#COMIC. IS UP!!!! I suffered for this ngl
mtsodie · 2 years
dhmis trio cozy day,, pyjamas etc :]
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sirompp · 2 years
had a dream about "thanks to them" last night where i was trying to prevent All That from happening
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phantom-tiger · 1 year
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they are gay, your honor
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eczpcz · 3 days
Hey Easy could you do just all the mercs (or just who you would like to pick) with a reader that is almost always happy and go lucky showing actual sadness for once of course if you don’t want to that’s fine
Thanks for reading this even if not :)!
Offense and Defense x Cheerful Reader Showing Sadness
Now I'm not sure if you meant it as "they've been hiding it" or "they just got a little sad", but I'm going with the second one! Also, thanks for being my first ask! Sorry it took so long, Cali is super hot rn!!!!!
CW: None I don't think.
You and him probably go together like peanut butter and grape jelly. You always have something to say, or you always laugh at his remarks. At the very least, you always give him a smile.
He busts your chops!! Which is, unfortunately, how he finds out you are upset.
"WOW, that match sucked. You gotta stop suckin' out there so much. Practically bringin' down the score by, like, a gazillion points." He chuckles, turns to you, and sees the absolute destroyed expression on your face.
Aweeoohhhh shit.
"Hey man, I didn't mean that. Don't make that face at me! Look, uh, what's wrong? Why're you all down an' crap??" NGL he's not very good at this.
If you decide to tell him what ails you, he immediately starts trying to hype you up.
"Psh, naw. No way. Somebody like you? Gettin' upset over somethin' small like that? Not a chance. You're freakin' awesome. How's somethin' stupid like that got you worked up? Naaahh."
While he might suck at comfort, he is your hype king!!
If you decide to not tell him, he just sighs and slings an arm around your shoulder.
"Ah, well, whateva it was, it's probably stupid anyways. Let's go get a burger or somethin'."
To be honest, He's always gonna end up taking you for food.
As much as it doesn't look like it, Soldier loves and needs routine. And while the mercs are chaotic, they're an organized chaos. Somewhat. And that applies to you as well. You're smiley nature is one of the solid vertebrae that makes up the backbone of Soldier's usual day. So when you're NOT that, well...
He gets a little antsy. And by little, I mean majorly. And by ansty, I mean freaked.
He's on like donkey kong! He spares no time trying to figure out why you aren't you! Are you a spy? A commie sent to infiltrate their base that looks just like you?
Of course, his first suspicion was that it was due to the absolute STATE of America.
With a hand on your shoulder, he shakes you, nodding in solidarity.
"I get it, private. I, too, am brought down by the thought of our great nation SUFFERING like this... BUT WE WILL SAVE HER!!! WE WILL TEAR THOSE NON-RED BLOODED NON-AMERICANS A-"
At this point I would assume you get him to stop, or cover his mouth at the very least.
You either explain to him what's wrong, or just tell him that it is DEFINITELY not America related. (although, maybe it is? Who knows.)
It's a coin toss on whether he understands or not. Actually rephrase that. It's a coin toss on whether or not he's in the right mindset to listen, then it's ANOTHER coin toss if he'll understand.
Whatever the case is, he'll still be at least a little sympathetic.
Whether it be bone-crushing hugs, or grabbing you by the hand and rocket-jumping to lift your spirits (ah, ah, ah?)
SO. I got stumped on this one ahaaaaa. I had time to think about it though.
I think Pyro doesn't really see in Pyrovision, as shown in the comics. It's just, you know. A way of getting through the day. It probably took him time to figure what to disguise as what. What I mean is, it took work to convince his mind to lie to him. Except for fire. Fire is just pretty to him like that.
So you being a generally already happy person saved him that work! Because of that, there is probably no Pyrovision you.
And when he sees you down in the dumps, BOY does that throw him off. He goes through 20 different emotions in 2 seconds!
Finally, he approaches you after dinner, grabbing at your arm and hands, shaking them. He mumbles at you, which you.. can't understand.
You get what he's trying to say though, and whether you tell him or not, it makes no difference.
He's gonna drag you everywhere! He wants to fix your problem, and he's gonna do it anyway he can. Just be patient though, because his way may include fire, fire, and more fire.
Man oh man does he love how you brighten up a room!
You just being around gives him motivation to keep on keeping!
Also you inflate his ego by 100000x
With that being said I don't think he would be surprised if he found you upset at some point.
You are a human, and at some point, you'll get sad!
Doesn't mean he tries any less harder to make you smile again.
He's very subtle with it. Almost annoyingly. Maybe a bit patronizing too.
Although he'll just impatient eventually and out-right ask you what's wrong.
"Now listen here, y'gotta stop all this wallowing! What's got you all bunched like that?"
If you tell him, he'll wrap an arm around your shoulder, and lay on some ol' southern wisdom, before dragging you off to wack somethings with a wrench.
If you don't, he'll try to give you space, but just know he'll study you like a creature.
"Are y'sure yer fine?" "Engineer." "I'm just askin', I'm just askin'!"
A shining star in his alcoholic bends, barely lucid days, and murky depressed nights.
You are always there to guide him through dark times with a beaming smile and a shoulder to lean on.
He also finds himself losing words when talking about chemistry, just because you have that soft little smile on your face.
Just like Engineer, he's not surprised when you walk around the place like someone kicked your puppy.
He's not a fool.
With a gentle hand on yours, he'll furrow his brows and ask you if you're alright.
"Ye ken, a'm 'ere tae listen if yer feelin' lik' talking."
He'll offer advice and lots of comfort if you need it.
If you'd rather keep it to yourself, that's fine as well.
He'll still sit by you, keeping you company.
Whether it be a big problem or small, he knows about unhealthy coping mechanisms, and would rather be by your side then leave you to your thoughts.
Thinking about your positivity on the battlefield gives him strength and hope. So while he doesn't show it as much, he loves how enthusiastic you can be.
That being said, if you're sad, he's even sadder. Not a lot of people get how emotional this man is.
