#Cadbury eyebrows
digitalartform · 2 years
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nanaluvbug · 1 year
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🍬🍭🍪 A Crown of Candy portraits 🍬🍭🍪
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[ID: a series of digitally illustrated portraits showing Count Liam Wilhelmina (a pink peppermint boy with a small, smiling pig on his shoulder. he wears a red & white striped hat and shirt with pink straps and he smiles at the viewer), Princess Jet Rocks (a young black licorice lady with a locket wrapping around her, she wears a bright red/black/gray outfit & a hot pink candy circlet/hoop earrings. her black hair is tied in a long braid and she smiles at her twin beside her), Princess Ruby Rocks (a young red licorice lady with an identical locket wrapping around her. she wears a bright red/black/white outfit & a hot pink candy circlet. her licorice hair is tied up in a short pony tail and she smiles at her twin beside her), Lord Commander Theobald Gumbar (a bright red gummy bear knight adorned in gold armor. he has a large pale blonde mustache and thick eyebrows, he wears a purple sash and red cape. a small blue sprinkle floats near his helmeted head and he stares at the viewer stoically), King Amethar Rocks (a pink pop rocks man with a green crystal beard. he wears a pale purple collar with sprinkles on it. he stares at the viewer unfavorably and wears a large candy crown depicting blue raspberry hard candy, hot cocoa, blue rock candy, and lemon drops in memory of his fallen sisters), and Primogen Lapin Cadbury (an old chocolate bunny man with a gray beard. he wears a high blue collar and small lavender glasses, a light & dark purple lollipop hovers behind him. her sneers condescendingly at the viewer, one white eyebrow furrowed in disdain.) End ID.)
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gavisuntiedboot · 1 year
heyyy could you please do one where you go random grocery shopping w gavi and basically just having a normal day hanging out together?? im so sorry if its very vague i just saw smth similar in my dream😭
A/N: this one has been sitting in my inbox for so so long but I never forget about any of y’all 🫶
“Why are you dressed? Where are you going?”
Gavi’s head peaked up from over the back of the couch, the show the two of you had put on still playing on the background. He had fallen asleep on your lap about an hour ago, waking up to find your hoodie clad form trying to quietly open the door.
“I’m just going to the store to get a few things missing for dinner. I was just going to let you sleep - you seem like you could use the rest, mi amor.”
Gavi sat up fully now, rubbing his eyes and stretching, the golden light of the late afternoon sun bouncing off his tanned skin. His hazel eyes were hooded as they met yours, a pout across his plump lips.
“You don’t want me to come with you?”
Fuck. He was just so adorable.
“I want you to relax on your day off. But I would love of you came with me, Pablito. Go out on one of our sweaters - it’s chilly out.”
“Our sweaters?” Pablo asked, peering at you from over his shoulder with one eyebrow raised. Over the last year, you had slowly stealing over 80% of Gavi’s clothing with sleeves, and you occasionally let him loan them back out.
“I bought all these sweaters with my hard earned money and I have to make an appointment to wear them.” Gavi came out in his dark green Zara hoodie, spraying it with 1 million by Paco Rabanne.
“It’s my ticket sales that pay that salary, so these hoodies are still mine. Come here.”
You hugged him close, deeply breathing in his cologne. You drove to the grocery store by your house, Gavi grabbing a cart and following you around the store.
You scanned the shelves, grabbing items and handing them to Gavi, who arranged them in the cart. You moved towards the sweets aisle, standing in front of the shelves and staring up at the massive selection before you. Two arms wrapped around your waist, and you felt Pablo rest his head on your shoulder.
“Should we get Cadbury eggs or Reese’s bunnies?”
He hummed to signify that he was thinking, pulling you closer against him.
“Why don’t you get both if you can’t decide?” He asked, punctuating the sentence with a kiss on your cheek. You giggled at the sensation of his lips on you.
“Noooo Pablo, we don’t want all chocolate candy. We also want some of the sour patch kids. And some skittles. And-“
“We might want to get some toothpaste as well. Are you trying to kill us with sugar?” He asked, grabbing the items from the shelves.
“Shut up. I love sweets.” You said, moving to the end of the aisle and spotting the sour patch kids at the top. You stood on your toes to grab it, shirt riding up. You felt someone pull the hem of your sweatshirt down.
“Amor, stop showing off my girlfriend to the whole store. This is private property.” Gavi said as he kissed your temple. He released you, reached up and grabbed your sweets from the shelf, and tossed them into the cart. You grabbed the cart, moving towards the fridges, and Gavi grabbed the bar as well, caging you in his arms.
You two continued to walk around the grocery store like lovesick teenagers - maybe that’s what you were. There was nothing in the world that brought you more joy than this domestic bliss. Walking around your local grocery store, telling little jokes and stories, grabbing whatever snacks tickled your fancy. Gavi kept his arms around you, giving you somewhat discrete kisses as you two continued your shopping. At the end you scanned all your items, and as you were digging in your purse, you heard the ding of Apple Pay.
