#Cat & Clan Generator Masterlist
trans-redtail · 2 years
Cat & Clan Generator Masterlist
I don't know of an existing masterlist of cat generators, so here's all of the ones I know of! Please feel free to tell me about any not here, and I'll add them.
Image Based Cats
Sparrow's Kittygen
‎Pixel WC OC Generator ‎
Tiny Warrior Cats Sprite
Mambastar's Warrior Cats Character Generator 2.0
Blorbo-Gen (image only)
Muxa's Generators
Image Based Clans
Text Based Cats
Blorbo-Gen (now with text!)
big warriors generator
Genetically Accurate Cat Parents
the warriors generator
Kiri's Warrior Cats Name Generator
Sparrow's Cat Generator
Dreamer's Warrior Cat Gen
Unnamed gen
Text Based Clans
Warrior Cats Detailed Clan Generator by Raggedflight
Allegiances Generator by Raggedflight
Warrior Cats Name Generator by Raggedflight
Kiri's Warrior Cat Allegiance Generator
make a clan
ultra detailed clan
Chinch allegiance generator
Warriors Plot Maker
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How did you make the cast? You mentioned background characters and the like, are they all OCs or are they straight from the game?
The way I'm picturing it is randomly generating four Clans, killing off all but the apprentices in the last one, then taking all the apprenticed-aged from the first three and shoving them into the fourth one (and assigning the unassigned apprentices to whichever Clan seems to fit them). Is my imagination correct, or am I wayyyy off?
Also sick concept I'm excited to see the Beast kill for the first time :3
Tldr: All the characters were randomly generated by Clangen with little editing from me, aside from the main cast
First, for the main cast, I generated a clan and edited the file to make all the cats apprentices. I also changed all their names (they’re named after my friend group’s screen names)
Then I generated the three clans that the apprentices came from. These clans are where all the living bg characters are. I noted down cats who look similar to our main cast as I went, and decided from there which family members they would be
Then, when I started needing more cats for backstory, I generated a SECOND set of cats for each of the clans. All the cats in this second set are cats killed by the beast
I hope that makes sense lmao this was more complicated to write out than I expected
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dappleclans · 6 months
Fern Clan-Master List
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Leader: Pikestar
Deputy: Yellownight
Warriors: Qiuetgaze, Wetdusk, Pepperneedle, Oakthroat, Partridgeflood, John
Medicean cat: Riverwillow
Apprentices: Flutterpaw, Cicadapaw
Star clan cats: Lotuswind, Giantheart
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Moons and Patrols
Moon 1 (and first patrol)
Moon 2
Moon 3
Moon 4
Moon 5
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deuxcherise · 3 months
Lend a Hand
C/w: Unhealthy behavior, probably OOC Ayato Kamisato, yandere Ayato Kamisato, fem reader A/n: So like… The amount of times I burst out laughing at the imagery. Anyway, enjoy a little story about how our blue-haired gentleman attempts to hold your hand. Or rather, he wants you to hold his hand, out of your own accord. Some guest appearances here and there from other characters too. Just more yandere Ayato. Kind of a continuation from Cats vs Dogs.
If anyone were to ask the heir of the Kamisato clan the reason why he has a certain fondness for dogs, he could list off multiple reasons off the top of his head.
“Taroumaru. Hand.”
The dignified owner of the Komore Teahouse obeys the verbal command and rests one of his fluffy paws onto the waiting palm of the Kamisato heir. Had it been anyone lesser who had given the order, the retired Shiba warrior would have shown them exactly who they were messing with.
“Good,” Ayato complimented, shaking the dog’s paw gently before departing the tea house without another word, much to Taroumaru's curiosity.
A charming gentleman such as Ayato Kamisato generally has no problem getting people to follow his directions. Why would they, when they well know he always has their best interests in mind?
The Kamisato’s loyal housekeeper flinches and turns around, greeting Ayato with a nervous yet quick bow. Thoma then stands up straight and smiles brightly, looking less like a servant and more like a friend. “Yes, my Lord?”
Ayato places a hand out, palm up. “Hand.”
The two have an odd relationship, something you've noticed during your stay here in the Kamisato Estate. Sometimes, the idea of them being more than master and servant– perhaps even more than mere friends– has floated through your mind on multiple occasions upon witnessing the sight of them together. Yet, as with a lot of other things, you’d rather concern yourself with more important matters than what kind of relationship your husband has with others. So long as he doesn’t have any affairs, of course.
“Uh… Okay?”
Though hesitant, Thoma successfully places his hand on top of Ayato's palm. Like with Taroumaru, Ayato gives Thoma a small hand shake.
“Good,” the heir says before letting go of Thoma's hand and heading off in the opposite direction.
Thoma stares between his hand and Ayato's back before shrugging and going back to his cleaning duties. This isn't the first time Ayato has done something strange, after all. At least the young lord didn't force him to try some weird combination like last time… replacing the boba in milk tea with natto… Augh…
Dogs, with their unwavering loyalty and admirable obedience, tend to be quite upfront with their personalities. Their eyes are clear and their expressions are telling. Cats, on the other hand… 
Your husband finds you in the garden, halfway up the furthest wall, hands gripping tightly on the vines. You strain a bit as you reach for the next vine.
You jolt and turn around, eyes wide. You quickly hop down and gather yourself, dusting off your clothes before standing up straight and clearing your throat. You give a slight bow, a polite greeting from wife to husband as if you hadn’t just tried to escape the estate grounds.
Seldom do you pay attention to his face– because why would you need to?– but ever since your husband had annoyingly insisted on you utilizing his name in address whenever he calls out yours, you've started to notice how his ever-present smile paired with those scarily murky purple eyes tends to crack a bit whenever you refuse to do as he says.
Somehow, it tickles you in a strange way whenever you see these little chips in his perfectly polite expression. They remind you he’s human. And perhaps… you might have a little bit of fun testing his patience.
“(Y/n),” Ayato tilts his head. “You may use my name as you please.”
“Thank you. I am aware, Husband.”
Another crack. “Hm.”
Ayato examines you from head to toe. His eyes trail from your hair to your eyes to your mouth before jumping down to your outfit. Your outfit is that of Inazuman attire with a short sleeve and short skirt rather than the long dresses he normally sees you in. Your legs are covered with dark tights, for modesty. Following your unusual outfit, are shoes meant for running and climbing with long strides rather than walking around with small steps. While he adores the way you look in the yukatas and kimonos and other traditional garments, this current look certainly fits the hidden personality you still refuse to show your husband.
“How refreshing,” Ayato can’t help but comment. “Is there a special occasion for this attire of yours that I'm unaware of?”
You can’t help but cover an arm over your chest and cross the other over the lower half of your body. What a lecherous man! Just because I'm your wife doesn't mean you're allowed to rack your dirty eyes all over me. Hmph!
Doing your best to keep the grimace off your face and relaxing your arms, you answer, “Not at all, Husband.”
“Is that so? Then, may I inquire exactly what you were doing here at the furthest wall of the garden? And without an attendant, no less.”
You purse your lips, rummaging through your head for the right words to use in this situation... Ayato allows you a few moments to mull over your words. Will you lie to him? Will you tell him the truth?
You come to a conclusion that would benefit the both of you. You point up at the wall, your face covered with your perfected doll face. “I wanted to go outside.”
Ayato blinks at your frankness. “And you… were planning to climb the wall?”
Why did you tell the truth? Well, you knew better than to lie to the heir of the Kamisato clan, one of the most prestigious families in Inazuma with connections you couldn't dare imagine. The Holy Dogs may be strong in their own right, but they are simply a branch under the family. Not to mention, this course of action is in line with your obedient image.
Despite your neutral face, Ayato can spy the glint of rebellion in your eyes. Was your answer a challenge? To prompt him to do something? Oh my… How cute.
Much to your surprise, your keen eyes watch the edges of his polite smile curl just a little more upwards and his lips part just the slightest whisper as if he’s barely keeping himself from grinning and showing off his fangs. It sets the hairs of your skin straight up, forcing you to retreat.
“I, um, realize the error of my ways,” you stutter, giving another bow. “I shall head back inside. Please forgive me, Husband. It won’t happen again.”
Stupid! Why am I apologizing to him of all people!? It’s because of him I’ve been stuck inside! If it weren’t for the Elders, I’d- Hmph! Why is he so scary??
With your eyes on the grass, you barely make it past him with a couple of steps when he says, “Hold on for just one moment, dear wife.”
You freeze in your tracks. “Y-yes, Husband?”
He hums. “I shall forgive you and forget what I’ve just seen-
You internally give a sigh of relief. Prematurely.
“-if… you call me by name from now on, (Y/n).”
You twist around and look at him horrified. The moment you meet his eyes, you remember to hide your expression behind your doll face. “Is… is that necessary, Husband?”
Ayato places a hand over the bottom half of his face, posing like a thinker, but really he’s hiding the almost toothy grin behind his sleeve. His eyelids lower, almost looking at you like a hunter who has gotten ahold of his prey.
Although… is it not exactly so?
“If not, well,” he says, looking off to the side in a wondering manner, his tone playful. “I suppose the Elders may have a field day knowing my wife has a tendency to escape? Or that she doesn’t feel the need to inform her servants due to… perhaps the inadequacy of the servants of the Kamisato clan?”
You stiffen and gulp. How dare you!? You want to scream at him, but alas you must keep your obedient image. This is nothing, you begin to convince yourself. There are certainly worse things a husband can blackmail his wife to do.
You clear your throat. “T-thank you, Hus–... Mm… Ay… Ayato.”
You quickly bow and head back inside the house in a hurry.
“Good,” he compliments in a whisper you can't hear. You cannot see his expression from where you are but his face has completely cracked. His teeth are fully on display and his eyes filled with ecstasy as the sound of your voice speaking his name rewinds over and over in his head..
So a cat can certainly be trained… given the right circumstances. Hm…
You take a deep breath, filling your lungs with the delightful smells of various kinds of foods lining up the streets.
You turn towards your companion with an excited expression, only to remember that your companion is the heir to the Kamisato clan, your husband, and that you are merely his wife, a bride from one of the branches of the Holy Dogs that lie beneath the clan, brought together by artificial ties rather than something romantic like fate. You throw back up your mask and say, “Thank you for bringing me out here, Hu… Ayato.”
