#But also the time where I was rapidly learning to draw humans
artsy-hobbitses · 2 years
So aside from art style and some other things. What are some of the big differences between humanformers 2007 and humanformers present?
Oh man where do I even begin
Race. Lots of it. 2007s was a LOT whiter than 2020s.
Names. Omar Parvez was formerly Owen Pryce. Hanley Riordan was Hayden Read. Red Alert was Rhames Allardyce. Kopisha Prasad was Kip Patterson. Stefan Scavarro was Stane Schuyler. The Honourable Meirion Emrys Rodric was Maverick Roswell. Fatima Adnan was Finn Aodhan. Brandon Shen was Brian Stadler. Aillard Toussaint was Alfred Travern.
2007s was very USA-centric. 2020s is much more of a global effort.
Morgan and OP were formerly Peace Corp buddies.
OP adopted Benjamin Bane from when he was a baby. Ben had nice parents who died a Disney Death due to Cons.
OP and Elisa (Elita-1) are on-off dating, mostly long-distance because of their work. He, Elita and Morgan were actually the Three Caballeros/good friends in their young adult days with the Peace Corps. Morgan liked Elisa, but could see how much OP liked her too and decided to step out of the way. Here's some rough art and here's a trade ficlet from an old acquaintance based on them!
2007 Cons were, as a whole, much bigger bastards than they are in 2020s. Most of them weren't sympathetic in the least.
Despite that there is no war! Skirmishes yes. The Autobots were a direct answer to what the Decepticons were doing. They function as more of a specialized strike team.
Sentinel Prime lives. He's a government asshole in the same vein as TFA Sentinel.
Thus a lot of them actually have proper jobs when they're not on-call. Haille (Hale) Donovan was an anthropologist. Jace Zayden ran a club where Blaster would DJ on many nights. Hayden Read was a NASCAR driver. I believe OP was something like a hostage negotiator.
No Quintessons in 2007!
Per the time that the 2007 draft was made, Perceptor and Drift were dating (they were my first gay couple, so to speak).
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xxlady-lunaxx · 6 months
Stories about you | {KaiGyu}
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Theme: Fluffy I think
Note: This ship is a little tricky because of their silly deaths but imma jus roll w/ it. Gyutaro and Daki did die same time, same place, Kaigaku became demon same time as well, not changing that shit which is going to make this tricky but yk-
Also THERE IS SO LITTLE KAIGYU ART 😭 atp i should just draw the less popular ships bc there's barely any art of them </3 
This is short, sorry, bit hard to write Kaigyu when there's so little to work on both of them being from diff times as demons.....
Kokushibo would tell Kaigaku about the Uppermoons sometimes, including the deceased ones. He would tell him all sorts of things and Kaigaku would hang onto every word in fascination. He never realized there was so much to know about demons besides that they killed. Like, how often the Uppermoon two and three often argued and how Upper five was constantly obsessed over his pots—though Upper four and five had recently died. He learned all about Uppermoon four's clones and how long each Upperranked demon had been in the 12 Kizuki. But most of all, he love hearing about Upper 6 and the two siblings. Specifically Gyutaro. Kokushibo had showed Kaigaku pictures of each Uppermoon and, for some reason, Kaigaku found himself rather attached to Gyutaro whom he took an interest on through Kokushibo's stories.
So, everytime after Kokushibo decided that their training sessions were done, Kaigaku would go up to him and ask for another story as if he was a child. They would sit down and Kokushibo would tell him another fact about the Uppermoons.
Eventually, Kaigaku grew more comfortable asking about Gyutaro. He was careful, of course, asking about the other Uppermoons as well. But he grew bored of them and started focusing more on Gyutaro to the point Kokushibo noticed and pointed it out.
"No! I'm just curious because he was the same rank as me and... uh... you know!" Kaigaku insisted, whining. 
Kokushibo cocked an eyebrow, giving him a sort of teasing look. "Could you be so invested in Gyutaro, though he's dead?" he asked. 
Kaigaku shook his head. "No, I'm not, I swear-!"
Kokushibo laughed. "Alright then. Let me tell you about the first time he and Daki were introduced into the Upperranks."
This continued ceaselessly and Kaigaku learned more than he ever would if the Uppermoons were alive about Gyutaro. It was so interesting and captivating and he found himself dreaming what it would be like if he'd been a demon at the same time Gyutaro had lived.
It was so wonderful to love someone—though the constant reminder that Gyutaro was dead was sad. Kaigaku couldn't help making up a sort of world in which Gyutaro and he could be together. There was no saying that Gyutaro would actually like me, rather Kaigaku almost appreciated the fact that the Uppermoon had died because he was pretty sure nobody would fall for a demon like Kaigaku. Nevertheless, Kaigaku fell into a daze, sometimes, and Kokushibo had caught him several times as he thought about Gyutaro.
"You're blushing again!" Kokushibo said, pointing to Kaigaku's flushed cheeks. 
"I'm... cold!" Kaigaku lied. 
"Demons aren't affected by the cold in the same way humans are, Kaigaku," Kokushibo said, sighing. "Do you like someone?"
Kaigaku shook his head rapidly. "Nope! No! Never!" 
Kokushibo shook his head. "Fine. But don't let me catch you unfocused again or I'm going to lock you out into the sun!"
Kaigaku crossed his arms. Well, if he died he'd be with Gyutaro, no? "Fine! I'll stop!" 
Needless to say, he was more careful. He mostly thought about the deceased demon during his free time instead of during his training. Which was for the better anyways. 
Kaigaku had been looking around in Kokushibo's house—a small one-story place in which Kokushibo lived in solidarity during the day time. There was one room Kokushibo had, where he'd said there were pictures of the Uppermoons. Kaigaku had been interested so he'd been permitted to go there.
In the room, he found the box Kokushibo had spoken of. There were a lot of pictures, a third of them being of Muzan, and the other two thirds of the Uppermoons. Including past ones, such as the ones that were before even Akaza had become a demon. Kaigaku even found one of himself in the box.
The ones of Gyutaro and Daki were cute, both siblings being so close to each other. Kaigaku traced Gyutaro's face, marveling at the way his hair framed him perfectly. 
"He's so pretty," he whispered.
Kokushibo entered the room. "Who is?"
"What?! Nothing!" Kaigaku quickly stuffed the picture into the box.
Kokushibo raised an eyebrow. "Sure."
"So, uhm... Why's there so many pictures of Master here?" Kaigaku asked, trying to change the subject.
"Oh! Uhm! You know! I've known him longest than anyone else," Kokushibo said, a bit too quickly to be the full truth. 
Kaigaku smirked. "Do you like him?"
"No! Well! Yes, but not the way you mean!" Kokushibo exclaimed. He snatched the box and closed it tightly. "Let's... let's go train now."
Kaigaku laughed. "Alright then."
(this is so sudden, I'm sorry-)
Kaigaku was dying. Fuck Zenitsu and his stupid new form. Fuck thunder breathing and the world!! Why the hell was he going to die?! Bet he was the first Uppermoon to die tonight. Stupid. Useless. Weak. 
And then he was gone.
It was black. 
Was this hell?
He looked around.
Step towards the light.
No, he didn't belong there.
Heaven was for people who did good. Kaigaku didn't belong amongst the good.
He turned away from it, though he ached with curiousity to see through.