“Pablo! Why did you pay for the groceries? I wanted to treat you to dinner!”
He smirked at you, grabbing the bags.
“It will be a cold day in hell when I let my girl pay for anything. Besides, amor, you’re going to cook for us.”
You smiled, grabbing the last bag that he couldn’t carry. You two got in the car, and as you drove home, Pablo continued to tell you stories about football and training, feeding you sour patch kids on the ride home. This was it. You were in love with Pablo, and he was in love with you. And it made everything, even buying groceries, feel like a magical and memorable moment that you never wanted to end.
A/N: short and sweet 🥰🥰 hope y’all enjoy, and please feel free to send requests for new imagines (or or or - as a treat for reading this far, send things you really want to see included in the next part of just pretend 🤭). Love y’all!!!
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bimoonphases · 3 months
@wolfstarmicrofic March 3 – prompt 3: Obscuro – word count 523
Obscuro - Conjures a blindfold
Sirius watched with a grin as the magically conjured blindfold wrapped itself around Remus’s face while he was still entering the dorm.
“Padfoot, what…”
“Ssh, it’s fine, don’t worry,” Sirius immediately said, putting a reassuring hand on his boyfriend’s arm while he locked the door behind him. “Come with me.”
“What are you doing?” Remus’s voice was amused now.
“Well, I noticed you didn’t have your usual triple serving of dessert at dinner tonight, my darling,” Sirius guided Remus to his bed and made him sit down. “So I prepared a little something.”
“Why the blindfold though?”
“Patience, my dearest, patience.”
Sirius sat down too, taking the time to place a couple of the pillows behind Remus before uncovering the trays.
“I wanted to play a little game,” he said to the raised eyebrow peeking over Remus’s blindfold. “Do you trust me?”
“I’m not sure right now.”
“Come on Moony,” Sirius pouted. “Do you trust me?”
Remus chuckled, then a fond smile formed on his lips.
“With my life, my love,” he said softly.
Sirius felt his cheeks turn pink like every time Remus said something like that and he picked a piece of toast from the first tray.
“Good. Now, I just want you to guess what food I’m giving you. Easy enough, right?” he got closer, sitting now right in front of Remus. “Open up.”
Remus did as he was told and chewed, before grinning.
“That’s easy enough: peanut butter toast. The crunchy variety.”
“Very good, Moony. What about this?”
“Effie’s cherry jam. Last summer’s batch.”
“Impressive. This?”
“Cadbury Creme Egg.”
“Dammit, I thought that one would be harder.”
“For you, maybe,” Remus laughed. “I grew up in a Muggle village, remember?”
“Yeah, yeah. This one?”
“Oh, this… This is Italian gianduja chocolate! Where did you even get it?”
“Monty’s last work trip to Turin,” Sirius replied proudly. “And what about this?”
He watched Remus bite into it, hesitatingly at first, then with a half smile once he recognised the texture.
“Chocolate-covered strawberry,” Remus nodded. “Wow.”
Sirius had still the second half of the strawberry in his hand but he was too distracted watching a drop of juice escape Remus’s lips and run down his chin. He swallowed.
“What’s next?”
Sirius looked down at the trays, his train of thought now lost. He passed the halved strawberry on his lips before leaning towards Remus.
“This?” he whispered before brushing his lips against his.
There was a sharp intake of breath before Remus leaned back into the kiss. Sirius dropped the strawberry and clambered in his boyfriend’s lap, hands reaching up to get rid of the blindfold.
“Curtains…” Remus breathed between kisses. “The others might come in.”
“Nah,” Sirius ran his hands in Remus’s hair. “Asked for a favour. The girls agreed to let them sleep in their dorm tonight.”
“The girls?” Remus broke the kiss to lean back and stare at Sirius. “You know that boys can’t climb the stairs to the girls’ dorm.”
Sirius laughed, letting his hands frame Remus’s face.
“You really thought such a stupid spell would stop the Marauders?” he whispered before melting in another kiss.
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goldenempyrean · 2 years
sick florence and reader on easter using the prompts “Im not sure eating chocolate is going to make you feel better.” and “No, we can still enjoy our day. This is nothing.”
Medical Professional
3 in one night?! Wow. Im really treating yall here. Anywho, this is my first attempt at writing for Florence, hopefully it’s adequate. PLEASE let me know how you find it :)
You both knew that she was sick. Infact it was obvious. Her exhausted eyes, red runny nose and fever flushed cheeks made it rather obvious. But that didn’t stop the fact the it was one of her favourite days of the year.
Flo loved Easter. Why wouldn’t she? All the candy, sweets and sugar would make anyone happy. So when she woke up that morning, feeling like a block of cement had settled in the sinuses along with the fact that her throat felt like it was now lined with sandpaper, it was safe to say that she was less then happy.