His first thought is that you might be disappointed by something, so he does what he can to figure it out.
If its not that, then he basically pokes and prods until he finally gets to the point where he thinks it's socially acceptable to ask.
"Vhat ees wrong? you walk aroahnd, all sad. Talk to me."
He will sit down and listen if you decide to tell him, before taking your hand as lightly as possible and telling you it will all be okay.
He mmmmmight argue with you for a bit if you don't want to tell him, but he'll get the message at some point.
He offers to show you something instead, to take your mind off of it.
He'll take you to the rusty tin roof of the base, pointing at the dark sky.
You two will exchange stories about the stars for the rest of the night.
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inactivewattpadauthor · 2 months
Shang Tsung x Witch Reader: I've Changed
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Context: After finally escaping the void, Shang slips from supervision briefly to meet and request the help of an old friend. (Shaky ass friendship ngl) ~~~~~~~~~~~~ The old wooden clock on the wall ticks, filling the only sound in the empty shop. The short hand lines with the tenth hour, making you relieved to flip your sign close. Another easy day done at your little potion store. Despite the little shack being a bit older and you get few customers each day, you were always proud of your progress.
You were proud to say you changed, once a typical barbaric witch, anew to a positive person. You stopped damning people with cruel spells and toxic potions, now you sold mostly healing/soothing ones, along giving spare lessons to those who wish to learn witchcraft. Sometimes, it's the other way around. There's always new things to learn.
Sweeping the dust off the creaking floorboards, you were startled as you were about to trip over a black ball of fur. "Oh- Raven! Jeez, I didn't see you." A meow was in response, your kitten peeking up at you, the only eye he has shining.
Gently you shooed him away so you could finish sweeping. "I'll give you a snack once I'm done, go on now." You tapped his bottom and chuckle when he runs off.
The welcome chimes of your door ring, abruptly distracting you. "Store's closed!" You groan out. Ugh, can't they see the sign? You kept your thoughts to yourself.
Slow footsteps sounded closer to you. "My, just look at you." That voice! You peer up to see an old face, literally and figuratively. Your hand released the ratchet broom, letting it hit the floor. You felt some sort of nostalgia, yet confusion. "Shang Tsung? All these years... where have you been?" You step closer to him.
The old man explains. His disappearance was caused by the Titaness Kronika after having no use for him any longer, casted outside the realms in some prison. All those years in his absence, you missed him prior to your change, but now he's here. The sorcerer grabs your hand, kissing it gently. One of his ways on showing affection to you when you both were still a duo of despair. "You've aged well." He comments.
Now, he focuses on the old shop. "So while I was missing, you put your devotion into this worn down hut?" The sorcerer asks. You can hear the hidden mockery in his voice. He looks at the potions on the shelves, and you knew he would find them comical. None of them were labelled poison or dangerous, all such themed beneficial items. Part of him was worried you would go soft.
"Yeah, business is well." You state, defending your dignity. "The store's closed, and I still have errands tonight, so I can't quite catch up with you at the mome-"
"I came here for your help, Y/n." Shang Tsung interrupts. Picking up a pinkish elixir, he glances at you with tease. "Love potions?"
"That's for serotonin releases." You remove the bottle from his distrustful hands. You knew he's joking, but it's distasteful. "Love potions are vile. It's no better than going to a bar and spiking someone's drink." You explain in disgust, yet Shang still carries his smirk.
He hasn't changed, of course. I miss him, but I need him to leave. "What do you need?"
"I need your spells, your power, Y/n. The ones that always brought great suffering to those. But great amusement to us." He rubs his gray beard as he requests apathetically. "I plan to keep working with Raiden and Fujin up to Kronika's Keep. If everything goes as my plan, I can rule over many worlds. We can rule over many worlds."
"No." You shake your head immediately. "I'm past all of that. I use my powers and knowledge for good now and I hope that is something you respect. Feel free to do whatever you like, but count me out."
The man is unsurprise, but presses on with you. "Changed for the better? What happened to you?"
"I found faith in the Elder Gods." You shrug. "Along with that, I feel disgusted with my former self. Not that you'd get it, but all those people we hurt..." You cringed and turn away from him in utter shame.
"I assume you're disgusted with me too?" Shang asks.
"Well, yeah, but it's not like you'd stop. And I can't stop you neither."
He agrees with you. Harming others was like his number one hobby other than evil schemes. But if you really have a change in heart, he wouldn't force you. "It saddens me to see that wicked heart turn gold. Oh well. When I get Kronika's throne to myself, I'll have your place beside me - if you want." He offers, circling you with his charming glance. You gave him an annoyed look like he didn't actually heed you.
"You don't have to hurt anyone." He raises his hands. "But you could end up the best enchantress across universes, or better yet, a titaness beside me."
"No, sorcerer." You sigh and deny him again. "I'm happy here. You're my friend, but I don't think I'd be comfortable on the side of a villain. It's fine enough if I just focus on my own thing."
"Very well." He steps back and bows. "I shall be going now before someone notices my disappearance. After my goals, I will return to you just for friendly measures. We didn't speak for a long period after all."
"Okay." A huge part of you wasn't rooting for it, but you were fine with chatting with a friend time to time. "And if you don't and end up fading out of existence, it was always nice having you - minus the malicious activities."
"Likewise, my friend. You were always a fantastic woman." ~~~~~~~~~~~~ A/N for both Wattpad/Tumblr. Mostly just a vent but:
 1. I feel the writer's block coming :') future writings are expected to have less quality as I'm running out of ideas and motivation. I literally had to go back to posting every 6 days instead of 3 so I don't end up running out of posts.
2. A friendly reminder - I'M NOT TAKING REQUESTS.
 Not trying to pick at anyone but there's 2 places on both Wattpad + Tumblr that says I'm not doing request, yet people will still request a fic. I admit, I will leave those on read until they message me more times which makes me more annoyed. 
I'm down for fun questions/ discussions when I have the time, like if someone wants to talk about our lord and savior, Fujin. But I repeat one last time, I'm not making fics for anyone. You have better authors that will be happy to write for you.
