#Buy New Year Customized Hoodies
icustomnewpark · 1 year
Buy Your Own New Year Hoodies & Customized T-Shirt from iCustom Newpark
Welcome the new year in style😎😉! We have the perfect hoodie🧥 and polo T-shirt👕 for you from iCustom Newpark🎁. Choose from a wide range of designs🌈 and colors to create the perfect_hoodie and polo_t_shirt that reflects your personal style😍😎. Visit us today for more details.😀 ⭐Same Day Pickup ✅No Minimum Order 😃Free Shipping Nationwide
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Buy Customized New Year Polo T-Shirt & Customized Hoodies from Custom Made Eastridge
Welcome the New Year in style😎😎! Design your own custom hoodies🧥 and t-shirts👕 with Custom Made Eastridge. Brighten up your wardrobe👕 with our range of designer clothing🌈😀 and choose from a selection of styles and colors😉😎 that suit you😀. Get started now!🎊🎉 ⭐Same Day Pickup ✅No Minimum Order 😃Free Shipping Nationwide
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w2soneshots · 3 months
Private -W2S
Words: 0.8k+
Warnings: eluding to sex happening.
In which you and Harry have a private but not secret relationship, then on his birthday you do something that makes the fans go crazy.
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Liked by wrotoshaw and 1,108,295 others
y/username: my week🩵 ps. thank you for an incredible night @taliamar🎤⭐️
taliamar: thanks for coming babe❤️
faithloisak: STUNNING
y/nfanpage21: harry in the 2nd and 4th pic!🥹🥹
user31479682: you know she's w2s's gf when she plays mario cart
user71542520: who’s jumper is that in the last pic?😉
Three years ago Harry followed me on instagram. He liked a few of my posts, I followed him back, he messaged me, we exchanged numbers, continued to text, then he eventually asked me on a date. 2 months later I was officially his girlfriend. We keep our relationship pretty private but everyone knows we're together. Sometimes I post something and his hands in the shot or I'm wearing one of his jumpers, the fans go crazy. If he's on a side cast and they're talking about their weeks he always refers to me as his girlfriend: "my girlfriend got me this." "my girlfriend said that,"
Today it's Harry's birthday. I organised a meal out with all of our friends for later and last night, after he went to sleep I decorated the apartment with balloons, laid his presents out on the table (which I also decorated) and placed his cake at the back of the fridge. Once I was finished I crawled back into bed.
"Morning." I heard Harry croak from beside me. I turned excitedly towards him. "Morning, birthday boy!" He groaned "how long have you been awake?" I huffed out a laugh "like an hour, or something." Harry chuckled. "I love you so much." He said with his eyes locked on mine. "I love you too. Now come on, I wanna show you what I got you!" I said jumping out of the bed and attempting to pull Harry out with me.
We don't usually go crazy with presents since most things we would just buy anyway. So I decided to book us a 10 day holiday to the Maldives, making sure to organise it with the boys so he had time off. Along with some new golf stuff, a childish hoodie, new balance and a custom dartboard for his office. He seemed very pleased with his presents and was so excited to spend over a week on a hot island with me.
We had some breakfast/lunch and FaceTimed Harry's family before we needed to get ready for dinner. We had a shower then I dried and straightened my hair, put on some makeup and got dressed into a pair of blue jeans, a cute white top and some matching white heels, along with my Dior bag. Harry was dressed and ready hours before I was so sat on the couch until I was finished. I quickly sprayed myself with my favourite perfume, applied some lipgloss then left the bedroom. "I'm ready!" I said with a twirl. Harry laughed "you look amazing." I smiled "and you look handsome." I said with a smile. He blushed. On our way out I quickly grabbed the white box (containing the cake) out of the fridge.
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Liked by taliamar and 902,187 others
y/username: making him take pics of me on his birthday🫣
faithlouisak: Omg get in my bed
-> y/username: will do😉
mollymae: 😍❤️
y/nfanpage21: THE CAPTION AHHHH
user29473168: loveee this fit!!!
After I made Harry take pictures of me outside our apartment, we got an uber to the restaurant. We were obviously the first ones there and were quickly taken to a long table that had silver balloons on strings floating in the middle (as per my request). Everyone soon began arriving. First was JJ, then Ethan and Faith, followed by Freezy, Callux, Vik, Simon and Talia, Tobi, Josh and Freya and lastly Theo. Once everyone was seated we ordered our food and began chatting.
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y/username just posted a new story!
Since we've been together nether me nor Harry have ever posted each other's face. But I'd took a cute picture of him at dinner so just decided to post it to my story, not before asking Harry if it was alright of course. The fans immediately started going crazy, twitter, insta, TikTok, they were all full of people talking about it. Me and Harry lay comfortably in our bed, laughing while scrolling through twitter and reading the comments of a repost of my story.
"Thank you for today." Harry whispered. I turned my head towards him "you're so welcome, I'm glad you enjoyed it." I replied. "You know what would make this birthday even better?" He said with a raised brow. I chuckled "alright then. If that's what it takes." I shrugged my shoulders at the end. Harry smirked, then grabbed my thigh and brought it over him so I was sat on his lap. "This seriously is the best birthday ever."
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thisismeracing · 5 months
bono!reader head-canons (pt. 4) (glad yall like this insanity)
constantly falls asleep w/out taking her earrings out. whether it be when taking a nap or falling asleep while working in bed those earrings are staying in. so mick has taken up the mantle of taking them out and putting them back in her jewelry box
had those glow in the dark stick on stars on her childhood bedroom ceiling and maybe she still does in her grown up bedroom that she shares with mick
gets a cartilage piercing on the ear that doesn't have her piercings dedicated to working for merc. and the jewelry that she puts in it is a small “47” stud that she got custom made. her piercings represent her biggest achievements in life and her being able to let herself be loved and be in love took a lot of work to get to, so it absolutely gets acknowledged in what she considers to be an achievement
calls james allison “allie” because when she says james she means vowles, and when james a. came to merc in 2017 she needed a way to differentiate the james’.
has an orange cat [purely based of this tt: https://www.tiktok.com/@mildwestsami/video/7136290369683131690] im leaning towards either diesel or luna for the name, but i can be persuaded into considering other ones. those are just the two that seem the most fitting atm
carries her cat like a baby and buys mini furniture for said baby
i think it would be funny if this cat was a stray that was roaming around a gp and she decided to adopt them after checking if they had a microchip and owners
steals micks hoodies/sweaters and they have a bartering system where if she wants one of mick’s newly purchased article of clothing she has to give him one of his old ones back to secure the new one. great economically for her, not so much for this boy
pulls mick in by his belt loops when she wants him close to her
loves being close enough to her lover that she can feel and hear the rhythms of his breathes
having her head resting on top of her papa’s chest where his heart is, listening to the beats of his heart will, without fail, soothe her. it started when she was a smol babe but just because she’s a grown up now doesn’t mean that it wont work
her team headset is covered in small stickers around the merc logo
ok so the jewelry she has in her first cartilage piercing she got for being hired at merc is this [https://www.etsy.com/listing/729980335/arrow-earringscartilage-earring-16g?click_key=198d47f7f1895e88c7eef3638427353c6eef89af%3A729980335&click_sum=65e3a9a5&ref=user_profile&pro=1&frs=1]
has a guest room just for her in certain team members houses [lew, the wolffs, james v,]
i could also see drivers having a room for her (seb, kimi, jense, nando)
constantly tries to persuade (poach) hannah schmitz from working at rb to merc
i could see her meshing well with oscar
her first australian gp she got gifted a small koala plush from one of the drivers (im leaning towards michael) and for the years following it’s been a tradition for all of the drivers who wanted to participate to nominate and vote who would get her a new plush to add to the collection. the only rules being it has to be a koala and it cant be one she has already gotten in years past. best believe there have been fights for the privilege of being the koala giver
[and with that i will end this segment of head-canons, yes i breached the second google doc page again i dont want to talk about it]
happy new year and i can't wait for the 2024 season to start so i will grace the inbox with more bon
(also yes i know this isnt in the usual bulleted list format that i usually do for these hcs but i dont have the patience to re-format this ask on my phone cause tumblr decided to delete my bullet points)
omg yes to everything sagksjgksdjg I won't even add, just appreciate this whole ass headcanon <3
tiktok link (it says unavailable for me :/)
i think it would be funny if this cat was a stray that was roaming around a gp and she decided to adopt them after checking if they had a microchip and owners // like corinna did w a dog during the Brazilian gp *crying into my hands*
piercing link
*virtual hug* its perfect
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forgottenfuturist · 5 months
Review of the Star Trek: Picard Starfleet Field Jacket from New American Jackets
I wanted to give a review of the Starfleet field jacket that I got recently from New American Jackets. It's listed at $159; I used a coupon code to get $20 off, but I paid an extra $40 for the custom sizing option, so I ended up paying $179 altogether.
