#CUB Student Portal
digital-techtune2024 · 2 months
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sheilab34b · 9 months
Having my office at the Uni, I get lots of calls for various things, relating to my advanced education, especially in the area of the mind. Well Jennifer was no exception and came bouncing in for my last appointment on a Friday. I just love how excited some Freshmen get when we talk. My name is Sheila and Jennifer came to me by way of email ([email protected])
Hi, I'm Jenn, she told me, and I work for the Freshman paper. I suggested they do an article on mind trappings, hoping we could talk about it. We shook hands and she kept standing there looking at me, holding onto my hand for quite a long time. After we sat down, listening to her babbling on and on, I set the metronome sitting on my desk into a slow tedious motion. It created a slight clicking sound in the background. click click click Neither of us paid much attention to it. When there was a slight pause, I noticed she just paused and looked at the metronome. I was thinking of interjecting something that came to my mind about what she might enjoy.
I mentioned hypnosis as a method of helping students with some mental gymnastics relating to difficulties they might be having. Jenn, just listened intently taking notes and occasionally looking up at me.
For instance I think you might have seen a part of the Jungle Book, by Disney that had a snake named Kaa and a man cub interacting. Kaa seemed to almost hiss out his words, as he talked with the boy. Like, ssssssss. Each and every time, ssssssss. click click click It was very effective in probing the boy's mind, remember that? Jenn, said only yessssssss in response, nodding her head to the pace of the metronome. Jenn's pen dropped from her hand as the image projected behind me, was of Kaa and the man cub. That time with the snake, Kaa, opened a portal into the boy's mind. Sinking deep, each sssssss that reached his ears. Opening an avenue for Kaa to control the boy. yessssssss Hypnosis is the vehicle to allow that, Jenn.
While Jenn was staring at the image, I slid next to her close enough where she could feel my breath and hear my whispers in her ear. Thinking about Kaa helps you feel relaxed, Jenn.... her reply was faint, yesssss hissing like Kaa. I told her I thought that sounded very sensual. Another yesssss, was all she said. My hand rested on her thigh just inches from her heat. Jenn tried to tear her eyes away from the image so she could look at me. You like my eyes, Jenn. eyesssss yessssss, I really do your lipssssss too. She looked from my eyes to my lips and back just as I changed the image to a pretty spiral. I heard her gasp and try to keep watching it closely. Follow closely, Jenn. yessssssss
Jenn, dropping deeper, happily slipping down for Sheila... yessssssss Forgetting why you are here, forgetting what I said or what you heard. Its not important at all. Obedience is pleasure, Jenn. You have been wanting to seduce me and use that seduction to have me addicted to you and your beautiful body. When you awaken you will feel that need to seduce Sheila and nothing else. That need over powers your mind, and body.... now feeling more alert yessssssss and happy..... and filled with desire.... for Sheila.
WOW Sheila, I am so glad you had time to talk. I am so happy!!
(to be continued)
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I smiled as Jenn glanced at the spiral for about 2-3 minutes then turned to me and flew into my arms, kissing me with passion, molding her body to mine. Oh Sheila I don't know what got into me, but I have to say.... I love kissing you. Frankly I don't have any notes of what you said, nor do I remember a single thing, so could we meet again, please... oh please....
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valy-gc · 2 months
So... I Love imagining different MCs.
Usually imagining how some characters from my books would act as MCs.
Then sometime completely creating one. Like my "youtube MC" Dust, or my other one Fontayne (maybe I'll talk about him later... when I'll finally draw him XD)
Here is one of my favorite MC, Bram! He's from our world, around the victorian area... or so it seems.
Bram is around 16 or 19, nobody is sure of his age. He's actually born in twisted Wonderland and more importantly, in the Island of Woe, as his parents are both STYX's scientists.
But as a baby, only a month old, his parents remarked he seemed to absorb blot around him. Scared, they sealed any magic in him through some experiment for some time before throwing him into a random experimental portal because even with sealed magic, he was absorbing blot, just slower. Bram appeared in our world, right into the sea. (reason why he absorbe blot at the very end of this post)
But Bram actually is blessed with an incredible luck (that's his "Obey me! MC" part, he have been blessed by an angel) so as a little baby of barely 6 months, he survived by miracle and ended up on a flourished jungle island, untouched by humans.
He have been found by a female tiger. The "ruler" of the island, kind off. Thanks to his luck blessing, she decided to adopt him instead of eating him. So she raised him.
Bram is then totally wild and never saw another human. The closest were the monkeys... but as "a tiger" he just ate them. Bram's "father" didn't wanted him and tried to eat him, but his mother killed him to protect her cub. The large scar on his torso is due to his "father" attack.
Of course lots of other accidents. The bite on his thigh is from a crocodile. The large scar on his calf is because he felt and got this place pierced by a branche. He have cuts, bites and scratches kind of everywhere.
He also have a dark "scar" in his back, but it's actually the seal of his magic.
Bram love pretty colors and since he have seen parrots decorating their plumage with leaves or other feathers, he's doing the same by putting pretty flowers in his hairs. He loves flowers. DO NOT touch his flowers. He will bite.
Also, of course, he live completely naked and walking on all four
When he was around 11, his mom died. She wasn't killed. She was just already 17 (tigers lives usually between 10 and 15 years old, some rare case have been observed where they lived up to 26) So Bram lived alone since.
And suddenly... the mirror summoned him in another world...or more like back to his original world... (see after the image)
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So... here come the day he's summoned to Twisted wonderland.
No need to say, he was shocked.
Need to know, in his head, he is a tiger. His mother just said he's "a little different" but he's "still a tiger".
So, I base it more like the manga for his arrival. He get out of the coffin when everyone is already here. And by himself. And without the ceremonial robe. So in his case, he's still naked.
I think you can imagine, when he woke up locked in a box, he panicked, and hit and struggled until he managed to open the lid of the coffin. When he see all the students and staff around him -human- he step back and hiss... yep, he will just act like a cat... more dangerous.
The staff try to calm him but nothing work. Until, recognizing how he act, Trein have the good idea to send Lucius. Bram can talk to animal. Howver, the animal language the mages use to talk to animal too don't work with Bram.
So thanks to Lucius, they learn that the naked kid in front of them think he's a tiger because he have been raised by one. After some tribulation, seing all the scars and how he act, the staff refuse to just send him back (and the mirror say he can't, anyway). Crewel even want to adopt him (as a son, not as a cat, aslo, in my mind, Crewel and Crowley are together so...)
With Lucius help they slowly makes him understand they're not going to hurt him, and Crewel manage to get him and carry him. Bram snuggle into his coat, reminding him of his mother fur, and purr. Lucius translate, saying the purr correspond to "mom" and Crewel just accept his fate XD
In this storyline, all staff are protective of him and refuse to let Bram into Ramshackle if they don't repair it first, with magic. (Why that crow didn't just magically repair Ramshackle from the start in game tho... well if I stay on my constant overblot theory, certainly because he actually can't use too much magic)
They find Grim in Ramshackle, and when he see him, Bram try to hunt him, even catch him in his mouth XD Thanks the seven, the staff manage to makes him let go. Sam's little shadow friend bring a whole ham for Bram instead.
So they clean Ramshackle and also try to dress him... have you tried to dress a cat? No need to say, they can't. They just managed to pass him a boxer and a shirt barely buttoned. (the image)
Of course he also can't talk, he growl and hiss. First thing he will try to say will be his name, like "brrrr.... rraa... bbrrmmm... nrrr.... bbraaam".
Slowly, he start saying some words and even try to walk on two legs. then, you know the story... with some changes, of course.
Also, crowley is "da" and Crewel is "ma" :D
Also, in this storyline, Grim try his best to be studious and since Crowley and Crewel are often at Ramshackle to be with "their son" well grim got their help for the homeworks.
Oh I also have to tell you about his first meeting with Malleus!
So, it tigers are nocturnal. So Bram couldn't sleep that night, despite his "parents" stayed to sleep with him, so he would feel more comfortable.
Bram sneak outside and try to catch fireflies and then see a mud puddle and just roll in it (tigers LOVE mud puddle and water).
Malleus was walking around to watch the gargoyles and see that, and he is confused so he get closer and ask if it's fun.
Bram immediately startled, get on all four and hiss on him... at Mal's surprise XD After calming down, Bram look at Malleus and see his horns... earlier the same day, Grim was watching after him while he was going around the school and they saw the statues, and at Maleficient's statue, Grim taught Bram how to say "Horn"
But it's not so easy to start talking. So, Bram point at Malleus, and want to say "horns" but instead say "Hon". And that will be Malleus' nickname from Bram. Hon.
When he get that Malleus is nice, he proceed to hug him... while still covered in mud, but well.
About the overblots.... well he just jump on the phantom and bite it. And that's what he do in every fight, tiger style XD
Another thing... he will keep picking flower and put it im his hair but also try to put it in others hair. It's his love language.
Now, about the fact he absorbe blot. It's due to his signature spell. I got that idea with a dream about another MC (Xia, from my horror short story "The orphanage) but it fit Bram too.
So here is his signature spell :
"From the shadows to my call, gather and empower my rise; Abyssal Maw!"
"Abyssal Maw" makes him enter into a controlled overblot, where he still have his mind clear and can command the phantom (see the phantom as the Horned king). Due to that, instead of creating blot when he use magic, he is using blot. He absorbe blot around him because for him blot is like a fuel, not a waste. Since it was way too OP (I mean... most of signature spell are kind of OP, did you see Malleus'??) I had to makes some adjustement compared to the original dream.
So, when he don't get enough blot, he will feel weak and tired. Like if you haven't eat or sleep for days. And there is also a problem if he absorb too much.
Nope, he won't enter into a real overblot if he absorbe too much blot... but he will end up in a drunken-like stat. Will be really cuddle and completely out. Not able to think or react, dizzy and will totally faint after a while. That can be really dangerous if he's into a battle.
Of course he will be able later to control his blot absorption, but that will take time. And obviously, he absorbe a lot of blot during the other's overblot. Slowly, because his magic is sealed, but the more he absorbe blot, the more his seal get close to break.
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stiffyck · 3 months
I’m just gonna drop an AU idea I has here.
So basically multiple characters from different universes and genres are somehow transported to this one, a la into the spiderverse. Shenanigans ensue.
Grian is a normal architecture student living in a one bedroom apartment. He has two siblings, Jimmy and Pearl, but they live on different parts of town. Portal opens up and out pops Hotguy “Hawkeye” or Scar from a stereotypical superhero movie. Claimed Grian as his sidekick and now acts as a wildly controversial vigilante in the city. Currently living on Grian’s couch and begged to keep a stray cat he found. He named her Jellie.
Mumbo is from a Victorian Age Vampire drama, and has really called off. He tried to do his usual routine of getting his prey, but all it got him was a kick to the groin and a face full of pepper spray. Grian found him starving in an alleyway and he is now living in Grian’s Closet. He is fascinated by the technology in this world and has a hobby of disassembling and reassembling any technology he comes across. Grain lost a toaster and the oven to his hobby.
Some more miscellaneous information :
Gem is a magical girl, and is ridiculously overpowered. She has the capacity to split a skyscraper in two and vaporize anything she comes across. She is currently roommates with Pearl.
Speaking of Impulse, he is a dragon from a fantasy game. He is actually quite chill when unprovoked and is currently working with and living with Skizz. Out of everyone, he’s the most chill about his current situation.
Etho… is a normal dude, he just dresses like a ninja 24/7. No one knows why.
Doc and Cub are from Scar’s universe as it’s titular villains. Doc can be defeated by cute shrubbery, the power of friendship, simply removing a screw from his inventions, or asking about his child.
Cub is more complicated, as he is currently possessed by an alien plant thing. He used to be very close to Scar, but Grian knows a difficult subject when he sees one and doesn’t press for more information.