But, she was adamant on spending the day how you usually did. You came into your kitchen to find her biting off a chunk of a small Cadburys easter egg. You couldn’t help but simultaneously sigh and chuckle to yourself.
“Im not sure eating chocolate is going to make you feel better.” You chided lightly, pouring a cup of tea for the pair of you, making sure to add extra honey into hers.
“Thanks.” She put down the chocolate and accepted the mug which you offered out to her before adding, “And sure it will, chocolate is meant to heal every illness that plagues mankind.”
You raised an eyebrow, fighting back your laughter and maintaining a serious face, “Oh really? Which medical professional told you that?”
There was silence for 2 seconds before you both erupted into laughter. Even sick she still had her humour. Though her laughter did come at a cost, Flo found herself coughing hard into her elbow.
You came round instantly to rub a hand down her back, slowly soothing her down as she re- caught her breath.
“Maybe you should take it easy today.” You said, looking through the cupboards for any medicine that might’ve been stashed there.
“Nope. We are still going to enjoy our day. This is nothing.” She gave you a quick kiss, albeit on your cheeks rather then your lips but still, it was better then nothing.
“Could we maybe go for a walk later?” She asked hopefully.
“Seeing as its recommended to get fresh air daily by medical professionals.” You flashed her a cheeky smile, “Sure.”
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sunset-a-story · 6 months
Happy STS! Your characters are making their Christmas lists. What's on it?
Thanks for the ask, Tori! What a fun question! Reeve: a new iron or garment steamer, silly-expensive car wax, interesting hot sauces
Gareth: noise canceling headphones, new sunglasses, link to stylish loungewear.
Hannah: video games, Cadbury Creme Eggs ("I know it's not the season. Figure it out."), outdoor wireless Bluetooth speaker.
Marek: Baguette things like tiny furniture for photoshoots, hideaways/enrichment things that look like other things like an hamster-sized RV or lemonade stand. (He'd also add "Company" with waggle-y eyebrows.)
Darwin: Pokémon hoodie, beanies, Doctor Who TARDIS blanket, AeroGarden
Penn: a worldwide EMP bomb or, baring that, a day off.
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harolinastyles · 11 months
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This is basically a little blurb/drabble inspired by the above pic. Hope you enjoy!
Title: Stitches
Author: @harolinastyles
Word count: 1105
"Ow, fuck!" My ears perk up at the obvious sound of my brother’s discomfort.
"You okay in there?" I chuckle, raising my head from the sofa.
"Fine!" He exclaims, peaking my interest even more. He'd squirrelled himself away in the dining room about a half hour ago.
"What are you doing?" I prop my head up on my elbows to get a better look at the door he'd firmly closed behind him.
"Nothing!" He snaps and if I didn't know any better I'd swear we were back in the 90s and any second now he'll come bounding out dressed as a dalmatian or in mum's bra to put on a "show". But it isn't the 90s and my baby brother’s performances are slightly larger scale these days.
In fact, just last night he'd played to another record breaking crowd and honestly I could've burst with pride watching him.
"Hey, shitebag!" I laugh as I remember his favourite sign from Edinburgh, "you need a hand?" I push myself up off the soft leather and make my way across the room to see what it is he's up to.
"Fuck off!" He laughs as my hand twists the handle and as soon as the door swings open he swivels to face me and stuffs some kind of fawn material under his leg. My eyebrows furrow as I take in the old cadbury roses tin that Mum keeps her sewing kit in, the contents sprawled over every surface of the wooden table.
"You didn't tear one of mum's favourite blouses or something, did you?"
"Course not." He scoffs but continues to try to hide whatever it is he's doing.
My eyebrow cocks of its own accord and I know it's a trait he also shares with me. Neither of us are particularly good at keeping our thoughts from showing on our faces. The older I get the more I see it as a positive though. Honesty is rarely the wrong choice in most circumstances.
"You know this'll go much faster if you let me help, right?" I smile as I hold out my hand for the item he's still uselessly trying to hide.
His eyes flick down to the table as I take the empty seat next to him.
"Don't laugh," he mumbles and I can't stop my eyes from widening as I take in what I can now see is a dressing gown. I bite my bottom lip to try and stop my grin from forming while I take in the wonky line that he's made with sewing thread. My fingers brush over the waffle fabric and my brows once again knit together as I can't find an obvious hole that he is trying to stitch.
"Uhm... what is it you're trying to do?"
"What do you mean?" He grabs the item of clothing back before adding, "it's a monogram, obviously."
I pinch my thigh to force the laugh, threatening to break free, back down into my chest.
"With sewing thread?"
"Is that wrong?" His cheeks turn pink and my heart swells as once again it feels like we're kids and he's asking for help with his homework.