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Overall the quality is very good. The shell is real leather and the shoulder panels are a darker burgundy, not the brighter red I've seen on some versions including the much more expensive one from Volante. It's not 100% screen-accurate (most notably, it's missing the little flap that covers the bottom zipper closure) but for the price I really have no complaints.
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My one quibble is with the length; I would've preferred it to be an inch or so longer than my T-shirt, but that's just the way that this particular jacket is cut. However, the sleeve length and fit across the shoulders is perfect, and it's roomy enough to wear a full-zip hoodie underneath.
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The rank pips are real metal and permanently attached. I would’ve preferred it with no pips, but that wasn't an option.
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The lining is very thin, as you can see when you shine a bright light through the perforated sections. But that suits me fine, since I live in Florida and a heavier jacket would be unwearable on all but the very coldest one or two days of the year.
Overall this was a good buy. If you want a super high-quality, screen-accurate version you could pick up the Excellent Leather Shop version for $385
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kuruchyo · 1 year
just a little post about my oc "Sweetheart" from STNAF
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the post will contain also the interaction she has with Friend , cause I think it can be interesting
okey let's start
Basic information :
-Name: 7̴̥̙͚̳̯̮̦͋̏͌̿̆̐̐͌́̽̉͜͠€̶̡̨̛̹̭̭̹̮̔͑̈̇̀̑̀͑͂͝͝3̶̤̈̑̓̄͊͌͒̆̚͘!̷̢̛͇͚̩͕̍̐͜͠,̸͉̦̼̩̉̄̀͐̽̈́͊̀̄̍̓̽̿͆͠ Ashley-
-Age : between 20-30
-Pronounce : she/her/hers
-sexuality : demisexual/straight
-hight: 5'2 (1m54)
-Nicknames : Sweethear/Sunshine
The Character in general :
-Ashley is not an introverted person and neither an extraverted, she is what we can call an ambivert. She likes staying at home and be alone but also likes hanging out with Friend and never had any problems to fit in in a new social group for exemple ( fun fact: when she has to call someone that she is not really close with or not close at all she always wish they don't pick up cause she HATES talking trought the phone...even taugh if u see her speaking on the phone she looks like an extroverted person )
-How ever Asley doesn't have alot of confidence, sometimes she need someone to push her to do something that she think that she can't do it...Most of the time it's Friend who does this job 🗿
-Her fav hobby is drawing, she does comissions when she can and is studying in an art school. How ever...She actually likes everything when it comes to art, when she buys a new clothe or find an old one that still suits her she likes to custome it by sewing a little ( the white hoodie she is wearing is a good exemple, she actually sewed the rabbit's ears and tail on it ) she is not as good as Friend but she definetly learned some technics from watching him doing his crafts. She likes to do guitar/sing etc...in short: she is a really creative human been
Interaction with others:
-Most of people who worked with her or talked with her once, always finded her sweet and pretty gentle, she doesn't like to bother people in general
-Ashley is that type of person who doesn't like to see people sad or in a struggle ( exemple : when she seens a homeless person if she has money on her she always makes sure to give some money or buy something to eat/ clothes for them ) unfortunatly some people took advantages from this kindness in the past, she tries to be a little but more careful now
she has: 2 big brothers, one little sister and a mom with a dad.
Ashley's family is pretty supportive and extremely kind, one of her big brother work in the army so she doesn't sees him often and the other work abroad so she doesn't sees him neither very much
( 1. fun fact : Ashley's mom really likes Friend she thinks that he is a good boy/ same for her father )
( 2.fun fact : Ashley is adopted, and she knows it from the begening cause she has been adopted at the age of 6 )
-her family live in the countryside, they kinda also have a couple of animals
-her familly calls her "sunshine" cause she's always smiling and laughing around, her smile and laughing are kinda contagious
Interaction with Friend as a childhood friend:
-Ashley is really kind with Friend, believe it or not but she is a grimlin just like him and likes to put up some harmless pranks on him from time to time.
-She doesn't mind Friend calling her "Sweetheart"in fact she find this nickname kinda cute and she trust him fully so...
-She doesn't like it when Friend buys her expensive things or anythings in general, she always feels bad for not always paying him back for everythings that he buyed for her
-Like we saw she likes observing Friend when he is focussed on his work, sometimes when she has the courage (rarely) she asks Friend some tips/ She also draw some plushy sketchs to gave him some ideas if he need some
Interaction with Friend as a Partner:
-So...let's start with HORNYNESS....Welp...sorry to dissapoint you but Ashley is not a horny person at all 😂😭. How ever...after maybe a year of dating ? she will started to get a little bit more confturbal with this kind of stuff, so to be honest Friend just need to be passiant-
-She likes giving/resiving hugs, kisses to/from Friend ( even thaugh this dude goes complitly numb when he is the one reseving 🗿 )
-She doesn't like it when Friend tries to do everything, she believes that being in a relationship is like working as a team, that's what she always says to him
- when it come to angst: When she notice that Friend is sad or anything like that, just like him she tries to be as understanable as possible and always tries her best to rassure him or to talk about if he want to.
-Ashley never had been scared or angry at Friend ...Even when he had those snaping moments and where he destroyed everything around, she knows that he will never hurt her. For her Friend is a human being just like her so she doesn't has anything to be scared of right ?...
-to show her affection, she likes contact but also giving affection trough words or buying/crafting/drawings/writting etc...things to Friend when she can
-her eyes are not brown, their real colors are a deep blue/green. the Brown is just colored lenses, she wears them for a specific reason ( no she does't have any power or have a complex with it...it's a little bit more complicated then that...)
-"Ashley" is not her real name...well at list it's not her first name ( no she is not trans )
-She actually has a trauma that she never mentionned to Friend and that only her parents know about, it's probable the only thing that Friend doesn't know about her
-Ashley is not born in an english country, in fact she is born in France and lived there for a couple of years, if you listen to her closely you would notice her accent
- she can speak : English/French/Turkish/Germanise
-she is claustrophobic for a reason...
Thank you for reading if you made it up here and sorry if I've done some grammar mistakes or typos ! 😭
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blasphemousxo · 5 months
For as long as I could remember I had a companion named Baby. She was a teddy bear I got a baby from Osh Kosh B’Gosh. She was white and baby blue pinstriped with a baby blue bow around her neck and on her chest was an embroidered heart that was also baby blue. She was my best friend, I didn’t have very many friends growing up. Probably about 2 or 3 friends. But I had Baby. She went with me everywhere, grandmas house, my dad’s house on the weekends, all the trips my grandparents would take me on. I even would sneak her to school in my backpack. I remember every detail about her. I remember the small tear under one of her arms, the hole in her throat that I believe my grandma patched up for me, and the small glue spot on top of her head. No other toy I connected with so much.
Then one day in July when I was 11, she went missing. We figured I must have dropped her leaving our apartment to go to my grandmas one night. I made missing posters that I hung around my grandmas. My grandma even went dumpster diving at our apartment complex to try and find her. But she was never found. We moved shortly after too. The hope of finding her tucked in a box eventually faded and I accepted she wasn’t coming back. To this day I get misty eyed talking about her.
I spent many, many years searching for a companion like her again. I carried a bear named Buttons that my great grandma gave me. Then it was a Jack Skellington plush doll I got at Disney world. Then a panda my high school girlfriend gave me. But none of them clicked like Baby. When I eventually started making my own money, I really began searching. Buying bears, a lot of the time from Build a Bear, hoping to find the one.