Ren runs a logging business and ran into both Bdubs and Martyn, both from the same fantasy universe as Impulse. According to the both of them, he has a strong resemblance to their king and both sweared their undying loyalty to him. Both do not hesitate to attempt to Murder anything in their way.
Jimmy is just a coach as the local elementary school. Everyone wants him.
Tango is from a sci-fi drama, and was the engineer of several fleets of spaceships. He currently works as a normal engineer but is a bit hard to hide and control his literal flaming hair and completely red eyes. Pining after a certain coach.
Scott is from the same sci-fi drama as Tango, complete with literal starry eyes and hair, and has been here the longest. He is known as a wildly popular influencer and is well known throughout the city. Also moonlights as a thief. Friends with Jimmy.
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dancingsunflowers-ocs · 4 months
The time has once again come for me to talk about some plot bunnies!! These are some all of the plot bunnies I currently have that I haven’t really talked about much - feel free to ask me any questions you might have about them!!
Solana Corzo, Glee OC, Artie Abrams ship.
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-Childhood best friend of Claudia Green, before her move to Lima.
-Loves the colour pink, Disney films, Taylor Swift and old vintage sci-fi films/tv shows.
-She basically shocks people with her smarts when everyone thinks of her as an airhead like Brittany.
-Is the only person who gets Rachel, as much to the annoyance of both Claudia and Francesca who can’t stand her.
Pedro Fernandez, Glee OC, Kurt Hummel ship.
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-Revamped version of James Green.
-Has been best friends with Ariel Berry since childhood.
-Bisexual disaster and proud!!
-Barista at the Lima Bean and a student at McKinney High.
-Tough guy with a soft heart. Initially, he comes across as aggressive, socially isolated, and simply not given a break in the world.
Matilda Thorpe Wednesday OC, Enid Sinclair ship.
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-Based on Matilda from the Roald Dahl book of the same name.
-Her parents are neglectful, however, her brother Xavier takes care of her and acts as a surrogate parent to her.
-She’s a telekinetic, and also has the power to manipulate written words.
-She also has quite a close familial bond with Miss Thornhill, similar to Matilda from the book’s close bond with Miss Honey… But slightly off 
-Roommate, and eventually the best friend of Bianca.
-Is a huge reader, and is especially a fan of the Percy Jackson books which she gets Wednesday into.
Feyra Sherwood, The Chronicles of Narnia OC, Peter Pevensie ship.
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-Is a school teacher in the 60’s/70’s flower power era.
-After losing her mom, she, her twin brother and cousin discover the world of Narnia through a portal in an old storybook when going through their mother’s belongings.
-Discovers that she has stellar manipulation powers while she’s in the fantasy world.
-She and Peter have a slow burn romance, and she eventually proposes to him with a mood ring from her era/world.
August Sherwood, The Chronicles of Narnia OC, Edmund Pevensie ship.
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-Is the twin brother of Feyra Sherwood and the cousin of Joan Connelly.
-Works in the National History Museum in the 60’s/70’s era.
-Discovers with Feyra and Joan, in which he finds out he has earth/weather manipulation powers.
-When he and Edmund first met, they were both constantly bickering with each other, and were basically too stubborn to admit their romantic feelings for each other.
Joan Connelly, The Chronicles of Narnia OC, Lucy Pevensie ship.
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-Is the cousin of Feyra and August Sherwood, and is like a younger sibling to them.
-Is a college student during the 60’s/70’s era who’s questioning their gender/sexuality.
-When they and the twins discover Narnia, they finds out that’s they’re really skilled at using weapons.
-They get so confused when animals just follow them around for no particular reason.
-They later befriend/adopt an orphan wolf cub, after some hesitation at first, which they name Akela who laters becomes their companion.
Cherry Hearts, Descendants OC, Ben Beast ship.
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-Is the daughter of the Queen of Hearts, but their relationship with each other is very stained.
-Is in contact with her aunt, Mirana of Marmoreal/The White Queen who she considers more of a mother figure than her own.
-A member of the VKs, she wants desperately to be good and break away from her mother’s reputation, and dedicates herself to being better once the VKs choose good at the coronation.
-Smart and sarcastic by nature but not mean.
-Loves strawberries, red lipstick and graffiti.
Sofía Madrigal, Descendants OC, Evie Grimhilde ship.
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-Is the daughter of Mirabel Madrigal.
-Like her mother, Sofía is a very optimistic and enthusiastic girl who loves her family above everything, and would do absolutely anything to make them proud of her.
-Many years after Casita was rebuilt, Alma passed away, and it was revealed to Mirabel that she had the most important role in the Madrigal family all along, as she was always destined to be the next holder of the family’s miracle casa.
-Is very skilled at sewing and playing the accordion.
-The day before she was sent off to auradon, Mirabel gifted her with a hand-sewn butterfly plush. She said that she would always be with her if she kept the butterfly close, so Sofía keeps the plush in her mochila bag, as she is extremely homesick & misses her mamá, familia & casa very much.
-Unlike her mother, Sofía was blessed on her fifth birthday with a magical gift, joining the rest of the Madrigal family. Sofía has the gift of light, meaning she can create, cease & manipulate it, making her the family’s real life miracle candle. However her power is defective due to Mirabel being giftless, so her gift is uncontrollable.
Wanda Darling, Descendants OC, Harry Hook ship.
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-Is the daughter of Wendy Darling.
-Enemies-to-lovers trope!! She has the purest of hearts, is kind and sees only inner beauty, which causes some tension between her and Harry when they meet for the first time in the second movie.
-Wanda negates Harry’s narcissism and teaches him humility. (She basically baked him a big, humble pie.)
-Super shy and doesn’t talk a whole lot, but incredibly smart and loving. Has a huge interest in astronomy.
Tagging: @luucypevensie (since she helped me with many of these!!) @ginger-grimm @daughter-of-melpomene @ginevrastilinski-ocs @manyfandomocs
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Pen emoji for vytt and kytt and one more for uriah!
Vytt and kytt will be done together since they are deeply connected to one another.
These two are my bad guys. Like i intentionally make them awful. I listen to a true crime podcast and sometimes i hear something so horrifying i am like “oh… write that down for vytt and kytt”. So you have vytt, a serial killer, and kytt who is a rampant sex offender that went to the flame legion for a very obvious reason.
My recent addition to their past has been deepening their own childhood trauma because i learned recently of modern places people will pay to put their children who are just “too much” whether due to trauma or autism into that still practice horrid techniques of physical torture, humiliation, and sexual assault on children in the guise of making them into good citizens. It was semi-shocking to hear of this still being practiced into the 2000’s and clearly all built up on the horrors from residential schools.
The sad part is if you go through rylands past you can see atleast 18?years ago the fahrar still used brutal near death punishment to cubs. All for the sake of making a good soldier. So you have two cubs- one who is visually an outcast even if he is brilliant and one who isnt good at anything and is often humiliated for it. However just like many of the other they didn’t have to go down the path they did. Another student, Octavos, took that abuse and went on to demand changes in the legions, even if it was often ignored in grothmar. He advocated for better surveillance and preventions of abuse, for a more united unsegregated fahrar system to support interlegion work, fought for the ceasefire (previously saving humans lives when it was dangerous and not looked kindly to do so), and more. But he was also a tribune based in grothmar at a early age and so had that voice to try and enact the changes or atleast start making people think about the change even if those around him preferred the old ways.
Regardless a massive slew of things made vytt and kytt easy targets for flame legion recruitment. Vytt was interested in power. He could see a niche to carve out. Kytt who has recognized his mesmer powers by now just wants the sex. They kidnapped two blood legion soldiers who had similar horns and body shapes and killed the warband (that reluctantly took them as cubs but would put them under the bus first). They scorched the bodies in a way that would suggest flame legion and ash would accept them all dead. Untill Tribune Octavos met Vytts cub.
As flame legion soldiers they were two very odd choices. Vytt convinced them to make him into a spy so the flame legion threw him to a monster they assumed would kill him quick (he aint a magic user anyway) but one of the things that made him special for scout work and spy work was the fact that kytt, who didnt want to do any of that, tattooed him with magic. He made a connection between them so if vytt needed Mesmer magic like disguises or portals he can easily pull kytts power and use it (all while kytt stays in the flame citadel trying to impresss the traditional elemental shamans that a mesmer shaman would do them great stuff)
That monster was Cruciata. She was a high legion interrogator with a particular hatred for flame legion. And boy was she a thorn on their sides because she would have important members kidnapped and they would be killed once she had the info she needed. Or worse she would throw them back to the flame legion with as a cruel cruel joke because whatever charr who came under her fingers were destroyed. The worst part to some shamans was the fact that however she was getting her info it was clear she got it accurate and the legions staved off the expansion into high legion territories because of it. And vytt took a different angle to this issue. He had watched her and realized something peculiar- she enjoyed the human cultural tradition of wooing and would spit in your face if you tried to bed her in the crude charr ways. Looking into her apartment at the black citadel it was even clearer that she had a soft spot for what were traditionally human things. Stolen instruments, flowers, the dresses she wore… and so he decided to romance her.
He played himself off as an unfortunate gladium from grothmar. One who would approach her with flowers and poetry, somwthing he enjoyed as a cub. It worked and when she suddenly disappeared for 9 months (or however many months it takes for charr to have cubs) the flame legion was impressed.
He would occasionally be whisked away to other places to do spy or dirty work for the flame legion. The only time kytt did work was rooting out mesmer ash soldiers and giving them to vytt or whatever flame legion was available who wanted to torture some poor soldier. Vytt never knew his dear mother that he was closw to died this way. He wouldnt have joined the flame if he did.
Vytt and cruciata would continue to get close but she was so embarrased that she fell for a gladium that everything was secret- just as vytt preferred. Sometimes she would foolishly talk about what she was doing and vytt would pass that info onto the flame legion. He learned when his cub came of age, a cub he never met untill later in life, that the reason she was able tonget the info out of charr as good as she did was because something about the magic in their inherited blood mixed with a ancient spell meant they could rifle through their brain if they specified just right what they were searching for. Vytt fell in love with her. With her admirable cruelty and the way she kept encouraging him to write. Become a poet! Become a singer! He almost did but power was waved in his face before he decided on ot. She had kidnapped a very very high up flame shaman and the flame legion wanted her gone once and for all. He will become a tribune and the flame legions scouting and spy master while kytt will become a high shaman as part of the deal.
And he took it. He would invite cruciata on a date, knock her out, and be the one to plunge the blade that would cause her to burn to ash from the inside out. He would be promoted and kytt would become even more a menace in the flame legion but he would save people when the commander helps rytlock, logan, and the pact take down gaheron. Someone had to get the citizens to safety and his mesmer magic worked long enough to hide them untill they got to a safe area. Afterall there was massive sentiment among the high legions that all flame legion should be wiped clean and the charr were in a frenzie to do just so. You think they would have believed anyones words of peace back then? Especially from male flame legion shamans like Efram?
They didnt stay for the scarlet stuff. He and kytt would break away and be their own thing But i have to go to work so i guess i should atop gushing about vytt and kytt and go onto uriah
Now hes partyly kytts story because he is one of kytts cubs. Kytt had many other cubs and coulsnt seem to have boys. They just kept being born female which was second class in flame legion. Hes the first one born since he had become a high shaman. He convinced a centuries old shaman family to let him marry one of their daughters.. They were reluctant but gaheron sealed that deal. Uriah was soon born- an albino intersex cub. Kytt being the awful man he was was disgusted by this and demanded his young wife kill the cub so he wouldnt be associated with it but she refused. He divorced, with some violence, and convinced gaheron to drop her to a slave class for her decision to keep the cub.
