#Caudal Block
dragonthunders01 · 1 year
Spectember D5: Sexual Selection
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Through the different timelines, there is an alternative world that witnessed a deep ice age in the Permian caused by a prominent shift of the continent crust moving Pangea down into the south pole and blocking ocean currents, worsening the life conditions and turning most of the continent in a tundra, in the aftermath when the position of Pangea returned to something like its original position life was changed greatly, as unlike in our timeline earth was not suffocated in fire but got cold so a new variety of animals developed and survived.
In the oceans, Holocephali had a resurgence post Permian mega ice age, as their groups did not suffer horrible, things like Petalodontiforms, Eugeneodontids and other did not perish, but then there were other more varied forms evolving too, some sample are within Chimaeriforms which they in a better spot now that they aren’t relegated to the deep ocean but as diverse surface dwellers, some groups started to exploit their clasper structure in ways that would make them look almost unfitting for survival, this as a response of sexual selection. From there, a new group evolved, the Clasperantlers (Delirocephalia)
They are short body forms, small caudal fins but with large pectoral fins, these have the peculiarity that male claspers now have become these super elaborated ornamental structures that works mostly for exhibition or fight, depending of the species. They derive from ornamental structures around the orbits and the whole dorsal fin spine that developed into an articulated claw-like structure, something resembling the ornamental spines of Symmoriiformes but capable of movement.
The most common species is the Pentanichecephale monstruorum, small in size, about 30 cm in length, females look pretty much average to a chimaera with short tail, with a small dorsal fin, but the male in the other hand possess an ostentatious arrangement of 5 long horn-like structures, being 2 pairs growing around the orbit, with the middle 5th one the derived dorsal fin. They tend to be moderate in size but when mating season approaches, they start to grow in size, being covered in layers of dead tissue and useful against other males, they can break and regenerate, males often have to stand multiple fights before mating with a female which can hold with the 5th horn.
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sturgeonposting · 1 year
If you say caviar I will BLOCK YOU
Not all sturgeon have tail filaments but they are a pretty cool facet of sturgeon evolution so I felt they must be included
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oyasufeng · 1 year
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playing the milkshake cas challenge by @saruin! this is actually my first time using a non-human skin tone as i'm not too fond of abnormal skin tones, but it turned out amazing! this is an entirely new sim, so i randomly named him jiang yu (江鱼) — "jiang" for river while "yu" for fish lol.
did you know in chinese media based on chinese mythology, people sometimes like to think that merfolks are related to dragons? it may be because of the azure dragon/qinglong (青龍), one of the four guardians; or perhaps the word "jiao" appears in both jiaolong (蛟龙, an aquatic dragon) and merfolk/jiaoren (蛟人). perhaps jiang yu is one of them hehe...
i just noticed that his tattoo (on p1, for his 2nd skin colour) looks yellow instead of green, this is caused by the reshade i used. this tattoo also doesn't appear in his mermaid form even after i had attempted to edit the tattoo to be visible for all occults on s4s... at least the fish scales in his mermaid form gave justice to it...
btw the tail cc i used is longer than usual, so the caudal fin has been blocked by the floor. what you can see are his anal fins. you can see the entire tail in this screenie post!
birthday: green first name (based on my english name): green last name (based on my english name): purple fav fruit: blueberry/white fav drink: tea/red toppings: chocolate shavings/retro (i failed) extra — fav flavour: chocolate/horns
reshade boho dreams by @neecxle
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jayjamjary · 3 months
Saw someone draw vaguely sharked shaped thing labeled as a shark but with a caudal fin (the back one) that flaps up and down not side to side so I blocked them. Do I consider that an overreaction? No.
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Despite its feirce look, it's actually quite sluggish. Scientists have discovered, "Its skeleton is reduced and poorly calcified, the muscle blocks along its sides (myomeres) are weakly developed, and its fins are soft and small. Its long caudal fin, held at a low angle, is also typical of a slow-swimming shark." Which I suppose can be seen as a good thing, despite my love for them even I can acknowledge having such a creature swimming towards you at 15mph would be quite frightening.
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angeldrawsstuffs · 2 years
A Connection
Another SPBNR Mer AU snippet-
Summary: Ever since being thrust into the movieverse and having been turned into a mer, Nya’s been grappling with a strange connection she’s been feeling to the ocean. Tonight, she finally takes the time to investigate them.
This was a bad idea.
Nya knows it’s a bad idea.
But she can’t help it.
The sea… it’s so loud, so overpowering.
It’s calling her.
It sounds ridiculous, she knows. She’s heard it a million times from her teammates. They’ve all written it off as these new mer instincts getting to her head.
But it’s not.
She knows it’s not. She knows there’s something deeper there, some kind of… connection.
And so she stands out on the quiet shore in her swimsuit, far past when she should be back at the apartment asleep. The waves crashing onto the shore are the only noise that grace her ears, and the only thing she can see is the way the moonlight shimmers on the rippling tides.
She can’t wait any longer.
Nya runs into the water, embracing the waves as if they were her own family as she dives under. After a few kicks of her legs, instead of pain, a rush of adrenaline comes as they push together and merge into the brown tail of a frilled shark.
Her tail.
Something about calling it her own just felt *right* in some inexplicable way. It’s something her brother adamantly refused to do, but she’s not her brother, Kai.
She’s Nya.
It’s ironic, really, their names.
Kai means “sea”, yet he absolutely hates it.
“Nya”, meanwhile…
“Nya” means tenacity.
“Nya” means purpose.
And she can’t help but imagine she’ll find her’s down here below the waves.
She darts around the coral reef, going faster than she ever could imagine on land, and with far more agility as well. It feels almost as if the ocean itself is right behind her, telling her to keep going and pushing her along.
It’s exhilarating.
The darkness of the night waters isn’t even a problem! She can see as if it were still broad daylight thanks to the midnight zone-adjusted eyes of a frilled shark.
But they aren’t a frilled shark’s eyes.
They’re her eyes.
She giggles at the thought.
She swims around some more, gliding through the water as if flying on air, just watching the ocean’s inhabitants play their roles in the ecosystem. Nocturnal sharks hunting for food, fish hiding among the coral, anemone housing clownfish.
It’s all so incredible, seeing a place truly untouched by humanity like this.
Suddenly, lights disrupt the darkness.
Nya flicks her tail, pushing herself up to the surface to look.
Bringing her head and shoulders above the water, she finds the source of the light to be a fishing boat.
A fishing boat that isn’t supposed to be in these parts of the waters.
Her counterpart, Cyan, had explained how there are certain zones blocked out for mers and merfolk to swim in peace without disruption. A kind of safe haven away from the risks of open waters.
But here it was, a fishing boat.
Yeah, as if she was about to let these jerks have their way.
She ducks under the surface, doing her best to make as little noise as possible so as to not alert the fishers to her presence. She slowly swims through the reef, staying close to the seabed. Hoping her brown tail and dark hair will help camouflage against the dark, murky waters.
Thankfully, it seems to work, as by the time she’s at the base of the boat, the fishers seem too busy being careless bastards to notice her.
Nya brings her caudal fin to the surface, slapping it down against the water before loudly diving under.
And, just as she suspected, one of the fishermen came over to have a look a little… *too* close to the edge.
Oh well, guess his mommy never told him to beware of sharks in the water.
With two powerful strokes of her fin, Nya breaches out of the water and drags the fisherman into the water with her, being sure to keep both their heads above the surface.
What? She’s not a monster.
“Who the fuck-” He starts to say, but Nya cuts him off.
“Just be quiet, or I’m leaving you in a cove miles away.” She states bluntly
That was enough to shut him up.
Soon enough, the man’s two companions come to see what happened to their friend, and there, Nya is waiting for them.
“Look, I have a lot of better things to do with my night, so I’m going to make this quick:” She glares up as the first man struggles in her arms, “you all leave right now, or else.”
“Or else what? ‘You gonna flick your fins at us?” The second fisher mocked.
Oh they are so in for it now.
Nya bears her newly sharp teeth at the two of them.
“I think your boat could use a few tweaks… maybe a hole in the side would look nice.” She smirks at the fishers, possibly enjoying the moment just a *tad* too much.
“Please, like we’re letting some little merling get in the way of our jobs. Johnny, get back on board, we’ve got a deadline.” The third fisher says dismissively.
The first fisher, Johnny, doesn’t move, despite being ordered to.
“Johnny.” #3 says again, this time more firmly, “Get away from her and get moving.”