When I was 24 I had that desire came up while I was at work. So in desperation, I went to my local build a bear after work, just to see if I could find someone. They didn’t have anything new, it was December so no real good releases. I spotted the Timeless Teddy, I never liked how they looked on the website but seeing it in person stuffed I thought, I’ll give it a chance. So I picked up my skin and picked out the birthday cake scent and built the bear.
I named him Boris after the line in The Monster Mash, “when you get to my door tell them Boris sent you,” a reference of course to Boris Karloff the original actor for Frankenstein’s monster. I didn’t dress him at first until I ordered a custom Good Guy doll outfit for build a bears. After that, I loved dressing him up in different outfits. Usually he’s in a hoodie or sweater and jeans though. And something just clicked inside me with Boris. After I got him I’d still have the yearning for my companion and buy bears but I always came back to Boris. Even with the new friends I’d get, Boris was still with me. Eventually that desire faded because I realized I found what I was looking for.
He was there for me through some very tough times. He was there while I lived with my abusive ex boyfriend. He was there during my many “grippy sock vacations.” I even sobbed and called my mom when a nurse took him away from me during one of those hospital stays. He knows more about me than anyone. I love everything about him; his matted fur that shows how much love I’ve poured into him, his crooked eyes that I didn’t notice until his fur matted, the comforting way he smells that I can’t tell is from the love I’ve given him or the birthday cake scent still hanging in there or a mix of the two. Even the matted Sherpa fur feels comforting when I rub his little ears or hands.
I still buy bears not in an effort to find a companion though, but because I want them. But most of them I would be fine if I sold or game away or ended up losing somehow. Except Boris. I would be devastated if I lost him. He’s my soul-bear.
I still think of Baby a lot. I know I can never get her back or get back what I had with her. But I can’t help but think maybe she came back to me in a way with Boris. That maybe she led me to him that day. Which I’m sure sounds very silly because these are stuffed animals I’m talking about. But I do believe there’s nothing more powerful than a well loved stuffed animal. Simply from all the love that gets put into them, you bring them to life with that love.
I’m not sure how to end this, I just wanted to share my little story about the bears I love. I hope this resonated with someone at least.
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valpoupdates · 3 months
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So much to see, so much to do, so little time ! Lucky for you, here in the Valparaíso Region, we keep track of it just for you ! Unless stated otherwise, these activities are optional. Residents do not have to take part in these if they don't wish to ! These can be used for threads throughout the month but new threads can't be started for these activities once the month is up. Please track the valpocalendar tag to stay updated month to month ( ©️ )
Casablanca Activities
April 1st-30th: Solace Spa has added 1 eyelash esthetician and 1 nail art specialist to the Solace family!  As they get their footing and settle into their new positions, they will be offering their services at a discounted price for the entire month.  Don’t be fooled though; they both have extensive experience, wonderful customer service, and quality results.  Please contact the front desk to make a reservation: +56 312-209-XXXX.
April 3rd: Agustín’s Jazz Lounge is offering a free small group class for first time clients to dip their toes in the water and learn the basics of that instrument you’ve always wanted to learn.  The groups will be for 2-5 students for 1 hour, allowing for personalized, one-on-one attention.  The free trial class schedule is as follows:
7 PM: Guitar lessons; bass lessons. 8 PM: Piano lessons; harp lessons. 9 PM: Violin lessons; cello lessons.
April 14th: Little Leaves Tea House is hosting an Attack On Titan pop-up shop!  The entire cafe will be transformed and decorated as though it were a tavern in Paradis Island; merchandise (keychains, hoodies, mugs, notebooks, etc.) will be sold; the drinks will be themed; and there will be plenty of photo opportunities.
Quilpué Activities
April 6th: El Jardín will be hosting an Intro to Vegetable Gardening on Saturday from 8:30 AM - 11:30 AM, hosted by Dra. Florencia Gomez, author of several best-selling and insightful books on the topic: Huerto Ecológico and El Alma en Jardinería.  Come learn how you can start your own garden even if you don’t have a backyard.  Tips, tricks, and goodie bags will be provided.  Please come in clothes you don’t mind getting dirty.
April 8th: Quilpué Zoo celebrates National Zoo Lovers Day with free general admission!  There will be a special coloring book pdf that you can download on the Quilpué Zoo website, as well as a special National Zoo Lovers Day merchandise that you can buy in the gift shop.
April 7th-13th: Welcome to Quilpué’s Restaurant Week!  For one week, many restaurants in Quilpué will be offering a special and discounted menu.  Participating restaurants will be donating all proceeds from the special menu to the local food bank.  This week-long event is both a foodie’s dream and a large charity event.  Not every restaurant is participating, so make sure you check valparaisofoodbank.cl for more details.
April 23rd-25th: Plaza de Sol is having a Summer’s End Sale!  Take an additional 20-40% off on top of sales and discounted pricing on participating shops.  If you’re looking to prepare an outfit or house decor for next year’s summer with prices that won’t break the bank, or if you’re looking to get a head start on autumn trends, you’ll be sure to find it at Plaza de Sol, Quilpué’s largest mall.
Valparaíso Activities
April 5th: Fish Frenzy Aquarium will be hosting a re-enactment of Finding Nemo using boat puppets from 11 AM - 2 PM!  Does your child like fish?  Do they like boats?  Do they like Pixar Movies?  If so, they’ll love this event, where all three will be combined in a fintastic way!
April 18th: Valparaíso Centro Médico is looking for volunteers to help the prospective graduating class of 2024.  Volunteers are needed to pretend to be patient cases for medical school students.  You will be given a list of symptoms and some helpful dialogue to assist you in acting as a patient for the students to interact with and diagnoses.  Lunch will be provided for volunteers.  If you’re a medical student and you’re interested in participating in this practice session, please contact us at volunter_vcm.cl.  The practice will start 1 PM - 4 PM, but volunteers are to arrive at 12 PM.
April 20th-21st: The local Valparaíso Animal Shelter is partnering with Biblioteca Santiago Severín for an adoption weekend!  For Saturday and Sunday, from 10 AM - 3 PM, the animal shelter will bring their cats and dogs and have tents and tables set up outside of the library.  All animals will be named after famous poets and authors, and all will be adoptable.  Come meet your new best friend!
April 29th: Candlelight Concert: The Best of Hans Zimmer—the performance will be held at Parque Cultural de Valparaíso from 9 PM - 10 PM. The Candlelight Concerts bring the magic of a live, multi-sensory musical experience to awe-inspiring locations.  Bring your partner or a loved one and come listen to a beautiful melody of Hans Zimmer’s greatest works and bask in the glow of soft candlelight.
Viña del Mar Activities
April 1st: Club Divine is hosting a stand-up comedy night! From 8 PM - 9 PM, there is a lineup of local LGBTQIA+ comedians performing their sets for 10-15 minutes each. Each performer’s favorite drink will be provided and discounted at the bar for the night.
April 7th: The Parque Nacional La Campana is working with the Humanities Department of the Universidad de Bellas Artes to give you the opportunity to take your creativity outdoors with their newest event, Nature Journaling!  From 9 AM - 2 PM, you’ll meet up with like-minded individuals, guided by both artists and park rangers to combine creative writing, art, biology, and nature.  Please dress appropriately for hiking.  You are welcome to bring your own supplies, but simple paper, pencils, and color pencils will be provided. 
April 26th: The Golden Beach Street is hosting their annual Summer’s End Bonfire.  From 8 PM - 11 PM, bonfires will be lit on several beaches (Playa Acapollo, Playa El Sol, Playa Blanca, to name a few ) to celebrate the end of the summer and to welcome in the autumn and its bright colors and cooler air.  Participating restaurants may give discounts during this time, and fireworks will be lit at the end of the night.
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savepc2023 · 1 year
What would your PCs dress up as for Halloween? I have Halloween fever and I need to know! Especially cause there are limits to what you can wear as a costume!
So if we're going by the costumes in game:
Angel would be wearing the monster hoodie and pulling the hood up before screaming at random people on the streets🗿 no one is scared 🗿maybe bc they do this every year🗿🗿🗿
Brynn would be wearing the maid dress😮‍💨 he'd wear the nurse costume if it wasn't as bright, he prefers pale and soft colors. Or just black and white lmao. He's more about getting more PPL horny than having fun himself. Gotta get that money.