Unsure what uriahs gender was he was sent to a female fahrar but he soon dropped out. His mother had been caught smuggling cubs out of the flame legion and helping people who were left for dead. She was a trained doctor after all. Kytt suggested that they should cut her arms off for the punishment and woth that uriah came home to help her cook and clean and eventually he would learn some of her nursing skills. She would take uriah with her to bandage one charr, help anothwr. It was a rough beginning but uriah would donit all over just for his mom.
Uriah will grow to be more masculine and with that he was given a apprenticeship, ironically also due to kytts influence, with a welder/blacksmith because the cub was good with making things from scraps. As a teen he would quietly make friends with others who wanted equality in the flame legion, to modernize and to give a truce to the high legions. He and his little ragtag warband would start to influence and get people to join their currently silent revolution. Uriah was good with words and having been who he was, a intersex charr that many knew from the fact he would help heal the downtrodden with his mother, he was a bit of the spokesperson and the one who could bring up words that moved people.
He and his warband sadly made the mistake to start this at the immediate aftermath of the attack on the flame citadel. They assumed with gaheron dead they could overthrow the old order. It failed. Too many shamans were still alive as scarlet hadnt mutilated them yet and many of the general populace was scared for their lives if they showed support. It would be ciolently crushed and only uriah would be left alive from his warband all because kytt thought it a crueler punishment.
With uriah known his mother begged him to leave. Either a flame legion shaman will kill him or a high legion soldier will since they talked of total destruction of the flame legion. He would relent, sadly saying goodbye to his mother and quietly escape. He would find a pact camp, announce he was a gladium because of the flame legion fight who was tired of the legions and wanted to help a bigger cause. He was good at welding. He would become a pact welder who was shy and kept to himself
Anyway i got to work so this is what you get
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astaroth1357 · 4 years
The Obey Me Cast on a Camping Trip (Part Two: The Undateables)
This post is split in two due to length (I had too much fun again…) For the Brothers, please click HERE!
Another day, another team building activity between the demons and the exchange students. It was Diavolo’s idea to go on a camping trip to the human world (because of course it was), and there were very… mixed responses. That sentiment wasn’t helped when he refused Lucifer’s insistent pleas to just purchase cabins for everyone to stay in. Oh no, the Demon Lord wanted to rough it out in the wilderness, and now everyone else was getting dragged along with him…
Wonder how that turned out?
He was soooo excited to get to experience camping! He had been asking the MC about human camping trips for about a week before making the announcement and he was pumped!!
Barbatos chauffeured him to the campsite in his own car (of course) but he insisted on taking every roadside, touristy stop they came across which doubled the drive time considerably…
He wanted to help everybody set up the camp but Barbatos and Lucifer were having none of it… So he took pictures and offered moral support instead! Good work everyone! 😁
He had his own tent about the size of a small house (ngl it took Barbs and Lucifer about a half hour to set the whole thing up). Barbs even somehow managed to pack a collapsible desk in there for him so he could still work… greeeat…. 🙄
Diavolo wanted to try everything. Literally everything. The man even traded his uniform out for full on outdoors gear, right down to one of those floppy fishing hats with the tackle stuck to it.
Politely insistently asks that Lucifer does things with him. The MC could come along as well (and in many cases Luci begs them to do so) but he wants to get some bonding time in with his best friend!
Unfortunately for Lucifer, Diavolo would get sidetracked quite a lot… Which is how he ended up having to physically steer his Lord out of harm's way more than once…
At one point while hiking, Diavolo was so distracted by taking pictures that he nearly walked right into the path of a passing bear and her cubs. Lucifer had to tackle him down into some bushes until they went away... His brothers teased him mercilessly when they heard about...
Dia also loved the camping food quite a bit. He's never gotten the chance to cook his own food before, even if it's just marshmallows over a fire, so it was all a brand new experience for him! S'mores are now declared a human world delicacy.
Man had the time of his life! He'd love to do it again, hell, maybe even make it a yearly event! (Few of the brothers share his sentiment, but hey, it pays to be King 😏)
If his Lord orders it, then he follows. He'll just have to double check that everyone is prepared for the occasion…
Drove Diavolo there with the patience of a saint (while also, like, being the exact opposite of that). Had it been anyone else in the car, they might have told him, "No, we can't stop for pictures of every moose you see," but Barbs is as accommodating as he is loyal.
It was pretty much all on his shoulders to direct the others when setting up camp. Lucifer would claim it was his, but let’s be completely honest here, Lucifer can't order Barbs to do shit. 
Naturally, he had his own tent close to his Lord, more modest in comparison, but big enough to hold a majority of the belongings and gear Diavolo had requested.
He also managed to bring a almost fully functioning kitchen setup for him using magic, minus a working oven by Diavolo's instruction. If he wanted a heat source, he had to use the campfire and he found the challenge intriguing…
For once in his extended life, Barbs had to do some trial and error in the kitchen. As it would turn out, fireside cooking can be a little difficult to master, but by the end of the trip he could still somehow dish out four course meals without so much as a sweat (according to the MC the secret was tinfoil and cast-iron cookware… who knew?)
When he isn’t prepping their next meal (which let’s be honest, with Beel on the trip that’s a constant activity) he’s guarding the food from Beel and Solomon…
The sorcerer wanted to help, but Barbs has already learned the hard way that if he so much as pokes a dish its flavor is ruined… It’s enough to make him wonder if it was a curse laid on him at some point…
Watching Barbatos deny Solomon becomes a pretty funny routine in and of itself. He’s not above just smacking the man’s hand away with a wooden spoon if it gets too close. Barbs doesn’t play in his kitchen. Back off. 😠
Barbatos is happy with the trip so long as the young Lord enjoyed himself. If that’s the case, and it was, then he’d happily do it again if asked… not that he’d have much of a choice anyway.
Simeon was familiar with the concept of camping, he’d written about it in his stories, but he’d never actually done it himself… He had hoped it'd be an interesting experience! And uh… it was that from the very start… 
Purgatory Hall got its own car and Solomon was put in charge of driving… But no one mentioned that he drives like a complete maniac. Speed limits, stoplights, even the ROAD ITSELF be damned. Solomon drives in a straight line from point A to point B and if there’s anything in the way he’ll just use magic to get around it…
It’s safe to say that by the time he and the others got to the campsite (which was significantly quicker than the rest) the angels weren’t in the emotional state to pitch tents… He and Luke just waited for the others to catch up while praying and praising the solid ground beneath their feet…
He shared his tent with Luke and didn’t mind at all. It was probably for the best anyway because the little angel was scared of human world predators like bears and wolves coming for him in the night… Poor boy…
Simeon took to hiking quite a bit. Going out and exploring the area around the campsite made him feel invigorated! The forests were beautiful and it gave him ideas for a bit of a guilty pleasure he's been debating on writing, "The Tale of the Lonely Prince." 🤭
It was on one of those trips that Simeon discovered human world creatures love him. Pretty much all of the wildlife gravitates towards him like he's a Disney Princess.
At one point he came back to camp riding on a moose with birds chirping on his new friend's antlers. He offered to take the MC out for a ride, but the brothers threw a fit about it…
He WAS able to get a couple more wrangled for Diavolo, who naturally dragged Lucifer along (though he clearly didn't want to touch the thing). 
The three ended up getting into a mooseback race because Diavolo wouldn't let Lucifer take the lead. He was glad to see Luci enjoy himself for a change! (It helped a lot that he won of course 🙄😏)
All and all, Simeon had a great time. Maybe he should ask the MC to show him more human places… But he's never getting in a car again. Pardon his language, but fuck those things!!!
He doesn't know what's worse… being out in the middle of nowhere with a bunch of demons or the absolute insanity that was the "drive" down… 😣
He spent the entirety of Solomon's Magical Ride of Nightmares clinging to Simeon or the armrests for dear life. He swore his entire life flashed before his eyes, can angels even have heart attacks???
Stayed right next to Simeon when they finally pulled themselves together enough to leave the car. He was so happy that Michael didn't see any of that… Who knew human transportation was so horrifying…???
His saving grace (literally) was getting to share his tent with Simeon… After Solomon told him that bears sometimes get curious and ransacked campsites, he clung onto the older angel like a protective charm.
...Whiiiich he wasn't too off about actually after he saw Simeon playing (yes PLAYING) with the human wildlife… Simeon had to introduce him to some of the nicer animals for him to eventually get over his fear and venture out past the campsite.
Luke loved to swim in the lake or river with MC and the others. The MC found a sturdy branch where they set up a rope swing and the little guy amused himself for hours!
Sometimes he'd watch Barbatos prep and cook using the campfire… He didn't even know you could make lasagna in a Dutch oven…
At one point the MC convinced him to go with them and the twins on a particularly long hike…
He got tired halfway through and Beel offered him a piggyback ride, but of course he'd NEVER let himself be that close to a demon!! (Just kidding, poor boy was so tired he climbed onto Beel's back and held on the a kola until they got back. Then he jumped off to save face)
He had a better time than he thought he would, but still doesn't want to go camping with demons ever again. (He and Simeon also begged Lucifer to drive them back instead of Solomon so the brothers' van was pretty much a clown car on the return trip).
Solomon hasn't been camping (for enjoyment) in quite a while, so when the prospect came up to do it with the MC and the other students he was intrigued...
When Simeon asked he knew how to drive, he said yes. He knows how to start a car, put it into motion, steer, and then come to a stop. That's all driving is really. 🤷‍♀️ You can't blame him for not memorizing all the rules, he's been traveling by portal for decades!
Was pretty confused why his angel friends fled the car so quickly... He got them there in one piece, after all. 😕🤷‍♀️ He put up their tents himself since they were too busy thanking their father then made a magic barrier around the site for protection purposes.
He and the MC both have their own tents, of course his is enchanted to be a lot bigger on the inside than it is on the outside, but he's only let the MC in on that little secret in case they want to visit… 😏
When everyone else finally arrived, Solomon was happy to help the MC introduce the wonders of the human wilderness to their companions! Including the breathtaking vistas, beautiful flora, bitter temperatures, man-eating predators, waters filled with disease… Hm? Oh, Luke won't leave the tent now…? Whoopsie.
Solomon kept himself occupied on the trip the best way he knew how… relentless trolling (particularly of Asmo and Barbs because they're used to his shit).
He'd alternate between poking fun at Asmo for the almost ritual length routines he was going through to try and save his looks to genuinely trying to encourage him and downplay the severity of the downgrade...
Meanwhile he was bound and determined to serve at least one of his own dishes during the trip (but Barbatos had banned him from the "kitchen," the food tent, and even the spoons...)
Diavolo, nice guy that he is, eventually made Barbs relent and let Solomon cook for ONE night… It went as well as to be expected. (They sent Solomon to grab more supplies then everybody took turns washing their mouths out with lake water... Diavolo apologized profusely, he had no idea...).
Solomon was confused why the angels would rather squeeze themselves in with the brothers than ride with him back but he wasn’t upset about it. That meant he could make a few extra stops without anyone complaining! He knows a guy in New Orleans he’s been meaning to see again… Luke and Simeon can wait a little for their stuff, right?
Click HERE for Part One. Check out my Masterlist for more!
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It's far from September but is that prompt list still okay? If so, is it okay to request #19, “I would know him in death, at the end of the world," for Geralt and Jaskier?
I reblogged that prompt list again just a couple days ago, so of course! I know it says “September” but time is a material construct, we’re in the middle of a plague, and goddammit I like that prompt list. Here it is, by the way, for anyone else who wants to prompt me!
This prompt is absolutely heartbreaking but we’re gonna see if I can’t wrangle a happy ending out of it.
“I’ll see you in autumn,” Jaskier had said. “I’ll see you when the leaves turn.”
