a sneer on his face as he looked at the girl. Frank quickly stepped up behind her, and he looked at the guy and shook his head.
“Yes, you are.” He said, drawing himself up to full height, shoulders tensing, his eyes not once leaving the douchebag in front of him as he kept his voice calm and level “Let the lady go, man.”
“Mind your business, dick head.”
“It became my business when the whole bar could hear your conversation.” Frank retorted, his tone still calm. “Let her go. Now.” 
After a second or so, albeit reluctantly, the asshole did loosen his grip so that the young girl could remove her arm from his hand meaning she could get out of the way. She headed down to the far end of the bar, Frank watching her for a second before he turned back to the man in front of him who was now wobbling to his feet, his fist clenching by his side.
Frank snorted to himself. Was this asshole really going to go there? Sure, the inebriated piece of shit was built, he probably had a good 20 pounds on him, but Frank himself was no push over. He was in decent shape, he knew that, and given his chances against someone who was struggling to stand up straight, well, he’d take them.
“What are you, some kinda knight in shining armor?” the guy snorted. “Fuck you, man!”
Before Frank had time for a rebuttal, asshole had made a run for him and Frank almost lazily sidestepped as the drunk swung a punch at him. Not being able to stop, Mr Drunk asshole pitched forward and smacked into a chair, catching his head on the adjacent table-top. He groaned out in pain as he held his head on the ground. 
“Jeff! What the hell is going on?”
Frank looked up to see a group of guys heading back in from the outside of the patio and for the first time he felt a little nervous. He looked around, and to his relief he saw Simon and Jake approaching.
“Get him outta here!” Dave said loudly “Your friend is drunk and startin’ fights in my bar. Get the fuck out before I call the cops.”
The guys were fast to act, quickly shuffling ‘Jeff’ out and cursing at him for ruining their night.
“Fucking prick.” Dave shook his head, before he looked at Frank. “Nice going man, this rounds on the house.” “Thanks Dave.” Frank smiled at him.
“Hey bud, you ok?” Simon clapped Frank on the shoulder as Jake eyed the guys leaving “What the fuck?” “Oh he was hassling some girl.” Frank said, shaking his head, “She was petrified.” “What a dick.” Jake mumbled, turning back to him. “She ok?” “Not sure.” Frank said, looking round the bar as Dave placed the tray of drinks down in front of him. He didn’t know whether she had stayed or scarpered but he soon spotted her. She was sat on a chair, her arms over her stomach at the opposite end of the bar. Frank felt a pang of sympathy for her, she was clearly here on her own for whatever reason. “Do me a favour and take the drinks back to the tables will you?” he said to Jake and Simon, before he strode over, stopping besides her.
“Hey, you okay?”  He asked her gently.
“Yeah, thanks to you. Thank you for helping me. You’re like my hero.”  She let out a nervous laugh as a pink blush settled on her cheeks.
“You’re welcome but I was just doing what any person would do.” Frank smiled, a little embarrassed at the compliment. “My name’s Frank, by the way. You want some water?”
She offered her name and nodded. Frank turned to Dave “Hey man, can she get a water”?
“Sure.” Dave nodded, reaching into the fridge for a bottle. He passed it over and she took it with a thanks, taking a slow sip before she set the bottle down and looked back at Frank.
“So, Frank. Is there any way I could thank you for your bravery? Maybe treat you to a coffee sometime?” at that she reached forward and put her hand on top of his forearm gently, looking at him expectantly.
Shit. Not another fucking Vegas.
As gently as he could he moved his arm away, coughing a little as he shook his head. “I… uh, thank you for the offer, but not sure my fiancée would appreciate that.”
“Oh, God. I’m sorry.” She blushed again and pulled her hand away.
He smiled kindly at her, but before he could assure her not to worry about it he heard Fliss shouting. “Frank!”
He turned to see her walking towards him, a worried expression on her face. “Are you okay?” “Yeah, Lissy I’m fine.” He wrapped an arm around her and pulled her close to him, kissing her temple lightly. 
“What happened?” She asked, searching his eyes. “Jake and Simon mentioned there’d been a fight and…” “Just some drunken asshole harassing this lady.” He said, nodding to the woman. “I stepped in that’s all. He didn’t hit me, don’t worry.”
Fliss looked at him, then to the woman and back again as Frank introduced her. The young woman reached out and shook Fliss hand as Frank’s arm dropped to her back, gently brushing underneath her top.