Caelan would wear the classic gothic gown bc it's Caelan and they'll settle for nothing that doesn't look like they're in a formal gathering.
Angel would go as a literal angel bruh. There's fake wings(God knows where she got them from) a head piece, a flowy ass dress. She'd walk barefoot but that wouldn't be pleasant so they're wearing sandals. Got specks of gold on his face(it's literally glitter gel pen💀😭). Got flower bracelets and shit.
Brynn would be a bunny🗿😮‍💨. Yk those bunny suits🗿 yeah. Still all about getting customers than actually enjoying the costume himself but he does like it. Got fluffy ears and a fluffy tail. His ASS IS STICKING OUT
Caelan is a vampire. They're actually the first one i got an idea for bc it was just so easy💀😭 They don't do much, just put on fake fangs and some fake blood dripping from their mouth. Maybe splatter some of that fake blood onto their clothes(they're cringing the whole time bc they don't wanna buy a new outfit but they also don't like dirtying their clothes like that) Theyd ditch the glasses but they still have to work so they can't be blind for that. They smile a bit more on the job just so their teeth are visible. Gets more customers for some reason💀
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teecupangel · 2 years
I got a bit sucked in by Valhalla, so radio silent, but now that I am here consider this: Reda barely aged from Origins till Valhalla. It's quite probable he lived till Desmond's time. So make it like this: somehow, each time runaway Desmond finds a job, it's under Reda's network. Bad Weather is when he got to meet the boss ne hever knew. But! Reda's been hanging around Brotherhood enough, Desmond still got training all these years, playing errand boy
Did you do the final chapter? (And seen Roshan?)
Desmond's idea of what is normal in this world is so skewered by his upbringing and the people he met on his way to New York (hell, he even worked for a kid younger than him called Bugs who he's pretty sure was the mastermind behind at least 2 unsolved gang related murders) so he didn't even blink when the boss of Bad Weather turns out to be a kid too.
The kid got him an apartment (small, sure, but it's just him anyway) and a good enough salary that he can pay for all his monthly expenses and have a bit to save up or buy something nice.
His job as a bartender is nice too. He learns early on that smiling and listening to the customers give him tips too.
So what if his boss called him on his day off once to get something from an 'acquaintance' of his? Desmond doesn't have anything to do anyway. Maybe he'll get groceries along the way.
The man he took the package from is skittish and asked if he had been followed? Ah. Probably drugs. Desmond heard that does shit to people. He's not gonna judge though so he just takes the package and goes on his merry way.
Something's wrong.
He can feel it.
Someone's following him...
His dad?
He's felt this before.
This has happened before in all his other jobs.
It only means someone must have recognized him.
That's fine.
Desmond still remembers how to shake them off.
Quickly turning the corner, stepping into the shadows, waiting for them to pass.
Ah. Another black-suited dude?
Desmond's seen the movies. They're some government dudes who does shady stuff.
Oh well. They don't see him and he goes the other way.
His boss thanks him and gives him a hundred for his trouble. Desmond gets to make homemade hamburgers (from a secondhand cookbook he bought a month ago) tonight with an extra serving of potato salad because the grocery had a half-off sale for potatoes when he did his groceries on his way home.
After that, his boss would sometimes give him easy jobs every day that he can do on his way to work. Usually picking a package on his way to work for his boss. Sometimes, he'll use the company car (they have a company car???) to drive someone to a bus or train station.
During his day off, his boss would text him if he could do him a favor. Most of the time, Desmond says yes because he lives a lonely sad life.
Corraling wild dogs for a 'friend' of his boss? Yeah, sure, why not? Hell, if he could, he would have adopted one of them.
Helping someone leave their abusive partner? Desmond didn't mind getting his hands dirty and punching the dirtbag when he tried to stop them.
Taking back a stolen laptop? The guys holding it were obviously gang members and no one saw Desmond get in and out using the ceiling window of the warehouse they were in.
His boss even showed him the weird stuff he's been collecting over the years and told Desmond he could have any of them... for a price.
The price was too steep at times but there's a plain white hoodie that was light and soft which was pretty cheap (compared to the other... is that an armor???).
Oooohhh. Those boots look nice. Desmond will save up for that one.
(Desmond gets turned into a live service player with a daily/weekly mission and he doesn't even realize it)
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hornygamesonmain · 1 year
Quickie: A Love Hotel Story
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It would be easy to take a look at Quickie: A Love Hotel Story and file it away as a pretty, sexy, hotel/dating sim that's just good for some anime-style smut, which, for the record, it definitely delivers. What I wasn't expecting was an emotionally engaging story with well developed characters and mature storytelling, all built around a surprisingly fun and easy strategy mini-game.
Steam Release: December 2021 Developer: Oppai Games Playable On: Steam, with an additional Patreon Release Rated: M 🌶🌶🌶 - explicit animated sex scenes, mature themes, etc. A management sim in the style of Fallout: Shelter, you build and expand your sex-hotel empire trying to get as many customers as possible through the door, all while making sure they have everything they need to fulfill their many and varied sexual whims. From there you take their money and funnel it into more sex hotels across Tokyo, buying gifts for your girlfriends, who you can then take to your new and expanded sex hotels. The cycle of capitalism continues!
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When you're not learning everything there is to know about the hospitality industry, you're going to college (like, once or twice, technically), and hanging out with various friends, acquaintances, and inappropriate hook ups all around Tokyo, playing games and getting to know each one so that they'll have sex with and/or fall in love with you.
Quickie manages to include a variety of different stories to scratch a variety of different itches, each character having their own unique backgrounds and desires. If you're not into hot professor stories, great not a problem. If you're a fan of friends-to-lovers and want to stay in that lane, you've got a couple of options. And of course, there's plenty of smut, including a handful of non-cannon scenes available through the love hotel, just in case you weren't finding exactly what you were looking for.
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The game is definitely still in Alpha, with a bunch of content still unfinished and the occasional weird bug, but overall I left super excited to check back in a year and see how much progress has been added.
Final Score: 15/10 Robot Vacuums
Bonus: Oppai Games has some super adorable merch? I'll be honest, I've never been more tempted to rock a sex-game studio's adorable pink hoodie. There's also a cute Satomi body pillow if you're into that, but I'm holding out for my girl Aria. <3
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isolatedlight · 2 years
autumn + Peter Parker
Your favourite things to do with Peter in the autumn/fall...
watching the leaves fall...
he loves to sit on the fire escape, by the window or even in a quiet park with you watching as the leaves change colours and fall from the leaves. He always picks a tree-ful park so he can watch for hours, sharing an earphone or telling each other stories.
hot cocoa...
in the autumn you both make the switch around 2pm for cocoa instead of coffee. He thinks you make the BEST hot cocoa when really you just follow the recipe on the back of the container and add a sprinkle of cinnamon.
pumpkin picking...
every october when the orchards are ready Peter drags you out to the nearest farm to pick out the perfect pumpkins. He hardly carves them, if he does he doesn't do it until the day before halloween but he always picks out little ones to decorate the apartment.
halloween movies...
while it isn't his favourite holiday he will admit that the halloween movies are superior. Every weekend you spend watch 1-4 movies prepping for the trick or treaters and the overall spooky vibes of the season.
cuddling up...
with the weather chilling Peter is three times as excited to spend time snuggled up on the couch or in bed. Weather just sharing the same blanket on the couch or close enough your eye lashes almost touch he loves it.
Peter loves the rainy weather. he doesn't find it cold or depressing, he actually finds it the opposite. Every rainy day Peter is in a fantastic mood and insists on walking every, even if it's just a little bit too far.
pumpkin spice...
Just like every other white girl in the world Peter loves pumpkin spice. Pumpkin pie, cookies, lattes, coffee creamer, soda, whatever he can find he will try. And he will never admit that it's disgusting - even if it sits in the fridge for 6 months before he lets you throw it out.
the kid wears sweaters all the time. From hoodies, to vests to knit he loves them all. So when the weather finally chills off enough that he can wear them all day every day he jumps to it. He even buys himself one new sweater every year just to prep for fall.
warm home cooked meals...
even though the two of you cook dinner every day, spare the odd few days soup season is his favourite season. soup and biscuit is one of his favourite meals, and as the weather chills you have more soups, pastas and generally warm meals. he can't get enough of it.
once you begin having children Peter starts looking for family halloween costumes in august. If he can't find the custom, he will make his own and it will be fantastic. From winnie the pooh to lilo and stitch, to stupid sciencey jokes he would be all over it.
