#But like they put him in the green flannel tho?!
The producers and uncle Rick knew exactly what they were doing
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Nico: Percy your not my type
Everyone after seeing this: ?????????
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kaitaiga · 1 year
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Damien Whitlock Moodboard 2.0
Yeah look so I was organising my masterlist the other day and came across one of the first Damien posts on my page, a moodboard, and was like “gee wouldn’t it be fun to remake it?” Yeah. Here we are + his playlist this time. I feel as green is his colour…
Here are some random facts/rambles about him under the cut:
I couldn’t fit like all of his hobbies on the moodboard but some others include scrapbooking, hiking and surfing.
Has a second car. A sports one, either a bmw f32 m4 or like an audi R series apart from his daily, 79 series Landcruiser.
He’ll never outright say this but he loves hugs as well as when people rake their fingers through his hair. He just melts. He really likes physical affection, both giving and receiving.
I feel like he does go to concerts and raves but very rarely. Prefers going to cafes and eating a lot of food. He looks like an Açai bowl lover HAHAH
His apartment is actually decorated quite nicely and is very tidy! He lives in Sydney so it’s closer to a lot of things + base. Very modern, black/white/grey themed, can see him with a couple of vinyl records tbh. Honestly, his sisters helped him decorate.
Clothing style is just flannels over a tshirt or like those bowling shirts with a pair of pants and some converse. Shops at Universal Store and it’s obvious LOL
Gym junkie. Has just cupboards full of various protein powder flavours, creatine, pre, etc. He’s natty tho. Will never touch drugs. He takes pride with his physique bc he worked so hard on it + big and strong for the field 👍🏻
On the health side of things, he doesn’t drink a whole lot? Don’t get me wrong a pint or two here and there are fine but not always. He tried to smoke once but didn’t like it. Vapes were just…no.
Also, I think in general he’s a sweetheart :( like, he’s just so nice I can’t even put it into words. He was raised mainly by his older sister so she basically rammed into his head what to do/not to do with women. Very respectful guy. Acts of service are another big thing with him.
Don’t get me wrong though he can be a professional asshole out on field. Aggro levels through the roof. Do as he says to avoid being beat thanks. Good example of this are seen in his WZ voice lines 👍🏻
Look, he’s a pretty good looking guy. He’s got the hair, the height, the muscles, so he’s defo got asked randomly on the street to go model for some agency. He turned it down though, forced pictures like that make him uncomfortable.
I could go on and on about random fluff on his guy but idc if people would wanna read it sksjs
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sandshrew · 8 months
I have been obsessed with watching goodwill bins videos and I finally went and actually experienced the bins for the first time today. It wasn't too bad honestly, but I only stayed for about 30 min. I got one green flannel from a nice outdoors brand for myself, and a polo pullover for A that looked nice. I also found a BUNCH of vintage stickers?? they're so cool...love vintage stickers, I'm excited to scan them! I got the clothes and stickers and the little guy (shown below) for like, $3 it was amazing
I also hit up an couple actual Goodwill stores and got a book and some new long sleeved shirts (it's been getting cold and I'm lacking in long sleeves), and I found a Roots pullover?? Like the Canadian brand Roots...I couldn't pass it up even tho it's not something id usually wear lmao but it's so cute!! I was just so shocked to see it haha
Oh, and I got this little guy
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I just....couldn't pass him up. I picked him up and put it back and walked away and then turned around and went right back to him...we made a connection and I had to bring him home. Hopefully I can clean him up since he is kinda gross...but I love this little guy
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fryingpan1234567 · 1 year
welp I’m obsessed now, have some more headcanons from my college au
Wow not just Empires this time? Crazy
So the DSMP- it’s funny because no one else really swears, so when one of them (particularly like Q or Tommy) swears they get like a hundred people going “LANGUAGE” and at least four of them flick them in the side of the head
A few of them show promise as far as building goes- Foolish and Sam are both pretty awesome STEAM people
Most of them still don’t know what they’re doing tho lmao
As previously mentioned, the dorm buildings are really funky but I want to talk about them more
So the ESMP (Empire Building) is gorgeous architecture and vaulted ceilings and mural walls done by students; very shmancy, as far as dorms go. And then all the rooms are very different styles- Joel and Pix share a room (bf things✨✨) and it’s an Ancient Greek style, Scott and Sausage have a very colorful place, Lizzie and fWhip’s room is full of plants, aquariums, terrariums, and as many other living things as possible, Katherine and Shelby have lots of witchy magic everywhere and it’s pink and green and purple and black, Gem and Jimmy’s place is an absolute mess of things, but it’s all perfectly organized and put together and Gem’s ceiling is a skylight. Ollie and Joey look right over the coast, but the dorm is mostly ship themed because Ollie pitches a tent on the beach most of the time
I… didn’t really want to talk about the other two I just wanted to do Empires XD
Well a lot could be said about everyone’s fashion sense, because here’s the thing: they’re college students
That means we’ve got some of them absolutely tryharding and the others too lazy to throw on much more than jeans, a partner’s shirt or hoodie, and the nearest pair of Converse
But our tryhards (Tango, I’m looking at you) are out here in full fits and sometimes makeup that they spent a good hour on that morning and like?? Who’s got that kind of energy??
But all of them have to try at least a little bit sometimes, because field projects are a thing and they can’t show up in their pajamas
Example number one: fWhip spends most of his time in a combination of Pix’s sweats, Joel’s hoodies, and Lizzie’s flannels. But when it’s time to climb down into a bigass cavern for three days, it’s a WHOLE other story
We’re talking cargo pants, hiking boots, Mojang Uni T-shirt, full climbing harnesses, and he’s tied the longer front part of his hair into a unicorn horn to keep it out of his face so you can see the freckles all over his cheeks and forehead. We’re not gonna talk about why his partners very suddenly had nosebleeds while waving him off on his trip have fun babe!!
Example two: Bdubs normally wears his fuzzy green bathrobe that looks like moss over a white T-shirt and black jeans, but on days where he was to present projects/ models/ builds, it’s a sweater over a collared shirt and a Uni cap that Etho ALWAYS has to steal just because it’s that tempting to mess with his poor short boyfriend
But ofc there’s always those ones (ahem DREAM) who just don’t put all that much effort in
Niki, Lizzie, Stress, Katherine, Gem, Hannah, and Shelby work at the campus coffee shop (their menu is infused with magic!)
You can order a latte with a shot of confidence if you’ve got a presentation
You can order extra hydration if you have a field trip and need to walk a lot and you don’t want to bring a water bottle
The campus wind sailing team that consists of Puffy, Joey, Ollie, Ren, and Keralis uses the bay for practice while the rest of everyone else has a beach day (it’s a crowded but lovely sight)
Truth or Dare at parties is a fucking nightmare are you kidding me
Do not challenge Dream to obstacle courses. The only one who’s ever beaten him is Grian
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Odysseus in some more kingly ceremonial robes, and a goat; It’s strange because he’s actually addicted to jeans and plaid flannels.
34. The Green Letters (chapter 43 - Grand Gesture 4 ) part 8. Stories of Dreams.
“Dear Cetus,
Thank you for the reassurance. I’m glad to hear my son and Delphia will arrive safely. Unfortunately, you will have to take her back; And convince Gemini she’s Witch material. Unless she gets pregnant, because there’s another piece of paper which says everyone of house Cynedom has to be born on this ranch; And be named by their grandfather. I’m unsure if the line will continue though, as Morgan asserted he’s asexual and Delphia’s probably just a friend. But magic houses are The Raven King’s problem, not my son’s.
Also, thank you for reminding me how your five-year-old daughter rode a horse better then you, and how cute my son is; I bet he’s as tall as me now. I’m sad I missed him growing up. Everything I hear is from your phone calls with Icthya, and it’s not the same.
Regarding rekindling any sort of relationship, I have good news! Due to my weakness for Icthya’s smile, and as own of the ranch, I have declared thee, your wife, and Emilia, royal guests to the wizard binky ball this autumn.
See you all soon!
 Cetus read aloud to Morgan, giving them a giggle. Cetus had bribed the local Garden wildling to be messenger; The ranch had a gate in a well that fairies could transverse, faster than national post. While on Tiberius Gate with Morgan, Cetus started to search for Delphia again; Hoping she’d returned, or left clues. It had been almost three days since she vanished. Morgan patrolled riding his familiar Icarus, but it was hard to see past the tree-line on an eagle’s back. Delphia’s disappearance had given everyone in town anxiety; But none more then Cetus and Morgan, who knew about the rangers.
“Cetus, I’m worried.” Morgan said, looking in every room as they ascended the tower. “I don’t want friends dragged into my mythical mishaps. She’s doesn’t deserve this, and was trying her best.” He murmured. Cetus panted, feeling his age.
“It’ll be fine when it’s all over; I’ve got your dad on it.” Cetus panted, feeling his age. Then Morgan went rigid; A downward spiral had stirred.
“Wait, my dad is in on this? What if he gets angry?! What if I’m not actually not ready to meet him?! This is a disaster!”
She awoke with regrets, as she lay helpless and ill from the ether; This quest was beyond ‘Grand Gesture’, and circled into ‘poor impulsivity management’. A large white reptilian nose pocked from the clouds, retreated, and a tall man appeared. He wore spiked golden armour, and white velveteen; A silken cape trailing behind him like folded wings, and a spined tail.
“One of my housed! But you shouldn’t be here. But all is well. Once you sleep more, I will return you to Peak Suna.” The Dragon King said calmly.
“No, they will kill me if I show up back home. Just before this, my uncle came and tore everything from home, away. I’m so scared. Please; I want to stay with Morgan, and be the future Witch of Pepperidge. I hoped coming here would show my dedication to magic and Morgan. Prove I’ve changed. But this was a terrible mistake. I’m sorry for invading your kingdoms to feel better about myself.” Delphia rambled. The King knelt down; He collected the stories of humans, and was appeased. He noticed her ripped ears, hair, and clothes. Her people had indeed forsaken her. Moved, The Dragon King began putting marks of his children on her back, arms and shins; His children loved that Daneia did that. It would be something that no one could take from Delphia, without killing her. Nothing enchanted, just something to make her feel special.
“I will agree to good terms with a human under my influence. But you need healing, and my fire is too strong. I’s ask my wife, but I suspect the Beast Queens wouldn’t give you a healing embrace, as you’ve spoiled True Love.”
“Spoil True Love’s Spell? That’s silly. Those spells are unbreakable. Morgan and Emilia will always love each other now. There’s nothing I could do to tarnish that, even if I wanted to.” Delphia smiled. The Dragon King sighed, and picked up Delphia. He stopped suddenly as something caught his attention:
“Queen Odette? Since when do you perch upon my throne?” he asked.
“I will heal her; And return her to the tower.” Odette replied, approaching with poise. Pristine dove-like ruff, and layers of pale silk embroidered with wings. Delphia looked up at her in confusion.
“My husband requires her womb to revive a dying magic house. I require that wedding to happen, as requiting the Raven King denied me attendance of my cousin’s ceremony. I’m invested in her. Selfishly so, but still.” She affirmed.
“Wait, don’t touch me; I’m poisonous to things Morgan doesn’t love. What if you get poisoned?”
“I’m magic, and family; I trust I’m something he cares about.” She said kissing Delphia’s head, and transporting her into the main hall of Tiberius’s tower. Like a vision, Odette vanished to her kingdom.
Cetus immediately noticed Delphia; in an under gown, soaked in sweat and blood. He ran over for a hug. Delphia was surprised to be greeted so warmly.
“You’re ok! Were you in the Shadow Veil!? You could have died!” Cetus yelled.
“I know. I guess I thought doing so would fix things. But you hugging me. Do you like me now? Did this show I care, and am not just a tool or invader?” Delphia whimpered.
“What? Show you care? I’m hugging you because you matter regardless. This all really got to you, didn’t it…” Cetus said. Delphia just looked at Morgan and offered the tiara.
