#Charlie x Tonks
moonsstan · 3 months
Guys, i just thought of this ship but i dont know if it’s like good. TONKS x CHARLIE WEASLEY
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ladiesofhpfest · 1 year
Leather by Asenora @saintsenara
Our fifth work of the week is here! In this beautifully written fic, we get to see Tonks and the many ways she wears leather, along with the discoveries she makes along the way.
Summary: War looms and Tonks goes on a journey.
What’s to love: Bisexual Tonks! She's young and she's exploring, told with sensual details, and with each glimpse of a way she wears leather, she discovers a little more. There's confusion, questioning, and above all, joy. There's so much joy radiating through this fic, that with all the journeys Tonks takes in exploring her sexuality and gender identity, she's enjoying herself and has a vibrant life. You go girl!
Thank you Asenora for a wonderful story!
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lejci84 · 5 months
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It's just them. It's not complicated, it's two best friends doing whatever the fuck they want.
Charlie/N. Tonks best friends who sometimes fuck fic
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sarcasticsweetlara · 6 months
If Remus had been in love with Alice, and Charlie in love with Tonks in their younger years
Just think about the parallels they could have, and even more if they helped take care of their sons.
Also, in juxtaposition to certain ex-Death Eater who resented the child of the woman he said he loved just because he existed, Remus and Charlie would encourage and praise both Neville and Teddy, because they were Alice's and Tonks' sons, the embodiment of what Alice and Tonks sacrificed themselves for and loved the most in the world.
Remus helped Neville to develop his skills and Charlie was there for Tonks as he would visit him and tell him about his mom - alongside Tulip, I'm sure.
Tulip would also appreciate what Tonks did, after having loved Tonks, Tulip would tell Teddy about how brave his mother was.
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schmem14 · 10 months
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August 3- Charlie & Tonks
Summary: Tonks wants to join the Herbology Club. Charlie's not sure how to let her down easy. Prompts: Greenhouse #3, Expelliarmus Rating: M CW: Dubcon (sex spores) WC: 921
Read HERE on AO3
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lea12 · 2 years
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Charlie/Tonks modern au, best friends who fuck moodboard
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wizarding-world-povs · 2 months
Just something about reading Harry Potter.
For the first time you read it, you go through a whirlpool of emotions, the characters you were rooting for die, the number of events that happen, etc, that just shape you in a way.
However, the next time you read it, you encounter the characters all over again. You understand them all over again.
You understand Snape's resentment to Harry.
You understand that Petunia still loved Lily even though she denied it.
You understand the lengths Snape went through to protect Harry.
You meet Sirius Black. You meet Remus Lupin. You meet Peter Pettigrew. You meet James Potter. You meet the Marauders.
You meet Ron, Hermione, Harry. You meet Draco, Narcissa, Andromeda. You meet Molly, Arthur, Tonks. You meet those who sacrificed themselves, you meet those who've been so changed and altered by the events that took place, they're almost unrecognisable. You meet those who lived to tell their tales.
And you meet the people you hate — Umbridge, Fudge, Pettigrew, Lucius Malfoy, Crabbe, Goyle, Parkinson.
You meet so many people, you form so many relationships — you love some of these people, and you hate some of these people.
The first time you read Harry Potter? The emotions you feel are of hope, of happiness, of a childish innocence.
The second time you read it, however? You are filled with longing, a yearning, a dread for all the lives lost that you cannot save, that you cannot bring back. You've matured now, and you know what will happen next.
You are filled with a sense of home for what would never be.
And the next time you read it, the same emotions conflict you. You feel a sense of love, laughter, happiness, joy, mourning, grief, yearning, loathing... you feel a sense of home, a sense of love, a sense of warmth.
Just like Harry did at Hogwarts.
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teaforthotxxx · 6 months
Since we’ve fully rejected canon, can we also raise Bill x Tonks from the dead? Like shes the edgey hufflepuff angry emo girl and Bill is the headboy of Gryffindor. He catches her with a cigarette and replaces it with a lollipop. When they were much younger and people made fun of her for being part of the Black family and having funny hair, Bill stepped in and gave her bullies detentions. He was the first person in school who said her hair was cool.
She annoys the fuck out of Charlie Mr Dragons Weasley because she wants to talk to his older brother. She also had a crush on Remus growing up (BUT SINCE WOLFSTAR SURVIVED, she just had a small schoolgirl crush). AND IT MAKES SO MUCH SENSE cause people would compare Bill to Remus a bit and she would make fun of him cause urm no. Of course hes not like THE Remus Lupin. The only similarities is they’re older, sweet, Gryffindor prefects who are always taking care of younger years. THEY ARE NOT ALIKE AT ALLLLL.
One day Sirius picks Nymphadora up and comments on how Bill is like a young Remus (especially because hes the new awkward Cassanova of Gryffindor). And, Nymphadora starts to flush so bad her whole head turns red. Then, one day when Wolfstar is looking after Nymphadora, Remus casually mentions that Nymphadora reminds him of a young Sirius especially because she has the Black Family’s temper.
Bill, on the other hand, doesn’t really realise he likes her. He just knows that its difficult to read people so Nymphadora’s hair changes are super helpful for him. So, he starts to dote on her. He has a lot of siblings so he spoils her. Starts taking her books to class, helps her with DADA homework. He invites her to the burrow for Christmas because “she is Charlie’s friend”. Its not until Molly starts teasing him about Nymphadora does he realise he likes her!!
Please make this a thing!! Pleaseeeee!!
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blackione · 9 months
remadora modern au
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Fleur, Tonks y Charlie tienen una banda. Remus es un profesor universitario.
