#Cake-Centric Fun
candylandphotos · 1 year
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Balloons Happy Birthday Party Girl
"Amidst a Sea of Balloons, We Celebrate the Bright and Beautiful Journey of a Remarkable Girl 🎈🎂🥳 #BirthdayBash"
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lynk-zee · 5 months
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Scenarios and such!
☀️ SFW
🌶️ Spice but no explicit smut
#💫l&ds for dialogue blurbs
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☀️ Tara meets the Trio ☀️
☀️ Sharing is Caring ☀️
☀️ Injured MC ☀️
☀️ Skincare Kings ☀️
☀️ Breakfast ☀️
☀️ Late Nights ☀️
☀️ Comfort ☀️
☀️ Sunny Days ☀️
☀️ Cake ☀️
☀️ Their Children… ☀️
☀️ Evol is Love Spelled Backwards ☀️
- Love spell shenanigans.
☀️ Idol!MC ☀️
☀️ Renaissance Faire ☀️
☀️ Roles Reversed ☀️
☀️ Jealous Boys ☀️
☀️ Envy ☀️
-Reader jealous of MC
☀️Songs of Sorrow ☀️
-Rafayel Centric. Trauma related to music.
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🌙 As lovers… 🌙 🍆
🌙 Awkward Sex Moments 🌙 🌶️
🌙 Shorelines 🌙 🍆
- Rafayel Centric. Lemurian form fun.
🌙 Magnums 🌙 🌶️
🌙 Your Fragrance 🌙 🍆
-Rafayel Centric.
🌙 Brat 🌙 🌶️
🌙 Favorite Positions 🌙 🍆
🌙 Virgin Killing Sweater 🌙 🍆
🌙 Provocation 🌙 🌶️
-Zayne Centric. “Provocation doesn’t work on me”— we’ll see about that.
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hlficlibrary · 2 months
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AO3: homosociallyyours
Tumblr: @homosociallyyours
✤ Number of fics: 132
✤ Posting Since: 2012
1️⃣ Even on My Worst Days {E, 21k}
When they meet at a party, Louis is instantly drawn to Harry like a moth to a flame. They hit it off, and Louis is eager to get to know Harry better-- maybe even take him out on a date --but Harry is hesitant. Cautious.
Since developing chronic fatigue a few years earlier, a lot of things have changed for Harry, his once active lifestyle reduced to the occasional outing like the one he met Louis at, visits to the doctor, and doing his best to take care of himself on hard days. He can't imagine that anyone-- especially not someone like Louis --would ever really want to be with him.
It takes time to convince him otherwise, but Louis can see he's worth it. He just has to get Harry to see it too.
2️⃣ The Christmas Lift {G, 13k}
Louis lies about having a boyfriend to avoid being set up on a blind date by an overzealous co-worker, but now he's in desperate need of a fake boyfriend for his office holiday party. He’s complaining about it on the phone to Liam when Harry, his unknown but hot neighbor, overhears him in the lift and offers to help.
It doesn't take long for Louis to realize he wishes things weren't quite so fake, but he's afraid it'll take a Christmas miracle to make anything happen.
3️⃣ Just To See That Smile {NR, 6k}
It's Coming Out Week at university, and Harry's taken on a lot of responsibilities to make everything run smoothly. Finding his roommate's boyfriend attractive is making that a bit difficult, unfortunately. It might help if he realized that said boyfriend (Louis) is really just there to help said roommate (Liam) figure out if Liam's crush (Zayn) likes him back.
But that would make things too easy.
A fic where a hastily faked relationship and a lot of miscommunication almost ruins a perfectly good dance.
4️⃣ It Does A Body Good {E, 6k}
When Louis’ first PTA meeting ends with a date with the PTA President, super mom Harry Styles, he already feels pretty great about it. That it goes even better than he hoped feels like icing on the cake. But what happens when he realizes that Harry has starred in one of his most recent porn-inspired fantasies?
5️⃣ O! Yes! {NR, 2k}
Louis is a somewhat sexually awkward omega into other omegas. When an omega-centric sex shop opens near his favorite coffee shop, he definitely doesn't plan to check it out.
One friendly ambush later, he's standing inside and talking with a too pretty omega about things that definitely make him blush. He's not the only one blushing, though. Harry, the cute and enthusiastic toy store employee is too.
💎 You Make Lovin' Fun {E, 109k}
Harry is a 28 year old travel writer at a gay magazine who gets the assignment to go a lesbian cruise. She figures it's a nice chance to have some fun in the sun, but she's not expecting much else-- even if her partner and best friend are both encouraging her to hook up with someone while she's there.
When she locks eyes with a gorgeous silver fox from across the room, she starts to think she could've been wrong. There are lots of things standing in the way of anything real happening with her and Louis, but that doesn't stop them from falling for one another. True love isn't always easy, but they do make lovin' fun.
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arrowhawkart · 26 days
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Alright what's up everyone! If you do not follow my personal blog fair warning: I have become very suddenly obsessed with Dragon Age and have been playing thru the games for the first time ever- so expect the next chunk of art from me to be very Dragon Age-centric
So Anyways here's Cedric Hawke, the fun little guy I made for my DA2 playthrough and became incredibly attached to much faster than I expected.
More incoherent rambles and thoughts on my Hawke under the cut- it's very stream of consciousness under there and also very very long you've been warned
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Just like.... wow.... okay so I've now played through Inquisition and finished Trespasser and I've gotta say DA2 really took the cake for me, like by far my favorite of the 3. (Like please don't get me wrong it absolutely had it's issues I'm not saying it was a perfect game or that all the writing choices were amazing) But I just really enjoyed the smaller more personal scale of the conflicts in DA2, I liked that Hawke was even more Just Some Guy, and like yeah the Warden and the Inquisitor aren't like special chosen ones or anything, but they are both tasked with these gigantic world-saving country-spanning quests, and Hawke? Hawke is just a guy trying to do right by his family. Like he doesn't have any world saving mission. He is just trying to Get By and that really made this game hit home more for me than the other two.
I said I was gonna ramble about my Hawke and I just ended up rambling about DA2 itself... whoops. ANYWAYS- Cedric- My Boy Cedric- I recognize that a purple mage Hawke is the most common route people go and I am by no means unique or original, but this game series is very new to me, personally, and I'm having fun anyways. (From here on out I will be talking about my Custom Hawke and not like, Hawke the player character in general)
And gosh I'm such a sucker for complicated and messy family dynamics, and DA2 does that so well. Like the Hawke family is Fucked Up. Bethany gets killed by that ogre while they're fleeing Lothering when she tries to save their mom from said ogre, and Leandra immediately turns and blames Cedric for Bethany's death- and then later in Act 1, Carver, best baby brother Carver, also throws Bethany's death in his face while they're having their own stupid argument which started because Cedric was trying to cheer Carver up and boy did that fail dramatically.