“The Fairy King said it’s protective; But only you can put it on me. Also, the Dragon King gave me these Daneia marks, because Kjatin broke my things. The Tree King made me toxic to anyone you don’t love, and The Rat King made me even more of a manipulative-” She rambled. Morgan stopped her, by putting the tiara on; Resulting in the appearance of a glittery, draped black dress. Morgan Smiled.
“That was super stupid to do without me. Your years of studying are proof enough. As for people to believing you’ve changes, that’ll take time.” He explained.
After his birthday, Morgan was considered old enough to wed. Which is to say it was legal, but not recommended for most people. He went to the ranch shortly after. Everyone wore traditional formal clothes, like it was a costume party. Delphia and Morgan were stiffened by nerves, even while she wore her protective dress the whole trip. They’d be staying a week, and it terrified everyone. At least Cetus and Jupiter came with them.
Upon arrival to the ranch, Morgan appeared to jitter. He froze at the ranch’s title, swinging above the entrance of the low stone wall. A few deep breaths, and they signed the guest list. All the security dressed like knights. Or they were knights; Morgan couldn’t remember. One pace in, and he bumped his father. Odysseus twitching like a puppy. Cetus intervened, by hugging Odysseus, as he starred at his son. It comforted Morgan to see them not fighting like last time. Odysseus had visited illegally for a hug, which Morgan resisted. But this time, as his father embraced him, Morgan melted. They didn’t need words to express their desire to start over. Behind Odysseus was Icthya, giving Delphia and Emilia the same treatment; Then she dragged them to their cabin to get properly dressed. Morgan and Delphia would need to be polished for tomorrow.
While everyone ran around the next day, the family had woken early from anxiety. They were already clean and dressed. Morgan looked like a prince in his embroidered teal tunic, which brought out the tawny in his hair. Icthya and Odysseus looked like royalty in their emeralds and gold. Delphia wore the pink and silver embroidered dress, as commissioned. Emilia looked like a jazz singer. But Cetus’s attire reminded Delphia of what Kjatin took. He had blue embroider collar, silver, furs, and kohl. Half Daneia on his father’s side.
Before she could break, Delpia was shuffled to the goat pen. The goats were small and soft. Bred for centuries on the ranch. They had three purposes: milking, sheering, and tossing. Morgan joined his family, to look them over.
“They’re so cute! I want to hold one like a baby.” Delphia giggled. Emilia snorted. Morgan never really liked goat-tossing; They’re too adorable to be projectiles.
“So, Morgan, which one do you think is light enough to travel, but sturdy enough to land?” Odysseus said, wrapping his arm around Morgan’s shoulder. Morgan flinched a little. Odysseus also looked uncomfortable.
“Wow. Your, um, tall now. Like me. I’m ah, going to have to really work to give you piggy-backs now.” He stuttered. His boy had in fact, grown up without him. Morgan pointed to a soft white nanny. Odysseus whipped his face, and went into the pen.
“Um, what’s the goat for?” Delphia asked. Odysseus put the goat under his arm like a pillow.
“Just in case.” Odysseus shrugged.
At the alter, Delphia and Morgan stood emotionless. A speech in Elden Anglian was recited, as a green cloth tied over their wrists. There was a forced applause. Meanwhile, Odysseus patted the goat, as he skimmed the crowd. When everyone got up to leave, Delphia spotted Odette. She dashed over, intent on expressing gratitude, while still tied to Morgan. Delphia bowed to Odette; Her flowy periwinkle gown, draping perfectly. Without her Raven Queen gowns, and in such traditional dress, Odette blended in. Morgan thought she looked like her mother from the paintings.
“Thank you, Odette! For healing me, and taking me home. Also vouching for me, coming to this occasion, and restoring this ranch-” Delphia sobbed.
“No. Thank you for letting me finally attend my cousins wedding, and putting so many minds at ease. Your existence alone should hopefully deter some wizards from magery for a good while.” Odette smiled. She stood up, and looked into the orchard.
The party continued, as they served clove duck, pear pudding, and then danced. Everyone said hello to people they didn’t know. Due to spice wine, the conversation soured, and Cetus decided to escort his wife, nephew, Emilia, and Delphia, back to the cabin. A weight was lifted. At least until horse riding tomorrow.
“If you don’t mind, I’m going to stay up a little late with your mother and father, Sport.” Cetus smiled, ruffling Morgan’s hair. Morgan nodded, and a creak sounded behind Delphia. Something was in the orchard. But that’s not what Everyone jump; A white nanny bleated a good eighteen feet passed them, hitting Kjatin in the face and into the blackberries.
“Knights! Arrest him!” Odysseus yelled like a giddy child. Three guards came, and dragged Kjatin to the security cabin. “I’ve always wanted say that.”
“Good throw sire!” One joked. Delphia had started crying compulsively, as Morgan tried to comfort her.
“Oddi, my heart nearly left my body! Why is he here!?” Cetus snapped.
“No clue. I just suspected he would come.” Odysseus shrugged. “Do any of you mind writing a report to deport him tomorrow?”
“Can we drag him behind a horse first?” Delphia sneered. Then gasped realizing her abilities.
“I didn’t mean that! I just thought since we were riding anyway!” She flailed. Morgan turned to see his uncle and father breathless from laughter. They were unintelligibly talking, like their friendship never faltered.
“Why do I feel like everyone got something out of this other then me?” Morgan said under his breath. Delphia rubbed his shoulder.
“We should be getting to bed. It’s going to take an hour to get out of this outfit, and calm down.”
“It’s tradition to share a bed tonight.” Morgan whispered. Delphia cringed.
“Not like that. We just have to sleep together. Again, not like that. Like, to make sure I’m a good heated blanket and you don’t kill me, or something. Actually, it’s not really clear.”  He continued. Delphia smiled, and comforted him on the way back into the cabin, serenaded by the chortle of reunited friends.
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entitynumber5 · 3 years
omg Hannah!! if you feel so inclined, maybe "things you said when you were crying" for jonmartin? no pressure tho ily
aaaahhh thank you so much for this prompt, friend!!!!! i’m sorry it’s been a while!!! i really hope you like this!!!! ily <3
Content warnings: illness (they both have the flu), depressive episode (mentioned), Martin’s mother (mentioned), the Lonely, disassociation, swearing, compulsive behaviour, self-depreciation. 
things you said when you were crying
Perhaps it’s testament to how wonderfully mundane their lives have become, that Jon’s first thought when he wakes is: Martin’s doing the god damn laundry. 
It’s not an unreasonable assumption. Martin had spent the annual leave he’d taken to align with Jon’s reading week nursing Jon through a nasty bout of flu. During the three worst days, when Jon was barely conscious, he hadn’t seen Martin sleep or eat or leave their bedroom except to linger by the landline—a sign perhaps that Martin had caught what Jon had earlier than he’d let on, since they rarely used the relic—and debate calling the out of hours service. Jon had just about weathered the worst of it when Martin was properly struck down, requiring another week and a half and counting off work. Of course, that didn’t stop Martin’s restlessness even as the flu drained everything from him. He would lie on their bed, pale and panting, barely awake, bordering delirious—and still mumble to Jon that he’d do the laundry in a minute, don’t worry, I’ll get it done soon, I’m sorry it’s such a mess, I’m sorry. 
So Jon doesn’t mean to be angry, when he wakes up to an empty bed after an evening of Martin’s temperature finally staying below 38. It’s not even Martin he’s angry at, not truly.
Perhaps their lives aren’t mundane after all. Is it mundane not to be able to leave an overflowing laundry basket eleven days into the flu? Jon doesn’t know, or Know, but he has two theories: 1) Martin’s mother, the spectre to his half-formed anger. And 2) the state he recalls finding Martin’s flat in after leaving the Lonely, but before they’d set off for Scotland, and how neither of them had said it but Jon recognised well enough what a depressive episode looked like.
Jon reaches for his cane, folded and ready against the bedside table, and gently leverages himself up so he’s sitting on the edge of the bed. The change in elevation makes him dizzy, and he lets the cane ground him, digging into the carpet between his feet, as he breathes. It’s been nearly a week since he’s had a fever, but the flu has caused a flare-up of his pain and fatigue. His department are letting him teach remotely through the rest of November. Martin’s boss had been sympathetic too, when Jon phoned in for him, although there’s not much a paramedic can do from afar and Martin is insistent he’ll be back by the end of the week. In four days. Jon rolls his eyes pre-emptively at the conversations he knows he will have with Martin about who had it “worse”, as if it matters. 
After the static has cleared from his vision—always an uncomfortable comparison, and he shoves down the panic that bubbles inside of him at the thought, because Martin needs him—Jon stands. He goes through the same process, leaning on his cane, breathing, waiting, until he feels steady enough to make his way into the kitchen. 
“What are you doing?” Jon asks from the kitchen doorway, unable to keep the disapproval from his voice, when he finds Martin crouched in front of the washing machine.
“What does it look like I’m doing?” Martin shoots back. The sarcasm of his reply is lessened significantly by how out of breath he sounds, and the way he’s clinging to the countertop above the washing machine with one hand while the other is splayed against the tiled floor like a shaky tripod—a pose that hints at an attempt to stand, aborted halfway through.
Jon sighs, biting back an unkind retort: exactly the opposite of what you should be doing. He allows himself to think it without trying to push it away in sudden, desperate shame, like he’s been practicing with his therapist, until it no longer sits so bitterly on his tongue. 
“Come back to bed, Martin,” Jon murmurs, “Please.” 
Martin sighs too. It sounds stuffy, almost crackling with the way the flu still clings to his lungs and throat. “I—I’m not sure that I... can.”
Jon opens his mouth to speak, but Martin interrupts: “I know, I know, I shouldn’t be—and my fever’s probably up again and—and I—”
“Martin,” Jon cuts in, as gently as he can. 
“Fine. Fine. This can wait to go out on the—” Still breathless, still barrelling through his justifications, Martin uses the hand on the countertop to pull himself upwards.
It goes terribly. Jon isn’t sure what forces are at work—gravity, exhaustion, pure bad luck, all of the above—but Martin is barely up for a moment before his legs fold, and he’s down again. Jon can’t move fast enough to stop Martin corkscrewing in an odd, 180-degree motion so that he all but ducks beneath his own arm, twisting it in his socket in an attempt to continue clinging to the counter, and knocks his spine against the harsh, circular face of the washing machine with a resounding thud.
“Fuck. Ow,” Martin groans, his voice slurring slightly, “Tha’s embarrassing.”
Jon tries to follow Martin, to kneel beside him on the tiles, but Martin snaps: “No! No, Jon, p-please don’t. You’ll hurt yourself.”
Jon hovers, one hand fluttering uselessly near Martin’s hair while he clings to his cane with the other. Martin breathes, and breathes, and breathes—the sound heavy and laboured in a way that breaks Jon’s heart. It takes some time for him to steady himself, and then lean almost imperceptibly towards Jon. Jon lets his fingers brush through Martin’s hair, not caring, in the moment, that neither of them had showered for what feels like weeks. When the knuckle of his forefinger brushes across Martin’s temple, down his cheek, Jon feels the heat sitting on his skin again, the climbing fever.
“Oh, Martin,” Jon murmurs. 
“I hate this,” Martin says, his voice quiet and sharp and bitter.
“I know,” Jon soothes, brushing his knuckle once again over Martin’s flushed cheek. “I know.”
Martin closes his eyes and leans his head again Jon’s knee. It’s the sort of exhausted display of love and trust that Martin rarely allows himself, unless he’s feeling truly unwell. Jon places his hand on the crown of Martin’s head and leans on his cane and waits for Martin to be ready once again to talk or rest. 
Until very quietly, Martin begins to cry. 
“Oh,” Jon murmurs, almost to himself. 
Martin’s breath trembles, in what Jon knows is an attempt to hold back the tears, to pretend it’s nothing. He hides his face from Jon when he cries, even now, after all this time. A long-learned shame that always finds its way back into their house, no matter how many times they’ve turned it out and barricaded the doors. 