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spaceorphan18 · 5 days
The Rogue and Gambit Project: Previously On X-Men... Gambit
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It's time to talk about Gambit! The nice thing about Gambit is that he was, at the time, a relatively new character, having only been around in the comics for about a year. Which means there is way less to cover! Boy, are we going to have to deal with some questionable art, though.
The Basics:
Name: Remy Etienne* LeBeau
*Okay, so, this is the funny thing about the name Etienne. Apparently, it started out as fanlore, and - as so many things that happen in fandom - gained popularity as fanon from a particularly well known piece of fanfiction from way back when. I believe it's actually been used in canon at this point. It is on Marvel.com - which is the official site. I'll keep a look out for it to show up.
Also, in case you didn't know (and I'm sure you did), Le Beau is French for The Beautiful.
Backstory: Just like Rogue, Gambit's backstory is shrouded in mystery. He's a thief. He's from New Orleans. He's Cajun. That's all your getting for now. Don't worry, we'll peel back the layers. ;)
Power Set (via uncannyxmen.net):  interkinetic power allows him to produce bio-kinetic energy within his body and use it to convert any inorganic object's potential energy into kinetic energy on contact, making the object highly volatile and explosive on contact, internal energy also grants him heightened agility and creates static interference that shields his mind from detection
I should also give the obligatory comment of - these powers are toned down from his full abilities because of /reasons/ which we'll get to eventually. He had Mr. Sinister give him a lobotomy and, we've all been suffering the consequences sense.
Alright, let's dig into Gambit's pre-Rogue run...
Uncanny X-Men 266-267
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Uncanny X-Men #266
I have to start by appreciating the fact that Gambit is a thief who wears bright pink and metal boots. It's a bold look.
Anyway, the funny thing about Gambit is that the character he turned out to be ended up being a lot different from creator Chris Claremont's initial ideas. Apparently, he was supposed to be, ultimately, a villain and, while he was supposed to be a love interest for one of our characters, it wasn't Rogue, it was... Kitty Pryde. He was also supposed to be a Mr. Sinister creation and a third summers brother. Yeah, I'm kind of glad Claremont left before any of this stuff really came to fruition.
Also, I once read that Claremont claim that original artist Mike Collins made Gambit too pretty. Which is funny, because ngl, I really am not a fan of the look in his debut, and it will be a while before he really earns his name.
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Uncanny X-Men #266
I also want to note that Gambit's powers were a little different back then. He didn't have playing cards yet, and instead used metal spikes as throwing devices. The powers were designated in green. And were charged from his eyes. Also, interesting to note - his eyes aren't red on black yet, either.
There's also 'hypnotic charm' thing that was kinda used in the early appearances. He does use it in his first appearance to tame some of the Shadow King's Hounds.
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Uncanny X-Men #266
He's gonna be calling her 'Stormy' for years. She's gonna love it. ;) (Btw - he calls her Stormy 4 times in this issue alone.)
Okay, so... Gambit shows up, crossing paths with Storm at a mansion of some rich person. Storm is de-aged (for... reasons) and is running from the Shadow King and his minions. He's busy stealing art from the rich dude (who apparently is not home and has no security, lol).
And thus, one of my favorite comic book friendships is born. And really, this first appearance is a lot of fun as Gambit and Storm play off each other's strengths to get away from the Shadow King.
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Uncanny X-Men 267
Jim Lee is going to add some of Gambit's more iconic features -- such as throwing playing cards (Gambit's Ace of Spades shows up in this next issue) and using some kind of staff (hilariously, it's a broom in this issue).
Storm and Gambit's adventures continue. He takes her to New Orleans for a while so she can recover from the Shadow King. They go thieving -- playing Robin Hood -- stealing from rich people because they can. And then the Orphan Maker comes along, who makes Storm a teenager? (Idk - the whole thing is weird - she'll become her real age again in the next story arc.)
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Uncanny X-Men #267
And then Storm is like, hey, I have a crazy idea....
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Uncanny X-Men Annual #14
Fun fact: Because of release dates and such, Uncanny X-Men #266 wasn't the first comic released to have Gambit in it. The Annual technically came out first, though it clearly takes place after Uncanny 266-267. But this is the first time we see Gambit among the X-Men team. Not that he does anything remotely interesting during this whole thing. He doesn't even speak, kind of hides awkwardly in the background.
X-Tinction Agenda (Uncanny X-Men #270-272; X-Factor & New Mutants)
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Uncanny X-Men #270
Welcome to the X-Men, Gambit! Hope you survive the experience!
He's in the credit roll now, must be official. ;)
Gambit joins the team just as the mega X-tinction Agenda crossover starts. (Uncanny X-Men joins New Mutants and X-Factor for this one) And, I'll be honest, this isn't one of my favorite crossovers. The whole thing revolves around the nation of Genosha, how they're using mutants for slaves, and how all the teams come together to change the status quo. And of course, mutants get capture and tortured and a few killed. Fwiw X-Men: The Animated Series did do this storyline.
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Uncanny X-Men #270
Gambit and Cable don't (won't) get to cross paths very often, so I found this an interesting panel. Anyway... Gambit really has very little to do during this crossover. When Storm gets captured, he is really concerned for her (as he considers her his partner at the moment) but he's not really vibe-ing the whole team dynamic yet.
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Uncanny X-Men #272
This is arguably the coolest thing Gambit's done as of yet. Dude pulls a spike out of his leg to use as a lockpick and gets himself rescued. I'm glad they give him this, because, again, for the most part he's just kinda hanging around in the background not doing much.
I will say - he and Jubilee get to cross paths, which is going to be a source of fun in the next arc.
Space Shenanigans (Uncanny X-Men 273-277)
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Uncanny X-Men 273
Some of my favorite issues are when the team is regrouping. Post- X-Tinction Agenda, it's clear that things in the X-Office were changing. Claremont is at this point sort of being pushed out, while Jim Lee and Co are becoming more the driving force behind the books. On panel, the teams are kind of merging. X-Factor's first era is drawing to a close, and the X-Men are resolidifying after being in flux for so long.