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bjdlog · 1 year
Not sure if I mentioned (but probably not)
I'm still waiting on Jinx and still excited but I also found the perfect sculpt for....
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So I was looking on Insta and I realized the Doll in Mind Sweet Aria sculpt fits nearly perfectly!! I made a set of photos collected from Instagram comparing them and so basically once I buy this one art thing I've been saving for, and then a new laptop, and if Jinx isn't here to spoil by then... well having a tiny Powder to be cute for photoshoots and sometimes sad (and in some cases with Jinx when she arrives).... that would be so sweet!!
So apparently there's a WTB on DoA for her(Aria) already offering more than I had thought to before I looked... so it may be a bit, but after this I'm planning on focusing on my current dolls anyway (such as Vriska), to be honest after Powder I'm done with new dolls for a bit. Even if others look cute. It's been so long with being too busy for doll stuff so I'm planning to go all out in crafting when I can! What with making Vriska's God Tier hoodie and a crop top to match, whatever Jinx needs (I want to try a yarn wig with a brushed out fringe and braided yarn ... braids), and spoiling Laika (It's about time! She got new shoes in a care package and now I want to get her some actual nice clothes that aren't 10 years old- though she has some stuff already I got custom from I-forget-where-and-I-need-to-check.
Seriously, I know it seems out of nowhere that I got inspired for Powder, but I'm confident that I can stick with my current group of dolls once she and Jinx come home. And that's exciting!
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This is the first chapter to a book I've got posted elsewhere. It was originally requested 2 years ago but I liked it a lot and decided to make it a book :3
Today's been so boring.. I swear I'll die from just boredom. It's an annoying day. Nothing's happening here in the shop. No customers, no more of us 'tinies' being bought. I guess that's a good thing.. But the easiest way to escape is to be bought. This place is stupid. I wish I could just get out of here.. Not just myself but my distant pals. The ones on the shelves beside mine. Ging and Kila. They are my neighbors and my absolutely crazy friends. Though we may never meet face to face and only rely on voices, I'd say we like family. Always coming up with plans to get out of here and running free in the world again. Well. I guess that's all I have to write today. Time to sit around and wait for the place to close for the night.
  ~ logged on a day, sometime in the year. I don't give a crap.
  I heaved a sigh, popped my journal into my small pack, and leaned against the back of the cage wall. Such a boring day. There were, like, three people that actually came to the shop today. They didn't even buy anything, instead, they just looked around. Why can't they just close now? Ain't nobody coming this late in the day.
  Would it really matter if anyone did anyway? Sure, they'd look around and whatever, but it's so doubtful that anyone is going to buy scrawny little tiny people anymore unless it's for some stupid kid that'll pull you limb from limb because it thinks you're a flipping doll. What kind of psychopathic generation is being raised? Somebody needs to teach discipline.
  My thoughts sure are productive today. Thinking about kids again. Just what I needed.
  Slowly, I forced myself to stand and hobble over to the glass pane that let me stare out into the 'amazing' shop I was trapped in. I stopped directly in front of the clear wall, pressing my face up against it as if it proved how devastatingly bored I was.
  I've lived here for about 11 months now and have grown completely neutral to this place. The employees find me as a 'handful' apparently. Probably because I've been bought and returned many, many times. It's definitely because of my strategy. Depending on the person that 'adopts' me, I refuse to talk or I'll talk to them all the time without shutting up. Course it's dangerous and I do indeed have scars from over-tempered people. It's so very easy to make people annoyed.
Though I would say I'm lucky to never have had to deal with a kid. So far, I haven't come up with any strategies for those vermin. I'd rather eat a rat leg than get trapped in a room with a kid.
  Heaving another exaggerated sigh, I pulled my face away from the glass and tottered to my little endearing house. I dusted a pile of shavings to heap on one side of me before plopping down on the cold metal. Maybe I could attempt to draw again. I'm not great at it.. but practice makes perfect, right?
  Hesitantly, I reached for my pack and pulled out my notebook. Sure. It was a journal, but I had nothing else to use. Plus, the semi-straight lines worked like a grid of sorts, and, just like that, I peeped my head out the front of my 'castle' and began to draw what I saw.
  Though the drawings were absolutely horrific, I managed to get a shelf, the cashier, the rack next to the door, and a bit of the manager drawn before somebody walked in. Odd. A customer.
Closing my book and packing it away to safety, I glanced up at the clock. 6:55. Just about time to close and this.. weirdo decided to show up. Firstly, this guy wore those slick new 'airpod' things and extremely nice clothes, despite it being just a hoodie and jeans. His vibe was like one of those distinctive rich kids from the old t.v. reruns that played during lunch break.
  Even though it made no difference, I scoffed at the college kid. It didn't really matter and I could've cared less, but for some reason, this guy ticked me off. Yet.. I did begin to wonder what that kind of person would want from such a junky store like this one. Maybe supplies or something.
  Wrong. The next thing I knew, I was being taken away from my cage. To be fair, I should have been used to being handled by now, but no matter how much I've tried, I have just always hated it. Probably always will.
  My struggle was cut short as I was dropped into a small cardboard box. Of course, it was one of those awfully shaped ones and had holes poked through the sides, but it was still an awful place to be. A shaky sigh left me as I tried to convince myself that they were just cleaning the cage or something but then the lid was reopened and another borrower like myself was roughly dropped in.
Our eyes met and I could tell we were both confused. This was the first time I'd ever been so close to another of my species. Well, at least since I was stowed away in this store.
It was a young teen boy like myself, but he had red hair, freckles, bright green eyes, and a decent-ish style of clothes.
  "Who are you?" He asked. His voice quaked with fear, but I could still hear the familiarity in his voice. My 'neighbor' from the cage.. I could've easily been wrong, so I held back on calling him any name, instead, I inhaled a shaky breath.
  "I'm Reb. Reb Hilk. Who are-" Before I could even finish the question, he had already practically flung himself at me to get a hug which I returned.
  "It's me, Ging! I can't believe it's really you!! I never thought we'd ever see each other.." His voice cracked, taking me aback at his sudden vulnerability.
  "Neither did I.."
  The moment was interrupted as the box shifted roughly before being opened again. Two more tinies were put in. At first, I had figured that was all of us that were going to be taken, but pretty soon there were roughly eleven of us all together, huddling in groups. Most were terrified, but some were curious, looking out the holes.
  A part of my protectiveness kicked in and I began to pace. This situation had suddenly become much more worrisome. Where were we going? Were more of us going to all get crammed together? There were too many questions and nowhere to get any answers. All I knew is that we had to stick together and figure it out, otherwise we might lose each other.
  The movement continued, shifting from being abrupt to absolutely nothing. What was happening? Were we being bought? Was the store shutting down? Were we going to be.. exterminated?
  I shook my head at the last awful thought. That couldn't have possibly been what was happening. Right..?
  Another shaky sigh escaped my throat as I joined a small group that were huddled together and Ging followed suit. In all my years of living, I had never seen such fear-stricken faces. It panged my heart, but the only thing I could do was comfort. For the first time, I felt helpless.
  In an attempt to locate where we were going, I glanced towards the holes. It didn't help much since the sun had set completely. Of course it had. Lovely.
  Soon enough, after waiting in the dark for roughly twenty minutes, there was suddenly a lot of noise followed by a lot of movement. The box was lifted, a little too fast, and was carried somewhere else.
  As if thinking the same thing, none of us made a single noise, allowing the fear levels to rise again. That's when it dawned on me. Kila, my other neighbor, wasn't with us. Was she not taken? Maybe that was a good thing..
  Then, after what felt like an eternity, the box was set on a table of some sort and someone was messing with the box as if they had no idea how to open it. The tension rose and the silence became deafening. All I could do was hold my breath as the lid slowly fell open.