“Martin,” Jon says, quiet but firm, “Please come back to bed.”
There is a long, breath-held moment when Jon thinks Martin is going to refuse, to insist. So painfully stubborn, his husband. Jon braces himself for it. But Martin just nods ever so slightly against the soft plaid fabric of Jon’s pyjama bottoms.
It takes some time, and a great deal of false starts, to get Martin back on his feet. He’s wearing fluffy socks—Jon remembers putting them on for him, when he’d been shivering even in his sleep—that slide on the kitchen tiles, and Jon’s fighting against his own dizziness, which comes and goes in waves when he changes position, to lend Martin purchase. At last, they’re both standing. And although it likely doesn’t help much, Martin lets Jon slide his arm around Martin’s back as he guides them towards the bedroom. 
The bedside lamp is on its dullest setting on account of Martin’s persistent illness, and there are blankets and tissues and medicines thrown at random intervals around the room. Jon leads Martin towards the bed, not letting him stop to correct the mess, to try and restore some order to it. If this is how their lives have to be for the next few days—or weeks—so be it. Jon won’t sacrifice Martin’s recovery for this.
“Sit down,” Jon tells Martin, right before Martin gracelessly throws himself onto the edge of the mattress, listing towards the—thankfully padded—headrest.
Martin is still crying, but in that slow, distant way that makes something deep in Jon ache. It’s almost like the tears don’t belong to Martin. Like he is crying them on behalf of someone else. He stares across the room, half sprawled on the bed with his socked feet languid against the carpet, as the tears fall uninhibited down his face.
Carefully, Jon leans down just enough to pick up Martin’s legs, one at a time, and lift them onto the bed. He’s out of breath by the time he’s managed to get Martin lying down fully, still leaning against the headboard and staring vaguely at the wall opposite the bed. There is a picture hanging there, of them both outside the courthouse where they’d gotten married, but Martin seems to be staring through it.
“I’ll be right back,” Jon promises. He doesn’t know if he’s reassured or terrified that Martin simply lets him leave, barely reacting beyond the briefest twitch of an expression.
In the bathroom, Jon fills up a pint glass of water and wets a soft green flannel beneath the tap. He takes a moment to breathe, to drink some water as well, to swallow some ibuprofen for his aching joints, before he carries his small gifts back into the bedroom.
Martin is exactly where Jon left him. Jon sits next to him on the bed, and when Jon hands him the large glass of water, Matin takes it instinctively. But he doesn’t drink from it, holding it in his hands as if it is yet another thing that doesn’t belong to him, that he will carry unflinchingly for the time being—like the tears. Like the pain.
“Please drink the water, love,” Jon says. He touches one of his hands to Martin’s, where he’s holding the glass, and Martin’s eyes flicker briefly to his. Jon nods in encouragement.
With trembling hands, both closed around the large glass, Martin lifts the water to his lips and drinks. He doesn’t manage much—a few sips before his mouth tightens with nausea, and he has to lower the glass and breathe. But it’s a start.
“That’s good, Martin,” Jon soothes, as he takes the glass from Martin’s hands and places it on their bedside table. “Do you want to lie down?”
“Jon,” Martin tries to say.
“Shh. It’s alright. Lie down, just like that, that’s it.”
Martin reclines against the pillow, restlessness warring against exhaustion, until he looks almost settled. Jon tugs the blanket from the end of the bed and covers Martin with it, smoothing down the edges with extra care. Martin watches him, turned slightly on his side so he can look up at where Jon is still half-sitting against the headboard.
“I hate this,” Martin chokes, and blinks fresh tears down his cheeks. “I feel like—like everything is wrong.”
“In what way?” Jon asks gently, keeping his eyes on Martin as he reaches for the wet flannel sitting on the bedside table next to the three-quarters full glass of water.
Martin closes his eyes. “I’m so—I’m so tired, Jon.”
Jon lowers the flannel to Martin’s face, wiping first beneath his eyes, where some of the tears have collected and soaked into the begging of his laughter lines. “I know.”
Martin’s face crumples with something like grief. “That’s just it, though. This is—it’s nothing. Nothing compared to—to what you... And I’m just—making more of it than it needs.”
“This isn’t—before, with Mum, I’d just—I’d keep going because—”
Martin frowns, sentence finishing abruptly. Jon pushes down the urge to correct, to intervene, and instead, with every ounce of patience and love he feels for Martin in this moment, continues to draw the flannel over the planes of his warm, weary face.
“I can’t stop,” Martin whispers at last, opening his eyes. “If I stop, then I’ll—I won’t ever start again. Like with the—the Lonely. Every time you reached out, I knew if I just stopped even for a moment, I wouldn’t be able to go back, and it would all fall apart. I’m not meant to stop. I can’t. I’m not resilient or, or the kind of person who can get knocked down and get back up again. It’s just—it’s keep going or...”
Jon drags the flannel along Martin’s jaw, down his throat, wiping away the remaining tears where they mingle with fever sweat. He focuses entirely on his task, a perfect excuse to carefully consider his next words. A separate part of his mind is processing that his theories had been right, in some way, and how he aches for Martin—the predictability of it doesn’t ease the pain. But Martin needs something other than that right now.
“Martin.” Jon starts, of course, at the beginning of all things. With love. With a reason. “There are moments in life when sometimes we need to stop. Think about it like... like an orchestra. In an orchestra, there are times where an instrument, or even an entire segment, will be given a break within the music or by the conductor—because it’s needed and it’s necessary. The performance is better for it. Do you understand what I’m trying to say?”
Martin blinks up at Jon, slow and exhausted but comprehending. Jon continues his task, wiping the cloth across Martin’s forehead now.
“You are the most resilient person I know, Martin. I would be lying to you—and I think you know that—if I said I’d never seen you get knocked down. But I have watched you get back up again and again and again,” Jon continues. “If this time, it takes a little longer—if this time, you’re not sure when you can begin again—that’s alright. You deserve rest. You have nothing to prove, except perhaps that you can stop—or pause, if it’s easier to think of it that way—and the world won’t collapse around you.” Jon removes the flannel from Martin’s forehead and replaces it with a gentle kiss. “I won’t let it.” 
Jon lets his lips linger before he lowers his head onto the pillows to face Martin. Martin is still crying, eyes bright with tears and fever both, but there’s something less dejected in his expression. Something less lost.
“I’m sorry,” Martin whispers, “For the crying, and—”
“There’s nothing to apologise for.”
“Not even the laundry?” Martin’s voice is so small, still trembling with tears. But there’s the briefest glimpse of a smile at the corner of his chapped lips.
“Not even the laundry,” Jon agrees, although he puts on a begrudging front.
Martin closes his eyes and leans forward, so that his and Jon’s foreheads are touching in the small gap between their two pillows. “I love you.”
“I love you, too.”
“And I—I want to believe you.”
Jon feels himself smile, and he hopes Martin knows it is all for him. “Thank you.”
Jon knows they will talk about this again. He knows this will be something understood and folded into the fabric of their lives slowly, piece by painful piece. But for now, as he watches Martin’s tears slowly ease, replaced eventually by sleep, and as Jon himself begins to follow, he thinks at the threshold of his dreams that next time might be just a little bit easier. A little bit kinder. And that is always enough.
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jadedxrealityw · 3 years
-Humming- Draco Malfoy x Female Reader
   Request: @the--queen-of-hell   Draco x reader where they obviously have a huge crush on each other... and reader catches Draco humming a sweet tune to himself whenever he's trying to calm down (because maybe his mom did they when he was little)?? And later, Draco finds reader playing that same tune on the piano, and they kiss. Then draco asks her to play it again, and he kinda falls asleep on her shoulder?? Sth like that?? fluff overload? No pressure tho, totes understand if u dont wanna write it! xoxo
   Kody: Super cute. 
   House: Slytherin
   Possible Triggers/Warnings: cursing, panic attacks
   being wealthy did not mean comfort, not one bit. Being able to buy anything you want did not mean you had everything. Draco Malfoy did not have everything. It was hard to find comfort in Hogwarts when he are raised to keep up a tough exterior. 
   at the age of 13 is when he figured out was panic attacks are. It’s also when he started to have them quite often. A couple things triggered them: stress, anything involving his father, and keeping up appearances. He was lucky to have met his friends Blaise, Theodore, Pansy, and you. 
   each and everyone of you were like him. Purebloods, wealthy, and wanted so desperately to separate yourselves from your parents. Blaise and Theo just wanted to get married and move away to a small town. Pansy wanted to be a fashion designer and of course marry Ginny Weasley. 
   you wanted to be a pianist and travel the world playing your music. Oh yes, you might be wondering what Draco wanted most in the world. Well, as cheesy as it was. To be with you. Over the years of friendship between you two it was natural that romance would blossom. 
   the thing is the both of you have insane insecurities that would prevent you each time from confessing. You needed each other and wouldn’t risk losing what you had for everything. Even if it meant yearning for each other for the rest of your days. Love is blind or maybe you both were
   today Draco was on his own. Blaise and Theo had to retake an exam they missed all morning, Pansy was on a date with Ginny, and you offered to help Mcgonagall to prepare for morning classes like you did every so often. Draco didn’t like being left alone for long periods of time, but wouldn’t say anything.
   as he stood in his room he heard a slight tap to left. He gently placed down the book he was reading and looked towards the direction the sound came from. He saw his owl at the window, letter attached to it’s foot. He pushes himself up from the bed and walks over.
  he reaches for the window latch and pops it open before he pushes both sides. He reaches for the letter and gently unties it from its claw. “Thank you” he spoke softly and gently pet the owls head. His father would never let him name him because he didn’t want him to become attached to the creature.
   he would think of a appropriate name another day for his feathery friend. He flips the letter over and sees a black wax stamp with the letter ‘M’ engraved in it. Speaking of his father. His expression instantly dropped as he used his finger to tear it open. 
   He picks out the letter and unfolds it recognizing his father’s handwriting. He began to read the contents of the letter. Same old same old, asking about his studies and such and pushing onto him about being a true Malfoy and whatever the hell that meant. He felt his chest tighten a bit, like the air was being sucked out of his lungs
   damnit. Why couldn’t he just live his own life? Why did he have to push nice people away just because they weren’t a Slytherin or a pureblood? It was bullshit. Draco started to hyperventilate. Shit. Not now. Everything became hot. Why was the room so hot?
   dropping the letter, Draco runs out of his dorm. He needed fresh air or he’d pass out. Running through the halls, he began to lose his sense of direction. He pushes open a random door and slides down the closet wall until he hits the floor. He was panting heavily and his hands were shaking.
   he begins to hum a tune. A sweet tune his mother used to hum to him when he was younger and had nightmares. She always say “When you hum this it will calm you down and someone will come and find you. Sweet dreams Draco” he pulled his knees up to his chest and continued to hum the tune. 
   after you finished helping professor Mcgonagall you began to walk back to the Slytherin house. It was always cold at Hogwarts so you put on layers. A black turtleneck sweater with a emerald green one on top and black and white plaid pants. 
   you walked past the music room where you went to play piano and heard a faint humming noise. Taking a few steps back you lean against the door to listen to it. It was definitely male, but you couldn’t tell who it exactly was. It was a lovely tune. It was sweet and upbeat, almost like a lullaby of some sorts.
   after a minute or so the humming stopped. You push open the door to find Draco curled up against the wall. You rush over to him, dropping to your knees beside him “Draco?” you say reaching to grab his face. He looks up from the ground and at you “Y/n?” he asked, almost unsure if it was you.
   you nod and wrap your arms around him “Sorry i wasn’t here” you spoke in a hushed tone. He lays his head on your shoulder, shaking his head “It’s fine. Your here now” he says. Both of you held each other until you could no longer that day. 
   someone did come to find him that day. 