"You need embroidery thread and needle. I sent Mum a kit for her birthday, stay there and I'll go find it," I grin.
"Thanks Gem." His wide grin is infectious and I'm sure I have a similar look as I rake the sideboard for the present I'd sent.
"You can tidy all that away," I point to the mess he's made of the table.
"So fucking bossy," he laughs but does as I ask. My fingers grip the item I'm looking for and I bring it to the table.
"Always so obedient," I pat him on the head and he takes the opportunity to tickle my ribs so we both end up in a fit of giggles.
"Whose initials?" I ask while I pull out tailor’s chalk, an embroidery needle and three choices of thread. "Red, blue or green?" I list the limited choices of the kit.
"Red," He says and I raise my eyebrows as he picks up the needle and jabs his finger with it before declaring it "much less dangerous."
"Whose initials?" I repeat when I realise he didn't answer.
"Mine, obviously. See, that’s the start of an H." His fingers point to his squiggle.
"Suuuure," I roll my eyes and he clutches his chest in mock hurt while I undo the stitches he's made.
"So why do you want a monogram on your robe?" I ask, feeling a little miffed that he didn't ask me for help in the first place. I mean this is a hobby I've become pretty decent at.
"A friend saw my robe in Edinburgh and really liked it so I got them one as a present but I - well, I want to make it more special - personal - so here we are," he sighs in resignation because he knows, pardon the pun, that I'm going to keep pulling on this little thread.
"A friend, huh?" I enquire while I show him how to thread the embroidery needle.
"Jude came to the show. I told you that," he mumbles while taking an exceptionally keen interest in the robe he now has in his hands.
"Uh huh."
"The same Jude you've had a crush on since we were kids?"
"Have not!" He scoffs but the pink tinge on his cheeks and the way he avoids my gaze tells me otherwise.
"And you did not tell me they were in Edinburgh!"
"I'm sure I did," my brother says as he holds out the threaded needle so I can show him what to do.
"I'd remember that. And hang on, if this is a gift for Jude then why were you sewing your own initials?"
"Gem..." he sighs, wanting me to drop it but he knows me better than that. I won't stop now.
"Harry!" I repeat back and turn his head to look at me.
"Fine..." he lets out a puff of air before he continues, "because I want our robes to match, okay? Happy now?"
"Ecstatic!" I exclaim, "this is the sweetest idea, Harry. I love it and they'll love it too, you know that, right?" I elbow him as I demonstrate how to do a chain stitch.
"You think so?" He asks and I can't wipe the smile from my face because no matter how big and famous my little brother gets, I know the little boy who needs my help is still in there and bringing these two together is definitely something I can help with. Starting with these robes.
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warnings: swearing, drinking
AN: I was watching Richie rich and forgot John larroquette was in there! I love this man so here we go. Expanding past Dan fielding. Oh! And I was pleasantly surprised to find somewhere I worked in there as well.
I tapped my foot as I stood in the corner of the room. Richard Sr. shouldn’t have invited this many adults to Richies birthday party but it was what it was. My eyes roamed over the room as my patience wore thin. I didn’t mind Richie. He was a sweet kid. But so many of the adults in this room were going to take advantage of him one day. It was too bad that it had already started.
“Wondering why there’s so many adults?” I turned my head at the voice, smiling softly as Lawrence stood next to me. “Because I sure as hell am.”
“You know why he did it as well as I do.” I whispered conspiratorially. “Doesn’t mean I have to like it but I’m not the boys parent.” Lawrence chuckled as he held out a flute of Champaign.
“Can you believe they are also serving this shit?” He took a sip from his flute as I shook my head at the offered one. “There are kids here contrary to belief.” I nodded as he looked around before chugging his drink. I chuckled and rolled my eyes at him. He shrugged. “Hey the more I drink the less there is for the kids.” I covered my mouth and tried to cover my laugh with a cough as Cadbury walked by. Lawrence took another drink and deposited the empty flute on a passing tray.
“Lawrence. Behave.” I lightly slapped his arm. He smiled at me and shrugged. “Did you actually get him a gift or are you just here for the drinks?” Lawrence wrapped his arm around my shoulders.
“I did get him a gift. The drinks are just a bonus.” Lawrence whispered. “That baseball bat that went up to auction. What’s his names bat?” I nodded. “I managed to get it.” I looked over at him with a raised eyebrow.
“impressive.” I acknowledged. “I got him the new game system that comes out next month.” Lawrence hummed, grabbing a new flute as someone walked by.
“Bribed the manufacturer?” I shook my head. “Ah. You know someone in the office. Understandable.” He leaned his head against mine. “Wouldn’t want your reputation to get tarnished.” He teased. I rolled my eyes.
“Shut up Lawrence.” I teased back, a subtle elbow to his ribs. “You’re lucky I like you.” He nodded before kissing my cheek.
“I’m very lucky indeed.”