  Instead of being met face to face with a trash can, like I previously thought, we were greeted by the college kid. My fear was replaced with a sudden stubbornness. I couldn't help but glare up at him. Of course, it was him. He just had to take us away from where we were and no man in their right thoughts would buy so many tinies for pets. He must've had some other plan. Something much worse.
  Just as the guy reached his hand in to take some of us out, I quickly interfered by backhanding him as hard as I could on the finger. Surprisingly he backed off.
  "Fuck off." I growled. The look he gave me was utterly pitiful, but I didn't care. Protectively, I stood my ground in front of my kind, as a defender.
  There was such a cold silence I felt like I could hear the hair on my neck stand on end, but it didn't last long as someone else suddenly scooped the group up and out of the box from behind me. The fear seared through me as I spun around on my heels. It was such a swift motion, I tripped over my own legs.
  "Hey-" My voice was cut off as my chest collided against the ground, knocking the breath out of me. I could hear Ging calling for me, but I couldn't seem to catch my breath before I also was lifted out of the box.
  After I regained myself and thoughts in that small moment, I began to thrash around in the hands of my new captor. It was definitely the one who I just had a stare-down with.
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A Sense of Closure
December 17, 2022
Prompt - Home
Notes - Part two, baby! This part was originally something I planned on using as either the third part or a one-shot, but I changed the plot around to fit as a middle piece and it worked out pretty well. If you'd like to see the original plot, I would love to write it out after I'm done with my next project.
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Despite the many flights that Miles had been on going to and from New Hampshire where his nerves stayed minimal and he could get by with listening to music or watching a movie, the nearly three-hour flight to his hometown of Myrtle Beach had Miles worrying that he’d be scrubbing his lunch out of the expensively upholstered seats. Carrie’s words or reassurance did little to quell the rollercoaster of emotions inside of him, but the grip she had on his hand and the gentle circles she pressed into his skin distracted him at least a little. Every now and then, he would spare a glance at his siblings and their friend, watching the trio gab on and on about something he couldn’t hear over the plane’s engines and the thumping of his heart in his ears. As soon as the pilot announced they were landing in Myrtle Beach, time seemed to slow down for Miles. Why had he agreed to join them? Why did he think he would be able to do this? He wasn’t ready for this!
Autopilot kicked in and Miles followed everyone off the plane, taking his bag of things he didn’t even remember packing and making sure his brothers were following him before stepping out of the plane and onto the tarmac. The ride from the airport was spent listening to everyone else talk as Miles looked out the window, trying to pinpoint where they were in relation to their old house. The city he knew had changed drastically in the sixty years since he had last been there, but certain buildings looked familiar. As they pulled to a stop at a red light, Miles felt a tug on his hoodie that roused him from his thoughtless ride.
Royce released Miles’ shirt once his older brother turned to face him, a small smile appearing on the teenager’s face as he pointed at the small store on their left and said, “Look, it’s the Circle K you used to work at.”
Miles raised an eyebrow as he turned to look out the window next to Carrie, but sure enough, the little gas station was still there. It had certainly changed a bit - the building had gotten larger, the pumps had gone from two to four, and the price of gas per gallon had gone from thirty-one cents to almost three dollars, but Miles still remembered the days of him and his brothers hanging out behind the counter, getting their homework done and playing blackjack between customers. They would walk home with barely enough money to buy food for the night only to have it confiscated once they walked in the door. If they didn’t hand over the money, chances were Miles would have a black eye the next morning at work, telling the kind old man who ran the shop that he’d been roughed up by people on the way home.
“Can we stop for drinks?” Bentley asked, oblivious to Miles’ thought process.
“Sure,” Mack said with a smile, flicking on her blinker and pulling into the parking lot of the gas station once the line began moving. As soon as the car was parked and people began piling out, Miles slowly slid his way out of the car and sighed. They weren’t even a ten minute walk from their old house.
Vivien huffed as she leaned against the side of the car, pulling her hoodie off over her head and tying it around her waist. “This must be cool for you guys,” she said, turning to Miles with a grin. 
“How so?” he asked in return, faintly hoping he didn’t sound nearly as cold as he thought he did.
Vivien shrugged, “It must be nice to go back to a place you used to live and see how much has changed.”
Miles scanned the intersection as cars flew by in all directions, “Yeah, well, I don’t exactly remember this place all that fondly.” 
“Why not?” the girl asked. “I mean, it’s so close to the beach.”
Miles stilled, looking at the girl with an eyebrow raised. “Did the boys never tell you why we left?”
“Royce hardly ever talks about anything that happened before you guys moved,” Vivien replied with a small chuckle as she turned toward Miles. “I’ve always wondered, though. Why? What happened?”
Vivien’s cheerful gaze dropped as Miles said, “Our dad happened. He was a drunken asshole and we ran away to escape him.”
“Oh,” Vivien muttered, all semblance of curiosity withering away like the petals of a dying flower.
“We used to live just down the road,” Miles continued. “I worked here just to have money for food and lunch money and our dad would take it as soon as he knew I had money. He’d get wasted and throw punches like he was down at the bar.”
Vivien’s eyes widened as she softly asked, “He hit you guys?” 
Miles' nonchalant shrug told Vivien that it wasn’t an uncommon occurrence, “Mostly me. I know RJ said it happened to him after I left, but I doubt he ever hit Ben more than once if he ever did in the first place.”
As Vivien slouched against the car, her usually bright eyes glued to the ground, Miles was sure the conversation was over, but as soon as Royce came back to the car and was wrapped in a hug by his girlfriend, he asked his older brother, “What happened?”
With yet another nonchalant shrug, Miles said “We were talking about Dad, that’s all.”
Royce nodded and allowed Vivien to hold him close before whispering to her, “It’s alright.”
Vivien leaned back, taking Royce’s face in her hands before pressing her forehead to his, “He hit you guys. That’s not okay.”
“We’re not there anymore and he’s not around to bother us,” Royce replied. “We’re safe now.”
“He probably doesn’t even exist in this world,” Miles added with a shrug.
“Probably not,” Bentley said as he joined them. “I wonder if our old house is in this world.”
“One way to find out,” Vivien mentioned, pulling her phone out of the pocket of her jeans and unlocking it before opening her map. “What’s the address?” Pulling their old, Duffy Street address out of the deep recesses of their brains, the three Murphy brothers recited it in unison, allowing Vivien to type it in as everyone else came out to the car with snacks and drinks in hand. “This says that the address exists, but it doesn’t show what it looks like.”
“Really?” Bentley asked.
“What are you looking for?” Mick questioned.
“Our old place,” Royce answered. “Viv’s phone says that it’s still there.”
To Miles’ dismay, Brady suggested, “Why don’t we drive by and see if anything has changed? Hotel check-in isn’t until three and Vivien doesn’t have to meet her family at the rink for another hour or so.”
Bentley was quick to agree, making his two older brothers reluctantly agree to keep his excitement at bay. Once everyone was piled into the car, Miles gave the instructions as to how to get to their old house and, within a few minutes, they were stopped across the street from their old house. However, it looked different than any of them expected. Grass and weeds cracked through the walkway leading up to the front door, the numbers above the porch that used to showcase their address were long gone, and the once pristine, olive green paint that colored the house was faded and peeling away. Overall, it looked… abandoned.
Brady threw the car in park, allowing the brothers to file out of the car, staring at their old home in shock. Their parents, especially their mother, had designed the house and had it built before Miles was born and took care of it as though it was another one of their children up until their mom’s death. Even though they hadn’t had too many pleasant memories in the house after their dad’s personality did a one-eighty, it still hurt to see the building their mom loved so much looking so decrepit.
As a few of the others followed the brothers out of the car, they took in the crumbling foundation and the overall look of the house with worry. While it was true that the Murphy brothers hadn’t actually grown up in that specific house, the three pairs of eyes filled with sorrow were enough to make the others present feel just as remorseful. Oddly enough, Miles was the first to break away from the group, venturing across the empty street to the house he used to call home. Bentley latched onto Royce’s hand before dragging him across the street, Royce’s free hand taking hold of Vivien's sleeve as they walked.