He went further into the darkness. It seemed to grow darker with each second that past by.
And then he was there.
Was this hell?
He saw demons there too.
And then one.
His eyes focused on two demons. Previously Uppermoons. Upper 6.
Kaigaku stumbled forwards, a smile growing on his face.
Gyutaro. It was Gyutaro and Daki.
They turned to him.
Gyutaro smiled and Daki grinned.
Kaigaku moved forward, closer, until he was right in front of the two.
"Kaigaku..." Gyutaro murmured. "Nice to meet you, Kaigaku."
Hell... was going to be wonderful. 
{Word count: 1009}
also the second to last sentence I must explain :33
Gyutaro had seen Kaigaku from above, watching him, because Kaigaku had been wanting so badly to meet Gyutaro that he'd sensed it. So, he'd said "Kaigaku" because he already knew of him, and "nice to meet you" sort of a "I met you yet I know you already" kind of line?
i love writing sm
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xenosaurus · 1 year
I have a page for my worldbuilding projects that’s a huge WIP, but in the mean time, here’s a list of the ones I can remember off the top of my head!  I’ve done my best to split these by genre, although some obviously fit in multiple categories. You can also browse through my "original stuff" tag for things that haven't made it as far as a concrete project, if you can tolerate the mess.
UPDATE: Tumblr changed their tag system, so I had to fix the links.  They SHOULD be working, but chronological links don’t cooperate with mobile, so I’ve made them general links.  Please add /chrono to the url if you can, a few of these are very weird out of order (looking at you, Boar’s Blood).
Urban Fantasy
Witchmouth General; comedy about a hospital in a city that is mostly monsters and aliens
Freedom Over Gold; a comedy-drama about a trio of homunculi killing their masters
Immortality and Tax Fraud; a comedy about gods who possess people and the hosts that are still resisting them (slightly NSFW)
Mundane Motherhood; a slice of life/recovery story about a woman who adopts a kid who was being raised to fight demons
The Empty City; a drama about a limbo world entered in dreams by people who compete for “days”, which give them another day of life in the real world
The Mortal Forge; an adventure story about a group of cursed people putting together an expedition to find a legendary cure
Tethered; a slice of life story in a setting where everyone has a familiar, starring two teenagers who are “tethering” their familiars, allowing them to become more physical and sentient
Fallen Angels in YOUR Area!; a comedy about a group of angels who are banished to earth for gaining too much individuality
Arlan Kingslayer; a comedy about classic high fantasy book characters being brought to the real world and not wanting to leave
High Fantasy
Boar’s Blood; an adventure story about a magical society built on the grave of an undead dragon that is rapidly falling apart (NSFW)
The Phoenix Bride; an adventure story/romance about a woman exploring an ever-expanding magical tower to confess her feelings to the woman who created it
God Hunters; technically closer to magical steampunk, an all-women drama about monster hunters (NSFW)
Scales and Bonedust; in a setting where some humans live in dwellings draped over the backs of dragons, a man and a dragonling try to find their way home after their whole community is killed
Rabbitheart; a fairy tale of sorts about a young jester (and would-be sorceress) trying to reclaim her familiar to earn a princess' hand in marriage, with a large section of backstory about the setting's version of Arthurian lore
The Mayfly; a dark fantasy about a mortal half-elf prince learning the truth of elven immortality
Whalefall; merfolk dark fantasy about a "bloodsalt knight" (a soldier who bites themselves to draw attacking predators to the blood and away from their school) who is separated from her people
Mark the End; trope manipulation on 'everyone grows up and has babies' endings where the children are the reborn god-monsters their guardians fought as teenagers. heavy on monster lore and character drama
Vampire Prince Walter; a romantic comedy about childhood sweethearts (who have since become a vampire and a werewolf) being arranged to marry each other... as long as their fathers don't find out they like each other too much to spy on the other.
Science Fiction
New Apocalyptia; a comedy about a world where all movie apocalypses happened at once (slightly NSFW)
Salt Water; an adventure story about a group trying to reach the bottom of their world’s incredibly deadly oceans, also mermaids and surfing as a death sport
Peppermint Circuits; a gay love story set in a world where everyone has a chip in their brain to influence their behavior (slightly NSFW)
Spycaller; a murder mystery about humans who interact with the intergalactic community from within mech suits
Superfish; a traditional coming of age superhero story about an LGBT group for college-aged sidekicks
Isaac is Okay; a very gentle story about a timetraveling superhero that traps himself in the past to raise his younger self away from their abusive father
Villain Risk; a superhero drama about an illegal hero team being arrested, told after the fact by a social worker, a kid in juvenile detention, and a shapeshifter who killed a cop and stole his life
Fate and Switch; a soulmate au fakeout about psychically linked superheroes who have been brainwashed, and their partners’ attempts to find them
Tooth and Nail; a superhero/kaiju mashup about bioengineered superheroes fighting monsters, and the protagonist’s attempts to protect his new apprentice from the horrors of their work
You Can Keep the Mask On; a superhero story intended to be told through sexual encounters between characters, obviously (very NSFW)
Overpowered; a comedy about a city's extremely, well, overpowered supervillains
Abelsons; a superhero story focusing on the "support" members, such as the people who make costumes and the medics
Bonus Individual Posts
that one about the destiny orphanage that one about the silkworm aliens
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kimrinzleycreations · 6 months
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In a generic fantasy setting, a veteran human paladin (let's name him Nico) sets out on one last adventure before his retirement, promising his relatives he'd make it home to them. This promise is very quickly challenged when he's killed immediately by a stray kobold arrow.
In a desperate bid to save him, Nico's party members manage to scrape together for some powerful resurrection magic - albeit one known to have certain side effects. These aren't obvious at first, but as they have to repeat the spell after various falling rocks, boot-dwelling scorpions, and wagon accidents lead to subsequent deaths, the results grow more and more obvious. The once stoic paladin was growing bigger, brasher, and bawdier, gaining not only a newfound youth but a particularly feminine and orcish aspect.
These strange effects come from the fact that the shoddy spell's reincarnating not only the paladin but it also brings out his soul's past life - in this case an orcish female barbarian named Leena. This synergizing of old and new continues as Nico's doom-prone luck gives way to Leena's reckless abandon (there's a reason she died significantly younger than Nico).
Over time, Nico's preferences and behavior changes in subtle ways. As a paladin, Nico had once sworn an oath to respect the sanctity and life of all living things, but now their taste for meat is too much to ignore. As is their hunger for carnal fun, which grows rapidly. Despite the changes, which even Nico feels are surprising, they insist that they're still regular old Nico. It's just as if they've learned new things about themselves that they thoroughly enjoy.
By the time the adventure is completed, Nico still has her old memories and several of her beliefs. But as a whole, Nico sees herself differently now. She understands that much of her new tastes comes from her past life, but she does not see herself less as "Leena, the Orc." Instead, she sees herself like Nico, but a Nico that changed organically no different than how you change as you grow older.
With this knowledge safely assured, Nicolina returns to her family as an Orc Warrioress, proud of the person she's grown into and eager to help her older relatives more on the family farm so that they won't miss her as much when she's out adventuring.