"Well, I think I’ve had enough ‘fun’ for the night.” The girl laughed dryly. “I’m gonna head out. Thank you again, Frank. It was nice meeting you Fliss. You’ve got quite a guy." 
Fliss looked at Frank whose cheeks had flushed slightly and she nodded in agreement. “Yeah, I do. Take care.”
They stood watching her leave before Fliss turned to Frank, her hands sliding up his chest “Like a regular real life Captain America ain’t you? Standing up for the little guy.”
Frank rolled his eyes “Your Marvel obsession is ridiculous.”
She shrugged as he dropped a kiss to her lips before they headed back over to join their friends.
***** An hour or so later Fliss was ready to go home, her feet hurt, her boobs hurt and she was quite drunk. She leaned over to Frank who was sat next to her, her hand curling round his thigh and he turned to her.
“You ok sweetheart?”
“No, I mean yeah, I mean…” she sighed “I’m ready to go home, do you mind?” “Course not.” He smiled, giving a little chuckle “I’ll get us an Uber ok?”
He reached for his phone, ordered the car and to Fliss’ relief there was one literally round the corner. They stood up, bid their friends good night sharing a few hugs and the like before Frank looped an arm round Fliss’ shoulders, hers slinking around his waist as they walked slowly out of the bar. Frank could tell she was a little unsteady on her feet and he smiled to himself, pleased she’d let go enough to enjoy herself.
Carefully he made sure she got down the steps ok and they walked along the little path that led down to the front of the small row of beach bars that Ferg’s was at the end of. As they emerged onto the road area, waiting for their cab Frank heard a shout.
He wheeled round and saw the asshole from the bar, Jeff, stumbling towards him as his friends hastily followed, shouting at him to leave it alone.
“Fuck.” Frank mumbled, “Fliss, move honey, quick.” She looked up at him, then to the guy approaching, and he felt her tense. He stepped forward, his arm stretched out to the side, ready to push her behind him but in a flash she ducked under it and before he could stop her she’d raised her fist and smashed it straight into the approaching guy’s face. Her punch connected with a satisfying crack and he dropped like a stone to the floor, clutching his nose which was billowing blood.
His friends appeared once more, apologising profoundly as they hoisted him to his feet, he was groaning and clutching at his face, as they led him away.
“Lissy!” Frank’s voice was a mixture of shock and awe as she turned to him, shaking out her fist.
“Sorry, oh my God that was so bad!” She mumbled, “Was that bad? Are you angry?”
“Angry?” He looked at her, shaking his head “No. Why would- what- where the fuck did you learn to punch like that?”
“Steve.” She shrugged “Haven’t done it in a while.”
Frank blinked as their Uber pulled up and she made her way towards it. He shook himself out of his shocked stance and strode forward, opening the car door for her. He stopped it halfway, causing her to look at him and he dropped his head, his lips brushing her ear. “Baby, I just want you to know that I’m all sorts of turned on right now.”
She looked up at him and her lips quirked up at the side into a cheeky grin. “Best hope this guy doesn’t take the long way home then.” Frank gave a little growl as she leaned up and pressed her lips to his. He opened the door fully, to allow her to climb into the back seat, before he hastily followed her in. As the driver set off, Frank leaned forward between the front seats, which wasn’t exactly easy given the bulge in the front of his jeans and he nodded to the driver.
“Extra 5 bucks in it for you pal, if you make it quick…”
**** Chapter 16 Part 1
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sxveme-2 · 4 years
blueberry pancakes // bucky barnes
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Description: A single mother. Juggling being a mom, a full time pediatrician, and a difficult ex who believed now would be the best time to finally be a father. A soldier ripped out of time. Ex-assassin turned superhero. Learning how to balance a new domestic life with handling demons of his past, while facing the trials of the future. a love story began over something as simple as chocolate chip pancakes with hidden blueberries.
Disclaimer: I do not own any original Marvel characters! All canon plots and canon characters belong to Marvel Comics and Marvel Studios. This is an original work. You may not publish it anywhere else
Status: Edited
Note: Takes place after endgame. I have elected to ignore Tony's death and Steve's leaving. Did not happen. Quick Reminder! My works are only published here, AO3 and on Wattpad, thank you.
