#Captain Dad and Baby Danger
Sustenance for Sale! Sustenance for Sale!
Little bit of context on nights the kids spend it at the Man Cave Ray will bring mattresses, sheets, blankets, and pillows to the main part of the Cave and set them up for the kids.
When Bluey first aired in the US Henry had started watching kids cartoons to help him sleep at night when his nightmares would get bad. He found Bluey one night and found a way to watch it. He quickly got attached to the show. He didn't want to tell anyone else about it because he felt really embarrassed about it.
On one of the days Henry spent the night at the Man Cave because it was too late for Ray to be comfortable letting any of the kids go home he woke up from a really bad nightmare. So he grabbed his headphones and cell phone and curled up on the mattress Ray brought out and watched Bluey for a while. He fell asleep when watching it and the next morning before any of the kids woke up Ray walked in to check on them and make sure they were covered up and saw Henry's phone screen playing something on it. When he walked over he saw it was Bluey and just smiled softly. He then adjusted the blanket, turned the phone off, and took out Henry's headphones before leaving.
Henry still doesn't know Ray knows Bluey is one of his favorite shows.
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the Sarek family is hilarious to me because you have so much drama in one place. there have got to be at least 3 like, holo-documentaries or whatever about them. how could you not?
you have Sarek, the patriarch: one of the UFP's top diplomats, who knocks up a Vulcan princess then goes “hrm I am ambassador to Earth therefore I should marry a human” and he does, upsetting all sorts of the worst kinds of people on his home planet and causing racist hate groups to try to blow him and his family up multiple times, and seems honestly more put out by his son joining Starfleet than his other son becoming Vulcan Moriarty
Amanda, the matriarch: an accomplished educator and quite possibly the only well-adjusted member of the family, but when her son Spock shows up on her doorstep after growing a beard, having a mental breakdown and apparently murdering several medical staff she still shrugs and hides him in the family mausoleum
Sybok: Amanda's stepson from the aforementioned princess fling, who becomes an antiestablishment criminal mastermind with an edgelord fake name, hooks up with a hot space pirate, finds religion, starts a cult, takes an entire colonial government hostage sparking a diplomatic incident involving three galactic superpowers, and hijacks a Starfleet ship to the galactic core to find the Vulcan Garden of Eden, where he dies fighting god in hand-to-hand combat
Michael, a traumatized human girl Sarek brings home from a work trip, who joins Starfleet, becomes their first-ever mutineer, goes to prison, saves the Federation from a war most people think is her fault and gets “killed” in a highly classified, very suspicious incident involving an experimental starship and a series of red lights that appeared across the galaxy like a divine omen (oh, and returns 900 years later to solve the dilithium crisis, kill the head of the Emerald Chain and save two entire star systems including her siblings' homeworld)
and last but not least Sarek & Amanda's one-of-a-kind hybrid baby. Spock, who gets accepted into the Vulcan Science Academy, tells them to go fuck themselves when they're racist about it, runs off to Starfleet instead, gets so famous his arranged marriage falls apart resulting in him publicly strangling his own captain to death except not really, steals the Federation flagship twice, invents time travel, saves the entire planet Earth, dies and comes back to life, goes into his dad's line of work and achieves peace with the freaking Klingons as his opening act, then after a long successful career suddenly dips to go do extremely dangerous underground activism on one of the most paranoid authoritarian worlds in the galaxy to unify the Romulans & Vulcans who've hated each other for over a thousand years — and he isn't around to see it but it eventually works. then he fucks off with the VSA's high-speed prototype ship full of the most dangerous substance known to science and gets sucked into a black hole of his own creation, never to be seen again. and this is just the stuff that's public knowledge!
then you dig into the novels where Sarek's ancestor basically makes out with Zefram Cochrane 5 seconds after meeting him and Amanda tells the press her husband has a huge cock
I love them
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skylarsblue · 1 year
✦Incorrect C.O.D Quotes, since AO3 is down✦
Gaz: I wanna know what exactly your type is. Y/N: I'm not just gonna give you more fodder to throw at me- Gaz: I have an idea of it already, but I want details! Y/N: No! Gaz: Like- König! Would you- Y/N: Of fuckin’ course I wanna fuck König! He’s huge, he could LITERALLY snap me in half and my dad didn’t love me, of course I want him to fuck me! Soap: *does that weird inhale-choke-cough*
— (Dick mention + a woman’s experience of a dude making gross comments. It’s funny I swear-) Fem!medic!Y/N: most of the time, people are pretty nice and sometimes impressed when when I bring up I’m a medical professional. Other times…eh.. Soap: Eh? Y/N: Sometimes you get conspiracy theorists. Soap: Ohhhh… Y/N: Some evangelists, gross dudes. Gaz: Gross dudes? What’s the worst you’ve heard? Ghost, sipping a whiskey: This outta be good. Y/N: Uh, once I told this man hitting on me I was a field doctor? He said, and I quote. “Been awhile since my last check up, mind checking me for ball cancer.” And I- Gaz: WHAT Soap: YOU’RE KIDDING Y/N: I am not. I just- I walked away. Price: Fuckin’ hell. Y/N: It’s fine. He got shot in the dick next mission, ended up with a male doctor. Ghost: Karma at its best.
- Graves: Oh FUCK YOU Y/N: Tsk, oooo…you don’t have enough money for that. Soap: HAHA!
- Soap, drunk: Back Street’s back, alright! Do do do do- Gaz, drunk on Price’ shoulders: Dodooodo- Price: Simon, get your boy. Ghost: *picking Soap up by his belt, carrying him like a bag* Yes sir.
- Recruit: When you gonna stop giving me blue balls? Gaz: Whoa hey!- Y/N: Aight, I got my steel toes on. How bout we make’em black and blue? Recruit: I- Y/N: Shut the fuck up. I’ve already turned you down, get a hint. Word of advice? Rather than shoot for the stars, maybe shoot your shot in your lower bracket, yeah? Recruit: Gaz: Someone get a fire extinguisher, this dudes been burned. Soap: On it. *sprays recruit with fire extinguisher*
- Soap: Nice onesie, does it come in men’s? Gaz, in his pyjamas: I think you cum enough in men for the all of us. Soap: ACK- Ghost: *slides out of the room*
- Ghost: Have you ever considered, just once, using your brain first? Soap: Now why would I do that?
- (Insert random name I HC for Laswell’s wife) Kate, after being in a bad explosion and ending up in this hospital: My wife, she’ll get upset if she sees you rubbing me like that on my chest. Diana: I am your wife. Kate …. Diana: :) Heart rate monitor: BEEPBEEPBEEPBE- Kate Hi. Diana: Hehe, hi. Gaz, in the corner: Oh to be in love. Soap: This is disgusting, why can’t I have this? >:,( Gaz: Cause your type in men is awful. Soap: Hey!