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weasley-clan · 5 months
Aurors and Dragons Chapter Directory (6/?)
Find the description of this story here.
Chapter 1 - Excitement Chapter 2 - The Confrontations (coming soon) Chapter 3 - A White Lie Chapter 4 - ? Chapter 5 - ? Chapter 6 - ?
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kind-hufflepuff · 8 months
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lunanightshade2023 · 1 month
Things to know about Dragon's Heart.
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sarcasticsweetlara · 9 months
Charlie and Tonks
When Charlie and Tonks met in 1984, she was sorted in Hufflepuff and Charlie in Gryffindor, as many of Charlie's friends did not like getting acquaintances of other houses, Charlie often felt more comfortable around Tonks, they quickly became best friends and they trusted each other more than anyone and shared their secrets, with that leading to Tonks telling Charlie about Hufflecrew.
Charlie often sneaked into Hufflecrew's quarters and visited Tonks.
Charlie was even present when Tonks was crowned as "the queen" of the School of Smolensk, Russia, "наследие облигаций" (naslediye obligatsiy) "Bond Legacy", whose first queen and headmaster was Anya Volkova, who was a muggle born witch who had Mongolian and Slavic ancestry and spoke Altai and Buryat languages as well as she taught her students those languages and how to cast spells in them, and when Tonks traveled there as an exchange student, she became very popular and beloved of the students that they voted for her to become the queen and headmaster, position she held until her death, visiting the school constantly.
When she was in the school Naslediye Obligatsiy, she sometimes transformed into Anya's antique appearance.
After Tonks died, Charlie got the headmaster position and had Tonks' personalized crown be exalted and placed in an altar in the center of the grounds of the school.
Back at Hogwarts when Charlie and Tonks first met, they were only friends at first, but as time passed, Charlie's feelings evolved and he started thinking about Tonks more often but he brushed it away thinking it was only because they didn't see each other that often as he wanted and because she then started dating Tulip Karasu and was with her more than him sometimes.
But then, when Tonks left to Naslediye Obligatsiy, Charlie realized that his heart and his head desired to be with Tonks as he wrenchingly missed and longed to see her.
Charlie was determined to win Tonks over and he was not willing to lose her once again after years of suffering.
So when Tonks saw that Charlie made more flattering comments about her and tried to understand and know more about some of Tonks' new and old interests and tried to teach her more about dragons she couldn't help but feel intrigued and then attracted to him.
In the end she realized she was in love with him.
However they were soon driven apart by their different goals as Tonks wanted to be an auror in England and still wanted to act as Naslediye Obligatsiy while Charlie wanted to go to Romania to study dragons.
They decided that the best for them was to break up, however Charlie's feelings never left and he always carried Tonks' memory with him.
And when Tonks died, Charlie felt that a part of him died with her.
He decided to rule Naslediye Obligatsiy in Tonks' place and to never forget her, carrying a part of her legacy with him.
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noahjc03 · 9 months
Summer of Fourth Year
“Hermione Jean Granger, I am talking to you!”
“I’m done understanding mum! You don’t like who I am with magic but magic is a big part of who I am. I am not quitting school so I can become a dentist like you and dad, I’m not going to take over the family business.”
“I am done having this conversation, you are underage Hermione, if we say you’re not going back to that freakshow of a school you’re not going!”
Hermione runs up the stairs to her room, locks the door and begins packing her trunk and a suitcase. Hermione's mum starts banging on the locked door, “Let me in Hermione! When did my little girl decide that she no longer needs her parents? When did you start being ungrateful with what we have tried doing for you.”
“Hermione listened to your mother,” Her father had now joined in trying to get into her room, “We have given you four years, you don’t belong in that world. You need to grow up. You need to go back to school and go to university. That is the end of the discussion.”
“If you are so disappointed in how I am turning out then I apologise but I am a witch, it is who I am. I am made up of magic and if I can’t learn how to control it then it could be dangerous. You used to understand this!”
“You have had four years to learn control and you haven’t had a magical accident in that time. You have learned control now you need to get back to the real world.”
Hermione’s door swung open and her mother came through and walked over to take the trunk away from her daughter. “Let go of it Hermione, you are done. Do you hear me!”
“Let go of my trunk,” Hermione’s magic started to come to her defence, you could see it dancing along her skin, “Mum! Let go! Just let me leave and you’ll never have to see me again.”
Hermione’s dad marched over and grabbed his daughter around the waist and pulled her away. “Hermione, that's enough, we are trying to help you. What are you going to do with your life when you come to the end of the line in that world? You’ll have no real qualifications and you’ll be stuck doing god knows what with your life.”
“LET GO OF ME! LEAVE ME ALONE!” Hermione’s magic released and knocked both her mum and dad away.
“Jean!” Her dad yelled to his wife, he ran over to her and she was bleeding, “What have you done!”
“Dad please, I’m sorry.” Hermione started to walk over to her parents.
“Get away from us!” Her dad looked terrified, “Leave, and don’t ever come back here Hermione. You are not our daughter anymore.”
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domaslut · 1 year
Context: Felix was supposed to pick Clarice up at 7 p.m. to attend a ball hosted by a pureblood family, another tiresome duty the two young wizards were asked to fulfill.
However, Clarice was too impatient and at 7:02 p.m. stormed into Felix’s room, accusing him to be in late. Having no clue he was wearing nothing but a towel around his waist, she walked further into his bedroom only to bump into the half-naked Rosier.
It was not like she had not seen him shirtless before, but they had recently kissed and agreed in pretending nothing had ever happened. Seeing him like that only made her question all her life’s choices and, frustrated for the butterflies fluttering in her stomach, she just passive-aggresively yelled at him for being late and half-naked.
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