That was how it went. Autumn was their time. Spring was when all the monsters that went into hibernation woke up and wreaked havoc, starving, and spring was when all the nobles had coming out parties for their children and royal courts had banquets again. Summer was breeding season, and then, later, the season to take Ciri to Yennefer, and all the courts had weddings. And winter was time to hunker down, in Oxenfurt or a royal court, teaching or playing, while Geralt took Ciri to Kaer Morhen and trained her in Witcher ways.
But autumn was when he traveled with Jaskier.
Not that he didn’t often see the bard at other times. But it was more of a meeting, it wasn’t being together, traveling properly. Autumn was when the air grew a bit cooler and Jaskier walked the road talking about “returning to his humble roots” and seeing “how the common folk were doing” so that he could get “real inspiration” again.
I’ll see you when the leaves turn.
Now it is autumn, and there is no sign of Jaskier.
Courts have seen him, but not in weeks. His students and fellow professors at Oxenfurt aren’t expecting him until the snowfall is heavy and constant.
He tries every haunt that he can think of. Jaskier’s never failed to keep a promise before. I’ll see you in autumn. Every autumn, without fail, they find each other. Jaskier makes his presence loud and unavoidable, all but shouts his location from the rooftops, and Geralt finds him. Or, sometimes, Jaskier finds him, following the trail of monster guts and rumors. But they find each other, and this year...
This year Jaskier is nowhere. Like a ghost.
At last, he goes to Yennefer.
“Find him.” He doesn’t care if he’d begging. Jaskier would never disappear like this. Jaskier keeps his promises. I’ll see you when the leaves turn. “Find him.”
The leaves have turned, the air has chilled, autumn is nigh. Children are carving into pumpkins and making masks to hang from the eaves of their house, to scare away the fey that are said to walk the misty nights this time of year. And the air around him is silent, because there is no bard to fill it.
It takes Yennefer three days.
Her face, when she’s finished, makes Geralt’s blood cold. He’s never ridden Roach so hard before, never felt fear like this. He rides until he reaches what feels like the end of the world, cuts a swath of blood like he hasn’t dared since Blaviken, the fear beating through his veins like the hot poison of his potions.
Yennefer will always take care of herself, and he would feel it if she was in trouble. He would feel if it was Ciri. But he isn’t bound to Jaskier by destiny, he can’t feel him, and so Jaskier was hurt, he was taken, and Geralt didn’t know, Geralt didn’t stop it, and if he loses him--
I was supposed to see him in autumn.
Triss is a better healer than Yennefer. Yennefer is fire and storm and lightning. Yennefer is chaos. Triss is plants, and light, and soft, warm blankets. Triss is life.
Geralt watches as she works, smooths her hands over Jaskier’s chest, his forehead, the eyes pressed closed in magical sleep.
“He might not remember you,” Triss admits. “He might not remember anything.”
“Why. How.”
“Sometimes when you try and force a lock open, you end up destroying the whole door.”
She doesn’t say it was because of him. The White Wolf. She doesn’t say they wanted Jaskier to get to Geralt. After all, Jaskier’s pissed off plenty of husbands over the years (and wives, and siblings, and parents, and lovers, and...) but Geralt just - he knows. He is the Witcher. He is bound to the most powerful sorceress in the land and is friends with half a dozen more. His daughter is the Lion Cub of Cintra. They tried to get into Jaskier’s mind, tried to use him to find Geralt.
And Jaskier - stubborn, spiteful, vibrant, defiant Jaskier - decided to be broken instead of bending.
Triss forces some food on him. Gently drags him into the bath. Washes his clothes. “If you stink like death and look like a skeleton when he wakes, he’ll be very angry with you.”
“I thought you said he might not know me.”
“Then you’d better make a good first impression.”
Days slide by. Yennefer brings Ciri, the two of them stepping through a portal. They only stay a day, but Ciri braids his hair and Yennefer promises to stop by Aretuza, see if there’s anything in the library there that will help. Ciri sings a couple of Jaskier’s lullabies, the ones he wrote for her to help with her nightmares, and Geralt leaves the room, stands outside the door, because he can’t look at Jaskier’s still and silent form while listening to his songs.
The leaves will be all gone soon. Withered and brown, crushed underfoot. The air will bring frost.
On the seventh day, Jaskier’s eyes open.
Triss is absent, gathering herbs. Ciri and Yen have gone. It’s just him in the room.
He wants to take Jaskier’s hand - wants to press it tight between two of his - but he can’t forget her words. He might not remember you.
Jaskier’s eyes are so very warm, warm as summer even when summer has long since faded. “Where am I?”
His voice is hoarse from lack of use. Geralt fetches him some water and helps him to sit up. “A safe place.” He doesn’t know how much to tell him.
“You might want to give me more detail than that. I’m afraid I can’t remember much.”
Geralt’s had monsters sink their claws into his chest, had one nearly rip out his eye, and none of it hurt like this. “I’ll fetch the healer. She’ll explain.”
He stands and starts to go, but gets barely halfway to the door before Jaskier says, “Geralt?”
He turns back. Jaskier’s looking at him with confusion on his face. “Where are you going? Stay.”
It’s only when he has Jaskier’s hand in his that he realizes he’s crossed back to the bed. “You know me.”
“Of course I know you. I might not remember the last few months but I know you.” Jaskier sounds amused, and puzzled, and terribly fond. “I’d know you in death.” His free hand reaches up, thumb tracing the scar beneath Geralt’s eye. His voice is soft as falling leaves. “At the end of the world.”
Geralt kisses him. It is autumn, and he has Jaskier.
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curewhimsy · 3 years
Symphony Saga: Resonate: Haku Arc Outline (so far)
Chapter 1 (Brief cold opening where the big underlying plot is vaguely explained.) (Brief run-down of Haku’s life, and her grandmother’s recent death) Chapter 2 November 29... Haku and Neru are two misunderstood, troubled, 16-year-old students who meet at lunch and break period. They both have autism and are ostracized for it. Haku shows Neru her stuffed kitten Snowbell, and they bond and talk about nice things. There was pizza for lunch, but it ran out because the bullies pushed Haku and Neru to the end of the line. Haku and Neru had to eat nasty asparagus coleslaw casserole instead. The day isn’t looking too good for them... but at least they met each other. Haku is happy to have met a new friend. Chapter 3 Everyone starts talking about Haku and Neru and teasing them. Bullies start sticking Neru with needles during her walk to gym class. In gym class, Neru can’t walk far because the lunch upset her stomach. During the 5-mile marathon outside that the boot camp teacher made the class do, Neru lags behind in the rain. The rain turns into a thunderstorm while Neru is outside. The entire school loses electricity during this time. Meanwhile, Haku has a breakdown in math class because she is reminded about her grandmother’s recent death, and has to go to the counselor’s office alone in the dark. And the school is big and even scarier in the dark. Haku then trips and falls down the stairs. Neru ends her school day in the nurse’s office, and getting painful rubbing alcohol being put in where bullies sticked her with needles. The counselor’s office is nearby, and they see each other there. Haku and Neru have both had a horrible day. But finally, they can see each other again. Chapter 4 Haku and Neru meet again after school, and decide to run away together. Haku’s mother is always late home from work, and Haku’s dad is nowhere to be found. Haku’s mother is very neglectful and Haku is convinced her mother wouldn’t miss her. Meanwhile, Neru is an orphan and lives with her mean grandmother. Haku and Neru pack away their important things and run away to the mall where they find a secret room with a magical mirror. They get sucked through, and end up being transported to the magical world of Whimsica, in the town of Speckle Town! After stepping through the mirror, Haku’s plush cat Snowbell comes to life. They are sent out through a portal mirror that is in the magical world. This mirror is a one-way portal, meaning they cannot go back through it to get back to Earth. The mirror is located in a wooded area in Speckle Town. “Where am I?” They both ask each other. Snowbell, who is now alive, jumps from Haku’s arms and begins to wander off. Alarmed, Haku and Neru follow after Snowbell, and notice a very magical feel about the woods. They eventually make their way out of the forest and into Teto’s magical bakery. Luka is there too. (Magical and whimsical food!) (Add more details) (Introduce Luka’s pet, Tako Luka) (Haku and Neru spend the night at the empty housing space in the Cozy Building, which is a large apartment complex that also has things like a store, recreation center, and clinic. Others who live there are Ame and her parents, Teto and her parents, Taya and his parents, Ritsu and his parents, Miku and her little sister Mizu, Chapter 5 November 30. Haku and Neru attend their first day of Adventure Academy. Haku and Neru have two classes out of six where they are together. Snowbell also gets to go to school with Haku. In one class where she is alone, Haku meets friends named Ame and Joy. Snowbell makes friends with a little lioness cub named Buttersotch. Neru hangs out with Luka a lot. Teto hangs out with her friend Momo and tells her about the new students. At lunch, everyone meets together. A villain attacks. (The villain, however, doesn’t show their face, but they turn something into a monster.) (Haku and Neru unlock magic powers in order to fix things!) (Sparkle and Twinkle randomly show up and tell the two how to use their newfound powers...) December 1... It’s the birthday of an outgoing, popular person at school. They get to have a school-wide party that cuts through class time. In one of Neru’s classes, she notices a person who is quiet and seemingly standoffish. Apparently his name is Wallace. Wallace is quite tall, doesn’t talk much, nor does he show much expression. He is always working on something secret under his desk, and he’s very good at hiding it. Everyone spreads rumors that Wallace is doing something “bad.” Neru doesn’t believe the rumors and senses that Wallace is misunderstood. She wants to confirm that he is a good person, so she sticks around after class. Neru doesn’t mean to be eavesdropping, but when Wallace thinks nobody is around, Neru catches sight of what he creates. He makes small stuffed toys. Neru thinks it’s nice that he has a hobby he’s so passionate about, but she sees something else unexpected. Wallace passes by a drop-off donation box for children who cannot afford holiday gifts and drops the toys he made in it. Neru comes out to talk to Wallace then. He has a startled and flustered reaction. “Ah! Please tell me y-you didn’t see anything... I mean... um... I wasn’t doing anything... okay? You saw NOTHING?” “Huh?” Neru asks. “I don’t get it. You’re doing something so nice, but... you don’t want people to know or see?” “Ah... well... it’s....” Wallace turns red. “It’s... embarrassing.” “...Why?” Neru says. “Well...” Wallace says. “The toys I make... they aren’t very good... I guess... not yet, anyway...” “But... I don’t think that matters at all.” Neru says. “I’m sure the kid who receives your gift that you put so much heart and care into will be overjoyed when they see it.” Neru looks in the donation box, even though Wallace tries to stop her. “Aw, they’re not bad at all.” She says, seeing what he made “Ah, well... my father... used to make stuffed toys.” Wallace says. “They were much better than mine. He passed away a few years back. Lately I’ve been feeling down, so my uncle told me I could use the skills I learned from him to make people happy... and well...” “Well... does it feel nice though?” Neru asks. “Knowing you’re making people happy?” Wallace’s face lights up with an unexpected smile. “Yeah!” He says. “That’s great.” Neru says. “Well, I’m Neru. And well, I already know your name. Wallace, right?” “Yeah, but... um... I’d like to be called Wally, please...” Wallace says. “That’s what I’d want my friends to call me.” “Oh. All right then, Wally.” Neru says. However, two ridiculous villains (Maddie and Sadie, the mad and sad clowns) show up and try to destroy Wallace’s things he worked so hard on. Stelle, Lunette, and Celestine show up. They give Haku and Neru advice and tell them a message from Queen Rainbow, the Queen of Whimsica... Apparently, Haku and Neru have been recruited into a group that fights for justice all around Whimsica. All they have to do to participate is to continue to be true to themselves and to continue to use their magic, determination, and kindness, to settle problems. After this fight, Maddie and Sadie end up reforming and becoming good. They join Gladys, the glad clown, and form a trio to make people laugh. Intermittently in the story, Haku’s backstory about her brother Dell, who she lost before her