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Want to see Matthew Macfadyen do the Cadbury eyebrow kid advert from like 15 years ago, Nick Braun can be the girl with the balloon, they’re perfect for it.
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staysaneathome · 1 year
The Self-Preservation Society (2)
Des is tired.
The Thing’s been carrying him on its back for ages since they got out of the Underground station.
Des would fall asleep against it, but all the flashing lights and loud people and the backpack jostling against him keep stopping him and the Not!Daddy and poofy teenager are still out there chasing them, and Des is so tired and he wants to go to bed.
The Thing shifts him slightly higher on its back as it hoists itself over a wall.
It puts a finger to its lips to hush him as it gently brings him around, running bent double with him clutched against its chest until it enters a large building with lots and lots of books, ducking in and out of rooms until it reaches one with a computer. Then it stops and lets him down, at long last.
Des yawns widely, plopping down onto the floor almost as an afterthought, his family crawling out of him with tired, slow-moving wings. “M tired. ‘N thirsty. Can I have a Fruit Shoot? Or a Freddo?”
The Thing pauses, then holds up both it’s hands in a “wait” gesture that Des recognizes from Mama whenever he’s trying to ask her something while she’s on the phone or cooking. It leaves the room.
He droops, head tilting forward ‘til it’s almost hit his chest and he jerks more upright again, eyes so heavy it’s hard to keep them open for more than a few seconds—
Then a thumping of disjointed footsteps startles him up, the fear helping to keep him awake as the Thing enters the room again, brandishing a purple Fruit Shoot and Cadbury’s chocolate bar victoriously in its hands with a wide smile.
Des prefers Freddo Frogs, or Fruit and Nut bars, but he remembers to not say so as he wolfs the chocolate bar down and pulls the nozzle of the Fruit Shoot out with his teeth so he can eagerly suck down the juice inside.
“Aa-a-ah.” He feels a lot better, afterwards.
His family look better too, crawling back in and out of him with growing energy, flapping prettily like they’re meant to. “That was suuuper tasty. Thank you…? I don’t know your name.”
The Thing, which has been sitting at the computer and clicking at things on it, jerks again. It glances at him, still smiling, then away.
It reaches for the backpack on the floor, unzipping it and pulling out a notepad like the ones Mama keeps around the house for shopping lists.
It’s now got a pencil and is writing something down.
Des hopes it’s not anything too difficult. He’s one of the level B readers in his class at school, but he still needs Mama’s help with the harder words in English books.
The Thing eventually holds the pad out for Des to read.
“I-don’t-ha-ve-a-name.” He sounds out carefully. “It-was-tay-ken-from-me-by-the-Cir-cus. The Circus? But the circus is fun, it, it has clowns and elephants and lions and things! How can a circus take your name?”
At Des’ confused stare, the Thing grabs the pad back and begins writing. Once it’s done, it presents the paper again.
“Not-a-hu-man-Cir-cus.” He reads. “A-Cir-cus-for-things-that-pre-tend-to-be. So-they-can-catch-and-eat-them.”
“Things that pretend?” Des asks. “Like, like the man who’s not my Daddy?”
The Thing nods, eyebrows furrowed, its smile still there, but…unhappy, somehow. It reaches out slowly and puts a hand on Des’ head again.
He lets it, something inside his throat feeling cold and hard.
His Daddy got eaten by the Circus that pretends to be human but isn’t. He’s not here anymore, and Des isn’t sure he will be ever again. He sort of wants to cry, but for some reason his eyes aren’t getting wet.
Mama is going to be so sad.
His family flutter around him, whispering it’s okay, we’re here, we love you, even as the Thing keeps patting his head. It feels weird, but it’s…it’s kinda nice? Like the Thing’s trying to say that it’s sorry, even if it doesn’t have any voice.
“Is that what he was going to do to me?” He has to sniff a bit so his question isn’t all croaky. “Steal my name and voice too?”
The Thing bobs its head from side to side a bit before shaking it, leaning over to write something new for Des to read.
“No. The-Yuh-ee-er-k?-wa-n-ts-to-eat-up-your-li-ife-may-ke-you-not-you.” Des squirms unhappily, feeling his family flutter around him with whispers of beloved, ours, won’t let it, protect, care, love. “That’s scary. Did he take away your mouth too? Is that why you’re all bendy?”
The Thing shakes its head again, propping the pad on its knees so it can write and Des can see.
“Some-bo-dy-else-did-that-to-me.” He reads as it writes. “Took-my-name-and-my-voice-and-my-mem-or-ees-and-ev-ry-thing. But-I-ran-a-way-from-the-Cir-cus-be-for-they-took-what-s-left-of-me. I-wan-ted-to-help-you-so-they-do-n-t-hurt-you-like-they-hurt-me.”