The man still doesn’t move, instead, he seems oddly fixated on Nya’s tail.
“What are you looking at?” Nya growls at him.
“Sh-Shark-” Johnny weakly musters out.
The other two look at each other as #2 speaks
“What did he say? Because I swear he just said-”
“SH-SHAAAAARK!” Johnny screams, flailing around in Nya’s unyielding grip.
Right. She forgot everyone in this city was a moron who see “shark” and immediately think “Garmadon”. Personally, she’s a bit offended by the notion she’d ever work with the four-armed son of a-
“Holy sh!t” #3 mutters as she shines a flashlight into the water below, finally getting a full look at the situation.
Ok, as infuriating as this is, she has the upper hand here. They’re afraid, and if there’s anything she’s learned from her time as Samurai X, it’s that people are a lot more willing to listen when they think you’re the bigger threat.
“So,” Nya grins, being sure to show her teeth once more, “What’s it gonna be?” “L-Like hell we’ll ever-” #2 begins, but is cut off once more.
“We- We’ll go. Look, see? I’m pulling up the anchor, just… please give us our guy back and don’t call for backup-” #3 stutters out as she pulls up the ship’s anchor, maintaining eye contact the whole time.
Nya thinks for a moment.
She could be petty and keep her word from earlier…
But it’s not the right thing to do.
She shoves Johnny away, finally letting the poor guy swim away and climb back onto the boat.
“I better not see you all around here again.” Nya scowls as the three just nod and speed off, presumably back to whatever rock they crawled out from under
She sighs.
Why do people insist on invading spaces not meant for them?
This spot is for the ocean to thrive, not for people to come along and wreck it.
Nya lets out a breath she didn’t know she was holding in as she sinks back to the seabed, scanning around to make sure no damage was done before she got there. And, unfortunately, it doesn’t take long to find some: A poor blacktip stuck in a net.
For people so scared of sharks, they sure seemed to have no problem hunting them.
The shark wiggles and squirms in the net as Nya approaches, grabbing the sharpest rock fragment she could find on the way over.
She puts a hand on the top of the blacktip’s snout, gently stroking it in a placating manner.
“Shhhh, it’s ok, I’m here to help.” She speaks gently, and the shark somehow seems to understand, ceasing its panicking.
Well, she didn’t expect that to work. 
Being as careful as possible, Nya starts cutting into the rope, moving as fast as she can so the shark can get back to its life uninterrupted, away from the dangers caused by invasive humans.
Heh. She thinks that as if she isn’t human herself… well, usually human, anyway.
Within a couple of minutes of cutting, Nya is able to pull the net off of the blacktip, smiling as it circles around her, as if to say thank you. It’s a thanks she takes with a smile as the shark swims off to re-commence its nightly hunting.
With that, she’s alone in the waters again, left to contemplate the events that just unfolded.
Why did she just do that?
Well, yeah, it was the right thing to do, but there was something else, some kind of calling, a… connection.
There it is again! That word. It makes absolutely no sense but it just… makes sense.
She needs to know what’s going on, it can’t just be this all going to her head!
She needs to know more.
And to know more, she needs to go deeper.
Deeper… in the sea.
Nya stares out into the vast expanse of water just beyond the coral reef, the moonbeams shining through the navy blue water.
It feels almost like a trance of some kind. A trance she can’t help but give in to. 
And so, she swims forth into the darkness, and into the depths.
She has absolutely no idea where the hell she’s going. Instead, the ocean leads the way.
…First Master now she’s really wondering if she’s just completely lost it. Maybe she should just go back, there’s still time to make it before her brothers and the others wake up. Maybe even some time to get some proper sleep. 
By the time the thought of turning back has solidified in her mind, Nya finds herself surrounded by pitch black, unending darkness.
How- How long has she been swimming for?? She just got so lost in her own thoughts and the feeling of the water that- that…
Looking up towards the surface, the faint glimmer of moonlight shines above like a lone star in the night sky. And below is a shipwreck, clearly having been down here for quite a while, given the way it looks.
Really, it looks almost as old as Destiny’s Bounty.
Forgetting all about her previous goal, Nya glides through the water and towards the wreck, completely fascinated by it.
The ocean shows no mercy, yet no favoritism either. Ships like this fall, fish get eaten, it’s all a fundamental truth of the ocean. Just… the way of the sea.
The way… of the sea.
…Huh, she’d never really thought about it before, and yet this kind of… deep understanding feels as though it’s embedded itself into her very being.
She needs to know more.
Swimming into the wreck itself, she finds it to be rather large on the inside, in the same way her home on the bounty is. Maybe this ship has a similar layout too. She looks around, finding that she’s far from alone here, as many fish have claimed the sip as their home, and coral has begun to grow inside and out. She even spies a few cephalopods hiding themselves along the walls.
Nya can’t help but stare, mouth agape in wonder at how the ocean can claim something so foreign to itself and incorporate it into its natural ecosystem so seamlessly.
She finds herself running a hand along her torso, feeling the seamless transition from skin to scales upon reaching her lower half.
It really isn’t all too different, is it?
She finds herself swimming in and out of the various holes in the corridors and rooms of the wreckage, as free as a bird. The rooms themselves held interesting value as well, jewels, clothes, bedsheets, all things she considered bringing back to show the others.
But she can’t.
They belong to the sea now, and in the sea they need to stay.
After all, who is she to deprive some animal of a potential new nest?
When she’s seen all she can of the shipwreck, Nya finds a glistening underwater cave to explore. And after that, a deep sea reef, and after that a whale pod, and after that, and after that, and after that…
She finds herself exhausted, tail curled around a rock she’s found to sit on.
What a night.
She thought she felt free when she became Samurai X, but this…
This is the most free she’s felt in her whole life.
She can’t wait to share it with her friends and brothers…-
Her friends and brothers.
Oh First Master, how long has she been down here?? She was supposed to be back before sunrise so nobody would even notice she was gone!
“Damn it, damn it, damn it!” Nya shouts to nobody as she moves her exhausted tail as fast as it will take her. She has to make it up soon, Kai must be worried sick!
She swims and swims and swims, but it’s never fast enough for her, she’s too tired, too physically exhausted, too weak to carry on.
Ugh, this is so frustrating, she was fine just a bit ago, she could keep up with those whales perfectly! So why now? Why slow down right when she needs it?? WHY-
And suddenly, a current sweeps Nya up, but it doesn’t feel like any natural current.
Especially because no natural current glows blue.
Honestly? At this point she couldn’t give less of a damn what it looked like, she was just happy it was helping her.
The closer she got to the surface, the more she could see the darkness fade into the orange light of dawn and the sun having just risen from under the horizon line.
Oh First Master how long-
“Nya!” a muffled voice called from above
Swimming sideways to escape the strange current, Nya brings her head and shoulders above the water once more, instinctively taking a breath of fresh, morning air, and immediately breaking into a fit of coughing after she does.
Looking to the shore, she finds her brother and the other ninja looking for her, a weight pulling on her heart as she sees the concern in Kai’s eyes.
Nya swims over to the rocks by the tide pools, only pulling herself up when she’s 100% sure the coast is clear of anyone other than her brother, friends, and boyfriend.
“Kai!” She calls, waving a hand in the air to get his attention.
“*NYA!*” He shouts, immediately sprinting over as fast as he can, scooping up his little sister into a tight, protective hug, “Where were you? Why are you in mer form? WHy didn’t you leave a note? Why-”
“Kai, I’m ok.” she reassures, hugging her brother back, “I was just out swimming.”
“Swimming?” Cole approaches, “In the middle of the night?”
“Yeah, what about it?”
“What about- Nya! The ocean is dangerous and none of us know how to navigate the stupid fish form yet!” Kai worriedly states.
“But I do!” Nya shoots back, “Kai, just trust me, I had a reason.”
“Reason?” He questions, but his face quickly goes to that of concern and realization, “Nya, you don't mean-”
“I’m not lying, Kai.”
“I never said that! I’m just… I’m worried, Nya. What if something bad happens to you while you're chasing this ‘feeling’? Or what if your mer form starts doing something bad to you??”
“It won’t and it wouldn’t.” Nya states bluntly, unsure where her own certainty is coming from, “Besides, there was this blue current, and- and I think there really is something!”
Her brother looks a bit more convinced, but still ridden with worry, and Nya couldn’t blame him. She’d be worried too if the shoe was on the other foot.
…Which isn’t exactly the most fitting idiom at the moment but it’ll have to do.