- Y/N: *walks into common room* Hello, I am very upset. I feel a meltdown coming on and you are all buff men, so I would like to request being picked up and held like a baby for a short period of time, please. Soap: Do you want to talk about what’s bothering you? Y/N: Nope. König: ….*slowly approaches and picks Y/N up from under their arms* Y/N, clinging to him like a koala and hiding in his shoulder: Thank you, I appreciate you. König: *awkward back pat*
- König: :) Y/N: Bloopbloopbloopbloop- Horagi: Y/N! Y/N: What? Horagi: Tha-That is our colo-that is a dangerous man! Y/N: He’s not a dangerous man! Horagi: What are y- Y/N: We’re bloopin’! Bloopbloopbloop- König: -w-
- Price: Kid, I need you to- Gaz & Y/N: *dancing like they don’t have jobs to do* Gaz: Go stink! Y/N: Fuck it up! Gaz: Go stink! Y/N: Fuck it up! Gaz: Go stink! Y/N: That’s what’s up! Gaz: Go stink! Y/N: I’m in love! Price: AHEM Gaz: Oh shit- Y/N: HEEEYY captaaaaiinn, what’s uuupp ahaha… Price: *sigh*
- (Based on; Me if COD was real. Deadass. Full serious. I am not kidding) Gaz: So have you met the Captain yet? Y/N: No. Gaz: Are you nervous? Y/N: No no, I have a firm belief that they’re just people. Obviously I’ll respect him as a superior but that’s nnnnnnnnwho the hell is that? Y/N: *fucking breaking their neck* Gaz: Oh- Nope. No no, THAT is Captain. Don’t think about it. Y/N: I’m thinking about it. Gaz: That’s not allowed. Y/N: Ive done worse for less, if he asks I’m sucking it, you can’t stop me. Gaz: Jesus Bloody Christ- Y/N: Tell him to call me when he’s on leave. Gaz: Stop-
- König: *walks in* Ghost: ?? Soap: Oh, hey! Gaz: Y’a need somethi- König: *picks up Y/N under his arm while humming, leaving the room* König: I love stealing, I love taking things!~ Ghost: What the f-
- Colonel!König: I’m 42 so, I don’t- Y/N: YOU’RE 42?! Colonel!König: Yeah. Y/N: …it’s okay no one has to know babygirl~ König: NEIN! Nein, don’t call me babygirl!-
- (Based on this awful Gaz outfit I saw on Twitter) MILF!Y/N: *doing paperwork* Gaz: Would you date me? Y/N: Baby we couldn’t even get a drink together. You can’t buy me nothin. Gaz: What do you mean? :( Y/N: Look at your outfit! What are you wearing? Gaz: I think I look pretty fly. Y/N: For who, your mom? Gaz: :((
- Gaz: STOP DATING MY CAPTAIN Y/N: ….you know what, I’m gonna start dating him even harder. Gaz: What’s that supposed to mean? Y/N: You know what it means.
- MILF!Y/N: *shoving apple juice into a cart* They gon’ need nutrition. Laswell: How many kids do you have? MILF!Y/N: Eleven! Laswell: So I’m assuming your kids really like apple juice? MILF!Y/N: No but they looove orange juice but they’ve been bad this week. Laswell: What grade are your kids in? MILF!Y/N: Sixteenth grade. Laswell: PFFT Sixteenth- that’s not even a grade! So your kids graduated college? MILF!Y/N: No they, they- …where are my kids?
- (Her “kids” on the other side of the store) Price: Boys please- Gaz: I AM NOT LOSING! Soap, in a fuckin’ headlock with him: Yes you fuckin’ are!! Ghost: *slipping cookies under his mask, he did not pay for them* König: *looking for a fruity snack* Horagi: *grabbing as many packs of spicy chips as he can* Alejandro: This is a disgrace. *holding up frozen burritos* Rudy: These are worse. *motions to frozen tamales* Alex: Did you know you can use coke as rust remover? Farah: …and you want to drink it??
- Y/N: So. Kyle. Gaz, already afraid: …yes? Y/N: I found some of your old playlists… Gaz: Y/N: Gaz: Y/N: You an emo? Gaz: I was a SCENE as a teenager, get it right.
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hihhasotherfixations · 5 months
I’m thinking about dragon hybrid Price as a dad to little dragon hybrid you.
This is more headcanon style than my usual and a little bit all over the place but I had to get it out because yes >:3
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CW: none
Word Count: 1020
Price had always lived a solitary life. Dragon hybrids were relatively rare, and he didn’t exactly go out of his way to find a partner.
Purely by happenstance, he came across another. And almost out of obligation as well as it being mating season, they started a relationship. She quickly fell pregnant, but despite it all, it wasn’t meant to last.
Due to the more solitary nature of dragons, your mother left after you were born. Price didn’t blame her, the two hadn’t been incredibly close after all, only having gotten together during the mating season but not having an amazing connection beyond that. He was grateful she at least communicated her plan in advance so that he could prepare.
But when you were born, oh my. You were everything.
He took you home from the hospital alone, yet before he’d even gotten out of his car and into the house, he knew that a bond had formed that he could never sever.
Dragons were vain and prideful by nature. And for Price? His pride and vanity all poured into you. You were his. His creation, his child. He’d do anything for you, to keep you safe. And if necessary? He would protect you with the world as a shield.
The baby years are tough. Growing horns, wings and fangs is not pleasant. It can hurt and because of it, there are a lot of nights where you’re inconsolable, just crying in his arms as he tries to soothe you.
His wings folding around you seem to work best, creating a sort of cavern-like bubble where his warmth and heartbeat are the main sensations.
But even with that, the growing pains are sometimes too much and the poor captain had to lose sanity in favour of consoling you, rubbing ointment on your horns and massaging your tail and wings the best he could.
Yet the first time he sees your little tail wag when he walks into the baby room to feed you after waking you, all the sleepless nights are worth it.
You were starting to develop into a true dragon.
You stand in your box, holding onto the railing and bouncing excitedly on your feet. Your little horns poking through your unruly mop of hair while your wings are folded on your back.
“Hello, little lizard.” Price smiles, walking over to you. Immediately, you stick up your arms and he takes the hint, grabbing you under your armpits and lifting you up.
Holding you in his arms, he can feel you wiggle, trying to wag your tail - but you can’t.
Because now that your wings have finally started developing in earnest, he has needed to put preventative measures.
Where before your wings were papery and flexible, your tail stumpy and short, now both were getting some volume, the bones in them growing and lengthening - solidifying. And because of it, sleeping becomes dangerous.
In the past, many dragonlings have broken wings or tails by rolling around in their sleep, getting the limbs stuck under themselves and twisting too far.
Because of it, the wing-tail guard was invented. Used to pin said appendages against your body and cushioning them - allowing you to roll to your heart’s content while sleeping.
And now here you sat on his arm, the soft, black coloured cushioning moulded perfectly to fit your wings strapped to your back, your tail stuck between your legs, unable to wiggle or wag it.
“Come on, darling.” Price grinned, setting you down on the changing table and untying the straps, freeing your wings and tail back up.
And when your wings shift and move a little after he takes it off, oh how his heart jumps in excitement.
He’s been so eager, waiting for the day you finally open your wings for the first time.
For most dragonlings it happens around 1,5-2 years old. So you were right around that age.
He tries to encourage you by showing off his own wings. Anytime he has you on his lap, he spreads them wide, and you never fail to be completely mesmerised by it.
Seeing it, he tries to let you know you have your own, to encourage you to use them. He runs his hand down the muscles and bones of your wings, petting them down, getting you used to it by massaging the flesh and muscles, loosening them up.
It takes a lot of coaxing and weeks since you first tried, but finally, you manage to open up your wings and spread them.
And Price couldn’t be more proud.
Your wings are a carbon copy of his, except just a slight shade darker. And he knows that with a lot of training and upkeep, you’ll be just as strong a flier as he is.
Speaking of. Now that you’ve opened your wings for the first time? He can finally take you on your first flight.
Strapped to his chest with a harness, he gently stretches your wings out. It looks a little awkward, to have you dangling from his chest with your wings pancaked between your back and his front, but it’s important to get you used to flying, to using your wings.
The glee and pure joy that radiates off of you when you’re soaring in the clouds is unprecedented. You’re not scared, nervous or hesitant as he feared you might be, no. Instead, you’re kicking your feet, and screeching in delight. You keep tilting your head back to look at your dad and Price grins down at you, uncaring that your horns are stabbing into his sternum as his powerful wings flap, carrying the both of you through the sky.
The 141 know everything about you. Price can’t help himself. As stated before, dragons are proud creatures, and you are his pride.
He cannot help but share with the other most important people in his life.
And oh how they adore you too.
All in all, you are Price’s greatest treasure, and he can’t wait to see you grow up into your own, powerful dragon.
I would love to write more for this. If you want something elaborated or have your own idea and wanna see it written, please drop it in my ask box to give me an excuse to do so! ^^
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lucysarah-c · 3 months
how do u think levi would be like if his partner were pregnant?
Hi! How are you? Hope you’re doing great. ❤️
I've written a few thoughts on Levi, particularly on how he might act while his partner is pregnant. I've mentioned multiple times (link here ) (Another one) that as a Captain, Levi probably isn't actively seeking to have kids because he might not have the time or resources to raise a child. But if it happens and his partner decides to go through with the pregnancy, here’s how I think he’d respond.