   you couldn’t stop thinking about the tune you heard. You were tossing and turning in your bed unable to sleep. Fuck it. You threw your blanket off your body and pushed yourself out of bed. You slip on some black boots real quick over your off white long socks. You had been wearing stockings and a oversized emerald green flannel. 
   you slowly creep towards you door, trying to not step on any lose floor panels that would creek and alarm anyone. You turn the handle of the door and step out into a dark hallway, looking to left. You step out and face forward so you could walk down the hall.
   you come face first with a hard and warm surface “Ow!” you exclaim as you take a step back. You look up to see the one and only Slytherin prince, hair a mess and a confused expression “Y/n? What in the hell are you doing up so late?” he asked.
   you stumble over your words for a moment “Just wanted to sneak some snacks from the great hall. Cover for me if Snape comes. Okay bye” you push past him and rush down the hall. Draco stood dumbfounded trying to decipher what you just said. 
   so he followed you of course. What friend wouldn’t?
   as you walk down the hall, you neared the music room. Your fingers itched to press down on the familiar keys. You push open the door and step into the almost empty room, a smile gracing your face. You walked towards the piano and take a seat on the bench.
   you roll up your sleeves to your elbows and straighten your back. The tune flew through your head and to your fingertips. You played the song exactly the way you heard it. You had never heard Draco hum this before and you wondered where he had heard it from. 
   you gently swayed your head as you played the tune. Closing your eyes you smiled brightly. Soon enough you felt a presence next you, causing you to stop playing. You open your eyes and see Draco sitting next to you. Oh shit. You were caught “You heard me this morning, didn’t you?” he asked.
   you slowly take your hands off the keys, nodding. You look down in shame expecting him to be angry for eavesdropping on his private moment. You felt one hand grab your chin and turn it upwards and to the left to face Draco. He leans in a captures your lips in a sweet kiss.
   you subconsciously pushed his chest away, breaking you two apart. Draco looks down at you, your faces inches apart. He looks mortified, scared of what your next actions would be “I’m so sorry-” but you smashed your lips onto him instead.   
   he kissed back instantly, one hand squeezing your side while the other laid on the nape of your neck. Your kiss was sloppy and fueled by by every unspoken confession that was never said over the years. Oxygen is needed for humans to live apparently so you both pull away panting for air.
   “My mother is right” he spoke, making you laugh in confusion. “What?” you question. “My mother told me that whenever you play the tune someone will come and find you. It worked for me and it worked for you” you smile lightly and you both kiss again for a short moment.
   after your sweet exchange Draco asked you to play the tune again and you did for him. After a couple minutes he laid his head on your shoulder and fell asleep listening to you play. You didn’t want to move him so you wrapped an arm around him and smiles “Sweet dreams Draco”
   Kody: Short and sweet. Remember you can be asked to join to taglist. Anyways, peace.
   Taglist: @sonbelleame @moonpi3 @dracosathenaeum
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viastro · 4 years
how to flirt | kwon soonyoung
ミ★ synopsis: in which you teach your best friend how to flirt, but all soonyoung knows is gross pick up lines.
ミ★ genre: best friends!au, humor, fluff, hint of angst at the end
ミ★ warnings: none !
ミ★ word count: 1,674
ミ★ pairings: soonyoung x female reader
ミ★ notes: hi! i felt bad for like... only writing angst in the last few oneshots i’ve put out, so i hope this chaos filled one makes up for it !! even tho there’s a hint of angst at the end !! omg who am i? i used to only write fluff and crack, now i’m a whore for angst... my god. also i got this prompt from tiktok hehe
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“Please help me.”
“Bruh…” You give Soonyoung a look, before turning back to your physics homework. He lets out a whine, grasping your arm and shaking it. “Yn, please! You’re the only one who’s gone on a date-” 
“I don’t think the one with Vernon counts because we were only pretending to be on a date in order to spy on Joshua and Jeonghan.” Soonyoung squints at you, before continuing.
“If you love me, you’ll help teach me how to flirt with the cute cashier at the coffee shop.”
“I feel like that’s not my job, even if I do love you.” You respond, and Soonyoung whines even louder beside you. He rolls onto your kitchen floor, closing his eyes and letting out loud sighs to try and convince you. Shrugging, you go back to your science homework.
Soonyoung opens an eye to peek at you, only to be offended by the fact that you’re peacefully doing your homework as he lays on your floor in misery. He sits up, now shooting death glares at you. You turn and glance at him, letting out a chuckle.
“Oh? Sleeping beauty finally woke up from his beauty sleep on my kitchen floor?” Soonyoung reaches out and slaps your leg softly, making you giggle and kick his shoulder. 
“Let me do my homework and then I’ll help you, okay?” His expression turns from a pout to a big smile as he stands up off the floor. He wraps his arms around you, giving you a big hug. “Aye…”
“Thank you yn! I’ll be waiting on your couch!” Soonyoung sings cheerfully before skipping out of the kitchen and into your living room. You shake your head, chuckling at his antics, before going back to thermodynamics. 
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“Okay, so what’s the first thing you know when it comes to flirting?” You ask, reaching over to the table to take a chip. Soonyoung lifts a hand to his chin, showing that he’s really thinking of what he knows in an attempt to impress you. “I know that nice guys don’t finish last.” 
You blink, before letting out a sigh and patting his back, “I’ll give you that.” 
“Anything else?” 
“If I knew anything else than I wouldn’t be sitting here asking you to help me.” You squint at Soonyoung, and he immediately changes his expression to one that doesn’t make him look like a smartass. 
“Ignoring that, but the first thing you wanna do is start off a conversation. You can either compliment them, mention how nice they look.” Soonyoung nods, his expression incredibly focused on every word you’re saying. You fight back a smile at how ridiculous he is before continuing.
“If they seem flattered and look as if they want to continue the conversation, then green means go. However, if they seem uncomfortable and not interested then back off Kwon Soonyoung.” You say with a glare, and your friend noticeably gulps nervously, making you grin at the power you hold. You lean back, straightening out your shirt. “Okay, that’s it.” 
“THAT’S IT?!” 
“That’s basically it. If green means go, then introduce yourself properly and get to know them. If they’re uninterested, then that’s it buddy. We must respect people.” Soonyoung nods his head, rubbing the back of his neck. 
“Can we practice?”
“Like,” Soonyoung turns to face you, grasping your hands and giving you an earnest look. “Can we pretend that you’re the girl from the coffee shop?” You let out a sigh, muttering how badly you’d rather not do that. Peeking over at him, you see him giving you the puppy dog eyes.
“God, fine. Stupid puppy dog eyes.” Soonyoung claps his hands in victory, before thinking of what to start off with. 
“Oh wait!” You raise an eyebrow at your friend, “Can I do pickup lines?” 
You stare at Soonyoung, pursing your lips as you realize that he truly has not flirted once. Yet for some reason, everyone in school has a huge ass crush on him. Letting out another sigh you answer, “Only if they’re creative and actually good. Let me hear some and I’ll tell you whether you can say it or not.”
Soonyoung pumps his arm in the air excitedly, flashing you a big smile. You softly grin back at him, finding that he looks best when he’s happy. He takes a deep breath, closing his eyes, before opening them and staring directly at you with a determined look on his face.
“Are you from Tenness-”
“No.” Soonyoung looks taken aback at your abrupt response, and you just shake your head at him. He lets out a breath, before trying again.
“Did you fall from heav-”
“Are you a parking ticket? Because you’ve got fine-”
“Yn! You have to let me get all the way through so that you can actually critique them properly.” Soonyoung whines, and you lean back onto the couch, letting out a sigh. “These are all gross, overdone, pickup lines that will absolutely not work. Give me unique ones.” 
Soonyoung thinks to himself, before sporting a big smile once again when he remembers one that he learned. He stands up and walks past the couch, before walking back towards you again.
“Do you believe in love at first sight?” You raise an eyebrow at him, and he grins when he realizes he finally found one you don’t know. He leans forward so that your noses are inches from each other, and you stare directly into his eyes.
“Or should I walk by again?”
“Or should I walk by again...” You say at the same time, Soonyoung trailing off, now a lot more discouraged. He leans back, now standing at his full height again, frowning at you. He thinks to himself again, and you grab the bowl of potato chips from the table, getting comfy when you realize he’s not going to give up anytime soon. 
“If you were a fruit-”
“If you were a Transformer-”
“Feel my shirt, you know what it’s made of?”
“Absolutely not.”
Soonyoung backtracks, looking at you with a hopeful look on his face, but you shake your head. “I mean absolutely not to the whole pickup line in general, not me answering it.” 
Soonyoung sighs, sitting down beside you on the couch, thinking even harder now. The two of you sit in silence, the sound of you chewing the potato chips filling the quiet void of your apartment as Soonyoung tries to remember the pickup lines he took two hours learning the day prior. He lets out a small, aha!, once he recalls a few other ones.
“My love for you is like diarrhea-”
“God, no. Absolutely not.” 
“We’re not socks, but I think we’d make a great pair.”
“Not bad.” Soonyoung grins, pumping the air in tiny font as he considers that a small victory before beginning again.
“It’s a good thing I have my library card, because I’m totally checking you out.”
“Jesus Christ, no Soonyoung.”
“Aside from being sexy-”
“Don’t finish that.”
“Been around the world don’t speak the language, but your booty don’t need explaining. All I really need to understand is, will you talk dirty to me?” You stare at Soonyoung, a look of both disgust and genuine concern displayed on your face as he gives you a proud smile.
“D-did you… did you just quote a lyric from a Jason Derulo song?”
“Yeah! Did you like it?” You close your eyes, genuinely wondering how Soonyoung looked at all of these pickup lines and thought they were okay. 
“So, you are absolutely not doing pickup lines when you see the coffee shop girl next time. You’re going to compliment her like a good guy who does not use gross, overused pickup lines. Got it?” Soonyoung pouts at you, before nodding. 
“Alright, pretend I’m her. Try and win me over.” He purses his lips, covering his face with his hands once he starts to feel nervous. You smile, letting your head rest on your hand as you wait. Soonyoung finally looks into your eyes and gives you a grin.
“Hi, I just wanted to tell you that you’re really beautiful, and that your smile really brightens up my day. Whenever you smile at me, I feel like nothing could go wrong.” Soonyoung tells you honestly, causing you to break eye contact due to the warmth flooding your face. You rub the back of your neck, “That was good. T-that was really nice Soonie.” 
He gives you a smile, “Really?” 
You nod your head, standing up off your couch to signal that it’s time for you to get ready for bed. “Maybe you don’t need to add the last sentence though. The first one where you mention her smile is really sweet on its own.”
“Oh that wasn’t a compliment for her.” Soonyoung says, standing up as well and stretching his arms over his head. You raise an eyebrow at him, and he turns, giving you a soft smile. “It was for you.” 
Your eyes widen slightly, more heat rushing to your face and you look away again. Soonyoung grins, before wrapping his arms around you, cradling your head like he always does when he hugs you. You slowly wrap your arms around his waist, closing your eyes as you take in his comforting scent.
“Thank you for helping me yn, I’ll tell you how it goes tomorrow.” He pulls away, and you give him a small smile.
“Of course! You have to text me right after alright? Not a second late, I’ll be waiting.” Soonyoung laughs, putting his flannel on and giving you a thumbs up as the two of you walk out of your living room. He waves bye to you, and you smile and wave back. Once you hear the sound of your apartment door closing, your smile slowly drops from your face. You place a hand over your heart, feeling the wave of sadness finally hit you at full blast. 
“She’s one lucky girl to have you pining after her, Soonyoung.” 
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oswaldsleftbicep · 3 years
If nh characters were living in the human world, what kind of clothes/aesthetic you think they would choose??
the boys and their modern fashion aesthetics
i've been waiting for this one; turn it up!!
genre: other
cw: a singular curse word in ricardo's part
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❧ i feel like his vibe would be like casual and comfy, but still well put together
❧ all of his clothes match well and he never looks sloppy
❧ if he ever wears button downs he always leaves the top few buttons undone
❧ his signature piece is probably a pair of sneakers that he's had for years and refuses to get rid of
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❧ right off the bat i just knew he'd have a dark academia aesthetic, maybe even a bit of light academia??