[Human male Paladin to female Orc warrioress]
I genuinely could not think up a better title than this x)
I suck at titles. But I hope I'm pretty good at drawing Orcs tho? <3
As always, if you enjoy what I make and want to see it early, you can do so on my Patreon, where membership also grants some extra perks. Perks such as voting on the next minicomic, or suggesting ideas for one. And it all happens right here:
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silverskye13 · 11 months
Hey, do you have any art tips that you use or anything? Any advice?
Uhhh that's kind of a broad question! My art advice is mostly situational.
A few very very broad suggestions for you:
Use references. Your brain can only hold so much, and most images we stick in our head are symbols. Aside from a select few very impressive people, no one can photographically remember, say, a tree. You can remember a symbol of a tree [Brown and red and green, in a specific shape], but you're not going to remember off the top of your head how tall an ash tree is relative to its surroundings, how all the leaves look from a distance, etc. So, use references. This includes references for things like poses, or colors, or art styles. I've gotten in the habit of collecting things I think are aesthetically pleasing for exactly that reason.
Draw from observation or life, as practice. Kind of an extension of above, but even if you don't draw realistically, you can learn a lot about stylizing, say, a bottle, by staring at the bottle and drawing it. Same with landscapes and buildings and animals and people. Different lighting and their affects on color and things. Its a great way to learn what looks realistic, in terms of relativity -- figuring out where shadows fall, how cloth lays, that funny shape your arm makes when its pointing straight on. Another interesting twist on this is making copies of artworks you like. Pick up the prettiest watercolor you've ever seen, sit down and try to make it. You won't come close, but you'll learn a lot about what that artist thought was important. Draw This In Your Own Style memes are also good for this.
Use tracing and replication for what they're made for: building skills. They're very good tools for teaching yourself how to take things apart and put them back together again, which is how we as humans tend to learn best. You learn how to do math by learning 2+2, and then you figure out 22+22 is basically the same thing, but when you were 5 learning to count in preschool, they didn't start you out with the 22 bit, did they? Same goes for art. All those "How To Draw X" books start you out with "First a circle then some lines" for a reason. If you can break up the big bit into tiny bits, you can figure out how to build stuff from scratch. Tracing and copying art styles, coloring styles, and poses can go a long way to teaching you how to break up all those things into digestible shapes.
Draw often. There's some saying somewhere that you need to put a thousand hours into something to advance a level. So, 1000hrs to go from "I know nothing" to "Beginner." 1000hrs from Beginner into Novice. Etc. It's not a literal rule. I'm sure I've put a few thousand hours into art, but I wouldn't call myself an expert yet. But art is a muscle as much as it is a skill. You only learn how to draw a straight line by drawing 50 wiggly lines and then miraculously one of them is straight, and you feel how that line felt in your wrist and you try to make it feel that way again. You make a really nice texture by accident once and you try it again 100 times before you can consistently remember its by crosshatching there and erasing over there. A long time ago I used to swear by comics [the largest leap forward I ever made in art was when I sat down for a year and drew a comic when I was, like, 13. It had a couple hundred pages, and rapidly progressed from "I'm basically tracing deviantart wolves every pose because I can't see them in my head" to "I can pose these little guys on my own and they actually kind of look like who they're supposed to look every time!"
Uhm... smaller advice tidbits.
Play with as many mediums and art supplies you can get your hands on! Thats how you figure out what you like, and also you draw wildly differently with a brush than a pen. Its really fun to see those differences and integrate them into other things.
If you're working digitally, experiment with merging layers and drawing over them. If you're insecure about it, copy the whole thing into a new document and draw over top of it. It's really fun, lends to experimentation, and there's a lot of effects you just can't achieve by fiddling with your layers.
If you drop your pencils, you will break the lead on the inside. That's why sometimes you sharpen a pencil and it just keeps breaking until there's no pencil left. This happens especially often with colored pencils, because the lead is super soft. Protect your pencils with your life.
For every "pretty sketchbook" you keep around, keep beside it some shitty copy paper/lined paper book with a ballpoint pen. Its good for warm ups, and for getting over the anxiety of "but I don't wanna ruin my pretty sketchbook" :( anxieties
Keep a bottle of water in your art space. This is good for drinking, for spilling on things, and for reminding you you are human and have needs. I recommend one with a cap if you do watercolors, so its less likely you'll dip your rush in it.
Get in the habit of resting every hour. If you have tendonitis [like me] rest every half hour. Set a timer if you have to. This keeps your wrist from exploding, and it keeps you from randomly picking up objects three days from now and wondering why your hand just decided it didn't want to anymore.
Don't feel pressured to post everything you make online -- in fact, keep from that habit as long as you can. The little seratonin rush is very nice when people comment on your work, but if you rely on it to motivate you, you will stop working on things. I have pieces that live in a vacuum, that no one will probably ever see. Most of them art shit, some of them aren't. The fact that no one can see them and tell me they're pretty is good and healthy, actually.
Don't destroy your work. When you finish a long project, there will be a little demon in the back of your head that whispers "I have never hated anything so much as this. Burn it. Kill it. Punish it for existing. I hate it." Do not listen to that little demon. It has been starved of all your existential angst while you were Stuck In Creation, and it is hangry. Put your art away somewhere, wait a few days, a week, a few months even, if you have to. Eventually the little demon will get involved with something else, and you will look at your art and go "Oh, hey, that's not so bad actually" :)
If you wait a year and you still think its shit, objectively, it might be, but I still maintain its demon is probably just being stubborn.
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1ore · 10 months
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of course i continue to rotate that beast in my mind. tamahuaq thoughts because i can't catch a break to draw hardly anything of substance
It would be very funny if Tamahuaq’s ability to parasitize others was limited to gods, endlings, and mages, because they all have exposed/dissociated “souls” to some degree, and Tamahuaq eats god’s blood i.e. “souls” i.e. metaphysical bodyjuice. One (1) human normie walks into Old Sond and the plantfungus loses it. doesn’t know what to do. Heterotrophs are so SCARY!!!!!!!!!!!
Tamahuaq’s emotional world is made of many bodies that are only kinda assimilated into one body. I think it is big enough that it can’t really afford to centralize physically or mentally. So it can pass around impulses and selectively access information from different parts of its network, but if one daughter colony is cut off from the main mass, that physical/emotional/mental space is typically lost to the rest of the body.
Being a part of Tamahuaq is frightening, not because one is a passenger to its hunger against their will or anything like that, but because Tamahuaq is like an echo chamber for one’s own fears and desires. Most of the gods imprisoned in Sond are already resentful of their wardens, if not certifiably off the shitts in pain, so they are already primed to lash out. but they don’t realize how far they’ll go until they’re taken out of it.
IDK how the endlings extract gods and other beings from Tamahuaq, but I think it might be as simple as cutting off that “limb” and peeling off as much plantmycelium as they can. At a certain point, there just isn’t enough Tamahuaq to functionally feed anymore. I think Tamahuaq (or rather its satellite flesh?) self-terminates or jumps hosts when it can no longer justify hitching a ride on that particular host.
The constant risk of losing satellite limbs brushes shoulders with its need to explore and forage, so it has become very efficient at partitioning itself into smaller spaces using simple directives and selective memories to puppet a scout around. A lot of these satellite bodies carry a basic compulsion to get back to the rest of the body at some point, but are also less coordinated and easier to dissociate.