Like Cedric is witty and charming and sarcastic and kind of an asshole sometimes, and comes of as incredibly over confident and cocksure and that's because he's very much been shoved into the role of 'okay you've gotta take care of everything and if you don't everything bad is Your Fault, and since you're in charge of taking care of everything, everything bad is automatically Your Fault No Matter What Anyways.' So he's gotta playact like he has everything all together and under control, because what the fuck is his family gonna do if he doesn't? And underneath all of that he's an incredibly stressed out guy, who does not feel like he can ever let on that he's stressed and making everything up as he goes and just hoping that things work out well.
And like he tries to do the right thing- by god does this man try. He brings Carver with him on the deep roads mission because he and Carver work well together! Carver wants to go! He loves his little brother, there is no one he would rather have by his side than his little brother! There is no one he trusts more than Carver to have his back! Carver and Cedric are incredibly close, (yes in the game's friendship/rivalry system Carver was locked in at full rivalry but that absolutely does not mean they weren't still very close and also friends). Like Carver is the one person who actually recognizes that the way Leandra projects all of her own issues onto them, but like mostly Cedric, is really shitty! He acknowledges that after apologizing for his part in the argument I mentioned above. And then of course Carver ends up getting the Blight during the deep roads mission, because nothing can every go right for them. Thankfully Cedric brought Anders along, so Carver is able to become a Grey Warden instead of DYING, but he has to leave, and Cedric doesn't even find out whether or not Carver survived his joining for months. And of course Leandra blames Cedric for this, she begged him not to bring Carver along with him, and he did anyways and now she's never going to see her youngest son again and it's all Cedric's fault. And that's how Act 1 ends and I just.... Auaghghghghhhh-
And then we've got Act 2, and like mid-way through Act 2 is probably the high point for Cedric. Things peak for him here and then it's all one big snowball downhill from there. So like, Cedric romanced Fenris, because this man is addicted to difficulty, and of course was going to immediately be infatuated with the guy that makes hating mages half his personality. (I mean it wasn't immediate, it was more of a slow build, mutual-trust, to friendship(and yes once again Fenris was at full rivalry but I stand by what I said about the friendship rivalry system earlier), to lovers thing, especially considering three years pass between Acts 1 and 2) And yeah, Cedric doesn't hide the fact that he's very into Fenris, and Fenris definitely hasn't seemed opposed to this. So after Fenris kills Hadriana and then they have that fun little argument that ends with Fenris pinning Cedric to the wall and kissing him 😳- Cedric is like, riding the high of what was probably the first positive physical affection he's gotten since Carver let for the Grey Wardens three years ago. And then of course the following morning Fenris immediately breaks things off with Cedric, so what Cedric thought was going to be the start to a romantic relationship, just ends up being an ill-fated one night stand. And like! Cedric does not begrudge Fenris this! He completely understands Fenris's reasons, he is not upset with Fenris at all! He is still just completely crushed though. So yeah, things peaked for Cedric for like one very short night and then start speeding downhill. Because not long after that is when his mom is killed by a fucking serial killer. As if things weren't already fucked enough for Cedric, already having lost his twin younger siblings.
Also side note- I love the fact that DA2 is portrayed as Varric telling the story of Hawke's life to Cassandra, and that we know Varric is an unreliable narrator. Because like Leandra's last words to Hawke being that she's so proud of her strong boy- at least with how Cedric's relationship was with Leandra up to this point- felt so so out of character for Leandra, and I love the headcanon that that's Varric giving his bestie some closure narratively that he never actually got in reality. So like that's canon for Cedric. Because that was Leandra's decapitated head frankensteined onto another woman's body- and magicked into a reanimated corpse that absolutely did not seem like it had any conscious thought- like she was already dead before Cedric showed up. There were no final words. There was no nice narratively satisfying ending to that one. And I like it better that way tbh........
We're just gonna like skip over the whole qunari invasion subplot because I am. Not a fan of how that was handled. Writing wise. Like what the fuck was that. Like I have THOUGHTS about it but they're not gonna go on tumblr. Anyways. Moving on.
Champion of Kirkwall! Yay! Meredith knows he's an apostate mage and is just Waiting for any half-decent excuse to either bring him to the circle, make him tranquil, or kill him? Not yay! Cedric is absolutely good friends with Anders, and has been helping with the mage underground every chance he has. People in the city have been whispering about making him of all people Viscount and he has no idea how to feel about that, like he'd rather not, but who else is gonna do it? And who else would do it and actually give a shit about mages and elves and just like lower class people in general? Like this incredibly stressed out guy does not need more added to his plate, he really doesn't. But he's definitely thinking about it. I mean hey! It's not like he's got any family around to take care of at this point right? Why not just take that eldest daughter syndrome thing he's got going on and use it to fix the city?
The one bright spot for him here is that hey, at least he and Fenris get back together. That one's nice. They both deserve something positive and comforting after all the shit they've been through.
And then Meredith is trying to invoke the right of annulment and Anders blows up the fucking Chantry. And Cedric can't even blame him for it. After 6 or 7 years of painstakingly working to try to find peaceful ways to improve the lives of mages and getting blocked at every turn, with the knowledge that Meredith has been getting worse and worse and worse, and has been actively looking for any excuse to invoke the right of annulment and just kill every single mage in Kirkwall? And Grand Cleric Elthina has been absolutely no help, and has absolutely been subtly on Meredith's side the entire time. Like at a certain point, violence really does feel like the only option left. When you've been backed this far into a corner.
So obviously Cedric takes the side of the mages, doesn't kill Anders, is honestly like 'my dude, my buddy, my guy, my best pal(aside from Varric, and my boyfriend Fenris) why didn't you tell me? I would've helped you on purpose.' He's elated when Carver shows up during that final push to the Gallows, like the whole situation is absolutely shit, and it'd definitely be better if his beloved brother was no where near danger, but he's a Grey Warden now so that's not even an option anyways. So it's just nice to have him around even during such an intensely stressful moment. Honestly everything is so unbelievably fucked at this point that Cedric isn't even stressed anymore. Like things literally cannot get worse. He's kind of riding the high of things not being able to get worse. Or maybe that's just adrenaline. Who knows. Aveline and Sebastian both leave, Cedric is unbothered. Doesn't even try to convince Aveline to side with him later either, like he's never really gotten along with her, and he did not like how she treated Carver. Fenris and everyone else stick around, and that's what matters to Cedric, like all the people he was actually close friends with stick with him in this moment (Fenris, Varric, Isabella, Merrill, Anders, & Carver)
And then yeah, they save the mages, defeat Meredith, leave Kirkwall with the renegade mages. Everyone goes their separate ways due to one reason or another, except Fenris. At least Cedric does get to keep one positive close relationship around.