❧ the point is, you take one look at this man and immediately know that he's smarter than you and spends copious amount of time at the library
❧ i feel like he'd avoid wearing blue jeans just because they match his hair too well and he doesn't wanna look like a walking swatch of blue
❧ his signature piece is probably a vintage knit sweater that he found at a thrift store when he was a teenager
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❧ he's got like a darker soft boy aesthetic, very comfy and put together
❧ even when he's at home he looks like he's ready to go out or something, like he changes out of his pajamas as soon as he wakes up
❧ he hardly ever wears shorts; the only time he does is when it's ridiculously hot outside, but other than that he wears pants
❧ instead of a signature piece, he has a signature color: green. he always incorporates some shade of the color into his outfits
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❧ for him i was getting like a dark cottagecore vibe or whatever the smith's had going on
❧ very casual tho, not one to dress up if he doesn't absolutely have to
❧ he thinks overalls are neat cuz they make him feel more like a gardener, and they keep a lot of mess off of his shirts
❧ his signature piece is definitely a flannel that's gotten so soft over the many years he's worn it
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❧ even in a modern setting this man would be dressed up all the time, like the pic on the left is something he considers casual
❧ but he wouldn't go over the top and wear a suit when going to the grocery store; he's got class but he isn't a devil's advocate kid
❧ if you asked his what his aesthetic is tho he wouldn't have an answer for you, so let's just keep it at he likes to look nice
❧ his signature piece is a really nice watch he bought for himself after some major accomplishment
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❧ ngl i had a hard time finding pictures for what i had in mind for him, but his aesthetic is very clean, flowy, and somewhere between casual and academic
❧ lots of white and lighter shades of colors, like beige or pastel grey
❧ he'd wear something like what's on the left when he's at home or having a really chill get together, but he wears something like what's on the right for most other scenarios
❧ his signature piece is probably a really fancy overcoat, not quite a trench coat but just as long and flowy
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❧ you can't tell me this man wouldn't dress all edgy, like a punk eboy or something
❧ is a slut for techwear, always has straps and chains all over his outfits
❧ his clothes are all mostly black but he'll sometimes have a splash of color for an accent but it'll be red or maybe a dark blue
❧ his signature thing is that he wears a bunch of rings on each hand
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❧ i don't think he would have a specific aesthetic, but if i had to put a label on it i'd say softboy
❧ he doesn't put much though into his outfits but they all manage to look amazing
❧ doesn't wear a lot of bright colors, mostly earth tones or an occasional pastel
❧ his signature piece is probably his shoes; he just gives off the vibes that he wears the same pair of converse or vans for everything
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❧ his aesthetic is like a softboy/light academia mix
❧ always looking his best; his clothes are always clean and tidy and ironed
❧ like lucia he never buttons the top few buttons on his shirts, which gives his outfits a flowy, carefree vibe
❧ his signature thing is either necklaces or the fact that he always has his shirts tucked in at least a quarter of the way
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sparkles-and-trash · 4 years
South Park Main 5, Headcanons Masterpost  ~
Stan Marsh 
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hair is actually nice and somewhat floppy naturally, but because he wears a hat most of the time, it’s usually flat and a little greasy kshdhsd
hair is that blue-ish black color
eyes is piercing ice blue 
skin is light, kind porcelain like, but he also tans really fast?
soft sweaters are the only thing he’ll wear from early autumn to late spring
in summer he’ll literally only wear band shirts and flannels lol 
Personality and General Trivia:
totally cares more for animals than most people let’s be real 
sometimes he struggles with seeing things from others point of view and ha can come across as a little self centered 
he is aware of it tho and tries to be better at it 
his instagram is filled with Sparky haha 
let’s Sparky sleep in his bed every single night even tho Sharon tells him not to 
likes reading and writing, has a tiny obsession with dark themes and Lovecraftian stuff 
he and Kenny volunteers at the local pet shelter and homeless shelter together 
the pet shelter was Stan’s idea, and the homeless shelter was Kenny’s 
wants to be edgy but is really just very soft
“Kyle said...” 
believes everything Kyle tells him lol 
enjoys video games a lot, prefers single player, story based ones tho 
also still enjoys boardgames a lot, and when the big group isn’t up for hit, he, Tweek, Jimmy, Butters and Cartman groups together to nerd it out 
has clinical depression, but is managing it with help of a therapist, his mom and friends
sometimes things gets pretty dark, but he is getting better at reaching out and asking for help in those times 
like I mentioned above, he struggles a bit with seeing things for other’s point of view 
but he is aware of his flaws and is trying to be better
can get a little bit caught up in his own drama, but listens when his friends tells him he needs to get over himself 
will always stand up for his friends, especially if they’re not there to do it themselves 
when he starts getting closer with Butters in early high school he gets really upset when he realizes how much he gets shit-talked 
enjoys spending time with his friends individually, probably the most of the group, and takes initiative to do so a lot 
which is very important to Kenny, since he tends to feel a little overlooked sometimes, and it makes their friendship really strong 
same with Butters, except Butters doesn’t usually doesn’t mind mainly being in a group, but the first few times and Stan hangs out alone it’s obvious he really appreciates it 
daddy issues 
sorry I don’t make the rules lol 
has a decent relationship with Sharon tho
she’s a good mom 
and he wants to be a good son 
Shelly is still kinda angry and scary
she keeps the “only I can beat you up bro” attitude and there is secretly mutual respect there
but we don’t talk about that!!! 
Ships and relationships:
okay so my main ships for him are stutters (Butters), stenny (Kenny) and Style (Kyle) 
my fav is stutters tho 
I usually head canon him as bi or pan, but as with everyone in SP, I’m open to different interpretations if different Au’s and stories! 
I just really like the idea of them learning to balance facing their issues AND celebrate the good things in life together 
I def think he can be a bit insecure in relationships, struggling with feeling like he’s not enough, and would need a partner that naturally will be affirming and positive 
that’s not to say he’s super needy or clingy, he’s just a bit insecure 
but I really think he would truly be a good partner 
he’s caring, kind and very appreciative 
which is again why I really like him with Butters offh 
Kenny McCormick 
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sandy blonde hair that’s always messy and floppy/softly curled 
teeth is kind of crooked due to lack of funds for braces 
his front teeth are kinda big and has a significant gap 
lots and lots of freckles man 
all over his face, shoulders, back, hands and arms 
tans fast 
I actually really like him with brown eyes? like, soulful deep brown eyes 
but also very, very clear blue ones, like almost unnatural (yes that’s a mysterious thing) 
medium tall 
wears his hoodies, usually with the hood up, no matter if it’s freezing or a heatwave
not conventionally attractive, but charming looking lol 
likes to wear some eyeliner every now and then
and nail polish, but it’s like super clumsily put on and always chipped
Personality and General Trivia:
falls asleep in class a lot, but always seems to know the answer if the teacher asks him something
also has decent grades
I think he’s way smarter than he gives himself credit for, both socially and school wise 
the therapist of the groups 
actually, the therapist of the whole school 
knows a lot of secrets due to this, but he always, ALWAYS keeps them 
I see him as very friendly and approachable, but terribly hard to get close with
lots and lots of walls, man
very much an observer type? 
quietly stays in the background if that’s an option
but if he is talked too, or feels like he has something to really contribute to in a conversation he’ll jump in and be comfortable talking and taking up space if he is with friends or people he knows 
if not, he’ll just stay in the background with that.... look on his face that just makes you know he knows more than he says 
works at Tweek’s parents coffee shop, is kinda close with Tweek because of this 
zones out a lot 
can fall asleep anywhere
is pretty close friends with Butters! 
Butters used to have a little crush on him, but Kenny didn’t find out until years later lol 
he also has a lot of patience with Cartman compared to the others
which is why Cartman actually cares when Kenny sets him in his place 
likes learning new things, and does that with Kyle a lot! 
both school and homework stuff, and things like cooking and other homey stuff, the two of them really bond with this 
him and Stan volunteer together, and I already mentioned, and that time means a lot to Kenny 
since he works with Tweek, the two of them are pretty close and good friends 
is the one of the main boys who gets along the best with Craig and those guys
actually hangs out with them from time to time, so does Butters
it low-key drives the others crazy
I often like to think his parents would keep having these bursts where they try to get their shit together? 
and it’s slow, and one step back and two backwards, but the fact that they’re trying at all means a lot to the kids after years of them... not 
I can also see Kevin stepping up and taking more charge, Kevin get’s way too little love in this fandom! 
Kenny usually never fights with his sibs
but when he does it’s with Karen, usually because he’s worried about her and it’s nor pretty
none of them can stay mad at each other for long tho
Kevin trying to be all “big brother” and kinda failing because he is chaotic, but he really wants to do right and Karen and Kenny knows that and appreciates it 
Ships and relationships:
ohhh kay here we go, unpopular opinions ahead! 
first, my main Kenny ships are Tokenny (Token x Kenny) and Stenny 
rn Tokenny is my main, I love the potential dynamics, both with their personalties and backgrounds and families 
I tend to head canon him as pan or bisexual, and demiromatic 
I know the demiromantic part is... controversial, at best 
but hear me out! 
I see him being very comfortable with discussing sexual stuff, and being attracted to someone physically is never something he feels awkward or bad about 
but when it comes to more emotional connections, he is way more awkward and fumbling 
for those who doesn’t know, a demiromatic person (like myself! surprise!) won’t have crushes or romantic feelings for someone they don’t already have some form of emotional bond with! We can still feel sexual attraction tho, and some of us are comfortable with casual sexual encounters (like me!) and others are not, and both are very valid! 
I usually have two ways of writing him 
either him being comfortable having casual sexual interactions, but struggling with the romantic aspect and having to figure out how this works for him 
him having some trauma related to debating sexually very early, thinking he was all ready and it was just sex, but getting his emotions caught up in it and being very heartbroken and confused, and therefore having issues with being intimate with people for a while 
I mix them up depending on the story, but the first one is usually my go-to! 
Kyle Broflovski 
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he still covers his hair a lot, either with hats or hoods? 
because I really see him being insecure about it 
it’s a medium sort of red, and like, really curly and fluffy 
not frizzy, big like... big 
I usually give him green eyes, but I also could see him with a light brown or hazel! 
some light freckles on his face that only really shows up if he’s spent time in the sun 
pretty tall, kind of lanky 
d i m p l e s 
Personality and General Trivia:
big nerd energy
in every way, board games, video games, loves school, like genuinely, enjoys studying for tests, loves fantasy books, the longer and more complicated the better 
co-captain of the debate team with Wendy 
is good with arguments unless he gets too passionate on the subject, or if someone knows his weak points and uses them to tick him off
it’s usually Cartman  
his mom wants him to go to an Ivy League but honestly he just wants to go to the same one in Denver as Stan, Butters and Cartman are planning on, and now that Kenny is also considering it he seriously think he’ll die if all his friends go to the same college without him
he struggles with FOMO, which is kind of an issue since he’s a busy guy, and some of his friends are not lol 
if any one of these kids become a jock, it’s def Kyle with his basketball change my mind- 
but not like, a letterman wearing fuckboy type of jock, but like, is obsessed with his sport and his team and works really hard to do well type of jock
very loyal 
he and Stan walks Sparky together at least twice a week, just to be sure they’re always caught up with each other even when they’re busy with school, sports and dating
yeah they’re still super best friends 
when they started high school he got closer to Wendy as she’s also on the debate team, in all of his AP classes and they share a lot of the same interests  
they’re still good friends, but nothing more
the first time Cartman got really drunk was at a party freshman year, and at the time everyone was pretty fed up with him, and he ended up crying and Kyle found him, and Cartman thinks Kyle doesn’t remember, but he does 
that was the first night Kyle really kinda understood why Cartman was the way he was, and even though he still thinks he’s a dick at times, he tries to remember everyone have a story, and to give people time 
but he often gets too riled up to remember that lol 
good pals with Jimmy, they share a lot of interests in fantasy stuff and have the same humor 
he also start to go along well with Craig when they are around middle school age, but they’re both kinda too stubborn to admit they’re friends until a year later lol  
even tho Sheila is pretty overbearing and can be too much, he is a mommy’s boy deep down 
tense relationship with his dad 
enjoys cooking, so that’s where he spends a lot of time with his mom! 
tries his best to keep up with Ike and his life
sometimes he is a tad cringy when doing so, but Ike appreciates the gesture 
Ike is pretty confident and strong in himself so he doesn’t care if Kyle is a bit awkward lol 
the type of brothers who genuinely enjoys spending time together 
Ships and relationships:
I like Style, Kyman, K2 and Kyvid! 