Strangely, his smile cracks a bit. “Of course, (Y/n).”
Like a bull crashing through a glass, a boisterous man with long white hair accompanied by two red horns on his head suddenly appears in front of you both. His grin shows off his fangs. His outfit exposes a very large part of his chest, which makes some heat travel up to your cheeks.
“O-oni?” you squeak, connecting the dots between the horns, the fangs, and the red markings all over the exposed parts of the man’s body. Your eyes find it hard to rest anywhere on the man’s entire being but somehow they refuse to look at anything else.
“Itto,” Ayato greets warmly. He steps in front of you, almost covering your line of sight with his back. The blue of his uniform settles your nerves and mind, thus allowing your irritation to return with how this simple act of his could calm you down. “How are you?”
“I’m fine, thank you oh so very much. Say, who’s the girl with you, bro? Haven’t seen her around before,” Itto says, shifting side to side trying to get a good look at the pretty lady behind Ayato.
Ayato steps aside and shows you off, with an arm hovering around your backside. “Itto, this is my wife, (Y/n). (Y/n), this is–”
“WHAT!?  I didn’t know you were married, bro! Since when!?” Itto doesn’t wait for an answer, instead holding a hand right out to you. “Nice to meet ya, (Y/n)! I’m Itto Arataki, or Arataki Itto, whatever’s more convenient for ya. The one and oni– only head of the Arataki gang! The Oni Sumo King! The Pride of Oni! The-”
“I believe my wife gets the idea,” Ayato cuts in.
“Uh… uh huh,” you manage to utter, bamboozled for a moment. You take Itto’s waiting hand and give it a hardy shake, as much as you can with your human strength. “N-nice to meet you, um, Mr. Arataki!”
“Mr. Ara-taki? Huh. As good as that sounds… you can just call me Itto! Or bro! A bro of my bro is a bro of mine too.”
His sparkling eyes prompt a response from you. “Um, alright, Itto,” you politely respond.
Upon audibly hearing a crack, you examine your surroundings but find nothing out of place in this bustling crowd. No broken vases or whips or anything of the sort that could produce such a sound. That’s strange… Was it your imagination? Maybe you’ve stayed inside for way too long… Good thing you’re out here then! A member of the Holy Dogs shouldn’t be losing her touch, after all.
“Now that we’ve exchanged introductions, I believe we must depart. Pardon us,” Ayato says with a strained voice, wrapping an arm around your waist and turning around to head towards another direction.
“Huh? Wait a second–” Itto says, but his voice gets easily drowned out.
With the bustle and largeness of the crowd on this street, you and Ayato are quickly walled off from Ayato’s friend as he leads you away before you could utter a word. Once you realize the proximity of your bodies, your cheeks start to heat up and you quickly make larger strides with your footsteps to escape his half embrace. He does nothing to stop you, content with walking behind you just a step or two in distance.
Why is he walking behind me? That's so weird! You think as you huff and puff, arms crossed as you speed towards a bridge. Ugh! Why is my husband so weird? Shouldn't he insist I walk behind him? That's the custom, isn't it? Wait a second… Is he letting me make mistakes on purpose? 
You stop and turn towards him with a neutral face. He stops and looks at you with a tilted head, curious. He looks so innocent…
What a bastard! You think, before you continue and walk on the wooden planks of the bridge.
“!” One of your feet accidentally goes through a hidden soft spot, much to your horror. Terrified, you turn towards your husband, the only one in sight, and open your mouth–
Wait a second. I am a daughter of the Holy Dogs! What the hell am I doing!? I am (Y/n) Kamisato, not some damsel in distress. I must've grown soft! I don't need anyone's help!
You opt not to make a single peep. Fallen on the ground on your hands and knees, you place your hands on the surrounding wood to pull your leg up– only to hear more cracks of the wooden bridge and a sudden drop of your leg further through the hole your foot is stuck in. Any more movement and you risk destroying the rest of the bridge and dropping entirely into the water a kilometer below. You grit your teeth in frustration as you try to figure out how to get yourself out of this mess.
Your husband quickly closes the distance between you two, concern marring his face. “(Y/n),” he says, holding a hand out for you. “Take my–”
Don't get any closer!” you snap. “I just… I just need a moment.”
Your foot falls in deeper, now taking your entire leg. The surrounding wooden planks feel moist, wet even, much to your discomfort. This is one of the newly refurbished bridges, so surely it must be the fault of heavy rain that came by a few days ago, along with a lack of proper lacquering.
“(Y/n), please take my hand before you fall into the river.”
You shake your head, placing your hands on other places and attempt to pull yourself up. “No. I can–”
You close your eyes and inhale sharply before glaring at his outstretched hand. It is covered in a black satin glove, his fingers long and slender. There is a certain tension of the tendons from where his half-exposed palm meets his wrist just before the rest of the arm is covered by his sleeve, exposing the fruit of wielding the sacred sword thousands of times.
For a moment– just for a moment– a image of this one hand holding both of your wrists together enters your mind.
Disgusted at yourself for such an inappropriate thought at such an inappropriate time, you quickly shake your head to rid yourself of the image. This gets interpreted by your husband as a refusal.
A glance up at his face, sends your eyes back to his hand. His smile is no longer present, his lips pursed in a frown. His eyebrows are level but the inner edges are slightly downward. His eyes… they… frighten you. Or rather… they do something to you that doesn't feel very appropriate for this dire situation you're currently stuck in. Did he have to deepen his voice in such a strained manner? What are you? A disobedient puppy?
You reluctantly take his hand and he whisks you right out with little to no strength into a princess carry. “Whoa!”
Ayato walks off the bridge onto solid ground before you could comprehend what just happened. Looking back, you find the bridge intact, the wooden planks outside of the immediate area of the hole you dropped in quite dry. Physics wasn't exactly high on the list of things the Elders focused on educating, bogged down by subjects like flower arranging or bridal duties, but you were sure water is weighted down by gravity just like any other element.
Why would water collect at the apex of a bridge rather than the lower sides…?
A sigh of relief exits your husband, his chest pressing against you, stealing your attention again.
“I believe it's time we head back inside, shall we?”
You nod, too tired from the excitement of today and allowing yourself to absorb the feeling of him holding you, along with the steady sound of your heartbeat in your ears. “Thank you… Ayato.”
There are common sayings about cats Ayato has heard about. Things like cats like to drink milk, cats are good at hunting mice, cats don't like water, cats tend to land on their feet, etc.
One notable contrast between a dog and a cat is that a trained dog may listen to a command and stay in one place for the rest of its life, whereas a trained cat– if it is possible to train one– will still yield to no one but itself and continue to wander as it pleases.
You reach for another vine.
You grab the vine and give a defeated sigh. Without turning your head, you respond, “Ayato.”
“Shall I inquire about your current action?”
“Is it necessary when you already know?”
Ayato hums, entertained by the sight of you hugging the wall like a kitten stuck in a net in your short attire. A very cute sight, yes, but one he wishes was a little less… frequent. “If you wanted to go outside, you only needed to ask me.”
You suck in your cheeks and pucker your lips. “What if I… wanted to go outside by myself? Without you, for once?” you test.
Ayato's eyes darken and the edges of his mouth level out into a neutral position, neither smiling or frowning.
Without him, you say? Forgive your husband, but the idea of letting you out of the safety of the estate grounds without him or an attendant… where there are far too many factors that would get in the way… like other men…
“It is far too dangerous outside, (Y/n). Especially for a bride of the Kamisato clan. At least take an attendant with you.”
“... I don’t want an attendant either.”
The first time Ayato had caught you was not the first time you had made an escape attempt. It was simply one of the many, many, many failed attempts you had made, though none have ever had any witnesses. At least, to your knowledge. In making sure your image of an obedient wife had been kept, you've sabotaged yourself before any passing servant could see you.
That being said, your husband has hidden eyes everywhere. And he simply finally made his presence known to you during your attempts to climb over the wall.
“Hm. My dear wife said it won't happen again and yet… here she is. What will the Elders say, I wonder?”
You click your tongue. How dare your husband threaten you with the Elders again!?
“Come down and all will be forgiven.”
You let out another sigh. “... Okay.”
You hop down and gather yourself, placing the doll face back on only for your eyes to widen at the sight of your husband's terrifying murky purple eyes pulsating with something vile. His smile looks strained, and you can't tell if he's trying to keep his smile polite or if he's trying to keep from frowning.
“A-Ayato?” you peep.
The sound of his name from your lips seems to snap him out of his stupor, the darkness of his expression swallowed up and returned to its usual relaxed politeness. He holds out a hand towards you to guide you in.
Seeing as you're not in some dire situation like that time with the bridge, you look at his hand and consider taking it since there's certainly no harm to your ego in doing so. A simple interaction between a polite husband and an obedient wife, that's all.
Only for that inappropriate image regarding his hand and your wrists to pop up in your head. making your cheeks burn and your heartbeat suddenly quite audible.
Suddenly, you run into the house, sliding the door open and close in less than a blink of the eye. You place your back against the door and slide your way down, breathing in and out to try to calm yourself and think of other things, like making rice wine or folding origami. To think you'd think about your husband in such a manner! Inconceivable!
Ayato, fazed by your sudden departure, slowly turns towards where you disappear into. He blinks. He blinks again. His open hand slowly closes into a fist. His ever-present smile fully cracks and the vileness of his eyes return in full blast.
“Bad,” he whispers.
Ayato Kamisato is not the kind of person who expects everyone to follow his commands, nor is he the type to expect everyone to want to hold his hand. He is a dignified gentlemen who would never lay his hands on anyone. Why would he need to in the first place, when he is the heir of the prestigious Kamisato clan?
But he's used to the mannerisms of loyal and obedient dogs, not aloof and fickle cats. Not like you.
One that puffs up and hisses at him if he gets too close, and wants nothing more than to run back outside. Is being with him that unbearable? Is there somewhere outside you need to be without him or an attendant? Why? Is there perhaps… someone? Someone his hidden eyes had somehow managed to overlook?
As far as he knows, all female friends and both male and female cousins of yours are allowed on the Kamisato Estate so you needn't go outside. An unrelated man then? Itto? No, you've just met, despite how easily you said his name. Another man then? Impossible… Unless… ?