We're about to get a Space Soap Opera, as Claremont so dearly loves, but this issue is a bit of a breather between the arcs. And we get this bit of tension between Storm and Gambit - where Gambit is ready to move on, but Storm is back on solid footing again. They don't explicitly state why Gambit sticks around, but he definitely does...
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Uncanny X-Men 273
I swear, this is Chris Claremont's favorite joke. He's used it before this moment, and he'll do it again. It's impactful the first time, but it does get old the more Claremont does it. However, we get the first highlight of the dynamic between Gambit and Wolverine -- which will be antagonistic for a while, but is fascinating.
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Uncanny X-Men #274
Doesn't Gambit look sexy in his yellow team uniform?? ;)
Btw - as I mentioned earlier, this is the first issue Gambit and Rogue appear in together. Though they be miles and miles and miles apart.
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Uncanny X-Men #275
The whole crux of this arc, that I've been kind of ignoring, involves Xavier being brainwashed in space (or something) and of course the X-Men get involved in space politics (again). Honestly, space stories are Claremont's favorite trope, so it doesn't surprise me that the end of his run are filled with a couple of them.
Anyway -- if there's one person impervious to Gambit's charms - it's Jubilee. They get to hang out a lot during this arc, and it's really delightful since they team up to kind of figure out what is going on with Xavier acting weird and all the odd space kool-aide people are drinking.
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Uncanny X-Men #277
I actually really like this cover. Gambit's got a sword and a spear! Plus, he looks like his 90s cool self now. The blue and yellow uniform doesn't suit him AT. ALL. But we don't have to deal with it too much longer...
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Uncanny X-Men #277
See... I told you Claremont was gonna do this again, lol.
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Uncanny X-Men #277
The nice thing about this whole space arc is that Gambit really gets to come into his own. He now looks cool (note the red eyes are here!). He's doing fun stuff. He's taking on Wolverine and holding his own. He's being smart and tactical and an asset. They've paired him with some great X-Men to start off with, and it's paying off.
Meanwhile, we don't really know much about him. As many of the other characters state, his background is shrouded in mystery... (whether you like what it actually is can be debated as we get to it). But for now, he's intriguing as a new comer.
And this is where we're at as two story lines come crashing together and our two romantic leads get to meet for the first time.... off panel.
But I'll get more into that next time when I discuss... The Muir Island Saga!
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Ngl I wish the other BL games were like BL1 like I think that the other Borderlands games rely too much on comedy and stupid shit were as BL1 was more grounded and less comical
Like yeah BL1 had it's comedic moments like with the whole thing with Ned and Zed and the whole goofy annoyingness of Claptrap and Knoxx wanting to kill himself because of how much he hated being on Pandora but it wasn't an entire focus on comedy which is something the rest of the Borderlands games focused on
Sure BL1 suffered some things that could've been done better like have it be more story driven and have a better villain but in terms or atmosphere and less focus on comedy I'd say Borderlands 1 is the best game in the Borderlands franchise
Plus the future games treats the vault hunters like legendary heroes (tho BL3 barely acknowledges the vault hunters outside of gameplay) whereas in BL1 you're basically some nobody on the biggest shithole of the universe looking for some myth that may not even exist
I honestly would've prefered if BLTPS BL2 TFTBL BL3 and MTFTBL were more like BL1
Don't get me wrong I love the Borderlands franchise but I absolutely loathe how dependant the rest of the games are on comedy because most of Borderlands comedy after BL1 can be summed up as swearing, toilet humor and stupid pop culture references
Imo Borderlands suffers the same thing that post Dead Rising 1 post Saints Row 2 and post GTA 4 games suffer from and that's that they are too silly and rely too much on comedy
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edledamianfan · 3 months
On the topic of DC getting more animated shows like my adventures with Superman and Suicide Squad isekai.
Please I need the supersons. I need more animated media of them asap. I'm just saying so there is enough background information about the two of them (cause honestly most introduction to the DC franchises these days are either from the animated and movie not comics).
So that later in future we make the two of them babysit Liz just like in the comics once Lizzie's character is a lot more fleshed out since she's kinda new. Make them go on silly adventures, Lizzie being a child and Jon and Dami just running after her. A slice of life genre that becomes action when they run into a problem.
The idea that they are called when things are dire like a support team back up team is pretty appealing to me. Like Lizzie just popping out of now where with the actual two superheroes sweeping everyone in the path from the sides (also in the midst of the fight Jondami always keep an eye on Lizzie that is probably dropkicking a dude 4 times her size).
It'd be so cute to see them interacting with different superheros groups too like JL, Teen Titans (probably the team being amused at Damian being soft for Lizzie, not that he'll admit it), and possibly YJ too (I don't read a lot of YJ but Bart and Kon radiates so much energy I'm sure they'd match Lizzie lol)
Bro I swear it'll be so good I need it so bad. (Ngl it's giving of buddy daddies and SpyXFamily but I'm all for it)
One Idea I had was them crushing through the mall from one end to another when being chased by a villian. Maybe unnecessary. Will it be good? Yeah very much. Will the animators suffer? Yes very much. (Not really sure why but it does reminds me of goku on the cloud just flying away into the horizon)
Bro pls it'll be so good tho. (Ngl it does give up buddy daddies and SpyXFamily but I'm all for it)
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amethystina · 4 months
Oh man!! The latest chapter!!! The angst was angsting, pain was paining, heart is wrenching, tear is falling, it was soooo mean, but do it again!!!
It was the longest chapter and ironically the most painful chapter as well. Have I said how much I love slow burn and angst and this fic hits home everytime?? Likeee woah I just LOVE how this fic is LOOONG , nowhere near close bc that means I get me read it longer lol.
And I feel like I would never be able to appreciate how much hard work you put in Who Holds the Devil.