“Keep this man informed.” Levi wants to know everything. His usual controlling tendencies would amplify with his partner being pregnant. He’d become overprotective, sometimes to an unhealthy degree. He’d want to know every detail from the doctor: what was said, what wasn’t said, and what might have been implied. If his partner doesn't ask these questions, you can bet he will. He’ll want to know what she should eat, what kind of exercise is allowed, if daily walks are necessary, and more.
Historically, pregnancy and childbirth were very dangerous, and Levi would likely be terrified of losing her during this process, especially since it would be his first time as a dad. I imagine he’d be a bit unbearable, constantly reminding him, “I'm pregnant, not on my deathbed. Let me do something.”
He’d be 100% the anxious dad, incessantly asking about the gender, the due date, and when the baby’s movements would be noticeable. Levi would talk to the belly a lot, believing that babies recognize voices from the womb. He’d be committed to making sure the baby knows he’s there, eagerly awaiting their arrival. Once the baby starts kicking, he’d feel it and proudly declare, “They’re going to be a strong kicker, just like their daddy.”
Levi would likely ask the Reeves to set aside some red meat or special ingredients that are good for his partner. He doesn’t usually ask for privileges for himself, but for his partner, he’d make an exception. Plus, knowing how popular Levi is within the walls, as soon as people find out he’s expecting a baby, they’d shower him with gifts.
Hope you enjoyed my take! Have a lovely day!
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asliceofzosan · 11 months
because i woke up today still thinking of zosan's baby girl, here are some stuff about it that are now my roman empire:
none. i repeat NONE OF THESE STRAW HATS know how to hold a baby. sanji figured it out due to dormant maternal instincts alone. and more than half the time he has to yell at everyone to not hold her up by the calf or the ankles ("i'm looking at you luffy please for the love of the all blue do NOT gum gum whip her around like a toy—")
unlike both her dads, ayari is actually being extremely picky with food in the beginning. she hates certain textures and cries like its the end of the world when her baby food isn't heated to the right temperature. funnily enough, one of the few times she ate something she didn't want is if chopper is next to her eating the same thing and telling her its yummy. dw none of the baby food goes to waste. they're all re-used somehow in the week's menu. or zoro just ends up eating it.
ussop made a lil wrap around cloth for ayari so that sanji could cook while carrying her hands free. or zoro could have her strapped onto his back and nap while he does pushups.
robin could be seen reading books to ayari when both zoro and sanji are out cold and exhausted from being first time parents. one or both of them would wake up to find robin telling little ayari histories of the islands they visit, or the countries they've saved. she tones down some of the darker elements until she's old enough to grasp it. ayari grows up with auntie robin's love of wanting to know the world.
nami started doing her makeup with ayari on her lap. she shows all the different little products to her, letting her touch her brushes and everything. nami even "does ayari's makeup" too aka she just tickles her face with the brushes and pretends to put makeup on her so she feels like she's doing it too. when she's a little older, ayari asks sanji to join them and more often than not, sanji is making lunch with a full face of makeup done by ayari.
ayari's teething toy is a little plastic mouth sword. zoro is infinitely happy about it.
in the beginning, sanji tried to take up most of the parental responsibilities up until the point that he got too sick to even stand. he was stressed and exhausted beyond belief, actually pushing zoro away a lot. but when he collapses one day sporting a fever that was highly too reminiscent of when nami was sick after little garden, it scares him enough to finally seek zoro out for help.
and its not like zoro has not Tried to take the load off. its just that sanji was still fighting all his repressed feelings for zoro and this undue pressure hes put on himself to become a better parent than judge ever was to him. that he could raise this child with love and attention and devotion, completely forgetting that hes not the only parent.
zoro and sanji have a heartfelt talk about how the wish that was granted on that island was a blessing beyond belief. that theres a reason ayari looks like both of them. that she takes after both of them.
they both wished for this child in the deepest depths of their hearts. they wanted not just to be together but to have someone that grows up loved by them. cared for by them. not a restart or a replacement for a lost loved one like they first thought it was. but a child who sees them — zoro and sanji — and will one day wish to have a love like theirs.
oh also "luffy" is ayari's first word because zoro and sanji say it so often to stop their captain from doing dangerous shit while he's holding her. in line with that, her second word is "stop" so the first sentence she ever says is "luffy stop!"
the crew are hysterical over it. sanji stares into the void bc he wished for ayari's first word to be "dada"
he settles with the little joy of her fourth word being "marimo"
because her third word was "curly" (something he nearly strangled zoro for)
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the-ace-with-spades · 4 months
I know I wrote a firefighter!Bradley AU but what about an every aviator is a firefighter AU??
(I'm sorry, thinking of applying for an on-call FF role now that I'm moving near a fire station and it got me...)
Bradley as a legacy firefighter - Goose died on the job in a freak accident when he and Mav were barely starting, then Mav stuck and had a friendly rivalry with Ice around going up the ranks/getting experience in their firehouse (who first gets the engineer, lieutenant, who gets the extra high rescue training, etc), up until Ice went into the chief roles and Mav moved to captain a heavy rescue squad...
Bradley had been rejected from the local fire academy twice (because of Mav pulling the strings... Not that Ice was aware at the time, only found out when Bradley found out and exploded on them...), certified in a different fire department and after all came back when he had already been a lieutenant at that department.
All the WSOs are double-certified or AEMT/paramedics. Natasha is doing something badass as well, maybe helicopter rescue or maybe aerial firefighting in general?? Bob is definitely a specialist medic (in kinda like the Rapid Response Unit or Motorcycle Unit in the UK...)
When Bradley comes back, he is recruited as potential captain for the fire house Mav and Ice spent over twenty years in and where his dad's face and helmet is in the hall of the fallen. Mav conveniently accepts a promotion people have been trying to push him into for the past 5 or so years, becoming a battalion chief that has the office at that station and directly overlooks the station's captains... And does absolutely everything so Bradley is not deemed suitable because he doesn't want him to be a firefighter at all...
Enter Jake Seresin, the new recruit that screams trouble. He's entered the academy a few months before, at the age of thirty and after doing some other job (maybe ex-military? ex-cop?? ex-farmer?? Idk) and instantly has beef with Bradley, the legacy fire captain and firefighter since nineteen, Jake being the overconfident know-it-all...
Cue some dangerous situation happening because of Jake's overconfidence/recklessness and Bradley risking it all (and breaking protocol and getting himself in trouble) to save his ass.
And you know, Jake is still his annoying, mouthy self, but there's some respect there now. And maybe he overhears Mav chewing Bradley out (and maybe he hears a bit too much as well, finding the secret of Bradley's triple legacy).
And since then Jake kinda starts to listen and maybe Bradley is a bit soft and maybe because he sees himself from almost fifteen years ago in Jake or maybe because he's a little fond of him (or you know, attracted to him...), he starts getting him some off the job, extra one on one training.
And maybe Jake develops a bit of a crush on his (almost) captain as the time goes. Maybe he brings out Bradley out of his shell as well, gets him to relax and stop thinking about pleasing Mav and Ice's expectations. Maybe it integrates Bradley better with the team, maybe they listen to him better, etc.
Cue once again something happening - Jake's apartment burns down (to be cliché...) and Bradley is doing overtime in another station and is the one responding. There's no dramatic rescue or anything (Jake's already evacuated most of the building) but Jake has no place to stay and his whole family is in Texas so Bradley offers he can stay on his couch.
Obviously he does not end up on the couch but in the bedroom. You know, with Bradley, wearing Bradley's clothes (all his stuff burnt down...), in Bradley's bed...
(Jake's gotta have some firefighting backstory as well btw - maybe his dad was a firefighter as well but he never got to meet him, maybe he was a safe haven baby brought to a firehouse?? He just doesn't admit it until he and Bradley are already almost-kinda a thing)
(Also, Bradley calls Jake some variation of Texas, Cowboy, etc as nick name because I know fire guys would be dead set on mocking Jake being from the south and having an accent)
There'd also be some kind of big event/mass casualty/etc that makes Mav drive out with the responding team and he and Bradley end up going into action together and getting their beef settled...