“Thank you.” Des says slowly, because Mama’s taught him it’s important to thank people when they help him. “But I still need something to call you. I don’t like calling you ‘The Thing’ in my head all the time. ‘S mean.”
The Thing fidgets, drumming its fingers against its neck, before scribbling something else in smaller writing that’s hard to read.
“I-m-so-ree-but-I-do-n-t-have-one. I-am-12-years-old-if-that-helps.” Des gasps. “You’re twelve?!”
Twelve is—that’s five years older than him, at least. You can do so many things when you’re twelve that you can’t when you’re eight. You can stay up late and go to the shops on your own and drive a car and do taxes, and, and—!
“You’re so old.” Des tells the Thing. “Like, super suuuper old.”
The Thing jerks upright, a funny look on its face as it points at itself.
Since it’s so old, Des reasons, it needs to have a proper name. A respectable one, like Abuelita always says.
“I’m gonna call you Benjamin.” He decides with a nod. “That can be your name now.”
The newly dubbed Benjamin looks around, as if searching for something. Des doesn’t think they find it, because they slump over a bit and give a shrug.
It begins writing out another message along the very top edge of the paper, where there’s still a bit of space.
“Do-you-k-now-your-home-add-dress?” Des reads. “Yeah! My house is 4 Little Newts, Bishop’s Stortford.”
Benjamin gives a little nod, turning to the computer, tapping on the keys with one finger on each hand.
Des cranes his head to watch the screen with interest. Two of his sisters and one of his brothers land on it and begin to wander around, dazzled by the bright light.
The computer ends up on a bright blue screen, and Benjamin flips to a fresh page in the notepad, copying down things on the screen, words and numbers and weird, sketchy lines, faster than Des can read them.
“I-am-go-ing-to-get-you-ho-me. The-se-are-di-rect-tions” Des reads. “Really? You will?”
Benjamin nods, drawing a small cross over its chest with a finger.
Des throws himself at it in a hug, his family filling the air with their pretty colors as they dance with the joy that’s filling Des up to bursting.
Home! Home with Mama, and his family, and Abuelita, and his bed and his toys and Mr. Easto and Diya and Kayleigh and Milo at school and Maisy and Hugo at the playground! “Thank you, thank you, thank you, thank you!!”
Benjamin doesn’t seem to know what to do with a hug, because it’s arms are raised in the air.
Slowly, hesitantly it comes down to give Des another rub over the head. It’s smile seems a little smaller than before, but more…real? If that makes any sense?
There’s a crash that sounds like the time Des accidentally knocked Daddy’s favorite glass out of the dishwasher.
The Thi—Benjamin goes rigid, one arm locking around Des’ back and hoisting him up against its chest. The other arm slides the notepad back into the backpack and zips it up, slinging it over its back.
It’s smile has gotten big and scary again.
“Des~” Comes the voice of the thing that isn’t his Daddy. “I know you’re here, Des. Come out, come out, wherever you are~”
It feels like he can’t breathe.
His family cluster close, whispering intruder, predator, danger, watch out, be careful, protect beloved, protect, defend, protect.
“I know you’re here.” The Y-ee-rk that’s pretending to be his Daddy calls, it’s voice sounding echoey and wrong. “ I can feel how scared you are, Des. You are scared, aren’t you? So scared, to be stolen away by a Stranger. Taken faaar away from your Mama and Daddy. It is very scary, isn’t it?”
Benjamin is standing, clutching Des close as it edges out of the room and into the dark corridor on silent feet, despite how much Des very much doesn’t want them to, doesn’t want to leave the safety of the computer room even to get away from where the Not-Daddy-Yeerk is crooning, “But it’s alright, Des. I can feel your fear. I can taste it, on the back of my teeth. I’ll find you. I’ll always find you. And then we’ll fix you up, get all those nasty pests out of you. And you’ll be able to love your Mama, okay?”
Des can’t help it.
A small whimper escapes from him.
Benjamin stares down at him with wide eyes, even as he claps his hands over his mouth.
“There you are.” The Yeerk that ate his Daddy coos over Benjamin’s shoulder.
Des isn’t quite sure how Benjamin does it, but one moment they’re standing upright and the next one of their feet is slamming into the monster’s face, hard enough to send it spinning into the wall.
Then they’re running, going almost faster than a car as they tear down the corridor away from what isn’t Des’ Daddy.
The monster that, from his position looking over Benjamin’s shoulder, Des can see getting up, his body shifting and bubbling, face melting and limbs splitting and growing, chasing after them with too many faces, too many arms and legs and bodies, human and animal and toy and, and, and—!
One of Benjamin’s hands comes up to the back of Des’ head and pushes it down gently until all he can see is it’s shoulder.
Des doesn’t try to lift his head, burrowing closer to the nasty-smelling, scratchy fabric trying hard to forget what he saw, to not cry as the Yeerk-thing’s voice echoes around them as it howls, “GET BACK HERE, YOU TREACHEROUS LITTLE THIEF!!”