“Perhaps Nya has a point, Kai.” Zane says as he stands next to his boyfriend, Cole, “You all thought my sixth sense was strange and concerning before understanding it. Nya could be going through something similar.”
Kai finally sets his sister down on the rocks and shuffles his feet in the sand, contemplating Zane’s words.
“I don't want her getting hurt.” He speaks, voice full of worry.
“And she won’t. Nya’s tough, Kai, and she’s got all of us for backup!” Cole reassures, “Right, Sharky?”
He really couldn’t hold off on the nicknames, could he?
“Right.” she nods in agreeance with Cole, “I’ll be fi-”
Suddenly, a small, green force crashes into Nya’s lower torso, quickly followed by a blue blur in front of her face. They’re both talking, but it’s over each other, so she can’t tell what either are saying.
At least not before Cole picks up Jay by the collar of his shirt and drags him away from his (Jay’s) girlfriend to let Lloyd have his sibling moment.
The little squirt is too stubborn to say anything directly, but Nya gets the sentiment.
Jay, on the other hand, is talking a mile a minute, only calming down when Nya raises her voice over him and shows him that she’s uninjured. She appreciates the thought, but First Master Jay gets anxious.
“Now that Zaptrap’s finally shut his mouth, we need to get Nya to one of those dryer-things Red was talking about and get out of here before people start piling in and someone sees us.” Cole steps forward, ever the leader.
Kai nods, picking up his sister in the same way one would hold a small child, doing his best to keep her away from his legs, given that she’s still soaking wet.
Even so, it’s comforting.
Nya watches as the ocean becomes more and more distant, the once overpowering roars of the waves becoming nothing more than a distant echo.
She missed it already.
But it’ll still be there… tonight.
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antaxzantax · 2 years
Sample of fanfic project
Going serious now. Original Spanish and English version above.
[Spanish version]
Un solitario retrato de Abraham Spencer pendía de la pared. Sus rostro, otrora encomiable por su dureza, había sido oscurecido por un cortinaje que bloqueaba una buena parte de la luz natural procedente del jardín. Su pelo y barba del color de la obsidiana perfilaban unas adustas facciones coronadas por un par de ojos castaños, que en su escorzo, sugerían una estremecedora terribilità. En su ausente presencia, Abraham Spencer todavía dominaba sobre el despacho que su primogénito, Oswell, había heredado para gloria de su progenitor. El escritorio de ébano era una pieza de fina artesanía cuya contemplación era obstaculizada por la montaña de archivos y papeles mecanografiados que Oswell había recopilado para la administración de su nueva empresa, Anzec Pharma.
Había constituido Anzec Pharma como una improvisación; un juego empresarial destinado, presumiblemente, a fallar. No obstante, el súbito cambio de las reglas del juego que sobrevino con el fin de la Segunda Guerra Mundial había tornado su expectativa en sorpresa. La introducción del bienestar en Europa había desatado el ansia por el consumo, sea este en forma de aparatos inútiles para el divertimento de las masas; sea este en forma de drogas. El consumo de antidepresivos crece en Norteamérica, había leído una vez en una revista de poca monta con cierto regocijo. El consumo de antidepresivos como industria, esa fue la idea subyacente a la constitución de Anzec Pharma.
Primero abrió una fábrica en su natal condado de Essex, Inglaterra, en plena ola de reindustrialización tras el desastre. Las cosas fueron distintas a cuando su padre vivió. Tuvo que negociar con los obreros una serie de medidas ventajistas que Abraham habría tildado de excepcionalmente deplorables. No obstante, supo ceder a tiempo e incrementar la rentabilidad de su primera fábrica sin fricciones. Se conformaba con demostrar que su olfato empresarial era superior a su destreza científica. Una vez la fábrica de Essex cumplió su función, Oswell abrió una nueva fábrica en la costa este de Estados Unidos, en Nueva York; a la vez que se mudó de Essex, donde aguardaba su casa solariega, a Luxemburgo, donde hizo construir una nueva mansión, réplica de su centenario hogar natal, para beneficio de sus finanzas.
El caudal de ingresos proveniente de la producción de genéricos a bajo coste ascendió más allá de su límite basal; lo que le motivó a reflexionar sobre la posibilidad de incursionar en la industria farmacéutica con un proyecto más serio, más grande, más interesante. Debido a que su conocimiento sobre el área se limitaba a las acciones, recordó que el hijo de un antiguo amigo de su padre, Edward Ashford, se desempeñaba en una universidad como profesor titular de virología, o algo parecido. Las vacunas estaban en auge, así como la investigación de los virus que posibilitaban la rentabilización de las primeras; de modo que decidió consultar a Ed al respecto.
La última vez que supo de él fue cuando acudió al funeral de su padre, Arthur Ashford. No pensaba que su vida hubiera cambiado gran cosa desde entonces. Consultó su agenda telefónica hasta dar con el número de Ashford Hall. La luz focalizada sobre el retrato de Abraham Spencer menguaba en intensidad, preludiando el crepúsculo.
[English version]
A solitary portrait of Abraham Spencer hung on the wall. His face, once commendable for its toughness, had been obscured by a curtain that blocked a good part of the natural light coming from the garden. His obsidian-colored hair and beard outlined dour features crowned by a pair of brown eyes, which, in their foreshortening, suggested a shuddering terribilità. In his absent presence, Abraham Spencer still held sway over the office that his firstborn, Oswell, had inherited for the glory of his progenitor. The ebony desk was a piece of fine craftsmanship whose contemplation was obstructed by the mountain of files and typed papers that Oswell had compiled for the administration of his new company, Anzec Pharma.
He had formed Anzec Pharma as an improvisation; a business gamble destined, presumably, to fail. However, the sudden change in the rules of the game that came with the end of World War II had turned his expectation into surprise. The introduction of welfare in Europe had unleashed a craving for consumption, whether in the form of useless gadgets for the amusement of the masses or in the form of drugs. The consumption of antidepressants is growing in North America, he had once read in a small-time magazine with some glee. Antidepressant use as an industry, that was the idea behind the formation of Anzec Pharma.
He first opened a factory in his home county of Essex, England, in the midst of a post-disaster wave of reindustrialization. Things were different from when his father was alive. He had to negotiate with the workers on a series of advantageous measures that Abraham would have called exceptionally deplorable. Nevertheless, he knew how to give in in time and increase the profitability of his first factory without friction. He was content to prove that his business acumen was superior to his scientific prowess. Once the Essex factory had served its purpose, Oswell opened a new factory on the east coast of the United States, in New York; at the same time he moved from Essex, where his ancestral home awaited him, to Luxembourg, where he had a new mansion built, a replica of his century-old birthplace, for the benefit of his finances.
The flow of income from the production of low-cost generics rose beyond his basal limit, prompting him to reflect on the possibility of venturing into the pharmaceutical industry with a more serious, bigger, more interesting project. Because his knowledge of the field was limited to stocks, he recalled that the son of an old friend of his father's, Edward Ashford, was serving at a university as a tenured professor of virology, or something like that. Vaccines were booming, as was research into the viruses that made it possible to monetize the former, so he decided to ask Ed about it.
The last time he heard from him was when he attended the funeral of her father, Arthur Ashford. He didn't think his life had changed much since then. He checked his phone book until she found the number for Ashford Hall. The light focused on Abraham Spencer's portrait was waning in intensity, preluding twilight.
Translated with www.DeepL.com/Translator
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meowmatics · 7 months
Can A Cats Tail Fall Off: Unraveling the Mystery & Possibility
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In the intricate tapestry of feline communication and physicality, a cat's tail emerges as a fascinating and integral component. Far beyond a mere aesthetic feature, a cat's tail plays a multifaceted role in maintaining balance, expressing emotions, and sustaining overall vitality. This article embarks on a comprehensive exploration, aiming to unravel the complexities surrounding whether a cat's tail can fall off. For every cat owner, delving into this specific question, "can a cats tail fall off," isn't just prudent; it's a crucial step towards ensuring the holistic well-being of their cherished feline companions. As we journey through the following sections, we will dissect the anatomy and function of a cat's tail, shedding light on its intricate structure. We will uncover the myriad scenarios where a cat's tail proves indispensable, from acrobatic feats to emotional articulation. Moreover, we'll scrutinize potential threats that may lead to a cat's tail falling off, including accidents, diseases, and behavioral anomalies. This journey is not only an exploration into the physiological intricacies of a cat's tail but also a guide for cat owners, providing insights into recognizing signs of distress and responding effectively to injuries.