parents divorce, had been told. We also get to know of Haku’s cousin Miku, who mysteriously disappeared. December 2 During lunch, Haku catches sight of Miku, her cousin and treasured friend from childhood who mysteriously disappeared one day. They have an emotional reunion. Haku offhandedly comments to Miku about her lost brother Dell again, but notices Miku grows a sour expression on her face at the mention of his name. However, soon enough, things are attacked again... and the villain this time is... Haku’s long-lost brother, Dell? Dell has been notorious in the school for being evil and causing trouble for the innocent. Miku, who also has magical girl powers, transforms and begins to fight Dell. Haku is in disbelief and is saddened watching two precious people from her childhood fight. “Dell... this can’t be!” She cries. “I know you aren’t like this... you were so sweet to me. You can’t really be on the side of Monochrome. You just can’t!” Dell has a completely different and mean look in his eyes than the gentle look Haku remembered from childhood. Dell doesn’t even remember Haku. He appears completely cold, and he seems sinister. Dell is creating monsters to terrorize and destroy peace, while not even seeming to bat an eyelash. Haku is heartbroken at having to fight Dell, but Neru urges her she has to do it. Eventually after a strong attack is fired at him, Dell retreats... Haku is left crying, deeply affected at what she just experienced. December 3 Haku had spent the last night thinking of what to do if Dell shows up again. Haku is a bad cook, but she stays up all night making a batch of the cookies Dell used to eat when they were still living together as children. She doesn’t give up until they taste exactly the way they did that time. Dell shows up again and Haku begins pleading to him. Dell begins charging an attack, getting get ready to hit Haku, but Haku just stands there. Everyone watches, thinking Haku is nuts. Haku starts singing to Dell. She sings to him the song Dell always sang to her when they were little. Dell suddenly remembers Haku. Precious memories... they begin flooding his mind. It shows, because he grows a soft expression stops charging the attack... But all of a sudden, he shakes them off and charges at her with a punch. Miku pushes Haku out of the way and continues to fight Dell. Haku is crushed once more. Miku notices Dell isn’t fighting with full force today, and he retreats. Miku even notices Dell seemed like he was fighting back tears. December 4 Dell shows up again, and this time, a group is with him. Dell has a really sad look in his eyes this time... Haku tries to give Dell the batch of cookies she made, but Dell rejects them and begins to fight Haku. Suddenly, all targets are on Haku. Haku defeats most of the group except for Dell and the mysterious leader of his group, and is in bad shape. The leader of Dell’s group attacks Haku. He is very powerful. To Haku’s surprise, Dell jumps in and helps Haku fend off the attack. “Haku...” Dell speaks. “It’s okay now. I’ll fend him off myself. You stay safe. I don’t want you to get hurt!” “Dell... Dell! No! I can’t... You’ll get hurt too...” Haku begins crying. To Haku’s surprise, the man says something strange... “Betrayal, huh? From my own children, huh?” “I’m NOT your son!” Dell shouts. Haku’s face turns white. “You can’t deny facts.” He says. “You are my son, Dell. And... Haku. I am your father.” Haku is too shocked to speak for a couple seconds, but... “No!” She shrieks. “You are not! You’re a part of Monochrome! You’re evil. You’re the one took Dell away long ago. You made him like this! You raised him and brainwashed him to be just like you! Dell... he was always very sweet to me. He was always protecting me. He’s even protecting me now! He never wanted to be a part of Monochrome! Now I will protect him from you! Begone!” Haku hits Gin with an ultra-strong attack, and Dell joins in. Gin decides he cannot handle it, so he retreats so he can live another day. Haku and Dell did not defeat him this time. But at least they chased him away...
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thebiasrekkers · 4 years
No Words, pt 11
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Pairing: Taehyung x Jeongguk x OC [ft.  Namjoon x OC]
Type: Series
Chapter Rating: 18 +
Genre: Idol, Poly, Interracial, Tall Female, Smut, Angst, Fluff [if you squint]
Warning: Vivian - again. Namjoon kisses. Taehyung and Jungkook being real rude in a moving vehicle.
A/N - That feeling when you need to check your timeline and count days. Phew.
—- It’s now almost 3 years since they met.
The Big Hit group made a hasty retreat from the media-to-media circus. So hasty that people piled in cars haphazardly. Namjoon managed to snag Tasha into a car to themselves. They were the first to pull off. They exhaled deeply as the lights grew distant behind them.
“What is it, jagiya?” Namjoon watched as Tasha nibbled her manicure away. It seemed her coloring had returned to normal since their unexpected meeting with Peyton.
“Vivian really pisses me off, you know?” Her eyes narrowed as her hair swayed against her shoulder. “Like, she’s talented, yes. She’s got potential, yes. But, she’s just…such…a…” Her hands clawed the air as she tried to figure out a word.
“Pain in the ass?” Namjoon responded gently with a lifted brow.
Tasha blinked up at him, taken aback by the insertion. He offered a lazy shrug. “Look, I see it too. She’s displaying it, and more than she should, to the rest of the company. We need people we can work with, Tasha. It’s simple.” She frowned.
“It’s not simple anymore, Joonie. Not if he’s here.” She leaned into the nook of his arm. He let it drape down across her shoulders, pulling her closer. “You don’t understand. If he and Vivian started dating? The portal to the underworld would probably open.” She scoffed. Namjoon sputtered into a chuckle.
“Is he really that bad?” His gaze tilted down to the crease in her forehead. He tilted her head up to meet his gaze. “We won’t let anything happen to her.” Tasha’s eyes were wide at their proximity. “…or you.” It’s a good thing the windows were so dark. It’s a good thing there was a separator in this vehicle. Namjoon’s lips crashed onto Tasha’s with a hint of desperation. His fingers sank into her hip, pulling her closer into the length of his body. The soft sound of Tasha succumbing to what he offered burned the blood in his veins. It’s now almost 1 year since Taehyung invited himself to her room. But, in the back of his mind -  he couldn’t help but take on her worry. That trio was a delicate situation. There was something obvious brewing there, and Vivian was going to disturb all of that.
The one thing that he wouldn’t stand for? Is the disturbance of this quiet sanctuary they have established.
As Tasha rested content, lips kiss swollen, on his chest - Namjoon rubbed his finger against his bottom lip. Namjoon couldn’t help but grin at himself in the window reflection.
Vivian wasn’t aware of the beast she had awakened tonight.
It’s now almost 1 year since Taehyung and Jeongguk invited themselves to her room.
While the boys were all good friends, they were still very particular about certain things. It came with time, love, and learning these particulars that kept them a working team for so long. And one thing in particular that they were all aware of?
Jeon Jungkook’s competitive spirit is a thing of wonder.
And his penchant for jealousy? Absolutely legendary.
Jungkook hadn’t released her from his captive embrace as they moved toward the cars. “Gguk-ah, you can let go now?” Was it a question? Her brow furrowed as she watched his tongue move in the hollow of his cheek.
Oh. Oh no. Everyone knew the little ticks and quirks of the boys. This one, in particular, had a reputation. Her brow furrowed as she turned to Taehyung, a silent question lingering in the lift of her brow. Taehyung’s hooded gaze, paired with a faint smile, made her stomach do loops.
“I should probably go find Tasha, so we cou-” She turned just as Namjoon helped Tasha into a car, hopped in behind her - and left.
“I think you’ll be fine with us, Noona.” The depth of Jungkook’s voice made her eyes go wide. His fingers dug possessively into the meat of her hip. Her nostrils flared as Taehyung opened the door.
“Ladies first.” A slight bow, as he smirked.
She looked ready to protest, but Jungkook’s stiff posture and equally dark gaze killed the notion. A roll of her eyes before she let Jungkook help her into the vehicle. Taehyung slid in beside her as Jungkook rounded to slide in on the opposite side.
Jungkook tilted as he adjusted his belt buckle with that soft, irritated sniff. The partition rose as the vehicle pulled away. Vivian’s eyes narrowed as the trio pulled off in a car alone. Her cellphone buzzed as she waited for the others to pile in. The student stragglers were hustled into the next available vehicle.
    Hey, Vivian - It’s Peyton. We should have coffee sometime.
Vivan’s gaze lifted toward the building to see Peyton standing outside, waving toward them. She gave that megawatt smile while waving back. Turning to enter the car, her lips tilted upward into a smirk.  “What an interesting night, right?” She chuckled as she settled in next to her classmates. They groaned with a roll of their eyes as she prattled on. The gears were turning, and Vivian already had a scheme in place.
It has now been 30 days since the karaoke room.
That’s all she felt. A creeping warmth that wrapped around her. One one side - Taehyung’s hooded gaze was turned to the window. On the other side? Jungkook’s dark gaze was lowered, his tongue prodding the inside of his cheek.
All she wanted to do was take off those fucking heels. They were ridiculously close to her, there was enough space for the three of them. Her gaze slid between them before she finally gave up.
“Fuck it.” She spoke in a hiss before leaning down to free her feet. The motion caused the two men to break their concentration. Because they were too busy trying to fight off an urge. Each of them boiling over at Peyton’s audacity. They didn’t care if she had a history with him. She was building, had built, history with them.  Fucking Vivian, the little tartelette was busy trying to enamor every company there!
Taehyung had been focused on their plan. This appearance of an ex complicates matters- especially on the arm of Vivian. His thoughts wandered back to the text message that Tasha sent. They were running out of time.
All that seemed to fizzle away when she moved. Leaning down to remove her shoes exposed a fair amount of skin. The skirt sliding up just a hint more against her thigh. Taehyung’s head tilted as he followed the line of her spine. It had been some time, and this proximity reminded him of such. His gaze lifted to Jungkook, who was fairing no better.
The Maknae’s newly discovered feelings had yet to be exposed. But the way Jungkook was focusing on her every motion had Taehyung’s stomach rolling. He knew that gaze; it was the look of someone committing something to memory. Analyzing every inch to file away for later. Her hair parted, exposing that soft spot behind her ear. Jungkook did that soft sniff again, his hand reaching out - and before he knew it? His fingers slid against her ear and that dangly earring.
The touch caused them both to jump as she turned to face him. “G-Gguk-ah, you trying to kill me?!” She laughed softly, sitting back while wiggling her toes. “Ah, that’s better.” She made obnoxious movements to get them to…move the hell over!
“Noona.” Jungkook’s deep voice again had her turning to the Maknae. Jungkook’s eyes were full of dark promise as his proximity to her increased instead. “You look outstanding tonight.” His lips ghosted over her shoulder.
“Jungkook.” There was a subtle warning in her tone as he leaned in. She leaned back with a thick, audible gulp. “Jungkook, what are you doing?” Her voice was low as she bumped into the solid rock of Kim Taehyung behind her.
She felt the Visual turn behind her until she was practically laid back into his lap. “Tae, g’damnit!” Another hiss as her hair splayed across his lap. The position was awkward with Jungkook practically looming over her.
There was a sound in the back of Jungkook’s throat as he adjusted himself over her. “Noona.” The air was too thick. It was too hot, and there was no place for her to run. The outline of Jungkook’s thick erection pressed into her hip. Taehyung tilted his head as he watched, like a proud tiger watching its young cub hunt for the first time.
Jungkook’s biceps struggled against the suit jacket as he leaned against her. “You know you belong to us, right?” His voice had a low, raspy quality that shocked her. It was different from the usual jovial, almost bright tone he used.
She cut a glance at Taehyung that would have melted steel. He had that arrogant tilt to his head, the tip of his tongue playing along his lip. You son of a bitch! “I don’t think she realizes that yet, Gguk-ah. It’s a shame, isn’t it?”
Her eyes widened as Jungkook thrust into her hip, a moan slithered between her lips.”It’s really is a shame, Taehyung-ah.” Jungkook grunted as he shifted against her again. His hand moved along the front of her body; fingers splayed between the valley of her breasts. He could see the nipples stirring against the fabric of her dress; he leaned down, brushing his lips over the covered nub. She gasped, grabbing a handful of his hair.