I am guessing it is now Ga On's turn to pursue Yohan and Oh man I can already imagine how much he is gonna suffer while doing it 😭 or maybe not (bc he tends to be pretty straightforward at times and impulsive as well) but I believe it's gonna be pretty hard bc Gaon has so much shit to get together and Yohan, my man, already gave up (poor him) so gaon trying to persue him or rather seduce his sugar daddy would look very suspicious to him. Nevertheless I am exited to see Gaon try and miserably, comically and hilariously half fail bc he will succeed eventually as Yohan is too much of a loser for Gaon lol. I am excited for future chapters and definitely wouldn't complain about more angst lol.
It was necessary for this to happen, otherwise the story would go nowhere and most importantly Gaon and Yohan would go nowhere, their problems will never be solved. Sometimes hitting rock bottom is crucial to develop in life BUT I would hate it if it happens to me, hope I will be able to get my shits together before that happens ( or maybe it already happened but I am not relizing it or not acknowledging it much like gaon but he is better than me ngl at least he has the courage)
This became a rant about me naur 😭
Lastly I hope you have a great day and things work out for you 💕
Also idk if it's your cup of tea but My Happy Ending kdrama is sooo good and worth giving it a try. It's a psychological suspense drama hehe. I am soo invested in it nowadays so couldn't help recommending you as well 💫
It was a painful chapter, yeah. And I'm both relieved and heartbroken to finally have it out there. As someone who doesn't actually like angst, this chapter was a struggle in more than one way. But it's necessary if I want their relationship to move forward, so here we are.
At this point, writing Who Holds the Devil has sort of turned into a second job, not going to lie. I still enjoy it, make no mistake, but I have to plan all of my other hobbies around it since I feel an obligation to post somewhat regularly. Like, I've been postponing drawing for the past two weeks because I wanted to get this chapter out (that's how long it took to edit, yes) but drawing is the thing that helps the most with my depression symptoms (that have made an unwanted reappearance due to my burnout), so I've been struggling quite a bit. And now all I want to do is draw for a couple of days.
So yeah. I can't lie and say it's not a lot of work, both in terms of planning, writing, editing, etc., but also how it affects the rest of my life. BUT I just love it too much to give up on it ;)
And yes, Ga On will have to be the one to pursue Yo Han now ;) Or, well, eventually. He has to wallow and overthink things a bit first because, well, Ga On. If overthinking things was an Olympic sport, he'd win the gold for sure. But he WILL give Yo Han what he wants in the end, I promise.
In short, the "the only way after hitting rock bottom is up" saying is pretty apt in this case.
There's still hope, so just hang in there :)
I looked at the plot for My Happy Ending but I admit it didn't really catch my attention. But that could be because I don't really watch much right now? I'm too busy writing and drawing. I'm also trying to finish a drama I started ages ago called Mad Dog. Which, let me tell you, it's disorientingly gay for a drama about insurance fraud. But unlike The Devil Judge I'm not sure if they're actually AWARE of how gay it is? (especially since it's from 2017)
But, like, if I had a penny for every time I've watched a drama in which a traumatised, older man brings home a reckless, bratty twink after said twink got injured — under the pretence of protecting him from more harm — only for the twink to start snooping around his house before deciding to charm the dude with home-cooked food and then just doesn't leave I would have two pennies. Which isn't a lot, but it's still weird that it's happened twice.
Also, what the heck do they want me to think when they have these kinds of angles when the two dudes are arguing?
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That looks questionable both in and out of context. BUT that could also be because Woo Do Hwan could have sexual tension with a goddamn rock. Rarely have I seen a man with so much "fuck me and find out" energy as his character in this drama.
But the twink also has a romantic plotline with the woman on the team, at the same time as he's living in the older dude's apartment and giving this poor dude all kinds of conflicted feelings because he's a widower who's lived alone since his wife and kid died and suddenly there's someone in his apartment cooking him food, nagging at him when he comes late and drunk etc. etc. Like, bruh. It really sounds like the twink is his new wife? And I am SO CONFUSED because the drama plays it so straight (without the "hint, hint, nudge, nudge" winks that The Devil Judge had) that I'm about to have an existential crisis.
Fellas, is it gay if this is the face you make when you're told you're not actually living with the man who took you home to keep you safe after you almost got murdered but then you accidentally behaved like his concerned and doting wife?
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Asking for a friend.
(and don't even get me started on the whole "Bring Your Twink to Work Day" scene)
At this point, I'm half convinced I'm gaslighting myself into thinking this is gay when it's actually just a really heartwarming story about a really deep bromance that I'm too queer to understand.
ANYWAY. Thanks for the rec! But I'm not sure if it's my thing and I'm really bad at watching things right now. But I'm thrilled to hear that you're having so much fun with it! I'm happy for you! :D
And thank you so much for the lovely message 💜
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wazzappp · 3 months
Hey dude, I'm interested in reading the ghost rider comics. Especially Robbie's. Where can I start?
By the way I love your art and Aus. Thanks for inspiring me to write mine uwu.
Awwwwwww I'm so glad you're enjoying the stuff I'm making <3!! I hope your creative endeavors are going well.
Ok so you're gonna want to start with the original ANGR (all new ghost rider) run which went from 2014 - 2015. It starts with 'Engines of vengence' and then goes to 'Legend'. I've attached links to Amazon where you can buy either paperback copies or ones for kindle (hopefully it works fingers crossed lmao).
They're by FAR my favorite part of Robbies story (I'm such a sucker for orgin stories I'm ngl to you)
There's then a team up comic that I THOROUGHLY enjoyed which was 'Four on the Floor'. Lots of REALLY fun body horror stuff going on there highly recommend. Also has one of my favorite panels in this whole rec list. Also FUCK ME THE ART IN THIS OH MY GODDDDD HES SO CREACHURE HES S O CREACHURE EEEEEE!!!!
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(Growing pains. Holy fucking SHIT. I bet demonic puberty hits like a fucking train)
There's also a few holiday specials (valentines and christmas) that I've heard are good and I want to get my hands on as well as starring on some 'marvels voices' specials.