Understanding the Anatomy and Function of a Cat’s Tail
A cat's tail is a masterpiece of evolutionary design, a symphony of bones, muscles, and nerves intricately woven together. The significance of the tail extends beyond its visual appeal, influencing the very essence of a cat's existence. Composed of caudal vertebrae, muscles, and nerves, the tail serves as a linchpin for feline balance, communication, and agility. The caudal vertebrae, forming the backbone of the tail, provide the necessary flexibility for a cat to move with grace and precision. Each vertebra is a crucial building block, contributing to the tail's ability to convey a wide range of emotions and intentions. The muscles, meticulously coordinated, allow for expressive movements that are central to feline communication. In the intricate dance of a cat's daily life, the tail takes center stage, performing essential roles. It acts as a counterbalance during acrobatic leaps, aids in delicate maneuvers, and even serves as a canvas for expressing a spectrum of emotions. Addressing a common concern among cat owners, the question of can a cats tail fall off prompts exploration into potential vulnerabilities. Understanding this complexity is not merely an academic exercise but a key to unlocking the secrets of your cat's behavior and enhancing the quality of its life.
Multifaceted Role of a Cat’s Tail in Various Scenarios
The eloquence of a cat's tail is showcased in a myriad of scenarios, revealing the versatility and depth of its communicative prowess. From navigating acrobatic leaps with finesse to acting as a dynamic tool for expressing a spectrum of emotions, a cat's tail is an essential part of its physical and emotional landscape. In the realm of acrobatics, a cat's tail serves as a precision instrument, offering balance and coordination during daring leaps and landings. The tail acts as a counterbalance, allowing the cat to maintain equilibrium and execute gravity-defying feats with apparent ease. This acrobatic finesse is not only a testament to the tail's structural significance but also a visual symphony of agility. Emotionally, a cat's tail becomes a vivid canvas, illustrating the nuanced language of feline expression. A raised tail signifies confidence and contentment, while a puffed-up tail signals fear or agitation. The subtle movements and positions of the tail convey a wealth of information about a cat's mood, intentions, and comfort level in its environment. In essence, a cat's tail is a dynamic and responsive tool, finely tuned to the intricate dance of its daily life. Understanding these roles is paramount for cat owners, fostering a deeper connection and enabling them to respond appropriately to their cat's needs. Can a cats tail fall off prompts exploration into potential vulnerabilities.
Potential Causes of a Cat’s Tail Falling Off
The resilience and adaptability of a cat's tail, while remarkable, render it susceptible to various challenges. Accidents, injuries, diseases, and behavioral anomalies are potential threats that may lead to a cat's tail facing distress or detachment. Recognizing these factors is pivotal for proactive cat owners who prioritize the health and happiness of their feline companions. A. Accidents and Injuries In the unpredictable outdoor escapades of cats, accidents can pose substantial threats to their tails. A fall from a height, a scuffle with another animal, or an unfortunate collision can result in fractures, dislocations, or nerve damage to the tail. Vigilance in monitoring your cat's outdoor activities can significantly reduce the risk of these accidents. B. Diseases and Medical Conditions Tail necrosis, arising from restricted blood flow, or ailments such as tumors and infections, can seriously endanger a cat's tail. Prompt veterinary attention is crucial when symptoms manifest, as tail-related diseases can progress rapidly. Regular health check-ups and an understanding of your cat's normal behavior aid in early detection and intervention. C. Behavioral Issues and Self-Mutilation The enigmatic realm of feline behavior introduces another dimension to potential tail issues. Behavioral anomalies like over-grooming, stress-induced actions, or even compulsive chewing can lead to self-mutilation. In severe cases, this self-inflicted damage may result in consequential harm to the tail, warranting immediate attention to address both the underlying behavioral issues and the physical damage. As we delve deeper into the potential causes, our journey will take us to the rare but intriguing possibility of a cat's tail detaching spontaneously.
Can a Cat’s Tail Detach Spontaneously?
While the idea of a cat's tail detaching spontaneously may sound like a peculiar feline mystery, it is indeed an exceptionally rare phenomenon. Understanding this rarity is paramount for cat owners, helping them distinguish between normal feline behavior and potential health concerns. The natural behaviors of cats often involve intricate use of their tails, whether for balance, communication, or expressing emotions. Recognizing these behaviors aids in differentiating between the normal, purposeful movements of a cat's tail and any signs of distress or abnormality. Spontaneous tail detachment is seldom witnessed in healthy cats. Cats are known for their dexterity and self-preparing propensities, the two of which add to keeping up with the honesty of their tails. However, the rarity of this phenomenon underscores the need for careful observation and prompt action when unusual behaviors or physical changes are noticed. As we proceed, we'll explore the frequency and normalcy of tail shedding in cats, shedding light on specific breeds, instances of amputation, and the overall rarity of natural tail loss in healthy felines. Can a cats tail fall off prompts exploration into potential vulnerabilities.
Shedding of Tails in Cats: Frequency and Normalcy
In the realm of feline diversity, certain cat breeds deviate from the norm, exhibiting natural taillessness due to genetic variations. One notable example is the Manx breed, which naturally lacks a tail or has a shortened tail. Understanding these genetic distinctions is crucial in differentiating between cases of natural taillessness and can a cats tail fall off due to injury or medical conditions. Beyond genetic variations, there are instances where cats undergo tail amputation due to severe injuries or medical conditions. It's important to note that tail amputations are distinct from spontaneous tail detachment and are conducted under veterinary supervision for the cat's health and well-being. In the broader context of feline health, can a cats tail fall off is an anomaly. Healthy cats typically retain their tails throughout their lives. This rarity highlights the significance of observing and addressing any deviations from normal behavior or physical conditions promptly. Our journey will now shift towards the potential for regeneration and treatment options for a cat's tail. From evaluating the regrowth potential of minor injuries to understanding surgical interventions for severe cases, we'll explore the measures available for maintaining the health and functionality of a cat's tail.
Regeneration and Treatment Options for a Cat’s Tail
Regrowth Potential: Minor injuries to a cat's tail might exhibit regrowth potential, especially if the damage is not extensive. While the body's natural healing mechanisms can address minor injuries over time, it's essential to monitor the healing process closely. Swift veterinary consultation is warranted for more severe injuries, as substantial tail damage doesn't naturally regenerate. Veterinary Care Procedures: In cases requiring more than natural healing, veterinary care becomes crucial. Severe injuries may necessitate surgical interventions, including amputation in extreme cases. Tail amputation, while a last resort, is performed under veterinary supervision with the aim of preserving the cat's overall health. Post-operative care and rehabilitation are integral aspects of ensuring the cat's well-being after such procedures. As we delve into the signs of tail injuries in cats, recognizing detailed indicators becomes vital. Changes in movement, appearance, or swelling of the tail, coupled with behavioral shifts or vocalizations, can signify underlying discomfort. Swift action upon noticing these signs is paramount, leading to immediate veterinary care and a smoother recovery for the feline companion. Stay tuned as we explore the steps for responding to can a cats tail fall off. From immediate measures for minor injuries to the specialized care demanded by severe cases, we'll equip you with the knowledge to ensure the best possible outcome for your cat's tail health.
Recognizing Signs of Tail Injuries in Cats
Detailed Indicators: A cat's tail serves as a subtle yet expressive appendage, and any deviation from its normal state can be indicative of underlying issues. Observing changes in movement, such as a reluctance to move the tail or an altered gait, may point to discomfort. Similarly, visible alterations in the tail's appearance, including swelling, bruising, or abnormal positions, warrant careful attention. Behavioral Shifts: Cats are masters of masking pain, but alterations in behavior can be telling. If you notice your cat vocalizing more than usual, exhibiting signs of irritability, or avoiding interaction, these may be indicators of distress related to a tail injury. Behavioral shifts can offer valuable insights into the severity of the issue. Importantly, the earlier these indicators are recognized, the more effective the response can be in addressing potential tail injuries. Immediate action is pivotal, underscoring the need for swift veterinary attention when signs of tail distress manifest. As we navigate through responding to a cat's tail injury or loss, we'll delve into the steps for immediate care in minor injuries and the specialized consultation required for severe cases. Tailoring the response to the specific needs of your cat ensures a holistic approach to their well-being.