“I think she needs to be reminded, Gguk-ah. Don’t you?” Taehyung’s fingers combed through her hair with a tug that had her bucking against Jungkook. “I think she needs to be reminded that her dance card is full for a good while.” Her eyes went wide as Taehyung spoke.
“I wasn’t joking with you, Noona. I want you all to myself. But…” His gaze slid up to meet Jungkook’s. “…so does he. So…” He tilted his head down at her. A bright smile as if to say that everything was fine. “…we’ve decided to share.”
“W-what did you say?” The grip in Jungkook’s hair loosened as those words settled in the air. “Y-you what?”
Taehyung leaned down until they were almost nose to nose. Jungkook’s hand covered a breast as he dragged his lips along the column of her neck.
“We..are going to share you, Noona,” Tae whispered darkly.
“…and we don’t play well with others,” Jungkook whispered airily into her ear.
“You belong..” Jungkook growled.
“…to Us,” Taehyung purred.
It was so hot in this car. Her lashes fluttered, and she was sure she was feverish as her vision filled with both of them. Taehyung was one thing. Then Peyton, and now?
And now?
Jungkook was rubbing the erection straining his zipper against the curve of her ass. He feasted on the length of her neck with open mouth kisses. Taehyung had a handful of her hair as his tongue sought out the back of her throat.
It has now been 131 days post kiss.
56 notes · View notes
darknytemare · 4 years
No Words, pt 11
Tumblr media
Pairing: Taehyung x Jeongguk x OC [ft.  Namjoon x OC]
Type: Series
Chapter Rating: 18 +
Genre: Idol, Poly, Interracial, Tall Female, Smut, Angst, Fluff [if you squint]
Warning: Vivian - again. Namjoon kisses. Taehyung and Jungkook being real rude in a moving vehicle. 
A/N - That feeling when you need to check your timeline and count days. Phew.
 ---- It’s now almost 3 years since they met.
The Big Hit group made a hasty retreat from the media-to-media circus. So hasty that people piled in cars haphazardly. Namjoon managed to snag Tasha into a car to themselves. They were the first to pull off. They exhaled deeply as the lights grew distant behind them. 
“What is it, jagiya?” Namjoon watched as Tasha nibbled her manicure away. It seemed her coloring had returned to normal since their unexpected meeting with Peyton. 
“Vivian really pisses me off, you know?” Her eyes narrowed as her hair swayed against her shoulder. “Like, she’s talented, yes. She’s got potential, yes. But, she’s just...such...a…” Her hands clawed the air as she tried to figure out a word.
“Pain in the ass?” Namjoon responded gently with a lifted brow. 
Tasha blinked up at him, taken aback by the insertion. He offered a lazy shrug. “Look, I see it too. She’s displaying it, and more than she should, to the rest of the company. We need people we can work with, Tasha. It’s simple.” She frowned.
“It’s not simple anymore, Joonie. Not if he’s here.” She leaned into the nook of his arm. He let it drape down across her shoulders, pulling her closer. “You don’t understand. If he and Vivian started dating? The portal to the underworld would probably open.” She scoffed. Namjoon sputtered into a chuckle.
“Is he really that bad?” His gaze tilted down to the crease in her forehead. He tilted her head up to meet his gaze. “We won’t let anything happen to her.” Tasha’s eyes were wide at their proximity. “...or you.” It’s a good thing the windows were so dark. It’s a good thing there was a separator in this vehicle. Namjoon’s lips crashed onto Tasha’s with a hint of desperation. His fingers sank into her hip, pulling her closer into the length of his body. The soft sound of Tasha succumbing to what he offered burned the blood in his veins. It’s now almost 1 year since Taehyung invited himself to her room. But, in the back of his mind -  he couldn’t help but take on her worry. That trio was a delicate situation. There was something obvious brewing there, and Vivian was going to disturb all of that. 
The one thing that he wouldn’t stand for? Is the disturbance of this quiet sanctuary they have established. 
As Tasha rested content, lips kiss swollen, on his chest - Namjoon rubbed his finger against his bottom lip. Namjoon couldn’t help but grin at himself in the window reflection.
Vivian wasn’t aware of the beast she had awakened tonight.
It’s now almost 1 year since Taehyung and Jeongguk invited themselves to her room.
While the boys were all good friends, they were still very particular about certain things. It came with time, love, and learning these particulars that kept them a working team for so long. And one thing in particular that they were all aware of?
Jeon Jungkook’s competitive spirit is a thing of wonder. 
And his penchant for jealousy? Absolutely legendary. 
Jungkook hadn’t released her from his captive embrace as they moved toward the cars. “Gguk-ah, you can let go now?” Was it a question? Her brow furrowed as she watched his tongue move in the hollow of his cheek. 
Oh. Oh no. Everyone knew the little ticks and quirks of the boys. This one, in particular, had a reputation. Her brow furrowed as she turned to Taehyung, a silent question lingering in the lift of her brow. Taehyung’s hooded gaze, paired with a faint smile, made her stomach do loops. 
“I should probably go find Tasha, so we cou-” She turned just as Namjoon helped Tasha into a car, hopped in behind her - and left. 
“I think you’ll be fine with us, Noona.” The depth of Jungkook’s voice made her eyes go wide. His fingers dug possessively into the meat of her hip. Her nostrils flared as Taehyung opened the door. 
“Ladies first.” A slight bow, as he smirked. 
She looked ready to protest, but Jungkook’s stiff posture and equally dark gaze killed the notion. A roll of her eyes before she let Jungkook help her into the vehicle. Taehyung slid in beside her as Jungkook rounded to slide in on the opposite side. 
Jungkook tilted as he adjusted his belt buckle with that soft, irritated sniff. The partition rose as the vehicle pulled away. Vivian’s eyes narrowed as the trio pulled off in a car alone. Her cellphone buzzed as she waited for the others to pile in. The student stragglers were hustled into the next available vehicle.
     Hey, Vivian - It’s Peyton. We should have coffee sometime.
Vivan’s gaze lifted toward the building to see Peyton standing outside, waving toward them. She gave that megawatt smile while waving back. Turning to enter the car, her lips tilted upward into a smirk.  “What an interesting night, right?” She chuckled as she settled in next to her classmates. They groaned with a roll of their eyes as she prattled on. The gears were turning, and Vivian already had a scheme in place. 
It has now been 30 days since the karaoke room.
That’s all she felt. A creeping warmth that wrapped around her. One one side - Taehyung’s hooded gaze was turned to the window. On the other side? Jungkook’s dark gaze was lowered, his tongue prodding the inside of his cheek. 
All she wanted to do was take off those fucking heels. They were ridiculously close to her, there was enough space for the three of them. Her gaze slid between them before she finally gave up.
“Fuck it.” She spoke in a hiss before leaning down to free her feet. The motion caused the two men to break their concentration. Because they were too busy trying to fight off an urge. Each of them boiling over at Peyton’s audacity. They didn’t care if she had a history with him. She was building, had built, history with them.  Fucking Vivian, the little tartelette was busy trying to enamor every company there!
Taehyung had been focused on their plan. This appearance of an ex complicates matters- especially on the arm of Vivian. His thoughts wandered back to the text message that Tasha sent. They were running out of time.
All that seemed to fizzle away when she moved. Leaning down to remove her shoes exposed a fair amount of skin. The skirt sliding up just a hint more against her thigh. Taehyung’s head tilted as he followed the line of her spine. It had been some time, and this proximity reminded him of such. His gaze lifted to Jungkook, who was fairing no better. 
The Maknae’s newly discovered feelings had yet to be exposed. But the way Jungkook was focusing on her every motion had Taehyung’s stomach rolling. He knew that gaze; it was the look of someone committing something to memory. Analyzing every inch to file away for later. Her hair parted, exposing that soft spot behind her ear. Jungkook did that soft sniff again, his hand reaching out - and before he knew it? His fingers slid against her ear and that dangly earring. 
The touch caused them both to jump as she turned to face him. “G-Gguk-ah, you trying to kill me?!” She laughed softly, sitting back while wiggling her toes. “Ah, that’s better.” She made obnoxious movements to get them to...move the hell over! 
“Noona.” Jungkook’s deep voice again had her turning to the Maknae. Jungkook’s eyes were full of dark promise as his proximity to her increased instead. “You look outstanding tonight.” His lips ghosted over her shoulder.
“Jungkook.” There was a subtle warning in her tone as he leaned in. She leaned back with a thick, audible gulp. “Jungkook, what are you doing?” Her voice was low as she bumped into the solid rock of Kim Taehyung behind her. 
She felt the Visual turn behind her until she was practically laid back into his lap. “Tae, g’damnit!” Another hiss as her hair splayed across his lap. The position was awkward with Jungkook practically looming over her. 
There was a sound in the back of Jungkook’s throat as he adjusted himself over her. “Noona.” The air was too thick. It was too hot, and there was no place for her to run. The outline of Jungkook’s thick erection pressed into her hip. Taehyung tilted his head as he watched, like a proud tiger watching its young cub hunt for the first time.
Jungkook’s biceps struggled against the suit jacket as he leaned against her. “You know you belong to us, right?” His voice had a low, raspy quality that shocked her. It was different from the usual jovial, almost bright tone he used. 
She cut a glance at Taehyung that would have melted steel. He had that arrogant tilt to his head, the tip of his tongue playing along his lip. You son of a bitch!  “I don’t think she realizes that yet, Gguk-ah. It’s a shame, isn’t it?”
Her eyes widened as Jungkook thrust into her hip, a moan slithered between her lips.”It’s really is a shame, Taehyung-ah.” Jungkook grunted as he shifted against her again. His hand moved along the front of her body; fingers splayed between the valley of her breasts. He could see the nipples stirring against the fabric of her dress; he leaned down, brushing his lips over the covered nub. She gasped, grabbing a handful of his hair.
“I think she needs to be reminded, Gguk-ah. Don’t you?” Taehyung’s fingers combed through her hair with a tug that had her bucking against Jungkook. “I think she needs to be reminded that her dance card is full for a good while.” Her eyes went wide as Taehyung spoke. 
“I wasn’t joking with you, Noona. I want you all to myself. But…” His gaze slid up to meet Jungkook’s. “...so does he. So…” He tilted his head down at her. A bright smile as if to say that everything was fine. “...we’ve decided to share.” 
“W-what did you say?” The grip in Jungkook’s hair loosened as those words settled in the air. “Y-you what?” 
Taehyung leaned down until they were almost nose to nose. Jungkook’s hand covered a breast as he dragged his lips along the column of her neck.
“We..are going to share you, Noona,” Tae whispered darkly.
“...and we don’t play well with others,” Jungkook whispered airily into her ear. 
“You belong..” Jungkook growled.
“...to Us,” Taehyung growled purred. 
It was so hot in this car. Her lashes fluttered, and she was sure she was feverish as her vision filled with both of them. Taehyung was one thing. Then Peyton, and now? 
And now?
Jungkook was rubbing the erection straining his zipper against the curve of her ass. He feasted on the length of her neck with open mouth kisses. . Taehyung had a handful of her hair as his tongue sought out the back of her throat. 
It has now been 131 days post kiss.
25 notes · View notes
elisaphoenix13 · 5 years
Legal Threats
Peter got into a fight at school.
Stephen still couldn't wrap that around his head. The only fights his son got into were as his vigilante alter ego, so when Tony called him with the news, the first words out of Stephen's mouth were, "Are we talking about the same Peter?"
"Yes." Tony sighs on the other end of the phone call.
"Peter Benjamin Stark?"
"Babe, Pepper is giving me the stink eye. Can you go or not?"