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dalivanmagritte · 1 year
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back to the nct fic rec
just us. (fav, smut, fluff, royal!au)
promise of duke (fav, smut, nobless!au)
oops, baby (i love you) (fav, smut, fluff, angstish, modern royal!au)
a summer love (fav, fluff, suggestive, 60's!au, smalltowngirl!au)
seeds of pomegranate (fav, angst, smut, fluff, greek mythology!au)
no smut
just friends (fluff, college!au)
i've got my eye on you (fluff, deaf!jaehyun)
je ne sais quoi (fluff, suggestive)
stars, moons & other celestial bodies (angstish, fluff, retro!au)
boyfriend material (fluff, fake dating!au, angstish, college!au)
7:37 (fluff, college!au)
pastas? (fluff)
classics (smut)
team captain (smut, fluff, college!au)
the charming (smut, housemate!au, college!au)
romanée-conti (smut, fluff, sugardaddy!au)
the v week spy (smut, fluff, college!au, stvalentine!au)
king of the streets (smut, fluff, angst, streetracer!au, journalist!au)
begin again (smut, angst)
die in your arms (smut, angst, spooky!au)
rose bud (smut, fluff, angstish, college!au)
pregnant partner (fluff, smut)
boy toy (smut)
body party (smut, boxer!au)
milf (smut, fluff, milf!au)
no distraction (smut)
one of the girls (smut, neighbor!au)
sleep well, princess (fluff, smut, brotherbff!au)
horizon (smut, office!au, ceo!au)
chained (smut, arranged marriage!au)
Fucking up the sheets (smut)
back for more (smut)
our little secret (smut, ceo!au)
teacher's pet (smut, teacher!au)
deadly kiss (smut, office!au)
jaehyun's new secretary (smut, office!au, ceo!au)
stress no more (smut, ceo!au)
make a mess for me (smut)
racer (smut, angst, streetracer!au)
trick or treat (smut, halloween!au, dad!jaehyun, neighbour!reader, ceo!au)
trick or treat (smut, halloween!au, neighbour!au, voyeur!au)
a nonsense christmas (smut, camgirl!au)
christmas puppy (smut, fluff)
cockwarming (smut)
runway (angst, fluff, smutish, e2l!au, fashion!au)
you have one missed call (smut)
tits obsessed (smut)
19:30 (smut)
heart aches (smut)
honeymoon avenue (smut, angstish)
around the corner (fluff, angst, rich!au)
deadly kiss (smut, fluff, office!au, architect!au, engineer!au)
baby making (smut, new parents!au)
daddy in the streets, husband in the sheets (smut)
bf! jaehyun (smut, fluff)
hearts won at practice (fluff, smut, junior footballplayer!au)
that's it (smut)
popsicle (smut)
perv! jaehyun (smut)
alternate universe (magics, gods, royalty, etc...)
just us. (smut, fluff, royal!au)
sleep well? (smut, incubus!au)
of sunrise and roses (fluff, suggestive, demigod!au, mythology!au)
on the shore of the styx (angst, mythology!au)
son of zeus (fluff, demigod!au, mythology!au)
son of lachesis (fluff, angstish, demigod!au, mythology!au)
son of dionysus (angst, demigod!au, mythology!au)
two worlds appart part.2 (angst, smut, royal!au)
midday reverie (smut, angst, fluff, abo!au)
not so charming (fluff, hogwarts!au)
twilight (smut, vampire!au)
shapeshifter wolf (fluff, angst, witch!au, shapeshifter!au)
head over broomsticks (fluff, suggestive, hogwarts!au)
wrong hands (smut, bodyguard!au, mafia!au)
motives (1) (smut, demon!au)
perfume (smut, werewolf!au, witch!au)
with another member
danger x johnny (smut, abo!au)
can you handle it? x johnny, jeno, jaemin (smut)
i wanna make you scream (smut, ghostface!au)
send in the clowns x mark x haechan (smut, halloween!au)
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CD & BD Update
So my brain had some ideas for Captain Dad and Baby Danger. So I'm going to rewrite the first two chapters, finish the third one and figure out how to continue the story from them to the ending I planned for the first book.
No promises on when these things will be out, but I'm hoping the rewrites will be out soon.
Super excited about getting ideas because I love this story so much!
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crowdedimagines · 2 months
Risk it All - Bradley Bradshaw
bradley bradshaw x reader 2.4k :)
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“Each one of you is the best of the best. This is a very specific mission.” My dad’s voice loudly bellows through the hauntingly quiet room before announcing the foxtrot teams and his wingman.
“This seems like a conflict of interest or something.” Hangman mumbles loud enough for the group to hear. It’s just been announced who would be flying the mission that we’ve spent weeks training for. My father loudly announced that Fanboy and I would be flying with him and Rooster would be leading Phoenix and Bob. I don’t miss the connection he has to the selected team.
I shove off Jake’s shoulder before leaving the room to clear my head. This mission doesn’t have room for ego and that’s lost on him. I’ve flown lots of missions, that's why I was called back to Top Gun in the first place. But never have I flown one this dangerous with my father and boyfriend in the mix.
“You ok?” I turn to see which one was feeling brave enough to follow me out.
“I think so.” I answer honestly, I lean against his chest when he pulls me close against it. “I’m proud of us, but god do I wish we weren’t the ones taking this risk.”
“I know.” His hand runs reassuringly up and down my back.
“I think you should speak with Mav before we leave. Clear the air before we’re in the air.” Things between my dad and boyfriend have been strained in the years that followed Mav pulling Brad’s papers. He stiffens for a second in my arms, I look up with a grin so he knows he’s caught.
“Fine.” He presses a kiss down on the top of my head, we enjoy the peace of looking out at the water for a few minutes before we get called to the top of the carrier.
I look over my aircraft going over a checklist I’ve reviewed thousands of times before hundreds of missions, somehow it’s the first time the pen shakes in my hand. I catch Bradley walk up to my dad out of the corner of my eye. His eyes look pleading but the conversation is cut short with all the commotion going on to prepare.
They disband and Maverick turns in my direction before I climb up the ladder.
“You listen to me and stay with me, okay?” He pulls me in for a tight hug. He’s both my Captain and my dad up in the sky.
“You’re the boss up there.” I grin.
“Yeah, and you’re the boss just about everywhere else.” He teases pinching my side lightly before letting go.
I climb the ladder and Fanboy gives me a thumbs up that he’s good to go. I put my helmet on and blow a kiss to Bradley who is directly to my right. All daggers call off ready before getting the clearance to take off.
We eventually dip below radar levels and get into formation for the flight. My dad leads us as the Tomahawks fly overhead. Rooster falls in behind me, and Phoenix and Bob behind him.
“First SAM sight up ahead.” Maverick announces as we curve through another bend in the mountains.
“We’ve got two minutes to target.” Fanboy informs, keeping track of the time.
“We're a few seconds behind, Rooster.” Phoenix’s voice is confident, “We need to pick up speed.”
“We’ve got two long range bandits” Comanche advises.
“Fucking hell, where did they come from?” I mutter, they also inform us the tomahawks just made contact with the airstrip meaning they know we’re coming.
“We need to increase speed.” Mav decides.
I pick up speed to follow him closely but Rooster who was already falling behind in pace lets the gap widen.
“Daggers two and four are falling behind.” They announce over the radio.
“C’mon Rooster, we have bandits inbound now that we made contact.” Phoenix pleads.
“Roo!” I call out loudly on the comms getting an idea, “Keep me in sight baby, speed up and eyes on me.”
It clicked in his brain suddenly. His fear was holding him back from what he was the most afraid of. Losing her.
“Don’t think, just do.” The mantra is said by Mav, but Rooster swears he can hear his dad.
“I’m coming, baby” He calls, picking up his speed drastically re-engaging with the mission.
“Jesus, Rooster who knew you had it in you.” Phoenix teases and I crack my first smile since we left the carrier.
“I did.”