While some of the others followed them to the house, Vivien’s gaze flickered over the dusty windows and weathered brickwork that formed the front porch. “It’s definitely abandoned,” she spoke as she stepped onto the porch behind the brothers.
Miles sighed, “I never thought I’d see it like this.”
Bentley attempted to peek into the house through the picture window next to the door, but the dust that had settled on the window mingled with the fact that the curtains were blocking any prospective peepers, he couldn’t see much of anything. “I can’t tell what it looks like inside.”
With a hum, Royce tapped a thoughtful finger to his lips, “I wonder if any of the windows are open. Maybe one of us could climb inside and unlock the door.”
As the three brothers began devising a plan to break into their family home, Vivien took one look at the front door and snickered, rolling her eyes as she tapped the flimsy, plastic, doggy door with the toe of her sneaker. “Rookies,” she sighed under her breath. Vivien pulled her hoodie away from her waist and knelt on the porch, placing her hoodie on the wooden floor just beyond the heavy, oak door before climbing inside the house through the significantly smaller, plastic door. Once Vivien was inside the house, she dusted herself off with a sigh, grabbing her hoodie from the floor and wrapping it around her waist once more before sparing a look around the house. 
Looking around the house was like stepping back in time. Vivien had only experienced the sixties over the last summer, but the furniture and overall aesthetic of the house made the brunette feel as though she had somehow stepped through a portal and ended up back in the beach-side, Florida town. Bright colors accented the otherwise cream-colored room, mid-century style decorations made the room feel dated but also welcoming, and hand-painted artwork still clinging to the walls by little pieces of tape and thumbtacks gave the house a lived-in feel, but the colder temperature and almost damp smell were an obvious tell that nobody had lived in the house in years, perhaps even decades.
Vivien’s nose crinkled as she looked around, but a thump on the door dragged her out of her thoughts. Twisting the deadbolt and unlocking the handle, Vivien pulled open the door and sent the three awaiting men a hesitant look. “This place was abandoned ages ago. Are you sure you want to come in?”
Bentley turned to Royce who, in turn, glanced at Miles. The oldest of the brothers took in a deep breath and nodded, “Let’s do it.”
With a small nod, Vivien held the door open and stepped aside, allowing the brothers into the old abode. Once everyone was inside, Vivien closed the door, watching as everyone seemed to linger in the living room. Bentley was the first to truly begin examining the house, pointing out how the house looked in comparison to how he’d last seen it. While Miles and Royce seemed more hesitant to explore the place that looked so similar to the house they had run away from, they eventually split off to look around. Vivien wandered the house in wonder, looking around the closest thing to her boyfriend’s old home that she would ever get to see. The house’s style was certainly outdated, but it suited the time period they were from. 
Upon exploring the kitchen, Vivien was mildly surprised to find lines of old, glass, alcohol bottles had been placed across the counter with a thick layer of dust settled on them. Perhaps whoever had lived in the house suffered from the same addiction the Murphy brothers' father had. The refrigerator still had childlike artwork clinging to it by little magnets, the signature in the bottom corners too faded for Vivien to read, but the art itself still vibrantly present. As Vivien circled the dining table, emerald eyes caught a glimpse of a thick envelope tucked underneath a piece of folded leather. The seventeen-year-old’s experience investigating abandoned buildings told her to leave well enough alone and to ignore the items, but her curiosity over where they were and the connection her friends had to the building won over as she picked up the peeling leather wallet.
Vivien only intended to check for any information as to who the wallet belonged to, but the thickness of the back fold led her to discover a thick stack of cash in varying amounts. The brunette glanced around, making sure nobody else could see the wallet as she closed it and set it back down on the table, taking the envelope instead. After wiping the front of the envelope against her jeans to rid it of the dust, Vivien’s eyes widened at what was scrawled across the white paper faded, rigid letters. It couldn’t possibly be right. She pulled her glasses off and swiped the lenses across her shirt before placing them back on the bridge of her nose. Nope, it was still there. It didn’t make sense! How on earth was it possible? By all accounts, it shouldn’t have been possible, yet there it was, staring her in the face. Seven words in faded pencil that, if they were real, had probably been written long before she was even born. 
‘To my sons, Miles, Royce, and Bentley.’
Vivien debated on what to do, but eventually came to the conclusion that she had to tell her boyfriend and his brothers. Vivien tapped the envelope against her fingertips before taking a deep breath and heading toward the living room. The only person there was Butchy who was busy examining the books on the shelves. Glancing past the couch to where the boys had gathered in another room that must have been one of their bedrooms, Vivien crossed the living room and tapped on Butch’s arm. Butchy smiled at the younger girl, “There’s the little criminal. You know, breaking and entering is a jailable offense.”
“Maybe,” Vivien agreed, “but just entering isn’t.”
“I’ll give you that,” Butchy chuckled. Glancing at the envelope grasped in the girl’s trembling fingers, Butchy sent Vivien a quizzical look, “What’s that?”
Vivien glanced over her shoulder before lowering her voice and holding out the old envelope, “I found it on the kitchen table with a wallet, but I didn’t want to open it.”
Taking the white package from the teenager, Butchy opened it to find a thick stack of paper. At the bottom of the last page was a signature he doubted the Murphy brothers wanted to see. “Did you tell them yet?”
With a shake of her head, Vivien said, “I just found it. Do you think we should give it to them?”
Folding the papers back up and putting them back into the envelope, Butchy peered over Vivien’s shoulder at where Miles was sitting on the end of a bed, an old notebook in hand as he showed Carrie and Mick what was in it. Bentley and Royce were too busy showing Lela things they had found to notice the stare directed their way, but Miles was quick to sense the pair of eyes focused on him. As soon as Miles’ confused gaze met Butchy’s, the older biker gestured for him to come out to the living room.
“We don’t have much of a choice now,” Butchy muttered, bringing an arm around Vivien’s shoulders as Miles approached them, his hands tucked into his pockets.
“What’s going on?” Miles asked the pair, the small smile on his face disappearing as he took in their expressions. “Is everything okay?”
Butchy held the envelope out for Miles to take as Vivien said, “I found this on the kitchen table. It says it’s for you, Royce, and Bentley.”
Icy blue eyes flickered between the envelope and the other two people in the room before Miles accepted the papers. On the front was a style of writing Miles knew all too well after years of forging the signature for field trips and checks he had to send out in the mail so the gas company wouldn’t shut off their hot water. “It’s our father’s handwriting.”
Seeing the hesitant, almost wary look in Miles’ eyes, Butchy asked, “Are you sure you want to read it?”
Miles shook his head, “No, but I should.”
“I can read it for you, if you want,” Butchy offered, placing a hand on Miles’ arm. Miles contemplated the idea for a while before handing the envelope back to Butchy. Butchy nodded slowly, nudging Miles toward the couch as he said, “Alright. Do you want the boys to hear it too?” Miles was quick to shake his head. He didn’t want them to know what their father had written until he knew there was nothing in the letters that he should keep from them. “Okay. Go sit down. I’ll be over in a minute.”
As Miles wordlessly headed toward the kitchen, making his way through the living room with practiced ease, Butchy turned his attention to Vivien who watched Miles with concern. “Is he going to be okay?” she asked in a whisper.
“He'll be fine.”
Although Vivien desperately wanted to believe the older man’s words, she wasn’t even sure if he believed them himself. Green eyes met brown as Vivien crossed an arm around herself, the other playing with the chain of her necklace. “I should’ve hidden that letter and left everything alone.”
Butchy sighed, placing his hands on the girl’s shoulders as he moved in front of her, “Don’t beat yourself up, Vivien. This might be something he needs to hear.”
“And if it isn’t?”
“We’ll be there for him and the boys.” Butchy watched Vivien’s gaze flicker toward the room everyone else had congregated in. “For now, go keep them occupied. I’ll handle this with Miles and then I’ll let you know when the coast is clear, alright?”
Reluctantly, Vivien nodded, her eyes flicking between Butchy, the kitchen, and the other room as Butchy stepped aside. Butchy watched Vivien disappear into the other room, hearing her instantly get pulled into a conversation as he took a deep breath and headed for the kitchen. Miles was already sitting at the dining table, presumably in the same spot he always took growing up and, as Butchy dropped into the chair next to him, the younger biker met his friend’s gaze. “Thanks for doing this, Butch.”