Well, if you’re going to be prone to running away like some stray female cat in heat, should he just… tie you up and make sure your legs can't move for awhile?
Ayato scoffs at himself. No. Not yet.
Oh well, he'll just have to be patient. He was able to blackmail you into calling him by his name, and now look at you~ No longer stuttering~
Not to mention, you let him hold you all the way from the bridge to home without any complaints and refusals. It is certainly progress, especially with how you've begun to respond to him more organically lately.
For now, he'll just have to work on getting you to hold his hand out of your own accord. Maybe he should facilitate a situation for that to happen just like the bridge…
It certainly helps being a hydro user… Cats really don't like water, do they?
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skyscratch-wc · 8 months
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used a random number generator on my masterlist of characters and drew the ones I rolled!
descriptions and minor spoilers below the cut!
Thrushpelt (WC) - a minor character who appears in Tallstar's Revenge and gives Heatherstar a life for courage and instinct. He is described as a "sleek tom". He is also listed as a significant medicine cat in Secrets of the Clans. He was a warrior prior to becoming a medicine cat.
Slash (Rogue) - a major antagonist in the Dawn of the Clans arc. Slash was the leader of an antagonistic rogue group and is responsible for kidnapping Star Flower and attempting to take over the fledgling clans. He disappears by the end of Path of Stars. Slash is described as a "brown tabby tom with slashes of white fur on his front legs and yellow-green eyes"
Gorseclaw (SkC/TC) - the son of Cloudstar and Birdflight who appears in Cloudstar's Journey and other Skyclan focused novellas/super editions. Gorseclaw was born in Skyclan and then raised i Thunderclan after Skyclan was banished. He is described as a "broad shouldered, dark brown tabby tom with amber eyes". I personally do not like him being likened to Tigerstar and instead have made him a light tom with white highlights and blue eyes so that he is a mix between his parents.
Dewy Leaf (Ancients) - a minor character in Dawn of the Clans who is a queen in the early Tribe. Most of her interactions on page are in regard to her mate, Moon Shadow, leaving the mountains without her. She is, understandably, upset that he is leaving her to find a new home while she is pregnant with their kits. She is described as a "tortoiseshell she-cat".
Dawnflower (RC) - a minor character who appears in the timeline between Leopardstar's Honor and Omen of the Stars. She is described as a "very pale gray she-cat" and is the daughter of Mosspelt and Frogleap. Based on her on-page appearances, she is a proud and outspoken molly who is very protective of her kits. She passes away during the drought at the beginning of Omen of the Stars.
Mudpuddle (WC) - a minor character and deputy of Windclan in Code of the Clans under Stonestar. His only on-page time is him reassuring his leader that all of Windclan is safe after a large branch falls on the clans during a gathering. He is described as a "brown and white tom".
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victoria-rue · 1 year
victoria-rue's Recommendation Masterlist part 2
Time for pt. 2. I've read more stories written by these amazing people but on my original masterlist it wont let me add anymore stories. So I decided to make another Recommendation Masterlist to acknowledge and spread these stories ♥︎
Recommendation Masterlist part 1, part 2, part 3, & part 4
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ʟɪʟʏ ᴘᴀᴅ by @smoothielenny
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Forever by @normspellsman
Stargirl by @star-girl69
In the safety of the reef, you know no war. You spend your days running around with Tsireya and learning from her mother, the tsahìk, Ronal. You tease Ao’nung and Rotxo, failing to notice the lingering touches and the stolen looks. Ao’nung has always been one of your best friends. It was the four of you, Tsireya, Rotxo, Ao’nung and you. There has always been something between the two of you, something you were too young to notice. Maybe you were blinded by the stars, and Ao’nung was certainly blinded by you. His star, his best friend, his everything. You’re a stargirl, and Ao’nung wants to spend the rest of his life bathing in your light. When the threat of war comes and the Sully family comes with it, Ao’nung is forced to accept his feelings and win you over. There is no other choice, really, because what is he without his guiding star?
Refuge by @nelissecrectplace
Your family seeks refuge with the Metkayina clan. You are met with a boy that takes your breath away but you did not know the sadist that lived under those eyes. He was cruel and mean too your sibling and you so why did your heart still beat for him? Why is he more gentle when it comes too you?
Spider Socorro
Spider x Human/Reader by @spiderlvr06
After spider gets kidnapped he’s locked away into the interrogation room. That’s where he meets you.
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Ethan Landry
Karma by @corpsebasil
Tag, You’re It by @perlelune
Stu Macher
My Boyfriend's Back by @final-girl96
YN is Sidney’s younger sister. She’s smart, beautiful, outgoing, and popular. She will be 17 in scream 1 and Sidney will be 18. She will also be in the same grade because she skipped a grade just to make it easier and she can go off to college with Randy and Sidney. When the events of scream happen and Billy is shot by Sidney at the end they also assumed Stu was dead as well seeing as he had a tv fall on him. But months later just school was coming to a close and they were getting ready to graduate and go off to college yn gets this feeling that someone is always watching her. The feeling followers her everywhere she goes. And the boy she thought was dead keeps coming back. She can’t tell anyone because she’s afraid no one will believe her. She doesn’t even know if she believes her own eyes.
Billy & Stu
Until We Found You by @slasherbvnnie
Tell Me All About The Dark Places You Hide by @pumpk1n-writes
in which the reader figures out that their best friends are the infamous Woodsboro Killers and decides to help them rather than turn them in.
Ghostface’s fan#1 by @loveandmurders
Basically it’s female reader being obsessed over Ghostface and they decide to not kill her because of that.
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One Piece
Vinsmoke Sanji
she'll be the best you ever had, if you let her by @xlpoww
who are you to ask for more really? you had already been so lucky to have crossed path with the self proclaimed “future king of the pirates” why do you think you deserve to the heart of the best chef in the east blue?
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Balders Gate 3
Astarion Ancunín
I See You, Darling by @easy-there-leftovers
A story in which an overworked art student longs for a fictional character that they've devoted so much of their time to. Alternatively; Astarion realizes there's someone else watching him. And he can't wait to get acquainted with them.
imagine by @darkened-writer
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Harry Potter
James Potter
No Longer Yours by @singmyaubade
James had disregarded you for multiple years, but when you have an epiphany in your final year, how does it feel to taste his own medicine?
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Stranger Things
Eddie Munson
Operation: Henderson by @ali-r3n
Eddie asks forces Dustin to set him up with Dustin’s older sister
Steve can’t know by @talaok
Steve is your overly-protective older brother that is very opposed to you frequenting the wrong crowd, and especially to you dating Eddie Munson.Still, when you meet each other one day at lunch,it seems there is very little he can do to stop the inevitable.
Steve Harrington
Home Sweet Home by @cumonstevie
"It's good to be home," you think as you arrive back in Hawkins, Indiana; not only three years older, but also as a mother.
Old Friends by @pythonees
𝐇𝐮𝐫𝐭 𝐅𝐞𝐞𝐥𝐢𝐧𝐠𝐬 by @munsonson
𝘌𝘥𝘥𝘪𝘦 𝘣𝘳𝘦𝘢𝘬𝘴 𝘶𝘱 𝘸𝘪𝘵𝘩 𝘙𝘦𝘢𝘥𝘦𝘳 𝘧𝘰𝘳 𝘣𝘦𝘪𝘯𝘨 𝘣𝘰𝘳𝘪𝘯𝘨, 𝘨𝘪𝘷𝘪𝘯𝘨 𝘩𝘦𝘳 𝘵𝘩𝘦 𝘪𝘮𝘱𝘳𝘦𝘴𝘴𝘪𝘰𝘯 𝘵𝘩𝘦𝘺 𝘫𝘶𝘴𝘵 𝘸𝘦𝘳𝘦𝘯'𝘵 𝘳𝘪𝘨𝘩𝘵 𝘧𝘰𝘳 𝘦𝘢𝘤𝘩 𝘰𝘵𝘩𝘦𝘳. 𝘜𝘯𝘧𝘰𝘳𝘵𝘶𝘯𝘢𝘵𝘦𝘭𝘺 𝘧𝘰𝘳 𝘩𝘪𝘮, 𝘩𝘦 𝘳𝘦𝘢𝘭𝘪𝘻𝘦𝘴 𝘵𝘰𝘰 𝘭𝘢𝘵𝘦 𝘩𝘰𝘸 𝘣𝘪𝘨 𝘰𝘧 𝘢 𝘮𝘪𝘴𝘵𝘢𝘬𝘦 𝘵𝘩𝘪𝘴 𝘸𝘢𝘴
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The Hunger Games
Finnick Odair
in our next life by @asterias-record-shop
Peeta and Katniss weren’t the first to fall in love after the games. That title went to you and Finnick, your mentor after you were Reaped at the age of fifteen two years after Finnick. After being dragged back into the Games with the Quarter Quell, you both are determined to stop it, no matter what- especially if one of you would gladly sacrifice themselves for the other.
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Bucky Barnes
My little love by @crazyunsexycool
For two years Bucky had enjoyed his new found freedom. He could go out whenever he wanted. No one was forcing him to do things he didn’t want to do. For the first time in a long time Bucky enjoying was falling in love. You had been the one to capture his heart. He was painfully oblivious that you returned his affections but he’d rather be your friend than nothing at all. You had been new to the Avengers team when Bucky was found. At first you had volunteered to help bring him in but you worried that your abilities to manipulate metal would make him keep his distance. You had been pleasantly surprised when that wasn’t the case. Now with every day that passed you fell more in love with Bucky, you were also unaware of his feeling for you. After a raid to a hydra detention center and the discovery of hydra’s new test subject, Bucky will have to confront abuse he didn’t know about. He feels like hydra still has control over him and he’s not sure what to do. When Bucky fell from the train hydra took away his chance at love and a family, now they’ve basically forced it on him. The new revelation with force him make choices he never knew he would have to make, he only hopes he can do the right thing.
Miles Morales
Right Person,Wrong Time by @littyhoney
you have always been there for Miles, will your long time crush ever pay attention to you…or not?