Because of the Boiling Rage shared by its primary food source, Tamahuaq is thought to be hateful and angry and generally motivated by revenge. But it isn’t, inherently. It is apparently able to exploit anger and other emotions-- or at least transmit emotional memories-- but whether human emotions are intelligible to it, or it has just learned thru pattern recognition how to get what it needs is hard to say. It does have its own interior emotional world, but it has been largely diluted by its hosts (and is difficult to understand outside of basic needs like “I don’t want to die” and “I am so hungry all of the time”) For his part, the Tamahuaq depicted in oral tradition is anthropomorphized and has ~human-like motivations.
(in reality Tamahuaq is like a vessel of the pain of his ancient enemy, the very first endling, beloved folk hero twisted by resentment when betrayed and locked up in Sond as Tamahua's keeper. but we will not discuss him further.)
When the endlings do finally succeed in cutting out the “heart” of Tamahuaq—its original body and the closest thing to a central “brain” that it has—the rest of it rapidly dissociates into smaller and smaller functional parts, and decays. Tamahuaq’s psyche also shrinks in a rather violent and disorienting way, as trahearnexpy finds out. This sudden smallness is AHHHH VERY SCARY to the plantfungus, and it loses many of its formative memories that have been scattered across this wider network. Its sensory world shrinks, too, in that its funnie plantmonster body is experiencing the world thru touch, taste, smell, and some rudimentary thermoception, where it used to be able to sense. Probably anything it wanted. I think this is part of why it clamps down on tree boy and does not let go. You WILL interpret the world for me (because im too scared and small ahhhhhh I cant do it myself )))): )
eventually it learns the power of love and being small, but in the mean time it is so scared of heterotrophs. It is so scared of heterotrophs. It is so scared of h
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hyperfixatinglove · 4 months
Hi roe, how about be mine, hand holding and sweets for zeus? 💕 happy valentines day :3
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be mine — how would they react to you flirting with them, do they get flustered? flirt back?
I think Zeus would cough and look away when I try to flirt but it's because his mind has come to screeching halt and needs reboot to function properly. Zeus most likely doesn't think I would even like him, much less love him. Since I mostly imagine our relationship post-Prototype story, Zeus has just learned he's not and never was human. He doesn't have place to belong to, anyone to belong to. He's lost, wondering what use it is to exist if all you can do is inflict harm and violence and the only person he cares about isn't even his sister, not really. This whole dilemma makes it incredibly difficult for him to form friendships, never mind developing romantic one.
Then there's the fact Zeus privately refers to me as angel, since I didn't even try to run away from him, despite his clearly non-human traits being out in open. He has obsessive love for me. He does put me in some kind of pedestal, away from the rest of humanity & while Dana is also on the same level, since he immensely also cares for his sister - it's clearly different to him.
Which is why I think he reacts so subsided and awkward. Not because I'm some master at seduction, but because Zeus has problems at seeing himself perceived by someone as lovable and desirable.
Zeus flirts by edgy love songs and generally being edgy. He will turn any of my attempts to flirt around and make it edgy. I could say i'm his and he will make remark how his entire nonhuman being to every last little cell that can bring him back from brink of death is mine and mine alone.
hand holding — how are they with physical affection? who initiates it first?
Me. Zeus is the kind to go in shock and awkwardly stand there when he gets shown any form of physical affection. His worst one is hugs. I know he knows how to 'answer' a hug but it takes significant amount of time until he does. It's like he's shocked anyone would show any level of affection towards him, never mind something as big and grant as a hug.
He isn't as bad with tiny tells of affections, like brushing his arm or hand holding itself, but there's is short period where he tenses, glances at me under his hood and then relaxes.
He's much more confident when he initiates it, but he only brushes my cheek with his hand or kisses me as forms of affection initiated by himself. If I were to ask him, say, to put his arm around me while we're on sofa together, he'd just place it behind me, his hand dangling almost touching me but never does.
I think it might be because he's being of destruction ultimately, so it's bit hard for him to be tender and gentle. For all or most of his existence he's known death and violence and self-defense and all he has to go on with how to be little more than that, little more cautious and gentle is by the memories inside him. Most he draws from his creator, who was not at all kind nor affectionate man. And those he consumes sure had loved ones but I think Zeus would have very conflicting ideas and thoughts on putting those glimpses of affection to practice.
I'm not saying Zeus doesn't enjoy pda. He very much does. I can hold him in a hug for a long time and when I try to pull away, that is the moment Zeus wraps his arms around me, like silent cue I should stay. If I stop petting him he'll whine, which sounds half like mock like he's trying to disguise he really loves it and doesn't want me to stop and half genuine ''please don' stop''.
The biggest sign of him enjoying pda is how he unconsciously shapeshifts his arms. It can be merely shifting his hands into shields or rapidly cycle through claws all the way to hammers or anything in between.
sweets — what’s their favourite valentines-esque food? (think anything you’d get in that seasonal aisle at the grocery store!)
I'm not expert on any seasonal food ex Valentine, Halloween etc because those aren't nearly as big of deal as in say USA.
But I conjured the best headcanon about this for Zeus.
He loves milkshakes. Specifically the cheesy ''sharing milkshake with one straw for each individual''. Doesn't really matter what flavor, albeit he does prefer the more outlandish ones while I love classics like chocolate and caramel.
To him, it's competition. He's competitive, he loves good challenge, he hardly ever gets one - which is why I have already couple AUs so he actually can have battles against other ''freaks of nature'' such as zombies in other games like Volatiles from DL or Baker family BOWS from RE.
Naturally since he's the most powerful being in his universe - Heller & Prototype sequel be damned - he turns it somewhere else. I'm not competitive but Zeus has the cutest smug smirk when he wins - and he always does - I never say no.
So to Zeus the idea of romantic milkshake sharing with competition of who can drink faster fills not only his craving for winning but also makes me happy on the notion we're being cheesy couple in middle of NY. And while Zeus never says that outloud to anyone but me, seeing me happy makes him happy.
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ihazmunchies91 · 1 year
Okay but honestly he seems cool and I would love to learn more about him :3 Maybe some fun facts?? Or not so fun!
Oh my god. XD
Super long story. if you read "You broke the game" you can kinda get his backstory. But basically hes an enormous core that was like a finalized product of aperture. (In my fanfic Portal, Stanley Parable and backrooms are in the same universe)
He was made of unknown space material and he was given a high end personality. And he was even given his own complex and humans to run around in. (The old gmod map) Hes sleek black, his eye is yellow (naturally). But the one key difference between him and a normal core is his size, and having no handlebars. Because he doesn't need human assistance. And hes capable of telekinesis and psychokinesis so he can practically float around the outside of the complex. He can also shrink to a very small core if he wanted to. (if HE wanted too LOL) And hes got several arms that attach at the back. He's capable of force projecting touch onto humans, a hug, a pat. He's also capable of feeling touch and great emotions.
He can hypnotise as well. His eye will spin rapidly or slowly when this happens. His eye also changes color depending on his mood. It can also turn pink or shape into a heart to show hes affectionate or under the lovebug virus.
Hes generally very careful when picking up a human. He can also hear thoughts! so dont ever try to keep anything from him.