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vinelark · 1 year
do you have any good reverse robins fic to rec?
oh hell yeah!
Reverse Robins: Joker Junior series by miyaji_08 i rec’d the second fic in this series over here for the timkon of it all, but the series—two parts, both complete—is also one of my absolute favorite reverse robins stories. it goes the joker junior!tim route, so heads up for A Lot of tim-centric trauma, but gives tim (and everyone else) so much healing, too. it also gets creative with the robin of it all, as in, the call sign for batman’s partner is different from the jump because dick wasn’t around to originate “robin” for it, which i always think is a fun extra detail. the batfam characters are great and the young justice crew is also great, so read for top-tier hurt and comfort and great characters and satisfying plot and tim and damian competing to see who is the most Tired big brother of the bunch.
blood of the covenant by envysparkler robins are angsty in any order, but man does this hit the angst sweet spot, which in turn makes the soft parts feel even softer. i genuinely can’t decide what my favorite dynamic is in this AU, between damian & tim (damian wracked with guilt, tim hurting and still wanting an older brother even if he’d never admit it) and tim & jason (no spoilers but chapter 4 especially lights my brain up like a supernova) and tim & dick (i think about the part where dick grayson [tiny, cheerful] uses tim [undead, annoyed] as a jungle gym like once a week).
Wing Beats in Reverse by firefright a longfic where jason gets kidnapped by the mysterious red hood, who turns out to be jason’s not-so-dead predecessor. the jason pov here is great, and i was so compelled by how this AU explored his place in the bat family, and how it managed the emotional fallout from the kidnapping. tim is also so interesting in this—it does something i love in a reverse robins concept, which is make tim’s motivations (and lazarus pit effects) less about anger/hurt/revenge and more about ice cold logic, about being the villain so the bats don’t have to/whether they want him to or not. plus some league of assassins trauma as a cherry on top. also, kon gets to show up for a bit. (as a fair warning—and spoilers ahead—the fic has a somewhat hopeful ending for tim, but doesn’t reach full reconciliation in the scope of the plot.)
i woke up so worried that the angels let go by circees a short but potent batkids age reversal au that’s also a grisha au, starring duke as the coveted sun summoner that damian is trying to deliver to safety without mentally adopting a new brother (damian fails on the second part). even with my limited memory of grisha lore i could tell a lot of thought was put into this au, and i have a feeling it would be even better if you are able to catch all the details. i also love that even in a fantasy world where some of the bat family have magical abilities, duke is still extra special—a great analogy to being a metahuman among the bats.
The 90s Are Back! by RedWritingHood saving the two silly ones for last to lighten the mood! in this one, red hood!tim gets de-aged to sixteen and meets all his new siblings. it’s like .01% angst and 99.99% shenanigans, and pretty much all the dialogue is super quotable but Dick holds out his hands like he's calming a bunch of wild animals. "Okay, I know everyone's real upsetti spaghetti right now, but I think we all just need to calm down." might take the cake.
Clowns Don’t Kill People by mademoisellePlume very short, very silly reverse robins brother shenanigans, in which tiny dick grayson isn’t scared of recovering joker junior!tim because dick, having been raised in the circus, doesn’t associate clowns with evil yet. the fic is fun (and a great palate cleanser if you need a break from the angst above), and the author’s note at the end made me fully laugh out loud.
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mangoharvest · 9 months
Which yandere twst boys do you think would be (or pretend to be) understanding of their darling not wanting a romantic relationship?
  GUH so I actually submitted an answer for this, but my silly computer did an update and lost a bunch of draft data (Sorry Jade...)
Sorry for the wait, hopefully these are okayyyy! They are on the drabble side since platonic darling is still new ish to me (I really love it though!! And hope I can write more!)
twst boys with a platonic darling!
  * Ace Trappola
He’s such a kid when it comes to these things. He confessed his love with so much enthusiasm and confidence! Only to be rejected. He could at least breathe easy knowing no one else had a chance to steal your heart. Still, he couldn’t help but want you all to himself. He’s not smart enough to play mind games (sorry), but he is practical. 
You were amazed at how quickly he went back to his usual self, laughing with and teasing you into oblivion. However, this was nothing but a farce. He begins extending the time you two hang out. No big deal, he’s fun to be with. The clock in his room breaks, and for some reason the alarm on your phone never goes off when you're with him. 
After a while, it’s not enough. He asks you to help him study, as if that’s going to actually happen. You always end up chastising him, doing work for maybe an hour, then falling asleep while watching whatever movies you find that catch your eye. He makes a space for you to stay over, practically kidnaps you for any class you don’t share, and is somehow always right around the corner. Thanks Cater, for that wonderful tracking app!
    * Trey Clover
Unlike his underclassman, Trey doesn’t get to confess before being rejected (albeit, unintentionally). He had been studying in the library with you and Riddle when the topic of attraction came up in relation to a potions assignment. After a bit of teasing towards your favorite red ant, you confessed a lack of interest in pursuing a romantic relationship. It wasn’t that you were opposed per se, but you definitely were not looking for at least the next few years. 
In the moment, Trey nodded along and gave an understanding smile. Internally, he wanted to toss himself off a cliff. It wasn’t as if he felt a need to rush into a relationship himself, but he knew it had to be with you. 
Taking your wishes into account, Trey changed how he treated you ever-so-slightly. His touches lingered a little more, and he somehow always had a new cake or cookie he wanted you to try. He wouldn’t stalk you, but he would create opportunities to be of service to you. Falling behind in class? He’s got your study guide. ‘Forgetting’ your lunch (that you swore you put in your bag) is not a problem, since he always has an extra for his study buddy. The attention and care he gives you rivals that of Riddle, not that you could complain. After a while, you would find yourself dependent on Trey, and seek him out when you needed anything. Your clothes are missing, you keep unintentionally breaking rules, and you somehow failed a test in your strongest subject. You couldn’t help but lean on him for support. And he wouldn’t have it any other way.
    * Ruggie Bucchi
Similar to Trey, Ruggie has a very service-centric way of expressing his affection. He’ll offer you some of his treats and plunders stolen from Leona. He’ll always ask to pair up with you for assignments(which you enjoy, since he actually does his work!), and he gives you Azul-level study guides for upcoming quizzes and tests. He’s the secret weapon you never knew you needed!
He never neglects to tell you about how lucky you are, and that he wouldn’t work so hard for anyone else in the world. You always roll your eyes in mock annoyance before thanking him with a bright smile. He loves seeing you happy, and you love seeing his face turn cherry red. On days where his stress gets the better of him, petting his ears and offering to buy him breakfast always calms him right down. After a while, he’ll straighten up with a grin,  promising that he’ll never forget your ‘service’ and that he will pay you back.