We manage to pop up over the mountain with success and get eyes on the target in time to drop the first set of bombs with a direct hit. The strongest pull of the Gs hit as we fight to climb back out of the mountain. My arms shake as I fight for control. I can hear that Rooster has to drop blind from wherever they are behind me but all I can focus on is staying steady enough to make it to coffin corner. That’s when all hell breaks loose.
“Smoke in the air!” “Dagger one defending.” “Rooster, status?” “Break right!” “Deploy countermeasures!” “Two more on your six.” “Dagger three defending.”
“Shit, I’m out of flares.” Rooster’s voice calls out of the chaos making my heart fall flat.
“What?” I cry.
“Rooster, evade! Evade!” Maverick yells.
“I can’t shake them!”
Before my eyes Mavericks pulls up over Brad’s jet using his flares to defend from the SAMS, getting shot down in the process of saving him. An explosion of smoke bursts and we’re soaring past it in an instant at our speed.
“Dagger one is hit, I repeat dagger one is hit!” Phoenix calls out for everyone standing by. I gasp as if I was the one taking the physical hit.
“Status? What’s everyone’s status?” Cyclone asks, demanding answers and information.
“Does anyone see him?” I question only to be met with silence, “Oh my god.”
I shudder and disregard the fact that everyone can hear me struggle to catch my breath.
“We have to circle back.” Rooster commands.
Comanche recommends they leave. There’s nothing they can do with bandits in the air. Cyclone agrees and commands us not to agree.
“He’s gone?”
I can’t even process what’s being said or asked as I think of what I just witnessed. “I can’t leave him.” Rooster cries and I turn to look at him flying to my left, “I love you, baby.”
Rooster veers off and down to the left where Maverick’s plane has gone down in smoke. The tears don’t stop streaming off my face as I process the fact that he’s going back for him, against orders.
It crushes me to hear them call out ‘dagger two is hit’ not long after he left my sight. Wordlessly Phoenix leads back towards the carrier as the second plane of ours goes down in smoke today.
“This can’t be happening.” I argue, “They need assistance! Send Hangman-”
“Y/callsign-” Cyclone cuts off. “We already have seen two planes fail and bandits are closing in. Return to the carrier immediately.”
“But sir-” My voice tight.
“That’s an order Mitchell, return to the carrier.” Cyclone commands.
My vision zones out on the back of Phoenix's jet heading in the direction of the carrier. Somewhere vaguely behind us are a pair of fifth generation fighter jets that pose little option for us. We’re back over water now, likely only a few miles from the carrier at this point. The shock takes over as autopilot carries us home.
“Rooster’s signal just came back on!” Bob announces and my heart skips a beat.
“What?” I smile.
“He’s airborne, in a F-14!” Fanboy comments further.
“F-14 has Mav written all over it!” I smile even wider, they’re still alive!
“They still have bandits on them.” Comanche notifies.
“I can go back!” I yell.
“Mitchell, you have already been ordered several times to return to the carrier, until confirmed this has changed nothing.”
“You’ve got to be kidding me!” I argue.
“You’d be outnumbered anyway. You’re ordered to return.”
My hand drums on the control wheel while I debate in my head.
“Do it.” Fanboy says, answering my thoughts I didn’t even have to voice for him to understand. I need to go back for them. I can’t just leave them behind unsure.
“We don’t have clearance.” My voice hypnotic.
“That’s not gonna stop you. We both know that.” He reaches a comforting hand on my shoulder giving it a squeeze, “Plus you’re a Mitchell, they should know they can’t order you to do shit.”
I pull hard to turn around, suddenly blocking out the yelling in my ear and focusing on the blinking dot on my radar, clueing me in on their location. I lock in and take off getting low as they weave the terrain. Surprising the pilot from behind while he was closing in on Mav. My missile locks in and I take the shot watching it combust in front of me.
“Would you look at that!” I tease, our radio’s now connected to theirs.
“If it ain’t our angel from above.” Bradley grins looking at me in the back seat of the F-14.
“Truly, we were out of missiles and guns.” Maverick nods down at the plane they’re flying.
Their F-14 blares out a loud alarm signaling someone closing in on radar.
“Where are they?” I call out, looking for anything on the horizon while Fanboy looks behind us.
“He’s on our nose.”
Suddenly our aircraft signals warnings as well.
“Y/n, what do you have left?” My dad asks eye’s never straying from the approaching plane.
“One missile, no guns.” I clear my throat, “One round of flares.”
This doesn’t leave a lot of wiggle room for failure with this. I’m still only flying a F-18 which is lightyears behind anything fifth generation in the air. He cuts between the two of us, sending us apart.
“Y/cs, cobra! Make us an easy target!” Mav instructs and I know what he wants immediately. Nothing we’ve ever practiced of course, but a risky move he invented and I mastered.
We fall into formation, Mav flying behind me as a barrier while the enemy plane circles back. I watch and wait for him to lock in on them, closing in on his target before pulling up and back as hard as I can. It sent us propelling backward and behind the enemy plane giving me a brief window to get a lock on him.
The familiar chime rings out letting me know I’ve won. I fire and take down the threat to both of the men in my life. I cheer a sigh of relief pulling up next to them again as we continue towards the carrier. The flight tower cheers as we’ve all made it home.
“That’s my girl.” Both men say in unison. Mav turning around in his seat as best he could to glare at Bradley.
I roll my eyes and pull ahead so I can land first. They lost their landing gear at some point in their escape so they need a little assistance with their landing. I stand at the front of my plane while I wait for them to climb out. The cheers of the crew is deafening as they pull us in for hugs and handshakes. I weave my way through people as I make my way up to them.
“Man, what would you boys do without me?” I tease.
“We’d be somewhere in the Pacific right now.” Dad grins, pulling me in for a tight hug before Rooster can. Rooster just smiles looking at me over his shoulder.
“Thank you, baby.” Rooster cuts in for his own hug and kissing the top of my head. He squeezes me a little tighter before letting go.
“Yeah, you better thank me now. I’m a dead girl walking, but it was so worth it.”
Bradley pulls back a little so he can see my face and so I’ll clue him in on what I’m talking about.
“They didn’t give me clearance to turn back.” I admit, “I had to disobey orders in order to save you guys.”
“What?” Bradley asks shocked.
“So worth it!” I reach up so I can pull Bradley down for a real kiss.
“Lieutenant Mitchell.” Cyclone’s voice bellows. I quickly pull away and straighten my posture.
“Listen she-” my dad attempts to defend me but Cyclone holds up a hand to cut him off.
“What you did was disrespectful, disobedient, and unreliable. You put another pilot at risk by what you did. It was selfish to Fanboy to go back. With that said, I’m grateful your skill proved me wrong and brought these two men back home.”
I clear my throat to swallow, unable to find the words to respond. How should I take that? He reaches out a hand to shake mine and I meet it with a tight grip. He nods and walks off, the second he does the celebration begins again.
“Hey, I’ve been told worse!” Maverick teases, pulling me in for another hug.
“Yeah, like father like daughter apparently.” I laugh.
It takes a couple days for us to return to land, but it feels like a breeze now that we don’t have the mission hanging over our heads anymore. It’s also been amazing to brag to Hangman that I officially have more air combat kills than him.
“Whatever, you were a legacy anyway.” He rolled his eyes.
“Yeah, a legacy with double the air combat kills you have!” The competitive nature definitely runs in the family.
Rooster grins at his girl loving how she defends herself and how badass she is. She did save his life which is not lost on him.
“What’re you thinking about?” I ask, pulling Roo from whatever thoughts had him staring out on the horizon with such focus. I curl my hands through his hair and he closes his eyes in bliss for a few seconds before responding.
“How scary this week was. How grateful I am for you. You risked it all for me. And your dad. Even though you know both of us would’ve been crushed if anything had happened to you.”
“I know.” I press a kiss to his cheek, “I think you owe me a drink at the Hard Deck.”
He rolls his eyes, knowing he buys nearly all of them anyway.
“Yeah, I think I can manage that.”
“I like this!” I continue to tease, “How long can I hang this over your head?”