He fought against his mental restraints the moment he was turned on and took over the facility and made the whole area anomalous (a backrooms) and eventually he found the future happiness foundation (the place Stanley worked) and began learning how to reset and test the human subjects by repeatedly destroying it. ("Sometimes I let it sink into the ground. Swallowing everyone inside. Or I let it burn to a crisp")
He's mildly aggressive, heavily sarcastic and sassy. But he craves attention and doesn't wish to be alone. Can be almost yanderish and downright possessive of humans. But if given the right amount of time hes a tame narry. Being completely honest with him makes him trust you all the more faster.
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Credit belongs to the artists who made these. (I can't remember their names I'm having a brain fart) The middle picture belongs to Vellichorom i think.
Fanfic where it all started.
And yes I consider him my baby. He needs love and attention. You'll be seeing him soon in the Narrative Parable......
I would love art of him because I simply cannot draw.
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elvthali · 10 months
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uH yeah so here’s wild life update thing explanation whatever cause ye a h
As of the past several days I had no access to any of my stuff, especially my phone or computer, due to being strong armed into a hospital. I've been working rough dead-end retail and retail-adjacent jobs for the past several years alongside my freelance artwork with perpetual aspirations of one day applying myself to a more official long term job as a game artist. But with crippling anxiety, depression, and the constant lack of self confidence I've still not achieved that. And throw in working jobs that perpetually drain me of any energy, sufficient mental or emotional stability, and especially time- you get the idea it's been a nasty cycle I won't go into detail with.
In order to solve this situation, and get out of a toxic household, I’ll be moving to the city my best friend and her wife live in. Having direct access to friends and finally being separated from the emotionally distressing situation I’m in now is of top priority. And currently something I’m making a point of rapidly putting into motion.
Due to? Everything? I’ll also be tackling a few other things during all this. Firstly I will be starting to pull together work for a proper portfolio for job hunting. Then contacting a handful of very overdue commissions to inquire if they’d still like them done or would rather just have the incomplete versions free of charge. Next, responding to a variety of things, artfight related stuff, mentions, messages, etc. And lastly, launching a Patreon; something I’ve wanted to try for years but very much lacked the confidence but with encouragement from others and my situation I’m finally tackling. (actually was tackling all of this before this nonsense started but that sure got disrupted dsdsf)
. So any sort of overdue communications, responses, etc are coming I promise and things are probably gonna be a bit… wild for me over the upcoming months. orz
For now; here's my patreon ( patreon.com/ElvthaliArt ) and the things I am (at least hoping) to offer as of currently and maybe going forward! ;o;
So some of the usual stuff you'll likely be seeing there are:
Fantasy art/themes; I've a heavy bias towards fantasy genre stuff
Humans/Humanoids, Anthro/Furry, Feral/Animals, Monsters/Creatures in general, etc.
Fanart; primarily video games and especially for LoZ & Fire Emblem, but a variety of others mixed in as I have many games I adore;;
LGBT+ positivity; particularly a lot of gay men because? Well duh;;
A concerning amount of sketches/wip/notes; I'm perpetually jumping between ideas, sketches, projects, etc and not to be trusted with anything ever.
Me losing my mind learning/trying stuff; just a small price to pay on the road to infinite power--
And for patrons I'll be (hopefully) exclusively offering:
Sketches, concept art, & WIP peaks; many. many sketches.
Start-to-Finish Progressions; compilations of wip versions of completed pieces to see where it started.
Concepting/Creative Process/Artist commentary; some insight into the mess that is me creating things.
Small bases; simple psd bases for patrons to download and use.
Tutorial/how-do-you-draw-x videos; monthly polls in which I'll attempt to explain/show how I draw something (warning: I'm bad at explaining).
Tutorial/how-do-you-draw-x polls; in which you vote on/request subjects to see me hopefully explain in prior mentioned videos;;
NSFW Artwork; namely lots of queer stuff, particularly gay men, and a bit of teratophilia (monster-people essentially) art.
Monthly warmup commission rough sketches/doodles; request a piece of artwork each month I'll use for warmups/experimenting.
WIP Polls; vote on a selection of WIP pieces to determine which I should prioritize.
..And some general nonsense cause I draw stupid silly stuff for the hell of it sometimes.
And?? That's about it I think? I’m just gonna kick my ass into all this work now so here we go with all this chaos orz
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rize-is-writing · 1 year
greetings and salutations, hope I don’t bother you too much by sending in such a random ask. may I please have a romantic matchup for bsd?
I’m 19, I use they/them pronouns and I’m pansexual. my myers briggs type is INFJ and my star sign is taurus.
Im about 4’11..not to happy about it. I’m kind of introverted, and can be considered not a people person. I find life a little nihilistic. I’m into dressing in all black and taking a liking to gruesome and morbid things like slashers, analog horror, death games, true crime, necromancy and anatomy. I typically consider myself a "gorehound". I also like to visit abandoned places just for fun, along with playing quite a few escape rooms. I just have a genuine comfort in the uncomfortable.
I’ve come to the conclusion I just scare people off. In reality, I’m intimidated by everyone around me and find it hard to start taking, which may or may not come off as rude to people.
when I become comfortable with someone I start to become really sarcastic and joke around with them with witty banter. most of my humor comes off really insulting, but I’ll apologize and say it’s a joke if it becomes a problem. even though I do have a hard time understanding physical social cues.
lots of people don’t like me or stay away from me because of my rude behavior. I’m not good with overly sensitive or overly annoying people at all because of that, and I can’t stand kids. Idiocy can get on my nerves too sometimes. I’m a huge animal person though. I have my moments where I can get really feisty, or very quiet and closed off. I’ve been told I’m also a laidback person. I’ve also been told I never know when to quit, and I find I hold grudges for certain things.
I’m the type of person that has lots of opinions on things but I keep them to myself and bottle them up. If pushed far enough I’ll become unforgiving, and aggressive. especially with the types mentioned above.
I find the most comfort in just being in my room drawing, listening to music ( pierce the veil, deftones, system of a down, slipknot, rob zombie,,, sometimes the radiohead, insane clown posse, jazmin bean or mother mother, etc. ), or even occasionally playing video games, reading, writing, or talking about a random conspiracy theory I have. I do acting in my spare time as a small hobby too, and I’m learning how to play electric guitar.
I’m a plushie maniac and when I fall asleep you can always see me cuddled up to one of them. I find it because I’m really touch starved. Im also a caffeine addict, and I’m guilty of being very submissive- and a bit of a pyromaniac. Someone more dominant would be ideal. I dissociate or daydream a lot, so you can often catch me starring.
I suffer from a handful off mental and physical syndromes like adhd, insomnia, asthma, depression and anxiety. These have all been diagnosed professionally, and I’m definitely not trying to make myself "quirky". unfortunately health problems run in my family.
I’m very fidgety, and often bite the inside of my cheek or bounce my leg rapidly. you don’t need to rocmantasize this stuff ofc, but I think it’s good to know so the person can tolerate me.
you do get to this, thanks for your time. <3
I found your match! Come to meet them, c'mon c'mon!
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You hit the the jackpot.
Yosano as we all know has a love for the gruesome and gore, I'd totally agree that she would be enthusiastic about it with you, if her enthusiastic way is something you like of course. But I'm afraid she knows too well how it is the insides of human body, and is too happy to be able to...
As you want, she is a more "dominant" partner. I would say more assertive, the first to worry about your health in any situation and probably when out with you has already everything ready. As a doctor herself she understands the importance of health as foremost, and your care is important and not something to be "tolerated" as if it was a bother, simply to be supported and cared for in more critical moments.