EARTH-42 MILES MORALES X Reader by @spyder-junkie
I just cant stop thinking of Earth-42! miles with a reader that falls for prowler first.
his girl by @redstarwriting
You and Miles met when you were toddlers. The two of you were neighbors, and would frequently draw in an alleyway just outside of Miles’ room with sidewalk chalk. The two of you got along better than you’ve gotten along with anyone else, remaining best friends throughout the years. If he wasn’t at your place, you were at his. You even managed to get into Brooklyn Visions Academy with him. You were a staple in the life of Miles Morales. Until Gwen came along. And now? It might be too late for him to ever remedy that. At least, in his dimension, that is...
Miguel O’hara
EL TRATO (THE DEAL) by @messylustt
— miguel o’hara has never liked you—a human—joining the team as the ‘person in the chair’. he’s made his distaste for you clear. but when he speaks certain spanish words you don’t understand, he reveals that his annoyance of you is by the fact that you make him feel ‘hot’. soon, a deal surfaces, his promotion benefitting you both.
𝐀𝐍𝐍𝐎𝐘𝐈𝐍𝐆 by @sillyblues
you overhear a couple of spider-people talking about you and miguel
what the f-!? by @carpecaelo
Peter B. Parker thought he'd never see the day Miguel could actually more than tolerate someone.
─ you're the sunflower ੈ✩‧₊˚ by @fxllfaiiry
everyone on the team loves you, expect miguel who seems to hate you more than anyone.
You? by @mcu-coworkers
What you thought was your love story ended up being one cruel summer.
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The Last of Us
Joel Miller
Fall Into Me by @joelalorian
Joel is hanging on by a thread as a single father to a tenacious 10-year-old Sarah. Feeling like he's drowning, like the world is about to spit him out, he needs some help before he breaks in half. At your dad's insistence, you show up in his life and change everything.
A Helping Hand by @teacupcollector
As a woman who is pregnant you are doing anything if it means survival. Even so you found yourself in the wrong place at the wrong time, or was it the other way around? Now you are in the community of Jackson and you can’t help but attract a certain pair of hazel eyes. 
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Jeon Jungkook
day by day by @hansolmates
a series of drabbles about two best friends raising a child together
Before I Leave You by @hollyhomburg
Someone always has to leave first; They just didn’t expect Yoongi to come back with a new omega (who’s clearly been through some shit).
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mapleclangen · 9 months
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A Big Mapleclan Welcome To Ya!
Mapleclan is a Sisters inspired clan using rules I made up for another sisters inspired clan generator challenge. After being driven from their former home by a pack of dogs, their Starclan guide leads them to a forest cavern where they now reside.
Whistlestar, their confident leader, is doing her best to lead them.
Mapleclan rules!
Only cats with Mapleclan lineage have the ability to live in Mapleclan.
Visitors are welcomed and cared for happily. If you don't need aid we will give you a 3 moon stay before you are asked to continue on. If in need of care we will give it to the best of our ability, we just ask you return the favor by giving back the same amount of time. (if you would like a longer stay you can provide a "permanent" donation).
Mapleclan believes in trans rights! ( trans she-cats are allowed staying status, just as well trans toms are expected to go out into the world and find their mission.)
[game rules here]
All the clangen accounts that I’ve been inspired by:
Founders are here!
Moon Masterlist
Moon 1, Moon 2, Moon 3, Moon 4, Moon 5, Moon 6, Moon 7, Moon 8, Moon 9, Moon 10, p2,
I guess I should tag these so #mapleclangen
I also have no clue how tumblr works sooo…..wish me luck 😅
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the-owl-tree · 1 year
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meowdy! my name is deer (they/it). this is my xenofiction rambling blog with a heavy focus on battle cats. i enjoy being critical of things i read so if that isn't your thing, this might not be the spot for you. you can find my rambles under the tag #deer rambles. i generally rate this blog 16+ (though im not gonna go out of my way and check tbh) as more mature subject matter sometimes does arise during discussions.
i also really enjoy art! you can find stuff i've drawn under #deer scribbles. My commissions are currently closed.
other links:
art blog
my clangen blog
main is @fawnydoe
I get a lot of xenofiction recommendations and Tumblr’s search system is straight up ass, so I’ve compiled them into a post! Click here to read through and feel free to send suggestions :)
blog specific info under the cut
Important Documents Pertaining to Warriors:
Warrior Cats and Anti-Indigenous Writing
The Feather Issue Doc
i’m very loose with tags but i do try and get the general stuff, feel free to shoot me an ask if you need something tagged
if you want me to reblog your art, feel free to tag me in it!
i like to complain about this series a lot more than praise it. i find warriors really fun to pull apart, i think it's awful and deserves every nitpick it gets.
if you send me an ask and you want it to be answered privately, please tell me
this is a WC SPOILER ZONE!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! currently i am only tagging spoilers for the newest wc arc, you can block the tag #asc spoilers to avoid spoilers for it!
some general requests for when sending me asks/messages:
#1 rule is always be nicies to me
please avoid personal anecdotes. i understand sometimes discussions on here veer into personal territory but i am a stranger and i don't always know how to handle responding to that.
it takes me a bit to post some asks. the longer it is, the longer it'll take me to get to it.
i might not respond at all if i don't want to deal with potential discourse and/or i just don't know how to reply to it.
sometimes this blog veers into topics outside of battle cats/xenofiction, i don't really want to discuss general discourse if i don't have to. i do not want to argue about online lgbt+ discourse, that's exhausting.
you can disagree with me, i like to hear other people's opinions. but don't be nasty about it, that's a one way ticket to get yourself booted from here. i love discussions, not people trying to rag on one another.
banned topics: nightheart, mapleshade's vengeance
here are some stories i have going going that i love to talk about:
#honey's horrible time - A work-in-progress story about a human being who is killed and reincarnated into a warrior cats rip-off series where she possesses the body of one of the minor antagonists in the book. All information on this story is available in this masterlist.
#poolverse - An nextgen AU revolving around an alternate AVOS cast. It's set in the aftermath of a very different OotS where the Clans decide to abolish the borders and attempt to live peacefully...to mixed results. This is a soft reboot of my older "new generation au"!
#fallen stars au - An alternate universe for The Darkest Hour in which Firestar must flee the forest with friends. All information on the story + archived art from the former ask blog can be found here.
#ask bean - my wc oc named bean who becomes the clan's mediator after the events of squirrelflight's hope. i used to run an ask blog for her but i didn't have the energy to maintain it. you can see the old asks here.
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Previous - Epilogue - Series Masterlist - Series Playlist
Pairing: Dabi x Reader
Rating: Explicit
Tags/Warnings: fantasy au, violence, smut, angst, fluff, non-major character death, pregnancy, dub con/fuck or die but only kinda?, enemies to lovers, there's an arranged betrothal somewhere in there that eventually goes away, spoilers for dabi's identity
ao3 link here / art here and here
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And so it was.
The Black Dragon of the League became the right hand of Clan Todoroki's soon-to-be famous war general, and together, they forged the Clans into one mighty hammer with which to crush the Empire once and for all. The ensuing war lasted for many years to come, spiraling into what we know as the War of Wayfaring; and, as was her wont, the High Priestess of Cerridwen devoted herself to becoming one of those "wayfaring" soldiers, living the life of the roaming warriors that she had become accustomed to with the League. Like the warrior-women from the Age of the Immortals, she was as practiced with sword and shield as with puppets and playthings, choosing both motherhood and the life of the sword. Her daughter, Yara, grew up wild like a bob-cat and prettier than the finest pale-white lily— she was always underfoot of the greatest warriors of the age, and, having inherited her father's penchant for mischief and her mother's charisma, she often proved to be too wily for the life of any human child. Sometimes, it was whispered that there was something of the fae about her, something supernatural… but no one whispered too loudly too close to her father, who was known to bare dragon's teeth and swipe dragon's claw in defense of his darling child (who had plenty of dragon tooth and claw of her own to flash).
The War of Wayfaring lasted a decade— the longest war since the Battle of the Beginning, which lasted the fifty long years it took the goddess to cast out the Seven Devils from the Realm of Men. Many have said that the War of Wayfaring might have lasted years longer if it were not for the smallest Todoroki dragon making her debut on the scene of battle, but my mother— Jenny of the Archives, She Who Knows— always said it might have lasted decades longer if Yara Battle-born had not proved herself worthy of her name. 
Truly proud like lions, the soldiers of the Empire foolishly clung to their power and prejudice alike for far longer than strategically advisable. Despite heavy losses, the Empire persevered in its attempt to oppress and subjugate the lands west of the Summit, closer to the sea where their supply ships had control of the harbors; it is believed that their strategy was to pull back to the coastline to control sea-trade on the western coast, which might have served them well had the Clans not produced the greatest smugglers the world had ever known. Whatever its purpose, the Empire's steady retreat westward was suspicious to the two Todoroki generals who manned the western front. Black Dabi and Shoto the Cold decided to hold off on chasing the imperial forces further west and to instead make camp inland so as to avoid walking into an ambush; my dear reader, I was in that camp, just a lad myself, when my Lady Yara was told of this news, and when I say here that I have never seen such wrath as I did on that day, I truly mean that no creature on this green earth could have been more against the halt of the company than the little lordly lass with flaming, Todoroki-red hair. 
I remember well the way her eyes burned, the way the white streak at the front of her hair waved in the storm-day breeze; she was fierce and unyielding, and both of her parents threatened to hog-tie her if she didn't stop her raging. Not even my mother, her caretaker, could calm her fire, and when I think back to that day, I wonder if they should have hog-tied her— for that was the night I followed her into the unknown, packed with food and rations to last us the time it would take to get us from the camp to the coast. She was a vision, reader, a magnetic force unlike any I have ever felt. I would have followed her anywhere, and even then, whithersoever she asked me to go, I went. 
What happened on those days of travel will remain a secret forever. It is not my story to tell, and Yara— my Lady, my dearest friend— would rather it remain a memory between only us two. 
The story I can tell you, reader, is the Historie of the Battle of Barker's Bay. Three hundred and seventy-six imperial ships were burned that day, not including any ships of the traitor-clans which flew the flag of their family next to that of the imperials. Yara Battle-born, with blue flames and so many fire-arrows, burned them all with fire so hot no man could have survived; she was seen by none on the ships, and thanks to the Blessing I inherited from my absent father, she was seen by none leaving them, her form rendered invisible by the light-refraction I control at will. 