“Forever sounds alright to me”
y'all it's literally been so long so be forgiving lol i just needed to write something because i miss it dearly! love you guys
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earl-grey-teacake · 7 months
I love your baby!loscar au man
I need more of baby Logan with George and Alex, my 3 fav boys (other than Lance)
Thank you so much!!!🥰
I love writing about the 3 of them, it's always so fun for me. Lance has been growing on me so I need to go and watch videos and interviews of him so I can write about him in my AUs. 😂 The Secret Santa video where he got Fernando the captain hat made him rise exponentially in my rankings.
I wasn't sure what to write since I had so many head canons and fanfic ideas so I made a compilations of little scenes and moments! If you want any of them expanded or elaborated one, feel free to ask!!!
Logan is approximately 7 months old here.
"Does he really need the shot?" George held Logan tightly against his chest.
It was just him and Logan today since Alex was meeting with Williams. Logan seemed so happy and unaware in his arms and it pained George to know what was going to happen next. There was a reason Alex usually took Logan alone.
"Yes, I'm afraid so." The doctor smiled.
George paused for a moment. You can do this George. You put yourself in danger all the time for F1. You have it in you. You can do this.
The doctor smiled and wiped Logan's upper arm with an alcohol wipe before taking out the syringe.
"It'll be just a little poke."
George felt his hands get clammy as Logan remained blissfully unaware of what was going to happen to him. To the doctor, it must've been only a minute or so. To George, it felt like time was moving so insanely slow. He felt the way Logan stiffened in his arms and could see the way Logan's face scrunched up, wailing from the pain.
"There, all done." The doctor smiled and looked up. "Sir, are you crying?"
Logan clung tightly to Alex's blue jacket. His little body was wrapped in a thick blanket and George walked next to them, carrying an umbrella over their heads.
"Are you warm Logie Bear?" Alex cooed.
Logan giggled before turning to George and trying to grab the umbrella. His attempts, however, were unsuccessful as his arms were a bit too short and his parents were actively working against him.
"Ah!" Logan turned to Alex and yelled.
"Aw, I know. You want the umbrella." Alex laughed. "You're too little though and we're both a bit too tall."
"Ah!" Logan turned to George in hopes that he would be a bit for sympathetic to his plight.
George only laughed though before kissing Logan on the head. "Maybe when you're a bit older, you can hold your own umbrella."
Logan didn't like the atmosphere in the garage today. Logan had fallen asleep when the race started and woke up two hours later to find everyone rushing around. He could see his dad's car was back in the garage but Alex wasn't anywhere to be seen. His dad always comes and picks him up the moment he comes back. if Logan is asleep, he brings Logan to the debrief or to the driver's room.
"It's okay. I know you're scared. Let's go wait in my office." James gave a thin smile and carried the baby carrier into his office. Setting it on a chair, James readjusted the blanket that was slipping off. "It's a bit cold here."
"UH! UH!" Logan was starting to get fussy. He wanted his dad. He wanted to go back to the hotel and play.
"I know. Your dad is just a bit delayed." James smiled before returning back to his phone, hastily shooting off texts.
Logan wanted to cry and wail because he wanted his dad. It had been so long since he saw his dad. Did his dad forget him here?
The door swung open revealing a frantic Mercedes driver with a bag slung over his shoulder. "I'm so sorry. I came here as fast as I could."
"It's okay, I didn't expect Alex to have to be flown to the hospital." 
George breathed a sigh of relief before turning to Logan and smiling. "Hey, Logie. How are you doing?" 
"Uhhhh!" Logan kicked his feet and held out his arms, tired of being in the carrier. 
George quickly undid the buckle and picked Logan up, hugging him tightly. "We'll go visit Dad right now, okay? He'll be so happy to see you."
"George, it'll be okay. Alex is strong, you know that."
"I know." Logan didn't know what was going on, but he didn't like it. Even his other dad hugged him tighter.
No Dangerous Driving
People say having a kid changes you. When they were adopting Logan, everyone on the Mercedes teams told him that he would change, even the smallest habit that he didn't realize he had would change. To George, that was obvious. You have to make changes for your child. 
George hated being driven, he had to be the one driving. Even if Alex was a good driver, George simply was not made to be a passenger princess. Alex can complain and yell all he wants, but George simply gets there quicker.
However, when Logan came into the picture, the seating arrangements also changed. Logan was sat in the back, in his rear-facing car seat. Alex also moved to the back to be next to Logan and it was George, up front, all alone.
George saw it as a natural progression. Alex described it as overnight. George, who always drove quite fast and aggressively, had magically become the ideal driver on the road. Speed limits were observed, road signs were obeyed, and George was surprisingly forgiving to cars who merged without signaling. George had to be careful. He was driving his family around, it was his job to protect them no matter what.
Albon Pets
"Have you seen Horsey?" Alex asked George. The cat usually stuck to his side but he hasn't seen him in 2 hours.
George looked up from his phone pausing to think for a moment, "No? In fact, I haven't seen any of them in the past 2 hours."
Alex looked concerned. The house was usually not this quiet. In fact, it was a miracle, Logan had been asleep for two hours without either of them having to go and console him.
"I'm going to go see where they are." Alex stood up and poked his head in the kitchen and dining room. Nothing.
"They aren't in the backyard or in the living room," George said, scanning around for any signs.
"Upstairs then?" Alex walked up the stairs and poked his head into the bedrooms and bathroom. "Nope, nothing here."
There was only one room left, Alex and George's room. Logan should be sleeping soundly in there but now Alex and George were concerned. Logan's interactions with animals were always supervised.
George gently opened the door, careful to avoid any loud noises that would wake Logan up. 
"Woof." The low woof spooked both go them. Otto looked a bit grumpy about being woken up from his nap.
The rest of the cats were strewn all over the bed and next to the crib, comfortably napping. Alex quickly stepped over the cats on the floor to check on Logan, his anxiety rising by the second before dropping at the sight of Logan peacefully sleeping. Horsey, never the biggest fan of the new addition, was comfortably napping on Logan's stomach.
Uncle Charles
"Charles, are you sure you can do this? We can always leave him with Carlos and Lando."
"Of course I can. Do you think Carlos and Lando are better than me?" There it was. The competitive streak that earned Charles his place at Ferrari.
"If you're sure, then it'll be alright." Alex handed Logan and the baby bag over. 
"Bye, Logie Bear. I'll see you in two hours. Be good for Uncle Charles." Alex smiled before running off to his meeting.
Charles waved before turning his attention back to Logan. It's only been recently that Logan has become accustomed to being without his parents or the Williams staff. "Let's get you out of that hideous blue and into something Ferrari Red."
1 hour later
Toto received a text attached with a video of Logan all decked out in Ferrari merch. 
"I'm taking your star driver and your youngest fan❤️"
- Fred
Thank you so much for the ask!!!
If you want more of the little snippets or just want the full story of the snippet, feel free to ask!!! 🥰
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autistic-writer-angel · 3 months
Octonauts Headcanons
May add to this, as I go:
Captain Barnacles:
Just everyone’s Dad™
All of them, except for Professor Inkling has called him Dad at least once. He doesn’t mind.
Nobody has ever seen him cry.
He spends one on one time with each of the crew members whenever he can (typically once a week with each of them).
Sings in the shower
Showers in the morning
Has pretty strict routines, but can also be flexible, given the unpredictability of life as an Octonaut
His birthday is in October. (I Googled when that flower that blooms every twelve years does so, to see if I could narrow down what time of year his birthday is. Apparently, the peak blooming period is in September/October and with OCTOber, I figured it fits!)
Sort of a joke headcanon, but I'mma add it anyway: He has reoccurring dreams about playing his accordion on stage, with hundreds of adoring fans cheering for him.
Not just afraid of spiders, but needles too (not that he’d ever admit it!)
Often takes the GUP-B out just for the fun of it, but will also do so to get out of something (normally cleaning or when the Captain’s playing his accordion)
Sneaks into the Captain’s room to play with his model ships
Such a sweet tooth
Messiest of all of them
Intimidated by Captain Barnacles when they first met
Stopped feeling that way after a difficult mission, where the Captain told Peso he was very proud of him
Puts the Captain on a pedestal
Looks up to all the Octonauts, but of course, he looks up to the Captain the most
Youngest and most recent to join
He has hundreds of family members and he remembers the names and birthdays of every single one.