For him, attraction comes out of friendship. You two had a natural chemistry, so when you were together it felt like home. The reason he wanted so badly to submit to you, to shower you with gifts and to be at your beck and call; he loved you. When he realizes the reason you get such special treatment, he really only amps up the generosity. He wants to show you how reliable and useful he is. He’s not terribly possessive(liar), at least not nearly as much as some of the others. Still, he wants to be the only one whose ears you rub before a nap, and the only one you come to when you need help. That’s not so selfish, is it?
You know he has feelings for you, and he knows you aren’t seeking something romantic. You two dance on the line between platonic and something more, but why change what works?
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hadesoftheladies · 4 months
got inspired from a recommendation post so decided to make a list of movies and shows with female-centric stories/female protagonists. since i can't post all of the genres in one post, i'll split it into multiple posts and y'all can save or add to the list as you wish. (disclaimer: i have watched most of these, but i only know about the existence of others. not every movie/show on these lists will be my recommendation. my recommendations will be beneath the list with reasons. also some of these are way better than others in terms of storytelling/performance--which is why i'll list my faves separately):
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Common Themes/Tropes:
-Woman/girl is OP and gets bullshit from other people for it
-Heroine tries desperately to fix the world
-Leaving home to go on adventures for the sake of a dream or doing the right thing
-Sisters are a lifeline
-Women/girls can literally do or be anything
-Violence is the only answer men will understand
-The world is so big, grand and beautiful and she wants to see more of it
-Girls being the conscience of an entire society
-Things going ham when she reaches Boss Level
-Magic (and violence) are good things, especially paired together
-A man (usually a father or guy friend) is the only conscience she has left
-F*ck marriage there's bigger problems TM
-I must save my father/sister
-Serious mommy issues
-Has an animal companion or IS the animal companion (robots also count as animal companions in terms of function imo)
-Making friends with the monster
Scavenger's Reign
Blue Eye Samurai
Arcane: League of Legends
Lilo & Stitch
Fiona & Cake
Star Vs. The Forces of Evil
Princess Mononoke
Green Snake
The Breadwinner
Violet Evergarden
Barbie in The Diamond Castle
Monsters Vs Aliens
Finding Dory
The Incredibles II
Tinkerbell: Legend of The Neverbeast
Blue Eye Samurai (10/10) (super gritty, but the perfect revenge story, puts John Wick to shame)
Scavenger's Reign (8/10) (split story, but two of the main characters are women, and one is a black lesbian! fantastic animation, though don't watch if you're intensely trypophobic, it can be sci-fi horror)
Mulan (9/10) (one of the most perfect animated Disney classics)
Turning Red (8/10) (this movie remembered the tween era)
Tinkerbell (if you crave matriarchy, sisterhood, magic and female centric society and story, then you need to watch the Tinkerbell movies)
Wolfwalkers (7.5/10) (an anti-colonial, anti patriarchal, pro-pagan fantasy movie with beautiful animation and a very touching, female-centric story)
Arcane: League of Legends (10/10) (gorgeous animation, amazing writing, incredible performances, and don't get me started on the sisters that take centre stage--also, lesbianism and gender nonconformity!)
The Legend of Korra (8/10) (good writing, a badass protagonist, a fantastic cast of characters, beautiful scoring, beautiful animation, amazing action sequences)
The Mitchells Vs The Machines is basically a drama between a lesbian girl and her dad who have to figure their relationship out while they're running from robots. It was full of heart and fun and had some good jokes in there. I'd definitely recommend it.
Raya & The Last Dragon is the first Disney movie with a gender non-conforming princess! It also has some of the best action sequences in any Disney animated movie, however it doesn't hold a candle to The Incredibles II, which stars Helen Parr as the main character of the film. It's one of my favourite films of all time because of how they depict Helen and the main villain of the story (a badass genius of a woman). Really pro-female films, even for all their flaws.
Abominable has some of the most gorgeous visuals I've seen outside of a Disney animation. The texturing and coloring is so vivid it makes my mouth water. It's far better than Over The Moon, but both have their own charm. Abominable and Home have very similar plots. Also, the girl in Home is voiced by Rihanna while Beyonce voices the queen of the faeries in Epic.
One movie that shares a similar theme (kindness to animals even if we don't understand them or they scare us) with Abominable is The Sea Beast. The Sea Beast is one of the best animations with a black female girl as a lead I've ever seen. There's also a badass black woman pirate. There are some scenes that could have been written (or colored) better, but I loved it either way. I think it was the first animated film to depict shrinkage for black hair! And it didn't lighten the skin or whiten the features of the black characters!
Many people view Frozen II and Brave as "almost" masterpieces whose writers ultimately failed them, and I can say that I agree to some extent. There are many things technically wrong with the movies. Minor details that set the pacing off or take away from the immersion. However, I still love both of them. I really love daughter vs mother and sister vs sister stories (that includes Tinkerbell: The Secret of The Wings) because there's so much to explore in such relationships. They also both have some killer soundtracks, some amazing visuals and well-executed action sequences. I've truly seen way worse than these two films, and the characters are mostly loveable.
The Breadwinner is an animated film about a girl dressing up like a boy under the rule of the Taliban so she can earn some money to help feed her family. It's scored very high by critics.
I'd also recommend The Owl House (even though there's some appeal to genderism in later seasons). It's the first time I've seen a bisexual animated character and the enemies to lovers arc with Luz and Amity is unmatched in cannon magic school stories. I also really love the depiction of The Owl Lady who is treated like a male character in that she is allowed to be non-maternal, single and old (and wrinkled), arrogant and boastful, all without the show trying to punish her for it. The Boiling Isles are also fascinating as a setting.
If you like The Owl House, there's a chance you'll love She-Ra. There were many things I found annoying about She-Ra, but my experience was mostly positive. I'm not the biggest fan of Catradora, but I do appreciate the drama. I loved the world-building and magic system mainly, so the character quirks didn't get to me as much as they have others. Also, amazing antagonists in this series. It could have been more mature, but it's still entertaining.
I also definitely recommend Home on The Range. It's a whole movie with talking animals, but there's no tomboy like the main female protagonist in a Disney movie. She is one of the most tomboy characters Disney ever made. Also, I love 2D animation and this film reminds me why. Also, the idea of a feminine, micromanaging old heifer, a bull-headed, roughhouse new girl cow, and a young airhead cow that can't sing going on an adventure across the wild west to save their human's (a sweet old lady with some bark and bite) farm? And they have to compete with a hotshot, asshole male horse who is young and fast? It's like the perfect western comedy but with cows!
Anyways, if you can't tell, I love animated stuff and a lot of these are my comfort movies.