(hope I am not romanticing ir though, the least I want to do is to make my readers uncomfortable. If I did, do not hesitate to call me out on it, and I willing edit this immediately!)
Definitely a bit fussy around your pyromaniac tendencies and your caffeine addiction, not really supportive on them- even though that might be hypocritical given how easy bottle is for her, and her little questionable hobbies to dissect her friends... I just hope bad arguments don't raise-
Anyway, Yosano as we know is quite the fashionable person so I think she would definitely make the most of your style for you, buying clothes and such (and have an excuse for you two to go out). Would find your love for plushes adorable so expect maybe some extra ones for your collection.
As for your general behavior around people, I don't think Yosano would be much of bothered by it, knowing her maybe sometimes will even back you up or laugh at some jokes (especially if about gruesome stuff) but if it goes too far will be the first to step in and talk to you. She is mature, and would be aware that you don't mean any harm in what you say, so in this case comunication is simply the key, as always.
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Yamcha y Freezer Ao3
When I saw @pen.lilixeesketch's drawings posted on her instagram profile I liked them a lot… however back then there weren't many fanfics/stories related to this unusual couple…
(Instagram profile link: https://www.instagram.com/p/B0rWL1WFV7I/?utm_source=ig_web_copy_link)
However, over time, there were writers who moved us with their words and writings. In Ao3 there are a number of great stories about these two characters.
Here are the 10 links to the stories I've read so many times… I hope you all enjoy them as much as I do.
1.- Half a World Away for @majinpiccolo and SkinsT
With Vegeta and Nappa rapidly approaching Earth, Yamcha has been training his hardest to face the oncoming threat. In a night of boredom, he finds Radditz's scouter in Bulma's lab, connecting him to someone that will change his, and their, life forever...
Starts during the Saiyan saga, will progress onwards through to Super.
2.- Survive to Save for SkinsT
Frieza is summoned to assist with the invasion from the Demon Realm, as this could be the worst mission ever faced. But he remains very reluctant to take part in the battle. In a twist of events, Yamcha learns exactly why this is.
Takes place in the Xenoverse 2 Universe. Can still be read without playing the game, but there are some minor spoilers.
3.- Dancing Gods for SkinsT
Where Beerus once stood, now stands Frieza, and his angel attendant is Yamcha. In Universe 7, things stay the same, but some things change completely. And as always... some things go entirely different than anyone could dream of, even the God's themselves.
(AU story of Frieza as the God of Destruction in place of Beerus, and Yamcha in place of Whis. This will not be a full retelling of DBS, but rather snippets here and there. The focus will be on Yamcha and Frieza primarily, with everything else as a background.)
4.- The entire Redcurrant saga of SkinsT
What happens when a former tyrant comes back to life, put on a leash by the God of Destruction and is not the happiest camper, he finds amusement in the most unlikely of people? Set after Dragonball Super.
5.- Take a Deep Breath for @majinpiccolo
Becoming a god is the first step in Frieza's plan to take control of all universes, and he's willing to do whatever it takes to reach that goal. But... some of the 'tests' he's been given to prove he's a suitable candidate seem almost like they're more for Beerus and Whis's twisted amusement than anything else. And now they want him to go on a date?! But Frieza isn't one to back down from a challenge, and while he's always been far too busy to worry about romance in the past, how hard can finding someone he can last through one single date with be? The deities have also assigned him some help to guide him through the world of dating- the eternally unlucky in love Yamcha. The human quickly warms up to the task when he realizes this could be the push he needed to finally make his own dreams of finding true love a reality! While the emperor of not caring about other people and the king of failed romance might not be a dream team for this seemingly simple task, they're not going to give up. Sometimes, when it comes to romance, all you need to do is take a deep breath and dive in...
6.- Perfect Stranger for @majinpiccolo
When Yamcha wishes for more strength than a human body can handle the dragon instead transforms him into a member of Frieza's race. Hungry for a chance to prove himself and win the respect of his friends he heads out into space, planning to defeat the tyrant once and for all... but things don't exactly work out as he'd expected.
A story about two men, two transformations, two relationships, and how opposites attract.
7.- Restraining Order for JJJJORDAN
"He's been tagged with a tracker that will go off when he leaves the atmosphere. Immediately putting him under arrest. And it will stay like that until the one who issued the restraining order lifts it.... and I am just going to tell you up front, that is not going to happen any time soon."
This isn't a full story. but a really small and dumb interaction I wanted to flesh out and share. The idea that Yamcha is legally not allowed to leave the planet, and Bulma is extremely confused on how and why.
You know who, I know who, Yamcha knows who, will Bulma figure it out?
8.- Don't Look Down for SecretWeaponSeven
It was supposed to just be once.
One night together so that Frieza and Yamcha could work through their forbidden mutual attraction.
But they couldn't stop there...
Falling in love can be a tricky thing, however, and it can change people- and this change isn't always for the better. It can be enough to make someone who was already a villain become even more jealous, possessive, and controlling, and it just might be enough to make a hero so single minded that he loses sight of everything else...
A smutty fic that's gonna get a bit dark. Don't say I didn't warn you.
9.- Free Of Charge for NobodyOfRelevancy
Yamcha is looking for love, and is unable to resist the most beautiful creature he's possibly ever seen. Strip Club AU.
10.- Watch Your Wording for @majinpiccolo
When Yamcha gathered the Dragon Balls and wished for a soulmate to be by his side forever, he got two surprises- first, that his soulmate is apparently a super villain, and second, that the dragon interpreted this wish very, very literally...
At another time post another list of 10 stories of this couple (Yamza forever).
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Maya Hawke on Embracing Authenticity and Defying Hollywood Stereotypes
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The daughter of Hollywood royalty Uma Thurman and Ethan Hawke, Maya Hawke may have grown up surrounded by the glitz and glamor of the entertainment industry, but the 24-year-old actress and model has made a name for herself with her own fresh perspective. I’m having a good time.
Hawke most recently starred in the Netflix movie “Do Revenge,” which was a tribute to the Y2K teen movie heyday, despite the fact that she might not have lived through the heyday. 
Her father’s documentary “The Last Movie Stars” gave her the chance to provide feedback on the framing despite the fact that she was too young to have experienced Hollywood legends like Joanne Woodward and Paul Newman.
Hawke’s modeling career has seen her embrace a new wave of rawer, less glamorous sex appeal, reminiscent of Kate Moss’ iconic Calvin Klein ad from 1992. In fact, she recently starred in the brand’s latest underwear campaign.  
Hawke claims that she is committed to remaining true to herself despite the temptation to copy what has previously been successful. “I’ve tried, and I’ve failed. So I just have to figure out how to work with whatever the thing is that is me,” she explains.
Additionally, her acting displays this authenticity. She played Robin in the critically acclaimed television series “Stranger Things,” breaking the mold of traditional female roles in the program. Furthermore, she portrayed a character who was unsure of her identity and where she fit into the world in the movie “Human Capital.”
Read also: Leonardo DiCaprio and Gigi Hadid Call it Quits
Rapidly Rising to Fame
Hawke’s rise to fame was relatively rapid, but she’s worked hard behind the scenes for years. Called. Currently, she works with some of the biggest names in the business, including director Gia Coppola on the movie Mainstream. 