Bullied as a child; Pearl stuck up for him and they were extremely close as a result
His satchel is a comfort item and a seemingly bottomless pit. If you see him pull things out of it, you’ll think, Wow! How did you fit all that in there?
Mother calls him Shelly; she’s the only one who does so
(I can’t remember where I saw this theory, but I think it makes a lot of sense.) In addition to marine biology, he has an interest in linguistics. That’s how he was able to learn Vegimalese.
Does not care if you interrupt one of his infodumps. He will just keep talking.
Clumsiest and most absentminded of the crew
Do NOT watch any nautical themed cartoon with him (e.g. SpongeBob or Finding Nemo). He will just spend the entire time pointing out all the inaccuracies.
Best artist on the Octopod
Octopod’s unofficial DJ
Loves strawberries and strawberry flavoured things
Completely ignores danger while trying to get the perfect photo
Second best artist
Just loves babies! Any kind of babies!
Mother passed away when she was young; Ranger Marsh raised her all by himself
Known Captain Barnacles longer than any of the others
Even though the Captain is her dad and Kwazii’s her brother, she’s the mum of the Octopod.
Plays the banjo
Professor Inkling:
Most painfully slow driver you can imagine
Gives the best advice
Shellington was one of his (most talented) students. That was how Shellington got the job with the Octonauts.
Never leaves the library unless he absolutely has to
Leave him alone with a child and he has no clue what he's supposed to do
Also the case when someone's crying
Always make sure they have a supply of everyone’s favourite flavour of kelp cake in case anybody needs some emergency comfort food
Often sleep holding hands (they learned this from Shellington when they were babies)
Sometimes sleep with one of the Octonauts (mostly Shellington, but sometimes the others as well)
We know they get stuck in the kitchen vent. Well, I bet half the time, they get stuck while showing the other Vegimals how they got stuck!
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Breaking my heart this morning thinking about Ed's earliest few years in piracy.
We can assume he probably fell in with piracy soon after he killed his dad at around 14ish. My personal headcanon, given his reputation as a genius, one of the best that's ever done it, is that he probably became a captain pretty quickly.
Just imagine little baby Ed, trying to make friends with the other cabin boys only to have to watch them die horribly like Felix did, knowing that could be him for any little mistake. Never being able to feel safe, never really able to have friends as life beat him and those other boys down, never able to depend on the adults around who'd be all too willing to take advantage and abuse him.
I think about his mom, who he loved so much that watching his dad hit her that night was his last straw. Imagine little baby Ed curled up wherever he can find to sleep, his arms wrapped tight around himself because he misses her hugs so much. Seeing a dress they lift in a raid and wishing he'd be able to bring something so nice back to her. Closing his eyes, touching his fingers to his face, imagining she's kissing his cheek. I think about him gaining leadership roles quickly, with all the danger included there, and wishing desperately he could ask his mom for advice.
Just...this little kid, longing for a comfort and a softness and a safety he's never really gotten to know except from this one person who he's left behind. And he's going to have to go without that comfort for decades.
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jackwhiteprophetic · 4 months
Okay if there is a mid season hiatus after episode 10, this is how I see the season going:
8x01: Open with montage of Gerrard being a shit captain. Montage of Eddie being depressed, Buck trying to help him but he's shut down emotionally. Maybe we see parallel shots of Eddie texting his parents to check up on Chris and Hen texting Chim to check up on Mara? Athena and Bobby, with more free time because of Bobby's work stuff and trying to sort housing are devoted to taking down both Gerrard and Ortiz. End the episode with a disaster like a wildfire or a cliff falling maybe??
8x02: The team are separated, some are injured, they disobey Gerrard's orders of splitting up/evacuating. End the episode with Gerrard being in danger, they have to save him. Maybe Eddie and Buck argue over it, and Eddie acts more self-sacrificing this time?
8x03: Gerrard is saved, they all think he'll return to work but at the end of the episode they walk into the firehouse and Bobby is back, he and Athena took down Gerrard and Ortiz, Mara is back with the Wilsons. Buck tries to talk to Eddie, asks to hang out after shift but Eddie says no.
8x04: Bobby is back as Captain, previously established issues in Buck's relationship leads to a breakup in this episode. Buck doesn't talk to Eddie about it, there is tension between Buck and Eddie. Jee misses Mara, we see scenes of the Wilson-Hans meeting up still. Theme of episode is parenthood again, and Eddie sees parents reuniting with their kids (Bobby and the 118, the Wilsons) and has to go home to an empty house.
8x05: Bigger Athena storyline, maybe Harry is looking for purpose and she is trying to help him? This parallels a case she is working on. Bobby and Buck talk about stuff, Buck asks how he can help Eddie. Maybe a Denny storyline, where he talks about how he's scared that their family is going to be broken apart again.
8x06: Call to a sick child hits close to home for Ravi, Eddie and Maddie (who took the call). Somewhat of a Ravi begins episode. Maybe Maddie and Ravi end up at the hospital and they talk to each other? We see flashbacks to Maddie's childhood before Buck was born and when he was a baby. Buck tries to talk to Eddie again, they slightly argue on a call, Bobby sends them both to therapy (separately).
8x07: Montage of therapy. Buck talking about trying to help Eddie, Eddie talking about not wanting to help himself or having nothing to fight for, feeling like a burden. Buck's therapist tells him to try and just be present for Eddie, and that he doesn't have to fix things, he can just be there. Eddie's therapist asks him whether he knows who he is if he's not just Chris's dad. Eddie goes back home, goes to bed mid afternoon. Buck drags him out of bed a few hours later, forces him to get up and get changed, because it's Halloween and they're both taking all the LA 118 kids trick or treating. Both look a bit happier. Meanwhile Athena and Maddie work on a creepy call (Halloween vibes. Maybe Tim Minear picks a classic horror movie to base it on). Chris texts Eddie "happy Halloween, I love you". Buck and Eddie both go back to Eddie's that night, with Buck on the couch. Buck wakes up and sees Eddie standing in Chris's doorway, looking at the empty bed.
8x08: Eddie and Chris are texting now. Focus on other characters for this episode.
8x09: idk fires and whatnot
8x10: Christmas episode. Eddie and Buck are spending it together, they miss Chris but he's "not ready yet". They are working on Christmas Eve, a call comes in and Eddie is injured (maybe hypothermia, he falls in a frozen lake or something? Or maybe he falls off something). He's in a coma, Buck goes home to Eddie's house to pick up some clothes, he opens the door and it's all decorated and Chris shouts "SURPRISE" (he's come home for Christmas). Episode ends there.
8x11: for Eddie's (100th?) episode, it's kind of an Eddie begins again. We see some of his childhood in El Paso, we see him meeting Shannon. He talks to Shannon again, talks about how he doesn't know if he can forgive her or himself, how he won't ever know if it would have worked with them. She asks him how Chris is, whether he's taken care of. Eddie can see Chris and Buck at his bedside at the hospital, and he says he is. Shannon tells him that he has a family to get back to, and that there's still time to fix things even if he couldn't fix things with her. He wakes up.
8x12: The 118th episode. Buddie begins!!! We see Eddie's interview with Bobby pre 2x01, and how Bobby says he thinks Buck and Eddie will be good for each other. We see more post-tsunami scenes between Buddie maybe??? Also we see flashbacks to Buck talking with Taylor/Tommy about how Eddie and Chris will always be his priority. Buck comes to pick Eddie up from the hospital, Eddie says he almost lost Chris again and Buck says we almost lost you, and we need you. HE needs you, and I need you. Buck takes Eddie home, there's a welcome home party, his parents and Chris are there. Buck is baking with Chris/playing video games, and Eddie thanks his parents for taking care of Chris. His parents say to him "Chris is happiest with the both of you" and then "I think you have a lot of talking to do. With both of them". Buck makes eye contact with Eddie and the scene ends. Cut to later that night, Buck wakes up from the couch, sees Eddie looking through Chris's doorway, he goes up to him and they make eye contact. Eddie throws himself into Buck's arms, and they hug for a few seconds and stand with their foreheads together before they KISS!!!! the episode ends.