We don't talk about the avengers appearances. Unless we're stealing little parts of it and picking its corpse apart like vultures for the juicy bits.
There's also 'Ghost Racers' which I have yet to read despite having access to it I NEED TO GET ON THAT RIGHT AWAY CAUSE IVE HEARD ITS FUN LIKE REALLT REALLT FUN AGHHHHH.
Anyway welcome to the fandom!! I hope you enjoy reading my little guy who has suffered more than jesus <33
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esperata · 5 months
End of year wip round-up
Time to look through my files of notes and see what plots I have still waiting attention, and perhaps assess where they are in the scale of projects. Colour coded for riddlebird, hattercrow, wahsbands or octogoblin. I'm always open to questions on my projects. In fact, please do ask if you want to encourage them to be written.
Starting with some I have posted as unfinished works.
OTT (LEGO Batman) : I intend to post a second chapter for this, showing how well Riddler's plan turns out.
Gay Attorney (Gotham/Ace Attorney) : This is supposed to have multiple chapters with the various 'witnesses' taking the stand.
Little Bird (Batwoman) : Not sure where this is heading but a follow up chapter seems necessary.
P.I. Riddler (DC comics) : I have an outline of the idea for this but not sure how many chapters it will require to complete.
Urban Legends (Batman - all media) : There is going to be a continuation here with other rogues making an appearance.
What Is Reality? (Btas) : I already have a second chapter started and a concept of where its going, including a 'final' scene.
A few extra Mahou AU story ideas.
Killer Croc vs Jonathan (Arkhamverse) : This is an interesting conflict I'd like to write.
Grown up Ed gets powers (Burtonschumacher) : We only saw one half of this duo in my first story so it seems fair to bring in Riddler.
Take A Chance on Me (Arkhamverse) : Pitting the pair against the machinations of Hugo Strange.
Oz mentors Ed (The Batman) : Does what it says on the tin.
The Curse of Alice (1960s) : Again an interesting development I'd like to explore.
Future Hattercrow (Gotham) : Not sure about this but considering this pair twenty years further on.
The Telltale series.
You Only Live Twice : Oswald is being mentored but demands Edward treat him as an equal if he truly respects him.
For Your Eyes Only : Edward gets trapped by the Agency and suffers their virus before returning to Oswald.
The Spy Who Loved Me : Oswald helps Edward through the aftereffects, unwilling to lose anyone else to madness.
Live and Let Die : Riddler is planning his return to Gotham, letting Oswald into the secrets of his past to convince him.
The Living Daylights : A continuation of the story arc.
New stand alone ideas.
Babysitter : Wario is cajoled into babysitting Bowser's kids and calls Waluigi in for reinforcements.
Sherrif Wario : Waluigi rides into town and immediately gets called a trouble maker by the Mario bros. Wario makes his own assessment.
Good Omens : A friend suggested Alfred Molina as Aziraphale and Willem Dafoe as Crowley which is a fantastic idea.
Fate Or Something Like It : I really wanted to consider the timeline after Norman got back from No Way Home. How he might try to save Otto from his fate.
Old Friends, Bitter Enemies : I watched the Spider-man PS game and love the dynamic of Norman and Otto. It would be worth playing with.
Skyscraper : Basically a PWP. Be fun to write.
Misunderstandings : Oswald overhears Ed saying something he shouldn't.
Batman vs Dracula (2004 cartoon) : A re-write of the film except bringing Riddler into the story.
Halloween Topsy Turvy : A fancy dress party at the Lounge causes feelings to run high.
Streamer Ed (btas) : Ed works as a streamer, with Jon and Jervis as mods, and a habit of review Iceberg Lounge promotional videos.
Gotham Gossip (Gotham) : Newspaper column style fic charting their rising and falling relationship. I still like this concept but am struggling with the media.
Kids museum meeting (comics) : A look back at how they might have met as children.
Secret Admirer : Where both Oswald and Ed are the other's secret admirer.
Tattoos (comics) : Oswald has tattoos - Ed is intrigued.
Olga My Queen (1960s/Gotham) : What if the Queen of Cossacks was Oswald's maid?
Gotta Shape Up (Harley Quinn series) : ngl I lost impetus with this show but I still like this idea - Ed having to step up with Joshua after Oswald's demise.
The King Is Dead : Similar concept in that it looks at how Riddler might react in the wake of Penguin's demise.
Wrap You Around My Finger : Ed is new to Gotham and thinks it'll be easy to cajole favours from Penguin. He is wrong.
Western AU : I wanted a fic with Jonathan on a horse thus this idea was born.
Are We Friends? (Gotham) : Ed struggles to pin down just what their relationship is during Oswald's eye recovery period. Again, not super confident writing in this media now.
Rogues Go Skiing (LEGO) : Cutesy vacation style slice of life.
Arkham sitcom : Exactly as it says, chapters done with mini plots happening, all within Arkham asylum.
Bookshop (1960s) : Penguin owns a book store and has suitors competing for him - Riddler vs Bookworm
Pre-Arkham : What if Jon and Jervis met before either became rogues?
Trans Oswald (The Batman) : Not actually a romantic fic but more angsty, considering what if he'd had a child in his younger years.
Merman Oz (2004 cartoon) : I just like the visual of him as a mermaid.
What You Love Most (Arkhamverse) : Another angsty piece where Ed doesn't realise Oswald's feelings.
Drive-in Movie (Batwheels) : Simultaneous riddlebird and Ducky/Quizz.
Music Meister (Arkhamverse) : Don't tell me the concept of Oz being forced to sing isn't hilarious.
Rumour Mill : Jonathan steps in when rumours spread about Jervis.
Trans Ed (Arkhamverse) : I wanted to write Oz facing his own transphobia but I'm not sure I can do the topic with the required sensitivity.
Hypnotism : As a hattercrow fan, its almost a rite of passage to write Jervis using his powers on Jon.
Merry Little Batman : I'm always drawn to new media variations.