I think he’d be a late bloomer when it comes to love and dating
struggles with opening up and letting himself feel these things 
I often think of him as biromantic asexual, but I’m not always set on it! 
he’d enjoy traditional dinner and a movie type of dates a lot, such a nerd 
Eric Cartman 
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keeps his hair cut pretty short and styled
has heterochromia iridium (different colored eyes), one blue and one brown
also he has a real nice smile when it’s a genuine one
which is rare but like 
it happens 
is kinda insecure about his weight and tries to compensate with always having the newest stuff and pretending not to care
sometimes tries to diet in secret
he isn’t huge anymore, but is still sort of broad, and isn’t skinny, but like..
kinda bulky, if he wears the right type of clothes it’s hard to see if he’s chubby or buff
but he is def chubby 
Personality and General Trivia:
spends way to much time on reddit arguing with randoms
angry gamer, will call you a slur on voice chat 
after almost getting dropped by his friends in middle school he tries a little harder to be a more decent person
still an asshole at heart, but like, an asshole who sometimes cares about some people 
always tells people that’s he’s seen that meme before, even when he hasn’t 
nothing is ever his fault and the only ones who can get him to admit he’s wrong are Kenny and, very, very rarely, Kyle
he wears supreme hoodies for a full year of High School and stands in line all night for the new ones and never shuts up about how he is the first in South Park to have the new stuff 
Kenny finds it hilarious to buy the fake supreme stickers and put then on his own worn out hoodies
Kyle makes it his main goal in life to put things (everything from used gym socks to old food he finds in his locker) in Cartmans hoods and see how long it takes for him to notice 
can’t handle alcohol, is constantly being teased for it
sloppy drunk lol 
one of the main reasons the other bothers with Cartman trough middle school, when he is at his worst, is because of his big basement, the old Coon Lair, who got a big renovation around 7th grade and is an awesome, private hangout spot with a big TV and wifi and gaming systems
constantly says he hates his friends but would die if everyone left him 
is secretly terribly jealous of Kyle, both his closeness to Stan, his basketball skills, his grades and his family
but they had that thing in Freshman year when Kyle found him drunk, alone and sad, and Cartman himself barely remembers it, and doesn’t think Kyle does because he never mentioned it 
but he does
so much tension there, but also co-dependency 
sees Kenny and Butters as his best friends, and knows deep down neither of them feel that way about him and it secretly kills him 
is in the same board game group with Stan 
is low-key terrified of Tweek lol 
big mommy issues 
but also very protective of her
I really enjoy the AU/headcanon that Liane marries Clyde’s dad 
it’s not like, the only version I like, but I put it in as many au’s and works of mine as I can 
I def think both boys would be mortified right away 
but Clyde comes around first, because he really wants a brother, even if that brother have to be Cartman 
Cartman would never admit it, but after some time he really starts to see Clyde as a brother and genuinely cares for him 
Ships and relationships:
I mainly see Cartman as gay 
sometimes I start of AU’s and stories with him not being out to himself or anyone else tho, I think that whole journey for him will be very interesting and help him grow as a person 
I def think he’d have a few girlfriends before he comes out tho? 
he can be very charming when he wants too yanno 
my only Cartman ship is kyman atm, but I’m def open to explore more of
Leopold Butters Stotch 
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I really really really like T A L L Butters??? 
like tall and gangly and adorable 
I know it’s very popular to head canon that he bleaches his hair, but I like to think he has very light blond air naturally! 
keeps it short on the sides and longer on top, with cute ass curls 
soft sky blue eyes 
also dyes his bangs light blue in high school!! 
Pete the goth helps him because he is a pro of dying bangs 
I like to think he’d be into pastel grunge, and keep his love for Hello Kitty and Sanrio etc, but still be a bit more... edgy? 
Personality and General Trivia:
one of those people who’s friendly with almost everyone
but that doesn’t mean he’s friends with them, yanno? 
gets drunk from one wine cooler 
loves the theater and is in the drama club, but likes to be behind the stage, not on it 
wants to be a director one day 
watches Netflix on his phone every single time he has any time to spare, because he’s always binging a show
is usually pretty positive and kind, gives people the benefit of the doubt 
but can be very stubborn, and if he has decided he dislikes or doesn’t trust someone, it’s almost impossible to change his mind 
Butters put up with Cartman for so long because he genuinely thinks he can be fun when he’s not horrible, and he really tries his best to believe in people
he was also the first one to forgive him after the others cut him off 
a very loyal and fun friend
takes a lot of initiative to do stuff, and loves hosting movie nights 
thinks of these boys as his closest friends, but is also real close to Wendy, Bebe, Jimmy and Tweek
I just hate Stephen so much you guys
so tbh I usually like to just... have Linda leave him, or straight up kill him off oops 
I know Linda is terrible too, I do, but I think she could possibly have a moment of realization if something happens like Butters potentially being taken away? 
idk I’m not gonna go too deep into this, I know it’s such a heavy topic and I don’t wanna seem like I just ignore it, but I personally don’t usually include Stephen directly in my stories, and this is why, I hope y’all understand and respect that! 
Ships and relationships:
my main Butters ship is Stutters (Stan x Butters) 
I mentioned a lot why in Stan’s headcanons? 
but idk, I just really think they’d balance each other well, and could have a very interesting and cute relationship! 
I usually headcanons him as pan or gay, and genderqueer, but I’m open for other interpretations too! 
he does date a little bit, but have never been in a real relationship and isn’t stressing about it! 
he did have a pretty huge crush on (a very unaware) Kenny during middle school, but then they started hanging out a lot more and became really close and Butters didn’t really bring it much thought?
that’s until Cartman gets jealous and throws out a “what are you guys dating and fucking and being gay huh???” and Butters mind immediately goes to “omg ew no he’s like my brother!” 
aaand that’s how Butters realized he was over his crush 
they two of them stay close friends tho, Kenny makes Butters laugh and helps him be more sure of himself and Butters helps Kenny remember that they’re still just kids and should have fun and be good
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leverage-ot3 · 4 years
notable moments from The Tap Out Job
leverage 2.02
Jack: Somebody drugged his water. It's an old boxing trick. He couldn't defend himself, and... He's still in the hospital.
that’s fucked
- - - - -
Eliot: It's not a cockfight. All right? Let me show you something, Hardison. Come here. Can I borrow you? (puts a gentle hand on Parker’s hip, guiding her to the open space behind the couch) All right. Square up. Remember what I showed you?
(Hardison and Parker square up)
Hardison: Are you...
Eliot: There's three phases to an MMA--to an MMA fight, okay? One, striking. (Parker punches Hardison in the face) Nice. Next is grappling, the takedown. (Parker grabs Hardison and throws him on the floor) Exactly. All right. The third one is jujitsu. Okay, try to isolate a joint. (Parker gets Hardison in a hold) That's good. That's a textbook armbar, Parker. Put some pressure on there.
Parker: Like this?
Eliot: There you go. Or you can go for a choke hold.
Hardison: She got to be choking me. (tries to get away)
Eliot: Remember that thing that I showed you?
Parker: Oh, yeah. The choke.
Eliot: Lock that in. All right. You don't have to hold the arm. See, that's a triangle choke. That's nasty. Puts pressure on his carotid artery, and the guy will submit by tap out.
Hardison (tapping the ground): Eliot, I'm tapping! I'm tapping!
Eliot: These fights are won by inches, I'm telling you.
Hardison: I can't breathe!
Eliot: All about leverage.
Sophie: Yeah, it looks really painful.
Hardison: It is painful!
Nate: No TV deal, you said, huh? Hardison, what are this guy's other interests, this Rucker guy?
Hardison: Seriously, you ask me a question right now...
Sophie: I'll take that. Yeah, rotary club, golf membership.
Nate: Golf, huh?
Hardison: Help me!
Sophie: Yeah. I mean, this guy's like a 1950s sitcom character. He plays a weekly game with the local businessmen. In fact, last year, he won the club championship.
Nate: Did he? Hmm.
Hardison: Let me go!
Nate: I guess it's...
Hardison: She's killing me!
Nate: …it's time to hit the links.
Hardison: I'm cool. Just let me go real quick.
eliot canonically teaches parker how to fight in his spare time and I LOVE THAT
fucking CHAOTIC OT3 + parker is having a great time while hardison is dying
ALSO can we just for a minute appreciate how when she puts him in a chokehold she was wrapping her legs around his neck, which basically had his head in her crotch area and !!! it wasn’t sexualized at al !!! literally A N Y other show would have sexualized it even just a little bit but not leverage. never leverage.
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I love it when they fuck with peoples gear (like with the baseballs or hockey pucks or in this instance the golf balls)
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parker playing with the golf club covers
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literally EVERY con has nate being an asshole (this one was one of the more annoying ones tho)
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hi I am but a simple bi and eliot in that grey hoodie was VERY attractive
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Room Service: Room service. Can I help you?
Sophie: Yeah, no, I can't eat this. I'm sorry?
Everything on my plate is yellow.
Room Service: It's chicken-fried steak.
Sophie: It's what? Chicken-fried steak?
Room Service: Yes.
Sophie: No, let me just tell you, all right. Meat should never be used as an adjective.
~ a little while late ~
Sophie: I'm starving.
Parker: I found these in the minibar. (throws her a bag)
Sophie: "Pork Rinds"? How do you peel a pig? (throws it back)
- - - - -
Hardison: Got it. See, Online video websites, they track viewer hits by IP Address, so the trick is to just spoof a bunch of IPs, then write a script that lets you browse the video page via the proxy list and...
- - - - -
Sophie: Well, this guy, he just--he give me the creeps.
Eliot: We've gone up against rougher dudes than this before.
Sophie: I know. But it's this whole treating people as commodities. This whole barbaric sport.
Eliot: Hey, don't lump these guys in with Rucker. All right, he's not what the sport's about.
Sophie: Eliot, this "sport" is about two guys beating the crap out of each other.
Eliot: MMA fighters act with more respect than any other athlete I've seen.
Sophie: Yeah, they're "Braveheart," I get it.
Eliot: No, you don't. These guys don't fight because they like hurting other people, all right. They fight to gain some sort of control over their opponents, over their environment, over their lives. Have you seen this town? Huh? The farms are drying up. The only stores are bail bondsmen and pawn shops, and there's nothing they can do about it. So, yeah, they get in the ring and try not to let it all suffocate them. (a beat, he smiles) And it's about two guys beating the crap out of each other. (she smiles back)
- - - - -
eliot is wearing a green flannel in this one and it looks very nice and comfy
- - - - -
Rucker: Well, bottom line is, you need good product. What event are you here to produce?
[Interior Van]
Hardison: On it. There's a tractor pull in grand island, a livestock show in council bluffs, white people doing other white things…
pls keep calling out white people pls we deserve it lmfao
- - - - -
Director (in car looking at his phone): Come on! Come on! Give me something! Come on! Is this gonna take long?
Nate (through window): No. Two shakes. Are you in a hurry?
Director: Even half a bar... what? Yes. Hurry. Does anyone in this backwater hellhole know what that means?