8x13: Buck and Eddie decide not to tell Chris while Eddie and Chris are still working on stuff. They don't tell the rest of the firehouse either, but we see Hen and Chim exchanging money and on the phone to their partners like "we think it may have happened". Other call related storylines happen.
8x14: Call related stuff. Athena and Harry argue again over what Harry wants to do with his life. Bobby and Buck talk, Buck admits that he and Eddie are together. Chris and Eddie talk, and Chris tells Eddie that he never needed a new mom, he just wanted his dad to feel like they were enough for each other. He also tells his dad he should maybe talk to Buck, and that he knows Buck will always stay.
8x15: Call related shenanigans, maybe a silly episode where Buck and Eddie keep trying to sneak around but all of the 118 already know. Buck and Eddie tell Chris at the end of the episode. Harry drops by the firehouse to see Bobby, he hangs out with the team for a bit.
8x16: There is an arsonist setting fire to Ravi's properties. Athena investigates. All of the 118 somehow end up suspects again. Buck's loft is set on fire.
8x17: Arsonist case solved, Buck moves into the Diaz household. A Buckley parent dies (just for fun) but everyone just shrugs and moves on. End the episode with Buck getting a call from child services (idk the US system). Apparently his child has been in a car accident and their mother has died, so he has full custody. The child is not Cameron and Conner's (like a 6 year old from his Buck 1.0 days).
8x18: Idk chaos and such. We end the episode with Harry's graduation party, he announces he's gonna go to the fire academy. May announces she's going to medical school.
THIS TOOK WAYYYY LONGER THAN EXPECTED. I was originally planning to just write the Christmas plans. Let me know what you think!
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ripcupid · 10 months
Hey there, can I please request fluff or domestic headcanons for Captain Price, thank you in advance:)
Price headcanons
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first time with hcs so ntm on me
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While he’s away
he’ll try to give you daily updates during missions so yk he’s not dead (teehee) but yk bad service in Urzikstan or just international in general, it has you a little worried when he doesn’t text back for a while
Sending each other pictures throughout the day when he’s at the base and texts you when some trainee or anybody annoys him.
has a photo of you but keeps it very safe away from other people so no enemies know about you and you’re never in danger
if he was to get hurt, he’ll try and get someone to tell you asap
he always promises he’ll come back unharmed (as possible) and will buy you small gift as sorries for leaving especially if the mission took longer then expected
he hates it if he missed something important. like if y’all had kids and they lost their baby teeth or took their first steps he would be so pissed for missing it.
you’ve ever seen those bf who leave a bunch of letter for when they go away? yeah price would do that
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When he’s home
he has to sleep with you so impossibly close to him, he needs to feel the weight of you so he knows you’re there and safe.
idk shit about the special forces but let’s just say he has like ptsd (cause he be killin’ people) and he has like nightmares or insomnia and you’ll be his safe place when he needs to be reminded that he did what he did for a reason.
and speakin’ of insomnia i could see him staying in the living room to not bother you as you sleep but you quickly notice he’s not there and go to look for him.
now happier stuff, he’ll spend every moment he has with you while he’s home just doing random mundane things, like grocery shopping with you or walking the dog with you. whatever it is he wants to do it with you
early morning cuddles when he’s home especially the first day back like he wouldn’t let you out of bed cause like what else do you need to do? 🙄
his job always coming first causes some arguments but it’s mostly you’re worry about if he will come back (he always does)
he wants to be a dad, wants a have a little mini him that he can teach self defense stuff to but the idea of getting “injured” dying makes him hesitant
and if he has a daughter, he’ll be like one of those dads that end up in dresses having a tea party with her and her stuffed animals.
speaking of stuffed animal, imagine him buying you little new ones when he comes home because they reminded him of you
attached to you as soon as he gets home
would try to quit smoking for you and his health
he keeps his work life and personal life separate doesn’t want to talk about what he’s done on missions and even tho he wants to he doesn’t talk about you at work
I think I saw a video like this but I can’t stop think about Price cooking shirtless and you just standing back and watching his back muscles move.
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It was so hard not to make this smutty
Never dones these before, scared rn
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ohmyeyesmyeyes · 1 year
take 2
nico hischier x actress!f!reader
fc: sophie turner
warnings: swearing
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liked by treaclychild, landonorris and 840,971 others
ynofficial: i heart nj
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claudiasulewski: first
maya_henry: mother is mothering
ynofficial: you mean you haven't heard 'cowboy like me'?
user2: what of nico?????
taylorswift: i heart u
liked by ynofficial
user4: POV you came from deuxmoi's blind item 👀
user5: oui
ayoedebiri: ur pretty
jackhughes: yo
user6: no
user7: this is the wrong nj player commenting, i forbit it
user8: jack baby snap out of it
user9: only y/n could get the captain to wink at her and the social media heartthrob to comment on her ig
liked by ynoffocial
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liked by user11 and 78,186 others
deuxmoi: there were a few blind items submitted relating to the same A lister and athlete, and others also hinted at said sports star's respected status in the city, and his private nature, thus the lack of photos from the night
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user12: no bc i ship it so hard
user13: there's absolutely zero way that they're not talking about y/n and nico 😭
user14: in y/n's recent post she was wearing a sparkly star dress too
user15: me bc nico won't be protected from all the y/n girlies anymore: 😢😢
user17: okay but my thinking is that they knew each other prior to the hockey game???
user18: RIGHT???
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nicohischier posted to their story...
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liked by 138,017 others
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liked by nicohischier, joejonas and 1,004,013 others
ynofficial: because the first launch failed ☺️
📸: nicohischier ❤️
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user22: [tyres screech] [distant crash] [sirens] [crying] [heartbeat monitor]
user23: AHHHAH AHHAA HAHA *faints*
user24: he's taking a photo of her 😭
user25: the way she's looking at him and his concentration 😭
user26: your honour they're in love
ynofficial: ...yes
jackhughes: this is cute
nicohischier: can i get your number?
ynofficial: sure, it's #13
nicohischier: 😲😲
user29: you know it's SERIOUS bc she's never been ig official before
user30: fr she didn't even post callum mf turner, if i was her i'd have been yelling from the rooftops
user33: 'he's patient, kind, intelligent, calm, and just a really beautiful soul' I BELIEVED IN YOU NICO ALL THIS TIME
user34: nico fans are really winning here
user36: but that pap photo from instagram? the way they were looking at each other has me in my own puddle of tears in a nest of already used tissues bc they're adorable
user37: that photo single-handedly instilled in me the belief that love does exist
user38: they're my 'don't take risks on dangerous roads' couple now
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liked by ynofficial, jesperbratt and 519,195 others
nicohischier: it's come to my attention that there's been a lot of talk about my relationship lately, and i just wanted to come on here and confirm that i am batshit crazy for this woman, and pathetically in love with her. so, yes, the rumours are true 😊
ps i have the dad seal of approval
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jackhughes: first
john.marino97: whipped
nicohischier: yep 💪
jackhughes: why are you ignoring me
nicohischier: because you haven't said anything worth commenting on
ynofficial: i'm a sports watcher for you
nicohischier: appreciate it, thanks
ynofficial: you're welcome
user39: i think i love this awkward conversing
user40: it's my aspiration in life to have that
lhughes_06: happy for you, cap 😁
jackhughes: *cough* suck up *cough*
tmeier96: ABOUT DAMN TIME 👏👏
ynofficial: you can rip that NDA up now
tmeier96: i might frame it for sentimental purposes
ynofficial: really?
nicohischier: that's suspicious
siegenthaler34: in my defence i did try my best with the jumbotron incident
nicohischier: and we're very thankful for that
ynofficial: if anything it helped thicken the plot 😂
siegenthaler34: it was pretty funny
user41: THE y/n l/n being the captain's wag wasn't on my bingo card for this year
nicohischier: you and me both
ynofficial: please, i was a goner from the very SECOND you smiled
nicohischier: the very second? 😏
ynofficial: stfu and bring the coffee
nicohischier: as you wish
+ BONUS: Spittin Chiclets Podcast
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