The sorcerer rubs his eyes. "Yes, of course. I'll call you back after I take care of it."
Stephen hangs up and portals to Midtown High after changing into his street clothes and opens one of the heavy metal doors before walking through. Students on their way to their next class part like the sea as he walks  through the hall and he pauses outside the window looking into the principal's office. He could see Principal Morita typing on his computer, a student surrounded by his parents in one chair, and Peter slumped in the second. Stephen pushes down the rage at the sight of a black eye that, while it would heal by the end of the night, did not belong on his cub. He was also holding the back of his hand under what could only be a bleeding nose, and it made the doctor wonder what other injuries his son had.
Stephen finishes his trek into the room and the principal stands and shakes his hand, not noticing the slight grimace on the sorcerer's face. "Mr. Strange--"
"Doctor." He corrects as he swipes a couple of tissues from Morita's desk and hands them to Peter when he stands next to the teen. Peter accepts them with a soft thank you.
"Dr. Strange, thank you for taking the time to come down here."
The other student's father scoffs. "This is a waste of time. I demand that boy be expelled!"
Mr. Morita sighs. "Mr. Westwood, please. Both students are guilty so I have called you here to discuss punishment."
"I would like to know what happened first." Stephen says as he crosses his arms.
The Westwood child points at Peter. "He punched me!"
The doctor looks down at Peter. "Is that true?"
"After he shoved me in a locker and said I was the Avengers whore."
What. The. Fuck?
It took every bit of willpower not to turn and strangle the other student.
The mother nearly screeches. "Eric would never say such a thing!"
"It just goes to show what kind of environment that boy is being raised in. He's an uncultured, orphan--"
Stephen stands up to his full height, gets in the father's face, and snarls. "Finish that sentence. I dare you."
Principal Morita stands and walks around his desk to physically push the two men apart. "Dr. Strange! Mr. Westwood! Please! Let's keep this civil."
A hand grips the back of Stephen's shirt and he reluctantly moves away from the other man to return to Peter's side, who drops his hand. Mr. Morita returns to his chair and he steeples his hands together, lightly tapping his chin.
"I think it would be best if Peter is suspended for the rest of the week, and Eric get a month of after school detention."
Mrs. Westwood sniffs disdainfully. "My baby is the victim here. Look at his face!"
Oh, Stephen looked. There was nothing but a busted lip that easily could have been a shattered jaw if Peter hadn't held back. The sorcerer himself was barely holding back Mama Bear, and that was by his finger tips. He really didn't want to get arrested for laying out a pair of snobbish, condescending, asshole parents.
At least not while Tony was in a meeting.
So he stuck with a protective growl instead. "His face?! My son has a black eye and a bloody nose! I'm sure there are other injuries that we can't see. Your son seems the type to kick someone while they're down!" Stephen turns to the principal. "I was under the impression that bullying was not tolerated. So unless you give this student the same punishment you're giving Peter, including a week of after school detention, I will make sure my husband pulls all funding for the school."
Morita nods calmly. "That sounds fair. There's no need for the threat Doctor. Peter did come out with more battle wounds so to speak."
The principal ignores the Westwood couple's cries of protest and dismisses both families. Once they leave the office, Stephen turns on the father with an icy glare.
"There's a special place in hell for arrogant snobs like you. Your son is a pampered menace that thinks money will solve all of his problems, and reality is going to hit him so hard when he graduates, it will give him whiplash. IF he graduates. I'm sure you pay for his good grades too."
"At least my son isn't being raised by a couple of fags." Westwood sneers.
Stephen only smiles. "Westwood. I thought it sounded familiar, and now I remember. One of those fags is signing your checks right? It would be a shame if you lost your cushy job at Stark Industries." The man's face falls immediately and the sorcerer opens a portal right in the middle of the hall. "I think we've reached an understanding. You and your family don't ever harm me or mine, and you won't have anything to worry about."
With that said, Stephen leaves the paling Westwood's behind as he gently leads Peter through the portal, and closes it behind them when they step into the living room. The doctor walks over to the freezer, pulls out an ice pack, and stills when he turns back to find Peter squirming nervously where he had left him. The poor thing probably thought he was in trouble.
"I'm sorry." The teen finally says, and Stephen huffs fondly as he approaches him and holds the ice pack up to Peter's black eye. He hisses as he takes over holding the pack. "This really isn't necessary."
"It will help with the pain at least. Now, about this fight you had."
Peter winces, though not from the pain. "I know. I just...it wasn't just that he called me--"
"Don't say it."
"He basically said to me what his dad had the balls to say to you."
"I'm not mad at you Peter. Honestly, I'm tempted to pull a Tony Stark and throw a party over the fact that you finally hit back."
"I could have broken his jaw."
"Yes, you could have." Stephen nods. "You didn't though. So how about we drown ourselves in ice cream to celebrate?"
"...but I got into a fight at school...and got suspended."
"That douchebag deserved it. Do you want ice cream or not?"
"Best mom ever."
Stephen smiles and Peter tosses his backpack into his room as the sorcerer grabs a tub of ice cream out of the freezer and settles on the couch. Peter joins him moments later with the ice pack and he gently holds it against his eye while he accepts a spoon from Stephen and digs into the tub of ice cream sitting on the coffee table. Normally one of them would have held it, but Peter had an ice pack, and the ice cream was too cold for Stephen's hands. It would have just caused unnecessary pain.
They spent the rest of the afternoon polishing off the gallon of ice cream (Peter ate the majority of it) and watching terrible comedies, until Tony came home. The man almost hurt himself with how fast he ripped his sunglasses off his face when he saw Peter's. It was already healing, but still looked pretty bad.
The billionaire points at the teen's black eye with his folded sunglasses. "Who do I need to sue?"
Stephen pops another spoonful of Rocky road into his mouth as Peter answers. "No one. Mom already threatened the school that he would have you pull funding for tolerating bullies, and the guys dad his job if it happened again. I recorded the whole thing with my nanotech bracelet and sent it to you."
Strange chokes on his ice cream as Tony blinks and checks his messages on his phone, and the billionaire grins after a few minutes.
"Ignoring the insults...that was all pretty hot. I wish I was there to see that."
"Okay, gross. Get a room." Peter sticks his tongue out.
"By the way, interesting punishment Stephanie. Ice cream and stand-up?"
"Who said it was a punishment? Peter finally stood up for himself without causing a ton of damage and it's not like it's a regular occurrence."
"Fair point. I'll keep Westwood on my radar for now."
"Good." And no, Stephen did not purr. "It took a lot not to deck them."
"Yeah, I didn't see Mama Bear come out." Tony takes off his jacket and throws it over the back of a nearby armchair before sitting on Stephen's other side. "Did you eat all my ice cream?"
Peter snorts. "We didn't want your Stark Raving Hazelnuts crap."
"What?! It's not that bad!"
"It's a bit chalky." Stephen mutters.
Tony gives him a mock offended glare. "I married you. Wives should be supportive!"
Stephen didn't even blink at the term. He was already called Mom and Mama Bear, so it was no surprise that Tony would add Wife to the list. It was something he would do anyway.
"I'll try to remember that next time." He replies dryly.
"Anyway, how does more comfort food sound? You want pizza Underoos?"
"Uh...yes. Do you really have to ask?"
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perceptionellaws · 3 years
Extra reading
The portal of touch
Elizabeth D Harvey
Harvey begins by explaining that touch is important in both a mystical world view as well as in a scientific world view, For example Ovid claimed that a pair cub was born as a lump of flesh and was licked into ursine shape by its mother’s tongue. And science shows that infants who receive more maternal touch as a baby have far better cognitive development as they grow up and later on in life.
Physical touch helps us to form pathways and connections in our brain which is what makes it such an extremely important sense
“agic effects of tactile depriva- tion to renewed and sensational public attention. Western culture’s relatively re- cent recognition of the primacy of touch is striking because it stages a retrieval of tactility, foregrounding the importance of a sensory faculty that seems to have been lost or overshadowed by the other four senses.” I liked this quote from the reading, as up until I had taken this paper “perception” I think even I had largely forgotten about my other senses, as a design student I was hugely focussed on visual and aesthetics without much regard for my other ways of viewing the world.
Harvey makes an interesting point in that touch is the only sense that is dispersed throughout the body, the rest of our senses are located to a specific point
“More than any other sense, touch establishes our sentient border with the world. It is also the sensory faculty that shapes our social connections; it is primarily through touch that we form and express our bonds with others. Gestures of contact—a hand- shake, kiss, or caress—define the nuances of our relationships, the subtle inflections of class, power, and familial bonds. The social “tact” that regulates these interactions recognizes the incendiary power of sexual touch, even as it also affirms our funda- mental need for human physical contact”
It is interesting the connection between touch and emotion, there is a tactility in our everyday understandings of the world.
“Because touch is a property of the body’s cutaneous covering, skin becomes the largest and most essential organ of sense. 
0 notes
dasfreefree · 6 years
I’m going to your alma matter next year. Words of advice? Is it as bad as I think it is?
Hey, congrats! I loved TCNJ and definitely miss it. I’m not sure exactly what part you worry might be bad, but your experience is what you make of it. Also note that my experience is largely coming in with credits from AP and Honors classes, and with the English department and living on campus through junior year and then living off-campus senior year.
All of the general college advice posts and articles online will apply with some variation, of course
Participate in some student organizations, Greek life, service organizations, etc. I can’t speak for Greek life and service orgs, but I was heavily active with two clubs, and spent some time in other clubs on occasion. They were really important to my growth academically and creatively, but they were also where I met a lot of my friends. You don’t have to be as involved in them as I was–but being a club officer is incredibly rewarding and gives you a ton of experience in leadership–, but having something to look forward to each week outside of class was really important.
Don’t feel limited to joining something related to your area(s) of study or desired career. TCNJ has a TON of organizations, so feel free to use that time to do something fun or worthwhile to you that you wouldn’t be able to make time for otherwise. A thing I really admired about TCNJ is that they usually don’t have classes on Wednesdays until the evening so that there’s free time during the week for clubs to meet
If smaller classes aren’t your speed, you might need to consider transferring.Classes at TCNJ are about the same size as a typical high school class. I think they automatically cap at 30 or 31 students as the classrooms aren’t capable of holding much more than that. You’re not going to get that lecture hall experience.
Get as many liberal learning requirements not relative to your major(s)/minor(s) out of the way as you can and do them as early as possible. If a class works for you and your schedule and covers a few different LL areas, take it. I got lucky in that most LIT classes covered one or more area, so I knocked both program and LL requirements out with just a few classes. Not everyone is as lucky, though.
The tutoring center is free. If your struggling, take advantage of it.
GO TO THE FREE EVENTS. Not only are they fun and/or informative, but they usually have free food and you get to meet people. In other cases, you might learn something from them too and get to hear from some fascinating people.
If your professor or major/department requires attending certain events, get them done early in the semester. However, if you find you like these events, don’t stop going to them, especially as the semester winds down. Whoever runs these events depends on attendance numbers to help them gauge the kinds of events they want to run in the future. If you want to see more of it, support it. Go to as many as you can. Your tuition is paying for most or all of them anyway, so you might as well take advantage of them.
GO TO THE BIG-NAMED EVENTS CUB RUNS. CUB and other organizations on campus will bring awesome speakers, comedians, and musicians to campus all the time and they’re people you’ve heard of as well. When I was there: Paramore, John Mulaney, Laverne Cox, Panic at the Disco, 21 Pilots, Nick Offerman, Kesha, are Janet Mock are just a few guests we had on campus my time there that you probably know about. These events will either be free or you will have to pay a really small price for a ticket. I think at most, they were $25 when I was there and that was between 2012-2016. The bigger the name, the quicker the tickets sell out though.