More continuations.
The World Is Your Oyster sequel : What would life be like living with an octo-person?
Post Game (Arkhamverse) : A possibly final installment to my arkham Games series.
Nobody Said It Was Going To Be Easy sequel (btas) : Not sure this is something I still want to do honestly.
The Boss (The Batman) : Picking up their story post film.
Angel!Ed/Demon!Oz (2004 cartoon) : Bringing the contrasting pair actually together.
Pax Penguina sequel (Gotham) : I have no impetus to continue this one at present.
The Real Deal sequel (btas) : Considering whether Ed might get his own larger than life Penguin doll.
The King Of Gotham sequel (comics) : Picking up where the story ends off. Not finished posting the original yet.
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mooncalfe-art · 1 year
Ok. Soo, just got to read the issue 140 and....my God, was it a lot. Especially from a dramatic point of view. Was to be expected tho.
Iven tho the Armageddon game issue finale is not out yet, I can see for sure how much evreyone has to suffer because of it.
Il get this out of the way first. The issue lookt great! The art was very nice and did a very good set up for what will happen next.
Now. For the things I noticed .
1. Seeing Raph act like that was both to be expected and a bit painful at the same time ... and it sure not got better for him at the end of the issue..far from it. I do get way evreyone is sooo done whit EVREYTHIG. Those kids suffered non-stop and that's without considering what might happen in the future. They got to their breaking point and I understand it.
2. The part whit Alopex was intriguing to me. Yes. As I myself saw a lot of times, there is a lot of fans that are frustrated with what happened to her and Raph and whit how she is acting now especially . And, I would lie to say I myself am not a bit frustrated as well...but, I do get what you are going for and it seems that Alopex herself is not sure what iven is happening enymore also.
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Oh. BTW. Claw Clan is a very cute name. Ngl. And, iven whit what is happening, is nice to see her and the little ones still play a bit. I am looking forward to see what the next issues bring for those 2, especially if the description of issue 142 is something to go by.
Speaking of which . The part whit Casey being missing got me thinking .... Seeing that Leatherhead and that Doc will kidnap someone close to Alopex ... is there a chance that this is what also happened whit Casey?
Like... we will get to see him again, right? Also...what happened whit Angel? Not iven a mention of her so far.
One last thing about this issue is that is nice to see Bob in this finally .
Now. Overall all, this was an very interesting issue. Like the new set up of the city and the fact Seri is back as well. I am a bit worry about some of the characters, especially Casey and Angel and very curious how the story will evolve both for Raph and Alopex and for Doni , seeing that the future topic of this series is sooo....fascinating to see and IF or ( more correctly said ) WHAT can change in it. Hopefully, is for the better.
Thanks for reading! :D The scheduling is a mess and it's a little frustrating #140 came out before Armageddon Game #8 but sometimes that stuff happens in monthly comics, things don't always shake out how they're supposed to.
I don't know if you saw my other answer to whoeynardo, but Casey isn't actually missing, that's something that Armageddon Game #8 will explain. ;)
Angel will be back in issue 142, I haven't forgotten about her! It's just a lot of characters to juggle and I can't always include everyone in every issue. I had actually wanted Angel to join the Claw Clan originally but it didn't work out!
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pistachiozombie · 4 months
Hi hiiii Just wanted to hop on to say your art is absolutely gorgeous, and your animations give me motivation to start learning animations (ive been putting it off for so longgg). Like thye are literally so cute and smooth and <333 Your oc's are so so so CUTEE and i checked out your comic!! I lOVE how you draw Bilbo (i may be a bit biased, he is my favourite-est boi ever) and honestly, everyone. I forgot the elf dude's name (im so sorry i have trash memory, i forget my own oc's names AH) but his design is awesome!! LOVE how you do lineart and shading btw, it is so nice to look at! I mean, all of your art is really nice to look at, i just wanna gobble it up.
Do you think you'd be down to draw some more Bagginshield someday? If not, I will still gobble up your art, Leanna and Bofur are so adorablee. I used to not be into oc's as much but your art got me into Oc's a lot ngl!
Sooo hmmm that's all :D Love your art, hope you have a good day :D
Oh my goodness hello! Thank you so much for such a thoughtful and kind message! Waking up to this definitely helped me get started with my day a little faster. ♥ I wish you luck on your animation endeavors! It's intimidating and redundant at first, but once you get your own flow going, it comes to you naturally. I highly recommend "Animators Survival Kit". Have you seen Who Framed Roger Rabbit? A classic, but same animator shows you how it's done in that book. Very good resource for 2D animators. Growing up with Disney and Don Bluth, I ended up fawning over strictly 2D animation and not tweened, puppeted or rigged. Equal work goes into all forms of art, but unfortunately, I haven't been able to enjoy that style as much as I want to. It just isn't for me. But that doesn't mean it won't click with you! Try all sorts of different ways of animation and see what you like most. Try not to get frustrated when it doesn't come out looking like [*insert any Spirited Away scene*] at first. As for the comic, thank you! I can't wait to post more pages and show you Sven's history of pain and suffering :D Partially kidding, but there is a lot to come so I hope you are looking forward to that as well! Maybe one day it will get popular enough to release plushies omg
I'm always down to draw Bagginshield, but don't get requests often to do so, and a lot of you out there have already done some wonderful art of them that I would have a hard time thinking of a pose that hasn't already been done lol! It also explains why I am in sort of a uninspired Bofur x Leanna hibernation ;-;
Cheers to you♥
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002yb · 1 year
I know that most Dick/Jason stories are mainly set in post crisis, but what about an au set in pre crisis continuity (blonde circus kid Jason)? DickJay bonding over their similar backgrounds, Jason reminding Dick so much of lost memories of the circus, memories that he tucked away to deal with the grief over his parents' death, with Dick unknowingly falling for Jason first after spending time with him and how he feels so conflicted about it given their age difference, the guilt he feels from the death of Jay's parents and how he initially wanted to take a more parental place in Jay's life. It's just that Dick did not expect to feel this way about the kid, and he hates himself because he thinks it's inappropriate and disgusting. So Dick distances himself, less visits to the manor, less communication with Jason, and even during Jay's occasional run with the Titans Dick hardly speaks with him. Jay and the rest of the Titans notices but when he confronts Dick about it it turns into an argument and both parted in anger.