Des is beginning to feel sick with how scared he is when Benjamin shifts him around its body. He’s terrified for a moment that it’s decided to drop him to save itself.
Instead, Benjamin charges through the glass doors at the front of the building, head down and the backpack held up to act as an extra shield.
From his position practically on its back again, Des only feels small stings on his feet and hands. Benjamin shakes itself and the backpack, blood dripping down its head even as it shifts him back to the front, and keeps running.
The concrete garden area outside the front is pale in the moonlight. There are two big metal doors blocking them off from where Des can hear streets and cars and people.
Benjamin doesn’t even stop. Like a magic trick, it springs forward so Des thinks for a moment that they’re falling before it catches itself on one hand, flipping over and over and over, higher and higher until with a last push they’re flying, properly actually flying through the air, high above the gates and the cars and the people, and, and everything.
They land hard on the pavement, Benjamin rolling around Des like how he thinks Milo’s hamster must feel in its ball, rolling, rolling until it suddenly stops and Des is dizzy and terrified and tired with it all.
“H-hah!” Comes the voice of the poofy teenager in front of them. “I’ve, I’ve caught up with with you! Now, now let that little boy g—!”
Des promptly throws up.
His family pour out of his mouth onto the teenager’s shoes, almost all of them at once, so many that the floaty stuff goes away and he can feel his older brother again.
The one he’d thought was gone forever, crawling up his arm and inside his shirt to join all the others, leaving Des struggling not to cry with feelings of welcome back, you’re home, we’re home, together, all together, beloved—
The poofy teenager hops backwards as Benjamin scoops Des up again. “Urgh! Wait, what? But, I thought, you’re also—?”
The gates across the road SLAM open as the Yeer-not-his-Daddy-thing bursts through them with a roar that no one seems to notice.
“SWEET MOTHER OF CHRIST!!” The poofy teenager screams.
Des gasps even as Benjamin begins running again, his family following along with them. “NO! You can’t say La Virgen’s name like that! It’s rude!!”
The poofy teenager, running next to them, shoots Des a wide-eyed look. “IS THAT WHAT WE SHOULD BE WORRYING ABOUR RI-hff, riGHT NOW?!”
The poofy teenager doesn’t seem to be as fast as Benjamin, panting and sweating and slowing as the Yee-monster chases them all down the street and through several alleys.
Des thinks they should leave the poofy teenager behind, if they’re going to be so rude.
But Benjamin reaches out when the poofy teenager trips one more time, does a complicated catch-their-hand-spin-and-lift that ends up with the teenager sitting on Benjamin’s shoulder and clutching at their head.
It’s weird when they come to a stop outside of a big building with tall, big doors.
It’s not another train station which they can use to escape like last time, and the not Daddy is still chasing after them through all the winding streets and alleys, even if it is a bit farther away than before.
“A warehouse?” The poofy teenager asks, staring down. “Wh-why are we stopping outside a warehouse?! That thing’s still coming, we need to go.”
Benjamin raps four times on the door, then two times in rapid succession.
Des hears something shifting and moving behind the door, the rasp of brick on brick like when he, Hugo, Diya, and Maisy played at the abandoned building place behind the playground before Maisy’s mummy found out and yelled at them all to never do it again.
“Ready or not, Des~” The thing that isn’t his Daddy sing-songs, closer than Des wants him to be. “Ready or not,”
Benjamin knocks in the same way again, eyes wide and slightly wild.
“Ready or not,” And Des isn’t looking, hasn’t looked, has tried his best not to look since Benjamin pushed his head down, but the way the poofy teenager twists and gasps with big, frightened eyes tells Des he’s here, he’s here, he’s going to get him. “Here I COME!”
The doors in front of them BANG open.
Des jerks as Benjamin bursts into movement, racing inside.
His family cling to his nose and ears, whispering danger, danger, predator, enemy hive, blood, death, violence, predator, danger.
He doesn’t understand why they’re saying that, there’s nothing in here, just a big rubbishy room—
Something flies over Des’ head, past Benjamin’s ear.
There’s a yell of pain from the thing that isn’t his Daddy.
Des twists, trying to see what it was, where it came from, who threw it, when another flashes past the poofy teenager, making them yelp and lean away and almost fall off of Benjamin’s shoulder.
Des thinks that was, was a bit of metal?? A pipe or something, like when the radiator broke and the strange men had to come to the house and pull long metal things out of the walls.
Something else whistles on the other side of him and he twists in time to see his reflection in a bit of broken glass.
It’s shooting past him exactly straight, like an arrow in cartoons, not in the curvy way that the balls and frisbees thrown at the park do.
“Benjamin, what’s happening??” He yells. When Benjamin doesn’t answer, he frowns and slaps its chin. “Benji!!”
Benjamin still doesn’t answer.