Responding to a Cat’s Tail Injury or Loss
Immediate Steps for Minor Injuries: For minor tail injuries, swift and attentive home care can make a significant difference. Begin by cleaning the affected area with care, using mild antiseptics to prevent infection. Monitor your cat closely for any signs of distress or changes in behavior. Simple measures, coupled with vigilant observation, may be sufficient for the healing of minor injuries. Veterinary Consultation for Severe Injuries: In cases of severe injuries, immediate veterinary attention is non-negotiable. Specialized care, including diagnostics to assess the extent of the injury, is paramount. Tail injuries often require tailored treatments, and your veterinarian will guide you through the necessary interventions, be it surgical procedures or other medical measures. Severe injuries demand a proactive and comprehensive approach. Your role as a vigilant cat owner involves not only recognizing signs of distress but also facilitating the expert care your cat needs. By partnering with your veterinarian, you ensure that your feline companion receives the best possible care tailored to the specifics of their injury. Understanding the sensitivity of a cat's tail and the potential for pain underscores the importance of gentle handling. Even in the case of minor injuries, creating a calm and conducive environment for recovery is crucial.
Understanding a Cat’s Tail and Pain Sensitivity
Insight into a Cat's Pain Sensitivity: Despite their stoic nature, cats are not immune to pain, and the sensitivity of their tails magnifies this vulnerability. Tail injuries can cause substantial discomfort, even if a cat attempts to conceal it. Recognizing the signs of pain, such as changes in behavior, can guide you in tailoring your approach to be as gentle and soothing as possible. Importance of Gentle Handling for Injured Cats: Gentle handling is paramount when dealing with a cat's tail injury. Even the most docile cats may exhibit heightened sensitivity during times of distress. Creating a calm and supportive environment is crucial for their emotional well-being and can significantly contribute to the effectiveness of any medical treatment or home care measures. This emphasis on gentle handling extends beyond the immediate aftermath of an injury. Throughout the recovery process, maintaining a compassionate and understanding approach fosters trust between you and your feline companion. By respecting their pain sensitivity and providing the comfort they need, you play a pivotal role in their journey to recovery.
Conclusion: Can A Cats Tail Fall Off
In the intricate dance of feline existence, a cat's tail emerges as a remarkable conductor of balance, communication, and emotion. Beyond its visual allure, the tail is a testament to the nuanced interplay of anatomy and behavior that defines our feline companions. Throughout this exploration, we've ventured into the depths of a cat's tail – from its anatomical intricacies to its multifaceted roles in acrobatics, expression, and communication. As responsible pet owners, understanding the potential causes of a cat's tail falling off, recognizing signs of distress, and responding promptly to injuries are integral aspects of ensuring the overall well-being of our feline friends. From the rarity of spontaneous tail detachment to the infrequency of natural tail loss in healthy cats, this journey has provided insights that empower cat owners to navigate the delicate realm of tail health. Whether it's the potential for regeneration after injuries or the necessity of veterinary care for severe cases, this comprehensive guide serves as a compass for those dedicated to the welfare of their cats. Gentle handling, especially in the face of pain sensitivity, becomes a cornerstone in the journey of recovery for a cat with a tail injury. In conclusion, responsible pet ownership transcends comprehension; it demands active dedication. The essence of a cat's tail is not just a physical feature but a symbol of the bond between humans and their feline companions. As we part ways, may this knowledge guide you in fostering a deeper connection with your cat and ensuring the longevity of its essential aspect – its tail. Read More: Can Cats Eat Green Beans: Decoding the Enigma of Feline Nutrition
Why did my cat's tail just fall off? The sudden loss of a cat's tail can indicate various underlying issues, including trauma, injury, infection, or medical conditions. Trauma, such as accidents or incidents causing severe tail damage, can lead to tail loss. At times, ailments like putrefaction or dissemination issues may likewise make a feline's tail tumble off. Is it possible for a cat to lose its tail? Yes, felines can lose their tails for various reasons, including mishaps, wounds, diseases, or surgeries. Tail injuries or severe infections, if left untreated, might result in partial or complete tail loss. Can a cat's tail be removed? In certain circumstances where a feline's tail is seriously harmed, sick, or, on the other hand, in the event that the veterinarian proposes it's for the feline's wellbeing because of ailments, tail removal may be considered a therapy. Tail removal is usually a last resort and is performed under veterinary supervision. What should you do if a cat loses part of its tail? If your cat experiences tail trauma or loses part of its tail, seek immediate veterinary attention. Keep the area clean, and try to prevent the cat from licking or aggravating the injury. Follow your vet's instructions carefully, which might include wound care, medication, or further treatment to prevent infection and promote healing. Read the full article
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Interventional Procedures
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In cases where more conservative options have not yielded results, we offer a variety of slightly more aggressive — but still safe — procedures.
Here is a list of some of the interventional procedures we offer:
Vertebroplasty / kyphoplasty
Gasserian / sphenopalatine ganglion blocks
Intrathecal Infusion Pump
Epidural steroid injection (cervical, thoracic, lumbar and caudal)
Medial branch nerve block
Facet joint injections
Sacroiliac joint injection
Intra-articular, bursal and trigger point injections
Botulinum toxin neuromuscular injections
Minimally invasive lumbar discectomy
Nucleoplasty / disc decompression
Gasserian / sphenopalatine ganglion blocks
Spinal Cord Stimulator
Sympathetic blocks / neurolytics
Selective nerve root block / transforaminal epidural steroid injections (TFESI)
Lumbar and cervical radiofrequency ablation
Disc decompression
Osteopathic manipulative medicine
If you are interested in an interventional procedure not listed above, feel free to fill out our online contact form to get in touch with us because we likely offer the procedure you are looking for.
more: https://www.foothillspainmanagementclinic.com/interventional-procedures
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jcmicr · 1 year
Pseudocoarctation of the aorta by  Phong Teck Lee in Journal of Clinical and Medical Images, Case Reports  
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Pseudocoarctation of the aorta was first described in 1951 and remains a relatively rare congenital anomaly [1]. We present a case of pseudocoarctation of the aorta which was detected on magnetic resonance imaging (MRI).
Case Report
A 19-year-old gentleman with suspected coarctation of aorta was referred for magnetic resonance imaging (MRI). Twelve-lead electrocardiogram showed right bundle branch block. On clinical examination, there was a soft ejection systolic murmur in the left parasternal edge. He was asymptomatic with excellent exercise capacity. MRI was performed with Siemens Aera 1.5-Tesla scanner. The entire aorta was reconstructed with three-dimensional rendered imaging from non-contrast aortogram. The aorta appears elongated an unusually “high” aortic arch up to the level of the clavicle. This results in a large distance between the aortic arch and the pulmonary artery bifurcation. The descending aorta is mildly kinked at the level of the ligamentum arteriosum with no significant stenosis (Figure/Video). Phase contrast assessment at the level of the kink demonstrated absence of significant stenosis with a maximal velocity of 1.5 m/s. There was no evidence of collateral artery formation. The left ventricular volumes and systolic function were normal and there was no evidence of myocardial hypertrophy. These findings are consistent with a diagnosis of pseudocoarctation of the aorta.
Pseudocoarctation of the aorta consists of elongation and kinking of the aortic arch and narrowing of the aortic isthmus without significant obstruction. The exact etiology of pseudocoarctation of the aorta is unknown. Postulated embryologic cause include failure of the compression of the third through the seventh segments of the dorsal aortic roots and the fourth arch segment [2].
Features of pseudocoarctation of the aorta are best visualized using three-dimensional reconstruction of the aorta by computed tomography (CT) or magnetic resonance imaging (MRI). The elongation of the arch frequently produces an unusually high aortic arch in the mediastinum and increased distance between the origins of left common carotid artery and left subclavian artery [3]. The left subclavian artery also has a more caudal origin [3]. Other features include absence or only a mild degree of luminal stenosis, absence of collateral circulation and absence of left ventricular hypertrophy and ascending aortic dilatation [4]. These features are present in our case. Concomitant congenital heart lesions have been reported in association with pseudocoartation of the aorta [2]. It could also be associated with distal aneurysmal dilatation. While pseudocoarctation of the aorta is usually benign, cases of aneurysm formation and rupture have been reported [2, 3]. As such, surgical treatment is recommended for symptomatic cases, or those associated with aneurysm formation, and regular follow-up for asymptomatic patients.
This case highlights the imaging features of pseudocoarctation of the aorta. We demonstrated the utility of CMR, especially three-dimensional reconstruction imaging and phase contrast assessment in the diagnosis of pseudocoarctation of the aorta.