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purrassicjet · 5 months
Not pictured: Coffee? (this is just a fic I work on whenever I want to)
(They're all Sandra Lynn centric and 3/5 are Sandra Lynn/Jawbone ones. One is a teenage Sandra Lynn fic)
Just vote for the one you want to see the most! This is my wips folder collection, these are all ones I've started, but there are also a couple that are just ideas on a Google doc.
(Feel free to send an ask if you want elaboration on any of these ideas, but it is also fun just to guess out of nowhere)
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vellichorom · 1 month
box of legos
god i wish
i have a big velvety bag of VARIOUS lego friends sets an old friend gave me a very long time ago ( 10 years? has it been 10 years? oh my god ) during one of the most wonderful birthday sleepovers i've ever had... it was pokemon centric, we had a gorgeously bed-textured teal cake with little edible beads, & i gave her a bulbasaur plushie i bought off another kid for like 5 bucks...
& she lost her taste for legos? or those specific legos at the time, & gave me the bag of them. & god when i tell you how much fun i had just building & rebuilding this rinkydink little lego friends horse plaza for whatever silly ideas i had at the time, & then i got the juice bar set afterward because the series was so cool to me at the time
i haven't touched either of the sets in years but i still have them... i should,
anyway i'll use this as a reminder to reach out to my fellow adults who miss their childhoods / never got one to On God do whatever the hell you want & indulge yourself however you please if you want to buy a kid's coloring book or buy some megablox / legos & just set those up to some nick jr shows or whatever you like, by all MEANS go do it
you have not been alive for this long to NEVER go back & do the things you liked to do as a kid / teen again & if it feels too hard to be alive acknowledging the difficulty of the real world then PLEASE know it's not all your burden to bear. go indulge yourself in what you know would make you happy no matter how " childish " it is on god
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quirkwizard · 1 year
Hi I’m the one who asked about the hero themed restaurants and in the words of emperor Palpatine I say “Do it”.
I was going to write it out, but that do it sealed the deal. And I will be sticking with restaurants that match the hero's role and brand. As funny as I think it would be for Ms. Joke to own a bar just to practice her jokes at, it doesn't really work with her image.
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-Edgeshot has a very traditional restaurant, specializing in hibachi and sushi rolls, call the Fold and Wrap. Their specially is a wrap that resembles Edgeshot's hero costume, headpiece and everything.
-The Pussycats runs a cat café called the Wild Cats. It used to be a cat maid cafe, but was rebranded since Pixie Bob keep putting off her duties in favor of trying to be young and cute.
-Mount Lady runs a cabaret club called Zenith. Patrons can bear various tiers of services named after mountain levels and you can choose to Gigantify any of the services or meals at any point.
-Best Jeanist has a high class restaurant called Fine Dinning where only the finest foods are served. The dress code is law and the "no shirt, no shoes, no service" policy is enforced with brutal efficiency.
-Kamui Woods has a places that specializes in all natural dishes, especially any plant based ones, called Forest Greens. Pretty much only lives through being attached to Kamui Woods' brand.
-Miruko owns a blue collar bar, like with the punching machine and mechanical bull, called the Hare's Leg. Has a very rowdy and aggressive atmosphere that Miruko herself encourages.
-Manual runs the OK Corral. It's a place that specializes in fish. It's not great, it's not terrible. It's just okay. In his younger, wilder years, had a bar, famous for his stunning shows of controlling alcohol.
-Sir Nighteye runs a kid centric arcade join called Hero's Palace. Formally an All Might establish, he took over in the hopes of protecting the laughs and smiles of children. No believe that he's the one who runs it.
-The Ingeium line has the Iida Grill, which is also a family business where a lot of the non-hero members go to work. The place is covered in memorabilia and keepsakes from the various Iida members.
-Fat Gum's is the Guttbuster. Has plenty of food based challenges and unique combinations inspired by Fat Gum's own diet, like a cheese burger pizza. The real thing would not be approved by any health board on the planet.
-Gang Orca runs a port side seafood restaurant called Bait and Tackle. Patrons can see him swimming around for photo opportunities and the occasional sea shows. You can pay extra to have a fish Gang Orca hunted himself.
-Hawks has a family friendly restaurant where everyone of any age can have fun called the Family Roost. He sometimes drops by when it's a kids birthday party and uses his feathers to cut and serve the cake. He specializes in hot wings.
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isa-ghost · 7 months
Btw I'm hella down to get asks about the fic at any time.
Plot stuff, character stuff (fic-centric or "gueststars"), Ender King stuff, character dynamic stuff, writing stuff, whatever. Any of it.
Obviously I'm not gonna post major spoilers but ohhhh my god I will happily explode about anything if asked.
I've been going feral over my characterization of Phil, Missa, Fit, Etoiles, Bagi & all their eggs since I got to like chapter 6 in my plan. And everything that's gonna happen to them.
One of my favorite parts of writing is giving fun tidbits about what I'm doing. It's like taking a finger of batter from the bowl while I'm baking a cake. :D
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pomegrnteseed · 4 months
it's all political, babe
people use the phrase 'we live in a society' a lot, but i'm going to use it here too; fandom is not removed from the society we live in. fandom is a reflection of the society, because it is members of society that make up fandom. just like the internet is not unbiased because people built it and people use it, fandom is not unbiased because people create within it.
you may not wish to interrogate your biases, your beliefs, your ideologies, your opinions while engaging with fandom, but that does not mean that those things are not working subconsciously or overtly in the choices you make when you read fics or enjoy artwork.
dhr is especially political. i said it in a tweet the other day, but draco lucius malfoy was the child of supremacists, raised to espouse fascist ideology. he was radicalised, he was a child soldier, he was groomed. for draco fans to claim that they engage apolitically is nonsense. i hate most everything joanne rowling stands for, but she was writing a book about fascism that was (riddled with problematic ideas and language, but) an accessible route for younger readers to understand the realities of supremacist notions of heritage and ethno-centric belonging. in other words, voldemort and his followers' obsession with parentage, with blood, with purity - it's the same thing hitler and the nazis were obsessed with. and their methods were the same too - ostracise, eradicate, overpower. sound familiar?
to divorce yourself so wholly from the reality of israel's ongoing genocide in palestine is to side with the oppressor. genocide relies on complicity via silence - to say nothing is to suggest it's okay. to argue that x isn't political or y isn't that deep is to fundamentally, forcefully turn away. you need to stop flinching. wokeness isn't a fun term to bandy around, it comes from Black american activism - it's time to wake up to the reality of the situation.