Then the next time they meet it's either Dick on his knees crying in front of Jason's grave or Dick at the side of Jay's hospital bed looking over a comatose Jason (cause I love suffering).
Ngl, the idea started with me suddenly obsessing over Zendaya and Zac Efron's Rewrite the Stars scene in The Greatest Showman and I just can't help imagining Dick and Jason in their place. I could just imagine Dick first realizing his feelings when he's swinging around with Jason, everything seems to be going in slow motion and it's like there's only the two of them in the entire world, and his blue eyes focused on Jay's face, appreciating the blonde lashes, the precious smile and the unadulterated look of joy. And Dick thinks to himself that giving Robin to Jason, has become more than just making up for the guilt he felt over the death of the Todds, Jason has become what Robin should be, a light in the dark, the hope in the time of despair and the beacon of everything good and right in the world. And Jason, to Dick, is just that.
(Sorry for the corniness)
Oh goodness, this was a harrowing adventure of a read. My heart simultaneously feels all the warm and tormented feels. ;U; Thank you so much for sharing, anon! I'm one of the many that goes the post-crisis route with Jason, but this is really sweet!!
Fair warning coming from after writing this, but idk how this version of events goes to tie it into everything and I unwittingly went the usual post-crisis route omggggg I think I've clowned myself I'm so sorry I need to read some comics ahhhhhh
Jumping in at the ending point of the above -- but Jason either resurrecting or coming out of that coma and being so damn frustrated with Dick. Just that upset from before carrying over on top of Jason being distraught because of everything that happened.
Because Jason cried for Dick when Jason was dying, but Dick wasn't there. He stopped being there, but now he's here (at Jason's beside when Jason wakes/at Jason's grave when Jason disturbs the ground of his plot and Dick helps him dig and pulls Jason out and into his arms and won't let go and--) and what the fuck is it that he wants? Choose.
But also, what the fuck did Jason do so wrong? He thought he would or did die and all Jason could fixate on was where he fucked up with them.
And Jason has all the pent up, frustrated tears because, 'I love you,' and Dick must have known and hated it. Only Jason loves him still, so hate him/leave him because Jason can't stop.
It's such a heartbreaking and sincere confession and for once Dick's mind is quiet, no doubts or insecurities -- just a heart full of hope and his body moving all its own to grab Jason and pull him close and kiss him like Dick has wanted to do for ages and ;3;
Reason comes back to him at some point, obviously. They're concerns Jason gives due consideration if only because Dick is trusting him with some heavy insecurities and communication/trust is something they're actively working on after everything, but at the same time? Jason will call Dick 'daddy' if he wants and Dick dies a bit because 'too soon,' ahahahaha.
Thank you again for sharing this, anon!! No need to apologize for any corniness, either. That's the bulk of my content anyhow LOL. I've got a whole series where Jason becomes the Robin Dick lost along the way and more importantly needs (in the sense of Dick lost his own light/hope/ability to see most good and right things in the world during his time as Robin but finds it in Jason over time --- also with Dick cherishing that dearly and it healing some wounded part of himself so he's more him), well. We've got similarly corny taste in this regard so no need to apologize, I'm having a great time hahaha.
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0vergrowngraveyard · 6 months
Opinion on kittails?
gonna be 100% honest: i’m not a fan of it
i can understand the appeal but it’s not really my thing, especially after idw 67 where it’s shown that kit is still laser focused on killing tails
i don’t think those two could even be friends, ngl (they probably will end up being somewhat friendly to each other tho, it is a sonic comic)
if we’re looking at it through a lens of how the characters canonically are, it’s someone suffering with extreme imposter syndrome dating the person who is causing him to feel like an imposter. when surge says that she can’t live while sonic is still alive, i’m assuming kit feels the same way towards tails so uh-
i’m not saying “you can’t ship this it’s bad!!!”. again, i understand the appeal, just not my cup of tea
but uh ye 👍 opinions
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cashmonei · 1 year
Hot take I think ppl in the AVM fandom should stop going 'haha blues so addicted to netherwart it's so quirky loll XDD here's an au where eating netherwart makes blue act like a drunkard and heres fanfics where blues friends treat them like shit and physically assault them to get them to stop being addicted to netherwart bc that's so funny and cool hahaha!!!!' Bc it's lowkey kinda fucked up ngl.
Like as someone who's both dealt with addicts that are family members and has the brand of tism that makes me a VERY picky eater, I think that very few ppl in this fandom are mature enough to put addiction into your stories without spreading REALLY BAD rhetoric, even unintentionally.
Like, I get it it is the funny quirky thing that everyone jokes abt, but like. Addiction is a serious thing that shouldn't be trivialised, and you need to be very delicate when addressing it, even in fanworks. And sometimes a character just has a fucking favourite food they enjoy alot, it's not always that fucking deep. Like I'm sorry if this hurts your feelings but it's kinda scary to see how some ppl treat the subject of blue's supposed 'addiction' to netherwart, especially as someone who has loved ones who struggle with addiction who are already given shit from everyone for it.
If me saying this pisses you off I think you should think abt why it pisses you off before you come into my inbox to say that I should just let people have fun. Because I think that this is a genuine issue with alot of younger fans who genuinely don't know any better.
Basically, TLDR; if you're not gonna do the research on how to properly convey addiction and addiction recovery, do not make blue 'addicted' to netherwart as a part of your fanfic or as a funny joke comic. Because its genuinely not funny and you're unwittingly contributing to a stigma around ppl suffering from addictions.
It's like how you need to be careful with depicting chronic illness or other disorders that are demonized enough already. It's your responsibility to make sure that you aren't spreading harmful stuff around, not anyone else's. Do better.
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