Chapter Eight: The One With the Party
Warnings: N/A
Word Count: 3083
   Now, nothing in Lily's life ever really came easy, quick, or without some sort of repercussion. It was as though the universe had decided that she hadn't been through enough in her fairly young life already. Hence why it didn't surprise her when the communication between her and Bucky fell off, or more so, never really started. The day at the cafe had been nice, they didn't exactly speak and they were at separate tables, but even Rose noticed the shy glances her older sister would send to the man across the way. Which of course lead to teasing and taunting the rest of the night and for a few days.
Three weeks later, she hadn't seen him. It didn't help that the hospital had scheduled Lily for multiple shifts of overtime and staying late. Which resulted in Hunter spending extra days at Scott’s, and Lily not being at the cafe as often as she typically was. Flu season had come around and all parents believed their kid may have something more serious, but it was simply a lot of flu vaccinations, the odd time an appendicitis surgery. Routine procedures, just a lot of work.
On a chilly day at the end of September, for once, Lily could wake up without having to go to work for twelve hours or more. Her son snoring gently beside her after crawling into her bed from a nightmare the night before, and Joey snuggled at the end. Her deep green eyes fluttered open as the phone on her nightstand buzzed like crazy. Rubbing her eyes, Lily's other hand reached out to grab hold of the device, blurry eyes seeing Bucky's contact pop up on the screen.
With a groggy voice and a confused expression, Lily slid her thumb across the screen to answer, "Hello?"
"Lady Lily! It's Thor! Son of Odin!" a booming voice yelled into the phone, startling the young blonde. Her eyes glanced to her right to check to see that Hunter still laid fast asleep, and to ensure it stayed that way, the doctor slipped out of the bed and out into the hallway. When she closed the door, Thor continued his yelling, "I have stolen sergeant Barnes’s cellular device! I have overheard him and Captain Rogers discussing his feelings towards you!"
Lily winced at the loud voice radiating through her ear. She hadn't met Thor officially, just seen him with the others at the table weeks before. Personally, Lily wasn't interested in blondes, but no one could deny an attraction to the god. You could be the largest lesbian in the world and still would not mind getting down and dirty with the son of Odin. But of course, for the most part, Lily had only been staring at Bucky. And it didn't go unnoticed to many, especially the other Avengers
"I'm sorry? His attraction?" Lily muttered, still attempting to wake herself up from the much-needed sleep she had been woken up from. She wrapped one arm around herself while resting the other elbow on her hand, shivering slightly at the cool temperature of her home.
"Yes! This is lady Lily correct? If so, then I have an invitation for you! Sergeant Barnes does not know about this, nor does anyone else. But it is our dear friend Sam Wilson’s birthday!" he continued to boast, resulting in Lily holding the phone an inch or so away from her ear, "and I believe it would make Sergeant Barnes happy if you came. And bring your friend and sister! Sam has a small thing for lady Rose."
Before Lily could even answer, there was a crash on the other end of the line and the call went dead. Lily could only assume that Bucky had noticed the conversation taking place and shut it down, leaving Lily with a possibly life-changing decision on her plate, but she didn't know that yet. All she knew, was that Gen and Rose would go to any lengths to get Lily to attend the party, saying things like 'it'll be good for you' or 'you can see your loverboy again'. And Lily couldn't deny, she'd love to see Bucky again. But she'd be damned if she admitted it out loud.
After walking joey, the three Osborne’s loaded into the car and drove down the busy roads of New York to Gen's cafe. Scott was picking Hunter up for the weekend, which meant that Lily was free for the night anyway, so maybe the party wasn't such a bad idea? But if you could deduce anything about the blonde, it's that she hated large gatherings and commotion. It made her anxious and paranoid about something that could go wrong. Plus, last time there was any real party like this in her life, she had been shown a video of her husband locking lips with a young brunette who looked about half his age.
"Hunt why don't you go see if there are any treats you can bring for Leila in the back," Lily whispered to her son with a gentle smirk on her face, "I have to talk to aunt Rose and auntie Gen for a few minutes." she continued, ruffling the boy’s hair and sending him on his way to the kitchen around the corner.
The two girls that were sitting opposite of Lily looked at her with matching skeptical expressions, both of their left eyebrows perked with interest as Lily sent her son away. Whenever this happened, Lily usually seemed to drop a ball on the two. Whether it was when she announced her pregnancy, being chosen as valedictorian, or when she shared the news of her divorce. Typically things that Hunter wouldn't understand, or wasn't old enough to know or mature enough to hear. But this was mostly so he didn't grow saddened at the idea of his mother hanging around his idols.