dhr fandom will remain political because it was based in a universe of politics. it catalogued the catastrophic outcomes of weak governments (cornelius fudge may you burn in hell), of fascist leaders (fuck you a million times over umbridge), of apathetic masses, of complicit media, of the power of public perception. it's far from the best example of these things where fictitious representations are concerned, but these things are literally woven into the entire narrative of the harry potter series. to say you don't want to see it is to contort your logic so brutally that i cannot in good faith see anything but wilful ignorance and a whole lot of internalised discomfort.
it's okay to not feel good about the things you like reading. it's okay to recognise that fiction is a fantasy land for paper dolls to smash. but it's not okay to pretend that these fantasy worlds are not founded in realities, are not reflected in the geopolitical status of the world now and historically. it's not okay to decide it's not for you because fascism affects us all. the state of the us, the uk, and europe in particular is fucking terrifying. read the news - far right ideologies are gaining more than 10% of the public vote at elections. fascism means ultranationalism (hatred of imagined Outsiders), suppression of opposition, dictatorship, militarised governance. it's literally happening around us. we are living it. and that's terrifying. it's natural to be scared. to want to flinch. to want to escape and pretend.
but you can't escape into dhr fandom and pretend that those exact same things aren't the lifeblood of dlm's backstory. that's a dissonance you cannot afford to grow.
if you look at some of the most read dhr fics: Manacled; The Auction; Secrets and Masks; From Wiltshire, With Love - they deal with the politics of war, of fascist ideology, of violence. The are also love stories, they are stories of hope, they are detailed depictions of how much we lose in the fight against hate.
we cannot have our cake and eat it too. we cannot say we are not getting involved in discussions of genocide that affect us all, because these discussions determine the world order. while we remain silent, we allow our governments to pretend their inaction is the will of the people. while we're silent, we give them a scapegoat; us. we cannot sit idly by and wait for someone else to come along. isn't that one of the characteristics we love most about hermione jean granger? her endless capacity for love (not mushy love, but active, hard-won love that forces people to keep going, that moves mountains with its sheer strength). hjg is a beacon for a lot of us in that way, never stopping after the war with her fights for the rights of all creatures, critters and magical folk. she's righteous. she's horrified by injustice. and if we say we love her, the idea of her, this pervasive fanon notion of her unrelenting fight for a better world, how can we not be moved into acting the same way? how can we read the works of others who have clearly noticed the themes and used this fandom as a vehicle for exploring the nature of fascism, the kernel of undying hope, and still refuse to acknowledge the realities these stories draw on and reflect?
i don't think we can in good faith.
living in a world embroiled in war, fascism, power struggles is exhausting. and we do come to fandom to escape. but we also come to fandom to share and learn and collectively despair and hope. we can't have nice things while we peddle the lie that fandom is apolitical, because it does those who gift us their hearts and souls in fics and fanart a huge disservice. it's not just paper dolls doing horny things. it's not just a romance story for the ages. it's real lives and real fears and real stakes. please treat it as such.
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localplaguenurse · 1 year
Chex's Masterlist
A list of the fics or headcanons I’ve written! I may have missed a couple of headcanons here and there because they were just one off questions from the ask box. Mostly wanted to keep track of the long lists. 
Some of my fics have suggestive or mature content. Read the tags, proceed with caution, and if you can’t read this stuff for one reason or another, best to move on. Also, in case you're wondering why a lot of my oneshots have to do with Pantalone; I love him and he is my muse.
Have fun!
Ongoing Fics
You've Got My Eyes: Zhongli/Reader slowburnish fic where Reader is a single mom in Inazuma after a one night stand with the man of the hour; ongoing
the capillaries in my eyes are bursting: Dottore/Reader angst fic, aka the "dottore divorce fic" where Reader is sick of feeling neglected and unappreciated by her husband; ongoing
you are someone i have loved, but never known: Pantalone centric fic where Arlecchino finds a baby left on the steps of the House of Hearth; ongoing and slow to update
Falling Head over Heels: Pantalone/Male Reader where Reader is an author with retinitis pigmentosa (hereditary degenerative eye disease), pt 2, pt 3, pt 4, pt 5, pt 6, pt 7
Complete Fics
it’s all that i can give to you, my dear: Pantalone/Reader smutfic, a sequel to take all you can, give nothing back; completed
As Gold as the Ginkgo Trees: Morax/Reader arranged marriage slowburn set during the Archon War; completed (see also: the ginkgo trees masterlist with all my other headcanons/fics/aus)
Little Helper: Pantalone family fluff oneshot, technically Pantalone/Reader but it’s not really the focal point
Catch of the Day: Zhongli/Reader Mermay oneshot
that is enough: Fear and Hunger angst oneshot where Cahara returns home after... everything goes wrong. Please read the tags before reading.
Hold on Tight: Pantalone/Reader smut oneshot where someone goes a little overboard during sexy times.
Pretty in Pink: Hwei/Reader smut oneshot, and the only league fic I'll write
zero days until the party: My take on the bite of '83, child death warning
Have Your Cake and Eat It Too: Pantalone/Reader smut oneshot I wrote for my birthday where Pantalone gets bored at his own party
Playing strip poker with Pantalone: Self explanatory. Not really smutty, mainly silly, but still suggestive so you know the drill
The Price for Greed: Dragon Pantalone smut oneshot that has been sitting in my google docs for too damn long
an act of kindness: Pantalone oneshot where he's too tired for sex, so you give him a bubble bath. Starts spicy but doesn't go full smut, mainly domestic fluff.
Or You Lose: Modern era oneshot where Pantalone is a nightclub owner, and you're tasked with assassinating him.
i lie in your arms tonight: Pantalone oneshot where you're training a new recruit and things go horrifically wrong. Character death and angst heavy.
Stress Relief: Trans Pantalone/Male Reader smut, horrifically self indulgent
Keep Your Ego in Check: Male Harbinger Reader/Pre-Fatui Pantalone smut that is porn with wayyyyyy too much plot
"It fits you.": Short Pantalone/Reader request where he's jealous
Last Minute: Pantalone/Virgin Reader smut
An Unexpected "Guest": My submission for the 2024 Fatui Con "x reader" fic category
Original Writing
a stone in the wall: Original horror story about walking through a serial killer's house, please mind the tags
Pantalone health headcanons
Assorted Pantalone headcanons
Pantalone domestic fluff
Assorted/sorta modern Dottore headcanons
Pantalone being husband material
Pantalone appearance/self care
Modern Dottolone
Arlecchino/Pantalone/Reader NSFW
Casper First Time NSFW Headcanons (A Date With Death)
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vivalavi-daa · 2 years
Fav 2022 K-Dramas/Movies
1. My Liberation Notes
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About: Three siblings, exhausted by the monotony of day to day adulthood, seek to find fulfillment and freedom from their unremarkable lives
Honestly, no one did it like My Liberation Notes. The way they captured the mundane lives of adults, the longing for happiness, freedom, and the loneliness of it all. The way they depicted all that through raw lines, monologues, and even silence that gave even deeper meanings. To say I love this show is an understatement 🥺
2. Extraordinary Attorney Woo
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About: Woo Young Woo, a woman on the spectrum that tackles challenges as a newbie at a top law firm
This show is popular for a reason. It has everything you could ask for in a kdrama: feel good vibes, heartwarming stories, heart-fluttering love, found family, and interesting characters (with brilliant acting). Although we couldn't expect Woo Young Woo to be representative for all people with autism (since autism is considered as a spectrum), but I love the way her portrayal in this show was educative while also really fun to watch 🤍
3. Twenty Five Twenty One
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About: In a time where dreams seem out of reach, a teen fencer pursues her ambitions and meets a hardworking young man who seeks to rebuilds his life.