Dear reader, I will never forget the words she said to me that night, when I asked what would happen should the fire spread. When she looked at me then, brilliant eyes aglow with azure flame, I felt a thrill up my spine and the goddess's eyes on my very soul as she said,
"Stand too close to the wicked, and fire from the heavens will strike you down just as surely. Any man might have done what I did tonight. None did. The will to do what others will not— that is what separates the Hand of the Goddess from the rest of mankind."
I have had many years to think of that night since. As I reflect now, Yara Battle-born was right; as her mother before her had taken a broken, wounded man and loved him whole, turning the tide of history,Yara has taken a broken, wounded nation and has done just the same… but I digress.
Upon Yara's return to the Clans' encampment, word of the incident at the bay had already reached the ears of her father and mother. After a sound scolding and an even more sound encounter of our bare bums with a freshly-cut switch, they told Yara and myself that our efforts had effectively cut the Empire off from their supplies, and that they had negotiated the terms of the Empire's surrender the day before. After so many years, the Clans were finally free of imperial rule.
Tonight, on the 50th anniversary of this day, I honor my Lady Yara's wishes in finishing the series of Histories she asked me to write on the legacy of her family. My purpose here is fulfilled, and yet too late, I fear; I had hoped to give this collection to the former Hand of the Goddess, my second-mother, grandmother of my children, so that she might be the first to read the story of her life, but not twenty hours since, she passed beyond the veil, never to return. I was not with her when she passed— I was here, writing, trying to finish on this day of remembrance— but my Lady Yara said that (Y/N), Hand of the Goddess, passed peacefully, and with a final command to her daughter, who held her hand as she left the earth. 
"Take care of your fool father," she told her, smiling as merrily as ever she had. "He won't know what to do without me."
Black Dabi, too, met his end this day, not ten hours before the time I am writing this; upon seeing the body of his wife of fifty years (for the anniversary of their wedding was this very day), he turned to his daughter, kissed her forehead, and took my hand. He said to us,
"I will not long outlive your mother, I fear— her soul pulls at mine, insufferable bitch. When I die, tell your children the story of our line. Make sure they know who we were, and why we fought. That is my last request," 
There were tears in his voice, if not his eyes. In all my long years, I have never seen such grief from a single human being. I believe his death was a mercy— separation from the love of his life was too painful, even for a man who had known more pain than most. In a way, I understand. As the man who married his daughter, I know what it's like to bind my soul to a woman who is more divine than human. Your life belongs to her, whether you give it willingly or not, and it feels as if she owns your very soul.
Following the death of Todoroki Touya, there was a question of succession in the Clans. Since the end of the war, the Clans have been governed by a member of the Todoroki family, doing away with the ineffective Council. When Todoroki Shoto lost his life in a border skirmish some twenty years back, Todoroki Touya was there, battle-hardened and trustworthy to take the position, leaving his younger siblings, Todoroki Fuyumi and Todoroki Natsuo, to fulfill their chosen duties. Now, however, with two reluctant and aging Todorokis and one Hand of Cerridwen to choose from, there was some debate over whether allowing the Hand to rule or the elderly was more inappropriate.
In the end, the Clans decided that they would rather disband from this cohesive form of government and return to ruling their own lands, tending their own flocks and farming their own fields, instead of caring for the collective good. Though my wife and I both agree on the folly of such a decision, I cannot deny that it is an honor and a privilege to record this event as it happens, chronicling it for future generations to study. It is the perfect end to the tale I aspired to tell.
I have done as you have asked me to do, Todoroki Touya. I am telling the future who you were, and why you fought. 
So Ends the Age of the Clans. 
Blessed be She who Reigns.
— Balthazar the Wise
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This is a side blog I use to create and add random things people can use for their fanclans!
You don’t have to credit me, as I get ideas from multiple sources(like the internet or my brain), but it is definitely appreciated.
You’re more than welcome to ping me in the things you create, I LOVE seeing what people can get creative with!
Having said that, enjoy your stay!
Check out my warrior cats generator on Perchance!
I made a Warrior Cats Written Language!
(Masterlist under the read more)
When the first Masterlist in a section is getting long, I’ll create a second part! Suggestions are happily welcome!
Character Design
Design Ideas
Songs and Themes
Clan Origin Ideas
General Clan Things
Clan Cats in Different Centuries
Friendly Dog
The Murk
Darker Themes
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bobbasmultiverse · 10 months
strawberries & cigarettes
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Kwon Soonyoung
likes to believe that he's a tiger after an old lady once told him that his eyes looked like a tiger's
3rd year
dance major
Building 1 | Apt. 27A
lives for late night ramyeon
Wen Junhui
thinks he's a black cat, even though everyone knows he's an orange cat
3rd year
psychology major
Building 1 | Apt. 24H
joined the dance club thinking it was the theatre club, then still joined the theatre club after, is not surprisingly good at both
Jeon Wonwoo
didn't intend to be friends with soonyoung after highschool
3rd year
architecture major
Building 1 | Apt. 27A
very much capable of buying his own apartment, but stays in the dorms for the drama and to look after his sister
Lee Jihoon
basically a hermit
3rd year
music major
Building 10 | Apt. 22D
likes to either stay at home or in his studio.
most ppl don't know that he's actually Woozi, the producer.
everyone won knows thinks she made him up
Choi Seungcheol
pride and shine of the choi clan
4th year
general surgery major
Building 3 | Apt. 18E
has another priv. acc that he uses due to most of his family following the main one
Yoon Jeonghan
has too many connections around campus that no one would suspect
4th year
psychology major
Building 3 | Apt. 18E
chose psychology to be better at gaslighting, gatekeeping, and girlbossing
Hong Jisoo
what you'd call the fun annoying uncle
4th year
physiology major
Building 3 | Apt. 18E
likes to torture look after the first years, especially his god-sister (won)
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pairing: kwon soonyoung x wonwoo's sister!reader, xu minghao x wonwoo's sister!reader (ft. SVT)
genre: college au, love triangle, brother's bestfriend, fwb, angst, fluff
synopsis: two minor, what you'd call, incidents, lead up to the craziest few months of your life, where you make friendships and break some and you end with having to make the craziest choices of your life; to be young and free forever, or to have the best love of all time.
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starjane312 · 1 year
Spider x Oc
Big Masterlist
I’m Jane Carter. What can I tell you about myself ? Well for one I was Born on Pandora. I’m Sixteen Years old and I’m still here. I’m Human. I have blue eyes and Brown hair, which I like to Braid or put up into a Bun with my permanent Braids hanging down. I’m very Pale but have Freckles are all over my Body. I do have a little more weight on my waist and I’m about 174 cm Tall.
My Mother was a Military fighter. The scientists told me her name was Alicia Zdinarsk. She died a year after I was Born. But I don’t really care about her. I mean how could I ? I never knew her, and I go by the last name of my other mother. Lyra Carter. She was a scientist who also died in the war.
But I wasn’t the only Human Baby. I grew up with Spider by my Side. His Dad was a Colonel or something and since we were Baby’s, we couldn’t go into Cryo-capsules. So, we were stuck here. 
But we can’t complain. We grew up alongside Jake and Neytiri Sully's Family. They are Na’vi. Jake is the Olo’eyktan of the Omaticaya. After he defeated the Sky People, including
mine and Spider’s Parents, some of them stayed behind. Scientists who don’t want to Harm anyone and are on the Side of the Na’vi.
Me and Spider learned the way of the Na’vi, their Language feels more like our own than English, and we act like Na’vi too. I strongly believe in Eywa too. 
We started Dating three years ago. The day he told me that he sees me will forever be Branded in my Brain. 
We are great Friends with Jake’s kids. Neteyam, the eldest son, is fifteen. Kiri, the eldest Daughter, is fourteen. She is their Adoptive Daughter. She was born by a miracle, by Grace's Avatar after her Human body Died. She is also mine and Spider’s best friend. Then there is Lo’ak, he is fourteen and the last of the Sully children is Tuktirey she is seven. 
Two years ago me and Spider were given the chance of getting our own Avatar. Spider and I like to call it our True Bodies. But we had to make a big Choice. They could only be done after one another because of the Resources and there is only one Amino-Tank that could be used.
Spider insisted that I get mine first. But if I ever got the Chance to change into it completely I would wait until Spider would too. His True Body is in the Amnio-Tank for Making. It feels weird watching him grow all over again. It is almost at the 14 year old stage. 
So, for a little less than a Year I have my True Body. At first I felt weird in my Body. I was Taller and would still grow. My Body was also on the Heavier side. Which I didn't think was Bad.
Well I’m Blue. My nose, despite looking like one of a Tiger or Cat, was still small. My Eyes are bigger but still Blue. My Hair is a Dark shade of Brown. My Queue is the same colour. The first time I was allowed to connect with the Tree of the Voices was Amazing.
In general, I keep my Hair open with a few Braids that have a few Pearls and Beads, gifts from my Friends and a beautiful Feather, a Gift from Spider, braided in.
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Let me tell you the tail was something to get used to. At first I kept hitting people with it. But now I can control it like it’s always been there. The only thing I can’t control is the way the Tip starts to wag, when Spider is Affectionate with me. Which is very Embarrassing. Well, I think it is. He finds it endearing.
Quickly I got used to my Body. How strong I am and how much faster I am. I wear, same to my Human Body, the Traditional Na’vi clothing. I have a Bow and a good Dagger. Two of each that look the same, for my Human Body and my True Body.
After proving myself to the Omaticaya, I got my Own Ikran. I named her Moon.
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She gave me a big scar across my Left Eye. I was so Happy that I didn’t lose my sight and its Sight. I'm still not part of the Clan but I'm fine with that.
I don’t spend too much time in my True form. Until Spider gets his I keep my Time limited. I know he envies me for it. I would be too if he would’ve gotten his True body first. But that doesn't get in the way of our Relationship.
A year ago, a new star appeared in the Sky. It meant that the Sky People were back. And they were. The Omaticaya had to move to the Hallelujah-Mountains and so did the Scientists. We build our life in a Cave in the Hallelujah mountains. It’s weird walking past your True Body when it’s sleeping in it’s Hammock.
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spaceumbredoggos · 2 years
Updated Masterlist
So; here's my updated masterlist.