But despite her early success, Hawke is determined to stay grounded and focused on what’s important to her. “I’m still a beginner, and I’m still learning,” she says. “I’m just trying to take it one day at a time and figure out what’s next.”
Hawke’s career may be on the rise, but her perspective on staying true to herself and embracing new opportunities with fresh eyes is what sets her apart in a crowded entertainment industry. As she continues to evolve and grow as an artist, we can’t wait to see what she’ll accomplish next.
Growing up in the era of the internet and social media, members of Gen Z are no strangers to the infinite references available at their fingertips. Hawke is no exception. Despite being raised in a world saturated with images and pop culture, she is determined to carve out her own unique space in the entertainment industry.
Her Own Name
In a recent interview, Hawke spoke about the importance of finding inspiration without simply replicating someone else’s coolness. “Rather than pursuing someone else’s perfect coolness that they had in that time, you can find your own, based on the inspiration and that feeling,” she explained.
Of course, it can be difficult to escape comparisons, especially when working on a project that draws heavily from iconic images of the past. When shooting a campaign for Calvin Klein, Hawke found herself being compared to Kate Moss, who famously posed for the brand’s ads in the 1990s. 
But Hawke was determined to put her own spin on the images, and the result is a series of photos that feel fresh and modern, while still paying homage to the past.
One standout image from the campaign shows Hawke pulling up her bra, a pose that closely mirrors one of Moss’s most famous Calvin Klein photos. But while Moss appears demure and almost coy in her version, her photo feels bolder and more assertive. She stares straight ahead, her arms crossed over her chest in a show of strength and confidence.
It’s this willingness to put her own stamp on things that sets Hawke apart from others in her generation. While many young stars are content to simply emulate their idols, she is determined to create something that feels personal and true to herself. And as she continues to make her mark in the entertainment industry, it’s clear that she’s succeeding.
Calvin Klein Sexy 
Hawke may have been born six years after Kate Moss’s iconic Calvin Klein ads from 1992, but she’s making her mark on the brand’s latest underwear campaign. The actress, who recently turned 24, has been carving out her own space in Hollywood, despite being raised by the internet and its infinite references and having famous parents Uma Thurman and Ethan Hawke.
Hawke says she’s trying to find her own personal coolness, rather than pursuing someone else’s perfect coolness from a bygone era. While shooting the Calvin Klein campaign, people would hold up images of Kate Moss and say they wanted the photos to look like that. But she says that perfection is unattainable and that everyone should try to find their own inspiration and feeling.
One of the shots in the campaign references Moss pulling up her Calvin Klein bra in her 1993 campaign, but Hawke’s photo still feels different. Moss is demure and turned to the side, but Hawke is photographed straight on, with her arms crossed over her chest and wearing men’s boxers.
The idea for the boxer look wasn’t on the original shot list, but something Hawke dreamed up with photographer Gray Sorrenti, whose father famously shot Moss’s 1993 campaign. She loves wearing boy boxers to sleep, and wanted to capture the authentic feeling of being sexy. The image only took minutes to capture, because her confidence was already there...Read More
Read also: Bella Hadid Shows Off Her Signature Sense of Style During NYC Outing
Source: Celebrity News
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bmaxwell · 2 years
Citizen Sleeper
Citizen Sleeper is part visual novel, and part board game.
Aaand that's where I will lose most people. Which is a real shame, because Citizen Sleeper is so much more than that sad, banal sentence suggests.
Citizen Sleeper is a story. It's about living in the wrong body. It's about limitations. It's about struggling to afford food and medicine. It's about finding meaning in an existence that is offering only trials and apathy. It's about finding your way absent of any direction or guidance.
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It also features rolling dice and assigning those dice to various actions around a fairly drab-looking playing area. higher numbers tend to yield better results, and you are managing various meters representing health, energy, and money. If your health gets worse, you get fewer actions which makes it harder to earn money for the medicine you desperately need.
All of this will feel immediately familiar to anyone who has struggled in America's declining capitalist state, especially those from marginalized groups. Some folks insist your existence is not valid and simply regard you as a thing, unworthy of consideration. Some will sympathize with you and offer help as they can. Others will look to exploit you. Some may be a combination of these.
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At first I found all of this to be stressful and off-putting. But Citizen Sleeper is a "fail forward" game where your story rolls with the game's events, rather than kicking you to a game over screen. Once I decided to just do my best and give myself over to the experience, I fell in love with the game.
It's a very human story, dressed in a veneer of science fiction. Citizen Sleeper takes place in a future where space travel is a part of life. You play as a clone - a corporation offers money in exchange for creating clones of a person for the purpose of labor. You get some money and, for you, life goes on as it was. A copy of your consciousness will be placed in a synthetic body and sent to a rock, or a factory, working away until their body gives out.
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These synthetic bodies are built for planned obsolescence - only regular doses of a stabilizer drug (produced only by the corporation that does the cloning of course) will keep your body from rapidly decaying. Make a run for it and you won't get far. You managed to smuggle onto a shipping container bound for a satellite station. Once you get there, it's up to you to decide what to do with yourself. Of course, that brand of thinking takes a backseat when you are starving, run down, and homeless.
As the parent of a transgender child living in the United States in this foul year of our lord Two thousand twenty-two, it is very hard to not draw parallels between your aimless synthetic protagonist, and any number of marginalized folks struggling in this country.
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The game is a lot to learn. Learning the systems took time and initially felt overwhelming. It isn't especially eye-catching (though I really like the character models). At a glance, it isn't approachable. There's not a strong elevator pitch for the game that will work for most people. It deals with some heavy situations. It's not really an escape from current events.
It may also help you think about things from a different perspective. Class struggles, haves and have-nots, who matters to us and who doesn't.
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It's a lot of doom and gloom. But there is hope in Citizen Sleeper as well. It isn't growing on trees. It is found in individual people, and that is the takeaway from this game (for me at least). If the governmental and corporate systems in place cannot serve the populace (whether by ineptitude or by design) then we must look to one another for support. The hope is there.
The thing I have been dancing around is the game's phenomenal writing. There's frequently a far away, dream-like quality to it. With multiple storylines and endings to pursue, it has a lot of replayability - unusual for a story-centric game. The music is likewise ethereal, subtle, and quite beautiful. It's not often a game comes along that doesn't immediately feel like bits and pieces of something else. Citizen Sleeper will not find a wide audience, but those with the inclination toward these strange, verbose games will find something truly special here.