Couldn't express how much it's comforting to watch the two main characters build connection in the pursuit of happiness. The fact that these two people share different perspectives in life (one was hopeful & optimistic, while the other one was realistic) was its charm. Not to mention the growing bond of the friendship between them and their friends. Together, they make every scene seemed refreshing and entertaining to watch. It was truly an uplifting youth show that brightened last year's atmosphere ✨
4. Alchemy of Souls
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About: A powerful sorceress in a blind woman's body encounters a man from a prestigious family, who wants her help to change his destiny.
Love, love the world building of this one! Also, the gripping love stories that took "I'll love every version of you" seriously 🥺. It was captivating how observant every characters in this show were & the way they unfold the stories. Even the action scenes portrayed like an art. Therefore, even though it has many episodes with long duration, I wasn't bored at all.
5. Little Women
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About: Three sisters become embroiled in a major incident and face off against the wealthiest family in the nation
The fact that two of my fave actresses (Nam jihyun & Kim goeun) casted in one kdrama was such a dream!! It's a women centric kdrama i could say, from the way the main characters, writer, & director are all women <3. I love that it has such morally grey characters and a story that's full of intriguing misteries. It kept me on the edge of my seat.
6. 20th Century Girl
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About: A teen girl has her eyes set on a boy for her lovesick best friend. However, things become complicated when she falls in love and is forced to choose between love and friendship
A heartening youth stories that every fan of 2521 should watch! Again, the plot seemed cliche but it still managed to enthralled you with sweet & fun interactions between the main characters, their growing romance, and what comes for them in the future. It was a rollercoaster of emotion but I really enjoyed it to end <3
7. Business Proposal
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About: Hari, a regular employee, shows up to a blind date in disguise of her rich friend to scare him away. Things go awry when he turns out to be her CEO and makes a proposal.
Normally, a kdrama with a cliche plot and some cringe lines wasn't my piece of cake. But Business Proposal is something else I guess. It managed to make even the cliche plot entertaining to watch, still. I didn't expect that I'd laugh this much while watching this show, but I did. Their actings were so fun to watch and it's such a light kdrama that i enjoyed to watch.
Addition: Fav K-Drama (Not Released in 2022) that I've Watched Last Year
Prison Playbook
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About: a legendary Korean baseball player whose life change after he chases a man who harasses his sister and finds himself spending a year in prison.
This is such a gem for a slice of life genre! From the director of Hospital Playlist & Reply series, you could expect some heartwarming feels coming from every characters' background stories. Despite the serious & harsh life we could thought of from prison life, this kdrama have many comical scenes, a series of roommates bickering, & such a moving found family. I wish the director would make more of these 🥺🤍
K-Drama Recommendations: 8/?
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ao3feed-jonmartin · 2 months
Have Your Cake
read it on AO3 at https://ift.tt/1dycz26 by Gay_Is_Love_Gay_Is_Life "That was the old him, this was the new. They were waiting for the cake. So was Elias – Jonah. Jonah. The name left a rancid taste in his mouth and feeling in his mind. Though he let the feeling pass in case the man himself was trying to pry his head open like usual. 'Hey, Martin! The birthday boy needs his slice!' Was what Tim said. Martin startled at that and remembered his job. 'Right, sorry! I’m on it.'" Or: Martin gets sent back in time into the body of his past self (Season 1) and deals with a lot of... annoyances. Jon's birthday was meant to be a fun occasion. One that Jon would play over and over again in the safe house just to taste some normality. Unfortunately, Jonah Magnus has other plans, and he seems to know more than he should. Martin just needs to play it safe, right? Words: 2640, Chapters: 1/?, Language: English Fandoms: The Magnus Archives (Podcast) Rating: Teen And Up Audiences Warnings: No Archive Warnings Apply Categories: M/M Characters: Martin Blackwood, Jonathan "Jon" Sims | The Archivist, Sasha James, Tim Stoker (The Magnus Archives), Elias Bouchard | Jonah Magnus Relationships: Martin Blackwood/Jonathan "Jon" Sims | The Archivist, Martin Blackwood & Sasha James & Jonathan "Jon" Sims | The Archivist & Tim Stoker, Martin Blackwood & Sasha James, Martin Blackwood & Jonathan "Jon" Sims | The Archivist, Martin Blackwood & Tim Stoker Additional Tags: POV Martin Blackwood, Martin Blackwood-centric, Time Travel, Sort of? - Freeform, Location: Somewhere Else (The Magnus Archives), Elias Bouchard | Jonah Magnus Being an Asshole, Trans Martin Blackwood, isn't plot relevant... but is relevent in my heart (and is mentioned), Post-Canon, Martin Blackwood Needs a Hug, Blood, Creepy Eyeball Imagery, Alternate Universe - Canon Divergence, Canon-Typical The Beholding Content (The Magnus Archives), Mild Gore, like very mild, Author Projecting onto Martin Blackwood, Additional Warnings In Author's Note, Light Angst read it on AO3 at https://ift.tt/1dycz26
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whorekneecentral · 2 years
kinktober - day 29 - wax play // l.s18
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Lance Stroll x Fem!Reader 
Warnings: alcohol and the consumption of, a little mishap with a candle, lance and his besties together for his birthday, wax play, nipple play, penetrative sex, creampie. 
Word Count: 1,447
Author’s Note: okay once again, sorry for the delay + this is sorta birthday centric cause it’s his birthday today lmao -- this might be nonsense I'm hopped up on tylenol and orajel lmao // also sorta proof read sorry :) 
kinktober 2022 masterlist
Lance stumbled into a drunken thought after his birthday party and the next day, he’s unable to get it out of his head. 
“No, hold on.” You call, the lit candle in your hand. You were trying to get Esteban to move the napkins from near the cake before the candles caught on them.
“Do we have enough candles?” Elena asks, coming from the kitchen with another package.
“I think so,” Mick says, counting the candles on the cake.