Warrior Cats
Survivors Dogs
Pokemon and Pokemon Mystery Dungeon
Henry stickmin
Gravity Falls (mainly Bill or my self insert OC.)
Wings of fire
Stranger things
Cobra Kai
Wander over yonder
Hazbin Hotel
Helluva Boss
The Owl House
The Bad Guys
Puss and Boots the last wish
Kung Fu panda
Dreamworks and Disney in general
Zootopia (anything furry at this point is fair game.)
Fandoms I may write/draw about, but don't expect it to be regular:
The Lion King
Star Vs the forces of evil
Skylanders (up to swap force. I haven't played the games since I was a kid.)
Harry Potter
The amazing world of gumball
Phineas and Ferb
Steven Universe
My little Pony (Friendship is magic.)
Five Nights At Freddy’s (may be more frequent.)
Fandoms I want to get into, but just lack the time (don't expect me to write any time soon on these):
Percy Jackson
Star wars (Okay, I have seen most of the recent stuff and a new hope)
DC (I apologize for some of the normie stuff)
Spyro the dragon
The Hunger Games
Earth's Children Series (Clan of the cave bear is all I have read.)
What I will write/draw:
NSFW (will be marked)
Platonic relationships
Crossovers (heavily encouraged)
Pokemon teams for fictional characters (a fav of mine)
OC's (self insert for the most part)
Statements other than fandom related
What I will not write/draw:
Anything NSFW to a minor. It's hard to tell for sure, and tumblr doesnt have an age rating. This is why I mark it.
Billdip. or bill X any of the pines family. Just not my taste.
Incest (that's really the only nsfw thing I won't draw/write. But anything nonconsent-ish may not be drawn/written if it doesn't make sense for the character's base canon. If you want a character to act somewhat out of character, then you must clarify that it is in an au. I don't want to do canon characters dirty.)
Yandere x Yandere because come on, that's boring.
Political statements about ableism (a statement may be made here or there, but these are for acceptance purposes and are not meant to criticise the other side too much unless for cases of bullying and prejudice.)
I also occasionally post pictures of natural things (animals, plants, fungi). Note: this is not a horny blog; though at times it may seem like it. Expect posts to be sporadic and random, and expect me to take weeks to months off, as I have a busy schedule.
I will also make statements about being autistic, but due to a recent turn of events, these will be strictly non-political.
I may start hosting MAPs now, but don't expect me to do it frequently. Like one every few months. Expect them more towards the end of the year when I have learned how to animate better.
Note: I will tag any of my Kenz posts with their respective AU’s. Base Kenz is So Much For Stardust, my fanfic. Tumblr Falls Kenz is an AU I developed with my moots just for fun. IRL Kenz is me. And Any other Kenz’s will be tagged as such.
Bill sometimes hops on my blog. Ignore him. He is that voice inside my head that gives me all my intrusive thoughts. I’m used to it to the point where I don’t bring it up to my therapist or psychiatrist because it’s prolly internal dialogue. IDFK.
I have a YouTube channel and instagram of the same name. I used to have a TikTok, but with TikTok being banned, I made the regrettable decision to delete it. If the ban is averted somehow, I’ll bring it back.
Update 7/10/2024: I have a Redbubble and patreon. Will link. Commissions will be open soon.
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All you need to do is submit a character from the listed fandoms (if your character isn't on there, just ask!), and I'll give that character a warrior cat's name, backstory, and clan! Not art, as I'm not good at art. I usually do one request per day, and if I get an idea, I'll do an original idea.
Character Requests
How they Would React
Small Writing Pieces
AUs of my AUs (EG: Insertcatnamehere if he was evil)
Multiple Animator Project Scripts
Concepts (EG: Titles if they were a book series)
Anything in this vein.
Consider this post a blanket permission to create works based off of these! (art, writing, animation, any of the sort). Just credit me and tell me, I want to see them.
You will never be annoying when you send me asks. I love receiving asks.
I don't care if it's problematic media. I support stealing works from bigoted creators! If you feel uncomfortable with asking for a character from something like Harry Potter, don't worry! I'll always have anon on, and I'll assume you're writing the character now!
I update around one character request per day, I try and get to elaboration requests once I see them, and if I have an idea for a character, I may end up adding them in! (If you have a different idea, just ask for an au of that character!)
Primary blog is at @frightnightindustries
Over the Garden Wall
Gravity Falls
The Amazing World of Gumball
Transformers Beast Wars
Wings of Fire
Pokemon Scarlet/Violet, Legends Arceus, X/Y, and Sword/Shield human characters, and the entire national dex
Cult of the Lamb
Paper's Please
Henry Stickmin
Dark Deception
The Incredibles
Generation Loss
Pajama Sam
The Owl House
Killer Frequency
The Backrooms
Trevor Henderson
Welcome Home
Harry Potter
The Stanley Parable
Who Framed Rodger Rabbit
MLP: Friendship is Magic
Kaboodle SMP
Don't Hug Me I'm Scared
The Amazing Digital Circus
Godzilla (This includes the entire franchise)
The Magnus Archives
Stardew Valley
Keeper of the Lost Cities
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strelles-universe · 1 year
The Sky Kingdoms - The Complete Masterlist
A collection of four groups of cats that first started out in the east with the Kingdom of the Rising Moon being the oldest and this is also why they have the largest territory of them all. Though the Rising Moon was created by the local cats who all shared the same gods, most of the other kingdoms that were settled all came from The Skies Eyes. The second to be formed was the Racing Clouds kingdom which settled themselves above the eastern mountain-ridge followed by the Old Shining Sun which once upon a time was said to occupy a portion of the Open Stretch. The Old Shining Sun was felled by the Selfish King’s actions and the new kingdom was founded in the west where just after they got their things together, the first clans were being formed. The New Kingdom of the Shining Sun entered fierce conflict with SkyClan which eventually resulted in the destruction of that clan. The Kingdom of the Dancing Stars broke off in a separate group from the Old Shining Sun, creating the Dancing Stars at the same time as the Shining Sun.
AS OF A PROPHECY OF FIRE - The relationship between the Forest Clans and the Sky Kingdoms have long since improved to a state of neutrality between the two. There is still lingering hostility after the suspicious death of their king on clan territory but as all evidence spoke to The Sun's Talon's; relations remain with minimal bloodshed.
✽ ✽ Relationship Status ✽ ✽
With Other Kingdoms | Mostly positive amongst each other. There is very little conflict between the kingdoms that comes in the form of bloodshed. A vast majority of kingdom drama is political or verbal; often soothed with ceremonial parties or long games.
With the Canine Republics | Neutral - the kingdoms all live fairly apart from any of the canine republics, something many speculate are remnants of the pre-connection era. That said, they don't mind when pack dogs come to visit and occasionally the Dancing Stars are happy to invite the Pack of Courage to coronation ceremonies and the Festivals of Light
With the Roaming Skulks | Neutral to positive - the roaming skulks are rarely in contact with any of the kingoms although the Racing Clouds have retained a very mutually beneficial trading agreement between themselves and the Silverfeathers Skulk
With the Greenwood Prides | Neutral to negative - for the most part, the kingdoms don't acknowledge the prides beyond the occasional attack. Only the Kingdom of the Shining Sun has a stable continuous relationship with the greenwood prides as the clans only have one settlement.
✽ ✽ Workings of the Kingdom ✽ ✽
General Kingdom Info - Shining | Dancing | Rising | Racing
Authority - Overview | Inheritances | Terminology
Roles of the Kingdoms - General Roles | Specialized Roles
Rites of the Sky - Overview | Sun | Moon | Stars
Names of the Kingdoms - A collection of all Sivake kingdom names
Naming Conventions - The styles that the kingdoms use to create names
Gender - Overview | Gradient | Terminology
Ceremonies of the Kingdoms - 
Celebrations of the Kingdoms - 
Trade Agreements - 
✽ ✽ Language of the Skies ✽ ✽
Grammar - Version 1 | Version 2
Sivake Lexicon - 
Group Names - 
Common Phrases - 
✽ ✽ Beliefs of the Skies ✽ ✽
Kindlers of the Sky - The major gods of the Sky Kingdoms
Elevated Spirits - Folkloric Heroes and Lesser Gods
Realm of Moonlight - Overview | The Expanse | Judges and Executioners
✽ ✽ Magic of the Skies ✽ ✽
The Skies Eyes - Sun's Eye | Moon's Eye | Star's Eye
Hearth Visions
✽ ✽ Shining Sun Specifics ✽ ✽
Legacy of the Shining Sun
Profile Collection
✽ ✽ Rising Moon Specifics ✽ ✽
Legacy of the Rising Moon
Profile Collection
✽ ✽ Racing Clouds Specifics ✽ ✽
Legacy of the Racing Clouds
Profile Collection
✽ ✽ Dancing Stars Specifics ✽ ✽
Legacy of the Dancing Stars
Profile Collection
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netedamn · 2 years
a continuation from twow:
You Give Me Strength
the sullys attempt to woo a powerful clan against Quaritch and the unknown evil brewing beyond the war's danger- before it becomes too much to handle.
• Part 3: Underestimation Can Kill •
previous: Knives of Ice
next: Bleed for Me
/neteyam x female!oc/
enemies to friends to lovers, love triangle (sort of)
violence (descriptive fighting/bloodshed)
it's canon that ages 15-17 in Terran years marks adulthood physically, mentally & spiritually (meaning a 15 y/o Na'vi is considered 18/19)
"this font" is them speaking the Na'vi language, this font corresponds to Neteyam's thoughts
They rose from their landing, twirling a double-bladed polearm with such force the wind gave way to it; an air of fierce character surrounded them. It was unnerving: theirglowing cat-like eyes opening to get a good look at the intruders, unmoving.
Their mask was the same as the rest of pack's, yet it seemed scarier on them.
Is this their general?
"You skxwng," Lo'ak hissed, eyes wide with anticipation, "Why did you have to challenge him?"
"Because if I got it right, it would've given us an advatage!"
"But you didn't, kalweyaveng*!"
"Lo'ak, language. Boys," Jake told them roughly, " That's enough."
In truth, Neteyam felt extremely quilty. Because of his desperation, he just couldn't let the challenge go, nor hold his tongue.
Is this what it's like to be Loak?