For more details : https://jcmimagescasereports.org/author-guidelines/ 
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neurowellness · 2 years
The Best Neurosurgeon in Bangalore
Lumbar Disc Prolapse – A lumbar disc prolapse, also known as herniated or slipped disc. This is a common spine condition especially after 50 years. It is a degenerative disc disorder. Disc is a toothpaste like or gel like material placed in between two vertebrae. This material disc just barely comes out under pressure through a tear in the annulus. The prolapsed piece might compress an adjacent nerve root or multiple roots to cause neurological symptoms.
Symptoms of Lumbar Disc Prolapse – One of the common problem is Lower Back Pain – Most of the patients develop back pain , it will be mild to moderate at initial stage . Later stages depends on side there may be associated leg pain.
Classically pain on one side of the leg (Sciatica) – Classically sciatica or radically pain is on one side. It may extend from hip to down up to knee or ankle especially on lateral aspect of leg or foot. This is due to nerve root pinching. L4L5 Disc prolapse or PIVD(prolapsed intervertebral disc) is the most common disc prolapses and cause problem. It can happen in other levels also. Severe cases there may be severe leg pain or back pain which aggravates on cough or sneezing. You may be unable sit or move.
Neurogenic pain when nerve is involved – Nerve Pain – there may be numbness and tingling sensations in the leg ,thigh or foot. Sometimes there may be burning sensations in leg or foot when there is nerve damage. There may be cotton wool sensation in the feet , you can sense while walking.
Slipper falling away from feet while walking due Muscle weakness– If nerve is involved chronically or nerve root compression is severe you may get weakness in toes/foot or leg. There may be Difficulty in lifting the foot or wearing slipper or slipper falling away from foot while walking without getting noticed.
Bowel or urinary incontinence(Cauda equina) – It is the severe or extreme condition when disc prolapse or disc extrusion happens. There may be Loss of bowel, bladder or sexual sensation when caudal equina nerve roots are involved or compressed.
In elderly patients disc prolapse may be associated with spinal stenosis or slip vertebra or Listhesis.
Conclusion – The above mentioned are some of the signs of Lumbar Disc Prolapse. We hope this blog may be useful to you! For more details kindly reach us. Neuro Wellness is one of the best clinics for Lumbar Disc Prolapse treatment in Bangalore and Dr. Ganesh Veerabhadraiah known as renowned back pain specialist in Bangalore.
Neurowellness – Brain and Spine Care, nestled in 9th block in the arterial Jaynagar, Bengaluru is a best neuro and endovascular care clinic in South India providing comprehensive and detailed consultations with regards to patients suffering from brain, spine and endovascular related health conditions.
Helmed by Dr Ganesh Veerabhadraiah, renowned neurosurgeon – Brain and Spine and Interventional Neuroradiology/Neuroendovascular specialist, heading Fortis Hospital, Cunningham Road, Bengaluru – Neurowellness offers plethora of services. A detailed consultation prior to diagnosis, post-operative care after complex neuro surgeries, online consultation, 24×7 emergency services via Fortis Hospital, Cunnigham Road, Bengaluru, are few of our chief facilities.
Neurowellness is also a top ranked portal creating awareness among the general public on the importance of preventing, diagnosing and treating various neurological, endovascular conditions.
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bromatologist · 2 years
Why does fat taste so good?
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Why do we have an insatiable desire for fat? A study by Columbia found endothelial cells in the intestines send signals of the consumed fat to the caudal nucleus of the solitary tract, via the vagus nerve. Using drugs and genetic techniques to block the activity of these cells, abolished the appetite for fat.
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twistedmusings · 3 years
I'm not going to request it now because requests are closed, but that Savanaclaw petting scenario was really cute and like,, Octavinelle petting and examining them
(,,• W •,,)
A/N: If you can pinpoint the exact moment I started to slowly doubt my writing ability and how to write these characters, I will give you, the reader, 100 points. Cause man this was rough to write when you have writer's block q wq But anyways, this was when my requests were closed BUT I WANTED TO COME THROUGH WITH IT! I would like to dedicate it to @kirayamidemon since I read their comic and it was...excellent.
But in other news, I found out that eels like to be petted!
Warnings: Eel petting, Octopus petting and all three Octavinelle members feeling a certain way when you finally give them those pats.
[Floyd-Senpai: Shrimpy~! Meet us in the mirror room tonight! Azul says he wants to give you something!] 
Your eyes look down at your phone before pocketing it back into your jacket, taking another sip of the Coral Pink drink Floyd had made for you before you left Monstro Lounge as you reminisce back on the day you just had. 
Today has been probably the most successful day the Monstro Lounge has had in a while. You had offered up the idea to Azul while you two walked to the cafeteria, mentioning touching a manta ray once and how you didn’t expect them to be so slimy. He had looked at you curiously and asked if you had just been a curious child when you were growing up, but you told him that you used to go to a lot of aquariums and how you would go straight to the petting exhibit. 
And the moment you said petting exhibit, Azul already had cashed the idea in. 
Aquariums had been placed elegantly among the tables of Monstro Lounge tonight. The smaller aquariums on the tables were closed lid, giving the customers a chance to enjoy the little ecosystems Jade had personally made for the creatures Azul had brought in while partaking in their drinks and meals. It made for a killer Magicam picture and Azul had predicted with Vil’s and Cater’s attendance the hashtag #MonstroLoungeExperience would be trending by the time they reached the dinner rush.
It trended faster than they thought. 
Most foot traffic, however, came from the piece de resistance. 
In the middle of the Lounge, a large aquarium had been placed at foot level where various customers could reach down and pet larger animals such as sting rays, sturgeon fish, starfishes and sea cucumbers. All of them with little placards stating fun facts as well as little sections with a bunch of coral that made for another perfect Magicam photo opportunity. 
It had been an amazing experience and you felt like you had almost grown closer to the three Octavinelle students, which was always an ‘A+’ in your book. 
You were pretty sure you saw Azul smiling from ear to ear by the time they closed and Floyd and Jade looked physically exhausted from having to deal with so many customers. They had been busy from opening to closing with no breaks in between so you figured that they would want to rest. 
So getting a message from Floyd so late at night had been somewhat confusing. 
But you didn’t question it, the fact that Azul wants to give you something making you ever so curious. 
Who knows, maybe if the sea creatures were still around Azul could let you pet them some more? 
Out of everyone you had probably been the most excited for the petting exhibit and you had given him the idea so the possibility of playing more with the starfishes and manta rays pushed you to move faster. 
Finishing the last of your drink and throwing it away in the nearest trash can, you push open the doors to the mirror room with a smile--!  
Only to find nobody. 
You look around, not daring to call out either of their names since, technically, you weren’t even supposed to be here. The only thing you could do was take a few steps further, looking around as you try to make some sense of the situation. 
Why wouldn’t they meet you in Octavinelle? The Monstro Lounge was there, as well as all the creatures. Azul’s office was there as well so if he wanted to give you something he could have given it to you there, so why had Floyd asked to meet them in the Mirror room? You look around for a moment before frowning as the realization set in. 
It was a prank. 
Of course. Why would Floyd even act this nice towards you if it wasn’t to lull you into a false sense of security? The table you had sat in today had a beautiful aquarium with a bunch of little shrimps floating around and the mereel, more than once, had opened the lid and stuck his hand inside to grab one of the shrimps and hang it over his open mouth. 
You thought he was just acting this way because he was stressed from working so much but he probably had just done it to tease you! With a huff, you pull out your phone and open up his contact number to give him a piece of your mind--! 
“Aha! Shrimpy is here!” 
Only to gag as the back of your jacket is grabbed by a slimy aquamarine hand, pulling you into the nearest mirror and leaving nothing but your phone laying on the ground. 
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Floyd’s hands pull you into a hug the moment you are pulled into the water, laughing as he sees you thrashing around and pulling at the arms keeping you pressed close to him. 
“Ahhhh! Shrimpy stop moving!” 
The mereel squeezes you tight, smiling as he looks down at the moment you realize who is holding you and what you are able to do. 
He grins and wraps his tail around you, the fins brushing your fingertips as the shock slowly starts to die down and the curiosity starts to set in. Floyd’s eyes shine brighter under the sea, your hand going to your chest as you expected to drown immediately but finding it simple to breathe in and out. 
“There we go~ Breathe in--”
You take a deep breath. 