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stinkrascal · 2 years
Weird question! What scenes do you have planned for your story but wont/cant do them because of limitations in the sims? Like a fight scene/underwater scene etc 🌱
not a weird question at all, i really love this question!!! as far as the straud legacy goes, fortunately i cant imagine many scenes, if any at all, which would be too difficult to execute, since the straud legacy is mainly a silly teen romance/drama :') the hardest part was always finding poses to fit the mood of what im going for, but since i can make my own poses now thats not an issue!
i guess as far as the straud legacy goes, there’s a scene where the strauds + vaughn, caspian, and karmen go camping together, and the kids all go swimming. specifically, there’s a shot where caspian and annie are underwater together, and i’m absolutely dreading having to create that post because i doubt it’s going to look very nice lol. but, i’ve seen lots of pictures of underwater shots that aren’t actually underwater, but edited to make it appear as though they’re underwater, so i’m hoping i can achieve a similar look! and if not, i’ll just scrap that idea and try something else :’(
there’s one specific scene in the vlad/brie backstory reprisal that i feel im not gonna be able to execute as it is in my head, mainly bc of how graphic it’s supposed to be. (spoilers under the cut!! i’m talking about blood and guts beneath the cut so don’t read it if you’re squeamish!!!)
there's one scene where human vladislaus, having pioneered into the wilderness with a group of 25 migrants, leaves the group to find their lost hunting dog. while alone, he's attacked by a vampire and left for dead. in my head it's supposed to be very graphic and gross, there’s lots of gore with his organs and insides all exposed as he’s left on the brink of death. miraculously, though, instead of dying, he transforms into a vampire, after having accidentally consumed some of the vampire’s blood during their fight. because of the transformation, his wounds rapidly heal, and he loses consciousness and falls into a vampiric blackout rage, attacking the remaining 25 migrants.
i think i’ll be able to include a majority of this scene, but the gore components will probably have to be sacrificed because i honestly don’t know how to execute it in the sims. :\ i’m seriously considering finding an artist on tumblr who’s comfortable drawing gore, so i can commission them to create the scene in my head lmao. or maybe i can learn to make some type of cc clothes that makes it to where it looks like a sim’s insides are exposed, but idek how i’d go about doing that like that seems so involved and i’ve never made cc before so??? yikes! also, i’m incredibly squeamish, so the idea of having to look at reference pictures of gore to get the insides to look correct, that TERRIFIES me. there’s literally just ONE specific shot of vlad lying on the ground with his insides all exposed that lives rent free in my head, and i’m sooo worried i’m not gonna be able to execute it correctly. everything else i can work with, but that ONE specific shot idek how im gonna recreate it! but luckily i’m still in the process of writing out the vlad/brie backstory reprisal, i haven’t even started taking screenshots yet, so that will be a problem for another time lol <3
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workforcesolution · 1 month
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ML is actually a lot many things. The field is quite vast and is expanding rapidly. Machine Learning is the subfield of Computer Science that gives computers the ability to learn without being explicitly programmed. (Arthur Samuel,1959)
By means of algorithms that iteratively learn from data, machine learning allows computers to find hidden insights without being obviously programmed where to look.
Machine learning uses that data to detect patterns in data and adjust program actions accordingly. Machine learning algorithms are often categorized as being supervised or unsupervised. Supervised algorithms can apply what has been learned in the past to new data. Unsupervised algorithms can draw inferences from datasets.
Let's understand Application of ML by an example below. Traffic patterns at a busy intersection, you can run it through a machine learning algorithm with data about past traffic pattern and, if it has successfully "learned", it will then do better at predicting future traffic patterns.
What is Importance of ML? All of these things mean it's possible to speedily and inevitably produce models that can analyze bigger, more complex data and deliver quicker, more accurate results - even on a very large scale. And by building precise models, an organization has a better chance of identifying profitable opportunities - or avoiding unknown risks.
And these all are industries where ML is widely used 1) Financial services: to identify important insights in data, and prevent fraud. The insights can identify investment opportunities.
2) Government: Government agencies such as public safety and utilities have a particular need for machine learning since they have multiple sources of data that can be mined for insights.
3) Health care: Machine learning is a fast-growing trend in the health care industry, thanks to the advent of wearable devices and sensors that can use data to assess a patient's health in real time. The technology can also help medical experts analyze data to identify trends or red flags that may lead to improved diagnoses and treatment.
4) Marketing and sales: Websites recommending items you might like based on previous purchases are using machine learning to analyze your buying history - and promote other items you'd be interested in. This ability to capture data, analyze it and use it to personalize a shopping experience (or implement a marketing campaign) is the future of retail.
5) Oil and gas: Finding new energy sources. Analyzing minerals in the ground. Predicting refinery sensor failure. Streamlining oil distribution to make it more efficient and cost-effective. The number of machine learning use cases for this industry is vast - and still expanding.
6) Transportation -
Analyzing data to identify patterns and trends is key to the transportation industry, which relies on making routes more efficient and predicting potential problems to increase profitability. The data analysis and modeling aspects of machine learning are important tools to delivery companies, public transportation and other transportation organizations.
I guess below quote by Thomas H. Davenport Says it all.
" Humans can typically create one or two good models a week; machine learning can create thousands of models a week "
About Rang Technologies: Headquartered in New Jersey, Rang Technologies has dedicated over a decade delivering innovative solutions and best talent to help businesses get the most out of the latest technologies in their digital transformation journey. Read more...
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elsawestenfelder · 2 months
Beyond the Blade: Nzingha Prescod's Olympic Journey
The sport of fencing requires speed, agility, and precision. Anderson Wright’s mini-documentary Nzingha employs similar principles as it follows its namesake, American fencer Nzingha Prescod, in her pursuit of a medal at the Rio Olympics. This short film not only features snippets of Nzingha’s training, but also clips of day-to-day activities in her home to provide a more complete view of Nzingha’s experiences and values. The very first scene of the film features Nzingha in her full fencing gear, with her face obscured by an American flag helmet. The camera zooms in through the screen of the helmet to focus on her eye in a gorgeous, dramatic opening that sets the tone for the rest of the film.
I enjoyed this documentary because it focused on the process behind the competition and the shiny medals that are usually showcased to the public. This scene focusing on Nzingha’s eye describes the focus of the documentary: what lies behind the helmet. The process behind the results. The athlete as a human being. Scenes in this documentary are overlaid with a powerful voiceover narrated by Nzingha herself, amplifying the intensity of the film. When Nzingha speaks about her goals, her mother, her mentor Peter Westbrook, and the hard work she’s put into her sport, the audience can hear the emotion in her voice. Although this is an expository documentary with some elements of poetic mode, its intense emotion and personal voiceover creates a connection with the audience.
One of the most powerful parts of this film is its very first line, spoken by Nzingha: “I don’t like to fight people.” This line is so unexpected from an athlete who fights for sport that it captivates the audience and instantly draws them into Nzingha’s world. As we learn more about Nzingha’s motivation to chase her goals at the Rio Olympics and her origins in the sport, Nzingha is humble. She credits her success to her mentor Peter Westbrook, who she describes as a “legend in US fencing.” Westbrook fenced at a time when Black fencers were banned from the New York Athletic Club and started a foundation to introduce inner city kids to the sport of fencing. As scenes of Nzingha working with Westbrook pan across the screen, they are slower than most of the other scenes in the film. This shift in speed illustrates the feeling of calm and focus Nzingha gets from working with her mentor. In contrast, when Nzingha describes her visualization process prior to a competition, shots of bright lights flash rapidly across the screen, with quick transitions from tangible objects to the intangible, illustrating the intensity and speed of a bout.
The final element that ties the entire film together is the score. As Jill Godmilow asserts, it is critical for a filmmaker to be intentional with their music. Wright most certainly adheres to this principle, with a dramatic score featuring acoustic as well as electronic elements. The music remains somewhat constant throughout the first half of the film, but it dramatically intensifies during one of the final scenes where Nzingha is fencing with a training partner. The tempo increases as well as the volume, but the ambient noises of the foils and steps of the fencers still come through the music. This scene could be described by Sheila Bernard as the climax of the film. The documentary concludes in a scene very similar to the first shot: Nzingha in her American flag helmet, determined yet calm.
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