"So I was woken up by a strange phone call from Bucky Barnes," Lily began, and the two girls across from her simultaneously dropped their jaws. Lily held her finger up to signal that she wasn't finished with her story and for them not to jump ahead and get crazy ideas, "but on the other end was actually Thor. He invited us to Sam's birthday party tonight."
This caused shit-eating grins to replace the curious smiles on Gen and Rose's faces. Rose clapped her hands together, while Gen just shook her head in disbelief. These two women were Lily's closest companions in life. Rose was her biological sister that she had no choice but to deal with, sure, but their relationship was more than that. It was deeper and held more meaning than a simple sister relationship. They could lean on each other in times of need and never kept secrets, as far as the other knew. Most kids with multiple years between them aren't as close or never really bond, but Rose and Lily always clicked. Mostly because of their opposing personalities, which was the same as Gen. Gen was Lily's sister from another mister. From the moment they met, they were perfect, and things hadn't changed in all those years leading to this.
"Well, obviously we're going!" Rose exclaimed, pulling out her phone, "I will get the best dresses from my agency and ensure we look unclockable!" the younger Osborne sister beamed while excusing herself to make a few calls, to make sure they looked as good as she pictured. Rose seemed to forget that Lily hadn't agreed to go, but deep down, the eldest Osborne knew she didn't ave a choice.
"This is great! It'll give you a chance to see Bucky again," Gen winked, sipping her coffee. This was typically how the cycle of Gen's setups began, sort of. Lily would stumble across a guy that seemed interested in her, and Gen would stop at no end to get the two on a date. Of course, Lily never really seemed to have any interest in the guy that her best friend set her up with, but maybe this time was different. Maybe Bucky was different. And that's what Gen prayed about as well, "Maybe get to know him a little more. You get chatty when you're tipsy."
Lily Osborne drunk was a sight to see. All of the fear and anxiety she felt seemed to melt away with the ice cubes in her cup. That's why it was called liquid courage. One of the main signs of Lily being intoxicated was her desire to sing. for years, Lily sang in the choir, but always turned down solos, despite being one of the most talented singers that her school had ever seen. She was terrified that people would laugh at her, but if she was home alone, she sang like an angel. Her voice was soft and supple, and her ability to harmonize was unrivalled. Both Gen and Rose secretly hoped that the avengers would be able to be blessed with the sound of Lily's voice because it truly was as angelic as she was.
"I don't know if I even want to go. You know I don't do parties, let alone one hosted by the king of parties himself, Tony Stark." Lily sighed, twisting the straw in her lemonade around as she nibbled on her bottom lip. Her eyes glanced up to see Rose beaming out the window of the cafe, saying something to a designer or somebody on her phone. She looked so excited, and Lily didn't want to be the one to take that away.
Not after the past few weeks, Rose has had.
"C'mon, Lil," Gen sighed as if reading her best friend’s mind. the brunette reached her hands out and cupped Lily's frail and nimble ones, a soft and gentle look on her face, "Rose is excited. For the first time in weeks. Plus, nothing will happen. I'll be there, and so will Rose. Plus, I doubt Mr. Winter Soldier would ever let anything happen to you anyways. Buddies totally whipped."
"Mr. Winter Soldier? really?"
After Scott had scooped Hunter up from the cafe, Lily stole the two adult women away from whatever they were doing, leading them to the car. But, Lily apparently wasn't allowed to drive. It was around two now, and Lily had to get back home to take joey out on his afternoon walk. But no matter the protests she gave, the younger sister was the one behind the wheel and had control over where they went either way. Lily accepted her fate and leaned back in her seat, attempting to figure out where Rose was have taking them.
Recognizing upstate new york, Lily glanced over towards the blonde that sat next to her. The young mom had figured out exactly what Rose was planning in that mischievous head of hers. One thing with all Osborne’s is their ability to not only think on their feet but figure out what was happening around them without anyone telling them. the art of deduction, in a way. But not that advanced, just piecing together their surroundings and doing the math. And with where they were, Lily knew that Rose had the genius idea to take the two other girls to a hair salon to get all nice and done up.
"Yeah no, I can do my hair," Lily stated, crossing her arms over her chest and putting her foot down. No way in hell was she letting another person that she didn't know, do her hair. She had a perfectly good hairdresser down in the suburbs of Manhattan and was fine with just going there for when she needed a haircut. And today? She did not.
"Let me check again...Gen?" Rose swivelled in her seat to look at the back where Gen sat, attempting to hold back a laugh, "Which one of us is the doctor and which one is the stylist?"