“I told you from the beginning that I’m here for you no matter what,” Butchy replied. “You need me, I’m there.”
Miles nodded, more to himself than to Butchy. “What if I want to stop at some point?”
“Then we stop, simple as that.”
Taking in a deep, prolonged breath, Miles glanced at the letter before muttering, “Let’s start before I change my mind, then.”
Butchy grinned, placing a hand on Miles’ back for a moment before pulling out the letters and beginning to read, “‘Boys, in the off-chance that you’ve come back home, I wanted to leave you this letter so you know everything I never got the chance to say.’”
“He didn’t say much at all when he was hammered,” Miles scoffed.
Ignoring Miles’ statement, Butchy continued, “‘I wasn’t the father you three deserved, especially after what happened with your Mama. You three lost a mother that day and I lost the love of my life, but you three handled it with the grace only she could’ve given you. I broke and turned into a beast.’” Another scoff from Miles interrupted Butchy’s reading, but it didn’t stop him from continuing, “‘Your mother gave me the best gifts in the world and I treated you all so horribly. I didn’t deserve you boys and you didn’t deserve me as a father. I know I should have let you stay with your grandparents or with Thomas when they asked, but I had already lost your mother and I couldn’t imagine losing you three too.’”
Butchy spared Miles a glance, watching the brunette drive his hands into his hair as he breathed, “We could’ve lived with our mom’s family and he didn’t let us?”
“I know you don’t want to, but try to think of it from his perspective,” Butchy attempted as he placed the first page down on the table. “His wife had passed away and you three were all he had. It was probably something they offered early on and he was scared of losing you three.”
Miles’ gaze followed the faded scuff marks on the kitchen table as he thought over Butchy’s words. Instead of commenting further, he closed his eyes, shook his head, and said, “Let’s just keep going.”
Butchy shook his head and sighed, “Alright.” After clearing his throat, he read, “'I know this won’t mean much to you now, but I’ve been seeking advice on my drinking since just after Miles left home. It worked a little at first, but I was so far down the path that it was hard to turn back. Even though it didn’t look like it, I started getting serious about quitting. I was at a meeting the day Royce and Bentley took off. I came home to their note on the coffee table the same day I came back with my five-month sobriety chip.’”
“Oh, yeah?” Miles scoffed rhetorically. “Wonder where he was hiding those.”
Butchy’s eyes scanned the paper he was holding before he set the few papers down and reached for the wallet on the table, opening the flap in the front and dumping the coins out. There weren’t many, but the furthest along was two years. As Miles examined the cheaply made coins, Butchy scanned over the rest of the papers that had been left in the envelope. He skimmed a few pages and set some aside before getting to the more personal messages that had been left. 
“‘Bentley, I hope that you become an artist of some kind. You certainly don’t get that talent from me, but I know how great you are, even though you’re so young. You’ll far exceed everyone’s expectations. As for Royce, I’m sure you’ll be a famous novelist someday. You boys got a lot from your mother’s side of the family and your way with words is definitely not from me, so take pride in it. I have no doubt you boys will be great regardless of what you do in life. Like your mother used to say: if you follow your heart, you’ll fly further than the moon.’”
Miles eyed the paper, a barely noticeable grin appearing on his face as he said, “I still tell the boys that.”
“I’m sure they appreciate that,” Butchy said.
“I know they do,” Miles replied with a nod, the tension in his shoulders releasing as he took in a deep breath. “You can keep going.”
Butchy smiled and began reading again, glad that Miles was more open to the words now that he knew how positive they had been, “‘Miles, I hope you’re taking good care of yourself and the boys. Show them the love that I wish I had. I will forever be proud of you for stepping up and taking charge when I failed to do so. You would have made a great soldier, but I wouldn’t wish that upon anyone, especially one of my boys. Take a different path than I did. Find someone who makes you as happy as your mother made me, pop out a few kids or get a couple dogs, and love them more than anything. Just make sure that you’re happy. You deserve it after all the shit I put you through.’”
Miles took in a long breath, his eyes locked on the paper in Butchy’s hands, following every word on the page as it was said. Butchy paused in his reading, keeping an eye on Miles as the younger man slowly sat straighter and asked, “Is there anything else?”
Butchy placed the paper down, only one page remaining in his hands. “This is it. You want me to read it?”
Miles shrugged, “We’ve come this far.”
“Alright,” Butchy said softly, returning his gaze to the paper. “‘You three always had each other’s backs, even when I didn’t. There isn’t a day that goes by that I don’t wish you three would walk back through the front door, but that day will probably only come when I’m no longer here. I’ve come to terms with that. I’ve come to terms with my death. It’s inevitable at this point. Even though I stopped drinking a long time ago, that doesn’t cure every other illness that comes along. Liver failure is a bitch, but I’ll go on my own terms. I left money for you in my wallet. It’s all of the money I would have spent on alcohol since I quit. You were the reason I quit, so it only makes sense for me to give it to you now. Maybe someday I’ll be able to see you again, watch over you just like your mother does. I’ll be with her soon enough. Your mom and I will be proud of you three no matter what happens. Take care of yourselves and remember to never let anything drive you apart. I love you, boys. Always.'”
Once Butchy set the papers down and restacked them, Miles pulled them to him and slid them back into the envelope they had been in. For a while, they sat in silence, Miles staring off into space while Butchy tried to gauge his friend’s reaction. Then, to break the silence they had created, Butchy put a hand on Miles’ shoulder and asked, “Are you alright?”
Instead of answering immediately, a lie rolling off his tongue with relative ease, Miles seemed to genuinely think before answering, “No, but I will be.” Finally meeting Butchy’s gaze, Miles smiled, “It’s nice to hear even though it’s not coming from my dad. I mean, I guess it is, in a way, but it just doesn’t feel like it is... I don’t know if that makes any sense.”
Butchy chuckled, “It does.”
As the pair rose from their chairs and Miles tucked the envelope into the pocket of his jean jacket, a head of blonde hair poked around the corner. Bentley’s smile beamed brighter than any lightbulb as he declared, “RJ and I found Mama’s art set!”
“That’s great, Ben,” Miles claimed with a smile. “Are you keeping it?”
“I was just going to ask if I could,” Bentley laughed. “Does that mean I can?”
“If you can fit it in the van.”
A mischievous giggle was the only response Miles got as Bentley took off for the other room. Butchy shook his head, “I think you’ve enabled a monster.”
“I think you’re right.”
Leaning against the kitchen counters as Miles pocketed the wallet from the table, Butchy asked, “Are you sure you’re alright, Miles?”
“I think I just need time to register it all,” Miles decided with a shrug, turning to Butchy and tucking his hands in his pockets. “Then, when the time comes, I’ll tell the boys and let them read it for themselves.”
“And if you need help-”
“You’ll be there like you always are,” Miles interrupted with a grin. 
Butchy hummed in agreement as Carrie entered the kitchen with a sigh, “You guys might want to stop them before they shove the whole house into the back end of the car.”
“That bad, huh?” Butchy chuckled.
Carrie glanced over her shoulder before turning back to the men with a hesitant chuckle, “Let’s just say that, if they bring out much more, we’re gonna have to walk to the hotel.”
Mick, one of the supposed “adults” in the house, cackled maniacally in the other room, “Take all of the photo albums! We can use them as blackmail!”
Miles turned to Butchy with a grin, “Yeah, let’s get out of here.”
“Yeah,” Butchy agreed, allowing Miles to lead the way out of the kitchen.
Later rather than sooner, they managed to get everyone out of the house and into the van. Things they didn’t really need, yet wanted to take home had been piled into the trunk and shoved into the gaps between seats, forming a problem they would have to solve when they met up with Vivien’s parents at the sports center. Miles slid the door shut after making sure everyone had their belongings, staring out the window at the house across the street that had, at one point been his home. Although he wouldn’t be returning to it for a long time in any world, he was almost glad to have seen it one last time. It was a sense of closure he didn’t know he was missing. All too soon, the van’s engine roared to life and, within moments, they were leaving Duffy Street and Miles watched his old home fade into the distance for the last time.
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