Not sure what your meal plan is, but budget your points accordingly. They roll over from fall semester to spring semester of one academic year, but they do not roll over from year-to-year. If you really need to burn points, hit up the Stud, Libcafe, or TDubs with friends and offer to pay.
Meal equiv is your friend, but the lines are a nightmare. 11:30 to 12:30 was meal equiv’s busiest time when I was there, since most 10 am classes end at 11:20 and people want food after or people want lunch before their 12:30 classes. If you can do lunch after 12:30, do meal equiv then. If the phrase “meal equiv” means nothing to you now, it will within a few days of starting.
A really good way to earn some easy money is to find a job on campus, but do it FIRST thing in the semester, as those positions fill up fast. Seriously, I worked as a lab assistant for the engineering department, which basically entailed me walking around the labs once every hour to write down how many people were in them. Sometimes I would put away small equipment that students forgot to put away when they left. None of what was required of me ever took more than 15-20 minutes spread across a four hour shift. I really got paid minimum wage to sit there and do my homework. These jobs should be listed in the job portal somewhere on TCNJ’s site.
The library is NOT the only quiet place you can get work done and group study rooms there aren’t the only place your group needs to meet. Every dorm and most academic buildings have a lounge or lounges you can use. Sometimes they’re busy or have an event going on, but they work just fine otherwise. Even the Stud at off-hours is a good place to sit and do homework. These are good ESPECIALLY during midterms and finals because you’re going to be hard hit to find a group study rooms open at the library unless you get there when it opens. You’re even allowed to use open classrooms to do work or meet with groups as long as the door is unlocked.
You probably will have a tough time getting a seat in the Libcafe, especially near an outlet. That’s typical there. You’re better off just getting your food/drink and going somewhere else. 
I didn’t want this to get too long, but if my fellow TCNJ peeps have some advice to add, feel free! @cellamare @spin-me-a-tapestry @wigglytata @julzah7 @etelephone @minieral @uta-garuta
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xiaolenxu · 6 years
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The pandaren monk stood gazing out at the gateway that had once fed a stream of demons, dead-set on snuffing out the lives of her, and everyone she knew. The visions of the past, marred in bodies and brimstone, flashed through her mind as they overlapped with the empty vision of the present. Back in those days she was but a graduate, not incredibly experienced but she had a good head on her shoulder and promise. She had hoped to join the masters and some day impart her own knowledge to the youth that came to the Peak.
It took only a moment to have her visions of the future torn from her, and her life crumble apart. It only took one portal to say good-bye to the life she knew. In those moments she had been tossed into darkness and turmoil, and woke up days later on the island of her cousins. Some time had passed since then, about two years. Never once had she seen her master again, or the students who trained with her. Her friends, her rivals, and the people who formed most of her outer world had disappeared. They had likely died.
And as much as she had hoped things had gotten better, how she managed to pick up the pieces, she still could not dwell on how badly she missed those days, and the person she had been before the invasion. She had new friends, a new mentor, a mate, a cub along the way. Her strength had returned, and she was physically back to normal. She had a place to belong, and a sense of purpose. So many things she would not give up for the world, and yet Xiao had no real sense of closure.
So she stood there, staring back at the gateway of the past. It was hard to tell how long she had been there, it could have been hours, even. But as she lingered she felt the fear and doubts set in again. Could there be a possibility something like this could happen again? That a force of evil could tear everything she held dear away? She shivered and clung onto her sides. The dread was unbearable. That was when --
She turned around suddenly and fixed her gaze upon the diminutive form of an imp. The slimy rat must have been trying to sneak up on her! They were given no chance to even dodge before the monk came torpedoing in, her hefty body crashing against the small form, hands clutched and knuckles clenched right around its throat as she pinned it to the ground beneath her fists. Eyes of hurt-filled rage stared daggers through the small creature, who was left squirming for its life.
“Please! Don't kill me!” it begged.
At first she didn't say anything. Her lips curled back in a snarl, revealing a rare side of her that was like staring down an angry grizzly bear. Her chest heaved and the blood pumped through her body, thoughts drowned out in the intense beating in her head. Xiao swallowed a thick knot in her throat and furrowed her brow.
“You and your kind would kill me without hesitation. I do not see why I should extend my mercy to you.” she said, practically spitting out those words. And yet she was only met with groveling and meekness. For some reason it struck a particular chord in her and she let out another roar. The imp squirmed and let out what power it could muster, a bright beam of green shooting out against her face. When she shielded herself the small imp tried its best to get away, but the game of cat and mouse was brief, ended in a mighty fist of chi, as she pounded its body into the earth.
As its limp figure crumpled she found the torrent of life energy erupting from her arm. She didn't want to just kill it. She wanted to make a point. She continued to swing into its limp form, spending her energy as she did it. With the final bow she held her bloody knuckles into the ground, her vision blurring and her form staggering. Had she not been kneeling already, she would have surely fallen over. She looked to her right and left, wondering if there would be any more demons, but there were none. And when she looked back down, there was no demon  before her either. Not even a corpse!
She gasped and drew her hands back, feeling woozy again. Did that demon even exist, or was she just imagining things? Before she could interrogate her thoughts further, she buckled in pain, only just realizing as the rage and adrenaline faded off that she had been close to the lingering fel fire of the demon's gate. Burning sensations shot through her arms as she quickly moved back away from the caustic, smoldering flames. The pain reminded her of the evil energy that plagued her in the year before. Her mind and heart were racing, and she felt so drained.
As she stumbled again, everything went dark.
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stacks-reviews · 7 years
New Releases 10/17/17
Happy New Release Day! 
In Books --Nekogahara: Stray Cat Samurai Volume 3 by Hiroyuki Takei “Stray cat samurai Norachiyo wants nothing more than to leave his cruel past behind and live his nine lives in peace, but there are some cats he just can’t get off his tail. After joining forces with an unlikely duo—the son of a catnip drug lord and his fellow feline warrior-in-training—Norachiyo comes face-to-face with an old foe: Shiriya Abyhei, the malicious member of the secret police who’s been in pursuit of Norachiyo from the very start. Can the three samurai make it out with their tails intact, or is it purr-tains for them…?”
It is exactly what it sounds like: Samurai Cats. It is surprisingly violent. I enjoyed reading the first two volumes; though there was a moment in volume two that I wish I could forget and hope to never see again. But aside from that it feels like a cross between Lone Wolf and Cub and Samurai Champloo.
The main character is a stray who was once a ‘kept cat’ until the death of his master. All the characters are cats except for their masters who are referenced to as humans though no humans have yet to make an official appearance. And yes. There is much word play involved.
--Rat Queens Volume 4 by Kurtis J. Wiebe, illustrated by Owen Gieni “The Queens are back! Palisade is still a rat infested hell hole and the only hope of saving it are Violet, Hannah, Dee, Betty and the brand new Queen, Braga! It’s been a long time since they’ve done a good slaughter, so join them as they get back to the basics of killing monsters and drinking away the profits!”
The first full volume of the Rat Queens soft reboot with the new artist, Owen Gieni. The Rat Queens have returned to Palisade after the events in volume 3. There’s a new cult in town, Hannah’s father is currently crashing with the Queens and Violet’s brother stops in for a visit. 
I really enjoyed the new volume. If you haven’t checked out the series yet I would highly recommend you do. It’s a hilarious, violent, and just fantastic series.
--Tokyo Ghoul: re Volume 1 by Sui Ishida “The Commission of Counter Ghoul is the only organization fighting the Ghoul menace, and they will use every tool at their disposal to protect humanity from its ultimate predator. Their newest weapon in this hidden war is an experimental procedure that implants human investigators with a Ghoul’s Kagune, giving them Ghoul powers and abilities. But both the procedure and the newly formed Qs Squad are untested. Will they become heroes…or monsters?!
Haise Sasaki has been tasked with teaching Qs Squad how to be outstanding Investigators, but his assignment is complicated by the troublesome personalities of his subordinates and his own uncertain grasp of his Ghoul powers. Can he pull this ragtag group together as a team, or will Qs Squad’s first assignment be their last?”
The first volume of the second series and it’s a good start. I do have several questions which I’m sure will slowly be answered. Though right now I’m mainly wondering how much time has passed in the world. I’m guessing at least a few years. And what happened to everyone who was alive at the end of volume 14 of the first series. 
In Movies --Spirited Away, Howl’s Moving Castle, Princess Mononoke, Kiki’s Delivery Service, My Neighbor Totoro, and Ponyo. The first wave of the Studio Ghibli rereleases by GKids and Shout Factory. I’m pretty excited for these though I’m going to start with the ones I don’t own yet. In this wave that would be Spirited Away, Kiki’s Delivery Service, and Ponyo.
--American Gods S1 “Ex-convict Shadow Moon roams a world he doesn't understand, left adrift by the recent, tragic death of his wife. Little does he know his life is about to change after he meets a crafty, charismatic con man named Mr. Wednesday, who offers Shadow a job as his bodyguard. As their journey begins, Shadow encounters a hidden America where magic is real and fear grows over the ascending power of New Gods like Technology and Media. In a grand plan to combat the threat, Mr. Wednesday attempts to unite the Old Gods to defend their existence and rebuild the influence that they've lost, leaving Shadow struggling to accept this new world and his place in it.”
I still need to check out this show. I read the book in 2016, I think, so I was pretty happy to hear that it kept pretty close to the book. Though it did deviate later on. Though to be honest about the book. I was a little disappointed it in. I expected more. I really need to give it a reread sometime. I think I had its rep. built up pretty high so maybe next time I’ll like more.
--Hunter x Hunter P3 “Gon and Killua head to Heaven’s Arena to train the higher a fighter advances there, the tougher their opponents become! Moving up quickly, the two friends soon meet Zushi, who tells them about the power of Nen, and they begin training under his mentor, Wing, to harness their potential. But the duo hits a wall on the 200th floor of the tower their Nen-using foes are strong, and soon Gon is injured. Will Gon and Killua gain the strength they need to advance further?”
Episodes 27-50 of Hunter x Hunter. It covers all of the Heaven’s Arena arc and part of or half of the Phantom Troupe arc. I’ve really been enjoying this series though I’ve only seen a few episodes past where P3 ends. As with the first and second parts if you order from Rightstuf it comes with a replica of the Hunter License. Though this one looks similar to the one that comes with the second part. The first part license has a different look than both of them.
--Samurai Jack S5 and the complete series box set “Long ago in a distant land, I, Aku, the shape shifting master of darkness, unleashed an unspeakable evil. But a foolish samurai warrior wielding a magic sword stepped forth to oppose me. Before the final blow was struck, I tore open a portal in time, and flung him into the future where my evil is law. Now the fool seeks to return to the past and undo the future that is Aku.”
The final season of the hit series Samurai Jack. I deeply regret not watching this show when it first aired. I caught a few episodes here and there but just didn’t fall into it. I did start watching it on Netflix, at least until it disappeared, and understood just how good it is. 
--Spider-Man Homecoming “Peter Parker balances his life as an ordinary high school student in Queens with his superhero alter-ego Spider-Man, and finds himself on the trail of a new menace prowling the skies of New York City.”
A pretty enjoyable Spidey standalone film. Peter and Ned are just so pure, we must protect them. I am really happy that Tony was kept out of the limelight, giving most of the screen time to Spider-man.
In Video Games --South Park: The  Fractured but Whole “In the quiet mountain town of South Park, darkness has spread across the land. An entire squad of superheroes will rise to combat this evil, led by a nocturnal scavenger sworn to clean the trash can of South Park society.”
I still need to play The Stick of Truth. It’s been on my list for a while but I haven’t picked it up yet. Still trying to cut back on some of my game purchases until I can beat some of my other games I haven’t even started yet. I will probably pick up this one sometime soon, soon-ish, since it comes with a free download of The Stick of Truth. Or at least it did. I’m not positive if that was for all copies; now and future, or just when it first came out.
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