This caused Gen to let her giggles escape as she rested her velvety hand on Lily's shoulder, leaning forward towards her best friend, "Rose makes a fair point. You specialize in children's health, she specializes in adult fashion. C'mon, it'll be fun."
Once again, despite her protests, Lily was overpowered and dragged into the salon. The moment she was asked what style she was looking for, she answered, beating out her younger sister in deciding what would look best. She requested a simple hairstyle, possibly a ponytail of sorts. The hairdresser nodded along and got to work. Luckily, no hair was cut off or changed, and it was a simple styling appointment for her and the other girls.
Half an hour later, the three were back in the car, this time, with Lily behind the wheel. The three sang along to the radio as they returned to lower Manhattan, where the suburbs laid. Lily had managed to convince Rose to do her makeup instead of a hire professional, claiming Rose had the same talents as they did. It was true, Rose was a wizard with a makeup brush. Plus, it was fun to see her sister so focused on something like this. All of the pain of the past few weeks forgotten as she created a beige smokey eye on Lily, an a darker version of the same thing on Gen.
After she glanced in the mirror, Lily didn't believe it was her. She looked matured and awake, instead of the typical baby-faced ball of stress she was on a day-to-day basis. She stared into the mirror with a shocked yet elated look on her face, enjoying the feeling of confidence that rushed through her. She was Lily Osborne, full-time doctor and mother, older sister to two siblings, and a survivor of a toxic relationship. But it seemed that all of that confidence shattered when Rose pulled in a rack of dresses for Lily to try on. All tight around the hips and bust, made for girls with hourglass figures who hadn't given birth to a baby. Something that Lily wouldn't be caught dead in.
"Not happening. I refuse."
Compromise. that's the lesson of this section. Taking other’s options or opinions and your own, and finding a common ground. That was the foundation of Rose and Lily's relationship. Learning to compromise with each other to keep the peace. And that was the result of their dispute of the dresses Rose had brought in. Most of them were sleek and tight, almost like a second skin. And as pretty as Lily felt all done up, she didn't have near enough confidence to rock one of the body-con dresses her sister had brought.
In the end, she decided on something a bit more classic and Lily-like. A lake blue dress with spaghetti straps holding it up. It had silver lace decals spread all across both the lower plunging neckline and a-line tulle skirt that hit just below Lily's mid thigh. A piece of mesh fabric kept the cleavage that Lily had tucked in, instead of placing it on display like the majority of the cocktail dresses Rose had brought in. The deeper blue helped extenuate the green of Lily's eyes, which was complemented by the light golden shimmer that laid atop of her eyelid. Her lips were a pink nude with a touch of gloss to create a shiny effect, and her hair was pulled into a pony connected by two criss-cross pieces of hair, with two strands falling forward to frame her face. One word to sum it all up, breathtaking. Lily radiated in her outfit, and anyone who saw her would have no choice but to agree. And if they didn't? They were either delusional or lying to themselves because she was stunning.
Rose, on the other hand, was embracing the small window of time she had left without showing the baby bump. She adorned a burgundy lace dress that hugged her curves like a glove and came to a halter top point around her neck. Her golden blonde hair laid across her shoulders in a curly river, with deep red lips to compliment the dress. Her eyes were done a bit darker than both Lily and Gen's, making her forest green eyes stand out as well. Rose and Lily were blessed with the looks of their mother. High cheekbones, plump lips and a perfectly sculpted nose that tends to make most jealous. Although Rose knew her worth and understood her beauty, Lily had a harder time coming to terms with it due to the anxiety that plagued her mind. It created a constant reminder that she just wasn't enough, and to try harder.
Gen stayed true to her out-of-the-box aesthetic and wore a suit jacket dress that reached her mid-thigh, with a pair of bright yellow pumps to create a splash of colour in her outfit. Her braids were pulled into a high ponytail, and a darker smokey eye created a glowing ring around the amber eyes that she was blessed with. Her plush and plump lips were painted a deep maroon, and she looked like a businesswoman who had men falling at her feet. When in reality, she was the most easy-going and relaxed person you would probably ever meet, and would rather die than ever be stuck behind a desk at a corporate job.
The three ladies corralled themselves into Lily's car and began their journey towards the avengers compound a bit before the event started. Rose had instructed Lily to leave at a time that would make them fashionably late, to keep Thor guessing whether or not his invitation was accepted or not. Plus it built up the suspicion of the others around the man. Somehow Rose knew all of this, and Lily guessed it was because of her extensive work in the fashion industry. Having to tell people what will make them look their absolute best. Both fashionably, and socially. And who was Lily to argue?