The white light emitting from their bioluminescent stripes grew stronger, or maybe it was just a trick of his mind. Either way, he could see a bit better now, calmer as he was wary against the way his eyes were not used to the Northeast's cold darkness.
A female.
He could distinctly pick out that the garments covering her chest were clearly made of thick fur; what looked like a vest- a large gap running down the valley of her chest, only the string with a peculiar jewel holding the vest together present on it. Unlike most clothing they have seen from other clans, she wore waist laces that were attached to a miniskirt; not too tight that it clung to her skin, but not too loose that it would be a hindrance in her movement.
None of it made sense to the newcomers- it still barely looked like enough to stay warm. Even with the fur, sleeves and mask covering their ears, they thought it was near impossible for them to keep from quivering like the Metkayinas were.
"I apologise for my sons," Jake addressed her, hands in the air to symbolise surrender, "We're just all desperate to understand the ways of your clan."
The warrior, Jake assumed, flickered her eyes to him, once again giving them nothing but silent judgement. Her gaze, full of patronisation and unfriendliness, was enough for Neteyam to quickly decide he disliked her as well.
"If your Olo'eyktan rejects our request, we will leave immediately-" Jake promised.
"You," her voice was soft, but aloof. Powerful. "Are not the Metkayina's Olo'eyktan."
"But he is Toruk Makto," Tsireya informed her, knowing that the mysterious Kandatushara was observing her difference as an actual Metkayina to the Sullys, "My father, our Olo'eyktan, has sent him to represent us."
"There is a war on the horizon," Neytiri said, "The Sky People won't stop-"
"There is a war on your horizon," she dismissed their words, unimpressed with the Toruk Makto and his business, "We have heard of you and your doings... Jake Sully."
The group perked up at this, not expecting this from a clan that secluded themselves.
"What makes you think we would want to fight when we have protected ourselves from the rest of you?" she said coolly, her eyes hard to read, "And what happened the last time you asked a clan for their mercy?"
She glanced at Tsireya this time, knowing well that she had poked a sore spot; Tsireya couldn't help but admit to herself how she still had distant thoughts of how it might've been different for her people if they had not chosen their village.
"There's nothing for you here," her head tilting to the side patronisingly, as if they were children, "Maybe except frostbite."
At this, the rest of the Kandatushara laughed lightly; Neteyam loathed it. It made him feel small, it made him feel ridiculously irritated with how they were treating his family.
"Well, then I guess you aren't interesting to know that they are coming for you next."
Her sharp gaze snapped to his own, the look he usually had when he was facing his father off. The other 6 looked at him as though he had grown a new arm, knowing that he was risking a lot by lying.
Sensing what Neteyam was trying to do, Lo'ak applied pressure to the new wound of thought, "Yeah, the Sky People are coming. To you. With big ships and guns."
"You insult us if you think that we cannot take them down ourselves," her tone remained cold, but piercing with every word now. Murmurs of agreement backed her up, letting their pride be known- they were unmatched and the knew it.
Neteyam would rather have bled out than admit that he almost gulped before he said it.
"Well that's because you can't."
Somehow, her eyes carved themselves into a more menacing shape, emitting silent rage as she finally stepped closer to them. Slowly. Suspecting it wasn't the chill of the land anymore, goosebumps ran through their bodies as they watched her.
Long steps towards them had her squaring up with Neteyam in no time, stopping at a safe distance away from him. She was just a few inches shorter, but she looked at him as though she was hunting him down.
"Dude," Lo'ak whispered snarkily, "The one time you choose not to he annoyingly perfect."
Jeers and hisses were thrown at them from left to right; the group looking down with exasperated expressions, disbelieving the manner of which Neteyam was behaving in.
"What did you just say?"
"You heard me." Netevam returned the intensity of her gaze, quickly regaining his abandoned confidence before she had the chance to throw them out, or do worse, "I say that- because-"
"Neteyam," Jake said so sternly that it almost made the warrior stop.
But it echoed in his head- Neytiri's words. Wondering why Jake hadn't used it to his advantage yet, he waited for the perfect opportunity to drop it.
Now or never.
"They have the Txepiva with them."
"They have been in conflict with the Txepiva the longest."
"Neteyam, stop-"
He shook Jake's rising voice off.
"And this could be your chance to finally take them down- as well as help us."
Whispers arose. From what the family could hear, it might've been enough to regain hope.
"There must be a reason you haven't striked them yet, yeah?" At this point, Neteyam has resorted to reasoning with whatever he thought of, "Well they are coming to you now. And they will have the Sky People's help. But you- you all- can have the multiple clans on the War Council to call for help if (if!) you need it."
Head titled down, eyes turned up to read his for any deception, 'Ingyentsim*- as he decided to call her- glared at him haughtily for a few seconds.
She started walking, purposefully bumping her shoulder hard into Neteyam's, and snapped her fingers, not stopping as she did so; headed for the path Lo'ak har initially found. As soon as the whipping crack of her fingers echoed through the tree trunks, spears pointed sharply at them, surrounding them once more.
"Move." One of them nudged Jake with the spear's neck.
"W-what?" The ex-Olo'eyktan's face transitioning from protectiveness to confusion.
"Move. Before we make you."
Slowly, the exhausted group turned to follow the strange woman, still careful for any tricks or traps in their sudden agreement to take them. They were surrounded by the warrior group- left, right, front and back; their sight penetrated and blocked. At least, now that they weren't squished altogether, Neteyam counted 14 Kandatushara.
There wasn't even that much of their captors, which would have normally been a good number for them to take down together. But it only told him of their confidence as warriors. He had a feeling that even going against one or two of them would be impossibly difficult.
They all walked in a huddle, obediently following the clan's warriors. With the cold, they were still shivering, and it was the heat of anger from his parents that warmed Neteyam of his rash behaviour. He hugged Kiri with his arm wrapped around her shoulders, allowing her to snuggle into his chest as part of  his apologetic guilt eating him up inside.
As Neteyam watched their approach towards the thickening trees, the last thing he caught a glimpse of through gaps of the Navi was Her- Her eyes glowing as she watched from afar- and he swears their eyes met, before she plunged into the darkness of the path.
"Dad," they heard Tuk whimper softly, "It's too cold."
"I know, baby, I know," Jake replied, pausing before fumbling around to ask, "Excuse me, but do you have any cover? For the cold? Even if it's for the rest of them."
Neteyam didn't understand why, but the Kandatushara damped down their bioluminescence as they travelled down the snow-sprinkled path. It was, therefore, dark, save for the little light the Metkayinas were emitting.
He tried his hardest to capture the environment's details around- above them, the towering trees were decorated with large, minacious sabers of ice, their sharp points glaring down at them. They layered over one another from branches that intersected, and Neteyam thought that it insinuated that when it rained, the pouring rain that met with the pre-existing icicles froze instantly. Because of this, the broad trail they were on was covered with an arch of striking ice. Even though he hasn't yet travelled to further lands in Pandora, Neteyam still knew the Kandatushara's would be one of the most vicious.
The walk to Eywa-knows-where was taking quite a while, causing his feet, hands and nose to numb, his tail to curl up towards his body, his ears to flatten against his head, the previous scenario of chaos he created replaying quiltily. He can only imagine how horrible it must feel for Tuk's small body.
"One each." A warrior replied flatly after some time.
"Thank you," Neteyam heard Jake breathe out. Everyone was given a cloak of fur, passed down from Jake at the front to Neteyam at the back. If he could melt right then and there, he would- he had to surpress a sigh of comfort from the warmth within the soft fur.
"Thank you," The rest of them murmured to the soldiers around them. Neteyam did the same, begrudgingly, only so he wouldn't cause trouble or produce an even worse image of them
The soldier grunted, "You'll need it soon anyways."
Face scrunched, Neteyam tried to comprehend their words a little too late. Reverberating groans of rushing water could be heard in the near distance; the front line of the clan (who had all turned their bioluminescence back up) seperated to reveal the path ending: a hostile river of ice.
Across the river, was the start of the rest of the forest, only it looked more impenetrable than the one they had just walked through. The waters and chunks of ice sloshed against the bank, sprinting so fast that Neteyam thought it would be impossible to survive if one fell in it.
"No way..."
Were they going to throw them in after all? Were they going to be fed to the probable monsters in this god-forsaken river?
"Don't worry," 'Kurkung' (Kiri's captor, whom Neteyam also decided to name) appeared out of nowhere, looking towards the river as if in search of something, "We're not that cruel."
Neteyam disliked him greatly at this point, and knew it was going to be hard for him to hide it as he tried to curry up their favour.
Using an end of his polearm, he immersed it and tapped it loudly against the bank's edge, tongue clicking against his teeth as he did so.
Barely a few seconds later, an animal reared its head out of the water- then another, and another, and another, and another. They were quite large (even cute): beady eyes and antlers at the tip of their heads, with reins wrapped around them. Once they docked by Kurkung, the family could see that their bodies were slick with no fur, their bones coming to curve upwards and run througout their upper-back; almost like a boat.
"Pinnepid*, ice swimmers that carry mostly anything," Kurkung answered their thoughts once more. He turned to them, "Let's go- 4 on each."
The rest of the Kandatushara obliged and started to mount the 5 pinnepids, soothing them as they made Tsaheylu; Jake, Lo'ak and Tsireya were forced to ride with Kurkung, while Neytiri, Tuk, Kiri and Neteyam approached another, with none other than Ingyentsim atop.
It just gets worse, doesn't it?
"Well? What are you waiting for?" she looked at a prudent Neytiri and Neteyam, indicating to the space behind her, "Don't worry, they don't bite."
Neteyam almost scoffed at her.
"Yeah... but you might," he said absentmindedly, loud enough that he might've heard a small snicker from Kiri.
Neytiri slapped his arm with a scowl, stiffly smiling at her as she then ushered the two sisters on.
"I swear, sometimes, you're too serious and sometimes you just need to shut up," Kiri chastised him once he sat behind her, scarcely fitting into the cocooned area of the pinnepid's back.
"Yeah? Well then there's you who's too quiet and Lo'ak who's too noisy," Neteyam almost yelped out as they started to move. Quick.
"Whatever, bro," Kiri yelled over the wind whipping past them.