Lance sat there patiently waiting for everyone to be done fussing so he could blow out the candles and cut his birthday cake. It was currently Sunday afternoon, after the race. Lance's birthday was on Saturday which was yesterday but because of qualifying, and the next day being race day, they weren't able to do anything together.
All of their flights were leaving Tuesday seeing that they have a week off to rest so tonight would be to party.
The Aston Martin crew had cut a cake for him Saturday before qualifying but he and his friends along with their girlfriends decided to celebrate together post race by cutting a cake and having a little party at an Airbnb in Mexico City.
It was Esteban and Elena as well as Mick and Justine, even Sebastian had popped in for a bit with Hanna before they head out for their reservations. The candle in your hand was lit and you had moved back to get something and you bumped into the chair,  the candle dropped and the hot wax hit your thigh.
“Ow!” You rub your thigh, Lance looks over at you. “Are you okay?” He asks you and you nod, “I'm fine, just a little burn. Didn’t even hurt.”
“Are we ready?” Esteban asks, counting the candles; all 24 on the perfectly iced cake.
“One second,” you tell him, getting your phone before FaceTiming someone. You say hello to your sister in law, Chloe and her fiancé, Scotty. You flip the camera so they can see and then you'll begin to sing happy birthday.
Esteban and Mick lead the count, asking him how old he was until they got to 24.
Lance blows out his candles and he cuts the cake.You feed him a piece and then feed him one more on behalf of his sister.
Everyone sort of spreads out after that; Elena and Justine decide to stay inside because it’s sticky and hot out but the 3 boys are on the back desk, having a beer to unwind. You were in the kitchen cutting a piece of cake to give to Sebastian and Hanna, seeing that they had to go.
“Are you sure you can’t stay?” You ask, following them to the door.
“Maybe, we’ll stop by after dinner.” Hanna says with a smile. “No worries,” you return the smile, “you guys have fun. Oh! and try the dulce de leche cake, I hear it's fantastic.”
“We will,” Sebastian says, giving you a hug after Hanna does. “You guys have fun too.” He says and you wait by the door, waving them goodbye as he pulls out.
On the back deck, Lance seemed distracted. Esteban nudges Mick and they look over at their friend, “what’s wrong?” Esteban asks him.
“Nothing.” Lance takes a sip of his beer, the liquid gone warm now and he grimaces at the taste. Mick’s brows furrow, “c’mon man, we know you. What’s on your mind?” He asks his friend.
“Nothing, just thinking about y/n.”
“What about her?” Esteban pokes, earning a smile from his friend. “Just.. well the candle fell on her.” Lance says.
Mick sighs, “she's fine, Lance. I’ve seen her walk into a door and apologize to it.” He laughed.
Lance rolled his eyes, laughing. “That was once and she was drunk, she gets a pass.”
No one except Lance seems to notice the look on your face when the candle hits your thigh. The little hint of excitement that flashed across your face made Lance wonder if that was something you were into. He’d never thought about it nor did he ever ask about it.
The night wrapped up that much longer after that. Esteban and Elena, along with Mick and Justine, decide to head back to their hotels for the night, leaving you and Lance alone for the night.
Your boyfriend dropped back onto the couch, you had a candle burning on the table, the house smelling of cinnamon and apples. His eyes fixed on the glass jar on the coffee table, your hair raking through his thick hair.
“Penny for your thoughts birthday boy?” You ask.
He smiles, “my thoughts are worth more than a penny.”
“Oh sorry,” you laughed, “not all of us have a rich daddy to give us money.”
“Don’t hassle me on my birthday.” Lance pouts and you laugh, leaning down to kiss him. Lance pulls you on top of him, your arms over his neck as you sit on his lap, your lips on his. Your boyfriend’s hands rests on your ass, pulling you forward, your chest pressed to his.
“I was thinking,” he mumbles against your lips. “About?” you ask, your hand resting on his jaw.
“You know when you dropped the candle on your leg.. did it hurt?”
“A little but a.. good hurt.”
“I thought so.” He hums and your brows furrow, “why?” You ask.
Lance scoots you off his lap, his hands reaching for your shirt. He helps you take your top off before he reaches for the candle. You look at your boyfriend hesitantly, “can I try something?” He asks.
You look at him, a little unsure. “Uh-” “Do you trust me?” His eyes find yours.
You nod, “of course I do.”
Lance lets you lay back, he tips the candle over your torso and lets the hot wax drip onto you slowly. He can’t help but admire the way your back arches at the feeling or the sound that leaves your mouth.
“Oh,” you sigh, your eyes closed.
“You like that?” He asks, setting the candle down. You hum, satisfied as you
His hand reaches under you to unhook your bra, letting it drop to the floor. You look at your boyfriend, watching as he kisses down your chest, over your tits before his lips wrap around your nipple, tongue lapping over it.
Your hand tangles in his hair, his name falling from your lips. You feel him shift, his hand dropping to pick up the candle once more and without warning, he lets the warm wax drip over your tits, the red liquid drying against your skin.
“You’re having too much fun.” You giggle, sitting up. He smiles, his arms behind his head as he watches you drop your skirt, the black fabric pooling around your ankles.
You climb back onto his lap, unbutton his shirt for him. Lance's hand drops down, smacking your ass. “You’re such a dork.”
“It’s my birthday, indulge me.”
“Don’t I always.”
You’re up on your knees, hovering over his lap, your hands under you as you undo his pants. Lance helps you, pulling them down enough for you to sink down onto him. Your hand rests on his shoulder, giving you a moment to gather yourself before starting to bounce on his lap.
Lance’s hand stays on your hip, his firm grasp keeping you in place as you rock back and forth. You reach behind him to grab the candle, pouring the wax over his bare chest.
The red stood out in comparison to his pale skin, Lance smiles when you do. “You’re right,” he mumbles, glancing down to watch how your finger smudges the almost tacky wax around his chest.
“Aren't I always?”
“You don’t even know what I was going to say.”
“Don’t need to,” you say, leaning in to kiss him. “I’m always right.”
You rock your hips forward and Lance’s head drops back into the couch, his eyes fluttered closed. “Fuck, you’re perfect.” His hand pats your hip, “made just for me.” He tells you, your lips on his neck -- a trail of marks and sloppy kisses being left along his neck.
Lance can feel the way you were clenching around him and he knew you were close; you knew he was close, his eyes closed and head back.
“C’mon,” you whisper to him, your lips by his ears. “Cum for me, baby.”
You’re on top of Lance, your arms wrapped over his shoulders as you both come down from the high. Your cheek pressed to his, “best, birthday, ever.” He says, laughing.
A hand on his cheek, you smile at him when you pull back a bit. “Let’s take a shower hm?”
“No, no need to move.” He says, wrapping his arms around you.
“Happy birthday baby,” you whisper to him, kissing his cheek.
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