But its eyes dart up to look at something behind Des, and leans forward, tucking Des and the poofy teenager as close as it can and going faster.
Des turns back around—
Glass and brick and pipes and metal and all the other rubbish on the floor of the large room are floating, lifting up and then flying through the air past them, at what’s not his Daddy.
In the air, there’s a boy hovering in place, sort of faded and see through.
His face looks so, so angry.
Worse even than Des’ Daddy when he was mad at him. The sort of angry that means someone’s definitely getting hit, instead of just yelled at.
The boy swells, sharp and hard things flying around him like the halo around La Virgen.
“GET the HELL OUT of MY GRAVE!!” He screams.
The lights explode, all the flying things shooting like arrows, all so, so, sharp and deadly and angry.
Des can’t help yelping, turning his face to hide in Benjamin as they run and run.
The poofy teenager’s screaming sounds silly.
The monster that ate his Daddy just sounds furious.
There’s the sound of doors slamming shut behind them, all the anger and hate muffled behind them as Benjamin keeps going, the sounds of the streets and the people almost quiet after everything in there.
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beaconsculpture2 · 11 months
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#journalprompt2 Cadbury Eyebrow ad
Aesthetically, the Cadbury Eyebrow ad is pared back with a grey background and predominantly grey school uniforms so that all attention is drawn to the only action on screen which are the dancing eyebrows and the children's heads as they track the camera/ robotic singer's movements as they are controlled by or in conversation with the voice. The only colours are the purple and pink of the balloon and girl's dress which are associated with Cadbury chocolate's trademark wrappers.
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beaconsculpture · 11 months
Cadburys 'Eyebrow Dance' Advert (HQ).flv
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dolly-macabre · 2 years
Want any piercings?
I told myself after my medusa that i was done (I felt my soul leave my body during that one) but now I kinda want my eyebrow redone... (it's been closed for like 7 years now oof)
Want any tattoos?
Oh hell yes. I'm hopefully getting my face tattoos done soon. 🤞🏻a Pisces symbol by my left eye and I'm thinking of doing a sideburn piece with some snakes. i have so many others planned for all over, in case some day I get rich 😂
Favorite candy?
Currently it's caramel apple pops. But if we're talking chocolate, I gotta have a Cadbury bar.
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eyebrow-incident · 4 years
Headcanon that Jet and Ruby have just assumed for years that Lapin and Theobald are an old married couple and are extremely shocked when they find out they aren’t
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skylordhorus · 6 years
current mood: only 3 hours of sleep and i just watched an hour long video of nostalgic telly ads ¯\_(ツ)_/¯
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neveragainfools · 2 years
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I call this my Zac Oyama-rama!
I definitely made a few executive headcannon decisions with this one, but hopefully they feel true to character. You can’t tell me Civic Duty paladin magic doesn’t appear as light shaped like an emergency services crest. I’ve put a detailed picture ID after the ‘keep reading.’
This is the third in a series of pieces for Dimension 20.
You can find Emily here, and Murph here!
[ID: A digital illustration shows Zac Oyama with a big, open mouthed smile. He’s posed as if running, with his left hand in a fist pump. The image is split into five triangular sections bursting from the center. In the top left green section, Zac is in the Dimension 20 dome. His short hair swoops away from his face. He wears a baby blue button-down with a floral pattern in pink and white. In the top middle magenta section, the back of Zac’s head becomes that of Lapin Cadbury’s, a chocolate bunny man. He sports long chocolate ears, and a white chocolate beard and eyebrows. He wears a purple and gold foil cape, and a blue and gold striped robe with a lightbulb symbol on the chest. His staff, the Lollistaff, sports uneven purple and pink swirls, as magic swirls and floating sugar plums emanate from it. In the middle right orange section, Ricky Matsui’s beefy arm reaches for the Questing Blade, a fireman’s axe. His hand and the axe glow with light, shaped like a fire department crest, both giving off waves of light. A red suspender flaps from his bulky uniform pants. The front of the axe dips down into the bottom right purple section, becoming Gorgug the teen half-orc’s massive Heavy Metal Axe. The slightly rusted dark metal axe sports a glowing rock in the hole of the blade. It’s decorated with thistle and spring motifs, and swings from a leather holster on Gorgug’s hip. Gorgug’s leg kicks off from the ground, his too-short purple pants showing some of his hairy leg. His crystal peeks out from his grey hoodie pocket, and the attached headphone chord swings and wraps around his leg, his headphones with copper flower motifs bouncing along behind him. In the bottom left teal section, Cumulous Rocks, a deep blue cotton candy monk, raises a knee, his foot surrounded by light pink cotton candy that swirls beside him. He wears a loose bright pink shirt and pants, tied at the waist with a purple tie. His forearm and foot are tied with purple bandages. The three pictures after are closer cropped shots of the same image. End ID]
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