When they did arrive, Lily let out a shaky breath before turning off the car. There was no turning back now. They had drove all of this way, and Lily knew Rose and Gen would be pissed if she chickened out now. Plus, she doubted that they would even let her. Honestly, the two would drag her in by her toes if they had to. Out of Lily's best interest of course. They wanted her to move on and live her life outside of work and Hunter.
"Come on Lil, let's go get the tinman to fall in love with you."
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yvaineseleneposts · 3 years
John Hughes movie
Requested: no
A/N: Based on the song “John Hughes movie” by Maisie Peters.
Pairing: reader & Niall Horan
Words: 854
Warning(s): angst (maybe idk)
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School and work came first and for the last two months you had been juggling both. So when your friends invited you on a night out, you immediately said yes. You hadn’t seen your friends in such a long time and a night out felt like it was all you needed.
You had agreed to meet each other there, so you did and lined with them. It already felt so relaxing seeing your girls again. It doesn’t take long before you get to show your ID to the doorman. Once you are inside, you make a bee-line for the bar. “What are we drinking tonight girls?” One of your friends asks. Before you can even open your mouth another one of your friends suggests just ordering a vodka Coke for everybody. You were actually more of a gin and lemonade girl, but a drink is a drink, so you kept your mouth shut. Once all of you had your drinks, you find a table to drop all your stuff at. You emptied the pockets of your coats before hanging it. You felt like just leaving it at the table wasn’t safe, and it was one of the tricks you had to take home a guy.
Everything about this night felt great, you got to catch up with your friends, have a drink and have fun. You met some new people who were recommending drinks and danced with you guys. It was amazing. During one of these dances you had found yourself in the middle of the dance floor underneath the tacky disco ball. This entire night felt so much like a 90s film, the only thing you were missing was a guy to fall in love with. As if a higher power had heard your “prayer” you felt two arms wrapping around your body. Your eyes widen but go back to normal once you see your friends giving you big smiles and two thumbs up. You turn around to face the guy, and he is handsome. It couldn’t be more film like. After half an hour of dancing and fifteen minutes of snogging the guy, you decided to pull you move. Your friends had already left, leaving you to go home with the guy whose name you still hadn’t caught. You make your way towards the coat hangers, grab yours, and he will follow you out if he is really interested. Then you would act all surprised, and you would go home together. Sadly, he doesn’t, and you end up going home alone.
Not even a week later you see him again at a coffee shop. He quickly realised who you were and gave you his number. You talked for a bit, and he apologised for that night. He said he lost you in the crowd and that he regretted not giving you his number sooner. He has to leave for work, but he promised to text you if you text him, giving him your number. “Just checking :)” you text him. You end up texting him for three days before he asks you on a date. Weeks go by and you and the guy, whose name turned out to be Niall, go on multiple dates. You weren’t official, but it finally felt as if the relationship was going somewhere. You hadn’t slept together, just kissed, but you wanted to with him. He really felt like the one, however cliché that may sound. A few nights later, Saturday night, you are both your friend groups went out. You danced with Niall and your friends and after an hour you headed towards the bar to buy more drinks. Upon your return to the table you find Niall making out with somebody else. You instantly drop the drinks on the table and run towards the bathrooms.
“Oh y/n. Are you okay?” one of your friends asks. “Are you crying?” another one asks. “No, I’m not crying. There’s just smoke in my eyes.” You already know, your friends are not going to fall for that. “Oh honey.” They pull you into a big group hug. “What am I gonna say? What am I gonna do? I really thought he liked me too.” “Darling, if he doesn’t want you. Well for one, he is blind and second, he’s not the one.” “It just felt so real, like he was the one you know?” Your friends nod. “What a movie scene, are they gonna play a heartbreak song or what?” one of them tries to lighten the mood. “Maybe if I’d be honest with him from the start then I wouldn’t be here crying in some dingy-ass bathroom over some guy who obviously doesn’t feel the same.” You and your friends leave the bathroom after triple checking your make-up. You all had decided that it would be best if you all went home and never return to this bar again. As you walk to the door, you turn your head and see Niall making out with yet another girl. “Oh my God! Honestly, what is with this guy?!” One of your friend shrieks as they pull you towards the door, away from the scene.
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