Blocks of ice waded away from the pinnepid's unstoppable movement through the river, the current not fazing it at all. Lovingly, Kiri patted the vehement animal, who actually embodied its rider, and was seemingly enjoying the ride; even Tuk and Neytiri were entranced at the experience.
The ride was smooth as of that moment, and the newcomers could fully appreciate the sight for once since their arrival.
Much like the trek of darkness they had walked to, the river was completely covered by trees that bent towards one another; more tame and smaller icicle replications shyed down, a charming blend with the mesmerising light from bioluminescent plants lining the trees and ground.
Neteyam would be lying if he said it wasn't beautiful, clever even- he could tell it was strategical as outsiders would not have been able to spot the river from above or anywhere else, the only way being to travel to it.
But then again, they'd be taken down before they were able to set foot into their land.
Suddenly, the pinnepid had swerved to avoid a rather fatal-looking mini glacier, sending everyone on it to cling on extra hard; Ingyentsim grunting to keep them steady.
Neteyam, on the other hand, was not as lucky. His effort to find space behind Kiri was desperate enough on its own, so the dreadful thought of being flung off had occured to him already. Then it happened just as Inyentsim managed to set them back in place.
Why does everything have to be so damn hard for me?
"Nete!" Kiri called out in panic, watching as her older brother toppled into the freezing waters, hand finding a curve in the saddle to hold onto.
"Neteyam!" Neytiri and Tuk yelled, twisting to see him struggle as he was being dragged, ice hitting him occasionally.
As she was about to reach out, Ingyentsim's polearm shot past her to stop in front of the withering boy.
"Quick! Grab it!" She was on her knees, manual control over the pinnepid completely gone.
Neteyam spluttered water out of his mouth, struggling to breathe through the sensation he was going through. With his delicate left arm, he pushed to seize the curving blade of her polearm.
With all her might to fight against the river's current and Neteyam's weight, she heaved until Kiri managed to help him back on. Kiri didn't let go of him this time, her hands and tail acting as a leash. Neytiri similarly handed Kiri her fur cloak to replace Neteyam's wet one.
"Hold on!" the Kandatushara called out before the 4 family members minded her alert. She secured her weapon into it's holder on her back before locating the reins to toughly pull so the pinnepid would slow down; standing as one would on an ikran's back, as if she was surfing.
Straining her back muscles, they swiftly turned right to ride a downturn current that separated itself from the main river, barely noticeable. The fall was incredibly steep, steep enough for the pinnepid's entire body to completely suspend itself out of the water.
Tuk, Neytiri, Kiri and Neteyam held on for their lives, momentarily staying in the air before they landed with such force into a more friendly flow.
"Is everyone okay?" Neytiri asked after they all caught their breaths, surveying their intoxicated condition that was high off of adrenaline as she brushed the stray hair off of Tuk and Kiri's faces.
They recovered eventually while they gently floated, noticing that they were underground now, at least that's what Neteyam thought.
The walls of this tunnel were of a cave's texture, vines suspended from the ceiling. It was warmer, partially due to the tiny, incandescent insects that radiated heat as they danced in the air.
"Are you?" Neteyam inquired in return, appreciative for their help to fish him out. The oldest woman hummed in return, drained now that they were in a lulling state.
In the calmer situation, the passengers could now establish their saviour's appearance: her free hair, wavy and thick, was a midnight black that proved to be an astonishing contrast from her skin, which was of a frost-blue colour. Akin to Tsireya, her tail was unique to showcase a distinguishable difference from the rest of other clans: it started off the same as any Navi's tail, but was then wrapped with sharp battle thorns before adapting into white, bushy fur that was undoubtably there to provide them with warmth,
Ingyentsim resumed her guidance, sighing now that they had surpassed the danger.
She still stood, stroking her pinnepid's head, whispering sweet words and thank yous to it; that was until she remembered that she had foreign company with her.
"We're here," she returned to her stony self, briefly glancing over her shoulder.
Bright light had them squinting as they approached the opening end of the tunnel, the pinnepid wailing in happiness as it arrived safely back home.
"There is another clan. one hidden in the Northeast mountains." Literally.
It was no wonder they managed to shelter themselves extraordinarily well over the past centuries.
If it was possible, their eyes glistened with awe at the sight of their village: the river they were currently on zigzagged artistically across to meet a community lake in the middle, fed by a waterfall- part of it being frozen, making what seemed like chandelier- flowing from the very top.
Since the mountain's area was so large, they couldn't see much except the dazzling lights that naturally shone through crystals of different colours and ice. And there were numerous stairs and ramps made of stone. A lot of them. They extended to multiple levels, criss-crossing one another, somehow all connecting to seperate locations until you would end up on the highest floor.
Only the waterfall's crashing into the waiting waters below them could be heard; being the middle of the night, the rest of the clan was presumably dormant until daylight greeted them. Caves of different sizes lined each circular floor, most being individual abodes and the rest unknown- being places left for the family to explore.
Neteyam then remembered, this was as far as they could see from their position at one end of the mountain, who knows how monumental their clan and village really was?
Coming to a stop, the Kandatushara warrior broke her bond and stepped onto the bank to join the rest of the waiting party.
Jake came forward to assist the four of them onto their feet, hugging Neytiri into his cloak with curiosity as to why she was missing hers and why Neteyam was soaking wet, painful scratches splattered across his skin.
"You took a while, were you not right behind us?" Kurkung asked.
"We encountered..." 
The ingyentsim paused, glimpsing at the discussing family by her side, "A minor inconvenience"
'''A minor inconvenience,'" Neteyam mocked, taking all the effort to prevent his eyes from rolling.
"Sooo," Lo'ak came up to him, "Lovely ride, I take it?"
Tsireya chuckled, "Yes, the screams of joy we heard certainly told us so."
"You should've seen him, Lo'. He's a natural at water skiing." Kiri joined in to poke at the eldest.
"Shut up." Tsireya snorted at his scorn, "I bet she did it on purpose."
Walking further into the mountain, the Sullys huddled together as they trailed behind them.
"It's so pretty here!" Tuk smiled, head tilted all the way up in her attempt to see the beginning of the breathtaking waterfall they were passing
"Yes, but we still have to be careful" said Jake, still looking ahead of them. 
"What a downer," Lo'ak pouted playfully. 
"Alright? Don't let your guard down. And don't forget why we're here."
They fell silent at his words, an unwanted cloud of mutual grimness falling over them.
"Yes, sir," they chorused, almost robotically.
"So, I assume you're taking us to your Olo'eyktan then?" Jake went back to business after ruffling the childrens' hair out of traditional affection.
"Hm," Kurkung judgementally stared at them for a little too long. The whole party stopped.
"But she's already here."
Neteyam furrowed his eyebrows, ears standing attentively, hating the one-sided game they were forced into playing. Looking among the considerably bunchy group, it could be anyone of them. All of them were still disguised with their foxy masks, only their light eyes tearing into their souls.
She bent her arm for the back of her head, releasing the string that held the mask to her face before slipping the straps off of her ears- only the Olo'eyktan could relieve themselves of the battle mask before everyone else. A cunning, alluring and youthful face blinked at them: all the other warriors were finally allowed to discard their masks for the night, calling the mission to an end.
"What?' the even-more-so mysterious Na'vi feigned innocence, "Surprised?"
Neytiri quickly swept 3 fingers from her forehead towards the young leader out of respect, an example the rest of the family mimicked.
Oh, shit.
Out of the 15 Kandatushara they encountered a mere few hours ago, it had to be Her. The Ingyentsim. The one with the annoyingly intimidating countenance. The one he despised.
"N-no, we just-" Jake was still dazed. She was but a young adult, so young.
Yes, he believed she held herself in an impressive stance, with the manner of a leader who was fierce, headstrong and unwavering; she had already proven it to them.
"Is it because... I'm a female, perhaps?" she was soaking up their reactions amusingly, even if her face remained neutral.
"No! Absolutely not. It's just-"
"But you're like- Teyam's age or something," Incredulity plastered on his features, Lo'ak expressed his thoughts aloud.
Tsireya nudged him, thinking it disrespectful of him to point out.
He was right, though, Neteyam realised- the fact gave him a permeating frown.
She was daring for them to say what she knew they were thinking: a woman, a newly-turned adult is the mighty Kandatushara's Olo'eykte*?
It's what everyone thought, after all.
"No, please. Do enlighten me, does that make me any less of a leader? Or a warrior?"
"Well- no, but-"
"Then," she interrupted resolutely, referring to the heads of the family, who still looked aghast yet amazed, "We will continue this when the day comes, my people are tired."
Neytiri and Jake nodded distractedly, trying their very best to wipe the offensive gaping off of their face.
Unlike her siblings who managed to look more tame, Tuk was openly wide-eyed at the young leader- practically emanating admiration.
Catching this, the Olo'eykte gave the youngest an extremely small smile, gone as fast as it had appeared.
"Our Eyktanay*, Zakue, will escort you to your family's slär*," she gracefully motioned to Kurkung, only aggravating Neteyam more.
"Thank you, we greatly appreciate it," Tsireya spoke up, doing her best to display unbiased kindness to her. After all, she already seemed like someone she couldn't help but admire.
Was it scary? The fact that she was leading a whole clan as Olo'eykte? She was practically her age, yet Tsireya had never thought of filling in even her mother's responsibility until she was a lot older.
She regarded her gratitude with a stiff nod, spinning on her heel to leave the Sullys with their thoughts. The ice warriors strode in time to accompany their leader for a debriefing in their designated cave.
A wave of her dark hair swept over her shoulder, waltzing as she pivoted to face them one last time,
"And for the record, I didn't do it on purpose-" The Kandatushara's Olo'eykte addressed Neteyam with a mischievous flash in her eyes.
"-If I wanted to kill you, I would've done so already."
*kalweyaveng: son of a b...
*ingyentsim: enigma/mystery
*kurkung: asshole
*kalweyaveng: son of a b_---
*ingyentsim: enigma/mystery
*kurkung: asshole
*pinnepid: made up, latin for seal- think of a more muscular seal w/antlers and, a canoe for a body (still cute tho)
*olo'eykte: female variation of olo'eyktan
*eyktanay: general
*slär: cave
also, just wanted to point out that i cant draw for my life- but i attempted to create my image of her garments/decorations. im not sure whether i should share it cause i aint an artist and it looks like shit :l
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