“And out~” 
Your chest relaxes as Floyd giggles at how wide your eyes have gotten, letting you go with his arms but his tail wrapping around one of your legs and pulling you close to him once again. He smiles when your hands go up to inspect the fins on his ears but stop as if the situation was still highly unreal for you to believe. 
He guessed humans rarely got to see the sea during the night, but he was glad he got to show you this sight. Even if it was Azul’s idea in the first place. 
Looking around, you notice that you had been here before. 
It was the Coral Sea. 
You look back at the mereel as Floyd tilts his head at your confusion, smiling as he sees the shining in your eyes get brighter when you notice that the veins in his arms and the ones going up his neck are all shining in the moonlit water. 
Ah. You really looked too cute. Especially when you were looking at him with so much wonder. Maybe he should just take you out further and hide near the corals, somewhere Jade nor Azul would look as he preens under your attention. 
He blinks as you break out of the spell long enough to point a finger at him. 
“You--! Why did you call me to the Mirror room so late! The last thing I need to do is get in trouble with the Headmaster!” 
Floyd frowns, “You didn’t get in trouble! I pulled you when I heard your voice! Why didn’t you call out to me!” 
“Because I couldn’t see tail nor fin of you!”
Both of you stop talking after your dumb joke, looking at each other with surprise before a giggle escapes your lips first, turning into a full blown laugh between you both as he takes your hand and presses it under the fins in his ears. 
“Shrimpy was so mean today. Petting all those creatures and ignoring everything else. It made me want to eat all of them up.” 
You smile and rub right under the juncture where fins meet skin, Floyd shivering as he pulls you closer to him. 
“Eels don’t eat any invertebrates, right? You guys are mostly carnivores.” 
He grins and gives you a small squeeze. You even knew of his diet? Why hadn’t you mentioned you knew some things about sea creatures. If you had, Floyd would have dragged you to the Coral Sea way before this! He smiles as your hands go all the way down to his neck, tracing each vein slowly but not going any further than his clavicle and choosing instead to run your fingers from his shoulder blades all the way to his Adam's apple. 
“Shrimpy is being too shy. Here!” 
You gasp as Floyd grabs your hand and helps you swim over to a pair of rocks, sitting you down on top as the bottom of his tail wrapped around your legs to keep you anchored. He laughs as he practically sits on you, choosing instead to lay the top half of his tail on your lap as you look down at the shiny, swishing fins. 
“Now you can touch as much as you’d like!” 
Floyd was ready to make a joke about how this would a much better petting experience for you but his eyes widen when he sees the wonder in yours, the smile in his face disappearing as he watches your fascination with his fins, running your fingers through his caudal fin and rubbing the edges with your hand. His hands twitch as you run yours up his tail, taking in the slimy but firm feeling before looking up at him and reaching out to cup his face with one hand. 
He presses his cheek against your palm, smiling as you scratch right over his ear fin and almost jumping up from the rock as you start to rub the appendage. 
“Shrimpy wait--” 
Shit, he almost bit his tongue. He could barely look into your curious eyes as his heart sped up, the most sensitive area of his body being played and inspected with being a far too new feeling for him to just laugh it off. 
Floyd bites his bottom lip as his tail squeezes your legs, closing his eyes as he felt several shivers go up his spine. It felt too good--
The mereel slowly comes down from the high as he glares at the intruder, clicking his tongue as he saw who it was. 
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A pair of identical eyes to Floyd’s turn in your direction, your hand pulling away from the other as you turned to greet Jade. 
“You certainly took them farther than I thought you would.” 
He chuckles as his brother turns away, clearly not wanting you to see the blush on his cheeks. Nevertheless, his attention immediately goes back to you, swimming over to your side and sitting on the opposite of where Floyd was situated. 
“Did you have any troubles finding us?” 
You shook your head, “Floyd grabbed me and pulled me in before I could leave.” 
Jade nods and looks down at how Floyd had situated himself, a brief pang of jealousy overtaking him as he scoots closer, takes your hand and presses it on his chest. You immediately try to pull back but Jade’s eyes lid as he tugs you in closer, the veins in his chest shining even brighter than Floyd’s as he immediately feels you relax in his touch. 
“Do you know what this is, [Y/N]-san?” 
His eyes take their time to take in all of you as you nod your head, whispering the word ‘bioluminescence’ as Jade licks his lips. 
How strange was it to see you so focused. Jade had taken his time during the lull of the Monstro Lounge hours to watch you near the petting tank, your fingers running over the manta rays and tapping at the carapaces of the horseshoe crabs. And like his brother he did feel a certain sort of jealousy for those creatures, but he also saw an opportunity. 
An opportunity to get your guard down. 
His eyes look over at Floyd, the other pouting as your fingers start to trace Jade’s chest all by themselves.
Jade’s attention goes back to you, “Yes?” 
“I didn’t think that moray eels had bioluminescence.” 
He smiles and takes your hand again, guiding it from the middle of his chest all the way to his cheek making sure that your fingers feel the light travel in his veins as you start to wriggle out of Floyd’s hold and into Jade’s. 
“Our kind is a mixture of many eels types. While our exterior is that of a moray eel, our interior is also made up of certain eels that use this feature as a way to communicate with other animals, warn predators…” 
The mereel decides to keep the ‘lure prey’ part out of his explanation. 
Jade’s eyes immediately went to Floyd’s as the other was about to speak up, glaring at him to keep his mouth quiet for he had his turn. His eyes soften when they go back to you, your eyes still taking in all of the small trails of light decorating Jade’s body as your hands trace against the caudal fins on his arms. 
They were rougher than the ones near their ears…
Slowly, your hands go to the fins on the side of Jade’s face, the mereel tensing up but keeping his eyes on you as you start to tug and rub at the appendages. 
His nails scratch against the rocks as he feels your fingers trace every line they can find, his fins giving a little twitch as you push them back only to watch them slowly move back to their original spot. You had no idea what you were making him feel, what you probably made Floyd feel. 
And if his dear brother wanted to keep it a secret, then he would keep his mouth shut as well. 
Having someone touch them so freely, especially that area, was an act reserved for mates only. Even during courtship this was prohibited and if any other merperson happened to swim by it would be as if they just tumbled into the merman equivalent of someone shoving their fingers in between someone else’s legs. 
But your curiosity was so endearing and Jade just couldn’t find it in himself to pull you away. In fact, that look of yours full of innocence and naivety was so cute that if he let his instincts run wild you would find yourself being dragged to the Leech's home--
“What--you two!” 
His reason kicks back in as Jade smiles and turns to look at the new visitor. 
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The octomer’s face is bright red as he locks eyes with you, your hands letting go of Jade’s fins as he smiles and waves at Azul. 
“I’m glad you decided to join us, Azul.”
He wants to say something about what the hell he just saw but he decides to save it, knowing full well that Jade nor Floyd were going to give him a straight answer. Instead, he decides to address you directly. 
“Inferring from our conversation from early this morning as well as your actions during the Monstro Lounge opening hours, I figured you would like this sort of surprise." 
He clears his throat, sneaking a peek at your face and quickly looking away as he saw your eyes staring straight at him. 
Humans like you are still curious about the different types of merpeople, especially those like Jade and Floyd, so after much consideration I decided--” 
"Azul, you're beautiful." 
Oh no. He bit his tongue. Fuck, fuck, fuck he bit his tongue and now it hurts like a shell clamping down on his hand--why had you gone and say something like that so suddenly?! 
"Excuse me?" 
The spell Jade had you in was completely broken as you pulled out of the brother's hold and swam over to him, stopping when you noticed him backing away. 
Azul stared at you and you stared back at him. 
He couldn't help it. After all the things he had to deal with, it was hard enough for him to even appear in front of you like this. And it wasn't like he was doing it as a showing of any sort of affection towards you, he just didn't want to owe you any favours from the idea you had given him! 
All he had to do was just...reach a tentacle out-- 
Azul notices you swimming back a tiny bit, smiling at the tentacle shyly reaching out to you. 
"You can turn back, you know. I don't want you to feel forced to do this." 
You point at him, your eyes still wide with curiosity but keeping your distance. 
"The fact that I get to see you like this is enough." 
Azul can feel his heart skip a beat, tentacles unfurling even more as the need to hide melted away. 
But...he owed you a favor... 
"Honestly. Thank you so much Azul." 
For the Sea Witch's sake, he really couldn't pin you down, could he? 
The octomer swims over, floating right in front of you as one tentacle shyly brushes against your fingertips. They twitch in interest but you do not move, looking up at Azul expectantly. 