Nate: You're a director, right? What was your name again?
Director: What? It's Laurence. Todd Laurence.
Nate: Todd, well, listen, Mr. Laurence. See, I wrote a script...
Director: Huh?
Nate: Yeah. It's about a limo driver who solves mysteries till his wife leaves him for --
Director: For the love of god!
Nate: ...the best part: The feed store manager. Right? His wife…
Director: Yeah...?
Nate: Tramp...
Director: Hey, hee-haw, move the car! Okay
- - - - -
parker in leather pants, a bright yellow ‘I heart Nebraska’ tshirt and weird hat, eating a corn dog? ,,,a look I guess
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Hardison (showing passes): So, I'm Todd Laurence? (girls flock to Hardison) Ladies, please, look. For the last time, I am not the tailback for the cornhuskers. Go! I don't even know what a cornhusker is.
- - - - -
Rucker: And all you need is a product?
Sophie: Well, that's what they are: Products. You get the girls with Trianna, you get the boys with MMA. And there's always another fresh-faced princess ready to go through the singing/dancing mill in Florida. Occasionally, we let one be a lesbian, keeps the press on their toes
- - - - -
Hardison: What? What? W-what was I supposed to do? It was cousin Jimmy.
Sophie: He's right. We couldn't have planned for that.
Hardison: Look, you know what I can do? I can re-task a satellite, I can get a level 3 NSA clearance, but I can't hack a hick
- - - - -
Eliot: All right, it doesn't matter. What do we do now?
Parker: We can move the Howorth.
Eliot: We're not moving the Howorths. All right? This is their home. That means something to people here.
Sophie: Yeah, we can't babysit them forever.
Nate: We've taken out bigger players than this. You know, there's got to be some way, something we can...
Eliot: No, no! I take the dive.
Sophie: You sure?
Hardison: Give me some time, okay? I've found some funny business in Rucker's accounts. I can move some things.
Eliot: Forget the fact that we just got beat by Barney Fife, all right? This is the right move. Tactically it's the right move. You all know that. (walks away)
none of them want to see eliot hurt more than he needs to or see him go down like that and I cry
alec ‘give me five minutes I will do literally anything for eliot’ hardison
- - - - -
Sophie: Hey. Listen, you-you don't have to do this, you know. Nate's gonna come up with something.
Eliot: I'm losing a fight, Sophie. I'm not diving on a grenade. I'll be all right.
Sophie: Yeah, I know. I'm not talking physically.
Eliot: I think my ego can handle it.
Sophie: Look, you told me that it's about control, about knowing that you're never gonna be the victim. And that's what keeps you going, right?
Eliot: You think I'm upset 'cause I got to let this guy kick my ass? I learned a long time ago, you can't control the violence. I can take the punishment. That's what I do. What I need to control is not out there. (touches his chest) It's here. Always.
(Sophie smiles and walks away)
- - - - -
hardison holds eliots face before he fights I never noticed that before
+ eliot’s hair is curly when it’s wet/when he’s sweaty. this means he blowdries his hair on a regular basis. eliot, as a part of taking control of himself and his life after moreau took interest in self care and taking care of his hair in this essay I will-
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one thing I love about this is that eliot doesn’t have a six pack (see this commentary I made with a few lovely additions by my mutuals)
- - - - -
Jack: Where's Rucker?
Hardison: Oh, the Iowa State Police just got a tip that a fugitive is headed into their jurisdiction. And I'm pretty sure crossing state lines with a bag full of cash won't look too good.
Parker: Especially when they find the little surprise in his trunk.
[Flashback, Pawn Shop]
Parker: I need guns. (dumping money on counter) $6,000 worth. And one of those.
- - - - -
Doctor (examining Eliot): You took a hell of a pounding. We should get you a CT scan. You could have internal bleeding.
Jack: You let yourself get hammered like that on purpose? That's a hell of a lot of punishment to take.
Sophie: That's what he does.
- - - - -
eliot held the rope up for parker to step under when they were getting out of the ring
- - - - -
Sophie (to Parker): Pork rind? They're actually pretty good. (parker shakes her head and rubs her stomach) You sure?
sophie nO
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s-jatpfic · 3 years
I need to hear that out of your mouth
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summery: bobbys perspective on 'worse'/bobby figuring out how to help reggie (i guess, not actually tho. honestly i have no clue what i wrote)
ohh also, bobby uses they/them pronouns
words: 1150
warning: mention of abusive parents, visible signs of violence, swear words (message me if you think i should add something else)
They knew they shouldn’t have left.
For gods sake they knew.
But despite Reggies attempt to never let anyone see, Bobby also knew Reggies secret.
How could they have missed that.
Maybe he was good enough to hide it from self-centered Luke or from "everyone has anxious ticks" Alex, but he definitely couldn’t hide it from Bobby not before and certainly not since Bobby is in love with him.
The way Reggie anxiously grabs the sleeves of his flannel as if his life would depend on it, bare what would happen if they would just slightly slip up his wrist.
Or layering long sleeves and pants even in summer and even if they go to the beach. Bobby can’t even remember the last time they‘d seen Reggie actually swimming in the ocean instead of coming up with excuses about guarding their towels and soda or that he’d just ate one of the pre-packed sandwiches Bobbys mom made for the band and can’t go into the water just yet, as if he suddenly started to care about such things.
However the main indicator of Bobbys observance was the way Reggies nose scrunches up and his tongue plays with his teeth as if he’s back in middle school and just got his braces for the first time whenever he is lying.
Yes, Reggie is a good liar, good enough to convince Luke and Alex and his teachers, even himself, but Bobby is greater at detecting Reggies lies than he will ever know.
Ever since Bobby put the pieces together they‘d been waiting for Reggie to finally say that out loud so they can properly help him and not just plan movie nights or road trips to get Reggie out of his house, but Bobby didn’t want to push Reggie. Reggie has to say that because he wants to and not because Bobby resists on.
But now that Reggie finally has the courage to say those stupid fucking words, as Bobby called it in their mind ever since they discovered Reggies confidential information, now that he finally talks about it Bobby is the first one to run away, registering the low "they hurt me" only through the echo of the garage door yet this mumbled sentence was probably the most clean-cut words Bobby ever caught up and everything needed for them to fully break into anger.
Maybe they weren’t ready for Reggie to talk about it. Maybe they didn’t got to prepare themselves properly. But what should they do, everything Bobby can do in this situation is calming down and being there for Reggie and thats the one thing Bobby isn’t doing.
So they gotta change that. Hopefully Reggie is still in the garage.
As Bobby enters their studio, the three other sunset curve members are yet paddlet up on the couch, impossible for Bobby to tell which body part belongs to which boy.
Only their soft breathing is stopping the room usually filled with obnoxiously loud noises, music blasting on full volume or chattering about nonsense, from being silent.
Maybe Bobby isnt ready for this yet, however, they have to be ready. This is not their fight, this is all about Reggie, all about the boy they are eying up a little bit too intense, rose-colored glasses refining their view.
Clearing their voice to get at least one of their friends attention, Bobby is still standing awkwardly uncomfortable in the middle of the room not really knowing what to do, what to say or how to act.
It‘s Alex being the first one to break the hug and facing Bobby, though, as soon as Reggie registers the sound, all his attention is on the suspenders-wearing lad.
Nothing but a low undefinable noise was leaving Bobbys throat as they opened their mouth.
Though their mind was filled with millions of things to say, they weren’t physically able to, something stopping them from moving.
As Alex caught up on the situation, he pulled Luke aside leaving their two oblivious friends alone.
Yeah, maybe Bobby isn’t the only one being in love with their best friend but maybe (or most definitely) is this not the right time to address that.
"I assume you already knew?"
Reggie hated how weak his voice sounds, but honestly there wasn’t a lot of explaining needed to understand why.
"Yeah I- ehm, I figured. Was easy to catch up on once I got behind all of your habits"
Bobby still hasn’t moved, unsure if they should go up to Reggie or if physical touch is too much to handle at the moment.
"Thanks for never mentioning it. Kinda hoping we all can just forget about it, pretending today never happened, you know?"
The bruises on Reggies still uncovered skin are the most captivating, hypnotizing thing Bobby ever experienced.
Green and purple shadows dancing their way from Reggies wrists up to the straps of his Tank Top, telling their very own story about two people who should have never gotten any kids.
"Can you- uhm? Please-"
It is as if Bobby lost all their knowledge about being a functional human being, their voice an octave below average.
Shaking of and breathing out, they finally get their shit together, finally sitting next to Reggie on the couch, finally able to form coherent sentences, finally able to think.
This is about Reggie. This is about helping the boy they like, their best friend, the one who’s always there if they need him. Now it’s time to pay their bill back.
"I know this is probably hard for you, and I can promise not to ever talk about this ever again if you wish, still I need you to know that I’m always gonna help you, protect you, give you custody or just distract and cuddle you whenever you’d like. You’re not going down by yourself, you’re having me and the boys and we act the way you want us to. But can you please, one last time, can you please say those stupid fucking words out loud for me? I need to hear that out of your mouth. Please?"
Bobby was practically bagging but for some reason this is very important for them, maybe because they need it smashed right into their brain to actually realize the gravity of the situation.
Reggie is just leaning into Bobby’s arms. Being hold by them, makes everything seem less big of an issue, being hold by them makes the world seem to disappear.
He can do this. It’s just saying it once. It’s just betraying them once. And it’s not as if Bobby wouldn’t know already. Saying it out loud, admit the issue is hard, is complicated, but being hold by Bobby, it’s not impossible.
"My parents abuse me"
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dr-nero-is-god · 3 years
diabolus and fashion for the ask game pls
My headcanon would be as such: diabolus doesn't have an undying passion for fashion (tho that's a great crackfic concept, thank u) BUT he of course cares how he looks and, over time, develops an intuitive understanding of what he looks good in. He is used to wearing tailored suits because that's the villain uniform--he has the confidence to pull off more powerful colors like red (but he knows he isn't gonna be walking around in a purple and green suit of the same cut), but there's more to it than that! He also knows how to look good when he's not being a villain, which I think could lead to the fun concept of him having to change into civvies but rather than urban camo it's like jeans and a flannel and he looks somehow ridiculously polished and everyone is like "how can you be a gentleman cowboy when YOU AREN'T A COWBOY"
anyways I know exactly which fic to put this in so thank you
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jinxfirebolt18902 · 4 years
Snatch or Snakc? (Four - 6 Underground Imagine)
A/N: ok idk could be better but my ass was aching to upload this shit. Also, don’t let the visual material guide your imagination, it was only for a little help but your body is just perfect the way it is, from the color of your skin to your weight and height ok?. Last but not least I don’t use“Y/N” or “your (whatever)” in imagines cuase I feel the writing quality is not as good, but you should still (if you want) identify as Six. Words: 848 Summary: Six (fem!reader) can always be found wearing baggy sweat clothes and one day she comes to realize she’s forgotten to do her laundry and has left only a pair of fancy underwear to use with her sweatpants, at least till the clean clothes dry off.
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It was a thursday afternoon when Five’d asked her what she was going to wear the next day for the team’s night out at the restaurant that she remembered she hadn’t done her laundry in two weeks or so. A frown had made an appearance on her face as her mind raced with memories of her almost empty drawers. Fuck.
Five chuckled at her expression —Did you forget to do your laundry again? —Six playfully hit Five’s arm faking to be annoyed by her laugh. —Shut up!
Six heard another small chuckle from her comrade as she quickly walked towards her trailer to get her clothes clean. As soon as she stepped inside her trailer she saw a lot of her dark-coloured sweat pants and a few white and black t-shirts all around her bed and on the top of it. In the bathroom she catched up a glance at the laundry basket and saw it was overflowed with all her underwear, and more sweat clothes. Ugh!With a big plastic bag in hand she began to collect all the garments to take them to the washing machine at the base.
After her daily gymnastic training and the battle-learning hour with Two, Six’ sore muscles could only dream of a shower to relax and take a deserved break. Once she turned the water off she sighed once again, preaching at herself for forgetting to do such a basic thing as washing her clothes! She rummaged through the last of the drawers only for her gaze to meet a pair of lace underwear sets, a black one and a lilac one. Closing her eyes for just a moment and giving it a shrug of shoulders she grabbed the black set and put it on with the remaining clean black and white-striped adidas sweat pants and a plain white tank top.
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Later that day she found herself kneeling next to Three’s bike which needed some essential service due to the risk of a great amount of sand getting into the clutch fluid and the high temperatures of the marvellous desert One’d decided to stay in, ruining its oils. After she got everything she needed, supplies of refined oil, spare parts and tools, she quickly got into it and began to work her magic on the machine.
From a few feets farther Four’d been staring at her. He was at the shadow of a lifeless plane with his lower back resting on a metallic box behind him, his arms crossed and a beguiling smile at his lips. Six was so focused on her job that she hadn’t noticed the intensity of a pair of hungry green eyes on her.
The blonde’s gaze eventually falls down her back till he spots the ebony lace showing because the waist of her pants had slipped down somewhat. The previous smile grows wider by the second until he fake clears his throat while looking down, to then look up at her and see she’s turned her head to give him her attention. She closes one eye due to the shining sun, a thin layer of sweat covering her forehead, the shower effects not lasting long.
—What? —when she directed her sight towards him she couldn’t stop herself from noticing how well his outfit fitted him. To begin with the sand-covered army boots immediately brought dirty scenery into her mind, along with the military trousers plus the beige t-shirt which completely suited him, giving him a sexy tough look.  
He runs his humid tongue over his bottom lip and now a cocky smile is there.—Uhm, nothing just… I like how your sexy underwears contrasts with your sweats.
She rolled her eyes and exaggeratedly put both hands at her sides and pulled the top of her trousers up, as she huffed annoyed, which just got worse when she heard a small laugh from him.
She got to work once more, right after the interruption and summerged herself into full focus ignoring everything else. He silently closed the distance between them and after a quick check to see if anyone was watching, he squatted behind her and whispered to her ear “you’re such a sexy snack” and left as if nothing had happened. She didn’t show any physical reaction at all but another roll of eyes. Tho internally she couldn’t deny his fucking strong british accent, wording what he did, in that volume and so close to her, had almost got her wet instantly.
Blue jeans, a black tank top with red converse became Six’s outfit for the night, completed with a red beanie, a red flannel tied around her waist and a long chain necklace and big round earrings. Five had told the others how Six’d forgotten her laundry again and once everyone mocked her some compliments came around, one coming from the blonde. He’d intended it to be quieter I guess, but Two had catched a word she didn’t fully recognize.
—What was that? —her question brought the other memebers’ attention towards Four and Six, as Two was looking at them confused. —Snatch or snack?
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wetratheadcanons · 5 years
Remus Lupin's personal Aestethic
Modern Muggle University Setting
Let's talk about my boy. I personally like to imagine he'd rock the whole Dark Academia aestethic. But on the other hand I think he'd also be fantastic at sporting the whole grunge aestethic.
Just imagine Sirius Black walking over campus on his way to James's car after his last class of the day, desperately wanting to rant about his annoying co-actor because "James, if you decide to pursue theatre as a career one should at least be able to know how to act or read the script, not even I'm that lazy!" When he sees Remus for the first time. Legs for days, messy brown curls, glasses low on his nose, obviously sucked into a copy of 'The picture of Dorian Gray'. A brown leather messenger bag sits to his feet as he's leaning onto a tree, seemingly waiting for someone. Sirius hates that he thinks this guy is attractive when he so obviously reminds him of his terrible family in his button up, waistcoat, Doc Martin's and cuffed up tweed pants. Sirius breath hitches when Remus looks up, catching him staring, and then smiling at him. He looks away, never having been this nervous when a guy smiled at him, but this boy has dimples and he can see freckles on his face. He didn't even realize he was standing near enough to be able to see the details on his face this clear. He quickly looks away, power walking to his best friends car.
James has, of course, seen this embarassing reaction of Sirius, and tells him that he knows the boy. He tells him that his name is Remus Lupin and that he's the roommate of James' current female obsession Lily Evans. Sirius spends that evening stalking trough Lily's Instagram in hope of maybe finding a picture of her with Remus.
The next time he sees Remus, he almost misses him that's how different he looks. He's sitting at a table in their universities library, writing down on a big notebook while his eyes are scanning over the pages of some classic literary work. He's changed his attire, sporting now a black beanie, an oversized flannel and a Black Veil Brides Shirt, which Sirius finds quite endearing to be fair. He's trying to look discreetly under the table, hoping to find the tweed pants he's seen a couple days ago, wanting to see the clashing styles, but instead spots black jeans with messy rips and converse who have definetly seen better days. He almost speaks to him, if not for Lily and another Girl joining Remus at his table. Sirius decides to not disturb the little group for this time.
It takes two whole weeks till Sirius sees the curly haired man again. This time tho, only because they directly walk into each other. Sirius was on his way to returning a book about music theory when Remus left the building, making them crash into each other as both boys were looking down at their phones. When he looks up to see on whose chest he faceplanted himself, he spots the same freckles he's seen weeks ago. This time he realizes Remus' eyes were bright green. And his body was clad in a waistcoat again.
The next time they meet is at the movie theater, but this time planned and Sirius doesn't think he's ever seen something as cute as Remus Lupin in an oversized sweatshirt with strategically placed holes in them.
Their personalities clash a lot, but somehow they make it work. Sirius is loud, he's open and if he could, he would befriend the whole word (excluding a few people because you gotta have boundaries) while Remus is quiet, he prefers having only a few people around him, always listening to music in some sort of way. Sirius listens to him rant about authors of classic literature being problematic, but that shouldn't mean you have to dislike them, and even though Sirius couldn't care less about writings that weren't adapted into some form of theatre, he closely listens anyway because he never wants to miss the sparkle in Remus' eyes when he talks about something he loves. Remus attends every single one of Sirius' plays. Even the ones Sirius knows will be bad and forbids even James to come. He tells Sirius that nothing makes him more happy than to watch him put his heart into all of these characters, and Sirius knows that Remus is the one he never wants to miss again.
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judehayward · 4 years
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FULL NAME — jude hayward (him n his parents dnt kno his middle name they lost his birth certificate n forgot what they wrote)
NICKNAME — judas
D.O.B. — 13th march 1997
STAR SIGN / MOON & RISING — pisces / taurus / virgo
MBTI — intp (the logician)
MORAL ALIGNMENT — chaotic neutral
MARITAL STATUS & SEXUALITY — single n bisexual
LANGUAGES — jst english :/ boring
TALENTS / HOBBIES — painting, drawing, piano, bass guitar, cooking (hates it tho never does it bc he jst doesn’t hv the energy bt he cn do it quite well), composing, smoking, used to b decent at baseball when he first moved to san fran bt....... no work ethic 😔 didn’t stick at it 😔, reading, narrating pigeons outside of his window like david attenborough
TOP 5 MUSICIANS — the cure, elliott smith, glass animals, the smiths, metronomy.... bonus additions r neutral milk hotel, the national, wolf alice, mac demarco, foals, slaughter beach dog, the psychedelic furs...... cldn’t just list 5 i’m sry. (am i?)
FAVOURITE BOOK — i think he likes virginia woolf stuff a lot.... probably rly likes on the road by jack kerouac too....... i’ve nt read any of this i jst Know frm quotes n things....
FAVOURITE FILM & TV SHOW — hereditary, the room, beautiful boy, the truman show, bladerunner, green room, fight club (:///// he’s not One Of Those bt he jst relates w the insomnia aspect), E.T....... then fr tv um...... mr. robot, breaking bad, peep show, walking dead (until it got Shit), nathan for you, the eric andre show.
FAVOURITE VIDEO GAME — the tony hawk games.... red dead redemption when he’s depressed sometimes he jst rides around on a horse nt even doing a mission jst smoking n galloping...... in silence..... silent hill n resident evil..... think he prob wld hv played life is strange too..... n CoD zombies when younger bt thts it.......
WHAT DID THEY DO THIS PAST SUMMER? — went bk to sheffield to oversee his parents gallery n also catch up w childhood friends n things :/ it was Bad
WHERE HAVE THEY TRAVELLED? — jst various places in england, san francisco, lovell n amsterdam i think
DO THEY TAKE ANY PRESCRIPTIONS? — ya he’s on 200mg of sertraline atm.... idk wht it’s called in america... an anti-depressant basically... he’s tried like 87274723 diff ones bt. :/
DO THEY HAVE ANY DIAGNOSIS’S? — depression (severe) and insomnia... probably mre undiagnosed :/
FICTIONAL CHARACTER THEY ARE MOST LIKE? — ok he isn’t a fictional character bt his biggest inspiration is robert pattinson honestly............. i cn also see nick miller (new girl) in him............ mulder frm the x files (dnt watch bt frm screencaps etc) n also ik he’s a real person again bt the like Persona nathan fielder puts on in nathan for you..... vry deadpan n absurd..... reminds me of him
ARE THEY EMPLOYED? WHERE DO THEY WORK? — no job Babey altho mayb i’ll change tht fr the spice
WERE THEY POPULAR IN HIGH SCHOOL? — he ws invited to all the parties bt he wsn’t like a Top Dog or anything....... jst along fr the ride
DRINK? — ya
SMOKE CIGARETTES? — so many ya’s. so little time.
SMOKE WEED? — so much. Sorrr pls give ur lungs a break.....
WHERE WERE THEY BORN? WHERE DID THEY GROW UP? — sheffield, england!! he mostly grew up there bt also spent some yrs in san francisco. his parents were weird n unreliable abt relocating between galleries so it ws a bit of a train wreck tbh......
WHAT ARE THEIR PLANS POST-GRADUATION? — jude does nt..... hv any plans fr his life at all........... none at all...... doesn’t look any of u in the eyes.................. :////////////////
PARENTS NAMES — harry n colette
DO THEY HAVE PETS? TYPES & NAMES? — he hs a tortoise named herb who he wld never confess to loving dearly..... lets him roam free as he pleases.... feeds him slices of cucumber
ARE THEY RELIGIOUS? WHAT IS THEIR RELIGION IF SO? — no he’s like..... if god ws real he’d b a cunt.
HOW MANY PEOPLE HAVE THEY SLEPT WITH? — hmmMMM..... mayb like.... 30 something
WHAT VEHICLE DO THEY DRIVE? IF THEY DON’T DRIVE, HOW DO THEY TRAVEL AROUND TOWN? — idk cars bt i imagine the paint kind of peeling faded dusty blue-ish grey myb like.... a slightly older model...... splutters smoke the stereo jams a lot........ he doesn’t care he’s like the bastard hs character............ probably brks dwn a lot n is parked mre than driven. usually gets the bus
DESCRIBE THEIR FASHION — just doesn’t give much of a fk throws whtever on...... usually some flannel shirt or white tshirt...... variation of trousers....... jean jacket or corduroy one......... dr martens.............. sometimes plaid pj pants in public i rly cnt emphasise hw little he cares.............
DO THEY BELIEVE ANY OF THE STORIES ABOUT RADCLIFFE? WHICH ONES? — he finds the undergrounds a bit creepy i think bt he doesn’t rly like enclosed spaces so cld just b tht.................. probably thinks the secret society hs some weight to it
DO THEY THINK THE MOTHMAN IS HOT? — open to the idea of him being a handsome fellow................. perhaps muscular in physique...... striking bastard chap......
A QUOTE THAT DESCRIBES THEM — “He was more like a drizzle in a drought, a fast glance of the view as you’re speeding down the highway. He was there, but he never was.” or “There is a terrible emptiness in me, an indifference that hurts.“
A SONG THAT THEY WOULD RELATE TO — cnt pick between agnes by glass animals n spanish sahara by foals so..... slaps both dwn
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