You really were too nice for your own good, waiting for someone to give you the okay when he clearly wanted you to at least inspect that part of him. 
"Go...go ahead." 
Your touch is soft, pressing your hands right against his suckers and chuckling at the small noise they made as they attached themselves to your skin. Azul moves in a bit closer as some tentacles start wrapping around your ankles and wrists, his natural instincts taking over as his tentacles wrap around the person he really liked. 
Well not like as in like like but a like he had yet to put a definition to. And it's not like it needed a definition, you certainly weren't asking him what sort of like it was and the thought of what kind of like it really was didn't keep him up at night at all. 
Azul almost wants to screech at the tentacle going in between your legs and hoisting you up, offering you a sort of makeshift seat as the other appendages start to press against your neck, leaving behind little sucker marks in their wake. 
This situation was not only testing his boundaries but also his patience. 
"I didn't think they would be so slippery...and so soft!" 
Please don't look so curious about him! It's going to give him wild expectations! 
The tip of a tentacle rubs against your cheek, Azul's face an almost red tomato as he hears you chuckle and push the appendage back but for some reason his tentacles weren't listening to him so the thing only pushed forward even more--
"Ah! No fair!" 
Floyd comes up behind you, wrapping you up in a hug as he points a finger at Azul. 
"No hogging Shrimpy to yourself!" 
Azul swims back in alarm. 
"I wasn't hogging anyone!" 
Jade laughs as he swims right up behind you, a hand on your shoulder as he pulls you back. 
"Azul you might want to look down." 
The octomer blinks only to look down, seeing that one of his tentacles had stubbornly wrapped around your waist. 
You, Jade and Floyd blink as dark ink fills the water, Azul covering his face and letting you go, swimming to the nearest hole and curling up inside as he strangles one of his tentacles. 
Of all the things to embarrass him it just had  to be himself, huh?! 
"Azul? Wait come back!" 
"Shrimpy tell me I'm beautiful as well~!" 
"Floyd let me go! There's ink everywhere!" 
"Not until you tell me I'm beautiful!" 
"Azul is more than okay, I can assure you...although I would also like the same compliment as well, [Y/N]-san." 
The next day, you woke up with a high fever due to swimming all night, a present from all of the Octavinelle students at your doorstep with an apology card neatly placed on top. 
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good-golly-yikes · 3 years
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updating some info about my ‘bright fury’ oc and how she compares to the night fury. honestly thinking abt changing her species name as a whole to something kind of fun and unique, like “wrathful flash” or sth (:
long long post incoming. mostly just for my own personal reference lol
traits differing from night fury: -thicker jaw, with greater bite force and holding power -rounder head (although it's still long and narrow--should ultimately evoke a cetacean, i.e. porpoise) -smaller eyes -smaller earplates -4 accessory faceplates, all similarly-sized -body is overall larger; enough to comfortably carry 1 large man, and only just carry 2 -good dayvision instead of nightvision. can still see in the dark, and has tapetum lucidum, but not as well as the NF's enormous eyes -legs are slightly shorter than NF's. still long enough to allow sprinting, galloping, leaping, etc., but difference should be noticeable -lacks most the spines/spikes of an NF. she has 1 series of spikes which starts on the lower back and runs along the spine, continuing down the rump and receding back into the spine about halfway down the tail. these are slightly rounded & flow with the body--again, evoking a cetacean, like a dolphin's dorsal fin -wingtips are more rounded than NF's, and actually possess rudimentary pads/claws on each -the tips of her basal and tailfins are similarly rounded, and the leather there is a touch thicker. fin sets each contain one more "digit" than an NF's, and her tailfin sports an additional connecting length of membrane, which the NF lacks -pupils are oval-shaped, as opposed to NF's rectangular ones -claws are longer/narrower, like those of a bear -all four feet possess 5 digits, which are fairly manipulable and dexterous, like a monkey's -neck is slightly longer than NF's, but retains thickness -flight speed is less than that of a NF, esp with full harness/rider, but still pretty comparable -can produce diving shriek like NF. also like NF(?), can recreate the sound vocally as a dominance display -has the vocal range of NF And Then Some--an excellent mimic, capable of recreating sounds from all over the animal kingdom: chuffs, growls, barks, purrs, whistles, wheezes, etc
traits similar to night fury: -body is fairly weaponproof, scales are fairly fireproof, hide is fairly bulletproof. the closer a blow strikes (i.e. a gun fired from 1ft away vs 30ft) is more likely to actually pierce hide. this extends to wings/fins. this immunity extends to sci-fi weapons as well, such as energy blasters, electrical weapons, light sabers, etc. (this was all taken from an episode of the netflix show where toothless effortlessly blocks several knives/arrows with his wings alone so im drawing from that as 'canon' lol) -has an 'alpha' glow, although hers is bright yellow, and extends in narrowing patterns along the limbs, from the central back stripe -claws are not Just Keratin; they are kind of fused w/ the bone and flesh of the foot, making up the majority of the toe, rather than being an accessory. due to this, they are actually able to flex and shift. they are hard as steel, which makes them very powerful, but in the event of breakage, the pain would be immense ): -good deep chest. lots of muscle that needs anchoring there -teeth are retractable -capable of 'classic' firebreathing, as well as flame and plasma blasts -posture/body plan is similar to original NF: fairly flat and low to the ground, but head is carried somewhat high off the ground. silhouette should evoke something mammal, but ultimately remain reptile -end of wings extend over base of caudal fins, like NF. this makes the attachment of a saddle and harness a real challenge! -warm-blooded -head being wet will cause her to "lose" her fire until the water evaporates. -has approximately 10 “shots” worth of fire. when spent, shots will naturally “regenerate” over a period of time. consumption of small mineral material, such as pebbles, can expedite this process -all faceplates function as ears as well as fleshy whiskers--they pick up on vibrations, and also provide spacial awareness. very good senses due to this
unique traits: -canonically, in-universe, she is designed to be an Ideal Creature. shes not perfect, but Sueness is baked into her--her body is optimized for combat, for burden, grace, companionship, protection, etc. OPness is required to survive many of the challenges she will face -more long-bodied than an NF, purely for 'realism'--while a NF body is more stylized, this body Needs to have space to have organs on top of all the limbs and muscle that has been crammed on here -when in flight, forelimbs are usually folded over the primary pectorals, as opposed to being held against the secondary pectorals or sides. this may vary however -separate from the 'alpha' glow is the ability to make the entire body emit light, levels of which may vary from glowstick to lighthouse. the latter is really only reached during levels of high stress; otherwise, the strength generally does not exceed that of a flashlight. the light is generally white or whitish-yellow in color, although natural patterns of a golden hue can be seen within if the glare can be tolerated -just very physically powerful in general. nothing superman-level, just enough to survive scuffles w creatures such as kaijus, giant mechas, etc -even if the ‘species’ name is different, she is still part of the night fury genus as a whole, same as the light fury. idk how the Actual speciation of it all actually works out, given httyd’s increasingly tenuous grasp on the concept of genetics, but theoretically, a [wrathful flash] could reproduce with a nf. lf, or any other fury variation within the clade (but this one wont bc shes Sapient).
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delusioncolor · 2 years
so today was our nerve block procedure, and instead of a pudendal nerve block we ended up getting a caudal epidural. it was sprung on us last minute and we also did it without any sedation.
it honestly was quite painful, but we're recovering now. hopefully this provides some long-lasting pain relief and we can make more specific disability posts :-)
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Our Treatments
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Here is an abbreviated list of some of the our treatments we perform:
Epidural steroid injection (cervical, thoracic, lumbar, caudal)
Selective nerve root block / transforaminal epidural steroid injections (TFESI)
Radiofrequency neurolysis
Peripheral nerve stimulation
Intrathecal baclofen pain pump
Spinal cord stimulator
Sympathetic blocks / neurolytics
Facet joint injections
Interspinous spacer placement
Sacroiliac joint injection
Intra-articular, bursal and trigger point injections
Medial branch nerve block
Facet nerve block
Gasserian / sphenopalatine ganglion blocks
Intrathecal opioid pain pump trial/implantation
Joint injection (sacroiliac, hip joint, bursa)
Minimally invasive lumbar discectomy
Nucleoplasty / disc decompression
Intrathecal infusion pump
Lumbar and cervical radiofrequency ablation
Disc decompression
Botulinum toxin neuromuscular injections
Osteopathic manipulative medicine
more: https://www.foothillspainmanagementclinic.com/our-treatments
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